Vital Records Of Edgartown, Massachusetts,
To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906.
Editor; Henry Ernest Woods.
Stanhope Press
P. M. Gilson Company, Boston U.S.A.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John of Yorkshire, Eng. "fortasse," "He had complained & turned into his Cabin they gave him some hot coffee He appeared to fall asleep but was in a short Time found dead. The Brig belonged to Beverly," [Dec.] 22, 1825, a. 28. P.R.
Abraham, s. Abraham, Nov. 6, 1831, a. 6 w. [s. Capt. Abraham and Eliza A., Oct. 27, a. 3 w., G.R.2.]
Almira, w. Capt. George, July 7, 1826, a. 28 y. 9 m. 15 d. G.R.2. [d. Jethro Daggett, "She was from her Childhood very feeble & often under mental Derangement," July 8, P.R.]
Betsey, wid., Feb. 20, 1838, a. 79. [w. Henry, G.R.2.]
Caroline F., d. Sam[ue]l and Mary T., May 23, 1826, a. 3 m. G.R.2.
Charles B., s. Capt. J., June ----, 1829, a. 6 m. G.R.2.
Deziah A., Nov. 24, 1830, a. 38 y. 7 m. [Desire, a. 39, C.R.1.] [Desire Allen, d. Capt. James Coffin and Huldah, G.R.2.]
Eliza C., July 2, 1837, a. 20. [d. Capt. John and Desire A., a. 20 y. 6 m., G.R.2.]
Eunice, Oct. 4, 1829, a. 26. [Eunice G., w. Abraham Esq., d. Timothy Coffin and Zoraida, a. 26 y. 6 m., G.R.2.]
Eunice G., d. Abraham and Eliza A., June 25, 1837, a. 9 m. G.R.2.
Francis B., s. Abraham and Eliza A., Apr. 16, 1836, a. 22 m. G.R.2.
Franklin, s. Samuel, Jan. 27, 1832, a. 5 m. 5 d.
Henry [Osborn], June ---, 1798, in 21st y., in the Havannah. G.R.2. [s. Henry, abt. July ---, 1799, a. abt. 18, P.R.]
Henry, Feb. 3, 1808, in 58th y. G.R.2. [fistula, a. 58, P.R.]
Henry, cholera, Aug. 11, 1834, "on his passage from New York in the Schooner Advance same Vessel that Mr. Pease died in."
John, [May] 13, 1830 [? 1831], a. 47. [Capt. John, s. Henry of Newport, R.I., and Betsey, May 13, 1831, a. 47 y. 8 m., G.R.2.]
Olive, d. Henry and Betsey, sister of Lydia Kendrick, Dec. 8, 1805, in 17th y. C.R.2. [a. 17, P.R.]
-------, d. Sam[ue]l, June ----1827, a. 3 m. P.R.
-------, ch. John, [June] 20, 1830.
-------, ch. Abraham, June 24, 1837, a. 8.
James, "struck overboard and drowned," [buried] Feb. 15, 1807. P.R.
Mary, wid. [d. Samuel Stewart and Sarah (Smith?)], "Suddently," [buried] Aug. 15, 1806, a. 60. P.R.
-------, ch. Sam[ue]l, deformed, [Dec.] 21, 1823, "lived a few hours." P.R.
Jane, [buried] Sept. 29, 1769, a. 35. P.R.
Abia [Abiah (Pease)], wid. [second w. Benjamin Sr.] [d. Thomas Vincent and Sarah (Post)], [buried June 30, 1771, a. 79. P.R.
[Abigail (Norton)] [second] w. John [Sr.], [buried] ---, 1766, a. 42. P.R.
Abigail [(Vincent)), wid. [Nathaniel], [buried] Dec. 16, 1776, a. 99. P.R.
[Beulah (Coffin)] [first] w. Jona[tha]n, [buried] Jan. 29, 1773, a. 25. P.R.
[Hannah] [first] w. Abraham, [buried] ---, 1766, a. 30. P.R.
Hannah [wid. Nathaniel (Pease), wid. John Smith, prob. d. Thomas Pease and Bathsheba (Merry)], [buried] Aug. 17, 1767, a. 72. P.R.
[Hannah] [second] w. Jonathan [d. Daniel Coffin], [buried] June 27, 1776, a. 23. P.R.
[Hannah (Harper)] [first] w. Eph[rairn], [buried] Mar. 22, 1767, a. 29. P.R.
Jonathan, [buried] Jan. ---, 1778, a. 74. P.R.
Joseph, [buried] Oct. 5, 1769, a. 70. P.R.
[Keziah ?] wid. [Matthew (Pease), wid. Samuel Osborn, d. John Butler and Elizabeth (Daggett)], [buried] Oct. ---, 1768, a. 58. P.R.
Lemuel, [buried] May 13, 1768, a. 26. P.R.
[Lydia] [first] w. Tho[ma]s, [buried] [June 21], 1762 [a. 26 y. 2 m. 27 d.] P.R.
[Martha (Marchant)] w. Prince, [buried] May 31, 1771, a. 39. P.R.
Sara [Sarah], wid. [Nathan] [d. Thomas Vincent and Sarah (Post)], [buried] June 3, 1768, a. 79. P.R.
[Sarah (Norton)] [third] w. Jo[h]n [Sr.], [buried] --—, 1767, a. 42. P.R.
Sylvanus, [buried] June 6, 1778, a. 50. P.R.
Tho[ma]s, [buried] Jan. 15, 1765, a. 70. P.R.
-------, ch. Stephen, [buried] --—, 1763. P.R.
-------, ch. Stephen, [buried] --—, 1764. P.R.
-------, s. Jos[eph], [buried] ---, 1765, a. 20, at sea. P.R.
-------, ch. Obed, [buried] --— [rec. between Apr. 26 and Aug. 17], 1767. P.R.
-------, ch. Prince, [buried] Aug. 17, 1771, a. 1. P.R.
-------, ch. Barzillai, (buried] May 9, 1773, a. 3. P.R.
-------, d. Mel., [buried] Aug. 24, 1773, a. 16. P.R.
-------, ch. Peter, [buried] Apr. --, 1776, a. 8. P.R.
-------, ch. Jonathan, [buried] Aug. --—, 1778. P.R.
Abiah [(Smith) Shaw], [second] w. Thomas [Jr.], mortifi[cation], [buried] Mar. 8, 1787, a. 54. P.R.
Abner D., "Master Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832. [Capt. Abner, Nov. ---, C.R.1.]
Alexander [s. Prince and Desire (Coffin)], [buried] Sept. --, 1802, a. 17, in West Indies. P.R.
Alexander, s. Thomas and Hepsey, Aug. 25, 1803, in 17th y., in the West Indies. G.R.2.
Anna, [first] w. Benj[ami]n Jr. [d. Gamaliel Butler and Anna (Vincent) (first w.)], [buried] Apr. 27, 1787. P.R.
Anna, [first] w. John Jr. [d. Matthew Mayhew and Phebe (Manning)], Apr. 16, 1788, a. 27 y. 1 m. 4 d. G.R.2. [a. 26, P.R.]
Anna, d. Salathiel and Lois, Oct. 4, 1805, a. 15. G.R.2. [a. 16, P.R.]
Anna, wid. Josiah, consumption, Nov. 13 [1846], a. 57.
Bartlett, s. Jesse, "in consequence of a burn by falling into the Fire," May 3, 1819, a. 8 m. P.R.
Benja[min], "Hernia & Scorb," [buried] [Jan.] 31, 1788, a. 83. P.R.
Benj[ami]n, Mar. 25, 1814, a. 83. P.R.
Benjamin, July 21, 1832, a. 77. [Capt Benjamin of Choppequidick, [Capt. Benjamin, July 12, in 79th y., G.R.2.]
Bethia, wid. Peter, old age, Oct. 24 [1845] a. 83.
Beulah, w. Henry, [Mar.] 6, 1830. [Beulah A., w. Capt. Henry. d. Samuel Huxford and Susan, a. 25 y. 5 m. 8 d., G.R.2.]
Charles, s. Thomas and Hepsey, lost at sea, Dec. 29, 1804, in 20th y. G.R.2. [s. Thomas Jr., "Struck overboard in the Streights of Gibralter & drowned," a. 22, P.R.]
Charles Fordom, s. Valentine and Love, lost at sea, Aug. 15, 1823. G.R.2.
Charlotte A.(see ---- Pease).
Clement, s. Capt Obediah and Rachel, Oct 7, 1794, in 23d y. G.R.2. [[s. Obed[ia]h and Rachel (Coffin)], Southern fever, a. 23, P.R.]
Daniel, cholera, Aug. 10, 1834, a. 58 y. 5 m. 4 d., "on his passage from N. York with his Family."
Deborah [wid. Thomas Jr.], old age, [buried] Dec. 6, 1790, a. 94. P.R.
Elbridge G., s. Elbridge G. and Eliza, dysentery, Oct. 30, 1847, a. 4 y. 3 m. [a. 4 y. 4 m, G.R.2.]
Elijah, old age, Nov. 9, 1843, a. 78 y. 3 d. [Dea. Elijah, G.R.1. G.R.2.]
Enoch, "an Idiot," "fortasse," [buried] [Nov.] 6, 1806, a. 50. P.R.
Ephraim, Capt., apoplexy, Mar. 6, 1789, in 51st y. G.R.2. [a. 52, P.R.]
Ephraim Jr., [buried] Oct. ----, 1798, a. 22, in West Indies "fort" P.R.
Fanny, d. Noah, fever, [buried] Oct. 7, 1807, a. 18. P.R.
Fordam, Apr. ----, 1810, a. 44, in N.Y. "fortasse." P.R.
Fordham, s. Valentine, "sailed in the Ship Lady Adams. She had long been dispaired of it is thought they were lost about mid Sumer 1823" -----[rec. Apr. 18, 1825], a. 22. P.R.
Francis, Feb. 9, 1824, a. 67 y. 4 m. "lacking two days." [a. 67, P.R.]
Freeman, s. John Esq. and Jerusha, Sept. 28, 1790, in 21st y. G.R.2. [consump[tion], [buried] [Sept.] ---, 1796, a. 22, P.R.]
George, lost at sea, ---- 1796, a. 32. P.R.
George, s. Capt. Peter and Keziah, Oct. 5, 1806, a. 6 y. 25 d. G.R.2. [George Washington, s. Peter Jr., dysent[ry], a. 7, P.R.]
George Corlis, "Deaf & Dumb," s. W[illia]m dec'd, "fell overboard & was drowned in the English Channel," Sept. 2, 1801, a. 32. P.R.
George F., b. Nantucket, ch. George W. and Lucinda, burn, Oct. 12, 1849, a. 14 y. 6 m. [only ch. George W. arid Lucinda A., Oct. 11, G.R.2.]
Hannah, w. Melatiah [d. Joseph Jenkins and Hannah], [buried] Mar. ---, 1780. P.R.
Hannah, w. Noah, May 8, 1813, a. 56. G.P.2. [[d. Elijah Dunham and Sarah (Vincent)], "Schop ( ?)", a. 57, P.R.]
Hannah, wid. [Daniel] [prob. d. John Luce and Jemimah (Luce)], consump[tion], [Apr.] 10, 1815, a. 79. P.R.
Hannah, w. Elijah, July 15, 1838, a. 64. [w. Dea. Elijah, July 16, G.R.2.]
Hannah, w. Chase, Jan. 7, 1845, a. 65. [w. Capt. Chase, d. Daniel Coffin and Abigail, Jan. 27, G.R.2.]
Harrison, s. Noah, nervous fev[er], [buried] [Apr.] 19, 1796, a. 13. P.R.
Harrison, ch. Chase [Capt. Chase, G.R.2.] and Hannah, May 17, 1848, a. 39.
Henry, Capt., s. John Esq. and Jerusha, lost at sea, --, 1797, in 27th y. G.R.2.
Henry H. (see---- Pease).
Hepzibah, ch. Francis and Mary, consumption, June 25 [1846], a. 64 y. 10 m.
[Jemimah (Vincent)] wid. Stephen, sudden, [buried] [Apr.] 24, 1791, a. 72. P.R.
Jeremiah, only s. Nathaniel and Hannah, July 3, 1749, in 20th y. G.R.1.
Jerusha, w. John Esq., Aug. 10, 1804, in 67th y. G.R.2. [d. Matthew Norton and Mary (Daggett)], a. 69, P.R.]
John, old age, [buried] [Sept.] 29, 1786, a. 80. P.R.
John Jr., July 29, 1804, in 47th y. G.R.2. [appoplexy, a. 44, P.R.]
John Esq., old age, Dec. 3, 1813, a. 82. P.R.
John Harper, [buried] Sept. ----, 1794, a. 39, in Jamaica. P.R.
Jonathan, Capt., May 5, 1818, a. 72 y. 3 m. 24 d. G.R.2. [dropsy, a. 74, P.R.]
Josepene, d. Daniel C., Aug. 5, 1838, a. 1 y. 2 m. 3 d. [Josephine, ch. Daniel C. and Charlotte, Sept. 8, 1837, a. 15 m., G.R.2.]
Josiah, s. Seth, fits, [buried] July 4, 1785, a. 27. P.R.
Josiah, m., farmer, ch. Francis and w., cancer in the stomach, Sept. 12 [1846], a. 59.
Lois, wid. Salathiel, old age, Dec. 27, 1848, a. 90 y. 6 m.
Love, d. Zechariah, sore throat, [buried] Nov. 18, 1782, a. 4. P.R.
Love, w. Valentine, old age, Jan. 10 [1846], a. 83 y. 4 d. [w. Capt. Valentine, a. 83, G.R.2.]
Love [(Harper)], [second] w. Eph[railm, [buried] Feb. 4, 1779, a. 35. P.R.
Lyddia [of] west side Holmes Hole, w. Lem[ue]1, d. Elijah Smith, cholick, [buried] [Mar.] 22, 1783, a. 44. P.R.
Lydia, w. Zachariah, Jan. 6, 1830, a. 83. [a. 82 y. 7 m. 22 d., G.R.2.]
Lydia R., w. Charles W., dysentery, Oct. 28, 1848, a. 34 y. 9 m. 15 d.
Malatiah, Capt., Oct. 12, 1823, a. 89 y. 1 m. 24 d. [Capt. Melatiah, old age, "He left a wid. with whom he had lived 68 & upward of 100 Descendants," a. 90, P.R.]
Mariah, w. Peter (Peass) 2d, consumption, Jan. 23 [1846], a. 25. [Maria N., G.R.2.]
Marshall, "languished a few months & died with Bleeding at the Nose. Left 8 children," May 9, 1814, a. 45. P.R.
Martha, wid. Malatiah, Nov. 14, 1826, a. 93 y. 1 m. 4 d. G.R.2. [wid. Melatiah [d. Capt. John Harper and Hannah (Sprowel)], [Nov.] 15, a. 94, P.R.]
Mary, wid. [Joseph] [prob. d. John Stewart and Margaret], scurvey and dropsy, [buried] Sept. 19, 1785, a. 80. P.R.
Mary, w. Capt. Peter, Oct. 5, 1801, a. 73 y. 6 m. 16 d. G.R.2. [[d. Christopher Beetle and Mary (Norton)], "sudently in a Fit," a. 73, P.R.]
Mary, w. Henry, June 28, 1836, [a] 46. [July 21, G.R.2.]
Mary Ann, d. Henry, Aug. 10, 1841, a. 20 y. 9 m. [eldest d. Henry and Mary, a. 20, G.R.2.]
Mary L. (Peas), w. John A., fever, Sept. 30, 1849, a. 19 y. 4 m. [d. Ira Darrow and Martha W., G.R.2.]
Melatiah, appoplexy, [buried] July 18, 1791, a. 84. P.R.
Molly, w. Francis, Apr. 8, 1826. [wid. Frank, a. 67, P.R.]
Noah, father of Chase, Isaiah and Jeremiah, Apr. 18, 1841, a. 87 y. 4 d. [Apr. 17, C.R.1.] [Capt. Noah, G.R.2.]
Obed, Dec. 24, 1831, a. 88 y. 1 m.
Obediah, ch. Marshall, [buried] Apr. 7, 1805, a. 5 d. P.R.
Patta, Nov. 14, 1826.
Peter 3d, Mar. ---, 1822, a. 28, at Port-au-Prince. G.R.2. [[s. Peter and Keziah (Fitch), Mar. 15], at Port au Prince Island of St. Domingo, P.R.]
Peter, Jan. 1, 1829, a. 93 y. 8 m. 15 d. [Capt. Peter, G.R.2.]
Polly, w. Isaiah D. [dup. omits D.] [Esq., G.R.2.], Dec. 17, 1837, a. 52 y. 9 m. 13 d.
Priam, s. Capt. Melatiah "late" dec'd, Apr. 2, 1824, in N.Y. P.R.
Prince, ch. John (Peas), ----, 1821, a. 92, in Me. C.R.1.
Prudence, cansor, May 16, 1843, a. 43 y. 9 m. [w. Capt. Valentine Jr., May 15, a. 43, G.R.2.]
Rachel, d. Seth, ner[vous] fev[er], [buried] [May] ---, 1796, a. 28. P.R.
Rachel, w. Capt. Obed, Mar. 18, 1824, a. 82. [w. Obediah [d. John Coffin and Hepsibah Lambert (second w.)], P.R.
Rebecca [(Dunham)], w. Benjamin, [buried] Nov. 29, 1774, a. 67. P.R.
Reuben, [buried] -----, 1779. P.R.
Robartus [s. Benjamin and Anne (Butler)], [buried] [rec. between Apr. 2 and May 26], 1794, a. 24, in West Indies. P.R.
Ruhamah, d. Noah, consumption, [buried] Apr. 10, 1796, a. 17. P.R.
Salathiel, m., farmer, ch. Benjamin, old age, July 6 [1845], a. 86. [Salathial, C.R.3.]
Sally, w. Jonathan, Nov. 1, 1810, a. 60 y. "& a few days." G.R.2. [Sarah, [third] w. Jona[than] [wid. Homes Wass, d. Matthew Mayhew and Phebe (Manning j], mort[ification], a. 60, P.R.]
Samuel W., s. Capt. John H. and Betsey, Oct. 22, 1846, a. 19, at Maui. G.R.2.
Sarah, [first) w. "Jo" [Joseph Jr.) [d. Samuel Smith Jr. and Eunice (Vincent) (second w.)], mortif[ication], [buried] [Sept.] 11, 1796. P.R.
Sarah, w. Seth [d. Joseph Chase and Lydia (Coffin)], "Diar," [buried] May 2, 1799, a. 65. P.R.
Sarah, w. Peter [d. Samuel Daggett and Sarah (Chase)) ["married James Noise in 1758, Jonathan Cottle in 1770, and Peter Pease in 1802"], [buried] Dec. 20, 1802, a. 65. "She had burried two Husbands & Four Children which was all she had." P.R.
Sarah, wid. [second w.] Benj[ami]n [d. David Pease and Sarah (Dunham)), [buried] [July] 27, 1804. P.R.
Sarah, d. Salathiel and Lois, Nov. 21, 1805, a. 12. G.R.2. [a. 13, P.R.]
Sarrah, d. Zachariah, bil[lious] fev[er], [buried] Apr. 24, 1790, a. 18. P.R.
Seba [s. John and Mary (Norton) (fourth w.)], [buried]---- [rec. after Sept.], 1794, a. 25, in West Indies. P.R.
Serena, d. Seth, ner[vous] fev[er], [buried] May ---, 1796, a. 22. P.R.
Seth, multiplication of disorders, [buried] [Dec.] 28, 1802, a. 73. P.R.
Silas, s. Benjamin and Jeon, Jan. 4, 1712.
Sprowel, June ---, 1798, a. 21. C.R.1. [[s. Noah and Hannah (Dunham)], putrid fever, [buried] June 31 [sic], P.R.]
Stephen, dysent[ery], [buried] Jan. 28, 1784, a. 66. P.R.
Thankful, wid., [buried] Feb. 5, 1796, a. 89. P.R.
Thankful [d. Nathan and Sarah (Vincent)], decay, [buried] Mar. 3, 1802, a. 72. P.R.
Tho[ma]s, "Paralit," [buried] [Jan.] 13, 1794, a. 66. P.R.
Tho[ma]s, c[h]ol[era] morb[us] "fortasse," [buried] Oct. 8, 1798, a. 45. P.R.
Timothy,m, farmer, Apr. 5 [1846], a. 77.
Tristram, [buried]----1779. P.R.
Tristram, s. John, Jan. 26, 1814, a. 33 y. 10 m. 6 d. G.R.2. ["had been unwell for some Time fell into mental Derangement & languish about 5 Weeks," [Jan.] 25, a. 34, P.R.]
William, scurvy, [buried] [Oct.] 31, 1798, a. 64. P.R.
Zechariah, farmer, old age, Apr. 24, 1845, a. 95 y. 2 m. 4 d. [Apr. 26, C.R.3.] [a. 95 y. 2 m. 5 d., G.R.2.]
--------, ch. Tho[ma]s, [buried] --- [rec. between Aug. 17 and Oct.---], 1767. P.R.
--------, inf. John Harper, [buried] Mar. --, 1779. P.R.
--------, inf. Eph[rai]m, [buried]-----[rec. between Feb. 4 and Mar. ] 1779. P.R.
--------, ch. Obediah, [buried] ----- [rec. between Mar. --— and Apr. 5], 1779, a. 4. P.R.
--------,inf. Barzillai, [buried]------ [rec. between Mar. --- and Apr. 31, 1779. P.R.
--------, inf. Barrillai, [buried] Dec. ---, 1779. P.R.
--------, ch. Jonathan, [buried] ---, 1779. P.R.
--------, "born blind," inf. Stephen Jr., [burried] [Apr.] 7, 1782. P.R.
--------, "born blind," inf. Stephen Jr., [buried] Apr. 18, 1783. P.R.
--------, ch. "Zach," [buried] Feb. 6, 1784, a. 2. P.R.
--------, ch. Benjamin Sr., [buried] Sept. 3, 1784, a. 3. P.R.
--------, ch. John Harper, worms, [buried] Nov. 17, 1784, a. 2. P.R.
--------, "born blind," inf. Stephen, [buried] Nov. --, 1786. P.R.
--------, s. Voluntine, [buried] May 14, 1789, a. 8 d. P.R.
--------, s. John Harper, worms, [buried] Aug. --, 1795, a. 3. P.R.
--------, s. Timothy, [buried] Apr. 7, 1807, a. 5 d. P.R.
--------, s. Abner, [Sept) 28, 1824, a. 6 w. P.R.
--------, s. Math[e]w, [Aug.] 18, 1825, a. 17 m. P.R.
--------, d. John, Sept. 16, 1826, a. 2. P.R.
--------, ch. D. C., July 26, 1830, a. 3 m. 10 d. [Charlotte A., ch. Daniel C. and Charlotte, Aug. 5, a. 4 m., G.R.2.]
--------, ch. Henry 2d, ---- [rec. between Aug. 5 and Aug. 8], 1830, a. 9 m. [Henry H., s. Henry and Beulah A., Aug. 28, a. 6 m. 4 d., G.R.2.]
--------, s. W. C., still born, Feb. 13 [1843].
--------, s. Rufus and Hepsa, still born, Jan. 19 [dup. Jan. 20], 1845.
--------, twin d. Jeremiah Jr., still born, Mar. 10, 1846.
James, Mar. 27, 1719, a. 82 y. 12 d. G.R.1
Hepsibah, coloured, Aug. 18, 1835, a. 22.
Betsy, Jan. 19, 1832, a. 18. [Betsey, d. Samuel and Debsey, a. 18 y. 5 d. G.R.2.]
Mary, d. Samuel, ---- [rec. between Sept. 22 and Oct. 24, 1830], a. 19. [d. Samuel and Debsey, Oct. 8, 1830, a. 19 y. 3 m., G.R.2.]
Samuel, "droped down Dead on the Eel pond," Jan. 5, 1841, a. 63. [Jan. 3, C.R.3.] [a. 63 y. 4 m., G.R.2.]
Samuel, mariner, s. Samuel and Deborah, consumption, Aug. 7, 1844, a. 26, at sea. [Sept 7, a. 27 y. 5 m., "on board the ship L. C. Richmond on passage home," G.R.2.]
--------, s. Francis, still born, Jan. 31, 1839.
Emeline, w. A. B. [dup. Alexander B.], child bead, July 24 [dup. July 26], 1842, a. 25 y. 8 m. [a. 26, G.R.2.]
--------,, ch. [dup. d.] Alexander B. and Emeline, still born, July 17, 1842.
Samuel, negro, Feb. 23, 1829, a. 92.
Elizabeth [d. William (or John) and Lucinda (Holley)], "Hec. Decay," [buried] July 5, 1789, a. 22. P.R.
Clara W., d. Dr. John and Chloe, dysentery, Sept. 30, 1847, a.2 y. 9 m.
James, negro, "Drown in the harbour," Dec. 29, 1829.
Stillman of Addison, Me., "from N. York," infiamation of bowels, Aug. 25, 1843, a. 22.
John Abbott, b. Nantucket, ch. ------and Charlott P., dysentery, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 4 y. 11 m.
Joseph, s. Rev. Ebenezer and Clarissa, Nov. 13, 1833. G.R.2.
Martha, colored, Mar. 3, 1848, a. 88.
--------, ch. Thomas, [Oct.]9, 1835. [Thomas, s. Thomas T. and Eliza G., Oct. 7, a. 11 w., G.R.2.]
Anna, June 29, 1837, a. 87. [Mrs. Ann, a. 78, G.R.2.]
--------, ch. ---, [buried] Aug. ---, 1778. P.R.
--------, ["Probably the brother-in-law of Joseph Hammett, the husband of his sister Anna"], foundered at sea, [buried] --- 1781, a. 26 [?]. P.R.
PREBLE(see Pribble)
Eunice [wid. Abraham Jr.], d. Benj[amin] Pease, consump[tio]n, [Oct.] 13, 1813, a. 50. P.R.
Rebeckah, w. James, [buried] ---, 1779. P.R.
PRIBBLE(see Preble)
Edward, s. Edward, July 1, 1842, a. 55.
Joseph, s. Joseph, fits, [buried] Dec. 3, 1806, a. 15 d. P.R.
Edw[ar]d, a fall, [buried] ----[rec. between July 31 and Oct. 5], 1772, at sea. P.R.
Betsy, Nov. 1, 1833, a. 79 y. 6 m. 7 d.
William [s. John and Elizabeth (Cleveland)], Georgia fever, [buried] [Aug.] ---, 1794, a. 18, at sea. P.R.
--------, s. Mrs. Raymond, July 17, 1824, a. 3 d. P.R.
--------, ch. Stephen, Sept. 26, 1838.
Abiel of Deer Island, Me., s. William and Ruth, "perished on the South beach when the Brig was stranded" [Nov. 25, 1846], a. 28. [Abiel S. Ravines, Nov. 26, a. 29 y. 9 m., G.R.2.]
Nathan Shearman of New Haven, "Paralitic shock on his Head on board of Capt. Catlin sloop, & was buried he had been a Clergyman but dismissed for his Imprudence. He left a wid. but no children. His parents are living," Sept. --, 1821. P.R.
Nathan Sherman, "Graduated at Yale College in 1811," s. Daniel and Jerusha of New Haven, Conn., Aug. 7, 1827, a. 29 y. 6 m., at sea near Cape Cod. G.R.2.
Emeline, Dec. 30, 1834, a. 1 y. 6 m. [Remson, d. Edward and Jane, a. 16 m., G.R.2.]
--------, ch. David, [buried] Dec. ---, 1776. P.R.
--------, inf. David, [buried] Jan. 2, 1783. P.R.
Alonzo, ch. Jethro, June 23, 1834, a. 2 y. 6 m. 12 d. [s. Jethro and Eunice, a. 2 y. 2 d., G.R.2.]
Anna, wid. Cornelius, consumption, May 23 [1846], a. 82 y. 6 m.
Benj[ami]n, [buried] [Nov.] 18, 1796, a. 26, in Carolina. P.R.
Betsey, d. Joseph and Lydia, Aug. 19, 1813, in 21st y. [cons[umption], a. 21, P.R.]
Betsy, Mar. 1, 1839.
Charlote, fell down stairs, June 27, 1833, a. 1 y. 10 m.
Cornelius, consump[tion] "fortase," [buried] Jan. 28, 1801, a. 35. P.R.
Cornelius, old age "fort," July 9, 1815, a. 75. P.R.
Cornelius, June 20, 1819 a. 19, "on his Passage from the West Indies." P.R.
Damaris, w. Peter, Dec. 6, 1761, a. 37 y. 7 m. 4 d. G.R.1. [Riply [d. Joseph Chase], P.R.]
David N., Capt., Sept. 5, 1844, a. 35, at sea. G.R.2.
Dinah, cansor in the brest, Jan. 24, 1842, a. 62. [Dinia, w. Capt. Ephraim, Jan. 12, G.R.2.]
[Elizabeth] w. Peter Jr. [d. Enoch Norton and Hepsibah (Daggett)], [buried] Aug. 13, 1773, a. 40. P.R.
Ephriam, "Delierous Died in Hosp. Worst," Sept. ---, 1842. [Capt. Ephraim, Sept. 16, a. 68, G.R.2.]
Joseph, Jan. 26, 1830, a. 72 y. 4 m. 26 d.
Joseph, s. Henry and Mary, Dec. 28, 1836, in 25th y., on the coast of Chili. G.R.2.
Lydia, Jan. ----, 1828. [w. Joseph, Jan. 16, in 69th y., G.R.2.]
Maria, w. Eph[raim], Apr. 27, 1842, a. 28.
Peter, "with an Hyporopus [?] on his Heart," [buried] Oct. 18, 1782, a. 70. P.R.
Ralph, s. Joseph and Lydia, "after lying in an open boat all night in a severe storm was drowned at Norman's Land," June 16, 1803, in 16th y. [[buried] Apr. 15, a. 16, P.R.]
Thankful, wid. [Cornelius] [d. Benjamin Pease and Abiah (Vincent) (second w.)], May 16, 1817, a. 83. P.R.
William, yellow fever "fortasse," [buried] ---- [rec. between Sept. 22 and Oct. 17], 1800, a. 24, in Baltimore. P.R.
William H., ch. William and Belinda N., stoppage, Jan. 3, 1849, a. 4 d.
--------, ch. Abraham, [buried] ---, 1779. P.R.
--------, ch. Tho[ma]s, [buried] ----, 1779. P.R.
--------, s. Tho[ma]s, dys[en]t[ery], [buried] [Oct.] ---, 1793, a. 20 m. P.R.
--------, s. Cornelius Jr., worms, [buried] [Aug.] 24, 1795, a. 11 m. P.R.
--------, d. Freeman, [Mar.] 29, 1824, a. 4 d. P.R.
Cloe, coloured, Aug. 7, 1840. [Chloe, w. James, Aug. 8, a. 59 y. 7 m., G.R.2.]
James, widr., farmer, colored, b. Africa, dropsicial consumption, Jan. 28 [1846], a. 80.
--------, "a stranger," [buried] June 30, 1805. P.R.
--------, s. Jab, [buried] Jan. 5, 1803, a. 3 d. P.R.
[Lydia (Mayhew)] w. W[illia]m, [buried] July 5, 1772, a. 30. P.R.
Pelatiah Jr., [buried] ---- [rec. between July --- and Sept. 3], 1776, a. 18, at sea. P.R. [Palatiah Jr., G.R.2.]
--------, ch. Pelatiah, [buried] May ---, 1775 a. 3. P.R.
[Jane (Pease)] wid. [Pelatiah], consump[tion], [buried] Apr. 29, 1793, a. 65. P.R.
Andrew Macartney, "consumption of the Lungs fortasse," [buried] [June] 21, 1786, a. 30. P.R.
Jane [(Noise)], wid. [Andrew Macartney], d. Mr. Cottle [d. Sarah (Daggett) Noyes (w. Jonathan Cottle)], "Hec. Decay," [buried] Dec. 7, 1787, a. 23. P.R.
--------, inf. Immanuel, [buried] [Apr.] 28, 1782. P.R.
Benjamin J., s. Thomas and Sarah of Deer Isle, Me., "drowned in an attempt to escape from the wreck of Brig Lincoln," Nov. 26, 1846, a. 27 y. 8 m. G.R.2.
John, negro, ----, 1795. C.R.2.
Joseph, Capt., July 13, 1804, a. 32. G.R.2. [" formerly" of Cape Ann, c[h]ol[era] morb[us], P.R.]
Ebenezer, ----, 1781, on prison ship. G.R.2. [[s. Jonathan of Plympton, and Abiah (Smith), h. Keturah Pease, "served in the war of the Revolution as private in Capt Benjamin Smith's company, in the regiment for Dukes County"] [buried] ---, 1783, a. 26, P.R.]
James, lost at sea, --- 1783. G.R.2. [["served in the war of the Revolution as lieutenant in Capt. Benjamin Smith's company, stationed on the island of Martha's Vineyard. He married an Edgartown woman. He may have come from Plympton l, a. 50 [?], P.R.]
Sarah, w. Immanuel [d. Thomas Fisher and Lydia (Fisher)], lethergy, Nov. 14, 1808, a. 54. P.R.
-------, inf. Immanuel, [buried] [Sept.] 14, 1784. P.R.
-------, ch. Eman[uel] Sr., consump[tion], [buried] July 19, 1788, a. 9 m. P.R.
-------, s. Immanuel, quinsey, [buried] Nov. 9, 1793, a.5. P.R.
-------, grand s. Immanuel, quinsy, [buried] [Apr.] 28, 1807, a. 4. P.R.
Joseph, Mar. 21, 1829.
Mary Ann, ch. W[illia]m and Mary S., hooping cough, Feb. 2 [1846], a. 1 y. 8 m.
Sanford P., Oct. 25, 1849, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.2.
-------, ch. James, [buried] ----, 1779. P.R.
James, -----, 1783, in the West Indies. G.R.2. [Skiff, [buried] --- [rec. between July --- and Sept. 28], a. 30, P.R.]
Abagail, Oct. 6, 1831, a. 68.
Abigail, wid. Daniel, Oct. 6, 1836, a. 68 y. 4 d. G.R.2.
Abraham, "killed in the West Indies by a fall from mast," [buried] Feb. ---, 1793, a. 23. P.R.
Ann, Mrs., Mar. 2, 1803, in 69th y. G.R.2. EATMal wid. Sam[ue]l Esq. [d. Wilmot Wass and Rebecca (Allen)]. a. 70, P.R.]
Anna, w. Harrison, Sept. 20, 1823, a. 35. G.R.2. [d. William Beetle [and Jane (Coffin)], consump[tion], a. 36, P.R.]
Benj[amin] Esq., July 4, 1720, in 65th [? 63d] y. G.R.1.
Benjamin Esq., Dec. 18, 1737, in 46th y. G.R.1.
Benjamin Esq., May 4, 1821, a. 81 y. 1 m. 25 d. [May 5, a. 82, P.R.]
Benjamin, Oct. 25, 1827, a. 60 y. 5 m. G.P.2.
Bethiah, w. Capt. Elijah, Feb. 17, 1803, in 85th y. G.R.2. [wid. Elijah [d. Thomas Harlock and Hannah], a. 85, P.R.]
Betsey, d. Eben[eze]r Esq., fever, [buried] July 23, 1782, a. 12. P.R.
Catharine [Katherine], [fourth w. and] wid. Sam[ue]l [Jr.] [d. John Harper and Hannah (Sprowel)], cons[umption], [Dec.] 29, 1816, a. 83. P.R.
Cornelius, brother of Jonathan Sr., "Perished on Situate Beach," Dec. 5, 1786. [s. Eben[eze]r Esq., "perished being cast away at Marsfiel near the North River," a. 24, P.R.]
Daniel [h. Abigail], Jan. 3, 1825, a. 56 y. 6 m. 12 d. [a. 56 y. 6 m. 11 d., G.R.2.] [a. 58, P.R.]
[Deborah (Pease)] [third] w. Sam[ue]l [Jr.], [buried] Feb. 17, 1774, a. 46. P.R.
Ebenezer Esq., [buried] Oct. 15, 1771, a. 71. P.R.
Ebenezer Esq. [h. Jane], May 23, 1794, in 60th y. G.R.7. [mortigication] bow[els], a. 60, P.R.]
Ebenezer, s. Benjamin Jr., "beginning of May", 1817, a. 15, in N.Y. P.R.
Ebenezer, Aug. 5, 1840, a. 63. [a. 62, G.R.7.]
Eliakim, s. Thomas and Jedidah, Oct. 4, 1820, a. 5 y. 10 m. 19 d. G.R.2. [suddent, a. 6, P.R.]
Elijah, Capt. [h. Bethiah], Feb. 8, 1802, in 89th y. G.R.2. [appoplex[y], a. 89, P.R.]
Eliza C., d. Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 2, 1820, a. 13 m. G.R.7. [a. 1, P.R.]
Enoch, ch. Benjamin [and] Love, Oct. 10, 1775.
Eunice, w. Samuel, May 31, 1762, in 50th y. G.R.2. [[Eunice (Vincent)] [second] w. Samuel, [buried] June ---, 1763, a. 50, P.R.]
Eunice [d. Samuel Jr. and Eunice (Vincent) (second w.)], "she had been in a low state bereaved of her Reason for a Number of Years her Body so drawn that she could not be straightened," Apr. 9, 1813, a. 63. P.R.
Eunice, wid., Sept. 28, 1840, a. 93 y. 4 m. [Eunice Manter, wid. Philip, Sept. 9, a. 93 y. 9 m., G.R.2.]
Fanny, d. Benjamin Esq. and Love, Oct. 8, 1806, in 27th y. G.R.2. [cons[umption], a. 27, P.R.]
Frederick, s. Holmes W. and Sophia, Aug. 22, 1824, a. 3 m. G.R.2. [s. Homes, Aug. 21, P.R.]
George R., ch. Holmes W. and Sophia, consumption, Oct. 1 [1845], a. 3 m. [a. 3 m. 15 d., G.R.2.]
George S., s. Tho[mas] 2d, May 27, 1839, a. 9 m. 18 d.
Grace, wid. Benjamin Jr., Feb. 16, 1841, a. 66. [a. 65, G.R.2.]
Grace, ch. John and Mary, canker rash, Aug. 4, 1848, a. 3 y. 2 m. [d. John Sprague, G.R.2.]
Holmes W., m., mariner, ch. Benjamin and Grace, consumption, Jan. 23, 1849, a. 50 y. 9 m. [Holmes Wass, h. Sophia, C.R.1.] [Capt. Holmes W., G.R.2.]
James, killed by a whale,----[rec. between Aug. 13 and Oct. 19, 1828]. [s. Benjamin and Grace, Feb. 19, 1828, a. 27 y. 6 m., G.R.2.]
James, mariner, s. Benjamin and Love, old age, Sept 5, 1844, a. 76. [Sept 6, a. 75, G.R.2.]
James A., s. Samuel Jr., [Jan.] 9, 1830 [? 1831].
James A. Jones, s. "Sm." [? Solomon] Jr., Dec. 20, 1828.
Jane, wid. Ebenezer Esq., Mar. 21, 1809, a. 69. G.R.7. [[second w. Ebenezer Esq., wid. Garrison Mears, d. Thomas Claghorn and Susannah (Gibbs) (second w.)], appoplexy, a. 70, P.R.]
Jean, w. Ebenezer, May 31, 1777. [Jane, w. Ebenezer Esq., in 39th y., G.R.7.] [[Jean (Marchant)] [first] w. Ebenezer Esq., a. 39, P.R.]
Jedidah, w. Benj[amin] Esq., Jan. 6, 1736, in 80th y. G.R.1.
Jeremiah [?], s. Thomas and Jedidah, Oct. 23, 1827, a. 9 y. 7 m. 29 d. G.R.2.
John, May 21, 1777, in 56th y. G.R.1. [a. 61, P.R.]
John, Aug. 5, 1830, a. 75 "lacking one month or there about." [in 74th y., G.R.2.]
John W., mariner, b. Eastside H. Harbor, s. Ebenezer and Mary, consumption, Apr. 6 [1846], a. 22.
Jonathan Sr., brother of Cornelius, "Perished on Situate Beach," Dec. 5, 1786. [Jonothan, "cast away at Marshfield near North River," Dec. 15, G.R.2.] [s. Ebenezer Esq., a. 27, P.R.]
Jonathan, drowned, --- [before 1793]. C.R.1.
Jonathan S., s. Benjamin Esq., lost at sea, ---, 1811. P.R.
Joseph A., s. Holmes W., Feb. 20, 1838, a. 1 y. 8 m. [s. Holmes W. and Sophia, a. 20 m. 8 d., G.R.2.]
Joshua S., s. Daniel, meazles, Mar. 26, 1842, a. 10 m. 11 d.
Love, wid. Benjamin, Nov. 16, 1823, in 82d y. G.R.2. [wid. Benj[ami]n "late" dec'd [d. Enoch Coffin Jr. and Jane (Claghorn) Whellen], a. 82, P.R.]
Love, w. Samuel, Oct. 7, 1835, a. 73 y. 7 m. [a. 73, G.R.2.]
Mary, only ch. John and Mary, Jan. 7, 1755, in 8th y. G.R.1.
Nancy, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 19, 1805. [a. 1 y. 8 m. 9 d., G.R.7.]
Nancy H., d. Capt. Charles G. and Drusilla, July 4, 1834, a. 12. G.R.7.
Nathan, yellow fever, June 26, 1799, a. 40, in Boston. G.R.2. ["taken on board a vessel from the Havannah," P.R.]
Nathan, farmer, ch. John and Caroline, dysentery, June 2, 1848, a. 46.
Oliver, s. Philip, "Drowned at the East Chop," [buried] Mar. 5, 1792, a. 20. P.R.
Philip, father of Oliver, "Drowned at the East Chop," [buried] Mar. 5, 1792, a. 46. P.R.
Roland, -----[rec. after June 23], 1834, "on his passage from [illegible]."
Samuel [h. Eunice], June 15, 1796, in 84th y. G.R.2. [[s. John and Hannah (Pease)], decay, a. 84, P.R.]
Samuel Esq., Oct. 25, 1796, a. 68 y. 4 m. G.R.2. [[S. Capt. Samuel and Katherine (Homes) (second w.)], schirrous liver, a. 69, P.R.]
Samuel Esq., Jan. 10, 1838, a. 79. [a. 78, G.R.2.]
Samuel of Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 25, 1848, a. 76.
Samuel P., ----1848. G.R.2.
Sarah [(Skiff)], [first] w. David, "hect: Decay," [buried] July 13, 1787, a. 29. P.R.
[Thankful, prob.] wid. [Ebenezer], [of] H[olmes] Hole, gout in stom[ach], [buried] May 8, 1787, a. 84. P.R.
Thankful, wid. Capt. Thomas, Jan. 22, 1814, a. 69. G.R.2. [[d. Isaac Norton Jr. and Hannah (Norton)], a. 70, P.R.]
Thomas, Capt., Feb. 28, 1808, in 68th y. G.R.2. (consump[tion], a. 68, P.R.]
Timothy, Jan. 10, 1779, in 53d y. G.R.1. [drowned, a. 53, P.R.]
Wafford, "fell from a loft & Killed at sea," July 14, 1830 [? 1831].
William Jr., s. W. P., Dec. 23, 1840, a. 1 y. 6 m. [William Coffin, s. William P. and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1810 [sic], a. 16 m., G.R.2]
-------, ch. Tho[ma]s, [buried]---[rec. between Oct. 5 and Oct. 13], 1772. P.R.
-------, ch. Timothy, [buried] Apr. 23, 1774. P.R.
-------, ch. Benjamin, [buried] Oct. 13, 1775, a. 2. P.R.
-------, s. Benja[min] [and] Love, still-born, Apr. 2, 1776.
-------, s. Ebenezer and Jean, still-born, May 13, 1777.
-------, inf. David, [buried] ---- [rec. between Oct. 23 and Sept. 6], 1783. P.R.
-------, d. David, worms, [buried] Dec. 12, 1797, a. 20 m. P.R.
-------, d. Eben[eze]r, can[ker] rash, [buried] [Apr.] 20, 1805, a. 20 m. P.R.
-------, s. John Jr., [buried] [July] 27, 1805, a. 3 m. P.R.
-------, d. John Jr., [buried] Dec. 12, 1807, a. 4 m. P.R.
-------, d. Anna, [Oct.] 29, 1813, a. 4. P.R.
-------, s. Tho[ma]s, "Burnt to Death by its clothes Taking Fire," Oct. 23, 1821, a. 3 y. 3 m. P.R.
-------, S. Francis, [Nov.] 29, 1824, a. 5 w. P.R.
-------, inf. s. Tisdale and Jedidah, June 29, 1836. G.R.2.
-------, inf. d. Charles P. and Joanna, Sept. 9, 1845. G.R.8.
Abigail, Mrs., consumption, Dec. 5, 1840, a. 62. [w. Timothy, Dec. 23, G.R.2.]
Enoch C., ch. Charles B. and Sarah R., Sept. 7, 1845, a. 9 m. G.R.2.
Priscilla [d. Thomas and Priscilla (Butler)], consump[tion], [buried] July 12, 1793, a. 56. P.R.
-------, inf. d. Charles B. and Sarah R., Mar. 11, 1837. G.R.2.
Ann, d. John, [Dec.] 4, 1805, a. 17 "on a visit to her Sister," in Albany. P.R.
John, drowned, Dec. 6, 1804. ["struck overboard about a mile from Nantucket Bar & drowned," a. 55, P.R.]
Richard, "by a whale," [buried] ------- [rec. between July 31 and Oct. 5], 1772, at sea. P.R.
-------, inf. John, [buried] [Jan.] 3, 1783. P.R.
-------, s. John, cons[umption], [buried] Apr. 2, 1791, a. 1 y. 5 d. P.R.
John, s. Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1730, a. 21 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
Charles F., fever, ----- [rec. between Nov. 2 and Nov. 15, 1841], a. 35, [on] Coast of New Zeland.
Susan M. [ch. Charles F. and Nancy M.], Jan. 31, 1848, in Wis.
Thomas, inf. s. Charles F. and Nancy M., Mar. 25, 1838. G.R.2.
Robert, s. Nicholos and Julia, dysentery, Sept. 20, 1844, a. 2 y. 5 m. 5 d.
Benjamin, Apr. 10, 1840. [Apr. 9, a. 82, G.R.2.]
Bersheba, wid. W[illia]m, Feb. 6, 1841, a. 71 y. 1 m. 13 d. [Barsheba, a. 72, G.R.2.]
Betsey [d. Daniel and Jean (Vincent)], "with Fits that attaced her from 4th years old," [buried] [Aug.] 13, 1800, a. 41. P.R.
Daniel, s. Elijah, mortific[ation], [buried] Feb. 25, 1782, a. 3. P.R.
Edmund, ch. Edmund and Lurana, dysentery, Oct. 19, 1848, a. 2 y. 1 m. 11 d.
Edmund, m., laborer, b. Chilmark, ch. William and Bathsheba, dysentery, Oct. 26, 1848, a. 38.
Elijah Esq., Nov. 7, 1827, a. 73. G.R.2.
Eliza Ann, ch. Edmund and Lurana, dysentery, Oct. 11, 1845, a. 5.
Eunice [d. Samuel and Sarah], cancer, [buried] Jan. 31, 1798, a. 53. P.R.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 10, 1796, a. 3 y. 10 m. G.R.2. [Stuart, canker rash, a. 4, P.R.]
Hannah, wid. Thomas, July 31, 1841, a. 93. [July 23, a. 93 y. 6 m. 11 d., G.R.2.]
Hannah W., d. T. M., Oct. 27, 1839, 17 m.
Hepsibah, w. Elijah Esq., "very sudden fainted in her Chair," Apr. 25, 1824 [Hepsibeth, a. 64 y. 7 m. 23 d., G.R.2. [[second] w. Elijah Esq. [wid. Thomas Pease Jr., d. John Pease Jr. and Jerusha Norton], "She had Four Children by her formar Husband. They all died some Years ago, P.R.]
James, [buried] ------ [rec. between Oct. 23 and Oct. 25], 1785, a. 19, "on his Passage from the West Indies." P.R.
Jedidah, w. Elijah, Feb. 11, 1804, in 49th y. [["second] w. Elijah [d. Gamaliel Butler and Mercy (Dunham) (second w.)] a. 49, P.R.]
John, s. William and Bathsheba, Aug. 1, 1827, a. 24 y. 10 m., "on his passage from New Orleans to Boston." G.R.2.
John B., s. "Emd" and Lorana, convulsions, Mar. 17, 1845.
Philander, s. James, "Yellow fever 3 days after leaving Havannah for Europe,"----[rec. between Oct. 27 and Nov. 12, 1839]. [May 13, 1839, a. 27, G.R.2.]
Sally, w. James, Feb. 19, 1829. [w. Capt. James, a. 41 y. 5 m. 14 d., G.R.2.]
Sarah, wid. Sam[ue]l, [Dec.] 23, 1810, a. 84. P.R.
Sophronia, Aug. 24, 1830 [? 1831]. [d. William and Bathsheba, Aug. 24, 1831, a. 31, G.R.2.]
Thankfull, [June] 29, 1830, a. 80. [Thankful, w. Benjamin, a. 78 y. 4. m., G.R.2.]
Thomas, July 2, 1823, a. 79 y. 9 m. G.R.2. [July 24, a. 80, P.R.]
William, Apr. 14, 1829, a. 60 y. 10 m. 2 d. [a. 62 y. 11 m. 28 d., G.R.2.]
-------, ch. Benj[ami]n, "Female nep:" [buried] [May] 22, 1788, a. 4 m. P.R.
Dorcas [w. William], "fortasse" [buried] May ---, 1795, a. 75. P.R.
Robert Sr., Mar. 12, 1689-90, a. 65. G.R.1.
Daniel, [buried] Nov. 28, 1778, . 67. P.R.
James, ch. Samuell and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1785.
Jane [Jean (Vincent), wid. Daniel], pul[monary] consumption, [buried] Jan. 26, 1791, a. 75. P.R.
Jean, ch. Samuell and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1790.
Jedidah, ch. Samuell and Sarah, May 6, 1773.
Michael, ch. Samuell and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1790. [Billious fever, a. 25, P.R.]
Samuel, consump[tion], "occasioned by a Wound by oversetting a Cart upon him," [buried] May 15, 1793, a. 71. P.R.
Benjamin, s. John and Jedidah, Nov. 7, 1739. [a. 3 m., G.R.1.]
Susanna, d. John and Susanna [" mistake," written above Susanna], Sept. 28, 1740. [Susannah, d. John and Susannah, in 11th y., G.R.1.]
John, [buried] Feb. ---, 1794, a. 16, in West Indies. P.R.
------, [buried] --------[rec. between Sept. 19 and Oct. 4], 1789, a. 45 "perhaps." P.R.
Isaac Y. of Nantucket, Jan. 2, 1834, a. 20 y. 6 m.
Clarissa, d. Joseph, hoop[ing] cough, [buried] [Dec.] 16, 1787, a. 13 d. P.R.
Joseph Jr. [of] Chapaquiddick, "Bleeding at the Mouth from a Hurt," [buried] July 23, 1785, a. 35. P.R.
Joseph, Feb. 27, 1807, a. 63 y. 3 m. 20 d. G.R.2. [appoplexy, a. 64, P.R.]
Joseph [s. Capt. Joseph and Susannah (Pease)], lost at sea, ---, 1813. P.R.
Susan, inf. d. Tho[ma]s, fits, [Sept.] 6, 1810. P.R.
Susannah, wid., May 11, 1824, a. 77. [Susanna, wid. Joseph [d. John Pease and Hepsibah (Ripley)], "she was long confined to her bed underwent great Pain," May 13, a. 81, P.R.]
------, s. Joseph Jr., [buried] Aug. 15, 1782, a. 5, in Chapaquid. P.R.
Susanah, d. Joseph and Susanah, Sept. 9, 1773. [Susanna Swasey, d. Joseph and Susanna, Sept. 7, a. 29 y. 9 d., G.R.1.]
Caroline W., b. Falmouth, ch. William and Maria, dysentery, Aug. 21, 1849, a. 6 y. 6 m.
Nancy, W. Soloman, Apr. 2, 1839, a. 26.
Eben[eze]r, [buried] ----- [rec. between June 5 and June 16], 1791, a. 35, in Surrinam "fortasse." P.R.
Anna, w. Rev. Joseph, Apr. 9, 1821, a. 59 y. 33 d. C.R.1. [Ann, a. 59 y. 34 d, G.R.2.] [Ann, [second] w. Rev. Joseph [d. Samuel Smith Esq. and Anna Wass], dropsy, a. 60, P.R.]
John, m., In-holder, ch. Rev. Joseph and Molly, palsy, May 22, 1848, a. 52.
Joseph, s. Rev. Joseph and Molly, drowned, Feb. 3, 1815, a. 28 y. 24 d. G.R.2. [Joseph Jr., "drowned on the South Side of Nantuckett," a. 28, P.R.]
Joseph, Rev., July 18, 1827. [a. 83 y. 2 m. 14 d., G.R.2.]
Louisa, w. Caleb, d. John Nye and Tamar, Sept. 1, 1837, a. 34, in New Bedford. G.R.2.
Mary, w. Rev. Joseph, ----. [Molly, Apr. 5, 1802, in 45th y., C.R.1.] [Molly, Apr. 5, 1802, a. 44 y. 2 m. 2 d., [Molly [Mary] [d. Robert Allen and Desire (Norton)], abscess in side, Apr. 5, 1802, a. 45, P.R.]
Robert, s. Joseph and Molly, lockjaw, Mar. 2, 1805. C.R.1. (s. Rev. Joseph and Molly, in 12th y., G.R.2.] ["at Six Years & a half old he lost his sight by Nervous Pain in his Head, at 9 Years he had a severe shock of the Palsy & died of the Lock Jaw," a. 12, P.R.]
Mariam, Jan. 2, 1835, a. 73.
Pamelia K., d. Shubael and Sarah, June 9, 1827, a. 16 y. 4 m. 12 d. G.R.7.
Susannah B., d. Shubael and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1826, a. 21 y. 10 m. G.R.7.
Sarah F., Oct. ---, 1848, in Marblehead. C.R.1.
Mary of New London, wid. Jeremiah, [June] 13, 1849, a. 48.
Abigail, w. Thomas, Feb. 14, 1717, a. 29 y. 5 m. G.R.1.
Thomas, Oct. 15, 1719, a. 85. G.R.1.
John, Feb. 4, 1717. [Trapp, Feb. 5, 1717-18, a. 42, G.R.1.]
Sarah, w. John, June 18, 1718. [Trapp, a. 35 y. 4 m. 14 d., G.R.1.]
------, wid. [mother of Dr. Benjamin, [buried] Mar. 29, 1774, a. 70. P.R.
------, d. James, [buried] Oct 3, 1802, a. 13 m. P.R.
------, still born, [Jan.] 29, 1832.
------, inf. Peter, [Oct.] 5, 1833.
------, Julia, Mar. ---, 1835.
------, ch. Julia, still barn, May 9, 1841.
Abigail, Oct. 1, 1839, a. 87 [Vinson, wid. Nath., C.R.1.]
Abraham [s. Barnabas and Mehitable (Dunham)], "a Criple from his Birth walked on his knees. A Town Pauper idiot," Mar. 4, 1826, a. 53. P.R.
Alexander, laborer, ch. Nathaniel and Prudence, fever, Aug. 1 [1846], a. 36.
Barnabas, cons[umptio]n, [July] 9, 1812, a. 87. P.R.
Benj[ami]n, palsy, June 19, 1816, a. 85. P.R.
Charlott P., ch. Samuel Gifford and Harriet D., July 17, 1836. Charlotte P., d. S. G., July 17, 1840, a. 3 y. 8 m. 4 d. [Charlotte Pease, d. Sam[ue]l G. and Harriet D., G.R.2.]
Christopher, cancer, [Jan.] 7, 1812, a. 40. P.R.
Clarinda, d. William and Prudence, July 1, 1802, a. 1 y. 10 m. G.R.2.
Cyrus, s. Daniel and Susan, July 11 1800, a. 5 w. G.R.2.
Daniel, May 23, 1806, a. 45 y. 2 m. 14 d. G.R.2. [bleeding at mouth, a. 46, P.R.]
Deborah, ch. William and Molly, stoppage in stomach, Jan. 26, 1849, a. 69.
Elijah, consumption, Jan. 29, 1842, a. 76.
Frederick William, s. Frederick and Lucy, hooping cough, June 8, 1842, a.1 y. 5 d.
Henry, ------, "In the war of 1812," at Dartmoor Prison. G.R.2.
Hugh, s. William and Anna, Nov. 4, 1801, a. 23 y. 8 m. 11 d. G.R.2. [Vinson [s. William and Anna (Stewart) (second w.)], dysent[ery], a. 24, P.R.]
Jane, wid., Feb. 8, 1820, a. 88. C.R.1. [[wid. Samuel, d. Benjamin Pease and Abiah (Vincent) (second w.)] "She had lived a Wid. 41 Years," Feb. 18, P.R.]
John, cholick, [buried] Aug. 14, 1807, a. 76, "He was a Bachelor & lived alone for near Twenty Years." P.R.
Jonathan, drowned, June 16, 1768. G.R.2.
Jonathan, July 18, 1838, a. 71.
Joseph, Apr. 20, 1801, a. 67. G.R.2.
Napoleon Bonaparte, s. Daniel and Susan, Dec. 2, 1826, a. 1 y. 9 m. G.R.2. [s. Dan[ie]l Stewart, Dec. 3, a. 22 m. P.R.]
Olive, d. Samuel and Abiah, consumption, Oct. 4 [1845] a. 74. [a. 74 y. 4 m. G.R.2.]
Samuel, farmer, ch. Samuel and Abiah, old age, Jan. 29 [1846], a. 77 y. 4 m. 28 d.
Simmons, Oct. 23, 1841, a. 69. [Simons Vinson, C.R.1.]
Sophia, b. Chilmark, w. Matth[ew], Feb. 26, 1848, a. 60 y. 11 m. [a. 60, G.R.2.]
Thankfull, wid. Joseph, June 3, 1814, a. 73. G.R.2. [Thankful [wid. Timothy Stewart, d. Daniel Dunham and Sarah (Huxford)], decay, P.R.]
Thomas, May 28, 1805, a. 84 y. 11 m. 15 d. G.R.2. [a. 85, P.R.]
William Jr., Sept. 4, 1802, a. 35 y. 15 d. at Cape Francois. G.R.2.
William, old age, [Sept] 25, 1826, a. 94. P.R.
William F., ch. Frederick and Susan, June 8, 1842. (s. Capt. Frederick and Susan J., a. 1 y. 5 m., G.R.2.]
------, d. Seth, "Col," [buried] Sept. 23, 1805, a. 15 m. P.R.
------, twin ch. Matt[he]w, Jan. [6], 1812, a. 4 d. P.R.
------, twin ch. Matthew, Jan. [7], 1812, a. 5 d. P.R.
------, s. Nathan[ie]l Jr., Aug. 15, 1818, a. 5. P.R.
------, d. Samuel Gifford and Harriet D., Sept. 28, 1839 [dup. a. 15 min.].
------, s. Samuel Gifford and Harriet D., Apr. 22, 1841.
Abiah, hect[ic] decay, [buried] [Sept] 28, 1796, a. 32. P.R.
Abner, absces in side, [buried] [Dec.] 30, 1797, a. 59. P.R.
Anna, w. William, Sept. 3, 1804, in 58th y. G.R.2. [Vincent [d. Daniel Stewart and Jean (Vincent)], cons[umption], a. 58, P.R.]
Betsy, w. Simons, Dec. 1, 1833, a. 55 y. 11 m. 13 d.
Catharine, Nov. 2, 1826, a. 85 "in July." [Catherine Vincent, G.R.2.] [Katherine Vincent [wid. Jonathan, d. Samuel Smith Jr. and Eunice Vincent (second w.)], P.R.]
Deborah [(Stuart)], wid. [Nathaniel Vincent Sr.], slow fever. [buried] Mar. 17, 1788, a. 83. P.R.
Deborah, ch. P. M., Oct. 24, 1830, a. 2 y. 6 m.
James, "seaman Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832. [brother of John, Nov. ---, C.R.1.]
James E., s. William and Eunice, Aug. 13, 1837, a. 5 m. G.R.2.
Jane, W. Tho[ma]s Jr., Oct. 11, 1764, a. 41 y. 2 m. 4 d. G.R.1. [Jean (Norton) [first] w. Thomas, P.R.]
John, s. John and Margaret, Nov. 15, 1829, a. 6 m. [a. 6 m. 13 d., G.R.2.]
Joseph, [buried] ---, 1763, a. 65. P.R.
Joseph, inflam[ation] bowells, [buried] [Apr.] 28, 1801, a. 69. P.R.
Lois [(Smith)], w. Nathaniel, nervous fev[er], [buried] May 24, 1782, a. 46. P.R.
Lydia, d. Reuben, Dec. 29, 1812. C.R.1.
Lydia, Apr. 10, 1830 [? 1831], a. 70 "or there abouts."
[Lydia (Marchant)] [first] w. W[illia]m, [buried] Apr. ---, 1776, a. 33. P.R.
Mary, d. Thomas and Miriam, Nov. 25, 1781, a. 13 y. 7 m. 5 d. G.R.2.
Mary, d. Tho[ma]s, [buried] [Nov.] 22, 1784, a. 13. P.R.
Matilda, wid., old age, [buried] Feb. 2, 1787, a. 84. P.R.
Mehitabel [(Pease)], wid. [Reuben (Vincent)], old age, [buried] Mar. 17, 1783, a. 93. P.R.
Meriam, [second] w. Tho[ma]s [d. Phinehas Norton and Patience (Cleveland)], [buried] Jan. 6, 1795, a. 54. P.R.
Molly, Jan. 6, 1829, a. 75.
Nathaniel, May 30, 1822, a. 94 y. 1 m. 24 d. [Nathanel, C.R.1.] [Vincent, a. 94, G.R.2.] [Vincent, old age, a. 97, P.R.]
Polly, very sudden, Dec. 16, 1834, a. 45.
Reuben, Dec. 23, 1774, a. 89.
Reuben, Mar. 19, 1829.
Sam[ue]l, [buried] ---, 1779. P.R.
Sarah, w. Benj[ami]n [d. Christopher Luce and Sarah (Arey)], "conss," [buried] July 29, 1797, a. 54. P.R.
Sarah [(Martin)], w. Thomas, [buried] Jan. 25, 1779, a. 93. P.R.
Tho[ma]s, [buried] May 11, 1773, a. 94. P.R.
Timothy, dys[enter]y, [buried] [Sept.] 2, 1797, in West Port. P.R.
William, Sept. ---, 1826.
------, ch. Nath[aniel], [buried] ---, 1762. P.R.
------, ch. Nath[anie]l, [buried] Aug. 30, 1769, a. 3. P.R.
------, ch. Nath[anie]l, [buried] Aug. 31, 1769, a. 5. P.R.
------, ch. Timothy, [buried] Oct. 13, 1772, a. 3. P.R.
------, ch. William, [buried] --- [rec. between Oct. 5 and Oct. 13], 1772. P.R.
------, ch. Nathaniell Jr. [buried] May 23, 1774. P.R.
------, ch. Nath[anie]l, [buried] Mar. ---, 1776, a. 3. P.R.
------, ch. Thomas, [buried] Mar. 24, 1779, a. 3. P.R.
------, inf. Nath[anie]l, [buried] Sept. 28, 1783. P.R.
------, Dan[ie]l, [buried] Aug. 11, 1800, a. 5 w. P.R.
------, d. W[illia]m Jr., worms and meazles, [buried] July 1, 1802, a. 2. P.R.
Zebediah [s. William Vinson (or Vincent) and Lydia (Marchant) (first w.)], West India] fever, [buried]----[rec. between Sept. 20 and Dec. 10], 1795, a. 22. P.R.
Hannah, wid. [John] [d. Temple Philip Cooke and Jane (Daggett)), decay, [buried] [May] 9, 1802, a. 72. P.R.
John, s. Hannah, wid., billious chollick and mortification] of bowels, [buried] Aug. 29, 1781, a. 18. P.R.
Homes, "Struck overboard by the Boom on his Passage to Philadela," [buried] [Nov.] ---, 1797. P.R.
Vi[o]let, Mar. 8, 1826, a. "supposed to be" 105. [negro, "Town Pauper," a. 90, P.R.]
William [s. Homes and Sarah (Mayhew)], [buried]-----[rec. between Apr. 2 and May 26], 1794, a. 25, in Va. P.R.
------, ch. John, [buried] May 5, 1774. P.R.
Benjamin, dropsy, [buried] Mar. 21, 18047 a. 39. P.R.
Benjamin Franklin, lost at sea, Aug. ---, 1837, a. 24. G.R.2.
Benj[ami]n [Osborn] [s. Benjamin and Lydia (Pease)], Aug. ---, 1819, a. 23, in New Orleans. P.R.
Beriah, farmer, b. W. Tisbury, s. Samuel and Delorar, liver complaint, Apr. 23, 1845, a. 69 y. 2 m. [a. 69, G.R.2.]
Edward, s. Beriah and Sarah, May 28, 1806, a. 6 w. G.R.2. [h[ooping] cough, a. 7 w., P.R.]
Lemuel, [buried] ------- [rec. between June 5 and June 16], 1791, a. 23, in West Indies. P.R.
Mary, d. Jane, wid., consu[mptio]n, [buried] -- [rec. between Sept. 25 and Oct. 4], 1781, a. 18. P.R.
Rodolphus, inf. s. Beriah and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1816. G.R.2.
------, "wound received from a whale," [buried] Oct. 2, 1769, a. 35. P.R.
Abraham, [buried] Feb. --, 1794, a. 22, in West Indies. P.R.
Eunice, w. Dan[ie]l S., Nov. 12, 1839, a. 71 y. 4 m.
Eunice, ----, 1840. C.R.3.
John, Mar. ---, 1806, a. 43, "while on a whailing Voiage in the India Seas fortasse." P.R.
Samuel, Dec. 17, 1841. C.R.3. [Dr. Samuel, a. 76, G.R.2.]
Silvester, Sept. 16, 1830 [? 1831 a. 27.
Silvester Jr., Dec. 20, 1831, a. 9 d.
------, inf. Julia, [May] 20, 1826. P.R.
Samuel, Dr., Dec. 17, 1841, a. 76.
Pelatiah, [buried] Oct. --- 1792, a. 15, in Carolina. P.R.
Almira D., w. Elihu, consumption, Sept. 14, 1847, a. 30 y. 7 m. 20 d. [w. Capt. Elihu S., a. 30 y. 7 m., G.R.2.]
Theodore, ch. Theodore and Harriet, stoppage in stomach, Dec. 26 [1845], a. 1 d. [Dec. 27, a. 2 d., G.R.2.]
Francis W., Oct. 16, 1831, at sea. [Wimpony, C.R.1.]
Ichabod, A. M., cancer, [buried] June 17, 1782, a. 78. P.R.
[Jerusha (Norton)] w. Ichabod, [buried] Feb. 4, 1769, a. 61. P.R.
Samuel, Rev. Dec. 23, 1746, a. 67 y. 3 m. 21 d. C.R.1. G.R.1.
Sam[u]el [h., Anna], drowned, Jan. ---, 1782. C.R.1. ["perished in Shipwreck at Gay Head," Jan. 14, a. 43 y. 4 m. 12 d., G.R.2.] [a. 44, P.R.]
Algernon S., "First Lieutenant in the United States Navy," s. Thomas and Susan, Feb. 3, 1841, a. 30, "on board Sloop of War Concord." G.R.2.
Ann, w. John Esq., June 14, 1724, a. 53 y. 3 m. 15 d. G.R.1.
Benjamin, Capt.,---, 1805, at sea. G.R.2.
Benjamin, [buried] ---- [rec. between Apr. 2 and May 23], 1806, at sea. P.R.
Benjamin Jr., s. Benjamin [cause of death "not Known," "L. Fever," written above), May 12, 1842, a. 2 m. 15 d.
Benjamin B., May 26, 1848, a. 10 w. G.R.2.
Clarissa M., ch.-------,------, 1842. G.R.2.
Clarrissa M., July 18, 1840, a. 3 y. 6 m.
Darcas, w. John Esq., Aug. 4, 1730. [Dorcas, in 33d [? 53d] y., G.R.1.]
Dorcas [d. John Worth and Dorcas (Smith) Hawes (third w.)], decay, [Mar.] 22, 1809, a. 80. P.R.
Edward, s. Jethro Esq., July 4, 1810. P.R.
Eliza A., w. Cyrus B., d. W[illia]m Mayhew and Jane, Dec. 16, 1827, a. 23 y. 7 m. 25 d. G.R.2.
Elmira, w. Charles, Nov. 15, 1841, a. 31. [[first] w. Charles, d. Rev. Asa Kent, a. 32, G.R.2.]
Elmira Kent, d. Charles and Almira J. [second w.], Oct. 26, 1845, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.2.
Harriet Ann, ch. Edward and Harriet, dysentery, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 5 y. 4 m. G.R.2.
Hiram, Mar. 6, 1803, a. 2 m. G.R.2. [ch. Benjamin, a. 9 w., P.R.]
Jared, s. Capt. Jethro and Mary, June --, 1798, in 18th y., in Havannah. G.R.2. [abt. July ---, 1799, P.R.]
Jared, s. Edward, Mar. 19, 1840, a. 6 m. 15 d.
Jethro, Feb. 28, 1829, a. 75. [Jethro Esq., G.R.2.]
John, s. John, Aug. 15, 1707.
John Esq. [h. Darcas], Feb. ---, 1731-2. [Feb. 1, in 65th y., G.R.1.]
John Jr., s. John and Sarah, drowned, Oct. 20, 1777, a. 26 y. 4 m. G.R.1. [a. 27, P.R.]
John, s. Capt. Jethro and Mary, May ---, 1796, in 18th y., in Jamaica. G.R.2. [a. 17, P.R.]
John, s. Capt. Jethro and Velina, June --, 1797, in 15th m. G.R.2.
John, s. Jethro "Dusent," [buried] July 1, 1799, a. 14 m. P.R.
John, July 1, 1802, in 77th y. C.R.1. [John Esq., G.R.2.] [Dea. John Esq., a. 77, P.R.]
Jonathan, Dea., May 31, 1817, in 62d y. G.R.2.
Mary, w. Jethro, Aug. 12, 1787, a. 27 y. 2 m. 9 d. G.R.2. [[first] w. Jethro [d. Hon. William Jernegan and Mary Osborn (first w.), "Paralit," a. 28, P.R.]
Mercy, wid. Jonathan, cholera morbus, Aug. 18 [1845], a. 68 y. 3 m. [wid. Dea. Jonathan, a. 69, G.R.2.]
Sarah, w. Jonathan, Sept. 1, 1797, in 39th y. [[first w. Jonathan, d. Dr. Matthew Mayhew and Mary (Allen)), consump[tion), a. 39, P.R.]
Sarah, w. John Esq., Nov. 10, 1805, in 84th y. G.R.2. [wid. Dea. John [d. Jethro Athearn and Mary (Mayhew)), a. 85, P.R.
Sarah, old age, Dec. 31 [1846], a. 89 y. 4 m. [a. 87, C.R.1. G.R.2.]
Sorrah, d. John, Aug. 8, 1708.
Thomas, Capt., May 9, 1812, a. 46 y. 6 m. G.R.2. [[father of Maj. Gen. William Jenkins Worth], consumption, a. 47, P.R.]
Thomas, h. Hannah K., "murdered in the [ship] Globe," ---- C.R.1. [Capt. Thomas, "heard of" Oct. 20, 182(?),--- 31, "in the ship Globe of Nantuckett," P.R.]
Thomas G., s. Capt. Thomas and Susan, June 24, 1808, a. 3 y. 6 m. 8 d. G.R.2. [Thomas Gilbert, worms, a. 5, P.R.]
Velina, void. Jethro, old age, June 6, 1849, a. 83.
William Jenkins ["Gen.," written in pencil], s. Thomas and Abigail,--- 1849 [written in pencil]. C.R.1.
------, Jona[tha]n, fits, [buried] Nov. 18, 1796, a. 6 m. P.R.
------, s. Henry P., fits, Sept. 16, 1816, a. 8 d. P.R.
------, s. Tho[ma]s dec'd. and Susan, overlaid and stifled, [June] 14, 1818, a. 5 w. P.R.
John, twin s. Edward and Elizabeth, July 8, 1844, a. 2 d.
William H. (Yate), twin s. Edward and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1844, a. 28 d.
Aaron of Sanford, Me., "fell overboard from the Schooner Gleanor packet and was Drowned said to have been in a fit of Intoxication," Aug. 13, 1828.
------, ------, a child who lived at Mr. Jno. Coffin's, [buried] --—, 1763, a. 7. P.R.
------, ------, lost at sea, [buried] --—, 1768. P.R.
------, ------, lost at sea, [buried] --, 1768. P.R.
------, ------, d. ------, worms, [buried] [Aug.] 19, 1795. P.R.
------, ------, "Two Spaniards died at Ezra Cleavlands being badly froze the 1st died in twelve Hours owing wholly to the frost & ill usage on board the Vessel in which he came to this Place the 2 with the Lock Jaw occasioned by the frost in his Feet," [buried] Jan. --, 1799. P.R.
------, ------, "a Female Infant," [buried] Feb. 7, 1802, a. 18 d. P.R.
------, inf. d.------, "born blind," [Apr.] --, 1805. P.R.
------, s. of w. of Richard Bunker, "fortasse," [Nov.] -- 1814, a. 15. P.R.
------, "Stranger from a Sloop that was towed in," [Aug.] 28, 1830 [? 1831].
------, "seaman Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832.
------, "seaman Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832.
------, inf. d.
------, "seaman Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832.
------, "seaman Sloop Thomas sailed from Tarpaulin Cove for Charleston S. Carolina gale of wind From the 22th to 29th suposed to have foundered in the Gale," Oct. 19, 1832.
------, ch. -----, [Apr.] 20, 1835.
------, a man out of Portland Brig with small pox," Feb. 3 or 4, 1836, a. 19.
------, "stranger drowned in this Harbor," [Feb.] 14 [1841].
------, inf.----, May 3, 1848, "at the house of Matthew Firlong."
James, M., mariner, b. Raratonga "(South sea Island)," consumption, May 16 [1846], a. 26.
------, "a Coloured Man from Ship Catherine," Jan. 19, 1835.