East Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Ma,
Vital Records To 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1917
Marriages - GAMEL to JOY

[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Andrew and Betty Tomson, ----, 1756, P.R.5.
Ephraim Jr. of New Bedford and Ruth H. Pincin, int. June 5, 1836.
GANNET (see Gannett)
Benjamin and Mary Copeland, Dec. 20, 1750, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Betty and Nathan Hudson, Nov. 26, 1767, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Hannah and Oliver Washburn, Mar. 1, 1781, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Jane B. and Luther Faxon of Hanson, int. Sept. 17, 1826.
Joseph Jr. and Betty Latham, June 7, 1744, C.R.1. [Gannitt [int. Gannett], P.R.5.]
Lucinda and Lot Ramsdel, Jan. 1, 1794, C.R.1. [Gannett and Lot Ramsdell, P.R.5.]
Mary and John Edson, Feb. 7, 1743-4, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Matthew and Martha Byram, Apr. 9, 1750, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Seth and Susanna Allen, Nov. 7, 1754, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
GANNETT (see Gannet)
Armelia and Oliver Mitchel, June 13, 1791, C.R.1. [Amelia and Oliver Mitchell, P.R.5.]
Benoni and Polly B. Ramsdell of Hanson, int. Aug. 1, 1824.
Christiana and Marston Lazell, Sept. 29, 1824.
Deborah, d. Capt. Joseph, and Adam Porter of Abington, Oct. 3, 1776, C.R.1.
Hannah and Ichabod Cary, Dec. 3, 1741, C.R.1.
Harriet M. and Barton B. Bates, int Nov. 17, 1845.
Jonathan of Cummington and Abigail Harris, wid., int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Joseph and Anna Hobart of Pembroke, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Joseph and Lucy P. Stowell, int. Jan. 3, 1832.
Lucy P., Mrs., and William Holbrook of Weymouth, int. June 22, 1845.
Mary and Ebenezer Noyes, Nov. 24, 1823.
Matthew of Abington and Alice Latham, Mar. 20, 1783, C.R.1.
Mehetable and Jacob Harden of Abington, Mar. 26, 1778. C.R.1. [Mehitable, P.R.5.]
Nancy Ann and Alexander M. Fitzgerald, int. July 2, 1848.
Sarah and Daniel Pettingill, ----, 1755, P.R.5.
Susanna and David Edson, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Charles Jr. and Mary E. Bird, int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Pamela of Bridgewater [int. Permelia of S. Bridgewater] and Charles P. Jordan [int. Jorudan], Oct. ----, [int. Sept. 26], 1830.
Emeline and John Austin, int. Jan. 7, 1849.
Henrietta, 19, and Loranus S. Hathaway, 20, shoemaker, s. Seabury and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1847.
Anne and Nathan Hudson, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Ebenezer of Bridgewater and Phebe Keith of Easton, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
- Pelatiah of Brookfield and Sarah Whitman, Feb. 19, 1777, C.R.1.
Ruth and Reuben Hall, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Andrew and Abigail Dunbar, ----, 1752, P.R.5.
Jane and Joseph Wesley [dup. Westly], ----, 1738 [dup. 1739], P.R.5.
John and Martha Smith, ----, 1764, P.R.5.
William and Mary Willis, ----, 1731, P.R.5.
William and Margaret Steward, ----, 1742, P.R.5.
Amy and Richard Willis, Oct. 11, 1639, P.R.5.
David [int. Daniel] of Abington and Mary Ann Blanchard, Oct. 24, 1833.
Abby and Ebenezer Copeland, int. ---- [1770], P.R.5.
Elizabeth and John Cary, June ----, 1644, P.R.5.
Nathaniel [dup. Gen.] and Ruth Shaw, int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Samuel and Marietta Thompson of Hallifax, Oct. 30, 1843.
William L. of Bridgewater and Lucretia O. Hayward of Bridgewater, Sept. 1, 1844, C.R.1.
Morris of W. Bridgewater and Sarah Byram of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 9, 1833, C.R.2.
Cordelia A. of Canton and William H. Bird, int. July 2, 1848.
Azubah [int. Azuba], 23, d. George and Hannah, and Gideon Wilbur, 34, carpenter, of Bridgewater, s. Barek and Louis, Oct. 27, 1846.
Francis of Boston and Sarah Harris, Nov. 6, 1777, C.R.1.
Henry of Wareham and Sarah Robinson, Nov. 10, 1831.
Thomas of Plymouth and Anne Little of Marshfield, ----, 1694, in Boston, P.R.5.
Hannah of Abington and Thomas White, Jan. 2, 1772, C.R.1. [Thomas, s. Thomas, P.R.5.]
Leonard and Sylvia White of Hanson, int. Aug. 30, 1823.
Jane F. of Bridgewater and Isaac Perkins of Bridgewater, Nov. 16, 1844, C.R.2.
- Miles and Elizabeth Bridge ("or Bridget"), ----, 1707, in Boston, P.R.5.
Belinda and Stephen Chamberlain, June 30, 1838.
Clark C. and Martha C. Record of Buckfield, int. Nov. 4, 1849.
Edmund, 24, blacksmith, s. James and Jerusha, and Sarah Jane Orr, 18, d. Hugh and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1848.
Jane and Ebenezer Edson, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Otis of N. Bridgewater and Ruth S. Richards of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 1, 1831, C.R.2.
Sylvia L. and Josiah Richards of W. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 11, 1836. [m. Oct. 3, C.R.2.]
Ephraim and Bathsheba Bowditch, Feb. 17, 1762, C.R.1. [Bowdage, P.R.5.]
Susanna and John Porter 2d, Dec. 9, 1790, C.R.1.
Alfred of Abington and Nancy Ramsdell, int. Apr. 26, 1840.
Almon and Clarisa Pool of Easton, int. Sept. 13, 1829.
Betsey Jane and James Bates, int. Sept. 25, 1842.
Clarisa S. and Charles S. Reed of Abington, int. Sept. 6, 1840.
Cyrus and Clarissa Nash, int. Jan. 2, 1831.
David and Mehitable W. R. Reed of Abington, int. Sept. 23, 1843.
David B. [int. of Abington] and Cementha [int. Samantha] Blanchard, Sept. 6, 1837.
David S. [int. of Abington] and Harriet Ramsdell, Mar. 23, 1837.
Davis [int. of Abington] and Eliza Blanchard, Apr. 22, 1835.
Deborah and George H. Bates, Oct. 23, 1828.
Elisha and Jane Kingman, ----, 1760, P.R.5.
Gridley G. of Abington and Susan Beals, Jan. ---- [int. Jan. 12], 1834.
Hannah and Joseph Sampson, Dec. 28, 1780, C.R.1.
Henry and Sally P. Poole of Abington, int. Mar. 18, 1849.
Ichabod of Abington and Clarissa Reed, int. Jan. 16, 1842.
John and Mehitabel Southworth, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Levi T. and Maria W. Stetson, int. Sept. 20, 1846.
Lurania and James Ford of Abington, int. Sept. 28, 1823.
Martha and Ebenezer Drake, ----, P.R.5.
Mary H. and Nathaniel Beal, int. Aug. 16 [1835]. [m. Sept. 17, C.R.2.]
Molly and Ephraim Tinkham of Middleborough, Mar. 1, 1787, C.R.1.
Noah Jr. of Abington and Urilla Bennett, int. Aug. 29, 1824.
Olive H. and Henry [Harvey written in pencil above Henry, int. Harvey] Peniman [int. of Abington], Oct. 6, 1839.
Rebecca and David Howard [int. of W. Bridgewater], Apr. 9, 1827.
Ruth and Peleg Stutson of Abington, Aug. 3, 1975, C.R.1. [Stetson, P.R.5.]
Samuel of Abington and Elvira Blanchard, int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Sarah R. of Abington and Jones Packard, int. Oct. 1, 1843.
Seth and Rebecca Packard, Jan. 10, 1788, C.R.1.
Seth and Rebecca Bisbee, Nov. 8, 1824.
Silas of Abington and Emily A. Joselyn, int. July 22, 1827.
Sylvia and Solomon Hearsey Jr., Jan. 13, 1802, C.R.1. [Silvia, P.R.5.]
Thomas J. of N. Bridgewater and Elizabeth Norton of N. Bridgewater, Dec. 22, 1834, C.R.2.
Zechariah and Mary Ames, ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Abraham of Raynham and Silvia Fobes, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
William (see William Slack)
Elizabeth and Michael Lunsford, ----, 1727, P.R.5.
Betty and Isaac Lathrop [int. Lothrop], ----, 1786, P.R.5.
John and Hannah Shaw, int. ----, 1709, P.R.5.
Clarissa H. and George E. Luzarder, int. Aug. 23, 1846.
Abigail and David Kingman Jr., Aug. 5, 1752, C.R.1.
Anna [int. Ann Jr.] and Samuel Edson 4th, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Bezer of Dorchester and Deborah Harris, ----, 1811, P.R.5.
Harriet N. and Harvey Chandler, int. Jan. 10, 1847.
James and Sarah Orcutt, ---- 1782, P.R.5.
James of N. Bridgewater and Eveline [int. Everline] A. Allen, Nov. ---- [int. Oct. 27.], 1833.
Lovisa W. of Bridgewater and Quartus Snell, int. Jan. 3, 1836.
- Luther [int. of Raynham] and Abigail Mehuren [int. Mehurin], ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Mary [int. of R.] and Nathan Edson, ----, 1766, P.R.5.
Mary [int. of Taunton] and David Leonard, ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Mary H. of Bridgewater and Cromwell Alden of Bridgewater, May ----, 1832.
Mary L., 19, d. Eben and Elizabeth, and Aaron B. Phipps, 30, farmer [dup. labourer], s. David and Elizabeth, July 3, 1845.
Mehetabel and James Hendrey, May 17, 1770, C.R.1. [Mehitable [dup. Mehitabel] and James Hendry [dup. Hendrey], P.R.5.]
Mercy and Abner Lewis of Middleborough, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Patience and Abraham Jones of Raynham, abt. 1755, P.R.5.
Philip and Hannah Keith, ----, 1760, P.R.5.
Reuben and Ruth Gilbert, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Samuel of Taunton and Mercy Willis, ----, 1718, P.R.5.
Sarah and Solomon Alden, ---- [1755], P.R.5.
Sarah and Josiah Byram, ----, 1766, P.R.5.
Stephen and Irena T. Raymond [int. of W. Bridgewater], June 10, 1841.
HALLOWAY (see Holloway)
Angeline of Taunton and Jared B. Allen, int. Dec. 23, 1849.
HAMBLEN (see Hamblin, Hamlin)
Eleazar and Lydia Bonne, June 30, 1752, C.R.1. [Hamlin and Lydia Bonney, P.R.5.]
HAMBLIN (see Hamblen, Hamlin)
Elisabeth and William Holmes, Nov. 5, 1750, C.R.1. [Elizabeth Hamlin, P.R.5.]
HAMLIN (see Hamblen, Hamblin)
Mary and Joseph Richards, ----, 1742, P.R.5.
Mary and Jonathan Perkins 3d, int. ----, 1765, P.R.5.
Emily W., 21, of Bridgewater, d. James (Hammat) and Sarah, and John C. Hayward, widr., 33, carpenter, of Bridgewater, s. Ziba and Sarah of Bridgewater, June 1, 1848. [Hammett, C.R.2.]
Sarah and John Packard, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Elisabeth, wid., and Seth Latham, Apr. 14, 1800, C.R.1. [Elizabeth, wid., P.R.5.]
Rachel and David French, June 28, 1797, C.R.1.
Abigail and Thomas Latham, ----, 1752, P.R.5.
Elizabeth and Thomas Wade, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Elizabeth and Eben Hayward, ----, 1750, P.R.5.
Jerusha and John Orcutt Jr., Nov. 3, 1752, C.R.1. [Orcut Jr., P.R.5.]
John and Martha Pryer, Oct. 9, 1760, C.R.1.
Mary and John Smith, Oct. 5, 1749, C.R.1.
Anne of Stowe and Josiah Whitman, int. Dec. 4, 1842.
Dorcas W., 37, d. Benjamin and Anna, and Rufus Scott, 46, farmer, of N. Hadley, s. Israel and Hannah of N. Hadley, Sept. 15, 1846.
Elizabeth of Stow and Henry W. Robinson of Stow, Apr. 6, 1843, C.R.2.
Margaret, 24, d. Benjamin and Anna, and Galen K. [int. Kingman] Richards, 23, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1846.
HARDEN (see Hardin, Harding)
Abraham and Ruth Perry of Scituate, ----, 1740, P.R.5.
Anna and John Harden, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Deborah and Eli Blanchard of Abington, Aug. 30, 1798, C.R.1.
Elizabeth F. of Bridgewater, d. ---- of Bridgewater, and Nathan W. Chamberlain of Bridgwater, s. Nathan, Nov. 5, 1844.
Elizabeth M. and Darius Shaw of Abington, int. Feb. 23, 1845.
Eunice B. of W. Bridgewater and Charles B. Reed of W. Bridgewater, Oct. 16, 1831, C.R.2.
George W., 22, shoemaker, s. Seth and Martha, and Lydia W. Thresher, 21, d. Israel and Ruth, Nov. 3, 1845.
Hannah and Christopher Sever, Oct. 17, 1771, C.R.1.
Harlow and Sarah Stetson, Sept. 1, 1795, C.R.1.
Harlow of Boston and Abby R. Newhall, int. May 29, 1836. [m. June 12, C.R.2.]
Jacob of Abington and Mehetable Gannett, Mar. 26, 1778, C.R.1. Mehitable, P.R.5.]
Jacob and Polly Brown, Mar. 22, 1825.
Jacob Jr. of Abington and Annis Dawes, Nov. 2, 1826.
James S. [int. Sumner], 21, painter [int. of Abington], b. Abington, s. Jacob and Mary, and Laura Ann Wade, 19, d. John, Jan. 27, 1848.
Jane of Abington and Ebenezer Spear, ----, 1731, P.R.5.
Jane and William G. Cook, Mar. 4, 1840.
Joan, 17, d. Seth and Martha, and Ezra F. Sampson, 20, shoemaker, s. John P., Nov. 28, 1848.
John and Anna Harden, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
John Jr. of Abington and Lydia Hersey, Dec. 9, 1779, C.R.1. [Hearsey, P.R.5.]
John Jr. and Jenny Stetson, June 23, 1803, C.R.1.
John, widr. [int. omits widr.], 64, farmer, s. John and Lydia, and Susan Packard, wid. [int. omits wid.], 43, Mar. 18, 1847.
John B. and Susan H. White of W. Bridgewater, int. Apr. 19, 1846.
John C. of Bridgewater and Lydia P. Munroe, int. Dec. 2, 1838.
Laura Ann and Jotham C. Pratt, July 3, 1842.
Lucius and Rebecca L. Pratt, int. Apr. 21, 1844.
Lucy Ann, 18, d. Ward and Betsey, and Leander Osborne [int. Osbourn], 20, shoemaker, s. Levi and Judith, Aug. 29, 1847.
Lydia and Robert Dawes, May 28, 1744, C.R.1.
Mary and John Cary, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Mary of Pembroke and Jesse Hayward of Halifax, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Mary S. and David H. Pratt, int. Oct. 31, 1847.
Melvil and Desire S. Hobart of Hanson, int. Aug. 31, 1828.
Nahum and Emily W. French of N. Bridgewater, int. June 7 [1835].
Peleg S. and Sarah White, Nov. 8, 1837.
Pheba and George R. [int. omits R.] Jenkins of Bridgewater, Oct. ----, 1829.
Rebecca and Reuben Harden of Pembroke, July 18, 1783, C.R.1. [Rebecka, P.R.5.]
Reuben of Pembroke and Rebecca Harden, July 18, 1782, C.R.1. [Rebecka, P.R.5.]
Rueben and Abigail B. Lincoln, int. Oct. 24, 1847.
Salome and William French, int. May 17, 1840.
Samuel and Elizabeth Wade, May 16, 1739, C.R.1.
Samuel of Abington and Relief Spear, Jan. 13, 1785, C.R.1.
Sarah and Matthew Allen, Dec. 18, 1734, C.R.1.
HARDIN (see Harden, Harding)
Deborah (---- ----) [Deborah Hardin, see Bridgewater Vital Records] and Thomas Latham, s. James and Deliverance, ----, 1712, G.R.1.
HARDING (see Harden, Hardin)
Maria Augusta and Charles O. Young, int. Mar. 23, 1834. [Charles P., m. Apr. 20, C.R.2.]
Phebe and John Brown, Mar. 26, 1633, P.R.5.
Sally W. and Austin W. Dyer of Hanson, int. May 31, 1846.
Winnifride and Thomas Whitton, Nov. 22, 1739, P.R.5.
Charles Henry of Quincy and Lucia Vinton, int. Dec. 7, 1845.
Sarah of Portland and Roswell Torry, int. Oct. 10, 1824.
HARLOW (see Harlowe)
Abigail and Jonathan Beal, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Betsey B. of Middleboro and John M. Soule, int. July 9, 1848.
Content, wid., and Ebenezer Packard, ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Experience and Daniel Washburn, ----, 1752, P.R.5.
Franklin P. of Abington and Lydia C. White of Abington, Jan. 18, 1849.
Hannah and Stoughton Willis, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Lydia and Benjamin Pratt, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Maria Elizabeth, 22, dressmaker, of Plympton, b. Plymouth, d. Jabez and Betsey, and Horatio William Blanchard, 26, shoe and boot maker, b. Plymton, s. Jonathan and Saba of Plymton, Apr. 13, 1848.
Sarah and Nathan Pratt, ----, 1745, P.R.5.
HARLOWE (see Harlow)
Calvin H. [int. of Braintree] and Fanny Packard, Nov. 29, 1829. [Mr. Harlowe of Braintree, C.R.2.]
Harriet [int. adds N.] and Thomas Pratt, Oct. 26, 1843. [Harriet N., C.R.2.]
Huldah H. and William F. Pratt, int. Oct. 4, 1835. [Harlow, M. Oct. 18, C.R.2.]
Jonathan B. of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, s. ----, of Bridgewater, and Cornelia A. Dunphe of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, d. ---- of Bridgewater, Jan. 2, 1845.
Lucy C. and Branch L. Byram, Oct. 30, 1831.
Stephen Jr. of Middleborough and Bethiah O. Keith, Dec. 22, 1841.
Timothy Jr. and Sarah Hayward of Bridgewater, int. Sept. 11, 1842.
Abiel and Susanna Snell, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Abigail and Thomas Drew of Halifax, ----, 1739, P.R.5.
Abigail, wid., and Jonathan Gannett of Cummington, int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Alice and James Powel, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Ann and John Holman, June 20, 1734, C.R.1. [Anne, P.R.5.]
Arthur and Mehetabel Rickard, Nov. 12, 1730, C.R.1. [Mehitable, P.R.5.]
Arthur and Bethiah Hayward, May 20, 1741, C.R.1.
Arthur and Celia Mitchel, June 14, 1781, C.R.1. [Mitchell, P.R.5.]
Benjamin and Sarah Snow, Dec. 18, 1751, C.R.1.
Benjamin Jr. and Sarah Mitchel, Jan. 27, 1791, C.R.1. [Mitchell, P.R.5.]
Deborah and Bezer Hall of Dorchester, ----, 1811, P.R.5.
Esther and Galen Latham Jr., Dec. ----, [int. Dec. 13], 1835.
James and Elizabeth Bailey, Feb. 14, 1693, P.R.5.
John and Eunice Young, Apr. 29, 1795, C.R.1.
John and Rebecca Woods, ----, 1811, P.R.5.
Lucy and Nehemiah Latham, May 26, 1757, P.R.5.
Martha and Dan Packard, ----, P.R.5.
Sally and Levi Washburn Jr., ----, 1807, P.R.5.
Sarah and James Hayward Jr., ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Sarah and Francis Gray of Boston, Nov. 6, 1777, C.R.1.
Seth and Abiah Alden, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Seth Jr. and Susanna Warren, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Seth and Mary Phillips, wid. Eliphalet, wid. ---- Howard, ----, P.R.5.
Sidney of W. Bridgewater and Susan Packard of N. Bridgewater, Apr. 26, 1832, C.R.2.
Susanna, d. Isaac, and Jeremiah Newland, ----, 1696, P.R.5.
Susanna and Joseph Wilbor, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
William and Alice Mitchel, May 14, 1788, C.R.1. [Mitchell, P.R.5.]
Daniel and Mehitabel Copeland, int. ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Experience and Jonathan Leach Jr. [int. 2d], ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Isaac and Abihail Lathrop, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Martha and Joshua Packard Jr., ----, 1756, P.R.5.
Mary and Abner Shirley of Raynham, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Nathan and Susanna Field, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Nathan and Sarah Bonney, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Ruhamah and Josiah Snell Jr., ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Samuel and Susanna Burr of Norton, int.----, [1782], P.R.5.
Sarah and Joseph Carver Jr., ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Silence and Seth Lathrop, int. ----, 1754, "forbidden," P.R.5.
Silence and Robert Keith Jr., ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Susanna and Asa Keith [dup. 2d], int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Abthia and Nathan Williams of Raynham, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Bethiah and John Hayward, ----, 1759 P.R.5.
Bezar and Ruth Carver, ----, 1795, P.R.5.
Daniel and Mehitabel Ames, ----, 1795, P.R.5.
David and Content Byram, ----, 1756, P.R.5.
David Jr., s. David and Content, and Olive Dunbar, ----, 1803, P.R.5.
Edmund [dup. of Woodstock, Vt.] and Mary Harvey, int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Elisabeth and Jonathan Whitman, Nov. 3, 1747, C.R.1. [Elizabeth, P.R.5.]
Joseph 3d and Betty Keith, wid., ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Joseph Jr. and Keziah Washburn, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Keziah and Nathan Keith, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Marshall and Orpah Edson, int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Martha and Daniel Ripley, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Mary and Charles Cushman, Dec. 10, 1739, C.R.1.
Mary and Edmund Williams of Raynham, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Mary and Edmund Harvey [dup. of Woodstock, Vt.], int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Mehitabel and Caleb Orcutt, ----, 1739 [dup. 1738], P.R.5.
Nathaniel Jr. and Bethiah Hayward, ----, 1766, P.R.5.
----, and Elizabeth Willis, d. John, ----, P.R.5.
Calvin of N. Bridgewater and Zilpha W. Palmer, int. May 16, 1829.
David and Jemima Norton, ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Deborah and Joseph Joslyn Jr., int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Hercules and Amanda Munroe of Hallifax, int. Oct. 7, 1832.
Isaac and Marcia Chandler of Pembroke, int. June 28, 1829.
Lovisa and John Willet of Abington, Sept. 17, 1799, C.R.1. [Louisa, P.R.5.]
Lucy of Hingham and Micah White, ----, 1771, P.R.5.
Luther of Hanover and Molly Whitman, Sept. 13, 1790, C.R.1.
- Mary and Thomas Phillips Jr., June 19, 1755, C.R.1.
Mary and Ichabod Howland of Pembroke, Feb. 17, 1780, C.R.1.
Mercy and Joseph Noyes of Abington, Jan. 9, 1766, C.R.1.
Sarah Ann and John Thayer, Apr. 28, 1844.
Sarah S. and Barnabas H. Bryant of Chelmsford, int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Thirza and Seth Beals of Pembroke, July 16, 1799, C.R.1.
Walter and Eunice Kingman, Oct. 5, 1780, C.R.1.
Bethiah B., 20, school mistress, d. Cushman and Mary F., and George Phillips, 20, carpenter, b. Hanson, s. Ezra and Lucy of Hanson, June 8, 1845.
Cushman and Hannah Osbourn, int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Ebenezer and Lucia Hill of Halifax, int. Nov. 10, 1839.
John H. [int. Col.] and Harriet G. Holmes [int. of Bridgewater], Aug. 21, 1837. [Col. John H. and Harriet G. Holmes of Bridgewater, C.R.2.]
Joseph T. and Marcy S. Wright of Scituate, int. Apr. 14, 1844.
Josiah Jr. of Halifax and Hannah Latham, Dec. 4, 1766, C.R.1.
Josiah, 37, farmer, s. Ebenezer and Chloe, and Mary C. Richmond, 22, of W. Bridgewater, b. W. Bridgewater, d. Enoch and Susanna of W. Bridgewater, Nov. 8, 1848.
Lazarus of Middleborough and Olive Pratt, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Loranus S., 20, shoemaker, s. Seabury and Sarah, and Henrietta German, 19, Oct. 10, 1847.
Ruth and Chipman Porter of Halifax, int. Nov. 6, 1825.
Sarah and Wadsworth Phillips, Oct. 9, 1823.
HAWARD (see Hayward, Howard)
Elizabeth and John Ames, Oct. 20, 1645, P.R.5.
Martha and Zebedee Snell, ----, 1761, P.R.5.
Jonathan and Hannah Cushman of Halifax, ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Josiah and Silence Howard, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Lewis W. and Hannah Conant Of Bridgewater, int. Dec. 24, 1836.
Lydia and Samuel Lathrop, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Sarah and Francis Drake, ----, 1775, P.R.5.
HAYFORD (see Heiford)
Edward and Ruth Bryant, int. ----, 1709, P.R.5.
Edward and Lenity Kingman, May 19, 1779, C.R.1.
HAYNES (see Haines).
HAYWARD (see Haward, Howard)
Abby and Isaac Eames, ----, 1811, P.R.5.
Abigail and Beriah Willis, ----, 1759 P.R.5.
Abigail [int. Howard of Easton] and Abner Hayward Jr., ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Abigal of Kingston and Alfred Whitman, int. Sept. 1, 1833.
Abner Jr. and Abigail Hayward [int. Howard of Easton], ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Abner and Grace Turner, int. ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Alice and Joseph Drake, ----, 1727, P.R.5.
Alice and Joseph Pratt 2d, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Alice and Jeremiah Leach, ----, P.R.5.
Amos and Mary Ripley, int. ----, 1766, P.R.5.
Ann of W. Bridgewater and Benjamin S. Kingman, int. May 22, 1836. [m. June 14, C.R.2.]
Anna and Solomon Shaw, ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Anna and Henry Munroe Jr. of Bridgewater, Oct. 2, 1825.
Azariah and Ann Pratt, ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Benjamin and Sarah Cary, Jan. 6, 1741-2, C.R.1.
Benjamin Jr. and Mary Benson, int. ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Benjamin and Abigail Perkins, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Benoni and Hannah Page, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Bethiah and Arthur Harris, May 20, 1741, C.R.1.
Bethiah [int. Bethia] and Thomas Willis of Taunton, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Bethiah and Zephaniah Willis, ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Bethiah and Nathaniel Harvey Jr., ----, 1766, P.R.5.
Bethya and Jonathan Perkins, Jan. 17, 1737-8, C.R.1. [Bethiah, P.R.5.]
Betsey W. and Samuel D. Shaw, Jan. 29, 1835.
Betty and Nathaniel Manly, int. ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Betty and John Hayward, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Beza and Abigail Alden of Duxbury, int. ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Caleb and Persis Hayward, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Cary and Mary Tomson, int. ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Charity and David Benson, int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Charles of Bridgewater and Sarah W. Washburn, Jan. [int. Jan. 1], 1832.
Constant and Hannah Keen, ----, 1808, P.R.5.
Cornelia A., 19, d. Otho, and Nehemiah Lincoln Jr., 22, teacher, of N. Bridgewater, s. Nehemiah, Feb. 14, 1847.
Daniel and Abigail Davenport, ----, 1761, P.R.5.
Daniel and Bethiah Howard, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Eben and Elizabeth Hanmer, ----, 1750, P.R.5.
Edmund and Anna Snell, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Edward Esq. of Easton and Kezia White, abt. 1749, P.R.5.
Edward of Easton and Zilpha Leach, ----, 1760, P.R.5.
Edward and Jenny Mitchell, int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Elijah and Silence Snell, Feb. 14, 1750-1, C.R.1.
Elijah and Eliza Kingman, ----, 1809, P.R.5.
Elisha Jr. and Elizabeth Washburn, ----, 1740, P.R.5.
Elisha and Abigail Eddy, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
Elisha [int. Jr.] and Molly Blanchard of Stoughton, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Elizabeth and John Bolton Jr., ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Elizabeth B. of Plymton and Sidney Allen, int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Experience and Benjamin Price, int. ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Ezra and Lydia Lee, ----, 1757, P.R.5.
Francis, 21, shoemaker, s. Waldo, and Hannah H. Mitchell, 21, housekeeper, d. William and Lusannah, Sept. 1, 1844.
Hannah and Oliver Cheney of Pomfret, ----, 1744, P.R.5.
Hannah and Ephraim Cleaveland, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
Hannah and Thomas Hayward, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Hepza and Rotheus Mitchel, Apr. 3, 1783, C.R.1. [Hepzibah and Rotheus Mitchell, P.R.5.]
Huldah and Calvin Pierce of Scituate, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Isaac and Martha Perkins, wid., May 15, 1728, C.R.1.
Isaiah and Sarah Bartlett, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Jacob and Tabitha Hayward, ----, 1742, P.R.5.
Jacob 3d and Joanna Snell, ----, 1759, P.R.5.
James Jr. and Sarah Harris, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Jane and Benjamin Pierce Jr., ----, 1750, P.R.5.
Jesse of Halifax and Mary Harden of Pembroke, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
John and Bethiah Harvey, ----, 1759, P.R.5.
John and Betty Hayward, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
John C., widr., 33, carpenter, of Bridgewater, s. Ziba and Sarah of Bridgewater, and Emily W. Hammatt, 21, of Bridgewater, d. James (Hammat) and Sarah, June 1, 1848. [Hammett, C.R.2.]
Jonathan of Easton and Sarah Leach, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Jonathan and Mary Johnson, int. ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Joseph of Raynham and Mary Cohoon, ----, 1744, P.R.5.
Joseph and Olive Manly, ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Josiah and Sarah Moore, wid., Oct. 11, 1738, C.R.1.
Josiah and Mary Perkins, ----, 1742, P.R.5.
Josiah Jr. and Mary Dunham, ----, 1756, P.R.5.
Julia A. of N. Bridgewater and Melzer Kingman, Sept. ----, 1833.
Kinsley [int. Kinsly] of Bridgewater and Sarah Osbourn, Aug. ----, [int. July 21], 1833.
Lois and Moses Symmons, Nov. 23, 1769, C.R.1. [Simmonds [int. Simmons], P.R.5.]
Lovina of Stoughton and Waldo Hayward, int. Feb. 7, 1836.
Lucretia O. of Bridgewater and William L. Gordon of Bridgewater, Sept. 1, 1844, C.R.1.
Lucy B. and Isaac K. Lyon, Nov. 26, 1837.
Luther and Betty Willis, ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Lydia and James Perigo, ----, 1728, P.R.5.
Lydia P. of Bridgewater and Peleg Osbourn Jr., Nov. 10, 1834. [Lydia P., 13, of Bridgewater, and Peleg Osborne Jr., 17, C.R.2.]
Martha and Joseph Perkins, ----, 1761, P.R.5.
Mary and David Kingman, ----, 1732, P.R.5.
Mary and Samuel Dunbar, ----, 1745, P.R.5.
Mary and Benjamin Marshall, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Mary and Daniel Howard, ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Mary and Zebedee Snell, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Mehitabel and Samuel Edson, ----, 1738, P.R.5.
Mehitable and Edward Keith, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Mercy and Elisha Dunbar, ----, 1727, P.R.5.
Molly and Robert Edson, int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Naomi and Joseph Alger Jr., ----, 1747 P.R.5.
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Curtis of Halifax, ----, P.R.5.
Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Packard, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Nathaniel and Hannah Soul of Plympton, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Olive and Joseph Fobes of Easton, int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Oliver and Susanna Reynolds, ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Oliver and Anna Washburn, Aug. 31, 1797, C.R.1. [Ann, P.R.5.]
Otho and Rowena Howard of W. Bridgewater, int. Nov. 2, 1823.
Persis and Caleb Hayward, ----, 1773 P.R.5.
Phebe and Josiah Washburn Jr., int. ----, 1753, P.R.5.
Phineas and Mrs. Betsey Alden, int. Jan. 37 [sic], 1839. [Betsey, wid., m. Feb. 28, C.R.2.]
- Polly A., 20, d. Waldo and Nancy, and Eli H. Richards, 21, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, b. W. Bridgewater, s. Luther and Jane of W. Bridgewater, Nov. 5, 1845.
Robert and Hannah Keith, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Sally [int. Sarah], Mrs., wid. [int. omits wid.], 59, of Bridgewater, d. Benjamin Bosworth and Hannah of Halifax, and Thomas Parris, widr. [int. omits widr.], 52, shoe maker, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1845.
Saphronia M. of Bridgewater and Willard Whitman, int. Feb. 14, 1830.
Sarah [Hayward, see Bridgewater Vital Records] and Joseph Latham, s. James and Deliverance, ----, 1717, G.R.1.
Sarah and Josiah Winslow of Freetown, ----, 1721, P.R.5.
Sarah and Issachar Snell, ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Sarah and Isaac Buck, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Sarah of Raynham and Levi Edson, int. ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Sarah of Bridgewater and Timothy Harlowe Jr., int. Sept. 11, 1842.
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah and Cyrus Alger of W. Bridgewater, int. May 2, 1847. [m. May 25, C.R.2.]
Seth and Tabitha Pratt, ----, 1748, P.R.5.
Silas and Mary Thayer, ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Silence and Benjamin Price, int. ---- 1743, P.R.5.
Silvanus and Sarah Snow, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Simeon and Mary Bessee, ----, 1757, P.R.5.
Solomon and Zerviah Washburn, ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Sophronia M. (see Saphronia M.).
Sumner A. of N. Bridgewater and Cynthia B. Washburn of N. Bridgewater, Nov. 27, 1834, C.R.2.
Susan D. and Josiah P. Reynolds, Apr. 18, 1841.
Susanna and David Whitman, July 13, 1738, C.R.1. [July 1, P.R.5.]
Susanna and David Dunbar, ----, 1738, P.R.5.
Susanna and Jesse Edson 2d, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Susanna and James Thacher, int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Tabitha and Jacob Hayward, ----, 1742, P.R.5.
Thomas and Elizabeth Byram, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Thomas and Hannah Hayward, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Timothy and Mary Read, wid., Nov. 12, 1730, C.R.1.
Timothy and Hannah Pratt, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Waldo and Lucy Bartlett, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Waldo and Lovina Hayward of Stoughton, int. Feb. 7, 1836.
- Waldo Jr. and Mary Richards, int. Oct. 14, 1838. [m. Nov. 4, C.R.2.]
Zadok of Plymouth and Experience Bearse, May 12, 1768, C.R.1. [Zadock and Experience Bearce, P.R.5.]
Ziba and Lucy Conant, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
----, of Bridgewater and Adriann Sampson of Bridgewater, June 13, 1841, C.R.2.
----, Mr., of Bridgewater, and Miss ---- Rider of Bridgewater, July 4, 1841, C.R.2.
HEARSEY (see Hersey)
David and Esther Reed, int. ----, 1707, P.R.5.
Deborah and William Tyrell, int. ----, 1709, P.R.5.
Frances and Richard Croade, ----, 1656, in Hingham, P.R.5.
Joseph Jr. of Abington and Sarah White, Aug. 29, 1799, C.R.1.
Mehitable and Samuel Pool 2d, int. Aug. 31, 1826.
Molly and David Churchell Jr., June 1, 1797, C.R.1. [Churchill Jr., P.R.5.]
Obadiah of Abington and Naomi Reed, Apr. 17, 1777, C.R.1. [Obediah, P.R.5.]
Sarah and Luther Lazell, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Solomon Jr. and Sylvia Gurney, Jan. 13, 1802, C.R.1. [Silvia, P.R.5.]
Susanna and Achish Pool, Nov. 14, 1799, C.R.1.
Thomas of Abington and Deborah Pool, Feb. 7, 1793, C.R.1.
Adeline, 21, of Abington [int. S. Abington], d. Timothy and Susan, and Lewis G. Coburn [int. Cobourn], 24, merchants clerk, s. George and Elizabeth, June 17, 1847.
Mary and Hezekiah Egerton, Jan. 15, 1754, [Hedgeborne [dup. Hitchborn], P.R.5.]
HEIFORD (see Hayford)
John and Lydia Pierce, ----, 1706, P.R.5.
John and Sarah Conant, ----, 1754, P.R.5.
James and Mehetabel Hall, May 17, 1770, C.R.1. [Hendry [dup. Hendrey] and Mehitable [dup. Mehitabel] Hall, P.R.5.]
Hannah and Samuel Beal of Abington, int. Aug. 13, 1842.
HERSEY (see Hearsey)
Dolly (see Polly).
Lydia and John Harden Jr. of Abington, Dec. 9, 1779, C.R.1. [Hearsey, P.R.5.]
- Mehitable [int. Hearsey] and Ellis Holmes, May 31, 1830. [Hearsey, C.R.2.]
Polly [int. Dolly Hearsey] and Thomas R. Alden, May 7, 1828.
William [int. Hearsey] and Abigail Dawes, Jan. 3, 1828.
Thomas, Capt., of Marshfield, and Crissa W. Munroe of Hanson, Jan. 26, 1840, C.R.2.
Jacob of Stoughton and Hannah Alger, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
James and Alice Carney of S. Weymouth, int. Aug. 26, 1849.
Abijah and Sarah Lawson, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
Anna and Joseph Vinton of Braintree, Sept. 30, 1774, C.R.1.
Anna and Ephraim Cary Jr., ----, 1809, P.R.5.
Bela and Jane B. Orr, Aug. ----, [int. Aug. 1], 1829.
Cushman D. and Lucy Thomas, int. Oct. 4, 1840.
David and Mary Buck, Dec. 11, 1733, C.R.1.
Ebenezer and Bathsheba Rogers of Weymouth, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Eleazar and Anna Field, Jan. 30, 1769, C.R.1.
Eunice and Abraham Josselyn Jr. of Pembrook, May 18, 1769, C.R.1. [Joslyn Jr., P.R.5.]
Hannah of Hanson and Hervey Keen, int. Nov. 13, 1831.
Israel and Beriah Latham, ----, 1748, P.R.5.
Jacob and Abigail Bonney, int. ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Jacob Jr. [dup. and int. omit Jr.] and Ann Tribou, ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Jerusha and William Snow, Apr. 18, 1776, C.R.1.
Josiah and Abigail Beal, Sept. 16, 1779, C.R.1.
Leonard and Parmelia Cushing of Bridgewater, int. Mar. 27, 1836. [Pamelia of Bridgewater, m. Apr. 11, C.R.2.]
Lois and Pompey Freeman of Bedford, "Free Negroes," Jan. 20, 1773, C.R.1.
Lucia of Halifax and Ebenezer Hathaway, int. Nov. 10, 1839.
Marcia M. and Levi W. Noyes of Hanson, int. Oct. 23, 1842.
Mary and Benaiah Smith of Easton, Nov. 22, 1738, C.R.1.
Mary and Nathaniel Ames, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Melzar and Mary Howland, ----, 1813, P.R.5.
Molly and Nehemiah Shaw, Nov. 16, 1775, C.R.1.
Noah and Hannah Beal, int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Sarah, wid., and Nathaniel Sowther, ----, 1653, in Boston, P.R.5.
Susanna and John Smith, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
HINCKLEY (see Hinkley)
Abigail and Stephen Cobb of Walpole, ----, 1735, P.R.5.
Ebenezer and Lydia Bartlett, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Susanna and Henry Chamberlin, ----, 1740, P.R.5.
Elijah R. and Rebecca T. Newhall, int. Apr. 29, 1838. [m. June 3, C.R.2.]
HTTCHBORN (see Hegbone)
Daniel [int. Hitchcock] of Hanson and Mary Kingman, Dec. 20, 1840. [Hitchcock, C.R.2.]
Robert of Middleborough and Sarah Willis, ----, 1744, P.R.5.
Abigail [int. Abigail] A. of Abington and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] John S. Champney, June 14, 1827.
Anna of Pembroke and Joseph Gannett, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Benjamin and Lucy Lazell, ----, 1811, P.R.5.
Desire S. of Hanson and Melvil Harden, int. Aug. 31, 1828.
John (see John Hubbard).
Lettice B. of Hanson and Oakes Reed, int. June 24, 1832.
Lucy of Hanson and Horace [int. Horacey] Thayer, Aug. 7, 1842.
Noah of Abington and Deborah Winslow Thomas, Nov. 5, 1789, C.R.1.
Sally of Abington and John S. Champney, Aug. 21, 1823.
Seth and Esther Allen, Aug. 7, 1782, C.R.1.
Susan A., 30, d. Aaron and Maria, and Eliab Latham, 28, farmer, s. Galen and Susan A., Sept. 8, 1846.
Thomas and Eliza A. Whiting, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Mary J. and James D. Littlefield of Newtown, int. Oct. 9, 1842.
Arvin of Boston and Sarah J. Keen, Oct. ---- [int. Sept. 29], 1833.
Mary of Braintree and Abiezer Packard, ----, 1764, P.R.5.
Mary and James Thomas, ----, 1810, P.R.5.
William of Weymouth and Mrs. Lucy P. Gannett, int. June 22, 1845.
Anna, wid., and Adam Kingman, ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Samuel 2d of Randolph and Sylvia Bisbee, int. June 20, 1824.
HOLLOWAY (see Halloway)
Jonathan [dup. Hollaway] and Elizabeth Brown, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Abigail and Seth Keith, Dec. 27, 1764, C.R.1.
Ann and Benjamin Byram, Apr. 6, 1757, C.R.1.
Jane and Ephraim Cary Jr., Dec. 25, 1771, C.R.1.
John and Ann Harris, June 20, 1734, C.R.1. [Anne, P.R.5.]
Mary and Ezra Cary, Feb. 8, 1736-7, C.R.1.
Peggie and John Johnson, Oct. 21, 1731, C.R.1.
Sarah and James Keith, Oct. 26, 1752, C.R.1.
Alphonso B. of W. Bridgewater and Fidelia A. Wright, int. Sept. 17, 1848.
Andrew B. and Betsey J. Richards of W. Bridgewater, int. Apr. 5, 1846. [m. Apr. 30, C.R.2.]
Benjamin of Norton and Mehitabel Howard, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Betty of Middleborough and Lot Conant, ----, 1744, P.R.5.
Ellis and Mehitable Hersey [int. Hearsey], May 31, 1830. [Hearsey, C.R.2.]
Ellis W. of Middleborough dand Susan Francis Keith, int. Aug. 26, 1838.
Ephraim and Margaret Washburn, ----, 1741, P.R.5.
Eunice and Ben Sprague, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Eunice and Nahum Keith, Apr. 25, 1814.
Experience and Eben Perkins, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Franklin, 23, shoemaker, s. Ellis and Lois, and Lucia Keith, 18, d. Elbridge and Thankful, Mar. 7, 1848.
Hannah of Halifax and Barna Snell, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Harriet G. [int. of Bridgewater] and [int. Col.] John H. Hathaway, Aug. 21, 1837. [Harriet G. of Bridgewater and Col. John H. Hathaway, C.R.2.]
Huldah of S. Bridgewater and Walter Tribou, int. Nov. 23, 1828.
John, 22, shoemaker, of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, s. Howland and Hannah of Bridgewater, and Sarah F. Bird, 21, d. Elijah and Sarah, Apr. 8, 1847.
Louesa B. and Charles H. Sampson of Middleborough, int. May 17 [1835]. [In. June 21, C.R.2.]
Lydia and Luke Worcester of Dedham, int. Nov. 28, 1833. [m. Dec. 12, C.R.2.]
Martin of Halifax and Sarah Dawes, May 16, 1837.
Martin D. 22, farmer, of Bridgewater, s. Elijah and Sarah L., and Philibert K. Perkins, 18, of Bridgewater, d. Francis and Betsey, Dec. 17, 1848.
- Melvin of Halifax and Hannah Wade, May 21, 1801, C.R.1. [Melvill Holmes, P.R.5.]
Minerva A. of Bridgewater and Freedom Keith, int. Jan. 30, 1848.
Rebecca H. of Bridgewater and George Andrews, Oct. 30, 1831.
Sarah and Jonathan Carver, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
William and Elisabeth Hamblin, Nov. 5, 1750, C.R.1. [Elizabeth Hamlin, P.R.5.]
Abihail and Solomon Pratt, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Ann and Robert Wallis of Pembroke, ----, 1752, P.R.5.
Betty and Benjamin Conant, ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Charles L., 25, b. Bridgewater, s. Lyman and Hannah, and Susan R. Shaw, 19, d. Martin and Susan, May 17, 1849.
Cornelius E. and Salome P. Thayer, int. Oct. 2, 1841.
David and Martha Shaw of Middleborough, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Deborah, wid., and William Donham of Plymouth, Feb. 1, 1781, C.R.1. [Dunham, P.R.5.]
Ebenezer and Relief Bartlett, ----, 1761, P.R.5.
Isaac and Sarah Woods, ----, 1799, P.R.5.
James Jr. and Susanna] Washburn, ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Jerusha and Robert Latham, Nov. 18, 1778, C.R.1.
John and Sarah Pool, ----, 1766, P.R.5.
John and Hannah Cowing, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Joseph C. of Bridgewater and Harriet N. Edson, int. Jan. 19, 1840.
Levi and Susanna Leach, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Mary and Zephaniah Keith, ----, 1750, P.R.5.
Mary and James Perkins, ----, 1771, P.R.5.
Millicent and Daniel Keith Jr., int. ----, 1766, P.R.5.
Patience and Moses Robins of Middleborough, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Rebecca and Joseph Copeland, ----, 1760, P.R.5.
Sarah and Stephen Leach, ----, 1725, P.R.5.
Sarah and Stephen Leach, Feb. 7, 1748-9, C.R.1.
Sarah and Nehmiah Liscomb of Stoughton, 1760, P.R.5.
Sarah and Thomas Lawrence, ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Susanna and Rufus Woods, ----, 1799, P.R.5.
Zilphah and Jabez Warren of Middleborough, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Benjamin H. of Coventry, R.I., and Sarah Ann Conant, Nov. 4, 1841.
Matilda W. of Bridgewater and Elbridge Curtis, int. Nov. 19, 1837.
Sarah of Plymouth and Benjamin Edson, Dec. 4, 1660, P.R.5.
HOW (see Howe, Howses)
Martin and Lurana Lindsay, ----, 1820, P.R.5.
HOWARD (see Haward, Hayward)
Abigail and Edward Lathrop Jr., ----, 1752, P.R.5.
Abigail and Timothy Ames, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Abigail and Thomas Mitchell of Easton, ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Abigail and Jonathan Perkins Jr., int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Abigail, d. Col. Caleb, and Daniel Howard 4th, ----, 1805, P.R.5.
Adam and Mary Keith, ----, 1759, P.R.5.
Amasa and Molly Howard, ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Amy and Jeremiah Belcher, ----, 1756, P.R.5.
Ann and George Williams, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Ann and Jacob Foster, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Ann K. of W. Bridgewater and Hiram White of Chelmsford, June 7, 1832, C.R.2.
Assenith of W. Bridgewater and Cyrus Alger of Easton, Nov. 17, 1832, C.R.2.
Bathsheba and Spencer Lothrop, ----, 1812, P.R.5.
Bethiah and Daniel Hayward, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Betty and Joseph Ford, July 6, 1769, C.R.1.
Betty [Howard, o written above ay crossed out] and Nathan Snell, ----, 1770, P.R.5.
Betty and Edmund Lathrop of Easton, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Betty and Abijah Thayer, ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Catharine and Nathaniel Southworth, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Celeista of W. Bridgewater and John A. Whiting, int. Jan. 3, 1830.
Damaris and John French, ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Daniel and Mary Hayward, ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Daniel and Vesta Howard, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Daniel [dup. Judge] and Abigail Packard [dup. d. Capt. Isaac and Abigail (Porter)], ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Daniel 3d and Susanna Kingman, Nov. 4, 1802, C.R.1.
Daniel 4th and Abigail Howard, d. Col. Caleb, ----, 1805, P.R.5.
David Jr. and Kezia Ames, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
David and Molly Kingman, ----, 1778, P.R.5.
- David and Rebecca Whitman, Nov. 14, 1791, C.R.1.
David [int. of W. Bridgewater] and Rebecca Gurney, Apr. 9, 1827.
Ebenezer and Silence Snell, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Edward Jr. and Melly Howard, int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Edwin of W. Bridgewater and Eliza Ann Douglass, int. Dec. 19, 1847.
Ephraim Jr. and Hannah Brett, ----, 1753, P.R.5.
George and Abigail Copeland, ----, 1745, P.R.5.
George Jr. and Parnel Ames, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Hannah and Daniel Lathrop Jr., ----, 1764, P.R.5.
James and Bethiah Willis, ----, 1749, P.R.5.
James and Elizabeth Babbitt, wid., int ----, 1765, P.R.5.
James Jr. and Abigail Snell, ----, 1775, P.R.5.
James and Mrs. Kezia [int. Keziah, omits Mrs.] Ames, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Jane and Nathan Howard, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Jane and Ebenezer Ames, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Jane and Luther Burr, ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Jesse and Melatiah Dunbar, ----, 1761, P.R.5.
Job and Hannah Capen of Dorchester, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
John Jr. and Abigail Hudson, Dec. 28, 1752, C.R.1.
John 2d and Mercy Fobes, int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
John Jr. and Silence Burr, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Jonathan Jr. and Phebe Ames, ----, 1756, P.R.5.
Jonathan and Martha Willis, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Joshua and Priscilla Capen of Stoughton, int. ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Keziah and Jotham Ames, ----, 1767, P.R.5.
Lois and Henery Parris, Oct. 31, 1836.
Lucy T. of W. Bridgewater and Charles E. Churchell of W. Bridgewater, June 16, 1844, C.R.2.
Martha and Zadock Packard, int. ----, 1779, P.R.5.
Martha, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 42, of Newtown [int. Newton], d. Abia Southworth and Kezia, and Robert
Curtis, widr. [int. omits widr.], 50, bookkeeper, s. Simeon and Bathshewa, Nov. 1, 1849.
Mary and David Lathrop, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Mary, Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], and [dup. Capt.] Eliphalet Phillips, ----, 1762, P.R.5.
Mary and Chilton Latham, ----, 1770, P.R.5.
Mary [int. wid.] and Bamabas Dunbar, ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Mary Ann of N. Bridgewater and William Faxon of N. Bridgewater, July 31, 1825.
- Mehitabel and Benjamin Holmes of Norton, int. ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Mehitable and Libeus Fobes, ----, 1775, P.R.5.
Melly and Edward Howard Jr., int. ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Molly and Benjamin Pettingill of Easton, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Molly and Amasa Howard, ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Nathan and Jane Howard, ----, 1746, P.R.5.
Nehemiah and Hannah Dean of Easton, int. ----, P.R.5.
Parnel and Scotland Keith of Easton, ----, 1772, P.R.5.
Patty and Azel Kinsley, ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Phebe and Daniel Manly Jr. [int. Manley, omits Jr.], ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Phineas Jr., 20, shoemaker, of Abington [int. S. Abington], s. Phineas and Deborah, and Elizabeth Kingman, 16, d. David and Mary, Sept. 30, 1846.
Rachel and Israel Alger, ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Robert Jr. and Abigail Snell, ----, 1757, P.R.5.
Rowena of W. Bridgewater and Otho Hayward, int. Nov. 2, 1823.
Sally of W. Bridgewater and Thomas G. Clark of W. Bridgewater, Sept. 12, 1824.
Sarah and Adams Bayley, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
Sarah and Abiel Kinsley of Easton, int. ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Sarah and Daniel Alger Jr., int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Sarah, d. Nathan Esq., and Caleb Packard, ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Sarah and Abel Dunbar, int. ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Seth and Desire Bailey, ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Silence and Eliphalet Leonard of Easton, int. ----, 1755, P.R.5.
Silence and Philip Bryant, ----, 1757, P.R.5.
Silence and Josiah Hayden, ----, 1763, P.R.5.
Silvia and Ebenezer Bailey, ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Susanna and Oakes Angier, ----, 1774, P.R.5.
Susanna and Josiah Lathrop, ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Thaddeus and Kezia Ames, ---- 1785, P.R.5.
Theodora of Braintree and Seth Edson, int. ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Theophilus and Susanna Lathrop, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
Theophilus [dup. Jr.] and Bathsheba Keith of Easton, int. ----, 1778, P.R.5.
Vesta and Daniel Howard, ----, 1773, P.R.5.
Zephaniah and Jennet Latham, Feb. 24, 1800, C.R.1. [Jennet, wid., P.R.5.]
HOWE (see How, Howses)
George L. and Elvira M. Eldridge of Dorchester, int. Dec. 9, 1849.
Olive and Joseph Shaw, Oct. 12, 1829.
Philip H., 21, shoemaker, of Abington, b. Abington, s. Gardner and Jane of Abington, and Abby S. Richmond, 17, d. Simeon and Pheba, Aug. 26, 1845.
HOWEL (see Howell)
Sarah [dup. Howell] and Cornelius White, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
HOWELL (see Howel)
Daniel and Deliverance Latham, Jan. 18, 1743-4, C.R.1. [David, P.R.5.]
Hannah [dup. Howel] and Ephraim Marvel [dup. Marvell], ----, 1738, P.R.5.
Jeremy and Lydia Packard, int. ----, 1718, P.R.5.
Lydia and Joseph Peterson, ----, P.R.5.
Ichabod of Pembroke and Mary Hatch, Feb. 17, 1780, C.R.1.
Joseph D. [int. B.] of Hanson and Mary Whitman, Dec. 8, 1839. [Joseph D. of Hanson, C.R.2.]
Mary and Melzar Hill, ----, 1813, P.R.5.
Mehitable, 19, and George F. Willis, 28, carpenter, of Kingston, b. Kingston, s. ---- of Kingston, Sept. 15, 1849.
Michael and Eliza Bartlett of Plymouth, int. Nov. 4, 1827.
Priscilla and Peter Bennet, ----, 1700, P.R.5.
Warren and Deborah Bates, int. Oct. 25, 1840.
HOWSES (see How, Howe)
Mary [Howses written above Dillingham crossed out] and Nicholas Whitman, ----, P.R.5.
Sarah and Thomas Conant, int. Mar. 7, 1847.
John of Abington and Mary Allen, Dec. 5, 1765, C.R.1. [John Hobart, P.R.5.]
Abigail and John Howard Jr., Dec. 28, 1752, C.R.1.
Betsey and Calvin Keith, Apr. 5, 1840. [Betsey, wid., C.R.2.]
Betsy and Rev. William Briggs, Nov. 14, 1799, C.R.1.
Daniel and Abigail Fobes, ----, 1739, P.R.5.
Daniel and Mercy Snell, ----, P.R.5.
Eli and Sarah Perkins, ----, 1776, P.R.5.
Eliza of Halifax and Benjamin F. H. Parris, int. Aug. 25, 1844.
Hannah and Cyrus Edson, Mar. 15, 1797, C.R.1.
John and Bethiah Otis, Oct. 2, 1769, C.R.1.
- John, 22, shoemaker, s. Melzar, and Sarah C. [int. E.] Thurston, 18, d. John and Phoeba, Dec. 3, 1846.
John O. and Caroline Barstow of Pembroke, int. Jan. 7, 1833.
Mary and Isaac Lazell, Oct. 29, 1719, P.R.5.
Mary and Nathan Alden, Jan. 16, 1749-50, C.R.1.
Mary and John Quincy Keith, Nov. 29, 1792, C.R.1.
Mehitabel and Jonathan Kingman Jr., Feb. 19, 1793, C.R.1. [Mehitable, P.R.5.]
Nabby and Jonathan Snell, ----, 1809, P.R.5.
Nathan and Betty Gannet, Nov. 26, 1767, C.R.1. [Gannett, P.R.5.]
Nathan and Anne Gibbs, ----, 1777, P.R.5.
Reliance and Samuel Billing of Stoughton, Nov. 23, 1756, C.R.1. [Billings, P.R.5.]
Samantha S. (see Semantha S.)
Sarah and John Ward of Middleton, int.----, 1768, P.R.5.
Sarah A. [int. Ann] and Charles Barstow [int. Barstowe] of Pembroke, Apr. ----, [int. Mar. 31], 1833.
Semantha [int. Sementha] S. and Holman Keith, Dec. 7, 1841. [Semanthe, C.R.2.]
William and Sarah Fobes, ----, 1737, P.R.5.
William and Mary Scharp [int. Sharp], Dec. 15, 1839. [Sharp, C.R.2.]
Mary, Mrs., of Boston, and Richard Perkins, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Mary Ann of Abington and Charles H. Davis of Abington, Dec. 8, 1833, C.R.2.
Susanna of Middleborough and Henry Washburn Jr., int. ----, 1768, P.R.5.
Mary and Alexander Munro, June 25, 1776, C.R.1.
Sarah S. of Chelsea and Joseph Copeland Jr., ----, 1808, P.R.5.
Eliza and Wallace Rust, Sept. 8, 1824.
Ephraim of Rehoboth and Mary Angier, Oct. 15, 1767, C.R.1.
Ephraim and Mary Dresser [Dresser written above Carpenter crossed out], ----, P.R.5.
Nathan D. and Elizabeth C. Mitchell, Oct. ----, [int. Sept. 29], 1833.
Olive H. of Scituate and Josiah Richmond, int. July 15, 1849.
John of N. Bridgewater and Elizabeth A. Merrill of Hanover, Nov. ----, 1832.
INGLEE (see Ingley)
Solomon of Halifax and Bathsheba Orr, Apr. 15, 1783, C.R.1.
INGLEY (see Inglee)
Jane and Nathan Orcut, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Abner C. of Halifax and Mary [int. Lydia] S. Wade, Oct. 27, 1841. [Mary S., C.R.2.]
Ephraim and Lydia Leach, ----, 1736, P.R.5.
Ephraim and Bathsheba Trask, ----, 1765, P.R.5.
Ephraim and Hannah Delano, ----, 1784, P.R.5.
Hannah and Barnabas Keith, ----, 1771, P.R.5.
Henry and Mehitabel Alden, Aug. 24, 1786, C.R.1. [Mehitable, P.R.5.]
Lydia and James Keith, int. ----, 1743, P.R.5.
Lydia and Nathan Packard, ----, 1758, P.R.5.
Mary and Ebenezer Willis, ----, 1753, P.R.5.
Sarah and James Willis, Sept. 26, 1786, C.R.1.
Silvia and Asa Wilbore, ----, 1783, P.R.5.
Thankful and Seth Keith, ----, 1775, P.R.5.
Damaris and Caleb Brand, Indians, Nov. 13, 1729, C.R.1.
Hannah and Samuel Dunbar, "a transient mulatto Fellow," Mar. 10, 1785, C.R.1. [blacks, P.R.5.]
Josiah and Jenny Pegin, Indians, Apr. 4, 1797, C.R.1. [blacks, P.R.5.]
William and Eunice Packard, ----, 1780, P.R.5.
Pero, "Negro Man of Dr. Isaac Otis," and Crely Williams, "Negro Woman living with Seth Mitchel," May 28, 1778, C.R.1. [Crelly, P.R.5.]
Betsey and Daniel M. Fullerton [int. of Abington], July 26, 1836.
George M. and Mehitable A. Reed of Abington, int. Oct. 31, 1847.
George R. [int. omits R.] of Bridgewater and Pheba Harden, Oct. ----, 1829.
John W. and Ruth T. Reed, May 15, 1828.
Lucy and Samuel Bartlett Jr., int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Lydia and Zenas Jenkins of Abington, int. May 21, 1831.
Mehitable of Abington and Joseph Reed Jr., int. May 28, 1843.
Meritt Jr. and Betsey G. Reed of Abington, Oct. 6, 1825.
Zenas of Abington and Lydia Jenkins, int. May 21, 1831.
Jarvis (see Jarvis Joselyn)
Abihail and John Alger, int. ----, 1754, P.R.5.
Azubah and Chester Cooley, ----, [1813], P.R.5.
Betty and Elijah Ames, int. ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Daniel and Betty Lathum, Jan. 5, 1725-6, C.R.1. [Latham, P.R.5.]
David and Susanna Willis, ----, 1743, P.R.5.
David Jr. and Parnel Packard, ----, 1751, P.R.5.
Eliza and Moses Bates Jr., Jan. 6, 1836.
Eliza Ann of Halifax and James L. Munroe, int. Dec. 21, 1845.
Fredrick and Rosanna Bell, int. Sept. 23, 1832.
Hannah J. of W. Bridgewater and Isaac W. Sturtevant of Halifax, May 7, 1837, C.R.2.
Henry [int. Henery] of New York City and Mary [int. adds A.] Trow, Oct. ----, [int. Oct. 4], 1829.
Jacob of Stoughton and Mercy Snow, ----, 1760, P.R.5.
James Jr. and Sally Washburn, Nov. 22, 1798, C.R.1.
John and Peggie Holman, Oct. 21, 1731, C.R.1.
Joseph and Bethiah Alger, ----, 1771, P.R.5.
Josiah Jr. and Eunice Allen, Nov. 23, 1784, C.R.1.
Josiah Jr. and Olive Orcutt, Jan. 21, 1793, C.R.1.
Lucy Ann of Natick and George W. Farmer of Boston, Apr. 17, 1844, C.R.2.
Mary and Jonathan Hayward, int. ----, 1769, P.R.5.
Nathan and Polly Johnson, ----, P.R.5.
Polly and Nathan Johnson, ----, P.R.5.
Rebecca and David Ames, int. ----, 1781, P.R.5.
Rhode and Winslow Richardson, Mar. 24, 1763, C.R.1. [Rhoda, P.R.5.]
Sarah and Joseph Packard Jr., ----, 1748, P.R.5.
Solomon and Sally Robinson, Oct. 22, 1788, C.R.1.
Susanna and Jonathan Lathrop, ----, 1747, P.R.5.
Susanna and Samuel Cony Jr. of Easton, ----, 1770, P.R.5.
Thomas and Molly Lathrop, ----, 1771, P.R.5.
William and Jane Robinson, Nov. 8, 1779, C.R.1.
William of Taunton and Mary Owen, wid., int. ----, 1782, P.R.5.
Zebina C., 23, shoemaker, s. Zebina and Lucy, and Sarah Ann Kingman, 18, d. David and Mary, Nov. 15, 1849.
Abraham of Raynham and Patience Hall, abt. 1755, P.R.5.
Amos and Clarissa W. Kinsley of Orono, Me., int. Aug. 23 [1835].
Betsey and Martin Whiting, int. Aug. 28, 1831.
Ebenezer and Harriet A. [int. N.] Thayer, June 10, 1832. [Harriet N., C.R.2.]
Harriet and Lucius Faxon of Abington, Nov. 19, 1826.
John of Middleborough and Olive Leach, ----, 1770, P.R.5.
John and Abigal Wilder of Hanover, int. Oct. 16, 1836.
John and Diana Leavitt of Salem, int. Mar. 29, 1846.
Leonard and Deborah O. Copeland, Sept. 1, 1844, C.R.3.
Mary Ann and William Osbourn, May 3, 1840.
Simeon of Pembroke and Susanna Washburn, Mar. 7, 1803, C.R.1.
Susan and Alden Washburn, int. Oct. 1, 1837.
Charles P. [int. Jorudan] and Pamela [int. Permelia] Gardner of Bridgewater [int. S. Bridgewater], Oct. ---- [int. Sept. 26], 1830.
James P. and Elvira Jane Wood of Plymouth, int. Dec. 10, 1848.
Jedediah and Sarah French, ----, 1744, P.R.5.
JOSELYN (see Joslyn, Josselyn)
Emily A. and Silas Gurney of Abington, int. July 22, 1827.
Jarvis of Hanson and Mary O. Kingman, int. Feb. 11, 1844. [Jocelyn of Hanson, m. Mar. 20, C.R.2.]
Mary C. of Hanover and George S. Newhall, int. Nov. 26, 1843.
William C. and Tirzah B. Shaw, int. Dec. 18, 1842.
JOSLYN (see Joselyn, Josselyn)
Elizabeth C. of Hanson and Hezekiah Reed, int. Oct. 17, 1840.
Joseph and Sarah Ford, ----, 1702, in Bridgewater, P.R.5.
Joseph Jr. and Deborah Hatch, int. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
JOSSELYN (see Joselyn, Joslyn)
Abraham Jr. of Pembrook and Eunice Hill, May 18, 1769, C.R.1. [Joslyn Jr., P.R.5.]
Earl and Eliza Osbourn, Dec. 14, 1841 [Dec. 14, 1841 written below Jan. 10, 1842 crossed out].
Joseph H. [int. Hollis], Dr. [int. omits Dr.], 26, of Boston, s. Marcus, and Jane Kingman, 20, d. David, Sept. 13, 1846.
- Sarah Jane and Galen Osboume, int. Aug. 27, 1848.
Sophronia, 24, wheelwright [sic], d. Eleazer and Alice of Hanson, and Walter Reed, 23, wheelwright, of Abington, s. Abiah and Jane of Abington, June 6, 1845.
William W. of Abington and Amanda Fullerton, int. June 3, 1849.
Calvin of Weymouth and Eliza Washburn, int. Apr. 25 [1835]. [Eliza S., m. May 21, C.R.2.]