Vital Records
To The year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
at the charge of
The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

RAMSDALE (also see Ramsdell, Ramsdill)-
Elbridge . Ramsdale of Hanson, and Jane Prior, Apr. 5, 1831. [Ramsdell, Apr. 5, 1832, PR40.]
RAMSDALL (also see Ramsdale, Ramsdill)-
Asa T. Ramsdall, 23, shoemaker, of Pembroke, son Samuel and Rebecca, and Almira C. Ford, 21, of Pembroke, dau. William and Martha, Oct. 22, 1848.
RAMSDILL (also see Ramsdale, Ramsdall)-
Thomaw Ramsdill and Sarah _____, Mar. 23, 1702-03, in Scitaute.
Lucy Rand and Perez Bradford, Nov. 28, 1782.
William Rand, Rev., of Kingston, and Mrs. Rebekah Holmes of Kingston, Feb. 11, 1779. [Rebekah, wid., CR1.]
William Rand [2d dup. Willim] and Priscilla Bradford, Mar. 20 [2d dup. Feb. 19], 1791. [Mar. 20, CR1.]
RANDAL (also see Randall)-
Mary J. Randal, dau. James, and Benjamin F. Robins, Feb. 17, 1846.
RANDALL (also see Randal)-
Aschah Randall and Stephen Peterson, Apr. 30, 1840.
Betsey Randall and Ichabod Weston, May 9, 1824.
Deborah Randall of Kingston, and William Samson, Sept. 26, 1782, in Kingston.
Elisabeth Randall [dup. Randal] of Scituate, and Samuel Fish, Mar. 1, 1732 [dup. 1732-3].
Elisabeth Randall [dup. Randal] and Caleb House, July 12, 1759. [Elizabeth Randall, CR1.]
Hiram Randall and Cordelia Simmons, Nov. 25, 1838.
James Randall and Deborah Peterson, Feb. 11, 1829.
John Randall and Rebecca Philips, Dec. 25, 1794.
John Randall and Judith Peterson, Dec. 23, 1821.
Josiah D. Randall, 22, shoe maker, son Josiah D. and Princis, and Elisabeth F. Chandler, 18, dau. William C. and Elisabeth, July 20, 1849.
Judith Randall and Spencer Sampson, Apr. 30, 1832. [Judith, wid., CR1.]
Judith Randall, 17, dau. Josiah D. and Princes, and Edward P. Wadsworth, 22, mechanic, son John and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1849.
Mary S. Randall and Zenas Thomas, July 1, 1826. [Mary L., CR1.]
Robert T. Randall and Hannah E. Whiting, Jan. 3, 1847.
Rufus Randall and Deborah N. Church of Marshfield, June 20, 1830.
Thomas Randall and Polly Wells, May 6, 1817.
Louisa Ransom and George Chandler, Jan. 23, 1839. Sarah Ransom and Calvin Blanchard, May 6, 1835.
READING (see Reding).
William Ready and Henrietta Delano, Dec. 31, 1812.
Charles Reding of Boston, and Phoebe Brown, Nov. 26, 1838.
Caroline P. Reed, of Roxbury, b. Roxbury, dau. _____ of Roxbury, and George Drew, mariner, son Ruben and Temp., Jan. 6, 1842.
Edward T. Reed, 22, nail cutter, of Kingston, son Edwin and Fairsina of Kingston, and Catharine W. Winsor, 23, dau. Alden and Eliza, July 31, 1845.
Silas Reed (see Silas Rice).
William Reed and Polly Glass, Dec. __, 1807.
Benjamin Reynolds and Elizabeth Bradford, Apr. 22, 1784. PR2.
RHOADES (see Rodes).
Silas Rice of Abington, and Josephine Bailey, July 14, 1839. [Reed of Abington, CR1.]
_______ and _______ Walker, Apr. 14, 1816. CR1.
William Richards of Pembroke, and Hannah Simmons, Sept. 7, 1738, in Pembroke.
Bartholomew Richardson and Hannah Partridge, Nov. 23, 1758.
J. Coolidge Richardson, 40, farmer, of Woburn, son Job and Nancy, and Mary Myrick, 19, dau. William and Mary, Dec. 5, 1848.
Martha Richardson and Moses P. Cleaveland of Newmarket, N.H., Oct. 21, 1834. [Dr. Moses Parker Cleveland of New-Market, N.H., CR1.]
Sarah W. Richardson and Ezekiel Treat Jr. of Boston, July 25, 1839.
Ebenezer P. Richmond of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. _____ of Halifax, and Catherine Soule, dau. Stephen, Nov. 5, 1843.
Ebenezer P. Richmond of Halifax, Me., and Lucy B. Bradford, Nov. 1, 1843. [This entry is a mistake].Sylvester Richmond [dup. Silvester] Esq., of Little Compton, and Mrs. Deborah Loring, Feb. 18, 1727-8.
RICKARDS (also see Ricker, Rickets)-
Mercy Rickards [dup. Rickard] and Jonathan Weston, May 8, 1728.
RICKER (also see Rickards, Rickets)-
Ebenezer Ricker and Mercy Glass, Jan. 3, 1805.
RICKETS (also see Rickards, Ricker)-
Priscilla Rickets and Joshua Bates, Sept. 24, 1811.
RIDER (also see Ryder)-
Archabald C. Rider, carpenter, and Sophia A. Peterson, dau. Ruben and w., Oct. 29, 1843.
Charles Rider of Plymouth, and Rebekah Bartlit [dup. Rebeckah Bartlet], Oct. 8, 1844 [dup. 1741].
Charles Rider of Plymouth, and Louranna [dup. Lauranna] Peterson, Apr. 20 [dup. June 20], 1773. [Laurania, Apr. 20, CR1.]
Nathaniel C. Rider and Elisabeth C. Delano, Feb. 2, 1830. [Ryder, and Elizabeth C. Delano, PR22.]
Grace Ring of Kingston, and Samuel Bradford, Nov. 1, 1749, in Kingston.
Abigail Ripley and Gideon Wing, Feb. 25, 1767.
Abner Ripley and Abigail Robbins, Mar. 14, 1746.
Campbell Ripley and Sarah Sprague, Feb. 24, 1771.
Daniel Ripley and Jane McGlauthlin, Apr. 18, 1793. [Daniel, son Cambell and Sarah, and Jane Mclauthlin, dau. Thomas and Sabie, PR20.]
Elisabeth White Ripley and Isaac Delano, Aug. 26, 1781.
Experience Ripley of Plymouth, and Oliver Kempton, Sept. 6, 1767, in Plymouth.
George Ripley of Winchester, N.H., and Lucy Fish, Apr. 14, 1811.
Hezekiah Ripley and Abigail Hunt, Dec. 3, 1739.
John T. Ripley and Deborah W. Delano, Apr. 5, 1843.
Joshua Ripley Jr. of Kingsto, and Lydia Bartlett, May 7, 1772, in Kingston.
Lucy Ripley and Ichabod Delano Jr., Dec. 1, 1796, in Kingston.
Rebecca Ripley and Nathaniel Alden, Jan. 29, 1783.
Saba Ripley and Joseph Chandler, Nov. 9, 1786, in Kingston.
Saba E. Ripley, dau. Daniel, and Joseph Cushman, son George, Oct. 31, 1824. PR20.
Sally Ripley and Nathaniel Glass, Jan. 15, 1799.
Samuel E. Ripley and Sally Cushman, Jan. 16, 1828.
Sarah Ripley and Amos Howe of Plymouth, Jan. 11, 1747-8 [dup. 1749].
Sarah Ripley [2d dup. Repley] and Consider Thomas, Mar. 10, 1774. [Ripley, CR1.]
Sarah Ripley and James Foster, Mar. 26, 1823.
William Ripley and Lydia Hunt, Oct. 26, 1758.
William Ripley and Keziah Hunt, Sept. __, 1793.
ROBBINS (also see Robins)-
Abigail Robbins and Abner Ripley, Mar. 14, 1746.
Peg Robbins and Cato Dick of Marshfield, negroes, Nov. 14, 1791, in Marshfield.
William Robbins and Abigail Delano, June 21, 1812.
ROBINS (also see Robbins)-
Benjamin F. Robins and Mary J. Randal, dau. James, Feb. 17, 1846.
James Robins and Ruth Pirce, Mar. 20, 1749. PCR.
Mehitabel Robins [dup. Mehetabel] of Plymouth, and Miles Standish Jr., Dec. 17, 1738.
Benjamin Robinson and Olive Peterson, Oct. __, 1805.
Betty Robinson, Mrs., and Rev. Jacob Eliot [dup. Elliot] of Lebanon, Conn., May 4, 1732.
Faith Robinson, Mrs., and Jonathan Trumble of Lebanon, Conn., Dec. 9, 1735.
Hannah Robinson and Nathaniel Thomas Jr. of Plymouth, Sept. 1, 1729.
James Robinson of Bridgewater, and Jerusha Bartlett [dup. Bartlit], Oct. 31, 1751.
Jerusha Bartlet Robinson [dup. Jerusha Bartlit Roberson] and Wait Wadsworth Jr., Mar. 14, 1774. [Jerusha Bartlet Roberson, CR1.]
RODES (also see Rudes)-
Peggy Rodes and Howard Chandler, Oct. 8, 1793.
Alfred Rogers of Manshfield, and Emilene Loring, June 14, 1833.
Betsey Rogers of Plymouth, and William W. Baker, Nov. 21, 1840.
Charles A. Rogers, mariner, and Ann T. Doane, 18, dau. George and Sylvia, Nov. 30, 1848.
Elisabeth Rogers of Abington, and Thomas Tirrell [dup. Terrel], Sept. 13, 1720.
John Rogers and Elizabeth Pabodie [dup. Elisabeth], Nov. __, 1660 [dup. 1666].
Nathaniel Rogers of Marshfield, and Hannah Ford, July 23, 1781.
Philip Rogers and Judith Smith, May 3, 1812.
Ruth Torrey Rogers of Hanover, and Levi Curtis of Hanover, Dec. 19, 1813.
Thomas Rogers of Marshfield, and Sylvina Soule, Aug. 7, 1803.
Timothy Rogers and Sarah Keen [dup. Kein], Apr. 6, 1710.
Timothy Rogers Jr. and Emma Bailey, Oct. 20, 1839.
John Rouse of LIttle Compton "alias of Marshfield," and Anne Lathley [dup. Cathely] of Marshfield, June 29, 1720.
RUDES (also see Rodes)-
Samuel Rudes, "transient person," and Peggy Darling, May 1, 1782, in Pembroke.
RUSSEL (also see Russell)-
Abigail Russel [dup. Abagail] and Malichi Waterman, Mar. 20, 1772. [Abigail, CR1.]
Abner Russel and Lusanna Philips, [dup. Lussanna], Dec. 24, 1764. [Lusanna Phillips, CR1.]
John Russel and Esther May [dup. Esther Mayes], Jan. 21, 1702.
Joseph Russel [dup. Rusell] and Abigail Wadsworth, Dec. 31, 1740.
RUSSELL (also see Russel)-
Lucy Russell and William Bassett, Dec. 20, 1802.
Stephen Russell and Mary Chandler, Jan. __, 1794.
RYDER (also see Rider)-
Deborah T. Ryder and Obadiah Morse, Nov. 27, 1844. [Rider, 21, of Bridgewater, dau. Nathaniel, and Obadiah Morse, 21, of Bridgewater, son Asa, blacksmith, and Susannah of Bridgewagter, CR1.]
Elisabeth Samms and Isaac Simons [dup. Isaac Simmons], May 11 [dup. May 4], 1737.
SAMPSON (also see Samson)-
Abigail Sampson [dup. Abagail Samson] and John Hanks, Mar. 25, 1773. [Abigail Samson, CR1.]
Abigail Sampson [dup. Samson] and Isaac Sampson [dup. Samson], Apr. 20, 1792. [Sampson, and Isaac Sampson, CR1. PR72.]
Abigail Sampson and Jesse Chandler, Jan.2 3, 1801.
Abigail Sampson and Nathan Brewster, Dec. 23, 1821.
Abigail T. Sampson and Luther Thomas of Marshfield, Jan. 7, 1836.
Abner Sampson [2d sup. Samson] and Deborah Bisbe [2d dup. Bisbee], Apr. 20, 1756. [Samson, and Deborah Bisbe, CR1] [Sampson, and Deborah Bisbee, PR72.]
Abner Sampson and Ruth Burgess of Plymouth, Apr. 2, 1781.
Adriane Sampson and Alfred Peterson, Jan. 4, 1835.
Alfred Sampson and Welthea B. Joyce, May 5, 1816.
Alice Sampson [dup. Samson] and Robert Sampson [dup. Samson], Dec. 19, 1734.
Alice Sampson and Nathaniel S. Bonney, Feb. 19, 1840.
Amos Sampson [dup. Samson] and Abigail Bisbe, Feb. 1, 1747-8.
Andrew Sampson Jr., Capt., and Saba Howland, Feb. 3, 1779.
Andrew Sampson and Lydia Soule, Dec. 30, 1804.
Andrew Sampson, 34, caulker, son Perez H. and Sally, and Sarah M. Chandler, 23, dau. Samuel and w., Jan. __, 1849.
Anne Sampson and Samuel Bradford, Mar. 17, 1815.
Augustus Sampson and Sally Brewster, Nov. 20, 1827.
Bartlett Sampson and Welthea Weston, Feb. __, 1798.
Beriah Sampson and Alse Howland, May 6, 1756.
Betsey Sampson and Howland Sampson, Dec. __, 1800. [dup. 1810].
Betsey Sampson and Sydney Humphrey of Bridgewater, Dec. 27, 1838.
Betsey P. Sampson, 27, dau. George and Sally, and Killey M. Huttlesson, 38, ship builder, of Fairhaven, son Henry and Rhoda, Oct. 3, 1846. [Kelly M. Huttlestone, CR1.] [Betsey S. and Killey M. Huttleston, Sept. 25, PR87.]
Betty Sampson and Isaiah Sampson, Jan. 31, 1782.
Beulah Sampson and Joseph Ford, Feb. 6, 1798.
Bradford Sampson and Rebecca Weston, Nov. 23, 1797.
Bradford Sampson Jr. and Sophia Peterson, Aug. 20, 1825.
Caroline Sampson, 22, dau. Eden S. and w., and Thomas Soule 2d, 26, ship carpenter, son Thomas and Sally, Dec. 22, 1844.
Catherine Sampson and Spencer Drew of Kingston, Dec. 29, 1844. [Catharine, 30, dau. Thomos, ship carpenter, and Mary, and Spencer Drew, 30, ship carpenter, of Kingston, son Edward and Eunice, CR1.]
Celina Sampson and Joseph Weston, Jan. 13, 1837.
Charles Sampson and Mary Woodward, Jan. 16, 1825.
Charles D. Sampson and Rhoda Winsor, Jan. 29, 1821.
Clarissa Sampson and Lemuel Cobb, Apr. 12, 1802.
Colson Sampson and Cloe Atherton, May 19, 1782. [May 9, CR1.]
Daniel Sampson and Hannah Dingley, Feb. 26, 1812.
Deborah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Amos Sampson [dup. Samson], Oct. 19, 1744.
Deborah Sampson and Seth Sprague, Mar. 30, 1779.
Deborah Sampson and Cyrus Brewster, Nov. 22, 1807.
Deborah Sampson and Stephen Churchill, Dec. 3, 1817.
Deborah D. Sampson and Thomas Soule, Nov. 25, 1832. [Deborah Delano Sampson and Capt. Thomas Soule 2d, PR91.]
Deborah K. Sampson and Judah M. Sampson, Nov. 20, 1839.
Eden Sampson of Pembroke, and Mary Sampson, Feb. 11, 1819.
Eden Sampson 3d, 23, caulker, son Eden 2d and Mary, and Mary D. Chandler, 18, dau. Levi and Silvia, Nov. 29, 1845.
Eden S. Sampson and Polly Sampson, Dec. 3, 1818.
Edith Sampson and Seeva Chandler, June 20, 1782.
Elijah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Ruth Bradford, Sept. 3, 1761.
Elijah Sampson Jr. and Hannah Sprague, Dec. 12, 1782.
Elisabeth Sampson [dup. Samson] and Jonathan Thare of Mendon, Feb. 21, 1722-3.
Elisha Sampson and Lucy Weston, Jan. 22, 1804.
Elisha Sampson and Rebecca Polden, June 28, 1829. [Rebecca, wid., CR1.]
Elisha Sampson Jr. and Ann Weston, Feb. 4, 1838.
Elizabeth Sampson (see Elisabeth).
Ephraim Sampson and Ruth Shepard of Plymouth, Nov. 14, 1728, in Plymouth.
Erastus Sampson and Elisabeth Winsor, Nov. 31 [sic], 1830. [Nov. 21, CR1.]
Esther Sampson of Pembroke, and Richard Boardman, negroes, Oct. 12, 1738, in Pembroke.
Ezra W. Sampson and Selina Wadsworth, Oct. 9, 1820.
George Sampson Jr. and Sally Bartlett, Sept. 1, 1803. PR87.
George W. Sampson and Susanna C. Wadsworth, Oct. 19, 1827. [Oct. 19, 1826. CR1.]
Gideon Sampson of Plympton, and Rebecca Soule, Dec. 22, 1784.
Granville M. Sampson and Mary Winsor, July 4, 1833. [Lloyd G., PR87.]
Hannah Sampson [dup. Samsanson] and Josiah Holmes, Mar. 20, 1665.
Hannah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Robert Tiler of Mendon, Dec. 13, 1721.
Hannah Sampson and Moses Ventres, Sept. 25, 1808.
Hannah Sampson and David Cushman, Mar. 29, 1835.
Hannah C. Sampson and Hiram Hunt, Nov. 10, 1844. [Hannah C., 34, dau. George and Sally, and Hiram Hunt, 37, seamsn, son Sumner and Hannah, CR1.] [Nov. 17, PR87.]
Harrison F. Sampson, 20, cordwainer, of Marshfield, b. Marshfiel, son Isaac P. and Lucy B. of Marshfield, and Reuby H. Baker, 17, of Marshfield, b. Marshfield, dau. Artemas and Rubey of Marshfield, Nov. 22, 1846.
Henry Sampson and Joanna Sampson, May 11, 1749.
Howland Sampson and Betsey Sampson, Dec. __, 1800 [dup. 1810],Mbr<
Huldah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Ichabod Delano [dup. Delanoe], Feb. 15, 1759. [Samson and Ichabod Delano, CR1.]
Ichabod Sampson and Elizabeth Packer Thomas, Nov. __, 1827. PR84.
Irene Sampson [dup. Samson] and Luther Delano [dup. Delanoe], Jan. 20, 1774. [Samson, and Luther Delano, CR1.]
Isaac Sampson [dup. Samson] and Abigail Sampson [dup. Samson], Apr. 20, 1792. [Sampson, and Abigail Sampson, CR1. PR72.]
Isaiah Sampson and Betty Sampson, Jan. 31, 1782.
Jane F. Sampson, 19, dau. Eden and Mary 2d, and John Glover Jr., 22, caulker, son John and Mary, Nov. 29, 1845.
Jane T. Sampson, 20, dau. Ededn S. and w., and Darius A. Fuller, 25, ship joiner, b. Plympton, son Bildad and w. of Plympton, Dec. 22, 1844.
Jane W. Sampeon and Arnold Freeman, Dec. 28, 1831.
Jerusha W. Sampson [dup. Samson] and Ebenezer Bartlett [dup. Bartlit], Oct. 8, 1730.
Joanna Sampson and Henry Sampson, May 11, 1749.
John Sampson [dup. Samson] and Priscilla Bartlett [dup. Bartlit], Dec. 31, 1718.
John Sampson Jr. and Rebecca Brewster of Kingston, June 6, 1754, in Kingston.
John Sampson [dup. Samson] and Hannah Alden, Nov. 28, 1791.
John S. Sampson and Polly Fish, Apr. 5, 1814.
Joseph Sampson [dup. Samson] of Dartmouth, and Sarah Sampson [dup. Samson], May 6, 1719.
Joseph Sampson [dup. Samson] and Sarah Hall of Kingston, May 6, 1747.
Joseph Sampson and Zeruiah Burgess, June 25, 1798.
Joseph A. Sampson and Mary S. Soule, Sept. 3, 1846. PR87.
Josephine Sampson and Ichabod Peterson, Dec. 25, 1842.
Joshua Sampson and Rachel French of Braintree, Apr. 2, 1773, in Braintree.
Judah M. Sampson and Deborah K. Sampson, Nov. 20, 1839.
Judith Clift Sampson [dup. Samson, omits Clift] and Nathaniel Chandler Weston [dup. of Marshfield], Dec. 15, 1791.
Keturah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Thomas Gullifer [dup. Thomas Cullifer], Oct. 26, 1743.
Laura Sampson [dup. Lorah Samson] and Benjamin Simmons, Jan. 3, 1705-06.
Levi Sampson and Sophia McGlauthlin, Mar. __, 1805. [McLauthlin, CR1.]
Lewis Sampson and Polly Weston, Dec. 19, 1801.
Lloyd G. Sampson (see Granville M.).
Lorah Sampson (see Laura).
Louisa C. Sampson, 29, dau. Perez H. and Sally, and William Peterson, 28, mariner, son Thomas and Sally, Dec. 17, 1848.
Lucia Ann Sampson and Samuel Knowles, May 29, 1836. [Samuel Jr., Sept. 29, PR87.]
Lucy Sampson and William Burgess of Plymouth, Mar. 10, 1783.
Lucy Sampson and Wadsworth Loring, Dec. 18, 1808.
Lucy Sampson and Elisha Holmes, Jan. 28, 1825.
Lucy W. Sampson and Edmund Gifford of Pembroke, July 25, 1841.
Lydia Sampson and Uriah Sprague, Nov. 23, 1769.
Lydia J. Sampson, 18, dau. Rufus and Sally, and Samuel Bradford Jr., 22, nail manufacturer, son Samuel and Anna, July 26, 1846.
Lydia S. Sampson and Wadsworth Hunt, Jan. 10, 1830.
Martha C. Sampson and Benjamin Alden Jr., Nov. 18, 1832.
Martin Sampson and Sarah Freeman, Nov. 12, 1807.
Mary Sampson and William Kent of Marshfield, Apr. 1, 1773, in Marshfield.
Mary Sampson and Eden Sampson of Pembroke, Feb. 11, 1819.
Mary Sampson and George Louden, Oct. 11, 1825. [Mary T. and George Loudon, Oct. 11, 1835. PR30.]
Mary Sampson, wid., 36, dau. Joseph and w., and James Simmons, widr., 73, mechanic, son Levi and w., Dec. 20, 1848.
Mary O. Sampson and George O. Frothingham of Charleston, Mar. 16, 1834.
Mary W. Sampson and David Cushman Jr., Apr. 11, 1841. [Mrs. Mary W., CR1.]
Miles Sampson [dup. Samson] and Sarah Studley [dup. Studly], Apr. 28, 1713.
Molly Sampson [dup. Moly Samson] and Lot Hunt, Mar. 4, 1773. [Molly Samson, CR1.]
Nabby Sampson and Noah Simmons, Nov. 24, 1804.
Nathan Sampson and Waity Wadsworth, June 21, 1821.
Nathaniel Sampson [dup. Samson] and Keturah Chandler, Jan. 19, 1703.
Nathaniel Sampson and _____ Dingley, Nov. __, 1798.
Noah Sampson and Abigail Delano, Nov. 9, 1779.
Peleg R. Sampson and Sophia Sampson, July __, 1818.
Perez H. Sampson and Sally Weston, Jan. __, 1803.
Perez H. Sampson of Kingston, and Rebecca D. Chandler, Sept. 28, 1834. [Perez H. Jr. of Kingston, CR1.]
Polly Sampson and Eden S. Sampson, Dec. 3, 1818.
Priscilla Sampson and William Brewster, Jan. 1, 1746-7.
Priscilla Sampson and William Soule, Apr. 15, 1784.
Prudence Sampson and Ira Chandler, Jan. 23, 1833.
Rachel Sampson [dup. Samson] and Moses Simmons [dup. Simons], Mar. 26, 1718.
Rebekah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Nathaniel Blackmore of Dartmouth, May 22, 1740.
Robert Sampson [dup. Samson] and Alice Sampson [dup. Samson], Dec. 19, 1834.
Robert Sampson and Olive Philips, Dec. 12, 1782.
Ruby Sampson [dup. Samson] and Peleg Gullifer [dup. Peleg Cullifer], Dec. 15, 1774.
Rufus Sampson Jr., 21, son Rufus and Sally, and Sarah C. Glass, 21, dau. John and Mary, Aug. 31, 1845. [Rufus Jr., carpenter, CR1.]
Ruth Sampson [dup. Samson] and Amaziah Delano [dup. Delanoe], Jan. 8, 1729 [dup. 1729-30].
Ruth Sampson, dau. Elijah, and Cyrus Brewster, son Zadock, Apr. 5, 1798.
Ruth Sampson and Marshall Peterson, May 13, 1827.
Saba Sampson and John Brown, June 10, 1810.
Sally Sampson and Thomas Peterson, Dec. 1, 1812. [Dec. 1, 1811, CR1.]
Sally B. Sampson and Daniel L. Winsor, Mar. 3, 1829. [Sally Bartlett Sampson and Daniel Loring Winsor, PR87.]
Salometh W. Sampson and Otis Soule, Feb. 5, 1815.
Samuel Sampson [dup. Samson] and Jenny McGlauthlen [dup. Macghlan], Aug. 22, 1769. [Samson, and Jenny McLaughlin, CR1.]
Sarah Sampson [dup. Samson] and Joseph Sampson [dup. Samson] of Dartmouth, May 6, 1719.
Sarah Sampson and James Weston, Jan. 18, 1785.
Sarah T. Sampson and Jonas Coburn of Medford, Nov. 26, 1840. [Sarah F., CR1.]
Sarah W. Sampson and Joshua H. Ford, Oct. 9, 1831.
Selina Sampson (see Celina).
Silvanus Sampson (see Sylvanus).
Sophia Sampson and Peleg R. Sampson, July __, 1818.
Spencer Sampson and Judith Randall, Apr. 30, 1832. [Judith, wid., CR1.]
Stephen Sampson and Deborah Delano, Mar. __, 1797.
Stephen Sampson and Christiana Lewis, Dec. 12, 1802.
Studley Sampson and Abigail Prior, Nov. 16, 1780 [dup. Dec. 17, 1779] [Nov. 17, 1780, CR1.]
Studley Sampson and Hannah Churchill, May 7, 1825.
Susan Sampson and Ezekiel Sprague, Oct. 26, 1825.
Sylvanus Sampson, 26, and Sylvia C. Weston, 19, Nov. 20, 1787. PR69.
Sylvanus Sampson Jr. and Mary Chapman Soule, Mar. 20, 1834. PR70.
Sylvia Sampson and John Owen of Cambridge, Jan. 25, 1835.
Thomas Sampson and Polly Thomas, Oct. 2, 1808.
Welthea Sampson and William Freeman, Jan. __, 1794.
Welthea Sampson and William Lewis of Marshfield, Nov. 4, 1801.
Welthea Sampson and John Wiston, Mar. 29, 1817.
William Sampson and Caroline Sprague, Feb. 4, 1816.
SAMSON (also see Sampson)-
Abner Samson and Sarah Samson, Oct. 12, 1749. PCR.
Abraham Samson and Huldah Carver of Marshfield, Dec. 29, 1767, in Marshfield.
Amos Samson and Joanna French of Braintree, May 11, 1783, in Braintree.
Caleb Samson [dup. Sampson] and Rebekah Stanford [dup. Sanford], Jan. 30, 1728-9.
Caleb Samson and Mehitabell F. Ford of Marshfield, Feb. 12, 1729, in Marshfield.
Charles Samson and Sarah Dingley of Marshfield, Jan. 12, 1769, in Marshfield.
Consider Samson and Bethiah Ames Lappam [dup. Bethia Ames Lapham of Pembroke], Oct. 10, 1790 [dup. Jan 11, 1791, in Pembroke].
Constant Samson and Ruth Randal Crooker of Pembroke, Jan. 10, 1793, in Pembroke.
Deborah Samson, Mrs., of Kingston, and Rev. Samuel Veazie, Aug. 6, 1742, in Kingston.
Deborah Samson and Abijah Thomas of Marshfield, Dec. 24, 1761, in Marshfield.
Deborah Samson [dup. Sampson] and Charles Jones of Pembroke, Feb. 2, 1792. [Sampson, CR1.]
Ebenezer Samson [dup. Sampson] and Zeruiah Soul [dup. Soule], Apr. 23 [dup. Apr. 28], 1728. -
Eleanor Samson and Joseph Farnham of Marshfield, July 5, 1753, in Marshfield.
Elizabeth Samson and William Weston, Mar. __, 1781. CR1.
Fear Samson [dup. Sampson] and Benjamin Simons Jr. [dup. Simmons, omits Jr.], Oct. 26 [dup. Oct. 25], 1731.
Gideon Samson and Kesiah Carver of Marshfield, Mar. 19, 1772, in Marshfield.
Hannah Samson [dup. Sampson] of Rochester, and Experience Holms [dup. Holmes] of Dartmouth, Dec. 13, 1737 [dup. 1739].
Ichabod Samson Jr. and Mary Savery of Plymouth, Apr. 2, 1734, in Plymouth.
Ichabod Samson and Deborah Jones Jr. of Pembroke, Nov. 5, 1784, in Pembroke.
Jedidah Samson (Somson) [dup. Jediah Sampson] and John Mackgathlin Jr. [dup. McGlouthlen, omits Jr.], July 7, 1763. [Jedidah Samson and John McLaughlin, CR1.]
Job Samson and Betsey Winsor, June 15, 1787.
Jonathan Samson and Chloe Stetson of Pembroke, Mar. 11, 1790, in Pembroke.
Keturah Samson [dup. Chandler] and John Stevens [dup. Johns Stephen] of Marshfield, Feb. 16, 1790. [Chandler, and John Stevens, CR1.]
Mary Samson and Richard Waste, Oct. 26, 1693. PCR.
Melzar Samson and Sarah Kent of Marshfield, Mar. 2, 1780, in Marshfield.
Miles Samson Jr. and Deborah Bonney of Pembroke, June 9, 1752, in Pembroke.
Miles Samson and Naomie Stetson of Pembroke, Mar. 5, 1788, in Pembroke.
Oliver Samson and Sarah Mclaughlin of Kingston, Nov. 21, 1782, in Kingston.
Paul Samson and Esther Chandler, Feb. 26, 1751, in Kingston.
Penelope Samson of Plymouth, and Judah Delano Jr., Mar. 15, 1781, in Plymouth.
Perez Samson and Mary Taylor of Pembroke, Oct. 1, 1761, in Pembroke.
Samuel Samson and Assadiah Eedey, May 29, 1695. PCR.
Sarah Samson and Abner Samson, Oct. 12, 1749. PCR.
William Samson and Deborah Randall of Kingston, Sept. 26, 1782, in Kingston.
SANDERS (also see Saunders)-
John Sanders and Mary Peirce, Jan. 23, 1709-10, in Scituate.
Rebecca Sanford (see Rebekah Stanford).
SAUNDERS (also see Sanders)-
Mary Saunders and Samuel Pierce [dup. Peirce], Jan. 18, 1703.
William Saunders of Boston, b. Boston, and Martha C. Oldham, dau. Thomas and w., Nov. 30, 1843.
Mary Savery of Plymouth, and Ichabod Samson Jr., Apr. 2, 1734, in Plymouth.
SEABURY (also see Sebury)-
Abigail Seabury and David Seabury, Jan. 3, 1726-7.
David Seabury and Abigail Seabury, Jan. 3, 1726-7.
Deborah Seabury and Wrestling Brewster of Kingston, July 12, 1750, in Kingston.
Hannah Seabury [dup, Hanah] and John Partridge, Dec. 24, 1684.
Hannah Seabury and Benjamin Clapp [dup. Clap of Scituate], Sept. 6, 1764. [Clap, CR1.]
Hopestill Seabury [2d sup. Hopstill] and Robert Bartlett [2d dup. Bartlet] of Plymouth, Oct. 15 [dup. Dec. 17], 1772. [Hopestill and Robert Bartlett, Oct. 15, CR1.]
John Seabury and Elisabeth Arnold, Nov. 26, 1766.
Oliver Seabury and Alice Alden [2d dup. Alse], May 7, 1760. [Alse, CR1.]
Paul Seabury and Ruth Thomas, Mar. 31, 1757.
Priscilla Seabury and Amos Philips, Dec. 24, 1779. [Dec. 24, 1778, CR1.]
Samuel Seabury and Mrs. Abigail Allen, Dec. 13, 1688.
Samuel Seabury and Deborah Wiswell [dup. Wiswal], Oct. 21, 1717.
Sarah Seabury and John Bartlet, Mar. 19, 1770.
SEARS (also see Seers)-
Lyman Sears and Hannah Wadsworth, Nov. 22, 1829.
Susan Sears and Luther Pierce, Dec. 13, 1835.
William Sears and Elisabeth Pierce, Jan. 1, 1840.
SEAVER (also see Sever)-
Elizabeh Seaver and Isaac Sweetser of Charlestown, Oct. 24, 1839. PR70.
SEBURY (also see Seabury)-
Samuell Sebury [dup. Samuel Seabury] and Patience Kemp, Nov. 16, 1660.
Samuell Sebury [dup. Samuel Seabury] and Martha Pabodie [dup. Peabodie], Apr. 4, 1677 [dup. Nov. 16, 1669 sic].
SEERS (also see Sears)-
Francis Seers and Rebecca W. Chandler, Nov. 8, 1840.
SEVER (also see Seaver)-
Henry Sever [dup. Henrey Seaver] of Kingston, and Lenety Wadsworth [dup. Lenity Wadsworth], Feb. 7, 1765. [Henry Sever and Lenity Wadsworth, CR1.]
John Sharp and Judith G. Gullifer, Feb. 9, 1843.
Josiah L. Shattuck of New York City, and Elisabeth Stickney, Dec. 26, 1841.
Charlotte B. Shaw and George Bradford, July 5, 1840. PR35.
James Shaw and Olive Freeman, Apr. 1, 1772.
Jane Shaw and Jacob Curtis, May 26, 1838.
Peleg Shaw of Bedford, and Mary Delano, Apr. 22, 1811.
Ruth Shepard of Plymouth, and Ephraim Sampson, Nov. 14, 1728, in Plymouth.
SHERBURN (also see Sherburne)-
William H. Sherburn, widr., colored, laborer, and Mary Ann Williams, Apr. 28, 1849.
SHERBURNE (also see Sherburn)-
William H. Sherburne and Hanah W. Fuller, Apr. 17, 1840.
SHERMAN (also see Shermon)-
Charles Sherman and Sally T. Peterson, May 1, 1831.
Ebenezer Sherman Jr. of Marshfield, and Mary Simmons, July 15, 1773, in Marshfield.
Patience Sherman [dup. Patienc] and Josiah Wormall, Jan. 15, 1695.
SHERMON (also see Sherman)-
Ebenezar Shermon [dup. Ebenezer Sherman] of Marshfield and Bathsheba Ford of Marshfield, May 4, 1730.
Peggey Sides and Alpheus Delano, Apr. 26, 1770.
SILVESTER (also see Sylvester)-
Nancy Silvester, 18, dau. Anthony and Nancy, and John Tower, 21, shoemaker, b. Hanover, son David and Patience, Apr. 26, 1846.
SIMMONS (also see Simons)-
Aaron Simmons and Sarah Holmes of Marshfield, Jan. 14, 1749, in Marshfield.
Aaron Simmons and Lucy Magoun, Apr. 21, 1826.
Aaron Simmons and Sarah Chandler, May 13, 1841.
Abby W. Simmons and James M. Harrub of Plimton, May 12, 1841.
Abigail Simmons of Plymouth, and John Barton, Aug. 24, 1784, in Plymouth.
Abigail D. Simmons and Alden Simmons, Sept. 29, 1839.
Abigail P. Simmons and Elcanah Weston, Sept. 20, 1829. -
Abraham Simmons and Sophia Weston, Nov. 19, 1823.
Alden Simmons and Abigail D. Simmons, Sept. 29, 1839.
Alice Simmons and Thomas Low, Jan. 19, 1795.
Alice [sic] and Zephaneah Hatch, Jan. 20, 1795. [Olive Simmons, CR1.]
Anna Simmons and Peleg Oldham, Nov. 29, 1764.
Anne Simmons and Cornelius Delano, June 16, 1801.
Asenith Simmons, 26, dau. Joseph and Asenith, and Murlin T. Gardner Jr., 20, shoemaker, son Murlin and Peggy, Jan. 10, 1845.
Benjamin Simmons and Laura Sampson [dup. Lorah Samson], Jan. 3, 1705-06.
Benjamin Simmons [dup. Simons] and Priscilla Delano [dup. Delanoe], July 7, 1715.
Betsey Simmons and William W. Winsor, Jan. 17, 1841.
Bette Simmons and Abraham Walker of Marshfield, Apr 11, 1751, in Marshfield.
Betty Simmons of Kingston, and Benjamin Snow, Jan. 5, 1784, in Kingston.
Caroline Simmons, 22, dau. Martin and Rebecca, and Daniel Wright, widr., 33, farmer, of Marshfield, b. Marshfield, son Charles and Ruth of Marshfield, Nov. 29, 1849.
Charles Simmons and Lydia Weston, Jan. __, 1798.
Charles Simmons and Fanny G. Delano, July 3, 1836. [Mrs. Fanny G., CR1.]
Consider Simmons and Nepheta Soul [dup. Nehela Soule], Feb. 25, 1763. [Nephele Soul, CR1.]
Cordelia Simmons and Hiram Randall, Nov. 25, 1838.
Cyrus Simmons and Hannah Cook, Oct. 2, 1766.
Deborah Simmons, Mrs., and John Sprague, Dec. 5, 1744. [Deborah Simons, wid., CR1.]
Deborah Simmons and Jacob Weston, Dec. 25, 1755.
Diana Simmons and Asa Chandler, Aug. 2, 1792, in Kingston.
Ednund F. Simmons [trans. note: Edmund?] and Harriet C. Dause, July 12, 1835.
Elvira A. Simmons and Daniel Titus of Vt., Dec. 24, 1829.
Hannah Simmons and William Richards of Pembroke, Sept. 7, 1738, in Pembroke.
Harriet F. Simmons and Sylvanus Prior, Jan. 2, 1842.
Huldah Simmons and Oliver Bisbe [dup. and 2d dup. Bisba], Mar. 16 [dup. Feb. 5, 2d dup. Mar. 6], 1791. [Bisba, Mar. 6, CR1.]
Ichabod Simmons and Lydia Soule, Dec. 8, 1743. PCR.
Ichabod Simmons and Mrs. Mercy Sprague, Aug. __, 1781. [Mercy, wid., CR1.]
Ichabod Simmons Jr. and Urainy Holmes, Jan. 16, 1783.
Isaac Simmons Jr. [dup. Simons] and Lydia Cushman, Oct. 24, 1732.
James Simmons, widr., 73, mechanic, son Levi and w., and Mary Sampson, wid., 36, dau. Joseph and w., Dec. 20, 1848.
Jedediah Simmons and Lydia Soule, Aug. 23, 1750. PCR.
Jehiel Simmons and Deborah Loring of Pembroke, Oct. 22, 1761, in Pembroke.
Jehiel Simmons and Rhoda Stetson of Scituate, Apr. 10, 1764, in Scituate.
Jesse Simmons and Lucy Weston of Marshfield, Oct. 17, 1781, in Marshfield.
John Simmons and Experience Picknell, Apr. 19, 1703.
John Simmons [dup. Simons] and Susanna [dup. Susana] Trasie, Nov. 4, 1715.
John Simmons and Joanna Doten, Sept. 13, 1750. PCR.
John Simmons of Kingston, and Mary Hanks, Dec. __, 1752, in Kingston.
Joseph Simmons [dup. Simons] and Mary Weston, Feb. 8, 1709-10.
Joseph Simmons and Asentih Freeman, Nov. 22, 1808.
Joseph W. Simmons and Lydia S. Delano, Jan. 10, 1833.
Joshua Simmons and Sarah Delano [dup. Delanoe], Apr. 4, 1728.
Lemuel Simmons and Abigail Pierce, Mar. 15, 1769. [Mar. 15, 1770, CR1.]
Levi Simmons and Lydia Lewis of Marshfield, Oct. 10, 1765, in Marshfield.
Lewis Simmons and Lucy Dingley, Nov. 22, 1807.
Lucinda Simmons and Judah Chandler, Dec. 21, 1834.
Lussana Simmons [dup. Susanah Simmons] and John Pratt of Hingham, Jan. 11 [dup. Oct. 14], 1774. [Lusannah, Jan. 11, CR1.]
Lydia Simmons and Nathaniel Ford of Marshfield, Mar. 13, 1783. CR1.
Lydia Simmons [dup. Simons] and William Barstow [dup. Willim Bearstow], Dec. 8, 1791.
Lydia Simmons and Joseph Dace, Jan. 13, 1801.
Lydia Simmons and William Williamson of Marshfield, May 21, 1826.
Lyman Simmons and Mary Louden, Mar. 26, 1837.
Martha Simmons and Ebenezer Delano, Dec. 29, 1699.
Martin Simmons Jr., carpenter, son Martin and w., and Hannah McFarlin, b. Pembroke, dau. _____ of Pembroke, Jan. 3, 1847.
Mary Simmons and John Hunt Jr. [2d dup. omits Jr.], Apr. 24, [2d sup. Apr. 2], 1764. [John Jr., Apr. 24, CR1.]
Mary Simmons and Ebenezer Sherman Jr. of Marshfield, July 15, 1773, in Marshfield.
Mary Simmons and Thomas K. Weston, Dec. 5, 1827.
Mary Simmons and Peleg Simmons, Dec. 23, 1832.
Mercy Simmons [dup. Simons] and Nathaniel Simmons [dup. Simons], June 12, 1739.
Moses Simmons [dup. Simons] and Rachel Sampson [dup. Samson], Mar. 26, 1718.
Nathaniel Simmons [dup. Simons] and Mercy Simmons [dup. Simons], June 12, 1739.
Nathaniel Simmons and Lydia Sprague, Dec. 7, 1780.
Noah Simmons and Sylvia Southworth, July 2, 1769.
Noah Simmons and Diana Keen [dup. Kein], Sept. 19, 1771. [Keen, CR1.]
Noah Simmons and Nabby Sampson, Nov. 24, 1804.
Olive Simmons (see Alice).
Peleg Simmons and Mary Simmons, Dec. 23, 1832.
Priscilla Simmons Jr. and Samuel Taylor Jr. of Pembroke, Nov. 1, 1750, in Pembroke.
Rebecca Simmons and John Sprague, Oct. 4, 1815.
Rebecca L. Simmons and Christopher P. Drew of Kingston, June 6, 1841.
Rebekah Simmons [dup. Simons] and Constant Southworth, Feb. 10, 1714-15.
Ruby Simmons, 22, dau. Weston and Lucy, and Martin S. Witherell, 26, carpenter, of Pembroke, son Joshua K. and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1847.
Sarah Simmons and Joseph Bartlett, July 11, 1749. PCR.
Sarah Simmons and Perez Whiting, Jan. 13, 1825.
Sarah W. Simmons and Elijah Peterson, _____. [Sarah M., ___, 1826. CR1.]
Susanah Simmons (see Lussana).
Sylvester Simmons [female] and Elias Clark, Dec. 5, 1793, in Kingston.
Thomas Simmons and Bethiah Sprague [dup. Bethia], Feb. 8, 1769. [Bethiah, CR1.]
William Simmons and Sally Gullifer, Nov. 18, 1830.
William Simmons and Polly B. Delano, Jan. 19, 1842.
Zachariah Simmons and Deborah Bishop of Pembroke, May 27, 1731, in Pembroke.
_______ [and] _______, ___ Feb. __, 1793. CR1.
SIMONS (also see Simmons)-
Benjamin Simons Jr. [dup. Simmons, omits Jr.] and Fear Samson [dup. Sampson], Oct. 26 [dup. Oct. 25], 1731.
Isaac Simons [dup. Simmons] and Elisabeth Samms, May 11 [dup. May 4], 1737.
John Simons [dup. Simmons] and Mercy Pabodie, Nov. 16, 1669.
Rebecca Simons [dup. Rebekah] and Reuben Peterson, July 6, 1732.
Thankful H. Small and Briggs Gullifer, Dec. 11, 1844. [Thankful H., 20, dau. William, seaman, and Briggs Gullifer, 21, son Melinda, wid., CR1.]
Benjamin Smith and Jemima Whitman, June 22, 1807.
Caroline Smith and Charles Hewit of Wellfleet, Sept. 15, 1833.
Hannah Smith and Allen Ewell, May 3, 1818.
Jacob Smith and Persis A. Cushman of Marshfield, Oct. 16, 1836. [Jacob Jr. and Persis A. Weston of Marshfield, CR1.]
Jason Smith and Sarah J. Burgess, Apr. 5, 1846.
Jonathan Smith and Zilpah Drew, Dec. 6, 1812.
Joseph Smith and Lucia Wadsworth, Aug. 20, 1771.
Joseph T. Smith and Adeline Hunt, Sept. 9, 1824. [Adeline W., CR1.]
Judith Smith and Philip Rogers, May 3, 1812.
Lucy Smith and Zenas Drew Jr., Mar. 21, 1817.
Margaret T. Smith and Nathaniel F. Frothingham of Charleston, Sept. [Oct. written above Sept.] 30, 1836. [Oct. 30, CR1.]
Sarah P. Smith and Samuel Latham of Medford, May 21, 1845. [Sarah P., 23, dau. Benjamin, ship-master, and Margaret, and Samuel Lapham, 36, ship builder, of Medford, son G.B. and Meria, CR1.]
Sylvanus Smith of Pembroke, and Lucia S. Alden, Sept. 30, 1804.
Sylvanus Smith and Judith W. McGlauthlen, Aug. 28, 1841. [Sulvenus 3d and Judith W. McLaughlen, Nov. 25, CR1.]
William M. Smith, 24, mechanic, of Marshfield, son Jacob and Deborah of Marshfield, and Rebecca B. Gross, 24, b. Cape Cod, dau. Jonathan Y. and Cynthia, Sept. 30, 1849.
Zilpah Smith and James Wilde, Mar. 9, 1843.
Charles Snell, widr. [dup. omits widr.], carpenter, and Lois E. Ewell [dup. Louisa], May 31, 1843.
Josiah Snell and Anna Alden [dup. Aldin], Dec. 21, 1699.
Abigail Snow and Michael Ford, son William, ____, 1667. PR23.
Benjamin Snow Jr. and Mercy Wadsworth, Sept. 17, 1756.
Benjamin Snow and Betty Simmons of Kingston, Jan. 5, 1784, in Kingston.
Calebl Snow, Dr., and Sarah Drew, Apr. 15, 1827.
Nathaniel L. Snow of Boston, and Elisabeth Chandler, Mar. 11, 1843.
Nathaniel S. Snow and Salometh Gullifer, May __, 1809. [Salumith Gulliver, CR1.]
Rebecca Snow and George P. Freeman, Mar. 5, 1848. [Rebecca D., CR1.]
Samuel Snow and Tabitha Goodener, _______.
SOUL (also see Soule)-
Aaron Soul Jr. [dup. Soule] of Pembroke, and Alice Peterson, May 5, 1727.
Abigail Soul [dup. Soule] and Perez Drew of Kingston, Sept. 3, 1730.
Alethea Soul [dup. Mathea Soule] and Joshua Hall, Sept. 30, 1762. [Alithea Soul, CR1.]
Asa Soul [dup. Soule] and Olive Southworth, Apr. 15, 1773 [dup. 1772] [Soul, Apr. 15, 1773, CR1.]
Ichabod Soul and Grace Turner, Mar. 25, 1734, in Scituate.
James Soul and Lidia Tomson, Dec. 14, 1693. PCR.
James Soul [dup. Soule] and Abagail Bosworth [dup. Abigail Bosworth], Jan. 17, 1773 [dup. 1772]. [Soul and Abigail Bosworth, Jan. 17, 1773, CR1.]
Jedidiah Soul [dup. Soule] and Tabitha Bishop, Nov. 4, 1741.
John Soul [dup. Soule] and Mabel Partridge, Aug. 5, 1730.
Jonathan Soul and Hannah Southworth, Feb. 9, 1776, in Marshfield.
Joshua Soul Jr. [dup. Soule, omits Jr.] and Mary Cushman, Feb. 14, 1765. [Soul, CR1.]
Mary Soul [dup. Soule] and Joshua Cushman of Lebanon, Conn., Jan. 2, 1732-3 [dup. 1727].
Mathea Soul (see Alethea).
Micah Soul [dup. Soule] and Mercy Southworth, May 31, 1740.
Nepheta Soul [dup. Nephela Soule] and Consider Simmons, Feb. 25, 1763. [Nephele Soul, CR1.]
Rachel Soul [dup. Soule] of Pembroke, and David Magoon of Pembroke, [dup. Magoun of Pembrook], Sept. 26, 1728.
Samuel Soul and Sophia Peterson, July 29, 1812. PR59.
Zeruiah Soul [dup. Soule] and Ebenezer Samson [dup. Sampson], Apr. 23 [dup. Apr. 28], 1728.
SOULE (also see Soul)-
Aaron Soule Jr. of Pembroke, and Lydia Peterson Jr., Dec. 26, 1733, in Pembroke.
Abigail Soule and Asa Hunt, Dec. 8, 1801.
Abigail Soule and Joshua Ames, Nov. 16, 1819.
Abigail Soule and Seth Tupper of Boston, May 1, 1825.
Abishai Soule [dup. Soul] and Abigail Delano [dup. Delanoe], May 14, 1741.
Abighai Soule of Augusta, Me., and Sophia Wadsworth, Apr. 7, 1821.
Alathea Soule [dup. Alethea Soul] and Allerton Cushman of Plympton, Jan. 30, 1734-5.
Alice Soule and Barnabus Perry of Pembroke, Mar. 30, 1732, in Pembroke.
Alice Soule (see Olive and Oliver Hatch Soule).
Caroline S. Soule and George G. Holmes, Apr. __, 1832. PR41.
Catherine Soule, dau. Stephen, and Ebenezer P. Richmnd of Halifax, b. Halifax, s. ______ of Halifax, Nov. 5, 1843.
Charles Soule and Mercy Sprague, June 25, 1809.
Charles Soule and Rebeca N. Delano, Dec. 10, 1832. [Charles 2d, Dec. 16, CR1.]
Charles Soule Jr. and Prudence Loring Soule, June 9, 1847. PR70.
Charles Soule, widr., 65, mariner, son Ezekiel and CLenthea, and Mary B. Alexander, wid., 34, b. Plymouth, dau. Thomas Savery and Joanna of Plymouth, Dec. 19, 1847.
Daniel Soule and Deborah W. Kent, Dec. 8, 1822.
Deborah Soule and John Hunt, May 1, 1746.
Dewsbury Soule and Seneca Wadsworth, Jan. 5, 1777.
Esther Soule and Darius Brewster, May 3 [dup. Feb. 12], 1791. [Soul, May 8, CR1.]
Ezekiel Soule [dup. Soul] and Hannah Delano [dup. Delanoe], Jan. 4, 1732-3.
Ezekiel Soule and Cynthia Wadsowrth, Jan. 7, 1777. [Clinthea, Feb. 7, CR1.]
Freeman Soule and Nancy Freeman, Apr. 18, 1841. [Nancy 2d, CR1.]
George Soule and RUth Sprague, Nov. 9, 1806.
George Soule and Abby Goodwin, Oct. 27, 1833. PR90.
Hannah Soule and John Oldham, Nov. 8, 1750. PCR.
Hannah Soule and John Weston, Nov. 24, 1821.
Harvey Soule and Priscilla Pierce, July 3, 1842. [Harvy, PR65.]
James Soule and Mary Bradford, Oct. 9, 1820.
Joanna Soule and Lot Stetson, May 8, 1777.
John Soule [2d dup. Soul] and Patience Wormall [2d sup. Wormal], Jan. 11, 1759. [Soul, and Patience Wormall, CR1.]
Joseph Soule Jr. and Mercy Fullington of Marshfield, Mar. 18, 1742, in Marshfield.
Joseph Soule and Polly Darling, June __, 1796.
Joshua Soule and Joanna Studley [dup. Studly], Feb. 15, 1704-05.
Joshua Soule and Rebecca Chandler, June 15, 1802.
Josiah Soule and Lydia Delano [dup. Delanoe], May 25, 1704.
Josiah Soule and Oliver [sic] Hatch Soule, Nov. 28, 1782. [Alice, CR1.]
Lauanna Soule and Paul Wing of Sandwich, Mar. 19, 1841.
Lot Soule and Elisabeth Brooks, Dec. 1, 1836. [Elizabeth, PR83.]
Lydia Soule and Ichabod Simmons, Dec. 8, 1743. PCR.
Lydia Soule and Jedediah Simmons, Aug. 23, 1750. PCR.
Lydia Soule and Joseph Bearstow, Nov. 16, 1786.
Lydia Soule and Andrew Sampson, Dec. 30, 1804.
Lydia F. Soule, 49, dau. Nathaniel and Lydia, and Martin Waterman, widr., 49, mariner, son Eliphalet and Silvina, Aug. 6, 1848.
Mabel Soule and Samuel Kempton Jr. of Plymouth, Feb. 9, 1736-7, in Plymouth.
Mary Soule and George Bryant of Plimpton, Jan. 24, 1830.
Mary Chapman Soule and Sylvanus Sampson J r., Mar. 20, 1834. PR70.
Mary S. Soule and Joseph A. Sampson, Sept. 3, 1846. PR87.
Mehetabel Soule, Mrs., and Ichabod Weston, Dec. 7, 1769. [Mehetable Soul, wid., CR1,]
Micah Soule and Lucy Alden, Aug. __, 1806.
Micah A. Soule and Sarah B. Wadsworth, Dec. 23, 1844.
Moses Soule [dup. Soul] and Sarah Chandler [dup. Chanler], Jan. 15, 1729 [dup. 1729-30].
Nathan Soule and Sarah Southworth, Dec. 17, 1746.
Nathan Soule Jr. and Rhoda B. Freeman, Mar. 7, 1838.
Nathaniel Soule [dup. Soul] and Abigail Toleman of Scituate [dup. Abagail Tolman of Scituate], Apr. 27, 1775.
Nathaniel Soule and Lydia Freeman, Jan. __, 1794.
Nathaniel Soule and Polly Partridge, Sept. 29, 1808.
Olive Soule and Nathaniel Winsor, Jan. 19, 1768.
Olive Soule and John Hatch, Dec. 29, 1807. [Alice Soul, CR1.]
Oliver [sic] Hatch Soule, and Josiah Soule, Nov. 28, 1782. [Alice, CR1.]
Otis Soule and Salometh W. Sampson, Feb. 5, 1815.
Prudence Loring Soule and Charles Soule Jr., June 9, 1847. PR70.
Rebecca Soule and Gideon Sampson of Plympton, Dec. 22, 1784.
Richard Soule and Prudence Loring, June 24 [dup. June 10], 1810.
Richard Soule Jr. and Harriet Winsor, Aug. 12, 1840. [Harriot, PR70] [Harriet, PR74.]
Samuel Soule [Soule written over Snow] and Mehetable White, Oct. 1, 1756.
Samuel Soule and Ruth Partridge, Jan. 28, 1807.
Samuel Soule and Hannah Partridge, Apr. 18, 1814.
Samuel Soule and Lydia Chandler, Dec. 4, 1842.
Sarah Soule [dup. Soul] and Aaron Bisbe, Nov. 26, 1747.
Sarah Soule [2d sup. Soul] and Benjamin Prior Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], Jan. 8, 1765. [Soul and Benjamin Prior Jr., CR1.]
Simeon Soule and Jane Weston, Dec. 29, 1776.
Simeon Soule and Asenith Brewster, Dec. 1, 1803.
Simeon Soule Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Patience B. Delano, Jan. 31 [dup. Jan. 30], 1828. [Simeon, Jan. 31, CR1.]
Stephen Soule and Lydia Pierce, Nov. 16, 1816.
Sylvia Soule and Joshua Peterson, Feb. 17, 1780.
Sylvina Soule and Thomas Rogers of Marshfield, Aug. 7, 1803.
Thomas Soule and Deborah D. Sampson, Nov. 25, 1832. [Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano Sampson, PR91.]
Thomas Soule 2d, 26, ship carpenter, son Thomas and Sally, and Caroline Sampson, 22, dau. Eden S. and w., Dec. 22, 1844.
William Soule and Priscilla Sampson, Apr. 15, 1784.
William Soule 2d and Nancy Peterson, Nov. 16, 1843.
Abigail Southworth and John Foster, Mar. 7, 1793. [Mar. 17, CR1.]
Abigail Southworth and Zachariah Damon of Hanover, Dec. 25, 1834.
Alice Southworth and Jacob Weston, Nov. __, 1784.
Benjamin Southworth and Rebeckah Delano [dup. Delanoe], Aug. 4, 1715.
Constant Southworth and Rebekah Simmons [dup. Simons], Feb. 10, 1714-15.
Cynthia Southworth and Asa Philips, Oct. 5, 1769.
Edward Southworth and Mary Pabodie [dup. Marcy Paboda], Nov. 16, 1671.
Edward Southworth and Mercy Thomas, Jan. 18, 1769.
Edward Southworth and Ruth Ozier, Mar. 15, 1799.
Elisabeth Southworth and Samuel Weston, Mar. 14, 1716-17.
Elisabeth Southworth, 27, dau. John and Lucy, and Edward B. Weston, widr., 45, mariner, son Silvanus dec'd and Sally dec'd, Dec. 12, 1847.
Hannah Southworth of Marshfield, and Hezekiah Harrington [dup. Herrington] of Marshfield, Mar. 1, 1738-9.
Hannah Southworth and Jonathan Soul, Feb. 9, 1776, in Marshfield.
Hannah Southworth and Simeon Brooks, May __, 1805.
James Southworth and Sarah Drew, Nov. 28, 1762.
Jasher Southworth and Rumah [2d dup. Reumah] Southworth, May 5, 1763. [Reumah, CR1.]
Jedidiah Southworth and Betsey Thomas, Apr. 8, 1804.
John Southworth of Marshfield, and Sarah Clark, Nov. 9, 1748.
John Southworth and Lucy Osier, Nov. 30, 1806.
Lucia Southworth and Asa Joyce, Dec. 25, 1790.
Lucy Ann Southworth [dup. omits Ann] and Asa Joyce, Feb. 7, 1791.
Lydia Southworth and Seth Bradford, Feb. 7, 1760.
Lydia Southworth and Ezra Briggs Jr. of Hanover, Mar. 1, 1789, in Hanover.
Mary Southworth and Thomas Loring, Feb. 3, 1723-4.
Mary Southworth and William Poldin, Nov. 28, 1828. [Polden, Nov. 23, CR1] [Paulding, Nov. 23, PR21.]
Mercy Southworth and Micah Soul [dup. Soule], May 31, 1740.
Nathaniel Southworth and Deborah Hatch of Pembroke, Aug. 29, 1782.
Olive Southworth and Asa Soul [dup. Soule], Apr. 15, 1773 [dup. 1772] [Soul, Apr. 15, 1773, CR1.]
Rumah Southworth [2d dup. Reumah] and Jasher Southworth, May 5, 1763. [Reumah, CR1.]
Sally Southworth and Chandler Oldham, Dec. 31, 1812.
Sarah Southworth and Nathan Soule, Dec. 17, 1746.
Sylvia Southworth and Noah Simmons, July 2, 1769.
Thomas Southworth and Anna Hatch of Scitaute, Nov. 26, 1761, in Scituate.
William Southworth and Sarah C. Clark, Mar. 6, 1811.
Thomas Sparks of Provincetown, and Laruanna Gross, Oct. 31, 1839.
Robert Spelman and Elizabeth Loyd, Jan. 13, 1787. PR2.
Horatio N. Spooner of Plymouth, and Jerusha W. McKinz, Feb. 20, 1837. [McKensie, CR1.]
Samuuel Spooner of Dartmouth, and Rebekah Weston, Apr. 10, 1717.
William Spooner of Dartmouth, and Mercy Delano [dup. Delanoe], Nov. 25, 1713.
Ann Sprague and Freeman Loring, Dec. 14, 1816. [Dec. 14, 1817, CR1.]
Asenith Sprague [dup. Asenath] and Simeon Curtis [dup. Curtice] of Scituate, Apr. 20, 1742.
Bethiah Sprague [dup. Bethia] and David Curtis of Hanover [dup. Hannover], Dec. 14, 1732.
Bethiah Sprague [dup. Bethia] and Thomas Simmons, Feb. 8, 1769. [Bethiah, CR1.]
Caroline Sprague and William Sampson, Feb. 4, 1816.
Deborah Sprague and Nathaniel Delano [dup. Delanoe], Mar. 3, 1774. [Delano, CR1.]
Deborah Sprague and Ahira Wadsworth, Nov. 24, 1799.
Dorcas Sprague and Joseph Hatch of Falmouth, Jan. 10, 1710.
Ezekiel Sprague of Marshfield, and Huldah Fish, Feb. 3, 1785.
Ezekiel Sprague and Susan Sampson, Oct. 26, 1825.
Hannah Sprague and Elijah Sampson jr., Dec. 12, 1782.
Hannah Sprague and Ralph Partridge, Apr. 19, 1812.
Jacob Sprague, widr. [dup. omits widr.], stage driver, and Susan T. Goodspeed, dau. David and Abigail, Sept. 30, 1849. [Jacob, widr., CR1.]
Jethro Sprague and Patience Bartlett [dup. Bartlit], Dec. 12, 1738.
Joanna Sprague and James Arnold, Feb. 19, 1734-5. [dup. 1794-5 sic].
John Sprague and Mrs. Deborah Simmons, Dec. 5, 1744. [Deborah Simons, wid., CR1.]
John Sprague and Rebecca Simmons, Oct. 4, 1815.
John Sprague, 21, farmer, son Ezekiel and Susanna, and Ellen During, 19, of Marshfield, dau. William and Ellen, Oct. 7, 1849.
Joseph Sprague and Pamela Keen, June 10, 1844.
Judith Sprague and Gershom B. Weston, Sept. 17, 1820.
Lauranne Sprague and Weston Freeman, Jan. 26, 1803.
Lucy Sprague and Peleg Churchill, July 16, 1815.
Lucy Sprague and Robert Cushman of Poughkeepsie, Sept. __, 1836.
Lydia Sprague and Nathaniel Simmons, Dec. 7, 1780.
Marcy Sprague and William Hilten of Bristol, Nov. 28, 1782. [Mary, CR1.]
Margaret Sprague [dup. Margarett] of Marshfield, and Robert Howland of Marshfield, July 5, 1733.
Mary Sprague of Marshfield and William Fish, June 31 [sic], 1771, in Marshfield.
Mary Sprague (see Marcy).
Mercy Sprague, Mrs., an Ichabod Simmons, Aug. __, 1781. [Mercy, wid., CR1.]
Mercy Sprague (see Marcy).
Mercy Sprague and Charles Soule, June 25, 1809.
Nancy Sprague and Samuel Loring Jr., Oct. 3, 1819.
Nathaniel Sprague and Hannah Ford, July 19, 1770, in Pembroke.
Nathaniel J. Sprague of Marshfield, and Mary H. Burditt, June 12, 1836.
Peleg Sprague and Mercy Chandler [dup. Chanler], Feb. 18, 1745 [dup. 1745-6].
Peleg Sprague and Betsey Stetson, Jan. 21, 1835.
Phineas Sprague and Eunice Freeman, Oct. 30, 1803.
Rebecca Sprague [dup. Rebekah] and Ezra Arnold, July 27, 1732.
Ruth Sprague and Samuel Kein [dup. Keen], Apr. 18, 1719. [dup. Jan. 22, 1718-19].
Ruth Sprague and John Burgess, Jan. 5, 1806.
Ruth Sprague and George Soule, Nov. 9, 1806.
Samuel Sprague and Ruth Alden, Nov. 29, 1694.
Samuel Sprague Jr. and Sarah Oldham, July 8, 1742.
Sarah Sprague and Samuel Alden, Feb. 26, 1727-8.
Sarah Sprague and Campbell Ripley, Feb. 24, 1771.
Seth Sprague and Deborah Sampson, Mar. 30, 1779.
Sylvina Sprague [dup. Sylvia, 2d dup. Silvina] and Nathaniel Sylvester [2d up. Silvester] of Scituate, Dec. 6, 1759. [Sylvina and Nathaniel Sylvester of Scitaute [of Scituate written in pencil.], CR1.]
Uriah Sprague and Lydia Sampson, Nov. 23, 1769.
Welthea Sprague and Thomas Winsor, Mar. 14, 1802.
Zeruiah Sprague [dup. Zerviah] and Nathaniel Chandler [dup. Chanler], Mar. 19, 1723-4.
Zeruiah Sprague and Perez Thomas, Mar. 7, 1813.