Land Records - 1684 to 1698
Extracted from
Copy of the old records of the town of Duxbury, Mass.,
from 1642 to 1770 : made in the year 1892.
Plymouth: Avery & Doten, book and job printers, 1893,

[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

1683-4. Feb. 23. Vol. a. Page 235.
Where as, we whose names are under written, are appointed by the Towns of Duxburrow and Marshfield to run the lines, and settle the bounds between the townships of Duxburrow and Marshfield, as by the records of the said towns doth appear. We have accordingly run the said lines and settled the bounds as followeth, viz: From the rock that is flat on the top near the house of Clement King, Northwest to the North river, and have marked several trees in the range, and about 12, or 15 rods North eastward of Samuel Hach's house we raised a heap of stones, and from the said rock South east to the cart way between Samuel and Seth Arnolds, where we raised a heap of stones, and from thence to Green's harbour fresh, the path to be the bounds, and on the Eastward side of said fresh, just above where the said way goes through it, we raised a heap of stones, and from hence on a straight line to a tree of white oak, with the top broken off, called Poles, which said tree stands by the cart way, just where an old foot path turns out of it towards Carswell, and between the said ways, and from thence on a straight line to the Southwest side of Edward Bump's land, so called where he formerly lived at Duck hill, taking in the said sand some times the said Edward Bumpusses to the township of Marshfield, and these bounds aforesaid to be the bounds between the said townshires of Duxborrow and Marshfield for ever more. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the three and twentyeth day of February, 1683-4. WILLIAM PABODIE. NATHANIEL THOMAS. JOHN TRACY. SAMUEL SPRAGUE. Transcribed and recorded by me RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerke. MAY 22d, 1684.

1684.June 17. Vol. a. Page 236.
May the third, 69. The town have sold unto Benjamine Church a certain parcel of meadow at Namassakeesit, lying between Matakesit brook, Indian head river and Sedar swamp, ten acres, for Six pounds, lying together and more to the ----— of twenty acres for ten shillings an acre if he please, and have chosen Mr. Constant Southworth and William Paibody to lay it forth unto him, and give him a deed for the same in the Town's behalf. Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. June 17th, 1684.

1684. June 14. Vol. a. Page 236.
Where as the town, May third, '69, did sell unto Benjamine Church, ten acres of meadow land for Six pounds, and what more he would, not exceeding ten acres, for ten shillings an acre, and he, at a town meeting May the twenty third 1670, desired but five acres more, that is fifteen in all, We who were appointed by the town to lay it forth and bound the said land, have accordingly done, viz: The Eastward bounds Namassakeesit River from the mouth of Indian head River to the coming in of the Great Cedar Swamp brook into Mattakesit river, and up that said brook unto a white ash tree marked by the brook side, and from the mouth of Indian head river, to a point a little above a creek where there is a maple tree marked, Indian head river being the Northern bounds, and from that said marked maple tree, with a straight line to the above said ash tree marked, for the westwardly bounds. This land was laid out and bounded as is above expressed, this first day of June 1670, by Constant Southworth and Wm. Pabodie.
Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. June 14, 1684.

1684. June 21. Leaflet marked a. No page.
The bounds of George Russel and John Russels meadow is as followeth, viz: on the north westerly side with the meadow of John Hudson, and the south marked easterly side with a small white oak tree marked, and so to run south west and by south by ----- stakes in said meadow to the river. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACIE. June 21st, 1684.

1684. June 21. Leaflet.
The bounds of Lieut. Robert Barker's land on the North river, which was laid forth to Thomas Bird of Scituate is as followeth, viz: from a great white oak tree which is the bounds of George Russels lot, so to run westerly to a ----- tree marked, and so on the same line to the meadow, and from the above said white oak tree to run North and by East, to a small red oak tree marked, and from thence to run north west to a stake and heap of stones, and so to run westerly to a leaning white oak tree marked, standing by the river side, and ---— the said river and meadow to be the westerly bounds until it meet with the first mentioned line. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. June 21st, 1684.

1684. July 12. leaflet a.
The bounds of Robert Barker Sen., lands, on the westerly side of Namasakeesett brook is as followeth, viz: On the south side, by the land of William Tubbs Jr. and bounded at the head, at the Northwest corner with a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from thence running easterly to a stake with a heap of stones, from thence, more Northerly, to a red oak tree marked, and from thence running North East, and by East to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and so on the same line to said brook which is the Northeasterly bounds. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. July 12th, 1684.

1684. July 10. leaflet a.
The bounds of the lands of RObert Barker Sen. lying on the Easterly side of Namassakeesit brook or river is as followeth, viz: On the westerly side butted by said brook, and bounded on the southerly or south west side, with a rock by the highway near said brook, and so along said highway to a white oak tree marked, and so running South East nearest, by a range of trees marked, to a stake with a heap of stones, which is the southerly corner bounds, and from thence running Northerly for the head bounds by a range of trees marked, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, and thence from said tree, running westerly to a great white oak tree marked on four sides and (cont.)

1684. July 10. leaflet a.
from said tree running with a straight line to a pine tree marked on four sides. which said tree is the corner bounds of John Hudson's lot, which said lot is the northerly bounds, till it comes to said John Hudson's meadow, and from said meadow to be the bounds till it meet with Pudding brook, and said brook to be the hounds till it falls into Namassekeesit river, with all the meadow lands within these bounds, lying on the Easterly side of said river. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN TRACIE. July 10th, 1684.

1684. July 21. leaflet a.
The bounds of the meadow of George Russels is as followeth viz: Bounded on the southerly side with Pudding brook, and Easterly and Northerly, with the land of Robert Barker Sen.,. till said land, and said Pudding brook meet together, which said meadow is the three acres of meadow excepted in the record of Robert Barker Jr. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. June 21st, 1684.

1684. June 21.
The bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers of Namassakeesett, and granted to Mr. William Wiswall, William Brett, Thomas Hayward an Thomas Robins of Duxbury at Mattakesit is as followeth viz: Bounded on the Easterly by the brook or run, on the southerly side with a small red oak tree marked, and so running North north west by several marked trees in said range, to a stake and stones, which is the south westerly corner bounds, and on the northerly side by a maple tree marked, standing by the said brook, so running along by the high way to a small sassafras tree marked in a swamp with a heap of stones, which is the North westerly corner bounds. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. June 21st, 1684.

1684. June 21. leaflet.
The bounds of the lands of Robert Barker Sen., on the north side of Pudding brook, is as followeth, viz: Bounded on the northerly side with the land of George Russel, only extending more Easterly to a stake for the head bounds, and from the said stake by a straight line crossing the road to the afore said brook a little below the bridge, and so bounded by the said brook, till it falls into Mattakesit river, which said river is the westerly bounds, with all the meadow within these bounds, excepting three acres of meadow lying next to Pudding brook. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. June 21st, 1684.

June 21. 1684. leaflet.
The bounds of the meadow granted to William Tubbs Sen.,., now in possession of John Hudson is as followeth: Bounded on the northerly side with Pudding brook, and on the Easterly side with the land of John Hudson, on the southerly or south west side, with the land of Robert Barker Sen.,., till the land of said Barkers land and said brook meet together. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRASIE. June 21st, 1684.

1684. June. Vol. a. Page 237
The town of Duxburrow have granted unto John Russel of the said town, twenty acres of land lying at a place commonly called Robinson's creek, bounded Northerly or towards the North East, with the land granted unto Henry Samson, to the west or north west, partly the meadow of Robert Barker, and partly with the two acres of meadow granted by the town of Duxborrow unto the said John Russel, Southerly or towards the South west, with the land that Josiah Holmes exchanged with the town of Duxborrow which was formerly the land which was given unto Mr. John Holmes, and the said twenty acres of land is by the town grant to extend half a mile in length towards the south east together with one acre of meadow, bounded on the North, or towards the North East, with the meadow of Robert Sprout, to the East or inclining to South East with the upland granted to Henry Sampson, to the south west, with the land of said Samson, and to the West, or inclining to the North west, with the land of the afore said Henry Samson of Duxborrow. Recorded by RHODOLPFIUS THACHER, Clerk. ----- the hands of those appointed by the town to order such matters, whose names are as follows: JOHN TRACY. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. This 17th of June, 1684.

1684. June 17. Vol. a. Page 238.
The town of Duxburrow having made choice of Ensign John Tracy, John Soule and John Wadsworth, (as doth appear by the records of said town) to be a committee to run ranges, and to consider what are men's just and lawful rights and titles to land, and possessions, by such light as to them shall appear, that by order from them the above said committee, to the town clerk, the said land and possessions might be committed to public town records, where record doth not appear. The above said committee doth begin amongst the inhabitants of Matakeesit, or the lands adjacent there unto, June 17th, 1684. We run the head line of the fifty acre lot granted to William Tubs Sen., now in possession of John Hudson as followeth, Beginning at a pine tree marked on four sides, (being the corner bounds between Goodman Paibody's land, granted him by the town, and now in the possession of Lieu Robert Barker) and so from the aforesaid pine tree to another pine tree marked on two sides, and so to a small white oak tree marked, and so to a small red oak marked, and so to a small white oak tree marked, and so to a stake with a ditch or trench, about it, and so by a straight line to the brook or meadow, and this line runs East north east nearest. by us JOHN TRACY. JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH.

1684. June 4. Vol. a. Page 238-9.
The testimony of William Pabodie, aged 64 or there about, Saith that Mr. Constant Southworth and myself being employed by the town of Duxbury, to lay out a parcel of land for William Tubs, near Namassakeesit in the township of Duxbury afore said. We the above named, did bound it out unto him on the south side of Pudding brook, the said brook and meadow were the bounds on the north side, and two trees which we marked were the bounds on the south side, and from the meadow, which was the bound of the west end, it was to extend half a mile into the woods. The above written 1 shall testify upon my oath, if legally called there unto, as witness my hand June 4th, 1684. WILLIAM PABODIE. Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk.

1684. July 10. Vol. a. Pge 239.
The bounds of the meadow of George Russel and Thomas Rogers of Marshfield is as follows, viz:— Bounded on the northerly side by the meadow of Robert Barker Sen., and Westerly by the upland, and Easterly by the brook, and Southerly by a white oak tree marked, standing by the upland, and from thence running South east and by East nearest, to a stake, and so to the brook. JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN TRACY. July 10th, 1684.

1684. June 21. Vol. a. Page 239.
The bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers of Marshfield, granted to Mr. William Witherel, William Brett, Thomas Hayward and Nicholas Robins of Duxborrough at Matakesit is as followeth, viz: Bounded Easterly by the brook or River, on the Southerly side with a small red oak tree marked, and so running North North west by several marked trees in the range to a stake and stones, which is the south westwardly corner bounds, and on the Northerly side, by a maple tree marked. standing by said running brook, so running along by the high way to a small sassafras tree marked, in a swamp, with a heap of stones, which is the Northwesterly bounds. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. June 21st, 1684.

1684. Oct. 20. Vol. a. Page 240.
The bounds of the land of James Bishop, is as followeth, viz: Begining at a white oak tree marked on four sides, which said tree is the corner bound of said land, and from thence, North North East, with a range of trees marked on two sides, to a red oak tree marked on four sides, by the side of Abraham Pierce's land, which said tree is the corner bound of said Bishops land, and from thence, westerly, to a spruce tree marked on four sides, and so to a black oak tree near the out side of Cedar Swamp and with said brook southwardly to the old bay path, which said path and brook are the corner bounds of said lands, and by the path to a white oak tree marked on four sides, and from thence Easterly nearest to the first said corner bound, the path being the southerly bounds of said land. July 10th, 1684. JOHN TRACY. JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. Recorded by RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk. this 20th Oct., 1684.

1684. July 10. Vol. a. Page 240.
The bounds of the land of John Rogers of Marshfield, lying on the Easterly side of Namassakeesit brook or River, is as followeth, viz: butting westerly upon said brook, and bounded on the North east side by the land of Robert Barker Sen. and on the south side by a red oak tree marked on four sides, and from said tree running north west nearest to said brook, and from the aforesaid tree south east nearest to a red oak tree marked, for the Southwest side corner bound, and from said tree, by a north east line to a stake with a heap of stones, which is Robert Barkers corner bound, which is the head bound of this lot. This lot hath an allowance in the breadth for that the high way goeth through it. July 10th, 1684. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN TRACY.

1684. June 17. Vol. a. Page 242
The bounds of Lieutenant Robert Barker's land, is as follows, Begining on the North side of Pudding brook, where Plymouth road goes over the brook on the eastern side the said road, and so bounded by the path, to a small white oak tree marked, from thence easterly to a black oak tree marked, from thence northerly to a pine tree marked, from thence easterly to a white oak tree marked, from thence Southerly to a pine tree marked, there meeting with Marshfield road, and so by an easterly line to a great pine tree marked on the north side, of Marshfield road, from thence upon a square line to a spruce or white pine tree marked, and by the same line to Pudding brook, with all the meadow land on the north side of the brook within these bounds, as also all the meadow land on the south side of Pudding brook, from the afore said road up the afore said brook, to the upermost rock in said brook, a little below Beaver Dam. June 17th, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by me,
January 12th, 1684. RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1684. July 12. Vol. a. Page 243.
The bounds of Lieutenant Robert Barker's land at the North River, which was laid forth to Thomas Bird of Scituate is as followeth, viz: From a great white oak tree which is the bounds of George Russel lot, so to run westerly to a crooked tree marked, and so, on the same line to the meadow, and from the above said white oak tree, to run North and by East, to a small red oak tree marked, and from thence to run North West to a stake with a heap of stones, and so to run Westerly to a leaning white oak tree by a rock marked, standing by the River side, and so the River and Meadow to be the Westerly bounds until it meet with the first mentioned line. June 21, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk. Jany 22, 1684-5.

1684. July 12. Vol. a. Page 242.
The bounds between the meadow of Lieutenant Robert Barker, and the upland of John Hudson, lying on the southerly side of Pudding brook, to the easterly side of the road is as followeth, viz: Begining at a small white oak tree marked on four sides, standing square with the rock in the brook, which is the upermost bounds of said Barker's meadow, and from said marked tree to an ash tree marked, so to a maple tree marked, and so to a spruce tree marked, and so to another spruce tree iinarked, and so another spruce tree marked, and so to a maple tree marked, and so to a white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to a birch tree marked, and so to said Pudding brook. The above mentioned bounds were made and concluded by a mutual consent, and agreement between said Barker and said Hudson. In witness here unto they have set their hands July 12th, 1684. The mark of (0) JOHN HUDSON. ROBERT BARKER. In presence of us witnesses: JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACIE. Transcribed and recorded
by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. Jany 13, 1684-5.

1684-5. Jany 22. Vol. a. Page 244.
The bounds of Mr. William Kemps at the North Jany 22. River is as followeth, viz: Butted and bounded on the Northern End and Easterly side by said river and meadow, from a heap of stones raised between two small trees marked, which is the Westerly bounds of said Kemp's lot, and the bounds between Mr. William Witherly's lot and said Kemp's lot, which heap of stones is near said North River, and from thence, running with a straight line, East South East nearest, to a rock with some stones upon it, for the Westerly head bounds, from thence by a straight line, East North East, nearest, for the head line, to a walnut tree standing by the meadow side, marked on four sides, with all the meadow lying and being on the Westerly side of said North River, from the Easterly bounds of Lieu Robert Barker's meadow, running down said River to bounds of the meadow of George Russel, lying near the mouth of a creek commonly called Robinson's creek. June 20th, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORTH. JOIIN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk.

1684. June 18. Vol. a. Page 245.
The bounds of the meadow at Robinson's creek the line between George Russel's meadow towards the head of the creek, and the meadow of Robert Barker Sen., is from a white oak tree marked by the meadow side, by a line running East South East nearest, across the said meadow to a red oak tree marked on the other side of the meadow, these are to be the bounds of Robert Barker's meadow toward the South west, and the bounds toward the north east are from a red oak tree marked, by the side of Mr. Seabury's land, running East and by north to a maple stump marked, in the meadow, and so to a stake, and so upon the same line to the creek, containing all the meadow within these bounds. June 18th, 1684. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. Jany 22d, 1684-5.

1684-5. Jany 23. Vol. a. Page 245.
The Bounds of the meadow of Robert Barker Sen., lying upon the North River, over against a place commonly called Palmer's Landing place, bounded toward the East North East, from a tree stump with a heap of stones at the root, by a North North East line by two stakes in the meadow, to the afore said River, a little to the westward of the mouth of a little creek, and so up the River, until! the upland and the River meet together, containing all the meadow land within these bounds. June 18, 1684. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by RHODOLPHUS THACHER, T. C. January 23d, 1684-5.

1684-5. Jany 23.Vol. a. Page 246.
The Bounds of the land of Robert Baker Sen., on the North side of Pudding brook, are as followeth, viz: Bounded on the Northerly side with the land of George Russell, only extending more Easterly to a stake, for the head bound, and from the said stake by a straight line, crossing the road, to the aforesaid brook, a little below the bridge, and so bounded by the said brook, till it falls into Mattakesit River, which said River is the Westwardly bounds, with all the meadow within these bounds, excepting three acres of meadow lying next to said Pudding brook. Jan. 24, 1684. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and recorded by RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. Jany 23d, 1684-5.

1683. May 21. Vol. a. Page 246.
In the year 1659. At a town meeting the 19th day of January, The town granted to Mr. John Alden Sen., all that piece of common land, from the south of Phillip Dillano's, that is to say on the south side of his land, and from the westerly bounds of said side upon a south, and so along the head of the above said John Alden's lot until it comes to a point, not running the whole breadth of his lot. Recorded by order of the town, 21st May, 1683. By me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk.

1685. July 21. Vol. a. Page 246-7.
The Bounds of the lands of Isaac Peirce, on the westerly side of Nanaassakeesit brook or River, are as followeth, viz: Bounded on the Easterly side by said brook, and on the Southerly side by a red oak tree marked, near the said brook, so running westerly to a white oak tree marked on four sides for the head bound, and on the Northerly side, by a red oak tree marked, near said brook, and so running Westerly to another red oak tree marked, and so to a stake, and from said stake running Southerly, for the head line, to the aforesaid white oak tree marked. These bounds were set by the free consent of Abraham Peirce, July 13, 1684. Transcribed and recorded by me. RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. July 21st, 1685.

1684. Oct. 18. Vol. a. Page 247.
The Bounds of the Upland of Samuel West, of Duxborrough, formerly granted to James Lendall, is as followeth, viz; Bounded on the easterly side by a white oak tree, standing near the Mill brook, which is the bounds of the land of Francis West, and so by said land to another white oak tree marked, and from thence by a square line for the head bound, to a red oak tree marked, and so to the brook, and so bounded by said brook. Oct. 18, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORrH, JOHN SOULE, JOHN TRACY.

1684. Oct. 18. Vol. a. Page 247-8.
The Bounds of the upland lands, formerly granted to William Hilier and George Polard, and now in possession of Samuel West, is as followeth, viz; Lying on the south side of a swamp, and the west side of the Stony or Mill brook, running up said brook from the north side of said swamp, south and by west, Eighty poles for the breadth, and to a red oak tree marked with stones, from thence by trees marked running west south west to a white oak tree marked, for the corner bound, from thence by trees marked with heaps of stones by them, ranging to a white oak marked, by Green's Harbour brook, with a heap of stones by it, and from said tree, running eastwardly upon a straight line to a red oak tree marked, at the head of aforesaid swamp, and so running a long said swamp on the north side to the homestead, or house lots, with all the meadow land on the north side of said brook lying before the land. Oct. 18, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORTH, JOHN SOULE, JOHN TRACY.

1685. Dec. 25. Vol. a. Page 248.
The Bounds of the Meadow of Isaac Pierce, is as followeth. Bounded westerly by the uplands, and northerly by the meadow of Abraham Pierce, and easterly by a white oak tree marked, standing near said brook. July 10, 1864. By us, JOHN SOULE, JOHN WADSWORTH, JOHN TRACY. Recorded by me, RHODOLPELTS TEACHER, Clerk. Dec. 25, 1685.

1685. Feb. 18. Vol. 249.
We whose names are under written being chosen by the town of Duxborrough to lay out land, we have laid out unto William Clark, fifty acres of land formerly granted unto Stephen Briant, and since granted to Clark, and is bounded on the north east side by the line between Marshfield and Duxburrow, and is bounded at the foot of a small red oak tree, marked, by Abraham Holmes land for the north east corner bounds, so running along said line to a pine tree marked, being in length 160 Rods, and from said tree, running south west nearest, in breadth 50 rods to a red oak tree marked, for the south west corner bound, and by a red oak tree marked, for the south east corner bound. JOHN SOULE, JOHN TRACY. This above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk.

1685. Feb. 18. Vol. a. Page 250. DUXBURROUGH, FEB. 18, 1685.
The land of Edward Southworth was ranged by us, viz; John Soule, Abraham Samson, June and Thomas Dellano, and it is as followeth. From a stake and a heap of stones near the Ruins of Rose old house, and from thence by another line a little westerly 50 Rods to a red oak tree marked, and from said oak tree westerly to the old path that. leadeth to Marshfield, and then by said path to the highway, lately set forch, and then by said road easterly to the land of Goodman Simons, and then said Simons land to be the bounds with the points-thereof to the Marshlands, and then by the Marsh bounded to the Mill brook, and by said brook and Mill pond, to the aforesaid stake and stones. The above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk. The land of Captain Church, laid forth by us, John Soule Abraham Sampson Junr. and Thomas Delano, February 18th 1685, and begineth at a stake and stones near the ruins of Rose old house, and then by another line, a little westerly 50 Rods, to a red oak tree marked, and then by a westerly line to another red oak tree marked, and from said red oak tree by a south line a little easterly to a stake and stones, near the upper part of the Mill pond, which said south line is the east side of Edmond Weston's land, and the West side of Edmond Weston's land, begineth on the north side of a swamp that leadeth down to the Mill brook, and a white oak marked, a distance from the swamp, and so by a north line a little westerly, to a great crooked red oak, and from thence to the red oak marked as aforesaid. The head of Captain's land. The above written was approved by the town and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Clerk.

1684. Jan. 20. Vol. a. Page 251.
The Bounds of Mr. William Witherel's lot at the North River, is as followeth, viz; Bounded on the easterly side by Mr. Kemps land, and south westerly for the breadth, to a heap of stones between the land granted to John Willis, and in possession of Lieutenant Barker, and for the length, by a line running north north west to said River, and south south east to a stake by a swamp's side, and from thence east north east to a rock with stones upon it, which is the south west corner bound of Mr. Kemp's lot. But finding this lot to be but twenty two rods in breadth, it is added at the head from the aforesaid stake, 32 rods to a stake standing in a swamp towards George Russel's land, and from thence 22 rods to another stake, and from thence more northerly 6 rods, to another stake, and from thence by a square line to a stake by Mr. Kemp's head line. June 20th, 1684. By us, JOHN WADSWORTH, JOHN SOULE, JOHN TRACY,

1686. Mch. 30. Vol. a. Page 249.
March 30, 1686. —We John Soule, Abraham Samson, Junr., and Thomas Dellano, ranged the land of Elder Cushman, of Plymouth, lying near Jones River bridge in Duxburrough. Beginning on the north east corner, at a walnut tree marked, and so by a west line unto the Marsh above the bridge, where we marked a red oak, and then bounded by Marsh and River, to the land of Joseph Wadsworth, where we marked a red oak, and then by an east line to the mouth of the River aforesaid, and so by the line where the walnut tree standeth, where we began as aforesaid. The above written was approved by the town, and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1685. Oct. 25. Vol. a. Page 241.
We whose names are underwritten, being a true and lawful Jury, have according to order of Court, bounded out the road from Marshfield bounds, to Plymouth road, which is in manner as followeth, Begining at Green's Harbour brook, there we marked a red oak on the Westwardly side of the road, so laying out the beaten road, or old cart way to the Mill Bridge, for the King's highway, bounded on the Westerly side with several trees marked with three chops in every tree, still keeping the beaten road until we came to the above said Plymouth road. Further also, we laid out the high way from Jones' River Bridge, unto the North river bridge, near as the beaten road now lyeth, and Bounded it out with several trees marked with three chops in every tree, and heaps of Stone on the Westwardly side of said road or King's high way. ELNATHAN WESTON. EDWARD SOUTHWORTH. JOHN SPRAGUE. ISAAC BARKER. ABRAHAM SAMPSON. FRANCIS BARKER. LIEUT. BARKER. CABET SAMPSON. JOHN RUSSELL. BENJAMIN BARTLETT JR. JOSIAH HOLMES. This 24th Oct., 1684. Transcribed and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk. Oct. 25th, 1685.

1686. Vol. a. Page 251. Dec. 9.
1686, the 9th of December, We John Soule and Thomas Delano, Laid out the land to John Thomas. Beginning at a heap of stones. and a stake on the North west side of a path coming from Marshfield, to a place called Dingley's Wolf trap, and so from said stake by a south west by west line, a little westerly four score rods, to a pine tree marked, and then by a South east south, by a range of trees, to a small pine tree marked, and then squaring, to a maple tree marked, and then by its square to the stake and stones afore said. The above written was recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Cleicus.

1687. Sept. 20. Vol. a. Page 252.
At a town meeting 20th Sept. 1687. The town did quit their claim to Great Wood Island, and gave their consent to the recording of it to Simon Rouse. By me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clericus.

1684. July 12. Vol. a. Page 254.
The bounds between the meadow of John Hudson, and the upland of Lieut. Robert Barker lying upon the North River above the bridge, made and concluded by a mutual consent, and agreement between the said Hudson and said Barker, and is as followeth, viz: Begining at a white oak tree marked on four sides ranging with a maple tree, which is the bound of the meadow, and from said white oak tree running to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to a maple tree marked, and so to another white oak tree marked, and so to another horn bound tree, and so to another horn bound tree marked, and so to a maple tree marked, and so to another maple tree marked, and so to a heap of stones by said river side. And in Witness here unto they have set their hands this July 12th 1684. In presence of us Witnesses. JOHN SOULE. JOHN WADSWORTH. JOHN TRACY. The above written was transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1684. July 12. Vol. a. Page 256.
The Bounds of the upland of William Tubs Sen. is as followeth, viz: Bounded Easterly by the upland of John Russel, and Westerly by Namassakeesit brook or river, and so said brook to be the bound up to a small brook, which brook falls into said Namassakeesit brook, which said small brook is the head bound, ranging Easterly till it meet with the land of John Russell, formerly granted to John Rouse Sen.,. of Marshfield. July 11, 1684. By us, JOHN SOUTHWORTH. JOHN TRACY. Transcribed and Recorded by me, RHODOLPHLUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1688. May 14. Vol. a. P. 255-6.
Where as in the year forty the Bounds of Duxborrough was set by the Court of New Plymouth, and it was ordered by the said Court that the meadow at the Gurnet should belong to said Duxborrow, and about the year Sixty, the said meadow was disposed of by the town of Duxborrough, as followeth. To Francis West, Edward Weston, William Clarke, Zacariah Soule, Joseph Alden, John Soule, and ordered Lieutenant Samuel Nash, and Phillip Delano to lay it forth the said meadow unto the above said men; which was accordingly done, and bounds made, and was recorded in the town books; But since that time, the said books being burnt, these records were lost. But the fourteenth day of this instant, the new proprietors met together whose names are as followeth, Samuel Seabury, in the right of Francis West, Edward Southworth in the right of Edmond Weston, Samuel West in the right of William Clarke, Jonathan Alden in the right of Joseph Alden, John Soule in the right of Zachariah Soule, Josiah Howland in the right of John Soule; And on the said fourteenth day renewed the bounds of the meadow, which said bounds are as followeth: The first lot, Edward Southworth's, on the South of the Gimlet creek, and said creek to a rock and a heap of stones, being the bounds thereof, and from said rock and stones, to a white oak and cedar marked, and stake and stones by the creek, ranging with the high land of Saquaquash. To Joseph Howland, being the second lot, and from said oak and cedar, to a cedar stump and stones, and by a stake and stones to the creek. To Jonathan Alden being the third lot, and from said stump, and stake and stones, to a cedar tree marked, and by a stake and stones to the creek. To Samuel West, being the fourth lot, and from said tree and stake along the beach to a place where the salt pan stood, and by a stake and stone, and range of stakes to the creek that makes the Gurnet Island. To Samuel Seabury, being the fifth lot, and from said range of stakes, up the beach as far as the meadow doeth go. To John Soule, being the Sixth lot, leaving the Island to said proprietors undivided. Dated May 14th, 1688. The above written was transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPIHIS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1684. June 21. Voil. a. Page 262.
The Bounds of John Hudson's meadow, is as follows, Upon the North River above the bridge, running up the said river, bounded by the river and the uplands to a maple tree marked, and from said tree to run South west and by South nearest, to a stake in the meadow, and so to said river. June 21st, 1684. By us, JOHN SOULE. JOHN TRACY.

1692. Mch. 11. Vol. a. Page 252.
Whereas there has been some controversy between the Town of Duxborrough, and Major Josiah Winslow of Marshfield respecting the bounds of marsh between them. The said town of Duxbury having by an order of that town bearing date, the twenty-first of May 1674, enpowered Mr. John Alden Sen.,. Mr. Samuel Seabury, William Pabodie, John Tracy and John Soule, or any three of them to treat with said Winslow, and make a full issue and settlement of the said controversy as by the said order, is more fully expressed. Be it known that on the 16th day of June 1674, Mr. Samuel Seabury, William Pabodie, John Tracy.

1692. Mch. 11. Continued. Vol. a. Page 252-3.
and John Soule, above said, met together, and after some agitation and treaty with the above said Josiah Winslow, agreed as followeth. That the bounds between the said Major Josiah Winslow and Town of Duxbury shall be and forever remain, and be known by these boundaries by us jointly set, and established, viz. At the westerly, or south west corner of the said Major's marsh, by a stake and little hole cut in the marsh on the easterly side of Careswell creek, and so to another stake and hole cut in the marsh, bearing easterly nearest, from the first stake and hole, and is by a creek that runs easterly into the creek or river that leads towards the said Major's house, being from that second stake bounded by that creek as it winds and runs to the mouth of it, or falling into the said Majors river, and then crossing that river easterly, is still bounded by another creek almost opposite to the former, going out of the said Majors river easterly, and is the creek that runs a little to the northward of a little wood island, the said creek to be the bounds as it flows, or runs up easterly or northerly, in its various turnings and windings, up to a hole cut in the marsh and stake pitched, near the said creek, and from that hole and stake, by a straight line to another hole cut in the marsh and stake near the river side, that runs up towards Gottom meadow, and bounded by that river, one reach of the said river which runs, by estimation, north east nearest, about twenty or thirty rods, into a little creek on the easterly side of the last mentioned Gotom river. And from the mouth of said little creek, by a straight line to the north west corner of the marsh of John Washburn's or John Hobbes, and so as the said Hobbs, his marsh runs to the cut creek. And have also agreed, that on consideration of the above mentioned agreement and settlement, the town of Duxbury shall allow, ratify, and confirm the sale of a certain tract of meadow or marsh, by the said Winslow, formerly sold unto William Pabodie and John Washburn aforesaid, lying near the mouth of the above said cut creek. And finally, we the above mentioned Josiah Winslow, Samuel Seabury, William Pabody, John Tracy and John Soule, have agreed that this instrument being brought to public record, shall be a final and pupetual issue of the above said controversy. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand the day and year above written. JOSIAH WINSLOW, SAMUEL SEABURY, WILLIAM PABODIE, JOHN TRACY. JOHN SOULE. The instrument above written was transcribed and recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk. March 11, 1692.

1689. Jan. 22. Vol. a. Page 254.
At a Town Meeting in Duxburrough 22d Jany, 1689. The town did give unto William Tubs, thirty acres of land lying against said Tubs, his meadow, upon condition that he the said Tubs, does bear his part to the maintenance of the ministry, and other town charges, if it be to be had on the lower side of the broad cart way to the broad meadow. By me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1693-4. Mch. 22. Vol. a. Page 257.
In Reference unto the agreement of John Sprague and his mother, (now Ruth Thomas) at Plymouth, in court June 6th, 1683, about the bounds of their land in Duxbury. We whose names are underwritten, being employed about that business, have to the content and assent of both parties, settled the bounds of said land as followeth viz: From a white oak tree, with a straight line to a stake about the head of the creek, and so with a right or straight line from said tree up to a stake and stones, till it meet with the highway according to record Oct 8th, 1683. JOHN TRACY, JOHN SOULE, Wm. PABODIE. The above written with the two words interlined (and besides the three words scratched out) was truly transcribed out of the original agreement, and recorded by order. By me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk. This 22d March, 1693-94.

1690. No date. Vol. a. Page 257.
The bounds of the land of William Tubs junr. the Westerly side of Namassakeesit brook is as followeth, viz: Butted on the Easterly side and upon said brook, and on the Southerly side by the road, to a small sassafras tree marked with a heap of stones, and on the Northerly side with a birch stump near the mill, and so to a red oak tree marked, and so to a stake by a rock with stones upon it, which said sassafras tree and said stake and rock, is the head bounds, and is recorded by order of the Committee to run ranges. by me, RHODOLPHLIS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1690. Feb. 21. Vol. a. Page 258.
We whose names are underwritten, Laid out unto John Soule, Land formerly granted unto Zachariah Soule, being on the West side of Pudding brook. We began at a great white oak tree and run 40 rods West by North, and marked a red or black oak tree with 4 marks, and from thence, South by West 160 rods marking many trees, and at the corner of the lot on said line, we marked a thriving white oak, and from thence we ran East and by South till we came to the brook aforesaid and the said brook the bound of the said land on one side 40 acres, more or less, this 21st day of Feb., 1690. Recorded by me, RHODOLPHUS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1694. April 5. Vol. a. Page 250.
Where as Isaac Lobdin did unadvis.edly cut down the Ancient Bounds marked tree which was the corner bounds of or between Mr. Alexander Standish his land, and the said Isaac Lobdin his land, We the above said parties, to prevent future differences and wrong, are mutually agreed, and have determined that the stump of the said Ancient bound marked tree, shall still remain the same bounds as before, said Isaac Lobdin raising a monument of stones upon said stump and round about it, and further, we the above named, are agreed and determined that the walnut tree marked on two sides, standing near the above said stump, shall always stand as a direction to the old boundary. Recorded by consent and order of Mr. Alexander Standish and Isaac Lobdin this 5th of April 1694. pr me, RHODOLPHITS THACHER, Town Clerk.

1694. April 25. Vol. a.Page 259.
The town have granted to Joseph Peterson, about 30 acres of land lying between Philip Lenard's and the South river. By ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clerk.

1694. April 25. Vol. a. Page 259.
At a town meeting, the town of Duxborrough have granted to William Boney, about twenty or thirty acres of land lying between John Boney's land and Edward Weston's land, by the old Bay path, leaving sufficient way for conveniency. Pr. ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clerk.

1694. Oct. 23. Vol. a. Page 260.
By order from the town, We, Thomas Delano, and Abraham Samson, laid out unto John Boney tract of land granted unto him by the town of Duxburrough on the back side of the Cedar Swamp. We began a little way from the third brook on the North side, where we marked a white oak tree by the path and another by the swamp, for the South end, and then bounded by the path unto the fourth brook, where we marked a white oak tree, and so bounded by that brook to the swamp, being twenty five acres, or there about. Recorded by me, ALEXANDER STANDISH, Clark.

1695. May 13. Vol. a. Page 260.
We whoes names are underwritten, laid forth unto James Bishop a small tract of swampy land in Duxburrough, viz. between three or four acres, lying adjacent to Indian Head River, bounded as followeth, viz: Easterly with the land formerly sold by the town of Duxborrough to Mr. Benjamin Church, begining at the Southwesterly side of said River and so it runs fourteen rods Southwesterly with the line of the afore said land that was sold to Mr. Benjamin Church, and at the end of the fourteen rods, it runs about sixty rods with a straight line to an elm or live oak tree marked, standing about seven rods distant from the said Indian Head river, and with a straight line to a walnut tree standing by the said river side, and so bounded with the said river downward until it meet with the aforesaid land of Mr. Benjamin Church now in possession of John Rogers of Marshfield, and others. Laid out in the day and year above written, By us, ENSIGNE FRANCIS BARKER. JOSIAH HOLMES. pr ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clerk.

1695. Oct. 30. Vol. a. Page 261.
We whose names are underwritten being appointed by the Town to lay out 30 acres of land for Joseph Peterson, lying upon the town line between the land of Phillip Lenard and South River, and accordingly we have laid it out, and the bounds are as followeth: We began and bounded it with a white oak, stake and stones at the North East corner, and so making the corner line his bounds, till we came to a small black oak tree, which is marked on four sides, making the said tree his North west bound, and then Soutbwardly by a range of trees marked until we came to a red oak, which we marked for his South west corner bounds on four sides, and from said tree we ran south east for his Southerly bounds, until we came to a birch sapling being in a swamp which we marked on four sides, and then making a straight line from the birch north, to the fore named stake and stones, for his Easterly bounds. ABRAHAM SAMPSON. JOHN SOULE. pr ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clerk.

1696-7. Feb. 24. Vol. a. Page 243.
We whose names are underwritten, laid forth to Josiah Kein, Sen., a tract of land containing thirty acres, the said land, Josiah Kein, Jun'r. bought of Francis West. The aforesaid land is bounded as followeth. To the south west of Pudding brook, and from the said brook with a straight line to a pine tree marked, and so runs away easterly with a straight line from the aforesaid Pudding brook and the pine tree, to a white oak tree marked, and from the said white oak tree, the same line to the land of Josiah Kein Sen., and so bounded easterly, with the land of Josiah Kein Sen., until it meet with the aforesaid Pudding brook. Laid out by us whose names are hereunto subscribed. FRANCIS BARKER, JOSIAH HOLMES. Recorded by ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clark.

1698. May 28. Vol. a. Page 263-4.
The partition of the land between Duxburrough and Marshfield 1698. Wituesseth these presents. That where as the late general Court of Plymouth for many year now past, did give and grant unto the town of Duxborrough and Marshfield, a tract of land lying between the ancient bounds of Plymouth and Duxburrough, and bounded as per said grant on record may appear, which said tract of land ever since the time of the grant hath been held together by said towns in common, and undivided, wherefore to the intent that a perpetual partiton and division in the land may be laid out, and made between the inhabitants of said towns, and to the intent that each town may know, and enjoy their own respective parts in severalty. We the subscribers, agents for, and in the behalf of each said town by virtue of the power to us committed, have made, and hereby do make partision and division of the same in manner following. Viz: We began our line at Plymouth line where pine brook crossith said line, and so by Pine brook as it goes up until it comes to the Cedar Swamp way, where it crosseth said brook, and thence, turning from said place on a straight line to the Indian weir, where Mattakesit brook flows out of herring pond, and from said were on a straight line, to a great rock (cont.)

1698. May 28. Vol. a. Page 264-5.
on the hill, called Hart hill, and from the said rock to the mouth of a little brook that runs into a great pond at, or near a corner of Isaac Oldhams lot, thence on a straight line to a great rock on the westerly side of a little brook that runs from a dead swamp into Indian head river, said rock, being, by estimation, about twenty rods from the river, and from said rock on the same line till it comes to said river, the said town of Duxburrough for ever hereafter to have and enjoy as the proper right of said town all the land between said lines and their old bounds of said town, that is to say, Massachusets path, and said town of Marshfield shall forever hereafter as the proper right of said town, have, hold and enjoy all that part of said tract of land lying between the said lines, and Plymouth bounds, and the lands called the Majors purchase, and Indian head river. In testimony whereof, We the said agents of each respective town, have hereunto subscribed, on the eleventh day of May 1698. JOHN SOULE. ISAAC LITTLE. SETH ARNOLD. SAl. SPRAGUE. ROBERT BARKER. May 28, 1698. Recorded in the town books. ALEXANDER STANDISH, Town Clark.

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