Vital Records
To The year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
at the charge of
The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Tobias Sanders, ____, 1846. GR3.
Caroline Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Sept. 8, 1782. CR1.
Deborah Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Oct. 10, 1779. CR1.
Joseph Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Apr. 21, 1781. CR1.
Richard Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Apr. 19, 1778. CR1.
Samuel Freeman Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Aug. 17, 1788. CR1.
Zedekiah Sanger, Rev., D.D., Oct. 4, 1748, in Sherburne, Middlesex Co. CR1.
Zedekiah Sanger, ch. Zedekiah, bp. Aug. 15, 1784. CR1.
SEABURY (also see Sebury)-
Abigail Seabury (see _____ Seabury).
Abigail Seabury, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1704-05.
Abigail Seabury, ch. Oliver, bp. June 14, 1767. CR1.
Alse Seabury, ch. Oliver, bp. Oct. 16, 1763. CR1.
Barnabas Seabury, son Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1700.
Barnabus Seabury (see _____ Seabury).
Benjamin Seabury, son Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 24, 1689.
Deborah Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, Apr. 13, 1727.
Elsie Seabury (see Alse).
Faith Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, Oct. 12, 1724.
Grace Seabury [twin], dau. Samuel and Salina, July 1, 1676.
Hannah Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, June 26, 1720.
Hopestill Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, May 31, 1722.
Joseph Seabury, son Samuel and Martha, June 8, 1678.
Martha Seabury, dau. Samuel and Martha, Sept. 23, 1679.
Mercy Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 10, 1735.
Oliver Seabury, son Samuel and Deborah, Dec. 26, 1730.
Patience Seabury [twin], dau. Samuel and Salina, July 1, 1676.
Patience Seabury, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 11, 1691.
Patience Seabury, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1710.
Patience Seabury, ch. Samuel, bp. Feb. 3, 1798-9. {sic 1698-9] [dup. 1698-9.]
Paul Seabury, son Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 26, 1728.
Samuel Seabury, son Samuel and Abigail, Oct. 24, 1692.
Samuel Seabury, ch. Samuel, Apr. 23, 1695.
Samuel Seabury, ch. Oliver, bp. Aug. 1, 1762. CR1.
Sarah Seabury, dau. Samuel and Deborah, July 21, 1718.
Wiswal Seabury [dup. Wiswell Seabury], son Samuel and Deborah, Apr. 6, 1733.
_______, son Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 23, 1695.
_______, son Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 24, 1696.
_______, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1697.
_______, [dup. Barnabas], son Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 15, 1698[sic].
_______, dau. Samuel, Dec. 15, 1698{sic].
_______, dau [dup. son] Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1702.
_______, [2d dup. Abigail], dau. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 11 [dup. Mar. 10], 1703.
_______, ch. Paul, Sept. 16, 1780.
Betsey Sears, Mar. 20, 1788. PR67.
Caroline Sears, ch. Lyman and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1830.
Caroline Sears, ch. Lyman and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1833.
Charles Sears, June 19, 1823. PR67.
Clara V. Sears [V. written in pencil], ch. George, farmer, and Abby [dup. Aby] I., Apr. 14, 1849.
Elisabeth Sears, ch. Lyman and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1836.
Emily Sears, ch. Lyman and Hannah, June 1, 1839.
Francis Sears, June 4, 1815. PR67.
George Sears, Oct. 3, 1808. PR67.
George W.P. Sears [dup. omits P.], ch. George and Aby I., June 19, 1843 [dup. in Boston].
Hannah D. Sears, dau Lyman and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1847.
Harvey Sears, son William, mariner, and Elisabeth, July 16, 1845, in S. Duxbury.
Lyman Sears, Oct. 18, 1806. PR67.
Rebecca F. Sears, ch. Francis and Rebecca W., May 10, 1840.
Sidney W. Sears, ch. Francis and Rebecca W., June 27, 1847.
Susan Sears, Dec. 13, 1812. PR67.
Susan Sears, ch. Francis and Rebecca W., _____ [rec. after ch. b. June 27, 1847].
Susan E. Sears, dau. George, trader, and Abby [dup. Aby] I., Mar. 18, 1846 [dup. in Boston].
Thadeus Sears, ch. William and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1840.
Washington Sears, Oct. 19, 1781. PR67.
Washington Sears, June __, 1721. PR67.
Washington Sears, Dec. 12, 1821. PR67.
William Sears, Sept. 5, 1810. PR67.
SEBURY (also see Seabury)-
Elizabeth Sebury [dup. Elisabeth Seabury], dau. Samuell and Patienc [duo. d. Dea. Samuel and Patience], Sept. 16, 1661.
Grace Sebury [twin], dau. Samuell and Patience, Mar. 1, 1672-3.
Hannah Sebury, dau. Samuell and Patience, July 7, 1668.
John Sebury [dup. John Seabury], son Samuel and Patience, Nov. 7, 1670.
Patience Sebury [twin], dau. Samuell and Patience, Mar. 1, 1672-3.
Samuell Sebury [dup. Samuel Seabury], son Samuell and Patience, Apr. 20, 1666.
Sarah Sebury pdup. Sarah Seabury], dau. Samuell and Patience, Aug. 18, 1663.
Mary Elizabeth Shattuck, ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. __, 1845. CR3.
Caroline Shaw, dau. James and Olive, Jan. 7, 1776.
Caroline Shaw, ch. Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
James Shaw, son James and Olive, Sept. 12, 1772.
James Shaw, son Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
Joseph Shaw, son James and Olive, Oct. 1, 1777.
Joseph Shaw, ch. Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
Olive Shaw, dau. James and Olive, Feb. 16, 1774.
Olive Shaw, dau. Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
Samuel Shaw, son James and Olive, Jan. 7, 1779.
Samuel Shaw, ch. Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
Sarah Shaw, dau. James and Olive, Feb. 12, 1781.
Sarah Shaw, ch. Capt. James, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. CR1.
Sylvanus Shedd, ch. Francis and Mary A., Sept. 1, 1840, in Medford. RR.
Ann M. Sherburn [dup. Sherburne], dau. William H. (Shurburn), laborer, and Hanna [dup. Hannah], Aug. 26, 1844 [dup. 1843], at Duxbury Point.
Hannah W. Sherburn, ch. William H. and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1840.
Frederick P. Sherman, ch. Charles and Sally T., Mar. 4, 1832. [Frederic P., RR.]
Luther W. Sherman, ch. Luther and Augusta, Dec. 8, 1836.
_______, dau. Charles, May 20, 1837. RP105.
Gideon Shurtleff, Mar. 1, 1824. GR4.
SILVESTER (also see Sylvester)-
Abigail Silvester [dup. Abigail Sylvester], dau. Israel and Abigail, Apr. 17, 1747.
Benjamin Silvester [dup. Benjamin Sylvester][twin] son Joseph and Lu, Mar. 9, 1764.
Danil Silvester [dup. Daniel Sylvester], son Zachariah and Mehetable, Mar. 20, 1775.
Grace Silvester [dup. Grace Sylvester], dau. Israel and Ruth, Nov. __, 1706.
Israel Silvester [dup. Israel Sylvester], son Israel and Ruth, May 5, 1705.
Israel Silvester [dup. Israel Sylvester], son Israel and Abigail, Nov. 1, 1737.
Joseph Silvester [dup. Joseph Sylvester], son Israel and Abigail, July 6, 1735.
Joseph Silvester [dup. Joseph Sylvester], [twin] son Joseph and Lu, Mar. 9, 1764.
Josiah Silvester [dup. Josiah Sylvester], son Israel and Abigail, May 14, 1742.
Josiah Silvester [dup. Josiah Sylvester], son Joseph and Lucia, Nov. 15, 1768.
Mehetabel Silvester [dup. Mehitabel Sylvester], dau. Zachariah and Mehetable [dup. Mehitabel], Jan. 31, 1773.
Ruth Silvester [dup. Ruth Sylvester], dau. Israel and Ruth, June 26, 1701.
Seth Silvester [dup. Seth Sylvester], son Israel and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1740.
Sussana Silvester, dau. Zachariah and Mehetable, July 4, 1781.
Zachariah Silvester, son Zacharish and Mehetable, Apr. 20, 1778.
Zacheriah Silvester [dup. Zachariah Sylvester], son Israel and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1744-5.
SIMMES (also see Symmes)-
_______, son Isacc, Nov. 7, 1820. PR105.
SIMMONS (also see Simons)-
A. Simmons, ch. Peleg and Mary, _____ [rec. after ch. b. Jan. 31, 1841].
Aaron Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy, June 29, 1797. [h. Sally] GR4.] [June 29, 1796, PR4.]
Abigail Simmons, dau. Ichabod and Lydia, May 24, 1753.
Abigail D. Simmons [_______], w. Alden, Aug. 10, 1823. GR3.
Abigail Prior Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Aug. 21, 1806.
Abraham Simmons, ch. Aaron, bp. July 4, 1759. CR1.
Abraham P. Simmons, ch. Edmund and Harriet, Nov. 19, 1841. [Abram P., ____, 1842. GR3.]
Aby M. Simmons, ch. Alden [dup. mariner] and Abigail [dup. Abagail], June 30, 1843 [dup. in N. Duxbury] [Abba M., ch. Alden and Abigail D., July 7, GR3.]
Agnes Simmons, dau. Henry, carpenter, and Fanny, Feb. 6, 1847.
Alathea Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Sept. 24, 1793.
Alden Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, May 4, 1801.
Alden Simmons, ch. Henry and Fanny, Nov. 11, 1836.
Alfred Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Aug. 13, 1823.
Anderson Simmons, ch. Lemmuel, bp. Mar. 2, 1779. CR1.
Anna Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1786.
Asenith F. Simmons, ch. Joseph and Asenith, Apr. 22, 1818.
Augusta Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Sept. 18, 1817.
Augusta E. Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Oct. 25, 1830.
Barthena Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 5, 1781.
Betsey Simmons (see Elisabeth Magoun Simmons).
Betsey Simmons, ch. Lewis and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1819.
Betsey J. Simmons, ch. Artemus, Jan. 17, 1832.
Betsey N. Simmons, ch. Lyman and Mary, Oct. 7, 1839.
Beulah Simmons, ch. Lemmuel, bp. Mar. 28, 1779. CR1.
Beulah G. Simmons, ch. William H. and Beulah, Feb. 12, 1826.
Caroline Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, Mar. 10, 1809.
Caroline Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, Oct. 7, 1827.
Caroline Simmons, ch. William and Sally, Aug. 2, 1832.
Charles Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Jan. 27, 1777. CR1.
Charles Henry Simmons, ch. Joshua W. and Lucy, Mar. 5, 1824.
Charles W. Simmons, ch. Peleg and Mary, June 15, 1838.
Consider Simmons, son Ichabod and Lydia, Sept. 27, 1744.
Consider Simmons, ch. Ichabod (Simons), bp. May 1, 1748. CR1.
Cordelia Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, July 16, 1816.
Daniel Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Sept. 16, 1778. CR1.
Daniel Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Aug. __, 1781. CR1.
Daniel Simmons, ch. Henry and Fanny, Aug. 18, 1838. [Aug. 17, PR105.]
Daniel F. Simmons, ch. Peleg and Mary, Jan. 31, 1841.
Deborah Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Dec. 8, 1810.
Deborah D. Simmons, ch. Edmund and Harriet, Mar. 22, 1837.
Edmond F. Simmons, ch. Joseph and Asenith, Dec. 17, 1812.
Edwin Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Nov. 27, 1815.
Edwin G. Simmons, ch. William and Sally, Aug. 18, 1834. [Edwin I., PR17.] [s. William W., PR105.]
Eleaser Simmons, son Zachariah and Deborah, Mar. 14, 1748-9.
Elisabeth Magoun Simmons [dup. Betsey], dau. Levi and Elisabeth, July 21 [dup. July 22], 1818.
Elvira Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Sept. 13, 1808.
Frances Ellen Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, Apr. 7, 1835.
Francis W. Simmons, ch. Lyman and Mary, Sept.1 2, 1836.
Gamaliel A. Simmons, ch. Joseph and Asenith, Sept. 21, 1811.
George Simmons, ch. Lemmuel, bp. June 9, 1782. CR1.
George Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, Sept. 9, 1830.
George Simmons, ch. Joseph W. and Lydia, Ocf. 5, 1841.
George A. Simmons, ch. William W. and Ruth, July 15, 1842.
Georgianna Simmons, ch. Jesse and Matilda, Sept. 17, 1840.
Gershom Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Mar. 21, 1813.
Gustavus Simmons [dup. adds D. written in pencil], son William [dup. adds S.], carpenter, and Polly, July 23, 1845, in E. Duxbury. [Gustavus D., PR17.]
Harriet Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Mar. 18, 1819. [Harriette, ch. Weston and Lucy (Tolman), Mar. 20, PR4.]
Harriet A. Simmons, ch. Artemus, Dec. 12, 1835.
Henry Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1811.
Henry Simmons, ch. Henry and Fanny, July 26, 1840.
Hiram Simmons, ch. Seth and Nabby, Apr. 5, 1801.
Ichabod Simmons, son Ichabod and Lydia, May 25, 1761.
Ichabod Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1801.
Ichabod Simmons, ch. Ichabod and Marcia B., Dec. 24, 1831.
Isabella Simmons, ch. William W. and Ruth, July 28, 1837.
James Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, Aug. 4, 1803.
James Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Apr. 15, 1823.
Jane Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Aug. 2, 1815.
Jane Lewis Simmons, ch. William W. and Ruth, Apr. 7, 1833.
Jesse Simmons, son Aaron and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1760. [Sept. 19, 1761, PR4.]
Jesse Simmons Jr., ch. Weston and Lucy, Apr. 26, 1817.
John W. Simmons, ch. William H. and Beulah, Aug. 30, 1828.
Jonathan Soul Simmons, ch. Consider, bp. June 6, 1773. CR1.
Joseph Simmons, ch. Joseph and Asenith, Oct. 21, 1816.
Joseph E. Simmons, ch. Edmund and Harriet, July 14, 1839.
Joseph W. Simmons, ch. William and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1811. [Joseph Waterman Simmons [h. Lydia Soule Delano], Apr. 11, 1812, PR24.]
Joshua Sprague Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Apr. 28, 1807.
Joshua W. Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, Sept. 14, 1798.
Judith T. Simmons, dau. Aaron and Sally, Sept. 6, 1842.
Lemuel Simmons, son Ichabod and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1749.
Levi Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, June 17, 1807.
Levi Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, May 29, 1811.
Lewis Simmons [h. Lucy], Apr. 2, 1783.
Lewis Simmons Jr., ch. Lewis and Lucy, May 17, 1808.
Lucinda Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy [(Tolman), PR4.], Oct. 13, 1813.
Lucy Simmons, ch. Consider, bp. July 26, 1767. CR1.
Lucy Simmons [_______], w. Lewis, Apr. 25, 1786.
Lucy Simmons [twin], ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1798.
Lucy Simmons 2d, ch. Lewis and Lucy, June 13, 1811.
Lucy A. Simmons, ch. Aaron [Aron, PR105] and Lucy, July 26, 1826.
Lucy B. Simmons, ch. Joshua W. and Lucy, Apr. 4, 1823.
Lusanna Simmons, dau. Isaac and Lydia, Dec, 30, 1749.
Lydia Simmons, dau. Isaac and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1752.
Lydia Simmons [_______], w. Nathaniel, Mar. 21, 1761.
Lydia Simmons, ch. Consider, bp. June 28, 1766. CR1.
Lydia Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, May 1, 1795.
Lydia Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Jan. 30, 1816.
Lydia Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Nov. 8, 1818.
Lydia Simmons, ch. Henry and Fanny, Aug. 14, 1842.
Lydia Anderson Simmons, ch. Lemmuel, bp. Mar. 26, 1780 CR1.
Lydia Soul Simmons, ch. Consider, bp. July 24, 1768. CR1.
Lyman Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1807. [Oct. 7, PR4.]
Marcia A.B. Simmons, ch. Ishabod and Marcia B., Apr. 11, 1830.
Maria Simmons, ch. Abraham, June 30, 1809.
Martha Simmons, dau. Isaac and Lydia, Mar. 13, 1746.
Martin Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1788. [ch. Jesse and Lucy (Weston), Dec. 26, 1787, PR4.]
Martin Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, Aug. 19, 1823.
Mary Simmons, dau. Aaron and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1755.
Mary Simmons, ch. Aaron, bp. July 29, 1759. CR1.
Mary Simmons, ch. Lemmuel, bp. Mar. 28, 1779. CR1.
Mary Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, ____, 1804.
Mary Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy (Tolman), Dec. 25, 1807. PR4.
Mary Simmons, ch. Lewis and Lucy, Nov. 6, 1823.
Mary A.F. Simmons, ch. Jesse and Matilda, Jan. 5. 1843.
Mary O. Simmons, ch. Joseph W. and Lydia, Dec. 8, 1838.
Mary S. Simmons, ch. Martin and Nabby, Feb. 10, 1833.
Mary Sherman Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Dec. 18, 1809.
Mason Simmons, ch. Lewis and Lucy, Nov. 17, 1817.
Nabby Simmons [_______], w. Seth, Aug. 1, 1773.
Nabby B. Simmons, ch. Seth and Nabby, Aug. 2, 1797.
Nabby W. Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, May 8, 1809.
Nabby W. Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Jan. 30, 1820.
Nancy Simmons, [twin], ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1798.
Nathan Simmons, son Zachariah and Deborah, Apr. 3, 1732.
Nathan Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Apr. 25, 1779. CR1.
Nathaniel Simmons, son Ichabod and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1757.
Nathaniel Simmons [h. Lydia], son Ichabod, Apr. 3, 1766.
Nathaniel Simmons Jr., ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, June 24, 1788.
Nehemiah D. Simmons, ch. Levi, Sept. 11, 1795.
Noah Simmons, son Ichabod and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1745.
Noah Simmons, ch. Ichabod (Simons), bp. May 1, 1748. CR1.
Oscar Simmons, ch. Joshua (Simons) and Jane, Feb. 20, 1837.
Otis Simmons, ch. Levi, Oct. 11, 1808.
Otis B. Simmons, ch. Joseph W. and Lydia, June 9, 1837.
Peleg Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1806.
Peleg Southworth Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Mar. 1, 1772. CR1.
Polly B. Simmons [_______], w. William S.], Jan. 19, 1807. PR17.
Rachel Simmons, ch. Dea. Nathaniel, bp. Nov. 6, 1763. CR1.
Rebeca Lincoln Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1811. [Rebecca, ch. Weston and Lucy (Tolman), PR4.]
Rebecca Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1791.
Rebeckah A. Simmons, ch. Joseph and Asenith, Mar. 14, 1822.
Rhoda Simmons, ch. Abraham, Dec. 11, 1802.
Ruby Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy, May 23, 1786. [ch. Jesse and Lucy (Weston), Oct. 23, PR4.]
Ruby Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy, May 28, 1826.
Sally Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy [(Weston) PR4], Apr. 8, 1791.
Sally Simmons [_______], w. William S.], June 27, 1803. PR17.
Sally Simmons [_______], w. Aaron, ____, 1815. GR4.
Sally Simmons [_______], w. William, _______.
Sally T. Simmons, ch. Joseph W. and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1843. [Sept. 12, 1848, PR24.]
Sarah Simmons, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1784.
Sarah Simmons, ch. Abraham, Apr. 17, 1805.
Sarah Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Sept. 29, 1813.
Sarah Simmons, ch. James and Nabby, Jan. 22, 1826.
Sarah A. Simmons, ch. William and Sally, Nov. 1, 1831. [Sarah Ann, PR17.]
Sarah A. Simmons, ch. William W. and Ruth, Dec. 22, 1839.
Sarah H. Simmons, ch. William H. and Beulah, May 13, 1824.
Sarah Studley Simmons, ch. Noah Jr. and Nabby, Dec. 6, 1819.
Seth Simmons [h. Nabby], Nov. 15, 1769.
Seth Simmons Jr., ch. Seth and Nabby, July 27, 1795.
Silvia Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Sept. 29, 1785. CR1.
Silvia Simmons, ch. Charles and Lydia, July 19, 1814.
Susan James Simmons, ch. Jesse and Matilda, Oct. 27, 1838.
Susan Jane Simmons, ch. Joshua W. and Lucy, July 9, 1826.
Susan L. Simmons, July 24, 1839. PR64.
Susannah Simmons, ch. John, bp. Jan. 26, 1777. CR1.
Sylvia Simmons (see Silvia).
Walter Scott Simmons, May 11, 1847. GR4.
Warren M. Simmons, ch. Lewis Jr. and Sally, Feb. 7, 1837.
Wealthea Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. Apr. 28, 1771. CR1.
Welthea Simmons, ch. Noah, bp. May3, 1783. CR1.
Weston Simmons, ch. Jesse and Lucy, May 13, 1783. [ch. Jesse and Lucy (Weston), May9, PR4.]
Wilber F. Simmons, ch. Joshua and Lucy, Jan. 10, 1835 in Marshfield. RR.
William Simmons, ch. Weston and Lucy (Tolman), Jan. __, 1809. PR4.
William Simmons, ch. Henry and Fanny, Nov. 24, 1834.
William C. Simmons, son Alden, mariner, and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1846.
William H. Simmons, ch. William and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1802.
William H. Simmons, son William S. and Polly, Dec. 11, 1842. [William Henry, Dec. 11, 1843, PR17.]
William S. Simmons, [h. Sally, h. Polly B.], Jan. 19, 1805. PR17.
William W. Simmons, ch. William W. and Ruth, Oct. 30, 1830.
William Weston Simmons, ch. Westen and Lucy, Dec. 29, 1806.
Zachariah Simmons, son Zachariah and Deborah, May 4, 1741.
_______, ch. Aaron, Mar. __, 1758.
_______, son Capt. Nathaniel, Dec. __, 1822. PR105.
_______, dau. Capt. Nathaniel, Apr. 15, 182r. PR105.
_______, dau. Israel, Nov. 1, 1824. PR105.
_______, son Nathaniel, June 5, 1826. PR105.
_______, son Nathaniel, Feb. 1, 1828. PR105.
_______, son Aron, June 13, 1828. PR105.
_______, dau. Nathaniel, Jan. 10, 1829. PR105.
_______, dau. Nathaniel Jr., June 15, 1830. PR105.
_______, dau. Ichabod, Nov. 24, 1834. PR105.
_______, son William W., Nov. 2, 1835. PR105.
_______, son Lewis, Jan. 22, 1837. PR105.
_______, dau. Jesse, Sept. 27, 1838. PR105.
SIMONS (also see Simmons)-
Aaron Simons, son Benjamin and Priscilla, Mar. 25, 1724.
Abiah Simons, dau. Benjamin and Priscilla, Oct. 23, 1730.
Abigail Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, May 10, 1745.
Abraham Simons, son Benjamin and Lora, Nov. 9, 1713.
Anne Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, Sept. 4, 1739.
Benjamin Simons, son Benjamin and Lora, Mar. 13, 1710-11.
Betty Simons, dau. Benjamin and Priscilla, Feb. 25, 1720-1.
Consider Simons, son Isaac Jr. and Lydia, Apr. 30, 1734.
Content Simons, dau. Benjamin and Lora, Dec. 16, 1715.
Deborah Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, Jan. 12, 1732.
Doritey Simons, ch. Nathaniel, bp. May __, 1753. CR1.
Dorithy Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, Mar. 2, 1741.
Elisebeth Simons, ch. Benjamin Jr., bp. Oct. 19, 1740. CR1.
Hannah Simons, dau. Benjamin and Priscilla, June 16, 1718.
Ichabod Simons, son Moses and Rachel, Oct. 18, 1722.
Isack Simons [dup. Isaac Simmons], son John and Mercy, Jan. 28, 1674.
Jedediah Simons, son Joseph and Mary, June 11, 1725.
Joel Simons [dup. Joel Simmons], son John and Susanna, Feb. 5, 1722-3.
John Simons [dup. John Simmons], son John and Mary [dup. Mercy], Feb. 22, 1670 [dup. 1760.]
John Simons [dup. John Simmons], son John and Susanna, Aug. 22, 1716.
Joseph Simons, son Nathaniel and Mercy, Sept. 19, 1744.
Katurah Simons, ch. Benjamin Jr., bp. Oct. 19, 1740. CR1.
Leah Simons [dup. Leah Simmons], dau. John and Susanna, Sept. 7, 1728.
Lemuel Simons, son Moses and Rachel, Feb. 14, 1743.
Luce Simons, ch. Benjamin Jr., bp. May 10, 1741. CR1.
Lydia Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, Apr. 18, 1724.
Martha Simons [dup. Martha Simmons], dau. John and Mercy, Nov. 17, 1677.
Martha Simons [dup. Martha Simmons], dau. Isaac Jr. and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1735-6.
Mary Simons, dau. Nathaniel and Mercy, June 19, 1742.
Mercy Simons, dau. Benjamin and Lorah, Nov. 14, 1706.
Mercy Simons, dau. Moses and Rachel, May 18, 1720.
Micah Simons, ch. Benjamin Jr., bp. Oct. 19, 1740. CR1.
Moses Simons [dup. Moses Simmons] son John and Mercy, Feb. __, 1680.
Nathaniel Simons, son Joseph and Mary, Mar. 24, 1710-11.
Nathaniel Simons, ch. Stephen, bp. June 20, 1755. CR1.
Peres Simons, ch. Benjamin Jr., bp. Oct. 19, 1740. CR1.
Priscilla Simons, dau. Benjamin and Priscilla, Dec. 30, 1727.
Rebelah Simons, dau. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 7, 1713.
Ruth Simons [dup. Ruth Simmons], dau. John and Susanna, Apr. 26, 1719.
Sarah Simons, dau. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 26, 1718.
Sarah Simons, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 26, 1750. CR1.
William Simons [dup. William Simmons], son John and Mercy, Feb. 24, 1672.
William Simons, son Moses and Rachel, Aug. 28, 1736.
Zachariah Simons, son Benjamin and Lora, Mar. 19, 1708-09.
Zebedy Simons, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 10, 1746. CR1.
SKILTON (also see Skitton)-
Samuel Putnam Skilton Jr., ch. Samuel P. and Martha S.H. of Charleston, Aug. 18, 1808.
SKITTON (also see Skilton)-
_______, son John P., Apr. 30, 1839. PR105/>br>
Benjamin Smith [dup. Jr. [h. Margaret], ch. Benjamin and Sarah, May 25, 1784.
Benjamin Smith 3d, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Mar. 4,. 1815.
Caroline Smith, ch. Jacob and Betsey, Sept. 2, 1808.
Clarance Smith, son Jason, shoemaker, and Sarah T., Aug. 6, 1848.
Edgar Smith, son Jason, shoemaker, and Sarah [dup. adds T.], Jan. 7, 1847.
Elisabeth Smith, ch. Jacob and Deborah, ____ [rec. after ch. b. Sept. 17, 1825.]
Ezra Smith, ch. Jacob and Deborah, Feb. 16, 1823.
Franklin Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, June 20, 1821.
George W. Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Dec. __, 1830. [Dec. 7, PR105.]
Hamilton E. Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 2, 1817.
Hannah Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1794.
Helen Louisa Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Nov. 21, 1832.
Jacob Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1780.
Jacob Smith Jr., ch. Jacob and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1812.
John Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1792.
John Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, Mar. 11, 1814.
Jonathan Smith [h. Zilpah (Drew)], Oct. 29, 1780.
Jonathan Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, Apr. 25, 1824. [Apr. 24, PR105.]
Judith Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1789.
Lucy Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, July 4, 1786.
Margaret Smith [_______], w. Benjamin Jr., Aug. 23, 1791.
Margaret S. Smith, dau. Benjamin and Margaret, Aug. 30, 1813.
Margaret E. Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 26, 1819.
Martha Smith, ch. Jacob and Betsey, Aug. 9, 1810. [w. Samuel Stetson, GR3.]
Mary Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 16, 1825.
Molly Smith, dau. Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1776.
Morris T. Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, June 12, 1836.
Patience Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 17, 1782.
Persis Smith, ch. Jacob and Deborah, Mar. 30, 1821.
Polly Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, May 11, 1797.
Sarah Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 16 [dup. Feb. 16], 1778.
Sarah Smith, ch. Benjamin [Jr. PR105] and Margaret, Mar. 8, 1823.
Sidney Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, June 1, 1815.
Silvanus Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, May 23, 1817.
Welthea Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, Oct. 13, 1819.
William Smith, ch. Benjamin and Sarah, June 25, 1799.
William H. Smith, ch. Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 8, 1829.
William M. Smith, ch. Jacob and Deborah, Sept. 17, 1825.
Winfield Smith, ____, 1827. GR3.
Zilpah Smith, ch. Jonathan and Zilpah, Apr. 20, 1821.
_______, dau. Joseph, June 25, 1826. PR105.
_______, twin son Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 16, 1827.
_______, twin son Benjamin and Margaret, Feb. 16, 1827.
Aaron H. Snell, son Charles, carpenter, and Louisa [dup. Lois[ [Lois, RR.] E., Apr. 18, 1844, in W. Duxbury.
Charles H. Snell, ch. Charles and Judith, Nov. 30, 1832, in Bridgewater.
Elijah F. Snell, ch. Charles and Judith, Oct. 8, 1837.
George B. Snell, son Charles, carpenter, and Louisa [dup. Lois] E., Feb. 22, 1845, in W. Duxbury.
Issachar H. Snell, ch. Charles and Judith, Feb. 26, 1840.
Nathaniel B. Snell, ch. Charles and Judith, Oct. 31, 1835. [Oct. 30, PR105.]
Sarah E. Snell, dau. Charles, carpenter, and Louisa [dup. Lois] E., Nov. 30, 1848.
Benjamin Snow, son Benjamin and Mercy, Apr. 16, 1763.
Elisabeth S. Snow, dau. Nathaniel L. and Elisabeth, Dec. 13, 1844, in S. Duxbury.
Hannah Snow, ch. Nathaniel S. and Sally, _____ [rec. after ch. b. Feb. 20, 1822.]
Henry B. Snow, son Nathaniel L., shoemaker, and Elisabeth, May 8, 1849.
Jemima Snow, dau. Benjamin and Mercy, Aug. 4, 1758.
Mary Ann Snow, ch. Nathaniel S. and Sally, Dec. 6, 1809.
Nathaniel Snow, ch. Nathaniel S. and Sally, Aug. 11, 1816.
Rebecca Snow, ch. Nathaniel S. and Sally, Feb. 20, 1822.
Susan Snow, ch. Nathaniel S. and Sally, Nov. 6, 1814.
William C. Snow, ____, 1829. GR3.
SOLE (also see Soul, Soule)-
Amasa Sole, ch. Ezekiel, bp. Aug. 15, 1748. CR1.
Aphela Sole, ch. Micah (Soul), bp. Apr. 19, 1741. CR1.
Constant Southworth Sole, ch. Micah (Soul), bp. May 13, 1745. CR1.
Ester Sole, ch. Abishai, bp. Sept. 27, 1845. CR1.
John Sole, ch. Abishai, bp. Oct. 25, 1747. CR1.
Josiah Sole, ch. Micah (Soul), bp. Mar. 21, 1743. CR1.
Luce Sole, ch. Ezekiel, bp. Sept. 28, 1740. CR1.
Lydia Sole, ch. Ezekiel, bp. May 5, 1745. CR1.
Ophelia Sole (see Aphela).
William Sole, ch. Ezekiel, bp. Sept. 28, 1740. CR1.
SOUL (also see Sole, Soule)-
Abagail Soul[dup. Abigail Soule], dau. Samuel and Mehetabel [dup. Mehitabel], May 20, 1757.
Abishai Soul, ch. Abishai, bp. Oct. 14, 1770. CR1.
Alethea Soul, dau. Abishai and Abigail, May 26, 1743.
Alethea Soul (see Alithea).
Alice Soul [dup. Allice Soule], dau. Samuel and Mehetabel, May 3, 1763.
Alithea Soul, ch. Joshua, bp. Oct. 8, 1769. CR1.
Anna Soul [dup. Anna Soule], dau. Nathan and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1762.
Anna Soul, ch. Nathan, bp. June 17, 1764. CR1.
Asa Soul, ch. Micah, bp. May 1, 1753. CR1.
Asa Soul, ch. Josiah, bp. Apr. 26, 1789. CR1.
Asenath Soul, dau. Jedidiah and Tabitha, Oct. 23, 1746.
Barnabas Soul, son Moses and Mercy, Dec. 19, 1705.
Deborah Soul, dau. Jedidiah and Tabitha, Apr. 22, 1744.
Dewsbury Soul, ch. Abishai, bp. May 17, 1761. CR1.
Ester Soul, ch. Micah, bp. Sept. 29, 1754. CR1.
Esther Soul, dau. Abishai and Abigail, Aug. 24, 1755.
Ezeikel Soul, ch. Joseph (Soule) Jr., bp. Aug. __, 1753. CR1.
Ezekiel Soul, son Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Feb. 16, 1752.
Ichabod Soul, son Jedidiah and Tabitha, May 26, 1742.
Jacob Burges Soul, ch. Abigail, bp. Nov. 23, 1777. CR1.
James Soul, son Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Apr. 12, 1747.
Joanna Soul, dau. Joseph Jr. and Mercy, June 30, 1744.
Joanna Soul, dau. Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Jan. 19, 1756.
Joseph Soul [dup. Joseph Soule], son Joshua and Joanna, Mar. 15, 1721-2.
Joseph Soul, ch. Joshua, bp. Oct. 27, 1771. CR1.
Joshua Soul, son Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Nov. 14, 1742.
Levi Soul [2d sup. Soule], son Nathan and Sarah, Sept. 9 [dup. Sept. 19], 1749.
Levi Soul, ch. Nathan, bp. Sept. 30, 1759. CR1.
Luther Soul [dup. Luther Soule], son Joshua Jr. and Mary, Dec. 21, 1765.
Luther Soul, ch. Joshua, bp. July 17, 1768. CR1.
Lydea Soul, ch. Abishai, bp. Apr. 5, 1752. CR1.
Lydia Soul [dup. Lydia Soule], dau. John and Mabel, May 6, 1733.
Lydia Soul, ch. Micah, bp. Oct. 16, 1757. CR1.
Lydia Soul [dup. Lydia Soule], dau. Samuel and Mehetable [dup. Mehetabel], July 23, 1766.
Mary Soul, ch. Abishai, bp. Nov. 27, 1763. CR1.
Micah Soul, ch. Josiah, bp. June 13, 1784. CR1.
Nathan Soul [dup. Nathan Soule], son Joshua and Joanna, July 12, 1725.
Nathaniel Soul, ch. Abishai, bp. Oct. 25, 1767. CR1.
Olive Soul, dau. Joseph and Mercy, Mar. 29, 1749.
Ruby Soul, dau. Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Apr. 23, 1762.
Sally Soul, ch. James, bp. Oct. 2, 1774. CR1.
Salvina Soul, dau. Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Feb. 26, 1754.
Samuel Soul [dup. Samuel Soule], son John and Mabel, July 6, 1734.
Sarah Soul [dup. Sarah Soule], dau. Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, July 25, 1728.
Sarah Soul, dau. Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Feb. 20, 1746.
Sarah Soul, ch. Nathan, bp. Sept. 22, 1765. CR1.
Silvia Soul [dup. Sylvia Soule], dau. Samuel and Mehetabel [dup. Mehitabel], May 20, 1759.
Simeon Soul, ch. Nathan, bp. Sept. 30, 1759. CR1.
Simmeon Soul [2d dup. Simeon Soule], son Nathan and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1751.
Sylvia Soul (see Silvia).
Sylvina Soul (see Salvina).
Tabitha Soul, dau. Jedidiah and Tabitha, Aug. 22, 1748.
Thomas Soul, [2d dup. Thomas Soule], son Nathan and Sarah, July 8, 1747 [dup. 1748].
William Soul [dup. William Soule], son Nathan and Sarah, May 15, 1754.
William Soul, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. May 7, 1758. CR1.
William Soul, son Joseph Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 25, 1759. [h. Priscilla (Sampson)] GR3.]
SOULE (also see Sole, Soul)-
Abigail Soule, dau. Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, Apr. 30, 1716.
Abigail Soule, ch. James, bp. June 16, 1782. CR1.
Abigail Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Apr. 11, 1802.
Abishai Soule, son Josiah and Lydea, Nov. 25, 1708.
Abishai Soule, ch. Samuel and Hannah (second w.), Nov. 2, 1825 [Nov. 3, PR105.]
Alathea Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, July 4, 1797.
Albert Soule, ch. Thomas and Sally, Jan. 7, 1814.
Alethea Soule [dup. Alathea], dau. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 9, 1713-14.
Alethea Soule (see Alathea).
Alice Soule, dau. Samuel and Ruth, Oct. 28, 1809.
Asa Soule, son Samuel and Hannah (second w.), Mar. 25, 1817.
Aurelia Soule, ch. William 2d and Nancy, Nov. 9, 1844.
Aurelia W. Soule, ch. William 2d and Nancy, Dec. 3, 1847.
Aurelus Soule, ch. Thomas and Deborah, Oct. 27, 1833. [Augelius, ch. Thomas and Deborah D., RR] [Aurelius S., ch. Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), PR91.] [s. Thomas 2d, PR105.]
Benjamin True Soule, ch. James and Mary, bp. Oct. 19, 1837. CR2.
Calvin Partridge Soule, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Polly, Sept. 29, 1812.
Caroline S. Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Aug. 8, 1811. [w. George B. Holmes, GR3.]
Catherine Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1822.
Charles Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, Apr. 22, 1782.
Charles Soule, ch. Simeon and Asenith, May 18, 1806.
Charles Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Jan. 3, 1821. [h. Prudence Loring], Jan. 3, 1820, GR3.
Charles Carroll Soule, ch. Richard and Lucy L., June 26, 1832. GR3. [Charles Barrett Soule, PR70.]
Christiana Lewis Soule, ch. Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), Sept. 5, 1844. PR91.
Clynthia Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, Apr. 20, 1791. [Clintha, Apr. 15, 1790, GR3.]
Daniel Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Oct. 14, 1796.
Daniel L. Soule, Nov. 23, 1824.
Daniel Lucius Soule, son Daniel and Deborah, ______.
Edward F. Soule, ch. Micah and Sarah B., Aug. 2, 1846.
Edwin Augustus Soule, twin [twin written in pencil], ch. Charles and Mercy, Aug. 3, 1825.
Elijah Soule, Capt., ch. William and Priscilla (Sampson), ____, 1798. GR3.
Elijah Soule, ch. Thomas and Deborah [ch. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), PR91], Dec. 27, 1836.
Elisabeth Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Oct. 24, 1814.
Elisabeth S. Soule, ch. Richard and Prudence, Apr. 6, 1818. [Elizabeth Sever Soule, PR70.]
Enoch Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Mar. 20, 1814. [Enock [h. Zilpha S.], GR3.]
Ezekiel Soule, son Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, Feb. 17, 1710-11.
Fernando Soule, ch. [Capt., GR3] Stephen and Lydia, June 2, 1833.
Florence Soule, ch. Freeman and Mary, Feb. 22, 1842.
Frederick F. Soule, son Freeman, mariner, and Nancy [dup. Mary], Nov. 18, 1846.
Freeman Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, July 7, 1807.
George Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, Dec. 4, 1779. [h. Ruth] GR3.
George Soule, ch. Nathan and Bethia, Jan. 21, 1806. [Jan. 18, GR3] [h. Abby (Goodwin)], Jan. 21, PR90.]
George Soule, ch. George and Ruth, Aug. 31, 1807. [George Jr. GR3.]
George M. Soule, ch. George and Ruth, Dec. 2, 1813.
George W. Soule, ch. George and Abby, Mar. 17, 1836. [Mar. 18, PR105.]
Hannah Soule, dau. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 6, 1716-17.
Hannah Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Jan. 28, 1800.
Hannah Soule, ch. Samuel and Hannah (second w.), May 4, 1828.
Harriet W. Soule, dau. Freeman, mariner, and Mary, Aug. 29, 1844, in E. Duxbury.
Harvey Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, May 29, 1785.
Harvey Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Nov. 16, 1812. [Harvy, PR64.]
Helen Maria Soule, ch. Richard and Prudence [Lucy L., GR3], Oct. 20, 1829.
Henry Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Mar. 2, 1800.
Henry Martin Soule, ch. James and Mary, Dec. 23, 1826.
Herbert Soule, ch. Lot and Elisabeth, Feb. 25, 1838. [ch. Lot and Elizabeth (Brooks), PR83.] [s. Lott, PR105.]
Horace H. Soule, ch. Richard and Prudence, Sept. 13, 1827. [Horace Homer Soule, PR70.]
Horatio S. Soule, ch. Samuel and Hannah (second w.), Mar. 3, 1823. [Mar. 5, PR105.]
Isabella Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Mar. 23, 1810.
Isabella F. Soule, ch. Thomas 2d and Caroline, Mar. 3, 1849. [Isabel F., PR81.]
James Soule [h. Mary], Sept. 20, 1784.
James Soule, ch. George and Ruth, Mar. 13, 1818.
James O. Soule, ch. James and Mary, July 26, 1821.
Jane Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Sept. 23, 1794.
Jane Soule, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Polly, Jan. 7, 1817.
Jane W. Soule, ch. Nathan and Bethia, Aug. 5, 1810.
Joanna Soule, dau. Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, Apr. 18, 1719.
John Soule, son Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, Mar. 4, 1708-09.
John Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, July 10, 1809.
John A. Soule, ch. Micah and Sarah B., Apr. 23, 1845.
Jonathan Soule, ch. Josiah and Lydia, June 23, 1705.
Joseph Soule, ch. James, bp. Aug. 11, 1776. CR1.
Joseph A. Soule, ch. Thomas and Deborah D., June 15, 1842. RR. [Joseph Alcide Soule, ch. Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), PR91.]
Joshua Soule, son John and Esther, Oct. 12, 1681.
Joshua Soule, son Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, May 30, 1713.
Joshua Soule, ch. James, bp. Apr. 26, 1778. CR1.
Judith T. Soule, ch. Thomas and Judith, Dec. 12, 1830. [Judith Thomas Soule, grand dau. Spencer Holmes, Dec. 12, 1828, PR6.]
Judith Thomas Soule, ch. Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), Mar. 11, 1847. PR91.
Justis Soule, ch. James and Mary, Feb. 21, 1825.
Laura Soule, ch. George and Ruth, Jan. 14, 1811.
Laura A. Soule, ch. George and Ruth, Mar. 14, 1816.
Lavina Soule, ch. Thomas and Sally, Dec. 28, 1809.
Lawrence P. Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1831.
Lot Soule, ch. Nathan and Bethia, Nov. 12, 1812. [h. Elizabeth (Brooks), GR3. PR83.]
Louisa Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1825. [ch. Capt. Stephen and Lydia [w. _______ Messenger], GR3.] [dau. Stephen, Jan. 16, PR105.]
Lucy Soule, ch. William and Priscilla (Sampson), ____, 1785. GR3.
Lucy B. Soule, ch. James and Mary, July 11, 1823.
Lucy L. Soule, [? m.], Sept. 8, 1790. GR3.
Lydia Soule, dau. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 9, 1714-15.
Lydia Soule, dau. Josiah and Lydia, Oct. 2, 1719.
Lydia Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, Jan. 19, 1817.
Lydia F. Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 23, 1798.
Marcia Soule, ch. William 2d and Nancy, June 23, 1846.
Maria R. Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, June 22, 1827. [Maria Lavinia, ch. Capt. Stephen and Lydia, ___, 1828, GR3.]
Marshall Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, Apr. 24, 1778.
Mary Soule, dau. Josiah and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1706.
Mary Soule, dau. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 18, 1711.
Mary Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Dec. 14, 1777.
Mary Soule [_______}, w. James, Sept. 7, 1789.
Mary Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, June 15, 1805.
Mary C. Soule, ch. Richard and Prudence, Oct. 27, 1814. [Mary Chapman Soule, PR70.] [w. Sylvanus Sampson Jr.] PR73.]
Mercy S. Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, May 15, 1835.
Micah Soule, son Josiah and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1711.
Nathan Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Jan. 18, 1781.
Nathan Soule, ch. Nathan and Bethia, Sept. 28, 1808.
Nathan T. Soule, ch. George and Abby, May 22, 1840.
Nathaniel Soule, ch. Josiah and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1714.
Nathaniel Soule Jr. [dup. Soul, omits Jr.] [h. Polly (Partridge)], son Nathaniel and Abigail, July 28, 1777.
Nathaniel Soule, ch. Nathaniel and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1803.
Nathaniel Soule 3d, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Polly, Mar. 12, 1811.
Nicholas B. Soule, ch. George and Ruth, June 6, 1820.
Nicolas B. Soule, son Harvey and Priscilla, May 29, 1843. GR3. [Nicholas B., PR64.]
Olive Soule, ch. Jospeh Jr., bp. Sept. 2, 1750. CR1.
Oscar Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, July 14, 1840. [Oscar H. RR.]
Otis Soule, ch. Ezekiel and Clynthia, Feb. 11, 1787.
Otis Soule, ch. Ezekiel, bp. Aug. 17, 1788. CR1.
Otis Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Aug. 3, 1823. [Aug. 2, PR105.]
Peleg S. Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Nov. 9, 1831. [Nov. 8, PR105.]
Polly Soule, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Polly, Mar. 30, 1815.
Priscilla Soule [_______], w. Harvey, Feb. 23, 1818. GR3.
Priscilla B. Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, May 16, 1836. [Priscilla Bradford Soule, ch. Capt. Stephen and Lydia, GR3.]
Prudence L. Soule [? m.], Aug. 11, 1789. GR3.
Prudence L. Soule, ch. Richard and Prudence, Mar. 10, 1823. [Prudence Loring Soule, PR70.] [Mar. 9, PR105.]
Rebecka Soule, ch. Micah (Soul), bp. Aug. 11, 1751. CR1.
Rebekah Soule, [dup. Rebeckah], dau. Joseph and Mary, May 3, 1722.
Richard Soule [h. Prudence (Loring)], Nov. 7, 1786.
Richard Soule, ch. James, bp. Aug. 17, 1788. CR1.
Richard Soule Jr., ch. Richard and Prudence, June 8, 1812.
Ruth Soule [_______], w George, Dec. 4, 1785. GR3.
Sally Soule, ch. Thomas and Sally, Jan. 28, 1808.
Samuel Soule [h. Ruth], son Josiah, Mar. 1, 1786.
Samuel Soule Jr., ch. Samuel and Hannah (second w.), July 29, 1820.
Samuel P. Soule, ch. Samuel and Hannah (second w.), Jan. 13, 1832.
Sarah Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Aug. 19, 1779.
Sarah A. Soule, ch. Micah and Sarah B., May 27, 1848.
Sidney Soule, son Freeman, mariner, and Mary, Oct. 10, 1848.
Silvenia Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, June 21, 1784.
Simeon Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Oct. 2, 1790.
Simeon Soule 3d, ch. Simeon Jr. and Patience, Jan. 13, 1832.
Stephen Soule, Capt. [h. Lydia (Pierce)], ____, 1792. GR3.
Susan Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, Dec. 27, 1815.
Susan Augusta Soule, twin [twin written in pencil] ch. Charles and Mercy, Aug. 3, 1825.
Susanah Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, Sept. 1, 1788.
Sylvina Soule (see Silvenia).
Thomas Soule, ch. Simeon and Jane, July 24, 1786.
Thomas Soule, ch. Thomas and Sally, Sept. 23, 1818. [h. Caroline (Sampson), PR81.]
Thomas L. Soule, ch. Thomas and Deborah, July 17, 1839. [Thomas Lloyd Soule, ch. Capt. Thomas 2d and Deborah Delano (Sampson), PR91.]
William Soule, ch. William and Priscilla (Sampson), ____, 1787. GR3.
William Soule, ch. Stephen and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1819.
William A. Soule, son William [dup. 2d], shoemaker, and Nancy, July 26, 1849.
William M. Soule, ch. Charles and Mercy, May 27, 1827.
Zeruah Soule, ch. Nathan and Bethia, June 24, 1807.
Zeruiah Soule, dau. Joshua [dup. John] and Joanna, Nov. 2, 1705.
Zilpha S. Soule, [_______], w. Enock, Feb. 17, 1828. GR3.
_______, dau. Abishi, Sept. 15, 1759.
_______, twin son Joshua and Rebecca, Mar. 1, 1803. GR3.
_______, twin son Joshua and Rebecca, Mar. 1, 1803. GR3.
_______, son Richard and Lucy L., Aug. 18, 1825. GR3.
_______, dau. Thomas, Dec. 12, 1828. PR105.
_______, son James, Sept. 13, 1829. PR105.
_______, son Samuel of Kingston, Oct. 3, 1829. PR105.
_______, son James, June 24, 1832. PR105.
SOUTHWARD (also see Southworth)-
Henry Southward, son Jedediah, bp. July 13, 1828. CR1.
William Southward, son Jedediah, July 13, 1828. CR1.
SOUTHWORTH (also see Southward)-
Abigail Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Nov. 11, 1741.
Abigail Southworth, ch. Dea. [dup. omits Dea.] James and Sarah, June 7, 1769.
Abigail Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1817.
Abigail Southworth, ch. James and Lucy A., Dec. 14, 1838.
Aleander Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Dec. 18, 1826. [Alexander [h. Helen], GR3.]
Alse Southworth, ch. William, bp. May 13, 1764. CR1.
Anne Southworth, dau. Thomas and Anna, Dec. 23, 1770.
Augusta Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Jan. 27, 1809.
Betsey Southworth, ch. James and Elisabeth, Oct. 7, 1798.
Catharine Southworth [? m.], ____, 1804. GR3.
Catherine Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Mar. 15, 1807.
Charles Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Mar. 20, 1822.
Charlotte Southworth, ch. James and Elizabeth, Feb. 1, 1800.
Constant Southworth, son Benjamin and Rebekah, July 9, 1731.
Constant Southworth, son Thomas and Anna, Aug. 20, 1764.
Cynthai Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Feb. 13, 1738-9.
Cynthia Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Nov. 7, 1750.
Cynthia H. Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, May 4, 1814.
Deborah Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Rebekah, Mar. 11, 1734.
Edward Southworth, son Benjamin and Rebekah, Dec. 10, 1717.
Edward Southworth, son William and Mary, Mar. 27, 1747.
Edward Southworth 3d, ch. Edward and Ruth, Sept. 19, 1804.
Eli Southworth, ch. Edward and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1807.
Elisabeth Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Rebekah, Dec. 15, 1719.
Elisabeth Southworth, dau. Thomas and Anna, Apr. 24, 1773.
Elisabeth Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Jan. 27, 1820.
Eliz Southworth [dup. Eliza Southworth], dau. Edward and Mary [dup. Marcy], Nov. __, 1672.
Elizabeth Southworth (see Elisabeth).
Elsie Southworth (see Alse).
Francis Southworth, ch. Edward and Ruth, July 8, 1802.
George Southworth, ch. Edward and Ruth, Aug. 27, 1810.
Hannah Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Rebekah, Oct. 29, 1715.
Hannah Southworth, dau. Thomas and Anna, Jan. 8, 1769.
Hannah Southworth, dau. James and Sarah [Sarah written in pencil], June 7, 1769.
Hannah Southworth, ch. Dea. James and Sarah, July 22, 1776.
Hannah Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, June 17, 1805.
Helen Southworth [_______], w. Alexander, ____, 1825. GR3.
Henry Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1824.
Hiram Southworth, ch. James and Elisabeth, Mar. 4, 1803.
Honnor Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 21, 1757.
James Southworth, son Jedidiah [dup. Jedidah] and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1735.
James Southworth, ch. Dea. James and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1782.
James Southworth, ch. James and Elisabeth, May 30, 1810.
James Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1811. [ch. Jedidiah and Elisabeth, RR>] [h. Lucy] GR3]
Jasher Southworth, son Benjamin and Rebekah, Nov. 1, 1738.
Jedidiah Southworth, son Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1702.
Jedidiah Southworth, ch. Dea. [dup. omits Dea.] James and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1764.
John Southworth, son Jedidiah and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1733.
John Southworth, son William and Mary, Apr. 28, 1752.
John Southworth, ch. Dea. James and Sarah, May 19, 1773.
John Southworth, son James, shoemaker, and w. [dup. Lucy A.] [Lucy, RR.], Dec. 10, 1843, in N. Duxbury.
Joseph Southworth, ch. James and Elisabeth, May 19, 1797.
Lavinia Southworth, ch. James and Lucy A., Dec. 2, 1835.
Lucy Southworth [_______], w. James, ____, 1815. GR3.
Lucy B. Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Apr. 30, 1816.
Lydia Southworth, dau. Jedidiah and Hannah, Oct. 11, 1738.
Lydia Southworth, dau. Thomas and Anna, Nov. 8, 1766.
Marcia Southworth [twin] ch. James and Lucy A., July 13, 1849.
Martin Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1811.
Mary Southworth, dau. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1703.
Mary Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1807. [w. William Paulding] PR21.]
Mary Southworth [twin], ch. James and Lucy A., July 13, 1849.
Nancy Southworth, ch. Edward and Ruth, Jan. 26, 1800.
Nathan Southworth, ch. Dea. James and Sarah, June 6, 1778.
Nathan Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1809.
Nathaniel Southworth, ch. William, bp. June 12, 1757. CR1.
Obed Southworth, son Benjamin and Rebekah, Nov. 11, 1736.
Olive Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, July 25, 1744.
Peleg Southworth, son Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Aug. 13, 1736.
Ralph Southworth, ch. James and Lucy A., Mar. __, 1847.
Rebekah Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Rebekah, Dec. 6, 1727.
Reumah Southworth, dau. William and Mary, Aug. 27, 1742.
Ruth B. Southworth, ch. Edward and Ruth, Aug. 29, 1814.
Sally F. Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Feb. 18, 1824.
Sarah Southworth, dau. Benjamin and Rebekah, Sept. 18, 1725.
Sarah Southworth, dau. Jedidiah and Hannah, Oct. 8, 1729.
Sarah Southworth, dau. Dea. James and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1780.
Sarah Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, May 11, 1813.
Seth Southworth, ch. John and Lucy, Nov. 30, 1818.
Submit Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, June 1, 1734.
Susanna Southworth, dau. Jedidiah and Hannah, July 27, 1731.
Sylvia Southworth, dau. Benjamin Jr. and Mary, Nov. 22, 1747.
Sylvia Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elisabeth, Mar. 20, 1820.
Thomas Southworth, son Benjamin and Rebekah, Apr. 1, 1722.
Thomas Southworth, son Thomas and Anna, May 24, 1776.
Thomas Southworth, ch. James and Elisabeth, Dec. 25, 1804.
Thomas Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1815.
Walter Southworth, ch. James and Lucy A., Sept. 21, 1841.
William Southworth, ch. William, bp. June 12, 1759. CR1.
William Southworth, son Thomas and Anna, Feb. 18, 1763.
William Southworth, ch. Jedidiah and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1826.
_______, ch. James and Lucy A., Feb. 11, 1846.
Angeline M. Sprague, [twin] ch. Jonathan and Ruth, Jan. 12, 1826.
Augustus Frederick Sprague, ch. John and Rebecca, Sept. 21, 1816.
Benjamen Sprague [dup. Benjamin], son John and Lidea [dup. Lydia], July 15, 1686.
Bethiah Sprague, dau. John and Deborah, Apr. 23, 1745.
Caroline Sprague (see Coroline, Corraline)
Caroline Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Oct. 6, 1795.
Charles M. Sprague, ch. Jonathan and Ruth, Sept. 21, 1818.
Coroline Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR1.
Corraline Sprague [dup. Caroline], dau. Nathaniel and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1771.
Deborah Sprague [_______], w. Seth, Oct. 8, 1761. GR3.
Deborah Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Aug. 19, 1782. [w. Ahira Wadsworth, Aug. 19, 1783, GR3.]
Elisabeth Sprague, dau. Samuel and Ruth, July 4, 1699.
Ephraim Sprague, son John and Lidea [dup. Lydia], Mar. 15, 1684-5.
Ezekiel Sprague, ch. Ezkiel, Dec. 18, 1792.
Frederick A. Sprague, ch. Jacob and Betsey, Oct. 3, 1841.
George Sprague, ch. Ezekiel and Susan, Sept. 1, 1830.
George N. Sprague, ch. Jacob and Betsey, Dec. 27, 1839.
Hannah Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Apr. 14, 1782. CR1.
Hannah Sprague, dau. Seth and Deborah, w. Ralph Partridge, Sept. 26, 1797.
Huldah Sprague, ch. Ezekiel and Susan, Feb. 16, 1838.
James A. Sprague, ch. Jacob and Betsey, Sept. 21 [partly erased], 1839.
Jethro Sprague, son William and Grace, Nov. 30, 1709.
John Sprague, ch. Mercy, wid., bp. Sept. 14, 1755. CR1.
John Sprague, ch. Ezkiel, Sept. 7, 1790.
John Sprague, ch. Ezekiel and Susan, May 16, 1828. [May 15, PR105.]
Joseph Sprague, ch. Jonathan and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1814.
Judith Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Apr. 25, 1799. [d. Hon. Seth, w. Gershom B. Weston, GR3.]
Lucy Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Apr. 2, 1803. [w. Robert W. Cushman, GR3.]
Marcy Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. May 9, 1784. CR1.
Mary Sprague, dau. Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 20, 1706.
Mercy Sprague, ch. Phinehaz, bp. Apr. 17, 1763. CR1.
Mercy Sprague (see Marcy).
Mercy Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Dec. 25, 1789.
Nancy Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Apr. 23, 1801. [dau. Hon. Seth, w. Samuel Loring, GR3.]
Nathanael Sprague, ch. Mercy, wid., bp. Sept. 7, 1755. CR1.
Nathaniel Sprague, son Samuel (Sprage) and Ruth, Jan. 10, 1701-02.
Nathaniel Sprague, son Peleg and Mercy, Nov. 15, 1747.
Nathaniel Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR1.
Noah Sprague, son Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 18, 1696.
Patience Sprague [_______], w. William (s. Seth and Deborah), Apr. 29, 1785.
Peleg Sprague, son Peleg and Mercy, May 25, 1751.
Peleg Sprague, ch. Mercy, wid., bp. Sept. 14, 1855. CR1.
Peleg Sprague, ch. Phinehaz, bp. Sept. 3, 1758. CR1.
Peleg Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR1.
Peleg Sprague, ch. Ezkiel, Dec. 27, 1787.
Peleg Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Apr. 27, 1793.
Phineas Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Nov. 2, 1779.
Priscilla Sprague, dau. Samuel and Ruth, Mar. 18, 1708-09.
Ruth Sprague, dau. William and Grace, Feb. 22, 1701-02.
Ruth Sprague, ch. Phinehaz, bp. Sept. 7, 1766. CR1.
Ruth Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Dec. 4, 1785.
Ruth P. Sprague, [twin] ch. Jonathan and Ruth, Jan. 12, 1826.
Samuel Sprague, son Samuel and Ruth, June 23, 1704.
Sarah Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR1.
Sarah Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Sept. 20, 1805.
Sarah Sprague, ch. Ezekiel and Susan, Mar. 17, 1835.
Seth Sprague [h. Deborah], July 1, 1760. GR3.
Seth Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Nov. 21, 1787. [Seth Jr. [h. Welthea (Little)], GR3.]
Silvina Sprague [dup. Sylvina], dau. Jethro and Patience, Oct. 8, 1739.
Snow Sprague, son John and Deborah, May 28, 1749.
Susan Sprague [Sprage}, dau. William and Patience, July 19, 1808.
Susan Sprague, ch. Ezekiel and Susan, Dec. 9, 1833.
Sylvina Sprague (see Silvina).
Terah Sprague, son William and Grace, Feb. 17, 1711-12.
Welthea Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, June 2, 1784.
William Sprague, son Jethro and Patience, Nov. 19, 1740.
William Sprague, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Sept. 10, 1780. CR1.
William Sprague, son Seth and Deborah, Dec. 28, 1780.
Zeruiah Sprague, dau. William and Grace, Dec. 10, 1704.
Zeruiah Sprague, ch. Seth and Deborah, Sept. 5, 1791.
_______, dau. Seth, Sept. 7, 1828. PR105.
_______, son Seth [of] Marshfield, May 25, 1832. PR105.
_______, son Harvy, Sept. 24, 1832. PR105.
_______, dau. Ezekiel, Dec. 9, 1832. PR105.
_______, dau. Seth, May 3, 1835. PR105.
_______, son Seth, May 9, 1839. PR105.
David Standish, Sept. 19, 1759. PR38.
Eliza Otis Standish, ch. William and Huldah, July 13, 1830.
Emeline L. Standish, ch. George B. and Judith, Jan. 11, 1834.
George Bailey Standish, ch. George B. and Judith, July 15, 1832.
Hannah Standish, ch. Miles, Apr. 27, 1746. CR1.
Hannah Standish, Dec. 1, 1750. PR38.
Henry O. Standish, ch. George B. and Judith, Sept. 10, 1842.
James Standish, Jan. 13, 1760. PR38.
James Standish, Oct. 24, 1763. PR38.
John Warren Standish, Nov. 18, 1833. PR99.
Lemuel Standish, June 24, 1746. PR38.
Lucy Standish, Mar. 6, 1754. PR38.
Lucy Standish, Mar. 1, 1766. PR38.
Lydia Standish, ch. Miles, bp. May 1, 1743. CR1.
Miles Standish, son Miles and Experience, Mar. 11, 1713-14.
Olive Standish, May 29, 1748. PR38.
Patience Standish, dau. Miles and Experience, Aug. 16, 1707 [dup. 1709].
Penellephe Standish, ch. Miles, bp. June 27, 1741. CR1.
Penelope Standish, dau. Miles and Experience, Apr. 13, 1717.
Polley Standish, May 16, 1771. PR38.
Priscilla Standish, dau. Miles and Experience, Apr. 1, 1710.
Priscilla Standish, ch. Miles, bp. Nov. 2, 1755. CR1. [Apr. 24, PR38.]
Sarah Standish, dau. Miles and Experience, Apr. 15, 1704.
Sarah Standish, ch. Miles, bp. May 22, 1748. CR1.
William Hadley Standish, ch. William and Huldah, Apr. 10, 1828. [h. Hannah C.] GR3.]
Hannah Stanford, ch. Joshua, July 17, 1763. CR1.
Joshua Stanford, son Robert and Fear, Nov. 30, 1729.
Joshua Stanford, ch. Joshua, bp. Nov. 30, 1766. CR1.
Rebekah Stanford, dau. Robert and Fear, May 7, 1731.
Rebekah Stanford, ch. Joshua, bp. Apr. 11, 1762. CR1.
Robert Stanford, son Robert and Fear, Feb. 25, 1743-4.
Robert Stanford, ch. Joshua, bp. July 19, 1760. CR1.
Samuel Bradford Stanford, ch. Joshua, bp. Aug. 3, 1777. CR1.
Lydia Steele [_______]. w. Robert, ____, 1842. GR3.
Abisha Stetson, ch. Jonathan and Huldah, Jan. __, 1792. PR23.
Andrew Stetson [h. Sylvia C.], Apr. 21, 1792. GR3. PR42.
Betsey Stetson [w. Joseph Prior Jr.], Aug. 26, 1781. PR33.
Betsey Stetson [_______], w. Rev. Thomas, Apr. 30, 1809. GR4.
Charles F. Stetson, ch. Andrew and Sylvia, Jan. 30, 1822. [Charles Foster Stetson, PR42.]
Eliza Stetson, ch. Jonathan and Huldah, Sept. 2, 1804. PR23.
Ella P. Stetson, [dup. S.], dau. Samuel, lawyer, and Martha, Mar. 29, 1844, in E. Duxbury.
Emma S. Stetson, ch. Samuel and Martha, May 29, 1840, in Lexington.
Eudora Stetson, ch. Samuel and Martha, June 23, 1837, in Lexington. [Eudora S., GR3.]
Huldah Stetson, ch. Jonathan and Huldah, [w. Nathaniel Ford], Aug. 25, 1797. PR23.
Jonathan Stetson [h. Huldah Magoon], June 30, 1768. PR23.
Julia Ann Stetson, ch. Samuel and Martha, Sept. 1, 1834, in Lexington.
Lorretta T. Stetson, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1841.
Lydia D. Stetson, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Oct. 9, 1846.
Mary E. Stetson [? m.], Sept. 4, 1833. GR4.
Melinda Stetson, ch. Jonathan and Huldah, Feb. 18, 1802. PR23.
Samuel Stetson [h. Martha (Smith)], ____, 1798. GR3.
Sumner Stetson, ch. Jonathan and Huldah, Aug. 4, 1806. PR23.
Sylvia C. Stetson [_______], w. Andrew, Feb. 1, 1800. GR3.
Sylvia Church Stetson, ch. Andrew and Sylvia, Sept. 2, 1828. [Sept. 20, GR3.] [Sept. 2, PR42.]
Thomas Stetson, Rev. [h. Betsey], Jan. 18, 1804. GR4.
________, dau. Harvy, May 19, 1837. PR105.
________, dau. Thomas, Jan. 26, 1839. PR105.
Charles E. Stickney, son Silvanus [dup. Sylvanus], shoemaker, and Mary, June 10, 1848.
Daniel H. Stickney, ch. Samuel and Huldah, May 11, 1815.
Elisabeth T. Stickney, ch. Samuel and Huldah, Feb. 13, 1821.
Maria Stickney, dau. Silvanus [dup. Sylvanus], shoemaker, and Mary, May 14, 1845, in E. Duxbury.
Mercy H. Stickney, ch. Samuel and Huldah, Nov. 2, 1806.
Samuel Stickney Jr, ch. Samuel and Huldah, Feb. 2, 1810.
Samuel J. Stickney, ch. Samuel and Huldah, Feb. 17, 1828. [Samuel Jr., PR11.]
Sylvanus D. Stickney, ch. Samuel and Huldah, May 30, 1816.
STURTEFANT (also see Sturtevant)-
Asa C. Sturtefant, ch. Isaac and Polly, July 27, 1814.
STURTEVANT (also see Sturtefant)-
clementha T. Sturtevant, ch. Isaac (Sturtefant) and Polly, Dec. 29, 1820.
Eleanor T. Sturtevant, ch. Isaac (Sturtefant) and Polly, July 22, 1817.
Hannah Sturtevant, Aug. 15, 1796. PR53.
Jane Sturtevant, Apr. 26, 1794. PR53.
Lucy Sturtevant, Aug. 19, 1802. PR53.
Rebecca W. Sturtevant, June 1, 1805. PR53.
Sarah Sturtevant, Oct. 18, 1799. PR53.
Sarah Warren Sturtevant [_______], w. William Sr., Aug. 30, 1769. PR53.
William Sturtevant Sr., ____, 1761. PR53.
William Sturtevant Jr., Aug. 11, 1809. PR53.
William M. Sturtevant, Jan. 30, 1791. PR53.
_______, son Bela, July 9, 1821. PR105.
_______, son Lemuel, ____, 1821. PR105.
_______, dau. _____ and w., Apr. 2, 1829. PR105.
SWEETSER (see Switzer).
Alvah L. Swift, son Joshua W., harnesmaker, and Carline, Sept. 10, 1848.
Amanda M. Swift, dau. Joshua W., harness maker, and Caroline, Aug. 5, 1844, at Duxbury Point.
Angeline Swift, ch. Lot [Lott, PR105] and Mercy, Aug. 13, 1831.
Edgar W. Swift, son Joshua W., harness maker, and Caroline, Aug. 1, 1847. [____, 1846. GR3.]
Edward D. Swift, son Lot Jr, farnerm and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1845, in E. Duxbury.
Joshua W. Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, Jan. 24, 1821. [h. Caroline] GR3.]
Lot Swift [h. Mercy], May 6, 1784. GR3.
Lot Swift, son Lot and Mercy, Dec. 20, 1814.
Lydia Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, Feb. 7, 1823.
Mercy Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, June 24, 1816.
Ray Swift, son Lot Jr., farmer, and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1848.
Thomas W. Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, Oct. 8, 1812.
William E. Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, Nov. 4, 1827.
William T. Swift, ch. Lot and Mercy, Mar. 8, 1843.
Abigail Switzer, ch. Benjamin, bp. Sept. 30, 1770. CR1.
Betty Switzer, ch. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 12, 1760. CR1.
SYLVESTER (also see Silvester)-
Abigail Sylvester, ch. Israel, bp. Feb. 27, 1757. CR1.
Hannah Sylvester, ch. Zacharish, bp. June 21, 1789. CR1.
Seth Sylvester, ch. Joseph, bp. Dec. 25, 1763. CR1.
Zachariah Sylvester, ch. Israel, bp. Feb. 27, 1757. CR1.
SYMMES (also see Simmes)-
Annie Symmes, ch. Caleb T. and Nancy R., Oct. 10, 1842.