Vital Records
To The year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
at the charge of
The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass.
Births - DACE to FULLER
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Hannah Cook Dace, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Apr. 11, 1807.
Lydia Dace [_______], w. Joseph, June 13, 1773.
Susanna Dace, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1801.
DAMAN (also see Damon)-
Irany Daman, ch. Israel, bp. Apr. 29, 1770. CR1.
Mason Daman, ch. Israel, bp. June 28, 1772. CR1.
DAMON (also see Daman)-
Abigail S. Damon, w. G.L. Stetson, ____, 1836. GR3.
Charles H. Damon, ch. Truman (Daman) and Mary, Jan. 10, 1833.
John Q. Damon, ch. John C. and Polly R., July 24, 1841.
Josiah Damon, ch. John C. and Polly R., July 13, 1839.
Proctor A. Damon, ch. Truman (Daman) and Mary, July 23, 1831.
Abigail Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, May 23, 1791.
Betsey Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Aug. 25, 1786.
Hannah Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Aug. 16, 1784.
John Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Dec. 12, 1793.
Joseph Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Jan. 25, 1796.
Lydia Darling, ch. Samuel, bp. July 10, 1774. CR1.
Marcy Cushing Darling, ch. Samuel, bp. Apr. 11, 1779. CR1.
Mary Darling, ch. Samuel, bp. Oct. 6, 1776. CR1.
Mercy Cushing Darling (see Marcy Cushing Darling.)
Peter Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, May 12, 1801.
Samuel Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Mar. 16, 1789.
Weston Darling, ch. Samuel and Priscilla, Apr. 6, 1798.
_______, ch. [s., PR105] Nancy, Nov. 5, 1822, "in Alms House."
_______, ch. Nancy, Jan. 5, 1834, "in Alms House."
DAUSE (also see Dawes, Daws)-
Ambrose Dause, son Ebenezer and Mary, July 21, 1745.
Huldah Dause, dau. Ambrose and Deborah, June 23, 1767.
George H. Davidson, ch. Henry and Mary, Jan. 4, 1839, in Boston. RR.
Melissa Davis, w. Andrew Northey, Jan. 20, 1833. GR3.
DAWES (also see Dause, Daws)-
Abraham Dawes [h. Deborah D.], July 25, 1787. GR3.
Albert A. Dawes, ch. Allen and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1842.
Allyn Dawes, ch. Abraham (Dause) and Deborah, Aug. 3, 1812.
Deborah D. [_______], w. Abraham, Sept. 23, 1789. GR3.
Ebenezer Dawes [dup. Daws], [twin] son Ambrose and Mary, Apr. 16, [dup. Sept. 16], 1715.
Eliza C. Dawes, ch. Allen and Lydia, June 14, 1840.
Emeline A. Dawes, ch. Allen and Lydia, July 14, 1837.
Eunice F. Dawes, ch. Josephus and Sally, July 21, 1848.
Gideon Dawes [dup. Daws], son Ambrose and Mary, Sept. 26, 1718.
Harriet Dawes, ch. Abraham (Dause) and Deborah, Aug. 11, 1816.
James H. Dawes, ch. Abraham (Dause) and Deborah, July 18, 1826.
Josephus Dawes, ch. Abraham (Dause) and Deborah, Aug. 7, 1819.
Priscilla Dawes, dau. Ambrose and Mehetabel, Sept. 13, 1712.
Thankful Dawes [dup. Thankfull Daws] [twin] dau. Ambrose and Mary, Apr. 16, [dup. Sept. 16], 1715.
Wilfred C. Dawes, ch. Josephus and Sally, Aug. 15, 1849.
DAWS (also see Dause, Dawes)-
Ambrose Daws, son Ebenezer and Mary, July 21, 1740.
Cushing Daws, ch. Joseph, bp. June 28, 1781. CR1.
Diama Daws [dup. Diana Dause], dau. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 30, 1741.
Gideon Daws [dup. Dause], son Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 7, 1742-3.
Hulda Daws, dau. Ambrose and Deborah, Jan. 18, 1766.
Nancy Daws, [dup. Dause], dau. Ambrose and Deborah, Apr. 22, 1764.
Nancy Daws, ch. Ambrose, bp. June 30, 1765. CR1.
Reuel Daws [dup. Dause], son Ambrose and Deborah, Apr. 22, 1769.
Rispah Daws [dup. Dause], dau. Ambrose and Deborah, June 23, 1767.
_______, dau. Thomas, June 1, 1774.
DEINGLEY (also see Dingley)-
Elkanah Deighley [dup. Elcanah Dingley], son Jacob (Dingley) Jr. and Sussanna [dup. Susanna], Nov. 9, 1754.
DELANA (also see Delano, Delanoe, Deleno)-
Susan F. Delana, ch. Melzar and Susan, Dec. 12, 1834.
DELANO (also see Delana, Delanoe, Deleno)-
Abby W. Delano [_______], w. Nathan, ____, 1818. GR3.
Abigail Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Aug. 29, 1787.
Abigail Delano [dup. w. Ichabod Alden], ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1797.
Abigail D. Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Aug. 10, 1823.
Abigail L. Delano, ch. Nathaniel C. [Jr. PR105] and Abigail, Mar. 21, 1834.
Ada B. Delano ____, 184{sic). PR62.
Adar Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Nancy, Nov. 7, 1842.
Adelaide M. Delano, ch. Asa C. and Christiana, Feb. 16, 1828.
Adelbert Delano, ch. Hiram and Betsey, May 4, 1841. [May 5, PR89. PR105.]
Albert Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Jan. 13, 1817.
Alden Delano, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, Apr. 27, 1809.
Alexander Delano, ch. Samuel, bp. July 8, 1781. CR1.
Alexander Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, June 14, 1796.
Allin Delano, ch. Oliver and Mary (Chandler), Feb. 21, 1794. PR96.
Almira Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Apr. 10, 1802.
Almira Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, Apr. 29, 1808.
Almira Delano, ch. Samuel 2d and Lucy, June 9, 1833.
Amanda Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Nov. 18, 1814.
Amanda S. Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Aug. 21, 1820.
Anise Delano, ch. Judah, bp. Mar. 27, 1768. CR1.
Anna Delano, ch. Reuben and Lunah, Apr. 22, 1795.
Anna Delano, ch. Elijah Jr. and Martha, Sept. 2, 1825.
Anna H. Delano, dau. Hiram, blacksmith, and Betsey, Apr. 24, 1849.
Andrew S. Delano, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, May 30, 1819.
Asa Delano [h. Lydia Soule], son Malichi, Apr. 12, 1772.
Asa Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Dec. 27, 1791. [Asa Chandler Delano, PR78.]
Asa C. Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Aug. 17, 1799. [Asa Chandler Delano, PR78.]
Asa Sampson Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Oct. 30, 1812.
Augusta N. Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, May 1, 1810.
Augustus A. Delano, ch. Hiram and Betsey, June 8, 1846. RR.
Barzillai Delano, ch. Amaziah, bp. Feb. 1, 1756. CR1.
Benjamin Delano, ch. Beriah, bp. Aug. 27, 1746. CR1.
Benjamin Delano, ch. Isaac, bp. June 18, 1869. CR1.
Benjamin Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Feb. 4, 1794.
Benjamin F. Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Nov. 25, 1811.
Benjamin H. Delano, ch. Elijah, Feb. 26, 1825.
Bethiah Delano [_______], w. Charles, June 7, 1785.
Bethiah F. Delano, dau. Elisha, caulker, and Eliza, June 16, 1843, in W. Duxbury.
Betsey Delano [_______], w. Nathaniel Jr., Dec. 19, 1780.
Betsey Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, Mar. 23, 1790.
Betsey T. Delano, [_______], w. Hiram, ____, 1815. GR3.
Briggs Delano, ch. Zenas and Welthea, Nov. 23, 1811.
Briggs B. Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, Oct. 30, 1807. [h. Sally, Oct. 30, 1808. GR3.] [h. Sally (Bradford), Oct. 30, 1808, PR16.]
Briggs B. Delano, ch. Briggs B. and Sally, Nov. 11, 1835. [Briggs B. Jr., PR16.]
Catherine Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, June 16, 1822.
Celia Delano, ch. Reuben and Lunah, Sept. 21, 1802.
Charles Delano, h. Bethiah, Apr. 10, 1779.
Charles Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Apr. 12, 1807.
Charles Delano 3d, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Apr. 9, 1842.
Charles C. Delano, Jan. 18, 1837. GR3. [s. Hosea, Jan. 17, PR105.]
Charles E. Delano, ch. Charles 3d and Abigail, Sept. 18, 1838.
Charles H. Delano, ch. Jesse and Eliza, Feb. 27, 1839.
Charles T. Delano, ch. William and Fanny, June 28, 1818.
Christiana C. Delano, ch. Asa C. and Christiana, Apr. 14, 1835.
Christianah Delano, ch. John and Sally, Apr. 28, 1821. [Christiana L., ch. John Jr. and Sally, Apr. 20, PR27.]
Cora Delano, dau. Lewis F., blacksmith, and Mary T., Feb. 18, 1846, in E. Duxbury.
Cynthia Delano, ch. Reuben and Lunah, Sept. 29, 1797.
Daniel Chandler Delano, ch. Zenas and Welthea, Feb. 18, 1798.
Daniel W. Delano, ch. Charles 3d and Abigail, Jan. 24, 1841.
Daniel Delano Jr., ch. Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1824. [Daniel Jr., ch. Daniel C. and Hannah, RR.] [Daniel [h. Elizabeth] GR4.]
David Delano, ch. Oliver and Mary (Chandler), Jan. 6, 1787. PR96.
David Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1827.
Deborah Delano, ch. Elijah, Sept. 28, 1818.
Deborah B. Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1825.
Deborah Cushman Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule, Sept. 17, 1815. [w. ____ Hunt, CR1.] [ch. Asa and Lydia Soule (Cushman), w. Melzar Hunt], Sept. 17, 1816. PR24.]
Deborah P. Delano, ch. Rufus and Deborah, Aug. 1, 1825.
Deborah W. Delano, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 24, 1821.
Dorcas Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Nov. 7, 1790.
Edgar F. Delano, ch. James F. and Priscilla, Sept. 23, 1843.
Edith Alden Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Jan. 5, 1808.
Edward Delano, ch. William and Fanny, May 22, 1825.
Edward Delano, ch. Jesse and Eliza, Nov. 18, 1830.
Edwin F. Delano, son Nathaniel 3d, blacksmith, and Nancy, Feb. 3, 1847.
Elijah Delano, son Reuben and Lunah, Oct. 21, 1792. [Elijah 2d, h. Martha, GR3.]
Elisabeth Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Sept. 30, 1788.
Elisabeth Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Dec. 3, 1820.
Elisabeth Sampson Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule, Oct. 28, 1800. [Elizabeth Sampson Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24.]
Elisabeth W. Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Dec. 30, 1835.
Elisha Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Feb. 15, 1813.
Elizabeth Delano (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth Sampson Delano (see Elisabeth Sampson Delano.}
Elizabth Turner Delano [dup. Elisabeth], dau. Samuel and Abigail, Nov. 25, 1779 [dup. 1778.]
Elizabeth W. Delano (see Elisabeth W.)
Elizebeth Turner Delano, ch. Samuel, bp. May 9, 1778. CR1.
Ella Delano, ch. James F. and Priscilla, Dec. 25, 1847.
Ellen Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Dec. 30, 1833.
Ellis Delano, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, Dec. 13, 1814.
Elnathan Delano, son Nathan Jr., carpenter, and Abigail, Mar. 2, 1845.
Emeline Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Jan. 11, 1815.
Emily Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Jan. 7, 1810.
Emma E. Delano, ch. Henry C. and Ann L., July 13, 1847.
Eunice T. Delano, ch. Asa S. and Eunice, Aug. 11, 1842.
Ezra F. Delano, ch. Rufus and Deborah, Mar. 22, 1832.
Fanny Drew Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Sept. 6, 1816.
Frances Delano, Feb. __, 1838. PR62.
Francis Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Nancy, Jan. 8, 1840. [Jan. 8, 1839, PR105.]
Frederick A. Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, June 14, 1830.
George Delano, [h. Lydia], son Cornelius, July 7, 1784.
George Delano Jr., ch. George and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1801.
George Delano, ch. Nathaniel C. and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1838.
George E. Delano, ch. Nathaniel 3d and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1831.
George H. Delano, ch. Asa C. and Christiana, Oct. 20, 1823.
George R. Delano, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, June 26, 1848. GR4.
Gilbert Delano, ch. Lewis and Lucy, Jan. 2, 1837.
Gustavus Delano, ch. George and Lydia, July 8, 1819.
Gustina A. Delano [dup. Justina], dau. Hiram, blacksmith, and Betsey, June 8, 1846, in E. Duxbury. [Gustine A., PR89.]
Hannah Delano, ch. Isaac, bp. Mar. 26, 1775. CR1.
Hannah Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Dec. 20, 1796.
Henry Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Mar. 19, 1827.
Henry Delano, ch. Samuel 2d and Lucy, Dec. 14, 1827.
Henry C. Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Nov. 29, 1821.
Henry C. Delano, ch. George and Lydia, June 24, 1822.
Henry M. Delano, ch. Elijah jr. and Martha, June 28, 1837. [Henry Mudge Delano, CR2.]
Henry Sampson Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Dec. 29, 1803.
Henry T. Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1809.
Herbet Delano, ch. Briggs B. and Sally, Apr. 27, 1838.
Hiram Delano, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, July 10, 1812. [h. Betsey T. GR3] [h. Betsey (Holmes), PR89.]
Hiram T. Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Dec. 30, 1838.
Hiram T. Delano, ch. Hiram and Betsey, Oct. 9, 1843. [Hiram Thomas Delano, Oct. 29, PR89.]
Hosea Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1821.
Huldah Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, Sept. 17, 1788.
Irene Delano, ch. Samuel and Abigail, May 6, 1765.
Isaac Delano, ch. Isaac, bp. June 18, 1769. CR1.
Isaac Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Dec. 5, 1805.
James Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Nov. 22, 1805.
James Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Mar. 4, 1808.
James H. Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, May 10, 1829. [May 15, PR105.]
Jephthah Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Nov. 13, 1806. [Jeptha Delano, Sept. 13, PR78.]
Joanna Sampson Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Nov. 19, 1789.
Joanna Sampson Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Sept. 3, 1796.
John Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Aug. 28, 1782.
John Delano, h. Sally, May 5, 1789. [John Jr., PR27.]
John Delano Jr., ch. John and Sally, Sept. 16, 1817. [John 2d, ch. John Jr. and Sally, PR27.]
John Delano, son James F., shoemaker, and Priscilla, Mar. 7, 1845, in E. Duxbury.
John P. Delano, ch. Asa S. and Eunice, Mar. 8, 1840.
John Porter Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman) PR24], Nov. 15, 1822.
Joseph Soule Delano, son Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Sept. 27, 1796.
Joshua Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1819.
Joshua Cushman Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Dec. 12, 1818.
Judith Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, July 22, 1799.
Judith Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Oct. 15, 1803.
Julietta Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Dec. 15, 1831. [Juliet, Dec. 16, 1832, PR56.]
Justina A. Delano (see Gustina A.)
Leander B. Delano, ch. John and Sally, Nov. 24, 1826. [Lander B., ch. John Jr. and Sally, PR27.]
Lewis Delano, ch. Zenas and Welthea, Mar. 12, 1809.
Lewis Delano, ch. Charles Jr. and Esther, Dec. 10, 1829.
Lewis Stephen Delano, ch. John Jr. and Sally, Mar. 1, 1823.
Lucy Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, July 4, 1784.
Lucy W. Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1797. [Lucy Winsor Delano, GR3.]
Lunah Delano [_______], w. Reuben, Feb. 18, 1766.
Lydia Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, Nov. 3, 1791.
Lydia Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Oct. 30, 1803.
Lydia Soule Delano [_______], w. Asa, Nov. 19, 1772.
Lydia Soule Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule, June 23, 1810. [ch. Asa and Lydia Soule (Cushman) [w. Joseph Waterman Delano], PR24]
Marcia B. Delano, dau. Briggs, carpenter, and Marcia, May 15, 1844, at Duxbury Point.
Marion B. Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Sept. 9, 1826.
Martha Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, May 25, 1786.
Martha Delano [_______], w. Elijah 2d, Feb. 22, 1796. GR3.
Martha Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, June 15, 1827. [July 9, PR105.]
Martha James Delano, ch. Elijah Jr. and Martha, Oct. 7, 1828.
Mary Delano, ch. Widow Delano "alias Curtice," bp. Apr. 12, 1741. CR1.
Mary Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, June 3, 1807.
Mary Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Feb. 15, 1825. [Feb. 27, PR105.]
Mary Delano, ch. Nathaniel C. and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1841.
Mary Chandler Delano, ch. Oliver and Mary (Chandler), Apr. 22, 1791. PR96.
Mary D. Delano, ch. John Jr. and Sally, July 18, 1827. PR27.
Mary E. Delano, dau. Briggs B. and Sally, Aug. 4, 1844, in E. Duxbury.
Mary E. Delano, ch. Briggs B. and Sally, Mar. 11, 1847. [Mary Ella, PR16.]
Mary F. Delano, ch. Rufus and Deborah, Apr. 2, 1830.
- ]
Mary Romer Delano, ch. Asa C. and Christiana, Apr. 22, 1833.
Mary Soule Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman) PR24], Oct. 28, 1805.
Mehitable A. Delano, ch. henry [Henery, PR105] and Keziah, July 18, 1832.
Melzar P. Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Jan. 26, 1811.
Mercy Delano [_______}, w. Nathan, Sept. 10, 1781.
Mercy Maria Delano, ch. Elijah jr. and Martha, Oct. 31, 1831.
Nancy Delano, ch. Samuel, bp. Aug. 11, 1776. CR1.
Nancy Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, May 16, 1800. [w. Martin S. Chandler] May 13, PR9.]
Nancy Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Sept. 21, 1801.
Nancy Delano [_______], w. Nathaniel, ____, 1810. GR3.
Nancy Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1813.
Nancy Delano, ch. Samuel 2d and Lucy, Nov. 24, 1839.
Nancy Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Nancy, Jan. 8, 1840. [this entry crossed out in pencil.] [see Francis].
Nathan Delano, ch. Alpheus, bp. June 2, 1771. CR1.
Nathan Delano, h. Mercy, Sept. 8, 1780. [ch. Malachi, CR1.]
Nathan Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, Apr. 4, 1814. [h. Abby W.] GR3.
Nathan T. Delano, ch. Nathan Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1841.
Nathaniel Delano, ch. Widow Delano "alias Curtice," bp. Apr. 12, 1741. CR1.
Nathaniel Delano, ch. Isaac, bp. June 18, 1769. CR1.
Nathaniel Delano Jr., h. Betsey, Nov. 25, 1780.
Nathaniel Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Aug. 29, 1786.
Nathaniel Delano, son Nathaniel Jr. and Betsey, June 19, 1807. [h. Nancy] GR3.]
Nathaniel C. Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1811.
Olive Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, July 2, 1795.
Olive C. Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, May 30, 1814.
Olive T. Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Apr. 19, 1795. [Olive Thomas Delano, GR3.]
Oliver Delano Jr., ch. Oliver and Mary (Chandler), Mar. 17, 1797. PR96.
Oliver B. Delano, ch. Hosea and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1818.
Oscar Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Nancy, Jan. 16, 1841. [son Nathaniel 3d, RR] [s. Nathaniel, Jan. 15, PR105.]
Oscar Delano, Nov. __, 184[sic]. PR62.
Otis Delano, ch. Nathan Jr. and Abigail, Sept 10, 1842.
Otis Briggs Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Jan. 28, 1803.
Otis P. Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Feb. 17, 1823. [Feb. 16, PR105.]
Patience Burgess Delano, ch. Asa and Lydia Soule [Lydia Soule (Cushman), PR24], Sept. 11, 1798.
Philip Delano, ch. Judah, bp. July 26, 1761. CR1.
Polly Burgess Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Jan. 21, 1808. [w. _____ Simmons, CR1.]
Prudence Delano, ch. John and Sally, June 3, 1814. [Prudence S., ch. John Jr. and Sally, PR27.]
Rebecca Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, June 9, 1793.
Rebecca G. Delano, ch. Charles 3d and Abigail, Oct. 31, 1834.
Rebecca N. Delano, ch. Elijah, Mar. 20, 1812.
Rebeckah Malcom Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Mar. 31, 1801. [Rebecca M., PR78.]
Rebekah Delano [_______], w. Jepthah, Oct. 25, 1764.
Robert T. Delano, ch. John [Jr., PR27] and Sally, Aug. 21, 1830.
Rosetta A. Delano, ch. Charles 3d and Abigail, Dec. 17, 1842.
Rufus Delano, ch Rufus and Deborah, Oct. 15, 1822.
Ruth C. Delano, ch. Elijah, Apr. 16, 1808.
Sally Delano [_______], w. John, Oct. 4, 1785.
Sally Delano, ch. Isaac and Elisabeth, Apr. 3, 1799.
Sally Delano, ch Charles and Bethiah, Dec. 29, 1818.
Salome Delano, ch. Jepthah and Rebekah, Apr. 6, 1785. [Salomi, PR78.]
Salome Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1803.
Samuel Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1798.
Samuel Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, June 19, 1800.
Samuel Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Nov. 23, 1828.
Sarah Delano, dau. Reuben and Deborah, Feb. 18, 1771.
Sarah Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, Apr. 25, 1827.
Sarah F. Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Nancy, Feb. 17, 1836. [Sarah Frances, PR62.]
Sarah H. Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, July 12, 1805.
Selah Delano, dau. Judah and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1755-6.
Sophia Delano, ch. Ichabod and Lydia, Aug. 7, 1797.
Sophia Delano, ch. Nathan and Mercy, Jan. 2, 1810.
Sophronia Delano, ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, July 22, 1805.
Thomas Delano, ch. Amaziah, bp. May 1, 1748. CR1.
Thomas B. Delano, ch. George and Lydia, Aug. 27, 1812.
Tirzah Delano, ch. Judah, bp. Aug. 11, 1765. CR1.
Welthea Delano, w. Robert Wadsworth, Jan. 10, 1778.
Welthea Delano, ch. Zenas and Welthea, Oct. 31, 1803.
William Delano, ch. Samuel, bp. Aug. 15, 1784. CR1.
William Delano, ch. William and Fanny, Sept. 24, 1815.
William P. Delano, ch. Charles and Bethiah, Dec. 29, 1808.
William Q. Delano, ch. Jepthah Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1831.
Winslow T. Delano, ch. Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 18, 1820.
Winthrop Delano, ch. Nathan Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 19, 1838.
Zenas Delano, son Cornelius (Deano) and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1765.
Zenus Delano, ch. Amaziah, bp. Nov. 21, 1742. CR1.
_______, son Luther, Jan. 2, 1775.
_______, dau. Oliver and Mary (Chandler), Jan. 20, 1784. PR96.
_______, son John, Nov. 24, 1826. PR105.
_______, ch. Harriet, Feb. 25, 1827, "in Alms House."
_______, son Hozea, July 1, 1832. PR105.
_______, son Daniel C., June 1, 1833. PR105.
_______, dau. Rufus, July 17, 1834. PR105.
_______, dau. Charles, Mar. 12, 1836. PR105.
_______, son Hiram, Feb. 13, 1840. PR105.
_______, son Nathan, Oct. 24, 1840. PR105.
DELANOE (also see Delana, Delano, Deleno)
Abia Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Ebenezer and Martha, Aug. 17, 1704.-
Abigail Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Philip and Elisabeth, Nov. 30, 1725.
Abigail Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Samuel and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], Nov. 12, 1734.
Abigail Delanoe, ch. Samuel, bp. Nov. 24, 1771. CR1.
Alpheus Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Judah and Lydia, Oct. 2, 1744.
Amasa Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1705.
Amasa Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1709.
Amasa Delanoe, ch. Samuel, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. CR1.
Amy Delanoe, dau. Lemuel and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1759.
Asa Delanoe, ch. Malachi, bp. June 13, 1773. CR1.
Benjamin Delanoe, son Joseph and Hannah, June 6, 1722.
Beri Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Beriah and Ruth, June 25, 1775.
Betty Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Samuel and Elisalbeth, June 30, 1730.
Beza Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. [sic] [dup. son] Joshua and Hopestil [dup. Hopestill], Nov. 24, 1737.
Cornelius Delanoe, son Amaziah and Ruth, Oct. 10, 1742.
David Delanoe [dip. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, June 3, 1720.
Deborah Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Reuben and Deborah, July 25, 1765.
Dorothy Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1714.
Dorothy Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1715.
Ebenezer Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1717.
Edward Delanoe, son Joseph and Judith, Mar. 8, 1771.
Elijah Delanoe, son Joseph and Hannah, July 23, 1732.
Elijah Delanoe, [dup. Delano], son Reuben and Deborah, Sept. 10, 1755.
Elisha Delanoe, [dup. Delano], son Samuel and Elisabeth, Mar. 25, 1722.
Elisabeth Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Philip and Elisabeth, Nov. 2, 1719.
Elisabeth Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Beriah and Naomi, May 28, 1743.
Elisabeth Delanoe, dau. Lamuel and Lydia, Mar. 2, 1756.
Esther Delanoe, dau. Lemuel and Lydia, Nov. 15, 1745.
Ezekiel Delanoe, son Amaziah and Ruth, Dec. 19, 1731.
Hannah Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Jonathan and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1711.
Hannah Delanoe, dau. Amaziah and Ruth, Feb. 18, 1736-7.
Hannah Delanoe, dau. Lamule and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1749.
Hannah Delanoe, dau. Joseph and Judith, June 8, 1768.
Hopestil Delanoe [dup. Hopestill Delano], son [sic] [dup. dau.] Joshua and Hopestill, June 19, 1735.
Ichabod Delanoe [eup. Delano], son Samuel and Elisabeth, Apr. 8, 1728.
Ichabod Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Beriah and Naomi, June 7, 1735.
Ichabod Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Beriah and Ruth, June 7, 1773.
Jabez Delanoe, ch. Malachi, bp. Feb. 24, 1773. CR1.
Jemima Delanoe, dau. Amaziah and Ruth, Feb. 8, 1744-5.
Jesse Delanoe, son Joseph and Judith, Dec. 13, 1758.
John Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 11, 1699.
Jonathan Delanoe, [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1701.
Jonathan Delanoe, son David and Abagail, Feb. 19, 1747-8.
Joseph Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Hazadiah and Mary, June 19, 1732.
Joseph Delanoe, son Joseph Jr. and Judith, Nov. 13, 1754.
Joshua Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Ebenezer and Martha, Oct. 30, 1700.
Joshua Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Joshua and Hopestill, Sept. 30, 1744.
Judah Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Philip and Elisabeth, Aug. 16, 1724.
Judah Delanoe, son Judah and Lydia, May 1, 1751.
Judith Delanoe, dau. Joseph Jr. and Judith, Sept. 17, 1756.
Lemuel Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Beriah and Naomi, Sept. 24, 1741.
Levi Delanoe, son David and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1740-1.
Lucia Delanoe, dau. Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1729-30.
Lydia Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Joshua and Hopestill, July 12, 1723.
Lydia Delanoe, dau. Lemuel and Lydia, Jan. 15, 1744.
Malachi Delanoe [dup. Malichi Delano], son Philip and Elisabeth, Sept. 20, 1721.
Malachi Delanoe, son Judah and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1748.
Martha Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Joshua and Hopestill, Sept. 21, 1739.
Martha Delanoe, dau. David and Abigial, Apr. 27, 1743.
Mary Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Philip and Elisabeth, Oct. 26, 1717.
Mary Delanoe, dau. Lemuel and Lydia, Jan. 1, 1747-8.
Mary Delanoe, dau. Joseph and Judith, Dec. 24, 1763.
Mercy Delanoe, dau. Silvanus and Huldah, Aug. 18, 1765.
Nancy Delanoe, ch. Samuel, bp. June 5, 1774. CR1.
Naomie Delanoe, dau. Judah and Lydia, Nov. 7, 1753.
Nathan Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1703.
Nathaniel Delanoe, ch. Malachi, bp. Sept. 25, 1774. CR1.
Pricilla Delanoe [sic], dau. Judah and Lydia, Nov. 24, 1755. [Priscilla Delanoe, CR1.]
Prince Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Samuel and Elisabeth, Apr. 26, 1725.
Rebeckah Delanoe, dau. Lamuel and Lydia, Dec. 6, 1753.
Rebeckah Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Reuben and Deborah, Sept. 25, 1757.
Rebekah Delanoe, dau. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1720.
Reuben Delanoe, son Joseph and Hannah, July 6, 1726.
Reuben Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Reuben and Deborah, June 26, 1761. [Delano, GR3.]
Rhoda Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Joshua and Hopestill, July 4, 1728.
Ruth Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Jonathan and Hannah, May 25, 1707.
Ruth Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Samuel and Elisabeth, Feb. 25, 1719-20.
Salome Delanoe, dau. Judah and Lydia, July 16, 1746.
Samuel Delanoe, ch. Samuel, bp. May 7, 1769. CR1.
Silvanus Delanoe [dup. Sylvanus Delano], son Beriah and Naomi, June 15, 1739.
Silvi Delanoe, dau. Joshua and Hopestill, Jan. 22, 1732-3.
Thankful Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Joshua and Hopestill, Feb. 28, 1730-1.
Thankful Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Ebenezer and Martha, June 8, 1702.
Thomas Delanoe, son Amaziah and Ruth, Aug. 30, 1734.
Welthea Delanoe [dup. Delano], dau. Joshua and Hopestill, Dec. 7, 1741.
William Delanoe [dup. Delano], son Beriah and Naomi, May 31, 1737.
Zebiah Delanoe, dau. Joseph and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1724.
Zebulon Delanoe, son Joseph and Judith, Mar. 5, 1761.
Zenas Delanoe, son Amaziah and Ruth, Dec. 8, 1739.
Zilpah Delanoe, dau. David and Abigail, May 24, 1745.
[torneriah, son Lemuel and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1742. [trans note: probably Zachariah Delanoe.]
_______, [dup. Delano], son Joshua and Hopestill, May 19, 1726.
_______, [dup. Delano], dau. Joshau and Hopestill, July 4, 1727.
DELENO (also see Delana, Delano, Delanoe)
Ruth Deleno, ch. Amaziah, bp. Aug. 5, 1753. CR1.-
Silva Deleno, ch. Amaziah, bp. Aug. 12, 1750. CR1.
DINGLEY (see Deingley)-
Abigail Dingley, dau. Jacob and Mary, May 5, 1745.
Abner Dingley, son jacob and Mary, Jan. 21, 1731-2.
Abner Dingley [dup. Dengley Jr.], son Abner and Ruth, July 23 [second dup. July 3], 1761.
Amasa Dingley [dup. Amasai], son Abner and Ruth, Feb. 15, 1760.
Desire Dingley, dau. Jacob Jr. and Sussana [dup. Susanna], Feb. 7, 1758.
Elizabeth Dingley [w. Isaiah Bradford], Sept. 2, 1776. PR35.
Esther Dingley, ch. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1796.
Ezra Dingley, son Jacob Jr. and Susanna, Aug. 5, 1770.
Hannah Dingley, ch. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1794.
Jacob Dingley, son Jacob Jr. and Susanna, Nov. 1, 1767.
John Dingley, son Jacob Jr. and Susanna, June 6, 1773.
Joseph Dingley, ch. Joseph and Hannah, June 27, 1793.
Levi Dingley, son Jacob Jr. and Susanna, Oct. 18, 1756.
Mary Dingley, dau. Jacob and Mary, Nov. 10, 1735.
Nathaniel Barker Dingley, son Abner and Ruth, June 19, 1764.
Ruth Dingley, dau. Capt. Abner, second w. James Loring Esq., July 5, 1786. GR3.
Sarah Dingley, dau. Jacob and Mary, Apr. 11, 1742.
Spenser Dingley, ch. Levi and Hannah, Apr. 14, 1719.
Susanna Dingley, dau. Jacob Jr. and Susanna, Apr. 16, 1764.
Albert E. Doane, ch. John M. and Sally, Jan. 25, 1841. [Done, PR105.]
Anne T. Doane, ch. George and Sylvia, Jan. 6, 1830. [Doan, PR105.]
Maria T. Doane, w. Josiah Moore, ____, 1814. GR3.
Mary C. Doane [_______], w. John M., Oct. 18, 1819. GR3.
Mehitabel Doane, ch. George and Sylvia, Dec. 27, 1821.
Sylvia Doane, ch. George and Sylvia, May 4, 1827. [May 5, PR105.]
_______, (Doan), dau. George, Oct. 27, 1825. PR105.
_______, son John M., Nov. 12, 1833. PR105.
_______, son Elder, Mar. 11, 1827. RP105.
Francis Bowman Dorr, ch. Rufus B. and Eliza [Eliza P., RR], Apr. 30, 1842.
Nathan O. Dorr, ch. Rufus B. and Eliza P., May 19, 1838, in N. Bridgewater. RR.
_______, dau. Nathan S., June 5, 1831. PR105.
DREW (also see Drue)-
Abigail Drew, dau. Peres and Abigail, Sept. 27, 1742.
Alfred Drew, ch. Reube4n, Mar. 9, 1821. [Capt. Alfred, GR3.]
Ann Drew, ch. Samuel, bp. Aug. 12, 1750. CR1.
Betsey Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Mar. 26, 1795.
Charles Drew, son Silvanus [dup. Sylvanus] and Mercy, Apr. 3, 1769.
Charles Drew, son Charles and Betsey, July 11, 1803.
Charles Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, July 24, 1834.
Charles Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, dec'd, bp. Feb. 25, 1838. CR1.
Clara Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1830. [Sept. 13, PR105.]
Clara Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, dec'd, bp. Feb. 25, 1838. CR1.
Clark Drew, son Silvanus [dup. Sylvanus] and Mercy, Nov. 3, 1765.
Clark Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Mar. 22, 1797.
Consider Drew, son Samuel and Anna, Jan. 9, 1744-5.
Edward Drew, ch. Reuben, Mar. 11, 1814.
Ellis Drew, son Consider and Jenny, Jan. 15, 1769.
Emeline N. Drew [_______] [w. Sylvanus], Nov. 16, 1805. GR3.
Emma M. Drew, ch. Joshua and Marinda, Oct. 31, 1834.
Eunice Drew, dau. Samuel and Anna, Sept. 28, 1740.
Flora E. Drew, ch. Joshua and Marinda, Jan. 3, 1840.
George T. Drew, son William B., mariner, and Mary, Apr. 14, 1846, in E. Duxbury.
George Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Oct. 21, 1805.
George Drew, ch. Reuben, Mar. 25, 1812.
Hannah Drew, dau. Peres and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1738.
Hannah Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Dec. 31, 1801.
Hannah Drew [_______], w. Charles, Sept. 9, 1808. GR3.
Helen F. Drew, ch. Sylvanus and Emeline, June 11, 1830. [Helen Frances, GR3.]
Henry Drew, ch. Reuben, July 14, 1808.
John Drew, son Perez and Abigail, Feb. 4, 1751-2.
John Drew, ch. Perez, bp. July 24, 1763. CR1.
John Brooks Drew, ch. Reuben, Feb. 16, 1817.
Joseph Drew, son Peres and Abigail, Feb. 7, 1732-3.
Joseph Drew, ch. Reuben, Aug. 2, 1797.
Joshua E. Drew, ch. Joshua and Marinda, June 7, 1844.
Lemuel Drew, ch. Perez, bp. Sept. 27, 1748. CR1.
Lewis Drew, ch. Samuel, bp. June 25, 1758. CR1.
Lucia Drew, dau. Consider and Jenny, June 16, 1771.
Lucy Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Sept. 20, 1807.
Lusana Drew, dau. Samuel and Anna, Dec. 24, 1738.
Lydia Drew, dau. Samuel and Anna, Sept. 17, 1742.
Lyman Drew, ____, 1825. GR3.
Mary C. Drew, ch. William B. and Mary, Sept. 23, 1841.
Oscar Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1827.
Peres Drew, son Peres and Abigail, Aug. 8, 1740.
Polly Drew, ch. Reuben, Nov. 21, 1793.
Reuben Drew, son Sylvanus and Mercy, Dec. 27, 1766.
Reuben Drew Jr., ch. Reuben, Aug. 7, 1795.
Samuel Drew, son Samuel and Lydia, Aug. __, 1713.
Sarah Drew, dau. Peres and Abigail, Oct. 25, 1744.
Sarah Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Oct. 28, 1800.
Sarah Brooks Drew, ch. Reuben, Aug. 20, 1804.
Silvanus Drew, son Peres and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1735.
Sylvanus Drew, ch. Charles and Betsey, Apr. 19, 1799. [h. Emeline N. GR3.]
Temperance Drew, ch. Reuben, May 15, 1810.
Vianna Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1836.
Vianna Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, dec'd, bp. Feb. 25, 1838. CR1.
Wallace Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah dec'd, bp. Feb. 25, 1838. CR1.
Wallace Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, _____ [rec. between ch. b. Sept. 30, 1830 ch. b. July 24, 1834.]
Walter Drew, ch. Charles Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1828.
William A. Drew, son William B., mariner, and Mary, Jan. 3, 1844, at Duxbury Point.
William Brooks Drew, ch. Reuben, July 7, 1806.
Zilpah Drew, w. Jonathan Smith, July 7, 1779.
_______, first ch. Peres and Abigail, May 17, 1731.
_______, dau. Zenas, Aug. 27, 1820. PR105.
_______, dau. Edward, Aug. 30, 1821. PR105.
_______, son George, May 4, 1823. PR105.
_______, son Edward, Dec. 28, 1823. PR105.
_______, son George, Aug. 17, 1825. PR105.
DRUE (also see Drew)-
Luce Drue, ch. Samuel, bp. Mar. 16, 1740. CR1.
Charles H. Dunbrack, ch. George and Janett, May 7, 1838, in St. John, N.B. RR.
William J. Dunham, [son-in-law] George Loudon and Mary T. (Sampson), July 17, 1831. PR30.
David M. Duparr, Apr. 18, 1809, in Salem. GR3.
Judith Duparr [? m.], Apr. 21, 1815. GR3.
_______, ch. Rev. John F. and w., Aug. 17, 1842.
Catharine Eames [_______], w. Thomas R., ____, 1826. GR3.
Lucitta Eaton [? m.], ____, 1829. GR3.
Albert B. Eldridge, son Capt. Sylvester and Lavinia, ____, 1837. GR3.
Antoinette Eldridge, ch. Reuben and Rebecca, Apr. 10, 1848.
Everett D. Eldridge, ch. Sylvester and Lavina, May 11, 1842.
Lavinia Eldridge [_______], w. Capt. Sylvester, ____, 1809. GR3.
Louisa L. Eldridge, ch. Sylvester and Lavina, July 24, 1840.
Sylvester Eldridge, Capt. [h. Lavinia], ____, 1805. GR3.
Almena Ellis, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1837.
Benjamin F. Ellis, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1843.
Henrietta Ellis, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1840.
Edward Ellison, "adopted" son Gershom Bradford and Sally, Oct. 8, 1814.
Elisabeth H. Ellison, ch. William and Almeda, Aug. 8, 1838.
Francis Ellison, ____, 1842. GR3.
Laura B. Ellison, ch. William and Almeda, Oct. 21, 1840.
Peleg Sprague Ellison, ch. William and Almeda, Oct. 30, 1835 ["Peleg Sprague Ellison changed his name to "William Sprague Ellison after his father's death."] [Peleg Sprague Ellison, ch. William and Almedis, CR2.]
William Ellison [h. Almeda (Partridge)], Aug. 13, 1811, in Boston. GR3.
_______, dau. William and Almeda, Apr. 3, 1837.
Charles O. Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, Mar. 10, 1830. [Mar. 11, GR3.]
Daniel Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, _____. [Daniel W., July 25, 1821, in Malden, GR3.]
Dorcas Emerson [_______], w. Gorham, Oct. 19, 1797, in Malden, GR3.
Emma Wadsworth Emerson [? m.], May 13, 1848. GR3.
George P. Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, Jan. 2, 1829.
Gorham Emerson [h. Dorcas], Dec. 1, 1795, in Lynfield. GR3.
Isabella Emerson, dau. Joseph B., shoemaker, and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1843, at Duxbury Point.
Joseph B. Emerson [h. Sarah S., h. Susan J.], Dec. __, 1817. GR3.
Loring Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, ____ [rec. after ch. b. May 15, 1837.] [May 28, 1826. GR3.]
Lucy A. Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, May 15, 1837.
Lucy Ann Emerson, ch. Gorham Jr. and Sarah C., Dec. 7, 1842.
Martha Ann Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, Feb. 13, 1832.
Martha Ann Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, Dec. 17, 1833.
Susan J. Emerson [_______], w. Joseph B., July 9, 1826. GR3.
William Emerson, ch. Gorham and Dorcas, May 27, 1835.
Samuel Esterbrook, ____, 1821. GR3.
Abraham Everson, ch. Lydia, wid., bp. Mar. 13, 1765. CR1.
Lydia Everson, ch. Lydia, wid., bp. May 5, 1765. CR1.
_______, dau. Benjamin, Nov. 14, 1829. PR105.
FANCE (also see Faunce)-
_______, twin dau. Zenas, Sept. 19, 1825. PR105.
_______, twin dau. Zenas, Sept. 19, 1825. PR105.
FAUNCE (also see Fance)-
Betsey C. Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Jan. 16, 1822.
Charles E. Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Aug. 17, 1833.
Christiana Isidore Faunce, ch. Zenas Jr. and Christiana, July 2, 1842.
Elizabeth Faunce [? m.], Jan. 20, 1820. GR3.
Ella J. Faunce, ch. Zenas Jr. and Christiana, Mar. 5, 1841.
George Faunce, Nov. 25, 1785. PR34.
George Faunce, ch. Zenas and Jerusha, July 14, 1818.
George Faunce, ch. George and Sally, May 27, 1824. [May 22, PR34] [Fance, May 28, PR105.]
George A. Faunce, ch. Zenas Jr. and Christiana, June 6, 1837.
Jerusha Faunce [_______], w. Zenas, May 25, 1789. GR3.
Jerusha Faunce, ch. Zenas and Jerusha, Aug. 17, 1822. [w. Thomas Dingley Hathaway], GR3. PR48.]
John Faunce, July 4, 1778. PR34.
John Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Sept. 27, 1829. [Sept. 2, PR34.]
Mary A. Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Oct. 24, 1828. [Oct. 22, 1827, PR34.]
Priscilla Faunce [> m.], Oct. 8, 1783. PR34.
Sally Faunce, Mar. 20, 1793. PR34.
Sally Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Oct. 18, 1816. [Sally T., Oct. 18, 1817, PR34.]
Sidney S. Faunce, ch. Zenas Jr. and Christiana, May 31, 1839.
William Faunce, ch. George and Sally, Jan. 2, 1820. [Jan. 1, PR34.]
William Faunce, Jan. 1, 1830. GR3.
Wilmer Faunce [dup. Wilmur], ch. Zenus [dup. Zenas] Jr., blacksmith, and Christiana, July 27, 1847.
Zenas Faunce [h. Jerusha], June 29, 1784. GR3.
Zenas Faunce Jr., ch. Zenas and Jerusha, Oct. 26, 1813. [h. Christiana (Prior), Oct. 23, GR3.]
_______, son Zenas and Jerusha, Oct. 18, 1816.
_______, son Widow Ferrin, colored, Aug. 16, 1825. PR105.
Charles Coleman Fillmore, ch. Daniel and Susan, bp. Feb. 19, 1833. CR2.
Susan P. Fillmore, dau. Rev. Daniel and Susan, May 19, 1834.
Susan Parkes Fillmore, ch. Daniel and Susan, bp. Feb. 19, 1833. CR2.
_______, dau. Daniel, June 7, 1832. PR105.
Abel Fish, ch. Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 13, 1740. CR1.
Binney L. Fish, ch. Joseph and Charity, May 16, 1840.
Ebvenezer Fish, son Thomas and w., Dec. 13, 1703.
Harriet A. Fish, ch. Eben, Sept. 16, 1811.
Harriet J. Fish, ch. Joseph and Charity, July 8, 1844.
Helen W. Fish, ch. Joseph and Charity, Mar. 7, 1847.
Henry P. Fish, ch. Willis and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1835.
Henry P. Fish, ch. Joseph and Charity, Dec. 8, 1841.
John A. Fish, ch. Joseph and Charity, July 1, 1849.
Joseph Fish, ch. Thomas and w., Jan. 28, 1705-6.
Joseph Fish, ch. Eben, Dec. 18, 1816.
Lydia Fish, dau. Thomas and w., Mar. 24, 1707-8.
Lydia Fish, ch. Ebenezer, bp. June 20, 1742. CR1.
Nathaniel Fish, son Thomas and w., Oct. 18, 1710.
Thomas Fish, son Thomas and w., May 22, 1700.
William W. Fish, ch. Willis and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1836.
Willis Fish, ch. Eben, Feb. 28, 1829.
_______, dau. Charles, June 28, 1822. PR105.
_______, dau. Joseph, Apr. 20, 1826. PR105.
Amelia Soper [?] Fisher, May 19, 1849. PR94.
Rebekah [dup. Rebeckah] Fisher, dau. Samuel and Deborah, Aug. 25, 1717.
Samuel Fisher, son Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 12, 1722.
_______, son _____, Feb. 14, 1831. PR105.
John Flynn, ch. Cornelius and Mary, Mar. 10, 1839, in Ireland. RR.
Thomas W. Fobes, son Willard [dup. William], wheelwright, and Eliza A., Sept. 9, 1843.
Abigail Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. Elijah Ames], Sept. 10, 1789. PR23.
Abigail T. Ford, ch. Joshua T. Jr. and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1825.
Benjamin Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Debororah, Feb. 19, 1797.
Benjamin Prior Ford, son Joseph and Asenith, Mar. 9, 1821.
Beulah Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, Nov. 17, 1798.
Catharine W.D. Ford [? m.], Sept. 20, 1803. GR3.
Celia Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Debororah, Apr. 9, 1799.
Deborah L. Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. Seth F. Sprague], Dec. 9, 1800. PR23.
Debororah Ford [_______], w. Joshua T., May 10, 1765.
Eleanor T. Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, Dec. 5, 1826.
Elijah T. Ford, ch. Joseph and Asenith, July 5, 1823.
Elijah T. Ford, ch. Benjamin P. and Mary, Oct. 25, 1845.
Elisabeth Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Debororah, June 14, 1802.
Elisha Ford [h. Elizabeth Oakman], son William, ____, 1696. PR23.
Elisha Ford [h. Elizabeth Tilden], Nov. 16, 1734. PR23.
Elisha Ford [h. Lydia (Turner)], Sept. 19, 1764. PR23.
Elisha Ford [h. Sally Drew, h. Sukey Drew], ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner), June 29, 1791. PR23.
Elisha Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Nabby [second w.], Mar. 12, 1814.
Elizabeth Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. Ira Guild], Feb. 29 [sic], 1793. PR23.
Elizabeth Ford (see Elisabeth)
Ella L. Ford, ch. Joshua H. and Sarah W., Sept. 10, 1842.
Ellen J. Ford [dup. Eller], dau. Benjamin P., farmer, and Mary, Feb. 18, 1844, in W. Duxbury [dup. Duxbury Point.]
Ezra H. Ford, ch. Ezra and Welthea, Dec. 6, 1848.
Ezra J. Ford, ch. Obediah and Hannah, July 13, 1822, in Sumner, Me. RR.
George Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Nabby [second w.], Jan. 26, 1817.
George Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, Sept. 14, 1825.
George W. Ford, ch. Nathaniel and Huldah, Feb. 22, 1833. [Feb. 21, PR105.]
Hannah B. Ford, ch. Ezra and Welthea, Mar. 23, 1846.
Hannah T. Ford, ch. Joshua H. and Sarah W., July 29, 1839.
Helen J. Ford, ch. Joshua H. and Sarah W., Mar. 28, 1836.
James T. Ford [h. Anna D. Waterman], ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner), Sept. 1, 1794. PR23.
Jane Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. Seth F. Sprague], Apr. 7, 1808. PR23.
Jonathan S. Ford, ch. Nathaniel and Huldah, May 31, 1831. [Jonathan Stetson Ford, PR23.]
Joseph Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, June 17, 1801.
Joshua O. Ford, ch. Joshau T. and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1826.
Joshua T. Ford, h. Deborah, June 29, 1760.
Levi Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, Apr. 17, 1832.
Lydia Ford, w. Thomas W. Peterson, Feb. 2, 1783.
Lydia T. Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner), [w. Anthony Thomas], Jan. 7 1788. PR23.
Nathan Ford, ch. Joseph and Beulah, June 16, 1828.
Nathaniel Ford [h. Huldah Stetson, h. Eliza Stetson, h. Maria D. Cox], ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner), Jan. 23, 1797. PR23.
Oakman Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Debororah, June 27, 1794.
Peleg Ford [h. Sylvina Peterson, h. Maria Richmond], ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner), Jan. 10, 1805. PR23.
Priscilla Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. Samuel Adams], Feb. 22, 1799. PR23.
Rosella Ford, ch. Elisha and Lydia (Turner) [w. James Gardner, w. Caleb Hersey], Jan. 19, 1803. PR23.
Ruth Ford, ch. Joshua T. and Nabby [second w.], Sept. 8, 1812.
Ruth A. Ford, ch. James T. and Ruth A., Sept. 30, 1832.
Sarah E. Ford, ch. Joshua H. and Sarah W., Feb. 15, 1833.
Sidney T. Ford, son Benjamin P., farmer, and Mary, Oct. 25, 1845, in E. Duxbury.
Welthea J. Ford, ch. Ezra and Welthea, Mar. 13, 1845.
William Ford, ____, 1594, in England. PR23.
_______, dau. Joseph Jr., Nov. 27, 1825. PR105.
_______, son Joseph Jr., Nov. 23, 1827. PR105.
_______, son Joseph Jr., Sept. 14, 1830. PR105.
_______, son Consider, Apr. 20, 1832. PR105.
_______, son Joseph Jr., Dec. 9, 1834, PR105.
_______, dau. Peleg, Apr. 27, 1838. PR105.
_______, dau. Joseph, July 20, 1838. PR105.
Anna L. Foster, Dec. 5, 1838. PR54.
Hiram Foster, July 1, 1831. PR25.
_______, son Capt. Nathan and Polly, May 28, 1809. GR3.
_______, son _____, Feb. 22, 1826. PR105.
Abigail Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Aug. 7, 1796.
Amherst Alden Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, May 21, 1804.
Corinna Frazar, ch. [dau. Capt., CR1] Amherst A. and Sarah D., Oct. 21, 1831.
Douglas Frazar, Gen., Aug. 19, 1836. GR3. [son Amherst A., PR105.]
Edwin Frazar, son Julia, Mar. 28, 1848.
Edwin L. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, June 6, 1837. [June 8, PR57] [June 6, PR105.]
Eliza H. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, June 14, 1834.
Everett Frazar, ch. George and Anne, Oct. 5, 1834. [Frazer, PR105.]
George Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Nov. 22,1801. [h. Ann (Little)]GR3.]
George Frazar Jr., ch. George and Anne, July 10, 1842.
George L. Frazar, ch. John and Harriet L., Feb. 27, 1849. [George S., GR3] [George L., PR57.]
Helen Frazar, ch. George and Anne, Sept. 30, 1830.
Jerome H. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Dec. 23, 1824. [Dec. 22, PR57] [Dec. 23, PR105.]
Jerusha Frazar, ch. Thomas A. and Frances A., June 22, 1840.
John Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1794.
John Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Mar. 5, 1823.
John A. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, June 17, 1829. [____, 1839, GR3] [June 17, 1829, PR57.]
Julia Maria Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Feb. 26, 1826.
Lauretta Frazar, ch. Amherst A. [Amerst, GR3] and Sarah D., Dec. 11, 1833.
Lucy Drew Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1815.
Maria W. Frazar [? m.], Nov. 9, 1800. GR3.
Mercy C. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, July 6, 1838.
Mercy Clark Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Jan. 6, 1798.
Olive W. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Oct. 25, 1835.
Rebecah Alden Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, June 12, 1806.
Rebeckah Alden Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1808.
Rosella Frazar, ch. Thomas A. and Frances A., Sept. 13, 1842.
Samuel Alden Frazar Esq. [h. Abigail (Drew)], July 12, 1766. GR3.
Samuel Alden Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1800. [Samuel A. Jr. [h. Maria (Winsor) PR57.]
Sarah Dearing Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Sept. 17, 1810.
Temperance D. Frazar, ch. George and Anne, July 12 1832.
Thomas Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Jan. 27, 1792.
Thomas Frazar, ch. Samuel A. and Abigail, Jan. 7, 1812.
Walter D. Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Sept. 15, 1831. [Sept. 14, PR105.]
William Stearns Frazar, ch. Samuel A. Jr. and Maria, Jan. 20, 1833. [William A.S., PR57.]
Abby F. Freeman, dau. Weston Jr., carpenter, and Mary, Oct. 26, 1844, in E. Duxbury.
Abigail Freeman [_______], w. Enoch, Mar. 26, 1739.
Abigail Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, Oct. 6, 1765.
Abigail Freeman, twin ch. William and Welthea, Jan. 16, 1809.
Abigail Freeman, ch. Weston, Nov. 9, 1811.
Abijah Freeman, son Edmond [dup. Edmund] and Lucia, Feb. 4, 1772.
Abijah Freeman Jr., ch. Abijah and Lucy, Oct. 31, 1811.
Alathea Freeman [_______], w. Joseph, Mar. 23, 1774.
Alice Freeman (see Allis).
Allen T. Freeman, ch. James and Sally, Dec. 31, 1821.
Allis Freeman [dup. Allice], dau. Emanuel and Lucia, Nov. 1, 1769.
Arnold Freeman, son Edmond [sup. Edmund] and Lucia, Mar. 15, 1777.
Arnold Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, Oct. 30, 1807.
Austina M. Freeman [Faustina] ch. Weston Jr. and Mary, Feb. 17, 1839. [Faustina, Feb. 17, 1840, PR48.] [Feb. 17, 1840, PR105.]
Benjamin Freeman, ch. Bradford, Sept. 12, 1818.
Betsey Sprague Freeman, ch. Weston, Mar. 7, 1814.
Bradford Freeman, Jan. 3, 1777. GR3.
Bradford Freeman, ch. Bradford, Feb. 12, 1821.
Brewster Freeman, ch. Silas, bp. Oct. 27, 1765. CR1.
Chandler Freeman, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. Oct. 15, 1758. CR1.
Clinthia Freeman, ch. David and Mary, Sept. 14, 1849.
Daniel Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, Nov. 14, 1773.
David C. Freeman, ch. David and Mary, May 14, 1845.
David Hall Freeman, ch. Bradford, Jan. 30, 1810.
Deborah Freeman, twin ch. William and Welthea, Jan. 16, 1809.
Deborah Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, Nov. 27, 1809.
Deborah Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, May 26, 1817.
Edmond Freeman, ch. Joseph, bp. June 1, 1740. CR1.
Edmond Freeman, son Edmond [dup. Edmund] and Lucia, Feb. 19, 1773.
Elisabeth O. Freeman, ch. James and Sally, Mar. 20, 1828.
Ellis Freeman, ch. Weston, Aug. 13, 1806.
Enoch Freeman [h. Abigail], June 1, 1737.
Enoch Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, July 28, 1767.
Enoch Freeman, ch. William and Welthea, July 22, 1797.
Enoch Freeman, ch. Weston, Oct. 9, 1818.
Enoch Freeman, ch. Martin and Nancy, Apr. 26, 1837.
Eugene S. Freeman, ch. David and Mary, Oct. 20, 1838.
Eunice Freeman, ch. Bradford, Apr. 14, 1805.
Faustina Freeman (see Austina).
George Freeman, ch. Bradford, Apr. 5, 1824. [George P., GR3.]
George R. Freeman, ch. David and Mary, May 7, 1841.
Hannah Bradford Freeman, ch. Bradford, Dec. 2, 1802.
Hannah H. Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1826.
Harrison G. Freeman, ch. Joseph and Mehitable, Oct. 29, 1836. [Oct. 31, PR18. PR105.]
Helen T. Freeman, ch. Weston Jr. and Mary, Mar. 3, 1837. [Hellen T., pr49.]
Henry Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, Oct. 10, 1803.
Henry A. Freeman, ch. James and Sally, May 17, 1823.
Henry M. Freeman, ch. Martin and Nancy, July 16, 1841. [Henry Miller Freeman, PR55.]
Henry M. Freeman, ch. David and Mary, Sept. 6, 1846.
Huldah D. Freeman, ch. Sprague and Sylvina, Aug. 17, 1842.
Irany Freeman, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. July 2, 1758. CR1.
James Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, May 30, 1799.
James K. Freeman, son Martin, carpenter, and Nancy, Dec. 27, 1844, in E. Duxbury. [James Hamilton Freeman, PR55.]
James R. Freeman, ch. Martin and Nancy, Dec. 27, 1844.
John Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, Sept. 15, 1815.
Joseph Freeman, h. Alathea, May 13, 1775.
Joseph Freeman, ch. Bradford, Jan. 4, 1808.
Josephine T. Freeman, Aug. 12, 1848. PR18.
Joshua Freeman, son Joshua and Sally, Jan. 3, 1836.
Joshua Soule Freeman, ch. Weston, Jan. 11, 1821.
Lemuel D. Freeman, ch. James and Sally, Jan. 20, 1825. [Jan. 21, PR105.]
Lucia Freeman, dau. Edmond [dup. Edmund] and Lucia, Nov. 21, 1774.
Lucy A. Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1813.
Lydia Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, July 29, 1771.
Lydia J. Freeman [sic S.[, ch. Weston Jr. and Mary, Mar. 31, 1847. [Lydia S., PR49,]
Martin Freeman, ch. William and Welthea, Dec. 25, 1803.
Mary Cooper Freeman, ch. Weston, Jan. 20, 1810.
Mary L. Freeman [_______], w. Weston, ____, 1808. GR3.
Mary R. Freeman, ch. Martin and Nancy, June 5, 1834. [Mary Reed Freeman, PR18.]
Nancy Freeman [? m.], Dec. 25, 1781. GR3.
Nancy Freeman, ch. Bradford, Apr. 4, 1812.
Nancy M. Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1824.
Olive Freeman, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. July 2, 1758. CR1.
Pelham Freeman, ch. David and Mary, Sept. 16, 1837.
Pelham W. Freeman, ____, 1840. GR3.
Polly Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, Dec. 29, 1779.
Polly Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, July 29, 1801.
Ruth Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, June 25, 1807.
Ruth F. Freeman, ch. Weston, Feb. 25, 1823.
Sally Freeman [dup. Sarah], ch. Enoch and Abigail [dup. Sarah] [dup. w. Martin Sampson], Nov. 25, 1775.
Sally Freeman, ch. William and Welthea, Jan. 18, 1799. [Sally W., GR3.]
Sally Freeman, ch. Bradford, Oct. 24, 1815.
Samuel Freeman, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. July 2, 1758. CR1.
Sarah Freeman, ch. Joseph Jr., bp. Mar. 28, 1762. CR1.
Sarah Freeman (see Sally).
Sarah Freeman, ch. Martin and Nancy, July 17, 1832.
Sarah A. Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, May 12, 1819.
Sprague Freeman, ch. Joseph and Alathea, Oct. 2, 1812.
Theodore P. Freeman, ch. Joseph and Mehitable, Jan. 26, 1842.
Theodore P. Freeman, Nov. 8, 1843. PR18.
Waldo B. Freeman, son Bradford [dup. Jr.], mariner, and Cordelia [dup. adds W.], Sept. 7, 1849.
Walter H. Freeman, ch. Weston Jr. and Mary, Sept. 10, 1842.
Welthea Freeman [_______], w. William, Apr. 22, 1773.
Welthea Freeman, ch. William and Welthea, Aug. 18, 1800. [w. Nathaniel A. Burgess, GR3.]
Welthea S. Freeman, dau. Martin, carpenter, and Nancy, June 1, 1848. [Welthea Sampson Freeman, PR55.]
Weston Freeman, ch. Enoch and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1777.
Weston Freeman Jr., ch. Weston, June 7, 1808. [h. Mary L.] GR3.]
William Freeman [dup. h. Welthea], ch. Enoch and Abigail, May 25, 1769. [h. Welthea, GR3.]
William Freeman Jr., ch. William and Welthea, Nov. 7, 1794.
William A. Freeman, ch. Abijah and Lucy, Sept. 13, 1810.
William A. Freeman, son Arnold, caulker, and Jane W., Oct. 9, 1843, in S. Duxbury.
William E. Freeman, Sept. 29, 1845. PR18.
Winfield S. Freeman, ch. Joseph and Mehitable, Oct. 30, 1839. [Winfield Scott Freeman, Oct. 20, PR18.]
_______, son Enoch, Oct. 6, 1765.
_______, ch. Benjamin, June 29, 1775.
_______, dau. Bradford, June 6, 1826. PR105.
_______, dau. Oliver, July 26, 1827. PR105.
_______, son James, Jan. 8, 1833. PR105.
_______, son Joseph, Oct. 20, 1839. PR105.
_______, dau. Weston, Feb. 17, 1840. PR105.
Abigail Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, Sept. 8, 1811.
Anne Frost, ch. Iasac and Anna, Jan. 16, 1809.
Charles Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, Sept. 28, 1805.
Edward F. Frost, ch. William and Selah, Nov. 18, 1841.
Elisabeth Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, Dec. 1, 1803.
George W. Frost, ch. William and Selah, Feb. 25, 1838.
Judith Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, Oct. 30, 1799.
Nancy Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, June 15, 1807.
Samuel Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, June 21, 1797.
Susan E. Frost, dau. William, farmer, and Selah, Feb. 17, 1845, in S. Duxbury.
William Frost, ch. Isaac and Anna, Nov. 15, 1801.
William H. Frost, ch. William and Selah, Nov. 10, 1830.
_______, son Charles, Nov. 16, 1834. PR105.
_______, dau. Charles, May 24, 1839. PR105.
Anace Fuller, ch. Abial, bp. Sept. 10, 1749. CR1.
Darius A. Fuller [h. Jane T. (Sampson)], Apr. 7, 1820. PR1.
Gamaliel Fuller, ch. Abial, bp. Oct. 13, 1745. CR1.
Hannah Fuller, ch. James, bp. Sept. 13, 1741. CR1.
Sarah Fuller, dau. Abiel and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1737.
Sarah Fuller, ch. Abiel, bp. June 28, 1747. CR1.
Sarah Fuller, ch. Capt. Zephaniah, bp. Sept. 8, 1782. CR1.
_______, son Consider, Mar. 26, 1821. PR105.