Vital Records
To The year 1850
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
at the charge of
The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Benjamin Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Dec. 13, 1792.
Cynthia Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Mar. 10, 1803.
Elisabeth Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Feb. 23, 1795.
Emily Walker, ch. Isaiah and Emily, Oct. __, 1828.
Isaiah Walker, ch. Isaiah and Emily, Nov. 29, 1831.
Judith Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Aug. 8, 1797.
Kenoal Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Jan. 1, 1800.
Persis Walker, ch. Isaiah and Emily, June 15, 1830.
Samuel Walker, ch. Samuel and Judith, Aug.10, 1806.
Adoniram J. Warren, ch. David and Sally, Jan. 11, 1841.
David Warren, ch. David and Sally, June 12, 1838.
Sally Warren, ch. David and Sally, _____ [rec. before ch. b. June 12, 1838].
Charles Prine Washburn, ch. Solomon and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1811.
Edward T. Washburn, ch. Soloman and Hannah, July 5, 1819.
Emeline Washburn, ch. Soloman and Hannah, Oct. 23, 1826.
Leander Washburn, ch. Soloman [Solomon, PR105] and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1824.
Marcia Washburn, ch. Soloman and Hannah, May 17, 1808.
Solomon Washburn [h. Hannah (dau. Joshua Winsor)], ____, 1777. GR3.
Susan Washburn, ch. Soloman and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1814.
William Washburn, ch. Soloman and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1816.
Betsey Waterman, ch. Ephraim and Jerusha, Aug. 18, 1790.
Betsey Waterman, ch. Eliphalet and Silvina, July 12, 1796.
Betty Waterman [_______], w. Ephraim, June 30, 1730.
Betty Waterman, dau. Ephraim and Betty, Mar. 27, 1747.
Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Nov. 4, 1811.
Elisha Waterman, ch. Ephraim and Jerusha, AUg. 18, 1794.
Ephraim Waterman [h. Betty], son Josiah and w., Oct. 21, 1725.
Ephraim Waterman, son Ephraim and Betty, FEb. 27, 1757.
Jerusha Waterman, ch. Ephraim and Jerusha, July __, 1797.
Joan O. Waterman, ch. Martin and Joanna, Mar. 5, 1820.
Joseph L. Waterman, ch. Martin and Joanna, Feb. 17, 1825.
Lauretta L. Waterman, ch. Martin and Joanna [Joan, GR3], May 21, 1829.
Lewis Waterman, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Nov. 8, 1803.
Lucius A. Waterman, ch. Martin and Joanna, June 13, 1832.
Lucy Waterman, ch. Ephraim and Jerusha, Oct. 15, 1786.
Lucy Waterman, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Dec. 21, 1817.
Lydia Waterman [_______], w. Martin, Aug. 23, 1798. GR3.
Lydia Waterman, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1815.
Malachi Waterman, son Ephraim and Betty, Apr. 1, 1751.
Martin Waterman, ch. Eliphalet and Silvina, Oct. 1, 1793. [h. Lydia] GR3.]
Martin T. Waterman, ch. Martin and Joanna, Aug. 16, 1823.
Mary L. Waterman, ch. Seth and Deborah, Apr. 17, 1831.
Nathaniel Waterman, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Jan. 10, 1809.
Oliver Waterman, son Ephraim and Betty, Aug. 7, 1754.
Samuel Waterman, ch. Ephraim and Jerusha, Aug. 31, 1792.
Thomas Waterman, ch. Ebenezer and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1806.
Thomas W. Herrick Waterman, ch. Eliphalet and Silvina, Oct. 9, 1806.
_______, son Elisha, Feb. 9, 1822. PR105.
_______, son Elish, Nov. 11, 1823. PR105.
_______, dau. Elish, Nov. 20, 1825. PR105.
_______, dau. Martin, Nov. 6, 1826. PR105.
_______, son Asa, July 3, 1839. PR105.
Elizabeth H. Waters [? m.], Aug. 8, 1838. GR3.
Eugene Q. Waters, ch. Benjamin S.G. and Margaret, June 4, 1838.
Marsellus Waters, ch. Benjamin S.G. and Margaret, Oct. 8, 1831.
_______, son B.G., Aug. 13, 1840. PR105.
Almeda Watson, ch. William and Huldah, July 1, 1816.
Daniel Howard Watson, ch. John, Jan. 25, 1803.
Elisabeth G. Watson, ch. Daniel and Betsey, _____ [rec. after ch. b. July 15, 1832].
Elisabeth Reynolds Watson, ch. John, Oct. 27, 1795. [Elizabeth R. [w. Melzar Brewster], PR99.]
Eunice Watson, ch. John, July 1, 1806.
George Watson, ch. William and Huldah, July 31, 1813.
Horace Watson, ch. Daniel and Betsey, July 15, 1832. [Horace Herbert, GR3.] [July 10, PR105.]
Huldah Watson [dup. adds A.], dau. George, shoemaker, and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1844, in W. Duxbury.
John Watson, ch. Daniel and Betsey, Oct. 13, 1829. [John C., GR3.]
Lucia Marston Watson, ch. John, Apr. 15, 1800.
Nancy Watson, ch. John, July 29, 1814.
Sally Watson, ch. John, Nov. 6, 1797.
Susan A. Watson, ch. George and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1842.
_______, son Albert, Dec. 10, 1833. PR105.
_______, dau. Daniel, Nov. 14, 1834. PR105.
_______, son Albert, Jan. 20, 1836. PR105.
_______, son Albert, Dec. 28, 1827. PR105.
_______, dau. Daniel, Mar. 17, 1838. PR105.
_______, dau. George, Nov. 7, 1839. PR105.
_______, son Daniel, Mar. 21, 1840. PR105.
Sarah M.P. Welch, w. R.J. Needham, Mar. 6, 1845. GR3.
Abigail West, dau. Samuel and Triphosa [dup. dau. Samuel and Tryphose], Sept. 16, 1682.
Aime West [dup. Anne West] dau. Peter and Patience, Feb. 16, 1682.
Amos West, son Samuel and Martha, Mar. 29, 1710.
Despar West, son Peleg and Mary, Sept. 8, 1746.
Ebenezer West, son Samuell and Triphosa, July 22, 1676.
Elisha West, son Peter and Patience, Mar. 2, 1692-3.
Esther West, dau. Peter and Patience, Sept. 20, 1680.
Eunice West (see Unice).
Francis West, son Samuell and Tryphosa, Nov. 13, 1669.
John West, son Samuel and Tryphosa, Mar. 6, 1678-9.
Margery West [dup. Margerry], dau. Peter and Patience, Mar. 12, 1677-8.
Mary West, dau. Pater and Patience, Oct. 3, 1675.
Moses West, son Samuel and Martha, Mar. 4, 1715-16.
Nathan West, son Samuel and Martha, Aug. 18, 1711.
Pelatiah West [dup. Peltiah], son Samuell and Tryphosa, Mar. 8, 1674.
Samuel West, son Peter and Patience, Apr. 4, 1697.
Samuel West, son Samuel and Tryphosa, Dec. 23, 1672.
Sarah West, dau. Samuel and Martha, Nov. 8, 1712.
Steven West [dup. Stephen West], son Samuell and Tryphosa, Sept. 8, 1671.
Unice West, dau. Peleg and Mary, Oct. 15, 1744.
_______, dau. Hiram, May 16, 1829. PR105.
Abba Weston, ch. John and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1830.
Abby W. Weston [_______], w. James M., June 22, 1834. GR3.
Abiah Weston [_______], w. Thomas, Apr. 16, 1765.
Abigail Weston, dau. Joseph and Mercy, Mar. 15, 1738-9.
Abigail Weston, ch. Elnathan, bp. June 4, 1758. CR1.
Abigail Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 17, 1817.
Abigail J. Weston [_______], w. James Jr., Mar. 22, 1796.
Abigail J. Weston, ch. James Jr. and Abigail J., Aug. 19, 1825.
Abishai B. Weston, ch. Joshua and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1826.
Adeline S. Weston [_______], w. George, Oct. 3, 1819. GR3.
Albert Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, Oct. 15, 1825. [Oct. 13, PR105.]
Albert Alonzo Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Sept. 16, 1841.
Alden B. Weston, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jererusha, Jan. 17, 1805.
Alden B. Weston, son Gershom B., merchant, and Judith, Nov. __, 1844, in E. Duxbury. [Nov. 25, PR14.]
Alethea Weston [dup. Alathea Weston], dau. Samuel and Abigail, May 20, 1778.
Alethea Weston, ch. Samuel, bp. June 15, 1779. CR1.
Alfred Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Jan. 11, 1837.
Almeda Weston, ch. Peleg and Jane, Dec. 18, 1809.
Almira Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, May 15, 1802.
Amand Weston, ch. Melzar and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1824.
Anne Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, Aug. 21, 1817. [Ann, w. Capt. Elisha Sampson, GR3.]
Anne F. Weston, ch. Thomas K. and Mary, June 14, 1833.
Anne O. Weston, ch. Bradford and Sarah Anne, Apr. 22, 1826.
Anne O. Weston, ch. Bradford and Sarah Anne, _____[rec. after ch. b. Dec. 23, 1840.] [Ann Otis Weston, ____, 1836. GR3.] [Apr. 23, 1836. PR105.]
Arabella Weston, ch, [dau. Capt. CR1] Nathaniel and Abigail, Mar. 6, 1832.
Arunah Weston, ch. Eliphas, bp. Apr. 20, 1746. CR1.
Asa Weston, [h. Eunice], June 14, 1786.
Augustus Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Apr. 24, 1828.
Austin Weston, ch. Bradford and Sarah Anne, Apr. 27, 1838. [Apr. 29, PR105.]
Baker Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Feb. 5, 1815.
Benjamin Weston, son Micah and Bethiah, Oct. 27, 1771.
Bethiah Weston, dau. Micah and Bethiah, Nov. 2, 1773.
Betsey Weston, ch. Levi, Nov. 25, 1787.
Betsey Weston, dau. Charlotte, Sept. 2, 1811.
Betsey C. Weston, ch. Nathaniel C. and Anne (second w.), Sept. 27, 1834.
Betsey R. Weston [_______], w. Jabez P., ____, 1830. GR3.
Betsey T. Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, Sept. 30, 1809. [Betsey F., PR76.]
Bradford Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, July 22, 1810. [h. Sarah Ann, h. Lucy T.] GR3.]
Briggs T. Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, July 20, 1835. [July 21, PR105.]
Caroline Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Aug. 11, 1841.
Caroline Weston, dau. Gershom B. Jr., mariner, and Mary B., Aug. 6, 1849.
Celinda Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, Jan. 7, 1817.
Charles Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Apr. 14, 1831.
Charles H. Weston, ch. Charles and Sally, Nov. 27, 1831.
Charles P. Weston, ch. Sylvanus and Sally, Mar. 5, 1804.
Charlotte Weston, ch. Levi, Oct. 28, 1785.
Church Weston, ch. Nathaniel C., Aug. 6, 1799. [Capt. Church [h. Ellen (Winsor), GR3.]
Clark Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, Oct. 11, 1807.
Clemont Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, {Jr., PR105], Aug. 25, 1833.
Cordelia Weston, ch. Otis and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1830.
Cordelia Worth Weston [? m.], ____, 1828. GR3.
Curtis Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, July 15, 1812.
Daniel Weston, son Eliphaz and Priscilla, Nov. 25, 1739.
Daniel Weston, son Warren and Mary, Apr. 5, 1772.
Daniel Weston, ch. John and Hannah, Oct. __, 1834. [Sept. 24, PR105.]
Deborah Weston, dau. John and w., Dec. 3, 1702.
Deborah Weston, ch. Abner, bp. Aug. 28, 1743. CR1.
Deborah Sprague Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 4, 1815.
Deborah W. Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Jan. 20, 1826.
Desire Weston, dau. Micah and Bethiah, Mar. 15, 1777.
Dura Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Oct. 18, 1788.
Eden Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Sept. 22, 1799. [h. Lydia] GR3.]
Eden Weston Jr., ch. Eden and Lydia, May 4, 1829.
Edgar Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Aug. 31, 1832.
Edmond Weston, ch. Thomas bp. Oct. 28, 1770. CR1.
Edmund B. Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Deborah B., Mar. 25, 1849.
Edward B. Weston, ch. Sylvanus and Sally, Aug. 4, 1802.
Edward R. Weston, ch. Edward and Lucy, Dec. 1, 1838. [e. Rollins Weston, ____, 1839, GR3.] [Edward R., Dec. 1, 1839, PR30.]
Eldridge Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, Dec. 9, 1814.
Eleanor Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Aug. 26, 1823.
Elias E. Weston, ch. Rufus and Eliza E., Sept. 8, 1841.
Eliphaz Weston, son Eliphaz and Priscilla, July 7, 1741.
Elisabeth Weston, dau. Elnathan and Jemima, Jan. 3, 1752.
Elisabeth Ann Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, May 26, 1830. [d. Gallen, May 24, PR105.]
Eliza O. Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Mar. 7, 1821.
Elizabeth Weston (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth F. Weston (see Lizzie F.)
Elizabeth M. Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, Apr. 6, 1823. [Apr. 5, PR105.]
Elkanah Weston [h. Mary], Feb. 14, 1781.
Elkanah Weston Jr., ch. Elkanah and Mary, Mar. 31, 1805.
Ellen Ames Weston [? m.], ____, 1834. GR3.
Ellen C. Weston, ch. Church and Ellen, Mar. 14, 1836.
Elnathan Weston, son Samuel and Elisabeth, Sept. 29, 1727.
Emily Weston, ch. Charles and Sally, Mar. 28, 1840.
Emily B. Weston, ch. Bradford and Sarah Anne, Dec. 23, 1840.
Emma Weston [dup. adds C.], ch. Charles and Sally, Apr. 8 [dup. June 6], 1842.
Eunice Weston [_______], w. Asa, June 18, 1789.
Eunice B. Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Aug. 18, 1819.
Eunice J. Weston [? m.], June 8, 1848. GR3.
Eunice P. Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Sept. 13, 1831.
Ezra Weston, son Eliphaz and Priscilla, July 21, 1743. [Israel, CR1.] [Ezra ]h. Salumith (dau. Dr. John Wadsworth)], July 13, GR3.
Ezra Weston, son Ezra and Salumith [dup. Salomith], Nov. 20, 1771. [h. Jerusha (dau. Col. Gamaliel Bradford)], Nov. 20, 1772. GR3.] [h. Jerusha (Bradford)] Nov. 30, 1772, PR14.]
Ezra Weston, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jererusha [Jerusha, GR3.], Oct. 3, 1796.
Ezra Weston 3d, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jerusha, Dec. 23, 1809.
Florance Weston [dup. Florean], ch. Joseph Jr. and Selina, June 4, 1848. [Florean, ch. Joseph and Selina S., PR29.]
Galon Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Apr. 20, 1797 [sic see Melzar].
George Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Sept. 21, 1806.
George Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 24, 1807.
George Weston [h. Adeline S.], Dec. 8, 1820. GR3.
George Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Dec. 22, 1821.
George Weston, ch. John and Hannah, June 18, 1827. [June 17, RP105.]
George Weston, son Gershom B. Jr. and Mary B., Jan. 14, 1846, in E. Duxbury.
George Canning Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Mar. 28, 1828.
George S. Weston, ch. Edward and Lucy, July 29, 1841.
George T. Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Selina, Aug. 4, 1842. [George Thomas Weston, ch. Joseph and Selina S., PR29.]
Gershom B. Weston, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jererusha, Aug. 27, 1799. [h. Judith (Sprague), h. Mary B. (Moore), h. D.B. (Brownell)] PR14.]
Gershom B. Weston Jr., ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Oct. 25, 1821.
Gilbert A. Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, Feb. 18, 1830.
Hannah Weston, ch. Abner, bp. Aug. 3, 1740. CR1.
Hannah Weston, ch. John and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1822.
Hannah Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, Jan. 1, 1828.
Hannah C. Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Feb. 5, 1819.
Hannah S. Weston [? m.], Jan. 28, 1800. GR3.
Harrison Weston, son James and Deborah, May 10, 1832. [Harrison G. [h. Rebecca B. (Churchill), GR3[ [s. James Jr., PR105.]
Helen A. Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Apr. 7, 1839.
Henry Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne [Anna, RR], Feb. 7, 1831.
Henry L. Weston, ch. Eden and Lydia, May 12, 1833.
Hiram Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, May 14, 1828.
Hiram Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Aug. 4, 1831.
Ichabod Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Apr. 8, 1734.
Ichabod Weston, ch. William, bp. Apr. 5, 1767. CR1.
Inice Weston (see Jinee).
Isaac Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Oct. 30, 1838. [son Gallen, Oct. 21, PR105.]
Israel Weston (see Ezra).
Jabez P. Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Oct. 14, 1824. [ch. Thomas and Nancy, RR.] [h. Betsey R.[ ____, 1825. GR3.]
Jacob Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Jan. 7, 1731.
James Weston, son Micah and Bethiah, Sept. 24, 1762.
James Weston [dup. JR. [h. Abigail J.]], ch. James and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1793.
James H. Weston, ch. Daniel and Lucy, June 13, 1829, in E. Livermore, Me. RR. [h. Jane S.] GR3.]
James M. Weston, ch. James Jr. and Abigail J., June 15, 1828. [[h. Abby W.] GR3.]
James S. Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, July 9, 1828. [ch. Thomas and Nancy, RR.] [son Thomas Jr., July 8, PR105.]
Jane Weston, dau. Joseph and Mercy, Jan. 21, 1725-6.
Jane Weston, ch. Thomas, bp. Oct. 25, 1767. CR1.
Jane S. Weston [_______], w. James, ____, 1821. GR3.
Jerusha Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Dec. 19, 1834. [Jerusha B. PR14.]
Jerusha B. Weston, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jererusha, Aug. 9, 1802. [Jerusha Bradford Weston, ch. Ezra and Jerusha, GR3.]
Jerusha B. Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Mar. 15, 1824.
Jinee Weston [dup. Jane Weston], dau. Samuel and Abigail, Dec. 1, 1781. [Inice, CR1.]
John Weston, son Micah and Bethiah, Aug. 21, 1769.
John Weston, son John and _____ [w. Wait Wadsworth], Feb. 16, 17[__]. [Feb. 16, 1796, GR3.]
John Weston, ch. John and Hannah, June 24, 1825.
John Allyn Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Nov. 3, 1825.
John F. Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Sept. 16, 1832. [Sept. 17, PR105.]
John W. Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, May 12, 1808.
Jane Weston (see Jinee).
Jane E. Weston, ch. John W. [John 2d, PR105] and Almeda, Oct. 23, 1833.
Joseph Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 29, 1783.
Joseph Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, June 3, 1812.
Joseph Weston [h. Selina S.], Nov. 3, 1814. PR29.
Joshua Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 3, 1785.
Joshua Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Oct. 5, 1798.
Joshua Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Oct. 20, 1817.
Judith Weston, [twin] ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 2, 1796. [w. George Cushman] PR82.]
Judith Weston, ch. Nathaniel C., July 15, 1796.
Judith Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, May 26, 1822.
Judith Weston, dau. Gershom B. Jr., mariner, and Mary B., Sept. 25, 1843, at Duxbury Point.
Julia A. Weston [? m.], ch. John W. and Almeda, Sept. 1, 1842.
Leroy P. Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, Jan. 30, 1835.
Levi Weston Jr., ch. Levi, July 3, 1793.
Lewis Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 2, 1791.
Lizzie F. Weston, ch. Luther F. and Sarah L., Aug. 2, 1849.
Lucretia Weston, ch. Charles and Sally, Mar. 22, 1836.
Lucy Weston, ch. William, bp. July 18, 1762. CR1.
Lucy Weston, ch. Levi, Dec. 23, 1798.
Lucy Weston, ch. Nathaniel C., Oct. 30, 1806.
Lucy A. Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Dec. 7, 1825.
Lucy S. Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, Feb. 14, 1810.
Lucy T. Weston [_______], w. Bradford, ____, 1836. GR3.
Lucy T. Weston, ch. Edward and Lucy, Jan. 22, 1843.
Lusanna Weston, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1784. [Lusannah, CR1.]
Luther F. Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, Aug. 31, 1820.
Lydia Weston, ch. Warren, bp. May 20, 1770. CR1.
Lydia Weston, dau. Warren and Mary, Sept. 17, 1778.
Lydia Weston, [_______], w. Eden, Nov. 15, 1802. GR3.
Lydia Weston, ch. Sylvanus and Sally, Sept. 13, 1809.
Marcy Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 8, 1789.
Margaret S. Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Mar. 30, 1834. [dau. Gallen, Mar. 31, PR105.]
Maria Weston, ch. Ezra Jr. and Jerusha [GR3], Dec. 3, 1794.
Maria Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, June 12, 1804. [w. Rev. Claudius Bradford, Sept. 24, GR3.] ]June 12, PR76.]
Maria Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, May 24, 1813.
Maria Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, Dec. 16, 1822.
Maria Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, June 3, 1839.
Martha D. Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 29, 1812. [w. Albert Clapp] PR77.]
Martha George Weston, dau. George and Abigail, Apr. 17, 1832.
Martha K. Weston [_______], w. George S., ____, 1844. GR3.
Martha T. Weston, ch. Melzar and Ruth, Feb. 26, 1827.
Martha T. Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Mar. 14, 1830. [Mar. 13, PR105.]
Mary Weston, dau. Samuel and Elisabeth, July 18, 1722.
Mary Weston, ch. Thomas, bp. Oct. 25, 1767. CR1.
Mary Weston [_______], w. Elkanah, Dec. 11, 1781.
Mary Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, Jan. 22, 1810.
Mary A.F. Weston, dau. Hiram, w. Charles F. Winsor, Feb. 27, 1820. GR3.
Mary C. Weston, ch. Luther F. and Sarah L., Dec. 22, 1845.
Mary Elizabeth Weston [? m.], ____, 1828. GR3.
Mary J. Weston, ch. James Jr. and Abigail J., Sept. 17, 1820.
Mary P. Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, May 23, 1823.
Mary P. Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Aug. 22, 1796 [sic see Galon].
Mercy Weston [w. Isaiah Alden], June 29, 1767.
Mercy Weston (see Marcy).
Mercy Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1806.
Nancy Weston [_______], w. Thomas, ____, 1802. GR3.
Nathaniel Weston, son Samuel and Elisabeth, Apr. 30, 1730.
Nathaniel Weston, son Elnathan and Jemima, Dec. 27, 1760.
Nathaniel Weston, son Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1779. [h. Martha Delano] Sept. 20, PR76.]
Nathaniel Weston, ch. Nathaniel C., Oct. 22, 1793.
Nathaniel Weston, twin ch. _______, Aug. 12, 1825. PR76. [twin son Nathaniel, PR105.]
Nathaniel Weston, ch. John and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1831.
Nathaniel Weston Jr., ch. Nathaniel and Abigail, June 6, 1834. [June 5, PR105.]
Nathaniel B. Weston, ch. Nathaniel C. and Anne (second w.), Oct. 16, 1837.
Olive Weston, ch. Melzar and Ruth, Feb. 18, 1823.
Olive Ann Weston [? m.], ch. Elkanah and Mary, July 28, 1819.
Oscar Weston, son Joseph Jr., carpenter, and Selina [Selina S., PR29.], July 14, 1846, in E. Duxbury.
Otis Weston, ch. James and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1797.
Peleg Weston, ch. Thomas, bp. Nov. 6, 1767. CR1.
Peleg Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 25, 1787.
Polly Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 16, 1781.
Priscilla Weston, dau. Elnathan and Jemima, June 7, 1764.
Priscilla Weston, dau. Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 24, 1724-5.
Rebecca Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Aug. 4, 1793.
Rebecca C. Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, June 20, 1816. [Rebecca C., PR76.]
Rebeca T. Weston, ch. Lewis and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1826. [Feb. 19, PR105.]
Rebecca Weston, dau. Thomas and Martha, [w. Bradford Sampson], June 16, 1774.
Rebecca Thomas Weston, dau. ______ and Hannah, bp. Oct. 4, 1838. CR1.
Robert B. Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, May 24, 1803. -
Ruby Weston, ch. William, bp. Sept. 23, 1764. CR1.
Ruby Weston, ch. Nathaniel C., July 29, 1803.
Rufus Weston, [twin] ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 2, 1796.
Ruth D. Weston, ch. Melzar and Ruth, July 24, 1820.
Sally Weston, dau. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 19, 1782.
Sally Weston, ch. James and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1785.
Sally A. Weston, ch. Edward and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1832. [Dec. 10, PR105.]
Sally O. Weston, ch. James Jr. and Abigail J., Dec. 11, 1822.
Salome D. Weston [? m.], ____, 1802. GR3.
Samuel Weston, son Samuel and Elisabeth, Mar. 5, 1717-18.
Samuel Weston, son Elnathan and Jemima, Mar. 14, 1754.
Samuel F. Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Apr. 15, 1823.
Sarah Weston, dau. Joseph and Mercy, Mar. 2, 1722-3.
Sarah Weston, dau. Micah and Behiah, Dec. 2, 1766.
Sarah Weston, ch. Levi, Oct. 16, 1790.
Sarah Weston [_______], w. Bradford, ____, 1806. GR3.
Sarah Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, Feb. 22, 1822.
Sarah Chandler Weston, dau. Nathaniel C. and Anne (second w.), May 18, 1828.
Sarah D. Weston, ch. Thomas K. and Mary, June 22, 1831.
Sarah E. Weston, ch. Charles and Sally, Oct. 18, 1833.
Sarah S. Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 10, 1819.
Samuel N. Weston, ch. Nathaniel and Martha, July 17, 1821.
Samuel O. Weston, ch. Otis and Clarisa, Feb. 1, 1829.
Selina A. Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Aug. 18, 1825. [w. Daniel Symmes, GR3.]
Selina J. Weston, dau. Joseph Jr. and Selina, Aug. 4, 1844, in E. Sudbury. [Selina James Weston, ch. Joseph and Selina S., PR29.]
Selina S. Weston, [_______], w. Joseph, May 11, 1818. PR29.
Seth Weston, son Micah and Bethiah, Sept. 27, 1764.
Seth Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Sept. 14, 1804.
Seth Weston, ch. Galen and Judith, Nov. 9, 1825. [____ 1824, GR3.][son Gallen, Nov. 9, 1824. RP105.]
Silvanus Weston (see Sylvanus).
Silvanus Weston, son Charles, mariner, and Sally, May 7, 1849.
Simeon Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Sept. 4, 1728.
Simeon Weston, ch. Eliphas, bp. May __, 1753. CR1.
Simeon Weston, ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Jan. 10, 1828.
Sophronia Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, Nov. 2, 1820.
Stephen Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Nov. 10, 1790.
Stephen Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Oct. 17, 1792.
Stephen T. Weston, ch. Stephen and Deborah, June 20, 1828.
Sukey Weston, ch. Levi, July 4, 1803.
Susan Weston, twin ch. _____, Aug. 12, 1825. PR76. [twin son Nathaniel, PR105.]
Sylvanus Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, July 8, 1817.
Sylvia Weston, dau. Ezra and Sylvia, May 13, 1768. [Sylvia Church Weston, CR1] [Sylvia C. [w. Sylvenus Sampson], ____, 1767. PR69.]
Sylvia Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Anne, June 3, 1812.
Sylvia Weston [_______], w. Capt. John, Nov. 6, 1824. GR3.
Temperance Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Sept. 9, 1842.
Thomas Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Oct. 4, 1726.
Thomas Weston [h. Abiah], July 25, 1760.
Thomas Weston, ch. Thomas, Oct. 25, 1767. CR1.
Thomas Weston, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Dec. 3, 1778.
Thomas Weston, ch. Thomas Jr. and Betsey, Oct. 1, 1803. [h. Nancy] GR3.]
Thomas Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda _____ [rec. before ch. b. May 14, 1828].
Thomas Fish Weston, ch. Thomas and Abiah, Oct. 30, 1786.
Thomas K. Weston [h. Mary Simmons], Feb. 20, 1795. GR3.
Walter Weston, ch. John W. and Almeda, Nov. 2, 1839.
Warren Weston, son Eliphaz and Priscila, Aug. 24, 1738.
Warren Weston, ch. Warren, bp. Aug. 16, 1778. CR1.
William Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Feb. 16, 1735-6.
William Weston 2d, ch. Nathaniel C. and Anne (second w.), May 16, 1832.
William Bradford Weston, ch. Gershom B. and Judith, June 21, 1830. [June 20, PR14.]
William E. Weston [E. written in pencil] ch. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Jan. 16, 1833. [Jan. 25, PR105.]
William H. Weston, ch. Joseph Jr. and Selina, May 15, 1840. [William Henry Weston, ch. Joseph and Selina S., PR29.] [son Joseph, May 13, PR105.]
Wyman Weston, ch. Thomas 3d, Mar. 19, 1836.
Zabdiel Weston, son Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 22, 1719-20.
Zabdiel Weston, son Joseph and Mercy, Oct. 9, 1742.
Zabdiel Weston, ch. Elkanah and Mary, _____ [rec. after ch. b. Feb. 22, 1822.]
Ziba H. Weston, ch. Levi, May 6, 1795.
_______, dau. Thomas, June 15, 1795.
_______, twin ch. James and Sarah, May 2, 1787.
_______, twin ch. James and Sarah, May 2, 1787.
_______, dau. Asa Jr. and Eunice, Feb. 18, 1809.
_______, son Baker and Selah, May 12, 1815. GR3.
_______, dau. John, July 19, 1824. PR105.
_______, son Elchany, Aug. 11, 1824. PR105.
_______, son Joshua, Nov. 12, 1824. PR105.
_______, son Gallen, May 26, 1828. PR105.
_______, son James Jr., July 18, 1831. PR105.
_______, dau. Melzar, June 18, 1832. PR105.
_______, son Stephen, July 31, 1832. PR105.
_______, son Edward, May 31, 1835. PR105.
_______, son Otis, June 5, 1835. PR105.
_______, son Edward, May 11, 1836. PR105.
_______, son Seth, Mar. 2, 1837. PR105.
_______, son Edward, Apr. 20, 1837. PR105.
_______, son George, Dec. 2, 1838. PR105.
_______, dau. Charles, Dec .9, 1839. PR105.
William A. Wheeler, Nov. 13, 1833. GR3.
_____(Wheler), son Edward, Apr. 17, 1837. PR105.
Alden White, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, July 15, 1810.
Almira B. White, ch. Bailey and Almira, July 23, 1831.
Anna White [dup. Anne White], dau. Richard and Keturn of Plymouth, Mar. __, 1716.
Anne T. White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Nov. 19, 1837.
Bailey White, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Apr. 18, 1803.
Bartlett White, ch. Bailey [son Billey, PR105] and Almira, Dec. 30, 1833.
Benjamin White, ch. Gideon and Hannah, Aug. 19, 1812.
Briggs White, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Oct. 2, 1800.
Daniel White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Nov. 31 [sic], 1835. [son Biggs, Nov. 30, PR105.]
Elisabeth White, ch. Gideon and Hannah, May 2, 1820.
Emma L. White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Feb. 29 [sic], 1842.
Joseph White, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, June 17, 1795.
Lucy White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Dec. 26, 1832.
Mary P. White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Aug. 14, 1841.
Otis White, ch. Joseph and Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1798.
Otis White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Nov. 12, 1830.
Priscilla White, ch. Gideon and Hannah, May 4, 1815.
Rebecca White, ch. Briggs and Judith, Jan. 5, 1840.
Wadsworth White, ch. Bailey and Almira, Apr. 10, 1837.
_______, dau. Bailey, July 22, 1831. PR105.
E.W. Whiting, ____, 1811. GR3.
Julia E. Whiting, ch. Henry and Almeda, Sept. 7, 1848.
Susan M. whiting, ch. George L. and Maria, July 4, 1835.
William H. Whiting, son Henry, farmer, and Almeda, Aug. 26, 1843, in W. Duxbury.
_______, dau. _____, Feb. 10, 1834. PR105.
George R. Whitney, ch. Simeon and Sarah, May 27, 1829.
John H. Whitney, ch. Simeon and Sarah, May 1, 1827.
Julia W. Whitney, ch. Simeon and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1832.
Lucy H. Whitney, ch. Simeon and Sarah, June 7, 1823.
Sarah Whitney [_______], w. Simeon, w. Henry Dyer, Aug. 28, 1805. GR3.
Columbus Whitten, Aug. 10, 1827. GR3.
George M. Wilbur, ch. Zibeon and Lydia, Feb. 7, 1834.
Mary R. Wilbur, ch. Zibeon and Lydia, Apr. 13, 1838.
Reuben A. Wilbur, ch. Zibeon and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1836.
Zibeon Wilbur Jr., ch. Zibeon and Lydia, Apr. 26, 1832.
Catherine Wilde [dup. Wild[, dau. Dr. [dup. omits Dr.] James and Cilpah [dup Zilpah], Jan. 31, 1844, at Duxbury Point.
Eliza H. Wilde, June 14, 1834. GR3.
James Wilde, ____, 1812, in Hingham. GR3.
Zilpah Wilde, ____, 1821. GR3.
Anne Williamson, ch. Samuel and Anne, Mar. 2, 1827.
Beulah Williamson, dau. George and Mary, Nov. 29, 1706.
Caleb Williamson, son George and Mary, July __, 1715.
Charles Williamson, ch. Samuel and Anne, Nov. 1, 1824.
Deborah Williamson, dau. George and Mary, Apr. __, 1713.
Eunice Williamson, ch. Seth and Eunice, Aug. 14, 1840.
George Williamson, son George and Mary, Oct. 1, 1710.
Hephzibah Williamson [dup. Hepsibah Williamson], dau. George and Mary, Apr. 29, 1705.
Mary Williamson, dau. George and Mary, Sept. 10, 1708.
Thankfull Williamson, dau. George and Mary, May 18, 1702.
_______, dau. William, Apr. 24, 1831. PR105.
_______, [twin] son Samuel, June 8, 1833. PR105.
_______, [twin] son Samuel, June 8, 1833. PR105.
_______, son George, Sept. 18, 1838. PR105.
Allen Wing, son Gideon and Abigail, Aug. 27, 1770.
William Wing, son Gedeon and Abagail [dup. son Gideon and Abigail], July 11, 1768.
Anna J. Winnett, ch. Jason and Elisabeth, Mar. 3, 1839.
Orville Dewey Winnett, ch. Jason and Elisabeth, Feb. 12, 1837.
Betsey Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Dec. 31, 1798.
Catherine D. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1833. [Catherine Drew Winslow, PR71.] [Nov. 21, PR105.]
Clark D. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1827. [Sept. 20, GR3.] [Clark Drew Winslow, Sept. 20, PR71.] [Sept. 20, PR105.]>br?
Edmund G. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1839. [Edmond Gifford Winslow, Dec. 6, PR71] [Dec. 6, PR105.]
Edward Winslow, son Edward and Phebe, [h. Rebecca], Nov. 8, 1769.
Elisabeth T. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1840. [Elizabeth F., Nov. 5, GR3] [Elizabeth Frazar Winslow, Nov. 5, PR71] ]Nov. 6, PR105.]
Elizabeth Stockbridge Winslow, ch. John Esq. and Susanna, Feb. 27, 1803.
Frances Gay Stockbridge Winslow, ch. John Esq. and Susanna, Mar. 13, 1805.
George Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Mar. 10, 1796.
George Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Nov. 29, 1800.
George M. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1831. [George Marcus Winslow, PR71.]
Georgianna Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, July 19, 1843. [Georgeanna, PR71.]
Hannah D. Winslow [_______] w. George, Dec. 31, 1801. GR3. PR71.
Isabella Winslow, dau. George, carpenter, and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1846, in E. Duxbury. [Apr. 28, GR3. PR71.]
John Winslow, ch. John Esq. and Susanna, June 28, 1801.
John Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1814.
Marcus Winslow, son George, bp. June 24, 1832. CR1.
Polly Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Aug. 12, 1802.
Rebecca Winslow [_______], w. Edward, Dec. 10, 1770.
Rebecca E. Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, May 5, 1811.
Roland C. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1825. [Roland Clark Winslow, PR71.]
Samuel Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, Sept. 26, 1808.
Seth Winslow, ch. Edward and Rebecca, May 29, 1805.
Seth Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1829. [Sept. 23, PR71] [Sept. 22, PR105.]
Winthrop S. Winslow, ch. George and Hannah, May 1, 1835. [Winthrop Sargant Winslow, PR71.]
Winthrop Sargent Winslow, son George and Hannah, bp. Aug. 7, 1837, CR1.
_______, son J. dec'd and w., Oct. 17, 1822. PR105.
Abby O. Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Apr. 11, 1823. [w. Henry Wadsworth], Apr. 10, PR38. PR62.]
Abigail Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1803 [sic see Eleanor].
Ada Jane Winsor, ch. Gershom and Jane, Aug. 17, 1834. [Aug. 16, PR105.]
Adriana Winsor, ch. Lewis and Lydia, Oct. 23, 1815.
Albert Martin Winsor, ch. Martin and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1807. [______. 1808, GR3.]
Alden Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, Feb. 2, 1793.
Alden Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Dec. 21, 1806.
Alexander Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Aug. 11, 1811.
Alfred Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Apr. 9, 1811.
Alline Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1811.
Almira Winsor, ch. George and Alice, w. Edward A. Wheeler, Dec. 12, 1814.
Anne Maria Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1817.
Arabella Winsor, ch. Richard and Deborah, Aug. 23, 1840.
Arabella Winsor, ch. Richard and Deborah, Mar. 18, 1843.
Arthur A. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Susan, May 23, 1844.
Asenith Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Aug. 14, 1813.
Augustus Winsor, ch. Lewis and Lydia, Mar. 2, 1829.
Bailey D. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Aug. 24, 1820.
Benjamin Winsor, ch. Benjamin and Hannah, July 9, 1842. [Benjamin Jr., June 9, GR3.]
Betsey S. Winsor, ch. Isaac and Betsey, June 21, 1819.
Betty Winsor, dau. Samuel and Rhoda, Feb. 3, 1768.
Calvin G. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Sept. 17, 1829. [Aug. 17, PR105.]
Caroline Winsor, ch. Martin and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1811.
Caroline W. Winsor, dau. Whitman and Caroline, Sept. __, 1848. PR62.
Catharine Winsor, ch. Otis and Keziah, Oct. 4, 1811.
Catherine Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1821. [Aug. 21, PR43.]
Charles Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, Dec. 9, 1776.
Charles Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, Sept. 17, 1781. [h. Beulah (Wadsworth)] PR62.]
Charles Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, June 18, 1804.
Charles F. Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, May 7, 1819.
Charles L. Winsor, ch. Hosea and Lucy, July 4, 1824.
Charlotte H. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, May 10, 1815.
Clara Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Aug. 31, 1829. [w. Rufus Holmes, PR62.]
Clark Winsor [h. Polly], May 3, 1782.
Claudius B. Winsor, ch. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1828.
Corinda Winsor, ch. Joshua and Sarah H., Apr. 13, 1841.
Daniel H. Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, Oct. 14, 1814.
Daniel L. Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, July 7, 1804. [Daniel Loring Winsor [h. Sallie B. (Sampson), PR87.]
Deborah Winsor, ch. Ellis and Ruth, May 1, 1822.
Deborah Winsor, dau. George T. and Deborah, July 23, 1839. [July 21, PR105.]
Deborah Winsor, dau. George T. and Abigail P., Dec. 24, 1842.
Deborah W. Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Jan. 26, 1808.
Eden Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Aug. 4, 1806. [h. Lucy W. (Weston), PR62.]
Edward Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1813.
Edward Winsor, ch. Benjamin and Hannah, May 19, 1839. [Edward W., GR3.]
Edward Winsor, ch. Joshua and Sarah H., Aug. 7, 1845.
Edwin Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Nov. 5, 1812.
Elbridge Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, Aug. 20, 1808.
Eldridge Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1824.
Eleanor Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1804 [sic see Abigail].
Elisabeth Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, July 25, 1808. [w. Erastus Sampson, CR1] [Elizabeth, w. Erastus Sampson, GR3.]
Elisabeth Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1812.
Elisabeth H. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Apr. 14, 1818. [Elizabeth H., PR74.]
Elisabeth H. Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, July 16, 1820.
Elisabeth N. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Dec. 18, 1811.
Elisabeth N. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Mar. 25, 1818.
Eliza Winsor, June 24, 1798. PR43.
Eliza Winsor, ch. Samuel and Olive, Oct. 21, 1802.
Eliza Ann Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1828. [Mar. 19, PR105.]
Elizabeth Winsor (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth Winsor [_______], w. William H., May 7, 1836. GR3.
Elizabeth H. Winsor (see Elisabeth H.)
Elizabeth N. Winsor (see Elisabeth N.)
Ellen Winsor, w. Capt. Church Weston, ____, 1804. GR3.
Ellis Winsor, son Joshua and Deborah [second w.], May 29, 1797.
Emily Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, July 15, 1808. [Emily M. [w. Thomas W. Herrick] PR62.]
Emma C. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Susan, Mar. 1, 1849.
Erastus Winsor, ch. William and Sophia, July 9, 1809.
Eudora Winsor, ch. Benjamin and Hannah, June 19, 1832.
Eugene Adolphus Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, July 17, 1831.
Ezra M. Winsor, ch. Otis and Keziah, Apr. 2, 1813.
Florence G. Winsor, ch. Gershom and Jane, Aug. 15, 1832.
Francis A. Winsor, ch. Isaac and Betsey, Dec. 28, 1815.
Francis J. Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, July 22, 1820.
Frederick Winsor, Oct, 2, 1829. PR74.
Frederick M. Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1823.
George Winsor, son Joshua and Olive, Mar. 14, 1791.
George Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1792.
George A. Winsor, ch. George T. and Mary, May 30, 1834.
George H. Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, Apr. 8, 1823.
George H. Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, July 23, 1826.
George H. Winsor, ch. James H. and Jane, Apr. 11, 1843.
George L. Winsor, ch. Daniel L. and Sally, Aug. 14, 1843. [George Lloyd Winsor, PR87.]
George T. Winsor, ch. George and Alice, Aug. 12, 1812.
Georgiana L. Winsor, ch. Daniel L. and Sally, Feb. 24, 1830. [Georgiana Lloyd Winsor, dau. Daniel L. and S.B., GR3.] [Georgiana Lloyed Winsor [dup. Georgianna Lloyd Winsor], dau. Daniel and Sallie, PR87.]
Gershom Winsor, son Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1801.
Gershom Winsor, ch. Joshua and Sarah H., May 17, 1847. [May 17, 1846. RR]
Gershom C. Winsor, ch. Gershom and Jane, Feb. 19, 1840. [Gershom Crayton Winsor, PR75.]
Gustavus Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1814.
Hannah Winsor [_______], w. Nathaniel Jr., May 16, 1780.
Hannah Winsor [? m.], ____, 1783. GR3.
Hannah Winsor [? m.], Feb. 23, 1784. PR92.
Hannah Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, May 20, 1784. [w. Solomon Washburn, ____, 1785. GR3.]
Hannah Augusta Winsor, ch. Martin and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1815.
Hannah B. Winsor [_______], w. Capt. Benjamin, Dec. 2, 1802. GR3.
Harriet Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, May 25, 1816.
Harriet G. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, _____[rec. after ch. b. Sept. 17, 1829.]
Harriet H. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Sept. 17, 1817.
Harrison G. Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1825.
Harvey D. Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, July 3, 1824.
Helen C. Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Feb. 6, 1823.
Helen Mar Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Oct. 10, 1827. [Hellen M. [w. William H.F. Burbank], PR62.]
Henry Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Dec. 31, 1803. [Dec. 31, 1808, GR3. PR72.]
Henry Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Apr. 22, 1826.
Henry Winsor, son Nathaniel Jr., bp. July 22, 1827. CR1.
Henry O. Winsor, ch. Lewis and Lydia, Dec. 15, 1825.
Henry O. Winsor, ch. James H. and Jane, Dec. 19, 1838.
Henry T. Winsor, ch. George T. and Mary, Jan. 1, 1836.
Hiram Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, July 30, 1810.
Hiram Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Nov. 10, 1815. [h. Sally Baker, h. Marion Delano] PR62.]
Horace E. Winsor, ch. Gershom and Jane, May 18, 1829. [Horace Edwin Winsor, PR75.]
Hosea Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1794.
Ida G. Winsor, dau. Hiram [dup. adds G.], mariner, and Marion, June 3, 1848.
James Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, July 19, 1759.
James Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Mar. 17, 1770.
James Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Apr. 24, 1801.
James E. Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Sept. 3, 1840.
James H. Winsor, ch. George and Alice, Apr. 14, 1817.
James H. Winsor, ch. James H. and Jane, Sept. 3, 1840. [James H. Jr. RR.]
Jane Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, July 31, 1805. [w. Gershom Winsor] GR3.]
Jerusha R. Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Dec. 21, 1819.
John Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Aug. 31, 1756.
John, ch. Samuel and Asenith, Aug. 5, 1775.
John Maffitt Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Aug. 29, 1824.
John T. Winsor, ch. Richard and Deborah, Sept. 19, 1849.
Joseph Winsor, ch. Joshua, bp. Aug. 17, 1788. CR1.
Joseph Winsor, son Joshua and Olive, May 6, 1789.
Joseph Winsor Jr., ch. Joseph and Lydia, May 6, 1819.
Joseph A. Winsor, ch. James H. and Jane, Sept. 12, 1848.
Joshua Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, May 1, 1749.
Joshua Winsor [h. Sarah H.], Sept. 4, 1819. GR3.
Joshua Winsor Jr. [sic], ch. George and Alice, Sept. 21, 1819.
Joshua T. Winsor, ch. Joshua and Sarah H., Apr. 21, 1842.
Josiah T. Winsor, ch. James H. and Jane, Sept. 25, 1845.
Judith Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, Sept. 11, 1778.
Judith S. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Aug. 1, 1820.
Julia Augustus Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1834.
Keziah M. Winsor, ch. Otis and Keziah, Jan. 15, 1820.
Laura Ann Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Oct. 28, 1825. [Oct. 30, PR62.]
Laurelia Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, June 7, 1825.
Lewis Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, July 24, 1790.
Lewis Winsor Jr., ch. Lewis and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1821.
Lorenenzo D. Winsor, ch. George and Alice, Jan. 4, 1822.
Lorenzo D. Winsor, ch. Lorenzo D. and Catherine, Nov. 17, 1849.
Lucia Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, June 4, 1815.
Lucien Winsor, ch. Isaac and Betsey, May 15, 1825.
Lucinda Winsor, ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Nov. 7, 1813. [Nov. 7, 1812, PR2.]
Lucy Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, May 17, 1775.
Lucy Winsor, ch. Joshua, bp. Sept. 8, 1776. CR1.
Lucy Winsor, dau. Capt. John and Nancy, July 14, 1794. GR3.
Lucy Alice Winsor, ch. George and Alice, Nov. 11, 1824.
Lucy Ladena Winsor, [twin] ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Feb. 17, 1823.
Lucy T. Winsor, ch. W.S., Sept. 25, 1845. PR62.
Lydia Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, Feb. 10, 1813.
Lydia Winsor, ch. Lewis and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1830.
Lydia H. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Jan. 12, 1801.
Lysander Winsor, ch. Albert M. and Augusta, _____[rec. after ch. b. Apr. 27, 1842].
Mahala Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 3, 1778. CR1.
Mahala Winsor, ch. Lewis and Lydia, Nov. 1, 1823.
Margaret W. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Apr. 7, 1806.
Maria Winsor, ch. Samuel and Olive, Nov. 9, 1800. [w. Samuel A. Frazar Jr.] PR57.]
Maria Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, June 13, 1817.
Maria Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Oct. 31, 1822.
Maria E. Winsor, [? m.], ____, 1824. GR3.
Maria L. Winsor [_______], w. Calvin C., ____, 1837. GR3.
Maria Louisa Winsor, [twin] ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Feb. 17, 1823.
Martha H. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Apr. 26, 1814.
Martin Winsor, ____, 1784. GR3. [Capt. Martin, Nov. 4, PR92.]
Mary Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1810.
Mary Ann Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, Sept. 2, 1806.
Mary Anne Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Sept. 4, 1820.
Mary G. Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, June 17, 1809.
Mary S. Winsor, dau. William W., mariner, and Betsey, Jan. 26, 1847.
Naby Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, Oct. 2, 1784.
Nancy Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. May 24, 1789. CR1.
Nancy Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, July 2, 1810. [w. Nathaniel Delano] PR62.]
Nathaniel Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Jan. 15, 1746-7.
Nathaniel Winsor, father of Nathaniel Jr., June 15, 1747.
Nathaniel Winsor Jr. [h. Hannah], Sept. 8, 1775.
Nathaniel Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, Oct. 3, 1778. CR1.
Nathaniel Winsor 3d, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, June 30, 1806.
Olive S. Winsor, ch. Martin and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1824. [Olive Soule Winsor, GR3.]
Olive S. Winsor, ch. Albert M. and Augusta, Apr. 27, 1842.
Otis Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, July 12, 1787.
Otis Winsor, ch. Otis and Keziah, Oct. 9, 1815.
Paul Jones Winsor, Aug. 12, 1831. PR75.
Pauline Winsor, ch. Gershom and Jane, Mar. 12, 1836. [Mar. 11, PR105.]
Peter Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Aug. 21, 1761.
Phineas Winsor, ch. Ellis and Ruth, Feb. 7, 1821.
Polly Winsor [_______], w. Clark, Sept. 6, 1785.
Rhoda Winsor, dau. Samuel and Rhoda, June 6, 1764.
Richard Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, July 4, 1808.
Richard A. Winsor, son Richard, mariner, and Deborah, Feb. 6, 1847.
Rowena Winsor, ch. Eden and Lucy, Feb. 21, 1838. [Rowena H., Feb. __, 1837, PR62.] [Feb. 21, 1838, PR105.]
Ruby S. Winsor, ch. Charles and Beulah, Feb. 17, 1821.
Rufus H. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Sept. 27, 1822. [Sept. 26, PR105.]
Ruth T. Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 15, 1813.
Sally Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 3, 1778. CR1.
Sally Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. July 1, 1781. CR1.
Sally B. Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, Jan. 13, 1799.
Samuel Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Aug. 31, 1751.
Samuel Winsor (Windsor), ch. Nathaniel, bp. May 23, 1779. CR1.
Samuel Winsor, ch. Samuel and Olive, Aug. 1, 1804.
Samuel Winsor, ch. Otis and Keziah, Oct. 21, 1817.
Samuel Winsor, ch. Samuel G. and Lydia, Jan. 28, 1822.
Samuel Winsor, Mar. 11, 1834 [5 written in pencil over 4]. PR44.
Samuel Winsor, Mar. 18, 1835. PR44.
Samuel A. Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Mar. 22, 1836.
Samuel G. Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1790.
Samuel L. Winsor, ch. Nathaniel Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 19, 1816.
Samuel T. Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, Jan. 16, 1826.
Sarah A. Winsor, ch. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1821.
Sarah G. Winsor, ch. James and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1799.
Sarah H. Winsor, [_______], w. Joshua, Feb. 28, 1824. GR3.
Sarah J. Winsor, ch. Hosea and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1825.
Seth Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, Arp. 5, 1782.
Seth Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Sept. 3, 1807.
Seth J. Winsor, ch. William and Sophia, Aug. 6, 1813.
Sidney E. Winsor, ch. Thomas and Susan, Nov. 17, 1846.
Silvanus H. Winsor (see Sylvanus H.)
Silvina Winsor, dau. Nathaniel and Olive, June 19, 1771.
Sophia Winsor [_______], w. William, Mar.30, 1788.
Sophia Winsor, ch. James and Sarah [Sarah Gray, GR3.], Dec. 20, 1796.
Spencer Winsor, ch. Samuel and Asenith, May 10, 1779.
Spencer T. Winsor, ch. Spencer and Charlotte, Sept. 14, 1826. [h. Beulah W. (Hunt)], Sept. 4, 1827, PR46.] [Spet. 16, PR105.]
Susan Winsor, ch. Martin and Hannah, July 10, 1809.
Susan B. Winsor, ch. Alden and Elisabeth, Feb. 22, 1831. [Feb. 26, PR43.] [Feb. 23, PR105.]
Sylvanus H. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Apr. 24, 1809.
Sylvina Winsor (see Silvina).
Sylvina Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, Dec. 11, 1773.
Sylvina Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 3, 1778. CR1.
Thomas Winsor, ch. Joshua and Olive, July 22, 1780.
Thomas Winsor, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Aug. 22, 1809.
Thomas Winsor, ch. Thomas Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Susan, Sept. 11, 1841.
Walter E. Winsor, ch. George Jr. and Hannah, JUne 11, 1829.
Welthea Winsor, dau. Nathaniel and Olive, Oct. 17, 1769.
Welthea Winsor, ch. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 3, 1778. CR1.
William S. Winsor, [twin] ch. Charles and Beulah, July 31, 1818. ["a twin" [h. Caroline Brown], PR62.]
William Winsor, son Samuel and Rhoda, Jan. 27, 1753.
William Winsor, [h. Sophia], Sept. 18, 1785.
William Winsor, ch. William and Sophia, Oct. 3, 1816.
William C. Winsor, ch. Clark and Polly, Nov. 2, 1815.
William G. Winsor, son Richard and Deborah, Dec. 22, 1844, in E. Duxbury.
William W. Winsor, ch. John and Martha, Nov. 29, 1811.
William W. Winsor, ch. George and Alice, Aug. 18, 1829. [William H. [h. Elizabeth] GR3.] [Aug. 19, PR105.]
Zenas Winsor Jr., ch. Zenas and Lucinda, Oct. 8, 1816.
_______, ch. Thomas and Welthea, Apr. 2, 1814.
_______, [twin] dau. Charles and Beulah, July 31, 1818.
_______, dau. George, Nov. 12, 1825. PR105.
_______, dau. Thomas, Oct. 13, 1835. PR105.
_______, ch. William W. and Betsey, _____[rec. before ch. b. Jan. 26, 1847].
Hannah Wiswall, dau. Ichabod and Priscila [2d dup. dau. Ichabod and Priscilla], Feb. 22, 1681.
Marcy Wiswall [2d dup. Mary Wiswall], dau. Icabod and Priscila [2d dup. dau. Ichabold and Priscilla], Oct. 4, 1680.
Peleg Wiswall, son Icabod and Priscila [2d up. Ichabold and Priscilla], Feb. 5, 1683.
Perez Wiswall, son Icabod [2d dup. Ichabold (Wiswell) and Priscilla, Nov. 22, 1686.
Amasa Clark Witherill, son Sally, Aug. 18, 1824.
Amasa G. Witherill, ch. Amasa C. and Harriet, July 16, 1849.
Anne Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, Dec. 29, 1796.
Asenith Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, Jan. 6, 1799.
Charles Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, Aug. 1, 1805.
Ella O. Witherill, dau. Charles Jr., butcher, and Jane, Jan. 22, 1846, in N. Duxbury.
Fidelia Witherill, ch. Charles Jr. and Jane, Dec. 20, 1835.
Jane R. Witherill, [dup. Witherell], dau. Charles Jr., farmer [dup. butcher], and Jane, Jan, 18, 1844, in W. Duxbury.
Judith Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, May 20, 1803.
Leander T. Witherill, ch. Charles Jr. and Jane, Mar. 25, 1838 [sic see Seth R.]
Reuben Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, Oct. 27, 1807.
Richmond Witherill, ch. Charles Jr. and Jane, May 1, 1834.
Sally Witherill, ch. Charles (Witherly) and Anne, Nov. 14, 1800.
Seth R. Witherill, ch. Charles Jr. and Jane, July 26, 1837. [sic see Leadner T.]
_______ (Witherell), son Charles, Mar. 25, 1840. PR105.
WOODARD (also see Woodward)-
Henry H. woodard, son William [dup. adds B.], shoemaker, and Sally, June 24, 1845, in E. Duxbury.
James Woodard [h. Ann], ____, 1776. GR3. PR60.
John D. Woodard, ch. William B. and Sally, June 20, 1834. [Wooddard, PR105.]
Lydia J. Woodard, ch. James and Anne, Apr. 2, 1822. [Lydia James Woodward, Apr. 3, PR60.]
Polly Woodard, ch. James (Woodward) and Polly, Oct. 18, 1805. [Woodward, PR60.]
Sarah Anne Woodard, ch. James and Anne, June 2, 1817. [Sarah Ann Woodward, PR60.]
WOODWARD (also see Woodard)-
Ann Woodward, Mar. 27, 1786. PR60.
Polly Woodward, Aug. 10, 1784. PR60.
William Woodward, ch. William and Sally, Dec. 28, 1828. RR.
William B. Woodward, ch. James and Polly, May 4, 1802.
Abiah Wormal [dup. Wormall], dau. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, May 4, 1724.
Azuba Wormal, dau. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 27, 1742.
Kezia Wormal, [dup. Keziah Wormall[, dau. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Feb. 21, 1717-18.
Patience Wormal, dau. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 20, 1737.
Herbert Wright, Dec. 7, 1848. PR16.
Sally Wright [w. Joseph Prior Jr.], Oct. 31, 1777. PR33.
_______, son Charles P., June 21, 1839. PR105.