MARRIAGES to the end of the year 1849
Excerpted from VITAL RECORDS of DUNSTABLE, Massachusetts To 1849
The Essex Institute, Salem Mass., 1913
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]
* = intention also recorded.

ABBOT (also see Abbott)
Elizabeth, of Andover, and Eleazer Cummings, at Andover, June 1, 1758.
Stephen, Maj. Gen., of Salem, and Mary Badger of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 5, 1805, N.R.
ABBOTT (also see Abbot)
Charles D., and Laurenda Holbrook, both of Nashua, May 23, 1838, N.R.
ADAMS (also see Addams)
Abel, of Windsor, Vt., and Hannah Proctor, Feb. 20, 1781, N.R.*
Betty, of Dunstable, N.H., and Willard Robbins, Nov. 13, 1794, N.R.
Edy, and Benjamin Smith Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 5, 1789, N.R.
Elijah, and Betsy Jaquith, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 17, 1833, N.R.
Esther, of Dunstable, N.H., and Isaac Kindall, Feb. 10, 1785. N.R.*
George W., of Boston, and Hannah Parkhurst, Mar. 16, 1826.
Henry P. and Roxana Turrill, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec 2, 1835, N.R.
Joel, and Jane Lund, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept 4, 1806, N.R.
John, and Rebecca Robbins, both of Dunstable, N.H., July 30, 1835, N.R.
Jonas, and Abigal Robbins, both of Nashua, June 29, 1838, N.R.
Luther, and Rebecca Fields, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 7, 1804, N.R.
Lydia, of Westford, and Phillip Wooldry, at Westford, Dec. 2, 1736.
Lydia, and David Powers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr 30, 1807, N.R.
Mark A., and Almira Colburn, both of Nashua, Dec 4, 1838, N.R.
Nehemiah, and Mrs. Zipporah Rawson, both of Northbridge, June 18, 1779, N.R.
Oliver, and Mrs. Catherine Battes, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 15, 1778. N.R.
Richard, and Lydia Philips of Groton, at Pepperell, Jan. 17, 1750.
Richard, of Dunstable, N.H., and Sarah How of Hollis, May 6, 1779. N.R.
Ruth, of Chelmsford, and Thomas Blanchard, Oct 4, 1698. N.R.
Sarah, of Dunstable, N.H. and Oliver Shipley of New Boston, June 24, 1784, N.R.
Sarah, Mrs., and Benjamin Robbins, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 25, 1801. N.R.
Susanna, and Samuel Ranger, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr 12, 1796. N.R.
William, and Mary Spear of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, May 31, 1744.
William, of Chelmsford, and Molly Roby of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 4, 1785. N.R.
William, and Rebekah Pratt, both residents in Dunstable, Dec. 23, 1821.*
ADDAMS (also see Adams)
Hannah, of Dunstable N.H., and Nehemiah Ranger Jr. of Hollis, Aug. 4, 1803. N.R.
Rhoda, of Dunstable, N.H., and David Brown of Hollis, Nov. 4, 1793. N.R.
David, and Margaret Patten, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 27, 1772. N.R.
Grace, and Benjamin Wilson, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan 29, 1809. N.R.
Peggy, and Samuel Pollard Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 7, 1797. N.R.
William, and Lettice Colwald, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 6, 1746. N.R.
Clarinda, of Brookline, N.H., and Samuel Tucker, int. Dec. 4, 1819
Eleazer, and Sarah Conry, both of Hollis, Jan. 22, 1789. N.R.
Stephen, late of Dunstable, and Rebekah Proctor, int. July 4, 1829
Elias B., of Newton, and Abigail Parkhurst, Feb. 1, 1842.*
Joseph L., and Clarisa D. Center, both of Litchfield, Aug. 22, 1838. N.R.
John, and Sarah Hadley, both of Nottingham West, Apr. 5, 1803. N.R.
AYERS, see Eayrs.
Henry, of Springfield, and Catherine Frederick of Tyngsborough, Apr. 4, 1842. C.R.
Elizabeth, of Dunstable, N.H., and Gilman Sandborn of New Chester, Sept. 27, 1825. N.R.
Mary, Mrs., of Haverhill, and Rev. Joseph Kidder of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 22, 1767. N.R.
Mary, of Dunstable, N.H. and Maj. Gen. Stephen Abbot of Salem, Nov 5. 1805. N.R.
BAILEY (also see Baley, Baly, Bayley)
Sybbel, and Joseph Willard, at Tyngsborough, Feb. 16, 1790.*
Betsy, of Merrimack, N.H. and Nathan T. Holdin, resident in Dunstable, int. May 17, 1822.
Curus, and Susan B. Blaisdell, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 28, 1836. N.R.
James, and Priscilla Keyes of Westford, at Westford, Nov. 23, 1798.
Nancy, of Dunstable, N.H., and Joseph Merril of Sedgwick, Me., Apr. 19, 1838. N.R.
BALEY (also see Bailey)
Eliphalet, and Mrs. Rebeckah Parham, Mar. 14, 1782.
Malinda, of Tyngsborough, and Ezra Morgan of New Boston, N.H., Mar. 15, 1832
BALY (also see Bailey)
Molley, and John Coburn Jr., int. July 17, 1788.
BANCRAFT (also see Bancroft)
Elisabeth and Joseph Butterfield Jr., int. Oct. 23, 1784.
BANCROFT (also see Bancraft)
Abigail, of Groton, and Peter Blood, int. Mar. 1, 1819.
Ebenezer, and Susannah Fletcher, May 5, 1763.
Eliza [now residing in Dunstable, int.] and John Hadley of Lowell, Apr. 19, 1832.*
Hephzibah, and Samuel Cook, Mar. 7, 1771.*
Jonathan, and Martha Green of Groton, May 20, 1773. C.R.*
Jonathan, and Sarah Taylor of Dracut, at Dracut, July 4, 1798.
Lowis, and Samuel Persons [Pearson, int. and C.R.] of Reading, Oct. 6, 1767.*
Sarah, and James Robertson, Mar. 27, 1766.*
Susan S., of Dunstable, N.H., and Hazen L. Burton of Boston, May 3, 1836. N.R.
Timothy, and Mary Mansfield of Danvers, at Danvers, Nov. 6, 1755.
David, of Boston, and Sarah French, May 31, 1831.*
Joseph, of Boston, and Mary D. [B. int.] French, Oct [16. C.R.], 1838.*
Abagial, and Benjamin Shipley, both of Litchfield, Mar. 15, 1804. N.R.
Dolly, and James C. Channel, both of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 18, 1835. N.R.
Emily, and David Pettingill, both of Litchfield, Dec. 24, 1835. N.R.
Esther and Elijah Leach, both of Litchfield, Feb. 4, 1836. N.R.
BARRET (also see Barrett)
Daniel, and Betsy Hastings, both of Nottingham West, Feb. 9, 1813. N.R.
BARRETT (also see Barret)
Belinda C., and Warren Blodgett, both of Hudson, Jan. 17, 1839. N.R.
Hannah, and Reuben Spading Jr., both of Nottingham West, Mar. 6, 1806. N.R.
Hannah, of Hudson, and Benjamin G. Muzzy of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 11, 1830. N.R.
James Jr., and Nancy Tarbell, both of Hudson, N.H., Sept. 9, 1830. N.R.
Mary, and Daniel Robinson, both of Nottingham West, Dec. 3, 1795. N.R.
Mehitable, d. Thomas, of Chelmsford, and Samuel Gould at Chelmsford, Mar. 17, 1684.
Robert, and Dorcas Hobart, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 20, 1831. N.R.
William, and Mrs. Hannah Wason, both of Nottingham West, Dec. 21, 1809. N.R.
BATCHELDER (also see Batchellor)
Mary, of Wenham, and Samuel Gould, at Wenham, July 28, 1720
Nathan, and Abigail Warren Capen, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 23, 1834. N.R.
BATCHELLOR (also see Batchelder)
Ebenezer, of Wenham, and Elisabeth Sherrin, int. Jan. 21, 1779.
Elizabeth, of Concord, and Nathan Butterick, int. Feb. 23, 1783.
Mary, and Daniel Millen, both of Washington, Cheshire Co., June 10, 1818. N.R.
Rachel, and Daniel Whitney, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 4, 1820. N.R.
Ruth D., and Jonathan Webster, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 7, 1834. N.R.
Catherine, Mrs., and Oliver Adams, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 15, 1778. N.R.
BAYLEY (also see Bailey)
Oliver, and Elizabeth Butterfield, Nov. 23, 1784.*
Daniel, of Tewksbury, and Dorcas C. Woods of Hollis, July 14, 1835. N.R.
William D., and Laura Hobbs, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 18, 1834. N.R.
Nancy, and Edward McDonald, "a Transient Person," int. Nov. 1, 1800.
BENNET (also see Bennett)
Thomas, and Nancy Toy of Woburn, certified Sept. 10, 1803.
BENNETT (also see Bennet)
Abner H., and Harriet B. Hildrup, both of Nashua, Dec. 1, 1838, N.R.
Betsey, and Asa Lawrence, int. Feb. 18, 1816.
James, and Rebeca Swallow, May 29, 1834.*
John [now resident in Charlestown, int.], and Rebekah Kendall, May 22, 1814.*
Jonathan Jr., and Mary Taylor, Dec. 1, 1831.*
Louisa, and Joel F. Osgood of Acton, int. May 22, 1830.
Margaritt, and Jefferson Taylor, Nov. 24, 1825.*
Sarah, and [Dr. C.R.] Hezekiah Eldridge, May 11, 1826.*
Asa, of Brookline, N.H., and Rhoda Swallow, int. Sept. 1, 1816
Sally, of Brookline, N.H., and Ebenezer Parkhurst Jr., int. Apr. 20, 1817.
Mary, and Charles Cummings, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 20, 1826, N.R.
Anna, of Hollis, N.H., and Phinehas Fletcher, int. Nov. 16, 1783.
David, of Westford, and Alice Howard [resident in Dunstable, int.], Feb. 10, 1773.*
Thomas P., and Betsy Quigg, both of Litchfield, Mar. 23, 1835, N.R.
Susan B., and Curus Baldwin, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 28, 1836. N.R.
Abigail, of Dunstable, N.H. and Dr. Joseph Fletcher Eastman of Hollis, Dec. 14, 1797. N.R.
Abigail, of Dunstable, N.H., and Philip Robbins, resident in Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 4, 1801. N.R.
Anny, and Benjamin Robbins, both of Hollis, June 4, 1838. N.R.
Bridget, and William Harris, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 13, 1779. N.R.
Elisebeth, and Capt. Thomas French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 7, 1796. N.R.
Esther, and Ezra Robbins, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 3, 1823. N.R.
Grace, Mrs., and Fredrick French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 30, 1790, N.R.
Hannah, Mrs., and Dr. Ebenezer Starr, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 21, 1776. N.R.
Hannah M., and John C. Hildreth, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 25, 1836. N.R.
Joseph, and Abiah Hassel, May 25, 1696. N.R.
Joseph, and Betty Spaulding, at Westford, Sept 19, 1748.
Nathaniel, and Sarah Butterfield, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 7, 1792. N.R.
Rachel, and Joshua Converse, at Woburn, July 3, 1729.
Rebecah, and Dr. Ebenezer Star, at Tyngsborough, Dec. 3, 1794.
Rebecca, and Abbot Harris, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 12, 1833. N.R.
Sibbel, and Capt. Nathaniel W. Gilson, Mar. 13, 1832.*
Sophia, of Dunstable, N.H., and Joseph Farwell of Merrimack, Feb. 13, 1799. N.R.
Squire, and Rachel Searles, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 13, 1819, N.R.
Thomas, and Ruth Adams of Chelmsford, Oct. 4, 1698. N.R.
William, and Deliverance Parker of Groton, at Groton, Feb. 28, 1733.
BLODGET (also see Blodgett)
Abigail, and John Chaney [Jr., int.], at Groton, Mar. 4, 1784.*
Anne, and Abraham Swallow, Dec. 23, 1790.
Caty, Mrs., and Caleb Reed, Dec. 5, 1805.*
Elisabeth, Mrs., and Lt. John Cheeny, int. June 23, 1777.
Frederick, and Hannah Parkhurst, Oct. 2, 1800.*
Jemima, and John Perham Jr. of Tyngsborough, at Tyngsborough, July 4, 1793.
John [Jr. int.], of Tyngsborough and Sarah Swallow, Apr. 9, 1837.*
Maria, and Allen Cumings, int. Feb. 5, 1831.
Mary, and Francis Richardson of Chelmsford, May 29, 1823.*
Nehemiah, Lt., of Sandy River, and Mrs. Abi Richardson, Apr. 24, 1782.*
Rebecca, of Dunstable, N.H., and Stephen Conary of Hollis, Dec. 13, 1781. N.R.
Rebeckah, and Stephen Pratt, Apr. 4, 1809.*
Sarah, and Josiah Danforth, int. Nov. 10, 1777.
Thaddeus, and Mrs. Hannah Marshall, Sept. 23, 1789.*
William, and [Mrs. int.] Molley Cheney, Jan. 25, 1786. N.R.*
Zebulon, Lt., and Prudence Kendall, of Boston, Dec. 18, 1823.*
BLODGETT (also see Blodget)
Betsey, of Tyngsborough, and Jacob Parkhurst, int. Nov. 2, 1818.
Bridgett, and Oliver Taylor, July 16, 1767.*
Jonas P., and Mrs. Agnes W. Smith of Lowell, int. June 16, 1844.
Josiah Jr., and Olive Roby, Jan. 12, 1762.*
Josiah Warren, and Caty Parkhurst, Apr. 17, 1803.*
Lydia, and Jess Butterfield, at Groton, Sept. 28, 1780.*
Sally, and John Foster [of Wilton, N.H. int.], Feb. 12, 1804.*
Warren, and Belinda C. Barrett, both of Hudson, Jan. 17, 1839. N.R.
Zebulon, Lt., and Mary Richardson of Chelmsford, at Dracut, May 30, 1793 [May 28, P.R. 16].
Abel, of Deering, and Hannah Hale of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 20, 1781. N.R.
Abel, of Pepperell, and Sally Blood, int. Nov. 17, 1821 (A certificate was never given.)
Abner [of Groton, int.], and Rachel Read, Dec. 13, 1787.*
Abraham, and wid. Sarah Blood, Apr. 22, 1833.*
Adah, and Levi Blood, June 3, 1824.*
Alithea, and David Rideout, now resident in Dunstable, int. Oct. 7, 1826.
Allen, and Rachel Blood, int. Mar. 3, 1830.
Anna, and Peter Gilson, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 26, 1796. N.R.
Artas, and Lavina Kendall, Sept. 4, 1845, PR12
Asa, and Mrs. Rhoda Read, Aug. 1, 1789 [Aug. 5. int.]*
Betsey, and Ebenezer Stidmon [Steadman, int.], Nov. 4, 1830.*
Caleb Jr., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Williams of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Nov. 30, 1797.*
Deborah, of Dunstable, N.H., and Benjamin Farmer, resident in Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 30, 1797. N.R.
Ebenezer, and Eunice Pierce, both of Hollis, Sept. 12, 1799, N.R.
Eleazer Jr., of Westford, and Rebekah Emerson, int. June 10, 1817.
Eli U., and Elizabeth J. Blood, Jan. 16, 1834.*
Elisabeth, and Archabald Harwood, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 9, 1804. N.R.
Elizabeh J., and Eli U. Blood, Jan. 16, 1834.*
Henry Jr., and Rebekah Read, Nov. 30, 1826.*
James, and Mary Jones of Groton, int. Jan. 8, 1820.
John, of Dracut, and Abigail Perham, May 5, 1768.*
Joseph, of Hollis, and Hitty Follansbee of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 21, 1802. N.R.
Josiah and Sarah Farley of Billerica, at Billerica, July 23, 1741.
Lemuel, of Hollis, and Luch Hale of Dunstable, N.H., May 2, 1782. N.R.
Levi, and Adah Blood, June 3, 1824.*
Lucy, and Levi Wright, not resident in Dunstable, int. May 3, 1812.
Luther, Ens., and wid. Abigail Hewes, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Martha [Mathew. dup.] and Thomas Jewell, Dec. 6, 1712. [Dec. 16, dup.]. N.R.
Martha, of Hollis, N.H., and Kendall Chaney, int. Apr. 24, 1814.
Mary, of Groton, and Benjamin Woodward, at Pepperell, Nov. 17, 1784.*
Mary, and Jasper Pope Proctor, int. Mar. 16, 1817.
Mary, and William Pummer Lund, int. Oct. 12, 1834.
Moody, of Hollis, and Olive Winn of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 27, 1830. N.R.
Nancy, and David Elliot [Jr., of Pepperell. int.], Nov 23, 1820. PR10.*
Noah, and Mary Chapman, int. Sept. 30, 1821.
Olive, and James Proctor, Mar. 20, 1806.*
Peter, and Abigail Bancroft of Groton, int. Mar. 1, 1819.
Putnam, of Hollis, and Mary Hamblet of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 28, 1809. N.R.
Rachel, and Allen Blood, int. Mar. 2, 1830.
Rebecca, and Jonas Powers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 28, 1799. N.R.
Ruth, and Oliver Robbins [of Sangerfield, N.Y. int.], Feb. 4, 1801.*
Sally, and Peter Turrel, Feb. 17, 1803.*
Sally, and Abel Blood of Pepperell, int. Nov. 17, 1821. (A certificate was never given.)
Sarah, of Carlisle, and Ezekiel Proctor, at Carlisle, May 1, 1793.
Sarah, and David Jewett of Pepperell, int. Nov. 10, 1816.
Sarah, wid., and Abraham Blood, Apr. 22, 1833.*
Sarah G., and Bradford Read, Jan. 12, 1841.*
Sarah P., and Benjamin D. Darling of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 16, 1835. C.R.*
Silas Jr., and Rebekah Lakin, int. Oct. 3, 1807.
Submit, of Groton, and Nathaniel Fletcher, at Pepperell, Feb. 21, 1792.
Susan, and Moses Simmons [resident in Dunstable, int.], Apr. 8, 1823.*
Sybel, of Pepperell, and Peter Swallow, at Pepperell, Mar. 13, 1783.*
Timothy Jr., and Elizabeth P. Sanderson, both of Groton, Nov. 29, 1827.
Elisabeth, and Daniel Warner, both of Ipswich, Aug. 14, 1766. N.R.
Sarah A., of Nashua, and Charles Holbrook of Athol, Dec. 27, 1838. N.R.
Edwin A., of Dunstable, N.H., and Abigail E. Webster of Salem, Apr. 18, 1833. N.R.
Pheba, of Harvard, and Christopher Nutting, int. Apr. 22, 1837.
William Jr., of Hancock, and Hannah Marshall of Nottingham West, Jan. 15, 1807. N.R.
Betey, and Samuel McKean Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec 25, 1810. N.R.
Charlotte, and Jacob O. Smith, both of Nashua, Apr. 8, 1837. N.R.
Elizabeth, and Henry J. Chapman, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 3, 1836. N.R.
Frances, and John D. Kimball, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 8, 1834. N.R.
James, of Chelmsford, and Hannah Taylor, Dec. 18, 1823.*
Jesse, Hon., and Mrs. Laura F. Martin, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 12, 1835. N.R.
Joshua K., Capt., of Merrimack, and Adaline C. White of Pelham, ---- [1836 or 1837].
Mary, and John Crosby, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 25, 1817, N.R.
Nancy, and Thomas Chase, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 8, 1826. N.R.
Sally, of Nottingham West, and David Cobs of Dunstable, N.H., Apr 28, 1799. N.R.
Thomas, and Betsey Conery, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 4, 1816. N.R.
Mehitable, and Robert Butterfield of Westford, at Westford, Jan. 7, 1745.
Thomas, and Mrs. Sarah Woodbury, Feb. 11, 1802.*
William Farwell, and Sarah Kidder, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 28, 1806. N.R.
Minerva, and James T. Lovejoy, both of Merrimack, Apr. 16, 1835. N.R.
Rebecca, and Abraham Littlehale Jr., int. Dec. 18, 1784.
Charles W., of Portsmouth, and Mary Gilman of Dunstable, N.H., May 18, 1828. N.R.
Abagail [resident in Dunstable, int.] and Judge [Jude, int.] Gilbert of Acton, at Acton, July 14, 1772.*
Calvin Jr., and Mary M. Peabody of Dunstable, N.H., at Randolph, Mar. --, 1835. N.R.
Levi, Rev., and Mary Fay of Berlin, int. May 14, 1837.
Abraham [of Westford, int.] and Bridgett Brown, Oct. 4, 1784.*
Emily W., and Reuben Spalding, both of Nashua, Jan. 17, 1839. N.R.
Gilbert, of Medford, and Mrs. Elisabeth Slone, Nov. 26, 1833.*
Mary, Mrs., and Francis Colburn, Dec. 4, 1783.*
Samuel, and Anna Kendall, Jan. 20, 1791.
Aaron, of Dunstable, N.H., and Hannah Proctor, Sept. 5, 1797. N.R.
Ama, [of Dunstable, N.H. int.], and John Chatman, Jan. 25, 1808.*
Bridgett, and Abraham Brising [of Westford, int.], Oct. 4, 1784.*
David, of Hollis, and Rhoda Alexander of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 4, 1793. N.R.
Esther, and John Marsh, int. July 31, 1780.
Eunice, and Elnathan Sherwin, Jan. 22, 1761
Henry W., and Frances H. Stearns, both of Providence, R.I., Sept 24, 1838. N.R.
James, and Elizabeth Lund, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 23, 1818. N.R.
John, and Eunice Worthley, int. Mar. 1, 1779
John, of Tyngsborough, and Susanna Davis, at Tyngsborough, July 26, 1792.
Lois, and Benjamin Whitney, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 16, 1797. N.R.
Lucy, of Nashua, and John C. Pond of Hopkinton, Apr. 11, 1837. N.R.
Sarah, and Cyrus Fosdick, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 8, 1815. N.R.
William, of Marlborough, and Elcy Chase of Nashua, July 4, 1838. N.R.
Robert W., of Ashby, and Rebecca Parkhurst, at Groton, May 16, 1797.
Jane, and Gilman Melvin, both of Londonderry, Dec. 21, 1834. N.R.
Hazen L., of Boston, and Susan S. Bancroft of Dunstable, N.H., May 3, 1836. N.R.
Lois, and Hugh Smith, both of Nottingham West, Dec. 25, 1806. N.R.
Elbridge, of Dunstable, N.H., and Susan H. Woods, int. Apr. 14, 1833.
BUTTERFELD (also see Butterfield)
Ebenezer Jr., and Elisabeth Emery of Chelmsford, int. Oct. 1, 1761.
James, and Nabbe Willson of Pelham, int. Sept. 16, 1787.
BUTTERFIELD (also see Butterfeld)
Asa, and Abiah Colburn, of Dracut, int. Feb. 1, 1784.
Asa, of Tyngsborough, and Mary Whittle of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 16, 1814. N.R.
Asa, and Pamela Taylor, May 1, 1828.*
Catharine, and John Cumings, June 15, 1809.*
Catharine, and Stephen Hutchings [of Carlisle, int.], Dec. 2, 1830.*
Ebenezer, and Sarah Houston [of Dunstable, N.H. int.], Oct. 8, 1767.*
Ebenezer, and Mary Herdy, June 26, 1781.
Elisabeth, and Oliver Bayley, Nov. 23, 1784.*
Hannah, and John Wright Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 6, 1772. N.R.
Hannah, and David French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 29, 1781. N.R.
Hannah, of Dunstable, N.H. and Stephen Foot of New Boston, June 8, 1797. N.R.
Hephzibah, and Benjamin Jewell, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 16, 1791. N.R.
Isaac, of Londonderry, and Sarah Sherwin, int. Sept. 12, 1769.
Isaac, and Ruth Spaulding of Westford, at Westford, Dec. 3, 1772.*
Isaac, of Temple, and Ruth Fletcher of Dunstable, N.H., July 22, 1790. N.R.
Jessa, and Lydia Blodgett, at Groton, Sept. 28, 1780.*
Jonas, and Esther Cumings, Jan. 1, 1767.*
Jonathan, of Chelmsford, and Jane Peirce, alias Parris, Jan. 8, 1702. N.R.
Jonathan, of Dunstable, N.H., and Doley Hardy, certified May 9, 1775.
Joseph Jr. and Elisabeth Bancraft, int. Oct. 23, 1784.
Leonard, and Polly Taylor, at Tyngsborough, Dec. 1, 1796.
Leonard Jr., and Lucy Wright of Nelson, N.H., int. May 4, 1824.
Lucy, of Dunstable, N.H., and Elijah Leach, resident in Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 30, 1797. N.R.
Marcy, and Elijah Fletcher, Jan. 20, 1774. C.R.*
Mary, of Westford, and Samuel Searles, at Westford, Jan. 17, 1737.
May, and Peter Parker Jr., of Groton, Jan. 3, 1769.*
Mary, and Abiel Colburn of Nottingham West, int. May 9, 1770.
Mary, and Eliphelet Jinnings of Dunstable, N.H., Sept.10, 1787. N.R.*
Mary, of Dunstable, N.H. and Henry Parker of Hudson, Mar. 18, 1835, N.R.
Olive, and Jonas Kendall, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 19, 1795. [1796. dup. and PR3].
Philip, Capt., and Polly Foster, Aug. 15, 1802.*
Phillip, and Mary Parkhurst, at Groton, Oct. 29, 1778.*
Rachel, and Bradley Varnum of Dracut, at Dracut, Dec. 12, 1772.*
Rachel, and Seth Wheeler of New Ipswich [N.H. int.], May 27, 1773. C.R.*
Reubin, of Sandy River, and Jane Whitney of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 13, 1794, N.R.
Robbert, of Westford, and Mehitable Boynton, at Westford, Jan. 7, 1745.
Ruth, Mrs., and John Fletcher Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 7, 1780, N.R.
Sally, of Dunstable, N.H. and James Gordon Davis of Jaffrey, Feb. 28, 1793. N.R.
Samuel, and Hannah Chandler of Westford, at Westford, Nov. 12, 1761.*
Sarah, and Samuel Cummings, Jr., Oct. 31, 1765.*
Sarah, and Ebenezer Varnum of Dracut, at Dracut, Dec. 12, 1765.*
Sarah, and Nathaniel Blanchard, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 7, 1792. N.R.
Thankful, of Dunstable, N.H., and Enoch Foot of Weare, July 9, 1793. N.R.
Thankfull, and John Didson, Oct. 8, 1759.
William, and Mrs. Marther Jewel, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 2, 1778. N.R.
Elizabeth, of Concord, and Charles Flint, int. Feb. 17, 1783.
Nathan, and Elizabeth Bateman of Concord, int. Feb. 23, 1783.
John, and Rebeckah Whitney, both of Wilton, Feb. 14, 1792. N.R.
Mary Ann, of Dunstable, N.H., and Samue Greeley of Hudson, Nov. 2, 1834. N.R.
* = Intention also recorded.
CALDWELL (also see Cauldwell, Colwald)
Jefferson, of Pelham, N.H., and Nancy Upton, Mar. --, 1839.*
John, and Mary Stewart, both of Nottingham West, Dec. 27, 1792. N.R.
Abigail Warren, and Nathan Batchelder, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 23, 1834. N.R.
Amos, and wid. Ruth Johnson, int. June 2, 1833.
Isaac W., of North Chelmsford, stone-cutter, b. Tyngsborough, s. Issac, of Tyngsborough, and Mahala Ann Coburn of North Chelmsford, d. Cyrus and Mahala, of Lowell, May 10, 1846.
Lucy A., and John H. Farr, both of Chelmsford, Apr. 18, 1847.
CARLETON (also see Carlton)
Sibil, and Benjamin Searles of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 12, 1794. N.R.
CARLTON (also see Carleton)
Jeremiah, of Pepperell, and Betsey Roby of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 14, 1822. N.R.
Michael, and Hannah Gilson, Jan. 23, 1801.*
Michel, and Hannah Smith, int. May 20, 1807.
Milton, of Peterborough, N.H. and Fanny Dean of Grafton, Vt., Nov. 27, 1838. N.R.
William, and Nancy Gay, both of Nashua, Oct. 16, 1837. N.R.
CAULDWELL (also see Caldwell)
Jefferson [Dea. int.], of Hudson, N.H., and Rhoda French, Feb. 17, 1831.*
Clarisa D., and Joseph L. Ashley, both of Litchfield, Aug. 22, 1838. N.R.
Cynthia G., and Nason C. Martin 2d, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 5, 1836. N.R.
Electa H., and Isaiah Holt, both of Nashua, Mar. 1, 1838. N.R.
James, and Mary Jane Jackson, both of Nashua, Mar. 1, 1838. N.R.
Louisa, of Litchfield, and Chester Johnson of Lowell, Sept. 19, 1837. N.R.
Abigail, and Joseph Whiting, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 11, 1761. N.R.
Elijah, and Elizabeth Kidder, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 13, 1798. N.R.
Miranda, of Dunstable, N.H., and Cyrus Chambers of Lowell, May 14, 1835. N.R.
Cyrus, of Lowell, and Miranda Chamberlain of Dunstable, N.H., May 14, 1835. N.R.
Margret, of Dunstable, N.H., and Samuel Dickey of Bedford, Oct. 24, 1794. N.R.
Hannah, of Westford, and Samuel Butterfield, at Westford, Nov. 12, 1761.*
Rhoda, of New Boston, and Zadock Wilkins of Carlisle, July 4, 1813. N.R.
Ruth, and Samuel Douglass, both of Wilton, N.H., Sept. 12, 1830. N.R.
William Jr., of Westford, and Rhoda Proctor, int. June 2, 1816.
CHANEY (also see Cheney)
Betsey, and Abijah Smith, May 7, 1809.*
John [Jr. int.], and Abigail Blodget, at Groton, Mar. 4, 1784.*
John, Lt., and Mrs. Elizebeth Swallow, June 25, 1789.*
Kendall, and Martha Blood of Hollis, N.H., int. Apr. 24, 1814.
Luther, and Anne Richardson, June 8, 1797.
Thomas F., widr., a. 40 y., cooper, b. Washington, N.H., s. Issac and Sally, and Fanny Parkhurst, a. 28 y., domestic, d. Silas and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1847.*
William F., and Clara M. Davis of Tyngsborough, int. June 13, 1846.
James C., and Dolly Barnes, both of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 18, 1835. N.R.
CHAPMAN (also see Chatman)
Davis, and Rhoda Marshall of Hollis, N.H., int. July 4, 1801.
Dorothy, and James Hamblet, both of Nashua, Oct. 15, 1837. N.R.
Elbridge G., and Lucy Parkhurst, Apr. 6, 1841 [Certified Apr 14, int; Apr 16, PR13].*
Elijah and Lois Green of Pepperell, int. Sept. 7, 1809.
Henry J., and Elizabeth Bowers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 3, 1836. N.R.
Lavina, and Libni Parker, Apr. 16, 1840.*
Loisa, and Thomas [Timothy, PR13] P. Kenney, Dec. 30, 1834.*
Lucinda. a. 26 y., dress-maker, d. David and Rhoda, and James M. Swallow, a. 25 y., farmer, s. James and Sibel, May 21, 1846.*
Marinda, and John L. Divol of Boston, Apr. 7, 1825.*
Ruth, and Sampson Swallow, Apr. 8, 1800.*
Betsy, of Pepperell, and Joseph Tucker, int. Sept. 27, 1818.
David, resident in Dunstable, N.H., and Sally Hildreth of Norringham West, Dec. 31, 1801. N.R.
Elcy, of Nashua, and William Buckley of Marlborough, July 4, 1838. N.R.
Pheby, and Simeon Shurtleff, both of Charlestown, Dec. 1, 1805. N.R.
Susannah, of Nottingham West, and Ebenezer French, June 23, 1772.*
Thomas, and Nancy Bowers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 8, 1826. N.R.
CHATMAN (also see Chapman)
John, and Ama Brown [of Dunstable, N.H. int.], Jan. 25, 1808.*
CHEANEY (also see Cheney)
Rebecca, and John Lowell, both of Washington, N.H., Mar. 16, 1806. N.R.
CHEENY (also see Cheney)
John, Lt., and Mrs. Elisabeth Blodget, int. June 23, 1777.
CHENEY (also see Chaney, Cheanye, Cheeny)
Issac [of Washington, N.H. int.], and Susanna Swallow, Aug. 23, 1814. PR17.*
Molley [Mrs. int.], and William Blodget, Jan. 25, 1786. N.R.*
Abraham, of Townsend, and Olive Taylor, July 5, 1769.*
Edmund, of Lynn, and Elisabeth Mansfield, Apr. 24, 1770.*
Emeline, and Luther Stevens, both of Nashua, Nov. 21, 1837. N.R.
Josiah W., of Manchseter, N.H., a. 24 y., mechanic, b. Manchester, s. Richard S. and Abra, and Almira B. Tolles, a. 19 y., d. Levi and Fanny, Oct. 8, 1846.*
Lucy, of Concord, and Jonas Keyes, int. May 20, 1809.
Mary B., of Milford, N.H., and Henry Snow of Lowell, Feb. 20, 1834. N.R.
CLEMENT (also see Clemont)
Sarah, of Haverhill, and Samson French, at Haverhill, Mar. 7, 1748-9.
CLEMONT (also see Clement)
Moses, of Dracut, and Rachel Parham, Sept. 27, 1781.
David, of Dunstable, N.H., and Sally Bowers of Nottingham West, Apr. 28, 1799. N.R.
Esther, see Combs, Esther.
COBURN (also see Colburn)
John Jr. and Molley Baly, int. July 17, 1788.
Mahala Ann, of North Chelmsford, d. Cyrus and Mahala of Lowell, and Isaac W. Carkin of North Chelmsford, stone-cutter, b. Tyngsborough, s. Isaac, of Tyngsborough, May 10, 1846.
Mary Ann, of Dracut, and Horace R. Patterson of Dunstalbe, N.H., Feb. 18, 1836. N.R.
Sarah, of Tygnsborough, and James Wilson of Hudson, June 19, 1836. N.R.
William, and Hannah Lowel, Jan. 14, 1792.
James, and Mrs. Sarah Roby, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 2, 1807. N.R.
COLBURN (also see Coburn)
Abiah, of Dracut, and Asa Butterfield, int. Feb. 1, 1784.
Abiel, of Nottingham West, and Mary Butterfield, int. May 9, 1770.
Almira, and Mark A. Adams, both of Nashua, Dec. 4, 1838. N.R.
Bridget, and Jonas Shattuck of Hollis, at Pepperell, Nov. 26, 1782.*
Francis, and Mrs. Mary Brooks, Dec. 4, 1783.*
Gilbert, of Pelham, and Cynthia Spaulding of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 18, 1828. N.R.
Jacob, and Levina Killecut, both of Litchfield, June 22, 1793. N.R.
Jemima, of Dracut, and Ovid Houston, May 6, 1762.
Mary, and Thomas B. Wason, both of Nottingham West, Mar. 11, 1813. N.R.
Mehitable, of Dracut, and John Wright, int. Apr. 20, 1808.
Peter, of Dracut, and Rebecah Fletcher, int. Oct. 17, 1767.
Prudence, and Ebenezer Ford, both of Nottingham West, Mar. 24, 1807. N.R.
Sarah, and David Hawks [resident in Dunstable, int.], Feb. 8, 1770.*
COLWALD (also see Caldwell)
Lettice, and William Alld, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 6, 1746. N.R.
Esther [Cobs. CT. R; of Dunstable, N.H. int.], and Asa Moor, Jan. 14, 1767.*
Medad, and Abigail Powers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 3, 1759. N.R.
COMMINS (also see Cummings)
Elizabeth, and Daniel Taylor of Townsend, at Townsend, Apr. 27, 1757.
Amos, and Mary Jane French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 27, 1835. N.R.
John, of Merrimack, and Sarah Smith of Dunstable, N.H., May 17, 1804. N.R.
Josiah, and Catherine Emerson of Reading; at Reading, Apr. 16, 1745.
Ruth, and John Scott, both of Pepperell, at Groton, June 9, 1778.
CONARY (also see Conry)
Stephen, of Hollis, and Rebecca Blodget of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 13, 1781. N.R.
CONERY (also see Conry)
Betsey, and Thomas Bowers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 4, 1816. N.R.
John, of Dunstable, N.H., and Hannah Peas of Hollis, Apr. 6, 1815. N.R.
William P., and Elizabeth McIntire, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 17, 1836. N.R.
Sarah Ann, of Hopkinton, and William Fuller of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 27, 1835. N.R.
CONRY (also see Conary, Conery)
John, of Hillsborough, and Dorcas Wheeler of Dunstable, N.H., Sept 27, 1803. N.R.
Sarah, and Eleazer Ames, both of Hollis, Jan. 22, 1789. N.R.
Joshua, and Rachel Blanchard, at Woburn, July 3, 1729.
Andrew, and Phebe Loven, d. John, aat Chelmsford, July 24, 1685.
George, and Mary Gay, both of Nashua, Nov. 30, 1837. N.R.
Hepsibeth, and John Pratt of Reading, int. June 11, 1779.
Samuel, and Hephzibah Bancroft, Mar. 7, 1771.*
COOMBS, see Combs.
Louisa L., and Joshua D. Pierce, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 8, 1835. N.R.
COREY (also see Cory)
Aaron Jr., widr., of Groton, a. 38 y., carpenter, b. Groton, s. Aaron and Betsey, of Groton, and Diadama Shattuck, wid., a. 40 y., domestic, d. Isaac and Prudence Woods, Jan. 9, 1848.*
Imla, and Lucy Parkhurst, Jan. 7, 1808.*
Zophar and Louisa Searles, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 10, 1822. N.R.
CORY (also see Corey)
Rebekah, of Groton, and Elijah Robbins Jr., int. July 24, 1815.
Samuel, and Betty Richardson, both of Nottingham West, Apr. 16, 1807. N.R.
William, and Zuba Parker [May 20. int.] 1809.*
William, and Elizabeth P. Patson, both of Nashua, June 22, 1837. N.R.
John, and Mary Bowers, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 25, 1817. N.R.
Robert, of New Ipswich, and Suanna Sherwin, Mar. 5, 1760.
Nathan, and Betty Lawrence, both of Nottingham West, Oct. 25, 1792. N.R.
Phebe, of Lowell, and James G. Woodward, int. May 1, 1848.
CUMING (also see Cummings)
Israel Whitney, resident in Dunstable, N.H., and Abigail Lovewell of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 27, 1786, N.R.
Jerathmeal, of Amherst, and Deborah Kendall, int. Apr. 16, 1771.
Josiah Jr., and Rebeckah [P., PR2] Proctor, Aug. 27, 1812 [July 10, PR2*].
Mary, Mrs., and Capt. Benjamin French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 1, 1776, N.R.
Sally [2d. int.], and Jacob More Jr. [of Hollis, N.H., int.], Feb 8, 1813.*
CUMINGS (also see Cummings)
Abigail, and Temple Kendall, at Pepperell, Mar. 23, 1756.
Abigail, and Thaddeus Cumings of Nottingham West, Nov. 2, 1769.*
Allen, and Maria Blodget, int. Feb. 5, 1831.
Asenath, and Amazariah Swallow, Jan. 18, 1810.*
Becca, and Moses Thomas of Westford, at Pepperell, Jan. 8, 1795.
Betsey, and Ephraim Johnson, int. Feb. 4, 1816.
Betsy, and Joseph W[arren, int.] Roby, Mar. 24, 1800.*
Betty, and Jacob Jewett [Jr. int.] of Hollis, Nov. 27, 1766.*
Betty, and William Farriss of New Ipswich, May 25, 1774. C.R.
Catherine, and Thomas Parker Jr. [2d. C.R.], Feb. 16, 1837.*
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Abbot of Andover, at Andover, June 1, 1758.
Eleazer [Jr., of Nottingham West, int.] and Hannah Whitney, Nov. 26, 1761.*
Elisabeth, and Asa Davis of Nottingham West, Jan. 15, 1761.
Elisabeth, and Joel Parkhurst, Oct. 19, 1762.
Esther, and Jonas Butterfield, Jan. 1, 1767.*
Hannah, and Jonathan Parkhurst of Wilton, int. Apr. 5, 1782.
Hannah, and Dea. William Hunt of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 15, 1783. N.R.*
James, and Charlotte French of Dunstable, N.H., int. June 28, 1779.
James, of Merrimack, and Lucy French of Dunstable, N.H., July 5, 1787. N.R.
James, and Sarah Wright, int. Sept. 7, 1788.
Jepthah, Capt., and Asenath Worrin of Townsend, int. Mar. 24, 1828.
Jeremiah, and Mrs. Rebeckah Swallow, Aug. 13, 1789.*
John, and Sarah Howard of Chelmsford, int. May 12, 1776.
John Jr. [of Tyngsborough, int.] and Sally Cumings, May 27, 1806.*
John, and Catharine Butterfield, June 15, 1809.*
John G., of Tyngsborough, and Fidelia Parker, Nov. 26, 1829.*
Josiah, and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 20, 1785, N.R.*
Josiah, Capt., and Olive Taylor, June 17, 1802.*
Josiah T. [Ens. int.] and Rebeckah Robbins, Nov. 25, 1828.*
Katty, and Joseph Fletcher Jr., Sept. 1, 1774. C.R.
Lucinda, and Ebenezer Parkhurst Jr., Aug. 28, 1828.*
Lucy, Mrs., of Dunstable, N.H., and Ebenezer Kendall, int. Nov. 14, 1761.
Lucy, and Abijah Wright of Plymouth, [N.H. int; of Hollis, C.R.], Apr. 30, 1772.*
Lyda, and Samuel Pollard of Nottingham West, June 25, 1766.*
Lydia, and Josiah Taylor, Jan. 22, 1807.*
Mary, Mrs., and Jonathan Emerson, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 5, 1778, N.R.
Nathaniel, and Esther Kendall [at Tyngsborough. dup.], Jan. 24, 1793.
Nathaniel 3d, and Patty Fletcher, Oct. 27, 1800.*
Nathaniel, of Townsend, and Ann Fletcher, int. May 19, 1816.
Nathaniell, and wid. Abigail Woods, int. Feb. 16, 1812.
Olive, and Henry Woods, Oct. 25, 1827.*
Polly, and Asa Woods, Nov. 25, 1802.*
Rachel, and Thomas Fletcher, May 28, 1761.*
Rachel, and Eleazer Read, Jan. 1, 1771.*
Rachel, and Joseph Danforth [of Tygnsborough, int.], June 7, 1804.*
Rebecca, and Asael Wyman, May 28, 1761.*
Richard M., and Almira Nickols, both in Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 22, 1831. N.R.
Sally, and John Cumings, Jr. [of Tyngsborough, int.], May 27, 1806.*
Samuel Jr., and Sarah Butterfield, Oct. 31, 1765.*
Samuel, Capt., of Cornish, and Mrs. Lydia Pollard of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 16, 1805. N.R.
Sarah, d. John, and Samuel French, at Chelmsford, Dec. 28, 1682. [Dec. 26. N.R.; Feb. 7, 1683. CT.R.]
Sarah, and Jephthah Underwood, both of Nottingham West, Aug. 4, 1805. N.R.
Sibble, and Benjamin Kendall of Thetford, at Tyngsborough, Jan. 27, 1795.
Thaddeus of Nottingham West, and Abigail Cumings, Nov. 2, 1769.*
CUMMINGS (also see Commins, Cuming, Cumings)
Charles, and Mary Billings, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 20, 1828. N.R.
Elizabeth, and John Goole, July 2, 1686, CT.R.
Enoch, of Hudson, and Louisa C. McAlpin of Nashua, Feb. 12, 1839. N.R.
John, and [Elizabeth Kinsly. CT.R.], Sept. 13, 1680. N.R. [1681. CT.R]
Nathaniel, and Abigail Parkhurst of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Apr. 14, 1697.
Rebecca, and Moses Fellows, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 9, 1832. N.R.
Sarah, and John Taylor, at Charlestown, Mar. 23, 1709.
Thomas, and Priscilla Warner, Dec. 19, 1688. N.R.
Weltha Ann [of Tyngsborough, int.], and Cummings Kendall, Apr. 4, 1844. PR12.*
Benjamin, and Mrs. Hannah Hale, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 24, 1809. N.R.
Calvin, and Caroline Hall, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 5, 1835. N.R.
Elizabeth [Esther Merriam, C.R. ret.], of Lexington, and Jacob Kendall, at Lexington, Apr. 7, 1761.*
Marshal, of Lexington, and Catharine Woods, May 12, 1825.
Mary, of Dunstable, N.H., and Lemuel Kidder of Tewksbury, Feb. 25, 1784. N.R.
Mary, and Ebenezer Hadley, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 20, 1818. N.R.
Nathan, Dr., of Dunstable, N.H., and Mrs. Rachel Hamblet of Nottingham West, Nov. 16, 1813. N.R.
Sarah, and Levi Lund, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 28, 1784. N.R.
Phebe, of Jaffrey, and Joel Keyes Jr., int. Dec. 10, 1836.
Levi [of Farmington, Me. int.], and Edee Richardson, Dec. 26, 1805.*
Molley, of Mason, and Zebedee Kendall, int. June 6, 1779.
Willard, of Charlestown, and Mary Keyes, July 4, 1837.*
Joann, of Boston, and Leonard Parkhurst, int. Aug. 11, 1839.
Abigail, of Billerica, and John Lewis, int. June 27, 1761.
Hannah, and Jacob Taylor, int. May 15, 1773.
Joseph [of Tyngsborough, int.], and Rachel Cumings, June 7, 1804.*
Josiah, and Sarah Blodget, int. Nov. 10, 1777.
Lucy, and Stephen Lund of Merrimack, N.H., int. July 23, 1785.
Nary, and Jonas Taylor, Apr. 17, 1766.*
Rebeca, Mrs., and Ens. Benjamin Whittney, both of Dunstable, N.H., July 1, 1779. N.R.*
Rhoda, Mrs., and Theodore French of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 4, 1781. N.R.
Susanna, Mrs., and Willian Nutting, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 31, 1778. N.R.
Mary, Mrs., and Jeremiah Kieth, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept 9, 1776. N.R.
DARLIN (also see Darling)
Daniel, of Buxton, and Salley Spaulding, int. Nov. 17, 1800.
DARLING (also see Darlin)
Benjamin D., of Dunstable, N.H., and Sarah P. Blood, Apr. 16, 1835. C.R.*
David, of Groton, and Mary Turel of Dunstable, N.H., Apr 28, 1805.
Hamilton, of Windham, and Phebe Wilson of Nottingham West, Dec. 17, 1811. N.R.
James, of Acworth, and Jennet Davidson of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 23, 1808. N.R.
Jennet, of Dunstable, N.H., and James Davidson of Acworth, Feb. 23, 1808. N.R.
Asa, of Nottingham West, and Elisabeth Cumings, Jan. 15, 1761.
Clara M., of Tyngsborough, and William F. Chaney, int. June 13, 1846
Hannah, and Joel Spaulding, Mar. 31, 1785. N.R.*
Hannah R., and James T. Page, both of Hudson, N.H., Feb. 10, 1831.
James Gordon, of Jaffrey, and Sally Butterfield of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 28, 1793. N.R.
Joshua Jr., of Springfield, Vt., and Catharine Parkhurst of Boston, June 3, 1827.
Mellissa M., and Zechariah K. Hardy, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 12, 1833. N.R.
Mial, and Lucy Hutchens of Westford, int. May 6, 1822.
Moses, and Susan Fletcher, June [7. C.R.], 1838.
Olive, and Adford Jaquith, int. Oct. 25, 1776.
Rachel W., and Joseph H. Ford, both of Lowell, May 3, 1835. C.R.
Susanna, and John Brown of Tyngsborough, at Tyngsborougth, July 26, 1792.
Thadeus, and Bridget Wright of Westford, at Tyngsborough, Aug. 18, 1791.
Thadeus, Dea. [of Tyngsborough, int.], and Elizabeth A. Kirk, May 6, 1827.*
Zenas, of Shirley, and Martha Roby of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 31, 1818. N.R.
Fanny, of Grafton, Vt., and Milton Carter of Peterborough, N.H., Nov. 27, 1838. N.R.
Thomas, and Abigail Wheat, both of Dunstable, N.H., Oct. 19, 1800. N.R.
Peter, of Plymouth, and Abigail Sawyer of Dunstable, N.H., Sept 16, 1773. N.R.
DIDSON (also see Ditson)
Elizabeth, and Nathaneil Ingalls, int. Dec. 12, 1782.
John, and Thankfull Butterfield, Oct. 8, 1759.
DITSON (also see Didson)
John, of Tyngsborough, and Martha Mooar of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 1, 1796.
Thankful, and Silas Gould, int. June 17, 1779.
Walter [Jr. int.], of Groton, and Sarah Eldridge, Nov. 4, 1824.*
Hepzibah, and George R. Johnson, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 19, 1834. N.R.
Lipha, of Lunenburg, and Gershom Hubbard, at Luneburg, Jan. 18, 1753.
Mary Jane, of Dunstable, N.H. and Elbridge G. Wallace of Mehtuen, Oct. 9, 1835. N.R.
Mahala, and Alpheus Goodwin, both of Merrimack, Sept. 3, 1835. N.R.
Samuel, and Ruth Chandler, both of Wilton, N.H., Sept 12, 1830. N.R.
Milton H., of Attleboro, and Catharine Lawrence of Nashua, Jan. 20, 1839. N.R.
Betsy [Elizabeth, of Boston, int.], and Thomas Wright, at Boston, Feb. 23, 1785.*
Edward, and Anna Park of Groton, int. May 22, 1785.
Hannah, and Samuel F. Jenness, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 2, 1834. N.R.
Lefy, and Samuel Dunn, int. Nov. 9, 1795.
Martha, and William Dunn of Chelmsford, int. Nov. 6, 1784.
Martha, Mrs., and John McKeen, int. ----, 1795.
Samuel, and Lefy Dunn, int. Nov. 9, 1795.
William, of Chelmsford, and Martha Dunn, int. Nov. 6, 1784.
William, and Sally Richard of Groton, int. Nov. 5, 1815.
Alis, of Tyngsborough, and James Searles, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 8, 1793.
Eunice, of Westford, and Emerson Parker, resident in Dunstable, int. Aug. 26, 1812.
EASTERBROOKS (also see Esterbrooks)
Rhoda, and Cyrus Taylor, Apr. 9, 1807.*
Sarah, and John French, Feb. 26, 1801.*
Amos, and Sarah Swallow, Oct. 30, 1800.*
Jonathan, of Hollis, N.H., and Sarah Fletcher, Sept. 13, 1770.*
Joseph Fletcher, Dr., of Hollis, and Abigail Blanchard of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 14, 1797. N.R.
Elizabeth, and Samuel Page, both of Merrimack, Nov. 25, 1838. N.R.
Harriet, of Dunstable, N.H., and John W. Evans of Amoskeag, Feb. 28, 1828, N.R.
William, and Sarah W. White, both of Pelham, Apr. 20, 1835, N.R.
ELDREDGE (also see Eldridge)
Almira, and Asa Swallow, Mar. 4, 1822.*
ELDRIDGE (also see Eldredge)
Hezekiah [Dr. C.R.], and Sarah Bennett, May 11, 1826.*
Horace W., and Deborah Parkhurst, May 28, 1829.*
Sarah, and Walter Dixon [Jr. int.] of Groton, Nov. 4, 1824.*
ELIOT (also see Elliot)
John, of Mason, and Elizabeth Honey of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 16, 1788. N.R.
ELLIOT (alsosee Eliot, Ellit)
David [Jr., of Pepperell, int.], and Nancy Blood, Nov. 23, 1820. PR10.*
ELLIT (also see Elliot)
Ann, and Andrew Fleming of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg [bef. 1738].
Amos, and Sally Wright, both of Nashua, July 5, 1838. N.R.
Benjamin, and Mary Hovy, both of Hollis, July 10, 1783. N.R.
Caroline, and Albert Marshall, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 19, 1834. N.R.
Catherine, of Reading, and Josiah Conant, at Reading, Apr. 16, 1745.
Daniel Jr., of Hollis, and Amma [Anna. C.R.] Fletcher, Nov. 17, 1768.*
Elisabeth, of Haverhill, and Oliver Lund, at Haverhill, Jan. 12, 1775.
Jonathan, and Mrs. Mary Cumings, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 5, 1778. N.R.
Jonathan, and Receckah Nutting of Westford, int. Jan. 10, 1807.
Lucenda, and Jephthah Stevens, Jan. 17, 1802.*
Mary D., of Thetford, Vt., and Varnum Woods, int. June 1, 1839.
Polly, and Thomas Marshall, resident in Charlestown, int. May 6, 1804.
Rachel, and Joseph Fletcher, July 22, 1802.*
Rebekah, and Eleazer Blood Jr., of Westford, int. June 10, 1817.
Watts, and Martha Ann Hubbard, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 14, 1835. N.R.
Elizabeth, of Chelmsford, and Ebenezer Butterfield Jr., int. Oct. 1, 1761.
ESTERBROOKS (also see Easterbrooks)
Susanna, and Daniel Pike of Hebron, N.H., int. Jan. 12, 1822.
John W. of Amoskeag, and Harriet Eaton of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 28, 1828. N.R.
* = Intention also recorded.
Leonard O., and Mary D. Thompson, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 29, 1833, N.R.
Sabin, and Mary E. Harris, both of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 15, 1833. N.R.
FAREWELL (also see Farwell)
Sibil, of Lunenburg, and Wincal Wright, at Lunenburg, Apr. 7, 1758.
Benjamin Jr., of Hollis, and Lucy Fletcher, int. Jan. 26, 1780.
Caleb 3d [of Hollis, N.H. int.], and Hannah Fletcher, Apr 27, 1806.*
Sarah, of Billerica, and Josiah Blood, at Billerica, July 23, 1741.
William, of Hollis, and Hepsabath Jewell of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 28, 1815. N.R.
Benjamin, resident in Dunstable, N.H., and Deborah Blood of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 30, 1797. N.R.
Harriet, of Dunstable, N.H., and Elisha H. Wright of Cambridge, Dec. 29, 1836. N.R.
Jeremiah, and Hannah Tarble, both residents in Dunstable, June 22, 1773. C.R.*
Jesse, of Chelmsford, and Experience Lakin, int. Aug. 23, 1799.
Oliver, of Townsend, and Jemima Howard, Nov. 23, 1757.
John H., and Lucy A. Carkin, both of Chelmsford, Apr. 18, 1847.
William, and Elizabeth Sullardine, at Charlestown, July 20, 1710.
Joseph, Lt., of Pepperell, and Betsy Fletcher, at Pepperell, Jan. 17, 1799.*
William, of New Ipswich, and Betty Cumings, May 25, 1774, C.R.
FARWELL (also see Farewell)
Eleazer Jr., and Esther Woods, Sept. 2, 1779.*
Hannah, Mrs., of Groton, and Capt. Jonathan Fletcher, int. Apr. 27, 1805.
John, and Elizabeth Hunt Smith, at Chelmsford, Dec. 7, 1784.*
Jonathan and Mary Johnson, Feb. 19, 1761.
Joseph, of Merrimack, and Sophia Blanchard of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 13, 1799, N.R.
Mary, of Merrimack, and Noah Lovewell of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 17, 1767. N.R.
Oliver, and Abigail Hubbard of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, Dec. 25, 1738.
Parker, and Olive Hills, both of Nottingham West, Mar. 10, 1795. N.R.
Rachel, and Nehemiah Lovewell, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 24, 1748. N.R.
Rachel, of Litchfield, and Jonathan Harris of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 30, 1783. N.R.
Sarah, and Jonathan Howard of Chelmsford, at Charlestown, Sept. 5, 1707.
Mary, of Berlin, and Rev. Levi Brigham, int. May 14, 1837.
Sarah M., of Berlin, and Oliver Taylor, int. Apr. 19, 1844.
Polly, and Adam Munihan, both of Deering, Jan. 29, 1801. N.R.
Moses, and Rebecca Cummings, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 9, 1832. N.R.
Washington, and Amanda M. White, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 18, 1836. N.R.
Rebecca, and Luther Adams, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 7, 1804. N.R.
Wyman, of Dunstable, N.H., and Sarah Ingolls, Apr. 28, 1822.*
Hannah, and John N. Jones, both of Nashua, Mar. 3, 1837. N.R.
FISK (also see Fiske)
David, of Dunstable, N.H. and Prudence Woods, at Pepperell, Oct. 25, 1795.*
Eleazer, and Esther Stewart, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 20, 1760. N.R.
Eleazer Jr., of Dunstable, N.H., and Elisabeth Foster, late of Carlisle, Mar. 10, 1803. N.R.
Maria A., of Wilton, N.H., and Lowell Whitcomb, int. Aug. 21, 1841.
Nathan, and Martha French, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 1, 1788. N.R.
Nathan, of Dunstable, N.H., and Mrs. Lucy Roby of Amherst, Nov. 19, 1818. N.R.
Sally, of Dunstable, N.H., and Lt. John Marshall of Hollis, Jan. 22, 1815. N.R.
Sarah [of Pepperell. int.], and Solomon Woods, Apr. 5, 1808.*
FISKE (also see Fisk)
Nancy R., Mrs., and Stillman Swallow, both of Nashua, Mar. 6, 1837. N.R.
Catherine, of Lincoln, and Ovid Houston, at Lincoln, Dec. 25, 1770.*
Henry, of Weathersfield, Vt., and Louisa Kemp, int. Jan. 7, 1826.
Andrew, of Lunenburg, and Ann Ellit, at Lunenburg [bef. 1738].
Abigail, of Westford, and Eleazer French, at Westford, Apr. 16, 1752.
Ama [Anna. int.], and Samuel Richerson [of Westford. int.], Oct. 4, 1803.*
Amma [Anna. C.R.], and Daniel Emerson Jr. of Hollis, Nov. 17, 1768.*
Amos [of Mason, N.H. int.], and Polly Kendall, Mar. 2, 1802.*
Anna, and Nathaniel Cumings of Townsend, int. May 19, 1816.
Betsy, and Lt. Joseph Farrer of Pepperell, at Pepperell, Jan. 17, 1799.*
Elijah, and Marcy Butterfield, Jan. 20, 1774. C.R.*
Elisabeth, and Jonathan Fletcher of Thetford, at Pepperell, Jan. 31, 1793.
Elizabeth, and Rev. Joseph Goodhue, at Pepperell, July 28, 1757.
Elizabeth, and Samuel W. Sloan of Medway, Apr. 12, 1825.*
Francis, Lt., and Hannah Pope of Danvers, int. Jan. 3, 1818.
Francis [Lt. int.], and Maria Swallow, Jan. 4, 1838.*
George W., of Amherst, and Rebecca Roby of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 17, 1836. N.R.
Hannah, and Caleb Farley 3d [of Hollis, N.H. int.], Apr. 27, 1806.*
Hannah [wid. int.], and William Read [of Hollis, N.H. int.], Sept. 16, 1813.*
Indiana, and [Dea. int.] Joseph Whitney of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 26, 1825.*
Jeremiah, of Westford, and Mrs. Elisabeth Parham, Dec. 11, 1783.*
John Jr., and Mrs. Ruth Butterfield, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 7, 1780. N.R.
Jonathan, and Lucy Taylor, Feb. 9, 1764.
Jonathan, of Thetford, and Elisabeth Fletcher, at Pepperell, Jan. 31, 1793.
Jonathan, Capt., and Mrs. Hannah Farwell of Groton, int. Apr. 27, 1805.
Joseph Jr., and Katty Cumings, Sept. 1, 1774. C.R.
Joseph, and Rachel Emerson, July 22, 1802.*
Laura, of Dunstable, N.H., and William T. Martin of Tewksbury, June 5, 1827. N.R.
Levi, and Mrs. Phebi Holt, Feb. 25, 1790.
Lucy, and Benjamin Farley Jr., of Hollis, int. Jan. 26, 1780.
Lucy, and Hosea Hildreth of Raby, at Pepperell, Mar. 19, 1798.*
Mark, Ens., and Rhoda Fletcher, int. Dec. 27, 1817.
Mary P., resident of Dunstale, and Oliver A. Woodbury of Danvers, May 27, 1842.*
Nathaniel, and Lydia Heald of Acton, at Acton, Nov. 22, 1785.*
Nathaniel, and Submit Blood of Groton, at Pepperell, Feb. 21, 1792.
Patty [Fletcher. Tyngsborough records], of Westford, and Grant Houston of Tyngsborough, June 6, 1796. N.R.
Philip, and Elisabeth Searles, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 1, 1789. N.R.
Phineas, and Anna Bing of Hollis, N.H., int. Nov. 16, 1783.
Polly, and Daniel Lovejoy of Hollis, June 26, 1794.
Rachel, and Amos Joy [of Putney. int.], Jan. 3, 1788.*
Rebecah, and Peter Colburn, of Dracut, int. Oct. 17, 1767.
Rhoda, and Ens. Mark Fletcher, int. Dec. 27, 1817.
Robert, and Mrs. Sarah Swan of Haverhill, at Haverhill, Jan. 8, 1722-3.
Robert, of Amherst, and Temperance Gordon, int. Nov. 1, 1784.
Ruth, of Dunstable, N.H., and Isaac Butterfield of Temple, July 22, 1790. N.R.
Sally A., a. 45 y., milliner, d. Phinehas and Allice, and James Patterson, widr., of Lunenburg, a. 62 y., bookbinder, Aug. 27, 1844.*
Samuel M., of Philadelphia, Pa., a. 27 y., agency, s. Mark and Rhoda, and Sally A. Taylor, a. 30 y., teacher, d. Cyrus and Rhoda, Nov. 29, 1849.*
Sarah, and Jonathan Eastman of Hollis [N.H. int.], Sept. 13, 1770.*
Susan, and Moses Davis, June [7. C.R.], 1838.
Susanna, and John Smith [of Alstead, N.H.], Nov. 26, 1809.*
Susannah, and Ebenezer Bancroft, May 5, 1763.
Tabathy, and Danforth Taylor, Jan. 13, 1791.
Thomas, and Rachel Cumings, May 28, 1761.*
Thomas Jr. and Hepsabath Woodward, int. Oct. 2, 1786.
Charles, and Elizabeth Butterick of Concord, int. Feb. 17, 1783.
Hitty, of Dunstable, N.H., and Joseph Blood of Hollis, Mar. 21, 1802. N.R.
Clarissa, of Merrimack, and Asa Searls [both residents in Dunstable. int.], Sept. 29, 1823.*
Enoch, of Weare, and Thankful Butterfield of Dunstable, N.H., July 9, 1793. N.R.
Isaac Jr., of Deering, and Mary Harwood of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 9, 1785. N.R.
Isaac, and Hannah Blanchard, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 8, 1800. N.R.
Stephen, of New Boston, and Hannah Butterfield of Dunstable, N.H., June 5, 1797. N.R.
Ebenezer, and Prudence Colburn, both of Nottingham West, Mar. 25, 1807. N.R.
Joseph H., and Rachel W. Davis, both of Lowell, May 3, 1835. C.R.
Cyrus, and Sarah Brown, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 8, 1815, N.R.
Emeline, and Henry White, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 23, 1834. N.R.
James, and Susan Whitney, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 27, 1815. N.R.
John F., of Merrimack, and Mary R. Wells of Dorchester, Oct. 13, 1835. N.R.
Samuel, and Mary Shipley, both of Nashua, July 31, 1838. N.R.
Elisabeth, late of Carlisle, and Eleazer Fisk Jr. of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 10, 1803. N.R.
John [of Wilton, N.H. int.], and Sally Blodgett, Feb. 12, 1804.*
Mary, and Elbridge G. Treadwell, both of Nashua, Nov. 30, 1837. N.R.
Mary, Mrs., of Stowe, and Joel Keyes, int. Jan. 20, 1845.
Molly, resident in Nottingham West, and Amos Wyman of Nottingham West, Aug. 28, 1793. N.R.
Nathan, and Salley Wheelock, both of Tewksbury, July 26, 1818. N.R.
Polly, and Capt. Philip Butterfield, Aug. 15, 1802.*
Catherine, of Tyngsborough, and Henry Bacon of Springfield, Apr. 4, 1842. C.R.
Abigal, Mrs., the younger, and John Ingals Jr., Mar. 7, 1782.
Benjamin, and Mrs. Molly Lovewell, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 28, 1751. N.R.
Benjamin, Capt., and Mrs. Mary Cuming, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 1, 1776. N.R.
Benjamin, and Sarah E. Holmes of Boston, int. Apr. 18, 1840.
Bettey, and Israel Ingals, both of Dunstable, N.H., Aug. 26, 1779. N.R.
Charlotte, of Dunstable, N.H., and James Cumings, int. June 28, 1779.
Charlotte, and Isaac Woods, May 15, 1810.*
David, and Hannah Butterfield, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 19, 1781. N.R.
Ebenezer, and Sarah Proctor of Acton, July 10, 1766.*
Ebenezer, and Susannah Chase of Nottingham West, June 23, 1772.*
Eleazer, and Abigail Fletcher of Westford, at Westford, Apr. 16, 1752.
Fredrick, and Mrs. Grace Blanchard, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 20, 1790. N.R.
Jefferson, and Elizabeth Spaulding, int. Dec. 31, 1825.
John, and Sarah Easterbrooks, Feb. 26, 1801.*
Jonas, and Betty Marshal, int. Mar. 23, 1780.
Jonas, and Mrs. Anna Mitchel, Oct. 9, 1803.*
Jonas Jr., and Martha Juwit of Hollis, N.H., int. Mar. 18, 1809.
Jonas Jr., and Make Pike of Brookline, N.H. [both of Dunstable. int.], Dec. 2, 1824.*
Joseph Jr., and Mrs. Sibbel Richardson, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 3, 1768, N.R.
Lucy, of Dunstable, N.H., and James Cumings of Merrimack, July 5, 1787. N.R.
Lucy G., and Joseph Gregg Jr., both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 29, 1835. N.R.
Lydia, of Boston, and Rev. Joshua Heywood, int. Dec. 28, 1799.
Martha, and Nathan Fisk, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 1, 1788. N.R.
Mary, and Lemuel Perham of Westford, May 29, 1759.
Mary, and Isaac Pike [resident in Dunstable, int.] July 30, 1772.*
Mary, and Jacob Hall, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 17, 1825. N.R.
Mary D. [B. int.], and Joseph Barnard of Boston, Oct. [16. C.R.], 1838.*
Mary Jane, and Amos Conant, both of Dunstable, N.H., Dec, 27, 1835. N.R.
Nancy C., and Charles Messer, both of Lowell, Feb. --, 1833.
Nicholas, and Priscilla Moor of Andover, at Androver, June 5, 1744.
Rebeca, Mrs., and Dr. John Quean, both of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 10, 1779. N.R.
Rhoda, and [Dea. int.] Jefferson Cauldwell of Hudson, N.H., Feb. 17, 1831.*
Samson, and Sarah Clement of Haverhill, at Haverhill, Mar. 7, 1748-49.
Samuel, and Sarah Cumings, d. John, at Chelmsford, Dec. 28, 1682 [Dec. 26, N.R.; Feb. 7, 1683, CT.R].
Samuel, and Mary Johnson of Westford, at Groton, May 7, 1778.*
Samuel, of Tewksbury, and Mary Kidder of Dunstable, N.H., Mar. 26, 1812. N.R.
Sarah, and Daniel Pike, Dec. 14, 1786.
Sarah, and David Barnard of Boston, May 31, 1831.*
Theodore, of Dunstable, N.H., and Mrs. Rhoda Danforth, Oct. 4, 1781. N.R.
Theodore, and Katy Lovewell, both of Dunstable, N.H., Feb. 3, 1791. N.R.
Thomas, Capt., and Elisebeth Blanchard, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 7, 1796. N.R.
Benjamin, and Lydia M. White, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 22, 1836. N.R.
William, of Dunstable, N.H., and Sarah Ann Conner of Hopkinton, Dec. 27, 1835. N.R.
Ann Sewell, b. Leominster, and Leonard W. Noyes, b. Canaan, N.H., at Leominster, Dec. 25, 1826. N.R.
Ann, and Horatio Wright of Westford, Mar. 15, 1827.*
Abraham, of Townsend, and Susanna Whitney [Wittemore. int.], at Townsend, Nov. 13, 1766.*
Mary, and George Cook, both of Nashua, Nov. 30, 1837. N.R.
Nancy, and William Carter, both of Nashua, Oct. 16, 1837. N.R.
Rufus E., and Sarah D. Smith, both of Nashua, ----- [1836 or 1837.] N.R.
Judge [Jude. int.], of Acton, and Abagail Bridges [resident in Dunstable, int.], at Acton, July 14, 1772.*
Charles, and Deborah F. Knowlton, both of Nashua, Oct. 31, 1837. N.R.
Hannah, and Sandborn Sleeper, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 17, 1833. N.R.
Mary, of Dunstable, N.H., and Charles W. Brewster of Portsmouth, May 18, 1838. N.R.
Thomas B., and Dolly C. Pease, both of Dunstable, N.H., July 27, 1834. N.R.
Abigail, and Seth Nutting Jr. of Tyngsborough, July 10, 1831.*
Almira, and Abraham Hale, both of Dunstable, N.H., Aug 20, 1835, N.R.
Asa W., of Tyngsborough and Sally N. Wright, late of Dunstable, int. Apr. 7, 1836.
Asael, and Betty Landingin, Feb. 12, 1801.*
Asahel, and Loisa Abigail Proctor, Feb. 26, 1833.*
Betsey, of Dunstable, N.H., and Asa Hazen of Groton, Aug. 30, 1812, N.R.
Charles, and Margaret Hazen of Groton, Oct. 13, 1831.
David Jr., and Mary Kemp, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 20, 1781. N.R.
Fidelia, and Cummings Searles, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 26, 1827. N.R.
George, and Mrs. Abigail Hill of Lowell, Dec. 28, 1836. N.R.*
Hannah, and Michael Carter, Jan. 23, 1801.*
Isaac, and Milley Lawrence, both of Groton, Mar. 13, 1805.
Jacob B., and Jerusha Williams, Feb. 10, 1795.
Joel, and wid. Abigail Parker, resident in Dunstable, int. Sept. 20, 1814. (A certificate was never given.)
John, and Betty Powers, Sept. 22, 1791.
Joseph [of Dunstable, N.H. int.], and Lucy Parker, July 14, 1803.*
Joseph W., of Dunstable, N.H. and Sarah Keyes, May 8, 1831.*
Lucretia, and Herny Turrell 3d, both of Dunstable, N.H., Sept. 23, 1836. N.R.
Lydia, of Dunstable, N.H., and William Read 3d of Hollis, May 8, 1816. N.R.
Mary, of Dunstable, N.H., and John Rollins of Amherst, June 3, 1801.N.R.
Nancy, of Dunstable, N.H., and Samuel Picket of Cambridge, Nov. 15, 1818. N.R.
Nanne, and Lt. Levi Lund, both of Dunstable, N.H., June 23, 1796. N.R.
Nathaniel W. [Ens. int.], and Rachel Parkhurst, May 30, 1827.*
Nathaniel W., Capt., and Sibbel Blanchard, Mar. 13, 1832.*
Nehemiah, and Mrs. Esther Kyes [of Westford. int.], Nov. 26, 1789.*
Peter, and Anna Blood, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 26, 1796. N.R.
Sally, and Daniel Wheelock, both residents in Dorchester, Apr. 15, 1812. N.R.
Sibbel, and Joseph Parkhurst Jr., Feb. 13, 1800.*
Simon, and Hittee Kemp, Feb. 13, 1791.
Timothy, and Sally Turrel, int. Jan. 3, 1804.
William, and Mrs. Asenath Jane Whitman of Alexandria, N.H., Sept. 11, 1842.*
GINNINGS (also see Jinnings)
Benjamin, and Mary Lawrance, int. Sept. 4, 1788.
Oliver, of Pepperell, and Maria Pratt, June 2, 1835. C.R.*
Moses, resident in Dunstable, and Mary Wyman of Pelham, N.H., int. Feb. 6, 1819.
John, of Hollis, and Olive Taylor, Mar. 30, 1758.
Joseph, Rev., and Elizabeth Fletcher, at Pepperell, July 28, 1757.
Samuell, of Hollis, N.H., and Sarah Perham, Feb. 21, 1774. C.R.*
Stephen Bartlet, of Hollis, and Esther Pike of Dunstable, N.H., Dec. 30, 1781. N.R.
Alpheus and Mahala Doloff, both of Merrimack, Sept. 3, 1835. N.R.
GOOLE (also see Gould)
John, and Elizabeth Cummings, July 2, 1686. CT.R
Elizabeth, and Jacob Welsh of Boston, int. Mar. 18, 1780.
Temperance, and Robert Fletcher of Amherst, int. Nov. 1, 1784.
GOULD (also see Goole)
Dana, of Chelmsford, and Mary D. Harris of Merrimack, Oct. 28, 1828. N.R.
David, of Tyngsborough, and Alethea Woods, int. Apr. 3, 1807.
Mary Elisabeth, and David Hopkins, both of Dunstable, N.H., Apr. 1, 1835. N.R.
Noah M., and Mary B. Weeb, int. Aug. 16, 1783.
Samuel, and Mehitable Barrett, d. Thomas, of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Mar. 17, 1684.
Samuel, and Mary Batchelder of Wenham, at Wenham, July 28, 1720.
Samuell, and Molley Swan of Methuen, int. Nov. 13, 1787.
Silas, and Thankful Ditson, int. June 17, 1779.
GOWEN (also see Gowing)
Jonathan, of Cavendish, Vt., and Lucy Thorndike, int. Aug. 28, 1811.
Justus F., and Hannah Hale, both of Dunstable, N.H., July 2, 1818. N.R.
William E., and Hannah L. Pierce, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 22, 1837. N.R.
Alfred, and Mary Webster, both of Dunstable, N.H., May 18, 1834. N.R.
Samuel, of Hudson, and Mary Ann Buxton of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 2, 1834. N.R.
Josiah W., and Betsey Woods, both of Dunstable, N.H., Jan. 4, 1827. N.R.
Lois, of Pepperell, and Elijah Chapman, int. Sept. 7, 1809.
Martha, of Groton, and Jonathan Bancroft, May 20, 1773. C.R.*
Joseph Jr., and Lucy G. French, both of Dunstable, N.H., Nov. 29, 1835. N.R.
John, of Dunstable, N.H., and Polly Seavey of Tyngsborough, at Tyngsborough, Apr. 5, 1790.