Vital Records Of Dudley, Worchester Co., Ma
To The End Of The Year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Marriages - TABER to WYNN & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Abner and Sophia Bacon of Charlton, int. July 10, 1842
Amos Craggin of Uxbridge and Chloe Bates, Jan. 15, 1809
Caroline and Nathaniel Thayer Jr. of Franklin, Dec. 2, 1823
Mrs. Chloe and Erasmus Dennis of Oxford, int. May 23, 1827
Jotham and Mrs. Mary Wilson of Mendon, Dec. 2, 1772. At Mendon
Louisa and John S. Eastabrooks of Woodstock, Conn., int. April 22, 1839
Maria P. and Alpheus Harding Jr. of New Salem, Mass., Sept. 6, 1842
Nancy and Calvin Pierce of Oxford, March 29, 1829
Reuben of Uxbridge and Nancy Foster, March 5, 1805
Reuben and Mrs. Prudence Willard, Feb. 29, 1824
Reuben P. and Mary A. Leavens of Webster, int. Jan. 1, 1848
Ruth of Uxbridge and William Smith Jr., Sept. 22, 1797
Susanna and Isaac Dresser of Carlton, Dec. 20, 1780
Abijah and Hannah Smith, June 27, 1821
Fanny and Albert Reynolds, Nov. 10, 1822
Abigail and Stephen N. Kempton of Smithfield, R.I. Jan. 2, 1825
Chloe of Killingly, Conn., and Marcus Child, Sept. 16, 1830
Fanny and Gelson Simmons of Ashford, Conn., Aug. 23, 1827
James F. and Lucinda Barret of Douglas, int. Jan. 15, 1825
Orrel and Charles Bigelow, Oct. 2, 1825
Abigail of Sustin and Simon Chamberlin, int. Dec. 27, 1735
Esther [Easter in int.] and Richard Bixby, Jan. 4, 1742-3
Sarah and Joseph Dodge, June 21, 1750
Ebenezer and Mary Scott, Oct. 13, 1768
Josiah F. and Dolly Freeman, both of Oxford, Sept. 11, 1828
Rebekah of Beverly and John Pierce, April 10, 1745. At the Upper Parish in Beverly
Rufus G. and Rachel Lewis of Presson, Conn., int. Jan. 1, 1815
Thomas and Lucy Dexter, July 8, 1765
Linus and Sally Elwell, int. Nov. 28, 1827
Stephen R. and Polly Jewett, int. Nov. 7, 1819
Nathaniel Jr. of Franklin and Caroline Taft, Dec. 2, 1823
Beriah of Mendon and Joseph Marcy, May 27, 1778. At Mendon
Oliver H. P. and Clementine Freeman, June 24, 1838
[Thoyets in int.], Elizebeth and William Dodge, June 8, 1758
Mrs. Clarissa and John Webster, Nov. 8, 1840
John and Sarah Curtis, int. Feb. 24, 1770
John Dresser of Charlton and Clarissa Morris, April 14, 1827
Martha and Elnathan McIntire of Charlton, Dec. 7, 1780
Polly of Charlton and Leonard Baker, March 20, 1838
Samuel and Dolly Brackett May 22, 1814
Joshua and Mary Blackmar, Feb. 29, (sic.) 1837. In Webster ?
Thomas and Cela Ann Sly, Nov. 11, 1838
Bela and Deborah Turner of Oxford, int. Feb. 14, 1813
Delia of Thompson, Conn., and Mansfield Sly, April 20, 1829
Stephen E. and Sarah H. Eliott of Thompson, Conn., int. Sept. 11, 1814
[Tufft in int.] Lydia and Erastus Tucker of Woodstock, Conn. Nov. 29, 1810
[Titus in int], Lydia and Richard Foster, Dec. 6, 1770
TITOULOTT (see Tourtellot, Tourtalot, etc.)
Elizabeth of of Thompson, Conn, and Andrew Webster, int. Nov. 26, 1814
TOURTELLOTT (see Titoulott, Turtalot, etc.)
Abigail and Reuben Molton of Charlton, May 26, 1818
Amos and Betsey Harvey of Thompson, int. Nov. 23, 1821
Archelaus T. and Rhoda Davis, March 27, 1825
Chloe and Jesse Ormsby Jr. of Thompson, Conn, April 1, 1821
Eseck and Mary Dexter of Charlton, int. Oct. 31, 1823
George and Caroline Ham of Burrelville, R.I., int. Feb. 25, 1838
Lucy A. and Sanford Fisk, March 29, 1841
Schuyler and Emely Mixer of Webster, int. April 2, 1837
Samuel of Sutton and Pamelia Comins of Charlton, June 15, 1836. In Charlton
[Daniel in int.], of Thompson, Conn, and Sally Sly, Aug. 28, 1813
Maria E. and Walter W. Fox of Pomfret, Conn., int. July 31, 1842
TOWN (see Towne)
Aaron of Thompson, Conn., and Mary Perry, int. April 5, 1834
Abigail T. of Thompson and Joshua Wakefield, int. Sept. 4, 1823
Aculas of Thompson and Susanna Foster, int. Nov. 4, 1796
Cebrice and David S. Miller, Sept. 17, [1833 ?] 1834
Celestina and John Pope, Jan. 20, 1822
Clarentine of Carlton and Andrew A. Marcy, int. Nov. 26, 1826
Edmund and Elizebeth Ramsdel, Dec. 12, 1752
Elisha and Lydia Gould, Nov. 24, 1796. At Carlton
Elizbeth and Dr. Samuel Waldron, June 2, 1755
George and Pertheny Willard, Dec. 25, 1805
Hannah and Joseph Perrin, int. March 2, 1807, discontinued
James of Carlton and Lucy Bettis, Aug. 6, 1778
Joel and Mrs. Betsey Willard, May 24, 1801
John and Mrs. Lois Willard, March 13, 1798
Mary Ann and Salmon Needham of Thompson, Conn., Aug. 25, 1833
Nelson P. and Julia Ann Dresser of Charlton, int. Aug. 9, 1828
Philena of Thompson and Chester Davis, int. May 30, 1824
Polly and David Foskett of Charlton, int. July 19, 1799, afterwards forbid
[Brig. Gen. int], Salem Esq. and Sabra Coman, Jan. 10, 1792
Sally and Jacob Sly, May 26, 1802
Semira P. and Danford Child, March 9, 1828
TOWNE (see above)
Adaline and George Freeman of Oxford, Nov. 29, 1832
Mary and Simeon Badkock, int. Feb. 22, 1767
George and Hannah Arnold of Thompson, Conn., int. Dec. 18, 1830
Lucy and George Brown, May 29, 1821
Thomas and Betsey Emerson, int. Dec. 29, 1825
Cyrane of Ludlow and George Slater, int. Sept. 20, 1824
TRUMBELL (see below)
[Trumble in int.], Mary and Benjamin Fairbanks June 23, 1755
Abigail of Lescester and Jonathan Putney, int. Aug. 25, 1744
Abia of Lescester and William Wakfeild, int. Jan. 5, 1750-1
Hannah and Paul Robinson, Oct. 19, 1749
Marcus of Byron, Ga. and Waity Brown, Aug. 19, 1832
Joseph Jr. of Leicester and Susanna Richards, April 29, 1752. At Leicester
Mrs. Lydia B. and Peter White, int. July 26, 1827
[Trusdil in int.], Ebenezer and Sarah Burnul, Sept. 5, 1751
Mehitebel of Pomfrit and Benjamin Edmunds, int. Sept. 26, 1747
Anne of Chalton and James Corbin, int. April 11, 1761
Erastus of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Tift, Nov. 29, 1810
Hannah of Pomfrit and Joseph Burnul, int. Jan. 20, 1748-9
John F. of Providence, R.I., and Catherine Bartlett, May 8, 1815
Dr. Aaron and Salley Barker, May 23, 1790
George A. and Azuba B. Fales of Wrentham, int. Sept. 9, 1822
Sarah B. and Henry S. Wheaton, May 24, 1843
Deborah of Oxford and Bela Tiffany, int. Feb. 14, 1813
Susanah and Eliphalit Coats, NOV. 29, 1759
TURTALOTT (see Titoulott, Tourtellot, etc.)
Mrs. Hannah of Thompson and Jonathan Foster, int. Jan. 22, 1802
Wid. Phebe of Killingley and Capt. Joseph Albee, Nov. 29, 1781
Solomon of Uxbridge and Wid. Jerusia Newell, June 28, 1809
John and Susan White of North Providence, R.I., int. Oct. 31, 1813
Mrs. Susan and Ebenezer Collins, both of Oxford, Nov. 25, 1823
Samuel and Rhoda Brown, Oct. 10, 1816
Susan and Abijah Nichols of Oxford, Sept. 15, 1819
Abigail of Killingly and William Coburn, int. Feb. 17, 1759
Abijah and Olive Briggs of Oxford, int. March 20, 1814
Amos and Polly Hurd of Oxford, int. Aug. 15, 1814
Amos and Lorania Robinson of Oxford, int. March 19, 1837
Benjamin and Hepsibeh Learned of Oxford, Nov. 26, 1778. At Oxford
Danford and Betsey Bracket, March 17, 1824
Danford and Waity G. Seagrave of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 14, 1830
Dyer of Thompson and Cynthia Arnold, int. Oct. 27, 1827
Elihu and Zoradah Dalrimpie, March 30, 1820
Elihu L. and Polly Blood of Charlton, June 21, 1843
Mrs Eliza and Davis Learned of Oxford, int. Oct. 17, 1802
Ephraim of Thompson and Salley Foster, June 26, 1796
Ephraim Jr. and Almira Jacobs of Thompson, int. Feb. 7, 1829
Ephraim Jr. and Elisabeth A. Bruce of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 7, 1839
Eunice and Charles Brown, Sept. 11, 1788
Hannah of Thompson and Wyman Perry, int. Nov. 14, 1825
Harvey and Mary Pratt of Oxford, int. April 20, 1839
Hosea and Anna Marsh, May 29, 1803
Jeremiah and Mary Aldrich of Oxford, int. Nov. 2, 1829
Jeremiah and Eliphal Nichols of Oxford, March 12, 1839
Jonathan of Thompson and Molly Whitney, May 19, 1789
Joseph Jr. and Eunice Kidder, April 16, 1765
Joseph and Wid. Abigail Amsdel of Southboroh, int. Jan. 12, 1777
Joseph Jr. and Susanna Jewell of Oxford, April 15, 1791. At Oxford
Josiah and Clarissa Phillips of Charlton, int. March 12, 1831
Josiah and Betsey Larned of Oxford, int. March 6, 1836
Levi and Betsey Davis, March 30, 1823
Louis and Philip Brown, Sept. 28, 1775
Lucy and Baxter Ellis of Brookfield, July 9, 1817
Martha and Thomus Willson, Oct. 18, 1759
Mary of Killings and Japheth Corttis, int. April 2, 1774
Matilda and Henry Davis, March 9, 1820
Nathan and Mrs. Molley Robbins, March ----, 1797
Patty and Rufus Briggs of Oxford, int. March 10, 1816
Polly of Thompson and Abner Perry, int. Nov. 10, 1816
Polly and Peter Bracket, Jan. 14, 1830
Sally and Joshua Davis, April 3, 1831
Samuel and Easter Coburn, Nov. 7, 1750
Semeon [Simeon in int.] and Miriam Larned of Oxford, June 22, 1785
Simeon and Rachal Davis, int. March 6, 1813
Susannah and David Kidder, Feb. 23, 1768
Tabathy of Killingly and Charles Corttis, int. Dec. 31, 1775
Thomas and Elizabeth Pratt of Oxford, Feb. 19, 1784
Walter and Electa Carpenter of Woodstock, int. April 3, 1827
William and Mary S. Larned, May 27, 1843
Rev. David of Princeton and Mrs. Mary Bartlett, Sept. 9, 1834
Timothy and Marina Waycough of Charlton (Blacks), Nov. 3, 1823
VILOT[?] -
---- and Elisha Curtis, int. Dec. 20, 1793
Betsey and Horace Barnaby of Belchertown, int. March 13, 1830
Abigail and Jonathan Streeter of Chalton, May 7, 1761
Abigail and Timothy Corbin, Oct. 20, 1774
Adaline of Sturbridge and Charles Nye, int. Sept. 1, 1849
Baldwin and Lucretia Curtis, Sept. 5, 1824
Bathsheba and Abram Havens of Woodstock, May 12, 1796
Benoni and Mary Green of Stoneham, April 29, 1742. At Stoneham
Calvin and Sarah Corbin, May 30, 1809
Calvin and Mrs. Lydia Joslin of Thompson, int. March 28, 1829
Caroline and George Sayles, March 28, 1833
Charles and Aurelia Morse of Southbridge, int. March 13, 1830
Charles W. [Wmthrop in int.] of Southbridge and Harriet Healy, Nov. 18, 1828
Chloe and Joseph Barrett of Sturbridge, March 3, 1779. At Sturbridge
David and Mary Bacon, Nov. 29, 1834
Davis (s. William, single, a. 22) and Nancy Butterworth, Sept. 4, 1844
Elizabeth and James Haskel, June 3, 1784
Ezra and Sally Sayles, Jan. 25, 1816
Fanny and Zelotes Bowers, April 8, 1807
Hannah and Consider Joons, March 30, 1758
Hiram and Orelia McKinster, int. Jan. 27, 1835
Jabez and Ruth Putney, Dec. 22, 1784
Jemima and Eleazer Putney, Jan. 27, 1799. At Sturbridge
John Esqr. and Wid. Hannah Boldin of Stonham, int. April 4, 1752
John and MrS. Dorothy Holmes of Woodstock, Jan. 11, 1770. At Woodstock
John Jr. and Susannah Manning of Woodstock, int. Sept. 27, 1783
Joseph Jr. and Mary Allard of Woodstock, int. Feb. 21, 1784
Joseph and Dorithy Marcey of Sturbridge, Feb. ----, 1805
Joseph Jr. and Polly Putney, Dec. 6, 1810
Joshua and Mary Polley, int. April 6, 1751
Joshua and Wid. Mehitibel Edmunds, April 22, 1762
Joshua and Ruth E. Goodell of Charlton, April 25, 1843
Julia and Harvey Prince, March 28, 1836
Leonard and Adeline Sisson of Sturbridge, int. March 29, 1823
Liman and Lois Leach of Sturbridge, Sept. 28, 1794
Lothrip and Bathsheba Putney, April 24, 1814
Lucretia of Sturbridge and Timothy Vinton, int. March 3, 1820
Marcus and Ruth Davis of Sturbridge, int. May 4, 1839
Mary and Jacob Chamberlain Jr., Nov. 22, 1774
Mary W. and Luther Bacon 2d, int. Aug. 19, 1838
Nancy and Henry Haskell, March 25, 1830
Orrin of Woodstock, Conn., and Prudence Haskell, May 26, 1830
Patience and Stephen Corbin, Sept. 26, 1786
Phebe and Jacob Chamberlin, int. Feb. 26, 1742-3
Mrs. Polley and Winthrop Dyer of Sturbridge, int. April 22, 1798
Mrs. Polley and Joseph Barrett Jr. of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 30, 1798
Polly and Jonathan Prince, Feb. 31, (sic) 1792
Polly and Abner Bacon, May 13, 1804
Ralph and Phebe Holmes of Woodstock, int. June 15, 1766
Rhoda and Daniel Sayles, Jan. 19, 1820
Rhoda and Luther Warren, Feb. 15, 1829
Rebeccah and Corbin Lyon of Woodstock, Conn., March 20, 1809
Rebekh and Eliiah Gore, int. March 7, 1739-40
Sally and Jefferson Putney, Nov. 19, 1822
Thankfull and Zebina Day of Sutton, int. Feb. 4, 1837
Thomas and Hannah Green of Stoneham, March 31, 1742. At Stoneham
Timothy and Lucretia Vinton of Sturbridge, int. March 3, 1820
William and Thankful Combs at Ward, May 31, 1782
William and Dolley Sabin, int. March 6, 1799
William Jr. and Tammy Putney, Oct. 16, 1811
[Vorce in int], John and Olive Ide, Oct. 27, 1796
Wid. Olive and Lieut. John Holbrook of Thompson, Nov. 11, 1800
Charles and Ruth Atkins, March 28, 1830
[Wate in int], Sally and Remember Ingraham, Feb. 4, 1810
WAKEFIELD (see Wakfeild)
Wid. Abigail and John Learned 3d of Oxford, Nov. 6, 1794. At Oxford
Almira and Anson Burlingham of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 29, 1834
Alpheus and Submittee Keith, March 7, 1816
Amos and Polly Knowland, both of a Gore of Land adjoining to Oxford, Oct. 10, 1783
Aurelia C. and Augustus T. Allen of Charlton, Oct. 15, 1839
Betsey and David Sears, int. March 29, 1821
Caleb and Lucinda Brown, March 2, 1818
Joel and Mehitable Marsh, March 10, 1791
John and Lydia White of Killingley, int. May 9, 1772
John and Matilda Corbin, int. Sept. 11, 1814
Jonathan and Abigail Smith of Andover, June 22, 1733. At Andover
Joshua and Lydia Mason of Douglass, int. Aug. 11, 1817
Joshua and Abigail T. Town of Thompson, int. Sept. 4, 1823
Luther of Sutton and Mary Wakefield, June 10, 1778
Martha and John Larned the 3d of Oxford, Dec. 6, 1781
Mary and Luther Wakefield of Sutton, June 10, 1778
Mary M. and Samuel Larned of Oxford, Dec. 28, 1837. In Webster?
Orin and Almira Esten, int. Nov. 3, 1827
Peter R. and Louisa Shaw of Stafford, Conn., int Dec. 27, 1827
Polly and Gibbs Dodge of Charlton, April 19, 1820
Rhody of Oxford and Nathan Cody, int. Oct. 8, 1810
Ruth and Gardner Stone, April 21, 1814
Simeon and Sarah Reckords of Sutton, Feb. 18, 1790. At Sutton
Solomon and Chloa Brown of Killingley, int. March 28, 1784
Susanna and Simon Wood, both of Oxford South Gore, at said Gore, Nov. 10, 1803
Sylvanus [Salvenus in int.] of Carlton and Rhoda Corbin, Jan. 8, 1812
Tamer and David Dodge, Dec. 21, 1809
Timothy [Jr. in int.] and Mandina Wallington, Sept, 13, 1831
Trebal and Abigal Marsh, Feb. 14, 1793
Tubel [Tubal in int.] and Rosella Greenwood, Sept. 19, 1816
William and Lucina Emerson, Aug. 5, 1823
William and Mary Case of Warwick, R.I., int. Oct. 8, 1831
WAKFEILD (see above)
Mrs. Mary and Nathaniel Jones, living in or near Lescester, int. April 4, 1747
Mary and Ebenezer Green of Killingly, int. June 8, 1750
Simeon [Semeon in int.] and Mary Define of Charlton, Nov. 7, 1759
William and Abia Trumble of Lescester, int. Jan. 5, 1750-1
WALCOT (see Walcott, Wolcott)
Dr. James and Mrs. Hitte Ammidown of Charlton, Dec. 5, 1799
[Wallcott in int], Moses of Windham and Elener Putney, Oct. 20, 1762
Betsey P. and. Larned Corbin, int. April 9, 1814
Mahala and Judson Reynolds, both of Thompson, Conn., Dec. 10, 1837. In Thompson
Betsey S. and Charles Nye of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 1, 1840
Conelia T. (d. Jared and Sally, single, a. 16) and George W. Nye, March 1, 1848
Mrs. Elisabeth and John Webster, April 13, 1800
Fanny and Thaddeus R. Rider of New Milford, Conn., int. May 23, 1840
Lemuel and Althusa White of Charlton, Jan. 3, 1816
Marcus M. (s.----, single, a. 20), and Martha Marsh, April 7, 1846
[Waldron in int.], Samuel and Betsey Pike of Charlton, Jan. 2, 1814
Selinda and George Southwick of Gloucester, R.I., April 26, 1829
Mary and William Comer Webster of Thompson, int. Nov. 9, 1794
Nathan and Mary Willard, Dec. 15, 1785
Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth Town, June 2, 1755
Abner C. and Harriet M. Sibley of Southbridge, int. March 21, 1846
Almira of Framingham and Benjamin K. Moulton, int. June 7, 1833
Asa of Charlton and Lydia Haskell, Feb. 27, 1788
Nelson of Woodstock, Conn., (s. Urich and Eunice, single, a. 26) and Catherine Hill, Dec. 17, 1845
Polly of Thompson and Robert Wilson, int. Nov. 24, 1826
Thaddeus of Charlton and Prissilla Bacon of the Gore, [April 10, 1792 ?]
Williams Jr., of Ashford, Conn., and Sylvia Corbin, May 28, 1806
Nahum and Miss Susanna Joslin of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 10, 1807
Tamer of Charlton and Calvin Heald, int. Dec. 23, 1824
WARDEN (see Worden)
Eliza and Lemuel Healy Jr., Sept. 1, 1830
WARREN (see Warrin)
Anna and Calvin Chamberlain, Jan. 12, 1794
Mrs. Betsey of Carlton and Rufus Collar of Boylston, March 31, 1801
Dan and Mary Hayden, May 3, 1781
Elizabeth and Richard Hunt, Nov. 13, 1777
Elizabeth and Joseph Cooper of Brookfield, Nov. 16, 1818
Jacob Jr., and Lucy Fosket of Charlton, Jan. 17, 1775
Jacob and wid. Abigail Waters of Woodstock, int. May 20, 1786
Jacob and Mrs. Polly Pike of Charlton, int. Feb. 20, 1799
Lieut. John and wid.. Lydia Brown of Cantubary, int. April 22, 1791
[Lieut. in int.] John and Lydia Bracket, May 9, 1808
Juda and Paul Gleason of Adams, Berkshire Co., Feb. 16, 1802
Lucy and Samuel Webster of Upton, May 24, 1779. At Oxford
Wid. Lucy and William Duncan of Oxford, Oct. 2, 1796. At Oxford
Lura and John Cheney, Jan. 12, 1794
Luther and Rhoda Vinton, Feb. 15, 1829
Mrs. Lydia and Daniel Rawson Oxford, int. April 5, 1828
Manser and Rebecca Howe of Killingly, int. March 30, 1794
Margeret and Thomas Morriss, June 3, 1784
Mary and Asa Clemens of Charlton, Oct. 4, 1789
Obed and Mary Blood of Charlton, Sept. 20, 1780. At Charlton
Samuel and Susanna Farrow, Jan. 4, 1769
WARRIN (see above)
Abigail and Isaiah Putney, Nov. 29, 1764
John and Katherine Cooper of Kovintree, int. Feb. 2, 1766
Samuel and Elizabeth Jackson, July 15, 1756
wid. Abigail of Woodstock and Jacob Warren, int. May 20, 1786
George of Thompson, Conn., and Lucy Healy, May 11, 1820
Rhoda and Jesse Sabin, April 16, 1772
wid. Abigail of Oxford and Dea. Edward Davis, April 22, 1776. At Oxford
Marina of Charlton and Timothy Vandorus (Blacks). Nov. 3, 1823
WEATHERELL (see Wetherel)
Joshua and Hannah Williams of Sutton, April 17, 1766. At Sutton
Laura [Lawry in int.] and Arnold Johnson, March 7, 1814
Nancy and Eli Burt, int. May 15, 1814
Roxelina and Willard Green of Oxford, int. Jan. 2, 1814
John Jr., and Martha Whitman Mann of Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 7, 1830. (Discontinued.)
Andrew and Elizabeth Titoulott of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 26, 1814
Benjamin and Sarah Coburn, April 4, 1755
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Jewell, March 20, 1739
Lieut. Hammon and Louisa Richardson of Southbridge, int. Sept. 29, 1825
Harriet of Thompson and Eliab Cummings, int. Dec. 14, 1828
John and Lucy Coburn, Dec. 17, 1758
John and Mary Havens, July 26, 1789
John and Mrs. Elisabeth Waldron, April 13, 1800
John Jr, and Mary Whittemore, March 30, 1831
John and Mrs. Clarissa Thompson, Nov. 8, 1840
Jonathan and Martha Carpinter, Nov. 17, 1776
Locia and Sylvester Arnold of Thompson, Conn., April 25, 1816
Lydia and Joseph Stone of Thompson, Dec. 5, 1751
Lydia, born in Thompson, Conn, resident in Dudley (d. Benjamin and Olive of Thompson, Conn., single, a. 37), and Danforth Rawson, Dec. 9, 1848
Maryann and Enoch E. Baker, int. May 6, 1826
Robert and Mollee Burt of Wairriver, int. April 25, 1761
Samuel of Upton and Lucy Warren, May 24, 1779. At Oxford
Samuel and Clarisa Haskell, Feb. 15, 1816
Wid. Sarah and John Maclure of Thomson Parish, June 13, 1759
William of Thompson, Conn, and Parthena Albee, March 15, 1810
William Comer of Thompson and Mary Waldron, int. Nov. 9, 1794
Thomas of Brookfield and Martha White, June 29, 1786
Dorothy of Sturbridg and Joseph Sabin Jr., int. May 5, 1759
Joseph and Julia A. Wicker, March 4, 1841
Hannah of Worcester and Stephen Barlett Jr., int. July 9, 1814
Elnathan W. and Mary A. Dugar, both of Southbridge, Oct. 15, 1837
Thomas and Mary Spear, Nov. 12, 1772
Eliphalet and Phebe Morse of Weston, int. March 3, 1820
WETHEREL (see Weatherell, Wetherill)
Hannah and Samuel White, int. March 15, 1767
Mary and Phinehas Allen, int. Dec. 18, 1768
Joshua and wid. Mary Winter of Killingley, Oct. 23, 1783
WETHERILL (see above)
Abigail and Simeon Howard, April 14, 1774
Dinah and Josiah Brown, Jan. 14, 1772
Hannah and Rufus Corbin, Nov. 13, 1799
Joshua and Sally Davis of Oxford, int. Nov. 13, 1808
Laura and Charles Lamb, April ----, 1836
Beriah of Gill, transiently at Dudley, and Mary Barrett Nov. 13, 1796
Emeline and George A. Whitehouse, May 13, 1838
Charlottee of Thompson and Jesse Wood, int. Nov. 20, 1798
Henry S. and Sarah B. Tufts, May 24, 1843
Eliza and Solomon James Corbin, people of Color, int. Dec. 27, 1823
Eunice A. of Sutton and William Perry, int. March 15, 1845
Maria of Sutton and David Perry, int. Sept. 2, 1843
Rutha of Smithfield and Alpheus Ammidon, int. March 22, 1794
Althusa of Carlton and Lemuel Waldren, Jan. 3, 1816
Andrew and Lydia Conant, Feb. 14, 1744-5
Andrew and Dorothy Lamb of Oxford, int. Dec. 10, 1763
Anna and Isaac Chace, Nov. 30, 1797
Derathy and Lieut. Samuel Fairband, int July 9, 1771
Dolley and Rufus Conant, May 11, 1790
Dorathy and Lieut. Mark Elwell of Killingley, Aug. 29, 1774
Mrs. Dorcas and Willard Albee, both of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1801
Ebenezer and Lydia Davis, Dec. 16, 1773
Mrs. Hannah and David Brock of Woodstock, int. [probably Dec. 1794 or Jan. 1795.]
Harriot of Charlton and Francis W. Winn of Sutton, April 12, 1835
Henry and Betsey Caezar, people of Color, int. Aug. 20, 1827
James of Worcester and Eliza W. Healy, Sept. 17, 1833. [int. Jan. 25, 1834.]
John and Lucy Conant, April 15, 1779
John and Sabra Shepherd, Jan. 17, 1805
Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Zera Preston, int. April 16, 1814
Hosea and Lucyna Hammon of Wardsborough, Vt., int. Oct. 4, 1835
Lydia of Killingley and. John Wakefield, int. May 9, 1772
Lydia and Stephen Blackmar of North Woodstock, int. Feb. 6, 1773
Martha and Thomas Wedge of Brookfield, June 29, 1786
Peter and Mrs. Lydia B. Trumbull, int. July 26, 1827
Polly of Charlton and Asa Davis, int. Sept. 7, 1817
Prudence H. and Ezra D. Work, April 7, 1825
Rachel of Burrelville, R.I., and Aaron Pratt, int. Dec. 26, 1825
Rebeckah of Oxford and Reuben Robinson, Aug. 29, 1771. In Oxford
Mrs. Rhoda of Charlton and Paul Dodge, int. April 22, 1798
Rozina of Gloucester and Samuel Hibbard, int. April 1, 1790
Russel of Oxford and Lydia Marsh, April 6, 1828
Samuel and Hannah Wetherel, int. March 15, 1767
Sarah A. of Webster and George N. Perry, int. Dec. 13 [?] 1834
Sibil and Edward Aldrich of Oxford, int. Sept. 12, 1827
Mrs. Silvia and Artemns Dresser, both of Charlton, March 14, 1802
Susan of North Providence, R.I., and John Tyson, int. Oct. 31, 1813
Sylvia and Ammon Platt, Oct. 12, 1831
Ziba and Elsey Davis, Oct. 12, 1831
Mrs. Zilphar and Joseph Combs, Jan. 13, 1801
George A. and Emeline Wheat, May 13, 1838
Mrs. Sylindia of Thompson and Jesse Leavens, int. March 14, 1802
Daniel and Mary Ann Corbin, April 1, 1834
William B., to Elizabeth Murphey, April 2, 1840
John of Killingly and Mary Burnul, Nov. 29, 1750
John and Abigail Davison, Sept. 8, 1762
Mary and Joseph Healy, Jan. 2, 1754
Alvira of Brookfield and Nathaniel Lyon, int. July 26, 1829
Bettey of Thompson and Ebenezer Hill, int. Dec. 12, 1794
Louisa and Simon Larned of Oxford, Oct. 22, 1832
Mary and John Webster Jr., March 30, 1831
Sally and Orlin Allard of Hopkinton, June 12, 1831
James of Douglass and Mary Robinson, Nov. 24, 1793
Molly [Molley in int.] and Jonathan Upham of Thompson, May 19, 1789
Julia A. and Joseph Wells, March 4, 1841
Caleb and Ruth Cudworth, both of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 14, 1786, at said Gore
Livi Jr. and Sarah Corbin, both of Oxford South Gore, Oct. 24, 1782, at said Gore
Raddai and Phebe Ann Housen, Dec. 10, 1829
Abraham and Anna Arnold, March 25, 1810
Eliza, and Aaron Humphrey of Spencer, people of Color, Sept. 26, 1821
WILCOTT (see Walcot, Wolcott)
Thomas and Fanny Andrews of Northbridge, int. April 12, 1816
[Willcocks in int.], Elizabith and Benjamin Stone Jr., Sept. 11, 1783
[Wilcox in int.], Hannah and David Morse, Oct. 4, 1787
Mary [Sarah Willcox in int.] and Reubin Stone, Dec. 6, 1787
Tamer and Amasa Marshall, March 20, 1780
WILEY (see Willy, Wyllee)
Aldrich and Marcy Dean, int. May 26, 1770
Mrs. Betsey and Joel Town, May 24, 1801
Ephraim and Sylvia Albee, Oct. 11, 1781
Henry and Cloa Albee, May 14, 1788
Henry and Mrs. Beeca Simpson, Nov. 26, 1801
Hezekiah and Salley Allen, March ? 27, 1793
Jonathan Jr. and Mary Palmer of Killingley, int. Feb. 27, 1783
Mrs. Lois and John Town, March 13, 1798
Martha and Aaron Albee, Aug. 1, 1783
Mary and John Newell, Sept. 28, 1767
Mary and Nathan Waldron, Dec. 15, 1785
Mary and Parley Foster, Sept. 21, 1808
Nancy and Alexander Nichols, Jr., of Oxford, April 18, 1821
Nathan and Susanna Adams, Nov. 28, 1799
Oliver and Asenah Newall, May 3, 1781
Parker and Prudence Healy, Jan. 26, 1809
Pertheny [Parthenia in int.] and George Town, Dec. 25, 1805
Phebe and Nathan Reynolds of Charlton, Oct. 20, 1813
Mrs. Prudence and Reuben Taft, Feb. 29, 1824
Rhoda and Loren Brown of Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 22, 1812
A. Waldo and Becca D. Healy, Dec. 10, 1829
Rev. Abiel Wiltinrns and Mrs. Salley Gargill of Palmer, int. Jan. 22, 1802
Anna S. of Thompson, Conn., and Holden R. Green, int. Jan. 10, 1812
Caroline and Royal Smith of Sturbridge, Dec. 11, 1828
E. W. of Dudley and Louisa M. Davis of St. Johnsville, N.Y., int. Sept. 24, 1838
Hannah of Sutton and Joshua Weatherell, April 17, 1766. At Sutton
Henry and Molley Winter, Dec. 5, 1792
Jonathan and Esther Wilmoth of Attleborough, int. Sept. 5, 1768
Mary [Sarah in int.] and Aaron Barret of Billingsley, Dec. 3, 1772
Richard, of a Gore of Lath near Dudley, and wid. Mary Hebberd, int. Dec. 11, 1779
Roger of Glocester and Hannah Howard, Jan. 7, 1779
Sylvany of Cranson, R.I., and William Haskell, March 23, 1809
Zeruiah S., and Davis Healy, Jan. 16, 1833
David and Caroline Wood of Worcester, int. Aug. 19, 1848
John and Molly Fairbanks, Aug. 18, 1791
Mandina and Timothy Wakefield, Sept. 13, 1831
Martha E. of Oxford and Alvah Kelscey, int. Nov. 22, 1845
Mary of Thompson and Obidiah Edmunds, int. April 6, 1823
Peggy and Abijah Mansfield, June 10, 1793 ?
Lucinda of Charlton and Chester Curtis, int. Oct. 25, 1818
WILLSON (see Wilson)
Jacob of Pomfret and Molley Dodge, April 22, 1777
[Wilson in int.] [of Killingly in int.] Thomus and Martha Upham, Oct. 18, 1759
WILLY (see Wiley, Wyllee)
[Wyllee in int.] , Margaret of Oxford and Alexander Nichols, Feb. 26, 1738-9. At Oxford
Sarah of Thompson and Stephens Robbins, in int. May 15, 1793
Esther of Attleborough and Jonathan Williams, int. Sept. 5, 1768
WILSON (see Willson)
Laban T. and Savilla Elwell, Nov. 6, 1822
Mrs. Mary of Mendon and Jotham Taft, Dec. 2, 1772. At Mendon
Robert and Polly Walker of Thompson, int. Nov. 24, 1826
William and Judith Rowan of Boston, int. Sept. 4, 1824
WIMAN (see Wyman)
Daniel and Polley Allen, int. Nov. 28, 1790
[Wymand in int.], [Wid.] Sarah and Edward Coburn of Windham, Jan. 20, 1774
WINN (see Wynn)
Francis W. of Sutton and Harriot White of Charlton, April 12, 1835
Mary M., and Thomas Aldrich of Oxford, int. Dec. 6, 1823
Charles N. (s. Joseph and Mary, single, a. 24) and Alzadid Richards, Dec. 25, 1849
Joseph and Polley Estherbrook of Pomphret, Conn, int. May 2, 1813
Ann Frances and Baylies Knapp, Oct. 20, 1825
Elizabeth and Darius Dwight of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 17, 1808
Lucy E., and Capt. Baylies Knapp, July 23, 1833
Maria N. and Luther Bartlett, Oct. 5, 1824
Wid. Nancy of Smithfield, R.I., and David Nichols, int. Nov. 24, 1795
Salley and Jonathan Nichols of Thompson, Conn., June 7, 1802
William and Eunice Nichols, May 8, 1800
Amasa and Rebekah Rickard, Jan. 19, 1786
Joseph and Azubah Barton of Oxford, Oct. 6, 1773
Wid. Mary of Killingley and Joshua Wetherell, Oct. 23, 1783
Molley and Henry Williams, Dec. 5, 1792
Artemas and Dell Louisa Fairbanks of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 16, 1827
Hollis of Charlton and Sarah Harris, Jan. 9, 1820
WOLCOTT (see Wolcot)
Elizabith and Andrew Segourney, both a Oxford, July 26, 1787
Alvin and wid. Hannah Perry, int. May 14, 1823
Betsey and Christopher Haskell, int. Sept. 16, 1838.
Caroline of Worcester and David Willington, int. Aug. 19, 1848
Daniel N., and Eliza Dunham, July 4, 1823
Elmira and Burr Lincoln of Windham, Conn., Sept. 30, 1827
Esther of Uxbridge and Dr. John Anson, Nov. 11, 1798. At Uxbridge
Hollis and Abigail Corbin, Dec. 18, 1807
Jerusha and Asa Newell, Oct. 17, 1785
Jesse and Charlottee Wheaton of Thompson, int. Nov. 20, 1798
John W. and Maria Corbin of Oxford, int. April 5, 1845
Julia Ann and Sumner Wood, int. Nov. 4, 1848
Matilda and William H. Googin, int. April 20, 1833
Nathan and Lucinda Luther of Thompson, int. Aug. 13, 1796
Otis and Mrs. Bathsheba Perry, Jan. 19, 1834
Mrs. Polley and Zephaniah Bartlett, Nov. 29, 1798
Rhoda and Joshua Corbin, Sept. 6, 1781
Sibil and Collins Moore Jr. of Oxford, Dec. 15, 1802
Simeon and Chloe Shumaway of Oxford, Dec. 14, 1803
Simeon and Huldah Rockwood, Oct. 31, 1809
Simon and Susanna Wakefield, both of Oxford South Gore, at Said Gore, Nov. 10, 1803
Stephen and Levine Newell, Feb. 11, 1782
Sumner and Julia Ann Wood, int. Nov. 4, 1848
William F. of Oxford and Emely Curtis, Nov. 27, 1832
Willis and Keziah Allen, Oct. 4, 1807
Willis and Maryann Benson, int. Aug. 29, 1838
WOODARD (see Woodward)
Julia H. of Sturbridge and Calvin Chamberlain 2d, Jan. 7, 1838
Reuben of Charlton and Alice Raynolds, Dec. 29, 1805
[Woodward in int.], Mrs. Sally of Charlton and Royal Sabin, May 11, 1800
Salley of Attleborough and James Brown, int. March 12, 1809
WOODWARD (see Woodard)
Harriet N. and Daniel Davis, int. Oct. 29, 1838
Alfred of Denmark, N.Y., and Mary L. Morris, June 28, 1842
[Wonsemuge in int.], Thomus of Natick and wid. Hannah Quitticus Nov. ----, 1758
WORDEN (see Warden)
Asa and Nancy Haven, Jan. 17, 1830
Ezra D., and Prudence H. White, April 7, 1825
[Wodkins in int.], Georg of Newmedfield and Delivorance Robbins, Oct. 15, 1735
Deverd and Benjamin M. Hill of Thompson, Conn, int. Dec. 18, 1814
Samuel of Brookfield and Louis Corbin, May 25, 1774
WYLLEE (see Wiley, Willy)
Mary of Oxford and Noah Dodge, int. Feb. 21, 1761
WYMAN (see Wiman)
[Wymen in int.], Uzziah of Townshen and Sara Lillie, Dec. 15, 1756
WYNN (see Winn)
Mrs. Laura and John Burk, int. Jan. 26, 1823
----, Lucy and Maj. Brown, Oct. 29, 1808
