Vital Records Of Dudley, Worchester Co., Ma
To The End Of The Year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Marriages - HOBART to NYE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Polly of Leicester and Abner Rice, April 27, 1794. At Leicester
Amasa of Sturbridge and Rhoda Baldwin of Spencer, Oct. 1, 1835. In Spencer
Clarinda of Sturbridge and A. H. Pope of Oxford, May 16, 1837. In Sturbridge
David of Sturbridge and Abigail Pratt of Charlton, June 8, 1836. In Charlton
Ruth and Abel Mason of Sturbridge, Dec. 30, 1762. In Sturbridge
Sally of Sturbridge and Salem Pratt of Carlton, June 8, 1836. In Sturbridge
Anna and Ezra Holdbrook, Nov. 6, 1783
Mary and William Curry, int. Oct. 29, 1826
Elon and John Franey, int. June 19, 1845
HOLBROOK (see Holdbrook)
Wid. Betsey and Lieut. William Smith, both of Charlton, Jan. 2, 1804
Betsy and Ezra Healy, Jan. 18, 1791
Lieut. John of Thompson and Wid. Olive Vorce, Nov. 11, 1800
Sabrina of Bellingham and Peter Joyce, int. June 10, 1826
HOLDBROOK (see above)
Ezra and Anna Hodges, Nov. 6, 1783
Mrs. Penelopy of Oxford South Gore and Benjamin Smith, March 13, 1800
Perry and Mrs. Selah Bliss of Oxford South Gore, March 13, 1800
Dr. David and Almira Brown of Thompson, int. June 20, 1830
HOLMES (see Holms)
Mrs. Dorothy of Woodstock and John Vinton, Jan. 11, 1770. At Woodstock
Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Thomas M. Larned, int. May 8, 1839
Phebe of Woodstock and Ralph Vinton, int. June 15, 1766
William C. of Woodstock, Conn., and Marcia Flint, May 2, 1827
HOLT (see above)
Mrs. Bathsheba of Woodstock and Dea. Joseph Edmunds, int. July 12, 1746
Georg of Windham and Elizebeth Coburn, int. Aug. 5, 1738
Amos and Hannah Foster, March 10, 1768
Arctus and Esther MerKinstry, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 10, 1834. In Sturbridge
Henry and Molly Edmunds, July 12, 1770
Mahala and Daniel Mullet, Nov. 14, 1816
Susan B. of Millbury and Harvey Perry, int. March 14, 1822
Weston and Sally Sweet, int. Aug. 16, 1828
Alice H. of Webster and George W. Perry, int. Oct. 7, 1843
Amasa and Sally Moore, July 4, 1823
Betsey C. of Thompson and Lieut. John E. Day, int. Aug. 20, 1826
Elijah and Ann Brown of Charlton, int. Dec. 11, 1812
Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Edward Howard, int. March 31, 1819
Phebe Ann and Raddai Wight, Dec. 10, 1829
Mrs. Eunice of Carlton andWilliam Fisher, int. Sept. 8, 1798
Ezekiel and Eunice Pease, Nov. 19, 1772
Josiah and Hannah May of Pomfret, Nov. 25, 1773
Josiah Jr. and Betsey Barret of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 24, 1802
Olive and Albrough Runoulds of Woodstock, int. Feb. 9, 1771
HOW (see Howe)
Alice of Killingly and Thomas Newell, int. March 7, 1739-40
Alice of Killingly and Perley Philips, int. Sept. 3, 1785
Artemas and Elisabeth Parkman of Brookfield, int. Sept. 11, 1773
Charlotte and Calvin Chamberlain, int. Oct. 24, 1790
Daniel and Eunice Burt of Killingley, int. Nov. 27, 1773
Elizabeth and Wyman Ainsworth, Jan. 31, 1781
Wid. Mary of Charlton and Philip Corbin, int. May 15, 1768
Samuel of Hopkinton and Jerutia Cody, Sept. 17, 1811
HOWARD (see Hayward)
Betty and Joseph Scholfield, Feb. 27, 1815
Edward and Lucy Houghton of Thompson, Conn., int. March 31, 1819
Hannah and Roger Williams of Glocester, Jan. 7, 1779
Sarah and Bradford Barnes, Oct. 23, 1780
Sarah and Ammon Platt, Sept. 29, 1836. In Webster ?
Simeon and Abigail Wetherill, April 14, 1774
---- of Thompson and Lemuel Cudworth, int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
HOWE (see How)
Francis and Hannah Robbins, Dec. 21, 1828
Hannah and Jedidiah Corbin, Oct. 9, 1772
Rev. Perley and Mrs. Damaris Cady of Killingley, int. Sept. 27, 1735
Rebecca of Killingly and Manser Warren, int. March 30, 1794
Sally B. of Charlton and Thomas Clarke of Leicester, Jan. 31, 1836. In Charlton
Barnice and Willard Howland, int. June 10, 1831
Lois Lovan of Douglass and Isaac Amidon 2d, int. June 7, 1831
Mary and William Gully, Nov. 26, 1829
Willard and Prudence Corttis of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 9, 1817
Willard and Barnice Howland, int. June 10, 1831
Alice of Woodstock and Joshua Healy, int. Oct. 5, 1823
Lucinda of Woodstock, Conn., and Stephen Kingsbury, int. May 20, 1820
Adam and Sally Davis, April 2, 1837
Ebenezer and Hannah Hagar of Waltham, Nov. 21, 1771. At Waltham
Adam and Esther Munyan, May 27, 1824
HUCHINS (see Hutchins, Hutchings)
Edward and Lydia Perce, int. March 10, 1750
Thomus Jr. and Abigail Perce, int. Jan. 28, 1733-4
William of Leicester and Betsey Sibley, April 24, 1836
Henry of Sturbridge and Matilda Bowers (people of Color), Nov. 9, 1815
Eliza and Francis Collier of Southbridge, Oct. 12, 1823
Josiah and Betsey Davis, Feb. 2, 1804
HUMPHREY (see Humphry)
Aaron of Spencer and Eliza Wilber, people of Color, Sept. 26, 1821
Dea. Ebenezer of Oxford and Wid. Abigail Marsh, int. Feb. 10, 1804
Daniel H. and Mehitabel Eliot of Smithfield, R.I., July 9, 1809
Elijah of Killingley and Esther Brown, Sept. 13, 1778
Isaac Jr. and Susanna Lebert, Dec. 22, 1768
John W. and Polly Robinson, April 27, 1818
Robert (s. Stephen F. and Roxalana H., single, a. 24) and Harriet M. Stone, Sept. 16, 1849
HUMPHRY (see above)
Stephen F. and Roxalney Brown, May 27, 1812
Peter of Glocester and Rebecca Carpenter, int. March 18, 1776
Richard and Elizabeth Warren, Nov. 13, 1777
Sarah and Samuel Fosket of Charlton, March 29, 1775
Waldo of Douglas and Maria (?)ham, Sept. 26, 1837
Patty of Oxford and David Bracket, June 29, 1803
Polly of Oxford and Amos Upham, int. Aug. 15, 1814
Thomas and Eunice Oliver, Dec. 1, 1814
HUTCHINS (see Huchins)
[Hutchens in int.], John and Olive Rood of Sturbridge, Oct. 9, 1766
Charles D. of Northbridge (s. Simon of Sutton, single, a. 28) and Elizabeth W. Pope, April 24, 1844
[Huchinson in int], Phebe of Malden and Joseph Sprague, Jan. 7, 1747-8. At Malden
Olive and John Vorcce [Vorce], Oct. 27, 1796
Maria B. and Waldo Huntington of Douglas, Sept 26, 1837
Remember and Sally Waite, Feb. 4 [int. Feb. 10], 1810
INMAN (see Innman)
Joseph and Lucy Sprague, Aug. 17, 1775
Nathan and Martha Easton of Glocester, int. June 30, 1775
Sarah and John Bowers, March 7, 1780
INNMAN (see above)
Jefferson and Dolly Gorse, int. Jan. 2, 1826
JACKSON (see Jakson)
Prudance of Chesterfield and Asa Robinson, int. Aug. 1, 1779
Almira of Thompson and Ephraim Upham Jr., int. Feb. 7, 1829
Ezra Jr. of Thompson, Conn., and Diania Albee, int. Nov. 21, 1834
Ira F. and Semantha Morse of Southbridge, int. April 8, 1841
Lucia of Thompson and Nelson Bates, int. April 19, 1824
Mary Ann of Thompson, Conn., and John Bates 3d, int. Feb. 1, 1832
Orson of Thompson, Conn., and Diadama Perry, Jan. 28, 1838
Solomon (Transient) and Patience Peagon, July 12, 1784
JAKSON (see Jackson)
Elizebeth and Samuel Warrin, July 15, 1756
[Jinnings in int.], Louis and Seth Perry of Sturbridge, June 28, 1774
[Gefferds in int.], Lydia and George Robinson, Dec. 6, 1750
John and Mary Sanger, Feb. 20, 1764
JEONS (see Jones)
Mary of Hopkinton and Paul Robinson, int. April 23, 1737
Aaron of Chesterfield and Hannah Curtis, Jan. 23, 1766
Abigail and Isaac Lee Jr. of Killingsley, Dec. 4, 1766
Adeline and Zephaniah Edmunds, Feb. 25, 1827
Asahel and Hannah Right of Woodstock, int. Aug. 23, 1767
Mrs. Bathshebe and Calvin Farnum of Grafton, Jan. 4, 1798
Benjamin and Olive Lamb, May 21, 1789
Betsey and Samuel Barnes, March 26, 1809
Jemima C. and Aaron Gould of Carlton, April 2, 1832
Jesse and Zerviah Corben, June 1, 1775
John Morris and Sarah Pratt of Oxford, int. Aug. 26, 1764
Joseph and Abigail Green of Killingly, int. Aug. 5, 1738
Martha and James Bacon of Woodstocke, March 6, 1760
Mary and John Bacon, Nov. 19, 1772
Mary A. and George Checkering, Dec. 24, 1837
Moses and Jemima Corbin, July 23, 1772
Nathaniel and Elizabeth Webster, March 20, 1739
Rebecca and William Richerds Jr. of Killingley, May 27, 1777
Wid. Rebecca [Rebeckah in int.] and Nathan Dennis, Feb. 6, 1781
Stephen W. and Lucy M. Chickering of Shrewsbury, int. March 17, 1840
Susanna of Oxford and Joseph Upham Jr., April 15, 1791. At Oxford
Walter and Mrs. Zilpha Brown, June ----, 1801
JEWETT (see Jewitt)
John and Esther C. Bates of Thompson, int. Dec. 17, 1825
Polly and Stephen R. Tenney, int. Nov. 7, 1819
Roger of Lanesbora and Polley Davis, June 28, 1795
Sylvia and John M. Pratt, int. July 21, 1821
JEWITT (see above)
David of Towson Parrish in the town of Killingly and Sarah Stevens, Oct. 9, 1734. At Oxford
Peter and Elizabeth Heath, April 9, 1836
Samuel of Thompson and Ruth Bates [Nov. ?] 7, 1793 ?
Aaron B. and Azubah L. Morse, int. April 3, 1838
Arnold and Laura Weaver, March 7, 1814
Benjamin H. and Eliza Chafee of Thompson, Conn., int. Dec. 5, 1843
Nathan H. (s. Nathan and Ruhamah, single, a. 23) and wid. Ann S. Smith of Holliston, June 3, 1847
Patten and Phebe Davis, Oct. 1, 1816
Ruhama and Rufus Conant of Charlton, April 3, 1838
Silas and Surlinday Bugbee, March 6, 1792
JONES (see Jeons, Joons)
Ebenezer and Rachal Adams, Aug. 11, 1839
Esther and Daniel Bacon of North Woodstock, March 3, 1770
James and Thamer Freeman, March 11, 1827
Mary and Charles Ryan, int. Aug. 16, 1834
Nathaniel, living in or near Lescester, and Mrs. Mary Wakfeild, int. April 4, 1747
Samuel and Matilda Davis, both of Charlton, Feb, 19, 1796
JOONS (see above)
Consider and Hannah Vinton, March 30, 1758
[Jourdan in int.], Lorenzo of Thompson, Corm., and Sally Barnes, Apra 25, 1832
JOSLEN (see Jocelin)
Benjamin of Killingley and Susannah Robinson, Nov. 16, 1774
Alexander of Thompson, Conn, and Lavira Bixby of Webster, April 1, 1840
Mrs. Lydia of Thompson and Calvin Vinton, int. March 28, 1829
Susanna of Thompson, Conn., and Nahum Wallis, int. Jan. 10, 1807
JOURDAN (see Jordon)
Lorenzo of Thompson, Conn., and Sally Barnes, int. April 8, 1832
Emeline and Elisha Chase, int. Sept. 1, 1827
Almira of Thompson and Silas Sibley, int. Sept. 13, 1829
[Joice in int.], Peter and Sally Williams Perry, Sept. 28, 1823
Peter and Sabrina Holbrook of Bellingham, int. June 10, 1826
KEITH (see Kieth)
Betsey and Alanson Bates, Jr., Dec. 30, 1819
Chloe and Josiah Corbin, June 17, 1802
Hartwell and Mary Bassett of Bridgewater, Mass., int. March 10, 1816
Joseph and Sarah Mayo, May 19, 1777
Lewis and Rhoda Healy, March 29, 1821
Oren and Hannah Perry, July 9, 1820
Parmenus and Julitta Sly, Feb. 2, 1832
Pheebey [Phebe in int.], of Uxkridge and John Curtis, April 19, 1770. At Uxbridge
Reuben and Orinda Kimbell of Thompson, int. May 25, 1816
Submittee and Alpheus Wakefield, March 7, 1816
Thomas and Wid. Lucy Conant, Oct 16, 1816
Alvah and Martha E. Millington of Oxford, int. Nov. 22, 1845
Hannah and Hale C. Gleason of Oxford, int. Nov. 22, 1824
Lucy Ann and Joseph Booth, Dec. 2, 1830
Polly and Horace Fairbanks, Sept. 21, 1823
Stephen N. of Smithfield, R.I., and Abigail Talbut, Jan. 2, 1825
[Keyes in int], Edward S. Esq. of Ashford, Conn., and Nancy Haskell, Dec. 16, 1829
Benjamin and Phebe Sabin, Nov. 9, 1775
Chloe and John Congdon, Dec. 23, 1827
David and Susannah Upham, Feb. 23, 1768
Eunice and Joseph Upham Jr., April 16, 1765
Hannah and Alexander Brown of Killingley, Aug. 17, 1775
Jedediah and Chloe Foster, May 5, 1789
Mary and Dr. William Gleason, May 30, 1774
Nathaniel and Polly Eddy, Feb. 12, 1792
Patty and John H. Day, Sept. 9, 1821
Rachel and Jesse Dimmock of Mansfield May 19, 1751
Rebecca and Josiah Barnes, Nov. 25, 1779
Richard and Rebecca Curtis, int. Oct. 12, 1793
Samuel and Sarah Corbin, March 30, 1758
Samuel and Zilpha Bacon, Sept, 27, 1787
Sara and Stephen Edmunds, Jan. 15, 1778
Wid. Sara and Jonathan Bacon, Feb. 3, 1785
Susan of Wardsborough, Vt., and Enoch Healy, int. Aug. 20, 1818
Wid. Susannah and Dea. John Davis of Oxford, Oct. 1, 1778
Triphena of Wordsborough, Vt., and Daniel L. Healy, int. Dec. 29, 1816
KIETH (see Keith)
Lydia and Lieut. John Curtis Jr., June 5, 1788
Abigail P. (d. Henry and Abigail, single, a 30) and Samuel Bidwell, April 15, 1847
Julia A. (d. Henry and Abigail, a. 21) and John A. Robinson, May 13, 1847
Rebecca A. (d. Henry and Abigail, single, a. 26) and Henry C. Farnum, June 26, 1845
Mary and Samuel Fay of Killingly, int. Jan. 1, 1764
KIMBALL (see Kimbell)
Charles E. of Westborough (s. John and Patty, widr., a. 37) and Melissa Curtis, June 30, 1847
William of Oxford and Mrs. Polly Seaman, int. Sept. 15, 1827
KIMBELL (see above)
Orinda of Thompson and Reuben Keith, int. May 25, 1816
Samuel and Phebe Burrel of Killingsley, int. Feb. 16, 1771
Albemarle and Caleb Brown, March 28, 1824
Andrew of Charlton and Dolly Conant, Oct. 24, 1816
Asaph [Jr. in int.] of Charlton and Sylvia Lee, April 4, 1832
Asaph of Enfield, Conn., and Phebe Lee, Jan. or June 26, 1838
Lucy of Charlton and Hosea Conant, int. May 10, 1818
Primus and Philena Ephraim, people of color, int. Dec. 26, 1826
D. [Davie in int.] B. and Mrs. Louisa B. Lee, May 5, 1842
Davie B. and Betsey Robinson, Oct. 7, 1838
Esther of Oxford and Dougless Robins, May 4, 1772. At Oxford
James H. and Louisa Elwell, Feb. 4, 1839
Jeremiah and Sally Butler, int. Aug. 27, 1831
Jonathan and Elizabeth Shumway of Oxford, Aug. 4, 1791. At Oxford
Laura and Elijah Lyon of Thompson, Conn., March 10, 1830
Marth R. of Webster and Charles H. Perry, int. Sept. 29, 1849
Mary Olive and Daniel Marcy, int. Aug. 7, 1828
Stephen and Lucinda Howlet of Woodstock, Conn., int. May 20, 1820
[Capt. in int.], Baylies and Ann Frances Winsor, Oct. 20, 1825
Capt. Baylies and Lucy E. Winsor, July 23, 1833
Elizabeth of Millbury and James M. Phelps, June 5, 1832
Elisha and Elizabeth Davis Hancock, Dec. 5, 1816
Emeline (d. Samuel P., single, a. 27) and Charles A. Babcock, Aug. 20, 1844
Francis E. and Ethalynda Robinson, Oct. 9, 1838
Harriet [Harriot in int.] and Marcus Ormsbee, Dec. 4, 1833
Jeremiah of Cranston, R.I., and Abigail Healy, April 20, 1829
Samuel D. of Freeport, R.I., (s. Samuel P., single, a. 25) and Martha M. Maynard, May 13, 1845
Dr. Samuel P. and Hariot Eaton, May 22, 1811
Catharine and Thomas Clissold, May 9, 1830
Polley and Amos Wakefield both of a Gore of Land adjoining to Oxford, Oct. 10, 1783
Artemas of Southbridge, and Mary M. Hill, May 4, 1841
Mrs. Betsy of Charlton and William Morriss, int. Oct. 14, 1799
Charles and Laura Wetherill, April ----, 1836
David of Charlton and Judith Fitts, March 12, 1778
Dorothy of Oxford and Andrew White, int. Dec. 10, 1763
Eneas and Anna Blackmar, Nov. ----, 1792
Francis and Adaline Sibly, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1838. In Charlton
[Lieut. in int.], Jonas and Betsey Mansfield, May 4, 1817
Lydia and Benjamin Conant, Sept. 17, 1746
Olive and Benjamin Jewell, May 21, 1789
Abel of Oxford and Sarah Corbin, int. Oct. 9, 1830
[Learned in int.], Betsey Upham and Preston Carpenter of Millbury, Oct. 20, 1831
Betsey of Oxford and Josiah Upham, int. March 6, 1836
Daniel of Oxford and Hannah Palmer, Sept. 20, 1807
Davis and Mary Stone of Oxford, Dec. 6, 1810
Deborah of Oxford and George Robinson, Feb. 7, 1775. At Oxford
Dolly and Loren Leavens, Feb. 12, 1817
Elisabeth and Daniel Marcy, June 21, 1787
Eliza and Moses Barnes, April 16, 1829
Elizabeth of Canterbury, Conn., and George L. Leavens, int. Sept. 14, 1820
Elizabeth D. and Reuben Davis, April 10, 1833
[Learned in int.], Hannah of Oxford and Samuel Robinson, Aug. 25, 1748. At Oxford
Hannah and Rufus Amidon, May 24, 1821
Hannah and Samuel Moore of Thompson, Conn., Sept. 4, 1833
Miss Hannah Maria and James J. Robinson of Webster, Nov. 29, 1838
[Learned in int.], Jacob of Oxford and Elizabeth Atwood, Jan. 8, 1784
Jemima of Oxford and Joseph Brown of Thompson, Oct. 25, 1787
John the 3d of Oxford and Martha Wakefield, Dec. 6, 1781
Lucy and Samuel Corbin Jr. of Killingly, Jan. 18, 1781
Martha of Oxford and Enoch Marsh, int. March 12, 1809
Mary S. and William Upham, May 27, 1843
Miriam of Oxford and Semeon Upham, June 22, 1735
Morris and Elizabeth Eaton, Nov. 29, 1810
Nancy and William Barker, Dec. 19, 1791
Wid. Rachel of Killingley and John Haskel, int. Nov. 17, 1781
Rachal and Stephen Haskell, Sept. 15, 1785
Rufus of Oxford and Elizabeth Day, Oct. 31, 1819
Ruth and Jedidah Marcy Jr., April 4, 1782
Samuel of Oxford and Mary M. Wakefield, Dec. 28, 1837. In Webster ?
Sarah of Oxford and Isaac Mophet, Nov. ----, 1761. At Oxford
Simon of Oxford and Louisa Whittemore, Oct. 22, 1832
Dea. Simpson and Mrs. Polly Hewett of Eastford, Conn., int. April 6, 1846
Thomas and Hannah Morriss, May 12, 1785
Thomas of Oxford and Dolly Dean, Feb. 18, 1829
Thomas M. and Lucy Holmes of Thompson, Conn., int. May 8, 1839
William Jr. and Nancy Amidown, Oct. 13, 1785
William and Hannah Hancock, int. April 5, 1813
Abner and Lucy Martain of Douglass, int. June 28, 1783
[Lesure in int.], Newell G. M. of Oxford and Almira Darling, Aug. 30, 1824
Lyman of Oxford (s. William and Anna L., single, a. 23) and Emily Pope, Oct. 14, 1845
Fanny of Sturbridge, and Eleab Marsh, Dec. ----, 1805
John and Sarah Healy, Dec. 27, 1787
Lois of Sturbridge and Liman Vinton, Sept. 28, 1794
Silence of Sturbridge and Amasa Alton of Charlton, Sept. 28, 1794
LEARNED (see Larned, Lenard)
Davis of Oxford and Mrs. Upham, int. Oct. 17, 1802
Hepsibeh [Hephzibah in int.] of Oxford and Benjamin Upham, Nov. 26, 1778. At Oxford
John 3d of Oxford and Wid. Abigail Wakefield, Nov. 6, 1794. At Oxford
Joseph of Oxford and Hannah Chever, int. Jan. 20, 1747-8
Benjamin Jr. and Sylvia Healy, May 13, 1819
George L. and Elizabeth Larned of Canterbury, Conn., int. Sept. 14, 1820
Jesse and Mrs. Sylindia Whitford of Thompson, int. March 14, 1802
Loren [Loring in int.] and Dolly Larned, Feb. 12, 1817
Mary A. of Webster and Reuben P. Taft, int. Jan. 1, 1848
[Leebrit in int], Susanna and Isaac Humphery Jr., Dec. 22, 1768
Benjamin Jr. and Polley Gore, March 15, 1803
Isaac Jr. of Killingsley and Abigail, Jewell, Dec. 4, 1766
Jacob and Phebe Curtis, Dec. 13, 1801
Joseph Jewell and Hannah Fairbanks, Feb. 22, 1803
Joel and Mary Newton, int. Jan. 24, 1782
Mrs. Louisa B. and D. B. Kingsbury, May 5, 1842
Mary and John Chamberlain, Sept. 19, 1782
Nabby [Nabbe in int.] and Orlando Griggs of Brimfield, Sept. 25, 1823
Phebe and Asaph King of Enfield, Conn., Jan. [June ?] 26, 1838
Mrs. Rhoda of Douglas and Welcome Arnold, int. Feb. 10, 1804
Roswell and Polly Coburn of Thompson, int. Jan. 10, 1801
Sylvia and Asaph King of Charlton, April 4, 1832
Calvin and Lucy Buck of Killingly, Conn., int. Sept. 6, 1813
George and Elizabeth Scrivenger, int. Oct 24, 1828
Benjamin F. of Carlton, s. Samuel P. and Ruth of Charlton, single, a. 25, and Mary L. Pratt, May 13, 1847
LENARD (see Larned, Learned, Lenerd)
Elezeboth and Obediah Sabin, Dec. 17, 1752
Moses of Ruthland and Wid. Sarah Hall, int. Nov. 12, 1757
LENERD (see above)
Abi of Dugliss and Nathaniel Brown, int. Jan. 26, 1757
Rachel of Presson, Conn., and Rufus G. Taylor, int. Jan. 1, 1815
Abigail and Benjamin Dennis, int. June 29, 1741
Dr. Ebenezer and Abigail Morris, Dec. 9, 1762
John Jr. and Elizabeth Dennis, April 1, 1747 [dup.]
Joseph and Mary Sterns of Suttin, Sept. 14, 1756
Sarah and Uzziah Wyman of Townshen, Dec. 15, 1756
Burr of Windham, Conn., and Elmira Wood, Sept. 30, 1827
George of New Haven, Conn., and Caroline Brown of Sturbridge, Oct. 5, 1834. In Sturbridge
Addison of Webster and Susan Partridge, int. April 10, 1833
Charlotte and William H. Grant of Wrentham, April 28, 1824
John E. and Eliza Corbin, April 2, 1834
[Wid. in int.], Lydia of Medfield and Jonathan Day, Dec. 7, 1780. At Medfield
Emily and Francis Delonchamp, int. Sept. 30, 1849
Lucindia of Thompson and Nathan Wood, int. Aug. 13, 1796
Albert and Mary P. Brown, both of Woodstock, Conn., April 22, 1838. In Woodstock
Corbin of Woodstock, Conn., and Rebeccah Vinton, March 20, 1809
Elijah of Thompson, Conn., and Laura Kingsbury, March 10, 1830
Jonathan of Woodstock and Rebeccea Corbin, Dec. 22, 1763
Keziah and Timothy Foster, May 17, 1754
Lucian of Southbridge, born Woodstock, Conn. (s. Corbin, single, a. 30), and Hannah Haskell, Sept. 23, 1845
Nathaniel and Alvira Whittemore of Brookfield, int. July 26, 1829
Waldo and Lydia Hall of Claremont, H.N(?)., int. Jan. 23, 1837
James Jr. of Sutton and Beuler Bacon, Nov. 23, 1784
Thomas of Rutland and Dolley Dalrymple, Nov. 22, 1781
MACLURE (see Mecluer)
[Mecluer in int.], John of Towson Parrish and wid. Sarah Webster, June 13, 1759
Catharine L. of Westford, Vt., and Ezra O. Mixer, July 11, 1841
James and Lucinda Albee of Charlton, Nov. 21, 1825
Ebenezer Jr. and Nanney Morris, int. Oct. 1, 1763
Sarah Ann, of Webster and William S. Brown, int. Oct. 13, 1848
Jennett, d. Hugh and Margaret (single, a. 22) and John Barnet, Oct. 9, 1846
MACKENTIAH (see McIntire, Mackintire)
Phebe of Thompson and Joshua Eateton, int. March 19, 1743
Orelia and Hiram Vinton, int. Jan. 27 1835
Amity B. of Southbridge and Chandler Healy, Sept. 18, 1837
Diantha G. of Southbridge and Luther Stockwell, int. Sept. 2, 1838
Esther and Arctus Hooker, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 10, 1834. In Sturbridge
MACKINTIER (see Machentiah, McIntire)
Mary of Charlton and Robert Mackintier, int. Nov. 6, 1756
Robert and Mary Mackintier of Chalton, int. Nov. 6, 1756
Sarah of Oxford and Nathan Dennis Jr. Nov. ? 1753
Azubah of Webster and Lucian Corbin, April 19, 1837. In Douglass
Elnathan of Charlton and Martha Thompson, Dec. 7, 1780
Harriet and Elliot Prince, Nov. 26, 1840. In Douglass
William Jr., Esq. of Franklin and Caroline M. Brown, Nov. 21, 1832
John and Lydia Emerson of Thompson, int. March 29, 1818
Asa and Hephisbah Conant, Feb. 16, 1792
John of Worcester and Sukey Greenwood, Jan. 1, 1817
Martha Whitman of Portsmouth, N.H., and John Webb Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1830. (Discontinued.)
MANNARD (see Maynard)
Thomas M. of Southbridge and Lydia M. Marsh, int. Aug. 27, 1838
Susannah of Woodstock and John Vinton Jr., int. Sept. 27, 1783
Abijah and Peggy Willington, June 10, 1793
Betsey and Jonas Lamb, May 4, 1817
Chloe and Robert Dodge of Charlton, March 7, 1813
Daniel and Rhoda Albee of Charlton, Oct. 14, 1789. At Carlton
Daniel and Mrs. Clarisa Hawkins, int. May 6, 1848
Elizabeth of Killingly and Nathan Sly, int. July 7, 1781
Elliot and Jemiraa Davis, of Oxford, April 7, 1829
Hosea and Polly Colburn of Charlton, int. Sept. 16, 1814
Jera and Lucretia Corbin, Feb. 14, 1814
Lefa and William Coburn of Millbury, Dec. 30, 1822
Mary and David Sly of Franconey, int. Oct. 8, 1785. forbid by her
Mary and Ebenezer Fitts Jr., Dec. 15, 1785
(?)la and Henry Coburn of Charlton, June 4, 1815
Mary A. of Charlton and E. C. Cleveland, Oct. 13, 1835. In Charlton
Dorithy [in int.] of Sturbridge and Joseph Vinton, Dolly, Feb. ----, 1805
Abigail and Willard Adams, Dec. 28, 1790
Alfred and Barbara Albee, April 7, 1830
Andrew A. and Clarentine Town of Charlton, int. Nov. 26, 1826
Augustus and Sally Carter, April 17, 1822
Barbara and Asa E. Edmunds, March 18, 1827
Wid. Beriah and Dr. John Elliot Eaton, April 12, 1781
Bradford and Cynthia Stevens of Charlton, int. Feb. 5, 1814
Daniel and Elisabeth Larned, June 21, 1787
Daniel Jr. and Mary Olive Kingsbury of Oxford, int. Aug. 7, 1828
Daniel and Elisabeth Larned, June 21, 1787
Elizabeth and Jonathan Stephens of Charlton, Jan. 12, 1812
Jedediah of Sturbridge and Mary Healy, Dec. 1, 1748
Jedediah Jr. and Ruth Larned, April 4, 1782
Jedediah of Southbridge and Esther Healy, Nov. 29, 1816
Joseph and Beriah Thayer of Mendon, May 27, 1778. At Mendon
Larned and Harriot Perry of Charlton, int. March 28, 1824
Larned and Lydia Chamberlain, Oct. 9, 1831
Mahitable of Sturbridge and Charles Negus, int. July 9, 1814
Mary and Bradford Barnes, int. Dec. 28, 1778
Prudy and Thomas Cottrill, int. July 12, 1795
Rhoda and Stephen Healy, Jan. 23, 1783
Wid. Ruth of Sturbridge and Col. Moses Healy, int. June 12, 1814
John W. of Oxford and Mary H. Scholefield, Sept. 21, 1844
Abigal and Tubal Wakefield, Feb. 14, 1793
Wid. Abigail and Dea. Ebenezer Humphrey of Oxford, int. Feb. 10, 1804
Abigail and Samuel Aldrich, Oct. 5, 1836. In Webster ?
Anna and Hosea Upham, May 29, 1803
Betsey and Daniel B. Smith of Oxford, int. Nov. 20, 1832
Daniel L. and Sarah W. Cudworth, April 23, 1838. At North Oxford
Eleab and Fanny Lawton of Sturbridge, Dec. ----, 1805
Emeline and Samuel Nichols of Millbury, Nov. 11, 1835
Enoch and Martha Larned of Oxford, int. March 12, 1809
John and Sophia Shumway of Oxford, int. Nov. 2, 1839
John and Mary E. Haven, int. March 1, 1845
Joseph and Mrs. Bathsheba Coburn of Oxford, int. Feb. 2, 1802
Lovicy and Danforth Burgess of Thompson, int. April 13, 1838
Lydia and Russel White of Oxford, April 6, 1828
Lydia M. and Thomas M. Mannard of Southbridge, int. Aug. 27, 1838
Martha (d. Enoch and Martha, single, a. 17) and Marcus M. Waldren, April 7, 1846
Mehitable and Joel Wakefield, March 10, 1791 [2 ?]
Phebe and Alanson B. Bixby, April 1, 1839
Thomas and Abigail Nichols of Charlton, int. Jan. 13, 1816
Amasa and Tamer Wilder, March 20, 1780
Lydia and Rufus Amidon 2d, Aug. 15, 1830
Peter and Sarah Davis, March 20, 1744-5
Lucy of Douglass and Abner Lasure, int. June 28, 1783
Rebeccah and Moses Putney, April 6, 1809
Ephraim Jr. and Phidelia Chaim of Ashford, Conn., int. March 21, 1812
Abel of Sturbridge and Ruth Hobbs, Dec. 30, 1762. In Sturbridge
John and Sarah Sabin, April 20, 1773. At Sturbridge
Joseph and Naomi Fitts, Oct. 6, 1799
Lydia of Douglass and Joshua Wakefield, int. Aug. 11, 1817
Betsey and Daniel Albee March 17, 1791
Caty [Cate in int.] and John Cleaverland, March 15, 1781
Eleazer and Abigail Prince, Sept. ----, 1779
Hannah of Pomfret and Josiah Hovey, Nov. 25, 1773
John and Almira Pope, int. Nov. 3, 1828
John B. [Bacon in int.] of Woodstock, Conn., and Sylvia Albee, June 17, 1813
John D. and Calling F. Elwell, Sept. 28, 1841
Lucy and Levi S. Park, May 6, 1827
Mary and Thomas Chafy of Woodstock, April 8, 1779
Nathaniel and Betsy Allen, April 20, 1786
Ruth B. of Thompson, Conn, and Hamilton Ballard, int. Dec. 10, 1842
Sally and Otis Ammidown, int. [Aug. 2, 1807.]
Samuel Jr. and Aney Putnam, Nov. 25, 1773
Samuel Jr. and Polley Child, both of Charlton, Dec. 20, 1803
Susanna and David Stone of Sutton, Sept. 8, 1788
Martha M. (d. Joab, single, a. 23) and Samuel D. Knight, May 13, 1845
Cynthia of Oxford and Ziba Davis, int. Sept. 24, 1828
Hannah and William Carter Jr., Dec. 18, 1777
Sarah and Joseph Keith, May 19, 1777
William and Sally Dennis of Oxford, June 21, 1825
---- of Thompson and Mary Ephram, int. March 28, 1812
MECLUER (see Maclure)
Mary of Brookfeild. and Asa Coburn, int. March 20, 1762
William and Ellen Steen, int. Nov. 4, 1848
Naney of Charlton and Col. John Eddy Jr., int. Oct. 10, 1817
Elizebeth of Killingly and Habakkuk Davison, int. Nov. 27, 1763
[Miles in int.], Nathaniel of Killingly and Sarah Corbin, April 29, 1762
David S. and Cebrice Town, Sept. 17, 1833. 1834 ?
Susan B. of Thompson, Conn., and Freeman G. Perry, int. Nov. 3, 1832
Hiram of Thompson and Bathsheba Bates, April 30, 1822
Lucy of Thompson and Titus Vespatian Shepherd, int. Dec. 10, 1803
Abigail and Elezear Putney, May 29, 1754
Edward W. of Leicester (s. John H. and Amy, single, a. 25) and Helen Robinson, March 13, 1848
Emely of Webster and Schuyler Tourtellott, int. April 2, 1837
Ezra O. and Catharine Macomber of Westford, Vt., July 11, 1841
Phinehus and Lydia Shapley, Jan. 1, 1744-5
Sarah of Southbourgh and Daniel Newell, int. Jan. 3, 1761
MOFFIT (see Moffitt, Mophet)
Rufus and Polley Sibley of Sutton, Dec. 2, 1803
Sally and William Brown, both of Oxford, Dec. 5, 1802
MOFFITT (see above)
Elihu and Lydia Conant, int. Aug. 9, 1795
Reuel of Oxford and Lucinda Brown, int. May 11, 1825
MOLTON (see Moulton)
Reuben and Abigail Tourtellot, May 26, 1818
Thomas of Webster and Catherine Collins, int. Sept. 6, 1834
MOOR (see More)
Ann and Matthew Ryan, int. Oct. 28, 1831
Charles C. of Southbridge (s. Chandler and Mary, single, a. 21) and Maria M. Edwards, Nov. 30, 1848
Collins, see Calvin Mower
Collins Jr. of Oxford and Sibil Wood, Dec. 15, 1802
Rufus and Emeline Fessenden of Charlton, int. Nov. 20, 1830
Sally and Amasa Houghton, July 4, 1823
Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Fay of Thompson, int. Nov. 26, 1801
Samuel of Thompson, Conn., and Hannah Larned, Sept. 4, 1833
Silvia of Oxford and Joseph Rawson Jr., Dec. 18, 1788
[More in int.] Susanna of Oxford and Silas Robinson, Oct. 14, 1743. At Oxford
Wid. Zeruiah of Charlton and Williams Polley, int. March 10, 1770
MOPHET (see Moffit)
[Moffit in int.], Isaac and Sarah Larned of Oxford, Nov. ----, 1761. At Oxford
Betsey Ann of Woodstock and Cyrel L. Bacon, int. Nov. 4, 1821
Ceasor and Jenna Morse, int. Sept. 14, 1792
MORRIS (see Morriss)
Abigail and Dr. Ebenezer Lillie, Dec. 9, 1762
Benjamin of Killingly and Margerit Corbin, July 16, 1755
Clarissa and John Dresser Thompson, April 14, 1827
Elizah Gore and Tamma Davis, Nov. 26, 1790. At Charlton
Elisha and Prudence Nichols of Charlton, int. Aug. 20, 1814
John and Rebeckah Gore, int. June 15, 1763
John Holly and Silence Perrin of Pomphret, int. March 15, 1788
Levi Jr. of Jepferson, N.Y., and Lucy R. Greenwood of Millbury, Jan. 22, 1818
[wid.] Marcy and Jacob Baker, Sept. 22, 1811
Mary L. and Alfred Woolworth of Denmark, N.Y., June 28, 1842
Nanney and Ebenezer Macon Jr., int. Oct. 1, 1763
Sanford and Polly Corbin, May 10, 1829
Schuyler and Susan Comins, both of Charlton, March 29, 1838. In Charlton
William and Experience T. Perry, April 4, 1842
Zebulon and Martha B. Congdon of Sturbridge, int. March 14, 1829
MORRISS (see above)
Benjamin Jr. and Sylvia Carter, Oct. 5, 1786
Edward and Dorcas Corbin, March 23, 1771
Hannah and Thomas Larned, May 12, 1785
Rebecca and Silas Haydin, Feb. 10, 1785
Mrs. Rebeca and Lieut. William Smith, Feb. 27, 1799
Thomas and Margeret Warren, June 3, 1784
William and Mrs. Betsy Lamb of Charlton, int. Oct. 14, 1799
Zebulon and Mrs. Marcy Brown, int. March 6, 1797
MORSE (see Morsse)
Aurelia of Southbridge and Charles Vinton, int. March 13, 1830
Azubah L. and Aaron B. Johnson, int. April 3, 1838
Benjamin of Sturbridge and Mrs. Lucy Cheny, int. Oct. 10, 1802
David and Hannah Wilcox, Oct. 4, 1787
David and Assenah Gibbs of Charlton, Jan. 19, 1794
Jenna and Censor Morney, int. Sept. 14, 1792
Jessa [Jesse in int.] and Persis Stone, April 9, 1792
John and Eunice Bartholomew, Jan. 12, 1769
Mary and John Streeter, both of Charlton, March 24, 1784
Phebe of Weston and Eliphalet Weston, int. March 3, 1820
Ruggles of Charlton and Sally Cheny, int. Dec. 2, 1794
Semantha of Southbridge and Ira F. Jacobs, int. April 8, 1841
MORSSE (see above)
Hannah of Woodstock and Andrew Coburn Jr., int. July 3, 1762
Reuben of Charlton and Abigail Tourtellot, May 26, 1818
MOULTON (see Molton)
Benjamin K. and Almira Walker of Framingham, int. June 7, 1833
Elizabeth of Oxford and Jacob Rich of Charlton, Nov. 9, 1837. In Charlton
[Molten in int.], Levi, and Nancy Farnum, Nov. 29, 1814
Mark D. and Eliza P. Pond of Oxford, int. Nov. 6, 1833
Calvin [Collins Moore is correct] of Oxford and Elizabeth Chamberlain, July 11, 1787. At Charlton
Daniel and Mahala Hooker, Nov. 14, 1816
Electa of Ashford, Conn., and Aaron Davis, int. Oct. 2, 1824
Manning of Eastford, Conn., and Rachel R. Elwell, June 3, 1827
Samuel and Esther Allard of Woodstock, int. April 14, 1793
Dan and Eliza Carroll of Oxford, July 11, 1826
Esther and Adam Hubbard, May 27, 1824
Polly and Arthur Carroll of Thompson, Oct. 8, 1822
[Murphy in int.], Elizabeth and William B. Whiting, April 2, 1840
Salley of Woodstock and Thomas Cottrill, int. Nov. 18, 1792
Frances and Edwin Rice, both of Brookfield, March 20, 1838. In Brookfield
Mary of Thomson Parrish and Jeans Dike, int. April 11, 1742
John of Woodstocke and Tabitha Newell, April 23, 1760
Polly of Charlton and Royal Corbin, int. Jan. 15, 1814
Salmon of Thompson, Conn., and Mary Ann Town, Aug. 25, 1833
Charles and Mahitable Marcy of Sturbridge, int. July 9, 1814
Abijah and Hiphsibeth Curtis, Dec. 6, 1753
Asa and Jersuha Wood, Oct. 17, 1785
Asenah [Aseanath in int.] and Oliver Willard, May 3, 1781
Benjamin and Lucy Dodge, May 7, 1765
Daniel and Sarah Mixer of Southbourgh, int. Jan. 3, 1761
Daniel and Elizabeth Putnam, Dec. 5, 1768
Gamaliel of Woodstock and Rebeckah Foster, int. March 20, 1790
Hannah and Ebenezer Edmunds Jr., Dec. 14, 1752
Hannah and Jeremiah Haskel, April 8, 1777
Jerusha and John Brackit, May 6, 1762
Wid. Jerusia [Jarusha in int.] and Solomon Tyler of Uxbridge, June 28, 1809
John and Mary Willard, Sept. 28, 1767
Dea. Jonathan and Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam of Sutton, Nov. 17, 1762. At Sutton
Justus and Mary Robinson of Killingley, int. Jan. 22, 1774
Levine and Stephen Wood, Feb. 11, 1782
Lois and Nathaniel Bacon of Woodstock, April 20, 1758
Mary and Hezekiah Bellows, Aug. 3, 1759
Mehiteble and Joseph Ayrs of Lamstown, Nov. 22, 1738
Millecent and Ezra Conant, Jan. 1, 1745-6
Philip and Abigal Scarbrough of Woodstock, int. Feb. 5, 1743
Philip Jr. and Ruth Evens of Woodstock, int. May 5, 1759
Samuel and Rachel Ross, Feb. 23, 1769
Sarah and Joshua Healy Jr., Dec. 19, 1747
Wid. Sarah and Joseph Sabin, Nov. 2, 1758
Tabitha [Tabathy in int.] and John Narrimore of Woodstocke, April 23, 1760
Thomas and Alice How of Killingly, int. March 7, 1739-40
Edward P., born in Monson, resident in Monson (s. Hiram and Mary of Monson, single, a. 24), and Sarah I. Bacon, Nov. 20, 1849
Mary and Joel Lee, int. Jan. 24, 1782
John and Mrs. Mary Carroll, July 3, 1836
NICHOLS (see Nicko1s)
Abigail of Charlton and Thomas Marsh, int. Jan. 13, 1816
Abijah of Oxford and Susan Underwood, Sept. 15, 1819
Alexander Jr. of Oxford and Nancy Willard, April 18, 1821
Amasa and Sally Eaton, Dec. 28, 1802
Clarissa and Franklin Smith, both of Charlton, May 14, 1837. In Charlton
David and wid. Nancy Winsor of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 24, 1795
David Jr. and Polley Conant, June 30, 1796
Elijah and Millisant Bracket, March 29, 1791
Eliphal of Oxford and Jeremiah Upham, March 12, 1839
Eunice and William Winsor, May 8, 1800
Ishmael and Rhoda Austin, May 29, 1820
Jonathan of Thompson, Conn., and Salley Winsor, June 7, 1802
Lavinia E. of Oxford and Fitts A. Barnes, int. May 21, 1827
Lucy and Theodore Dwight of Thompson, May 31, 1801
Phebe and Rufus Coburn of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 3, 1807
Prudence of Charlton and Elisha Morris, int. Aug. 20, 1814
NICKOLS (see above)
Allexander [Elixander in int.] and Margeret Willy of Oxford, Feb. 26, 1738-9. At Oxford
Kezia of Middleton and Benjamin Pudney, int. Oct. 27, 1739
Samuel of Millbury and Emeline Marsh, Nov. 11, 1835
Betsey L., of Hopkinton and Amos Aldrich Jr., int. March 2, 1821
Mary Ann of Oxford and Michael Hart, int. March 29, 1835
Mary of York, Me., and Joseph P. Allen, int. Sept. 30, 1826
[Nurce in int.], Hephzibah, residing in Reading, and Moses Chamberlain, April 20, 1775. At Reading
Charles of Thompson, Conn., and Betsey S. Waldren, Jan. 1, 1840
Charles and Adaline Vinton of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 1, 1849
George W. of Abington (s. Apollos and Lucy, widr., a. 25) and Cornelia T. Waldron, March 1, 1848
