Vital Records Of Dudley, Worchester Co., Ma
To The End Of The Year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Marriages - CORAH to HINDS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

CORAH (see Cory)
Abigail of Plainfield, Conn., and Ichabod Brackett, int Feb. 3, 1816
John and Abigial Harbach of Sutton, Jan. 30, 1765. At Sutton
Zerviah and Jesse Jewell, June 1, 1775
Abigail and Thomas Addams of Charlton, int. Sept. 2, 1776
Abigail and Hollis Wood, Dec. 18, 1807
Anna and Sabin Allen of Munson, int. March 5, 1792
Asa and Patience Smith, Nov. 16, 1769
Mrs. Becca, and Hezekiah Healy, Nov, 14, 1798
Benjamin A. of Oxford and Lovisa Brown, int. Nov. 22, 1835
Betsey (d. Royal and Mary, single, a 23) and George H. Gough, both of Blackstone, July 12, 1846
Calista of Charlton and Charles A. Raillion, int. March 2, 1841
Caroline and Anson W. Penniman of Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1842
Clement Jr. and Rachel Bacon, Nov. 18, 1753
Clement and Sabra Chamberlain, int. Sept. 17, 1791
Cynthia and Nathan Sly Jr., Nov. 29, 1810
Dexter and Cynthia Rich of Charlton, int. Sept. 15, 1816
Dolly and Lemuel Healy, Jan. 7, 1790
Dolly and Thompson Slade, April ----, 1836
Dorcas and Edward Morriss, March 23, 1771
Dorcis [Dorcas in int.] and Benjamin Fairbanks, March 1, 1749
Dorarthy [Doritha in int.] and Joseph Perrin of Woodstock, July 13, 1768
Elisha and Sarah Hele, int. Oct. 6, 1739
Elisha and [wid.] Experience Barnes of Plymouth, July 19, 1772, At Plymouth
Elisha Jr. and Experiance Barns, Feb. 27, 1775
Elisabeth and Danniel Ainsworth of Woodstock, int. Dec. 22, 1765
Eliza and John E. Love, April 2, 1834
Elkanah and Hannah Harlow of Plymoth int. Oct. 2, 1773
Hannah and Samuel Fairbank Jr. Jan. 8, 1745-6
Hannah of Woodstock and Benjamin Coburn, Sept. 25 [26 ?], 1746
Hannah and Willard Albee Jr. of Waterford Village, Mendon, Nov. 28, 1839. At Webster
Harriet and Silas Chase of Douglas, May 31, 1843
Hiram and Fanny Sheperd, both of Leicester, Nov. 17, 1833
James and Anne Tucker of Chalton, int. April 11, 1761
James and Mary Pope, June 29, 1817
Jedidiah and Hannah Howe, Oct. 9, 1772
Jemima and Moses Jewell, July 23, 1772
Joshua and Rhoda Wood, Sept. 6, 1781
Joshua Jr. and Almira Barret, Jan. 25, 1824
Josiah and Chloe Keith, June 17, 1802
Julia and Chester Clemans, May 17, 1837
Larned and Betsey P. Waldo, int. April 9, 1814
Lemuel and Rebecca Davis of Oxford, Dec. 8, 1763
Lemuel and Judith Bush, Nov. 15, 1796. In Brookfield
Lewis and Polly Sayles, Dec. 16, 1821
Louis and Samuel Wright of Brookfield, May 25, 1774
Lucian and Azubah McIntire of Webster, April 19, 1837. In Douglass
Lucretia and Jera Mansfield, Feb. 14, 1814
Lucy and Jonathan Conant, July 9, 1772
Lucy and John Brown of Charlton, Oct. 30, 1808
Margerit and Benjamin Morris of Killingly, July 16, 1755
Mary and Dr. Alkanah Daye, June 29, 1753
Mary Ann and Daniel Whiting, April 1, 1834
Maria of Oxford and John W. Wood, int. April 5, 1845
Matilda and John Wakefield, int. Sept. 11, 1814
Mehitable and Peter Butler of Oxford, Nov. 23, 1800
Moses and Sarah Bacon of Woodstock, int. Oct. 13, 1769
Philip and Wid. Mary How of Charlton, int. May 15, 1768
Phillip and Roby Healy, Nov. 26, 1789
Polley and Caleb Brown, Oct. 22, 1802
Polly and Sanford Morris, May 10, 1829
Rebecca and Jonathan Lyon of Woodstock, Dec. 22, 1763
Rhoda and Sylvanus Wakefield of Charlton, Jan. 8, 1812
Royal and Polly Needham of Charlton, int. Jan. 15, 1814
Rufus and Hannah Wetherill, Nov. 13, 1799
Ruth of Webster and Emory Davis of Oxford, Nov. 15, 1836
Samuel and Jaen Davis of Roxbery, Jan. 6, 1735-6
Samuel Jr. of Killingley and Lucy Larned, Jan. 18, 1781
Samuel and Sally Albee of Charlton, July 31, 1814
Sarah and Samuel Kidder [of Bedford], March 30, 1758
Sarah and Nathaniel Miles of Killingly, April 29, 1762
Sarah and Livi Wight Jr., both of Oxford South Gore, Oct. 24, 1782, at Said Gore
Sarah and Calvin Vinton, May 30, 1809
Sarah and Abel Larned of Oxford, int. Oct. 9, 1830
Solomon James and Eliza Wheeler, people of Color, int. Dec. 27, 1823
Stephen and Patience Vinton, Sept. 26, 1786
Susannah and Thomas Gould of Woodstock, May 12, 1757
Susannah and Jennison Dodge of Charlton, June 21, 1818
Sylvia and William Walker Jr. of Ashford, Conn., May 28, 1806
Sylvia H. (d. Josiah and Chloe, single, a. 29) and Samuel H. Davis, Nov. 5, 1846
Timothy and Abigail Vinton, Oct. 20, 1774
Timothy Jr. and Mrs. Ruth Albee, April ----, 1801
William and Eliza Schofield, March 8, 1841
CORTIS (see Curtis, Corttis)
[Curtis in int], John and Grace Smith, Dec. 28, 1760
[Curtis in int.], Sophronia (d. Zichri and Prudence of Thompson, Conn., single, a, 35) and Jude Allen, Dec. 3, 1848
CORTTIS (see Cortis, Curtis)
Charles and Tabathy Upham of Killingly, int. Dec. 31, 1775
Japheth and Mary Upham of Killings, int. April 2, 1774
John and Sarah Robinson of Oxford, int. Dec. 21, 1734
Prudence of Thompson, Conn., and Willard Howland, int. Nov. 9, 1817
CORY (see Corah)
Ama of Sturbridge and Ethan Bullard, int. June 2, 1816
Milven [Melven in int.] of Hartford, Vt., and Joanna Dennis, Jan. 30, 1783
Samuel and Polley Adams, int. March 1, 1796
Thomas and Salley Murrey of Woodstock, int. Nov. 18, 1792
Thomas and Prudy Marcy, int. July 12, 1795
Martin of Southbridge and Susan Bacon, Sept. 15, 1828
Lemuel and ---- Howard of Thompson, int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
Olive and Asa Stone, Dec. 19, 1822
Ruth and Caleb Wight, both of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 14, 1786, at said Gore
Sarah W. [M. ?] and Daniel L. Marsh, April 23, 1838. At North Oxford
Eliab and Harriet Webster of Thompson, int. Dec. 14, 1828
Mary of Auburn and Edwin S. Ball, int. Dec. 7, 1844 ?
Ebenezer and Ellice Chase, July 9, 1791
John Obed and Elsbeth Curtis, July 1, 1790
CUMSTOCK (see Comstock)
Wid. Ruth of Woodstock and John Haskell, int. July 5, 1818
William and Mary Hogan, int. Oct. 29, 1826
CURTIS (see Cortis, Corttis)
Asa and Hannah Carriel of Suton, Dec. 25, 1767. At Sutton
Chester and Lucinda Willis of Charlton, int. Oct. 25, 1818
Chester (s. John and Lydia, widr., a. ----) and Eliza Davis, Oct. 18, 1849
Chloe and Joshua Chamberlain of Homer, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1805
Edward and Lucy Chamberlain, Oct. 4, 1770
Elisha and ----Vilot (?), int. Dec. 20, 1793
Elizebeth and Jacob Amidown, Dec. 27, 1744
Elsbeth [Elizabeth in int.] and John Obed Cummins, July 1, 1790
Emely and William F. Wood of Oxford, Nov. 27, 1832
Esther and John Stone Jr. of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 28, 1810
Francis and Bethia Robinson, May 1, 1732. At Oxford
Hepsey, now of Underhill, Vt., late of Dudley, and Edmund Parker of Underhill, Vt., Jan. 26, 1804
Hephzibah [Hiphsibeth in int.] and Abijah Newell, Dec. 6, 1753
Hannah and Aaron Jewell of Chesterfield, Jan. 23, 1766
Hannah and Luther Chamberlain, April 5, 1787
Hulda and Jonathan Shattuck of Oxford, Nov. 30, 1769
Huldah and William Allen of Wardsborough, Vt, Feb. 26, 1790. At Charlton
Japhet Jr. of Thompson and Mrs. Clarisa Comstock, int. Jan. 5, 1806
Jared of Carlton and Phebe Putney, Dec. 10, 1783
John and Pheebey Keith of Uxbridge, April 19, 1770. At Uxbridge
Lieut. John Jr. and Lydia Kieth, June 5, 1788
Louisa C. (d. Chester and Lucinda, a. 20) and William Richardson, Oct. 12, 1847
Louisa P. and Chester Clemans, May 17, 1829
Lucretia and William Frink of Underhill, Vt., Dec. 12, 1799
Lucretia and Baldwin Vinton, Sept. 5, 1824
Mrs. Lucy and Smith Arnold of Thompson, Jan. 18, 1801
Lydia and John Graham, Nov. 28, 1833
Marcy and Silas Albee, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1794
Mehitibel and Jonathan Dennis, May 14, 1752
Melissa (d. Chester and Lucinda, a. 25) and Charles E. Kimball, June 30, 1847
Moses and Chloe Chamberlain, March 23, 1807
Phebe and Samuel Healy, Jan. 16, 1759
Phebe and John Clerk Jr. of Hampton, Conn., March 7, 1793
Phebe and Jacob Lee, Dec. 13, 1801
[Cortis in int.], Rebecah and John Fesenden, May 14, 1760
Rebecca and Richard Kidder, int. Oct. 12, 1793
Ruth and Ithamar Amidown, int. June 5, 1736
Samuel Jr. of Charlton and Mary Putney, April 3, 1776
Sarah and John Thompson, int. Feb. 24, 1770
William and Mehitible Amidown, Dec. 2, 1742
David and Dorathy Sabin, March 4, 1770
David and Sarah Edmunds, int. Jan. 11, 1744
Jacob and Aseena Gibbs of Charlton, int. April 10, 1790
Elener of Reding and Dr. Ebenezer Stimson, int. Sept. 1, 1748
DALRIMPLE (see forms below)
Wid Elizabeth and Samuel Bacon of Woodstock, Aug. 30, 1791
John and Mrs. Betsey Davis, April 4, 1799
Sally and Joseph Goulding of Ward, May 29, 1800
Zoradah and Elihu Upham, March 30, 1820
Thomas of Colrain and Mrs. Rhoda Healy, int. June 25, 1796
Robert and Martha Pierce of Sturbridge, int. June 19, 1790
[Dylrympble in int.], Dolley and Thomas McClanathan of Rutland, Nov. 22, 1781
Elizabeth and John Healy, April 20, 1780
Almira and Newell G. M. Lasure of Oxford, Aug. 30, 1824
Thomas and Sylvina Smith of Thompson, Conn., Dec. 1, 1829
Patiance [of Killingly in int.] and Samuel Pagan, July 9, 1756
Anna [Anna in int.] of Oxford and Ebenezer Foster Jr., Aug. 25, 1805
Aaron of South Brimfield and Mrs. Tamme Bartlett, Nov. 29, 1801
Aaron and Electa Mumford of Ashford, Conn., int. Oct. 2, 1824
Abigail and Thomas Stone, April 9, 1823
Abel and Tryphena Hill, int. Nov. 1, 1806
Amasa and Hannah Healy, April 13, 1786. [This entry crossed out in original]
Amasa 2d (s. Henry, single, a. 23) and Fidella Davis, Oct. 21, 1844
Asa and Polly White of Carlton, int. Sept. 7, 1817
Benjamin and Sibblla Rockit of Oxford, March 13, 1734. At Oxford
Betsey of Killingly and Dr. John Elliot Eaton, int. Dec. 27, 1788
Betsey, and Josiah Humes, Feb. 2, 1804
Betsey and Levi Upham, March 30, 1823
Betsey (d. Abram and Bathsheba H., wid., a. 43,) and John Fortune, Nov. 22, 1847
Mrs. Betsey and John Dalrimple, April 4, 1799
Chester and Philena Town of Thompson, int. May 30, 1824
Clarisa and Payton Randolph Phipps of Thompson, May 26, 1814
Daniel and Harriet N. Woodward, int. Oct. 29, 1838
Dolley and Lemuel Foster, June 7, 1789
Dyer and Betsey Haven, Jan. 1, 1828
Dea. Edward and wid. Abigail Watson of Oxford, April 22, 1776. At Oxford
Edward, Jr., and Huldah Healy, Dec. 26, 1787
Eliza (d. Edward and Huldah, a. 47) and Chester Curtis, Oct. 18, 1849
ELsey and Ziba White, Oct. 12, 1831
Emory of Oxford and Ruth Corbin of Webster, Nov. 15, 1836
Fidella (d. Hezekiah H. Singli, a. 22) and Amasa Davis, 2d., Oct. 21, 1844
Frederick and Lois N. Rich of Charlton, int. April 25, 1841
George (s. Hezekiah H. and Sally, single, a. 24) and Lucy E. Davis, March 20, 1845
Hannah and Reuben Stone, Feb. 8, 1821
Harriet and Payton R. Phipps of Thompson, Conn., Oct. 25, 1831
Henry and Matilda Upham, March 9, 1820
Hezekiah H. and Sally H. Davis, March 20, 1830
Hudah [Huldah in int.] and Jonathan Bacon Jr. of Greenfield, Sept. 29, 1813
Jaen [Jane in int.] of Roxbury and Samuel Corbin, Jan. 6, 1735-6
Jemima of Oxford and Elliot Mansfield, April 7, 1829
Dea. John of Oxford and wid. Susannah Kidder, Oct. 1, 1778
Joseph Jr. and Mary Foster, Dec. 5, 1793
Joseph 2d. and Emily Clemans, Oct. 9, 1831
Joshua, and Mrs. Susannah Dodge, March 13, 1799
Joshua and Sally Upham, April 3, 1831
Louisa M. of St. Johnsville, N.Y., and E. W. Williams, int. Sept. 24, 1838
Lucy and William Brown, Oct. 14, 1773
Lucy E. (d. Henry and Matilda, single, a. 20) and George Davis, March 20, 1845
Lydia and Ebenezer White, Dec. 16, 1773
Lydia E. and Jacob Bates, March 29, 1832
Miss Lydia H. and Samuel H. Davis, Nov. 24, 1842
Maria and Ira J. Bates of Webster, int. Feb. 24, 1849
Mary of Oxford and Asa Robinson int., Dec. 28, 1777
Mary of Oxford and Nathaniel Healy Jr., Jan. 3, 1788
Matilda and Samuel Jones both of Charlton, Feb. 19, 1796
Moses and Marcy Healy, April 18, 1816
Phebe and Patten Johnson, Oct. 1, 1816
Polley and Roger Jewett of Lanesboro, June 28, 1795
Polly and Elijah Pratt, March 30, 1823
Rachal and Simeon Upham, int. March 6. 1813
Rebecca of Oxford and Lemuel Corbin, Dec. 8, 1763
Reuben and Elizabeth D. Larned, April 10, 1833
Rhoda and Archelaus T. Tourtellot, March 27, 1825
Roby and Thomas Barrett, int. Aug. 27, 1831
Ens. Rufus and Sally Dunber of Charlton at Southbridge [or Charlton ?], Dec. 25, 1803
Ruth of Sturbridge and Marcus Vinton, int. May 4, 1839
Salem and Julina Dodge of Charlton, int. March 14, 1833
Sally of Oxford and Joshua Wetherill, int. Nov. 13, 1808
Sally and Adam Hubbard, April 2, 1837
Sally H. and Hezekiah H. Davis, March 30, 1820
Samuel Jr. and Jane Benson, Jan. 2, 1817
Samuel and Calista Clemans, April 5, 1832
Samuel of Webster and Chloe Simpson, Oct. 22, 1837
Samuel H. and Lydia H. Davis, Nov. 24, 1842
Samuel H. (s. Edward and Huldah, widr., a. 35) and Sylvia H. Corbin, Nov. 5, 1846
Sarah and Peter Marshall, March 20, 1744-5
Sarah F. (d. Henry and Matilda, single, a. 22) and Densmore Bailey, March 20, 1845
Sarah H. and Horatia Phelps of Thompson, Conn., May 22, 1825
Sophia and William Healy Jr., Oct. 19, 1815
Susan and George Smith, Aug. 24, 1828
Tamma and Elizah Gore Morris, Nov. 26, 1790. At Charlton
Thomas of Killingley and Rebecca Bracket, Dec. 25, 1783
Thomus of Oxford and Rebecah Healy, Nov. 18, 1742
Zenas and Juliaett Pratt of Oxford, int. Nov. 13, 1842
Ziba and Cynthia Mayo of Oxford, int. Sept. 24, 1828
Abigail and John Whitmore, Sept. 8, 1762
Habakkuk and Elizebeth Merril of Killingly, int. Nov. 27, 1763
John and Elisabeth Coburn, May 2, 1739
John and Zerviah Coburn of Charlton, Feb. 11, 1762. At Charlton
John and Rhoda Putney, both of Charlton, July 25, 1781
Mehitabel and Stephen Cartur, May 4, 1762
Ralph U. of Brooklyn, Conn., and Dolly H. Conant, March 2, 1843
DAY (see Daye)
Asa and Delilah Green, May [3 or] 25, 1825
David and Mercy Fisher of Wrentham, July 3, 1776. At Wrentham
Elizabeth and Rufus Larned of Oxford, Oct 31, 1819
Dr. Elkanah and Jane Bacon, Jan. 8, 1761
Mrs. Hannah and Augustus Eddy, int. Nov. 14, 1796 [1797 ?.]
Jabez and Salley Eddy, int. Nov. 14, 1797[?]
John of Westminster, Vt., and Polley Barns, int. Dec. 4, 1790
John and Polly Bacon, Feb. 20, 1791
Lieut. John E. and Betsey C. Houghton of Thompson, int. Aug. 20, 1826
John H. and Patty Kidder, Sept. 9, 1821
Jonathan and [wid.] Lydia Lovell of Medfield, Dec. 7, 1780. At Medfield
Rebeca and Parker Palmer, Nov. 21, 1802
Sally and Abiel Healy, Sept. 15 or Oct. 20, 1825
Zebina of Sutton and Thankfull Vinton, int. Feb. 4, 1837
Zynecia and Allen Hancock Jr., March 25, 1824
DAYE (see above)
Dr. Alkanah [Elkanah in int.] and Mary Corbin, June 29, 1753
DEAN (see Deane)
Dolly and Thomas Larned of Oxford, Feb. 18, 1829
Marcy and Aldrich Wiley, int. May 26, 1770
Mary and John Chase of Thompson, April 4, 1821
Waity and Daniel Brennan, Oct. 27, 1825
DEANE (see Dean)
Eliza of West Woodstock, Conn., and Francis Fitts, Nov. 1, 1835. In West Woodstock
Julia A. of Woodstock, Conn., and Pitt Sharp of Pomfret, Conn., March 19, 1838. In Woodstock
Patrick and Mary Gardner, Jan. 8, 1831
Mary of Chalton and Simeon Wakefield, Nov. 7, 1759
Francis and Emily Loverly, int. Sept. 30, 1849
Benjamin and Abigail Lillie, int. June 29, 1741
Betsey and John Briley of Worcester, Oct. 14, 1841. In Worcester?
Damaris and Joseph Clemens, June 22, 1750
Elizebeth and John Lillie Jr., April 1, 1747
Elizabeth. of Sutton and Benajah Ha11, Feb. 7, 1744-5. At Sutton
Erasmus of Oxford and Mrs. Chloe Taft, int. May 23, 1827
Eunice and Caleb Pond, int. Oct. 31, 1776
Joanna and Milven Cotton of Hartford, Vt., Jan. 30, 1783
Jonathan and Mehitibel Curtis, May 14, 1752
Nathan Jr. and Sarah Mackintier of Oxford, Nov. ? 1753
Nathan and wid. Rebecca Jewel, Feb. 6, 1781
Sally of Oxford and William Mayo, June 21, 1825
Unis and Caleb Pond, int. Oct. 20, 1759
Lucy and Thomas Taylor, July 8, 1765
Mary of Charlton and Eseck Tourtellot, int. Oct. 31, 1823
Benjamin and Bettie Richerds of Tompson Parrish in Killingly, int. Aug. 13, 1743
Ebenezer and Abigail Call of Oxford, int. Dec. 3, 1743
Moriah of Killingly and Elisha Sabin Jr., int. Oct. 26, 1754
Capt. John Jr. of Volingtown and Mary Stephens, int. April 26, 1772
Jeams and Mary Naremore of Thomson Parrish, int. April 11, 1742
Jerusha and Daniel Rider, Nov. 20, 1757
James and Elizebetb Bixby of Sutten, int. Nov. 7, 1740
Benjamin and Priscilla Robbins of Southbridge, May 11, 1823
Jesse of Mansfield and Rachel Kidder, May 19, 1751
Altheda and William Fisher of Elba, N.Y., int. June 22, 1822
Andrew and Jane Carriel of Sutton, May 8, 1777. At Sutton
Andrew and wid. Dorathy Hill, Dec. 7, 1817
Daniel of Killingly and Rebecah Chamberline, int. May 3, 1760
David and Tamer Wakefield, Dec. 21, 1809
Dorcas and William Fisher, Jr., April 3, 1796
Elisabeth and Ira Green, April 5, 1770
Elizebeth and Simon Chamberline, March 7, 1756
Wid. Elisabeth and John Bacon, Jan. 1, 1776
Gibbs of Charlton and Polly Wakefield, April 19, 1820
Harvey and Sally W. Barton, April 24, 1825
Jennison of Charlton and Susannah Corbin, June 21, 1818
Joseph and Sarah Tayler, June 21, 1750
Julina and Selem Davis of Charlton, int. March 14, 1833
Lucy and Benjamin Newell, May 7, 1765
Lucy and Curtis Phillips of Charlton March 27, 1828
Mark and Bethia Hill, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1789. At Oxford
Lieut. Mark and Hepzibah Bigelow, Feb. 20, 1793, In Brookfield
Wid. Mary and Daniel Barret of Killingley, Sept. 18, 1777
Mollay and Jacob Willson, April 22, 1777
Noah and Mary Wyllee of Oxford, int. Feb. 21, 1761
Paul and Elisabeth Heart of Redding, int. March 1, 1767
Paul and Mrs. Rhoda White of Carlton, int. April 22, 1798
Robert of Charlton and Chloe Mansfield, March 7, 1813
Mrs. Susannah and Joshua Davis, March 13, 1799
Thomas and Abigail Putney, Feb. 23, 1779. At Sturbridge
William and Elizebeth Thoits, June 8, 1758
Mrs. Hannah and Ziba Coman of Whitestown, N.Y. int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
Polly of Mendon and Elhanan W. Bates, int. Dec. 21, 1821
[Dresser?], Moses of Chesterfield and Abigail Blood of Charlton, May 7, 1777
Artemus and Mrs. Sylvia White, both of Charlton, March 14, 1802
Benjamin and Jemima Scot, both of Charlton, April 8, 1778
Isaac of Charlton and Susanna Taft, Dec. 20, 1780
John of Oxford and Sarah Scott, int. Feb. 2, 1739-40
Julia Ann, of Charlton and Nelson P. Town, int. Aug. 9, 1828
Molley of Douglass and William Robinson, int. March 5, 1792
Charles and Welthene J. Pike, July 28, 1839
Mary of Charlton and Joel Barnes, int. April 14, 1804
Mary A. and Elnathan W. West, both of Southbridge, Oct. 15, 1837
Sally of Charlton and Ens. Rufus Davis. At Southbridge [or Charlton ?] Dec. 25, 1803
Wid. Lucy and Jonathan Perry of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1803
William of Oxford and wid. Lucy Warren, Oct. 2, 1796. At Oxford
William and Zilpha Dunham, int. July 21, 1829
Caleb and Emeline Fox, of Woodstock int. Sept. 6, 1828
Eliza and Daniel N. Wood, July 4, 1823
Phebe and George Greaves, Dec. 26, 1819
Zilpha and William Duncan, int. July 21, 1829
Zylpha and Nathan Handy of Burrelville, R.I., Jan. 12, 1829
Charles of Webster and Margaret Sumeter, int. Jan. 8, 1848
Daniel and Mrs. Mary A. Karen of South Woodstock, Conn., int. March 5, 1841
Darius of Thompson, Conn., and Elizabeth Winsor, Nov. 17, 1808
Ralph and Sally Sears of Dennis, int. April 9, 1836
Susan and Rev. Vincent Shepherd of Plainfield, N.J., April 8, 1840
Theodore of Thompson and Lucy Nichols, May 31, 1801
Emilia of Carlton and Edward Chamberlain Jr., int. Dec. 28, 1806
John and Mrs. Polley Chamberlain, int. Feb. 20, 1799
Winthrop of Sturbridge and Mrs. Polley Vinton, int. April 22, 1798
EAMS (see Ames)
Samuel and Sarah Cartur, Nov. 27, 1755
EASTABROOKS (see Estherbrook)
John S. of Woodstock, Conn., and Louisa Taft, int. April 22, 1839
Martha of Gocester and Nathan Inman, int. June 30, 1775
Joshua and Phebe Mackentiah of Thompson, int. March 19, 1743
Elizabeth and Morris Larned, Nov. 29, 1810
Harlot and Dr. Samuel P. Knight, May 22, 1811
Dr. John Elliot and wid. Beriah Marcy, April 12, 1781
Dr. John Elliot and Betsey Davis of Killingly, int. Dec. 27, 1788
Lydia Woolcot and George Bowen of Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 13, 1812
Sally and Amasa Nichols, Dec. 28, 1802
Augustus and Mrs. Hannah Day, int. Nov. 14, 1796 [1797 ?]
Deborah and John Chandler of Woodstock, Conn., Jan. 8, 1807
Eaton and Fanny Searl of Southbridge, int. Jan. 25, 1818
Jesse and Amy Austin of Ward, April 26, 1827
Col. John Jr. and Nancy Meritt of Charlton, int. Oct. 10, 1817
Louisa (d. John and Nancy, single, a. 25) and Francis Orr, Oct. 15, 1845
Polly and Nathaniel Kidder [of Wardsborough, Vt.], Feb. 12, 1792
Salley and Jabez Day, int. Nov. 14, 1797 [?]
[Edmonds in int.], Ziby of Thompson, Conn., and Elizabeth Sly, June 9, 1811
[Edmands in int.], Gorton and Lucretia Haskell, Feb. 25, 1818
Abigail and Nathaniel Ellit, Nov. 1, 1744
Asa E. and Barbara Marcy, March 18, 1827
Benjamin and Mehitebel Trusdil of Pomfret, int. Sept. 26, 1747
Benjamin and Eunice Parker, Aug. 30, 1775
Cynthia and Abel Buckman of Woodstock, May 7, 1805
Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Newell, Dec. 14, 1752
Ebenezer and Molly Gail, May 16, 1776
Hannah and Edward Chamberlain of Oxford, Jan. 22, 1745-6
Wid. Hannah and William Abbot of Pomfret, June 4, 1778
Harriet and Ivory Stevens of Uxbridge "within a year" preceding April 6, 1827. [Int. Oct. 5, 1826.]
Hosea and Ursula Burgess of Thompson, int. Nov. 21, 1822
[Edmonds in int], John and Silence Emerson, May 19, 1768
John and Hannah Graton, Feb. 12, 1777
John Jr. and Experiance Pratt, Sept. 1, 1783
John Jr. and Huldah Bowers, Jan. 10, 1805
Dea. Joseph and Mrs. Bathsheba Holms of Woodstock, int. July 12, 1748
Joseph Jr. and Ruth Putney, Dec. 20, 175-[1750]
Joseph Jr. and Phebe Andrus of Pomfret, March 28, 1776
Joseph and Wid. Rachel Green of Woodstock, int. July 29, 1779
Lemuel and Hannah Peake, Dec. 1, 1779
Luther and Betsy Allen, Nov. 12, 1807
Mary and Joseph Scott, Dec. 27, 1738
Wid. Mehitibel and Joshua Vinton, April 22, 1762
Molly and Henry Hooker, July 12, 1770
Obadiah and Mary Willington of Thompson, int. April 6, 1823
Ruth and Peter Parker, Jan. 5, 1784
Sarah and David Cuttin, int. Jan. 11, 1744
Stephen and Sara Kidder, Jan. 15, 1778
William and Hannah Scott, Dec. 26, 1738
William and Lucy Fuller of Killingly, int. Aug. 11, 1775
Zephaniah and Adeline Jewell, Feb. 25, 1827
Maria M. (born Southbridge, resident in Dudley, d. Jacob and Lucy, a. 20) and Charles C. Moore, Nov. 30, 1848
Ophelia of Southbridge and George Healy, int. Oct 21, 1826
Mason and Betsey Reynolds, March 30, 1824
ELIOT (see Ellit)
[Elliott in int.], Mehitabel of Smithfield, R.I., and Daniel H. Humphrey, July 9, 1809
Sarah H. of Thompson, Conn., and Stephen E. Tuft, int. Sept. 11, 1814
Baxter of Brookfield and Lucy Upham, July 9, 1817
Rosana [Rosanna in int.] T. of Franklin, Conn., and Thomas Pope, Jan. 15, 1815
ELLIT (see Eliot)
Nathaniel and Abigail Edmunds, Nov. 1, 1744
Ablel and Rachel Foster, April 15, 1801
Benjamin and Mary Smith, Oct. 9, 1808
Callina F. and John D. May, Sept. 28, 1841
Charles B. and Mary Prince, Jan. 2, 1832
Elmira and Harris Skinner of Craftsbury, Vt., Feb. 23, 1834
Louisa and James H. Kingsbury, Feb. 4, 1839
Lucy and David Sanderson of Brandon, Vt., Jan. 18, 1827
Lieut. Mark of Killingley and Dorothy White, Aug. 29, 1774
Mark and Salley Barnes, Nov. 26, 1801
Mark and Susanna Bell, Dec. 24, 1843
Marke of Tompson [Killingly in int.] and Mary Hebberd, April 14, 1754
Mary Ann and Ebenezer Phelps, Jan. 2, 1832
Rachel R. and Manning Mumford of Eastford, Conn., June 3, 1827
Sally and Linus Tenney, int. Nov. 28, 1827
Savilla and Laban T. Wilson, Nov. 6, 1822
Betsey and Thomas Tracy, int. Dec. 29, 1825
Ebenezer of Thompson and Chloe Brown of Oxford South Gore, Nov. 11, 1802
Lucina and William Wakefield, Aug. 5, 1823
Lydia of Thompson and John Mallalieu, int. March 29 1818
Silence and John Edmonds, May 19, 1768
Philena and Primus King, people of Color, int. Dec. 26, 1826
Joshua of Nattick and Ruth Pagon, int. Nov. 30, 1766
Mary and ---- Measom(?) of Thompson, int. March 28, 1812
John of Natteck and Sarah Quittecus, int. Aug. 30, 1740
Almira and Orin Wakefield, int. Nov. 3, 1827
Celia and Oliver Adams, April 6, 1823
Martha and Asa Perkins, Sept. 12, 1824
Olney and Isabella Chase of Douglass, int. Dec. 17, 1815
Olney and Freelove Alger of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 10, 1819
ESTHERBROOK (see Eastabrook)
Polly of Pomphret, Conn., and Joseph Winship, int. May 2, 1813
Ruth of Woodstock and Philip Newell Jr., int. May 5, 1759
FABANKS (see forms below)
[Fairbank in int.], Benjamin and Mary Trumbell, June 23, 1755
Lieut. Samuel and Wid. Derathy White, int. July 9, 1771
Jonas and Mary Carter, Dec. 5, 1768
FAIRBANKS (see Farebanks)
Benjamin and Dorcis Corbin, March 1, 1749
Dell Louisa of Sturbridge and Artemas Wiswall, int. Dec. 16, 1827
Hannah and Joseph Jewell Lee, Feb. 22, 1803
Horace and Polly Kemp, Sept. 21, 1823
James and Mrs. Hannah Bacon, both of Sturbridge, March 9, 1798
Molly and John Willington, Aug. 18, 1791
Samuel Jr. and Hannah Corbin, Jan. 8, 1745-6
Azuba B. of Wrentham and George A. Tufts, int. Sept. 9, 1822
FAREBANKS (see Fairbanks)
Sarah and Ephraim Bacon of Woodstock, int. March 15, 1741
FARNHAM (see Farnum)
Joshua and Louis Bacon, both of Sturbridge, March 30, 1794
FARNUM (see above)
Calvin of Grafton and Mrs. Bathshebe Jewell, Jan. 4, 1798
Erastus, otherwise Eastman of Uxbridge and Rebecca Chamberlain, Jan. 22, 1800
Hannah C. of Webster (d. Joshua and Lois, single, a. 36) and Hale C. Cady, March 6, 1849
Henry C. of Enfield, Conn. (s. Obadiah and Abigail F., single, a. 26) and Rebecca A. Killam, June 26, 1845
Luther and Mrs. Kizoa Bacon, both of Sturbridge, Jan. 3, 1797
Nancy and Levi Moulton, Nov. 29, 1814
Susanna and Samuel Warren, Jan. 4, 1769
Mrs. Betsey of Thompson and Cyrill Bacon, Sept. 27, 1795
Mrs. Hannah of Thompson and Samuel Moore, int. Nov. 26 1801
Mrs. Phebe and Daniel Greenwood, Oct. 17, 1830
Samuel of Killingly and Mary Kimbal, int. Jan. 1, 1764
Wid. Sabrey of Killingly and Stephen Coman, int. Feb. 17, 1786
Dinah and Charles Brown of Johnston, April 15, 1782
John and wid. Mary Brown, April 10, 1792
Asa and Olive Alton, both of Charlton, Dec. 25, 1793
James and Almira Green of Thompson, int. Feb. 23, 1828
Margaret and George F. Fitzgerald, int. Sept. 17, 1825
John and Rebecah Curtis, May 14, 1760
William and Deborah Brown, int. March 15, 1794
Caroline and Alvin Child, Sept. 21, 1828
Emeline of Charlton and Rufus Moore, int, Nov. 20, 1830
John of Northbridge (s. George and Naome, widr., a. 34) and Mary R. Pope, April 22, 1847
Mercy [Marcy in int.] of Wrentham and David Day, July 3, 1776. At Wrentham
Oscar (s. ----, of Woodstock, Conn., single) and Jane Bemis, Aug. 26, 1844
William Jr. and Dorcas Dodge, April 3, 1796
William and Mrs. Eunice Hovey of Charlton, int. Sept. 8, 1798
William of Elba, N.Y., and Altheda Dodge, int. June 22, 1822
Sanford and Miss Lucy A. Tourtelott, March 29, 1841
Caleb and Rachel Patch of Oxford, Aug. 24, 1780. At Oxford
Ebenezer Jr. and Mary Mansfield, Dec. 15, 1785
Francis and Eliza Deane of West Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 1, 1835. In West Woodstock
Lefa and Dexter Alden of Southbridge, March 23, 1820
Judith and David Lamb of Charlton, March 12, 1778
Naomi and Joseph Mason, Oct. 6, 1799
Polly and Reuben Albee of Charlton, May 28, 1806
Sally and Caleb Pope, Oct. 18, 1820
Samuel and Eunice Case of Brooklyn, Conn., int. Oct. 26, 1812
George F., and Margaret Fenton, int. Sept. 17, 1823
Nathan and Huldah Clemons, Aug. 2, 1778
FLINN (see Flyn)
Peter and Mary Brogan, int. Aug. 11, 1849
[Flynt in int.], Marcia and William C. Holmes of Woodstock, Conn., May 2, 1827
Mary of Webster and Rufus Hill, int, Nov. 22, 1832
FLYN (see Flinn)
Richard and Miss Polley Rickards, Aug. 22, 1790
John (s. George and Isabella, single, a. 41) and wid. Betsey Davis, Nov. 22, 1847
Lucy of Charlton and Josiah Conant Jr., int. Oct. 22, 1795
FOSKET (see forms below)
Lucy of Carlton and Jacob Warren Jr., Jan. 17, 1775
Samuel of Charlton and Sarah Hunt, March 29, 1775
David of Carlton and Polly Town, int. July 19 1799. Afterwards forbid
William of Charlton and Clarissa Conant, April 23, 1809
FOSKITT (see above)
Ebenezer and Susanah Richardson of Woburn, int. March 25, 1738
Chloe [Cloa in int.] and Jedediah Kidder, May 5, 1789
Ebenezer Jr. and Aanna Davis of Oxford, Aug. 25, 1805
George and Willoba Chamberlain of Woodstock, int. [No date given, probably 1795 or 1796.]
Hannah and Amos Hooker, March 10, 1768
Hannah and Isaac Ammidon, int. March 1, 1794
Hanna and Gideon Parker of Coventry, int. Nov. 14, 1797 [?]
Jonathan and Mrs. Hannah Turtalott of Thompson, int. Jan. 22, 1802
Lemuel and Dolley Davis, June 7, 1789
Lorean and Thompson T. Albee of Conn., April 26, 1835
Mary [Molly in int.] and Joseph Davis Jr., Dec. 5, 1793
Wid. Mary and Josiah Perry, May 4, 1803
Mary P. and Jarius Putney, May 30, 1830
Nancy and Reuben Taft of Uxbridge, March 5, 1805
Parley [Pearley in int.] and Mary Willard, Sept. 21, 1808
Pheebe [Phebe in int.] and Asa Hall of Thompson, July 5, 1789
Polly and Nathaniel Bartlet, int. June 5, 1814
Rachel and Abiel Elwell, April 15, 1801
Rebeckah and Gamaliel Newell of Woodstock, int. March 20, 1790
Richard and Lydia Titas, Dec. 6, 1770
Salley and Ephraim Upham of Thompson, June 26, 1796
Silas and Mrs. Lucina Pickering of Mendon, int. Jan. 4, 1805
Susanna and Aculas Town of Thompson, int. Nov. 4, 1796
Timothy and Keziah Lyon, May 17, 1754
Timothy Jr. and Rachel Robinson, Dec. 9, 1762
William and Mary Brown, Jan. 13 or Feb. 8, 1781
Hannah and Asahel Albee Jr., int. Dec. 2, 1838
Mary Ann and Merrick Sly, April 25, 1841
Emeline of Woodstock and Caleb Dunham, int. Sept. 6, 1828
Walter W. of Pomfret, Conn., and Maria E. Tower, int. July 31, 1842
John and Elon Hogan, int. June 19, 1845
Eliza and Daniel Skinner, Aug. 31, 1828
Betsey and Orrin Raymond of Thompson, int. Dec. 13, 1827
Clementine and Oliver H. P. Thayer, June 24, 1838
David and Mrs. Dorothy L. Hill, May 5, 1800
Dolly and Josiah F. Taylor, both of Oxford, Sept. 11, 1828
Dyer and Mahitable Spencer of Sturbridge, int. March 18, 1832
George of Oxford and Adaline Towne, Nov. 29, 1832
Mary [Marcy in int.] of Killingley and William Brown, March 25, 1779
Mary of Sturbridge and Jacob Chamberlain, Sept. 6, 1774. At Sturbridge
Rufus A. and Clarisa D. Phipps, int Jan. 7, 1838
Thamer and James Jones, March 11, 1827
William of Underhill, Vt., and Lucretia Curtis, Dec. 12, 1799
Lucy of Killingly and William Edmunds, int. Aug. 11, 1775
Rodman and Lucretia Sly, March 31, 1813
Molly [Molley in int.] and Ebenezer Edmunds, May 16, 1776
Sarah and Ichabod Chamberlain, March 19, 1767
Richard Jr. of Oxford and Lucinda Brown, int. Dec. 27, 1846
Mary and Patrick Delehunt, Jan. 8, 1831
Mrs. Salley of Palmer and Rev. Abiel Williams, int. Jan. 22, 1802
GASKILL (see Ghaskill)
Sarah of Mendon and Artemas C. Pickering, int. Sept. 14, 1840
Mrs. Lydia and George Robinson, int. Nov. 10, 1750
GHASKILL (see Gaskill)
Hosea and Maryann Grant of Smithfield, R.I., int. Dec. 6, 1828
Aseena of Charlton and Jacob Daily, int. April 10, 1790
Assenah of Charlton and David Morse, Jan. 19, 1794
Percis D. of North Brookfield and John Shaw Jr., int. Aug. 9, 1829
B. [Benjamin in int.] F. and Abigail Hill, March 22, 1836
Hiram and Caroline H. Richerds of Southbridge, int. Dec. 4, 1842
William and Orinda C. Gould of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept 5, 1830
Rev. Charls and Mrs Bethiah Scarborough of Roxbury, int. Oct. 2, 1747
Eunice and Thomas Cheny, Jr., int. April 15, 1769
Hale C. of Oxford and Hannah Kemp, int. Nov. 22 1824
Lydia and Joseph Brown Jr., both of Oxford, Nov. 11, 1823
Mary and Winthrop Chandler of Killingley, Feb. 11, 1773
Paul of Adams, Berkhire Co., and Juda Warren, Feb. 16, 1802
Sarah and Dr. Thomas Sterne, March 5, 1769
Wid. Susannah of Charlton and Peter Phillips, July 24, 1760
William and Elisabeth Campbell, int. Dec. 12, 1768
Dr. William and Mary Kidder, May 30, 1774
[Godard in int], Deborah of Woodstock and John Coburn, Dec. 11, 1740
Silas of Montpelier, Vt., and Fanny Bartlett, Oct 6, 1825
Wid. Fanny and Dr. Hosea Rich of Thompson, Jan. 6, 1803
Hannah of Woodstock, Conn., and Ebenezer Brackit Jr., int. Sept. 1, 1806
Frederick and Ruth W. Brown, Jan. 1, 1829
Ruth E. of Charlton and Joshua Vinton [March ?] April 25, 1843
Warren and Clarinda Healy, June 15, 1836
Samuel and Phebe Chase of Charlton, int. Oct. 30, 1808
William H. and Matilda Wood, int. April 20, 1833
[Gordon in int.], Garner of Woodstock and Irena Clark, Sept. 26, 1787
[Jordan ?], Mary and Abisha Sabin, int. Dec. 13, 1783
Abigail and Benjamin Albee, May 14, 1797
Eliiah and Rebekah Vinton, int. March 7, 1739-40
Hannah and Brad F. Baker of Charlton, April 15, 1823
John and Hannah Carpenter, Nov. 23, 1775
John Jr. and Anna Carpenter of Sturbridge, int. April 24, 1813
Polley and Benjamin Lee Jr., March 15, 1803
Prusilla [Priscila in int.] and Artemos Cheany, May 20, 1790. At Charlton
Rebeccah and Orland Prince, April 4, 1810
Rebeckah and John Morris, int. June 15, 1763
Dolly and Jefferson Innman, int. Jan. 2, 1826
Sanford of Charlton and Martha Bracket, Sept. 7, 1829
George H. (s. James and Hannah, widr, a. 27) and Betsey Corbin, both of Blackstone, July 12, 1846
Aaron of Charlton and Jemima C. Jewell, April 2, 1832
Bathsheby of Woodstock and Richard Perry, int. March 5 1827
Bezaleal of Douglass and Bathsheba Robinson, April 9, 1778
Elenor and Charles Blackmar, both of Charlton, Nov. 8, 1837.
Lydia and Elisha Town, Nov. 24, 1796. At Charlton
Orinda C. of Woodstock, Conn., and William Gilmore, int. Sept. 5, 1830
Thomus of Woodstock and Susannah Corbin, May 12, 1757
Joseph of Ward and Sally Dalrimple, May 29, 1800
John and Lydia Curtis, Nov. 28, 1833
Maryann of Smithfield, R.I., and Hosea Ghaskill, int. Dec. 6, 1828
William H. of Wrentham and Charlotte Love, April 28, 1824
Hannah and John Edmunds, Feb. 12, 1777
George and Phebe Dunham, Dec. 26, 1819
GREEN (see Greene)
Abigail of Killingly and Joseph Jewell, int. Aug. 5, 1738
Aldrich and Polly Rawson of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 20, 1820
Almira of Thompson and James Fenton, int. Feb. 23, 1828
Catharine of Warwick, R.I., and Sylvester R. Cary, int. Aug. 6, 1820
Delilah and Asa Day, May [3 or] 25, 1825
Ebenezer of Killingly and Mary Wakfeild, int. June 8, 1750
Hannah of Stoneham and Thomas Vinton, March 31, 1742. At Stoneham
Holden R. and Anna S. Williams of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 10, 1812
Ira and Elisabeth Dodge, April 5, 1770
Mary of Stoneham and Benoni Vinton, April 29, 1742. At Stoneham
Mary of Volingtown and Samuel Chamberlain, int. May 27, 1770
Miriam of Killingly and Uriah Richardson, int. Nov. 22, 1740
Wid. Rachel of Woodstock and Joseph Edmunds, int. July 29, 1779
Willard of Oxford and Roxelina Weaver, int. Jan. 2, 1814
GREENE (see above)
Mrs. Dolley and Richard Arnold of Thompson, int. Dec. 19, 1802
Daniel and Mrs. Phebe Fay, Oct. 17, 1830
Lucy R. of Millbury and Levi Morris Jr. of Jepferson, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1818
Rosella and Tubel Wakefield, Sept. 19, 1816
Sukey and John Mann of Worcester, Jan. 1, 1817
Ebenezer and Mehitabel Putney, Dec. 10, 1745 [dup.]
Orlando of Brimfield and Nabby Lee, Sept. 25, 1823
Jonathan and Mary Brown of Killingley, int. Feb. 20, 1773
[Grow in int.], Elizabeth of Oxford and Jonathan Stone, Nov. 29, 1768. At Oxford
Wealthy of Mendon and Eunice Cheney, Nov. 13, 1814
William and Mary Howland, Nov. 26, 1829
Timothy and Anna Bridges, Sept. 20, 1770
[Hagur in int.], Hannah of Waltham and Ebenezer Hubbard, Nov. 21, 1771. At Waltham
Asa of Thompson and Pheebe Foster, July 5, 1789
Benajah and Elizabeth Dennis of Sutton, Feb. 7, 1744-5. At Sutton
David of Killingly and Sarah Robinson, April 21, 1763
Elizebeth and Seth Hinds of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 1, 1755
Lydia of Claremont, N.H., and Waldo Lyon, int. Jan. 23 1837
Samuel and Bethiah Brown of Killenly, int. Dec. 23, 1732
Wid. Sarah and Moses Lenard of Ruthland, int. Nov. 12, 1757
Joseph and Mary Stone, int. Sept. 20, 1828. (?)
Caroline of Burrelville, R.I., and George Tourtellott, int. Feb. 25, 1838
Phebe of Palmer and Josep Bracket, int. April 8, 1810
HAMMON (see Hammond)
Easter of Charlton and Moses Healy, int. Nov. 28, 1789
Lucyna of Wordsborough, Vt., and Hosea White, int. Oct. 4, 1835
HAMMOND (see above)
Elijah and Mary S. Beers, both of Charlton, Dec. 21, 1836. In Charlton
Isaac and Louisa Rice of Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1835. In Brookfield
Allen Jr. and Zynecia Day, March 25, 1824
Elizabeth Davis and Elisha Knight, Dec. 5, 1816
Hannah and William Larned, int. April 5, 1813
William and Mary Bowen of Woodstock (at Woodstock?), Dec. 11, 1817
John and Lucy Park, Nov. 22, 1827
Nathan of Burrelville, R.I., and Zylpha, Dunham, Jan. 12, 1829
Abigail of Sutton and John Corban, Jan. 30, 1765. At Sutton
Elizabeth and Jonathan Smith of Worwick, Nov. 30, 1769. In Oxford
Alpheus Jr. of New Salem, Mass., and Maria P. Taft, Sept. 6, 1842
Mary B. of Oxford and James G. Bacon, int. Nov. 7, 1830
Hannah of Plymoth and Elkanah Corbin, int. Oct. 2, 1773
Daniel and Elizabeth Bridge of Roxbury, June 20, 1745. At Roxbury
Sarah and Hollis Witt of Charlton, Jan. 9, 1820
HASKEL (see Haskell)
James and Elizabeth Vinton, June 3, 1784
Jeremiah and Hannah Newell, April 8, 1777
John and wid. Rachel Larned of Killingley, int. Nov. 17, 1781
HASKELL (see above)
Christopher and Betsey Wood, int. Sept. 16, 1838
Clarisa and Samuel Webster, Feb. 15, 1816
Elizabeth (d. John and Susannah, a. 24.), Jan. 4, 1848 and Samuel W. Smith, Jan. 4, 1848
Hannah (d. John, a. 26) and Lucian Lyon, Sept. 23, 1845
Henry and Nancy Vinton, March 25, 1830
John Jr. and Wid. Mary Chamberlain, April 13, 1794
Lieut. John 3d and Susannah Amidon of Southbridge, int. March 2, 1817
John and wid. Ruth Cumstock of Woodstock, int. July 5, 1818
John 2d and Rebecca Barret, July 5, 1827
Juliet and George Bugbee of Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 30, 1843
Lucretia and Gorton Edmonds, Feb. 25, 1818
Lydia and Asa Walker of Charlton, Feb. 27, 1788
Lydia and George B. Slater, both of Oxford, May 6, 1825
Nancy and Edward S. Keys Esq. of Ashford, Conn, Dec. 16, 1829
Prudence and Orrin Vinton of Woodstock, Conn., May 26, 1830
Samuel and Lydia Robinson, Dec. 17, 1817
Stephen and Rachal Larned, Sept. 15, 1785
Tamar and Jonathan Putney, May 29, 1776
William and Sylvany Williams of Cranson, R.I., March 23, 1809
HART (see Heart)
Michael and Mary Ann Noon of Oxford, int. March 29, 1835
Seth of Oxford (North Gore) and Isabella Henderson, int. Aug. 3, 1823
Betsey of Thompson and Amos Tourtellot, int. Nov. 23, 1821
Ezra of Charlton and Sally Brachet, int. Sept. 28, 1810
Huldah of Carlton and Nathan Child Jr., int. Nov. 19, 1809
Polly of Holland and David Healy, int. March 20, 1813
Abigail and Joseph Hill of Chalton, April 15, 1756
Elezebeth and Jacob Hill of Upton, May 8, 1760
HAVEN (see Havens)
Abraham and Polly Shumway of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept. 2, 1832
Betsey and Dyer Davis, Jan. 1, 1828
James and Sibel Bates, Jan. 1, 1822
Mrs. Mary A. of South Woodstock, Conn., and Daniel Dwight, int. March 5, 1841
Mary E. and John Marsh, int. March 1, 1845
Nancy and Asa Worden, Jan. 17, 1830
HAVENS (see above)
[Haven in int], Abram of Woodstock and Bathsheba Vinton, May 12, 1796
[Heaven in int.] Mary and John Webster, July 26, 1789
William and Wid. Sarah Brock of Woodstock, Sept. 21, 1775
Mrs. Clarissa and Daniel Mansfield, int. May 6, 1848
Elijah and Lurany Pierce, March 6, 1787
Mary [Marcy in int.] and Dan Warren, May 3, 1782
Silas and Rebecca Morriss, Feb. 10, 1785
HAYWARD (see Howard)
Clarisa of Oxford and John Brown, Feb. 8, 1816
Hannah of Quinsy and Samuel Robinson 2d, int. Oct. 13, 1811
Simeon [of Northboro ?] and Abigail Wetherill, int. Nov. 15, 1773
Calvin and Tamer Ward of Charlton, int. Dec. 23, 1824
HEALY (see Hele)
Abiel and Sally Day, Oct. 20, 1825
Abigail and Jeremiah Knight of Cranston, R.I., April 20, 1829
Becca D. and A. Waldo Williams Dec. 10, 1829
Betsey and Chad Brown, May 4, 1800
Chandler and Amity B. McKinstry of Southbridge, Sept. 18, 1837
Clarinda and Warren Goodell, June 15, 1836
Clarissa and Lathan Pratt, Feb. 25, 1819
Daniel L. and Triphena Kidder of Wordsborough, Vt., int. Dec. 29, 1816
David and Polly Harwood of Holland, int. March 20, 1813
Davis and Zeruiah S. Williams, Jan. 16, 1833
Deborah and Jacob Chamberlain Jr. of Millbury, March 5, 1817
Dolly and Harvey Conant, May 13, 1819
Eliza W. and George Healy, Feb. 24, 1831
Eliza W. and James White of Worcester, Sept. 17, 1833. [?]
Enoch and Susan Kidder of Wardsborough, Vt., int. Aug. 20, 1818
Esther and Jedediah Marcy of Southbridge, Nov 29, 1816
Ezra and Betsy Holbrook, Jan. 18, 1791
George and Ophelia Edwards of Southbridge, int. Oct. 21 1826
George [2d in int.] and Eliza W. Healy, Feb. 24, 1831
Hammond and Sally Bradford of Woodstock, Conn., int. Oct. 1, 1815
Hannah and Amasa Davis, April 13, 1786
Hannah and Chester Pratt of Providence R.I., Aug. 28, 1817
Harriet and Charles W. Vinton of Southbridge, Nov. 18, 1828
Hezekiah and Mrs. Becca Corbin, Nov. 14, 1798
Huldah and Edward Davis Jr., Dec. 26, 1787
John and Elizabeth Dalrymple, April 20, 1780
Joseph and Mary Whitmore Jan. 2, 1754
Joseph Jr. and wid. Ruth Conant of Oxford, Jan. 21, 1790
Joshua Jr. and Sarah Newell, Dec. 19, 1747
Joshua and Alice Howlet of Woodstock, int. Oct. 5, 1823
Lemuel and Dolly Corbin, Jan. 7, 1790
Lemuel Jr. and Sylvia Conant, Dec. 4, 1817
[Capt. in int.] Lemuel Jr. and Eliza Warden, Sept. 1, 1830
Lucy and George Waters of Thompson, Conn., May 11, 1820
Lydia (d. Nathaniel and Mary single, a. 43) and Resolved Bailey, Dec. 7, 1848
Marcy [Mercy in int.] and Moses Davis, April 18, 1816
Maria and John Bowers, Dec. 1, 1836
Mary and Jedediah Marcy, Dec. 1, 1748 [dup.]
Mary and Jason Phips [Phelps ?] Jr. of Thompson Dec. 27, 1787
Moses and Easter Hammon of Charlton, int. Nov. 28, 1789
Col. Moses and Wid. Ruth Marcy of Sturbridge, int. June 12, 1814
Nathaniel and Abigail Cartur, Sept. 9, 1756
Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Davis of Oxford, Jan. 3, 1788
Maj. Nathaniel and Wid. Abigail Cloice of Fraimingham, int. Feb. 15, 1788
Phebe and Ebenezer Allen, March 16, 1786
Mrs. Polly and Peter Rickards of Thompson, Dec. 25, 1799
Prudence and Parker Willard, Jan. 26, 1809
Rebecah and Thomas Davis of Oxford, Nov. 18, 1742
Rebecca and Reubin Chamberlain, April 25, 1776
Roby [Rhoba in int.] and Phillip Corbin, Nov. 26, 1789
Mrs. Rhoda and Thomas Dalrimplme of Colrain, int. June 25, 1796
Rhoda and Lewis Keith, March 29, 1821
Rosalinda and Hezekiah Palmer of Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 21, 1805
Samuel and Phebe Curtis, Jan. 16, 1759
Capt. Samuel and Wid. Sarah Chamberlain, May 24, 1797. At Charlton
Sarah and John Lawton, Dec. 27, 1787
Sarah and Benjamin Bradford of Woodstock, Conn., Sept 27, 1831
Stephen and Rhoda Marcy, Jan. 23, 1783
Sylvia and Benjamin Leavens Jr., May 13, 1819
Waldo M. and Mary L. Amidon of Webster, int. Nov. 10, 1846
William Jr. and Sophia Davis, Oct. 19, 1815
HEART (see Hart)
Elisabeth of Redding and Paul Dodge, int. March 1, 1767
[Hearth in int.], Elizabeth and Peter Jobins, April 9, 1836
John and Eunice Oaks, Feb. 12, 1781
HEBBERD (see Hibberd)
Daniel and Esther Convess, Jan. 5, 1775
Mary and Marke Elwell of Tompson, April 14, 1754
Mary and Edward Poke, Sept 19, 1782
Wid. Mary and Richard Williams of a Gore of Land near Dudley, int. Dec. 11, 1779
Rachal and Samuel Roggers of Sturbridge, Feb. 6, 1775
HELE (see Healy)
Sarah and Elisha Corbin, int. Oct. 6, 1739
Isabella and Seth Hartwell of Oxford (North Gore), int. Aug. 3, 1823
Benjamin and Lydia Stringer, Jan. 14, 1747-8
HEWETT (see Hewit)
Nathan and Charlottee W. Albee, June 7, 1838
Mrs. Polly of Eastford, Conn., and Dea. Simpson Larned, int. April 6, 1846
HEWIT (see above)
Albee and Eliza T. Ransom of Woodstock, Vt., int. Oct. 3, 1829
HIBBARD (see Hebberd, Hibberd)
Samuel and Rozina White of Gloucester, int. April 1, 1790
[Hebbard in int.], Southwick and Abigail Coller, resident in Shrewsbury, March 21, 1757. At Oxford
HIBBERD (see Hebberd)
Experience and Elijah Converse of Killingley, Jan. 25, 1770
HILES[?] -
Betsey of Thompson and Elisha Raynolds, int. June 14, 1799
Abigail and B. F. Gilmore, March 22, 1836
Benjamin M. of Thompson, Conn., and Deverd Wright, int. Dec. 18, 1814
Bethia and Mark Dodge, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1789. At Oxford
Catharine (d. Hanson and Polly, single, a. 21) and Nelson Walker, Dec. 17, 1845
Wid. Dorothy and Andrew Dodge, Dec. 7, 1817
Mrs. Dorothy L. and David Freeman, May 5, 1800
Ebenezer and Bettey Whittemore of Thompson, int. Dec. 12, 1894
Jacob of Upton and Elezebeth Hatch, May 8, 1760
Joseph of Chalton and Abigail Hatch, April 15, 1756
Mary M. and Artemas Knowlton of Southbridge, May 4, 1841
Moses of Douglass and Dinah Robinson, Sept. 20, 1780
Rufus and Mary Florence of Webster, int. Nov. 22, 1832
Mrs. Ruth and Eseck Chase of Oxford, int. Feb. ---- 1805
Tryphena and Abel Davis, int. Nov. 1, 1806
Seth of Sturbridge and Elizebeth Hall, int. Feb. 1, 1755
