Vital Records Of Dudley, Worchester Co., Ma
To The End Of The Year 1849
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Marriages - AARNOLD to COOPPER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

AARNOLD (see Arnold)
Richard and Susannah Shewbrooks of South Brimfield, int. Nov. 26, 1815
William, of Pomfret [Abbington, C.R.] and wid. Hannah Edmunds, June 4, 1778
ADAMS (see Addlams)
Benoni and Susannah Chamberlain, May 8, 1777
Eunice and Elijah Preston of Rutland, March 25, 1832
James and Abigail Carpenter, int. Jan. 24, 1768
Oliver [Jr. in int.] and Celia Esten, April 6, 1823
Polly and Samuel Cottrill, int. March 1, 1796
Rachal and Ebenezer Jones, Aug. 11, 1839
Susanna and Nathan Willard, Nov. 28, 1799
Susanna of Killinsley and Joseph Sabin Jr., March 16, 1769
Willard [of Brooklyn in int.] and Abigail Marcy, Dec. 28, 1790
ADDAMS (see above)
Thomas of Charlton and Abigail Corbin, int. Sept 2, 1776
Chester of Brookfield and Emeline Brown of Charlton, Jan. 7, 1838. In Charlton
Danniel of Woodstock and Elisabeth Corbin, int. Dec. 22, 1765
Wyman [Wiman in int.] and Elizabeth How, Jan. 31, 1781
ALBEE (see Aldbee)
Aaron and Martha Willard, Aug. 1, 1783
Asa of Charlton and Rachel Brown, Feb. 3, 1829
Asahel jr. and Hannah Fowles, int. Dec. 2, 1838
Barbara and Alfred Marcy, April 7, 1830
Benjamin and Abigail Gore, May 14, 1797
Charlotte W. and Nathan Hewett, June 7, 1838
Cloa and Henry Willard, May 14, 1788
Daniel and Betsey May, March 17, 1791
Diania and Ezra Jacobs Jr. of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 21, 1834
Joanna and Shadrach Smith, Feb. 26, 1778
John and Zerviah Sales, Feb. 26, 1778
John and Polley Pratt, int. Jan. 7 1804
Capt. Joesph and wid. Phebe Turtelot of Killingley, Nov. 29, 1781
Julia Ann and William Coburn of Millbury, Oct. 10, 1832
Lucinda of Charlton and James McCouch, Nov. 21, 1825
Mary and Edmund Sabin, Sept. 6, 1784
Parthena and William Webster of Thompson, Conn., March 15, 1810
Wid. Polly and Pearley Rawson of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 27 1816
Reuben of Charlton and Polly Fitts, May 28, 1806
Rhoda [Rhoday in int.] of Charlton and Daniel Mansfield, Oct. 14, 1789. At Charlton
Mrs. Ruth and Timothy Corbin Jr., April ----, 1801
Sally of Charlton and Samuel Corbin, July 31 1814
Silas and Marcy Curtis, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1794
Sylvia and John B. May of Woodstock, Conn., June 17, 1813
Sylvia and Ephraim Willard, Oct. 11, 1781
Thompson T. of Conn. and Lorean Foster, April 26, 1835
Willard and Mrs. Dorcas White, both of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1801
Willard Jr. of Waterford Village, Mendon, and Miss Hannah Corbin, Nov. 28, 1839. At Webster
ALDBEE (see above)
[Albee in int.], Hannah and William Smith, Nov. 8, 1775
Dexter of Southbridge and Lefa Fitts, March 23, 1820
Amos Jr. and Betsey L. Nolen of Hopkinton, int. March 2, 1821
Edward of Oxford and Sibil White, int. Sept. 12, 1827
Fenner and Tamison F. Penniman, July 27, 1828
Jonathan of Douglas and Betsey Robinson, May 28, 1820
Mary of Oxford and Jeremiah Upham, int. Nov. 2, 1829
Samuel and Abigail Marsh, Oct. 5, 1836. In Webster. ?
Thomas of Oxford and Mary M. Winn, int. Dec. 6, 1823
Watea of Douglass and Royal Sailes of Gloucester, R.I., March 9, 1786
Daniel Jr. and Sally Smith, Jan. 16, 1792. At Charlton
Israel and Betsy Simpson of Charlton, Oct. 20, 1799
Freelove of Smithfield, R.I., and Olney Esten, int. July 10, 1819
ALLERD (see Allerd)
Esther of Woodstock and Samuel Munroe, int. April 14, 1793
[Allerd in int.], Mary of Woodstock and Samuel Burnul, Jan. 22, 1756
Mary of Woodstock and Joseph Vinton Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1784
Orlin of Hopkinton and Sally Whittemore, June 12, 1831
ALLEN (see Allin)
Amy [Ame in int.] and Timothy Barton of Charlton, Jan. 20, 1767
Augustus T. of Charlton and Aurelia C. Wakefield, Oct. 15, 1839
Betsy [Bettey in int.] and Nathanel May, April 20, 1786
Betsy and Luther Edmunds Nov. 12, 1807
Mrs. Caty and Edward Blyss of Weston, int. May 6, 1796
Ebenezer and Phebe Healy, March 16, 1786
Hannah and Ebenezer Plummer, Sept. 25, 1783
Jane [Jean Allin in int.], of Sutton and Andrew Coburn, Jan. 9, 1733-4. At Sutton
Joseph P. and Mary Nowell of York, Me., int. Sept. 30, 1826
Jude (s. Simeon and Betsey, widr., a. 38) and Sophronia Cortis, Dec. 3, 1848
Wid. Keziah of Oxford South Gore and Jonathan Bixby, June 3, 1784. At said Gore
Keziah and Willis Wood, Oct. 4, 1807
Miss Mary and George Pope, Nov. 27, 1828. In Charlton
Phineas and Polly Carroll of Thompson, int. Dec. ----, 1800
Phinehas and Mary Wetherel, int. Dec. 18, 1768
Polley and Daniel Wiman, int. Nov. 28, 1790
Polly [Polley in int.] and Nathaniel Blood, Jan. 26, 1792
Sabin of Munson and Anna Corbin, int. March 5, 1792
Sally [Salley in int.] and Joseph Sheffield, Sept. 14, 1787
Salley and Hezekiah Willard [March ?] 27, [1793 ?]
Samuel of Gildford and Jane Coburn, int. May 15, 1773
William of Wardsborough, Vt., and Huldah Curtis, Feb. 26, 1790. At Charlton
ALLERD (see Allard)
Daniel of Thompson and Susanna Smith, April 10, 1792
ALLIN (see Allen)
Hannah and Samuel Burnull, int. April 25, 1755
Amasa of Charlton and Silence Leach of Sturbridge, Sept. 28, 1794
Moses of Charlton and Miriam Prince, int. Nov. 18, 1786
Olive and Asa Fenton, both of Charlton, Dec. 25, 1793
David W. and Rhoda Pratt, int. Nov. 14, 1827. No certificate
David W. and Adaline Rogers, int. Oct. 12, 1827
AMES (see Eams)
Sophia of Sturbridge and David Putney, int. July 24, 1813
AMIDON (see forms below)
Isaac 2d and Lois Lovan Howland of Douglass, int. June 7, 1831
Mary L. of Webster and Waldo M. Healy, int. Nov. 10, 1846
Rufus and Hannah Larned May 24, 1821
Rufus 2d and Lydia Marshall, Aug. 15, 1830
Susannah of Southbridge and Lieut. John Haskell 3d int. March 2, 1817
Caleb and Hannah Sabin, April 14, 1758
Ithamar and Ruth Curtis, int. June 5, 1736
Jacob and Elizabeth Curtis, Dec. 27, 1744
Lewis of Southbridge and Deborah Barnes, April 13, 1820
Lydia of Southbridge and Alvin Powers, int. Oct. 18, 1820
Mehitible [Mehetibell in int.] and William Curtis, Dec. 2, 1742
Nancy and William Larned Jr., Oct. 13, 1785
Roger and [wid.] Rachel Rice, Feb. 28, 1757
Alpheus and Rutha Whipple of Smithfield, int. March 22, 1794
Isaac and Hannah Foster, int. March 1, 1794. [Married March 9. C.R.]
John of Charlton and Olive Sanger, June 19, 1783
AMMIDOWN (see above)
Caleb and Betsy Barret of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 2, 1807
Callina of Southbridge and Moses Barnes, int. March 10, 1821
Ephraim and Hannah Smith of Oxford, Feb. 24, 1742-43. At Oxford
Hannah of Charlton and Lieut. Zephaniah Brown, int. March 6, 1799
Mrs. Hitte [Mehitable in int.] of Charlton and Dr. James Walcot, Dec. 5, 1799
Otis and Sally May, int. Aug. 2, 1807
Urana [Lurany in int.] and Henry Searls, both of Charlton, Aug. 8, 1793 (?)
wid. Abigail of Southboroh and Joseph Upham, int. Jan. 12, 1777
Fanny of Northbridge and Thomas Wilcott, int. April 12, 1816
Phebe of Pomfret and Joseph Edmunds Jr., March 28, 1776
Dr. John and Esther Wood of Uxbridge, Nov. 11, 1798. At Uxbridge
ANWOONSIMANG (see Wonsimug)
[Applebey in int.], John of Smithfield and Patience Sly, April 16, 1778
Zebedee of Smithfield and Joanna Sly, June 19, 1775
ARMSBY (see Ormsbee, Ormsby)
Enos of Sutton and Damaris Bacon, Feb. 16, 1849
Thomas of Thompson and Mary Bracket, April 8, 1788
ARNOLD (see Aarnold)
Anna and Abraham Wilber, March 25, 1810
Cynthia and Dyer Upham of Thompson, int. Oct. 27, 1827
Daniel and Nancy Brown, March 25, 1779
Dolley of Thompson, Conn., and Joseph Brown, int. Jan. 29, 1814
Hannah of Thompson, Conn., and George Tracy, int. Dec. 18, 1830
Lydia and Maturin Bacon of Woodstock, Conn., May 7, 1806
Richard and Mrs. Dolley Greene of Thompson, int. Dec. 19, 1802
Richard of Thompson and Diadama Stockewell, May 1, 1816
Smith of Thompson, and Mrs. Lucy Curtis, Jan. 18, 1801
Sylvester [Sylvestus in int.] of Thompson, Conn., and Locia Webster, April 25, 1816
Welcome and Mrs. Rhoda Lee of Douglas, int. Feb. 10, 1804
Ruth [Ruth H. in int.] and Charles Wait, March 28, 1830
Sarah of Killingley and Samuel Palmer, int. Dec. 18, 1773
Elisheba and Nathan Smith Jr., Feb. 2, 1786
Elizabeth and Jacob Larned of Oxford, Jan. 8, 1784
Joshua and Prudence Parker, Feb. 29, 1780
Amy of Ward and Jesse Eddy, April 26, 1827
Rhoda and Ishmael Nichols, May 29, 1820
Wid. Lydia and John Bracket Jr., Feb. 10, 1796. At Oxford
Joseph of Lamstown and Mehiteble Newell, Nov. 22, 1738
BABCOCK (see Badcock)
Charles A. of Lowell (s. Samuel H. of Boston, single, a. 27) and Emeline Knight, Aug. 20, 1844
Abigail and William Cartur, May 17, 1750
Abner and [Mrs. in int.] Polly Vinton, May 13, 1804
Beuler [Bulah in int.] and James McClallen Jr. of Sutton, Nov. 23, 1784
Charles and Nancy Barrett, Aug. 20, 1826
Cyrel L. and Betsey Ann Morgan of Woodstock, int. Nov. 4, 1821
Cyrill and Mrs. Betsey Fay of Thompson, Sept. 27, 1795
Damaris and Enos Armsby of Sutton, Feb. 16, 1809
Daniel of North Woodstock and Esther Jones, March 3, 1770
Diadama and Eliphalet Perry of Thompson, [Aug. 25, 1792 ?]
Ebenezer Jr. and Phebe Parker of Coventry, int. Jan. 4, 1767
Elias and Polley Chamberlain, July 31, 1803
Wid. Elizabeth and Amariah Preston of Uxbridge, Nov. 18, 1777
Elizabeth A. and Jonas L. Rice, both of Charlton, Nov. 27, 1837. In Charlton
Ephraim of Woodstock and Sarah Farebanks, int. March 15, 1741
Ephraim Jr. of Sturbridge and Mrs. Lucy Chamberlain of Charlton, Jan. 24, 1802
Mrs. Hannah and James Fairbanks both of Sturbridge, March 9, 1798
James of Woodstocke and Martha Jewell, March 6, 1760
James G. and Mary B. Harding of Oxford, int. Nov. 7, 1830
Jane [Jaen in int.] and Dr. Elkanah Day, Jan. 8, 1761
Ens. Jephtha and Mrs. Joanna Child of Woodstock, int. Jan. 19, 1801
John and Mary Jewell, Nov. 19, 1772
John and Wid. Elisabeth Dodge, Jan. 1, 1776
John and [Mrs. in int.] Amity Brown, Sept, 27, 1801
Jonathan and Wid. Sara Kidder, Feb. 3, 1785
Jonathan Jr. of Greenfield and Hudah Davis, Sept. 29, 1813
Mrs. Kizoa and Luther Farnum, both of Sturbridge. Jan. 3, 1797
Louis and Joshua Farnham, both of Sturbridge, March 30, 1794
Lucius F. and Roxana Bassette of Killingly, Conn., int. Feb. 15, 1833
Luther 2d and Mary W. Vinton, int. Aug. 19, 1838
Mary and Willard Bruce, Dec. 3, 1829
Mary and David Vinton, Nov. 19, 1834
Maturin of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Arnold, May 7, 1806
Nathaniel of Woodstock and Lois Newell, April 20, 1758
Patiance of Woodstocke and James Cady, Dec. 13, 1759
Wid. Phebe and Capt. Andrew Coburn of New Molborough [N.H.], Nov. 27, 1774
Polsiski and Betsey Stevens of Carlton, int. Jan. 9, 1830
Polly and John Day, Feb. 20, 1791
Prissllla of the Gore and Thaddeus Walker of Charlton [April 10, 1792 ?]
Rachel and Clement Corbin Jr., Nov. 18, 1753
Samuel of Woodstock and wid. Elizabeth Dalrimple, Aug. 30, 1791
Sarah of Woodstock and Moses Corbin, int. Oct. 13, 1769
Sarah I. (d. Cyril L. and Betsey, single, a. 20) and Edward P. Newton, Nov. 20, 1849
Sophia of Carlton and Abner Taber, int. July 10, 1842
Susan and Martin Crane of Southbridge, Sept. 15, 1828
Zilpha and Samuel Kidder, Sept. 27, 1787
Mary of Charston, State of Rhodiland (now residing in Dudley) and Nathaniel Sunsam (?) int. July 18, 1795
BADKOCK (see Babcock)
Simeon and Mary Townsend, int. Feb. 22, 1767
BAILEY (see Bayley)
Densmore (s. Sampson and Sophia, single, a. 26) and Sarah F. Davis, March 20, 1845
Resolved (s. Thomas and Lucy, widr., a. 50) and Lydia Healy, Dec. 7, 1848
Artemissa and Joseph Perkins of Woodstock, Conn., Sept. 10, 1837
Brad F. of Charlton and Hannah Gore, April 15, 1823
Darius and Harriot Blood of Charlton, int. March 12, 1837
Elijah and Mrs. Sally Blacknor, int. Dec. 10, 1801
Enoch E. and Maryann Webster, int. May 6, 1826
Jacob and [Wid.] Marcy Morris, Sept. 22, 1811
John and Clarisa Sirls, July 3, 1815
Leonard and Polly Thompson of Charlton, March 20, 1838
BALDWIN (see Boldin)
Asa and Miss Eliza Preston, Aug. 24, 1828
Rhoda of Spencer and Amasa Hobbs of Sturbridge, Oct. 1, 1835. In Spencer
Josiah and Pataince Chamberlane of Killingly, int. Jan. 17, 1735-6
Edwin S. and Mary Cummings of Auburn, int. Dec. 7, 1844
Hamilton and Ruth B. May of Thompson, Conn, int. Dec. 10, 1842
Joshua of Balston, N.Y., and Partheny Polley, Aug. 16, 1798
Martha and James Bates, Jan. 8, 1789
Mehitable [Hitte in int.] and Obadiah Bates, Oct. 29, 1789
Sarah of Oxford and Micaial Robinson, May 29, 1783
George S. and Sophia Brewer of Southborough, March 16, 1828
Benjamin and Harriet Reynolds, May 6, 1820
Salley and Dr. Aaron Tufts, May 23, 1790
William and Nancy Larned, Dec. 19, 1791
Horace of Belchertown and Betsey Viner, int. March 13, 1830
BARNES (see Barns)
Adah and Riel Conyers of Thompson, Conn., April 21, 1811
Alcy and Charles Cheney, Sept. 15, 1811
Benjamin and Nancy Stockwell of Millbury, int. March 12, 1819
Bradford and Mary Marcy, int. Dec. 28, 1778
Bradford and Sarah Howard, Oct. 23, 1780
Celia A. and Erastus Ormsbee, Aug. 27, 1832
Deborah and Lewis Amidown of Southbridge, April 13, 1820
Experience of Plymouth and Elisha Corbin, July 19, 1772. At Plymouth
Fitts A. and Lavinia E. Nichols of Oxford, int. May 21, 1827
Joel and Mary Dugar of Charlton, int. April 14, 1804
John and Catharine Stone of Charlton, int. Sept. 29, 1832
Josiah and Rebecca Kidder, Nov. 25, 1779
Moses and Callina Ammidown of Southbridge, int. March 10, 1821. [Married April 16. C.R.]
Moses and Eliza Larned, April 16, 1829
Salley and Mark Elwell, Nov. 26, 1801
Sally and Lorenzo Jordan of Thompson, Conn., April 25, 1832
Samuel and Betsey Jewell, March 26, 1809
John (s. James and Margaret B., single, a. 30) and Jennett McDonald, Oct. 9, 1846
BARNS (see Barnes)
Experance and Elisha Corbin Jr., Feb. 27, 1775
Polley and John Day of Westminster, Vt., int. Dec. 4, 1790
Polley of Woodstock and Joseph Blackmar, int. March 1, 1794
[Barret in int.], Wid. Chloe and Ezekiel Robbins of Sturbridge, Jan. 4, 1815
BARRET (see Barrett)
Aaron of Killingsley and Mary Williams, Dec. 3, 1772
Almira and Joshua Corbin Jr., Jan. 25, 1824
Betsey of Sturbridge and Josiah Hovey Jr, int. Oct. 24, 1802
Miss Betsy of Sturbridge and Caleb Ammidown, int. Aug. 2, 1807
Daniel of Killingley and Wid. Mary Dodge, Sept. 18, 1777
Hervey and Louisa Pratt, both of Oxford, Oct. 4, 1828
Jacob of Roxbury School Farm (so called), near Dudley and wid. Hannah Robinson, April 13, 1775
Joel of Rockingham, now resident at Dudley and Sarah Sabin, Jan. 11, 1787
Lucinda of Douglas and James F. Talbut, int. Jan. 15, 1825
[Barrett in int.], Rebecca and John Haskell 2d, July 5, 1827
Thomas of Woodstock and Elizabeth Smith of Oxford South Gore, Feb. 13, 1782, at Oxford South Gore
BARRETT (see Barret)
Anna and Samuel Robinson, int. Aug. 9, 1794
Joseph of Sturbridge and Chloe Vinton, March 3, 1779. At Sturbridge
Joseph Jr. of Sturbridge and Mrs. Polley Vinton, int. Sept. 30, 1798
Mary and Beriah Wetmore of Gill, transiently at Dudley, Nov. 13, 1796
Nancy and Charles Bacon, Aug. 20, 1826
Thomas and Roby Davis, int. Aug. 27, 1831
Eunice and John Morse, Jan. 12, 1769
Nathaniel and Polly Foster, int. June 5, 1814
Amos of Thompson and Hannah Robinson, April 8, 1821
Betsey and George Clapp, int. Nov. 18, 1826
Catherine and John F. Tucker, of Providence, R.I., May 8, 1815
Fanny and Silas Goddard of Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 6, 1825
Levi and Eliza Bracket, int. April 14, 1827
Luther and Maria N. Winsor, Oct. 5, 1824
Mary [Mrs. Maria in int.] and Rev. David Van ALstine of Princeton, Sept. 9, 1834
Stephen Jr. and Hannah Wesson of Worcester, int. July 9, 1814
Mrs. Tamme and Aaron Davis of South Brinfield, Nov. 29, 1801
Zephaniah and Mrs. Polley Wood, Nov. 29, 1798
Abigail of Oxford and Joseph Snell of Ashford, Jan. 27, 1783
Azubah of Oxford and Joseph Winter, Oct. 6, 1773
Benjamin and Sarah Stone, March 1, 1787
Benjamin [Benjamin S. in int.] and Betsey Sabin, Feb. ----, 1803
Ebenezer and Hannah Barton, Jan. 24, 1748-9. At Oxford
Hannah and Ebenezer Barton, Jan. 24, 1748-9. At Oxford
Jacob of Charlton and Sophia Shepard, int. April 20, 1818
Sally W. and Harvey Dodge, April 24, 1825
Timothy of Charlton and Amy Allen, Jan. 20, 1767
Timothy Stow [Stone in int.] of Whintingham and Phebe Stone, June 20, 1782
William T. and Mary A. Stone, both of Charlton, Nov. 14, 1836. In Charlton
Mary of Bridgewater, Mass. and Hartwell Keith, int. March 10, 1816
Roxana of Killingly, Conn., and Lucius F. Bacon, int. Feb. 15, 1833
Lydia and John Bayley of Killingley, Aug. 6, 1777
Mrs. Meriarn of Charlton and Leonard Cheny, int. May 16, 1802
Capt. Alanson and Lavena Brown of Thompson, Conn., int. Sept. 28, 1814
Alanson Jr. and Betsey Keith, Dec. 30, 1819
Anna (d. Joshua, single, a. 27) and James Davie Butler, April 21, 1845
Bathsheba and Hiram Mills of Thompson, April 30, 1822
Chloe and Amos Craggin Taft of Uxbridge, Jan. 15, 1809
David of Fitskburg [Fitchburg ?] Mass., and Sally Sly, int. April 17, 1836
Elhanan W. and Polly Douglass of Mendon, int. Dec. 21, 1821
Ephraim of Thompson and Jerusha Cody, Feb. 14, 1787
Esther C. of Thompson and John Jewett, int. Dec. 17, 1825
Mrs. Fanna of Thompson and Stephen Bracket, int. April 1, 1803
Ira J. of Webster and Maria Davis, int. Feb. 24, 1849
Ens. Jacob and Sally Rhodes of Thompson, int. Oct. 25, 1818
Jacob and Lydia E. Davis, March 29, 1832
James and Martha Ballard, Jan. 8, 1789
John and Cynthia Rawson of Oxford, int. Sept. 3, 1825
John 3d and Mary Ann Jacobs of Thompson, Conn., int. Feb. 1, 1832
Mary and Nathan Bixby of Thompson, Conn., May 27, 1812
Nelson and Lucia Jacobs of Thompson, int. April 19, 1824
Obadiah and Mehitable Ballard, Oct. 29, 1789
Ruth [Rutha in int.] and Samuel Jocelin of Thompson, Nov. 7, 1793
Sarah G. and Azor Sly of Southbridge, Feb. 28, 1832
Sibel and James Haven, Jan. 1, 1822
BAYLEY (see Bailey)
[Bailey in int.], John of Killingley and Lydia Bastow, Aug. 6, 1777
Mary S. and Elijah Hammond, both of Charlton, Dec. 21, 1836. In Charlton
Susanna and Mark Elwell, Dec. 24, 1843
Eleazer of Oxford and [wid.] Abigail Putney, Oct. 27, 1763
[Bellus in int.] Hezekiah and Mary Newell, Aug. 3, 1759
Jane (adopted d. Phinehas, single, a. 24) and Oscar Fisher, Aug. 26, 1844
Phinehas and Mary Chamberlain, July 16, 1809
Wid. Salley of Framingham, and Caesor Sprague, int. Nov. 9, 1793
Nelson (s. Rufus and Nancy, of Griswold, Conn., born Plainfield, Conn., single, a. ----) and Lucy F. Conant, Dec. 30, 1844
Jane and Samuel Davis Jr., Jan. 2, 1817
Maryann and Willis Wood, int. Aug. 29, 1838
Sarah and Harvey Perry, Dec. 14, 1824
Sarah K. and John S. Richardson, int. Sept. 27, 1845
Lucy and James Town of Charlton, Aug. 6, 1778
Samuel of Hartford, Conn. (s. Martin and Martha, single, a. 27), and Abigial P. Killam, April 15, 1847
Charles and Orrel Talbut, Oct. 2, 1825
Hepzibah, and Lieut. Mark Dodge, Feb. 20, 1793. In Brookfield
Alanson B. and Phebe Marsh, April 1, 1839
Elizebeth of Sutten and James Diks, int. Nov. 7, 1740
Jonathan and wid. Kezia Allen of Oxford South Gore, June 3, 1784, at Said Gore
Joseph P. of Thompson, Conn., and Lucy Perry, April 11, 1832
Levira of Webster and Alexander Joslin of Thompson, Conn., April 1, 1840
Nathan of Thompson, Conn., and Mary Bates, May 27, 1812
Richard and Esther Tayler, Jan. 4, 1742-3
Salmon and Nabba Chamberlain, Sept. 26, 1798
BLACKMAR (see Blackmor)
Anna and Eneas Lamb, Nov. ----, 1792
Charles and Elenor Gould, both of Charlton, Nov. 8, 1837
Joseph and Polley Barns of Woodstock, int. March 1, 1794
Mary and Joshua Thornton, Feb. 29, 1837. In Webster?
Stephen of North Woodstock and Lydia White, int. Feb. 6, 1773
Tamison G. of Thompson and Aaron Bracket, Feb. 24, 1825
BLACKMOR (see above)
Mrs. Salley and Elijah Baker, int. Dec. 10, 1801
BLISS (see Blyss)
Mrs. Selah of Oxford South Gore and Perry Holley, March 13, 1800
Abigail of Charlton and Moses Dreper [Dresser?] of Chesterfield, May 7, 1777
Harriot of Carlton and Darius Baker, int. March 12, 1837
John of Charlton and wid. Mary Chamberlain, int. March 31, 1773
Mary [Massey ? in int.] of Charlton and Obed Warren, Sept. 20, 1780. At Charlton
Nathaniel and Polly Allen, Jan. 26, 1792
Polly of Charlton and Elihu L. Upham, June 21, 1843
BLYSS (see Bliss)
---- (?) of Weston Edward and Mrs. Caty Allen, int. May 6, 1796
BOLDIN (see Baldwin)
wid. Hannah of Stonham and John Vinton, Esqr., int. April 4, 1752
Erastus of Sturbridge and Hannah Cheney, Jan. 28, 1813
Joseph and Lucy Ann Kemp, Dec. 2, 1830
Hannah and Henry Post, Feb. 3, 1805
Ereck of Providence, R.I., and Betsey Brown, Oct. 7, 1821
George of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Woolcot Eaton, Oct. 13, 1812
Mary of Woodstock and William Hancock (at Woodstock?), Dec. 11, 1817
Charles and Clarisa Chamberlain, Oct. 6, 1803
Huldah and John Edmunds, Jan. 10, 1805
John and Rebecah Carpinder of Woodstock, Nov. 6, 1755
John and Sarah Inman, March 7, 1780
John and Maria Healy, Dec. 1, 1836
Matilda and Henry Hull of Sturbridge (people of Color), Nov. 9, 1815
Polly and Joseph Sheffield, March 7, 1799
Zelotes and Fanny Vinton, April 8, 1807
William and Sarah Scholefield, int. Nov. 20, 1847. (Void.)
Ezra and Elizabeth Campbell, int. April 4, 1770
Martha of Worcester and Joseph Pagin, int. Dec. 31, 1737
Rose of Worcester and Peter Carney, int. July 8, 1848
Rebecca, of Palmer and Joseph Bracket, int. Oct. 30, 1813
BRACKET (see Brackett, Brackit)
Aaron and Tamison G. Blackmar, of Thompson. Feb. 24, 1825
Asa and Mrs. Huldah Princ, of Thompson, int. March 15, 1801
Betsey and Danford Upham, March 17, 1824
David and Patty Hurd of Oxford, June 29, 1803
David Jr. and Plure B. Chaffee, of Thompson, Conn., int. March 15, 1834
Eliza and Levi Bartlett, int. April 14, 1827
Ichabod and Abigail Corah of Plainfield, Conn., int. Feb. 3, 1816
John Jr. and Wid. Lydia Austin, Feb. 10, 1796. At Oxford
Josep and Phebe Rarnilton of Palmer, int. April 8, 1810
Joseph and Rebecca Brackenridge of Palmer, int. Oct. 30, 1813
Lucy and David Brock Jr. of Woodstock, Conn., int. Nov. 8, 1807
Lydia and John Warren, May 9, 1808
Martha and Sanford Gorton of Charlton, Sept. 7, 1829
Mary and Thomas Armsby of Thompson, April 8, 1788
Mariam and Abijah Roggers of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 19 1806
Millisant and Elijah Nichols, March 29, 1791
Moses Jr. and Lucinda Stone, int. April 30, 1815
Peter and Polly Upham, Jan. 14, 1830
Polly and Jacob T. Seagraves, of Providence, R.I., April 20, 1828
Rebecca and Thomas Davis of Killingley, Dec. 25, 1783
Sally and Ezra Harwood of Charlton, int. Sept. 28, 1810
Stephen and Mrs. Fanna Bates of Thompson, int. April 1, 1803
Asa of Webster and Semantha Perry, int. April 30, 1837
Dolley and Samuel Thompson, May 22, 1814
BRACKIT (see above)
Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Goodale, of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept. 1, 1806
John and Jerusha Newell, May 6, 1762
John and Joanna Perry, both of Webster, April 5, 1838. In Webster
Benjamin of Woodstock, Conn., and Sarah Healy, Sept. 27, 1831
Sally of Woodstock, Conn., and Hammond Healy, int. Oct. 1, 1815
[Brennen in int.], Daniel and Waity Dean, Oct. 27, 1825
Sohpia of Southborough and George S. Banister, int. March 16, 1828
Elizabeth of Roxbury and Daniel Harris, June 20, 1745. At Roxbury
Anna and Timothy Guy, Sept. 20, 1770
Olive of Oxford and Abijah Upham, int. March 20, 1814
Rufus of Oxford and Patty Upham, int. March 10, 1816
John of Worcester and Betsey Dennis, Oct. 14, 1841. In Worcester ?
David of Woodstock and Mrs. Hannah White, int. [probably Dec. 1794 or Jan. 1795]
David Jr. of Woodstock, Conn., and Lucy Bracket, int. Nov. 8, 1807
John of Woodstock and Sarah Southwick, int. Oct. 5, 1743
Wid. Sarah of Woodstock and William Havens, Sept. 21, 1775
Mary and Peter Flinn, int. Aug. 11, 1849
Aaron of Woodstock and Welthan Smith, Aug. 6, 1781
Alexander of Killingley and Hannah Kidder, Aug. 17, 1775
Almira of Thompson and Dr. David Holman, int. June 20, 1830
Alvin and Hannah Stone, both of Oxford South Gore, at said Gore, Feb. 5, 1804
Ama of Charlton and Elijah Houghton, int. Dec. 11, 1812
[Mrs. in int.] Amity and John Bacon, Sept. 27, 1801
Bethiah of Killenly and Samuel Hall, int. Dec. 23, 1732
Betsey and Eseck Bowen of Providence, R.I., Oct. 7, 1821
Caleb and Polley Corbin, Oct. 22, 1802
Caleb and Albemarle King, March 28, 1824
Caroline M. and William Makepeace Jr. Esq. of Franklin, Nov. 21, 1832
Caroline of Sturbridge and George Linus of New Haven, Conn., Oct. 5, 1834. In Sturbridge
Chad and Betsey Healy, May 4, 1800
Charles of Johnston and Dinah Fenner, April 15, 1782
Charles and Eunice Upham, Sept. 11, 1788
Chloa of Killingley and Solomon Wakefield, int. March 28, 1784
Chloe of Oxford South Gore and Ebenezer Emerson of Thompson, Nov. 11, 1802
Deborah of Killingly and Eliakim Robinson, int. June 21, 1767
Deborah and William Fessenden, int. March 15, 1794
Emeline of Charlton and Chester Ainsworth of Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1838. In Charlton
Esther and Elijah Humphrey of Killingley, Sept. 13, 1778
George and Lucy Tracy, May 29, 1821
Gideon and Miranda Child, March 28, 1824
Hannah and Henry Brown, March 14, 1782
Henry and Hannah Brown, March 14, 1782
James and Sarah Oaks, Dec. 9, 1779
James and Salley Woodcock of Attleborough, int. March 12, 1809
John of Charlton and Lucy Corbin, Oct. 30, 1808
John [John 2d in int.] and Clarisa Hayward of Oxford, Feb. 8, 1816
John A. of Woodstock and Lucetta Sly, Jan. 6, 1825
Joseph of Thompson and Jemima Larned of Oxford, Oct. 25, 1787
Joseph and Dolley Arnold of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 29, 1814
Joseph Jr. and Lydia Gleason, both of Oxford, Nov. 11, 1823
Josiah and Dinah Wetherlll, Jan. 14, 1772
Lavena of Thompson, Conn., and Capt. Alanson Bates, int. Sept. 28, 1814
Loren [Lorin in int.] of Woodstock, Conn., and Rhoda Willard, Oct. 22, 1812
Lovisa and Benjamin A. Corbin of Oxford, int. Nov. 22, 1835
Lucinda and Caleb Wakefield, March 2, 1818
Lucinda and Reuel Moffitt of Oxford, int. May 11, 1825
Lucinda and Richard Gamage Jr. of Oxford, int. Dec. 27, 1846
Lucy (d. George and Lucy, a. 22) and Oliver Sumner, March 23, 1848
Wid. Lydia of Cantubary and Lieut. John Warren, int. April 22, 1791
Mrs. Marcy and Zebulon Morriss, int. March 6, 1797
Marcy and Eli Bullard of Holliston, May 27, 1812
Martha of Glocester and Peter Cooms, int. Sept. 18, 1787
Mary of Killingley and Jonathan Groe, int. Feb. 20, 1773
Wid. Mary and John Fenner, April 10, 1792
Mary and William Foster, Feb. 8 [Jan. 13 in dup.], 1781
Mary P. and Albert Lyon, both of Woodstock, Conn., April 22, 1838. In Woodstock
Mehitibel of Tompson Parish in Killingly and Joseph Putney Jr., int. May 20, 1748
Mercy [Marcy in int.] and Elijah Cary, Oct. 6, 1817
Nancy and Daniel Arnold, March 25, 1779
Nathaniel and Abi Lenerd of Dugliss, int. Jan. 26, 1757
Philip and Louis Upham, Sept. 28, 1775
Rachel and Asa Albee of Charlton, Feb. 3, 1829
Rhoda and Samuel Underwood, Oct. 10, 1816
Roxlaney [Roxalana in int.] and Stephen F. Humphry, May 27, 1812
Ruth W. and Frederick Goodell, Jan. 1, 1829
Waity [Waity M. in int.] and Marcus Trumble of Byron, Ga., Aug. 19, 1832
William and Lucy Davis, Oct. 14, 1773
William and Mary Freeman of Killingley, March 25, 1779
William and Mrs. Rebeca Robinson, Aug. 11, 1799
William and Sally Moffit, both of Oxford, Dec. 5. 1802
William S. and Sarah Ann McCrackin of Webster, int. Oct. 13, 1848
Lieut. Zephaniah and Hannah Ammidown of Charlton, int. March 6, 1799
Mrs. Zilpha and Walter Jewell, June ----, 1801
Maj. ---- and Lucy ----, Oct. 29, 1808
BRUCE (see Bruse)
Elisabeth A. of Sturbridge and Ephraim Upham Jr, int Dec. 7, 1839
Willard and Mary Bacon, Dec. 3, 1829
Winsor and Waity Sayles, int. Aug. 25, 1828
BRUSE (see above)
Charles of Brookfield and Abigail Carter, int. July 6, 1774
Lucy of Killingly, Conn., and Calvin Leffingwill, int. Sept. 6, 1813
Abel of Woodstock and Cynthia Edmunds, May 7, 1805
Susanah and Benjamin Stone, April 28, 1757
George of Woodstock, Conn,, and Juliet Haskell, Nov. 30, 1843
Surlinday and Silas Johnson, March 6, 1792
Eli of Holliston and Marcy Brown, May 27, 1812
Ethan and Ama Cory of Sturbridge, int. June 2, 1816
Ethan Jr. (s. Ethan, single) and Faustina Reynolds, June 27, 1844
Danforth of Thompson and Lovicy Marsh, int. April 13, 1838
Ursula of Thompson and Hosea Edmunds, int. Nov. 21, 1822
John and Mrs. Laura Wynn, int. Jan. 26, 1823
Calvin W. and Lydia Cole of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 12, 1835
Anson of Thompson, Conn., and Almira Wakefield, int. Nov. 29, 1834
BURNUL (see Burnull)
Hannah and David Sterns, Sept. 7, 1756
[Burnil in int.], John and Mary Carter, Jan. 4, 1742-3
Joseph and Hannah Tucker of Pomfrit, int. Jan. 20, 1743-9
Mary and John Whitmore of Killingly, Nov. 29, 1750
Samuel and Mary Allard of Woodstock, Jan. 22, 1756
Sarah and Ebenezer Trusdell, Sept. 5, 1751
BURNULL (see above)
Samuel and Hannah Allin, int. April 25, 1755
BURREL [?] -
Jacob and Desier Skelton, int. May 21, 1815
Olive and Asa Short of Gloucester, int. July 21, 1776
Phebe of Billingsley and Samuel Kimbell, int. Feb. 16, 1771
Eli and Nancy Weaver, int. May 15, 1814
Eunice of Killingley and Daniel How, int. Nov. 27, 1773
Mollee of Wairriver and Robert Webster, int. April 25, 1761
Judith and Lemuel Corbin, Nov. 15, 1796. In Brookfield
James Davie (s. James of Rutland. Vt., single, a. 27, Minister Cong. Ch.) and Anna Bates, April 21, 1845
Peter of Oxford and Mehitable Corbin, Nov. 23, 1800
Sally and Jeremiah Kingsbury, int. Aug. 27, 1831
Nancy (d. Paul of Sturbridge, single, a. 20) and Davis Vinton, Sept. 4, 1844
Betsey and Henry White, people of Color, int. Aug. 20, 1827
Julius and Patient Pagan, int. Aug. 24, 1789
Justus and Lydia Robinson, both of Oxford South Gore, May 29, 1737, at said Gore
CADY (see Cody)
Mrs. Damaris of Killingley and Rev. Perley Howe, int. Sept. 27, 1735
James and Patiance Bacon of Woodstocke, Dec. 13, 1759
Hale C. of Woodstock, Conn., and Sally Perry, Nov. 3, 1829
Hale C. (s. Joseph and Mary, widr., a. 45) and Hannah C. Farnum, March 6, 1849
Abigail of Oxford and Ebenezer Dicke, int. Dec. 3, 1743
John and Polly Sanger, both of Webster, May 18, 1834
William of Southbridge and Fanny Comins of Charlton, May 1, 1837. In Charlton
Elisabeth and William Gleason, int. Dec. 12, 1768
Elisabeth and Ezra Bowman, int. April 4, 1770
Rhoday of Pomphret and Ezbon Carter, int. Jan. 9, 1791
William and Lucretia Carter, late of Dudley, then in Westminster, Vt., March 3, 1786. At Bennington, Vt
CARPENTER (see Carpinder, Carpinter)
Abigail and James Adams, int. Jan. 24, 1768
Anna of Sturbridge and John Gore Jr., int. April 24, 1813
Charles and Polly Perry, March 28, 1830
Elects of Woodstock and Walter Upham, int. April 3, 1827
Emely of Charlton and Daniel Prince, int. Aug. 21, 1842
Hannah and John Gore, Nov. 23, 1775
Leonard and Matilda Reynolds, both of Sutton, July 7, 1817
Rebecca and Peter Hunt of Glocester, int. March 18, 1776
Preston of Millbury and Betsey Upham Larned, Oct. 20, 1831
Younglove C. and Rhoda Sabin, March 17, 1824
Rebecah of Woodstock and John Bowers, Nov. 6, 1755
CARPINTER (see above)
Martha and Jonathan Webster, Nov. 17, 1776
[Carrel in int.], Jane of Sutton and Andrew Dodge, May 8, 1777. At Sutton
[Carrel in int.], Hannah of Sutton and Asa Curtis, Dec. 25, 1767. At Sutton
Peter and Rose Boyle of Worcester, int. July 8, 1848
Arthur of Thompson and Polly Munyan, Oct. 8, 1822
Eliza of Oxford and Dan Munyan, July 11, 1826
Mrs. Mary and John Nichol, July 3, 1836
Polly of Thompson and Phineas Allen, int. Dec. ----, 1800
CARTER (see Cartur)
Abigail and Stephen Child of Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 24, 1812
Abigail and Charles Bruse of Brookfield, int. July 6, 1774
Ezbon and Rhoday Cargill of Ponaphret, int. Jan. 9, 1791
Lucretia, late of Dudley, then in Westminster, Vt., and William Cargill, March 3, 1786. At Bennington, Vt
Mary and John Burnul, Jan. 4, 1742-3
Mary and Jonas Fairbank, Dec. 5, 1768
Sally and Augustus Marcy, April 17, 1822
Sylvia and Benjamin Morriss Jr., Oct. 5, 1786
Theody [Altheoda in int.] and Joseph Sheffield of Killingley, Feb. 19, 1784
William Jr. and Hannah Mayo, Dec. 18, 1777
CARTUR (see Carter)
Abigail and Nathaniel Healy, Sept. 9, 1756
Sarah and Samuel Eams, Nov. 27, 1755
Stephen and Mehitabel Davison, May 4, 1762
William and Abigail Bacon, May 17, 1750
Elijah and Mercy Brown, Oct. 6, 1817
Sylvester R. and Catharine Green of Warwick, R.I., int. Aug. 6, 1820
Eunice of Brooklyn, Conn., and Samuel Fitts, int. Oct. 26, 1812
Mary of Warwick, R.I., and William Wakefield, int. Oct. 8, 1831
CHACE (see Chase)
Isaac and Anna White, Nov. 30, 1797
CHAFEE (see forms below)
Eliza of Thompson, Conn., and Benjamin H. Johnson, int. Dec. 5, 1843
Phidelia of Ashford, Conn., and Ephraim Martin Jr., int. March 21, 1812
Allice and Josiah Conant, int. April 8, 1829
Eliza of Woodstock and Asa Robinson Jr., int. April 23, 1825
Plure B. of Thompson, Conn., and David Bracket Jr., int., March 15, 1834
[Chafee in int.], Thomas of Woodstock and Mary May, April 8, 1779
CHAMBERLAIN (see forms below)
Calvin and Charlotte How, int. Oct. 24, 1790
Calvin and Anna Warren, Jan. 12, 1794
Calvin 2d and Julia H. [F.?] Woodard of Sturbridge, Jan. 7, 1838
Chloe and Moses Curtis, March 23, 1807
Clarisa and Charles Bowers, Oct. 6, 1803
Edward of Oxford and Hannah Edmunds, Jan. 22, 1745-6
Edward and Sarah Champney of Southborough, int. July 28, 1770
Edward Jr. and Emilia Dyer of Charlton, int. Dec. 28, 1806
Elizabeth and Calvin Mower [Collins Moore is correct] of Oxford, July 11, 1787. At Charlton
Ichabod and Sarah Gale, March 19, 1767
Jacob Jr. and Mary Vinton, Nov. 22, 1774
Jacob and [Wid.] Mary Freeman of Sturbridge, Sept. 6, 1774
Jacob Jr. of Millbury and Deborah Healy, March 5, 1817
John and Mary Lee, Sept. 19, 1782
Joshua of Homer, N.Y. and Chloe Curtis, Jan. 16, 1805
Lucy and Edward Curtis, Oct. 4, 1770
Mrs. Lucy of Charlton and Ephraim Bacon Jr. of Sturbridge, Jan. 24, 1802
Luther and Hannah Curtis, April 5, 1787
Luther and Phebe Polley, int. April 16, 1796
Lydia and Larned Marcy, Oct. 9, 1831
Wid. Mary and John Blood of Charlton, int. March 31, 1773
Wid. Mary and John Haskell Jr., April 13, 1794
Mary and Phinehas Bemis, July 16, 1809
Moses and Hephzibah Nurse, residing in Reading, April 20, 1775. At Reading
Nabba and Salmon Bixby, Sept. 26, 1798
Phebe and John Polley of Charlton, April 12, 1770
Mrs. Polley and John Dyer, int. Feb. 20, 1799
Polley and Elias Bacon, July 31, 1803
Rebecca and Erastus, otherwise Eastman, Farnum of Uxbridge, Jan. 22, 1800
Reubin and Rebecca Healy, April 25, 1776
Sabra and Clement Corbin, int. Sept. 17, 1791
Samuel and Mary Green of Volingtown, int. May 27, 1770
Sarah and Stephen Streeter of Oxford, int. June 20, 1778
Sarah [Salley in int.] and John Rickards. April 7, 1791
Wid. Sarah and Capt. Samuel Healy, May 24, 1797. At Charlton
Susannah and Benoni Adams, May 8, 1777
Willoba of Woodstock and George Foster, int. [No date given, probably 1795 or 1798
Pataince of Killingly and Josiah Balech, int. Jan. 17, 1735-6
Hannah and Stilman Plimpton, April 30, 1816
Jacob and Phebe Vinton, int. Feb. 26, 1742-3
Simon and Abigail Taller of Suttin, int. Dec. 27, 1735
CHAMBERLINE (see above)
Rebecah and Daniel Dodge of Killingly, int. May 3, 1760
Simon and Elizebeth Dodge, March 7, 1756
Sarah of Southborough and Edward Chamberlain, int. July 28, 1770
John of Woodstock, Conn., and Deborah Eddy, Jan. 8, 1807
Winthrop of Killingley and Mary Gleason, Feb. 11, 1773
Hepsibath of Natick and Jonathan Pegan, March 28, 1758. At Hopkinton
CHASE (see Chace)
Elisha and Emeline Jourden, int. Sept. 1, 1827
Ellice and Ebenezer Cummins, July 9, 1791
Eseck of Oxford and Mrs. Ruth Hill, int. Feb. ---- 1805
Isabella of Douglass and Olney Esten, int. Dec. 17, 1815
Phebe of Charlton and Samuel Goodnough, int. Oct. 30, 1808
Silas of Douglas and Harriet Corbin, May 31, 1843
John of Thompson and Mary Dean, April 4, 1821
Solomon of Uxbridge and Anna Patch, int. Sept. 16, 1786
CHEANY (see Cheney, Cheny)
[Cheney in int.], Phillis and Will, negro servants to Capt. Thomus Cheany, Jan. 16, 1748-9
[Cheney in int.] (see Cheney) Will and Phillis, negro servants to Capt. Thomas Cheany, Jan. 16, 1748-9
[Cheney in int.], Artemos and Prusilla Gore, May 20, 1790. At Charlton
CHECKERING (see Chickering)
George [George C. Chickering of Shrewsbury in int.] and Mary A. Jewell, Dec. 24, 1837
Martha of Woodstock and Samuel Peegun, April 8, 1739
CHENEY (see Cheany, Cheny, Chenny)
Caroline of Southbridge and Andrew Putney, int. March 5, 1832
Charles and Alcy Barnes, Sept. 15, 1811
Clarisa and Daniel Steere of Woodstock, Conn., June 23, 1816
Eunice and Wealthy Grover of Mendon, Nov. 13, 1814
Hannah and Erastus Bolles of Sturbridge, Jan. 28, 1813
John and Lura Warren, Jan. 12, 1794
CHENY (see Cheany, Cheney)
Leonard and Mrs. Meriam Batchelor of Charlton, int. May 16, 1802
Mrs. Lucy and Benjamin Morse of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 10, 1802
Sally and Ruggles Morse of Charlton, int. Dec. 2, 1794
Thomas Jr. and Eunice Gleason, int. April 15, 1769
Hyram and Martha Steere of Woodstock, int. June 17, 1815
Hannah and Joseph Learned of Oxford, int. Jan. 20, 1747-8
CHICKERING (see Checkering)
Lucy M. of Shrewsbury and Stephen W. Jewell, int. March 17, 1840
Alvin and Caroline Fessenden, Sept. 21, 1828
Danford and Semira P. Town, March 9, 1828
Elijah of Killingly and Rachel Palmer, March 29, 1759
Emily of Webster and Otis Stone, July 20, 1834
Erastus of Woodstock and Ronda M. Rickard, Feb. 26, 1824
Harriet and Thomas Pope 2d, April 21, 1832
Mrs. Joanna of Woodstock and Ens. Jephtha Bacon, int. Jan. 19, 1801
Marcus and Chloe Talbut of Killingly, Conn., Sept. 16, 1830
Miranda and Gideon Brown, March 28, 1824
Nathan Jr. and Huldah Harwood of Charlton, int. Nov. 19, 1809
Otis and Elizabeth Marcy Rice, both of Sturbridge, March 28, 1833
Polley and Samuel May Jr., both of Charlton, Dec. 20, 1803
Samuel and Lydia Stratton of Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1734. At Cambridge
Stephen of Woodstock, Conn., and Abigail Carter, Dec. 24, 1812
George and Betsey Bartlett, int. Nov. 18, 1826
CLARK (see Clerk)
Irena and Garner Gorden of Woodstock, Sept. 26, 1787
Thomas of Leicester and Sally B. Howe of Charlton, Jan. 31, 1836. In Charlton
CLAYES (see Cloice)
[Cloice in int.], Benjamin and Esther Pratt of Sturbridge, Aug. 21, 1792
CLEAVERLAND (see Cleveland)
[Cleavling in int.], John and Caty May, March 15, 1781
CLEMANS (see Clemons)
Calista [Celestia in int.] and Samuel Davis, April 5, 1832
Chester and Louisa P. Curtis, May 17, 1829
Chester and Julia Corbin, May 17, 1837
Cynia of Carlton and Tyler Simpson, int. Nov. 12, 1827
Emily and Joseph Davis 2d, Oct. 9, 1831
Asa of Charlton and Mary Warren, Oct. 4, 1789
[Clemuns in int], Joseph and Damaris Dennis, June 22, 1750
CLEMONS (see above)
Huldah and Nathan Fletcher, Aug. 2, 1778
CLERK (see Clark)
John Jr. of Hampton, Conn., and Phebe Curtis, March 7, 1793
CLEVELAND (see Cleaverland)
E. C. and Mary A. Marble of Charlton, Oct. 13, 1835. In Charlton
Thomas [Thomas S. in int.] and Catharine Knoon, May 9, 1830
CLOICE (see Clayes)
Wid. Abigail of Fraimingham and Maj. Nathaniel Healy, int. Feb. 15, 1788
Mary and Nicholas O. Brine, int. Sept. 20, 1834
Eliphalit and Susanah Turner, Nov. 29, 1759
Andrew and Jane Allen of Sutton, Jan. 9, 1733-4. At Sutton
Andrew Jr. and Hannah Morsse of Woodstock, int. July 3, 1762
Capt. Andrew of New Molborough [N.H.] and wid. Phebe Bacon, Nov. 27, 1774
Asa and Mary Mecluer of Brookfield, int. March 20, 1762
Mrs. Bathsheba of Oxford and Joseph Marsh, int. Feb. 2, 1802
Benjamin and Hannah Corbin of Woodstock, Sept. 25 [or 26], 1746
Bethia and Paul Rich, Feb. 10, 1733-4. At Oxford
Daniel and wid. Rachel. Pierce of Walpole, Oct. 22, 1761
Easter and Samuel Upham, Nov. 7, 1750
Ebenezer and Phebee Shapley of Killingly, int. Dec. 31, 1737
Edward of Windham and Sarah Wiman, Jan. 20, 1774
Elisabeth and John Davison, May 2, 1739
Elizebeth and Georg Holt of Windham, int. Aug. 5, 1738
Henry of Charlton and Rhoda Mansfield, June 4, 1815
Jane and Samuel Allen of Gildford, int. May 15, 1773
John and Deborah Goddard of Woodstock, Dec. 11, 1740
Lucy and John Webster, Dec. 17, 1758
Polley of Thompson and Roswell Lee, int. Jan. 10, 1801
Rufus of Thompson, Conn., and Phebe Nichols, Nov. 3, 1807
Sarah and Benjamin Webster, April 4, 1755
William and Abigail Upham of Killingly, int. Feb. 17, 1759
William of Millbury and Lefa Mansfield, Dec. 30, 1822
William of Millbury and Julia Ann Albee, Oct. 10, 1832
Zerviah [Zeruiah in int.] of Charlton and John Davison, Feb. 11, 1762. At Charlton
CODY (see Cady)
Jerusha and Ephraim Bates of Thompson, Feb. 14, 1787
Jerutia and Samuel How of Hopkinton, Sept. 17, 1811
Nancy and Joseph Richerds Jr. of Hopkinton, Nov. 27, 1806
Nathan and Rhody Wakefield of Oxford, int. Oct. 9, 1810
Polly of Charlton and Hosea Mansfield, int. Sept. 16, 1814
Lydia of Sturbridge and Calvin W. Burlingame, int. Feb. 12, 1835
Sarah Jane of Southbridge (d. Elisha and Mary of Southbridge, single, a. 20) and Renslow S. Parker, Oct. 15, 1845
Rufus of Boylston and Mrs. Betsey Warren of Charlton, March 31, 1801
Abigail, resident in Shrewsbury and Southwick Hibberd, March 21, 1757. At Oxford
Francis of Southbridge and Eliza Humes, Oct. 12, 1823
Catherine and Thomas Monks of Webster, int. Sept. 6, 1834
Ebenezer and Mrs. Susan Tyson, both of Oxford, Nov. 25, 1823
[Wid. in int.], Sabra and Salem Town Esq. Jan. 10, 1792
Stephen and wid. Sabrey Felcher of Killingley, int. Feb. 17, 1786
Ziba of Whitestown, N.Y., and Mrs. Hannah Dorranc, int. [Nov. 14, 1797 ?]
COMBS (see Cooms)
Joseph and Mrs. Zilphar White, Jan. 13, 1801
Thankful and William Vinton at Ward, May 31, 1781
[Speer?], Hulday of Natick and Josheph Pagin, int. Oct. 10, 1735
Frances L. of Charlton and Charles Stowell, int. Nov. 2, 1839
Fanny of Charlton and William Camp of Southbridge, May 1, 1837. In Charlton
Pamelia of Charlton and Samuel Tourtelott of Sutton, June 15, 1836. In Charlton
Susan and Schuyler Morris, both of Charlton, March 29, 1838. In Charlton
COOMS (see Combs)
Peter and Martha Brown of Glocester, int. Sept. 18, 1787
COMSTOCK (see Cumstock)
Mrs. Clarisa and Japhet Curtis Jr. of Thompson, int. Jan. 5, 1806
Benjamin and Lydia Lamb, Sept. 17, 1745
Clarissa and William Foskett of Charlton, April 23, 1809
Dolly and Andrew King of Charlton, Oct. 24, 1816
Dolly H. and Ralph U. Davison of Brooklyn, Conn., March 2, 1843
Ezra and Millecent Newell, Jan. 1, 1745-6
Harvey and Dolly Healy, May 13, 1819
Hephisbah, and Asa Mann, Feb. 16, 1792
Hosea and Lucy King of Charlton, int. May 10, 1818
Jonathan and Lucy Corbin, July 9, 1772
Josiah and Martha Conant, May 25, 1757
Josiah Jr. and Lucy Fosget of Carlton, int. Oct. 22, 1795
Josiah and Allice Chaffee, int. April 8, 1829
Lodemy and Joseph Rich of Charlton, June 14, 1787
Lucy and John White, April 15, 1779
Wid. Lucy and Thomas Keith, Oct. 16, 1816
Lucy F. (d. Hervey, a. 24) and Nelson Bennett [of Woodstock, Conn.], Dec. 30, 1844
Lydia and Andrew White, Feb. 14, 1744-5
Lydia and Elihu Moffitt, int. Aug. 9, 1795
Martha and Josiah Conant, May 25, 1757
Polley and David Nichols Jr., June 30, 1796
Rufus of Charlton and Ruhanna Johnson, April 3, 1838
Rufus and Dolley White, May 11, 1790
Wid. Ruth of Oxford and Joseph Healy Jr., Jan. 21, 1790
Sylvia and Lemuel Healy Jr., Dec. 4, 1817
James of Sturbridge and Pamelia Phinney, int. Oct. 3, 1840
John and Chloe Kidder, Dec. 23, 1827
Martha B. of Sturbridge and Zebulon Morris, int. March 14, 1829
Riel of Thompson, Conn., and Adah Barnes, April 21, 1811
Elijah of Killingley and Experience Hibberd, Jan. 25, 1770
Esther and Daniel Hebberd, Jan. 5, 1775
COOPER (see Coopper)
Aaron of Thompson, Conn., and Roxy Perry, Nov. 27, 1800
Joseph of Brookfield and Elizabeth Warren, Nov. 16, 1818
Katherine of Kovintree and John Warrin, int. Feb. 2, 1766
COOPPER (see above)
Anne and Thomas Peagun, Oct. 1, 1739
