Vital Records Of Douglas,
Worcester Co., Massachusetts,
To The End Of The Year 1849
Marriages - HACKET to PUTNEY
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Calvin B. of Uxbridge and Hannah Aldrich, int. Sept. 13, 1835.
Halsey of Providence, R.I. and Susan Smith, May 8, 1844.
Alvin [Hall?] and Emely F. Brown, June 12, 1839.
Elisha of Sutton and Henretta Brown, int. Feb. 23, 1807.
Hannah of Northbridge and Ellery Holbrook of Uxbridge, May 10, 1831.
Mary and Amos Morse, May 29, 1806.
Mercy and Benjamin Willson, March 3, 1811.
Robert and Marcy Craggin of Uxbridge, int. Jan. 22, 1804.
Sarah and Charles Rawson of Uxbridge, Nov. 6, 1794.
William and Mary A. Blair, Sept. 1, 1816.
William and Sally Sprague [Spring in int.], July 7, 1836.
Bathsheba (wid., a. 49) of Oxford and Lemuel Tiffany, Oct. 14, 1845.
Eunice of Uxbridge and Reuben Ide, int. March 18, 1821.
Levi and Lydia Hall, Sept. 23, 1827.
Lydia and Levi Hall, Sept. 23, 1827.
Orpah and Samuel Lamb of Pomfret, May 6, 1761.
Sabrinee of Uxbridge and John C. Brown of Smithfield, R.I., July 23, 1829.
Robert W. and Nancy Risbrough of Boston, int. Jan. 6, 1816.
John C. and Lucy J. Thayer, int. Jan. 24, 1846.
Louisa and William Church of Tiverton, R.I., int. Jan. 6, 1844.
Lucinda [or Lurinda ?] and Malvin Wheeler, Oct. 2, 1837.
Parley and Elizabeth B. Mansfield of Smithfield, R.I., int. April 13, 1839.
Susan (d. John and Nancy, a. 24) and William Cook of Pawtucket, Sept. 13, 1847.
HARENDEEN (see Herendeen, etc)
[Herinton in int.], Doct'r. Ezekiel of Smithfield and Trial Darling, April 10, 1788.
HARRINGTON (see Herenton, Herrington)
Mary of Johnson, R.I. and Moses Brown, int. May 5, 1811.
David of Sutton and Wid. Susanna Taft, Jan. 16, 1791.
HASSELTON (see Hazelton)
Mary L. and Daniel Billings of Ware, May 26, 1831.
Mary F. and Emory Daniels of Sutton, Oct. 8, 1821.
Warren and Betsey Jacobs of Pomfret, Ct., int. Nov. 5, 1842.
Esther and Benjamin Loue [Low ?] of Killingsly, int. March 7, 1774.
James of Upton and Rebeckah Aldrich, March 17, 1774.
Martha and Jonathan Mansfield of Waltham, Dec. 15, 1773.
Mary of Killingsly and David Balkcom, int. April 3, 1780.
HAZELTON (see Hasselton)
Cynthia Ann and Salem Wallis, Oct. 29, 1840.
Laurentia V. of Woonsocket Falls, R.I. and Edward F. Stone, int. Aug. 5, 1837.
Mary M. (a. 23) and Henry S. Emerson of Providence, R.I., April 9, 1844.
[Hurd in int.], Freeman of Smithfield and Alvira A. Yates, Oct. 6, 1840.
Nathan W. and Phebe H. Burgess of Uxbridge, March 24, 1831.
Samuel W. and Betsey Knap, Dec. 3, 1835.
William R. and Lucy H. Walker of Sturbridge, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
William of Uxbridge and Mary Pulsipher, April 9, 1804.
HERENDEN (see Harendeen; also below)
Laban and Polly Mercy of Woodstock, int. May 23, 1795.
HERENDEEN (see Herindeen, Herrindeen)
Aaron and Bulah Cook, Feb. 1, 1774.
Daniel of Smithfield and Mary Jeperson, int. Aug. 27, 1770.
David and Anna Marcy of Woodstock, Nov. 15, 1802.
Deliverance and John Sales of Glocester, int. Nov. 30, 1776.
Hannah and Christopher Sheeppe of Glosester, int. March 16, 1772.
Hezekiah and Lovina Jepherson, int. July 4, 1817.
Joseph and Sally Raymond of Plymouth, int. March 20, 1804.
Martha and Seth Jepherson Jr., Nov. 27, 1805.
Peter and Rosanna Thayer, int. Jan. 2, 1787.
Polly and Jonathan Mercy Jr. [Marcy in int.] of Woodstock, Dec. 25, 1803.
Rachel and Jonah Brown, int. March 9, 1780.
Roxany A. and Davis W. Blackman, int. Dec. 2, 1832.
Simon and Azubah Marcy of Woodstock, Conn., int. June 16, 1807.
Simon and Lydia Phillips of Thompson, int. Feb. 29, 1828, not published, forbid by Mrs. Phillips.
William of Smithfield and Comfort Combs, int. Sept. 12, 1766.
HERENTON (see Herrington)
Zilphah and William Jepherson Jr., int. Jan. 26, 1791.
HERINDEEN (see Herendeen, Herrindeen)
John of Glocester and Sarah Jepherson, int. May 8, 1780.
Polly and Lyman Green, Jan. 21, 1836.
HERRINDEEN (see Herendeen, Herindeen)
Sally and Dexter Yeats, Nov. 21, 1824.
HERRINGTON (see Herenton)
Hannah of Southbridge and Waterman Jepherson, int. June 5, 1824.
HEWET (see below)
Allen of Northbridge and Lucinda Burt of Sutton, Jan. 4, 1818.
Mary of Northbridge and Bridgham A. Batcheller, int. Feb. 10, 1835.
Rhoda of Sutton and William Sprague, int. April 19, 1803.
[Hewett in int.] Martha P. of Sutton and Russell Titus, Jan. 26, 1834.
Timothy Jr. of Sutton and Polly Hill, int. April 12, 1817.
HICKS (see Hix)
Ruth of Sutton and Capt. Caleb Hill, int. Oct. 29, 1764.
Aaron and Mary Whitney, May 25, 1775.
Aaron Jr. and Polly Brown, int. March 4, 1805.
Aaron [Aaron M. in int.] and Loiezer L. Emerson, May 1, 1837.
Amos and Hannah Lee, Oct. 13, 1803.
Asa and Rhoda Baker of Franklin, int. Nov. 23, 1807.
Asa and Grace Stone, Feb. 24, 1811.
Azubah and Samuel Whitney, Dec. 13, 1781.
Azubah and Benjamin Craggin, Dec. 11, 1796.
Azubah and Horace Emerson, March 13, 1828.
Benjamin C. and Dorathy Dudley, Dec. 4, 1822.
Bethiah and Jonathan Foster, int. May 21, 1764.
Capt. Caleb and Ruth Hicks of Sutton, int. Oct. 29, 1764.
Caleb Jr. and Elesibeth Whitney, Dec. 3, 1772.
Caleb and Lydia Marsh, March 6, 1806.
Clarissa and Fenner Batcheller, March 20, 1832.
Daniel and Mary Albe of Mendon, int. July 10, 1767.
David and Mary Combes, int. July 31, 1769.
Dinah and Bezaleel Gould of Woodstock, Conn., int. Dec. 28, 1804.
Ebenezer and Sally Ambley, Feb. 3, 1789.
Ephraim Jr. and Mary Davis of Sutton, int. July 10, 1756.
Eunice and Eli Stockwell, Nov. 20, (1782 ?).
Huldah and Benjamin Davis, Nov. 29, 1798.
James and Dolly Larnard of Oxford, int. Aug. 1, 1768.
Job Jr. and Abagal Cook, int. Aug. 4, 1766.
Jonah and Easter Livermore, int. Jan. 26, 1759.
Jonathan and Rozillah Combes, int. July 15, 1776.
Loes and Ebenezer Bunday of Thompson, int. June 30, 1788.
Lois and Amos Dodge of Sutton, int. Nov. 3, 1800.
Lucinda and Silas Cumings, Sept. 20, 1801.
Lucy of Oxford and Abraham Briggs Jr., Oct. 31, 1797.
Lydia and Josiah Reed, int. May 12, 1804.
Mary and Abner Perry, int. ---- ----, [1780 ?].
Mary and Eleazer Peters, int. ---- ----, [1780 ?].
Mary and Jeremiah Batcheller, May 12, 1840.
Meletiah and William Robens, March 11, 1773.
Mercy of Mendon and John Holbrook, int. Aug. 15, 1801.
Micah and Sally Marsh, Sept. 10, 1809.
Moses and Dinah Roberson of Dudley, int. April 3, 1780.
Moses and Charlotte A. Blush, May 9, 1832.
Noah and Esther Baker, int. March 29, 1784.
Phebe and Joseph Long, int. May 22, 1777.
Polly and Timothy Hewitt Jr. of Sutton, int. April 12, 1817.
Submit and John Dudley, Sept. 30, 1810.
Submit (d. Caleb and Lydia, a. 25) and Thomas Warren of New Bedford, Sept. 1, 1846.
Amanda (d. David and Julia, a. 20) and Clark Balcom, May 14, 1846.
Hiram of Slatersville (s. Daniel and Julia, a. 23, machinist) and Rachel Ann Cumings, May 19, 1847.
Jehiel and Eliza Slocum, Sept. 15, 1830.
HIX (see Hicks)
Levi and Mary Balch, June 24, 1754.
Sarah (d. Joel and Sally, a. 20) and Henry T. Stone, Aug. 31, 1847.
Mary and John Jepherson, int. Oct. 7, 1757.
Amariah [Ammioiah in int.] of Uxbridge and Keziah Nye, Nov. 20, 1777.
Caroline and Jendson Eager, int. Nov. 5, 1830.
Ellery of Uxbridge and Hannah Hale of Northbridge, May 10, 1831.
Ezekiel and Sarah Cook of Gloucester, R.I., int. June 9, 1798.
Ezekiel and Metilda Caswell, March 7, 1819.
John and Mercy Hill of Mendon, int. Aug. 15, 1801.
Margret of Uxbridge and Thadaus Thayer, int. May 25, 1778.
Mary and Daniel Loge of Gloucester, int. Jan. 22, 1804.
Mikel of Uxbridge and Rhoda Thayer, int. Sept. 17, 1766.
Phebe and Keith Taft of Uxbridge, Feb. 17, 1791.
Samuel and Anna White of Burrilsville, Nov. 30, 1815.
Wid. Sary of Gloucester, R.I. and George Thayer, int. Feb. 14, 1804.
Stephen B. of Northbridge and Hannah Sutton, Nov. 27, 1839.
Rev. David and Clarisa Packard of Sutton, int. June 13, 1810.
Rev. David and Lois Adams of Northbridge, int. Nov. 15, 1824.
Rev. David and Sarah Cannon [?] of Boston, int. March 23, 1834.
Florella M. and Jonathan Grout of Westborough, June 2, 1842.
Mary Ann and Samuel Austin Waters of Chelmsford, Nov. 27, 1834.
Josiah and Susan Howell, int. April 25, 1825.
Martha and Armenias Aldrich, Jan. 1, 1795.
Sarah C. (d. Carver) and Alden P. Field, May 6, 1844.
Susannah of Gloucester and John Yeats, int. June 28, 1792.
German and Sarah Hovey, Sept. 13, 1837.
Sarah and German Houghton, Sept. 13, 1837.
Jerusha and David Peters, int. Feb. 13, 1820.
Azubah L. and Stephen S. Chamberlin of Sutton, int. Oct. 24, 1840.
James and Jane R. Thompson, Feb. 24, 1820.
Joseph of Thompson and Thankfull Sprague, Dec. 19, 1799.
Mary and Otis Batcheller, May 4, 1831.
Rebecca and Silas White, June 23, 1803.
Richard and Betty Morse, July 13, 1780.
Barnabas F. and Elizabeth Shepard of Providence, R.I., int. April 13, 1844.
Betsey and Abishai White of Northbridge, Nov. 28, 1799.
Elizabeth and Sylvester Caldwell of Bane, Dec. 17, 1817.
Mary and Solomon Stockwill, Feb. 20, 1782.
Mary and Oliver Emerson, April 20, 1817.
Philip and Susanna Clark Riedel, May 28, 1795.
Richard and Wid. Rebecca Bastow of Thompson, Ct., int. Sept. 26, 1799.
Richard and Wid. Priscella Pollock of Thompson, int. Sept. 2, 1815.
Sarah and Smith Emmerson of Oxford, Jan. 1, 1816.
Susan and Josiah Hopkins, int. April 25, 1825.
Bernice and William Howland, June 26, 1831.
Cynthia and Levi Lucas, Jan. 12, 1825.
Dashel and Jacob Jenne of Gloucester, int. Nov. 8, 1806.
Eddy of Gloucester and Mary Parker, Sept. 15, 1791.
Enoch and Anna Alger, int. Sept. 21, 1824.
Joseph and Lusina Yeates, Dec. 15, 1791.
Joseph and Lydia Aldrich, April 22, 1802.
Lois of Gloucester, R.I. and Seth Aldrich, int. April 16, 1800.
Lois Lovan and Isaac Amidon 2d, June 26, 1831.
Mary and Calvin Aldrich, int. Feb. 12, 1799.
Munyan and Annjanett Saben of Southbridge, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Naomi and Uzzial Bixby of Thompson, March 30, 1823.
Phebe and John W. Thompson of Uxbridge, int. July 23, 1825.
Seth and Ophelia Morse, April 12, 1827.
Stephen and Molly Aldrich, May 2, 1798.
Stephen and Hannah Aldrich, int. March 25, 1809.
Thomas and Arvilla Buxton, May 26, 1833.
William and Bernice Howland, June 26, 1831.
HUCHINSON (see Hutchinson)
Ruth of Sutton and John Lee, int. July 28, 1822.
Mary of Uxbridge and Simeon Lee, int. March 14, 1798.
Samuel of Nova Cota and Orpha Lennard, int. April 6, 1758.
HUMES (see Hums)
Amos and Priscella Drake, Feb. 27, 1800.
Belinda and Amasa Lapham of Burrelsville, R.I., Jan. 23, 1823.
Chloe and James Wallis, March 15, 1781.
David and Abigail Brown of Gloucester, int. April 25, 1796.
David Jr. and Betsey H. Wilmorth of Mendon, int. June 30, 1840.
Harlot and Sevens Sibley Jr. of Sutton, int. Nov. 1, 1828.
Jemime and David Chase, Nov. 19, 1771.
Laura Ann of Thompson, Conn. and Paris Humes, int. Aug. 1, 1840.
Manning and Lucy Chaffin of Holden, int. April 30, 1836.
Meriam [Mariam in int.] and Jonathan Wheeler of Sutton, May 20, 1787.
Molly and George Stone of Gloucester, Jan. 3, 1796.
Moses and Anna Brown of Gloucester, int. Feb. 4, 1788.
Moses Jr. and Mirandy Thayer, Aug. 23, 1811.
Nahum and Diana Thayer, int. Dec. 14, 1825.
Paris and Laura Ann Humes of Thompson, Conn., int. Aug. 1, 1840.
Richard of Uxbridge and Kezia Marsh, int. Nov. 16, 1757.
Robart and Meriam Shepheard, int. Jan. 13, 1759.
Samuel and Susannah Thomson of Mendon, int. March 5, 1759.
Samuel Jr. and Mary Thomson, int. April 3, 1769.
Sophrona and Davis Cumings of Sutton, April 21, 1833.
Submit and Thomas J. Lappum of Burrellville, int. Nov. 23, 1826.
Submit and Aaron A. Wallis, Nov. 12, 1832.
Warren Esq. and Pheba Rich of Sutton, Nov. 14, 1832.
Stephen of Oxford and Molley Robens, April 13, 1786.
HUMS (see Humes)
Josiah and Lydia Wallis, int. Dec. 7, 1767.
Samuel and Sarah Sabens of Mendon, Oct. 21, 1779.
Anderson and Eliza Forbush of Upton, int. April 2, 1831.
Anderson and Nancy C. Chamberlin of Hopkinton, int. Feb. 26, 1842.
Caroline and Amasa Coggshall of Mendon, Nov. 22, 1835.
Clerk and Zilpha Alexander of Mendon, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
Daniel and Patty Wallis, April 24, 1788.
Diadema and Luther Stone, April 15, 1825.
Edwin A. and Mary A. Joslin of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 9, 1848.
Eunice and Ellis Balkcom, May 26, 1799.
Wid. Eunice and Samuel Cumings, int. July 11, 1806.
Francis W. (s. Warren and Martha, a. 22) and Eunice D. Balcom, May 22, 1849.
Hariot N. and Charles Hutchins, int. Oct. 12, 1837.
John and Huldah Knowlton of Burrilsville, int. July 23, 1821.
John B. and Ann B. Peck of Sutton, int. June 2, 1833.
Joseph and Betsey Balkcom, May 29, 1799.
Leander B. and Lydia B. Nourse of Worcester, int. Oct. 14, 1836.
Lewis and Almira Munrow, int. June 23, 1831.
Martha of Sutton and Zara Parker, March 23, 1843.
Meric and Rebecca Carpenter, Dec. 18, 1823.
Oliver and Diadama Whiting, June 29, 1797.
Oliver and Phebe Bolkcom, Jan. 28, 1802.
Oliver Jr. and Persis Forbush of Upton, int. March 30, 1832.
Otis W. and Submit Cumings of Oxford, May 1, 1823.
Rizpah and Joseph Richmond of Gloucester, March 24, 1796.
Sally and Joseph Northum, Oct. 1, 1820.
Syrena (d. Clerk) and Albert Vallet, Nov. 3, 1845.
Warren and Martha Kelley of Oakham, int. April 28, 1821.
William of Uxbridge and Esther Trask, Dec. 13, 1787.
William (s. Otis W. and Submit, a. 21, mechanic) and Laura A. Balcom, May 22, 1849.
Zilpha and Charles Cook of Bellingham, Oct. 31, 1844.
Sarah and Alvin Dwinnell, April 30, 1846.
Amory and Mary Cutler Eames of Hopkinton, int. Oct. 16, 1819.
Waldo and Maria B. Ingraham of Dudley, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
George W. of Oxford (manufacturer) and Almira Stone, March 27, 1845.
Sylvia of Uxbridge and Aaron Marsh, int. Dec. 6, 1822.
Charles and Hariot N. Hunt, int. Oct. 12, 1837.
HUTCHINSON (see Huchinson)
Eliza of Oxford and Chandler Stockwell Jr., int. July 18, 1835.
Ester of Oxford and Corlis Barret, int. Nov. 21, 1829.
Huldah G. and George H. Starr, May 6, 1841.
Liberty and Levini Gleason, both of Oxford South Gore, Nov. 22, 1796.
Lydia and William Freeman of Killingly, Conn., Dec. 3, 1837.
Mary and Stephen Southworth, March 30, 1842.
Nathan and Vida Wakefield, both of Oxford South Gore, May 18, 1797.
Polly and Bezaleel Wakefield, both of Oxford Gore, Dec. 14, 1797.
Reuben and Polly Lee, March 1, 1796.
Reuben and Eunice Hall of Uxbridge, int. March 18, 1821.
Maria B. of Dudley and Waldo Huntington, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
Abel and Emely F. Town, Oct. 19, 1840. In Southbridge.
Levisa and Silvanus Cone, int. July 16, 1815.
Phebe and Abner Aldrich, int. April 14, 1772.
Thomas of Sutton (Parents dead, a. 29, farmer) and Rhoby Burton of Oxford, Sept. 16, 1844.
Betsey of Pomfret, Ct. and Warren Hatten, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
Serrel of Thompson and Nancy Dudly, int. July 2, 1825.
Mary [Polly Jenason in int.] and Jonathan Whipple of Mendon, Dec. 25, 1777.
Lieut. Samuel and Neome Everdon, Dec. 7, 1775.
Mary L. of Uxbridge and Brigham Fuller, March 16, 1837. In Grafton.
Pardon and Lydia Waterman Bolster, July 4, 1824.
Philander E. and Amy Sprague of Thomson, Conn., Oct. 8, 1835.
JENNE (see Jenney, Jinney)
Calvin A. of Burrelsville, R.I. and Lellis Eddy, int. Aug. 22, 1837.
Jacob of Gloucester and Dashel Howland, int. Nov. 8, 1806.
John and Polly Stone, Sept. 21, 1828.
JENNEY (see Jenne, Jinney)
Jonathan and Merab Knowlton, int. June 3, 1822.
[Jenny in int.], Jonathan and Sophia Davis, April 28, 1829.
JEPARSON (see below)
William Jr. and Elizabeth Parker of Preetown, int. Sept. 13, 1762.
Aaron and Deborah Sherman, int. July 14, 1777.
Elisebeth and Amos Marsh, April 22, 1778.
Hannah and Stephen Rows of Glocester, int. March 19, 1770.
Marcy and Elezer Killey of Glosester, int. Aug. 9, 1779.
Mary and Asa White, int. May 31, 1770.
Mary and Daniel Herendeen of Smithfield, int. Aug. 27, 1770.
Rachel and Joseph Thare Jr., int. Sept. 24, 1764.
Seth and Mary Sales of Glocester, int. March 26, 1781.
JEPHERSON (see above)
Aaron and Mary Peters, int. May 22, 1777. Cried first and second time and then for Bide by said Jepherson.
Aaron Jr. and Sally Curtis, int. Feb. 5, 1819.
Abel and Sabra Bowdish, May 27, 1838.
Abel and Eunice Brown of Burrillville, int. Nov. 16, 1841.
Anna and Noah B. Caswell, May 9, 1819.
Asenath and Aaron Cook of Uxbridge, April 1, 1802.
Deborah and George Mowry of Burrillsville, Oct. 18, 1835.
Elisabeth and Joshua Combs, May 28, 1761.
Elizabeth and Amos Morse Jr., Oct. 29, 1840.
Job and Lucy Reed, March 8, 1802.
John and Mary Hodkins, int. Oct. 7, 1757.
Julia Ann and Solomon S. Davis, Nov. 23, 1843.
Levina and Moses [Moses B. in int.], Robbins of Sutton, May 27, 1819.
Lovina and Hezekiah Henderson, int. July 4, 1817.
Lucy and Jonah Raze (or Raza) of Cumberland, Dec. 5, 1822.
Mary and Nathaniel Emerson, int. March 29, 1762.
Mary and Israel Peters, March 5, 1812.
Mary (d. ---- and Mary, a. 18) and Potter M. Bates, Sept. 30, 1847.
Olive and Rastus Billings of Infield, int. Nov. 14, 1795.
Olive and Benjamin Gould, Jan. 9, 1806.
Sarah and John Herindeen of Glocester, int. May 8, 1780.
Sarah M. and Judson Morse [Marsh ?], April 21, 1840.
Seth Jr. and Martha Herendeen, Nov. 27, 1805.
Seth and Almira Thayer, int. Aug. 26, 1837.
Waterman and Hannah Herrington of Southbridge, int. June 5, 1824.
Waterman and Mercy Comstock of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 22, 1828.
Welcome of Mendon and Miranda Balcome, May 12, 1834.
William Jr. and Zilphah Herenton, int. Jan. 26, 1791.
William 2d, and Asha Churchill, June 21, 1818.
Willis (s. Otis and Sylvia, a. 28, carder) and Nancy Thayer, May 4, 1846.
JINNEY (see Jenne, Jenney)
Joshua and Chloe Davis, int. Nov. 17, 1821.
Lawton and Henretta Morse, both of Sutton, Nov. 21, 1838.
M. Eliza of Sutton and Adolphus F. Brown, int. April 11, 1847.
Rufus P. of Worcester (widr., parents dead, a. 27, bootmaker), and Mary E. Cadwell, Nov. 20, 1844.
Philena and James Foster, both of Sutton, May 3, 1818.
Rachel and Samuel Williams Jr., both of Sutton, Jan. 23, 1823.
Terah and Dorathy Buffum, both of Sutton, Jan. 1, 1822.
Patiecnce of Rehobeth and John Bolster, int. Oct. 16, 1776.
Sarah of Providence and Isaac Bolster (Bastu ?), int. June 1, 1774.
Henreetta and Pelatiah Parker, Oct. 29, 1826.
Mary A. of Thompson, Conn. and Edwin A. Hunt, int. Jan. 9, 1848.
Phila and Leonard Stone of Smithfield, Dec. 1, 1831.
Silvanus and Alice Sprague, Oct. 24, 1802.
Sylvanus [Sylvester in int.] and Aritte Boulster, Dec. 15, 1818.
KEATH (see Keith)
Susan and Andrew Roberson of Smithfield, R.I., March 1, 1842.
John and Susannah Robbins, Dec. 4, 1819.
Maria of Northbridge and Warren N. Smith, int. Feb. 20, 1841.
KEITH (see Keath)
George L. of Sutton and Sarah C. Paine, int. June 10, 1849.
Lydia of Thompson, Conn. and Doct. Silas Partridge, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
Molly of Uxbridge and Elisha Thayer, int. May 12, 1812.
Rachel of Northbridge and Samuel Bryant of Sutton, June 22, 1818.
Rhoda of Uxbridge and Amos Aldrich, int. June 30, 1788.
Royal and Martha Butler of Ashford (Ct.), int. April 12, 1837.
Thomas and Lydia Robinson, Dec. 4, 1791.
KELLEY (see Killey, etc.)
Mariot and Anna Burgess, Aug. 6, 1820.
Martha of Oakham and Warren Hunt, int. April 28, 1821.
Mary [Mercy in int.] and Eddy King of Burrellville, Dec. 21, 1828.
Mehaley of Thompson and George Watkins, int. March 11, 1820.
Harnah and Levi Darling, Nov. 3, 1826.
Strickland (a. 38, mechanic) and Eliza Rawson, Nov. 6, 1844.
KEMPTON (see Kimpton, Kymton)
Eliza of Mendon and David Stone, int. July 28, 1843.
John and Ireen A. Smith of Sutton, Oct. 14, 1843.
Martha M. and Hyram Gleason of Smithfield, R.I., July 22, 1834.
Wid. Phebe and Peter Boyden, Aug. 5, 1828.
KILLEY (see Kelley, etc.)
Elezer of Glosester and Marcy Jeperson, int. Aug. 9, 1779.
Sally and Lincoln Fairbank, Nov. 23, 1806.
Seth and Joanna Caswell, Nov. 27, 1806.
Wid. Mercy and Levi Blackamar of Woodstock, Conn., int. March 8, 1803.
Meriam and Gushom Aldrich, Oct. 28, 1809.
Nehemiah and Serena Aldrich, Nov. 16, 1809.
KIMPTON (see Kempton, Kymton)
Bethiah of Uxbridge and Prince Nye, int. Nov. 25, 1777.
George 2d of Uxbridge and Hannah Andrew, Nov. 30, 1824.
George of Uxbridge and Sally Bennet, May 2, 1830.
Mary of Uxbridge and Daniel Buffum, int. March 9, 1839.
Eddy of Burrellville and Mary [Mercy in int.], Kelley, Dec. 21, 1828.
Elezer and Rachal Amidown, Sept. 22, 1779.
Jonathan and Selhthiah Garfeel, int. Jan. 1, 1776.
Luther of Sutton and Hannah Tisdale, Oct. 16, 1816.
Pheba and Joseph Williams of Thompson, int. Dec. 23, 1785.
Eligaah of Oxford and Lois Lennard, int. May 2, 1768.
Jacob of Oxford and Hannah Parker, int. Feb. 24, 1766.
Rebecca of Oxford and Nathan Rawson of Oxford South Gore, May 17, 1789.
KNAP (see Nap)
Betsey and Samuel W. Heath, Dec. 3, 1835.
Cyrus and Thankful Stearns, March 22, 1792.
Doratha [Dolly in int.] and Otis Preston, July 23, 1797.
Fany [Fanny in int.] (d. Moses and Olive, a. 22) and David Stone, Sept. 1, 1846.
Job and Sally Wilson, March 8, 1792.
Job Jr. and Sarah Bolcom, Dec. 3, 1817.
Laura and Sumner Balcom, Jan. 10, 1822.
Laura and Mowry Prentice, Jan. 25, 1844.
Martha of Uxbridge and Nathan Stearns, int. Oct. 14, 1797.
Moses and Ola Balcom, April 15, 1821.
Nancy and Ellis Burt, March 27, 1839.
Rufus and Mary Baylis of Uxbridge, int. July 7, 1794.
Ruth and James Whitney, Oct. 18, 1787.
Ruth and Ezra Whitney Esq. of Uxbridge, Nov. 29, 1795.
Ruth and Jesse Bolkcom, Sept. 16, 1810.
Sarah A. [Sarah Ann in int.] and Samuel P. Lovett, July 25, 1843.
William and Nancy J. Marchant, int. April 12, 1846.
KNOWLTON (see Nolton)
Eunice and Jesse Williams, int. Sept. 24, 1836.
Huldah of Burrilsville and John Hunt, int. July 23, 1821.
Merab and Jonathan Jenney, int. June 3, 1822.
[Kimton in int.], George of Uxbridge and Deliverance Nye, March 13, 1775.
Franklin of Northbridge and Louisa Darling, Oct. 22, 1841.
Nathan of Sutton and Susanah Nye, ---- ----, 177 ----.
John of Pomfret, Vt., and Anna Bolkcom, Feb. 16, 1802.
Samuel of Pomfret and Orpah Hall, May 6, 1761.
Francis and Julia Gravel of West Boylston, int. March 28, 1847.
Sarah B. of Woodstock and George W. Mannahan, int. March 31, 1838.
LAPHAM (see Lappum)
Amasa of Burrilsville, R.I. and Belinda Humes, Jan. 23, 1823.
Lucina of Burrilsville and Lieut. Alanson Benson, int. Sept. 22, 1810.
Mowry and Emely H. Dudley, Oct. 13, 1842.
Ruth of Gloucester and Isaac Thayer, int. Sept. 14, 1795.
LAPPUM (see above)
Thomas J. of Burrellville and Submit Humes, int. Nov. 23, 1826.
LARNARD (see Learned, Lennard, Leonard)
Dolly of Oxford and James Hill, Aug. 1, 1768.
Lucian W. of Northbridge (s. Ebenezer, a. 25, mechanic), and Louisa T. Cooper, Nov. 21, 1844.
Anna A. and Charles S. Gleason, int. Dec. 23, 1849.
Sarah of Millbury and Brigham Morse, int. July 19, 1846.
John Jr. and Susannah C. Emerson of Northbridge, int. May 11, 1838.
LEARNED (see Larnard, Larned, Lennard, Leonard)
Julia Ann and Comfort Carpenter, Feb. 3, 1833.
Melinda of Wellington, Conn. and Seba Carpenter, int. May 13, 1830.
Phebe of Oxford and Harvy Stearns, int. Oct. 22, 1830.
Simeon of Sutton and May [Mary] Lee, Nov. 6, 1831.
[Larned in int.] Vinea and Ebenezer Cook at Gloucester, Oct. 8, 1794.
Eden N. of Webster and Eunice Darling, int. Dec. 2, 1849.
LEAVER (see Lever)
Mary of Thompson, Conn. and Joseph Emerson, int. June 23, 1806.
Abigail [Nabby in int.] and Nathaniel Carpenter, Jan. 1, 1789.
Adaline and William Starrett, Nov. 19, 1833.
Bethiah and Lewis Smith, May 14, 1789.
Comfort Jr. and Lucy Moore, Feb. 9, 1792.
Cyrene and William J. Phillips of North Providence, R.I., Aug. 25, 1834.
Edmon and Sally Mowry of Gloucester, R.I., int. July 21, 1804.
Emelene C. and Walter Spalding, April 25, 1838.
Ephraim and Lydia Drake, May 26, 1803.
Hannah and Amos Hill, Oct. 13, 1803.
James Jr. and Patience Smith, int. April 3, 1807.
John and Mary Carpenter, Oct. 6, 1794.
John and Ruth Hutchinson of Sutton, int. July 28, 1822.
John and Hannah F. Carpenter of Providence, R.I., int. July 15, 1835.
Louisa [Louisa S. in int.], and John L. Cooper of Northbridge, July 29, 1839.
Lucy and How Nichols, Nov. 24, 1791.
Maria and Thomas J. Flagg of Northbridge, June 20, 1827.
May [Mary in int.] and Simeon Learned of Sutton, Nov. 6, 1831.
Moses and Wid. Sarah Lee, April 8, 1810.
Nabby (see Abigail above)
[Taft in int.] Nabby and Moses Stone, Nov. 6, 1794.
Olive and Reuben Green, Oct. 17, 1830.
Patience and John Allen of Northbridge, Nov. 20, 1793.
Polly and Reuben Ide, March 1, 1796.
Rhoda and Welcom Arnold of Dudley, int. Feb. 25, 1804.
Richard and Bethiah Gould, Feb. 21, 1782.
Samuel Jr. and Rachel Buffum, April 3, 1794.
Wid. Sarah and Moses Lee, April 8, 1810.
Simeon and Mary Hull of Uxbridge [int. March 14, 1798].
Simeon Jr. and Wait Wall, both of Mendon, July 8, 1821.
William and Molly Wood of Uxbridge, Sept. 29, 1791.
Zilpha and Thadeus Williams, Nov. 30, 1797.
Naham and Rebecca Morse, April 8, 1827.
Racheal and Daniel O. Taft, Dec. 31, 1826.
Rosannah and John Lever, July 3, 1834.
William H. of Smithfield, R.I. (s. Caleb and Lydia, a. 25, mechanic) and Rebecca B. Draper, Nov. 12, 1845.
Sally and Jonah Brown Jr., April 15, 1802.
LEONARD (see Larnard, Learned, Leonard)
Lois and Eligaah Kingsbery of Oxford, int. May 2, 1768.
Orpha and Samuel Hull, int. April 6, 1758.
LENON [?] Abia [Abi Leonard in int.] and Nathaniel Brown, March 12, 1757.
LEONARD (see above)
Daniel of New Salem and Sibel Davis, int. Aug. 9, 1805.
Nancy and Henry Dorr, int. Nov. 25, 1815.
Abner of Dudley and Lucy Martin, int. Nov. 28, 1783.
Keziah and Paul Thompson, Oct. 14, 1840.
Levina and Charles S. Whitman of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 18, 1830.
Milley and John Balkcom, int. Aug. 16, 1784.
Prudence of Sutton and Comfort Claflin, April 20, 1786.
Reubin and Luce Emerson, int. Oct. 9, 1777.
Ruth of Uxbridge and Seth Aldrich 2d, int. Feb. 22, 1811.
Sally of Uxbridge and Nathan Stearns, June 8, 1809.
LEVER (see Leaver)
Eliza and Sabin T. White, April 10, 1836.
John and Rosannah Legg, July 3, 1834.
Charles A. of Malden (s. Samuel and Hannah H., a. 24, teacher) and Louerza A. Stone, Nov. 24, 1847.
Sophrone of Worcester and Capt. William Dudley, Sept. 9, 1827.
George of Burrelsville, R.I. and Pamela Morse, Dec. 5, 1822.
Doc't. Jonathan E. and Fanny A. Graves of Sunderland, int. Oct. 8, 1848.
Bulah and Jacob Stowel of Dedham, int. Dec. 16, 1757.
Easter and Jonah Hill, int. Jan. 26, 1759.
Moses of Leicester and Silence Thomson, April 11, 1838.
James D. of New York City and Mary C. Salter, Oct. 26, 1844.
Daniel of Gloucester and Mary Holbrook, int. Jan. 22, 1804.
LOGEE (see Lojure)
Dorphin of Burrillsville and Elizabeth Aldrich, Nov. 23, 1806.
Mrs. Irene and Edmund Day of Sutton, int. March 21, 1847.
Joseph and Prudence Paine of Burrellville, R.I., int. Aug. 31, 1826.
Leonard and Lucy Southwick, Jan. 14, 1830.
Mari Ann and John Wallis, March 27, 1834.
Phebe and Lovell Southwick, Dec. 13, 1829.
Rachal and Horris Shearman, Jan. 28, 1835.
Stephen and Aurena Parker of Burrellvill, R.I., April 16, 1840.
Washington of Burrelsville and Lucy Thayer, Sept. 25, 1823.
LOJURE (see Logee)
Comfort of Gloucester and Joseph Emerson Jr., int. Aug. 14, 1802.
Joseph and Phebe Hill, int. May 22, 1777.
James and Elisabath Cook, Feb. 8, 1757.
Rev. John of Thompson, Conn. and Ruth B. Stinness, Aug. 23, 1829.
Frances E. (d. Samuel and Lucinda, a. 22) and Frederick Brigham of Worcester, June 5, 1849.
Lucinda [d. Samuel and Lucinda, b. at Smithfield, R.I., May 7, 1821] and Samuel E. Staples, Dec. 25, 1845.
Samuel P. and Sarah A. Knap, July 25, 1843.
Mary Ann and Scotto Berry of Petersham, March 7, 1839.
[Low ?], Benjamin of Killingsly and Esther Haven, int. March. 7, 1774.
Sally and Lyman Daniels of Medway, April 11, 1826.
Levi and Cynthia Howland, Jan. 12, 1825.
Charlottee S. and Alonzo A. Wiley of Seekonk, int. June 8, 1825.
Esek of Oxford and Emma Ann Gould, Nov. 7, 1839.
Jeremiah B. of Oxford and Relief M. Bolcom, July 1, 1830.
Joanna and Doris [Davis ?] Taft, May 6, 1830.
Lydia F. (d. Terril and R. H., a. 19) and Daniel F. Travis of Holleston, Oct. 30, 1849.
Roby H. and Parley Gould, May 18, 1841.
Sirel of Southbridge and Roba Burgess, int. March 4, 1826.
Alpheus of Charlton and Lydia Wallis, Nov. 24, 1800.
Azubah and Lucian Corbin, April 19, 1837.
Elkanah of Charlton and Polly Chase, April 12, 1809.
Harrot and Elliot Prince, Nov. 26, 1840.
Nathan Jr. of Charlton and Hannah Drake, Feb. 5, 1801.
John and Lucy Stockwell, Aug. 14, 1791.
James and Sarah Famum of Oxford, June 12, 1788.
Abraham of Richmond, N.H. and Susanna Aldrich, int. March 18, 1799.
Andrew and Rachal Peters, int. Dec. 15, 1786.
George W. and Sarah B. Lamson of Woodstock, int. March 31, 1838.
Thomas and Nancy Emerson, April 19, 1838.
Elizabeth B. of Smithfield, R.I. and Parley Hammond, int. April 13, 1839.
Jonathan of Waltham and Martha Hayward, Dec. 15, 1773.
MARCHANT (see Mershand)
Nancy J. and William Knap, int. April 12, 1846.
Temperance F. of South Barnstable and Albert Butler, int. Sept. 9, 1837.
MARCY (see Mercy)
Anna of Woodstock and David Herendeen, Nov. 15, 1802.
Azubah of Woodstock Conn. and Simon Herendeen, int. June 16, 1807.
Ruth (a. 39) and Emer Esten, July 25, 1844.
Aaron of Deerfield and Sarah Fuller, April 12, 1787.
Aaron and Sylvia Huse of Uxbridge, int. Dec. 6, 1822.
Amos and Elisebeth Jeperson, April 22, 1778.
Ann and Silas Wakefield of Sutton, int. Nov. 24, 1766.
Axief and James Tiffany, int. April 9, 1808.
Ebenezer and Achsah Starns, int. July 10, 1756.
Eli C. of Uxbridge and Tamson F. Sprague, July 1, 1832.
Eunice and Daniel Whitney of Chesterfield, Jan. 3, 1782.
Hannah and Gideon Gould, Dec. 5, [1782 ?].
Huldah and David White, April 19, 1781.
Jesse and Charity Stearns, June 25, 1789.
Joanna and Obed Morse, March 24, 1789.
John and Lucy Blake of Sutton, Nov. 29, 1798.
Jonathan and Hannah Bolkom, int. July 17, 1770.
Jonathan P. of Winchester, Conn. and Paulina Bowdish, Jan. 24, 1840.
Kezia and Richard Humes of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 16, 1757.
Lois and Grant White, July 21, 1791.
Lydia and Caleb Hill, March 6, 1806.
Martha [Patty in int.] and Zadock Sibley, July 14, 1791.
Mary and John Ballard of Oxford, int. Nov. 3, 1766.
Mary and Joseph Monyon Jr. of Thomson, int. Oct. 9, 1769.
Olive and Jonathan Aldrich Jr. of Kilingsley, int. April 22, 1771.
Olive and Peter Reed, April 8, 1773.
Polly and Timothy Taft of Uxbridge, July 2, 1818.
Rebeckah and Elijah Croseman of Sutton, May 22, 1777.
Rhoda and Jason Sibley, Aug. 23, 1789.
Sally and Micah Hill, Sept. 10, 1809.
Samuel of New fane and Abigail Gleason of Oxford South Gore, ---- ----, 1802.
Sarah and Jonathan Whealer, Feb. 25, 1762.
Simeon and Sally Riedel, Jan. 13, 1803.
Susannah and Thomas P. Gordon, April 13, 1815.
Thomas and Hannah Fairbanks, June 27, 1754.
MARTIN (see Marting)
Aaron A. (s. Comfort, shoemaker) and Lydia Jane Seely, March 22, 1846.
Azubah and Peter Thompson, Oct. 31, 1811.
Comfort Jr. and Abigail Thompson, April 12, 1810.
Elizabeth and Aaron Aldrich, April 26, 1810.
[Easter in int.], Esther and Jonathan Tucker of Uxbridge, April 30, 1818.
Hannah and Amariah Aldrich, Nov. 8, 1798.
Isaac and Sarah Foster, int. April 24, 1759.
Lucinda and Lyman Young, Dec. 28, 1815.
Lucina P. and Rufus Gould, June 28, 1821.
Lucy and Abner Lesure of Dudley, int. Nov. 28, 1783.
Maria and Silas Griffin of Uxbridge, April 25, 1835.
Mathew and Anna Foster, int. Aug. 25, 1760.
Rachel and David Angel, July 27, 1815.
Timothy and Eleaner Winslow, Feb. 22, 1787.
Susanna and Noah Aldrich, March 12, 1804.
MARTING (see Martin)
Elisebath and Jerimiah Amidown of Oxford, int. Jan. 23, 1769.
Jacob and Hannah Chase, int. Feb. 17, 1766.
Abraham Jr. and Selinda Amidon, Oct. 12, 1815.
Lydia and Joshua Wakefield of Dudley, Sept. 18, 1817.
Nancy and Daniel Wakefield of Webster, int. Sept. 29, 1832.
Hannah and Abram Burden of Middleborough, Co. of Plymouth, int. June 4, 1764.
Abigail and Ruel Aldrich of Burrelsville, int. Dec. 3, 1824.
Elias and Eunice Peckham, Oct. 12, 1772.
Susan of Uxbridge and Joseph Fish, int. April 5, 1845.
Zuruiah and Tery Aldrich, int. March 27, 1779.
James of Charlton and Abia Curtis, int. Oct. 1, 1828.
William and Persis Smith, both of South Oxford, Sept. 23, 1829.
[Marcy in int. see Marcy], Jonathan Jr. of Woodstock, Conn. and Polly Herendeen, Dec. 25, 1803.
Polly of Woodstock and Laban Herenden, int. May 23, 1795.
[Marcy], Polly of Mendon and Harvey Goodell of Smithfield, Dec. 1, 1831.
Martha of Concord and Dr. Aaron Batcheller, int. May 2, 1812.
Sarah and Richard Williams, int. June 7, 1760.
MERSHAND (see Marchant)
Ebenezer and Acsah Stevans, Feb. 3, 1757.
Meletiah and Greenleaf Briggs, May 22, 1800.
William and Margaret C. Thayer, Oct. 1, 1840.
Rebecah and Benjamin H. Smith, int. July 4, 1830.
Rufus of Charlton and Anna Chase, March 19, 1820.
Joseph Jr. of Thomson and Mary Marsh, int. Oct. 9, 1769.
Cyrus and Martha Fenemore of Worcester, int. July 3, 1831.
Dianna and Daniel Roberson of Worcester, int. March 29, 1826.
Edwin and Eliza P. Palmer of Belfast, Me., int. Sept. 11, 1841.
Israel and Submit Balcom, Dec. 3, 1817.
Jack and Silve Pierce, both of Uxbridge, Negroes, Nov. 20, 1788.
Jacob of Brookfield, N.Y. and Abigail Morse, Jan. 12, 1797.
Julia and Brigham Balcom, June 15, 1842.
Lucy and Comfort Lee Jr., Feb. 9, 1792.
[Mores in int.], Nathan of Uxbridge (widr., s. John and Sylvia, a. 56, farmer) and Sally Anthony, April 13, 1848.
[Moor in int.], Samuel of Thompson, Ct. and Sophronia Stone, Jan. 1, 1838.
MOREY (see Mory, Mowry, etc.)
Eliza and William Bacon, both of Mendon, Aug. 5, 1835.
Marie and Guy B. Cotton, both of Mendon, Sept. 20, 1835.
Abel [Able in int.] and Rebeckah Brown, Dec. 11, 1788.
Abi and Joseph Brown Jr., April 10, 1810.
Abigail and Jacob Moore of Brookfield, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1797.
Amos and Mary Hale, May 29, 1806.
Amos Jr. and Elizabeth Jepherson, Oct. 29, 1840.
Anna and Jacob Chase, int. Nov. 28, 1804.
Baxter and Lydia P. Chase, March 9, 1843.
Betsey and Jesse Williams, April 24, 1806.
Betsey and Marvel Morse of Uxbridge, Aug. 25, 1808.
Betty [Bette in int.] and Isaac Morse of Holliston, Dec. 23, 1779.
Betty and Richard Howel, July 13, 1780.
Brigham and Sarah Lawrence of Millbury, int. July 19, 1846.
Calesta and John M. Aldrich, Aug. 27, 1826.
Ezra and Zilpha Wallis, int. Aug. 27, 1807.
Fanny and Griffin Clark of Marshfield, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Gideon and Mary Emerson, both of Uxbridge, June 11, 1789.
Hannah and Dr. Daniel Taylor, July 15, 1792.
Hannah and Nelson Potter of Smithfield, R.I., Dec. 8, 1830.
Hariet and Reuben Yates, March 27, 1839.
Hariot and Mowry R. Thayer, int. April 1, 1839.
Hariot W. of Sutton and Josiah Brown, int. Jan. 25, 1839.
Henretta and Lawton Johnson, both of Sutton, Nov. 21, 1838.
Ichabod and Freelove Wright of Smithfield, Oct. 27, 1791.
Ichabod and Olive Billings, Feb. 15, 1816.
Isaac of Holliston and Betty Morse, Dec. 23, 1779.
Jacob Jr. and Rebeckah Smith, Jan. 11, 1781.
Jason of Belchertown and Betsey Williams, Feb. 5, 1835.
Jemimme and Bezeleal Bolkcom, May 13, 1778.
Jesse and Maria Wallis, March 24, 1830.
John W. and Huldah White, int. Oct. 7, 1843.
Joshua W. and Deborah C. Brown, March 21, 1843.
[Marsh in int.], Judson and Sarah M. Jepherson, April 21, 1840.
Levi and Ruth Chilson of Uxbridge, int. Feb. 27, 1808.
Lidia and Barnibus Davis, Feb. 14, 1833.
Lois and Semion Shepard of Uxbridge, int. Oct. 1, 1776.
Luther and Deborah D. Titus of Sutton, int. Dec. 13, 1845.
Lydia and Joseph Stoddard, int. Feb. 23, 1807.
Marvel of Uxbridge and Betsey Morse, Aug. 25, 1808.
Mary and Elijah Brown, Oct. 4, 1792.
Mercy and Joel Wakefield of Newport, int. Nov. 5, 1791.
Minor and Mercy Smith, March 19, 1809.
Minor and Thankfull Titus, April 11, 1819.
Minor and Lorinda Corbin, March 25, 1830.
Obadiah and Sarahfina Titus of Sutton, int. Jan. 25, 1823.
Obed and Joanna Marsh, March 24, 1789.
Ophelia and Seth Howland, April 12, 1827.
Pamela and George Lindley of Burrelsville, R.I., Dec. 5, 1822.
Paris and Sarah Emerson, Dec. 28, 1820.
Patty of Uxbridge and Nathan Stearns, Nov. 28, 1797.
Rebecca and Nahum Legg, April 8, 1827.
Relief and Leonard W. Darling of Mendon, int. May 17, 1812.
Rhoda and John Streeter, Sept. 19, 1793.
Roxelany and Otis Famum Aug. 7, 1806.
Sabrina F. (d. John and Amy, a. 17) and Silas Bates, July 14, 1845.
Sarah and Ebenezer B. Tuttle, May 15, 1839.
Simeon and Azubah Wheeler of Sutton, Dec. 15, 1785.
Submit and Nelson Potter, Sept. 10, 1834.
Zilla of Sutton and David Benson of Sherbridge, Nov. 25, 1779.
Abigail of Charlton and Dr. David P. White, int. Jan. 12, 1842.
Ezekiel and Content Andrus, int. July 10, 1756.
Stephen of Gloucester and Marcy Choombs, int. Feb. 4, 1788.
David and Betsey Thayer, Aug. 18, 1830.
George of Burrellsville and Deborah Jepherson, Oct. 18, 1835.
Gideon of Smithfield, R.I., (a. 24, cabinet-maker) and Sally Ann Balcom, Oct. 16, 1845.
Jeen of Gloucester, R.I. and Abel Robbens, int. Aug. 20, 1799.
Mary B. and Chilion Tucker of Uxbridge, int. July 13, 1816.
Ruth of Smithfield and John Thayer Jr., int. April 20, 1811.
Sally of Gloucester, R.I. and Edmon Lee, int. July 21, 1804.
Caroline A. (d. Elias and Salome, a. 19) and Augustus Balcom, Sept. 22, 1846.
Parden and Rhoda Bolster, int. June 25, 1807.
Almira and Lewis Hunt, int. June 23, 1831.
Almira of Rutland and Major C. Clark, int. Nov. 17, 1837.
NAP (see Knap)
Rhoda of Thomson and William Stockwell, int. Dec. 28, 1767.
Capt. Gersham of Milford and Wid. Lydia Fairbanks, June 19, 1791.
Benjamin of Worcester and Sabra Titus, int. Dec. 23, 1805.
Polly and Preserved [S. in int.], Green, Sept. 20, 1829.
Ezra of Charlton and Lillis Baker, Sept. 20, 1835.
How and Lucy Lee, Nov. 24, 1791.
Nancy M. of Millbury and George Fairbanks, int. March 20, 1842.
NOLTON (see Knowlton)
Deborah F. and George Dix, both of Sutton, Aug. 8, 1824.
Joseph and Sally Hunt, Oct. 1, 1820.
Sarah M. and Samuel N. Taft, of Spencer, May 2, 1843.
Lydia B. of Worcester and Leander B. Hunt, int. Oct. 14, 1836.
Deliverance and George Kymton of Uxbridge, March 13, 1775.
Fanney and David Walker, Jan. 29, 1824.
Hannah and John Oliver Jr., Oct. 13, 1791.
Joanah and Asa Blake of Uxbridge, Dec. 10, 1778.
Kezia and Amariah Holbrook of Uxbridge, Nov. 20, 1777.
Patience and Alexander Wilson of Mendon, Nov. 17, [1782 ?].
Prince and Bethiah Kimpton of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 25, 1777.
Richard of Rochester (Mass.) and Content Clain of Pawtucket, Oct. 15, 1827.
Susanah and Nathan Lackey of Sutton, ---- ----, 177--.
Ward of Rochester and Mary Chase, Jan. 28, 1768.
Ward and Rachal Stone of Shrewsbury, int. Aug. 9, 1784.
Hannah and John Ross, March 25, 1792.
John Jr. and Hannah Nye, Oct. 13, 1791.
Cynthea and John White, Aug. 3, 1815.
Hannaretter and Isaac Bolster, int. Feb. 5, 1791.
Austin and Mary Ann Darling of Sutton, int. Dec. 16, 1827.
Cllarisa of Sutton and Rev. David Holman, int. June 13, 1810.
Luisettee and Justin B. Whipple, April 26, 1827.
Orren [Orrean in int.] and Amanda Whipple, Oct. 2, 1828.
Stillman and Sally Batcheller, March 28, 1824.
PAIN (see below)
David and Abagail Shepard, int. Sept. 24, 1764.
Dutey [Duty Paine in int.], of Burrilville and Arabell Britt, April 25, 1816.
Nancy of Gloucester and Amos Yeats, int. Oct. 18, 1806.
PAINE (see above)
Prudence of Burrellville, R.I. and Joseph Logee, int. Aug. 31, 1826.
Sarah C. and George L. Keith of Sutton, int. June 20, 1849.
Stephen of Uxbridge and Tirzah Aldrich, Sept. 9, 1801.
Eliza P. of Belfast, Me. and Edwin Moore, int. Sept. 11, 1841.
Hannah of Boxford and Moses Whitney, int. ---- ----, [1780 ?].
Abel and Sally Darling, int. Sept. 10, 1826.
Archalos and Bette Richardson of Attleborough, int. Feb. 8, 1773.
Aurena of Burrillvill, R.I. and Stephen Logee, April 16, 1840.
Betsey Maria and Jason Young, both of Mendon, Feb. 10, 1836.
David and Susanna Aldeson of Sutton, Sept. 14, 1775.
Elizabeth of Preetown? and William Jeparson Jr., int. Sept. 13, 1762.
Ephraim and Thankfull Biglow, int. ---- ----, [1759 or 1760].
Hannah and Jacob Kingsbery of Oxford, int. Feb. 24, 1766.
Horace of Woodstock, Conn. and Prudence Darling, int. June 2, 1811.
Joseph Jr. and Eunice Emerson, int. Jan. 1, 1770.
Joseph and Susan Britt, June 27, 1816.
Lovel and Philinda Young, April 16, 1835.
Lucy and Benjamin Edwards, int. May 11, 1816.
Lydia and Nathan Spooner, int. Feb. 26, 1772.
Lydia and John Simpson of Sutton, Dec. 9, 1798.
Mary and Eddy Howland of Gloucester, Sept. 15, 1791.
Peletiah and Lucina Daniels of Grafton, int. Sept. 10, 1808.
Pelatiah and Henreetta Joslin, Oct. 29, 1826.
Perlina and Peter Balcom, April 11, 1819.
Philo (s. David and Hannah, a. 25, mechanic) and Lovisa H. Thayer, Oct. 5, 1847.
Polley and Simeon Darling, March 2, 1823.
Prince and Olive Aldrich of Uxbridge, int. Feb. 23, 1795.
Prince and Eliza Whitcom, March 10, 1834.
Prudence and David Peters, int. Feb. 28, 1824.
Samuel and Abigail Biglow, int. March 29, 1762.
Samuel and Bethiah Crownshield of Sutton, int. Oct. 2, 1773.
Samuel of Sutton and Mary Stockwill, Nov. 10, 1785.
Thankfull and Jonas Titus, int. Sept. 9, 1765.
William and Margret Parce, Oct. 13, 1772.
Zara and Martha Hunt of Sutton, March 23, 1843.
PARCE (see Pierce)
Margret and Wm. Parker, Oct. 13, 1772.
Dorcas of Sutton and David Robenson, int. April 18, 1763.
Lyman and Olive Taft, Aug. 29, 1832.
Rachal and Marven Sweet, July 3, 1832.
Doc't. Silas and Lydia Kieth of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 27, 1805.
Doc't. John and Cynthia Covil, int. Dec. 29, 1805.
Rebekah and Peter Robinson, int. May 18, 1752.
Ann B. of Sutton and John B. Hunt, int. June 2, 1833.
Eunice and Elias Matteson, Oct. 12, 1772.
Lucy G. and Daniel Aldrich, March 7, 1824.
George W. of Chicago, Ill. (s. John and Sarah, a. 24, mechanic) and Laura M. Wilson, June 6, 1849.
PERKINS (see Pearkins)
[Perham in int.], Jacob of Woodstock and Abagail Woodard, Feb. 10, 1778.
Abner and Mary Hill, int. ---- ----, [1780 ?].
John S. of Millbury and Julia Biglow, Nov. 30, 1836.
Joanna and Peter Thompson of Glocester, int. March 24, 1777.
Lucy of Thompson and Milton D. Whipple, int. Dec. 15, 1821.
David and Jerusha How, int. Feb. 13, 1820.
David and Prudence Parker, int. Feb. 28, 1824.
Eleazer and Mary Hill, int. ---- ----, [1780 ?].
Israel and Mary Jepherson, March 5, 1812.
James and Susanna Combs, int. July 26, 1784.
Mary and Aaron Jepherson, int. May 22, 1777. "Cried first and second time and then for Bide by said Jepherson."
Rachal and Andrew Mann, int. Dec. 15, 1786.
Ruth and Ebenezer Burt of Thomson, int. July 31, 1769.
Daniel and Mariah Smith, Sept. 24, 1840.
Lydia and Esek Robbins, int. Oct. 18, 1824.
Maria (d. Banni and Olive, a. 21) and Henry T. Thomas, Aug. 12, 1845.
Rosina of Smithfield and George Dick [Dirk ( ?)], int. Oct. 14, 1836.
Sarah (d. Banni and Olive, a. 24) and William M. Bill, July 30, 1845.
William J. of North Providence, R.I. and Cyrene Lee, Aug. 25, 1834.
Bezaleel and Margaret Thayer, Oct. 14, 1809.
Smith and Aleace Barrows, int. Nov. 28, 1807.
PIERCE (see Parce)
Candace of Sutton and Jonathan Carpenter, int. Sept. 21, 1832.
Lydia of Rochester and Oliver Claflin, int. Oct. 10, 1811.
Silve and Jack Moore, both of Uxbridge, Negroes, Nov. 20, 1788.
James and Nancy A. Simson, June 4, 1837.
Margat of Killingsley and Samuel Upham, int. Aug. 4, 1771.
Louisa of Northbridge (d. Ebenezer) and Joseph Batcheller, Dec. 18, 1844.
Hannah of Thompson, Conn. and Jonas Collar, int. March 31, 1803.
Wid. Priscella of Thompson and Richard Howell, int. Sept. 2, 1815.
Elisabath and John Wallis, Oct. 25, 1751.
Sally of Thompson and Israel Aldrich Jr., int. Sept. 17, 1823.
[Dr. in int.], Allen Jr. of Blackstone (s. Allen and Rebecca A., a. 21, physician) and Matilda A. Thayer, Nov. 6, 1845.
Nelson of Smithfield, R.I. and Hannah Morse, Dec. 8, 1830.
Nelson and Submit Morse, Sept. 10, 1834.
Cynthia of W. Greenwich, R.I. and Richard Bolster Jr., int. Sept. 29, 1809.
Cynthia and Richard Bolster Jr., int. Oct. 10, 1811. Dup.
Frances Maria of Providence, R.I. and Benjamin Craggin Jr., int. Sept. 15, 1837.
Silvanus and Sally Rice of Sutton, int. Dec. 8, 1804.
PRENTICE (see Prentiss)
James A. and Mercy Wallis, April 3, 1833.
Mary D. of Northbridge and Alpheus Rawson of Uxbridge, April 3, 1821.
Mellin [Mullin in int.] and Julean Elliot, April 19, 1838.
Mowry and Laura Knap, Jan. 25, 1844.
Marvel and Phebe Wallis of Northbridge, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
Frances and Oliver Emerson, int. Aug. 18, 1760.
Otis and Doratha Knap, July 23, 1797.
Elliot and Harrot McIntire, Nov. 26, 1840.
Lovil and Lucy Brown of Killingsly, int. May 16, 1783.
Mary and William Hendrick of Uxbridge, April 9, 1804.
Sarah and Moses Southwick, int. Dec. 8, 1804.
Asa Jr. of Sutton and Patty Dudley, int. July 15, 1815.
Asa of Sutton and Charlotte Taft, int. July 13, 1833.
Cornelius of Sutton and Abigail Bigelow, Dec. 1, 1803.
David 3d of Sutton and Polley Titus, int. June 1, 1825.
Edward of Sutton and Roxana Davis, int. June 30, 1832.
Levi of Sutton and Hannah Allen, int. April 5, 1790.
Lucy of Sutton and William Dudly 2d, int. March 30, 1826.
Parley of Sutton and Julia A. Walker, int. Dec. 26, 1840.
Phebe of Sutton and Elijah Biglow, int. Jan. 19, 1810.
Polly of Sutton and Benjamin Dudley, int. Jan. 2, 1808.
Polly of Sutton (wid., d. Amos and Kesiah ----, a. 46) and Willard Fuller, Aug. 1, 1847.
Sally of Sutton and Samuel Biglow, int. May 10, 1806.
Rebecca of Charlton and Joshua Fairbanks Jr., int. Jan. 20, 1820.
Thankfull of Charlton and Ellis Fairbank, int. Oct. 10, 1827.