Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, Second & Third Parishes - Epitaphs
Extracted from
The Record of the Town Meetings
and Abstract of Births, Marriages and Deaths
in the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts
Don Gleason Hill, Town Clerk
pages 298 - 3xx
Transcribed by Jane Devlin

Copied from the tombstones by Miss Emma W. GAY.
In memory of Mrs Levna ANDREWS, wife of Mr. Joel ANDREWS, d. 22 Aug 1804, aged 24 yrs.
Children of David & S. F. ANDREWS: Mary, d. 16 Aug 1804, aged 3 yrs, 6 mos. Hannah, d. 3 Aug 1809, aged 3 yrs, 10 mos. Mary R., d. 11 Nov 1824, aged 8 yrs, 10 mos.
In memory of Mrs. Chloe ANDREWS, d. 7 Jan 1820, aged 37 yrs.
In memory of Miss Hannah ANDREWS, who died 19 Jun 1830, aet. 55
Newell B. ANDREWS, d. 24 Nov 1833, aged 7 mos, 4 dys [Son of John & Miriam L.]
Miriam L., wife of John ANDREWS, d. 8 Aug 1835, aged 31 yrs, 9 mos
Susan E., wife of David ANDREWS, d. 30 Jun 1841, aged 64 yrs, 7 mos.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Here lies buried the body of Capt. William BACON, who died 21 May A.D. 1761, in the 45th year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Hannah, daughter of Capt. William BACON & Mrs. Abigail, his wife, who died 15 Oct 1777, in ye 26th year of her age
The Rev. Thomas BALCH (the first minister of this place), d. 8 Jan 1774, in the 63d year of his age & the 38th year of his ministry.
Madam Mary BALCH d. 31 Mar 1798, in the 81st year of her age.
To the Memory of Rev. Alfred V. BASSETT, Pastor of the Univeralist Society in Dedham, d. 26 Dec 1831, aged 25.
He was deeply beloved by the flock of which he was pastor and died lamented by all who knew him
In memory of Harry, twin son of Mr. Jonathan BOWDITCH & Mrs. Hannah Gould, who died 16 Mar 1796, aged 3 yrs, 7 mos, 4 dys
Tho' I'm a child I yield to Death ~ A Sovereign God has took my breath, ~ I say to you that children be ~ Prepare for Death and follow me.
Here lies ye body of Mr. John BULLARD, who died 24 Jan 1751, in ye 33d yrha.
In memory of William, son of Mr. Elijah BULLARD & Mrs. Olive, his wife, who died 2 Jun 1821, aged 4 yrs, 4 mos.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail BULLARD, wife of Mr. Josiah BULLARD, who died 12 Nov 1826, aet. 98
The sweet remembrance of the just ~ Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
In memory of Rene Dean BULLARD, who died 27 Jul 1836, aged 21 yrs
In memory of Miss Elizabeth G., daughter of Mr. Elijah & Mrs. Olive D. BULLARD, who died 20 Feb 1841, aged 20 yrs.
In memory of Mrs. Olive D., wife of Mr. Elijah BULLARD, who died 12 Jan 1843, aged 58 yrs
Dean CHICKERING, Jr. d. 15 Mar 1823, aet. 5 dys
Mrs. Sally CHICKERING d. 25 Apr 1823, aet 31 yrs
In memory of David, son of Mr. David & Mrs. Rebecca COLBURN, d. 27 Sep 1775, in ye 4th year of his age
Miss Olive COLBURN d. 10 Apr 1840, aged 75 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Prissilla CONEY, daughter of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Abigail CONEY, who died 11 Sep 1768, in ye 47th year of her age
In memory of Mr. William CONEY, who died 18 Mar 1816, aet. 70
In memory of Mrs. Rebekah, wife of William CONEY, who died 6 Jan 1831, aet. 79
Joseph L. DAY d. 2 Apr 1833, aet. 1 yr, 7 mos. Son of Joseph & Hannah E. DAY
In memory of Rene DEAN, daughter of Mr. Benj. DEAN, Jr., & Mrs. Elizabeth DEAN, d. 2 Jul 1796, aged 9 yrs
In memory of Mr. Jonathan DEAN, who died 8 Sep 1805, aged 75 yrs. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Jonathan DEAN & daughter of Rev. Thomas BALCH, who died 15 Sep 1820, aged 74 yrs. Erected out of filial regard for their memory by their youngest sons, Ebenezer & Balch DEAN
In memory of Mr. Benjamin DEAN, d. 4 Feb 1810, aged 93 yrs
In memory of Samuel H. DEAN, Esq., who died 17 Jun 1825, aged 58 yrs.
Lemuel DEAN, infant son, d. 7 Aug 1831. Charles E., b. 10 Jun 1832, d. 9 Nov 1836. Charles, b. 15 Jun 1837, d. 28 Nov 1839. Lewis, b. 29 Jan 1844, d. 5 Aug 1846.
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Phinehas E. DEAN, who died 10 Apr 1834, aet. 72. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Jerusha, wife of Mr. Phinehas E. DEAN, who died 2 Feb 1832, aet 74.
In memory of Mrs. Lois, wife of Mr. Ebenezer DEAN, who died 1 Dec 1841, aged 68 yrs
Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Ebenezer DEAN, Jr., & Mrs. Mary G., his wife, d. 27 Aug 1843, aged 2 yrs, 3 mos.
Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade ~ Death timely came with friendly care ~ The opening bud to Heaven conveyed ~ To bloom forever there.
In memory of Mrs. Mary DEAN, wife of Mr. Benj. DEAN [rest of stone broken off]
Sacred to the memory of Dr. Phillip DRAPER, obt. 21 Mar 1817, aet. 60 yrs.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail ELLIS, ye wife of Mr. William ELLIS, d. 14 Aug 1763, in ye 67 year of her age
In memory of Richard ELLIS, son of William ELLIS & Olive, his wife, he d. 14 Apr 1766, in ye 2nd year of his age
In memory of Richard, son of Mr. William ELLIS & Mrs. Olive, his wife, d. 30 Apr 1773, in ye 5th year of his age
In memory of Naba & Molly, daughters of Mr. William & Mrs. Olive ELLIS, d. 10 Jul 1775, in ye 2d year of their age
In memory of Mr. William ELLIS, who died 9 Jun 1778, in ye 84th year of his age
In memory of Mr. William ELLIS, Jr., who died 2 Dec 1840, aged 25 yrs. And of his son, James E. ELLIS, who died 25 May 1839, aged 2 mos.
Here rests the father, whose short race was run ~ And here too sleeps his lovely infant son. ~ Here earth in safety keeps this humble dust ~ Until the Lord demand they sacred trust.
Lucy Rebecca, daughter of Rufus & Hannah ELLIS, d. 12 MAr 1840, aet. 1 yr, 10 mos.
They've laid they in thy little bed ~ Beneath the vernal sod, ~ But they pure spirit, gentle child, ~ Is with its Father - God.
In memory of Mr. Oliver ELLIS, who died 15 Aug 1821, aged 76 yrs. In memory of Mrs. Mary Ellis, wife of Mr. Olive ELLIS, who died 17 Mar 1826, aged 72 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Mr/ Oliver ELLIS, who died 27 Aug 1823, aged 36 yrs
In memory of Mr. Lewis ELLIS who died 22 Apr 1835, aet. 26
In memory of Isaac ELLIS d. 30 Dec 1844, aged 54 yrs. Nabby ELLIS, d. 3 Oct 1836, aged 45 yrs. Hannah D., daughter of Isaac & Nabby ELLIS, d. 5 Jun 1833, aged 19 yrs
Here lie ye body of Mr. Peter EVERETT, who died 19 Mar 1747, in ye 27 year of his age
Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Mercy EVERETT, wife of Deacon John EVERETT, d. 30 Nov 1749, in the 70th year of her age
Here lies buried the body of Mr. John EVERETT, who was the first Deacon of the church in the second Parish in Dedham. He d. 20 Mar 1751, in ye 75th year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Johannah, ye wife of Mr. William EVERETT, who died 3 jan 1760, in the 72d year of her age
In memory of Mehetable, daughter of Mr. Eleazer & Mrs. Judith EVERETT, who died 29 Dec 1700, in the 19th year of her age
In memory of Dea'n Ebenezer EVERETT, who died 19 May, A. D. 1778, in ye 71st year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Meletiah, wife of Mr. Ebenezer EVERETT, Jun'r, who died 15 Apr 1790, in ye 20th year of her age
Behold and see as you pass by ~ As you are now so once was I ~ As I am now so you must be ~ Prepare for Death and follow me.
In memory of Mrs. Joanna, wife of Dea'n Ebenezer EVERETT, who died 21 Jun 1791, in ye 80th year of her age
In memory of Mr. William EVERETT, d. Oct 1793, aged 63 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Abel EVERETT, who died 17 Mar 1801, in the 41st year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Sarah EVERETT, wife of Capt. William EVERETT, who died 9 Feb 1802, aged 41 yrs
Stop heare, my friend, and shed a tear, ~ Think of the dust that slumbers here, ~ And when you read the date of me ~ Think of the glass that runs for thee.
In memory of Capt. William EVERETT, who was killed at the head of his company on 4 May 1802, aged 45 yrs.
Stop, traveller, don't headless pass him by, ~ But drop the expressive tear & have a sigh, ~ Here lies a man whose heart was kind and free, ~ Whose soul over lowed with Godlike charity.
In memory of Mr. Joel EVERETT, who died 9 Oct 1810, in his 25th yr.
Young men while in your greatest strength ~ Think not yourself secure, ~ But be prepares while you have'st health ~ To meet a dying hour.
In memory of Mrs. Sarah EVERETT, widow of the late William EVERETT, d. 31 Oct 1811, aged 83 yrs.
In memory of Miss Betsey EVERETT, who died at Boston 28 Feb 1812, aged 24 yrs.
My work was short, I sweetly rest, ~ God took me home when he saw best, ~ I am not lost, I shall arise ~ When Christ descends on lower skies.
Capt Abel EVERETT d. 1 Apr 1813, in the 57 year of his age
The sweet remembrance of the just ~ Shall flourish where they sleep in dust.
In memory of Cyrus, son of Capt. Abel EVERET & Mrs. Abigail, his wife, who died 6 Dec 1820, aged 15 yrs
Eleanor EVERETT d. 3 Oct 1824, aged 70 yrs
Asa EVERETT d. 4 Jan 1827, aged 80 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Ebenezer EVERETT, who died 10 Nov 1828, aet. 57.
In memory of John, son of Mr. Moses & Mrs. Nancy EVERETT, who died 21 Dec 1829, aet. 1 yr.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Abigail EVERETT, widow of Capt. Abel EVERETT, who died 20 Dec 1842, in the 78 year of her age.
We weep no more but trace with mental eye ~ Her peaceful path to realms beyond the sky; ~ Her rapturous soul from the frail scene delivered ~ Hath gone to rest where ties are no more severed.
In memory of Lemuel son of Mr. David FAIRBANKS & Mrs. Anna, his wife, d. 15 Jan 1761, in ye 5th year of his age
In memory of Lemuel, son of Mr. David FAIRBANKS & Mrs. Anna, his wife, d. 29 Jan 1770, in ye 3d year of his age
In memory of Capt. David FAIRBANKS, who died 19 Apr 1776, in ye 45 year of his age
Beneath this stone Deaths prisoner lies ~ The stone shall move the prisoner rise ~ When Jesus with Almighty word ~ Calls his dead saints to meet their Lord.
In memory of Mrs. Anna FAIRBANKS, widow of Capt. David FAIRBANKS, who died 31 Jan 1785, A* 52 yrs
Abijah FAIRBANKS d. 11 Aug 1810, aged 32 yrs. Elizabeth, daughter of Abijah & Lavinia FAIRBANKS, d. 23 Sep 1827, aged 20 yrs
In memory of Mr. Joel FAIRBANKS, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Louis FAIRBANKS, who died 25 Apr 1822, aet. 22
In memory of Mr. William FAIRBANKS, who died 21 Dec 1842, aet 90.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. Eliphalet FALES, Jun'r, who died 5 Oct 1777, in ye 33d year of her age
In memory of Milley, daughter of Mr. Eliphalet & Mrs. Abigail FALES, who died 25 Oct 1786, in ye 15th year of her age
Daughter of Eliphalet & Sibyl FALES, Harriet FALES, 23 Nov 1812 - 15 Apr 1815.
The memory of the just is blessed
Joseph H., son of Horace & Hannah K. FALES, d. 9 Jan 1837, aged 9 mos
In memory of Amasa, son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Judith FARRINGTON, who died 2 Sep 1775, in ye 27 yrha.
Susanna, wife of David FARRINGTON, d. 25 Nov 1809.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Judith FISHER, wife of Mr. Eliphalet FISHER, who died 25 Jul 1796, aged 45 yrs
Judith, wife of Oliver FISHER, d. 4 Mar 1801, aged 26 yrs. Oliver FISHER d. 12 Mar 1834, aged 65 yrs. Jason FISHER d. 5 Jun 1820, aged 10 yrs. Rufus FISHER d. 21 Jul 1834, aged 26 yrs.
To the memory of Mr. Eliphalet FISHER who died 26 Apr 1819, aged 72 yrs. Mrs. Relief, wife of Eliphalet FISHER, d. 22 Aug 1844, aet. 76.
In memory of Julia L., daughter of Mr. Herman & Lavinia FISHER, who died 3 Sep 1828, aet. 1 yr, 8 mos.
My friends be still and eye the rod, ~ And know the hand that struck was God.
Mr. Jonathan FULLER d. 8 Apr 1834, aet. 73
Mrs. Anah, wife of Jonathan FULLER, d. 28 Dec 1843, aet. 82
Elenor, widow of Eliphalet FULLER, d. 23 Sep 1844, aged 86 yrs
Azubah GAY, daughter of Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Azubah GAY, aged 7 yrs, 6 mos, 3 dys, d. 3 Dec 1741
Here lies ye body of Seth GAY, son of Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Azubah GAY, d. 18 Mar 1752, d. 18 Mar 1752, aged 9 yrs, 5 mos, 9 dys
In memory of Mrs. Azubah, wife of Ens'n Timothy GAY, who died 9 Dec 1773, in the 71st year of her age
In memory of Sintha, daughter of Capt. Jesse & Mrs. Sarah GAY, who died 8 Jun 1779, aged 2 yrs, 11 dys
In memory of Lucy, daughter of Capt. Jesse & Mrs Sarah GAY, who died 3 Apr 1791, aged 17 yrs wanting 9.
In memory of Ens'n Timothy GAY, who died 29 Mar 1793, in the 90th year of his age
In memory of Sarah, daughter of Mr. Jesse & Mrs. Sarah GAY, who died 27 Jun 1794, in ye 19th year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Hannah GAY, wife of Lieut. Oliver GAY, who died 18 Jul 1805, in the 38th year of her age.
An angel's arm canst snatch me from the grave; ~ Millions of angels can't confine me there.
In memory of Mary GAY, daughter of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Mary GAY, who died 22 Sep 1824, aet. 13 yrs.
In death's cold bed where Mary lies ~ Breathless and cold with closed eyes, ~ The glory of life has disappeared, ~ Her fluent voice is no more heard. ~ Her social intercourse is over ~ She that once loved can love no more, ~ Friendship cannon its charms impart, ~ Nor can true love affect her heart.
In memory of George GAY, son of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Mary GAY, who died 24 Sep 1824, aet. 15 yrs.
Hear learn the end of earthly hopes and fears, ~ The hasty flight of numerous days and years; ~ Reader, prepare to rest beneath the ground, ~ Till the Archangel's awful trump shall sound.
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Oliver GAY, who died 26 Sep 1824, aet. 54 yrs. Reuben R. GAY, son of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Mary GAY, d. 9 Apr 1828.
His head is --- beneath the stone, ~ The grave conceals his graceful forn, ~ Faded in death now pale he lies ~ And fills the mourners heart with sighs. ~ The blooming youth a victim falls, ~ No strength avail when Jesus calls.
In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Oliver GAY, who died 21 Mar 1832, aet. 55
In memory of Mrs. Hannah GOULD, wife of Deacon Simon GOULD, who died 6 Mar 1818, aged 50 yrs.
In memory of Deacon Simon GOULD, who died 4 Jan 1823, aged 61 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Sarah GUILD, wife of Mr. Aaron GUILD, who died 18 Feb 1755, aged 21 yrs, 10 mos
In memory of Mrs. Annah GUILD, wife of Maj. Aaron GUILD, d. 24 Aug 1776, aet. 47 yrs.
In memory of Mr. Oliver GUILD, Jun., who died 14 Oct 1806, in the 21st year of his age. In memory of Mr. Oliver GUILD, d. 14 Feb 1814, aet. 59.
In memory of Mrs. Sarah GUILD, wife of Major Aaron GUILD, d. 6 Jun 1812, aet 78 yrs. In memory of Major Aaron GUILD, d. 3 Feb 1818, aet. 90.
Mr. Abner GUILD, d. 15 Mar 1819, aet. 62. Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Abner GUILD, d. 30 Oct 1839, aet 72.
Erected to the memory of Abigail GUILD, wife of Moses GUILD, b. 8 Aug 1760, d. 11 Aug 1822.
In memory of Mr. Lewis GUILD, who died 24 Nov 1829, aet. 42
Erected to the memory of Moses GUILD, who was b. 20 Jul 1756, and d. 9 Nov 1829.
In memory of John Phipps, son of Mr. Joel, Jr., & Mrs. Lucretia P. GUILD, who died 7 Dec 1829, aet 1 yr, 8 mos.
Thy days, my little one were few, ~ An angels morning visit, ~ Then back to heaven they spirit flew; ~ 'Twas here -- 'tis gone -- where is it?
Aaron GUILD d. 20 Mar 1832, aged 79 yrs. Lydia, his wife, d. 9 May 1794, aged 36 yrs.
In memory of Mr. Oliver GUILD, who died 28 Sep 1836, aet. 21
Erected to the memory of Newell GUILD, b. 10 May 1802, d. 11 Feb 1838.
In memory of Mr. Jacob GUILD, who died 6 Apr 1839, aet. 79
In memory of Mr. Joel GUILD, d. 14 Jan 1842, aet. 77 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Joel GUILD, d. 11 Dec 1842, aet. 76 yrs.
Maria d. 1 Jan 1837; Sarah F. d. 29 Oct 1844. Children of Mark & Maria GUILD
Hannah G. HARTSHORN d. 27 Mar 1833, aet. 20 yrs.
Here lies buried ye body of Mrs. Sarah HOLMES, daughter of Ebenezer & Sarah HOLMES, d. 13 Sep 1754, aged 20 yrs, 7 dys
The intended wife of Ephraim GAY, ~ If Death had not took her away.
In memory of Mr. Richard HUNTOON, d. 4 Nov 1819, in the 28th year of his age
Sacred to the memory of Sarah Ann JOHNSON, daughter of Comfort H. & Susan JOHNSON, who died 4 Oct 1822, aged 2 yrs
In memory of Moses KINGSBURY, son of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, who died 4 Oct 1775, aged 16.
In memory of Abigail KINGSBURY, daughter of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, who died 8 Oct 1775, aged 9 yrs
Here lies the body of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, who died 15 Mar 1786, in the 85th year of his age
In memory of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, who died 3 Jun 1788, aged 57
To the memory of Mrs. Rest KINGSBURY, wife of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, deceased; she d. 23 Dec 1789, aged 90 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Abigail KINGSBURY, wife of Mr. Jeremiah KINGSBURY, who died 14 Jun 1800, aet. 72
Here lies interred ye remains of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS, wdtl 13 May 1752, in ye 55th year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Mirian LEWIS, wife of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS, who died 15 Nov 1757, in ye 55th year of her age
In memory of Lucy, daughter of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS & Mrs. Experience, his wife, who died 2 Feb 1761, in ye 3rd year of her age
In memory of Mr. Benjamin LEWIS, d. 1 Nov 1780, in the 49th year of his age
In memory of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS, who died 30 Nov 1790, in ye 59th year of his age
Catherine P., wife of Jabez LEWIS, d. 9 Aug 1812, aged 44 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hannah LEWIS, wife of Mr. Benjamin LEWIS, d. 14 Oct 1814, in the 68th year of her age
In memory of Mr. Joseph LEWIS, who died 10 Aug 1824, aet. 51 yrs.
In memory of Mrs. Experience, widow of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS, who died 4 Jan 1830, aet. 94
Here lies Interr'd ye body of Mrs. Martha McMULLEN, wife of Mr. Arche't McMULLEN, who died 14 Jan 1753, aged 35 yrs
Mrs. Hannah METCALF d. 24 Aug 1796, in the 81st year of her age
Here lyes buried the body of Mrs. Mary MORS, wife of Cap. Ezra MORS, d. 17 Sep 1746, in the 77th year of her age
Here lie ye body of Mr. Oliver MORS, son of Capt. Ezra MORS, Jun'r, d. 9 Jan 1747, in ye 22d year of his age
Here lies buried the body of Mr. John MORSE, who died 22 Nov 1750, in ye 48th year of his age
In memory of Mr. Ezra MORSE, who died 14 Jun 1755, in ye 38th year of his age
Here lies buried the bidy of Capt. Ezra MORSE, who died 17 Oct 1760, in ye 90th year of his age
Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Anna MORSE, wife of Capt. Ezra MORSE. She d. 29 Dec 1762, in ye 67 year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Sarah MORSE, wife of Capt. Joseph MORSE, who died 4 May 1767, in the 61st year of her age
In memory of Mr. Seth MORSE, who died 18 Aug 1801, aged 48 yrs
In memory of Mr. David MORSE, who died 24 Aug A. D. 1821, in his 63rd yr.
Ezra & Sally B. MORSE -- Reuben, d. 27 Aug 1828, aet 3 yrs
Rene, wife of Seth MORSE, d. 5 Jul 1833, aet. 52 yrs.
Lewis MORSE, 1785--1836. Albert, 1819--1820
In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Seth MORSE, who died 26 Jan 1842, aged 87 yrs
John MORSE -- Roxa F., 1794--1844. John, 1819--1819. John MORSE, 1753--1825. Mary L., 1761--1832. Mary E., 1787--1827. Jabez, 1797--1831. Hannah, 1801--1827.
Caroline T. d. 13 Sep 1829, ae. 4 yrs. Mary d. 25 Dec 1844, ae 6 mos. Children of William A. & Delina MYLOD
Julia, wife of Rev. H. G. PARK, d. 2 May 1835, aged 23 yrs, 5 mos.
In memory of Rebecah, wife of William PEDRICK, who died 25 Mar 1832, aet. 58
Happy soul, thy days are ended, ~ All they mourning days below, ~ Go, by angel guards attended, ~ To the sight of Jesus, go. ~ For the joy he sets before thee ~ Bear a momentary pain, ~ Die to live a life of glory, ~ Suffer with thy Lord to reign.
William PURBECK -- Mehetable, his wife, d. 23 May 1842, aged 59. Louisa J. PURBECK d. 22 Mar 1820, aged 14. Lucy F. PURBECK d. 11 Arp 1827, aged 11. Albert P. AMBLER d. 30 Jul 1838, aged 32. Sally S., his wife, d. 30 Jul 1838, aged 32.
James & Eleanor RANKINE, in memory of their son Thomas, who died 27 Sep 1839, aged 2 yrs, 6 mos
In memory of Mrs. Rebecca RICHARDS, wife of Mr. Joseph RICHARDS, d. 31 May 1777, in 43d year of her age
In memory of Hannah RICHARDS, who died 24 Mar 1838, aet 36
Friends nor physicians could not save ~ My mortal body from the grave.
Mr. Eliphalet ROADS d. 2 Dec 1833, aet. 78 yrs. Mrs. Mercy ROADS d. 10 Apr 1836, aet 78 yrs
Erected by John W. RHOADS in memory of his father, who died 9 Feb A. D. 1841.
If a man die, shall he live again?
Here lies ye body of Mr. Isaac SMITH, d. 5 Jun 1749, in ye 48 year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Irene B., wife of Mr. Warren SMITH, who died 31 Dec 1829, aged 22 yrs.
Here lies the body of Mr. William STARRET, who died 15 Mar 1769, aet 73.
Here lies buried the body of Mr. George TALBOT, who died 24 May 1772, in the 58th year of his age
Josiah & Mary Richards TALBOT -- Nat d. 2 May 1816, ae. 4 mos. Nathaniel d. 3 Jul 1838, ae. 15 yrs, 2 mos
In memory of Dea. Enoch TALBOT, who died 29 Sep 1833, aged 75 yrs. In memory of Mrs. Catharine, wife of Dea. Enoch TALBOT, who died 13 Oct 1842, aged 77 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hannah F. A., wife of Mr. Curtis TALBOT, who died 17 Jun 1835, aet. 25
Joel F., son of Mr. Joel & Mrs. Hannah TALBOT, d. 29 Oct 1842, aged 17 yrs.
In memory of Mrs. Lucy THORP, widow of Mr. Adam THORP, who died 21 Oct 1807, aged 61 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Abigail TOLBARD (who died of Mr. George TOLBARD & formerly ye wife of Capt. William BACON) who died 5 Oct 1786, in ye 67th year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Esther, wife of Mr. Joseph TURNER, who died 28 May 1708, aged 51 yrs
Edward G., son of Moses E. & Rebecca G. WEBB, d. 8 Apr 1835, aged 6 mos
Here lies buried thebody of Mr. Moses WHITE who died 19 Jan 1755, in the 55th year of his age
Here lies the body of Mr. Moses WHITE, son of Mr. Benjamin WHITE, deceased, & Sarah, his wife. He d. 16 May 1706, in the 24th year of his age.
Here lies buried the body of Mr. Benjamin WHITE, who died 25 Dec 1767, who died 25 Dec 1767 in the 57th year of his age
In memory of the widow Sarah WHITE, wife of the late Mr. Benjamin WHITE, who died 1 Mar 1786, in the 66th year of her age
William WINSHIP d. 9 Dec 1832, aet. 26
Joseph H. WINSLOW d. 16 Jun 1831, aet. 1 wk. Mary A. L. WINSLOW d. 28 Mar 1840, aet. 1 yr, 5 dys. Children of George & Olive C. WINSLOW

THE THIRD PARISH CEMETERY Epitaphs Prior to 1845 Copied from the Tombstones by Mr. John W. WORTHINGTON
The loss of the Church Records in this Parish increases the importance of the Cemetery inscriptions, for here we must look for record of deaths when the Town records fail to furnish the facts.
In memory of Molly RUSSEL, d. 29 Nov 1832, aged 76 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Louisa Jane, daughter of Eben & Achsah F. SHATTUCK, who died 11 Jan 1842, in the 22d year of her age
Sacred to the memory of Hariet Watson, daughter of Eben & Achsah F. SHATTUCK, d. 14 Mar 1844, in the 29 year of her age
Maj. Robert STEELE d. 20 Jun 1833, aged 74 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah STONE, wife of Mr. Joseph STONE, d. 7 Oct 1840, aet 82 yrs. Also, Mr. Joseph STONE, d. 5 Feb 1841, aet. 78 yrs.
Capt. Daniel COVELL d. 21 Dec 1845, aged 64 yrs
Olive COVELL, wife of Capt. David COVELL, d. 23 Oct 1837, aged 52 yrs
In memory of Mr. Aaron ELLIS, who died 25 Jun 1809, in his 80th yr
Hezekiah TURNER d. 1 Jul 1842, aged 90 yrs. Eliabeth, wife of Hezekiah TURNER, d. 15 Oct 1836, aged 76 yrs
In memory of Miss Sally ELLIS, who died 4 Jan 1823, aged 47 yrs
In memory of Mr. Samuel COLBURN, Jr., d. 21 Jun 1794, aged 51
Sacred to the memory of Mehitable DEAN, relict of Joseph DEAN, d. 12 Jun 1835, aet. 85 yrs
In memory of Hitty COLBURN d. 28 Oct 1832, aged 48 yrs
Capt. Lewis COLBURN d. 1 Jun 1843, aet. 91. Mary, his wife, 25 May 1840: 86. Prudence, their daughter, Jan 1800; 18.
In memory of Moses KINGSBURY, d. 24 Jun 1841, aet 64 yrs
In memory of Mr. Thaddeus GAY, who died 12 Aug 1837, aet. 74
In memory of Miss Fanny GAY, youngest daughter of Mr. Thaddeus & Mrs. Charlotte GAY, who died 13 Nov 1823, in the 21st year of her age
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Charlotte TRASK, wife of Mr. Darling TRASK, who died 15 Mar 1821, aged 34 yrs
In memory of George GAY, son of Mr. Thaddeus & Mrs. Charlotte GAY, who died 29 Sep 1805, in the 13th year of his age
Luther ELLIS d. 15 Nov 1842, aged 72 yrs
Elizabeth ELLIS, d. 21 May 1840, aged 16 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Sally GAY, wife of Mr. Colburn GAY, d. 2 Aug 1803, aged 23 yrs
In memory of Mr. John ELLIS who died 25 May 1821, aged 75 ysr
In memory of Mrs. Hannah ELLIS, wife of Mr. John ELLIS, d. 30 Nov 1828, aet 75 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Richard COLBURN, d. 14 Dec 1836, aet. 69 yrs
Sally, b. 19 Oct 1805, d. 15 Nov 1805. Charles E., b. 15 Feb 1818, d. 3 Jul 1819. (Children of Wm. W. & Eliz'bh OWEN)
In memory of Jane RHODES, daughter of Mr. Eliphalet RHOADS, Jr., & Mrs. Sally, his wife, who died 8 May 1812, aged 1 day
In memory of Albert H. RHODES, son of Mr. Eliphalet RHOADS, Jr., & Mrs. Sally, his wife, who died 15 Dec 1814, aged 17½ mos.
In memory of Miss Selah STARR, who died 17 May 1810, aged 26 yrs
In memory of Miss Sarah M. STARR, who died 15 Jun 1811, aged 28 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Miss Cynthia, daughter of Mr. Elephalet & Mrs. Cynthia COLBURN, who died 7 Feb 1841, aet. 39 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Eliphalet COLBURN, d. 2 May 1828, aet. 64 yrs
Mary E. COLBURN, daughter of Mr. Warren & Mrs. Patty COLBURN, d. 6 Oct 1839, aet 10 yrs
In memory of William COLBURN, son of Mr. Benjamin COLBURN & Mrs. Abigail, his wife, d. 14 Aug 1825, aet. 18 yrs.
Wm. MASON d 27 Mar 1815, aet 62. His widow, Lucy, d. 16 Oct 1831, aet 75. Wm. MASON, Jr., d. 5 Jan 1841, aet 56. Abijah MASON d. in Portland, 6 Mar 1825, aet 36. Abijah, son of Abijah & Sally MASON, d. 16 May 1842, aet 16.
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Benjamin BOYDEN, d. 30 Sep 1834, aged 57 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Roxa BOYDEN, wife of Mr. Benjamin BOYDEN, d. 4 Jan 1843, aet. 72 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Jeremiah FISHER, d. 1 Aug 1838, aet. 33 yrs
In memory of Miss Hannah ONION, who died 21 Jun 1822, aged 28 yrs
In memory of Miss Lucy GLOVER, daughter of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Hannah GLOVER, who died 9 Feb 1778, in the 11th year of her age
In memory of Mr. Jotham, son of Mr. Theodore & Mrs. Mary GAY, who died 17 Mar 1785, in ye 22nd year of his age
In memory of Mr. Theodore GAY, Jun'r, son of Mr. Theodore & Mrs. Mary GAY, who died 20 Mar 1785, in ye 20th year of his age
In memory of Mrs, Elizabeth GAY, wife of D'n Ichabod GAY, who died 24 Sep 1772, in ye 47th year of her age [This stone taken up.]
In memory of Mr. Theodore GAY, who died 5 Sep 1793, in ye 52nd year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Mary SUMNER, widow of the late Col. Seth SUMNER of Milton, & formerly wife of Mr. Theodore GAY, Dedham, who died 18 Oct 1822, aged 79 yrs
In memory of Abner S. MASON, son of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Betsey MASON, who died 21 Apr 1811, aged 9 mos
Sacred to the memory of Abner SMITH, son of Mr. Abner & Mrs. Olive SMITH, who died 4 Apr 1804, in the 7th yr of his age
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Thomas THACHER, a man of learning and distinguished for strength of mind & energy of expression. A minister of the Gospel assiduous and faithful. How strongly attached to his friends and how charitable to the poor while he lived will long be gratefully remembered. He d. 19 Oct 1812, in the 56th year of his age and 33d of his ministry.
M. S. Rev. Thomas THATCHER Vir eruditus, praecellens robore mentis & verborum pondere. Verbi divini minister indefessus & fidelis. Quam amicis rententus & egenis beneficus dum vixit, plurimorum animis diu grattissime insidebit. Ob't Kalend Oct. 19, MDCCCXII. Anno aetatis LVI. ministerii XXXII.
In memory of Mrs. Mehitable ELLIS, wife of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 17 Mar 1826, aet 87 yrs.
Weary Pilgrims take thy rest
Ephraim SOULE, b. in Plympton 20 Feb 1784, d. 4 Mar 1841. Sally Colburn, his wife, b. 1 Nov 1786, d. 13 Dec 1880. Their children: Sarah Cushman, b. 23 Jun 1823, d. 2 Dec 1823. Sarah Jane, b. 16 Apr 1826, d. 24 Sep 1826. Ephraim Augustus, b. 14 Apr 1810, d. at New Orleans, La., 1842.
In memory of Mr. George COLBURN who died 8 Oct, A. D., 1830, aet 64 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Catherine BAKER, wife of Mr. Eliphlet BAKER, who died 16 Jun 1794, in the 47th year of her age
In memory of Capt. Isaac COLBURN, d. 14 Mar 1817, aet. 91 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hepzibah COLBURN, wife of Capt. Isaac COLBURN, who died 25 Jan 1798, in the 68 year of her age
Dea. Ichabod GAY, d. 14 Dec 1814, aet. 91. Elizabeth King, his wife, d. 24 Sep 1772, aet 47. Lucy Richards, his wife, d. 14 Apr 1808, aet. 73.
Capt. William GAY d. 15 Dec 1828, aet. 76
Capt. Aaron BAKER d. 25 Jun 1856, aet. 79. Hannah, his wife, d. 4 Jun 1811, aet. 35. Roxy, his 2nd wife, d. 29 Feb 1852, aet 44 yrs
In memory of Mr. Luther GAY d. 15 Feb 1815, aet. 44 yrs
BAKER. Elizabeth, daughter of Eliphalet & Elizabeth, d. 13 May 1779, aged 20 yrs
Elizabeth, wife of Eliphalet [BAKER] & daughter of Jer'h FISHER, d. 22 Jul 1816, aged 82 yrs
Elizabeth, daughter of John & Becca BAKER, d. 1 Dec 1817, aged 24 yrs
John BAKER, d. 15 Sep 1719, aged 74 yrs
Abigail, wife of John & daughter of Daniel FISHER, d. 13 Jan 1723, aged 77 yrs
John, son of Eliphalet & Elizabeth [BAKER] d. 14 Nov 1757, aged 9 mos
John BAKER, d. 8 Apr 1768, aged 90 yrs
Sarah, wife of John & daughter of Timothy WHITING, d. 1 Jan 1709, aged 86 yrs
In memory of Mr. Asa FISHER, who died 2 Apr 1823, aged 78 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hannah FISHER, wife of Mr. Asa FISHER, who died 31 Jan 1820, aged 58 yrs
In memory of Elizabeth FISHER, wife of Mr. Asa FISHER, who died 16 Dec 1843, aged 74 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Miss Molly FISHER, d. 18 Sep 1837, aged 58 yrs
Here lies buried the body of Mr. Josiah WHITTEMORE, who died 23 Jun 1777, in the 30th year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Mary WHITTEMORE, widow of Mr. Josiah WHITTEMORE, d. 18 Feb 1761, in the 59th year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Abigail KINGSBURY, wife of Mr. Ebenz'r KINGSBURY, who died 11 Nov 1767, in ye 60th year of her age
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Mary COLBURN, aged about 89, d. 30 Jan 1752
In memory of Mr. Ebenezer KINGSBURY who died 3 Sep 1775, in ye 72d year of his age
Nancy E. ELLIS, wife of Newell ELLIS, 17 Feb 1783, 19 Dec 1800. Betsey Shepard ELLIS, wife of Newell ELLIS, Aug 1778, Jul 1841.
David ELLIS, son of Jonathan ELLIS & Rebecca Lewis, b. in Dedham, 5 Sep 1731, d. in Dedham, 27 Feb 1803, aged 71. Beulah, wife of David ELLIS, daughter of Josiah NEWELL & Sarah Macintire, b. in Needham, 24 May 1740, d. in Cambridge, 15 Oct 1815, aged 75.
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Nathan COLBURN, who died 9 May 1804, in the 60th year of his age
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Nathaniel COLBURN who died 9 Jun 1799, in the 57th year of his age
Erected 1848, by the citizens of West Dedham, in commemoration of Mr. John BUCKMASTER, the first person buried in the ground. Died 12 Jan 1752, in the 71st year of his age.
BAKER, Timothy, d. 11 Nov 1831, ae. 87
Cynthia, his wife, d. 2 May 1841, ae 85.
Timothy, d. 24 Sep 1786, ae 78.
Abigail, his wife, d. 10 Nov 1778, ae. 62
Ellis, son of E. A. & J. COLBURN, b. 25 Jan 1837; d. 27 Nov 1837
Ellis COLBURN, d. 17 Feb 1832, aged 43 yrs
Miss Hannah ELLIS, daughter of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 29 Sep 1796, aged 18
Mrs. Julitta ELLIS, wife of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 7 Sep 1779, aged 41
Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 7 Nov 1794, aged 60
Mrs. Julitta ELLIS, wife of Mr. Jabez ELLIS, & daughter of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 5 Oct 1796, aged 28
Miss Rebecca ELLIS, daughter of Deac. Ichabod ELLIS, d. 17 Nov 1803, aged 21
Deac. Ichabod ELLIS d. 14 Jan 1811, aged 68
Mrs. Rebekah ELLIS, relict of Deac. Ichabod ELLIS, d. 3 Jul 1831, aged 86
In memory of Mr. John RICHARDS, who died 13 Jun 1772, aged 74 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Capt. Abel RICHARDS, d. 18 Jan 1832, aet. 94 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hannah RICHARDS, wife of Capt. Abel RICHARDS, d. 6 Dec 1775, aet. 32 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Hannah RICHARDS, wife of Mr. Moses RICHARDS, who died 15 Feb 1827, aged 42 yrs
Daniel DRAPER d. 9 Dec 1831, aged 72 yrs. Naamah DRAPER d. 1 Sep 1833, aged 62 yrs. Mary, daughter of Daniel & Naamah DRAPER, d. 4 Sep 1819, aged 16 yrs.
Family Record erected in memory of Mr. Joseph SMITH, son of Mr. Isaac & Mrs Mary SMITH, d. 22 Sep 1796, aet 20.
Mrs. Mary SMITH, wife of Mr. Isaac SMITH, d. 20 Oct 1800, aet. 47. Mr. Isaac SMITH, son of Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Mary SMITH, d. 17 Jan 1805, aet. 24.
Hannah SMITH d. 9 Mar 1805, aet 10 mos
Mr. Isaac SMITH d. 23 Jun 1817, aet. 67. Mas'ter Issac [sic] SMITH, son of Mr. Abijah & Mrs. Hannah SMITH d. 23 Aug 1819, aet. 10 mos.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth COLBURN, wife of Mr. Isaac COLBURN, Jr., d. 16 Jul 1813, in the 43 year of her age
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Isaac COLBURN who died 10 May 1815, aet 79 yrs
Jucy Maria, daughter of Cortus H. & Lucy C. LINCOLN, d. 26 Nov 1836, aged 5 mos
In memory of Mrs. Katherine, wife of Mr. Peltiah HERRING, d. 30 Oct 1837, in the 79 year of her age
In memory of Mr. Abner HERRING who died 8 Jan 1815, aged 22 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Miss Catherine HERRING who died 9 Aug 1813, aet 31.
In memory of Mr. Peltiah HERRING, d. 3 Mar 1807, aet. 57 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Frances, wife of Mr. Peter P. SPEAR, d. 30 May 1842, aet. 56 yrs
Amanda Maria, daughter of Jesse & Borrodill FAIRBANKS, d. 30 Aug 1837.
Children of Sameul & Sarah CHENEY: Elmira b. 24 Dec 1838, d. 2 Oct 1840.
Saphronia E., d. 3 Apr 1817, aet 15 mos. William H. d. 14 Jan 1830, aet. 23 dys. Children of Roxana & Moses WHITE
Sacred to the memory of Poly PETTEE, d. 28 Sep 1834, aet 52 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Ichabod ELLIS, d. 9 Feb 1833, aged 21 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Edmund ELLIS, d. 23 Jul 1832, aet 32 yrs
In memory of Mr. John ELLIS, d. 16 Dec 1825, aet 50 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Mary ELLIS, wife of Mr. John ELLIS, d. 16 Nov 1825, aet 53 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Ann ELLIS, wife of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 9 Apr 1838, aged 40 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Enoch ELLIS, d. 12 Jan 1842, aet 42 yrs
George ELLIS d. 2 Mar 1834, aet 9 dys. Also an infant son b. & d. 27 Mar 1838. Mary M. ELLIS d. 6 Oct 1838, aet. 2 yrs, 4 mos. Childrne of Enoch & Ann ELLIS.
Wm. King GAY -- Twins b. & d. 20 Jul 1824. Elizabeth d. 19 Apr 1826, aged 4 yrs. Appleton d. 10 Jul 1836, aged 16 yrs. Children of Wm. K. & Susan GAY.
Lucy SMITH d. 17 Sep 1822, aged 29 yrs. Alona SMITH d. 17 Nov 1842, aged 45 yrs
Mary COLBURN d. 29 Sep 1831, aged 92 yrs. Jonathan COLBURN d. 8 Aug 1831, aged 59 yrs
Frances Ednah SPEAR b. 13 Feb 1842, d. 1 Oct 1842. Willard Boyd, b. 21 Oct 1807, d. 23 Feb 1827.
In memory of Caroline Adams, daughter of Mr. George & Mrs. Polly DRAPER, who died 22 Nov 1831, aged 2 yrs, 1 mon, 18 dys
In memory of Miss Dolly DRAPER, daughter of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Mary DRAPER, d. 1 Jun 1826, aet. 52
Weep not for me, but for your sins.
In memory of Mr. Joseph DRAPER, d. 28 Nov 1825, aet 84 yrs. Also Mrs. Mary DRAOER, wife of Mr. Joseph DRAPER, d. 21 Aug 1827, aet 67 yrs.
Still to memory dear -- Joseph DRAPER b. 11 Sep 1780, d. 7 Nov 1833
Phineas ELLIS d. 26 Nov 1834, aged 62 yrs
Phinehas COLBURN, 1762 - 1838. Joseph DRAPER, 1796 - 1838
In memory of Miss Julia LINDLEY, d. 20 Mar 1842, aet. 46 yrs
Benjamin F. MANN, of Socrates MANN & Rhoda Keniston, d. 10 Sep 1836, aet 1 yr, 4 mos, 8 dys
Emily J. E. GUY, b. 28 Apr 1839, d. 4 Nov 1843
Abraham ROBERTS, d. 15 Apr 1824, aged 45 yrs. Lydia Hartshorn, wife of A. ROBERTS, d. 4 May 1839, aged 61 yrs
Joseph ELLIS, d. 11 Dec 1836, aged 58 yrs
G. CONANT. Hariet, d. 20 May 1837, aet. 2 yrs. Emily Adeline, d. 4 Jun 1837, aet 6 yrs, 3 mos
In memory of Mrs. Hannah A. COBBETT, wife of Mr. Lewis COBBETT & daughter of Mr. Caleb & Mrs. Milly SMITH, who died 12 Jan 1842, aet 20 yrs
Mary Ann, daughter of William & Sally SMITH, d. 6 Aug 1840, aged 5 days
Josephine Maria, daughter of William & Sally SMITH, d. 21 Sep 1844, aged 11 mos.
Deborah, wife of Sabin TURNER, d. 27 May 1841, aged 35 yrs
Abijah PARKER, 1773. 1835. Sally Woods, 1776. 1806.
Lusher GAY, d. 2 Sep 1842, aged 70. Ellen C. POND, 1840.
John BAKER, b. 30 Jun 1795, d. 28 May 1867.
Mary C., wife of John BAKER, b. 2 Jan 1807, d. 25 Mar 1854.
Eveline, their daughter, b. 28 Aug 1835, d. 19 Apr 1839
Dea. Clement BARTLETT d. 1 Mar 1870, aet. 74 yrs, 11 mos. Frances E. d. 4 Oct 1829, ae. 1 yr, 7 mos
William Dexter, son of Nathaniel & Anna COLBURN, d. 30 May 1828, aged 10 dys.
Louisa, wife of Samuel FRENCH, d. 14 Sep 1827, aged 25 yrs
Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. James PETTEE, d. 6 Dec 1828, aged 32 yrs
Samuel PETTEE d. 2 Apr 1835, aged 10 mos
Mary E. PETTEE d. 6 Jun 1844, aged 8 yrs
Osborn, son of I. C. & G. B. SMITH, d. 22 Mar 1844, aged 5 wks, 4 dys
Hannah Maria, child of Joseph & Hannah FISHER, d. 25 Oct 1830, aet 4 mos
COLE. Hepzebah E. d. 3 Sep 1836, aged 16 mos. Freeman d. 25 Nov 1844, aged 20 yrs
Julia Ann, wife of Alford BAKER, b. 16 Jan 1813, d. 7 Sep 1841
Waldo COLBURN b. 13 Nov 1824, d. 26 Sep 1885
David BAKER d. 9 Feb 1831, aged 49 yrs. Dene, wife of David BAKER, d. 15 Jul 1850, aged 60 yrs.
Be ye also ready.
Richard DEAN d. 3 Jan 1833, aet. 53. Cally, his wife, d. 19 Mar 1862, aet. 87. Miriam D. DEAN d. 9 Jun 1864, aet 49
Hartshorn BOYDEN d. 16 May 1858, aged 47 yrs. Benjamin H., d. 10 Jun 1842, aged 2 yrs, 8 mos
JONES. In memory of Mr. Samuel JONES who died 29 Jun 1839, aet 62 yrs. Mrs. Susana, his wife, d. 18 Apr 1866, aet 67 yrs. Ann Eliza, wife of Eleazer L. BANGS, d. 24 May 1862, aet. 27 yrs, 3 mos.
To die is to gain
SAWIN. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Levi SAWIN who died 9 Feb 1850 [1856?], aet 96 yrs. Lurana, his wife, d. 7 Nov 1819, aet 46 yrs
Their children: Joel d. 1849, aet 65 yrs. Levi, 1st, 1786, aged 2 mos. Mary, 1847, 59 yrs. Levi, 2d, 1791, 1 yr, 7 mos. Isaac, ___. Abigail, 1810, 16 yrs, 5 mos. Persis, 1801, 5 yrs. Rebecca, ___. Lurana, 1866, 67 yrs. Levi, 3d, 1802, 1 yr, 7 mos. Sophia, 1806, 3 yrs, 3 mos. Clarissa, ____. Celinda, 1833, 24 yrs, 5 mos. He lives, the great Redeemer lives, ~ What joy the blest assurance give.

The Property of John RICHARDS, John RICHARDS, Jun'r., & Frederick RICHARDS. Erected 1806. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast up the dead. -- Isaiah 26:19
Intomb'd the remains of Mr. John RICHARDS, d. 17 Feb 1812, in the 89th year of his age
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Seth GAY, who died 19 Feb 1815, aged 57 yrs
Mrs. Rebekah, wife of Mr. John RICHARDS, d. 14 Mar 1818, aet. 94
Mr. Seth GAY, d. 9 Jul 1826, aet. 47 yrs
Seth GAY, jr., d. 23 Jul 1859, aet 79 yrs
Intomb'd the remains of Rebecca, wife of Dea. John RICHARDS, d. 13 Sep 1831, aet. 74
Sarah RICHARDS d. 16 Mar 1832, aet 82
Cynthia, wife of Frederick RICHARDS, d. 9 Apr 1834, aet. 66
Frederick RICHARDS d. 17 Feb 1836, aet 69
Dea. John RICHARDS, d. 7 Jun 1841, aet. 86
Willard GAY's Tomb. Built Oct 1806. Within this tomb I rest my head, ~ In slumbers wait, Christ blest the bed; ~ Weep not for me, my pains are o'er, ~ We soon shall meet to part no more.
Willard GAY, b. 30 Nov 1761, d. 15 Apr 1831
Sally COLBORN, 1st wife, b. 17 Mar 1764, d. 5 Oct 1790
Borrodill MASON, 2nd wife, b. 10 Feb 1767, d. 13 Oct 1813
Martha EMMONS, 3rd wife, b. 30 Sep 1780, d. 31 Dec 1846
Their Children: Willard, b. 21 Aug 1794, d. 8 Dec 1800. Sally Colburn, b. 23 May 1792, d. 3 Sep 1804. Nathaniel Emmons, b. 5 Jun 1815, d. 5 Apr 1816. Martha Williams, b. 5 Aug 1818, d. 22 Apr 1852. Theodore, b. 29 Apr 1787, d. 26 Nov 1858.
Lemuel GAY, b. 25 Jan 1764, d. 3 Jun 1844. Lucy Colburn, his wife, b. 13 Feb 1765, d. 8 Feb 1850
Their Children: Ellis, b. 23 Oct 1800, d. 30 May 1880. Matilda Baker, wife of Ellis GAY, b. 1 Sep 1801, d. 1 Oct 1876. Lemuel, b. 23 Mar 1804, d. 10 Apr 1845. Eunice Tolman, wife of Lemuel GAY, b. 11 Dec 1804, d. 1 Feb 1840. Betsey, b. 28 May 1806, d. 11 Nov 1806. James Alvin, b. 30 Sep 1809, d. 14 Feb 1878. Susan M., wife of Jas. Alvin, b. 31 Mar 1823, d. 24 Aug 1885. Erastus E. GAY, b. 29 Sep 1834, d. 7 Jul 1887.
William Tolman, son of Lemuel & Eunice GAY, b. 2 Oct 1833, d. 2 Feb 1834. Theron Colburn, son of Lemuel & Eunice GAY, b. 5 Nov 1834, d. 6 Dec 1850.
Timothy, Eliphlet & Joseph BAKER's Tomb. Built Oct 1806. Remember, mortal kinsman, ~ 'Twas death that clos'd us here, ~ Prepare yourselves to meet us, ~ Your summons soon must appear.
Intom'be the remains of Mrs. Mehitable BAKER, wife of Mr. Eliph't BAKER, d. 10 Feb 1808, aged 56 yrs.
Mr. Eliph't BAKER d. 26 May 1812, aged 65 yrs
David A. FISHER, son of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Abigail FISHER, d. 20 Aug 1810, aged 9 mos
Mrs. Nabby, wife of Mr. Sabin BAKER, d. 7 Nov 1815, aet 39 yrs
Children of Benj'n & Abigail FISHER died: Asa A., 4 Jun 1816, aged 17 mos. & Abigail, 18 Apr 1819, aged 8 yrs.
Miss Rachel BAKER d. 19 Jun 1822, aged 61 yrs
Intomb'd the remains of Benj. FISHER, d. 5 Jul 1829, ae. 52. Abigail, his wife, d. Feb 1840, aet. 62. David BAKER d. 9 Feb 1831, aet. 49. Sabin BAKER d. 11 Sep 1841, aet. 69. Joseph BAKER d. 1 Oct 1833, aet 80. Monica, his wife, d. 1 Jun 1843, aet. 91.
Abner ELLIS, George ELLIS, Ichabod COLBURN, Nathaniel KINGSBURY. Tomb built Oct 1806.
Intomb'd the remains of Ichabod COLBURN, d. 8 Mar 1828, aged 74 yrs.
Anna, his wife, d. 31 Mar 1829, aged 70 yrs
Abner ELLIS d. 14 Dec 1844, aged 75 yrs
Polly, his wife, d. 25 Feb 1844, aged 63 yrs
Francis, their son, d. at Apalachicola, 7 Aug 1841, aged 26 yrs
I. Ellis COLBURN d. 20 Jan 1848, aged 19.
Theodore GAY d. 22 Feb 1881, aged 87 yrs, 6 mos, 10 dys
Barnard ELLIS d. 16 Oct 1881, aged 61 yrs
Mary E. GAY d. 13 Dec 1882, aged 82 yrs, 9 mos, 21 dys
Entomb'd the remains of Jotham G. ELLIS, son of George & Molly ELLIS, d. 25 Feb 1769, aet. 10
Milly COLBURN d. 1 Jun 1802, aet. 20. Betsey COLBURN d. 15 Aug 1803, aet 14. Daughters of Ichabod & Anna COLBURN.
Mary ELLIS, wife of Abner ELLIS, d. 25 Jan 1806, aet 33
Mrs. Mary, wife of Deac'n George ELLIS, d. 4 Dec 1815, aet 50 yrs
Mrs. Jemima, wife of Nath'l KINGSBURY, d. Jul 1814, aet. __
Mr. Nathan NEWELL d. 7 Jul 1817, aet. 63. Mr. Jabez WHITING d. 30 Jul 1819, aet 39
George, son of Colburn & Lucy ELLIS, d. 28 Dec 1820, aged 5 mos. Abigail C., daughter of Colburn & Lucy ELLIS, d. 21 Jul 1839, aet. 17.
Ebenezer FISHER's Tomb, erected A. D. 1806.
Silence TURNER d. 2 Feb 1847, aged 78 yrs
Chloe, wife of John FISHER, d. 24 Mar 1856, aged 85 yrs. Nancy, wife of John FISHER, d. 15 May 1876, aged 72 yrs
Nathaniel FISHER d. 10 Sep 1810, aged 52 yrs. John FISHER d. 17 Aug 1823 [1828?] aged 63 yrs. Nabby FISHER d. 24 Jan 1824, aged 21 yrs. Sarah, wife of Nathaniel FISHER, d. 10 Apr 1838, aged 83 yrs. Hon. Ebenezer FISHER d. 20 Oct 1847, aged 96 yrs.
Jeremiah BAKER & Abijah PARKER's Tomb. 1819.
Entomb'd the remains of Mr. Jeremiah BAKER, d. 11 Jun 1798, aged 82 yrs. Miss Mehitable BAKER d. 8 Feb 1805, aged 10 yrs, daughter of Jeremiah & Fanny BAKER. Frances P. BAKER d. 4 Nov 1815, aged 3 yrs, 6 mos, son of George & Prissilla BAKER. Miss Fanny BAKER d. 1 Jun 1819, aged 20 yrs; daughter of Jeremiah & Fanny BAKER. Mrs. Fanny BAKER d. 20 Jun 1819, aged 53 yrs; wife of Jeremiah BAKER. Mrs. Lucy BAKER d. 7 Dec 1821, aged 43 yrs; 2d wife of Jeremiah BAKER. Frances M. BAKER d. 9 Sep 1823, aet. 4 mos.
Mrs. Caroline HAVEN, wife of John P. HAVEN, d. 4 Nov 1839, ae 38
Mrs. Abigail P., wife of Jeremiah BAKER, & daughter of Rev. Thomas PRENTISS, d. 31 Oct 1848, aet. 57. George Preston, son of John P. & Caroline HAVEN, d. 6 May 1852, aet. 26. Mr. Jeremiah BAKER d. 12 Sep 1855, aet. 94. Roxa D. BAKER, b. 18 Jul 1797, d. 18 Jan 1881, aged 83 yrs, 6 mos.
Entomb'd the remains of Mrs. Lydia PARKER, wife of Abijah PARKER, d. 11 Jun 1808, aged 25 yrs. An infant of Abijah & Sally PARKER, d. 29 Dec 1815, aged 15 dys. George, son of Abijah & Sally PARKER, d. 28 Feb 1821, aged 3 mos. Abijah Parker d. 2 Sep 1835, aet. 62. Sally, wife of Abijah PARKER, d. 3 Jan 1864, aged 79 yrs. Mr. Woods PARKER d. 6 Jan 1855, aged 52 yrs, 9 mos. Mrs. Esther B. PARKER, his wife, d. 1 Dec 1829, aged 23 yrs, 10 mos. William PARKER d. at Alton, Ill., 19 Dec 1851, aged 51. Hannah, his wife, d. 1 Aug 1847, aged 35. Hannah, daughter of W. & H. PARKER< d. 7 Dec 1847, aged 4 yrs.
Amilia W., son of Leonard C. & Emilie FULLER, d. 1 Jul 1870, aged 12 yrs, 6 mos, 15 dys.
Calvin MERRILL d. 1 Dec 1861, aet 47 yrs. Hattie E. d. 6 May 1854, aet 4 yrs; Frank C. d. 30 Apr 1858, aet. 2 yrs; Carrie L. d. 18 Dec 1861, aet 7 yrs -- children of Calvin & E. B. MERRILL.