Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, First Parish - Epitaphs
Extracted from
The Record of the Town Meetings
and Abstract of Births, Marriages and Deaths
in the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts
Don Gleason Hill, Town Clerk
pages 253 - 275
Transcribed by Jane Devlin

Range I
COBB, i. 1. Jonathan Holmes COBB. Born 8 Jul 1790. Died 12 Mar 1882. Register of Probate Court from 1833 to 1879. Town Clerk from 1845 to 1875.
COBB, Sophia Doggett, wife of Jonathan H. COBB, b. 23 May 1805, d. 13 Jan 1878, aged 72 yrs, 7 mos, 21 dys
FAIRBANKS, i. 2. In memory of Mr. Ebenezer FAIRBANKS, who d. 21 Nov 1832, Aet. 75
Friends nor physicians could not save; ~ This mortal body from the grave; ~ Nor can the grave confine it here, ~ When Christ doth call it to appear.
FAIRBANKS, i. 3. In memory of Mary, wife of Ebenezer FAIRBANKS, who d. 7 Jan 1843, Aet. 87. Erected by her children.
Though thou hast left us, mother, each kind deed, ~ And word, and thought of thine, shall with us live, ~ And though our hearts at they departure bleed, ~ These to our souls a bright example give; ~ Like a ripe sheaf, when harvest time has come, ~ Mature in goodness, God has brought thee home.
FAIRBANKS, i. 4. Prudence FAIRBANKS d. 26 Mar 1871, aged 80 yrs
FAIRBANKS, i. 5. In memory of Mrs. Prudence FAIRBANK, wife of Mr. Ebenezer FAIRBANK, who died 11 Nov 1815, aged 78
GAY, i. 6. Sacred to the memory of Miss Mary GAY, who died 20 Apr 1813, aged 81
MESSENGER, i, 7. In memory of Mrs. Olive, wife of Mr. Jason MESSENGER, who died 5 Nov 1737, aet. 57
Her spirit is with God, and this its plea: ~ My Savior lives, my Savior died for me
MESSENGER, i, 8. In memory of Henry, son of Mr. Jason & Mrs Olive MESSENGER, who died 8 Oct 1827, Aet. 17 yrs & 0 mos.
Smitten friends are angels sent on errands full of love; ~ For us they languish and for us they die; ~ And shall they languish, shall they die in vain?
NICHOLSON, i. 9. Maria NICHOLSON d. 10 Jan 1859, aged 65 yrs. Elizabeth R. NICHOLSON, b. 10 Mar 1800; d. 1 Jun 1878. Daughters of Commodore Samuel NICHOLSON, United States Navy
ARBONNE, ii. 1. In memory of Charlotte ARBONNE (only dau. of Mr. Anthony ARBONNE, merc't of Boston, decd.) who died 13 May 1800. Aet 23.
My mother dear, do not lament, but know ~ God orders thee to stay and me to go. ~ Now learn with patience meekly to submit ~ To whatsoe'er God's wisdom judges best. ~ To say with humble Job, the Lord thinks fit: ~ Giving or taking, let his Name be blest.
FAIRBANKS, ii. 2. In memory of Mr. Eben'r FAIRBANKS, who died 12 Feb 1812. Aged 70 yrs
DEWIN, ii. 3. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Margaret DEWIN, who died 12 Dec 1811. Aged 84
GAY. ii. 4. In memory of Mr. Josiah GAY who died 14 Sep 1804. Aet 84.
GAY. ii. 5. In memory of Mr. Moses GAY who died 23 May 1804. Aet. 64
GAY. ii. 6. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah GAY, Relict of Mr. Ebenezer GAY, who died 21 Feb 1843. Aet. 89 yrs
GAY. ii, 7. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Ebenezer GAY, who died 23 Feb 1824. Aet 78
GAY. ii. 8. In memory of Mrs. Sarah GAY, wife of Capt. Daniel GAY, who died 8 Jun 1808. Aet. 94
GAY. ii. 10. In memory of Mr. Daniel GAY, who died 15 Apr, A.D. 1801. Aged 63 yrs
MESSINGER. ii, 11. John, son of Mr. Jason & Mrs Olive MESSENGER, d. 25 Jul 1812, Aet. 5.
While with the spirits of the just, ~ My Savior I adore. ~ I smile upon my sleeping dust, ~ That now can weep no more.
MESSENGER. ii, 12. Newton, son of Mr. Jason & Mrs. Olive MESSENGER, d. 8 Feb 1805. Aged 4 mos.
Stop daring Cavilist! t'is God who calls ~ His favorites from the sick'ning ills of life. ~ His hand but lightly on the infant falls, ~ And cuts it off from sorrow, toil and strife.
WHITING, ii. 13. Polly WHITING, dau. of Mr. Hezekiah & Mrs. Mary WHITING, d. 22 Sep 1796. Aged 2 yrs & 24 dys
WHITING, ii. 14. In memory of Dea. Joseph WHITING, who died 19 Nov 1800. Aged 77 yrs.
The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. The corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
WHITING, ii. 15. In memory of Mrs. Mary, the wife of Dea. Joseph WHITING, who died 10 Apr 1811. Aet 88.
The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off, and we fly away
SMITH, ii. 16. In memory of Mrs. Rapsinna G., wife of Mr. Whiting SMITH, who died 4 Mar 1840, Aet. 20.
Here reposeth beneath this sacred stone, the affectionate wife and Mother, the loving Daughter and Friend.
FALES, ii. 17. Nathaniel FALES d. 26 Sep 1854. Aet 74 yrs, 6 mos.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Rebecca, wife of Nath'l FALES, d. 7 Sep 1862. Aet. 81 yrs, 4 mos
LEWIS, ii. 18. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Paul LEWIS, who died 30 Jan 1834. Aet 74.
LEWIS, ii, 19. In memory of Mrs. Eunice LEWIS, wife of Mr. Paul LEWIS, d. 10 May 1828. Aet. 67 yrs.
A friend in need, a friend in deed -- to all in destress lies here at quiet rest.
LEWIS, ii. 20. In memory of Mr. Asa LEWIS, son of Mr. Paul & Mrs. Eunice LEWIS, who died 23 Jan 1808, in his 25th yr.
Ilve paide the debt that all must pay, ~ Tho awful to my view; ~ On frightful rocks where waters poured, ~ And broken building flew. ~ Tho' cruel Death has conquered me ~ The victory is but small, ~ For I shall rise and live again, ~ And Death himself shall fall.
LEWIS, ii. 21. In memory of Capt. Samuel LEWIS who died 23 Jul 1854, aged 66 yrs.
Anna, wife of Capt. Samuel LEWIS, d. 9 Aug 1869. Aet. 77 yrs
HAPGOOD, ii, 22. Catharine A. d. 27 Oct 1834. Aet. 17. Henry M., __ Nov 1844. Aet. 30. Lucy Ann, Dec 5, 1845, Aet. 26. Adeline R., 9 Dec 1846, Aet. 34. Catherine Conant d. 5 Apr 1850. Aet. 73. Wife & children of Henry HAPGOOD.
Henry HAPGOOD d. 29 Oct 1861. Aet. 74.
DOWSE, SHAW, ii. 23. (South side) In memory of Edward DOWSE, Sarah DOWSE, Samuel SHAW, and Hannah SHAW.
(East side) Here rest the Remains of Edward DOWSE, A Representative of this District in the Congress of the United States. His Philanthropy was universal. His Benevolence active and unostentatious. By assiduous and learned Research his Faith was established in the Gospel of Christ, and his life was a bright example of its power. He died on the 3d of September, 1828, in the 72 year of his age.
(West side) Samuel SHAW was born in Boston on the 2d of September 1754. He served his country as an officer in the American Army during the war of the Revolution. After the Peace of 1783, being the first Counsul of the United States in China, he had a leading influence in establishing important Commercial relations between these nations. A Soldier without Fear: A Merchant without Reproach: he combined a chivalric spirit with a highl cultivated Mind. He died at sea and was buried in the Indian Ocean on the 30th of May, 1793.
(North Side) Sarah DOWSE, the widow of Edward DOWSE, d. on the 3d of July, 1839, aged 83. Hannah SHAW, the widow of Samuel SHAW, died on the 24th of January, 1833, aged 77. They were Twin Sisters, and daughters of William PHILLIPS of Boston. Pious and charitable, they were united through life by Nature, Fortune and Affection, and they here rest together.
[Note.-- Near the DOWSE monument is a nameless tomb which contains the bodies of Josiah SMITH and his son Thomas, and probably other members of their families.]
WHITING, iii, 1. In memory of Mrs. Esther WHITING, the wife of Mr. Stephen WHITINg, d. 23 Dec 1790, aged 57 yrs.
It was, I lived, but now my day ~ To dust is mouldering fast away ~ My spirit's gone; It lives, but where, ~ Ask not; Repent; for death prepare.
BAKER, iii, 2. In memory of the widow Elizabeth BAKER who died 4th Feb 1803, aged 95 yrs
FAIRBANKS, iii, 3. Sacred to the memory of Jason FAIRBANKS, wdtl 10 Sep 1801. Aged 21 yrs
FAIRBANKS, iii, 4. In memory of Mr. Calvin FAIRBANKS who died 23 Nov 1800. Aet. 22 yrs
BATES, iii, 5. In memory of Mr. Samuel BATES who died 21 Aug 1800, aged 43 yrs
GUILD, iii, 6. In memory of Mrs. Miriam, wife of Joseph GUILD, Esq. who died 27 Sep 1831. Aet. 93
GUILD, iii, 7. In memory of Joseph GUILD, Esq./, who died 28 Dec 1794, aged 60 yrs
Draw near, my friends and think on me, ~ I once was in this world like thee; ~ Now I lie mouldering in the dust, ~ In hope to rise among the just.
GUILD, iii, 8. In memory of Mrs. Catherine GUILD, the wife of Mr. Reuben GUILD, who died 8 Sep 1795, aged 25 yrs.
In youth I've walked the way to death, ~ Obey'd my God who gave me breath; ~ By me, my mates, a warning take, ~ Prepare for death before's too late.
MASON, iii, 9. In memory of Abigail MASON, the wife of Mr. Thaddeus MASON, wdtl 29 Jul 1796, age 28 yrs.
Seh died in Jesus and is bless'd, ~ How soft her slumbers are! ~ From sufferings and from sins released, ~ And free from ev'ry snare.
FULLER, iii, 10. In memory of Miss Judith FULLER, d. 8 Feb 1815, Aged 82 yrs.
WHITEEN, iii, 11. In memory of Mr. Aaron WHITEEN, who died 18 Oct 1792. Aged 42 yrs, 7 mos, 12 dys
HUMPHREY, iii, 12. In memory of Mrs. Sarah HUMPHREY, the wife of Jonas HUMPHREY, who died 24 Feb 1794. Aged 65 yrs.
FALIES, iii, 13. In memory of Capt. David FALIES, who died 23 Jan 1793. Aet. 91.
Also Mrs. Mary FALIES, the wife of Capt. David FALIES, who died 24 Dec 1793. Aet 78.
SMITH, iii, 14. To the memory of Mr. John SMITH, a native of England, who died 27 Jan 1801, aged 43 yrs.
Also Thomas SMITH, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Grace SMITH, d. 1 Feb 1799, aged 4 yrs. Reader seek not his merits to disclose, ~ Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, ~ There they alike in trembling hope repose, ~ The bosom of his father and his God.
SMITH, iii, 15. In memory of Mrs. Grace SMITH, (widow of Mr. John SMITH, both natives of England), who died 20 Nov 1825. AE. 60.
And also of Benjamin Franklin SMITH (their son) who died 17 Oct 1812. AE. 16
WHITING, iii, 16. In memory of Mr. Samuel WHITING, who died 18 Jan 1808, in the 81 year of his age
KEITH, iv, 1. In memory of Miss Chloe KEITH of Dudley, Daught'r of Capt. David & Mrs. Ruth KEITH. Died 17 Jun 1780 in ye 15th year of her age. (Headstone removed since 1869, but the footstone still remains)
LUCE, iv, 2. Charley A. LUCE d. 3 May 1876. Age 1 yr, 6 mos, 9 dys
FAIRBANKS, iv, 3. Calvin, only son of Joshua & Clarissa FAIRBANKS, d. 13 Feb 1837, Aet. 12 yrs.
Behold and see as you pass by, ~ As your are now, so once was I. ~ As I am now, so you must be. ~ Prepare for death and follow me.
FAIRBANKS, iv. 4. In memory of Calvin FAIRBANKS, son of Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Clarissa FAIRBANKS, who died 18 Sep 1820. Aged 1 yr & 1 mo
No more the smiling babe is seen, ~ Behold the gaping tomb! ~ The tender plant so fresh and green ~ Has met its final doom.
DRAPER, iv, 5. In memory of Mrs. Lydia DRAPER, wife of Mr. William DRAPER, who died 25 Jan 1790, in the 34th year of her age.
Time was like you I life possest ~ And Time shall be when you must rest.
MASON, iv, 6. MASON. Abigail obt. 29 Jul 1796 AET 28. Anne, obt. 26 Jun 1828 Aet. 58. Thaddeus, obt. 13 Feb 1832, aet 70. John obt. 18 May 1836, adt 26. Thaddeus Harris, obt. in Memphis, Tenn., 11 Dec 1843. Aet. 36.
FARRINGTON, iv, 7. In memory of Mrs. Hannah FARRINGTON, wife of Ebenezer FARRINGTON, who died 21 Jul 1788. Aet. 52
FARRINGTON, iv, 8. In memory of Mr. Abner FARRINGTON, son of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Hannah FARRINGTON, who died 14 Nov 1789, Aet. 34.
FARRINGTON, iv, 9. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Ebenezer FARRINGTON, wdtl 25 Oct 1810, in his 76th yr.
Death is a welcome messenger to the good man. ~ Tough here his mouldering body lies, ~ His spirit dwells above the skies; ~ The wintry storms of life are past, ~ And heaven shall be his home at last
FARRINGTON, iv, 10. Ebenezer FARRINGTON d. 10 Apr 1848, aged 88 yrs.
Elizabeth, his wife, d. Feb 1857, aged 90 yrs.
FARRINGTON, iv, 11. [Stone broken; this remains]: ARRINGTON, who died 19 Sep 1805. Aet. 43
NICHOLS, v, 1. In memory of Lieut. Abel NICHOLS, of Danvers, who died 12 Sep 1778, in the 36th yr of his age.
STEVENS, v, 2. In memory of James STEVENS who died 20 Dec 1786, in the 33d year of his age
STEVENS, v, 3. In memory of Mr. William STEVENS who died 5 Oct 1777, in the 77th year of his age
He was a good citizen, and an honest man.
STEVENS, v, 4. In memory of the Widow Maryan STEVENS who died 21 Jun 1794, in the 85th year of her age
Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord
FARRINGTON, v, 5. In memory of Miss Mehitable FARRINGTON, who died 4 Nov 1803 aged 22 yrs
DRAPER, v, 6. In memory of Ebenezer DRAPER, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Lydia DRAPER, d. 20 Feb 1788, aged 1 yr, 9 mos, 14 dys
PARKER, v. 7. Catharine PARKER, dau. of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Catharine PARKER, d. 22 Sep 1800, aged 14 mos, 27 dys
Her life was short, but pleasant. ~ The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.
PARKER, v. 8. Alexander A. PARKER, son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Catharine PARKER d. 27 dec 1804. Aged 3 yrs
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord
WHITING, v. 9. In memory of Mr. Nath'l WHITING, d. 2 Sep 1821, Aged 69 yrs
WHITING, v, 10. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel WHITING who died 15 Nov 1841, Aet. 86
WHITING, v, 11. In memory of Miss Elizabeth WHITING, dau. of Mr. Nath'l & Mrs. Eliz'th WHITING, d. 10 Nov 1817, aged 25 yrs
WHITING, v. 12. Abigail WHITING d. 7 Oct 1807. Aet. 73
WHITING, v, 13. In memory of Mr. Fisher WHITING, who died 25 Mar 1797, aged 40 yrs
RICHARDS, v. 14. Sally RICHARDS, dau. of Mr. Reuben & Mrs. Sarah RICHARDS, d. 5 Nov 1795, aged 5 yrs
WILLIAMS, v. 15. Here lies the body of Mr. Ebenezer WILLIAMS, Preacher of the gospel (son to Col. Eben'r WILLIAMS of Pomfret and Jerusha his wife) who d. 28 May 1777, in ye 23rd year of his age
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord
FISHER, v, 16. In memory of Miss Rebecca FISHER who died 29 Jul 1797, in the 24 year of her age.
Here when fleeting life is ended ~ Vain distinctions all are blended, ~ Look beyond these narrow graves, ~ Sainst are kings, and sinners slaves.
EATON, BALCH, v, 17. Calvin EATON, obt. 31 Aug 1809; aged 31. Isaac EATON, obt. 16 Jan 1822; aged 75. Isaac EATON, Jr., obt. 13 Sep 1838, aged 62. Sarah EATON obt. 10 Feb 1844, aged 95.
Rev. William BALCH, obt. 31 Aug 1842, aged 67 yrs.
GUILD, vi, 1. In memory of Nath'l, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Rebecca GUILD, who died 23 Sep 1805, aged 1 yr
GUILD, EATON, vi, 2. Nath'l GUILD d. 23 Sep 1805, Aet. 1 yr. Alfred R. GUILD, d. in Glaveston, Texas, 3 Sep 1837. Aet. 30. Miranda GUILD d. 20 mar 1873. Aet. 74. John GUILD d. 2 Dec 1847, Aet. 75. Rebecca EATON, wife of John GUILD, d. 7 Sep 1840, Aet. 77. Capt. John EATON d. 14 May 1777, Aet. 45. Mrs. Desire EATON, his wife, d. 3 Aug 1814. Aet. 83.
CURRIEA, vi, 3. Caroline S. CURRIEA, b. 6 Sep 1822, d. 7 Nov 1883
Ever thoughtful of the comfort of others, a loving mother and faithful friend
PAUL, vi, 4. In memory of Mr. William PAUL, who died 10 Dec 1791, Aet. 68 yrs. Also Mrs. Mary PAUL, wife of Mr. William PAUL, d. 18 Nov 1791, Aet. 59 yrs.
Come living friends see where we lie, ~ Remember you are born to die; ~ But to prepare for death and He'v'n, ~ Is all for which the longest life is given.
CAIN, vi, 5. John P. CAIN d. 9 Dec 1827, aged 37 yrs. John E. M. CAIN, son of John P. & Elizabeth CAIN, d. 8 Jul 1747, aged 26 yrs. Mrs. Elizabeth CAIN d. 19 Mar 1857, aged 72 yrs.
I know that my Redeemer liveth.
THOMPSON, vi, 6. In memory of Mrs. Catherine THOMPSON, a native of Chester, Nova Scotia, who died in Needham, 1 Feb 1855. Aet. 23
In the same grave rests her son Norman, who died at Boston, 24 Feb 1849 There is rest in heaven.
LEWIS, vi. 7. In memory of Mrs. Abigail LEWIS (wife of Mr. John LEWIS). She died 6 May 1777. Aged 60 yrs.
LEWIS, vi, 8. Near this place are deposited the remains of Mr. Joseph LEWIS, who died 9 Jun 1804, aged 66 yrs.
Here lies entombed beneath this mossy sod ~ An honest man, "the noblest work of God," ~ In whom those beauties of a noble mind, ~ Faith and good works were happily combined; ~ A friend and comfort to the sick and poor, ~ Want never knocked unheeded at his door; ~ A tender husband, father, brother, friend, ~ He crowned his virtues with a pious end.
LEWIS, vi, 9. To the memory of Mrs. Molly LEWIS, relict of the late Mr. Joseph LEWIS, who died 2 Oct 1816, aged 75 yrs
In life how peaceful moved this happy pair, ~ How blessed in death released from mortal care. ~ Ye angels o'er thier dust your vigils keep, ~ Calm be their slumbers undisturbed their sleep. ~ And ye who tread in solemn silence near, ~ Repress the sigh, restrain the swelling tear. ~ No more to wound, shall earthly sorrows fly, ~ Eternal bliss awats them in the sky
LEWIS, vi, 10. Sacred to the memory of Miss Sally LEWIS, dau. of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Sally LEWIS, wdtl 13 Jul 1897, aged 16 yrs.
Nature with copious grief laments the dead, ~ A mothers tears bedew the verdant sod! ~ On outstrech'd wings her cherished hopes are fled, ~ But sorrow points to a Redeeming God.
HAMMER, vi, 11. Wm. P. HAMMER d. 18 Jan 1887, aged 4 yrs & 3 mos
LIEBOLD, vi, 12. Our Father, George J. LIEBOLD d. 5 Jun 1882, aged 49 yrs, 10 mos, 27 dys
LIEBOLD, vi. 13. Our Mother, Caroline LIEBOLD d. 5 Jun 1882, aged 40 yrs, 10 mos, 27 dys
MASON, vi, 14. In memory of Miss Rhoda MASON, dau. of Mr. William & Mrs. Hannah MASON, who died 1 Feb 1781, in the 21st year of her age
Cheerful I go at Jesus call ~ To be with Chirst is best of all: ~ Come welcome Death she meekly cry'd ~ Breathed out her patient soul and dy'd
RICHARDS, vi, 15. Samuel RICHARDS b. 16 Mar 1756, d. 22 Dec 1822. Phebe Willard, wife of Samuel RICHARDS, b. 8 Apr 1758, d. 8 Jun 1782. Olive Mason, wife of Samuel RICHARDS, b. 21 Dec 1758, d. 20 Jan 1837.
Children of Samuel & Olive RICHARDS: Hannah RICHARDS, b. 1 Sep 1785, d. 12 Jul 1807. Roxanna RICHARDS, b. 16 Apr 1796, d. 15 Jan 1813. Seth RICHARDS, b. 10 Jun 1798, d. 2 Jun 1819. Betsey RICHARDS, b. 2 Sep 1794, d. 12 Oct 1821. Danford RICHARDS, b. 4 May 1803, d. 17 Mar 1847. Mason RICHARDS, b. 28 May 1780, d. 14 Feb 1806. Eliza RICHARDS, b. 7 Oct 1790, d. 18 Feb 1880. Roxana L. RICHARDS, dau. of Mason & Eliza RICHARDS, b. 6 Dec 1814, d. 18 Sep 1876
WHITING, vi, 16. In memory of Mr. Isaac WHITING who died 18 Jul 1785. Ae. 86. In memory of Mrs. Rebecca WHITING, relict of Mr. Isaac WHITING, who died 13 Apr 1787, Ae. 65
DEXTER, vi, 17. [A tomb over which is a marble slab containing the following texts of Scripture:] This corruptible must put on incorruption -- 1 Cor. xv, 53. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light, -- 2 Tim. 1:16. I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. -- John xi:25 Behold He is coming in the clouds, and every eye shall see Him. -- Rev, i:7. When Christ our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory. -- Col. iii:4. Where is they sting, O Death? Where is they victory, O Grave? Thanks to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. -- 1 Cor. xv: 55, 57.
FISHER, vi, 18. In memory of Mr. Josiah FISHER, who died 19 Dec 1812, Aet 67
With patience to the last he did submit. ~ And murmur'd not at what the Lord tho't fit. ~ He with a Christian courage did resign, ~ His soul to God at his appointed time.
FISHER, vi, 19. In memory of Mr. Josiah FISHER Jun'r who died 10 Aug 1791, in the 23d year of his age
My dear young friends come near and see ~ A friend of yours I used to be, ~ Om make you peace with God above, ~ The fountain of Eternal love.
PAUL, vi, 20. In memory of Mr. Ebenezer PAUL, who died 2 Oct 1804, in the 22d year of his age
PAUL, vi, 21. Samuel PAUL d. 1 Mar 1775. Aet. 87. Abigail, wife of Samuel PAUL, d. 19 Sep 1781, Aet. 83. Ebenezer PAUL, d. 20 Aug 1803, Aet. 65. Abigail, wife of Ebenezer PAUL, d. 5 Jan 1804, Aet. 55. Isaac PAUL, d. 4 Apr 1852. Aet. 77. Lydia, wife of Isaac PAUL, d. 5 May 1854, Aet. 75
WHITING, vi, 22. Catharine, dau. of Calvin & Elizabeth WHITING, d. 5 Jul 1811. Ae. 15 yrs
WHITING, vi, 23. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WHITING, wife of Col. Eaton WHITING, who died 10 Jan 1821. Aet. 27
WHITING, vi. 24. Francis, son of Eaton & Olive WHITING, d. 4 Nov 1834. Aged 12 dys.
BAKER, vii, 1. Eliphalet BAKER d. 9 Nov 1841. Aet. 76. Anne Eaton, wife of Eliphalet BAKER, d. 30 Oct 1853, Aet. 84. Nathaniel BAKER, d. 11 Jul 1800, Aet. 17 mos. Nathaniel BAKER, d. 19 Nov 1802, Aet. 15 mo. Children of Eliphalet & Anne BAKER.
FESSENDEN, vii, 2. John FESSENDEN, b. 13 May 1794, d. 11 May 1871. Nancy B. FESSENDEN, his wife, b. 3 Oct 1803, d. 18 May 1880. George FESSENDEN, b. 9 Jul 1833, d. 20 Nov 1856
EATON, vii, 3. In memory of Capt. John EATON who died 14 May 1777, Aged 46 yrs
EATON, vii, 4. In memory of Mrs. Desire EATON, wife of Capt. John EATON, who died 3 Aug 1814, Aged 83 yrs
BAKER, vii, 5. John BAKER, sheriff of the county of Norfolk, d. 1 Jan 1843, aged 63 yrs. Patty Ellis, wife of John BAKER< b. 11 Nov 1790, d. 14 Feb 1876.
PIERSON, vii, 6. The Rev. Jacob PIERSON d. in Boston, 12 Aug 1850. Aet. 60 A presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church. This memorial is erected by his clerical brethren.
KINGSBURY, vii, 7. In memory of Mrs. Mary KINGSBURY, who departed this life 24 Aug 1788, Aged 85 yrs.
In faith she lived, in dust she lies, ~ But Faith fore sees the dust shall rise.
KINGSBURY, vii, 8. Here lie the remains of Mr. Joseph KINGSBURY. He departed his life 17 Aug 1775, in ye 56th year of his age.
Death is a debt to Nature due, ~ As I have paid it, so must you.
DAY, vii, 9. In memory of Mrs. Prudence DAY, widow of the late Majr. Jonathan DAY, who died 4 Sep 1897. Aet. 74
The sweet remembrance of the just ~ Shall flourish while they sleep in dust.
KINGSBURY, vii, 10. George KINGSBURY d. 14 Aug 1775 in ye 3d year of his age. Sarah KINGSBURY d. 14 Aug 1775 in ye 5 year of her age. Children of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Phebe KINGSBURY.
BATTLE, vii, 11. Here sleeps in peace the remains of Col. Ebenezer BATTLE, who made his exit 6 Nov 1776, in ye 4th year of his age.
When Death invades we must obey, ~ Resigne our breath and sleep in clay; ~ The Trump shall sound, all must attend, ~ Make Heaven your aim and Christ your friend.
BAKER, vii, 12. In memory of Mrs. Chloe BAKER, wife of Mr. Nathaniel BAKER, who died 3 Dec 1773, in ye 23d year of her age.
Behold and see as you pass by, ~ As you are now so once was I. ~ As I am now, so you must be, ~ Prepare for death and follow me.
PAUL, vii, 13. Samuel PAUL d. 8 Jul 1833, aged 49 yrs. Martha, wife of Samuel PAUL, d. 1 Nov 1857, aged 67 yrs. Abby P., wife of Samuel DAVIS, d. 30 Nov 1846, aged 29 yrs. Susan F. PAUL d. 12 Oct 1862, aged 1 yr, 4 mos
DRAPER, vii, 14. Here lie interred the Remains of Major Abijah DRAPER, wdtl 1 May 1780, aged 45 yrs.
Ah! why so soon from us he's fled ~ Laments the widow, orphan, friend; ~ You must not say, too soon he's dead ~ Who stayed to answer life's great end.
WHITING, vii, 15. In memory of Mr. Joshua WHITING who died 3 Oct 1780, in ye 51st year of his age
POND, vii, 16. Nathaniel D. POND, d. 29 Apr 1861. Aet. 35 yrs 7 mos. Flora Maria, wife of N. D. POND d. 27 Oct 1860, Aet. 40 yrs, 2 mos. Charles Davis, son of N.D. & F. M. POND, d. 24 Jan 1858, Aet. 3 mos, 8 dys. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of N. D. & F. M. POND, d. 8 May 1868, Aet. 15 yrs.
POND, vii, 17. Eliph't POND, d. 19 Jan 1795, Aet. 91. Elizabeth POND d. 25 Oct 1789, Aet. 81. Eliph't POND d. 2 Jul 1813, Aet. 68. Prudence POND d. 18 May 1818, Aet. 58. Eliph't POND d. 25 Apr 1829, Aet. 35. Henry E., son of Eliph't & Ann POND d. 25 Jun 1822, Aet. 2 yrs. William A., their son, d. 8 Aug 1830. Aet. 8 yrs. Julia A., dau. of Eliph't & Ann POND, d. 20 Nov 1868, Aet. 47 yrs.
There is rest in Heaven
WHITING, vii, 18. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WHITING, wife of Mr. Edward WHITING, who died 8 Apr 1798, Aet 29 yrs
BAKER, vii, 19. Mary, wife of Daniel BAKER< d. 15 MAr 1836. Aet. 81
BAKER, vii, 20. This humble stone is erected to the memory of Mr. Daniel BAKER who was removed from this state of trial & suffering 7 May 1806, in the 54 yr of his age
KELTON, vii, 21. This monument is erected to prepetuate the remembrance of Miss Catherine A. KELTON, who died 20 Oct 1816, aged 17 yrs. Her amiable disposition and the gentleness of her manners, with the unblamable tenor of her life, though short, yet virtuous, and entirely dovoted to the happiness of her friends, rendered her dear to the affections of all by whom she was known. Beloved in life -- in death lamented.
Tender friends awhile may mourn ~ Me from their embraces torn; ~ Dearer, better friends I have, ~ In the realms beyond the grave.
FAULKNER, viii, 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Whiting FAULKNER, dau. of James & Lucy MORSE, d. 17 Apr 1874, Aged 52 yrs.
The weary sould is at rest in the arms of her Savior in whom her faith never wavered.
ROBERTS, viii, 2. In memory of Mrs. Nancy, wife of Mr. Edward ROBERTS, & dau. of Solomon & Lucy WHITING, who d. 24 Oct 1826, Aged 44.
Accept, blest shade, ~ This last sad tribute of surviving love. E. R.
WHITING, viii, 3. In memory of Mr. Solomon WHITING who died 5 Nov 1803, Aged 48 yrs.
WHITING, viii, 4. In memory of Mr. Timothy WHITING, who died 7 Jan 1828, aged 82 yrs
Blessed are the merciful for they shall find mercy
MORSE, viii, 5. In memory of Harriet, dau. of James & Lucy Morse, who died 17 Jun 1841, aged 17 yrs.
She being dead yet speaketh. ~ What say the happy dead? ~ She bids us bear our load; ~ With silent steps proceed ~ And follow her to God; ~ Till life's uneasy dream ~ In rapture shall depart. ~ She bids us give, like her, ~ To Christ our Bleeding Hearts
MORSE, viii, 6. In memory of Nancy WHITING, dau. of James & Lucy Morse, who died 22 Jul 1841, Aged 21 yrs.
Oh! may the mantle of her heavenly deeds ~ Of faith and love and patience fall on us; ~ Then naught will hide those mansions ~ From our view, in which, with loving eye, ~ She now surveys her kindred here below.
MORSE, viii, 7. James MORSE, d. 14 Jan 1855; aged 71 yrs, 10 mos, 23 dys
MORSE, viii, 8. Lucy, wife of James MORSE, d. 2 Sep 1855, aged 70 yrs, 9 mos, 20 dys
EATON - ALDEN - BROWN, viii, 9. John, only child of John & Hannah EATON, d. 15 Sep 1796, aged 4 yrs. Lucy, wife of John EATON, Jr., d. 13 May 1827, aged 25. John EATON d. 24 Mar 1842, aged 78. Hannah, widow of John EATON, d. 3 Jun 1860, aged 98 yrs, 7 mos. Lucy EATON d. 7 Oct 1800, aged 4 yrs, 4 mos. John Ellis EATON, d. 23 Oct 1800, aged 2 yrs, 8 mos. Children of Luther & Lucy EATON.
Capt. Luther EATON d. 13 Nov 1820, aged 54. Eliza, wife of Luther Eaton, d. 28 Sep 1844, aged 42. Lucy, widow of Capt. Luter EATON, d 15 Feb 1847, aged 75 yrs. J. Ellis EATON d. 7 Oct 1854, aged 20. Maria EATON d. 20 Dec 1863, aged 63. Abby M., dau. of of J. & A. EATON d. 26 Feb 1848, Aet. 8 mos. Luther EATON d. 17 May 1876, aged 73 yrs, 10 dys. Joel EATON d. 25 Nov 1881, aged 75 yrs, 10 mos, 4 dys. Abigail, wife of Joel EATON, d. 14 May 1883, aged 72 yrs, 10 mos, 19 dys.
George ALDEN d. 25 Aug 1862, Aet. 58 yrs. Hannah, widow of George ALDEN, d. 6 Mar 1878, Aet. 74 yrs. Martha, wife of Horace E. BROWNE, d. 24 Feb 1876, Aet. 44 yrs.
FALES, viii, 10. Charles, son of William & Mary J. FALES, d. 11 Sep 1827, aged 2 yrs, 8 mos
FALES, viii, 11. Mary L. FALES, b. 13 Sep 1793, d. 22 Jul 1882. Stephen FALES, b. 5 Dec 1786, d. 3 Dec 1860.
REDIHOUGH, viii, 12. James W., d. 5 Aug 1879, in the 19th year of his age. Elizabeth A. d. 14 Feb 1876, aged 9 yrs, 6 mos. Children of Thomas & Ellen REDIHOUGH.
We have entered the valley of blessing so sweet ~ And Jesus abides with us there; ~ And there's rest for the weary-worn traveller's feet, ~ And joy for the sorrowing heart.
LEWIS, viii, 13. Margaret A., wife of Levi C. LEWIS, d. 7 Aug 1879, aged 75 yrs. Lydia J., dau. of Levi C. & Margaret A. LEWIS, d. 4 Jun 1860, aged 17 yrs, 3 mos
LEWIS, viii, 14. Levi C. LEWIS d. 19 Nov 1877, aged 72 yrs, 10 mos. Helena M., dau. of Levi C. & Margaret A. LEWIS, d. 27 Jul 1872, aged 43 yrs
DRAPER, viii, 15. In memory of Capt James DRAPER, who died 24 Apr 1768, in ye 77th year of his age.
In memory of Mrs. Abigail DRAPER, wife of Capt. James DRAPER, who died 32 Nov 1797, in ye 70th year of her age 2 Sam. i:23 - They were lovely and pleasant in their Lives and in their Death they were not divided. ~ The stroke of Death hath laid my head ~ Down in this dark & Silent Bed; ~ The Trump shall sound: I hope to rise ~ And meet my Savior in the skies.
DRAPER, viii, 16. Abijah DRAPER, son of Mr. Ira & Mrs. Lydia DRAPER, d. 4 Oct 1802, aged 9 mos
DRAPER, viii, 17. In memory of Mrs. Alice DRAPER, wife of Maj'r Abijah DRAPER, who died 22 Jan 1777, aged 36 yrs
DRAPER, viii, 18. Lucy Chickering DRAPER, dau. of Mr. Ira & Mrs. Lydia DRAPER, d. 15 Sep 1800, aged 3 yrs, 3 mos
DRAPER, viii, 19. In memory of Mrs. Desire DRAPER, relict of Maj'r Abijah DRAPER. Died 23 Oct 1815. Aet. 69
She sleeps in Jesus, wipe the falling tear. ~ She lives in glory, strive to meet her there.
WHITING, viii, 20. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Joshua WHITING, who Died 27 Mar 1776, in ye 41 year of her age
POND, viii, 21. In memory of Miss Rebecca POND, dau. of Eliphalet POND, Esq., & Elizabeth his wife. Died 13 Apr 1776, in the 28 year of her age
POND, viii, 22. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth POND, wife of Eliphalet POND, Esq., who died 25 Oct 1789, in the 81st year of her age
SMITH, viii, 23. In memory of Mrs. Ann, wife of Mr. William SMITH, who died 28 Jun 1835, aged 36 yrs.
And while our mournful thoughts deplore ~ The mother gone, removed the friend ~ With heart resigned his grace adore, ~ On whom our nobler hopes depend.
SMITH, viii, 24. Francis Prentice, son of William & Ann SMITH, d. 3 Jul 1835, Aged 4 yrs.
Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven.
POND, viii, 25. William Allen, son of Eliphalet & Ann POND, d. 8 Aug 1835. Aet. 8 yrs.
He's gone to join the happy throng ~ Of youthful cherubs round the Throne; ~ Then why should we his loss deplore, ~ Since he now lives to die no more.
GAY, ix, 1. Here lies interred the body of Mrs Lydia GAY, only dau. of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Hannah GAY, who died 10 Nov 1756. Aged 25 yrs, 28 dys
AVERY, ix, 2. Here lies buried ye body of Capt. William AVERY, who Deceased 13 May 1750, in the 74th year of his age
MARSH, ix, 3. John MARSH d. in New York, 24 Aug 1827, aged 27 yrs. Martin MARSH d. in Florida, 29 May 1836, aged 32 yrs. Henry MARSH d. 13 Aug 1836, aged 34 yrs. Martin MARSH, b. 27 Aug 1844, d. 20 Sep 1845. Martin Metcalf MARSH, b. 15 Sep 1849, d. 14 Sep 1872. Charles MARSH, b. 13 Oct 1853, d. 13 Sep 1878. Martin MARSH, b. 15 Apr 1777, d. 26 Jul 1865. Elizabeth Metcalf, wife of Martin MARSH, b. 12 May 1778, d. 31 Dec 1868. Francis MARSH, b. 6 Oct 1806, d. 4 May 1870
ELLIS, ix, 4. Here lies buried the Body of Mr. Samuel ELLIS, who died 2 Nov 1755, in ye 57 year of his age
DEAN, ix, 5. Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary DEAN, the wife of Mr. Joshua DEAN. Died 19 Apr 1756, in the 34 year of her age
ELLIS, ix, 6. Betsey ELLIS d. 14 Jul 1855. Aet. 60.
ELLIS, ix, 7. Jesse ELLIS, b. 30 Apr 1765, d. 30 Mar 1850. George ELLIS, b. 28 Feb 1819, d. 4 Feb 1847. Lucy ELLIS, b. 12 Apr 1780, d. 15 Dec 1865.
GAY, ix, 8. In memory of Mary, wife of Mr. Ebenezer GAY, who died 17 Nov 1777, aged 27
WHITING, ix, 9. Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Rebecca WHITING, d. 10 Dec 1766, in the 22d year of her age
WHITING, ix, 10. In memory of Sarah, daughter of Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Rebecca WHITING, d. 28 Nov 1775, in ye 12th year of her age
WHITING, ix, 11. In memory of Isaac, son of Mr. Fisher & Mrs. Rebecca WHITING, who d. 9 May 1785, aged 9 mos
WHITING, ix, 12. Isaac, son of Mr. Fisher & Mrs. Rebecca WHITING, d. 12 Sep 1793, in the 7th year of his age
DRAPER, ix, 13. In memory of Abijah DRAPER, son of Mr. Abijah & Mrs. Alice DRAPER, who died 16 Dec 1774, in ye 11th year of his age
WHITING, ix, 14. In memory of Mrs. Ruth WHITINg, wife of Mr. Jeremiah WHITING, who died 30 Mar 1770, aged 74
GAY, ix, 15. In memory of Mrs. Mary GAY, relict of Mr. Lusher GAY, who died 7 Oct 1780, in the 90th year of her age
GAY, ix, 16. In memory of Mr. Lusher GAY, who died 18 Oct 1769, in the 85th year of his age
GAY, ix, 17. In memory of Mrs. Sarah GAY, wife of Mr. Joseph GAY, who died 10 Feb 1773, in ye 29th year of her age
GAY, ix, 18. In memory of Mr. Joseph GAY, who died 10 Feb 1814, aged 83 yrs
GAY, ix, 19. In memory of Phebe, wife of Mr. Joseph GAY, who died 29 Apr 1782, in ye 42d year of her age
DAVIS, ix, 20. In memory of Washington DAVIS, son of Capt. Nathaniel & Mrs. Prudence DAVIS, d. 25 Nov 1788, in the 11th year of his age
BROWN, ix, 21. In memory of Mrs. Sarah BROWN, wife of George BROWN, who died 18 Mar 1827, aet. 25.
In the midst of life we are in death
BROWN, ix, 22. William F., son of George & Eliza Ann BROWN, d. 4 Jul 1830, Aet. 4 mos, 2 dys.
Go beauteous soul to bloom above.
BROWN, ix, 23. Eliza Ann, daughter of George & Eliza Ann BROWN, d. 1 Jul 1843, Aet. 5 mos.
Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
BROWN, ix, 24. Mr. George BROWN d. 3 Oct 1840, Aet. 48.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God
BROWN, ix, 25. Eliza Ann, wife of George BROWN, d. 22 Sep 1844, Aet. 42
ABRAHAM, ix, 26. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth ABRAHAM, wdtl 22 Mar 1807, aged 69 yrs
COOPER, ix, 27. In memory of Mrs. Ann COOPER, wife of Mr. Samuel COOPER, who died 17 Jul 1808, AE. 28. Also her infant son, Sam, who died 3 Sep 1808, AE. 3 mos.
GAY, x, 1. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth GAY, widow of Mr. John FISHER & Mr. Ezra GAY, who died 13 Dec 1796, aged 78 yrs [Note:-- This stone has been removed since 1870]
GAY, x, 2. In memory of Mrs. Mary GAY (widow of Mr. John GAY), who died 24 Jul 1773, in ye 70 year of her age
FULLER, x, 3. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Judith FULLER< wife of Mr. John FULLER. She d. 19 Nov 1718, in the 70th year of her age
GAY, x, 4. Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Sarah GAY, wife of Mr. John GAY, Dec'd 5 Jul 1732, in ye 50 year of her age
PARKER, x, 5. Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Alpha PARKER< d. 13 Jun 1842, Aet. 30
SWAN, x, 6. Here lies buried the Body of Mr. Robert SWAN, who died 31 Oct 1773, Aged 75 yrs
ADAMS, x, 7. Sarah Jane, daughter of Charles & Mary Jane ADAMS< d. 9 Apr 1842, aged 1 yr, 18 dys
ALLWRIGHT, x, 8. Alfred ALLWRIGHT, b. 13 May 1815, d. 14 Nov 1873
The rest from their labors and their works do follow them
DOGGETT, x, 9. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Samuel DOGGETT, who died 6 Mar 1794, Aet. 67.
This grave contains the feeble, mouldering clay: ~ The spirit triumphs in eternal day.
CLAPP, x, 10. Jesse CLAPP, d. 19 Jan 1823, aged 51 yrs. Betsey Doggett, his wife, d. 20 Dec 1850, aged 72 yrs. Their Children:
Mary, d. 3 Oct 1800, Aet. 2 yrs. Elizabeth D., d. 24 Jun 1810, Aet. 9 yrs. Mary Ann, d. 15 Jul 1816, Aet. 10 yrs. John D., d. 11 Feb 1878, Aet. 74 yrs.
Children of Nathaniel & Elizabeth CLAPP: John D., obt. 4 Oct 1836, Aet. 20 mos. Mary Ann, obt. 2 Apr 1839, Aet 7 mos. Jane D., obt. 4 Jan 1841, Aet. 7 mos. John D., obt. 21 Jan 1843, Aet. 6 yrs. Henry F., obt. 2 Jan 1862, Aet. 27 yrs. Mary B., obt. 13 Sep 1872, Aet. 24 yrs. Jane D., obt. 22 Oct 1873, Aet 19 yrs. Charles W., obt. 17 May 1876, Aet. 33 yrs.
BEDELL, x, 11. Lucy E., wife of Merrill BEDELL, d. 15 Oct 1854, Aet. 33
Wandering below who would not wish to share ~ The joys of heaven; leave this world of care ~ And join her gentle spirit, in bright realms above, ~ To sing forevermore His never-dying love.
HERRING, x, 12. Here lyes buried the Body of Mrs. Ann HERRING, wife of Mr. James HERRING, d. 9 Mar 1749, in ye 77th year of her age
ELLIS, x, 13. Lyman, only son of Franklin & Marya ELLIS, 7 Jan 1856, 12 Dec 1871.
COBURN, x, 14. In memory of two sons of Alvan & Susan COBURN. Hiram d. 4 May 1830, Aet. 9 mos. Alvan d. 6 Jun 1832, Aet. 6 yrs.
COBURN, x, 15. Alvin COBURN d. 27 Jan 1856. Aet. 62 yrs. Hiram d. 19 Jun 1856, Aet. 24 yrs
KINGSBURY, x, 16. Here lie the remains of Mrs. Hannah KINGSBURY, consort of Dea. Nathaniel KINGSBURY. She departed this life 17 Aug 1775, in ye 70th year of her age.
There is no discharge in that War.
KINGSBURY, x, 17. Here lies ye body of Mrs Elizabeth KINGSBURY, the wife of Dea. Nathaniel KINGSBURY. She d. 29 Dec 1751, in ye 53d year of her age
KINGSBURY, x, 18. Here lie the remains of Deacon Nathaniel KINGSBURY, wdtl 20 Aug 1775, in ye 78th year of his age
He performed the duties of his office in the first church of Dedham for about 29 years, and having served his Generation, by the will of God he fell asleep. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
MACKERWETHY, x, 19. In memory of Mrs. MACKERWETHY, who died Jun 9, 1770, in ye 77th year of her age
CLARK, x, 20. In memory of Abigail A., daughter of Aaron & Olive CLARK, who died 27 Oct 1831, Aet. 15 yrs
Prepare to meet thy God.
CARTER, x, 21. Mrs. Harriet CARTER, d. 24 Oct 1878, aged 89 yrs.
STRONG, xi, 1. William I., son of Mr. William I. & Mrs. Eleanor STRONG, d. 2 Jul 18465, aged 2 yrs.
Shed not for him the bitter tear, ~ Nor give the heart to vain regret; ~ 'Tis but the casket that lies here; ~ The gem that fill'd it sparkles yet.
STRONG, xi, 2. William F., son of Mr. William I. & Mrs. Elizabeth STRONG, d.25 Apr 1844, aged 5 yrs & 1 mo.
Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade, ~ Death came with friendly care; ~ The opeining bud to heaven conveyed, ~ And bade it blossom there.
GRANT, xi, 3. Caleb GRANT, Late of Weston, Dec'd 10 Feb 1731/2, in ye 20th year of his age
HOUGHTON, xi, 4. In memory of Mr. Jesse HOUGHTON, who died 8 Jul 1833, Aet. 41
FARRINGTON, xi, 5. Abby Maria, daughter of David & Abigail FARRINGTON, d. 4 Jan 1842, Aet. 2 yrs
So fades the lovely blooming flower, ~ Frail smiling solace of an hour. ~ So soon our transient comforts fly, ~ And pleasure only blooms to die.
FARRINGTON, xi, 6. Oscar Ellis, only son of David & Abigail FARRINGTON, d. 22 Dec 1838, Aet. 6 mos. & 15 dys
This lovely bud, so young, so fair, ~ Called hence by early doom, ~ Just came to show how sweet a flower ~ In Paradise would bloom
WHITING, xi, 7. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Jonathan WHITING, d. 4 Sep 1729, in the 61st year of his age
UPTON, xi, 8. In memory of Mr. Theodore J. UPTON, who died 26 Sep 1847, aged 25 yrs.
Stop my friends as you pass by, ~ As you are now, so once was I; ~ As I am now, soon you must be ~ Prepare for death & follow me.
DEAN, xi, 9. John DEAN 2d., d. 30 Sep 1847, aged 63 yrs.
Mrs. Betsey DEAN d. 22 Feb 1870, aged 82 yrs, 3 mos, 20 dys
DEAN, xi, 10. Mrs. Mary DEAN, d. 13 Oct 1850, Aet. 98 yrs, 6 mos.
DEAN, xi, 11. John DEAN d. 14 Sep 1838, Aet. 90
Richards, xi, 12. In memory of Mrs. Mary Richards, consort to Joseph RICHARDS, Esq., wdtl Jan 1746, in the 40th year of her age.
Where sweetness thus and Innocence unite, ~ Virtue, the Soul, and Beauty charms the sight In memory of Joseph RICHARDS, Esq., wdtl 25 Feb 1761, in the 60th year of his age. My Life thoug know'st is but a span, a cypher summs my years ~ And every man in best estate, but vanity appears.
SCARBOROUGH, xi, 18. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth SCARBOROUGH, who died 1 Nov 1805, Aged 81 yrs
SCARBOROUGH, xi, 14. Albert & Frank
KINGSBURY, MAY, DRAPER. xi, 15. Martha T., wife of Ezekiel KINGSBURY, d. 26 Aug 1829, aged 37 yrs, 4 mos. Eliza C. KINGSBURY d. 31 Aug 1840, aged 23 yrs, 7 mos, 21 dys. Ezekiel KINGSBURY d. 10 Feb 1836, aged 68 yrs. Mary D., his wife, d. 20 Sep 1826, Aged 66 yrs.
Daniel MAY d. 29 May 1819, Aged 32 yrs. Catherine Kingsbury, widow of Daniel MAY, d. 10 Jun 1863, aged 75 yrs, 7 mos, 14 dys. Augustus R., MAY d. 19 Jul 1870, aged 56 yrs, 5 mos.
Ebenezer DRAPER d. 3 Jan 1789, aged 86. Dorothy, his wife, d. 22 Aug 1748, aged 48. Sibil Avery, widow of Ebenezer DRAPER, d. 16 Feb 1818, aged 96 yrs.
HALL, PRESCOTT, xi, 16. Sabina, wife of Amos HALL, 12 Jan 1858, Aet. 54 yrs. Amos HALL, d. 26 Jun 1863, Aet. 60 yrs, 6 mos. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Abel & Elanor PRESCOTT, 10 Sep 1833, Aet. 4 yrs. Sabina Tillson, wife of Daniel H. PRESCOTT, 4 Dec 1852, Aet. 23 yrs, 9 mos.
WHITING, xi, 17. Loacada, wife of Abner WHITING, d. 28 Aug 1852, aged 85 yrs, 10 mos.
WHITING, xi, 18. Abner WHITING d. 20 May 1838, Aged 78
A kind husband and father and an upright and honest man.
WHITING, xi, 19. Mary, wife of Joshua WHITING, d. 25 May 1825, aged 65. Mary, daughter of Joshua & Mary WHITING, d. 27 Oct 1837, aged 52.
Joshua WHITING d. May 7, 1842, aged 84. Elizabeth P. WHITING d. 18 Jun 1852, aged 56.
FARRINGTON, xi, 20. Benjamin FARRINGTON d. 2 Mar 1825, aged 79 yrs. Sarah, wife of Benjamin FARRINGTON, d. 24 Nov 1826, aged 77 yrs. Simeon FARRINGTON d. 6 Jun 1836, aged 38 yrs. Eliphalet FARRINGTON d. 14 Oct 1840, aged 62 yrs. Lucy P. FARRINGTON d. 27 Mar 1868, aged 81 yrs, 11 mos, 5 dys. James FARRINGTON d. 17 Oct 1864, aged 82 yrs. Desire, wife of JAmes FARRINGTON, d. 27 Apr 1880, aged 87 yrs, 2 mos, 18 dys.
STOW, xi, 21. Here Lies Buried ye body of Mr. Nathaniel STOW, d. 29 Mar, 1762, in ye 24 year of his age
PAUL, xi, 22. Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. Samuel PAUL, who died 1 Mar 1775, in the 77th year of his age
PAWL, xi 23. In memory of Mrs. Abigail PAWL, widow of Mr. Samuel PAWL, dec'd, who died 19 Sep 1781, in the 83rd year of her age
DURANT, xi, 24. Here lies buried the body of Miss Faith DURANT, who was driven by the hand of tyranny from Boston, her place of nativity. She departed this life 7 Oct A.D. 1775, aged 56 yrs.
DURANT, xi, 25. Here lie the remains of Mrs. Rachel DURANT, wdtl 7 Jan 1776, in ye 87th year of her age
FALES, CHAMBERLAIN, xi, 26. Nehemiah FALES d. 14 Mar 1857, aged 72 yrs. Mary his wife d. 10 Jun 1865, Aet. 81 yrs, 10 mos. Albion Ernest, son of Charles T. & Harriet F. CHAMBERLAIN, d. 15 Mar 1851, aged 1 yr, 10 mos
HOWE, xi, 27. Her lie the remains of Nancy Houghton HOWE, daughter of Mr. Jotham & Mrs. Sally HOWE, who died 18 Sep 1796, aged 6 mos, 10 dys
Look here my friends, turn off your eyes ~ From Earth and earthly vanities, ~ An in me read your certain fate, ~ That death will call you soon or late
BERRY, xi, 28. In memory of two children of Mr. James & Mrs. Martha BERRY. John d. 3 Oct 1800, Aet. 3 yrs, 10 mos. Caroline d. 11 Oct 1800, Aet. 1 yr, 7 mos.
A style & temper like the saints of old, ~ The mourning parents humbly wish to hold, ~ These children dear no more to us shall come, ~ But we must follow them down to the tomb.
WETHERBY, xi, 29. In memory of Mrs Submit, wife of Mr. Nathaniel WETHERBY, who died 18 Mar A. D. 1789, in ye 48th year of her age
Here is the end of all that live, ~ This is my dark long home, ~ Jesus himself lay in the grave, ~ The house where all must come.
BERRY, xi, 30. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Mr. James BERRY, who died 2 Mar 1830, Aet. 63
The saints who now in Jesus sleep, ~ His own Almighty power shall keep, ~ Till dawn the bright illustrious day, ~ When death itself shall die away.
BERRY, xi, 31. In memory of Mr. James BERRY, who died 25 Jan 1832, Aet. 67
HOWE, xi, 32. Isaac HOWE d. 1 Jul 1854, Aet. 53 yrs. His wife, Anne HOWE, d. 15 Jul 1874, Aet. 75 yrs. Isaac Francis, d. 18 Nov 1830, Aet. 4 yrs, 8 mos. Isaac Francis, d. 10 Dec 1832, Aet. 1 yr, 7 mos.
CRANE, xi, 33. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah CRANE, d. 5 may 1848, Aet. 81 yrs.
Well done good & faithful servant
HOWE, xi, 34. In memory of Mr. Thomas HOWE, Junr., who died 22 Dec 1805, Aet. 40
WHITING, xii, 1. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Samuel WHITING, dec'd 16 Jan 1721/22, in ye 30th year of his age
WHITING, xii, 2. Her lyes ye body of Mr. Samuel WHITING, aged 78 yrs, d. 4 Dec 1727
BONNEY, xii, 3. In memory of Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Seth BONNEY, who died 8 Apr 1835, Aet. 54
KAHLMEYER, xii, 4. Henry C. KAHLMEYER, b. 15 Apr 1823, d. 30 Oct 1870
LANE, xii, 5. In memory of Mrs. Hannah S., wife of Daniel LANE, jr., who died 3 Aug 1832, Aet. 36
KINGSBURY, xii, 6. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel KINGSBURY, d. 3 Aug 1832, Aet. 36
KINGSBURY, xii, 7. Here lies the body of Mrs. Abigail KINGSBURY, widow of Mr. Nathaniel KINGSBURY. She Departed this life 9 Nov 1764, in the 90th year of her age. She lived about 20 years in single life, about 30 years in the married state & about 40 in that of widowhood; in each of which her behavior was amiable & exemplary.
At length the aged saint comes to the tomb, ~ As corn when fully ripe is gathered home.
HUTCHINS, xii, 8. George H. HUTCHINS d. 8 Jan 1864, aged 28 yrs, 5 mos
There is rest for the weary.
HUTCHINS, WHITE, SQUIRE, xii, 9. Joseph HUTCHINS d. 6 May 1841, aged 45 yrs. Sarah HUTCHINS d. 22 Dec 1871, aged 72 yrs. George H. HUTCHINS, 8 Jan 1864, aged 28 yrs. Luther WHITE d. 5 Feb 1858, aged 82 yrs. Rebecca J. WHITE d. 7 Jun 1838, aged 57 yrs. Luther WHITE d. 21 Jul 1828, aged 25 yrs. George WHITE d. 18 Sep 1805, aged 2 yrs. Eben WHITE d. 13 Feb 1864, aged 52 yrs. Sally SQUIRE d. 3 Aug 1838, aged 63 yrs.
MACOMBER, xii, 10. In memory of Mr. Samuel, son of Mr. Winchester & Mrs Polly MACOMBER, of Jay, Me., who died 2 Feb 1839, Aet 22.
Farewell, dear friend, a long farewell. We commit thy loved remains to the bosom of thy mother earth, with the joyful hope that in the morning of the resurrection thou wilt arise clothed with glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life.
FORIST, xii, 11. In memory of Miss Belinda FORIST, formerly of Eaton, N.H., who died 18 Dec 1833, Aet. 19 yrs.
Farewell my friends and kindred dear, ~ I've left this world of pain; ~ May virtue be your practice here ~ Till we shall meet again.
LEWIS, xii, 12. Mary O., daughter of John & Mary Octavia LEWIS, d. 30 Sep 1843, aged 1 mo.
Sweet babe, thy suffereings all are o'er, ~ In Heaven thy Spirit rests, ~ A blooming rose forever more ~ Upon the Savior's breast.
HOLMES, xii, 13. Eliza G., wife of Jacob B. HOLMES, d. 19 Jun 1842, Aet 23.
Farewell my partner and friends so dear. ~ If ought on earth could keep me here, ~ It sure would be my love for you, ~ But Jesus calls; I bid adieu.
PAUL, xii, 14. Here lie ye body of Mrs. Hannah PAUL, the widow of Capt. Samuel PAUL; she d. 22 Sep 1748, in ye 74 year of her age.
BOWERS, xii, 15. Lewis, son of John & Catherine BOWERS, d. 16 Nov 1852, Aet. 15 yrs, 10 mos, 23 dys
FARMER, xii, 16. George P., son of C. S. & Mary FARMER, d. 28 Jan 1842, aged 11 mos.
BRACKET, xii, 17. Here lyes ye Body of Nathaniel BRACKET, son of Mr. Anthony & Mrs. Elizabeth BRACKET of Boston, aged 5 yrs & 8 mos. Died 17 Aug 1748.
SMALL, xii, 18. Jane Elizabeth, d. 16 Oct 1833, Aet. 1 yr, 10 dys. Ellen Maria d. 15 Oct 1833, Aet. 1 yr & 9 dys. Twin daughters of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs Jane L. SMALL.
It may with propriety said of them, they were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided.
SMALL, xii, 19. Im memory of Mr. Ahira SMALL, who died 10 Apr 1836, Aet. 28
SMALL, xii, 20, In memory of Mrs. Betsy, wife of Mr. Thomas SMALL, who died 27 Feb 1838, Aet. 60
SMALL, xii, 21. In memory of Thomas SMALL, who died 24 May 1854, Aet. 80
RICHARDS, xii, 23. In memory of Albert A., son of Mr. Martin & Mrs. Harriot RICHARDS, who died 18 Oct 1825, Aet 16 mos
RICHARDS, xii, 24. Dea. Luther RICHARDS, d. 25 Dec 1832, aged 61. Also his wife, Polly Battelle. Born 8 Aug 1777, d. 27 Feb 1861.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
RICHARDS, xii, 25. Alvin RICHARDS, d. 22 Nov 1844, Aet. 28
PHILLIPS, xii, 26. Mrs. Mehitable PHILLIPS, d. 23 Dec 1831, Aet 31 yrs. Francis PHILLIPS, d. 5 Jun 1852, Aet. 31 yrs. Nathan PHILLIPS d. 21 Aug 1879, aet. 86 yrs, 1 mon, 18 dys
FALES, xii, 27. Nehemiah FALES d. 6 Jun 1806, Aet 57. Sarah, his wife d. 22 May 1845, Aet. 93
FALES, xii, 28. Sacred to the memory of Miss Elizabeth FALES, dau. of Mr. Nehe'h & Mrs. Sarah FALES, who was found murdered 18 May 1801, in the 19th year of her age.
Sainted shade of heavenly birth, ~ Of matchless innocence and worth, ~ Since God decreed you should be slain, ~ We'll cease to mourn nor dare complain. ~ Guardian Angels, watch thy swift career; ~ Thy soul in Heaven will soon appear.
PARKER, xii, 29. In memory of Mr. Jonathan PARKER, who died 9 Apr 1806, aged 37. He was a kind husband and a tender parent.
JOHNSON, xiii, 1. Erected to the memory of the widow Elizabeth JOHNSON, who died 5 Jan 1843, aged 52 yrs.
Mother, thou hast gone and left us, ~ Here thy loss we deeply feel, ~ But 'tis God that hath bereft us; ~ He can all our sorrows heal.
JOHNSON, xiii, 2. Mr. John JOHNSON d. 3 Feb 1840, Aet. 24
Weep not, my mother, weep not, I am blest ~ But must leave heaven if I return to thee; ~ For I am where the weary are at rest, ~ The wicked cease from troubling:-- come to me!
GIRGGS, xiii, 3. James GRIGGS, b. 26 Aug 1808, d. 22 Nov 1886
DWIGHT, xiii, 4. Here lyes Intombed the Body of Timothy DWIGHT Esq'r, wdtl 31 Jan Anno Domini 1718, aged 88 yrs
The ancestor of the Dwight family in America: A family like himself -- Truly serious and godly. Of an excellent spirit, Faithful and upright, Among men of renown, In Church and State, In Halls of Learning and in War.
WALLEY, xiii, 5. James H., son of James & Ellen WALLEY, d. 4 Sep 1849, Aet. 10 mos.
BINGHAM, UPHAM, xiii, 6. Almira BINGHAM d. 17 Jan 1800, aged 18 mos. Pliny BINGHAM d. 6 Jun 1840, aged 62 yrs. Jerusha Avery, wife of Pliny BINGHAM, d. 1 Dec 1874, aged 94 yrs. Daniel BINGHAM d. 14 Sep 1849, aged 46 yrs. J. Virgil UPHAM, Adj. of the 102d New York Vols., Killed at Gettysburg, Pa. 2 Jul 1863, Aged 22 yrs, 9 mos, 3 dys
CODDING, xiii, 7. Adelbert A., son of Seth & Sarah Ann CODDING, was drowned 8 Jul 1847. Aged 10 yrs & 11 mos.
The Lord had need of him.
KINGSBURY, xiii, 8. Here lyes Burried ye Body of Ensign Noah KINGSBURY, dec'd 18 Oct 1740, in ye 47th year of his age
RICHARDS, xiii, 9. Fanny d. 29 Jul 1835, aged 3 yrs. Franklin D. d. 21 Mar 1837, aged 17 mos. Franklin D. d. 8 Sep 1841, aged 3 yrs, 6 mos. Emily C. d. 16 Mar 1842, aged 2 yrs, 2 mos. Horace d. 22 Mar 1842, aged 4 mos. Children of Abiathar & Julia C. RICHARDS: Frank RICHARDS d. 20 Aug 1846, aged 14 mos. Abiathar RICHARDS d. 23 Sep 1884, aged 88 yrs, 7 mos, 10 dys.
FISHER, xiii, 10. Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Mary FISHER, wife of Mr. Jonathan FISHER. She d. 15 Oct 1749, in ye 33d year of her age
WIGHT, xiii, 11. Here lies the Body of Mrs. Sarah WIGHT, wife of Mr. Joseph WIGHT. She d. 28 Jun 1748, in ye 73 year of her age [Note.-- This Stone has been removed since 1870. C.S.]
WIGHT, xiii, 12. In memory of Dea. Joseph WIGHT, who died 14 Jul 1756, in ye 75th year of his age. [Note.-- This Stone has been removed since 1870. C.S.]
GAY, xiii, 13. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Hezekiah GAY, who died 2 Sep 1758, aged 64 yrs & 2 mos.
MASON, xiii, 14. Eliphalet F. MASON, b. 7 Aug 1791, d. 27 Jun 1837. Children of Eliphalet & Mary F. MASON: George Edward, b. 14 Oct 1827, d. 6 Dec 1834. George Edward, b. 23 Oct 1836, d. 4 Feb 1866. Mary F., Relict of Eliphalet F. MASON, d. 17 Jun 1885, aged 81 yrs. At the time of her death, the widow of Martin BATES.
FISHER, xiii, 15. Here lies ye Body of Mr. Joseph FISHER, wdtl 5 Jul 1859, aged 47 yrs
FISHER, xiii, 16. Here lies Buried the Body of Capt. Josiah FISHER, who died 24 Feb 1763, in ye 80th year of his age [Note:-- Next is a tomb in which the body of Fisher AMES was deposited, and from which it was removed to be buried, where a monument was erected to his memory, west of the main driveway. This tomb is supposed to still contain some bodies of the AMES family.]
FALES, xiii, 17. In memory of Mr. Timothy FALES, son of Mr. Nehe'h & Mrs. Sarah FALES, who died 1 Nov 1803, in the 23 year of his age.
There is a balm for those who weep, ~ A rest for weary Pilgrims found, ! While the mouldering ashes sleep ~ -- Low -- in the Ground.
BADLAM, xiii, 18. Sacred to the memory of Miss Rebecca BADLAM, oldest daughter of Mr. Lemuel & Mrs. Lydia BADLAM, who died 3 Sep 1810, aged 32 yrs.
Heaven only lent her for a transient hour; ~ And, to secure her from the ills to come, ~ Sent a bright cherub clothed with heavenly power, ~ Who bore his treasure to her native home.
SEARS, xiii, 19. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lydia SEARS, widow of the Rev. Freeman SEARS of Natick, & daughter of Mr. Lemuel & Mrs. Lydia BADLAM, who died 1 Apr 1814, aged 33 yrs.
As oft we to thy early urn repair, ~ This sweet reflection shall console the heart; ~ Thy form, thy virtues deep engraven there, ~ Heaven re-unites us never more to part.
BADLAM, xiii, 20. In memory of Miss Polly BADLAM, youngest daughter of Mr. Lemuel & Mrs. Lydia BADLAM, d. 2 Mar 1815, aged 27 yrs.
As oft we to thy early urn repair, ~ This sweet reflection shall console the heart; ~ Thy form, thy virtues deep engraven there, ~ Heaven re-unites us never more to part.
BADLAM, xiii, 21. In memory of Mr. Lemuel BADLAM, who died 1 Dec 1815, Aged 60.
BADLAM, xiii, 22. In memory of Mrs. Lydia BADLAM, wife of Mr. Lemuel BADLAM, d. 18 May 1816, Aet. 59.