[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

SHARROW (Sharow)
Catherine of Cambrige and Edward Samson of D.. int. Oct. 29, 1768.
Sarah (Sharow) and Oliver Price, both of D., Sept. 8, 1774.
Andrew C. and Luy B. King, both of Tiverton, R. I., May 5, 1844.
Anthony of Newport and Rebecca Kerby of D., int. July 20, 1761.
Benjamin, s. Anthony and Rebecca of Little Compton, R. I., and Elisabeth Potter, d. Nathanael and Mary of D., 11th, 3 mo. 1749, C.R.3.
Deborah and Gardner Spooner, both of D., int. May 13, 1769.
Eliphal of Little Compton and Daniel Sherife of D., int. Jan. 7, 1766.
Elisabeth and William Brightman, both of D., int. Jan. 8, 1785.
Elisha C. of Newbedford and Phebe Morse of D., int. Oct. 16, 1838.
Elizabeth of Little Compton and Benjamin Sisson of D., int. Sept. 16, 1782.
Elizabeth, 1785 (see Elisabeth)
Elnathan T. and Harriet Elizabeth McEee [ ? McEee or McEu] Chew, both of Newbedford, Apr. 21, 1844.
Fanny of Plymouth and Abisha Reynolds of D., int. Apr. 24, 1838.
Hannah of Little Compton and Job Taber of D., int. June 29, 1762.
Job L., single, 26, trader, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. Job and Amy of New Bedford, and Phebe P. Ashley, 20, of D., b. D., d. Stephen and Sybel of D., Jan. 13, 1848.
John of D. and Lovise [int. Lovicy] Winslow of Freetown, Dec. 14, 1775, in Freetown.
Mary and Stephen Delano, both of D., int. Jan. 6, 1769.
Mary and Bartholomew West 2d, both of D., int. Jan. 10, 1769.
Mary, 25, b. Rochester, d. Abraham and Hannah of Rochester, and Hiram Hammond, single, 33, cooper, of Rochester, b. Rochester, s. Christopr and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1847.
Nathaniel of Little Compton and Prudence Cory of D., int. Jan. 20, 1777.
Noah of Little Compton, R. I., and Ester [int. Eester] Potter of D., Jan. 2, 1805.
Phebe of Little Comton and John Blackwell of D., int. Sept. 3, 1748.
Phebe and Seth Cornell, both of D., Dec. 16, 1770.
Prudance of Little Compton and Pardon Brownell of D., int. Jan. 26, 1765.
Rebecca of Little Comton and Stokes Potter of D., int. Mar. 16, 1750-1. [Rebekah, d. Anthony and Rebeckah of Little Compton, R. I., and Stokes Potter, s. Nathanael and Mary of D., m. 30th, 3 mo., "Called May," C.R.3.]
Rebekah [int. Rebeckah] and Cugo [int. Cugger Canaday], negros [int. both of D.], Jan. 12, 1749.
Sarah and Amasa Delano, both of D., int. Feb. 4, 1770.
Sarah D., Miss, of Littlecompton, and Charles C. Smith of D., int. Nov. 14, 1845.
Silvanus and Sarah Hawthaway, both of D., int. Aug. 27, 1768. [Hathaway, m. Sept. 15, C.R.4.]
Susanna [int. Susannah] and Thomas Burgis [int. Burgas], both of D., Nov. 20, 1777. [Susanna and Thomas Burgis, B.C.M. C.R.4.]
Thomas of Little Comton and Judah Potter of D., int. Apr. 17, 1761.
Willard of Newbedford and Jerusha Chace of D., int. June 17, 1837.
William Jr. and Sarah Vickrey of Taunton [Taunton written above both crossed out of Dartmouth], int. Sept. 19, 1778.
William Jr. and Hope Akin, both of D., int Aug. 16, 1786.
SHEARMAN (Chearman, Shearhman, Shearmon, Sherman, Shermon)
Abigail of D., d. David, and Hezeldah Gidly of D., Henry (Gidley), Dec. 16, 1744.
Abigail (Sherman) of D. and Silvanus Cottel of Chilmark, Dukes Co., int. Feb. 18, 1745. m. Feb. 18, B.C.M.]
Abigail and Benjamin Church, both of D., int. June 25, 1763.
Abigail of Middleborough and Nathinel Fance of D., int. Nov. 1, 1766.
Abigail, 1804 (see Naby)
Abigail of D. and Nathaniell Lat [signed Nathaniel Chase] of Portsmouth, R. I., 2d, 1 mo. 1703, C.R.3.
Abijah (see Ahijah)
Abishai (Sherman) [int Abisha Shearman] of D. and Amelia Basset [int. Orra Bassett] of Rochester, Aug. 31, 1769, in Rochester.
Abishai (Sherman) [int. Abisha Shearman] of D. and Mercy [int. Marcy] Goodspeed of Rochester, Mar. 27, 1777, in Rochester.
Abner and Lucy Brightman, both of D., Feb. 22, 1816.
Abner and Elisabeth [int. Miss Elizabeth] Reed, both of D., July 8, 1830.
Abner D. [of Dartmouth blurred out], s. Jireh and Ann, and Miss Mary Ann Shearman [of Dartmouth blurred out], d. Zoeth, Jan. 27, 1845, in D.
Abraham of Portsmouth and Hannah Shearman of D., Mar. 22, 1731. [Sherman of Portsmouth and Hannah Sherman of D., B.C.M.]
Abraham and Susana Delano, Mar. 31, 1737.
Abraham [signed Abram], s. Philip and Hannah both dec'd of D., and Mary Howland, wid. Benjamin of D., Apr. 13, 1758, C.R.3.
Abraham Jr. and Peace Taber, both of D., int. Aug. 10, 1771.
Abraham (Sherman) and Silvia Ricketson, both of D., Aug. 15, 1790.
Acenith, 18, of Westport, b. Westport, d. Anthony and Susan of Westport, and Leonard M. Chace [int. Leonard M. Chase], single, 25, farmer, of D., b. D., s. Isaac and PrisciIla of D., Oct. 12, 1845, in D.
Ahijah (Sherman) and Salley Spooner, both of New Bedford, Oct. 27, 1791. [Abijah and Sally Spooner, both of D., B.C.M.]
Albert (Sherman) and Alice Dexter, both of New Bedford, Apr. 30, 1835, P.R.1.
Alce (Sherman) of D. and Eldad Tupper of Sandwick, int. Oct. 1, 1774.
Alice of D. and Joseph Stafford of Tiverton, Apr. 27, 1737, in D.
Alice [int. Allice H.] and Andrew Beauvis [int. Beauvias, both of D.], Feb. --- [int. Feb. 14], 1834.
Alice T., 17, of D., b. D., d. Sally, and Richard Lapham, single, 26, trader, of D., b. D., s. Thomas and Bathsheba of D., Jan. 13, 1846.
Almira H. and Daniel Cory, both of D., int. Feb. 10, 1838.
Almy of D. and John Slocum Jr., resident of D., int. Aug. 21, 1805.
Alvin and Miss Bethia Killey, both of D., int. Sept. 22, 1828.
Amaziah (Sherman) of D. and Abigail Merchant, resident in D., int. May 28, 1796.
Amie and Edward Peters, both of D., Feb. 28, 1779.
Andrew (Sherman) [int. Shearman] of D. and Hannah Landers of Falmouth, Mar. 29, 1759, in Falmouth.
Andrew and Lois Shearman, both of D., Nov. 5, 1779.
Ann and Frederick Cushman, both of D., Sept. 29, 1833.
Ann H. and Thomas E. Sanford, both of D., int. Nov. 6, 1823.
Anna, wid., d. Joseph Tucker of D. and Mary, and Ruben Russell of New Bedford, s. Caleb of New Bedford and Content, 29th, 11 mo. 1809, C.R.3.
Asa of D. and Temperance Haydon [int. Haden] of New Bedford, Oct. 1, 1789, in New Bedford.
Asa and Miss Allice S. Anthony, both of D., int. Mar. 22, 1843.
Asa R. (Sherman), single, 21, printer, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. Thurston R. and Eliza of New Bedford, and Sarah Ann Upham, 19, d. Samuel and Edith. June 6, 1849.
Asenath (see Acenith)
Augustus of Troy (int. adds Bristol Co., s. Thomas] and Sarah Beard of D., Feb. 2, 1810.
Aurelia and Joshua Barker, Jan. 13, 1799, C.R.4.
Avis and Pardon Shearman, both of D., int. Aug. 11, 1820 [dup. Nov. 9, 1816].
Barnabas and Rhoda [int. Roba] Wate, both of D., Apr. 29, 1776. [Rhoda, B.C.M.]
Bathsheba and Thomas Lapham, both of D., Jan. 1, 1810.
Bathshebe [signed Bathsheba], d. Seth and Ruth (dec'd) of D., and Joseph Howland, s. George and Hannah of D., May 9, 1764, C.R.3.
Benjamin, s. Thomas of D. and Ruth, and Elisabeth Lapharn, d. John and Mary dec'd of D., 1st, 2 mo., "Called February," 1748, C.R.3.
Benjamin (Sherman) of D., s. Jabez, and Deborah Delano of D., int. June 17, 1758.
Benjamin (Sherman) of D., s. Thomas dec'd, and Sarah Potter of D., Jan. 30, 1763.
Benjamin [int. Jr.] of D., s. Benjamin, and Elisabeth----------[int. Worth] of Shearburn [int. late of Sherburn, now a resident in D.], Dec. 13, 1787. [Benjamin Sherman of D. and Elizabeth Worth, B.C.M.]
Benjamin of D. and Hannah Russell, resident in D., int. Nov. 3, 1822.
Benjamin H. and Judith Haskins, both of D., int. Apr. 13, 1833.
Benjamin H. (Shearmon) [int. Shearman ] , single, 45, farmer, of D., b. D., s. Richard (Shearman) and Hannah of D., and Hannah T. Peckham, 19, of D., b. Westport, d. Phillip (Peckhom) and Patience of Westport, Sept. 21, 1846, in D.
Bethiah (Sherman) and Abner Tripp, both of D., May 13, 1792.
Butler and Susanna Brownell, both of D., July 21, 1768.
Butler Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of D. [int. s. Prince] and Lovey Grinnell [int. Greenell] of D., Aug. 13, 1789. [Butler Jr. and Lovey Grinnel, B.C.M.]
Butler (Sherman) and Elisabeth Winslow, both of D., Apr. 26, 1795.
Caleb and Hannah Russell, both of D., Jan. 17, 1781.
Charles (Sherman) and Lois Taber, both of D., Mar. 15, 1792.
Charles (Sherman) and Rebecka [int. Rebeccea] Little, both of D., Dec. 1, 1799.
Christina (see Cristina)
Content G., 22, b. D., d. Stephen and Hannah, and Joseph T. Davis, single, 24, caulker, b. D., s. Joseph and Anna, all of D., Dec. 31, 1846.
Cristina [int. Christina] and Jarvis Macumber, both of D., Mar. 19, 1805.
Cynthia of New Bedford and Elijah Clerk of Rochester, Sept. 26, 1793, C.R.4.
Cynthia and Frederic Stowel [int. Frederick Stowell], Sept. 29, 1833.
Cynthia and George W. Hazard, both of D., Dec. 2, 1838.
Daniel and Sarah Jenee, Apr. 18, 1693.
Daniel and Lydia Maxfield 2d, both of D., Nov. 6, 1763.
David (Sherman) of Tivertown and Ruth Beadon of D., int. Feb. 2, 1756.
David (Sherman) of D. and Sarah Reed, resident in D., int. July 30, 1791.
David [int. Sherman] and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Russell, both of D., Oct. 12, 1794. [Sherman and Elizabeth Russell, P.R.1.]
David (Sherman) [int. Shearman] of D., s. Abraham and Mary dec'd of D., and Anna [signed Ann] Tucker, d. Joseph and Mary of D., 9th, 11 mo. 1798, C.R.3.
David and Nancy Rider, both of D., int. Oct. 9, 1824.
Deborah of D., d. William, and Samuell Buttler of D., Oct. 26, 1750.
Deborah (Sherman) of D. [int. d. Jabez] and Jonathan Hathaway 3d [int. omits 3d] of D. [int. s. Jonathan], Oct. 24, 1754.
Deborah of D. [int d. Henry] and David Dewers of D., Dec. 9, 1770.
Deborah, d. Abraham dec'd and Mary of D., and William Barker, s. William and Annie of D., 12th, 12 mo. 1782, C.R.3.
Deborah (Sherman), Mrs. [int. Shearman, omits Mrs.], of D., and William Stratton of Sherburn, Nantucket Co., now residing in D., Dec. 22, 1790. [Deborah Sherman of D., B.C.M.]
Deborah and Henry Howland, both of D., Dec. 11, 1803.
Deborah of Rochester, d. John and Experience of Rochester, and John Handy of D., s. George of D. and Mary dec'd, 27th, 10 mo. 1808, C.R.5.
Delight [int. Miss] of D. and Thomas Durfee of Troy, May 23, 1830.
Dinah (Sherman) and John Maxfeild [int. Maxfield, both of D.], Sept. 2, [1756].
Dorcas (Sherman) and Benjamin Mosher, both of D., int. Apr. 14, 1753.
Dorcas (Sherman) and Benjamin Smith Jr., both of D., int. Mar. 2, 1793.
Dorithy and William Hammond, both of D., int. Nov. 15, 1769.
Ebenezer, s. Daniel of D., and Wait Barker, d. William of R. I, 28th, 11 mo., "called January," 1729-30, C.R.3.
Ebenezer and Sally Gifford, both of Westport, Nov. 17, 1823.
Edith, d. Seth and Ruth (dec'd) of D., and Thomas Russell, s. Abraham and Dinah of D., Jan. 13, 1763, C.R.3.
Edward and Sarah Grennel [int. Greenall], both of D., Feb. 23, 1787. [Grenell, P.R.1.]
Edward and Polley Reynolds, both of D., int. Dec. 31, 1836.
Edward A. and Amy C. Drake, both of D., int. Nov. 9, 1833.
Edward T. of Newbedford and Elizabeth W. Howland of D., int. Mar. 28, 1840.
Elihu and Elisabeth CIaghorn, both of D., Oct. 23, 1766.
Elihu (Sherman) and Hannah Russell, both of D., int. Aug. 22, 1797.
Elihu [int. Shearmon] and Nancy W. Nickerson, both of D., Jan. 16, 1842.
Elisabeth, d. William and Susanna of D., and Philip Davel, s. Joseph and Margrate of D., 26th, 8 mo. 1749, C.R.3.
Elisabeth (Sherman) and Benjamin Bedeon, both of D., int. June 9, 1753. [Beden, m. July 26 [dup. May 28, sic], B.C.M.]
Elisabeth (Sherman) of D., d. Stephen, and Joseph Allen of D., s. Joseph, int. Mar. 4, 1754.
Elisabeth [int. Sherman] of D. [int. d. Joshua] and Lemuel Mosher of D., Mar. 24, 1772.
Elisabeth and Georg [int. George] Wood, both of D., Dec. 13, 1772.
Elisabeth [int. Sherman] and John Kench [int. Kentch], both of D., June 5, 1775. [Shearman and John Kemp, B.C.M.]
Elisabeth of Pourtsmouth, R. I., and Henry Tibbetts of D., int. Jan. 1, 1785.
Eliza W. and John A. Howland, both of D., Jan. 18, 1827. [Sherman and John Howland, s. David and Avis (Akin), in D., P.R.38.]
Elizabeth (see also Elisabeth and Elizebeth)
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Sherman] of Tivertown and Job Shearman [int. Sherman] of D., Apr. 3, 1796. [Elizabeth Sherman of Tiverton and Job Sherman of D., P.R.1.]
Elizabeth B. (Sherman) [int. Elezabeth B. Shearman], 16 [int. of D.], d. Abner and Elizabeth of D., and John E. Mosher, single, 26, farmer, of D., s. Joseph and Lurania of D., Dec. 26, 1847.
Elizebeth [dup. Elen of D.], wid. Ephraim, and Benjamin Holms [dup. of D.], int. Apr. 27, 1751 [dup. Dec. 26, 1750].
Ellen (see Elizebeth)
Elnathan (Sherman) of D. and Experience Hathaway of Freetown, Jan. 2, 1723-4, in Freetown.
Else (Sherman) and Peleg Brownell, both of D., int. Nov. 1, 1755.
Emily, Miss, and Isaac Howland, both of D., int. Jan. 18, 1828. [Sherman and Isaac Howland, s. David and Avis (Akin), m. Nov. 25, 1827 [Sic], in D., P.R.38.]
Eunice (Sherman) and Gamaleal Church, both of D., int. Sept. 18, 1761.
Exsperience (Sherman) and Wesson Tallman, both of D., int. Dec. 13, 1760.
Fortunatus [int. Fortunates] (Sherman) and Sarah Delano, both of D., Aug. 30, 1753. [Fortunatas, B.C.M.]
Freelove (see Frelove)
Freeman [int. Shearmon] of Newbedford and Harriet Hazard of D., Feb. 12, 1844.
Frelove, Miss, of D., and Perry Briggs of Westport, int. Apr. 13, 1810.
George and Sebury [int. Sebery] Gifford, both of D., Oct. 28, 1770. [Sebery, Oct. 29, B.C.M.]
Gideon and Hannah Maccumber, both of D., Aug. 31, 1783.
Grace (Sherma.n) [int. Shearman] and Thomas Crocker, both of D., Nov. 13, 1806.
Grace and Isaac S. Maxfield, both of D., int. Oct. 24, 1819.
Hannah of D. and William Boom of Swanze, 7th, 10 mo. 1703, C.R.3.
Hannah and Elias Merihue, Apr. 9, 1729. [Merihew of D., B.C.M.]
Hannah of D. and (?)oraham Shearman of Portsmouth, Mar. 22, 1731. [Sherman of D. and Abraham Sherman of Portsmouth, B.C.M.]
Hannah, d. David and Abigail of D., and Joshua Lapham, s. John and Mary of D., 3d, 2 mo., "called April," 1747, C.R.3.
Hannah of D. and William Shearman [int. Jr.] of D., s. William, July 14, 1777. [William, July 24, B.C.M.]
Hannah,, d. Abraham and Mary dec'd of D., and Abraham Tucker, s. Benjamin and Silvia (dec'd) of D., 25th, 11 mo. 1789, C.R.3.
Hannah (Sherman) of D. and Holder Slocum [int. 2d of D.], Dec. 24 [sic, int. Dec. 31], 1794. [Holder 2d, m. Dec. 24, B.C.M.]
Hannah and Henry Wady, both of D., Dec. 3, 1812.
Hannah of D. and Bethuel Baker, int. Dec. 16, 1815.
Hannah and Holder Potter, both of D., Oct. 3, 1819.
Hannah, Miss, of D., and Sylvanus Allen of New Bedford, int. Apr. 25, 1830.
Hannah, Miss, and Ebenezer C. Andrews, both of D., Nov. 24, 1842, in D.
Henry and Ruth Akin, both of D., Sept. 17, 1749. [Sherman and Ruth Sanford, B.C.M.]
Henry and Sally Parker, both of Newbedford, Nov. 17, 1811.
Hepsabah [int. Hipsabah] S. and John S. Brightman, both of D., Sept. 24, 1837.
Holder and Hannah Kirby, both of D., Dec. 27, 1821.
Hope (Sherman) of D. and John Allen of Chariot Precinct, Duches Co., N. Y., int. July 17, 1771.
Humphrey and Miss Sylvia S. Howland, both of D., int. Nov. 18, 1827. [Sherman and Sylvia Howland, d. David and Avis (Akin), m. Dec. 6, in D., P.R.38.]
Humphrey 2d and Susan G. Almy, both of D., int. Feb. 10, 1849.
Humphry, s. Seth and Ruth both dec'd of D., and Marcy [signed Mercy] Lapham, d. Nicholas and Mary of D., 25th, 10 mo. 1780, C.R.3.
Ichabod and Polly Wrightington, both of D., int. Dec. 1, 1785. [m. Dec. 26, B.C.M. C.R.4]
Ira (Sherman) and Phebe Russell, both of D., Jan. 17, 1793.
Isaac and Rebecca [int. Elisabeth] Church, both of D., Sept. 29, 1774. [Rebeckah, Sept. 27, B.C.M. Rebekah, Sept. 29, C.R.4.]
Isaac [inc. and dup. int. Sherman] and Alice Grinnal [int. and dup. int. Grinnell, both of D., Dec. 17, 1797. [Sherman and Alice Grinnell, P.R.1.]
Isabel, d. Daniel and Sarah dec'd, and Robert Hall of N. Kingston, R. I., 24th, 3 mo., "Called May," 1739, C.R.3.
Jacob, s. David and Abigail of D., and Margrate Prance of D., 3d, 3 mo., "called May," 1738, C.R.3.
Jahazel (Sherman) and Nancy Winslow, both of D., Mar. 1, 1795.
James (Sherman) [signed Shearman], s. Daniel of D., and Grizzil Merehew, d. Josiah of D., 30th, 6 mo., "called August," 1722, C.R.3.
James and Martha Brown, both of D., Sept 6, 1801. [Sherman, P.B.1.]
James of D. and Nancy Sowle of Plimtown, int. May 13, 1815.
Jane C. of N. Bridgewater and Isaac Whelden of D., int. May 1, 1841.
Jared of D. and Patience Pettey of Tiverton, int. July 27, 1764.
Jedediah (see Judediah)
Jedidah [int. Sherman] and Robert Hathaway, both of D., Nov 18, 1773. [Jediah Shearman, B.C.M.]
Jireh (Sherman) and Anna Howland, both of D., Apr. 30, 1797.
Jireh Jr. and Elizabeth W. Howland [int. both of D.], Feb. 1, 1835. [Sherman Jr. and Elizabeth Howland, d. David and Avis (Akin), in D., P.R.38.]
Joan (see Jone)
Joanna, d. Samuel of D., and Richard Craw of D., s. John dec'd, 25th, 11 mo., "called January," 1732-3, C.R.3.
Joanna, 1769 (see Johannah)
Joanna [int. Miss] and Elihu Chace [int. Chase], both of D., June 11, 1809.
Job [int. Sherman] of D. and Elizabeth Shearman [int. Elisabeth Sherman] of Tivertown, Apr. 3, 1796. [Sherman of D. and Elizabeth Sherman of Tiverton, P.R.1.]
Job (Sherman) and Rhoda Cushman, both of D., May 29, 1800.
Job [int. Jr.] and Miss Meribah Russell, both of D., Feb. 14, 1819.
Johannah [int. Johanna] and Daniel Smith, both of D., Dec. 27, 1769. [Johannah, B.C.M.]
John, 1752 (see Joseph)
John of D. and Ruth He[torn, Head, int. Head] of Little Compton, Nov. 3. 1774. [Head of Little Compton, B.C.M.]
John and Lydia Worshburn, both of D., int. Dec. 12, 1767.
John and Anne Worshburn, both of D., int. Dec. 29, 1785.
John [int. Jr.] of Newbedford and Mercy Briggs of D., Jan. 7, 1832.
John B., 22, farmer [int of D.], s. Holder (Sherman) and Hannah K., and Caroline S. Haskins, 22 [int. of D.], d. Clark and Martha. Oct. 31, 1847.
John W. and Ruth C. Reynolds, both of D., Apr. 2, 1837.
Jonathan and Susana Buttler, Mar. 31, 1737. [Sherman and Susannah Buttler, B.C.M.]
Jonathan Jr. and Patience Maxfield Jr., both of D., Oct. 27, 1768. [Lydia [sic]. B.C.M.]
Jonathan (Shearman) and Leah Merihew, both of D., Mar. 5, 1769.
Jonathan and Mary Shearman, both of D., Dec. 10, 1807.
Jone of D. and William Smith, resident of D., int. Aug. 8, 1808.
Joseph Jr. [int. Sherman, omits Jr.] and Leah Badcock, both of D., June 27, 1752. [John Sherman Jr., B.C.M.]
Joshua Jr. and Elecabeth [torn]ronell [Brownell, int. Elisabeth Brownell], both of D., Mar. 3, 1774. [Elizabeth Brownell, B.C.M.]
Josiah (Sherman) and Betsey Wood, both of D., int. Jan. 9, 1800.
Josiah and Phebe Gifford, both of D., int. Feb. 13, 1806.
Judediah and Susannah Russell, both of D., Jan. 1, 1770. [Jedediah, B.C.M.]
Judith, d. David and Abigail of D., and Isaac Killey of Yarmouth, s. John and Hannah of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., 17th, 2 mo., "called April," 1750, C.R.3.
Julia A. (Shearmon), 19, of Westport, d. Pardon (Shearman) and Nancy, and Luthurn D. Tripp, single, 20, farmer, of Westport, b. Westport, s. Gideon W. and Phebe of Westport, July 4, 1847.
Kempton and Rosannah Chace, both of Westport, Nov. 8, 1835.
Keziah and Preserved Spearman, both of D., Oct. 15, 1732.
Keziah (Sherman) and John Grant, Oct. 7, 1756.
Killey, Miss, and Salley Lapham, both of D., int. Jan. 17, 1827.
Lediah (Sherman) and Timothy Maxfeld, Jan. 15, 1707.
Leornard [int. Leonard] and Bethany Gust, both of D., Jan. 13, 1825. [Leonard Sherman and Bethany (Bradford) Gust, wid. Imanuel, Nov. 11, 1824, in D., P.R.10.]
Levi and Thankful Tripp, both of D., int. July 7, 1774.
Lilias (Sherman) of D. and Richard Camel of Westport [int. D. ], Jan. 11 [sic, int. Dec. 25], 1797.
Lloyd (see Loyd)
Lois and Andrew Shearman. both of D., Nov. 5, 1779.
Lois of D. and Job Hunt of Middleborough, int. July 3, 1786.
Lois (Sherman), wid., and Ruben Smith, both of D., Dec. 21, 1789.
Louiza A. [int. Louisa A. Shearmon] and Barton B. Durfee, both of D., May 21, 1843.
Lovy [int. Miss] of D. and Capt. Caleb Kempton of Newbedford, Jan. 7 [sic, int. Jan. 10 ], 1829.
Loyd of D. and [int. Miss] Susanna Negus [int. Negis], resident of D., Mar. 3, 1808.
Lucey S. of D. and Elisha K. Robbins of Middleborough, int. Sept. 10, 1825.
Lucy [int. of D.] and Thomas Brownell, May 14, 1821.
Lusannah and Zadock Maxfeild, both of D., Apr. 29, 1770. [Susannah and Zaldoc Maxfield, B.C.M.]
Lydia (see also Lediah)
Lydia [int. Lyda Sherman], d. James and Grizzel of D., and William Tripp, s. Othniel and Mary of D., 8th, 4 mo. 1752, C.R.3.
Lydia and Samuel Trafton, both of D., int. Sept. 16, 1809.
Lydia [int. Miss, resident of D.] and Wanton Brightman Jr. [int. of D.], Mar. 23, 1820.
Lydia B. (Chearman) [int. Shearman], 20 [int. of D.], d. Lloyd (Shearman) and Susan, and William H. Swain, single, 23, mariner, of D., b. D., s. William and Eliza P. of D., Feb. 6, 1849.
Lydia M. of Fallriver and John Hall of D., int. Sept. 27, 1835.
Lydoreama (Shearhman) of D. and Henry H. Ricketson of Newbedford, int. July 21, 1839.
Margret and Roger Braley, May 10, 1733. [Margaret Sherman and Roger Brayley, May 11, B.C.M.]
Mary [int. Sherman], d. William of D., and Daniel Shephard [int. Shepard], s. Daniel of D., 1st, 3 mo., "called May," 1718, C.R.3.
Mary (Sherman) of Portsmouth, R. I., and John Davis of D., int. Oct. 16, 1751.
Mary of D., d. Thomas dec'd, and George Wood of D., s. Jonathan dec'd, int. Sept. 29, 1759.
Mary of Middleborough and Paul Handy of D., int. Dec. 11, 1762.
Mary of D. [int. d. Mary, wid.] and Jonathan Akin of D. [int. s. Elihu ], Dec. 5, 1782.
Mary [int. Polley] (Sherman) of D. and Elijah Gifford Jr. of Westport, Mar. 2, 1797.
Mary and Jonathan Shearman, both of D., Dec. 10 1807.
Mary A. [int. Ann, nn crossed out], 24, d. Stephen and Hannah of D., and Stephen Devol [int. Divol], single, 28, mariner, of D., b. D., s. Eunic (wid.), July 15, 1844, in D.
Mary Ann and William Norton, both of Newbedford, June 10, 1833.
Mary Ann, Miss [of Dartmouth blurred out], d. Zoeth, and Abner D. Shearman [of Dartmouth blurred out], s. Jireh and Ann, Jan. 27, 1845, in D.
Mary B., Miss, and Howland Russell, both of D., int. Dec. 24, 1829.
Matilda (Sherman) of Rochester and Jethro Mosher of a, Nov. 24, 1799.
Matilda A. (see Metilda A.)
Melatiah and Joanna Mendal, Dec. 17, 1797, C.R.4.
Mercy [Shearman written above Russell crossed out] and George Russell, both of D., Oct. 12, 1732. [Mercy Russell, B.C.M.]
Mercy (Sherman) of D. and Silas Sowle of Tivertown, int. Oct. 25, 1773.
Meribah and John Rone, Nov. 27, 1736.
Meribah (Sherman) [int. Shearman] and Nicanor Wilbour [int. Willbour], both of D., Apr. 22, 1774. [----------Shearmon and Nieanor Wilbur, B.C.M.]
Matilda A. and Otis Davis, both of D., int Dec. 19, 1832.
Michal.of D., s. William (Sherman), and Deborah Briggs of D., d. Job, July 22, 1741.[Michael Sherman, B.C.M.]
Moses, s. Daniel of D., and Merebe [signed Merebah] Wood, d. William of D., 23d, 2 mo., "called aprill," 1730, C.R.3.
Naby [int. Abigail] and William Hart Jr., both of D., Mar. 4, 1804.
Nancy G. [int. Miss] of D. and Philander Borden of Tiverton, Mar. 8, 1830.
Nathan and Mary Tailor, wid. [int. Taylor, omits wid., adds both of D.], Sept. 5, 1749. [Mary Tabor, B.C.M.]
Nathan [int. Sherman] and Edith [int. Eidith] Russell, both of D., Mar. 12, 1776. [Shearman and Edith Russell, B.C.M.]
Nathaniel of D. and Abigail Wing of Westport, int. Aug. 4, 1806.
Nicholas H. of D. and Miss Sophiah A. Tisdale of Taunton, int. Sept. 27, 1823.
Obed (Sherman) of D. and Peas Mumford of Tivertown. int. Oct. 14, 1756.
Obed of D. and Miss Lucy Thompson of Newbedford, int. Nov. 7, 1829.
Pardon [int. Sherman] and Seabury Grinnal [int. Sabra Grinnell, both of D., Feb. 20, 1795. [Sherman and Sabra Grinnell, P.R.1.]
Pardon and Avis Shearman, both of D., int. Aug. 11, 1820 [dup. Nov. 9, 1816].
Patience (Sherman) of D. and Jonathan Peas of Edgertown, Martha's Vineyard, int. Aug. 23, 1746.
Patience, Miss, and David Wordell, both of D., int. Jan. 21, 1830.
Paul and Amie Curtain, both of D., Mar. 12, 1767.
Paul (Sherman) of D. and Elisabeth Gifford of Tiverton, R. I., int. Mar. 30, 1799.
Peace, Miss, and Coalman Killey, both of D., int. Feb. 5, 1825.
Peleg and Peace Potter, both of D., June 19, 1768.
Peleg (Sherman) [int. Shearman] and Sarah Kerby, both of D., Oct. 13, 1774 [Shearman and Sarah Kisbey, B.C.M.]
Peleg (Sherman) Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Charlotte [int. Charlottee] Weeks, both of D., Feb. 11, 1799.
Phebe and Daniel Wood, Mar. 13, 1737-8. [Sherman, both of D., B.C.M.]
Phebe (Sherman) of D., d. Nathan, and Roger Mosher of D., s. Daniel, May 26, 1746.
Phebe of Tiverton and SamueIl Munion of D., int. Apr. 21, 1750.
Phebe [int. Sherman] and George Woodmancy [int. Woodmonsee], both of D., Nov. 10, 1774. [Sherman and George Woodmancy, B.C.M.]
Phebe and Barker Cushman, both of D., int. Sept. 11, 1818.
Phebe Ann (Shearman) [int. Shearman] and Henry Snow, both of D.,----------[rec. after July 10] 24, 1834.
Phebe R. [int. Shearmon], Miss, and Capt. Mumford [int. Mulford, omits Capt.] Smalley, both of D., Mar. 24, 1840, in D.
Philip, s. Abraham and Susanna dec'd of D., and Mary Russell, d. Caleb and Rebeckaah dec’d of D., Dec. 14, 1758, C.R.3.
Philip [int. Phillip] and Marcy Sisson, both of D., Feb. 19, 1766. [Phillip and Mercy Sisson, B.C.M.]
Philip and Ann Hicks, both of D., int. Feb. 12, 1771.
Polly (see Mary, 1797)
Presbury [int. Presbary] and Easter [int. Esther] Hart, both of D., Jan. 15, 1807.
Preserved and Keziah Shearman, both of D.. Oct. 15, 1732.
Preserved and Ruth Allen, both of D., Sept. 16, 1779.
Prince (Sherman) and Sarah Sherman [int. Shearman], both of D., Mar. 18, 1762. [Shearman, B.C.M.]
Prince of D. and Lasannah I. Gray of Newbedford, int. June 1, 1839.
Rachel of D., d. Daniel dec'd, and Henry Hedly of D., s. John dec'd of Newport, R. I., 31st, 11 mo., "called January," 1703, C.R.3.
Rachel and George Wilbor, Oct. 26, 1738.
Rebecca of D. [int. d. Isreal] and Cornelius Brownell of D., Oct. 22, 1769.
Rebekah and Elijah Ellis, Sept. 30, 1798, C.R.4.
Rest (Sherman) and James Talman, both of D., Oct. 23, 1742, B.C.M.
Reuben (see also Ruben)
Reuben of D. and Bridget Tripp of Tiverton, int. Nov. 21, 1766.
Rhobe (see Roby)
Rhoda and George Sisson, both of D., June 28, 1779.
Richard of D. and Mary Blivens of Swanzey, int. Oct. 1, 1768.
Roby, Miss, and Ansel Baker, both of D., int. Feb. 24, 1827.
Royal and Mary R. Stowell, both of D., int. Jan. 7, 1837.
Ruba [int. Ruby] (Sherman) of D. and Silas Gifford of Tiverton [int. adds R. I.], Dec. 13, 1795.
Ruben of D., s. Anthony (Sherman), and Tabitha Pettey of D., d. James, int. Sept. 29, 1759.
Ruben (Sherman) Jr. and Charity Mosher, both of D., June 10, 1790.
Ruby (see Ruba)
Russell (Sherman) and Silvia [int. Silvester] Allen, both of D., July 20, 1794. [Silvia, B.C.M.]
Ruth and Barnabas Chase, May 13, 1736.
Ruth, "Mris.," and Stephen Bedon, both of D., May 9, 1784.
Ruth (Sherman) and William Russell, both of D., Sept. 23, 1800.
Ruth and Sylvester Lapord [int. Leppard], both of D., Aug. 18, 1833.
Ruth and John Briggs, both of D., int. July 12, 1840.
Ruth R., wid., 33 [int. of D.], b. D., d. Michael Reynolds and Mercy, and Samuel B. Staples, widr. [int. omits widr.], 45, farmer [int. of D. ] , b. Taunton, s. Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 2, 1848.
Salley [int. Sarah] (Sherman) and Cook Ricketson, both of D., Feb. 27, 1795. [Sally, B.C.M.]
Sally and William Akins [int. Akin], both of D., June 20, 1817.
Sally and James Warren, both of D., int. Oct. 25, 1817.
Sally [int. Salley] and Adam [int. adds H.] Bennet [int both of D.], June 16, 1831.
Samson (Sherman) of D. and Innocent Woddle of Tiverton, int. Jan. 22, 1763.
Samuel (Sherman) [int. Shearman] of D. and Olive Clark of Rochester, June 28, 1777, in Rochester.
Samuel (----------- ----------[torn]) [Samuel Shearman, int. Samuel Shearman] and----------[torn, Constant, Content, int. Constant Wodel, both of D.,----------[torn, 19, 1786]. [Samuel Shearman and Constant Wodel, Oct. 19, 1786, P.R.1.]
Samuel (Shearman) [int. Shearman of Westport] and Pernal [int. Parnal] Russell of D.,----------[worn, int. Oct. 24], 1788. [Shearman of Westport and Parnold Russell of D., in. Dec. 4, P.B.1.]
Sarah and Constant Mosher, Oct 6, 1737.
Sarah (Sherman) and William Brownel, Mar. 8, 1742-3, in D., B.C.M.
Sarah, d. Seth and Ruth dec'd of D., and William Anthony, s. William and Alice of D., 12th, 1 mo. 1757, C.R.3.
Sarah (Sherman) [int. Shearman] and Prince Sherman, both of D., Mar. 18, 1762. [Shearman, B.C.M.]
Sarah of D., d. Ruben, and Thomas Reed of D., s. Thomas, Mar. 9, 1780. [Mar. 7, B.C.M.]
Sarah and David Wing, both of D., Aug. 3, 1780.
Sarah (Sherman) [int. Shearman] of Rochester and Abraham Tabor [int. Taber] of D., Sept. 5, 1786, in Rochester.
Sarah, 1795 (see Salley)
Sarah and Jonathan Collins, both of D., int. May 15, 1820. [m. June 18, P.R.1.]
Sarah of D. and Silas Brownell of Fairhaven, int. Aug. 13, 1836.
Seth. s. Daniel dec'd and Sarah of D., and Ruth Lapham, d. John and Mary of D., 1st, 12 mo., "called february," 1737-8, C.R.3.
Shadrach and Elisabeth Wate, both of D., Mar. 9, 1786.
Shadrach of D. and Miss Polly Babbit of Taunton, int. Jan. 8, 1803.
Shubal [int. Shubel] and Meribah Maccumber [int. Maribah Macomber], both of D., Nov. 25, 1773. [Shubal and Meribah Macomber, B.C.M.]
Silvia (Sherman) and Jonathan Maxfeld, both of D., Feb. 10, 1799.
Silvia and Giles Upham, both of D., int June 1, 1822 [dup. Nov. 18, 1821, "forbid . . . as my daughter is not of age Abraham Shearman"].
Silvia [int. Sylvia] W. and Charles Howland [int. both of D.], Dec. 22, 1834.
Stephen and Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] Howland, both of D., Oct. 17, 1779. [Rebecca, B.C.M.]
Stephen and Phebe Jennee [int. Jenne], both of D., Dec. 15, 1785. [Jenne, B.C.M. Jenne, C.R.4.]
Stephen and Hannah Gifford, both of D., int. Sept 8, 1814.
Susanah and John Stephenson, both of D., Dec. 24, 1728.
Susanna (Sherman) and Thomas Philips, both of D., int. May 1, 1752.
Susanna (Sherman) and John Brightman, both of D., Oct 28, 1765.
Susanna [int. Susannah] and Stephen Potter, both of D., Mar. 26, 1767. [Susannah, B.C.M.]
Susunna (Sherman) and Uriel Sherman, both of D., Dec 8, 1791.
Susanna (Sherman), wid., of D., and Fortunatus Pease of Chilmark, Jan. 14, 1800.
Susanna [int. Miss Susannah] of D. [int. d. Ira] and Arnold Bliss [int. Blis Jr.] of D., Dec. 23, 1819.
Susannah, 1770 (see Lusannah)
Susannah [int. Susanna] and Seth Mosher, both of D., Apr. 22, 1774. [Susannah Shermon, B.C.M.]
Susannah and Peleg Allen, both of New Bedford, 2d, 4 mo. 1789, in D., B.C.M. [Susanna, d. Philip and Mary dec'd of D., and Peleg Allen, s. Benjamin and Eliphal of New Bedford, C.R.3.]
Susannah [int. of D.] and Asa Brown of Newbedford, Oct. 22, 1822.
Sylvia (see also Silvia)
Sylvia and Dean Chace, both of D., Dec. 1, 1831.
Sylvia M., Miss, and Barzillai Harvy, both of D., int. July 1, 1829.
Thomas and----------[faded] Potter, int. May 6, 1727. [Ruth] Potter, P.R.41.]
Thomas and Hiphzibah [int. Hephzibah] Potter, both of D., Dec. 27, 1769. [Hephzibah, B.C.M.]
Thomas of D. and Sarah B. Delano of Rochester, int. Apr. 4, 1834.
Thomas and Salley P. Chace, both of D., int. June 12, 1840.
Thomas of D. and Susan T. West of New Bedford, int. Feb. 23, 1848.
Thyrza [int. Thurzey] of D. and Jethro Howland of Westport, Feb. 9, 1834.
Timothy [int. Sherman] Jr. and Catherine Brightman, both of D., Mar. 8, 1764. [Sheaman Jr., B.C.M.]
Tirzah (see Thyrza)
Tisdale [int. Tisdal] and Susannah Farrar [int. Farrer], both of D., Nov. --, 1772.
Tisdale of D. and Susannah Eddy of D. [int. late of Swanzey, now a resident in D.], Jan. 25, 1778.
Uriah of D. and [int. Miss] Mary Peirce, resident in D., Oct. 4, 1812.
Uriel (Sherman) and Susanna Sherman, both of D., Dec. 8, 1791.
Walter, s. Sampson of Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I., and Ruth, and Hulda Wilbour, d. Jonathan of D. and Hulda, 30th, 8 mo. 1797, C.R.3.
Wanton B. [int. Shearmon] and Nancy H. Gidley, both of D., Mar. 20, 1842.
Wanton H., single, 28, mariner, of D., b. D., s. John and Sarah of D., and Marianna Almy, 21 [int. of D.], d. John C. and Ruth of D., Jan. 28, 1845, in D.
Weston [int. Wesson] (Sherman) of D. and Eliza Cook of New Bedford, Nov. 5, 1797, in New Bedford.
Wikon [ ? Wikon or Wilson] of Tiverton and Mary Davis of Westport, Oct. 27, 1834.
Willard and Clarinda Macomber, both of D., Sept. 6, 1840.
William (Shermon) Jr. and Dority Russel, June 4, 1713.
William (Sherman) of D., s. William, and Lydia Briggs of D., int. Nov. 8, 1753.
William [int. Jr.] of D., s. William, and Hannah Sheamman of D., July 14, 1777. [William, July 24, B.C.M.]
William (Sherman) and Sarah Chase, both of D., July 10, 1790.
William and Hephsabah Killy, both of D., int. Dec. 27, 1804.
William and Catherine Cory, both of D., Aug. 29, 1822.
William W., single, mariner, of D., b. D., s. William and Hepsabeth of D., and Esther Durfee of D., b. Westport, d. Thomas and Mary of D., Feb. 27, 1845, in D.
Wilson (see Wikon)
Zerniah and Ebenezer Cushman, both of D., Sept 19, 1750 [1750 Written after 1749 crossed out, int. Aug. 25, 1750]. [Sept 19, 1750, B.C.M.]
Zoeth and Delight Brownell, both of D., Oct. 21, 1787.
SHEEPHERD (see Shepherd)
SHEIFE (see Shrefe)
John and Hannah Rider, both of D., Sept 20, 1781.
Jonathan [int. Sheldon] and Lezeann Rider, both of D., Oct. 7, 1784.
SHEPHERD (Sheepherd, Shepard, Sheppard, Shepheard)
Abigail, d. Daniel and Mary of D., and Peleg Gifford, s. Jonathan dec'd of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., and Lydia, 27th, 2 mo., "called April," 1743, C.R.3.
Abner, s. John dec'd and Dorcas of D., and Hannah Gifford, d. William dec'd and Elizabeth of D., June 16, 1763, C.R.3.
Abner and Apphia Mott, both of D., 29th, 5 mo. 1788, B.C.M. [Abner of D., s. Abner dec'd of D. and Hannah, and Apphia [int. Abthia] Mott, d. Adam of D. and Rachel, C.R.3.]
Abner (Shepard) [int. Shepherd] of D. and Abigail Booth Keen of Pembroke, Mar. 16, 1794, in Pembroke.
Daniel (Shepherd) [int. Shepard], s. Daniel of D., and Mary Shearman [int. Sherman], d. William of D., 1st, 3 mo., "called May," 1718, C.R.3.
David and Elisabeth----------, second w., May 11, 1770, C.R.3.
Deborah, d. John and Dorcas of D., and John Howland, s. John and Mary of D., 5th, 12 mo., "called february," 1745-6, C.R.3.
Deborah of New Bedford and Benjamin Howland of D., Nov. 25, 1787, in New Bedford.
EIisabeth and William Hammond, both of D., int. Feb. 25, 1745.
Elizabeth, d. John of D. and Abigail, and Harper Bowerman [int. Borman] of Fairfield, Lincoln Co., s. Benjamin dec'd and Elizabeth, 19th, 4 mo. 1790, C.R.3.
Freelove and Joseph Esland, both of D., Mar. 6, 1728.
Gideon of New Bedford, s. David of New Bedford and Reliance (both dec'd), and Abigail Akin, d. Thomas of D. and Rebeca, 26th, 5 mo. 1802, C.R.3.
Hannah of D. and Samuel Hammond Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of D. [int. s. Thomas], Jan. 29, 1755.
Hannah (Shephard) and David Gifford, both of D., int. Mar. 16, 1771.
Jernima [int. Jemimah] of D. and Ephraim Elebury [int. Elsbery] Jr. of Freetown, Mar. 30, 1749, in Freetown.
Jemima, d. John and Dorcas of D., and John Wing, s. Joseph and Catharine of D., 25th, "of the month called October," 1750, C.R.3.
John (Shepheard) of D. and Dorcas Wing of Sandwich, Jan. 4, 1719, in Sandwich.
John (Sheepherd) of D. and Ruth Whiten of Swaney, int. June 25, 1751.
John Jr. and Amie Davis, both of D., Apr. 3, 1788. [Apr. 3, 1778, B.C.M.]
John of Deerfield, N. H., and Sarah A. Williams of D., int. May 28, 1844.
Lydia, d. John and Dorcas, and Daniel Wing, s. Joseph and Catharine, all of D., Oct. 25, 1753, C.R.3.
Mary, d. Daniel and Mary of D., and William Hart, s. William dec'd and Sarah of D., 19th, 4 mo., "called June," 1740, C.R.3.
Mercy of D., d. Joseph Keene of Pembrook, Plimouth Co., and Rebechah, and Stephen Mosher of D., s. Obediah dec'd of Tiverton, Newport Co., R. I., and Hannah, 19th, 6 mo. 1809, C.R.3.
Meribah, d. David of D. and Reliance (dec'd), and James Howland, s. James of D. and Elizebeth, Aug. 2, 1775, C.R.3.
Nathaniel and Experience Spooner, both of D., Dec. 8, 1724.
Nathaniel and Polly Wheelden, both of D., int. Oct. 11, 1823.
Phebe (Sheepherd) [int. Shepherd], d. John and Abigail of D., and Benjamin Bowerman [int. Boreman] of Fairfield, Lincoln Co., s. Benjamin dec'd of Falmouth and Elizabeth, 27th, 1 mo. 1796, C.R.3.
Rebecah of D. and William W. Morgan, resident in D., int. May 29, 1813.
Reliance (Shephard) [int. Shepherd], d. David of D. and Reliance (dec'd), and John Howland, s. James and Elizabeth dec'd of D., 5th, 1 mo. 1780, C.R.3.
Ruth (Shephard) of D. and Benjamin Gifford of Sandwitch, int. Sept. 13, 1760.
Ruth (Shephard). d. John and Abigail of D., and Job Sisson, s. Lemuel and Deborah of D., 3d, 3 mo. 1779, C.R.3.
SHERIFE (see Shrefe)
SHERMAN (see Shearman)
SHERMON (see Shearman)
David M. of Fairhaven and Catharine Haskins of D., int. July 29, 1841.
George and Virtue Eastland, both of D., int. Oct. 13, 1772. [Hephsebah Eastland, m. Nov. 19, C.R.4.]
Joseph and Ame Hammond, both of D., int. Dec. 8, 1781.
Samuel and Susanna Cushman, both of D., Mar. 6, 1785.
Samuel (Shomake) and Lucretia Wilson, both of Newbedford, Aug. 13, 1839.
Sarah and Abraham Russell, 10th, 5 mo. 1785, in Philadelphia, P.R.22.
Esther of Plymouth and Silus Brayley of Freetown, Mar. 12, 1818.
Benjamin of Fall River, Bristol Co., s. Abraham of Somerset, Bristol Co., and Rebecca, and Ann Potter, d. Abner of D. and Sarah, 30th, 10 mo. 1839, C.R.3.
Rebecca, wid. Samuel, d. Abraham Tucker dec'd of D. and Rebecca, and George Folger, s. Abisha and Sarah (dec'd) of Sherbon in Nantucket, 10th, 3 mo. 1782, C.R.3.
Samuel, s. Edward and Phebe of Dighton, and Abigail Anthony, d. William and Alice of D., July 9, 1760, C.R.3.
Samuel, s. Edward and Phebe of Dighton, and Rebekah Tucker, d. Abraham dec'd and Rebekah of D., Nov. 11, 1762, C.R.3.
Theophilus, s. Edward of Berkley, Bristol Co., and Elizabeth both dec'd, and Anna Gifford Gifford, d. Stephen of D. and Rhoda dec'd, 6th, 9 mo. 1815, C.R.3.
SHREFE (Sheife, Sherife, Shreif, Shreife, Shrief)
Abigail (Shreife) [int. Sherife] and Abraham Briggs, both of D., Dec. 8, 1765. [Shrief, B.C.M.]
Amie (Sheife) of Tiverton and Ephraim Chamberlin of D., int. Apr. 23, 1763.
Daniel (Sherife) of D. and Eliphal Shaw of Little Compton. int. Jan. 7, 1766.
Joshua (Shreif) of Smithfeild, R. I., and Bashaba Dyre of D., int. June 24, 1758.
Mary and William Tillinghast, both of D., Oct. 28, 1770.
Ruth and Stephen Anthony, both of D., Apr. 15, 1772.
William (Shrief) of Tivertown and Margert Maoumber of D., int. Mar. 29, 1760.
John and Patience Potter, Mar. 6, 1792, C.B.4.
SIMMONS (Semmons, Semons, Simon, Simons)
Abraham (Simons) and Mary S. Allen, both of D., Feb. 9, 1840.
Alpheus, resident in D., and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Allen of D., Apr. 13, 1808.
Amos Jr. and Wealthy Taber, Sept. 30, 1792, C.R.4.
Amos (Simon) and Lucretia Anthony, both of D., int. Mar. 26, 1820.
Charlottee (Simons) and John Anthony, "people of Colour," Aug. 14, 1821.
Christiana (Semons) [int. Simons] and Robert Jackson [int. "people of colour"], resedents of D., July 4, 1824.
Christopher of Tiverton [int. resident in D.] and Sally Peirce [int. Perce] of D., Mar. 16, 1817.
Deborah (Simons) and Robert Simon[torn, Simons], both of D., int. Oct. 26, 1763.
Deborah (Simon) and Thomas Jeffrey, int. Dec. 9, 1769.
Eber C. of D. and Penelope Brownell of Westport, int. July 8, 1839.
Elisabeth and William Cowen, both of D., int. Apr. 7, 1820. [m. Apr. 23, P.R.1.]
Ephraim of Little Compton and Mary Richmond of D., int. Aug. 10, 1777.
Hannah of Westport and Andrew T. Wilbur of D., int. Oct. 27, 1838.
Isaac (Simons) and Violet Russell, both of D., Oct. 23, 1787. [Simmons, B.C.M.]
Isaac (Simon) and Rachel Prince, "black people," int. Dec. 16, 1792.
Isaac (Simon) of D. and Eunice [dup. Eunis] Boston [dup. resident in D.], int. Oct. 31, 1824 [dup. June 11, 1820].
James (Simon) and Silvester Elisha, both of D., int. Feb. 18, 1748.
James (Semmons) [int. Simmons] and Mary Ann Hire [int. Hyre], both of D., Feb. 3, 1835.
John of Freetown and Bettey Meranville of D., int. Apr. 16, 1762.
John of Little Compton and Hannah Brightman of D., int. Dec. 28, 1766.
John, single, 21, mariner, of D., s. Mary C., and Eliza L. Taylor, 19, of D., b. D., d. Isaiah and Sarah of D., June 7, 1846.
Jonathan of Tiverton [int Little Comton] and Elisabeth [int Elizabeth] Smith of D., July 2, 1778. [Jonathan of Tiverton and Elizabeth Smith of D., B.C.M.]
July Ann A. of Littlecompton and Job Slocum of D., int. July 15, 1836.
Lydia B., Miss, and David K. Rider, both of D., int. July 24, 1829. [David R., m. Aug. 19, P.R.1.]
Lydia H. of Littlecompton and Francis Veray of D., int. Nov. 16, 1833.
Malinda (Simons) of D. and Abraham Cooper, resident of D., int. Apr. 23, 1820.
Malinda (Simons) of D. and Elisha Peterson, resident in D., int. Feb. 18, 1821.
Maria of D. and Frederick Coggeshall of Tiverton, R. I., June 14, 1840.
Mary, wid., of Little Compton, and Col. Seth Pope of D., int. Nov. 8, 1779.
Nancy and Ezra Killey, int. Jan. 10, 1823.
Pardon and Cythea [int. Cynthia] Mosher, both of D., Sept. 13, 1840.
Polly and Thomas Ashley, both of Freetown, May 21, 1843, in Freetown.
Rachal of Little Compton and Eseck Potter of D., int. Nov. 5, 1772.
Rebecca of Fall River and William Cowen Jr. of D., int. Oct. 27, 1838.
Reuben and Patience Tripp, both of Westport, Apr. 12, 1835.
Robert (Simon[torn, Simons) and Deborah Simons, both of D., int. Oct. 26, 1763.
Sally and Humphrey Macumber, both of D., int. Mar. 9, 1806.
Sarah of D. and Elisha Barrow of Rochester, Aug. 18, 1784.
Sarah P. of Littlecompton and Solomon Slocum of D., int. Jan. 8, 1832.
Simon (Simon) and Dorcas Eddy, "black people," int. Jan. 12, 1793.
Stephen (Simon) and Bethiah [int. Bethia] Jeffers, "black people." Mar. 13, 1794. [Bethia. B.C.M.]
Susanna, Mrs., and James Butts, both of D., int. June 11, 1825. [m. July 17, P.R.1.]
SIMMS (see Sims)
SIMON (see Simmons)
SIMONS (see Simmons)
David, widr. [int. omits widr.], 31, hatter, resident of D., b. Philadelphia, s. David and Margarett of Philadelphia, and Susan M. Nickerson, wid., 37, of D., b. D., d. Fortunatus Pease and Susan of D., Dec. 24, 1846.
SIMS (Simms)
Benjamin and Deborah Mosher, both of D., Sept. 6, 1776.
Deborah (Simms) [int. wid.] of D. and Nathaniel Sowle [int Sowl] of Westport, Jan. 13, 1793. [Deborah of D. and Nathaniel Sowle of Westport, B.C.M.]
Hitty, wid. [int. omits wid.], of D., b. D., and Edward Peets, widr. [int. omits widr.], carpenter [int of D.], Aug. 11, 1844, in D.
James of Newbedford and Miss Mehetable [int. Mahitable] Baker of D., July 14, 1831.
Daniel and Sarah Thomas, both of D., int. Oct. 8, 1768.
Abigail of D., d. John, and Joseph Almy of D., s. Job, Nov. 10, 1750.
Abner of Westport and Miss Edith Wood of D., int. Nov. 4, 1826.
Ackiel and Mary West, Jan. 6, 1788, C.R.4.
Ailce and William Sanford Jr., both of D., May 14, 1769. [Alice, B.C.M.]
Allen of Westport and Elisabeth [int. Miss Eliza] Estis of D., July 28, 1812.
Ann [int. Nanny] and Benjamin Cory, both of D., Oct. 31, 1779. [Ann, B.C.M.]
Bathsheba (see Bershebe)
Benjamin of D. and Deborah Tayler of Little Comton, int. Apr. 29, 1748.
Benjamin of D. and Elizabeth Shaw of Little Compton, int. Sept. 16, 1782.
Beriah and Marcy Peekcom, both of D., int. Jan. 27, 1775.
Bershebe [int. Barshabe] and John Tibbitts [int. Tibbets], both of D., Mar. 2, 1777. [Barshabe and John Tibbits, B.C.M.]
Constant and Elizebeth Rix, both of D., int. Jan. 31, 1751-2.
Daniel and Rhoda Sisson, both of D., July 29, 1784.
David and Miss Almira Smith, both of D., Oct. 8, 1835.
Desire and James Anthony, both of D., int. Oct. 7, 1758.
Eliza A., 31, d. George and Mahala, and Humphrey Tripp, single, 43, farmer, of Westport, b. Westport, s. Elihu and Mary of Westport, Oct. 22, 1848.
George and Mary Brownell, both of D., int. Oct 28, 1773.
George and Rhoda Shearman, both of D., June 28, 1779.
George and Ruth Case, both of D., Feb. 16, 1794.
Gideon and Phebe Allen, both of D., Sept. 2, 1787.
Gilbert [int. of D.], s. Constant and Elisabeth of D., and Mrs. Mary [int. Phebe omits Mrs.] Briggs [int. of Tiverton], d. Mrs. Mary Briggs of Tiverton, Nov. 2, 1780, in Tiverton.
Hannah and Alexander B. Gifford, both of Westport, Oct. 31, 1841.
Hannah M. of Newbedford and William I. Norton of Newport, R. I., July 14, 1839.
James of D., s. Richard, and Hannah Howland of D., d. Zoeth, Dec. 6, 1750.
James and Elisabeth Howland, both of D., int. Sept. 17, 1758.
Job, s. Lemuel and Deborah of D., and Ruth Shephard, d. John and Abigail of D., 3d, 3 mo. 1779, C.R.3.
John, s. John and Rebeckah of D., and Sibbil Huddlestone, d. Peleg and Mary of D., Nov. 8, 1750, C.R.3.
John and Naomi Smith, both of D., Nov. 23, 1752. [ John Jr., B.C.M.]
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary of D., and Hannah Howland, d. Samuel and Sarah of D., 29th, 11 mo., "called January," [1746-7], C.R.3.
Joseph of D. and Thankfull Dwelly of Tiverton, R. I., int. Sept. 1, 1749.
Joseph and Phebe T. White, both of D., Dec. 8, 1818.
Judith of D. and Daniel Fish [int. of D.], Oct. 17, 1751. [Fisk, both of D., B.C.M.]
Judith of D. and Oliver W. Cook of Tiverton, R. I., int. May 21, 1795.
Julia Ann and Charles M. C. Norton, both of Newbedford, Apr. 9, 1832.
Lemuel, s. Richard late of D. and Mehetabel, and Deborah Wing, d. Edward and Sarah late of D., 27th, 9 mo., "called november," 1745, C.R.3.
Leonard, widr. [int. omits widr.], 26, housewright, of Westport, b. Westport, s. David of Westport, and Charlotte [int. Sharlot] W. Gifford, 20, tailoress, of D., b. D., d. Elihu of D., Feb. 3, 1845, in D.
Lidya and Wesson Tatman, both of D., int. Oct. 5, 1754.
Marcy and Philip [int. Phillip] Shearman, both of D., Feb. 19, 1766. [Mercy and Phillip Shearman, B.C.M.]
Mary, d. Jonathan of D. and Mary dec'd, and Nicolas Howland, s. Samuel of D. and Sarah dec'd, 4th, 11 mo., "called January," 1750-1, C.R.3.
Mary and Elemuel Milk, both of D., Dec. 17, 1767. [Lemuel, B.C.M.]
Mary and Robert Carr, both of Providence Plantation, R. I., Nov. 27, 1778.
Mary and Seth Devol, both of D., int. Dec. 9, 1785.
Mary of Portsmouth, R. I., and Abraham Tucker of D., int. May 5, 1798.
Nancy (see Ann, 1779)
Nathaniel, s. William dec'd and Lydia of D., and Grace Gifford, d. Benjamin and Ruth dec'd of D., 2d, 2 mo. 1781, C.R.3.
Peleg and Hannah Brownel, both of D., int. Feb. 9, 1793.
Perry of Westport and Elisabeth Macumber of D., int. Jan. 10, 1810.
Philip of Tiverton, R. I. [int. omits R. I.], and Elizabeth Willbore [int. Wilbour] of D., June 16, 1757.
Philip of D. [int. s. Richard] and Hope Anthony Jr. of D., May 1, 1763.
Rhoda and Daniel Sisson, both of D., July 29, 1784.
Rhoda of Westport and James Gifford of D., int. Mar. 13, 1802.
Ruth and Humphry Lapham, both of D., July 27, 1786.
Sarah and William Devil, May 30, 1708.
Sarah and Joseph Devol, both of D., Apr. 10, 1817.
Sarah S. and Joseph Crapo, both of D., Nov. 29, 1832.
Silvanus and Meribah [int. Meribath] Potter, both of D., Jan. 28, 1786 [int. Jan. 12, 1776]. [Meribah, Jan. 28, 1776, B.C.M.]
Stephen and Phebe Barker, both of D., Sept. 21, 1766.
Stephen and Patience Tucker both of D., Sept. 22, 1791.
Stephen Jr. and Miss Sarah Morton, both of D., int. Sept. 18, 1820.
Susannah, d. Richard late of D. and Mehetabel, and Beriah Goddard of D., 1st, 6 mo., "called August," 1745, C.R.3.
Sylvia Ann and Elam Chace [int both of D.], Aug. 29, 1839.
Thankfull and Benjamin Davis, both of D., int. July 25, 1768.
Thomas of D. and Sarah Wilcox of Tiverton, int. Sept. 30, 1786.
Uriel of Westport and Miss Nancy Allen of D., int. Sept. 15, 1827.
Warren of Westport and Nancy Bliss of D., Aug. 28, 1817.
William, s. Jonathan and Mary of D., and Lydia Potter, d. Nathanael and Mary of D., 3d, 1 mo., "called March," 1748, C.R.3.
William and Silvia Allen, both of D., Aug. 21, 1783.
Willson of D. and Sarah L. [int. Liscomb] Millon, resident in D., Jan. 14, 1790. [Wilson and Sarah L. Wilson, B.C.M.]
Abigail and John Ripley, both of D., June 25, 1784. [June 24, B.C.M. C.R.4.]
Ann Jr. [int. Skeff, omits Jr.] of Chilmark and Admiral Potter of D., Nov. 16, 1774, in Chilmark.
Bershab[worn, Bersheba, Bershaba, int. Barshabe] and Elnathan Taber, both of D., Oct. 10, 1784. [Barshaba, B.C.M. Bathsheba, C.R.4.]
Carolin, 23, b. New Bedford, d. Thomas and Rebecca, and Seth Morton, single, 36, sailmaker, b. New Bedford, s. Josiah and Abigail, all of New Bedford, Sept. 9, 1849.
Exsperience, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Ziba Fuller, both of D., Feb. —, 1785. [Experience, B.C.M.]
Hannah and Caleb Weeden [int. Weedon], both of D., Oct. 1, 1778. [Weeden, B.C.M. C.R.4.]
John of D. and Mary Makepeace of Taunton, int. Dec. 8, 1780.
Polly of New Bedford and Barlow Hammond of Rochester, Jan. 4, 1802, C.R.4.
Sullivan and Mary Maria Randall, both of Newbedford, May 2, 1837.
Alfred E. of Newbedford and Hannah Peats of D., Oct. 21, 1838.
Elisabeth and Abner Hillman, July 22, 1783, in Boston.
SLADE (Slad, Slead)
Edward (Slead) [int. Slead], s. Edward and Eliphal of D., and Elizabeth Potter, d. William Hollyda and Patience of D., 29th, 10 mo. 1801, C.R.3.
Esther, d. Joseph and Hannah dec'd of D., and William Hart, s. William and Mary of D., May 15, 1766, C.R.3.
Hannah (Slead) of Swaney and William Bowdash Jr. of D., int. Mar. 15, 1779.
Joseph (Slead) [int. Slaid], s. Edward and Phebe both dec'd of Swaney, Bristol Co., and Deborah Howland, wid. John of D., Oct. 23, 1760, C.R.3.
Lucy H. and Andrew Slocum, both of Westport, Nov. 15, 1838.
Mary (Slad) of Newbedford and Killey S. Eldredge Jr. of Fairhaven, Sept. 27, 1836.
Mary and William Barker Jr., both of D., int. Sept. 7, 1842.
Patience of D. and Silas Delano of Fairhaven, 30th, 6 mo. 1842, in D. [Patience, d. Caleb of D. and Hannah, and Silas Delano of Fairhaven, s. Amaziah of Fairhaven, Bristol Co., and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Ruth H. and Esek Little, both of D., May 31, 1835.
Samuel (Slead) [int. Slade] of D., s. Edward of D. and Eliful, and Peace Wing of D., d. Benjamin of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., and Peace dec'd, 30th, 11 mo. 1797, C.R.3.
Shearman, s. Edward (Sleade) of Westport and Eliphal dec'd, and Elizabeth Howland, d. Timothy dec'd and Lucy of D., 29th, 1 mo. 1806, C.R.3.
Zephaniah (Slead), s. Edward and Eliphal dec'd of Westport, and Anna Gifford, d. William and Freelove of D., 3d, 4 mo. 1806, C.R.3.
David and Fally Crosman, Nov. 8, 1787, C.R.4.
SLEAD (see Slade)
John [int. Sluman] and Olive Stoddard, both of D., Nov. 6, 1785. [Sluman, B.C.M. Sleeman [?], C.R.4.]
SLOCUM (Slocom)
Abby and Humphry [int. Humphrey] Wood, both of D., July 19, 1835.
Abigail and Isaac Howland Jr., both of D., May 1, 1777.
Abraham (Slocom) of D., s. Ebenezer, and Abigail [int. Abigael] Smith of D., d. George,----------[int. Aug. 16, 1749]. [Slocum and Abigail Smith, m. Sept. 15, 1749, B.C.M.]
Alice of D., d. Peleg, and Williams Allen of D., s. Ebenezer, Mar. 21, 1782.
Almy [int. Miss] and Holder Howland [int. both of D.], May I2, 1831. [Apr. 4, P.R.16.]
Amie and Godfrey Cornel, both of D., Mar. 20, 1794. [Cornell, B.C.M.]
Amy and Pardon Wing, both of D., Feb. 22, 1810.
Andrew and Lucy H. Slade, both of Westport, Nov. 15, 1838.
Ann (Slocom) [int. Anne of D.], d. EIeazer, and Job Almy [int. Jr. of D.], s. Job, Apr. 27, 1750. [Ann Slocum and Job Almy of D., B.C.M.]
Avis, d. John and Martha of D., and Silvanus FoIger, s. Timothy and Abiel of Nantucket, 23d, 7 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin late of D. and Meribah, and Phebe Wing, d. John and Mary of D., 4th, 7 mo., "Called September," 1751, C.R.3.
Benjamin and Hannah C. Howland, both of D., int. June 14, 1834.
Caesar (see Cesar)
Caleb and Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] Gifford, both of D., Mar. 21, 1795. [Mehetabel, B.C.M.]
Catey and Simon Anthony, "black people," both of D., int. Jan. 9, 1798.
Catherine of Tiverton and James Kerby of D., Feb. 28, 1780.
Cato and Martha Slocum [int. Solomon, "black people"], both of D., Jan. 28, 1798, in New Bedford.
Ceser, "Negro man," and Martha Adams, "Molatto Woman," both of D., int. Sept. 24, 1774.
Ceser, "Negro man belonging to Christopher Slocum," and Mary Prince, "Mustte," d. Mary (wid.), int. Apr. 26, 1775.
Charles, s. Ebenezer and Bathsheba of D., and Sarah Allen, d. Ebenezer and Margrate of D., 25th, 8 mo. 1749, C.R.3.
Charles [int. of Chilmark, Dukes Co.] and Polly Devol [int. of D.], Dec. 21, 1801.
Charles, resident in D., and [int. Miss] Jane Haskins of Freetown, Aug. 7, 1810.
Charles Jr. and Lucy Allen, both of D., int. June 1, 1833.
Charles of D. and Ruby [dup. crossed out, Robey, int. Roby] Allen of Newbedford, Dec. 28 [dup. crossed out, Dec. 18], 1837, in Newbedford.
Christopher [int. 2d] of D., s. Peleg, and Phebe Willcox of D., Feb. 10, 1791. [Christopher and Phebe Wilcox, B.C.M.]
Content of D. and Peter Eson of R. I., Apr. 17, 1705 [dup. crossed out, 1725]. [Content, d. Peleg of D., and Peter Easton of R. I., s. Peter dec'd of R. I., C.R.3.]
Cook of D. and Ruth Brown of Littlecomptown, int. Mar. 2, 1815.
Cuffee (Slocom), "negro man," and Ruth Moses, "indian woman," both of D., July 9, 1747.
Cynthia [int. Miss Sintha] and Bradford Howland, both of D., Mar. 5, 1812.
David, "Mulatto man" [int. "a Musttee"], of D., and Hope Page, "Indian woman" [int. "Molatto woman"], of Freetown, Nov. —, 1771.
Deborah, d. Eleazer dec'd and Deborah of D., and Prince Howland, s. John dec'd and Mary of D., Dec. 27, 1752, C.R.3.
Deborah and Philip Howland, both of D., int. May 14, 1788.
Deborah, Miss, of Chilmark, and Holder Russell of D., Aug. 15, 1791, in Chilmark.
Deliverance of D. and Ralph Chapman Jr. of Newport, 8th, 10 mo. 1702, C.R.3.
Ebenezer and Sarah Wood, both of D., Mar. 22, 1778.
Ebenezer of Tiverton and Rebecca Briggs, wid., of D., June 4, 1778.
Eleazer and Anstis Voyal, both of D., Mar. 14, 1765. [Vival, B.C.M.]
Eliezer, s. Eliezer of D., and Deborah Smith, d. Deliverance of D., 10th, 7 mo. 1716, C.R.3.
Elihu and Sarah Smith, both of D., int. Dec. 2, 1792.
Eliphel, d. Eleazer late of D. and Deborah, and Benjamin Allen, s. Benjamin and Deborah of D., 12th, 3 mo., "called may," 1748, C.R.3.
Eliza Ann, Miss, and Willard Almy, both of D., int. May 31, 1828.
Elizabeth, d. Holder dec'd and Rebekah of D., and Benjamin Russell, s. Benjamin and Abigail of D., July 31, 1760, C.R.3.
Elizabeth and Elihu Russell, both of D., int. Nov. 28, 1762. [Elizabeth, d. John and Deborah of D., and Elihu Russell, s. Daniel and Edeth (dec'd) of D., m. 31st, 3 mo. 1763, C.R.3.]
Elizabeth [int. Miss] and William Hull, both of D., Nov. 2, 1812.
Elizebeth, d. Peleg of D., and Isaac Barker of Duxbury, 23d, 8 mo. 1707, C.R.3.
Ephraim G., single, 28, farmer, b. D., s. Abram and Deborah, and Ruth H. Butts, 22, b. D., d. Holder and Comfort, all of D., Oct. 18, 1846, in D.
Frankford, "Negro Man," and Mary Dick, "Indian woman," both of D., int. Nov. 15, 1760.
Frederick [int. Fredrick, Capt.] and [int. Miss] Lydia Russell, both of D., May 4, 1809.
Frederick of D. and Sarah Ann Smith of Providence, R. I., int. Aug. 10, 1844.
George F. of D. and Miss Jane W. Ward of Newbedford, int. Aug. 30, 1827.
George N. and Ruth Howland, both of D., int. Sept. 17, 1833.
George N. and Hannah Ashley, both of a, June 27, 1837.
George W., single, 29, mariner, of D., b. D., s. Otis and Patience] of D., and Sarah Jane Allen, 18 [int. of D.], d. Henry J. and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1848 [ ? in New Bedford].
Giles, s. Peleg late of D., and Silvia Russell, d. Benjamin and Abigail of D., 29th, "of the month called September," 1748, C.R.3.
Giles and Rebecka Smith, both of D., Aug. 19, 1791. [Rebecca, Aug. 14, B.C.M.]
Holder and Abigail Tucker, both of D., Oct. 8, 1771.
Holder [int. 2d of D.] and Hannah Sherman of D., Dec. 24, [sic, int. Dec. 31], 1794. [Holder 2d, m. Dec. 24, B.C.M.]
Holder of Chilmark and Roby Smith of D., Dec. 17, 1818.
Holder Esq. and [int. Miss] Maria H. C. Reynolds, both of D., Feb. 15, 1832.
Humphrey, s. John, and Sally Brightman of D., int. Jan. 3, 1815.
Humphry of D. and Amie Chase of Porthmouth, R. I., int. Dec. 9, 1757.
James H. and Nancy Allen, both of D., July 10, 1834.
James T. and Miss Rebecah H. Ricketson, both of D., int. June 1, 1821.
Jane of D. and William Russell of Freetown, int. Mar. 12, 1835.
Joannah of D. and Daniel Weden of James Town, Mar. 2, 1720-1. [Joanah, d. Eleazer of D., and Daniel Weeden, s. John dec'd of Jamestown, R. I., 2d, 1 mo., " called March," 1721, C.R.3.]
Job of D. and July Ann A. Simmons of Littlecompton, int. July 15, 1836.
John and Deborah Almy, Dec. 21, 1738.
John of Middletown, R. I., and Deborah Keen of D., int. May 15, 1754.
John Jr. and Robe Briggs, both of D., int. Oct 9, 1767.
John Jr., resident of D., and Almy Shearman of D., int. Aug. 21, 1805.
John and Miss Salley Akin, residents of D., int. Jan. 1, 1828.
John B. and Dulsenia [int. Dulsena] Reynolds, both of D., Feb. 26, 1838.
Jonas L. and Mary Morell, both of D., Aug. 29, 1782.
Jonathan, "Mulatto Man," and Hephzibah Auchoouch [int. Aucooch], "Indian woman" [int. both of D.], Dec. 6, 1772.
Jonathan of D. and Bethyah Rogars of Marshfield, int. May 24, 1777.
Jonathan Jr. and Lydia Cushman, both of D., int. Nov. 5, 1796.
Judeth [int. Miss Judith] and Daniel Macomber, both of D., Mar. 23, 1826.
Julia A., 24, of D., b. D., d. Jams T. [int. written on loose paper, James J.] and Rebecca of D., and William C. Peirce, single, 26, merchant, of New Bedford, b. New Bedford, s. CIother [int. Clothier] and Comfort of New Bedford, May 24, 1848 [? in New Bedford].
London and Elisabeth Thomas, "Molattos," both of D., int. Sept. 24, 1774.
Lucy of Chilmark and Isaac Williams of Elisabeth Town, N. J., June 24, 1819.
Lydia, wid., of Chilmark, and Howard Russell of D., int. Dec. 6, 1795.
Lydia of Chilmarke and Levi Smith of D., int. Apr. 9, 1814.
Lydia of D. and Henry Chace of New York, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
Lydia [int. adds W.] and Israel Brightman, both of D., Feb. 3, 1841.
Martha and Isaac Toccomonna [int. Touomona], "Black people," both of D., Aug. 10, 1785. [Toccomonna, B.C.M.]
Martha [int. Solomon] and Cato Slocum [int. "black people"], both of D., Jan. 28, 1798, in New Bedford.
Mary of R. I. and Abraham Tucker, s. Henry dec'd of D., Oct. 30, 1679.
Mary of D. and John Hadley of Newport, 24th, 6 mo. 1699, C.R.3.
Mary (Slocom) and Job Briggs, Sept. 16, 1737.
Mary, d. Eleazer dec'd of D. and Deborah, and Daniel Howland, s. Nicholas and Hannah dec’d of D., 2d, 2 mo., "called April," 1741, C.R.3.
Mary and William Tucker, both of D., int. Nov. 30, 1754 [dup. Nov. 16, 1754, "ye 4th Day of ye mo 1755.. . forbid"].
Mary and Michel Waner [int. Mikel Wanne], "Mulattoes," both of D., Oct. 11, 1772.
Mary, negro, of D., and Robin Cadman, negro, of Portsmouth, int. May 5, 1773.
Mary, d. Benjamin of D., and Benjamin Howland [int. 3d], s. Benjamin dec'd and Mary of D., 29th, 10 mo. 1777, C.R.3.
Mary A., 19 [int. of D.], b. D., d. Ricketson and Joanna, and Giles F. Allen, single, 24, mariner, of D., b. D., s. Henry T. and Sarah W. of D., Dec. 5, 1848 [? in New Bedford].
Mary Ann, Mrs., and Henry H. Crapo, both of D., int. May 22, 1825.
Mary D. and Holder Allen, both of D., int. Mar. 18, 1832.
Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] of D. [int. Chilmark] and Deliverance Smith of D., Apr. 9, 1795. [Mehetable, both of D., B.C.M.]
Meribah and William Ricketson, both of D., 25th, 7 mo. 1708, C.R.3.
Merrebah [signed Meribah], wid., of D., and John Wanton of Providence, R. I., 14th, 3 mo. 1746, C.R.3.
Nancy [int. Miss] and [int. Dr.] Silas Olds [int. both of D.], Nov. 2, 1806.
Nancy and John Slocum Himes, resident in D., May 8, 1809.
Oliver of Chilmark [int. adds Dukes Co.] and Lydia Cheney [int. of D.], Sept. 7, 1792. [Lydia of D., B.C.M.]
Otis and Amy Wing [int. both of D.], Apr. 11, 1822.
Patience of D. and John AIlen of Westport, Oct. 26, 1817.
Paul [int. of D.], s. Benjamin of D., and Elisabeth Easton of Newport, R. I., d. Walter,-----------[int. Dec. 4, 1779], in Newport, R. I.
Peleg, s. Peleg dec'd and Rebekah of D., and Elizabeth Brown, d. William and Hannah dec'd, 28th, "of the Month called September," 1748, C.R.3.
Peleg of D., s. Holder dec'd, and Amie Russell of D., int. Jan. 12, 1760.
Peleg [signed Peleg Jr.], s. Holder dec'd and Rebecca of D., and Lucey Howland, d. James and Elisabeth of D., Jan. 25, 1769, C.R.3.
Peleg and Elizabeth Ricketson, both of D., 3d, 12 mo. 1788, B.C.M. [Peleg, s. Peleg of D. and Lucy dec'd, and Elizabeth Ricketson, d. William of D. and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Peleg White [int. Peleg White Jr., omits Slocum] and [int. Miss] Elisabeth Allen, both of D., Jan. 12, 1809.
Phebe [int. Jr.] of D. and Walter Easton Jr. of Newport, Jane 19, 1783.
Phebe and Daniel Macomber [int. both of D.], Oct. 20, 1831.
Polley and James Quannawin, "black people," both of D., int. Dec. 24, 1797.
Polly, "Mustee," and Abner Elisha, "Indian," both of D., Nov. 11, 1784.
Rachel, d. Elihu and Sarah of D., and Zebedee Gifford of D., s. Samuel and Lilis, 4th, 11 mo. 1801, C.R.3.
Rebecah and John Wing Jr., both of D., Mar. 16, 1820.
Rebecca Jr. and Humphry Smith Jr., both of D., int. Nov. 27, 1761. [Rebeckah, d. Holder dec'd and Rebeckah of D., and Humphry Smith, s. Humphry and Mary (dec'd) of D., m. Mar. 25, 1762, C.R.3.]
Rebecka and John Freeman, "black people" [int. residents in D.], July 13, 1794.
Rebeckah, d. Peleg and Elisabeth of D., and George Folger, s. George and Sarah (dec'd) of Nantucket, 23d, 7 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Rebekah [int. Rebecca], wid. Peleg of D., and Edward Wing, s. John dec'd of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., 5th, 5 mo., "called July," 1733, C.R.3.
Rhoba [int. Miss Rhobe] of Chilmark and Luthan Wood 2d of D., May 8, 1821.
Rhoby, Miss, and Terry C. Connor, both of D., int. Sept 18, 1829.
Rhodolphus and Miss Ann Eliza Wheeler, residents of D., int. Apr. 28, 1846.
Ricketson and Jemima Wing, both of D., Jan. 31, 1811.
Rodney, resident in D., and Mary Haskins of Freetown, int. Nov. 26, 1811.
Rodney Jr. and Almeda Reynelds [int. Reynolds], both of D., Dec. 14, 1837.
Ruth and John Briggs, both of D., Nov. 1, 1840.
Sarah and Warren Howland, both of D., Aug. 12, 1779.
Sarah, "Slocum Alias Dick," of Westport, and Boston Durfee of Freetown, Nov. 16, 1788. [Sarah Dice, "alias Slocum," of Westport, and Boston Durfy of Freetown, B.C.M.]
Sarah [int. Miss] and Alexander E. C. Larrebee [int. Larrabee, residents in D.], Sept. 30, 1821.
Sarah W., resident in D., and Henry T. Allen [int of D.], Nov. —, 1822.
Sarah W. and Tucker Allen,------------- [this ertry written in pencl], C.R.3.
Silva [int. Silvia], d. Elihu of D. and Sarah, and Benjamin Howland Smith of D., s. Humphrey and Silva dec'd, 18th, 11 mo. 1794, C.R.3.
Solomon of Chilmark and Ruby Bennet, resident in D., int. Jan. 17, 1793.
SoIomon of D. and Sarah P. Simmons of Littlecumpton, int. Jan. 8, 1832.
Stephen of D. and Elisabeth Fisher of D. [int. d. Aster], Mar. 23, 1788.
Sylvia (see Silva)
Violot [int. Violet] and Glasgow Cory, negros, both of D., June 1, 1780.
Waldow, resident in D., and Rhobe Smith of D., int. Nov. 12, 1818.
Wilks and [int. Miss] Catherine Almy [int both of D.], Jan. 1, 1822.
Willard and Abby B. Mosher, both of D., June 11, 1840.
William of Chilmark, Dukes Co., and Mary Cheney of D., int Feb. 28, 1792.
William [int. Williams] of D. and Anna Chase of Westport, Feb. 3, 1803.
William R. and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Cornell, both of D., May 22, 1834.
SMALL (see also Smalley)
Kize and Robert Davis, residents of D., int. Sept. 8, 1805.
Polly and John Nicholas Coquin, residents in D., int. Sept. 8, 1810.
SMALLEY (Smallee)
Aaron and Caroline L. Bartlett [int. Booth, both of D.], Feb. 25, 1840.
Frederick (Smallee) and Sally Warner, residents in D., int. Jan. 22, 1825.
Isaiah [dup. Josiah, int. Smally] and Mary [int. adds Ann] E. Baker [int. both of D.], Apr. 19, 1832 [dup. in D.].
Joseph [int. Smalle], resident of D., and Deborah Howland of D., May 13, 1819.
Josiah (see Isaiah)
Mulford nd Caroline B. Crowell, both of D., int. July 3, 1835.
Mumford, Capt. [int. Mulford, omits Capt.], and Miss Phebe R. Shearman [int Shearmon], both of D., Mar. 24, 1840, in D.
Sabury [int. Smalle, resident in D.] and Gideon B. Wickson [int. Wixson of D.], Feb. 20, 1823.
Sally (Smallee) and James H. Howland, both of D., int. Mar. 22, 1823.
Susan, Mrs. [of Barnstable crossed out], and Jepthah Nickerson, resedents of D., int. Sept. 20, 1825.