[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Almy, w. Timothy Jr., Apr. 25, 1773, a. 18. G.R.39.
Mary, d. Timothy Jr. and Almy, Oct. 18, 1771, G.R.39.
Susannah, w.----------, d. William Greenleaf and Mary,----------, 1832, G.R.39.
Sylvia B., w. John, d. George Kempton and Rebecca. Nov. 26, 1848, a. 36 y. 10 m., G.8.30.
JENNE (Jenney, Jenney, Jinne)
Abishai, s. Samuel and Patience, lost at sea,----------, "They went away Oct. 12, 1780," in 26th y., G.R.39.
Agnes, d. Nathaniel and Mercy, Mar. 5, 1763, in 16th y., G.R.39.
Bathsua, w. Benjamin, Apr. 30, 1777, in 33d y., G.R.39.
Benjamin, Capt., first h. Lovisa, Dec. 25, 1781, in 38th y., in Hispanniola, G.R.39.
Caleb, Aug. 25, 1761, in 63d y., G.R.39.
Cornelius, Lt., Oct. 12, 1774, in 77th y., G.R.39.
Desire, wid. Lettice, Jan. 2, 1773, in 95th y., G.R.39.
Desire (Jenney), wid. Jethro, Feb. 19, 1820, in 9oth y., G.R.39.
Ebenezer, s. Reuben and Betcy, June 5, 1802, a. 3 m. 22 d., G.R.39.
Edward, s. Samuel and Patience, lost at sea,----------, "They went away Oct. 12, 1780," in 18th y., G.R.39.
Eleanor, wid. Cornelius, Feb. 14, 1786, in 74th y., G.R.39.
Elisabeth, w. Lt. Cornelius, Mar. 18, 1743, in 46th y., G.R.39.
Elizabeth (Jenney), w. Enoch S., July 22, 1822, in 33d y.
Ellen, d. Jahaziel, Sept. 10, 1808, a. 1 y. 6 m., G.R.39.
Fanny (Denney), wid. Weston, May 18, 1836, a. 55, G.R.39.
Hannah (Jenney) , "Mother," w. Samuel, Sept. 2, 1749, a. 80, P.R.25.
Henry, ch. Henry and Phebe, Oct. 20, 1774, a. 2[broken] y. 10 m. 13 d., G.R.39.
Jahaziel (Jenney), Nov. 13, 1843, a. 73, G.R.39.
Jephthah, s. Samuel and Patience, Aug. 4, 1766, in 17th y., G.R.39.
Jethro (Jenney) , June 24, 1802, in 78th y., G.R.39.
Job, Jan. 15, 1804, G.R.39.
John (Jenney), Apr. 10, 1727, in 80th y.
Lettice (Jenny), s. Jethro and Desire, Nov. 21, 1776, in 19th y., G.R.39.
Lettis, Jan. 6, 1752. [Rec. after chn. of Lettis and Mary.]
Lydia (Jenney), w. Enoch S., d. Capt. Micah Hathaway and Mary, June 15, 1816, in 29th y., G.R.39.
Marcy (Jinne), wid. Nathaniel, Feb. 6, 1802, in 79th y., G.R.39.
Margaret, d. John and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1789, a. 63, G.R.39.
Maria W. (Jenney), w. Jahaziel, Aug. 29, 1837, a. 66, G.R.39.
Nathaniel (Jinn), Jan. 13, 1802, in 82d y., G.R.39.
Patience, wid. Samuel, Feb. 16, 1802, in 78th y., G.R.39.
Rebekah (Jennes), d. Nathaniel and Mercy, Aug. 9, 1805, in 54th y. G.R.39.
Reuben, s. Samuell and Patience, Mar. 2, 1777, in 18th y., G.R.39.
Samuel, Feb. 21, 1784, in 70th y., G.R.39.
Samuel, s. Jonathan and [broken]na, small pox, Nov. 4, 1792, a. 8 y. 5 m. 13 d., G.R.39.
Samuell (Jenney) , Apr. 3, 1718. ("Father," h. Hannah, Apr. 3, 1716, in 58th y., P.R.25.]
Sarah, Mrs., Oct. 20, 1767, in 43d y., G.R.39.
Sarah (Jennes), w. Weston, Feb. 21, 1804, in 54th y. [ ? 54th] G.R.39.
Sarah (Jenny), d. Weston and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1817, a. 14, G.R.39.
Seath, M y 26, 1807, in 76th y., G.R.39.
Sylvia, Mrs., Oct. 12, 1767, in 19th y., G.R.39.
Weston, s. Lt. Cornelius and Elenor, Aug. 12, 1767, in 20th y., G.R.39.
Weston, Jan. 5, 1816, a. 48, [on stone beside those of Sarah and Fanny] G.R.39.
William, s. Reuben and Betsy, Dec. 8, 1794, a. 3 m. 1 d., G.R.39.
William Henry (Jenny), s. Enoch and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1808, a. 1, G.R.39.
-----------, d. Henry and Phebe, June 15, 1774, G.R.39.
-----------, "two" sons Henry and Phebe, June 15, 1774. a. 12 d., G.R.39.
-----------,(Jenny), d. Enoch S. and Lydia, Mar. 21, 1806, G.R.39.
Benjamin Allen, s. Nathaniel, Jan. 23, 1806.
Ephraim, Capt., July 19, 1836, a. 67, G.R.11.
Eunice F.,-----------, 1838, P.R.44.
Mercy S., Apr. 14, 1838, a. 23, G.R.6.
Phebe,-----------, 1838, P.R.44.
Sarah, w. Abiel, Oct. 28, 1840, a. 55, G.R.6.
Mary, Dec. 26, —, C.R.1. [See following entry.]
Mary P., w. Francis, Dec. 25, 1848, a. 38 y. 8 m. 20 d., G.R.1.
Samuel, h. Amey, May 9, 1815.
Phebe, w. David S., d. Joshua Weeks and Mary, Dec. 23, 1833, a. 22 y. 6 m. 9 d., G.R.30.
KEIRBY (see Kirby)
Benjamin, Aug. 13, 1776, in 34th y., G.R.39.
Daniel, s. James, Nov. 21, 1814, in 34th y., in Halifax, N. S., G.R.39.
Desire, w. Paul, Apr. 10, 1812, in 37th y., G.R.39.
Elizabeth, wid. Ephraim 2d, Nov. 29, 1848, a. 95 y. 2 m. 7 d.
Ephraim Capt., s. Ephraim, Oct. 30, 1798, in 29th y., in Norfolk, Va., G.R.39.
Ephraim 2d of New Bedford, Jan. 25, 1802, a. 55 y. 11 m. 18 d., [on stone beside that of Elizabeth] G.R.39.
Ephraim, father of Capt. Ephraim, Dec. 19, 1803, in 70th y.
Hannah, d. Lt. James and Phebe, Apr. 13, 1802, G.R.39.
James, s. James and Phebe, May 24, 1802, a. 19 y. "wanting" 18 d., in New York, G.R.39.
James, father of Daniel, Jan. 11, 1816, in 68th y., G.R.39.
Jireh, Capt.,-----------[worn], [on stone with Col. Mansasseh] G.R.39.
Jonathan, s. Col. Manasseh and Lois. Sept. 20, 1797, a. 23, G.R.39.
Joseph, May 27, 1815, a. 79, G.R.39.
Lois, d. Col. Manasseh and Lois. Dec. 16, 1794, a. 14 y. 9 m. G.R.39.
Lois, wid. Col. Manasseh, Oct. 11, 1813, a. 77, G.R.39.
Manasseh, Dec. 14, 1804, a. 66, G.R.39.
Manasseh, Col.,-----------[worn], [on stone with Capt. Jireh] G.R.39.
Patience, wid. Ephraim, May 24. 1779, a. 105 y. 6 m. 6 d., G.R.39.
Phebe, wid. James, Dec. 31, 1821, a. 68, G.R.39.
Rebecca, w. George, d. Joshua Weeks and Sylvia, July 28, 1845, a. 41 y. 9 m. 13 d., G.R.30.
Ruth, w. Thomas, Dec. 6, 1771, in 25th y., G.R.39.
Ruth D., inf. William. Aug. 22, 1809, G.R.39.
Samuel,-----------, G.R.39.
Sophia, d. Manasah and [broken]ail, Oct. —. 1793, a. 17, G.R.39.
Stephen, Jan. 27. 1807, a. 61, G.R.39.
Thomas ([worn]mpton), Dec. 29, 1768, in 65th y., G.R.39.
Thomas Lothroop, s. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 65th [1760].
Thomas Lothroop, s. Josenh and Mary, June 1, 1764.
Versylla, Miss. July 23, 1815, a. 47, G.R.39.
KERB (see Kirby)
KERBY (see Kirby)
Benjamin, Capt., Mar. 30, 1826, a. 54, [On stone beside that of Mehetabel] G.R.1.
Mehetabel, wid. Benjamin, Dec. 16, 1841, a. 54, G.R.1.
Francis W., s. Abel W. and Clarissa, Mar. 26, 1831, a. 6 m., G.R.1.
KIRBY (Keirby, Kerbe, Kerby)
Alice (Kerby), d. William Jr., [b. or d.]-----------. [This entry crossed out.]
Emeline (Kerby), July 20, 1841, a. 27, C.R.2. [w. Elihu, a. 27 y. 6 m., G.R.13.]
Hannah, [twin] d. Luthan and Hannah, Oct. 16, 1802.
John T.,-----------, 1834, [on stone with Jonathan, b. 1799] G.R.1.
Lowis (Keirby), w. William (Kierby), d. Oder Stratton, Jan. 29, 1810.
Martha [(Howland)], w. Jonathan,-----------, 1834, G.R.1.
Richard (Kerbe) of D., 8th, 1 mo. 1719-20, in 88th y., C.R.3.
Sarah B., d. Elihu and Emeline C., July 18, 1841, a. 5 m. 21 d., G.R.13.
-----------, ch. Luthan and Hannah, Feb. 11, 1799.
-----------, ch. Restcome and Mary, 20th, 3 mo. 1801, C.R.3.
Susan, wid., Dec. 25, 1843, a. 67 y. 26 d., G.R.15.
John, Capt., Dec. 17, 1800, in 49th y., G.R.39.
Patience, wid. Capt. John, May 16, 1833, a. 73, G.R.39.
LAPHAM, Alice T., w. Richard, May 27, 1846, a. 17 y. 6 m., G.R.1.
Alice T., d. Richard and Alice T., Aug. —, 1846, a. 4 m. 14 d., G.R.1.
Marcy, w. Nicholas, abt. "ye Last of" Aug. 1756.
Mary, w. John, May —, 1752.
Nicholas, June 10, 1841, a. 37 y. 3 m., [on stone beside that of Rebecca A.] G.R.1.
Rebecca A., Jan. 18, 1849, a. 7 y. 6 m., [on stone beside that of Nicholas] G.R.1.
Richard, [twin] s. Richard and Hannah (second w.), Dec. 25, 1797.
Sarah E., Oct. 12, 1842, a. 8 y. 8 m., [on stone beside that of Rebecca A.] G.R.1.
Silvia, d. John and Mary, Sept. 6, 1728.
Thomas, May 8, 1704. [Rec. after Thomas, b. 1682.]
Thomas, Apr. 27, 1846, a. 35 y. 2 m. 11 d., G.R.1.
William, Aug. 8, 1701.
Lydia, first w. Isaac, 6th, 4 mo. 1847, a. 61 y. 3 m. 2 d., C.R.3.
Job, s. John and Patience, 15th, 2 mo. 1724, C.B.3.
Patience, w. John, 20th, 11 mo. 1740-1, C.B.3.
Rebert, 22d, 2 mo. 1726, C.R.3.
Sally (see Sally Lo--)
Edward C., s. Howland and Sarah S., Oct 28, 1838, a. 6 m. 16 d., G.R.39.
Howland, Capt., Sept. 4, 1845, a. 36 y. 4 m., G.B.39.
LEWIS (Luis)
Hannah, Jan. 7, 1842, a. 67 y. 3 m., G.R.1.
John (Luis), Jan. 24, 1711-12. [Rec. after chn. of John.]
John L., s. Col. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 18, 1802, a. 2 d., G.R.39.
John Langworthy, s. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 18, 1801, a. 6 m., G.R.39.
Rebecca, w. Nathaniel, 26th, 4 mo. 1845, in 68th y., C.R.3.
Nancy, w. John (formerly of Taunton), Mar. 10, 1845, a. 72, G.R.1.
Abigail, d. Joshua and Innocent, June 24, 1780, in 7th y., G.R.39.
Joshua, Jan. 24, 1786, in 45th y., G.R.39.
Nathaniel, s. Joshua and Innocent, Dec. 29, 1778, a. 7 m. 8 d., G.R.39.
Sarah, d. Joshua and Innocent, July 5, 1783, a. 3 w. 3 d., G.R.39.
Mary, w. John, Oct. 3, 1775, in 39th y., G.R.39.
Urane, w. John Jr., Mar. 25, 1797, in 28th y., G.R.39.
Sally [? Lawton], Sept. 2, 1829, in 30th y., G.R.11. [Lawton, Sept. 1, P.R.44.]
LUIS (see Lewis)
Betsey R., w. Daniel, d. James Hathaway and Mary, Oct. 3, 1844, in 36th y., G.B.39.
Ann M., w.-----------, Sept. 26, 1846, G.R.10.
Christopher, Oct. 13, 1843, [on stone with Fally, b. 1801] G.R.7.
Desiah, w. John, 16th [6 written over 8), 8 mo. 1762, a. abt. 35, in D., C.R.3.
Elijah, Nov. 18, 1848, a. 92, G.R.31.
Levi, July 5, 1830, P.R.44.
Phebe Jane, d. Daniel and Phebe H., Oct 19, 1845, a. 1 y. 5 m. 1 d., G.R.31.
Rachel, w. d. Elijah Gifford and Deborah, 2d, 2 mo. 1808, C.R.3.
Rejoice, d. William Brownell, Mar. 17, 1733.
Sarah, w.-----------, d. Timothy Gifford and Martha, 26th, 9 mo. 1822, C.R.3.
Frances, w. William, Feb. 26, 1699-70. [wid. William, C.R.3.]
Marietta F., d. Isaac and Mercy, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 6 y. 7 m., G.R.1.
Moses, May 18, 1746, in 53d y., G.R.39.
Sarah, wid. Capt. Thomas, June 3, 1823, a. 66, G.R.39.
Thomas, Capt., June 18, 1808, in 48th y., G.R.39.
MANN (see Man)
Anna, d. Stephen and Abigail, Aug. 10, 1777, a. 1 y.-----------,[worn] 3 d., G.R.39.
Eliza Ann M., d. Lemuel and Harriet H., Aug. 22, 1838, a. 7, G.R.39.
Ellen Maria, d. John and Hope. Dec. 15, 1845, a. 11 y. 10 m. 15 d., G.R.1.
Joshua, Jan. 18, 1832, a. 22 y. 11 m., G.R.1.
Alonzo B., s. Alonzo and Eunice, Feb. 7, 1840, a. 7 m. 2 w., G.R.1.
Arthur Russell, s. Charles 2d and Rosetta, Aug. 4, 1845, a. 14 m., G.R.1.
George Austin, s. Charles and Rosetta 2d, Apr. 8, 1840, a. 3 y. 2 m., G.R.1.
Herbert F., "only" s. Joshua and Sarah N., Mar. 29, 1848, a. 2 y. 5.5 m., G.R.1.
Josiah, Capt.,-----------, 1790, a. 35, at Aux Cayes, W. I., G.R.1.
Nye, s. Solomon and Sarah,-----------, a. 7 m., G.R.1.
Solomon, May 1, 1829, in 50th y., [on stone with Nye] G.R.1.
William A., s. Alonzo and Eunice, Sept. 15, 1848. a. 2 y. 5 d., G.R.1.
MAXFIELD (Maxfeld)
Abraham R, s. Edmund and Rachel, —, 2 mo. 1837, a. 57, G.R.12.
Almira, d. David (Maxfeld) and Mary, Dec. 22, 1805.
David,-----------, 1826, G.R.12.
Edman (Maxfeld), [twin] s. Timothy, Nov. 23, 1708.
Mary, w. David, Apr. 18, 1815.
Phebe Chandler, w. William M., Mar. 10, 1842, in 28th y., G.R.17.
Sylvia, w.-----------, d. Benjamin Tucker and Sarah, 6th, 7 mo. 1840, a. 60. G.R.12.
Wealthy, wid. Timothy, Mar. 18, 1848, a. 32, G.R.39.
Zoeth S., "only" ch. Capt. Isaac S. and Grace, Jan. 16, 1826. a. 3 y. 10 d., G.R.1.
Abigail, w. Capt. Jeremiah. Nov. 5, 1791. a. 45, G.R.39.
Hannah, w. Capt. Jeremiah, Oct. 25, 1812, in 60th y., G.R.39.
Jeremiah Jr., Jan. 4, 1811, a. 22 y. 2[broken], G.R.39.
MELVILL (Melvil)
David (Melvil), Jan. —, 1753, G.R.39.
Lydia, w. David, May 1, 1752, a. 34, G.R.39.
Ruth, d. Josiah (Merehoo). 20th. 11 mo. 1722, C.R.3.
Matthew, Mar. 16, 1847, in 69th y., G.R.1.
James, Lt., "soldier of the Revolutionary War," "mortally wounded in battle with the British," Sept. 5. 1778, G.R.39.
Desire. May 11, 1725. [Rec. with chn. of Job and Abigail.]
Keziah, d. Job, May 13, 1727.
Adeline S., d. Leonard and Clarissa C., Nov. 20, 1832, a. 14 m., G.R.11.
Job, Feb. 19, 1847, a. 72 y. 6 m., G.R.8.
Mary, w. Capt. John M., Jan. 31, 1834, a. 72, G.R.3. [Polly, P.R.44.]
Nancy Jane, d. Leonard and Clarissa C., Sept. 10, 1843, a. 3 y. 20 d., G.R.8.
Priscilla, w. Job, Apr. 10, 1842, a. 67 y. 7 d., G.R.8. [May —, P.R.44.]
MITCHELL (Mitchel)
Andrew P., Jan. 18, 1835, a. 28, [on stone with Thomas N.] G.R.1.
Nathan (Mitchel), Capt., May 17, 1801, a. 35, G.R.39.
Parnel (Mitchel), w. William, May 21, 1784, in 60th y., G.R.39.
Silas (Mitchel), s. David and Desire, Aug. 1, 1786, in 9th y., G.R.39.
Thomas N., s. Andrew P. and Alice, May 27, 1835, a. 13 m., G.R.1.
William (Mitchel), small pox, Feb. 5, 1793, in 68th y., G.R.39.
George. 28th, 2 mo. 1844, a. 80 y. 11 m. 21 d., G.R.12.
Abraham, ch. Joseph and Joanna,----------- , a. 3 y. 2 m. 16 d., C.R.3.
Barnabas Sr., h. Bethiah, 1st, 12 mo. 1807, C.R.3.
Bethiah, w. Barnabas Sr., —, 6 mo. 1807, C.R.3.
Deannah, d. John and Hannah, 30th, 5 mo. 1743. [Dimmer, C.R.3.]
Eliakim, ch. Joseph and Joanna,-----------, a. 3 m. 13 d., C.R.3.
Elizabeth H., Sept. 18, 1826, a. 1 y. 11 m., G.R.18.
Hannah, w. William, d. Edward Thurston, 12th, 4 mo. 1823, C.R.3.
Hannah, d. William and Hannah (Thurston), 10th, 2 mo. 1834, a. abt. 71, C.R.3.
Harvey T., s. William and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1825, a. 8 m., G.R.11.
Jean, w. Ebenezer, 7th, 5 mo. 1838, a. 97 y. 3 m. 27 d., C.R.3.
Jedidah, twin ch. Nathaniel and Ruth, 12th [dup. 15th], 1 mo. 1847, a. 87 y. 4 m. 7 d., C.R.3. [12th, 1 mo., C.R.5.]
Joseph Sr., h. Mehetabel, 30th, 1 mo. 1766, C.R.3.
Joseph, h. Joanna, Nov. 6. 1769, "at the Nine Partners in York Government," C.R.3.
Laura S., May 3, 1835, a. 13 y. 14 d., G.R.18.
Lidia, d. Jonathan and Isabell, Mar. 9, 1727.
Mary, ch. Joseph and Joanna, Nov. 3, 1769, C.R.3.
Mehetabel, w. Joseph, [dup. d. Hezelaah Smith and Mary] Apr. 22 [dup. Apr. 24), 1768, C.R.3.
Nathaniel, h. Ruth, July —, 1759, C.R.3.
Ruth, w. Nathaniel, d. Adam Mott, 18th, 6 mo. 1767, a. 43 y. 2 m. 12 d., C.R.3.
Ruth Jr., ch. Nathaniel and Ruth, 6th. 10 mo. 1800, in New Bedford, C.R.3.
William, h. Hannah (d. Edward Thurston), s. Joseph and Mehetabel, 9th, 8 mo. 1783, C.R.3.
Adam, 28th, 3 mo. 1767, a. 74, C.R.3.
Anna, wid. Jacob, Dec. 26, 1810.
Apphia, 1st, 9 mo. 1774, in 73d y., C.R.3.
Benjamin, s. Adam and Aphia [Apphia, C.R3.], "after nine months imprisonment,-----------,1757, a. 23, in Danan, France.
Cassander, 13th, 9 mo. 1702, C.R.3.
Elisabeth, d. Thomas 2d and Rhoda, 2d, 8 mo. 1806. [a. 2 m. 28 d., C.R.3.]
Rhoda, w.-----------, d. Barnabas Mosher and Bethiah, 22d, 1 mo. 1808, C.R.3.
Thomas, May 29, 1723.
Thomas, s. Adam, 11th, 3 mo. 1818, a. 87 y. 2 m., C.R.3.
Joseph, s. Bezaleel and Ruth, Sept. 18, 1770.
Abigail, d. Simeon and Joanna, Sept 29, 1830, a. 51, G.R.39.
Huldah, w. Simeon, May 11, 1773, a. 26, G.R.39.
Joanna, w. Simeon, Sept. 25, 1815, in 66th y., G.R.39.
Simeon, June 3, 1824, in 84th y., G.R.39.
Henry, May 23,-----------[worn, 17--].
NICHOLS (Nichol)
Eunice, w. Asa, Sept. 26, 1822, a. 58, G.R.11.
Israel (Nichol), Nov. 3, 1822, a. 21, G.R.11.
Eleanor, d. Heman and Phebe, Oct. 5, 1823, a. 24, G.R.1.
George Simeon, s. John and Mary, Mar. 30, 1837, a. 3 y. 6 m. 21 d., G.R.1.
Heman, s. Heman and Phebe, Oct. 8, 1823, a. 22, at Maracaybo, G.R.1.
Heman, Mar. 11, 1846, a. 76, [on monument with Eleanor, Heman, and Shubael] G.R.1.
Richard, July 11, 1822, a. 36, G.R.1.
Sabrina S., w. Capt. Malachi, Oct. 8, 1844, a. 56, G.R.1.
Sarah, d. Richard and Cynthia, Apr. 7, 1829, a. 20, G.R.1.
Shubael, s. Heman and Phebe, Dec. —, 1825, a. 19, at sea, G.R.1.
Lydiea, d. Simeon and Desser, May 15, 1770, a. 13, G.R.39.
Freelove, w. Elijah, Mar. 12, 1776, a. 32 y. 2 m., G.R.39.
Barnabas, July 24, 1813, in 79th y., G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Capt. Jonathan. and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1803, a. 1 y. 2 m., G.R.39.
Deborah, wid. Barnabas, Dec. 25, 1820, in 82d y., G.R.39.
Eliza Ann, w. Levi, d. Joshua Weeks and Mary, July 18, 1846, in 31st y., G.R.30.
Freelove, w. Capt. Obed, Nov. 6, 1815, in 67th y., G.R.39.
Hannah, w. Dea., Jonathan, Sept. 24, 1844, a. 82, G.R.39.
Jonathan, s. Thomas, Sept. 11, 1750.
Jonathan, Capt., Nov. 18, 1815, in 55th y., [on stone beside that of Hannah] G.R.39.
Lucy, Jan. 15, 1846, a. 68, [on stone beside that of Barnabas] G.R.39.
Mary, d. Stephen and Hannah, Mar. 15, 1753.
Mary, w. Capt. Obed, Mar. 28, 1797, in 58th y., G.R.39.
Mary, Feb. 2, 1837, in 20th y., G.R.39.
Nancy, d. Capt. Obed Jr. and Mary, Apr. 18, 1796, a. 6 m. 3 d., G.R.39.
Obed Jr., Capt., Aug. 25, 1796, a. 30 y. 20 d., [on stone with Nancy] G.R.39.
Obed, Capt., Nov. 10, 1815, in 79th y., [on stone beside those of Mary and Freelove] G.R.39.
Rebecca, w. Alfred, July 19, 1812, in 29th y., G.R.39.
Susan, d. Capt. Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1804, a. 8 y. 6 m., G.R.39.
Thomas S. H., s. Gideon and Sylvia H.,-----------, 1848, in China, G.R.39.
John, s. Daniel and Phebe, Apr. 8, 1782.
Abby R., ch. Abijah and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1816.
Abijah, s. Gamaliel and Susanna, 10th, 9 mo. 1825, a. 17 y. 2 m. 28 d., G.R.12.
Abijah, h. Hannah, July 11, 1842.
Charles A., ch. Henry S. and Mary, Mar. 5, 1838.
Hannah, w. Abijah, Nov. 9, 1811.
James H., ch. Henry S. and Mary, Sept. 20, 1835.
Judah Jr., May 21, 1748, in 39th y., G.R.39.
Joseph, s. Dr. John and Bethshua, Aug. 9, 1789, in 12th y., G.R.39.
Avery, Capt., Nov. 21, 1794, in 52d y., G.R.39.
Elisha, Capt., Jan. 22, 1788, in 44th y., [on stone beside that of Zaceheus, 1842] G.R.39.
George L., s. Dea. George and Hannah, June 19, 1822, a. 19 m. 23 d., G.R.1.
Zaccheus, s. Avary and Mary, Sept. 7, 1770. [Zacheus, "1st" s. Avery and Mary, a. 1 [worn] y. 1 m. 1 d., G.R.39.]
Zaccheus, Mar. 3, 1842, a. 39, [on stone beside that of Capt. Elisha] G.R.39.
PEABODY (see Paboday)
PEARCE (see Peirce)
Daniel S., s. Fortunatus and Susannah, Sept. 1, 1824, a. 21, at Aquin, G.R.1.
Fortunatus of Chilmark, May 28, 1840, a. 75, in D., G.R.1.
Mary, d. Fortunatus and Rose, Dec. 9, 1806, a. 16, G.R.1.
Shubael, Capt., father of Shubael, July 28, 1790, a. 51, G.R.39.
Shubal, s. Capt. Shubael, Sept. 8, 1789, a. 21, G.R.39.
Susanna, w. Fortunatus, Oct. 26, 1845, a. 78, G.R.1.
PECKHAM (Peckum, Pickham)
Abigail, w. Thomas, July 2, 1767, in 32d y., G.R.39.
George, s. Samuell and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1728.
James D., h. Harriet Brownell, 22d, 12 mo. 1849, C.R.5.
Joanna, wid. Jonathan, July 7, 1808, in 81st y., G.R.39.
Jonathan (Pickham), inf. John, Jan. —, 1789, G.R.39.
Stephen (Peckum), Apr. 23, 17 [torn, 1724]. [Apr. 23, 1721, P.R.42.]
Anna, w. Edward, Dec. 19, 1842, in 48th y., G.R.17.
PEIRCE (Pearce, Pierce)
Benjamin, July 29, 1756, in 44th y., G.R.39.
Charity, d. Ebenezer and Charity, Oct. 1, 1813, a. 5 y. 9 m. 22 d., G.R.39.
Chloe, "Grandmother," —, 1821, [on stone beside that of Clothier] G.R.11.
Clothier, "Grandfather," —, 1816, [on stone beside that of Chloe] G.R.11.
Elisha B. (Pierce), Oct. 6, 1846, a. 43, G.R.1.
Richard (Pierce), A. M., Mar. 23, 1749, G.R.39.
Sibbil (Pearce), Jan. 27, 1786, P.R.44.
Abigail, w. Dr. Ebenezer, June 12, 1795, in 33d y., G.R.39.
Betsey, d. Dr. Ebenezer and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1792, a. 7 w., G.R.39.
Harriot, d. Dr. Samuel and Silvia, Apr. 8, 1806, G.R.39.
Jireh, s. Dr. Samuel and Susanna, Aug. 3, 1781, in 23d y., G.R.39.
Samuel, Dr., Apr. 15, 1805, a. 73 y. 9 m. 18 d., [on stone beside that of Susanna] G.R.39.
Samuel, Dr., Oct. 26, 1820, a. 57, [on stone beside those of Abigail, Silvia, and Susan G.] G.R.39.
Silvia, w. Dr. Samuel, Apr. 15, 1815, in 45th y., G.R.39.
Susan G., w. Dr. Samuel, Sept. 28, 1842, a. 61, G.R.39.
Susanna, wid. Dr. Samuel, June 8, 1806, a. 72, G.R.39.
Sylvia (see Silvia)
PHILIPS (Philip)
Abigail, d. Capt. John and Dorothy, Mar. 16, 1784, a. 1 y. 6 m. —[worn], G.R.39.
Esther (Philip), w. Capt.----------- , Dec. 30, 1803, a. 37, G.R.39.
John, Capt., Apr. 15, 1784, in 32d y., at Auxcayes in Hispaniola, G.R.39.
Rebekah (Philip), w. Capt.-----------, Feb. 5, 1810, a. 41, G.R.39.
John. "officer in the Revolutionary Army," of New Bedford, h. Mary Spooner, July 31, 1825, a. 82, G.R.39.
Mary Spooner, w. John of New Bedford, Nov. 28, 1809, a. 63, G.R.39.
Peace Bennet, w. Thaddeus, mother of Thaddeus, Mar. 7, 1812, a. 37, G.R.39.
Thaddeus, "Master of Ship Thames of New York," h. Peace Bennet, father of Thaddeus, s. John and Mary, "summer of 1810," a. 36, at sea, G.R.39.
Thaddeus, "only" ch. Thaddeus and Peace Bennet, Sept. 19. 1830, a. 31, at sea, G.R.39.
PICKHAM (see Peckham)
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Jacob, —, 1848, P.R.44.
Maria, w. Major, Mar. 4, 1831, in 49th y., G.R.11.
Abigail, w. Col. Seth, small pox, May 8, 1778, in 59th y., G.R.39.
Alice, wid. Thomas, mother of Nabby Gordon ("only child"), Oct. 21, 1805, a. 87, G.R.39.
Deborah, w. Capt. Seth, Feb. 19, 1710-11, a. 56, G.R.39.
Deborah, Mrs., Dec. 20, 1793, in 68th y., G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Elnathan,-----------, G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Elnathan, , G.R.39. [This inscription is given separately from the preceding one and is in another section of the cemetery.]
Deborah, Mrs.,-----------, G.R.39. [This inscription is given separately from Deborah (1793) and is in another section of the cemetery.]
Ebenezer, "third" ch. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buffum), 16th, 2 mo. 1749 "Old Stile," P.R.27.
Ebenezer, Mar. 26, 1828, a. 58, [on stone beside those of Rebecca and Hannah] G.R.39.
Edward, h. Elizabeth [(Greenleaf)Eliot],-----------, 1818, G.R.39.
Edward, h. Charlotte, s. Edward and Elizabeth,-----------, 1842, G.R.39.
Elisabeth, w. Capt. Lemuel, July 12, 1782, in 85th y., G.R.39.
Elizabeth, "first" ch. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buffum), 22d, 7 mo. 1745 "Old Stile," P.R.27.
Elizabeth, w. Edward Esq., Nov. 1, 1781, in 32d y., G.R.39.
Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Nov. 30, 1792, a. 47 y. 7 m. 3 d., G.R.39.
Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer, d. Robert Buffum and Elizabeth, 18th, 3 mo. 1802, a. 84 y. 1 m. 2 d., P.R.27.
Elizabeth, w. Edward, [formerly w.-----------Eliot] mother of Myra Almy, d. William Greenleaf and Mary,-----------, 1841, G.R.39.
Elnathan, Feb. 8, 1735-6, in 45th y., [on stone beside that of Margaret] G.R.39.
Elnathan, May 15, 1794, in 90th y., [on stone beside that of Rebekah] G.R.39.
Estes, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buffum), 21st. 11 mo. 1802, a. 45 y. 1 m. 19 d., P.R.27.
Eunice, d. Lemuel and Mary, small pox. Oct. 10, 1792, a. 22 y. 4 m. 27 d., G.R.39.
Hannah, d. Seth 2d, Aug. 9, 1753.
Hannah, w. Ebenezer A., May 12, 1803, a. 26 y. 8 d., G.R.39.
Isaac, Dec. 9, 1793, in 71st y., [on stone beside that of Sarah] G.R.39.
Jesse M., s. Ebenezer A. and Phebe, Mar. 7, 1831, a. 5, G.R.39.
John, s. Capt. Worth and Caty, June 23, 1802, a. 3 d., G.R.39.
Lemuel, Capt., May 23, 1771, in 75th y., [on stone beside that of Elisabeth] G.R.39.
Lemuel, Dec. 13, 1796, a. 64 y. 8 m. 21 d., [on stone beside that of Mary] G.R.39.
Lemuel, s. Ebenezer A. and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1803, G.R.39.
Margaret, d. Isaac and Sarah. June 7, 1792, in 27th y., G.R.39.
Margeret, wid. Elnathan. May 22, 1776, in 86th y., G.R.39.
Mary, wid. Lemuel, Dec. 12, 1808, in 81st y., G.R.39.
Maryann, d. Capt Worth and Catharine, Oct. 28, 1808, a. 16 m. 25 d., G.R.39.
Phebe, d. Elnathan and Phebe, Sept. 23, 1822, a. 25 y. 11 m., G.R.39.
Rebecca, w. Seth Esq., Jan. 25, 1741, in 79th y., G.R.39.
Rebecca, w. Ebenezer A., May 2, 1813, a. 38, G.R.39.
Rebecca, d. Ebenezer and Rebecca, Aug. 30, 1819, a. 13 y. 4 m., G.R.39.
Rebecca A., d. Elihu and Rhoda D. [dup. Taber], Feb. 12, 1846, a. 1 y. 4 m. 21 d., G.R.39.
Rebekah, Dec. 8, 1726. [Rebecca, d. Capt. Lemuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 3, a. abt. 7 m., G.R.39.]
Rebekah, w. Elnathan, Nov. 30, 1764, in 59th y., G.R.39.
Richard, s. Lemuel and Elizabeth, May 27, 1742, G.R.39.
Robert, "second" ch. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buffum), 11th. 8 mo. 1747 "Old Stile," P.R.27.
Sarah, d. Lemuel and Mary, Oct. 27, 1777, a. 3, G.R.39.
Sarah, wid. Isaac, Mar. 2, 1795, in 69th y., G.R.39.
Seth, Capt., Mar. 17, 1726-7. [Seth Esq. of D., in 79th y., [on stone beside those of Deborah and Rebecca] G.R.39.]
Seth, Col., June 9, 1802, in 83d y., [on stone beside that of Abigail ] G.R.39.
Thankfull, w. Thomas, Apr. 13, 1756, in 38th y., G.R.39.
Thankfull, d. Thomas and Thankfull. Nov. 22, 1769, a. 16 y. 5 m. 24 d., G.R.39.
Thomas, s. Elnathan, Nov. 19 [19 written after 18 crossed out], 1732. [s. Elnathan and Margret, in 13th y., G.R.39.]
Thomas, Mar. 25, 1784, in 75th y., [on stone beside that of Thankfull] G.R.39.
Timothy, s. Lemuel Jr. and Mary, Apr., 29. 1771, a. 8 y. 3 m., G.R.39.
-----------, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Buffurn). still born, 4th. 4 mo. 1750 "Old Stile." P.R.27.
Anna, w. William, 29th, 9 mo. 1837, C.R.3. [a. 46 y. 5 m. 6 d., G.R.12.]
Chloe E., ch. William and Anna, 11th, 7 mo. 1825, a. 9 m. 18 d. C.R.3.
E., ---, 4 mo.-----------, [? 1808 or 1868], a. 91 y. 2 m., G.R.14.
Elizabeth G., w. Benjamin (s. William Haliday). 21st, 11 mo. 1833, a. 39 y. 5 m. 10 d., C.R.3.
George, s. Garner and Elizabeth, Dec. 9, 1813.
Hannah, w. John Jr., d. James Barker and Elisabeth (Tucker), 19th, 4 mo. 1740, in 21st y., in Providence. C.R.3.
Hathaway, 28th, 12 mo. 1834, a. 24 y. 9 m. 10 d., [on stone beside that of Mary Ann] G.R.34.
Hetty Ann, 14th, 4 mo. 1840, a. 25 y. 5 m. 3 d., [on stone beside that of Sarah] G.R.12.
Hitty A., disentary, b. D., Sept. 7, 1848, a. 3 y. 5 m. 3 d., in D.
Jacob A., ch. William and Anna, 23d, 4 mo. 1825, a. 2 y. 5 m. 17 d., C.R.3.
James A., ch. Isaac R. and Hetty, 4th, 9 mo. 1846, a. 7 m. 20 d., C.R.3.
John Sr., h. Margret (d. Jeremiah Gifford), s. Aaron and Hopestill, 27th, 3 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Lydia G., ch. Benjamin (s. William Haliday) and Elizabeth G., 30th, 8 mo. 1827, a. 22 d., C.R.3.
Mary Ann, wid. Hathaway, 1st, 4 mo. 1839, in 30th y., G.R.34.
Patience, w. William H., 28th, 12 mo. 1816, C.R.3.
Ricketson, s. Holder and Hannah, May 18, 1847, a. 19 y. 5 m. 6 d.
Ruth, "3th" d. William H. and Patience, 6th, 1 mo. 1804, C.R.3.
Sally, "Mother," Jan. 18, 1846, a. 85, G.R.1.
Sarah, "4th" d. William H. and Patience, 10th, 3 mo. 1821. C.R.3.
Sarah, ch. Benjamin (s. William Haliday) and Elizabeth G., 20th, 6 mo. 1838, a. 14 y. 3 m. 5 d., C.R.3.
Stephen, ch. William (s. William H. dec'd) and Anna, 4th, 8 mo. 1849. a. 28 y. 4 m., in Cal., C.R.3.
William A., s. W. and M. A., Aug. 31, 1844, a. 3 m., G.R.1.
William H., Dec. 5, 1814. [W. Hallidy Potter, C.R.3.]
Amos, June 17, 1815, in 46th y., G.R.39.
Fanney, d. Amos and Betsey, Oct. 5, 1811, a. 20, G.R.39.
David, s. Oliver and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1784, in 7th y., G.R.39. P.R.31.
Phebe, d. Simeon and Elisabeth, Apr. 20, 1784, in 15th y., G.R.39.
Sarah, d. Oliver and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1783, a. 1, G.R.39. [Sally. Sept. 27, P.R.31.]
Simeon, Apr. 19, 1776, in 31st y., G.R.39.
-----------, "first" ch. Oliver and Sally, Nov. 7, 1775, a. 14 h., P.R.31.
Frances E., Oct. 29, 1840, a. 1 y. 3 m. 22 d., [on stone with Susan H.] G.R.1.
Susan H., w. Samuel, d. Henry Hathaway and Dilly, July 13, 1843, a. 31 y. 9 m., G.R.1.
Susan H., Aug 15, 1843, a. 2 m. 21 d., [on stone with Susan H.] G.R.1.
Elizabeth, w. Samuel, Aug. 17, 1780, a. 49, G.R.39.
Samuel, merchant, Feb. 16, 1801, a. 70, in "Fairhaven-New Bedford," G.R.39.
Noble, Aug. 23, 1808, in 21st y., G.R.39.
Seth (Purinton), s. Hezekiah and Mercy, Aug. 3, 1771, in 22d y., G.R.39.
Sarah, d. Jonathan and-----------[illegible], Aug. 6 [? 6], 1831, G.R.11.
Ann, wid. Uriah of Boston, Oct 11, 1785, in 76th y., G.R.39.
REED (Read)
Almira (see S.)
Deborah, w.-----------, d. Hezekiah Smith and Mary, 14th, 2 mo. 1773, C.R.3.
George, s. Jirah and Orry, Sept. 2, 1845, a. 4 y. 11 m., G.R.1.
Mary (Read), d. Seth and Joanna, Nov. 4, 1769, in 16th y., G.R.39.
Rebecca, Mar. —, 1844, P.R.44.
S., "to Almira,"-----------, G.R.39.
Sarah, w. Abraham, Sept. 17, 1770, in 28th y., G.R.39.
Tisdel, s. Seth and Anna, July 11, 1777, in 21st y., G.R.39.
William, s. Lemuel and Rebecka, Jan. 6, 1797.
REYNOLDS (Runnels)
Elizabeth, "only" ch. Simeon C. and Jane S., Aug. 13, 1846, a. 7 m., G.R.1.
Hannah P., Feb. 9, 1846, [on stone with Philip] G.R.1.
Luther H., [b. or d.] Dec. 4, 1849, G.R.39.
Phillip (Runnels), Mar. 8, 1848, C.R.1. [Philip Reynolds, h. Hannah, Mar. 7, G.R.1.]
Rosetta Francis, d. Philip and Rosetta, Jan. 31, 1842, a. 4 y. 8 m. 19 d., G.R.1.
Lydia, w. William, Jan. 13, 1832, a. 39. G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Joshua and Elisabeth, Jan. 12, 1772.
RICKETSON (Rickitson)
Abigail, w. Jonathan (s. William and Elizabeth), d. Benjamin Howland and Zerviah, Jan. 15, 1769, P.R.20.
Abigail, d. John and Phebe, 10th, 12 mo. 1785, C.R.3.
Alice, "Mother," w. Henry,-----------, 1826, a. 56, G.R.1.
Anna Thornton, second w. Joseph (s. Daniel and Rebecca), Aug. 6, 1827, a. 41, P.R.20.
Asa of St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 8, 1849, a. 39, [on stone beside that of Eliza, b. 1807] G.R.1.
Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Abigail, 3d, 3 mo. 1778, in 63d y., P.R.20.
Culbud (Rickitson), ch. William and Meribah, Sept. 25, 1724.
Daniel, h. Rebecca (Russell), s. John and Phebe (Russell), Aug. 8, 1824, a. 79 "less 9 da," P.R.20.
Elifell (Rickitson), d. William and Meriba, Oct. 23, 1727.
G. Frederick, Capt., Oct. 7, 1847, in 37th y., [on stone beside that of Alice] G.R.1.
Hannah, ch. John 2d and Patience, 23d, 1 mo. 1847, a. 81 y. 8 m., C.R.3.
Henry, "father," —, 1826, a. 57, [on stone beside that of Alice] G.R.1.
John, Jan. 27, 1704.
John (Rickitson), s. William and Meribah, June 18, 1721.
John, s. John and Phebe, abt. 9th, 9 mo. 1786, at sea, C.R.3.
John, h. Phebe (Russell), s. Jonathan and Abigail, May 8, 1794, a. 74, P.R.20.
Jonathan, h. Abigail (Howland), s. William and Elizabeth (Mott), Oct. 16, 1768, a. 80 y. 7 m. 9 d., P.R.20.
Jonathan, s. John and Sarah (second w.), 1st, 10 mo. 1778, C.R.3. [a. 12 m. 25 d., P.R.20.]
Joseph, h. Anna Thornton (second w.), s. Daniel and Rebecca (Russell), 9th, 10 mo. 1841, a. 70, P.R.20.
Judith, d. John and Phebe, 9th, 6 mo. 1771, C.R.3. [Juda, P.R.20.]
Marlborough, s. John and Phebe,-----------, a. abt. 1. C.R.3.
Phebe, first w. John, 3d, 11 mo. 1770, C.R.3. [w. John (s. Jonathan and Abigail), d. John Russell and Rebecca, P.R.20.]
Phebe, d. John and Phebe, —, 8 mo. 1771, C.R.3. [Aug. 1, P.R.20.]
Phebe,-----------, 1795, P.R.29.
Rebecca (Russell), w. Daniel (s. John and Phebe R.), 1st, 3 mo. 1837, a. 90 "less 1 month," P.R.20.
Rebekah, d. John and Phebe, July 1, 1771, P.R.20.
Timothy, s. John and Phebe, 8th, 11 mo. 1783, at sea, C.R.3.
William, Mar. 1, 1691. ["one of the original proprietors of Old Dartmouth," h. Elizabeth (d. Adam Mott Jr.), P.R.20.]
William, s. William and Merribeh, Jan. 15, 1796. [father of John 2d (h. Patience), C.R.3.]
-----------, "Graney,"-----------, 1769 [see Abigail ] , P.R.29.
RIDER (see Ryder)
William, Capt., Apr. 28, 1844, a. 46, G.R.39.
Gideon, s. Gideon and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1797.
Gideon,-----------, 1837, P.R.44.
Phebe, d. Gideon and Sarah, Mar. 3, 1795.
Donald, s. Capt. William and Ruthy, Apr. 19, 1801, C.R.39.
James, s. William and Ruthy, May 29, 1797, a. 6 m. 21 d., G.R.39.
Ruth, wid. Capt. William, July 24, 1838, a. 72, G.R.39.
William, Capt., Oct. 24, 1809, a. 51 y. 10 m., C.R.39.
-----------, s. Capt. William and Ruthy, July 22, 1791, C.R.39.
Thomas. s. Thomas and Charity, 19th, 11 mo. 1791, C.R.3.
RUNNELS (see Reynolds)
Jonas, Dec. 19, 1847, in 81st y., G.R.1.
Mary, w. Jonas, June 23, 1846, in 83d y., G.R.1.
RUSSELL (Russel)
Abigail, w. Benjamin Sr., May 14, 1772, a. 74.
Abraham, ch. Joseph and Mary, 4th, 9 mo. 1770, C.R.3.
Abraham, 25th, 9 mo. 1844, C.R.37. [h. Hannah, Sept. 28, P.R.2.]
Anna Akins, d. William and Mary, June —, 1807.
Benjamin, s. John, Mar. 10, 1729.
Benjamin Sr., Oct. 31, 1772, in 83d y. [Rec. after Abigail, May 14, 1772.]
Catharine, ch. Paul and Elisabeth, 7th, 11 mo. 1836, a. 88 y. 29 d., GR.3.
Deborah, d. Jonathan and Judah, Oct. 27, 1781.
Dinah, w. Abraham,-----------, 1784, C.R.3.
Dorithy, w. John Sr., Dec. 18, 1687.
Edith, w. Daniel, Dec. 2, 1747.
Edith, w. Thomas, 23d, 4 mo. 1785, C.R.3.
Elisabeth, ch. Job and Elizabeth, 11th, 5 mo. 1761, C.R.3.
Elizabeth, w. Job, 16th, 6 mo. 1761, C.R.3.
Elizabeth, wid. Paul, 15th, 2 mo. 1804, C.R.3.
Elizabeth C., d. William, May 24, 1845, a. 22 y. 5 m., G.R.31.
Elizebeth, w. Joseph Sr., Sept. 25, 1737.
Giles, farmer, b. D., consumpson, Oct 10, 1849, a. 51 y. 6 m. 21 d., in D. [Oct. 7, P.R.30.]
Hannah, w. Elijah, 25th, 4 mo. 1835, a. 91, C.R.3.
Hannah, 24th, 1 mo. 1845, a. 52, C.R.3. [Hannah S., w. Abraham, C.R.37. Hannah, w. Abraham, P.R.2.]
Henry, s. Elijah and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1775.
Hephzibeth Jr., ch. William and Hephzibah, 23d, 8 mo. 1804, C.R.3.
Hefty C., w. William, Mar. 25, 1847, a. 48 y. 1 m., C.R.31.
Hezediah, w. Jonathan, Dec. 15, 1723.
Joana, d. John and Rebekah, Apr. 4, 1729.
Job, h. Elizabeth, h. Anna, s. John and Joanna, 30th, 7 mo. 1773, in 43d y., C.R.3.
John [dup. Russel] Sr., Feb. 13, 1694-5. [Rec. after death of Dorithy.]
John Jr., Mar. 20, 1695-6. [Rec. after John Sr., Feb. 13, 1694-5.]
John, h. Rebecca (Ricketson), father of Phebe (first w. John Ricketson), Jan. 19, 1767, P.R.20.
John, s. Elijah and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1790.
John, s. William and Mary, Oct. 4, 1803.
John G., s. Jeremiah and Maria, Dec. 23, 1849, a. 5.5, G.R.11.
Jonathan Sr., Dec. 5, 1727. [Rec. before Hezediah.]
Jonathan Jr., Sept. 20, 1730. [Rec. with chn. of Jonathan and Judah.]
Joseph Sr., Dec. 11, 1739, in 90th y. [Rec. after Elizebeth.]
Joseph, Apr. 13, 1748. [h. Sarah, h. Mary, C.R.3.]
Joseph, 6th, 4 mo. 1840, a. 78 y. 1 m. 14 d., C.R.3. P.R.30.
Joshua, Dec. 23, 1692. [Rec. with chn. of Joseph and Elizebeth.]
Judah, w. Jonathan, Aug. 27, 1752.
Judah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Mar. 15, 1771.
Leonard, lost at sea, Mar. 26 [dup. 25th, 3 mo.], 1840, in 51st y., P.R.30.
Margaret,-----------, 1834, P.R.44.
Martha, ch. Abraham (s. Joseph) and Sarah, small pox, 30th. 9 mo. 1792, C.R.3.
Mary, w. Seth, July 22, 1764.
Mary, d. Job and Anna, Feb. 22, 1770.
Mary, d. Barnabas and Anne, 28th, 8 mo. 1775, C.R.3.
Mary, d. Barnabas and Anne, 26th, 9 mo. 1777, C.R.3.
Mary, d. Elijah and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1789.
Oliver, s. Timothy and Rhobe, Nov. 8, 1755.
Patience, w.-----------, ch. Henry Tucker and Phebe, 3d, 10 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Patience, w. Stephen of D., Oct. 28, 1843, P.R.2.
Phebe, w. Capt. Edwin W., June 28, 1832, a. 25, G.R.1.
Philip, Capt., Sept. 11, 1822, a. 57 y. 14 d., in New York, G.R.1.
Rebekah, w. James, Nov. 8, 1727.
Rebekah, w. Paul, May 1, 1744.
Rebekah (Russel), w. Caleb,-----------,[Rebecca Russell, 30th, 2 mo. 1750, C.R.3.]
Rebekah, w. John, Mar. 24, 1751. [Rebecca (Ricketson). mother of Phebe (first w. John Ricketson), P.R.20.]
Rhobe, 9th, 8 mo. 1764, P.R.30.
Salla, d. William and Mary, Jan. 23, 1813.
Samuel Broome, s. Barnabas and Anne, 7th, 1 mo. 1779, C.R.3.
Seth, s. Joseph and Elizebeth, July 23, 1728.
Stephen of D., h. Patience, Oct. 28, 1832, P.R.2.
Susan, ch. Abraham and Hannah, Dec. —, 1844, P.R.2.
Thomas A., s. Jeremiah and Maria, May 30, 1837, a. 4, G.R.11.
Timothy, 10th, 4 mo. 1787, P.R.30.
Welthen, w. William, 15th, 4 mo. [4 Written over 5], 1780, C.R.3.
William, Apr. 9, 1706. [Rec. with chn. of Joseph and Eliizebeth.]
-----------, twin ch. Benjamin and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1726-7.
RYDER (Rider)
Andrew B., s. David C. and Clarissa B., Mar. 3, 1842, G.R.17.
Betsey (Rider), d. Rowland and Elisabeth, Jan. 7, 1807.
Clarissa B., w. David C., d. George Snell of D. and Olive, Feb. 2, 1843, G.R.17.
David W., Jan. 28, 1836, a. 47 y. 1 m. 6 d., G.R.17.
Freeman, Dec. 10, 1826, a. 30 y. 9 m. 3 d., G.R.1.
Julia Ann, d. Freeman and Mercy, Sept. 20, 1826, a. 16 m. 9 d., G.R.1.
Sears C., s. Freeman and Mercy, Nov. 12. 1826, a. 3 y. 8 m. 12 d., G.R.1.