[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Alanson. Sept. 9, 1808, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
Betsey H. [ ? m.], Feb. 14, 1789, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
Betsey W., Dec. 7, 18m, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
Edward, Aug. 17, 1815, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
Eunice K., Dec. 27, 1812, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
John, Sept. 8, 1784, [on stone with Betsey H.] G.R.1.
Luther, Feb. 9, 1821, [on stone with John] G.R.1.
SOWL (see Soule).
SOWLE (see Soule).
SPOONER (Spuner)
Abigail, d. Samuell Jr. and Deborah, Apr. 11, 1732.
Abigail, d. Elnathan and Elisabeth, May 11, 1759.
Abigal, d. William, Dec. 6, 1702.
Alden, s. Walter and Allathea, Mar. 2, 1750.
Alie, d. William, Mar. 27, 1718.
AIlis, d. Nathaniel and Phebe, Aug. 23, 1730.
Amaziah, s. Samuell Jr. and Rebekah, Mar. 9, 1725.
Anna, d. Samuell, Apr. 18, 1700.
Anna, d. William and Mercy, Sept. 29, 1723.
Annah, d. Micha and Patience, Nov. 17, 178[Worn, 1782].
Azariah ([torn]zariah) [Azariah], s. Simson and Mary,---------- 9, 1778.
Barnabas, s. John, Feb. 5, 1699.
Barnabas, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 14, 1735.
Benjamin, s. William, Mar. 31, 1690.
Benjamin, s. Simson and Sarah, June 25, 1729.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.4.
Benjamin, s. Samuel Jr. and Susannah, July 4, 1756.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 16, 1771.
Benjamin, s. William and Remember, Aug. 22, 1780.
Beulah (see Bulah).
Bigford, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 18, 1743.
Bulah, d. Samuell, June 27, 1705.
Caleb, s. Joseph and Deborah, Dec. 22, 1755.
Cornelus, s. Simson and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1732.
Daborah, d. Nathan, Feb. 27, 1714.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Dec. 10, 1741.
Daniell, s. Samuell, Feb. 28, 1693.
David, s. Cornelius and Elisabeth, Apr. 9, 1763.
Deborah (see also Daborah).
Deborah, d. Simson, Nov. 15, 1724. [Rec. with chn. of Simpson and Sarah.]
Deborah, d. Elnathan and Elisabeth, Apr. 17, 1756.
Debroah, d. John, Aug. 10, 1694.
Ebenezer, s. William, May 29, 1724.
Edward, s. Isaac, Dec. 27, 1701, P.R.42.
Edwin Sears, Feb. 4, 1835, G.R.13.
Elanor, d. Benjamin, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.4.
Eleanor (see also Elanor, Elennor and Elenor).
Eleanor, d. Cornelius, bp. Aug. 7, 1774, C.R.4.
Eleazer, s. Benjamin, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.4.
Elennor, d. Jabez, Dec. 31, 1725.
Elenor, d. John, Feb. 1, 1685.
Eliakim, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Apr. 7, 1740.
Elisabeth, d. Simson and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1737-8.
Elisabeth, d. John and Elisabeth, June 1, 1741.
Elisabeth, d. Benjamin and Mary, July 27, 1760.
Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Deborah, Apr. 13, 1761.
Elisabeth, d. Cornelius and. Elisabeth, June 14, 1764.
Elizabeth, d. John, June 19, 1683.
Elizabeth, d. William Jr., May 22, 1705.
Elizabeth, d. Simpson and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1726.
Elizebeth, d. Daniel and Elizebeth, July 14, 1731.
Elnathan, s. Samuell Jr. and Deborah, Nov. 20, 1730.
Eunice, d. Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 24, 1776.
Experience, d. Samuel Jr. and Susanna, Jan. 22, 1753.
Exsperience, d. Samuell, June 19, 1702.
Gamaliel, s. Simson and Sarah, Mar. 15, 1735-6.
Gardner, s. Isaac and Ruth, June 21, 1745.
Gideon ([torn]ddon) [Gidcon], d. [s. written above d. crossed out] Simson and Mary, Sept. 26, 1777.
Hanah (Spuner), d. Samuell, Jan. 27, 1696.
Hannah, d. Samuell Jr. and Rebekah, Aug. 18, 1719.
Hannah, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, June 25, 1743.
Hannah, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Lurany, Oct. 15, 1776.
Hepzibah, d. Isaac and Ruth, Dec. 18, 1754.
Hester, d. Samuell Jr. and Rebekah, Jan. 26, 1716-17.
Isaac, s. William, Jan. 9, 1715-16.
Jabesh, s. William, Feb. 18, 1692.
James, s. John and Elisabeth, Sept. 5, 1739.
Jane, d. Barnabas and Suruiah, Feb. 8, 1727-8.
Jashop [Joseph] , s. Samuell, Nov. 13, 1698.
Jean, d. William Jr., May 12, 1703.
[torn]mima [Jemima, Susanna], d. William Jr., Dec. 7, 1700.
John, s. John, July 2, 1668.
John, s. Nathan, Nov. 16, 1715.
John, s. John and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1745.
John, s. Lydia (wid.), bp. Sept. 4, 1774, C.R.4.
John, s. Nathaniell Jr. and Lurany, Jan. 16, 1778.
Jonathan, s. John, Aug. 28, 1681.
Jonathan, s. Nathan, Nov. 26, 1711.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 31, 1755.
Joseph (see Jashop).
Joseph, s. William Jr. (s. Samuell) and Mercy, May 19, 1718.
Joshua, s. William, Mar. 16, 1694.
Lazarus, s. Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 23, 1747.
Lemuel, s. Elnathan (s. Samuell) and Elisabeth, Feb. 3, 1753.
Lois, d. Joseph and Deborah, Apr. 17, 1752.
Luce, d. Daniel and Elizebeth, Oct. 29, 1729.
Lucy, d. Joseph and Deborah, Sept. 2, 1757.
Luraney, d. Nathaniel and Luranah, July 10, 178[torn].
Marcy, d. William Jr., Jan. 8, 1713-14.
Marcy, d. Joseph and Deborah, July 8, 1759.
Marcy, d. Micah [dup. crossed out, Micha] and Patience, Apr. 14, 1778.
Margret, d. Micha and Patience, Sept. 8, 178[worn, 1784].
Mary (Spuner), d. Samuell, Jan. 4, 1690.
Mary, d. Isaac and Ruth, Feb. 24, 1753.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 6, 1767.
Mary, d. Weston, bp. Oct. 30, 1774, C.R.4.
Mary (see Mary Andrews, 1821).
Mercy, d. Isaac, Apr. 22, 1707, P.R.42.
Mercy, d. William Jr. and Mercy, Aug. 20, 1721.
Mica, s. William Jr., Apr. 2, 1707.
Micah, s. Nathaniel and Hannah (Blackwell), May 22, 1754.
Moses, s. Barnabas and Suruiah, Feb. 7, 1725.
Nathan, s. John, Sept. 21, 1689.
Nathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, May 17, 1740.
Nathaniel, s. William Jr., Apr. 21, 1709.
Nathaniel [dup. Nethaniel, h. Hannah (Blackwell)], s. William Jr. (s. Samuell), Sept. 10, 1716.
Nathaniel, s. Isaac and Ruth, Sept. 10, 1749.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Lurany, Feb. —, 1780.
Nethaniel [dup. Nathaniel], s. Nathaniel [dup. Nathanel] and Hannah (Blackwell), Dec. 6, 1751. [Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, C.R.4.]
Olive, d. Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 10, 1755.
Pashent, d. Nathan, Mar. 20, 1717-18.
Patience, d. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 9, 1749.
Patience, d. Micha and Patience, Sept. 21, 1779.
Paul, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Mar. 20, 1745-6.
Paul, s. Cornelius and Elisabeth, May 22, 1758.
Persie, d. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 23, 1763.
Phebe, d. John, May 11, 1687.
Phebe, d. John Sr., Apr. 16, 1708.
Phebe, d. Benjamin, bp. Mar. 27, 1743, C.R.4.
Phillip, s. William Jr. (s. Samuell), Nov. 9, 1714.
Phillip, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, Dec. 13, 1733.
Phillip, s. Nathaniel and Hannah (Blackwell), Aug. 14, 1756.
Puneler [ ? Puneler or Purcler, Pruneler, Punela] , d. Nathan, July 9, 1721.
Rebecicah, d. William Jr., Nov. 17, 1710.
Rebekah, d. Nathaniel and Phebe, Jan. 9, 1731-2.
Rebekah, d. Samuel Jr. and Susanna, Oct. 2, 1751.
Rebekar, d. John, Oct. 18, 1691.
Rosaman, d. John Jr., Jan. 4, 1723-4.
Rose, d. Walter and Allathea, Sept. 21, 1753.
Ruggles, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, Mar. 24, 1737.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Deborah, Mar. 25, 1750.
Samuel, s. Benjamin, bp. July 11, 1742, C.R.4.
Samuel, s. Samuel. Jr. and Susanna, May 5, 1754.
Samuell (Spuner), s. Samuell, Feb. 4, 1692.
Samuell, s. William Jr. and Mercy, Aug. 31, 1726.
Sarah, d. William, Oct. 6, 1700.
Sarah, d. William Jr., Jan. 18, "1711 or 12."
Sarah (Spooner), d. Jabez, Jan. 20, 1723-4.
Sarah, d. Isaac and Ruth, Nov. 26, 1746.
Sarah, d. Walter and Allathea, June 22, 1755.
Sarah, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Lurany, Jan. 16, 177 [torn, 1773, rec. before ch. b. Oct. 15, 1776].
Seth (Spuner), s. Samuell, Jan. 31, 1694.
Seth, s. Walter and Allathea, July 31, 1751.
Seth, s. Samuel Jr. and Deborah, Jan. 31, 1755-6.
Seth, s. Elnathan and Elisabeth, Mar. 8, 1762.
Shear Jashub, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, Aug. 14, 1735.
Shubal, s. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 13, 1758.
Siles, s. Cornelius and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1760.
Simson, s. Isaac, Jan. 12, 1699, P.R.42.
Simson, s. Joseph and Deborah, Feb. 8, 1754.
Simson, s. Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 4, 1773.
Stephen, s. William and Remember, Apr. 6, 1779.
Susanna (see Jemima).
Thomas, s. Samuell Jr. and Rebekah, Apr. 3, 1721.
Thomas, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 13, 1737.
Thomas, s. Lydia (wid.), bp. Sept. 4, 1774, C.R.4.
Walter R., Deputy Sheriff, Oct. 26, 1847, G.R.39.
Ward, s. Isaac and Ruth, Apr. 21, 1751.
Weston, s.----------, bp. Sept. 20, 1767, C.R.4.
William, s. John, May 11, 1680.
Willliam (Spuner), s. Samuell, Feb. 13, 1688.
William, s. William, Jan. 29, 1719-20.
William (Spooner), s. Isaac (Spooner) and Ruth, Apr. 24, 1748.
William, s. Nathaniel and Hannah (Blackwell), July 13, 1750.
William, s. Samuell Jr. and Susanah, Aug. 6, 1750.
William, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Lurany, Apr. 18, 1783.
Wing, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, Dec. 29, 1738.
Wing, s. Samuel (Spoonr), Apr. 30,---------- [torn].
Zephaniah, s. Samuell jr. and Rebeckah, May 15, 1724.
Zoeth, s. Jabez and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1721.
----------[worn], s. John Sr., Apr. 16, 1706.
Ann, d. Edward and Freelove, May 5, 1743.
Edward, s. Edward and Freelove, Nov. 27, 1752.
Freelove, d. Edward and Freelove, Aug. 16, 1760.
James, s. Edward and Freelove, Jan. 5, 1747-8.
Job, s. Edward and Freelove, Mar. 16, 1745.
Nathan C., s. John, farmer, and Eliza of D., —, 6 mo. 1843, in D.
Samuel, s. Edward and Freelove, July 6, 1750.
Stephen, s. Edward and Freelove, Oct. 27, 1757.
Stutley, s. Edward and Freelove, Mar. 10, 1755.
SPUNER (see Spooner).
Lucy Ann [? m.],----------, 1833, G.R.39.
Margret, d. John and Susanah, Oct. 8, 1729.
Merebah, d. John and Susanah, Feb. 23, 1730.
Heman N., 2d, 3 mo. 1837, G.R.1.
STODDER (Stoddard)
Caleb, s. Ichabod and Deborah, Apr. 16, 1772.
Elisabeth, d. Ichabod and Deborah, Jan. 20, 1756.
Innosent, d. Ichabod and Deborah, Mar. 19, 1759.
----------(Stoddard), ch. Capt. Samuel and Virtue, June 4, 1789, G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Leven and Elisabeth, May 10, 1783.
Elisabeth, d. Leven and Elisabeth, Aug. 15, 1780.
Leven, s. Leven and Elisabeth, Mar. 10, 1778.
Nathaniel, s. Leven and Elisabeth, May 31, 1775.
STOWELL (Stowel)
Alexander T., s. George W., caulker, and Mary of D., 17th, 7 mo. 1845, in D.
Charles W., s. Columbus, labourer, and Nancy of D., Oct. 13, 1847, in D.
Cynthia [----------], "Mother," w.----------, Mar. 17, 1810, G.R.38.
Frederick, s. Frederick, caulker, and Cyntha of D., 27th, 5 mo. 1844, in D.
Frederick L., "Father," July 10, 1813, G.R.38.
Humphrey S., s. Frederick, calker, and Cynthia, Feb. 24, 1849, in D.
Phebe A., d. Daniel, calker, and Hitty of D., Sept, 17, 1847, in D.
Richard T. [dup. F.], s. Columbus, caulker, and Nancy R. Chase of D., June 28, 1845, in D.
Susan A. [----------], w. Asa T., Mar. 12, 1848. G.R.1.
Susan C., d. Frederick L., calker, and Cynthia of D., Aug. 13, 1847, in D.
Susana H., d. Mary T. (wid., of D.), Jan. 26, 1848, in D.
Susanna (Stowel), d. Susana, bp. Mar. 9, 1777, C.R.4.
----------, d. Frederick, calker, and Cyntha of D., 25th, 12 mo. 1845, in D.
Joseph, s. Jacob dec'd and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1782.
Sarah [----------], w. Jacob, Aug. 9, 1757.
Lois, d. Oder and Margreat, Aug. 7, 1763.
Allen, Dec. 18, 1811, [on stone beside that of Mehitable], G.R.1.
Mehitable [----------], w. Allen, May 17, 1812, G.R.1.
----------, s. Anthony, mariner, and Hannah of D., 27th, 3 mo. 1845, in D.
STURTEVANT (Sturdevant, Sturtivant)
Charles F., Mar. 31, 1848, G.R.1.
George (Sturtivant), s. Josiah and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1814.
Lucy (Sturdevant), d. Josiah (Sturtivant) and Lucy, Oct. 7, 1816.
Benjamin, s. Daniel (Sumerton) and Reliance, bp. June 14, 1767, C.R.4.
Catherine, d. Daniel and Reliance, Oct. 11, 1770. [Cattern, C.R.4]
Daniel, s. Thomas, Nov. 15, 1713.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Reliance, Mar. 18, 1766.
Hannah, d. Daniel and Keturah [dup. Keturah], July 6, 1749.
John, s. Daniel and Keturah, Nov. 26, 1745.
Thomas, s. Thomas, Apr. 15, 1711.
Thomas, s. Daniel, Sept. 16 [1739], P.R.25.
Abby A. [----------], w. [Townsend], 1st, 12 mo. 1818, C.R.3.
----------,----------, s. Townsend, schoolteacher, and Abby of D., 2d, 4 mo. 1846, in D. [Edward T., C.R.3.]
Albert B., s. William, mariner, and Elezabeth P. of D., May 11, 1847, in D.
Elisabeth S., d. William, mariner, and Elisabeth P. of D., 10th, 5 mo. 1846, in D.
Frederick C., s. William, mariner, and Eliza of D., 7th, 5 mo. 1844, in D.
Lydia B. [----------], w. William H.,----------, 1829, G.R.1.
Richard M.,----------, 1845, G.R.1.
Daniel,----------, 1849, G.R.1.
Emily J.,----------, 1842, [on stone with James H.] G.R.1.
James H.,----------, 1828, [on stone with Emily J.] G.R.1.
Jonathan, s. Benjamin, May 16, 1720.
Stephen, s. Benjamin, Oct. 29, 1723.
Francis,----------, 1844, G.R.1.
C. (see C. S----).
H. (see H. S.----------).
James, h. Mary Ann, —, 1820, G.R.1.
Mary Ann [----------], w. James,----------, 1832, G.R.1.
Alfred Gibbs,----------, 1847, G.R.39.
Bertha Wesselhoeft [----------], w. Humphrey Hathaway,----------, 1841, G.R.39.
Betsey, d. Jireh and Elisabeth, July 4, 1770. [Betty, d. Jireh Jr., bp. July 1, C.R.4.]
David, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1756.
Deborah, d. Jireh and Deborah, July 7, 1748.
Elisha, s. Silas, bp. July 19, 1772, C.R.4.
Elizabeth, d. Jonathan dec'd and Elizabeth, bp. May 1, 1763, C.R.4.
Hannah K. [----------], w. Sylvanus, 19th, 1 mo. 1834, C.R.3.
Humphrey Hathaway,----------, 1819, [on stone beside those of Rebecca D. and William R. (d. 1840)] G.R.39.
Jirah, s. Jirah and Deborah, May 31, 1741.
Jireh, ch. Silas, bp. July 11, 1771, C.R.4.
Jireh, s. Jireh and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1773. [s. Dea. Jireh Jr., C.R.4.]
John, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, July 10, 1734.
Jonathan, s. Jireh and Deborah, Dec. 12, 1730.
Jonathan, s. Jireh and Elisabeth, Oct. 5, 1763.
Jonathan, ch. Jireh Jr., bp. Aug. 30, 1767, C.R.4.
Lemuel, s. Silas and Deborah, Apr. 28, 1767.
Lemuel, ch. Silas, bp. July 11, 1771, C.R.4.
Loes, d. Jireh and Deborah, Sept. 4, 1737.
Lois, d. Silas, bp. June 18, 1784, C.R.4.
Lydia, d. Jireh and Elisabeth, Apr. 29, 1780.
Nancy, d. [Dea., C.R.4.] Jireh and Elisabeth. Mar. 30, 1783.
Nancy, d. Foster Esq. and Deborah, Feb. 9, 1787.
Rebecca D. [? m.],----------, 1824, [on stone beside those of William R. (d. 1840) and Humphrey Hathaway Swift] G.R.39.
Rhodolphus Nye, Capt., Nov. 29, 1810, [on stone beside that of Sylvia Hathaway Nye Swift] G.R.39.
Rupert Gideon Nye, s. Rhodolphus and Sylvia, Feb. 27, 1845, G.R.39.
Ruth, d. Jireh and Elisabeth, July 7, 1766.
Ruth, ch. Jireh Jr., bp. Aug. 30, 1767, C.R.4.
Sally, d. Foster and Deborah, Feb. 24, 1788.
Silas, s. Jireh and Deborah, Mar. 2, 1745.
Silvanus (see Sylvanus).
Susanah, d. Jireh and Deborah, Feb. 21, 1734.
Susanna, d. Jonathan, bp. Jan. 15, 1762, C.R.4.
Susannah, d. Silas and Deborah, Sept. 17, 178[sic, rec. after Lemuel, 1767].
Susannah, ch. Silas, bp. July 11, 1771, C.R.4.
Sylvanus,----------, 1832, [on stone beside that of Hannah K.] G.R.14.
Sylvia Hathaway Nye [----------], w. Rhodolphus N., July 21, 1814, G.R.39.
William, ch. Reuben and Ruth, 28th, 8 mo. 1792, C.R.3.
Abraham, s. Manuel, sailor, and Susan of D., 1st, 9 mo. 1845, in D.
S----------, C. [? Swenson], [? b. or d.]----------, 1847, G.R.1.
H. [ ? Swenson], 1? b. or d.]----------, 1826, G.R.1.
TABER (Tabar)
Abigail, d. Joseph, Apr. 16, 1725.
Abigail, d. Peter and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1740.
Abigal (Tabar), d. Phillip, Oct. 27, 1678.
Abigal (Tabar) [dup. Taber], d. Thomas, May 2, 1693. Abner (see Admiral).
Abraham, s. Thomas and Ruth, July 2, 1767.
Admiral [Admiral written after Abner crossed out], s. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 12, 1767.
Almy, d. John and Almy, Jan. 31, 1776.
Amasiah [dup. crossed out, Amasiah], s. Thomas [dup. crossed out, Jr.], [July 9, 1704. [Rec. in group with Priscila]
Amasiah, s. John, Nov. 23, 1724.
Amos, s.----------[worn, Joseph], Apr. 29, 1703.
Amos, s. Peter and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1744.
Archelaus, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Oct. 3, 1759.
Archelus, s. Benjamin and Susanah, July 26, 1737.
Asa F., s. Asa, mariner, and Harriet G. of D., 16th, 3 mo. 1847, in D.
Barnabas, s. Benjamin Jr. and Hannah, 17th, 6 mo. 1761, C.R.3.
Barnabas, s. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Mar. 14, 1768.
Barnabas, s. Benjamin Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Eunes [dup. Eunice], 24th, 4 mo. 1768. [ch. Benjamin Jr. and Eunice (second w.), C.R.3.]
Bartholomew, s. Jacob, Sept. 11, 1717. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew and Marcy, Aug. 2, 1779.
Barthomew, s. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Oct. 10, 1759.
Benjamin, s.----------[worn, Joseph], Dec. 2, 1706.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Susanah, Oct. 10, 1733.
Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Robe, grand s. Rev. Philip of Acoaksit, Feb. 20, 1747.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin Jr. and Hannah, 2d, 2 mo. 1766.
Bennet, s. John (s. Benjamin) and Elizabeth, July 23, 1762.
Bethiah (see Bithiah).
Betsey Hilman, ch. Robert and Arnie (Russell), 15th, 4 mo. 1825, P.R.30.
Betsey R. [----------], w. Capt. Pardon Jr., Dec. 31, 1828, C.R.39.
Bithiah [dup. Bethia] (Tabar) [Taber], d. Thomas, Sept. 3, 168[torn, 1687, dup. 1687].
Bithiah (Tabar), d. Pillip, Apr. 18, 1689.
Comfort, d. Phillip, Aug. 3, 1707.
Daniel, s. Peter and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1754.
Daniel, s. Benjamin Jr. and Hannah, 23d, 6 mo. 1764.
David, s. Peter and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1747.
Deborah, d. John, Apr. 29, 1714.
Deborah, d. John, May 25, 1731.
Edward, s. William (s. Joseph of Queshnet) and Mary, Oct. 18. I754.
Elener, d. Peter and Sarah, May 16, 1742.
Elenor, d. Joseph, Mar. 28, 1713.
Eleoner, d. William and Mary, Jan. 24, 1752.
Elezebeth, d. Joseph, Nov. 2, 1718.
Elihu, s. Thomas and Mary, May 16, 1769.
Elisabeth, d. Joseph Jr. and Mary, Feb. 5, 1743.
Elisabeth, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1782.
Elizabeth (see also Elezebeth, Elisabeth and Elizebeth).
Elizabeth, d. Pardon and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1779.
Elizabeth [----------], w. Stephen, Aug. 22, 1791, G.R.39.
Elizabeth Bourne, d. Stephen and Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1828, G.R.39.
Elizebeth, d. Benjamin and Susanalh, Sept. 17, 1730.
Elnathan, s. John, Sept. 15, 1720.
Elnathan, s. Stephen (s. Jacob) and Rebecca, July 4, 1736.
Elnathan, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1762.
Esek, s. Jonathan and Robe, grand s. Rev. Philip of Acoaksit, Nov. 5, 1755.
Esther (Tabar) [dup. Taber], d. Thomas, Apr. 17, 167 [torn, 1671, dup. 1671].
Esther (Tabar), d. Pillip, Feb. 23, 1680.
Esther, d. Thomas, Mar. 6, 1709-10. [Rec. in group with Priscila.]
Eunice, d. Jacob and Sarah, July 10, 1711.
Eunice, d. Stephen and Hopestell, Apr. 3, 1770.
Francis, s. Benjamin Jr. and Eunes [dup. Eunice], 16th, 9 mo. 1772. [ch. Benjamin Jr. and Eunice (second w.), C.R.3.]
Francis, 10th, 10 mo. 1803, C.R.5. [On stone beside that of M. A., G.R.14.]
Freeman, s. Elnathan and Dorathy, Dec. 13, 1745.
Gardner, s. Jonathan and Robe, grand s. Rev. Philip of Acoaksit, May 20, 1742.
Hannah, d. Amoz and Elizebeth, May 28, 1725.
Hannah, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1735-6.
Hannah, d. Joseph Jr. and Mary, Aug. 30, 1750.
Huldah, d. Phillip and Susanah, Mar. 3, 1724.
Jabez, s. John, June 22, 1727.
Jacob (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, July 26, 1683.
Jacob, s. Jacob, May 21, 1723. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Jacob, s. Stephen and Rebekah, June 30, 1754.
Jacob, s. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1757.
Jacob, s. Bartholomew and Marcy, Oct. 10, 1775.
Jeduthan, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Mar. 13, 1742-3.
Jemima, d. Joseph Jr. and Mary, Dec 17, 1753.
Jeremiah, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Apr. 3, 1749.
Jeremiah, s. John and Almy, Dec. 2, 1771 [sic, see Pardon].
Jerusha, d. Jacob, Aug. 27, 1715. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Jesse, s. Phillip and Susanah, Nov. 21, 1719.
Jethro, s. Arnoz and Elizebeth, May 18, 1727.
Jethro, s. Peter and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1745-6.
Joanna (see Johannah).
Job, s. William and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1737.
Johannah, d. Thomas and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1764.
John (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, Feb. 22, 1681.
John (Tabar), s. Fillip, July 18, 1684.
John, s. Joseph, Aug. 8, 1715.
John, s. Phillip, Feb. 7, 1723.
John, s. Jacob, Nov. 28, 1726. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
John, s. Benjamin and Susanah, Oct. 9, 1735.
John, s. Jacob Jr, and Lydia, May 23, 1755.
John, s. John and Mary, Jan. 12, 1756.
John, s. Bartholomew and Marcy, May 23, 1773.
John, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1778.
Jonathan (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, Sept. 22, 1685.
Jonathan, s. Thomas [dup. crossed out, Jr.], Feb. [Jan. Feb., dup. crossed out, Feb.] 24, 1702-3. [Rec. in group with Priscila.]
Jonathan, s. Phillip, Oct. 5, 1712.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Robe, grand s. Rev. Philip of Coaksit, Mar. 20, 1735.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Lois, Jan. 8, 1741-2.
Joseph (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, Mar. 7, 1679.
Joseph, s.---------- [worn, Joseph]. Feb. 15, 1709-10.
Joseph, s. Philip Jr., Nov. 10, 1725.
Joseph, s. Benjamin and Susanah, Feb. 28, 1731-2.
Joseph, s. Pardon and Sarah, May 10, 1772.
Joseph, s. John and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1777.
Joshua, s. Benjamin and Susannah, Jan. 28, 1739-40.
Josiah, s. Phillip, June 4, 1715.
Judith, d. Pardon and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1766.
Judith, d. Pardon and Sarah, May 10, 1774. [This entry crossed out.]
Keturah, d. Peter and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1751.
Ledia, d. Peter and Sarah, July 20, 1749.
Lewis, s. Benjamin and Susanna, Oct. 7, 1751.
Lewis, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, May 10, 1767.
Loes, d. Jacob, Aug. 23, 1719. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Lois, d. Jonathan and Lois,----------29,----------[rec. between ch. b. Dec. 18, 1735 and ch. b. Feb. 1, 1739-40].
Lois, d. Stephen and Hopestell, Oct. 25, 1768.
Loring, s. Pardon and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1764.
Lydia [dup. Ledia] (Tabar) [Taber], d. Thomas, Aug. 8 [torn, 1673, dup. 1673].
Lydia (Tabar), d. Pillip, Sept. 28, 1673.
Lydia (see Ledia, 1749).
M. A.,----------, 1801, [on stone beside that of F.] G.R.14.
Margaret, d. Jonathan and Robe, grand d. Rev. Philip of Coaksit, July 10, 1740.
Margret, d. Phillip, Apr. 8, 1727.
Martha, d. Phillip, Oct. 6, 1700.
Mary (Tabar), d. Pilip, Jan. 28, 1668.
Mary (Tabar) [dup. Taber] , d. Thomas, Mar. 17 [dup. Mar. 18], 1677.
Mary, d. John of Coakset, Mar. 21, 1707.
Mary, d.----------[worn, Joseph], June 6, 1708.
Mary, d. Phillip, Feb. 25, 1709-10.
Mary, d. Thomas, Nov. 12, 1711. [Rec. in group with Priscila.]
Mary, d. John, Aug. 25, 1717.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Loes, Sept. 11, 1731.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Susanah, June 14, 1741.
Mary, d. Thomas and Ruth, Jan. 15, 1761.
Mary S., d. Stephen and Elizabeth, May 23, 1826, C.R.39.
Mercy, d. Jonathan and Loes, July [July written above Aug. crossed out] 31, 1733.
Meribah, d. William and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1731.
Meribah, d. John (s. Rev. Philip) and Mary, Sept. 27, 1753.
Nathaniel, s. William and Meribah, June 25, 1728.
Noah, s. Phillip and Susanah, July 7, 1727.
Pardon, s. John and Almy, Apr. 7, 1772 [sic, see Jeremiah].
Pardon Jr., Capt., h. Betsey R., Aug. 28, 1817, G.R.39.
Peace, d. Phillip and Susanah, Feb. 22, 1722.
Peace, d. Thomas (s. Joseph) and Ruth, Nov. 5, 1745.
Peleg, s. Jonathan and Robe, grand s. Rev. Philip of Acoaksit, Jan. 27, 1751.
Peleg, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1771.
Peter, s. Joseph, Apr. 6, 1721.
Phebe, d. John, Mar. 6, 1723.
Phebe, d. Stephen and Rebeckah, July 7, 1748.
Phebe, d. Amiziah and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1751.
Philip, s. John, Dec. 14, 1708.
Philip, s. Philip and Susanna, Oct. 31, 1730.
Phillip (Tabar), s. Pillip, Feb. 29[sic], 1675.
Phillip (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, Feb. 7, 1689.
Phillip, s. Phillip, Oct 4, 1702.
Phillip, s. Phillip Jr., Jan. 14, 1722-3.
Phillip, s. William and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1734.
Priscila, d. Thomas [dup. crossed out, Jr.], June 28, 1701. [Rec. after mar. record of Thomas and Rebeckah (Harlow).]
Prudence, d. Pardon and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1770.
Rebecca, d. Benjamin and Susanah, Feb. 28, 1744-5.
Rebecca, d. Stephen and Rebecca,---------- [rec. after ch. b. June 30, 1754].
Rebecca, d. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1765.
Rebeckah, d.----------[worn, Joseph], Oct. 11, 1711.
Rebeckah, d. John, Jan. 24, 1715-16.
Rebeckah, d. Phillip, Apr. 18, 1719.
Rebeckah, d. Jonathan and Lois, Dec. 18, 1735.
Rhoda, d. John and Almy, Apr. 5, 1774.
Richard, s. Phillip and Susanah, Nov. 25, 1711.
Richard, s. Thomas and Elizebeth, July 29, 1734.
Richard, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 29, 1764.
Robert, s. John and Almy, Aug. 18, 1768.
Robert, h. Annie (Russell), 24th, 12 mo. 1797, P.R.30.
Rube, d. Joseph Jr. and Mary, Mar. 22, 1745-6.
Ruth, d. Thomas and Ruth, May 7, 1748.
Samuel, s. Thomas, Dec. 4, 1714. [Rec. in group with Priscila.]
Sanford, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1769.
Sarah (Tabar), d. Pillip, Mar. 26, 1671.
Sarah (Tabar) [dup. Taber], d. Thomas, Jan. 28, 167[torn, 1674, dup. 1674].
Sarah, d.----------[worn, Joseph], Mar. 2, 1704-5.
Sarah, d. John, Sept. 13, 1713.
Sarah, d. Jacob, July 23, 1721. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Sarah, d. Stephen and Rebeckah, Sept. 24, 1745.
Sarah, d. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Dec. 12, 1761.
Sarah, d. Jacob Jr. and Lydia, Feb. 11, 1763.
Sarah, d. Bartholomew and Marcy [dup. crossed out, Mercy], May [dup. crossed out, Apr] 13, 1771.
Sarah, d. Pardon and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1776.
Sarah R., ch. Robert and Annie (Russell), 6th, 1 mo. 1820, P.R.30.
Seth, s. Thomas,----------[worn, July] 5, 1719. [Rec. in group with Priscila.]
Stephen, s. Jacob, Feb. 22, 1712-13. [Rec. in group with Eunice, 1711.]
Stephen, s. Stephen and Rebecca, June 1, 1743.
Stephen, S. Jonathan and Lois, Mar. 13, 1744-5.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Rebeckah, Aug. 10, 1752.
Stephen, Oct. 23, 1777, [on store beside that of Elizabeth] G.R.39.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1825, C.R.39.
Susanna [dup. Susannah], d. Benjamin Jr. and Eunas [dup. Eunice], 7th, 4 mo. 1770. [Susanah, ch. Benjamin Jr. and Eunice (second w.). (?).
Thankfull, d. Elnathan (?) Dorothy, Oct. [Oct. written above Nov. crossed out] 22, 1742.
Thomas (Tabar) [dup. Taber], s. Thomas, Oct. 22, 1668.
Thomas, s. John, July 18, 1712.
Thomas, s. Phillip and Susanah, Nov. 18, 1713.
Thomas, s. John, Apr. 30, 1716.
Thomas, s. Joseph, Sept. 20, 1717.
Thomas, s. William and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1732-3.
Thomas, s. Jonathan and Lois, Feb. 1, 1739-40.
Thomas, s. Stephen and Rebecca, Oct. 3, 1740.
Thomas, s. Benjamin and Susanah, Mar. 28, 1747.
Toocker, s. Phillip and Susanah, Oct. 10, 1717.
Tripp, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1783.
Tucker (see Toocker).
William, s. Phillip, Feb. 18, 1704-5.
William, s. John, Apr. 28, 1711.
William, s. Joseph, Mar. 15, 1722-3.
William, s. Joseph Jr. and Mary, Feb. 24, 1741.
William, s. Pardon and Sarah, June 18, 1768.
William D.,----------, 1830, C.R.39.
Zephaniah, s. Phillip and Susanah, Oct 1, 1715.
TALLMAN (Tallmon, Talman, Tolman)
Abagail, d. Gideon and Nancy, July 3, 1784.
Abbie H. [----------], w. Sylvanus C., —, 1825, G.R.1.
Amy, d. Gideon and Nancy, May 17, 1773.
Anna, d. Zebedee and Sarah, July 26, 1795.
Anthony, s. Gideon and Nancy, June 6, 1776.
Betsy, d. William and Betsy, June 18, 1765.
Catharine M. [----------], w. Rescum H., Mar. 2, 1827, G.R.1.
Charles, s. William and Betsy, Aug. 10, 1767.
Charles H. (Tallmon), s. Rescom H., farmer, and Catherine M. of D., 10th, 2 mo. 1847, in D.
Cyrus (see Sirus).
Darius (see Derias).
Deborah, d. William and Rhoda, Apr. 23, 1779.
Derias (Tatman), s. Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1690.
Ebenezer, s. William and Rhoda, July 31, 1785.
Elihu, s. William and Rhoda, Mar. 29, 1781.
Elisabeth, d. Gideon and Nancy, Dec. 2, 1771.
Elizabeth [----------], w. William, May 9, 173[sic] "old style," P.R.22.
Elizebeth, d. James and Rest, June 13, 1744.
Elkanah, s. William and Betsy, Aug. 20, 1763. [s. William and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, P.R.22.]
Eunice, d. William and Rhoda, Jan. 29, 1775.
Ezekiel, s. Alexander, housewright, and Hannah of D., Jan. 20, 1848, in D.
Gideon (Talman), s. James and Rest, Oct. 29, 1745.
Hannah, d. William and Betsy, Oct. 29, 1773.
James (Tolman), s. Jonathan (Talman), Feb. 7, 1698.
Jonathan, s. Nathaniel and Rachel, June 2, 1732.
Lydia, d. William and Betsy, Sept. 30, 1759. [w.----------Russell, d. William and Elizabeth, P.R.22.
Mary (Tolman), d. Jonathan (Talman), May 3, 1695.
Mary, d. William and Betsy, Jan. 26, 1769. [w.----------Hawes, d. William and Elizabeth, P.R.22.]
Mary W., d. Restcom, labourer, and Catherine of D., 1st, 9 mo. 1845, in D.
Matthew, s. Gideon and Nancy, Dec. 9, 1778.
Meribah, d. William and Rhoda, Feb. 4, 1777.
Nancy, d. Zebedee and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1793.
Nancy, d. William and Rhoda, Aug. 20, 1793.
Nathaniel (Talman), s. Jonathan, Jan. 14, 1696.
Nathaniel, s. Jonathan 3d (s. Nathaniell) and Mary, July 31, 1755.
Nicholas Winslow, June 27, 1797. [Rec. with chn. of Zebedee and Sarah.]
Phebe, d. William and Rhoda, May 9, 1783.
Rebeckah, d. Nathaniel and Rachell, Nov. 8, 1724.
Rescum H., Mar. 23, 1824, [on stone beside that of Catharine M.] G.R.1.
Rhobe, w. Amrafel Wood, d. Ezekel and Catharine, July 11, 1784.
Ruth, d. Gideon and Nancy, Oct. 26, 1781.
Seth, s. William and Betsy, Nov. 24, 1757. [s. William and Elizabeth, Nov. 17, P.R.22.]
Silvanus C. (see Sylvanus C.).
Sims (Talman), s. Jonathan, Nov. 26, 1702.
Sylvanus C., h. Abbie H.,----------, 1820, G.R.1.
Timothy (Talman), s. Jonathan, Feb. 24, 1704.
Timothy, s. William and Betsy [Elizabeth, P.R.22.], Mar. 4, 1771.
Wesson, s. William and Betsy, Nov. 11, 1775.
William, h. Elizabeth, May 9, 1730 "old style," P.R.22.
William, s. William and Betsy [Elizabeth, P.R.22.], Sept. 16, 1761.
Zebedee, s. Zebedee and Hannah. Feb. 26, 1771.
Abbie J. [ ? m.],----------, 1848, [on stone with William C.] G.R.1.
Isaiah, h. Sally,----------, 1787, G.R.1.
Mary A. [----------], w. Capt. W. W., June 14, 1812, G.R.1.
Nathan,----------, 1810, G.R.1.
Sally [----------], w. Isaiah,----------, 1790, G.R.1.
Sarah W. [----------], w. Stephen, Apr. 9, 1790, in D., G.R.1.
Stephen, s. James and Mary, Jan. 2, 1783, in Newport, R. I., [on stone beside that of Sarah W.] G.R.1.
William, s. William W., mariner, and Mary of D., 30th, 1 mo. 1846, in D.
William C.,----------, 1846, [on stone with Abbie J.] G.R.1.
William W., Sept. 22, 1810, [on stone beside that of Mary A.] G.R.1.
Alice W., d. Benjamin, farmer, and Alice of D., 13th, 12 mo. 1843, in D.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Joanna, Mar. 12, 1750.
Caroline F. D. [? m.],----------, 1849, [on stone with Francis C.] G.R.39.
Deborah, d. Benjamin and Joanna, Apr. 1, 1745.
Ellen H., d. Isaac F., mariner, and Fanny, Aug. 10, 1849, in D.
Francis C.,----------,1848, [on stone with Caroline F. D.] G.R.39.
Isaac, Nov. 17, 1815, [on stone beside that of Jane S. (Ingraham)] G.R.39.
Joanna, d. Benjamin and Joanna, Mar. 20, 1753.
Patience, d. Benjamin and Joanna, Nov. 17, 1755.
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Joanna, Nov. 17, 1742.
Thomas, s. Benjamin and Joanna, Dec. 19, 1749.
THACHER (Thatcher)
Elizabeth R. [----------] (Thatcher), w. Rev. Isaiah C., Dec. 2, 1825, G.R.1.
Isaiah C., Rev., July 2, 1815, [on stone beside that of Dea. Matthews and Elizabeth R.] G.R.1.
Matthews, Dea., June 8, 1788, [on stone beside that of Rev. Isaiah C.] G.R.1.
Mercy J. [? m.],----------, 1842, [on stone with Otis F.] G.R.13.
Orpha B.,----------, 1829, [on stone with Warren H.] G.R.1.
Otis F.,----------, 1833, [on stone with Mercy J.] G.R.13.
Warren H.,----------, 1828, [on stone with Orpha B.] G.R.1.
Albert Alexander Packard, [twin] s. Arnold and Anna, Apr. 12, 1808.
Arnold, s. Arnold and Anna, Mar. 25, 1813.
Charlotte, d. Arnold, farmer, and Mahala of D., 7th, 6 mo. 1844, in D.
Clarisa, d. Thacher, merchant, and Mary W. of D., 4th, 10 mo. 1845, in D.
Elisabeth, d. Leander, labourer, and Louisa of D., 24th, 8 mo. 1845, in D.
Emeline Packard, [twin] d. Arnold and Anna, Apr. 13, 1808.
John S., June —, 1841, [on monument with Thatcher] G.R.1.
Laurana, d. Arnold and Anna, Sept. 18, 1810.
Leander, "Father," Dec. 24, 1818, [on stone beside that of Lovina] G.R.13.
Lovina [----------], "Mother," w. Leander, July 29, 1823, G.R.13.
Mahala N. [----------], "Mother," w. Arnold Jr., June 13, 1817, G.R.13.
Mary W. [? m],----------, 1817, [on monument with Thatcher] G.R.6.
Mira A. [?m.],----------, 1847, G.R.1.
Robert T., s. Thacher, merchant, and Mary W. of D., June 3, 1847, in D.
Sarah L., d. Leander, farmer, and Lavina of D., —, 9 mo. 1843, in D.
Sarah Proud, d. Arnold and Anna, Sept. 10, 1815.
Shubeaele A., s. Arnold, labourer, and Eliza of D., —, 4 mo. 1844, in D.
Stephen, s. Arnold Jr., farmer, and Mahalia, Apr. 18, 1849, in D.
Susan Maria, d. William, butcher, and Sarah of D., 13th, 10 mo. 1845, in D.
Thatcher,----------, 1808, [on monument with Mary W.] G.R.1.
----------, s. Leander, farmer, and Lavina of D., Apr. 21, 1848, in D.
Mary Childs, w. Henry Wady Smith, Aug. 28, 1811, in Warren, R. I., P.R.40.
U. L., June 13, 1799, G.R.34.
Caroline D. [----------], w. James H., May 30, 1844, G.R.6.
Hannah, w. William Mosher, d. Edward, 24th, 12 mo., "Called Februry," 1726-7, C.R.3.
TIBBITS (Tibbets)
Elizabeth (Tibbets), d. George (Tibbits) and Kaziah, June 30, 1753.
George, h. Kaziah, s. John and Elisabeth, June 10, 1722, in R. I.
Hannah, d. George and Kaziah, Mar. 26, 1767.
Henry, s. George and Kaziah, Mar. 26, 1763.
John, s. George and Kaziah, Apr. 13, 1750.
Zurvia, d. George and Kaziah, Oct. 30, 1758.
TINKCOM (Tinkham)
Almy, d. John and Mary, Sept. 15, 1745.
Barbary, d. John and Mary, July 14, 1749.
Charls, s. Peter and Eunice, June 16, 1747.
Clerk, s. Peter and Eunice, Feb. 7, 1748-9.
Deborah, d. John and Mary, May 22, 1751.
Elisabeth, d. John and Mary, July 17, 1741.
Ephraim, s. Peter and Eunice, Jan. 27, 1750-1.
Hannah, d. John and Mary, Dec. 3, 1754.
Hezekiah (Tinkham), s. John, Nov. 10, 1725.
John, s. John and Mary, May 10, 1743.
Martha (Tinkham), d. John, May 19, 1722.
Mary, d. John and Mary, Sept 4, 1747.
Peter (Tinkham), s. John, Feb. 8, 1723-4.
Sarah, d. Peter and Eunice, Dec. 14, 1753.
Joseph F., s. Joseph, gardner, and Eliza M. of D., Sept. 10, 1847, in D.
TOBEY (Toby)
Abigail, d. Elisha Esq., bp. Aug. 3, 1766, C.R.4.
Ansel, s. Seth and Mary, Aug. 8, 1775.
Bathsheba, d. Elisha and Desire, Sept. 1, 1751.
Catharine R. [----------], w. William H. A.,----------, 1832, G.R.39.
Cornelius, s. Elisha and Desire, bp. July 13, 1768, C.R.4.
Cornelius, s. Jonathan, bp. Aug. 14, 1768, C.R.4.
Deborah, d. Elisha and Desire, bp. July 5, 1752, C.R.4.
Elisabeth WilIbur, d. Cornelius and Nancy, June 30, 1793.
Elisha, s. Dr. Elisha and Desire, bp. May 7, 1767, C.R.4.
Elisha Newcomb, s. Cornelius and Nancy, Oct. 12, 1797.
Elizabeth Wilbur (see Elisabeth Wilibur Tobey).
Elizebeth (Toby), d. Zacheus and Sarah, Apr. 24, 1743.
Elnathan (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1727-8.
Frederick, s. Cornelius and Nancy, Apr. 11, 1795.
Frederick A., s. Capt. William C., Jan. 24, 1813, G.R.39.
John (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, July 29, 1732.
Lemuel, s. Elisha and Desire, Feb. 27, 1748-9.
Lemuel, s. Elisha and Desire, bp. July 5, 1752, C.R.4.
Lott (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1739.
Lucy W.[----------], w. William H., Nov. 17, 1805, G.R.39.
Mary (Toby), d. Zacheus and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1747.
Mary, d. Seth and Mary, Feb. 14, 1783.
Noah (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1745.
Patience, d. Elisha Esq. and Desire, bp. Sept. 3, 1761, C.R.4.
Philip, s. Jabez and Anna, Sept. 10, 1750.
Prince (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, June 7, 1741.
Samuell (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, Feb. 9, "1729 or 30."
Sarah, d. Seth and Mary, Dec. 21, 1784.
Seth, s. Seth and Mary, Feb. 1, 1781.
Tabitha, d. Jabez and Anna, May 11, 1752.
Timothy, s. Elisha, bp. July 1, 1770, C.R.4.
William, s. Elisha and Desire, Aug. 7, 1753.
William, s. Elisha and Desire, Mar. 20, 1755.
William, s. Jonathan, bp. Aug. 14, 1768, C.R.4.
William H. A., h. Catharine R.,----------, 1835, G.R.39.
William Henry, s. William C. and Eliza C., Dec. 11, 1810, G.R.39.
Williamson, s. Seth and Mary, July 29, 1787 [1787 written over 1776].
Zacheus (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1734.
Zoeth (Toby), s. Zacheus and Sarah, July 14, 1737.
----------[torn], d. Samuel and Esther, bp. Sept. 13, 1763, C.R.4.
TOLMAN (see Tallman).
Abraham,----------, 1826, G.R.1.
Alexander, s. Alexander and Mary, Mar. 9, 1752.
Joanna, d. Alexander and Mary, May 5, 1747.
Martha, d. Alexander and Mary, July 19, 1749.
Sarah, d. Alexander and Mary, Dec. 14, 1744.
Thomas, s. Alexander and Mary, Apr. 20, 1742.
William, s. Alexander and Mary, Jan. 7, 1739-40.
Daniel, s. Philip and Marcy, Feb. 22, 1753.
Elisabeth, d. Philip and Naomy, 11th, 3 mo. 1760.
Eunice, d. Thomas and Welthe, Nov. 13, 1764.
Joseph, s. Phillip and Mercy, July 18, 1750. [17th, 5 mo., "Called July," C.R.3.]
Marcy, d. Philip and Marcy, Dec. 2, 1751. [Mercy, C.R.3.]
Mary, d. Philip and Naomy, 9th, 11 mo. 1757 "N: Stile."
Mehetabel, d. Philip and Naomy, 11th, 4 mo. 1761.
Naomy, d. Philip and Naomy, 14th, 11 mo. 1763.
Penolepe, d. Philip and Penolepe, Aug. 25, 1754.
Phebe, d. Thomas and Welthe, Mar. 1, 1760.
Phebe H., d. Philip, pedler, and Elvina of D.,----------[rec. June 1 1844, in D.
Phillip, s. Thomas and Mary, July 10, 1719. [7th, 5 mo., "Called July," "old Stile," C.R.3.]
Samuel, s. Philip and Penolepe, Dec. 9, 1755.
Samuell, s. Thomas and Mary, July 15, 1716-17.
Sarah, d. Philip and Naomy, 15th, 3 mo. 1769.
Susanna, d. Philip and Naomy, 30th, 3 mo. 1766.
Jonas,----------, 1840, G.R.1.
Katherine [----------], "Mother," w. Robert, Aug. 2, 1811, in Lislee, Co. Cork, Ire., G.R.1.
Robert, Sept. 9, 1812, in Lister [sic], Co. Cork, Ire., [on stone beside that of Katherine] C.R.1.
TRIPP (Trip)
Aaron, s. Abial Jr. and Mary, Jan. 22, 1743.
Abbie C. [----------], "Mother," w.----------, Mar. 23, 1841, [on stone beside that of Azariah G.] G.R.14.
Abial, s. Abial, Feb. 7, 1716-17.
Abiel, s. Joseph, Jan. 8, 1681.
Abigail, 1710 (see Abigel).
Abigail, d. William and Ruth, Aug. 12, 1738.
Abigail, d. Abner and Bethiah, Jan. 18, 1799.
Abigail C. (see Abbie C.).
Abigel, d. Joseph, Aug. 11, 1710. [Rec. in group with Hannah, 1728.]
Akus, s. Benoni and Elizebeth, Nov. 7, 1731.
Alice, d. Abiel, Apr. 18, 1727.
Alice, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Cathrine, Jan. 18, 1739.
Alles, d. Joseph, Feb. 1, 1679.
Allice, d. Ebenezer, Feb. 19, 1717-18.
Almy, d. James Jr. and Anne, Jan. 17, 1724-5.
Andrew G., s. James B., farmer, and Patience of D., 7th, 5 mo. 1846, in D.
Ann, d. Abial, Mar. 25, 1724.
Ann, d. Constant and Ann, June 3, 1764.
Anne, d. James Jr. and Anne, Sept. 28, 1731.
Antony, s. James Jr. and Anne, Feb. 23, 1719-20.
Avis, d. Abial Jr. and Mary, Sept. 8, 1738.
Azariah G., "Father," Sept. 28, 1839, [On stone beside that of Abbie C.] G.R.14.
Benjamin W., s. Benjamin, housewright, and Mercy C. of D., 6th, 6 mo. 1844, in D.
Benoni, s. Ishmael and Exsperience, Oct. 1, 1769 [9 blotted].
Benoni (Trip), ch. Ishmael, bp. Apr. 18, 1771, C.R.4.
Bette, d. Ishmael and Exsperience, Oct. 19, 1767.
Betty (Trip), ch. Ishmael, bp. Apr. 18, 1771, C.R.4.
Caleb, s. Ebenezer, Aug. 5, 1714.
Charity, d. Francis and Wait, June 3, 1747.
Charles Thomas, s. James B., labourer, and Patience, July 23, 1848.
Constant, s. Daniel [dup. Dainiel] and Rebecah, May 25, 1721 [dup. 1720, 1721-2, see Hannah, 1722].
Content, d. Francis and Content, Nov. 13, 1757.
Cousen, s. Constant and Ann, Dec. 6, 1747.
Daniel, s. Joseph, Nov. 3, 1691.
Daniel, 1715 (see [torn]nicel)
Daniel, s. Ebenezer, May 11, 1719.
Daniel, s. Daniel, July 19, 1724.
Daniel, s. Caleb and Elizebeth, Oct. 19, 1741.
David, s. Ebenezer, Aug. 7, 1721.
Deborah Jr. [ ? m. ], 1st, 3 mo. 1756, P.R.39.
Deborah, d. Philip and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1757.
Deborah 2d, ch.----------, 12th, 6 mo. 1797, P.R.39.
Desire, d. William and Ruth, July 12, 1729.
Dinah, d. Joseph, Nov. 10, 1716. [Rec. in group with Hannah, 1728.]
Dolly, [? twin] ch.----------, [torn]1, 11 mo. 1792, P.R.39.
Ebenezer, s. Joseph, Dec. 17, 1675.
Ebnezer, s. Ebnezer, Aug. 6, 1710.
Ede, d. William and Ruth, Dec. 24, 1730.
Edmond, s. Philip and Sarah, June 1, 1755.
Elen, d. George and Abigail, Mar. 6, 1738.
Elesabeth, d. John, Aug. 23, 1722. [Rec. in group with George.]
Elezebeth, d. Jeams [dup. James], Nov. 21, 1687.
Elezebeth, d. Benjamin, May 6, 1722.
Elijah, s. William and Ruth, July 3, 1749.
Elisabeth, d. William and Elisabeth, 13th, 1 mo. 1777, C.R.3.
Elizabeth (see Elesabeth, Elezebeth, Elisabeth and Elizebeth).
Elizebeth, d. James Jr. and Anne, Sept. 16, 1721.
Elizebeth, d. Francis and Wait, July 29, 1726.
Ellen (see Elen).
Ephraim, s. William and Lydia [(Shearman) C.R.3.], Aug. 1, 1753.
Franses, s. James, June 3, 1705.
George, s. John, Apr. 27, 1714. [Rec. after mar. record of John and Rebeckah Sponer.]
Hannah, d. Daniel, Oct. 20, 1722.
Hannah, d. Joseph and Elizebeth, Aug. 13, 1728.
Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Aug. 25, 1738.
Hannah, d. Job and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1784.
Huldia, d. Francis and Wait, Dec. 3, 1728.
Ichabod, s. Ebenezer, Nov. 17, 1716.
Ichabud, s. Ichabud and Desire, Aug. 3, 1746.
Isaac, s. James, Jan. 2, 1726-7.
Isaac, s. Francis and Wait, July 29, 1736.
Isabel, d. James, Dec. 31, 17[Worn, 1713].
Iserall, s. James, Mar. 22, 1716.
Ishmel, s. Benoni and Elizebeth, Feb. 23, 1737-8.
Israel (see Iserall).
Jabez, s. Joseph, Nov. 3, 1687.
Jabez, s. Jonathan, Oct. 15, 1729.
James, s. Joseph, Jan. 12, 1677.
James, s. James, July 17, 1694.
James, s. James and Ann, May 20, 1734.
James, s. Abial Jr. and Mary, May 23, 1747.
James, s. Ephraim and Esther, Aug. 18, 1794.
Jane, d. Francis and Wait, Jan. 7, 1743-4.
Jean, d. Job and Hannah, June 2, 1775.
Jenne, d. Iishmael and Exsperience, Mar. 11, 1763.
Jerome P., h. Marcia C.,----------, 1836, G.R.39.
Job, s. lishmael and Exsperience, Dec. 31, 1761.
Job, s. Job and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1780.
John, s. Joseph, July 6, 1668.
John, s. Jeams [dup. James], Nov. 8, 1685.
John, s. Ebenezer, Dec. 9 [torn, rec. before ch. b. Dec. 19, 1704].
John, s. Ebenezer, May 26, 1724.
John I. A., s. Washengton B., carpenter, and Abby R., Dec. 14, 1848, in D.
Jonathan, s. Joseph, Oct. 5, 1671.
Jonathan, s. Ebenezer, Mar. 25, 1706.
Jonathan, s. William and Ruth, Jan. 30, 1740.
Joseph, s. Joseph, Aug. 24, 1685.
Joseph, s. Constant and Ann, July 22, 1756.
Joshua, s. Caleb and Elizebeth, Mar. 15, 1736.
L[torn]n, ch.----------,----------, 9 mo. 1794, P.R.39.
Lemuel, s. Job and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1777.
Lidia, d. Benjamin, Oct. 31, 1714.
Lidia, d. James Jr. and Anne, Feb. 12, 1726-7.
Lot, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Cathrine, Feb. [Feb. written after Sept. crossed out] 24, 1734.
Lovit, s. Timothy and Patience, Dec. 6, 1747.
Lydia (see also Lidia).
Lydia, d. James, Apr. 30, 1707.
Lydia, d. Abiel, Aug. 23, 1711.
Lydia, d. Abial Jr. and Mary, Oct. 3, 1740.
Lydia, d. William and Ruth, Aug. 1, 1747.
Lydia, d. William and Elisabeth, 6th, 2 mo. 177[worn, rec. between Marian, 1772, and Elisabeth, 1777], C.R.3.
M[torn], [? twin] ch.----------, [torn] 1, 11 mo. 1792, P.R.39.
Macy, d. John, June 16, 1716. [Rec. in group with George.]
Major, s. Abner and Bethiah, May 11, 1796.
Marcia C. [----------], w. Jerome P.,----------, 1846, C.R.39.
Marian [dup. w. Lemuel Barker], d. William and Elisabeth, 17th, 11 mo. [1 written over 0, dup. 10 mo.] 1772, C.R.3.
Martha, d. William and Ruth, Oct. 27, 1732.
Mary, d. Joseph, Aug. 22, 1689.
Mary, d. James, Jan. 9, 1700.
Mary, d. Ebenezer, Dec. 19, 1704.
Mary, d. Abiel, May 24, 1714.
Mary, d. James, Oct. 14, 1720.
Mary, d. James Jr. and Anne, Mar. 24, 1729.
Mary, d. Thomas and Hester, Aug. 11, 1731.
Mary [?m.], 5th, 3 mo. 1736, P.R.38.
Mary, d. John and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1741.
Mary, d. John and Penelope, Mar. 30, 1750.
Mary, d. Abial Jr. and Mary, Dec. 22, 1752.
Mehetabel, s. Joseph, Oct. 9, 1683.
Mehitabel, d. Thomas and Hester, Mar. 15, 1732-3.
Mercy, d. James, Mar. 17, 1738.
Meribah, d. Ebenezer, July 7, 1707.
Michael (see [torn]nicel).
Nancy, d. Job and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1773.
Nathan, s. Ishmael and Exsperience, Dec. 14, 1764.
Nathan (Trip), ch. Ishmael, bp. Apr. 8, 1771, C.R.4.
Othniel, s. William and Elisabeth, 6th, 11 mo. 1769, C.R.3. [h. Phebe. C.R.5.]
Pardon, s. Timothy and Patience, Oct. 5, 1754.
Peleg, s. Joseph, Nov. 5, 1673.
Peleg, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Cathrine, Mar. 27, 1736.
Phebe, d. Francis and Wait, May 31, 1741.
Phebe, d. John and Penelope, Apr. 7, 1747.
Phebe [----------], w. Othniel, 22d, 6 mo. 1773, C.R.5.
Philip, s. Joseph, Apr. 3, 1725. [Rec. in group with Hannah, 1728.]
Philip Jervis, s. Philip and w. [Philu, C.R.3.], 28th, 10 mo. 1822.
Prince Albert, s. Admiral, laborer, and Susan of D., 18th, 3 mo. 1845, in D.
Rachel, d. Francis and Wait, Dec. 2, 1733.
Rachel, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, June 9, 1744.
Rebecca, d. Constant and Ann, Dec. 13, 1749.
Rebecca Ann, d. Jonathan, farmer, and Meribah of D., 17th, 5 mo. 1844, in D.
Rebeccah, 11th, 7 mo. 1786, P.R.39.
Rebeckah, d. Benjamin, May 1, 1717.
Rebekah, d. John and Rebekah, July 27, 1724.
Robart, s. Jeams [dup. James], May 15, 1691.
Rufus, s. Abial Jr. and Mary, Oct. 10, 1749.
Ruth, d. Joseph, Nov. 6, 1712. [Rec. in group with Hannah, 1728.]
Ruth, d. John, Apr. 4, 1720. [Rec. in group with George.]
Ruth, d. James Jr. and Anne, Mar. 9, 1723.
Ruth, d. William and Ruth, Nov. 20, 1734.
Samuel [? h. Mary], 29th, 9 mo. 1727, P.R.39.
Samuel, 12th, 6 mo. 1788, P.R.39.
Samuell, s. Othniell and Mary, Sept. 18, 1727.
Samuell, s. Benoni and Elizabeth, Feb. 29, 1735-6.
Sarah, d. Ebnezer, Feb. 3, 1711-12.
Sarah, d. Abial, June 5, 1719.
Sarah, d. Othniell and Mary, Aug. 23, 1725.
Sarah, d. James and Anne [dup. Ann], June 14, 1736.
Sarah, d. Ichabud and Desire, Oct. 16, 1741.
Sarah, d. Constant and Ann, Apr. 22, 1752.
Sarah, 9th, 1 mo. 1781, P.R.39.
Sarah, d. Abner and Bethiah, Aug. 20, 1794.
Stephen, s. James, Sept. 30, 1710.
Stephen, s. George and Abigail, Jan. 16, 1735-6.
Stephen, 4th, 5 mo. 1756, P.R.39.
Stephen, s. Ishmael and Exsperience, May 15, 1771.
Stephen Jr., 12th, 7 mo. 1784, P.R.39.
Stoak, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, May 13, 1725.
Susannah, d. Job and Hannah, Apr. 4., 1782.
Thankfull, d. James, Mar. 8, 1708-9.
Thankfull, d. John and Penelope, Dec. 18, 1753.
Thankfull, d. Constant and Ann, Mar. 28, 1766.
Theodate, d. Ebenezer, Apr. 7, 1709.
Theodate, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Cathrine, June 7, 1738.
Thomas, s. Joseph, Mar. 28, 1670.
Thomas, s. James, Oct. 9, 1710.
Thomas, s. Daniel and Rebecah, May 19, 1734.
Thomas, s. Timothy and Patience, July 31, 1741.
Timothey, s. John, Feb. 22, 1717. [Rec. in group with George.]
Timothy, s. James, Oct. 22, 1716.
Wait, d. Francis and Wait, May 26, 1731.
William, s. James, Feb. 27, 1712-13.
William, s. Abial, Mar. 28, 1722.
William, s. Othniel and Mary, Oct. 31, 1729.
William, s. William and Ruth, Feb. 27, 1736-7.
William T., s. George, laborer, and Sylvia of D., 31st, 12 mo. 1844, in D.
[torn]nicel [Daniel, Micel], s. Joseph, May 15, 1715. [Rec. in group with Hannah, 1728.]
----------, two chn. Ishmael, bp. Dec. 9, 1770, C.R. 4.
----------, d. Jonathan, farmer, and Marabah of D., Oct. 26, 1847, in D.
Dwight W., Aug. 13, 1849, G.R.1.
Abigail W., ch. William and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1821.
Abigal, d. Abram [Abraham (s. Henry) and Mary, C.R.3.], Dec. 21, 1688.
Abigal, ch. Joseph and Mary, 25th, 12 mo. 1729, C.R.3.
Abigal, d. James and Ruth, 18th, 12 mo. 1750-1 "old stile," C.R.3.
Abraham, s. Abraham, Ma[torn], May 5, 1697. [ch. Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), 5th, 1 mo., C.R.3.]
Abraham, s. Henry and Phebe, Dec. 16, 1718.
Abraham, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 22d, 4 mo. 1729, C.R.3.
Abraham, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 2d, 8 mo. 1739, C.R.3.
Abraham, s. Benjamin and Silvia, June 17, 1764.
Abraham, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 3d, 5 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Abraham, h. Mary A., 11th, 11 mo. 1787, C.R.3.
Abram R.,----------, 1842, G.R.1.
Alice, w. Charles Tucker, ch. Abraham and Mary A., 3d, 1 mo. 1833, C.R.3.
Alice T. [----------], w. James H.,----------, 1848, G.R.34.
Ann Elizabeth Borden, Dec. 18, 1828. [Rec. in group with Hannah Shearman Tucker.]
Anna, ch. Joseph Jr. and Mary, 27th, 12 mo. 1772, C.R.3.
Barzillai, ch. Joseph and Mary, 15th, 4 mo. 1743, C.R.3.
Benjamin, s. Henry and Phebe, Aug. 24, 1716.
Benjamin, s. Abraham Jr. and Rebekah, Sept. 19, 1741.
Benjamin, ch. John and Rhoda, 15th, 9 mo. 1781, C.R.3.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1796.
Benjamin Jr., Jan. 31, 1823. [Rec. in group with Hannah Shearman Tucker.]
Benjamin 3d, Jan. 14, 184[sic, rec. Jan. 19, 1850]. [This entry crossed out.]
Benjamin, h. Lucretia,----------, C.R.5.
Catharine, d. William and Mary, Nov. 9, 1760, in D., P.R.29.
Charles, ch. William and Sarah, July 15, 1824. [On stone beside that of Alice (1833), G.R.1.
Charles Russell, ch. Benjamin and Lucreatia, 5th, 3 mo. 1809, C.R.3.
Content, d. Abraham [Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), C.R.3.], Mar. 12, 1695.
Content, d. William and Mary, Feb. 21, 1758, P.R.29.
Cornelia M., w.---------- Peck, ch. James Jr. and Phebe H., 28th, 10 mo. 1842, C.R.3. [w. John E. Peck, w. Joseph M. Tucker,----------, 1841, G.R.34.]
David, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 19th [9 written over 0], 9 mo. 1741, C.R.3.
David, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 3d, 5 mo. 1795, C.R.3.
Edith, ch. Joseph and Mary, 1st, 4 mo. 1737, C.R.3.
Edward, ch. Joseph Jr. and Mary, 27th, 8 mo. 1765, C.R.3.
Elezebeth, d. Abram, Aug. 24, 1691. [Elizabeth, ch. Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), C.R.3.]
Eliphal, d. Henry Jr. and Elisabeth, Feb. 28, 1739. [Oct. 16, P.R.29.]
Elisabeth, d. Henry Jr. and Elisabeth, Aug. 18, 1749.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth, w. George B. Almy], ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 25th, 6 mo. 1772, C.R.3.
Elisabeth H., ch. William and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1817.
Elizabeth (see also Elezebeth, Elisabeth and Elizabeth).
Elizabeth, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 29th, 5 mo. 1735, C.R.3.
Elizabeth [? m.],----------, 1841, G.R.34.
Elizebeth, ch. Joseph and Mary, 25th, 8 mo. 1725, C.R.3.
Eunice B., d. Peace of D., 3d, 8 mo. 1844, in D.
Griffen, s. Benjamin and Sarah, July 31, 1786.
Hannah, d. Abraham [Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), C.R.3.), Apr. 22, 1704.
Hannah, ch. Joseph and Mary, 2d, 7 mo. 1723, C.R.3.
Hannah, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 22d, 8 mo. 1737, C.R.3.
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Silvia, Nov. 24, 1766.
Hannah, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 6th, 3 mo. 1776, C.R.3.
Hannah Shearman, d. Benjamin 2d, Mar. 17, 1821.
Henry, s. Abraham [Abraham (s. Henry) and Mary, C.R.3.], Oct. 30, 1680.
Henry, s. Henry and Phebe, Feb. 8, 1713. [h. Elisabeth (Ricketson) ], P.R.29.]
Henry, s. Abraham Jr. and Rebecca, Mar. 2, 1754.
Henry, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1778.
Henry A., ch. Abraham and Mary A., 28th, 2 mo. 1842, C.R.3.
Holder, s. William and Mary, Dec. 4, 1755, P.R.29.
Holder, s. William, [? b. or d.]----------, 1772, P.R.29.
Humphrey S., Oct. 20, 1807, C.R.34.
James, s. John [John and Ruth, C.R.3.], Aug. 27, 1691.
James, s. Abraham Jr. and Elizebeth [Elizabeth (Russell) (first w.), C.R.3.], Sept. 23, 1724.
James, h. Phebe (d. Benjamin Tucker and Silvia), s. John and Rhoda, 27th, 4 mo. 1777, C.R.3. [h. Phebe, h. Sarah, C.R.5.]
James Jr., h. Phebe H., s. James and Phebe (Tucker), 10th, 4 mo. 1807, C.R.3.
James, s. Jesse, farmer, and Marion of D., 7th, 1 mo. 1845, in D. [James H., C.R.3. James, ch. Jesse and Mary Ann, C.R.5. James H., G.R.14. James, s. Jesse and Mary Ann, P.R.35.]
Jesse, h. Mary Ann, ch. James and Sarah (second w.), 25th, 4 mo. 1817, C.R.5.
Joanna, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 17th, 6 mo. 1749, C.R.3.
Joanne, d. Abraham, Oct. 14, 1699. [Johanna, ch. Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), C.R.3.]
John, h. Ruth, s. Henry, 28th, 6 mo. 1656, C.R.3.
John, s. John [John and Ruth, C.R.3.], Oct. 25, 1693.
John, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 22d, 3 mo. 1731, C.R.3.
John, ch. Joseph and Mary, 14th, 12 mo. 1731, C.R.3.
John, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 30th, 11 mo. 1732, C.R.3.
John, ch. John and Rhoda, 13th, 4 mo. 1771, C.R.3.
John, ch. Benjamin and Lucreatia, 22d, 6 mo. 1805, C.R.3.
Jonathan, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 14th, 9 mo. 1751, C.R.3.
Joseph, s. John [John and Ruth, C.R.3.], Nov. 7, 1696.
Joseph, ch. Joseph and Mary, 29th, 5 mo. 1740, C.R.3.
Joseph, "Father," Dec. 12, 1806, [on stone beside that of Phebe H.] G.R.34.
Joseph M., ch. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., 31St, 12 mo. 1835, C.R.3.
Lucretia [----------], w. Benjamin,----------, C.R.5.
Lyda, ch. John and Rhoda, 10th, 9 mo. 1774, C.R.3.
Lydia, ch. James and Phebe (Tucker), 7th, 9 mo. 1798, C.R.3.
Lydia Ann, d. Abner, mariner, and Lydea Ann of D., 2d, 2 mo. 1844, in D.
Lydia H., ch. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., 17th, 5 mo. 1838, C.R.3.
Martha, d. Abraham, Nov. 28, 168[torn]. [twin ch. Abraham (s. Henry) and Mary, 28th, 9 mo. 1686, C.R.3.]
Martha, ch. Joseph and Mary, 14th, 9 mo. 1734, C.R.3.
Mary, d. Abram [Abraham (s. Henry) and Mary, C.R.3.], Feb. 1, 1683.
Mary, d. Henry and Phebe, May 12, 1708.
Mary, ch. Joseph and Mary, 27th, 4 mo. 1727, C.R.3.
Mary, ch. Joseph Jr. and Mary, 16th, 7 mo. 1769, C.R.3.
Mary [ ? m. ] , 4th, 8 mo. 1795, C.R.3.
Mary A. [----------], w. Abraham, 26th, 1 mo. 1808, C.R.3.
Mary Ann [----------], w. Jesse, 11th, 1 mo. 1818, C.R.5. G.R.14. [Mary Ann Wilbur, d. Isaac and Susanna, P.R.35.]
Mehettabel, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 10th, 3 mo. 1780, C.R.3.
Mehettabel 2d, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 19th, 7 mo. 1782, C.R.3.
Mehitable, ch. William and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1819.
Meribah, d. Henry Jr. and Elisabeth, May 24, 1745.
Moses G., Capt.,----------, 1820, [on stone beside that of Sarah A.] G.R.1.
Nancy, d. Abner R., merchant, and Abby [Abby written above Nancy crossed out] of D., 10th, 5 mo. 1847, in D.
Pashens, d. Abraham, Nov. 28, 1686. [Patience, twin ch, Abraham (s. Henry) and Mary, C.R.3.]
Patience, d. Henry and Phebe, Aug. 31, 1710. [31st, 6 mo. 1771, C.R.3.]
Patience, d. Abraham Jr. and Rebeckah, Oct. 19, 1739.
Patience, d. Henry Jr. and Elisabeth, Sept. 18, 1746.
Patience, d. Benjamin and Silvia, Mar. 5, 1769. [26th, 3 mo., C.R.3.]
Phebe, d. Henry Jr. and Elizebeth, Nov. 8, 1736. [Nov. 7, 1737, P.R.29.]
Phebe, d. Abraham Jr. and Rebeckah, Dec. 1, 1745.
Phebe, d. Benjamin and Silvia, May 17, 1772. [w. James Tucker (s. John and Rhoda), C.R.3. w. James Tucker, C.R.5.]
Phebe, ch. James and Sarah (second w.), 23d, 12 mo. 1815, C.R.3. [w. Daniel Wilbur, C.R.5. On stone with Elijah B. Devoll, G.R.34.]
Phebe H. [----------], "Mother," w. Joseph, Dec. 2, 1811, G.R.34. [Phebe Howland, d. Allen and Hannah, P.R.15.]
Rebeckah, d. Abraham Jr. and Rebeckah, Nov. 11, 1743.
Rebeckah, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 14th, 7 mo. 1745, C.R.3.
Rebeckah, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 17th, 5 mo. 1791, C.R.3.
Rebekah, d. Abraham Jr. and Elizabeth [ (Russell) (first w.) C.R.3.], Dec. 18, 1722.
Rhoda, ch. Benjamin and Lucreatia, 27th, 11 mo. 1806, C.R.3.
Ruth [----------], w. John, 12th, 8 mo. 1663, C.R.3.
Ruth, d. Abraham, Jan. 16, 1701. [ch. Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second w.), 16th, 10 mo., C.R.3.]
Ruth, ch. Joseph and Mary, 2d, 10 mo. 1721, C.R.3.
Ruth M., ch. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., 1st, 4 mo. 1828, C.R.3.
Ruth Randall, July 1, 1826, [Rec. in group with Hannah Shearman Tucker.]
Samuel, ch. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 29th, 5 mo. 1734, C.R.3.
Samuel, ch. James and Sarah (second w.), 27th, 10 mo. 1821, C.R.3. C.R.5.
Samuel J., s. James, farmer, and Phebe H., Dec. 1, 1848, in D. [Samuel James, s. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., C.R.3.]
Sarah, d. Abram [Abraham (s. Henry) and Hanna (second W.), C.R.3.] Apr. 23, 1693.
Sarah, w. Luthun Wood (s. William), d. Abraham and Hanna (Hull) (second w.), 5th, 10 mo. [dup. 12 mo.] 1743, C.R.3.
Sarah, w. Osman Wood, ch. Jonathan and Mehettabel, 27th, 2 mo. 1774, C.R.3.
Sarah [----------], second w. James, 14th, 2 mo. 1779, C.R.5.
Sarah, d. Benjamin and Sarah, June 8, 1793.
Sarah A. [? m.],----------, 1826, [on stone beside that of Capt. Moses G.] G.R.1.
Sarah F., w. David H. Potter, ch. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., 27th, 4 mo. 1840, C.R.3.
Sarah H., d. Abner R., merchant, and Abby of D., 10th, 7 mo. 1843, in D.
Sarah W. Allen [----------], w. H., 16th, 6 mo. 1802, C.R.3.
Silvia, d. Benjamin and Sarah, June 19, 1780.
Susan, d. Jesse, farmer, and Mary Ann of D., 29th, 7 mo. 1846, in D. [Susannah W., C.R.5. Susanna W., P.R.35.]
Susannh, d. Henry and Phebe, Apr. 8, 1706. [Susanna, 12th, 2 mo., C.R.3.]
Susanna, d. Henry Jr. and Elisabeth, Jan. 14, 1741.
Sylvia (see Silvia).
Sylvia Maxfield, Mar. 17, 1830. [Rec. in group with Hannah Shearman Tucker.]
Sylvia R., w. Thomas K. Wilbur, ch. James and Phebe (Tucker), 25th, 7 mo. 1801, C.R.3.
Sylvia R., w. John Leenard, w.----------Hawes, d. James Jr. (s. James) and Phebe H., 29th, 8 mo. 1832, C.R.3.
William, s. Henry Jr. and Elizebeth, Jan. 12, 1734-5.
William, July 14, 1788. [h. Sarah, s. Jonathan and Mehettabel, C.R.3.]
William Jr., ch. William and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1815.
----------, s. James and Sarah (second w.), 17th, 9 mo. 1814, C.R.3.
----------, s. Moses G., mariner, and Sarah I. of D., Apr. 25, 1848, in D.
Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Ann, Jan. 29, 1766.
Elizebeth, d. Israel, bp. July 28, 1745, C.R.4.
Rebeckah, d. Samuel, bp. Mar. 22, 1752, C.R.4.
TYSON (see Tison).
Betsey Rider, d. James and Sally, Aug. 8, 1812.
Elijah, s. Burnal and Deliless, June 10, 1775.
James, s. Burnal and Deliless, Apr. 18, 1772.
Mary, d. James and Sally, Dec. 10, 1809.
Samuel, s. James and Sally, Jan. 30, 1802.