[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

BRIGHTMAN (Brigtman)
Abner, s. Henry Jr. and Zilpha, Dec. 14, 1769.
Abner, ch. Samuel, Mar. 28, 1828. [On stone beside that of Helen E., G.R.25.]
Arnold, s. Thomas and Judah, June 5, 1763.
Bethene. d. Henry and w., Oct. 22, 1734.
Charles F., h. Patience, 15th, 1 mo. 1842, [rec. also with Hannah A., 1843] C.R.3.
Christian, d. [sic] Henry and w., Mar. 2, 1733.
Cynthy, d. Henry Jr. and Zilpha, July 3, 1773.
Daniel, s. Henry Jr. and Zilpha, Oct. 16, 1771.
Deborah, d. Henry and w., May 6, 1753.
Deborah A., d. John S., farmer, and Ruth of D.,----------[rec. June 1, 1844], in D.
Elisabeth, ch. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1830.
Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Judah, Apr. 14, 1742.
Esther, d. Thomas, Nov. 7, 1712.
Esther G., ch. Samuel, Dec. 26, 1826.
Ezra, —, 11 mo. 1819, [rec. above Charles F. and Hannah A.] C.R.3.
Ezra, ch. Samuel, Nov. 24, 1822.
Gardner, "Father," h. Hannah A., June 13, 1838, G.R.1.
Garner, s. Henry and Lucy, Jan. 5, 1758.
George, s. Thomas and Juda, July 3, 1746.
George A., ch. Samuel, Mar. 22, 1820.
George H., s. Joseph, farmer, and Abby of D., 5th, 5 mo. 1847, in D.
Hannah, d. Henry and w., Aug. 8, 1746.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Juda, Aug. 28, 175[sic, rec. after ch. b. Aug. 23, 1756].
Hannah A. [,----------], "Mother," w. Gardner, July 27, 1841, G.R.1.
Hannah A. [? m.], 23d, 12 mo. 1843, [rec. with Charles F.] C.R.3. G.R.36.
Helen E. [,----------], w. Abner, Mar. 1, 1837, G.R.25.
Henry, s. Thomas, Nov. 4, 1709.
Henry, s. Henry and w., Apr. 24, 1738.
Henry (Brigtman), Sept. 8, 1739.
Henry, s. Wanton and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1788.
Henry G., ch. Samuel, Dec. 4, 1818.
Humphry, s. Henry Jr. and Zilpha, Mar. 5, 1768.
Israel, s. Henry and w., May 7, 1750.
Jeremiah, s. John, farmer, and Ruth of D., 9th, 5 mo. 1847, in D.
Joan (see Jone).
John, s. Henry and w., Nov. 8, 1739.
Jone, d. Thomas, Apr. 20, 1730.
Joseph, s. Wanton and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1790.
Lucy, d. Wanton and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1794.
Marten, s. Henry Jr. and Zilpha, Sept. 2, 1766.
Martha, d. Thomas and Juda, Dec. 3, 1743.
Martin (see Marten).
Mary, d. Thomas, Mar. 15, 1711.
Mary, d. Henry and w., Oct. 21, 1751.
Mary [,----------], "Mother," w.,----------, 16th, 4 mo. 1803, G.R.34.
Parden, s. Thomas and Juda, Sept. 24,,----------[rec. after ch. b. Aug. 28, 175---].
Patience [,----------], w. Charles F.,----------, 9 mo. 1830, C.R.3. [Patience A., G.R.36.]
Penelope, d. Thomas,,----------[rec. before ch. b. Apr. 20, 1730].
Phebe, d. Henry and w., Feb. 17, 1748.
Phebe, d. Thomas and Juda, Aug. 28, 1754.
Prudence, d. Henry Jr. and Huldah, Dec. 12, 1762.
Rebecca, d. Henry and w., May 16, 1755.
Rhoda, d. Henry and w., June 19, 1744.
Ruth, d. Henry and w., Mar. 13, 1757.
Ruth H. Nye [,---------- ] , w. Asa M., Apr. 3, 1833, G. R.39.
Salley, d. Wanton and Sarah, May 31, 1802.
Sanford, s. Wanton and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1796.
Sanford, ch. Samuel, Oct. 11, 1816.
Sarah, d. Thomas, Nov. 29, 1715.
Sarah, d. Thomas and Juda, Jan. 18, 1752.
Sarah, d. Leonard and Mary, Apr. 29, 1845, G.R.34.
Sarah A., d. Israel, farmer, and Lydia of D.,,----------[rec. June 1, 1844], in D.
Thomas, s. Thomas, Nov. 20, 1718.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Juda, Aug. 23, 1756.
Wanton Jr., s. Wanton and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1800.
William, s. Thomas, Sept. 20, 1720.
William, s. Thomas and Juda,,----------[rec. before ch. b. June 5, 1763].
,----------, s. Sanford, farmer, and Margaret of D., 2d, 3 mo. 1844, in D.
,----------, d. John S., farmer, and Ruth of D., 24th, 2 mo. 1845, in D.
John B., h. Abbie J.,,----------, 1849, G.R.39.
Nancy A. [? m.],,----------, 1832, [on monument with Warren Reynolds] G.R.2.
BROWN (Browne)
Elizabeth, w. Benjamin Howland, d. John, 10th, 9 mo., "Called November," 1728, C.B.3.
George W., "Father," Dec. 2, 1820, [on stone beside that of Phebe A.] G.R.14.
Laura (Browne),,----------[rec. Jan. 15, 1850]. [This entry crossed out.]
Phebe A. [,----------], "Mother," w.,----------, May 30, 1818. [on stone beside that of George W.] G.R.14.
BROWNELL (see Brownell).
BROWNE (see Brown).
BROWNELL (Brownall)
Abigail, d. Paul and Deborah, July 11, 1749 "O. S."
Benjamin, s. Thomas and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1739.
Benjamin, s. William and Patience, May 8, 1750.
Caroline A. [,----------], "Mother," w.,----------, July 15, 1842, [on stone beside that of David], G.R.1.
Cynthia W., d. Holder W., farmer, and Love of D., 8th, 9 mo. 1843, in D.
Daniel, s. William and Patience, June 30, 1752.
David, "Father," Apr. 21, 1822, [on stone beside that of Caroline A.] G.R.1.
Deborah, d. William and Patience, May 18, 1755.
Dorathy, d. Thomas and Hannah, May 14, 1744.
Elenor A., d. John D., farmer, and Rhoda A. of D., 5th, 1845, in D.
Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, July 27, 1749.
Elizebeth, d. Thomas and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1749.
Ellen C., d. John, farmer, and Rhoda of D., —, 7 mo. 1843, in D.
Ellery,,----------, 1804, [on stone with Phebe] G.R.34.
Elnathan C., s. Holder W., farmer, and Lovy, July 6, 1849, in D.
Emeline A., d. Holder W. (Brownel), farmer, and Lovy [Love, G.R.1.] of D., 10th, 8 mo. 1846, in D.
Emely, d. John, farmer, and Lucy of D., —, 3 mo 1844, in D.
George, s. Thomas and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1746.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, July 22, 1732.
Hannah, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Aug. 3, 1753.
Holder M.,,----------, 1835, [on stone beside that of Mary E.] G.R.1.
Judah (Brownall), d. Paul and Deborah, Jan. 23, 1758.
Keziah [dup. Kaziah, w. George Tibbits], d. Thomas, June 12, 1727.
Loring Richmond, s. George Jr. and Lucei, Aug. 28, 1770.
Lydia, d. Jonathan (s. Lt. George formerly of Little Compton, now of D.) and Elisabeth, Nov. 8, 1755.
Lydia B., d. Holder and Love,,----------, 1838, G.R.1.
Mary A., d. Pardon C., mariner, and Ruth M., Mar. 9, 1849, in D.
Mary E. [,----------], w. Holder M.,,----------, 1839, G.R.1.
Mercy, d. Thomas and Hannah, Oct 13, 1736.
Patience, d. Thomas and Hannah, July 29, 1741.
Peleg, s. Peleg and Alice, Jan. 27, 1765.
Perez, s. Parden and Prudence, June 20, 1765.
Phalla, d. Paul and Deborah, Jan. 7, 1756.
Phebe, d. Jonathan and Elisabeth,,---------- [rec. between ch. b. Nov. 8, 1755 and ch. b. Nov. 20, 1757].
Phebe, d. Paul (Brownel) and Deborah, Apr. 4, 1760.
Phebe [? m.] ,----------, 1800, [on stone with Ellery] G.R.34.
Robert, s. William and Patience, May 10, 1757.
Ruth, d. Jonathan (s. Lt. George formerly of Little Compton, now of D.) and Elisabeth, Nov. 24, 1753.
Silvester, s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, Nov. 20, 1757.
Susannah, d. Paul and Deborah, Apr. 12, 1753.
Sylvester (see Silvester).
Thankfull, d. Thomas, Apr. 15, 1730.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1734.
Thomas, s. Silvester and Marcy, Oct. 19, 1779.
William, s. William and Patience, May 23, 1748.
----------, d. John D., farmer, and Rhoda A., July 28, 1849, in D.
Tabitha G. [ ? m.],,----------, 1831, G.R.14.
Gamalial, s. Gamaliel and Deborah, June 25, 1773.
Lois, d. Gamaleal and Deborah, Oct 7, 1769.
BUFFINTON (Buffenton)
Benjamin Mowry, ch. Stephen and Huldah (second w.), 13th, 2 mo. 1812, C.R.3.
Caleb, ch. Stephen and Sarah, 19th, 11 mo. 1772, C.R.3.
David, ch. Stephen and Sarah, 4th, 9 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Martha (Buffenton), w. Benjamin Chace, July 16, 1750. [16th, 7 mo. "O. S.," C.R.3.]
Sarah [,----------], w. Stephen, 18th, 5 mo. 1742, C.R.3.
Sarah, w. James Wing, d. Stephen and Sarah, 27th, 4 mo. 1782, C.R.3.
Stephen, h. Sarah, 5th, 2 mo. 1744, C.R.3.
Stephen, ch. Stephen and Sarah, 20th, 3 mo. 1775, C.R.3.
Stephen, ch. Stephen and Sarah, 6th, 1 mo. 1780, C.R.3.
Zephaniah, ch. Stephen and Sarah, 22d, 4 mo. 1771, C.R.3.
Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer Pope, d. Robert and Elizabeth, 5th, 12 mo. 1717 "Old Style," P.R.27.
----------, s. Preserved, pedlar, and Adaline of D., 26th, 2 mo. 1846, in D.
----------, s. Jonathan C., farmer, and Sarah of D., 3d, 2 mo. 1844, in D.
BURDEN (see Borden)
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mercy, Jan. 21, 1738-9.
Seth, s. Benjamin and Mercy, May 22, 1736.
Silas, s. Benjamin and Mercy, Feb. 20, 1730-1 [rec. after Benjamin].
BURGES (Burgis)
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Tabitha, Oct. 10, 1740.
Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Tabitha, Nov. 24, 1738.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Tabitha, Apr. 14, 1745.
Luther, s. Joseph and Tabitha, Mar. 12, 1742-3.
Patience (Burgis), d. Joseph and Tabitha, June 17, 1760.
Phebe, d. Joseph and Tabitha, Aug. 5, 1747.
Ruth (Burgis), d. Joseph and Tabatha, July 27, 1766.
Tabitha, d. Joseph and Tabitha, Dec. 11, 1749.
Thomas, s. Benjamin, bp. Sept. 18, 1743, C.R.4.
Thomas, s. Joseph and Tabitha, June 23, 1752.
Arthur, Rev.,,----------, 1846, G.R.14.
BUTLER (Buttler)
Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 10th, 2 mo. 1762, C.R.3.
Benjamin, 7th, 2 mo. 1823, P.R.30.
Daniel, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 26th, 8 mo. 1770, C.R.3.
Deborah (see Deborah Allen, 1724).
Deborah, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 13th, 1 mo. 1764, C.R.3.
Deborah A., 18th, 1 mo. 1818, P.R.30.
Elisabeth, ch. Benjamin and Esther, Aug. 25, 1758, C.R.3.
Esther (Buttler), ch. Benjamin (Butler) and Esther, 9th, 12 mo. 1772, C.R.3.
Harriet O., d. Peter, mariner, and Ophelia of D., 10th, 4 mo. 1846, in D.
Hephzibah (Buttler), ch. Benjamin (Butler) and Esther, 19th, 6 mo. 1780, C.R.3.
Humphrey, s. Obediah and Ellefel (Allin), 18th, 3 mo. 1790, C.R.3.
Judith (Buttler), ch. Benjamin (Butler) and Esther, 10th, 12 mo. 1778, C.R.3.
Mary, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 20th, 5 mo. 1760, C.R.3.
Obediah, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 6th, 7 mo. 1768, C.R.3.
Patience (Buttler), ch. Benjamin (Butler) and Esther, 13th, 12 mo. 1774, C.R.3.
Samuel (Butler), ch. Benjamin (Butler) and Esther, 24th, 11 mo. 1776, C.R.3.
Thomas, ch. Benjamin and Esther, 26th, 4 mo. 1766, C.R.3.
Thomas A., 25th, 6 mo. 1825, P.R.30.
Amy Jenks [,----------], w. Levi H.,,----------, 1820, G.R.1.
Ann, d. Holder and Comfort, Dec. 30, 1821.
Comfort [,----------], w. Holder, Jan. 10, 1801.
Elisabeth R, d. Peleg C., farmer, and Hannah of D., July 12, 1847, in D.
Erastus G., 9th, 4 mo. 1827, C.R.3. [Erasmus G., on stone with Rose Butts and Margaret Bowe Sanford, G.R.1.]
George F., s. George, farmer, and (?)oan, Dec. 10, 1848, in D.
Hannah, d. Holder and Comfort, Apr. 25, 1827.
Holder, s. Abraham and Lucehannah, June 19, 1795.
James I.,,----------, 1818, [on stone with Lois A. and Orrin] G.R.36.
Jemimah, d. Peleg, June 8, 1796.
Leevi Howland, s. Holder and Comfort, Jan. 9, 1819. [h. Amy Jenks,,----------, 1818, G.R.1.]
Levi, s. Peleg, farmer, and Hannah of D., 25th, 1 mo. 1846, in D.
Lois A. [?m.],,----------, 1832, [on stone with James I. and Orrin] G.R.36.
Moses, s. Thomas, July 20, 1673.
Peleg, s. Abraham, Sept. 8, 1786.
Peleg Cornell, s. Holder and Comfort, Feb. 6, 1820.
Rose [? m.],,----------, 1825, [on stone with Erasmus G. Butts and Margaret Bowe Sanford] G.R.1.
Ruth, d. Holder and Comfort, Oct. 23, 1824.
Ruth Ann, d. Holder, May 26, 1843.
----------, ch. Holder, farmer, and Susan of D., —, 1 mo. 1847, in D.
----------, s. Phebe A. of D., Sept. 14, 1847, in D.
----------, d. William, farmer, and Hesediah of D., Mar. 24, 1848, in D.
Alpheus, s. Christopher and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1749.
Amy, d. Christopher and Hannah, May 19, 1751.
Christopher, s. William and Almy, Sept. 4, 1717.
Deborah, d. Christopher and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1754.
Edward, s. William and Almy, May 28, 1725.
George, s. William and Almy, July 6, 1722.
Gideon, s. Christopher and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1756.
Mary, d. Christopher and Hannah, Dec. 22, 1746.
Richard, s. William and Almy, June 3, 1712.
Sarah, d. William and Almy, Feb. 21, 1707.
William, s. William and Almy, Oct 26, 1715.
William, s. Christopher and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1748.
George, s. Paul, mariner, and Sarah of D., 7th, 8 mo. 1845, in D.
CALVEN (see Colvin).
CALVIN (see Colvin).
Cornelius, s. John, July 18, 1711.
Elezebeth, d. John, Mar. 20, 1716.
Johanah, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1728.
John, s. John, Aug. 11, 1714.
Mary, d. John, Apr. 11, 1719.
Phillip, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1721.
Sarah, d. Cornelus and Mehitabel, Nov. 7, 1733.
Susanah, d. Cornelus and Mehitabel, Aug. 4, 1735.
Caroline Elizabeth, d. James and Lucy, 22d, 1841, C.R.3.
Lucy [----------], w. James, 8th, 8 mo. 1804, C.R.3.
Bill Lewis, s. Isaac and Polley, Dec. 20, 1792.
Polley, d. Isaac and Polley, June 11, 1791.
Abner, s. Job and Mary, July 20, 1754.
Adam, s. John and Rachal, Mar. 6, 1760.
Ann, d. Job and Mary, Feb. 15, 1768.
Anne, d. John and Rachal, Apr. 3, 1768.
David, s. John and Rachel, Mar. 16, 1762.
Dinah, d. Job and Mary, May 3, 1772.
Elce, d. Job and Mary, Aug. 14, 1758.
Elisabeth, d. Job and Mary, Aug. 14, 1756.
EIsie (see Elce).
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Isaiah, s. John and Rachel, Apr. 30, 1758.
Job, s. John and Radial, June 19, 1766.
Jonathan, s. Job and Mary, Jan. 14, 1761.
Joseph, s. John and Radial, Nov. 22, 1773.
Mary, d. Job and Mary, Apr. 14, 1763.
Pardan, s. Job and Mary, Aug. 20, 1752.
Rhoba, d. Job and Mary, May 7, 1770.
Ruth, d. John and Racial, Feb. 13, 1771.
Sarah, d. Job and Mary, Sept. 15, 1765.
William, s. John and Racial, May 23, 1764.
John, s. Thomas and Lydia, Nov. 22, 1763.
Thomas, s. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 1, 1734.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1772.
William S., s. George, painter, and Harriet of D., 25th, 1 mo. 1844, in D.
CHACE (see Chase).
CHADWICK (Chadwicke)
Ann M. [----------] w. Zenas F., July 28, 1826, G.R.1.
David G., Capt., July 25, 1814, [on stone beside that of Martha A. R.] G.R.1.
Martha A. R. [----------], w. Capt. David G., Mar. 18, 1820, G.R.1.
Zenas, Nov. 11, 1823, [on stone beside that of Ann M.] G.R.1.
----------(Chadwicke), s. David G., mariner, and Martha A. of D., June 15, 1847, in D.
Ezra, ch. John, bp. June 2, 1771, C.R.4.
John, ch. John, bp. June 2, 1771, C.R.4.
Ruth, ch. John, bp. June 2, 1771, C.R.4.
Susanna, ch. John, bp. June 2, 1771, C.R.4.
Elizabeth Ann, d. Cephus, farmer, and E. [Elizabeth crossed out] of D., 10th, 4 mo. 1844, in D.
Delilah, d. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Sept 22, 1792.
James, s. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Aug. 17, 1794.
John, s. Jeremiah and Elisabeth, Sept 24, 1797.
John, s. Walter and Mary, Aug. 4, 1778.
CHASE (Chace, Chass)
Abigail, d. Isaac and Pernel, Nov. 22, 1746.
Abigail, d. Nathaniel and Lidia, Mar. 17, 1786.
Abner (Chace), s. Jacob and Patience, Jan. 10, 1774.
Almira B. [----------], w. Jason P., formerly w. Capt. Abiel Haskins,----------, 1824, G.B.13.
Alvah M. (Chace), Co. F, 3d Reg. Mass. Vol.,----------, 1840, [on stone beside that of Henrietta] G.B.31.
Ann H. (Chace), M. D. [? m.],----------, 1843, [on stone with George E. Chace and William H. Potter] G.R.1.
Anne (Chace), d. Benjamin (Chase) and Martha, Mar. 20, 1775.
Arthur T. (Chace), s. David, farmer, and Cynthia, Apr. 8, 1849, in D.
Aseneth [----------] (Chace), w. Leonard M., Nov. 20, 1827, G.R.8.
Barnibas (Chass) [dup. Barnabus Chase], s. Nathaniell [dup. Nathaniel], Nov. 18, 1703.
Benjamin, s. Nathaniel, Feb. 18, 1718-19.
Benjamin, s. Isaac and Pernel, Apr. 26, 1736.
Benjamin, ch. Samuel and Mary, 8th, 6 mo., "Called August," 1742, C.R.3.
Benjamin (Chace), h. Martha (Buffenton), s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 8, 1744. [Chase, 8th, 8 mo. "O. S.," C.R.3.]
Benjamin (Chace), s. John and Levina, Aug. 28, 1761.
Benjamin (Chace), s. Benjamin and Martha, Apr. 23, 1783.
Cornelius, s. Jeremiah (Chace), laborer, and Chloe of D., 5th, 1 mo. 1845, in D.
David, ch. Samuel and Mary, 7th, 2 mo., "Called April," 1744, C.R.3.
David, s. Allen and Deborah, May 3, 1800.
David T., s. John Jr., Jan. 25, 1827.
Deborah, d. Barnabas and Ruth, Oct. 10, 1736.
Elezebeth, d. Nathaniel, Dec. 7, 1711.
Elihu, s. Nathaniel and Lidia, Apr. 6, 1782.
Elihu, s. Elihu and Joannah, June 17, 1812.
Elisabeth (Chace), d. John and Levina, May 20, 1756.
Eliza S. [----------] (Chace), "Mother," w. 1820, [on stone beside that of Joseph] G.R.34.
Elizabeth (see Elezebeth and Elisabeth).
Eunice T. [----------], w. William F.,----------, 1830, G.R.39.
Ezekiel (Chace) Jr., Dec. 29, 1798, G.R.17.
George, s. Jacob and Patience, Oct 8, 1771.
George E. (Chace),----------, 1843, [on stone with Ann H.] G.R.1.
George H. (Chace), h. Rachel S. Sherman,----------, 1832, G.R.9.
Hannah, d. Nathaniel, Sept. 21, 1705.
Hannah (Chace), d. John and Levinah, Aug. 23, 1771.
Hannah, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 8th, 2 mo. 1784, C.R.3.
Hannah, d. John and Elisabeth, Mar. 22, 1789.
Hannah S. [----------] (Chace), "Mother," w. Leonard M.,----------, 1829, G.R.8.
Henrietta [----------] (Chace), w. Alvah M.,----------, 1839, G.R.31.
Henry (Chace), ch. David, rigger, and Betsey of D., 4th, 2 mo. 1845, in D.
Henry W. M. (Chace), s. Leonard M. and Hannah S., 1849, C.R.8.
Hope, d. Jared and Betsey, Dec.—, 1789.
Howland, s. Elihu and Joannah, Nov. 11, 1809.
Ira (Chace),-------------, 1835, G.R.17.
Isaac, s. Nathaniel, July 4, 1707.
Isaac (Chace), s. John and Levina, Feb. 10, 1764.
Isaiah (Chace), 24th, 9 mo. 1768, [on stone beside that of Rebecca] G.R.12.
Jacob, father of Lemuel, John and Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary, 23d, 4 mo., "Called June," 1736, C.R.3.
Jason P., h. Almira B. (formerly w. Capt. Abiel Haskins),-------------, 1823, G.R.13.
Jeremiah J., Feb. 13, 1827[rec. after David T].
Job (Chace), s. Benjamin and Martha, Dec. 3, 1772. [Chase, C.R.3.]
John, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1722.
John, s. Jacob and Patience, July 23, 1766. [July 23, 1764, C.R.3.]
John (Chace), s. John and Levina, Nov. 5, 1773.
John W. (Chace),-------------, 1831, [on stone with Julia A.] G.R.9.
Joseph (Chace), s. Benjamin and Martha, Feb. 27, 1785.
Joseph (Chace), "Father,"-------------, 1818, [on stone beside that of Eliza S.] G.R.34.
Julia A. (Chace) [? m.],-------------, 1832, [on stone with John W.] G.R.9.
Lemuel. s. Jacob and Patience, Sept 11, 1762.
Leonard M. (Chace), July 25, 1820, [on stone beside those of Aseneth and Hannah S.] G.R.8.
Luther, s. Jared and Betsey, Sept 15, 1787.
Lydia (Chace), d. Benjamin and Martha, May 5, 1777. [Chase, C.R.3.]
Lydia Ann, d. Elihu and Joannah, July 15, 1820.
Mariah (see Meriah).
Martha (Chace), d. Benjamin and Martha, June 5, 1780. [Chase, C.R.3.]
Martha, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 14th, 5 mo. 1782, C.R.3.
Martha, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 28th, 8 mo. 1786. C.R.3.
Mary (Chace), [twin] d. Benjamin and Martha, Apr. 25, 1788.
Mary Elizabeth (Chace), d. Neri, mariner, and Mary, June 2, 1848, in D.
Mary Willie [-------------], "Mother," w. Franklin J.,-------------, 1849, G.R.2.
Mercy B. [-------------] (Chace), "Mother," w. Noble M., —, 1826, G.R.9.
Meriah (Chace), d. John and Levina, Mar. 1, 1766.
Meribah, d. Hannah, Apr. 11, 1731.
Meribah, d. Isaac and Pernal, Feb. 13, 1755.
Meribah, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1780.
Nanna, ch. Benjamin and Martha, 20th, 3 mo. 1775, C.R.3.
Nathaniel, s. John and Levina, Aug. 25, 1754 "N S."
Nathaniel Jr., s. Nathaniel and Lidia, Feb. 1, 1784.
Nicholas Smith (Chace), s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1792.
Noble M. (Chace), "Father," h. Mercy B.,-------------, 1823, G.R.9.
Patience (Chace), d. Benjamin and Martha, Aug. 15, 1770. [Chase, C.R.3.]
Patience (Chace), d. Jacob and Patience, Sept. 25, 1775.
Phebe, ch. Samuel and Mary, —, 1 mo., "Called March," 1739, C.R.3.
Phebe (Chace), d. Benjamin and Martha, Sept. 3, 1768. [Chase, C.R.3.]
Preserved, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 20th, 8 mo. 1779, C.R.3.
Rachel S. Sherman [-------------] (Chace), w. George H.,-------------, 1836, G.R.9.
Rebecca [? m.], 6th, 1769, [on stone beside that of Isaiah] G.R.12.
Rebecca, d. Allen and Deborah, Mar. 9, 1802.
Rhoda, d. John and Levina, Feb. 18, 1751-2 "old Stile."
Rhoda (Chace), d. John and Levina, June 19, 1759.
Roberson, s. Jared and Betsey, July 16, 1785.
Ruby, d. John and Elisabeth, Aug. 26, 1790.
Samuel, ch. Samuel and Mary, 12th, 11 mo., "Called January," 1734, C.R.3.
Samuel, s. Jacob and Patience, Jan. 16, 1769.
Sarah (Chace), d. John and Levina, June 4, 1769.
Seabury, ch. Ebenezer and Mary, 17th, 7 mo. 1789, C.R.3.
Stephen, s. Barnabas and Ruth, Jan. 15, 1738-9.
Susan [ ? m.], 17th, 3 mo. 1789, [on stone beside that of Isaiah] G.R.12.
Thankfull, d. Nathaniel, July 5, 1716.
William (Chace), [twin] s. Benjamin and Martha, Apr. 24, 1788.
William F.,-------------, 1833, [on stone with Eunice T.] G.R.39.
William H. (Chace), s. Noble M., farmer, and Mercy, July 26, 1848, in D.
-------------(Chace), d. William, farmer, and Sarah of D., 4th, 1 mo. 1844, in R. I.
-------------(Chace), s. Jacob, farmer, and Roby of D., 25th, 1 mo. 1845, in D.
Daniel, s. Rev. Israel and Esther, July 6, 1757, G.R.39.
Esther [-------------], w. Rev. Israel, Jan. 16, 1732-3, G.R.39.
Abigail, d. Caleb and Marcy, Nov. 21, 1760.
Deborah, d. Caleb and Marcy, Nov. 21, 1763.
Deborah, d. Joseph and Deborah, Mar. 21, 1783.
Elisabeth, d. Caleb and Marcy, Feb. 18, 1756.
Gamaleal, s. Caleb and Marcy, Jan. 26, 1766. [Gamaliel, C.R.4.]
Joseph, s. Caleb and Marcy, Dec. 14, 1752.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Deborah, Nov. 4, 1778.
Mercy, d. Caleb, bp. May 8, 1768, C.R.4.
Nathaniel, s. Caleb and Marcy, May 6, 1758.
Samuel, s. Joseph and Deborah, Mar. 21, 1780.
Elisabeth, d. William and Thankful, July 20, 1768.
Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, May 4, 1754.
Hannah, d. Joseph and Elizebeth, May 30, 1750.
Prince, s. Joseph and Elizabeth,------------- 22, 1752.
Robert, s. Joseph and Elizebeth, Sept. 22, 1748.
Susanna, d. William and Thankful, July 29, 1773.
William, s. William and Thankful, Sept. 9, 1767.
CLARK (Clarke)
Abigail, d. James and Susannah, Jan. 1, 1752.
Abigail, ch. James, bp. Oct. 30, 1763, C.R.4
Cynthia, d. James, bp. Apr. 21, 1765, C.R.4.
Elisabeth, ch. Jonathan (Clarke) and Susanna (Allen), 23d, 7 mo. 1773, C.R.3.
Elisha, ch. James, bp. Oct. 30, 1763, C.R.4.
Gideon (Clarke), ch. Jonathan and Susanna (Allen), Sept. 13, 1764,C.R.3.
Gideon (Clarke), ch. Jonathan and Susanna (Allen), 14th, 6 mo. 1769, C.R.3.
John, ch. James, bp. Oct 30, 1763, C.R.4.
Jonathan (Clarke), h. Susanna (d. Gideon Allen), 6th, , "Called December," 1737, C.R.3.
Jonathan, s. James and Susannah, Jan. 5, 1754.
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan (Clarke) and Susanna (Allen), 27th, 11 mo. 1775, C.R.3.
Lydia (Clarke), ch. Jonathan and Susanna (Allen), 21st, 1 mo. 1766, C.R.3.
Philip, ch. Jonathan (Clarke) and Susanna (Allen), 29th, 7 mo. 1771, C.R.3.
Roger s. James and Susanah, Mar. 9, 1756.
Roger, ch. James, bp. Oct. 30, 1763, C.R.4.
Ruth, ch. Jonathan (Clarke) and Susanna (Allen), 23d, 1777, C.R.3.
Sarah (Clarke), ch. Jonathan and Susanna (Allen), 2d, 9 mo. 1767, C.R.3.
Thomas, s. James, bp. June 28, 1767, C.R.4.
Esick, s. Timothy and Margret, Feb. 16, 1731-2.
John, s. Josiah and Mercy, May 6, 1735.
Joseph, s. Josiah and Mercy, Mar. 2, 1738.
Martha, d. Josiah and Mercy, Mar. 24, 1742.
Mary, d. Timothy and Grace, May 30, 1737.
Susanah, d. Timothy and Margret, Dec. 23, 1733.
Almy C. [-------------], w. Capt. Oliver S., Mar. 18, 1838, G.R.1.
Oliver S., Capt., Feb. 21, 1822, [on stone beside that of Almy C.] G.R.1.
Eunice N. [-------------], w. Rev. Marcus M.,-------------, 1835, G.R.31.
Marcus M., Rev., h. Eunice N.,-------------, 1839, G.R.31.
Clarissa, w. Capt Joseph A. Bailey, June 24, 1785, in Exeter, N. H., G.R.1
Lucy M. [-------------], "Mother," w. Allen, Jan. 31, 1844, [in lot with Rescum H. Tallman] G.R.1.
CLOSSON (see Clawson).
George A., May 13, 1842, G.R.39.
Sarah [-------------], w. Capt. Beujamin, June 18, 1801, G.R.1.
Peter, s. Joshua, Jan. 9, 1718-19.
Seth, s. Joshua, Jan. 5, 1720-1.
George C.,-------------, 1827, [on stone beside that of Helen S.] G.R.1.
Helen S. [ ? m.],-------------, 1845, [on stone beside that of George C.] G.R.1.
COLLINS (Collens, Coffin)
Albert, s. William and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1801.
Alden, Aug. 15, 1798, [on stone near that of Gilbert N.] G.8.2.
Arline F. [-------------], w. Gilbert N., May 24, 1847, G.R.2.
Benjamin, h. Sarah (d. David Willson), Apr. 18, 1769.
Betsey, s. [sic] Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1805.
Clarra T. (Coffin), d. Brightman (Collins), farmer, and Cynthea, May 27, 1848, in D.
Cynthia S. [? m.],-------------, 1834, G.R.13.
David, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1800.
Edward Willson, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1809. [Capt., [on stone beside that of Esther D.] G.R.39.
Emaline A., d. Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1815.
Esther D. [? m.],-------------, 1809, [on stone beside that of Capt. Edward W.] G.R.39.
Georg, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1818.
Gilbert N., June 21, 1836, [on stone beside that of Arline F.] G.R.2.
Hananiah W.,-------------, 1838, [on stone beside that of Helen A.]
Helen A [-------------], w. Hananiah W.,-------------, 1839, G.R.39.
John M., Apr. 30, 1829, [on stone beside that of Patience T.] G.R.3.
Jonathan M., "Father," Feb. 21, 1831, [on stone beside that of Ruth T.] G.R.2.
Mary Ann (Collens), d. Davis, farmer, and Mary of D., ---, 8 mo. 1843, in D.
Patience T. [? m.], Feb. 16, 1838, [on. stone beside that of John M.] G.R.3.
Polly Willson, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1796.
Rhoda Ann., d. Benjamin and Sarah, June 6, 1813.
Ruth T. [-------------], "Mother," w.-------------, July 14, 1837, [on stone beside that of Jonathan M.] G.R.2.
Silas, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1802.
-------------, s. George W., merchant, and Sarah Jane of D., 22d, 8 mo. 1845, in D.
-------------, d. Davis, farmer, and Mary H. of D., 3d, 1845, in D.
-------------[Collins crossed out], s. G. W., merchant, and S. J. of D., 27th, 11 mo. 1846, in D.
COLVIN (Calven, Calvin)
Abigal, d. John, July 28, 1686.
Arne, d. John, "last of" Oct. 1690.
Anna (Calvin), d. John (Colvin), Mar. 26, 1679.
Charity (Calvin), d. John Jr., Jan. 1, 1706-7.
Daborah (Calvin), d. John (Colvin), May 28, 1693.
James, s. John, Nov. 24, 1695.
John, s. John, Apr. 19, 1681.
Jonathan (Calven), s. John Jr., Jan. 10, 1704.
Josiah, s. John, June 6, 1700.
Lydia (Calven) , d. John Jr., Mar. 26, 1705.
Samuel, s. John, Dec. 10, 1688.
Stephen, s. John, Sept. 24, 1683.
Mary, d. Elnathan and Martha, Nov. 3, 1791.
COMMINGS (see Cummings).
Albert H., Co. C, 4th Regt., R. I. Vol. Inf., s. Capt.. Edwin F. and Almeda W., Mar. 9, 1845, G.R.11.
Almeda W. [-------------], w. Capt. Edwin F.,-------------, 1807, G.R.11.
Charles E., —, 1833, [on stone beside that of Mary A. Sherman Cook] G.R.1.
Dinah, d. Richard and Marcy, Sept. 23, 1782.
Edward C.,-------------, 1802, [On stone with Ruth] G.R.1.
Edwin F., Capt.,-------------, 1811, [on stone with Almeda W.] G.R.11.
Elizebeth, d. John and Martha, Feb. [Feb. written after Mar. crossed out] 5, 1735-6.
Isaac B., s. Daniel, farmer, and Eliza of D., —, 7 mo. 1843, in D.
John Dopson, s. Richard and Marcy, Feb. 19, 1778.
John W., h. Sarah A. Durfee,-----------, 1844, G.R.1.
Mary A. Sherman [-----------] , w. Charles E.,-----------, 1838, G.R.1.
Mary Malvina [-----------], "Mother," w.-----------, Nov. 9, 1834, G.R.39.
Pardon, s. Richard and Marcy, June 20, 1780.
Richard, s. Richard and Dinah, Dec. 6, 1772.
Ruth [? m.],-----------, 1813, [on stone with Edward C.] G.R.1.
Sarah A. Durfee [-----------], w. John W.,-----------, 1846, G.R.1.
CORNELL (Cornal, Cornel Cornil, Cornill)
Abby H. [-----------], w. Philip A., 9th, 3 mo. 1838, C.R.3. [Abbie H., G.R.1. Abbie H. Durfee, P.R.7. P.R.8.]
Abigail (Cornel), d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 15, 1763.
Abigail, d. Stephen and Rebecca, Apr. 16, 1782.
Abraham, s. John and Mehitabel, May 12, 1790, P.R.9.
Abraham, s. John and Mehetable, Sept. 1, 1791. [h. Hannah, P.R.8. s. John and Mehitabel, P.R.9.]
Abram (Cornal), s. Peleg and Mary, Aug. 28, 1744.
Alfried (Cornel), ch. Lydia, 30th, 9 mo. 1821, C.R.3. [Alfred Cornell, 30th, 9 mo. 1822, G.R.34.]
Allen, s. John and Mehitabel, Mar. 21, 1797, P.R.9.
Alse, d. William and Mehitabel, Mar. 14, 1726.
Amos (Cornel), s. Amos (Cornell) and Cloe, Apr. 29, 1772.
Annee, d. John 2d and Chloe, Nov. 23, 1804.
Benjamin, s. William and Mehitabel, Nov. 13, 1711.
Benjamin (Cornel), s. Amos and Cloe, Oct. 17, 1762.
Benjamin (Cornel), s. Daniel and Mary, June 29, 1770.
Benjamin, s. John 2d and Chloe, Mar. 10, 1792.
Bettey (Cornel), d. William (Cornell) and Elce, June 27, 1773.
Caleb, s. William and Mehitabell, Mar. 24, 1716.
Catherine (Cornel), d. Peleg and Mary, Apr. 14, 1751.
Charles A.,-----------, 1841 [on monument with James and Clarissa] G.R.13.
Chloe Ann (see Cloe Ann).
Clarissa [-----------], w. James,-----------, 1809, G.R.13.
Cloe Ann, d. Daniel A., farmer, and Rebecca of D., 29th, 6 mo. 1844, in D.
Comfort (see Cumfurt).
Content, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Oct. 3, 1757. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Cory, s. Gideon and Elisabeth, May 18, 1773.
Cumfurt (Cornil), d. Samuel, Dec. 4, 1691.
Daniel, s. William and Mehitabel, Sept. 17, 1723. [Cornel, h. Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Daniel, s. Edward and Susanah, Dec 8, 1737.
Daniel [dup. crossed out Cornel], s. Zebedee and Ruth, Jan. 2, 1772.
David, [twin] s. Edward and Susanah, Dec. 29, 1730.
David (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, July 19, 1753.
Dilla, d. Jerothmal and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1797.
Edward A., Jan. 11, 1848, G.R.36.
Eliphel, s. Abraham and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1800, P.R.9.
Elisabeth [-----------] (Cornel), w. Daniel, 25th, 4 mo., "called June," 1722, C.R.3.
Elisabeth, d. James and Abigale, Aug. 27, 1735. [Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Elisabeth (Cornel), d. Peleg and Mary, Sept 20, 1759.
Elisabeth, d. Jerothmal and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1795.
Elizabeth, d. Godfrey and Amy, Aug. 7, 1796.
Elizebeth, d. Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1728-9.
Elizebeth, d. Thomas and Kathrine [dup. Cathrine], July 17, 1729.
Elizebeth, d. Samuell and Deborah, Oct. 13, 1729.
Elizebeth (Cornel), d. William and Mehitabel, Jan. 25, 1736.
Elsie (see Alse).
Exsperience (Cornal), d. Peleg and Mary, May 7, 1749.
Ezekiel, s. Richard and Content, Mar. 27, 1733.
Ezra (Cornel), s. Ezekell and Rachel, May 22, 1762.
Gedean (Cornel), s. Caleb (Cornell) and Dele, Feb. 5, 1745-6.
George, s. William and Mehitabel, Dec. 25, 1713.
George, s. Samuel, Mar. 23, 1718-19.
Gidean, s. Richard and Content, Dec. 1, 1745.
Gideon (see also Gedean and Gidean).
Gideon, 6th, 12 mo. 1815, [on stone beside that of Lydia A.] G.R.34.
Godfree, s. Gideon and Elisabeth, Nov. 5, 1771. [Godfrey, P.R.29.]
Goued, s. Caleb and Dele, May 27, 1748.
Covet, s. Jerothmal and Sarah, June 12, 1793.
Grizzel, d. Samuel, Jan. 29, 1720-1.
Hannah, d. John 2d and Chloe, Apr. 28, 1790.
Hannah [-----------] (Cornel), w. Abraham,-----------, 1792, C.R.3. [Cornell, Jan. 19, 1793, P.R.8.]
Harriet A., d. Amos, carpenter, and Harriet W., June 8, 1848, in D.
Hittey H., d. William, farmer, and Mary P. of D., 2d, 3 mo. 1844, in D.
Holder (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, Aug. 14, 1768.
Isaac, s. John and Sarah, June 17, 1728.
Israel (Cornel), s. Amos and Cloe, Aug. 8, 1774.
Israel, s. John 2d and Chloe, Mar. 10, 1794.
James, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Mar. 13, 1753. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
James, s. Stephen and Rebecca, Jan. 4, 1779.
James, h. Clarissa,-----------, 1810, G.R.13.
Jeremiah, s. John 2d and Chloe, June 23, 1802.
Jesse, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1732.
Jethro S.,-----------, 1820, [on monument with Sophia A. Howland] G.R.1. [h. Sophia A. Sandford, s. Abraham and Hannah, Mar. 18, P.R.8.]
Job, s. Samuel, May 27, 1723.
Job, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1724-5.
John, s. Samuell, Nov. 7, 1716.
John, s. Joseph and Deborah, June 18, 1746.
John (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, July 30, 1763. [Cornell, h. Mehitabel, P.R.9.]
John (Cornel), s. Amos and Cloe, Dec 17, 1767.
John, s. John 2d and Chloe, July 28, 1798.
John, s. John and Mehitabel, May 11, 1806, P.R.9.
John, s. Abraham and Hannah, Oct. 5 [? 5 or 6], 1825 [? 1825 or 1826], P.R.8.
Joseph, s. William and Mehitabel, Dec. 8, 1720.
Joseph (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, Oct. 18, 1755.
Joseph (Cornel), ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, 28th, 11 mo. 1764, C.R.3.
Joseph H., h. Susan S. Russell, h. Eliza Penniman, s. Abraham and Hannah, Mar. 23, 1818, P.R.8.
Joshua, s. Thomas and Kathrine, June 22, 1726.
Lucy, d. Jerothmal and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1799.
Lydia (see also Lydiae).
Lydia, d. Thomas and Catherine, Feb. 14, 1766.
Lydia [-----------] (Cornel), w.-----------, 8th, 3 mo. 1781, C.R.3.
Lydia A. [-----------], w. Gideon, 11th, 1826, G.R.34.
Lydia W. (Cornel), ch. Lydia, 6th, 12 mo. 1813, C.R.3. [Cornell, 13th, 12 mo., G.R.34.]
Lydiae (Cornal), d. Peleg and Mary, Nov. 6, 1746.
Margaret A., d. Amos, carpenter, and Harret W. of D., 23d, 11 mo. 1843, in D.
Martha, d. Jonathan and Hannah, May 3, 1726.
Mary, d. William and Mehitabel, June 8, 1728.
Mary, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Jan. 16, 1755. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Mary, d. John 2d and Chloe, Nov. 9, 1788.
Mary, d. John and Mehetable, Mar. 29, 1808. [Mary P., w. William S. Howland, G.R.18. Mary P., d. John and Mehitabel, P.R.9.]
Mehetable, d. John and Mehetable, Jan. 3, 1803. [w. Tucker Smith, C.R.3. Mehitable, d. John and Mehitabel, P.R.9.]
Mehitabel [-----------], w. John, Dec. 4, 1763, P.R.9.
Mehitable, d. Godfrey and Amy, Feb. 25, 1799.
Mehitable H. (see Hittey H.).
Meribah, d. Thomas and Catherine, Sept. 27, 1767.
Nathaniel (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, Dec. 10, 1766.
Parden, May 18, 1774 [rec. after Godfrey, 1771], P.R.29.
Pardon (Cornel), s. Lydia, Dec. 30, 1766.
Patience, d. Richard and Content, Jan. 14, 1740.
Paul, s. Samuell and Deborah, July 17, 1726.
Paul (Cornel), s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Sept. 17, 1759. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Peleg, s. Thomas, Dec. 9, 1719.
Peleg, s. Jonathan (Cornall) and Hannah, Apr. 14, 1727.
Peleg (Cornel), s. Peleg and Mary, Dec. 12, 1757.
Phebe, d. Samuell and Deborah, July 16, 1724.
Philip A., h. Abby H., 25th, 3 mo. 1836, C.R.3. [h. Abbie H. Durfee, P.R.7. h. Abbie H. Durfee, s. Abraham and Hannah, P.R.8.]
Phillip, s. Richard and Content, Oct. 5, 1735.
Phillip (Cornel), s. Amos and Cloe, Mar. 31, 1782.
Prisillia I., d. David [sic, ? Daniel], farmer, and Rebeca of D., 16th, 6 mo. 1846, in D.
Prissilla, d. John and Mehetable. Nov. 19, 1794. [Priscilla, d. John and Mehitabel, P.R.9.]
Rachel (Cornel), d. William and Mehitabel,-----------22, 1733.
Rachel [dup. crossed out, Cornel], d. Zebedee and Ruth, Dec. 25, 1773.
Rebecca, d. Samuell and Rebecca, Sept. 30, 1731.
Rebecca (Cornel), d. Peleg and Mary, Jan. 1, 1741.
Rebecca, d. Daniel and Elizebeth, Dec. 27, 1744. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
Rebeckah, d. Thomas, Aug. 3, 1717.
Rebekah, d. William and Mehitabel, Mar. 9, 1718.
Rhobe (see Robe and Robey).
Richard, S. Stephen, Jan. 28, 1701-2.
Richard, s. Richard and Content, Mar. 4, 1742.
Robe [dup. Cornell, d. Amos (Cornel) and w. [dup. Amos and Cloe], Nov. 4, 1769.
Robey (Cornel), d. William and Jemima, Dec 6, 1799.
Samuell (Comill), s. Samuel, Jan.-----------,1688.
Samuell, s. Samuell, Jan. 20, 1714-15.
Sarah Ellen, d. James, farmer, and Louisa of D., 23d, 6 mo. 1845, in D.
Sarah H., w. Spooner Jenkins, d. Abraham and Hannah, Mar. 24, 1823, P.R.8.
Solomon,-----------, 1838, [on monument with James and Clarissa] G.R.13.
Stephen, s. James and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1744. [12th, "old stile," C.R.3.]
Stephen (Cornel), s. William and Jemima, Aug. 28, 1798.
Susannah, d. Thomas, May 13, 1722.
Thomas (Cornill), s. Samull (Cornil), Sept. 22, 1685.
Thomas (Cornal), s. Peleg and Mary, Oct. 18, 1742.
Thomas (Cornel), s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Mar. 23, 1761. [ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 15, C.R.3.]
Walter, [twin] s. Edward and Susanah, Dec. 29, 1730.
William (Cornel), s. Amos and Cloe, Nov. 17, 1779.
Zebulon, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Nov. 25, 1751. [Cornel, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, C.R.3.]
-----------, s. Daniel, labourer, and Rebecca, Nov. 2, 1848.
Joseph, s. James and Abia, Mar. 21, 1753.
Stephen, s. James and Abia, Nov. 30, 1754.
Sylvia Jenne, d. Hannaniah, bp. May 24, 1772, C.R.4.
Almy, d. William and Freelove, Dec. 26, 1799.
Benjamin, s. Thomas and Abigail, Nov. 26, 1750.
Catee Howland, d. Seabury and Amy, Dec. 29, 1802.
Daniel Wilcox, s. Seabury and Amy, Oct. 1, 1804.
Ebenezer, s. Seabury and Amy, Oct. 21, 1806.
Elisabeth, d. William and Freelove, Nov. 2, 1797.
Kate Howland (see Catee Howland Cory). Mary, d. Thomas and Abigail, Mar. 27, 1756.
Mary, d. William and Freelove, June 11, 1791.
Mary Seabury, d. Seabury and Amy, Aug. 10. 1810.
Patience, d. William and Freelove, Dec. 24, 1802.
Phillip [dup. Pillip], s. William and Freelove, Oct. 7, 1793.
Prudence, d. Thomas and Abigail, Apr. 15, 1754.
Ruth Sanford, d. William and Freelove, Aug. 18, 1805.
Sarah, d. Thomas and Abigail, May 19, 1752.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Ann, Nov. 2, 1725.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Abigail, Dec. 22, 1766.
Thomas Almy, s. William and Freelove, Jan. 25, 1796.
Thomas Willcox, s. Seabury and Amy, Oct. 22, 1808.
William, s. Thomas and Abigail, Jan. 1, 1758.
Rhodolon Willis, s. William A., mariner, and Chathrine W. of D., 28th, 5 mo. 1846, in D.
COWEN (Cowing)
Abraham Russell, s. Joshua and Ruth, Nov. 15, 1826.
Adele [blot] White, d. Samuel H., labourer, and Jane, June 8, 1849, in D.
Ann M. (Cowing), d. Leonard, farmer, and Jane of D., 26th, 9 mo. 1846, in D.
Charles, s. Joshua and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1822.
Jane G. [-----------], w. Leonard M., Mar. 29. 1827, G.R.10.
Leonard Miller (Cowing), Jan. 22, 1824. [Rec with chn. of William and Ollive.]
Mary O. (Cowing), d. Samuel G., farmer, and Mary J. of D., 10th, 12 mo. 1846, in D.
Philadelphia Gray, d. Abish and Hope, Jan. 21, 1810.
Samuel, s. William and Ollive, Dec. 4, 1815.
Welthy Willson, d. Abish and Hope, Feb. 28. 1806.
William Horten, s. William and Ollive, Sept. 9, 1818.
William Merry, s. Joshua and Sally, Aug. 16, 1820.
Zenas, s. Ebenezer and Lydia, Nov. 17, 1779.
-----------, s. Zenas, carpenter, and Rebecca of D., 17th, 12 mo. 1844, in D.
CRAM (Crane)
Charlotte E., d. Charles S. C. (Crane), pedlar, and Lucy of D., 1st, 12 mo. 1845, in D.
Gilbert M. (Crane), s. Charles S. C. (Crame), farmer, and Lucy of D., Aug. 1, 1847, in D.
Benjamin, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Consider, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Howland, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
James, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Jane, d. Capt. Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 21, 1753, in Plymouth, G.R.39.
Jean [-----------], w. John,-----------, 1694, in Jedburgh, Scotland, G.R.39.
John,-----------, 1697, in Topsum, Gt. Britain, [on stone beside that of Jean] G.R.39.
John, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Philip, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Ruth, ch. Thomas and Ruth, Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
Thomas, s. Capt. Thomas and Ruth, June 6, 1752, in Plymouth, G.R.39.
Thomas, ch. Thomas and Ruth, bp. Jan. 10, 1771, C.R.4.
-----------, s. Thomas, bp. July 28, 1771, C.R.4.
CRANE (see Cram)
Charlottee, d. George and Dorcas, Dec. 30, 1774.
Leven, s. George and Dorcas, May 26, 1776.
Mahaley. s. George and Dorcas, June 2, 1792.
Ryal, s. George and Dorcas, Apr. 15, 1779.
Albert A., s. Joseph, farmer, and Sarah S. of D., 25th, 1846, in D.
Andrew S., s. Lydia M. (domestic, of D.), 13th, 5 mo. 1844, in D.
Betsey [? m.], Dec. 30, 1791, G.R.37.
Caroline Ellis [-----------], "Mother," w. Elisha S., June 6, 1815, G.R.1.
Charles S.,-----------, 1835, [on stone with Capt. Henry H.] G.R.1.
Edgar W., Capt., —,1838,[on stone with Laura S.] G.R.1.
Eliakim Hegins, s. Richard and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1811.
George D.,-----------, 1841, G.R.1.
George G., s. Jacob (farmer, of D.), —, 1 mo. 1845, in D.
Hannah, d. Richard and Elizabeth, May 12, 1806.
Hannah K. [-----------], w. Robert B., Dec. 18, 1839, G.R.1.
Hannah R., d. Isaac, housewright, and Ruth Ann of D., 28th, 5 mo. 1846, in D.
Henry H., Capt., 5th Ohio Cav.,-----------, 1841, [on stone with Charles S. and William W.] G.R.1.
Innocent [? m.],-----------, 1817, [in lot with Isaac L.] G.R.31.
Isaac L.,-----------, 1813, [in lot with Innocent] G.R.31.
Job, s. Richard and Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1808.
Laura S. [? m.],-----------, 1842, [on stone with Capt. Edgar W.] G.R.1.
Mary, d. Richard and Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1797.
Paul, s. Richard and Elizabeth, May 13, 1804.
Peter, s. Richard and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1801.
Ruth Ann [? m.], July 2, 1817, G.R.37.
Sarah, d. Richard and Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1799.
William W.,-----------, 1825, [on stone with Capt. Henry H.] G.R.1.
-----------, d. Humphry R., labourer, and Augusta N. of D., 1st, 5 mo. 1844, in D.
CRAW (see also Crow)
Abigail, d. Richard and Johanah, Feb. 7, 1738-9. [ch. Richard and Joanna, 17th, 12 mo. 1738-9, C.R.3.]
Abigail, d. Sherman and Hannah, Oct. 18, 1775.
David, Oct. 9, 1771.
Ebenezer Robinson, s. Richard and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1809.
Hannah, d. Sherman and Lusanna, May 5, 1783.
Henrietta T., d. William T., farmer, and Julian of D., 5th, 6 mo. 1846, in D. [Henrietta F., d. Wiliam T. and Julia A., G.R.1.]
Hezekiah, s. Richard and Joanah [Joanna, C.R.3.], Apr. 10, 1743.
Jean, d. Richard and Joanah, Mar. 10, 1740-1. [Jane [dup. Jean, w. Ebenezer Mosher], ch. Richard and Joanna, C.R.3.]
Joanna, d. Sherman and Hannah, June 20, 1777.
John, s. Richard and Johanah [Joanna, C.R.3.], July 16, 1737.
John, s. Sherman and Hannah, June 20, 1774.
John, s. Nathan and Lydia, May 22, 1792.
John T., s. William, farmer, and Julia, Aug. 12, 1848. [s. William T. and Julia A., Aug. 30, G.R.1.]
Julia A. [? m.],-----------, 1818, [on stone with William T.] G.R.1.
Matilda, d. Nathan and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1790.
Mary, d. Rebekah, Sept. 16, 1726.
Mary Fitch, d. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1810.
Mehetable, d. Sherman and Lusanna, Sept. 1, 1785.
Mehitable, d. David and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1797.
Nathan, s. Nathan and Lydia, Nov 21, 1797.
Phebe, d. Nathan and Lydia, July 1, 1799.
Polley, d. Sherman and Hannah, July 11, 1779.
Rebekah, d. Richard and Joanah, Nov. 10, 1733. [ch. Richard and Joanna, 10th, 9 mo., C.R.3.]
Richard, s. Sherman and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1782.
Samuel, s. Nathan and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1795.
Samuell, s. Richard and Johanah, Sept. 9, 1735. [Samuel, ch. Richard and Joanna, C.R.3.]
Sherman, s. Richard and Joannah, Jan. 8, 1745.
Simeon, s. David and Hannah, May 6, 1796.
William, s. David and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1793.
William T.,-----------, 1813, [on stone with Julia A.] G.R.1.
-----------, s, William, mariner, and Hannah of D., 10th, 3 mo. 1844, in D.
Lucy Clark, w. Rev. J. Stanly Dorsay, d. Ansel and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1825, G.R.1.
Polly, d. Joshua and Fear, bp. Dec. 21, 1797, C.R 4.
Eliza Macy Howland [-----------], w. Thomas B., 5th, 5 mo. 1808, G.R.1.
CROW (see also Craw)
Allen, s. John and Mary, Oct. 4, 1776.
John, s. John and Mary, Aug. 30, 1778.
Joseph, s. John and Mary, Apr. 4, 1781.
Mary, d. John and Mary, Nov. 3, 1783.
Almira D., d. Samuel, shipwright, and Sarah A. of D., 29th, 1844, in D.
Abiah, d. John and Abiah, June 15, 1785.
Elizabeth [? m.], June 22, 1825, [on monument with M. and Grace M., and Capt. James H. McKenzie] G.R.1.
Grace M. [? m.], May 8, 1828, [on monument with M. and Elizabeth, and Capt. James H. McKenzie] G.R.1.
M., July 8, 1816, [on monument with Elizabeth and Grace M., and Capt. James H. McKenzie] G.R.1.
CUMMINGS (Commings, Cummins)
Abigal, d. Philip, Nov. 20, 1698.
Arthur, s. John, merchant, and Elizabeth T. of D., 28th, 8 mo. 1845, in D.
Benjamin, s. Philip, Sept. 6, 1695.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mehetable, Apr. 7, 1797.
David, s. Philip, Sept. 25, 1704.
Elezabeth (Commings), d. Philip (Cummings), Nov. 22, 1701.
Elisabeth, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, May 20, 1788.
James, s. Philip, Nov. 9, 1693 [1695], [see Benjamin].
John, s. Philip, May 14, 1691.
John, s. Benjamin and Mehetable, Feb. 13, 1795.
Julia, d. Benjamin, farmer, and Cynthia of D., 2d, 3 mo. 1844, in D.
Mary, d. Philip, Jan. 3, 1686.
Mehetable, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, Nov. 30, 1792.
Nancy, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, May 23, 1790.
Rebecaa, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, Oct. 22, 1781.
Ruth, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, Nov. 4, 1785.
Salley, d. Benjamin and Mehetable, June 5, 1799.
Sarah, d. Philip, Oct. 15, 1688.
Sarah (Cummins), d. Ellanson (Cumings) and Drusella, July 31, 1775.
William, s. Benjamin and Mehetable, Dec. 21, 1783.
Abiah, d. Seth, bp. June 24, 1770, C.R.4.
Almie W. [ ? m.],-----------, 1837, [on stone with Charles F.] G.R.1.
Bethia, ch. Seth and Abiah, bp. Nov. 21, 1762, C.R.4.
Charles F.,-----------, 1831, [on stone with Almie W.] G.R.1.
David, s. Ebenezer and Zerviah, Feb. 21, 1753.
David, s. Seth and Abia, bp. July 24, 1763, C.R.4.
Ebenezer, s. James and Sarah, June 4, 1727.
Eleazar, s. Seth, bp. July 17, 1768, C.R.4.
Elisabeth, d. James and Sarah, July 29, 1739.
Elizabeth, ch. Elisha, bp. Apr. 27, 1769, C.R.4.
Ichabod, s. Ebenezer and Zerviah, May 15, 1751.
James, s. Elisha, bp. Nov. 1, 1772, C.R.4.
Joseph D.,-----------, 1828, [on stone beside that of Capt. Obed] G.R.1.
Lemuel, s. Seth and Biah, Mar. 9, 1758.
Lydia, ch. Seth and Abiah, bp. Nov. 21, 1762, C.R.4.
Marcy, d. Ebenezer and Zerviah, Apr. 9, 1759.
Mary, d. James and Sarah, "first of" Nov. 1730.
Mary, d. Obed and Ruth, Sept. 3, 1782.
Obed, s. Ebenezer (Chushman) and Zerviah, Jan. 7, 1755.
Patience, d. James, bp. May 13, 1744, C.R.4.
Phebe, ch. Barker, Dec. 17,-----------.
Rebecah, ch. Barker, a. 3 on Jan. 6,-----------.
Rebeccah, d. Obed and Ruth, Aug. 6, 1784.
Rhody, d. Obed (Chushman) and Ruth, May 12, 1779.
Samuel, ch. Seth and Abiah, bp. Nov. 21, 1762, C.R.4.
Sarah, d. James and Sarah, "first of" Dec. 1732.
Sarah, d. James Jr., bp. Sept. 13, 1761, C.R.4.
Sarah A., d. Frederick, mariner, and Sarah of Newbedford, 17th, 6 mo. 1844, in D.
Seth, s. James and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1734.
Seth, s. Seth, bp. Oct. 18, 1772, C.R.4.
Susanna, ch. Elisha, bp. Apr. 27, 1769, C.R.4.
Temperance, d. James, bp. June 6, 1742, C.R.4.
Thomas, s. James and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1728.
Virtue, d. Elisha and Reliance, bp. Sept. 10, 1769, C.R.4.