Vital Records Of Danvers Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Volume 1 Births, Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1909
Newcomb & Gauss, Printers Salem, Massachusetts
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Olive Sweetser, and William Hall, at South Reading, Dec. 2, 1835.
Phebee, and John Trask, Apr. 12, 1799.
Rusha Ann, of Lynnfield, and William Mitchell, Mar. 29, 1842.
PATEE (see also Pattee)
Eliphalet, and Abigail Saunders, Feb. 16, 1801.
Eliphlet, Maj., and Maria Wood of Boxford, May 4, 1828.
Lois S., and Henry Barker of Andover, int. July 22, 1826.
Andrew, and Mary Tullock, June 22, 1847.
PATTEE (see also Patee)
Hannah [E. int.], and John Wood, Nov. 16, 1824.
John R., and Sarah Jefts, at Boston, Nov. 27, 1831.
Elizabeth B., and George [B. int.] Browning, Nov. 13, 1833.
Jesse C., and Atarah Burnham, Feb. 23, 1823.
Nathaniel P. C., and Elizabeth Reith of Salem, May 10 [May 9. C.R.5.], 1832.
Rebecca, and Herbert N[ichols. dup.] Skinner of Lynnfield, June 21, 1837.
Sally, of Salem, and Daniel Southwick, int. Dec. 10, 1825.
William, and Rebekah Southwick, at Salem, July 12, 1812.
William B., and Elizabeth B. Upton, Feb. 28, 1830.
James S., and Priscilla Canney of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Aug. 1, 1845.
Joseph, and Sally Lindsey of Lynn, int. May 10, 1823.
Abi, of Middleton, and Benjamin Clark Osborn, int. Dec. 13, 1828.
Allen, and Mary Bryant of Salem, Sept. 21, 1823.
Almira, and Joseph Bushby, June 21, 1825.
Benjamin, b. Middleton, and Harriet Brown, b. Tewksbury, at Tewksbury, Jan. 17, 1839.
Benjamin W. [of Middleton. C.R.5.], and Nancy Perkins of Middleton, Dec. 25, 1836.
Betty, and Bimesly Peabody of Middleton, May 25, 1779.
Betty, of Middleton, and Peter Cross, Jr., int. Oct. 18, 1798.
Bimesly, of Middleton, and Betty Peabody, May 25, 1779.
Charles, and Hannah Dow [How, of Middleton. int.], Apr. 27, 1831.
Daniel, and Sarah S. Clarke, Feb. 6, 1844.
Dorothy, of Lynnfield, and Joseph Brown, Nov. 21, 1822.
Ephraim P., and Lavinia C. Woodbury, Dec. 5, 1844.
Eunice, and Fisher Metcalf, at Salem, Mar. 31, 1836.
Eunice Goodhue, and Joseph Fletcher, at Saugus, Apr. 10, 1847.
Hannah, of Rowley, and Robert Lake of Topsfield, Dec. 23, 1788.
Hannah, and Jesse Smith, both of Middleton, Jan. 20, 1793.
Irene, and Samuel Symonds, both of Middleton, at Middleton, Apr. 17, 1817.
Jeremiah Flint, and Betsey Wilkins, at Middleton, July 4, 1843.
John, and Hannah Stickney, int. June 17, 1802.
John, and Margaret Brown of Hamilton, int. Mar. 16, 1822.
Jonathan, of Boxford, and Lucy Morgen, Mar. 14, 1785.
Joseph, and Nabby Wilkins, Sept. 10, 1812.
Joseph F., of Salem, laborer, and Hannah Maria Gowing, d. Hiram G. and Desire, Mar. 18, 1844.
Martha F., of Salem, and Edward F. Osborn of Lynn, Sept. 6, 1835.
Mary, and Philip Dale, jr., Aug. 22, 1820.
Mary Ann, and Josiah Ross, at Middleton, Dec. 29, 1842.
Mary G., of Bradford, and Caleb Marsh, int. Mar. 10, 1827.
Mehitable, of Middleton, and William Flint, jr., int. May 4, 1780.
Nancy, and Samuel Fisher, July 6, 1844.
Nathaniel, and Mary Colester [Mecolester. int.] of Salem, July 1, 1760.
Olive, b. Middleton, and Benjamin Dole, int. Oct. 26, 1799.
Pearcey, and James Southwick, jr., int. Sept. 24, 1796.
Phebe, of Middleton, and John Gillingham, int. Jan. 30, 1814.
Priscilla, of Middleton, and James Bishop, int. Sept. 17, 1790.
Ruth [of Middleton. int.] and Eben Berry Wilkins, at Middleton, Aug. 22, 1823. [May 8, 1824. int.]
Salle, and Luther Brown, int. Sept. 26, 1789.
Sally, and Nathaniel Fisher, int. Mar. 30, 1844.
Salome, and Stephen Small, May 15, 1832.
Samuel, jr., of Boxford, and Polly Bradstreet, Apr. 30, 1818.
Sarah, and Joshua Town, jr., both of Topsfield, June 24, 1779.
Stephen, and Rachel A. Potter of Beverly, int. Sept. 17, 1845.
William, and Betsy Russell of Lynnfield, int. Nov. 23, 1792.
William, and Hannah Prince, Dec. 11, 1832.
William G., and Martha Ann Tufts, Dec. 2, 1849.
William Henry, and Sarah Ann Lamson, Mar. 24, 1844.
Bethiah, of Marblehead, and George Wood, int. Oct. 1, 1847.
PEALE, see Peele.
PEARLEY (see also Perley)
Phinehas, and Sally Hook, June 5, 1832.
PEARLY (see also Perley)
Amos, and Hannah Procter, Apr. 5, 1789.
PEARSON (see also Pearsons)
Lydia Ann, and Edwin Upton, at Wilmington, Jan. 1, 1846.
Nathan, see Parsons, Nathan.
PEARSONS (see also Pearson)
Charles, of York, Me., and Mary Baker of Manchester, N.H., at Salem, July 2, 1837.
Sally Maria, and William Cutler, Sept. 8, 1840.
PEART, see Pert.
Eunice, and Solomon Wyman, Jan. 10, 1765.
John, and Sarah Harris, Sept. 21, 1766.
Mary, and Joseph Meacham, June 3, 1753.
PEASLEE (see also Peasley)
Daniel, and Mary Osborn, July 25, 1819.
Nancy, of Amesbury, and Benjamin Putnam, jr., int. Feb. 5, 1804.
Ruth, d. Timothy and Abigail, of Newton, N.H., and David Buxton, s. Joseph, deceased, and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1782. C.R.8.
PEASLEY (see also Peaslee)
Abigail, b. Lewiston, Me., and Moses Osborn, b. Henniker, N.H., at Salem, Mar. 19, 1835. [Mar. 13. dup.]
Anna Currier, and Abraham Osborn, at Sandwich, N.H., Nov. 18, 1826.
Esther B., and Samuel Sargent, Feb. 28, 1844.
Eunice [of Kingston. int.], and Paul Osborn, jr., at Atkinson, Dec. ----, 1787. [Jan. 11, 1788. int.]
Ezekiel, and Eliza Balch of New Boston, N.H., int. May 1, 1824.
Jeremiah, and Sally Baker of Salem, Dec. 23, 1832. [Dec. 22. dup.]
John, and Dorcas Osborn, Nov. 15, 1821. [Nov. 21. dup.]
Reuben, and Ruth Putnam, Aug. 17, 1800.
Mary, and Robert Lefavor, Dec. 11, 1814.
PECKARD (see also Pickard)
Betsey, of Rowley, and Solomon Dodge, int. Dec. 14, 1805.
Sarah, and William Bly, Dec. 20, 1832.
Catherine S., of Salem, and Abel Nichols, jr., int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Hannah, b. Salem, and Samuel Taylor [bef. 1800.].
PEIRCE (see also Pierce)
Benjamin, and Mary Fairfield, Mar. 24, 1836. [Mar. 14. dup.].
Betsey H., and Benjamin F. Haskell, int. July 31, 1847.
Betsey H., see Prince, Betsey H.
David, and Emma Hutchinson, July 23, 1835. [July 22, 1834. dup.]
Elizabeth, and Joel Kimball, Oct. 31, 1830.
John B., and Sarah Ann Hallowell of Lynn [at Lynn. C.R.5.], Oct. 25, 1831. [Sept. P.R.74.]
Jonathan, and Abigail Batchelder, June 7, 1792.
Lydia, of New Salem, N.H., and Amos Putnam, jr., int. Nov. 30, 1805.
Mary Ann, and Gamaliel B[artlett. dup.] Thompson, Dec. 25, 1842. [1840. dup.]
Moses S. [Price. int.], of Gilmanton, N.H., and Sally A. Goldthwait, May 24, 1846.
Nancy, and Edwin Shelden, both of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 28, 1836.
Polly, and Nathaniell Batcheldor, Mar. 8, 1787.
Sarah, and Charles Field, int. Sept. 21, 1799.
William, of West Cambridge, and Hannah R. Grover of Marblehead, Nov. 4, 1834. [Nov. 5. dup.]
Mary A., of Salem, and Archelaus H. Trask, int. Nov. 18, 1843.
Francis Kimball, and Adeline Kent Buswell, at Bradford, Aug. 10, 1837.
PENDAR (see also Pinder)
Samuel Dutch, and Martha Burnham West, at Thornton, Conn., Jan. 9, 1846.
PENDER (see also Pinder)
Simon, and Mehetabel Dutch, Oct. 8, 1772. [Oct. 3. dup.]
Elizabeth N., a. 24 y., weaver, d. James, and Henry W. Dow of Ferrisburg, Vt., a. 24 y., carpenter, s. Daniel, Jan. 5, 1845.
Martha N., and Hiram Grant, at Lynn, Oct. 9, 1836.
Abby, and Randall F. Hurd, int. Apr. 18, 1846.
PEPER (see also Pepper)
Abigal, and Samuel Verry, Dec. 28, 1754.
PEPPER (see also Peper)
John, and Sarah Harwood, Aug. 5, 1759.
PEPPEREL (see also Pepperrell)
Betsey, and Thomas Dixon, Aug. 23, 1812.
Polly, Mrs., and Andrew Russel, Dec. 6, 1810. [Dec. 24, 1812. dup.]
PEPPERELL (see also Pepperrell)
Ebenezer, and Thirza Needham, Dec. 4, 1825.
PEPPERILL (see also Pepperrell)
John, and Polly Leathe [of Lynn. int.], at Lynn, Dec. 15, 1793.
PEPPERREL (see also Pepperrell)
Mary, and Joseph Southwick, int. Sept. 26, 1807.
PEPPERRELL (see also Pepperel, Pepperell, Pepperill, Pepperrel)
Thirza A., a. 20 y., d. Ebenezer and Thirza, and William F. D. Felt of Lynn, a. 22 y., West India Goods dealer, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1847.
PERCY, see Perrcy.
PERKINS (see also Pirkins)
Amelia, and Mark Howe, Oct. 20, 1836.
Ann, and Leprelet Drake, at Boston, Aug. 17, 1829.
Charles R., of Salem, and Catherine Wilkins, May 22, 1831.
Daniel W., and Betsey G. Perly of Boxford, int. Sept. 21, 1822.
Edward B., of Salem, and Elizabeth P. Barrett, Oct. 24, 1837.
Elizabeth, and James Brown, Sept. 1, 1802.
Elizabeth A., of Topsfield, and Benjamin B. Hill, int. Sept. 30, 1843.
Emeline, and Mark Howe, Oct. 21, 1836.
Eunice Levitt (Cram), Mrs. [of Hampton Falls. int.], and Thomas Meady Putnam, at Hampton Falls, Sept. 19, 1843.
George, and Maria Blackey, int. June 17, 1839.
Hannah, and Daniel Gloyd of Beverly, Jan. 19, 1758.
Henry Augustus, b. Salem, and Emily Batchelder Sleeper, July 7, 1846.
Israel, and Mary Annah Dodge, at Wenham, July 21, 1836.
James, and Nancy H. Carkin, at Derry, N.H., Feb. 5, 1840.
James, and Mrs. Margaret (Anderson) Upton, Mar. 15, 1849.
Jesse, and Charlotte A. Towne, May 9, 1839.
Joanna, and Ebenezer Lawrance, both of Lynnfield, May 20, 1830.
John, and Martha Fowler, Apr. 6, 1828. [Apr. 11, 1829. int.]
John, and Marcia Plummer Ferguson, Mar. 31, 1844.
Levina K., of Middleton, a. 20 y., b. Andover, d. William, and Edward P. Averill of Middleton, a. 28 y., trader, b. Middleton, s. Benjamin, Dec. 16, 1849.
Lois L., and Lorenzo P. Towne of Topsfield, Dec. 25, 1838. C.R.5.
Lydia [of Essex. int.], and Proctor J. Perley, at Essex, May 23, 1828.
Maria [of Essex. int.], and John Taylor, at Essex, Apr. 26, 1826.
Mary, and William Langmaid, at Wenham, Jan. 18, 1814.
Mary, and Benjamin Lindsey, at Lynn, Aug. 25, 1823.
Mary Ann, and Nehemiah Putney Fuller, at Middleton, Dec. 28, 1824.
Nancy, of Middleton, and Benjamin W. Peabody [of Middleton. C.R.5.], Dec. 25, 1836.
Nathan, of Newcastle, and Mrs. Hannah Phelps of Salem, May 10, 1775.
Nathaniel, of Newcastle, and Mrs. Eunice Phelps, of Salem, Aug. 4, 1773.
Nathaniel, and Hannah Weston of Newburyport, int. Dec. 21, 1844.
Phebe Wildes, and James H. Sleeper, at Wenham, Dec. 2, 1849.
Pyam Dodge, and Maria Marshall, at Warner, N.H., Oct. ----, 1841.
Rebeccah, of Topsfield, and Jacob Harwood, int. Nov. 18, 1821.
Robert B., and Rebecah Davis, Oct. 7, 1824.
Roger E., and Esther Blanchard of Milford, N.H., int. Oct. 24, 1795.
Sarah, and John Inger, Sept. 5, 1781.
Sophia, of Essex, and John Dodge, jr., Aug. 28, 1834. [Aug. 27. dup.]
Susan, of Bridgton, Me., and Jeremiah Cole, int. Nov. 15, 1828.
Thomas, of Arundale, and Sarah Babson, June 6, 1754.
Thomas B., of Lynn, and Lucy J. Andrews, int. June 24, 1840.
Titus, and Jeney Killum of Boxford, Apr. 21, 1778.
Walter, and Ann Townsend [bef. 1773.].
PERLEY (see also Pearley, Pearly, Perly)
Amos Proctor, and Sarah Felton (Batchelder) Martin, at Windham, N.H., Oct. 12, 1847. [1846. P.R.74.]
Asa, of Boxford, and Apphia Porter, Aug. 12, 1762.
Eliphalet, and Anna Porter [of Boxford. int.], Mar. 24, 1774.
Eliza Ann, and Jefferson Taylor, May 25, 1830.
Emeline, and Samuel Fowle, May 25, 1842.
Francis, of Boxford, and Ruth Putnam, Nov. 28, 1771.
Frederic, and Almira Putnam Batchelder, Dec. 4, 1826.
Harriot Augusta, and Amos Alden White, at Wenham, Oct. 5, 1848.
Jacob, and Abigail T. Frothingham of Salem, int. Sept. 26, 1844.
John, and Hitty Procter, Dec. 6, 1801.
Joseph [G. int.], and Mary Jane Dodge, May 7, 1829.
Mehitable, of Lowell, and Asa Wheeler, int. Apr. 30, 1842.
Nathan [of Methuen. int.], and Sarah Rea, Oct. 13, 1774.
Phineas, b. Boxford, and Sally Hook, June 5, 1832.
Proctor J., and Lydia Perkins [of Essex. int.], at Essex, May 23, 1828.
William, and Lucy Symonds Chapman, at Boxford, Mar. 28, 1825.
PERLY (see also Perley)
Artemas W., of Boxford, and Eleanor Putnam, Mar. 20, 1803.
Benjamin, of Boxford, and Apphia Andrew, int. Aug. 14, 1773.
Betsey G., of Boxford, and Daniel W. Perkins, int. Sept. 21, 1822.
Ruth P., and Thomas F. Odell of Salem, Apr. 22, 1824.
John, and Mary Coves, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
Albert F., and Jane Hobbs, at Salem, May 6, 1849.
Benjamin W., and Hannah E. Danforth, May 18, 1842.
Elizabeth, and Charles Hill of Salem, Feb. 1, 1810.
Harriet, and William Whittredge Mudge, Apr. 26, 1848.
Horatio, and Serena Putnam, Jan. 8, 1846. [Feb. 8. dup.]
Jacob F., and Anna B. Dodge [of Beverly. int.], at Beverly, Nov. 20, 1823.
James, of Dublin, N.H., and Maria Friend of Beverly, at Beverly, May 4, 1828.
James Albert, and Caroline Augusta Ray, at Salem, Mar. 31, 1848.
James M[unro. dup.], a. 26 y., butcher, s. Jonathan and Rebecca, and Clarissa H[amilton. dup.] Putnam, a. 24 y., d. Seth and Polly, Mar. 5, 1845.
John, and Sally Rhodes, int. May 17, 1823.
Jonathan, and Rebecca Willington, Apr. 17, 1808.
Jonathan [jr. C.R.4.], and Mehitable W. Goodale, Jan. 1, 1834.
Lois, and Joseph S. Proctor, at Beverly, June 1, 1822.
Loring F., and Fanny V. Tombs, int. Apr. 15, 1826.
Lucy Shaw [of Hanover. int.], and William Richard Skerry, at Hanover, Apr. 2, 1846.
Mary, and Daniel Procter [jr. dup.], Feb. 18, 1827.
Mary H., 2d w., and Warren Shelden, Nov. 30, 1843.
Rebecca, and David Stiles, jr. of Middleton, Apr. 21, 1836.
Rebeccah, and Samuel Fowle, Nov. 29, 1812.
Sarah, b. Salem, and Ward Pool, Feb. 19, 1792.
Susan S., and William R. Skerry, ----, 1846.
Louisa, and Azariah Woodbury, at Beverly, Jan. 20, 1831.
Margaret, and Tobias Hanson, at Manchester, Mar. 17, 1833.
Amy, and Rev. Charles C. Sewall, at Medfield, Oct. 1, 1823.
Anna, and Prince Freeman, both resident in Danvers, int. Jan. 14, 1786.
Benjamin, jr., of Salem, and Hannah Shillaber, Oct. 8, 1786.
Benjamin, of South Reading, and Betsey Harwood, int. Apr. 18, 1818.
Benjamin, of Salem, and Nancy Osborn, Oct. 29, 1826.
Nancy, Mrs., and Abraham Gage [Gaye. C.R.5.], Nov. 4, 1840.
Samuel, of Salem, and Hannah Deland, June 6, 1793.
PETINGEL (see also Pettengill)
William, and Abagail P. Muckford of Salem, int. July 27, 1833.
PETTENGILL (see also Petingel, Pettingill)
Joseph, and Eliza E. Whitemore of Salem, int. Aug. 17, 1833.
PETTINGILL (see also Pettengill)
Sarah [S. int.], and Joseph Aborn, Jan. 3, 1833.
Amos, and Sarah Roberts, int. Mar. 5, 1845.
William, and Sarah Kurwinn, at Salem, Jan. 9, 1837. [1846. dup.]
Abigail R., and Benjamin Moulton of Lynnfield, Aug. 15, 1833.
Anna, and Gabriel Munnion, Feb. 8, 1762.
Elizabeth, and Archelaus Hayward, Feb. 26, 1760.
Eunice, Mrs., of Salem, and Nathaniel Perkins of Newcastle, Aug. 4, 1773.
Francis, and Hannah Dunklee, int. May 1, 1802.
Francis, and Abigail March Churchill [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Nov. 22, 1839.
Hannah, Mrs., of Salem, and Nathan Perkins of Newcastle, May 10, 1775.
James Gardner, carpenter, and Sophia Andrews, Dec. 5, 1832.
Joel French, and Eliza Townsend, June 23, 1844. [June 25. dup.]
Joseph, and Eunice Gardner, Jan. 19, 1804.
Mary, and William Richardson Putnam, Aug. 27, 1839.
Mary Buffington, and Hicks Pinkham, Nov. 28, 1834. [Nov. 27. dup.]
Rebeckah, of Reading, and John King, int. Jan. 26, 1765.
Theodore [b. Tewksbury. dup.], and Betsey F. Shelden, Apr. 21, 1824. [Apr. 1. dup.]
Charles, and Mary Welch, at Boston, Jan. 14, 1847.
Hannah, and George Wood, Mar. 6, 1842. [Mar. 9. dup.]
John D., of Roxbury, and Julia A. Putnam, Aug. 24, 1843.
Sarah, 3d w., wid. Diah P., d. ---- Gibson., and Samuel Goodridge, May 15, 1844. [1845. dup. and int.]
Alvah, and Sarah E. Wheeler of Salem, Jan. 27, 1847.
PHILIPS (see also Phillips)
Abigal, and Joseph Very [jr. int.], Nov. 27, 1763.
Elizabeth, and John Welsh, int. May 28, 1791.
Sally, and George Roberts, Nov. 22, 1836.
PHILLIPS (see also Philips)
Alonzo Platts, and Louisiana Dodge [of Rowley. int.], at Rowley, Apr. 15, 1830.
Deborah, and Henry Trask of Salem, Jan. 4, 1770. [Jan. 24. dup.].
Hannah, and Amos Putnam, ----, 1744[?].
Hannah, and William Very, May 26, 1805.
Julia Therese [Judith, of Rowley. int.], and Sylvanus Dodge, at Rowley, Nov. 22, 1827.
Lydia, Mrs., of Salem, and Charles Shurnway of Topsfield, Nov. 22, 1838.
Richard, of Salem, and Elizabeth Butler, Mar. 16, 1775.
Richard, Jr., of Topsfield, and Elizabeth H. Reed, int. Aug. 27, 1831.
Sally, and William Dodge, int. Mar. 11, 1836.
William, and Betsey Towne of Topsfield, int. Nov. 17, 1804.
PHINEY (see also Phinney)
Salmon, and Susannah Pierce, June 14, 1812.
PHINNEY (see also Phiney)
Salmon, and Abigail King, Oct. 2, 1791.
Elizabeth, and John Swinerton, jr., Dec. 20, 1770.
PICKARD (see also Peckard)
Elisabeth, of Boxford, and Anthony Felton, int. Dec. 11, 1762.
Betsey, and Perly P. Curtis, July 29, 1821.
James, of Salem, and Sarah Rhodes, Oct. 13, 1797.
Joseph, of Salem, and Mary Proctor, Nov. 12, 1758.
PICKET (see also Pickett)
Betsy, and William Lewis, Apr. 17, 1795.
PICKETT (see also Picket)
Almira, and David Bailey, at Georgetown, Apr. 4, 1838.
James, of Salem, and Sarah Southwick, May 2, 1776.
Benjamin, and Rhoda Wadly of Salisbury, int. June 13, 1766.
PIERCE (see also Peirce)
Abigail, Mrs., and Samuel Putnam of Lynnfield, Nov. 15, 1801.
Charles, of Marblehead, and Mary L. Andrew, int. May 1, 1830.
John, and Lydia Batchelder, Feb. 11, 1798. [Feb. 1, 1799. dup.]
Susannah, and Salmon Phiney, June 14, 1812.
PIERSON, see Peirson.
Ebenezer, of Woburn, and Hannah Cook, int. Mar. 29, 1777.
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Goodale of Salem, Apr. 23, 1788.
Elias, and Jane Raddin, Dec. 16, 1829. [Dec. 17. dup.]
Eliza M., and Eliphalet S. Wetherbee of Medford, int. Nov. 5, 1848.
Eunice L., of Topsfield, and Jeremiah Fuller of Middleton, Apr. 7, 1841.
John, and Marcy McMellen, at Lynn, Dec. 16, 1824.
John, and Mary Libbey Starbird [of Portsmouth, N.H. int.], 2d w., at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 16, 1834.
John S. [of Waterford, Me. int.], and Adelaide R. Holt, Oct. 26, 1844.
Margaret Ann, and Albion K. P. Berry, int. Apr. 22, 1848.
Mary, of Topsfield, and George W. Severance, Oct. 19, 1814.
Sarah H., of Salem, and Amos Cluff, int. Aug. 18, 1832.
Eliza Fulsom, and Richard Sprague Frothingham, tallow chandler, at Rochester, N.H., Feb. 11, 1817.
Moses C., and Lois Cleaveland of Topsfield, int. Aug. 22, 1801.
PINDAR (see also Pinder)
Hannah, 2d w., and Nathaniel Putnam, Apr. 11, 1799.
Mary O., and Andrew Porter, Dec. 6, 1829.
PINDER (see also Pendar, Pender, Pindar)
John, and Polly Batchelder of Beverly, Dec. 5, 1797.
John, and Hannah Wade, at Ipswich, Apr. 27, 1845.
Mary, of Beverly, and Jeremiah Page, jr., int. Feb. 24, 1821.
Mehitable, and Jeremiah Putnam, jr., July 17, 1798.
Sally, and Thomas Cheever, June 2, 1805.
Samuel, and Hitty Putnam, Nov. 29, 1798.
Thomas P., of Salem, and Abigail Garland, July 17, 1828.
Enoch [Col. Putnam. int.], and Elizabeth Stratton of Lincoln, May 24, 1778.
Hicks, and Mary Buffington Phelps, Nov. 28, 1834. [Nov. 27. dup.]
Alvira, and Charles Whitten of Beverly, int. Feb. 26, 1841.
Lauretta E., and William Cilley, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
Malinda C., Mrs., and Hiram Taylor of Washington, N.H., int. Sept. 19, 1840.
PIRKINS (see also Perkins)
John, and Eunice Waters, Nov. 18, 1766.
Betsy, of Salem, and Samuel Rowles, int. Sept. 23, 1788.
George, and Sarah Elliot Friend [of Beverly. int.], at Beverly, Nov. 6, 1836.
John [Capt. int.], of Salem, and Mrs. Elizabeth Selden, Mar. 17, 1803.
Mary, and Asa Hart, Feb. 9, 1806.
Nancy, and Nathaniel Boardman, May 16, 1816.
Sarah, of Salem, and George B. Porter, Aug. 23, 1808.
Thomas P., and Mary J. Fuller, Nov. 26, 1845.
J. M., of Boston, and Catharine M. Felt of Salem, July 19, 1835. C.R.4.
John, and Anna Downing, Aug. 10, 1783.
Eliza, of Marblehead, and Aaron C. Fisk, int. Sept. 2, 1826.
PLUMER (see also Plummer)
Richard, and Philura W. Hutchins, at Gray, Me., Mar. 6, 1831.
PLUMMER (see also Plumer)
Emeline, and Amos Trask, at Gloucester, Apr. 5, 1832.
Hiram, and Sarah Ann Demerritt [of Lee, N.H. int.], at Dover, N.H., Nov. 23, 1840.
Jonathan P., of Boston, and Harriet B. Wilkins, Oct. 1, 1834.
Samuel T., and Elizabeth Kimball, Aug. 15, 1837.
Betsy, of Beverly, and Joseph Bullock, int. Sept. 10, 1796.
David, and Clarissa C. Colby, July 24, 1836.
Elizabeth W., of Hamilton, and Francis Goodhue, int. Nov. 4, 1844.
Harriet, Mrs., and Belcher Winn, int. Dec. 13, 1845.
Mary, and Asa Whittemore of Salem, Nov. 10, 1768.
Oliver, and Mary Lee [of Salem. int.], at Salem, May 28, 1829. [May 8, 1830. int.]
POLSON (see also Pulson)
Alexander, a. 26 y., weaver, b. Scotland, s. David and Agnes, and Hannah S. Howell, a. 21 y., b. England, d. John and Ann, Nov. 4, 1849.
Jane, and Archibald Lang, at Paisley, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1824.
POOL (see also Poole)
Elisabeth [2d w. dup.], and Sylvester Osborn, Jan. 1, 1797.
Eliza C., and William D. Wheeler of Worcester, int. June 21, 1833.
Fitch, and Eliza Cutler [of Hamilton. int.], at Hamilton, June 13, 1802.
Fitch, jr., and Mary Ann Poor, July 8, 1824.
Ward, and Sarah Perry, b. Salem, Feb. 19, 1792.
Ward, and Rebeccah Seccomb of Salem, int. Mar. 9, 1797.
Ward, Jr., and Eliza Wilder, Jan. 24, 1819.
William, and Mary Floyd of Medford, May 22, 1756.
William, and Anna Richardson of Salem, Sept. 22, 1807.
William, Col., and Sally Smith, Oct. 1, 1820.
POOLE (see also Pool)
Leonard, and Mary M. Wilder, Nov. 4, 1833.
Rebecca, and Leonard Pratt, jr. of Salem, Aug. 19, 1847.
Sally P[erry. dup.], and Caleb L. Frost, Dec. 26, 1843.
Betsey, and Rufus Wyman, Aug. 6, 1809.
Daniel, Rev., and Susan Bulfinch of Ipswich, Oct. 9, 1815.
Eben Sprague, and Ellen Maria Fornis, Jan. 15, 1845.
Eben Sprague, and Mary E. Harris, 2d w., Dec. 9, 1846.
Ebenezer, and Clarissa Abbot of Andover, at Andover, Feb. 1, 1825.
Elisabeth, and Nathan Lakeman, Nov. 15, 1831.
Eliza, and Miles Osborn, Dec. 17, 1820.
Enoch, and Sally Shillaber, Sept. 22, 1803.
Enoch, jr., and Hannah Bodwell, Jan. 14, 1813.
Enoch, and Fanny Lowd, at Conway, N.H., Mar. 30, 1847.
Fidelia, and Joel Putnam, June 1, 1843.
George, and Betsey Reed, Mar. 2, 1826. [1825. dup.]
George Abbot, and Lavina Welch of Shapleigh, Me., Sept. 8, 1841. [Oct. 3. dup.]
Hannah, and Richard Osborn, Dec. 13, 1799.
Henry, and Mary Osborn, Oct. 27, 1822.
Henry Cook, and Catherine Augusta Carkin, Sept. 9, 1847.
James, and Mary Whitteredge, Nov. 28, 1790.
James, and Hannah Bickford of Salem, int. Oct. 2, 1824.
John Robbins, and Sarah Sprague Dole, Nov. 10, 1840.
Joseph, jr., and Tamison Sprague, Dec. 9, 1795.
Joseph, jr., and Sarah Reed, 2d w., Feb. 3, 1805.
Joseph, jr., and Eliza Munroe, June 3, 1830.
Margaret, and Luke Dodge of Hamilton, Oct. 18, 1827.
Margaret Silver, and Henry Brown Ward, Oct. 16, 1833.
Martha, and David Daniels, jr., June 5, 1817.
Martha, and William S. [H. int.] Howland, Sept. 14, 1845.
Mary Ann, and Fitch Pool, jr., July 8, 1824.
Melzard, and Mary Leech of Haverhill, int. Oct. 28, 1826.
Nancy, and Isaac Hardy, jr., Oct. 21, 1840.
Nathan, and Margaret Silver [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Feb. 4, 1810.
Nathan, and Hannah C. Merrill [of Salem. int.], Feb. 27, 1826.
Nathan H., and Abigail Morrill, May 17, 1843.
Patience, and Eli Russel, Apr. 16, 1778.
Polly, and Sylvester Procter, Oct. 13, 1793.
Rachel, and George Southwick, jr., Sept. 14, 1826.
Sally, and David Brewer of Hamilton, Apr. 4, 1816.
Sarah, and Capt. Benjamin Jacobs, Jan. 17, 1802. [Jan. 16. dup.]
Sarah Woods, and Henry Reed, at Andover, May 28, 1833.
Tamison, and Obadiah Kimball, Nov. 8, 1838.
William, and Eliza Messer [of Salem. int.], at Salem, June ----, 1830.
William, and Mrs. Elizabeth P. Butler, b. Ipswich, at Ipswich, Apr. 14, 1842.
Amos, and Sarah Goodale, Jan. 16, 1806.
Anna, and Jesse Leavensworth of Danville, Feb. 20, 1791.
Betsey, and Samuel Putnam of Marblehead, Aug. 5, 1819.
Betty, and Isaac Needham, jr. of Salem, Jan. 1, 1769.
Ebenezer, and Sarah Pope, int. Sept. 7, 1754.
Eleazer, and Nancy Putnam, July 7, 1757.
Eleazer, jr., and Mary Gardner, jr., Oct. 5, 1780.
Elijah, and Hannah Putnam, June 20, 1791.
Elijah, jr., and Eunice Prince, Dec. ----, 1831.
Elisabeth, and William Walton of Pomfret, int. Dec. 31, 1757.
Elizabeth P., a. 28 y., d. Nathaniel and Abi, and Andrew M[erriarn. dup.] Putnam, widr., a. 37 y., lumber merchant, s. Jesse and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1844.
Eunice, and James Putnam, jr., Sept. 16, 1773.
Gertrude, and Jonathan Barrett, Dec. 26, 1822.
Hannah, and Francis Fletcher of Dunstable, Feb. 15, 1818.
Harriet A., and Henry F. Putnam, Apr. 16, 1839.
Ira Preston, and Eliza Cogswell Batchelder, Dec. 24, 1846.
Jasper, and Harriet Felton, Dec. 17, 1830. [Dec. 16. dup.]
Jasper, and Sarah Felton, 2d w., Feb. 9, 1846.
Jesper, and Abigail Lander, at Salem, Dec. 14, 1804.
John Reith, and Mary Jane Brown, Apr. 2, 1849.
Joseph, and Susannah Marsh, Mar. 26, 1789.
Mary, and William Deadman of Salem, Dec. 14, 1756. [Nov. 11, 1758. int.]
Mary, wid., and Jacob Sawyer of Reading, int. Mar. 10, 1758.
Mary, and Aaron Gilbert, June 4, 1777.
Mary, of Salem, and Lorenzo D. Warner, Oct. 26, 1848.
Mary, and Joshua Buxton, ----, ----.
Mary Putnam, and Calvin Putnam, July 8, 1841.
Mehetable, and Caleb Oakes, Nov. 9, 1797.
Nathaniel, and Sarah Clark, Dec. 23, 1784.
Nathaniel, and Abi Preston, Aug. 8, 1815.
Nathaniel, and Charlotte Flint, Mar. 9, 1848.
Orlando E., and Rebecca S. Fairfield [of Salem. int.], at Salem, June ----, 1832.
Phebe, and Aaron Aborn of Lynn, Dec. 31, 1779.
Phebe P., and David Tapley, int. Aug. 17, 1830.
Rebecca, and Jonathan Procter of Dunstable, June 27, 1784.
Rebekah, jr., and Thomas Gardner, jr., Nov. 28, 1781.
Samuel Carroll, end Frances Dissmore, at Londonderry, N.H., Dec. 23, 1806.
Sarah, and Ebenezer Pope, int. Sept. 7, 1754.
Zephaniah, and Nancy Mudge, Apr. 9, 1835.
Aaron, and Eunice Hathorne, at Salem, Feb. 5, 1788.
Abijah, and Sarah Dodge of Wenham [at Wenham. dup.], Jan. 30, 1798. [July 31, 1800. dup.]
Abijah, and Mrs. Rebecca [P. int.] Stone, May 15, 1844.
Alfred, and Clarissa Endicott, Nov. 17, 1818.
Alfred Ray, and Elizabeth Cutler Jacobs, July 12, 1836.
Amee, and Nathaniell Chamberlain of Salem, July 7, 1772.
Amma, and Patrick Carrill, Dec. 13, 1759.
Amos, and Anna Broadstreet, Jan. 24, 1764.
Andrew, and Eunice Dwinnell, Apr. 12, 1801. [1802. dup.]
Andrew, and Mary O. Pindar, Dec. 6, 1829.
Andrew, and Mary M. Dalton, May 23, 1839.
Andrew, and Mary Grant [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Nov. 7, 1843.
Ann F., and Jacob K. Roberts, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Anna [of Boxford. int.], and Eliphalet Perley, Mar. 24, 1774.
Anna, and Amos Gallop, Apr. 6, 1781.
Apphia, and Asa Perley of Boxford, Aug. 12, 1762.
Apphia, and John Barnes, resident in Danvers, Mar. 9, 1824. [Mar. 7. dup.]
Benjamin, of Wenham, and [Mrs. P.R.61.] Sarah Brown [wid. Bartholomew. P.R.61.], Mar. 27, 1755.
Benjamin, 3d, and Eunice Osborn, Feb. 12, 1761.
Benjamin, 4th, and Phebe Granson, int. Aug. 20, 1767.
Benjamin, and Abigail Osborn, May 21, 1778.
Benjamin, and Rhoda Berry, Sept. 17, 1807. [Sept. 7. dup.]
Benjamin, and Harriet Berry, 2d w., at Marblehead, Dec. 5, 1822.
Benjamin, Capt., of Marblehead, and Nancy Kent [at Marblehead. dup.], Dec. 12, 1825. [Dec. 6. dup.]
Betsy, and Nathaniel Gould of Salem, Feb. 4, 1793.
Daniel, and Ruthy Mecom of Topsfield, Feb. 26, 1795.
David, and Melinde Wells, Apr. 10, 1832.
Elizabeth, and Asa Leech of Beverly, Mar. 4, 1756.
Eunice, and Nathaniel Webb of Salem, int. Apr. 18, 1767.
Eunice, Mrs., of Topsfield [2d w. dup.], and Capt. Jeremiah Putnam, Oct. 16, 1810.
Eunice, and Samuel Felton, May 23, 1813.
Eunice, and Edward Brown, June 1, 1817.
Ezra, and Mehetable Osborn, Feb. 9, 1764.
Francis, and Martha Gott of Wenham, Apr. 10, 1772.
George, and Serene C. Usher, Aug. 4, 1835.
George B., and Sarah Pitman of Salem, Aug. 23, 1808.
Hannah, and John Collins, Jan. 5, 1769.
Hannah, and James Webb, July 28, 1784.
Hannah, and Chapman Collyer of Topsfield, Dec. 21, 1797.
Harthorne, and Mehitable Brown of Haverhill, Dec. 14, 1824.
Huldah, and Aaron Jacobs, Feb. 14, 1816.
Isaac, and Sarah Hoyt, at Wheelock, Vt., Feb. 25, 1823.
Isaac, and Sarah Kent, 2d w., at Lyme, N.H., May 8, 1830.
Isaac, and Eliza Joselyn, 3d w., Aug. 20, 1837.
Israel, and Huldah Smith, Dec. 13, 1771.
Israel, jr., and Sally Nurse, int. Dec. 12, 1795.
Israel Putnam, and Cynthia O. Johnson, Nov. 15, 1831.
Israel Putnam, and Martha Jane Tucker, 2d w., at Salem, Sept. 20, 1841.
James, and Hannah Curtis of Stoughtonham, Nov. 9, 1797.
John, jr., and Hannah Raymond of Beverly, July 22, 1755.
John, and Polley Batcheldor, Nov. 13, 1785.
Jonathan, of Exeter, and Mehitabell Rea, Jan. 24, 1760.
Jonathan, and Louis Tarr, May 4, 1788.
Jonathan, jr., and Lydia Porter, Feb. 5, 1789.
Jonathan, 3d, and Mehitable Tarr, Apr. 8, 1792.
Jonathan [3d. int.], and Eunice Boardman of Topsfield, Nov. 30, 1797.
Joseph, and Sarah Putnam, Aug. 26, 1762.
Joseph, and Phebe Barrett of Malden, Feb. 2, 1767.
Joseph, and Elisabeth Herrick of Reading, int. Oct. 15, 1768.
Joseph [jr. int.], and Ruth Hartwell of Bedford, June 3, 1788.
Joseph, wheelwright, and Mary Trask, Nov. 26, 1826.
Joseph, and Elisabeth [Whittredge. dup.] Hutchinson, June 3, 1833.
Joseph, wheelwright, and Mrs. Abigail P. Henderson, 2d w., June 17, 1843. [June 14. dup.]
Luther Elliot, and Martha Jane Flint, Nov. 26, 1846.
Lydia, and Jonathan Porter, jr., Feb. 5, 1789.
Lydia, and Nathaniel Gould of Salem, May 19, 1795.
Marcy, and Samuel Foster of Newburyport, int. Apr. 17, 1802.
Mary, and Jonathan Kettle [b (?)].
Mary, and Tarrant Putnam, J. (?)58.
Mary, of Charlestown, and Samuel (?)rch, int. Mar. 15, 1768.
Mary, see Potter, Mary.
Mary Ann, and Charles Davis of Cincinnati, O., Sept. 25, 1842.
Mehatable, 2d w., and Sylvester Proctor, Oct. 22, 1772.
Mehitabel, and Nathan Cheever, Oct. 14, 1792.
Moses, and Fanny Giddings, Jan. 1, 1826.
Nancy, and Alen Putnam, Apr. 26, 1785.
Nancy, and Paul Spencer of Beverly, Dec. 10, 1820.
Nathan, and Lydia Goodridge, Mar. 23, 1773.
Nathan, and Nancey Adams, both of Beverly, Aug. 8, 1784.
Phebe, and Ephraim Smith, May 12, 1782.
Phebe [Mrs. int.], and Michael Carlton of Andover, Nov. 14, 1782.
Phebe, and Cornelius Gould of Topsfield, Feb. 3, 1791.
Polly, and Dudley Broadstreet of Topsfield, Sept. 29, 1789.
Rebecca, and Samuel Flint, July 22, 183--.
Rebecca, and Samuel Cook Flint, Aug. 12, 1838.
Ruth, and Caleb Rea, ---- [1753, in pencil.].
Ruth, and Joseph Gould, jr. of Topsfield, Apr. 7, 1795.
Salley, and Daniel Putnam, jr., Jan. 27, 1789.
Sally, and Benjamin Webb, July 25, 1806.
Sarah, Mrs., and Capt. Samuel Williams of Salem, int. Oct. 9, 1756.
Sarah, and John Page, Nov. 25, 1773.
Thomas, and Marcy Clark of York, int. Sept. 20, 1755.
Warren, and Ann Welch [of Plaistow, N.H. int.], at Plaistow, N.H., Oct. 9, 1823.
Zerubabel, and Polly Endicott, Dec. 16, 1788.
Benjamin, and Anna Kinsman, at Ipswich, Mar. 2, 1794.
Benjamin, and Ann Bailey, at Middleton, Nov. 23, 1817.
Charles, and Lydia Brown, at Beverly, Aug. 14, 1830.
Elizabeth Safford, and William Cheever Smith, Oct. 10, 1831.
Henry A., and Lydia Osborn, Jan. 11, 1842.
Laura A., of Beverly, a. 27 y., d. Benjamin and Anna, and Charles W. Hopkinson, widr. of Bradford, a. 30 y., s. Daniel and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1848.
Louisa B., and John Hines, Dec. 2, 1830.
Martha W., of Beverly, and Dennison [W. int.] Brown, Aug. 13, 1846.
Mary [Porter. int.], of Salem, and David Clark, Nov. 13, 1788.
Mary Ann, and Allen Gould, June 27, 1830.
Rachel A., of Beverly, and Stephen Peabody, int. Sept. 17, 1845.
Rachel Matilda, and James Brown Sawyer, Apr. 3, 1834.
William, and Ednah Brown, at Hamilton, June 16, 1842.
POWARS (see also Powers)
Rhoda Ann, of Salem, and Howes Nourse, int. July 8, 1836.
POWERS (see also Powars)
Lucy, of Croyden, N.H., and Robert Lilley of Salem, Apr. 8, 1838.
Amos, Capt., and Almira Mudge, Apr. 16, 1838.
Elisha, and Susan Harris of Fitchburg, int. Oct. 22, 1825.
Ephraim, jr., of Reading, and Betsey Tapley, Sept. 12, 1810.
Isaac, of Charlestown, and Nancy Dodge, Feb. 16, 1794.
Jane, and Henry Hyde, both of Lynn, May 17, 1835.
Leonard, jr., of Salem, and Rebecca Poole, Aug. 19, 1847.
Susan, and Jesse Hart, at Salem, Nov. ----, 1826.
PRENTICE (see also Prentiss)
Mary A., a. 24 y., d. Caleb and Elizabeth, and Hiram Hook, a. 28 y., farmer and shoe dealer, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1844.
PRENTISS (see also Prentice)
Emily Helen, and Kimball Hutchinson, Jan. 20, 1847.
Joshua, a. 23 y., cordwainer, s. Caleb and Elizabeth, and Augusta Abigail Skinner of Lynnfield, a. 20 y., b. Lynnfield, d. William and Lucy, Oct. 18, 1849.
Mary Abigail, and Hiram Hook, Dec. 25, 1844.
PRESCOT (see also Prescott)
Mary, and Samuel Curtis, Oct. 21, 1844.
Rebeckah, and Roger Sherman, Esq. of New Haven, May 12, 1763.
PRESCOTT (see also Prescot)
Abigail M., and Moses A. Gould, both of Middleton, Apr. 8, 1839.
David, and Mary Shaw Trask, at Salem, May 4, 1830.
George, and Susan M. Batchelder, at Lynn, Oct. 26, 1846. [Oct. 25. dup.]
Jonathan, and Mary Foot, at Candia, N.H., Nov. 21, 1811.
Joseph Warren, and Julitta Messer, at Boston, Sept. 29, 1844.
Lewis, and Jemima Higging, June 19, 1845.
Martha, and Stephen Goodhue of Salem, int. Sept. 12, 1767.
Mercy, and Henry Gibbs, Oct. 29, 1781.
Sally, a. 25 y., shoe binder, d. Jonathan C., and Benjamin Larrabee, widr., a. 35 y., stonecutter, s. John, deceased, Sept. 1, 1844.
PRESSEY (see also Preston)
Robert, of Salisbury, and Mary Ricker, Sept. 23, 1827.
PRESSON (see also Preston)
Elizabeth, and James Prince, jr., Sept. 18, 1755.
PRESSTON (see also Preston)
Rebeckah, and Ebenezer Dale, Apr. 1, 1755.
PRESTON (see also Pressey, Presson, Presston)
Abel, and Jane Tuttle, May 29, 1837.
Abel N., and Sally Preston, Apr. 24, 1810.
Abi, and Nathaniel Pope, Aug. 8, 1815.
Betsey, and Perly Putnam, Nov. 5, 1801.
Charles Putnam, and Sarah Hubbard Hooke [of Poplin, N.H. int.], at Poplin, N.H., Jan. 29, 1845.
Daniel, Capt., and Lucindia Procter, June 4, 1816. [Jan. 4. dup.]
Daniel J., and Elizabeth C. Hoyt of Newburyport, int. Feb. 13, 1843.
David, and Rebecca Upton of Reading, int. Sept. 18, 1802.
Elisabeth, and Abel Nichols, int. Dec. 6, 1766.
Eliza, 2d w., and Nathan Tapley, Dec. 6, 1835. [Dec. 7. dup.]
Elizabeth W., and Joshua L. Newhall, both of Lynnfield, Apr. 10, 1832.
Hannah, and Amos Tapley, May 19, 1772.
Hannah, and Moses Kimble, jr. of Andover, July 9, 1793.
Hiram, and Julia Ann Putnam, May 16, 1827.
Hitty, and William Goodale, Apr. 5, 1807.
Hitty, and Ebenezer Berry of Andover, Apr. 13, 1808.
Ira, and Jane Whitmore, Nov. 28, 1816.
John, and Mehetable White, Feb. 13, 1772.
John, jr., and Clarisa Putnam, Dec. 2, 1719.
Levi, and Mehitable Nichols, May 4, 1779.
Levi, jr., and Rebecah Felton, Jan. 8, 1811.
Levi, jr., and Abigail Abbot, Dec. 29, 1825.
Lydia P. [3d w. dup.], a. 25 y., d. Daniel, deceased, and Lucinda, and George A. Putnam, widr., a. 34 y., shoe manufacturer, s. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 11, 1844.
Mehitable, of Beverly, and Nathaniel Easty of Salem, Sept. 26, 1771.
Moses, and Sarah Berry of Middleton, int. Nov. 4, 1785.
Moses, jr., and Betsey Felton, June 10, 1817.
Polly, and Col. Nathaniel Felton, jr., Mar. 15, 1821.
Sally, and Abel N. Preston, Apr. 24, 1810.
Samuel, and Lydia Waters Proctor, Jan. 10, 1822.
Susan, and Asa Tapley, jr., May 8, 1811.
William, and Syrena P. Cross, Oct. 15, 1829.
William B., and Merzilvia Winchester, Dec. 2, 1836.
Emily, and Samuel Ferguson, jr., Sept. 11, 1838. C.R.5.
John, resident in Danvers, and Sally Willson, June 23, 1808.
Mary [Mrs. int.], and John Andrew, Nov. 29, 1763.
Mary Jane, of Salem, and Edward H. Judkins, at Salem, Apr. 22, 1845.
Moses S., see Peirce, Moses S.
Sally Jane, and Joseph Putnam Hamilton, Nov. 10, 1844.
Thomas, of Boston, and Mary Andrew, Dec. 21, 1752.
William, and Lydia Felton, Sept. 11, 1833.
PRICHARD (see also Pritchard)
Laura Ann, of Salem, and Edward A. Conway, int. Aug. 26, 1841.
Patiance, and Samuell Southwick, int. Oct. 16, 1762.
Josiah, of Cambridge, and Hannah B. Palmer, May 14, 1834.
Amos, and Eunice Fuller, Feb. 3, 1805.
Anna, and John Goodale, Apr. 11, 1760.
Asa, and Elizabeth Nichols, June 15, 1769.
Asa, and Elisabeth [Mary. int.] Roundy of Beverly, Oct. 31, 1779.
Asa, of Beverly, a. 23 y., cordwainer, s. Luke R. and Sally, and Mary S. Black, a. 19 y., d. Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 11, 1845.
Betsey H. [Peirce. int.], and Benjamin F. Haskell, Aug. 22, 1847.
Caleb, and Anna Cross, Dec. 9, 1798.
Charlotte, and Henry Dwinnel, Apr. 13, 1826.
Daniel, and Elisabeth Rea, Mar. 15, 1763.
Daniel, and Anne Felton, int. July 18, 1777.
Elizabeth, and John Nichols [bef. 1753.].
Elizabeth, and Samuel Tucker, 3d of Salem, Nov. 17, 1839.
Elizabeth Preston, and George Osgood Batchelder, Dec. 19, 1839. [Dec. 26. dup.]
Elzaphan, and Betsey Hiers, Nov. 8, 1818.
Emma, Mrs., and Israel Putnam, Feb. 22, 1785.
Eunice, and Elijah Pope, jr., int. Dec. 12, 1831.
Ezra, and Emme Goodale, Mar. 1, 1770.
Hannah, and John Cross, Dec. 24, 1793. [Dec. 10, 1794. dup.]
Hannah, of Marblehead, and Dudley Bradstreet, int. Oct. 12, 1816.
Hannah, and William Peabody, Dec. 11, 1832.
Huldah, and Timothy Prince, Oct. 15, 1755.
James, and Hannah Putnam [bef. 1731.]
James, jr., and Elizabeth Presson, Sept. 18, 1755.
James, jr., and Phebe Parker, June 3, 1787.
John, and Polly Hayward, May 24, 1791.
John, Rev., and Mary Parker Burnham, at Essex, Nov. 7, 1841.
John B., of Salem, and Adeline Newhall of Lynn, Nov. 17, 1839.
Jonathan, M. D., and Lydia Holten, June 6, 1754.
Joseph, jr., of Amherst, N.H., and Sarah Wyatt, Jan. 9, 1776.
Mary, jr., and Nathaniel Felton, Mar. 18, 1781.
Mary, and Benjamin Beckett, June 6, 1839.
Mary Jane, and John Roberts, Feb. 20, 1840.
Polly, and John Gould of Boxford, July 18, 1799.
Ruth, and Daniel Bigsbe of Topsfield, May 2, 1776.
Timothy, and Huldah Prince, Oct. 15, 1755.
PRITCHARD (see also Prichard)
Elizabeth, and Anthony Tilton, Jan. 20, 1763.
Hannah, of Boxford, and Joseph Magery, Dec. 27, 1753.
Huldah, and Archelaus Dale, June 11, 1820.
Patience, see Richard, Patience.
Ruth, and Joseph Hutchinson, Jan. 29, 1767.
PROCTER (see also Proctor)
Abigail, and Nathan Procter, jr., Oct. 23, 1788.
Amos, and Sukey Newhall, int. Dec. 17, 1803.
Benjamin, and Kesia Littlefield of Wells, int. June 23, 1758.
Benjamin, jr., and Hannah Gardner, Dec. 15, 1787.
Benjamin G[ardner. dup.], of Waterford, Me., and Hannah R[ea. dup.] Nurse, Feb. 14, 1815. [1816. dup.]
Betsey, and Jesse Parker, Apr. 9, 1810.
Betsy, and Benjamin C. Reed, Nov. 6, 1798.
Betty, and Jabez Smith, int. May 19, 1798.
Daniel, and Nabby Waters, Jan. 16, 1791.
Daniel [jr. int.], and Rachel Whittredge, July 1, 1794.
Daniel, jr., and Hannah Procter, May 1, 1800. [1801. dup.]
Daniel, and Mary Perry, Feb. 18, 1827.
Ebenezer, of Salem, and Martha Gott, Mar. 29, 1769.
Elisa, of Salem, and Robert Shillaber, int. Sept. 22, 1758.
Elizabeth, of Salem, and Robert Shillaber, Nov. 30, 1756.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Nehemiah Buffinton of Salem, Sept. 14, 1774.
Francis, and Sarah Endecott, Dec. 3, 1797.
George, and Rebecca Kenny of Salem, Oct. 1, 1820.
Hannah, and Timothy Felton, Oct. 10, 1765.
Hannah, and Amos Pearly, Apr. 5, 1789.
Hannah, and Isaac Very of Salem, Sept. 19, 1790.
Hannah, and Daniel Procter, jr., May 1, 1800. [1801. dup.]
Hitty, and Daniel Osborne, jr., Nov. 29, 1792. [Nov. 20. dup.]
Hitty, and John Perley, Dec. 6, 1804.
James, and Desire King, Feb. 17, 1805.
John, Capt., and [Mrs. int.] Esther Osborn, Jan. 2, 1771.
John, and Ruth Southwick, May 24, 1787.
John, and Betsey Putnam, Apr. 6, 1817.
John W., Esq., and Mary I[ngersol. dup.] Osborn, May 23, 1825.
Johnson, and Lydia Waters, Dec. 31, 1789.
Johnson, Capt., and Mary Putnam [2d w. dup.], Feb. 23, 1809.
Jonathan, and Judith Flint of Reading, int. Apr. 8, 1769.
Jonathan, of Dunstable, and Rebecca Pope, June 27, 1734.
Jonathan, jr., and Phebee Gould, Nov. 24, 1799.
Judith, 2d w., and Benjamin C. Reed, Dec. 21, 1806.
Lucindia, and Capt. Daniel Preston, June 4, 1816. [Jan. 4. dup.]
Lydia, and Aaron Osborne, Mar. 24, 1774.
Lydia, and Joseph Fogg, June 9, 1795.
Lydia, and Nathan Felton, Jan. 24, 1795.
Lydia Waters, and Samuel Preston, Jan. 10, 1822.
Mary, and Peter Cross, Oct. 24, 1754.
Mary, and Joseph Osborn, jr., Jan. 6, 1756.
Mary, and Jedidiah Felton of Mason, N.H., int. Sept. 27, 1796.
Nabby, and Ruel Richardson of Mason, N.H., Feb. 16, 1796.
Nabby, and Joshua Butman of Salem, Oct. 30, 1805.
Nathan [jr. int.], and Abigail Waters, Oct 22, 1761.
Nathan, jr., and Abigail Procter, Oct. 23, 1788.
Patty, of Salem, and William Johnson, jr., int. Sept. 14, 1799.
Perley, and Sally Putnam, Dec. 28, 1817.
Phebe, and Israel Wood, Feb. 7, 1786.
Polly, and John M. Abbot, Mar. 25, 1800.
Prudence, and James Bufinton, jr. of Salem, Feb. 14, 1765.
Rebecca, and John Needham, jr., May 8, 1806.
Rebecca R. [King. dup.], and Warren M. [Edward Warren. dup.] Jacobs, Mar. 22, 1831.
Ruth, and Oliver Whiteing of Tewksbury, Oct. 17, 1776.
Sarah, and John Goold [of Gloucester. int.], July 16, 1761.
Sarah, and Capt. Benjamin Shillaber, Nov. 18, 1784.
Sarah, and Elias Twiss, June 21, 1795.
Silvester, and Mehetabel Porter, Oct. 22, 1772.
Stephen, and Elizabeth Newhall of Lynn, Jan. 3, 1760.
Stephen, and Mary Felton, Dec. 25, 1817.
Susannah, and Stephen Hooper of Cambridge, Jan. 3, 1825.
Sylvester, and Polly Poor, Oct. 13, 1793.
Thorndike, and Mrs. Sarah Aborn of Salem, Jan. 24, 1771.
Thorndike, Col., and Elizabeth Wilson, June 9, 1823.
PROCTOR (see also Procter)
Aaron Cheever, and Irene Flint Upton, Aug. 24, 1841. [Aug. 5. dup.]
Abel, and Lydia Porter Emerson, May 6, 1830.
Abigail, and Rufus Putnam, both of Beverly, Oct. 2, 1825.
Almira Elizabeth, and Alonzo B. Flanders, Oct. 29, 1848.
Amos, and Sukey Newhall, int. Dec. 17, 1803.
Benjamin, and Mary Whittredge, Dec. 8, 1694.
Betsey R., and Joel Brown of Salem, Oct. 3, 1830.
Clarissa, and Benjamin Earl of Moultonboro, N.H., int. Mar. 31, 1832.
Daniel, and Lucy Jacobs, Dec. 30, 1829.
Elizabeth, and Otis Mudge, Aug. 24, 1842.
John, and Lydia Waters, Dec. 14, 1727.
John, and Mary Eppes, ----, 1751.
John, and Ruth (Porter) Rea, 2d w., Aug. 26, 1762.
Jonathan, jr., and Sally Colby, Apr. 17, 1833.
Joseph, and Elisabeth Epes, int. Jan. 29, 1768.
Joseph S., and Lois Perry, at Beverly, June 1, 1822.
Louisa, and Alonzo Joshua Hubbard, at Topsfield, May 20, 1845.
Martha A., and Nathan S. Proctor, Dec. 25, 1841.
Martha D., of Essex, and Ariel Low, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Mary, and Joseph Pickering of Salem, Nov. 12, 1758.
Mary Endicott, and Samuel Putnam Nourse, May 24, 1836.
Mehitable, and John Perley, Dec. 6, 1801.
Mehitable Felton, and Caleb Strong Russell, Dec. 27, 1830. [Dec. 5, 1831. int.].
Nathan S., and Martha A. Proctor, Dec. 25, 1841.
Phebe Wood, 2d w., and Samuel Putnam Nourse, Jan. 21, 1846.
Phoebe, and Archilus P. Black, Apr. 6, 1841.
Ruth, and John Marble, int. May 6, 1758.
Sylvester, and Abigail Gale of Salem, Jan. 18, 1763.
Sylvester, and Mehetable Porter, 2d w., Oct. 22, 1772.
Sylvester, jr., and Harriet Gage, at Charlestown, Jan. 18, 1827.
Sylvester, and Elizabeth Butman of Salem, int. May 10, 1849.
William, and Mary Ann Putnam, Nov. 11, 1839.
Nancy, and Charles Derby, at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1820.
PULSUN (see also Polson)
Jennett, and Hugh Fulton, at Lowell, Dec. ----, 1833.
Prisscilla, and Isaiah Chute, in Nova Scotia, Feb. 21, 1847.
PURINGTON (see also Purrington)
Abijah, and Jane Vernon of Salem, int. Aug. 27, 1766.
PURINTON (see also Purrington)
Amos, s. Daniel, late of Danvers, and Ruth, and Mary Chase, d. Elihu and Mary, of Kensington, N.H., Dec. 16, 1768. C.R.8.
Content, and Charles W. Symonds Mar. 31, 1799.
Hannah, d. Daniel, deceased, and Ruth, and Stephen Green, s. John, of Kensington, N.H., and Mary, Mar. 7, 1771. C.R.8.
PURRINGTON (see also Purington, Purinton)
Samuel, and Abigail Newhall of Lynn, int. Dec. 20, 1760.
