Vital Records Of Danvers Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Volume 1 Births, Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1909
Newcomb & Gauss, Printers Salem, Massachusetts
Marriages - KEM to MARTIN
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Bridget, and Owen Dwyer, in Ireland, Feb. 4, 1840.
Abigal [Sibbel. int.], and George Stone, Dec. 27, 1787.
Adeline, and Asa George, Apr. 25, 1832.
KENDALL (see also Kindall)
Cornelius P. Van Ness, see Kimball, Cornelius P. Van Ness.
Daniel B., and Lucy Gage Bray, at Gloucester, June 16, 1831.
Elizabeth B., of Amherst, N.H., and Joseph W. Davis, int. Jan. 11, 1845.
Austin, of Haverhill, and Catherine Newhall, Mar. 31, 1846.
Daniel, and Mary Ann Roney, at Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 1, 1843.
James, and Elizabeth Hatch Coffin, at Sanford, Me., Oct. 27, 1845.
Martha, of Lynn, a. 21 y., d. Samuel and Harriet, of Washington, Me., and Jonathan C. Coffin, a. 18 y., cordwainer, s. Simeon and Elizabeth, of Sanford, Me., Nov. 11, 1849.
KENNEY (see also Kenny, Kinny)
Bridget, and John Shea, at Halifax, N.S., Apr. 21, 1845.
Eunice Hutchinson, 2d w., and Joseph Merrill, June 18, 1840.
John, and Eunice Hutchinson, May 10, 1839. [May 3. dup.].
Mary a, and Jeremiah L. Kimball, Nov. 3, 1834. [Nov. 2. dup.]
William J. C., and Elizabeth Whittier, Dec. 20 [1829. int].
KENNY (see also Kenney)
Catherine, and Joseph Thomas, Nov. 29, 1827.
John, and Rachel Putnam, Feb. 26, 1807.
Rebecca, of Salem, and George Procter, Oct, 1, 1820.
Benjamin, and Mary Felton, July 24, 1766.
Benjamin, and Mary Putnam, Dec. 18, 1786.
Benjamin, and Lydia Symonds, Mar. 12, 1789.
Benjamin, and Elizabeth Fuller of Middleton, Feb. 21, 1793.
Benjamin, and Abigail Berry [of Newburyport. int.], 2d w., at Newburyport, Apr. ----, 1805.
Benjamin, jr., and Hannah Conant [of Beverly. int.], at Beverly, Sept. 20, 1820.
Benjamin, and Hannah Herrick, 3d w., Dec. 2, 1821.
Charles, of Rowley, and Huldah Dudley, int. Mar. 14, 1829.
George W., and Elsy F. Herrick of Beverly, int. Feb. 12, 1831.
Hannah Green, and Moses Kent, at Newbury, Dec. 18, 1822.
Henrietta Madaline [of Wenham. int.], and John Augustus Sears, at Wenham, Oct. 30, 1838.
Irena C., and Nathaniel F. Gould, housewright, Sept. 21, 1847.
John, and Hannah Tappan [of Newbury. int.], at Newburyport, May 14, 1822.
John, and Sarah Foy, 2d w., at Palmero, Me., July 4, 1833.
Joseph, and Lucy Thurstin, Jan. 1, 1801.
Joseph, and Dorcas Felton, Oct. 4, 1820.
Joseph Gerrish, and Nancy Kimball, at Wenham, Nov. 20, 1838.
Louisa R[estieaux, of Wenham. int], and Albert Putnam, at Wenham, Nov. 11, 1845.
Mary, and Willebee Wills of Salisbury, Dec. 7, 1797.
Moses, and Hannah Green Kent, at Newbury, Dec. 18, 1822.
Nancy [3d w. dup.], and Benjamin [Capt. dup.] Porter [of Marblehead. dup.], at Marblehead, Dec. 6, 1825. [Dec. 12. dup.].
Sarah, 2d w., and Isaac Porter, at Lyme, N.H., May 8, 1830.
Sarah Ann, a. 21 y., d. Benjamin jr. and Sarah, and Henry M[orrill. dup.] Norton, a. 23 y., tanner, s. Jonathan and Rebecca, Oct. 13, 1844.[Oct. 10. dup.].
Peter, of Thompsonville, Conn., and Jenet Greig, Sept. 21, 1847.
Mary, and Patrick Brady, at Worcester, Nov. 29, 1844.
KESAR (see also Kezer)
Albert A., and Lydia N. Munroe, both of Salem, Dec. 31, 1840.
KETTELL (see also Kettle)
John, of Walpole, N.H., and Emma Putnam, int. Aug. 26, 1826.
Porter, and Elisa Putnam, Dec. 6, 1821.
Porter, and Mehitable Harris, Apr. 28, 1829.
KETTLE (see also Kettell)
Elias W., and Fidelia. Bridges, at Andover, Feb. ----, 1808.
Fidelia, Mrs. (née Bridges), and [Capt. dup.] John Endicott, Jr., Dec. 10, 1813.
John, and Lydia Holten, Oct. 14, 1777.
John, and Anna Smith of Beverly, Nov. 6, 1794.
Jonathan, and Mary Porter [bef. 1749.].
Mary, Mrs. 2d w., and Samuel Holten, Oct. 6, 1763.
KEZER (see also Kesar)
Simon, of Hampstead, N.H., and Mehetable Foster, Apr. 13, 1769.
Joseph S., and Rebecca Nurse of Salem, int. Mar. 11, 1836.
Nancy, of Reading, and Richard Whitteredge, int. Oct. 26, 1791.
KILBOURN (see also Kilburn)
Lucy, and William Southwick, Feb. 4, 1778.
KILBURN (see also Kilbourn)
Abigail, of Rowley, and Jonathan Smith, Mar. 10, 1760.
KILLAM (see also Killum)
Bethiah, b. Smithfield, and Joseph Southwick, 31: 9 m: 1839.
Emma, and Charles Augustus Shepard, at Topsfield, Oct. 28, 1848.
KILLUM (see also Killam)
Jeney, of Boxford, and Titus Perkins, Apr. 21, 1778.
KIMBALL (see also Kimbel, Kimble)
Alfred, and Dorcas Foster of Salem, int. Mar. 29, 1817.
Benjamin Porter, and Abigail Davis Brown, at Beverly, Apr. 3, 1827.
Caroline [of Boscawen, N.H. int.], and Moses K. Sawyer, at Ipswich, Oct. 7, 1844.
Cornelius P. Van Ness, and Harriet Curtis, at Lynn, Apr. 1, 1849.
Dean, and Polly Batchelder, Mar. 19, 1835.
Eliza B., of Bradford, and David B. Foster, int. Dec. 19, 1842.
Elizabeth, and Samuel T. Plummer, Aug. 15, 1837.
George Augustus, and Martha Goss Carry, at Salem, Mar. 20, 1836.
Hannah, wid. (Preston), and Peter Cross, jr., Jan. 21, 1807.
Hannah [of Boxford. int.], and Jonas Warren, at Boxford, Feb. ----, 1817.
Hiram, and Mary Richardson, Jan. 21, 1836.
Horace, a. 23 y., mason, s. Caleb and Mary, and Elizabeth Gray, a. 20 y., d. Josiah and Eunice, Sept. 16, 1849.
Ira, of Manchester, and Mrs. Mary Tyler, Sept. 5, 1844.
Jefferson, of Andover, and Mary Griffin, Nov. 25, 1835.
Jeremiah, and Mary D. Kenney, Nov. 3, 1834. [Nov. 2. dup.].
Jeremiah L., and Eunice Stiles, 2d w., at Charlestown, Apr. 1, 1849.
Joel, and Elizabeth Peirce, Oct. 31, 1830.
Joel, and Phebe Ann Putnam Goodale, Apr. 3, 1842. [Apr. 7. dup.].
John, and Sally C. Putnam, Apr. 5, 1831.
Joseph, of Marblehead, and Fanny Stimpson, int. Sept. 17, 1803.
Mehitable [of Andover. int.], and Joseph Griffin, at Andover, Mar. 22, 1804.
Moses, and Lucy Towne [of Boxford. int.], at Boxford, Apr. 13, 1845.
Nancy, and Joseph Gerrish Kent, at Wenham, Nov. 20, 1838.
Obadiah, and Tamison Poor, Nov. 8, 1838.
Phebe, and David Newhall of Saugus, Sept. 19, 1815.
Philip H., and Susan Standley of Beverly, int. Aug. 30, 1823.
Rebecca [Mrs. int.] of Boxford, and Moses Putnam, June 13, 1771.
Richard, and Martha Ann Ingalls, at Chelsea, Dec. 4, 1845.
William, and Lydia F. Masury of Boston, int. Nov. 18, 1843.
William E., and Mary Ann Reed, Nov. 27, 1828.
KIMBEL (see also Kimball)
David, of Boxford, and Rebecca Flint, Apr. 26, 1774.
KIMBLE (see also Kimball)
Moses, jr., of Andover, and Hannah Preston, July 9, 1793.
KINDALL (see also Kendall)
Caroline, and John G. Griffith, Sept. 18, 1834.
Eliza, and William Rose, Aug. 2, 1848.
Abigail, and William Goldthwait, Feb. 28, 1765.
Abigail, and Salmon Phinney, Oct. 2, 1791.
Amos, and Mary Marsh, May 15, 1783. [July 3. dup.]
Amos, jr., and Abigail Cleaves, Dec. 1, 1803.
Amos, 3d, and Rebeccah Hutchinson, Mar. 3, 1818.
Bethiah, and Samuel King, jr., May 26, 1755.
Betsy, and Joseph Hussey, Apr. 14, 1835.
Daniel, and Rebeccah Cleaves, Aug. 24, 1794.
Daniel, Capt., and Phebe Upton, Nov. 12, 1798.
Daniel jr., and Lucy Andrews of Beverly, at Salem, Sept. 27, 1835.
Daniel P., and Sarah P. Flint, Feb. 5, 1824.
Desire, and James Procter, Feb. 17, 1805.
Ebenezer, and Betsey Upton, Mar. 8, 1804.
Ellen M., and J. Osgood Loring of Andover, int. Nov. 16, 1847.
Hannah, and John Dukesbury, Aug. 25, 1757.
Hannah, and Richard Butler, May 16, 1808.
Henry A., and Aseneth P. [R. int.] Ferrin, Dec. 16, 1846.
James Putnam, and Wealthy Melvina Ferrin of Eaton, N.H., Apr. 2, 1840.
John, and Rebecca Phelps of Reading, int. Jan. 26, 1765.
John, and Anna Goldthwait, Aug. 8, 1794.
Joseph, of Salem, and Sarah Green, Oct. 26, 1780.
Louisa, and Elijah W. Upton, Sept. 12, 1832.
Lydia, and Joseph Flint, Oct. 25, 1807.
Margaret, and William Rodgers, carpet weaver, at Paisley, Dec. 2, 1833.
Martha A., and Benjamin Hutchinson, b. Middleton, Dec. 2, 1826.
Mary, and Benjamin Raddin of Lynn, Nov. 26, 1807.
Mary, and Eben Upton, Jan. 1, 1810.
Rebecca Hutchinson, and Samuel Hutchinson [of Middleton. int.], Mar. 9, 1847.
Sally, and William Beers of Lynnfield, int. June 7, 1802.
Samuel, jr., and Bethiah King, May 26, 1755.
Samuel, and Hannah Goodale, Sept. 30, 1811.
Samuel Putnam Cleaves, and Mary Maria Jewett, Sept. 2, 1847.
Zachariah, and Desire Jacobs, June 12, 1766.
Zachariah, jr., and Hannah Smith, Mar. 25, 1792.
KINNY (see also Kenney)
Josiah, and Mary Case of Middleton, Jan. 1, 1760.
Anna, and Benjamin Potter, at Ipswich, Mar. 2, 1794.
Samuel, and Rachael Carter of Manchester, int. Jan. 5, 1811.
Jennet, and Joseph Brown [2d. int.], Nov. 8, 1846.
William, and Ann Richardson, at Newport, N.H., Apr. 15, 1847.
KIRWIN (see also Kurwinn)
James, and Ellen McDonald, in Ireland, Feb. 5, 1849.
KNAP (see also Knapp)
Hannah, and Abraham Whitteker, Apr. 28, 1762.
Isaac, of Salem, and Mary Twiss, Nov. 2, 1762.
KNAPP (see also Knap)
Christopher S., of Raynham, a. 32 y., mechanic, s. Chistopher and Salome, and Elizabeth B. Cobb of Taunton, a. 27 y., seamstress, d. Rufus and Desire C. B., Apr. 23, 1844.
Isaac N., and Hannah P. Legroo, May 31, 1841.
Mary Ann, and Gilbert Perkins Hardy, at Bradford, Aug. ----, 1830.
KNIGHT (see also Knights)
Allen, shoe manufacturer, and Maria Theresa Clark, Jan. 29, 1835. [Jan. 20. dup.]
Elizabeth C., and John B. Cobb, Oct. 2, 1834.
George Nathaniel, and Ellen Luscomb, at Salem, July 20, 1839.
Jeremiah, and Nancy Willis of Salem, int. Aug. 29, 1817.
Joseph, of Middleton, and Mehitable Putnam, int. Dec. 17, 1768.
Louisa M., a. 23 y., housekeeper, d. Zebulon and Mary, and John C. Putnam, a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Phineas and Mary, Apr. 30, 1844.
Lydia, of Middleton, and Richard Whiteridge, jr., Nov. 4, 1756.
Mary, of Salem, and Charles Harrington, int. May 24, 1845.
Mehitable P., and Amos P. Town, Nov. 23, 1830.
Nehemiah, of Middleton, and Lydia White, Aug. 5, 1790.
William, and Polly Putnam, June 24, 1810.
KNIGHTS (see also Knight)
Lauraett, and Daniel L. Jackson, at Barnet, Vt., Sept. 10, 1840.
William, and Mehitable Putnam, int. Jan. 16, 1808.
William, and Eliza Seldon Fuller, at Middleton, Oct. 23, 1835.
Samuel W., and Lydia R. Libby of Lynn, int. Dec. 13, 1841.
Eunice, of Salem, and Jonathan Smith, int. May 4, 1816.
William, and Sarah Farnum of Salem, int. Mar. 8, 1834.
Benjamin H., and Sarah L. Wood of Salem, int. Feb. 11, 1843.
KURWINN (see also Kirwin)
Sarah, and William Phalan, at Salem, Jan. 9, 1837. [1846. dup.]
Mehitable, b. Andover, and Jesse Hutchinson, int. Apr 29, 1804.
Susan, and Edwin C. Dodge, both of Lynn, Jan. 6, 1839.
David, jr., and Harriet Wilkins of Topsfield, Oct. 28, 1833.
Robert, of Topsfield, and Hannah Peabody of Rowley, Dec. 23, 1788.
Elizabeth, Mrs., 2d w., and Caleb L. Frost, May [9. in pencil.], 1838.
Lucy, resident in Lynn, and John Collins, May 13, 1821.
Mary, Mrs. [of Beverly. int.], 2d w., and George Southwick, 3d, at Beverly, Aug. 1, 1810.
Nathan, and Elisabeth Poor, Nov. 15, 1831.
Charles, and Mary Ann Upton, Oct. 22, 1835. [Oct. 23. dup.]
Emily, and Charles D. Bacon, both of Boston, Oct. 17, 1837.
John, Capt., of Reading, and Polly Rea, Mar. 1, 1777.
LAMFERE (see also Lamphier)
Mary E., of Salem, and Benjamin Osborn, int. Jan. 22, 1825.
Asenath, of Lynnfield, and Augustus Upton, int. Dec. 11, 1843.
Betsy W., of Wenham, a. 25 y., d. Winthrop and Sally, and Amos F. Hobbs of Wenham, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Amos F. and Bethiah, June 15, 1847.
John, of Middleton, and Lydia Dale, Jan. 20, 1789.
John S., and Frances S. Arbuckell of Beverly, Mar. 19, 1843.
LAMPHIER (see also Lamfere, Lanphear)
Sarah, and Green Wood Sanbom, at Salem, Sept. 24, 1836.
LAMPSON (see also Lamson)
Betsey W. and Amos Hobbs, both of Wenham, June 15, 1847.
LAMSON (see also Lampson)
Betsey, and Allen Jacobs, Apr. 3, 1828.
Edward F., and Elizabeth Ann Jacobs, Dec. 8, 1835. [Dec. 3. dup.]
Levi W., of South Reading, and Elizabeth Fuller, Sept. 6, 1835. [Sept. 16. dup.]
Martha, and Albert Allen, at Stonington, Ct., June 4, 1847.
Mary J., and Gordon H. Wallis, at Beverly, June 24, 1845.
Sarah, Mrs., and Branch Joselyn, Nov. 25, 1824.
Sarah Ann, and William Henry Peabody, Mar. 24, 1844.
William, and Sally Richardson, Aug. 28, 1808.
Abigail, and Jasper Pope, at Salem, Dec. 14, 1804.
Benjamin, of Andover, and Lydia Walton, Nov. 23, 1820.
Jonathan, Capt., of Salem, and Sarah Felton, Sept. 24, 1786.
Sally, and Samuel Mackintire, Mar. 14, 1811.
William Augustus, and Caroline Elizabeth Dodge, at Salem, Sept. 20, 1837.
Benjamin Tilton, and Nancy Cole Shelden, at Beverly, Aug. 11, 1833.
Ellen F., of Gloucester, a. 20 y., d. Gideon and Abigail, and Oliver K. Hoyt, a. 22 y., pedlar, s. John and Abigail, July 1, 1849.
James, and Jerusha Brown of Tewksbury, int. Mar. 19, 1840.
John S., of Gloucester, and Mehitable Mundy [Munsey. C.R.5.], Dec. 14, 1838.
Joshua C., and Martha A. Staples of Limington, Me., int. Aug. 2, 1849.
Priscilla, of Salem, and Matthew Leach, int. Sept. 29, 1827.
LANEGAN (see also Linagin)
Ann, and Thomas Gothen Howell, at Lowell, Feb. 3, 1844.
Archibald, and Jane Pulson, at Paisley, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1824.
Elizabeth, and Jacob Winchester of Salem, Apr. 28, 1829.
Joseph, and Mary Calley of Salem, int. Nov. 25, 1837.
Edward Dearborn, and Charlotte White, Nov. 2, 1834.
Samuel, and Mrs. Meriam Brown, Oct. 5, 1809.
Caroline, and William Newman Berry, at Wenham, Jan. 13, 1847.
Cynthia, and Joseph Symonds, Sept. 25, 1836.
Mary [Mrs. int.], 2d w., and Noah Whittier, Sept. ----, 1841. [July 1, 1842. int.]
William, and Mary Perkins, at Wenham, Jan. 18, 1814.
Mary, and Charles Adams of Salem, int. July 9, 1846.
LANPHEAR (see also Lamphier)
Judith, and Nathaniel Stones, at Lynnfield, July ----, 1826.
LARABE (see also Larrabee)
Ephraim, Jr., and Rebeccah Bragg of Lynn, int. Jan. 16, 1773.
LARABEE (see also Larrabee)
Anna, and John D. Marshall, Oct. 23, 1834.
Benjamin, and Mary [Sally. int.] Shaw, Jan. 1, 1800.
Ebenezer, and Rebekkah Larabee, July 18, 1799.
Ephraim, and Hannah Curtis, Sept. 12, 1799. [1800. dup.].
Hannah, of Lynn, and Daniel Verry, Dec. 16, 1778.
Hersey, and Olive Boutley [Boutwell. dup.], Nov. 17, 1835.
Mehetable, of Lynnfield, and Ebenezer Aborn, int. Dec. 20, 1783.
Rebekkah, and Ebenezer Larabee, July 18, 1799.
Stephen, and Sarah Stone, Feb. 16, 1777.
LARABY (see also Larrabee)
Rebeccah, and Joseph Moulton of Lynn, int. May 9, 1798.
Sally, and Jeremiah Palmer, Jan. 17, 1796.
LARIBEE (see also Larrabee)
Elizabeth, of Salem, and Samuel Murrey, Mar. 21, 1773.
Thomas, and Mary Kay, in Ireland, Jan. ----, 1845.
Walter, and Elizabeth Gifford, Mar. 19, 1761.
LARRABE (see also Larrabee)
Ebeneser, and Mercy Bragg, int. Apr. 24, 1773.
Ebenezer, and Hannah Newhall of Lynn, int. May 11, 1776.
LARRABEE (see also Larabe, Larabee, Laraby, Laribee, Larabe, Learibe)
Anna, 2d w., and John Abbot, at Lynn, Oct. 20, 1822.
Augusta M., and Benjamin Stone, Nov. 29, 1837.
Benjamin, and Anna Harrise, Feb. 24, 1778.
Benjamin, and Maria Larrabee, Mar. 5, 1833.
Benjamin, widr., a. 35 y., stonecutter, s. John, deceased, and Sally Prescott, a. 25 y., shoe binder, d. Jonathan C., Sept. 1, 1844.
Ebenezer W, and Martha M. Carkin, at Middleton, Jan. 22, 1837.
Elizabeth, and William Stiles [of Ossipee, N.H. dup.], July 8, 1839.
Hannah, and John Morland, at Merrimac, N.H., Dec. 10, 1814.
Hannah, of Merrimac, N.H., and John S. Moreland, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
Hannah, and Timothy Farrington, Feb. 26, 1826.
Hepzibah, of Lynnfield, and Stephen Putney, Dec. 11, 1788.
Hiram, and Druzilla C. Hays, int. Dec. 2, 1848.
James, and Hannah Brown, Jan. 1, 1835.
John, and Sarah Newhall, Feb. 21, 1804.
John H., and Sarah Carlton, Apr. 24, 1823.
John T., and Sophronia Hayes, int. Mar. 3, 1849.
John U., and Mercy Woodward, May 6, 1839. [May 1. dup.]
Lydia, of Lynnfield, and Stephen Mackintire, July 12, 1787.
Maria, and Benjamin Larrabee, Mar. 5, 1833.
Martha, and William Trask, int. Apr. 25, 1767.
Rachel, and Nathaniel Flint, Nov. 18, 1824. [Nov. 14, 1823. dup.]
Sally, wid., and Ward Putnam [bef. 1807.].
Sally, and David Carlton, Feb. 15, 1836.
Sarah A[m. dup.], a. 18 y., d. John H., and George Buxton, a. 21 y., gardener, s. Daniel, Nov. 24, 1846.
Stephen, and Mrs. Elizabeth Benjamin, Jan. 22, 1810.
Michael, and Mary Barrett [bef. 1849.].
Achsah W., of Salem, and Solomon Butterfield, int. Sept. 15, 1842.
John, resident in Beverly, and Mrs. Rebecca Davis of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1784.
Lydia Ann [Lewis?], of Salem, and James Morris, int. Feb. 25, 1846.
Magdalene, and Robert Greig, in Scotland, Oct. ----, 1827.
Deliverance, and Nathaniel Sawyer, Nov. 29, 1773.
Dolly, of Lynnfield, and John Newhall, Mar. 18 or 25, 1828. [Mar. 19. dup.]
Ebenezer, and Joanna Perkins, both of Lynnfield, May 20, 1830.
Phebe, of Groton, and Jonathan Bancraft, int. Sept. 4, 1756.
LEACH (see also Leech)
Hannah, and Michael Barnes, at Salem, Oct. 12, 1845.
Matthew, and Priscilla Lane of Salem, int. Sept. 29, 1827.
Samuel, and Mary Porter of Charlestown, int. Mar. 15, 1768.
Sophronia Isabella, and Warren Augustus Flint, at Weston, Feb. 1, 1843.
LEARIBE (see also Larrabee)
Elizabeth, of Lynn, and George Twiss, int. May 28, 1774.
Hannah, and John Stowell, at Boston, Oct. 6, 1807.
Jedidiah, and Mary Stowell, at Salem, Dec. 27, 1831.
John A., and Sarah Silvester, Sept. 22, 1831.
Timothy, and Hannah Freeman,in Ireland, Jan. 12, 1841.
George E., and Mercy W. Brown, Apr. 8, 1835.
Polly [of Lynn. int.], and John Pepperill, at Lynn, Dec. 15, 1793.
Sarah, and Amos Very, Jan. 28, 1791.
Jesse, of Danville, and Anna Pope, Feb. 20, 1791.
Alexander, and Rebecca S. Bishop, June 14, 1840.
Frances, and Samuel Ham, at Exeter, N.H., May 16, 1823.
Joseph, and Hannah Hall [Hull. C.R.5.], Sept. 1, 1841.
Joseph, and Ruth Maria Hatch, Dec. 22, 1844.
Bethiah [of Manchester. int.], and Andrew Putnam Batchelder, at Manchester, Aug. 2, 1828. [July 11, 1829. int. Apr. 2. P.R.74.]
Beulah Ann, and Salmon [Zalmon. C.R.5.] Canney, both of Salem, Sept. 4, 1836.
Caroline Matilda [of Salem. int.], and Benjamin Saunders Wheeler, at Salem, Feb. 4, 1846.
Isaac, and Angelina P. Clark of Sutton, Vt., int. Nov. 2, 1848.
James, of Boston, and Susan Ann Taylor, int. July 2, 1825.
Mary [of Salem. int.], and Oliver Poland, at Salem, May 28, 1829. [May 8, 1830. int.]
Nicholas T., and Sarah Lindall, int. Mar. 22, 1827.
Olive, and Moses Davis Rutherford, at Manchester, June 7, 1832.
Sarah C., of Beverly, and Charles D. Storey, int. Oct. 9, 1848.
LEECH (see also Leach)
Asa, of Beverly, and Elizabeth Porter, Mar. 4, 1756.
Deborah, and Daniel Whittemore, Dec. 29, 1793.
Hannah, of Salem, and William Reed, Oct. 28, 1824.
Hephzibah, and Benjamin Sawyer, jr., Dec. 10, 1765.
John, and Lydia Liscomb, Oct. 13, 1801.
Mary, of Haverhill, and Melzard Poor, int. Oct. 28, 1826.
Timothy, and Lydia Gott, int. Dec. 17, 1791.
LEFAVOR (see also Lefavour)
Robert, and Mary Peck, Dec. 11, 1814.
LEFAVOUR (see also Lefavor)
Elizabeth, of Salem, and James Daniels, int. Nov. 9, 1822.
William D., and Elizabeth Tarbox, Nov. 11, 1821.
LEGRO (see also Legroo)
Joseph W., and Arethusa Wildes, June 28, 1846.
Louisa, a. 23 y., d. Samuel, jr. and Sally, and William C. Martin of Marblehead, a. 22 y., mariner, s. Knot and Sally, Feb. 16, 1845.
Lucretia Parker, and Henry Osgood, Oct. 16, 1843. [Oct. 17. dup.]
Susan C., and James Wilkins, int. Oct. 16, 1847.
LEGROO (see also Legro)
Edward R., and Maria Putnam, Apr. 10, 1833.
Hananiah Parker, and Susan Cross, Sept. 22, 1830.
Hannah P., and Isaac N. Knapp, May 31, 1841.
Lydia, and Benjamin Town, both of Natick, Sept. 29, 1836.
Sally, and Philip Rose of Marblehead, Dec. 13, 1826.
Samuel, and Sally Parker, at Reading, Sept. 20, 1799.
Samuel, jr., and Sally Cross, Aug. 19, 1821.
William P., and Mehitable F. Town, June 22, 1828.
Francis, and Hannah Flint, int. July 1, 1842.
Christiana, and William Elder, at New Haven, Conn., Oct. 8, 1845.
Margaret, a. 28 y., d. Archibald and Agnes, of New Haven, Conn., and Isaac Holt, a. 24 y., spinner, b. Andover, s. Edmund and Esther, Nov. 29, 1849.
LENDALL (see also Lindall)
Sarah Ellen, and Eliab Putnam Goldthwait, at Salem, Mar. 12, 1846.
LENIHAN (see also Linehan)
Honora, and Patrick Relihan, int. July 14, 1849.
Hannah B., and Andrew Flint, int. June 5, 1819.
Nancy, and John Howard (Harwood), at Haverhill, Dec. ----, 1823.
Frances Baker, of Roxbury, and John Shays, int. Mar. 16, 1816.
Charles, and Esther Ellen Taylor, Apr. 18, 1840. [Mar. 17, 1849. int.]
Hannah, and William Casey, in Ireland, Aug. 3, 1839.
Harriet, and Joseph Snellings, Apr. 2, 1820.
Honora, and William Carey, at Cork, Ireland, Aug. 3, 1838.
Isaac, of Francestown, and Mrs. Mary Epes, Oct. 17, 1774.
Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Daniels, both of Marblehead, Feb. 19, 1788.
Lydia Ann, see Lavis, Lydia Ann.
Nancy A., and Herman Richardson, both of Middleton, Oct. 2, 1845.
William, and Betsy Picket, Apr. 17, 1795.
Lydia R., of Lynn, and Samuel W. Knowles, int. Dec. 13, 1841.
Mary Abbott, 2d w., and James Moulton Allen [bef. 1840.].
Frances E[liza. dup.], a. 17 y., b. Boston, d. Thomas and Eliza L., and David A[ugustus. dup.], Gifford, a. 21 y., cordwainer, s. David M. and Harriet G., June 28, 1849.
Robert, of Salem, and Lucy Powers of Croyden, N.H., Apr. 8, 1838.
LINAGIN (see also Lanegan)
Partrick, and Elisabeth Freto, Mar. 5, 1776.
Nichols, and Lucy Ann Briggs [of South Scituate. int.], at South Scituate, June 5, 1849.
Silas S., b. Lisbon, Me., and Elizabeth Lora, at Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1847.
LINDALL (see also Lendall)
Sarah, and Nicholas T. Lee, int. Mar. 22, 1827.
LINDSEY (see also Lyndsey)
Benjamin, and Mary Perkins, at Lynn, Aug. 25, 1823.
Hannah, and Daniel Gallushee of Norton, Dec. 29, 1768.
Hannah, and Daniel Moulton, July 12, 1770.
Mary, and John Edon of Salem, Dec. 1, 1774.
Sally, of Lynn, and Joseph Payne, int. May 10, 1823.
LINEHAN (see also Lenihan)
Mary Ann, and Enos Dailey, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
Esther [Ann. dup.], and Benjamin Brooks Brown, May 22, 1843. [May 21. dup.]
LISCOMB (see also Luscomb)
Elisabeth, of Salem, and Robert Cook, jr., Sept. 15, 1775.
Lydia, and John Leech, Oct. 13, 1801.
LISCOME (see also Luscomb)
Samuel, jr., of Salem, and Anna Hilbert, Feb. 27, 1774.
Eliza Ann [of West Newbury. int.], and Edward Fuller, at West Newbury, Apr. 23, 1840.
Elizabeth M., and Plummer Little, Dec. 29 [1839. dup.], 1840.
Joshua Bailey, and Lydia Little of Newbury, int. Jan. 13, 1827.
Joshua B[ailey. dup.], and Mrs. Betsy Very, Sept. 79, 1836.
Joshua Bailey, and Catherine W. Warden [of Salem. int.], 2d w., [Dec. 10. int.], 1846.
Lydia, of Newbury, and Joshua Bailey Little, int. Jan. 13, 1827.
Mary, and William W. Little, at Newbury, Sept. 15, 1805.
Plummer, and Elizabeth M[ary. dup.] Little, Dec. 29, 1840. [1839. dup.]
Thomas, of Newburyport, and Deborah Nurse, int. May 8, 1787. (Marriage forbidden.)
William H., and Mary Ann Easkott of Manchester, Dec. 27, 1836.
William Henry, and Lucinda Rood [after 1842.].
William W., and Mary Little [of Newbury. int.], at Newbury, Sept. 15, 1805.
Dependence, and Almira S. [T. int.] Mackintire, Oct. 13, 1845.
Dependance S., a. 20 y., shoecutter, s. Solomon and Priscilla Welch, a. 20 y., d. Abraham, June 4, 1846. [June 5, 1845. dup.]
Ellen Clark, 2d w., and George Osgood Batchelder, at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 26, 1849.
Kesia, of Wells, and Benjamin Procter, int. June 23, 1758.
Lois, of Wells, and Israel Osborn, int. Oct. 1, 1763.
Roxanna, and John Trask, Mar. 14, 1844.
William B., and Annah Mildram, int. Dec. 22, 1831.
Caroline, of Tyngsboro, and Nathaniel Putnam Fish, int. Oct. 28, 1845.
LOCK (see also Locke)
William C., of Boston, and Nancy Roby, Aug. 15, 1841.
LOCKE (see also Lock)
Abigail, and Eben Southwick, Aug. 18, 1832. [1831. dup.]
Caroline S., and Calvin Nourse, at Salem, Dec. ----, 1834.
Dennis, and Bridget Derivan, abt. 1841.
Fanny, and Anthony McNamara, in Ireland, ----, 1847.
Alanson, of Boston, and Mary Ann Gould, Apr. 23, 1841.
Elizabeth, and John Demsey, in Ireland, May 7, 1836.
Nancy, and Jonathan Norton, at Chester, N.H., Sept. 17, 1820.
Patrick, and Catherine Haley, at Salem, Sept, 18, 1849.
Elizabeth, and Silas S. Lincoln, b. Lisbon, Me., at Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1847.
Andrew, and Sarah Elizabeth Clark of Lynn, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
Betsey Emeline, and Oliver D. Ham, at Manchester, N.H., May 27, 1849.
Jacob S., and Mehitable H. Haskell, at Gloucester, Dec. 3, 1835.
James, and Sally Mann, Dec. 15, 1825.
John A[ugustus. dup.], and Eliza A[nn. dup.] Downing Jan. 14, 1840.
Joseph G., of Newburyport, and Susan P. Hopkins of Malden, at Dedham, June 5, 1836.
Nathaniel C., and Mary Helen Chamberlain, int. Nov. 25, 1848.
Sarah N., and Jeremiah Putnam, Dec. 15, 1836. [1839. dup.].
Susan P., of Ipswich, and Nathaniel S. Harris, int. Mar. 23, 1833.
Thomas, of Salem, and Lydia Boardman, June 4, 1829.
Timothy Holmes, and Mary Wood Fornis, June 10, 1848.
William Augustus, and Hannah Bean, at Chataugay, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1843.
William Holmes, and Cloe Wardwell, Mar. ----, 1843.
William N., and Caroline A. Ward, Nov. 25, 1841.
Zilpha, of Boston, and Charles Dudley of Cambridge, at South Boston, May 10, 1846.
J. Osgood, of Andover, and Ellen M. King, int. Nov. 16, 1847.
Joseph Blake, and Vicy Matilda Jones [of Boston. int.], at Boston, Feb. 17, 1834.
Martha, and George E. Luscomb, July 4, 1847.
Mary, and George Poor Daniels, Nov. 12, 1846.
Richard, and Sarah Baker [of Newburyport. int.], at Newburyport, Aug. 2, 1818.
Richard, widr., and wid. Abigail S. Symonds, Nov. 7, 1844.
LOUD (see also Lowd)
Mary, of Salem, and Thomas Welsh, int. Apr. 28, 1844.
Mary Ann, of Methuen, and Edward H. Brainard, Sept. 7, 1834.
LOUDON (see also Lowden)
Lucy, and John Joselyn, at Duxbury, Sept. 1, 1785.
Ithiel S., and Louisa Lovejoy of Salem, Feb. 7, 1833.
David, and Mehitable Carr, July 29, 1810.
Louisa, of Salem, and Ithiel S. Lougee, Feb. 7, 1833.
Nathan, and Abigail Tarr, Dec. 30, 1810.
Walter, of Lowell, and Mary Barrett, int. Jan. 29, 1831.
Edward, and Elizabeth Cheever of Malden, int. Aug. 12, 1848.
LOVETT (see also Lovit)
Ruth, and Wood Fornis, Sept. 3, 1820.
LOVIT (see also Lovett)
Israel, and Deliverance Whittemore, Jan. 1, 1777.
LOW (see also Lowe)
Albion, and Elizabeth M. Southwick, Apr. 23, 1848.
Ariel, and Martha D. Proctor of Essex, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Ariel, and Lucinda C. Dame of Salem, int. Dec. 21, 1832.
Caleb, and Sarah Shillebar, June 2, 1763.
Caleb, Col., and Elizabeth Osborn, Nov. 8, 1824.
Darling, and Phebe Rhoads, at Waterboro, Me., Oct. 10, 1833.
Eliza, and Jesse Wilson, int. Sept. 22, 1827.
Elizabeth, and Daniel Hartwell, at Essex, Apr. ----, 1835.
Lucy, and John Frost, June 10, 1781.
Lucy, and Nathaniel Phippen Symonds, May 5, 1823.
Lydia, and Peter Nurse, June 4, 1766.
Stephen, and Sarah Jacobs, Sept. 6, 1795.
LOWD (see also Loud)
Abba, and Bartholomew Smith Badger, Sept. 5, 1839.
Fanny, and Enoch Poor, at Conway, N.H., Mar. 30, 1847.
LOWDEN (see also Louden)
Samuel, of Boston, and Lydia Symonds, int. Apr. 21, 1787.
LOWE (see also Low)
Clementine D., and Eli F. Stacy, both of Gloucester, at Gloucester, May 31, 1841. C.R.4.
Olive N., and Lorenzo C. Rogers, Apr. 9, 1841.
Michael, and Jane Edmunds, int. July 22, 1797.
Sarah, of Gloucester, and Jonathan Cutler, int. Mar. 18, 1777.
Andrew, and Rebeccah G. Foster, June 10, 1821.
Elizabeth, and George Heusted of Salem, Dec. 5, 1799.
Jane, and Benjamin Stephens, Nov. 24, 1793.
John C., of Newbury, and Catherine Brown Foster [bef. 1827.].
LUSCOMB (see also Liscomb, Liscome)
Ellen, and George Nathaniel Knight, at Salem, July 20, 1839.
George E., and Martha Loring, July 4, 1847.
Hannah, and Elias Skidmore, int. Feb. 24, 1747.
Lydia Davis, of Salem, and Edward Hooper, int. Apr. 24, 1819.
Richard, jr., of Salem, and Lucy Putnam, Nov. 29, 1787.
John, and Margaret Hogan, at Boston, Oct. 25, 1847.
Joseph, and Ellen Sullivan, at Cork, Ireland, Sept. 19, 1838.
Margaret, and Michael Cody, at Boston, Oct. 11, 1846.
LYNDSEY (see also Lindsey)
Abijah, and Joanna Gowing of Lynnfield, June 9, 1775.
Susanna, and Joseph Newhall, jr., Apr. 17, 1787.
Peter, and Mary Mulligan, in Ireland, Feb. ----, 1842.
McARTHEY (see also McCarthy)
John, and Susan Moore, at Salem, Apr. 16, 1848.
MACAULEY, see McColley.
McCARTHEY (see also McCarthy)
Patrick, and Ellen Hearan, int. Sept. 26, 1849.
McCARTHY (see also McArthey, McCarthey)
John, and Mary Conroy at Salem, July 12, 1846.
Anna Maria [of Boston. int.], and Richard O[ber. int.] Spiller, at Boston, Sept. 18, 1849.
Michael, of Derryfield, and Elenor Dunast, Oct. 8, 1787.
McCOLISTER (see also Colister)
Richard, and Elizabeth Symonds of Salem, int. Oct. 1, 1808.
Charles, of Salem, and Rebeccah Needham, Apr. 17, 1809.
Catherine Wentwort, and George Woodbury Creeleman, in Nova Scotia, Jan. 18, 1823.
Charles, and Maria Sullivan, Oct. 27, 1839. [Oct. 2. dup.]
Samuel, and Harriet N. Dearborn, Nov. 17, 1842.
Charles, and Mary Donnally, 2d w., at Salem, Nov. 25, 1847.
McDONALD (see also Donald)
Ann, and Andrew S. Furber of Chelmsford, Aug. 24, 1841.
Ellen, and James Kirwin, in Ireland, Feb. 5, 1849.
John, and Ann Cunningham, at Paisley, ----, ----.
Joseph and [Mrs. int.] Mary A. Sawyer, Dec. 10, 1845. [Dec. 18. int.]
Lydia L., and John C. Barstow, Oct. 9, 1831.
MACINTIRE (see also McIntire)
Benjamin, of Reading, and Mary Rea, int. Sept 26, 1803.
Fanny, of Salem, and Daniel Haskell, Mar. 10, 1808.
Ruth, and Asa Stickney, Dec. 6, 1775.
Samuel, and Sally Lander, Mar. 14, 1811.
McINTIRE (see also Macintire, McIntyre, Mackintire)
Charles, and Hannah C. Shelden, both of Middleton, Nov. 20, 1831.
Jonathan, and Mary Trask, at Somersworth, Nov. 13, 1815.
Martha Stocker, and Ichabod Tibbetts, Sept. 13, 1835.
Mary Ann, and Wyman B. Richardson, Nov. 9, 1846.
Nancey, and Tilston Bacon of Cambridge, Apr. 1, 1824.
Nancy, and Samuel H[osea. dup.] Dike [of South Braintree. int.], Dec. 17, 1846.
Phebe, and Ebenezer Bancroft, June 17, 1812. [1811. dup.]
Priscilla, 2d w., and Green Wood Sanborn, at Salem, July 19, 1846.
Samuel, jr., and Mehitable Mayhew, Apr. 25, 1833.
Sarah, and William Brown Chaplin, Dec. 3, 1835.
Silas, and Clara Hutchins, at Lowell, Dec. 7, 1835.
Solomon, and Thankful Shaw, Apr. 16, 1799.
William, and Caroline Helen Symes, at Burnet, Vt., Nov. 29, 1848.
McINTYRE (see also McIntire)
Clarissa, and John Burbeck [Burbank. C.R.5.] of Westford, Sept. 5, 1836.
Edward, and Elizabeth Acton, in Ireland, Apr. 11, 1846.
Timothy, and Mary Gorman, in Ireland, Nov. ----, 1842.
McKEAN (see also Kean, McKeon)
Mary E., and Milton Wyatt, Sept. 2, 1841.
Rachael, of Reading, and Isaac Cheever, jr., Jan. 9, 1776.
McKEON (see also McKean)
William, and Eliza Welch, at Salem, June 27, 1848.
Neler, of Salem, and George Nicholes, int. May 15, 1785.
MACKINTIR (see also McIntire)
Almira S. [T. int.], and Dependence Littlefield, Oct. 13, 1845.
Archelaus, of Reading, and Abigail Felton, Feb. 5, 1761.
Ebeneser, of Reading, and Susanna Russell, int. Feb. 4, 1769.
Elizabeth, and Stephen Osborn, jr., Aug. 8, 1838.
Hannah, of Reading, and Jethro Russell, int. Feb. 11, 1764.
James F., and Margaret [J. int.] Symes, Oct. 1, 1846.
John, and Mary Deland, Nov. 20, 1777.
Lucy, and Enoch Thurston, Feb. 24, 1774.
Lydia, and Daniel Russell, int. Dec. 26, 1767.
Lydia, and William Brown, Aug. 25, 1793.
Mary, and Richard Elliot, Mar. 10, 1802.
Mehetabel, and Ebenezer Russel, June 15, 1786.
Rachel, of Reading, and David Russell, int. Oct. 28, 1769.
Solomon Warren, and Nancy Hunt [of Salem. int.], at, Salem. [Oct. 7, 1836. int.].
Solomon Warren, and Saluda Heath, 2d w., Apr. 6, 1843.
Stephen, and Lydia Larrabee of Lynnfield, July 12, 1787.
Thankful, and Joseph Shaw, jr., Nov. 30, 1819.
Willard, and Nancy Drew, May 28, 1837.
Mary, and Robert Day, jr., Nov. 3, 1768.
MACKMILLION (see also McMellen)
John, and Preserved Bulluk of Salem, June 7, 1772.
Eliza D., and Nathan M. Walton, both of Salem, Dec. 25, 1849.
Mary, Mrs., and John Rennie of Salem, int. Jan. 19, 1849.
William, and Mary O'Conner, at St. Johns, N.B., Aug. 1, 1835.
McLEAN, see McLain.
Jeremiah, and Margaret Murray, at Salem, Apr. 25, 1836.
McMELLEN (see also Mackmillion, Mullen)
Mercy, and John Pike, at Lynn, Dec. 16, 1824.
McMURPHY (see also Murphy)
Mary W., of Derry, N.H., and Joseph Y. James, int. June 17, 1846.
Anthony, and Fanny Logan, in Ireland, ----, 1841.
John, and Sarah Fary of Boston, int. Apr. 9, 1849.
Mary, and Anthony Rowan, at St. John's, N.B., Aug. 8, 1841.
Mary, and William Gallavan, int. Sept. 27, 1849.
Patrick, and Elenor Bolan, int. Nov. 3, 1847.
Sarah Ann, and Asher Austin Davis, at Sunbury, O., May 1, 1830.
MAGERY (see also Masury)
Jane, of Topsfield, and George Wiat, Mar. 24, 1755.
Joseph, and Hannah Pritchard of Boxford, Dec. 27, 1753.
MAHONEY (see also Mahony)
Ann Maria, and John Wilson, in Ireland, Aug. 22, 1839.
MAHONY (see also Mahoney)
Margaret, and Timothy O'Conner, in Ireland, Sept. 30, 1846.
MANING (see also Manning)
John, of Salem, and Elizabeth Stone, Oct. 28, 1769.
Priscilla, of Salem, and George Abbott, Mar. 12, 1772.
Lucretia, of Lyme, Conn., and Jesse Teague, int. Jan. 31, 1767.
Eliza [of Beverly. int.], and David Upton, at Beverly, Oct. 8, 1826.
Sally, and James Lord, Dec. 15, 1825.
MANNING (see also Maning)
Alfred, of Ipswich, and Mary Ann Buxton, Sept. 3, 1841.
Caroline, and Henry Janes of Gilmanton, N.H., int. Aug. 8, 1829.
Daniel, and Hannah Galeucia, Dec. 27, 1835.
Elisabeth, and William Reed, Feb. 18, 1777.
Henry Murry, and Rebecca Pinson Ingalls, Feb. 27, 1845.
John, of Salem, and Rebecca Eliza Jeffery, Apr. 4, 1836.
MANSFEILD (see also Mansfield)
Mary, and Timothy Bancroft of Dunstable, Nov. 6, 1755.
MANSFIELD (see also Mansfeild)
Abigail, of Lynnfield, and Aaron Foster, jr., int. May 5, 1832.
Andrew, jr., and Rebecca Mansfield of Lynnfield, int. Aug. 13, 1791.
Benjamin, jr., of Lynn, and Lucy Smith, Apr. 27, 1813.
Bethia, of Lynn, and David Newhall, jr., int. Apr. 11, 1795.
Daniel, and Esther Williams, Apr. 26, 1810.
Daniel, of Lynnfield, and Sally S. Taylor, Dec. 21, 1835.
Henry, and Elizabeth Searl, at Middleton, Feb. 20, 1840.
John, and Phebe Putnam, Nov. 19, 1795.
John, and wid. Elizabeth Jackson [of Lynn. int.], 2d w., at Lynn, May 20, 1807.
John, jr., and Lorene Geary, at New York City, July 8, 1832.
John, and wid. Hannah Geary, at New York City, Oct. 17, 1834.
Joseph, and Dolly Carter of Wilmington, int. Dec. 19, 1801.
Joseph, and Emily Needham, Oct. 13, 1847.
Lucy Bucknam, of Lynn, and Daniel Haskell, at Lynn, Jan. 31, 1839. [1831. dup.].
Lydia, and Josiah Walton, at Lynnfield, Nov. ----, 1796.
Mary, and Aaron Foster of South Reading, at Lynnfield, Apr. 25, 1838.
Rebeca, and Joseph Swan of South Reading, Oct. 1, 1823.
Rebecca, of Lynnfield, and Andrew Mansfield, jr., int. Aug. 13, 1791.
Sally, of Salem, and William Ramsdale, Mar. 13, 1791.
Sarah, and Henry Cook, Nov. 12, 1761.
Peter, and Nancy Mason, of Salem, int. June 9, 1780.
Betsy, and Floyd Southwick, Feb. 14, 1790.
Ede, and Jacob Newhall of Lynnfield, int. Nov. 10, 1792.
Esther [d. Jonathan and Sarah, of Seabrook. C.R.8.], and Squiers Shove [farmer, s. Nathaniel and Hannah, late of Dighton. c.R.8.], at Seabrook, N.H., Oct. 3, 1787.
Huldah, and John Nutting, Nov. 13, 1791.
John, and Ruth Proctor, int. May 6, 1758.
Joseph, and Rebecca Harris, int. Mar. 4, 1775.
Kesia, Mrs., and Joseph Hutchinson, jr. of Middleton, int. Feb. 11, 1764.
Mary, of Middleton, and Isaac Holt of Souhegan West, Dec. 26, 1757.
Nabby, and Simeon Guilford, Nov. 8, 1787.
Nancy, and Dennison Wallis, Apr. 6, 1777.
Persis, b. Andover, and Daniel Whittemore, int. Apr. 19, 1800.
Samuel, and Abigail Hart of Reading, int. Nov. 15, 1755.
Nicholson, and Hannah Hutchinson, July 5, 1807.
Davis H., and Sarah L. Jocelyn, at Gloucester, Sept. 30, 1847.
Martha [J. int.], and James M. Sawyer, Nov. 26, 1846. [1847. dup.].
MARIUN (see also Merriam)
Abigail, and Jonathan [Jotham. int.] Reed of Woburn, Apr. 1, 1787.
John, and Ann Smith, in Ireland, Jan. ----, 1839.
Patrick, and Rosanna Ray, at Salem, Oct. 19, 1842.
MARROW (see also Merrow)
Mary, and Benjamin Parnel, int. Sept. 12, 1767.
Daniel, of Salem, and Phebe Gilford, int. Feb. 14, 1801.
MARSH (see also Mash)
Aaron, and Betsy Moulton, Jan. 5, 1796.
Aaron Cook, and Abigail Roberts Ham [of Rochester, N.H. int.], at Rochester, N.H., Dec. 23, 1827.
Abiah, and Edmund Stone, June 18, 1786.
Betsey, and John Smith, June 3, 1819.
Caleb, and Mary G. Peabody of Bradford, int. Mar. 10, 1827.
Daniel, and Patience Douty, Dec. 17, 1789.
Daniel, and [Mrs. dup.] Elizabeth Moulton, 3d, Jan. 24, 1809. [Jan. 26. dup.]
Desire, and Hezekiah Duncklee, Sept. 4, 1755.
Desire, and Henry Batchelder, Nov. 29, 1798.
Ebenezer [jr. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Collins of Dedham, Feb. 8, 1770.
Ezekel, 3d, and Lydia Meek of Salem, int. June 22, 1788.
Ezekel, 3d, and Rebeccah Putnam, Dec. 15, 1789.
Ezekiel [jr. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Abiah Hartshorne of Andover, May 31, 1764.
Fanny F., and Samuel Brown, 3d of Salem, Mar. ----, 1835.
George D., of Boston, and M. Amorrelle of East Lexington, at East Lexington, Apr. 3, 1841. C.R.5.
Hannah, and William Flint, jr., Jan. 15, 1807.
Hannah, and Benjamin Taylor, Feb. 28, 1831. [1832. dup.]
James, and Mary P. Felton, Apr. 5, 1825.
John, and Frances Foster, Sept. 12, 1776.
John, and Rhoda Putnam, Oct. 2, 1791.
John, and Polly Brown [of Salem. int.], Aug. 22, 1798.
Katharine [2d w. dup.], and Hezekiah Dunklee, Dec. 6, 1757.
Mary, jr., and Amos King, July 3, 1783. [May 15. dup.]
Nathaniel, and Susannah Newhall of Lynn, Sept. 1, 1765.
Patience, and Alben Rose, Nov. 19, 1820.
Philip, and Elizabeth Brown of Salem, Dec. 31, 1844.
Sally, and Fredrick Putnam of Salem, int. Apr. 23, 1796.
Sarah, and Nathaniel Fitts, May 3, 1770.
Sarah, and Nathaniel Jewett, Feb. 19, 1818.
Stephen, and Mrs. Ruth Rea, May 24, 1770.
Susannah, and Joseph Pope, Mar. 26, 1789.
Thomas H., and Sarah Newhall of Lynnfield, Apr. 27, 1800.
Thomas H., and Sarah C. Bronsdon of Salem, int. Oct. 15, 1814.
MARSHAL (see also Marshall)
Benjamin, and Esther Wilson, int. Apr. 10, 1790.
MARSHALL (see also Marshal)
Elizabeth S., and William A. Osborn, both of Salem, at Salem, Nov. 5, 1840. C.R.4.
John D[urias. int.], and Anna Larabee, Oct. 23, 1834.
Lucy, and John Hazzelton of Salem, int. Aug. 20, 1808.
Maria, and Pyam Dodge Perkins, at Warner, N.H., Oct. ----, 1841.
Porter G. [Peter. dup.], a. 22 y., cordwainer, s. William C. and Mary, of Alfred, Me., and Elizabeth W. Woodbury, a. 27 y., d. Oliver and Mary, Oct. 2, 1849.
Rufus, of Salem, and Polly Souther, int. July 26, 1800.
Susan, and Jesse Moors of Chelmsford, Feb. 17, 1818.
Sarah, and James A. Putnam, at Methuen, Mar. 13, 1820.
Sarah, see Martin, Sarah.
William, of Boston, and Triphenia Collins, int. Aug. 1, 1807.
MARTIAN (see also Martin)
Polly, and David Richards, Jan. 18, 1784.
MARTIN (see also Martian)
Anna D., and Sewall Elliott, both of Middleton, Oct. 2, 1838.
Aquilla, and Eunice Joslyn, Sept. 15, 1806.
Charles, and Clarisa [G. int.] Shortridge [of Lynn. int.], at Lynn, Nov. ----, 1826.
Clarissa, and Josiah Newhall of Lynn, Apr. 15, 1832.
Edwin, and Elizabeth [Clark. dup.] Brown, June 10, 1835.
Edwin, and Eliza Stone of Marblehead, Mar. 29, 1840.
Elizabeth [of Salem. int.], and Francis [George. int.] Parraria, at Salem, Jan. ----, 1815. [Dec. 7, 1816. int.]
George Brown, and Alvira Tapley, Dec. 5, 1848. [Dec. 7. dup.]
Hannah [W. C.R.4.], and Eliphalet Southwick, June 12, 1834.
Henry, a. 22 y., laborer, s. Isaac and Mary of Racham, Vt., and Mary Jane Sanborn, a. 21 y., d. Jacob and Mahale, of Canterbury, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1849.
John H., and Maria P. Goodale, Sept. 8, 1828.
Lucius Drew, and Sarah Felton Batchelder, Sept. 17, 1838.
Martha F., and Samuel Trask of Portland, Me., Nov. 8, 1820.
Mary, of Andover, and William Hutchinson, Jan. 11 or 14, 1768.
Molly, of Wilton, N.H., and John Farnum, int. Dec. 27, 1800.
Phebe, of Andover, and Joseph Dale, July 16, 1795.
Phebe [of Andover. int.], and Ebenezer Jacobs, at Andover, Mar. 31, 1805.
Sarah, and Levi Guilford, Jan. 5, 1797.
Sarah Felton (Batchelder), and Amos Proctor Perley, at Windham, N.H., Oct. 12, 1847. [1846. P.R.74.]
Thomas, of Salem, and Huldah Dealand, int. Jan. 23, 1841.
William C., of Marblehead, a. 22 y., mariner, s. Knot and Sally, and Louisa Legro, a. 23 y., d. Samuel, jr. and Sally, Feb. 16, 1845.
