Vital Records Of Danvers Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Volume 1 Births, Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1909
Newcomb & Gauss, Printers Salem, Massachusetts
Marriages - CADIGAN to DEXTER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Bridget, 2d w., and Edward [Augustus. int.] Cook, at Salem, Nov. 3, 1849.
Allen R., and Hannah Flint, Mar. 5, 1846.
Mahala C., and Samuel Cook, both of Hartford, Dec. 4, 1839. C.R.4.
William, and Jannet Wright, at Lowell, Dec. 9, 1836.
James M. [Caller. int.], of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Lucy F. Frost, Aug. 10, 1846. [Aug. 20. dup.]
CALDWELL (see also Coldwell)
David Harraden, and Emeline Choate, at Ipswich, Dec. 28, 1826.
Emeline, of Beverly, a. 20 y., d. David H. and Emeline, and Jonathan Eveleth of Beverly, a. 27 y., carpenter, s. Jonathan and Mary, at Beverly, Oct. 20, 1847. [Apr. 29. dup.]
Isaac, and Mary Ann Hill of Beverly, int. Sept. 29, 1827.
Maria [Mrs. C.R.4.], and James M. Derritt [Demeritt. C.R.4.], Dec. 24, 1843.
Mary, and Oliver Woodbury, at Wenham, May 15, 1814.
CALLAHAN, see O'Callaghan.
James M., see Calder, James M.
CALLEY (see also Cally, Kalley)
Mary, of Salem, and Joseph Langdell, int. Nov. 25, 1837.
Bridget, and Daniel Ragin, int. Sept. 22, 1842.
CALLY (see also Calley)
John, and Sarah Carkham of Salem, Feb. 15, 1780.
John, and Jane Bruce, Nov. 23, 1841.
Warren A., and Charlotte S. Dickey, int. Nov. 4, 1845.
CANEY (see also Canney)
Eliza, and John Handley, at Salem, May 7, 1828.
CANNEY (see also Caney)
Priscilla, of Portsmouth, N.H., and James S. Paul, int. Aug. 1, 1845.
Salmon [Zalmon. C.R.5.], and Beulah Ann Lee, both of Salem, Sept. 4, 1836.
Elizabeth, and David Tullock, in Scotland, June 21, 1837.
Lydia, and Jacob Harwood, int. Aug. 22, 1812.
Margaret, and Michael Donally, at Chelsea, July 17, 1848.
CAREY (see also Cary)
Hannah, and Henry W. Cole of Beverly, int. June 15, 1844.
Joseph W., and Louisa Symonds of Salem, int. Aug. 9, 1817.
Joseph W., and wid. Abigail Fife, 2d w., at Concord, N.H., Apr. 24, 1825. [1826. int.]
Louisa Symonds, and Samuel Cummings Abbott, Nov. 11, 1840.
Lucy M., and Eben Upton, jr. of Salem, Apr. 21, 1839.
Mary Ann [of Beverly. int.], and Henry Caldwell Dearborn, at Beverly, Oct. 22, 1844. [1845. int.]
Michael, and Mary Welch, at Boston, Oct. 29, 1835.
Susannah, b. Salem, and William Skidmore, June 3, 1805.
William, and Honora Lewis, at Cork, Ireland, Aug. 3, 1838.
Sarah, of Salem, and John Cally, Feb. 15, 1780.
Catherine Augusta, and Henry Cook Poor, Sept. 9, 1847.
Martha M., and Ebenezer Larrabee, at Middleton, Jan. 22, 1837.
Nancy H., and James Perkins, at Derry, N.H., Feb. 5, 1840.
CARLETON (see also Carlton)
Nathaniel W., and Mrs. Lucy D. Jackson of Rowley, int Mar. 21, 1848.
CARLTON (see also Carleton)
Amos, and Sarah Moulton, int. Nov. 27, 1802.
Amos, and Margaret Boyes of Londonderry, N.H., int. Apr. 25, 1818.
Amos, and Mary Moulten, June 13, 1819.
Charles, and Mary Frye, at Andover, Apr. 30, 1829.
David, and Sally Larrabee, Feb. 15, 1836.
Frederic, and Emma Snow, Oct. 29, 1811.
Frederick, and Lois Hobbs of Topsfield, June 10, 1822.
George Randall, and Mehitable Osborn, Aug. 17, 1847.
Mary (Frye), Mrs., and William Hayward, at Andover, Oct. 20, 1844.
Michael, of Andover, and [Mrs. int.] Phebe Porter, Nov. 14, 1782.
Nathaniel W., and Charlotte S. Hodgkins, at Salem, July 27, 1831.
Ruth, and Perly Gallucia of Salem, int. Dec. 17, 1825.
Samuel, Capt., of Salem, and Mrs. Anna Putnam, Jan. 17, 1754.
Sarah, and John H. Larrabee, Apr. 24, 1823.
Mary, of Boston, and Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth, int. Jan. 14, 1804.
CARNING (see also Corning)
Joseph, a. 24 y., mason, and Martha E. Walton of Salem, a. 19 y., d. Timothy, of Salem, Dec. 28, 1845.
Elisha, and Mary Jane Robinson, at Methuen, Apr. 15, 1833.
Sophia, and Franklin Drury, at Weston, Jan. 8, 1826.
Esther [of Newbury. int.], and Augustus Batchelder, at Newbury, Sept. 15, 1836.
James, of Salisbury, and Mehitable Dodge of Beverly, Jan. 3, 1785.
James, jr., and Love Merrill, at Newburyport, May 7, 1790.
James, jr., and Hannah Merrill, 2d w., Nov. 8, 1807.
Levi, of Salisbury, and Mary Putnam, Nov. 20, 1797.
Mary Ann, and Justin Cilley, int. Feb. 29, 1832.
Mehitable, and David Lovejoy, July 29, 1810.
Thomas Ward, and Lydia Ann Abbott, May 15, 1842.
Lydia, and John Abbot, at Lynn, Dec. ----, 1815.
CARRILL (see also Carroll)
Patrick, and Amma Porter, Dec. 13, 1759.
CARROL (see also Carroll)
Margaret, 2d w., and Daniel Usher, Oct. ----, 1795.
William, and Hannah Page, May 18, 1788.
CARROLL (see also Carrill, Carrol)
Elenor, and Joseph Snow, at East Cambridge, Jan. 28, 1820.
Martha Goss, and George Augustus Kimball, at Salem, Mar. 20, 1836.
Hiram, and Mary Ann Hayward, at Augusta, Me., Apr. 25, 1849.
Dolly, of Wilmington, and Joseph Mansfield, int. Dec. 19, 1801.
Eliza [of Stoneham. int.], and Jeremiah Hood, at Stoneham, Nov. 1, 1840.
Elizabeth, of Roxbury, N.H., and Daniel Town, int. Feb. 7, 1834.
Harriet, of Stoneham, and Samuel Waitt, June 5, 1819.
Josiah, of Portland, Me., and Mary M. Butler, May 8, 1823.
Mary Ann [of Salem. dup.], and Augustus Hammond, at Salem, Oct. 16, 1828.
Rachael, of Manchester, and Samuel Kinsman, int. Jan. 5, 1811.
Richard H., and Mary W. Mead, at Lynn, Apr. 21, 1836.
Sally, and Levi H. Merrill, Dec. 6, 1835.
Samuel, jr., of Quincy, and Lydia P[eirce. dup.] Batchelder, Nov. 29, 1838. [1839. dup. and P.R.74.]
Sarah R., of Wilmington, and Samuel Flint, int. Oct. 20, 1827.
Sylvester, and Lois Rea of Topsfield, int. Oct. 27, 1831.
CARY (see also Carey)
John, and Mary Dennis [of Salem. int.], at Salem, ----, 1826. [Nov. 18. int.].
Betsey, of Reading, and William Goodridge, Feb. 27, 1814.
Margret, and William Wilkins of Middleton, int. Sept. 17, 1762.
Mary, of Middleton, and Josiah Kinny, Jan. 1, 1760.
Mary [of Reading. int.], and David Wilkins, at Reading, Apr. ----, 1808.
Nehemiah B., and Emily M. Ashby of Salem, int. Mar. 21, 1848.
William, and Hannah Lewis, in Ireland, Aug. 3, 1839.
William, and Mary Ann Riordon, in New York, July 7, 1843.
Patrick, and Hannah Gallivan [abt. 1843.].
Eliza J., and Elisha G. Hyde, at Marblehead, Dec. 29, 1829.
John Wadleigh, and Susan Tapley, Nov. 4, 1839.
Matthew, and Ann Riley, at New York, Oct. 23, 1843.
Mary Elizabeth, of Salem, and Charles Asa Osgood, int. May 31, 1845.
Samuel, and Abigail Noyes of Newbury, int. Oct. 19, 1836.
CAVE (see also Caves)
Sarah, of Middleton, and Asa Elliot, June 29, 1768.
Sarah H., of Moultonboro, N.H., and George Brown, jr., int. Nov. 7, 1842.
CAVES (see also Cave, Cavis)
Elisabeth, and Oliver Berry, int. July 22, 1780.
CAVIS (see also Caves)
Anna, and Ebenezer Hutchinson, Feb. 27, 1793.
David, and Sally Follinsbee, int. Dec. 7, 1811.
Eunice A., and Nathaniel Abbott, Dec. 22, 1835.
John, and Mrs. Rebeckah Putnam, Jan. 2, 1810.
CHADBOURNE (see also Chadburn)
Harriet, and William Very, Dec. 3, 1835.
Thomas, and Mrs. Mary Very, June 29, 1837.
CHADBURN (see also Chadbourne)
Thomas, and Nancy Southwick, Mar. 13, 1814.
Peter, and Debby Murphy, both of Hamilton, Dec. 2, 1803.
Elizabeth, of Woburn, and Charles H. Granville, at Lynnfield, July 5, 1840.
Phenius, and Nancy Dustin, at Windham, Sept. 24, 1813.
Aaron W., and Catharine R. Shattuck, at Boston, Apr. 20, 1848.
John, and Mary Granger, at Lynn, Nov. 14, 1822.
John, jr., and Lucy Ann Hatch, June 12, 1845. [June 11. dup.]
Joshua, of Cambridge, and Anna Gould, Nov. 11, 1792.
Mary, and Joseph Spaulding, at Chelmsford, Dec. 1, 1808.
Mary Helen, and Nathaniel C. Lord, int. Nov. 25, 1848.
Mellen, of Boston, a. 28 y., counsellor, s. Moses and Mary, and Martha Ann Putnam, a. 29 y., d. Jesse and Elizabeth, May 6, 1849.
Nathaniel, of Salem, and Amee Porter, July 7, 1772.
William, and Cynthia Molynda of Reading, int. Mar. 2, 1831.
Ferdinand, of Middleton, and Jemima Derby, Jan. 22, 1849.
Caroline W., Mrs., see Welch, Caroline Williams.
Clarissa, and Jeremiah Barker, Feb. 23, 1830.
Isaac, of Andover, and Elizabeth Upton, int. Dec. 3, 1825.
Joseph, and Dorcas Abbott, Nov. 12, 1780. [1781. dup.].
Luther, of Salem, and Mary E[liza. dup.] Snow, July 5, 1842.
CHAPLAIN (see also Chaplin)
Jeremiah, Rev., and Marcia S. O'Brien of Newbury, int. Mar. 14, 1806.
CHAPLIN (see also Chaplain)
Benjamin, and Susan Brown, at Byfield, Nov. ----, 1805.
Benjamin Gage, and Susan Webb, Oct. 20, 1833. [Jan. 26, 1834. dup.]
Calvin, and Hannah Snell of Dover, N.H., int. Mar. 28, 1829.
Charles, and Abigail Ann Berry, May 24, 1836.
Martha Stickney, and [William. dup.] George Dickey, May 3, 1846 [1845. dup.]
William Brown, and Sarah McIntire, Dec. 3, 1835.
Edward A., of Boxford, and Mary Hook, Nov. 19, 1834. [Nov. 23, 1832. dup.].
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Twist, jr., Aug. 15, 1755.
Hannah [of Salem. int.], and Wingate Merrill, Sept. 26, 1819.
Jonathan P., and Dolly Frye of Andover, int. Oct. 18, 1805.
Lucy Symonds, and William Perley, at Boxford, Mar. 28, 1825.
Mary, and Asa Sawyer, at Salem, Apr. 9, 1815.
Nicholas, of Marblehead, and Mary Ann Parker, int. Apr. 5, 1834.
Sarah, and William Southwick, July 12, 1753.
Sarah [of Salem. int.], and Nathan Breed Symonds, Dec. 3, 1835.
Benjamin Farley, and Jane Twiss, Nov. 29, 1764.
Abigail, and Paul Osborn, Mar. 12, 1759.
Benjamin E., and Mary S. Hill of Salem, int. Mar. 1, 1845.
Hezekiah, jr. [of Lynn. int.], and Emeline Batchelder, Jan. 31, 1847.
Mary, d. Elihu and Mary, of Kensington, N.H., and Amos Purrinton, s. Daniel and Ruth, Dec. 16, 1768. C.R.8.
Sally, of Salem, and William Jones, jr., int. Apr. 1, 1825.
CHAY (see also Shays)
John, of Middleton, and Mary Ramsdale, Oct. 3, 1782.
CHEEVER (see also Chever)
Aaron, and Elisabeth Smith of Beverly, Nov. 30, 1773.
Betsey, Mrs. [3d w. dup.], and Nathaniel Putnam, July 27, 1809.
Elisabeth, and Aaron Bateman, May 19, 1835.
Elizabeth, and Osmond Trask, 2d of Beverly, int. May 31, 1806.
Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Hunt, Oct. 7, 1833.
Elizabeth, of Malden, and Edward Lovering, int. Aug. 12, 1848.
Elizabeth Smith, 2d w., and Dr. Ebenezer Hunt, Oct. 7, 1833.
Isaac, jr., and Rachael MacKeatin of Reading, Jan. 9, 1776.
Israel, and Huldah Haywood, Mar. 20, 1808.
Israel, and Pamelia Joselyn, 2d w., Dec. 15, 1816.
Lot, and Olive D. Guilford, Apr. 6, 1837.
Mary P., and William Black, Apr. 14, 1835.
Nathan, and Mehitabel Porter, Oct. 14, 1792.
Porter [of Salem. int.], and Mary Gould, Mar. 19, 1826.
Sally, and Joseph Trask of Beverly, Dec. 28, 1797.
Samuel, and Susan Osborn, July 31, 1828.
Sarah, and Joseph Hanson, both of Salem, Nov. 8, 1836.
Sarah F., and Dr. Ebenezer Hunt, June 18, 1828.
Syrena, D., a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Susan, and Algerine Ferguson of Kennebunk, Me., a. 26 y., tanner, s. Dennis and Emma, June 18, 1849.
Thomas, and Sally Pinder, June 2, 1805.
William, and Betsy Waters, Nov. 6, 1800.
William, and Elizabeth A. Putnam, Feb. 16, 1837.
CHEVER (see also Cheever)
James, jr., and Sarah Brown of Salem, July 11, 1776.
Thomas, and Sarah Waite, Jan. 28, 1802.
Benjamin, and Caroline M. Wells, int. Mar. 29, 1848.
Eliot, and Ruth Wilson of Concord, N.H., int. Aug. 15, 1818.
John, of Pembroke, N.H., and Ruth Dale, Feb. 24, 1784.
CHILD (see also Childs)
Martha W., and David S. Wilkins, Feb. 6, 1843.
CHILDS (see also Child)
Samuel, and Catherine Eaton, at Marblehead, Mar. 12, 1832.
Samuel, of Salem, and Ede Guildford, Nov. 24, 1813.
Sarah Jane, and Richard Davenport Baskerville, in Virginia, Dec. 27, 1843.
Manuel, of Salem, and Sarah Stone, July 22, 1777.
J. O., Rev., of Newport, and Martha Garland, Dec. 16, 1827.
CHOAT (see also Choate)
Elizabeth Mrs., of Ipswich, and Ephraim Davis, July 3, 1770.
CHOATE (see also Choat)
Caroline Dean, and John Dexter, jr., at Essex, Mar. 9, 1833.
Emeline, and David Harraden Caldwell, at Ipswich, Dec. 28, 1826.
Lucretia, and Elias Savage, at Essex, Nov. 26, 1826.
Mary Lowe, 2d w., and Elias Savage, at Essex, May ----, 1833.
Rufus, Esq., and Helen M. Olcott of Hanover, N.H., int. Mar. 5, 1825.
Hannah, of Salem, and Simeon Southwick, int. Aug. 20, 1814.
Abigail March [of Salem. int.], and Francis Phelps, at Salem, Nov. 22, 1839.
Alice, Mrs., and John Hunt, both of Salem, Dec. 3, 1835.
Zacheus, and Alice Dunkele, Feb. 19, 1799.
Isaiah, and Prissilla Purdy, in Nova Scotia, Feb. 21, 1847.
Justin, and Mary Ann Carr, int. Feb. 29, 1832.
Phillip, and Sukey Botang of Hamilton, int. May 14, 1801.
Ruth Blake, and John Willeston Blaney, Sept. 27, 1835.
William, and Mary P. Woodbury, Apr. 24, 1838.
William, and Lauretta E. Piper, int. Oct. 10, 1846.
Sukey, of Rochester, and Rev. Samuel Mead, int. Nov. 19, 1796.
CLARK (see also Clarke, Clerk)
Aaron, and Polly Adams of Bradford, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
Aaron F., and Augusta Tapley, Nov. 25, 1841.
Aaron F, widr., and Sarah A. Northend, Oct. 22, 1844.
Ame, of Wells, and James Read, int. Nov. 27, 1773.
Angelina P., of Sutton, Vt., and Isaac Lee, int. Nov. 2, 1848.
Anna, and Thomas Faxon of Braintree, Sept. 14, 1752. [1753. dup.]
Bridget (Kelley), Mrs., and Thomas Riley, at Salem, May 23, 1849.
Caleb, and Sarah Parnal, int. Oct. 5, 1769.
Caleb, jr., and Sarah Guilford, Aug. 11, 1795.
David, and Mary Potter [Porter. int.] of Salem, Nov. 13, 1788.
Elisabeth, of Beverly, and Daniel Hayward, Apr. 27, 1763.
Elisabeth [Mrs. int.], and Rev. Ebenezer Grosvenor of Scituate, Feb. 2, 1764.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Fairfield, Oct. 27, 1841.
Elizabeth G., and John Hook, Jan. 19, 1835.
Franklin, of Roxbury, and Miranda Clark of Amherst, N.H., Mar. 10, 1847.
Hugh, and Lydia Gardner, Oct. 25, 1764.
Humphrey, and Mary B. Ridley, at Wenham, Nov. 28, 1848.
Jane H., and William Hart, Dec. 28, 1843.
John, and Elizabeth Skidmore, Aug. 20, 1822.
John, and Mrs. Betsey Wilson, June 3, 1840.
Marcy, of York, and Thomas Porter, int. Sept. 20, 1755.
Maria Theresa, and Allen Knight, shoe manufacturer, Jan. 29, 1835. [Jan. 20. dup.]
Martha A., of Salem, and Benjamin D. Hill, jr., int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Martha C., and Andrew Very of Middleton, int. Mar. 12, 1849.
Mary, and Bartholomew Rea, Mar. 19, 1761.
Mary P., and William H. Sibley, int. Nov. 16, 1844.
Mayhew S., and Caroline Robinson, Mar. 14, 1847.
Miranda, of Amherst, N.H., and Franklin Clark of Roxbury, Mar. 10, 1847.
Peter, of Braintree, and Hannah Epes, June 25, 1763. [June 25. dup.]
Sally, of Beverly, and Nathaniel Miles, int. Nov. 3, 1821.
Samuel, and Hannah Gott of Wenham, Feb. 12, 1756.
Samuel, of Lynn, and Hannah Willson, int. Feb. 23, 1769.
Samuel, and Dolly Hovey of Boxford, July 25, 1775.
Sarah, and Nathaniel Pope, Dec. 23, 1784.
Sarah, and Benjamin Millet of Salem, int. June 14, 1828.
Sarah Elizabeth, of Lynn, and Andrew Lord, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
William P., and Mary Elizabeth Blake of Beverly, int. Oct. 24, 1849.
CLARKE (see also Clark)
Ann Maria, of Salem, and David P. Hutchinson, int. Dec. 2, 1843.
Caleb, and Hannah Town of Topsfield, int. Apr. 18, 1760.
Samuel, and Nancy P. Cross, at Boxford, Sept. 13, 1812.
Sarah S., and Daniel Peabody, Feb. 6, 1844.
Franklin R., of Lynn, and Emeline Russell of Middleton, Dec. 22, 1844.
Abigail [D. dup.], of Chester, N.H., and Charles Henry Hill of Pembroke, N.H., Nov. 19, 1840.
Esther Newton, 2d w., and Elijah Flint, jr., at Danbury, N.H., Mar. 3, 1845.
Lois, of Topsfield, and Moses C. Pilsbury, int. Aug. 22, 1801.
CLEAVES (see also Cleeves)
Abigail, and Amos King, jr., Dec. 1, 1803.
Molly, and Moses Yell, Jan. 26, 1769.
Putnam, and Abigail Jacobs, Nov. 14, 1766.
Rebeccah, and Daniel King, Aug. 24, 1794.
Sarah F., of Wenham, and Benjamin F. Spine, Oct. 22, 1835.
CLEEVES (see also Cleaves)
Rebecca, and Nathaniel Smith, Jan. 15, 1767. [Jan. 5. dup.]
Susanna Ann, and James George Holland, July ----, 1836.
CLEMENT (see also Clements)
Cyrus, of Hopkinton, N.H.,. and Hannah Wheeler, July 2, 1809.
Cyrus, and Rebecca F. Shortridge, Mar. 18, 1832.
Frederick, and Laura C. Hubbard of Claremont, N.H., int. May 6, 1832.
Fredrick, and Mary P. Wyman, May 27, 1828.
Henry, and Elizabeth Smith, at Salem, Apr. 5, 1845.
John, of Salem, and Mrs. Elizabeth Gilford, int. Mar. 27, 1846.
Mary Ann, and Andrew Jackson Hilton, at Lynn, Nov. 8, 1837.
CLEMENTS (see also Clement)
John, and Abigail Southwick, Oct. 27, 1757.
John, and Sophia Hoyt, at Moultonboro, N.H., Feb. ----, 1803. [1833?]
Samuel, and Laura M. Allen of Beverly, int. Sept. 4, 1835.
CLERK (see also Clark)
Catherine, Mrs., of Boston, and Robert Emes, int. Aug. 15, 1830.
Elizabeth [of Salem. int.], and Robert Converse, at Salem, Feb. 21, 1819.
Truman Bishop, and Nancy Peasley Putnam, at Chelsea, Vt., May 26, 1835.
Elizabeth K. [of Salem. int.], and Joseph Merrill, at Salem, Oct. ----, 1827.
John, and Prudence Braden, July 6, 1752.
Molly, and James Richardson, jr., May 23, 1780.
CLOUGH (see also Cluff)
Daniel Prescott, and Lucy Bray Rust, at Topsfield, Apr. 21, 1842.
Dorcas, and James Ayer, at Bradford, N.H., Mar. 4, 1829.
Edmund G., and Dorcas Moulton, Jan. 1, 1839.
Ira, and Mary Halladay, at Lowell, May 5, 1836.
John C., and Sylvia W. Grover of Salem, int. June 7, 1847.
John C., and Sylvia W. Grover of Salem, int. Aug. 26, 1848.
Jonathan C., and Mary Munroe, June 5, 1836.
Royal, and Sally [Polly. dup.] Fuller, Feb. 12, 1837. [1838. dup.]
Stephen, and Sarah Huntington of Amesbury, int. Nov. 18, 1830.
Susan, of Salem, and Isaac Day, May 21, 1773.
CLUFF (see also Clough)
Amos, and Sarah H. Pike of Salem, int. Aug. 18, 1832.
COATES (see also Coats)
Mary Brooks, and Philip Blaney, at Lynn, July 25, 1830.
COATS (see also Coates)
William H., and Harriet A. Snow, Dec. 25, 1845.
Elizabeth B., of Taunton, a. 27 y., seamstress, d. Rufus and Desire C. B., and Christopher S. Knapp of Raynham, a. 32 y., mechanic, s. Christopher and Salome, Apr. 23, 1844.
John B., and Eliza Dwinnel, int. Mar. 11, 1826.
John B., and Elizabeth C. Knight, Oct. 2, 1834.
Sarah E., and Fordyce Nute, both of Natick, Sept. 21, 1845.
COCHRAIN (see also Cockran)
Joseph, of Beverly, and Lydia Putnam, int. Oct. 13, 1804.
COCKRAN (see also Cochrain)
Helen C., and Capt. Abel W. Richardson, int. May 19, 1832.
Susanna, of Marblehead, and Joshua Osborn, Feb. 5, 1778.
Michael, and Margaret Lynch, at Boston, Oct. 11, 1846.
COES (see also Cooes)
Michael, and Mary Goodhue, May 30, 1755.
Sally, and Moses Gilford, Nov. 12, 1778.
Samuel, and Mary Blumpy, Oct. 7, 1781.
Abby W., and Edmund Torrey [of Weymouth. int.], s. Baman and Eliza A., Jan. 31, 1848.
Abel, of Newbury, and [wid. int.] Anna Brewer, Sept. 2, 1755.
Alexander, and Lucy Ann Parker, May 2, 1843.
Alexander H., and Caroline Neal, int. Feb. 7, 1846.
Elizabeth, and Benjamin Moulton, Nov. 18, 1830.
Elizabeth Hatch, and James Kennedy, at Sanford, Me., Oct. 27, 1845.
Jonathan C., a. 18 y., cordwainer, s. Simeon and Elizabeth, of Sanford, Me., and Martha Kennedy of Lynn, a. 21 y., d. Samuel and Harriet, of Washington, Me., Nov. 11, 1849.
Mary, and John Williams of Deerfield, int. Jan. 5, 1777.
Mary, and Ivory Goodwin, at Sanford, Me., Dec. 1, 1836.
Priscilla Morrison [of Sanford, Me. int.], and Benjamin Strout, at Sanford, Me., Apr. 12, 1845. [1846. int.]
Joseph, and Lydia Putnam, at Beverly, Nov. ----, 1803.
Lydia P., and Sumner W. Parker, May 4, 1837.
William Henry, and Mary Fuller [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Apr. ----, 1844.
Allen, and Esther Crosby, Apr. 10, 1832.
Clarissa C., and David Poland, July 24, 1836.
Edson E., of Corinth, Vt., and Angeline P. Dearborn, Mar. 2, 1842.
Hannah L., and Joseph Upton, Aug. 2, 1846.
Isaac N., and Hannah S. Nutter, Apr. 7, 1836.
Julian Perkins [of Weare, N.H. int.], and Daniel Buxton, jr., at Weare, N.H., Dec. 22, 1841.
Sally, and Jonathan Proctor, jr., Apr. 17, 1833.
Sarah Emeline, and Rev. Joseph Warren Eaton, at Boston, Feb. 22, 1836.
Betsey M., and Charles H. Emery of West Newbury, int. Apr. 28, 1838.
Eben Payson, and Sarah Towne, Aug. 24, 1838. [Aug. 23. dup.]
Ruth, and Gustavus Putnam, Jan. 31, 1832.
Henry W., of Beverly, and Hannah Carey, int. June 15, 1844.
Jeremiah, and Susan Perkins of Bridgton, Me., int. Nov. 15, 1828.
Mary, and Moses Trask, Oct. 20, 1822.
Susan, Mrs., and William Brown, Dec. 18, 1845.
COLEMAN (see also Colman)
Harvey B., and Abby B. Wheelock of Lowell, int. Mar. 8, 1846.
Mary [Mecolester. int.], of Salem, and Nathaniel Peabody, July 1, 1760.
COLLINES (see also Collins)
Mary, and John Curtice, Nov. 30, 1777.
COLLINS (see also Collines)
Anna, and Anthony Buxton, Sept. 15, 1754.
Caroline, of Salem, and Samuel Endicott, int. Apr. 15, 1820.
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Nurse, jr., Dec. 25, 1800.
Hannah [Mrs. int.], of Dedham, and Ebenezer Marsh [jr. int.], Feb. 8, 1770.
Hepsibeth, and Capt. Jeremiah Briggs of Salem, Feb. 7, 1831.
James, and Hannah Cooke, Mar. ----, 1756.
John, of Lynnfield, and Margaret Doubty, July 18, 1765.
John, and Hannah Porter, Jan. 5, 1769.
John, and Lucy Lakeman, resident in Lynn, May 13, 1821.
Margaret, of Lowell, and Robert Fenley, int. May 1, 1841.
Polly, of Lynnfietd, and John Green Walden, int. Aug. 26, 1786.
Ruth, and Edward Parry of Portsmouth, N.H., Apr. 14, 1804.
Triphenia, and William Marston of Boston, int. Aug. 1, 1807.
Chapman, of Topsfield, and Hannah Porter, Dec. 21, 1797.
COLMAN (see also Coleman)
Michael, and Joanna Brown, in Ireland, ----, 1848.
Sarah A., of Alton, N.H., a. 24 y., d. Jacob and Sarah, and Jacob Hutchinson, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. John and Martha, Sept. 24, 1844.
COLWELL (see also Caldwell)
Abigail, and Thomas Boden, at Beverly, Feb. 4, 1802.
Andrew, of Concord, and wid. Anna Gardner, July 19, 1764.
Barnabus, and Mary Batcheldor of Beverly, Oct. 8, 1786.
Hannah, of Beverly, and Cornelius Batchelder, May 12, 1789.
Hannah, and Benjamin Kent, jr., at Beverly, Sept. 20, 1820.
Joseph, of Ipswich, and Ruthy Guildford, Apr. 30, 1807.
Mary, and Peter White, at Boston, Oct. 5, 1830.
Nathaniel, of Alfred, and Mrs. Hepzibah Dodge, Oct. 6, 1795.
Nathaniel Peabody, and Sophronia Thompson Hartford, at Newburyport, Nov. 26, 1845.
Jeffery, and Mary Ford, in Ireland, ----, 1833.
Ann, and Philip Brown, at New York, Oct. ----, 1832.
CONNERS (see also O'Conner)
Ann, and John Conners, in Ireland, Feb. ----, 1840.
John, and Ann Conners, in Ireland, Feb. ----, 1840.
Lydia, and Michael Griffin, int. July 27, 1816.
Daniel, and Julia Regan, at Salem [bef. 1847.].
Mary, and John McCarthy, at Salem, July 12, 1846.
Josiah, and Elisabeth Green, at Stoneham, Dec. 11, 1783.
Mary A., and Rev. Elijah H. Downing, Dec. 21, 1842.
Nancy L., and Africus S. Howard, int. Nov. 7, 1845.
Robert, and Elizabeth Cliff [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Feb. 21, 1819.
Edward A., and Laura Ann Prichard of Salem, int. Aug. 26, 1841 .
COOES (see also Coes)
Samuel, of Boston, and Hannah Crowel, int. Mar. 4, 1780.
COOK (see also Cooke)
Abigail, and Daniel Felton, Dec. 12, 1765.
Abigail, and Daniels Watts of Lynn, Dec. 19, 1790.
Benjamin, of Gardiner, and Abigail Creesy, Mar. 8, 1818.
Betsy, and Richard Sprague, Nov. 13, 1791. [Nov. 19.].
David, and Mary Melchman, at New Ipswich, N.Y., Apr. 7, 1847.
Desier, and John Reed, Jan, 18, 1774.
Edward, and Margaret Nevers, at Salem, Aug. ----, 1839.
Edward [Augustus. int.], and Bridget Cadigan, 2d w., at Salem, Nov. 3, 1849.
Elisabeth, and Jonathan Tarbell, jr., int. Mar. 25, 1767.
Elizabeth, and Jonathan Buxton, June 27, 1757.
George, and Mrs. Hannah Crowell of Salem, Feb. 4, 1774.
George F., and Abigail F. Shute of Hopkinton, N.H., int. July 3, 1824.
Hannah, and Samuel Darby, Dec. ----, 1753.
Hannah, and Ebenezer Pike of Woburn, int. Mar. 29, 1777.
Hannah, of Salem, and Thaddeus Stimpson int. Mar. 16, 1799.
Hannah, of Salem, N.H., and Samuel Merrill, int. Aug. 5, 1820.
Hannah S., and Rev. Francis L. Robbins of Enfield, Conn., int. Dec. 11, 1847.
Henry, and Sarah Mansfield, Nov. 12, 1761.
Henry, and Hannah Sprague, Apr. 10, 1791.
Henry, and Eunice Winchester of Salem [at Salem. dup.], Dec. 29, 1816. [Dec. 28. dup.]
Joseph, of Reading, and Betsey Needham, int. Apr. 10, 1824.
Lydia, and Daniel Reed, Nov. 19, 1765.
Lydia S., and Calvin Farnum of Salem, June 28, 1843.
Mary, and John Osborn [of Salem. int.], Aug. ----, 1752.
Mary, and Stephen Osborn, jr., Dec. 31, 1765.
Mary, and Ephraim Skerry of Salem, Dec. 14, 1769.
Mary, of Salem, and Archelauls Rea [jr. int.], Mar. 6, 1777.
Mercy, and James Symonds, 4th of Salem, int. Nov. 22, 1782.
Robert, jr., and Elisabeth Liscomb of Salem, Sept. 15, 1775.
Rufus King, and Mary Jewett Bray, Dec, 5, 1847. [Dec. 2. dup.]
Ruth, and Jonathan Quimby of Amesbury, Feb. 20, 1755.
Samuel, of Watertown, and Mary Willson, Oct. 9, 1760.
Samuel, and Mahala C. Cady, both of Hartford, Dec. 4, 1839. C.R.4.
Sarah, and Thomas Whiteridge [of Beverly. int.], June 10, 1753.
Sarah, and Joseph Foster of Salem, Mar. 5, 1775.
Susanna Sprague, and Ebenezer Shillaber, Oct. 10, 1816.
William, and Nancy Glover of Beverly, int. May 19, 1798.
COOKE (see also Cook)
Hannah, and James Collins, Mar. ----, 1756.
Elizabeth Thom, and Benjamin Hutchinson Osgood, at Milford, N.H., Sept. 20, 1840.
Elijah, and Deborah Nourse, May 24, 1789.
Ezekiel, and Hannah Smith, Oct. 23, 1766.
Sarah, of Rowley, and Israel Smith, int. June 26, 1766.
Elizabeth, and William Freto, July 13, 1769.
Elizabeth, of Reading, and William Russel, Nov. 21, 1771.
Hannah, and Charles A[ugustus. dup.] Nevers, May 11, 1845. [1844. dup.].
John C., and Louisa Stiles, Oct. 30, 1833. [Oct. 31. C.R.4.; Oct. 20. dup.].
COREY (see also Cory)
Anthony, and Eliza Ann Emery, at Hampton, Dec. 9, 1841.
Susannah [Carey. dup.], of Salem, and William Skidmore, June 3, 1805.
Ellen, and Michael Wherity, at Salem, Oct. 28, 1847.
Priscilla, of Lowell, and Horace Hamblet, int. Oct. 24, 1837.
CORNING (see also Carning)
Anna, and James Taylor, both of Beverly, Aug. 5, 1784.
CORY (see also Corey)
John, of Salem, and Nancy Hoyt, Oct. 8, 1817.
Patrick, and Mrs. Honora Spilland, int. Aug. 11, 1848.
Francis Anthony Smith, and Harriet Newhall Tapley, Sept. 6, 1846.
Eliza, and Timothy [H. int.] Brown of Topsfield, Apr. 16, 1829.
Mary, and John Perrcy, int. Mar. 31, 1787.
Hannah, of Salem, and Henry Trask, Oct. 14, 1798.
Joseph, and Ann E. Foster, Mar. 22, 1829.
George, Rev., and Elizabeth Ripley Adams [of Andover. int.], at Andover, July 13, 1828.
Francis Richardson, and Lydia Cook Shed, at Salem, Sept. 3, 1837.
Mary, of Woburn, and Eliphalet Dodge, int. Nov. 14, 1801.
Eliza, of Salem, and Augustus G. Reed of Nashua,. N.H., June 21, 1843. C.R.4.
Hiram, of New York, and Miranda Tapley, int. Oct. 19, 1839.
CRAMPSEY (see also Crampsy)
Maria, and Henry Wilburn, b. Hamilton, at Beverly, Dec. 27, 1843.
CRAMPSY (see also Crampsey)
Charlotte, Mrs., and Henry Wilbern, Nov. 30, 1838.
Lemuel, and Margaret S. Wilson, June 10, 1830. [June 30. dup.]
Mary D. [of Dorchester. dup.], and Philip Osborn, at Dorchester, Nov. 29, 1826.
Mary D., and Martin Davis of Sterling, int. Oct. 25, 1843.
Ralph, and Hephzibah Webb, Apr. 4, 1784.
Samuel, and Sally Dustin of Windham, N.H., int. Aug. 26, 1815.
CREASY (see also Cressy)
Benjamin, of Beverly, and Lydia Thurstin, int. Aug. 30, 1807.
Hannah, and Charles Benjamin, at Salem, Apr. 8, 1833.
Lavina Jane, and Ira N. Glines, at Canaan, Vt., Sept. 12, 1832.
Mary, and Geheil Webb, both of Salem, Sept. ----, 1835.
George Woodbury, and Catherine Wentwort McCondaliea, in Nova Scotia, Jan. 18, 1823.
CREESY (see also Cressy)
Abigail, and Benjamin Cook of Gardiner, Mar. 8, 1818.
Dimon, of Beverly, and Jonna Batchelder, Dec. 14, 1780.
Enoch T[hurston. dup.], of Beverly, and Sally Whittier, Oct. 20, 1841. [Aug. 19, 1821. dup.]
Lydia, of Salem, and John Ingleson, Apr. 26, 1764.
Nancy, of Beverly, and Elias Endicott, Aug. 23, 1791.
Anora, and David Gleason, at Boston, Oct. 29, 1848.
CRESSY (see also Creasy, Creesy)
Sally, and Stephen Floyd, Sept. 24, 1797.
Mary, and James Richardson, July 17, 1783.
Hitty, and John Nichols, int. Oct. 16, 1801.
Mehitable, and William Hardwick of Salem, Dec. 21, 1784.
Richard, and Mehitabel Moulten, jr., June 4, 1778.
William, of Salem, and Mary Dawson, resident in Danvers, Aug. 29, 1782.
CROEL (see also Crowell)
John, jr., and Betty Masury, Sept. 4, 1777.
CROLLY (see also Crowley)
Bridget, and John Sullivan, at Lowell, Apr. 12, 1847.
Zenas, and Hannah Richardson, July 14, 1814.
Esther, and Allen Colby, Apr. 10, 1832.
Mary F., a. 20 y., d. John and Mary, and Francis P. Merriam of Middleton, b. Middleton, s. Andrew and Ann Jane, of Middleton, Nov. 21, 1844.
Patty, Mrs., and Jeremiah Page, June 12, 1776. P.R.88.
CROSE (see also Cross)
Michael, and Mary Rea of Beverly, Dec. 25, 1758.
CROSS (see also Crose)
Amos P., and Mrs. Ruth Howard, Jan. 9, 1831.
Anna, and Caleb Prince, Dec. 9, 1798.
Betsey P., and Ebenezer Putnam, July 15, 1835.
Charles B., and Caroline L. Cummings of Lowell, int. July 1, 1848.
Ellen Elizabeth, and Joseph L. Baker, at Haverhill, July 4, 1848.
Emma, and John Hayward, Apr. 13, 1757.
Emma, and Ebenezer Brown, June 10, 1790.
Hannah, and Ebenezer Swinerton of Malden, June 15, 1837.
Jareb P., and. Nancy P. Gifford, at Topsfield, Sept. 17, 1839.
John, and Hannah Prince, Dec. 24, 1793. [Dec. 10, 1794.].
John, and Mary Crowell, July 21, 1811.
Joshua H., and Eliza Horton of Salem, int. Apr. 22, 1826.
Leonard, and Lucy C. Small, Nov. 5, 1829.
Molly, and Ebenezer Sprague, jr., Sept. 21, 1786.
Nancy P., and Samuel Clarke, at Boxford, Sept. 13, 1812.
Nathan, and Sally H. Hutchinson, Apr. 27, 1828.
Nathan, jr., and Elizabeth B. Batchelder, May 7, 1828.
Peter, and Mary Procter, Oct. 24, 1754.
Peter, jr., and Betty Peabody of Middleton, int. Oct. 18, 1798.
Peter, jr., and wid. Hannah (Preston) Kimball, Jan. 21, 1807.
Phebe, and George [W. C.R.4.] Winslow, Mar. 27, 1833.
Sally, and Samuel Legroo, jr., Aug. 19, 1821.
Sally, and Perly Tapley, Jan. 16, 1825.
Susan, and Hananiah Parker Legroo, Sept. 22, 1830.
Syrena P., and William Preston, Oct. 15, 1829.
William, and Phebe Berry of Middleton, int. Sept. 20, 1800.
William, and Phebe U[pton. int.] Munroe, Dec. 25, 1828.
Ellen, and John Murphy, at Lowell, May 29, 1845.
CROWEL (see also Crowell)
Hannah, and Samuel Cooes of Boston, int. Mar. 4, 1780.
James, and Lydia Hutchinson, June 4, 1818. [May 1. dup.].
Patty, and Grindleff Sevy, int. July 25, 1805.
Patty, and Ephraim Hartshorn, resident in Danvers, May 25, 1807.
Sally, of Hamilton, and James Haynes, int. Mar. 18, 1826.
CROWELL (see also Croel, Crowel)
Hannah, Mrs., of Salem, and George Cook, Feb. 4, 1774.
John, and Sarah Fowls [Fowler. int.], Dec. 28, 1756.
John, and Mary Masury, int. Mar. 31, 1770.
Lydia, and Jedediah Richardson, Oct. 30, 1791.
Mary, and John Cross, July 21, 1811.
CROWLEY (see also Crolly)
Mary, and James Gleason, at Salem, Dec. ----, 1848. [Jan. 6, 1849. int.].
Elizabeth, and Daniel C. Goodwin, int. July 2, 1842.
Hannah, and Lt. James Armstrong of the U.S. Navy, int. Mar. 13, 1819.
John, of Salem, and Maria Crowninshield, int. Mar. 19, 1814.
Margaret R., and Calvin Brown, at Salem, Sept. 10, 1838.
Maria, and John Crowninshield of Salem, int. Mar. 19, 1814.
CUMINGS (see also Cummings)
Ruth, and Nathaniel Smith of Hillsboro, N.H., int. Sept. 26, 1818.
CUMMINGS (see also Cumings)
Caroline L, of Lowell, and Charles B. Cross, int. July 1, 1848.
Jane and Ivory Young, int. Nov. 9, 1839.
Lydia, and Daniel Goodhue of Andover, Mar. 15, 1814.
Mary R[oberts. dup.], of Salem, and Joseph Walton, Nov. 17, 1828. [Nov. 28. dup.]
Ann, and John McDonald, at Paisley, ----, 1815.
Caleb Strong, and Emily Glover Warren [of Salem. dup.], Jan. 1, 1843.
Catherine, and William Fegan, at Haverhill, Feb. 3, 1842.
David, and Dorcas Newhall, Mar. 4, 1802.
David, jr., and Elizabeth Smiler of Salem, int. Apr. 17, 1813.
Moses J., and Ruth P. Batchelder, July 1, 1841.
Nathaniel, of Rowley, and Betty Dwinel, int. July 25, 1772.
Rachel T., and Harvey Galeucia of Salem, Jan. 21, 1847.
CURTICE (see also Curtis)
Andrew, and Sukey Easty of Salem, int. Nov. 16, 1799.
Ann, and James Osborn, Oct. 26, 1800.
Anna, and James Johnson, May 8, 1754.
Eunice, and Zerubbale Hart of Lynn, June 22, 1762.
John, and Mary Collines, Nov. 30, 1777.
Lydia, and Henry Dwinel of Newbury, June 16, 1779.
Rebekah, of Middleton, and John White, int. Dec. 31, 1776.
William, and Elisabeth Frayle, Feb. 18, 1765.
CURTIS (see also Curtice, Curtise)
Allen, and Betsey Estes [Esty. int.], Oct. ----, 1795.
Andrew, and Hannah Small, June 5, 1776.
Andrew, and Elizabeth Newbury Arbuckell, Apr. 3, 1839.
Betsey, and Daniel S. Roberts, Mar. 20, 1842.
Charles, and Susan Verry, Dec. 29, 1816.
Charles [of Salem. int], and Levina Shaw, at Lynn, Feb. 24, 1843. [1844. int.]
Elisabeth, and Ebenezer Moulton, Mar. 31, 1772.
George Warren, and Ann Reed, Apr. 1, 1849.
Hannah, of Stoughtonham, and James Porter, Nov. 9, 1797. [1777. int.]
Hannah, and Ephraim Larabee, Sept. 12, 1799. [1800. dup.]
Hannah, and Jonathan Small, June 25, 1805.
Hannah, and Daniel Gallucia, Aug. 21, 1823.
Harriet, and Cornelius P. Van Ness Kimball [Kendall. int.], at Lynn, Apr. 1, 1849.
Ira, and Clarisa Southwick, Sept. 17, 1815.
Louisa [of Salem. dup.], and Robert Shillaber Saunders, Jan. 27, 1831.
Martha Ann, and George Raddin, May 1, 1842.
Mary, and Isaac Munro, Sept. 8, 1807.
Mary [C. int.], and Charles Richardson Kelley, May 8, 1849. [May 29. dup.]
Mary F., and George R. Emerson of Haverhill, July 1, 1847.
Perly P., and Betsey Pickering, July 29, 1821.
Rachel, and John Mead of Hillsboro, N.H., June 30, 1789.
Rachel, and John Hawkes of Lynn, int. Nov. 25, 1815.
Ruth, and James Wood, Oct. 8, 1766.
Sally P., and James Braley Jowders, at Lynn, Jan. 14, 1845.
Samuel, and Mary Galeucia of Salem, May 21, 1843.
Samuel, and Mary Prescot, Oct. 21, 1844.
Sarah E., and Eben K. Townsend, Oct. 25, 1848.
Susan, and Daniel Goldthwait, jr., int. Jan. 31, 1824.
CURTISE (see also Curtis)
Daniel, of Topsfield, and Mary Goodale, int. Sept. 15, 1757.
Ethan S., of Springfield, Vt., and Lydia O. Stanley, Sept. 20, 1835.
Jane M., 2d w., and Asher Austin Davis, at Westfield, O., Dec. 4, 1838.
CUTLER (see also Cuttler)
Abigail, of Beverly, and Ebenezer Dale, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
Eliza [of Hamilton. int.], and Fitch Pool, at Hamilton, June 13, 1802.
John, and Martha M. Jacobs, July 18, 1844.
Jonathan [Dr. int.], and Martha Trask of Beverly, Dec. 11, 1760.
Jonathan, and Sarah Lufkin of Gloucester, int. Mar. 18, 1777.
Mary, and Stephen Small, int. Oct. 5, 1782.
Sally, and Jefferson Putnam, at Lexington, Feb. 9, 1829.
William, and Betsy Swinerton, Apr. 18, 1794.
William, and Sally Maria Pearsons, Sept. 8, 1840.
CUTTLER (see also Cutler)
Elisabeth, and Ebenezer Jacobs, May 1, 1755.
DAILEY (see also Daley)
Enos, and Mary Ann Linehan, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
Margaret, and Michael Joseph Gamon, at Salem, June 27, 1848.
Mary, and Michael Murry, in Ireland, May 12, 1846.
Eliza Hamblet [of Salem. dup.], and George Perley Tilton, May 11, 1846.
DALAND (see also Deland)
Benjamin, and Elizabeth Ross, Nov. 18, 1835.
John, Capt., of Salem, and Mary Fowler, Oct 25, 1807.
Joseph, of Middleton, and Phebe Guilford, Apr. 18, 1802.
Joseph, and Huldah Fuller, Sept. 20, 1835.
Joseph, jr., and Mrs. Mary Tyler, int. Aug. 6, 1836.
Lydia, and Washington P. Daniels, int. June 7, 1839.
Archelaus, and Huldah Pritchard, June 11, 1820.
Becca, and Jonathan Berry of Middleton, Nov. 19, 1795.
Betsey, 2d w., and Frederick How, Dec. 25, 1821.
Betty, and Israel Putnam, June 20, 1754.
Betty, and William Gott of Pembroke, N.H., int. Feb. 23, 1785.
Betty, and Abraham Burton of Wilton, N.H., Jan. 4, 1787.
Eben, and Hannah Very, Dec. 5, 1797.
Eben, and Mrs. Sally Russell, int. Aug. 13, 1837.
Ebenezer, and Rebeckah Presston, Apr. 1, 1755.
Ebenezer, and Abigail Cutler of Beverly, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
Eunice, and Nathaniel Webb, int. Dec. 14, 1787.
Frederick, and Mary Hutchinson, Apr. 13, 1828.
Hannah, and Timothy Fuller, 3d, Nov. 13, 1831. [Nov. 12, dup.].
Jeremiah, and Mrs. Mehitable Dale, Sept. 18, 1811.
John, and Elizabeth Demsey, Apr. 10, 1834.
John, and Mary Ross, 2d w., May 8, 1839.
Joseph, and Phebe Martin Of Andover, July 16, 1795.
Lucy, and William Whitford of Middleton, Oct. 28, 1798.
Lydia, and John Lamon of Middleton, Jan. 20, 1789.
Lydia, and John Huse, Sept. 13, 1827.
Maria, and Washington Berry of Concord, N.H., Apr. 30, 1822.
Martha, and Butler Abbot of Portsmouth, N.H., June 5, 1805.
Mary, Mrs., and David R. Howard, Oct. 23, 1836.
Mehitable, Mrs., and Jeremiah Dale, Sept. 18, 1811.
Phillip, jr., and Mary Peabody, Aug. 22, 1820.
Ruth, and John Chickering of Pembroke, N.H., Feb. 24, 1784.
DALEY (see also Dailey)
John, and Ellen Buckley, int. Aug. 24, 1849.
Hannah, Mrs., of Salem, and John Eadee, Jan. 7, 1777.
John C., of Salem, and Mary E. Gould, Nov. 18, 1843.
Mary M., and Andrew Porter, May 13, 1839.
Jason H., of Boston, and Elizabeth R. Fuller, int. June 8, 1848.
Lucinda C., of Salem, and Ariel Low, int. Dec. 21, 1832.
William, of Wenham, and Emeline Wilkins, int. Sept. 6, 1844.
Edmund, of Reading, and Mrs. Polly Sheldon, Feb. 15, 1816.
Franklin A., of Reading, and Elizabeth Brown, Oct. 2, 1842.
John, jr., of Reading, and Tabitha Smith, Sept. 16, 1817.
Samuel T., and Hannah B. Hill of Salem, int. June 14, 1844.
Francis, and Zeviah Brown of Hamilton, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Wellman. of Salem, Jan. 12, 1777.
Joseph, of Andover, and Mrs. Ede Flint, Apr. 13, 1784.
Aaron Flint, and Hannah Page Stanley [of Salem. int.], at Beverly, Mar. 5, 1843.
Hannah E., and Benjamin W. Perry, May 18, 1842.
Jonathan, of Hillsboro, and Elizabeth Twiss, jr., Nov. 9, 1797.
Joseph, and Lydia Flint, Dec. 19, 1812. [Nov. 19. dup.]
Joseph, and Phoebe W. Russell, Apr. 5, 1842.
DANIELS (see also Dannel)
Betsey, Mrs., and Jonathan Howard of Salem, Jan. 30, 1810. [Jan. 29, 1809. dup.].
David, and Elizabeth Shillaber, Dec. 6, 1786.
David, jr., and Martha Poor, June 5, 1817.
David, jr., and Eunice Safford, 2d w. [of Kennebunk, Me. int.], at Kennebunk, Me., June 26, 1837. (should be 1827.) [1827. int.]
Ebenezer S., and Abigail Ann Thurstion, June 4, 1838. [Apr. 8. dup.].
Eliza R., and. J. Hardy Millet, May 21, 1840. C.R.4.
George Poor, and Mary Loring, Nov. 12, 1846.
James, and Elizabeth Lefavour of Salem, int. Nov. 9, 1822.
Joshua, "a foreigner" [of Beverly. dup.], and wid. Hepzibah Putney, (née Larrebee), May 25, 1807.
Maria Augusta, and Rev. Thomas Power Field, Jan. 11, 1844.
Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Lewis, both of Marblehead, Feb. 19, 1788.
Nabby S., and Capt. Samuel Symonds, Feb. 10, 1820.
Robert S., Capt., and Lydia Abbot of Salem, Apr. 22, 1819.
Sally, and Caleb L. Frost, Nov. 11, 1819.
Thorndike Asa, and Sarah Wilkins Frye [of Andover. int.], at Andover, Sept. 20, 1832.
Washington P., and Lydia Daland, int. June 7, 1839.
DANNEL (see also Daniels)
Bridget, and Lawrence Fox, abt. ----, 1844.
DARBY (see also Derby)
Hannah, and Robert Shillaber, jr., Aug. 3, 1779.
Samuel, and Hannah Cook, Dec. ----, 1753.
DAVIDSON (see also Davison)
Ann, and William Brown, at Lynnfield, June 3, 1825.
Asher Austin, and Sarah Ann McVewell, at Sunbury, O., May 1, 1830.
Asher Austin, and Jane M. Cushing, 2d w., at Westfield, O., Dec. 4, 1838.
Betsey, and Edward Upton, at Woburn, Oct. 12, 1815.
Charles, of Cincinnati, O., and Mary Ann Porter, Sept. 25, 1842.
Cyrus K., and Sarah Ann Bickford, at Bangor, Me., Oct. 25, 1843.
Daniel R., and Elizabeth Ann Newhall, June 30, 1846.
David, of Salem, and Sally Putnam, Aug. 24, 1809.
Ebenezer, and Sarah Hartman Todd, at Lynn, Sept 15, 1836.
Ellen M., of Boston, and Cyrus Hobbs, int. July 10, 1841.
Elzaphan P., and Eliza C. Town, at Roxbury, N.H., Nov. 15, 1849.
Ephraim, and Mrs. Elizabeth Choat of Ipswich, July 3, 1770.
Harriet Newhall, and Benjamin Rowell, at Chester, N.H., Oct. 20, 1834.
Huldah L., and Salvador Ferren, Apr. 3, 1838.
Joseph N. and Lydia Russell, Dec. 25, 1828.
Joseph Newhall, and Hannah Hunt, 2d w., Sept. 26, 1833.
Joseph W., and Elizabeth B. Kendall of Amherst, N.H., int. Jan. 11, 1845.
Lowell, and Sarah Abigail Smith, at Kennebunkport, Dec. 10, 1839.
Lucinda, and Benjamin Tyler Hyde, at Ossipee, N.H., Feb. 6, 1834.
Mark Hill, and Hannah Gibbons, at Lynn, Nov. 7, 1835.
Martin, of Sterling, and Mary D. Crane, int. Oct. 25, 1843.
Mary, and David Putnam, jr., Jan. 6 [Jan. 7. dup.], 1814.
Mary, and Ivory Shackley, July 20, 1820.
Mary Ann, and Samuel Gowing at Lynnfield, Apr. 10, 1813.
Nathaniel, and Polly Newman of Lynn, int. Feb. 9, 1793.
Nathaniel, and Bethiah Newhall, Apr. 10, 1800.
Nathaniel, jr., and Anna Fields, Jan. 4, 1816.
Rebecah, and Robert B. Perkins, Oct, 7, 1824.
Rebecca, Mrs., of Beverly, and John Laundera, a resident in Beverly, Sept. 5, 1784.
Sarah, of Reading, and Doss Freeman, Nov. 14, 1788.
DAVISON (see also Davidson)
Ann, of Stow, and William Brown, int. Apr. 28, 1825.
Robert, and Honora Querk, b. Ireland, at Halifax, N.S., Jan. 12, 1835.
James, of Thomaston, and Mehitable Sinkler, int. Sept. 30, 1786.
James, of Boston, and Rachel Hubbert, Apr. 15, 1784.
Jane Andrews, 2d w., and William Goodridge, at Salem, July 3, 1845.
Mary, resident in Danvers, and William Crispin of Salem, Aug. 29, 1782.
Daniel, of Salem, and Mary Southwick, int. Aug. 21, 1778.
Dorcas, of Salem, and James Foster, int. Dec. 18, 1819.
Isaac, and Susan Clough of Salem, May 21, 1773.
John, and Harriet W. Hildreth of Haverhill, int. May 12, 1821.
Jonathan, and Mary Silver, at Salem, ----, 1789.
Joshua, and Nancy Gowan, both of Salem, Jan. 14, 1835.
Mary, and James Southwick, Apr. 25, 1787.
Mary, and Josiah Walton of Andover, Sept. 12, 1820.
Mary S., of Salem, and Joseph Moore, int. May 16, 1849.
Robert, jr., and Mary Mackitothee, Nov. 3, 1768.
William, of Salem, and Mary Pope, Dec. 14, 1756. [Nov. 11, 1758. int.]
DEALAND (see also Deland)
Benjamin, and [Mrs. int.] Lydia Hamscom, Apr. 26, 1789.
Hannah, and Samuel Reaves of Salem, May 31, 1771.
Huldah, and Thomas Martin of Salem, int. Jan. 23, 1841.
Angeline P., and Edson E. Colby of Corinth, Vt., Mar. 2, 1842.
Charles A., of Corinth, Vt., and Mary Dickson, Dec. 1, 1836.
Harriet N., and Samuel McCrillis, Nov. 17, 1842.
Henry Caldwell, and Mary Ann Carey [of Beverly. int.], at Beverly, Oct. 22, 1844. [Sept. 27, 1845. int.]
Lorenzo, and Mary Ann Whitcomb, at Troy, Vt., Feb. 18, 1840.
DELAND (see also Daland, Dealand)
Benjamin, jr., and Mary Hayward, Apr. 2, 1772.
Hannah, and Samuel Peters of Salem, June 6, 1793.
John, of Salem, and Hannah Shillaber, Dec. 5, 1765.
Joseph, and Mrs. Sally Ross, int. June 5, 1830.
Mary, and John Mackintire, Nov. 20, 1777.
Mary, and Asa R. Baldwin of Cambridge, Aug. 11, 1833.
Cornelius, and Ruthy Gilford, int. Jan. 26, 1806.
Emily P., and Asa T. Richards, Sept. 2, 1839.
James Madison [Derritt. dup.], and Mrs. Maria Caldwell, 2d w., Dec. 24, 1843.
James M., and Harriet Galeucia, Feb. 16, 1832.
Sarah Ann, and Hiram Plummer [of Lee, N.H. int.], at Dover, N.H., Nov. 23, 1840.
DEMPSEY (see also Demsey)
Abigail, and William Nicholes of Londonderry, N.H., Jan. 23, 1781.
Elizabeth, and John Dale, Apr. 10, 1834.
Elize, and Asa Swinerton, Oct. 24, 1769.
Isaac, and Hannah Wyman, b. Woburn, Mar. 20, 1796.
Isaac, jr., and Mary Williams, May 18, 1819.
Jacob, and Clementina Smith, Apr. 16, 1823.
Jacob, and Sally Putnam [of Nottingham West, N.H. int.], 2d w., at Hudson, N.H., Apr. 27, 1825.
Mary, and Joseph Verry, 3d, Mar. 26, 1811.
DEMPSY (see also Demsey)
Isaac, and Hannah Henfield, Mar. 25, 1762.
DEMSEY (see also Dempsey, Dempsy)
Bartholomew, and Mary Britton, June 21, 1791. [June 25. int.]
John, and Elizabeth Long, in Ireland, May 7, 1836.
Sally Hutchinson, and Joseph Morrison, Mar. 5, 1840.
George, and Phebe Smith [Mrs. Phebe P. Hanes. int.], Apr. 27, 1829.
DENNIS (see also Denniss)
Charlotte, and Peter Gilman Folsom, Nov. 10, 1827. [Nov. 19. dup.]
Eliza, and Benjamin Tapley, Nov. 8, 1830.
Hannah, and Samuel Fisk, Aug. 11, 1814.
Lewis, and Jane Brias, int. Jan. 27, 1753.
Mary [of Salem. int.], and John Cary, at Salem, ----, 1826. [Nov. 18. int.]
Thomas, and Ellen Thomas, at Lynn, May 10, 1839.
DENNISS (see also Dennis)
Lewis, and Anna Nichols, Nov. 6, 1754.
DERBY (see also Darby)
Abby, of Salem, and Albert A. Gould, Oct. 14, 1847.
Charles, and Nancy Pulling, at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1820.
Eliza Ann, and Edmund Hayward, at Hopkinton, Oct. 9, 1844.
Hannah, of Salem, and Michael Atkinson, Sept. 15, 1773.
Hannah, and Samuel Bright of Boston, Nov. 20, 1801.
Jernima, and Ferdinand Champion of Middleton, Jan. 22, 1849.
Lucretia, and Samuel White, jr., Nov. 30, 1784.
Lucy, Mrs., of Beverly, and Hon. Benjamin Greenleaf, Esq. of Newburyport, Jan. 22, 1784.
Sarah, and Joseph Aborn [of Salem. int.], Dec. ----, 1753.
Bridget, and Dennis Loftus, abt. 1841.
Peter, and Jane Graham, in Ireland, Aug. 28, 1842.
Conrad, and Ellen B. [P. int.] Bisbee, Feb. 26, 1845. [Mar. 5, 1844. dup.]
Samuel, of Marblehead, and Abigail Fitts, Oct. 14, 1801.
Amelia, of Essex, and Philip R. Southwick, int. Dec. 10, 1831.
John, and Judith W. Sawyer, at Gloucester, Apr. 10, 1798.
John, and Sarah Hooper of Gloucester, at Manchester, Jan. ----, 1815.
John, and Eliza Elwell, at Gloucester, June 27, 1818.
John, jr., and Caroline Dean Choate, at Essex, Mar. 9, 1833.
John, and Mrs. Mahala L. Byer [of Manchester. int.], ----, 1844. [Sept. 14. int.].
