Vital Records Of Danvers Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Volume 1 Births, Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1909
Newcomb & Gauss, Printers Salem, Massachusetts
Marriages - ABBOT to BYER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

ABBOT (see also Abbott)
Abigail, and Levi Preston, Jr., Dec. 29, 1825.
Albert, and Mary E. Bruce, Apr. 28, 1840.
Betsey, and Joseph P. Foy, Jan. 1, 1842.
Butler, of Portsmouth, N.H., and Martha Dale, June 5, 1805.
Butler, of Newburyport, and Harriet Byson Willson, May 1, 1816.
Clarissa, of Andover, and Ebenezer Poor, at Andover, Feb. 1, 1825.
Deborah, of Andover, and Jonathan Fisk, Sept. 18, 1766.
George, and Betsey Goldthwait, Dec. 11, 1817. [Dec. 12. dup.]
John, and Lydia Carriage, at Lynn, Dec. ----, 1815.
John, and Anna Larrabee, 2d w., at Lynn, Oct. 20, 1822.
John M., and Polly Proctor, Mar. 25, 1800.
John M., and Mrs. Mary Gould [2d w. dup.], Oct. 29, 1818.
John M., of Salem, and Lucy Spaulding, int. Feb. 26, 1825.
Lydia, of Salem, and Capt. Robert S. Daniels, Apr. 22, 1819.
Nathaniel, and Phebe Towns of Andover, int. Apr. 19, 1783.
Nathaniel, and Betsey M. Newhall, Dec. 25, 1841.
Sally, of Salem, and Nathan Parsons [Pearson. int.], Oct. 8, 1815.
Sarah, of Salem, and Capt. David Putnam, July 25, 1805.
Sophronia, and Asa Bushby, at Billerica, Dec. 26, 1819.
William, and Sarah A. Woodman, at Manchester, N.H., May 31, 1849.
ABBOTT (see also Abbot)
Alfred A., Esq., and Helen L. Sutton of Salem, int. Nov. 29, 1848.
Benjamin, and Elizabeth Very, both of Salem, Oct. 13, 1840.
Dorcas, and Joseph Chandler, Nov. 12, 1781. [1780. dup.]
Eliza, and Job C. Messer, Aug. 19, 1846.
Elizabeth J. [of Andover. int.], and Eben G. Berry, at Andover, Sept. 12, 1831.
Elvah, and Mrs. Rebecca Weeks of Rockport, int. Apr. 5, 1849.
George, and Priscilla Maning of Salem, Mar. 12, 1772.
John, jr., and Joanna S. Graves, Apr. 20, 1845.
Lois S., and James R. Eastman, int. June 8, 1849.
Lydia Ann, and Thomas Ward Carr, May 15, 1842.
Martha Frye, and Joseph W. Tufts, May 10, 1831.
Mary, and Henry Bushby, Feb. 24, 1830.
Nathan, and Margaret Willson, May 22, 1785.
Nathaniel, and Eunice A. Center, Dec. 22, 1835.
Sally, and Franklin Butters of Tewksbury, June 9, 1841.
Samuel Cummings, and Louisa Symonds Carey, Nov. 11, 1840.
Sarah, of Andover, and Joseph Stephens, July 7, 1772.
ABORN (see also Aborne)
Aaron, of Lynn, and Phebe Pope, Dec. 31, 1779.
Clarissa, and Thomas Bancroft, at Lynnfield, June 1, 1815.
Ebenezer, and Mehetable Larabee of Lynnfield, int. Dec. 20, 1783.
John S., and Sarah Southwick, July 29, 1821.
John S., and Harriet Spinney, both of Lynnfield, Nov. 21, 1829.
Joseph [of Salem. int.], and Sarah Derby, Dec. ----, 1753.
Joseph, and Sarah Silver, July 17, 1777.
Joseph, and Sarah [S. int.] Pettingall, Jan. 3, 1833.
Lavina, Mrs., and Ephraim Wiley of Lynnfield, Apr. 27, 1806.
Lidia, and Samuel Reed [of Marblehead. int.], Mar. 19, 1761.
Lydia, and Jonathan Shaw, at Lynn, Mar. 20, 1834.
Mary, of Salem, and Robert Stone, Dec. 20, 1752.
Mary, wid., and Robert Hayward of Reading, int. July 1, 1757.
Moses, and Mary Tarbox of Lynn, int. Mar. 7, 1752.
Moses, and Lavina Gilbert, Oct. 30, 1800.
Samuel, of Salem, and Sarah Bell, June 27, 1772.
Samuel, of Lynnfield, and Molly Flint, int. Mar. 6, 1788.
Sarah, Mrs., of Salem, and Thorndike Proctor, Jan. 24, 1771.
Susan Hannah [of Lynn. int.], and Peter Rhodes, at Lynn, Oct. ----, 1834.
William, and Lucinda Southwick, at Lynnfield, Apr. 5, 1827.
ABORNE (see also Aborn)
Ebenezer, jr., of Lynn, and Mary Goodale, Nov. 9, 1752.
Joseph, and Rebecca Trask, Nov. 11, 1806.
Ann, of Marblehead, and Benjamin Watkins, Nov. 30, 1777.
Elizabeth, and Edward McKeag, in Ireland, ---- 11, 1846.
Charles, of Salem, and Mary Lank, int. July 9, 1846.
Charles, of Brookfield, and Frances M. Hood, int. Apt. 3, 1848.
Elizabeth Ripley [of Andover. int.], and Rev. George Cowles, at Andover, July 13, 1828.
Harriet N., and Healey Morse, June 4, 1840.
Israel, and Harriet Putnam, Dec. 24, 1821.
John Quincy, of Salem, a. 22 y., s. Joshua and Abigail, and Patience Roberts of Salem, a. 27 y., d. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1848.
Joseph, and Polly Webb, int. Mar. 21, 1795.
Lydia, of Londonderry, N.H., and Sylvanus B. Swan, int. May 2, 1846.
Nancy, and Nathan Porter, both of Beverly, Aug. 8, 1784.
Otis F., and Susan E. Wilson, int. Sept. 29, 1848.
Polly, of Bradford, and Aaron Clark, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
AHERN, see Hearan.
ALCOTT, see Olcott.
Albert, and Martha Lamson, at Stonington, Ct., June 4, 1847.
Edward, and Sarah Elizabeth Dudley, int. Dec. 27, 1849.
Elice, of Lebanon, N.H., and Oliver Earle, int. Jan. 13, 1810.
Hiram B., and Ellen A. Jones, at Salem, Apr. 3, 1849.
James Moulton, and Mary Abbott Libby, 2d w. [bef. 1840.]
James Moulton, and Maria Burnham, 3d w., at Essex, Nov. 25, 1846.
John, and Sally Hunt of Westford, int. Aug. 4, 1821.
John A., of Salem, and Sarah A. Jewett, Oct. 9, 1845.
Laura M., of Beverly, and Samuel Clements, int. Sept. 4. 1835.
Lewis [of Salem. dup.], and Nabby Kent Hooper, June 9, 1817. [1816. dup.]
Lewis, and Eunice B. Emerson, 2d w., Jan. 2, 1843.
Lydia, and William Jewett of Salem, June 28, 1846.
Mary, and John Bagley, at Plaistow, N.H., Mar. 22, 1806.
Otis, and Caroline Becket of Salem, Oct. 10, 1824.
Silas C., and Mary Irene Draper of Salem, int. Nov. 28, 1846.
Solomon, of Lynn, and Bethiah Hayward, int. Mar. 17, 1792.
William, and Susan Jane Reed, June 14, 1836.
Catherine, of Wenham, and James Worster, Apr. 15, 1827.
Drusilla, and Calvin Stevens, at Newton, May 16, 1833.
Harriet Wells [of North Reading. int.], and James Black, at Reading, Nov. 15, 1830.
M., of East Lexington, and George D. Marsh of Boston, at East Lexington, Apr. 3, 1841. C.R.5.
William, and Ellen Donehue, at Thompsonville, Nov. 7, 1843.
ANDREW (see also Andrews)
Apphia, and Benjamin Perly of Boxford, int. Aug. 14, 1773.
Daniel, and Sarah Putnam, July 7, 1755.
Elisabeth, and Edmond Heard of Worcester, June 1, 1772.
Eunice, and Elias Endicott, Nov. 26, 1754.
Ginger, and Josiah Herrick of Wenham, Dec. 16, 1756.
Israel, and Sally Gould of Salem, Apr. 28, 1807.
Israel W., and Eliza Jane Tapley, int. Jan. 31, 1846.
John, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Price, Nov. 29, 1763.
John H. [Capt. int.], of Salem, and Nancy Page, Mar. 11, 1804.
Mary, and Thomas Price of Boston, Dec. 21, 1752.
Mary L., and Charles Pierce of Marblehead, int. May 1, 1830.
Mehitabel, and Job Holt, May 3, 1762.
Samuel, and Mary Dodge, of Beverly, Mar. 3, 1763.
Sarah, wid., and Capt. Henry Ingols of Andover, May 18, 1757.
Sarah, wid., and Jonathan Putnam, July 16, 1761.
Thomas, and Anna Endicot, Dec. 1, 1761.
Thomas, jr., and Mary Foster, Mar. 7, 1771.
Winthrop, and Sarah Dodge Whittredge, Jan. 28, 1829. [1839. int.]
ANDREWS (see also Andrew)
Anna, of Boxford, and Seth Saltmarsh, int. Sept. 17, 1803.
Eliza, and Thomas Webb, at Salem, Feb. 11, 1830.
Israel Warren, and Eliza Jane Tapley, at Chelsea, Feb. 17, 1846.
James B., and Clarissa Varney, Nov. 5, 1837.
John, and Mary Meany, at Salem, Nov. ----, 1849.
Lucy, of Beverly, and Daniel King, jr., at Salem, Sept. 27, 1835.
Lucy J., and Thomas B. Perkins of Lynn, int. June 24, 1840.
Olivia, and George Wilson, Dec. 17, 1822.
Ruth, and Joseph Goldthwaite, Aug. 9, 1829.
Sally, and William Goldthwait, jr., at Salem, Aug. 3, 1820.
Sophia, and James G. Phelps, Dec. 5, 1832.
Edward, and Honora O'Callaghan, int. May 26, 1849.
Almira L., and Jacob S. Berry, at Hamilton, Aug. 2, 1841.
Benjamin, of Salem, and Mary Upton, Oct. 13, 1799.
Joseph Erskine, and Harriet Margaret Wilkins, at Lynn, Dec. 13, 1847. [1848. dup.]
Mary, and Manuel Nones, int. Feb. 19, 1840.
Frank P., Rev., and Harriet W. Hodges, at Dorchester, Apr. 6, 1846.
Elizabeth N., of Beverly, and Andrew Curtis, Apr. 3, 1839.
Frances S., of Beverly, and John S. Lamon, Mar. 19, 1843.
Mary, of Salem, and Daniel Reed, jr., int. Jan. 3, 1795.
Nathaniel, and Joannah Burnham of Essex, Dec. 31, 1829.
ARINGTON (see also Arrington)
Hannah H., of Salem, and John Dodge, Dec. 20, 1825.
Solomon, and Mrs. Sally Page, May 20, 1810.
James, Lt., of the U. S. N., and Hannah Crowninshield, int. Mar. 13, 1819.
John Maze, and Mercy Prentiss Gibson, at Roxbury, Jan. 9, 1834.
ARRINGTON (see also, Arington)
Mary, of Salem, and Jonathan W. Osborn, Mar. 4, 1828.
Elizabeth, b. Marblehead, and Joshua Putnam, int. Nov. 18, 1820.
Emily M., of Salem, and Nehemiah B. Case, int. Mar. 21, 1848.
Jonathan, and Sally Fitz, at Salem, abt. 1792.
Jonathan, and Polly Russell, 2d w., at Marblehead, ----, 1808.
Jonathan [of Marblehead. int.], and Mrs. Sarah (Skidmore) Walker, 3d w., at Marblehead, Aug. ----, 1825. [1826. int.].
Josephus, and Sarah S. Saunders, int. Sept. 30, 1846.
Benjamin, of Marblehead, and Mehitable Ulmer, July 2, 1776.
Elisabeth, and George Southwick, jr., int. June 27, 1782.
Mary, Mrs., of Marblehead, and David Foster, Nov. 2, 1806.
Mehitabel, and Capt. Joshua Traftin of York, int. Apr. 11, 1778.
Rebeccah, and Aaron Nurse of Lynnfield, Apr. 4, 1787.
Rebekah, and Henry Gardner, int. June 29, 1781.
Sarah, and George G. Smith, May ----, 1780. [May 3, 1781. int.]
John, and Mary Fernald, both b. Ireland, ---- ----.
Mary Davis, and Henry Putnam Webber, at Gloucester, June 11, 1824.
Michael, and Hannah Derby of Salem, Sept. 15, 1773.
Mary W., of Salem, and Thomas Melzard, int. Apr. 6, 1822.
Calvin B., and Susan Tufts, at Manchester, N.H., Oct. 10, 1840.
Eleazer, of Salem, and Mary Brown, Oct. 8, 1772.
John M., Rev., and Sarah Ann Somandyke, at New York City, Oct. 4, 1828.
Mary, and Joseph F. Walden, at Salem, Nov. 25, 1841.
Nathaniel, and Mrs. Elizabeth Welch, Oct. 24, 1841.
AVERAL (see also Averill)
Ebenezer, jr., of Amherst, N.H., and Anna Johnson, Oct. 3, 1775.
AVERELL (see also Averill)
Nathaniell P., and Sarah Shelden, June 6, 1819.
Stephen P., and Annah Moore of Topsfield, Dec. 13, 1818.
AVERILL (see also Averal, Averell)
Albert A., and Hannah M. Walton, Sept. 15, 1839.
Edward P., of Middleton, a. 28 y., trader, b. Middleton, s. Benjamin, and Levina K. Perkins of Middleton, a. 20 y., b. Andover, d. William, Dec. 26, 1849.
Elisabeth, and John Nichols of Middleton, int. Dec. 20, 1765.
Eliza [of Alna, Me. int.], and Hezekiah Woodbury, at Alna, Me., Sept. 26, 1828.
Hannah, and Simon F. Estey, both of Middleton, Mar. 13, 1832.
Keziah, of Middleton, and Jonathan Whipple, int. May 4, 1754.
Martha J. [of New Boston, N.H. int.], 2d w., and Marshal Skinner, at N[ew] Boston, N.H., Apr. 10, 1829.
Sarah Ann, and John Day Skinner, at Thompson, Conn., Dec. 2, 1847.
Susan, of Middleton, and Ebenezer Nichols of Reading, at Middleton, Jan. 11, 1816.
J. Humphrey, Rev., and Harriet Gray Whitmore, at Plymouth, Oct. 10, 1839.
AYER (see also Ayers)
Hazen, and Syrena Dustin, Nov. 29, 1832.
James, and Dorcas Clough, at Bradford, N.H., Mar. 4, 1829.
AYERS (see also Ayer)
Samuel N., of Boxford, and Lucy P. Fuller, int. Dec. 30, 1845.
Sarah, and Thomas Perkins of Arundel, June 6, 1754.
BACHELLOR (see also Batchelder)
Jeremiah, of Lynn, and Hannah L. Newhall, int. Aug. 6, 1840.
Charles D., and Emily Lambert, both of Boston, Oct. 17, 1837.
Samuel, and Rebecca Selden, Mar. 23, 1775.
Tilston, of Cambridge, and Nancy McIntire, Apr. 1, 1824.
Abiah Ann, of Salem, and Langdon Beard, int. May 17, 1828.
Bartholomew Smith, and Abba Lowd, Sept. 5, 1839.
Eliphalet, of Lyndeboro, N.H., and Huldah Smith, Feb. 21, 1796.
George W., and Abigail S. Spiller, b. Rowley, Dec. ----, 1839. [Dec. 21, 1829. dup.].
Irene, and Abijah Hutchinson, Mar. 18, 1800.
Mary, and Elisha Waldran, Apr. 7, 1833.
Robert, of Lyndeboro, N.H., and Hannah Taller, May 27, 1762.
Almond Fisk, and Louisa Nason, Mar. 13, 1843.
John, and Mary Allen, at Plaistow, N.H., Mar. 22, 1806.
John [jr. int.], and Judith Ann Stone, at Salem, Dec. 30, 1845.
Mary O[sgood. dup.], a. 31 y., d. John, and Samuel S[eammond. dup.] Stevens. a. 30 y., farmer, s. Moses S., Apr. 23, 1845.
Sarah W[hittier Bailey dup.], and Samuel Swett of Marblehead, Apr. 12, 1841.
Elisabeth, of Salem, and John Masury, July 26, 1775.
BAILEY (see also Bayley)
Amanda, and Henry Nutter, at Beverly, Oct. 3, 1833.
Ann, and Benjamin Potter, at Middleton, Nov. 23, 1817.
Caroline, and Joseph Very, at Salem, Oct. 5, 1832.
David, and Almira Pickett, at Georgetown, Apr. 4, 1838.
Sarah Whittier, see Bagley, Sarah Whittier.
Daniel B., and Sarah A. Putnam, Dec. 31, 1848.
Elisabeth, and Stephen Felton, int. Jan. 22, 1767.
Francis, and Susan P. Jacobs, Apr. 26, 1838.
Hannah, of Beverly, and Ebenezer Hutchinson [jr. int.], Nov. 30, 1762.
Hitty, of Wenham, and John Fairfield of New Boston, N.H., Dec. 9, 1799.
John, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton, Mar. 12, 1835.
John K., and Mrs. Mary Ann Nimblet, both of Salem, NOV. 28, 1841.
Joseph L., and Ellen Elizabeth Cross, at Haverhill, July 4, 1848.
Marietta, of Salem, and Ira C. Burnham of Lynn, Jan. 30, 1834. C.R.4.
Mary, Mrs., of Salem, and Isaiah Gauly, int. Oct. 14, 1832.
Mary, of Manchester, N.H., and Charles Pearsons of York, Me., at Salem, July 2, 1837.
Sally, of Salem, and Jeremiah Peasley, Dec. 23, 1832. [Dec. 22. dup.]
Samuel O., and Mary Smith of Salem, int. Dec. 24, 1825.
Sarah [of Newburyport int.], and Richard Loring, at Newburyport, Aug. 2, 1818.
Simeon, of Boston, and Betty Wiat, Apr. 17, 1783.
Caleb [of Beverly. int.], and Mary Felton, Nov. 20, 1753.
Eliza, of New Boston, N.H., and Ezekiel Peasley, int. May 1, 1824.
Hannah, and George W. Hazeltine of Salem, Mar. 14, 1837.
Julia A[nn. int.], and Ayers Worth, jr., Jan. 22, 1835.
Polly, and Isaac Winchester, at Francistown, N.H., Aug. ----, 1798.
William, Rev., of Salisbury, and Polly Wadsworth, Oct. 31, 1805.
Asa R., of Cambridge, and Mary Deland, Aug. 11, 1833.
Ruhannah D., of Salem, a. 22 y., d. Thomas D., and Mark U. Merrow of Salem, a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Ezekiel, Dec. 31, 1846.
Thomas D., and Lydia S. Rhodes, Oct. 12, 1823.
BANCRAFT (see also Bancroft)
Jonathan, and Phebe Lawrence of Groton, int. Sept. 4, 1756.
BANCROFT (see also Bancraft)
Abigail, and Zachariah Goodridge, at Lynn, Nov. 24, 1836.
Alpheus W[oodbury. dup.], and Charity Galeucia of Salem, Mar. 1, 1832.
Ebenezer, and Phebe McIntire, June 17, 1812. [1811. dup.]
Elizabeth, and Jeremiah Richardson, July 19, 1833.
George W., and Jane T. Osborne, Feb. 2, 1840.
George Washington, and Sarah Needham, Sept. 7, 1843.
Hannah, of Salem, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin H. and Hannah, and John Bond of Salem, a. 22 y., currier, s. John C. and Mary, Jan. 1, 1845.
James, and Hannah Bond, at Ipswich, Dec. 13, 1847.
Lydia, of Lynn, and Benjamin Wilson, int. Oct. 12, 1759.
Lydia B., and John P. Whiton of Cambridge, June 9, 1846.
Malinda, and Andrew Woodbury Gray, Dec. 22, 1842.
Nathaniel, of Lynnfield, and Zebiah Russell, Nov. 28, 1797.
Rachel, and John Hawkes of Reading, Jan. 9, 1777.
Thomas, and Clarissa Aborn, at Lynnfield, June 1, 1815.
Timothy, of Dunstable, and Mary Mansfeild, Nov. 6, 1755.
Jeremiah, and Anna Dove, Aug. 1, 1781.
Grace, of Marblehead, and John Brimbleton, Oct. 6, 1762.
Dilla, and Cato Ranson, Aug. 31, 1780.
Abagail [of Salem. int.], and Thomas Buxton, at Salem, Jan. 23, 1826.
Charles, and Betsey Wilson, May 1, 1825. [May 2. dup.]
Hannah, of Andover, and Jonas Stevens, int. Oct. 31, 1812.
Henry, of Andover, and Lois S. Patee, int. July 22, 1826.
Jeremiah, and Clarissa Chandler, Feb. 23, 1830.
Lydia B., and Francis L. Farrington, both of Salem, June 12, 1849.
Polly, 2d w., b. Marblehead, and Benjamin Goodridge, int. Apr. 5, 1819.
Betsey, 2d w., and Joseph Dwinnells, at Goffstown, N.H., May 2, 1822.
Clarissa A[nn. dup.], wid., of Salem, a. 26 y., d. Timothy Walton of Salem, and William S[aunderson. dup.] Tullock, a. 40 y., accountant, s. William [at Salem. dup.], Nov. 15, 1846.
Jonathan, of Sutton, and Abigail Goold, Apr. 10, 1760.
Joshua G., and Clarissa A. Walton of Salem, Apr. 8, 1838.
Willis, and Susan Southwick, Nov. 22, 1831.
BARNES (see also Barns)
John, resident in Danvers, and Apphia Porter, Mar. 9, 1824. [Mar. 7. dup.]
Michael, and Hannah Leach, at Salem, Oct. 12, 1845.
Nathan, of Reading, and Julia Ann Jeffery of Salem, Dec. 3, 1835.
Nelley, and Thomas Barrett, in Ireland [abt. 1830.].
Sophia, and Jacob Goodale, Aug. 5, 1834.
BARNS (see also Barnes)
Nancy, and James Thompson of Salem, int. Aug. 14, 1819.
John S[ymonds. dup.], and Mary F[lagg. dup.] Gile of Northfield, N.H., May 14, 1845. [1848. dup.]
BARRET (see also Barrett)
Hannah, and David Keffee, in Ireland, Jan. 20, 1838.
BARRETT (see also Barret)
Dorcas, of Malden, and Joseph Newhall, Sept. 3, 1767.
Elizabeth P., and Edward B. Perkins of Salem, Oct. 24, 1837.
Hannah Osborn, and Daniel Stone, jr., Sept. 21, 1845.
Jonathan, and Gertrude Pope, Dec. 26, 1822.
Joseph, jr., and Mary Winn, Oct. 23, 1803. [Oct. 3. dup.]
Mary, and Walter Lovejoy of Lowell, int. Jan. 29, 1831.
Mary, and Michael Larry [bef. 1849.].
Phebe, of Malden, and Joseph Porter, Feb. 2, 1767.
Thomas, and Nelley Barnes, in Ireland [abt. 1830.].
BARREY (see also Berry)
Michael Henry, and Eliza Celia Safford Newport, at Boston, Nov. 2, 1843.
BARRY (see also Berry)
Ann, and Charles Chaplin, int. May 6, 1836.
Mary, and Charles Norris of Newburyport, Sept. 16, 1809.
John C., and Lydia Lucretia Moore [Mace. dup.], Oct. 9, 1831.
Dorcas B., and Malachi Haynes, May 8, 1845.
Lucy Buswell, and Josiah Worcester Parker, at West Newbury, Apr. 10, 1842.
James H., and Marinda P. Bursiel, at Lowell, Dec. 28, 1837.
Nancy Whitman, and Lyman Dana Hutchins, at Lowell, Mar. 5, 1839.
Philander Randolph, and Martha Ann Symonds, at Salem, Mar. 31, 1843. [1844. int.].
Richard Davenport, and Sarah Jane Chipman, in Virginia, Dec. 27, 1843.
Clara H. [of Salem. int.], and Joseph Gray, jr., at Salem, June 30, 1847.
Lydia Ann, and William Dodge, at Salem, Sept. 30, 1846.
BATCHELDER (see also Bachellor, Batcheldor, Batchellor)
Abigail, and Jonathan Peirce, June 7, 1792.
Abigail P., and William Bishop Henderson, Sept. 3, 1836. [Sept. 1, 1835. dup.]
Adeline [d. Henry, of Lynn. P.R.1.], and Joseph Newhall, 3d, Aug. 13, 1816.
Almira Putnam, and Frederic Perley, Dec. 4, 1826. [Dec. 2. dup.]
Andrew, and Ruthy Putnam, Feb. 18, 1802.
Andrew, and Sally Felton, 2d w., at Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1807. [Jan. 17. P.R.74.]
Andrew Putnam, and Bethiah Lee, at Manchester, Aug. 2, 1828. [1829. int.; Apr. 2. P.R.74.]
Ann Porter [of Salem. int.], and Charles Wheeler Wilson, July 22, 1830.
Augustus, and Esther Carr, at Newbury, Sept. 15, 1836.
Betsey, of Beverly, and Israel Smith, jr., int. Aug. 22, 1795.
Cornelius, and Hannah Conant of Beverly, May 12, 1789.
Eliza Cogswell, and Ira Preston Pope, Dec. 24, 1846.
Elizabeth, and Isaac Rimerick Hanson, Dec. 29, 1830. [Dec. 28. dup.]
Elizabeth B., and Nathan Cross, jr., May 7, 1828.
Elizabeth S., and Solomon Emerson, at Salem, Nov. 28, 1820.
Emeline, and Hezekiah Chase, jr. [of Lynn. int.], Jan. 31, 1847.
Ezra, and wid. Mary Ober, of Beverly, Mar. 15, 1763.
Ezra [jr. int.], and Anna Brown of Andover, Dec. 17, 1795.
Franklin, and Love Dodge, at Salem, Sept. 27, 1826. [1827. int.]
George Osgood, and Elizabeth Preston Prince, Dec. 19, 1839. [Dec. 26. dup.].
George Osgood, and Ellen Clark Littlefield, 2d w., at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 26, 1849.
Hannah, of Beverly, and Daniel Jacobs [jr. int.], Sept. 14, 1760.
Henry, and Desire Marsh, Nov. 29, 1798.
Henry, and Lydia Brown, int. June 30, 1821.
James, and Malinda Parker, June 3, 1828.
James H., and Susan M. Rideout of Salem, int. May 27, 1843.
John Henry, and Emma Eaton Dodge, at Thompsonville, Mar. 19, 1846.
John L., and Abby A. Fox, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Jonathan, and Sally Willson, Apr. 12, 1804.
Jonathan P., and Elisabeth Hall, Oct. 27, 1831.
Jonna, and Dimon Creesy of Beverly, Dec. 14, 1780.
Lydia, and John Pierce, Feb. 11, 1798. [Feb. 1, 1799. dup.]
Lydia P. [of Middleton. int.], and Elias Putnam, at Middleton, Oct. 9, 1845.
Lydia P[eirce. dup.], and Samuel Carter, jr. of Quincy, Nov. 29, 1838. [1839. dup. and P.R.74.]
Martha, and William Bushby, Dec. 14, 1831.
Nancy B., 2d w., and Benjamin Henderson, Aug. 7, 1826.
Nathaniel, and Ann Maria Hazen, at Nashua, N.H., Mar. 19, 1849.
Oliver F., a. 29 y., trader, s. Andrew and Sally, and Sally Osborn, a. 19 y., d. Kendall and Sally, Nov. 4, 1844.
Polly, of Beverly, and John Pinder, Dec. 5, 1797.
Polly, and Dean Kimball, Mar. 19, 1835.
Rachel, and John Breen, at Salem, Mar. 14, 1844.
Rufus, of Lynn, and Betsey Tapley, Oct. 17, 1799.
Ruth P., and Moses J. Currier, July 1, 1841.
Samuel, of Jaffrey, N.H., and Elisabeth Woodberry of Beverly, Feb. 21, 1782.
Sarah F., and Rev. David Tilton, of Edgartown, Mar. 14, 1836.
Sarah Felton, and Lucius Drew Martin, Sept. 17, 1838.
Susan Martin, and George Prescott, at Lynn, Oct. 25, 1846. [Oct. 26. dup.]
William, Jr., and Eunice Smith, both of Beverly, Sept. 12, 1782.
BATCHELDOR (see also Batchelder)
Asa, and Mehitable Holt, Mar. 22, 1794.
Caleb Dodge, Dr., and Mary Batcheldor, both of Beverly, May 1, 1785.
Mary, and Dr. Caleb Dodge Batcheldor, both of Beverly, May 1, 1785.
Mary, of Beverly, and Barnabus Conant, Oct. 8, 1786.
Nathaniell, and Polly Peirce, Mar. 8, 1787.
Polley, and John Porter, Nov. 13, 1785.
BATCHELLOR (see also Batchelder)
Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Peter Dodge of Wenham, Jan. 6, 1762.
Aaron, and Elisabeth Cheever, May 19, 1835.
Anna, and James Davie Butler, at Dudley, Apr. 21, 1845.
David, and Hannah Downing, int. Sept. 28, 1833.
John, and Martha Page, June 4, 1822.
BAYLEY (see also Bailey)
Mary, of Topsfield, and Joseph Tayler, Sept. 14, 1773.
Betsey, of Salem, and Eliab Goldthwait, Mar. 16, 1823.
Susanna, and William Murfey, Apr. 11, 1776.
Tabitha, and Alvan Merrill, at Salem, Nov. 30, 1830.
Abigail Lucy, and John Herod Spiller, at Ipswich, May 3, 1828.
Elias, and Marcy W. Buckman of Beverly, June 10, 1831.
Elizabeth [Mrs. Jane Boan. Mt], and William J. Mead, Mar. 16, 1847.
Hannah, and William Augustus Lord, at Chateaugay, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1843.
Olive, of Candia, N.H., and John Goldthwait, jr., int. June 16, 1821.
Orson R., and Mary Small of Lowell, int. Apr. 24, 1837.
Langdon, and Abiah Ann Badger of Salem, int. May 17, 1828.
Moses M., and Mary Joselyn, Dec. 16, 1824.
BECKET (see also Beckett)
Benjamin, of Salem, and Polly Wyman, Nov. 9, 1790.
Caroline, of Salem, and Otis Allen, Oct. 10, 1824.
BECKETT (see also Becket)
Benjamin, and Mary Prince, June 6, 1839.
Joseph, and Mehitable Caroline Ruee, at Salem, Nov. 8, 1843.
BECKFORD (see also Bickford)
Josiah, and Benedicta Moore, at Salem, Mar. 29, 1837.
Pinson [of Salem. int.], and Lydia Brown, at Salem, Oct. ----, 1823.
Sarah Ann, and Cyrus Kittredge Davis, at Bangor, Me., Oct. 25, 1843.
BEDDLE (see also Bedell)
Lydia, of Salem, and Jonathan Osborn, 3d, int. June 2, 1832.
John F., and Elizabeth A. Ingersoll, int. June 24, 1841.
BEDELL (see also Beddle)
Elmira Priscilla, and William Augustus Merrill of Eaton, N.H. int. Mar. 27, 1847.
Reuben, and Lydia A[nn. int.] Fuller, Apr. 29, 1847.
William, and Susan Gerry, at Alfred, Me., Oct. 9, 1823.
Caroline, of Salem, and James F. Foster, int. Mar. 15, 1828.
Timothy, and Catherine Heafey, in Ireland, ----, 1842.
Mary, and Andrew Munro, jr., Oct. 25, 1809.
William, of Lynnfleld, and Sally King, int. June 7, 1802.
Daniel, and Hannah Verry, Oct. 28, 1784. [Oct. 29. dup.]
Elizabeth Ellen, and Hoyt Roberts, at Salem, Feb. 7, 1748.
Joseph, and Mary Soomes, Oct. 29, 1754.
Mary, and John Tarbox of Lynn, int. June 15, 1816.
Sarah, and Samuel Aborn of Salem, June 27, 1772.
Sarah, and Joseph Silver, Jan. 30, 1777.
Eliza, and Caleb Swain, July 3, 1823.
Francisco [of Middleton. int.], a. 23 y., farmer, s. Francisco, and Hannah R. Merrill, a. 26 y., d. Joseph, Apr. 6, 1845.
Charles, and Hannah Cree, at Salem, Apr. 8, 1833.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Stephen Larrabee, Jan. 22, 1810.
Elizabeth W., and John Torr, at Salem, Feb. 10, 1834.
BENNET (see also Bennett)
Amos, of Manchester, and Elisabeth Oaks, Dec. 29, 1776.
Betsey, and Ebenezer B. Hooper, Mar. 16, 1823.
BENNETT (see also Bennet)
Catharine, and Allen Ridley, int. Sept. 9, 1843.
Harriet A., a. 17 y., d. Elisha, and Stephen B. Brewster, a. 23 y., manufacturer, s. Stephen, Nov. 26, 1846.
Simon P., and Elizabeth C. Viles, both of Lynnfield, Apr. 20, 1837.
Ellen Burns, 2d w., and Joshua Goss, Dec. 4, 1849.
BERRY (see also Barrey, Barry)
Abigail, of Middleton, and Zadock Wilkins, June 16, 1789.
Abigail, 2d w. [of Newburyport. int.], and Benjamin Kent, at Newburyport, Apr. ----, 1805.
Abigail Ann, and Charles Chaplin, May 24, 1836.
Albion K. P., and Margaret Ann Pike, int. Apr. 22, 1848.
Daniel, and Mary May Wright, at Charlestown, Dec. 12, 1837.
Eben G., and Elizabeth J. Abbott, at Andover, Sept. 12, 1831.
Ebenezer, of Salem, and Lydia Southwick, int. Nov. 18, 1802.
Ebenezer, of Andover, and Hitty Preston, Apr. 13, 1808.
Ebenezer, and Isabel Reed, Oct. 8, 1845.
Eliza Ann, and Horatio Bodge, June 4, 1843.
Hannah, and Jonathan Palmer, of Salem, Jan. 21, 1798.
Harriet, 2d w., and Benjamin Porter, at Marblehead, Dec. 5, 1822.
Jacob S., and Almira L. Annible, at Hamilton, Aug. 2, 1841.
John, and Sarah G[ale. dup.] Webb, Dec. 22, 1841. [1840. dup.]
John M., and Lorana M. Ferrin, July 5, 1846. [1847. dup.]
Jonathan, of Middleton, and Becca Dale, Nov. 19, 1795.
Jonathan P., and Hannah Southwick, at Salem, Apr. 8, 1817.
Jonathan P. [of Salem. int.], and Hannah Platts Southwick, 2d w., Oct. 8, 1827.
Lucy, of Middleton, and William Hutchinson, int. Mar. 19, 1825.
Mary, and Albert Jefferson Spaulding, at Salem, Nov. 15, 1830.
Mary Elizabeth, and Charles Roberts of Salem, Oct. 27, 1842.
Mehitable, and Thomas Southwell, int. Mar. 25, 1792.
Mehitable P., and Henry Sperry, Feb. 28, 1842.
Michael, and Anna Newman of Charlestown, Oct. 29, 1815.
Oliver, and Elisabeth Caves, int. July 22, 1780.
Phebe, b. Middleton, and William Cross, int. Sept, 20, 1800.
Rhoda, and Benjamin Porter, Sept. 17, 1807.[Sept. 7. dup.]
Sally, and James Norris of Newburyport, Jan. 2, 1806.
Sarah, of Middleton, and Moses Preston, int. Nov. 4, 1785.
Sarah (Brimblecom), wid., of Lynn, and Amos Tapley. [Oct. 21, 1826. int.]
Washington, of Concord, N.H., and Maria Dale, Apr. 30, 1822.
William, and Vier Hutchinson, Dec. 4, 1770.
William, laborer, and Susan H[oward. dup.] Nichols, a 23 y., d. Ebenezer and Susan, Apr. 9, 1844. [Apr. 10. dup.]
William Allen, and Pamelia Stone Smothers, both of Salem, at Salem, May 8, 1836.
William Newman, and Caroline [F. int.] Langmaid, at Wenham, Jan. 13, 1847.
Eliza Maria, and Alexander Black, at Lynn, Nov. 4, 1841.
Tabitha, of Andover, and Stephen Wyatt, int. Aug. 13, 1763.
Tabitha, and Robert Bushbee of Medford, int. Aug. 18, 1770.
Tabitha, and Silas Johnson, int. Oct. 7, 1780.
Jane M., of Georgetown, b. Georgetown, and John B. Buckminster of Georgetown, a. 28 y., mechanic, b. Georgetown, s. John and Charlotte, May 12, 1848.
BICKFORD (see also Beckford)
Almira, and Benjamin C. Dodge, at Topsfield, Nov. 18, 1837.
Ebenezer, and Hannah Hunt of Salem, May 26, 1772.
Hannah, of Salem, and James Poor, int. Oct. 2, 1824.
Sarah, of Salem, and Samuel Goodhue, int. Dec. 23, 1779.
Esther, of Salem, and Nathan Emerson, Dec. 12, 1833.
BIGGS (see also Bigs)
John, and Sally Thornton of Salem, int. July 21, 1798.
BIGS (see also Biggs)
David, of Truro, and Eunice Nurse, Dec. 14, 1774.
Eunice, and Jonathan Harwood, int. Nov. 16, 1781.
BIGSBE (see also Bixby)
Daniel, of Topsfield, and Ruth Prince, May 2, 1776.
BIGSBEE (see also Bixby)
Sarah, and Aaron Smith of Middleton, int. Nov. 13, 1785.
Edmund, and Sophia Richardson, both of Lynnfield, Jan. 5, 1837.
BIRCH (see also Birtch)
James, and Sarah Gale, int. Dec. 13, 1788.
Elizabeth, of Walpole, and Rev. Harrison G. Park, int. May 20, 1837.
James, and Sarah Brevet, at Manchester, Eng., abt. ----, 1840.
BIRTCH (see also Birch)
Sarah, Mrs., and Moses Hoyt, Oct. 20, 1808.
BISBEE (see also Bixby)
Elenor, and Conrad Derx, Mar. 5, 1844.
Eliza, of Lynn, and George A. Brock, July 1, 1846.
Ellen B. [P. int.], and Conrad Derx, Feb. 26, 1845.
BISBY (see also Bixby)
Eliza, of Lynn, and George A. Brock, int. June 13, 1846.
James, and Sally Endicott, int. Feb. 9, 1788.
James, and Priscilla Peabody of Middleton, int. Sept. 17, 1790.
Margaret, and Jonas Harrington, at Salem, June 11, 1815.
Nabby, of Medford, and Dr. Archelaus Putnam, Nov. 12, 1786.
Rebecca S., and Alexander Leavitt, June 14, 1840.
BIXBY (see also Bigsbe, Bigsbee, Bisbee)
Mary, and Leonard Sawyer, Oct. 14, 1773.
Alexander, and Eliza Maria Betton, at Lynn, Nov. 4, 1841.
Archilus P., and Phoebe Proctor, Apr. 6, 1841.
James, and Harriet Wells Ames, at Reading, Nov. 15, 1830.
James D., and Sally Page Fowler, May 30, 1839.
Joseph Stearns, and Emeline Putnam, June 12, 1844. [June 11. dup.]
Mary Ober, and Charles Edward Smith, June 12, 1845.
Mary S., a. 19 y., d. Nathaniel and Mary, and Asa Prince of Beverly, a. 23 y., cordwainer, s. Luke R. and Sally, Sept. 11, 1845.
Moses, and Phebe Putnam, Oct. 11, 1804. [1806. dup.]
Moses [jr. int.], and Harriet N. Page, Apr. 30, 1835.
Nabby, and James Thurston, at Beverly, Jan. 9, 1817.
Sarah L., and James M. Holroyd, Aug. 31, 1837.
William, and Mary B. [P. int.] Cheever, Apr. 14, 1835.
Maria, and George Perkins, int. June 17, 1839.
Mary [Jane, of Sandwich, N.H. int.], and Alfred Trask, at Sandwich, N.H., Mar. 5, 1839.
Sally [M. dup.], and Alvin [W. dup.] Hunt, Oct. 8, 1840.
Joseph, and Elvira Ham, int. May 21, 1845.
Olive, and Humphrey Hook, both b. Amesbury [bef. 1773.].
Emily, and Chauncey F. Holman, at Sutton, Vt., Jan. 1, 1846.
George F., and Sarah S. Skinner of Lynnfield, int. Nov. 11, 1844.
Henry, and Dorcas Mitchell, at Boston, Aug. 8, 1835.
John, and Adaline Reid, at Windham, N.H., Oct. 26, 1836.
Mary Elizabeth, of Beverly, and William P. Clark, int. Oct. 24, 1849.
Samuel, and Susan Winchester, Sept. 15, 1828.
Susan, and Capt. John Fielder of Beverly, Nov. 27, 1837.
Esther, of Milford, N.H., and Roger E. Perkins, int. Oct. 24, 1795.
Isaac, of Salem, and Sally Dwinnel, Mar. 28, 1805.
Lucy, and Nathan Putnam, jr., Oct. 27, 1793.
Lucy, and Walter Smith of Lynnfield, Mar. 7, 1799.
Rebeckah, and Benjamin Nichols, Oct. 12, 1786.
BLANEY (see also Blany)
Jane, and William Blaney [jr. dup.], Aug. 12, 1827. [Sept. dup.]
John Willeston, and Ruth Blake Gilley, Sept. 27, 1835.
Mary B., of Salem, and John Smith, June 4, 1820.
Philip, and Mary Brooks Coates, at Lynn, July 25, 1830.
Stephen, and Abigail Goldthwait [of Salem. C.R.4.], Apr. 14, 1842. [Apr. 12. dup.]
Stephen, and Mary Stone, 2d w., at Reading, Oct. 13, 1845.
William [jr. dup.], and Jane Blaney, Aug. 12, 1827. [Sept. dup.]
BLANY (see also Blaney)
Nancy, and Edward Hammond, at Marblehead, Oct. 25, 1827.
Betsey, and Joseph Nelson, at Gloucester, Feb. 15, 1829.
Joseph, of Salem, and Rachel Needham, Feb. 13, 1812.
Hiram A., of Boston, a. 24 y., last maker, s. Alden and Lydia, and Lydia H. Masury, a. 26 y., tailoress, d. Thomas and Lucy, June 29, 1845. [Dec. 25, 1844. dup.]
Mary, and Samuel Coes, Oct. 7, 1781.
Sarah, and James Stone, int. Aug. 31, 1776.
BLY (see also Blythe)
Azro, and Charity F. (Glover) Ford, Sept. 27, 1837. [Oct. 8. dup.]
William, and Sarah Pedrick, Dec. 20, 1832.
BLYTHE (see also Bly)
Lucy C., and Philemon Putnam, at Windsor, Vt., June 24, 1822.
Sarah Rolland, of Windsor, Vt., and Moses [name changed to Charles M. in 1829] Endicott, int. May 22, 1818.
Jane Elizabeth, Mrs., and William J. Mead, int. Feb. 25, 1847.
Daniel, and Mehitable Nelson, at New Rowley, Apr. 29, 1830.
Eunice, of Topsfield, and Jonathan Porter [3d int.], Nov. 30, 1797.
Eunice P., and Benjamin F. Rogers, July 17, 1827.
Israel Putnam, and Caroline Elizabeth Gould, at Boston, July 11, 1842.
Lydia, and Thomas Lord of Salem, June 4, 1829.
Nathaniel, and Nancy Putnam, May 16, 1816.
Nathaniel, and Anna Putnam, 2d w., Nov. 25, 1824.
BODEN (see also Bowdoin)
Mary, and Edwin Grimstone, Feb. 5, 1827.
Thomas, and Abigail Colwell, at Beverly, Feb. 4, 1802.
Horatio, and Eliza Ann Berry, June 4, 1843.
Jacob, and Hannah [W. dup.] Reed, Dec. 2, 1821. [1822. dup.]
Jacob, and Susanna (Procter) Hooper, May 1, 1837.
Nathaniel, and Mrs. Esther (Flint) Tapley, May 26, 1840.
Samuel, and Sally Goodale, Aug. 11, 1796.
Eunice, and Jesse Esty of Middleton, Apr. 30, 1834.
Hannah, and Enoch Poor, jr., Jan. 14, 1813.
Isaac, of Methuen, and Sally Fuller, Feb. 28, 1813.
Sarah, and John Hopping, June 13, 1837.
Elenor, and Patrick McQuade, int. Nov. 3, 1847.
Hannah, and John Thompson, int. Sept. 29, 1781.
Abigail Ann [of Wenham. int.], and Augustus Putnam, Jan. 27, 1836.
Almira Malissa [should be Almira Malissa Morgan], and Edward Tucker Waldron, at Wenham, Oct. 25, 1837.
Caleb Pratt, and Mary Brown Dodge, at Beverly, May 12, 1836.
Francis A., and Hannah J. Putnam, Oct. 2, 1844.
Hannah Batchelder (Dodge), Mrs., and John Hines, Feb. 1, 1846.
John, and Hannah B. Dodge, at Beverly, May 20, 1828.
Sophronia [of Beverly. int.], and Hezekiah Dwinnell, at Beverly, Oct. 28, 1828.
William, and Harriet Matilda Woodbury, at Wenham, Feb. 24, 1836.
William, and Jane Hoyt, Aug. 21, 1837.
Hannah, and James Bancroft, at Ipswich, Dec. 13, 1847.
John, of Salem, a. 22 y., currier, s. John C. and Mary, and Hannah Bancroft of Salem, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin H. and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1845.
Lewis, and Rebecca Goldthwaite, Nov. 5, 1829.
Alice, and Samuel Stephens of Boxford, Mar. 28, 1758.
Eliza Ann, of Salem, and Edward Wilson, int. Mar. 2, 1844.
James A., Rev., and Eliza Symonds of Salem, int. June 18, 1819.
Sukey, of Hamilton, and Phillip Cilley, int. May 14, 1801.
Olive [Boutwell. dup.], and Hersey Larabee, Nov. 17, 1835.
BOWDEN, see Boden.
Deborah, and Thomas Moriarty, Oct. 31, 1782.
Mary Ann, of Salem, and Ezra Upton, int. July 28, 1836.
Nathaniel, Capt., of Salem, and Mary Ingersol, Oct. 28, 1800.
BOWDOIN (see also Boden)
David W., of Salem, a. 30 y., artist, s. James and Thirza, of New Braintree, and Florence E. Tapley, a. 23 y., d. Gilbert and Fidelia, Nov. 1, 1849.
Thomas, and Mary Ann Silvester, Dec. 25, 1838.
Elizabeth [Brown. dup.], d. Joel and Anna, and Joseph Rhodes, jr., a. 26 y., currier, s. Joseph and Lydia,. Apr. 17, 1845.
Sampson W., of Pepperell, and Betsy Rhoades, Apr. 7, 1839.
James, and Mrs. Mary Palmer of Salem, Oct. 5, 1773.
BOYCE (see also Boyes)
Thankful, and George Doyle, resident in Danvers, Nov. 24, 1779.
Francis Leander, and Harriet Ellen Walker, June 29, 1847.
BOYES (see also Boyce)
Margaret, of Londonderry, N.H., and Amos Carlton, int. Apr. 25, 1818.
James [Boyington. int.], and Sophia Herrick [of Beverly. int.], May 23, 1830.
Josiah [B. int.], and Hannah Jane Mitchell, Oct. 27, 1848.
Charles, and Eliza D. Stone of Lowell, int. Jan. 7, 1831.
Jacob, and Jenett White, at Salem, Nov. 15, 1849.
Rosilla, and David B. Kelsey of Malden, int. June 19, 1848.
Prudence, and John Clinton, July 6, 1752.
BRADSTREET (see also Broadstreet)
Albert Gallatin, and L}dia B. Stearns, at Boston, Apr. 6, 1836.
Dudley, and Hannah Prince of Marblehead, int. Oct. 12, 1816.
John, and Sally Rea [of Topsfield. int.], Apr. 26, 1826.
Maria, of Andover, and Dr. Nelson Gardner, int. Mar. 22, 1843.
Polly, and Samuel Peabody, jr. of Boxford, Apr. 30, 1818.
Sarah, and Ahira Herrick Putnam, Oct. 9, 1834.
Bridget, and Thomas Heenesey, in Ireland, Jan. 9, 1849.
Patrick, and Mary Kerlan, at Worcester, Nov. 29, 1844.
Mary, and Joshua Moulten, Dec. 20, 1774.
Mercy, and Ebeneser Larrabe, int. Apr. 24, 1773.
Ostin, and Eliza Newhall, Nov. 28, 1833.
Rebeccah, of Lynn, and Ephraim Larabe, jr., int. Jan. 16, 1773.
Edward H., and Mary Ann Loud of Methuen, Sept. 7, 1834.
Milton P., and Mary Parker, at New Rowley, Nov. 15, 1826.
Abigail, and Joseph Buxton, int. Sept. 16, 1758.
Daniel [3d, of Salem. int.], and Phebe F. Skidmore, at Salem, Oct. 7, 1827. [Sept. 27, 1828.]
Ellen [Maria. dup.], a. 18 y., d. David and Phebe, and [Benjamin. dup.] Franklin Hyde, a. 21 y., farmer, s. John and Grace, Aug. 27, 1849. [Aug. 22. dup.]
Lucy Gage, and Daniel B. Kendall, at Gloucester, June 16, 1831.
Mary, and Mark R. Wilson of Lawrence, Dec. 23, 1847.
Mary Jewett, and Rufus King Cook, Dec. 5, 1847. [Dec. 2. dup.]
Allen, and Priscilla Southwick, int. July 2, 1796.
Allen B., of Lynn, a. 16 y., baker, b. Lynn, s. Andrew B. and Abigail, and Mary Elizabeth Osborn, a. 23 y., d. Jonathan and Lydia, July 8, 1849.
Nathan, jr. [Jonathan. int.], of Lynn, and Keziah Buxton, Oct. 3, 1754.
John, and Rachel Batchelder, at Salem, Mar. 14, 1844.
Sarah, and James Bird, at Manchester, Eng., abt. ----, 1840.
Albert P., a. 28 y., teamster, s. David, and Hannah P. Burns, a. 17 y., d. Aaron D., July 16, 1846.
Anna [wid. int.], and Abel Coffin of Newbury, Sept. 2, 1765.
Crispus, Capt., of Salem, and Anna Gardner, Sept. 14, 1758.
David, of Hamilton, and Sally Poor, Apr. 4, 1816.
Stephen B., a. 23 y., manufacturer, s. Stephen, and Harriet A. Bennett, a. 17 y., d. Elisha, Nov. 26, 1846.
Jane, and Lewis Dennis, int. Jan. 27, 1753.
Benaiah Clements, and wid. Mary (Porter) Millett, b. Salem, at Plaistow, N.H., June 4, 1829.
BRIDGE (see also Bridges)
John, and Sally Stevens of Andover, Jan. 15, 1799.
BRIDGES (see also Bridge)
Benjamin G., of Beverly, and Elizabeth A. M. Fife, Dec. 23, 1845.
Fidelia, and Elias W. Kettle, at Andover, Feb. ----, 1808.
John Baker, and Abigail Foster Ober, at Beverly, Aug. 2, 1840.
Nancy Jackson, and Jacob Lofty Ober, at Beverly, Oct. 7, 1832.
Jeremiah, Capt., of Salem, and Hepsibeth Collins, Feb. 7, 1831.
Lucy Ann, and Nichols Lincoln, at South Scituate, June 5, 1849.
Olive, Mrs., and Francis Home of Topsfield, int. Feb. 14, 1845.
Samuel, of Boston, and Hannah Derby, Nov. 20, 1801.
Samuel. Rev., and Harriet Buttrick, at Concord, Oct. 22, 1822.
John, and Grace Barber of Marblehead, Oct. 6, 1762.
BRITON (see also Britton)
Bethiah [Betsey. int.], and Benjamin Smith, Mar. 14, 1799.
BRITTON (see also Briton)
Mary, and Bartholomew Demsey, June 21, 1791. [June 25. int.]
BROADSTREET (see also Bradstreet)
Anna, and Amos Porter, Jan. 24, 1764.
Dudley, of Topsfield, and Polly Porter, Sept 29, 1789.
Ezra, of Middleton, and Sally Swinerton, int. Nov. 20, 1802.
George A., and Eliza Bisbee of Lynn, July 1, 1846.
Sarah C., of Salem, and Thomas H. Marsh, int. Oct. 15, 1814.
Asa W., and Harriet S. Fairfield, both of Middleton, Jan. 24, 1849.
Mary Ann, and Peter Joll, at Devonshire, Eng., Oct. 20, 1827.
BROWN (see also Browne)
Abigail, and Daniel Gray, Aug. 10, 1809.
Abigail, and Eliezer Gould, both of Topsfield, Sept. 17, 1821.
Abigail Davis, and Benjamin Porter Kimball, at Beverly, Apr. 3, 1827.
Amos, and Mrs. Lucy (Dodge) Whittredge, at Beverly, Aug. 2, 1835.
Anna, of Andover, and Ezra Batchelder [Jr. int.], [at Andover. dup.], Dec. 17, 1795.
Anna, b. Beverly, and Thomas Town, ----, ----.
Asa, of Beverly, and Mary Torr, int. Aug. 28, 1841.
Bartholomew, and Mehitable Flint, June 17, 1779.
Benjamin Brooks, and Esther [Ann. dup.] Linscott, May 22, 1843.
Bethiah, and Samuel Town, July 11, 1799.
Betsey, and Oliver Emerson of Lynnfield, Sept. 12, 1812.
Betsy, and Andrew Fuller, July 7, 1793.
Caleb Sheperd, and Rhoda Peters Straw, at Moultonboro, N.H., Feb. 12, 1835.
Calvin, and Margaret R. Crowninshield, at Salem, Sept. 10, 1838.
Catherine, and Thomas Doger, Dec. 2, 1824.
Charles, of Salem, and Sarah Eden, Oct. 30, 1759.
Charles, and Hannah Galeucia, at Salem, Aug. 21, 1844.
Charles E., and Mary Parraria [of Salem. int.], June 2, 1834. [June 1, 1835. C.R.4.; 1835. int.].
Cynthia, and Benjamin Henderson, at Topsfield, Mar. ----, 1821.
Daniel, and Love Newhall of Lynnfield, int. Feb. 5, 1803.
Daniel, jr., and Martha Upton, Apr. 7, 1822.
Daniel S., and Mary Ann Needham, Oct. 12, 1837.
Deborah [of Boxford. dup.], and Simeon Putnam, Dec. 1, 1801.
Dennison [W. int.], and Martha W. Potter of Beverly, Aug. 13, 1846.
Dorcas, and John Hart, jr. of Lynn, Mar. 20, 1780.
Dorcas, and Ebenezer Jackson of Beverly, June 3, 1804.
Dorcas, and John Nichols, jr. of Lynnfield, Dec. 28, 1837.
Ebenezer, and Emma Cross, June 10, 1790.
Ednah, and William Potter, at Hamilton, June 26, 1842.
Edward, and Eunice Porter, June 1, 1817.
Eleaser, and Abigail Eliot of Middleton, Feb. 1, 1757.
Elisha, and Hannah Richardson, Apr. 27, 1809.
Eliza, of Tewksbury, and Amos F. Buxton, int. Dec. 27, 1837.
Eliza [Elizabeth. int] A., and William Siner, Sept. 8, 1846.
Elizabeth, and Edmond Rhoads, Dec. 14, 1769.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Ebenezer Goodell, Nov. 10, 1773.
Eliza[beth. dup.], b. Beverly, and Jonathan Waitt, Sept. 2, 1787.
Elizabeth, and Elijah Hewes of Lynnfield, July 13, 1815.
Elizabeth, and Edwin Martin, June 10, 1835.
Elizabeth, and Franklin A. Damon of Reading, Oct. 2, 1842.
Elizabeth, of Salem, and Philip Marsh, Dec. 31, 1844.
Elizabeth, see Bowers, Elizabeth Brown.
Elizabeth Clark, and Edwin Martin, ----, 1835.
Emily Ann, and Joseph Merrill, jr., both of Salem, Nov. 25, 1841.
George, and Sally B[ruce. dup.] Twiss, June 1, 1823.
George, jr., and Sarah H. Caverly of Moultonboro, N.H., int. Nov. 7, 1842.
Hannah, of Salem, and Gideon Putnam, June 18, 1752.
Hannah, of Tewksbury, and Pierce Roger Rea, int. Nov. 12, 1778.
Hannah, and Jonathan Shelden, jr., Oct. 15, 1793.
Hannah, and Aaron Foster, Sept. 18, 1800.
Hannah, Mrs., and Gideon Whittemore, Dec. 29, 1814.
Hannah, and John Gowing, May 15, 1834.
Hannah, and James Larrabee, Jan. 1, 1835.
Hannah Leach, and Edward Dodge Trask, at Beverly, Apr. 14, 1832.
Harriet, and Samuel Sias, Apr. 24, 1817.
Harriet, b. Tewksbury, and Benjamin Peabody, b. Middleton, at Tewksbury, Jan. 17, 1839.
Henry, and Phebe Tapley, Sept. 15, 1811.
Hitty, and Daniel Town, May 22, 1800.
James, and Ruth Buxton, May 23, 1759.
James, and Elizabeth Perkins, Sept. 1, 1802.
James, jr., and Catherine D. Twiss, Mar. 13, 1828.
Jerusha, of Tewksbury, and James Lane, int. Mar. 19, 1840.
Joanna, and Michael Colman, in Ireland, ----, 1848.
Joel, of Salem, and Betsey R. Proctor, Oct. 3, 1830.
John, jr., and 'Dorcas Walden, Oct. 9, 1755.
John [jr. int.], and Mary Nurse of Lynnfield, Oct. 15, 1767.
John, 3d, and Ginger Hutchinson, Mar. 23, 1769.
John, and Meriam Moulton, Oct. 3, 1781.
John, jr., and Meriam Moulton, Oct. 3, 1798.
John, and Mary Rhodes, int. June 9, 1812.
John, 3d, and Betsey Taylor, June 5, 1815.
Joseph, and Bithiah Hutchinson, Nov. 26, 1751.
Joseph, and Esther Heroe of Salem, Jan. 3, 1767.
Joseph [jr. int.], and Marcy Southwick, Apr. 8, 1790. [1789. dup.]
Joseph [of Hamilton. int.], and Hannah Whittredge, July 16, 1797.
Joseph, and Dorothy Peabody of Lynnfield, Nov. 21, 1822.
Joseph [2d int.], and Jennet Kirk, Nov. 8, 1846.
Judith, and Henry Parker, b. Reading, Apr. 12, 1818.
Leaffy, and William Francis, at Beverly, Nov. ----, 1806.
Lucinda, and John Richardson, Apr. 7, 1836.
Lucy, of Saugus, and Stephen Brown, int. Sept. 18, 1830.
Lucy Whittredge, and Joshua Giddings, at Hamilton, Nov. [26. in pencil.], 1839.
Luther, and Salle Peabody, int. Sept. 26, 1789.
Lydia, and Henry Batchelder, int. June 30, 1821.
Lydia, and Pinson Beckford [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Oct. ----, 1823.
Lydia, and George M. Smith, int. Feb. 9, 1828.
Lydia, and Charles Potter, at Beverly, Aug. 14, 1830.
Lydia, of Lynn, and Oliver K. Jeffery, int. Oct. 23, 1847.
Lydia S., of Haverhill, and John P. Fowler, int. June 7, 1828.
Marcia [of Tewksbury. int.], and Abraham Richardson Hobbs, at Tewksbury, May 5, 1831.
Margaret, of Hamilton, and John Peabody, int. Mar. 16, 1822.
Martha, of Hamilton, and Allen Gould, int. Aug. 19, 1820.
Mary, and Eleazer Austin of Salem, Oct. 8, 1772.
Mary, of Beverly, and Richard Whittredge, jr., Jan. 27, 1774.
Mary, and Jonathan Southwick, Mar. 20, 1834.
Mary Ann, and Lewis Frederick Rupp, at Salem, Aug. 24, 1836.
Mary D., and Joseph Hussey, at Weare, N.H., Nov. 10, 1820.
Mary [F., of Salem. int.], and Richard Palmer Tufts, at Salem, Sept. 13, 1839.
Mary Jane, and John Reith Pope, Apr. 2, 1849.
Mary M., and William Jackson [both of Salem. C.R.4.], Oct. 4, 1841.
Mehitable, of Topsfield, and Samuel Burbank, Nov. 8, 1818.
Mehitable, of Haverhill, aad Harthorne Porter, Dec. 14, 1824.
Mercy, and Owen Jones, at Salem, Apr. ----, 1826.
Mercy W., and George E. Leathe, Apr. 8, 1835.
Meriam, Mrs., and Samuel Langley, Oct. 5, 1809.
Miles, and Elizabeth Hutchinson, Dec. 9, 1756.
Nancy, and Thomas Tuttle, resident in Danvers, Oct. 12, 1820.
Nancy, of Malden, and Amos B. Harris, June 29, 1843.
Nathaniel, and Ginger Osborn, Feb. 5, 1756.
Oliver Obear, and Eleanor Fornis, at Beverly, Apr. 21, 1829.
Parker, Capt., of Hamilton, and Lydia W. Richardson, July 8, 1824.
Phebe, and Henry White of Salem, Oct. 8, 1776.
Philip, and Ann Connelly, at New York, Oct. ----, 1832.
Polly [of Salem. int.], and John Marsh, Aug. 22, 1798.
Rebecca, and Oliver White, at Boxford, Mar. 26, 1815.
Rebecca, and Samuel Rading of Saugus, int. Apr. 17, 1830.
Rebecca Appleton, and Francis Dodge, at Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1841. [Nov. 16. dup.]
Rebeckah, and Elisha Putnam, Oct. 18, 1764.
Ruth, and Nathaniel Nurse, Nov. 26, 1782.
Sally, and Miles Osborn, Dec. 25, 1836.
Samuel, of Salem, and Nancy Twiss, int. Aug. 21, 1798.
Samuel, and Lydia Warren of Boxford, int. Jan. 9, 1808.
Samuel and Fanny Moore, at Thetford, Feb. 5, 1832.
Samuel, 3d, of Salem, and Fanny F. Marsh, Mar. 19, 1835.
Samuel, 3d, and Alvina Webber, at Salem, Dec. 25, 1842.
Sarah [wid. Bartholomew. P.R.61.], and Benjamin Porter of Wenham, Mar. 27, 1755.
Sarah, of Salem, and James Chever, jr., July 11, 1776.
Sarah, and James Shelden, Apr. 19, 1804.
Sarah, and Aaron Richardson, at South Reading, Nov. 29, 1827.
Sarah Maria, and Charles Higbee of Salem, int. June 3, 1843.
Simeon, Capt., and Polly Thorndike, both of Beverly, June 11, 1782.
Sophia Ann, and Edward Giddings, Oct. 29, 1846.
Stephen, and Lucy Brown of Saugus, int. Sept. 18, 1830.
Susan, and Benjamin Chaplin, at Byfield. Nov. ----, 1805.
Thomas W., and Esther S. Buxton of Salem, int. Mar. 29, 1847.
Timothy [H. int.], of Topsfield, and Eliza Cousins, Apr. 16, 1829.
William, and Lydia Mackintire, Aug. 25, 1793.
William, and Eliza Nurse, Oct. 10, 1822.
William, and Ann Davidson [of Stow. int.], at Lynnfield, June 3, 1825.
William, and Hannah Breed Burrill, at Lynn, May 26, 1839.
William, and Mrs. Susan Cole, Dec. 18, 1845.
William H., and Sarah K. Butler, Feb. 21, 1833.
Zeviah, of Hamilton, and Francis Dane, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
BROWNE (see also Brown)
Charles W,, and Lydia A. Hood of Beverly, Jan. 17, 1847.
George [B. int.], and Elizabeth B. Patterson, Nov. 13, 1833.
Asenath [of Salem. int.], and Samuel Perry Wilson, at Salem, May 25, 1847. [Apr. 8, 1848. int.].
Charles, and Abigail Tewksbury [bef. 1831.].
Charles, and Mary Tewksbury, 2d w., June 5, 1831.
Francis, and Betsey Tewksbury, June 25, 1815.
Jane, and John Campbell, Nov. 23, 1841.
Mary, and Drew Foss of Boston, July 14, 1816.
Mary, Mrs. (Tewksbury), and Elijah Flint, jr., Apr. 12, 1741.
Mary E., and Albert Abbot, Apr. 28, 1840.
Abel, and Mrs. Abigail Terry, wid. James Watson, at Hartford, Ct., Oct. 17, 1823.
Andrew, of Haverhill, and Sally Endicott, Dec. 23, 1798.
Enoch, and Martha West [bef. 1834.].
Enoch, and Sally Rhoades, 2d w., b. Salem [bef. 1834.].
Enoch, and wid. Hannah Downing (née Very), b. Salem, May 18, 1834.
Enoch, jr., and Mary Ann Downing, at Lynn, Aug. 14, 1842.
Lucy, and Joseph P. Morton, int. June 30, 1798.
Lydia Nichols [of Lynnfield. int.], and Edwin Mudge, at Lynnfield, Nov. 28, 1844.
Mary, of Salem, and Allen Peabody, Sept. 21, 1823.
Jane, and William Gilford, Sept. 6, 1763.
Ellen, and John Daley, int. Aug. 24, 1849.
Almira, and William H. Johnson, int. Mar. 27, 1835.
Marcy W., of Beverly, and Elias Bean, June 10, 1831.
John B., of Georgetown, a. 28 y., mechanic, b. Georgetown, s. John and Charlotte, and Jane M. Bias of Georgetown, b. Georgetown, May 12, 1848.
BUFFINGTON (see also Buffinton, Bufinton)
Martha A., of Salem, and John Webster, int. Feb. 18, 1832.
Mary, of Salem, and Thomas Gardner, June 13, 1755.
BUFFINTON (see also Buffington)
Nehemiah, of Salem, and Mrs. Elizabeth Procter, Sept. 14, 1774.
Mehetabel, d. Jonathan, deceased, and Isaac Verney, cordwainer, s. Ebenezer, of Dover, N.H., yeoman, Dec. 10, 1772. C.R.7.
BUFINTON (see also Buffington)
James, jr., of Salem, and Prudence Procter, Feb. 14, 1765.
Susan, of Ipswich, and Rev. Daniel Poor, Oct. 9, 1815.
BULLOCK (see also Bulluk)
Barbara, and James Goodale of Marblehead, Aug. 19, 1787.
Benjamin, and Abigail Trask, int. May 24, 1794.
Isaac, of Salem, and Martha Trask, Apr. 11, 1799.
Joseph, and Betsy Poland of Beverly, int. Sept. 10, 1796.
Samuel, and Eunice Wyman of Beverly, May 20, 1787.
BULLUK (see also Bullock)
Preserved, of Salem, and John, Mackmillion, June 7, 1772.
Amanda Melvina [of Lynn. int.], and Hervey Putnam, at Lynn, Apr. 29, 1845.
Samuel, and Mehitable Brown of Topsfleld, Nov. 8, 1818.
Sarah, and Samuel L. Walker, int. Nov. 6, 1840.
John [Burbank. C.R.5.], of Westford, and Clarissa McIntyre, Sept. 5, 1836.
Lydia Ann, and Henry Buxton, Dec. 3, 1845.
Jane, and Hans Gram, Nov. 11, 1785.
Henry Winchester, and Elizabeth [C. int.] Thomas [of Salem. int.], Dec. 25, 1839.
William, and Sarah W. Saunders, Jan. 19, 1817.
William, and Elizabeth S. Saunders, 2d w., Dec. 22, 1822.
Bartholomew H,., and Sarah Sweet of Ipswich, Apr. 28, 1782.
Sarah [Mrs. int.], and Samuel Feild of Salem, Apr. 22, 1781.
BURK (see also Burke)
Thomas, and Elizabeth S. Munro, int. Aug. 29, 1847.
BURKE (see also Burk)
Martha Jane, Mrs., of Beverly, and Robert A. Herrick, int. Sept. 16, 1843.
Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Frederic Howes, int. Nov. 7, 1819.
BURNAM (see also Burnham)
Elisabeth, of Ipswich, and Samuel Whipple, Jan. 19, 1773.
Lydia [of Reading. int.], and Asa Hayward, Nov. 22, 1764.
BURNHAM (see also Burnam)
Abigail, and John Reith [of Salem. int.], Apr. 10, 1825.
Ansel, and Elizabeth W. Roberts, both of Beverly, Nov. 24, 1844.
Atarah, and Jesse C. Patterson, Feb. 23, 1823.
Eli F., and Mary S. Eveleth, at Essex, Apr. 5, 1831.
Emily [of Salem. int.], and John Rollins, at Salem, Jan. 9, 1837.
Ira C., of Lynn, and Marietta Baker of Salem, Jan. 30, 1834. C.R.4.
Joanna, b. Essex, and Nathaniel Archer, b. Salem, Dec. 31, 1829.
John, of Salem, and Margarett Downing, int. Aug. 18, 1805.
Maria, 3d W., and James Moulton Allen, at Essex, Nov. 25, 1846.
Mary [of Essex. int.], and Miles Osborn, jr., at Essex, Sept. 1, 1848. [May 5, 1849. int.]
Mary Jane [of Essex. int.], and Moses Jewett, at Essex, Feb. 8, 1846.
Mary K., and Benjamin Moore, at Essex, Oct. 29, 1839.
Mary Parker, and Rev. John Prince, at Essex, Nov. 7, 1841.
Rebecca, and William H. Herrick, int. Mar. 25, 1848.
Sally, and Amos Wildes, at Topsfield [bef. 1821.].
Sophia, and Daniel Woodbury, at Essex, May 21, 1840.
Susan O., and John Osborn, jr., May 22, 1839.
Susanna, of Ipswich, and John Wade, Oct. 26, 1769.
William A., of Manchester, Vt., and Mary Jane Putnam, Aug. 18, 1836.
Austin, and Sophronia B. Nourse, int. Dec. 2, 1842.
Hannah P., a. 17 y., d. Aaron D., and Albert P. Brewer, a. 28 y., teamster, s. David, July 16, 1846.
John, and Nancy Melzard, int. Feb. 8, 1823.
Mary, and John Thomas, in Ireland, Jan. 3, 1843.
Polly, and Daniel Goldthrait, int. June 11, 1796.
BURRELL (see also Burrill)
Hephzibah, and George Southwick, jr., July 9, 1769.
Mary, and Job Holt, int. Nov. 21, 1767.
BURRELL (see also Burrell)
Hannah Breed, and William Brown, at Lynn, May 26, 1839.
Marinda P., and James H. Barton, at Lowell, Dec. 28, 1837.
David, and Sally Hawes, Feb. ----, 1812.
Abraham, of Wilton, N.H., and Betty Dale, Jan. 4, 1787.
John, and Ann Wayne, Oct. ----, 1819.
BUSHBEE (see also Bushby)
Robert, of Medford, and Tabitha Beverly, int. Aug. 18, 1770.
BUSHBY (see also Bushbee)
Asa, and Lydia Willson, int. May 12, 1792.
Asa, and Sophronia Abbot, at Billerica, Dec. 26, 1819.
Eli, and Mary Savage of Salem, int. Nov. 27, 1833.
Henry, and Mary Abbott, Feb. 24, 1830.
John, jr., and Ruthy Symonds of Salem, int. Mar. 22, 1794.
John, jr., and Sally Verry, Nov. 26, 1820.
Joseph, and Almira Peabody, June 21, 1825.
Polly, and Joseph Shillaber, int. Nov. 27, 1794.
Polly, and Curtis Searl, Mar. 12, 1797.
Sally, and Kendall Osborn, June 13, 1824.
Sophronia A., and Albert A. Messer, Sept. 24, 1843.
William, and Martha Batchelder, Dec. 14, 1831.
BUSWELL (see also Buzzel)
Abigail, wid., of Boxford, and Jonathan Whipple, Oct. 25, 1756. [Oct. 8, 1757. int.].
Adeline Kent, and Francis Kimball Pemberton, at Bradford, Aug. 10, 1837.
BUTLER (see also Buttler)
Daniel, and Rhoda Earl, at West Cambridge, Mar. 8, 1826.
Elizabeth, and Richard Phillips of Salem, Mar. 16, 1775.
Elizabeth P., Mrs., b. Ipswich, and William Poor, at Ipswich, Apr. 14, 1842.
Hannah, jr., and Daniel Gowing, jr. of Lynn, Mar. 24, 1781.
James Davie, and Anna Bates, at Dudley, Apr. 21, 1845.
John Calvin, and Margaret Putnam, Sept. 15, 1839.
Lucretia, and Albra Morison, Dec. 1, 1836.
Lyman, of Wenham, and Cynthia Webber of Beverly, Oct. 24, 1841.
Mary, of Salem, and Samuel Verry, Mar. 3, 1811.
Mary M., and Josiah Carter of Portland, Me., May 8, 1823.
Oliver S., and Sarah M. Ferguson, int. June 5, 1847.
Phebe, and John Flint, Mar. 5, 1813.
Richard, and Anna Shelden of Lynnfield, Nov. 21, 1784.
Richard, and Hannah King, May 16, 1808.
Ruth, 2d w., and Nathaniel Putnam, Dec. 10, 1788. [Dec. 14. dup.]
Sarah K., and William H. Brown, Feb. 21, 1833.
Thomas, of Boston, and Mary Southwick, May 6, 1806.
Abigail, and Greenfield Hooper of Marblehead, Apr. 4, 1786.
David, and Mary Nichols of Middleton, int. Apr. 8, 1775.
David, and Ruth Buzzel of Boxford, int. June 19, 1778.
Elizabeth, of Salem, and Sylvester Proctor, int. May 10, 1849.
Jeremiah, and Abigail Webb, int. Aug. 15, 1789.
Joshua, of Salem, and Nabby Procter, Oct. 30, 1805.
Thomas M., and Lois M. Small of Topsfield, int. Sept. 23, 1848.
Jonathan, jr., of Nottingham West, N.H., and Lydia Giffords [Gilfords. int.], May 6, 1806.
Solomon, and Achsah W. Laughlin of Salem, int. Sept. 15, 1842.
Franklin, of Tewksbury, and Sally Abbott, June 9, 1841.
BUTTLER (see also Butler)
Richard, and Hannah Shaw, Jan 22, 1756.
Harriet, and Rev. Samuel Brimblecom, at Concord, Oct. 22, 1822.
Merriam S., and Benjamin Jacobs, jr., Feb. 26, 1828.
Abigail, and Benjamin Buxton, jr., Nov. 15, 1756.
Abigail, and William Haskall of Salem, Aug. 21, 1791.
Abigail, and Ezekiel Wellman Osborn, at Weare, N.H., Dec. 22, 1835.
Adna, of Reading, and Deborah J. Russell, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
Amos, and Mary Stone, Nov. 24, 1830. [Nov. 20. C.R.5.; Nov. 17, 1831. dup.]
Amos F., and Eliza Brown of Tewksbury, int. Dec. 27, 1837.
Anthony, and Anna Collins, Sept. 15, 1754.
Anthony, and Lydia Ganson, Jan. 25, 1773.
Anthony, and Sarah Hart, Nov. 7, 1776.
Benjamin, jr., and Abigail Buxton, Nov. 15, 1756.
Betsey, and William Johnson, Mar. 25, 1788.
Daniel, and Anna Huntington, at Weare, N.H., Oct. 14, 1819.
Daniel, jr., and Hannah W. Sargent, at Weare, N.H., Jan. ----, 1835.
Daniel, jr., and Julian Perkins Colby, at Weare, N.H., Dec. 22, 1841.
David, s. Joseph, deceased, of Danvers, and Abigail, and Ruth Peaslee, d. Timothy, of Newton, N.H., and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1782. C.R.8.
David, and Lydia Johnson, b. Lynnfield, int. Apr. 29, 1807.
David, and Mrs. Phebe Woodman, at Lynn, Feb. 7, 1847. [Nov. 27, 1847. int.]
Ebenezer B., and Ruth Hood, int. Apr. 1, 1848.
Edward, and Mary Abigail Stone, June 29, 1845.
Edward, jr., a. 22 y., farmer, s. Jonathan and Eliza, and Lydia Maria Walton of Salem, a. 16 y., d. Timothy and Clarissa, May 24, 1847.
Eliza, and Jonathan Buxton, 3d, Sept. 19, 1819.
Elizabeth, and John Buxton, 12: 9 m: 1723.
Esther S., of Salem, and Thomas W. Brown, int. Mar. 29, 1847.
Eunice, and Robert Hutchinson, June 16, 1768.
George, a. 21 y., gardener, s. Daniel, and Sarah A[nn. int.] Larrabee, a. 18 y., d. John H., Nov. 24, 1846.
George Cook, and Nancy Reed Osborn, Jan. 12, 1832.
Henry, and Lydia Ann Burchstead, Dec. 3, 1845.
James, and Patience Osborn, int. Nov. 28, 1767.
James H., of Ipswich, a. 21 y., wagoner, s. James and Mariah, and Abigail H. Reed, a. 17 y., d. William, Dec. 13, 1846.
John, and Elizabeth Buxton, 12: 9 m: 1723.
John, and Mary Osborn, Oct. 26, 1759.
John, Jr., and Ruth Page, at Weare, N.H., Feb. 15, 1826. [1827. dup.]
Jonathan, and Elizabeth Cook, June 27, 1757.
Jonathan, jr., and Sarah Osborn, at Salem, May 15, 1794.
Jonathan, 3d, and Eliza Buxton, Sept. 19, 1819.
Jonathan, 4th, and Sarah Hawks, May 5, 1827.
Jonathan, and Orinda Sargent, 2d w., at Weare, Sept. 20, 1838.
Joseph, and Abigail Bray, int. Sept. 16, 1758.
Joseph, jr., and Lydia Shillaber, at Salem, June 20, 1822.
Joseph, of Reading, and Deborah Russell, Nov. 5, 1833.
Joshua, and Mary Pope, ----, ----.
Keziah, and Nathan [Jonathan. int.] Breed, jr. of Lynn, Oct. 3, 1754.
Lydia, and William Hutchinson, Feb. 28, 1754.
Mary, and Joshua Swinerton, Dec. 12, 1754.
Mary Ann, and Alfred Manning of Ipswich, Sept. 3, 1841.
Mary Susanna, and Asa Sawyer, jr., at Reading, May 19, 1836.
Mercy, and Jonathan Shillaber, jr. of Salem, int. Oct. 13, 1827.
Paul, jr., and Judieth Reed of Salem, int. Sept. 3, 1831.
Robert G[ove. dup.], a. 26 y., yeoman, s. Daniel and Anna, and Aseneth Evans, a. 22 y., d. Joseph and Kesiah, Apr. 15, 1849.
Ruth, and James Brown, May 23, 1759.
Ruth, Mrs. [3d w. dup.], and Benjamin Stevens, Mar. 29, 1825. [Mar. 19, 1824. dup.]
Samuel, and Ruth Hobbs [of Salem. int.], Jan. 25, 1807.
Sarah, and Samuel Osborn, Sept. 18, 1768.
Sarah, and Elisha Hutchinson of Middleton, int. Apr. 17, 1773.
Thomas, and Abagail Barker [of Salem. int.], at Salem, Jan. 23, 1826.
Timothy, and Lydia Salisbury, at Weymouth [bef. 1814.]
Timothy [of Reading. dup.], and wid. Eunice Newhall (née Flint), Apr. 16, 1814. [Apr. 17. dup.]
BUZZEL (see also Buswell)
Ruth, of Boxford, and David Butman, int. June 19, 1778.
Mahala L., Mrs. [of Manchester. int.], and John Dexter, [Sept. 14. int.], 1844.
