Vital records of Dalton, Massachusetts
to the year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund.
Boston, Mass., 1906.
Births - MACKEN to YOUNG & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Patrick, Apr. 1, 1837, in Co. Longford, Ireland. G.R.2.
----, s. Jerry, labourer, and Jane, May 6 [1843]
Mary, d. Stephan P., labourer, and Harriet, Dec. 27 [1844]
Rosabell, d. Stephen P., labourer, and Harriet, Feb. 11, 1847.
----, d. Stephen P., labourer (b. Italy, N.Y.), and Harriet (b. Alesbury, N.Y.), Dec. 6, 1849.
Martha (Boardman), w. W. H., ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Andrew J., Oct. 15, 1825. G.R.1.
George A. [h. Sarah Jane], May 28, 1832. G.R.1.
Sarah Jane [----], w. George A., Sept. 6, 1838. G.R.1.
James [h. Mary], ---- [1819]. G.R.2.
John, ---- [1837] G.R.2.
Margaret, ---- [1827], in parish of Templeport, Co. Cavan., Ireland. G.R.2.
Mary [----], w. Loughlin, ---- [1816]. G.R.2.
Mary [----], w. James, ---- [1820]. G.R.2.
Augusta, d. Arnold, carpenter, and Lidia, Feb. 6, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Charles Moseley, s. Ezra and Raney, July 2, 1800.
Emily A. [----], w. George W., ---- [1839]. G.R.1.
George W., ---- [1832]. G.R.1.
Harriet A. [----], w. W. D., June 4, 1836. G.R.1.
Laura, d. Ezra and Raney, May 13, 1804.
Ruby [----], w. William T., ---- [1804]. G.R.1.
W. D. [h. Harriet A.], Nov. 10, 1827. G.R.1.
William Sumner, s. Ezra and Raney, Apr. 25, 1802.
William T., ---- [1798]. G.R.1.
----, s. Arnold, carpenter, and Lydia, Feb. 11 [1844]
William R., Nov. 9, 1833. G.R.1.
Matthew, ---- [1839]. G.R.1.
Duncan, ---- [1828]. G.R.1.
Hugh, s. Patric, labourer (b. Ireland), and Catharine (b. Ireland), May 27, 1848.
Mary, d. Thomas, labourer, and Mary, Dec. 11, 1846.
William, s. Thomas, labourer (b. Ireland), and Mary (b. Ireland), Feb. 29 [sic], 1849.
Susan [----], w. George [June ----, 1791. G.R.1.
John, s. M. and H. ----, 1845. G.R.2.
Michael, s. M. and H., ----, 1848. G.R.2.
Charles N., ---- [1841]. G.R.1.
Martha (Pixley), w. Walter, July 27, 1813. G.R.1.
William, Aug. 22, 1839. G.R.1.
Volney, ---- [1813]. G.R.1.
Clark W. [h. Ellen T. (Shaw)], Nov. 30, 1818. G.R.1.
Ellen T. (Shaw), w. Clark W., Oct. 24, 1822. G.R.1.
Emma Leila, d. Chester Jr., inn keeper (b. Cumnington), and Emily E. (b. Owego, N.Y.), Dec. 17, 1848.
Harriet N. [----], w. Priestly, Oct. 1, 1815. G.R.1.
Julia C., w. Byron Weston, Aug. 24, 1844. G.R.1.
Margaret P. [----], w. Cushing, ---- [1790]. G.R.1.
Porter P., ---- [1825]. G.R.1.
Priestly [h. Harriet N.], ---- [1817]. G.R.1.
S. Louise, d. Clark W. and Ellen T., ---- [1846]. G.R.1.
Cordelia N., w. George W. Boardman, Mar. 26, 1807. G.R.1.
MOOERS (see Moores)
Pamelia [----], w. Oliver, ---- [1802]. G.R.1.
Persey D., s. Oliver and Pamelia, ---- [1841]. G.R.1.
MOORES (see Mooers)
Andrew, s. Oliver and Pamelia, ---- [1847]. G.R.1.
Emily M., d. Oliver and Pamelia, ---- [1845]. G.R.1.
----, d. Bonaface, husbandman, and Sarah T., Apr. 25 [1844]
Fannie W. (Bradford), w. Charles W. [Sept. ----, 1847]. G.R.1.
William, ---- [1811]. G.R.1.
Mary T. [----], w. James, ---- [1844]. G.R.2.
A. Curtis, Sept. 5, 1829. G.R.1.
Alanson W., s. Alanson H., operative in saw mill, and Loisa, July 18 [1845].
Charles K., s. Alonzo, labourer, and B. P., Nov. 18 [1847].
Christiana, d. Alanson, labourer, and L. C., Feb. 3 [1848].
Elisha Gardner, s. Alanson H., labourer, and Caroline L., May 12 [1843].
Julia A. [? m.], ---- [1802]. G.R.1.
Melissa A. [? m.], ---- [1797]. G.R.1.
Rose, w. Michael Haley, ---- [1834]. G.R.2.
Ann [----], w. John R., ---- [1825]. G.R.2.
John, ---- [1824]. C.R.2.
Lovinia (Lanckton), w. Calvin [Aug. ----, 1791]. G.R.1.
Benjamin F. [h. Margaret W.] [Jan. ----, 1818]. G.R.1.
Clarence L., s. Benjamin F., shoemaker (b. S. Berwick, Me.), and Margaret, May 2, 1849.
George H., s. Benjamin F., shoemaker, and Margaret W., Apr. 11, 1846 (1846, written in pencil].
Margaret W. [----], w. Benjamin F. [Aug. ----, 1825]. G.R.1.
Mary A., d. B. F., shoemaker, and Margaret [Margaret W., Nov. 25 [1847].
William Franklin, s. Benjamin F., shoe maker, and Margaret W., Nov. 25 (1844].
Malvina C. (Green), w. Sylvanus E., ---- [1827]. G.R.1.
Sylvanus E. [h. Malvina C. (Green)], ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
----, s. Ransond, labourer, and Jame [sic], Feb. 15, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Elie, ---- [1833]. G.R.1.
Francis, ---- [1792] [dup. in Germany]. G.R.2.
Johanna [----], w. William, ---- [1806]. G.R.2.
William [h. Johanna], ----[1810]. G.R.2.
Catharine [----], w. Patrick, ---- [1807], in Co. Galway, Ireland. G.R.2.
Margaret [? m.], ---- [1820]. G.R.2.
Daniel, ---- [1788]. G.R.1.
Andrew Jackson, ---- [1823]. C.R.2.
Dennis [h. Nora], ---- [1845]. G.R.2.
Nora [----], w. Dennis, ---- [1843]. G.R.2.
Alice, d. John and Mary (Cocoran) "Natives of the Parish of Fennor, County Waterford, Ireland," w. Maurice Power, ---- [1844]. G.R.2.
Deborah, d. Timothy and Polly, Mar. 13, 1795.
Kingsley, s. Timothy and Polly, Oct. 16, 1793.
Martin, s. Timothy and Polly, Mar. 14, 1798.
Roxcey, d. Timothy and Polly, Nov. 25, 1787.
Sibbel, d. Timothy and Polly, Aug. 15, 1790.
Catharine, w. John Coleman, ---- [1828]. G.R.2.
Simon [h. Catharine], ---- [1813], in Ballydoyle, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. G.R.2.
Catherine [----], w. John, ---- [1822]. G.R.2.
John [w. Catherine], ---- [1812]. G.R.2.
Louisa [----], w. James, ---- [1840]. G.R.1.
Shubael, ---- [1780[. G.R.1.
Sarah A., w. George H. Bean, ---- [1830]. G.R.1.
Candace H., ---- [1832]. G.R.1.
Charles Henry, s. Henry S., accountant, and Emily, Apr. 23, 1847.
Ellen E. [----], w. Henry M., ---- [1835].
George H., May 9, 1838. G.R.1.
Grenville W., ---- [1834]. G.R.1.
Henry M. [h. Ellen E.], ---- [1824 G.R.1.
Jacob [Dec. ----, 1800]. G.R.1.
Jane E. (Curtis), w. Samuel I., ---- [1827]. G.R.1.
Lucinda B. [----], w. Henry M., ---- [1823]. G.R.1.
Margaret G., w. Parker, d. David Carson, Mar. 18, 1814. G.R.1.
Margaret Green, d. Samuel C., paper manufacturer, and Margaret G., Sept. 17 [1844].
Mary (Howard), w. Samuel I., ---- [1789]. G.R.1.
Mary Jane, d. Samuel I. Jr., labourer, and Jane E., July 12 [1844].
Melvin Lord, s. Samuel L., paper maker, and Margaret, Mar. 27, 1847.
Samuel I. [h. Jane E. (Curtis)], ---- [1822]. G.R.1.
Samuel I., s. Samuel T., farmer, and J. E., Nov. 6 [1847].
Sarah Elizabeth, d. Henry M., carpenter, and Lucinda B. (b. Worthington), July 19, 1849.
George A., ---- [1827]. G.R.1.
Oliver Jr., s. Oliver, operative (b. Longmeadow), and Eliza (b. Hatfield), Dec. 19, 1849.
Asa B. [h. Julia P.], ---- [1801]. G.R.1.
Julia P. [----], w. Asa B., ---- [1799]. G.R.1.
Asahel, ch. Asahel and w., June 8, 1818.
Asenath, ch. Hezekiah, Mar. 30, 1818.
Harriet Newell, ch. Asahel and w., Mar. 8, 1820.
Horace Burt, ch. Asahel and w., Oct. 3, 1815.
Laura, ch. Asahel and w., Mar. 24, 1817.
Lysander Preson, ch. Asahel and w., Sept. 27, 1813.
Frank, ---- [1836]. G.R.2.
Emilic Frederic, s. Theobald, labourer, and Catharine, Dec. 15 [1847].
Anna [----], w. Joel, ---- [1781]. G.R.1.
Dwight W. [h. Cynthia S. (Curtis)], Oct. 28, 1835.
Ebenezer N. [h. Nellie] [Mar. ----, 1809]. G.R.1.
George Newell, s. Ebeneaza N., carpenter, and Eleanor, Nov. 26, 1846.
Henry P., s. Ebenezer N. and Elenor [July ----, 1837]. G.R.1.
Nellie [----], w. Ebenezer N. [May ----, 1811]. G.R.1.
Elizabeth E., d. Henry, husbandman, and Maria, Oct. 25 [1843].
Clista Marion, d. Wilard M., machinist, and Lucinda C., Dec. 27 [1844].
John Wetherell, s. Willard M. wagon maker, and Lucinda C., Sept. 13, 1846, in Sandusky City, O.
Barnabas, s. Barnabas and Hannah, June 30, 1796.
George T., Nov. 17, 1845. G.R.1.
Electa, w. Millen Gallup, Aug. 21, 1799. G.R.1.
Martha, w. Walter Metcalf, July 27, 1813. G.R.1.
Sophia [----], Vetal, ---- [1848]. G.R.2.
Mary H., w. Elisha Clark, ---- [1818]. G.R.1.
Orrin, ---- [1831]. C.R.2.
Betsey, d. Silas and Betsey, Feb. 18, 1793.
Emma Leora, d. Henry, farmer (b. Cummington), and Hepsabah J. (b. Windsor), Mar. 20, 1849.
Hezekiah [h. Mary P.] [h. Martha W.] [Mar. ----, 1786]. G.R.1.
Martha W. [----], w. Hezekiah, ---- [1800]. G.R.1.
Mary P. [----], w. Hezekiah, ---- [1792]. G.R.1.
Maria, ---- [1828]. C.R.2.
Mary J., ---- [1840]. G.R.1.
POWER (see Powers)
Alice, w. Maurice, d. John O'Cornell and Mary (Cocoran) "Natives of the Parish of Fennor, County Waterford, Ireland," ---- [1844]. G.R.2.
POWERS (see Power)
Anaslasia (Cary), w. Pierrie, ---- [1819]. G.R.2.
Bridget, w. David White, ---- [1847]. G.R.2.
Franklin, s. Henry L., labourer, and Lovina, Aug. 28 [1843].
Eliza Catharine, d. Sardis, shoemaker, and Dorcus, Sept. 8 [1844].
Henry H., June 16, 1842. G.R.1.
Jonathan, ---- [1798]. G.R.1.
Lucy M., d. M. and P., ---- [1844].
Phebe R., ---- [1806]. G.R.1.
Charles [h. Sarah], ---- [1831]. G.R.2.
Edward [h. Isabella (Tolan)], ---- [1825]. G.R.2.
Isabella (Tolan), w. Edward, ---- [1832]. G.R.2.
Margaret [----], w. Patrick, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
Patrick [h. Margaret], ----, 1821. G.R.2.
Peter, ---- [1813]. G.R.2.
Peter Jr., ---- [1849]. G.R.2.
Sarah [----], w. Charles, ---- [1834]. G.R.2.
Bridget [----], w. Patrick, ---- [1802]. G.R.2.
Patrick [h. Bridget], ---- [1796]. G.R.2.
Eliza, ---- [1823]. C.R.2.
Minerva E., w. Silas S. Sears, July 29, 1831. G.R.1.
Amanda, d. James and Fidelia [July ----, 1847]. G.R.1.
Fidelia [----], w. James, Sept. 1, 1823. G.R.1.
James [h. Fidelia], ---- [1813]. G.R.1.
Jane W. [----], w. Theodore, ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
John P., s. James, papermaker (b. Scotland), and Fidelia (b. Washington), Aug. 17, 1849.
Judieth Amelia, d. William, carpenter, and Nancy, Sept. 10 [1844].
William, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
REIVES (see Rives)
Mary E., d. Patrick, labourer, and Bridget, Mar. 31, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Chandler, ch. Peter and w., Feb. 26, 1806.
Harriet, ch. Peter and w., Sept. 15, 1814.
Hiram, ch. Peter and w., Feb. 14, 1812.
James Sullivan, ch. Peter and w., Jan. 19, 1805.
John, ch. Peter and w., Mar. 20, 1801, in Freehold, N.Y.
Polly, ch. Peter and w., Mar. 17, 1803, in Freehold, N.Y.
Ruth, ch. Peter and w., May 11, 1799, in Freehold, N.Y.
William, ch. Peter and w., July 27, 1809.
Clara A., w. Henry d. Daniel Lawrence and Rebecca, ---- [1843]. G.R.1.
Elizabeth, w. Charles Owen Brown, ----, 1826. G.R.1.
RIVES (see Reives)
----, s. Patric, labourer (b. Ireland), and Bridget (b. Ireland), Mar. 31, 1849.
George C., s. James and Aseneath, June 29, 1845, in Watertown, Jefferson Co., N.Y. G.R.1.
Edward Eustice, s. Edward E., labourer (b. Pittsfield), and Sybel (b. Buckland), Dec. 15, 1848.
Lucy M., only d. Edward and Sybil, w. David C. Smith, ---- [1846]. G.R.1.
----, d. Edward E., labourer, and Sybel, Dec. 3, 1845 [1845, written in pencil].
ROSELL (see Russell)
Maria, w. Daniel Kites, ---- [1808]. G.R.1.
John [h. Mary], ---- [1815]. G.R.1.
Mary [----], w. John, ----, 1825. G.R.1.
RUSSELL (see Rosen)
Myra T. [----], w. Joseph W. [May ----, 1815]. G.R.1.
----, s. Joseph W., husbandman, and Mira, Apr. 23, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Richard, ----, 1839. G.R.2.
SANDERS (see Saunders)
Edward, s. Thomas, operative in wollen factory, and Ellen, Feb. 7, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Angeline, w. William C. Finle, ---- [1840]. G.R.2.
SAUNDERS (see Sanders)
----, d. Thomas, opperative (b. Ireland), and Ellen (b. Adams), May 4, 1848.
Conrad [h. Margaret], Nov. 7, 1837. G.R.2.
Margaret [----], w. Conrad, Jan. 9, 1841. G.R.2.
Joseph [h. Mary L. (Hall)], Jan. 18, 1832. G.R.1.
Mary L. (Hall), w. Joseph, Oct. 17, 1838. G.R.1.
Jacob, ---- [1794]. G.R.2.
SCOTT (see Scutt)
Ann Janet, d. David and Ann Janet, Nov. 5, 1846.
SCUTT (see Scott)
----, ch. David, labourer, Jan. 21, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Louisa R. [----], w. Henry S., July 27, 1834. G.R.1.
Minerva E (Raymond), w. Silas S., July 29, 1831. G.R.1.
Oliver M., Rev. [Nov. ----, 1817]. G.R.1.
Sarah Eldridge, d. Rev. Oliver M. (b. Ashfield) and Maria (b. Sheffield), Oct. 31, 1848.
Silas S. [h. Minerva E. (Raymond)], Feb. 9, 1833. G.R.1.
Ellen T., w. Clark W. Mitchell, Oct. 24, 1822. G.R.1.
Nehemiah, Capt., ---- [1785]. G.R.1.
Edmond [h. Margaret (Fox)], ----, 1821. G.R.1.
Elizabeth (Cashion), w. Matthew, ---- [1837]. G.R.2.
Margaret (Fox), w. Edmond, ----, 1843. G.R.1.
P. J., Rev., ---- [1838]. G.R.2.
Bridget [? m.], ---- [1809]. G.R.2.
Patrick, ---- [1819]. G.R.2.
Philena, w. Addison Waldo Brown, ----, 1831. G.R.1.
Martin [h. Sibina], ---- 1813. G.R.1.
Sibina [----], w. Martin, ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
Joseph, June 26, 1799. G.R.1.
Abner [h. Mary], ---- [1781]. G.R.1.
Abner Marshall, Dr., May 29, 1819. G.R.1.
Alfred [Dec. ----, 1793]. G.R.1.
Almira, d. Joshua and Rhoda, Jan. 28, 1797.
Almira (Bardin), w. George W. Sr., Oct. 25, 1821, in Windsor. G.R.1.
Amos [h. Julia R. (Flint)] [July ----, 1823]. G.R.1.
Anna [----], w. Abner Jr., ---- [1774]. G.R.1.
Betsey Amelia (Evans), w. Dr. Abner Marshall, May 22, 1823. G.R.1.
Caroline [----], w. James S., ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Catharine [----], w. George W., ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Charles Allen, s. George W., carpenter, and Catharine, Dec. 29 [1844].
Charlotte (Jennings), w. George H., July 15, 1816. G.R.1.
David, July 6, 1799. G.R.1.
David C., Jan. 14, 1817. G.R.1.
David C., s. David C., operative in sawmill, and Permelia, Dec. 1, 1845 [1845, written in pencil].
Eliza, w. George Campbell, "formerly" w. James Lambdin, ---- [1822]. G.R.1.
Elizabeth, d. Asa, labourer, and Sarah, Dec. 29 [1844].
Emily Jane, d. Alfred Jr., tailor, and Susan, Feb. 10, 1847.
George A., s. Alfred and Mary M., ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
George Humphrey [h. Charlotte (Jennings)], ---- [1808]. G.R.1.
George W. Sr. [h. Catharine] [h. Almira (Bardin)] [Sept. ----, 1811]. G.R.1.
Harriet Ann, d. Ransford R., husbandman, and Julia A., Mar. 27 [1845].
Henry S., s. Alfred and Mary M. [Dec. ----, 1830]. G.R.1.
Hiram, s. Joshua and Rhoda, Mar. 6, 1800.
Ida M. [? m.], ---- [1849]. G.R.1.
Ina Clarabell, d. William A., blacksmith, and Rebeca (b. Lower Canada), July 20, 1849. [Ina G. B., G.R.1.]
Isabella, d. Samuel, labourer, and Rebecca, Nov. 1, 1846.
James D. [h. Rachel E.] [Dec. ----, 1825]. G.R.1.
James M., ---- [1834]. G.R.1.
James S. [h. Caroline] [Aug. ----, 1807]. G.R.1.
James Sullivan, s. James S., husbandman, and Caroline, Sept. 5 [1843].
Joel W. [h. Paulina], Mar. 31, 1826. G.R.1.
John Reddington, s. Joshua and Rhoda, May 4, 1802.
Julia F., w. John D. Hecox, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Julia R. (Flint), w. Amos [Feb. ----, 1822]. G.R.1.
Lucinda C., d. James S. and Caroline [Jan. ----, 1839]. G.R.1.
Lucy M., w. David C., only d. Edward Root and Sybil, ---- [1846]. G.R.1.
M., Ens., "Co. K. 34th. Inft. Mass Vols.," ----, 1842. G.R.1.
Mary [----], w. Amos, ---- [1770]. G.R.1.
Mary [----], w. Abner, ---- [1786]. G.R.1.
Mary M. [----], w. Alfred, ---- [1796]. G.R.1.
Mehitable, Apr. 22, 1832. G.R.1.
Monsier, s. Ransford, labourer, and Julia, Nov. 15 [1847].
Nancy [----], w. David, ---- [1800]. G.R.1.
Olive Mary, d. James S., farmer, and Caroline (b. Sheffield), Aug. 10, 1848.
Paulina w. Joel W., Aug. 8, 1835. G.R.1.
Polly, ---- [1802]. C.R.2.
Rachel E., ---- [1833]. C.R.2. [w. James D. [Oct. ----, 1833], G.R.1.]
Roswell P., s. James S., husbandman, and Caroline, Apr. 19, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
William Allen, s. Spencer and Jennet, Apr. 15, 1803.
William Henry, s. Henry L., operative in wollen factory, and Electa B., June 17 [1844].
----, s. George A., labourer, and Louisa (b. Hilsborough, Vt.), May 15, 1848.
Mary A., w. Lewis Crosier, May 16, 1825. G.R.1.
Sarah (Tyrell), w. Silas D., Apr. 26, 1839. G.R.1.
Mary M., w. William P. Francis, Sept. 12, 1833. G.R.1.
Dyer [h. Mary] [May ----, 1810]. G.R.1.
Mary [----], w. Dyer [June ----, 1808]. G.R.1.
Polly, d. Ira Jr., farmer (b. Washington), and Elizabeth S. (b. Petersburgh, N.Y.), Nov. 6, 1849.
Dexter [Sept. ----, 1826]. G.R.1.
John William, s. Sylvia Tucker, Apr. 30 [1844].
Cynthia C., Dec. 4, 1834. G.R.1.
Nelson B., July 4, 1834. G.R.1.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Jane, w. Wells A. Laflin, Dec. 3, 1828. G.R.1.
Charles M., s. Homer, road maker, and Moria, Mar. 15 [1848], in Pittsfield.
Charles E., ---- [1826]. G.R.1.
Ira D., s. Simeon, labourer (b. Thompson, Conn.), and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1848.
John Warner, s. Simeon, labourer, and Sarah, Jan. 25 [1844].
Sarah S. [----], w. Simeon, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
Silas Elijah, s. Elijah [Elijah C., G.R.1.], labourer (b. Pittsfield), and Angeline E. [Angeline A., G.R.1] (b. Plainfield), Aug. 2, 1849.
Simeon H., ---- [1801]. G.R.1.
Caroline Elizabeth, [twin] d. Henry, operative in wollen factory, and Elizabeth, Jan. 7 [1844].
Henry Peter, [twin] s. Henry, operative in wollen factory, and Elizabeth, Jan. 7 [1844].
Mary [? m.], ---- [1798]. G.R.1.
Edwin D., ---- [1849]. C.R.2.
Catharine [----], w. Cornelius, ---- [1822]. G.R.2.
Cornelius [h. Catharine], ---- [1823]. G.R.2.
Jane, w. William Hosey, ---- [1837]. G.R.1.
Michael [h. Elizabeth (Collins)], ---- [1842]. G.R.2.
Abigail, d. William and Mehitabel, Aug. 1, 1772.
James, s. William and Mehitabel, Oct. 17, 1773.
William, s. William and Mehitabel, Dec. ----, 1775.
Sarah J., d. Reuben, operative in wollen factory, and Polly, Sept. 13 [1843].
----, d. Alonzo A., operative in wollen factory, and Cloe, July 21 [1844].
Abby (Barlow), w. Thomas D., ---- [1799]. G.R.1.
Adam, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Eliza Barlow, w. James Brewer Crane, Mar. 16, 1826. G.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. Robert and Mary, ---- [1832]. G.R.1.
Mary Flint, Nov. 27, 1817. G.R.1.
Thomas D. [h. Abby (Barlow)], ---- [1795]. G.R.1.
James, ---- [1821]. G.R.2.
Isabella, w. Edward Quinn, ---- [1832]. G.R.2.
James, ---- [1827]. G.R.1.
Harlan W., ---- [1836]. C.R.2.
Mercy Lucina, d. Thomas, farmer (b. Hinsdale), and Achsey (b. Windsor), Mar. 3, 1849.
Rebecca [? m.], ---- [1800]. G.R.1.
Dwight G., s. S. D. and E. E., ---- [1833]. G.R.1.
Esther E. (Beals), w. Stephens D., May 20, 1811. G.R.1.
Jarvis E., s. S. D. and E. E., ---- [1834]. G.R.1.
Lucina A., w. Lewis Crosier, Apr. 14, 1826. G.R.1.
Lucy B., d. S. D. and E. E. [Mar. ----, 1842]. G.R.1.
Samuel D., Jan. 5, 1842. G.R.1.
Stephens D. [h. Esther E. (Beals)], Dec. 9, 1807. G.R.1.
Mary, w. Robert Whitaker, Feb. 21, 1847, in Pollington, Yorkshire, England. G.R.1.
Ellen, ---- [1830]. C.R.2. [Ellen [----], w. Thomas Trend, Nov. 25, 1830. G.R.1.]
Ephraim S., ---- [1787]. G.R.1.
George, ch. John and Sabra, Jan. 11, 1816.
Jefferson, ch. John and Sabra, Mar. 4, 1801.
John, ch. John and Sabra, July 7, 1799.
Joseph, ch. John and Sabra, June 25, 1813.
Joseph, ch. John and Sabra, Oct. 19, 1814.
Mehitable, ch. John and Sabra, May 21, 1810.
Naham [h. Nancy], ---- [1805]. G.R.1.
Nahum, ch. John and Sabra, Jan. 14, 1804.
Nancy [----], w. Naham, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
Pamela, ch. John and Sabra, Dec. 16, 1802.
Sarah Jane, negro, d. Jefferson, labourer (b. Mansfield), and Jane (b. Pittsfield), July 17, 1848.
William P. C., ch. John and Sabra, Apr. 27, 1806.
William W., s. Jefferson, labourer, and Jane, Apr. 25, 1846 [1846, written in pencil].
Betsey [----], w. Moody, ---- [1795]. G.R.1.
D. Webster, May 5, 1834, in Leominster. G.R.1.
Moody [h. Betsey], ---- [1789]. G.R.1.
TYRELL (see Tyrrell)
Elen Amanda, d. Horace, operative, and Louisa, Oct. 8, 1846.
TYRRELL (see Tyrell)
John Sumner [h. Pamela Malvina (Hicks)], Nov. 11, 1808. G.R.1.
Pamela Malvina (Hicks), w. John Sumner, July 8, 1808. G.R.1.
Sarah, w. Silas D. Spaulding, Apr. 26, 1839. G.R.1.
Julia Ann Curtiss, w. Oliver S. Baird, Aug. 23, 1812. G.R.1.
VANBERGAN (see Van Bergen, Van Burgan)
Ira [h. Rachel W.], Sept. 18, 1809, in Catskille, N.Y. G.R.1.
Rachel W. [----], w. Ira, Aug. 29, 1808. G.R.1.
William G., Mar. 20, 1776, in Catskill, N.Y. G.R.1.
VAN BERGEN (see Vanbergan, Van Burgan)
Margarett [----], w. William G., ---- [1787]. G.R.1.
VAN BURGAN (see Vanbergan, Van Bergen)
Ann Eliza, d. Elisha, operative in paper mill, and Mary S., Sept. 12 [1845].
Richard, ---- [1817]. G.R.1.
James N., Apr. 19, 1841. G.R.1.
VAN VALKENBURG (see Van Volkinburg)
Catherine, w. Alexander, ---- [1831]. G.R.1.
VAN VOLKINBURG (see Van Valkenburg)
Alexander [h. Catherine], ---- [1826]. G.R.1.
Joseph, ---- [1815]. G.R.1.
Elizabeth B. [----], "former' w. Leman, w. Emery C. Wright, [Dec. ----, 1828]. G.R.1.
Joseph R., ---- [1828]. G.R.1.
Leman [h. Elizabeth B.], ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
Martha Washington, d. I. F., farmer, and Martha, Feb. 22 [1848], in Pittsfield.
Lydia, w. Artemas Hubbard Cutler, July 22, 1824. G.R.1.
Laura Wood, d. John, labourer, and Eunice, May 17 [1844].
Horatio N., ch. Walter and Lois, Mar. 27, 1799.
Israel, ch. Walter and Lois, May 23, 1792.
Josiah, ch. Walter and Lois, Nov. 3, 1789.
Lois H., ch. Walter and Lois, Jan. 10, 1803.
Salome, ch. Walter and Lois, Apr. 29, 1795.
Walter R., ch. Walter and Lois, June 16, 1806.
Vincent, ---- [1840]. G.R.2.
Ida Louisa, d. Goodale T., gentleman, and Louisa (b. Washington Co., N.Y.), Dec. 8, 1848.
Sophia W., w. Goodale S., d. Dan Chamberlin and Rhoda, Sept. 13, 1804. G.R.1.
Maria A. [----], w. Roswell H. [Aug. ----, 1824]. G.R.1.
Roswell H. [h. Maria A.], ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Ahimaz W. [h. Miranda N.], Oct. 7, 1820. G.R.1.
B. F., ---- [1826]. G.R.1.
Caleb S. [h. Maria C. (Fleming)], Aug. 10, 1812. G.R.1.
George Henry, s. Caleb S., tailor, and Mariah, Mar. 28, 1847.
James G., s. Caleb S., tailor, and Maria, Apr. 9 [1844].
Jerusha R., ---- [1816]. G.R.1.
Joseph [h. Lury] [h. Susan], ---- [1780]. G.R.1.
Lucy C. [dup. Lury, omits C.] [? m.], Aug. 9, 1815. G.R.1.
Maria C. (Fleming), w. Caleb S., Dec. 8, 1819. G.R.1.
Miranda N. [----], w. Ahimaz W., July 7, 1827. G.R.1.
Susan [----], w. Joseph, ---- [1784]. G.R.1.
Laura Ann, d. Charles B., operative in wollen factory, and Fanny, Mar. 4 [1844].
----, George, labourer, and Mary, Apr. 14 [1844].
----, d. George A., labourer, and Mary, Mar. 30, 1846 [1846, written in pencil.]
Culissa, d. H. and C. R., Mar. 7, 1847. G.R.1.
Eli H., ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
Harrison, ---- [1816]. G.R.1.
George T., Dec. 1, 1838. G.R.1.
George H., s. Nathan H., husbandman, and Mary Ann, Nov. 19 [1843].
Isabella, d. Nathan H., husbandman, and Margaret, Sept. 27 [1845].
Morris, s. Garret, labourer, and Mary, May 26 [1844].
Jason P., s. George S., cabinet maker, and Jane J., June 30 [1845].
---- s. George S., painter (b. Ranslear Co., N.Y.), and Jane J. (b. Rensselair Co., N.Y.), July 7, 1848.
Julia E. [----], w. William B. [July----, 1816]. G.R.1.
William Alonzo, s. William B., labourer, and Julia, Nov. 19 [1847].
William B. [h. Julia E.], ---- [1810]. G.R.1.
Byron, Apr. 9, 1832. G.R.1.
Caroline W. [----], w. Isaiah, Dec. 9, 1809. G.R.1.
Elizabeth J. [----], w. Col. G. D., ---- [1819]. G.R.1.
Franklin, June 19, 1800, in New Bedford. G.R.1.
G. D. Col., Nov. 16, 1797, in New Bedford. G.R.1.
Isaiah, Sept. 27, 1804, in New Bedford. G.R.1.
Josiah Dean, M. D., Apr. 27, 1810, in New Bedford. G.R.1.
Julia C. [----], w. ----, ---- [1844]. C.R.2. [Julia C. (Mitchell), w. Byron, Aug. 24, 1844, G.R.1.]
Lucinda (Crane), w. Josiah Dean, M. D., Mar. 19, 1813. G.R.1.
William Witherell, s. Grenville D., gentleman (b. New Bedford), and Elisabeth J. (b. Worthington), Nov. 16, 1849.
C. Elizabeth [? m.], ----, 1822. G.R.1.
Emma A., d. W. H. and P. J., ---- [1836]. G.R.1.
Persis J. [----], w. W. H., ---- [1817]. G.R.1.
Sarah Ann, d. Reuben, shoemaker, and Elisabeth, Aug. 18, 1846.
William H., Mar. 24, 1817. G.R.1.
John, s. Peter, labourer, and Catharine, July 10 [1844].
William, s. Peter, operative in wollen factory, and Catharine, Aug. 6 [1845].
Mary (Townsley), w. Robert, Feb. 21, 1847, in Pollington, Yorkshire, England. G.R.1.
Bridget (Powers), w. David, ---- [1847]. G.R.2.
Elizabeth C. [----], w. N., ---- [1832]. G.R.1.
Falden Jr., ---- [1846]. G.R.1.
Fronie M. (Comstock), w. John Henry, July 24, 1848. G.R.1.
B. F., [? b.] Feb. 5, 1841. G.R.1.
----, s. Albert, labourer, and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1845 [1845, written in pencil].
Alice A., d. Anthony, operative in factory, and Angeline, Nov. 14 [1844]
Delia (Bishop), w. Thomas S. [Mar. ----, 1827]. G.R.1.
Thomas S. [h. Delia (Bishop)] [June ----, 1820]. G.R.1.
Ann, w. John Coleman, Aug. 8, 1818. G.R.1.
Catharine [----], w. James, June 15, 1818. G.R.1.
James [h. Catharine], Apr. 1, 1803. G.R.1.
Amanda E. [----], w. Ahirah, ---- [1811]. G.R.1.
William, ---- [1820]. G.R.1.
Demas, w. Ralph Bishop, ---- [1803]. G.R.1.
Edward, ---- [1806]. G.R.1.
Mary, w. David Evans, Apr. 19, 1842. G.R.1.
Elizabeth B. [----], w. Emery C., "former" w. Leman Vining [Dec. ----, 1828]. G.R.1.
Emory C. [h. Mary M.], Jan. 23, 1832. G.R.1.
Henry C., Oct. 18, 1838. G.R.1.
Mary M. [----], w. Emory C., Feb. 19, 1841. G.R.1.
Nicholas, ---- [1828]. G.R.1.
Alexander, Aug. 2, 1819. G.R.1.
Electa [----], w. Lyman S. [Feb. ----, 1807]. G.R.1.
James S., Jan. 1, 1845. G.R.1.
Lyman S. [h. Electa] [June ----, 1802]. G.R.1.
----, Almira, W. Austin Flint, ---- [1790]. G.R.1.
----, Amanda, w. Joseph Chapel, ---- [1802]. G.R.1.
----, Amanda E., w. Ahirah Wood, ---- [1811] G.R.1.
----, Ann, w. John R. Murphey, ---- [1825]. G.R.2.
----, Ann, w. David Cahill, ---- [1837]. G.R.2.
----, Ann, w. Martin Ford, ---- [1839]. G.R.1.
----, Ann E., w. George B. Benton, ----, 1825. G.R.1.
----, Anna, w. Abner Smith Jr., ---- [1774]. G.R.1.
----, Anna, w. Joel Phelps, ---- [1781]. G.R.1.
----, Anna, w. Adolphus Fuller, ----, 1806. G.R.1.
----, Anna M., w. Joseph Bamesbeck [dup. Barnsback], ---- [1817] [dup. in Germany]. G.R.2.
----, Armenia M., w. William S. Gleason, ---- [1810]. G.R.1.
----, Asenath R., w. Dea. Humphrey Bicknell, ---- [1810]. G.R.1.
----, Betsey, w. Moody Tyler, ---- [1795]. G.R.1.
----, Betsey, w. Daniel Higgins, ---- [1806]. G.R.1.
----, Betsey A., w. ---- Elmendorph, ---- [1816]. G.R.1.
----, Bridget, w. Patrick Raftis, ---- [1802]. G.R.2.
----, Bridget, w. Richard Cahill, ---- [1810]. G.R.2.
----, Bridget, w. John Daverin, Sept. 14, 1829. G.R.1.
----, Bridget, w. Thomas Fleming, ---- [1834]. G.R.2.
----, Bridget, w. Edward Hynes, ---- [1842]. G.R.2.
----, Caroline, w. James S. Smith, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
----, Caroline W., w. Isaiah Weston, Dec. 9, 1809. G.R.1.
----, Catharine, w. James Wilson, June 15, 1801. G.R.1.
----, Catharine, w. Daniel Higgins, ---- [1804]. G.R.1.
----, Catharine, w. Patrick Noonan, ---- [1807], in Co. Galway, Ireland. G.R.2.
----, Catharine, w. George W. Smith, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
----, Catharine, w. Patrick Butler, ----, 1817, in Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. G.R.2.
----, Catharine, w. Cornelius Sullivan, ---- [1822]. G.R.2.
----, Catherine, w. John O'Sullivan, ---- [1822]. G.R.2.
----, Catherine, w. John Corcoran, ---- [1825]. G.R.2.
----, Catherine, w. Alexander Van Valkenburg, ---- [1831] G.R.1.
----, Catherine, w. Bartle Donahoe, ---- [1838]. G.R.2.
----, Charlotte, w. Richard Goodhind [Sept. ----, 1841], in Maidstone, Kent, England. G.R.1.
----, Christen, w. Euclide Laramee [Apr. ----, 1845]. G.R.2.
----, Cornelia, w. Gilbert Controy, Feb. 21, 1836. G.R.1.
----, Dorcas Amanda, w. Henry A. Barton, ---- [1823]. G.R.1.
----, Electa, w. Lyman S. Young [Feb. ----, 1807]. G.R.1.
----, Electa, w. S. M. Foot, ---- [1814]. G.R.1.
----, Eliza, w. Abraham Anthony [Sept. ----, 1799]. G.R.1.
----, Eliza, w. Noah Clark, Mar. 15, 1811. G.R.1.
----, Eliza M., w. John C. Chase, ---- [1813]. G.R.1.
----, Elizabeth, w. Edward Dwyer, ---- [1825]. G.R.2.
----, Elizabeth B., "former" w. Leman Vining, w. Emery C. Wright [Dec. ----, 1828]. G.R.1.
----, Elizabeth J., w. Col. G. D. Weston, ---- [1819]. G.R.1.
----, Ellen, w. ---- Kaley, ---- [1806]. G.R.2.
----, Ellen, w. Thomas Trend, Nov. 25, 1830. G.R.1.
----, Ellen, w. Michael Cozen, ---- [1842]. G.R.2.
----, Ellen E., w. Henry M. Parker, ---- [1835]. G.R.1.
----, Emily A., w. George W. Maynard, ---- [1839]. G.R.1.
----, Emily M., w. Thomas G. Carson, June 15, 1824. G.R.1.
----, Eunice, w. Alpheus Bardin [Sept. ----, 1796]. G.R.1.
----, Eunice C., w. Robert Johnson [Aug. ----, 1798]. G.R.1.
----, F. Louise, w. Henry Gallup, Mar. 10, 1847. G.R.1.
----, Fidelia, w. James Reed, Sept. 1, 1823. G.R.1.
----, Hannah L., w. Albert Branch [Nov. ----, 1817]. G.R.1.
----, Harriet, w. Samuel Cleveland, ---- [1796]. G.R.1.
----, Harriet A., w. W. D. Maynard, June 4, 1836. G.R.1.
----, Harriet N., w. Priestly Mitchell, Oct. 1, 1815. G.R.1.
----, Honor (see Oner ----).
----, Jane, w. Patrick Gillen, ---- [1824]. G.R.2.
----, Jane M., w. David Burr, Sept. 12, 1834. G.R.1.
----, Jane W., w. Theodore Reed, ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
----, Joanna, w. Abner Curtis, ---- [1801]. G.R.1.
----, Johanna, w. William Nolan, ---- [1806]. G.R.2.
----, Joseph E., ---- [1813]. G.R.1.
----, Julia, w. William Canfield, ---- [1834]. G.R.2.
----, Julia E., w. William B. West [July ----, 1816]. G.R.1.
----, Julia P., w. Asa B. Partridge, ---- [1799]. G.R.1.
----, Kate, w. Patrick Canfield ---- [1839]. G.R.2.
----, Lorane, w. Edward R. Davenport, ---- [1822]. G.R.1.
----, Louisa, w. James Otis, ---- [1840]. G.R.1.
----, Louisa R., w. Henry S. Sears, July 27, 1834. G.R.1.
----, Lucinda, w. Hon. Zenas Crane, July 21, 1787. G.R.1.
----, Lucinda B., w.. Henry M. Parker, ---- [1823]. G.R.1.
----, Lucresia, w. Paul Depue, Jan. 15, 1829. G.R.1.
----, Lydia, wid. Cornelius Bassett, ---- [1789]. G.R.1.
----, Lydia Ann, w. Charles B. Lawrence [Oct. ----, 1820]. G.R.1.
----, Margaret, w. Michael Hickey, ---- [1798]. G.R.2.
----, Margaret, w. Patrick Quinn, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
----, Margaret, w. Conrad Schnopp, Jan. 9, 1841. G.R.2.
----, Margaret G., w. David Carson, ---- [1793]. G.R.1.
----, Margaret I., w. John Curtis, ---- [1820]. G.R.1.
----, Margaret P., w. Cushing Mitchell, ---- [1790]. G.R.1.
----, Margaret W., w. Benjamin F. [Aug. ----, 1825]. G.R.1.
----, Maria, w. James S. Davis, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
----, Maria A., w. Roswell H. Warner [Aug. ----, 1824]. G.R.1.
----, Martha, w. John Curtis, ---- [1776]. G.R.1.
----, Martha, w. William Babcock, ---- [1819]. G.R.1.
----, Martha W., w. Hezekiah Porter, ---- [1800]. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. Abner Smith, ---- [1786]. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. Dyer Sprague [June ----, 1808]. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. Loughlin Maxwell, ---- [1816]. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. James Maxwell, ---- [1820]. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. John Rudin, ----, 1825. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. Patrick Burke, ---- [1827], in Queen Co., Ireland. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. Patrick Daly, ---- [1828]. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. Joseph Grainger, ---- [1829]. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. John Hennessey, Apr. 15, 1835. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. John Cullen, ---- [1835]. G.R.2.
----, Mary, w. Peter F. Daly [Oct. ----, 1845]. G.R.1.
----, Mary, w. John M. Carey, ---- [1845]. G.R.2.
----, Mary, W. John Famum [Aug. ----, 1849]. G.R.2.
----, Mary A., w. Matthew Hamilton, ---- [1843]. G.R.2.
----, Mary C., w. ---- Lawrence [Jan. ----, 1789]. G.R.1.
----, Mary C., w. L. D. Bailey, ---- [1818]. G.R.1.
----, Mary Elvira, w. Joel W. Bardin [Sept. ----, 1826]. G.R.1.
----, Mary M., w. Alfred Smith, ---- [1796]. G.R.1.
----, Mary M., w. Emory C. Wright, Feb. 19, 1841. G.R.1.
----, Mary N., w. Joseph E. Goodridge, ---- [1812]. G.R.1.
----, Mary P., w. Hezekiah Porter, ---- [1792]. G.R.1.
----, Mary S., w. John Curtis [July ----, 1809]. G.R.1.
----, Mary T., w. James Morrisey, ---- [1844]. G.R.2.
----, Mercy, w. Levi W. Herrick, ---- [1809]. G.R.1.
----, Miranda N., w. Ahimaz W. Warren, July 7, 1827. G.R.1.
----, Myra T., w. Joseph W. Russell [May ----, 1815]. G.R.1.
----, Nancy, w. Abijah Barker, ---- [1794]. G.R.1.
----, Nancy, w. David Smith, ---- [1800]. G.R.1.
----, Nancy, w. Naham Tucker, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
----, Nellie, w. Ebenezer N. Phelps [May ----, 1811]. G.R.1.
----, Nora, w. Dennis O'Brien, ---- [1843]. G.R.2.
----, Olive, w. Walter Dean, ---- [1769]. G.R.1.
----, Oner, w. Warren Holden, Aug. 10, 1802. G.R.1.
----, Pamelia, w. Oliver Mooers, ---- [1802]. G.R.1.
----, Pamelia S., w. Grove W. Branch, Mar. 7, 1805. G.R.1.
----, Paulina, w. Joel W. Smith, Aug. 8, 1835. G.R.1.
----, Persis J., w. W. H. Wharfield, ---- [1817]. G.R.1.
----, Polly N., w. John Curtis [July ----, 1800]. G.R.1.
----, Rachel E., w. James D. Smith [Oct. ----, 1833]. G.R.1.
----, Rachel J., w. Benjamin Hemenway, ---- [1828]. G.R.1.
----, Rachel W., w. Ira Vanbergan, Aug. 29,. 1808. G.R.1.
----, Rebecca, w. Daniel Lawrence Jr., ---- [1793]. G.R.1.
----, Rebecca D., w. Addison A. Geer [Oct. ----, 1821]. G.R.1.
----, Rhoda A., w. Henry A. Hale, ---- [1821]. G.R.1.
----, Rosa, w. Francis Kirchner, Dec. 5, 1840. G.R.2.
----, Ruby, w. Ezekiel Chamberlin, Mar. 17, 1789. G.R.1.
----, Ruby, w. William T., ---- [1804]. G.R.1.
----, Sabina (see Sibina).
----, Sabrina, w. Watson Clark, ---- [1805]. G.R.1.
----, Sarah, w. Charles Burr [Sr.], ---- [1788]. G.R.1.
----, Sarah, w. Grove W. Branch, Aug. 20, 1809. G.R.1.
----, Sarah, w. Abraham Counter, Aug. 10, 1817. G.R.1.
----, Sarah, w. T. A. Lawrence [Feb. ----, 1823]. G.R.1.
----, Sarah, w. Charles Quinn, ---- [1834]. G.R.2.
----, Sarah A., w. Henry W. Baldwin [May ----, 1831]. G.R.1.
----, Sarah Jane, w. George A. Mason, Sept. 6, 1838. G.R.1.
----, Sarah M. [w. David F. B. Carson], Nov. 7, 1830. G.R.1.
----, Sarah S., w. Simeon Stockwell, ---- [1807]. G.R.1.
----, Sibina, w. Martin Silver, ---- [1824]. G.R.1.
----, Sophia, w. Vetal Plankey, ---- [1848]. G.R.2.
----, Sophia C., w. William G. Hall, ---- [1811]. G.R.1.
----, Sophronia, w. Ashley Gallup, ---- [1804]. G.R.1.
----, Susan, w. Joseph Warren, ---- [1784]. G.R.1.
----, Susan, w. George McIntire [June ----, 1791]. G.R.1.
----, Susan [w. James M. Anthony], Aug. 31, 1815. G.R.1.
----, Susan M., w. Joel H. Fox [June ----, 1833]. G.R.1.
----, ----, w. ---- Kamer, ---- [1843]. C.R.2.
