Concord, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts :
Births, Marriages, And Deaths, 1635-1850
Anonymous, 1895
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

AT the Annual Meeting of the citizens of the Town of Concord, held March 30, 1891, it was voted, "that a committee of five persons be appointed by the moderator, who should procure the printing of the town's ancient registers of births, marriages, and deaths." "The moderator appointed Grindall Reynolds, John S. Keyes, Chas. H. Walcott, Samuel Hoar, and George Tolman." The book which this committee now offers to their fellow citizens for their approval is the result of the labors given under this vote. Concord is one of the oldest of our New England towns, having been settled in 1635.
It has been termed with truth one of the "seed towns." The descendants of the original settlers are scattered far and wide over the whole country. It is probable that the number of such descendants living outside of the town far exceeds the number of those living in it at the present time. Naturally enough, there has been a great and growing desire on the part of many of these to obtain trustworthy information in respect to those from whom they arc descended, or to whom they are related by ties of blood. There has been perhaps a still greater desire on the part of those who still live in the town to have the means of information which really exist put into an available and convenient form. For these reasons and others, which will occur to those who are interested in genealogical matters, the town took the action of which this work is the fruit.
The committee wish to say a few words about the character and formation of the book. The lists as printed are intended to be an actual transcript of the original records. To those records in every case we have gone back and have never relied on any copy, even when it has been officially certified to be correct. These original records have been followed, too, in every particular, in spelling, in abbreviations, in punctuation, in use of capitals, and the like — that is, as nearly as modern print can be made to follow ancient and sometimes almost illegible manuscript. A fact may be stated, probably not generally known, that for some years the records of births, marriages, and deaths were kept only in the town; in other years, only in the county books; and in still other years, both in the town and county records. Where such duplicate records exist we have followed the Town Record Book, at the same time comparing it carefully with the County Book, and stating in footnotes any discrepancies that may have appeared. The official record of deaths has also been compared with the records of the First Church and with the old gravestones, and the differences similarly noted. Wherever in the Town Record of deaths the age of the person dying is not stated, it has been supplied in brackets, wherever possible, from the church records, the gravestones, or the death notices in the local newspapers.
To the record of the deaths in the town books we have added such others as do not appear in those books, but are found in the church records or on the gravestones. Nothing which appears in brackets or footnotes is to be taken as a part of the record. Such additions, where no authority is quoted, rest upon the general knowledge of the compilers. Particular attention is called to the index. Some features have been introduced into this index which certainly are not common in indexes of this kind, perhaps altogether unknown in them. Not only is attention called to the pages on which the names of persons appear, but it is stated whether on that particular page is found the record of a birth, a marriage, or a death. This enables the seeker to avoid much unnecessary examination of pages which do not record
the kind of facts for which he is looking.
All the members of the committee appointed by the town have given much interest and a good deal of general supervision to the work; but it is simple justice to say that the great burden of investigation and labor has fallen upon Mr. George Tolman, one of the committee. He has given unremitting care and a very large portion of his time to the preparation of the book. He has sought in every direction for information which might cast side light upon the Town Records themselves. If the book shall prove to have the merits that such a book ought to have, a full measure of credit should be given to Mr. Tolman. It is the hope of the committee that this book will be found to be as correct in its statements as it is possible for human care to make it, and that the prolonged inquiries which have been made have given it as much of the quality of thoroughness and completeness as the existing sources of knowledge will permit, and that it will furnish trustworthy information in respect to the men and women who have lived and played their part in one ancient and honorable New England town.
IF any record of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Concord was kept previously to the year 1640, such record has not been preserved. It is very probable that the early colonists took no pains to make public registration of such matters. In September, 1639, the General Court ordered that "records be kept of the days of every marriage, birth, and death of every person within this jurisdiction." No particular officer was charged with this duty in the several towns, but "Mr. Stephen Winthrop was chosen to record things at Boston."
In June, 1642, the General Court ordered that the "Clerks of the Writs" in the several towns should record all births and deaths, and deliver a return of the same yearly to the Recorder of the court belonging to the jurisdiction in which they live. Persons authorized to marry were to return the names of persons married by them, and the date of the marriages, to the Recorder of the court. In compliance with these requirements of law, two returns of births and deaths, one in 1644 and one in 1645, were made by Simon Willard to the Recorder at Boston. The original volume is now in the office of the City Registrar at Boston, together with a copy made in the year 1856. In 1851 a copy of that portion of the record relating to towns in Middlesex County was made under the direction of the County Commissioners, and now forms a part of the first volume of the Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Middlesex County, in the office of the Clerk of the Courts at Cambridge. This copy contains some errors, which are here corrected in footnotes. These returns have been printed in the N.E. Historical and Genealogical Resister, Vol. IV, p. 271, and Vol. VIII, p. 347.
A register of the berths & burialls in Concord from the yeare 1639 untill the first month 1644 according to our account.-
Susanna the daughter of Thomas Atkinson was borne 28. (2) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of Thomas Atkinson was borne the 5. (1) 1643.
Thomas Baguley dyed the 18. (1) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of James Bennet was borne the 1. (4) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of James Bennet was borne the 16. (8) 1642.
Mary the daughter of James Bloud was borne the 12. (5.) 1640.
William Bowstred buried 31 (8) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Henry Brookes was borne the 12. (2.) 1641.
Boaz the sonne of Thomas Browne was borne the 14. (12.) 1641.
Dorothie the daughter of Mr. Peter Buckley was borne the 2. (6.) 1640.
Peter the sonne of Mr. Peter Buckley was borne the 12. (6) 1643.
Peter the sonne of Mr. Edward Buckley was borne the 3. (11.) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Mr. Thomas Buckley was borne the 12. (6.) 1640.
Richard the sonne of William Busse was borne the 6. (5.) 1640.
Anne the daughter of William Busse was borne the 18. (12.) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of John Chandler was borne 28 of 12 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Wm. Costin was borne the 24. (1.) 1642.
Phebe his daugter borne 10 (2) 1642. (So recorded. Evidently an error in the date of this or the next preceding entry.)
Thomas Dane had a daughter borne 24 (12). 1642.
The wife of Thomas Doggett dyed 23. (6.) 1642.
Lidia the daughter of Roger Draper was borne the 11. (9.) 1641.
John the sonne of Walter Edmunds was borne the 2. (5.) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Robert Edwards was borne the 12. (7.) 1640. & buried 26. (7) 1640.
John the sonne of John Evarts was borne 29. (12) 1639.
Judah the sonne of John Evarts was borne 27 (8) 1642.
Mary the daughter of George ffowle was borne 24. (9.) 1640.
Peter the sonne of Georg ffowle was borne 2. (10.) 1641.
James the sonne of George ffowle was borne 12. (1.) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Henry ffarwell was borne 26. (12.) 1640.
Ephraim the sonne of Mr. Thomas fflint was borne 14. (11) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of William ffuller was borne the 8. (6.) 1641.
Elizabeth the wife of William ffuller dyed 24. (5.) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Thomas ffoxe was borne the 18. (7.) 1642. & dyed 9. (8.) 1642.
Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas ffoxe was borne the 18 (7) 1642.
Robert Gamlin was buried the 7. (7.) 1642.
Isabell the wife of Nathan Halsted dyed. 15. (1) 1641.
John the sonne of Willm Hartwell was borne the 23. (12.) 1640.
Richard Harvy had twoe daughters borne the 25. & 26. of the (9) month 1639, & both buried the 28. (9.) 1639. Margaret his wife dyed. 2. (10.) 1639.
John the sonne of George Heyward was borne 20. (10) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Georg Heyward was borne the 26. (10.) 1643.
Mary the daughter of James Hosmore was borne 11 (10) 1639. & dyed 18. (6.) 1642.
Mary the wife of James Hosmore was buried 11. (3.) 1641.
Steven the sonne of James Hosmore & Alice his wife was borne 27. (9.) 1642.
Eliphelet the sonne of Mr. John Jones was borne the 9. (11.) 1640.
Josiah the sonne of Richard Lettin was borne 20 (12.) 1640.
Richard Lettin also had another sonne borne the 12. (7.) 1643.
Hanna the daughter of Wm. Hunt was borne 12. (12.) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Ambros Martin was borne the 8. (9.) 1640.
Sarah his daughter was borne 27. (8.) 1642.
John the sonne of Joseph Miriam was borne the 9. (5.) 1641.
Joseph Miriam dyed. 1. (11) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of Georg Miriam was borne 8. (9.) 1641.
Mary the daughter of John Myles was borne 11. (12.) 1639.
James the sonne of William Odle was borne the 2. of the 11 month 1639, & was buried 4. (2.) 1641.
Rebecca the daughter of William Odle was borne the 17 (5) 1642.
Eunice the daughter of Luke Potter was borne the 2. (1.) 1640.
Rebecca the daughter of Luke Potter was borne the 2. (8.) 1643, & dyed 11 (8) 1643.
Stephen the sonne of James Posmore was borne the 13. (9) 1642 (Unquestionably this should be Hosmore, instead of Posmore; and the entry is a duplicate of a preceding one, the discrepancy of fourteen days in the date being accounted for by the (probable) fact that the record was originally made from memory.)
Alice Prentice dyed. 8 (1.) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of Richard Rice was borne the 27. (8.) 1641.
John ye sonne of Richard Rice was borne 23 of the 12 month 1643.
Mary the wife of Symon Rogers dyed. 1 (6) 1640.
George Squiers had a sonne borne 11. (1.) 1643.
Sarah the wife of Wm. Symons buried. 3. (2.) 1641.
A daughter of Benjamin Thwing dyed. 23. (6.) 1642.
Ruth the daughter of John Tompkins was borne 1. (4) 1640.
John the sonne of John Tompkins was borne the 25. (7) 1642.
Rebeccah the daughter of Benjamin Turney was borne 16. (12.) 1639.
Sarah his daughter was borne, 11. (10) 1641 & Ruth was borne 23 (11) 1643.
Remembrance the daughter of William Vnderwood was borne 27. (12.) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of Moses Wheate was borne the 25. (8) 1640. (The County record says 1641. 1640 is the original record.)
Hannah his daughter borne. 12. (12'.) 1642. (Duplicate entries of course; probably first made from memory, and the discrepancy of seven days to be accounted for by the fact that the day of the week, rather than the date, was remembered when the second record was made.)
Moses the sonne of Moses Wheate buried. 2S. (4.) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of Moses Wheate was borne 19. (12). 1642.
Sarah the daughter of Georg Wheeler was borne 30. (1.) 1640.
John the sonne of Georg Wheeler was borne the 19. (1.) 1643.
Ephraim the sonne of Joseph Wheeler was borne 14 (2.) 1640. buried. 19 (5) 1642.
Elizabeth wife of Joseph Wheeler buried 19 (5) 1642. (This is according to the original record at Boston. The copied County record says 1643. Dr. Savage (Gen. Dict., Vol. IV, p. 49S), following the latter, expresses himself as puzzled by the birth of a daughter, Mary, 20, 7, 3643, two months after the death of the mother. In fact, however, as the record shows, Joseph Wheeler's wife, Elizabeth, and her sons, Ephraim and Joseph, died almost at the same time, probably from some malignant disorder, and they were buried, one on the 18th, the other two on the 19th of July, 1642. The daughter, Mary, born fourteen months later, was by Joseph Wheeler's second wife, Sarah.)
Joseph the sonne of Joseph Wheeler was borne the 1. (10.) 1641. buried 18. (5) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Joseph Wheeler was borne the 20 (7) 1643.
Sarah the daughter of Timothie Wheeler was borne 22. (4) 1640.
Jane the wife of Tintothie Wheeler dyed 12 (12) 1642. vxor Timothy Wheeler dyed 12. (12) 1642.
John the sonne of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 27 (11) 1640.
Ruth the daughter of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 23. (2.) 1642.
A sonne of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 25. 10. 1643 and dyed 29. (9.) 1643.(So recorded.)
Isaac the sonne of Ephraim Wheeler was borne 23. (10.) 1642.
Allice the daughter of Thomas Wheeler dyed 17 (1) 1640.
Symon the sonne of Symon Willard was borne 31. (11.) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Symon Willard was borne 24. (5.) 1642. or 27. of the 4. month.
Abigail the daughter of Michael Wood was borne 10. (2.) 1642.
Hannah the daughter of Thomas Elizabeth Dann borne 13 (1) 1645.
Christian the daughter of Robert Christian Edwards borne 15. (1) 1645.
Mary the daughter of Georg & Mary ffowle borne 9 (12) 1644.
William Haulsted dyed 27 (5) 1645.
Samuel son of William & Jasan Hartwell borne. 26 (1) 1645.
Doras(Dorcas) the daughter of John & Dorothie Held borne. 22 (3) 1645.
Sara the daughter of Georg & Mary Heywood (Properly Hayward) borne. 19 (1) 1645.
Hannah the daughter of James & Alice Hosmer borne 16 (6) 1644.
Rebecca the daughter of Joseph & Sarah Wheeler borne. 6 (7) 1645.
Mary the daughter of George & Katherine Wheeler borne 6 (7) 1645.
Samuel the son of Obadiah & Susan Wheeler borne 22 (12) 1644.
In 1685 the old book which had been kept by Robert Meriam and John Scotchford was reopened, and the following entries made therein, which were also sent to the County Recorder, with the exception of the last two entries, which were apparently added to the record at a much later period.
After the close of this book no records of births or deaths were returned to the County Recorder, and it is evident that a great many such records for the years 1686, 1687, and 1688, are now lost. Such records of marriages during those years as were returned by the ministers who performed the same, have already been copied from the County record in the preceding pages.-
Hanah Hubard the daughter of Jonathan Hubard and Hanah his wife borne the 20 April 1685.
Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Bateman dyed the 6 July 1685.
Edward Flint the son of John Fint and Mary his wife borne the 6 July 1685.
Sarah Pellet the daughter of Thomas Pellet borne the 5 September 1685.
Joseph Dana the son of Joseph Dana borne the 22 Sept 1685.
Thomas Estabrooke the son of Thomas Estabrooke borne the 6 August 1685.
ffrancis Adams the daughter of William Adams borne the 2 May 1685.
Debora How the daughter of Samuel How borne the 19 October 1685.
Mary Prescot the daughter of Jonathan Prescot borne the 4 August 1685.
Samuel Taylor and Mary Robine joyned in Mariage the 9 December 1685.
Joseph Ball the son of John Ball borne the 22 December 1685.
James Hosmore the son of Steven Hosmore Dyed the 28 September 1685.
John Billings and Elizabeth Lamson joyned in Mariage the 31 December 1685.
James Hosmore senr. Dyed the 7 February 1685.
Rebecka Newton the daughter of Isaack Newton (deceased) borne the 23 December 1685.
Joseph Barker the son of Joseph (County record says John, which is probably correct.) Barker borne the 15 November 1654.
Elizabeth Wheeler the daughter of Obadiah Wheeler borne the 7 February 1685.
Jerimiah Hunt the son of Samuel Hunt borne the 29 March 1685.
Elizabeth Hunt the daughter of Samuel Hunt Dyed the 31 July 1685.
Joseph Fetcher the son of Samuel Fletcher borne the 26 March 1686.
Steven Davis the son of Samuel Davis borne the 30 March 1686.
Jerimiah Ball the son of Eleazer Ball borne the 21 April 1686.
Hanah Prat the daughter of Thomas Prat borne the 14 July 1685.
John Russell the son of Benjamine Russell borne the 14 April 1686.
Mary Temple the daughter of Abraham Temple borne the 24 June 1686.
Gershom Heald the son of Gershom Heald borne the 5 Febr. 1684.
Mary Shepard the daughter of Abraham Shepard borne the 3 Jan. 1685/6.
Mrs. Elen Woodis the wife of Mr. Henry Woodis Died September ye 4th 1693.
The following entry was made at the end of this first book, and although it is rather a private memorandum than an official record, we have thought best to include it here. The words in brackets are torn out from the original page, and are here restored by the present editor.
[Febr]uary ye 20th 1717/8.
Whereas ye hand of God [hath] come forth against ye Inh[abitants of] Concord in a very awfull [manner] sending a very malignnt [& fatal] distemper amongst us wh[ereby there] hath ben a considerable n[umber of] p'sons, of men women [& children] of all Qualities Sexts & ages [that] hath ben rernovd from am[ong us] by death, most of wh has ben [very] sullen & unexpected so that from [the] last day of novembr last past until ye day of ye date above written hath ben remod not less then 27 prson Where upon I, Thomas Brown senr of ye aforesd Town thought meet to record a cattalogue of ye names of ye prsons as near in order as I can wh are as followeth.
Imprimis Saml Stratton who decease november ye 30th 1717, next to him dyed mary parling. Next to her dyed Nath. Buss, next dyed mrs. Sarah Wilson, next to her dyed Saml Wheeler, next died decon dakins daughter, next dyed Abigail ye wife of George Wheeler, next dyed my daughter Elizabeth Hartwell, next dyed mrs Stow aged above ninty, next dyed Decon Jno. Heywood, next dyed my grandson viz: Thomas Hartwel, next dyed widow Sarah Shepherd, next dyed ye daughter of Saml Stratton, next dyed Widow Abigail Hosmer, next dyed mrs Sarah Wooddis widow, next dyed wm
Hunts Childe, an only son, next dyed mr Peter Wright, next dyed mrs Elizebeth Rogers, next dyed Wm Russell, next John Shavaly a young man dyed, next John Smely dyed, next Mary Davis Widow dyed, next dyed ye son of Saml prescot an Infant, next dyed Widow Adams, next dyed Hanah ye wife of Henry Sparks, next dyed Paul Rice Febru. 20th at night 1717/8 dyed mrs Rebecca Prescott wife to Jonathan Prescott.
By an Act of the General Court, approved March 16, 1844, several important changes were made in the laws relating to the Registration and Returns of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, and blank forn's for such registration, uniformly printed, were furnished to all Town Clerks in the Commonwealth. The Town Clerk of Concord (Mr. Cyrus Stow) transcribed into the new book such entries as he had made since the close of Book III, and he appears also to have made some effort to obtain returns of such births, marriages, and deaths as had previously escaped registration. His successor in office (Mr. Francis R. Gourgas) made some further effort in the same direction, Some such matters will therefore appear here recorded several years out of their proper chronological order. The record contains
also many duplicates of previous entries; these we have thought best to omit here, as they add nothing to the value or correctness of this transcript, but tend rather to confusion. From this point also we present only the essential particulars of the record, omitting the details required by the statute, but unimportant here, such as the numbering of each entry, the date of its registration, the name of the informant, and the like. We retain, however, the spelling, in many cases original and erratic, of the names of persons and places, just as it stands in the record.
By the statute of 1544 it was made the duty of the School Committee, "annually in the month of May, to ascertain from actual inquiry or otherwise, all the births which have happened in the town during the year next preceding the first day of said May, together with the facts concerning births required by the first section of this act," and to make return thereof to the Town Clerk. This duty seems to have been very carelessly done, for during the first three years of the operation of this act, the Christian names of a large proportion of the children born were not recorded. 'Where it has been possible to supply the omission from other sources of information, we print the names in brackets.
George M. son of Pattrick Caulfield, Sept. 2d, 1843.
Abba F., Daughter of John Knapp, July 17, 1843.
Frances A., Daughter of Parley Young, Aug. 17, 1843.
Armah M., Daughter of Daniel S. Sargent, Sept. 25, 1843.
Nancy, daughter of James Hayward, June 10, 1843.
Bengamin H. son of Calvin C. Damon, Sept. 15, 1843.
Mary, daughter of Pattrick Hays, Sept. 4, 1843.
Otis H. son of Joseph Wright, July 16, 1843.
Elbridge L. son of John Wheeler, March 16, 1844.
Samuel, son of Asa Melvin, April 7, 1844.
Charles E. son of Amos D. Farrar, Oct. 15, 1844.(So recorded ; but as the record gives May 1844 as the date of registry, it is probable that the year of birth is incorrectly given in both these cases.)
Frances A., Daughter of F.A. Holden, Sept. 25, 1844.(So recorded ; but as the record gives May 1844 as the date of registry, it is probable that the year of birth is incorrectly given in both these cases.)
Margaret, daughter of Pattrick Down, April 29, 1844.
Charles N. son of John F. Blood, July 19, 1843.
Emera C., Daughter of Daniel Hunt, June 10, 1843.
Anne M., Daughter of William Melvin, August 5, 1843.
Edwin, son of Lewis Wetherbee, May 27, 1843.
Althia A., Daughter of Horace H. Stratton, July 20, 1843.
George Stacy, son of John & Eliza Reynolds, Dec. 9, 1843.
Addison Orville, son of Addison & Ocean Anne Fay, July 9, 1843.
Mary Ann, daughter of Francis R. & May Harvey, Aug. 10, 1843.
Everett Julius, son of Sylvester Wilson, Sept. 12, 1843.
Bertrand, son of Silas & Ann Burgess, May 22, 1843.
Rachael Ann, daughter of Wm & Rachel Moore, Dec. 15, 1843.
Alonzo Francis, son of J. Clark Munroe, Oct. 29, 1843.
Mary Ann, daughter of Abel B. & Eliza Heywood, Nov. 3, 1843.
Lois, daughter of Moody & Lois Barrett, Dec. 28, 1843.
Emma Frances, daughter of John & Augusta Moore, Sept. 12, 1843.
Ann Maria, daughter of Reuben & Ann Moore, June 17, 1843.
---- daughter (illegitimate) of Miss Gleason, Dec. 9, 1843.
John, son of James Murdock, July 8, 1843.
[Eward] son of Ebenr & Susan Gleason, Dec. 9, 1843.
---- daughter of James Wamsley, April 17, 1844.
Una, daughter of Nath. & Sa Hawthorne, March 3, 1844.
Eliza B., Daughter of James Means, (Date of birth not recorded : she was baptized at the Second Church May 26, '44.)
Adra Ann, daughter of Albert C. Lawrence, June 21, 1843.
Mary Louisa, daughter of Heartwell Bigelow, Dec. 25, 1843.
Elizabeth Knight, daughter of Barzzillia Frost, Nov. 15, 1843.
Henry Taylor Brown, son of James P. & Susan, Nov. 18, 1843.
Eliza Leighton, daughter of William & Mary, 25th January 1840.
George Leighton, son of William & Mary, April 8, 1844.
Stephen Jarvis, son of Francis & Milicent, April 7, 1806.
Melicent Jarvis, daughter of Stephen & Lydia Grafton Jarvis at Boston, Feb. 1, 1844.
Mary Francis Hurd, daughter of Isaac W. & Caroline, May 24, 1838.
William Thompson Hurd, son of Isaac W. & Caroline, Feb. 14, 1840.
Caroline Harriet Hurd, daughter of Isaac W. & Caroline, Oct. 10, 1844.
---- child of Almira Oliver, Sept. 11, 1844.
---- Murphrey, daughter of John, Nov. 15, 1844.
Matilda Dickson, daughter of John & Maria, March 4, 1845.
Henry Augustus Hapgood, son of Cyrus & Ellen, March 15, 1845.
Not named Barber, daughter of Wm & Mary, Nov. 16, 1844.
William Agustus Dodge, son of William & Emily A., May 16, 1841.
Ellen Hastings, daughter of Jonas & Almira, June 15, 1844.
[Jennie M.] Adams, daughter of James & Jane, Sept. 15, 1844.
James Murdock, son of James & Agnes, Nov. 3, 1844.
James Hapgood Wright, son of James & Mary, Nov. 21, 1844.
Anthony McKeen, son of John & Rosanna, Nov. 4, 1844.
John Henry Thomas, son of William, Dec. 10, 1844.
Susan Maria Watts, daughter of Isaac & Olive, Feb. 15, 1845.
Theadore Jones, son of Charles S. & Sarah, Oct. 5, 1844.
[George Edwin] Barrett, son of Abel J. & Sybil, May 5, 1844.
---- Davis, son of Henry & Hannah, Nov. 1, 1844.
[Sarah Sherman] Hoar, daughter of Ebenezer R. & Carolin, May 13, 1844.
---- Hosmer, daughter Nathan S. & Ruth, (This should read Nathan Henry Hosmer, son of Nathan S. & Ruth.) May 18, 1844.
[Edward M.] Hosmer, son of John & Eliza, May 21, 1844.
[Margaret] Channing, daughter of Wm E. & Ellen, May 23, 1844.
---- Brown, daughter of Joseph & Sarah,(This should read Ellen A. Brown, daughter of Joseph D. & Lucy.) June 14, 1844.
---- Wheeler, daughter of Wm & Lucy, June 17, 1844.
[Edward W.] Emerson, son of Ralph W. & Lydia,(Properly Lidian) July 10, 1844.
Martha Jane Hyde, daughter of Charles & Lydia, July 10, 1844.
[Charles J.] Daken, ---- of Charles & Mary, July 10, 1844.
Mary Flood, Daughter of Peter & Margaret, Aug. 3, 1844.
---- Garrison, son of John & Sarah, Aug. 10, 1844.
Ella Maria Moore, daughter of Reuben & Ann M., Oct. 2, 1844.
---- Taylor, ---- of Charles & Mary, Nov. 10, 1844.
Albert Clay Houghton, son of Cephas & Mary T., Nov. 16, 1844.
Frederick W. Hazwell, son of Charles & Harriet, Jan. 21, 1845.
Helen Louisa Wild, daughter of Charles & Eiza T., Feb. 6, 1845.
Joseph Meriam Gleason, son of Ebenr. P. & Susan, Feb. 16, 1845.
[Ella Sophia] Hosmer, daughter of Rufus & Sophia, March 2, 1845.
---- Richards, daughter of Charles & Rebecca, March 9, 1845.
---- Lawrence, daughter of Albert C. & Ann, March 23, 1845.
---- Benjamin, daughter of Cyrus & Emeline E. (Properly Cyrus W. Benjamin, son of Cyrus & Emeline E.) March 31, 1845.
[Confucius] Hayden, son of Elbridge G. & Corinna H., April 7, 1845.
Francis Marcia, daughter of Sherman & Lydia Richardson, April 10, 1845.
---- Young, son of Purley & Suson, April 24, 1845.
Frances Melven, son of William & Eliza, August 12, 1838.
Mary Elizabeth Melven, daughter of William & Eliza, May 14, 1841.
Ann Mariah Melven, daughter of William & Eliza, August 5, 1843.
Charles Melven, son of William & Eliza, June 14, 1845.
Charles Bartlett, ---- at Winchester, N.H., April 24, 1808.
Jane Marsh, ---- at Liverpool, England, June 2, 1803.
Charles Henry Bartlett, son of Charles & Jane, at Dochester, Sept. 3, 1834.
Jane Elizabeth Bartlett, daughter of Charles & Jane at Docester, Sept. 12, 1835.
Williain Wallace Bartlett, son of Charles & Jane, at Dochester, Jan. 26, 1838.
Ellen Franes Bartlett, daughter of Charles & Jane, at Concord, July 4, 1840.
Mary Parker, ---- at Billireca, Oct. 5, 1805.
Charles Heywood Bartlett, son of Charles & Mary Jan'y. 20, 1845.
George Henry Bartlett, son of Charles & Mary, May 26, 1845.
Mary Lynch, daughter of Stephen & Margaret, March 17, 1846.
May Merry, daughter of John & Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1845.
Edward Wheeler, son of Edwin & Mary, Dec. 22, 1845.
Granville Miles, son of Joseph & Lucy, Feb. 3, 1846.
Cozma Dovienta Coleman, daughter of Ezek. A. & Mary Jane, Oct. 8, 1845.
Samuel Hoar, son of E. Rockwood & Caroline, Sept. 27, 1845.
John Keyes, son of John S. & Martha L., Oct. 13, 1845.
Miles Lovegoy Dakin, son of Joseph & Julia, Sept. 22, 1845.
---- Gunneson, daughter of Elisha & Judith, April 17, 1846.
Sarah Ann Benjamin, daughter of Cyrus & Emeline Elizabeth, April 9, 1846.
----- Bowers, daughter of Charles M. & Ellen Augusta, April 28, 1846.
[Sarah J.] McKeen, daughter of John D. & Rosanna, April 1, 1846.
Maria Frances Brown, daughter of Joshua R. & Sarah, Jan. 13, 1846.
Susan Drew Snow Hosmer, daughter of Silas & Sarah W., Oct. 6, 1845.
Maria Augusta Bowers, daughter of Charles & Lydia E., April 22, 1846.
---- Belknap, daughter of S. F. & Julia, Feb. 7, 1846.
Annie Wyman Stewart, daughter of Reensseler & Hariet, May 27, 1845.
Marianna Holden, daughter of F. A. & Hannah, Feb. 26, 1846.
Sarah Elizabeth Farmer, daughter of Edward & L.A. Georgiann Russell, Nov. 1, 1845.
daughters of Ames & E.A.(Marked "wrong," and corrected by a later record made in 1850.) Georgiann Russell & Ann Amelia Russell, Feb. 3, 1846.
Ephraim Meriam Hatch, son of Darius J. & Maria, Feb. 10, 1846.
Alice Abi Hale, daughter of Patrick & Cyntha, July 8, 1845.
---- Smith, daughter of Clark & Ann, March 30, 1846.
Joanna O'Conner, daughter of Edward & Mary, Oct. 6, 1845.
Henry Moore, son of Reuben & Ann Maria, April 30, 1846.
James M. Flood, son of Margaret & Peter, Sept. 9, 1845.
Mary Elizabeth Adams, daughter of Cyrus & Evline, March 8, 1846.
Charles Melvin, son of Wm & Eliza, June 14, 1845.
Abby Brown, daughter of Joseph & Lucy, Nov. 10, 1845.
---- Donahue, daughter of ----, May 11, 1845.
---- Blanchard, son of Bradley & Mary M., Nov. 5, 1845.
Francis Harriet Brown, daughter of Josiah W. & Harriet, May 8, 1845.
Caroline Buttrick, daughter of David & Rebecca, May 27, 1845.
---- Le Burn, ---- of Sylvester & Abigail, June 1, 1845.
---- Lawrence, son of Daniel J. & Mary, Aug. 31, 1845.
Joseph Stevens Thayer, son of Isaac F. & Lydea, Sept. 11, 1845.
Mary Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Charles & Hareat, Oct. 10, 1845.
---- Flagg, ---- of George & Emeline, Oct. 14, 1845.
Annie Clarice Damon, daughter of C. C. & Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1845.
John Mark Gourgas, son of Francis R. & Abigail, Nov. 23, 1845.
James Hareis McDougal, son of Thomas & Hellen, Dec. 1, 1845.
----Stearns, Dec. 3. 1845.
---- Flagg, ---- of William, Dec. 14, 1845.
Frances Gardner Bracket, daughter of James & Olive, March 8, 1846.
Sarah Wyman Blake, daughter of Joseph H. & Elizabeth, March 8, 1846.
---- Knapp, ---- of John, March 14, 1846.
Female child of Miss Ann Smith, March 30, 1846.
---- Channing, son of Wm. E. & Ellen, (This was a daughter, Caroline S.) April 13, 1846.
Martha Meria Lewis, daughter of Charles Henry & Mary, March 20, 1846.
[Ella] Pierce, daughter of Cyrus & Susan Ann, Dec. 15, 1845.
Not named, Wright, son of Joseph & Nancy, Feb. 1, 1846.
Lydia Maria Reynolds, daughter of Jabez & Lydia, Dec. 20, 1839.
John Albert Reynolds, son of Jabez & Lydia, Aug. 20, 1841.
Fanny Wood Wheeler, daughter of Henry A. & Dolly, Feb. 5, 1845.
Albert Gerry Fairbank, son of Nelson & Susan, May 20, 1846.
Lora Meak, daughter of Timothy & Susan, Aug. 18, 1846.
Hannah R. Hudson, daughter of Barzillia N. & Emelyn P., Jan. 13, 1847.
Emma Flint Munroe, daughter of Jonas C. & Abigail, July 23, 184(?).
Francis Richard Gourgas, son of Francis R. & Abigail P., Feb. 11, 184(?).
Mary Belding Stewart, daughter of Rensalaer S. & Harriet, Aug. 24, 1840.
Lucy Cordelia Sawyer, daughter of Benjamin E. & Lucy C., Oct. 27, 1846.
Henry Plympton Cotting, son of Jesse G. & Amanda C., Sept. 13, 1846.
Henrietta Miles, daughter of Isaac & Eliza, Aug. 10, 1847.
Mary Jane Bartlett, daughter of Charles & Mary H., July 19, 1847.
Anne Frances Raynolds, daughter of Jabez & Lydia, Feb. 29, 1843.
Alfred Frost, son of Barzillai & Elmira, March 4, 1848.
William Wilde Hazewell, son of Charles C. & Harriet W., March 10, 1848.
Catherine Murray, daughter of Patrick & Ellen, Feb'y. 7, 1845.
James Barry, son of James & Betty, March 12, 1848.
Elizabeth Murray, daughter of John & Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1847.
Abby Ann Potter, daughter of Ephraim & Rebecca, Aug. 8, 1847.
Stephen Henry Lynch, son of Stephen & Margaret, Nov. 6, 1847.
Joseph Willard Hobson, son of Moses & Lucy J., Jan'y. 27, 1848.
Francis Henry Haynes, son of Ophir & Martha, April 11, 1848.
Charles Francis Munroe, son of Francis & Phebe F., April 12, 1848.
Forest Gaylord Hosmer, son of Luther & Ann L., April 15, 1848.
Samuel W. Brown, son of John (Jr.) & Amanda M., Sept. 6, 1847.
John Farrel, son of Michael & Winifred R., April 6, 1848.
Daniel Haynes, son of Daniel & Hannah Maria, April 13, 1848.
Clara Ashley, daughter of Lucius D. & Agnes, Jan'y. 21, 1848.
Darius J. Hatch, son of Darius J. & Maria M., Feb'y 13, 1848.
Herbert Livingston Aldrich, son of Jerome B. & Sabrina, June 27, 1848.
Josiah Brooks Mullet, son of Emily C. (widow of James), Aug. 1, 1847.
James Melvin, son of William & Eliza, Aug. 2, 1847.
Florence Adelia Wright, daughter of James D. & Sarah J., Oct. 3, 1847.
Not named, still born, daughter of E.R. & Caroline D. Hoar, Oct. 9, 1847.
George William Richardson, son of Sherman & Lydia Ann, Dec. 5, 1847.
Rockwood Puffer, son of Napoleon B. & Susan C., Dec. 22, 1847.
William Conners, son of Edward & Mary, Dec. 25, 1847.
Silas Albertus Hosmer, son of Silas & Sarah W., Jan'y. 28, 1848.
Frances Adelia Dodge, daughter of George R. & Catherine, Jan'y. 29, 1848.
Eliza Jane MacKensie, daughter of Daniel & Rebecca B., Feb'y. 3, 1848
Ann Flood, daughter of Peter & Margaret, March 14, 1848.
Emma Florence Puffer, daughter of Charles & Sophronia, April 25, 1848.
Daniel James Lawrence, son of Daniel J. & Mary B., May 24, 1848.
Mary Ella Brown, daughter of Joshua R. & Sarah, June 25, 1848.
Charles Francis Watts, son of Horatio C. & Mary L., June 30, 1848.
Frederick Dakin, son of Ephraim (Jr.) & Sarah C.L., Aug. 8, 1847.
Anna Blanchard, daughter of Bradley & Mary M., Aug. 30, 1847.
Ellen Maria Davis, daughter of Henry & Hannah G., April 1, 1848.
James Crombie Melvin, son of Asa & Caroline, April 17, 1848.
Charles William Doton, son of Isaac L. & Susan, Oct. 31, 1848.
Susan Eustis Holden, daughter of Tilley & Susan E., Jan. 21, 1825.
John Albert Holden, son of Tilley & Susan E., June 30, 1827.
Marshall Henry Holden, son of Tilley & Susan E., March 4, 1829.
Mary Elizabeth Holden, daughter of Tilley & Susan E., Dec. 29, 1833.
Annie S. Keyes, daughter of John S. & Martha L., May 4, 1847.
Virgil Vance, son of John & Adelia, Dec. 13, 1848.
Charles Thomas Holbrook, son of Charles A. & Maria T., Feb'y. 22, 1849.
James Garrety, son of Malick & Joanna, Aug. 8, 1848.
Charles Henry Walcott, (Properly Charles Homer Walcott, born Nov. 8, 1848.) son of Joel W. & Martha P., Nov. 13, 1848.
Sarah Elizabeth Benjamin, daughter of Cyrus & Emeline E., July 17, 1848.
Richard Fay Barrett, son of Richard & Lois Jane, Aug. 4, 1848.
Lydia Bowers, daughter of Charles & Lydia E., Sept. 30, 1848.
Martha Ellen Barrett, daughter of Abel J. & Sybil, Nov. 23, 1848.
Michael McManners, son of Patrick & Catherine, Nov. 24, 1848.
Margaret Byron, daughter of Terrence & Mary, Jan'y. 25, 1849.
Emma Antoinette Hosmer, daughter of John & Mary E.H., Feb'y. 19, 1849.
Fanny Wheeler, daughter of Henry A. & Dolly, Feb'y. 22, 1849.
Lucy Barrett, daughter of Jona. Fay & Lydia Ann, Feb'y. 25, 1849.
John Nagle, son of John & Nancy, March 7, 1849.
Franklin Waldo Holden, son of Silas M. & Sarah W., March 10, 1849.
Henry Francis Stone, son of Henry B. & Susan Elvira, May 17, 1849.
James Gannon, son of Patrick & Mary, May 21, 1849.
Sally Murray, daughter of John & Elizabeth, June 8, 1849.
Marcella Augusta Simonds, daughter of Marcellus (deceased) & Maria Augusta, July 2, 1849.
Walter A. White, son of Walter A. & Mary, July 9, 1849.
Lyman M. Garfield, son of Moses B. & Lydia B., July 25, 1849.
Jane & Margaret Flood, twin daughters of Peter & Margaret, Aug. 10, 1849.
Not named, still-born, daughter of John & Eliza B. Raynolds, Aug. 16, 1849.
Hannah Frances Conners, daughter of Thomas & Mary Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1849.
Mary Loisa Watts, daughter of Horatio C. & Mary L., Sept. 18, 1849.
Charles Albert Brown, son of Joshua R. & Sarah, Sept. 29, 1849.
Frank Peirce, son of Cyrus & Susan Ann, Oct. 12, 1849.
James Garrety, son of Malick & Joanna, Oct. 26, 1849.
Henry William Hazewell, son of Charles C. & Harriet W., Oct. 28, 1849.
Ephraim Wales Bull, son of Ephraim W. Mary Ellen, Nov. 2, 1849.
Mary Stow Eaton, daughter of Lorenzo & Mary S., Nov. 18, 1849.
Emma F. Collier, daughter of Asa C. & Mary Ann, Jan'y. 10, 1849.
Frances Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Isaac S. & Sarah D., Sept. 10, 1849.
Lucy Jane Melvin, daughter of William & Eliza, July 26, 1849.
Martha Ann Parks, daughter of Joseph R. & Amelia, July 31, 1848.
Henry Barrett Patrick, illegitimate son of Bridget Patrick, May 28, 1849.
James William Carthy, son of Bridget Carthy, who claims to be married, Nov. 22, 1849.
Fanny Maria Jenkins, daughter of Joel & Nancy, Jan'y. 8, 1849.
Charles Milton Sawyer, son of Benjamin E. & Lucy C., Feb'y. 25, 1849.
William Henry Brown, son of John Jr. & Amanda M., May 4, 1849.
Daniel Lynch, son of Stephen & Margaret, Nov. 10, 1849.
Wallace Ellingwood Mather, son of William L. & Amanda, Feb'y. 10, 1849.
Walter Channing, son of William E. & Ellen, April 14, 1849.
Sylvester Le Burn, son of Sylvester & Abigail, Feb'y. 10, 1849.
Calista Sanborn, daughter of Levi S. & Eliza, Jan'y. 13, 1849.
Augustus Sumner Moore, son of Daniel S. & Abby J., Jan'y. 23, 1849.
Mary Ann Stokes, daughter of John & Catherine, Oct. 11, 1849.
Alice Almira Wheeler, daughter of Joel & Almira, Nov. 25, 1849.
Elbert Wheeler, son of Edwin & Mary, Sept. 18, 1849.
Alvah G. Wheeler, son of Gardner & Maria, Jan'y. 1, 1849.
Caroline Fisher, daughter of Daniel & Ellen, Nov. 8, 1849.
Elizabeth Means Damon, daughter of Calvin C. & Rebecca P., Feb'y. 27, 1849.
Richard Greenleaf Oliver, illegitimate son of Almira Oliver, (father's name Peter Robbins,) Jan'y. 23, 1849.
Agnes Murdock, daughter of James & Agnes, Aug. 8, 1848.
Ellen Sarah Murdock, daughter of James & Agnes, Nov. 1, 1849.
Norman Leslie Meek, son of Timothy & Susan, Feb'y. 2, 1849.
Sarah Elizabeth Dakin, daughter of Epraim Jr. & Sarah C. L., Feb'y. 19, 1849.
Frank Bacon Hosmer, son of Joseph Jr. & Martha, Feb'y. 23, 1849.
Mary Adelia Hobson, daughter of Moses & Lucy J., Sept. 5, 1849.
George Washington Dakin, son of Joseph & Julia, Sept. 22, 1849.
Joseph Alfred Dakin, son of Joseph & Julia, Sept. 27, 1848.
Not named, still-born, son of Eben'r. & Catherine Cotting, May 19, 1848.
Susan Hartwell Hubbard, daughter of Charles A. & Nancy, Oct. 29, 1848.
Anna Wilmot, daughter of Myron & Sarah P., Dec. 31, 1849.
Mary Elizabeth Dakin, daughter of Charles H. and Mary Ann, July 10, 1848.
John Hagerty, son of Patrick & Maria, July 13, 1848.
Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Joseph D. & Lucy, Aug. 23, 1848.
Ella Brown, daughter of J. Warren & Catherine, Oct. 6, 1848.
Ella Eliza Brown, daughter of Josiah & Harriet N., Nov. 5, 1848.
Samuel Morton Adams, son of Samuel D. & Martha Ann, Dec. 19, 1848.
Laura Hayward, daughter of Reuben & Lucy, Feb'y. 17, 1849.
Alford Butler Curling Dakin, son of Franklin & Mary P., Feb'y. 23, 1849.
Frank Adams Farwell, son of George W. & Lucia A., March 11, 1849.
Aldora Eliza Garfield, daughter of Timothy J. & Elizabeth T., April 26, 1849.
Ellen Farrell, daughter of Michael & Winifred R., June 28, 1849.
Ellen Augusta Carter, daughter of James G. & Indiana, Sept. 28, 1849.
Abby Ann Puffer, daughter of Charles & Sophronia, Oct. 10, 1849.
Almira Francenia Sargeant, daughter of Aaron D. & Catherine H., Nov. 18, 1849.
John Fitzgerald, son of Edward & Mary, Dec. 11, 1849.
Emma Elizabeth Wood, daughter of Henry & Mary A., Aug. 26, 1849.
Amelia Brown, daughter of J. Warren & Catherine, Dec. 29, 1849.
Mary Eliza Prince Hosmer, daughter of John & Mary E.H., Oct. 11, 1836.
Frederick Prescott Hosmer, son of John & Mary E.H., May 3, 1839.
Adelaide Ophelia Hosmer, daughter of John & Mary E.H., Feb'y. 17, 1841.
Edward Mortimer Hosmer, son of John & Mary E.H., May 22, 1844.
Henry Russell Brown, son of Joshua R. & Sarah, Sept. 30, 1842.
Joshua Herbert Brown, son of Joshua R. & Sarah, July 11, 1844.
Asa Collier, son of Asa C. & Mary Ann, Nov. 29, 1846.
Mary Frances Dodge, daughter of George R. & Catherine, May 31, 1846.
Amanda C. Macbeth, daughter of Alexander & Anna, Nov. 7, 1821.
William H. Ranson, son of William & Anna, July 28, 1829.
Anna Jane Ranson, daughter of William & Anna, (born at Stow,) June 30, 1831.
George Washington Ranson, son of William & Anna, (born at Wayland), June 27, 1834.
Ellen Augusta Ranson, daughter of William & Anna (born at Wayland), Oct. 3, 1837.
Georgiana Serena Russell, Amelia Mackey Goodwin Russell, daughters of Amos & Elizabeth A., Feb, 18, 1846.
Densmore Bailey Hosmer, son of Silas & Sarah W., March 28, 1850.
Mary Augusta Moore, daughter of Abel & Ruth, March 15, 1820.
Martha Augusta Flint, daughter of John & Roxa, April 27, 1839.
Lewis Flint, son of John & Roxa, Jan'y. 5, 1842.
Herman Flint, son of John & Roxa, April 18, 1843.
Rockwood Flint, son of John & Roxa, Nov. 9, 1845.
Harriette Moore Goodnow, daughter of Charles W. & Mary Augusta, May 10, 1846.
Mary Augusta Moore Goodnow, daughter of Charles W. & Mary Augusta, March 28, 1850.
John Brooks Moore, son of Abel & Ruth, Feb'y. 18, 1817.
Caroline Augusta Moore, daughter of John B. & Sarah Augusta, Dec. 12, 1840.
Mary Harriette Moore, daughter of John B. & Sarah Augusta, April 16, 1847.
Mary Elizabeth Wright, daughter of James & Mary R., Jan. 15, 1843.
George Augustus Wright, son of James & Mary R., April 4, 1847.
Alstein Irving Fay, son of Addison G. & Ocean A., Jan. 30, 1845.
Frank Leslie Fay, son of Addison G. & Ocean A., July 5, 1846.
Mary Brigham Fay, daughter of Addison G. & Ocean A., Sept. 14, 1850.
George Walcott, son of Joel W. & Martha P., Dec. 10, 1842.
Edward H. Walcott, son of Joel W. & Martha P., March 14, 1844.
Joel Henry Walcott(Properly Henry J.), son of Joel W. & Martha P., Sept. 14, 1846.
Matilda Foster, daughter of Franklin & Mary, May 20, 1850.
Willie Buttrick Farwell, son of George W. & Lucia Ann, Aug. 8, 1850.
Harriet M. Wright, daughter of James & Mary R., Aug. 10, 1850.
Mary Ann Gorman, daughter of James & Mary Ann, Sept. 19, 1850.
Willard Pitman Locke, son of William G. & Louisa A., Oct. 10, 1850.
Josephine Bartlett, daughter of Charles & Nancy, Oct. 14, 1850.
Frederic Wheildon, son of William W. & Juliet R., Oct. 19, 1850.
Jane Barrett, daughter of Edward S. & Martha, Oct. 26, 1850.
Ida Elizabeth Surette, daughter of Louis A. & Frances Jane, Dec. 7, 1850.
Marcellus Haynes, son of William & Rebecca, Jan. 25, 1850.
Abby Staples, daughter of Samuel & Lucinda, Feb. 17, 1850
Mary Callihan, daughter of John & Catherine, May 30, 1850.
Ann Caihoune Sherman, daughter of Samuel & Margaret, July 17, 1850.
Not named Thompson, daughter of Matthew & Christy Ann, (lived only 12 hours.) Sept. 6, 1850.
Ellen Dunn, daughter of Patrick & Ancy, Feb'y. 2, 1850.
Isaac Andrew Rhodes, son of Samuel H. & Emily, Feb'y. 28, 1850.
Willard Sumner Farrar, son of Willard T. & Mary B., July 5, 1850.
---- Sanborn, daughter of Horace & Mary J., Oct. 16, 1850.
---- Wilbur, daughter of Samuel & Sally, Sept. 28, 1850.
Emma Rebecca Davis, daughter of Abel L. & Hannah, Aug. 30, 1850.
Melissa Ann Coolidge, daughter of Timothy A. & Sarah B., Oct. 16, 1850.
William Bacon Porter, son of Joseph K.P. & Ann Eliza, Nov. 17, 1850.
Frank Nowell Robbins, son of Samuel D. & Mary E., Dec. 4, 1850.
Florence Keyes, daughter of John S. & Martha L. Jan. 26, 1850.
Edward Clayton Tozier, son of Hartshorn K. & Hannah L., Feb. 9, 1850.
Not named, still-born, daughter of Edward & Margaret Conners, Feb. 19, 1850.
Joseph Darby Brown, son of Joseph D. & Lucy, Feb. 23, 1850.
David Loring, son of George & Ann D., March 26, 1850.
Charles Emerson Hoar, son of E.R. & Caroline D., March 27, 1850.
Not named, still-born, daughter of Nathan S. & Sophia Hosmer, April 26, 1850.
John Murray, son of Patrick & Ellen, May 17, 1850.
Eliza Ann Dakin, daughter of Isaac H. & Harriet, May 20, 1850.
James Barry, son of James & Betsey, May 24, 1850.
Joanna Carey, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth F., May 31, 1850.
Margaret Ellen Flood, daughter of Peter & Margaret, July 26, 1850.
Frederic Roscoe Page, son of Oliver L. & Elizabeth M., July 26, 1850.
Addeff Francis Hall, son of William & Eliza, July 26, 1850.
Mary Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Nathan Henry & Mary P., Aug. 12, 1850.
Not named, still-born, son of Patrick & Bridget Costerly, Aug. 15, 1850.
George Washington Robbins, son of Geo. W. & Lois C., Aug. 16, 1850.
Joseph Barrett, son of Richard & Lois Jane, Sept. 10, 1850.
Walter Clinton Bowker, son of Andrew J. & Sarah E., Sept. 11, 1850.
Not named, still-born, son of Terence & Mary Byron, Nov. 11, 1850.
Charles Edward Brown, son of John, junr. & Amanda M., Nov. 18, 1850.
Catherine M'Manners, daughter of Patrick & Catherine, Dec. 11, 1850.
Not named, still-born, son of Michael & Catherine Dimpsey, Aug. 25, 1850.
Caroline Eunice Hildreth, daughter of George W. & Eliza A.W., June 14, 1850.
Harvey Wheeler, son of Edwin & Mary, Nov. 5, 1847.
Mary Elizabeth Wheeler, daughter of Gardner & Maria, Oct. 11, 1850.
Albert Cash, son of Hugh & Rebecca B., April 10, 1850.
Nathan Brooks Smith, son of Joseph A. & Rebecca, Jan. 17, 1850.
Frances Shearing, daughter of Michael & Ann, June 18, 1850.
Nathan Henry Wheeler, son of Joel & Almira, Sept. 2, 1850.
Not named Swift, daughter of Mary Ann Swift who claims to be the wife of James Swift of Boston, born Sept. 4, 1850, & died when a few weeks old.
Stephen George Brooks, son of George & Catherine, Nov. 14, 1850.
Joseph Fitzpatrick, son of John & Maria, April 15, 1850.
Erastus Bigelow & Eliza F. Mens, both of Concord, May 16, 1843.
Amos Russell & Elizabeth Ann Clark, both of Concord, March 7, 1843.
John Marshall Handscom & Nancy A. Melven, both of Concord, April 11, 1843.
Charles Bartlett & Mary H. Parker, both of Concord, May 2, 1843.
Solomon Davis of New Ipswich, N.H. & Candace Tarble of Concord, Sept. 28, 1843.
Cyrus Stow & Matilda Wyman, both of Concord, Nov. 1(?), 1843.
Cap. Silas Hosmer & Sarah W. Bailey, both of Concord, July 3, 1844.
William W. Gage & Eliza A. Melvin. both of Woburn, Aug. 1, 1844.
William M. Harding of Concord, & Nany Farwell of Sudbury, Sept. 11, 1844.
Edwin Wheeler & Mary Rice, both of Concord, Jan. 15, 1845.
George B. Hubbard of Ashby, & Mrs. Louisa J.P. Adams of Concord, Dec. 11, 1844.
James B. Shepley & Mary Ann Potter, both of Boston, Dec. 23, 1844.
Charles Warren Goodnow & Mary Augusta Moore, both of Concords, May 2, 1844.
Hugh Coyl & Bridget Pagnan, both of Concord, May 8, 1844.
William A. Hall of Cambridge, & Julia A. Wright, of Concord, May 16, 1844.
Lemuel Fuller of Harvard, & Katharine P. Barrett of Concord, June 6, 1844.
Dea. Elijah Wood & Lucy Barrett, both of Concord, Aug. 15, 1844.
John S. Keyes & Martha L. Prescott, both of Concord, Sept. 19, 1844.
Joseph H. Blake (age 26) of Lowell, & Elizabeth B. Barrett (age 20) of Concord, Oct. 16, 1844.
John Hayward, 2d. & Olive Houghton, both of Concord, Oct. 17, 1844.
Charles Puffer (age 22) of Framingham, & Sophronia Hunt (age 22) of Concord, Feb'y. 2, 1845.
Charles R. Wetherbee (age 25) of Boston, & Rebecca B. Hubbard of Concord, Jan'y. 14, 1845.
Jacob B. Farmer (age 43) & Phebe Dakin (age 39) both of Concord, April 24, 1845.
William E. French & Eliza Ann Wright, both of Boston, April 10, 1845.
Charles H. Lewis (age 36) & Mary E. Gleason, both of Concord, July 13, 1845.
N. Orville Blood (age 28) of Pepperell, & Everline Burgess (age 20) of Concord, Oct. 20, 1845.
Joseph N. Gibbs of Cambridge, & Elizabeth Wheeler of Concord, Nov. 27, 1845.
Daniel H. Page of Bedford, & Charlott Heald of Carlisle, Nov. 27, 1845.
Charles A. Hubbard (age 25) & Nancy Wheeler (age 18) both of Concord, Nov. 27, 1845.
Gregory Stone (age 52) of Lincoln, & Edeth L. Patch (age 37) of Concord, Dec. 1, 1845.
Joseph P. George & Louisa L. Clark. both of Concord, Nov. 27, 1845.
Isaac L. Hosmer (age 28) & Mary C. Sawin (age 19), both of Concord, March 7, 1846.
Darius J. Hatch (age 35) of Weathersfield, Vt. & Maria M. Swan (age 35) of Concord, May 27, 1845.
Charles H. Hurd (age 26) of Rogester, N.Y. & Miranda R. Hunt (age 26) of Concord, Nov. 25, 1845.
William Munroe (age 32) of Southbridge, & Eliza (So recorded; her name was Elvira.) Meriam (age 28) of Concord, Dec. 23, 1845.
Rufus Barrett & Emerline Buttrick, both of Concord, Jan. 13, 1846.
William A. Hill (age 30) & Nancy J. Cilley (age 23) both of Concord, April 12, 1846.
Joseph M. Porter (age 26) of Concord, & Sarah E. Richardson (age 20) of Newton, April 11, 1846.
Joel A. Lincoln (age 24) of Natick, & Martha Chamberlain (age 18) of Concord, March 13, 1846.
Moses Hobson (age 21) & Lucy J. Winn (age 23), both of Concord, May 21, 1846.
Ephraim Dakin, Jr. (age 23) & Sarah C. L. Hanson (age 18) both of Concord, May 31, 1846.
William A. Blaisdell of Charlestown, & Eirene Wheeler of Concord, June 2, 1846.
William G. Barrett, 2d. (age 23) & Sophia B. Dodge, both of Concord, June 17, 1846.
Solomon Harris (a colored person) & Sarah Alexander (white) both of Concord, July 9, 1846.
William P. Gibbs (age 34) of Lexington & Maria Augusta Hadlock (age 24) of Concord, Aug. 4, 1846.
H. Bemis Stone (age 37) of Stow, & S. Elvira Wheeler (age 33) of Concord, Sept. 17, 1846.
William W. Brown (age 31) of Meredeth, N.H., and Emily Buttrick (age 23) of Concord, Oct. 10, 1846.
Marcellus Simonds of Lexington, & Maria Agusta Ball of Concord, May 12, 1846.
Samuel Hoar (age 21) of Waltham, & Sarah Miles (age 19) of Concord, Nov. 26, 1846.
Ephraim Lacy (age 49) of Andover, & Mary H. Melvin (age 27) of Concord, Nov. 19, 1846.
Benjamin W. Hale, Jr. (age 31) of Newburyport, Sr. Lucy Hubbard (age 24) of Concord, Nov. 26, 1846.
Lorenzo F. Wood (age 26) of Lancaster, & Lucy A. Brigham (age 22) of Concord, Dec. 20, 1846.
Augustus A. Sampson (age 24) of Ashburnham, & Frances A. Partridge (age 17) of Weston, Jan. 5, 1847.
William F. Hurd (age 21) of Rogester, N.Y. & Sarah J. Rice (age 21) of Concord, May 18, 1847.
Capt. Richard Barrett (age 28) & Lois Jane Wheeler (age 24) both of Concord, May 20, 1847.
N.B. Puffer (age 26) & Susan Hunt (age 16), both of Concord, June 13, 1847.
Moses Holden (age 26) & Nancy Buttrick (age 24) both of Concord, June 15, 1847.
John Stacy (age 25) of Cambridge, & Emeline Tarbell (age 27) of Concord, Sept. 1, 1847.
Daniel McKenzie (age 23) & Rebecca B. Heywood (age 17), both of Concord, Sept. 26, 1847.
Joel Wheeler (age 26) & Almira Tuttle (age 20), both of Concord, Oct. 19, 1847.
John Q. Adams (age 22) & Adeline Carter (age 21) both of Carlisle, Nov. 18, 1847.
William G. Priest (age 22) of Boston, & Mary Jane Hayward (age 21) of Concord, Dec. 1, 1847.
Henry L. Shattuck (age 24) & Mary H. Barrett (age 18), both of Concord, Nov. 9, 1847.
Ezra Holbrook & Mary Clark, both of Upton, Feb'y. 3, 1848.
Samuel McLain (age 25) & Lucy McKeen (age 25) both of Concord, Nov. 25, 1847.
George A. Leete (age 31) of Rochester, N.Y. & Elizabeth Farmer (age 19) of Concord, April 18, 1848.
Jonathan Fay Barrett (age 31) & Lydia Ann Loring (age 20) both of Concord, April 27, 1848.
Silas M. Holden (age 22) & Sarah W. Prentiss (age 22) both of Concord, June 1, 1848.
Andrew J. Harlow (age 24) of Rochester, N.Y. & Martha Hosmer (age 19) of Concord, June 15, 1848.
Louis Munner (age 30) of Lincoln, & Abigail Stevens (age 23) of Concord, Aug. 29, 1848.
Lewis C. Puffer (age 33) of Sudbury, & Margaret J. Wright, (age 22) of Concord, Sept. 28, 1848.
Myron Willmott (age 32) & Sarah P. Snow (age 23), Oct. 12, 1848.
George Loring (age 23) & Ann D. Ripley (age 19) both of Concord, Nov. 22, 1848.
William H. Devens (age 28) of Littleton, & Ann E. Barrett (age 23) of Concord, Nov. 30, 1848.
Charles P. Snow (age 25) & Harriet B. Wilmott (age 23) both of Concord, Nov. 30, 1848.
Stedman H. Bulkeley (age 20) & Lucy E. Snow (age 22) both of Concord, Nov. 30, 1848.
Henry Wood (age 23) of Concord, & Lydia A. Willis (age 22) of Bedford, Nov. 30, 1848.
Ephraim J. Woods (age 24) of Nashua, N.H. & Anna J. Ransom (age 17) of Concord, Jan. 11, 1849.
Ezra Tuttle (age 39) & Sarah Chamberlain (age 24) both of Concord, Jan. 9, 1849.
Norris Allen (age 22) & Rebecca Robbins (age 21) both of Lowell, Nov. 30, 1848.
Timothy A. Coolidge (age 21) & Sarah B. Davis (age 23) both of Concord, Oct. 17, 1848.
William G. Locke (age 24) & Louisa A. Stiles (age 19) both of Concord, April 5, 1849.
Nathan Henry Warren (age 21) & Mary Prescott Barrett (age 21) both of Concord, April 26, 1849.
Louis A. Surette (age 28) & Frances Jane Shattuck (age 20) both of Concord, May 15, 1849.
George W. Robbins, Jr. (age 21) & Lois C. Hayward (age 18) both of Concord, May 17, 1849.
Joseph A. Smith (age 30) of Concord, & Rebecca Brooks (age 25) of Acton, (married at Boston), March 15, 1849.
Nathan S. Hosmer (age 38) & Sophia Wheeler (age 35) both of Concord, July 3, 1849.
Horace P. Snow (age 30) of Northfield & Catherine E. Scott (age 31) of Concord, (married at Leicester), Sept. 7, 1849.
Alvan Davis (age 31) & Elizabeth Lawrence (age 27) both of Groton, Aug. 31, 1849.
Dexter F. Parker (age 21) & Eliza J. Tuttle (age 21) both of Acton, Sept. 13, 1849.
Charles H. Saunders (age 27) of Cambridge & Mary B. Ball (age 27) of Concord, Sept. 18, 1849.
Willard T. Farrar (age 21) & Mary B. Davis (age 22) both of Concord, Sept. 9, 1849.
Albert Hayward (age 34) of Boxboro, & Eliza Wetherbee (age 30) of Concord, Oct. 4, 1849.
John Wiley (age 30) & Abby D. Staples (age 34) both of Boston, Oct. 18, 1849.
George E. Tisdale (age 23) of Leominster & Tarissa O. Davis (age 19) of Concord, Nov. 21, 1849.
Adams F. Warren (age 32) of Littleton & Sarah D.W. Barrett (age 27) of Concord, Nov. 29, 1849.
John M. Whitney (age 27) of Concord & Hannah C. Whitmarsh (age 31) of Boston, March 14, 1850.
George M. Brooks (age 25) & Abba M.W. Prescott (age 24) both of Concord, April 4, 1850.
James Giles (age 27) of Concord, & Ann Maria Gardner (age 20) of Roxbury, (married at Roxbury), April 4, 1850.
Jeremiah Lynch (age 25) of Acton, & Ellen Collins (age 28) of Concord, (married at Waltham), April 14, 1850.
Frederic A. Reed (age 28) of Cohasset, & Mary C. Hubbard (age 26) of Concord, April 30, 1850.
John Hanglon (age 30) of Concord, & Ellen Kalaher (age 28) of Boston, (married at Boston), April 28, 1850.
Solomon Crockett (age 29) of Tyler, Ills. & Sarah J. Wright (age 26) of Concord, (married at Boston), May 6, 1850.
Michael O'Brien (age 24) & Mary Ann Leonard (age 24) both of Concord, (married at Waltham), May 5, 1850.
Robert B. Edes, Jr. (age 28) of Charlestown, & Priscilla P. Rice (age 19) of Concord, May 14, 1850.
Joseph Darby, Jr. (age 29) & Louisa Jarvis (age 29) both of Concord, May 16, 1850.
John Q.A. Green (age 24) & Sarah Green (age 22) both of Carlisle, May 16, 1850.
George Clark (age 39) & Mrs. Julia Hoar (age 30) both of Concord, May 21, 1850.
John W. Buttrick & Sarah Homer, June 11, 1850.
Michael Fahey (age 30) of Concord, & Bridget Roney (age 21) of Weston, (married at Boston), June 27, 1850.
George W. Cottle (age 23) of Charlestown, & Sophia W. Craig (age 21) of Concord, July 3, 1850.
Francis Van Buskirk (age 26) & Mary Farrar (age 24) both of Concord, (married at Acton), Aug. 8, 1850.
Ebenezer F. Lane (age 25) & Hannah P. Lyman (age 21) Aug. 14, 1850.
George W. Keech, junior, (age 23) of Upton, & Betsey Gowing (age 22) of Concord, (married at Lincoln), Aug. 15, 1850.
Augustus S. Tuttle (age 26) & Lucy Wheeler (age 20) both of Concord, Sept. 5, 1850.
Daniel Henry (age 25) & Sabrina McKeen (age 26) both of Concord, Sept. 9, 1850.
Thomas F. Hunt (age 46) of Concord, & Abby K. Swan (age 43) of Cambridge, (married at Cambridge), Sept. 19, 1850.
Rufus H. Lovejoy (age 40) of Carlisle, & Almira Adams (age 46) of Concord, (married at Lowell), Sept. 24, 1850.
Cummings E. Johnson (age 23) of Marlboro, & Catherine B. Brown (age 21) of Acton, July 2, 1850.
Moses K. Pearson (age 23) & Frances Daniels (age 20) both of Natick, Aug. 10, 1850.
Edward S. Barrett (age 24) & Martha Blanchard (age 18) both of Concord, Sept. 19, 1850.
Levi Miles (age 25) & Martha Rice (age 23) both of Concord, (married at Lexington), Nov. 28, 1850.
John Dennie (age 25) of Boston, & Cynthia E. Dennis (age 24) of Concord, Dec. 3, 1850.
Cyrus Gale, jr. (age 26) of Northboro, & Ellen Maria Hubbard (age 21) of Concord, Dec. 5, 1850.
Joseph W. Foster (age 27) of Boston, & Almira A. Weir (age 22) of Concord, (married at Milford), Sept. 3, 1850.
Albert Higgins (age 26) & Caroline R. Smith (age 25) both of Concord, (married at Boston), May 25, 1850.
Joseph Kidder (age 31) of Manchester, N.H. & Sarah Elizabeth Smith (age 29) of Concord, June 20, 1850.
Benjamin E. Sawyer (age 39) of Concord, & Mary Smith (age 26) of Sudbury, (married at Sudbury), Oct. 17, 1850.
Sarah Cogswell, aged 59 y. wife of James, March 9, 1844.
Prudence Ward, aged 79 y. widow, March 9, 1844.
Sarah Hollowell, aged 72 y. widow, March 10, 1844.
Thaddeus Blood, aged 89 y.(The last man in this town who was at the Concord Fight.), March 14, 1844.
Hannah Miles, aged 67 y. widow of Joseph, April 27, 1844.
Elizabeth Buttrick, aged 35 y. wife of Joshua, May 30, 1844.
Charles Veasey, aged 28 y., June 12, 1844.
Sarah Melvin, aged 85 y. widow of Samuel, July 3, 1844.
Charles N. Blood, aged 13 months, son of Franklin, July 11, 1844.
Nabby Flagg, aged 86 y., single., July 14, 1844.
Augustus C. Lawrence, aged 1 yr. son of Albert E., Aug. 9, 1844.
Henry H. Fuller, aged 26 y., Aug. 12, 1844.
William A. Dodge, aged 1 y. 2 m., Son of William, Aug. 12, 1844.
John Keyes, Esq., aged 57 y., Aug. 29, 1844.
Rhoda Jones, aged 64 y. widow of Asa, Sept. 12, 1844.
Henry Moore, aged 38 y., Son of Abel, Sept. 14, 1844.
John Proctor, aged 78 y., Oct. 3, 1844.
Asa Hosmer, aged 62 y., Oct. 15, 1844.
Rebecca Davis, aged 82 y., Single, Oct. 16, 1844.
Mary Bacon, aged 25 y. wife of Rensselaer, Oct. 19, 1844.
Francis J. Lawrence, aged 6 y., Son of Albert C., Oct. 26, 1844.
[Anthony] McKeen, aged 4 d., Son of John, Nov. 9, 1844.
Not named Barber, aged 3 h. child of William, Nov. 16, 1844.
Doctor Isaac Hurd, aged 88 y., Nov. 19, 1844.
Amos Dakin, aged 74 y., Dec. 3, 1844.
Hannah Jenkins, aged 49 y., Single, Jan. 10, 1845.
Peter Jones, aged 61 y., Jan. 12, 1845.
Ruth Hosmer, aged 39 y., wife of Nathan S., Jan. 27, 1845.
Elizabeth Knights Frost, aged 1 y. 3 m., Daughter of Rev. Barzillai, Feb. 6, 1845.
Nehemiah Hunt, Jr., Aged 53 y., Feb. 25, 1845.
---- Blood, aged 3 days. Child of Franklin, March 13, 1845.
Sarah B. Stone, aged 75 y. widow of Daniel, April 17, 1845.
Phebe Barrett, aged 90 y. widow of Stephen, June 30, 1845.
Martha Hunt, aged 19 y., Daughter of Daniel & Susan, July 19, 1845.
Eliza Reed, aged 37 y. wife of Jefferson, July 10, 1845.
George Pierce, aged 5 y. 6 m., Son of Cyrus, July 16, 1845.
Mary Heywood, aged 78 y. widow of Asa, Aug. 15, 1845.
William Blanchard, aged 40 y., Aug 15, 1845.
Betty Easterbrooks, aged 78 y., Single, Sept. 30, 1845.
Hugh Coyle, aged 61 y., Oct. 1, 1845.
Eunice Leonard, aged 64 y. widow, Oct. 7, 1845.
Amelia Goodwin, aged 40 y. widow of Rev. Hersey B., Nov. 9, 1845.
Susan Garrison, aged 1 y. 3 m., Daughter of John, Nov. 9, 1845.
Capt. Jonathan Buttrick, aged 80 y., Dec. 14, 1845.
Thomas Holbrook, aged 25 y., Son of Joseph, Dec. 26, 1845.
Mary Harrington, aged 55 y. wife of Joseph, Jan. 14, 1846.
Mary Barrett, aged 85 y. widow of Peter, Jan. 29, 1846.
Charles Melvin, aged 61 y., Feb. 11, 1846.
Samuel Dakin, aged 23 y., Son of Eli & Ruth, Feb. 12, 1846.
Nehemiah Hunt, aged 82 y., Feb. 18, 1846.
Henry Russell Brown, aged 1 y. 1 m., Son of Joshua R., July 24, 1844.
[William] Howes, aged 26 y. male: "Transient Person," Oct. 17, 1844.
Hiram B. Dennis, aged 30 y., Son of Samuel, April 26, 1846.
Mary Ann (So recorded: properly Sarah Ann.) Benjamin, aged 3 m. 15 d., Daughter of Cyrus, July 25, 1846.
John Keyes, aged 9 m., Son of John S. & Martha L., July 20, 1846.
Augustus (So recorded: properly George Henry.) Bartlett, aged 1 y. 4 m., Son of Charles & Mary, Aug. 3, 1846.
Sarah Lane, aged 89 y. widow, Sept. 20, 1846.
Amelia Hosmer, aged 61 y. widow of Rufus, Aug. 25, 1846.
Michael O'Brien, Aug. 1846.
Ephraim Wheeler, aged 3 y. 6 m., Son of Abiel H. & Harriet, Sept. 22, 1846.
Dr. Prentiss Bugby, aged 66 y., Oct. 27, 1846.
Susan Brown, aged 54 y. wife of ----, Nov. 17, 1846.
Anna Wheeler, aged 97 y., Single, Nov. 25, 1846.
Rebecca Hubbard, aged 74 y. widow of Dea. Thomas, Dec. 4, 1846.
Rebecca Gleason, aged 64 y., Dec. 10, 1846.
Sarah M. Lee, aged 22 y., Daughter of William & Darcus, Jan. 6, 1847.
Isaac Garfield, aged 52 y., Jan. 21, 1847.
Elizabeth Binney, aged 82 y. widow of Moses, March 3, 1847.
Abigail Miles, aged 80 y. widow of James, March 11, 1847.
[Dwight E.] Mather, aged 3 m., Son of Rev. Wm L., March 9, 1847.
Phebe Dakin, aged 71 y. widow of Amos, March 12, 1847.
Elizabeth A. Dakin, aged 43 y., Daughter of Eli & Ruth, April 7, 1847.
William Garrison, aged 30 y., Son of John & Susan, April 28, 1847.
Mary Swan, aged 75 y. widow of William, May 9, 1847.
Betsy Arvidson, aged 75 y., May 18, 1847.
Mary Ann Shepley, aged 28 y. wife of James, May 22, 1847.
William Loring, aged 14 y., Son of David, June 15, 1847.
Rosanna McKeen, aged 31 y. wife of John, June 26, 1847.
Emma Flint, aged 14 y., Daughter of John & Roxany, July 24, 1847.
William C. Hayward, aged 51 y., Son of Reuben, July 9, 1847.
Fanny Wheeler, aged 2 y. 6 m., Daughter of Henry A. & Dolly, July 24, 1847.
John A. Fitch, aged 30 y., Aug. 1, 1847.
Mary Cummings, aged 9 m., Aug. 19, 1847.
Abigail B.(So recorded: properly Susan B.) Buttrick, aged 17 y., Daughter of Stedman, Sept. 3, 1847.
Mary Frances Dodge, aged 1 y. 3 m., Daughter of George R. & Catherine, Sept. 3, 1847.
Joseph Chamberlain, aged 20 y., Sept. 13, 1847.
Mary Bigelow, aged 3 y. 9 m., Daughter of Heartwell, Sept. 17, 1847.
George Stearns, aged 1 y. 9 m., Son of George, Sept. 17, 1847.
Mary A. Libbey, aged 6 m., Sept. 17, 1847.
Edward Stearns, aged 6 y., Son of George, Sept. 18, 1847.
Edward Gleason, aged 70 y., Sept. 18, 1847.
George Washington Dakin, aged 1 y., Son of Joseph & Julia, Oct. 1, 1847.
Miles Lovejoy Dakin, aged 2 y. 6 m., Son of Joseph & Julia, Oct. 4, 1847.
---- Puffer, aged 6 y., child of Charles, Oct. 26, 1847.
Martha Le Burn, aged 2 y., Daughter of Sylvester & Abigail, Oct. 11, 1847.
Rockwood F. Dunn, aged 7 y., Son of William, Oct. 21, 1847.
Lucy Buttrick, aged 79 y. widow of Jonas, Nov. 9, 1847.
Rev. Samuel Ripley, aged 64 y., Nov. 24, 1847.
---- Bailey, aged 11 d., child of Benjamin & Mary, Nov. 27, 1847.
Jacob Brown, aged 84 y. Dec. 27, 1847.
Abba S. Lawrence, aged 6 y., Daughter of Joshua, Jan. 14, 1848.
Susan Miles, aged 4 y., Daughter of Isaac & Eliza, Jan. 20, 1848.
Samuel Staples, aged 1 y., Son of Samuel & Lucinda, Jan. 23, 1848.
Eseek Combs, aged 29 y. Jan. 28, 1848.
Patty B. Hosmer, aged 72 y. wife of Nathan, Feb. 28, 1848.
Ruth Moore, aged 66 y. wife of Abel, March 16, 1348.
Amanda F. Colman, aged 5 y., Daughter of E.A. & Mary Jane, April 16, 1848.
John Puffer, aged 49 y. May 13, 1848.
Dr. Charles Warren, aged 30 y., Son of Ephraim, June 13, 1848.
Daniel J. Lawrence, aged 34 y., June 12, 1848.
James Wallace, aged 28 y., June 29, 1848.
William Heywood, aged 82 y., July 9, 1848.
Frank Leslie Fay, aged 2 y. 12 d., Son of Addison G. & Ocean A., July 17, 1848.
Sarah Garrison, aged 35 y. wife of John Jr., July 28, 1848.
Lucy Cordelia Sawyer, aged 2 y., Daughter of Benj. E. & Lucy C., Aug. 3, 1848.
Charles Oliver, aged 3 y., Son of Michael, ---- ---- ----.
Sarah J. McKean, aged 2 y. 4 m., Daughter of John & Rosanna, Aug. 10, 1848.
William J. Whitney, aged 34 y., Aug. 14, 1848.
Lydia Buttrick, aged 81 y. widow of David, Aug. 15, 1848.
Mary Hunt, aged 89 y. widow of Reuben, Aug. 17, 1848.
Ephraim Wheeler, aged 75 y., Aug. 19, 1848.
George Walcott, aged 5 y. 8 m., Son of Joel W. & Martha P., Aug. 19, 1843.
Frank Adams Farwell, aged 5 m., Son of George W. & Lucia A. (died in Acton), Aug. 4, 1848.
Faustina A.D. Kittredge, aged 14 y., Daughter of Paul C. & Susan M., Aug. 31, 1848.
Lydia Miles, aged 59 y. wife of Charles, Sept. 10, 1848.
Ann Hunt, aged 51 y. wife of Thomas F., Sept. 15, 1848.
Sarah A.P. Adams, aged 24 y. wife of Daniel H., Sept. 18, 1848.
Warren Wright, aged 1 y., Son of Charles, Sept. 21, 1848.
Agnes Murdock, aged 7 d., Daughter of James & Agnes, Sept. 24, 1848.
Amos George, aged 12 d., Son of Amos & Sybil, Sept. 24, 1848.
Elias G. Tinkham, aged 3 m., Son of Micah & Susan H., Sept. 4, 1848.
Mary Jane Bartlett aged r tr. 2 m., Daughter of Charles & Mary, Sept. 23, 1848.
Abel Moore, aged 59 y.,(So recorded. His gravestone gives his age as 71 years.) Son of John & Anne, Sept. 30, 1848.
Lucy Miles, aged 92 y. widow of Charles, Nov. 2, 1848.
Valorus Valentine Vance, aged 8 y. 7 m., Son of John & Adeline, Oct. 26, 1848.
Mary Bartlett, aged 43 y. wife of Charles, Nov. 1, 1848.
Darius Miles, aged 30 y., Son of Joseph & Hannah, Nov. 19, 1848.
Susan Dakin, aged 28 y., Daughter of Eli & Hannah, Jan. 1, 1849.
Joseph Barrett, aged 71 y., Son of James & Milicent, Jan. 6, 1849.
John Hunt, aged 80 y., Jan. 10, 1849.
Mary Hunt, aged 82 y. widow of Nehemiah, Jan. 7, 1849.
Henry Hooper, aged 72 y., Jan. 11, 1849.
Jonas Moore, aged 80 y. Jan. 11, 1849.
Francis Butterfield, aged 70 y. Jan. 13, 1849.
Charles Joseph Hyde, aged 19 y., Son of Charles & Lydia, Feb. 11, 1849.
William Wilde Hazewell, a few hours old, son of Charles C. & Harriet W., March 10, 1848.
James Garrety, aged 4 m., Son of Malick & Joanna, Dec. 22, 1848.
Beulah Cook, aged 89 y., Single: daughter of Josiah, March 28, 1849.
Pierce Wall, aged about 25 y., March 15, 1849.
Ellen B. Buttrick, aged 11 y., Daughter of Joshua & Eliza, March 17, 1849.
Harriet M. Goodnow, aged 3 y., Daughter of Charles W. & Mary A., April 21, 1849.
Betsey Dakin, aged 67 y. widow of John, April 22, 1849.
Lucy McLean, aged 30 y. wife of Samuel, May 14, 1849.
Miranda Whitcomb, aged 28 y., May 17, 1849.
Mercy Vose, aged 86 y. widow of John, May 20, 1849.
Helen L. Thoreau, aged 36 y., Daughter of John & Cynthia, June 14, 1849.
Sarah P. Heywood,(So recorded: properly Hayward.) aged 2 y., Daughter of James & Nancy, June 17, 1849.
Obadiah Kendall, aged 67 y., Son of Reuben, July 8, 1849.
Daniel Burke, aged about 40 y., Aug. 13, 1849.
Joanna S. Wright, aged 19 y., Daughter of Joseph & Mary, Aug. 16, 1849.
Jane Flood, aged 7 d., Daughter of Peter & Margaret, Aug. 17, 1849.
Margaret Flood, aged 8 d. Daughter of Peter & Margaret, Aug. 18, 1849.
Ella Brown, aged 10 m., Daughter of J. Warren & Catherine, Aug. 26, 1849.
John A. Chapin, aged 11 y., Son of Clinths & Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1849.
Nehemiah Flint, aged 77 y., Son of John & Mary, Sept. 25, 1849.
Henry Peers, aged 22 y. Oct. 8, 1849.
Clara Edwards, aged 50 y. wife of Andrews, Oct. 2, 1849.
Lucy C. Sawyer, aged 36 y. wife of Benjamin E., Oct. 6, 1849.
Mary Kettell, aged 93 y., Single: daughter of William, Oct. 4, 1849.
William Brown, aged 81 y., July 21, 1849.
Stephen Puffer, aged 78 y., Son of Stephen, Nov. 12, 1849.
Sarah A. Moore, aged 32 y. wife of John B., Nov. 18, 1849.
Adeline M.W. Kelsey, aged 33 y. wife of Aaron A., Dec. 15, 1849.
Jonathan E. Wadleigh, aged 72 y., Dec. 4, 1849.
Fanny Maria Jenkins, aged 10 m., Daughter of Joel & Nancy, Dec. 18, 1849.
Henry H. Simmons, aged 31 y., Son of William & Lucia H., Dec. 13, 1849.
William Heywood, aged 52 y., Son of William & Hepzibah, Jan. 4, 1850.
Luke Dodge, aged 3 y., Son of George R. & Catherine, Sept. 21, 1847.
James Barry, aged 1 y. 10 m., Son of James & Betsey, Jan. 24, 1850.
John Nagle, aged 1 y. 1 m., Son of John & Nancy, April 7, 1850.
Sarah Wetherbee, aged 64 y. wife of Solomon, March 7, 1850.
Ada Louisa Hoar, aged 1 y., Daughter of Samuel & Sarah, March 9, 1850.
Henry Patrick, aged 11 m., Son of Bridget, March 13, 1850.
Sophia Hosmer, still-born, daughter of Nathan & Sophia, April 23, 1850.
Louisa Lee, aged 41 y., Daughter of Isaac & Lucy, April 24, 1850.
Jotham Wheeler, aged 63 y., Son of Jotham & Sarah, May 5, 1850.
John Rice, aged 49 y., Son of Ezra & Lydia, May 23, 1850.
Bela Hosmer, aged 69 y., Son of Elijah & Sarah, June 7, 1850.
William Wheeler, aged about 68 y., June 18, 1850.
Emma F. Wheeler, aged 10 m., Daughter of Joshua S. & Ann, (died at Waltham), June 29, 1850.
Nancy Hildreth, aged 61 y., Single: daughter of Jonathan & Eunice, July 29, 1850.
Addeff F. Hall, aged 4 weeks, son of William & Eliza, Aug. 23, 1850.
Cordelia A. Newton, aged 25 y., Daughter of Asahel & Debby, Aug. 25, 1850.
Not named Thompson, aged 1 day, daughter of Matthew & Christy Ann, Sept. 6, 1850.
Mary Brooks, aged 52 y. wife of Abel, (died at Somerville), Sept. 11, 1850.
James Barrett, aged 89 y., Son of James & Melicent, Sept. 12, 1850.
Mary Ann Stokes, aged 1 y., Daughter of John & Catherine, Sept. 14, 1850.
Sarah C.L. Dakin, aged 22 y. wife of Ephraim Jr., Sept. 19, 1850.
Heartwill Bigelow, aged 55 y., Son of Elias & Abigail, Oct. 21, 1850.
Sarah J. Hurd, aged 25 y. wife of William F., Nov. 5, 1850.
Mary E. Emerson, aged 6 m., Daughter of Daniel C. & Myra L. (died at Holyoke), Nov. 18, 1850.
Frances Maria Barrett, aged 19 y., Daughter of Nathan & Mary S., Dec. 16, 1850.
The following deaths are recorded in the Church records, but do not appear in the official registers of the Town.-
Deacon Joseph Dakin, [in the 75th year of his age, g.s.] March 13, 1744.
Mr. Eleazer Flagg, in the 59th year of his age, March 28, 1745.
Jonathan Flagg, died at Bolton, September 26, 1747.
Nathaniel Ball, aged about 59 or 60 yrs., June 3, 1749.
John Brown, aged about 55 years, March 6, 1750.
John Parlin, aged 84 years or thereabout, February 24, 1750.
Oliver Meriam, A.B., almost 29 years old, May 29, 1751.
Ebenezer Meriam, Jr., almost 34 years old, July 12, 1751.
The widow Dorothy Brooks,(Widow of Noah Brooks.) in the 90th year of her age, or thereabout, March 15, 1752.
Rebecca, wife of Benjamin Wheeler, [in her 57th year g.s.] April 17, 1752.
Elizabeth, wife of Phinehas Blood, May 9, 1752.
William Wheeler,(Gravestone gives his age as 87 years, 3 months, and 21 days.), in the 86th year of his Life, May 29, 1752.
Mrs. Bethia Estabrook, wife of Aaron Estabrook, July 15, 1752.
John Bateman, Nov. 17, 1752.
Widow ----(Grace, widow of Judah.) Potter, in the 93d year of her Age, April 20, 1753.
Mary, wife of James Chandler, about 38 years old, May 22, 1753.
Experience Ball, an aged widow,(Widow of Caleb Ball. Died June 9, 1753, in r: 63d year of her age. Gravestone.), June 3, 1753.
Mary Hamlet, in an advanced age, January 7, 1753.
Ebenezer Townsend, aged 64 years, June 7, 1753.
Anna, wife of John Jones, [in her 58th year. g.s.], June 9, 1753.
Hannah Parish, aged about 90 years, June 17, 1753.
Ebenezer Taylor, in the 66th year of his Life, June 25, 1753.
Mary, wife of John Parlin, [in her 63d year. g.s.] Jan'y. 5, 1754.
Benjamin Barron, July 13, 1754.
Eleazer Melvin, in the 52 year of his Life, Oct. 18, 1754.
Mary, widow of Eleazer Melvin, [in her 48th yr. g.s.], Nov. 20, 1754.
Deborah Langley, Dec. 15, 1754.
Thomas Flint, aged 72 Years, April 1, 1755.
David Whitaker, aged 81, April 8, 1755.
Mary Rigby, an aged widow, April 30, 1755.
Sarah Townsend, Nov. 4, 1755.
---- (Mary) Taylor, widow of Abraham Taylor, aged ninety-months, three years and eleven Feby 16, 1756.
Ruth, wife of Samuel Edwards, May 7, 1756.
Elisabeth Parks, in the 88th year of her Age, June 27, 1756.
Abiel, wife of Deacon Samuel Meriam, [aged 72. g.s.], Aug. 29, 1756.
Aaron Brown, March 12, 1758.
Betty, wife of Ebenezer Townsend, June ----, 1758.
Widow ---- (Lydia, widow of Edward.) Wright, aged 92 years, Nov. 4, 1758.
Abigail, wife of Ebenezer Meriam, Jan'y. 16, 1759.
Elisabeth, widow of Benjamin Barron, about 80 years old, March 21, 1760.
John Savage died abroad, of the small pox, in the summer of 1760.
William Fletcher, July 4, 1760.
Ruth Lee,(Widow of Dr. Joseph Lee: aged 70 years. g.s.) widow, aged 70 years, March 16, 1761.
Ruth, wife of David Taylor, aged 58 years, April 6, 1761.
Anne Davis, (This was Anne (Smedly) widow of James Davis. This record is doubtless correct, as Ann Smedly was born Dec. 12, 1676, and was married to James Davis March 4, 1700-1. Her gravestone, however, says she "departed this Life in June 1760 In the 79th Year of her Age.") widow, in the 85th year of her Life, May 21, 1761.
Jonathan Harris, aged more than 60 years, died at Crown Point, Nov. 8, 1761.
Elisabeth, wife of Ebenezer Meriam, in the 56 year of her Age, April 15, 1761.
Widow Elizabeth Stratton, in the hundredth year of her age, April 18, 1762.
Lydia Melvin, widow, aged 62, June 20, 1762.
Thomas Brown, died in the public service, July 27, 1762.
Grace, wife of John Wheat, [in her 42d yr. g.s.], Sept. 6, 1762.
Mary, wife of Jonathan Fiske, May 11th or 12th, 1762.
Nath. Henly, in the 67th year of his Age, March 5, 1763.
Lucy Blood, age 40, July 21, 1763.
Jonathan Harris, in the 41st year of his Age, July 26, 1763.
Miss Lois Barrett, aged 22, [dau. of John & Lois, in her 26th yr. g.s.], November 17, 1778.
Mrs. Beulah Hosmer, aged 36, wife of Nathan Hosmer, November 17, 1778.
Mr. Timothy Minot, A.M. aged 87, November 30, 1778.
Col. Charles Prescott, aged 68, February 2, 1779.
Eunice Dudley, aged 4 months, February 24, 1779.
Mr. Joseph Buss, aged 71, April 5, 1779.
Col. James Barrett, aged 69, April 11, 1779.
Deacon Thomas Barrett, aged 72, June 20, 1779.
Miss Patty Pierce, aged 27, July 1G, 1779.
John Burrows, aged 17, September 19, 1779.
Mrs. ---- Wooley, (Mrs. Mary Woolley, wife of Samuel, died Oct. 1, 1779, in the 79th year of her age, according to her gravestone. Doubtless the same.) aged 73, September 24, 1779.
Mr. Benjamin Stratton, aged 83, November 29, 1779.
Mrs. ---- McClure, aged 26, December 8, 1779.
Infant child of Mr. Laughton, December 25, 1779.
---- Flagg, a girl aged 6, January 17, 1780.
Miss Eleanor Wheeler, aged 18, February 2, 1780.
Mrs. ---- Cook, aged 60, April 28, 1780.
Mrs. ---- Brown, aged 61, May 16, 1780.
Silas Barrett, drowned, aged 2 1/2 years, July 13, 1780.
Mrs. [Esther, wife of Timothy] Wesson, aged 40, July 20, 1780.
[Nathan] Child of Mr. Timothy Wesson, aged 3 weeks, August 1, 1780.
Mrs. Sarah Ball, aged 55, August 26, 1780.
Mr. Archibald Smith, aged 64,(Gravestone says he died October 2, 1780,), September 1, 1780.
Child, of Capt. Butler, aged 1, September 10, 1780.
Mr. Abijah Bond, aged 55, January 27, 1781.
Mr. Ebenezer Hartshorn, aged 92, January 29, 1781.
Mr. John Miles, aged 76, February 4, 1781.
Child (Reuben; gravestone says he died Feb. 18, 1781.) of Mr. Reuben Brown, aged 3 weeks, February 27, 1781.
Mrs. ---- Lee, aged 90, February 28, 1781.
Mrs. ---- Conant, aged 34, March 1, 1781.
Mrs. ---- Harris, aged 86, April 2, 1781.
Peter, a negro child aged 6 months, April 9, 1781.
Betsey, a child of Deacon Minot, aged 1 1/2, April 24, 1781.
Phebe Melvin, aged 16, June 27, 1781.
Mrs. Mary Prescott, aged 94, July 19, 1781.
Mrs. Percis Potter, aged 34, September 5, 1781.
Mrs. [Mary, wife of Capt. Ephraim] Wood, aged 74, September 11, 1781.
Mrs. ---- Stratton, aged 69, September 15, 1781.
[Meriam] Child of Mr. R. Hunt, aged 2 weeks, September 20, 1781.
Amos, child of R. Jones, aged 6 weeks, January 20, 1782.
Capt. Stephen Hosmer, aged 73, February 4, 1782.
Mr. Nehemiah Davis, aged 54, March 10, 1782.
Mrs. ---- Davis, aged 30., March 28, 1782.
Mrs. ---- Holden, aged 83, April 4, 1782.
Mrs. Elizabeth Miles, aged 78, May 5, 1782.
Capt. Timothy Wheeler, aged 85, May 7, 1782.
Mrs. [Lucy, wife of Ezekiel] Miles, aged 26, June 9, 1782.
Miss Abigail Temple, aged 33, June 20, 1782.
Bridget Cogswell, aged 9, August 27, 1782.
Eunice Cogswell, aged 1, September 14, 1782.
Mrs. Mary Jones, (Widow of Capt. Thomas Jones: her gravestone says she died October 26, 1782.) aged 73, September 26, 1782.
Mr. Daniel Holden, aged 83, November 7, 1782.
Mrs. ---- Johnson, aged 73, November 8, 1782.
Mr. Nathan Meriam, aged 65, [in the 63d year of his age. g.s.] November 11, 1782.
Mrs. Hannah Davis, aged 92, December 1, 1782.
[Keziah] Child of Mr. Sam. Wheeler, aged 2 1/2, December 10, 1782.
Child of Mr. Reddit Jones, aged 2 weeks, January 13, 1783.
Mr. Ephraim Melvin, aged 58, January 13, 1783.
Mr. Ezekiel Miles, aged 70, January 15, 1783.
Miss Alice Jones, aged 28, [dau. of Ephraim & Alice.], January 17, 1783.
Persis Blood, aged 8, February 5, 1783.
Miss Patty Jones, aged 28, [dau. of Thomas & Martha.], February 7, 1783.
Mr. Jonathan Fiske, aged 79, February 22, 1783.
Mr. Jonathan Jones, aged 44, March 16, 1783.
Mr. Humphrey Barrett, aged 67, March 24, 1783.
Child of Mr. Edward Flint, Jr., aged 4 weeks, May 9, 1783.
[John] Twin child of Mr. Sam. Bartlett, aged 9 months, July 31, 1783.
[Josiah] Child of Mr. Josiah Meriam, Jr., aged 4 weeks, August 1, 1783.
Mr. Jeremiah Wheeler, aged 74, August 3, 1783.
Mr. Thomas Brown, aged 67, August 15, 1783.
[Joseph] Twin Child of Mr. Sam. Bartlett, aged 11 months, October 2, 1783.
Mr. Jonathan Farrar, aged 85, October 11, 1783.
Miss Anna Temple, aged 30, [dau. of Benjamin & Abigail,] November 17, 1783.
Mrs. ---- Parlin, aged 26, November 19, 1783.
Miss Mary Brown, aged 28, November 28, 1783.
Child of Mr. John Stearns, aged 2 1/2, November 30, 1783.
Mr. Josiah Flint, aged 48, December 9, 1783.
Child of Mr. James Laughton, aged 2 months, January 23, 1784.
Miss Susanna Barron, aged 60, February 23, 1784.
Cyrus, child of Mr. William Parkman, February 19, 1784.
Mr. Timothy Wesson, aged 50, March 20, 1784.
Deacon David Wheeler, aged 77, March 24, 1784.
[Mary Willard] Child of Mr. Oliver Wheeler, aged 8 weeks, April 7, 1784.
Child of Mr. Reddit Jones, aged 5 weeks, April 24, 1784.
Mrs. Hannah Brooks, aged 80, wife of Thomas, of Lincoln, July 3, 1784.
Child of Mr. Daniel Hoar, aged 5 1/2, and another child of the same, aged 2 1/2, July 5, 1784.
Lucy Melvin, aged 14, August, 1784.
Mr. Luke Potter, a bachelor, aged 92, September 25, 1784.
Widow ---- Smith, aged 76, October 17, 1784.
Widow ---- Darby, (This was Elizabeth Daby, Relict of Joseph Daby (not Darby) of Stow. Her gravestone says she was "formerly ye wife of Benjamin Clark.") aged 93, October 21, 1784.
Samuel Stevens, aged 11, [son of Isaac,], November 25, 1784.
Mrs. Anna Hoar, aged 25, [wife of Isaac,], December 1784.
Benjamin Stevens, aged 9 months, [son of Isaac,], January 1, 1785.
Mr. Thomas Cooke, aged 73, February 5, 1785.
Elijah Wood, aged 8, [son of Ephraim & Mary,], February 11, 1785.
Mr. John Stratton, aged 44, February 18, 1785.
Catharine, a Negro, aged 50, March 19, 1785.
Mr. Joel Davis, aged 26, [son of Capt. Thomas & Sarah,] April 21, 1785.
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Maynard, aged 60, [wife of Thomas, aged 58 y. & 3 mo. g.s.], April 30, 1785.
Miss Bulah Hosmer, aged 2r, [dau. of Nathan & Beulah,] May 10, 1785.
Mr. Lot Lamson, aged 26, May 26, 1785.
Mrs. [Hepsibeth] Flint, aged 55, wife of John Flint, July 1785.
Mr. Joshua Bond, aged 35, August 23, 1785.
Mr. Amos Haggett, aged 32, September, 1785.
Child of Mr. Brigham, weeks only, January 21, 1786.
Catherine Durant, aged 17, [dau. of Jonathan & Keturah,], January 25, 1786.
Miss Lydia Parkman, aged 18, [dau. of William & Lydia,], February 17, 1786.
Child of Mr. Peter Stearns, aged 8 days, April 5, 1786.
[John] Child of Mr. J. Hosmer, aged 6 weeks, March 5, 1786.
Mrs. Bulah Minot, aged 92, [widow of Timothy,], April 14, 1786.
Miss Ruth Flint, aged 15, [dau. of Josiah & Hannah,], April 20, 1786.
Miss Ruth Wheeler, aged 21, [dau. of Francis & Mary,], August 17, 1786.
Mrs. Elizabeth Bond, aged 60, [widow of Abijah,], August 20, 1786.
Miss Hannah Flint, aged 20, [dau. of Josiah & Hannah,], August 29, 1786.
Mrs. [Eunice] Cogswell, aged 36, [wife of Emerson,] September 11, 1786.
Mrs. [Abigail] Temple, aged 70, (In the 63d Year of her Age, says her gravestone.) [wife of Benjamin,], October 7, 1786.
Mr. William Hayward, aged 24, [son of Josiah & Lucy,] November 3, 1786.
Catherine, a Negro, aged 45, November 7, 1786.
Mrs. Wyman, aged 78, November 13, 1786.
Capt. Thomas Davis, aged 81, November 18, 1786.
Mr. Thomas Hosmer, aged 84, January 9, 1787.
Miss Miriam Buttrick, aged 23, [dau. of Joseph & Sarah,], April 4, 1787.
Mrs. Lydia Parkman, aged 46, [wife of William,], May 1787.
Mrs. [Mary] Flagg, aged 30, (Aged 27, says her gravestone.) [wife of John,], September 14, 1787.
Moses Baker, drowned, aged 4, [son of William & Sarah,], September 10, 1787.
Mrs. [Sarah] Dudley, aged 36, [wife of Joseph,] September 16, 1787.
Capt. Ephraim Jones, aged 57, September 21, 1787.
[Burgess] Child of Mr. Oliver Miles, aged 4 1/2, October 1, 1787.
Mr. David Melvin, aged 67, October 27, 1787.
Mr. Jacob Farrar, aged 65, December 20, 1787.
Child of Mr. J. Meriam, aged 5 months, December 31, 1787.
Miss Lois Buttrick, aged 54, January 10, 1788.
Mrs. Mary Ingraham, aged 20, February 16, 1788.
Mrs. [Rebecca] Clarke, aged 65, (In the 70th year of her age, says her gravestone.) [wife of Benjamin,], March 14, 1788.
[Charlotte] Child of Mrs. [Mary] Ingraham, wife of N., March 1, 1788.
Mr. James Perry, aged 78, March 25, 1788.
Mr. Emerson Cogswell, aged 89, March 30, 1788.
Mrs. [Hannah] Jones, aged 40, wife of Reddit, April 1788.
Mrs. [Sarah] Barrett, aged 34, wife of Stephen, June 10, 1788.
Col. John Cuming, aged 60, July 3, 1788.
Susanna Flagg, aged 5, [dau. of John & Mary,], July 15, 1788.
Mrs. ---- Barron, aged 33, August 1788.
Mr. Moses Binney, aged 29, September 28, 1788.
Mr. Josiah Hosmer, aged 73, October 7, 1788.
A Negro Boy, aged 7, September 7, 1788.
Mr. Silas Man, aged 40, [in the 43d year of his age. g.s.] November 14, 1788.
Child of Mr. Heywood, aged 3 months, December 1788.
Mr. Benjamin Dakin, aged 83, December 1788.
Widow ---- Flagg, aged 87, October 1788.
Violet, a negro, aged 80, January 4, 1789.
Mrs. [Martha] Meriam, aged 34, wife of John, and also a child of the same, January 27, 1789.
Mrs. Nancy Walker, aged 35, February 5, 1789.
Mrs. [Hannah] Flint, aged 50, widow of Josiah, March 1788.
Miss Hannah Larnard, aged 22, [dau. of Jonathan & Susanna of Watertown,], April 8, 1789.
Miss Becky Melvin, aged 23, May 29, 1789.
Miss Susanna Larnard, aged 18, [dau. of Jonathan & Susanna of Watertown,], July 17, 1789.
Child of Mr. Timothy Wesson, aged 2, September 2, 1789.
Mrs. [Huldah] Dakin, widow, aged 90, [wid. of Simon,] November 28, 1789.
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Potter, aged 83, (Her gravestone gives November 2S, 1790, as the date of her death.), wife of Samuel, November 28, 1789.
Miss Nabby Hoar, aged 21, [dau. of Timothy & Abigail,] January 21, 1790.
Jane, Negro, aged 24, February 2, 1790.
Lydia Mann, aged 7, [dau. of Silas & Lydia,], March 1790.
[Eunice] Child of Mr. Cogswell, aged 3, [dau. of Emerson & Eunice,], March 12, 1790.
Another Child of Mr. E. Cogswell, aged 6 months, (The gravestone of Mrs. Anna Cogswell, who died Oct. 3, 1792, bears also the name of "James, the son of Mr. Emerson & Mrs. Anna Cogswell, who died March 20, 1791, age 6 months." Doubtless the above entry and this inscription refer to the same child, but in the absence of any record of the birth or baptism of the child, it is impossible to decide which date is correct.) March 26, 1790.
Widow [Elizabeth] Stow, aged 70,(In the 7Sth year of her age. g.s.) [wid. of Ephraim,], April 8, 1790.
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Minot, aged 45, wife of Deacon [George,], April 10, 1790.
Widow ---- Davis, aged 75, April 29, 1790.
[Betsey] Child of Mr. John Laughton, aged 1, May 11, 1790.
[Elias] Child of E. Barron, aged 5, [son of Elias,], April 19, 1790.
Child of Mr. Peter Stearns, aged 4, July 11, 1790.
Capt. John Minot, aged 40, July 22, 1790.
Mr. Zechariah Wheeler, aged 67, August 6, 1790.
Mr. Samuel Lee, aged 45, (This Samuel Lee was a soldier in the 10th Regiment of the Royal Army, and was wounded and taken prisoner in the Concord Fight, April 19, 1775. He did not return to the British service, but married and had several children in Concord.), August 6, 1790.
Mr. John Case, aged 60, August 6, 1790.
Child of Mr. Samuel Dudley, aged 8 weeks, September 1790.
Miss [Sarah] Conant, aged 16, [dau. of Eli & Elizabeth,], June 16, 1790.
Child of Mr. Boyden, aged 1, October 16, 1790.
Miss Persis Melvin, aged 15, October 19, 1790.
Capt. Charles Miles, aged 63, November 2, 1790.
Mrs. [Mary] Hunt, aged 84, wife of Dea. Simon, November 19, 1790.
Deacon Simon Hunt, aged 87, December 13, 1790.
Child of Mr. Jesse Hosmer, aged 4, April 1790.
Mr. Timothy Hoar, aged 73, [in the 75th year of his age. g.s.], January 16, 1791.
[Lucy] Child of Col. R. Brown, aged 7 months, April 4, 1791.
Child of Mr. Peter Stearns, aged 5, April 5, 1791.
Mrs. [Mary] Farrar, aged 62, wife of Jacob, April 19, 1791.
Widow Elizabeth Barrett, aged 70, [wid. of Lieut. Humphrey,] June 5, 1791.
Capt. John Stone, aged 63, July 1791.
Charlestown, a Negro resident, aged 32, August 1791.
Mr. David Whittaker, aged 84, August 1791.
Child of Miss Naomy Ball, aged 6 months, November 1791.
Mrs. [Mary] Chandler, aged 72, (Died Dec. 2, 1791, aged 74 y. 7 mo. g.s.), [wife of James,] November 1791.
Mr. John Flint, aged 70, January 20, 1792.
A Twin Child of Mr. Hardy, 2 hours old, January 6, 1792.
Mrs. Allice Jones, aged 62, [wid. of Capt. Ephraim,], February 28, 1792.
Mrs. Catherine Miles, aged 77, [wife of Jonathan,], March 9, 1792.
Mrs.---- Wheeler, aged 57, March 14, 1792.
Mrs. ---- Clark, aged 83, March 15, 1792.
Widow ---- Houghton, aged 90, June 1792.
Child of Mr. Abel Brown, aged 3 months, June 1792.
Mrs. [Percis] Parks, aged 20, wife of Levi, June 1792.
Miss Sarah Burbean, aged 59, July 4, 1792.
Mr. Timothy Wesson, aged 35, July 23, 1792.
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Dakin, aged 21, [wife of Samuel, Jr.] September 22, 1792.
Mrs. [Anna] Cogswell, aged 28, wife of Emerson, October 3, 1792.
Miss B. ---- Wheeler, aged 44, October 5, 1792.
Mrs. Lucy Fay, aged 34, [wife of Jonathan,] October 10, 1792.
Mr. John Prescott, Jr., aged 22, October 10, 1792.
Mrs. Mary Minott, aged 55, [wife of Capt. Jonas,], November 3, 1792.
Mrs. [Mary] Soper, aged 54, [wid. of Jacob,], November 3, 1792.
Mrs. [Sarah] Potter, aged 63, [wife of Ephraim: in 60th year of her age. g.s.] November 29, 1792.
Mr. James Chandler, aged 70, [in the 79th year of his age. g.s.] December 8, 1792.
Mrs. ---- Baker, aged 50, December 1792.
Mrs. Sarah Hosmer, aged 35, [wife of Benjamin,], December 28, 1792.
Child of Mrs. Sarah Hosmer, aged 6 hours, December 28, 1792.
Mr. Daniel Hosmer, aged 79, January 2, 1793.
Mrs. Eunice Dudley, aged 44, [wife of Joseph,], January 13, 1793.
Twins of Mr. Adams, 4 days old, January 26, 1793.
Mrs. ---- Cunningham, aged 48, February 20, 1793.
Elnathan Jones, Esq., aged 56, February 27, 1793.
Mrs. ---- Flat, aged 53, March 4, 1793.
Mrs. [Mary] Stow, aged 72, [wife of Amos,] March 9, 1793.
[Jonas] Child of Mr. N. French, aged 5, April 10, 1793.
Child of Mr. Lewis, aged 8, April 1793.
Child of Mr. J. Robinson, aged 6, April 1793.
Mr. ---- Meads, aged 90, March 7, 1793.
Miss Molly Meads, aged 59, March 7, 1793.
Widow [Mercy] Dakin, aged 91, [wid. of Samuel,] September 14, 1793.
Mrs. ---- Hosmer, aged 55, September 14, 1793.
Mrs. ---- Lynfield, aged 31, September 28, 1793.
Mr. Joseph Darby, aged 76, October 1793.
Miss Sally Kibby, aged 30, [dau. of Samuel & Elizabeth,] October 28, 1793.
Miss Rebecca Barrett, aged 28, [dau. of John & Lois,] November 17, 1793.
Sally Darby, aged 9, [dau. of Joseph & Rebecca,] March 26, 1794.
Child of Mr. Jonathan Hoar, aged 4 1/2, May 6, 1794.
Widow [Elizabeth] Hosmer, aged 90, [wid. of Nathaniel,] May 28, 1794.
Mrs. Ann Cole, aged 85, [wife of Daniel,] June 20, 1794.
Miss Lois Whitney, aged 23, September 14, 1794.
[Rebecca] Child of Mrs. Rebecca Heywood, aged 2 weeks, September 30, 1794.
Mrs. ---- Wyman, aged 63, October 1794.
Mr. Elias Brown, a bachelor, aged 68, October 1794.
Widow Anna Hunt, aged 83, [wid. of Simon,] December 1794.
Son of Mr. James Baker, aged 13 1/2, January 4, 1795.
Mrs. [Martha] Porter, aged 45, [wife of Israel: aged 49, g.s.] January 26, 1795.
Mrs. ---- White, aged 66, March 8, 1795.
[Nancy] Child of Mr. Charles Brown, aged 3, March 10, 1795.
Mr. William Tenerllif, aged 52, March 17, 1795.
Capt. Benjamin Bartlett, of Virginia, aged 45, March 17, 1795.
Widow ---- Fox, aged 85, March 31, 1795.
Mr. Thomas Stone, aged 27, March 31, 1795.
Widow Anne Prescott, aged 88, [wid. of John,] April 13, 1795.
Mr. Paul Burbeen, aged 72, June 10, 1795.
Silas Man, aged 10, [son of Silas & Lydia,] June 15, 1795.
[Joseph] Child of Mr. Underwood, aged 1 1/2, [son of Joseph & Parnal,], July 4, 179?.
Mrs. Ruth Heywood, aged 33, [wife of Jonas, Jr.], July 26, 1795.
Mrs. Martha Jones, aged 63, [wife of Thomas,], July 28, 1795.
Mrs. Hayward, aged 38, August 2, 1795.
John Robinson, drowned, aged 16, August 2, 1795.
Miss Betsey Prescott, aged 24, [dau. of Willoughby,] November 26, 1795.
Miss Polly Wheeler, aged 16, [dau. of Jotham,], December 11, 1795.
Widow ---- Cogswell, aged 74, December 11, 1795.
Mr. Oliver Wheeler, drowned, aged 54, January 6, 1796.
Mr. Samuel Hosmer, aged 61, January 22, 1796.
Mr. Daniel Brown, aged 58, January 23, 1796.
Miss Anne Conant, aged 24, February 10, 1796.
Mrs.[Sarah] Minot, aged 75, [wife of Maj. John,], February 11, 1796.
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Farrar, aged 36, [wife of Jacob,], March 21, 1796.
Isaac Hoar, aged 2 1/2, April 5, 1796.
Mr. [Samuel] Kibby, aged 71, [age. 73. g.s.], April 16, 1796.
Widow [Sarah] Knowlton, aged 77, [wid. of Jeremiah,], May 10, 1796.
Mrs. ---- Allen, aged 71, June 1796.
Mrs. Rebekah Hunt, aged 49, [wife of Reuben,], June 30, 1796.
Son of Mr. B. Barron, aged 2 weeks, July 25, 1796.
[Purchase and Nathan] Two sons of Mr. Nathan Lee, aged 3 and 1 1/2 years, September 28, 1796.
Mr. Timothy Wheeler, aged 80, [in the 79th year of his age, g.s.], September 26, 1796.
Daughter of Mr. James Cogswell, aged 5 1/2, November 4, 1796.
Mrs. [Lucy] Porter, aged 41, [wife of William,] November 7, 1796.
[David] Son of Mr. David Page, aged 1 1/2, November 14, 1796.
[Samuel] Son of Mr. Elijah Hosmer, aged 6, November 18, 1796.
[Ruth] Daughter of Mr. Jonathan Buttrick, aged 1, November 26, 1796.
Daughter of Cato, a Negro, aged 1 1/2, December 14, 1796.
Mrs. Sarah Philbrook, aged 22, December 25, 1796.
Mrs. Ruth Kettell, aged 79, March 7, 1797.
Child of Mr. Abel Davis, 1 week old, March 19, 1797.
Mrs. [Hannah] Miles, aged 73, [wife of James,] March 30, 1797.
Child of Mr. Ephraim Brooks, 2 weeks old, March 31, 1797.
Child of Mr. Daniel Hoar, aged 4, March 31, 1797.
[Sarah] Widow of Deacon [David] Wheeler, aged 83, April 5, 1797.
Dr. Joseph Lee, aged 82, April 9, 1797.
Miss Mary Prescott, aged 55, [dau. of Col. Charles,], May 4, 1797.
Mr. Simon Rogers, aged 40, June 1, 1797.
Madam Phebe Bliss, aged 84 1/2, Relict of Rev. Daniel Bliss, July 2, 1797.
Lewis Richards, aged 9, [Son of Lewis & Polly,], July 29, 1797.
Mrs. ---- Cobbett, aged 49, August 11, 1797.
John Merrick, Esq., aged 36, [unmarried; son of Tilly & Mary,] August 13, 1797.
Captain ---- Payson, a stranger, August 1797.
Miss Elizabeth Cordis, aged 24, [dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth,], August 30, 1797.
Mr. John Blood, aged 79, September 2, 1797.
Jeremiah Robinson, aged 15, September 21, 1797.
Mr. Edward Flint, Junr., aged 44, September 29, 1797.
Miss Sally Wheeler, aged 22, [dau. of Jotham,], October 2, 1797.
Mrs. ---- Knowlton, aged 47, October 20, 1797.
Mr. Abraham Taylor, aged 68, December 8, 1797.
Child of Mr. James Blood, 9 weeks old, December 20, 1797.
Mrs. [Abigail] Melvin, aged 71, Relict of David, January 19, 1798.
Son of Mr. Robert Marshall, aged 4 months, January 28, 1798.
Son of Mr. Jesse Hosmer, aged 15, February 8, 1798.
[Benjamin] Son of Mr. [William] Levingston, aged 3, February 14, 1798.
Son of Mr. ---- Cutter, aged 1 1/2, March 11, 1798.
Miss Rebekah L. Wheeler, aged 17, died at Lincoln, March 22, 1798.
Widow [Hannah] Whitaker, aged 90, [wid. of David,], April 11, 1798.
Miss Rebecca Dudley, aged 66, May 2, 1798.
Mrs. [Sarah] Blood, aged 84, Relict of Josiah, June 24, 1798.
Mr. Amos Stow, aged 80, July 1, 1798.
Miss Ruth Dodge, of Harvard, aged 17, August 9, 1798.
William, Son of Mr. James Miles, Jr., aged 1 1/2, August 23, 1798.
Mr. Thomas Brown, aged 27, [son of David & Abigail,], September 18, 1798.
Mr. Caleb Ball, aged 73, October 13, 1798.
Widow Joanna Miles, aged 78, [wid. of Ezekiel,], January 8, 1799.
Widow Mary Piper, aged 66, February 6, 1799.
Mr. Ephraim Brooks, aged 42, March 29, 1799.
Widow Elizabeth Prescott, (The Town Record erroneously calls her Lucy.), aged 82, [wid. of Charles,], April 23, 1799.
Miss S. Hobbs, aged 12, August 5, 1799.
Son of Mr. Joseph Farwell, aged 2, October 7, 1799.
James Barrett, Esq., aged 66, October 30, 1799.
Rose, a Negro woman, aged 74, April 19, 1800.
[Caroline] Child of Mr. Calvin Wright, 7 months old, May 28, 1800.
Mrs. ---- Chase, a stranger from Newbury, aged 41, June 28, 1800.
Isaiah Johnson, aged 18, July 27, 1800.
[Sarah] Daughter of Mr. Jonathan Wright, aged 4, September 26, 1800.
Daughter of Mr. Jonas Wright, aged 2 1/2, October 28, 1800.
[Myrha] Daughter of Mr. Francis Jarvis, aged 4, November 1, 1800
Twin children of Mr. Lewis Richards, 4 days old, November 21, 1800.
Son of Mr. Joshua Jones, aged 4 weeks, January 25, 1801.
[Abel Johnson] Son of Mr. Abel Conant, Jr., 7 weeks old, February 21, 1801.
Master Jonas Barrett, aged 19, [son of Thomas & Hannah,], March 2, 1801.
Mrs. ---- Robinson, aged 81, March 1, 1801.
Mr. John Thoreau, aged 47, March 7, 1801.
Miss Unice Barrett, aged 23, [dau. of Thomas & Hannah,], April 5, 1801.
Ephraim Wood, aged 5, drowned, [son of Daniel & Hannah,] May 4, 1801.
Miss Synthia Blood, aged 13, [dau. of Thaddeus,], May 8, 1801.
Miss Hannah Blood, aged 20, [dau. of Thaddeus,] May 9, 1801.
Mr. Eli Conant, aged 59, May 26, 1801.
A Negro, servant of Mrs. Martha Stone, aged 42, June 10, 1801.
[Jonathan H.] Son of Mr. Henry Loring, aged 2 1/2, June 13, 1801.
Mrs. ---- Bassett aged 40, and her son aged 2 1/2, from Charlestown, June 19, 1801.
Widow ---- Curtis, aged 62, June 22, 1801.
Miss Lucy Dudley, aged 27, [dau. of Samuel & Lucy,], June 23, 1801.zz
Mrs. ---- Hunt, aged 77, August 1, 1801.
Mrs. Mary Nutting, aged 59, [wife of Nathaniel,], August 14, 1801.
Mr. Stephen Hosmer, aged 65, August 17,1801.
Daughter of Widow Conant, aged 10, September 6, 1801.
Mary Flagg, aged 14, dau. of John, October 9, 1801.
Mrs. Mary Brewster, of Boston, aged 25, October 13, 1801.
William Perry, of Westford, aged 17, October 4, 1801.
Miss Lucy Nurse, aged 17, October 16, 1801.
[Jonathan Meriam] Son of Widow Rebecca Prescott, a year old, October 23, 1801.
[John] Son of Mr. John Estabrook, aged 11, November 3, 1801.
Mrs. Mary Minot, aged 70, [wife of Dr. Timothy,], December 23, 1801.
[James ] Son of Mr. Jonas Potter, aged 2, January 9, 1802.
[Amos] Child of Amos Baker, aged 3, June 1802.
Mr. Paul Brown, aged 55, died in Sudbury, June 1802.
Thomas Theodore Bliss, aged 57, of Cambridge, September 3, 1802.
Dorcas, child of Major James Barrett, September 10, 1802.
Miss Sarah Edwards, aged 22, September 14, 1802.
Miss Rebekah Fletcher, aged 72, November 5, 1802.
Child of Peter Freeman, a week old, December 12, J802.
Child of Calvin Wright, 5 days old, January 22, 1803.
[Lucy] Child of Isaac Lee, aged 4, January 22, 1803.
Mrs. ---- Warren, aged 29, of Northborough, February 1803.
[Nabby] Daughter of Mr. Abel Brown, aged 4, February 28, 1803.
Child of Mr. Rice, 2 days old, February 28, 1803.
Mr. Thaddeus Conant, aged 30, died in the West Indies, January 1803.
James Temple, aged 36, died at Cambridge, March 10, 1803.
Daughter of Jacob, a Negro, aged 5, April 15, 1803.
Daughter of Mr. J. Blanchard, aged 1 1/2, June 25, 1803.
Daughter of Mr. Tapley, a year old, July 26, 1803.
Rebecca Dudley, aged 19, [dau. of Samuel & Lucy,] August 1803.
[Susanna] Daughter of Mr. [Jonathan] Hildreth, aged 11, August 26, 1803.
Widow ---- Holden, aged 89, October 22, 1803.
Miss ---- Fiske of Lincoln, aged 21, died at the house of Capt. David Wheeler, November 1803.
Infant daughter of Mr. Winn, March 3, 1804.
Infant daughter of Mr. Joseph Buttrick, April 13, 1804.
Infant child of Peter Thomas, a Mulatto, April 16, 1804.
[Mary W.] Child of Daniel Baker, a year old, June 8, 1804.
Mrs. ---- Prescott, aged 24, June 10, 1804.
Mr. Leonard Mellen, of Charlestown, aged 27, September 18, 1804.
Child of Mr. J. Jones, aged 1 1/2, October 19, 1804.
[Adeline E.] Daughter of Mr. Silas Warren, 11 months old, January 11, 1805.
Son of Mr. Ephraim Brown, 2d, 3 weeks old, August 12, 1805.
[James] Child of Mr. Jonas Minot, Jr. 8 weeks old, August 12, 1805.
Child of Capt. Reuben Hayward, 1 day old, August 24, 1805.
[Anna M.] Daughter of Mr. Joseph Buttrick, aged 3, October 7, 1805.
Son of Mr. Samuel Hunt, 3 months old, November 24, 1805.
One of the twin sons of Mr. Paul Adams, 3 weeks old, November 26, 1805.
The other of the twin sons of Mr. Paul Adams, December 1, 1805.
Daughter of Mr. Samuel Hunt, aged 3, December 3, 1805.
Three female children of Mrs. Abigail Dix, Thrins, 2 days old, December 6, 1805.
Child of Mr. Cheney, buried at Lincoln, December 24, 1805.
Daughter of Peter Thomas, 3 days old, March 13, 1806.
[Humphrey] Son of Capt. Humphrey Hunt, 2 weeks old, March 18, 1806.
Child of Mr. Lyon, aged 1 yr., March 18, 1806
Widow Silence Darby, aged 80, [wid. of Joseph,] March 29, 1806.
Mrs. ---- Cheney, aged 28, April 2, 1806.
Kate Robbins, aged 50, [wife of Ceasar,] June 10, 1806.
Widow ---- Bacon, aged 85, September 15, 1806.
Daughter of Robert Marshall, 1 week old, September 23, 1806.
Son of Mr. William Cogswell, aged 1 1/2, October 17, 1806.
Daughter of Mr. P. Rice, 6 weeks old, January 10, 1807.
Widow ---- Blood, aged 77, March 16, 1807.
[Josiah H.] Son of Daniel Wheeler 2d, aged 3 days, April 30, 1807.
[Louisa] Daughter of Joseph Jewett, aged 3(?) months, October 22, 1807.
John Farmer of Boston, aged 21, March 6, 1808.
[Ann S.] Daughter of Mr. William Smith, aged 3 months, April 30, 1808.
Daughter of Mr. Benjamin Prichard, aged 6, May 1, 1808.
[Mary Ann] Daughter of Mr. James Blood, aged 1 1/2, August 28, 1808.
[Sarah Dakin] Daughter of Mr. Daniel Munroe, aged 1, September 5, 1808.
Son of Mr. Fillebrown, aged 1, May 23, 1809.
Daughter of Mr. A. Laughton, aged 1 1/2, November 4, 1809.
Son of Mr. Phineas Rice, 4 weeks old, November 15, 1809.
Son of Mr. John Stone, aged 8 months, December 3, 1809.
Son of Mr. Eliab Rice, 3 weeks old, April 25, 1810.
Son of Amos Freeman, 3 months old, a Black, July 20, 1810.
Mrs. Abigail (Should be Sarah; Her gravestone gives her name as Sarah.) Lawrence, aged 65, November 15, 1810.
[David S.] Son of Mr. David Bailey, aged 2 1/2, March 24, 1811.
Daughter of Mr. Phineas Rice, aged 3 months, June 9, 1811.
[Mary] Daughter of Widow Hannah Wheeler, aged 8, June 23, 1811.
[Sarah Elizabeth] Daughter of Mr. William Heywood, aged 1, September 9, 1811.
Son of Mr. Giles, one day old, June 5, 1812.
Son of Mr. Greenough, 15 weeks old, July 12, 1812.
Daughter of Mr. Asa Williams, 6 weeks old, July 20, 1812.
Daughter of Mr. A. Prescott, one & a half years old, August 12, 1812.
[Mary P.] Daughter of Mr. G. Proctor, aged 2 1/2, October 9, 1812.
Son of Widow Mary Parkman of Boston, one year old, October 28, 1812.
Miss Mary Hosmer, of Acton, aged 45, February 20, 1813.
Mr. Ethan Melvin, aged 47, in the U.S. Army, February 20, 1813.
[Susanna] Daughter of Widow [Susanna] Nurse, aged 2 1/2, at Westford, March 11, 1813.
Son of Mr. ---- Wetherbee, 8 months old, June 14, 1813.
Son of Mr. ---- Trumbull, aged 5, June 26, 1813.
Daughter of Mr. J. Blanchard, one week old, July 5, 1813.
Mr. Ebenezer Hardy, Jr., aged 24, in the U.S. Army, January 1814.
Child of Mr. Silas Conant, under one year old, October 1814.
Son of Samuel Conant, 3 weeks old, January 3, 1815.
Son of John Blanchard, born & died February 25, 1815.
Daughter of Widow Hayward, aged 3 months, May 21, 1815.
Son of Mr. Phinehas Rice, 4 weeks old, July 3, 1815.
Child of Mr. Tilestone of Boston, a year old, August 4, 1815.
Daughter of Mr. Kendall, 4 months old, born at Brookfield, September 30, 1815.
[George M.] Son of Mr. Nathaniel Munroe, 10 months old, December 10, 1815.
[Isaac K.] Son of Mr. Abel Conant, jr., aged 8, December 12, 1815.
Daughter of Mr. Abel Conant, aged 5, December 20, 1815.
Mr. Bela Hemenway, aged 28, January 16, 1816.
Daughter of Mr. Billings, 10 days old, March 27, 1816.
Son of Mr. Ebenezer Wood, 1 week old, May 11, 1816.
[Rufus W.] Son of Mr. J.C. Baker, 8 days old, May 21, 1816.
Daughter of Mr. J. Adams, 1 day old, September 22, 1816.
Asa, son of Mr. Nathan Hosmer, aged 8 months, December 16, 1816.
Son of Mr. Nathan Hosmer, aged 6 months, February 10, 1817.
Son of Mr. Butters, aged 5, March 1, 1817.
[Eliza] Daughter of Mr. Samuel Barrett, aged 3 1/2, July 25, 1817.
[Charles H.] Son of Capt. Daniel Shattuck, aged 6 months, September 19, 1817.
Mr. Charles Hosmer, aged 23, died at Savannah, October 23, 1817.
Son of Thomas Triater, a mulatto, a year old, September 4, 1818.
Miss ---- Munroe, aged 13; lived at Capt. Jacob Brown's, September 28, 1818.
Son of Mr. Reed, one week old, April 21, 1819.
Daughter of Mr. Abel Hosmer, (This was Susan G. Hosmer, daughter of Josiah & Elizabeth.) born and died in Cambridge, aged 6 months, February 4, 1819.
Son of Jack & Susan Garrison, aged 5 months, August 15, 1819.
Daughter of Mr. Reed, aged 2 1/2, October 13, 1819.
John A. a twin son of Mr. Eli Dakin, 1 year old, November 10, 1819.
Miss Dorothy Wood, aged 15, died at Charlestown, December 11, 1819.
Miss Lucy Prescott, aged 81, (lived in Lincoln,), December 22, 1819.
Son of Mr. Rice, one day old, August 16, 1820.
[Reuben] Son of Mr. James Warren, 18 months old, September 21, 1820.
Daughter of Mr. Thomas Wyman, aged 2, October 5, 1820.
[Charles J.] Son of Mr. Solomon Wetherbee, aged 2, October 6, 1820.
Child of Mr. Ball, of Boston, 1 day old, December 12, 1820.
Daughter of Mr. J. Richards, Jr. aged 10 months, December 25, 1820.
Son of Mr. Eli Brown, 10 days old, August 24, 1821.
Son of Susan Dugan, a mulatto, aged 3, September 3, 1821.
Son of Jacob B. Meriam, aged 4, September 28, 1821.
Son of Jacob B. Meriam, aged 2, October 1, 1821.
Son of Jack Garrison, a black, aged 3 days, October 20, 1821.
[Elbridge] Son of Noah Wheeler, Jr., aged 2 1/2, July 1822.
Samuel Dakin, aged nearly 26, (died on his passage from New Orleans to New York,,), June 5, 1822.
Mr. Jonathan Hardy, aged 24, died at Charleston, S.C., July 1822.
[Humphrey] Son of Mr. Emerson Barrett, aged 1 1/2, September 10, 1822.
[Adeline A.] Daughter of Mr. L. Rogers, aged 2 1/2, October 6, 1822.
Daughter of Mr. Daniel Reed, aged 1, October 8, 1822.
Daughter of Mr. Andrew Hildreth, aged 2 1/2, October 9, 1822.
[Francis M.] Son of Mr. [Alvan] Pratt, 1 year old, October 19, 1822.
Mrs. ---- Wood, aged 47, died in Boston, January 20, 1823.
Son of Nehemiah Hunt, born and died February 18, 1823.
[Sarah N.] Daughter of Mr. [Rufus] Patten, aged 4, February 27, 1823.
Son of Sherman Barrett, 4 days old died March 17, 1823, and his twin died March 23, 1823.
Son of Mr. [Alfred] Bolton, a year old, April 2, 1823.
Mr. John Kettell, aged 80, May 1823.
Mr. Witheril, a resident, aged 45, drowned, May 30, 1823.
Mr. Nathan Whitney, aged 37, belonging to Weston, June 14, 1823.
[Nancy R.] Daughter of Peter Jones, Jr., aged 7, July 30, 1823.
Son of Mr. Thomas Benjamin, aged 6 months, August 4, 1823.
[Humphrey] Son of Mr. Emerson Barrett, 3 months old, September 8, 1823.
Daughter of Capt. Jonathan Buttrick, born & died, February 7, 1824.
[Elmira J.] Daughter of Mr. James Weir, aged 5 months, May 19, 1824.
[Andrew A.] Son of Mr. Jonas Hartwell, aged 2 1/2, June 9, 1824.
Mr. Isaiah Dix, aged 27, murdered in Boston by two black men, August 1824.
Mr. Jonathan Billings, of Acton, aged 92, September 30, 1824.
Daughter of Miss Bass, of Boston, 4 months old, November 1, 1824.
Daughter of Mr. Joseph Richards, of Boston, 5 months old, November 1, 1824.
Daughter of Mr. Mason, 1 year old, November 13, 1824.
Mrs. Mary Heywood, aged 62, wife of Jonas, December 12, 1824.
Miss Abigail Church, aged 20, of Boston, December 21, 1824.
Mr. William Jones, aged 23, died in Boston, February 19, 1825.
[William H.] Son of Ebenezer Wood, 1 year old, April 1, 1825.
Mr. Dummer, of Newbury, aged 20, May 12, 1825.
Miss Ann Prescott, aged 43, died in Cambridge, August 6, 1825.
Child of Mr. [Willis] Hadley, aged 2 1/2, September 1, 1825.
Mr. James Jones, aged 31, September 19, 1825.
Son of Mr. Charles Hubbard, aged 1 1/2 yrs, September 21, 1825.
Daughter of Mr. H. Brown, aged 1 1/2 yrs, October 6, 1825.
Daughter of Mr. Andrew Hildreth, 3 days old, October 27, 1825.
Daughter of Mrs. B.M. Brown, aged 7, January 24, 1826.
[Charles F.] Son of Mr. Abner Ball, of Chelmsford, aged 1 1/2 yrs., April 25, 1826.
Mr. Samuel Bohanan, aged 33, August 24, 1826.
[Charles H.] Son of Mr. Nathan M. Wright, a year old, September 23, 1826.
[Albert] Son of Mr. Sylvester Wyman, 2 weeks old, October 9, 1826.
Son of Mr. Whitney, at the factory, 7 weeks old, June 23, 1827.
Miss Sarah Buttrick, aged 85, July 12, 1827.
Two children of Mr. [Willis] Hadley, one and two and one half years old, September 23, 1827.
Son of Jack Garrison, a negro, 6 months old, September 25, 1827.
Mr. Josiah Hosmer, aged 43, November 16, 1827.
Child of Mr. Lamson, aged 4, March 4, 1828.
Son of Elisha Hallowell, 6 months old, May 1828.
Son of Mr. Patten, aged 1 1/2 yrs, July 4, 1828.
[George F.] Vinal, 7 weeks old, son of Melzar, October 29, 1828.
Infant child of Peter Hutchinson, February 4, 1829.
Albert, Son of John Melvin, 6 months old, February 22, 1829.
Child of Elisha Wheeler, Esq., a week old, July 26, 1829.
Daughter of Mr. Merrill, 6 months old, August 3, 1829.
Daughter of Mr. Daniel Garfield, 10 days old, August 4, 1829.
Widow Anna Melvin, aged 66, January 24, 1830.
[Eliza A.] Daughter of Mr. Nathan Cass, aged 1 1/2 yrs. March 1, 1830.
[Adelaide M.] Daughter of Mr. John Hosmer, 6 months old, April 21, 1830.
[Luther M.] Son of Mr. [Adoniram G.] Sweetser, 2 months old, June 13, 1830.
[George E.] Son of Mr. William Stafford, 1 2/3 yrs. old, August 4, 1830.
[Charles B , ] Son of Mr. Clinths Chapin, 2 1/2 yrs. old, September 20, 1830.
Daughter of Mr. Ephraim W. Russell, of Camden, Me., 1 2/3 yrs. old, October 12, 1830.
Son of Mr. Samuel Whiting, a week old, December 23, 1830.
Daughter of Mr. Joseph Hayward, aged 5, December 24, 1830.
Son of Mr. Lamson, aged 4 months, January 10, 1831.
Mary Elizabeth, infant daughter of Ebenezer Conant, February 26, 1831.
Mrs. Mary Wheeler, aged 95, widow of Francis, March 23, 1831.
Major Samuel Burr, died and was buried at St. Mary's, Georgia, March 23, 1831.
[Mary L.] Daughter of Samuel Melvin, 1 year old, March 30, 1831.
[Margaret M.] Daughter of Mr. [William] Stafford, 2 weeks old, May 4, 1831.
Mrs. Naomi Fassett, aged 52, [wife of Asa„], June 12, 1831.
Miss Abigail Winn, aged 18, [dau. of Peter,] died at Lowell, August 6, 1831.
Mrs. Adeline Farrar, aged 22, [wife of Franklin,] died at Lowell, August 10, 1831.
James Middleton, coloured, aged 30, August 10, 1831.
Son of Elisha Wheeler, 2 weeks old, October 3, 1831.
Mr. Devoy, an Irishman, aged 54, October 5, 1831.
[Samuel Burr] Son of Mr. David Loring, one year old, October 17, 1831.
Son of Mr. Tilley Holden, born & died December 7, 1831.
Eliza Ann Beard, aged 3, daughter of Josiah, February 27, 1832.
Lucy Ann Buttrick, aged 5, daughter of Jonas, April 1, 1832.
Francis Kendall, aged 1, son of Obadiah, April 25, 1832.
Lewis, son of Lewis Wetherbee, aged 2 yrs., May 13, 1832.
[Mary A.] Daughter of Levi S. Hutchinson 11 months old, June 18, 1832.
Daughter of Francis Buttrick, born and died September 19, 1832.
Daughter of Isaac Brooks, of Lincoln, aged 2, September 22, 1832.
Son of Abel Hosmer, born & died January 3, 1833.
[Maria] Daughter of Mrs. Susanna Brigham, 6 months old, February 7, 1833.
[Charles E.] Son of Mrs. Lucy Ann Hadley, aged 6, March 5, 1833.
Charles Francis, son of Daniel Hunt, aged 7 months, March 27, 1833.
Charles Augustus, son of Nathan Brooks, aged 11 months, March 31, 1833.
Deacon John Vose, aged 70, April 3, 1833.
Miss Hepsibah Flint, aged 44, April 9, 1833.
William Augustus Conant, aged 20, [son of Ebenezer], June 18, 1833.
[Maria B.] Daughter of Mr. John Legross, 9 weeks old, July 5, 1833.
Son of Mr. Ebenezer Meriam, of New York, aged 5 months, July 31, 1833.
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Delano, of Charlestown, 1 3/4 yrs. old, August 24, 1833.
Son of Nancy Farrar, aged 7 months, September 1, 1833.
[Francis E.] Son of John G. Brigham, aged 2, September 11, 1833.
Louisa Benjamin, aged 12, [dau. of Thomas,], September 15, 1833.
Mary Benjamin, aged 45, November 28, 1833.
Martha Priest, aged 71, December 2, 1833.
Mrs. Brown, aged 88, in the almshouse, September 10, 1834.
Son of Mr. Russell, born & died November 11, 1834.
Miss Cordelia Phinney, from Boston, June 14, 1838.
Hon. Rufus Hosmer, of Stow, aged 61, April 19, 1839.
Timothy Heald, of Carlisle, aged 16, December 5, 1840.
William Belding, aged 2 months, September 12, 1842.
Anna Maria Moore, aged 9 months, [dau. of Reuben,], October 21, 1843.
Susan C. Robinson, aged 36, [dau. of William,], October 26, 1843.
Mr. Thomas J. Litchfield, aged 36, March 7, 1844.
Mr. William Potter, of Boston, aged 69, October 8, 1844.
Sarah Sherman Hoar, aged 5 months, daughter of Ebenezer R. Hoar Esq., October 13, 1844.
Ellen Felton Belknap, aged 1 yr. 9 mo., November 25, 1845.
William Orlo Dodge, aged 16 mo. son of Luke, April 7, 1847.
Mary Ann MeGuyre, aged 2, September 18, 1847.
Mary Jane Dodge, aged 14, September 18, 1847.
Emma L. Puffer, aged 15 mo., October 5, 1847.
Frederick Weldon Hazewell, aged 3, son of Charles C., February 14, 1848.
Darius J. Hatch, 1 week old, February 16, 1848.
Mrs. Sophia Barrett, aged 62, wife of Joseph, February 18, 1848.
Frederick H. Hurd, aged 4 months, son of Wm F. Hurd of Rochester, N.Y., September 4, 1848.
Emeline L. Barrett, aged 34, [died at Worcester,], April 14, 1849.
Jesse L. Stevens, aged 28, May 5, 1849.
Mrs. Ann Maria Briggs, aged 30, [died at Woburn,], July 7, 1850.
On the 19th of April, 1754, the northerly part of the town of Concord was incorporated as a District, and known as the District of Carlisle. The territory so set off from Concord was, however, restored by act of the General Court, in January, 1757, and the District of Carlisle ceased to exist. During its brief municipal existence, the records of Births and Deaths were carefully and precisely kept, and the volume containing such records was preserved until 1780, when the District was permanently set off from Concord, and the old book was again brought into use. Such births and
deaths as were recorded therein while the District was a part of Concord are here added, omitting those which were recorded in the Concord Registers as well as in that of the District, and which have already been printed.
THE BOOK OF RECORDS OF THE DISTRICT OF CARLISLE of The Death and Beath Ever Sence we Have Been Sete of as a District and by Name of Carlisle April 19th 1754.-
Ephraim Stows wife (Grace; his second wife; she had formerly been the wife of Joseph Wood.) Departed this Life September the first 1754.
Eunis Blood Daughter of John Blood and ---- his wife Departed this Life November thirteenth 1754.
Simon Farrar Son of Jonathan Farrar and Rebekah his wife Departed this Life September the. thirteenth 1754.
Lois Puffer Daughter of Jonathan Puffer and Mary his wife Departed this Life December the thirtyeth 1754.
Benjamin Browr, who Lost two Children which Departed this Life April the second & third 1755.
Sarah Flagg wife of Mr. Joseph Fagg Departed this Life April the ninteenth 1755 and in the fifty-six year of her age.
Luke Davis Son of Nehemiah Davis and Dorothy his wife Departed this Life October the Eighteenth 1755.
Hephzibah Farrar Daughter of Olever Farrar and mary his wife Departed this Life January 4th 1756 age one year & nin mounths & Ninteen days.
mary Durrant wife of William Durrant Departed this Life 1755.
Joshua melven Son of Capt. Eleazer melven and mary his wife was Born march 15th 1754.
mary Buttrick Daughter of Samuell Buttrick Juner and Lucy his wife was Born December the Eight 1754.
Hephzibah Parlin Daughter of John Parlin Juner and margaret his wife was Born February the twenty second Day 1753.
Betty Kibbe Daughter of Samuell Kibbe and Elizabeth his wife was Born July the Eighteenth 1746.
Molley Kibbe Daughter of Samuell Kibbe and Elizabeth his wife was Born April the twenty second 1751.
Bulah Kibbe Daughter of Samuell Kibbe and Elizabeth his wife was Born october the twenty first 1753.
Hephzibah Farrar Daughter of Olever Farrar and mary his wife was Born march the fifteen 1754.
David melven Son of David melven and Abigal his wife was Born December the nineteenth 1751.
Samuell melven Son of David melven and Abigal his wife was Born April the twenty fift 1754.
Jonathan Palmer Son of Jonathan Palmer and Elizabeth his wife was Born June the second 1754.
Luke Davis Son of Nehemiah Davis and Dorothy his wife was Born June the sixteenth 1754.
Dolly Davis Daughter of Nehemiah Davis and Dorothy his wife was Born June the twenty second 1755.
Lucy Temple Daughter of Benjamin Temple and Abigal his wife was Born may the fourteenth 1755.
Simon Parlin Son of Joseph Parlin & Abigal his wife Daparted this Life may the 28 1753 In the Nintenth year of his age.
Jacob Laughton Son of John Laughton and Esther his wife Daparted this Life July the fourth 1752.
Nathan Flagg who Departed this Life December the ninth 1755.
Sarah melven wife of Robert melven who Departed this Life February the Eighteenth 1756.
John Hartwell Son of Simon Hartwell and mary his wife was Born April the tenth 1753.
Mary Hartwell Daughter of Simon Hartwell and mary his wife was Born August the Eighteenth 1755.
John Hodgman Son of John Rodman and Lois his wife was Born January the fouth 1755.
Nathan Farrar Son of Henery Farrar and Sarah his wife was Born December the sixt 1742.
Ebenezer Farrar Son of Henery Farrar and Sarah his wife was Born october the ninth 1745.
Samuell Brown Son of Dacon Ephraim Brown and Abigal his wife was Born February the Eighteenth 1752.
Peter Parlin Son of Joseph Parlin and Abigal his wife was Born october the ninth 1748.
Pheby Parlin Daughter of Joseph Parlin and Abigal his wife was Born may the fourteenth 1750.
James Laughton Son of John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born November 21th 1741.
John Laughton Son of John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born July the twenty ninth 1743.
Sarah Laughton Daughter of John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born July the twenty fourth 1746.
Elizabeth Laughton Daughter of John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born march the fourteenth 1749.
Esther Laughton Daughter John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born November twenty six 1754.
Jacob Laughton Son of John Laughton and Esther his wife was Born November the fifteenth 1751.
Tilly Buttrick Son of Joseph Buttrick & Sarah his Wife Born April 26, 1754.
In view of the imperfectness of the official Town and Church Records of Deaths, it has been thought advisable to include in this volume such facts as can be gathered from the gravestones. The names, ages, and dates that follow are copied from gravestones, now, or recently standing, and the list is intended to include the names of those persons only whose deaths are not recorded in the foregoing pages.
Joseph Meriam, aged 47 years, (This is the oldest gravestone in Concord.), April 20, 1677.
Capt. Timothy Wheeler, aged about 86 years, July 30, 1687.
William Bottrell, one day old, son of William & Hannah, March 2, 1713.
Nehemiah Hunt, in the 50th year of his age, October 27, 1718.
Hannah Ball, aged 4 yrs. 7 mos., Daughter of Jonathan & Hannah, March 25, 1724.
John Varnam, in the 29th year of his age, October 19, 1724.
John Melven, in the 74th year of his age, August 21, 1726.
Jonathan Hubbard, in the 70th year of his age, July 17, 1728.
Mrs. Priscilla Adams, wife of Joseph, in the 29th year of her age, January 6, 1734.
John Temple, in the 54th year of his age, July 17, 1734.
Caleb Ball, in the 46th year of his age December 3, 1734.
James Minott, Esq., A.M. age 83, September 20, 1735.
Mary Brooks, aged 11 yrs. 6 mo. 2 d., Daughter of Ebenezer & Sarah, June 28, 1736.
Timothy Heald, aged 39 yrs, 10 mo. 21 d., March 28, 1736.
Mercy Whittaker, in the 27th year of her age, wife of David, Jr., January 10, 1737.
Jonathan Melven, in the 49th year of his age, February 11, 1737.
David Hodgman, in the 10th year of his age, son of Thomas & Abigail, August 2, 1738.
Thomas Hodgman, in the 47th year of his age, October 4, 1739.
Jonathan Ball, aged 18 yrs. 8 mo. 5 d., son of Jonathan & Hannah, April 5, 1740.
Daniel Meriam, aged 7 yrs. 1 mo. 2 d., son of John & Hannah, May 3, 1740.
John Hartwell, aged 22 yrs. 7 mo., son of John & Mary, August 8, 1741.
Joseph Brooks, in the 76th year of his age, July 11, 1746.
Jacob Russell, aged 23 yrs. 11 mo. 7 d., son of James & Susanna, October 1, 1748.
Mrs. Elizabeth Munroe, in the 39th year of her age, wife of Thomas, January 12, 1750.
Susanna Flagg, aged 5 yrs. 11 mo. 23 d., daughter of John & Susanna, February 17, 1750.
Mary Flagg, aged 4 yrs. 13 d., Daughter of John & Susanna, February 20, 1750.
Sarah Flagg, aged 2 yrs. 4 mo. 23 d., Daughter of John & Susanna, February 26, 1750.
Benjamin Temple, in the 64th year of his age, March 6, 1753.
Samuel Hubbard, aged 66 yrs. & 8 mo., December 12, 1753.
Daniel Minott, in the 6th year of his age; son of Samuel & Dorcas, December 20, 1753.
Mrs. Mary Parlin, in the 63d year of her age; wife of John, Jr., January 5, 1754.
Oliver Whittaker, in the 13th year of his age; son of David & Hannah, January 29, 1756.
Thaddeus Bond, aged 1 year & 3 months; son of Abijah & Elizabeth, September 10, 1756.
James Temple, in the 22d year of his age; son of Benjamin & Abigail, October 18, 1756.
Dr. Richard Temple, in the 83d year of his age, November 21, 1756.
Mrs. Dorcas Chandler, aged 84 years; relict of Samuel, January 13, 1757.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stow, in the 73d year of her age; wife of Joseph, January 23, 1757.
Helen Cuming, in the 5th year of her age; daughter of John & Abigail, September 24, 1759.
Mrs. Abigail Brooks, in the 80th year of her age; widow of Lieut. Hugh, September 1, 1761.
Elizabeth Fletcher, aged 1 yr. 13 d.; daughter of Thomas & Margaret, April 24, 1764.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, aged 62 yrs. 11 mo.; wife of Jacob, November 5, 1764.
Deacon Samuel Minott, in the 60th year of his age, March 17, 1766.
Mrs. Abigail Brown, in the 85th year of her age; wife of Eleazer, March 29, 1766.
Dorothy Adams, in the 20th year of her age; daughter of Joseph & Dorothy, April 10, 1766.
Mrs. Mary Blood, in the 34th year of her age; wife of Stephen, Jr., June 14, 1766.
Patte Brooks, in the 6th year of her age; daughter of John & Lucy, January 5, 1767.
Thomas Hunt, in the 34th year of his age, January 31, 1767.
John Brooks, in the 27th year of his age; son of John & Lucy, March 14, 1767.
Jacob Taylor, in the 73d year of his age, October 17, 1767.
Mrs. Lucy Wheeler, in the 42d year of her age; wife of Benjamin, December 28, 1767.
Tilly Merrick, in the 39th year of his age, March 7, 1768.
William Barrett, aged 3 yrs. 3 mo.; son of James, Jr. & Melliscent, March 17, 1769.
Samuel Meriam, in the 57th year of his age, May 4, 1769.
John Allan, in the 20th year of his age; son of James & Ruth, June 1, 1769.
Sybel Melven, aged 16 yrs. 6 mo.; daughter of John & Hannah, August 11, 1770.
Ephraim Barrett, in the 26th year of his age; son of Capt. James & Rebekah, March 3, 1771.
Mrs. Abigail Temple, in the 77th year of her age; wife of Benjamin, April 26, 1771.
Lieut. Daniel Hoar, age 93, February 8, 1773.
John Jack, a native of Africa, aged about 60 years, March 1773.
Elisha Brown, aged 1 yr. 10 mo. 16 d.; son of Jacob & Mary, June 16, 1773.
Miss Mary Wood, in the 32d year of her age; daughter of Ephraim & Mary, December 11, 1773.
Mrs. Mary Hartwell, aged 81 yrs. 4 mo.; wife of John, March 5, 1774.
Jonathan Heywood, in the 57th year of his age, July 18, 1774.
Asa Davis, aged 4 yrs. 1 mo. 8 d.; son of Nehemiah & Dorothy, September 21, 1774.
Mary Heald, aged 3 yrs. 11 mo. 15 d.; daughter of Lieut. Samuel & Mary, March 31, 1775.
Ebenezer Meriam, in the 23d year of his age; son of Samuel & Esther, March 7, 1775.
Betsy Butler, aged 2 yrs. 3 mo. 4 d.; daughter of Joseph & Sarah, August 14, 1775.
Mrs. Esther Meriam, in the 56th year of her age; widow of Samuel, September 25, 1775.
Miss Elizabeth Blood, in the 34th year of her age; daughter of Stephen & Mary, October 12, 1775.
Mrs. Esther Buttrick, in the 27th year of her age; wife of Willard, November 3, 1775.
Timothy Davis, aged 2 yrs. 4 mo. 4 d.; son of Samuel & Ann, November 1, 1775.
John Beatton, Esq., aged 74 years, June 9, 1776.
Capt. Jonathan Brooks, in the 72d year of his age, June 30, 1776.
Jonathan Heywood, Jr., in the 29th year of his age, December 15, 1776.
Reuben Hunt, aged 3 yrs.; son of Reuben & Rebekah, February 18, 1777.
Mrs. Sarah Burge, in the 83d year of her age; widow of John Burge of Chelmsford, March 15, 1777.
Ruth Brown, aged 10 yrs. 1 mo.; daughter of Jacob & Mary, April 12, 1777.
Samuel Woolly, in the 82d year of his age, April 13, 1777.
Simon Hunt, in the 66th year of his age, August 9, 1777.
Benjamin Wheeler, in the 69th year of his age, September 21, 1777.
Nathaniel Stearns, in the 42d year of his age, November 28, 1777.
Mary Ingraham, in the 87th year of her age; wife of Joseph Ingraham of Boston, June 30, 1778.
Priscilla Hartwell, aged 81 yrs. 6 mo. 12 d.; daughter of Ebenezer & Sarah, August 20, 1778.
Willard Hartwell, aged 2 yrs. 21 d.; son of John & Susanna, August 9, 1778.
Elisha Brown, aged 3 yrs. 6 mo. 12 d.; son of Jacob & Mary, October 23, 1778.
Ensign John Hartwell, aged 89 yrs. 7 mo. 27 d.; December 20, 1780.
Simon Hartwell, in the 61st year of his age, August 16, 1783.
Mary Davis, aged 13 mo. 3 d.; daughter of Silas & Mary, October 29, 1785.
Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, in the 90th year of her age; wife of Job, February 21, 1786.
Job Brooks, in the 91st year of his age, October 26, 1788.
Thomas Brooks, in the 90th year of his age, December 22, 1790.
Miriam Kibby, aged 34; daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth, October 26, 1792.
Thomas Hunt, aged 31, June 11, 1796.
Mrs. Lucy Brooks, aged 74; wife of John, May 5, 1798.
Mrs. Rachel Hartwell, aged 65; wife of David, April 14, 1799.
Aaron Maynard, in the 32d year of his age, May 23, 1801.
John Brooks, age. 90, August 2, 1812.
Mrs. Mary Meriam, (The Town Record of her death calls her Ruth, and the Church Record makes the same error. The gravestone is correct: she was Mary Brown, born March 10, 1760, and married Aug. 6, 1778.) age 55; wife of Josiah, January 9,1815.
Nathan Bond, aged 64 years, January 5, 1816.
Daniel Meriam, aged 22 years; son of John, February 4, 1818.
Thomas Hartshorn, in the 14th year of his age; son of Thomas & Sarah, November 17, 1697.
Anna Howard, (This was the Anna White who married John Heaward June 2, 1671; the name has been hitherto written Heaward or Hayward in the records.) aged 64 yrs.; wife of John, May 25, 1714.
Joseph Hayward, aged 71, October 13, 1714.
Mrs. Hannah Cocksedge, aged 26 years; wife of John, April 25, 1715.
Elizabeth Miles, aged 10 months; daughter of John & Mary, January 2, 1716.
Mary Smedly, in the 67th year of her age; wife of James, July 18, 1717.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hartwell, aged 25 yrs. 9 mo. 20 d.; wife of Jonathan, December 28, 1717.
John Showvally, aged 23 yrs. 6 mo., January 31, 1717/8.
Richard Kaets, aged 72 yrs., March 20, 1717/8.
John Howard, (Hayward; see Anna Hayward.) aged 78 yrs., November 22, 1718.
Mrs. Anna Biscon, in the 58th year of her age; wife of Isaac, June 4, 1723.
Dorothy Prescott, aged 7 yrs. 3 mo. 22 d.; daughter of Jonathan & Rebecca, January 5, 1724.
Jean Prockter, aged 18; daughter of Gershom & Sarah, March 17, 1724.
Mrs. Martha Conant, in the 44th year of her age; wife of Lot, February 15, 1725.
Lucia Prescott, aged 1 yr. 7 mo. 26 d.; daughter of Jonathan & Rebecca, April 20, 1725.
John Miles, in the 45th year of his age, August 23, 1725.
Jean Billing, in the 14th year of her age; daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah, February 8, 1728.
Lydia French, in the 18th year of her age; daughter of William and Sarah, of Billerica, August 2, 1731.
Mrs. Ruth Foot, in the 30th year of her age; wife of Capt. Malachi Foot, and daughter of Samuel & Ruth Jones, June 29, 1734.
Ensign Thomas Wheeler, in the 75th year of his age, October 2, 1734.
Thomas Wheeler, aged 13 yrs. 11 mo. 20 d.; son of Lieut. Thomas & Mrs. Mary Wheeler, January 14, 1737.
Mrs. Mary Buss, in the 66th year of her age; February 4, 1737.
Samuel Willson, in the 49th year of his age, July 5, 1738.
Simon Dakin, in the 76th year of his age, January 11, 1739.
Elnathan Davis, in the 3d year of his age; son of Thomas & Sarah, October 30, 1742.
Mrs. Rachel Buss, in the 59th year of her age; wife of Peter, March 19, 1743.
Thomas Davis, in the 9th year of his age; son of Thomas & Sarah, June 3, 1745.
Ruth Wiight, aged 19 yrs. 7 mo. 15 d.; daughter of Lieut. Joseph & Elizabeth, October 10, 1747.
Mrs. Mary Hartshorn, age 63; widow of Ebenezer Hartshorn, Senior, June 9, 1750.
Mrs. Sarah Davis, aged 74 yrs. 10 mo.; wife of Ebenezer Davis, and formerly wife of Deacon Wm. French of Billerica, October 15, 1731.
Rev. John Whiting, (born June 20, 1681; ordained at Concord 1712;) died: May 4, 1752.
Dorothy Prescott, aged 3 months; daughter of Dr. Abel & Abigail, March 28, 1754.
Anna Wood, aged 15 days; daughter of Oliver & Lucy, January 18, 1758.
Mrs. Elizabeth Conant, in the 54th year of her age; wife of Andrew, September 10, 1753.
Silas Lee, aged 7 mo. 15 d.; son of Joseph & Lucy, March 30, 1759.
Ruth Conant, in the 15th year of her age; daughter of Andrew & Elizabeth, March 14, 1760.
Mrs. Ann Davis, in the 79th year of her age; wife of James, June 1760.
Joseph Billing, aged 58 yrs. 3 mo., September 12, 1760.
John Lee, aged 43 years and 49 days, February 7, 1761.
Jonathan Prescott, aged 6 yrs. 10 mo.; son of Dr. Abel & Abigail April 13, 1762.
Doctor John Davis, in the 73d year of his age, November 16, 1762.
William Cutler Jones, aged 7 months; son of Ephraim & Alice, May 17, 1765.
Asahel Smith, son of Jared & Rebekah, April 1766.
Rebeckah Wood, aged 2 yrs. 6 mo.; daughter of Oliver & Lucy, November 25, 1766.
Jonathan Lee, age 40, July 11, 1766.
Hannah Brown, in the 73d year of her age; wife of Capt. Ephraim, June 30, 1763.
Doctor Ebenezer Hartshorn, born January 29, 1713; died January 5, 1772.
Mr. Cord Cordis, aged 63 years, July 29, 1772.
Lieut. John Jones, in the 55th year of his age, August 23, 1772.
Lydia Farrar, aged 3 yrs. 6 mo. 13 d.; daughter of Ebenezer & Elizabeth, August 14, 1774.
William Buss, in the 18th year of his age; son of Peter & Rachel, August 25, 1774.
Capt. Thomas Jones, being 72 years of age, August 3, 1774.
Mrs. Rebekah Temple, in the 94th year of her age; formerly the wife of Mr. Simeon Hayward, March 29, 1776.
Jonathan Hubbard, in the 15th year of his age; son of Thomas & Abigail, April 29, 1776.
Mrs. Thankful Wright, in the 36th year of her age; wife of Lieut. Edward, September 9, 1776.
Nathan Hosmer, age 36 years, December 25, 1777.
Mrs. Prudence Munroe, in the 78th year of her age; formerly the wife of Mr. John Estabrook of Lexington, June 23, 1778.
Mrs. Catherine Conant, in the 29th year of her age; wife of Abel, March 24, 1780.
Mrs. Sarah Davis, age 75, wife of Capt. Thomas, April 27, 1783.
Miss Bathsheba Lee, aged 70, October 25, 1791.
Miss Mary Breed, aged 27, daughter of William & Mary of Boston, August 26, 1802.
Gen. William Jones, age 40, a native of Concord; died at Norridgewalk, Me., January 10, 1813.
Samuel J. Jones, aged 18 yrs., son of William & Mary; died at Havana, December 27, 1817.
Elizabeth E. Barrett, aged 2 years; daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth, March 9, 1820.
William LeGross, aged 20, son of Francis, September 15, 1811.
Mrs. Elizabeth Church, (The Town Record of her death calls her Mary, and the Church Record also.), aged 35 yrs. 7 mo., October 20, 1818.
Elizabeth Jarvis, aged 77; wife of John, November 16, 1819.
Delia Woodward, aged 19 yrs., August 20, 1823.
Joel Derby, aged 6 months; son of Joel, February 1, 1823.
Abigail D. Prescott, aged 33 yrs.; wife of Timothy, March 22, 1823.
Mrs. Nancy Paine, aged 73 yrs.; widow of Phineas, February 18, 1825.
Timothy Farrar, aged 62 yrs., September 22, 1825.
Alpheus Wheeler, aged 1 year; son of Artemas, May 23, 1826.
William Mercer, aged 84 yrs., August 1, 1827.
Sarah Mercer, aged 89 yrs. widow of William; September 1, 1827.
Henry A. Ball, aged 3 years; son of Abner, September 9, 1829.
George F. Ball, aged 1 yr. 11 mo.; son of Abner, September 16, 1829.
Mrs. Abigail Wood, aged 30; wife of Ebenezer, February 2, 1830.
Mrs. Mary Minot, aged 82; widow of Jonas, August 2, 1830.
Mrs. Eliza W. Hartwell, aged 23; wife of Alonzo, January 1, 1831.
Emeline F. Hanscom, aged 2 yrs. 7 mo.; daughter of John M., July 15, 1831.
Joseph Meriam, aged 22; Son of Joseph, February 22, 1832.
C. Georgiana Cook, aged 1 yr; daughter of James M., October 25, 1832.
Mary Hadlock, aged 79 yrs., April 14, 1833.
Horatio French, aged 31 yrs., July 18, 1834.
Adeline R. Sweetser, aged 13 months; daughter of Adoniram G., August 30, 1834.
Mrs. Mercy A. Heywood, aged 22; wife of Jonas P., February 9, 1834.
Edward Bliss Emerson, aged 29, October 1, 1834.
Ellen H. Farrar, aged 7 weeks; daughter of Cyrus, October 30, 1834.
Elizabeth L. Skinner, aged 7 months; daughter of John F., June 17, 1834.
Mary A. Mullet, aged 4 yrs., Daughrer of James T., February 3, 1835.
William Watts, aged 32, March 20, 1836.
Henry L. Dodge, aged 1 yr. 9 mo.; son of Henry L., April 13, 1836.
David Hartwell, aged 77, December 25, 1836.
James H. Melvin, aged 1 yr. 5 mo.; son of Emerson, April 9, 1837.
Hannah Dennett, aged 26; wife of Ephraim, January 23, 1837.
William Mercer, aged 65, January 1, 1838.
Granville H. Proctor, aged 31; son of Gaius, July 25, 1838.
Francenia Ball, aged 1 yr. 10 mo.; daughter of Abner, August 9, 1838.
Willie A. Hayward, aged 3 mo.; son of James, May 28, 1838.
Cyrus A. Marshall, aged 10; son of Cyrus, October 28, 1839.
Henry M. Hanscom, aged 6 yrs. 9 mo.; son of John M., July 3, 1839.
Mrs. Dorcas Warren, aged 48; wife of Thomas R., August 15, 1840.
Mrs. Mary Heywood, aged 22; wife of Jonas P., July 18, 1840.
Alexander Stewart, aged 44, May 28, 1840.
Mary E. Rice, aged 4 yrs.; daughter of Reuben, September 22, 1840.
Mary A. Farrar, aged 3 yrs. 3 mo.; daughter of Cyrus, July 28, 1840.
Mrs. Betsey B. Brown, aged 52 yrs.; wife of Nathan, January 20, 1841.
Mrs. Lucy Meriam, aged 63 yrs. 7 mo.; wife of Joseph, September 11, 1841.
H. Josephine Cook, aged 3 yrs. 3 mo.; daughter of James M., August 7, 1837.
Josephine W. Cook, aged 1 yr. 3 mo.; daughter of James M., February 21, 1839.
J. Alice Cook, aged 6 mo.; daughter of James M., April 26, 1843.
Mrs. Harriet N. Eaton, aged 21 yrs.; wife of Lorenzo, May 2, 1841.
Mrs. Lois Hayward, aged 67 yrs.; wife of Reuben, October 31, 1841.
Clarissa J. Fogg, (Recorded without name in Town Register.), aged 1 yr. 5 mo.; daughter of Edward, August 23, 1841.
Caroline M. Robinson, aged 1 yr. 6 mo., July 21, 1841.
Martha J. Miles, aged 7 yrs.; daughter of Isaac, September 4, 1841.
Joseph A. Adams, aged 2 yrs. 6 mo.; son of Augustus, May 13, 1842.
Frederick W. Farrar, aged 6 weeks; son of Cyrus, August 19, 1842.
Harriet M. Conant, aged 24 yrs.; daughter of Ebenezer, April 20, 1842.
Sophia L. Vinal, aged 1 mo.; daughter of Melzar, July 3, 1843.
John E. Leitheard, aged 6 mo.; son of James, August 4, 1843.
Charles G. Lewis, aged 4 yrs.; son of Asa, April 5, 1843.
Eliza J. Reed, aged 6 yrs., December 19, 1843.
Jonathan Snow, aged 58 yrs., October 3, 1844.
Mary D. Hosmer, aged 2 mo.; daughter of Isaac, October 29, 1844.
Charlotte Julien, aged 50 yrs., July 25, 1845.
Lucy B. Potter, aged 4 yrs.; daughter of Samuel, February 28, 1846.
Mrs. Emily Brown, aged 23 yrs.; wife of William W., November 2, 1846.
Otis Gregory, aged 46 yrs., May 22, 1846.
Martha A. Miles, aged 4 yrs. 3 mo.; daughter of Cyrus, October 15, 1846.
Asa Lewis, aged 36 yrs., June 30, 1846.
Eli Russell Jones, aged 3 yrs.; son of Eli, October 16, 1846.
Mrs. Sarah W. Wright, aged 28 yrs.; wife of Andrew C., January 11, 1847.
Nehemiah F. Meriam, aged 22 yrs. 6 mo.; son of Darius, January 30, 1847.
Josiah Davis, aged 78 yrs., February 9, 1847.
James T. Mullet, aged 47 yrs., January 15, 1847.
Samuel G. Hoar, aged 27 yrs., March 4, 1847.
George Moore, aged 35 yrs.; son of Abel, March 11, 1847.
Mrs. Betsey G. Davis, aged 63 yrs.; widow of Josiah, January 4, 1848.
Darius Hubbard, aged 52 yrs., February 12, 1848.
Sarah P. Hosmer, aged 6 yrs.; adopted daughter of Sarah V. Hosmer, September 6, 1848.
Florence A. Wright, aged 11 mo.; daughter of James D., September 18, 1848.
Mary Miles, aged 3 yrs. 4 mo.; daughter of Isaac, January 20, 1848.
Clara S. Benjamin, aged 9 mo.; daughter of Cyrus, September 24, 1848.
Mrs. Margery Young, aged 73 yrs., January 10, 1848.
Maria H. Stevens, aged 6 yrs. 2 mo., January 1, 1849.
Henry A. Hapgood, aged 4 yrs.; son of Cyrus, March 4, 1849.
William H. Farrar, aged 7 mo.; son of Cyrus, August 6, 1849.
J. Willard S. Pitman, aged 22 yrs. 7 mo., November 27, 1849.
George W. Ranson, son of William, December 25, 1850.