Extracted From
Vital Records of Colrain, Massachusetts
To the End of the Year 1849
Salem, Mass., 1934 (no copyright statement)
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

McCLALLEN (McClellan, McCIelIen, Mclallan)
Caroline L. (McClellan), and Baxter Bardwell, both of C, at Brattlebaro. Vt.. Nov. 10, 1830. N. R. 1.
Daniel, and Irena Bordwell, both of C., int. Dec. 15, 1823.
Elisabeth, of C., and Janathan Severance, jr. of Greenfield, int. Dec. 12, 1782.
Emily, and Chester McGee, both of C., int. May 13, 1817.
Hugh, and Lucy Smith, both of C., int. Apr. 11, 1825.
Hugh, and Margret [T. int.] Washburn, both of C., at Shelburne, Oct. 27, 1836. P. R. 3.
James, Capt., and Molley Johnson, wid., both of C., int. Feb. 19, 1821.
James, and Electa Thompson, both of C., int. Mar. 6. 1826.
Jane ( McClellen ), d. Col. Hugh, and Samuel Bolton, s. Dr. Matthew and Mary McClanathan, May 7, 1801. P. R. 5.*
Jane, and Chandler Vincent, both of C., int. Mar. 13, 1826.
Jane, of C., and Anson Browning of Rowe [both of C. int.], Oct. 27, 1831.
Jane F., of C., and Samuel Wilson of Shelburne, int. Nov. 1, 1824.
Jenny, of C., and Rev. Jonathan McGee of Brattleboro, int. Feb. 17, 1823.
John, and [Violet. int.] Call, both of C., abt. 1832. [Aug. 28, 1832. int.]
Maranda (McCleIlen) [McClallen, int, and C. R. 1.], and Perly Johnson, both of C., Dec. 12, 1833.
Margaret, Mrs., and Dr. Elijah Fobes, both of C., int. Mar. 24, 1778.
Margaret, and Benjamin Carrier, both of C., Jan. 11, 1810.
Martha, of C., and Asahel [Asil. int.] Atherton, s. Shubel, of Shelburne. Dec.----, 1782. P. R. 14.
Mary D. [McClellan. N. R. 1.], and Thomas Stutson [Stetson. N. R. 1.], both of C.. Apr. 6, 1820.
Michael [Mclallen. int. ], and Jane Patteson [Patterson, both of C. int.], Dec. 27, 1804
Sarah, unm., of C., and William Coombs, unm., of C., farmer [s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (McCrellis). P. R, 19.], Dec. 10, 1846.
Mary, of Palmer [d. Dea. Thomas and Jean. P. R. 5.], and [Dr. P. R. 5.] Matthew Bolton of C. [2d m. s. Hugh. P. R. 5.], at Palmer, Jan. 7, 1763. [Oct. 9, 1762. P. R. 5.]*
Charles, and Sarah Donelson, both of C., int. June 27, 1786.
Lucy, and Ruben Brown, 2d m., Oct. 9, 1836. P. R. 7.*
Tryphena, of Rowe, and Arad Town of C., int. Aug. 14, 1820.
Henry, and Sally Herrenton. Issue of Oct. 20, 1800. N. R. 1.*
McCRELLIS (McCreles, McCrelles, McCrelliss)
Eleanor (McCreles), and Burden Willcox, both of C., int. Apr. 25, 1785.
Esther, of C., and Archibald Parnel of Deerfield, at Deerfield, Jan. 25, 1747-8.*
Gemima, and Isaac Stetson, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1836.
Jean (McCreles), and Dr. Samuel Ross, both of C., int. Dec. 29, 1783.
Jemima (McCrelles), of C., and Dea. Matthew Gray, int. Feb. 2. 1788. P. R. 3.
John (McCrelliss) [McCrelles. P. R. 3.], of C., and Hannah Conkey of Pelham, at Pelham, Oct. 21, 1760.
Margaret, of C. [d. John. P. R. 14.], and Samuel Wells of Deerfield [s. John, of Greenfield. P. R. l4.], at Deerfield. Nov. 15, 1751.*
Margaret, unrn., of C., a. 28 y., d. William, and Elisha Pike, unm., of Whitingham, Vt., a. 26 y., farmer, Nov. 28, 1848.
Sarah (McCreIes), and Andrew Neilson, both of C., int. Jan. 12, 1779.
William, of C., and Elenor Kind, int. Oct. 7, 1758. P. R. 3.
William ( McCreles), Dea., of C., and Mrs. Sarah Palmer of Bernardston, int. Oct. 15, 1783.
Mary B., of C., and James Roberts, Esq., of Whitingham, at Whitingham, Vt., May 21, 1847. N. R. 1.*
McCULLOCH (McCoIlock, McCollouch, McCullock, McCullough)
Alexander (McCollouch), of Kingsbury, and Temperance Edgcomb of C., int. Jan. 30. 1788.
James (McCollock) , and Sarah Otis, both of C., int. Dec. 12, 1782.
James, Esq., of Clinton, Ind., and Phebe Workman of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., July 12, 1838. N. R. 1.*
Lucy, of C., and Alexander Conkey, jr, of Pelham, int. Feb. 22, 1808.
Margaret (McCulIock) [McCullough, int.], of Pelham, and Joseph Henry of C., at Pelham, Nov. 29, 1774.
Sophia, and Jesse Lyons, both of C., int. Dec. 31, 1818.
Temperance, of C., and Jeremy Morton of Hatfield, int. Dec. 15, 1828.
Jenny, d. John, of Londonderry, N. H., and Henrv Mather, b. Vienna, Austria,-----, 1792. P. R. 14.*
Eunice, of C., wid. Rev. Alexander, and Samuel Hinsdale, 2d m., of Greenfield, s. Mehuman, Dec. 2, 1763. P. R. 14.*
Amanda, and Jethro Shattuck, both of C., int. May 10, 1817.
Anna, and William Cauldwell [both of C. int.], at Shelburne, Apr. 18, 1776.
Anna, of C., and Lt. Ebenezer S. [Edward Stebbins. P. R. 14.] Allen of Shelburne, int. Nov. 29, 1814.
Celine V., and Thomas Miller, both of C., Oct. 26, 1835.
Chester, and Emily McClallen, both of C., int. May 13, 1817.
Clarisa, of C., and Ebenezer Pennel of Warren, N. Y., int. Jan. 18, 1824.
David, and Experience Adams, both of C., int. Dec. 10, 1783.
Fidelia, and Theodore Bartlett, both of C., May 4, 1841. N. R. 1.
Horace, and Sophronia Coolidge, both of C., int. Apr. 29, 1843.
Jane R., and Lucius Lyons, both of C., Nov. 26, 1829.
Jenny, and Lt. Asad Williams, both of C., int. Oct. 11, 1808.
Jonathan, Col. [Dea., of C. P. R. 3.], and Jane Thompson [of C. P. R. 3.], d. Joseph and Jennet, after 1754 [at Shelburne, Dec. 26, 1776. P. R. 3.]*
Jonathan, Rev., of Brattleboro, and Jenny McClallen of C., int. Feb. 17, 1823.
Joseph W., jr., and Lucinda Barker, both of C., int. May 20, 1836.
Joseph W., and Louisa Coolidge, both of C., Oct. 1, 1840.
Joseph William, and Antis B. Ross, both of C., int. Oct. 13, 1807.
Levi S., of C., and Delia [Fidelia. P. R. 14.] Allen of Shelburne [d. Amos. P. R. 14.], int. Dec. 15, 1808.
Malenda, and Sidney S. Workman, both of C., Nov. 29, 1832.
Martha, d. Thomas and Anna (Stewart), and John Bolton, Capt., in Revolution, at Greenfield, Dec. 17, 1761. P. R 5.*
Rachai, of C., and Thomas Wilson of Wilmington, int. Nov. 27, 1811.
Rachel, and Joseph CaIdweIl [jr. int.], both of C., at Shelburne, Dec. 19, 1776. P. R. 3.
Robert, of C., and Charlott Carrier of Greenfield, int. Mar. 1, 1813.
Robert, and Anna Ballad, both of C., int. Aug. 22, 1825.
Thomas, jr., and Mary Caldwell, both of C., int. Mar. 10, 1775.
Thomas, and Jane Thompson, both of C., int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Thomas R., and Emily Spurr, both of C., Sept. 5, 1835.
William, and Molly Clark, both of C., int. Nov. 22, 1773.
William B[olton. P. R. 14.], of C., and Orenda Allen of Shelburne (d. Sylvanus. P. R. l4.], int. Dec. 22, 1833.
Joseph, and Lydia Stewart, both of C., int. Feb. 20, 1775.
McNiTE (McNitt)
Lucy, of Whitingham, and Elisha C. Harris of C., int. Sept. 13, 1824.
Samuel (McNitt), see Merritt, Samuel.
Hugh, of Nunda, N. Y., and Eleanor Pattison of C., int. Jan. 17, 1820.
John, see Van Valkenburg, John Mc.
Anna, and Benjamin Stone, both of C., int. Jan. 22, 1783.
MALORY (Malaroy)
Nathan (Malaroy), of Corinth, N. Y., and Maria Farnsworth of C., Feb. 4, 1830.
Rebecca, of Franklin, and Calvin Pennell of C., int. Feb. 4, 1815.
MANNING (Maning, Mannin )
David S. (Maning), and Mary A. CasweII, both of C., int. Aug. 3, 1833.
Ephraim (Mannin)[Manning. int.], of C., and Mehitable Kemp, wid., of Shelburne, at Shelburne. Issue of Mar. 6, 1827. N. R. 1.
Fanny [of C. int.), and Moses Randall [Randal, of Luzerne, N. Y. int.], Feb. 11, 1817.
John, and Lorry [Laura. int.] Lawrence, bet. Apr. 15, 1817 and Apr. 15, 1818. [Nov. 24, 1817. int.]
Nancy, and Silvester Call [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. --, 1819, and Apr.---. 1820. [Mar. 20, 1820. int.]
William (Maning), and Olive Call, both of C., int. Sept. 5, 1833.
Andrew H., and Lovilla Peck, both of C., Mar. 14, 1833.
Elizabeth A., of C., and Chandler Brown of Halifax [Vt. int.], Dec. 19, 1833.
Mariah L. [of C. int.], and Calvin G. Peck [of Ellsworth. int.], Oct. 15, 1844.
Asa, jr. [of Heath, int.], and Betsey [Elizabeth. P. R. 12.] Clark [of C. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Nov. 27, 1818. int.]
Diantha [W. P. R. l2.], of Heath, and Lucius [H. P. R. 12.] Graves of C., at Heata, May 11, 1847. N. R. 1.
Caroline A., of. Greenland, N. H., and Dudly F. Gould of C., int. Apr. 17, 1847.
Enos, jr., of C., and Elisabeth Gallon of Leyden, Sept. 14, 1809.
Harriet, of Leyden, and Mathew Barber of C. [s. Robert. P. R. 26.], int. Feb. 15, 1840.
Joseph G., of Leyden, and Amanda Barber of C., Dec. 11, 1842.
Mariam, and John S. Denison, both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1821.
Prudee, of C., and Thomas Collins of Guilford, Jan. 5, 1806.
Prudence, of C., and Ebinezar Sabin of Halifax, int. Nov. 24, 1817.
Stephen, and Mary Ann Searls, both of C., int. Sept. 13, 1816.
Susan A., of Montague, and Thomas D. Shearer of C., at Somers, Ct. Issue of Mar. 30, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Eliza W., of Shelburne, and Dr. Joel Lyons of C., int. July 3, 1807.
MATHER (Marther)
Henry, b. Vienna, Austria, and Jenny McCurdy, d. John, of Londonderry, N. H.,----, 1792. P. R. 14.*
Horace, of Marlborough, Vt., and Olive Call of C., Apr. 4, 1814. P. R. 20.*
Timothy (Marther), jr., of Marlborough, Vt., and Harriet Adams of C., Feb. 6, 1812.
MATTHEWS (Mathens)
David (Mathews), of C., and Lucy Fay of Westborough, at Westborough, Oct. 5, 1773.
Mary, and John Kanady, both of C.. int. Sept. 13, 1785.
Milly, of C., and Alexander Galt of Halifax, int. Aug. 4, 1778.
MAXAM (Maxan, Maxham, Maxham, Maxhum, Muxum)
Betsy (Maxham), of C., and John Kirkley of Halifax, Vt., int. Mar. 14, 1808.
Brittania, and William W. Cary, both of C., int. July 4, 1838.
Chandler (Maxham ), of C., and Lucy Willis of Charlemont, int. Apr. 14, 1823.
Cordelia. B., unm., "of Shelburne and Colrain," and Elijah E. Boyden, unm., "of Shelburne and Colrain," farmer, Dec.----, 1846. [Dec. 31. N. R. 1.]
Harriet M. (Maxham), and William W. Cary [mechanic. dup.], both of C., May 21, 1843.
Huldah ( Maxhum )[ Maxham. int.], and Stephen Davenport, both of C., Apr. 18, 1805.
John, of Heath, and Margetta [Marietta. P. R. 12.] Dwight of C., int. Aug. 21, 1820.
Kingman (Muxum) [Maxan. int.], and Sarah Bennet [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
Larisa, of C., and Denes Rice of Rowe, int. May 27, 1839.
Luceba, of C., and Enos Sears, jr. of Rowe, at Halifax, Vt., June 4, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Lyman, of C., and Sophia A. Nelson of Rowe, int.----, 1840.
Maryetta D., unm. [of C. int.], a. 22 y., d. John and Maryetta [ (Dwight). P. R. 19.], and Edward Davenport, jr., unm., of C., a. 33 y., farmer, b. Dorchester, s. Edward and Betsey, May 8, 1849.
Patience ( Maxham ), and Daniel Dwight, both of C., June 28, 1825.
Peris, and Mary Lamb, both of C., Sept. 7, 1841.
Perus (Maxham), of C., and Elizabeth Tinkum of Wareham, int. Aug.----, 1823.
Prudence H. (Maxham), unm., of C., a. 18 y., and John [B. int.] Davenport, unm., of C., a. 22 y., farmer, b. Heath, s. John, of Heath, and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1848.
Rebekah (Muxham)[Maxham] and Ezra Parmerdy [Parmerly. int.], both of C., Dec. 31, 1811.
Ruth (Maxham), of C., and Artemas Churchill of Heath, Mar. 19, 1812.
Sally [G. int.], of C., and Jesse Emes [Eams. int.] of Whitingham [Vt, int.], May 23, 1837.
Samuel, of C., and Patty Nims, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, Nov. 30, 1809. P. R. 14.
Sanford B., and Lucy Sturdevant, both of C., int. Apr. 9, 1848.
Soloma (Muxham) [Maxham. int.], and Zenus Cary, both of C., Dec. 17, 1807.
Susan (Maxham) [Mrs., int.], and Isaac Vincent [both of C. int.], bet. Apr.---, 1819, and Apr.---, 1820. [Nov. 1, 1819. int.]
Lucy [of C. int.], and Samuel Owins [Owen, of Hadley, N. Y. int.]. Mar. 22, 1810.
Sally, and Stephen Hale, Jan. 8, 1795. N. R. 1.*
Mahitable, of Shutesbury, and Joseph Gould of C., int. Jan. 26, 1818.
James, of C., and Sibbel Cumming of Cumberland, int. May 30, 1775.
Amasa, of C., and Hannah White of Shelburne, int. Oct.----, 1807.
Amasa, of C., and Nancy Tuell of Warwick, int. Nov. 24, 1817.
Ester, of C., and John White of Shelburne, bef. June 9, 1807. [May 26, 1806. int.]
Robert [Jr. int.]. and Mary Faulknor, bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15. 1818. [Nov. 24. int.]
Robert, widr., of C., farmer, and Sally White, unm., of C. [at Whitingha.m, Vt. N. R. 1.], Nov. 15, 1849.*
MERRITT (Merret. Mewrot)
Nelson P. [Merret. int.), of C., a. 24 y., merchant, b. New York, s. J., of Whitingham and M[artha. int.] A. Gout of Leyden, a. 23 y., d. Ira, of Leyden [at Leyden. Apr. 3. N. R. 1.], Apr. 13, 1845.
Dentha W. (Mewrot), of Heath, and Lewis H. Grims of C., int. May 10, 1847.
Samuel [McNitt. P. R. 1.], and Lucinda Green, both of C. ["Thanksgiving day." P. R. 1.], Nov. 27, 1799. P. R. 20.*
Anna, of C., and Warren Allen of Shelburne, int. Sept.----, 1818.
David, and Sally Pattison, both of C., int. Apr. 8, 1813.
Elizabeth P., of C., and Henry E. Haskins [Hoskins, int.] of Jericho, Vt., Feb. 6, 1832.
George Washington, s. Robert and Nancy, and Sylvia Shattuck, [both of C. int.], Aug. 31, 1837. P. R. 19.
Hugh B., and Mary Y. Drury, both of C., Oct. 14, 1834.
Jane T., and Asaph W. Snow, both of C., Feb. 6. 1832.
John, and Jenne Thompson, both of C., int. Oct.----, 1817.
John, and Mrs. Sarah M. Lyons [Lyon, wid. N. R. 1.], both of C., June 3, 1830.
Joseph T., of C., and Fanny M. Comstock, d. Austin, of Shelburne, at Shelburne, May 7, 1845. P. R. 3.*
Joseph W., of C., and Helen M. Thompson, int. Nov. 29, 1843. P. R. 12.
Loony A., and Phineus F. Morrison, both of C., int. Apr. 29, 1840.
Margaret, and Thomas Shearer, jr., June 18, 1816. N. R. 1.
Margret M., of C., and Nathan Haskins of Vergennes, Vt., Sept. 16, 1829.
Minerva, and Amos Bardwell [both of C. int.], Feb. 24, 1825.
Nancy, and AbIe Shattuck, both of C., int. June 5, 1826.
Robert, 2d m., and Martha Smith, wid. Thomas, and d. WilIiam Richey of Peterboro, N. H., Apr. 26, 1791. P. R. 19.*
Robert, 2d, and Catharine C. Lyons, both of C., Aug. 6, 1831. [Aug. 4. C. R. 1.]*
Robert, of C., and Martha [Ann. int.] Miner [of Leyden. int.], Nov. 19, 1835. P. R. 5.
Sally, and David Holbrook, both of C., June 8. 1809.
Thomas, and Eunice Smith [d. Oren and Keziah ( Shepard). P. R. 19.], both of C., Nov. 22, 1803.*
Thomas, and Celine V. McGee, both of C.. Oct. 26. 1835.
John, of C., and Hannah Lyman of Halifax, int. May 12, 1784.
MINER (Minor)
Alonso G., unm., of C., a. 23 y., farmer, s. Gilbert S. and Betsey, and Sybil A. Shepardson, unm., of C., a. 20 y., d. Horatio and Sybil [at Guilford. Vt. N. R. 1.], June 5, 1849.*
Elizabeth S. (Minor), and Joel Wood, both of C., int. Sept. 1, 1837.
Gilbert S., of C. [s, Richardson. P. R. 19.], and Betsy Lyons of Chesterfield [d. Jerre. P. R. 19.], int. May 16, 1814.
Hannah, and Daniel Thompson, jr., both of C., int. Dec. 23, 1830.
Henry W., of C., and Sally B. Williams of Rowe, int. Mar. 13, 1835.
Lydia (Minor), and Charles Johnson [both of C, int.], Nov. 28, 1833. N. R. 1.
Martha [Ann, of Leyden, int.], and Robert Miller of C., Nov. 19, 1835. P. R. 5.
Mary A. [R. int, and C. R. 1.], of C., and Joel A. Hall of Charlemont, Oct. 13, 1835.
Melissa N., and Luther B. Stewart, both of C., at Brattleboro, Oct. 24, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Richardson [Minor, Dea. int.], and Mrs. Sally Seward [wid. C. R. 1.], both of C., Nov. 12, 1829.
Sopharana A., and Charles Shearer, both of C., int. Nov. 21, 1842.
Sally, of C., and Stephen Randall, jr. of Smithfield, Pa., int. Sept. 20, 1813.
Eunice, of C., and Jesse Wilkins of Guilford, Vt., July 20, 1844. N. R. 1.*
MIXER (Mixter)
Timothy [Mixter. int.], jr., and Betsey Faulknor, both of C., Apr. 7, 1811.
MOORE (Moor)
Jonathan [Morse. P. R. 18.], jr., of C., and Emily A. Newcomb of Bernardston, at Deerfield, Sept. 5, 1844. N. R. 1.
Minerva, of C., a. 35 y., and Dennis Cooley of Hatfield, b. Hatfield, a. 33 y., June 5, 1844. P. R. 18.*
Stephen, of C., and Polly Coss of Wilmington, int. May 11, 1805.
MORRISON (Morison)
David (Morison), and Lucy Wells, both of C., int.----[1780.]
David, jr., Ens., and Sally Smith, both of C., int. May --, 1818.
Emily [M. N. R. 1.], and Edward Rice [Reed. int.], mechanic, both unm., of C., Mar. 4, 1847.
Joseph (Morison) , and Rebeckah Eddy, int. Dec. 1, 1785.
Lucy W. [of C. int.], d. David and Sarah, and Joseph E. Tucker, farmer, b. Halifax [Vt., int.], s. James, of Halifax, Aug. 28, 1844.
Martha (Morison), of C., and Phineas Freeman of Marlborough, int. Mar. 23, 1780.
Phineas F.. and Charlotte Smith, both of C., int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Phineus F., and Loony A. Miller, both of C., int. Apr. 29, 1840.
Solomon, of C., and Mary Willson of Shelburne, int. Oct. 26, 1784.
Jonathan, see Moore, Jonathan.
Betsy, and William Shearer, both of C., int. Nov. 28, 1780.
Jeremy, of Hatfield, and Temperance McCuIIoch of C., int. Dec. 15, 1828.
Micheal, of C., and Sally Chase of Brookline, int. Dec. 13, 1806.
Peggy, unm., of Boston, and Dr. Samuel Richardson of Whitingham, Vt. Issue of May 16, 1792. N. R. 1.*
Benjamin, and Lydia Smith, Feb. 3, 1791.*
MOWRY (Mawry)
Albert L. (Mawry), and Dulcina Gunn, both of C., int. Mar. 24, 1840.
Charles, of Leyden, and Matilda Denison of C., int. Dec. 24, 1822.
John (Mawry), 2d, of Leyden, and Cordelia Deane of C., int. May 19, 1835.
Phebe, of C., and David Guellow [Guellaw. dup.] of Bernardston, int. Jan. 26, 1816.
Sarah, and Samuel Stewart, 3d, both of C., int. Sept. 8, 1776.
Betsey [of Halifax. int.], and Noble Canada [Canneday, of C. int.], Sept. 10, 1818.
Joseph [Dea., of Charlemont. int.], and Lydia Bishop (Mrs., of C. int.], Mar. 12, 1816.
NELSON (Neilson)
Abigal, of C., and Jesse Cone [Esq. int.] of Marlborough, Vt., Feb. 13, 1834.
Albert B., s. Obed and Elizabeth (Sturtivant), and Mary C. Prouty, d. Asa and Sally, at Somers, Ct., Nov. 9, 1847. P. R. 19.*
Andrew (Neilson), and Sarah McCreles, both of C., int. Jan. 12. 1779.
Austin [M. int.], of C., and Phebe Hawks of Buckland, at Buckland, May 11, 1842. N. R. 1.
David, s. William, and Hannah Brown, both of C., Feb. 5, 1824. P. R. 19.
Edward [a. 26 y. P. R. 5.], and Hannah Ranger, Nov. 11, 1790.*
Jesse, and Eliza Stewart, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1816.
Myron, of C., and Lucy Lynds of Guilford, at Guilford, Vt., Jan. 1, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Obed, and Elizabeth Sturdervant, both of C., int. Oct. 23, 1811.
Sophia A., of Rowe, and Lyman Maxam of C., int.----, 1840.
Emily A., of Bernardston, and Jonathan Moore [Moor. int. ; Morse. P. R. 18.], jr. of C., at Deerfield, Sept. 5, 1844. N. R. 1.
Orson, of Bernardston, and Sylvia Cunnable of C., int. Sept. 12, 1814.
NEWELL (Newall, Newel)
David (Newel), and Huldah Reneff, both of Pelham, Apr. 2, 1835.*
Enoch [Noyes. int.], of Edinburg, N. Y., and Louisa Willis of C., Apr. 24, 1842.
Franklin, of C., and Emeline Mariah Kellogg of Jamaica [Vt. int.], at Jamaica, Vt., Dec. 22, 1841. N. R. 1.
Nancy (Newall ), and Lt. Samuel Willson [both of C. int.], Dec. 31, 1812.
Sarah, of Southington, and Joseph Davenport of C., at Southington, Ct., Jan. 1, 1832. N. R. 1.*
Susan (Newel), and James Willson [both of C. int.], Mar. 16, 1837.
William [sr, int.], and Nancy Thomas, both of C., Dec. 12, 1805.
Dan, and Select [Sibel. int.] R. Davenport, both of C., Jan. 5, 1832.
Dan [George. P. R. 3.], of Shelburne, and Mary Ann Devenport of C., int. Aug. 14, 1841. [int. July 29, 1841. P. R. 3.]
Jacob, of Nunda, N. Y., and Annah Thompson of C., int. Dec. 9, 1820.
Joseph, and Mary Pierce, both of C., int. Oct. 9, 1828.
NICHOLS (Nicholes )
Arad (Nicholes), of Halifax, Vt., and Mary Fairbanks of C., int. Dec. 1, 1840.
Gran, of Halifax, Vt., and Kiziah Fairbanks of C., May 9, 1837.
Fanny, of Halifax, Vt., and Samuel D. Cole of C., Jan. 6, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Miariah, of Halifax, and Emerry Canada of C., int. Jan. 23, 1833.
Martha, wid., of Halifax, Vt., and Elijah Pike of C., int. Nov.----, 1821.
Daniel, s. Daniel, of Shelburne, and Lydia ------, Apr. 8, 1780. P. R. 14.*
Electa, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, and Benjamin FarIey, jr. of C., Dec. 30, 1813. P. R. 14.
Fanny, and Jonathan M. Bruffee, both of C., int. May 13, 1822.
Lemuel, see Nims. Samuel.
Lucy, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, and Levi Coy of C., May 27, 1819. P. R. 14.
Patty, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, and Samuel Maxam of C., Nov. 30, 1809. P. R. 14.
Polly, and Aaron Lyons, both of C., int. Oct. 1, 1804.
Polly, "twin sister of Patty," and d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, and Jonathan Wilson, jr. of C., Nov. 27, 1812. P. R. 14.
Samuel [Lemuel, of Heath. int.], and [Mrs. P. R. 12.] Mary Holden [of C. int.], Feb. 22, 1845. [ July 22, 1845, int.]
Silas, of Buckland, and Eunice Call of C., int. Aug. 24, 1799. P. R. 30.
Thankful, of Buckland, and Eliphalet Adams of C., int. Dec. 27, 1814.
William, of C., and Phila Gunn of Montague, int. Aug. ----, 1826.
NOYES (Noys)
Bradley, Dr., and Martha S. Bordwell, both of C., at Greenfield, Nov. 26, 1829.
Enoch, see Newell, Enoch.
Joseph D. [Noys. int.], unm., of Guilford [Vt. N. R. 1.], a. 25 y., farmer, s. James, of Guilford, and Elvira S. Franklin, unm., of C., a. 23 y., d. Ann, Jan. 5, 1848.
Mary A., of Guilford [Vt. int.], and Truman Shattuck of C., at Guilford. Vt. Issue of Oct. 19, 1841. N. R. 1. [Dec. ---, 1841. int.]
Daniel, and Elizabeth Jones, both of C., int. Dec. 13, 1819.
Sarah M. and Dr. Jerre Lyons, both of C., int. Dec. 1, 1808.
OAKS (Oakes)
Abby [Abigail Oakes. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., and J. [G. int.] W. P. Jordan, unm., of Rowe, Minister of Gospel, Nov. 27, 1845.
Margaret, and Amos Stewart [soldier in War of 1812. P. R. 19.], both of C., int. Jan. 23, 1817.
George, and Delana Shippee, both of C., Nov. 28, 1839.*
Joseph, of C., and Violetta Hinsdale of Greenfield, int. Dec. 14, 1805.
Mary, Mrs., of C., and Thomas Clark of Halifax , int. May 16, 1814.
Sarah, and James McCollock, both of C., int. Dec. 12, 1782.
OWEN (Owins)
Sally (Owins), of C., and Jonathan Robbins of Fairfield, Jan. 12, 1803. P. R. 1.*
Samuel (Owins) [Owen, of Hadley, N. Y. int.], and Lucy Maynard [of C. int.], Mar. 22, 1810.
Anna, of Guilford, and Solomon Bliss of C., int. Nov. 23, 1808.
Peleg, of Leyden, and Jane Taggart of C., int. Oct. 7, 1822.
Sarah. Mrs., of Bernardston, and Dea. William McCreles of C., int. Oct. 15, 1783.
Eli, Capt., of Amherst, and Mrs. Abigail Lyons of C., int. Nov. 9, 1814.
PARMELY (Parmerdy, Parmerly)
Dolly, of Somerset, and Joseph Carlton of C., int. Oct. 12, 1811.
Ezra (Parmerdy) [Parmerly. int.], and Rebeckah Muxham [Maxham, int.], both of C., Dec. 31, 1811.
Lydia, of Leyden, and Adin Brown of C., int. Jan. 28, 1809.
PARNEL, see Pennil.
PATTERSON (Patteson, Pattirson, Pattison, Petteson.)
Anna (Pattison), and Jonathan M. Smith, both of C., int. Feb. 7, 1820.
Betey (Pattirson )[ Pattison. dup. ], and Thomas Riddle, both of C., Dec. 1, 1803.*
Clarisa, unm., of C., a. 27 y., d. George, dec., and Celonda Smith, and Jonathan Coombs, jr., unm., of C., a. 31 y., farmer, s. Jonathan and Betsey McCreliis. June 27, 1848.
Eleanor (Pattison), of C., and Hugh McThompson of Nunda. N. Y., int. Jan. 17, 1820.
Esther (Patteson) , Mrs., and Dea. James Wallace. Issue of Nov. 28, 1801. N. R. 1.*
Fanny A. [R. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., and Charles B. [R. int.] White, unm., of Buckland, June 18, 1845.
George (Pattison), jr., and Martha Bolton, jr., both of C., int. Nov. 2, 1784.
George (Pattison), and Celinda Smith [both of C. int.]. Dec. 28, 1815.
Graham (Pattison), and Sally Green. Feb. 3, 1791.*
Jane (Patteson) [Patterson. int.], and Michael McCIalIen [MclaIlen, both of C. int.], Dec. 27, 1804.
John (Pattison), and Sarah Lukes, both of C., int. Sept. 7, 1780.
Jonathan (Pattison), and Sally Snow, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [----, 1806. int.]
Mary (Petteson), of Pelham, and William Clark of C., at Pelham, Nov. 22, 1764.*
Naomi [Pattison, of C. int.], and Samuel Pierce [of Guilford, int.], Mar. 15, 1810.
Pegge, and Robert Wilson, both of C., int. Nov. 26, 1811.
Robert (Pattison) , and Thankfull Stewart, both of C., int. May 12, 1778.
Sally (Pattison), and David Miller, both of C., int. Apr. 8, 1813.
Calvin G. [of Ellsworth. int.], and Mariah L. Marcy [of C. int.], Oct. 15, 1844.
Joanna, and John C. Browning, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 10, 1830. N. R. 1.
Lovilla, and Andrew H. Marcy, both of C., Mar. 14, 1833.
Matilda, and Thomas Brown, jr., both of C., abt. 1822. [Feb. 6, 1823. N. R. 1.]
Samuel, and Sarah Wilson, both of C., Apr. 24, 1817. P. R. 3.
Samuel L., unm., of Blakely, Pa., a. 30 y., farmer, s. Samuel, of Blakely, Pa., and Harriot Willson, unm. [of C. int.], a. 31 y. [d. Capt. Samuel. N. R. 1.], d. Nancy, Oct. 16, 1848.
PENNIL (Pannel, Parnel, Pennel, Pennell )
Andrew, of Halifax, and Sabrinah Smith of C., int. Jan. 22, 1788.
Archibald (Parnel), of Deerfield, and Esther McCrellis of C., at Deerfield, Jan. 25, 1747-8.*
Calvin (Pennell ), of C., and Rebecca Mann of Franklin, int. Feb. 4, 1815.
Ebenezer (Pennel), of Warren, N. Y., and Clarisa McGee of C., int. Jan. 18, 1824.
James, Capt., of Halifax, and Hannah Smith of C., int. Nov. 16, 1778.
John (Pannel) [Pennel, of Halifax. int.], and Betey Gains [of C. int.], Jan. 8, 1810.
Samuel (Pannel), of Halifax, and Caty Pierce of C., int. May 12, 1805.
Sarah (Parnel), of C., and Alexander Turner, Feb. 11, 1768. P. R. 18.*
PERKINS (Purkins)
Betsey [of C. int.], and Levi Edson [of Ashfield. int.], bet. Apr.----. 1819, and Apr.----, 1820. [May 19, 1819. int.]
Edward D., of C., and Lucy A. Wheeler of Guilford, Vt., at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 2, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Ignatious (Purkins), and Larisa Hammond, Mar. 2, 1817.
Larisy A. [Purkins. int.], of C., and David D. Willcocks of Buckland, Feb. 27, 1838.
Mary S.. unm., of C., and James A. [S. int.] Farwell, unm., of Nelson, N. H., dentist, Apr. 24, 1845.
Dulsma, of Woodford, Vt., and John Ayers of C., int. Mar. 18, 1813.
Dorcas, and Zenith Willis, both of C., Aug. 8, 1805.
Hopy [of C. int.], and Nathan Ells [of Heath. int.], Jan. 28, 1813.
Jonathan, jr., and Dorothy Smith, both of C., Dec. 31, 1807.
Mary, and Amasa Purrington, both of C., int. Apr. 2, 1834.
Nelson, and Mary H, [A, C. R. 1.] Holand, both of C., Dec. 11, 1834.
Olive, and Joshua Devenport [Joshua Purington. int.], both of C., Jan. 28, 1836.
Rhoda M., of C., and Jesse A. Purrinton [Purrington. int.], of Bloomington, "Iowa Territory," Oct. 22, 1844. N. R. 1.
Silvanus, see Putnam, Silvanus.
Francis, of Monroe, and Abigal Bradley of C., Dec. 9, 1830.
Charles [of AshfieId, int.], and Emerlina Brown of C., d. Ruben and Rebeckah (Arms), Apr. 7, 1836. P. R. 7.
Elmira [AImira Philip, int.), and Lemuel Johnson [jr. int.], both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., May 26, 1847. N. R. 1.
Huldah, Mrs., of Ashfield, and Dea. David Purinton of C., int. Jan. 11, 1830.
Polly, of C., and Nathan Clark of Halifax, int. Nov. 26, 1787.
Sarah C., of C., and Rev. Homer [Thomas. dup.] Clark of Buckland, June 6, 1843.
Seth, and Sarah Davenport [both of C. int.], Nov. 11, 1812.
William, and Eunice Crumb, both of C., int. Mar. 26, 1813.
James M., unm., of C., a. 32 y., farmer, b. Greenfield, s. Samuel, and Harriet E. Sage, unm., of Greenfield, a. 26 y., b. Greenfield, d. George R., May 1, 1849.*
Samuel, jr., of Greenfield, and Dorothy Bardwell of C., int. Sept. 11, 1812.
PIERCE (Peirce, Perce, Pirce)
Archibald, of C., and Susannah Sanders of Halifax, int. Mar. 14, 1809.
Caty, of C., and Samuel Pannel of Halifax, int. May 12, 1805.
David, b. Stow, and Rachel Smith, Nov. 26, 1801. P. R. 19.
David S. (Perce), and Lyre S. Blanden, both of C., int. Dec. 6, 1831.
Elizabeth, of C., and Caleb Tony of New Salem, int. June 13, 1809.
Hannah, and David Dodge, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1787.
Jerusha (Pirce), and Robert Gragg, jr., both of C., int. May 2, 1805.
Job, of Truxton, N. Y., and Sophronia Lyons of C., Feb. 28, 1828.
Judah (Peirce), and Fanny Smith [both of C, int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Mar. 15, 1819, int.]
Martha S., unm., of C., a. 45 y., d. Samuel and Rachel, and [Dea. int.] Jonathan Johnson, widr., of C., a. 57 y., farmer, s. Isaac and Lydia, Oct. 25, 1849.
Mary, of Halifax, and Alfred Allen of C., int. Mar. 20, 1826.
Mary, and Joseph Newton, both of C., int. Oct. 9, 1828.
Matthew [Pirce. int.], and Sopheia Totman, both of C., Mar. 21, 1805.
Polly, and William Farley, both of C., Mar. 21, 1805.
Samuel [of Guilford. int.], and Naomi Patterson [Pattison, of C. int.], Mar. 15, 1810.
William, jr., and Hannah White, both of C., Oct. 25, 1810.
Zebulon, of C., and Mrs. Molly Sabin of Putney, int.-----[1778.]
Dorcas, of Charlemont, and Peter Shippee of C., Oct. 20, 1817. P. R 1.
Elijah, of Whitingham, Vt., and Sarah Littlfield, wid., of C., int. Mar. 8, 1808.
Elijah, of C., and Martha Niles, wid., of Halifax, Vt., int. Nov.---- 1821.
Elisha, unm., of Whitingham, Vt., a. 26 y., farmer, and Margaret McCrellis, unm., of C., a. 28 y., d. William, Nov. 28, 1848.
Tabithy, of Charlemont, and Otis Walkup of C,, int. Nov. 29, 1819.
Albert G., unm., of North Adams, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Halifax, Vt., s. James and Luvina, of Halifax, Vt., and Louisa W. [M. N. R. 1.] Chandler, unm., of C., a. 20 y., d. Rufus and Louisa [at Brattleboro, Vt. N. R. 1.], Sept. 18, 1849.*
James, and Sally Lyons, both of C., at Shelburne, Dec. 12, 1811. P. R. 3.
Elisabeth, of C., and Seth Brown of Palmer, at Palmer, Aug. 21, 1794.*
Barnabas Sabin, and Parmelia Whiting Davenport, Nov. 5, 1829. P. R. 24.*
Briggs, of Leyden, and Lydia Stewart of C., int. Apr. 21, 1813.
Ellis T., unm., of Charlemont, a. 26 y., farmer, and Laura A[nn. N. R. 1.] Shepardson [Shiperson. int.], unm., of C., a. 27 y., May 20, 1846.
Lyman, and Mary Lake, both of C., Apr. 3, 1825.
Almira L., and Samuel Haynes of C., at Halifax, Vt., Dec. 17, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Sarah, of Buckland, and Alansan Blandin of C., int. June 27, 1837.
Osmyn, of Whitingham, Vt., and Effa A. Lamb of C., int. May 11, 1839.
PROCTER (Proctor)
Stephen (Proctor), of C., and Sarah Booth of Guilford, at Guilford, Vt., Mar. 20, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Tinner, of Greenfield, and Peter Green, jr. of C., int. Mar. 22, 1814.
Asa A., farmer, and Laura Donelson, both unm., of C., May 15, 1845.
Elisha, and Hannah Cary of C., int. Sept. 9, 1841. P. R. 12.
Mary C., d. Asa and Sally, and Albert B. Nelson, s. Obed and Elizabeth (Sturtevant), at Somers, Ct., Nov. 9, 1847. P. R. 19.*
Chenery, Dr., of C., and Lucy T. Alden of Ashfield, int. Jan. 13, 1834.
Ruth [Mrs. int.], of C., and [Capt. int.] Andrew Smith of Charlemont, Apr. 9, 1832. [Apr. 19. C. R. 1.]
PURRINGTON (Purington, Purinton, Purrinton)
Amasa, and Mary Peterson, both of C., int. Apr. 2, 1834.
Anna (Purrinton), Mrs., of C., and Elijah Clements of Shelburne, at Whitingham, Vt., June 12, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Bathsheba [Purinton. int.], and Horatio Purrinton, both of C., July 30, 1848. N. R. 1.
Cyrus, of C., and May (Mary. int.] Davenport of Heath, Jan. 15, 1835.
David (Purinton), Dea., of C., and Mrs. Huldah Phillips of Ashfield, int. Jan. 11, 1830.
Eliza A. (Purinton) [Purrington. int.; of C. P. R. 20.], and Daniel D. Hilman [Hillman. int.] of Charlemont, Nov. 17, 1842.
Happv (Purinton), of C., and Pliney Well of Rowe, May 30, 1826.
Henry W. [Purinton. int.], of Truxton, N. Y., and Mary Smith of C., Feb. 4, 1830.
Horatio (Purrinton), and Bathsheba Purrinton [Purinton. int.], both of C., July 30, 1848. N. R. 1.
Huldah (Purinton) [of C. int.], and Zenus Attwood [of Locke. N. Y. int.], Feb. 9, 1815.
Jesse A. (Purrinton) [Purrington. int.], of Bloomington, "Iowa Territory," and Rhoda M. Peterson of C., Oct. 22, 1844. N. R. 1.
Joshua (Purington), see Devenport, Joshua.
Keziah (Purinton) [Purrinton. int.], and Moses C. Howard [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Oct.----, 1818. int.]
Lucy (Purinton) [Purington. int.], and Eliphalet Adams, both of C., Apr. 5, 1810.
Luther (Purinton) [of C. int.], and Eunice Barber [of Heath, int.], Mar. 6, 1822.
Luther (Purrinion) [jr. int.], of C., and F[anny, int.] Jane Hunter of Montague, at Montague, Mar. 8, 1849. N. R. 1.
Marcus, and Sarah O. Smith, both of C., int. Apr. 30, 1832.
Mary ( Purrinton ), of C., and Edwin J. Tinkham of Middleborough, at Halifax, Vt., Jan. 1, 1838. N. R. 1.*
Olive M., and Lewis B. Hunter, both of C., Nov. 23, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Rachel (Purinton), and Nehemiah Sturtivan [Sturtivant. int.], both of C., Apr. 16, 1826.
Sally (Purinton), of C., and Joel Shepherd [Shepard. int.) of Sandisfield, Sept. 1, 1805.
Sally ( Purington ) [Burington. int.], and Elihu Faulkner [both of C. int.], Jan. 19, 1809.
Seth, of Truxton, N. Y., and Betsy Davenport of C., June 7, 1835.
Stephen, of C., and Margret Kirkley of Halifax, int. Dec. 17, 1804.
Theodata (Purinton), of C., and George W. Johnson of WiIIiamstown, Vt., int. Jan. 15, 1828.
Thomas (Purinton), and Huldah Stirtivant [Sturtivant, both of C. int.], Apr. 4, 1822.
Thomas (Purington), unm., of Truxton [Irontown. int.], N. Y., Minister of Gospel, and Terzah Long, wid., of C., Jan. 14, 1846.
Thomas, 2d, of C., a. 22 y., farmer, s. David and Lucy, and Eunice L. Hawks [of Charlemont. int.], a. 20 y., d. Oren and Sophia, Jan. 19, 1848. P. R. 20.
Silvanus [Peterson. P. R. 19. and int.; s. Jonathan, of C. P. R. 19.], and Lovina Call [of C. int.], Dec. 29, 1808.
Elisabeth, of South Hadley, and Elisha Clark of C., int. Sept. 18, 1776.
Hannah, and Jonathan Willson, 2d, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1786.
RANDALL (Randal)
Jacob (Randal), and Elizabeth Call, both of C., at Ashfield, Mar. 28, 1782.
James [Benjamin, jr., of Shelburne. int.], and Lydia Worden [of C. int.], Dec. 31, 1816.
Moses [Randal, of Luzerne, N. Y. int.], and Fanny Manning [of C. int. ], Feb. 11, 1817.
Stephen, jr., of Smithfield, Pa., and Sally Mines of C., int. Sept. 20, 1813.
RANGER (Range)
Hannah, and Edward Nelson [a. 26 y. P. R. 5.], Nov. 11, 1790.*
Moses, jr., and Jenney Smith [both of C. int.], Feb. 2, 1813.
Sally (Range), of C., and Moses Bullard of Rowe, int. Nov. 15, 1824.
Jane, of Ashfield, and H. G. Woodard of Worcester, Nov. 28, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Elihu, and Mrs. Irene Wells of C., Jan. 25, 1776. P. R. 3.
Job, of C., and Martha Armor [Armour. P. R,. 3.] of Bennington [d. James, b. Ireland, and Margaret (Anderson). P. R. 3.], int. May 10, 1784.
Anna, of Buckland, and Joel N. Higgins of C., int. Oct. 20, 1828.
RAYMOND, see Raimond.
REED (Read)
Edward, see Rice, Edward.
James (Read), and Lucinda Call, both of C., Nov. 29, 1838.
Ruth, wid., of Charlemont, and Dea. Moses Johnson of C., Jan.----, 1795.*
Ruth [of C. int.], and John Tower [of Cummington. int.j, Mar. 1, 1809.
Sally, of C., and Zebina Hastings of Charlemont, Aug. --, 1802. P. R. 1. [Aug. 17. P. R. 20.]*
Susan, of Petersham, and John Drury, Esq. of C., int. Nov. 20, 1813.
Huldah, and David Newell, both of Pelham, Apr. 2, 1835.*
REYNOLDS (Raynolds)
Henry [Raynolds. N. R. 1.], unm., of Boston, a. 23 y., mechanic, and Martha [A. int.] Shearer, unm., of C., a. 21 y., June 10, 1847.
RICARD, see Richards.
Denes, of Rowe, and Larisa Maxam of C., int. May 27, 1839.
Edward (Reed. int.], mechanic, and Emily [M. N. R. 1.] Morrison, both nnm., of C., Mar. 4, 1847.
Emily C., of Heath, and Jesse C. Shippee of C., at Pawnal, Vt., May 13, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Ephriam, of Montague, and Mary Armorer of C., int. Aug. 20, 1804.
Moses, of Charlemont, and Ann Smith of C., Feb. 19, 1829.
Rachel, of Charlemont, and Thomas Totman of C., int. Sept. 22, 1783.
Jacob (Ricard), and Sally Coolidge, both of C., int. Oct. 16, 1804.
Mary, of Sharon, and Dr. Jerre Lyons of C., at Sharon, Oct. 21, 1790.*
Sally, and Joshua Seaver, Dec. 30, 1791.*
Samuel, Dr., of Whitingham, Vt., and Peggy Morton, unm., of Boston. Issue of May 16, 1792, N. R. 1.*
Mary, and David Wilson, sr., 2d m., June 21, 1795. P. R. I9.*
Ann, of C., and Jonathan Wilson of Deerfield [b. N. H. P. R. 15.], at Deerfield, Jan. 12, 1768.*
Caroline, of Bennington, Vt., and John T. Thompson of C., int. Feb. 14, 1831.
George, of C., and Mary Babcock, int. Nov. 17, 1822.
John, of C., and Lefy Gates of Leyden, int. Oct.----, 1806.
Lovina, of C., and Lemuel Clark of Onondaga, N. Y., int. Nov. 11, 1822.
Mary, of C., and Benjamin Clark of Halifax, Vt., int. Mar. 15, 1819.
Robert, jr., of C., and Jenuma Long of Shelburne, int. July 27, 1785.
Robert, and Sally Stewart, both of C., int. Apr. 21, 1813.
Susannah, of C., and Nathan Hager of Preston, N. Y., int. Feb. 29, 1808.
Thomas, and Betey Pattirson [Pattison. dup.], both of C., Dec. 1, 1803.*
Nathaniel, Rev., and Mary A. Harris, both of C., int. Dec. 18, 1838.
Jonathan, of Fairfield, and Sally Owins of C., Jan. 12, 1803. P. R. 1.*
Lydia, d. John, of Ashford, Ct., and Deerfield, and Jonathan Donalson of C., Sept. 3, 1792. P. R. 14.*
Dwight, and Phebe Vincent, both of C., Nov. 26, 1840.
George, of C., and Martha A. Hammond of Shelburne, at South Halifax, Vt. Issue of Jan. 4, 1848. N. R. 1. [Nov.----, 1847. P. R. 3.]*
Goodwin, and Lydia Bishop, both of C., Oct. 26, 1833. [Oct. 20. C. R. 1.]
Hall, and Susannah Sturtivant, both of C., int. Nov. 16, 1809.
James, Esq., of Whitingham, and Mary B. McCullen of C., at Whitingham, Vt., May 21, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Sarah, wid., and Lt. Jonathan Wilson, both of C., int. Nov. 2, 1809.
ROBINSON (Robison)
George (Robison) , Elder, and Mrs. Lucy Shepardson, both of C., Nov. 12, 1829.
Henry, and Nancy Linn, both of C., int. Nov. 1, 1775.
George S., of Chesterfield, N. H., merchant, and Pamelia Chandler of C., Oct. 17, 1826. N. R. 1.
Anna, of C., and Hiram Bliss of Leyden, int. Sept. 28, 1823.
Antis B., and Joseph William McGee, both of C., int. Oct. 13, 1807.
Diana, and Enos White, both of C., int. May 10, 1830.
Elona, and David CaldweIl. Issue of Nov. 28, 1801. N. R. 1.*
Jane M., of C., and Rufus Steams of Wilmington, Vt., int. Feb. 11, 1828.
Lovina, and Charles Handy, jr., both of C., int. May 19, 1819.
Margaret [of C, int.], and Preston [Prescott. int.; Lothrop. N. R. 1.] Lothrope, farmer [of Wilmington, Vt. int.], Dec. 4, 1844.
Philinda, Mrs., and Jonathan M. Bruffee, both of C., int. May ----, 1818.
Sally, and Dr. Christopher Dean, jr., both of C., int. Oct. 18, 1808.
Samuel, Dr., and Jean McCreles, both of C., int. Dec. 29, 1783.
Samuel M., and Sally Thomas [Thompson. int.], both of C., Aug. 9, 1832. P. R. 12.
William M[cCrellis. P. R. 18.], of C., and Elenor Clapp of Deerfield, Mar. 26, 1817. P. R. 31.
Ebinezar, of Halifax, and Prudence Martin of C., int. Nov. 24, 1817.
Molly, Mrs., of Putney, and Zebulon Pierce of C., int.-----, [1778.]
Harriet E., unm., of Greenfield, a. 26 y., b. Greenfield, d. George R., and James M. Pickett, unm., of C., a. 32 y., farmer, b. Greenfield, s. Samuel, May 1, 1849.*
John, of Halifax, and Anna Babbet of C., Oct. 14, 1810.
Susannah, of Halifax, and Archibald Pierce of C., int. Mar. 14, 1809.
Polly, wid., of C., and Thomas Dalrymple of Heath, int. Nov. 16, 1811.
SCOTT (Scot)
Almira [H. int.], and Edwin H. Cheney [Edmond H. Cheny, both of C. int.], Nov. 23, 1843.
Catherin M., of C., and Denerson Davis of Putney, Vt., Oct. 14, 1840.
Henry A., and Maryann Call, both of C., June 22, 1837.
Martha, of Leicester, and George Berry of C., int. Jan. 23, 1777.
Rosanna (Scot), and Andrew Dalrymple, both of C., int. Mar. 15, 1786.
Zarah L., and Patience L. Fox, both of C., at Putney, Vt., July 4, 1847. N. R. 1.*
SEARLES (Searls)
Mary Ann, of C., and James Shurtliff, jr. of Charlemont, int. Sept. 12, 1815.
Mary Ann (Searls) , and Stephen Martin, both of C., int. Sept. 13, 1816.
Enos, jr., of Rowe, and Luceba Maxam of C., at Halifax, Vt., June 4, 1845. N. R. 1.*
SEAVER (Sever)
Chandler (Sever), and Cyntha Sumner of Halifax, Vt., int. Dec. 16, 1822.
Elijah, see Siner, Elijah.
Joshua, and Sally Richardson, Dec. 30, 1791.*
Rachel, and Michael Wallace, both of C., int. Dec. 7, 1787.
Warren, of Heath, and Olive [S. int.] Canada of C., Oct. 24, 1832.
Harriet, d. the late Capt. Solomon, of Shelburne, and Dr. George Winslow of C., at Halifax, Vt., May 1, 1822. N. R. 1.*
John [of Truxton, N. Y. int.], and Sabrina Smith (of C. int.], Feb. 26, 1815.
Jonathan, jr., of Greenfield, and Elisabeth, McClallen of C., int. Dec. 12, 1782.
Mercy, of C., and Jacob Snow of Heath, int. Jan. 13, 1814.
Sally, Mrs. [wid. C. R. 1.], and [Dea. int.] Richardson Miner [Minor. int.), both of C., Nov. 12, 1829.
SHATTUCK (Shuttuck)
Able, and Nancy Miller, both of C., int. June 5, 1826.
Asenath, and Ledyard Haley, both of C., int. Dec. 31, 1827.
Calvin Wilber [of Buckland. dup.], merchant, b. Leyden, s. Luther, of Leyden, and Mary Thompson [of C. dup.], d. Charles, Esq. [and Mary. P. R. 17.], Nov.----,[Oct. 14, 1834. dup. and N. R. 1.]
Jethro, and Amanda McGee, both of C., int. May 10, 1817.
Lydia, of C., and Benjamin Babcock of Leyden, Feb. 23, 1825.
Mary, and Ira Donelson, both of C., int. Sept. 28, 1815.
Mira, and John L. Clark, both of C., int. Sept. 16, 1821.
Simon L. (Shuttuck), and Elizabeth F. Gault, both of Leyden, Mar. 31, 1844.*
Sylvia [of C. int.], and George Washington Miller (of C. int.], s. Robert and Nancy, Aug. 31, 1837. P. R. 19.
Truman, of Bernardston, and Amanda Coolidge of C., int. Sept. 9, 1835.
Truman, of C., and Mary A. Noyes of Guilford (Vt. int.], at Guilford, Vt. Issue of Oct. 19, 1841, N. R. 1. [Dec. ----, 1841. int.]
George, Capt., a. 67 y., and Lucy Briggs, a. 31 y., both of C., at Whitingham, Vt., Sept. 3, 1829. N. R. 1.*
Hulah T. [Huldah F. int. ; and N. R. 1.], of C., a. 23 y., d. EIisha, and Harry Wilber [Hervey Wilbur. N. R. 1.] of Shelburne, a. 30 y., mechanic, b. Leyden, s. Uriah, of Leyden, May 8, I845.
Nancy S.. of C., and Thomas Vining of Bakersfield, Vt., at Shelburne, Nov. 25, 1847. P. R. 3.*
Thaxter, inn keeper [of Brattleboro, Vt. int.], and Elizabeth S. [A. N. R. 1.] Wilson, both unm., of C., Dec. 25, 1845.
SHEARER (Shearrer)
Angelina, of C., and Erastus P. Weatherhead [Wetherhead. int.] of Guilford, Vt., May 7, 1840.
CharIes, and Sopharana A. Miner, both of C., int. Nov. 21, 1842.
Clark D., of C., and Lucy D. Smith of Shelburne, at Shelburne, May 4, 1837. P. R. 3.
James (Shearrer), and Anna Caldwell, both of C., int. Feb. 8, 1808.
Joseph, and Jenne Gragg, both of C., int. Mar. 4, 1816.
Lewis, and Jurusia Brown, both of C., int. Sept. 13, 1836.
Martha [A. int.], unm., of C., a. 21 y., and Henry Reynolds [Raynolds. N. R. 1.], unm., of Boston, a. 23 y., mechanic, June 10, 1847.
Philina, of C., and John Baldwin of PeIham, int. Mar. 20, 1827.
Sophia M., and Roswell Handy, both of C., June 29, 1837.
Theadore C., and Content Brown, both of C., int. Mar. 25, 1841.
Thomas, jr., and Margaret Miller, June 18, 1816. N. R. 1.
Thomas D., of C., and Susan A. Martin of Montague, at Somers, Ct. Issue of Mar. 30, 1847. N. R. 1*
Wallis L., of C. [s. Thomas and Annie (Workman). P. R. 19.], and Jane T. Handy [Hardy. P. R. 19.] of C. [d. Charles and Mary (McCreIlis). P. R. 19.], Aug. 31, 1837.
William, and Betsy Morton, both of C., int. Nov. 28, 1780.
SHEPARD (Shepherd)
Joel (Shepherd) [Shepard. int.], of Sandisfield, and Sally Purinton of C., Sept. 1, 1805.
Keziah, and Oren Smith, both of C., int. Jan. 7, 1778.
SHEPARDSON (Shepardton, Shiperson)
Horatio Jefferson, and Mary Sophia Brown, both of C., int. Jan. 28, 1827.
Laura A[nn. N. R. 1. ; Shiperson, int. ], unm., of C., a. 2 7 y., and Ellis T. Potter, unm., of Charlemont, a. 26 y., farmer, May 20, 1846.
Lefe, and Jesse Spurr, both of C., int. Nov. 29, 1813.
Lucinda [Shepardton, of C. int.], and Ezra Babcock [jr. of Scott, N. Y. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
Lucy, Mrs., and Elder George Robison [Robinson. int.], both of C., Nov. 12, 1829.
Salome, and Walter Bell, jr., both of C., Dec. 16, 1822.
Sybil A., unm., of C., a. 20 y., d. Horatio and Sybil, and Alonso G. Miner, unm., of C., a. 23 y., farmer, s. Gilbert S. and Betsey [at Guilford, Vt. N. R. 1.], June 5, 1849.*
William H., of C., and Polly Baler of Leyden, int.-----, [1823.]
SHERMAN (Shirman, Shurman)
John [Shirman, int.], jr., and Sally Sherman [Shirman. int.], both of C., Mar. 22, 1808.
Rebeckah [Shurman. int.], of C., and Danforth Whiting of Reedsborough, Jan. 12, 1812.
Sally [Shirman. int.], and John Sherman [Shirman. int.], jr., both of C., Mar. 22, 1808.
SHIPPEE (Sippee)
Abraham, and Lucy Farley, both of C., Sept. 9, 1824.
Delana, and George Orr, both of C., Nov. 28, 1839.*
Diany, and George Cary, both of C., int. Jan. 4, 1837.
Elvira P., see Shippee, Rhoda.
Fanny, and Zacheus Davenport, both of C., int. Feb. 14, 1814.
Fanny Jane [Fanny G. int.], and Levi Carey, Nov. 27, 1845. N. R. 1.
Ira, and Dealia Willis, both of C., int. Nov. 30, 1811.
James, and Zeviah Shippee, both of C., int. June 21, 1814.
Jesse C., of C., and Emily C. Rice of Heath, at Pownal, Vt., May 13, 1849. N. R. 1*
Martha, and Isaac Farley [Farly. int.], farmer [of Conway. int.], Sept. 25, 1844.
Peter, of C., and Dorcas Pike of Charlemont, Oct. 20, 1817. P. R. 1.
Polly, of C., and Thomas Deavenport of Edinburg, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1815. P. R. 1.
Rebekah, of C., and Adna Bass of Charlemont, Dec. 2, 1819.
Rhoda [Elvira P, int.], unm., of C., a. 37 y., and David Ives, unm., of North Adams, a. 35 y., farmer, s. Asahel and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1848.
Susanna [of C. int.], and Adna Bass [of Charlemont. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
Zerviah [Sippee. int.], and Alden Willis, both of C., Oct. 27, 1807.
Zeviah, and James Shippee, both of C., int. June 21, 1814.
SHUMWAY (Shumaway)
Amasa (Shumaway) [Shumway. int.], Capt., of Whitingham, and Mary Witheril, wid. (Miss. int.], of C, bef. June 9, 1807. [Jan. 28, 1807. int.)
James, jr., of Charlemont, and Mary Ann Searles of C., int. Sept. 12, 1815.
Solomon, of C., and Harriet N. Austin of "Ervings Grant," int. Oct. 1, 1824.
Elijah [Seaver. P. R. 3.], jr., of Heath, and Sally Faulknor [wid. P. R. 3.] of C., int. Sept. 24, 1817.
Almira P., of Brookline, Vt., and Russel F. Fisher of C., at Newfane, Vt., Sept. 5, 1843. N. R. 1.*
Gidson H., and Fanny Graves, Oct.----, 1812.*
Adaline T., of C., and Charles L. Hall of Halifax, at Wilmington, Vt., Nov. 25, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Ezra, and Elenor CaldwelI, both of C., int. Dec. 22, 1838.
A. C. [Ansel C. P. R. 19.], and Sophia J. Thompson [d. Hollis and Jane (Taggart). P. R. 19.), both of C., at Hartford, Ct., June 7, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Andrew [Capt. int.], of Charlemont, and [Mrs. int.] Ruth Puffer of C., Apr. 9, 1832. [Apr. 19. C. R. 1.]
Ann, of C., and Moses Rice of Charlemont, Feb. 19, 1829.
Anna, and John Herroun, both of C., at Shelburne, May 31, 1792. P. R. 3.*
Ansel C., see Smith, A. C.
B. Minor, and Hannah Willkinson, both of C., int. Jan. 16, 1781.
Calvin, Maj., and Anna Thompson, d. Joseph and Jennet, after 1761.*
Celinda, and George Pattison [both of C. int.], Dec. 28, 1815.
Charlotte, and Phineas F. Morrison, both of C., int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Cilia [Sibbel. int.], and Jonathan Willcox, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Jan. 22, 1807. int.]
David, Maj., and Martha Thompson [Thomson. int.), d. Joseph and Jennet [both of C. int.), after 1761. [Jan. 16, 1781. int. ]
David, 2d, and Jean Gragg, both of C., int. May 10, 1782.
David, Maj., and Thankfull Dennison, wid., both of C., int. Mar. 23, 1809.
David, Esq., of C., and Mrs. Hannah Green of Halifax, int. Aug. 6, 1813.
David L., and Gracy E. Johnson, both of C., int. Oct. 1, 1838.
Dorothy, and Jonathan Peterson, jr., both of C., Dec. 31, 1807.
Emila [Emily. int.], and James Avery, both of C., Oct. 28, 1830.
Esther, of C., and Abel B. Wilder of Scaticook (sic) [Schaghticoke?], N. Y., int. July 23, 1808.
Esther E., and George W. Willis, both of C., Nov. 22, 1827.
Eunice (d. Oren and Keziah (Shepard ). P. R. 19.], and Thomas Miller, both of C., Nov. 22, 1803.*
Eunice, and James Holland, both of C., Dec. 3, 1807.
Fanny, and Judah Peirce [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Mar. 15, 1819. int.]
Hannah, of C., and Capt. James Pennil of Halifax, int. Nov. 16, 1778.
Hannah, of C., and Zebina Smith of Buckland, int. Feb. 5, 1803. P. R. 30.
Hannah [wid., of C. int.], and Elder David Long [of Shelburne. int.], Nov. 11, 1816.
Harriet, and Stephen Davenport of Heath, Aug. 9, 1838. P. R. 20.
Hezakiah, jr., and Olive Willis, both of C., int. May 19, 1835.
Hezekiah, jr., of C., and Martha Holmes of Halifax, int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Irena [of C. int. ; d. Rominer and Hannah. P. R. 8.], and Ebenezer Taylor [of C. int.; s. John and Mary (Woodward). P. R. 8.], Dec. 1, 1814. [Dec. 22. P. R. 8.]
James [of C. N. R. 2.], and Mary [Mercy. N. R. 2.] Johnson [d. Moses and Mercy (Fox). N. R. 2.], Jan. 6, 1791.*
Jenney, and Moses Ranger, jr. (both of C. int.], Feb. 2, 1813.
Jenny, and Jonathan Totman, both of C., June 14, 1810.
John, of C., and Fanny Long of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Oct. 31, 1811. P. R. 3.
Jonathan M., and Anna Pattison, both of C., int. Feb. 7, 1820.
Joseph, of C., and Prudence Bernard of Shelburne, int.-----, 1824.
Lovina and Erastus Clark [both of C. int.], July 1, 1813.
Lucy, and Hugh McCIaIlen, both of C., int. Apr. 11, 1825.
Lucy D., of Shelburne, and Clark D. Shearer of C., at Shelburne, May 4, 1837. P. R. 3.
Lydia, and Benjamin Moss, Feb. 3, 1791.*
Margret W., and Jonathan Johnson [both of C, int.], Dec. 28, 1815.
Martha, wid. Thomas, and d. William Richey of Peterboro, N. H., and Robert Miller, 2d m., Apr. 26, 1791. P. R. 19.*
Martha H., and Isaac Johnson, 2d, both of C., int. Apr. 30, 1832.
Mary [of C. int.], and Dr. Silas B. Hebbard [of Spafford, N. Y. int.], Sept. 16, 1813.
Mary, of C., and Henry W. Purrington [Purinton. int.] of Truxton, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1830.
Nathaniel, and Mary Thompson [Thomson. int.], d. Joseph and Jennet, after 1756. [Nov. 17, 1778. int.]
Oren, and Keziah Shepard, both of C., int. Jan. 7, 1778.
Permela, and Reuben Wood of C., int.----[1823.]
Rachel, and David Pierce, b. Stow, Nov. 26, 1801. P. R. 19.
Rominer, jr., and Sarah Willis, both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1823.
Rufus F., unm., of Halifax, Vt., a. 24 y., farmer, and Susanna [S. int.] Thompson, unm., of C., a. 26 y., Oct. 19, 1847.
Sabrina [of C. int.]. and John Severance (of Truxton, N. Y. int.], Feb. 26, 1815.
Sabrinah, of C., and Andrew Pennil of Halifax, int. Jan. 22, 1788.
Sally, and Ens. David, Morrison, jr., both of C., int. May----, 1818.
Samuel E. [C. int.], of C., and Achsah P. Barnard of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Apr. 14, 1831. N. R. 1.
Samuel R., of C., and Semantha Barnard of Shelburne, Feb. 26, 1832. N. R. 1. [May 17. P. R. 3.]
Sarah O., and Marcus Purrington, both of. C., int. Apr. 30, 1832.
Sibbel, see Smith, Cilia.
Zebina, of Buckland, and Hannah Smith of C., int. Feb. 5, 1803. P. R. 30.
Zuba, of C., and Volentine Harris, jr. of Heath, Nov. 28, 1805.
Asaph W., and Jane T. Miller, both of C., Feb. 6, 1832.
J. L., of C., and Fanny Jones of Buckland, int. May 9, 1841.
Jacob, of Heath, and Mercy Severance of C., int. Jan. 13, 1814.
Newel, of Adams, and Jane E. Thompson of C., Nov. 5, 1839.*
Polly, and Amasa Winslow, Esq., both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1820.
Roxanna, of Hastings, d. Gen. A., and Joel Barber of C., at Hastings, Oswego Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Sally, and Jonathan Pattison, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [---- , 1806. int.]
Samantha S. [L. int.), wid. [Miss, int.], of C., and Samuel S. [L. int.] Bardwell, unm., of Shelburne [Falls. N. R. 1.], merchant [at Northampton. N. R. 1.], Apr.----, 1847. [Apr. 13. N. R. 1.]
Ann G., of Heath, and Daniel Welles [Willis. P. R. I2.], jr, of C., int. May 2, 1836.
David B., and Mary Gleason, both of C., int. Nov. 23, 1825.
Emily, and Thomas R. McGee, both of C., Sept. 5, 1835.
Jesse, and Lefe Shepardson, both of C., int. Nov. 29, 1813.
Lousia, and Ephraim H. Thompson, inn keeper, both unm., of C., Feb. 10, 1846.
Olive, and Samuel Gould, both of C., int. Apr. 26, 1819.
Polly, of Halifax, and William Dalrymple of C., int. Nov. 13, 1787.
Polly R. F., of Halifax, Vt., and Aaron Jackson of C., int. Nov. 26, 1804.
Gilbert, and Sally Hammond, both of C., Apr. 22, 1824.
John K., and Polly Worrick, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1809.
Katherine, of C., and Benjamin Briant of Monroe, Mar. 12, 1828. N. R. 1.
Rachel, of C., and John Larry of Halifax, int. Oct.----, 1818.
William, of C., and Eliza Littlefield of Readsborough, int. Dec. 14, 1812.
STARK (Starks)
Betsey, and John Yaw, jr., both of C., int. July 30, 1815.
Deborah (Starks), and Lewis Childs, both of C., at Halifax, Vt., Dec. 4, 1822. N. R. 1.*
Desire, of C., and Jonathan Carley, jr. of Whitingham, int. Feb. 26, 1817.
STEARNS (Stearnes)
Rufus, of Wilmington, Vt., and Jane M. Ross of C., int. Feb. 11, 1828.
Samuel (Stearnes), Dr. [of Essex, N. Y. int.], and Luseba Adams [of C. int.], Sept. 22, 1816.
Asenath, of Greenfeld, and John Clark [2d. int.] of C., Mar. 8, 1821.
Martha B., of Greenfield, and Frederic R. Lyons of C., Mar. 15, 1821.
Rebecah H., of C., and Jason Damons of Chesterfield, Apr. 10, 1839.
Sarah, and James Bell, 2d, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1821.
STEELE (Steel)
Alfred (Steel), of Shelburne, and Armina Call of C., int. June 12, 1829.
Minerva S. [E. P. R. 3.], unm., of Shelburne, a. 18 y., b. Shelburne, d.----, of Shelburne, and John Mc. Van Valkenburgh, unm., of C., a. 21 y., laborer, b. Kinderhook, N. Y., s.----, of Kinderhook, N. Y., July 12, 1849.
STETSON (Stetsan, Stutson)
Enock [Stutson. int.], and Mary [Polly. int.] Handy, both of C., Apr. 6, 1820. N. R. 1. [1812. int.]
Isaac, and Gunima McCrellis, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1836.
Jane M., of C., a. 17 y., d. Thomas, and Franklin Legate of Charlemont, a. 26 y., farmer, June 15, 1845 (sic) [1848. int.]
Mary M., and Ruel Donerlson, both of C., int. Dec. 12, 1836.
Sarah C., of C., and Reuel Cobb of Charlemont, May 2, 1844.
Simon (Stetsan), of C., and Louisa Larnard of Halifax, Vt., int. Dec. 19, 1836.
Thomas (Stutson) [Stetson. N. R. 1.], and Mary D. McClallen, both of C., Apr. 6, 1820.
Amos (soldier in War of 1812. P. R. 12.], and Margaret Oaks, both of C., int. Jan. 23, 1817.
Ann, and Lewis Clark, both of C., int. Jan. 8, 1821.
Charles, and Mary Hulbert, both of C., int. Aug. 31, 1784.
David, and Miram Haven, both of C., int. Dec. 24, 1787.
Electa [of C. int.], and Joshua Hawks [jr. of Charlemont. int.], Feb. 14, 1809.
Eliza. and Jesse Nelson, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1816.
Elizabeth, of C„ and John Cately of Leyden, int. Mar. 25, 1808.
Enos, s. John and Ann (McClellan), and Lucretia Clark, Dec. 6, 1787. P. R. 19.*
Hugh, of C., and Anne Barstow of Leyden, at Leyden, Mar. 19, 1795.*
James. jr., and Esther Clark, both of C., int. Feb. 28, 1783.
Jane, of C., and Erastus Chapin of Leyden [s. Asahel and Sarah, of Holyoke. P. R. 5.], Nov. 25, 1812.
Jonathan, and Sally Gray, Apr. 12, 1791.*
Luther, and Belinda Barber, both of C., int. Nov. 6, 1820.
Luther B., and Melissa N. Miner, both of C., at Brattleboro, Oct. 24, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Lydia and Joseph McKowen, both of C., int. Feb. 20, 1775.
Lydia, of C., and Briggs Potter of Leyden, int. Apr. 21, 1813.
Margret, of C., and John Kately of Deerfield, at Deerfield, Aug. 29, 1751.*
Mariah T. [F. N. R. 1.; Stut. int.], of C., a. 21 y., and Elisha D. Alexander of Leyden, a. 29 y., farmer, s.------, of Leyden, Jan. 20, 1848.
Mary, of C., and Asa Clark of Halifax, int. June 14, 1775.
Mary M. [S. int.], of C., and Burton A. Burnham of Hinsdale. N. H., Jan. 18, 1842.
Nancy, d. John, of Shelburne, and Daniel Allen, at Shelburne, Sept. 12, 1793. P. R. 3.*
Sally, and Robert Riddle, both of C., int. Apr. 21, 1813.
Samuel, 3d, and Sarah Munroe, both of C., int. Sept. 8, 1776.
Sarah, and Andrew Lukes, jr., both of C., int. Sept. 7, 1784.
Thankfull, and Robert Pattison, both of C., int. May 12, 1778.
William, and Susan Brown, both of C., Jan. 1, 1822.
Fanny, of Whitingham, Vt., and David A. Edwards of C., int. Oct. 30, 1836.
Willard, of Whitingham, and Nancy Jackson of C., int. Jan. 25, 1810.
Benjamin, and Anna Mahaness, both of C., int. Jan. 22, 1783.
Reubin and Adaline Burton, both of C., int. Oct. 8, 1836.
Sary, of Halifax, and John Cannada, jr. of C., int. June 29, 1811.
STRATTON (Straton)
Clark, of Heath, and Sophrania White of C., Dec. 13, 1835.
Eleazer (Straton) [Stratton. int.], and Zilpha White, both of C., June 15, 1826.
Jacob [F. int.], and Lucy Lyons [both of C. int.], May 26, 1814.
STURTEVANT (Stirtivant, Sturderant, Sturdevant. Sturtivan, Sturtivant)
Elizabeth (Sturdevant), and Obed Nelson, both of C.. int. Oct. 23, 1811.
Huldah (Stirtivant) [Sturtivant. int.], and Thomas Purinton [both of C. int.], Apr. 4, 1822.
Lucy (Sturdevant), and Sanford B. Maxam, both of C.. int. Apr. 9, 1848.
Nehemiah (Sturtivan) [Sturtivant. int.], and Rachel Purinton, both of C., Apr. 16, 1826.
Olive, and Elihu Holden, jr., both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1830.
Susannah, and Hall Roberts, both of C., int. Nov. 16, 1809.
SUGLAND (Suglond )
Richard ( Suglond ), and Vitah Green, both of C., int. Apr. 25, 1831.
Samuel, and Lucy Freeman, both of C., Apr. 9, 1832. [Apr. 19. C. R. 1.]
Cyntha, of Halifax, Vt., and Chandler Sever, int. Dec. 16, 1822.
Henry, and Elizabeth Carleton of C., int. Oct. 28, 1795. P. R. 18.
TAGGART (Tagart)
Betsey, d. Samuel, of C., and Calvin Wells of Greenfield. Issue of Oct. 31, 1808. N. R. 1.
Daniel, of C., and Lovina Fisk of Shelburne, int. Nov.----, 1815.
Esther B., and John M. Handy, both of C., int. Apr.----, 1818.
James, of Halifax, and Susanah Hulbert of C., int. July 3, 1786.
Jane, and Hollis Thompson, both of C., int. May 13, 1822.
Jane, of C., and Peleg Palmer of Leyden, int. Oct. 7, 1822.
Mary, of C., and Daniel Todd of Preble, N. Y., int. June 21, 1817.
Mary [Tagart. int.], Mrs., of C., and Maj. [Esq. int.] Edward Houghton of Guilford, Vt., June 11, 1834.
Robert D., Dr., of C., and Hannah Todd of Peterborough, int. Aug. 20, 1804.
Sally, and Robert Barber, both of C., int. Mar. 13, 1809.
Samuel. Hon., member of Congress from CoIrain, and Mary Avers of Washington, at Washington, D. C., Mar. 23, 1816. N. R. 1.*
Susanna [of C. int.], and Joseph Burdock [Burdick of Tully. int.], Nov. 27, 1806.
Betsey, Mrs., of C., and Illathan Lampher of Halifax, int. Nov. 30, 1812.
Diodamai, and Volentine Harris, both of C., int. Nov. 17, 1813.
Loring, and Martha Bell, both of C., int. Mar. 18, 1822.
Asa [of Buckland. int.; of Deerfield. P. R. 14; s. Enos and Eunice (Longley). P. R. 8.], and Margret [Thompson. P. R. 8.] Willson [of C. int.; d. David and Margaret. P. R. 8.], Feb. 11, 1813.
Ebenezer [of C. int. : s. John and Mary (Woodward). P. R. 8.], and Irena Smith [of C. int. ; d. Rominer and Hannah. P. R. 8.], Dec. 1, 1814. [Dec. 22. P. R. 8.]
Hannah, Mrs., a. 37 y., and John Burroughs, a. 19 y., both of C., July 10, 1840. N. R. 1.*
Hart, of Buckland, s. William and Abigail, and Abigail Lombard of C., Apr.----, 1826. P. R. 8. [Apr. 30. P. R. 14.]
Jonathan [F. int.; Jonathan Hastings. P. R. 12.], of Heath, and Elvira [Alvira. int.] Johnson of C., Sept. 27, 1827.
Jonathan M. [McGee. P. R. 8; of C. int.], farmer, s. Asa [and Margaret Thompson (Wilson). P. R. 8.], and Mary Clark [of C. int.), d. J. L. [d. Lyman. N. R. 1.], Sept. 5, 1844.
Lucy M., d. Ebenezer and Irene (Smith), and David M. West, Feb. 2, 1847. P. R. 8.*
Mindal [Mindwell. int.], wid., of Shelburne, and Stoddard Totman [of C. int.]. Issue of Mar. 6, 1827. N. R. 1.
Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Irene (Smith), and Otis M. Conkey, Nov. 20, 1843. P. R. 8.*
William, 2d m., of Buckland, s. Othniel, and Experience (Totman) Washburn, wid., of C., Sept. 19. 1803. P. R. 14.*
TENNEY (Tinney)
Mary, and Sylvenus Hastings, both of C., int. Oct. 11, 1830.
Samuel (Tinney) [jr. P. R. 3.], of Shelburne, and Susannah Farnsworth of C., int. Dec. 27, 1814.
Louisana, and Eliphalet Adams, both of C., int. May 30, 1804.
Aaron, and Agness Clark, both of C., int. Oct. 7, 1779.
Julia Ann, of Heath, and John M. Churchell of C., int. Nov. 21, 1848.
Mary [of C. int.], and Asa Burton, jr. [of Heath. int.], Dec. 25, 1808.
Nancy, and William Newhouse [sr. int.], both of C., Dec. 12, 1805.
Sally [Thompson. int.], and Samuel M. Ross, both of C., Aug. 9, 1832. P. R. 12.
Sebra, of Rowe, and Pollv Donelson of C., int. May 28, 1811.
Susanna, and Justin Bishop, May 29, 1808.
Willard, jr., and Julia Lumbard [both of C, int.], Feb. 1, 1816.
THOMPSON (Thomson )
Alexander [2d. int.], of C., and Bursheba Burnett [Burnet. int.] of Barre, at Barre, Jan. 28, 1778.
Anna, d. Joseph and Jennet, and Maj. Calvin Smith, after 1761.*
Annah, of C., and Jacob Newton of Nunda, N. Y., int. Dec. 9, 1820.
Betsy W., and Samuel S. Gould, farmer, both unm., of C., Dec. 31, 1845.
Calvin, and Susan Wallis [Wallace. int. and C. R. 1.], both of C., Dec. 15, 1831.
Caroline, of C., and Levi Jones of Winchester, N. H., int. Nov. 29, 1837.
Charles [of Halifax, Vt. int.], and Polly Caldwell [of C. int.), Feb. 18, 1813.
Charles, 2d, and Mary E. Gould, both of C., at Whitingham, Vt., Jan. 21, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Daniel, and Sally Handy, both of C., int. Sept. 6, 1823.
Daniel, jr., and Hannah Miner, both of C., int. Dec. 23, 1830.
David, of C., and Lucretia Willington of Heath, int. June 9, 1827.
Deany, of C., and Jesse Goodnow of Halifax, Vt., Oct. 16, 1834.
Electa, and James McClallen, both of C., int. Mar. 6, 1826.
Elizabeth S. [A. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., a. 25 y., and Shewbal B. Burk (Buck. N. R. 1.], unm., of Arlington, Vt., mechanic, a. 30 y., Aug. 12, 1847.*
Ephraim H., inn keeper, and Lousia Spurr, both unm., of C., Feb. 10, 1846.
Erasmus D. [Col. int.], of Shelburne [Falls. int.], and Mary R. Willson of C., Sept. 20, 1842. [Sept. 22. N. R. 1.]
Gorden, and Sophronia WiIlson, both of C., int. Oct. 21, 1830.
Helen M., and Joseph W. Miller of C., int. Nov. 29, 1843. P. R. 12.
Hollis, and Jane Taggart, both of C., int. May 13, 1822.
HolIis, and Nancv S. Towne, both of C., at Hartford, Ct., Aug. 23, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Horace [of East Windsor, Ct. P. R. 8; Thomson. int.], and Roana [Taylor. int.] Edson [both of C. int.], Nov. 24, 1817. N. R. 1.
Jane [of C. P. R. 3.], d. Joseph and Jennet, and Col. [Dea. P. R. 3.] Jonathan McGee [of C. P. R. 3.], after 1754.[at Shelburne, Dec. 26, 1776. P. R. 3.]*
Jane, and Thomas McGee, both of C., int. Jan. 24, 1825.
Jane E., of C., and Newel Snow of Adams, Nov. 5, 1839.*
Jenne, and John Miller, both of C., int. Oct.----, 1817.
John, of C., and Asenieth Jackson of Halifax, int. Nov. 5, 1809.
John, and Elvira Adams [both of C. int.], June 1, 1815.
John T., of C., and Caroline Riddle of Bennington. Vt., int. Feb. 14, 1831.
Jonathan, of C., and Grata Field of Conway, int. June 9, 1838.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Jennet, and Anna Wilson, after 1759.*
Levi, and Margret Willson, both of C., int. Nov. 13, 1826.
Luther, and Martha Holand [Huland. int.], both of C., Jan. 19. 1837.
Margaret, d. Joseph and Jennet, and David Wilson [sr. P. R. 19.], after 1750. [Dec. 22, 1772. P. R. 19.]*
Margaret, of Barre [of Rutland District. int.]. and James Kennedy [Kanady, jr. int.] of C., at Barre. Mar. 18, 1777.
Marharet, and Sylvanus P. Totman, both of C., Apr. 1, 1830.
Margaret, and Jonathan Totman, both of C., Dec. 15, 1831.
Martha [Thomson. int.], d. Joseph and Jennet, and Maj. David Smith [both of C. int.], after 1761. [Jan. 16, 1781. int.]
Mary [Thomson. int.], d. Joseph and Jennet, and Nathaniel Smith, after 1756. [Nov. 17, 1778. int.]
Mary (Thomson), and John White, both of C., int. Feb. 27, 1787.
Mary [of C. dup.], d. Charles, Esq. [and Mary. P. R. 17.], and Calvin Wilber Shattuck [of Buckland. dup.], merchant, b. Leyden, s. Luther, of Leyden, Nov.----. [Oct. 14, 1834. dup. and N. R. 1.]
Maryann, of C., and John Clough [Cluff. int.] of Palmer, Apr. 18, 1839.
Robert, and Genny Holland [both of C. int.], Feb. 23, 1815.
Robert W., and Fanny Bruffee [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Oct.----, 1817. int.]
Sally, and Robert Wilson of C., "int. Shelburne," May 7, 1807. P. R. 12.
Sally, see Thomas, Sally.
Sarah [Sally. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., a. 30 y., and Orren M. Gains [Grimes. int.], unm., of C., a. 31 y., mechanic, s. Lucy, June 15, 1847.
Sophia [of Halifax. int.], and Hezekiah Coats, both of C., Sept. 2, 1810.
Sophia J. [d. Hollis and Jane (Taggart). P. R. 19.], and A. C. [Ansel C. P. R. 19.] Smith, both of C., at Hartford, Ct., June 7, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Susanna [S. int.], unm., of C., a. 26 y., and Rufus F. Smith, unm., of Halifax, Vt., a. 24 y., farmer, Oct. 19, 1847.
Thomas W., a. 44 y., and Antes Canadey, a. 22 y., both of C., at Halifax, Vt. Issue of Mar. 10, 1829. N. R. 1.*
William, and Levina CaldwelI, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1808.
TINKHAM (Tinkum)
Edwin J., of Middleborough, and Mary Purrinton of C., at Halifax, Vt., Jan. 1, 1838. N. R. 1.*
Elizabeth (Tinkum) , of Wareham, and Perus Maxham of C., int. Aug.----, 1823.
Daniel, of Preble, N. Y., and Mary Taggart of C., int. June 21, 1817.
Hannah, of Peterborough, and Dr. Robert D. Taggart of C., int. Aug. 20, 1804.
William G., of Brattleborough, Vt., and Cynthia Gates of Leyden, June 9, 1834. C. R. 1.*
Caleb, of New Salem, and Elizabeth Pierce of C., int. June 13, 1809.
TOTMAN (Tatman)
Eliza, and Joel Call, both of C., Dec. 31, 1807.
Elizabeth W., of C., and Henry N. Williams of Conway, int. Mar. 26, 1833.
Esther, and Willard T. Bishop, both of C., int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Jonathan, and Jenny Smith, both of C., June 14, 1810.*
Jonathan, and Margaret Thompson, both of C., Dec. 15, 1831.
Joshua (Tatman ) [Totman. int.], and Elizabeth Lanamon [Lammon, int.], Dec. 1, 1808.
Joshua [of C. int.], and Phebe Jones (Mrs., of Buckland. int.), Nov. 11, 1815.
Joshua B[aron. P. R. 19.], unm., of C., farmer [a. 25 y. P. R. 20; s. Jonathan and Anna (Smith). P. R. 19.], and Hannah Hawks, unm., of Charlemont [a. 22 y. P. R. 20; d. Oren. P. R. 19; at Charlemont, June 18. N. R. 1.], July ---, 1846.
Nancy, and Jesse Bosworth [both of C. int.], Oct. 18, 1815.
Rebecah, and Theadore Watson, both of C., int. Feb. 11, 1840.
Sopheia, and Mathew Pierce [Pirce. int.], both of C., Mar. 21, 1805.
Stoddard [of C.. int.], and Mindal [Mindweli. int.] TayIor, wid., of Shelburne. Issue of Mar. 6, 1827. N. R. 1.
Sylvanus P., and Margaret Thompson, both of C., Apr. 1, 1830.
Thomas, of C., and Rachel Rice of Charlermont, int. Sept. 22, 1783.
John [of Cummington. int.], and Ruth Reed [of C. int.], Mar. 1, 1809.
Molly, Mrs., of Cummington, and Dea. Moses Johnson of C., int. Jan. 5, 1807.
TOWN (Towne)
Arad, of C., and Tryphena McCloud of Rowe, int. Aug. 14, 1820.
Cleora A. [of C. int.; d. Dea. Arad. N. R. 1.], and David A[rms. P. R. 7.] Brown [s. Ruben and Rebeckah (Arms). P. R. 7; Daniel A. Breen of Greenfield. int.]. Jan. 22, 1845.
Nancy S. (Towne), and Hollis Thompson, both of C., at Hartford, Ct., Aug. 23, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Abel Haskins, of Heath, and Diadama Wilson of C., Dec. 31, 1812. P. R. 12.
Joseph E., farmer, b. Halifax [Vt. int.]. s. James, of Halifax, and Lucy W. Morrison [of C. int.]. d. David and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1844.
Nancy, of Warwick, and Amasa Merrifield of C., int. N ov. 24, 1817.
Alexander, and Sarah Parnel of C., Feb. 11, 1768. P. R. 18.*
Dorcas, of Shutesbury. and Daniel Fairbanks, Jr. of C.. int. Jan. 15, 1816.
Neherniah [N. int.], of Charlemont, and Phebee Rabbit [of C. int.], Sept. 25, 1817.
John Mc., unm., of C., a. 21 laborer, b. Kinderhook. N. Y., s.---- of Kinderhook, N. Y., and Minerva S. [E. P. R. 3.] SteeIe, unm., Shelburne, a. 18 y., b. SheIburne, d.-----, of Shelburne, July 12, 1849.
Chandler, and Jane McClallen, both of C., int. Mar. 13, 1826.
Henry, and Harriat Faulknor [both of C. int.], Feb. 24, 1814.
Isaac, and [Mrs. int.] Susan Maxham [both of C. int.]. bet. Apr.-----, 1819, and Apr.----, 1820. [Nov. 1, 1819. int.]
Orren, of C., and Sally Hillman of Conway, int. Nov. 1, 1819.
Phebe, and Dwight Roberts, both of C., Nov. 26, 1840.
Abigail, of Leyden, and James Harkness, Jr. of C., at Leyden, Dec. 16, 1789.*
Thomas, of Bakersfield, Vt., and Nancy S. Shaw of C., at Shelburne, Nov. 25, 1847. P. R. 3.*
Elizabeth E., d. Rev. C., of Wilbraham, and Joseph E. Wood of C., at Somers, Ct., Oct. 23, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Thomas, and Pamela Davidson, July 8, 1790.*
Antis, and John Cromack (both of C. int.]. Mar. 2, 1831.
Emerson C.. and Roxanna M. Barber, both of C., May 27, 183---. [May 12, 1835. int.]
George, jr., and Catherine Gragg [both of C. int.], Nov. 28, 1816.
Lucena, of C., and Joseph Eliot [jr. int.] of Thompson Ct., May 28, 1835.
Otis, of C., and Tabithy Pike of CharIemont, int. Nov. 29, 1819.
PolIy, of C., and John Wilson of Putney, Vt., Dec. 4, 1824.
WALLACE (Walless, Wallis)
Henry, of C., and Cebere Dodge of Shelburne, int. Dec. 1, 1784.
Hugh ( Wallis ), Rev., of C., s. James, and Mary Duncan of C., "sister to first wife of Rev. Samuel Taggart," ----, 1798. P. R. 16.*
James, Dea., and Mrs. Esther Patteson. Issue of Nov. 28, 1801. N. R. 1.*
John (Walless ), of C., and Agness Linsey of PeIham, at Pelham, Oct. 13, 1761.*
John, and Sally Hart, both of C., Dec. 26, 1828.
Michael, and Rachel Seaver, both of C., int. Dec. 7, 1787.
Susan (Wallis) [Wallace. int. and C. R. 1.], and Calvin Thompson, both of C., Dec. 15, 1831.
Thomas, of Bedford, N. H., and Polly Wilson of C., int. Aug. 23. 1806.
Mary, of C., and Leonard French of Halifax. Vt., int. Sept. 4, 1820.
Daniel, and Hannah Harroun, abt. 1758. P. R. I0.*
Hezekiah, and Jemima Johnson,------, 1794. P. R. 10.*
Phebe, of Greenfield [of Middleton. Ct. int.]. and Thomas Avery, Esq., of C., at Greenfield, Sept. 4. 1814. N. R. 1.
Richard, of Buckland, and Huldah Watson of C., int. Feb. 1, 1833.
Eunice, and Amasa Ciark, both of C., Sept. 13, 1804.
Sally, and Nichodemus Wood [both of C. int.]. Feb. 24, 1805.
Betsy, and Thomas Johnson, both of C., int. Mar. 27, 1809.
Experience (Totman), wid., of C., and William Taylor, 2d m., of Buckland, Sept. 19, 1803. P. R. 14.*
John, and Jenny Willeson [Jane Willson. N. R. 1; both of C. int.], Dec. 31 [1812.]
John F., farmer, s.----, of Barre, and Sarah [E. int.] Gleason, both unm., of C., Nov. 3, 1846.
Margret [T. int.j, and Hugh McCIaIlen, both of C., at Shelburne, Oct. 27, 1836. P. R. 3.
Olive, and Joel Eddy, both of C., Apr. 4, 1833.
Amos, of Leverett, and Amanda Kendriks of C., int. Feb. 23, 1836.
Amos. widr., of Leverett, a. 42 y., farmer, b. Leverett, s. Samuel and Betsey, and Lydia M. Johnson, unm., of C., a. 27 y., d. Jonathan and Margaret, Nov. 24, 1849.
Anna, see Wilson, Anna.
Huldah, of C., and Richard Ware of Buckland, int. Feb. 1, 1833.
John, of C., and Polly Green of Deerfield, at Deerfield, Dec. 15, 1796.*
Mary, and Stephen Call, both of C., Apr. 16, 1829.
Olive, and John Cary, both of C., Feb. 26, 1833. [Feb. 26, 1835. int.]
Theadore, and Rebecah Totman, both of C., int. Feb. 11, 1840.
-----, Mrs., of C., and Charles Field of Conway, at Halifax, Vt., Sept. 23, 1846. N. R. 1.*
WEATHERHEAD (Wetherhead)
Erastus P. [Wetherhead. int.], of Guilford, Vt., and Angelina Shearer of C., May 7, 1840.
Margaret, and Hugh Hunter, both of C., int. May 3, 1785.
WELLS (Well, Welles, Willis)
Calvin, of Greenfield, and Betsey Taggart, d. Samuel, of C. Issue of Oct. 31, 1805. N. R. 1.
Daniel (Welles) [Willis. P. R. 12.], jr., of C., and Ann G. Spooner of Heath, int. May 2, 1836.
George H., of C., and Eunice [D. int.] Kimball [Kimbal. int.] of New Salem, at New Salem, Sept. 14, 1834. N. R. 1.
Irene, Mrs., of C., and Elibu Ransom, Jan. 25, 1776. P. R. 3.*
Lucy, and David Morison, both of C., int.------[1780.]
Pliney (Well), of Rowe, and Happy Purinton of C., May 30, 1826.
Samuel, of Deerfield [s. John, of Greenfield. P. R. 14.], and Margaret McCrellis of C. [d. John. P. R. 14.], at Deerfield, Nov. 15, 1751.*
David M., and Lucy M. Taylor, d. Ebenezer and Irene (Smith), Feb. 2, 1847. P. R. 8.*
Daniel R., of Rutland, and Mrs. Susan H. White of C., at Halifax, Vt., Aug. 10, 1845. N.R.1.*
Lucy A., of Guilford, Vt., and Edward D. Perkins of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 2, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Merebath, of C., and Thomas Davenport of Shelburne, July 20, 1813.
Achsah [of Heath. int.], and John Burington, 2d [of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Nov. 24, 1817. int.]
Amasa, and Deborah Faulkner, both of C., Feb. 26, 1845. N. R. 1.
Anson, and Fanny Fairbanks [both of C. int.], Feb. 1, 1816.
Charles B. [R. int.], unm., of Buckland, and Fanny A. (R. N. R. 1.] Patterson, unm., of C., June 18. 1845.
Elenor, and Robert Burington, both of C., int. June 16, 1829.
Elizabeth, Mrs., of Whitingham, and Ebenezer Eddy of C., int. Jan. 2, 1813.
Enos, and Diana Ross, both of C., int. Mar 10, 1830.
Hannah, of Shelburne, and Amasa Merrifield of C., int. Oct.----, 1807.
Hannah, and William Pierce, jr., both of C., Oct. 25, 1810.
James, of Shelburne, and Rebeckah Clark of C. [both of C. int.], at Shelburne, Feb. 10, 1777. P. R. 3.
James, 2d, and Hannah Dalrymple, both of C., int. Nov. 24, 1784.
James, jr., and Clarrinda Clark, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Oct. 18, 1806. int.]
John, and Mary Thomson, both of C., int. Feb. 27, 1787.
John, of Shelburne, and Ester Merrifield of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [May 26, 1806. int.]
John, and Anna Burington, both of C., Apr. 2, 1813.
Lewis, and Susan Haliday, both of C., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
Lina [Lony. int.], of C., and Franklin Clapp [Clap. int.] of Deerfield [s. Elisha. P. R. 14.], June 3. 1835. N. R. 1.
Lucinda, and Solomon Hasting of Charlemont. June 18, 1789.*
Lucy, of C., and Schuyler Carpenter of Rowe, May 3, 1829.
Luisa, unm.. of C., and Samuel Donelson, farmer, both unm., of C., Feb. 4, 1847.
Lydia, and Robert Avery, Feb. 3, I791.*
Mary, see White, PoIIy.
Othnal, and Elenor Hillman, both of C., Dec. 27, 1838.
Polly [of C. int.,; Mary, d. James and Hannah. P. R. 19.], and Henry Babit, jr. [of C. int.; s. Henry and Mary (Faulkner). P. R. 19.], bet. Apr.----, 1819, and Apr.----,1820. [Apr. 6, 1819. P. R. 19.]
Sally, unm., of C., and Robert Merrifield, widr., of C., farmer [at Whitingham. Vt. N. R. 1.]. Nov. 15. 1849.*
Sarah, of C., and William Anderson of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Apr. 11, 1776. P. R. 3.*
Sophronia, of C., and Clark Stratton of Heath, Dec. 13, 1835.
Stephen, and Almira Holida, both of C., int. June 17, 1833.
Susan H., Mrs., of C., and Daniel R. Wheeler of Rutland, at Halifax, Vt., Aug. 10, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Susanna, of Shelburne, and Adam Allis of C., at Shelburne, Nov. 20, 1794. P. R. 3.*
Willard, and Mrs. Emily Black, both of C., at Halifax, Vt., Feb. 29 (sic), 1825. N. R. 1.*
Zilpha, and Eleazer Straton [Stratton. int.], both of C., June 15, 1826.
WHITING (Whitting)
Danforth, of Reedsborough, and Rebeckah Sherman [Shurman. int.] of C., Jan. 12, 1812.
George T. ( Whitting), see Whitman, George S.
George S. [George T. Whitting. int.], of Bennington, Vt., and Gerusha Jones of C., July 3, 1844.
Thomas P., of Greenfield, and Elizabeth W. Bell of C., int. Nov. 14, 1814.
Anna, Mrs., of Guilford, and Timothy Harrington of C., int. Oct. 16, 1815.
David M., of Greenfield, and Emily Eddy of C., at Rowe, May 27, 1838. N. R. 1.
Ebenezer M., of Rowe, and Mary Jane Hunt of C., Jan. 15, 1842.
Lewis, of C., and Rhoda S. Dodge of Rowe, int. Mar. 4, 1840.
WILBER (Wilbour, Wilbur)
Harry [Hervey Wilbur. N. R. 1.], of Shelburne, a. 30 y., mechanic, b. Leyden, s. Uriah, of Leyden, and Hulah T. [Huldah F. int. and N. R. 1.] Shaw of C., a. 23 y., d. Elisha, May 8, 1845.
Waty (Wilbour) [ Waitstill. N. R. 1.], of Leyden, and James Hulbert [Hubbert. dup.; Hulburt. N. R.1] of C., at Leyden, Sept. 6, 1792.*
WILCOX ( Willcocks, Willcox )
Abraham, of C., and Laurinda Hardy [of Shelburne. int.], at Shelburne, Feb. --, 1826. P. R. 3.
Burden, and Eleanor McCreles, both of C., int. Apr. 25, 1785.
Daniel [Willcox, jr. int.], of Truxton [N. Y. int.], and Diadama Clark [Clerk. int.] of C., Feb. 11, 1813.
David D. (Willcocks), of Buckland, and Larisy A. Perkins [Purkins, int.] of C., Feb. 27, 1838.
Jonathan (Willcox), and Cilia [Sibbel. int.] Smith, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Jan. 22, 1807. int.]
Abel, jr., of Charlemont, and Hannah Johnson of C., int. Oct.----, 1817.
Abel B., of Scaticook (sic) [Schaghticoke?], N. Y., and Esther Smith of C., int. July 23, 1808.
Jesse, of Guilford, Vt., and Eunice Mitchell of C., July 20, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Hannah, and B. Minor Smith, both of C., int. Jan. 16, 1781.
Asad, Lt., and Jenny McGee, both of C., int. Oct. 11, 1808.
Henry N., of Conway, and Elizabeth W. Totman of C., int. Mar. 26, 1833.
Sally B., of Rowe, and Henry W. Miner of C., int. Mar. 13, 1835.
Lucretia, of Heath, and David Thompson of C., int. June 9, 1827.
Alden, and Sally Davenport, both of C., int. Aug. 26, 1807.
Alden, and Zerviah Shippee [Sippee. int.], both of C., Oct. 27, 1807.
Alden, of Charlemont, and Lovina Churchell of C., int. Nov. 27, 1826.
Ann McGee [d. Maj. Daniel. P. R. 19.], and Isaac Johnson, jr., both of C., int. May 13, 1823.
Aurelia [S. int.]. of C., and Aaron M. Winslow of Putney, Vt., Nov. 22, 1827.
Daniel, jr., see Welles, Daniel, jr.
Dealia, and Ira Shippee, both of C., int. Nov. 30, 1811.
Emily, of Charlemont, and Alvin Churchell of C., int. Nov. 15, 1824.
George W., and Esther E. Smith, both of C., Nov. 22, 1827.
Louisa, of C., and Enoch Newell [Noves. int.] of Edinburg, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1842.
Lucy, of Charlemont, and Chandler Maxham of C., int. Apr. 14, 1823.
Olive, and Hezakiah Smith, jr., both of C., int. May 19, 1835.
Sarah, and Rominer Smith, jr., both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1823.
Zenith, and Dorcas Peterson, both of C., Aug. 8, 1805.
WILSON (Willeson, WiIIson)
Agness D., of Shelburne, and James Wilson, 2d, of C., int. Nov. 20, 1809.
Anna, and Joseph Thompson, s. Joseph and Jennet, after 1759.*
Anna ( Willson )[ Watson. P. R. 18; wid. P. R. 14.], of C., and William Anderson of Deerfield [s. William. P. R. 14.], Dec. 24, 1822.
Caroline N. (Willson), of C. [d. John, Esq. N. R. 1.], and Willson Brainard of Palmer, Feb. 16, 1842.
David [sr. P. R. 19.], and Margaret Thompson, d. Joseph and Jennet, after 1750. [Dec. 22, 1772. P. R. 19.]*
David, sr., 2d m., and Mary Richey, June 21, 1795. P. R. 19.*
David (Willson), jr., and Mariah Harris, both of C., int. Oct. 23, 1837.
Diadama, of C., and Abel Haskins Trask of Heath, Dec. 31, 1812. P. R. 12.
Dennis (Willson ), of C. [s. David, jr. and Betsy (Holland). P. R. 19.], and Sarah A. Willson of C. [d. Capt. Samuel and Nancy (Newell). P. R. 19.]. Oct. 19, 1841.
Dexter (Willson), and Elmena Combs, both of C., Nov. 19, 1840.
Elizabeth S. [A. N. R. 1.], and Thaxter Shaw, inn keeper [of Brattleboro, Vt. int.], both unm., of C.. Dec. 23, 1845.
Hannah (Willson), and Dr. Benjamin Carleton [jr., both of C. int.], Jan. 5, 1817.
Harriot (Willson), unm. [of C. int.], a. 31 y. [d. Capt. Samuel. N. R. 1.], d. Nancy, and Samuel L. Peck, unm., farmer, of BIakeIy, Pa., a. 30 y., d. Samuel, of Blakely, Pa., Oct. 16, 1848.
Hugh, of C., and Polly Clark of C. [d. Ichabad. P. R. 15.], int. Feb. 8, 1814.
James (Willson), 2d, and Rosanna Cochran, both of C., int. July 2, 1782.
James, 2d, of C., and Agness D. Wilson of Shelburne, int. Nov. 20, 1809.
James (Willson), and Susan Newel [both of C. int.], Mar. 16, 1837.
Jane (Willson ), of C. [d. Robert. P. R. 19. ], and Charles S. Hillman of C. [s. Presbrey and Editha (Hitchcock). P. R. 19.], Nov. 23, 1839. [Nov. 14, P. R. 19.]
Jenny (Willeson) [Jane Willson. N. R. 1.], and John Washburn [both of C. int.], Dec. 31 [1812.]
John, of Putney, Vt., and Polly Walkup of C., Dec. 4, 1824.
Jonathan, of Deerfield [b. N. H. P. R. 15.], and Ann Riddle of C., at Deerfield. Jan. 12, 1768.*
Jonathan (Willson), 2d, and Hannah Raimond, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1786.
Jonathan, Lt., and Sarah Raberts, wid., both of C., int. Nov. 2, 1809.
Jonathan, jr., of C., and Polly Nims, "twin sister of Patty," and d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, Nov. 27, 1812. P. R. 12.
Margart M., and John Legalley, both of C., int. Apr. 8, 1807.
Margaret, and Daniel Burinton, jr., both of C., int. July 14, 1824.
Margaret [Thompson. P. R. 8.] (Willson) [of C. int.; d. David and Margaret. P. R. 8.], and Asa Taylor [of Buckland. int.; of Deerfield. P. R. 14; s. Enos and Eunice (Longley). P. R. 8.], Feb. 11, 1813.
Margret (Willson), and Levi Thompson, both of C., int. Nov. 13, 1826.
Mary (WiIlson ), of Shelburne, and SoIomon Morrison of C., int. Oct. 26, 1784.
Mary R. (Willson), of C., and [Col. int.] Erasmus D. Thompson of Shelburne [Falls. int.], Sept. 20, 1842. [Sept. 22. N. R. 1.]
Oliver H. (Willson), and Lucy Harris, both of C., int. Dec. 4, 1834.
Polly, of C., and Thomas Wallace of Bedford, N. H., int. Aug. 23, 1806.
Robert, of C., and Sally Thompson, "int. Shelburne," May 7, 1807. P. R. 12.
Robert, and Pegge Patterson, both of C., int. Nov. 26, 1811.
Samuel, of C., and Sarah Cowan of Pelharn, at Pelham, Nov. 24, 1761.
Samuel, of C., and Agness Dunlap of Pelham, at Peiham, Dec. 9, 1767.*
Samuel (Willson ), Lt., and Nancy Newall [both of C. int.], Dec. 31, 1812.
SamueI, of Shelburne, and Jane F. McClallen of C., int. Nov. 1, 1824.
Sarah, and Samuel Peck, both of C., Apr. 24, 1817. P. R. 3.
Sarah A. (Willson) of C. [d. Capt. Samuel and Nancy (Newell). P. R. 19.], and Dennis Willson of C. [s. David, jr, and Betsy (Holland). P. R. 19.], Oct. 19, 1841.
Sophronia (Willson), and Gorden Thompson, both of C., int. Oct. 21, 1830.
Thomas, of Wilmington, and Rachal McGee of C., int. Nov. 27, 1811.
William (Willson), and Polly Lyons, both of C., int. Feb. 23, 1808.
William L. (Willson), and Jane Harris, both of C., Nov. 22, 1842.
William R., of C.. and Mary Long of Shelburne, int. Mar. 6, 1820.
Aaron M., of Putney, Vt., and Aurelia [S. int.] Willis of C., Nov. 22, 1827.
Amasa, Esq., and Polly Snow, both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1820.
George, Dr., of C., and Olive Long of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Jan. 4, 1813. N. R. 1.
George, Dr., of C., and Harriet Severance, d. the late Capt. Solomon, of Shelburne, at Halifax, Vt., May 1, 1822. N. R. 1.*
Polly, wid., of C., and Ezra Gleason of Halifax, Vt.. int. Jan. 26, 1824.
Mary, wid. [Miss. int.], of C., and Capt. Amasa Shumaway [Shumway. int.] of Whitingham, bef. June 9, 1807. [Jan. 27, 1807. int.]
Abigal [of C. int.], and Asher Gates, [of Halifax. int.]. Sept. 8, 1813.
Edmcnd, jr., and Pegga Holmes, both of C., Dec. 19, 1805.
Israel H., Rev., of C., and Julia A. Franklin of Bellingham, at New York City, Aug. 5, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Joel, and Elizabeth S. Minor, both of C., int. Sept. 1, 1837.
Joseph F., of C.. and Elizabeth E. Virgin, d. Rev. C., of Wilbraham, at Sumers, Ct., Oct. 23, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Joseph [Fish, of Halifax, Vt. int.), and Patty Ayrs [of C. int.]. Mar. 12, 1812.
Molly, of Wilmington, and Daniel Dana of C.. int. June 5, 1783.
Moses, and Sally Harris, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1815.
Nichodemus, and Sally Warren [both of C. int.]. Feb. 24, 1805.
Polly, and Daniel Fulton, both of C., Mar. 4, 1806.
Reuben, of C., and Permela Smith, int. (1823.]
Reuben, of C., and Azubah Bass of Charlemont, at Whitingham, Vt., June 24, 1841. N. R. 1.*
WOODARD (Woodward)
Almyra, of Halifax, and Joel Cone of C., int. Nov. 21, 1825.
H. G., of Worcester, and Jane Ranney of Ashfield, Nov. 28, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Willard (Woodward), unm., of Halifax [Vt. int.], a. 24 y., farmer, b. Halifax, s. Richard and Jane, of Halifax, and Louisa A. Harris, unm., of C., a. 22 y., d. Timothy and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1849.
CIark, and Irene Donelson. both of C.. int. Dec. 23, 1811.
Lydia [of C. int.], and James Randall [Benjamin, jr. of Shelburne. int.], Dec. 31, 1816.
Sally [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Clark, jr. [both of C. int.], July 6, 1809.
Emoret, of C., and Ariel Hinsdail of Greenfield [s. Darius. P. R. 14.], int. May 24, 1838.
Jean, of Bernardston and Matthew Clark. 1st. int. Mar. 23, 1779.
Lois, of Bernardston, and Benoni Cutbeth of C., int. Oct. 14, 1779.
Marthar, of C., and Rufus Graves of Greenfield [s. Ebenezer. P. R. 14.], int. Sept. 26, 1810.
Mary, and Robert M. Bradley, both of C., Nov. 29, 1827. N. R. 1.
Phebe, of C., and James McCulloch, Esq., of Clinton, Ind., at Brattleboro, Vt., July 12, 1838. N. R. 1.*
Sidney S., and Malenda McGee, both of C., Nov. 29, 1832.
Thompson, of C., and Zilpla Cook of Halifax, Vt., inc. Dec. 2, 1841.
Polly, and John K. Stafford, both of C., int. Nov. 8, 1809.
George, of Williamsburg, and Emerline Houghton of C., int. Apr. 27, 1836.
John, jr., and Betsey Stark, both of C., int. July 30, 1815.
------, Lydia. and Daniel Nims, s. Daniel, of Shelburne, Apr. 8, 1780. P. R. 14.*
Eunice, and Cesar Augustus Feneman, both "persons of coIour," May 9, 1822.*
Cesar Augustus, and Eunice Davis, both "persons of colour," May 9, 1822.*
Savilet, and Samuel Lines, "persons of colour." both of C., int. Jan. 7, 1821.
Benjamin, and Sopia Williams, "persons of colour," both of C., int. June 6, 1825.
Samuel, and Savilet Green, "persons of colour," both of C., int. Jan. 7, 1821.
Sopia, and Benjamin Jinkins, "persons of colour," both of C., int. June 6, 1825.