Extracted From
Vital Records of Colrain, Massachusetts
To the End of the Year 1849
Salem, Mass., 1934 (no copyright statement)
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Arrel, and David Lyons, both of C., Mar. 15, 1821.
Edward, and Sarah Haskell, both of C., Feb. 15, 1810.
Edward, Capt., of C., and Rebecca Taylor Edson, wid. [of Halifax. int.], Sept. 2, 1810. P. R. 8.
Eliphalet, and Louisana Thayer, both of C., int. May 30, 1804.
Eliphalet, and Lucy Purinton [Purington. int.], both of C., Apr. 5, 1810.
Eliphalet, of C., and Thankful Nuns of Buckland, int. Dec. 27, 1814.
Elvira, and John Thompson [both of C. int.], June 1, 1815.
Experience, and David McGee, both of C., int. Dec. 10, 1783.
Harriet, of C., and Timothy Marther, jr, of Marlborough, Vt., Feb. 6, 1812.
John, and Lovina Hall [both of C. int.], Dec. 27, 1812.
Luseba [of C. int.], and Dr. Samuel Stearnes [of Essex, N. Y. int.], Sept. 22, 1816.
Sarah, and Daniel Clark, both of C., int. Mar. 8, 1779.
Lucy T., of Ashfield, and Dr. Chenery Puffer of C., int. Jan. 13, 1834.
Elisha D., of Leyden, a. 29 y., farmer, s. of Leyden, and Mariah T. [F. N. R. 1.] Stewart [Stut. int.] of C., a. 21 y., Jan. 20, 1848.
Mary, and William Harris Hitchcock, both of C., int. Jan. 15, 1788.
ALLEN (Allyn)
Alfred, of C., and Mary Pierce of Halifax, int. Mar. 20, 1826.
Daniel, and Nancy Stewart, d. John, of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Sept. 12, 1793. P. R. 3.*
Delia [Fidelia, d. Amos. P. R. 14.], of Shelburne, and Levi S. McGee of C., int. Dec. 15, 1808.
Ebenezer S., Lt. [Edward Stebbins, s. Sylvanus. P. R. 14.], of Shelburne, and Anna McGee of C., int. Nov. 29, 1814.
Fidelia, see Allen, Delia.
Irene, d. Amos and Jemima, of Greenfieid, and Elias Bardwell of C., Oct. 29, 1786. P. R. 14.*
Orenda, of Shelburne [d. Sylvanus, of Shelburne. P. R. 14.], and William B[oltan. P. R. 14.] McGee of C., int. Dec. 22, 1833.
Robert (Allyn), of Wilbraham, and Emerline H. Dennerson [Denerson. int.] of C., Nov. 18, 1841.
Warren, of Shelburne, and Anna Miller of C., int. Sept. --, 1818.
Adam, of C., and Susanna White of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Nov. 20, 1794. P. R. 3.*
Newton R., of Buckland, and Laura Farley of C., at South Halifax, Vt., Jan. 10, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Seth, and Deborah Crouch, both of C., int. May 28, 1783.
Isabella, of C., and George Hall of Deerfield, Nov. 1, 1744. P. R. 14.*
RhodoIphus, and Lindy Mira Clark, both of C., June 30, 1814. P. R. 6.
William, of Shelburne, and Sarah White of C., at Shelburne, Apr. 11, 1776. P. R. 3.*
William [s. William. P. R. 14.], of Deerfield, and Anna Willson [Watson, int. P. R. 18; wid. P. R. 14.] of C., Dec. 24, 1822.
Lurina [of Amherst. int.], and Elder Edward Davenport, at Amherst, Mar. 2, 1824.
ARMES (Arms)
Polly, and George Burrington [Burington. int.], both of C., Sept. 20, 1812.
Rebekah, of C., d. David and Pavai (Ball), and Ruben Brown of C., Apr. 30, 1812. P. R. 6.
Thomas (Arms), jr., of Deerfield [s. Thomas. P. R. 14.], and Polly Coolidge of C., int. Feb. 12, 1785.
ARMOR (Armorer, Armour)
Martha [Armour. P. R. 3.], of Bennington [d. James, b. Ireland, and Margaret (Anderson). P. R. 3.], and Job Ransom of C., int. May 10, 1784.
Mary (Armorer), of C., and Ephriam Rice of Montague, int. Aug. 20, 1804.
David, farmer, b. Guilford, Vt., s. John, of Guilford, Vt., and Cynthia C. Call [Cole. N. R. 1.] of C., d. Samuel [and Eunice (Dennison) Cole. P. R. 27.], Jan. 23, 1845.
Asahel [Asil, int.], s. Shubel, of Shelburne, and Martha McCIaIIen of C., Dec.---, 1782. P. R. 14.
ATWOOD (Attwood)
Jennie, and Aaron Cary, b. Bridgewater, May 31, 1781. P. R. 19.*
Zenus (Attwood) [of Locke, N. Y. int.j, and Huldah Purinton [of C. int.], Feb. 9, 1815.
AUSTIN (Austen)
Alvin [Austen, int.; merchant. N. R. 1.], and Fanny Dean [ Deane. int. ; d. Dr. C. N. R. 1. ], both of C., July 8, 1830.
Harriet N., of "Ervings Grant," and Solomon Sikes of C., int. Oct. 1, 1824.
Abner, of CharIemont, and Sarah A. Deane of C., Feb. 13, 1835.
David, of East CharIemont, and Prudence Dean, d. Christonher, May 23, 1839. P. R. 19.*
James, and Emila [Emily. int.] Smith, both of C., Oct. 28, 1830.
Lucy, of C., and David Denison of Bernardston, int. July 5, 1806.
Mary, of C., and John Denison of Guilford, int. Apr. 19, 1809.
ParrneIia, of Charlemont, and Thomas Fox of C., Oct. 3, 1816. P. R. 1.
Robert, and Lydia White, Feb. 3. 1791.*
Thomas, Esq., of C., and Phebe Ward of GreenfieId [of Middletown, Ct. int.], at Greenfield, Sept. 4, 1814. P. R. 1.
Walter, of Charlemont, and Hannah Johnson of C., int. Oct. 15, 1779.
AYERS (Ayres, Ayrs, Eayres, Heirs)
Catherine, and Squire Green, both of C., int. Nov. 7, 1818.
Daniel, jr, and Anna Harrington, both of C., int. Nov. 27, 1805.
David (Heirs) [Eayres. int.], of C., and Jean Dick (Dix. int.) of Pelham, at Pelham, May 13, 1777.
John, of C., and Dulsma Perry of Woodford, Vt., int. Mar. 18, 1813.
Mary, of Washington, and Hon. Samuel Taggart, member of Congress from Colrain, at Washington, D. C., Mar. 23, 1816. N. R. 1.*
Patty (Ayrs) [of C. int.], and Joseph Wood [Joseph Fish, of Halifax, Vt., int.], Mar. 12, 1812.
Plina (Ayres), and Abigal Holme [HoImes, both of C. int.], Dec. 6, 1804.
BABBIT (Babbet, Babbitt, Babit)
Anna (Babbet), of C., and John Sanders of Halifax, Oct. 14, 1810.
Henry (Babit), jr. [of C. int.; s. Henry and Mary ( Faulkner) . P. R. 19.], and Polly White [of C. int.; d. James and Hannah. P. R. 19.], bet. Apr.-----, 1819, and Apr. --, 1820. [Apr. 6, 1819. P. R. 19.]
Henry ( Babit ), of C., and Susan Halady, wid., of Marlborough, Vt., int. Dec. 4, 1820.
James H. ( Babbitt ), s. Henry, jr. and Mary (White), and Tryphena Harris, d. Bariah and lrena,---- , 1847. P. R. 19.*
Mary Ann [Babbet of C. N. R. 1.], and Joseph N. Brown (of Whitingham, Vt. N. R. 1.], farmer, Apr. 17, 1843. (Mar. 29, N. R. 1.]
Phebee [of C. int.], and Nehemiah [N. int.] Upton of Charlemont, Sept. 25, 1817.
Sally (Babit), and Harvy Dunnell, both of C., int. Aug. 20, 1821.
Benjamin, of Leyden, and Lydia Shattuck of C., Feb. 23, 1825.
Ezra [jr., of Scott, N. Y, int.], and Lucinda Shepardson [Shepardton, of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
Mary, and George Riddle of C., int. Nov. 17, 1822.
Polly, of Leyden, and William H. Shepardson of C., int. [I823.]
Thomas, of Halifax, and Mary Carswell of C., int. Dec. 16, 1777.
John, of Pelham, and Philina Shearer of C., int. Mar. 20, 1827.
Anna, and Robert McGee, both of C., int. Aug. 22, 1825.
Amanda, of C., and Joseph G. Martin of Leyden, Dec. 11, 1842.
Belinda, and Luther Stewart, both of C., int. Nov. 6, 1820.
Eunice [of Heath. int.], and Luther Purinton [of C. int.], Mar. 6, 1822.
James, and Sally Gragg, both of C., int. Mar. 6, 1815.
Jane, of C., and Edward Fish of Halifax, Vt., at Greenfield, Nov. 2, 1841. N. R. 1.
Joel, of C., and Roxanna Snow of Hastings, d. Gen. A., at Hastings, Oswego Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1848. N. R. 1.*
Laura, and Solyman Bell, both of C., Oct. 23, 1828.
Laurella, of Charlemont, and David Daniels [Dunnels. P. R. 20.] of C., int. Apr. 18, 1836.
Mary S., unm. [of C. int.), a. 17 y., d. Thomas and Polly, and Orson B[allou. P. R. 19.] Curtis, unm., of C., a. 24 y., merchant, b. Richmond, N. H., s. Orson and Elisabeth, Sept. 5, 1849.
Mathew, of C. [s. Robert. P. R. 26.], and Harriet Martin of Leyden, int. Feb. 15, 1840.
Robert, and Sally Taggart, both of C., int. Mar. 15, 1809.
Roswell, widr., of C., a. 30 y., farmer, s. Thomas and Polly, and Mary Ann Franklin, unm., of C., a. 21 y., d. Aaron and Sally [at South Halifax, Vt. N. R. 1.], Nov. 8, 1849.*
Roxanna M., and Emerson C. Walkup, both of C., May 27, 183----. [May 12, 1835. int.]
Sally, of C., and Ezra Burnham of Hinsdale, N. H., Apr. 29, 1828.*
Solomon G., of Charlemont, and Nancy Howard of C., Dec. 15, 1836.
Sophia, of Halifax, and Rufus Cunnable of C., int. Sept. 15, 1814.
Thomas, of C., and Polly Kinyon of Leyden, int. Jan.-----, 1816.
Amos, and Minerva Miller [both of C. int.], Feb. 24, 1825.
Baxter, and Caroline L. McClellan, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 10, 1830. N. R. 1.
Dorothy, of C., and Samuel Pickett, jr, of Greenfield, int. Sept. 11, 1812.
Elias, of C., and Irene Allen of Greenfield, d. Amos and Jemima, Oct. 29, 1786. P. R. 14.*
Helen, unm., of C., a. 23 y., d. Amos and Minerva, and William H. Bardwell, unm., of C., a. 29 y., farmer, b. Shelburne, s. William, of Shelburne, Sept. 27, 1849.*
Irena (Bordwell ), and Daniel McCIaIIen, both of C., int. Dec. 15. 1823.
Martha S. ( Bordwell) , and Dr. Bradley Noyes, both of C., at Greenfield, Nov. 26, 1829.
Samuel S. [L, int.], unm., of Shelburne [Falls. N. R. 1.], merchant, and Samantha S. [L. int.] Snow, wid. [Miss. int.], of C. [at Northampton. N. R. 1.], Apr.-----, 1847. [Apr. 13. N. R. 1.]
Tryphena [of C. int.], and Turrell Halks [Horace Hawlk. int. ; Hawks. N. R. 1.], justice of Peace [of Georgetown, N. Y. N. R. 1.], Jan. 30, 1845.
William H., unm., of C., a. 29 y., farmer, b. Shelburne, s. William, of SheIburne, and Helen Bardwell, unm., of C., a. 23 y., d. Amos and Minerva, Sept. 27, 1849.*
Lucinda, and Joseph W. McGee, jr., both of C., int. May 20, 1836.
Mary, of C., and Calvin Bucklin of Guilford, int. Jan. 21, 1814.
BARNARD (Bernard)
Achsah P., of Shelburne, and Samuel E. [C. int.] Smith of C., at Shelburne, Apr. 14, 1831. N.R.1.
Prudence (Bernard), of Shelburne, and Joseph Smith of C., int.-----, 1824.
Semantha, of Shelburne, and Samuel R. Smith of C., Feb. 26, 1832. N. R. 1. [May 17. P. R. 3.]
BARNES (Barns)
Edward [of Salem, Ohio, int.], and Susanna Cary [of C. int.], Feb. 6, 1821.
Pattey [ Polly. P. R. 5.] (Barns), of Heath, and Daniel Deavenport of C., June 14, 1820. P. R. 1.
Polly (Barns), of Guilford, and Caleb Fulton of C., int. Sept.-----, 1806.
Anne, of Leyden, and Hugh Stewart of C., at Leyden, Mar. 19, 1795.*
Theodore, and Fidelia McGee, both of C., May 4, 1841. N. R. 1.
Adna [of Charlemont. int.], and Susanna Shippee [of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
Adna, of Charlemont, and Rebekah Shippee of C., Dec. 2, 1819.
Azubah, of Charlemont, and Reuben Wood, of C.. at Whitingham, Vt., June 24, 1841. N. R. 1.*
Maria D., of C., and Lewis Johnson of Charlemont, at South Halifax, Vt., June 20, 1849. N. R. 1*
Nathaniel, and Mary Holden, both of C., Apr. 28, 1823.
Elizabeth [H. P. R. 3.], of C., and Oliver E. Johnson of Shelburne, at Shelburne, Oct. 16, 1845. N. R. 1.
Elizabeth W., of C., and Thomas P. Whitmore of Greenfield, int. Nov. 14, 1814.
Hazen, of C., and Jennette Bullfinch of Leyden, int. Jan. 10, 1807.
Irene, of Halifax, and William Canada of C., int. Dec. 28, 1825.
James, and Ruth Churchill, both of C., int. June 26, 1816.
James, 2d, and Sarah Stedman, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1821.
Martha, and Loring Tanner, both of C., int. Mar. 18, 1822.
Solyman, and Laura Barber, both of C., Oct. 23, 1828.
Walter of C., and Sarah Crouch of Guilford, int. July 15, 1779.
Walter, jr., and Salome Shepardson, both of C., Dec. 16, 1822.
William, and Mary Coolidge, both of C., Feb. 8, 1838.
Orrin, of C., and Isanna Chapin of Heath, int. Apr. 30, 1829.
Sarah, and Kingman Mucum [Maxan, both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
George, of C., and Martha Scott of Leicester, int. Jan. 23, 1777.
Asa, of Guilford, Vt., and Eliza Browning of C., int. Jan. 26, 1818.
Justin, and Susanna Thomas. May 29, 1808.
Lydia [Mrs., of C. int.], and Joseph Nash [Dea., of Charlemont. int.], Mar. 12, 1816.
Lydia, and Goodwin Roberts, both of C., Oct. 26, 1833. (Oct. 20. C. R. 1.]
Sylvester, and Susan Edson, both of C., int. Nov. 6, 1821.
Thalmeus, and Hannah Green, wid., both of C., at Ashfield, May 13, 1794.*
Willard T., and Esther Totman, both of C., int. Apr. 11, 1835.
Emily, Mrs., and Willard White, both of C., at Halifax, Vt., Feb. 29 (sic), 1825. N. R 1.*
BLANDIN (Blanden)
Alansan, of C., and Sarah Pratt of Buckland, int. June 27, 1837.
Lyra S. (Blanden), and David S. Perce, both of C., int. Dec. 6, 1831.
Allen, of C., and Sarah Clark of Shelburne, int. Nov. 20, 1787.
Betsy, of Leyden, and Simon Brown of C., int. Mar. 22, 1813.
Hiram, of Leyden, and Anna Ross of C., int. Sept. 28, 1823.
Mehetable, of C., and Jonathan Chapin of Pawlet, int. Jan. 29, 1814.
Ruth [of C. int.], and Thomas Clark, jr. [of Halifax. int.], Jan. 5, 1809.
Sally, of C., and Charles Lincoln of Middletown, Pa., int. Feb. 10, 1815.
Solomon, of C., and Anna Packer of Guilford, int. Nov. 28, 1808.
Freedom L., of Charlemont, and William L. Holdridge of C., at Guilford, Vt., July 8, 1847. N. R. 1.*
John, Capt. in Revolution, and Martha McGee, d. Thomas and Anna (Stewart), at Greenfield, Dec. 17, 1761. P. R. 5.*
Martha, jr., and George Pattison, jr., both of C., int. Nov. 2, 1784.
Matthew [Dr., 2d m. P. R. 5.], of C. [s. Hugh. P. R. 5.], and Mary McClanathan of Palmer [d. Dea. Thomas and Jean. P. R. 5.], at Palmer, Jan. 7, 1763. (Oct. 9. P. R. 5.)*
Samuel, s. Matthew and Mary (McClanathan), and Jane McClellan, d. Col. Hugh, May 7, 1801. P. R. 5.*
Thomas, jr., and Lydia Farley [both of C. int.], Feb. 4, 1821.
Sarah, of Guilford, and Stephen Proctor of C., at Guilford, Vt., Mar. 20, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Jesse, and Nancy Totman [both of C. int.], Oct. 18, 1815.
Nehimiah, of C., and Christian Chrouch [Crouch. int.] of Florida, Jan. 15, 1807.
David, of Savoy, and Hannah S. Caswell of C., July 6, 1830. N. R. 1.
BOWLETTE (Bowlett)
Elijah, see Burdett, Elijah.
Polly (Bowlett), and Fredrec Freeman, both of C., int. Sept. 24, 1804.
Elijah E., unm., "of Shelburne and Colrain," farmer, and Cordelia B. Maxam, unm., "of Sheburne and Colrain," Dec.----, 1846. [Dec. 31. N. R. 1.]
Edward, jr., of Conway, and Lucy Farley of C., int. Jan. 4, 1841.
John, of Conway, and Susanna Farley of C., Jan. 5, 1814. P. R. 20.
Phebe, of Conway, and Joel B. Farley of C., int. Nov. 7, 1818. [Dec. 31. dup.]
Abigal, of C., and Francis Phelps of Monroe, Dec. 9, 1830.
Levi, of Adams, and Roena Hosford of C., June 8, 1840.
Robert M., and Mary Workman, both of C., Nov. 29, 1827. N. R. 1.
Willson, of Palmer, and Caroline N. Willson of C. [d. John, Esq. N. R. 1.], Feb. 16, 1842.
Esther, of Palmer, and James Humbelton of C., at Palmer, Feb. 6, 1766.*
Daniel A., see Brown, David A.
Benjamin, of Monroe, and Katherine Stafford of C., Mar. 12, 1828. N. R. 1.
Josiah, and Patience Davenport [of C. int.], Mar. 24, 1831.
Lucy, a. 31 y., and Capt. George Shaw, a. 67 y., both of C., at Whitingham, Vt., Sept. 3, 1829. N. R. 1.*
BRITTON (Briton)
Melinda [Briton. int.], and Lyman Jenks [of Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y, int.], Jan. 30, 1822.
Salmon, and Hannah Jones, both of C., int. Aug. 25, 1823.
Simon, and Sarah LittlefieId, both of C., int. Apr. 14, 1813.
Adin, of C., and Lydia Parmeter of Leyden, int Jan. 28, 1809.
Adolphus, of Newton, Ohio, and Esther Donelson of C., Sept. 21, 1843. N. R. 1.
Anor, of C., and Chester Guile [Guild. int.] of Halifax, Vt., Oct. 27, 1812.
Bethany, of C., and Jabez Denerson of Guilford, int. July 15, 1838.
Chandler, of Halifax [Vt. int.], and Elizabeth A. Marcy of C., Dec. 19, 1833.
Content, and Theadore C. Shearer, both of C., int. Mar. 25, 1841.
David A[rms, s. Ruben and Rebeckah (Arms). P. R. 7; Daniel A. Breen, of Greenfield, int.], and Cleora A. Town [s. Dea. Arad. N. R. 1; of C. int.], Jan. 22, 1845.
Emerlina, of C., d. Ruben and Rebekah (Arms), and Charles Phillips [of Ashfield. int.], Apr. 7, 1836. P. R. 7.
Hannah, of C., and David Nelson of C., s. William, Feb. 5, 1824. P. R. 19.
Isaac, of C., and Annis Little of Halifax, int. Apr. 10, 1826.
John, of C., and Minerva Edson of Buckland, int. Jan. 17, 1829.
Joseph, of Halifax, and Sally H. Brown of C., at Halifax, Vt., June 17, 1845. N. R. 1*
Joseph N. [of Whitingham, Vt. N. P, 1.], farmer, and Mary Ann Babbit [Babbet, of C. N. R. 1.], Apr. 17, 1843. [Mar. 29, N. R. 1.]
Joseph R., of Rowe, and Antis Donnelson of C., Dec. 12, 1839.*
Jurusia, and Lewis Shearer, both of C., int. Sept. 13, 1836.
Martha, of Blanford, and Daniel Lucas of C., int. Sept. 20, 1785.
Mary Sophia, and Horatio Jefferson Shepardson, both of C., int. Jan. 28, 1827.
Rachel, and Paul Davenport, jr. [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 19, 1821, and Apr. 19, 1822. [July 10, 1821. int.]
Ruben, of C., and Rebekah Armes, of C., d. David and Pavai (Ball), Apr. 30, 1812. P. R. 6.
Ruben, 2d m., and Lucy McCloud, Oct. 9, 1836. P. R. 7.*
Sally A., and Samuel A. Ford, both of C., int. Aug. 22, 1835.
Sally H., of C., and Joseph Brown of Halifax, at Halifax, Vt., June 17, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Samuel, and Mrs. Phebe Coolidge, both of C., int. Apr. 22, 1815.
Seth, of Palmer, and Elisabeth Pond of C., at Palmer, Aug. 21, 1794.*
Simon, of C., and Betsy Bliss of Leyden, int. Mar. 22, 1813.
Susan, and William Stewart, both of C., Jan. 1, 1822.
Thomas, jr., and Matilda Peck, both of C., abt. 1822. [Feb. 6, 1823. N. R. 1.]
William, of Blandford, and Hannah Lucas of C., int. June 1, 1786.
Lysander N., of C., and Mary S. Bussel of Sunderland, int. Mar. 14, 1842.
Anson, of Rowe, and Jane McClaIIen of C. [both of C. int.], Oct. 27, 1831.
Eliza, of C., and Asa Bigelow of Guilford, Vt., int. Jan. 26, 1818.
Ephraim, and Rebeckah Clark, Mar. 1, 1787. P. R. 21.*
John C., and Joanna Peck, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 10, 1830. N. R. 1.
Ruth, of C., and Robert Collins of Stonington, int. Jan. 13, 1812.
Fanny, and Robert W. Thompson [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Oct. ---, 1817. int.]
Jonathan M., and Mrs. Philinda Ross, both of C., int. May ----, 1818.
Jonathan M., and Fanny Nims, both of C., int. May 13, 1822.
Sarah, unm., of C., a. 20 y., and John Clement, unm., of C., a. 24 y., mechanic, July 12, 1847.
Shubal B., see Burk, ShubaI B.
Calvin, of Guilford, and Mary Barker of C., int. Jan. 21, 1814.
BUEL (BueIl)
Franklin Ai. [Buell. N. R. 1.], of Truxton, N. Y., and Emily F. Howard of C., June 9, 1841.
BULFINCH (Bullfinch)
Jennette (Bullfinch), of Leyden, and Hazen Bell of C., int. Jan. 10, 1807.
Joseph, of Leyden, and Lydia Harrington of C., Feb. 25, 1813.
Moses, of Rowe, and Sally Range of C., int. Nov. 15, 1824.
Simeon, and Rebeckah Littlefield, both of C., int. Dec. 22, 1806.
Elijah [Bowlette. int.], and Sarah Dalrymple, wid. [Miss. int.], Jan. 10, 1809.
BURDOCK ( Burdick)
Joseph [Burdick, of Tully. int.], and Susanna Taggart [of C. int.], Nov. 27, 1806.
BURINGTON (Burinton, Burrington)
Anna, and John White, both of C., Apr. 2, 1813.
Antis (Burinton), and Franklin Jones, both of C., int. Mar. 30, 1824.
Charles, and Dorathy Davolle, both of C., Sept. 20, 1810.
Daniel (Burinton), Jr., and Margaret Wilson, both of C., int. July 14, 1824.
Eliza (Burinton), of C., and Welcome Devol of Marlborough, Vt., int. June 12, 1821.
George ( Burrington ), and Polly Armes, both of C., Sept. 20, 1812.
John, 2d [of C. int.], and Achsah Whitcomb [of Heath. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Nov. 24, 1817. int.]
John (Burinton), jr., and Irena Fairbanks [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
John (Burrington) [of C. int.], s. William, and Susan Canada [of Heath. int.], d. John and Susan (Stowe), Dec. 2, 1835. P. R. 19.
Robert, and Elenor White, both of C., int. June 16, 1829.
Sally (Burinton), and John Fairbanks [Fairbank. int.], both of C., Apr. 3, 1825.
Sally, see Purington, Sally.
Susanna, and William Burington [both of C. int.], Oct. 16, 1808.
William, and Susanna Burington [both of C. int.], Oct. 16, 1808.
BURK (Buck)
Shewbal B. [Buck. N. R. 1.], unm., of Arlington, Vt., mechanic, a. 30 y., and Elizabeth S. [A. N. R. 1.] Thompson, unm., of C., a. 25 y., Aug. 12, 1847.*
BURNETT (Burnet)
Bursheba [Burnet. int.], of Barre, and Alexander Thompson [2d. int.] of C., at Barre, Jan. 28, 1778.
Mary ( Burnet ), of C., and Samuel Clark, jr. of Halifax, int.-----[1774.]
Burton A., of Hinsdale, N. H., and Mary M. [S. int.] Stewart of C., Jan. 18, 1842.
Ezra, of Hinsdale, N. H., and Sally Barber of C., Apr. 29, 1828.*
John, a. 19 y., and Mrs. Hannah Taylor, a. 37 y., both of C., July 10, 1840. N. R. 1.*
Adaline, and Reubin Stone, both of C., int. Oct. 8, 1836.
Asa, jr. [of Heath. int.], and Mary Thomas [of C. int.], Dec. 25, 1808.
Josiah, and Charlotte A. Gleason, both of C., Apr. 7, 1841.
Mary S., of Sunderland, and Lysander N. Brownell of C., int. Mar. 14, 1842.
Frances Ann, and Henry L. Chapin, both of C., Nov. 15, 1841.
CALDWELL (CauIdwell)
Achsah, and Aaron Coy, jr., both of C., int. Sept. 25, 1820.
Anna, and James Shearrer, both of C., int. Feb. 8, 1808.
David, and Elona Ross. Issue of Nov. 28, 1801. N. R. 1.*
Elenor, and Ezra Smead, both of C., int. Dec. 22, 1838.
Joseph [jr. int.], and Rachel McGee, both of C., at Shelburne, Dec. 19, 1776. P. R. 3.
Levina, and William Thompson, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1808.
Mary, and Thomas McGee, jr., both of C., int. Mar. 10, 1775.
Polly [of C. int.], and Charles Thompson [of Halifax, Vt. int.], Feb. 18, 1813.
William (Cauldwell), and Anna McGee [both of C., int.], at Shelburne, Apr. 18, 1776.
Armina, of C., and Alfred Steel of Shelburne, int. June 12, 1829.
Charles, and Mary Ann Johnson, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., May 26, 1847. N. R. 1.
Cynthia C[ole. N. R. 1.], of C., d. Samuel [and Eunice (Dennison) Cole. P. R. 27.], and David Ashcroft, farmer, b. Guilford, Vt., s. John, of Guilford, Vt., Jan. 23, 1845.
Eber, and Violette Lawrance [both of C. int.], Sept. 10, 1816.
Elizabeth, and Jacob Randal, both of C., at Ashfield, Mar. 28, 1782.
Ester S., unm., of C., a. 23 y., and Newton G. Field [Fidell. int.], unm., of Charlemont, a. 24 y., tailor, July 17, 1845.
Eunice, of C., and Silas Nims of Buckland, int. Aug. 24, 1799. P. R. 30.
George, and Elvira Johnson, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Issue of May 27, 1845. N. R. 1*
Hannah (of C. int.], d. Ira, and Lyman Farley, farmer (of C. int.], s. Jarud, Nov. 28, 1844.
Ira, and Hannah Hastings [both of C. int.], Aug. 18, 1808.
Joel, and Eliza Totman, both of C., Dec. 31, 1807.
John, jr., and Fanny Johnson, both of C., int. Dec. 6, 1784.
John, jr., of C., and Violette Lawrance, wid., of Charlemont, int. Apr. 25, 1808.
Joseph, unm., of Ashfield. a. 21 y., farmer, b. Ashfield, s. Ira, of Ashfield, and Emily Jane Elmer, unm., of C., a. 20 y., July 5, 1848.*
Levi, of Buckland, and Lucy Johnson of C., int. Nov. 12, 1832.
Lovina [of C. int.], and Silvanus Putnam (Peterson. P. R. 19. and int.; s. Jonathan of C. P. R. 19.], Dec. 29, 1808.
Lovina Jane, and Isaac Farley, both of C., int. Apr. 2, 1848.
Lucinda, and James Read, both of C., Nov. 29, 1838.
Maryann, and Henry A. Scott, both of C., June 22, 1837.
Olive, of C., and Horace Mather of Marlborough, Vt., Apr. 4, 1814. P. R. 20.*
Olive, and William Maning, both of C., int. Sept. 5, 1833.
Silvester, and Nancy Manning [both of C, int.], bet. Apr. ----, 1819, and Apr.----, 1820. [Mar. 20, 1820. int.]
Stephen, and Patty Howard, both of C., at Ashfield, Aug. 17, 1786.*
Stephen of C.. and Ellis (Allie. P. R. 12.; Eddy of Heath, Apr. 25, 1825.
Stephen, and Mary Watson, both of C., Apr. 16, 1829.
[Violet. int.], and John McClallen, both of C., abt. 1832. [Aug. 28, 1832. int.]
CANADA (Canadey, Canady, Canedy, Cannada, Canneday, Kanady, Kennedy)
Anna (Canneday), and Isaac Haward, both of C., int. Oct. 19, 1812.
Antes ( Canadey ), a. 22 y., and Thomas W. Thompson, a. 44 y., both of C., at Halifax, Vt. Issue of Mar. 10, 1829. N. R. 1.*
Emerry, of C., and Mariah Niles of Halifax, int. Jan. 23, 1833.
Ester, and Joel Lumbard, both of C., Feb. 9, 1832.
James (Kennedy) [Kanady, jr. int.], of C., and Margaret Thompson of Barre [of Rutland District. int.], at Barre, Mar. 18, 1777.
John (Kanady), and Mary Matthews, both of C., int. Sept. 13, 1785.
John (Cannada), jr., of C., and Sary Stow of Halifax, int. June 29, 1811.
Lucy (Canedy), and Timothy Harris, jr., both of C., Nov. 29, 1810.
Margery, and Joel Guile [both of C. int.], bet. Apr.----, 1819, and Apr.-----, 1820. [Jan. 10, 1820. int.]
Mary E. (Canady) [Canedy. int.], of C., and Allen Jones of Deerfield [of Greenfield. int.], June 29, 1848. N. R. 1.
Noble [Canneday, of C. int.], and Betsey Muzzy (of Halifax. int.], Sept. 10, 1818.
Olive [S. int.], of C., and Warren Sessions of Heath, Oct. 24, 1832.
Polly (Cannada) [of C. int.], and Isaac Lamb, jr. [of Whitingham. int.], Apr. 6, 1809.
Susan [of Heath. int.], d. John and Susan (Stowe), and John Burrington [of C. int.], s. William, Dec. 2, 1835. P. R. 19.
William, of C., and Irene Bell of Halifax, int. Dec. 28, 1825.
CARLETON (Carlton)
Benjamin [jr. int.], Dr., and Hannah Willson [both of C. int.], Jan. 5, 1817.
Elizabeth, of C., and Henry Sweet, int. Oct. 28, 1795. P. R. 18.
Joseph (Carlton), of C., and Dolly Parmely of Somerset, int. Oct. 12, 1811.
Jonathan, jr., of Whitingham, and Desire Stark of C., int. Feb. 26, 1817.
Harvey, Dr., and Lydia H. Chandler of C., at Chesterfield, N. H. Issue of July 7, 1829. N. R. 1.*
Schuyler, of Rowe, and Lucy White of C., May 3, 1829.
Peter P., of Greenfield, and Chloe Lynds of C., at Halifax, Vt., July 26, 1842. N. R. 1.*
Micajah, and Relief Green, both of C., Mar. 12, 1812. P. R. 20.
Benjamin, and Margaret McClallen, both of C., Jan. 11, 1810.
Charlott, of Greenfield, and Robert McGee of C., int. Mar. 1, 1813.
Ruth, Mrs. [wid. int.], and Daniel Fairbanks [both of C. int.], Feb. 22, 1818.
CARY ( Carey)
Aaron, b. Bridgewater, and Jennie Atwood, May 31, 1781, P. R. 19.*
Charlotte [Carey. int.], and George N. [V. int.] Dunton, both of C., Nov. 21, 1833.
George, and Diany Shippee, both of C., int. Jan. 4, 1837.
Hannah, of C., and Elisha Prouty, int. Sept. 9, 1841. P. R. 12.
John, and Olive Watson, both of C., Feb. 26, 1833. (Feb. 26, 1835. int.]
Levi (Carey ), and Fanny Jane [Fanny G. int.] Shippee, Nov. 27, 1845. N. R 1.
Susanna [of C. int.], and Edward Barnes (of Salem, Ohio. int.], Feb. 6, 1821.
William W., and Brittania Maxam, both of C., int. July 4, 1838.
William W. [mechanic. dup.], and Harriet M. Maxham [Maxam. dup.], both of C., May 21, 1843.
Zenus, and Soloma Muxham [Maxham. int.], both of C., Dec. 17, 1807.
CASWELL (Carswell)
Hannah S., of C., and David Bowker of Savoy, July 6, 1830. N. R. 1.
Mary (CarswelI), of C., and Thomas Baker of Halifax, int. Dec. 16, 1777.
Mary A., and David S. Maning, both of C., int. Aug. 3, 1833.
Nathaniel (Carswell), of Deerfield, and Esther Henry of C., at Deerfield, Feb. 15, 1753. [Feb. 1. P. R. 18.]*
William V., and Casiah Kendrick, both of C., int. Apr. 21, 1832.
CATELY (Kately )
John (Kately), of Deerfield, and Margret Stewart of C., at Deerfield, Aug. 29, 1751.*
John, of Leyden, and Elizabeth Stewart of C., int. Mar. 25, 1808.
Nathan, of Heath, and Laura Churchel of C., int. Feb. 14, 1842.
Anna [Ame. P. R. 3.], of Shelburne [d. Moses and Anna (Whitney). P. R. 3.], and Danford Johnson of C., int. Aug. 21, 1820.
Eliza G., of C. [d. Clark. N. R. 1.], and William W. Draper of Greenfield, Mar. 8, 1821.
Lorisa, W. [M. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., a. 20 y., d. Rufus and Louisa, and Albert G. Plumb, unrn., of North Adams, a. 25 y., merchant, b. Halifax, Vt., s. James and Luvina, of Halifax, Vt. [at Brattleboro, Vt. N. R. 1.], Sept. 18, 1849.*
Lydia H., of C., and Dr. Harvey Carpenter, at Chesterfield, N. H. Issue of July 7, 1829. N. R. 1.*
Maria A., of C., and Benjamin R. Lyons [of Chesterfield, N. H. int.], Nov. 15, 1826. P. R. 13.
Pamelia, of C., and George S. Rout of Chesterfield, N. H., merchant, Oct. 17, 1826. N. R. 1.
Rufus, and Lydia L. Dennison, both of C., at Chesterfield, May 10, 1826. N. R. 1.
Rufus, of C., and Mary King at Guilford, Vt. Issue of Mar. 31, 1835. N. R. 1.*
Erastus, of Leyden [s. Asahel and Sarah, of Holyoke. P. R. 5.], and Jane Stewart of C., Nov. 25, 18I2.
Henry L., and Frances Ann Butler, both of C., Nov. 15, 1841.
Isanna, of Heath, and Orrin Bennet of C., int. Apr. 30, 1829.
Jonathan, of Pativlet, and Mehetable Bliss of C., int. Jan. 29, 1814.
David, of Rowe, and Nancy E. Denerson of C., int. Aug. 12, 1835.
Levi, and Sarah H. Harris, both of C., Dec. 26, 1833.
Sally, of Brookline, and Micheal Morton of C., int. Dec. 13, 1806.
CHENEY (Cheny)
Edmond H., see Cheney, Edwin H.
Edwin H. [Edmond H. Cheny. int.], and Almira [H. int.] Scott [both of C. int.], Nov. 23, 1843.
Rachel C., of C., a. 30 y., d. Moses and Rachel, and Ira Deane of C., a. 33 y., manufacturer, s. Samuel and Mehitabel, Oct. 5, 1848. P. R. 20.
Lewis, and Deborah Starks, both of C., at Halifax, Vt., Dec. 4, 1822. N. R. 1.*
CHURCHILL (Churchel, Churchell )
Alvin ( Churchell ), of C., and Emily Willis of Charlemont, int. Nov. 15, 1824.
Artemas, of Heath, and Ruth Maxham of C., Mar. 19, 1812.
Celecty, and James Littlejohn, both of C., int. Jan. 16, 1832.
John M. (Churchell), of C., and Julia Ann Thomas of Heath, int. Nov. 21, 1848.
Laura (Churchel), of C., and Nathan Chaffin of Heath, int. Feb. 14, 1842.
Lovina (Churchell), of C., and Alden Willis of Charlemont, int. Nov. 27, 1826.
Ruth, and James Bell, both of C., int. June 26, 1816.
Salome Ann (Churchell), unm., of C., a. 22 y., and Robert C. [R. int.] Clemons, unm., of South Deerfield, a. 23 y., farmer, s. David and Persis, Nov. 28, 1848.
CLAPP (Clap)
Elenor, of Deerfield, and William M[cCrelIs. P. R. 18.] Ross of C. Mar. 26, 1817. P. R. 31.
Franklin [Clap. int.], of Deerfield [s. Elisha. P. R. 14.], and Lina [Lony. int.] White of C., June 3, 1835. N. R. 1.
CLARK (Clerk)
Agness, and Aaron Thomas, both of C., int. Oct. 7, 1779.
Alexander, of C., and Elizabeth Donayhy of Blandford, at Blandford, Apr. 11, 1754.*
Amasa, and Eunice Warren, both of C., Sept. 13, 1804.
Anna, and Matthew Ellis, both of C., int. Jan. 3, 1774.
Asa, of Halifax, and Mary Stewart of C., int. June 14, 1775.
Avers, of C., and Betsey Henry of Halifax, int. Sept.-----, 1818.
Benjamin, of Halifax, Vt., and Mary Riddle of C., int. Mar. 15, 1819.
Bettey [Elizabeth. P. R. 12; of C. int.], and Asa Marsh, jr. [of Heath. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Nov. 27, 1818. int.]
Clarrinda, and James White, jr., both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Oct. 18, 1806. int.]
Cyntha [of C. int.], and Silas Gleason [of Heath, int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [June ----, 1818. int.]
Daniel, and Sarah Adams, both of C., int. Mar. 8, 1779.
Daniel, jr., and Sally Worden [Mrs., both of C. int.], July 6, 1809.
Diadama [Clerk. int.], of C., and Daniel Wilcox [Willcox, jr. int.] of Truxton [N. Y. int.], Feb. 11, 1813.
Elisha, of C., and Elisabeth Queen of South Hadley, int. Sept. 18, 1776.
Elizabeth, see Clark, Betsey.
Erastus, and Lovina Smith [both of C, int.], July 1, 1813.
Esther, and James Stewart, jr., both of C., int. Feb. 28, 1783.
Experance, and David Gould [both of C. int.], Jan. 30, 1806.
Homer [Thomas, dup.], Rev., of Buckland, and Sarah C. Phillips of C., June 6, 1843.
James, of C., and Mary Clark of Pelham, at Pelham, Feb. 19, 1765.*
Jenny, and David Dalrymple, jr., both of C., int. Mar. 27, 1787.
Jenny, of C., and [Dr. int.] Adolfus Freeman [of Kingsbury, N. Y. int.], Jan.----, 1815. P. R. 6.
John [2d. int.], of C., and Asenath Stebbins of Greenfield, Mar. 8, 1821.
John L., and Mira Shattuck, both of C., int. Sept. 16, 1821.
Lemuel, of Onondaga, N. Y., and Lovina Riddle of C., int. Nov. 11, 1822.
Lewis, and Ann Stewart, both of C., int. Jan. 8, 1821.
Lindy Mira, and Rhodolphus Anderson, both of C., June 30, 1814. P. R. 6.
Lucretia, and Enos Stewart, s. John and Ann (McClellan), Dec. 16, 1787. P. R. 19.*
Lydia, of PeIham, and Moses Fulton of C., at Pelham. Nov. 18, 1777.
Mary, of Pelham, and James Clark of C., at Pelham. Feb. 19, 1765.*
Mary [of C. int.], d. J. M. [d. Lyman, N. R. 1.], and Jonathan M. [McGee. P. R. 8.] Taylor, farmer [of C. int.], s. Asa [and Margaret Thompson (Wilson). P. R. 8], Sept. 5, 1844.
Matthew, Ist, and Jean Workman of Bernardston, int. Mar. 23, 1779.
Molly, and William McGee, both of C., int. Nov. 22, 1773.
Nathan, of Halifax, and Polly Phillips of C., int. Nov. 26, 1787.
Noah, and Sarah Freeman, both of C., int. Aug. 30, 1783.
Noah, and Mrs. Demmis Lappingwell of Conway, Sept. 8, 1799. N. R. 1.*
Polly [d. Ichabod. P. R. 15.], and Hugh Wilson, both of C., int. Feb. 8, 1814.
Rebeckah, of C., and James White of Shelburne [both of C. int.], at Shelburne, Feb. 10, 1777. P. R. 3.
Rebeckah, and Ephraim Browning, Mar. 1, 1787. P. R. 21.*
Sally, of C. [d. Nathaniel. P. R. 14.], and Samuel Hinsdale, jr. of Greenfield [s. Samuel. P. R. 14.], int. Jan. 7, 1807.
Samuel, jr., of Halifax, and Mary Bumet of C., int.---- [1774.]
Sarah, of Shelburne, and Allen Bliss of C., int. Nov. 20, 1787.
Thomas, see Clark, Homer.
Thomas, jr. [of Halifax. int.], and Ruth Bliss [of C. int.], Jan. 5, 1809.
Thomas, of Halifax, and Mrs. Mary Otis of C., int. May 16, 1814.
William, of C.. and Mary Petteson of Pelham, at Pelham, Nov. 22, 1764.*
CLEMENTS (Clement, Clemons)
Elijah, of Shelburne, and Mrs. Anna Purrinton of C., at Whitingham, Vt., June 12, 1845. N. R. 1.*
John (Clement), unm., of C., a. 24 y., mechanic, and Sarah Bruffee, unm., of C., a. 20 y., July 12, 1847.
Robert C. (Clemons) [R. int.], unm., of South Deerfield, a. 23 y., farmer, s. David and Persis, and Salome Ann Churchell, unm., of C., a. 22 y., Nov. 28, 1848.
CLOUGH (Cluff)
John [Cluff. int.], of Palmer, and Maryann Thompson of C., Apr. 18, 1839.
Hezekiah, and Sophia Thompson [of Halifas, int.], both of C., Sept. 2, 1810.
Reuel, of Charlemont, and Sarah C. Stetson of C., May 2, 1844.
Rosanna, and James Willson, 2d, both of C., int. July 2, 1782.
Samuel, and Margaret Green, both of C., int. Jan. 5, 1785.
Cynthia, see Call, Cynthia.
Samuel D., of C., and Fanny Niles of Halifax, Vt., Jan. 6, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Thomas, and Rachel Davis, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1783.
Robert, of Stonington, and Ruth Browning of C., int. Jan. 13, 1812.
Thomas, of Guilford, and Prudee Martin of C., Jan. 5, 1806.
Fanny M., d. Austin, of Shelburne, and Joseph T. Miller of C., at Shelburne, May 7, 1845. P. R. 3.*
Jesse [Esq. int.], of Marborough, Vt., and Abigal Nelson of C., Feb. 13, 1834.
Joel, of C., and Almyra Woodard of Halifax, int. Nov. 21, 1825.
Alexander, jr., of Pelham, and Lucy McCulloch of C., int. Feb. 22, 1808.
Hannah, of Pelham, and John McCrelliss [McCrelles. P. R. 3.] of C., at Pelham, Oct. 21, 1760.
Otis M., and Sarah Taylor, d. Ebenezer and Irene (Smith), Nov. 20, 1843. P. R. 8.*
Zilpha, of Halifax, Vt., and Thompson Workman of C., int. Dec. 2. 1841.
Abigail L., and Jarvis J. Crandall, both of C., at Hartford, Ct., Nov. 4, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Dennis, of Hatfield, b. Hatfield, a. 33 y., and Minerva Moore of C., a. 35 y., June 5, 1844. P. R. 18.*
Lucy, of Springfield, and Maj. David Dennison of C., at Halifax, Vt., Oct. 3, 1831. N. R. 1.*
Amanda, of C., and Truman Shattuck of Bernardston, int. Sept. 9, 1835.
Benjamin F., of Leyden, and Elizabeth P. Drury of C., Nov. 21, 1839.*
Louisa, and Joseph W. McGee, both of C., Oct. 1, 1840.
Mary, and William Bell, both of C., Feb. 8, 1838.
Phebe, Mrs., and Samuel Brown, both of C., int. Apr. 22, 1815.
Polly, of C., and Thomas Arms, jr. of Deerfield [s. Thomas. P. R. 14.], int. Feb. 12, 1785.
Sally, and Jacob Ricard, both of C., int. Oct. 16, 1804.
Samuel, and Nancy Lyons, both of C., int. May 21, 1814.
Sophronia, and Horace McGee, both of C., int. Apr. 29, 1843.
COOMBS (Combs)
Betsy Emeline, see Coombs, Emelie.
Elmena (Coombs), and Dexter Willson, both of C., Nov. 19, 1840.
Emelie [Emeline. int.; Betsy Emeline. P. R. 4.], of C., a. 28 y., d. Joluther, and Fordyce S. Hillman of C., a. 28 y., farmer, s. Ruben, May 27, 1847.
Jonathan, jr., unm., of C., a. 31 y., farmer, s. Jonathan and Betsey McCrellis, and Clarisa Patterson, unm., of C., a. 27 y., d. George, dec., and Celonda Smith, June 27, 1848.
Mary. unm., a. 33 y., and Rev. Horatio Flagg, widr. [pastor of Colrain Congregational Church. N. R. 1.], a. 47 y., both of C., June 26, 1845.
William, farmer [s. Jonathan and Elizabeth (McCreIlis). P. R. 19.], and Sarah McClallan, both unm., of C., Dec. 10, 1846.
Polly, of Wilmington, and Stephen Mordack of C., int. May 11, 1805.
Sarah, of Pelham, and Samuel Wilson of C., at Pelham, Nov. 24, 1761.
Aaron, jr., and Achsah CaldweIl, both of C., int. Sept. 25, 1820.
Alceste A., of C., d. Auren, and George Hillman, farmer [of C. int.], s. Reuben, Mar. 13, 1845.
Clara C., unm., of C., a. 24 y., d. Aaran, dec., and Levi Coy, jr., unm., of C., a. 26 y., farmer, s. Levi, Nov. 30, 1848.
Erastus, and Diana Donelson [both of C. int.], Aug. 23, 1821.
Hannah, of C., and Danford Johnson of Shelburne, int. Nov. 25, 1827.
Levi, of C., and Lucy Nims, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, May 27, 1819. P. R. 14.
Levi, jr., unm., of C., a. 26 y., farmer, s. Levi, and Clara C. Coy, unm., of C., a. 24 y., d. Aaran, dec., Nov. 30, 1848.
Jarvis J., and Abigail L. Cooley, both of C., at Hartford, Ct., Nov. 4, 1845. N. R. 1.*
John, of Rowe, and Sinney Farnsworth of C., int. Feb. 22, 1817.
John, and Antis [R. int.] Walkup [both of C. int.], Mar. 2, 1831.
Lydia, Mrs., of C., and Ezekiel Edgarton of Hawley, int. Feb. 27, 1828.
CROUCH (Chrouch)
Christian (Chrouch), of Florida, and Nehimiah Bosworth of C., Jan. 15, 1807.
Deborah, and Seth Alvord, both of C., int. May 28, 1783.
Sarah, of Guilford, and Walter Bell of C., int. July 15, 1779.
Eunice, and William Phillips, both of C., int. Mar. 26, 1813.
Sibbel, of Cumberland, and James Maywater of C., int. May 30, 1775.
Rufus, of C., and Sophia Barber of Halifax, int. Sept. 15, 1814.
Sylvia, of C., and Orson Newcomb of Bernardston, int. Sept. 12, 1814.
Orson B[allou. P. R. I9.), unm., of C., a. 24 y., merchant, b. Richmond, N. H., s. Orson and Elisabeth, and Mary S. Barber, unm. [of C. int.], a. 17 y., d. Thomas and Polly, Sept. 5, 1849.
Benoni, of C., and Lois Workman of Bernardston, int. Oct. 14, 1779.
DALRYMPLE (Dalrample)
Andrew, and Rosanna Scot, both of C., int. Mar. 15, 1786.
David, jr., and Jenny Clark, both of C., int. Mar. 27, 1787.
Hannah, and James White, 2d, both of C., int. Nov. 24, 1784.
Jedidiah, of Heath, and Emily A. Eels of C., int. Nov. 17, 1829.
Rhoda (Dalrample), of Heath, and Jesse Eddy of C., int. May 26, 1838.
Sarah, wid. [Miss. int.], and Elijah Burdett [Bowlett, int.], Jan. 10, 1809.
Thomas, of Heath, and Polly Sawyer, wid., of C., int. Nov. 16, 1811.
William, of C., and Polly Stacy of Halifax, int. Nov. 13, 1787.
Jason, of Chesterfield, and Rebecah H. Stedman of C., Apr. 10, 1839.
Daniel, of C., and Molly Wood of Wilmington, int. June 5, 1783.
DANIELS (Dunnels)
David [Dunnels. P. R. 20.], of C., and Laurella Barber of Charlemont, int. Apr. 18, 1836.
John, see Donelson, John.
Homer F., of North Adams, and Margaret M. Lamb of C., May 4, 1845. N. R. 1.
DAVENPORT (Deavenport, Devenport)
Betsy, of C., and Seth Purrington of Truxton, N. Y., June 7, 1835.
Daniel (Deavenport), of C., and Pattey [Polly. P. R. 5.] Barns of Heath, June 14, 1820. P. R. 1.
Edward, Elder, and Lurina Andrews [of Amherst. int.], at Amherst, Mar. 2, 1824.
Edward, jr., unm., of C., a. 33 y., farmer, b. Dorchester, s. Edward and Betsey, and Maryetta D. Maxam, unm. [of C. int.], a. 22 y., d. John and Maryetta [ (Dwight). P. R. 19.], May 8, 1849.
Electa R. [Devenport. int.], of C., and Edmund Hartwell of Charlemont, Mar. 15, 1842.
Huldah [Devenport. int.], of Heath, and John Danielson of C., Apr. 4, 1839.
Jason, and Susanna Faulknor [Faulkenor, both of C. int.], Sept. 18, 1808.
John, and Hannah Hall, both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1823.
John [B. int.], unm., of C., a. 22 y., farmer, b. Heath, s. John, of Heath, and Hannah, and Prudence H. Maxham, unm., of C., a. 18 y., Oct. 26, 1848.
Joseph, of C., and Sarah Newell of Southington, at Southington, Ct., Jan. 1, 1832. N. R. 1.*
Joshua (Devenport) [Joshua Purington, int.], and Olive Peterson, both of C., Jan. 28, 1836.
Levi (Devenport), and Susan Devenport [Davenport, int.], both of C., Nov. 24, 1836.
Mary Ann (Devenport) , of C., and Dan [George. P. R. 3.] Newton of Shelburne, int. Aug. 14, 1841. [July 29, 1841. int. P. R. 3.]
May [Mary. int.], of Heath, and Cyrus Purrington of C., Jan. 15, 1835.
Molly (Devenport), of C., and Haywood Edson of Ashfield, int. Dec. 9, 1837.
Oliver, and Almy Johnson, both of C., Feb. 16, 1835.
Pamelia Whiting, and Barnabas Sabin Porter, Nov. 5, 1829. P. R. 24.*
Patience [of C. int.], and Josiah Briggs, Mar. 20, 1831.
Paul, Jr., and Rachel Brown [both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 19, 1821, and Apr. 19, 1822. [July 10, 1821. int. ]
Sally, and Alden Willis, both of C., int. Aug. 26, I807.
Sarah, and Seth Phillips [both of C. int.], Nov. 11, 1812.
Select [Sibel. int.] R., and Dan Newton, both of C., Jan. 5, 1832.
Sibel R., see Davenport, Select R.
Stephen, and Huldah Maxhum [Maxham. int.], both of C., Apr. 18, 1805.
Stephen, of Heath, and Harriet Smith, Aug. 9, 1838. P. R. 20.
Susan ( Devenport), and Levi Devenport, both of C., Nov. 24, 1836.
Susanna, Mrs., and Dean Lake, both of C., Jan. 12, 1830.
Thomas, of Shelburne, and Merebath Wheeler of C., July 20, 1813.
Thomas ( Deavenport ), of Edinburg, N. Y., and Polly Shippee of C., Mar. 19, 1815. P. R. 1.
Zacheus, and Fanny Shippee, both of C., int. Feb. 14, 1814.
Pamela, and Thomas Walker, July 8, 1790.*
Denerson, of Putney, Vt., and Catherin M. Scott of C., Oct. 14, 1840.
Rachel, and Thomas Cole, both of C., int. Mar. 12, 1783.
William J., and Harriet Griswold [of Buckland. dup.], both of C., at Buckland, Aug. 8, 1844. N. R. 1.
Dorathy, and Charles Burington, both of C., Sept. 20, 1810.
Welcome (Devol), of Marlborough, Vt., and Eliza Burinton of C., int. June 12, 1821.
DEAN (Deane)
Christopher, jr., Dr., and Sally Ross, both of C., int. Oct. 18, 1808.
Cordelia (Deane), of C., and John Mawry, 2d, of Leyden, int. May 19, 1835.
Fanny [Deane. int.; d. Dr. C. N. R. 1.), and Alvin Austin [Austen. int.; merchant.: N. R. 1.], both of C., July 8, 1830.
Ira, of C., a. 33 y., manufacturer, s. Samuel and Mehitabel, and Rachel Chever of C., a. 30 y., d. Moses and Rachel, Oct. 5, 1848. P. R. 20.
Prudence, and David Avery of East Charlemont, May 23, 1839. P. R. 19.*
Sarah A. (Deane), of C., and Abner Avery of Charlemont, Feb. 13, 1835.
DENISON (Denerson, Dennerson, Dennison)
David, of Bernardston, and Lucy Avery of C., int. July 5, 1806.
David (Dennison), Maj., of C., and Lucy Cooley of Springfield, at Halifax, Vt., Oct. 3, 1831. N. R. 1.*
Elenor D. [Ellen D. N. R. 1.] (Denerson), of C., and Isaac [T. int.] Goodnow of Wilbraham [teacher at Wilbraham Academy. N. R. 1.], Aug. 28. 1838.
Emerline H. (Dunnerson) [Denerson. int.], of C., and Robert Allen of Wilbraham, Nov. 18, 1841.
Jabez (Denerson), of Guilford, Vt., and Bethany Brown of C., int. July 15, 1838.
John, of Guilford, and Mary Avery of C., int. Apr. 19, 1809.
John S., and Mariam Martin, both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1821.
Louisa W. (Dennison), of Stonington, Ct., and Joseph Griswold, s. Maj. Joseph and Lovise W., of Buckland, Nov. 23. 1828. P. R. 2.*
Lydia L. (Dennison), and Rufus Chandler, both of C., at Chesterfield, May 10, 1826. N. R. 1.
Matilda, of C., and Charles Mowry of Leyden, int. Dec. 24, 1822.
Nancy E. (Denerson), of C., and David Chase of Rowe, int. Aug. 12, 1835.
Nathan, and Achsah Handy, both of C., at Shelburne, June 8, 1819. P. R. 3.
Thankfull (Dennison), wid., and Maj. David Smith, both of C., int. Mar. 23, 1809.
DICK (Dix)
Jean [Dix. int.], of Pelham, and David Heirs [Eayres. int.] of C., at Pelham, May 13, 1777.
Cebere, of Shelburne, and Henry Wallace of C., int. Dec. 1, 1784.
David, and Hannah Pierce, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1787.
Rhoda S.. of Rowe, and Lewis Whitney of C., int. Mar. 4, 1840.
Elizabeth, of Blandford, and Alexander Clark of C., at Blandford, Apr. 11, 1754.*
DONELSON (Danielson, Donaldson, Donalson, Donerlson, DonneIson)
Ann, and Simon Falknor, both of C., int. Feb. 27, 1828.
Antis (DonneIson), of C., and Joseph R. Brown of Rowe, Dec. 12, 1839.*
Daniel, and Philena Faulknor [Falknor. int.], both of C., Dec. 27, 1821.
Diana, and Erastus Coy [both of C. int.], Aug. 23, 1821.
Esther, of C., and Adolphus Brown of Newton, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1843. N. R. 1.
Ira, and Mary Shattuck, both of C., int. Sept. 28, 1815.
Irene, and Clark Worden, both of C., int. Dec. 23, 1811.
John (Danielson), of C., and Huldah Davenport [Devenport. int.] of Heath, Apr. 4, 1839.
Jonathan (Donalson), of C., and Lydia Robbins, d. John, of Ashford, Ct., and Deerfield, Sept. 3, 1792. P. R. 14.*
Laura, and Asa A. Prouty, both unm., of C., May 15, 1845.
Phebe M. (Donaldson), of C., and Martin I. Kenney of Greenfield, at Brattleboro, Vt., July 5, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Polly, of C., and Sebra Thomas of Rowe, int. May 28, 1811.
Ruel (Donerlsan), and Mary M. Stetson, both of C., int. Dec. 12, 1836.
Samuel, farmer, and Luisa White, both unm., of C., Feb. 4, 1847.
Sarah, and Charles McCloud, both of C., int. June 27, 1786.
Lucinda, and Charles Green, both of C., int. Oct. --, 1816.
William w., of Greenfield, and Eliza G. Chandler of C. [d. Clark. N. R. 1.], Mar. 8, 1821.
Elizabeth P., of C., and Benjamin F. Coolidge of Leyden, Nov. 21, 1839.*
John, Esq., of C., and Susan Reed of Petersham, int. Nov. 20, 1813.
Mary Y., and Hugh B. Miller, both of C., Oct. 14, 1834.
Mary, of C., "sister of first wife of Rev. Samuel Taggart," and Rev. Hugh WaIlis of C., s. James,----, 1798. P. R. 16.*
Agness, of Pelham, and Samuel Wilson of C., at Pelham, Dec. 9, 1767.*
DUNNELS (Dunnell)
David, see Daniels, David.
Harvy (Dunnell), and Sally Babit, both of C., int. Aug. 20, 1821.
George N. [V. int.], and Charlotte Cary [Carey. int.], both of C., Nov. 21, 1833.
Daniel, and Patience Maxham, both of C., June 28, 1825.
Margetta [Marietta. P. R. 12.], of C., and John Maxham of Heath, int. Aug. 21, 1820.
Prudence, of Conway, and Rueben Houghton of C., Sept. 28, 1810. P. R. 1. [June 16. P. R. 5.]
EAMS (Emes)
Jesse (Emes) (Earns. int.], of Whitingham [Vt. int.], and Sally [G. int.] Maxam of C., May 23, 1837.
Ebenezer, of C., and Mrs. Elizabeth White of Whitingham, int. Jan. 2, 1813.
Ellis [Allie. P. R. 12.], of Heath, and Stephen Call of C., Apr. 25, 1825.
Emily, of C., and David M. Whitney of Greenfield, at Rowe, May 27, 1838. N. R. 1.
Jesse, of C., and Rhoda Dalrample of Heath, int. May 26, 1838.
Joel, and Olive Washburn, both of C., Apr. 4, 1833.
Phebe, of Heath, and Russel Johnson of C., Oct. 27, 1825.
Pricilla, and George Ells, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Oct. 14, 1806. int.]
Rebeckah, and Joseph Morison, int. Dec. 1, 1785.
Ezekiel, of Hawley, and Mrs. Lydia Cromack of C., int. Feb. 27, 1828.
Temperance, of C., and Alexander McColIouch of Kingsbury, int. Jan. 30, 1788.
Haywood, of Ashfield, and Molly Devenport, of C., int. Dec. 9, 1837.
Levi [of Ashfield. int.], and Betsey Perkins [of C. int.), bet. Apr.-----, 1819, and Apr.-----,1820. [May 19, 1819. int.]
Minerva, of Buckland, and John Brown of C., int. Jan. 17, 1829.
Rebecca Taylor, wid. [of Halifax. int.], and Capt. Edward Adams of C., Sept. 2, 1810. P. R. 8.
Roana [Taylor. int.], and Horace Thompson [of East Windsor, Ct. P. R. 8.; Thomson, both of C. int.], Nov. 24, 1817. N. R. 1.
Susan, and Sylvester Bishop, both of C., int. Nov. 6, 1821.
David A., of C., and Fanny Sticknay of Whitingham, Vt., int. Oct. 30, 1836.
Joseph [jr. int.], of Thompson, Ct., and Lucena Walkup of C., May 28, 1835.
Matthew, and Anna Clark, both of C., int. Jan. 3, 1774.
ELLS (Eels)
Emily A. (Eels), of C., and Jedidiah Dalrymple of Heath, int. Nov. 17, 1829.
George, and PriciIla Eddy, both of C., bef. June 9, 1807. [Oct. 14, 1806. int.]
Lyman (Eels), of C., and Mary E. Flagg of Heath, int. Oct. 19, 1835.
Nathan [of Heath. int.], and Hopy Peterson [of C. int.], Jan. 28, 1813.
Emily Jane, unm., of C., a. 20 y., and Joseph Call, unm., of Ashfield, a. 21 y., farmer, b. Ashfield, s. Ira, of Ashfield, July 5, 1848.*
Orpha M., of C., and George H. Hodge (Hodges. int.] of Adams, Dec. 24, 1839.
FAIRBANKS (Fairbank)
Daniel, jr., of C., and Dorcas Upton of Shutesbury, int. Jan. 15, 1816.
Daniel, and Mrs. Ruth Cartheright [wid., both of C. int.], Feb. 22, 1818.
Fanny, and Anson White [both of C. int.), Feb. 1, 1816.
Irena, and John Burinton [Burington. int.], jr. (both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Jan. 26, 1818. int.]
John [Fairbank. int.], and Sally Burinton, both of C., Apr. 3, 1825.
Kiziah, of C., and Gran Nichols of Halifax, Vt., May 9, 1837.
Mary, of C., and Arad Nicholes of Halifax, Vt., int. Dec. 1, 1840.
Octavia, and Dr. William B. Hart of C.. at Norwich, Aug. 2, 1830. N. R. 1.*
FARLEY ( Farly)
Benjamin, jr., of C., and Electa Nims, d. John and Betsy (Rice), of Conway and Buckland, Dec. 30, 1813. P. R. 14.
Isaac [Farly, int.], farmer [of Conway. int.], and Martha Shippee, Sept. 25, 1844.
Isaac, and Lovina Jane Call, both of C., int. Apr. 2, 1848.
Joel B., of C., and Phebe Bradford of Conway, int. Nov. 7, 1818. (Dec. 31, dup.]
Laura, of C., and Newton R. Allis of Buckland, at South Halifax, Vt., Jan. 10, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Lucy, and Abraham Shippee, both of C., Sept. 9, 1824.
Lucy, of C., and Edward Bradford, jr. of Conway, int. Jan. 4, 1841.
Lydia, and Thomas Bond, jr. [both of C. int.], Feb. 4, 1821.
Lyman, farmer [of C. int.], s. Jarud, and Hannah Call [of C. int.], d. Ira, Nov. 28, 1844.
Polly, and Nathan Lyons, both of C., int. Mar. 18, 1805.
Susanna, of C., and John Bradford of Conway, Jan. 5, 1814. P. R. 20.
William, and Polly Pierce, both of C., Mar. 21, 1805.
Abram, and Dolly Holden, both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1830.
Maria, of C., and Nathan Malaroy [Malory. int.] of Corinth, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1830.
Sally, and Obed Warden Holden, both of C., Nov. 28, 1809. P. R. 1.
Sinney, of C., and John Creacy of Rowe, int. Feb. 22, 1817.
Susannah, of C., and Samuel Tinney [jr. P. R 3.] of Shelburne, int. Dec. 27, 1814.
James A. [S. int.], unm., of Nelson, N. H., dentist, and Mary S. Perkins, unm., of C., Apr. 24, 1845.
FAULKNER (Falkner, Falknor, Faulkenor, Faulknor)
Almira (Faulknor), and John Gragg, both of C., Sept. 16, 1810.
Betsey (Faulknor), and Timothy Mixer [Mixter. int.], jr., both of C., Apr. 7, 1811.
Deborah, and Amasa White, both of C., Feb. 26, 1845. N. R. 1.
Elihu, and Sally Purington [Burington, both of C. int.], Jan. 19, 1809.
Hannah, of C., and Billy Johnson of Whitingham, Vt., June 5, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Harriat (FauIknor), and Henry Vincent [both of C. int.), Feb. 24, 1814.
Joseph, of C., and Deborah Graves of Shelburne, int. May 4, 1785.
Mary (Faulknor), and Robert Merrifield [jr. int.], bet. Apr. 15, 1817 and Apr. 15, 1818. [Nov. 24, 1817. int.]
Philena (Faulknor) [Falknor. int.], and Daniel Donelson, both of C., Dec. 27, 1821.
Sally (Faulknor) [Wid. P. R. 3.], of C., and Elijah Siner [Seaver, P. R. 3.], jr. of Heath, int. Sept. 24, 1817.
Simon (Falknor), and Ann Donelson, both of C., int. Feb. 27, 1828.
Susanna (Faulknor) [Faulkenor. int.], and Jason Davenport [both of C. int.], Sept. 18, 1808.
Lucy, of Westborough, and David Mathews of C., at Westborough, Oct. 5, 1773.
Newton G., see Field, Newton G.
Augustus M., see Fitch, Augustus N.
Charles, of Conway, and Mrs.----Watson of C., at Halifax, Vt., Sept. 23, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Electa, and Milo Johnson of C., Oct. 10, 1839.*
Grata, of Conway, and Jonathan Thompson of C., int. June 9, 1838.
Newton G. [Fidell. int.], unm., of Charlemont, a. 24 y., tailor, and Ester S. Call, unm., of C., a. 23 y., July 17, 1845.
Edward, of Halifax, Vt., and Jane Barber of C., at Greenfield, Nov. 2, 1841. N. R. 1.
Joseph, see Wood, Joseph.
Roswell H., of C., and Abagail R. Lyons of Conway, int. Aug. 25, 1843.
Russel F., of C., and Almira P. Skinner of Brookline, Vt., at Newfane, Vt., Sept. 5, 1843. N. R. 1.*
FISKE (Fisk)
Daniel D., Dr., widr., of C., a. 36 y., physician, b. West Killingly, Ct., s. Ezra and Polly, of West Killingly, Ct., and Mary Jane Johnson, unm., of C., a. 24 y., d. Jonathan and Margaret, Sept. 9, 1849.
Lovina (Fisk), of Shelburne, and Daniel Taggart of C., int. Nov. ----, 1815.
Augustus N. [Augustus M. Field. dup.], of Wilmington, Vt., and Charlotte R. Handy [Serle Hardy. dup.] of C., Sept. 18, 1843.
Horatio, Rev., widr. [pastor of Calrain Congregational Church. N. R. 1.], a. 47 y., and Mary Coombs, unm., a. 33 y., both of C., June 26, 1845.
Mary E., of Heath, and Lyman Eels of C., int. Oct. 19, 1835.
FORBES (Fobes)
Elijah (Fobes). Dr., and Mrs. Margaret McClallen, both of C., int. Mar. 24, 1778.
George, and Olive Hart, both of C., int. July -----, 1817.
Mary, of C., and Charles Leister of Greenfield, at Halifax, Vt., Feb. 19, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Samuel A., and Sally A. Brown, both of C., int. Aug. 22, 1835.
Joel, and Lydia Hale, Dec. 3, 1791.*
Emily, and Loren Hollister, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 9, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Patience L., and Zarah L. Scott, both of C., at Putney, Vt., July 4, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Thomas, of C., and Parmelia Avery of Charlemont, Oct. 3, 1816. P. R. 1.
William, and Priscilla Hastings [both of C. int.], Nov. 2, 1815.
Elvira S., unm., of C., a. 23 y., d. Ann and Joseph D. Noyes [Noys. int.], unm., of Guilford (Vt. N. R. 1.], a. 25 y., farmer, s. James, of Guilford, Jan. 5, 1848.
Eunis, of C., and Ephram A. Gales of Leyden, int. Jan. 2, 1837.
Jabez, jr., of Guilford, and Sally Fulton of C., int. Apr. 8, 1822.
Julia A., of Bellinaham, and Rev. Israel H. Wood of C., at New York City, Aug. 5, 1847. N. R. 1.*
Mary Ann, unm., of C., a. 21 y., d. Aaron and Sally, and Roswell Barber, widr., of C., a. 30 y., farmer, s. Thomas and Polly [at South Halifax, Vt. N. R. 1.], Nov. 8, 1849.*
Sophronia, and Jesse Fulton, both of C., June 2, 1825.
Adolfus [Dr., of Kingsbury, N. Y. int.], and Jenny Clark of C., Jan.-----, 1815. P. R. 6.
Fredrec, and Polly Bowlett, both of C., int. Sept. 24, 1804.
Lucy, and Samuel Sugland, both of C., Apr. 9, 1832. [Apr. 19. C. R. 1.]
Phineas, of Marlborough, and Martha Morison of C., int. Mar. 23, 1780.
Sarah, and Noah Clark, both of C., int. Aug. 30, 1783.
Leonard, of Halifax, Vt., and Mary Wallan of C., int. Sept. 4. 1820.
Susannah, and Reuben Houghton, both of C., int. Dec. 17, 1806.
Caleb, of C.. and Polly Barns of Guilford, int. Sept.----, 1806.
Daniel, and Polly Wood, both of C., Mar. 4, 1806.
Jesse, and Sophronia Franklin, both of C., June 2, 1825.
Moses, of C.. and Lydia Clark of Pelham, at Pelharn, Nov. 18, 1777.
Moses. of C., and Martha Lee of Whitingham, int. May 26, 1783.
Sally, of C., and Jabez Franklin, jr. of Guilford, int. Apr. 8, 1822.
Betey, [of C. int.], and John Pannel [Pennel, of Halifax. Vt. int.], Jan. 8, 1810.
Orren M. [Grimes. int.], unm., of C., a. 31 y., mechanic, s. Lucy, and Sarah [SaIly. N. R. 1.] Thompson, unm., of C., a. 30 y., June 15, 1847.
Ephram A., see Gates. Ephraim A.
Elisabeth, of Leyden, and Enos Martin, jr. of C., Sept. I4, 1809.
GALT (Gault. Gaut)
Alexander, of Halifax, and Sarah Galt of C., int. May 19, 1777.
Alexander, of Halifax, and Milly Matthews of C., int. Aug. 4, 1778.
Elizabeth F. (Gault), and Simon L. Shuttuck, both of Leyden, Mar. 31, 1844.*
M[artha. int.] A. (Gaut), of Leyden, a. 23 y., d. Ira, of Leyden, and Nelson P. Merritt [Merret. int.] of C., a. 24 y., merchant, b. New York, s. J., of Whitingham [at Leyden, Apr. 3, N. R. 1.], Apr. 13, 1845.
Sarah, of C., and Alexander Galt of Halifax, int. May 19, 1777.
Asher [of Halifax. int.], and Abigal Wood [of C. int.], Sept. 8, 1813.
Cynthia, of Leyden, and William G. Todd of Brattleborough, Vt., June 9, 1834. C. R. 1.*
Ephram A., [Gales. int.], of Leyden, and Eunis Franklin of C., int. Jan. 2, 1837.
Lefy, of Leyden, and John Riddle of C., int. Oct.-----, 1806.
Nathaniel, of Stafford, Ct., and Esther A. Kendrick of C., int. Feb. 28, 1836.
Isabel, of Pelham, and William Henry of C., at Pelham, Jan. 15, 1760.
Charlotte A., and Josiah Burton, both of C., Apr. 7, 1841.
Daniel, of Heath, and Abigal Lombard, wid., of C., int. June 24, 1817.
Ezra, of Halifax, Vt., and Polly Winslow, wid., of C., int. Jan. 26, 1824.
Mary, and David B. Sprague, both of C., int. Nov. 23, 1825.
Polly, of Halifax, and Joseph Harris of C., int. Apr. 18, 1820.
Sarah [E. int.], and John F. Washburn, farmer, s.-----, of Barre, both unm., of C., Nov. 3, 1846.
Silas [of Heath, int.], and Cyntha Clark (of C. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [June -----, 1818. int.]
Solomon W., of C., and Susan Kellogg of Montague, int. Nov. 6, 1843.
Triphena, of Halifax, and Bireah Harris of C., int. Dec. 25, 1813.
Ebenezer, of Rowe, and Louisa Gould of C., int. Apr. 4, 1840.
Isaac [T. int.], of Wilbraham (teacher at Wilbraham Academy. N. R. 1.], and Elenor [Ellen. N. R. 1.] D. Denerson of C., Aug. 28, 1838.
Jesse, of Halifax, Vt., and Deany Thompson of C., Oct. 16, 1834.
David, and Experance Clark [both of C. int.], Jan. 30, 1806.
Dudly F., of C., and Caroline A. Marston of Greenland, N. H., int. Apr. 17, 1847.
Joseph, of C., and Mahitable Mayo of Shutesbury, int. Jan. 26, 1818.
Louisa, of C., and Ebenezer Goodnow of Rowe, int. Apr. 4, 1840.
Louisa, of C., d. Samuel, and A. C. Hawks, at Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 9, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Mary E., and Charles Thompson, 2d, both of C., at Whitingham, Vt., Jan. 21, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Samuel, and Olive Spurr, both of C., int. Apr. 26, 1819.
Samuel S., farmer, and Betsy W. Thompson, both unm., of C., Dec. 31, 1845.
Catherine, and George Walkup, jr. [both of C. int.], Nov. 28, 1816.
Hugh, and Hannah Littlefield, both of C., int. May 3, 1813.
Jacob, and Cinthy Graves [both of C. int.]. Dec. 14, 1815.
Jean, and David Smith, 2d, both of C., int. May 10, 1782.
Jenne, and Joseph Shearer, both of C., int. Mar. 4, 1816.
John, and Almira Faulknor. both of C.. Sept. 16, 1810.
Robert, jr., and Jerusha Pirce, both of C., int. May 2, 1805.
Sally, and James Barber, both of C., int. Mar. 6, 1815.
Rina [of Montague. int.], and Elishah Harrington [of C. int.], Jan. 2, 1809.
Cinthy, and Jacob Gragg (both of C. int.], Dec. 14, 1815.
Deborah, of Shelburne, and Joseph Faulkner of C., int. May 4, 1785.
Fanny and Gidson H. Slate, Oct.-----, 1812.*
Lucius [H. P. R. 12.], of C., and Diantha [W, N. R. 12.] Marsh of Heath, at Heath, May 11, 1847. N. R. 1.
Rufus, of Greenfield [s. Ebenezer. P. R. 14.], and Marthar Workman of C., int. Sept. 26, 1810.
Matthew, Dea., and Jemima McCrelles of C., int. Feb. 2, 1788. P. R. 3.
Sally, and Jonathan Stewart, Apr. 12, 1791.*
GREEN (Greene)
Aimira M. (Greene), unm., of C., a. 20 y. [only d. N. R. 1.] Gilbert and Martha, and William F. Gunn, unm., of Amherst, a. 20 y., farmer, b. Amherst [only s. N. R. 1.] Lyman and Martha, of Amherst, Sept. 26, 1849.
Charles, and Lucinda Dors, both of C., int. Oct.-----, 1816.
Hannah, wid., and Thalmeus Bishop, both of C., at Ashfield, May 13, 1794.*
Hannah, Mrs., of Halifax, and David Smith, Esq., of C., int. Aug. 6, 1813.
Lucinda, and Samuel Merritt [NcNitt, P. R. 1.], both of C. ["Thanksgiving day." P. R. 1.], Nov. 27, 1799. P. R. 20.*
Margaret, and Samuel Cochran, both of C., int. Jan. 5, 1785.
Peter, jr., of C., and Tinner Procter of Greenfield, int. Mar. 22, 1814.
Polly, of Deerfield, and John Watson of C., at Deerfield, Dec. 15, 1796.*
Relief, and Micajah Carrel, both of C., Mar. 12, 1812. P. R. 20.
Sally, and Graham Pattison, Feb. 3, 1791.*
Squire, and Catherine Ayers, both of C., int. Nov. 7, 1818.
Vitah, and Richard Suglond, both of C., int. Apr. 25, 1831.
GRIMES (Grims )
Lewis H. ( Grims), of C., and Dentha W. Mewrot of Heath, int. May 10, 1847.
Oren M., see Gaines, Orren M.
Harriet [of Buckland. dup.], and William J. Davis, both of C, at Buckland, Aug. 8. 1844. N. R. 1.
Joseph, s. Maj. Joseph and Lovise W., of Buckland, and Louisa W. Dennison of Stonington, Ct., Nov. 23, 1828. P. R. 2.*
GROVER (Grovier)
Lois (Lovice Grovier, int.], of C., and Archibald Lawson [of Shelburne. int.], at Shelburne, Feb. 6. 1805. P. R. 3.
GUELLOW (Guellaw)
David [Guellaw, dup.], of Bernardston, and Phebe Mullet of C., int. Jan. 26, 1816.
GUILE (Guild)
Chester [Guild. int.], of Halifax, Vt., and Anor Brown of C., Oct. 27, 1812.
Joel, and Margery Canada [both of C. int.], bet. Apr.-----, 1819, and Apr.----, 1820. [Jan. 10, 1820. int.]
Dulcina, and Albert L. Mawry, both of C., int. Mar. 24, 1840.
Phila, of Montague, and William Nims of C., int. Aug. ----, 1826.
William F., unm., of Amherst, a. 20 y., farmer, b. Amherst [only s. N. R. 1.] Lyman and Martha, of Amherst, and AImira M. Greene, unm., of C., a. 20 y. [only d. N. R. 1.] Gilbert and Martha, Sept. 26, 1849.
Nathan, of Preston, N. Y., and Susannah Riddle of C., int. Feb. 29, 1808.
HALADAY (Haliday, Holida)
Almira (Holida), and Stephen White, both of C., int. June 17, 1833.
Susan, wid., of Marlborough, Vt., and Henry Babit of C., int. Dec. 4, 1820.
Susan (Haliday), and Lewis White, both of C., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
Lydia, and Joel Foskett, Dec. 3, 1791.*
Stephen, and Sally Maynard, Jan. 8, 1795. N. R. 1.*
Ledyard, and Asenath Shattuck, both of C., int. Dec. 31, 1827.
Charles L., of Halifax, and Adaline T. Smead of C., at Wilmington, Vt., Nov. 25, 1846. N. R. 1.*
George, of Deerfield, and Isabella Anderson of C., Nov. 1, 1744. P. R. 14.*
Hannah, and John Davenport, both of C., int. Nov. 20, 1823.
Joel A., of Charlemont, and Mary A. [R. int. and C. R. 1.] Miner of C., Oct. 13, 1835.
Lovina, and John Adams [both of C. int.], Dec. 27, 1812.
HAMILTON (Humbelton) -
James, of C., and Phebe Henderson of Pelham, at Pelham, Feb. 14, 1764.*
James (Humbelton), of C., and Esther Brakenridge of Palmer, at Palmer, Feb. 6, 1766.*
Larisa, and Ignatious Purkins, Mar. 2, 1817.
Martha A., of Shelburne, and George Roberts of C., at South Halifax, Vt. Issue of Jan. 4, 1848. N. R. 1. [Nov.----, 1847. P. R. 3.]*
Sally, and Gilbert Stafford, both of C., Apr. 22, 1824.
Achsah, and Nathan Denison, both of C., at Shelburne, June 8, 1819. P. R. 3.
Charles, jr., and Lovina Ross, both of C., int. May 19, 1819.
Charlotte R. [Serle Hardy. dup.], of C., and Augustus N. Fitch [Augustus M. Field. dup.] of Wilmington, Vt., Sept. 18, 1843.
Cordelia, of C., a. 23 y., milliner, d. Lovina, and Thomas Jackson, of C., a. 22 y., cabinet maker, s. Obed, May 18, 1848.
Jane T. [Hardy. P. R. 19.], of C. [d. Charles and Mary (McCrelIis). P. R. 19.], and Wallis L. Shearer of C. [s. Thomas and Annie (Workman), P. R. 19.], Aug. 31, 1837.
John M., and Esther B. Taggart, both of C., int. Apr. --, 1818.
Mary [Polly. int.], and Enock Stetson [Stutson. int.], both of C., Apr. 6, 1820. N. R. 1. [ 1812. int.]
Roswell, and Sophia M. Shearer, both of C., June 29, 1837.
Sally, and Daniel Thomson, both of C., int. Sept. 6, 1823.
Jane, see Handy, Jane.
Laurinda [of SheIburne. int.], and Abraham Wilcox of C., at Shelburne, Feb.----, 1826. P. R. 3.
Serle, see Handy, Charlotte.
James, jr., of C., and Abigail Vining of Leyden, at Leyden, Dec. 16, 1789.*
James, of C., and Hannah Kingsley of Bernardston ["prob. d. Dea. Elijah and Dorothy." P. R. 5.], at Bernardston, Apr. 9, 1794.*
Margaret, of C., and David Long of Shelburne, int. Oct. 5, 1784.
HARRINGTON (Herrenton)
Anna, and Daniel Ayers, jr., both of C., int. Nov. 27, 1805.
Elishah [of C. int.], and Rina Grant [of Montague. int.], Jan. 2, 1809.
Lydia, of C., and Joseph Bulfinch of Leyden, Feb. 25, 1813.
Sally (Herrenton), and Henry McClure. Issue of Oct. 20, 1800. N. R 1.*
Timothy, of C., and Mrs. Anna Whitney of Guilford, int. Oct. 16, 1815.
Bireah, of C., and Triphena Gleason of Halifax, int. Dec. 25, 1813.
Elisha C., of C., and Lucy McNite of Whitingham, int. Sept. 13, 1824.
Jane, and William L. Willson, both of C., Nov. 22, 1842.
Joseph, of C., and Polly Gleason of Halifax, int. Apr. 18, 1820.
Louisa A., unm., of C., a. 22 y., d. Timothy and Lucy, and Willard Woodward, unm., of Halifax [Vt. int.], a. 24 y., farmer, b. Halifax, s. Richard and Jane, of Halifax, Dec. 26, 1849.
Lucy, and Oliver H. Willson, both of C., int. Dec. 4, 1834.
Mariah, and David Willson, jr., both of C., int. Oct. 23, 1837.
Mary A., and Rev. Nathaniel Ripley, both of C., int. Dec. 18, 1838.
Sally, and Moses Wood, both of C., int. Apr. 4, 1815.
Sarah H., and Levi Chase, both of C., Dec. 26, 1833.
Timothy, jr., and Lucy Canedy, both of C., Nov. 29, 1810.
Tryphena, d. Bariah and Irena, and James H. Babbitt, s. Henry, jr. and Mary (White),----, 1847. P. R. 19.*
Volentine, jr., of Heath, and Zuba Smith of C., Nov. 28, 1805.
Volentine, and Diodamai Tanner, both of C., int. Nov. 17, 1813.
Alexander, and Betsey Hart, both of C., int. July 3, 1820.
Betsey, and Alexander Hart, both of C., int. July 3, 1820.
Nancy, and Solomon Lincoln, both of C., int. Apr. 28, 1829.
Olive, and George Forbes, both of C., int. July----, 1817.
Sally, and John Wallace, both of C., Dec. 26, 1828.
William B., Dr., of C., and Octavia Fairman, at Norwich, Aug. 2, 1830. N. R. 1.*
Edmund, of Charlemont, and EIecta R. Davenport [Devenport. int.] of C., Mar. 15, 1842.
Sarah, and Edward Adams, both of C., Feb. 15, 1810.
HASKINS (Hoskins)
Henry E. [Hoskins. int.], of Jericho, Vt., and Elizabeth P. MilIer of C., Feb. 6, 1832.
Nathan, of Vergennes, Vt., and Margret M. Miller of C., Sept. 16, 1829.
Hannah, and Ira Call [both of C. int.], Aug. 18, 1808.
Lydia, and Isaac Johnson, sr., Feb. 24, 1791. P. R. 19.*
Priscilla, and William Fox [both of C. int.], Nov. 2, 1815.
Solomon, of Charlemont, and Lucinda White, June 18, 1789.*
Sylvenus, and Mary Tenney, both of C., int. Oct. 11, 1830.
Zebina, of Charlemont, and Sally Reed of C., Aug.----, 1802. P. R. 1. [Aug. 17. P. R. 20.] *
Miram, and David Stewart, both of C., int. Dec. 24, 1787.
Isaac, and Anna Canneday, both of C., int. Oct. 19, 1812.
HAWKS (Halks, Hawlk, Hawlks)
A. C., and Louisa Gould of C., d. Samuel, at Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 9, 1846. N. R. 1.*
Eunice L. [of Charlemont. int. ], a. 20 y., d. Oren and Sophia, and Thomas Purington, 2d, of C., a. 22 y., farmer, s. David and Lucy, Jan. 19, 1848. P. R. 20.
Hannah, unm., of Charlemont [a. 22 y. P. R. 20; d. Oren. P. R. 19.], and Joshua B[aron. P. R. 19.] Totman, unm., of C., farmer (a. 25 y. P. R. 20; s. Jonathan and Anna (Smith). P. R. 19; at Charlemont, June 18. N. R. 1.], July ----, 1846.
Horace, see Hawks, Turrell.
Jonathan, of Charlemont, and Molly Johnson of C., int. Oct. 15, 1779.
Joshua [jr., of Charlemont. int.], and Electa Stewart [of C. int.], Feb. 14, 1809.
Phebe [Hawlks. int.], of Buckland, and Austin [M. int.] Nelson of C., at Buckland, May 11, 1842. N. R. 1.
Turrell (Halks) [Horace HawIk, int.; Hawks. N. R. 1.] Justice of Peace [of Georgetown, N. Y. int.], and Tryphena Bardwell [of C. int.], Jan. 30, 1845.
Gilbert B., and Rhoda Johnson, both of C., int. Feb. 14, 1839.
Emeline, and William H. Little John, both of C., int. May 8, 1837.
James A., of C., and Jerusha Learnard of Halifax, int. Mar. 27, 1826.
Samuel, of C., and Almira L. Pratt, at Halifax, Vt., Dec. 17, 1846. N. R. 1.*
HEBBARD (Hebard)
Silas B. [Hebard. N. R. 1.], Dr. [of Spafford, N. Y. int.], and Mary Smith [of C. int.], Sept. 16, 1813.
Phebe, of Pelham, and James Hamilton, of C., at Pelham, Feb. 14, 1764.*
Betsey, of Halifax, and Ayers Clark of C., int. Sept. ----, 1818.
Esther, of C., and Nathaniel Carswell of Deerfield, at Deerfield, Feb. 15, 1753. [Feb. 1. P. R. 18.]*
Joseph, of C.. and Margaret McCulloch [McCollough, int.] of Pelham, at Pelham, Nov. 29, 1774.
William, of C., and Isabel Gilmore of Pelham, at Pelham, Jan. 15, 1760.
HERROUN (Harroun)
Hannah (Harroun ), and Daniel Ward, abt. 1758. P. R, 10.*
John, and Anna Smith, both of C., at Shelburne, May 31, 1792. P. R. 3.*
Joel N., of C., and Anna Rawson of Buckland, int. Oct. 20, 1828.
HILLMAN (Hilman)
Charles S. (Hilman), of C. [s. Presbrey and Editha (Hitchcock). P. R. 19.], and Jane Willson of C. [d. Robert. P. R. 19.], Nov. 28. 1839. [Nov. 14. P. R. 19.]
Daniel D. [Hilman. int.], of Charlemont, and Eliza A. Purinton [ Purrington. int.; of C. P. R. 20. ], Nov. 17, 1842.
Elenor, and Othnal White, both of C., Dec. 27, 1838.
Forduce S., of C., a. 28 y., farmer, s. Ruben and Emelie [Emeline. int. ; Betsy Emeline. P. R. 4.] Coombs of C., a. 28 y., d. Joluther, May 27, 1847.
George, farmer [of C. int.], s. Ruben, and Alceste A. Coy of C., d. Auren, Mar. 13, 1845.
Sally, of Conway, and Orren Vincent of C., int. Nov. 1, 1819.
HINSDALE (Hinsdail)
ArieI (Hinsdail), of Greenfield [s. Darius. P. R. 14.], and Emoret Workman of C., int. May 24, 1838.
Samuel, 2d m., of Greenfield, s. Mehuman, and Eunice McDowell, wid. Rev. Alexander, Dec. 2, 1763. P. R. 14.*
Samuel, jr., of Greenfield [s. Samuel. P. R. 14.], and Sally Clark of C. [d. Nathaniel. P. R. 14.], int. Jan. 7, 1807.
Violetta, of Greenfield, and Joseph Otis of C., int. Dec. 14, 1805.
William. Harris, and Mary Alexander, both of C., int. Jan. 15, 1788.
HODGE (Hodges)
George H. [Hodges. int.], of Adams, and Orpha M. Ewers of C., Dec. 24, 1839.
David, and Sally Miller, both of C., June 8, 1809.
Polly, of C., and Joseph Linsey of Richfield, N. Y., int. Oct. 9, 1805.
Dolly, and Abram Farnsworth, both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1830.
Elihu, jr., and Olive Sturtevant, both of C., int. Jan. 1, 1830.
Mary, and Nathaniel Bass, both of C., Apr. 28, 1823.
Mary [Mrs. P. R. 12; of C. int.], and Samuel [Lemuel, int.] Nims [of Heath. int.], Feb. 22, 1845. [July 22, 1845. int.]
Obed Warden, and Sally Farnsworth, both of C., Nov. 28, 1809. P. R. 1.
William L., of C., and Freedom L. Blood of Charlemont, at Guilford, Vt., July 8. 1847. N. R. 1.*
HOLLAND (Holand, Huland)
Genny, and Robert Thompson [both of C. int.], Feb. 23, 1815.
James, and Eunice Smith, both of C., Dec. 3, 1807.
Martha (Holand) [Huland. int.], and Luther Thompson, both of C., Jan. 19, 1837.
Mary H. [A. C. R. 1.] ( Holand), and Nelson Peterson, both of C., Dec. 11, 1834.
Loren, and Emily Fox, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 9, 1849, N. R. 1.*
HOLMES (Holme)
Abigal (Holme), and Plina Ayres [both of C. int.], Dec. 6, 1804.
Martha, of Halifax, and Hezekiah Smith, jr, of C., int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Pegga, and Edmond Wood, jr., both of C., Dec. 19, 1805.
Roena, of C., and Levi Bradley of Adams, June 8, 1840.
Edward, Maj. [Esq. int.], of Guilford, Vt., and Mrs. Mary Taggart [Tagart. int.] of C., June 11, 1834.
Emerline, of C., and George Wrisley of WiIIiamsburg, int. Apr. 27, 1836.
Rueben. of C., and Prudence Dwight of Conway, Sept. 28, 1810. P.R. 1. [June 15. P.R. 5.]
Emily F., of C., and Franklin M. Buel [Buell. N. R. 1.] of Truxton, N. Y., June 9, 1841.
Moses C., and Keziah Purinton [Purrinton, both of C. int.], bet. Apr. 5, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1819. [Oct.----, 1818. int.]
Nancy, of C., and Solomon G. Barber of Charlemont, Dec. 15, 1836.
Patty, and Stephen Call, both of C., at Ashfield, Aug. 17, 1786.*
HULAND, see Holland.
HULBERT (Hubbert, Hulburt)
James [Hubbert. dup.; Hulburt. N. R. 1.], of C., and Waty [WaitstilI. N. R. 1.] Wilbour of Leyden, at Leyden, Sept. 6, 1792.*
Mary, and Charles Stewart, both of C., int. Aug. 31, 1784.
Susannah, of C., and James Taggart of Halifax, int. July 3, 1786.
Eunice, and Lathan Lanphire, both of C., int. June 26, 1784.
Mary Jane, of C., and Ebenezer M. Whitney of Rowe, Jan. 15, 1842.
F[anny. int.] Jane, of Montague, and Luther Purrinton [jr. int.] of C., at Montague, Mar. 8, 1849. N. R. 1.
Hugh, and Margaret Welch, both of C., int. May 3, 1785.
Lewis B., and Olive M. Purrington, both of C., Nov. 23, 1847. N. R. 1.*
David, unm., of North Adams, a. 35 y., farmer, s. Asahel and Lydia, and Rhoda [Elvira P. int.] Shippee, unm., Of C., a. 37 y., Sept. 13, 1848.
Aaron, of C., and Polly R. F. Stacy of Halifax, Vt., int. Nov. 26, 1804.
Asenieth, of Halifax, and John Thompson of C., int. Nov. 5, 1809.
Nancy, of C., and Willard Stockwell of Whitingham, int. Jan. 25, 1810.
Thomas, of C., a. 22 y., cabinet maker, s. Obed, and Cordelia Handy of C., a. 23 y., milliner, d. Lovina, May 18, 1848.
Leicester [Lester. int.] C., of Albany, N. Y., and Elizabeth T. Littlejohn of C., Dec. 4, 1844. N. R. 1.
Lyman [of Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y. int.], and Melinda Britton [Briton. int.], Jan. 30, 1822.
Almy, and Oliver Davenport, both of C., Feb. 16, 1835.
Alvira, see Johnson, Elvira.
Billy, of Whitingham, Vt., and Hannah Faulkner of C., June 5, 1844. N. R. 1.*
Charles, and Lydia Minor [both of C. int.], Nov. 28, 1833. N. R. 1.
Danford, of C., and Anna [Ame. P. R. 3.] Chandler of Shelburne [d. Moses and Anna (Whitney). P. R. 3.], int. Aug. 21, 1820.
Danford, of Shelburne, and Hannah Coy of C., int. Nov. 25, 1827.
Elvira [Alvira. int.], of C., and Jonathan [F. int.] Taylor [Jonathan Hastings Taylor. P. R. 12.] of Heath, Sept. 27, 1827.
Elvira, and George Call, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt. Issue of May 27, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Fanny, and John Call, jr., both of C., int. Dec. 6, 1784.
George W., of Williamstown, Vt., and Theodata Purinton of C., int. Jan. 15, 1828.
Gracy E., and David L. Smith, both of C., int. Oct. 1, 1838.
Hannah, of C.. and Walter Avery of Charlemont, int. Oct. 15, 1779.
Hannah, of C., and Abel Wilder, jr. of Charlemont, int. Oct.----, 1817.
Isaac, sr., and Lydia Hastings, Feb. 24, 1791. P. R. 19.*
Isaac, jr., of C., and Ann McGee Willis of C. [d. Maj. Daniel. P. R. 19.], int. May 13, 1823.
Isaac, 2d, and Martha H. Smith, both of C., int. Apr. 30, 1832.
Jemima, and Hezekiah Ward,----. 1794. P. R 10.*
Jonathan, and Margret W. Smith [both of C. int.], Dec. 28, 1815.
Jonathan [Dea. int.], widr., of C., a. 57 y., farmer, s. Isaac and Lydia, and Martha S. Pierce, unm., of C., a. 45 y., d. Samuel and Rachel, Oct. 25, 1849.
Lemuel [jr. int.], and Elmira Phillips [Almira Philip. int.], both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., May 26, 1847. N. R. 1.
Lewis, of Charlemont, and Maria D. Bass of C., at South Halifax, Vt., June 20, 1849. N. R. 1.*
Lucy, of C., and Levi Call of Buckland, int. Nov. 12, 18 (?).
Lydia M., unm., of C., a. 27 y., d. Jonathan and Margaret, and Amos Watson, widr., of Leverett, a. 42 y., farmer, b. Leverett, s. Samuel and Betsey, Nov. 24, 1849.
Mary [Mercy, d. Moses and Mercy (Fox). N. R. 2.j, and James Smith [of C. N. R. 2.], Jan. 6, 1791.*
Mary Ann, and Charles Call, both of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., May 26, 1847. N. R. 1.
Mary Jane, unm., of C., a. 24 y., d. Jonathan and Margaret, and Dr. Daniel D. Fiske, widr., of C., a. 36 y., physician, b. West Killingly, Ct., s. Ezra and Polly, of West Killingly, Ct., Sept. 9, 1849.
Mercy, see Johnson, Mary.
Milo, of C., and Electa Field, Oct. 10, 1839.*
Molley, wid., and Capt. James McClallen, both of C., int. Feb. 19, 1821.
Molly, of C., and Jonathan Hawks of Charlemont, int. Oct. 15, 1779.
Moses, Dea., of C., and Ruth Reed, wid., of Charlemont, Jan.----, 1795.*
Moses, Dea., of C., and Mrs. Molly Tower of Cummington, int. Jan. 5, 1807.
Oliver E., of Shelburne, and Elizabeth [H. P. R. 3.] Bell of C., at Shelburne, Oct. 16, 1845. N.R. 1.
Perly, and Maranda McClellen [ MClallen. int. and C. R. 1.], both of C, Dec. 12, 1833.
Rhoda, and Gilbert B. Hayes, both of C., int. Feb. 14, 1839.
Russel, of C., and Phebe Eddy of Heath, Oct. 27, 1825.
Thomas, and Betsy Washburn, both of C., int. Mar. 27, 1809.
Allen, of Deerfield [Greenfield. int.], and Mary E. Canady (Canedy. int.] of C., June 29, 1848. N. R. 1.
Elizabeth, and Daniel Nye, both of C., int. Dec. 13, 1819.
Fanny, of Buckland, and J. L. Snow of C., int. May 9, 1841.
Franklin, and Antis Burinton, both of C., int. Mar. 30, 1824.
Gerusha, of C., and George S. Whitman [George T. Whitting. int.] of Bennington, Vt., July 3, 1844.
Hannah, and Salmon Brooks, both of C., int. Aug. 25, 1823.
Jerusha, see Jones, Gerusha.
Levi, of Winchester, N. H., and Caroline Thompson of C., int. Nov. 29, 1837.
Phebe [Mrs., of Buckland. int.], and Joshua Totman [of C. int.], Nov. 11, 1815.
J. [G. int.] W. P., unm., of Rowe, Minister of Gospel, and Abby Oaks [Abigail Oakes. N. R. 1.], unm., of C., Nov. 27, 1845.
KATELY, see Cately.
Emeline Mariah, of Jamaica [Vt. int.], and Franklin Newell of C., at Jamaica, Vt., Dec. 22, 1841. N. R. 1.
Susan, of Montague, and Solomon W. Gleason of C., int. Nov. 6, 1843.
Mehitable, wid., of Shelburne, and Ephraim Mannin [Manning. int.] of C., at Shelburne. Issue of Mar. 6, 1827. N. R. 1.
KENDRICK (Kendriks)
Amanda ( Kendriks) , of C., and Amos Watson of Leverett, int. Feb. 28, 1836.
Casiah, and William V. Caswell, both of C., int. Apr. 21, 1832.
Esther A., of C., and Nathaniel Gilman of Stafford, Ct., int. Feb. 28, 1836.
KENNEDY, see Canada
Martin I., of Greenfield, and Phebe M. Donaldson of C., at Brattleboro, Vt., July 5, 1847. N. R. 1.*
KIMBAL (Kimball)
Eunice [D. Kimball. int.], of New Salem, and George H. Wells of C., at New Salem, Sept. 14, 1834. N. R. 1.
Elenor, and William McCrelles of C., int. Oct. 7, 1758. P. R. 3.
Mary, and Rufus Chandler of C., at Guilford, Vt. Issue of Mar. 31, 1835. N. R. 1.*
Hannah, of Bernardston ["prob, d. Dea. Elijah and Dorothy." P. R. 5.], and James Harkness of C., at Bernardston, Apr. 9, 1794.*
Polly, of Leyden, and Thomas Barber of C., int. Jan.----, 1816.
John, of Halifax, Vt., and Betsy Maxham of C., int. Mar. 14, 1808.
Margaret, of Halifax, and Stephen Purrington of C., int. Dec. 17, 1804.
Dean, and Mrs. Susanna Davenport, both of C., Jan. 12, 1830.
Mary, and Lyman Powers, both of C., Apr. 3, 1825.
Effa A., of C., and Osmyn Preston of Whitingham, Vt., int. May 11, 1839.
Isaac, jr. [of Whitingham. int.], and Polly Cannada [of C. int.], Apr. 6, 1809.
Margaret M., of C., and Homer F. Darby of North Adams, May 4, 1845. N. R. 1.
Mary, and Peris Maxam, both of C., Sept. 7, 1841.
LAMPHER (Lamphire)
Illathan, of Halifax, and Mrs. Betsey Tanner of C., int. Nov. 30, 1812.
Lathan (Lamphire) , and Eunice Hunt, both of C., int. June 26, 1784.
LANAMON (Lammon)
Elizabeth [Lammon. int.], and Joshua Tatman [Totman. int.], Dec. 1, 1808.
Demmis, Mrs., of Conway, and Noah Clark, Sept. 8, 1799. N. R. 1.*
John, of Halifax, and Rachel Stafford of C., int. Oct.----, 1818.
LAWRANCE (Lawrence)
Lorry (Lawrence) [Laura, int.], and John Manning, bet. Apr. 15, 1817, and Apr. 15, 1818. [Nov. 24, 1817. int.]
Violette, wid., of Charlemont, and John Call, jr. of C., int. Apr. 25, 1808.
Violette, and Eber Call [both of C. int.], Sept. 10, 1816.
Archibald [of Shelburne, int.], and Lois Grover (Grovier, int.] of C., at Shelburne, Feb. 6, 1805. P. R. 3.
LEARNARD (Larnard )
Jerusha, of Halifax, and James A. Haynes of C., int. Mar. 27, 1826.
Louisa (Larnard), of Halifax, Vt., and Simon Stetsan of C., int. Dec. 19, 1836.
Martha, of Whitingham, and Moses Fulton of C., int. May 26, 1783.
John, and Margart M. Wilson, both of C., int. Apr. 8, 1807.
Franklin, of Charlemont, a. 26 y., farmer, and Jane M. Stetson of C., a. 17 y., d. Thomas, June 15, 1845 (sic) [1848. int.]
Charles, of Greenfield, and Mary Forbes of C., at Halifax, Vt., Feb. 19, 1845. N. R. 1.*
Charles, of Middletown, Pa., and Sally Bliss of C., int. Feb. 10, 1815.
Solomon, and Nancy Hart, both of C., int. Apr. 28, 1829.
Nancy, and Henry Rogers, both of C., int. Nov. 1, 1775.
Agness, of Pelham, and John Walless of C., at Pelham, Oct. 13, 1761.*
Joseph, of Richfield, N. Y., and Polly Holbrook of C., int. Oct. 9. 1805.
Annis, of Halifax, and Isaac Brown of C., int. Apr. 10, 1826.
John, William H., and Emeline Haynes, both of C., int. May 8, 1837.
Eliza, of Readsborough, and William Stafford of C., int. Dec. 14, 1812.
Hannah, and Hugh Gragg, both of C., int. May 3, 1813.
Rebeckah, and Simeon Bullock, both of C., int. Dec. 22, 1806.
Sarah, wid., of C.. and Elijah Pike of Whitingham, Vt., int. Mar. 8. 1808.
Sarah, and Simon Brooks, both of C., int. Apr. 14, 1813.
Elizabeth T., of C., and Leicester [Lester. int.] C. Jacobs of Albany, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1844. N. R. 1.
James, and Celecty Churchel, both of C., int. Jan. 16, 1832.
LOMBARD (Lumbard)
Abigail, of C., and Hart Taylor of Buckland, s. William and Abigail, Apr.----, 1826. P. R. 8. [Apr. 30. P. R. 14.]
Abigal, wid., of C., and Daniel Gleason of Heath, int. June 24, 1817.
Joel (Lumbard), and Ester Canada, both of C., Feb. 9, 1832.
Julia (Lumbard), and Willard Thomas, jr. [both of C. int.], Feb. 1, 1816.
David, of Shelburne, and Margaret Harkness of C., int. Oct. 5, 1784.
David, Elder [of Shelburne. int.], and Hannah Smith [wid., of C. int.], Nov. 11, 1816.
Fanny, of Shelburne, and John Smith of C., at Shelburne, Oct. 31, 1811. P. R 3.
Jemima, of Shelburne, and Robert Riddle, jr. of C., int. July 27, 1785.
Mary, of Shelburne, and William R. Wilson of C., int. Mar. 6, 1820.
Olive, of Shelburne, and Dr. George Winslow of C., at Shelburne, Jan. 4, 1813. N. R. 1.
Terzah, wid., of C., and Thomas Purington, unm., of Truxton [Irontown. int.], N. Y., Minister of Gospel, Jan. 14, 1846.
LOTHROPE (Lothrop)
Preston [Prescott. int.; Lothrop. N. R. 1.], farmer [of Wilmington, Vt. int.], and Margaret Ross [of C, int.], Dec. 4, 1844.
LUKES (Lucas)
Andrew, jr., and Sarah Stewart, both of C., int. Sept. 7, 1784.
Daniel (Lucas), of C., and Martha Brown of Blanford, int. Sept. 20, 1785.
Hannah (Lucas), of C., and William Brown of Blandford, int. June 1, 1786.
Sarah, and John Pattison, both of C., int. Sept. 7, 1780.
Hannah, of Halifax , and John Mills of C., int. Mav 12, 1784.
Chloe, of C., and Peter P. Carr of Greenfield, at Halifax, Vt., July 26, 1842. N. R. 1.*
Lucy, of Guilford, and Myron Nelson of C., at Guilford, Vt., Jan. 1, 1845. N. R. 1.*
LYONS (Lyon)
Aaron, and Polly Nims, both of C., int. Oct. 1, 1804.
Abigail R., of Conway, and RosweII H. Fisher of C., int. Aug. 25, 1843.
Abigail, Airs., of C., and Capt. Eli Parker of Amherst, int. Nov. 9, 1814.
Benjamin R. [of Chesterfield, N. H. int.], and Maria A. Chandler of C., Nov. 15, 1826. P. R. 13.
Betsy, of Chesterfield [d. Jerre. P. R. 19.], and Gilbert S. Miner of C. [s. Richardson. P. R. 19.], int. May 16, 1814.
Catharine C., and Robert Miller, 2d, both of C., Aug. 6, 1831. [Aug. 4. C. R. 1.]*
David, and Arrel Adams, both of C., Mar. 15, 1821.
Frederic R., of C., and Martha B. Stebbins of Greenfield, Mar. 15, 1821.
Jerre, Dr., of C., and Mary Richards of Sharon, at Sharon, Oct. 21, 1790.*
Jerre, Dr., and Sarah M. Nye, both of C., int. Dec. 1, 1808.
Jesse, and Sophia McCulloch, both of C., int. Dec. 31, 1818.
Joel, Dr., of C., and Eliza W. Mason of Shelburne, int. July 3, 1807.
Lucius, and Jane R. McGee, both of C., Nov. 26, 1829.
Lucy, and Jacob (F. int.] Streeter [both of C. int.], May 26, 1814.
Nancy, and Samuel Coolidge, both of C., int. May 21, 1814.
Nathan, and Polly Farley, both of C., int. Mar. 18, 1805.
Polly, and William Willson, both of C., int. Feb. 23, 1808.
Sally, and James Pomroy, both of C., at Shelburne, Dec. 12, 181 l. P. R. 3.
Sarah M. [Lyon, N. R. 1.], Mrs. [wid. N. R. 1.], and John Miller, both of C., June 3, 1830.
Sophronia, of C., and Job Pierce of Truxton, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1828.