Vital Records Of Chester, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1911
Marriages - QUIGLEY to WYETH & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Adam and Hannah Buttalph [int. Buttolph], Oct. 17, 1798.
Anna and Samuel Gamwell 2d, Dec. 19, 1805.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Pharez Clark, Dec. 14, 1809.
Hugh and Polly [int. Molly] Mulhollon, June 12, 1789.
Hugh Jr. and Chloe Bell, Mar. 1, 1821.
Issabel and James Briggs, May 29, 1808.
James and Laura Bell of Washington, int. Jan. 11, 1824.
Margaret and Lemuel Hamilton, Oct. 24, 1799.
Patta of Longmeadow, and Rev. Aaron Bascom, int. Jan. 1, 1792.
Deborah of Shutesbury, and Harvey Cooley, Dec. 4, 1817.
James and Lydia B. Woods of Whately, int. Feb. 8, 1834.
Mary A. and Samuel F. Marther of Troy, N.Y., int. Aug. 6, 1836.
Samuel W. and Adaline Norton of E. Machias, Me., int. Mar. 19, 1848.
Sophronia and George Wells of Pittsfield, May 28, 1828.
Warren A. of Belchertown, and Loisa Lyman, int. Feb. 28, 1832. [Louisa, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Rhoda of Becket, and William B. Turner, int. Mar. 10, 1835.
REYNOLDS (see Raynolds)
Eliza and Asa Foot, Jan. 30, 1818.
Harmoline and Robert T. Thayer of Northampton, May 3, 1838.
Lois and Rufus Black [int. of Middlefield, N.Y.], Feb. 24, 1802.
Mabel and Stephen Morse, int. Jan. 14, 1805.
Rosetta [int. Rositta] and James W. Herick [int. Herrick of Worthington], Aug. 6, 1810.
Eleazer [int. of Chesterfield] and Theodosia Clapp [int. Theodocia Clap], Jan. 30, 1812.
Eunice and Jotham Clarke [int. Clark], Jan. 12, 1825. [Clark, C.R.1.]
Lucy of Worthington, and William Taylor, int. May 1, 1835.
Joseph and Polly Wit [int. Witt], Oct. 29 [1807].
Nathan Wright of Middlefield, and Alvira E. Prentis, int. Sept. 11, 1830. [Nathan U. of Middlefield, and Lucy E. Prentiss, m. Oct. ----, C.R.1.]
Samuel and Sarah L. Goodwin of Blandford, int. Mar. 4, 1849.
Mary and Zebina Smith, Mar. 21, 1814.
Aurelias [dup. and int. Aurelius] C., merchant, s. ---- of Blandford, and Eliza Abbot [dup. and int. Abbott], Feb. 22, 1844 [Aureleus C. Foote and Eliza Abbott, C.R.1.]
Daniel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], [of] Middlefield, and [int. adds Mrs.] Sally Shepid [int. Shepherd], Jan. 4, 1816. [Capt. Daniel of Middlefield, and Sally Shepherd, wid., C.R.1.]
Independence of Middlefield, and William Tay, int. Apr. 27, 1838.
Nathan of Middlefield, and Mary M. Abbott, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
Sacket and Electa Bishop of Chesterfield, int. July 6, 1833.
W. M. of Pittsfield, and Charlotte Hubbard, int. Apr. 25, 1846.
Clarisa, 20, d. Stephen and Polly of Bakersfield, Vt., and William L. Brown, 26, mechanick, s. Nicholas and Fanny of Blandford, Feb. 15, 1849.
Ursula of Norwich, and Amasa Belding, June 2, 1841.
RUSSEL (see Russell)
Ralph of Warrensville, O., and Laura Ellsworth, Jan. 8, 1818.
RUSSELL (see Russel)
Rebecca of Middlefield, and Nored Elder, int. Jan. 19, 1823.
William and Penellapha Northrop, int. Nov. 24, 1781.
Dolly and Joseph Miller of Ludlow, Nov. 26 [1812].
Emily and Marvel [int. Marvil] Kingsley of Westhampton [int. W. Hampton], Oct. 28, 1818.
George B. and Patience Porter of Chesterfield, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Gershom Jr. and Sarah [int. Sally] Matthews, Feb. 11, 1790.
Joseph A. and Lovice Bonner, int. June 16, 1799.
Justin and Margaret Shepard, Aug. 31, 1787.
Quartus and Lois Ferry of Springfield, int. Dec. 9, 1792.
Quartus and Polly Ellis, Aug. 26, 1813.
Quartus and Martha [int. Patty] Stanton [int. of Norwich], Oct. 3 [1816]. [Martha, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Ira Stevens, Nov. 12, 1818.
Abbey of Norwich, and Charles Collins, int. Mar. 20, 1816.
Betsey E. of Blandford, and Joseph W. Otis, int. Nov. 11, 1844.
John and Eunice Leffingwell of Norwich, int. Mar. 6, 1813.
Leverett of Blandford, and Mary Culver of Blandford, Mar. 20, 1833.
Warham and Eunice Foot, May 30, 1799.
Europhia and Christopher Snow of Cummington, int. Feb. 12, 1842.
Lydia and Abner Tower Jr. of Chesterfield, int. Sept. 3, 1842.
Nathan and Ann L. Toogood, Aug. 22, 1838.
Calvin and Polly Bacon, int. June 10, 1804.
David of Conway, and Cynthia Lackore, int. June 12, 1793.
Elijah and Saloma [int. Siloma] Babcock of Middlefield, Oct. 19, 1795.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth], 22, d. Calvin and Mary, and Jonathan Melvin, 28, farmer, s. James and Olive, Jan. 11, 1849.
Elnathan and Betsy [int. Betsey] Waters, Feb. 12 [1801].
Julia of Springfield, and Benjamin Hall, May 3, 1822.
Mehitable [int. Mittel and Heman Prior, Oct. 15, 1789.
Samuel and Pamela Skinner of Middlefield, int. Aug. 8, 1824.
Tryal of W. Springfield, and Elizabeth Smith, int. July 25, 1785.
Roswell of Littleton, N.H., and Mylinda Campbell, Feb. 8 [1801].
William of Norwich, and Lovisa Miller, int. Oct. 7, 1787.
Joseph of Belchertown, and Polly Moore, int. Dec. 24, 1813.
Nicolas and Sophira Moore, int. Sept. 3, 1812.
SEARL (see Searle, Searls)
Israel [int. Searles] of Southampton, and Clarisa [int. Clarissa] Lyman, Sept. 22, 1796. [Searl, and Clarissa Lyman, P.R.18.]
Silas P., 24, farmer, s. Zenas and Julia, and Mary Ann Williams, 18, d. Sumner and Mary Ann, Feb. 4, 1847.
SEARLE (see Searl, Searls)
Eliza B. and Ambrose B. Lyman, Nov. ----, 1836.
Julia S. and Stephen Lyman, int. Mar. 21, 1836. [m. Apr. 28, C.R.1.]
Zenas and Mrs. Mary Ann Williams, int. June 20, 1843.
SEARLS (see Searl, Searle)
Achsa [int. Achcah] and Edward [int. Edwards] Clark [int. of Southampton], Apr. 13 [1814].
Job Jr. [int. Searles] of Southampton, and Esther Matthews 2d, July 22, 1787.
Miranda of Southampton, and Joseph Pomroy Jr., int. Dec. 16, 1809.
Rachel, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Isaac Parsons [int. of Southampton], Oct. 27, 1813.
Rachel and Luther Edwards of Southampton, int. Aug. 3, 1817. [m. Aug. 28, C.R.1.]
Zenas and Julia Shelden of Southampton, int. Jan. 8, 1813.
Charles C. of Princeton, N.J., and Ann H. Emmons, int. Aug. 18, 1832.
SEAWARD (see Seward)
Eliphalet and Elanor Wharfield, int. Jan. 15, 1792.
Joel Jr. and Flavia Parsons, Nov. 15, 1791.
Lydia and John Smith, int. Apr. 9, 1781.
Nathan [int. Seward] and Martha Bolton, Mar. 12, 1795.
Noadiah Jr. and Diadema McIntyre, Oct. 3, 1786.
Willy [int. Wiley] of Blandford, and Cordelia Fay, Jan. 7, 1841.
Hannah M. of Wilbraham, and Samuel B. Stebbins, int. Aug. 26, 1837.
SEWARD (see Seaward)
Joel and Mrs. Irena [int. Irene] Day, Jan. 1, 1806.
Lorana and Asa Culver, Dec. 20, 1798.
Betsey of Chesterfield, and Daniel Higgins, int. May 24, 1828.
Mary N. of Chesterfield, and Joseph E. Goodridge, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
Samuel [int. of Chesterfield] and Delight Barker, Feb. 10, 1802.
SHELDEN (see Sheldon)
Ebenezer of Middlefield, and Mary Mack of Middlefield, Jan. 25, 1787.
Julia of Southampton, and Zenas int. Jan. 8, 1813.
SHELDON (see Shelden)
Ephraim and Mary Kyle of New Haven, Oct. 7, 1818.
Irene of Suffield, Conn., and Camden H. Babcock, widr., farmer, Sept. 18, 1844.
SHEPARD (see Sheperd)
David [int. adds Dr.] and Lucinda Mather, Jan. 7, 1773. [Zinde, C.R.1.].
Esther and John Grims of Chatham, int. June 21, 1784.
Lucinda and Martin King, int. Jan. 13, 1801.
Margaret and Justin Rust, Aug. 31, 1787.
Mather and Harriet Day of Westspringfield, int. Oct. ----, 1796.
Polly and Silas Spaulding [int. Spalding], Aug. 8, 1813.
SHEPERD (see Shepard)
Sally (Shepid) [int. Shepherd, adds Mrs.] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Daniel Root [of] Middlefield, Jan. 4, 1816. [Sally Shepherd, wid., and Capt. Daniel Root of Middlefield, C.R.1.]
John Jr. of Hadley, and Betsey Belden, Nov. 3, 1842.
Elizabeth of Montgomery, and Horace Hatch of Montgomery, Apr. 2, 1817.
Hannah of Montgomery, and Alfred Adams of Norwich, Dec. 4 [1817].
Sally of Montgomery, and Robert Parks of Russell, Jan. 1, 1816.
Joseph and Polly Henry, Aug. 13 [1807].
Joseph N. and Elvira Coleman, int. Oct. 22, 1831. Nov. ----, C.R.1.]
Judah and Isaac Johnson, Oct. 4, 1798.
SIBLEY (see Sybley)
Elijah and Lucretia Anderson, Apr. 10, 1794.
Abigail and Jacob Fellows Jr., int. Mar. 11, 1799.
Amanda of Springfield, Hampden Co., and Theodore Nowel of Hartford, Conn., June 9, 1823.
Clarisa and John Abbot, June 2, 1803.
Horace and Ruby Nooney, int. Dec. 16, 1812.
Lucy and Elijah Bacon of Whites Town, N.Y., int. Apr. 3, 1791. "Objections Made by Miss Lucy Sizer April 11th 1791."
Rachel [int. Rachell] and Darius Truesdell [int. Treusdell of Worthington], Sept. 14, 1797.
Virgil and Susan Collins, int. June 12, 1825.
William Jr. and Prudence Piper, int. Jan. 13, 1799.
Augustus and Nancy Smith, int. Oct. 1, 1814.
Pamelia of Middlefield, and Samuel Sanderson, int. Aug. 8, 1824.
William Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Middlefield, and Clarisa Tinker, May 5, 1803.
Almira and Jonathan N. Latham of Otis, Nov. 24, 1825.
Amanda R. of Worthington, and Edmund S. Smith, int. Oct. 29, 1842.
Ruth and Titus Culver, int. Aug. 22, 1814.
Asa and Susannah [int. Sussa] Anderson, Apr. 14, 1791.
Charles [int. of Potsdam, N.Y.] and Sally Ayres, Feb. 3, 1817.
Cynthia and William Moor Jr., Mar. 22, 1804.
Rebeckah [int. Rebeca] and Dr. Azel Parmentur [int. Parmenter], Jan. 25, 1810.
Nathan E. of Tolland, and Arletta D. Wolf, int. Nov. 30, 1833.
Abner Jr. and Abigail Pomeroy of Southamton, int. Aug. 13, 1775.
Abner and Esther Smith, Nov. 21 [1811].
Adah and Crispus Lyman, Jan. 24, 1796. [Jan. 25, P.R.18.]
Alonzo and Mary Toogood, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Amok C. and Sarah [int. Sally] L. Belden, Nov. ---- [int. Nov. 2], 1839.
Artemas and Polly Carpenter, int. June 5, 1813.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Edward Knox of Blandford, June 8, 1809.
Caleb and Charlottee Soul, int. June 9, 1806.
Daniel and Keziah Pomeroy, int. Jan. 4, 1780.
Daniel 3rd and Prude Wood, Apr. 12, 1787.
Daniel and Cynthia Nichols of Brimfield, int. Apr. 28, 1832.
David and Laura Ann Eames of Washington, Oct. 22, 1845.
Dorothy and James Carlisle Jr., int. July 13, 1788.
Ebenezer and Nice Pomeroy, Nov. 25, 1784.
Ebenezer and Damaras Snow, Apr. 19, 1787.
Edmund S. and Amanda R. Slade of Worthington, int. Oct. 29, 1842.
Elizabeth and Tryal Sanderson of W. Springfield, int. July 25, 1785.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and James Bell, Nov. 21, 1793(?).
Elizabeth, 42, d. John and Elizabeth S., and Moses Lyman, widr., 56, farmer, b. Southampton, s. Joel and Achsah L., Sept. 19 [1849].
Elvira and Stephen C. Nichols of Brimfield, int. Dec. 10, 1831.
Enos and Lucy Bently, Aug. 16, 1787.
Enos and Mary A. Gibbs of Blandford, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
Esther and Abner Smith, Nov. 21 [1811].
Eunice, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Uriah Parks of Norwich, July 3, 1791.
Eunice, 40, d. John arid Elisabeth, and Daniel Ames [int. Eames], widr. [int. omits widr.], 60, farmer, of Hinsdale, Oct. 25, 1848.
Horace and Hannah Babcock, Apr. 8 [1819].
Horace of Norwich, and Martha Perry, July 2, 1829.
Huldah and Eli Johnson, Mar. 29, 1795.
Isaac and Charrity Mallery [int. Malleroy], Nov. 7, 1793.
James and Harriet Prentiss of Worthington, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
James W. of Becket, and Rhoda M. Dewey of Westfield, Nov. ----, 1837. C.R.1.
James W., Dr. [int. omits Dr.), 24, and Ann A. Elder, 21, d. Nored and Rebeca, Apr. 18, 1848.
Jesse and Louis [int. Lois] Parsons, Nov. 22, 1792.
Jesse [int. Jessa] 2d and Jerusha Steward, July 23, 1811.
Joab and Elizabeth Lunnon, Apr. 22, 1784.
John and Abilene Cors, Nov. 10, 1767.
John and Lydia Seaward, int. Apr. 9, 1781.
John 2d and Sarah Kelso, int. Sept. ----, 1783.
John Jr. and Persis Cowing of Chesterfield, int. Feb. 22, 1800.
John and Abigail Clap of Montgomery, int. Feb. 7, 1802.
John and Mrs. Damaris Strong of Southampton, int. Aug. 22, 1802.
John Jr. and Elisabeth Kelley of Worthington, int. June 4, 1804.
John [int. 1st] and Mary Leonard, wid., Mar. 15, 1814.
John and Mrs. Rachel Truesdel, Sept. 12, 1816.
John K. and Orrel B. Burns of Westfield, int. Oct. 22, 1836.
Lola and Phineas King of Southampton, int. Mar. 22, 1784. [Lala and Phinehas King, m. Jan. 11, 1785, C.R.1.]
Lorana and James Cambell, int. May 10, 1778. [Loraeny and James Campbell, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Lucinda and Elijah Sowl, Jan. 5, 1809.
Lucy, Mrs., and Salmon Hulbert of Kent, Conn., int. Oct. 2, 1786.
Lucy and Elbridge G. Wilcox, int. Mar. 15, 1834. [Lucy [ch. Abner and Esther] and Elbridge G. Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], m. Apr. 3, P.R.4.]
Lydia and Orin [int. Orrin] Knox of Blandford [int. Blanford], Nov. 13, 1806.
Margaret and Jonathan Wait Jr., int. May 3, 1778. [Peggy, M. May ----, C.R.1.]
Maria and Elijah Meech, Dec. 14 [1826].
Mary and Nelson Porter, int. Dec. 19, 1840.
Mary B. and James B. Wood, Dec. 2, 1824.
Nancy and Augustus Skinner, int. Oct. 1, 1814.
Nice and Sylvester Belding [int. Belden], June 5, 1805.
Peggy (see Margaret).
Persis and Luther Granger of Worthington, int. May 9, 1833.
Phinehas and Roxy Pomeroy, Mar. 8, 1804.
Polly and Vester Edwards of Northampton, Nov. 4, 1789.
Polly (see Sally).
Ralph E. of Goshen, and Jane L. Gray, Nov. 19, 1845.
Rebecah [int. Rebecca] and Seth Leonard of W. Springfield [int. Westspringfield], Dec. 6, 1792.
Rebecca [int. Rebeckah 1st] and Timothy Cooley, Sept. 12, 1787.
Rufus and Sally Smith, Nov. 8, 1798.
Russell and Olive Mallery, int. Feb. 14, 1808.
Ruth and William Foot, Sept. 19, 1777. C.R.1.
Ruth and George Taylor, Jan. 5, 1826.
Sally and Justus [int. Justice] Bell, Oct. 30, 1794.
Sally and Abner Sybley, int. June 19, 1796.
Sally and Rufus Smith, Nov. 8, 1798.
Sally, Mrs., and Ebenezer Cole of Chesterfield, int. Aug. 6, 1814.
Sally [int. Polly] and William Campbell, May 15, 1815.
Sarah and John Lackore Jr., int. Oct. 15, 1773. [Lacore, m. Nov. 11, C.R.1.]
Sarah and John Carla, int. June 24, 1780.
Serah and Daniel Cowing of Chesterfield, Jan. 13, 1803.
Sylvester E. of Middlefield, and Julia Ann Stevens, int. Aug. 30, 1832.
Theodosia and Samuel Knox of Blandford, June 17, 1802.
Warham and Sally Bemiss [int. Bemis], May 28 [1807].
Wealthy and John Crosby, May 17, 1821.
William and Lucy Convas, int. Apr. 12, 1781.
William [int. 2d] and Sally Anderson, Feb. 10, 1791.
William Jr. and Polly Martin, Dec. 31 [1812].
Zebina and Mary Rogers, Mar. 21, 1814.
Christopher of Cummington, and Europhia Sampson, int. Feb. 12, 1842.
Damaras and Ebenezer Smith, Apr. 19, 1787.
Edward C., widr. [int. omits widr.], 42, farmer, of Becket, s. Levy of Becket, and Sally Biglow, wid. [int. omits wid.],
d. Asa Willcox and Relief, Aug. 23, 1848.
Mary A. and Morgan Hall, Apr. 23, 1846. P.R.17.
Orindatus and Thankfull Hollon, June 21, 1792.
Sereno and Sally Abbot, Aug. 19, 1821.
Sereno of Milton, Vt., and Sarah V. Lamb, Jan. 14, 1844. P.R.7.
Timothy F., widr. [int. omits widr.], 33, farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. Timothy of Becket, and Sarah Burton, 20, b. Norwich, d. Solomon of Norwich, Sept. 23, 1846.
Nelsoloon and Michael McArty, int. Jan. 21, 1841.
SOUL (see Sowl)
Charlottee and Caleb Smith, int. June 9, 1806.
SOWL (see Soul)
Elijah and Lucinda Smith, Jan. 5, 1809.
Olive and Hector Campbell, May 14, 1812.
Loisa of Russell, and Daniel L. Champlain, int. Nov. 2, 1833.
Mary, Mrs., and Isaac Gibbs of Blandford, Nov. 8, 1828.
Silas [int. Spalding] and Polly Shepard, Aug. 8, 1813.
Sally of Sandisfield, and Aaron Stevens, int. Nov. 4, 1811.
Sybel of Sandisfield, and Asa Moor, int. Jan. 14, 1817.
Ezekiel 3d and Clarisia Stewart of Becket, int. Feb. 17, 1807.
Lydia of Russell, and Joel Pratt of Russell, Jan. 5, 1817.
STANTON (see Staunton)
Adeline E. of Norwich, and Havington Collins, int. Oct. 8, 1842.
Asher of Norwich, and Lucy Wait, Mar. 24, 1803.
Daniel and Almira Johnson of Blandford, int. Mar. 30, 1820.
Harmon of Norwich, and Hannah R. Elder, Dec. ----, 1845.
Jabez and Ruth Woolworth, int. July 23, 1791. Forbid by "Abel Stanton of Norwich Father to Jabez Stanton... for the following Reasons Viz ---- That his Son is a Minor and not come to years of Discretion and another Reason
the great Disproportion between their Age ----"
Joseph of Norwich, and Grace Winchel, int. Aug. 6, 1804.
Martha [int. Patty of Norwich] and Quartus Rust, Oct. 3 [1816]. [Martha, C.R.1.]
Weeden and Sally Wait, int. Jan. 3, 1809.
STAUNTON (see Stanton)
Sarah of Norwich, and Sands N. Babcock, int. Apr. 15, 1812.
STEATOR (see Streator, Streeter)
Isaac H. Jr. and Clarissa Plum, Nov. 29, 1804.
Abiel of Brimfield, and Eunice Pomeroy [int. Pomroy], June 11, 1816. [Eunice M. Pomeroy, C.R.1.]
Elzina R. and James Tilson of Enfield, Conn., Dec. 6, 1840.
Franklin and Abigail R. Willcox [int. Wilcox], May 11, 1836.
Franklin and Sarah M. Clark of Blandford, int. Oct. 12, 1839.
Mary and William Hamilton 1st, int. Feb. 25, 1833.
Samuel and Arlina [int. Arlena] Mann, Dec. 1, 1842.
Samuel B. and Esther Ladd, Apr. 13, 1814.
Samuel B. and Mrs. Hannah McConikin of Coxsackie, N.Y., int. Apr. 7, 1831.
Samuel B. and Hannah M. Sessions of Wilbraham, int. Aug. 26, 1837.
Nancy and Nahum Stowel [of] Norwich, Dec. 5 [1816]. [Steelle, C.R.1.]
STEPHENSON (see Stevenson)
Abigail, Mrs., and Israel Carpenter of Norwich, int. Sept. 15, 1802.
Aaron and Sally Spelman of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 4, 1811.
Aaron Jr. of Worthington, and Sophia [int. Sopia] P. Stone, Mar. 17, 1842. [Sophia, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Samuel H. Knight of Norwich, int. Feb. 16, 1833.
Charlott B., 26, d. Joshua and Nancy B., and Arnold Pease, 29, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Dan of Middlefield, June 16, 1848.
Frances N. and Salmon Thomas Jr. of Norwich, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
Henry and Clarisa Taylor, Mar. 15, 1804.
Ira and Sarah Rust, Nov. 12, 1818.
John Jr. and Kata [int. Katy] Elder, Nov. 26, 1807.
Joshua and Nancy B. Fish of Westfield, int. Dec. 6, 1807. [Nancy Fisk, m. Dec. 31, P.R.6.]
Jude and Mary [int. Polly] Ayres, July 13, 1815.
Julia Ann and Sylvester E. Smith of Middlefield, int. Aug. 30, 1832.
Lucy and William Taylor, Apr. 6, 1797.
Nancy and Samuel C. Tinker of Norwich, Dec. 7, 1842.
Ruth and Capt. A. [int. Albert] G. Henry, Oct. 6, 1831.
Sarah M. and Hophne Clapp of Hinsdale, int. July 29, 1842. [Hophni, m. Aug. 18, C.R.1.]
Thomas E. and Harriet L. Abbot, int. Nov. 1, 1837. [Abbott, M. Nov. ----, C.R.1.]
Washington and Ruth [int. adds L.] Bemis, Jan. 21, 1833.
William [int. Stephens] and Susan S. Kyle, Jan. 19, 1842. [Stevens, C.R.1.]
William and Laura Ann Pease of Middlefield, int. Apr. 30, 1848.
STEVENSON (see Stephenson)
John and Nella Walker, int. Jan. 17, 1790.
STEWARD (see Stewart)
Jerusha and Jesse [int. Jesse.] Smith 2d, July 23, 1811.
STEWART (see Steward)
Anna of Becket, and John C. Bell, int. Mar. 25, 1809.
Betsey of Russel, and Cyrus Culver, int. Oct. 26, 1800.
Betsy and Jonathan Bidlake, int. Jan. 19, 1799.
Clarisia of Becket, and Ezekiel Squire 3d, int. Feb. 17, 1807.
James and Susanna [int. Susannah] Flint, Feb. 7, 1796.
Lucretia and Ashbel [int. Ashbell] Day, Aug. 17 [1807].
Sarah and Erastus Wright, Nov. 7, 1815. P.R.13.
Solomon of Blandford, and Mrs. Mary Gillmore, int. Mar. 5, 1804.
Ruth and Ebenezer Elliss, int. July 28, 1801.
Cephas and Sally Copley of Russel, int. July 16, 1803.
Harriett M. and William D. Blush, widr. [int. omits widr.], manufacturer, of Middlefield, Feb. 8, 1848.
Harvey and Rachel Clap, Oct. 6 [1807].
Lydia of Blandford, and Dr. James Holland, int. Sept. 26, 1798.
Mary M. and Cooley Howard, int. Apr. 16, 1833.
Sally and Abner McMaster [int. McMasters], Dec. 31 [1807].
Sophia and Jonas Parmenter, Oct. 11, 1810.
Sophia [int. Sopia] P. and Aaron Stevens Jr. of Worthington, Mar. 17, 1842. [Sophia, C.R.1.]
William and Mehitabel Phelps of Northampton, int. Apr. 28, 1783.
William, Lt., and Roxanna Mosley of Westfield, int. Sept. 11, 1796.
William Jr. and Aurelia Lyman, May 23, 1822. [Amelia, C.R.1.]
Anna of Blandford, and Samuel B. Wolworth, int. Sept. 17, 1811.
Nahum [of] Norwich, and Nancy Steele, Dec. 5 [1816]. [Steelle, C.R.1.]
John and Mary Canada, Mar. ----, 1776, in Blandford. C.R.1.
STREATOR (see Steator, Streeter)
Miranda and Benjamin Matthews, Feb. 4, 1802.
0rilla and Nathaniel E. [int. Eglestone] Matthews, Dec. 1, 1803.
STREETER (see Steator, Streator)
Elisabeth of Becket, and Jesse Wright of Middlefield, Feb. 8, 1798.
Amos of Middlefield, and Betsy Gordon of Middlefield, Oct. 9, 1788.
Benajah of W. Hampton [int. Westhampton], and Dolly Henry, Feb. 18, 1817.
Calvin of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], and Lydia Henry, Mar. 20, 1826.
Damaris, Mrs., of Southampton, and John Smith, int. Aug. 22, 1802.
Wolcott H. and Sarah A. Harris of Becket, int. May 1, 1848.
George R., 25, stone cutter, of Lee, b. Lee, s. ---- of Lee, and Hannah A. Kyle, 22, d. Forbes and Rebeca, June 29, 1847.
SULLIVAN (see Solavan)
Abner and Sally Smith, int. June, 19, 1796.
Gershom of Chesterfield, and Polly Durgee French, Nov. 18, 1788.
John and Sally Eglestone, ----, 1777. C.R.1.
John of Norwich, and [int. adds Mrs.] Polly Matthews, Nov. 26, 1801.
Silas and Nancy Gillmore, int. Feb. 24, 1798.
William and Independence Root of Middlefield, int. Apr. 27, 1838.
Clarisa and Henry Stevens, Mar. 15, 1804.
Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and Job Cowing of Norwich, Sept. 3, 1828.
Dolly and Harvey Bedortha, May 28, 1811.
Edward Jr. of Montgomery, and Dolly Lyman 2d, int. Oct. 2, 1804.
Eunice of Montgomery, and Rev. Jonathan Nash of Middlefield, Oct. 10, 1793.
Fidelia and Alonzo Clapp, Sept. 10, 1834.
George and Ruth Smith, Jan. 5, 1826.
John and Polly [int. Molly] Miller, Oct. 12, 1796.
John S. and Nancy Patch of Chesterfield, int. Sept. 9, 1837.
Jonathan and Harmony Brewster of Becket, int. Aug. 29, 1814.
Laura and Salathiel Judd, Feb. 11, 1819.
Lucy S. [int. omits S.] and John J. Cook, June ----, 1834.
Lydia and Noah Leonard of W. Springfield, int. Nov. 15, 1777.
Mary and Samuel Egelston, int. Feb. 19, 1774. [Egleston, m. May 4, C.R.1.]
Mary and Norman Winchel [int. Winchell], Dec. 9, 1824.
Nabby and Thomas Elder Jr., Jan. 3, 1799.
Nancy, wid., and John Metcalf of Middlefield, int Mar. 23, 1838.
Nancy H. and Charles H. Plunkett Esq. of Hinsdale, int. Mar. 25, 1844.
Otis and Pamelia Clapp, Apr. 27, 1820. [Apr. 20, P.R.1.]
Sally and Jason Wright [int. Jr.], Apr. 11, 1803.
Sophia and Orange Alvord [int. of S. Hadley], Mar. 8, 1802.
Thankful of Montgomery, and William Wade, int. Oct. 12, 1803.
William and Lucy Stevens, Apr. 6, 1797.
William, Col., and Nancy Holland [int. Hollon] wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Nov. 24 [1813].
William and Lucy Ring of Worthington, int. May 1, 1835.
Oliver H., 23, butcher, of Northampton, s. Oliver, and Jane L. Foote, 22, d. Alva, Sept. 15, 1847. [Foot, C.R.1.]
Robert T. of Northampton, and Harmoline Rice, May 3, 1838.
Harriet of Norich, and Amas Gibson, int. Feb. 6, 1820.
Salmon Jr. of Norwich, and Frances N. Stevens, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
John [int. Thomson] and Calotte [int. Charlotte] Elder, Mar. 22, 1804.
Samuel Augustus and Polly Hambelton, int. Nov. 9, 1788. "Objections Made and my Proceeding forbid."
John of Montgomery, and Polly Culver, int. Apr. 6, 1804.
Ebenezer of Farmington, Conn., and Rosanna Lackore, int. Dec. 4, 1773.
James of Enfield, Conn., and Elzina R. Stebbins, Dec. 6, 1840.
Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Uriah Park [int. Parks] of Northampton, Nov. 30, 1840.
Clarisa and William Skinner Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Middlefield, May 5, 1803.
Cyntha [int. Cynthia] and Edward Bancroft of Blanford [int. Granville], Aug. 6, 1805.
Jane G., 20, d. Rufus, and Nathan O. Hannum, 24, merchant, b. Norwich, s. Caleb, Sept. 14, 1847.
Lucy and Cotton Moody of S. Hadly, int. Apr. 17, 1830. [Cotton of S. Hadley, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Lydia of Worthington, and Justus Goodwill, int. May 11, 1816.
Miriam [dup. and int. Mirriam] B. and William Orton Bell of Westfield, Oct. 5, 1842.
Miriam Sexton [int. T.] and Samuel Lyman, Oct. 25, 1809. [Oct. 26, P.R.18.]
Reuben, Rev., and Mary F. Wood, int. Sept. 18 [1830]. [Rueben and Mary T. Wood, m. Nov. 14, "next day commenced their journey for the Sandwich Islands as Missionaries," C.R.1.]
Rufus Jr. and Lovice Graham, Mar. 7, 1822.
Rufus Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Wares, May 29, 1822.
Samuel C. of Norwich, and Nancy Stevens, Dec. 7, 1842.
Sylvester and Sally Bayley [int. Royley], Jan. 6, 1799.
Ann L. and Nathan Samuels, Aug. 22, 1838.
Franklin and Abigail R. Lyman, Feb. 28, 1831. P.R.18.
Maria J. and Orin Percival [int. Persivel], June 14, 1827. [Persivel, C.R.1.]
Mary and Alonzo Smith, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
William Oaks and Anna Lyman, July 1 [1802].
Calvin of Westfield and Adelia A. Collins, May 24, 1842.
Abner Jr. of Chesterfield, and Lydia Sampson, int. Sept. 3, 1842.
Dexter and Irena B. Peirce of Windsor, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
Abigail and Daniel Twadwell, int. Jan. 26, 1784.
Dolly and Samuel Elliss, Apr. 29, 1791.
Sally of Norwich, and Nathan Wood Jr., int. May 23, 1808.
TREADWELL (see Twadwell)
TRUESDEL (see Truesdell)
Rachel, Mrs., and John Smith, Sept. 12, 1816.
TRUESDELL (see Truesdel)
Darius [int. Treusdell of Worthington] and Rachel [int. Rachell] Sizer, Sept. 14, 1797.
Mary Jane of Norwich, and Increase S. Waite, int. Dec. 23, 1843.
Susan, d. John, and James Babcock of Norwich, Conn., s. Abel, Mar. 31, 1834 [sic. int. Mar. 5, 1844].
William B. and Rhoda Remmington of Becket, int. Mar. 10, 1835.
Daniel [int. Twadweel] and Martha Crow, Jan. 9, 1772. [Treadwell, C.R.1.]
Daniel and Abigail Tracy, int. Jan. 26, 1784.
William and Lois [int. adds E.] Bigelow, June 20, 1842.
Bernard and Fanny Hardy, int. Feb. 27, 1820.
Jared and Marria [int. Maria] L. McMasters, July 16, 1835. [Maria, C.R.1.]
Chauncey E. of Suffield, Conn., and Nancy Nooney, Oct. 31, [18]39.
WADE (see Waid)
Sally and Dr. Chester Cowls [int. Cole of Granby], Apr. 25, 1811.
Thomas S. and Mary E. Post of Westfield, int. Sept. 11, 1841.
William and Thankful Taylor of Montgomery, int. Oct. 12, 1803.
Jonathan W. and Laura A. Kingsley of Becket, Apr. 12, 1842.
Sally of Becket, and Jesse Johnson Jr., int. Dec. 21, 1794.
WAID (see Wade)
John and Susannah Beard of Heartwood, int. July 24, 1774.
WAIT (see Waite)
Betsey [int. Betsy] and Reuben Judd Jr., July 10 [1817].
Charity and Jonothan [int. Jonathan] Prentice of Worthington, Feb. 22, 1810.
Charles Emmerson and Sally Carter of Russel, int. Feb. 3, 1838.
Jonathan Jr. and Margaret Smith, int. May 3, 1778. [Peggy, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Jonathan Jr. and Abigail Belding, Feb. 22, 1824.
Lucy and Asher Stanton of Norwich, Mar. 24, 1803.
Mary and Chauncey R. Barnes of Westfield, Oct. 26, 1824.
Otis and Mary Carter of Russell, int. Oct. 13, 1832. [Cartter, m. Nov. 21, P.R.2.]
Sally and Weeden Stanton, int. Jan. 3, 1809.
Samuel and Betsy Bell of Norwich, int. June 17, 1809.
Samuel and Rachel Judd, Sept. 24, 1815.
Seth and Lucretia Otis, Jan. 14, 1796. P.R.2.
Seth Jr. and Cynthia D. Pinny of Middlefield, int. June 13, 1829.
Zeruah and William Wyeth, July 19, 1807.
WAITE (see Wait)
Increase S. and Mary Jane Tucker of Norwich, int. Dec. 23, 1843.
Helena and James Bascom, Apr. 24, 1794.
Henry and Fanny Plum, Oct. 2, 1799.
Nella and John Stevenson, int. Jan. 17, 1790.
James and Ruth Procter, Nov. 16, 1797.
Lydia and Solomon Brown of Blandford, int. July 10, 1797.
Sarah and Elijah Procter, Mar. 29, 1796.
Lucy and James Henry, int. Aug. 19, 1798.
Minerva of Middlefield, and Ebenezer Whipple Jr., int. Jan. 21, 1830.
WARDEN (see Worden)
Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Rufus Tinker Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 29, 1822.
Julius [int. Waires] and Lois Kelso, Feb. 22, 1832.
WARNER (see Warriner)
Charles H., 24, waggon maker, b. Williamsburg, s. Obadiah and Jane of Williamsburg, and Mary Lazell, 19, b. Russell, d. Joseph and Almira, Oct. 11, 1846.
Dorcas and Aaron Fay, Mar. 20, 1811.
Harriot [int. Harriet Warne] and Silas Marble, Dec. 15, 1808.
Lydia of Hardwick, and Charles Gilbert, int. Dec. 13, 1795.
Mary, Mrs., and Asahel Prentice, int. Mar. 9, 1805.
Rebecca and Isaac Decker, int. Feb. 10, 1816.
WARRINER (see Warner)
Francis, Rev., and Sarah A. Hamilton, int. Nov. 7, 1842.
Walter, Capt., of Springfield, and Mary Henry, int. June 8, 1830. [m. July 8, P.R.3.]
Eli of Blandford, and Persis Wright, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Elnathan Sanderson, Feb. 12 [1801].
Olivar of Halifax, and Phebe Judd of Middlefield, Jan. 25, 1787.
Eunice of E. Greenwich, and Lewis Collins, Oct. 24, 1820, in Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I.
George L. of Blandford, and Electa Griffin, int. Dec. 6, 1828.
Clarisa and Noah Elliss, Oct. 1, 1801.
Ezra and Freelove Hunter, May 31, 1837.
Jonathan Hart and Keziah Cooley of Springfield, int. Dec. 22, 1771.
Kezia and Erastus Day, int. Dec. 8, 1800.
Ira and Bathsheba [int. Bathesheba] Wright, Mar. 22, 1829.
Joseph C. of Bloomfield, Conn., and Eunice Ellsworth, Nov. 20, 1838.
Artemas of Norwich, and Lucy P. Witt, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Polly of Norwich, and Winthrop Lee, int. May 17, 1807.
Adolphos of Adams, and Louisa Henry, May 19, 1836.
George of Pittsfield, and Sophronia Reed, May 28, 1828.
Elanor and Eliphalet Seaward, int. Jan. 15, 1792.
Polly and Joseph Holmes, Oct. 5, 1808.
William H. and Persis Jordan of Windsor, int. Oct. 13, 1841.
WHEELER (see Wheelor)
Paulina D. of Hubbardston, and Rev. Wareham S. Campbell, int. Apr. 2, 1840.
WHEELOR (see Wheeler)
Simeon [int. Wheeler] and Theodosia Fleming, Sept. 5, 1805.
Abby B. and James A. Henry, int. Jan. 30, 1841.
Charlotte and Lyman M. Elder, int. Mar. 28, 1829. [Lyman M., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), m. Apr. ----, P.R.16.]
Ebenezer Jr. and Minerva Ward of Middlefield, int. Jan. 21, 1830.
Eunice and Arba Foot, Jan. 8 [1818].
James and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wood, Jan. 7, 1818.
Jeremiah R. and Nancy Pelton, May 29, 1816.
Elijah and Jane White of Shelburn, int. June 16, 1798.
Eunice E. and Franklin L. Childs of Springfield, int. Nov. 21, 1831. [m. Nov. ----, C.R.1.]
Jane of Shelburn, and Elijah White, int. June 16, 1798.
WHITEMORE (see Whittemore)
Amos [int. Whittemore] of Becket, and Clarissa Hamilton, May 3, 1821. [Whittemore, C.R.1.]
Cynthia of W. Springfield, and Ebenezer Colton of Longmeadow, Dec. 26, 1826.
Eliza and John W. Loomis of Southwick, int. Aug. 3, 1828.
Frances A. and James H. Harmon of W. Suffield, Conn., int. Apr. 6, 1844.
George and Amanda M. Henry, Dec. 17, 1835.
Laura and Peter Atwood, int. Oct. 29, 1814.
Martha S. and Hezekiah K. Nooney, int. Oct. xs, 1842.
Mary of Otis, and Eli Gibbs, int. Jan. 5, 1823.
Polly and Francis Harwood of Norwich, int. Dec. 21, 1811.
Sarah of Waltham, and Bazaleel Wright, int. July 14, 1776.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore)
Esther of Middlefield, and William Ingell, int. Aug. 1, 1813.
Leonard B. of Wales, and Mercy M. [int. W.] Bigelow, Nov. 29, 1842. [Mercy M., C.R.1.]
WILBER (see Wilbur, Willbur)
John and Nabby Higins [int. Abbey Higgins], Nov. 19, 1812.
WILBUR (see Wilber, Willbur)
Dyer and Hannah Fay, Mar. 4 [1845].
David and Sophia Carlisle, Feb. 27, 1800.
WILCOX (see Willcox)
Elbridge G. and Lucy Smith, int. Mar. 15, 1834. [Elbridge G. [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)] and Lucy Smith [ch. Abner and Esther], m. Apr. 3, P.R.4.]
Elisha, Capt., and Mary Witt of Brookfield, int. Mar. 9, 1811.
Elisha Jr. and Betsy Babcock, Mar. 4, 1813.
Joan [int. Joanna] and Caleb Bliss [int. of Westspringfield], Nov. 25 [1813].
Ralph and Ruth Nooney, June 2, 1812.
William and Ann D. Abbot, int. Nov. 16, 1844. [m. Dec. 5, C.R.1.]
WILISTON (see Williston)
Almira E. [int. Williston], 18, d. Chapin and Aruna, and Albert Nooney, 30, laborer, s. William (Noney) and Axa, Mar. 26, 1848.
WILLBUR (see Wilber, Wilbur)
Lavina A. [int. Lovina A. Wilbur], 23, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, and Amos G. Bowker, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, blacksmith, of Blandford, s. Willard and Sally, Mar. 26, 1848.
WILLCOX (see Wilcox)
Abigail and Chester Lyman, Oct. 25, 1807. [Wilcox, P.R.18.]
Abigail R. [int. Wilcox] and Franklin Stebbins, May 11, 1836.
Asa and Releaf Colton, Nov. 8, 1804.
Mary and Ebenezer Williams, Mar. 5, 1839.
Harrison and Eliza Fay, May 19, 1842.
WILLIAM (see Williams)
Joanna and Samuel Fairman of Norwich, int. Nov. 25, 1773. [Williams, and Samuel Fairmon, m. Dec. 23, C.R.1.]
WILLIAMS (see William)
Ama and Patrick Bulkley, int. Jan. 16, 1773. [Ana and Patrick Bukley, m. Jan. 21, C.R.1.]
Anna of Worthington, and Daniel Collins, int. Oct. 19, 1788.
Anna O., d. John, and P. Burt Cook, s. Pearly, Dec. 20, 1848.
Cynthia A., 19, b. Becket, d. Jabin B. and Lydia W., and Israel D. Clark, 24, merchant, s. John L., Dec. 14, 1846.
Daniel and Rachel Meachem, Apr. ----, 1774. C.R.1.
David S. and Charlotte [int. adds S.] Abbot, Oct. 16, 1839.
Ebenezer and Mary Willcox, Mar. 5, 1839.
Jabin B. and Lydia Wilson, Willcox, Dec. 12, 1821.
James Holland [int. of Norwich] and Mary Prentice, Oct. 22 [1828].
John and Relief Abbot, int. May 29, 1784.
John and Sophia Mallery of Montgomery, May 9, 1816.
John C. of Hadley, and Mary M. Moore, int. Oct. 7, 1831. [m. Oct. ----, C.R.1.]
Louisa and Sylvester Prentis [int. Prentice] of Worthington, Apr. 19, 1843. [Prentice, C.R.1.]
Lucian B., 22, merchant, b. Becket, s. Jabin B., and Harriett L. Copeland, 19, b. Hartford, d. Melvin, Sept. 1, 1847.
Lucretia and William E. Moore, Oct. 2, 1839.
Margaret and Timothy Culver, int. Mar. 4, 1771. [m. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
Mary A. [int. S.], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 34, d. Asa Willcox and Relief, and Bradford W. Palmer, widr. [int. omits widr.], 39, farmer, of Russell, b. Russell, s. Squire and Mary of Russell, May 5, 1847.
Mary Ann, Mrs., and Zenas Searle, int. June 20, 1843.
Mary Ann, 18, d. Sumner and Mary Ann and Silas P. Searl, 24, farmer, s. Zenas and Julia, Feb. 4, 1847.
Pleiades [int. Pleidas] and William Bently of Tyringham, Feb. 15, 1821. [Pleiades, C.R.1.]
Sarah of Worthington, and Enoch Lee, int. Nov. 18, 1799.
Selden of Adams [int. Windsor], and Sally Lackor [int. Lackore], Mar. 3, 1796.
Sophia and Henry S. Elder, farmer, of Cummington, May 2, 1844.
Sumner and Mary Ann Brown, Apr. 15, 1827.
WILLISTON (see Wiliston)
Mary of Blandford, and Holmes Otis, int. Dec. 12, 1827.
Lydia and Jabin B. Williams, [Dec.] 12 [1821].
WINCHEL (see Winchell)
Grace and Joseph Stanton of Norwich, int. Aug. 6, 1804.
Grove Jr. [int. Wincel] and Laura Doolittle of Russell, June 11, 1817.
Lura [int. Winchell] and Leartes F. Porter, Jan. 17, 1838.
Norman [int. Winchell] and Mary Taylor, Dec. 9, 1824.
Vanda and Chester Foot, Sept. 12, 1811.
WINCHELL (see Winchel)
Mary S. of Norwich, and Noah S. Bartlett, int. May 1, 1848.
WIT (see Witt)
Polly [int. Witt] and Joseph Robbins, Oct. 29 [1807].
WITT (see Wit)
Betsey and Stephen Lyman Jr., Sept. 19, 1799. [Betsy, P.R.18.]
Davis and Sarah Ann Goodrich, Nov. 30, 1836.
Dolly and Napoleon B. Prouty, int. Nov. 10, 1832.
Electa C., 24, d. William and Beulah, and Hiram D. Pomeroy, 23, carpenter, of Chickopee, b. W. Springfield, s. Calvin
and Zipporah P. of W. Springfield, June 7, 1849.
Lucy P. and Artemas Weeks of Norwich, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Mary of Brookfield, and Capt. Elisha Wilcox, int. Mar. 9, 1811.
Thomas and Electa Cole of Chesterfield, int. Mar. 21, 1811.
William and Bulah Pomroy [int. Beulah Pomeroy], Dec. 1, 1808.
Louissa [?] of Montgomery, and Samuel Loomis of Southampton, Sept. ----, 1831. C.R.1.
Arletta D. and Nathan E. Slocum of Tolland, int. Nov. 30, 1833.
WOLWORTH (see Woolworth)
Samuel B. and Anna Stow of Blandford, int. Sept. 17, 1811.
WOOD (see Woods)
Betsey [int. Betsy] and James Whipple, Jan. 7, 1818.
James and Elisabeth Brewster of Stoningtown, int. Jan. 4, 1795.
James and Eunice Moore [of] Russell, Feb. 19 [1816]. [James of Russell, Feb. 29, C.R.1.]
James B. and Mary B. Smith, Dec. 2, 1824.
Louis and [int. adds Dr.] Joshua Day, Oct. 2 [1800].
Lovisa (see Vice)
Mary F. and Rev. Reuben Tinker, int. Sept. 18 [1830]. [Mary T. and Rev. Rueben Tinker, m. Nov. "next day commenced their journey for the Sandwich Islands as Missionaries," C.R.1.]
Mercy [int. Marcy] and Daniel Bigalow, Jan. 27, 1791.
Nathan Jr. and Sally Tracy of Norwich, int. May 23, 1808.
Polly and John Elliss, Dec. 15, 1791.
Prude and Daniel Smith 3rd, Apr. 12, 1787.
Susan B. and George W. Lyman, Oct. 2, 1834. P.R.18.
Vice [int. Lovisa] and David Graham, Dec. 28, 1797.
WOODS (see Wood)
Lydia B. of Whately, and James Reed, int. Feb. 8, 1834.
Olive of Worthington, and Elisha Fowler of W. Springfield, Feb. 4, 1788.
WOOLWORTH (see Wolworth)
Abigail and Deodatus Ensign [int. Ensine] of Westfield, Feb. 9, 1780.
Eli and Sally Olds of Ashford, Conn., int. Apr. 26, 1784.
Ruth and Jabez Stanton, int. July 23, 1791. Forbid by "Abel Stanton of Norwich Father to Jabez Stanton . . . for the following Reasons Viz ----That his Son is a Minor and not come to years of Discretion and another Reason the great Disproportion between their Age ----"
Ruth and Lemuel Martin, Oct. 16, 1792.
Samuel and Bershaba Crosman, int. July 26, 1786.
Mary [int. Warden] and Abram [int. Abran] Fay, Nov. 25, 1822.
Aaron G. and Sarah M. Abbott, Mar. 25, 1835. [Aaron S., C.R.1.]
Anna and Ebenezer Abbot, Dec. 13, 1781.
Artemina and Thomas Crooks of Blandford, int. Mar. 13, 1816.
Asahel and Frances Bascom, Jan. 17 [1808].
Bathsheba [int. Bathesheba] and Ira Webster, Mar. 22, 1829.
Bazaleel and Sarah Whitney of Waltham, int. July 14, 1776.
Betsey [int. Betsy] and Crispus Lyman, Apr. 3, 1799. [Betsey, P.R.18.]
Charles and Martha P. McElwain of Middlefield, int. Sept. 15, 1835.
Chloe [int. Cloe Jr.] and Ezra Pelton of Middlefield, May 10, 1796.
Edward Jr. and Cloe Pomeroy, int. May 25, 1772.
Electa and Warren Knox, Apr. 28, 1825.
Eliakim of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], and Mrs. Patty Matthews [dup. Mathews], Apr. 28, 1817.
Erastus and Sarah Stewart, Nov. 7, 1815. P.R.13.
Jason [int. Jr.] and Sally Taylor, Apr. 11, 1803.
Jesse of Middlefield, and Elisabeth Streeter of Becket, Feb. 8, 1798.
Joseph and Elizabeth Pamenter [int. Elisabeth Parmenter], May 21, 1786.
Joshua and Sybil Loomiss of Southampton, int. Oct. 6, 1793.
Jude and Roxy Loomise of Southampton, int. Nov. 17, 1781.
Lewis Jr. and Hilpah Alderman, Mar. 12 [1828].
Lucretia and Samuel Farron [int. Furrow], Dec. 2 [1819].
Molly [int. Molley] and Solomon Ingham [int. Hingham] of Becket, ---- [int. Apr. 9], 1781.
Nabby and Reuben [int. Ruben] Bates of Western, June ----, 1793.
Nancy and Ashbel Gillmore, int. Dec. ----, 1808.
Nancy and Milo Nye [of] Blandford, int. Feb. 24, 1843. [Nancy Malissa, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), and Milo Wye, m. Mar. 26, P.R.13.]
Persa and John Bigalow, Nov. 29, 1787.
Persis and Eli Waterman of Blandford, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
Sarah M. and William W. Crosby of Blandford, int. Mar. 11, 1841. [Sarah Mariah [ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart)], m. Apr. 4, P.R.13.]
William and Zeruah Wait, July 19, 1807.
----, ---- of Blandford, and William Henry, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
----, ---- of Blandford, and Renald Johnson, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
----, ---- of Blandford, and William Marrs [dup. Marr], ----, 1770. C.R.1.
----, ----of Blandford, and James Not [dup. Nut], ----, 1770. C.R.1.
----, ---- and David Palmer [dup. Jr.], ----, 1770. C.R.1.
----, ---- of Blandford, and David Black [dup. Blak], ----, 1771. C.R.1.
----, ---- of Blandford, and Jonathan Henry, ----, 1771. C.R.1.
----, ---- of Blandford, and William Knox, ----, 1771. C.R.1.
