Vital Records Of Chester, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1911
Marriages - HALE to PROUTY
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Aaron and Martha Loomise, int. Dec. 8, 1781.
Benjamin and Julia Sanderson of Springfield, May 3, 1822.
Morgan and Mary A. Snow, Apr. 23, 1846. P.R.17. [Morgan] ([Hall]) and Lydia A. Goldthwait, Apr. 5, 1849. P.R.17.
Samuel and Esther Goodwill, Nov. 8, 1820.
HAMBELTON (see Hamilton)
Polly and Samuel Augustus Thorp, int. Nov. 9, 1788. "Objections Made and my Proceeding forbid."
HAMILTON (see Hambelton)
Caty and John Ferross of N. [int. New] Millford, Conn., Feb. 13, 1817.
Clarissa and Amos Whitemore [int. Whittemore] of Becket, May 3, 1821. [Whittemore, C.R.1.]
Corrinth E. and William Euline of Sand Lake, N. Y., int. Apr. 15, 1837. [Corinth E., m. May 5, C.R.1.]
David and Mabel Pomeroy of Southampton, int. Sept. 30, 1792.
Dolly of Middlefield, and William Mahanna, int. Jan. 28, 1816.
Dorritha and Stephen Fellows, Oct. 27, 1773, in Hartwood. C.R.1.
Esther and Samuel Blackman, Mar. 7, 1805.
Hannah and Walter Hunter, Jan. 2, 1814.
James and Lucy Judd, Nov. 17, 1825.
James 2d and Emily M. Dewey, int. Jan. 31, 1835.
John 1st and Sarah Fleming of Palmer, int. Jan. 25, 1789.
Katy (see Caty).
Lemuel and Margaret Quigley, Oct. 24, 1799.
Manila and Orlando Horton of Sand Lake, N.Y., int. Jan. 9, 1848. [m. Jan. 27, C.R.1.]
Marjora Lad [int. omits Lad] and John Gamwell Jr., Feb. 21, 1793.
Miranda W. and Alpheus M. Baker of Lansingburg, N.Y., May 25, 1843. [Lansingburge, C.R.1.]
Moses and Jean [int. Mrs. Jane] Bell, Mar. 27, 1806.
Moses and Olive Otis, July 6, 1815.
Moses 2d and Peggy Mahanna, int. Mar. 31, 1822.
Polly and Aaron Hunter, Sept. 11 [1807].
Samuel [int. Hambelton] of Chesterfield, and Susannah Hamilton [int. Hambelton], Mar. 6, 1788.
Samuel and Harmony Emmons of Middlefield, int. Sept. 30, 1826.
Sarah A. and Rev. Francis Warriner, int. Nov. 7, 1842.
Susannah [int. Hambelton] and Samuel Hamilton [int. Hambelton] of Chesterfield, Mar. 6, 1788.
William and Tabitha Babcock of Middlefield, int. Aug. 28, 1807.
William 2d and Mary Crane of Washington, int. Aug. 18, 1832.
William 1st and Mary Stebbins, int. Feb. 25, 1833.
Sally of Norwich, and Daniel Bidlake, int. Feb. 20, 1804.
Nathan O., 24, merchant, b. Norwich, s. Caleb, and Jane G. Tinker, 20, d. Rufus, Sept. 14, 1847.
Fanney and William Jackson of Windsor, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Fanny and Bernard Umphrey, int. Feb. 27, 1820.
Fanny and Bernard Dolphin Freedom, Apr. 13, 1820.
James H. of W. Suffield, Conn., and Frances A. Whitney, int. Apr. 6, 1844.
HARRIS (see Harriss)
Sally and Darius Gillmore of Becket, int. Oct. 11, 1827.
Sarah A. of Becket, and Wolcott H. Strong, int. May 1, 1848.
HARRISS (see Harris)
Rebecca of Becket, and Timothy Austen, int. Oct. 17, 1801.
Francis of Norwich, and Polly Whitney, int. Dec. 21, 1811.
Mary of Norwich, and William Kyle, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
John and Deborah Meachum, int. May 25, 1772. [Harskall, and Deborah Meachem, m. Mar. 25, 1773, C.R.1.]
Emily of Norwich, and Daniel Collins Jr., int. Oct. 9 [1830].
Horace of Montgomery, and Elizabeth Shirtliff of Montgomery, Apr. 2, 1817.
Abraham Jr. of Middlefield, and Harriet Alderman, Mar. 31, 1819.
Bishop [? Hemeston, illegible] [int. Humeston] of W. Springfield, and Betsey Saphronia [int. B. Softhronia] Elder, Nov. 21, 1844.
A. [int. Albert] G., Capt., and Ruth Stevens, Oct. 6, 1831.
Amanda M. and George Whitney, Dec. 17, 1835.
Andrew and Jael Elder, int. Oct. 6, 1780.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Samuel Phelps, Mar. 26, 1812.
Dolly and Benajah Strong of W. Hampton [int. Westhampton], Feb. 18, 1817.
Hannah P. and John Nooney of W. Suffield, Conn., int. Apr. 25, 1840.
Harriet A. and Burritt Loomis of W. Suffield, Conn., int. Sept. 12, 1840.
James and Lucy Ward, int. Aug. 19, 1798.
James A. and Abby B. Whipple, int. Jan. 30, 1841.
John K. and Catherine E. Coons, June 11, 1832. P.R.3.
Jonas and Margaret Henry of Blanford, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [---- of Blandford, M. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
Jonathan and ---- ---- of Blandford, ----, 1771. C.R.1.
Joseph and Lydia Kelso, Mar. 10, 1783.
Louisa and Adolphos Wells of Adams, May 19, 1836.
Lucresia [int. Lucretia] and Walter Bodortha, Aug. 17, 1802.
Lydia and Calvin Strong of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], Mar. 20, 1826.
Margaret of Blanford, and Jonas. Henry, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [---- of Blandford, m. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
Mary of Becket, and James Moor, int. July 29, 1781.
Mary and Capt. Walter Warriner of Springfield, int. June 8, 1830. [m. July 8, P.R.3.]
Mary Ann and Abraham Holland, int. Oct. 13, 1832.
Polly and Joseph Shoals, Aug. 13 [1807].
Samuel and Abigail Kannaday, Sept. 3, 1787. P.R.3.
Theodotia and Asa Pomroy, May 7, 1812.
William and ---- ---- of Blandford, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
William 1st and Anna Alexander, int. Jan. 24, 1803.
William and Betsy Abbot, int. Aug. 22, 1806.
HERICK (see Herrick)
James W. [int. Herrick of Worthington] and Rosetta [int. Rositta] Riley, Aug. 6, 1810.
HERRICK (see Herick)
Caroline and Lucius Collins of Blandford, int. July 29, 1841.
Hollibut [int. of Worthington] and Sally Ellice [int. Elliss], Nov. 1 [1798].
HIGGINS (see Higins)
Barney Jr. and Phebe Miller, Dec. 5 [1827].
Daniel and Thankful P. Cushman of Worthington, int. Dec. 5, 1824.
Daniel and Betsey Shaw of chesterfield, int. May 24, 1828.
Eunice and Charles F. Leonard of Middlefield, Mar. 5, 1834.
HIGINS (see Higgins)
Nabby [int. Abbey Higgins] and John Wilber, Nov. 19, 1812.
Parmelia of Blandford, and Azel French, int. June 16, 1800.
HINGHAM (see Ingham)
Altimira of Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., and Sylvester Emmons Esq., int. July 25, 1811.
Luke of Western, and Susannah Crosman, int. Dec. 15, 1783.
Warren of W. Springfield, and Fidelia M. Elder, int. Dec. 13, 1834.
Henry R., Rev., of Aurora, N.Y., and Nancy Lyman, int. Aug. 27, 1831. [m. Sept. 21, C.R.1.]
Daniel B. and Almira Ingell, Nov. 25, 1845.
Eliza A., 28, d. Benajah and Camelia, and Edward Pitcher, 29, farmer, b. Blandford, s. Robert P. of Blandford, May 10, 1849.
Emaly J. [int. Emily D.], 19, d. Benagah and Cosmelia, and Washington Moore, 30, farmer, s. William and Cyntha, Nov. 26, 1846. [Emily J., P.R.11.]
Asher of Worthington, and Polly Buttolph, int. Mar. 30, 1798.
Rebecca of Hopkinton, R.I., and John Culver of Blandford, Hampden Co., Apr. 9, 1818, in Blandford.
HOLLADAY (see Holliday, Hollyday)
Phebe of Norwich, and Lyman Ensign, int. Dec. 22, 1800.
HOLLAND (see Hollon)
Abraham and Mary Ann Henry, int. Oct. 13, 1832.
James, Dr., and Lydia Stone of Blandford, int. Sept. 26, 1798.
Louisa B. and Samuel D. Bradnan [int. Bradner] of Becket, Oct. 28, 1824. [Bradner, C.R.1.]
Nancy [int. Hollon], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Col. William Taylor, Nov. 24 [1813].
William [int. Hollon] and Polly Moor, Feb. 24, 1791.
HOLLIDAY (see Holladay, Hollyday)
James [int. Holida] of Montgomery, and Mary Gibson, Nov. 2, 1824.
HOLLON (see Holland)
Thankfull and Orindatus Snow, June 21, 1792.
HOLLYDAY (see Holladay, Holiday)
Deliverance and John Barnard of Westfield, Jan. 16, 1772.
Joseph and Polly Wharfield, Oct. 5, 1808.
Orlando of Sand Lake, N.Y., and Manila Hamilton, int. Jan. 9, 1848. [m. Jan. 27, C.R.1.]
Jotham and Sally Kagwain, int. Jan. 24, 1803.
Cooley and Mary M. Stone, int. Apr. 16, 1833.
Dexter and Emily Gleason of Worthington, int. May 20, 1836.
John of Montgomery, and Hannah Moor of Montgomery, Mar. 14 [1817].
HOWE (see Howes)
Adaline R., 27, d. Liberty and Lucy, and Augustus A. Elder, 25, farmer, b. Pittsfield, s. Almon and Eliza, Feb. 28, 1849.
Elbridge G. of Springfield, and Dorothy T. Elder, int. Sept. 23, 1842.
Elias of Spencer, and Polly Bemis, ----22 [int. Sept. 14] [1816]. [Bemiss, C.R.1.]
Liberty and Lucy Bemis, Feb. 28, 1820.
HOWES (see Howe)
Edmond of Hawley, and Mrs. Sarah Fay, Sept. 8, 1808.
Charlotte and W. M. Root of Pittsfield, int. Apr. 25, 1846.
Mary and Samuel [int. adds A.] Moseley of Springfield, Jan. 18, 1843. [Samuel Mosely, C.R.1.]
Marcia A. of Sheffield, and Nathan M. Johnson of Washington, Oct. 4, 1848. P.R.17.
Salmon of Kent, Conn., and Mrs. Lucy Smith, int. Oct. 2, 1786.
HUMESTON (see Hemeston)
HUMPHREY (see Umphrey)
Aaron and Polly Hamilton, Sept. 11 [1807].
Abraham [int. Abram] and Julia A. Bigelow, Oct. 21, 1840.
Elijah and Hannah Fay, int. June 4, 1804.
Elijah Jr. and Mary Ann Blanchard of Blandford, Nov. 27, 1834, in Russel.
Freelove and Ezra Webber, May 31, 1837.
Walter and Hannah Hamilton, Jan. 2, 1814.
Nicholas [int. Huntslar] and Mercy French, Aug. 31, 1796.
Seraph and Monroe Emmons of Hinsdale, int. Apr. 30, 1830. [Munroe, m. June 17, C.R.1.]
John [int. Huchinson] and Dolly Flint, Aug. 18, 1796.
INGAL (see Ingell)
Elizabeth and Benjamin Muzzey, Jan. 4, 1787.
INGELL (see Ingal)
Almira and Daniel B. Holcomb, Nov. 25, 1845.
Cheney [int. Cheny] and Almira Phelps, Mar. 29, 1820.
Christian and James Campbell 2d, Mar. 1, 1810.
Elisabeth and Stephen W. Moore, int. Jan. 22, 1849. [Elizabeth Ingals, m. Jan. ----, C.R.1.]
Eliza and Timothy Bacon Jr., int. Jan. 25, 1813.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
James and Esther Lamb, int. Mar. 26, 1806.
William and Esther Whittemore of Middlefield, int. Aug. 1, 1813.
Frederick D. and Achsah A. Gibbs of Lee, int. May 27, 1839.
INGRAM (see Ingram)
Solomon [int. Hingham] of Becket, and Molly [int. Molley] Wright, ---- [int. Apr. 9], 1781.
INGRAM (see Ingham)
Jedadiah and Mary Jones, int. Nov. 10, 1794.
Zebulon and Rosa Elliss of Heabron, Conn., int. Oct. 1, 1780.
Ruth of Spencer, and Jethro Kinney, int. May 3, 1779.
William of Windsor, and Fanney Hardy, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Clara S. and Bloomfield H. Moor of Philadelphia, Pa., int. Oct. 8, 1842.
Ralph [dup. Rolph Jocelyn], 25, carpenter, b. Savoy, s. Abraham (Jocelyn) and Susan of Savoy, and Elvira Gibson, 23, d. Amasa (Gibbson) and Harriett, Oct. 10 [Oct. 10, written in pencil] [dup. Oct. 9] [1849].
Almira of Blandford, and Daniel Stanton, int. Mar. 30, 1820.
Baxter E. of Hinsdale, and Hannah Maria Churchill, int. Mar. 3, 1844. [Baxter of Brookfield, m. Mar. 28, P.R.5.]
Daniel and Patty Pomeroy,, Mar. 1, 1804.
David S. and Lucretia Bell, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Edmund and Sarah C. Olds of Middlefield, Apr. 2, 1844. P.R.17.
Eli and Huldah Smith, Mar. 29, 1795.
Elihu, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Mary Johnson of Sheffield, Mar. 24, 1846. P.R.17.
Eliza and Joshu V. M. Moor [int. Joshua V. Moore], May 1, 1828.
Eunice and Nathan Mann, Dec. 19, 1793.
Harriet and Ira Johnson, Dec. 28, 1836. [Harriet of Sheffield, and Ira Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.]
Ira and Harriet Johnson, Dec. 28, 1836. [Ira, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Harriet Johnson of Sheffield, P.R.17.]
Ira and Joanna Nichols of Belchertown, int. Mar. 27, 1843. [Ira, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Joannah Nichols of Belchertown, m. May 4, P.R.17.]
Isaac and Judah Shumway, Oct. 14, 1798.
Jesse Jr. and Sally Wadsworth of Becket, int. Dec. 21, 1794.
Jesse and Sophia Churchill, int. Jan. 25, 1824. [Jesse, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. Feb. ----, P.R.17.]
Lucy and Asa Foot, Oct. 13, 1807.
Lyman and Caroline E. Olds of Middlefield, int. Nov. 10, 1838. [Lyman, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. ----, P.R.17.]
Lyman, 39, farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Isaac and Judith J. of Washington, and Lucy Churchill, 29, d. Charles and Hannah C., Oct. 4 [1849]. [Lucy, ch. Charles [and Hannah (Percival)], P.R.5.] [Lyman, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Lucy S. Churchill, P.R.17.]
Mary of Sheffield, and Elihu Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Mar. 24, 1846. P.R.17.
Nathan M. of Washington, and Marcia A. Huggins of Sheffield, Oct. 4, 1848. P.R.17.
Renald and ---- ---- of Blandford, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
Sarah and Jabez French, Apr. 1, 1790.
Wealthy [int. Welthy] and Stillman [int. Stilman] Olds, Dec. 15, 1835. [Wealthy and Stilman Olds, C.R.1.] [Wealthy, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Stillman Olds of Middlefield, Dec. 14, P.R.17.]
William P. of Middlefield, and Betsey Bell, int. Mar. 20, 1835.
Anna of Middlefield, and John Cobb, int. Apr. 13, 1794.
Hannah of London, and Timothy Fay, int. Feb. 26, 1807.
Lucy of Otis, and Rev. Silas Kingsley, int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Martha and Capt. Daniel Lamb of Springfield, int. Aug. 29, 1778.
Mary and Jedadiah Ingram, int. Nov. 10, 1794.
Polly of Otis, and Erastus Fay, int. June 1, 1816.
Persis of Windsor, and William H. Wharfield, int. Oct. 13, 1841.
Irena [int. Irene], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and John Perry of Hinsdale, Jan. 1, 1823.
Lucy and James Hamilton, Nov. 17, 1825.
Phebe of Middlefield, and Olivar Waters of Halifax, Jan. 25, 1787.
Polly (see Sally)
Rachel and Samuel Wait, Sept. 24, 1815.
Reuben Jr. and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wait, July 10 [1817].
Salathiel [int. Selathial] of Southhadly [int. Southadley], and Irena Day, Sept. 23, 1790.
Salathiel and Laura Taylor, Feb. 11, 1819.
Sally [dup. Polly] and Asahel Gibson, May 20, 1827.
KAGWAIN (see Kegwin)
Sally and Jotham Hotchkiss, int. Jan. 24, 1803.
Abigail and Samuel Henry, Sept. 3, 1787. P.R.3.
KEGWIN (see Kagwain)
Julia of Montgomery, and Clark Pomeroy, int. Mar. 19, 1820.
Elisabeth of Worthington, and John Smith Jr., int. June 4, 1804.
Patty of Worthington, and Eliphalet Coleman, int. Sept. 23, 1805.
Betsey and Samuel Ormsby of Norwich, Dec. 12, 1832.
Edmund (Klso) and Betsy [int. Betsey] Parks of Russel, July 4, 1811.
Hugh and Nancy B. Platt, int. May 11, 1833.
James and Louis Cady, July 3 [1800].
John Jr. and Polly Bedlack [int. Bidlake], Jan. 29, 1795.
Lois and Julius Wares [int. Waires], Feb. 22, 1832.
Lydia and Joseph Henry, Mar. 10, 1783.
Sarah and John Smith 2d, int. Sept. ----, 1783.
Susannah and Francis Black, Feb. 23, 1796.
KENNEDY (see Kannaday)
Elihu of Montgomery, and Zeriah Green of Montgomery, Nov. 5, 1818.
Margaret of Blandford, Hampden Co., and Asa Culver of Blandford, Hampden Co., June 4, 1821.
Martin and Lucinda Shepard, int. Jan. 13, 1801.
Phineas of Southampton, and Lola Smith, int. Mar. 22, 1784. [Phinehas and Lala Smith, m. Jan. 11, 1785, C.R.1.]
Roxana of Montgomery, and Obed Medcalff of Worthington, Sept. 8, 1796.
Seth of Suffield, Conn., and Mrs. Martha Bascom, Apr. 24, 1821.
Laura A. of Becket, and Jonathan W. Wadsworth, Apr. 12, 1842.
Marvel [int. Marvil] of Westhampton [int. W. Hampton], and Emily Rust, Oct. 28, 1818.
Silas, Rev., and Lucy Jones of Otis, int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Jethro and Ruth Jackson of Spencer, int. May 3, 1779.
Daniel and Theodosi Mixer, int. Nov. 16, 1772.
Caroline C. of Norwalk, and Henry Kyle, int. Jan. 15, 1842.
Samuel H. of Norwich, and Betsey Stevens, int. Feb. 16, 1833.
KNOWLTON (see Nowlton)
Charls W. and Olive Clark of Blandford, int. Dec. 15, 1837. [m. Jan. 7, 1838, in Blandford, P.R.8.]
Edward of Blandford, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Smith, June 8, 1809.
Electa and Martin Phelps Jr., Oct. 9 [1817].
Orin [int. Orrin] of Blandford [int. Blanford], and Lydia Smith, Nov. 13, 1806.
Samuel of Blandford, and Theodosia Smith, June 17, 1802.
Sarah E., Mrs., and Daniel Fay, int. Apr. 20, 1846. [Mrs. Sarah A., m. May 13, in Blandford, C.R.1.]
Warren and Electa Wright, Apr. 28, 1825.
William and ---- ---- of Blandford, ----, 1771. C.R.1.
----, d. Capt. Knox, and David Flemin, Dec. ----, 1785. C.R.1.
Benjamin P., 30, mechanic, s. Forbes, and Harriett E. Foote, 19, d. Alva, Sept. 15, 1847. [Harriet E. Foot, C.R.1.]
Hannah A., 22, d. Forbes and Rebeca, and George R. Sturges, 25, stone cutter, of Lee, b. Lee, s. ---- of Lee, June 29, 1847.
Henry and Caroline C. Knight of Norwalk, int. Jan. 15, 1842.
Mary of New Haven, and Ephraim Sheldon, Oct. 7, 1818.
Mary B. and Benjamin Little, int. Mar. 31, 1832.
Susan S. and William Stevens [int. Stephens], Jan. 19, 1842. [Stevens, C.R.1.]
William and Mary Harwood of Norwich, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
LACKOR (see Lackore)
Sally [int. Lackore] and Selden Williams of Adams [int. Windsor], Mar. 3, 1796.
LACKORE (see Lackor)
Cynthia and David Sanderson of Conway, int. June 12, 1793.
John Jr. and Sarah Smith, int. Oct. 15, 1773. [Lacore, m. Nov. 11, C.R.1.]
Rosanna and Ebenezer Tillitson of Farmington, Conn., int. Dec. 4, 1773.
Esther and Samuel B. Stebbins, Apr. 13, 1814.
Esther, Mrs., and Seberry Fish, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
Eunic [int. Eunice] and Samuel M. [int. Morgan] Brooks [int. of Westspringfield], Feb. 20 [1811].
Lathrop and Hannah Parsons of Hinsdale, int. Dec. 16, 1826.
Laura and Alfred Ely of Westspringfield, int. Aug. 26, 1814.
Marcia [int. Marsha] and Daniel Benton of Tolland, Conn., Nov. 27, 1821. [Marcia, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Dr. Martin Phelps, Feb. 28, 1786.
Sarah Rebecca and Samuel [int. adds M.] Converse of Worthington, Jan. 19, 1843.
Daniel, Capt., of Springfield, and Martha Jones, int. Aug. 29, 1778.
Esther and James Ingell, int. Mar. 26, 1806.
Sarah V. and Sereno Snow of Milton, Vt., Jan. 14, 1844. P.R.7.
Jonathan N. of Otis, and Almira Slade, Nov. 24, 1825.
Mary, 19, b. Russell, d. Joseph and Almira, and Charles H. Warner, 24, waggon maker, b. Williamsburg, s. Obadiah and Jane of Williamsburg, Oct. 11, 1846.
Catherine 36, b. St. Denis, Canada E., d. Antoine and Jedugur Roi of Canada E., and Alexis Baron, 38, laborer, b. Makinongi, Canada E., s. Francois and Catherine of Canada E., June 17, 1849.
Charles and Susanna Gillmore, int June 29, 1801.
Enoch and Sarah Williams of Worthington, int. Nov. 18, 1799.
Parmelia and Jonathan Miller Jr., int. Feb. 4, 1799.
Winthrop and Polly Weller of Norwich, int. May 17, 1807.
Zillar and Olivar Millard, int. July 8, 1787.
Eunice of Norwich, and John Sacket, int. Mar. 6, 1813.
Alanson and Isabel Lindsey of Blandford, int. June 7, 1811.
Charles C. of Worthington, and Martha E. Moore, int. Feb. 12, 1847.
Charles F. of Middlefield, and Eunice Higgins, Mar. 5, 1834.
Harriet of W. Springfield, and Portius Moore, int. Dec. 1, 1832.
John 2d of Westspringfield, and Lucy E. Day, int. Mar. 30, 1814.
Levi of Worthington, and Keziah Benjaman of Worthington, Oct. 5, 1786.
Mary, wid., and John Smith [int. 1st], Mar. 15, 1814.
Noah of W. Springfield, and Lydia Taylor, int. Nov. 15, 1777.
Sanford of Worthington, and Mary [int. adds A.] Loveland, Jan. 1, 1824.
Seth of W. Springfield [int. Westspringfield], and Rebecah [int. Rebecca] Smith, Dec. 6, 1792.
William and Sophia Lindey of Blandford, int. Mar. 5, 1826.
Nancy of Becket, and James Bell 2d, int. Dec. 14, 1801.
Roland and Eliza F. Campbell, Sept. 1, 1841.
Roland and Clarisa Bellknap of W. Springfield, int. Nov. 5, 1848.
Samuel R. B. of Westfield, and Flora Alderman, Dec. 25, 1823.
Sarah E. and Oliver T. Griswold, June 4, 1845.
LINDEY (see Lindsey, Linsey)
Sophia of Blandford, and William Leonard, int. Mar. 5, 1826.
LINDSEY (see Lindey, Linsey)
Isabel of Blandford, and Alanson Leonard, int. June 7, int. June 7, 1811.
Miranda B. of Blandford, and Dr. Chester R. Crossett, int. Sept. 17, 1843.
Olive of Blandford, and Samuel Bell Jr., int. Mar. 22, 1810. [m. Apr. 19, P.R.14.]
William [int. Jr.] of Blandford, and Miranda [dup. Meranda] Barker, Apr. 18, 1811.
William Jr. and Lima Parks of Blandford, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
LINSEY (see Lindey, Lindsey)
Isabele of Blandford, and Matthew Campbell, int. Jan. 25, 1789.
Jane of Blandford, and Daniel Granger, int. Apr. 6, 1818.
Benjamin and Mary B. Kyle, int. Mar. 31, 1832.
William of Waltham, and Mary Belding, June 8, 1841.
Jane, Mrs., of Middle Granville, and William Foot, int. Sept. 9, 1815.
LOMIS (see Loomis, Loomise, Loomiss)
Laurana and Hezekiah Ellsworth, July 21, 1793, in Windsor, Conn.
LOOMIS (see Lomis, Loomise, Loomiss)
Burrittof W. Suffield, Conn., and Harriet A. Henry, int. Sept. 12, 1840.
John W. of Southwick, and Eliza Whitney, int. Aug. 3, 1828.
Samuel of Southampton, and Louissa[?] Wolcott of Montgomery, Sept. ----, 1831. C.R.1.
LOOMISE (see Lomis, Loomis, Loomiss)
Martha and Aaron Hale, int. Dec. 8, 1781.
Roxy of Southampton, and Jude Wright, int. Nov. 17, 1781.
LOOMISS (see Lomis, Loomis, Loomise)
Sybil of Southampton, and Joshua Wright, int. Oct. 6, 1793.
Mary [int. adds A.] and Sanford Leonard of Worthington, Jan. 1, 1824.
Philip [int. Phillip] of Middlefield, and Susanna Campbell, Sept. 12, 1793.
Elizabeth and Joab Smith, Apr. 22, 1784.
Olive and Abraham Drake of Worthington, Dec. 24, 1787.
Abigail R. and Franklin Toogood, Feb. 28, 1831. P.R.18.
Ambrose B. and Eliza B. Searle, Nov. ----, 1836.
Amelia (see Aurelia)
Anna and William Oaks Toogood, July 1 [1802].
Atchsa and Dr. William Coleman of Middlefield, July 19, 1792.
Aurelia and William Stone Jr., May 23, 1822. [Amelia, C.R.1.]
Burnham and Charity Blodgett, Sept. 9, 1807. P.R.18.
Chester and Abigail Willcox, Oct. 25, 1807. [Wilcox, P.R.18.]
Clarisa [int. Clarissa] and Israel Searl [int. Searles] of Southampton, Sept. 22, 1796. [Clarissa and Israel Searl, P.R.18.]
Clarissa Jane, 25, d. Moses and Clarissa, and Jonathan McElwaine [int. McElwain] Jr., 27, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Jonathan (McElwane) and Lucy of Middlefield, May 20, 1847. [McElwane, C.R.1.]
Crispus and Adah Smith, Jan. 24, 1796. [Jan. 25, P.R.18.]
Crispus and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wright, Apr. 3, 1799. [Betsey, P.R.18.]
Crispus and Abigail Phelps, wid., of Westfield, int. May 27, 1836.
Dolly 2d and Edward Taylor Jr. of Montgomery, int. Oct. 2, 1804.
Electa and John Elder 2d, Oct. 8, 1805. [Electa, d. Dea. Stephen, and John Elder, s. Thomas, P.R.16.]
Experience, Mrs., and Dea. Walter Bates of S. Hampton, int. Apr. 15, 1844.
Gaius and Tryphena Clark, int. July 14, 1793. [m. Aug. 16, 1795, P.R.18.]
George W. and Susan B. Wood, Oct. 2, 1834. P.R.18.
Harriet and Garry Munson, int. Oct. 19, 1833.
Horatio and Redixa S. Moore of Montgomery, int. Aug. 16, 1844. [Horatio W. and Redexa S. More, m. Sept. 11, P.R.18.]
Julia and Virgil S. Abbot of Sheffield, int. Oct. 5, 1844. [Abbott of W. Stockbridge, m. Oct. ----, C.R.1.] [Julia A. and Virgil S. Abbott, m. Oct. 24, P.R.18.]
Loisa and Warren A. Reed of Belchertown, int. Feb. 28, 1832. [Louisa, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Moses and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Sophronia L. Bell, Nov. ----, [int. Nov. 12], 1836.
Moses, widr., 56, farmer, b. Southampton, s. Joel and Achsah L., and Elizabeth Smith, 42, d. John and Elizabeth S., Sept. 19 [1849].
Nancy and Rev. Henry R. Hoisington of Aurora, N.Y., int. Aug. 27, 1831. [m. Sept. 21, C.R.1.]
Noah and Clarisa Granger of Middlefield, Mar. 19, 1804. [Clarissa, P.R.18.]
Samuel and Miriam Sexton [int. T.] Tinker, Oct. 25, 1809. [Oct. 26, P.R.18.]
Sarah and Dryden Cressy [int. Cressey] of Cherry Valley, O., Sept. 20, 1841.
Sophronia and John L. Bell, M.D., of Williamstown, int. Apr. 10, 1829.
Stephen and Anna Blair of Western, int. Aug. 25, 1770.
Stephen, Dea., and Hannah Clark of Southampton, int. July 3, 1786. [Hannah, wid., m. July 10, P.R.18.]
Stephen Jr. and Betsey Witt, Sept. 19, 1799. [Betsy, P.R.18.]
Stephen and Julia S. Searle, int. Mar. 21, 1836. [m. Apr. 28, C.R.1.]
Susannah [int. Susanna] and Joseph Clap of E. Hampton, May 28, 1789.
Theodosia and Jasper Brewster of Washington, Oct. 12, 1796.
Timothy Jr. and Experience Bardwell, Jan. 6 [1808].
Mary of Middlefield, and Ebenezer Shelden of Middlefield, Jan. 25, 1787.
Sarah of Middlefield, and Oliver Blish of Middlefield, June 1, 1786.
Peggy and Moses Hamilton 2d, int. Mar. 31, 1822.
William and Dolly Hamilton of Middlefield, int. Jan. 28, 1816.
Charrity [int. Malleroy] and Isaac Smith, Nov. 7, 1793.
Henry [int. Harvey Mallerry] and Harriet Baker, Dec. 19, 1822.
Olive and Russell Smith, int. Feb. 14, 1808.
Sophia of Montgomery, and John Williams, May 9, 1816.
MAN (see Mann)
Triphena E. and Jarvis W. Gibbs of Blandford, int. Mar. 12, 1846.
MANN (see Man)
Arlina [int. Arlena] and Samuel Stebbins, Dec. 1, 1842.
Ashley of Becket, and Jane Cannon, May 6 [1819].
Elizabeth of Prescotts Grant, and Seneca Cooley, int. Jan. 23, 1798.
Nathan and Eunice Johnson, Dec. 19, 1793.
Prudence and James Freeland of Blandford, July 18, 1797.
Sarah and Abiel Abbot, Jan. 23, 1783.
John and Lovice Bartlett of Middlefield, int. June 1, 1801.
Anna and John Moor [int. of Worthington], Feb. 3 [1814].
Aurelia B. and Nathan C. Brewer of Wendell, Apr. 5, 1837.
Betsy and Ralph Allinwood of Brimfield, int. Feb. 9, 1801.
Lidia [int. Lydia of Worthington] and Roland Foot, Sept. 19, 1811.
Pamela and Jonathan Prentice Jr. of Worthington, Apr. 5, 1837.
Silas and Harriot Warner [int. Harriet Warne], Dec. 15, 1808.
William [dup. Marr] and of Blandford, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
Ethan of Northampton, and Jenny Campbell, Mar. 13, 1792.
MARTHER (see Mather)
Samuel F. of Troy, N.Y., and Mary A. Reed, int. Aug. 6, 1836.
Aron [int. Aaron] and Pamela Ferree, Feb. 11, 1821.
Lemuel and Ruth Woolworth, Oct. 16, 1792.
Polly and William Smith Jr., Dec. 31 [1812].
Roxana and Samuel Brown, int. June 5, 1813.
MASTERS (see McMaster, McMasters)
Polly, Mrs., of S. Hadley, and Thomas Elder, int. Dec. 13, 1802.
William P. and Harriet A. Elder, Nov. 25, 1838. [Harriet A., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), P.R.16.]
MATHER (see Marther)
Abiah of Granvill, and Joshua Nichols, int. Sept. 15, 1793.
Lucinda and [int. adds Dr.] David Shepard, Jan. 7, 1773. [Zinde, C.R.1.]
MATHEW (see Matthews)
Lucy [int. Matthews] and Garret Brass, Apr. 19, 1792.
MATTHEWS (see Mathew)
Abigail and Daniel Brown, Apr. 14, 1813.
Benjamin and Miranda Streator, Feb. 4, 1802.
Esther 2d and Job Searls [int. Searles] Jr. of Southampton, July 12, 1787.
Gideon Jr. and Patty Ealy of Westspringfield, int. Jan. 4, 1795.
Lucas and Polly Brooks, Apr. 29, 1790.
Nathaniel E. [int. Eglestone] and Orilla Streator, Dec. 1, 1803.
Osee and Patty Bell of Western, int. Feb. 12, 1805.
Patty, Mrs. [dup. Mathews], and Eliakim Wright of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], Apr. 28, 1817.
Polly [int. adds Mrs.] and John Tanner of Norwich, Nov. 26, 1801.
Sarah [int. Sally] and Gershom Rust Jr., Feb. 11, 1790.
Michael and Nelsoloon Solavan, int. Jan. 21, 1841.
Hannah, Mrs., of Coxsackie, N.Y., and Samuel B. Stebbins, int. Apr. 7, 1831.
McELWAIN (see McElwaine)
David of Becket, and Mrs. Orpha B. Ferry, int. Apr. 11, 1847.
Martha P. of Middlefield, and Charles Wright, int. Sept. 15, 1835.
McELWAINE (see McElwain)
Jonathan Jr. [int. McElwain], 27, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Jonathan (McElwane) and Lucy of Middlefield, and Clarissa Jane Lyman, 25, d. Moses and Clarissa, May 20, 1847. McElwane, C.R.1.]
Diadema and Noadiah Seaward Jr., Oct. 3, 1786.
William and Rosanna Campbell, int. July 25, 1778.
Elizabeth and William Davis, Nov. 22, 1849. P.R.18.
McMASTER (see Masters, McMasters)
Abner [int. McMasters] and Sally Stone, Dec. 31 [1807].
McMASTERS (see Masters, McMaster)
Marria [int. Maria] L. and Jared Van Solon, July 16, 1835. [Maria, C.R.1.]
Mary [dup. and int. Masters, int. adds L.] and Amaziah [int. Amasiah B.] Crane [dup. adds widr., gun smith] of Springfield, Dec. 21, 1843. [Masters, and Amiziah Crane of Springfield, C.R.1.]
MEACH (see Meech)
Harriet and Benjamin Childs of Lee, Dec. 5 [1821].
MEACHEM (see Meachum)
Rachel and Daniel Williams, Apr. ----, 1774. C.R.1.
MEACHUM (see Meachem)
Apphia of Norwich, and Kenaz Pixley, int. Feb. 29, 1809.
Deborah and John Haschel, int. May 25, 1772. [Meachem, and John Harskall, m. Mar. 25, 1773, C.R.1.]
Lois and Amos Gardner, int. May 16, 1841.
MEDCALF (see Medcalff, Metcalf)
Sophia and Calvin Chapel of Washington, int. Jan. 15, 1831.
MEDCALFF (see Medcalf, Metcalf)
Obed of Worthington, and Roxana King of Montgomery, Sept. 8, 1796.
MEECH (see Meach)
Elijah and Maria Smith, Dec. 14 [1826].
James Jr. and Olive Clark, Mar. 8, 1802.
James and Asenath Gould of Wilbraham, int. Oct. 28, 1829.
Jonathan, 28, farmer, s. James and Olive, and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Sanderson, 22, d. Calvin and Mary, Jan. 11, 1849.
Ebenezer Nathan of Becket, and Sally [int. Sally] Campbell, Dec. 14, 1786.
METCALF (see Medcalf, Medcalff)
Cynthia and Erastus H. Cook of Windsor, Conn., Aug. 3, 1832.
Hezekiah [int. Medcalf] of Worthington, and Rachel E. Patridge, Oct. 28, 1824. [Metcalf, and Rachel E. Partridge, C.R.1.]
John of Middlefield, and Nancy Taylor, wid., int. Mar. 23, 1838.
Nathan P. of Becket, and Mercy Clark, Nov. 3, 1818.
Olivar and Zillar Lee, int. July 8, 1787.
Robert N. [int. of Becket], and Clarrissa [int. Carrissa] Moor, ----, 11 [int. June 16] [1815]. [Robert H. Milliard of Becket, and Clarissa More, July 11, C.R.1.]
Emily and Benjamin Coit of Norwich, int. Nov. 5, 1831. [m. Nov. 22, C.R.1.]
Ephraim Jr. and Rachel Buttolph of Worthington, int. Feb. 24, 1800.
Evi and Lorry Perkins of Springfield, int. Mar. 22, 1797.
Jonathan Jr. and Parmelia Lee, int. Feb. 4, 1799.
Joseph of Ludlow, and Dolly Rust, Nov. 26 [1812].
Lovisa and William Scott of Norwich, int. Oct. 7, 1787.
Martha of Brimfield, and Amasa Pomeroy, int. May 31, 1779.
Molly (see Polly).
Olivar and Cynthia Blake, int. Jan. 30, 1791.
Phebe and Barney Higgins Jr., Dec. 5 [1827].
Polly and William Black, Feb. 13, 1794.
Polly [int. Molly] and John Taylor, Oct. 12, 1796.
Mary and Roger Gibson, int. Feb. 15, 1802.
Anne and Moses Moss of Preston, int. July 7, 1771. [m. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
Theodosi and Daniel Kirtland, int. Nov. 16, 1772.
Cotton of S. Hadly, and Lucy Tinker, int. Apr. 17, 1830. [Cotton of S. Hadley, m. May ----, C.R.1.]
Heman [int. Hemon] E. of Belchertown, and Electa S. Elder, Apr. 26, 1841. [Herman E. Nooney and Electa S. Elder, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), P.R.16.]
MOOR (see Moore, Moors)
Anna and Tabor Pelton of Middlefield, Apr. 15, 1790.
Asa and Sybel Spelman of Sandisfield, int. Jan. 14, 1817.
Betsey and Patrick Gray of Pelham Sept. 12, 1799.
Bloomfield H. of Philadelphia, Pa., and Clara S. Jessup, int Oct. 8, 1842.
Clarissa of New Marlboro., and Samuel Gamwell, int. Sept. 19, 1810. [Moore, m. Oct. ----, 1819, G.R.2.
Clarrissa [int. Carrissa] and Robert N. Millard [int. of Becket], ----, 11 [int. June 16] [1815]. [Clarissa More and Robert H. Milliard of Becket, July 11, C.R.1.]
Dorrathy [int. Dolly] and Erastus Clark of Northampton, June 5, 1799.
Eliot and Sally Belding, Nov. 1, 1810.
Hannah of Montgomery, and John Howard of Montgomery, Mar. 14 [1817].
Harty and Norman Alderman, Mar. 13, 1823. [Moore, C.R.1.]
Jael [int. Jales] and Ephraim Fletcher, Feb. 20, 1794.
James and Mary Henry of Becket, int. July 29, 1781.
Jemima and Joseph Campbell, Nov. 6, 1787.
John [int. of Worthingtonl and Anna Marble, Feb. 3 [1814].
John C. and Charlotte Parks of Russel, int. May 10, 1807.
Joshu V. M. [int. Joshua V. Moore] and Eliza Johnson, May 1, 1828.
Margaret of Rutland, and Thomas Elder, int. Nov. 16, 1772.
Oliver and Ruth Belden [int. Belding], Dec. 24 [1801].
Polly and William Holland [int. Hollon], Feb. 24, 1791.
Robert and Dorothy Abbot, int. Dec. 28, 1784.
Roswell and Sally Clark of Blandford, int. July 26, 1807.
Sarah of Rutland, and John Elder, int. Sept. 6, 1778.
Theodosia and James [int. adds P.] Abbot, June 18 [1807].
William Jr. and Cynthia Slayton, Mar. 22, 1804.
MOORE (see Moor, Moors)
Eunice [of] Russell, and James Wood, Feb. 19 [1816]. [James of Russell, Feb. 29, C.R.1.]
Maria E. of Worthington, and Albert G. Campbell, int. Sept. 10, 1836.
Martha E. and Charles C. Leonard of Worthington, int. Feb. 12, 1847.
Mary M. and John C. Williams of Hadley, int. Oct. 7, 1831. [m. Oct. ----, C.R.1.]
Polly and Joseph Scranton of Belchertown, int. Dec. 24, 1813.
Portius and Harriet Leonard of W. Springfield, int. Dec. 1, 1832.
Redixa S. of Montgomery, and Horatio Lyman, int. Aug. 16, 1844. [Redexa S. More and Horatio W. Lyman, m. Sept. 11, P.R.18.]
Sophira and Nicolas Scranton, int. Sept. 3, 1812.
Stephen W. and Elisabeth Ingell, int. Jan. 22, 1849. [Elizabeth Ingals, m. Jan. ----, C.R.1.]
Washington, 30, farmer, s. William and Cyntha, and Emaly J. [int. Emily D.] Holcomb, 19, d. Benegah and Cosmelia, Nov. 26, 1846. [Emily J., P.R.11.]
William E. and Lucretia Williams, Oct. 2, 1839.
MOORS (see Moor, Moore)
Samuel of Rutland, and Elisabeth Elder, int. Aug. 20, 1773. [Moor, and Betsy Elder, m. Nov. 4, C.R.1.]
Alexander and Anne Elmy of Glasgow, Oct. ----, 1776. C.R.1.
Chauncy of Russel, and Olive Palmer of Russel, Mar. 21, 1813.
Stephen and Mabel Riley, int. Jan. 14, 1805.
James of Blandford, and Betsey Ellsworth, int. Apr. 1, 1830.
MOSELEY (see Mosley)
Clarry of Westfield, and Dr. William Mulhollon, int. Oct. 8, 1797.
Samuel [int. adds A.] of Springfield, and Mary Hubbard, Jan. 18, 1843. [Samuel Mosely, C.R.1.]
MOSLEY (see Moseley)
Roxana of Westfield, and Lt. William Stone, int. Sept. 11, 1796.
Moses of Preston, and Anne Mixer, int. July 7, 1771. [m. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
MUL HOLLAND (see Mulhollon)
George [int. Mulhollon] and Nancy Culver, Mar. 1, 1798.
MULHOLLON (see Mul Holland)
Betsey and Daniel Falley, int. Nov. 15, 1795.
Polly [int. Molly] and Hugh Quigley, June 12, 1789.
Simon Elliot and Olive Fellows, int. Dec. 25, 1783.
William, Dr., and Clarry Moseley of Westfield, int. Oct. 8, 1797.
Garry and Harriet Lyman, int. Oct. 19, 1833.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Ingal, Jan. 4, 1787.
Jonathan, Rev., of Middlefield, and Eunice Taylor of Montgomery, Oct. 10, 1793.
Stephen W. of Washington, Berkshire Co., and Betsy Bell [int. Bill], Dec. 6, 1810.
Cynthia of Brimfield, and Daniel Smith, int. Apr. 28, 1832.
Joanna of Belchertown, and Ira Johnson, int. Mar. 27, 1843. [Joannah of Belchertown, and Ira Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. May 4, P.R.17.]
Joshua and Abiah Mather of Granvill, int. Sept. 15, 1793.
Samuel [of] Brimfield, and Abigail Pomroy, Nov. 10, 1815. [Pomeroy, Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Stephen C. of Brimfield, and Elvira Smith, int. Dec. 10, 1831.
Eunice of Worthington, and David Blair, int. Sept. 28, 1845.
Roxana, Mrs., of Norwich, and Samuel Elder, int. Oct. 21, 1814.
Warham and Bathsha Alexander, Nov. 28, 1(?)
NOONEY (see Noony)
Abigail [int. Abigal], and Stephen N. Elder, Jan. 21, 1846. [Abigal and Stephen N. Elder, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa, (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), Jan. 20, P.R.16.]
Albert, 30, laborer, s. William (Noney) and Axa, and Almira E. Williston [int. Williston], 18, d. Chapin and Aruna, Mar. 26, 1848.
Charles, 28, farmer, s. James and Abigal, and Sarah A. Pease, 18, d. Erastus and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1847.
Eleanor and Elijah Churchill, Mar. 10, 1777. P.R.5.
George and Electa Phelps, Aug. 3, 1814.
Herman E. (see Herman E. Moody).
Hezekiah [int. Hezikiah] and Electa Eggleston, Mar. 18, 1802.
Hezekiah K. and Martha S. Whitney, int. Oct. 15, 1842.
John of W. Suffield, Conn., and Hannah P. Henry, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
Nancy and Chauncey E. Viets of Suffield, Conn., Oct. 31, 1839.
Ruby and Horace Sizer, int. Dec. 16, 1812.
Ruth and Ralph Wilcox, June 2, 1812.
Sally and Samuel Elder, Apr. 29, 1802.
William Jr. and Emily Gibbs of Blandford, int. May 17, 1838.
NOONY (see Nooney)
William [int. Nooney] and Achsa [int. Achsah] Abbot, Aug. 28, 1808.
Penellapha and William Russell, int. Nov. 24, 1781.
Adaline of E. Machias, Me., and Samuel W. Reed, int. Mar. 19, 1848.
James [dup. Nut] and ---- ---- of Blandford, ----, 1770. C.R.1.
Theodore of Hartford, Conn., and Amanda Sizer of Springfield, Hampden Co., June 9, 1823.
Hannah [int. Knoulton, adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Nye of Blandford, June 15, 1841.
Jonathan of Blandford, and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Nowlton [int. Knoulton], June 15, 1841.
Milo [of] Blandford, and Nancy Wright, int. Feb. 24, 1843. [Wye, and Nancy Malissa Wright, ch. Erastus and Sarah Stewart), m. Mar. 26, P.R.13.]
Caroline E. of Middlefield, and Lyman Johnson, int. Nov. 10, 1838. [Lyman, ch. Israel and Judith (Shumway), m. ----, P.R.17.]
Lucy of Springfield, and Darius Goodwin of Springfield, May 1, 1837.
Sally of Ashford, Conn., and Eli Woolworth, int. Apr. 26, 1784.
Sarah C. of Middlefield, and Edmund Johnson, Apr. 2, 1844. P.R.14.
Stillman [int. Stilman] and Wealthy [int. Welthy] Johnson, Dec. 15, 1835. [Stilman and Wealthy Johnson, C.R.1.]
[Stillman of Middlefield, and Wealthy Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Dec. 14, P.R.17.]
John of Springfield, and Sybil Otis, Oct. 21, 1841.
Samuel of Norwich, and Rachel Day, int. Feb. 20, 1804.
Samuel of Norwich, and Betsey Kelso, Dec. 12, 1832.
Elanor of Lower Salam Youlk, and Isaac Doude, int. Oct. 20, 1781.
Holmes and Mary Williston of Blandford, int. Dec. 12, 1827.
Joseph W. and Betsey E. Sacket of Blandford, int. Nov. 11, 1844.
Lucretia and Seth Wait, Jan. 14, 1796. P.R.2.
Olive and Moses Hamilton, July 6, 1815.
Sybil and John Ordway of Springfield, Oct. 21, 1841.
Anna of Goshen, and Rufus Abbot, int. June 17, 1809.
PAIN (see Payn)
Samuel [int. Pane] of Westampton, and Betsy Barker, Mar. 4, 1801.
Bradford W., widr. [int. omits widr.], 39, farmer, of Russell, b. Russell, s. Squire and Mary of Russell, and Mary A. [int. S.] Williams, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 34, d. Asa Wilcox and Relief, May 5, 1847.
David [dup. Jr] and ----, ---- 1770. C.R.1.
Lydia and Joseph Geer of Worthington, int. Sept. 29, 1771.
Olive of Russel, and Chauncy Morse of Russel, Mar. 21, 1813.
Susanah and Samuel Buck of Chesterfield, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [m. ----, 1771, C.R.1.]
PAMENTER (see Parmenter, Parmentur)
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Parmenter] and Joseph Wright, May 21, 1786.
PARK (see Parks)
Uriah [int. Parks] of Northampton, and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Tinker, Nov. 30, 1840.
PARKS (see Park)
Betsy [int. Betsey] of Russel, and Edmund Klso [int. Kelso], July 4, 1811.
Charlotte of Russel, and John C. Moor, int. May 10, 1807.
Henry of Russel, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Procter, Aug. 28, 1794.
Lima of Blandford, and William Lindsey Jr., int. Nov. 2, 1834.
Mary of Montgomery, and Orin Parks of Montgomery, Sept. 24, 1815.
Orin of Montgomery, and Mary Parks of Montgomery, Sept. 24, 1815.
Reuben of Westfield, and Betty Clark, int. July 20, 1777. [Ruben and Betsy Clark, m. Mar. 26, 1778, C.R.1.]
Robert of Russell, and Sally Shirtliff of Montgomery, Jan. 1, 1816.
Uriah of Norwich, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Eunice Smith, July 3, 1791.
PARMENTER (see Pamenter, Parmentur)
Arathusa and William Penneyman of Adams, Dec. 6, 1801.
John N., Dea., and Mrs. Dolly Blair, Feb. 19, 1806.
Jonas and Sophia Stone, Oct. 11, 1810.
Polly and Christopher Pennaman of Adams, Feb. 19, 1795.
PARMENTER (see Pamenter, Parmenter)
Azel, Dr. [int. Parmenter], and Rebeckah [int. Rebeca] Slayton, Jan. 25, 1810.
Flavia and Joel Seaward Jr., Nov. 15, 1791.
Hannah of Hinsdale, and Lathrop Ladd, int. Dec. 16, 1826.
Isaac [int. of Southampton] and Rachel Searls, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Oct. 27, 1813.
Katura, Mrs., of Easthampton, and Lt. Seth Phelps, int, Dec. 6, 1812.
Louis [int. Lois] and Jesse Smith, Nov. 22, 1792.
PARTRIDGE (see Patridge)
Nancy of Chesterfield, and John S. Taylor, int. Sept. 9, 1837.
Rachel E. and Hezekiah Metcalf [int. Medcalf] of Worthington, Oct. 28, 1824. [Partridge, and Hezekiah Metcalf of Worthington, C.R.1.]
PAYN (see Pain)
Daniel [int. of Hinsdale] and Rebekea [int. Rebecka] Bacon, Nov. 14, 1811.
Abner and Polly Blackman, Dec. 26, 1790.
Arnold, 29, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Dan of Middlefield, and Charlott B. Stevens, 26, d. Joshua and Nancy B., June 16, 1848.
Erastus and Sarah Converse of Worthington, int. Mar. 9, 1827.
James and Lucy Day, Jan. 21, 1796.
Laura Ann of Middlefield, and William Stevens, int. Apr. 30, 1848.
Rhoda, 27, of Enfield, Conn., d. Thomas, and Joshua P. Crowell, 26, merchant, of Ware, s. Joshua (Crowel), Feb. 27, 1848.
Sarah A., 18, d. Erastus and Sarah, and Charles Nooney, 28, farmer, s. James and Abigal, Apr. 27, 1847.
Irena B. of Windsor, and Dexter Tower, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
Ezra of Middlefield, and Chloe [int. Cloe] Wright [int. Jr.], May 10, 1796.
Nancy and Jeremiah R. Whipple, May 29, 1816.
Tabor of Middlefield, and Anna Moor, Apr. 15, 1790.
PENNAMAN (see Penneyman)
Christopher of Adams, and Polly Parmenter, Feb. 19, 1795.
PENNEYMAN (see Pennaman)
William of Adams, and Arathusa Parmenter, Dec. 6, 1801.
Hannah and Charles Churchill, Nov. 4, 1819. [Percival, P.R.5.]
Orin [int. Persivel] and Maria J. Toogood, June 14, 1827. [Percivel, C.R.1.]
Lorry of Springfield, and Evi Miller, int. Mar. 12, 1797.
John of Hinsdale, and Irena [int. Irene] Judd, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.), Jan. 1, 1823.
Martha and Horace Smith of Norwich, July 2, 1829.
Nancy E. of Norwich, and Camden H. Babcock, int. Oct. 8, 1842.
Abigail, wid., of Westfield, and Crispus Lyman, int. May 27, 1836.
Almira and Cheney [int. Cheny] Ingell, Mar. 29, 1820.
Benjamin of Middlefield, and Thankfull Alderman of Middlefield, May 9, 1792.
Charles K. and Eliza Ann Avery of Southampton, int. Sept. 3, 1843.
Electa and George Nooney, Aug. 3, 1814.
Electa and William F. Bromley of Blandford, Nov. ----, 1844.
Epaphro and Dorothy Clark of Northampton, int. Mar. 1, 1810.
Laura L. and John Carrington, Oct. 18, 1837.
Martin, Dr., and Ruth Ladd, Feb. 28, 1786.
Martin, Dr., and Mrs. Mary Fowler of Westfield, Feb. 5, 1806.
Martin Jr. and Electa Knox, Oct. 9 [1817].
Mary, 22, d. Martin and ----, and Dr. T. K. DeWolf, widr., 47, s. James and Noomi, Sept. 28, 1847.
Mehitabel of Northampton, and William Stone, int Apr. 28, 1783.
Ruth and Jason Gorham of Ware, Nov. 19, 1829.
Sally and Artemas Elder, May 9, 1811.
Samuel and Betsy [int. Betsey] Henry, Mar. 26, 1812.
Seth, Lt., and Mrs. Katura Parsons of Easthampton, int. Dec. 6, 1812.
Spencer H. [int. Phillips] and Keziah [int. adds C.] Ellis, May 7, 1845.
Cynthia D. of Middlefield, and Seth Wait Jr., int. June 13, 1829.
Prudence and William Sizer, int. Jan. 13, 1799.
Daniel of Boonsville [int. Broom Ville], N.Y., and Sally Cook, Mar. 15, 1824.
Edward, 29, farmer, b. Blandford, s. Robert P. of Blandford, and Eliza A. Holcomb, 28, d. Benajah and Camelia, May 10, 1849.
Charles H. of Hinsdale, and Flavia A. Collins, Nov. 16, 1840.
Kenaz and Apphia Meachum of Norwich, int. Feb. 19, 1809.
Nancy B. and Hugh Kelso, int. May 11, 1833.
PLUM (see Plumb)
Clarissa and Isaac H. Steator Jr., Nov. 29, 1804.
Comfort and Betsey [int. Betsy] Black, Oct. 24, 1799.
Fanny and Henry Wales, Oct. 2, 1799.
PLUMB (see Plum)
Jacob Jr. and Rhoda Plumb, June 8, 1795.
Rhoda and Jacob Plumb Jr., June 8, 1795.
Charles H. Esq. of Hinsdale, and Nancy H. Taylor, int. Mar. 25, 1844.
POMEROY (see Pomroy)
Abigail of Southamton, and Abner Smith Jr., int. Aug. 13, 1775.
Amasa and Martha Miller of Brimfield, int. May 31, 1779.
Clark and Julia Kegwin of Montgomery, int. Mar. 19, 1820.
Cloe and Edward Wright Jr., int. May 25, 1772.
Eunice [int. Pomroy] and Abiel Stebbins of Brimfield, June 11, 1816. [Eunice M. Pomeroy, C.R.1.]
Hiram D., 23, carpenter, of Chickopeee, b. W. Springfield, s. Calvin and Zipporah P. of W. Springfield, and Electa C. Witt, 24, d. William and Beulah, June 7, 1849.
Joel of Southampton, and Mary Campbell, June 9, 1796.
Josiah [int. Pomroy, adds S.] and Electa Foot, Sept. 18 [1816]. [Josiah S. Pomeroy, C.R.1.]
Keziah and Daniel Smith, int. Jan. 4, 1780.
Mabel of Southampton, and David Hamilton, int. Sept. 30, 1792.
Nice and Ebenezer Smith, Nov. 25, 1784.
Nice [int. Pomroy] and Ebenezer Abbot Jr., Feb. 20 [1811].
Patty and Daniel Johnson, Mar. 1, 1804.
Roxy and Phinehas Smith, Mar. 8, 1804.
POMROY (see Pomeroy)
Abigail and Samuel Nichols [of] Brimfield, Nov. 10 [1815]. [Pomeroy, Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Amasa and Elizebeth Brown of Dover, int. May 13, 1815.
Asa and Theodotia Henry, May 7, 1812.
Barney and Terzah Clapp of Southampton, int. Oct. 17, 1812.
Bulah [int. Beulah Pomeroy] and William Witt, Dec. 1, 1808.
Joseph Jr. and Miranda Searls of Southampton, int. Dec. 16, 1809.
Leartes F. and Lura Winchel [int. Winchell], Jan. 17, 1838.
Nelson of Pittsfield, [and] Martha Bigelow, Mar. 26, 1829.
Nelson and Mary Smith, int. Dec. 19, 1840.
Patience of Chesterfield, and George B. Rust, int. Oct. 18, 1834.
Mary E. of Westfield, and Thomas S. Wade, int. Sept. 11, 1841.
Joel of Russell, and Lydia Squire of Russell, Jan. 5, 1817.
PRENTICE (see Prentis, Prentiss, Printice)
Asahel and Mrs. Mary Warner, int. Mar. 9, 1805.
Betsey of Worthington, and James Elder, int. Nov. 29, 1807.
Jonathan Jr. of Worthington, and Pamelia Marble, Apr. 5, 1837.
Jonothan [int. Jonathan] of Worthington, and Charity Wait, Feb. 22, 1801.
Mary, Mrs., and Maj. Thadeus [int. Thaddeus] Baker of Chesterfield, Mar. 16, 1813.
Mary and James Holland Williams [int. of Norwich], Oct. 22 [1828].
PRENTIS (see Prentice, Prentiss, Printice)
Alvira E. and Nathan Wright Robbins of Middlefield, int. Sept. 11, 1830. [Lucy E. Prentiss and Nathan U. Robbins of Middlefield, m. Oct. ----, C.R.1.
Barney and Clarissa Cushman of Worthington, int. Mar. 12, 1830.
Eliza [int. adds W.], 18, d. Rufus and Emaly, and Abner J. Ames, 31, farmer, of Becket, s. Joel and Azuba of Becket, May 3, 1848.
Lucy E. (see Alvira E.).
Lydia [int. Prentice] and Gilbert B. Fish of Syracuse [int. adds N.Y.], Jan. 16, 1827.
Sylvester [int. Prentice] of Worthington, and Louisa Williams, Apr. 19, 1843. [Prentice, C.R.1.]
PRENTISS (see Prentice, Prentis, Printice)
Harriet of Worthington, and James Smith, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
Rachel of Granby, and David Fay, int. Feb. 13, 1843.
Heman and Mehitable [int. Mitte] Sanderson, Oct. 15, 1789.
William and Elizabeth Elliss, int. Dec. 7, 1782.
PRINTICE (see Prentice, Prentis, Prentiss)
Asahel of Worthington, and Lucy Collins of Worthington, May 30, 1787.
Elijah and Sarah Walton, Mar. 29, 1796.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Henry Parks of Russel, Aug. 28, 1794.
Molly [int. Polly] and Elisha Carnahan [int. Cannon] of Blandford, Apr. 12, 1796.
Robert Jr. [int. 3d, omits Jr.] and Polly Carnahah [int. Cannon] of Blandford [int. Blanford], Sept. 1, 1796.
Ruth and James Walton, Nov. 16, 1797.
Napoleon B. of Spencer, and Dolly Witt, int. Nov. 10, 1832.
