Vital Records Of Charlton, Massachusetts,
To the end of the year 1849
Marriages - ABBOTT to CUTTING
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Elijah of Brimfield and Lois Belknap, June 13, 1819.
Bowen of Holliston and Fanny A. Cleveland, Dec. 11, 1823.
Braman B. of Brookfield (s. David and Catherine, a. 29) and Dulcinea Davis, March 1, 1849.
Calista and Francis Detray, May 14, 1826.
Caroline F. [Frances in int.] of Brookfield and George Spurr, Nov. 19, 1843.
Charles and Selina Hobbs of Sturbridge, Oct. 26, 1842.
Christian of Spencer and Ebenezer White Jr., int. Nov. 17, 1769.
Content and Peter Searl, int. April 11, 1813.
Dr. David of Union, Ct., and Jeminia Mower, Feb. 18, 1796.
David [of Brookfield in int.] and Catherine Blanchard, Jan. ----, 1819.
James of Brookfield and Zaruah Sabins, int. April 9, 1831.
Jemima of Brookfield and Benjamin Blanchard, int. Oct. 23, 1790.
Joel of Mendon and Charlotte Blood, Aug. 29, 1833.
Lemuel and Mrs. Tryphena Hall, int. Aug. 19, 1832.
Nabby and Samuel Billings, May 27, 1817.
Perses of Spencer and Jonathan Weld, int. Dec. 28, 1778.
Reuben and Polly Fitts, Aug. 10, 1806.
Silas of Brookfield and Tirzah Morey of Sturbridge, March 22, 1812.
Susan and Chauncy Flint of Spencer, April 12, 1837.
Susan of Spencer and Horace P. Hicks, int. March 24, 1839.
Thomas and Mary McIntire, int. April 4, 1777.
Thomas and Abigail Corban of Dudley, int. Sept. 7, 1776.
Chester of Brookfield and Emeline Brown, Jan. 7, 1838.
Emeline and Samuel F. Bemis, both of Brookfield, July 24, 1842.
Jabez and Nancy Ryan, Jan. 11, 1809.
Jabez and Eunice Ryan, Oct. 3, 1813.
John and Sally Pottle, April 22, 1805.
[Albee in int.] (see below, also Allbee), Cloe W. and Preston French of Ware, Feb. 20, 1825.
[Albee in int.], Phebe and Abijah Brown, Oct. 15, 1804.
Reuben Jr. and Polly Fitts of Dudley, int. April 7, 1806.
Ruth and Timothy Corben of Dudley, int. Feb. 21, 1801.
Willard and Dorcas White, int. April 6, 1801.
Andrew and Marcy Foskett, int. April 14, 1811.
Asa and Rachel Brown of Dudley, int. Jan. 16, 1829.
Asahel and Lydia Wood of Glocester, R.I., int. July 1, 1804.
Betsey and Samuel Stephen, March 26, 1794.
Fidelia W. (d. Wid. Rachel, a. 21) and Alanzo W. Olds of Southbridge, May 8, 1845.
Hezekiah and Rachel Comings, Dec. 23, 1817.
Joseph and Lydia Morton of Burrillville, R.I., int. Feb. 5, 1809.
Lucinda and James McCoach of Dudley, int. Oct. 29, 1825.
Lucy and Jacob Mellendy, May 12, 1822.
Mary and Ebin Mann of Sturbridge, Oct. 12, 1834.
Sally and Samuel Corben of Dudly, int. April 17, 1814.
Willard and Hannah Brown, April 30, 1821.
ALBY (see above)
Almira and Daniel S. Whipple, both of Burrillville, R.I., Nov. 12, 1838.
Mis. Susanah of Stafford and Capt. Richard Dresser, int. Jan. 23, 1773.
ALDRICH (see Aldridge)
Elias of Milbury and Betsy Bulen, March 4, 1829.
Rachel of Uxbridge and Stacy Fletcher, int. Jan. 5, 1812.
Waty M. P. [Maria Putnam in int.] (d. Richard and Mary) and Loren Carpenter, April 2, 1846.
ALDRIDGE (see Aldrich)
Josiah and Sally Bebe, Oct. 211 1804.
[Aldrich in int.], Moses and Betsey Burden, April 28, 1816.
[Elexander in int.], Daniel and Mhitable McIntire, Oct. 16, 1766.
Daniel Jr. and Sally Smith of Dudley, Jan. 16, 1792.
Elliot of Brimfield and Chloe Merritt, April 13, 1830.
Emely and Peter Stevens Jr., int. Nov. 28, 1835.
Esther and Benjamin Dennis Jr., May 29, 1782.
Israel and Catharine Green, int. Feb. 15, 1834.
Lucy and Nicholus Howard, int. Nov. 1, 1775.
Matilda and Reuben Walker of Paxton, March 1, 1831.
Mehetable [Mehitibal in int.] and Jeduthan Goodell, June 17, 1792.
Ruth and David Morse, Dec. 26, 1810.
Salome and Eden Allen, Dec. 29, 1822.
ALLBEE (see Albe, etc.)
Anna and William Obryne, June 17, 1784.
[Albee in int.], Rhoda and Daniel Mansfield of Dudley, Oct. 14, 1789.
Silas and Marey Curtice, int. Dec. 14, 1793.
ALLEN (see Allin, Alyen)
Aaron of Sturbrid and Ketherine Smith, Aug. 9, 1787.
Alvan and Mrs. Susan Gould, both of Springfield, July 8, 1841.
Alvin and Sally Steevens, Feb. 28, 1825.
Augustus T. and Aurelia C. Wakefield of Dudley, int. Sept. 29, 1839.
David of Sturbridg and Experience Streeter of Charlton District, March 10, 1763.
Eden and Salome Alexander, Dec. 29, 1822.
Erastus of Stafford, Ct. (s. Eden and Saloma, a. 23), and Mary Ann Rhodes of Holland, Mass., Oct. 11, 1846.
Harriet [Hariot in int.] and Abner Wallin, March 29, 1825.
Joseph C. of Sturbridge and Hannah (Brown), June 29, 1828.
Polley of Dudley and Nathaniel Blood Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1791.
Polly and Daniel Wyman, both of Dudley, Jan. 9, 1791.
Sally and Zeno Stone, Dec. 5, 1803.
Mrs. Sarah of Northhamton and Ebenezer Davis, int. Jan. 9, 1786.
William of Wardsborough, Vt., and Huldah Curtiss of Dudley, Feb. 26, [1797]
Amma of Dudley and Timothy Barton, int. Jan. 3, 1767.
ALLTON (see Alton)
Ammasa and Silance Leach of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 6, 1794.
Benjamin and Susannah Blood, June 6, 1765.
Marcy and Danforth Clerk of Sturbridge, Dec. 18, 1788.
Moses and Miriam Prince, April 26, 1787.
Olive and Asa Fenton, int. Nov. 30, 1793.
ALTON (see above)
Rachel and Dr. Abishai Howard, int. July 18, 1795.
Mary [Mary L. in int.] and Daniel Salisbury, Feb. 14, 1834.
ALYEN (see Allen)
Sarah of Brookline, Ct., and Esquire Weld, int. Jan. 19, 1793.
Jemima and Nathan McIntire Jr. Nov. 25, 1768.
Mary and Nehemiah McInter, Jan. 18, 1781,
Rebeckah and Ebenezer Herwood, Jan. 3, 1771.
Luther W. and Mary C. Henshaw, int. March 10, 1849.
Calven and Deborah Davis, Jan. 31, 1793.
Cynthia and Timothy Page Jr., March 14, 1815.
Deborah and Chester Dresser, Jan. 1, 1816.
Hannah and Zepheniah Brown of Dudley, int. March 4, 1799.
Hannah and Ebenezer Davis, Jan. 19, 1802.
Jeremiah and Abigail Harwood of Oxford, int. Aug. 8, 1801.
John and Olive Sanger of Dudley, int. May 31, 1783.
Joseph and Dorcas Carpenter of Woodstock, Ct. Jan. 4, 1765.
Luther and Mrs. Patty Holman of Woodstock, Ct., int. Oct. 17, 1789.
Luther [Luther S. in int.] of Southbridge and Mary Lucy Russell, Nov. 22, 1843.
Mehetible and Dr. James Walcott of Dugley, int. Sept. 29, 1799.
Otis and Sally May, Jan. 11, 1808.
Reuben and Olive Lyon of Woodstock, int. April 5, 1771.
Samuel and Huldah McIntier, March 8, 1804.
Francis and Lydia M. Merry of Seekonk, Mass., int. March 30, 1837.
Phebe of Scituate, R.I., and George Atwell, int. Dec. 25, 1842.
James [of Stanford, Vt., in int.] and Betsy Winslow, Oct. 23, 1802.
Rebekah of Spencer and David Hammond, int. March 23, 1765.
Amasa and Chloe Woodward, Aug. 11, 1793.
Jemima and John Pratt, Feb. 4, 1796.
George and Phebe Angell of Scituate, R.I., int. Dec. 25, 1842.
Daniel and Rhoda McIntier, int. May 1, 1800.
Sophia [of Scituate [R.I.] in int.] and John Borden, May 3, 1804.
Wilber and Miranda McIntire, March 20, 1836.
Elizabeth of Oxford and Nathan Dexter, int. April 23, 1815.
[Axtell in int.], Moses and Tamer Curtis, March 30, 1779.
Aaron and Sarah Crabtree of Western, int. May 3, 1781.
Elisabeth and John Robins of Sturbridge, int, May 15, 1788.
Daniel and Polly Barton, Nov. 17, 1805.
Merriam and Leonard Cheney of Dudley, int. May 9, 1802.
Abigail and Jedediah Healy, Oct. 19, 1817.
Alvan and Martha D. Wilson, Sept. 10, 1840.
Ana and William Smith, int. Aug. 1, 1805.
Asa and Lois Fisk of Sturbridge, int. Nov. 23, 1794.
Asa and Elizabeth Comins, Oct. 24, 1799.
Berthier and Ruth S. Wilson of Spencer, int. March 10, 1833.
Berthier and Cynthia Ann Wilson of Spencer, int. Dec. 14, 1834.
Calesta [Calista in int.] and Chauncy Plimpton, Dec. 3, 1817.
Charlotte and Albert G. Willard of Leicester, April 30, 1829.
Chester of Woodstock and Lucy Edmunds, int. April 22, 1800.
Cyrus and Lucinda Thayer, March 22, 1818.
Daniel Jr. and Anna Fay, May 16, 1782.
Daniel Jr. and Dina Nichols of Thompson, Ct., int. June 12, 1808.
Daniel and Mrs. Olivia De Witt, Dec. 6, 1831.
Ebenezer and Anna Long, March 2, 1788.
Elizabeth A. and Jonas L. Rice, Nov. 27, 1837.
Enock and Lydia Dresser, both of Sturbridge, Aug. 18, 1793.
Ephraim Jr. of Sturbridge and Lucy Chamberlain, int. Dec. 20, 1801.
Evelina and Henry Plimpton, Jan. 23, 1823.
Lt. Fisk and Augusta Comings, Dec. 23, 1827.
Harriet [Hannah in int.] H. and William F. McKinstry of Southbridge, May 1, 1839.
John and Abigil [Abigigail in int.] Kelley, Dec. 14, 1786.
John Jr. and Lucretia Laflen, June 11, 1815.
Jonas and Elizabeth Witt, July 23, 1823.
Julia and Daniel Curtis, July 28, 1816.
Julia A. [Ann in int.] and Royal P. McIntire, May 27, 1839.
Lerrent and Lucy Elizabeth Bently of Woodstock, Ct., int. Feb. 20, 1814.
Lois and Garson Lamb, April 9, 1826.
Lorinda [Linda in int.] J. and Thomas N. Muzzy, Feb. 3, 1813.
Lucy and Moses Blanchard, int. Jan. 3, 1796.
Marcia [Martia in int.] and Peter Searis, Oct. 5, 1806.
Mary and Lyman Morris, April 11, 1815.
Molley [Polley in int.] and Barnabas Comins, Sept. 3, 1797.
Palaski of Dudley and Betsy Stevens, Jan. 31, 1830.
Persiller of Woodstock and Tadeous Walker, int. Feb. 10, 1792.
Rufus and Elenar Edwards, April 17, 1782.
Ruth and Oliver Theyor, int. June 16, 1805.
Sally and George Rice, Jan. 5, 1813.
Sarah of Leicester and Andrew P. Fitts, int. May 26, 1833.
Sophia [Sophy in int.] and Abner Taber of Dudley, July 31, 1842.
Amos S. (s. Ebenezer and Tamma, a. 23) and Mary W. McIntyre, April 12, 1849.
Brad F. and Hannah Gore of Dudley, int. March 28, 1823.
Darius of Dudley and Harriet Blood, April 10, 1837.
Deborah and Abner Gleson, Oct. 27, 1791.
Ebenezer and Tammison White, int. March 7, 1806.
Edwin [Edwin J. in int.] (s. John and Clarissa, a. 23) and Dolly Maria Reynolds, March 6, 1849.
Elisabeth and Moses Rowel of Oxford, int. Feb. 28, 1778.
Ethelinday C. (d. John and Caressa, a. 22) and George W. Wilson of Thompson, Ct., Nov. 11, 1845.
Henry A. of Willimantic, Ct., and Mary M. Thurston, int. April 14, 1844.
Joseph Capen and Susanna Foskett, Dec. 15, 1774.
Leonard of Dudley and Polly Thompson, March 20, 1838. In Dudley.
Lillis of Douglas and Ezra Nichols, int. Aug. 23, 1835.
Lucy and Silvanus White, int. March 2, 1801.
Lucy Emeline (d. John and Clarissa, a. 19) and George Blanchard Carpenter, May 13, 1847.
Mary and David Goodell, Oct. 9, 1777.
Mehitabel and Eliphelet Rowell, June 14, 1795.
Polly and William Phillips, Jan. 2, 1821.
Presilla [Presila in int.] and Joseph Griggs of Stirbridge, Nov. 25, 1777.
Samuel and Mrs. Joanna Persons of Ward, int. March 11, 1781.
Susannah and Moses Stephen, int. March 2, 1801.
William Harrison (a. 27) and Silence Maria Morse, Nov. 24, 1846.
Anna of Spencer and Samuel Ward, int. Jan. 1, 1804.
Horace and Lucy Belknap of Milbury, int. March 20, 1842.
Lorinda of Spencer and Amos Doane, int. Feb. 1, 1835.
Lucy of Spencer and Phinehas Jones, int. Sept. 18, 1786.
Nelson of Spencer and Matilda Thompson, int. March 6, 1842.
Persis and Moses Morey, Aug. 25, 1774.
Silvanus and Betsy Merrit, int. Aug. 30, 1805.
Clarissa of Calais, Vt., and Alford Wilson, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Rev. Isaac R. and Elizabeth Greenough of Amherst, int. Nov. 10, 1837.
BARDEN (see Borden, Burdan, Burden)
Hannah and Nathan Hewitt of Sutton, int. Oct. 21, 1804.
Luke and Emeline Howe, both of Southbridge, Dec. 10, 1840.
Polley and Elias Stowell, both of Worcester, Nov. 7, 1790.
BARNES (see Barns)
[Barns in int.], John of Dudley and Catherine Stone, Nov. 1, 1832.
Rev. James O. of Seaconk and Eliza Lathe, May 18, 1825.
BARNS (see Barnes)
Charles and Sally Parker, Sept. 13, 1821.
[Barnes in int.], Joel and Mary Dugar, May 7, 1804.
Lydia E. and Prince Knight of New Braintree, April 27, 1831.
Elizabeth and Phillip Bigelow, Dec. 11, 1793.
Elisabeth of Sutten and Israel Waters, int. April 26, 1776.
Mrs. Lucy and Nehemiah Stone Jr., Jan. 15, 1783.
Rogers and Rhoda Fitts, int. March 4, 1799.
Sarah of Sutton and Aaron Hammond, May 25, 1784.
Tamer of Sutton and Peter Spaulding, int. April 6, 1794.
William and Hannah Phillips, int. Sept. 3, 1815.
Abigail and Jonathan Rich, int. Nov. 17, 1759.
Ma [of North Brookfield in int.] and Lucinda Curtis, Nov. 25, 1813.
Bathsheba and Samuel Streeter of Stirbridge, July 8, 1779.
Hannah and Seth Warren, Aug. 17, 1788.
Harlem and Mercy Morse, Sept. 26, 1819.
Jacob and Polly Sibley, March 6, 1814.
Jacob and Sophia Shepherd of Dudly, int. April 19, 1818.
Jeremiah of Leicester and Susanna Dennis, Oct. 14, 1783.
John and Lucy Ann Moon, Sept. 27, 1837.
John B. of Milbury and Mary A. Gould, May 30, 1841.
Joseph T. [Twiss in int.] and Sabra Edwards, Jan. 24, 1816.
Mrs. Lucretia and Caleb Knight, int. April 15, 1832.
Mary and Abraham Pratt of Oxford, int. Dec. 6, 1760.
Mary E. [Mary J. E. in. int.] (d. Jacob) and Jonathan B. Wetherill of Ware, June 3, 1846.
Olive and Ephraim Segars, Aug. 31, 1788.
Polly and Daniel Bachelor, Nov. 17, 1805.
Rachel and Comins Litchfield, March 31, 1830.
Roxana L. of Leicester and Charles King, int. Oct. 17, 1813.
Mrs. Sabra and Amasa Woodard, April 14, 1838.
Sibbley and Rachel Needham, int. Dec. 31, 1784.
Sibley and Lucretia Twiss, June 30, 1788.
Capt. Stephen Jr. and Betsey Rich, Nov. 24, 1833.
Timothy and Amma Allin of Dudley, int. Jan. 3, 1767.
William and Sally Tucker, int. Aug. 13, 1809.
William Luis [Lewis in int.] of Worcester and Louisa Weld, May 31, 1826.
William T. and Mary A. Stone, Nov. 14, 1836.
Mary of Ashford, Ct., and Ebenezer McIntier, int. June 11, 1809.
BATCHELLER (see Bacheldor, Bachelor)
Huldah and Luther Fisher, int. May 4, 1793.
Eljah Jr. and Martha Hubbard of Brimfield, int. Dec. 31, 1796.
Clarissa Jane and Daniel Bullard of Sturbridge, March 5, 1844.
Keziah and John McKinstry of Sturbridge, int. July 3, 1808.
Patty of Gafton and Simeon Putnam, int. Nov. 3, 1793.
Pebea and Lawrence McComb, int. Nov. 6, 1796.
[Batchellor in int.], Susan and David Brownell, Nov. 26, 1813.
Angelina of Grafton and Luther P. Martin, int. Aug. 31, 1834.
Mehetibele and John George, int. Oct. 9, 1796.
Oren and Lois McKinstry, int. Nov. 12, 1800.
Orson and Augusta Thomson, April 27, 1825.
Sally and Josiah Aldridge, Oct. 21, 1804.
Jason and Marcy Piper of Concord, int. June 10, 1781.
Mary S. and Elijah Hammond, Dec. 21, 1836.
Waity and Moses D. Williams, int. Jan. 19, 1834.
Lois and Elijah Abbott of Brimfield, June 13, 1819.
Lucy of Milbury and Horace Baldwin, int. March 20, 1842.
Stephen of Ward and Lous Chase, int. Jan. 30, 1796.
Stephen Jr. and Sylvania Hall of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 1, 1817.
Mary Lucy and John Tower, April 14, 1844.
BEMIS (see Bemiss)
Daniel and Charlotte Wheelock, Nov. 3, 1811.
Edmond of Spencer and Elizabeth Smith, int. Aug. 8, 1761.
John and Patience Slayton of Brookfield, int. June 23, 1775.
Jonas 2d and Caroline Farnum, April 26, 1843.
Reuben of Spencer and Abigail Smith, int. March 8, 1776.
Samuel F. and Emeline Ainsworth, both of Brookfield, July 24, 1842.
Sarah of Spencer and Jesse Smith, int. Dec. 10 1779.
Susanna and Asa Prat of Oxford, int. Aug. 19, 1769.
BEMISS (see Bemis)
Abigail and Luther Stone of Oxford, int. April 22, 1800.
Betsy and Eli Curtiss, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
Samuel [Samuel E. in int.] and Angelia Gunn, Oct. 10, 1841.
Samuel and Cynthia Lumbard of Ludlow, int. Feb. 14, 1818.
David Jr. of Sturbridge and Susannah Hewitt, int. Aug. 18, 1844.
Lucy Elizabeth of Woodstock, Ct., and Lerrent Bacon, int. Feb. 20, 1814.
Lucy of Dudley and James Town, int. July 2, 1778.
Samuel of Hopkinton and Nancy M. Groose, June 1, 1843.
BIGALOW (see below)
Lucy and William Stevens, int. July 21, 1827.
Enoch and Bette Clemons, Aug. 28, 1770.
Hannah and Samuel Lamb, May 29, 1817.
Hiram and Betsey Brown, int. Sept. 29, 1824.
John and Polly Jones, Nov. 15, 1806.
Joshua and Susanna Child, Dec. 22, 1791.
Philip and Mrs. Lucy Flint, Jan. 11, 1836.
Phillip and Elizabeth Barrett, Dec. 11, 1793.
Zeruah and Solomon Robinson of Webster, Oct. 30, 1834.
BIGULOW (see above)
[Bigelow in int.] Mrs. Mary and Capt. Peter Slater of Worcester, June 12, 1820.
Lucretia and Moses Blanchard, Dec. ----, 1819.
Polly of Northborough and Jacob Coburn, int. July 25, 1794.
Samuel and Nabby Adams, May 27, 1817.
William and Lucretia Parker, April 10, 1799.
John of Granby and Abigail Curtis, Jan. 28, 1779.
David and Laura Foster, April 9, 1811.
Jess and Mary Dodge, int. Aug. 20, 1837.
BLACKMAR (see Blackmer)
Nathan and Wid. Rachel N. Litchfield, Nov. 21, 1835.
Charles and Wid. Eleanor Gould, Nov. 8, 1837. In Dudley.
Cindarilla B. and William S. Taft, int. April 2, 1836.
Polly and Hosea Conant, April 18, 1839.
Theophelus Jr. and Ruthy Ann Marble, int. April 23, 1815.
Watey and Joseph H. Putnam, July 22, 1821.
BLACKMER (see above)
David of Western and Waite Chase, int. Dec. 27, 1807.
Benjamin and Jemima Adams of Brookfield, int. Oct. 23, 1790.
Catherine and David Adams, Jan. ----, 1819.
Charles and Altheda Willard, Jan. 24, 1808.
Elisabeth and Abner Wheelock, March 26, 1780.
Elizebeth and Daniel L. Gibbs, int. March 12, 1826.
Esther and Amos Meritt, Sept. 16, 1784.
Hannah and Parker Hooker 2d of Sturbridge, Sept. 10, 1795.
Harrison R. of Jacksonville, Fla., and Ruth M. Wheelock, Aug. 25, 1834.
James Jr. and Betsey How of Spencer, Sept. 24, 1795.
Josiah and Elisabeth Hobs, April 7, 1763.
Josiah and Mary Lamb, Jan. 26, 1774.
Lewis B. and Erecta Wheelock, Nov. 24, 1835.
Mary Ann and Lansford Wood of Worcester, int. Oct. 7, 1832.
Moses and Lucy Bacon, int. Jan. 3, 1796.
Moses and Lucretia Billings, Dec. ----, 1819.
Peter and Betsy Rider, int. Oct. 18, 1805.
Phebe and Charls Morey, int. Jan. 10, 1778.
Sally and Comins Litchfield, June 29, 1800.
Sophona and Arad Sly, Nov. 7, 1826.
Susan E. (d. William and Susan, a. 19) and Jerome Marble, March 21, 1849.
Ensign William and Susan Boomer, May 22, 1828.
Eunice and William Robinson, Oct. 13, 1811.
Jonathan and Submitt Cook, Feb. 6, 1783.
Abigail and Moses Dresser of Chesterfield, int. Nov. 23, 1776.
Asenath and Charles Fitts, Nov. ----, 1812.
Caleb and Sarah Hill of Spencer, Sept. 2, 1777.
Charlotte and Joel Adams of Mendon, Aug. 29, 1833.
Daniel and Polly Eddy, Aug. 25, 1816.
Dexter and Ann G. Denna, March 13, 1828.
Elenor and Timothy Chase, May 8, 1817.
Eli and Patty Merritt, Dec. 18, 1800.
Elijah and Annis Ward, Oct. 29, 1772.
Elijah and Eunice Sleeman, int. Jan. 5, 1777.
Esther and Joseph Pratt 3d of Oxford, int. March 24, 1771.
Harriet and Darius Baker of Dudley, April 10, 1837.
Henry and Lois Ward, June 15, 1824.
Isaiah and Tamisin Hudson of Oxford, int. Aug. 24, 1768.
Isaiah Jr. and Martha Upham, June 27, 1776.
Jacob and Phebe Eddy, May 30, 1804.
Jared and Esther Upham of Sturbridge, int. April 13, 1785.
Joannah and Joseph Edwards of Oxford, int. April 15, 1761.
John and Mary Chamberlain of Dudley, int. April 2, 1773.
John and Lavina Stone, June 19, 1828.
Joseph and Mary Johnson, May 27, 1780.
Joseph [Joseph F. in int.] of Canton, N.Y., and Charlotte Goodale, Jan. 24, 1833.
Joseph F. of Canton, N.Y., and Lefe Goodell, int. Jan. 26, 1845.
Julia and Horace M. Dresser of Webster, Nov. 25, 1839.
Lawson of Oxford and Sally E. Town, April 16, 1832.
Lewis and Louisa Rich, Jan. 4, 1843.
Martha and Simon Ward, March 31, 1814.
Mary [Mercy in int.] and Obed Warren of Dudley, Sept. 20, 1780.
Moses and Dolly Winslow, Jan. 20, 1811.
Nathaniel and Bathsheba Upham, May 4, 1775.
Nathaniel Jr. and Polley Allen of Dudley, int. Oct. 20, 1791.
Patty and Nathan Harrise of Uxbridge, Dec. 9, 1828.
Phebe and Ebenezer Dagget, April 6, 1794.
Phebe and Harvey Cortis of Thomson, Ct., March 26, 1834.
Polly and Edward Richmond of Sturbridge, Jan. 2, 1800.
Polly and Elihu L. Upham of Dudley, int. June 1, 1843.
Rachel and Elijah Leavens, June 16, 1774.
Reuben and Betsey Mayo, Oct. 5, 1814.
Richard Jr. and Mary Thomson, Nov. 26, 1767.
Richard Jr. and Sally Richardson, Nov. 20, 1808.
Ruth and Joseph Freeman, int. Oct. 28, 1798.
Silas and Polly Edwards, Jan. 13, 1801.
Simeon and Hannah Upham, March 1792.
Susannah and Benjamin Anton, June 6, 1765.
William and Molley Polley, March 2, 1795.
William and Polly Ward, April 26, 1813.
Austin F. [Flint in int.] and Betsy S. M. Hill, Dec. 13, 1804.
Lyman and Judith Parker, Jan. 15, 1811.
Sally of Sturbridge and John Gore, int. Oct. 13, 1833.
Sirene of Holland and Willard Gould, int. Sept. 28, 1805.
James Jr. and Lucy McLallen of Sutton, int. March 17, 1822.
Martin and Lydia Borden, May 10, 1826.
Ruhamah and Ebenezer Hammond, May 8, 1823.
Susan and Ensign William Blanchard, May 22, 1828.
William B. and Sarah Marble, Nov. 26, 1823.
BORDEN (see Barden, Burdan, Burden)
Alice and Stephen Fay [of Casinova, N.Y.], Jan. 25, 1807.
Dr. Benjamin and Mary Fay, June 19, 1808.
Betsey and Alfred Mower, int. Nov. 30, 1828.
Deborah and Chester Comings, Dec. 10, 1827.
Dr. Ebenezer and Betsey Davis, Nov. 6, 1803.
Hannah and Abijah Lamb, Dec. 31, 1809.
John and Sophia Austin [of Scituate, R.I.], May 3, 1804.
Leonard and Lydia Saunders, Sept. 10, 1809.
Lydia and Martin Boomer, May 10, 1826.
Ruth and Charles Stowell of Hardwick, int. Oct. 11, 1829.
Sarah of Stafford and Elbridge McIntire, int. Nov. 3, 1839.
[Burroughs in int.], Stephen and Sarah Davis, Sept. 6, 1789.
Lucretia of Sturbridge and James Wolcott Jr., int. April 19, 1812.
Samuel of Leicester and Abigail Willis, Aug. 8, 1838.
Aaron and Mary How of Brookfield, int. Jan. 24, 1770 [1771 ?].
John B. of East Brookfield and Elvira H. Ryan, Nov. 8, 1843.
Mary Nichols and Samuel Lamb, Jan. 20, 1820.
Samuel Saunders of Ashford, Ct., and Sarah Bowen, Oct. 14, 1790.
Sarah and Samuel Saunders Bowen of Ashford, Ct., Oct. 14, 1790.
Abigal of Sturbridge and Maj. Ephraim Morey, int. Nov. 26, 1796.
Adams and Mary Ann Eddy of Oxford, int. Dec. 23, 1838.
Caroline of Sturbridge and Samuel Stetson, int. Oct. 5, 1818.
Charlotte R. of Sturbridge and Calvin Hobs, int. Sept. 26, 1841.
Mary and Samuel Rich, Jan. 22, 1845.
Charles D. of Paxton and Mary A. Towne, Dec. 22, 1841.
Reuben S. of Southbridge and Eunice F. Smith, int. Sept. 18, 1847.
Roxillana of Webster and George N. Thompson, int. March 17, 1844.
Sally of Dudley and Ezra Harwood, int. Sept. 30, 1810.
Martha of Dudley and Sanford Gorton, int. Aug. 23, 1829.
Jesse W. of Boston and Susannah Craig, int. Aug. 4, 1822.
Archabald of Southbridge and Mailer Reynolds, Aug. 28, 1825.
Elisha and Sally Brown, Nov. 14, 1802.
William of Southbridge and Caroline Comings, Nov. 25, 1839. In Dudley.
David of Sturbridge and Pamela Meritt, int. Sept. 20, 1807.
Mary B. and Jesse S. Warren, May 22, 1817.
Abijah and Phebe Albe, Oct. 15, 1804.
Abijah of Hawkinsville, Ga., and Sally S. Towne, June 30, 1834.
Alexander of Southbridge and Maranda E. Hill, int. Nov. 30, 1845.
Alice and Parley Flecher, int. March 7, 1806.
Almira and Henry Whiting, June 29, 1828.
Alpheus and Phebe Winslow, Jan. 20, 1819.
Mrs. Ama and Elijah Houghton of Dudley, Dec. 13, 1812.
Amos of Spencer and Mary W. Rider, July 16, 1829.
Augusta and David Green, Aug. 21, 1823.
Betsey and Hiram Bigelow, int. Sept. 29, 1824.
Celestina (d. late Samuel) and Cyrus Lamb, Jan. 23, 1845.
Charles Jr. and Hannah Clemons, Oct. 22, 1812.
Chloe and Daniel Green, int. June 3, 1843.
Clarissa of Groton, Ct., and John Brown, int. Nov. 19, 1815.
Cloe and Amos Eddy, int. April 11, 1813.
David and Sarah Dugen, May 20, 1779.
David Jr. and Olive Lamb, Feb. 10, 1791.
David and Prudence Thompson, int. July 1, 1797.
Ebenezer and Bathshebe Conant, int. June 10, 1781.
Eliza H. of Brimfield and Rev. Gilman Noyes, int. Nov. 3, 1833.
Emeline and Chester Ainsworth of Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1838.
Ezekiel and Hannah [Prentiss ?], Nov. 17, 1803.
Elijah and Margrett Weld, Feb. 23, 1786.
Hannah and Ebenezer White, Dec. 3, 1815.
Hannah and Willard Albee, April 30, 1821.
Hannah and Joseph C. Allen of Sturbridge, June 29, 1828.
Huldah and Bennona Morey, Jan. 25, 1781.
Jacob and Mary Weld, Oct. 14, 1784.
James and Olive Goolde of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 11, 1784.
Jasper of Oxford and Lucina Morse, int. Feb. 4, 1827.
Jeremiah and Clarissa Mixer, April 14, 1817.
[Brownell in int.] Jesse L. and Melinda McIntier, Aug. 15, 1816.
John and Lucy Corbin of Dudley, int. Aug. 14, 1808.
John and Clarissa Brown of Groton, Ct., int. Nov. 19, 1815.
John of Oxford and Mary Taft, int. Oct. 21, 1838.
Joseph W. and Julia Clemans, Feb. 14, 1822.
Joshua J. and Mahitable Clemans of Southbridge, int. April 9, 1828.
Joshua Morse and Fanny Frink of Stonington, Ct., int. Oct. 22, 1815.
Judith C. and Lorin Wetherel, June 19, 1836.
Louesa M. (d. Rufus and Eunice, a. 25) and Albert C. Green, July 24, 1849.
Mrs. Lucy and Joseph Pratt Jr., Nov. 20, 1814.
Lucy and Col. Alvin Lamb of Spencer, Nov. 15, 1821.
Lydia and Samuel Joslin Jr., int. Aug. 18, 1827.
Mary and Harvey Fletcher, int. March 4, 1831.
Nathaniel and Ruth Needham, Dec. 13, 1812.
Olive and William Macomber of Woodstock, Ct., int. Dec. 3, 1815.
Prudence and Gilbert Lindly, Feb. 8, 1803.
Rachel and Daniel McKinstry, int. March 27, 1814.
Rachel of Dudley and Asa Albee, int. Jan. 16, 1829.
Rhoda and Amasa Woodard, July 28, 1812 [1811].
Rufus and Eunice Clemons, Nov. 14, 1819.
Sally and Elisha Bradford, Nov. 14, 1802.
Sally and Aaron Ward, ---- ----, [int. June 30, 1816].
Samuel and Kiziah Oaks, Nov. 28, [int. Nov. 5, 1815].
Samuel and Ruth Twiss, Feb. 9, 1826.
Susan and Albert Knights, int. March 6, 1836.
Zepheniah of Dudley and Hannah Ammidown, int. March 4, 1799.
David [of Sturbridge in int.] and Susan Batchelor, Nov. 26, 1813.
Jesse Lee of Brimfield and Malinda McIntier, int. June 23, 1816. [See Jesse L. Brown above.]
Phila of Brimfield and Darling McIntier, int. Nov. 29, 1812.
Sophia and George A. Hunt of Guilford, Vt., June ----, 1840.
BULEN (see Bullen)
Betsy and Elias Aldrich of Milbury, March 4, 1829.
Betsey and Nathaniel Upham, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 15, 1840.
Daniel of Sturbridge and [Clarissa] Jane Batchelor, March 5, 1844.
BULLEN (see Bulen)
Reuben and Tamy [Tamison in int.] Levins, April 25, 1805.
Ruth and Willard Steevens, July 5, 1818.
Samuel and Rachel Gleason, Oct. 20, 1796.
Esther and Nathaniel Green, Nov. 13, 1778.
Samuell and Mary Green, int. Oct. 30, 1784.
BURDAN (see Barden, Borden, Burden)
[Burdon in int.], Jesse and Mehetebell McIntier, Dec. 5, 1787.
Nathaniell of Sutton and Susanna Sanders, March 4, 1779.
BURDEN (see Barden, Borden, and above)
[Burdon in int.], Betsey and Moses Aldridge, April 28, 1816.
[Burdon in int.], Cynthia and Isaiah Fuller of Sutton, March 22, 1812.
Cyrus and Sally Sanger of Woodstock, int. Dec. 12, 1813.
[Burdon in int.], Lyman and Sukey Stone, Aug. 10, 1815.
[Burdon in int.], Martha and Elias McIntier, Sept. 17, 1789.
Susanna and Samuel Coleman of West Springfield, int. July 10, 1800.
Richard and Charlotte Farnum, Dec. 4, 1842.
Ebenezer of Oxford and Ruth Tucker, int. Aug. 6, 1809.
Lewis of Sutton and Matilda Conant, July ----, 1840.
Charlotte and Benjamin Moon, int. Nov. 9, 1834.
Catherine E. (d. Bersalda and Catherine, a. 21) and Ralph P. Griswould of Millbury, May 13, 1845.
Harriet A. and William M. T. Spurr, int. Nov. 7, 1847.
Charles G. of Tunbridge, Vt., and Barbara Stevens' Jan. 19, 1837.
Deborah of Welster and Salem McIntyre, Feb. 16, 1843.
Emeline O. and Joseph Buxton, Nov. 18, 1844.
George H. (s. Rufus and Sally, a. 21) and Harriet L. Buxton, May 30, 1848.
Harriet L. (d. James and Julia, a. 16) and George H. Buxton, May 30, 1848.
Joseph and Emeline O. Buxton, Nov. 18, 1844.
Warren of Southbridge (s. Rufus and Sally, a. 23) and Lucy M. Rich, Dec. 29, 1847.
[Bryant ?], Hannah and Joseph Jennison 2d, both of Ward, Feb. 1, 1808.
Peggy of Brimfield and George Sumner, int. Feb. 1, 1808.
Robart and Lidia Marrs of Western, int. Sept. 5, 1771.
Lauchlan and Jerusha Ward, Oct. 15, 1789.
William S. of Southbridge and Fanny Comins, May 1, 1837.
Alexander and Patience Hammond, Nov. 27, 1811.
Archibald Jr. and Martha Laflen, Nov. 26, 1788.
Alford [Alfred ?] (s. Abraham and Anna, a. 30) and Maria E. Sibley of Spencer, Sept. 17, 1848.
Col. Edmund and Ana W. Hicks, March 24, 1829.
Julia A. of Spencer (d. Edmund and Anna W., a. 18) and Levator McIntire, Dec. 9, 1849.
Ama and Benjamin Woodard, int. Feb. 5, 1809.
CAROL (see Carroll)
Aaron and Cynthia Dresser, Dec. 11, 1803.
Abigail and Charles Rich of New Yolk, May 16, 1842. Res. Illinois.
Charles T. (s. Ira and Elizabeth, a. 26) and Roxannah Johnson, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 18, 1849.
Cordelia and Hiram Holden, int. April 12, 1840.
David and Abigal Rich of Sutton, int. Sept. 25, 1831.
David W. and Harriet W. Stockwell of Sutton, March 30, 1841. At West Sutton.
Dorcas of Woodstock and Joseph Ammidown, int. Jan. 4, 1765.
Emily and Daniel Prince of Dudley, Sept. 8, 1842. Res. Dudley.
George Blanchard (s. Leonard and Matilda, a. 21) and Lucy Emeline Baker, May 13, 1847.
Hannah E. and Ellis H. Thayer, Oct. 21, 1840.
Jane M. and Prevostus McKinstry of Southbridge, int. Nov. 16, 1845.
Jason of Southbride and Mercy Merritt, Sept. 1, 1828.
Jerusha and Elijah McIntier, int. June 1, 1800.
John and Clementina McIntire, int. May 12, 1844.
Loren (s. Simon and Fany, a. 27) and Waty M. P. Aldrich, April 2, 1846.
Nancy of Woodstock, Ct., and Lemuel Marcey, int. Sept. 7, 1791.
Nancy and Sumner Kinney of Oxford, April 6, 1841.
Oliver of Sturbridge and Amey Drury, int. Feb. 24, 1811.
Reuben and Adeline Hobbs of Brookfield, April 6, 1841.
Sally Ann and John Clinton of Barre, Sept. 15, 1840.
CARROLL (see Carol)
Kiron and Mary Clark of Oxford, int. April 15, 1837.
Mary of Sudbury and Samuel Ryan, int. Oct. 7, 1838.
Ann of Johnson, R.I., and Amasa Olney, Sept. 18, 1814. At Johnson.
Phineas and Tamer Trumbel of Leicester, int. Nov. 13, 1808.
Sally of Oxford and Nathan McIntier, int. March 5, 1803.
John R. and Clarissa Whipple, int. Jan. 21, 1844.
Rhuama and Asa Clemons, May 11, 1812.
Rachel of Eastown and Abither Vinton, int. Jan. 21, 1763.
Allise and Josiah Conant, both of Dudley, May 17, 1829.
CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin)
Asa and Prudence Dresser, May 10, 1787.
Calvin of Foxcroft, Me. (s. Samuel and Abigail, a. 36) and Mrs. Mary R. Conyers, March 15, 1847.
Charlotte and Aaron Tucker [of Foxcroft, Dist. Me.], Oct. 8, 1818.
Mrs. Dolly and Jesse C. Chamberlain, int. Nov. 3, 1839.
Edward [of Dudley in int.] and Emela Dyer, Jan. 29, 1807.
Eliakaim and Anna Stow, June 17, 1780.
Eliakim Jr. and Betsy Searle, June 8, 1828.
Elisabeth of Dudley and Collins Mower of Oxford, July 1, 1787.
Jason and Polly Mason, Jan. 6, 1819. At Windham.
Jesse C. and Mrs. Dolly Chamberlain, int. Nov. 3, 1839.
John and Hannah [Sally ?] Edwards, Dec. 1, 1814.
Joseph and Esther Twiss, Feb. 9, 1778.
Judith and Levi Ellis, May 30, 1820.
Lucy and Ephraim Bacon Jr. of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 20, 1801.
Mary of Dudley and John Blood, int. April 2, 1773.
Nathaniel and Patty Streeter of New Salem, int. June 3, 1810.
Phebe of Dudley and John Polley, int. Nov. 11, 1769.
Samuel and Wid. Anna Johnson of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 6, 1789.
Samuel and Abigail Tucker, Sept. 13, 1807.
Samuel of Sturbridge and Deliza Reynolds, Nov. 8, 1843.
Wid. Sarah and Capt. Samuel Healey, both of Dudley, May 24, 1797.
CHAMBERLIN (see above)
Esther and James King, int. Oct. 20, 1781.
Malinda and Parker Holden, Nov. 12, 1843. In Southbridge.
Calven of Longmeadow and Abigal Stevens, April 8, 1826.
Martha and William Eastwood of Millbury, int. March 16, 1834.
John, resident of Charlton, and Persis Clemons, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
John of Leicester and Martha McIntier, int. Dec. 21, 1800.
Anna of Douglass and Rufus Mixer, int. Feb. 27, 1820.
Anne and Alpheus Lee of Thompson, Ct., int. Aug. 4, 1811.
Eseck and Louis Patch of Oxford, int. Sept. 30, 1781.
Rev. Hiram of Strong, Me. (s. Isaac and Eliza, a. 38), and Elura Ann Thompson, Aug. 19, 1844.
Isaac Jr. and Anney White of Dudley, int. Aug. 6 or 12, 1797.
Isaac and Anna Hall, Dec. 9, 1797.
Jonathan of Sutton and Mehitable Geneson, int. Dec. 18, 1796.
Lous and Stephen Belknap of Ward, int. Jan. 30, 1796.
Polly of Dugless and Alkenah McIntier, int. Jan. 8, 1809.
[Chace in int.], Seth and Phebe Putney, Aug. 16, 1792.
Susan of Millbury and Jeremiah Morse, int. July 6, 1827.
Timothy and Elenor Blood, May 8, 1817.
Waite and David Blackmer of Western, int. Dec. 27, 1807.
CHEANEY (see below)
Artemas and Priscilla Gore, both of Dudley, May 26, 1790.
Calven and Meriam Foskett, June 4, 1795.
Sally of Dudley and Rugals Mors, int. Dec. 6, 1794.
Hannah and Thomas Sweet of Oxford, int. July 21, 1832.
Leonard of Dudley and Merriam Bachelor, int. May 9, 1802.
Parmelia and Otice White, int. May 20, 1826.
Susanna Richardson of Milford and Rufus White, int. Oct. 17, 1824.
Charles and Lury Fitts, Aug. 30, 1825.
CHILD (see Childs)
Betsey and Benjamin Doubty Jr., May 29, 1797.
Danford and Semina P. Town of Dudley, int. Feb. 22, 1828.
Diademia and Asa Weld, int. Sept. 8, 1801.
John Jr. and Sally Pike, int. Dec. 25, 1805.
Polly and Samuel May, int. Dec. 7, 1803.
Sally and Daniel Woodbury of Sutton, int. March 31, 1802.
Susanna and Joshua Bigelow, Dec. 22, 1791.
CHILDS (see above)
Charles S. (s. Gardner and Mary, a. 26) and Alma Marble, Sept. 16, 1847.
Chloe and Rueben Clemon, Nov. 22, 1795.
Dilley [Dilly in int.] and David Clemmons, May 2, 1793.
Elisabeth and John Fargue, Jan. 22, 1784.
John and Elisabeth Oaks, Aug. 8, 1787.
Joseph and Mary Freeman, Feb. 10, 1784.
Lucy of Shrewsbury and Jonas Stone, int. May 13, 1781.
Matthew and Susanna Ryon of Sturbridge, int. Nov. 9, 1799.
Daniel of Spencer and Mary A. Lathe, June 10, 1829.
Matthew and Rhoda Hammond, July 14, 1791.
CLARK (see Clarke and Clerk)
Anne of Sirbridge and John Dresser Jr., int. March 18, 1769.
Betsey and Reuben Commins Jr., int. July 17, 1796.
John [Jr. in int.] and Prudence Merritt, May 29, 1804.
John and Olive Craige, Dec. 3, 1815.
Mary of Oxford and Kiron Carroll, int. April 15, 1837.
Olive and Marcus Ledoyt [of Sturbridge], April 24, 1822.
Relief and Amos Waters [of Worcester], Nov. 9, 1803.
Thomas of Oxford and Sally B. Howe, int. Jan. 10, 1836.
[Clerk in int.], Vasthi and Ebenezer Lamb Jr., June 14, 1814.
[Clerk in int.], Henry and Permelia D. Lamb, May 4, 1834.
CLEAVELAND (see Cleveland)
Edward C. and Mary Ann Marble, Oct. 13, 1835.
CLEMANS (see below)
Cynia and Tyler Simson of Dudley, Nov. 29, 1827.
Dexter and Sylvia Thomson, March 5, 1822.
Jary and Lucina Stow, April 15, 1823.
[Clemence in int.], Julia and Joseph W. Brown, Feb. 14, 1822.
Mahitable of Southbridge and Joshua J. Brown, int. April 9, 1828.
Margret M. and Hirum Newell, April 18, 1825.
Maryann and Welcome Washburn of Worcester, int. May 6, 1821.
Rachel and Sumner Dunsmore of Grafton, May 1, 1828.
Benjamin and Bety Woodard, int. Dec. 15, 1762.
Benjamin and Deborah Woodard of Spenser, int. Dec. 16, 1763.
Hannah T. and Leonard Corey of Springfield, ---- ----, [int. May 10, 1838].
Jonathan and Hannah Woodard, Nov. 29, 1764.
Phillip Jr. and Sarah Crosman, int. Dec. 3, 1762.
Jacob and Lydia Fuller, Nov. 29, 1807.
Benjamin Jr. and Ruth Sanders, int. Oct. 13, 1799.
[Clemons in int.], David and Dilley Chubb, May 2, 1793.
Dorkas and Benjamin Woodward Jr. of Spencer, int. March ----, 1776.
[Clemons in int.], Hannah and Abijah Oaks, Jan. 22, 1784.
Jacob and Betsey Laythe, int. July 19, 1796.
Jonas and Lydia Doubty, int. April 28, 1798.
Nancy and George Woodward, both of Leicester, April 7, 1840.
Rueben [Reuben Clemons in int.] and Chloe Chubb, Nov. 22, 1795.
CLEMONS (see previous forms)
Aaron and Lucretia Hooker of Sturbridge, int. April 1, 1798.
Abijah and Elisabeth McIntire, June 18, 1776.
Anna and Asahel Fitts, Dec. 27, 1801.
Asa and Mary Warren of Dudley, int. June 5, 1789.
Asa and Rhuama Case, May 11, 1812.
Asa and Zurviah Gleason of Row, int. Dec. 22, 1817.
Bette and Enoch Bigelow, Aug. 28, 1770.
Catherine and Albigence Marsh, May 6, 1819.
Clarissa and Simeon Clemons, Aug. 27, [int. July 1, 1815].
Dameris [Dammars in int.] and Jonathan HarwOod, Aug. 18, 1784.
Darkes of Spencer and Thomas Howard, Nov. 22, 1792.
Ebenezer and Eunice Putney, int. Jan. 28, 1778.
Ebenezer and Jane McIntier, Oct. 6, 1803.
Eli and Matilda Owen of Gloucester, R.I., int. March 31, 1816.
Eunice and Rufus Brown, Nov. 14, 1819.
Hannah and Charles Brown Jr., Oct. 22, 1812.
Jabez and Mehitable Twiss, Nov. 13, 1814.
Joel and Betsy Upham of Sturbridge, int. April 12, 1803.
[Clemmons in int.], Jonathan and Mary Hopkings, March 14, 1782.
Jonathan Jr. and Susanna Dugar, Nov. 26, 1789.
[Clemmons in int.], Lucy and Samuel Putney, March 21, 1793.
Luther and Marcy McKinstry of Sturbridge, int. March 5, 1815.
Mary and David McKinstry, April 3, 1815.
Mehitable and Ebenezer Twiss, June 25, 1767.
Mhitibel [Mehetibel in int.] and Robert Edwards, April 7, 1784.
Persis and John Charde, resident of Charlton, int. Oct. 25, 1800.
Persis and Samuel Hayward, int. Aug. 31, 1804.
Persis and George Hunt, a resident in Charlton, May 30, 1809.
Phebe and John Oaks Jr., int. July 14, 1769.
Polly and Hanson Hill, Aug. 31, 1819.
Pheebe [Phebe in int.] and Caleb Weld, Jan. 18, 1788.
Ruth and Asa Twiss, Dec. 18, 1808.
Reuben and Zilpah Pike, int. Jan. 11, 1818.
Sally and Caleb Weld, July 7, 1809. In Western.
Simeon and Clarissa Clemons, Aug. 27, [int. July 1, 1815].
Susanna of Southbridge and Nathaniel Johnson, int. March 15, 1818.
Susannah and Dana Smith, April 2, 1821.
Sarah and Joshua Woodward [of Spencer], Oct. 24, 1771.
Baxter and Melinda Merrit, Nov. 10, 1811.
[Clark in int.], Danforth of Sturbridge and Marcy Allton, Dec. 18, 1788.
CLEVELAND (see Cleaveland)
Abigail L. and Asa Conant, Nov. 15, 1827.
Fanny A. and Bowen Adams of Holliston, Dec. 11, 1823.
Pain of Union, Ct., and Wid. Mary Dodge, int. Dec. 9, 1821.
John of Barre and Sally Ann Carpenter, Sept. 15, 1840.
COBORN (see Coburn)
Clement and Dorothy Edwards, Dec. 26, 1770.
John of Oxford and Sarah Dresser, int. Dec. 16, 1758.
Richard and Sarah Edwards, June 16, 1768.
Sarah and William Tucker Jr., Jan. 25, 1785.
William of Thompson and Elizabeth Hail, March 11, 1762.
Zerviah and John Davison of Dudley, Feb. 11, 1762.
COBURN (see Coborn)
Alphus [Alpheus Cobourn in int.] and Jonanna Edwards, May 27, 1780.
Amasa K. of Oxford and Sophia P. Nichols, int. Oct. 23, 1824.
Asa of Cabot, Vt., and Polly Gibbs, Feb. 12, 1800.
Edward and Sarah Ryan, March 1, 1781.
Elihu [Ellihu in int.] of Cabot, Vt., and Abagail Putnam, Feb. 12, 1800.
Hannah and Robert Williams, Jan. 2, 1816.
Harriet and Bebee White, both of Southbridge, Jan. 19, 1834.
Jacob and Polly Billings of Northborough, int. July 25, 1794.
John Jr. and Dorcas Howard of Woodstock, Ct., int. Aug. 4, 1791.
Joseph and Polly Learnard of Oxford, int. March 15, 1796.
[Colburn in int.], Marcia and Luther Litchfield, April 10, 1825.
Mary of ---- and William Fox of Woodstock, Ct., Oct. 17, 1798.
Polly [Poley in int.] and Richard Rogers Town, Aug. 5, 1792.
Polly and Hosea Mansfield of Dudly, int. Sept. 26, 1814.
Ruth and Asa Foskett, Jan. 8, 1815.
Exsperance of Salsbury, Ct., and Samuel Twiss, int. April 6, 1788.
James F. of Burrillville, R.I. (s. Zacheus and Esther, a. 23), and Adaline Foskett, Aug. 9, 1846.
Dea. Elisha of Southbridge and Herietta Merritt, int. Sept. 28, 1828.
Hannah and John Tucker, April 8, 1810.
Lucy and Abijah Storey [of Monson], Feb. 19, 1804.
Samuel of West Springfield and Susanna Burden, int. July 10, 1800.
Ezra and Fanny Warren of Cambridge, int. Feb. 16, 1799.
Rufus of Boylston and Elizabeth Warren, int. Feb. 28, 1801.
Warren and Rhoda M. Goodell, April 8, 1844.
Luther of Hartland, Vt., and Phebee Dennis, Jan. 27, 1785.
Moses and Betsey Waters, Jan. 8, 1809.
Mary of Sutton and Jacob Gibbs, int. Jan. 27, 1795.
COMAN (see below, also Cummings, etc.)
Mrs. Sabra of Dudley and Salem Town, int. Dec. 14, 1791.
[Cummins in int.], Lemuel and Rachel Stevens, Nov. 27, 1766.
Aminda [Arminda Comings in int.] and Hiram Marble, Jan. 31, 1828.
COMINGS (see next page)
Abigal and Mason Marble, Nov. 22, 1830.
Augusta and Lt. Fisk Bacon, Dec. 23, 1827.
Caroline and William Bradford of Southbridge, Nov. 25, 1839. In Dudley.
Chester and Deborah Borden, Dec. 10, 1827.
Frances L. and Charles Stowell of Dudley, Nov. 25, 1839.
[Cummings in int.], Issachar and Mrs. Lydia Marble, April 10, 1831.
Lorana and Jesse S. Merritt, Dec. 18, 1820.
[Comins in int.], Lucy and Solomon Richardson of Brookfield, Jan. 17, 1821.
Mary B. (d. Jacob and Fanny, a. 26) and James W. Merchant, Aug. 19, 1847.
Permelia D. and Samuel Tourtilot of Sutton, int. April 24, 1836.
Rachel and Hezekiah Albee, Dec. 23, 1817.
Alice and William Richardson, Jan. 1, 1817.
Barnabas and Molley Bacon, Sept. 3, 1797.
[Commins in int.], Cooledge and Margaret Mansfield, March 25, 1798.
[Cummings in int.], Elizabeth and Asa Bacon, Oct. 24, 1799.
[Cummings in int.], Fanny and William S. Camp of Southbridge, May 1, 1837.
[Commins in int.], Capt. Free and Rachel Williams, Feb. 2, 1797.
Free [Jr. in int.] and Abagail Dresser, Sept. 27, 1801.
Hannah and Nathaniel Spurr of Brookfield, N.Y., int. Nov. 20, 1801.
Issacher and Cynthia Wilson, Nov. 3, 1816.
[Comens in int.], Jacob and Phebe Conyers, Sept. 14, 1769.
Jacob and Fanny Gibbs, Oct. 26, 1815.
Jonas and Abigal Tucker, June 26, 1786.
Lewis and Mrs. Rebecca Ruggles, Dec. 2, 1832.
Naomi and David Ward, April 16, 1789.
Phebe and Isaac Merritt, May 31, 1810.
[Cummins in int.], Reuben and Mary Parker, Dec. 2, 1762.
Ruth and Jeremy Thompson of Sutton, May 28, 1800.
Ruth and Aaron Willard, April 10, 1821.
Serena and Jesse S. Merritt, int. Nov. 27, 1820.
[Sukey Cummings in int.], Susan and Schuyler Morris, March 29, 1838.
Willyam and Sally Spurr, Dec. 3, 1787.
COMMINS (see forms above)
Acksy [Achsha in int.] and Jabez Willis, Dec. 19, 1793.
[Comins in int.], James and Anne Rider, Sept. 18, 1793.
Mary and Joel Parker, int. Sept. 2, 1797.
[Comins in int.], Mindwell and Jonah Taylor, Jan. 17, 1796 [?].
Reuben Jr. and Betsey Clark, int. July 17, 1796.
Janette of Union, Ct., and Merchant Goodell, int. March 23, 1834.
Martha of Union, Ct., and Roswell Goodel, int. Feb. 25, 1838.
Abijah and Bathsheba Nichols, Nov. 29, 1775.
Asa and Abigal L. Cleveland, Nov. 15, 1827.
Bathshebe and Ebenezer Brown, int. June 10, 1781.
Claricy of Dudley and William Fosket, int. March 12, 1809.
Daniel K. and Catherine Davis, March ----, 1843.
Dolly of Dudly and Andrew King, int. Oct. 5, 1816.
Harvey and Susanna Rider, May 26, 1799.
Hosea and Lucy King, June 11, 1818.
Hosea and Polly Blackmar, April 18, 1839.
Josiah Jr. of Dudley and Lucy Foskett, int. Oct. 25, 1795.
Josiah and Allise Chaffee, both of Dudley, May 17, 1829.
Lodemy of Dudley and Joseph Rich, int. May 5, 1787.
Martha and Jacob W. Smith of Oxford, Jan. 22, 1824.
Matilda and Lewis Burnap of Sutton, July ----, 1840.
Mrs. Polly (d. Noah Blackmore, a. 37) and Moses C. McKinstry, Jan. 25, 1846.
Rufus and Claracy C. Nichols of Oxford, int. Feb. 26, 1830.
Rufus and Ruhamah G. Johnson of Dudley, int. March 10, 1838.
CONVERS (see Converse)
Anna of Thompson, Ct., and Richard Dresser Jr., int. [ ---- ----, 1793]
Daniel and Mary Drury, Sept. 5, 1778.
Eliza of Leicester and Joseph Hambury, int. May 29, 1819.
Elliot and Elizabeth McIntire, May 10, 1825.
Luke and Ruth Lamb of Spenser, int. May 12, 1759.
Mary and Abner Wheelock, May 10, 1804.
Mrs. Mary R. (d. Jonas and Mary Tucker, a. 34) and Calvin Chamberlain of Foxcroft, Me., March 15, 1847.
Phebe and Jacob Comins, Sept. 14, 1769.
Uriah and Esther Lackey, int. March 8, 1799.
CONVERSE (see Convers)
Brigham of Spencer and Betsey Parker of Oxford, [Sept. ?] 25, 1841.
Dolly of Sturbridge and Abijah Richardson, int. March 8, 1807.
Capt. Freeland [Freelon in int.] of Spencer and Mary R. Tucker, Nov. 2, 1834.
Patience and Stephen Ward, int. Sept. 22, 1780.
Prudence and Aaron Maret, June 29, 1778.
Solomon and Susanna Flagg of Spencer, int. Sept. 30, 1781.
Submitt and Jonathan Blenden, Feb. 6, 1783.
Thankful and Elisha Ward, April 15, 1782.
Ziba of Whitestown and Hannah Dorrance of Dudley, Jan. 15, 1798.
Mrs. Abigail of Spencer and Rufus Rich, int. May 14, 1823.
Jonathan Jr. and Mrs. Rebecca Weld, April 3, 1814.
CORBAN (see below)
Abigail of Dudley and Thomas Addams, int. Sept. 7, 1776.
Philip [of Dudley in int.] and Mary How, June 9, 1768.
Jedediah and Hannah Rich, June 1, 1830.
Samuel of Dudly and Sally Albee, int. April 1814.
Timothy of Dudley and Ruth Albe, int. Feb. 21, 1801.
CORBIN (see above)
Calista and Charles Raillion of Dudley, March 31, 1841.
Dexter and Cynthia Rich, Oct. 10, 1816.
Jabez [of Oxford in int.] and Meriam McIntier, July 7, 1818.
Jeams of Dudley and Ann Tucker, int. April 11, 1761.
Lucy of Dudley and John Brown, int. Aug. 4, 1808.
Schuyler D. (s. Dexter and Cynthia, a. 21) and Margaret A. Parish of Oxford, May 1, 1849.
Rhoda of Dudley aad Sylvanus Wakefield, int. Oct. 27, 1811.
Royal of Dudley and Polly Needham, int. Jan. 23, 1814.
Susan of Dudly and Genison Dodge, int. May 24, 1818.
Leonard of Springfield and Hannah T. Clemens, ---- ----, [int. May 10, 1838].
CORTIS (see Curtice, Curtis, etc.)
Harvey of Thomson, Ct., and Phebe Blood, March 26, 1834.
Japheth Jr. of Thompson, Ct. (s. Japheth and Clarissa, a. 24), and Lucy A. Davis of Webster, Nov. 30, 1848.
Phebe H. and Dr. Addison Knight of Cumberland, R.I., Oct. 31, 1838.
Sarah of Western and Aaron Axtell, int. May 3, 1781.
[Cragge in int.], David and Olive Foskett, Oct. 21, 1787.
Robert and Diantha Rich, Nov. 30, 1843.
Susannah and Jesse W. Bradbury of Boston, int. Aug. 4, 1822.
Hannah and Alvan Lamb, Dec. 3, 1815.
Olive and John Clark [of Sturbridge], Dec. 3, 1815.
Arandal of New Albany, Ind., and Sally Ellis, Aug. 16, 1832.
Jeremiah of Milton and Joanna Dunbar, Sept. 28, 1828.
Mrs. Nancy of Plymouth and Maj. John Danforth Dunbar, int. March 2, 1794.
Sarah and Phillip Clement Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1762.
Cyrus S. and Relief Wakefield, Nov. 16, 1825.
Charles of Uxbridge and Sarah Fessenden, Dec. 9, 1830.
[Comins in int.], Julia Ann and Gustavus L. Wyman of Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 16, 1839.
[Cumings in int.], Moses of Oxford and Alma Lamb, April 12, 1832.
William and Margaret Hammond, int. Nov. 8, 1760.
Edward of Holliston and Mary M. Town, May 21, 1834.
CURTICE (see Cortis, Curtis, Curtiss)
Caleb Jr. and Polly Davis, int. Dec. 22, 1793.
Marey and Silas Allbee, int. Dec. 14, 1793.
Robert and Mrs. Lorinda Doane, int. March 15, 1846.
Abigail and John Birchard of Granby, Jan. 28, 1779.
Aby of Douglas and James Melinda, int. Oct. 4, 1828.
Betsey of Douglas and Rufus Twiss, int. April 13, 1817.
[Curtiss in int.], Rev. Caleb and Lucy Putney, May 21, 1796.
[Mrs. in int.] Charity and Marshal Mower, July 1, 1790.
Chester [of Dudly in int.] and Lucinda Willis, Dec. 2, 1818.
[Curtiss in int.], Daniel [of Southbridge in int.] and Julia Bacon, July 28, 1816.
Ezra and Betsey Livermore of Spencer, int. July 7, 1816.
Huldah and Nathan Taylor, Sept. 14, 1769.
Jonathan and Dolley Willson of Spencer, int. Nov. 25, 1777.
Jonathan and Sibbel Haven, Oct. 19, 1780.
Lucinda and Asa Barton, Nov. 25, 1813.
Sabra and John Edwards, Dec. 30, 1778.
Samuel Jr. and Mary Putney of Dudley, int. March 8, 1776.
Tamer and Moses Axdell, March 30, 1779.
CURTISS (see above)
David and Hannah Negus of Woodstock, int. Dec. 12, 1805.
Eli and Betsy Bennett, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
Huldah of Dudley and William Allen of Wardsborough, Vt., Feb. 26, [1797].
Jared and Phebe Putney of Dudley, int. Nov. 8, 1783.
Nathan of Royealston and Vilany Morey, int. Nov. 24, 1768.
Althucy of Sturbridge and Adams Drury, int. March 12, 1815.