Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - W to Z, plus Unknowns & Negros
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded
Abigail and Spencer Forrest of Hallifax, June 17, 1784* [Forest of Hallifax, PCR]
Abthia and Jonathan Chandler, May 23, 1745*
Ann of Pembrook and Seth Bolton of Hallifax, Aug. 13, 1761*
Anna [int. Anne] and Reuben Mitchell, Oct. 23, 1783 [Anna, PCR]
Arnold and Anna L. Bennett, May 5, 1822
Bethiah O. of E. Bridgewater and David H. Wilbar, int. Aug. 22, 1846
Betsey of Hannover and Charles Howard, int. Sept. 14, 1816
Caroline of Hanson and John Wade, int. Oct. 27, 1821
Celia and Comfort Carpenter Dresser of Chester, Vt., Mar. 4, 1802
Cynthia of Hallifax and Benjamin B. Hayward, int. Oct. 16, 1831
David and Mary Littlefield, Sept. 9, 1756*
Deborah and Jonathan Phiney of Midleborough, Oct. 16, 1735,* CR1
Ebenezer and Mehetabel Kingman, Mar. 1, 1759* [Mehitable, PCR]
Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth] and Samuel Harden, May 16, 1739*
Hannah and William Lincoln of Tanton, Mar. 28, 1751* [Mar. 20, PCR]
Hannah and Thomas Osburne [int. Osbourne], Dec. 16, 1784 [Osburne, PCR]
Hannah and Melvin Holmes [int. Holms] of Hallifax, May 21, 1801
Hopestill and Zepheniah Allden, Sept. 25, 1748*
James and Ann Clark [int. Clarke] of Plymouth, Nov. 14, 1753 [int. Aug. 31, 1754, sic], in Plymouth
John and Hannah Kingman, Sept. 19, 1751*
John and Molly Snow, Aug. 11, 1791
John and Caroline Wade of Hanson, int. Oct. 27, 1821
Keziah and Job Packard, Mar. 6, 1750-1*
Levi of Pembroke and Deborah Phillips [int. Phillip], Feb. 20, 1766 [Phillips, PCR]
Lydia of Hallifax and Samuel Harden, int. May 22, 1819
Mary and Seth Mitchel, Feb. 21, 1760*
Molley [int. Molly] and Isaac Hudson, June 10, 1819
Moses and Abthia Studson, Mar. 16, 1737-8*
Naomi and Elijah Pratt, Jan. 7, 1813 [Elijah, s. Nathaniel and Betsey (Washburn), Jan. 9, PR1]
Nicholas and Anne Latham, Feb. 17, 1714-15*
Nicholas Jr. and Betty [int. Bettie] Thomson, Nov. 25, 1762 [Betty, PCR]
Nicolas and Bethiah Hudson, June 16, 1822
Rachel and Israel Alger, June 24, 1757* [Rebeccah, PCR]
Rebecca and Robert Drake Jr. [int. omits Jr] of Easton, Sept. 29, 1774, in Easton
Rebecca and Israel Cowing of Scituate, Nov. 25, 1788
Robert and Molle [int. Molley] Edson, Nov. 2, 1780 [Molly, PCR. Wed and Molly Edson, CR1]
Sabina W. of Halifax and Abel Cushing, int. Jan. 17, 1836
Samuel of Pembroke and Patience Niles, Apr. 7, 1782, in Pembroke
Thomas (Waed) and Rebecca Snow, Dec. 20, 1722*
Thomas and Elizabeth Hanmer, May 5, 1743
Thomas and Abigail Ames, Jan. 20, 1752*
Abigail and Jacob Tomson, Dec. 28, 1693,* PCR
Hannah and Ephraim Cary, Feb. 3, 1708-9*
Shubael and Abigal Allen, Oct. 14, 1731* [Shubal Waldow and Abagail Allen, Oct. 14, 1730, PCR]
Susanna and Richard Field, Jan. 17, 1705-6*
Benjamin of Dighton and Elizabeth Tisdale, int. Jan. 20, 1798
Anna and William French Jr., int. Oct. 27, 1810
Falley of Stoughton and John Reynolds, int. Nov. 28, 1802
Hannah and James Cary, June 5, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
John [int. of Stougton] and Mehetabel [int. Mehitable] Howard, Jan. 8, 1789 [John and Mehitabel Howard, PCR]
John and Sukey [int. Susanna] Capen of Stoughton, Nov. 10, 1791, in Stoughton
John Jr. and Olive Howard, June 13, 1820
Joshua Jr. and Polly Briggs, int. May 5, 1804
Mary and Nathaniel Collamore [int. Collimore] of Pembroke, Nov. 9, 1813
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] and Isaac Curtis, Jan. 26 [Jan. 26 in later handwriting], int. Jan. 4], 1806
Nathaniel 2d of Stoughton and Phebe French of Stoughton, Jan. 1, 1815*
Sarah and William Packard [int. Jr.], Feb. 18, 1784 [William, PCR]
Susannah [int. Susanna] and Eliab Whitman, Esq., May 18, 1817
Thomas Jr. and Chloe Packard, int. Apr. 28, 1811
James and Chloe Leach, int. Sept. 23, 1775
Lucy T. and Benjamin D. Clifford, Mar. 6, 1845
Lydia and Timothy Randell [int. Randel] of Easton, Mar. 14, 1785, in Easton
Marshal and Hannah Dunbar, int. Aug. 17, 1776
Mary A. and Erastus C. Hayden, Dec. 26, 1843
Mary Jane and Charles [int. adds T.] Hall, Jan. 5, 1847 [Charles T., CR2]
Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] and Walker Gasset, Oct. 29, 1840 [Mehitable, CR3]
Olive [int. adds M], Mrs., and [int. Lt.] Isaac Fobes of Wareham, Dec. 5, 1822 [Mrs. Olive M., d. Edward Mitchell, and Isaac Fobess of Wareham, s. Alpheus, CR1. Olive M., wid. Dr. Rufus, and Isaac Fobes, PR22. Olive M., wid. Dr. Rufus, d. Edward Mitchell and Chloe (Washburn), and Isaac Fobes, PR92]
Rufus, Dr. [int. omits Dr.] of West Port, and Olive Mitchell, Dec. 11, 1814 [Dr. Rufus and Olive Mitchell, d. Edward and Chloe (Washburn), PR92]
Silvanus and Polly Johnson, int. July 3, 1819 [Sylvanus and Mary Johnson, m. Aug. 8, PR1]
Silvia and Benjamin Chipman of Taunton, int. Feb. 12, 1773
Silvia and Caleb Edson, Mar. 11, 1788 [sic, ? 1778, int. 1778, ? in Middleborough]
Alice [int. Abigail] and William Drew [int. blacks], Nov. 19, 1795
Elisabeth and James Haward, Jan. 26, 1709-10*
Obadiah [int. Obediah of Stoughton] and Rebecca Mitchell, blacks, Mar. 4, 1789 [Obadiah, PCR]
Robert of Pembroke and Anna Hooper, Jan. 30, 1751* [Jan. 30, 1752, PCR]
Joseph and Abigail French, int. May 24, 1823
WAMPEE (also see Wompee)
John, "Indian man," of Groton, and Betty Thomas, "Indian woman," int. Nov. 3, 1768
Lucy and Prince Green, blacks, int. Oct. 28, 1797
Margaret (see Margrett Curtis)
Pegg (see Margret Curtis)
Priscilla (see Priscilla Curtis)
Abiah and John Doty 2d, int. Mar. 7, 1772. "publishment forbiden by Zobiah Ward."
George of Middleborough and Carolien L. Leonard, Oct. 20, 1840
John of Middleton [int. adds Conn.] and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Hudson, Oct. 27, 1768 [Sarah, PCR. CR1]
Zobiah and John Dotty Jr. [int. Doty 2d], May 7, 1772 [Doty Jr., PCR]
Elias of Wrentham and Abigail Leach, Nov. 13, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
John, Capt., of West Port, and Mary Etson, int. Mar. 17, 1821
WARREN (also see Warrin)
Cynthia and Thomas Thayer of Randolph, int. Apr. 13, 1805
Cyrus and Olvie Bissbee, Nov. 3, 1814
Ebenezer and Mary Nightingail, Oct. 19, 1747*
Ebenezer [int. Jr.] and Eunice Warren, May 9, 1776
Ebenezer Jr. and Deborah Thayer of Randolph, int. Sept. 7, 1811
Eliza Ann, d. David and Sally (Dunham), and Willard W. Fobes, s. Reuel and Sibel, Aug. 26, 1840, in Duxbury,* PR37
Eunice and Ebenezer Warren [int. Jr.], May 9, 1776
Eunice and Joseph Mann [int. Jr. of Randolph], Feb. 14 [Feb. 14 in later handwriting], 1805
Ezra and Mary Phillips, Jan. 13, 1752*
Ezra and Lucie Tirrill [int. Terril] of Abington, Sept. 12, 1776, in Abington
Ezra Jr. and Zibeah Terril of Pembrook, int. Nov. 4, 1779
Hannah and Archippus Taylor [int. of Pembrook], Oct. 27, 1778 [Archippus, Oct. 27, 1779, PCR]
Ichabod and Middleborough and Molly Lennard, Sept. 22, 1772 [Icabode of Middleborough and Mary Lennard, PCR]
Jabez of Middleborough and Zilpha Hooper, Feb. 17, 1767 [Jabez Washburne of Middleborough, PCR]
James of Raynham and Betsey Macomber of Raynham, July 27, 1837* [Macumber of Raynham, July 20, CR5]
Jane and Seth Wentworth [int. of Stoughton] Nov. 7, 1776
Jane and Judah Peterson [int. of Pembroke], Sept. 12, 1797
Joseph and Marcy Perkins, Aug. 3, 1756* [Mercy, PCR. Mercy Perkens, CR1]
Joshua and Jane Orcut, May 10, 1725*
Joshua Jr. and Rebecca Leach, July 8, 1760* [Rebeccah, PCR]
Joshua and Rebecca A. Terrell, int. Apr. 5, 1840
Mary of Stoughton and Ebenezer Edson, int. Sept. 25, 1790
Mercy and James Loring, Nov. -- [int. Nov. 4], 1800
Molly and Thomas Delano of Dartmouth, int. Feb. 15, 1777
Nathan and Lucy Terril, June 12, 1783
Samuell [int. Samuel] Jr. of Middleborough and Bettie Snow, Oct. 30, 1770 [Samuel Jr. of Middleborough, PCR]
Sarah and Nathan [int. Nathaniell] Billings [int. of Stoughton], Aug. 19, 1778 [Nathan, PCR]
Sarah [int. Sally] and Silvanus Burr [int. of Easton], Dec. 23, 1790 [Sarah and Silvanus Burr, PCR]
Simeon and Rhoda Harris [int. of Abington], Apr. 14, 1802 [date in later handwriting]
Susanna and Seth Harris [int. Jr. of Abington], Apr. 2 [sic, int. Apr 13], 1776
WARRIN (also see Warren)
Charlotte Maria [int. Charlotte Mariah Warren] and Albert Thompson of Halifax, May 23, 1841 [Charlotte Maria Warren, d. Silas and Charlotte, CR2]
WASBURN (also see Washbourn, Washbun, Washburn, Washburne)
Hannah and Nathan Basett, Mar. 15, 1733* [Washborn and Nathan Basset, CR1]
Levi [int. Washburn 2d] and Sally Harris, Sept. 22, 1807
Martha and Robertt Richmond, May 17, 1733* [Washborn and Robert Richmond, CR1]
Susanna and Jephtha Byram of Mendham, N.J., Feb. 19, 1761* [Susannah Washburne and Jeptha Byram of Mendham, N.J., PCR]
WASHBOURN (also see Wasburn, Washbun, Washburn, Washburne)
Elizabeth and Josiah Conant, Sept. 1, 1701*
James and Mary Bowden, Dec. 20, 1693,* PCR
Marjorum and Josiah Lenord, Nov. 1, 1699*
Samuell and Deliverance Lenord, Jan. 9, 1701*
WASHBUN (also see Wasburn, Washbourn, Washburn, Washburne)
Levi, Capt., and Mary Howland, int. Jan. 17, 1801
WASHBURN (also see Wasburn, Washbourn, Washbun, Washburne)
Abiam [int. Abram] 2d, Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] and Pamelia Keith, Apr. 14, 1822 [Abram 2d and Pamelia Keith, d. Isaac and Joanna, CR1. Abram, s. Nathaniel and Salome Simmons [Simmons written in pencil above Howard crossed out], and Pamelia Keith, d. Isaac and Joanna (Pratt) (Bessee), PR1]
Abigail and Josiah Lennard, Nov. 21, 1717*
Abigail and John Lindsey, Feb. 7, 1734,* CR1
Abigail and John Freelove, May 10, 1739,* [John of Freetown, PCR. John, CR1]
Abigail and Jonathan Waterman, Oct. 24, 1768
Abigail and Levi Blossom, May 28, 1797
Abraham [int. Abram] and Rebecca Lennard, Oct. 28, 1765 [Abram Washburne and Rebeccah Lennard, PCR. Abraham Washburn Jr. and Rebecca Leonard, CR1. Abram Washburn and Rebecca Leonard, PR1. Abram Washburn and Rebecca ----, PR87]
Abram and Mary Carver, Jan. 15, 1804
Abram 2d (see Abiam 2d)
Abram [int. 2d] and Sarah M. Shaw, Oct. 14, 1832 [Col. Abram 2d and Sarah M. Shaw, d. Dr. Samuel dec'd, CR1. Abram and Sarah Millar Shaw, d. Samuel (s. Rev. John and Ruth (Angier) and Olive (d. Zebulun Leonard of Middleborough) PR1]
Albert and Clarissa Sumner Pratt, May 17, 1842, in New York City.* [Clarissa S., d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, PR12. Albert, s. Solomon and Clarissa Sumner Pratt, d. Calvin and Clarissa, PR36]
Albert and Maria Otis Pratt (second w), ------, in New York City.* [Albert, s. Solomon, and Maria Pratt (second w), d. Jared, PR36]
Alice and William French, Aug. 12, 1773
Alice of Middleborough and Bela Fobes, int. Dec. 15, 1805 [m. ------, PR79]
Alice [sic, Olive, int. Olive] and Luther Gannett, Apr. 12, 1810
Ann E. and James S. Alden of E. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 19, 1830 [Anne E., m -----, 1830, PR63]
Anna and Amos Whitman, Nov. 22, 1764 [Washburne, PCR]
Anna and Oliver Hayward, Aug. 31, 1797
Anna of Turner, Cumberland Co., and Branch Byram, int. Aug. 28, 1802
Asa and Betsey Hooper, int. Mar. 28, 1789
Barnebas and Katurah Conant, Dec. 5, 1782 [Barnabas and Keturah Conant, PCR. Barnabas and Katura Conant, CR1]
Benjamin and Bithiah Kingman, Feb. 11, 1713-14*
Benjamin and Martha Kingman, Aug. 6, 1729*
Benjamin and Susanna [int. Susannah] Battles of Hingham, Mar.2 3, 1743-4, in Hingham
Benjamin Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Desire Sears of Halifax, Apr. 29, 1762, in Halifax
Benjamin and Charity Fuller, Feb. 7, 1836
Bethiah and Nehemiah Bryant, Feb. 24, 1740* [Washburne and Nehemiah Bryant of Middleborough, PCR. Bethia Washburn and Nehemiah Bryant, CR1]
Bethiah and Lewis Torry of Middleborough, July 9, 1809
Betsey (see Elisabeth)
Betsey B. of Middleboro and Philip D. Kingman, June 24, 1834
Betty [int. Bettie] and Samuell [int. Samuel] Staples of Hannover, Dec. 9, 1765 [Betty Washburne and Samuel Staples of Hanover, PCR]
Betty (see Elisabeth)
Bula and Ebenezer Pratt, Aug. 8, 1760*
Caleb and Mehetabel Allen, May 27, 1756* [Mehitable, PCR]
Calvin and Lydia Snell, May 16, 1767. "publishment was forbidden by the said Calvin Washburn."
Calvin [int. Jr] and Eunice Sprague, June 4, 1809 [Calvin and Eunice Sprague, d. Capt. Ephraim and Vina (d. Ezra Edson), CR2. Calvin, PR1]
Carver and Harriet Harden, Mar. 14, 1827 [Washburne, CR3. Washburn, s. Solomon, and Harriet Harding, d. Samuel, PR36]
Carver and Jane [int. adds M.] Hayward, May 25, 1835 [Jane M., CR1. Carver, s. Solomon, and Jane Hayward, d. Calvin, PR36]
Cephas and Mary Paris of Halifax, int. Oct. 14, 1826
Charles and Elizabeth Holmes of Kingston, int. Nov. 3, 1833
Chloe and Edward Mitchell Jr. [int. 3d, omits Jr], Oct. 21, 1789 [Edward Jr., PCR. Cloe and Edward Mitchell, s. Edward and Jane (Latham), PR1. Chloe and Edward Mitchell, Oct. 11, PR92]
Chloe and Isaac Washburn of E. Bridgewater, int. Nov. 13, 1824
Content and Joseph Lathrop Jr., Oct. 24, 1746* [Washburne, PCR]
Cornelius and Lois Benson, int. Nov. 11, 1775
Daniel 2d [int. omits 2d] and Melatiah Keith, Apr. 30, 1795 [? in Middleborough]
Daniell and Experience Harlow, June 4, 1752* [Daniell and Eperiance Harlow, PCR]
Deliverance and Ephraim Jennings, Feb. 18, 1718-19*
Deliverance and Joseph Bolton, Feb. 6, 1739-40* [Feb. 6, 1739, CR1]
Deliverance, wid., and Abiel Packard, int. Nov. 16, 1771
Deliverance and William Shaw Jr., Oct. 1, 1778
Ebenezer and Mary Leach, Apr. 27, 1772
Ebenezer and Abigail Weston of Middleborough, int. Sept. 23, 1787
Eleazer and Anna Allden, Nov. 22, 1738* [Alden, PCR]
Eleazer and Huldah Woods [int. Wood], Feb. 23, 1769 [Woods, PCR]
Eliab and Anne Edson, int. Oct. 9, 1762
Eliab and Molly Lazell [int. Molley Lazel], Feb. 20, 1777
Elisabeth and John Benson, Dec. 4, 1710*
Elisabeth and Isaac Harris, July 22, 1717*
Elisabeth and Joseph Crossman, Aug. 20, 1752* [Elizabeth Washburne, PCR]
Elisabeth [int. Bettie] and Nathanael [int. Nathaniell] Pratt Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Nov. 12, 1778 [Elizebeth and Nathaniell Pratt, CR1. Betsey and Nathaniel Pratt, s. Seth and Hannah (Washburn), PR1]
Elisha [int. of Roxbury] and Charity Snell, Dec. 8, 1763 [Washburne, PCR. Washburn and Cerity Snell, CR1]
Eliza H. and Almarine [int. Almorine] Hayward, Apr. 9, 1829 [Almarine, s. Solomon, CR1. Almarine Howard, PR1]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Elizabeth and Elisha Hayward Jr., Oct. 7, 1740* [Washburne, PCR. Elizebeth Washburn, Oct. 9, CR1]
Elizabeth, wid., and James Edson, Oct. 24, 1796
Eloisa R. and Thomas Hooper, Aug. 15, 1832 [Eloisa R., d. Calvin, and Thomas Hooper, s. William dec'd, CR1]
Ephraim and Rebecca Dunham, int. Feb. 12, 1785
Eunice and Benjamin Crane, June 13, 1770 [Unice, PCR. CR1]
Eunice and Asa Richmond [int. of Taunton], Nov. 28, 1782 [Asa, PCR. Unice and Asa Richmond of Taunton, CR1]
Eunice and Jonas [int. Jonah] Besse, Sept. 20, 1787 [Jonah, PCR]
Eunice and Warren Hunt of Canton, Oct. 28, 1835 [Washburne, CR3]
Experience and Amoss Snell, Mar. 13, 1759* [Washburne and Amos Snell, PCR. Washburn and Amos Snell, CR1]
Experience and Jonathan Orcut, Nov. 5, 1759* [Washburne and Jonathan Orcutt, PCR]
Experience and Jonathan Alden, Nov. 26, 1766 [Washburne PCR]
Ezekiel and Experience Curtice, Oct. 4, 1749* [Washbourn and Experience Curtis, PCR]
Ezekiel [int Jr.] and Naomi Thayer, Nov. 1, 1781 [Ezekiel, PCR]
Ezra and Susannah Leach, July 20, 1742* [Washburne and Susanna Leach, PCR]
Gideon Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Ruth Whitman, Sept. 24, 1765 [Washburne Jr., PCR]
Hannah and John Keith, Apr. 18, 1711*
Hannah and Zachariah Whitmarsh, Jan. 28, 1729-30*
Hannah and Thomas Davis, June 2, 1737*
Hannah and Seth Pratt, Apr. 27, 1753* [Apr. 24, PCR]
Hannah and Moses Snell, int. Dec. 3, 1763
Hannah and James Carkis Woodwis [int. Woodswis], Feb. 12, 1770
Hannah and Benjamin Perkins, May 24, 1789
Harriet and Hezekiah [int. adds H] Keith, May 21, 1836 [Hesekiah, CR1]
Henry [int. Jr.] and Susanna Hutchins of Middleborough, Aug. 11, 1768 [? in Middleborough]
Hephzibah and Benjamin Leach, Sept. 8, 1702*
Hephzibah and John Hutchinson, Oct. 29, 1708*
Hephzibah of Midleborough and Benjamin Perkins, July 28, 1761 [Hepsibah of Middleborough, PCR]
Hephzibah [int. Hepzibah] and Lewis Edson, Jan. 30, 1770 [Hepsibah [dup. Hephzibah] Washburne and Lewis [dup. Luice] Edson, PCR]
Hermon and Harriet Bonney, Dec. 27, 1822
Hervey and Dolly B. Clark [int. Clapp], Feb. 27, 1822 [Dolly B. Clark, d. Benjamin, CR1. Clarke, PR1]
Hiram and Abigail Keith, May 7, 1806
Hiram G., 21, shoemaker, of E. Bridgewater, s. Hiram and Olive, and Abigail K. Snell, 17, of W. Bridgewater, d. Edward and Emeline, Oct. 13, 1849*
Hosea and Weltha W. Packard, Jan. 29, 1845
Hulda and Solomon Bartlet, June 10, 1781,* CR1
Huldah L. and John Soule of Middleboro, Sept. 22, 1823
Isaac and Deborah Conant, Sept. 11, 1753 [Washburne, PCR]
Isaac and Huldah Allen, Feb. 6, 1781
Isaac of Taunton and Eunice Cary, int. Mar. 4, 1786
Isaac and Nabby [int. Abigail] Pope, Dec. 9, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Isaac of Bridgewater and Chloe Washburn, int. Nov. 13, 1824
Israel and Waitstil Sumner, Nov. 3, 1708*
Israel and Leah Fobess, Jan. 3, 1739-40* [Jan. 3, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Jacob [int. gentleman] of Middleborough, and Mercy Pool, Dec. 3, 1761 [Jacob, CR1]
Jacob and Ruth Shaw, Apr. 18, 1797
James and Elisabeth Lennard, Nov. 23, 1720*
Jane and Josiah Dean, Aug. 18, 1737*
Jane and Thomas Thomson, Oct. 31, 1745* [Washburne, PCR]
Jane A., d. Calvin and Eunice, and Samuel H. Worcester, 20, teacher, of Charleston, S.C., b. Gloucester, s. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1844 [Jane Ames Washburn and Samuel Howard Worcester, Sept. 22, PR77]
Jemimah and Josiah Leonard Jr., Jan. 24, 1739-40* [Jemima and Joseph Leonard, Jan. 24, 1739, CR1]
Jeremiah and Charity Pratt, Apr. 24, 1754
Jeremiah and Kezia [int. Keziah] Snell, Aug. 19, 1777 [Keziah, CR1]
Jeremiah Jr. and Sally Edson, int. Jan. 25, 1801
Jessee and Silence Washburn, Dec. 29, 1748* [Jesse, PCR]
Joana and Ebenezer Leach, Dec. 26, 1734* [Joanna Washborn, CR1]
Joanna and Samuel Hacket of Rainham, Sept. 23, 1736* [Samuel of Raynham, CR1]
Joanna and Solomon Lennard Jr., Oct. 5, 1756* [Leonard Jr., PCR. Leonard, CR1]
Joanna and Daniell Connant [int. Daniel Conant] Aug. 2, 1767 [Daniel Conant, PCR]
Joanna and Phinehas [int. Phineas] Conant [int Jr.], Aug. 25, 1785 [Phineas, PCR. Phinny, Aug. 15, CR1]
John and Margret Packard, Feb. 16, 1709=10*
John and Bethiah Keith, Jan. 12, 1737-8*
John and Mira Sprague, July 27, 1828
John and Deborah J. Robinson, Oct. -- [int. Oct. 2], 1841
Jonathan, s. John, and Mary Vaughn, d. George, -----, 1683,* PR36
Jonathan and Rebecca Perry of Sandwich, Dec. 27, 1711, in Sandwich*
Jonathan and Rebecca Johnson of Hingham, Dec. 17, 1719, in Boston*
Jonathan and Thankful Newton, Apr. 9, 1724*
Jonathan and Rebecca Perkins, Jan. 18, 1757* [Rebeccah, PCR. Rebecca Perkens, CR1]
Jonathan [int. Jr.] of Midleborough and Hannah Conant, May 14, 1778 [Jonathan of Midleboro and Hannah Conant, CR1]
Jonathan and Sally K. [int. Sarah W.] Pratt, Feb. 8, 1827 [Sally K., d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, PR12]
Joseph Jr. and Mary Washburn, Sept. 23, 1755*
Joshua and Lucey Rickard [int. Lovicey Reckards], Mar. 2, 1786 [:ucy Rickard, PCR. Luwcy Rickard, CR1]
Joshua and Charity Williams of Taunton, int. Jan. 30, 1836
Josiah and Mercy Tilson, Feb. 11, 1702, in Plymouth*
Josiah and Elisabeth Davenport, June 20, 1723* [Josiah, . Jonathan and Elizaeth Davenport, PR36]
Josiah and Abigal Curtis, Jan. 29, 1745* [Washburne and Abigail Curtiss, PCR]
Josiah Jr. [int. omits Jr] and Phebe Hayward, May 3, 1753 [Washburne and Pheba Hayward, PCR. Josiah Washburn, s. Josiah, and Phebe Hayward, d. Thomas, PR36]
Josiah and Hulda Lennard, Oct. 15, 1755* [Huldah Leonarad, PCR]
Josiah and Eisabeth Snow, July 6, 1775
Judith and Seth Kingman, int. July 14, 1787
Kezia and Andrew [int. Andrue] Conant, Nov. 1, 1795
Keziah and Joseph Harvey Jr., Oct. 10, 1749* [Joseph 2d, PCR]
Laura [dup. int. of Middleborough] and Job P. [dup. int. omits P.] Rounseville, June 3, 1827 [Job P., both of Bridgewater, CR1]
Lavinia (see Levina)
Leah of Raynham and Jason Fobes, int. May 25, 1770
Lebbeus (see Libeus)
Levi and Molly [int. Molley] Allen, Nov. 22, 1774
Levi of E. Bridgewater and Susan J. White of Raynham, Nov. --, 1843,* CR1
Levina and Eliab Thompson Jr. of Hallifax, int. May 22, 1819
Lewis and Lydia Ager of Weymouth, int. Nov. 17, 1833
Libeus of Plimpton and Alice Keith, Mar. 16, 1792
Lois H. and Ephraim H. Sprague, int. Nov. 10, 1833
Lucia C. and William J. Cutler of Boston, Apr. 4, 1843 [Lucia Conant Washburn, d. Abram and Pamelia (Keith), PR1]
Lucy and Nathaniell Morton, Sept. 13, 1757*
Lucy and Abel Kingman, Nov. 15, 1792
Lucy and Lawson Lyon of Boston, Apr. 22, 1813 [Lucy, d. Abram and Rebecca (Leonard), PR1. PR87]
Luke and Desire Packard, Aug. 30, 1763
Lydia and Samuel West, Mar. 10, 1736-7* [Lidea, CR1]
Lydia and Simeon Wood, May 6, 1778 [Lidea, CR1]
Lydia and Samuel Rider, int. Nov. 23, 1799
Marcia (see Maria S.)
Margaret and Ephraim Holmes, Feb. 19, 1740* [Margarett Washbun and Ephraim Holmes of Hallifax, PCR. Margaret Washburn and Ephraim Holmes, Feb. 19, 1740-1, CR1]
Maria S., d. Solomon and Sarah, and Alonzo Masters, -------, in New York City,* [Marcia, d. Solomon, and Alonzo Masters, PR36]
Martha and Jonathan Leonard, Apr. 25, 1758*
Martha and Elijah Edson, Mar. 13, 1766
Mary and Thomas Perkins, Feb. 20, 1716-17* [Thomas, s. David, PR64]
Mary and William Snow, Nov. 8, 1722*
Mary and Eleazer Cary, Mar. 7, 1753* [Washburne and Eleazer Carry, PCR]
Mary and Jabez King, Apr. 12, 1753* [Washburne, PCR]
Mary and Joseph Washburn Jr., Sept. 23, 1755*
Mary and Job Pratt, Feb. 1, 1757* [Washbourne, PCR. Washburn, CR1]
Mary, d. Josiah Jr., and ---- ---- Oct. 18, 1782,* CR1
Mary and Benjamin Munro of Hallifax, Dec. 6, 1787 [Monro of Halifax, CR1. Molly and ----- Manroe of Halifax, PR105
Mary and Bartholomew Trow, Mar. 24, 1803*
Mercy and Pelatiah Phiney, Dec. 28, 1738,* CR1
Mira and John A. Shaw, Oct. 17, 1830 [Mira, d. Capt. Ephraim Sprague and Vina [d. Ezra Edson), and Hon. John A. Shaw, CR2. Mira, wid. John, d. Ephraim Sprague and Vina (Edson), and John A. Shaw, s. Samuel and Olive (Leonard), PR1]
Molly (see Mary)
Molley and Ephraim Tomson of Middleborough, Jan. 12, 1791
Nabby and Zenas Mitchell, Dec. 15, 1796
Nahum and Anna Mitchell, int. Dec. 4, 1816
Nahum and Christiana Pratt, d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, May 16, 1836,* PR12 [Nahum, s. Solomon, PR36]
Nancy A.V. and Greenough Wood of E. Bridgewater, int. Feb. 23, 1834
Nathan and Mary Mahurin, Apr. 20, 1748* [Washburne and Mary Mehurine, PCR]
Nathaniel and Joanna H. Snell, June 29, 1823 [Joanna H., d. William and Eunice, CR1. Joanna [dup. Joannah], d. William and Eunice (Cary), PR1]
Nehemiah and Jane Haward, Mar 26, 1713*
Nehemiah and Ruth Eggarton, Mar. 29, 1770 [Washburne, PCR]
Noah and Elisabeth Shaw, Jan. 25, 1709-10*
Olive (see Alice)
Oliver and Hannah Gannett [int. Gannet], Mar. 1, 1781 [Gannett, PCR]
Oliver and Martha Fobess, Jan. 19, 1787
Oliver and Polly Hayward, Feb. 5 [int. Mar. 17, sic], 1804 [Mary Howard (second w), May 20, PR1]
Oliver [int. adds A.] and Jane Keith, Oct. 5, 1814
Parna and Adam Stetson, Jan. 8, 1817
Patience [int. Reliance] and Nathan Richmond of Midleboro, May 2, 1754
Phebe and Samuel Kingman, Feb. 3, 1736-7*
Phebe and Luther Hooper, Nov. 25, 1779 [? in Middleborough]
Polly and Oliver Conant, July 6, 1796
Polly and Barzillia Latham, int. Oct. 24, 1801
Rebeca and Samuell Alden, Dec.28, 1752*
Rebecca and David Johnson, Jan. 7, 1719*
Rebecca and Lemuel Leach, Oct. 12, 1767 [Rebeccah, PCR]
Rebecca and Isaac Pool, Oct. 18, 1774
Reliance (see Patience)
Reuben and Abigail Murrey, int. Dec.10, 1743
Reuben (see Ruben)
Rhobe S. and Joshua Jackson, int. Feb. 12, 1837
Robert and Mary Fobes, Mar. 6, 1739-40* [Mar. 6, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Roby S. (see Rhobe S.)
Rotheus and Mary Hayward, Oct. 18, 1829 [Rotheus, s. Solomon and Sally, and Mary Hayward, d. Solomon Jr. and Mary, CR1. Rotheus and Mary Hayward, d. Solomon and Betseey (Bates), PR1]
Ruben and Betty [dup. Bettie] Dilley, May 11, 1749* [Betty, PCR]
Ruth and Calvin Leach, int. Sept. 18, 1779
Ruth and Benjamin Price, int. July 6, 1805
Sally and James Johnson Jr. [int. 2d], Nov. 22, 1798
Salmon and Hannah Orcutt, Sept. 15, 1785 [Solomon and Hannah Alcutt, PCR]
Sampson [int. Samson] and Rebecca Soul of Middleborough, Jan. 28, 1806 [? in Middleborough]
Sarah and John Ames, Jan. 12, 1696-7* [Job, PR103]
Sarah, Mrs., and Ephraim Keith, Sept. 21, 1732* [Miss Sarah, PCR]
Sarah and Samuell Crane, Feb. 13, 1737-8* [Sarah, wid., and Samuel Crane of Milton, CR1]
Sarah and Henry Caswell, May 11, 1738,* CR1
Sarah and Daniell Bryant, July 16, 1767 [Daniel Briant, PCR]
Sarah [int. Sally] and Seth Hayward, Feb. 2, 1792 [Sarah, PCR]
Sarah W. of E. Bridgewater and Charles Hayward, int. Jan. 1, 1832
Seth of Middleborough nd Elisabeth Dunbar, July 21, 1772 [Elizabeth, PCR]
Seth and Sarah Willis [int. wid.], Mar. 31, 1812 [Seth, s. Abram and Rebecca (Leonard), and Sarah Willis, PR1. Seth, s. Abram, and Sarah Carver, d. Dr. Eleazer, PR88]
Seth Jr. and Casindana Pratt, Nov. 29, 1839. [Seth Jr., s. Seth and Sarah (Carver), and Casindania Pratt, PR88]
Silence and Jessee Washburn, Dec. 29, 1748* [Jesse, PCR]
Silvanus and Millicent Richards, int. Feb. 9, 1865 [sic, ? 1765]
Solomon and Martha Orcut, Jan. 13, 1731-2* [Orcutt, PCR. Washborn and Martha Orcut, CR1]
Solomon and Ann [int. Anne] Mitchel, Mar. 17, 1773 [Solomon, s Josiah, and Anne Mitchell, PR36]
Solomon (see Salmon)
Solomon [int. Jr.] and Sarah ------ [int. Sally Carver], Mar. 18, 1801 [Solomon, s. Solomon, and Sarah Carver, d. Jabez and Sarah of Raynham, PR36]
Southworth [int. Southwarth] and Rebecca Bissbee, July 7, 1794 [Southworth and Rebecca Bisbee, PCR]
Stephen and Sarah Faxon, Nov. 20, 1770
Susanna and Timothy Perkins, Mar. 18, 1735-6*
Susanna of Middleborough and Zadock Leach, Dec. 6, 1763 [Susannah of Middleborough, PCR]
Susanna and James Hooper Jr., Feb. 6, 1772
Susanna and Simeon Jones of Pembroke, Mar. 7, 1803*
Susanna and Macey Hall of Raynham, int. Apr. 11, 1807
Taitha and Solomon Leach, Apr. 14, 1736* [Solomon, CR1]
Tabitha and Mark Perkins, Oct. 17, 1784
Thankfull and John Kinsley, Feb. 19, 1746* [Thankful Washburne, PCR]
Thomas and Sarah Lennard, July 28, 1708*
Thomas Sr. and Abigail Hefford, July 24, 1711*
Thomas Jefferson [dup. of Orono, Me.] and Marcia [int. Maria] Perkins, July 3, 1836 [Thomas J. of orono, Me., and Marcia Perkins, CR1. Thomas and Marcia Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR1. Thomas J. and Marcia Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR13]
Waitstil and Ebenezer Pratt or Waymouth, Dec. 15, 1720*
Wealthy [int. Welthy] of Middleborough and Benjamin Dunbar, June 9, 1774 [? in Middleborough]
Willard and Alvira Bryant, int. Dec. 1, 1843
William and Experience Man, Jan. 13, 1715*
William and Rebecca Curtis, May 8, 1738,* CR1
Zenas [int. Zenus] and Salence [int. Silence] Ames, Apr. 2, 1789 [? in Middleborough]
Zenas and Lydia Whitman, Feb. 3, 1799
Zeruiah and Solomon Hayward, Apr. 16, 1782 [Zerviah, PCR. CR1. Zeruiah and Solomon Howard, PR1]
Zilpha and Noah Whitman, July 1, 1779 [Zilpah, PCR. Zilpha, CR1. Zilphia, PR1]
Zipporah and Timothy Perkins, Oct. 7, 1753 [Washbourne, PCR]
WASHBURNE (also see Wasburn, Washbourn, Washbun, Washburn)
Jabez (see Jabez Warren)
John Jr. and ---- -----, Apr. 16, 1679* [John Washburn and Rebecca Lapham, GR7. John Washburn Jr. and Rebecca Lapham, PR103]
WATERMAN (also see Watermon)
Abigail and Charls [int. Charles] Perkins, Mar. 11, 1762 [Charles, PCR. Charles Perkens, /cr1]
Betsey, wid. [int. omits wid], and Daniel Hudson, Jan. 5, 1822
Calvin and Salome Allen, Sept. 29, 1793, in Halifax
David and Betsey Pratt, int. Feb. 6, 1802
Elisha of Hallifax and Nathaniel French, int. July 27, 1811
Hannah and Ornon Perkins, int. Dec. 1, 1833
Jabez of Hallifax and Hannah Benson, Nov. 28, 1805
Joanna and Frederick [int. Frederic] L. Dean, Apr. 2, 1826 [Joanna, d. Dea. Waterman, and Frederick L, Dean, CR1]
John of Hallifax and Mercy Orcutt, int. Nov. 11, 1769 [John Jr. of Halifax and Mary Orcut, m. Apr. 10, 1770, CR1]
Jonathan and Abigail Washburn, Oct. 24, 1768
Lucy and Newland Sampson of Hallifax, Aug. 28, 1766 [Samson of Hallifax, PCR. Newland Samson of Halifax, CR1]
Lucy B. of Kingston and Lewis Leonard, int. Nov. 1, 1846
Minerva and Isaac Alden, Apr. 19, 1821 [Apr. 29, PR66]
Nathaniel and Jane E. Adams of Kingston, int. Aug. 2, 1829
Oliver of Mansfield and Sarah Freelove, Feb. 1, 1786 in Mansfield
Otis of Kingston and Betsey Watermon, int. Aug. 19, 1820
Peres and Ruth Nye of Sandwich, int. Nov. 19, 1784
Rebecca and Elisha Bartlet of Brookfield, May 11, 1778 [Barklet of Brookfield, CR1]
Ruth and Nathan Hall, Feb. 24, 1790
Sarah, "Indian woman," and Thomas Conquance, "Free Negro man," Feb. 13, 1753*
Sarah of Halifax and Samuel Whitman, Nov. 7, 1776, in Halifax
Susan [int. Susanna] of Halifax and Francis Perkins, Dec. 14, 1762, in Halifax
Uriah A. and Polly Horton, Mar. 13, 1826
William and Margrett Curtis, "alias Margrett Wampee," int. Jan. 16, 1773
WATERMON (also see Waterman)
Betsey and Otis Waterman of Kingston, int. Aug 19, 1820
Ellener and Caleb Chard, Apr. 23, 1700*
Samuell and Jane Kennedy, Feb. 26, 1756*
WATKINS (see Wattkins)
James E. [int. W.] and Harmony Cary, Jan. 1, 1821
Zachariah and Abigail Keith, Sept. 1, 1761 [Dechariah Watkins, PCR]
Benjamin of Eastham and Mrs. Mehetabel Williams, Oct. 20, 1720*
Benjamin and Abigail Ormsby of Taunton, Bristol Co., int. Apr 23. 1778
John of Brantry and Mary Allden, Oct. 6, 1720*
Silence and Ephraim Cole, Dec. 18, 1777
Mary of Pembroke and John Orcutt, Mar. 31, 1740, in Pembroke*
Andrew K., 23, painter, s. Samuel P. and Huldah, and Harriet T. Pratt, 22, of Halifax, d. Stillman and Mary, Nov. 22, 1846
WELMARTH (also see Willmath)
Nathaniell 9int. Willmarth of Easton) and Mercy Snow, Feb. 1, 1795
Darius and Olive Pratt of Middleboro, Oct. 21, 1834 [Darius, s. Theophilus and Betsey, PR90]
Edward of Stoughton and Sarah Winslow, Jan. 22, 1745-6*
Eliza and Ezra Edson, Apr. 3, 1819 [Ezra, s. Lebeus (s. Ezra) and Joanna Keen, CR2. Eliza, d. Theophilus and Betsey, Apr. 4, PR90]
Eliza, 18, d. Martin and Ruth, and Seth W. Conant, 23, cordwainer, s. Seth and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1845
Hiram and Ann Leach, Apr. 2, 1833 [Anna, d. Levi and Betsey (Conant), Apr. 3, PR50. Hiram, s. Theophilus and Betsey, Apr. 2, PR90]
Lewis and Matilda [int. adds B.] Leach, Apr. 20, 1841 [Matilda, CR3. Lewis, s. Theophilus and Betsey, and Matilda B. Leach, PR90]
Martin and Ruth Sturtevant, Aug. 17, 1826 [Martin, s. Theophilus and Betsey, and Ruth Sturdevant, PR90]
Oliver and Sarah Leach, June 15, 1779*
Seth [int. of Stoughton] and Jane Warren, Nov. 7, 1776
Soranus and Rebecca Leonard, Apr. 8, 1834 [Soranus, s. Theophilus and Betsey, PR90]
Theophius and Betsey, -----[French], Nov. 19, 1794,* PR90
Wales and Polly Bacon, Dec. 4, 1820 [Wales, s. Theophilus and Betsey, Nov. 19, PR90]
WESLEY (also see Westley, Whestley)
Joseph and Margrett Robinon, Dec. 14, 1773
Hannah and William Shaw, July 15, 1754
Lidia [int. Lydia] and Ebenezer Thayer [int. 3d of Braintree], Sept. 23, 1779 [Lydia and Ebenezer Thayer, PCR]
Mercy and Redding [int. Reeding] Carr, Jan. 19, 1795
Patience and Lamuel Southworth, Nov. 6, 1757*
Samuel and Mehetabel Ames, Dec. 15, 1727*
Samuel and Lydia Washburn, Mar. 10, 1746-7* [Lidea, CR1]
Thomas and Mercy Packard, Dec. 9, 1756* [Martha, PCR]
Timothy and Zibia [int. Zibba] Edson, Nov. 29, 1787 [Zibea, PCR]
John of Fall River and Sophronia Wight of Lowell, Aug. 11, 1839* [both of Bridgewater, CR5]
WESTLEY (also see Wesley, Whestley)
Jannett [int. Jennett Worsley] and Byram Lazell, Sept. 26, 1793 [Jennit Wesly, PCR]
Abigail of Middleborough and Ebenezer Washburn, int. Sept. 23, 1787
Darius A. of Middleboro and Pamela W. White, int. June 25, 1825
Hannah S. of Plympton and Amos I. Cook, int. Sept. 29, 1839
Mary, wid., of Plymouth and Samuel Nute, int. July 7, 1804
Rufus of Middleborough and Sarah Whitman, int. Mar. 29, 1777
Seth and Lucy White of Easton, Dec. 4, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
WETHEREL (also see Witherel, Whitherell, Withrell)
Mary [int. wid.] and Joseph Chamberlain, Feb. 12, 1767 [Wethrel, PCR]
Nathaniell of Norton and Mary May, Oct. 9, 1755*
Charity [int. of Dorchester] and Libeus Lathrop, May 26, 1803
WHEATLEY (see Whitly)
Benjamin F. of Canton and Susan J. Reed of E. Bridgewater, Dec. --, 1843,* CR1
Eli Jr. and Julia A. Fish, int. Oct. 31, 1847
WHESTLEY (also see Wesley, Westley)
Joseph and Jean Gillmore, Nov. 27, 1739* [Whesley, PCR. Westly and Jane Gilemor, CR1]
Nathanael of Rehoboth and Abigail Read, Dec. 20, 1711*
Phebe [dup. Whitman] and Joseph Reynolds Jr., [int. omits Jr.] Nov. 3, 1817
Abigail of Abington and Alexander Robinson, int. Nov. 10, 1744
Abigail of Middleborough and Thomas Hooper, Mar. 15, 1759 [? in Middleborough]*
Abigail of Abington and Nathan Dawes, int. Oct. 17, 1772
Anna of Marshfield and Ezra Edson, int. July 13, 1782 [Ann of Marshfield and Ezra Edson, s. Samuel 3d, m -----, 1782, CR2]
Bartimeus, 34, farmer, of Grant Co., Wis., s. Samuel and Mary of Randolph, and Nancy Leach, 23, of E. Bridgewater, May 25m 1845*
Benjamin Jr. of Hanover and Mary Chamberlain, Dec. 12, 1780 [Chamberlin, PCR]
Benjamin and Mahtable [int. Mehetabel] Pool of Abington, June 5, 1795, in Abington
Betsey and Isaac Richmond, Nov. 30, 1794
Cornelius and Susanna Howel, Oct. 14, 1747* [Howell, PCR]
David [int. of Randolph] and Bathsheba H. [int. Wales] Hubbard, May 26 [May 26 in later handwriting], 1806
Eleanor of Millbury and Capt. Spencer Lothrop, int. Aug. 30, 1817
Eliphalet of Raynham and Bethany Alden, Aug. 10, 1791
Eliza B. and Ira Dickerman of N. [int. N.W.] Bridgewater, Dec. 27, 1842
Esther and Ambrose Packard, June 23 [June 23 in later handwriting], 1805
Hannah and Jonathan Allen [int. Alden], Dec. 4, 1777 [Allen, PCR]
Hitty and Jacob Bicknel [int. Bicknell] Jr. of Abington, Aug. 3, 1804
Isaac of Raynham and Olive Fobes, int. Mar. --, 1792
Jarib of Amherst, Hampshire Co., and Ruth Sherman, Feb. 24, 1794
Jarvis of Raynham and Minerva Leach, int. Oct. 2, 1819
Kesiah and Edward Hayward of Easton, Oct. 26, 1748, in Easton*
Louisa, 24, of Mansfield, d. Augustus and Mariah, and Leonard Ames, 23, farmer, of Mansfield, s. Franklin and Polly, June 15, 1847*
Lovisa Maria [int. Luezar Mari] and Arza Leonard, Apr. 4, 1820
Lucy of Easton and Seth Weston, Dec. 4, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Lucy and Silas Shaw of Ringe [int. Range], N.H., May 29, 1794
Lydia Clushing [int. Cushing] and Bela Dyer of Abington, Feb. 17, 1813
Mary and Elijah Peck [int. of Abington], Nov. 17, 1776, in Abington
Mary and John Dwelly of Quincy, int. Sept. 19, 1807
Mary A. and Sylvester W. Hall, Sept. 17, 1848 [? in Bridgewater],* PR65
Mehitable (see Hitty)
Micah [dup. and int. of Braintree] and Bettie Toleman [dup. Bettee Tolman, int. wid.], Dec. 22, 1768 [dup. Nov. 24, 1768, in Braintree] [Micah and Bettie Tolman, Dec. 22, PCR]
Micah and Lucey Hatch of Hingham, int. May 4, 1771
Micah Jr. and Jane Hersey [int. Hearsey] of Abington, Dec. 6, 1792, in Abington
Micah Jr. of Abington and Esther Hobart, int. Jan. 3, 1818
Nathan and Hannah Redding, Apr. 14, 1735*
Nathaniel, Dr., of Weymouth, and Abigail Keith, July 1, 1755, in Weymouth*
Nathaniell and Sussanna Crossman, May 27, 1745* [Nathaniel and Susanna Crosman, PCR]
Nehemiah of Sharon and Abigail Turner, int. Oct. 9, 1802
Nehemiah of E. Bridgewater and Chloe E. Leach of E. Brigewater, Oct. 23, 1838* [Oct. 23, 1839, CR3. Nehemiah and Chloe E. Leach, d. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), Oct. 23, 1839, PR65]
Pamela W. and Darius A. Weston of Middleboro, int. June 25, 1825
Perez of Raynham and Deborah Leach, Jan. 1, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Peter and Rebecca Nero [int. Negro], blacks, Apr. 22, 1783 [Nero, PCR]
Polly and Noah Pool [int. of Boston], June 17, 1808
Raney of Marshfield and Luther Hayward, int. Aug. 30, 1794
Ruth and Adam Kingman, Mar. 27, 1760*
Sally of Middleborough and Alexander Shaw, Mar. 21, 1802 [? in Middleborough]
Samuel of Middleborough and Olive Hathaway of Middleborough, Nov. 6, 1792* [Hatheway of Middleborough, PCR]
Sarah of Marshfield and Nathan Willis, int. Sept. 8, 1792
Sarah and Joseph Hearsey Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Abington, Aug. 29, 1799
Sarah H. and John Angier Shaw, s. Samuel and Olive (Leonard), Mar. 29, 1821, in Woodville, Miss.* PR1
Simeon [int. of Sharon] and Bethiah Samson, Aug. 20, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Susan J. of Raynham and Levi Washburn of E. Bridgewater, Nov. --, 1843,* CR1
Susanna and John Leach, Feb. 20, 1718*
Thomas [int. of Abington] and Hannah Green of Abington, Jan. 2, 1772 [Thomas of Bridgewater, PCR]
Thomas and Nancy Harden of Abington, int. June 25, 1803
Thomas and Issabella D. Harden [int. Isabella Dom Hayden sic, D. Harden written below], Mar. 1, 1810
Zilpha and Uriah Rickard, June 2, 1761*
WHITEING (also see Whiting, Whitting)
Sally of Attleborough and Daniel Lathrop 3d, int. Apr. 14, 1787
WHITEMORE (also see Whitmore)
David of Randolph and Urania Bassett, int. Oct. 31, 1840
John and Ruth Bassett, Dec. 22, 1692,* PCR
WHITING (also see Whiteing, Whitting)
Amos and Polly Howard, int. May 25, 1810
Ruth [int. Whiteing] and Marlborough Ripley, July 16, 1787 [Whiting, PCR]
Samuel and Abigail Willis, Aug. 17, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
William and Mary Ramsdel, June 8, 1748*
William of Stoughton and Rachel Turner, int. Aug. 10, 1811
Betty [int. Bettie Wheatley] and Edward Power [int. Powers], Oct. 15, 1772
WHITMAN (also see Whittman)
Abigail and Edward Hobert of Hingam, Nov. 12, 17[worn]* [Nov. 12, 1714, PR103]
Abigail and Jeremiah Cobb of Middleborough, int. June 1, 1773
Abigail and John Whitman 3d, Aug. 5, 1773
Alfred and Betsey Robbins [int. Robins], Sept. 14, 1808
Amos and Anna Washburn, Nov. 22, 1764 [Washburne, PCR]
Angelina and Curtis Barns of Hingham, int. Oct. 22, 1803
Anna and Timothy Bailey, Mar. 24, 1796
Anna and Thomson [int. Thompson] Baxter of Quinsey, Norfolk Co., Dec. 16, 1797
Asa and Deborah Howard, Mar. 24, 1804
Asa and Rachel Chamberlain [int. Chamberlin], Feb. 16, 1820
Benjamin and Mary Latham, Feb. 3, 1757*
Benjamin 2d and Lucy Leonard of Middleborough, May 24, 1796
Betsey and James Keith, Oct. 31 [sic, int. Dec. 16], 1815
Cassandra and Gaius Conant, int. Dec. 4, 1802
Celia [int. Sela] and Timothy Allen, Apr. 3, 1788 [Celia, PCR]
Celia [int. Sela] and William Pratt, Dec. 30, 1816
Celia M. and Lewis H. Richardson, int. Mar. 6, 1841
Christiana and George W. Barton [int. George Washington Barten] of Bath, Sept 17, 1809
Clarissa [int. of Abington] and Isaac Alden 3d, Nov. 21, 1811
Daniel and Celia Harris, Oct. 31 [sic, int. Dec. 16], 1815
David and Susanna Hayward, July 13, 1738*
David Snow and Ruth Stetson of Pembroke, May 31, 1798
Ebenezer and Abigall Barnam, Nov. 17, 1699*
Ebenezer Jr. and Abigail Freelove, Nov. 21, 1760*
Ebenezer 3d and Ruth Delano of Pembrook, int. Mar. 13, 1779
Ebenezer Jr. [int. 2d] and Lydia Whitman, Oct. 7, 1788 [Ebenezer Jr., PCR]
Elanor and Samuel Pratt of Stoughton, int. Oct. 20, 1764
Elanor and Nathaniell Chamberlain Jr., int. Oct. 3, 1767
Eleazer and Abigail Alden, Nov. 9, 1742
Eleazer Jr. and Nabby Pratt, Sept. 17, 1812
Eliab Esq. and Susannah [int. Susanna] Wales, May 18, 1817
Eliezer and Mary Brown of Abington, int. Jan. 17, 1778
Elijah and Mary Randal [int. Mercy Randel] pf Scituate, July 1, 1764 [sic, int. June 12, 1784] in Scituate
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and George Briggs of Norton, Oct. 26, 1791 [Elizabeth, PCR]
Elizabeth [int. Elisaboth] and Benjamin Strowbridge [int. Troubridge] of Middleborough, Apr. 16, 1789 [Elizabeth and Benjamin Strowbridge of Middleborough, PCR]
Eunice, wid. [int. omits wid.] and Peter Salmon of Hanover, Feb. 17, 1785 [Eunice, wid., PCR]
Eunice and Reubin [int. Reuben] Tomson, Mar. 23, 1791 [Reuben, Mar. 22, PCR]
Ezra and Rhoda Snow, Sept. 1, 1768
Ezra Jr. and Eunice Allen, Mar. 5, 1795
Ezra and Thankful [int. Thankfull] Freelove, Nov. 7, 1796
Freedom of Boston and Clarissa Allen of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 26, 1825*
Frelove [int. Freelove] and Davis Hayward, Sept. 23, 1804
Gilbert and Sirena [int. Cyrena] Fobes, Dec. 21, 1813
Hannah and Ebenezer Dean of Plimton, May 11, 1769
Hannah and Josiah Keen, July 4, 1792
Hannah and Moses Noyes of Providence, Sept. 16, 1802
Huldah and Turner Phillips, Apr. 3, 1787
Isaac, Capt. [int. omits Capt] and Bathsheba Allen, June 2, 1785 [Capt. Isaac, PCR]
Isaiah and Chloe Phillips, Apr. 29, 1784 [Cloe, PCR]
Jannett [int. Jannet] and James Loring, June 4, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Jared [int. of Abington] and Abigail Barrell, Apr. 1, 1813
Jemimah [int. Jemima] and David Keith, Oct. 2, 1754
Jephthah and Betty Tinkham of Middleborough, int. Dec. 19, 1789
John and ---- ---- [Hannah Pratt, PR103], June 10, 1686*
John and Elisabeth Rickard, Nov. 29, 172[worn]* [Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1726, PCR]
John and Elisabeth Cary, Nov. 10, 1729* [Elizabeth, PCR]
John and Hannah Snow, Mar. 16, 1742 [Dec. 16, PCR]
John and Margrett Willis, Dec. 11, 1745*
John [int. 3d] and Lydia Snow, Nov. 11, 1764 [John, PCR]
John and Hannah Mitchell [int. Mitchel, wid] of Abington, Sept. 30 [sic, int. Oct. 12], 1765, in Abington
John 3d and Abigail Whitman, Aug. 5, 1773
Jonathan and Elisabeth Harvey, Nov. 3, 1747*
Jonathan and Bithia Edson, Apr. 26, 1753
Jonathan Jr. and Ruth Churchill of Plimton, int. June 10, 1775
Joseph and Mary Phillips, Sept. 7, 1780
Josiah and Elisabeth Smith, Oct. 7, 1747*
Josiah and Sarah Stertevant [int. Sturtevant] of Halifax, Nov. 27, 1774, in Halifax
Leah and Sylvester [int. Silvester] Briggs of Norton, Sept. 28, 1797
Lucenda and Joseph Tilson, Aug. 17, 1794 [Aug. 7, PCR]
Lucia [Lucia written below Lydea crossed out] of Portland, Me., and Silvanus Lazell Mitchell, int. May 13, 1820
Lucinda (see Lucenda)
Lucy and Israel Bailey, Dec. 31, 1789
Luranna W. of E. Bridgewater and Joseph Chamberlain of E Bridgewater, Dec. 13, 1838*
Lydia and Daniell Dean of Norton, Sept. 27, 1770 [Lidia Whittman and Daniel Dean of Norton, Sept. 27, 1771, PCR. Lidea Whitman and Daniel Dean of Norton, Sept. 27, 1770, CR1]
Lydia and Ebenezer Whitman Jr. [int. 2d], Oct. 7, 1788 [Ebenezer Jr., PCR]
Lydia and Zenas Washburn, Feb. 3, 1799
Martha and Thomas Phillips, Oct. 30, 1783
Martin and Susanna Hudson, Feb. 16, 1815
Mary and Eliab Noyes of Abington, int. Jan. 1, 1803
Matilda [int. Metilda] and Seth Byram, Aug. 1, 1791 [Matilda, PCR]
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] and Levi Keith [int. 3d], Nov. --, 1811
Molly [int. Molley] and Thomas Chamberlin, Feb. 3, 1785 [Molly, PCR]
Molly and Luther Hatch of Hanover, Sept. 13, 1790 [Molly Allen, sic, PCR]
Naomi and William Snow, "last of" Nov. 1686* [Nov. 30, PR103]
Nathan and Betty Allen, Mar. 19, 1761*
Nathan and Mercy Byram, Mar. 27, 1788
Nathan Jr. of E. Bridgewater and Semanthe Keith of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 26, 1825*
Nicholas and Mary Cary, Sept. 14, 1715*
Nocholas and Mary Conant, Nov. 17, 1719*
Nicolas and Sarah Vining, Nov. 19, 1700*
Noah and Freelove Manchester of Cranston, R.I., int. July 4, 1767
Noah and Sarah Hayward, int. Nov. 19, 1774
Noah and Zilpha Washburn, July 1, 1779 [Zilpah, PCR. Zilpha, CR1. Zilphia, PR1]
Noah, Dr., and Mary Perkins, July 9, 1812
Oakes and Susanna Barrel, June 16, 1790
Olive and Daniel Orcutt, Nov. 16, 1784
Peter and Susanna Keith, June 18, 1752* [Susannah, PCR]
Peter and Sarah Wright, Aug. 31, 1775
Phebe (see Phebe Whitcomb)
Philebert and Seth Allen Whitman, Nov. 1, 1787
Piam C.K. and Phebe Conant, June 10, 1833 [Polly, CR2]
Piam C.K. (see Pyam C.K.)
Polly and James Allen, Nov. 23, 1778
Pyam C.K. and Mehitable Bourn of Halifax, int. Aug. 6, 1837
Rebecca and David Howard, Nov. 14, 1791
Rhoda and Thomas Toalman [sic. Totman, int. Totman of Abington], Sept. 27, 1805
Ruth and Gideon Washburn Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Sept. 24, 1765 [Washburne Jr., PCR]
Sally, wid. [int. Salle, omits wid.] and Jacob Mitchell, Sept. 4, 1783 [Sally, PCR]
Samuel and Elisabeth Bonney, July 27, 1757* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Samuel and Susanna [int. Susannah] Lennard, Sept. 29, 1761 [Susannah, PCR]
Samuel and Sarah Waterman of Halifax, Nov. 7, 1776, in Halifax
Samuel Jr. and Hannah Egerton [int. Eggerton], Mar. 20, 1787 [Egerton, PCR]
Sarah and Eleazer Allden Jr., Nov. 22, 1748* [Ebenezer [sic, Eleazar written in margin] Alden Jr., PCR]
Sarah and Pelatiah Gilbert of Brookfeild, Feb. 19, 1777
Sarah and Rufus Weston of Middleborough, int. Mar. 29, 1777
Sarah and Calvin Leavitt of E. Bridgewater, Apr. 2, 1840 [Leavett of E. Bridgewater, CR1]
Sarah W., 26, of N. Bridgewater, d. Eliab and Harriet, and Rev. Jonathan Coe 2d, 29, of Bethlem, Conn., s. Daniel and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1844*
Seth and Ruth Reed, June 23, 1741*
Seth and Eunice Bass, Nov. 26, 1781
Seth Allen and Philebert Whitman, Nov. 1, 1787
Silva [int. Sylva] and David Conant, Apr. 15, 1784 [Sylvia, PCR. Sylva, CR1]
Simeon and Martha Snow, Mar. 16, 1749-50*
Simeon, Capt., and Sarah Byram, wid. [int. omits wid], Nov. 6, 1783 [Sarah, PCR]
Sophia and Melvill [int. Melvin] Otis, Feb. 10, 1809
Stephen and Mary Orr, Apr. 23, 1767
Susan (see Susan Whitmarsh)
Susanna and Ezra Kingman, Nov. 14, 1782
Susanna and Oliver Allen, Oct. 13, 1790
Sylvia (see Silva)
Terah of Easton and Anna Willis, Feb. 4, 1745-6*
Thomas and Jemima Allden, Nov. 22, 1727*
Thomas [int. Dea.] and Rebecca Allen [int. wid], Jan. 29, 1767
Thomas and Lydia Sherman, Nov. 22, 1781
Thomas and Lusanna W. Cleft, Nov. 2, 1818
Willard of E. Bridgewater and Sophronia M. Hayward, Mar. 7, 1830
William and Mary Studley, May 26, 1761
William and Content Cole of Pembroke, Jan. 17, 1779, in Pembroke
Zenas and Sally Allen, Nov. 17, 1791
Asa and Sarah Gurney of Abington, int. Nov. 14, 1789
Eunuce [int. Eunice] of Abington and Nathan Orcut [int. Orcuit Jr], May 29, 1780, in Abington
Hittie and Noah Ramsdale [int. Ramsdell] of Abington, June 10, 1790 [Ramsdel of Abington, PCR]
Huldah and George Erskine [int. Earskin], June 10, 1784 [Erskine, PCR]
Jacob Jr. and Anna Pool, Apr. 22, 1784
Jacob of Abington and Betty Crooker, int Dec. 20, 1817
John and Sally N. Cox, int. June 13, 1823
Jonathan of Abington and Susannah Shaw of Abington, June 13, 1771* [Susanna of Abington, PCR]
Lot Jr. and Almira Jenkins, int. June 23, 1818. "Merrit Jenkins father of Said Almira forbade her being Published."
Lot Jr. and Merrill Cothell [int. Coathell], Oct. --, 1820
Mary and Stephen Read, Mar. 12, 171[worn]* [Mar. 12, 1714, PR103]
Mary and Reed Erskine of Abington, Mar. 4, 1784*
Mary Byram [int. of Abington] and Chandler Bisbee [int. Bissbee], Sept. 22, 1818
Mehitable (see Hittie)
Mercy and Andrew Ford, Nov. 27, 1706*
Olive and Moses Noyes of Abington, int. Aug. 19, 1775
Richard and Lydia Ford, Oct. 15, 1712*
Ruth and Hezekiah Ford, Mar. 19, 1712-13*
Sarah and John Norton of Abington, Dec. 21, 1775, in Abington
Sarah and Hiram Keith of Wencheser [int. adds Vt.], Apr. 18, 1816
Susan [int. Whitman] and Micah Packard, Jan. 15, 1812
Thankfull and Seth Reed [int. Reead] of "Number five in ye Massachusetts Bay," May 20, 1773
Thomas and Charlotte [int. Charlottee] Gannett, May 23, 1811
Thomas of E. Bridgewater and Mrs. Diana Allen of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 23, 1838*
Zachariah and Hannah Washburn, Jan. 28, 1729-30*
Zachariah of Weymouth and Mary Pinkney, Jan. 10, 1765
Zeruiah and Jacob Pool Jr. of Abington, Aug. 23, 1787 [Zerviah, PCR]
WHITMORE (also see Whitemore)
Mary H., d. Richard and Elizabeth (Hammond), and Seth Wilber, s. Seth and Rachel (Shelly), Nov. 8, 1831,* PR99
Abel of Boston and Lucy Lyon, Oct. 14, 1826 [Mrs. Lucy, CR1]
Roger and Elisabeth Foy, blacks, int. Jan. 17, 1789
Isaac (see Isaac Whitting)
Joseph and Nabby Alden, Sept. 17, 1778 [Whiten, PCR]
Margret and William Pincin Jr., int. Jan. 24, 1807
WHITTING (also see Whiteing, Whiting)
Isaac [int. Whitten] and Polly Jones, Dec. 25, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Marlborough and Nabby French, June 2, 1796
Patty (see Polly)
Polly and Benjamin Pinchin [int. Pincin] Jr., Jan. 29, 1798
Polly [int. Patty Whiting] and John Stock [int. Jr.], July 3, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Ruth [int. Whiting] and Levi Beal [int. Beals] of Hingham, Nov. 29, 1810
WHITTMAN (also see Whitman)
Elanor of Weymouth and William Turner, Dec. 30, 1714, in Hingham*
WICKETT (see Wiket)
Sophronia of Lowell and John Westall of Fall River, Aug. 11, 1839* [both of Bridgewater, CR5]
James and Betty Moses, Mar. 5, 1741* [Wickett, Indians, PCR. Jeams Wicket, Mar. 11, CR1]
WILBAR (also see Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur, Willbore)
Aberdeen and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 30, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Amos and Fidelly Woodward of Taunton, int. Apr. 27, 1800
Angelica H. and Charles A. Latham of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 16, 1841
Anna of Easton and Martin Snow, int. Mar. 17, 1821
Anne [int. Anna] and Daniel [int. David] Ford of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 20, 1836
Barack Jr. and Mehetable G. Leach of Abington, int. Sept. 15, 1833
Baruch [int. Barak] and Lois Leach, Feb. 25, 1799
Charles [int. Wilber] of Easton and Lydia Pratt, Dec. 31, 1813 [? in Middleborough]
Charles of Wareham and Agatha Pratt, May 4, 1828
Chloe and Salmon Keith, int. Feb. 27, 1779
David H. and Bethiah O. Wade of E. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 22, 1846
David H. and Maria J. Howland of Freetown, int. Oct. 3, 1849
Elizabeth P. and Martin S. Witherel of Attleboro, Oct. 24, 1836 [sic, int. Sept. 3, 1838]
Florentius E. and Hannah D. Bearce of E. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m. Sept. 27, PR56]
George and Lydia Wilbar, June 4, 1820
George Sanderson and Louisa Ann Staples of Taunton, int. Sept. 1, 1844
Gideon and Azubah Graham of E. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 11, 1846
Harriet W. and Josiah C. Cushing [int. of S. Marshfield], Jan. 5, 1846
Holden [int. Wilbur] and Ruth Tisdale of Taunton, July 5, 1781 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac [int. Wilbur] and Joanna Leach, June 16, 1791 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac and Stella Fobes, Nov. 3, 1842
Isaac S. of Taunton and Caroline Fobes, int. Apr. 2, 1844
Israel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Nancy W. Fobes, Sept. 20. 1827 [Capt. Israel Wilbur, CR3]
Jemima and Daniel Keith 3d, Mar. 19, 1826
Julia and Oliver Keith, farmer, Oct. 25, 1843
Julia Ann and Charles Howard of Easton, Nov. 28, 1839
Kezia of Easton and Daniel Hayward 2d, int. Nov. 4, 1815
Keziah L. and Elam Howard of W. Bridgewater, int. Dec. 2, 1837
Lavina and Samuel Howard of W. Bridgewater, Oct. 15, 1840
Lemuel [int. Willbor] and Sarah Fisher, July 4, 1771 [? in Middleborough]
Lemuel and Jenny Leach, int. Jan. 26, 1799
Lurana [int. Lurany] and Zepheniah [int. Zephanish] Fobess, Mar. 15, 1810 [? in Middleborough]
Lydia and George Wilbar, June 4, 1820
Nicholas and Daniel Dunbar, Apr. 2, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Ruth and David Keith 3d, Nov. 18, 1806 [? in Middleborough]
Sanford of Taunton and Sophia Fobes, Nov.1 2, 1832
Selina G. and Josiah L. Bassett, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m. Sept. 27, PR56]
Seth and Rachel Shelly of Norton, Oct. 1, 1801 [? in Middleborough] [Wilbore, PR8]
Seth and Angeline Wood of Halifax, int. Mar. 26, 1848
Susanna and Seth Gushee of Raynham, Apr. 23, 1841
Zepheniah [int. Zephaniah Wilbur] of Raynham and Cloe [int. Chloe] Leach, Nov. 17, 1796 [? in Middleborough]
WILBER (also see Wilbar, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur, Willbore)
Sebery and Hartwell Keith, int. July 8, 1786
Seth, s. Seth and Rachel (Shelly), and Mary H. Whitmore, d. Richard and Elizabeth (Hammond), Nov. 8, 1831,* PR99
WILBOR (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbore, Wilbur)
Lavinia [int. Levinea] and Timothy Keith, Apr. 18, 1797 [? in Middleborough]
Tryphear [int. Triphana Willbur] and Jabez Hall, Nov. 17, 1791 [Tryphear Wilbore, PCR]
WILBORE (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbur, Willbore)
Asa [int. Willbore] and Sylvia [int. Sylva] Jackson, Mar. 27, 1783 [Wilbore and Sylvia Jackson, PCR]
Bethany [int. Willbur] and Azel Alden, Mar. 10, 1791 [Wilbore, PCR]
Ebenezer of Raynham and Lydia Hollis, int. June 26, 1784
George [int. Willbor] and Betty [int. Bettie] Packard, Dec. 8, 1778 [? in Middleborough]
Gideon and Huldah Gardner of Raynham, int. Feb. 25, 1786
WILBUR (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Willbore)
Isaac and Susanna Leach, int. Feb. 23, 1781
Mehitable [int. Mehitabel Wilbar] and Salmon Keith, Oct. 19, 1835, in Raynham
WILD (also see Wilde)
Abigail of Braintree and Pardon Keith, int. Feb. 15, 1812
Atherton [int. Wiles of Braintree] and Lucy Packard, Sept. 22, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Calvin of Braintree and Sally Keith, int. May 26, 1810
Joseph of Braintree and Charlotte Packard, Nov. 6, 1817
Richard [int. of Stoughton] and Rhoda Cary, Dec. 4, 1794
WILDE (also see Wild)
Polly of Easton and David Ford Jr., int. Mar. 10, 1821
William and Eunice Kingman, Nov. 19, 1812
Atherton (see Atherton Wild)
WILKES (see Wilks)
Anna of N. Providence and Nathan Lazell Jr., int. Oct. 13, 1821 [Ann, d. Abraham of Pawtucket, and Nathan Lazell Jr., s. Nathan and Deborah, m. Oct. 31, in Pawtucket, R.I., CR1. Ann of Pawtucket, R.I., m. Oct. 31, PR1]
Mary of Pawtucket and Rev. Benjamin Fessenden, int. Nov. 23, 1821
Lydia of Abington and Daniel Alger Jr., int. June 6, 1807
WILLBORE (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur)
Joanna of Rainham, Bristol Co., and Benjamin Leach, July 15, 1751* [Wilber of Rainham, PCR]
Joseph and Susannah Harris, Dec. 22, 1741* [Wilbore of Raynham and Susanna Harris, PCR. Willbore, CR1]
Mary of Raynham and Ebenezer Leach, May 26, 1741* [Wilbore of Raynham, PCR. Willbore, CR1]
John of Abington and Louisa Hatch, Sept 17, 1799
WHITTING (also see Whiteing, Whiting)
Isaac [int. Whitten] and Polly Jones, Dec. 25, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Marlborough and Nabby French, June 2, 1796
Patty (see Polly)
Polly and Benjamin Pinchin [int. Pincin] Jr., Jan. 29, 1798
Polly [int. Patty Whiting] and John Stock [int. Jr.], July 3, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Ruth [int. Whiting] and Levi Beal [int. Beals] of Hingham, Nov. 29, 1810
WHITTMAN (also see Whitman)
Elanor of Weymouth and William Turner, Dec. 30, 1714, in Hingham*
WICKETT (see Wiket)
Sophronia of Lowell and John Westall of Fall River, Aug. 11, 1839* [both of Bridgewater, CR5]
James and Betty Moses, Mar. 5, 1741* [Wickett, Indians, PCR. Jeams Wicket, Mar. 11, CR1]
WILBAR (also see Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur, Willbore)
Aberdeen and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 30, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Amos and Fidelly Woodward of Taunton, int. Apr. 27, 1800
Angelica H. and Charles A. Latham of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 16, 1841
Anna of Easton and Martin Snow, int. Mar. 17, 1821
Anne [int. Anna] and Daniel [int. David] Ford of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 20, 1836
Barack Jr. and Mehetable G. Leach of Abington, int. Sept. 15, 1833
Baruch [int. Barak] and Lois Leach, Feb. 25, 1799
Charles [int. Wilber] of Easton and Lydia Pratt, Dec. 31, 1813 [? in Middleborough]
Charles of Wareham and Agatha Pratt, May 4, 1828
Chloe and Salmon Keith, int. Feb. 27, 1779
David H. and Bethiah O. Wade of E. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 22, 1846
David H. and Maria J. Howland of Freetown, int. Oct. 3, 1849
Elizabeth P. and Martin S. Witherel of Attleboro, Oct. 24, 1836 [sic, int. Sept. 3, 1838]
Florentius E. and Hannah D. Bearce of E. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m. Sept. 27, PR56]
George and Lydia Wilbar, June 4, 1820
George Sanderson and Louisa Ann Staples of Taunton, int. Sept. 1, 1844
Gideon and Azubah Graham of E. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 11, 1846
Harriet W. and Josiah C. Cushing [int. of S. Marshfield], Jan. 5, 1846
Holden [int. Wilbur] and Ruth Tisdale of Taunton, July 5, 1781 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac [int. Wilbur] and Joanna Leach, June 16, 1791 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac and Stella Fobes, Nov. 3, 1842
Isaac S. of Taunton and Caroline Fobes, int. Apr. 2, 1844
Israel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Nancy W. Fobes, Sept. 20. 1827 [Capt. Israel Wilbur, CR3]
Jemima and Daniel Keith 3d, Mar. 19, 1826
Julia and Oliver Keith, farmer, Oct. 25, 1843
Julia Ann and Charles Howard of Easton, Nov. 28, 1839
Kezia of Easton and Daniel Hayward 2d, int. Nov. 4, 1815
Keziah L. and Elam Howard of W. Bridgewater, int. Dec. 2, 1837
Lavina and Samuel Howard of W. Bridgewater, Oct. 15, 1840
Lemuel [int. Willbor] and Sarah Fisher, July 4, 1771 [? in Middleborough]
Lemuel and Jenny Leach, int. Jan. 26, 1799
Lurana [int. Lurany] and Zepheniah [int. Zephanish] Fobess, Mar. 15, 1810 [? in Middleborough]
Lydia and George Wilbar, June 4, 1820
Nicholas and Daniel Dunbar, Apr. 2, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Ruth and David Keith 3d, Nov. 18, 1806 [? in Middleborough]
Sanford of Taunton and Sophia Fobes, Nov.1 2, 1832
Selina G. and Josiah L. Bassett, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m. Sept. 27, PR56]
Seth and Rachel Shelly of Norton, Oct. 1, 1801 [? in Middleborough] [Wilbore, PR8]
Seth and Angeline Wood of Halifax, int. Mar. 26, 1848
Susanna and Seth Gushee of Raynham, Apr. 23, 1841
Zepheniah [int. Zephaniah Wilbur] of Raynham and Cloe [int. Chloe] Leach, Nov. 17, 1796 [? in Middleborough]
WILBER (also see Wilbar, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur, Willbore)
Sebery and Hartwell Keith, int. July 8, 1786
Seth, s. Seth and Rachel (Shelly), and Mary H. Whitmore, d. Richard and Elizabeth (Hammond), Nov. 8, 1831,* PR99
WILBOR (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbore, Wilbur)
Lavinia [int. Levinea] and Timothy Keith, Apr. 18, 1797 [? in Middleborough]
Tryphear [int. Triphana Willbur] and Jabez Hall, Nov. 17, 1791 [Tryphear Wilbore, PCR]
WILBORE (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbur, Willbore)
Asa [int. Willbore] and Sylvia [int. Sylva] Jackson, Mar. 27, 1783 [Wilbore and Sylvia Jackson, PCR]
Bethany [int. Willbur] and Azel Alden, Mar. 10, 1791 [Wilbore, PCR]
Ebenezer of Raynham and Lydia Hollis, int. June 26, 1784
George [int. Willbor] and Betty [int. Bettie] Packard, Dec. 8, 1778 [? in Middleborough]
Gideon and Huldah Gardner of Raynham, int. Feb. 25, 1786
WILBUR (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Willbore)
Isaac and Susanna Leach, int. Feb. 23, 1781
Mehitable [int. Mehitabel Wilbar] and Salmon Keith, Oct. 19, 1835, in Raynham
WILD (also see Wilde)
Abigail of Braintree and Pardon Keith, int. Feb. 15, 1812
Atherton [int. Wiles of Braintree] and Lucy Packard, Sept. 22, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Calvin of Braintree and Sally Keith, int. May 26, 1810
Joseph of Braintree and Charlotte Packard, Nov. 6, 1817
Richard [int. of Stoughton] and Rhoda Cary, Dec. 4, 1794
WILDE (also see Wild)
Polly of Easton and David Ford Jr., int. Mar. 10, 1821
William and Eunice Kingman, Nov. 19, 1812
Atherton (see Atherton Wild)
WILKES (see Wilks)
Anna of N. Providence and Nathan Lazell Jr., int. Oct. 13, 1821 [Ann, d. Abraham of Pawtucket, and Nathan Lazell Jr., s. Nathan and Deborah, m. Oct. 31, in Pawtucket, R.I., CR1. Ann of Pawtucket, R.I., m. Oct. 31, PR1]
Mary of Pawtucket and Rev. Benjamin Fessenden, int. Nov. 23, 1821
Lydia of Abington and Daniel Alger Jr., int. June 6, 1807
WILLBORE (also see Wilbar, Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilbur)
Joanna of Rainham, Bristol Co., and Benjamin Leach, July 15, 1751* [Wilber of Rainham, PCR]
Joseph and Susannah Harris, Dec. 22, 1741* [Wilbore of Raynham and Susanna Harris, PCR. Willbore, CR1]
Mary of Raynham and Ebenezer Leach, May 26, 1741* [Wilbore of Raynham, PCR. Willbore, CR1]
John of Abington and Louisa Hatch, Sept 17, 1799
Abier of Raynham and William Bassett, int. June 29, 1800
Abigail and Peter Hayward, Dec. 14, 1732* [Howard, CR1]
Abigail of Easton and Jonathan Bozworth, May 14, 1780, in Easton
Alonzo and Pethiar J. Paddleford of Taunton, int. Feb. 21, 1843
Anna, wid., and Zeuloon Feild, Nov. 4, 1733*
Anna and Jesse Edson, July 4, 1811
Anna H. and Albert Copeland, int. Feb. 20, 1819
Bathsheba of Taunton and Benjamin Willis, int. Dec. 17, 1742
Bathsheba and Daniel Perkins, Sept. 8, 1783
Benjamin of Norton and Susanna Haward, Dec. 22, 1720*
Calvin and Betsey Copeland, int. Sept. 14, 1799
Charity of Taunton and Joshua Washburn, int. Jan. 30, 1836
Crely [int. "Free negro Woman,"] "Living with Seth Mitchel," and Pero Jeffry [int. Jeffery], "Negro man of Dr. [int. Isaac] Otis," May 28, 1778 [Creely and Pero Jeffry, PCR]
Damaris and Daniel Haward, Jan. 16, 1723-4*
Daniel Jr. of Easton and Rhoda Lothrop [int. Lathrop], Apr. 5, 1763, in Easton
Edmund of Raynham and Mary Harvey [int. wid.], Aug. 20, 1781 [Mary, PCR]
Edward of Easton and Sarah Lathrop, Dec. 3, 1772
Elbridge G. of Raynham and Hannah G. Williams of Raynham, June 20, 1830*
George and Anne Haward, Nov. 17, 1774
George Jr. and Eunice Kingman, Nov. 22, 1797
George of Raynham and Harriet Bassett, July 3, 1839
Hannah and Joseph Snell, Dec. 3, 1712*
Hannah and Ephraim Snell, Jan. 4, 1792
Hannah of Raynham and Joseph Bassett 3d, int. Mar. 23, 1816 [m. May --, PR80]
Hannah G. of Raynham and Elbridge G. Williams of Raynham, June 20, 1830*
Huldah K. and Joseph Kingman Jr., Nov. -- [Nov. 10], 1821
Jesse of Boston and Silva Mitchell, blacks, int. Sept. 9, 1815
John of Easton and Susanna Sturtevant of Hallifax, June 24, 1773*
John of Boston and Meribah Cotton, blacks, int. July 21, 1821
Joshua of Middleborough and Bethiah Clark of Abington, May 30, 1771* [Bethia Clerk of Abington, PCR]
Josiah of Tanton and Martha Haward, Jan. 26, 1714-15*
Josiah and Mrs. Sarah Bisbee of Pembroke, Feb. 4, 1747, in Pembroke*
Josiah Jr. and Hannah Fobes, Mar. 14, 1750-1*
Josiah [int. 2d] and Sarah Ames, Sept. 10, 1778
Josiah [int. Jr.] and Hannah Kingman, Mar. 10, 1785 [Josiah, PCR]
Josiah and Sylvia Keith, Apr. 13, 1814
Marlborough and Susanna [int. Lusanna] Mitchell, Mar. 20, 1783 [Susanna, PCR. Malboro and Susanna Mitchell, CR1]
Martha and Jonathan Packard, Sept. 28, 1752 "N:S."*
Martha and Joseph Ames, Jr., Mar. 15, 1770
Mary and Josiah Kingman, Nov. 16, 1737*
Mary Jane and Joseph Copeland, Dec. 9, 1838
Mehetabel, Mrs., and Benjamin Webb of Eastham, Oct. 20, 1720*
Mehetabel and Benjamin Mahurin, Sept. 25, 1749* [Mehetable and Benjamin Mahurine, PCR]
Merribah and Asa Minggles, colored, int. Sept. 25, 1831
Nancy C. of Mansfield and Thomas Daniels, Nov. 29, 1838
Nathan of Raynham and Abthia [int. Abhtier] Harvey, Oct. 30, 1781 [Abthia, PCR]
Nathan and Lucy Hall, June 11, 1826 [? in Bridgewater]* PR65
Nathaniel and Alethea Dean of Taunton, int. Mar. 22, 1794
Orra and Earl Thayer, Jan. 14, 1812
Perez and Huldah Kingman, Aug. 22, 1788
Perez and Polly Pierce [int. Molly Peirce, wid.], Nov. 10, 1798
Rebecca, wid., and Daniel Littlefeild, Dec. 5, 1732*
Rhoda and Noah Powers, May 14, 1787
Sarah and John Benson, Sept. 24, 1765* [Sarah, wid., CR1]
Seth and Lusanna Fobes, May 21, 1750*
Silas of Easton and Susanna Richards, Oct. 13, 1760* [Susannah Rickard, PCR]
Stephen Jr. of Raynham and Sarah [int. Sally] Hooper, Nov. 30, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Susanna and Josiah Keith Jr. of Easton, Feb. 28, 1758* [Susannah, PCR]
Susanna Packard and Israel Toalman [int. Tolman], Nov. 21, 1813
Abigail and John Keith, Jan. 8, 1734* [Jan. 8, 1734-5, CR1]
Abigail and Jessee Allen, Dec. 1, 1768 [Abigal and Jesse Allen, CR1]
Abigail and Samuel Whiting, Aug. 17, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Abigail and Jacob Howard, Sept. 16, 1816
Abisha and Zeuiah Willis, Apr. 2, 1741*
Anna and Terah Whitman of Easton, Feb. 4, 1745-6*
Azariah of Oakham, Worcester Co., and Abigail Edson, int. June 16, 1787 [Willise and Mrs. Nabby Edson, m. Oct. 9, PR105]
Benjamin and Mary Lennard, Nov. 27, 1719*
Benjamin and Bathsheba Williams of Taunton, int. Dec. 17, 1742
Benjamin Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Bradford of Plymouth, Dec. 17, 1761, in Plymouth
Benjamin Jr. and Sarah Carver, int. Feb. 21, 1801
Beriah and Abigail Hayward, Oct. 10, 1759* [Haward, PCR]
Bethia (see Bettie)
Betsey and Benjamin Palmer, int. Mar. 2, 1805
Bettie and James Haward, June 1, 1749* [Bethia and James Hayward, PCR]
Bettie and Luther Hayward, Dec. 12, 1785 [Betty, PCR]
Betty [int. Betsey] and Jarvis Pike [int. of Attleborough], Apr. 18, 1790 [Betty and Jarvis Pike, PCR]
Chloe and Silas Packard, June 4, 1789
Daniel [int. Daniell Jr.] and Zilpha Edson, Nov. 12, 1778 [Daniel Jr., CR1]
Daniel E. [int. Jr. omits E.] and Judith B. Pratt, Aug. 1, 1815
Daniell and Keziah Willis, Nov. 11, 1756* [Daniel, PCR]
Desire of W. Bridgewater and Henry Hayward of W. Bridgewater, Apr. 15, 1833* [Desire G. of W. Bridgewater, d. John Jr. [? in W. Bridgewater, CR2]
Ebenezer and Mary Jackson, Aug. 28, 1753
Ebenezer and Joanna Atwood [int. Attwood], Jan. 30, 1785 [Atwood, PCR. CR1]
Elisabeth and Nathanael Woodward, Apr. 16, 1708*
Elizabeth and Richard Barrisford [dup. Berresford, int. Berrisford], Nov. 25, 1817
Elkanah and Mary Sable of Stoughton, int. June 2, 1744
Elkanah and Sarah Gay of Dedham, Oct. 19, 1748, in Dedham*
Ephraim and Elisabeth Gernsey, Apr. 13, 1758* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Ephraim [int. Jr.] and Eunice Egerton [int. Eggerton], Sept. 23, 1779 [Ephraim and Eunice Egerton, PCR]
Ephraim [int. Ephraim Jr.] and Fanny Lamote [int. Lemote] of Easton, May 16, 1787, in Easton
Eunice and Ruel [int. Reuel] Lincoln, Dec. 30 [Dec. 30 in later handwriting], 1804
Experience and John Randall, May 4, 1732* [May 17, PCR]
Fanney [int. Fanny] and Thomas Willis Jr. of Easton, Apr. 2, ----- [int. June 29, 1811]
Fanny, wid., and William Hunt, int. Oct. 18, 1817
Hanah and William Fobes Jr., Nov. 6, 1759*
Hannah, wid., and John Snow, Nov. 30, 1756* [Hanah and John Shaw, PCR]
Hannah and Mason Hall of Raynham, July 29, 1789
Irena and Daniel Hartwell Jr., June 29, 1817
Isaac and Mary Clifford of Dartmouth, Apr. 6, 1724, in Dartmouth*
Isaac and Hannah Pratt, Aug. 14, 1732*
Isaac Jr. and Rebeca Hayward, Oct. 19, 1759* [Rebeccah Haward, Oct. 9, PCR]
Isaac 3d and Huldah Ames, Apr. 27, 1786
Jacob and Parnel Morse, int. Feb. 14, 1801
James and Sarah Jackson, Sept. 26, 1786
James of Easton and Kezia Willis, int. Feb. 16, 1800
James N. [int. omits N.] and Rosanda Foster [int. of Abington], Sept. 13, 1815
Jedediah and Susanna Snell, Sept. 28, 1775
Jedidiah of Easton and Adah Hayward, int. July 3, 1802
Joab and Martha Bolton, Mar. 4, 1744
Joab Jr. and Alice Record, Apr. 14, 1772 [Reccord, PCR]
John and Patience Hayward, Dec. 9, 1724*
John 2d and Abihail Conant, June 22, 1775
John [int. 2d] and Sarah Reckard, Dec. 9, 1779 [John and Sarah Richards, PCR. John and Sarah Reckhard, CR1]
John [int. 2d] and Molly [int. Molley] Egerton, July 5, 1781 [John and Molly Egerton, PCR]
John 2d and Huldah Ames, int. Sept. 18, 1784
John 4th and Levina Howard, Dec. 16, 1813
Jonah and Abigail Hayward, Feb. 11, 1788
Jonah and Hannah Hayward, Sept. 18, 1800
Jonah and Freelove [int. Mrs. Frelove] Fobes, Dec. 10, 1816
Jonah Jr. and Abigal A. Foster of Kingston, int. Apr. 5, 1817
Jonathan and Abigail Stoughton, Jan. 14, 1712-13*
Jonathan and Judith Packard, Nov. 2, 1752* [Wellis and Judath Packard, PCR]
Jonathan and Susanna Allen, int. Jan. 14, 1764 [m. Mar. 22, CR1]
Joshua and Experience Barbor, Feb. 4, 1706-7*
Joshua and Hannah Woodward, wid., Feb. 19, 1733-4*
Kezia and James Willis of Easton, int. Feb. 16, 1800
Keziah and Daniell Willis, Nov. 11, 1756* [Daniel, PCR]
Lucia T. [int. F.] and Asa Perkins Jr., Mar. 18, 1840 [Lucia F., CR3]
Lucy and Cyrus Alger, Oct. 31, 1804
Lydia and Joseph Rickard of Plimton, Nov. 17, 1737* [Lidea, CR1]
Lydia and Daniell Lathrop Jr., Sept. 5, 1775
Margeret and Nathaniel Harvey, July 4, 1733*
Margrett and John Whitman, Dec. 11, 1745*
Martha and James Pratt, Nov. 22, 1733*
Martha and Jonathan Haward [int. 2d], May 19, 1774
Mary and Israell Randall, Jan. 25, 1701*
Mary and Joseph Packard, Nov. 28, 1723*
Mary and William Gillimor, Nov. 24, 1731* [Gillemer, Nov. 24, 1732, PCR. Guilmor, Nov. 24, 1731, CR1]
Mary and Isaac Johnson, int. June 21, 1744
Mary [int. of Easton] and Lewis Dailey, Aug. 8, 1782 [Mary, PCR]
Mary (see Molly)
Mary [int. Polly] and Cyrus Lothrop, Jan. 28, 1811
Mehetabel and James Stacy of Easton, Apr. 21, 1743* [Mehitable and James Stacey of Easton, PCR]
Mercy and Samuel Hall of Taunton, Apr. 15, 1718*
Molly and Noah Edson, June 21, 1787 [Mary, d. Ebenezer, and Noah Edson, s. Samuel 4th, CR2]
Molly and Gideon Howard, May 4, 1788
Nancey and Moses Pike [int. Mosses Peck Jr. of Attleborough], May 11, 1788 [Nancy and Moses Pike, PCR]
Nancy and Ruel [int. Reuel] Dunbar, Aug. 23 [Aug. 23 in later handwriting], 1805
Nancy and Galen Orcutt, Jan. 1, 1809
Nathan and Martha Haward, Sept. 1, 1757*
Nathan 2d [int. Jr.] and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Spear, Apr. 1, 1799 [Nathan 2d and Elisabeth Spear, PCR]
Nathan Jr. and Sophia Tupper of Chesterfield, Hampshire Co., int. Mar. 15, 1788
Nathan Jr. and Lucy Doggett of Middlborough, int. Dec. 4, 1790
Nathan and Sarah White of Marshfield, int. Sept. 8, 1792
Nathaniel and Hannah Titus of Rehoboth, June 25, 1712, in Rehoboth*
Polly and Jacob Dunbar Jr., Oct. 28, 1802 [date in later handwriting]
Polly (see Mary)
Polly and Leonard Hill, Feb. 20, 1817
Rhoda and Daniell Lathrop, Apr. 19, 1744 [Daniel, PCR]
Ruth and Edmund Alger, Oct. 22, 1761 [Ebenezer, PCR]
Sally and Simeon Pratt, Nov. 17, 1791 [Simeon, s. Seth and Hannah (Washburn), PR1]
Sally and Oliver Dunbar, Dec. 10, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Samuel and Margrett Brett, Mar. 18, 1705-6*
Samuell and Susanna Snell, Dec. 24, 1747*
Samuell 3d [int. Samuel Jr., omits 3d] and Bethia [int. Bithia] Lathrop, Sept. 3, 1767 [Samuel 3d and Bethiah Lothrop, PCR]
Sarah and John Hayward, Dec. 24, 1706*
Sarah and Robert Hoar of Middleborough, Mar. 8, 1743
Sarah [int. wid.] and Seth Washburn, Mar. 31, 1812 [Sarah and Seth Washburn, s. Abram and Rebecca (Leonard), PR1. Sarah Carver, d. Dr. Eleazer, and Seth Washburn, s. Abram, PR88]
Silence and Enoch Monk of Stoughton, int. Sept. 25, 1784
Silman [int. Stillman] and Huldah Snow, Nov. 2, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Soughton and Hannah Harlow, Aug. 11, 1741*
Soughton and Mary Monk, Nov. 2, 1767
Susanna and John Pool, Aug. 8, 1801
Susanna and Charles Dunbar, July 9 [dup. Aug. 7], 1817
Susannah [int. Susanna] and David Johnson, May 26, 1743 [Susannah, PCR]
Thomas and Mary Kinsley, Dec. 18, 1716*
Thomas and Susanna Ames, Nov. 11, 1741*
Thomas of Taunton and Bethiah Hayward, July 19, 1743
Thomas Jr. of Easton and Fanney [int. Fanny] Willis, Apr. 2, --- [int. June 20, 1811]
Timothy and Lavina [int. Levina] Pratt, May 4, 1786 [Lavina, PCR. Lavina Prat, CR1]
Vashti [int. Vashty] and Martin Howard, Oct. 21, 1793 [Vashti, PCR]
Zebulun [int. Zabulon] and Susan [int. Susanna] Bartlett of Carver, May 19, 1793, in Carver
Zephaniah and Bithia [int. Bethia] Hayward, Nov. 28, 1754 [Zepheniah and Bethiah Haward, PCR]
Zeruiah and Abisha Willis, Apr. 2, 1741*
WILLMATh (also see Welmarth)
Jotham and Hannah Rickard, int. Sept. 1, 1781
WILLSON (also see Wilson)
Jane [int. Wilson] and John McBridge [int. Macbride], Jan. 16, 1755 [Willson and John McBridge, PCR]
WILSON (also seee Willson)
Ezekiel [int. Willson of Methuen, Essex Co.] and Keziah [dup. Kezia] Lothrop, Feb 2 [dup. Feb. 7], 1808
Angenette [int. Anngenette], 17, d. Stephen and Abby, and Lewis Bryant Jr., 23, shoemaker, s. Lewis and Mary, Sept. 5, 1849 [Angenette, CR1. Angennet and Lewis Bryant Jr., s. Lewis and Polly (Mitchell), PR33]
Philip H., 23, brick maker, s. Stephen and Abigial, and Lucy C. Ball, 21, Apr. 1, 1849
WINNETT (also see Winnit)
WINNIT (also see Winnett)
John of Easton and Anna Edson, int. Dec. 29, 1797
John B. and Emeline Mitchell, Nov. 26, 1829 [Emeline, d. Cloe, wid., CR1. Emeline, d. Edward and Cloe (Washburn), PR1. Emmeline, d. Edward and Chloe (Washburn), PR92]
Josiah of Freetown and Sarah Hayward, Jan. 10, 1721-2*
Josiah and Content Harvey, July 1, 1798
Kenelm and Orra Pope, Sept. 30, 1822 [Orra, d. Capt. Benjamin and Mary, CR1. Orra, d. Benjamin and Mary (Pierce), PR1]
Orra P., 21, d. Kenelm and Orra P., and Minot C. Shaw, 24, merchant, of E. Bridgewater, s. Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 22, 1847 [Orra Pierce Winslow, d. Kenelm and Orra (Pope), PR1]
Priscilla and John Lawrence, colored, Aug. 28, 1832 [Mrs. Priscilla, CR1]
Sarah and Edward Wentworth of Stoughton, Jan. 22, 1745-6*
Witherel of Easton and Jemimah Hayward, May 27, 1733, in Easton*
WITHEREL (also see Wetherel, Witherell, Withrell)
Abiether [int. of Easton] and Malatiah Snow, June 24, 1807
Eunice [int. Witherell] and Daniel H. Dearbourn [int. Dearborn], Oct. 30, 1834 [Witherell and Daniel H. Dearborn, CR3]
George [dup. Witherell] s, Nathaniel and Lydia (Fish), and Mary E. Brown, Oct. 25, 1838, in New York*
Martin S. of Attleboro and Elizabeth P. Wilbar, Oct. 24, 1836 [sic, int. Sept. 3, 1838]
Mary [int. Wetherel] and Benjamin Mahurin, Jan. 28, 1771 [Witherel, PCR]
Nathan of Taunton and Mary Dote [int. Doty], July 13, 1780 [Witherell and Mary Doty, PCR. Witherell of Taunton and Mary Dote, CR1]
Nathaniel, b. Pembroke, and Lydia Fish (second w.), b. Kingston, May 7, 1815, in Kingston*
Nathaniel, b. Pembroke and Lydia Hall, b. Kingston, May 10, 1830 [sic, 1810] in Kingston*
Nathaniel [dup. Witherell] Jr., s. Nathaniel and Lydia (Hall), and Sarah A. Ames, Oct. 19, 1836, in Easton*
Rebecca [int. Witherly] and Zebina Keith, Oct. 31, 1820
WITHERELL (also see Wetherel, Witherel, Withrell)
Alece 2d [int. Alice Witherel, omits 2d] of Norton and Abiel Ames, Feb. 8, 1792, in Norton
Jabez and Olive H. Leonard of Mansfield, int. Oct. 24, 1847
Alpheus M. of Milton and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Fobess, May 13, 1810
Ebenezer of Sharon and Elizabeth Perkins, Dec. 7, 1797
Eduard [int. Edward Witherington] of Stoughton and Sarah Cole, Apr. 12, 1772, in Stoughton
Henry [int. Withinton of Canton] and Lydia Snell, Nov. 25, 1801
Newell of Boston [dup. b. Sharon] and Susan Storrs, Dec. 1, 1808 [Susan, d. Elijah and Susannah (Swift), PR1]
WITHRELL (also see Wetherel, Witherel, Witherell)
Betsey [int. Witherell] and Shubael S. Lovell, June 1, 1823 [Withrell, CR3]
Lucy and John Sherman [int. Jr.] of Newton, May 13, 1827 [Witherell and John Sherman Jr. of Newton, CR1]
WOMPEE (also see Wampee)
Bathsheba and Samuell Robbin, Feb. 2, 1737-8*
WOOD (also see Woods, Woodwis)
Angeline of Halifax and Seth Wilbar, int. Mar. 26, 1848
Betsey and Jeremiah Bencraft of Canton, black, int. Apr. 28, 1821
Bridget of Foxborough and Ebenezer Copeland, int. Aug. 29, 1801
Ebenezer Jr. of Halifax and Jane Wood, Oct. 1, 1840
Eliza and Eli Blanchard Jr., int. July 5, 1817
Ephraim of Middleborough and Sarah French, int. Dec. 12, 1772
Ester of Hanson and Noah Ashport, coulered, int. July 26, 1845
Eunice and Albert Ashport, coloured, int. Aug. 22, 1846
Eunice H. [int. omits H.] and Christopher D. Copeland, May 14, 1826 [Eunice H., CR3]
Francis and Sarah Hooper, Jan. 5, 1709-10*
George [int. adds W.] and Lydia Tucker, May 13, 1821
Greenough of E. Bridgewater and Nancy A.V. Washburn, int. Feb. 23, 1834
Hannah W., 24, d. Philander and Patty, and Alonzo P. Benson, 27, farmer, s. Samuel H. dec'd and Rachel dec'd, Jan. 22, 1845
James and Experience Fuller, Apr. 12, 1693,* PCR
James and Achsa [int. Achsah] Phinney, June 5, 1764 [Achsa, PCR]
Jane and Ebenezer Wood Jr. of Halifax, Oct. 1, 1840
Jonathan [int. Woods] Jr. and Keziah [int. Kezia] Keith, May 3, 1764 [? in Middleborough]
Judah of Hallifax and Hannah Porter, Dec. 15, 1757*
Lusanna [int. Susanna Woods] and Seth Mitchell [int. Jr.], Apr. 3, 1794 [Susanna Wood and Seth Mitchell, PCR]
Lydia and Cyrus Benson, Aug. 7, 1806
Mary and Thomas Connant, Oct. 29, 1745* [Conant, PCR]
Mary and Eleazer Snow Jr., Jan. 13, 1757*
Mary and Spencer Leonard, May 2, 1805
Mary Antoinette [int. Antoinett] and Winslow Caswell, Dec. 8, 1835 [Mary Antoinette, CR3]
Olive [int. Woods] and Amasa Nash of Weymouth, Apr. 15, 1813
Olive S. of Halifax and Ebenezer Pratt, int.. Apr. 17, 1824
Patience and Eliab Keith, int. Sept. 25, 1813
Patty and David Bartlett Jr. of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 1, 1841
Philander and Patty Benson, Nov. 25, 1813
Primus, "Servant man to John Willis Esq." and Patience Burges, "Indian Woman," int. Oct. 4, 1764
Rachel and Oliver Allen Jr., Sept. 20, 1819
Rebeccah of Hallifax and John Harris, int. Nov. 31 [sic], 1811
Rhoda and Albert Ashport, coulered, int. Aug. 17, 1841
Rufus and Susanna Hooper, int. Mar. 1, 1800
Rufus W., 21, shoe maker, s. Willard and Harriet, and Eunice H. W. Copeland, 18, d. C.D., May 3, 1849
Samuel and Debby Sherby [int. Sherry], blacks, Sept. 30, 1801
Sarah and Isaac Hooper, Mar. 5, 1799
Sarah of Middleborough and Samuel Keith, Apr. 3, 1803 [? in Middleborough]*
Simeon and Rachel Atherton of Pembroke, Dec. 12, 1751, in Pembroke*
Simeon and Mary Keith [int. wid] of Easton, Oct. 25, 1774, in Easton
Simeon and Lydia Washburn, May 6, 1778 [Lidea, CR1]
Simeon of Boston and Keziah [int. Kezia] Dunbar, Dec. 3, 1809
Simeon D. and Elizabeth B. Alden, Aug. 28, 1843
Susanna (see Lusanna)
Thomas and Dina Perry, int. Feb. 23, 1744
Willaid [sic, Willard] and Harriet Caswell, Apr. 30, 1826 [Williard and Hariot Caswell, CR3]
Willard and Mrs. Anna Caswell, int. May 5, 1844
William and Amie Mear, Jan. 2, 1753*
Ziba and Abigail Shaw, Apr. 25, 1796
Nathan and Elizebeth [int. Elisabeth] Stone of Easton, Sept. 28, 1765, in Easton
Jabez [int. of New Glocester, Cumberland Co.] and Damaris Howard, Jan. 14, 1810
WOODS (also see Wood, Woodwis)
Bettie and Ephraim Allen, Mar. 16, 1758*
Francis and Rebecca Thomson of Hallifax, int. Oct. 4, 1766
Huldah [int. Wood] and Eleazer Washburn, Feb. 23, 1769 [Woods, PCR]
John Jr. of Easton and Rachel Barrow, Nov. 27, 1766
Jonathan and Ann [int. Anne] Edson, wid., Feb. 11, 1771 [Ann, wid., PCR]
Josiah [int. Jr. of Middleborough] and Salome [int. Saloma] Woods, Mar. 31, 1768 [Josiah and Salome Woods, PCR]
Mary (see Polly)
Nancy and Thomas Danforth, Jan. 1, 1783
Polly [int. and dup. int. Mary Woodwiss] and Abner Morse [dup. int. of Middleborough], July 4, 1804
Salome [int. Saloma] and Josiah Woods [int. Jr. of Middleborough], Mar. 31, 1768 [Salome and Josiah Woods, PCR]
Sarah and Shubael Tinkham of Middleborough, Aug. 7, 1765
Sarah [int. Wood] and John Freelove, Jan. 4, 1774
Fidelly of Taunton and Amos Wilbar, int. Apr. 27, 1800
Hannah, wid., and Joshua Willis, Feb. 19, 1733-4*
Nathanael and Elisabeth Willis, Apr. 16, 1708*
WOODWIS (also see Wood, Woods)
James Carkis [int. Woodswis] and Hannah Washburn, Feb. 12, 1770
Fitzwilliam S. and Charlotte T. Swift, Dec. 29, 1840 [Dec. 22, CR5]
Samuel, b. Thornton, N.H., and Sarah Sargent, b. Gloucester, Jan. 2, 1817*
Samuel H., 20, teacher, of Charleston, S.C., b. Gloucester, s. Samuel and Sarah, and Jane A. Washburn, d. Calvin and Jane Ames Washburn, Sept. 22, PR77]
Sarah P., 23, d. Samuel and Sarah, and Charles J. Doughty, 25, of New York, s. Charles J. and Elizabeth of New York, June 15, 1845
WORMAL (also see Wormel)
Sarah and Nehmiah Allen, Jan. 8, 1706-7*
WORMEL (also see Wormal)
John and Mary Bryant, June 10, 1729* [Wormal, PCR]
Lidia and Richard Holt, May 10, 1693,* PCR
Jeannette (see Jannett Westley)
Cuffe [int. Cuffee of Middleborough] and Anna Cordner, blacks, Aug. 6, 1778 [Cuffe, PCR]
Elisabeth and Elias Monk, May 27, 1752* [Elizebeth, PCR]
Mary and Ebenezer Thomson, ------* PR19
Polly of Marshfield and Isaac Johnson Jr., int. July 15, 1786
Sarah and Peter Whitman, Aug. 31, 1775
Lucy and Nathaniel Davenport, Dec. 22, 1729( [Wyeman, PCR]
Christopher [int. Christophur] and Molly [int. Molley] Bonney, Mar. 21, 1785 [Christopher and Molly Bonney, PCR]
Eunice and John Harris, Apr. 29, 1795
Jennet and John Phillips, Oct. 21, 1784
John and Eunice Bass, Nov. 22, 1752*
John and Mrs. Leah Bonney of Pembroke, int. Feb. 8, 1783
Joseph of Wareham and Mary Leonard, Mar. 5, 1826
Mary and Richard Drake, int. Nov. 7, 1767
Mary of Fall River and Joseph M. Bassett, int. Sept. 15, 1843
Robert and Molly Kingman, Dec. 31, 1776
Thomas and Bethiah C. [int. Cushing] Baldwin of Hanover, Jan. 5, 1792, in Hanover
Welcom [int. Welcome] and Jennet Orr Harris, Sept. 11, 1816
ZOYE (see Quoy)
------ ------ (second w) and Joseph Edson, Nov. 2, 1686* [Mary ------, PR103]
------ ------ and Mary Washburn, d. Josiah Jr. [Oct. 18, 1782]*, CR1
------ ------ and Sarah E. Tucker, Aug. --, 1834,* PR25
Beulah (see Bulah)
Boston, "Mr. Hugh Orrs Servant man," and Meribah Sampson, int. May 20, 1764
Bridgwater and Kate, "Colonel Holmans Negroes," Nov. 20, 1739* [Cate, "Col. Homans Negroes," PCR]
Bristol, "Servant man to Col. Edward Haward," and Betty Tomas, "Indian woman," int. Apr. 25, 1772
Bristol, "Servant man to Col. Edward Howard," and Lear Haughton, "Indian woman," int. Aug. 4, 1781
Bulah, "Free negro woman," and Jessee, "Negro Servant man to Col. Josiah Edson," int. Apr. 6, 1865 [sic, " 1765]
Fidella and Francis Cuffe, negros, Nov. 24, 1708*
Gambo, "Negro man," and Mary Drake, "negro woman," June 21, 1749*
Jessee, "Negro Servant man to Col. Josiah Edson," and Bulah, "Free negro woman," int. Apr. 6, 1865 [sic, ? 1765]
Kate and Bridgwater, "Colonel Holmans Negroes," Nov. 20, 1739* [Cate, "Col. Homans Negroes," PCR]
Nero, "Servant man to Rev. Mr. Danll Perkins," and Sarah, "Servant woman to ye Widow Hannah Snell," Apr. 11, 1754*
Oxford, "negro man of Joseph Gannet Jun," and Sarah Kips, "negro woman," int. Mar. 28, 1755
Pegge and Scepio, blacks, June 8, 1764, in Pembroke*
Pero, "Negro Servant man of Mr. John Hardin of Abington," and Rhoda Vinson, "Free negro Woman," int. Sept. 29, 1764
Phillis, "a Negro Woman of George Keith," and Prince Pero, "Negro man," int. Oct. 23, 1784
Plato [int. "negro Servant man to Mr. James Mears of Roxbury in the County of Suffolk"] and Rachel Colley [int. Colly], negro's, Nov. 8, 1764 [Colley, PCR]
Pompey [int. Pompy, "Negro Servant man to Samuel Stevens of Roxbury in the County of Suffolk"] and Mehtable Coliey [int. Mehetabel Colly, "Free negro woman"], negro's, Nov. 8, 1764 [Pompey and Meheable Colly, PCR]
Primus, negro, and Jane Frank, Dec. 8, 1737*
Robbin, free man (see Robbin Freeman)
Sarah, "Servant woman to ye Widow Hannah Snell," and Nero, "Servant man to Rev. Mr. Danll Pekins," Apr. 11, 1754*
Sash and Mary Cornish, Dec. 1, 1706*
Sash, negro, and Margret Linsford [dup. (second w)], Nov. 11, 1724* [This entry crossed out]
Scepio and Pegge, blacks, June 8, 1764, in Pembroke*
Sippio, "Servant negro man of Jn. Robbinson of Dorchester in ye County of Suffolk," and Eunice Primus, int. Mar.2 1, 1761
Will, negro [int. "negro Servant to Mr. Tho. Childs"] and Zilpha, negro [int. "Servant woman to Mrs. Mary Edson], Dec. 21, 1775
Dilpha, negro [int. "Servant woman to Mrs. Mary Edson"], and Will, negro [int. "negro Servant to Mr. Tho. Childs"], Dec. 21, 1775
I know there are more African-Americans in these vital records than the ones above. Some use the word "colored" or "coloured" or even "coulered;" or "black," or "blacks," so look for them.