Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - Q to R

Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages

Transcribed by Coralynn Brown

For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded.

QUACKOW (also see Quocko, Quoker, Quokum)


  • Molly and Jack Celong, int. June 2-, 1772


  • Elisabeth, "Molatto Girl brought up by Anthony Winslow," and Cuph [int. Cuff] Ashpot, "Nathan Mitchels negro man," Feb. 6, 1772


  • Thomas [int. Quinley] and Betsey [int. Betty] Smith, Apr. 5 [Apr. 5 in later handwriting] 1804.

QUOCKO (also see Quackow, Quoker, Quokum)

  • Thomas and Phillis Richards, Apr. 15, 1789*

QUOKER (also see Quakow, Quoker, Quokum)

  • Caesar and Abigail Jeffre, blacks, int. Dec. 15, 1793

QUOKUM (also see Quackow, Quocko, Quoker)

  • Thomas of Pembroke and Letice Switchet, blacks, int. July 16, 1785


  • Hannah [int. Zoye] and Prince Rickard [int. Rickards], Mar. 4, 1779 [Quoy and Prince Richard, CR1]


  • Emily A. and Enoch A. Simpson of Charlestown, int. Apr. 20, 1845


  • James and Margaret Bells, Dec. 26, 1738*

RAMSDAL (also see Ramsdale, Ramsdel, Ramsdell, Ramsdil)

  • Charles [int. Ramsdil] of Pembroke and Betty Terrill [int. Bettie Terril], Jan. 23, 1783 [Ramsdel of Pembroke and Betty Terrill, PCR]
  • Mathew [int. Ramsdel] and Marry [int. Mary] Allen, Dec. 20, 1779 [Matthew Ramsdell and Mary Allen, PCR]

RAMSDALE (also see Ramsdal, Ramsdel, Ramsdell, Ramsdil)

  • Joseph [int. Ranesdel] and Lydia Gloid [int. Loyd] of Abington, Oct. 10, 1787, in Abington
  • Joseph Jr. (see Joseph Randal Jr.)
  • Noah [int. Ramsdell] of Abington and Hittie Whitmarsh, June 10, 1790 [Ramsdel of Abington, PCR]
  • Noah [int. Ramsdel Jr. of Abington] and Betsey Allen, Jan. 11 [sic, int. May 16], 1818

RAMSDEL (also see Ramsdal, Ramsdale, Ramsdell, Ramsdil)

  • Betty and Ebenezer Noyes of Abington, Dec. 31, 1795
  • Gideon of Hannover and Sarah Ferrington, June 24, 1736*
  • James and Eunice Allen, Nov. 17, 1785 [Ransdell, PCR]
  • John of Pembroke and Hannah Allen, Sept. 30, 1784
  • Levi of Milton and Amie Dunbar, int. June 20, 1801
  • Lott and Lucinda Gannett, Jan. 1, 1794 [Lot Ramsdell and Lucinda Gannet, PCR]
  • Lucy and James Dorren [int. of Milton], July 16, 1797
  • Mary and William Whiting, June 8, 1748*
  • Nathaniell and Mary Pratt, Jan. 10, 1753* [Nathaniel Ramsdell, PCR]

RAMSDELL (also see Ramsdal, Ramdale, Ramsdel, Ramsdil)

  • Daniel [int. Daniell Ramsdel] and Betty Soul [int. Bettie Sole] of Pembrook, Aug. 22, 1776, in Pembroke
  • Hannah P. of Hanson and William F. Harden, Nov. 4, 1839
  • Joseph Jr. of Pembroke and Mary Daws, Dec. 30, 1741, in Pembroke*
  • Lydia [int. Ransdel] and David Brown 2d, Dec. 24, 1818
  • Nabby [int. Nancy Ramsdel] and David Brown [int. 2d], Dec. 24, 1812
  • Nathanael [int. Nathaniel Ramsdel] and Sally Johnson, Apr. 3, 1812
  • Polly [int. Ramsdel] and John P. [int. Porter] Reed, Oct. 24, 1816

RAMSDIL (also see Ramsdal, Ramsdale, Ramsdel, Ramsdell)

  • Orrin of Boston and Elizabeth H. Josselyn, int. Feb. 27, 1823

RANDAL (also see Randall, Randel, Randell, Randoll)

  • Jonathan and Bithiah Haward, Aug. 12, 1712*
  • Joseph [int. Ramsdale] Jr. and Sabina Dawes, Nov. 15, 1820
  • Lucy and David Byram, Sept. 29, 1791 [Randall, PCR]
  • Mary [int. Mercy Randel] of Scituate and Elijah Whitman, July 1, 1764 [sic, int. June 12, 1784] in Scituate.
  • Phebe [int. Randel] and George Byram, Oct. 16, 1788 [Randall, PCR]

RANDALL (also see Randal, Randel, Randell, Randoll)

  • Asa [int. Randel] and Silence Churchell [int. Churchill], July 29, 1821
  • Bethiah and John Hayss, Apr. 21, 1726, in Plymouth*
  • Cynthia [int. Randell] and Cyrus Bassett, Dec. 11, 1808
  • Hannah of Easton and Jacob Record, Apr. 14, 1757, in Easton*
  • Henry M. [int. Randal] and Amanda Shaw, Nov. 8, 1829
  • Israell and Mary Willis, Jan. 25, 1701*
  • John and Experience Willis, May 4, 1732* [May 17, PCR]
  • Mary [int. Randel] of Easton [int. adds Bristol Co.] and Pelatiah Pheney [int. Phinney Jr.] Oct. 25, 1764, in Easton
  • Nathan [int. Randel] and Sarah W. Haden [int. Hayden], Nov. 7, 1820
  • Rebecca [int. Randel] of Easton and Oliver Howard, Oct. 11, 1781, in Easton
  • Robert [int. Randel] Jr. of Easton and Anna [int. Amie] Phinney, Oct. 11, 1764, in Easton
  • Zeruah [int. Zeruiah Randel] of Easton and Thomas Tribu [int. Tribou], ----- [int. Nov. 13], 1790, in Easton

RANDEL (also see Randal, Randall, Randell, Randoll)

  • Apollos [int. of Easton] and Bethiah Dunbar, May 22, 1796
  • Isaiah and Deborah Leach, Mar. 30, 1786
  • Jonathan and Abigail Allen, July 27, 1749* [Randall and Abigail Allen, PCR]
  • Mary and William Edson Jr., July 11, 1790
  • Mathew [int. Randall] and Sally Packard, Mar. 7, 1802
  • Ruth of Easton and Manassah Dickerman, int. June 12, 1773
  • Samuel of Easton and Roxsa Packard, int. Jan. 26, 1805

RANDELL (also see Randal, Randall, Randel, Randoll)

  • Abiah [int. Abia Randel] of Easton and Mary Drake [int. wid.], Nov. 25, 1778, in Easton
  • Benjamin [int. Randel] and Lucy Snow, July 7, 1819
  • Hannah and Jacob Dunbar, July 8, 1756* [Randall, PCR]
  • James [int. Randel] of Easton and Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] Howard, June 24, 1779, in Easton
  • Rebecca [int. Manley] of Easton and Peter Edson, Sept. 6, 1784, in Easton
  • Robert of Easton and Rebeca Conant int. Dec. 5, 1761
  • Timothy [int. Randel] of Easton and Lydia Walker, Mar. 14, 1785, in Easton
  • Ziba of Easton and Amey Pratt, int. Feb. 26, 1792

RANDOLL (also see Randal, Randall, Randel, Randell)

  • Mary [dup. Randall] of "North purchase" and Isaac Lenord, Apr. 16, 1701*


  • Deborah of Halifax and Peres Simmons of Halifax, Oct. 3, 1753*


  • Chloe and Quark Mathareck, int. Sept. 29, 1787


  • Hannah of Bellingham and Dr. Barzillia Hayward, int. Dec. 11, 1813


  • Edmund and Elisabeth Hayward, May 22, 1717*
  • John and Mary Smith of Rehoboth, Dec. 2, 1742, in Rehoboth
  • Susan B. of Westborough and Melvin Swift, int. Nov. 30, 1844


  • Irena T. of W. Bridgewater and Stephen Hall of E. Bridgewater, June 10, 1841*
  • Samuel E. of New Bedford and Lucretia H. Bryant, int. Sept. 12, 1847 [m. Sept. 29, CR1. Samuel E., shoe dealer, of New Bedford, s. Rev. -----, and Lucretia Hall Bryant, d. Dion and Lucretia H. (Briggs), m. Sept. 29, PR1]
  • Sophia L., 25, d. Stetson and D.L., and Otis Bullard, 37, dealer of lumber, of Boston, Apr. 30, 1846

READ (also see Reed)

  • Abigail and Nathanael Whitaker of Rehoboth, Dec. 20, 1711*
  • Esther and David Hearsay, Aug. 6, 1707*
  • Mary and Ebenezer Shaw, June 14, 1733*
  • Obadiah [int. Reed] of Abington and Elisabeth Shaw, Apr. 12, 1770
  • Samuel and Mary Davis, Oct. 1, 1705*
  • Sarah and Hezekiah King, May 14, 1712*
  • Silas [int. Reed] and Rebecca Rusel [int. Russel of Pembrook], Jan. 28, 1768 [Read and Rebecca Russell, PCR]
  • Stephen and Mary Whitmarsh, Mar. 12, 171[worn]* [Mar. 12, 1714, PR103]

READING (also see Redding)

  • Jonathan L. of Raynham and Ann Maria Mitchell, int. Aug. 25, 1845

RECKARD (also see Reckards, Record, Records, Richard, Richards, Rickard, Rickards)

  • Betty [int. Bette Reckards] and Noah Edson, June 27, 1782 [Betty Reckards, PCR. Betty Reckard, CR1. Elizabeth Rickard and Noah Edson, s. Samuel 4th, CR2]
  • Hannah [int. Reckards] and William Badger, Apr. 3, 1819
  • Sarah and John Willis [int. 2d], Dec. 9, 1779 [Richards and John Willis, PCR. Reckhard and John Willis, CR1]

RECKARDS (also see Reckard, Record, Records, Richard, Richards, Rickard, Rickards)

  • Calvin and Huldah Leonard of Middleborough, int. Oct. 5, 1782
  • Chloe and Nehemiah Pratt of Pomfret, Vt., int. Dec. 21, 1793 [Cloe Richards, m. Jan. 28, 1794, PCR]
  • Claricy and Abiel Drake Jr. of Sharon, int. Feb. 14, 1789
  • Hannah and Benjamin Crosswell of Easton, int. Dec. 10, 1791

RECORD (also see Reckard, Reckards, Records, Richard, Richards, Rickard, Rickards]

    • Alice and Joab Wilis Jr., Apr. 14, 1772 [Reccord, PCR]
    • Jacob and Hannah Randall of Easton, Apr. 14, 1757, in Easton*
    • John and Sarah Clocks of Pembroke, Feb. 5, 1747, in Pembroke*

    RECORDS (also see Reckard, Reckards, Record, Richard, Richards, Rickard, Rickards)

    • Dominicus [int. Reccords of Pembrook] and Martha Dailey, Aug. 19, 1768 [Records, PCR]
    • Elisha of Pembroke and Ruth Chamberlain [dup. Chamberlin], Feb. 2, 1775

    REDDING (also see Reading)

    • Hannah and Nathan White, Apr. 14, 1735*
    • Luther of Middleborough and Experience Lennard, Nov. 11, 1773
    • Zachariah of Middleborough and Deborah Hardin, int. May 30, 1772

    REED (also see Read)

    • Abia [int. Abiah of Abington] and Jane Gurney, May 23, 1814
    • Bela and Polly Beal, Aug. 27, 1793 [Read, PCR]
    • Benjamin of No. 5 and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Huldah Pratt, Dec. 3, 1778, in Abington
    • Calvin and Hannah Louden, int. Aug. 22, 1807
    • Charles Muzzey, 25, merchant, of Boston, and Mary Eliza Cushing, 19, d. Jonathan and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1844
    • Daniel [int. Daniell Read], Capt., of Abington, and Sarah Davis [int. Dawes, wid.], Sept. 30 [sic, int. Oct. 14], 1765, in Abington.
    • Daniel and Nancy Foster of Middleborough, int. Nov. 14, 1812
    • Deborah and Jonathan R. Gurney of Abington, int. Aug. 24, 1816
    • Edwin and Fairosena [int. Fairozina] Glass, June 3, 1822
    • Eliza [int. Elizabeth] of Scituate and Seth Gannett Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Dec. 30, 1821
    • Emma [int. adds C.] and Jacob Terrill [int. Tirrill], Aug. 8, 1813
    • Experience of Middleborough and Samuel Tisdale, int. Apr. 6, 1805
    • Ezekiel and Rebecca Edson, Apr. 17, 1794
    • Ezekiel and Hannah Littlefield of Randolph, int. Oct. 17, 1807
    • Frederick Jr. [int. of Randolph] and Sally Packard, Oct. 26, 1797
    • Hannah and Jonathan Copeland 3d, Dec. 23 [dup. Nov. ---], 1818
    • Henry, 23, gardner, s. John and Elizabeth, and Hannah P. Hayward, 19, d. Timothy and Mary, May 2, 1847
    • Hesekiah [int. Hezekiah Read] and Deborah Tirrill [int. Terril] of Abington, Aug. 21, 1766 in Abington
    • Isaac and Sally Stetson, Apr. 14, 1803*
    • James of Abington and Ruth Porter, Jan. 1, 1784
    • Jane and Daniel Bates, Jan. 10, 1811
    • Jared and Mehetabel Gardner, Feb. 27, 1811
    • Jesse [int. of Randolph] and Hannah Howard, Oct. 26, 1800
    • John, Rev., and Mrs. Hannah Samson of Middleborough, int. Oct. 14, 1780
    • John [int. of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co.] and Olive Alger, Sept. 17, 1809
    • John Jr. of Abington and Harriet Churchell, Jan. 28, 1819
    • John P. [int. Porter] and Polly Ramsdell [int. Ramsdell], Oct. 24, 1816
    • Jonathan Loring and Charlotte Brown of Abington, int. Oct. 12, 1816
    • Joseph and Charlotte Stetson, Jan. 1, 1807
    • Josiah and Jannett [int. Jennet] Keith, Sept. 3, 1820
    • Lucy and Plina Edson, Sept. 23, 1819
    • Lucy Ann, 22, of Weymouth, b. Weymouth, d. Quincy, and Joshua E. Crane, 25, merchant, b. Berkley, s. Berzillia and Lydia E., Jan. 9, 1849
    • Maria, 22, of W. Bridgewater, d. Josiah and Jenetta of W. Bridgewater, and Sidney S. Kingman, 22, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. Alvah and Minerva of W. Bridgewater, Nov. 18, 1847*
    • Mary, wid., and Timothy Hayward, Nov. 12, 1730*
    • Mary of Abington and Simeon Gannet, Nov. 26, 1775, in Abington
    • Mary and Caleb Benson of Middleboro, Mar. 7, 1823
    • Mary T. and Opher Howe, June 16m 1818*
    • Mehitable of E. Bridgewater and Pliny Edson of E. Bridgewater, June 6, 1826* [Pliney of E. Bridgewater, CR3]
    • Naomi [int. Naomie] and Obadiah Hearsey [dup. Hearsy] of Abington, Apr. 17, 1777
    • Olive and Samuel Pratt French, Oct. 27, 1801
    • Oran of Abington and Charlotte Harden, int. Nov. 8, 1817
    • Polly of Abington and Oliver Tirrill, int. Mar. 4, 1797
    • Polly of Pembroke and Nathan Kingman, int. Mar. 16, 1822
    • Rachell of Pembroke and Isaac Snell, int. Nov. 4, 1800
    • Rebecca and Nathan Allen, Nov. 30, 1743
    • Rhoda and Richard Smith of Taunton, Sept. 6, 1773
    • Rotheus H. of Easton and Ruhamah F. Howard of W. Bridgewater, Sept. 18, 1831*
    • Ruth and Seth Whitman, June 23, 1741*
    • Ruth [int. wid.] and Samuell [int. Samuel] Porter, May 31, 1764 [Read and Samuel Porter, PCR]
    • Ruth of Abington and Adam [int. Adams] Bailey, Oct. 20, 1784 in Abington
    • Ruth of Abington and Samuel Snell, int. Apr. 23, 1814
    • Sally of Middleborough and Amos Keith Jr., Dec. 20, 1801 [? in Middleborough]
    • Samuel of Commington [int. Cummington, Berkshire Co.] and Metilda Doty [int. Dota], Mar. 7, 1786 [Samuel of Commington and Metilda Doty, PCR. Samuel of Comington and Tilda Doty, CR1]
    • Samuel P. of Abington and Polly Bates, int. May 13, 1815
    • Sarah of Easton and Samuel Lothrop [int. Lemuel Lathrop], Sept. 20, 1795, in Easton
    • Seth [int. Rreead] of "Number five in ye Massachusetts Bay" and Thankful Whitmarsh, Mar. 20, 1773
    • Seth of Number five, Hampshire Co., and Mary Lazell [int. Lazel], June 12, 1776
    • Solomon and Abigail Howard, June 16, 1811
    • Susan J. of E. Bridgewater and Benjamin F. Wheeler of Canton, Dec. --, 1843,* CR1
    • Timothy [int. of Middleborough] and Hannah Kingman, Jan. 31, 1788 [Timothy, PCR. Timothy Esq., GR10]
    • William, Rev., of Easton and Olive Pool, May 20, 1784
    • William of Weymouth and Julia Andrews, d. Manassah and Harriet, -----*


    • Albert of Abington and Susanna Packard, Feb. 7, 1820

    RENOLDS (also see Reynold, Reynolds, Runels)

    • Azel [int. Reynolds] and Susan Nash, Oct. 28, 1812


    • Paul, Col., and Sarah Orne, Aug. 17, 1757 [? in Boston], * PR55
    • Paul and Sally Edwards, d. Dolin, Aug. 22, 1782 [in Boston],* PR55
    • Paul of Boston and Caroline Lazell, Nov. 6, 1816 [Lazelle, d. Nathan, Nov. 7, PR55]
    • Susan L. and William S. Sampson, int. Sept. 18, 1841 [Susan, d. Paul and Caroline (Lazelle), m. Nov. 1, PR55]

    REYNOLD (also see Renolds, Reynolds, Runels)

    • Polly [int. Reynolds] and Oliver Belcher of Stoughton, May 20, 1799, in Stoughton

    REYNOLDS (also see Renolds, Reynold, Runels)

    • Amie and Ashley Curtis, int. Mar. 25, 1769
    • Amie and Silas Dunbar, July 2, 1772
    • Amy (see Anna)
    • Anna and Josiah Perkins Jr., Jan. 14, 1790
    • Anna, Mrs. [int. wid.] and Dea. Elijah Snell, Nov. 24, 1798
    • Anna [int. Amy] and Zepheon [int. Ziphion] Howard, June 9, 1803
    • Avis Ann of Fall River and Waldo Ames of Providence, R.I., Apr. 25, 1838* [both of Bridgewater, CR5]
    • Charity and Leonard Orcutt, Sept. 13, 1797
    • David and Sarah Bartlett, Apr. 21, 1818
    • Elizaboth [int. Elizabeth] and Peres Packard, Aug. 14, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
    • Hannah and William Packard Jr., June 8, 1769
    • Hannah, wid. [int. omits wid.] and Enos Thayer, May 30, 1782 [Hannah, wid., PCR]
    • Ichabod and Polly Brett, Jan. 21, 1796
    • Isaac and Mehitabel Ford [int. Foard], Dec. 23, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
    • John and Falley Wales of Stoughton, int. Nov. 28, 1802
    • Jonas and Annee Perkins of Stoughton, int. Mar. 19, 1768
    • Jonas and Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] Hayward, May 30, 1798
    • Jonathan of Sidney, Lincoln Co., and Ann Theyer, Oct. 18, 1794 [Thayer, PCR]
    • Joseph and Jemima Perkins [int. of Stoughton] Sept. 17, 1772
    • Joseph [int. Jr.] and Patty Dunbar, Apr. 19, 1798
    • Joseph Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Phebe Whitcomb [dup. Whitman], Nov. 3, 1817
    • Josiah and Mary Phillips of Abington, int. Dec. 10, 1785
    • Martha and Permenus [int. Permenas] Packard, Apr. 9, 1778 [Permenas, PCR]
    • Mary and David Ames, July 12, 1722*
    • Mary and Ebenezer Packard, Mar. 31, 1774
    • Nathaniel [int. Nathaniell Raynolds] and Mary Tolman [int. Tollman] of Stoughton, June 14, 1733, in Stoughton
    • Nathaniel [int. Jr. of Sidney] and Hannah Porter, Apr. 11, 1811
    • Nathaniell Jr. and Bethia Keith, Apr. 20, 1777
    • Olive and Joseph Macumber, Apr. 9, 1798
    • Phillip and Hannah Packard, Oct. 29, 1765 [Philip, PCR]
    • Polly and Isaac French [int. of Stoughton], Nov. 26, 1801
    • Simeon and Mary Snell, Jan. 19, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
    • Susanna and Oliver Howard [int. Jr.], Nov. 2, 1780 [Oliver, PCR]
    • Susanna and Silas Dunbar [int. Jr.], Sept. 24, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
    • Thomas and Elisabeth Turner, Nov. 3, 1748*
    • Thomas [int. Jr,] and Tabitha Thayer, Feb. 10, 1785 [Tholmas, PCR]
    • Thomas and Nancy Pike, Aug. 20, 1819
    • Timothy and Rebecca Tolman [int. Toleman] of Stoughton, June 15, 1769, in Stoughton
    • Vesta and Isaac Clapp, June 15, 1815
    • William and Martha Snell, Nov. 3, 1791
    • Zilpha and Joshua Howard [int. of Sidney], Feb. 17, 1805 [date in later handwriting]


    • Jesse of Lynn and E. Jane Jackson, int. Sept. 17, 1848
    • Mary L. and Franklin Putnam, int. May 22, 1841 [m. June --, CR5]

    RICHARD (also see Reckard, Reckards, Record, Records, Richards, Rickard, Rickards)

    • Anna of Weymouth and Joseph Pratt, Dec. 14, 1721, in Weymouth*
    • Anna and Edward Blintom of Providence [int. blacks], Mar. 27, 1816
    • Benjamin and Mehetabel Allden, Jan. 1, 1711*
    • Benjamin and Polly Bartlett [int. Barttlett], Sept. 25, 1782 [Bartlett, PCR]
    • Daniel and Mary Packard, Sept. 16, 1740* [Rickards, PCR]
    • Daniel of Dartmouth and Lintha [int. Lentha] Hartwell, June 7, 1812
    • Elisha and Hannah Bowers, blacks, int. June 28, 1800
    • Elizabeth and Thomas Burdine of Boston, blacks, int. July 7, 1825
    • Hannah and Philip Bryant, May 25, 1779
    • Isaac and Esther Hollbrook [dup. Easther Holbrook, int. Esther Holbrook], Dec. 29, 1816 [dup. Jan. 4, 1817]
    • James of Newton [dup. and int. Newtown] and Dorothy [dup. Dorotha, int. Dorithy] Packard, May 8, 1777
    • James and Susanna Pratt, int. Apr. 4, 1798
    • Jenny and Libeus Prince of Marshfield, blacks, int. Mar. 8, 1794
    • John and Kezia Bayley, Nov. 27, 1751* [Keziah Bailey, PCR]
    • John and Hannah Kingman, Feb. 3, 1820
    • Joseph and Mary Hamlen [int. Hambling], Sept. 28, 1742
    • Josiah and Anna Robinson of Raynham, int. Nov. 19, 1781
    • Jupiter, "Free negro man," and Lettice Steuart, "Mollato woman," int. Feb. 24, 1776
    • Kezia and James Ingley [int. Inglee of Middleborough], Nov. 25, 1787 [Keziah and James Ingley, PCR]
    • Letice and Pito Snow, blacks, Dec. 24, 1792 [Lettice and Pitto Snow, blacks, PCR]
    • Lydia and Nathan Alden, July 7, 1757* [Lidia, PCR]
    • Mehetable and David Packard, June 30, 1736*
    • Millicent and Silvanus Washburn, int. Feb. 9, 1865 [sic, ? 1765]
    • Nathan and Lydia Hayward, Nov. 24, 1813
    • Phillis and Thomas Quocko, Apr. 15, 1789*
    • Polly and Marcus Leonard, int. Apr. 20, 1793 [Marcus of Pomfret, Vt., m Jan. 9, 1794, PCR]
    • Prince and Nanny [int. Nanna] Peegin [int. blacks], Mar. 5, 1787 [Nancy, PCR]
    • Rhoda and Samuel Green Alden, Nov. 20, 1804
    • Sarah and William Packard, Sept. 16, 1740* [Rickards, PCR]
    • Sarah and Joseph Thayer of Stoughton, Nov. 19, 1795
    • Seth and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Snow, Dec. 3, 1791 [Mehitable, PCR]
    • Susanna and Silas Williams of Easton, Oct. 13, 1760* [Susannah Rickard, PCR]
    • Susanna and Josiah Edson, Feb. 9, 1791 [Susanna Briggs, sic, PCR]
    • Tamzin and Joseph Snow, Mar. 24, 1795
    • Timothy of Dedham and Sarah Edson, Oct. 8, 1778
    • Zeba and Polly Hartwell, Nov. 18, 1817

    RICHARDSON (also see Richerson)

    • Charles and Hannah Kingman of Braintree, Dec. 2 [int. Dec 4 sic], 1773, in Braintree
    • Hannah [int. wid.] and Nathaniel [int. Nathaniell Thayer, May 11, 1777, in Abington
    • Hannah of Leicester and Joseph Burr, int. Apr. 28, 1792
    • Hannah of Danverss and Zenas Crooker, s. Zenas and Content (Stetson), ------*, PR1
    • Lewis H. and Celia M. Whitman, int. Mar. 6, 1841
    • Martha and Consider Robbins Jr. [int. omits Jr] of Carver, Feb. 26, 1835
    • Rebecca and Zebulun Packard, Mar. 15, 1764 [Zebulon, PCR]
    • Winslow and Rhoda [int. Ruth] Johnson, Mar. 24, 1763 [Rhoda, PCR]
    • Winslow and Elisabeth Byram, Apr. 27, 1768 [Elizabeth, PCR]

    RICHERSON (also see Richardson)

    • Stephen [int. Richardson] and Mary [int. Mercy] Darling of Pembroke, Apr. 7, 1767, in Pembroke


    • Abiel of Midleborough [int. Taunton] and Joanna Orcutt, Feb. 11, 1773 [Abiel, CR1]
    • Abigail P. of Taunton and Bela Fobes, int. Apr. 16, 1848 [Abigail Padelford Richmond and Bela Fobes 2d, s. Bela and Alice Washburn, m. May 10, PR79]
    • Allen and Grace Bisbee [int. Bissbee] of Middleborough, Jan. 1, 1806 [? in Middleborough]
    • Allen and Lucy L. Eaton, int. Jan 6. 1821
    • Asa [int. of Taunton] and Eunice Washburn, Nov. 28, 1782 [Asa, PCR. Asa of Taunton and Unice Washburn, CR1]
    • Betsey of Taunton and Samson Ames, int. Feb. 13, 1819
    • Caleb of Taunton and Bethia Snow, int. Mar. 22, 1788
    • Edward of Taunton and Mary King, int. Dec. 25, 1787
    • Enoch of Middleboro and Susanna [int. Susan] Ames, Dec. 2, 1824 [Richmand of Middleborough and Susannah Ames, CR3]
    • Gershom and Susanna Edson, Sept. 28, 1773
    • Hannah and Daniel Snow Jr., Nov. 28, 1790
    • Hannah and Laban Fobes, int. June 22, 1816 [m. -----, 1816, PR46]
    • Hathaway and Vina Kyes, int. Oct. 3, 1818
    • Isaac and Betsey White, Nov. 30, 1794
    • Joshua of Taunton and Sarah Snow, int. May 29, 1784
    • Lorinda K. and Ansel B. Bump, int. Nov. 10, 1845
    • Micah and Hannah Sumner of Stoughton, Oct. 11, 1798 in Stoughton
    • Molly of Taunton and Nymphas Kinsley, int. Oct. 25, 1800
    • Nathan of Middleboro and Patience [int. Reliance] Washburn, May 2, 1754
    • Reuel of N. Bridgewater and Emily W. Alger, July 17, 1833
    • Robertt and Martha Wasburn, May 17, 1733* [Robert and Martha Washborn, CR1]
    • Salter and Olive Tolman [int. Toalman], Jan. 29, 1807
    • Sarah A. and Elisha Orcut of Abington, int. Aug. 3, 1834
    • Silence and William [int. Wellman] Forrest, May 12, 1811
    • Susan 14, of W. Bridgwater, d. Enoch and Susanna, and William Howard, 26, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. Charles and Betsey, Mar. 19, 1848* [Susanna of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
    • Susan R. [int. K.] and Emery A. Johnson, Aug. 10, 1841

    RICKARD (also see Reckard, Reckards, Record, Records, Richard, Richards, Rickards)

    • Abigail and Samuel [dup. and int. Samuell] Blake, Nov. 30, 1768 [Samuel, PCR. Abigal and Samuel Blake, CR1]
    • Amasa and Deliverance Pratt, Mar. 12, 1759*
    • Elisabeth and John Whitman, Nov. 29, 172[worn]* [Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1726, PCR]
    • Elkanah and Bethia Conantt, Oct. 15, 1733* [Elkana and Bethiah Conant, CR1]
    • Hannah and Jotham Willmath, int. Sept. 1, 1781
    • Joseph of Plimton and Lydia Willis, Nov. 17, 1737* [Lidea, CR1]
    • Lucey [int. Lovicey Reckards] and Joshua Rickard, CR1]
    • Mehtable and Arthur Harris, Nov. 12, 1730* [Mehitabel [dup. Mehetable], PCR]
    • Nathan [int. Richards] and Mary Snell, Dec. 3, 1767 [Rickard, PCR. Richards, CR1]
    • Nathaniell and Jerusha Dunbar, Aug. 22, 1751* [Nathaniel and Jerusha Dumber, Aug. 23, PCR]
    • Prince [int. Rickards] and Hannah Quoy [int. Zoye], Mar. 4, 1779 [Richard and Hannah Quoy, CR1]
    • Rebekah of Plimton and Seth Allen, Nov. 19, 1735*
    • Saloma [int. Silomi] and Enoch Pratt [int. of Easton], Apr. 20, 1784 [Saloma and Enoch Pratt, PCR]
    • Samuell and Mary Bumpas, Feb. 8, 1749*
    • Seth and Susanna Perkins, Sept. 15, 1757* [Susannah, PCR]
    • Uriah and Zilpha White, June 2, 1761*

    RICKARDS (also see Reckard, Reckards, Record, Records, Richard, Richards, Rickard)

    • Salmon and Olive Edson, Nov. 4, 1787 [Reckard, CR1. Rickards, PR105]


    • Suan W. of Quincy and Emerson H. Shaw, int. Apr. 30, 1842


    • Deborah T. and Obadiah Morse, int. Oct. 10, 1844
    • Lucy S, 19, d. Nathaniel and Deborah, and William F. Bessey, 20, laborer, of Wareham, s. Edgar and Harriet, May 16, 1846 [Besse of Wareham, CR1]
    • Lydia of Middleborough and Walter Dunbar, int. Feb. 27, 1796
    • Lydia and Lucius Thompson, Aug. 16, 1840
    • Mary and Richard W. Lyon, May 22, 1831 [Mary, d. Samuel, CR1]
    • Mary Ann and Edwin Hayward, int. June 10, 1841
    • Samuel and Lydia Washburn, int. Nov. 23, 1799
    • Sarah W. and Benjamin Darling, Oct. 22, 1829 [Sarah W., d. Samuel, CR1]
    • Susanna of Middleborough and Joseph Look, int. Apr. 22, 1797


    • Sarah C. and Galen Conant Jr., Dec. 2 [sic, int. Dec. 3] 1842


    • Abigail and Stephen Pettingail, Sept. 20, 1764
    • Bethiah [int. Bethia] of Easton and Jabez Bolton, Oct. 24, 1765, in Easton
    • Christopher and Sarah Haward, Nov. 2, 1737*
    • Daniel and Martha Harvey, int. June 21, 1783
    • Deborah, wid., and Nathaniell Bolton, Mar. 24, 1739-40* [Nathaniel, Mar. 24, 1739, CR1]
    • Deborah and Cyrus Hayward, Aug. 18, 1804
    • Elisabeth and Jacob Keith, int. Apr. 6, 1801
    • Hannah [int. Riply] of Easton and Samuel Edson [int. 3d] Jan. 20, 1797
    • Jane and William Ormsbee of Stoughton [int. Amsbury of Stoughtonham], June 9, 1767, in Stoughton
    • John H., 23, blacksmith, s. Eden M. and Sarah J., and Mellona [int. Melona] Sears, 21, d. John, Jan. 28, 1849
    • Lydia of Plymton and Zephaniah Lothrop Jr., int. Apr. 18, 1812
    • Marlborough and Ruth Whiting [int. Whiteing], July 16, 1787 [Whiting, PCR]
    • Marlborough A. (see Molbry A.)
    • Mary and Benjamin Hanks of Pembroke, Mar. 23, 1727, in Pembroke*
    • Mary and Amos Howard [int. Hayward], Nov. 6, 1766 [? in Middleborough]
    • Molbry A., 22, wheelwright, of W. Bridgewater, s. Malbry and Daty B., and Lois C. Haskell, 20, of W. Bridgewater, d. Zebulon and Sarah N., Nov. 7, 1848*
    • Orra and Alson Field, July 7, 1820
    • Polly and Sihon Morse [int. of Stoughton], July 2, 1804
    • Sally of Plymton and Nathan Hartwell, int. Sept. 26, 1789
    • Samuel and Abigail Bolton, May 11, 1736*
    • Sarah and Seth K. Leach, s. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), Jan. 8, 1839,* PR65
    • Solomon and Miriam Brigs, May 18, 1758* [Briggs, PCR]
    • Waitstill and Isacc Lee, Dec. 15, 1751* [Isaac, PCR]


    • James and Mary Jane Kimball of Needham, int. Oct. 25, 1843
    • Sophia of Needham and Nicholas Tillinghast, int. Feb. 16, 1841

    ROBBIN (also see Robbins)

    • Hannah and John Barker of Middleborough, Indians, int. Dec. 11, 1773
    • Prince [int. Robbins, "Free negro man"] and Margret [int. Margrett] Curtis, "alias Pegg Wampee," Sept. 15, 1764 [Robbin, "negroman" and Margaret Curtis, "alias Pegg Wampee," PCR]
    • Samuel and Bathsheba Wompee, Feb. 2, 1737-8*

    ROBBINS (also see Robbin)

    • Abigail [int. Robinson] and Salmon Keith Jr., Apr. 11, 1813 [? in Middleborough] [Robbins, PR7]
    • Benjamin of Middleborough and Susannah [int. Susanna] Keith, Mar. 10, 1789 [? in Middleborough]
    • Benjamin Jr. and Patience Morton of Carver, int. Nov. 26, 1814
    • Betsey [int. Robins] and Alfred Whitman, Sept. 14, 1808
    • Consider Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Carver and Martha Richardson, Feb. 26, 1835
    • Mille K. and Nahum Dean of Taunton, Feb. 12, 1824
    • Moses of Middleborough and Patience Hooper, Jan. 19, 1777
    • Patience, Mrs., of Plympton, and Zepheniah Keith, Oct. 1, 1849
    • Saba [int. Robins] and Zephaniah Keith, Feb. 8, 1825
    • Samuel and Rhoda Cornish, int. Dec. 24, 1785
    • Silas P. of Middleborough and Sally W. Mitchell, int. Mar. 25 [dup. crossed out Mar. 4], 1826
    • Susan and Oliver Keith, Mar. 9, 1809 [? in Middleborough]

    ROBBINSON (also see Robinson, Robison)

    • Abigail [Abigail written above Bethia crossed out] and John Fobess, Nov. 14, 1704*
    • Abigail [int. Robinson of Boston] and Thomas Bibby [int. b. England], July 28, 1776
    • Benjamin and Eve Packard, May 29, 1770
    • Benjamin and Kezia Packard, wid., int. May 13, 1798
    • Debby [int. Deborah Robinson] and John Alden, Apr. 16, 1798
    • John [int. Robinson] and Molly Packard, Feb. 22, 1781 [Robbinson, PCR]
    • Mara [int. Mary] and David Packard [int. of Lebanon, Grafton Co., N.H.], Dec. 15, 1785 [Mary Robinson and David Packard, PCR]
    • Martha and Archabald Thomson [int. Jr.], Oct. 15, 1761 [Robinson and Archibald Tomson, PCR]
    • Mary (see Mara)
    • Mehitable and Daniel Perkins 2d, int. Apr. 1, 1809
    • Robert and Bethia Kingman, Dec. 2, 1772
    • Susanna [int. Robinson] and Ichabod Keith, Apr. 28, 1802
    • Zacheus H. and Margaret S. Fillebrown of Mansfield, int. June 19, 1819


    • Robert of Boston and Sarah Easton [int. Eston], blacks, Aug. 29, 1813

    ROBINS (see Robbins)

    ROBINSON (also see Robbinson, Robison)

    • Abigail [int. Robbinson] and Sylvanus Lazell [int. Silvanus Lazel], Oct. 30, 1775
    • Abigail (see Abigail Robbins)
    • Alexander and Abigail White of Abington, int. Nov. 10, 1744
    • Anna of Raynham and Josiah Richards, int. Nov. 19, 1781
    • Anselm [int. adds D.] and Judith [int. Judeth] Standish, Dec. 28, 1835 [Anselm and Judeth Standish, CR1]
    • Benjamin [int. Robbinson Jr.] and Mary Packard, Dec. 5, 1809
    • Charles and Ann Maria Keith of E. Bridgewater, Nov. 24, 1825
    • Charlotte F. and George W. Bassett, int. Aug. 23, 1844 [m. Sept. ---, CR1]
    • Clarissa and John Ripley Hayward, Dec. 14, 1802 [? in Middleborough]
    • Clarissa and Solomon Perkins, Feb. 4, 1813 [Solomon, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Pratt), PR64]
    • Deborah J. and John Washburn, Oct -- [int. Oct 2], 1841
    • Dyer and Abigail Stetson, June 21, 1787 [Robbinson, PCR]
    • Dyer Jr. and Lydia Standish, Jan. 22, 1826 [Dyer, s. Dyer and Abigail (Stetson), PR1]
    • Fanny of Taunton and Levi Hooper, int. Sept. 24, 1837
    • Gad and Margaret Orr Keith, Jan. --, 1821 [Gad, s. Dyer and Abigail (Stetson), and Margarett Orr [sic], Jan. 1, PR1]
    • Hannah A. and Henry Boyd, Nov. 24, 1833 [Hannah Allen Robinson, CR2]
    • Increase and Rachel Bates [int. of Hingham], Feb. 6, 1755, in Hingham
    • Icrease and Hannah Edson, May 11, 1812 [Hannah, d. Benjamin and Deborah, CR2. Hannah Allen Edson, d. Benjamin, GR10. Increase, s. Dyer and Abigail (Stetson), and Hannah Edson, PR1]
    • Jacob and Rhoda W. Chandler, May 11, 1823
    • James and Jerusha Bartlett of Duxbury, Oct. 31, 1751, in Duxbury*
    • Jane [int. Robbison] and William Johnson, Nov. 8, 1779 [Robinson, PCR]
    • Joseph and Hannah Snow, Oct. 25, 1759*
    • Lydia H. and Peleg S. Bradford, Feb. 25, 1847
    • Marcus and Charlotte Barstow of Pembroke, int. Dec. 30, 1820
    • Margaret [int. adds W.] and Axel Dearborn, Nov. 11, 1839 [Margaret, CR1]
    • Margrett and Joseph Wesley, Dec.14, 1773
    • Marshall and Martha Jane Griffin of Lowell, int. Feb. 20, 1849
    • Martha and Eliphalet Bailey [int. Baily], Jan. 29, 1782 [Bailey, PCR]
    • Martha P. and Daniel Francis Alger of W. Bridgewater, Feb. 8, 1842 [Martha P., third d. Increase and Hannah, CR2]
    • Mary and Richard Bartlet, Nov. 17, 1757* [Bartlett, PCR]
    • Miranda C. and Jackson Sprague, int. Oct. 5, 1834 [Miranda Catharine, m. Nov. 21, CR2]
    • Nabby of Middleborough and John Ripley Hayward, Sept. 13, 1801 [? in Middleborough]
    • Nabby and Uriah Brett, May 2, 1799
    • Peres [int. of Raynham] and Hannah Holmes, Feb. --, 1790 [Robison, PCR]
    • Perez and Margaret Thomson of Hallifax, int. Aug. 14, 1819
    • Robert and Chloe Harvey of Freetown, int. Oct. 3, 1807
    • Sally [int. Robbinson] and Solomon Johnson, Oct. 22, 1788 [Robinson, PCR]
    • Salome and Zenas Keith Jr., Sept. 30, 1821 [Salome, d. Dyer of S. Bridgewater, and Zenos Keith of E. Bridgewater, in E. Bridgewater, CR1]
    • Susanna and Christopher Askins, Oct. 15, 1729*
    • Susanna [int. Robbinson] and William Vinton, Sept. 22, 1774
    • Velina and Robert Thomas Jr., Jan. 18, 1835
    • William [int. Robbison] and Hannah Egerton [int. Eggerton], Nov. 9, 1780 [Robinson and Hannah Egerton, PCR]
    • William Jr. and Abigail Dellino of Duxburough, int. Mar. 21, 1812
    • William H. and Matilda J. Hayden, Sept. 2, 1843

    ROBISON (also see Robbinson, Robinson)

    • Archabald and Mercy Field, Jan. 29, 1746-7*

    ROGERS (also see Roggers)

    • Charles and Sarah Thompson, Sept. 20, 1821
    • Nabby and William Newhall [int. Newall], Sept. 11, 1808
    • Samuel and Betty Allen, Aug. 9, 1790
    • Sarah and Josiah Churchell [int. Churchel], Feb. 1, 1781 [Churchill, PCR]

    ROGGERS (also see Rogers)

    • Bathsheba of Weymouth and Ebenezer Hill, int, Feb. 1, 1777


    • Hannah D. and Jesse Vaughn, int. Nov. 18, 1832

    ROUNSAFULL (also see Rounseville)

    • Chloe and Boston Boalden, blacks, int. Nov. 19, 1796

    ROUNSEVILLE (also see Rounsafull)

    • Job P. [dup, int. omits P.] and Laura Washburn [dup. int. of Middleborough], June 3, 1827 [Job P., both of Bridgewater, CR1]
    • Susan C. of Freetown and John Long, int. Sept. 30, 1842


    • Permilla [int. Parmilla] of Dorchester and William Shaw Jr., Oct. 9, 1791 [Parmilia of Dorchester, Oct. 19, PCR]

    RUNELS (also see Renolds, Reynold, Reynolds)

    • Isaac and Dorothy Seeker of Middleborough, Nov. 24, 1707*

    RUSEL (also see Russel, Russell, Russells)

    • Rebecca [int. Russel of Pembrook] and Silas Read [int. Reed], Jan. 28, 1768 [Russell and Silas Reed, PCR]

    RUSSEL (also see Rusel, Russell, Russells)

    • Abigail and William Keith Jr. [int. omits Jr] Oct. 20, 1789 [Russell and William Keith Jr., PCR]
    • Mary and Isaac Alden, May 14, 1781 [Russell, PCR]

    RUSSELL (also see Rusel, Russel, Russells)

    • Betsey [int. Russel] and James Barrell [int. Baarrel], Sept. 15, 1785 [Russell and James Barrell, PCR]
    • Experience, wid., of Plymouth, and Beza Hayward Esq., int. Mar. 28, 1801

    RUSSELLS (also see Rusel, Russel, Russell)

    • Josiah [int. Joshua Burrill] of Abington and Lydia Bonney, Feb. 5 [sic, int. Nov. 5], 1785, in Abington


    • Julia A. of Wareham and Calvin Holmes, int. Dec. 15, 1849

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