Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - P
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded.
PACKARD (also see Pakard, Peckerd)
Abel and Esther Porter of Abington, Jn. 24, 1750-1, in Abington*
Abia and Eunace Hayward [int. Eunice Haward] of Braintree, Apr. 21, 1764, in Braintree
Abia Jr. and Polly French, Oct. 22, 1788
Abiah and Edward Southworth, Dec. 15, 1750*
Abiah and Phebe Paine, Nov. 30, 1758*
Abiah [int. Desire] of Easton and Daniel [int. David] Clark, Aug. 30, 1763, in Easton
Abiel and Sarah Ames, Jan. 11, 1722-3*
Abiel and Deliverance Washburn, wid., int. Nov. 16, 1771
Abiel [int. Pakard of Hebron, Cumberland Co.] and Hannah Harris, Oct. 14, 1794
Abiezer and Mary Holbrook of Braintree, int. July 28, 1764
Abigail and Jonathan Perkins Jr., July 21, 1752*
Abigail and Daniell Snell Jr., Nov. 27, 1753
Abigal and George Packard, May 15, 1766
Abigail and Joseph Bayley [int. Bailey], Aug. 22, 1771
Abigail [int. Nabby] and Daniel [int. Daniell] Hayward [int. 3d], Dec. 22, 1776
Abigail and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Simeon Dunbar, Jan. 1, 1781 [Dr. Simeon, PCR]
Abigail and Jonathan Howard 3d, Apr. 10, 1794
Abigal and Charles Marcy of Plymouth, May 24, 1812
Abigail and Ammi N. Howard of N. Bridgewater [int. Randolph], Jan. 9, 1833 [Ammi N. of Randolph, CR3]
Abijah and Ann [int. Anne] Fobes of Easton, June 25, 1767, in Easton
Abram [dup. Abraham] and Freelove Dyer, June 30, 1774
Aden [int. Jr.] and Sally Horton, Apr. 23, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Adin [int. Aden] and Kezia Finney [int. Phinney], Nov. 16, 1780 [Adin and Keziah Finney, PCR]
Alice and Eliab Packard, May 14, 1769
Ambrose and Esther White, June 23 [June 23 in later handwriting], 1805
Ames and Susanna Joy, Jan. 30, 1797
Amie and Levi French [int. of Stoughton, Suffolk Co.], Nov. 29, 1764 [Levi, PCR]
Ann and Elijah Edson, Apr. 21, 1741*
Anna [int. Anne] and Benjamin Samson [int. Sampson], Jan. 1, 1778 [Anna and Benjamin Samson, PCR]
Anna and Seth Snow [int. 3d], Oct. 23, 1795
Apollos and Sophia Brett, int. Jan. 12, 1811
Arza and Abi Knapp, May 20, 1812
Asa and Susanna Leach, Dec. 4, 1811
Azor and Nancy Howard, Feb. 14, 1815
Barnabas and Sarah Ford of Abington, Nov. 27, 1760, in Abington*
Barnebas and Hannah Hayward, int. Dec. 1, 1792 [Barnabas, m. Dec. 25, PCR]
Barnebas and Emeletiah Packard, Oct. 2, 1794*
Benjamin and Ruth Leach, Dec. 23, 1763 [Dec. 23, 1762, sic, PCR]
Benjamin and Lurana Finney [int. Lurania Phinney], Aug. 22, 1775
Benjamin [int. 2d] and Mehetabel Fobes, Sept. 8, 1784 [Benjamin, PCR]
Bethia (see Bithia)
Bethuel and Rebecca Peterson of Duxbury, June 16, 1783, in Duxbury.
Betsey and Isaiah Packard, Dec. 30, 1792
Betsey T. and Noble P. Bump, Nov. 30, 1837
Bettie and Seth Dean, Apr. 28, 1748*
Betty and Jacob Edson, May 14, 1759*
Betty [int. Bettie] and Jonathan Snow, Dec. 8, 1761 [Bettie, PCR]
Betty [int. Bettie] and George Wilbore [int. Willbor], Dec. 8, 1778 [? in Middleborough]
Betty (see Rebecca)
Bithia and Wright Baratlett, July 29, 1731* [Bethia, PCR]
Caleb and Sarah Haward [int. Howard], June 20, 1782 [Howard, PCR]
Caleb and Sally Packard, Feb. 21, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Calvin and Betsey Dunbar of Stoughton, Oct. 20, 1785, in Stoughton
Charity and Seth Burr, May 3, 1753
Charity (see Chloe)
Charles and Charlotte Thomson, Oct. 29, 1818
Charlotte and Joseph Wild of Braintree, Nov. 6, 1817
Chloe (see Cleoe)
Chloe [int. Charity] and Ephraim Packard [int. 2d], June 23, 1790 [Chloe and Ephraim Packard, PCR]
Chloe and Thomas Wales Jr., int. Apr. 28, 1811
Clara A. and Samuel Dickerman of N. Bridgewater, int. Feb. 23, 1822
Cleoe and Joseph Keith, May 31, 1759* [Chloe, PCR]
Content, wid., and Japhet Beal [int. of Minot, Cumberland Co.], Sept. 26, 1802 [date in later handwriting]
Content of Sidney and Benjamin Southworth, int. Mar. 20, 1819
Cynthia and Levi Churchell of Plympton, Sept. 19, 1799
Cyrus and Kezia Kingman, Apr. 16, 1795
Daniel and Mary Harris, Dec. 2, 1713*
Daniel 2d and Nancy [int. Nanncy] Keith, May 11, 1796
Daniel and Patty Harris [int. of Abington], Aug. 12 [Aug. 12, in later handwriting], 1805
Daniell [int. Daniel] and Hannah Perkins, July 14, 1765 [Daniel, PCR]
Daniell and Elisabeth Colloney of Easton, Aug. 12, 1773
David and Hannah Ames, Dec. 17, 1712*
David and Mehetable Richards, June 30, 1736*
David Jr. and Joanna Jackson, Dec. 27, 1764
David and Dorothy [int. Dorithy] Bassett, Dec. 31, 1767 [Dorothy, PCR]
David [int. of Lebanon, Grafton Co., N.H.] and Mara [int. Mary] Robbinson, Dec. 15, 1785 [David and Mary Robinson, PCR]
David and Susanna Perkins, int. Nov. 24, 1810
David and Sally Ford of Abington, int. Oct. 23, 1813
David 2d [int. of N. Bridgewater, omits 2d] and Elizabeth Drake, Dec. 5, 1822
Deborah and Seth Bailey, Oct. 26, 1770
Deborah and Samuel Holmes, Dec. 29, 1813
Desire (see Abiah)
Desire and Luke Washburn, Aug. 30, 1763
Dorothy [dup. Dorotha, int. Dorithy] and James Richards of Newton [dup. and int. Newtown], May 8, 1777
Ebenezer and Sarah Perkins, Feb. 25, 1746*
Ebenezer and Mary Reynolds, Mar. 31, 1774
Ebenezer [int Jr.] and Content Harlow [int. Herlar], wid., Apr. 26, 1781 [Ebenezer and Content Harlow, wid., PCR]
Ebenezer and Zeruiah Phinney, Mar. 27, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Edward and Ruth Bonney of Pembroke, Dec. --, 1757, in Pembroke.*
Edward and Rebecca Pope of Dartmouth, int. Sept. 27, 1766
Eliab and Alice Packard, May 14, 1769
Eliab Jr. and Hannah Shaw of Abington, int. Sept. 30, 1792
Elijah and Kezia Ames, Oct. 21, 1783 [Keziah, PCR]
Elijah and Susanna Beal, Aug. 27, 1789
Elijah [int. 2d] and Nabby Packard, Sept. 26, 1793
Eliphalet and Lydia Barrel, Jan. 24, 1782 [Barrell, PCR]
Eliphalet, Dea., and Ann Thayer of Braintree, int. Sept. 27, 1800
Eliphalet of Minot and Abigail Snell, May 30, 1814
Elisabeth and John Hooper, Apr. 23, 1722*
Emeletiah and Barnebas Packard, Oct. 2, 1794*
Ephraim and Sarah Packer, Sept. 1, 1773
Ephraim and Polly Leach, Nov. 12, 1789
Ephraim [int. 2d] and Chloe [int. Charity] Packard, June 23, 1790 [Ephraim and Chloe Packard, PCR]
Eunice and John Hunt of Abington, int. Apr. 6, 1773
Eunice and William Jameson, Sept. 11, 1780
Eunice and Uriah Capen of Stoughton, int. Sept. 30, 1797
Eunice and Josiah Brett, Oct. 28, 1812
Eve and Benjamin Robbinson, May 29, 1770
Faithful and George Vaughen of Middleborough, Aug. 13, 1719*
Galen and Mary Horton, Apr. --, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
George and Mary Edson, July 4, 1728*
George and Abigail Eastee, Nov. 27, 1760*
George and Abigail Packard, May 15, 1766
George W. and Lucinda K. Fobes, May 20, 1839
George W. and Hannah Fobes, Jan. 25, 1843
Gooding and Polly Doan, int. July 24, 1784
Hannah and Caleb Phillips of Easton, Feb. 6, 1731-2, in Easton*
Hannah and Samuell Brett, Dec. 21, 1737*
Hannah and Phillip Reynolds, Oct. 29, 1765 [Philip, PCR]
Hannah and Joel Edson, Apr. 2, 1789
Hannah and Zadock Perkins, Dec. 15, 1796
Hannah, wid., and Samuel Kimbell of Easton, Nov. 30, 1797
Hepzibah and Seth Morton, Sept. 12, 1757* [Hepsibah, PCR]
Hezekiah [int. Zezekiah] and Matilda [int. Metilda] Gurney, Apr. 20, 1820
Hosea and Roxana [int. Roxany] Holmes, Nov. 11, 1818
Howard and Jane Capen of Stoughton, Mar. 19, 1799, in Stoughton.
Huldah and Howard Cary, Dec. 11, 1785 [Dec. 15, PCR]
Huldah and Adam Capen, June 4, 1816
Ichabod and Ruth Allen, May 3, 1757* [Icabod, CR1]
Ichabod of Lebanan, Grafton Co., N.H., and Rachel Chamberlain [int. Chamberlin], Oct. 17, 1780 [Chamberlin, PCR]
Ichabod and Rachel Cole, Jan. 9, 1786 [Icabod, CR1]
Isaac and Abigail Porter, Mar. 28, 1745
Isaac Jr. and Mary Attwood of Eastham, int. Sept. 28, 1776
Isaac and Mary Jones Foster of Hanover, Dec. 19, 1816
Isaac and Sally Packard, Mar. 11, 1821
Isaiah and Betsey Packard, Dec. 30, 1792
Israel and Susanna Field, Nov. 20, 1735*
Israel Jr. and Ruth Feild, Nov. 24, 1737*
Israel and Susanna Edson, Dec. 27, 1801
Jacob and Dorithy [int. Doritha] Perkins, Nov. 24, 1742
Jacob [int 3d] and Abigail Stowell of Newton [int. Newtown], Oct. 4, 1770, in Newton
Jacob 3d and Rebecca French [int. of Stoughton], May 5, 1774
Jacob and Rachel Myrick, wid., of Eastham, Barnstable Co., int. Aug. 26, 1781
Jacob Jr. and Zeba Packard, Aug. 20, 1789
Jacob [int. 2d of Warwick, Hamshire Co.] and Hannah Kingman, Dec. 3, 1806
James and Jemima Keith, June 7, 1722*
James [int. Jr.] and Jemima Churchill [int. Churchell], Aug. 27, 1778 [James and Jemima Churchill, Aug. 27, 1779, PCR]
Jane and Mathew Kingman, Nov. 6, 1755*
Jane [int. Jennet] and Phinehas Paul [int. of Quincy], Apr. 12, 1801
Jemima and Ichabod Edson, July 19, 1759*
Jemima of Easton and Ebenezer Phillips of Easton, Bristol Co., Nov. 10, 1802, in Providence.*
Jerusha and Samuel Jackson of Abington, int. Oct. 31, 1766
Jesse 2d and Lucinda T. Hayward, Sept. 15, 1833,* PR14
Jesse 2d and Harriet M. Pool, Dec. 11, 1838,* PR14
Joanna and Isaac Allen, Feb. 20, 1745
Joanna, wid. [int. omits mid.], and Jonathan Hayden [int. of Grafton], Oct. 29, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Job and Keziah Wade, Mar. 6, 1750-1*
Job and [int. Mrs.] Hannah Edson, May 25, 1790 [Hannah, PCR. Hannah, wid. John, d. Benjamin Allen, CR2]
Joel and Harmony Kingman, Nov. 1, 1785
John and Ann Pratt, Oct. 7, 1760* [Oct. 9, CR1]
John [int. 3d] and Ruth [int. Rachel] Niles of Easton [int. adds Bristol Co.], Jan. 27, 1763, in Easton
John and Hannah Vinson of Weymouth, int. Sept. 3, 1774
John [int. Reuben] of W. Bridgewater and Jerusha Holbroke [int. Holbrook] of Weymouth, Mar. 17, 1796, in Weymouth
John and Martha [int. Patty] French [int. of Stoughton], Jan. 17, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
John and Tiley Packard, Apr. 24, 1814
John and Lydia Drake, Apr. 8, 1817
Jonas and Mehetabel Brett, Sept. 11, 1777* [Mehitabel, PCR]
Jonathan and Susanna Hayward, Dec. 24, 1719*
Jonathan and Martha Williams, Sept. 28, 1752 "N:S."*
Jonathan Jr. [int omits Jr.] and Sususanna Packard [int. Susanna Alger] May 11, 1778 [Jonathan Jr. and Susannah Alger, PCR]
Jonathan and Anna Little of Pembroke, Sept. 17, 1789, in Pembroke*
Joseph and Mary Willis, Nov. 28, 1723*
Joseph and Susanna Mitchel, Dec. 31, 1724*
Joseph 3d and Abagail Alger of Easton, Nov. 24, 1748, in Easton*
Joseph Jr. and Sarah Johnson, Dec. 27, 1748*
Joseph 2d and Ruth Bosworth, wid., of Halifax, Sept. 27, 1759, in Halifax*
Joseph and Mary Hiks of Killingly, int. Nov. 1, 1777
Joseph and Lusanna [int. Susanna] Bates, Aug. 31, 1794
Joshua and Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] Alden, Jan. --, 1755
Joshua Jr. and Sarah Ames, Jan. 12, 1747*
Josiah Jr. and Rebecca [int. Rebeecah] Perkins, Oct. 10, 1782 [Rebecca, PCR]
Judith and Jonathan Willis, Nov. 2, 1751* [Judath and Jonathan Wellis, PCR]
Julia and Ethan Howard of Easton, Dec. 5, 1814
Kezia and Nehemiah Lincoln, Nov. 24, 1748*
Kezia, wid., and Benjamin Robbinson, int. May 13, 1798
Kezia and Elijah Drake of Easton, int. Mar. 23, 1799. "Said Kezia forbade her publishment March. 30th."
Lebbeus (see Libeus)
Lemuel and Sarah Hunt of Abington, Aug. 20, 1775, in Abington
Levi and Ruth Snow of Eastham [int. adds Barnstable Co.], Oct. --, 1789 [1789 written in pencil], in Orleans.
Lewis and Betsey Crane, Nov. 13, 1808
Libeus and Minerva Alger, Apr. 23, 1812
Lot and Mary Nelson of New Bedford, int. Jan. 21, 1791
Louis and Jotham French of Braintree, int. Jan. 21, 1786
Lucinda and David Ames, Sept. 7, 1815
Lucy and Ebenezer Edson, Nov. 7, 1751* [Nov. 17, PCR]
Lucy and Atherton Wild [int. Wiles of Braintree], Sept. 22, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Luke and Lucinda Battles, Jan. 1, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Luther and Abigail Thomas of Abington, Apr. 13, 1787, in Abington
Lydia and Jeremy Howel, Apr. 7, 1718*
Lydia and Seth Lathrop, Mar. 26, 1752*
Lydia and Jessee [int. Jesse] Edson, Mar. 26, 1754 [Jesse, PCR]
Lydia and Barnard Clapp [int of Braintree], Oct. 6, 1793
Lydia and Samuel Coding of Mansfield, int. Apr. 23, 1814
Mahew and Claricy Jackson, Nov. 29, 1801
Marcus [int. of Easton] and Lucy French, Apr. --, 1821
Margret and John Washburn, Feb. 16, 1709-10*
Mark and Hannah Shaw, Dec. 15, 1774
Martha and Jeremiah Conant, Apr. 26, 1739* [Mary, PCR, Martha CR1]
Martha and John [sic, ? Isaac] Alden Jr., Nov. 6, 1755* [John Jr. PCR]
Martha (see Mercy)
Martha, wid., and Thomas Packard, Jan. 18, 1780
Martha and Theron Ames, Dec. 11, 1816
Mary and Joseph Lennard, Sept. 14, 1721*
Mary and James Allen, Nov. 23, 1732* [Packard and Jeams Allen, CR1]
Mary (see Martha)
Mary and Jonathan Mahurin, July 9, 1740* [Mary, wid., PCR]
Mary and Daniel Richards, Sept. 16, 1740* [Rickards, PCR]
Mary and Abiezer Edson, Nov. 15, 1744
Mary and Thomas Fling of Easton, int. Feb. 23, 1754
Mary and Nathaniell Hayward Jr., Mar. 5, 1762 [Nathaniel Howard Jr., PCR. Nathaniel Hayward Jr., CR1]
Mary and Simeon Alden, May 23, 1763
Mary (see Molly and Poly)
Mary and Silvanus Conant, Oct. 16, 1808
Mary and Benjamin Robinson [int. Robbinson Jr.], Dec. 5, 1809
Mary C, 20, d. Micah and Susan, and Samuel K. Cole, 23, pudler, of Wareham, s. Samuel and Charlotte, June 7, 1846
Mathew and Kezia Perkins, Apr. 17, 1781 [Matthew, PCR]
Matilda [see Mehetabel]
Matthew (see Mathew)
Mayhew (see Mahew)
Mehetabel [int. Metilda] and Zecheriah [int. Zachariah] Gurney, Sept. 30, 1783 [Mehitabel and Zachariah Gurney, PCR]
Mehetable and John Ames, June 3, 17[torn, rec. before June 9, 1726]*
Mehetable and Simeon Brett, Jan. 31, 1749*
Mehetable and Barnabas Haward, July 2, 1755* [Mehitable and Barnabas Hayward, PCR]
Mehitable [int. Mehetabel] and Walter Ames, Mar. 31, 1796
Mercy and Thomas West, Dec. 9, 1756* [Martha, PCR]
Micah and Susan Whitmarsh [int. Whitman], Jan. 15, 1812
Molly [int. Mary] and Samuel [int. Samuell] Brett, [int Jr.] Mar. 18, 1778 [Molly and Samuel Brett, PCR]
Molly and John Robbinson [int. Robinson], Feb. 22, 1781 [Robbinson, PCR]
Nabby (see Abigail)
Nabby [int. Nabbe] and Jonas Howard, Feb. 26, 1784 [Nabby, PCR]
Nabby and Elijah Packard [int. 2d], Sept. 26, 1793
Nahum and Mercy Ford of Marshfield, int. Nov. 15, 1817
Nancy and John Besse, int. May 24, 1788
Nathan and Lydia Jackson, Oct. 10, 1758* [Lidia, PCR]
Nathan and Polly Manley, May 31, 1815
Nathaniell and Sarah Snow, Nov. 15, 1753
Nathaniell and Anna Slone, Oct. 17, 1758* [Anna Stone, PCR]
Nehemiah and Silence Edson, Oct. 6, 1747*
Nehemiah and Chloe Snell, Feb. 25, 1807
Noah of Dartmouth and Polly Packard, May 13, 1790
Olive and David Ford [int. Foard of Abington], Apr. 24, 1794
Olive and Holmes Tilson, Jan. 1, 1797
Olive and Samuel Dickerman, May 23, 1799
Olive and Newton Shaw, Dec. 3, 1818
Oliver and Relief [int. Releiff] Edson, Nov. 20, 1777 [Relief, PCR]
Oliver and Mary [int. Mercy] Dunbar, May 19, 1785 [Mary, PCR]
Orren and Sally Skinner of Mansfield, int. Mar. 24, 1821
Parmenas (see Permenus)
Parnel and David Johnson Jr., Oct. 2, 1751*
Patty [int. Patte] and Barzilla Feild [int. Field], Dec. 25, 1794
Patty and Nehemiah Lincoln [int. 2d], Jan. 10, 1802
Paul and Susanna Joy of Hingham, Oct. 23, 1744, in Hingham
Paul and Sarah Bruce, Aug. 7, 1749*
Peres and Elizaboth [int. Elisabeth] Reynolds, Aug. 14, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Perez [int. Peres] and Marcy Thomas [int. Mercy Thomas] of Abington, Mar. 15, 1793, in Abington
Permenus [int. Parmenas] and Martha Reynolds, Apr. 9, 1778 [Permenas, PCR]
Phebe and Amzi Brett, May 22, 1788
Phebe and Martin Kingman, Oct. 14, 1816
Philebert [int. Phile] and Henry Thayer, Jan. 27, 1783 [Philebert, PCR]
Phillip [int. Philip of Plainfield, Hampshire Co.] and Patte Edson, Mar. 2, 1786 [Phillip and Patty Edson, PCR]
Polly [int. Polley] and Calvin Snell, Sept. 8, 1785 [Polly, PCR]
Polly and Noah Packard of Dartmouth, May 13, 1790
Polly [int. wid.] and Daniel Cooley Esq. [int. of Amherst], Jan. 18, 1796
Poly [int. Mary or Polly] and Jesse Fobes, Feb. 9, 1795 [Polly, PCR]
Ransom [int. Ramson] and Abigail Thrasher, June 22, 1797
Rebeca and Luke Perkins, Aug. 24, 1749* [Rebecca, PCR]
Rebecca and Silas Kinsley of Easton, Dec. 24 [dup. Nov. 24], 1774
Rebecca [int. Bette] and James Perkins [int. 2d], Sept. 25, 1783 [Rebecca and James Perkins, PCR]
Rebecca and Seth Gurney, Jan. 10, 1788 [Jan. 20, PCR]
Rebecca, wid., and Charles Snell, Nov. 26, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Rebecca and Benjamin Kingman, Dec. 4, 1817
Reuben (see John and Ruben)
Rhoda and Abijah Stowel of Newtown, Oct. 17, 1771
Rhoda [int. Rhoda Shaw] and Benjamin Kingman, Sept. 18, 1783 [Rhoda Packard, Sept. 28, PCR]
Robert and Lydia Titus, Mar. 2, 1748-9*
Robert and Ruth Barrel, Nov. 28, 1782 [Barrell, PCR]
Robert and Sally Perkins, Nov. 11, 1788
Robert, Capt., and Sarah Hayward, May 27, 1798
Rosina A. [int. omits A] and Charles Hartwell of W. Bridgewater, July 26, 1840
Roisa and Samuel Randel of Easton, int. Jan. 26, 1805
Ruben and Ann Perkins, Oct. 1, 1759* [Reuben and Anna Perkins, PCR]
Ruth and Joseph Ames, Jan. 30, 1754 [Joseph Eames, PCR]
Ruth and Martin Southworth, int. Apr. 11, 1811
Sally and Frederick Reed Jr. [int. of Randolph], Oct. 26, 1797
Sally and Thomas Cary [int. of Greenwich], Mar. 5, 1798
Sally and Mathew Randel [int. of Greenwich], Mar. 7, 1802
Sally and Caleb Packard, Feb. 21, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Sally and Isaac Packard, Mar. 11, 1821
Salmon and Freelove Niles, int. Mar. 14, 1795
Samuel and Elisabeth Edson, May 24, 1705*
Samuel and Susanna Kinsley, July 22, 1729*
Samuel and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Harris [int. of Abington], Aug 4, 1799
Samuell 4th and Elisabeth Carver, Dec. 13, 1757* [Samuel 4th and Elizabeth Carver, PCR]
Samuell [int. 4th] and Mary Washburn, Sept. 2, 1761 [Samuell, CR1]
Sarah and Josiah Edson, July 27, 1704*
Sarah and Thomas Hooper, Jan. 18, 1721-2*
Sarah and Samuel Bliss, July 11, 1723*
Sarah and Zachary Shaw, Aug. 30, 1733*
Sarah and Isaac Fuller, Nov. 9, 1737*
Sarah and Samuell Cole, Nov. 16, 1752*
Sarah and Ebenezer Snell, Apr. 5, 1764
Sarah and Samuel Sturtevant, Sept. 14, 1769
Sarah and Ephraim Packard, Sept. 1, 1773
Sarah and Zephaniah Lathrop, Sept. 2, 1779
Sarah and Elisha Eames, int. Oct. 15, 1785
Sarah of Abington and William Pool, Sept. 3, 1795 [dup. Aug. 28, 1795, in Abington]
Sarah [int wid] and Caleb Loring [int. of Plymton], Mar. 3 [sic, int. Mar. 6], 1802
Sarah and Elkanah Billings, Dec. 14, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Sarah A. and Benjamin G. Allen of N. Bridgewater, int. Apr. 2, 1842
Selah and Pelham Bradford, Nov. 30, 1797
Seth Jr. and Lois Leach, Mar. 7, 1765
Sidney of N. Bridgewater and Almira Thomson of E. Bridgewater, June 3, 1826*
Sihon and Abigail Scott of Dedham, Oct. 16, 1794, in Dedham.
Silas and Chloe Willis, June 4, 1789
Silence, wid., and Josiah Dunbar, Dec. 12, 1758*
Silence and Seth Lennard, June 1, 1769 [Silince, PCR]
Silence and Daniel Howard 4th, int. Jan. 15, 1780
Silvanus (see Sylvanus)
Simeon and Mary Perkins, July 6, 1761
Simeon [int. 2d] and Hannah Edson, June 26, 1796
Solomon and Sarah Lathrop, Nov. 16, 1715*
Solomon and Dorithy Perkins, Oct. 5, 1760* [Dorothy, PCR]
Solomon Jr. and Hannah Bailey, Nov. 20, 1760*
Solomon and Sarah Stetson, wid. [int. Studson, omits wid.], June 23, 1779 [Stetson, PCR]
Sukey and Ephraim Cole Jr., Dec. 5, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Sulivan and Lucy Jackson, Aug. 23 [Aug. 23 in later handwriting], 1805
Susanna and John Snell, Feb. 1, 1714-15*
Susanna and Joseph Alden, Dec. 16, 1742
Suanna and Charles Snell, Mar. 26, 1745
Susanna and William Allen, Dec. 28, 1748*
Suanna and Joseph Knap of Norton, Aug. 28, 1760* [Susannah, PCR]
Susanna and Timothy Manley of Easton, Apr. 1, 1762
Susanna and Banabas [int. Barnebas] Thayer [int. of Braintree], May 28, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Susanna and Albert Remington of Abington, Feb. 7, 1820
Sususanna [int. Susanna Alger] and Jonathan Packard Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 11, 1778 [Susannah Alger and Jonathan Packard, PCR]
Sylvanus [int. Silvanus] and Elsabeth [int. Elisabeth] Marston of Boston, Aug. 19, 1777 [Sylvanus and Elisabeth Marston of Boston, PCR]
Thomas and Mary Howard of Easton, Jan. 1, 1757, in Easton*
Thomas and Martha Packard, wid., Jan. 18, 1780
Thomas [int Jr.] and Joanna Edson, Oct. 19, 1788 [Thomas, PCR]
Thomas and Martha Perkins, Oct. 8, 1789
Tiley and John Packard, Apr. 24, 1814
Timothy and Aholibamah [int. Ahobibame] Curtis, Jan. 13, 1790 [Aholibamah, PCR]
Weltha W. and Hosea Washburn, Jan. 29, 1845
William and Sarah Richards, Sept. 16, 1740* [Rickards, PCR]
William Jr. and Hannah Reynolds, June 8, 1769
William [int. Jr.] and Sarah Wales, Feb. 18, 1784 [William, PCR]
William and Lucy Quincy Norton of Abington, int. Feb. 26, 1820
Zachariah and Abigail Davenport, Mar. 31, 1724*
Zacheus and Mercy Allden, Oct. 21, 1724*
Zadoc [int. Zadock] and Martha Howard [int. Haward], Jan. 14, 1779 [Zadock and Martha Howard, PCR. Zadock, s. Nathaniel (s. Zachariah, s. Nathaniel, s. Samuel "from England"), and Martha Howard, d. Henry , ----- , 1778, CR2]
Zadock and Rebeccah Phillips of Plymouth, int. Apr 20. 1800 [Zadock, s. Nathaniel (s. Zachariah, s. Nathaniel, s. Samuel "from England"), and Rebecca -------, m.-------, CR2]
Zeba and Jacob Packard Jr., Aug. 20, 1789
Zebulun and Rebecca Richardson, Mar. 15, 1764 [Zebulon, PCR]
Zenas and Deborah Thayer of Braintree, int. Oct. 12, 1793
PADDLEFORD (also see Padelford)
Joshua [int. Padelford] of Taunton and Sybel [int. Sybil] Fobes, Feb. 15, 1825
Pethiar J. of Taunton and Alonzo Williams, int. Feb. 21, 1843
PADELFORD (also see Paddleford)
Huldah and John L. Hall, Aug. 27, 1824 [? in Bridgewater]* PR65
Hannah and Benoni Hayward, Oct. 13, 1743
PAIN (also see Paine)
Elisabeth and Thomas Burgal, Dec. 3, 1769*
John and Hannah Pool, Jan. 4, 1738*
Mary and Jonathan Bozworth, Dec. 12, 1752*
PAINE (also see Pain)
Levi of Randolph and Clementina Maria Leonard [int. Clementiana Maria Leonard], June 11, 1829 [Clementina Maria Leonard, CR3]
Phebe and Abiah Packard, Nov. 30, 1758*
PAKARD (also see Packard, Peckerd)
Susanna and David Orcut, Jan. 16, 1733-4,* CR1
Benjamin and Betsey Willis, int. Mar. 2, 1805
Betsey [int. Betsey, wid.] and Isaac Alden, Oct. 13, 1814
Elkanah of Swansey and Nabby Field [int. Field], Nov. 25, 1776
Mary and James Crooker Jr. of Hallifax, int. Mar. 29, 1806
Mary and James Boldrey, int. May 16, 1807
Silence and Ephraim Tinkham of Hallifax, int. July 28, 1810
PARIS (also see Parris)
Mary of Halifax and Cephas Washburn, int. Oct. 14, 1826
Elizebeth of Newton and Dr. John Staples Crafts, July 6, 1758, in Newton*
Martha and John Ames Jr., May 9, 1771
Rebecca Jane, d. Right. Rev. Bishop Parker of Boston, and Theodore Edson, D.D., graduated at Harvard University 1822, s. Benjamin and Deborah (Perkins), -----, 1824 [? in Boston],* CR2
Betty Dellis of Abington and Seth Latham, int. Mar. 2, 1799. "Said Seth Latham forbade his being futher Published March 9th."
Mary of Middleborough and John Barden, Aug. 23, 1703*
PARRIS (also see Paris)
Benjamin and Sarah Parris of Halifax, Feb. 3, 1774, in Halifax
Benjamin and Lydia Price, int. Sept. 6, 1788
Betsey and Otis Hayward, int. June 30, 1804 [m.----- PR1]
Josiah of Pembrook and Experience Lowden, July 23, 1788 [Lowdin, PCR]
Sarah of Halifax and Benjamin Parris, Feb. 3, 1774, in Halifax
Thomas and Clarissa Kingman, int. Aug. 19, 1815
Thomas of E. Bridgewater and Sally Howard, int. Oct. 25, 1845
Elizabeth W. of Middleborough and Albert G. Pratt, Mar. 5, 1834
Maria L. of Middleborough and Solomon Keith, Nov. 29, 1839 [Nov. 23, PR51]
Hannah and Ichabod Norton of Rochester, Feb. 26, 1764, in Rochester
Alexander and Ellen Clary, int. Oct. 27, 1846. "Forbidden by Alex Patterson."
Alexander and Johan [int. Joanna] Callahan, Mar. 6, 1847 [Johan CR2]
Daniel W. and Cordelia P. Braley of Middleborough, int. Nov. 19, 1848
PAUL (also see Paull)
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Samuel Gould, July 22, 1832 [Catharine, CR3]
Phinehas [int. of Quincy] and Jane [int. Jennet] Packard, Apr. 12, 1801
Rowana of Taunton and Aretas Fobes, int. Jan. 28, 1826 [Rowena Paull, m. Feb. 20, PR23]
PAULL (also see Paul)
Almira S. of Taunton and Sylvanus Keith, int. Oct. 24, 1838
PEARCE (also see Peirce, Pierce)
Ford [int. Bearce] and Harriet Shaw, Mar. 28, 1820 [This entry marked "should be 'Bearce'"]
John of Pembroke and Susanna Newland, Jan. 26, 1710-11*
Elijah [int. of Abington] and Mary White, Nov. 17, 1776, in Abington
Moses (see Moses Pike)
PECKERD (also see Packard, Pakard)
Mary and Amos Snell, May 2, 1700*
PEEGIN (also see Pegin)
Nanny [int. Nanna] and Prince Richrds [int. blacks], Mar. 5, 1787 [Nancy, PCR]
PEGIN (also see Peegin)
Jenny [int. Peegin] and Josiah James, Indians [int. blacks], Apr. 4, 1797
Robert [int. "Indian man"] of Midleborough and Alice James, Jan. 6, 1771 [both of Bridgewater, PCR. Robert of Midleboro, CR1]
PEIRCE (also see Pearce, Pierce)
America, "Negro man" [int. "Free negro man"], and Ann Freeman, "Negro Servant to Zachariah Packard," June 7, 1764
Anthony and Martha Pettingail, wid., Mar. 2, 1748*
Anthony [int. Pearce] and Sile Pratt, Dec. 17, 1778 [Peirce and Silence Pratt, PCR]
Calvin [int. of Scituate] and Huldah Hayward, Dec. 2, 1767 [Calvin, PCR. Pierce, CR1. PR19]
Hannah and Joseph Newel, Dec. 13, 1732*
Jabez N. and Mary G. Holmes of Kingston, int. Aug.1 2, 1821
Jocob [int. Pierce] and Lucy Conant, Aug. 14, 1794 [Pierce, PCR]
Lucy, wid. [int. omits wid.], and Andrew Tucker of Middleborough, June 19, 1814
Lydia and John Heiford, July 3, 1706*
Mary of Scituate and Benjamin Pope, int. Oct. 27, 1792 [m. Nov. 15, PR1]
Sarah and John Pratt of Pembrook, Aug. 28, 1751* [Perce and John Prett of Pembroke, PCR]
-------- of Obron and Daniell Hutson, May 19, 1719, in Medford*
Abigail, wid., and Anthony Cuffe, negroes, int. Mar. 20, 1779
Peleg and Abigail Curtis, "alias Abigail Wampee," int. Dec. 19, 1772
Margery and Benjamin Charles, blacks, int. Aug. 27, 1791
James and Lydia Hayward, Mar. 6, 1727-8*
PERKINS (also see Perkens, Pirkins)
Abigail and Benjamin Hayward, Dec. 25, 1777
Abigail and Jonathan Cary [int. Jr.], Jan. 19, 1784 [Jonathan, PCR]
Abraham and Mary Carver, -----, 1743 [Sept. ---, PCR]
Ann and Mathew Bridge, Sept. 29, 1747*
Ann and Ruben Packard, Oct. 1, 1759* [Anna and Reuben Packard, PCR]
Annee of Stoughton and Jonas Reynolds, int. Mar. 19, 1768
Ansell and Dorothy Battles, May 13, 1819
Ansell of N. Bridgewater and Sarah B. Leach, Oct. 4, 1827
Asa and Huldah Hayward, Nov. 19, 1815
Asa Jr. and Lucia T. [int. F.] Willis, Mar. 18, 1840 [Lucia F., CR3]
Benjamin and Hephzibah Washburn of Middleborough, July 28, 1761 [Hepsibah of Middleborough, PCR]
Benjamin and Hannah Washburn, May 24, 1789
Bethany and Joseph Barrows, int. Nov. 23, 1793 [m. Dec. 17, PCR]
Bethia and Dr. Shubael Lovell of Barnstable, int. May 6, 1797
Bettie and Samuell Snow, June 15, 1775
Bettie [int. wid.] and Solomon Snow [int. of Raynham], Oct. 5, 1780 [Betty and Solomon Snow, PCR. Betty Perkens and Solomon Snow, CR1]
Betty and Benanuel Leach, ------, 1741* [May ---, PCR. Perkens and Beanuel Leach, May 26, CR1]
Charity and Asa Jones, Nov. 27 [Nov. 27 in later handwriting], 1806
Charls [int. Charles] and Abigail Waterman, Mar. 11, 1762 [Charles, PCR. Charles Perkens, CR1]
Cyrus and Salle Howard, int. Mar. 29, 1787 [Cyrus, s. Thomas and Mary (Pratt), and Sally Howard, m ------1787, CR2]
Daniel, Rev., and Anna Foster of Charleston, Nov. 6, 1721, in Walpole*
Daniel and Bathsheba Williams, Sept. 8, 1783
Daniel 2d and Mehitable Robbinson, int. Apr. 1, 1809
Daniel H. of Middleborough and Betsey B. Pratt, int. Nov. 14, 1846
David [int. Esq.] of Fall River and Olive R. Shaw, Jan. 29,1843 [David of Fall River, CR1. David, s. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Olive Rosalie Shaw, d. John Angier and Sarah H. (White), Jan. 30, PR1. David, s Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Olive R. Shaw, Jan. 30, PR13]
Deborah and John Connant [int. Conant Jr.], May 14, 1772 [Perkens and John Conant, CR1]
Deborah and Benjamin Edson, Jan. 3, 1782 [Perkens, CR1. Perkins, d. Thomas, and Benjamin Edson, s. John and Hannah (Allen), CR2. Perkins, d. Thomas, and Benjamin Edson, s. John, GR10]
Dorithy [int. Doritha] and Jacob Packard, Nov. 24, 1742
Dorithy and Solomon Packard, Oct. 5, 1760* [Dorothy, PCR]
Ebenezer and Experience Holmes, Feb. 28, 1750-1* [Experience of Middleborough, PCR. Ebenezer, s. Thomas and Mary (Washburn), and Experience Holmes, PR64]
Ebenezer and Molly Pratt, Aug. 1, 1782 [Perkens and Molle Prat, CR1. Perkins, s. Ebenezer and Experience (Holmes), and Mary Pratt, PR64]
Elijah E. and Elizabeth E. Hall, Dec. 2, 1833 [? in Bridgewater]* PR65
Elisabeth and Consider Bearce [int. Bearse] of Hallifax, Sept. 17, 1761 [Elizabeth and Consider Bearce of Hallifax, PCR]
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Withington of Sharon, Dec. 7, 1797
Elizabeth B. and William D. Bates of Weymouth, int. Sept. 7, 1844
Ellen, 24, d. Jacob and Mary, and Joseph E. Carver, 24, manufacurer, s. Eleazer and Bathsheba, May 28, 1848 [Ellen M., d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Joseph E. Carver, s. Eleazer and Bathsheba (Smith), PR1. Ellen, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR13]
Enoch and Susanna Perkins, Mar. 26, 1783 [Enoch, s. Thomas, and Susanna Perkins, d. Francis, CR2]
Francis and Susan [int. Susanna] Waterman of Halifax, Dec. 14, 1762, in Halifax
Francis and Phillibert [int. Philibert] Keith, Mar. 2, 1775
Francis and Polly Leonard, Sept. 3, 1815
Francis of E. Bridgewater and Betsey B. Pincin of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 30, 1830
George S., 27, iron manufacturer, s. Solomon and Clarissa, and Martha A. Pope, 21, d. Benjamin P. and Experience, Dec. 12, 1847 [Martha A., d. Benjamin P. and Experience L. (Pratt), PR94]
George Washington and Anna Ames, int. Sept. 18, 1802
Hannah and Daniell [int. Daniel] Packard, July 14, 1765 [Daniel, PCR]
Hannah and William Edson, Mar. 22, 1812
Hannah, wid., and John Snow, June 4, 1821
Hannah and Passon Howard Sampson, Dec. 19, 1833
Henry, s. Solomon and Clarissa (Robinson), and Amelia Sherman, July 16, 1848, in Stafford, Conn.,* PR64
Hepzibah and Eleazer Carver Jr., Apr. 3, 1746* [Hepsiba, PCR. Apr. 3, 1746 "old Stile," PR34]
Isaac and Joanna Edson, May 2, 1754
Isaac, 22, machinist, s. Asa and Huldah, and Jane F. Greenwood, 18, d. Veris and Sally of Hebron, Me., Nov. 16, 1844
Jacob and Abigail Leonard of Middleborough, Oct. 2, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Jacob and Mary Thomas of Pembroke, int. Oct. 15, 1808 [m. -----, PR1. m. Dec.-----PR13]
Jacob and Mrs. Susan W. Morse of Groton, int. May 12, 1844
James and Bethiah Dunham, May 5, 1742* [Jeams Perkens and Bethiah Dunam, CR1]
James [int. Jr.] and Mary Hooper, Feb. 14, 1771 [James Jr., PCR. James Perkens Jr., CR1]
James [int. 2d] and Rebecca [int. Bette] Packard, Sept. 25, 1783 [James and Rebecca Packard, PCR]
James and Susan Lee, int. Dec. 9, 1848 [m. Dec. 24, CR2]
Jemima and Levi Keith, Nov. 8, 1759*
Jemima [int. of Stoughton] and Joseph Reynolds, Sept. 17, 1772
Jesse, Capt., and Bliss Phiney [int. Phinney], Nov. 12, 1789 [Phiney, PCR]
Jesse, Capt., and Sally Silvester, Aug. 17, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Jesse Jr. and Elizabeth Crafts of Middleborough, int. Sept. 9, 1815
Jessee and Susanna Feild, June 5, 1769
Joanna of Middleborough and Dan Shaw, Mar. 30, 1780 [? in Middleborough]
John H., Dr., and Vinee [int. Vinea] Lathrop, Apr. 11, 1793 [Vinee, PCR]
Jonas, Rev. [int omits Rev.] and Rhoda Keith, Apr. 19, 1815
Jonathan and Bethiah Hayward, Jan. 17, 1737-8*
Jonathan Jr. and Abigail Packard, July 21, 1752*
Jonathan and Priscilla Bourn of Pembroke, ------, 1757, in Pembroke*
Jonathan 3d and Mary Hamblen late of New Milford, Conn., int. June 15, 1865 [sic?, 1765]
Jonathan [int Jr.] and Abigail Howard, Oct. 18, 1785 [Jonathan, PCR]
Joseph and Martha Hayward [int. of Easton crossed out], Aug. 11, 1761 [Haward, both of Middleborough, PCR]
Josiah and Abigail Edson, Aug. 17, 1755*
Josiah Jr. and Anna Reynolds, Jan. 14, 1790
Kezia and Mathew Packard, Apr. 17, 1781 [Matthew, PCR]
Laura A. and John B. Allen of Braintree, int. Nov. 10, 1843
Lena (see Sena Perkins)
Levi [int. adds H.] and Bethiah Dunbar, July 30, 1804
Lucy and Samuel Spear of Boston, int. June 9, 1798
Luke and Rebeca Packard, Aug. 24, 1749* [Rebecca, PCR]
Luke and Mary Snell, Nov. 14, 1797
Lydia and James Kieth, int. Oct. 6, 1744
Lydia and Abner Sears of Middelbrough, July 15, 1762 [Lidia, PCR]
Lydia of Easton and Jonathan Snow, Oct. 20, 1778, in Easton
Lydia Henchman and Samuel Spear, int. Oct. 24, 1795
Marcia [int. Maria] and Thomas Jefferson Washburn [dup. of Orono, Me.], July 3, 1836 [Marcia and Thomas J. Washburn of Orono, Me., CR1. Marcia, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas) and Thomas Washburn, PR1. Marcia, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Thomas J. Washburn, PR13]
Marcy and Joseph Warren, Aug. 3, 1756* [Mercy, PCR. Mercy Perkens, CR1]
Maria (see Marcia)
Mark and Tabitha Washburn, Oct. 17, 1784
Martha and Joseph Byram, May 13, 1724*
Martha and Isaac Hayward, May 15, 1728*
Martha and Samuel Edson 3d, Sept. 26, 1738*
Martha and John Porter Jr., July 14, 1768 [Perkens, CR1]
Martha and Gideon Lincoln [int. negroes], Aug. 13, 1781
Martha and Thomas Packard, Oct. 8, 1789
Martha of Middleborough and William C. Bassett, int. Mar. 11, 1825
Mary and Josiah Hayward, Feb. 11, 1741* [Perkens and Josiah Hayward Jr., CR1]
Mary and Simeon Packard, July 6, 1761
Mary and Oliver Carver, Jan. 9, 1774
Mary and Caleb Cary, Sept. 3, 1778 [Perkens, CR1]
Mary and Dr. Simeon Dunbar, int. Mar. 11, 1804
Mary and Dr. Noah Whitman, July 9, 1812
Mary and Abiel Elliot of Ranham, int. Aug. 23, 1822
Mary T. and Calvin B. Pratt of Barnstable, Nov. 28, 1833 [Mary Thomas Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Dr. Calvin B. Pratt, PR1. Mary T. and Calvin B. Pratt, s. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, PR12. Mary T., d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), and Calvin B. Pratt, PR13]
Mehetabel and Daniel Ames, Mar. 7, 1780 [Mehetable, PCR]
Mehetabel [int. Mehitabel] and Charles Daniels, Apr. 3, 1814
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] and Charles Keith, Dec. 8, 1817
Mercy (see Marcy)
Minerva and Allen Edson, Mar. 14, 1815 [Minerva, d. Ebenezer, and Allen Edson, s. Benjamin and Deborah (Perkins), CR2]
Nahum and Vesta Copeland, June 3, 1820
Nancy and Reufus Leach, int. Mar. 17, 1798
Nancy S. and Freeman Baxter of E. Bridgewater, int. May 18, 1834 [m. June 8, CR2]
Naomi and Alfred Johnson, Sept. 6, 1801
Nathan and Martha Lennard, Nov. 9, 1709*
Nathan and Sarah Pratt, Apr. 2, 1752*
Nathan and Julia Ann Crocker, int. Oct. 1, 1848
Nathaniell and Mary Alger, Mar. 16, 1775
Nathaniell Jr. and Hannah Hayward, int. July 5, 1794
Olive and Nehemiah Edson, Apr. 5, 1783 [Nehemiah, s. John and Hannah (Allen), "moved to Vermont," CR2]
Olivee and Banjamin Pratt, Jan. 16, 1789
Ornan and Betsey Crooker of Pembroke, int. Apr. 18, 1818
Ornon and Hannah Waterman, int. Dec. 1, 1833
Patty [int. adds Porter] and Phineas Blake of Canton, Sept. 26, 1804
Phebe and James Thurston, Feb. 10, 1748*
Phebe and Asaph Howard, July 19, 1789
Phebe and David Macumber of Easton, int. Mar. 2, 1805
Philemon H. and Betsey Cobb of Hanson, int. Oct. 1, 1837
Philibert K. and Martin D. Holmes, int. Nov. 30, 1848
Polly and Dean Howard [int. of Easton], Dec. 11, 1800
Rachel and Shepherd [int. Shepard] Perkins, June 25, 1797
Rebecca and Jonathan Washburn, Jan. 18, 1757* [Rebeccah, PCR. Rebecca Perkens, CR1]
Rebecca [int. Rebeecah] and Josiah Packard Jr., Oct. 10, 1782 [Rebecca, PCR]
Richard and Mrs. Mary Hancock, Oct. 9, 1760*
Richard Esq. and [int. Mrs.] Mary Hunt [int. of Boston], June 18, 1781, in Boston.
Robert, 23, trader, s. Jacob and Mary, and Susan M. Blood, 22, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1845 [Robert, s. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR13]
Ruby and Alpheus Cary [int. of Braintree], Sept. 21, 1786 [Alpheus, PCR]
Rufus and Rebekah [int. Rebecca] Johnson, July 20, 1797
Sally and Robert Packard, Nov. 11, 1788
Sally and Waldo Field, May 2, 1820
Sarah and Jabez Carver, Sept. 29, 1743
Sarah and Ebenezer Packard, Feb. 25, 1746*
Sarah and Josiah Hambleten, int. Aug. 17, 1772
Sarah and Eli Hudson, Jan. 7, 1776 [Perkens, Jan. 17, CR1. Perkins, d. Thomas and Mary (Pratt), CR2]
Sena and Ezra Edson Jr., Sept. 19, 1782 [Lena Perkens, CR1]
Shepherd [int. Shepard] and Rachel Perkins, June 25, 1797
Sibbel [int. Sibbyl] and Josiah Dunbar, Nov. 26, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Simeon and Charlotte Hayward, Feb. 19, 1829 [Charlotte, d. Timothy, CR1]
Solomon and Lydia Sprague, Dec. 31, 1733*
Solomon and Sarah Edson, Jan. 31, 1760*
Solomon and Clarissa Robinson, Feb. 4, 1813 [Solomon, s. Ebenezer and Mary (Pratt), PR64]
Susan and Otis Alger, Jan. 8, 1817
Susanah and Samuell Allen, Apr. 24, 1733*
Susanna and Seth Rickard, Sept. 15, 1757* [Susannah, PCR]
Susanna and Simeon Brett [int. Jr.], Dec. 25, 1777 [Susannah and Simeon Brett, PCR]
Susanna and Enoch Perkins, Mar. 26, 1783 [Susannah, d. Francis and Enoch Perkins, s. Thomas, CR2]
Susanna and Robert Howard Jr., Sept. 25, 1788
Susanna and David Packard, int. Nov. 24, 1810
Theodore and Patte [int. Martha] Conant, May 2, 1784 [Patte, PCR. Perkens and Patte Conant, CR1. Theodore Perkins, brother of Thomas (s. Thomas), and Martha Conant, d. Nathan, -----1783, CR2]
Thomas and Mary Washburn, Feb. 20, 1716-17* [Thomas, s. David, PR64]
Thomas Jr. and Mary Pratt, Apr. 5, 1748* [Thomas, s. Thomas (s. David, "who came from Beverly about....1686") and Mary Pratt, d. Solomon, CR2]
Thomas and Betsy [int. Betsey] Munroe, May 14, 1819
Timothy and Susanna Washburn, Mar. 18, 1735-6*
Timothy and Zipporah Washburn, Oct. 7, 1753 [Washbourne, PCR]
William and Elisabeth [int. Betty] Cary, July 9, 1777 [William, s. Thomas and Mary (Pratt), and Elizabeth Cary, CR2]
William and Nabby Butler Crane of Boston, int. Oct. 26, 1799
William F. and Melissa [int. Malissa] N. Thomas, Jan. 15, 1843
Zadock and Hannah Packard, Dec. 15, 1796
Zephaniah and Mary Foard of Easton, Feb. 25, 1766 [Zephaniah, PCR]
Prince, "Negro man," and Phillis, "a Negro Woman of George Keith," int. Oct. 23, 1784
Benjamin of Sandwich and Deborah Johnson, May 27, 1723*
Dina and Thomas Wood, int. Feb. 23, 1744
Hannah and Benjamin Peterson, Nov. 19, 1741* [Peterson of Easton, PCR]
Joseph and Mary Chandler, Oct. 17, 1729*
Molly of Plimton and William Tory of Plimton, July 2, 1770*
Nathan, Dr., and Tiley Clapp of Norton, int. Sept. 20, 1806
Rebecca of Sandwich and Jonathan Washburn, Dec. 27, 1711, in Sandwich*
Rhody [int. Rhoda, wid.] of Rochester and Lot Conant, Oct. 12, 1740 [sic, int. Sept. 2, 1780], in Rochester.
Ruth of Middleborough and Samuel Bennet of Middleborough, Jan. 6, 1708-9*
Ruth (see Ruth Terry)
Salmon F. and Bethiah D. Manter of Fairhaven, int. Dec. 6, 1844
Samuel of Sandwich and Sarah Lennard, Dec. 14, 1710*
Samuel and Diana Brett, Feb. 15, 1820
Susanna [int. Perreway] and Paul Smith, Apr. 6, 1775
Tabitha and Gorge [int. George] Knap Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Raynham, Dec. 8, 1769 [George Jr. of Raynham, PCR]
Asaph Torry and Betty Baters of Abington, int. July 16, 1803
Benjamin and Hannah Perry, Nov. 19, 1741* [Peterson of Easton, PCR]
Jacob of Duxborough and Mary Harlow, Aug. 19, 1735*, CR1
Joseph and Lydia Howell, Nov. 19, 1742* [Joeph of Duxborough, PCR]
Judah [int. of Pembroke] and Jane Warren, Sept. 12, 1797
Rebecca of Duxbury and Bethuel Packard, June 16, 1783, in Duxbury
PETINGALE (also see Pettengail, Pettingail, Pettinglae, Pettingall, Pettingill)
Mehetable and Jonathan Pitcher of Norwich, Oct. 18, 1733*
PETTENGAIL (also see Petingale, Pettingail, Pettingale, Pettingall, Pettingill)
Joseph and Lydia Phillips, Dec. 25, 1746*
Lydia [int. Pettingail] of Easton and Josiah Turner, Dec. 12, 1776, in Easton
Phebe [int. Pettingill] of Easton and James Lindsly 2d [int. Linsey Jr. of Easton], June 24, 1779, in Easton
PETTINGAIL (also see Petingale, Pettengail, Pettingale, Pettingall, Pettingill)
Akerman and Deborah Colson, Aug. 23, 1749*
Akerman and Ann Byram, Dec. 3, 1766
Ann, wid., and John Kingman, Feb. 13, 1772
Benjamin and Mary Kingman, Apr. 30, 1747*
Benjamin Jr. of Easton and Molly [int. Mary] Howard, Dec. 2, 1773
Daniell and Hannah Soper, Oct. 15, 1750*
Daniell and Sarah Gannet [int. Gannett], Apr. 9, 1755 [Daniel Pettingell and Sarah Gannet, PCR]
Edmund and Sarah Curtis, Jan. 15, 1761* [Edmond Pettingale and Sarah Curstis, PCR]
Hugh and Hannah Snell, wid., int. Apr. 15, 1786
Joseph [int. Pettingil] and Mary Edson, Feb. 25, 1745 [Pettingail, PCR]
Joseph Jr. and Hephzebah Townsell [int. Hepzibah Townsel], Feb. 20, 1764 [Hephzibah Townsell, PCR]
Martha, wid., and Anthony Peirce, Mar. 2, 1748*
Nathan and Elisabeth Carr, May 18, 1760*
Nathan and Margret Markam, Mar. 6, 1775
Stephen and Abigail Ripley, Sept. 20, 1764
PETTINGALE (also see Petingale, Pettengail, Pettingail, Pettingall, Pettingill)
Akerman and Joanna Kingman, Sept. 17, 1723*
Obadiah [int. Pettingill] and Eleaner [int. Elenor] Cobb, Mar. 8, 1792 [Pettingill and Eleanor Cobb, PCR]
Sarah [int. Pettingail, wid.] and Amos Foard of Duxborough, May 29, 1766 [Pettingail, PCR]
PETTINGALL (also see Petingale, Pettengail, Pettingail, Pettingale, Pettingill)
Joanna [int. Pettingill] and William Turner, June 27, 1782 [Pettingell, PCR]
PETTINGILL (also see Petingale, Pettengail, Pettingail, Pettingale, Pettingall)
Asa and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Carr, Aug. 18, 1789 [Pettingil and Elizabeth Carr, PCR]
Betty and Ichabod Shirtliff [int. Shirtleff of Plymouth], Sept. 8, 1787 [Shurtleff, PCR]
John [int. Pettengill] and Elisaboth [int. Elisabeth] Thomson, July 15, 1784 [Pettingill and Elizabeth Thomson, PCR]
Sela and Reding Carr, int. Mar. 23, 1793. "Forbidden by Said Sela."
Sibbil [int. Sibbel] and Josiah Hatheway [int. Hathaway], Oct. 6, 1788 [Sibbel and Josiah Hatheway, PCR]
William and Lydia [int. Lidia] Cobb, Feb. 16, 1784 [Lydia, PCR]
Hannah (see Hannah Ferro)
PHENEY (also see Finney, Phiney, Phinney, Phinny)
Pelatiah [int. Phinney Jr.] and Mary Randall [int. Randel] of Easton [int. adds Bristol Co.], Oct. 25, 1764, in Easton.
Abiah and Benjamin Taylor of Pembroke, Jan. 7, 1762, in Pembroke
Abiel of Easton and Anna Briant [int. Bryant], July 26, 1787, in Easton
Almira A., d. Edward and Bethia (Danforth), and Jeremiah H. Townsend, s. Job and Lucy (Hack), Nov. 13, 1828 [? in Taunton],* PR78
Betty [int. Phillip] and William Brett, Aug. 27, 1801
Caleb of Easton and Hannah Packard, Feb. 6, 1731-2, in Easton*
Chloe and Isaiah Whitman, Apr. 29, 1784 [Cloe, PCR]
Cyrus [int. adds B.] and Lucretia Barret of Easton, May 4, 1819
Deborah [int. Phillip] and Levi Wade of Pembrook, Feb. 20, 1766 [Phillips, PCR]
Dianna of Pembroke and Joseph Allen Jr., int. Apr. 9, 1814
Ebenezer of Easton and Sarah Cook [int. Cooke], Jan. 17, 1765, in Easton
Ebenezer of Easton, Bristol Co., and Jemima Packard of Easton, Nov. 10, 1802 in Providence.*
Eliphalet, Capt. [int. omits Capt.] and [int. Mrs.] Mary Haward, Mar. 3, 1763 [Eliphalet and Mary Haward, PCR]
Elizebeth of Easton and John Turner, Nov. 27, 1746, in Easton*
Enus [int. Enos] of Easton and Polle Davenport [int. Polley Devenport], Aug. 21, 1786, in Easton
Ezra of Pembroke and Mehetable [int. Mehitabel] Allen, Nov. 16, 1809
George [int. adds Y.] and Mrs. Bethiah Mitchell [int. wid.], Dec. 29, 1812
Hannah and Benjamin Lennard, Aug. 15, 17[worn]* [Aug. 15, 1715, PR103]
Joah Whitman and John Corthel of Abington, Apr. 11, 1811
John, Capt., and Bridget Southworth, wid., Apr. 19, 1749*
John and Jennet Young, Oct. 21, 1784
Joseph and Hannah Egerton, int. Sept. 11, 1784
Joseph F., Rev., of N. Hemstead, L.I., N.Y., and Eliza Ann Thompson of Middleborough, Sept. 30, 1832* [Rev. Joseph F. Philips of N.Y., CR2]
Lewis and Polly Goodspeed [int. Goodspead], Sept. 22, 1795
Lucinda and Melzar Hudson, Nov. 11, 1818
Lucy and Smardeus [int. Smardees] Snell, Oct. 18, 1807
Lydia and Joseph Pettengail, Dec. 25, 1746*
Lydia and Zebulun Cary, Nov. 28, 1749* [Zebulon Carry, PCR]
Mark and Mercy Phillips of Pembroke, Oct. 7, 1762, in Pembroke.
Mark Jr. and Celia [int. Celea] Chamberlin, Apr. 23, 1789 [Celia Chamberlain, PCR]
Mary and Ezra Warren, Jan. 13, 1752*
Mary [int. wid.] and Seth Harris of Abington, May 8, 1777, in Abington
Mary and Joseph Whitman, Sept. 7, 1780
Mary of Abington and Josiah Reynolds, int. Dec. 10, 1785
Mary M. and Joseph S. [int. omits S.] Blanchard [int. "Trancient person"], May 9, 1807
Mercy of Pembroke and Mary Phillips, Oct. 7, 1762, in Pembroke
Molly and Barzee Kingman, Mar. 24, 1791
Nabby and Jonathan Pratt of Halifax, int. Apr. 28, 1821
Nancy and Philip Andrew, int. Mar. 11, 1820
Rebeccah of Plymouth and Zadock Packard, int. Apr. 20, 1800 [Rebecca and Zadock Packard, s. Nathaniel (s. Zachariah, s. Nathaniel, s. Samuel "from England"), m.------CR2]
Samuel and Lydia Basset, Nov. 17, 1726* [Bassett, PCR]
Susanna and Jacob Louden [int. Lowden], Dec. 4, 1794 [Lowden, PCR]
Thomas and Hannah Allen, wid., Dec. 25, 1747*
Thomas Jr. and Mary Hatch, June 19, 1755
Thomas and Martha Whitman, Oct. 30, 1783
Turner and Huldah Whitman, Apr. 3, 1787
William and Hannah Pryer, Jan. 16, 1718*
William and Mara Kingman, int. Feb. 21, 1795
Abner of Concord and Freelove Ashbort [int. Ashport], coulered, Nov. 14, 1840 [Ashport, CR1]
PHINEY (also see Finney, Pheney, Phinney, Phinny)
Bliss [int. Phinney] and Capt. Jesse Perkins, Nov. 12, 1789 [Phiney, PCR]
Jonathan of Middleborough and Deborah Wade, Oct. 16, 1735,* CR1
Pelatiah and Mercy Washburn, Dec. 28, 1738,* CR1
PHINNEY (also see Finney, Pheney, Phiney, Phinny)
Achsa [int. Achsah] and James Wood, June 5, 1764 [Achsa, PCR]
Anna [int. Amie] and Robert Randall [int. Randel] Jr. of Easton, Oct. 11, 1764, in Easton
Experience and William Hack [int. of Tanton], May 22, 1755 [William, PCR]
Hannah and Christopher [int. Christophur] Monk of Stoughton, Mar. 6, 1783, in Stoughton
Ithamar and Anna Leonard, int. Apr. 12, 1800
John and Sarah Tomson of Hallifax, int. Nov. 20, 1779
Joseph and Alice Campbel of Tanton, int. Nov. 27, 1761
Noah and Bettie Connant [int. Conant], Jan. 24, 1769 [Betty Conant, PCR]
Zeruiah and Ebenezer Packard, Mar. 27, 1806 [date in later handwriting].
PHINNY (also see Finney, Pheney, Phiney, Phinney)
Freelove [int. Phinney] and Jacob Thomson Jr. of Middleborough, Oct. 27, 1761 [Frelove Phinny, CR1]
Josephus of Middleboro and Vodica [int. Vodisa] Hooper, Oct. 20, 1831
Zattee [int. Zattu] Jr. of Middleborough and Lucinda E. Keith, May 21, 1833 [Zattee Jr. of Middleboro, CR3]
PIERCE (also see Peirce)
Abigail [int. Peirce] and Eleazer Alden, Dec. 9, 1819 [Abagail Pierce, PR68]
Adeline and Israel Talbot of Londonderry, N.H., blacks, int. Apr. 17, 1824
Albert and Sarah Brooker, couldered, June 13, 1841
America [int. Jr.] and Margret [int Margrit] Drew, blacks, Aug. 31, 1793 [America and Margaret Drew, Aug. 13, PCR]
Ann [dup. and int. Peirce] and Moses Mandel [dup. Mandall, int. Mandell] of Dorchester, Mar. 21, 1819
Benjamin of Scituate and Charity Howard [int. Haward], Nov. 3, 1743 [Peirce of Scituate and Charity Hayward, PCR]
Benjamin Jr. and Jane Hayward, Aug. 7, 1750*
Mercy and Joseph Truant, May 15, 1707*
Molly (see Polly)
Permenus [int. Peirces] and Rowena Terbert [int. Tarbet, blacks], Nov. 4, 1819
Peter [int. Peirce] and Metilda Talbut, blacks, Mar. 31, 1788 [Peirce, PCR]
Polly of Middleborough and David Leoanrd Jr., int. Jan. 7, 1797
Polly [int. Molly Peirce, wid.] and Perez Williams, Nov. 10, 1798
Silas [Pierce sic,? Besse, see Halifax Vital Records] and Bridget Sampson of Halifax, June 16, 1752, in Halifax.*
Susanna [int. Peirce] and George Bradly [int. Bradley], Oct. 31, 1753
Jarvis [int. of Attleborough] and Betty [int. Betsey] Willis, Apr. 18, 1790 [Jarvis and Betty Willis, PCR]
Moses [int. Mosses Peck Jr. of Attleborough] and Nancey Willis, May 11, 1788 [Moses Pike and Nancy Willis, PCR]
Nancy and Thomas Reynolds, Aug. 20, 1819
PINCHIN (also see Pincin)
Benjamin and Molly Stetson, Nov. 15, 1787
Benjamin Jr. [int. Pincin] and Polly Whitting, Jan. 29, 1798
Deborah and Abel Delano [int. Delllino] of Pembroke, Jan. 21, 1796
Mehitabel and [int. Capt.] Martin Beals of Hingham, Apr. 11, 1816
PINCIN (also see Pinchin)
Betsey [int. Pinchon] and Elijah Beale [int. Beal] of Hingham, Dec. 3, 1804
Betsey B. of E. Bridgewater and Francis Perkins of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 30, 1830
Mary and Daniel Magown of Pembroke, int. Sept. 28, 1816
Mary and Charles W. Gammons of Middleborough, int. Apr. 3, 1822
Rebecca [int. Rebechak] and Southworth Gammons [int. Suthworth Gammans Jr.] of Middleborah, Apr. 27, 1819
Welcom and Deborah Crooker of Pembroke, int. Jan. 24, 1818
William Jr. and Margret Whitten, int. Jan. 24, 1807
Mary and Zachariah Whitmarsh of Weymouth, Jan. 10, 1765
PIRKINS (also see Perkens, Perkins)
David and Martha Haward, Feb. 1, 1698-9*
Jonathan of Norwich and Mehtable Petingale, Oct. 18, 1733*
Hannah and Charles Snow, May 6, 1820
Sally Ann of W. Bridgewater and David Clark, int. Nov. 26, 1825
Hannah [Polton sic, ? Bolton] and Peter Thomas [sic, ? Thomson] of Halifax, Mar. 18, 1740, in Halifax* [See Halifax Vital Records]
Andrew and Hager [int. Hagar] Hill, Negrows [int."Free Negros"], Apr. 9, 1780 [Hager, blacks, PCR]
Sippio, "David Keiths negro man," and Elisabeth Cesar, "Free negro woman," Apr. 28, 1773
Achish [int. Achesh] and Susanna Hearsey, Nov. 14, 1799
Aletheia and James Hearsey Jr. of Abington, int. Apr. 10, 1781
Anna and Jacob Whitmarsh Jr., Apr. 22, 1784
Deborah and Thomas Hearsey of Abington, Feb. 7, 1793
Hannah and John Pain, Jan. 4, 1738*
Hannah and Caleb Church of Rochester, June 23, 1772 [? in Middleborough]
Hannah of Hallifax and Kinsley Hayward, int. Nov. 2, 1805
Harriet M. and Jesse Packard 2d, Dec. 11, 1838,* PR14
Hopestill and Zalmuna Hooper, int. July 11, 1787
Isaac and Sarah Leonard, Dec. 20, 1743*
Isaac and Rebecca Washburn, Oct. 18, 1774
Jacob Jr. of Abington and Zeuiah Whitmarsh, Aug. 23, 1787 [Zerviah, PCR]
James of Abington and Eunace [int. Eunice] Lazell, July 11, 1786, in Abington
James Jr. of Abington and Sarah Benson, Jan. 29, 1808
John and Hannah Price, Mar. 20, 1777
John and Susanna Willis, Aug. 8, 1801
Joseph and Rebecca Hall, Nov. 21, 1753*
Joshua of Abington and Lucenda Latham, Aug. 11, 1783 [Lucinda, PCR]
Mahtable [int. Mehetabel] of Abington and Benjamin White, June 5, 1795, in Abington
Mary and Samuel Cary, Apr. 25, 1704*
Mary and Simeon Shaw of Middleborough, Sept. 17, 1772 [? in Middleborough]
Mary of Abington and Anthony Dyke, Apr. 12, 1775, in Abington*
Mary of W. Bridgewater and Samuel Adams of W. Bridgewater, Apr. 16, 1837,* CR3
Mehitable (see Mahtable)
Mercy and Jacob Washburn [int. gentleman], of Middleborough, Dec. 3, 1761 [Jacob, CR1]
Noah [int. of Boston] and Polly White, June 17, 1808
Noah [int. of Abington] and Sally Crane, June 21, 1819
Olive and Zachariah Standish [int. Jr.] of Plimton, Jan. 9, 1770 [Zachariah [dup. Zacariah] of Plimton, PCR]
Olive and Rev. William Reed of Easton, May 20, 1784
Ruth and Eliphaz Curtis of Abington, Sept. 16, 1796, in Abington
Sally of Hallifax and Peleg Osbourn [int. Osbourns], Mar. 5, 1812
Samuel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Abigail Porter, Mar. 2, 1786 [Samuel Jr., PCR]
Samuel and Lydia Cox, Dec. 31, 1820
Sarah and John Hooper, Sept. 25, 1766
Sarah and Ebenezer Snow Jr., Oct. 7, 1783
Wealthy and Jonathan Harvey, int. Mar. 31, 1781
William and Sarah Packard of Abington, Sept. 3, 1795 [dup. Aug. 28, 1795, in Abington]
Abigail (see Nabby)
Benjamin and Mary Peirce of Scituate, int. Oct. 27, 1792 [m. Nov. 15, PR1]
Benjamin P. and Experience L. Pratt, Dec. 10, 1824. [Benjamin Pierce Pope, s. Benjamin and Mary, and Experience Pratt, d. Silvanus and Experience, Dec. 9, CR1. Dec. 10, CR3. Penjamin P., s. Benjamin and Mary (Pierce), and Experience Pratt, d. Sylvanus and Experience (Alden), Dec. 9, PR1. Experience L., d. Silvanus and Experience (Alden), Dec. 5, PR94]
Benjamin P. and Elizabeth C. Cook, Oct. 13, 1838 [sic, int. Sept. 1, 1839] [Oct. 13, 1839, CR3]
Deborah and Thomas Lathrop of Easton, int. Sept. 24, 1791
Frederick and Mary Cole, June 8, 1758*
Freeman and Hannah Thayer, Oct. 25, 1795
Freeman of New Bedford and Mercy Pope, Nov. 30, 1797
Hannah and Holman [int. Helman] Keith of E. Bridgewater, Nov. 5, 1837 [Holman of E. Bridgewater, CR1]
Livonia and Charles Pratt, Oct. 16, 1821 [Livonia, niece of Capt. Benjamin Pope, and Charles Pratt, s. Capt. Simeon and Sarah, CR1. Charles, s. Simeon and Sally (Willis), PR1]
Martha A, 21, d. Benjamin P. and Experience, and George S. Perkins, 27, iron manufacturer, s. Solomon and Clarrissa, Dec. 12, 1847 [Martha A., d. Benjamin P. and Experience L. (Pratt), PR94]
Mercy and Freeman Pope of New Bedford, Nov. 30, 1797
Nabby [int. Abigail] and Isaac Washburn, Dec. 9, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Orra and Kenelm Winslow, Sept. 30, 1822 [Orra, d. Capt. Benjamin and Mary, CR1. Orra, d. Benjamin and Mary (Pierce) PR1]
Rebecca of Dartmouth and Edward Packer, int. Sept. 27, 1766
Thankful [int. Thankfull] and Cornelius Theyer [int. Thayer], Aug. 1, 1796
Thomas and Huldah Edson, May 2, 1782
Abigail and Isaac Packard, Mar. 28, 1745
Abigail and Samuel Pool Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Mar. 2, 1786 [Samuel Jr., PCR]
Abigail and Levi Keith 3d, Dec. 28, 1797
Adam of Abington and Mrs. [dup. and int. omits Mrs.] Deborah Gannett [int. Gannet], Oct. 3, 1776
Adam [int. of Cumington] and Sarah Hunt [int. wid.], Sept. 9, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Allen Marshall and Betsey Beals of Pembroke, int. Oct. 12, 1816
Partrice and Abner Gardner of Abington, int. May 4, 1782
Cyrus and Rebecca French, Mar. 1, 1800*
Ebenezer and Lydia Loring of Plimton, int. Mar. 30, 1754
Esther and Joshua Fobes Jr., May 29, 1740* [Ester, CR1]
Esther of Abington and Abel Packard, Jan. 24, 1750-1, in Abington
Hannah and Judah Wood of Hallifax, Dec. 15, 1757*
Hannah and Nathaniel Reynolds [int. Jr. of Sidney], Apr. 11, 1811
Hezekia of Winsor and Sarah Carver, Sept. 25, 1757* [Hezekiah of Windsor, PCR]
John and Lydia Leonard, ------, "1758 or 1759," PR73
John Jr. and Martha Perkins, July 14, 1768 [Perkens, CR1]
John 2d and Susanna Groves, Dec. 9, 1790 [Susa, PCR]
Jonathan and Mary Chipman of Halifax, Feb. 16, 1764, in Halifax
Joseph and Elizebeth Barrell [sic, ? Burrell, see Abington Vital Records] of Abington, Jan. 25, 1753, in Abington*
Lydia [int. of Abington] and Edward Vinton [int. Vinten], Feb. 16, 1820
Mary, d. John and Lydia (Leonard), and Benjamin Seaver, s. William and Mary (Foster), Oct. --, 1803,* PR73
Mary and Josiah Sears [int. Sears] of Hallifax, June 5, 1817
Mehitabel and Daniel Brown, June 8, 1797*
Milacen and John Battles, July 2, 1816
Olive and John Crafts, Sept. 9, 1790
Olive of Stoughton and Caleb Copeland Jr., int. Apr. 7, 1821
Polly [int. Polley] and Rev. Thomas Crafts [int. Craft of Prince Town, Worcester Co.], Dec. 28, 1786 [Polly and Rev. Thomas Crafts, PCR]
Polly and William Fullerton, Nov. 24, 1796
Rebecca Woods [int. Wood] and Charles Lincoln, Oct. 13, 1816
Ruth and James Reed of Abington, Jan. 1, 1784
Samuel Jr. and Hannah Green of Abington, Sept. 28, 1758, in Abington*
Samuel and Betty Hearsey of New Glocester, Hampshere Co., int. Mar. 17, 1792
Samuel and Sally Gill of Canton, int. July 19, 1817
Samuell [int. Samuel] and Ruth Reed [int. wid.], May 31, 1764 [Samuel and Ruth Read, PCR]
Sarah and Noah Tinkham, June 16, 1751*
Sarah and Abijah Snow of Abington, int. Nov. 11, 1775
Sarah of Hallifax and Sebery Child Hathaway, int. Mar. 7, 1818
Sarah and Daniel Whitman, Dec. 6, 1819
Lydia and Samuel Smith [int. of Stoughton], Feb. 20, 1802 [date in later handwriting, sic int. Jan. 1, 1803]
Ruby H. of Dartmouth and NIchoals Tillinghast, int. Oct. 12, 1848
James [int. Powell] and Alice Harris, Jan. 12, 1743
Violet and Henry Traveler, blacks, Feb. 27, 1770*
POWER (also see Powers)
Edward and Phillis Bartlet, Jan. 30, 1753* [Powers and Phillis Bartlett, PCR]
Edward [int. Powers] and Betty Whitly [int. Bettie Wheatley], Oct. 15, 1772
Mary and John Burr, May 10, 1748*
POWERS (also see Power)
Betty and Capt. Edward Hayward, Nov. 6, 1802
Kezia and Prince Foard [int. Ford], Sept. 9, 1779 [Ford, PCR]
Noah and Rhoda Williams, May 14, 1787
PRAT (also see Pratt)
Elisabeth and Samuel Staples, Dec. 25, 1704*
Joseph and Lydia Lennard, Dec. 9, 1712*
PRATT (also see Prat)
Abiel and John Connant, Mar. 3, 1745-6* [Abigail and John Conant, PCR]
Abigail and Edward Curtis, Jan. 2, 1759* [Jan. 9, PCR. Jan. 2, CR1]
Abigail and Benjamin Benson, Sept. 27, 1770 [Bennson, PCR]
Abner and Martha Cary, wid., Aug. 28, 1764
Agatha and Charles Wilbar of Wareham, May 4, 1828
Albert G. and Elizabeth W. Parsons of Middleboro, Mar. 5, 1834
Albertina and Nathaniel Carver, int. June 24, 1815
Amey and Ziba Randell of Easton, int. Feb. 26, 1792
Ann and Azarih [dup. and int. Azariah] Hayward, Aug. 28, 1768 [Azariah, PCR. CR1]
Anna and John Packard, Oct. 7, 1760* [Oct. 9, CR1]
Anthony S. and Harriet N. Gushee of Raynham, int. Sept. 21, 1839 [This entry maked "Null"]
Anthony S. and Susan L. Holmes, Jan. 1, 1840
Aroline P. and John M. Soule of Halifax, June 23, 1842
Asa (see Aza)
Asa [int. 2d] and Lydia Humphrey, Feb. 26, 1815
Augustus S. of Raynham and Vashti Leach, int. Mar. 29, 1835
Aza [int. Asa] and Lydia Sprague, Mar. 21, 1799 [Asa, s. Seth and Hannah (Washburn), PR1]
Azuba and Simeon Dunbar [int. 2d], Oct. 13, 1813
Barnabas and Isabel Downey, Oct. 17, 1750*
Barnebas [int. Jr.] and Amie French, Aug. 23, 1787 [Barnabas, PCR]
Benjamin and Sarah Kingman, June 24, 1719*
Benjamin and Lydia Harlow, ----, 1741* [Dec. --- PCR. Lidea, Dec. 22, CR1]
Benjamin and Olive Perkins, Jan. 16, 1789
Benjamin W. of Taunton and Hannah T. Lucas of Hallifax, May 23, 1832* [Benjamin W. of Taunton, s. Simeon, and Joannah T. Lucas of Halifax, CR1]
Bethia and Josiah Mahurin [dup. Mahuren], Oct. 26, 1769 [Bithia and Josiah Mahurin, PCR. Bethia Prat and Joseph Mehuren, CR1]
Bethiah [int. Bethia] and William Daniels of Abington, Jan. 14, 1768, in Abington
Betsey and David Waterman, int. Feb. 6, 1802
Betsey B. and Daniel H. Perkins of Middleborough, int. Nov. 14, 1846
Betsey W. and Perez F. Andrews, int. Nov. 20, 1836
Calvin of Middleborough and Clarissa Keith, Jan. 23, 1799 [? in Middleborough]
Calvin B. of Barnstable and Mary T. Perkins, Nov. 28, 1833 [Dr. Calvin B. and Mary Thomas Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR1. Calvin B., s. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, and Mary T. Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR13]
Casindana and Seth Washburn Jr., Nov. 29, 1839 [Casindania and Seth Washburn Jr., s. Seth and Sarah (Carver), PR88]
Charity and Jeremiah Washburn, Apr. 24, 1754
Charity of Norton [int. adds Bristol Co.] and John Devenport [int. Davenport], Feb. 29, 1764, in Norton
Charles and Livonia Pope, Oct. 16, 1821 [Charles, s. Capt. Simeon and Sarah, and Livonia Pope, niece of Capt. Benjamin Pope, CR1. Charles, s. Simeon and Sally (Willis) PR1]
Chloe and Jeremiah Conant of Pomfret, Vt., int. Dec. 21, 1793 [Maj. Jeremiah of Pomfret, Vt., m. Jan. 30, 1794, PCR]
Chloe and Alvin Crossman, Apr. 18, 1813
Christiana, d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa Nahum Washburn, May 16, 1836,* PR12. [Nahum, s. Solomon, PR36]
Clarissa Sumner and Albert Washburn, May 17, 1842, in New York City* [Clarissa S., d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, PR12. Clarissa Sumner Pratt, d. Calvin and Clarissa, and Albert Washburn, s. Solomon, PR36]
Cornelius and Lucina Thompson of Halifax, int. Feb. 8, 1823
Cornelus and Martha Leonard, int. Dec. 31, 1786
David and Joanna Allen, Apr. 30, 1722*
David and Ann Leonard, Jan. 31, 1737-8*
David Jr. and Abigail Bondage, Apr. 12, 1753*
David and Phebe Atwood [int. Attwood] of Abington, July 5 [sic, int. Sept. 11], 1784, in Abington
David and Mary Hobart, Nov. 23, 1815
Deborah and Joseph Orcut, Dec. 10, 1751* [Orcutt, PCR]
Deborah [int. of Easton] and Jonathan Ames, Dec. 10, 1780 [Deborah, PCR]
Deliverance and Amasa Rickard, Mar. 12, 1759*
Dorcas and James Lovel [int. Lovell], Nov. 28, 1754
Ebenezer and Anna Dyer, Jan. 30, 1716-17*
Ebenezer of Waymouth and Waitstil Washburn, Dec. 15, 1720*
Ebenezer and Abiel Alger, Jan. 19, 1758*
Ebenezer and Bula Washburn, Aug. 8, 1760*
Ebenezer and Charity Besse, int. Dec. 9, 1780
Ebenezer and Olive S. Wood of Halifax, int. Apr. 17, 1824
Edwin, machinist, s. Seth and Lucinda, and Ann Christian, 17, d. Caleb and Roxilana, Oct. 12, 1845 [Ann, d. Caleb and Roxelana (Dunbar), PR1. Edwin, s. Seth and Lucinda (Conant), and Ann Christian, d. Caleb and Roxellana (Dunbar), PR93]
Elijah and Sibbil Dunbar, Aug. 23, 1798*
Elijah and Naomi Wade, Jan. 7, 1813 [Elijah, s. Nathaniel and Betsey (Washburn), Jan. 9, PR1]
Elisabeth and Anderaus Veneca [int. Venaca], Mar. 10, 1778 [Elizebeth and Anderaus Venaca, CR1]
Elizebeth of Abington and Charles Brown, Sept. 11, 1794, in Abington
Enoch [int. of Easton] and Saloma [int. Silomi] Rickard, Apr. 20, 1784 [Enoch and Saloma Rickard, PCR]
Experience and Nathaniell Lowden [int. Nathanael Louden] of Duxborough, Apr. 29, 1762 [Nathaniel Lowden of Duxborough, PCR]
Experience L. and Benjamin P. Pope, Dec. 10, 1824 [Experience, d. Silvanus and Experience, and Benjamin Pierce Pope, s. Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 9, CR1. Dec. 10, CR3. Experience, d. Sylvanus and Experience (Alden), and Benjamin P. Pope, s. Benjamin and mary (Pierce), Dec. 9, PR1. Experience L., d. Silvanus and Experience (Alden), Dec. 5, PT94]
Hamden K. and Sarah A. Toby of Wareham, int. Aug. 16, 1829 [Hamden K., s. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, and Sarah B. Tobey, m. Sept. 9, PR12]
Hannah (----- -----) [Hannah Pratt, PR103] and John Whitman, June 10, 1686*
Hannah and Isaac Willis, Aug. 14, 1732*
Hannah and Naphtali Byram, Sept. 27, 1744
Hannah and Samuel Allen, Nov. 16, 1758*
Hannah [int. wid,] and Ebenezer Campbel, May 15, 1764 [Hannah, PCR. CR1]
Hannah and Timothy Hayward, July 16, 1767
Hannah, wid., and Samuell Noyes of Abington, Oct. 30, 1771 [Samuel of Abington, PCR]
Hannah and Seth Conant, int. Apr. 4, 1801 [m. Sept. 24, PR1]
Hannah and Charles Thompson, int. May 18, 1816
Harriet T., 22, of Halifax, d. Stillman and Mary, and Andrew K. Weeks, 23, painter, s. Samuel P. and Huldah, Nov. 22, 1846
Harriot [int. Harriet] M. and John E. Howard Esq., Sept. 18, 1821 [Harriott M., d. Capt. Asa and Lydia, and John E. Howard Esq., s. Daniel Esq. of West Parish, CR1]
Henry C., s. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, and Mary C. Clitz, May 26, 1841,* PR12
Henry W. and Clarinda Leonard, Nov. 21, 1821 [Henry W., s. Capt. Simeon and Sarah, and Clarinda Leonard, d. ------ [w. Clifford Carver), CR1. Henry W., s. Simeon and Sally (Willis), PR1]
Huldah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] and Benjamin Reed of No. 5, Dec. 3, 1778, in Abington.
Huldah and John Carver Jr., Feb. 1, 1795
Ira B., widr. [int. D., omits widr.], 26, boot maker, of Raynham, s. Alpheus and Sarah, and Nancy D. [int. B.] Hall, 19, d. Ebenezer and Nancy, Jan. 27, 1848 [Ira D. of Raynham and Nancy B. Hall, CR1]
Isaac and Catharine Caswell, Sept. 5, 1758*
Isaac of Middleborough and Naomi Keith, May 19, 1804 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac and Nancy Pratt, int. Mar. 20, 1813
Isabella and Levi Grannack, Apr. 15, 1790
James and Martha Willis, Nov. 22, 1733*
Jane of Easton and Nathaniel Alger, Oct. 19, 1726, in Easton*
Jeremiah and Anna [int. Anne] Bolton, Nov. 27, 1777 [Anna, CR1]
Joanna and Phineas Conant, Sept. 26, 1749*
Joanna and Adam Besse, Mar. 31, 1791
Job and Mary Washburn, Feb. 1, 1757* [Washbourne, PCR. Washburn, CR1]
John of Pembrook and Sarah Peirce, Aug. 28, 1751* [Prett of Pembroke and Sarah Perce, PCR]
Jonathan and Elizabeth French, Nov. 11, 1740* [Elizebeth, CR1]
Jonathan and Deborah Hathaway, Apr. 27, 1817
Jonathan of Halifax and Nabby Phillips, int. Apr. 28, 1821
Joseph and Anna Richards of Weymouth, Dec. 14, 1721, in Weymouth*
Joseph and Mehtabel French, Sept. 12, 1738,* CR1
Joseph 2d and Alice Hayward, Apr. 5, 1749*
Joshua and Mary Pratt, Oct. 30, 1783
Josiah and Bethia Keith, Nov. 17, 1791 [? in Middleborough]
Judith B. and Daniel E. [int. omits E.] Willis [int. Jr.], Aug. 1, 1815
Katharine [int. Katherine] and Jeremiah Thayer [int. Jr.], Jan. 17, 1781 [Katharine and Jeremiah Thayer, PCR]
Keziah [int. Kezia] of Middleborough and Daniel Aldrich, Nov. 23, 1797 [? in Middleborough]
Lavina [int. Levina] and Timothy Willis, May 4, 1786 [Lavina, PCR. Lavina Prat, CR1]
Leonard and Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] Leonard, Dec. 3, 1818
Levi and Mary Hathaway of Middleborough, Mar. 20, 1777 [? in Middleborough]
Lidia and Benjamin Mahurin, Dec. 23, 1731* [Lydia, PCR. Lidia and Benjamin Mehuren, CR1]
Lott and Polly Aldrich, Oct. 22, 1787
Louisa A. and Simeon Jordan Jr., Aug. 30, 1841
Lovicy [int. Lovicey] and Job Staples Bryant, July 28, 1793
Lucie and Ebenezer Vaughn of Middleborough, int. Dec. 25, 1778 [Luce Prat and Mr. Vaun of Midleboro, m. -----, CR1]
Lucina Tucker (see Lusanna T.)
Lucy and Thomas Cushman, Oct. 5, 1823 [Lucy, d. Cornelius dec'd, CR1]
Lusanna T. [int. omits T.] and [int. Maj.] Cushing Mitchell, Apr. 1, 1822 [Lucina Tucker Pratt, d. Capt. Asa and Lydia of S. Bridgewater, and Maj. Cushing Mitchell of E. Bridgewater, in E. Bridgewater, CR1]
Lydia (see Lidia)
Lydia and Ezra How, int. Jan. 28, 1787
Lydia and Charles Wilbar [int. Wilber] of Easton, Dec. 31, 1813 [? in Middleborough]
Margaret (see Margret)
Margery [int. Mergery] and John Bolton [int. of Raynham], Dec. 4, 1787 [Margery and John Bolton, PCR]
Margret and Thomas Tribou, July 11, 1746*
Maria Otis (second w.) and Albert Washburn, -----, in New York City.* [Maria (second w), d. Jared, and Albert Washburn, s. Solomon, PR36]
Martha and Jabez Vaughn of Middleborough, Apr. 14, 1817
Mary and Abner Harris, Nov. 12, 1735,* CR1
Mary and Thomas Perkins Jr., Apr. 5, 1748* [Mary, d. Solomon, and Thomas Perkins, s. Thomas (s. David, "who came from Beverly about.....1686"), CR2]
Mary and Nathaniell Ramsdel, Jan. 10, 1753* [Nathaniel Ramsdell, PCR]
Mary, wid., and Capt. John Shaw of Raynham, Oct. 9, 1779
Mary (see Molly)
Mary and Joshua Pratt, Oct. 30, 1783
Mary [int. wid.] and Ira Drake, May 24, 1821
Mary W. and Benjamin Crooker, June 3, 1832 [Mary W., d. Sylvanus, and Benjamin Crooker, s. Zenas dec'd, CR1. Mary W. and Benjamin Crooker, s. Zenas and Content (Stetson), PR1. Mary W., d. Silvanus and Experience (Alden), PR94]
Matilda (see Metilda)
Melinda S. of Middleboro and George W. Holmes, Apr. 20, 1836
Mercy of Pembroke and Alpheus Orcutt, Feb. 10, 1802
Metilda and Isaac Allen, Mar. 30, 1796
Molly of Abington and William Hearsey Jr., int. May 9, 1778
Molly [int. Molley] and Amsa Tribou, Nov. 16, 1780 [Molly, PCR]
Molly and Ebenezer Perkins, Aug. 1, 1782 [Molle Prat and Ebenezer Perkens, CR1. Mary Pratt and Ebenezer Perkins, s. Ebenezer and Experience (Holmes), PR64]
Nabby and Eleazer Whitman Jr., Sept. 17, 1812
Nancy [int. Nancey] and Timothy Conant, Feb. 25, 1788 [Nancy, PCR. Nancey, CR1]
Nancy and Isaac Pratt, int. Mar. 20, 1813
Nathan and Sarah Harlow, Oct. 15, 1745*
Nathan and Louis Fuller, Oct. 7, 1787 [Lois, PCR. CR1]
Nathanael Jr. [int. Nathaniell, omits Jr.] and Elisabeth [int. Bettie] Washburn, Nov.12, 1778 [Nathaniel and Elizebeth Washburn, CR1. Nathaniel, s. Seth and Hannah (Washburn), and Betsey Washburn, PR1]
Nathaniel, so. Nathaniel and Betsey Washburn, and Lucy Thomas, Nov. 28, 1816,* PR1
Nathaneill and Sarah Allen, Jan. 15, 1733-4
Nathaniell and Hannah Conant, Nov. 5, 1745* [Nathaniel, PCR]
Nehemiah of Pomfret, Vt., and Chloe Reckards, int. Dec. 11, 1793 [Cloe Richards, m. Jan. 28, 1794, PCR]
Noah and Desire Cole, Sept. 25, 1777
Olive and Lazarus Hathaway of Middleborough, Dec. 1, 1774
Olive and Josiah Torry, Aug. 29, 1782 [Torrey, PCR]
Olive of Middleboro and Darius Wentworth, Oct. 21, 1834 [Darius, s. Theophilus and Betsey, PR90]
Oliver and Susanna Lowden, May 17, 1787
Oliver and Rebekah Foard, July 22, 1805
Oliver and Thankful Ford, int. Apr. 4, 1823
Patience and John Crane, Apr. 29, 1793
Phebe and Nehemiah Leonard, Jan. 5, 1792
Priscila and John Douglas, June 17, 1749*
Rebecca and Elisha Allen, Oct. 24, 1745,* PCR
Ruth and Obadiah Bates, May 27, 1762 [Obediah, PCR]
Sally of Middleborough and Jeremiah Keith Jr., Sept. 13, 1801 [? in Middleborough]
Sally and Spencer Crane of Canton, Mar. 30, 1800
Sally K. [int. Sarah W.] and Jonathan Washburn, Feb. 8, 1827 [Sally K., d. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, PR12]
Samuel and Bithia Byram, Dec. 30, 1729* [Bethiah, PCR]
Sarah and Nathan Perkins, Apr. 2, 1752*
Sarah and John Churchill of Plymouth, int. Nov. 27, 1766
Sarah and Barrabas Blsom [int. Blossom], Apr. 20, 1778 [Blossom, CR1]
Sarah [int. Sally] and Isaac Swift 2d, Apr. 13, 1797 [Sally, d. Nathaniel and Betsey (Washburn), PR1]
Sarah S. and Jabez harden, Jan. 4, 1829 [Sarah S., d. Simeon and Sally, CR1]
Sarah W. (see Sally K.)
Seth (see Seth Brett)
Seth and Hannah Washburn, Apr. 27, 1753* [Apr. 24, PCR]
Seth and Lucinda [int. Lucenda] Conant, Nov. 17, 1817 [Seth, s. Nathaniel and Betsey (Washburn), and Lucinda Conant, PR1. Seth, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, and Lucinda Conant, d. Dr. John and Deborah, PR76]
Seth Jr. and Rachel Alden, Dec. 23, 1839
Sile and Anthony Peirce [int. Pearce], Dec. 17, 1778 [Silence and Anthony Peirce, PCR]
Silence and John Muxam, Sept. 15, 1748* [Silance, PCR]
Silvanus [int. Sylvanus] and Experience Alden, June 26, 1803 [Sylvanus, June 26, 1793, sic, PR1]
Simeon and Sally Willis, Nov. 17, 1791 [Simeon, s. Seth and Hannah (Washburn), PR1]
Simeon M. of Middleboro and Betsey Leach, Sept. 5, 1837 [Betsey, d. Levi and Betsey (Conant), Sept. 4, PR50]
Solomon and Sarah Johnson, Jan. 27, 1719*
Solomon and Mary Keith, Dec. 3, 1761 [Prat, CR1]
Solomon and Abihail Hooper, June 11, 1767 [Abial, PCR. Prat and Abihail Hooper, CR1]
Susanna and Simeon Davie [int. Dave], Feb. 27, 1788 [Davie, PCR]
Susanna and James Richards, int. Apr. 4, 1798
Susannah and James Richards, May 15, 1740, in Abington*
Tabitha and Seth Hayward, Sept. 6, 1748*
Thaddeus [int. Thadeus] and Rachel Churchill, July 23, 1777
Thomas of Taunton and Zeuiah Harvey, int. May 1, 1779
William [int. of Easton] and Amity [int. Amittra] Brett, Apr. 9, 1797
William and Celia [int. Sela] Whitman, Dec. 30, 1816
Zebedee of Middleborough and Dardana [int. Dardaney] Keith, Dec. 8, 1763 [? in Middleborough]
Zebulon [int. Zebulan K] of Middleborough and Susan Keith, Feb. 22, 1815 [? in Middleborough]
PRAY (also see Prey)
Hannah and Seth Thayer, June 14, 1744
Ruth and Robert Bessie of Sandwich, May 9, 1712, in Sandwich
PREY (also see Pray)
Rachel and Joseph Feild, Dec. 29, 1748*
Benjamin and Susanna [int. Silence] Hayward, Oct. 17, 1743 [Silence, PCR]
Benjamin and Experience Hayward, int. Oct. --, 1743
Benjamin and Mehitabel French, Oct. 18, 1782 [Mehitabal CR1]
Benjamin and Ruth Washburn, int. July 6, 1805
Benjamin H. Jr. and Martha S. Harlow, May 20, 1832
Bette [int. Bettie] and Nathaniel Soper [int. of Pembroke], Oct. 25, 1782 [Betty and Nataniel Soper, PCR. Betty and Nathaniel Soper of Pembrook, CR1]
Hannah and John Pool, Mar. 20, 1777
Lydia and Benjamin Parris, int. Sept. 6, 1788
Sarah and Ebenezer Collwell [int. Colwell], Sept. 27, 1769 [Collwell, PCR]
Enice and Sipple, "Servant negro man of --- Robbison of Dorcheser in ye County of Suffolk, int. Mar. 21, 1761
Betsey S. of Kingston and David Doten, int. June 3, 1832
Elisabeth and Seth Ames, Mar. 29, 1734*
Lebeus of Marshfield and Jenny Richards, blacks, int. Mar. 8, 1794
Lydia of Scituate and Calvin Ashport, blacks, int. Aug. 14, 1813
Ruth of Kingston and Elijah Leach, int. Oct. 1, 1763
PRIOR (also see Pryer)
Deborah and Ebenezer Tomson, -----*, PR19
Bathsheba late of Boston and Joseph Edson, int. Nov. 8, 1776
PRYER (also see Prior)
Ann and James Allen, Nov. 10, 1742
Hannah and William Phillips, Jan. 16, 1718*
Martha and John Hanmer, Oct. 9, 1760*
Mary and Joseph Latham Jr., Jan. 27, 1747-8*
Sarah and Theodosius Moore, June 30 172[worn]*
Sarah and Josiah Fobes Jr., Nov. 6, 1766
John Jr. of Weymouth and Abigail Crooker, May 19, 1822
Rachel P. and Simeon M. Bump, Feb. 9, 1843,* PR48
Franklin and Mary L. Rice, int. May 22, 1841 [m. June ----, CR5]