Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - M-O
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded.
John [int. Macbride] and Jane Willson [int. Wilson], Jan. 16, 1755 [McBride
and Jane Willson, PCR
Francis [sic, int. Frances] and Charles Angier, Oct. 14, 1796
Rebecca and John Skinner [int. Jr.] of Boston, Dec. 25, 1797
Bridget and Matthew Callaghan, int. June 27, 1849
John T. of W. Bridgewater and Achsa Munroe of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 11, 1831*
[Achsa of W. Bridgewater, d. Bennet of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
John and Mary Sullivan, int. Nov. 22, 1845
Susanna [int. Mcfarlane] and Asa Morse, June 11, 1815 [Susannah Mafalane,
June 10, PR1]
Mary and Robert Morrison, Jan. 22, 1761*
MACOMBER (also see Macumber]
Betsey of Raynham and James Warren of Raynham, July 27, 1837* [Macumber of
Raynham, July 20, CR5]
Hannah S. and William H. Tirrell [int. Terrill], July 12, 1836
Isaiah and Susanna Harvey, int. Feb. 16, 1799
Lemuel and Sarah Hooper, int. Dec. 22, 1781
Levi [int. Macumber] of Middleborough and Hannah Fobes, Sept. 12, 1802 [? in
MACUMBER (also see Macomber)
David of Easton and Phebe Perkins, int. Mar. 2, 1805
Hannah and Benjamin Bassett, Nov. 17, 1737* [Basset, CR1]
Ichabod of Easton and Sarah Howard, int. May 31, 1806
Joanna and Joseph Alden of Abington, int. Sept. 13, 1794
Joseph and Olive Reynolds, Apr. 9, 1798
Seth of Taunton and Phebe Smith, int. July 15, 1780
Thomas Jr. and Phebe Lincoln, int. May 9, 1795
MAGOWEN (also see Magown)
Huldah [int. Huldah Mungoon] of Pembroke and Jonathan Stetson, Dec. 16, 1791,
in Pembroke.
MAGOWN (also see Magowen)
Daniel of Pembroke and Mary Pincin, int. Sept. 28, 1816
Abigail (see Abigail Ahorten)
Job, "Indian man," and Bula Spain, "Indian woman," int. Oct. 5, 1865 [sic?,
Judith, "Indian woman," and James Speen, "Indian man," int. Nov. 3, 1768
MAHUREN (also see Mahurin, Mehuren, Mehurin)
David [int. Mahurin] of Easton and Lucia [int. Lucy] Snow, June 1, 1767, in
MAHURIN (also see Mahuren, Mehuren, Mehurin)
Bathsheba and Solomon Snow, Apr. 8, 1724*
Benjamin and Lidia Pratt, Dec. 23, 1731* [Lydia PCR. Mehuren and Lidia
Pratt, CR1]
Benjamin and Mehetabel Williams, Sept. 25, 1749* [Mahurine and Mehetable
Williams, PCR]
Benjamin and Hannah Snow [int. wid.], Dec. 3, 1767 [Hannah, PCR. Mehuren and
Hannah Snow, CR1]
Benjamin and Mary Witherel [int. Wetherel], Jan. 28, 1771 [Witherel, PCR]
Hezekiah and Abigail Dickerman, Aug. 7, 1760* [Mahurrin, PCR]
Hugh and Mary Snell, Dec. 17, 1725*
Jonathan and Mary Packard, July 9, 1740* [Mary, wid., PCR]
Jonathan and Ruth Kingman, Mar. 2, 1774 [Mehuren, CR1]
Josiah [dup. Mahuren] and Bethia Pratt, Oct. 26, 1769 [Mahurin and Bithia
Pratt, PCR. Mehuren and Bethia Prat, CR1]
Lucy Ann B. and Stephen G. Dickerman of Easton, June 7, 1829
Mary and William Basset, Feb. 19, 1718-19*
Mary and Nathan Washburn, Apr. 20, 1748* [Mehurine and Nathan Washburn, PCR]
Sarah and John Mitchel, Nov. 28, 1751* [Mahurian, PCR]
Sarah and Benjamin Orcut, Sept. 16, 1773 [Mehuren, CR1]
Ruth of Norton and Cyrus Snow, int. July 4, 1801
Betty [int. Bettie] and Thomas Hammond [int. Harmon], blacks, Apr. 18, 1770
Sally and Azel Deane of Norton, int. Dec. 29, 1797
MAN (also see Mann)
Experience and William Washburn, Jan. 13, 1715*
Freelove of Cranston, R.I. and Noah Whitman, int. July 4, 1767
Moses [dup. Mandall, int. Mandell] of Dorchester, and Ann Pierce [dup. and
int. Peirce], Mar. 21, 1819
MANLEY (also see Manly)
Betsey and [int. Capt.] Abel Kingman, Nov. 16, 1807 [date in later
Daniel Jr. and Phebe Howard, Aug. 1, 1782
Daniel and Sarah Monk [int. Munk of Stoughton], Nov. 23, 1790 [Manly and
Sarah Monk, PCR]
David of Easton and Joanna Turner, Apr. 8, 1751* [Apr. 8, 1752, PCR]
Hayward and Sarah Hayward, Mar. 24, 1816
Josiah [int. of Easton] and Elisaboth [int. Elizabeth] Bryant, Aug. 16, 1789
[Josiah and Elizabeth Carr sic, PCR]
Lewis and Martha Lucy Hanley, int. June 2, 1793
Melinda and Isaac Hartwell Jr., int. June 3, 1809
Olive and Joseph Hayward, Oct. 20, 1768
Olive and Roloson Marshall [int. of Stoughton], June 26, 1808 [date in later
Polly and Nathan Packard, May 31, 1815
Rebecca (see Rebecca Randell)
Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] and Jeremiah [sic, Jerathmeel, int. Jerahmeel]
Hayward, Feb. 6, 1802
Rowena and Jacob Niles of Randolph, Oct. 11 [sic, int. Nov. 5], 1801
Sally of Easton and Seth Crossman, int. Jan. 16, 1813
Sally and Charles Clapp, Oct. 6, 1816
Sarah and Zephaniah Lathrop, Mar. 17, 1791
Susan and Jonas H. Keith, Aug. 4, 1816
Susanna and Martin Hayward, June 16, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Sylvia (see Silvia)
Timothy of Easton and Susanna Packard, Apr. 1, 1762
Vesta [dup. Manly] and Daniel Hayward 3d [dup. omits 3d], May 8, 1817
MANLY (also see Manley)
Nathaniell [int. Nathanael] and Bettie Hayward, Nov. 26, 1778
Thomas and Lidia Field, Oct. 2, 1701*
William of Easton and Abigail Tuel, int. Aug. 28, 1773
MANN (also see Man)
Anna of Stoughton and Elisha Ames [int. Eames], Sept. 4, 1791, in Stoughton.
James and Jane Corner [int. Conner], blacks, Oct. 10, 1805
Joseph [int. Jr. of Randolph] and Eunice Warren, Feb. 14 [Feb. 14 in later
handwriting], 1805
Bethiah D. of Fairhaven and Salmon F. Perry, int. Dec. 6, 1844
Edward and Mehitable Field, wid., Nov. 13, 1733*
Ephraim and Susanna Barnham, Feb. 8, 1704-5*
MARCY (also see Mercy)
Charles of Plymouth and Abigail Packard, May 24, 1812
Margret and Nathan Pettingail, Mar. 6, 1775
Caleb, Dr., of Hannover, and Deborah Hobart, int. Jan. 17, 1795. "Said
Deborah forbid her Said Publishment."
Martha [int. Howard] and Daniel Howard Cary, Apr. 19, 1812
MARSHAL (also see Marshall)
Benjamin and Mary Hayward, Dec. 29, 1768 [Marshall, PCR]
MARSHALL (also see Marshal)
Abigail and Waldo Field, Dec. 4, 1816
Benjamin and Polly Howard, Nov. 28, 1820
Gannett of Stoughton and Mary Hayward, int. July 21, 1810
Hayward [int. of Stoughton] and Olive Hayward, June 8, 1794
Roloson [int. of Stoughton] and Olive Manley, June 26, 1808 [date in later
MARSTERS (see Masters)
Elsabeth [int. Elisabeth] of Boston and Sylvanus [int. Silvanus] Packard,
Aug. 19, 1777 [Elisabeth of Boston and Sylvanus Packard, PCR]
Dexter of Rehoboth and Rachel S. Leonard, int. Mar. 30, 1844
Ephraim and Hannah Howel, Feb. 11, 1737-8* [Ephraim of Easton, Feb. 1, CR1]
Alonzo and Maria S. Washburn, d. Solomon and Sarah -----, in New York City.*
[Marsters and Marcia Washburn, d. Solomon, PR36]
Quark and Chloe Ranyard, int. Sept. 29, 1787
Margrett [int. Margret] and Michael Fitzgerald [int. Fitz Gerald], July 9,
1771 [Margeret Mattison and Michail Fitchgerald, PCR]
Sukey of Sidney and Edmund Hayward, int. Aug. 4, 1792
MAXHAM (also see Muxam)
Ransom and Ruth S. Chandler of Kingston, int. Sept. 15, 1835
John and Dorrithy Littlefield, Apr. 1, 1807 [date in later handwriting]*
Mary and Nathaniell Wetherel of Norton, Oct. 9, 1755*
Michel of Easton and Elizetheth Bolton, July 27, 1727, in Easton*
Susanna [int. Sussanna] and John Doughty, July 5, 1753
Bathsheba A., of Plymouth and Joseph G. Thayer of E. Stoughton, Mar. 21,
183[blotted,? 1830], in Stoughton,* PR43
MEADS (see Meed)
Amie and William Wood, Jan. 2, 1753*
Asa, Rev., and Polly De Witt of Norwich, int. Mar. 13, 1802
Asa, Rev., and Maria Dewitt [dup. De Witt], Nov. 19, 1809
William Peirce [int. William Pearce Meads] of Braintree and Jane Eddy, June
27, 1786 [William Peirce Meed of Braintree, PCR. William Pierce Meed of
Brantree, June 28, CR1]
MEHUREN (also see Mahuren, Mahurin, Mehurin)
Abigal [int. Mehurin] and Luther Hall of Raynham, Dec. 4, 1781 [Mehurin, PCR]
Benjamin and Anna Leonard of Raynham, int. Jan. 13, 1798
Bethiah of Pembroke and Ezra Churchell, int. Jan. 11, 1800
Hannah and Joseph French, Nov. 18, 1784 [Mehurin [dup. Mehuren], PCR.
Mehuren, CR1]
Isaac and Mary Allen, Jan. 18, 1781 [Mehurin, PCR]
Lucy and Martin Conant Jr., Feb. 23, 1806
Susanna of Easton and Seth Burr, int. Apr. 14, 1782
MEHURIN (also seee Mahuren, Mahurin, Mehuren)
Josiah [int. Mahurin] and Martha Conant, Oct. 14, 1779 [Mehurin, PCR.
Mehuren, CR1. Mehurin, PR1]
Rhoda and George Morse, May 13, 1827
Ruth and Leander Hathaway of Wareham, Oct. 9, 1827
MERCY (also see Marcy)
Hannah of Plymouth and Joseph Sanger, int. Sept. 13, 1812
MERRIT (also see Merritt)
Ezekiel [int. Merritt] and Sarah Snow, Apr. 20, 1788 [Merritt, PCR]
MERRITT (also see Merrit)
Betsey [int. of Hanover] and Levi French, May 5, 1799
Ezekiel and Lydia Knapp, Nov. 2, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
MICHELL (also see Micthell, Mitchel, Mitchell)
Jacob and Deliverance Kingman, Jan. 1, 1695-6*
Mary and Samuel Kingman, Jan. 1, 1695-6*
Thomas and Elizabeth Kingman, Jan. 1, 1695-6*
MICTHELL (also see Michell, Mitchel, Mitchell)
Simeon and Keziah Leonard of Middleborough, int. Nov. 13, 1819
Ann and Thomas Henry [int. of Boston], Mar. 21, 1743
Elizabeth of Midleborough [int. Hallifax] and Sarah Lennard, May 28, 1778
[John of Midleboro and Sarah Leonard, CR1]
Rebecca, Mrs., of Milton, and Dr. Giles Church, int. Oct. 20, 1766
Seth of Middleborough and Hannah Alden, int. Aug. 20, 1796
Asa and Merribah Williams, colored, int. Sept. 25, 1831
Samuel and Chloe Doty [int. molattos], Dec. 3, 1778 [Cloe Dote, CR1]
MITCHEL (also see Michell, Micthell, Mitchell)
Alice and John Keith, June 16, 1763 [Mitchell, PCR]
Ann [int. Anne] and Solomon Washburn, s. Josiah, PR36]
Cushing and Jennit [int. Jannet] Orr, Sept. 26, 1765 [Jennit, PCR]
Deborah and Samuel [int. Samuell] Lennard Jr., May 27, 1777 [Samuel Leonard,
CR1. Mitchell and Samuel Leonard, PR1. PR32.]
Edward Jr. and Jane Latham, Sept. 30, 1762 [Mitchell, Oct. --, PR1.
Mitchell, PR73]
Eliphaz and Bettie Smith, int. Apr. 26, 1777
Elisabeth and Eliezer Keith, Sept. 11, 1760* [Elizabeth Mitchell and Eleazer
Keith, PCR]
Jacob and Rebecca Loring, Jan. 26, 1763 [Rebeccah, PCR]
John and Sarah Mahurin, Nov. 28, 1751* [Mahurian, PCR]
Mary [int. of Stoughton] and Luther Jotham, blacks, Apr. 8, 1778 [Mitchell,
Nathan and Ann [int. Anne] Cary, Apr. 25, 1754 [Mitchell and Ann Cary, PCR.
Hon. Nathan Mitchell and Ann Cary, d. Jonathan, PR73]
Seth and Mary Wade, Feb. 21, 1760*
Susanna and Joseph Packard, Dec. 31, 1724*
Susanna and Caleb Keith, Dec. 26, 1777
Theodore [int. Michell] and Ruhamah [int. Ruhama] Newton, Oct. 22, 1798
[Theadore Mitchell, s. Edward and Jane (Latham), and Ruhamah Newton, PR1]
Thomas [int. Mitchell of Stoughton] and Rebecca Colly [int. Colley],
melatoes, Mar. 8, 1744
Thomas of Stoughton and Jenny Dotey, int. Mar. 15, 1777
MITCHELL (also see Michell, Micthell, Mitchel)
Alice and Wililam Harris, May 14, 1788
Ann Maria and Jonathan L. Reading of Raynham, int. Aug. 25, 1845
Anna and Nahum Washburn, int. Dec. 4, 1816
Asa of Windham [New Gloucester written below entry] and Bethiah Lazell, int.
Feb. 22, 1806
Bela nd Mary Cordelia Seaver of Taunton, Oct. 26, 1835, in Taunton [Bela, s.
Daniel and Eunice (Mitchell), and Mary C. Seaver, d. Benjamin and Mary
(Porter), PR73]
Bethiah, Mrs. [int. wid.] and George [int. adds Y.] Phillips, Dec. 29, 1812
Bradford and Meribah Keen, Nov. 9, 1801
Caleb and Jane Keith, Dec. 10, 1811 [Caleb, s. John and Anna (Byram) PR1]
Caroline and Phil Keith, June 22, 1835 [Caroline, d. Theadore and Ruhamah
(Newton), and Philo Keith, s. Isaac and Joannah (Pratt) (Bessee), PR1]
Celia and Arthur Harris, June 14, 1781
Celia and Charles Keen, Aug. 11, 1802
Charles and Bethiah Orr Clift [int. Cleft], Nov. 25, 1813
Chushing, Ens. [int. Cushing Mitchel, omits Ens] and Hannah Newton [int.
wid.]. Mar. 15, 1780 [Ens. Cushing Mitchell and Hannah Newton, PCR]
Cushing [int. Maj,] and Lusanna T. [int. omits T.] Pratt, Apr. 1, 1822 [Maj.
Cushing Mitchell of E. Bridgewater and Lucina Tucker Pratt, d. Capt. Asa and
Lydia of S. Bridgewater, in E. Bridgewater, CR1]
Daniel and Eunice Mitchell, Nov. 19, 1795 [Eunice, d. Edward and Jane
(Latham), PR1. PR73]
Daniel [int. Jr.] and Catharine Warren Brigham [int. of Westborough], b.
Westborough, May 19, 1840, in Westborough.
Edward Jr. [int. 3d, omits Jr.] and Chloe Washburn, Oct. 21, 1789 [Edward
Jr., PCR. Edward, s. Edward and Jane (Latham), and Cloe Washburn, PR1.
Edward and Chloe Washburn, Oct. 11, PR92]
Edward, s. Edward and Chloe (Washburn) and Margaret Seaver, June 24, 1830, in
Taunton,* PR92
Elisha and Hannah Tomson of Hallifax, int. Jan. 18, 1781
Elizabeth C. and Alpheus Leach Jr., June 22, 1826 [Alizaboth C. PR43]
Emeline and John B. Winslow, Nov. 26, 1829 [Emeline, d. Cloe, wid. CR1.
Emeline, d. Edward and Cloe (Washburn), PR1. Emmeline, d. Edward and Chloe
(Washburn), PR92]
Eunice and Daniel Mitchell, Nov. 19, 1795 [Eunice, d. Edward and Jane
(Latham), PR1. PR73]
Eunice [int. Eunic] and William Dunbar, June 3, 1827 [Eunice, d. Daniel Esq.,
and William Dunbar, s. Peter, CR1. Eunice, d. Daniel and Eunice (Mitchell),
George and Bethiah Keith, Nov. 29, 1820
Hannah [int. Mitchel, wid.] of Abington and John Whitman, Sept. 30 [sic, int.
Oct. 12], 1765, in Abington.
Hannah and George Bassett, Dec. 7, 1819
Harriot [int. Harriet] and Nathaniel Morton Davis [int. Esq.] of Plymouth,
July 8, 1817
Henry of E. Bridgewater and Elizabeth G. Daniels, int. May 18, 1834
Jacob and Sally [int. Salle] Whitman, wid. [int. omits wid.], Sept. 4, 1784
[Sally, PCR]
Jacob and Jerusha Latham, Apr. 14, 1791
Jane of Enfield and Walter Hayward, int. Sept. 9, 1835
Jane (see Jenna)
Janet (see Jennit)
Jenna [int. Jena] and Edward Hayward, Oct. 6, 1782 [Jenna, PCR. Jenna
Mitchel, CR1. Jane Mitchell, Oct. 15, PR19]
Jennit [int. Jannet] and Daniel Bryant of Watertown, Sept. 24, 1789 [Jennet,
John and Anna Byram, Sept. 24, 1781 [Anna (first w.), PR1]
John and Susanna Lincoln of Hingham, Sept. 27, 1795, in Hingham [Susannah
(second w), PR1]
Julia A. and Gaius Holmes, int. Nov. 19, 1840
Keziah and Hubard D. Benson, Jan. 9, 1842
Lucia and Joseph Hooper, int. Nov. 17, 1792 [m. Dec. 9, PCR. PR1. m. Dec. 7,
Lucretia and Josiah Bassett, Oct. 1, 1820
Lusanna (see Susanna)
Lydia, "Mitchell alies Ashport," and Augustus Caesar of Boston, blacks, int.
Sept. 18, 1802
Mary and Maj. [int. omits Maj.] James [int. adds Seymore] Allen of Boston,
Sept. 29, 1816 [James Allen, PR1]
Melinda and Oliver Alden Jr., int. Sept. 11, 1819 [m. Oct. 24, PR1. Melinda,
d. Edward and Chloe (Washburn), m. Oct. 24, PR92]
Molly and James Keith Jr., May 4, 1780
Nabby [int. Nabba] and James Lincoln of Cohasset, Feb. 20, 1788 [Nabby
Mitchel, PCR]
Nahum and Nabby Lazell, June 11, 1794
Nahum of Raynham and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs,] Chloe Crossman, May 24, 1828 [Mrs
Chloe Crossman, d. Lt. Nathaniel Pratt, CR1]
Nathan, Lt., and Rachell Byram, int. Oct. 19, 1793 [Rachel, m. Nov. 9, PCR.
Rachel, m. Nov. 7, PR1. Nathan 2d, s. Nathan Sr. and Anne (Cary), and Rachel
B. ------, m. Nov. 7, PR74]
Olive and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Rufus Walker of West Port, Dec. 11, 1814
[Olive, d. Edward and Chloe (Washburn), and Dr. Rufus Walker, PR92]
Oliver and Armelia Gannett, June 13, 1791 [Olivir and Amelia Gannett, PCR]
Ophir and Ruth Leonard, Oct. 9, 1803 [Ophir, s. Edward and Jane (Latham), PR1]
Peter and Sally Fortune, blacks, int. Nov. 17, 1787
Philo and Asenath S. Keith, Nov. 15, 1835
Polly B. [int. omits B.] and Lewis Bryant of Halifax, Nov. 21, 1824 [Polly
B., d. Ophir dec'd, CR1. Polly B., PR1. Polly, d. Ophir and Ruth, and Lewis
Bryant, s. Benjamin and Bethiah, PR33]
Pompy (------) [int. Pomp Mitchell of Ranham], "Negro man," and Dina [int.
Dinah] Little, Mar. 8, 1787 [Pompey, "a negro man," and Dina Little, PCR.
Pompey, "negro man," of Raynham, and Dina Litle, Mar. 18, CR1]
Rebecca and Obadiah [int. Anne] Wade, Oct. 23, 1783 [Anna, PCR]
Rotheus and Hepza [int. Hipza] Hayward, Apr. 3, 1783 [Hepza, PCR]
Sally W. and Silas P. Robbins of Middleborough [dup. crossed out Middleboro],
int. Mar. 25 [dup. crossed out Mar. 4], 1826
Sarah [int. Mitchel] and Benjamin Harris Jr., Jan, 27, 1791 [Mitchell, PCR]
Sarah and Grenville Carver, int. June 29, 1844 [Grenville, s. John and Sukey
(Snell), m. July 14, PR27]
Seth and Ann Latham, Dec. 21, 1738*
Seth [int. Jr.] and Lusanna Wood [int. Susanna Woods], Apr. 3, 1794 [Seth and
Susanna Wood, PCR]
Silva and Jesse Williams of Boston, blacks, int. Sept. 9, 1815
Silvanus Lazell and Lucia [Lucia written below Lydea crossed out] Whitman of
Portland, Me., int. May 13, 1820
Simeon W. and Mrs. Lydia M. Caswell of Middleborough, int. July 16, 1842
Susa and Asa Forrest of Hallifax, Feb. 20, 1787
Susanna [int. Lusanna] and Marlborough Wililams, Mar. 20, 1783 [Susanna, PCR.
Susanna and Malboro Williams, CR1]
Sylvia and Hugh Orr Jr., Mar. 9, 1785
Sylvia (see Silva)
Thomas and Keziah Swift of Plymouth, Dec. 6, 1757, in Plymouth*
Thomas [int. of Easton] and Abigail Howard, Oct. 27, 1783 [Thomas, PCR]
Thomas and Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] Alden, Apr. 6, 1797
Timothy and Hannah Leonard, Aug. 20, 1783
William and Betsey Dumber, int. Mar. 12, 1793 [Dunbar, m ----, PR1]
William and Susan Forrist, int. June 16, 1821
William, 26, shoemaker, s. Caleb and Jane, and Paulina [int. Pauline] Inglee,
25 [int. of Halifax], d. Robert and Lucy of Halifax, Oct. 24, 1847 [William
2d and Paulina Inglee of Halifax, in W. Bridgewater, CR1]
William S. and Fanny B. Swift, July 20, 1842
Zenas and Nabby Washburn, Dec. 15, 1796
Zilpha and Eleazer Keith Jr., int. Nov. 16, 1800
Bathsheba and John Dyer, Aug. 23, 1768 [Bashebah, CR1]
Christopher [int. Christophur] of Stoughton and Hannah Phinney, Mar. 6, 1783,
in Stoughton.
Elias [int. of Stoughton] and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Buck, June 28, 1744
Elias and Elisabeth Wright, May 27, 1752* [Elizebeth, PCR]
Elias Jr. of Stoughton and Alice Churchel [int. Churchill], Dec. 10, 1772, in
Elisabeth and Moses Downing, int. Feb. 25, 1769
Enoch of Stoughton and Silence Willis, int. Sept. 25, 1784
Frelove of Easton and Jervis [int. James] Snow, Apr. 3, 1794, in Easton
George [int. of Easton] and Amie French, wid., July 15, 1798
Mary and Stoughton Willis, Nov. 2, 1767
Mary (see Mary Bunk)
Sarah [int. Munk of Stoughton] and Daniel Manley, Nov. 23, 1790 [Monk and
Daniel Manly, PCR]
MONROE (also see Munro, Munroe)
Almira S. [dup. Munroe] of Taunton and William H. Cushing of Raynham, Sept.
24, 1843 [dup. May 4, 1844]*
Sylvester C., Mrs., of Hanson, and George Gross, int. Apr. 23, 1837
John [int. Jr.] of Middleborough and Margret Hendry [int. Hendrey], Feb. 28,
Sarah and William Morrison, Nov. 10, 1748*
MOORE (also see More)
Catharine and James Bradley, Feb. 21, 1759*
Sarah and Josiah Hayward, Oct. 11, 1738* [More, PCR]
Theodosius and Sarah Pryer, June 30 172[worn]*
Thomas and Mary Hamblen of Abington, Sept. 24, 1746, in Abington*
MORA (also see Morey)
Margrett and James Shaw, Aug. 10, 1752* [Margerett Murry, PCR]
MORE (also see Moore)
George [int. Moore] of Burlington and Olive Sanger, Oct. 27, 1815 [Moore of
Burlington, Vt., and Olive Sanger, d. Zedekiah and Irene (Freeman), PR1]
MOREY (also see Mora)
John of Norton and Abigail Fobes, July 18, 1776
Polly and Lemuel Dunbar, Aug. 13, 1795
William [int. of Norton] and Susanna Fobes, June 20, 1780 [William, June 26,
MORISON (also see Morrison)
Alexander and Mary Asken of Abington, Aug. 21, 1755, in Abington*
MORRISON (also see Morison)
Alexander of Blanford and Mohittelbe Henry, wid., Dec. 18, 1783 in Blanford.
John and Elisabeth Giffen [int. Giffin], Oct. 27, 1766 [Elizabeth Giffin, PCR]
Robert and Mary McIntire, Jan. 22, 1761*
William and Sarah Montgomery, Nov. 10, 1748*
MORSE (also see Moss)
Abner [dup. int. of Middleborough] and Polly Woods [int. and dup. int. Mary
Woodwiss], July 4, 1804
Asa and Susanna McFarling [dup. Mcfarlane], June 11, 1815 [Susannah Mafalane,
June 10, PR1]
Baruk of Stoughton and Rhoda Gurney, int. Feb. 23, 1811
Betsey B. of Abington and William E. Gardner, int. Oct. 24, 1846
Deborah and William Bonney of Stoughton, int. Nov. 25, 1790
George and Rhoda Mehurin, May 13, 1827
Obadiah and Deborah T. Rider, int. Oct. 10, 1844
Parnel and Jacob Willis, int. Feb. 14, 1801
Rebecca of Stoughton and Calvin Bryant, int. Nov. 26, 1791
Sihon [int. of Stoughton] and Polly Ripley, July 2, 1804
Susan, 31, d. Asa and Susanna, and Hollis E. Howard, 27, nailor, of Taunton,
Dec. 23, 1849
Susan W., Mrs., of Groton, and Jacob Perkins, int. May 12, 1844
Hannah and Luther Aspport [int. Ashport], blacks, Mar. 16, 1820
Hannah of Middleborough and Abiel [Abiel written above Enoch crossed out]
Edson, int. Oct. 29, 1774
Nathaniel [int. 3d of Freetown, Bristol Co.] and Mary Cary, Mar. 17, 1782
[Nathaniel, PCR. Nathaniel of Freetoun, CR1]
Nathaniell and Lucy Wasburn, Sept. 13, 1757*
Nathaniell and Rebecca Morton of Freetown, int. Apr. 4, 1767
Patience of Carver and Benjamin Robbins Jr., int. Nov. 26, 1814
Rebecca of Freetown and Nathaniell Morton, int. Apr. 4, 1767
Seth and Hepzibah Packard, Sept. 12, 1757* [Hepsibah, PCR]
Betty and James Wiket, Mar. 5, 1741* [Wickett, Indians, PCR. Jeams Wicket,
Mar. 11, CR1]
MOSS (also see Morse)
Polly and Barnebas Horton of Wenchester, N.H., int. Aug. 28, 1784
Maragrett and Mathew Stuart of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1778
William and Lucy Bradford, Sept. 30, 1832
William (se William Donham)
Huldah (see Hulda Magowen)
MUNK (see Monk)
MUNRO (also see Monroe, Munroe)
Alexander and Mary Hutchinson, June 25, 1776
Benjamin of Hallifax and Mary Washburn, Dec. 6, 1787 [Monro of Halifax, CR1.
Manroe of Hallifax and Molly Washburn, PR105]
Bennett and Sylvester C. Munro, Aug. 28, 1825 [Sylvester C., d. Henry, CR1.
Sylvester C., d. Henry and Deborah (Pincheon), PR1]
Celia P. and William Scott, Sept. 25, 1826 [Celia P., d. Henry, CR!]
Elizabeth and George Nickols [int. Nickals], Oct. 23, 1790 [Nickols, PCR]
Henry Jr. [int. Munroe] of Hallifax and Deborah Delano [int. wid.], Jan. 8,
1800 [Munroe and Deborah (Pincheon), PR1.]
Henry Jr. and Anna Hayward of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 2, 1825 [Henry Jr., s.
Henry, CR1. [dup. Munroe], s. Henry and Deborah (Pincheon), PR1]
Nathan and Lucy C. [int. omits C.] Conant of Hanson, May 14, 1826 [Nathan, s.
Henry and Lucy C. Conant of Hanson, CR1. Nathan [dup. Munroe, s. Henry and
Deborah (Pincheon) and Lucy C. Conant, PR1]
Sylvester C. and Bennet Munro, Aug. 28, 1825 [Sylvester C., d. Henry, CR1.
Sylvester C., d. Henry and Deborah (Pincheon), PR1]
MUNROE (also see Monroe, Munro)
Achsa of W. Bridgewater and John T. McDonald of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 11,
1831* [Achsa of W. Bridgewater, d. Bennet of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
Benjamin [int. Jr.] of Hallifax and Therea [int. Thirza] Curtis, Aug. 27, 1812
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Thomas Perkins, May 14, 1819
Daniel of Taunton and Philibert Christian, int. Apr. 6, 1809
Dorcas [int. adds W.] and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] James Sabine of Bethel, Vt.,
Oct. 11, 1840 [Dorcas wid. Rev. Matthias, and Rev. James Sabine of Bethel,
Vt., CR2]
Eunice of W. Bridgewater and Seneca Folsom, Dec. 11, 1831 [Eunice, d. Bennet
of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
Henry and Mrs. Lucy C. Conant of Hanson, int. May 15, 1831
Louisa and Joshua Sturtevant of N. Bridgewater, int. June 15, 1834
Lydia P. of E. Bridgewater and John C. Harden, Dec. 26, 1838
Sarah of Pembroke and Kingman Cook, int. Mar. 18, 1815
Snow W. and Lydia T. Sampson, Apr. 20, 1837 [Monroe, CR3]
Deborah and Nathan Cobb of Jersey City, N.J., int. June 29, 1839
Susanna of Middleborough and Aberdeen Keith, Feb. 20, 1806 [? in
MURRAY (also see Murrey)
Margaret (see Margrett Mora)
MURREY (also see Murray)
Abigal and Reuben Washburn, int. Dec. 10, 1743
MUXAM (also see Maxham)
Eunice and Joseph Smith Jr., Nov. 14, 1799
John and Silence Pratt, Sept. 15, 1748* [Silance, PCR]
Joseph and Ann Conant, Mar. 8, 1764 [Muxem, CR1]
Philibert and George Christial, Oct. 11, 1789 [? in Middleborough]
Rachel, wid., of Eastham, Barnestable Co., and Jacob Packard, int. Aug. 26,
Mercy [int. Maschy] and Capt. John Vial [int. Viol of Philadelphia], July 4,
1791 [Mrs. Mercy Nachy and Capt. John Vial, PCR]
Amasa of Weymoth and Olive Wood [int. Woods], Apr. 15, 1813
Francis of Braintree and Lois Keith, int. Nov. 17, 1810
Hannah and Abijah Jones of Stoughton, May 2, 1766, in Stoughton
Harriet [int. Harriot] and Havilen [int. Hvaelin] Torrey, Dec. 1, 1822
Rosanda of Abington and Philip Torry, int. Sept. 6, 1817
Susan and Azel Renolds [int. Reynolds], Oct. 28, 1812
Perry, Dr., and Tiley Clapp of Norton, int. Sept. 20, 1806
Rebecca (see Rebecca Nero)
Albert S. of New Bedford and Mary P. Gilbert, July 25, 1831 [Mary P., d.
Nathaniel and Betsey, CR1]
Charles [int. adds E.] and Emily Billings, Mar. 12, 1843 [Charles, CR1]
Mary of New Bedford and Lot Packard, int. Jan. 21, 1791
Rebecca [int. Negro] and Peter White, blacks, Apr. 22, 1783 [Nero, PCR]
Mary of Leeds, Kennebeck, and Thomas Leach, Jr., int. Apr. 22, 1809
Peggy of Salem, N.H. and Simeon Lothrop, int. Feb. 14, 1807
James and Martha Howard, Sept. 24, 1797
Lemuel and Lydia Castle, int. Apr. 1, 1798
Bethiah and John Kingman, Dec. 1, 1698*
Hannah, wid., of Plymouth, and David Leach, June 20, 1751*
Joseph and Mary Aldrich, July 28, 1768
Mary and Josiah Hambleten, int. Sept. 19, 1778
NEWEL (also see Newell, Newhall)
Joseph and Hannah Peirce, Dec. 13, 1732*
Jonah and Lucretia Silvester of Marshfield, int. July 28, 1753
NEWELL (also see Newel, Newhall)
Joseph and Rachel Silvester, July 11, 1734*
NEWHALL (also see Newel, Newell)
Samuel Pratt and Lydia Singer of Salem, int. Mar. 26, 1814
William [int. Newall] and Nabby Rogers, Sept. 11, 1808
Jeremiah and Susannah Harris, Apr. 7, 1696*
Susanna and John Pearce of Pembroke, Jan. 26, 1710-11*
Mary and Ezekiel Southworth, Apr. 7, 1761
Hannah [int wid.] and Ens. Chushing Mitchell [int. Cushing Mitchel, omits
Ens.] Mar. 15, 1780 [Hannah and Ens. Cushing Mitchell, PCR]
Josiah of Brookfeild and Hannah Sherman, June 13, 1776
Ruhamah [int. Ruhama] and Theodore Mitchel [int. Mitchell], Oct. 22, 1798
[Ruhamah and Theadore Mitchell, s. Edward and Jane (Latham) PR1]
Thankful and Jonathan Washburn, Apr. 9, 1724*
NICHOLS (also see Nickels, Nickols)
Eaton, s. Charles E. and Amandana, and Almera A. Shurtliff, d. Benjamin and
Priscilla, Dec. 29, 1849*
Katherine, wid. [int. Catharine, omits wid.] of Cohasset and Adams Bayley
[int. Bailey], Nov. 2, 1775, in Cohasset.
Paul Lewis, Dr., of Kingston, and Harriot [int. Harriet] Lazell, Apr. 21,
1814 [Harriet, d. Nathan and Deborah (Conant), PR1]
NICKELS (also see Nichols, Nickols)
Samuel [int. Samuell] of Norton and Silence Bleen, Aug. 18, 1766
NICKOLS (also see Nichols, Nickels)
Catherine (see Cathrine Bayley)
George [int. Nickals] and Elizabeth Munro, Oct. 23, 1790 [Nickols, PCR]
NIGHTINGAIL (also see Nightingale)
Mary and Ebenezer Warren, Oct. 19, 1747*
Rebecca [int. Nightingale] and John Allden [int. Alden], Mar. 15, 1745
[Nightingail and John Alden, PCR]
NIGHTINGALE (also see Nightingail)
Susanna, wid. [int. omits wid.] 53, d. Lemuel Turrell and Experience, and
Lewis Hayden, widr. [int. omits widr.], 57, machinist, s. Ebenezer and
Martha, Dec. 25, 1849 [Susanna and Lewis Haden, CR2]
Thomas [int. Nightengill of Quincy] and Experience Terrill, Jan. 23, 1809
[date in later handwriting]
Benaiah and Martha Allen, Oct. 22, 1770
Freelove and Salmon Packard, int. Mar. 14, 1795
Jacob of Randolph and Rowena Manley, Oct. 11 [sic, int. Nov. 5], 1801
Joshua [int. of Randolf] and Kezia Howard, July 5, 1795
Nahum of Easton and Susan Cole, Nov. 29, 1759, in Easton.*
Nathan and Jane Gurney, int. Feb. 28, 1767
Patience and Samuel Wade of Pembroke, Apr. 7, 1782, in Pembroke.
Ruth [int. Rachel] of Easton [int. adds Bristol Co.] and John Packard [int.
3d], Jan. 27, 1763, in Easton
Bridget and James Frawley, int. Apr. 27, 1844
Ichabod of Rochester and Hannah Patten, Feb. 26, 1764, in Rochester.
James and Esiel Tanttor, ------*
Jemima and David Hatch, int. Feb. 9, 1754
John of Abington and Sarah Whitmarsh, Dec. 21, 1775, in Abington.
Joseph C. of Boston and Matilda C. Alden, int. Mar. 11, 1844
Lucy Quincy of Abington and William Packard, int. Feb. 26, 1820
Noah [int. of Abington] and Sarah Noyes, Mar. 10, 1802 [sic, date in later
handwriting, int. Dec. 18, 1802]
Thaxter and Susanna Chamberlin, June 20, 1808
George Marcy of Boston and Julia Lazell, Oct. 21, 1830 [George Marcy Norwood
of Boston, s. Samuel Esq. and Julia Lazell, d. Nathan, CR1. George M. of
Boston and Julia Lazell, d. Nathan and Deborha (Conant), PR1]
Daniel of Boston and Eleanor Clark, Nov. 16, 1820
Daniel L. and Julia M. Taber, Aug. 2, 1846* [both of Boston, CR1]
David and Lydia Orcutt, Dec. 12, 1811
Ebenezer of Abington and Betty Ramsdel, Dec. 31, 1795
Ebenezer and Susan Gannett, May 24, 1821
Eliab of Abington and Mary Whitman, int. Jan. 1, 1803
Ephraim [int. of Abbington] and Sarah Dyke [int. Dike], Jan. 20, 1780
[Ephraim and Sarah Dyke, PCR]
Jacob and Olive Edson, Dec. 28, 1818
John [int. of Worshester] and Zibiah [int. Zibeah] Brett, Nov. 7, 1776
Joseph [int. Noyce] of Abington and Mercy Hatch, Jan. 9, 1766 [Noyes of
Abington, PCR]
Moses of Abington and Olive Whitmarsh, int. Aug. 19, 1775
Moses of Providence and Hannah Whitman, Sept. 16, 1802
Polly and Cyrus Bryant, Aug. 13, 1795
Rebecca [int. Rebekah] and Josiah Eames, Oct. 20, 1808 [date in later
Samuell and Mary Field, Mar. 16, 1749*
Samuell [int. Samuel] 3d of Abington and Millecent Orcut [int. Orcutt], Dec.
31, 1770 [Samuel 3d of Abington and Millicent Orcut, Dec. 31, 1771, PCR.
Samuel Noyce of Abington and Malleson Orcut, Dec. 31, 1770, CR1]
Samuel of Abington and Hannah Pratt, wid., Oct. 30, 1771 [Samuel of Abington,
Sarah and Noah Norton [int. of Abington], Mar. 10, 1802 [sic, date in later
handwriting, int. Dec. 18, 1802]
Samuel and Mary Weston, wid., of Plymouth, int. July 7, 1804
Nathan [int. of Freeport] and Susanna [int. Susan] Lazell, Oct. 26, 1807
Nathan of Freeport and Hannah Lazell, Oct. 25, 1818
Ruth of Sandwich and Peres Waterman, int. Nov. 19, 1784
Patrick and Ellen Cleary, int. Nov. 7, 1847 [This entry marked "Void."]
Patrick and Margarett Leary, int. Jan. 16, 1848
Hannah of Duxbury and Howland Holmes, int. Aug. 23, 1823
Mary and Edward Vail [int. Vails], Mar. 11, 1773
ORCUT (also see Orcutt)
Benjamin and Sarah Mahurin, Sept. 16, 1773 [Mehuren, CR1]
David and Susanna Pakard, Jan. 16, 1733-4* CR1
Ebenezer and Deliverance Kingman, Apr. 22, 1725*
Elisabeth and Ebenezer French, Jan. 31, 1716-17*
Elisha of Abington and Sarah A. Richmond, int. Aug. 3, 1834
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Ephraim and Abiah Thomas of Abington, July 23, 1777, in Abington
Ichabod and Susanna Davenport, Nov. 29, 1757* [Susannah, PCR. Ichabod and
Susanna Davenport, CR1]
Jane and Joshua Warren, May 10, 1725*
Joanna and Benjamin Edson, July 14, 1715*
Joanna and Abiel Richmond of Midleborough [int. Taunton], Feb. 11, 1773
[Abiel, CR1]
John and Mary Beal, d. Lt. Jerremiah, Dec. 23, 1702, in Hingham*
John and Desire Kingman, June 27, 1721*
Jonathan and Experience Washburn, Nov. 5, 1759* [Orcutt and Experience
Washburn, PCR]
Jonathan and Thankfull Cary, Sept. 23, 1766
Joseph and Deborah Pratt, Dec. 10, 1751* [Orcutt, PCR]
Martha and Solomon Washburn, Jan. 13, 1731-2* [Orcutt, PCR. Orcut and
Solomon Washborn, CR1]
Mary and Daniell Hudson, May 19, 1697* [Hudson, PR103]
Mary, wid., and Francis Sturtevant of Halifax, Nov. 14, 1750, in Halifax.*
Millecent [int. Orcutt] and Samuell [int. Samuel] Noyes 3d of Abington, Dec.
31, 1770 [Millicent Orcut and Samuel Noyes 3d of Abington, Dec. 31, 1771,
PCR. Malleson Orcut and Samuel Noyce of Abington, Dec. 31, 1770, CR1]
Nathan and Susanna Snel, Mar. 16, 1756*, CR1
Nathan [int. Orcuit Jr.] and Eunuce [int. Eunice] Whitmarsh of Abington, May
19, 1780, in Abington.
William and Sarah Lennard, Feb. 27, 1720-1*
ORCUTT (also see Orcut)
Alpheus and Mercy Pratt of Pembroke, Feb. 10, 1802
Caleb and Mehetabel Harvey, Jan. 24, 1738* [Mehetable, PCR. Orcut and
Mehetibel Harvey, CR1]
Daniel and Hannah Clapp of Milton, int. July 11, 1783 [This entry crossed out]
Daniel and Olive Whitman, Nov. 16, 1784
Galen and Nancy Willis, Jan. 1, 1809
Hannah and Salmon Washburn, Sept. 15, 1785 [Alcutt and Solomon Washburn, PCR]
Hannah [Hannah Brett, sic, Orcutt in later handwriting, int. Orcutt] and
Jacob Fuller, Sept. 9 [Sept. 9 in later handwriting], 1806
Huldah and Solomon Leonard Jr., Oct. 18, 1787 [Orcut, CR1. Orcutt, PR105]
Ichabod and Mary Burrell of Weymouth, June 15, 1737, in Weymouth.*
John and Mary Webster of Pembroke, Mar. 31, 1740, in Pembroke.*
John Jr. and Jerusha Hanmer, Nov. 3, 1752* [Orcut Jr., PCR]
Joseah [int. Josiah] and Naomi Chesman [int. Chessman], Nov. 20, 1807 [date
in later handwriting]
Leonard and Charity Reynolds, Sept. 13, 1797
Lucy and James Bates of Weymouth, int. Nov. 9, 1805
Lydia and David Noyes, Dec. 12, 1811
Mary and Samuel Holmes, Jan. 5, 1794
Mercy and John Waterman of Hallifax, int. Nov. 11, 1769 [Mary Orcut and John
Waterman Jr. of Halifax, m. Apr. 10, 1770, CR1]
Moses and Mercy Allen, May 30, 1739* [Orcut, CR1]
Nathan [int. Orcut Jr.] and Jane Engley [int. Ingley], May 1, 1781 [Orcutt
and Jane Ingley, PCR]
Nathanael [int. Nathaniell] and Mary Lennard, Aug. 1, 1768 [Nathaniel, PCR]
Olive and Josiah Johnson Jr., Jan 21, 1793
Sarah and Josiah Allen, Apr. 28, 1741* [Orcut, PCR]
Sarah and James Hall [int. of Ranham], Oct. 31, 1782 [James, PCR. Orcut and
James Hall of Raynham, CR1]
Sarah A., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.] and Ruel Fobes, widr. [int. omits
widr.], mason, Mar. 14, 1847 [Mrs. Sarah A. and Ruel Fobes, CR1]
Susanna and John Edson 3d, Mar. 15, 1785
ORMSBEE (also see Ormsby)
William of Stoughton [int. William Amsbury of Stoughtonham] and Jane Ripley,
June 9, 1767, in Stoughton.
ORMSBY (also see Ormsbee)
Abigail of Taunton, Bristol Co., and Benjamin Webb, int. Apr. 23, 1778
Sarah and Col. Paul Revere, Aug. 17, 1757 [? in Boston], PR55
Abigail K. of E. Bridgewater and Jonathan Kingman Jr. of W. Bridgewater, Dec.
13, 1827*
Bathsheba and Solomon Inglee of Hallafax, Apr. 15, 1783
Bethia and Adna [int. Adnah] Winslow Cliff, Jan. 13, 1777
Hannah G. and Bezar Hill, Nov. 28, 1816
Hector [int. Heckter], Dr., and Mary Angier, Mar. 23, 1795 [Dr. Hector, PCR]
Hugh and Mary Bass, Aug. 4, 1742*
Hugh "of the nine partners in New York Government" [int. Little Nine
Partners, Dutchess Co., N.Y.] and Agnis Corbett, Oct. 16, 1771 [Corbit, PCR]
Hugh Jr. and Sylvia Mitchell, Mar. 9, 1785
Jane and John Boyd of New York, Oct. 22, 1792
Jane and Calvin Whitman Keen, Nov. 25, 1813
Jennit [int. Jannet] and Cushing Mitchel, Sept. 26, 1765 [Jennit, PCR]
Margaret (see Margret Orr Keith)
Mary and Stephen Whitman, Apr. 23, 1767
Robert and Hannah Kingman, Oct. 6, 1766
Susanna and Josiah Otis [int. Ottis], Nov. 27, 1772
OSBORN (also see Osborne, Osbourn, Osbourne, Osburn)
Cordelia W. and Thomas H. Thorpe, int. July 16, 1848
Sarah of E. Bridgewater and Kinsley Hayward, int. July 21, 1833
Willard and Joannah [int. Joanna] Harden, Apr. 26, 1830 [Willard, s. Levi,
and Joannah Harden, d. John, CR1]
OSBORNE (also see Osborn, Osbourn, Osbourne, Osburn)
Betsey H. and Ward Harden, Dec. 2, 1824 [Betsey H., d. Levi, and Ward Harden,
s. John, CR1]
Peleg Jr. of E. Bridgewater and Lydia P. Hayward, int. Oct. 26, 1834
OSBOURN (also see Oborn, Osborne, Osbourne, Osburn)
Absalom [int. Osbourne] and Lydia Howe, Mar. 22, 1812
Peleg [int. Osbourns] and Sally Pool of Hallifax, Mar. 5, 1812
OSBOURNE (also see Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osburn)
Clarana C. [int. Clarany, omits C.] and Josiah Edson, Aug. 16, 1820
Thomas [int. Osbourne] and Hannah Wade, Dec. 16, 1784 [Osburne, PCR]
OSBURN (also see Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osbourne)
Deborah and Asa Hudson, int. Oct. 15, 1803
Levi [int. of Raynham] and Sophia Harvey, Sept. 4, 1797
Lydia Ann and Isaac Chamberlain of E. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 27, 1844
OTIS (also see Otiss, Ottis)
Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and Capt. William Vinten [int. Vinton], Apr. 2, 1817
Josiah [int. Ottis] and Susanna Orr, Nov. 27, 1772
Lucy of Scituate and Elezer Churchel [int. Eleazer Churchell], Jan. 27, 1769
[sic, int. Jan. 10, 1789, in Scituate.
Melvill [int. Melvin] and Sophia Whitman, Feb. 10. 1809
Nabby and William Vinton, Apr. 4, 1803*
OTISS (also see Otis, Ottis)
Isaac, Dr., and Mehitable Bass, June 30, 1746,* PCR
OTTIS (also see Otis, Otiss)
Bethia and John Hudson, Oct. 2, 1769 [Bethiah Otis, PCR]
Deborah and Jonathan Copeland 3d, int. July 3, 1784
Jane and William Gallaway, int. Oct. 30, 1762
Abigail and David French, July 4, 1751*
Mary [int. Owens, wid.] and William Johnson [int. of Taunton], May 29, 1782
[Owen and William Johnson, PCR. Owens and William Johnson of Taunton, CR1]
Terry [int Terrey] and Mary Edey, Sept. 20, 1772 [Terry, PCR]
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