Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - C
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded.
LAD (also see Ladd)
Sarah of Hannover and Abiah Cobb of Hannover, Nov. 2, 1752*
LADD (also see Lad)
William Henry and Olive S. Carver, -------* PR27
LAMBART (also see Lambert)
Ruth of Easton and Nathaniel Alger, Nov. 13, 1749, in Easton*
LAMBERT (also see Lambart)
Edward H. and Abigail [int. Abigal] Gardner, Dec. 8, 1831 [Mrs. Abigail, CR3]
James of Ware, Hampshire Co., and Hannah Chamberlin, Oct. 20, 1794
[Chamberlain, PCR]
Fanny [int. Lemote] of Easton and Ephriam [int. Ephraim] Willis [int. Jr.],
May 16, 1787, in Easton.
Giddens Jr. of Leeds, Me., and Cassandra Benson, int. Nov. 17, 1833
Elizabetgh and Cornelius Holmes, Aug. --, 1780*, PR1
LANSFORD (also see Lunsford)
Elisabeth and Samuell Hawes, int. Aug. 4, 1753
LAPHAM (also see Lappham)
Rebecca (---- ----), and John Washburn Jr., Apr. 16, 1679* [Rebecca Lapham
and John Washburn, GR7. Rebecca Lapham and John Washburn Jr., PR103]
LAPPHAM (also see Lapham)
Abiel [int. Lapham] and Susanna Lathrop of Easton, Jan. 12, 1786 [Abial
Lapham, PCR]
Ephraim and Elizabeth T. Jordan, Oct. 14, 1838
Ephraim and Sarah F. Jordan of Marshfield, int. Jan. 10, 1844
LASSEL (also see Lazel, Lazell, Lazsel)
Abiel and Samuel Lathrop, Nov. 14, 1710*
Isaac and Mary Hudson, Oct. 29, 1719*
Isaac and Bethia Alger, Mar. 10, 1747-8*
LATHAM (also see Lathum)
Alice, wid., and Jonathan Allen of Braintrey, Mar. 27, 1739*
Alice [int. Else] and Mathew Gannett [int. Gannet] of Abington, Mar. 20, 1783
[Alice and Matthew Gannett of Abington, PCR]
Allen and Jennett Dunbar of Hallifax, Mar. 10, 1796*
Ann and Seth Mitchell, Dec. 21, 1738*
Anne and Nicholas Wade, Feb. 17, 1714-15*
Arthur and Margret Bearse, Oct. 17, 1765 [Margaret, PCR]
Barzillia and Polly Washburn, int. Oct. 24, 1801
Beriah and Israel Hill, June 27, 1748*
Betsa [int. Betsy, wid.] and Joseph Barrows, Oct. 2, 1816
Bettie and Daniel Johnson, Jan. 5 1[torn, rec. after May 10, 1725]*
Betty and Joseph Gannet [int. Gannett], June 7, 1744 [Bannet, PCR]
Charles and Deborah W. Hathaway of Duxbury, int. Aug. 30, 1828
Charles A. of E. Bridgewater and Angelica H. Wilbar, Dec. 16, 1841
Chilton and Susanna Kingman, Dec. 6, 1699*
Chilton and Mary Haward, Aug. 16, 1770 [Chiltan and Mary Howard, PCR]
Chilton and Betsey Carver, June 5, 1803
Deliverance and Daniel Howell [int. Daniell Stowell], Jan, 18, 1743 [Daniel
Howell, PCR]
Eliab of Gray [int. adds Cumberland Co.] and Lucey [int. Lucy] Latham, Sept.
2, 1787 [Eliab of Gray and Lucy Latham, PCR. CR1]
Galen, Lt. [int omits Lt.] and Susanna Keith, Nov. 25, 1802
Hannah and Josiah Hathaway Jr. of Halifax, Dec. 4, 1766
James and Esther Baker of Raynham, int. May 27, 1769
Jane and Jonathan Conant, June 12, 1759*
Jane and Edward Mitchel Jr., Sept. 30, 1762 [Mitchell, Oct. --, PR1.
Mitchell, PR73]
Jennett [int. wid.] and Zephaniah Howard, Feb. 24, 1800
Jerusha and Jacob Mitchell, Apr. 14, 1791
Joseph and Sarah Hayward, Nov. 27, 1717*
Joseph Jr. and Mary Pryer, Jan. 27, 1747-8*
Levi and Hannah Alden, July 30, 1782
Lucenda and Joshua Pool of Abington, Aug. 11, 1783 [Lucinda, PCR]
Lucey [int. Lucy] and Eliab Latham of Gray [int. adds Cumberland Co.], Sept.
2, 1787 [Lucy and Eliab Latham of Gray, PCR. CR1]
Mary and Jonathan Allen of Brantrey, June 3, 1742*
Mary and Benjamin Whitman, Feb. 3, 1757*
Mary and William Britton Jr. of Raynham, June 5, 1766
Nathaniell and Mercy Leach, Mar. 11, 1756* [Nathaniel and Mary Leach, CR1]
Nehemiah and Lucey [int. Lucy] Harris, May 26, 1757 [Lucy, PCR. CR1]
Nehemiah and Hannah Allen [int. wid.], Oct. 6, 1801
Polly and Winslow Hooper, Nov. 13, 1791
Rhoda and David Connant, Jan. 29, 1748*
Robert and Mary Johnson, June 12, 1751*
Robert and Bethia [int. Bithia] Harris [int. wid.], Apr. 17, 1752 [sic, int.
Mar. 31, 1753]
Robert and Jerusha Hooper, Nov. 18, 1778
Seth and Rachel House of Hannover, int. Apr. 30, 1763
Seth and Betty Dellis Parkman of Abington, int. Mar. 2, 1799 "Said Seth
Latham forbade his being further Published, March 9th."
Seth and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Hanks, wid. [int. omits wid.], Apr. 14,
Susan W. and Joseph W. Bennett, Apr. 19, 1829
Susanna and Nathanael Harden, Feb. 17, 1714-15*
Susanna and Seth Brett Jr., Nov. 15, 1769 [Susannah, PCR]
Susanna and Thomas Blanchard Jr. of Abington, Feb. 9, 1786
Thomas and Deborah Hardin, Mar. 19, 1711-12*
Thomas and Abigail Hanmer, June 8, 1752*
Williams and Lydia T. Alger of W. Bridgewater, int. June 4, 1843
Woodward and Rebecca Dean of Raynham, int. June 13, 1763
LATHOP (also see Lathroop, Lathrop, Lathroup, Lothrop)
Mehetabel [int. Mehitabel Lathrop] and Alpheus Fobes, Apr. 5, 1781 [Mehetabel
Lathrop, PCR]
LATHROOP (also see Lathop, Lathrop, Lathroup, Lothrop)
Daniell and Rhoda Willis, Apr. 19, 1744 [Daniel, PCR]
Isaac [int. Lathrop] and Patience Alger, Apr. 13, 1743 [Lathroop, PCR]
LATHROP (also see Lathop, Lathroop, Lathroup, Lathrop)
Abiel and Israel Alger Jr., May 28, 1747*
Abigail, wid., and Daniel Lathrop, Mar. 30, 1802*
Abihail and Lemuel Keith [int. of Easton], Nov. 24, 1768 [Lothrop and Lemuel
Keith, PCR]
Abihail and Isaac Hartwell, Feb. 1, 1776
Barnebas [int. Barnabas] and Sarah Bosworth [int. Bozworth], Nov. 27, 1777
[Barnabas and Sarah Bozworth, PCR]
Bethia [int. Bithia] and Samuell [int. Samuel] Willis 3d [int. Jr., omits
3d], Sept. 3, 1767 [Bethiah Lothrop and Samuel Willis 3d, PCR]
Caleb of Easton and Hannah Ellis, int. July 12, 1806
Charles and Rowena Howard, Apr. 24, 1788
Chloe and Jacob Fisher [int. of Mansfield], Sept. 25, 1797
Daniel Jr. and Mary Turner, Sept. 1, 1785
Daniel 3d and Sally Whiteing of Attleborough, int. Apr. 13, 1787
Daniel and Abigail Lathrop, wid., Mar. 30, 1802*
Daniell Jr. and Hannah Haward, Oct. 23, 1764 [Daniel Jr., PCR]
Daniell Jr. and Lydia Willis, Sept. 5, 1775
David and Mary Haward, Dec. 2, 1762 [Howard, PCR]
Edmund of Easton and Bettie Haward, Sept. 29, 1774
Edward Jr. and Abigail Haward, Oct. 19, 1752*
George and Molly [int. Molley] Thayer, Nov. 6, 1783 [Molly, PCR]
Hannah and Joseph Basset [int. Bassett], June 6, 1776
Hannah and Joshua Gillimore [int. of Easton], Apr. --, 1790 [Joshua, PCR]
Huldah and Edmund Alger [int. Jr.], Dec. 27, 1786 [Edmund, PCR]
Isaac and Sarah Bailey, Aug. 31, 1775
Isaac and Betty Hacket, Feb. 9, 1786
Jacob and Sarah Snow, Aug. 22, 1787
Jane and Daniel Briggs [int. of Pembrook], July 4, 1782 [Daniel, PCR]
John and Mary Edson, May 23, 1716*
John and Sarah Cook, Dec. 7, 1780
Jonathan and Susanna Johnson, Apr. 13, 1747*
Jonathan and Chloe Dickerman, Apr. 30, 1765
Joseph and Mary Snow, Jan. 17, 1718*
Joseph Jr. and Content Washburn, Oct. 24, 1746* [Washburne, PCR]
Josiah [int. Jr.] and Susanna Howard, Dec. 15, 1785 [Josiah, PCR]
Libeus and Charity Wharton [int. of Dorchester], May 26, 1803
Marh and Hannah Allden, Mar. 29, 1722*
Mary and Josiah Keith, Jan. 6, 1702-3*
Molley and Thomas Johnson, June 20, 1771 [Molly Lothrop, June 26, PCR]
Nathan and Charity Bailey, int. July 13, 1776
Sally and John Cook, Nov. 2, 1790 [Sarah Lothrop, PCR]
Samuel and Abiel Lassel, Nov. 14, 1710*
Samuel and Elisabeth Keith, Apr. 3, 1735*
Samuel and Bethia Johnson, Sept. 10 [int. Oct. 26, sic], 1799
Samuell and Lydia Hayden, Dec. 31, 1751*
Sarah and Solomon Packard, Nov. 16, 1715*
Sarah and Abiezer Edson, Nov. 17, 1737*
Sarah and Alexander Kingman, Oct. 16, 1755
Sarah and Edward Williams of Easton, Dec. 3, 1772
Sarah and David Alger, Apr. 8, 1790 [Sally, PCR]
Sarah (see Sally)
Seth and Lydia Packard, Mar. 26, 1752*
Seth and Silence Hartwell, int. Dec. 7, 1754 "The Banns.....were forbidden by
the said Silence Hartwell."
Seth [int. of Easton] and Martha Conant, Sept. 11, 1755 [Seth PCR]
Seth [int. Jr.] and Abigail Bassett, Nov. 25, 1784 [Seth Jr., PCR. Lothrop
and Abigail Basset, CR1]
Susanna and Calvin Kinsley of Easton, June 1, 1773
Susanna of Easton and Abiel Lappham [int. Lapham], Jan. 12, 1786 [Abial
Lapham, PCR]
Susannah and Theophilus Haward, Dec. 14, 1747*
Thomas of Easton and Deborah Pope, int. Sept. 24, 1791
Vinee [int. Vinea] and Dr. John H. Perkins, Apr. 11, 1793 [Vinee, PCR]
Zenus [int. Zenas] and Sally Tower, Apr. 27, 1788 [Zenas, PCR]
Zephaniah and Sarah Packard, Sept. 2, 1779
Zephaniah and Silvia Manley, Mar. 17, 1791
LATHROUP (also see Lathop, Lathroop, Lathrop, Lothrop)
Josiah and Sarah Church of Scituate, June 21, 1759, in Scituate.*
LATHUM (also see Latham)
Arthur and Allice Allen, Feb. 1, 1732-3*
LAUGHSON (also see Lawson)
David and Nabbe Thomas, int. Sept. 18, 1790
LAWRANCE (also see Lawrence)
Jonathan [int. "Transtient person"] and Rachel Smith, May 22, 1765
Sarah and Obadiah Edy, Oct. 31, 1750*
Thomas [int. Lawrence] and Sarah Hooper, Oct. 5, 1769 [Laurance, PCR.
Lawrence, CR1]
LAWRENCE (also see Lawrance)
Hannah and Josiah Edson 3d, Sept. 17, 1760*
John and Priscilla Winslow, colored, Aug. 28, 1832 [Mrs. Priscilla, CR1]
Thomas and Desire Swift of Sandwich, July 17, 1732, in Sandwich.*
LAWSON (also see Laughson)
Sarah and Abijah Hill, May 12, 1749*
Robert and Miriam Forist, int. Oct. 30, 1779
LAZEL (also see Lassel, Lazell, Lazsel)
Daniel (see Daniell Leach)
Hannah and Nathan Conant, June 14, 1753* [Lazall, PCR]
Isaac [int. Lazell] and Jenny Byram, June 10, 1779 [Lazell and Jane Byram,
PCR. Dea. Isaac Lazell and Jane Byram, PR1]
John and Mary Bryam, Oct. 24, 1750* [Lazell and Marcy Byram, PCR]
Molley [int. Molly] and William Cole, Nov. 24, 1774
LAZELL (also see Lassel, Lazel, Lazsel)
Anna and Dr. Noah Fearing, int. May 25, 1799 [m. ---, 1799, PR1]
Bethiah and Asa Mitchell of Windham [New Gloucester written below entry],
int. Feb. 22, 1806
Betsey and Bartholomew Brown, Nov. 26, 1801
Byram and Jannett Westley [int. Jennett Worsley], Sept. 26, 1793 [Jennit
Wesly, PCR]
Caroline and Paul Revere of Boston, Nov. 6, 1816 [Lazelle, d. Nathan, Nov. 7,
Charlotte and Simeon Tisdale Jr. of Taunton, May 25, 1815
Eunace [int. Eunice] and James Pool of Abington, July 11, 1786 in Abington.
Hannah and Nathan Nye of Freeport, Oct. 25, 1818
Harriot [int. Harriet] and Dr. Paul Lewis Nichols of Kingston, Apr. 21, 1814
[Harriet, d. Nathan and Deborah (Conant), PR1]
Henrietta B. and Dr. Cyrus Johnson of Newport, R.I., Sept. 6, 1832 [Henrietta
B., d. Dea. Isaac dec'd, CR1]
Irene F. and Morton Eddy, Dec. 5, 1822 [Irene F., d. Jane, wid. CR1. Irene,
d. Dea. Isaac and Jane (Byram), Nov. 26, 1829, PR1]
Jane and Elisha Blanchard of Weymouth, Apr. 25, 1809
John Jr. and Lucinda [int. Lucenda] Stetson, Nov. 8, 1787 [Lucinda, PCR]
Joseph and Abigail Ames, Jan. 4, 1787
Julia and George Marcy Norwood of Boston, Oct. 21, 1830 [Julia Lazell, d.
Nathan, and George Marcy Norwood of Boston, s. Samuel Esq., CR1. Julia, d.
Nathan and Deborah (Conant), and George M. Norwood of Boston, PR1]
Lucy and Benjamin Hobart Esq. of Abington, Oct. 3, 1811
Luther [int. Lazel] and Sarah Hersey [int. Hearsey] of Abington, July 1, 1776
[sic, int. June 15, 1777], in Abington
Mary [int. Lazel] and Seth Reed of Number Five, Hampshire Co., June 12, 1776
Molly [int. Molley Lazel] and Eliab Washburn, Feb. 20, 1777
Nabby and Nahum Mitchell, June 11, 1794
Nathan and Deborah Conant, Dec. 22, 1783 [Lazel, CR1. Lazell, Dec. 21, PR1]
Nathan Jr. and Anna Wilkinson of N. Providence, int. Oct. 31, 1821 [Nathan
Jr., s. Nathan and Deborah, and Ann Wilkinson, d. Abraham of Pawtucket, m.
Oct. 31, in Pawtucket, R.I., CR1. Ann of Pawtucket, R.I., m Oct. 31, PR1]
Polly and William [int. adds R.] Bates of Worthington [int. adds Hampshire
Co.], Sept. 12, 1803
Rachel and William Snelling of Boston, Jan. 20, 1811
Salome [dup. adds C.] and Mitchell Keith [dup. b. Pelham], Mar. 3, 1811
[Salome, d. Dea. Isaac and Jane (Byram), and Mitchell Keith, PR1]
Sarah [int. Sally W.] and Jonathan Cushing of New Bedford, Nov. 30, 1809
[Sarah and Jonathan Cushing of Boston, PR1]
Silvanus (see Sylvanus)
Susanna [int. Susan] and Nathan Nye [int. of Freeport], Oct. 26, 1807
Sylvanus [int. Silvanus Lazel] and Abigail Robinson [int. Robbinson], Oct.
30, 1775
William and Sarah H. Alden, June 8, 1834
LAZSEL (also see Lassel, Lazel, Lazell)
William of Midleborough and Eunice Davenport, int. Oct. 5, 1754
LEACH (also see Leech)
Abigail and Jacob Keith, Nov. 7, 1734*
Abigail and Benjamin Keith, Nov. 9, 1749*
Abigail and Jonathan Leach, Nov. 30, 1763
Abigail and Elias Ware of Wrentham, Nov. 13, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Abraham [int. Abram] and Polly Keith, Jan. 4, 1796
Alice and David Perkens, May 17, 1738* CR1
Alice and Daniell Bolton, Oct. 22, 1772 [Daniel, PCR]
Alice and Silas Leach, Sept. 24, 1778 [Allice, PCR]
Alice and Seth Crossman of Raynham, Apr. 29, 1804 [? in Middleborough]
Alpheus and Casandana [int. Cassandana] Keith, Feb. 1, 1787 [Casandana, July
1, PCR. Cassanda, PR43]
Alpheus Jr. and Elizabeth C. Mitchell, June 22, 1826 [Alizaboth C., PR43]
Ambrose and Hannah Howard, Oct. 8, 1815 [Hannah, d. Nehemiah, PR43]
Amory of Jay [int. adds Cumberland Co.] and Lydia Bearce, Sept. 17, 1817
Ann and James Sturtevant [int. of Middleborough], Jan. 19, 1769 [James, PCR]
Anna and Sylvanus Eaton of New Salem [int. adds Hampshire Co.], Sept. 25, 1791
Anna and Galen Harvey, int. Nov.15, 1817
Anna and Zenas Knapp of Raynham, Dec. 7, 1817
Anna and HIram Wentworth, Apr. 2, 1833 [Anna, d. Levi and Betsey (Conant),
Apr. 3, PR50. Hiram, s. Theophilus and Betsey, Apr. 2, PR90]
Apollas and Chloe Dyer, Feb. 23, 1796* [Apollos and Cloe Dyer, PR1]
Asa of Killingsley, Windham Co., Conn., and Eunice Turner, Mar. 15, 1787
Backus [int. Beckus] and Bethiah Hayward, Oct. 28, 1804 [? in Middleborough]
Barnice [int. Bernice] and Olive Keith, Nov. 19, 1810 (Oliver??)
Benanuel and Betty Perkins, ----, 1741* [May --, PCR. Beanuel and Betty
Perkens, May 26, CR1]
Benanuel and Elisabeth Edson, June 6, 1745* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Benjamin and Hephzibah Washburn, Sept. 8, 1702*
Benjamin Jr. and Hannah Keith, Jan. 10, 1739-40* [Jan. 10, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Benjamin and Joanna Willbore of Rainham, Bristol Co., July 15, 1751* [Wilber
of Rainham, PCR]
Benjamin and Abigal Bassett [int. wid.], Feb. 2, 1764 [Abigail, PCR]
Benjamin and Mary Keith, Oct. 2, 1764
Benjamin and Anna Short of Taunton, int. Oct. 20, 1792
Bernice and Roxania Hooper, int. Oct. 21, 1797
Bernice (see Barnice)
Betsey of Stoughton and Perez Southworth [int. Jr.], Jan. 4, 1821
Betsey and Simeon M. Pratt of Middleboro, Sept. 5, 1837 [Betsey, d. Levi and
Betsey (Conant), Sept. 4, PR50]
Betsey and Job H. Johnson of Taunton, int. Feb. 25, 1838 [m. Apr. 12, PR10]
Betsey V. and Solomon Alden Jr. Esq., int. Dec. 29, 1832
Bezer and Betsey Shaw of Middleborough, Sept. 15, 1793 [? in Middleborough]
Caleb and Molley Adams, int. Nov. 18, 1780
Caleb and Elizabeth Lincoln of Taunton, int. Nov. 22, 1827
Calvin and Ruth Washburn, int. Sept. 18, 1779
Celia and Eliah [int. Eliab] Hayward [int. Jr.], Jan. 17, 1804 [? in
Chloe and James Walker, int. Sept. 23, 1775
Chloe (see Cloe)
Chloe and Salmon Fobes, June 26, 1807 [Cloe Leach, PR1]
Chloe E. of E. Bridgewater and Nehemiah White of E. Bridgewater, Oct. 23,
1838* [Oct. 23, 1839, CR3. Chloe E., d. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), and
Nehemiah White, Oct. 23, 1839, PR65]
Clarissa and Ezekiel Dier [int. Dyer], Feb. 11, 1812 [? in Middleborough]
Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and Jerahmeel [int. Jerahmael] Leach [int. of
Warren], Nov. 5, 1798.
Cloe [int. Chloe] and Zephaniah Wilbar [int. Zephaniah Wilbur] of Raynham,
Nov. 17, 1796 [? in Middleborough]
Daniel Jr. and Olive Hayward, int. May 31, 1794
Daniell and Bethia Keith, Jan 31. 1760* [Daniel and Bethiah Keith, CR1]
Daniell [int. Daniel Lazel] and Huldah Leach, May 21, 1761 [Daniel Lazel, CR1]
David and Hannah Newcomb, wid., of Plymouth, June 20, 1751*
Debba [int. Debby] and Liba Conant, Nov. 22, 1820 [Deby J., d. Levi and
Betsey (Conant), Oct. 26, PR50]
Deborah and Nathan Leach, Nov. 14, 1771
Deborah and Isaiah Randel, Mar. 30, 1786
Deborah and Perez White of Raynham, Jan. 1, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Dinah and John Shaw of Raynham, Jan. 8, 1761*
Dinah and [int. Dr.] Fish Ames, Feb. 2, 1819
Ebenezer and Prudence Stetson of Scituate, Dec. 17, 1707, in Scituate*
Ebenezer and Joana Washburn, Dec. 26, 1734* [Joanna Washborn, CR1]
Ebenezer and Lydia Tillson of Plymton, Nov. 27, 1739* [Lidea Tilson, CR1]
Ebenezer and Mary Wilbore of Raynham, May 26, 1741* [Wilbore of Raynham, PCR.
Willbore, CR1]
Ebenezer and Deborah Samson, Oct. 10, 1751*
Ebenezer Jr. of Kellingsley, Wendham Co., and Hephzibah Leach, int. Apr. 21,
Ebenezer and Eunice Keith, Feb. 20, 1794 [? in Middleborough]
Eliab and Eunice Keith, Nov. 14, 1802 [? in Middleborough]
Elijah and Jemima Snow, Dec. 4, 1745*
Eijah and Ruth Prince of Kingston, int. Oct. 1, 1763
Eliphalet and Phebe Castle [int. of Abington], Dec. 11 [Dec. 11 in later
handwriting], 1806
Elisha G. and Abigail T. Alden, Oct. 29, 1835 [sic, int. Oct. 8, 1837]
Ephraim and Ruth Bolton, Dec. 25, 1734*
Ephraim and Sally Conant, int. July 6, 1805
Eunice and William Keith, Feb. 11, 1767 [Unice, CR1]
Eunice and Seth Britton of Raynham, July 22, 1817
Eunice and Otis Harvey, int. Sept. 25, 1819
Franklin and Mary Fobes, Nov. 13, 1832
George M., 22, farmer, s. Levi, and Betsey Edson, 18, d. Ezra dec'd, Sept. 2,
1844 [George M., s. Levi and Betsey (Conant), PR50]
Giles, s. Levi and Betsey (Conant), and Elisabeth Thompson, Feb. 25, 1833,*
Hannah and Solomon Leach, int. Aug. 6, 1743
Hannah, wid., and Ebenezer Edson, Apr. 27, 1758*
Hannah K. and Marcus Conant, May 17, 1835 [Hannah, d. Hosea and Hannah
(Keith), PR65]
Hasadiah (see Hasadiah Keith)
Hephzibah and Ebenezer Leach Jr. of Kellingsley, Wendham Co., int. Apr. 21,
Hephzibah C. and Henry Field of Taunton, Dec. 10, 1826 [Hepsibah C., CR3.
Hephzibah C., PR43]
Hepzibah and Marshal [int. Marshall] Keith, July 8, 1798 [? in Middleborough]
Hosea and Hannah Keith, Jan. 17, 1808 [? in Middleborough]
Huldah and Daniell Leach [int. Daniel Lazel], May 21, 1761 [Daniel Lazel, CR1]
Huldah and George Chipman, Aug. 7, 1803*
Ichabod and Penellope [int. Elanor] Cobb [int. wid.], Oct. 11, 1770 [Ichabode
and Penelope Cobb, PCR]
Isaac of Westmoreland, N.H., and Jerusha Leach, Oct. 10, 1763
James and Hasadiah Keith, Apr. 4, 1765 [Hasadiah Leach, sic, PCR]
James and Betsey Leonard of Taunton, int. Apr. 15, 1811
James E. and Julia M. Hixon of Medway, int. Aug, 17, 1848 [James Edward, s.
Philo and Lucia (Hooper), and Julia Maria Hixon, d. S. Esq. of Medway, m.
Sept. 7, PR1. James Edward, s. Phio and Lucia (Hooper), and Julia Maria
Hixon, m. Sept. 7, PR54]
James K., s. Alpheus and Cassendana, and Lydia Ann Eliza Thayer, d. Joel and
Lydia S., May 21, 1842, in Randolph,* PR42
James S. and [int. Mrs.] Phebe Dike, Sept. 19, 1839
Jane and Roger W. Hammond of Rochester, int. Oct. 28, 1832
Jedediah and Phebe Keith, Oct. 3, 1765 [Phoebe, PCR]
Jemima [int. Jamima] and James Lovell [int. Lovel], July 14, 1785 [Jemima and
James Lovell, PCR]
Jenny and Lemuel Wilbar, int. Jan. 26, 1799
Jerahmeel [int. Jerahmael of Warren] and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Leach, Nov.
5, 1798
Jeremiah and Alice Hayward, Dec. 8, 1772
Jerusha and Isaac Leach of Westmoreland, N.H., Oct. 10, 1763
Joanna and Isaac Wilbar [int. Willbur], June 16, 1791 [? in Middleborough]
John and Susanna White, Feb. 20, 1718*
Jonathan and Frances Cohoon, Oct. 12, 1741*, CR1
Jonathan and Abigail Leach, Nov. 30, 1763
Jonathan Jr. (Leach) [int. Leach 2d] and Experience Hartwell, Feb. 23, 1768
[Leach Jr., PCR]
Joseph and Anna Harris, Jan. 14, 1735-6* [Ann, CR1]
Joseph and Wealthy Leach, Sept. 30, 1788
Keziah R., d. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), and Warren W. Sampson, Oct. 25,
1846,* PR65
Lambert, s. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), and Lydia Sherman, Apr. 29, 1835*, PR65
Lebbeus (see Libeus)
Lemuel and Rebecca Washburn, Oct. 12, 1767 [Rebeccah, PCR]
Levi and Hannah Fobes, Nov. 18, 1771 [Levi, PCR]
Levi and Betsey Conant, Sept. 28, 1798
Levi Jr. and Susan C. Sanborn of Meredith, N.H., int. Apr. 2, 1845 [Levi, s.
Levi and Betsey (Conant), m. Apr. 30, PR50]
Libeus and Pegge Starr, Aug. 31, 1791 [Peggy, PCR]
Lois and Seth Packard Jr., Mar. 7, 1765
Lois and Silas Leach, int. Oct. 15, 1796
Lois and James Starr Jr., Nov. 26, 1797 [? in Middleborough]
Lois and Baruch [int. Barak] Wilbar, Feb. 25, 1799
Louisa [int. Lousa] and Philip E. Hill, Dec. 10, 1826 [Louisa, CR3. Louisa P.
and Philip E. Hill, PR43]
Louisa and William Case, int. Oct. 28, 1849
Lucy and Asa Hall, June 20, 1793 [? in Bridgewater],* PR65
Luke and Polly Starr, May 1, 1788
Lydia and Ephraim Jackson, Apr. 29, 1736*
Lydia and John Dickerman of Roxbury, Nov. 8, 1770 [Lidia, Nov. 8, PCR.
Lideah and John Dickerman of Roxbury, CR1]
Mary (see Mercy)
Mary and Ebenezer Washburn, Apr. 27, 1772
Mary and Libeus Fobes, Nov. 15, 1807
Mary [int. Mercy] and Abraham Gould of Charleston [int. Charlestown], Apr. 9,
Mary Ann, d. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), and John L. Hall, s. Asa and Lucy
(Leach), Dec. 25, 1831*, PR65
Matilda [int. adds B.] and Lewis Wentworth, Apr. 20, 1841 [Matilda, CR3.
Matilda B. and Lewis Wentworth, s. Theophilus and Betsey, PR90]
Mehetable F. of Abington and Barack Wilbar Jr., int. Sept. 15, 1833
Mehitabel and Samuel Chessman Jr., int. Aug. 23, 1806
Mehitabel, wid., and Luther Hall of Raynham, int. Nov. 1, 1806
Mercy and Nathaniell Latham, Mar. 11, 1756* [Mary and Nathaniel Latham, CR1]
Mercy, wid., and Thomas Ames, int. Nov. 5, 1774
Mercy (see Mary)
Minverva and Jarvis White of Raynham, int. Oct. 2, 1819
Nabby [int. Nabbe] and Freman Jones, Sept. 22, 1793
Nancy, 23, of E. Brigewater, and Bartimeus White, 34, farmer, of Grant Co.,
Wis., s. Samuel and Mary of Randolph, May 25, 1845*
Nathan and Deborah Leach, Nov. 14, 1771
Nathan Jr. and Mehitabel Gloyd, int. Aug. 11, 1804
Nehemiah and Constant Keith, June 2, 1772
Olive and John Jones of Middleborough, Apr. 3, 1770
Olive and Azariah Fobes, Oct. 30, 1794 [? in Middleboro]
Oliver and Sally Brown of Abington, int. Nov. 5, 1803 "Nov. 18 the above
Named Oliver Leach forbade his Publishment."
Oliver and Mercy [int. Mary] Stetson, Jan. 8, 1817
Orpah and Jocob Chipman, Nov. 29, 1792 [? in Middleborough]
Orpha and Edward Fobes, Apr. 2, 1761
Parnel and Peres Hooper, int. July 19, 1788
Parnel (see Pernel)
Peleg and Sally Gillmor of Raynham, Mar. 6, 1802
Pernel and Apollas Eaton of Middleborough, int. July 11, 1795
Philander and Sarah T. Cushman, Jan. 4, 1841
Philo and Lucia Hooper, July 22, 1824 [Philo, s. Apollos and Cloe, and Lucia
Hooper, d. Capt. Joseph, CR1. Lucia, d. Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell), PR54]
Polly and Ephraim Packard, Nov. 12, 1789
Rebecca and Joshua Warren Jr., July 8, 1760* [Rebeccah, PCR]
Reliance and Noah Terril, Mar. 11, 1794
Relief and Oliver Harris, Jan. 1, 1789*
Reufus and Nancy Perkins, int. Mar. 17, 1798
Rhoda and David Allden of Midleboro, Dec. 18, 1755*
Roxalana, 33, d. Barnes, and Hosea Aldrich [int. Aldridge] Jr., 33, farmer,
of Middleborough, s. Hosea, Dec. 1, 1847
Roxsalinia and Elias Dunbar, int. Dec. 14, 1799
Rufus (see Reufus)
Ruth and Benjamin Packard, Dec. 23, 1763 [Dec. 23, 1762, sic, PCR]
Ruth and Joseph Lennard, int. June 3, 1775
Ruth and Joseph Bassett 3d, Jan. 26, 1792
Salley [int. Sally] and Allen Smith, June 13, 1815
Sally and Nathaniel Lincoln Jr., June --, 1822,* PR43
Samuel and Susanna Hollis, int. Feb. 26, 1781
Sarah and Timothy Leach, Dec. 5, 1732*
Sarah and Ebenezer Snow, Dec. 14, 1737*
Sarah and Jonathan Hayward [int. Haward] of Easton, Nov. 11, 1762 [Hayward of
Easton, PCR]
Sarah and Oliver Wentworth, June 15, 1779*
Sarah and Jonathan Keith, Jan. 26, 1792 [Sally, PR1]
Sarah B. and Ansell Perkins of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 4, 1827
Seth and Jane Harvey, Oct. 9, 1732* [Ginnea, CR1]
Seth and Mercy Samson of Middleborough, int. May 1, 1819
Seth and Betsey Sampson of Middleborough, int. Sept. 1, 1827
Seth K., s. Hosea and Hannah (Keith), and Sarah Ripley, Jan. 8, 1839,* PR65
Shepard H., 25, farmer, s. Barnus and Olive, and Catharine Cunningham [int.
Cunningham], 18, d. John and Bridget, Mar. 18, 1849
Silas and Alice Leach, Sept. 24, 1778 [Allice, PCR]
Silas and Lois Leach, Oct. 15, 1796
Simeon and Betty Curtis, Dec. 31, 1765*
Soloman and Tabitha Washburn, Apr. 14, 1736* [Solomon, CR1]
Solomon and Jerusha Bryant of Plymton, Apr. 19, 1739* [Briant, CR1]
Solomon and Hannah Leach, int. Aug. 6, 1743
Solomon and Mary Holmes of Kingston, int. Sept. 6, 1806
Stephen and Sarah Hooper, May 5, 1725*
Stephen and Lydia Flowry [int. Flora] of Halifax, Jan. 24, 1744, in Halifax
Stephen and Sarah Hooper, Feb. 7, 1748-9*
Susanna and Isaac Wilbur, int. Feb. 23, 1781
Susanna and Edward Richmond of Taunton, int. Dec. 22, 1787
Susanna and Isaac Hooper, Mar. 10, 1805 [? in Middleborough]
Susanna and Asa Packard, Dec. 4, 1811
Susannah and Ezra Washburn, July 20, 1742* [Susanna and Ezra Washburne, PCR]
Susannah and Levi Hooper, June 25, 1767
Tabitha and Robert Keith, Mar. 4, 1740*
Thomas Jr. and Mary Nesbit of Leads, Kennebeck, int. Apr. 22, 1809
Thomas and Suanna Holbrook of Braintree, int. Jan. 22, 1814
Timothy and Sarah Leach, Dec. 5, 1732*
Unite K. and Elizabeth S. Bouldry, Dec. 31, 1838
Unite K. and Abigail Leonard of Raynham, int. June 25, 1841
Vashti and Augustus S. Pratt of Raynham, Mar. 29, 1835
Vashty and William Harris, July 9, 1796*
Wealthy and Joseph Leach, Sept. 30, 1788
William and Mary Cohoone, Oct. 12, 1741*
William Jr. and Chloe Knapp of Raynham, int. Aug. 10, 1782
Zadock and Susanna Washburn of Middleborough, Dec. 6, 1763 [Susannah of
Middleborough], PCR]
Zilpha and Edward Hayward of Easton, June 19, 1760* [Haward of Easton, PCR]
Nathaniel and Susanna Battles, Aug. 10, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
LEANARD (also see Learnard, Lennard, Lenord, Leonard, Leonord)
Martha and Ebenezer Eadey of Norton, Oct. 5, 1734* [Leonard and Ebenezer Edy,
Oct. 7, CR1]
LEARNARD (also see Leanard, Lennard, Lenord, Leonard, Leonord)
Patty of Oxford and Charles Hooper Esq., int. Oct. 27, 1810
Margarett and Patrick O'Brien, int. Jan. 16, 1848
LEAVETT (also see Leavitt, Levit)
Susannah of Pembroke and Ebenezer Drake, Feb. 18, 1773, in Pembroke.*
LEAVITT (also see Leavett, Levit)
Calvin of E. Bridgewater and Sarah Whitman, Apr. 2, 1840 [Leavett of E.
Bridgewater, CR1]
Isaac and Waitstill Ripley, Dec. 15, 1751* [Isaac, PCR]
Lydia and Ezra Hayward, Oct. 11, 1757* [Lidia, PCR]
Susan and James Perkins, int. Dec. 9, 1848 [m. Dec. 24, CR2]
Waitstill and Abraham Jones of Raynham, int. Apr. 26, 1777
LEECH (also see Leach)
Elizabeth and John Emerson, Dec. 27, 1693,* PCR
LEEDS (see Leads)
Mira of Dedham and George Hooker, int. Jan. 1, 1834
LENNARD (also see Leanard, Learnard, Lenord, Leonard, Leonord)
Abigail and Israel Keith, Mar, 4m 1767 [Leonard, PCR]
Benjamin and Hannah Phillips, Aug. 15, 17[worn]* [Aug. 15, 1715, PR103]
Benjamin and Keturah Brigs, Apr. 20, 1756* [Benjamin Leonard, s. Joseph, so.
Jacob, s. Solomon, and Keturah Briggs, PR107]
Dan and Mary Dunbar, Nov. 1, 1750* [Leonard, PCR]
Dan and Hope Clap of Middleboro, int. Apr. 22, 1775
David and Molley Hall of Taunton, int. Nov. 18, 1769
Elisabeth and James Washburn, Nov. 23, 1720*
Experience and [int. adds S.] Oliver Alden, Nov. 21, 1765 [Oliver, PCR.
Leonard and Oliver Alden, CR1]
Experience and Luther Redding of Middleborough, Nov. 11, 1773
Huldah and Josiah Washburn, Oct. 15, 1755* [Huldah Leonard, PCR]
James and Jemima Hefford, Feb. 17, 1736-7*
Joseph and Hannah Jennings, Nov. 19, 1712*
Joseph and Mary Packard, Sept. 14, 1721*
Joseph and Ruth Leach, int. June 3, 1775
Josiah and Abigail Washburn, Nov. 21, 1717*
Lydia and Joseph Prat, Dec. 9, 1712*
Martha and Nathan Perkins, Nov. 9, 1709*
Mary and Benjamin Willis, Nov. 27, 1719*
Mary and Nathanael [int. Nathaniell] Orcutt, Aug. 1, 1768 [Nathaniel PCR]
Molley and Ichabod Warren of Middleborough, Sept 22, 1772 [Mary and Icabode
Warren of Middleborough, PCR]
Rebecca and Abraham [int. Abram] Washburn, Oct. 28, 1765 [Rebeccah and Abram
Washburne Jr., CR1. Rebecca Leonard and Abram Washburn, PR1. Rebecca
-----and Abram Washburn, PR87]
Ruth and Isaiah Johnson, Jan. 23, 1757* [Leonard, PCR]
Samuel [int. Samuell] Jr. and Deborah Mitchel, May 27, 1777 [Samuel Leonard,
CR1. Samuel Leonard and Deborah Mitchell, PR1. PR32]
Sarah and Thomas Washburn, July 28, 1708*
Sarah and Samuel Perry of Sandwich, Dec. 14, 1710*
Sarah and William Orcut, Feb. 27, 1720-1*
Sarah and John Miller of Middleborough [int. Hallifax], May 28, 1778 [Leonard
and John Miller of Midleboro, CR1]
Seth and Silence Packard, June 1, 1769 [Silince, PCR]
Silence and Ebenezer Benson, Mar. 13, 1777 [Silince, PCR]
Solomon Jr. and Joanna Washburn, Oct. 5, 1756* [Leonard Jr. PCR. Leonard, CR1]
Susanna and Ebenezer Hill, Mar. 22, 171[worn]* [Mar. 22, 1714, PR103]
Susanna [int. Susannah] and Samuel Whitman, Sept. 29, 1761 [Susannah, PCR]
Susanna and Abner [int. Abbner] Kingman, Jan. 14, 1762 [Leonard and Abner
Kingman, CR1]
LENORD (also see Leanard, Learnard, Lennard, Leonard, Leonord)
Deliverance and Samuel Washbourn, Jan. 9, 1701*
Isaac and Mary Randoll [dup. Randall] of "North purchase," Apr. 16, 1701*
Josiah and Marjorum Washbourn, Nov. 1, 1699*
LEONARD (also see Leanard, Learnard, Lennard, Lenord, Leonord)
Abigail of Middleborough and Jacob Perkins, Oct. 2, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Abigail [int. Nabby] and Jacob Fuller, Feb. 28, 1800
Abigail of Raynham and Unite K. Leach, int. June 25, 1841
Ann and David Pratt, Jan. 31, 1737-8*
Anna of Raynham and Benjamin Mehuren, int. Jan. 13, 1798
Anna and Ithamar Phinney, int. Apr. 12, 1800
Anna and Thomas Conant, Mar. 26, 1812 [Anne, Mar. 25, PR32]
Ansel [int. Ansell] and Debby Conant, May 19, 1807 [Ansel and Deborah Conant,
May 27, PR32]
Arza and Lovisa Maria [int. L(?)uezar Mari] White, Apr. 4, 1820
Barnebas and Phebe Bassett, Feb. 5, 1780 [Barnabas, PCR. Barnabas and Phebe
Basset, CR1]
Barney [int. Jr.] and Lydia Sprague, Aug. 27, 1815 [Barnabas, PR1]
Betsey and Bradford Harlow, Apr. 9, 1807
Betsey of Taunton and James Leach, int. Apr. 15, 1811
Betsey of Middleborough and Lewis Leonard, int. Sept. 26, 1812 [m ------,
Betsey and Simeon W. Leonard, May 19, 1828
Caleb Fraincisco and Nancy Tompson of Middleborough, int. Mar 7, 1807
Caroline and Alvin[int. Albin] Chipman, July 28, 1833
Caroline L. and George Ward of Middleborough, Oct. 20, 1840
Charlotte M., 22, d. Seth and Charlotte, and Isaac H. Snell, 22, farmer, s.
Henry C. and Sally, May 21, 1848
Clarinda and Henry W. Pratt, Nov. 21, 1821 [Clarinda Leonard, d ----(w.
Clifford Carver), and Henry W. Pratt, s. Capt. Simeon and Sarah, CR1. Henry
W., s. Simeon and Sally (Willis), PR1]
Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and Leonard Pratt, Dec. 3, 1818
Daniel and Phebe Leonard of Raynham, int. Nov. 3, 1781
Daniel [int. of Middleborough] and Polly Leonard, Apr 7, 1791 [Daniel PCR]
David [int. 2d] and Abigail [int. Clerk], Jan, 17, 1796
David Jr. and Polly Pierce of Middleborough, int. Jan. 7, 1797
Deborah and Caleb Stevens of Randolph, int. Mar. 28, 1840
Eliphalet Jr. of Easton and Silence Howard [int. Haward], July 4, 1755, in
Elisabeth and Hezekiah Hooper, Oct. 11, 1758* [Elizabeth, PCR. Elizebeth, CR1]
Enoch and Elisabeth Hooper, Feb. 12, 1706*
Enoch and Abigail Hammond, Apr. 10, 1788 [Hammond, PCR. Enock and Abigail
Hayward, CR1. Enoch, PR105]
Fanny and Zephaniah Dean of Middleborough, Dec. 3, 1816
Franklin B. of S. Leeds, Me., and Almira Benson, int. Oct. 16, 1831
George F., blacksmith, and Lucy M. Conant, Nov. 29, 1843
Hannah and Timothy Mitchell, Aug. 20, 1783
Harriet, of Middleborough and Manasseh Andrews, int. Aug. 27, 1825
Huldah of Middleborough and Calvin Reckards, int. Oct. 5, 1782
Jacob [int. Capt.] and Mary Swift, Dec. 4, 1788 [Jacob, PCR. PR1. Capt. J.,
James M. and Jane N. Thomson of Rochester, int. Sept. 8, 1842
James M., 24, tailor, s. Martin and Joanna, and Lusanna M. [int. omits M.]
Bassett, 24, d. George and Hannah, May 25, 1847 [James Martin Leonard, s.
Martin and Joanna (Bessee), and Lucina M. Bassett, d. George and Hannah
(Mitchell), PR1]
John and Naomi Curtice, Nov. 23, 1732*
Jonas and Chloe Allen of Oakham, int. Jan. 21, 1804
Jonathan and Martha Washburn, Apr. 25, 1758*
Josiah Jr. and Jemimah Washburn, Jan. 24, 1739-40* [Joseph and Jemima
Washburn, Jan. 24, 1739, CR1]
Keturah, d. Benjamin (s. Joseph, s. Jacob, s. Solomon) and Keturah (Briggs),
and William Bishop of Glocester, R.I., -----[? in Bridgewater],* PR107
Keziah of Middleborough and Simeon Mitchell (printed Micthell), int. Nov. 13,
Lewis and Betsey Leonard of Middleborough, int. Sept. 26, 1812 [m. ---- PR32]
Lewis and Lucy B. Waterman of Kingston, int. Nov. 1, 1846
Lois and James Capen [int. Jr. of Stoughton], Dec. 6, 1807 [date in later
Loise [int. Lois] and John Croal Stetson, Apr. 16, 1795
Lucy and Alexander Alden, Jan. 5, 1792
Lucy of Middleborough and Benjamin Whitman 2d, May 24, 1796
Lucy and Ira Conant, Nov. 24, 1822
Lydia and John Porter, ------ "1758 or 1759,"* PR73
Lydia W. and Cyrus Benson Jr., Oct. 25, 1842 [Lydia Washburn Leonard, PR30]
Marcus and Polly Richards, int. Apr. 20, 1793 [Marcus of Pomfret, Vt., m Jan.
9, 1794, PCR]
Martha and Cornelius Pratt, int. Dec. 31, 1786
Martin and Joanna Besse [int. Bessa], Dec. 3, 1818 [Bessee, PR1]
Martin 2d and Joan D. Bradford, Jan. 2, 1837
Martin and Hannah Stutson, ------,* PR32
Mary and Daniel Herington, Jan. 10, 1732-3* [Daniel Herrington of
Marlborough, CR1]
Mary and Jeremiah Conant, Mar. 21, 1782
Mary and Oliver Conant Jr., Sept. 14, 1823
Mary and Joseph Young of Wareham, Mar. 5, 1826
Mary and Isaac Keith 2d, Jan. 6, 1833
Nabby (see Abigail)
Nahum and Thankful Besse [int. Thankfull Bessee] of Wareham, Nov. 22, 1744,
in Wareham.
Nehemiah and Phebe Pratt, Jan. 5, 1792
Oliva and Cephas Tomson of Middleborough, int. Feb. 20, 1802
Olive of Middleborough and Samuel Shaw, int. Sept. 29, 1781
Olive H. of Manfield and Jabez Witherell, int. Oct. 24, 1847
Orville and Mary T. Hayward, Dec. 6, 1836
Phebe of Raynham and Daniel Leonard, int. Nov. 3, 1781
Phebe and Martin Benson, Nov. 30, 1823
Phebee and Eliab Byram, Dec. 3, 1741* [Mrs. Phebe, PCR. Mrs. Phebe and Elyab
Byram, CR1]
Philibert of Middleborough and Benjamin Hayward, int. Jan. 10, 1807
Polly and Daniel Leoanrd [int. of Middleborough], Apr. 7, 1791 [Daniel, PCR]
Polly and Silvanus Sturtevant, int. May 16, 1801 [Salvanus Stutavant, m
------, PR32]
Polly, wid., and Clifford [int. Clefford] Carver of Raynham, Sept. 29, 1806
Polly and Francis Perkins, Sept. 3, 1815
Rachel and William Swift, Apr. 16, 1795
Rachel S. and Dexter Marvel of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 30, 1844
Rebecca and Libeus Blossom of Easton [int. Eaton, N.H.] Feb. 5, 1804 [Liba,
Rebecca and Soranus Wentworth, Apr. 8, 1834 [Soranus, s. Theophilus and
Betsey, PR90]
Roland [int. Rowland] and Lydia Smith of Walpole, Feb. 8, 1787, in Walpole.
Rosamond [int. Rosamon] and Nathan Shaw [int. of Middleborough], Dec. 10,
1782 [Rosamond and Nathan Shaw, PCR. Vosamond and Nathan Shaw of Midleboro,
Rowland (see Roland)
Ruth and Lazell Dean of Raynham, Mar. 15, 1789
Ruth and Ophir Mitchell, Oct. 9, 1803 [Ophir, s. Edward and Jane (Latham),
Samuel and Lydia Besse of Wareham, July 7, 1748, in Wareham*
Samuel Jr. and Mehitable Bennett of E. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 2, 1823 [Samuel
and Mehitable Bennet, m. Sept. 4, PR32]
Sarah and Isaac Pool, Dec. 20, 1743*
Sarah and Jonathan Bassett, June 6, 1813
Seth and Charlotte Dean [int. Deane], Nov. 8, 1821 [Dean, PR1]
Silas and Nabba Smith, Dec. 15, 1785
Silvanus (see Sylvanus)
Simeon [int. Lennard] and Anna Smith of Lexington, Apr. 10, 1764, in
Simeon and Boadicea Thomson of Middleboro, int. Mar. 22, 1817 [Thompson, m
Simeon W. and Betsey Leonard, May 19, 1828
Solomon Jr. and Cementha T. Sturtevant, Aug. 12, 1840 [Sturtivent, CR1.
Sturtevant, PR81]
Sylvanus [int. Silvanus] and Eunice Kinsley, Nov. 19, 1787 [Sylvanus, PCR.
Sylvanus, Nov.4, CR1. Dr. Silvanus Lonard and Mrs. Eunice Kinsley, Nov. 4,
Thankfull and Rufus Conant, Sept 28, 1783 [Thankful, PCR. Thankfull, CR1]
Timothy of Middleborough and Lydia Sears, int. Nov. 16, 1800
Zadock of Middleborough and Deborah Keith, June 10, 1766 [? in Middleborough]
Ziba and Chloe Shaw of Middleborough, May 5, 1783 [? in Middleborough]
Zilpha of Pomfret, Vt., and Cephas Kinsley, int. Dec. 29, 1787
LEONORD (also see Leanard, Learnard, Lennard, Lenord, Leonard)
Clementina Maria [int. Clementiana Maria Leonard] and Levi Paine of Randolph,
June 11, 1829 [Clementina Maria Leonard, CR3]
LEVIT (also see Leavitt, Leavitt]
Tabitha and Jeremiah Thayer, Nov. 11, 1756*
Abner of Middleborough and Mercy Hall, Sept. 29, 1763 [Sept. 25, PCR]
Hager, wid., and Jacob Tarbit, blacks, int. Oct. 7, 1820
Sally [int. Patty] and Edward Kelly of Warren, Aug. 23, 1801 [? in
Samuel W. and Sally Clapp, Oct. 17, 1813
Desire of Pembroke and Cornelius Chruchell, int. May 24, 1800
Bridget of Raynham and Caesar Crane, blacks, int. Nov. 29, 1783
Charles and Rebecca Woods [int. Wood] Porter, Oct. 13, 1816
Cyrena and Ziba Bissbee, int. Apr. 9, 1814
Deborah of Hingham and Artemas Hale, int. Oct. 28, 1815 [Artemas, b.
Winchendon, s. Moses and Ruth Foster, m. ----, 1815, PR1]
Elizabeth of Taunton and Caleb Leach, int. Nov. 22, 1827
Gideon and Martha Perkins [int. negroes], Aug. 13, 1781
Hannah of Scituate and Perez Hayward [int. Peres Howard], Aug, 17, 1795, in
James of Cohasset and Nabby [int. Nabba] Mitchell, Feb. 20, 1788 [Nabby
Mitchel, PCR]
Kezia and Bela Curtis, Jan. 19, 1802 [date in later handwriting, sic] int.
Dec. 25, 1802
Lucinda E. and Timothy M. Lincoln of Taunton, int. Mar. 12, 1837
Martha and Jacob Gardener of Augusta, int. May 17, 1806
Martha and Benjamin Gardner of Augsta, int. Aug. 16, 1806
Mary of Hingham and Isaac Harris, June 28, 1698, in Hingham.*
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] and Japhet Beal [int. Beals of Augusta, Me.] Oct.
2, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Nathaniel Jr. and Sally Leach, June --, 1822,* PR43
Nehemiah and Kezia Packard, Nov. 24, 1748*
Nehemiah [int. 2d] and Patty Packard, Jan. 10, 1802
Phebe and Thomas Macumber Jr., int. May 9, 1795
Ruel [int. Reuel] and Eunice Willis, Dec. 30 [Dec. 30 in later handwriting],
Rufus and Lucy Ellis, int. Sept. 15, 1804
Sally and Titus Drake of Easton, int. Dec. 1, 1792
Sally S. and Benjamin S. Kingman of Easton, Apr. 25, 1840
Susanna of Hingham and John Mitchell, Sept. 27, 1795, in Hingham [Susannah
(second w), PR1]
Timothy M. of Taunton and Lucinda E. Lincoln, int. Mar. 12, 1837
William of Tanton and Hannah Wade, Mar. 28, 1751* [Mar. 20, PCR]
LINDSAY (also see Lindsey, Lindsly, Linsey)
Mary and Nathanael Ames, Dec. 9, 1734* [Lindsey and Nathaniel Ames, CR1]
Thomas and Elisabeth Turner, Oct. 3, 1745* [Lindsey and Elizabeth Turner, PCR]
LINDSEY (also see Lindsay, Lindsly, Linsey)
Jane of Pembroke and George Turner, Nov. 9, 1758, in Pembroke*
John and Abigail Washburn, Feb. 7, 1734,* CR1
Lurana and Martin Howe, July 7, 1820
Thomas Jr. and Thankfull Bailey, Apr. 20, 1786
LINDSLY (also see Lindsay, Lindsey, Linsey)
James 2d [int. Linsey Jr. of Easton] and Phebe Pettengail [int. Pettingill]
of Easton, June 24, 1779, in Easton.
Hannah and William Curtice, June 7, 1780* [Linsfield and William Curtis, PCR]
Samuel of Randolph and Lois Howard, Nov. 1, 1812
Heman and Hannah Snow, Dec. 3, 1797*
LINSEY (also see Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindsly)
James [int. Gillmore] and Hannah Turner, Dec. 3, 1744 [Linsey, PCR]
Margret [dup. (second w.)] and Sash, negro, Nov. 11, 1724* [This entry
crossed out]
LION (also see Lyon)
Reubin of Milton and Abigail Dalie, int. Apr 5, 1810
Nehemiah of Stoughton and Sarah Hooper, May 22, 1760*
LITCHFIELD (see Lichfield)
Anna of Pembroke and Jonathan Packard, Sept. 27, 1789, in Pembroke*
Betsey Niles of Marshfield and Zoroaster Edson, int. Nov. 7, 1812 [Betsy
Niles Little, d. George of Marshfield, and Zoroaster, s. Noah, m ----, 1812,
Christian and Henry Paul Sterling of Providence [int. adds R.I.], Oct. 18,
1791 [Christiana, PCR]
Dina [int. Dinah] and Pompy [int. Pomp Mitchell of Raynham], "Negro man,"
Mar. 8, 1787. [Dina and Pomey, "a negro man," PCR. Dina Little and Pompey,
"negro man," of Raynham, Mar. 18, CR1]
Lydia, Mrs., of Scituate and Simeon Gannett, int. Sept. 23, 1809
Mary [int. Polly] of Hanover and Adams Bailey [int. Jr.]. Dec. 17, 1779, in
Nathaniel and Pamela Bradford of Duxborough, int. Oct. 29, 1791
Polly (see Mary)
LITTLEFEILD (also see Littlefield)
Daniel and Rebecca Williams, wid., Dec. 5, 1732*
Martha [int. Littlefield] and Luke Keith [int. of Easton], Feb. 4, 1768
[Littlefield and Luke Keith, PCR]
Susanna [int. Littlefield] and Edward Keith of Easton, Jan. 10, 1765
[Susannah Littlefield, PCR]
LITTLEFIELD (also see Littlefeild)
Charles of Stoughton and Ann Howard, Feb. 8, 1821
Daniell [int. Daniel Jr.] and Catherine [int. Catharine] Cole, Feb. 11, 1762
[Daniel Jr. and Catharine Cole, PCR]
Dorrithy and John May, Apr. 1, 1807 [date in later handwriting]*
Esther (Littlefield) and Samuel Soper, June 23, 1731*
Hannah of Randolph and Ezekiel Reed, int. Oct. 17, 1807
Mary and David Wade, Sept. 9, 1756*
Rebecca and Silas Kinsley of Easton, July 25, 1758, in Easton*
Sally of Stoughton and Sidney Howard, int. Sept. 16, 1820
Susanna and Joseph Ames, July 6, 1736*
John and Susan C. Rounsville of Freetown, int. Sept. 30, 1842
Joseph and Susanna Rider of Middleborough, int. Apr. 22, 1797
Caleb [int. of Plymton] and Sarah Packard [int. wid.], Mar. 3 [sic, int. Mar.
6], 1802
Deborah and Lemuel Kingman, Nov. 26, 1754
Hannah of Plymton and Lewis Ames, int. Feb. 4, 1815
Ignatius and Bathsheba Bass, Aug. 22, 1750* [Bathshabe, PCR]
James and Jane Kingman, Jan. 31, 1770
James and Mercy Warren, Nov. -- [int. Nov. 4], 1800
James and Jannett [int. Jannet] Whitman, June 4, 1809 [date in later
John of Turner and Jannett Barrel [int. Barrell], Sept. 30, 1794 [Barrel, PCR]
Lydia of Plimton and Ebenezer Porter, int. Mar. 30, 1754
Rebecca and Jacob Mitchel, Jan. 26, 1763 [Rebeccah, PCR]
Ruth, wid., and Isaac Kingman, Mar. 18, 1770 [Mar. 15, PCR]
LOTHROP (also see Lathop, Lathroop, Lathrop, Lathroup)
Avery and Hannah Dunbar, Mar. 23, 1819
Avery and Joanna Bacon of Randolph, int. Nov. 10, 1821
Azel and Anna Easton, May 12, 1805
Barnabas and Rachel Bartlett, Aug. 13, 1813
Bathsehba H. of W. Bridgewater and William Alger of W. Bridgewater, Feb. 13,
Betsey and Barnard Alger [int. of Easton], June 24, 1810
Betsey and Samuel Dunbar [int. 3d], Nov. 28, 1811
Betsey and Warren French, Sept. 4, 1813
Bezar and Vesta Cobb of Mansfield, int. Feb. 5, 1820
Celia of Easton and Samuel Short, int. Mar. 8, 1806
Cyrus and Mary [int. Polly] Willis, Jan. 28, 1811
Elijah and Levina Dunbar, June 20, 1818
Hannah r [int L.] and Leonard Alger, Apr. 26, 1821
Isaac Jr. [int Lathrop 2d] of Easton and Celia Keith, Mar. 1, 1798
Keziah [int. Kezia Lathrop] of Easton and Simeon Lothrop [int. Lathrop], Aug.
11, 1785, in Easton.
Keziah [dup Kezia] and Ezekiel Wilson [int. Willson of Methuen, Essex Co.],
Feb. 2 [dup. Feb. 7], 1808
Lemuel {see Samuel)
Mark (------) [int. Mark Lathrop] and Elizebeth [int. Bettie] Dickerman of
Stoughton, Nov. 20, 1777, in Stoughton
Mark Jr. and Katey Howard, July 17, 1805
Oliver and Hannah Curtis of Stoughton, int. Dec. 3, 1803
Peres and Eliza Keith, Sept. 3, 1818
Polly and Jotham Ames, Aug. 9, 1811,* PR41
Rebeccah of Easton and John Snow Jr., int. July 13, 1811
Rhoda [int. Lathrop] and Daniel Williams Jr. of Easton, Apr. 5, 1763, in
Sally and George Alger of Easton, Bristol Co., June 16, 1814
Samuel [int. Lemuel Lathrop] and Sarah Reed of Easton, Sept. 20, 1795, in
Sarah and John Hearsay, Dec. 3, 1807
Seth and Metable Daly of Easton, June 9, 1757, in Easton*
Simeon [int. Lathrop] and Keziah Lothrop [Kezia Lathrop] of Easton, Aug. 11,
1785, in Easton.
Simeon and Peggy Nevens of Salem, N.H., int. Feb. 14, 1807
Spencer and Bathsheba Howard, May 19, 1812
Spencer, Capt., and Eleanor White of Millbury, int. Aug. 30, 1817
Susanna of Norton and Kingman Cook, int. May 11, 1834
Sylvia and Thaddeus Howard [int. Jr.], Apr. 7, 1810
Zephaniah Jr. and Lydia Ripley of Plymton, int. Apr. 18, 1812
Bazeliel and Abia Harris, Mar. 26, 1809 [date in later handwriting]*
LOUDEN (also see Lowden)
Hannah and Calvin Reed, int. Aug. 22, 1807
Jacob [int. Lowden] and Susanna Phillips, Dec. 4, 1794 [Lowden PCR]
LOVEL (also see Lovell)
Andrew and Lydia Conant, Sept. 10, 1712*
James [int. Lovell] and Dorcas Pratt, Nov. 28, 1754
LOVELL (also see Lovel)
James and Mary Johnson of Stoughton, int. Aug. 29, 1761
James [int. Lovel] and Hannah Forrester [int. Forrest], Mar. 31, 1765, in
James [int. Lvoel] and Jemima [int. Jamima] Leach, July 14, 1785 [Lovell and
Jemima Leach, PCR]
Lucy Bethia [int. Bethiah] and John Hancock Brown of Franklin, N.J., Mar. 29,
1842 [Lucy Bethia, d. Shuball and Betsey, CR2]
Shubael, Dr., of Barnstable and Bethia Perkins, int. May 6, 1797
Shubael S. and Betsey Withrell [int. Witherell], June 1, 1823 [Withrell, CR3]
LOWDEN (also see Louden)
Experience and Josiah Parris of Pembrook, July 23, 1788 [Lowdin, PCR]
John and Susanna Clerk, Aug. 22, 1793 [Clark, PCR]
Nathaniell [int. Nathanael Louden] of Duxborough and Experience Pratt, Apr.
29, 1762 [Nathaniel Lowden of Duxborough, PCR]
Richard Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Pembroke and Betsey Hatch, Jan. 9, 1788, in
Sarah and Benjamin Darling [int. Darlin] of Pembroke, Jan. 27, 1785 [Darling
of Pembroke, PCR]
Susanna and Olvier Pratt, May 17, 1787
Abigail W. and Luther Clifford, Aug. 27, 1843
Desire of Middleborough and Azel Copeland, int. Aug. 20, 1791
Eliza E. and Walter Crocker, Nov. 30, 1837
Hannah T. of Hallifax and Benjamin W. Pratt of Taunton, May 23, 1832*
[Joannah T. of Halifax and Benjamin W. Pratt of Taunton, s. Simeon, CR1]
Isaac and mary Ann Fobes, Sept. 4, 1836 [Mary Ann, d. Laban and Hannah
(Richmond), Sept. 5, PR45]
Joanna T. (see Hannah T.)
Joseph and Malatiah Cary, Nov. 9, 1727*
Lydia L. of Kingston and Dudley W. Jones, July 5, 1835
LUNSFORD (also see Lansford)
Michael and Elisabeth Hackben, Nov. 9, 1727*
LYON (also see Lion)
Hannah and John Hains, June 27, 1738* CR1
Hannah of Middleborough and George Harris, int. Oct. 8, 1763
Lawson of Boston and Lucy Washburn, Apr. 22, 1813 [Lucy, d. Abram and Rebecca
(Leonard), PR1. PR87]
Lucy and Abel Whitney of Boston, Oct. 14, 1826 [Mrs. Lucy, CR1]
Mary and Martin Howe, int. Mar 19, 1842
Molly [int. Molley] of Middleborough and Isaac Tribou, Mar. 6, 1781 [? in
Richard W. and Mary Rider, May 22, 1831 [Mary, d. Samuel, CR1]
Vinel of N. Bridgewater and Demoris Keith of N. Bridgewater, Nov. 28, 1838*
[Vinal of N. Bridgewater and Damaris Keith of N. Bridgewater, Nov. 28, 1839,