Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - HEARINGTON - HYDE
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not recorded.
HEARINGTON (also see Harrington, Herington)
Susanna of Foster, Providence Co., and Zephaniah Ellis, Nov. 28, 1799
HEARSAY (also see Hearsey, Hersey)
David and Esther Read, Aug. 6, 1707*
Deborah and William Teryl, Apr. 27, 1709*
HEARSEY (also see Hearsay, Hersey)
Alice and Noah Harden, Dec. 18, 1816
Betty of New Glocester, Hampshire Co., and Samuel Porter, int. Mar. 17, 1792
Galen of Abington and Polly Johnson, Apr. 23, 1813
Jacob and Polly Drake, Oct. 15, 1812
James Jr. of Abington and Aletheia Pool, int. Apr. 10, 1781
John of Abington and Experience Thomas, int. Mar. 19, 1773
John and Sarah Lothrop, Dec. 3, 1807
Joseph Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Abington and Sarah White, Aug. 29, 1799
Lydia and John Harden, Jr. [int. omits Jr] of Abington, Dec. 9, 1779 [John
Jr. of Abington, PCR]
Martha of Abington and Jacob Dawes, int. May 12, 1800
Molly and David Churchil [int. Churchell] Jr., June 1, 1797
Obadiah [dup. Hearsy] of Abington and Naomi [int. Naomie] Reed, Apr. 17, 1777
Solomon Jr. and Sylvia Gurney, Jan. 13, 1802
Susanna and Achish [int. Achesh] Pool, Nov. 14, 1799
Thomas of Abington and Deborah Pool, Feb. 7, 1793
William Jr. and Molly Pratt of Abington, int. May 9, 1778
Mary [int. Hedgburn] and Hezekiah Egarton [int. Eggarton], Jan. 15, 1754
HEFFORD (also see Haford, Hayford, Heford, Heiford)
Abigail and Thomas Washburn Sr., July 24, 1711*
Jemima and James Lennard, Feb. 17, 1736-7*
HEFORD (also see Haford, Hayford, Hefford, Heiford)
Edward and Ruth Bryant, Jan. 27, 1709-10*
HEIFORD (also see Haford, Hayford, Hefford, Heford)
John and Lydia Peirce, July 3, 1706*
John [int. of Midleborough] and Sarah Conant, Oct. 10, 1754 [John, PCR]
Sabery and Elias Spear of Braintree, int. Nov. 27, 1802
HENDREY (also see Hendry, Henry)
James [int. Handrey] and Mehetabel Hall, May 17, 1770
Jennet [Henry in later handwriting after Hendrey, int. Janet Hendrey] and
Hosea Dunbar [int. of Hallifax], Oct. 22, 1767 [Jennet Hendry and Hosea
Dunbar, PCR]
HENDRY (also see Hendrey, Henry)
Margret [int. Hendrey] and John Montgomery [int Jr.] of Middleborough, Feb.
28, 1771
HENRY (also see Hendrey, Hendry)
Mohitteble, wid., and Alexander Morrison of Blanford, Dec. 18, 1783, in
Thomas [int. of Boston] and Ann Miller, Mar. 21, 1743
Cornelia A. and Christopher W. Spaulding, Nov. 11, 1838,* CR5
HERINGTON (also see Harrington, Hearington)
Daniel and Mary Leonard, Jan. 10, 1732-3* [Daniel Herrington of Malborough,
HERMON (also see Harmon)
Thomas [int. Harmon, dup. int. Harmon of Boston] and Lucy Jess, blacks, Oct.
10, 1804
HERRINGTON (see Herington)
HERSEY (also see Hearsay, Hearsey)
Jane [int. Hearsey] of Abington and Micah White Jr., Dec. 6, 1792, in Abington
Olive of Abington and Thomas Gurney, Dec. 26, 1778, in Abington*
Sarah [int. Hearsey] of Abington and Luther Lazell [int. Lazel], July 1, 1776
[sic, int. June 15, 1777] in Abington.
William [int. Hearsey Jr.] and Naomy [int. Naomi] Hunt of Abington, Feb. 12,
1781, in Abington.
HERVEY (also see Harvey)
Galen [int. Harvey] of W. Bridgewater and Sally Keith, Dec. 27, 1824 [Harvey
of W. Bridgewater, CR3]
HEWENS (also see Hewins)
Jacob of Stoughton [int. Stoughtonham] and Hannah Alger, Sept. 30, 1776
HEWINS (also see Hewens)
Nathan and Anna Alger, Aug. 9, 1818
HICKS (also see Hiks)
Daniel [int. David] G. of Boston and Naomi S. Crooker, Dec. 25, 1828 [David
G. of Boston and Naomi S. Crooker, d. Zenas dec'd, CR1------Hicks and Naomi
Stetson Crooker, d. Zenas and Content (Stetson), PR1]
HICKSON (see Hixon)
HIDE (also see Hyde)
Ephraim and Polly Dresser of Pomfret, int. Dec. 14, 1793
HIKS (also see Hicks)
Mary of Killingly and Joseph Packard, int. Nov. 1, 1777
Abijah and Sarah Lawson, May 12, 1749*
Anna [second dup. Ann] and Joseph Vinton [int. Vinten] of Braintree, Sept.
30, 1774 [second dup. July 30, 1774, in Braintree]
Anna and Ephraim Cary Jr., July 23, 1809
Barnum and Mary Ellis of Raynham, int. Feb. 8, 1806
Bezar and Hannah G. Orr, Nov. 28, 1816
David and Mary Buck, Dec. 11, 1733*
Ebenezer and Susanna Lennard, Mar. 22, 171[worn]* [Mar. 22, 1714, PR103]
Ebenezer and Abigail Stoder of Abington, Jan. 24, 1748-9, in Abington*
Ebenezer and Bathsheba Roggers of Weymouth, int. Feb. 1, 1777
Eleazer and Anna Field [int. Feild], Jan. 30, 1769 [Hannah Field, PCR]
Eunice and Abraham Joslin [int. Joslen Jr.] of Pembrook, May 18, 1769
[Josselyn Jr. of Pembroke, PCR]
Hager [int. Hagar] and Andrew Pompy, Negrows [int. "Free Negroes"], Apr. 9,
1780 [Hagar, blacks, PCR]
Hannah and Samuel Hayward, Dec. 13, 1732* [Samuel Howard, CR1]
Hannah and William Snow, Nov. 7, 1743
Horace W. of Swanzey and Mrs. L. Tillson, int. Mar. 11, 1843
Israel and Beriah Latham, June 27, 1748*
Jacob and Abigail Bonney [int. Bonne] of Pembroke, Feb. 25, 1754, in Pembroke
Jacob Jr. and Ann Tribou, Sept. 25, 1780 [A. Ann, PCR]
Jerusha and William Snow, Apr. 18, 1776
Joseph and Susan [int. Susanna] Stowel of Hingham, Nov. 26, 1773, in Hingham.
Josiah Jr. and Abigail Beal, Sept. 16, 1779
Leonard and Polly Willis, Feb. 20, 1817
Leonard of E. Bridgewater and Pamelia Cushing, int. Mar. 27, 1836
Lois and Pompy [int. Pomp] Freeman [int. "negroman"] of Bedford, Jan. 20, 1773
Mary and Elnathan Basset, June 19, 1702*
Mary and Benaiah Smith of Easton, ----, 1738* [Benajah of Easton, Nov. 22,
Mary and Nathaniel Ames, Nov. 2, 1783
Melzer [int. Melzar] and Mary Howland, Dec. 23, 1813
Molly [int. Molley] and Nehemiah Shaw, Nov. 16, 1775
Nancy A. and Roswell Harvey of Taunton, Aug. 5, 1832
Nathanael and Hannah Conant, May 30, 1710*
Noah and Hannah Beal, Nov. 26, 1780 [Hannah, CR1]
Phillip E. and Louisa [int. Lousa] Leach, Dec. 10, 1826 [Louisa, CR3. Philip
E. and Louisa P. Leach, PR43]
Polly [int. Gill] of Stoughton and John Howard, Jan. 29, 1795, in Stoughton
Prudy and Zebedee Briggs of Dighton, Jan. 19, 1791
Ruth and James Hogg, Jan. 23 1704*
Sarah and Samuel Codding [int. Codden] of Taunton, Mar. 27, 1781 [Hills and
Samuel Codding of Taunton, PCR]
Solomon and Rachel Stowel, int. Nov. 21, 1790 [m. Feb. 24, 1791, PCR]
Solomon and Sally Hollis, Jan. 25, 1797
Susanna and John Smith, June 27, 1777
HINDE (also see Hinds)
Abigail and Stephen Cobb of Wallpool, Nov. 13, 1735* [Hindes, CR1]
HINDS (also see Hinde)
Ebenezer and Lydia Bartlett, Dec. 26, 1751*
Susannah and Henry Chamberlain, Dec. 7, 1740* [Susanna and Henery
Chamberlain, PCR. Susanna and Henry Chamberlain, Dec. 9, CR1]
Jeremiah [int. Hickson of Stoughton] and Susanna Snow, Nov. 5, 1809 [date in
later handwriting]
Julia M. of Medway and James E. Leach, int. Aug. 17, 1848 [Julia Maria, d. S.
Esq. of Medway, and James Edward Leach, s. Philo and Lucia (Hooper), m. Sept.
7, PR1. Julia Maria and James Edward Leach, s. Philo and Lucia (Hooper), m
Sept. 7, PR54]
Robert of Middleborough and Sarah Willis, Mar. 8, 1743
HOBART (also see Hobert)
Anna of Pembroke and Joseph Gannet Jr., Oct. 23, 1783, in Pembroke.
Benjamin Esq. of Abington and Lucy Lazell, Oct. 3, 1811
Deborah and Dr. Caleb Marsh of Hannover, int. Jan. 17, 1795 "Said Deborah
forbid her Said Publishment."
Elizabeth and Willis Harden, int. Feb. 6, 1802
Esther and Micha White Jr. of Abington, int. Jan. 3, 1818
Jemima [int. Hobert] and Shubal [int. Shubel] Clark of Randolph, Nov. 29, 1818
Mary and David Pratt, Nov. 23, 1815
Noah of Abington and Deborah Winslow Thomas, Nov. 5, 1789
Saloma of Abington and Marcus Alden, int. Dec. 26, 1807
Sarah (see Sarah Hubbard)
Seth and Easter Allen, May 25, 1782 [Esther, m. Aug. 7, PCR]
Edward of Hingham and Abigail Whitman, Nov. 12, 17[worn]* [Nov. 12, 1714,
Joseph and Ruth Sherman of Pembroke, int. Mar 4, 1820
Olive P. of Livermore, Me., and Harison Dearborn, int. Oct. 15, 1841
Richard M., Rev., and Elizabeth Q. Donnison of Boston, int. Oct. 5, 1821
[Rev. Richard Manning Hodges and Elizabeth Quincy Donnison, d. Hon. William
of Boston, m. Oct. 29, in Boston, CR1]
James and Ruth Hill, Jan. 23, 1704*
HOLBROKE (also see Holbrook, Hollbrock, Hollbrook)
Jerusha [int. Hobrook] of Weymouth and John [int. Reuben] Packard of W.
Bridgewater, Mar. 17, 1796, in Weymouth.
Mary [int. Holbrook] and James Thomas, Mar. 17, 1810
HOLBROOK (also see Holbroke, Hollbrock, Hollbrook)
John [int. of Stoughton] and Polly Howard, Oct. 11, 1801
Levi W. of N. Bridgewater and Esther Curtis of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 6, 1832*
Mary of Braintree and Abiezer Packard, int. July 28, 1764
Melinda [int of Stoughton] and Francis [int. Frances, sic] Keith, Jan. 23,
Robert [int. Robert Swan Holbrook of Stoughton] and Vesta Howard, Apr. 8 [Apr
8 in later handwriting], 1805
Robert Swan [int. of Stoughton] and Silence Howard, May 29, 1800
Sally and Jeremiah Snell, Dec. 9, 1819
Susanna of Braintree and Thomas Leach, int. Jan. 22, 1814
HOLLBROCK (also see Holbroke, Holbrook, Hollbrook)
Experience of Scittuate and Robert Gowles, Feb. 24, 1704, in Scituate.*
HOLLBROOK (also see Holbroke, Holbrook, Hollbrock)
Easter [dup. Easther Holbrook, int. Esther Holbrook] and Isaac Richards, Dec.
29, 1816 [dup. Jan. 4, 1817]
Anna, wid., and Adam Kingman, Nov. 2, 1780*
Esther and Calvin Brett, June 29, 1788
Lydia and Ebenezer Wilbore of Raynham, int. June 26, 1784
Mary and David Stoel [int Stowel], Sept. 3, 1789 [Stowel, PCR]
Sally and Solomon Hill, Jan. 26, 1797
Susanna and Samuel Leach, int. Feb. 26, 1781
Susanna and Thomas Knowlton, Oct. 2, 1783 [Oct. 6, PCR]
Jonathan and Elisabeth Brown, Aug. 29, 1746*
William and Molley [int. Mary, dup. int. Molly] Trask, June 23, 1772
[Hollowel and Molly Trask, PCR]
Abigail and Seth Keith, Dec. 27, 1764
Ann and Benjamin Byram, Apr. 6, 1757
Jane and Ephraim Cary Jr., Dec. 25, 1771
John and Ann Harris, June 20, 1734*
Mary and Ezra Cary, Feb. 8, 1736-7*
Peggie and John Johnson, Oct. 21, 1731* [Peggy [dup. Pegge], PCR]
Ruth and Benjamin Johnson, Feb. 8, 1731-2*
Sarah and James Keith, Oct. 26, 1752*
HOLMES (also see Homes)
Abigail and Samuel [int. adds W.] Sturtevant, Feb. 11, 1826
Abigail of Plymouth and Dr. Ellis Holmes, int. Dec. 25, 1824
Becca and Jacob Eaton of Reading, Middlesex Co., int. June 25, 1796
Benjamin of Norton and Mehitabel Howard, int. July 18, 1783
Benjamin and Waitstill Benson, Sept. 3, 1807 [Benjamin, s. Cornelius and
Elizabeth (Lanman), PR1. Wate, PR18]
Betsey and Alpheus Brett, Apr. 16, 1807
Calvin and Julia A. Ryan of Wareham, int. Dec. 15, 1849
Charles and Hannah Conant, Apr. 3, 1828
Cornelius and Elizabeth Lanman, Aug. --, 1780*, PR1
Cornelius [int. Jr.] and Mehitabel Conant, Aug. 31, 1806
Cornelius 3d and Hepzibah [int. Hepsibah] Conant, Nov. 21, 1837 [Hepzibah,
CR3. PR46]
Elizabeth of Kingston and Charles Washburn, int. Nov. 3, 1833
Ellis Jr. and Patty Conant, int. Nov. 26, 1803
Ellis [int. of Hallifax] and Lucy Copeland, Nov. 24, 1806
Ellis and Content Chipman of Hallifax, int. June 25, 1824
Ellis, Dr., and Abigail Holmes of Plymouth, int. Dec. 25, 1824
Ellis W. of E. Bridgewater and Susan F. Keith of E. Bridgewater, Sept. 10,
1828*, CR1
Ellis W. and Lydia L. Sherman of Marshfield, int. Mar. 8, 1845
Ephraim and Margaret Washburn, Feb. 19, 1740* [Ephraim of Hallifax and
Margarett Washburn, PCR. Ephraim and Margaret Washburn, Feb. 19, 1740-1, CR1]
Ephraim of Kingston and Abigail Aldrich, int. Sept. 9, 1835
Eunice and Benjamin Sprague, Aug. 12, 1762 [Sprague, PCR. Unice and Benjamin
Sprague, CR1]
Experience and Ebenezer Perkins, Feb. 28, 1750-1* [Experience of
Middleborough, PCR. Experience and Ebenezer Perkins, s. Thomas and Mary
(Washburn) PR64]
Gaius and Julia A. Mitchell, int. Nov. 19, 1840
George W. and Melinda S. Pratt of Middleboro, Apr. 20, 1836
Hannah of Hallifax and Barnebas Snell, int. Mar. 24, 1781
Hannah and Peres Robinson [int. of Raynham], Feb. --, 1790 [Robison, PCR]
Hannah O., 21, d. Howland and Hannah, and Josiah Q. Hartwell, 24, shoe maker,
of W. Bridgewater, s. James and Sally, Jan. 2, 1848
Harriet G. and John H. Hathaway of E. Bridgewater, int. Aug. 6, 1837
Henry and Bethiah Fobes, Dec. 4, 1823 [Henry, s. Dea. C., and Bethiah Fobes,
d. Caleb, CR1]
Howland and Huldah Copeland, Nov. 16, 1804
Howland and Hannah Oldham of Duxbury, int. Aug. 23, 1823
Huldah and Walter Tribou of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 17, 1828 [Huldah, d.
Howland, Dec. 7, CR1]
John [int. of Hallifax] and Abigail Theyer [int. Nabby Thayer], Dec. 1, 1799
John and Sarah F. Bird of E. Bridgewater, int. Mar. 21, 1847
Lewis and Rebecca L. Conant, int. Nov. 1, 1835
Lewis and Emily Eaton of Bridgewater, Vt., int. Dec. 30, 1837
Lucy and John Harden [int. Jr.] Jan. 29, 1792 [John, PCR. PR1]
Martin D. and Philibert K. Perkins, int. Nov. 30, 1848
Mary of Kingston and Solomon Leach, int. Sept. 6, 1806
Mary and Caleb Bassett [int. Jr.], Nov. 21, 1811
Mary G. of Kingston and Jabez N. Peirce, int. Aug. 12, 1821
Melvin [int. Holms] of Hallifax and Hannah Wade, May 21, 1801
Melzar [int. Melser] and Abigail [int. Nabby] Howe, Feb. 22, 1818
Minerva A., 17, d. Howland and Hannah, and Freedom Keith, 23, shoemaker, of
E. Bridgewater, s. Barzillia and Temperance, Feb. 13, 1848
Molly of Middleborough and Anthony Bessee, int. Mar. 13, 1779
Nabby and Eaton Aldrich, int. Mar. 21, 1807
Otis of Taunton and Nabby Foes, Apr. 3, 1796
Patience [int. Pattence] and Joseph Bailey of Freeport, Cumberland Co., Oct.
27, 1796
Rebecca and Richard Bartlett, int. Apr. 30, 1763
Rebecca (see Becca)
Rebecca H. and George Andrews of E. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 2, 1831
Roxana [int. Roxany] and Hosea Packard, Nov. 11, 1818
Samuel and Mary Bryant, Sept. 29, 1791
Samuel and Mary Orcutt, Jan. 5, 1794
Samuel and Deborah Packard, Dec. 29, 1813
Soranus and Betsey Jones, Nov. 19, 1840
Susan L. and Anthony S. Pratt, Jan. 1, 1840
Susanna and Joseph Hall of Hallifax, int. Aug. 28, 1802
Susannah and Lyman Copeland of W. Bridgewater, int. Nov. 15, 1845
Thomas, 24, shoe maker, s. Benjamin and Waitey, and Jane H. Hayward, 25, d.
Erastus and Mary, Nov. 23, 1848
William and Elisabeth Hamblin, Nov. 5, 1750* [Elizabeth Hamblen, PCR]
Richard and Lidia Wormwood, May 10, 1693, * PCR
Francis D. and Mary E. Haines of Sandwich, int. July 4, 1846
HOMES (also see Holmes)
Betty of Middleborough and Lot Conant, Feb. 17, 1743
Sarah and Jonathan Carver, Oct. 24, 1746* [Oct. 23, PCR]
Heber of Easton and Susanna Cordner, June 26, 1735, in Easton.*
Alfred B., 25, paper manufacturer, s. George and Harriet, and Roxana [int.
Roxanna] S. Burt, 22, d. William and Margaret, May 14, 1848 [Roxana, CR2]
George and Mira Leland of Dedham, int. Jan. 1, 1834
Harriet M. and Frederick A. Curtis of Newton Lower Falls, Aug. 17, 1841
[Harriet M., d. George, CR2]
Hiram and Harriet A. Hyde of Needham, int. July 31, 1831
Abigail and Aberdeen Wilbar, Nov. 30, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Abihail and Solomon Pratt, June 11, 1767 [Abial, PCR. Abihail and Solomon
Prat, CR1]
Anna and Robert Wallis of Pembrook, Jan. 30, 1751* [Jan. 30, 1752, PCR]
Apollas and Vodisa Hall of Raynham, int. Aug. 10, 1799
Azubah and Zephaniah Caswell [int. Caswill], Mar. 27, 1803
Betsey and Asa Washburn, int. Mar. 28, 1789
Betsey and Benjamin Fry of Middleborough, Sept. 14, 1790 [? in Middleborough]
Betty [int. Bettie] and Benjamin Conant, Mar. 6, 1783 [Betty, PCR. CR1]
Charles Esq. and Patty Learnard of Oxford, int. Oct. 27, 1810.
Cyrus of New Bedford and Biancy Jane Crocker of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 24,
1831* [Cyrus of New Bedford, s. William dec'd and Biancy Jane Crocker, d.
Perez of N. Bridgewater, CR1. Cyrus, s. William and Mary, and Bianca J.
Crocker, GR1. Biancy Jane, PR84]
David and Martha Shaw of Middleborough, Mar. 23, 1769 [? in Middleborough]
Deborah, wid., and William Donham [int. Mundunham] of Plymouth, Feb. 1, 1781.
[Donham of Plymouth, PCR]
Ebenezer and Releif [int. Releaf] Bartlet, Aug. 25, 1761 [Relief Bartlett,
Elisabeth and Enoch Leonard, Feb. 12, 1706*
Hannah S. and Robert C. Clark of Middleborough, int. Aug. 12, 1843
Hezekiah and Elisabeth Leonard, Oct. 11, 1758* [Elizabeth, PCR. Elizebeth,
Hezekiah and Hannah [int. Hanah] Conant, wid., May 22, 1803
Isaac and Sarah Wood, Mar. 5, 1799
Isaac and Susanna Leach, Mar. 10, 1805 [? in Middleborough]
James and Mary Johnson, Feb. 10, 1736-7*
James Jr. and Susanna Washburn, Feb. 6, 1772
Jane and Capt. [int. omits Capt] James Tripp of Fair Haven, Mar. 28, 1825
[Jane, d. Joseph Sr., and Capt. James Tripp of Fairhaven, CR1. Jane, d.
Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell), and James Tripp, Mar. 29, PR54]
Jerusha and Robert Latham, Nov. 18, 1778
John and Elisabeth Packard, Apr. 23, 1722*
John and Sarah Carver, Dec. 1, 1746*
John and Sarah Pool, Sept. 25, 1766
John [int. 2d] and Hannah Cowing, June 5, 1777 [John, CR1]
John [int. 2d] and Betsey Ellis, May 22, 1803 [John, PR1]
Joseph and Lucia Mitchell, int. Nov. 17, 1792 [m. Dec. 9, PCR. PR1. m. Dec.
7, PR54]
Joseph Jr. and Betsey Alden, Nov. 23, 1823 [Joseph Jr., s. Capt. Joseph, and
Betsey Alden, d. Capt. Joseph, CR1. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell),
Dec. 7, PR54]
Joseph C. and Harriet N. Edson of E. Bridgewater, Feb. 13, 1840 [Harriet P.
of E. Bridgewater, CR1]
Levi and Susannah Leach, June 25, 1767
Levi and Fanny Robinson of Taunton, int. Sept. 24, 1837
Lois and Jonathan Cary, Mar. 7, 1754
Lois and Avery Fobes, Apr. 12, 1801 [? in Middleborough]
Lucia and Philo Leach, July 22, 1824 [Lucia, d. Capt. Joseph, and Philo
Leach, s. Apollos and Cloe, CR1. Lucia, d. Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell), PR54]
Lucy and Oliver Hayward, Mar. 23, 1815 [? in Middleborough]
Luther and Phebe Washburn, Nov. 25, 1779 [? in Middleborough]
Lyman and Hannah Shaw, May 28, 1820
Maria and Edward Snell of N. Bridgewater, int. May 5, 1849
Mary and Zephaniah Keith, May 23, 1750*
Mary and Paschal Bassett, int. Aug. 24, 1811
Millicent [int. Millecent] and Daniell Keith [int. Jr], Oct. 30, 1766
[Millicent and Daniel Keith, PCR]
Mitchell and Mrs. Jane Hayward, Nov. 26, 1837 [Miss Jane, CR1. Mitchell, s.
Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell), and Jane Hayward, Dec. 6, PR54]
Nathaniell Jr. and Elisabeth Bryant of Middleborough, int. Nov. 20, 1762
Patience and Mosess Robbins of Middleborough, Jan. 19, 1777
Peres and Parnel Leach, int. July 19, 1788
Rebecca and Joseph Copland, Sept. 17, 1760* [Copelen, Sept. 19, CR1]
Relief and Joseph Hayward of Raynham, int. Aug. 16, 1788
Roxania and Bernice Leach, Oct. 21, 1797
Ruth and John Bolton Jr., Jan. 25, 1709-10*
Saba and Edwin Keith, Feb. 10, 1828 [Saba, d. Joseph, and Edwin Keith, s.
Isaac and Joannah, CR1. Saba, d. Joseph and Lucia (Mitchell), and Edwin
Keith, s. Isaac and Joannah (Pratt) (Bessee) PR1]
Sarah and Francis Wood, Jan. 5, 1709-10*
Sarah and Stephen Leach, May 5, 1725*
Sarah and Stephen Leach, Feb. 7, 1748-9*
Sarah and Nehemiah Liscomb of Stoughton, May 22, 1760*
Sarah and Thomas Lawrance [int. Lawrence], Oct. 5, 1769 [Laurance, PCR.
Lawrence, CR1]
Sarah and Lemuel Macomber, int. Dec. 22, 1781
Sarah [int Sally] and Stephen Williams Jr. of Raynham, Nov. 30, 1809 [? in
Sarah A. and Wales S. Andrews, Apr. 24 1844
Sarah C. and Alvin Hayward, Nov. 29, 1840
Susanna and Rufus Wood, int. Mar. 1, 1800
Susana and Zepheniah [int. Zephaniah] Keith, Dec. 13, 1807 [? in
Thomas and Sarah Packard, Jan. 18, 1721-2*
Thomas and Abigail White of Middleborough, Mar. 15, 1759 [? in Middleborough]*
Thomas Jr. and Deborah Cushman of Halifax, Mar. 4, 1762, in Halifax
Thomas, Capt., and Jane Ames, wid., int. July 22, 1786
Thomas and Susanna Fobes, int. Feb. 19, 1795
Thomas and Eloisa R. Washburn, Aug. 15, 1832 [Thomas, s. William dec'd and
Eloisa R. Washburn, d. Calvin, CR1]
Vodica [int. Vodisa] and Josephus Pickens of Middleboro, Oct. 20, 1831
William and Susanna Cary, Nov. 28, 1759* [William, s. William and Lois, GR1]
William and Mary [int. Polly] Tilson of Halifax, Mar. 5, 1794, in Halifax
[William, s. William and Susanna, and Mary Tilson, GR1. William and Mary
Tilson, PR1]
William, so. John and Sarah, and Lois Thomas, -------*, GR1
Winslow and Polly Latham, Nov. 13, 1791
Zalmuna and Hopestill Pool, int. July 21, 1787
Zelpha and Jabez Warren of Middleborough, Feb. 17, 1767 [Jabez Washburne of
Middleborough, PCR]
HORRISS (also see Haris, Harris)
Abigail, wid., and Jonathan Gannett of Comington, int. Aug. 27, 1785
Barnebas of Wenchester, N.H., and Polly Moss, int. Aug. 28, 1784
Isaac and Betsey Shaw, May 6 [May 6 in later handwriting], 1805
Jerusha [int. Jerushia] and Zenus [int. Zenas] Packard Jr., Nov. 19, 1820
Mary and Galen Packard, Apr. --, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Matilda W. and Elbridge Curtis of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 17, 1837
Polly and Uriah A. Waterman, Mar. 13, 1826
Sally and Aden Packard [int. Jr], Apr. 23, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Sarah V. and William S. Alden, Nov. 8, 1840
Sibel [int. Sibbil] and Daniel Thompson [int. Thomson], Sept. 23, 1813
Rachel of Hannover and Seth Latham, int. Apr. 30, 1763
Chloe of Weymouth and Zacheus Atwood [int. Attwood], Dec. 3, 1772, in
Hannah of Weymouth and Jamse Snow, Aug. 6, 1741, in Weymouth.*
HOW (also see Howe)
Ezra and Lydia Pratt, int. Jan. 28, 1787.
HOWARD (also see Haward, Hayard, Hayward)
Abiel and Kezia Bartlett, int. Feb. 4, 1798
Abigail [int. Haward] and Timothy Ames, Nov. 19, 1778 [Howard, Nov. 19, 1779,
Abigail and Thomas Mitchell [int. of Easton], Oct. 27, 1783 [Thomas, PCR]
Abigail and Jonathan Perkins [int. Jr.], Oct. 18, 1785 [Jonathan, PCR]
Abigail and Ephraim Howard Jr., Nov. 5, 1786
Abigail [dup. Hayward, int. Mrs.] of Braintree and Col. [int. omits Col]
Edward Howard [dup. Hayward, int. Esq.], Dec. 19, 1786, in Braintree
Abigail and Ephraim Sturtevant, Nov. 10, 1791
Abigail and Daniel Howard 4th, Mar. 14, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Abigail and Solomon Reed, June 16, 1811
Abraham [int. Abram Hayward] and Hannah Hayward, Sept. 10, 1787 [Abraham
Howard, PCR]
Adelin [int. Adeline] and Samuel Harris of Abington, Dec. 18, 1815
Albe and Abigail Alger, Dec. 25, 1814
Alfred and Savinea Bissbee of Stoughton, int. Mar. 1, 1794
Alfred and Hannah Hartwell, int. Jan. 11, 1800
Alpheus and Sally Thayer, Feb. 24, 1803
Amasa and Molly Howard, Jan. 26, 1784
Ammi N. of N. Bridgewater [int. Randolph] and Abigail Packard, Jan. 9, 1833
[Ammi N. of Randolph, CR3]
Amos [int. Hayward] and Mary Ripley, Nov. 6, 1766 [? in Middleborough]
Ann and Charles Littlefield of Stoughton, Feb. 8, 1821
Anna and Daniel Crane, Nov. 3, 1801
Anne and Jacob Foster, Apr. 30, 1776*
Appolas [int. Apollas] and Olive Cary, Apr. 8, 1802 [date in later
Arebella and Benjamin Eaton [int. of Boston], Feb. 17, 1805
Asa R. of Easton and Henrietta Bassett, Jan. 1, 1840
Asaph and Phebe Perkins, July 19, 1789
Asaph [int. Hayward] and Polly Drake of Easton, July 29, 1792 in Easton.
Austin and Abigail Crane of Stoughton, Mar. 18, 1819
Barnebas 2d and Polly Howard, int. Apr. 11, 1795
Bathsheba and Spencer Lothrop, May 19, 1812
Bela and Mehetabel [int. Mehitabel] Cary, Nov. 28, 1782 [Mehetabel, PCR]
Benjamin B. and Olive Howard, Nov. 17, 1810
Bernice (see Burnice)
Betty [int. Bettie Haward] and Abijah Thayer, Mar. 16, 1779 [Betty Howard,
Burnice and Zopher [int. Zophar] Field, Feb. 6, 1811
Caleb, Col. [int. Esq., omits Col.], and Abigail Snell, May 17, 1820
Calip [int. Caleb] and Lydia [int. Sylva] Alger of Easton, Dec. 7, 1780, in
Calvin and Chloe Fuller [int. of Attleborough], Nov. 28, 1790 [Chloe, PCR]
Charles [int. Hayward] and Eloner [int. Eleanor] Howard of Plymouth, Apr. 10,
1797, in Plymouth.
Charles and Betsey Wade of Hannover, int. Sept. 14, 1816
Charles of Easton and Julia Ann Wilbar, Nov. 28, 1839
Chloe of W. Bridgewater and Dea. George Chipman, int. Oct. 16, 1836
Cyrus and Sylvia [int. Silva] Howard, Apr. --, 1809 [date in later
Cyrus of Winslow, Me., and Cornelia A. Bassett, Sept. 24, 1839
Damaris [int. and dup. int. Haward] and John French [dup. int. of Stoughton],
Jan. 20, 1779 [Howard and John French, PCR]
Damaris and Jabez Woodman [int. of New Glocester, Cumberland Co], Jan. 14,
Daniel [int. Daniell Haward 4th] and Vesta Howard [int. Haward], June 29, 1773
Daniel 4th and Silence Packard, int. Jan. 15, 1780
Daniel 3d and Mrs. Susanna [int. Susan, omits Mrs.] Kingman, Nov. 4, 1802
Daniel 4th and Abigail Howard, Mar. 14, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Darius and Sophia Howard, June 3 [June 3 in later handwriting], 1804
Darius and Huldah Cary, June 5, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
David and Rebecca Whitman, Nov. 14, 1791
Dean [int. of Easton] and Polly Perkins, Dec. 11, 1800
Deborah and Asa Whitman, Mar. 24, 1804
Ebenezer [int. Haward Jr.] and Silence Snell, Dec. 23, 1773
Edward Jr. and Susanna Howard, Apr. 25, 1745* [Edward, s. Maj. Edward, and
Susanna, d. Jonathan, CR1]
Edward Jr. and Hannah Kinsley "of the east end of the North purchase," Sept.
12, 1751, in Norton.*
Edward [int. Hayward] of Easton and Susan Howard [int. Susanna Hayward],
Nov.21, 1771, in Easton
Edward Jr. and Melby [int. Melley] Howard, Sept. 25, 1780 [Melly, PCR]
Edward [dup. Hayward], Col. [int. Esq., omits Col.], and [int. Mrs.] Abigail
Howard [dup. Hayward] of Braintree, Dec. 19, 1786, in Braintree.
Edwin and Sally Cole of Scituate, int. Nov. 26, 1803
Edwin Esq. and Mrs. Betsey Spooner of Middleborough, int. Aug. 15, 1812
Elam of W. Bridgewater and Keziah L. Wilbar, int. Dec. 2, 1837
Eleanor (see Eloner)
Elizaboth [int. Elizabeth] and Dr. Moses Baker [int. of Canton], Sept. 13,
Eloner [int. Eleanor] pf Plymouth and Charles Howard [int. Hayward], Apr. 10,
1797, in Plymouth.
Ephraim Jr. and Abigail Howard, Nov. 5, 1786
Ephraim and Lydia Cary, int. May 5, 1821
Ethan of Easton and Julia Packard, Dec. 5, 1814
Experience [dup. Experience, int. Hayward] and Rufus Crossman of Kingston,
June 10, 1818
Frances and Ezra Kingman of Livermore, Oxford Co., Dec. 13, 1812
Galen and Sarah Howard, int. Jan. 25, 1800
Gamaliel and Olive Bobbet, int. Sept. 30, 1775
George 3d and Sarah Manley, May 29, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Gideon and Molly Willis, May 4, 1788
Gideon Jr. and Sibbel Harris of Abington, int. Oct. 19, 1811
Hannah and Joseph Silvester [int. Jr,], Aug. 15, 1786 [Joseph, PCR]
Hannah and Zibeon Crafts, Oct. 29 [9 written in pencil in later hand, after 8
crossed out in pencil], 1799
Hannah and Jesse Reed [int. of Randolph], Oct. 26, 1800
Hannah and Ambrose Leach, Oct. 8, 1815 [Hannah, d. Nehemiah, PR43]
Hariet [int. Harriot Hayward] and Francis Cary, Sept. 9, 1816
Harriet [int. Harriot] and Davis Keith, Feb. 20, 1820
Harriet A. of W. Bridgewater and Artemus Hale Jr., int. Oct. 10, 1847 [m.
Oct. 26, CR1. Harriet Augusta, d. John E. Esq. of W. Bridgewater, and
Artemas Hale, s. Artemas and Deborah (Lincoln), m. Oct. 26, PR1]
Henry of Easton and Mary Kingman, Nov. 16, 1757, in Easton*
Hollis E., 27, nailor, of Taunton, and Susan Morse, 31, d. Asa and Susanna,
Dec. 23, 1849
Ichabod and Molly Keith, Feb. 2, 1794
Jacob and Abigail Willis, Sept. 16, 1816
James Jr. [int. Haward, omits Jr] and Elizebeth Babbitt [int. Mrs. Elisabeth
Bobbet] of Easton [int. adds Bristol Co.], June 12, 1765, in Norton.
James of Middleborough and Charity Blossom, int. Jan. 9, 1802
Jane and Luther Burr, Apr. 7, 1785
Jeptha [int. of Easton] and Betsey Kanpp, Dec. 1, 1803 [date in later
Jesse [int. Jr.] and Pernel [int. Parnel] Snell, Sept. 4, 1799
Job and Hannah Capen of Dorchester, Dec. 13, 1781, in Dorchester.
John and Polly Hill [int. Gill] of Stoughton, Jan. 29, 1795, in Stoughton.
John E. Esq. and Harriot [int. Harriet] M. Pratt, Sept. 18, 1821 [John E.
Esq., s. Daniel Esq. of the West Parish, and Harriott M. Pratt, d. Capt. Asa
and Lydia, CR1]
Jonas and Nabby [int. Nabbe] Packard, Feb. 26, 1784 [Nabby, PCR]
Jonathan 3d and Beulah [int. Bula] Keith, May 8, 1788 [? in Middleborough]
Jonathan 3d and Abigail Packard, Apr. 10, 1794
Jonathan 3d and Molly Howard, wid., int. Mar. 24, 1798
Joshua [int. Haward] and Priscilla [int. Priscila] Capen of Stoughton [int.
Stoughtonham], Dec. 12, 1776, in Stoughton.
Joshua and Chloe Edson, int. Mar. 1, 1795
Joshua [int. of Sidney] and Zilpha Reynolds, Feb. 17, 1805 [date in later
Justin of Easton and Harriot [int. Harriet] Fobes, Aug. 25, 1830
Katey and Mark Lothrop Jr., July 17, 1795
Kezia and Noah Edson, Oct. 29, 1802 [Keziah, d. Capt. Eliakim, and Noah
Edson, s. Samuel 4th, CR2]
Levina and John Willis 4th, Dec. 16, 1813
Lephia [int. Leephra] and Benjamin Capin [int. Capen of Stoughton], Jan. 9,
1806 [date in later handwriting]
Lloyd and Abigail Snell, Oct. 3, 1796
Lois [int. Louis] and Nathan Keith, June 13, 1786 [Lois, PCR]
Lois and Samuel Linfield of Randolph, Nov. 1, 1812
Louisa D. of W. Bridgewater and Josiah Fobes, int. June 3, 1838
Lucia and Nathan Jones, Feb. 17, 1820
Lucinda and Noah Cushman [sic, int. Cheesman], May 12, 1799
Lucinda [int. Haward] and John Hartwell, Dec. 6, 1801
Lucy and Nathan Church [int. of Boston], Sept. 27, 1810
Lucy and Lot Blanchard of Stoughton, Feb. 19, 1818
Lucy of W. Bridgewater and Thomas Ames of W. Bridgewater, Jan. 5, 1834,* CR1.
Marcus and Jemima Hall of Raynham, int. Jan. 29, 1814
Mark and Martha Alger, Apr. 13, 1788
Martha [int. Haward] and Zadoc [int. Zadock] Packard, Jan. 14, 1779 [Howard
and Zadok Packard, PCR. Howard, d. Henry, and Zadock Packard, s. Nathaniel
(s. Zachariah, s. Nathaniel, s. Samuel "from England") ----. 1778, CR2]
Martha dn James Newbury, Sept. 24, 1797
Martha (see Martha Marsh)
Martin and Vashti [int. Vashty] Willis, Oct. 21, 11793 [Vashti, PCR]
Mary and Jacob Thomson of Halifax, Sept. 4, 1735*, CR1
Mary of Easton and Thomas Packard, Jan. 1, 1757, in Easton.*
Mehetabel [int. Mehitable] and John Wales [int. of Stoughton], Jan. 18, 1789
[Mehitabel and John Wales, PCR]
Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] and Samuel Dike Jr., Jan. 31, 1793 [Mehetabel, PCR]
Mehitabel and Benjamin Holmes of Norton, int. July 18, 1783
Mehitabel and Charles Copeland, Dec. 9, 1816
Melby [int. Melley] and Edward Howard Jr., Sept. 25, 1780 [Melly, PCR]
Melinda and Ozen Gurney of Paris, Me., Dec. 11, 1820
Molly and Amasa Howard, Jan. 26, 1784
Molly, wid., and Jonathan Howard 3d, int. Mar. 24, 1798
Nancy and Azor Packard, Feb. 14, 1815
Nathan [int. Haward] and Susanna Howard [int. Haward] of Easton, Sept. 23,
1770 in Easton
Nathan [int. 3d] and Lydia Copeland, Jan. 17. 1799
Nehemiah and Sally Curtis, int. Sept. 17, 1791
Nemiah [int. Nehemiah Haward] and Hannah Dean of Easton, Feb. 17, 1770, in
Olive and Benjamin B. Howard, Nov. 17, 1810
Olive and John Wales Jr., June 13, 1820
Oliver [int. Jr.] and Susanna Reynolds, Nov. 2, 1780 [Oliver, PCR]
Oliver and Rebecca Randall [int. Randel] of Easton, Oct. 11, 1781, in Easton
Oliver [int. Jr.] and Lucy Sturtevant, Dec. 4, 1808 [date in later
Otis and Reuma Southworth, Aug. 28, 1818
Parna and James Ford [int. Foard], Oct. 26, 1800
Parnel (see Pernel)
Pattie [int. Patte] and Azel Kinsley, June 16, 1785 [Patte, PCR]
Pernel and Edward Hayward 3d, July 4, 1805
Persia and Asa Copeland, Feb. 12, 1792 [July 12, PCR]
Peter of New Bedford and Sarah Dunbar, coulered, May 2, 1814
Phebe and Daniel Manley Jr., Aug. 1, 1782
Polly and Barnebas Howard 2d, int. Apr. 11, 1795
Polly and John Holbrook [int. of Stoughton], Oct. 11, 1801
Polly and Amos Whiting, int. May 25, 1810
Polly and Benjamin Marshall, Nov. 28, 1820
Polly Brett and David Bartlett, int. Nov. 12, 1796
Rachel and Israel Alger, Dec. 26, 1785
Rebecca [int. Rebeccah] and James Randell [int. Randel] of Easton, June 24,
1779, in Easton
Relief (see Lephia)
Rhoda [sic, Rowena, int. Rowena] and Simeon Cary, Oct. 27 [Oct. 27 in later
handwriting], 1806
Rhoda and Edward Southworth, Dec. 7, 1815
Robert [int. Hayward] and Hannah Keith, Sept. 28, 1768 [? in Middleborough]
Robert Jr. and Susanna Perkins, Sept. 25, 1788
Rowena and Charles Lathrop, Apr. 24, 1788
Rowena (see Rhoda)
Ruhamah F. of W. Bridgewater and Rotheus H. Reed of Eaton, Sept. 18, 1831*
Salle and Cyrus Perkins, int. Mar. 29, 1787 [Sally and Cyrus Perkins, s.
Thomas and Mary (Pratt), m ----, 1787, CR2]
Sally and Jones [int. Jonas] Hartwell, Nov. 28, 1820
Sally and Thomas Parris of E. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 25, 1845
Salmon and Amelia Snell, int. Mar. 29, 1800
Samuel Jr. and Abigail Torrey of Scittuate, Jan. 13, 1725, in Scituate*
Samuel and Elizebeth Barber of Dorchester, Dec. 27, 1799, in Dorchester*
Samuel of W. Bridgewater and Lavina Wilbar, Oct. 15, 1840
Sarah [int. Haward] and Abiel Kinsley of Easton, Jan. 15, 1778, in Easton
Sarah and Daniel Aulger [int. Alger Jr.] of Easton, Jan. 1, 1782, in Easton
Sarah and Abel Dunbar, Mar. 23, 1784
Sarah and Galen Howard, int. Jan. 25, 1800
Sarah and Ichabod Macumber of Easton, int. May 31, 1806
Seth [int. 2d] and Desire Bailey, Nov. 7, 1782 [Seth, PCR]
Sibbil and Oliver Drake, int. Sept. 29, 1810
Sidney and Sally Alden, May 25, 1815
Sidney and Sally Littlefield of Stoughton, int. Sept. 16, 1820
Silence [int. Haward] and Eliphalet Leoanrd Jr. of Easton, July 4, 1755, in
Silence and Robert Swan Holbrook [int. of Stoughton], May 29, 1800
Simeon and Hannah Bartlett, Apr. 6, 1794
Simeon and Bathsheba Jackson, May 11, 1807
Solomon [int. Hayward] of Easton and Martha Burr, June 28, 1779, in Easton
Sophia and Darius Howard, June 3 [June 3 in later handwriting], 1804
Sophia and Nathaniel Sprague Spooner of Fairhaven, Bristol Co., Nov. 8, 1812
Susan [int. Susanna Hayward] and Edward Howard [int. Hayward] of Easton, Nov.
21, 1771, in Easton
Susanna and Edward Howard Jr., Apr. 25, 1745* [Susanna, d. Jonathan, and
Edward, s. Maj. Edward, CR!]
Susanna [int. Haward] of Easton and Nathan Howard [int. Haward], Sept. 23,
1770, in Easton.
Susanna and Josiah Lathrop [int. Jr.], Dec. 15, 1785 [Josiah, PCR]
Sylva and Ebenezer Bailey, Sept. 6, 1782 [Sept. 26, PCR]
Sylvia [int. Silva] and Cyrus Howard, Apr. --, 1809 [date in later
Tabitha of Stoughton and Oliver Hayward, int. Nov. 11, 1786
Thaddeus and Kezia Ames, Mar. 1, 1786 [Keziah, PCR]
Thaddeus [int. Jr.] and Sylvia Lothrop, Apr. 7, 1810
Thaddeus and Mrs. Seabry [int. Seabury] Keith [int. wid.], Nov. 17, 1813 [?
in Middleborough]
Thedoray of Braintree and Seth Edson, int. Nov. 6, 1784
Theophilus [int. Haward] Jr. and Bathsheba Keith of Easton, Oct. 29, 1778
[Howard Jr., PCR]
Thomas and Hepzibah Carver, Dec. 16, 1810
Tisdale and Chloe Alger, Apr. 21, 1791
Urana B. and Marshal [int. Marshall] Thompson, Sept. 18, 1838 [Marshal, CR1]
Uriel and Lucy Barns [int. Barnes], Jan. 29, 1816
Vesta [int. Haward] and Daniel Howard [int. Daniel Haward 4th], June 29, 1773
Vesta and Robert [int. adds Swan] Holbrook [int. of Stoughton], Apr. 8 [Apr.
8 in later handwriting], 1805
Vesta and Barzillai Hayward, Nov. 21, 1811
William, 26, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. Charles and Betsey, and Susan
Richmond, 14, of W. Bridgewater, d. Enoch and Susanna, Mar. 19, 1848*
[Susanna of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
Zachariah, Rev. [int. of Stoughton] and Patty [int. Patte] Crafts, Mar. 6,
1787 [Rev. Zachariah and Polly Crafts, PCR]
Zephaniah and Jennett Latham [int. wid.], Feb. 24, 1800
Zepheon [int. Ziphion] and Anna [int. Amy] Reynolds, June 9, 1803
HOWE (also see How)
Abigail [int Nabby] and Melzar [int. Melser] Holmes, Feb. 22, 1818
Azor [int. How] and Ruth Chesman, Dec. 1, 1791 [Howe, PCR. Howe and Ruth
Chessman, Dec. 8, PR1]
Harriet N. and Alfred Griffin, Oct. 2, 1837
Lydia and Absalom Osbourn [int. Osbourne], Mar. 22, 1812
Marcus of Hallifax and and Deborah Hatch Josselin, int. Aug. 7, 1813
Martin and Lurana Lindsey, July 7, 1820
Martin and Mary Lyon, int. Mar. 19, 1842
Melinda and Abner Shelly, Sept. 6, 1812
Opher and Mary T. Reed, June 16, 1818*
Salome and Libeus Smith of Abington, int. Dec. 3, 1814
HOWEL (also see Howell)
Hannah and Ephraim Marvel, Feb. 11, 1737-8* [Ephraim of Easton, Feb. 1, CR1]
Jeremy and Lydia Packard, Apr. 7, 1718*
Susanna and Cornelius White, Oct. 14, 1747* [Howell, PCR]
HOWELL (also see Howel)
Daniel [int. Daniell Stowell] and Deliverance Latham, Jan. 18, 1743 [Daniel
Howell PCR]
Lydia and Joseph Peterson, Nov. 19, 1742* [Joseph of Duxborough, PCR]
Sarah and Seth Hack of Taunton, int. Dec. 22, 1744
Beulah of Pembroke and Charles Bisbe, Sept. 16, 1756, in Pembroke.*
Ichabod of Pembrook and Mary Hatch, Feb. 17, 1780 [Feb. 18, PCR]
Ichaabod and Wealthy Faxon of Hallifax, int. May 24, 1806
Lurana and David Gurney, Nov. 23, 1815
Maria J. of Freetown and David H. Wilbar, int. Oct. 3, 1849
Mary and Capt. Levi Washburn, int. Jan. 17, 1801
Mary and Melzer [int. Melzar] Hill, Dec. 23, 1813
Peg and Sippio Scot, Dec. 13, 1752*
Polly and Christophur [int. Christopher] Bates [int. Jr.], July 20 [July 20
in later handwriting], 1806
Priscilla and Peter Bennet, Oct. 30, 1700* [Peter Cornet, PR103]
Robert Jr. and Melinda Briggs of Taunton, int. Aug. 16, 1845
Sarah of Pembroke and Samuel Dours, Sept. 28, 1720, in Pembroke.*
Betsey M. of Plymouth and Lloyd Keith, int. Aug. 8, 1846 [m. Sept. 20, PR51]
Bathsheba H. [int. Bathsheba Wales Hubbard] and David White [int. of
Randolph], May 26 [May 26 in later handwriting], 1806
John of Abington and Mary Allen, Dec. 5, 1765
Sarah [int. Hobart of Boston] and Solomon Thayer, Apr. 20, 1789 [Hobart, PCR]
Tracy and Charles Beswich, Jan. 6, 1757* [Besswick, PCR. Tracey and Charles
Beswich, CR1]
HUDSON (also see Hutson)
Abigail and John Haward Jr., Dec. 28, 1752*
Asa and Deborah Osburn, Oct. 15, 1803
Bethiah and Nicolas Wade, June 16, 1822
Betsey and Rev. William Briggs of Kittery [int. adds York Co.], Nov. 14, 1799
Daniel and Patty Snell, Nov. 15, 1806
Daniel and Betsey Waterman, wid. [int. omits wid.], Jan. 5, 1822
Daniell, Lt., and Abigail Fobes, May 23, 1739* [Lt. Daniel and Abigail Fobes,
wid., PCR. CR1]
Eli and Sarah Perkins, Jan. 7, 1776 [Perkens, Jan. 17, CR1. Perkins, d.
Thomas and mary (Pratt), CR2]
Hannah and Cyrus Edson, Mar. 15, 1797
Isaac and Molley [int. Molly] Wade, June 20, 1819
John and Bethia Ottis, Oct. 2, 1769 [Bethiah Otis, PCR]
Mary and Isaac Lassel, Oct. 29, 1719*
Mary and Nathan Alden, Jan. 16, 1749-50*
Mary and Asa [int. Asaph] Sole [int. of Plimton], May 20, 1767 [Asaph, PCR.
Asa Soul of Plympton, CR1]
Mary and John Quincy [int. Quinszy] Keith, Nov. 19, 1792 [John Quincy Keith,
Mehetabel and Jonathan Kingman Jr., Feb. 19, 1793 [Mehitable, PCR]
Melzar and Lucinda Phillips, Nov. 11, 1818
Nabby and Jonathan Snell, June 17, 1809
Nathan and Betty [int. Bettie] Gannet, Nov. 26, 1767 [Betty Gannett, PCR]
Nathan and Anne Gibbs, Dec. 4, 1777 [Gibs, CR1]
Reliance and Samuell Billing of Soughton, Nov. 23, 1756*
Sarah [int. Mrs.] and John Ward of Middleton [int. adds Conn.] Oct. 27, 1768
[Sarah, PCR. CR1]
Silence and Ebenezer Sole of Plimton, Apr. 3, 1764 [Sou;, PCR. CR1]
Susanna and Martin Whitman, Feb. 16, 1815
William and Sarah Fobes, Nov. 15, 1737*
William Jr. and Lucy Kingman, Nov. 5, 1767
Henry W. and Maria S. Alden, Apr. 15, 1840 [Maria S., d. Eleazer and Abagail
(Pierce), PR68]
Lydia and Asa Pratt [int. 2d], Feb. 26, 1815
Sally and William Carter, Oct. 9, 1820
Sidney and Betsey Samson of Duxbury, int. Dec. 4, 1838
Charles [int. of Dorchester] and Ama [int. Anna] Snell, Dec. 24, 1807 [date
in later handwriting]
Gorge [dup. and int. George] of Braintree and Sarah Bowen, Oct. 19 [dup.
Sept. 30, sic, int. Oct. 1] 1774 [dup. in Braintree]
John of Abington and Eunice Packard, int. Apr. 6, 1773
Martha and Benjamin Fobes, May 3, 172[worn, ? 1721]* [May 2, 1721, PR103]
Mary [int. Mrs., of Boston] and Richard Perkins Esq., June 18, 1781, in
Naomy [int. Naomi] of Abington and William Hesey [int. Hearsey Jr], Feb. 12,
1781, in Abington
Phebe P., 24, of N. Bridgewater, d. Martin B. and Susan, and Daniel Hayward,
widr., 29, merchant of N. Bridgewater, s. Nathan and Rhoda, Nov. 29, 1849*
Sarah of Abington and Lemuel Packard, Aug. 20, 1775, in Abington.
Sarah [int. wid.] and Adam Porter [int. of Cumington], Sept. 9, 1807 [date in
later handwriting]
Warren and Ruth Dickerman, July 14, 1831*, PR96
Warren of Canton and Eunice Washburn, Oct. 28, 1835 [Washburne, CR3]
William and Fidelia [int. Filena] Churchell, Aug. 20, 1798
William and Fanny Willis, wid., int. Oct. 18, 1817
Susanna of Middleborough and Henry Washburn [int. Jr], Aug.11, 1768 [? in
John and Hephzibah Washburn, Oct. 29, 1708*
Mary and Alexander Munro, June 25, 1776
HUTSON (also see Hudson)
Daniell and Mary Orcut, May 19, 1697* [Hudson, PR103]
Daniel and -------Peirce of Obron, May 19, 1719, in Medford.*
Sary S. [int. Sarah Swift Huxford] of Chelsea and Joseph Copeland Jr., Sept.
19, 1808
HYDE (also see Hide)
Ephraim [int. Rev.] of Rehoboth and Mrs. Mary Angier, Oct. 15, 1767 [Ephraim,
Oct. 16, PCR]
Ezra [int. Hide of Boston] and Patty [int. Martha] Ames, Feb. 20, 1805 [Hyde
and Martha Ames, PR1]
Harriet A. of Needham and Hiram Hooker, int. July 13, 1831
Joseph A., s. Ezra and Martha (Ames), and Harriet [dup. Harriot] Keith, d.
Isaac and Joannah (Pratt) (Bessee), Aug. 17, 1841,* PR1
Mary Angier [int. Anger] and Dr. Samuel Alden, Jan. 29, 1829 [Mary Angier
Hyde, d. Ezra Esq. dec'd of Boston, CR1. Mary A., d. Ezra and Martha (Ames),