Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - F to G
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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John and Marcey [int. Mercy] Dunbar [int. wid.], July 31, 1781 [Mercy, PCR]
Margrett of Easton and Jeremiah Smith, July 9, 1773
FARRINGTON (also see Ferrington)
Benjamin and Hannah Kenaston of Dedham, int. Nov. 6, 1831
Daniel of Plimton and Ruth Alden, int. Aug. 2, 1777
Emeline F. and Aaron C. Crooker, Nov. 5, 1838
Benjamin and Ruth Bryant of Hallifax, int. Sept. 22, 1787
Harriot and Moses Standish [int. of Lynn], Nov. 13, 1816
Mercy of Hallifax and Robert J. Byram, int. Apr. 9, 1814
Samuel and Priscilla [int. Precilia] Thomas, Dec. 11, 1783 [Priscilla, PCR]
Sarah and Stephen Washburn, Nov. 20, 1770
Wealthy of Hallifax and Ichabod Howland, int. May 24, 1806
Jane Byron Lazell and John Fuller of Boston, Feb. 30[sic], 1819
Noah, Dr., and Anna Lazell, int. May 25, 1799 [m. -----, 1799, PR1]
FEILD (also see Field)
Barzilla [int. Field] and Patty [int. Patte] Packard, Dec. 25, 1794
Elizabeth and Clement Brigs of N. Purchas, Nov. 3, 1697*
Ephraim and Rubie Brett, int. Nov. 18, 1786
Jabez and Mary Fobes, Feb. 25, 1745-6*
John and Ellissabeth Ames, Nov. --, 1697*
John and Mary Haward, Nov. 14, 1726* [Field, PCR]
John and Hannah Blackman, Feb. 26, 1760* [Field Jr. and Hannah Black, CR1]
Joseph and Rachel Prey, Dec. 29, 1748*
Mehitable, wid., and Edward Manton, Nov. 13, 1733*
Nabby [int. Field] and Elkanah Palmer of Swansey, Nov. 25, 1776
Richard and Rebecca Harris of Abington, int. Aug. 22, 1778
Ruth and Israel Packard Jr., Nov. 24, 1737*
Susanna and Jessee Perkins, June 5, 1769
Susanna and Mosses [int. Moses] Cary, Apr. 13, 1773
Zebulon and Anna Williams, wid., Nov. 4, 1733*
Eliza of Stoughton and Matthew Buck, Aug. 16, 1749, in Stoughton.*
Freelove of Stoughton and Caleb Kingman, Oct. 1, 1767, in Stoughton.
Jane [int. Jenny of Boston] and James Ames, Nov. 11, 1794, in Boston
Ruhama of Stoughton and James [sic? Jonas] Hartwell, Nov. 7, 1751, in
FERRINGTON (also see Farrington)
Sarah and Gideon Ramsdel of Hannover, June 14, 1736*
Hannah and John Jess [int. negroes], May 29, 1777 [Pharoah, May 27, CR1]
Benjamin, Rev., and Mary Wilkinson of Patucket, Nov. 23, 1821
FIELD (also see Feild)
Alson and Orra Ripley, July 7, 1820
Amasa and Clarissa [int. Clarissa] Gannett, Feb. 25, 1813
Anna [int. Feild] and Eleazer Hill, Jan. 30, 1769 [Hannah Field, PCR]
Daniel and Sarah Ames, Mar. 6, 1706*
Daniel and Susanna Thayer, wid., July 3, 1733*
Daniel and Hannah Snell, July 13, 1786
Eliza G. of Quincy and Albion Dearborn, int. Feb. 26, 1842
Hannah and Charles Biswick, Mar. 18, 1733-4*
Hannah (see Anna)
Henry of Taunton and Hephzibah C. Leach, Dec. 10, 1826 [Hepsibah C, CR3.
Hephzibah C., PR43]
Lidia and Thomas Manly, Oct. 2, 1701*
Mary and Samuell Noyes, Mar. 16, 1749*
Mary and Zibeon Cole, Jan. 14, 1819
Mercy and Archabald Robison, Jan. 19, 1746-7*
Patty and Gustavus Silvester, Nov. 30, 1809 [date in later handwriting]
Richard and Susanna Waldo, Jan. 17, 1705-6*
Sarah and Jonathan Haward, July 30, 1719*
Susanna and Joseph Keith, Oct. 3, 172[worn,? 1721]* [Oct. 3, 1721, PR103]
Susanna and Israel Packard, Nov. 20, 1735*
Susanna and Nathan Hartwell, Oct. 16, 1746*
Waldo and Abigail Marshall, Dec. 4, 1816
Waldo and Sally Perkins, May 2, 1820
William and Jemima Keith, int. Nov. 11, 1797
Zopher [int. Zophar] and Burnice Howard, Feb. 6, 1811
Margaret S. of Mansfield and Zacheus H. Robbinson, int. June 19, 1819
FINNEY (also see Pheney, Phiney, Phinney, Phinny)
Esther and Barnabas Curtis, June 6, 1774*
Kezia 9int Phinney) and Adin [int. Aden] Packard, Nov.16, 1780 [Keziah Finney
and Adin Packard, PCR]
Lurana [int. Lurania Phinney] and Benjamin Packard, Aug. 22, 1775
Isaac (see Isaac Fisk)
Julia A. and Eli Wheeler Jr., int. Oct. 31, 1847
Lydia (second w.), b. Kingston, and Nathaniel Witherel, b Pembroke, May 7,
1815, in Kingston.*
Susanna of Pembroke and David Bartlett, int. May 14, 1814
Susanna, wid., of Kingston and Ira Hayward, int. Feb. 19, 1820
Amos [int. of Tomlinson, Vt.] and Rebecca Edson, June 21, 1787 [Amos, PCR]
Jacob [int. of Mansfield] and Chloe Lathrop, Sept. 25, 1797
Sarah and Lemuel Wilbar [int. Willbor], July 4, 1771 [? in Middleborough]
Isaac [int. Fish] of Kingston and Sukey Thayer, Aug. 10, 1813
Shepard and Mrs. Allice Alger, Feb. 24, 1731-2* [Shepherd and "miss" Allice
Alger, PCR. Elise Augur, CR1]
Michael [int. Fitz Gerald] and Margrett [int. Margret] Matteson, July 9, 1771
[Michail Fitchgerald and Margaret Mattison, PCR]
Bezaliel [int. Barzaliel] of Petersham [int. adds Worcester Co.] and Abigail
Edson, Jan. 17, 1786 [Bezaliel of Petersham, PCR. Barzaliel of Petersham,
Thomas of Easton and Mary Packard, int. Feb. 13, 1754
Christopher [int. Christophur] and Susan [int. Susanna] Harlow [int. wid.],
June 15, 1806 [? in Middleborough]
Rose and Thomas Carrol, int. June 1, 1844
Lydia [int. Lydia Flora] of Halifax and Stephen Leach, Jan. 24, 1744, in
Lillee, "Indian woman," and Israel Sepet, "Indian man," int. Nov. 8, 1766
FOARD (also see Ford)
Amos of Duxborough and Sarah Pettingale [int. Pettingail, wid.], May 29, 1766
[Pettingail, PCR]
Bathsheba and Lemuel Fuller [int. Jr. of Canton]. Apr. 10, 1800
Benjamin [int. of Abington] and Sarah Brett [int. 3d], Feb. 18, 1773
Elisabeth and George Keith, June 14, 1780 [Ford, PCR]
Joseph and Bettie Haward, July 6, 1769 [Betty, PCR]
Mark [int. of Abington] and Hannah Brett, Nov. 22, 1764 [Mark PCR]
Mary of Easton and Zephaniah Perkins, Feb. 25, 1766 [Zephenaih, PCR]
Packard and Mary [int. Polly] Kingman, Dec. 11, 1808
Prince [int. Ford] and Kezia Powers, Sept. 9, 1779 [Ford, PCR]
Rebekah and Oliver Pratt, July 22, 1805
Sarah and Samuel Alden Jr. of Abington, int. Nov. 28, 1799
FOBES (also see Forbs)
Abigail and Josiah Snell, Jan. 23, 1728*
Abigail and Lt. Daniell Hudson, May 23, 1739* [Abigail, wid., and Lt. Daniel
Hudson, PCR. CR1]
Abigail and Daniell Snow, Feb. 1, 1753*
Abigail 2d and Gideon Shaw of Raynham, Bristol Co., int. Jan. 16, 1768 [m.
June 30, CR1]
Abigail [int. 2d] and Joseph Cowing [int. Jr.], Feb. 13, 1772 [Abigail and
Joseph Cowing, PCR]
Abigail and John Morey of Norton, July 18, 1776
Abigail, Mrs. [int. wid.], and Rev. Abraham Gushe [int. Abram Gushee] of
Dighton, Feb. 20, 1828 [Mrs. Abigail, wid. Dr. Fobes of Oakham (oldest s.
Alpheus) and Rev. Abraham Gushee of Dighton, CR1]
Abner and Polly Ford [int. Foard], Mar. 31, 1791 [Ford, PCR]
Alanson and Zilpha L. Cole of Carver, int. Jan. 20, 1843
Alpheus and Mehetabel Lathrop [int. Mehitabel Lathrop], Apr. 5, 1781
[Mehetabel Lathrop, PCR]
Alpheus and Lucy Backus of Middleborough, Apr. 13, 1788 [Lucy, d. Rev. Isaac,
Alpheus and Mrs. Ruth Alden, int. Sept. 10, 1837
Andrew J. and Betsey Fuller of Kingston, int. Feb. 20, 1848
Ann [int. Anne] of Easton and Abijah Packard, June 25, 1767, in Easton
Aretas and Rowana Paul of Taunton, int. Jan. 28, 1826 [Rowena Paull, m. Feb.
20, PR23]
Avery and Lois Hooper, Apr. 12, 1801 [? in Middleborough]
Azariah and Olive Leach, Oct. 30, 1794 [? in Middleborough]
Bela and Alice Washburn of Middleborough, int. Dec. 15, 1805 [m. -----, PR79]
Bela and Abigail P. Richmond of Taunton, int. Apr. 16, 1848 [Bela 2d, s. Bela
and Alice Washburn, and Abigail Padelford Richmond, m. Mary 10, PR79]
Benjamin and Martha Hunt, May 3, 172[worn, ? 1721]* [May 3, 1721, PR103]
Bethiah and Samuel Keith, Jan. 20, 1702-3*
Bethiah (see Bettie)
Bethiah and Henry Holmes, Dec. 4, 1823 [Bethiah, d. Caleb, and Henry Holmes,
s. Dea. C., CR1]
Betsey P. and Lewis B. Dunbar, Nov. 29, 1840
Bettie and Edmund Soper, May 22, 1754 [Bethiah, PCR]
Betty and Eleazer Cary, Nov. 12, 1745*
Caleb and Susanna Keith, Dec. 11, 1776
Caleb and Molly Fobes, Jan. 27, 1799 [Jan. 27, 1797, sic, PR1]
Caroline and Isaac S. Wilbar of Taunton, int. Apr. 2, 1844
Cassandra A. [int. omits A.] and George King of Roxbury, Oct. 3, 1831
[Cassandra A., d. Caleb and Mary, and Capt. George King of Roxbury, CR1]
Celia and Elijah Fobes [int. of New York], Mar. 29, 1819
Chloe and Josiah Kingman of Middleborough, int. Feb. 16, 1782
Chordana [int. Cordana] and Lemuel Dunbar, June 23, 1806
Clarrissa and Aden Alger, July 10, 1814
Cordana (see Chordana)
Cordana and Nathan E. Hack of Taunton, int. Oct. 14, 1838
Cornelia and Vassel Keith, May 28, 1837 [Vassell, PR51]
Cyrene (see Sirena)
Daniell [int. Daniel] and Hannah Standish, Dec. 7, 1769 [Daniel, PCR]
Edward and Orpha Leach, Apr. 2, 1761
Elias and Mehetabel Ames, July 12, 1750* [Mehitable, PCR]
Elijah [int. of New York] and Celia Fobes, Mar. 29, 1819
Elizabeth and Nathan Thompson of Hallifax, int. Oct. 23, 1802
Emeline J., 22, d. Ruel and Sibel, and Benjamin F. Ames, 25, merchant, of
Kingston, s. David and Lucinda, Dec. 4, 1848
Ephraim and Martha Snell, Apr. 22, 1714*
Ephraim Jr. and Bethia Ames, Feb. 9, 1769 [Bethiah, PCR]
Eveline B. and Cornelius Dunham of Abington, int. Nov. 16, 1849
Ezra and Mary Shaw of Raynham, int. Sept. 7, 1776
Ezra [int. Jr.] and Hannah Bassett, June 19, 1810
Freelove [int. Mrs. Frelove] and Jonah Willis, Dec. 10, 1816
George P. and Cordelia M. Keith, Aug. 26, 1840
Hannah and Timothy Keith, Feb. 1, 1798-10*
Hannah and Josiah Williams Jr., Mar. 14, 1750-1*
Hannah and Levi Leach, Nov. 18, 1771 [Livi, PCR]
Hannah and Levi Macomber [int. Macumber] of Middleborough, Sept. 12, 1802 [?
in Middleborough]
Hannah and Daniel L. Hayward, Sept. 14, 1831
Hannah and George W. Packard, Jan. 25, 1843
Harriet F. and James O. Dean of Taunton, int. Dec. 15, 1843
Harriet N., 20, d. Ruel and Sybil, and William Sturtevant, 20, mechanic, s.
Isaac and Polly, Feb. 8, 1846
Harriot [int. Harriet] and Justin Howard of Easton, Aug. 25, 1830
Isaac and Mary Hayward, Oct. 20, 1811
Isaac [int. Lt.] of Wareham and Mrs. Olive [int. adds M.] Walker, Dec. 5,
1822 [Isaac of Wareham, s. Alpheus and Mrs. Olive M. Walker, d. Edward
Mitchell, CR1. Isaac and Olive M. Walker, wid. Dr. Rufus, PR22. Isaac and
Olive M. Walker, wid. Dr. Rufus, d. Edward Mitchell and Chloe (Washburn),
Jason and Leah Washburn of Raynham, int. May 25, 1770
Jesse and Susanna Angier, Feb. 13, 1792
Jesse and Poly [int. Mary or Polly] Packard, Feb. 9, 1795 [Polly, PCR]
John and Abigail [Abigail, written above Bethia crossed out] Robbinson, Nov.
14, 1704*
John 2d and Rosinda [int. Rhosanda] Alden of Middleborough, Mar. 12, 1783 [?
in Middleborough]
Joseph and Susanna Ames, July 11, 1782
Joshua and Aabigail Dunbar, Dec. 4, 1711*
Joshua Jr. and Esther Porter, May 29, 1740* [Esterh, CR1]
Joshua and Mercy Churchill, wid. of Plimton, int. May 11, 1754
Joshua 2d and Chloe Keith, int. July 15, 1809
Josiah and Freelove Edson, Mar. 5, 1739-40* [Mar. 5, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Josiah Jr. and Sarah Pryer, Nov. 6, 1766
Josiah and Louisa D. Howard of W. Bridgewater, int. June 3, 1838
Keziah [int. Kezia] and Solomon Fobes, Apr. 11, 1776 [? in Middleborough]
Laban and Hannah Richmond, int. June 22, 1816 [m.---, 1816, PR46]
Laura and Charles Bassett, Apr. 7, 1716
Leah and Israel Washburn, Jan. 3, 1739-40.* [Jan. 3, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Libeus and Mehetable Haward, Jan. 17, 1775
Libeus and Mary Leach, Nov. 15, 1807
Lucinda K. and George W. Packard, May 20, 1839
Lucy and Benjamin Keith Jr., Feb. 27, 1825 [Lucy, d. Alpheus, and Benjamin
Keith Jr., s. Benjamin, CR1. Lucy, d. Alpheus and Lucy (Backus), PR1]
Lusanna and Seth Williams, May 21, 1750*
Marth [int. Martha] of Easton and Ebenezer Edson [int. Jr.], Nov.23, 1780, in
Martha and Jonathan Snell, Sept. 16, 1751*
Martha and Eliab Hayward, int. June 12, 1762
Martha and Oliver Washburn, Jan. 19, 1787
Martha and William Conant, Oct. 24, 1803
Martha W., 21, d. Laban and Hannah, and William T. Turner, 41, joiner, s.
Caleb and Deborah, May 3, 1849 [Martha W., d. Laban and Hannah (Richmond) and
William I. Turner, PR45]
Martin and Betty Eaton of Plympton, int. Aug. 31, 1793
Mary and Robert Washburn, Mar. 6, 1739-40* [Mar. 6, 1739, PCR. CR1]
Mary and Jabez Feild, Feb. 25, 1745-6*
Mary and Calvin Hayward, int. Oct. 3, 1801 [m. ----- PR1]
Mary and Franklin Leach, Nov. 13, 1832
Mary Ann and Isaac Lucas, Sept. 4, 1836 [Mary Ann, d. Laban and Hannah
(Richmond), Sept. 5, PR45]
Mary W. and Abiel Bassett, Sept. 7, 1836
Mehetabel and Benjamin Packard [int. 2d], Sept. 8, 1784 [Benjamin, PCR]
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] and Alpheus M. Withington of Milton, May 13, 1810
Mercy and John Haward [int. 2d], Oct. 6, 1768 [Hayward 2d, PCR]
Molly and Caleb Fobes, Jan. 27, 1799 [Jan. 27, 1797, sic, PR1]
Nabby and Otis Holmes of Taunton, Apr. 3, 1796
Nancy W. and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Israel Wilbar, Sept. 20, 1827 [Capt.
Israel Wilbur, CR3]
Nancy W. and Holden W. Keith, Sept. 10, 1839
Olive and Isaac White of Raynham, int. Mar --, 1792
Reuel [int. of Boston] and Sibbil [int. Sibbel] Battles, Nov. 16, 1807 [date
in later handwriting]
Reuel (see Ruel)
Robert and Abiah Knap of Raynham, int. Sept. 3, 1779
Ruel, widr. [int. omits widr.], mason, and Sarah A. Orcutt, wid., [int. Mrs.,
omits wid.], Mar. 14, 1847 [Ruel and Mrs. Sarah A. Orcutt, CR1]
Ruth and Ebenezer Alden of Middleborough, int. Nov. 5, 1763
Salmon and Chloe Leach, June 26, 1807 [Cloe Leech, PR1]
Sarah and William Hudson, Nov. 15, 1737*
Sarah, wid., [int. omits wid.], and John Eaton of Middleborough, May 15, 1780
[? in Middleborough]
Selina (see Silence)
Shepard and Phebe Dunbar, Dec. 25, 1814
Sibyl [int. Sibbel] and Simeon Tayler, Dec. 1, 1816 [Sybil and Simeon Taylor,
Sibyl (see Sybel)
Silence and Levi Chase of Sandwich, Mar. 20, 1771 [Livi of Sandwich. PCR.
Levi Chace of Sandwich, CR1]
Silence and Nathaniell Conant, Apr. 14, 1772 [Nathaniel, PCR]
Silence [int. Selina, dup. int. Celina] and Andrew Alden of Middleborough,
Jan. 29, 1797
Silvia and Abraham Gushey of Raynham, June 24, 1773 [Sylvia, CR1]
Sirena [int. Cyrena] and Gilbert Whitman, Dec. 21, 1813
Solomon and Keziah [int. Kezia] Fobes, Apr. 11, 1776 [? in Middleborough]
Sophia and Sanford Wilbar of Taunton, Nov. 12, 1832
Stella and Isaac Wilbar, Nov. 3, 1842
Susanna of Easton and Daniel Alger, Dec. 1, 1749, in Easton.*
Susanna and William Morey [int. of Norton], June 20, 1780 [William, June 26,
Susanna and Thomas Hooper, int. Feb. 19, 1795
Susanna and Levi F. Drake of Portland, Me., int. Oct. 8, 1848
Sybel [int. Sybil] and Joshua Paddleford [int. Padelford] of Taunton, Feb.
15, 1825
Sylvia (see Silvia)
Timothy and Mary Dean of Norton, Oct. 20, 1766, in Norton [Oct. 23, PR102]
Willard W., s. Reuel and Sibel, and Eliza Ann Warren, d. David and Sally
(Dunham), Aug. 26, 1840, in Duxbury,* PR37
William Jr. and Hanah Willis, Nov. 6, 1759*
William [int. 2d] and Freelove [int. Frelove] French, Dec. 11, 1796
Zepheniah [int. Zephaniah] and Lurana [int. Lurany] Wilbar, Mar. 15, 1810 [?
in Middleborough]
Seneca and Eunice Munroe of W. Bridgewater, Dec. 11, 1831 [Eunice, d. Bennet
of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
-----Esq. of Burlington, Vt., and Caroline Clark, wid. Rev. Samuel, d.
Zedekiah Sanger and Irene (Freeman), Jan. 7, 1845,* PR1
FORBS (also see Fobes)
William and Thankfull Dwelly of Scituate, Feb. 3, 1726, in Scituate.*
FORD (also see Foard)
Andrew and Mercy Whitmarsh, Nov. 27, 1706*
Asa [int. Foard] and Sarah Beal, Nov. 11, 1793
Daniel [int. David] of N. Bridgewater and Anne [int. Anna] Wilbar, Oct. 20,
David Jr. and Polly Wilde of Easton, int. Mar. 10, 1821
Hannah [int. Foard] and Joshua Ames, Oct. 5, 1786 [Ford, PCR]
Hezekiah and Ruth Whitmarsh, Mar. 19, 1712-13*
James [int. Foard] and Parna Howard, Oct. 26, 1800
John and Mehetabel Kingman, Dec. 11, 1794 [Mehitable, PCR]
Lawson [sic, Lauren, int. Lauren Esq.] of Herkimon and Mary Kingman, Oct. 9,
Lydia and Richard Whitmarsh, Oct. 15, 1712*
Mehitabel [int. Foard] and Isaac Reynolds, Dec. 23, 1806 [date in later
Mercy of Mershfield and Nahum Packard, int. Nov. 15, 1817
Olive and John Foster of Stoughton, Jan. 18, 1821
Polly [int. Foard] and Abner Fobes, Mar. 31, 1791 [Ford, PCR]
Polly and William Tribou, July 14, 1816
Rhoda Packard and Elisha Belcher of Randolph, Dec. 24, 1818
Sally and David Packard, int. Oct. 23, 1813
Sarah and Joseph Joslin, Mar. 5, 1701-2*
Sarah of Abington and Barnabas Packard, Nov. 27, 1760, in Abington*
Thankful and Oliver Pratt, int. Apr. 4, 1823
FORIST (also see Forrest, Forrist)
Miriam and Robert Layman, int. Oct. 30, 1779
FORREST (also see Forist, Forrist)
Asa of Hallifax and Susa Mitchell, Feb. 20, 1787
Betsey and John Hathaway of Freetown, Dec. 5, 1822
Hannah (see Hannah Forrester)
Hephzibah and Charles Daniel, int. Nov. 29, 1823
Spencer of Hallifax and Abigail Wade, June 17, 1784* [Forest of Hallifax, PCR]
William [int. Wellman] and Silence Richmond, May 12, 1811
Hannah [int. Forrest] and James Lovell [int. Lovel], Mar. 31, 1765, in
FORRIST (also see Forist, Forrest)
Susan and William Mitchell, int. June 16, 1821
Elisabeth [int. Elisabeth Fortin of Taunton] and Ceaser [int. Seasar] Smith,
blacks, Aug. 8, 1786 [Elizabeth Fortune and Ceasar Smith, PCR]
Sally and Peter Mitchell, blacks, int. Nov. 17, 1787
Abigail A. of Kingston and Jonah Willis Jr., int. Apr. 5, 1817
Anna of Charleston and Rev. Daniel Perkins, Nov. 6, 1721, in Walpole*
Jacob and Anne Howard, Apr. 30, 1776*
John of Kingston and Mary Dilley [dup. Dillis], Nov. 1, 1750* [Dilley, PCR]
John and Phebe Burr, May 25, 1780
John of Stoughton and Olive Ford, Jan. 18, 1821
Mary and William Seaver, abt. 1767,* PR73
Mary Jones of Hanover and Isaac Packard, Dec. 19, 1816
Nancy of Middleborough and Daniel Reed, int. Nov. 14, 1812
Rosenda [int. of Abington] and James N. [int. omits N.] Willis, Sept. 13, 1815
FOY (also see Foye)
Elisabeth and Roger Whitney, blacks, int. Jan. 17, 1789
John and Metilda Talbut, blacks, int. Aug. 20, 1785 "John Foy forbid his
Publishment to the Said Matilda and was Published to Dinah Talbut."
John and Dinah Talbut, blacks, Sept. 29, 1785
Susa and Elihu Stevens [int. Steevens], "Mulato people," July 9, 1802
FOYE (also see Foy)
Boston, "negro man," and Dorothy Freeman, "Negro woman," int. May 24, 1777
Boston and Betty [int. Bettie] Cordner, blacks [int. negroes], Feb. 26, 1778
[Betty, blacks, PCR]
Susan [int. Susanna Foy] and Joseph Cotton of Dedham, int. blacks], -----
[int. Nov. 15, 1788, in Dorchester.
Jane and Primus, negro, Dec. 8, 1737*
Ruth [sic, ? Mary Burr, see Rehoboth Vital Records] of Rehoboth and John
Cary, Nov. 2, 1730, in Rehoboth.*
FRAULEY (also see Frawley)
Catharine and Timothy Callahan, int. July 23, 1848 [This entry marked "Void"]
Catharine and Michael Conwry of N. Bridgewater, int. July 29, 1849
FRAWLEY (also see Frauley)
James and Bridget Nolen, int. Apr. 27, 1844
Thomas and Bridget Callaghan, int. Sept. 19, 1839
FREELOVE (also see Frelove)
Abigail and Ebenezer Whitman Jr., Nov. 21, 1760*
John and Abigail Washburn, May 10, 1739* [John of Freetown, PCR. John, CR1]
John and Sarah Fuller, Jan. 24, 1765
John and Sarah Woods [int. Wood], Jan. 4, 1774
Sarah and Oliver Waterman of Mansfield, Feb. 1, 1785, in Mansfield.
Thankful [int. Thankfull] and Ezra Whitman, Nov. 7, 1796
Andrew and Phebe Cushing of Boston, blacks, int. Mar. 22, 1788
Ann, "Nero Servant to Zachariah Packard," and America Peirce, "Negro man"
[int. "Free negro man"], June 7, 1764
Dorothy, "Negro woman," and Boston Foye, "negro man," int. May 24, 1777
Eliza of Abington and Nathan Chamberlin, int. Oct. 25, 1822
Irene and Zedekiah Sanger, June 5, 1777,* PR1
Josephus and Mrs. Bethany Torrey, Nov. 7, 1822
Pompy [int. Pomp, "negroman"] of Bedford and Lois Hill, Jan. 20, 1773
Rebecca of Eastham and Simeon Kingman, Oct. 15, 1778, in Orleans
Robbin and Ann Sash, Jan. 12, 1737-8* [Robbin, free man, CR1]
FRELOVE (also see Freelove)
Wilbore of Freetown and Sylvia Devenport, int. Feb. 18, 1786
Abigail and Joseph Walton, int. May 24, 1823
Albert W., 23, moulder, of W. Bridgewater, s. Jonathan and Joanna, and Hannah
H. Snow, 20, of W. Bridgewater, d. David and Deborah, Sept. 7, 1845*
Alpheus [int. of Stoughton] and Mehitable Brett [int. Mehitabel Breet], May
11, 1800
Amie and Barnebas Pratt [int. Jr.], Aug. 23, 1787 [Barnabas, PCR]
Amie, wid., and George Monk [int. of Easton], July 15, 1798
Anna and Isaac Keith 5th, Sept. 25, 1810
Betsey [French] and Theophilus Wentworth, Nov. 19, 1794,* PR90
Daniel and Rhoda Tribou, May 17, 1792
Daniel Jr. of Milton and Hannah K. Haskel [int. Haskell], May 17, 1815
Daniel and Sarah Standish, Nov. 23, 1817
David and Abigail Owen, July 4, 1751*
David and Rachel Hanks, June 28, 1797
Dependance and Rebecca Hammond, Feb. 7, 1765* [Rebeccah, PCR]
Dependence and Hannah Harris [int. of Abington], Sept. 4, 1794
Ebenezer and Elisabeth Orcut, Jan. 31, 1716-17*
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth o Stoughton] and Seth Bryant, Feb. 7, 1765
[Elizabeth and Seth Briant, PCR]
Eliza and Alvan Cole, Feb. 5, 1823
Elizabeth and Jonathan Pratt, Nov. 11, 1740* [Elizebeth, CR1]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Francis Mortimer of N. Bridgewater and Nancy Lucinda Blake of N. Bridgewater,
Dec. 24, 1837* [Nancy C. of N. Bridgewater, CR5]
Freelove [int. Frelove] and William Fobes [int. 2d], Dec. 11, 1796
Hannah and Luther Swan [int. of Stoughton], Nov. 10, 1796
Isaac [int. of Stoughton] and Polly Reynolds, Nov. 26, 1801
John [dup. int. of Stoughton] and Damaris Howard [int. and dup. int. Haward],
Jan. 20, 1779 [John a dn Damaris Howard, PCR]
Joseph and Hannah Mehuren, Nov. 18, 1784 [Mehurin, dup. Mehuren, PCR.
Mehuren, CR1]
Jotham of Braintree and Louis Packard, int. Jan. 21, 1786
Levi [int. of Stoughton, Suffolk Co.] and Amie Packard, Nov. 29, 1764 [Levi,
Levi and Betsey Merritt [int. of Hanover], May 5, 1799
Levi and Kezia Jenkins, int. June 6, 1805
Lucy and Marcus Packard [int. of Easton], Apr. --, 1821
Lydia and Isaac Keith [int. 2d], Apr. 9, 1801
Martha [int. Patty of Stoughton] and John Packard, Jan. 17, 1803 [date in
later handwriting]
Mary and Jeremiah Beal, June 20, 1768*
Mary and Oliver Sharp, Jan. 11, 1821
Mehtabel and Joseph Pratt, Sept.12, 1738*, CR1
Mehetabel and Charles Brown, Nov. 30, 1809
Mehitabel and Benjamin Price, Oct. 18, 1782 [Mehetibal, CR1]
Nabby and Marlborough Whitting, June 2, 1796
Nathaniel and Eliza Waterman of Hallifax, int. July 27, 1811
Patty (see Martha)
Phebe of Stoughton and Nathaniel Wales 2d of Stoughton, Jan. 1, 1815*
Polly and Abia Packard Jr., Oct. 22, 1788
Rebecca [int. of Stoughton] and Jacob Packard 3d, May 5, 1774
Rebecca and Theophilus Curtis [int. of Stoughton], Apr. 10, 1791 [Theophilus,
Rebecca and Cyrus Porter, Mar. 1, 1800*
Rhoda of Stoughton and William Car [int. Carr], Nov. 30, 1797, in Stoughton
Rhoda and Joseph Keen, Feb. 30[sic], 1815
Ruhamah [int. of Stoughton] and Noah Ames, Oct. 5, 1778 [Ruhamah, Oct. 5,
1779, PCR]
Sally and Asa Cushing of Randolph, Aug. 22, 1813
Samuel Pratt and Olive Reed, Oct. 27, 1801
Sarah and Jedidiah Jordan [int. of Easton], June [June written below March
crossed out], 4, 1744
Sarah and Ephraim Wood of Middleborough, int. Dec. 12, 1772
Sibyl (see Sybil)
Silence [int. of Stoughton] and Ephraim Churchell [int. Jr.], Dec. 25, 1787
[sic, int. Nov. 22, 1783] [Silence and Ephraim Churchill, Dec. 25, 1783, PCR]
Silvanus [int. of Stoughton] and Silence Keith, Feb. 9, 1805 [date in later
Sybil [int. Sibbil] of Stoughton and Zenas Brett, June 27, 1813
Warren and Betsey Lothrop, Sept. 4, 1813
William and Lydia Keyzer, Jan. 13, 1767 [Lidia Keyser, PCR]
William and Alice Washburn, Aug. 12, 1773
William Jr. and Anna Wales, int. Oct. 27, 1810
Zelopha and Benjamin Ames, Oct. 15, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Zephaniah, Capt. [int. omits Capt.] of Stoughton, and Betsy [int. Betsey]
Ames, Dec. 22, 1816
Benjamin of Middleborough and Betsey Hooper, Sept. 14, 1790 [? in
Elizabeth and James Haris, Mar. 11, 1695-6*
Deborah (see Deborah Fullurton)
Benjamin and Sarah Ames, Sept. 8, 1777
Betsey of Kingston and Andrew J. Fobes, int. Feb. 20, 1848
Charity and Benjamin Washburn, Feb. 7, 1836
Charles and Sarah W. Hayward, July 5, 1829
Chloe [int. of Attleborough] and Calvin Howard, Nov. 28, 1790 [Chloe, PCR]
Deborah and William Cushman of Middleborough, int. June 30, 1792 [m. Sept. 6,
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Mason Johnson, Jan. 3, 1790 [Elizaeth PCR]
Elizabeth and Samuel Eaton, May 24, 1694* PCR
Experience and James Wood, Apr. 12, 1693,* PCR
Hannah and Azar [int. Azor] Eddy, Dec. 14, 1786 [Azur, PCR. CR1. Azor, PR105]
Isaac and Sarah Packard, Nov. 9, 1737&
Isaac Jr. and Mary Alden, Jan. 24, 1765
Isaiah and Mary Keyser, Sept. 30, 1768
Jacob and Abigail [int. Nabby] Leonard, Feb. 28, 1800
Jacob and Hannah Breet [sic, Orcutt, int. Orcutt], Sept 9 [Sept. 9 in later
handwriting], 1806
John of Boston and Jane Byron Lazell Fearing, Feb. 30[sic], 1819
John, 28, farmer, s. Samuel and Lydia, and Ruth C. Upman, 21, d. Antoinne and
Rebecca, Nov. 4, 1849
Josiah and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Eliza Cornwell, Oct. 3, 1844
Lemuel [int. Jr. of Canton] and Bathsheba Foard, Apr. 10, 1800
Lois and Samuell Dyke [int. Samuel Dike Jr.], Nov. 12, 1772
Louis and Nathan Pratt, Oct. 7, 1787 [Lois, PCR. CR1]
Mary and Lemuel Turner of Easton, Dec. 14, 1769
Mille [int. Milla] and Richard Stowel [int. Stoel of Boston], blacks, Nov. 6,
Olive and Daniell Edson, Oct. 21, 1765 [Daniel, PCR]
Priscilla and Thomas Jonah, blacks, int. Sept. 2, 1797
Rebecca and Elijah Alden, Aug. 31, 1783
Reliance and Josiah Edson Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Apr. 2, 1777
Reliance and Noah Terril of Abington, int. Aug. 25, 1792
Sarah and John Freelove, Jan. 24, 1765
Silence and Samuel Harden [int. Hardin 2d] Jan. 17, 1792 [Harden, PCR]
Squire of Brookfield, Vt., and Bethiah Ames, Oct. 20, 1815
Stephen [int. of Attleborough] and Sarah Copeland, May 15, 1810
Susanna and Ashley Curtis, Apr. 12, 1770
Titus and Christiana [int. Christiany] Grant, blacks, Aug. 14, 1788
[Christiana, PCR]
William and Tabitha Benson, int. Feb. 1, 1801
FULLERTON (also see Fullurton)
William and Polly Porter, Nov. 24, 1796
FULLURTON (also see Fullerton)
Deborah [int. Fullarton] of Abington and Daniel Alden, June 11, 1798, in
Robert [int. Fullton of Londonderry, N.H.] and Agnis [int. Agnas] Thomson,
July 23, 1767 [Fulton and Agnis Thomson, PCR]
William and Jane Ottis, int. Oct. 30, 1762
Andrew and Betty Thomson, Oct. 27, 1756* [Tomson, PCR]
Charles W. of Middlelborough and Mary Pincin, int. Apr. 3, 1822
Southworth [int. Suthworth Gammans Jr] of Middleborah and Rebecca [int.
Rebeckah] Pincin, Apr. 27, 1819
GANNET (also see Gannett, Gannitt)
Benjamin and Mary Copland, Dec. 20, 1750* [Jennett and Mary Clap, PCR]
Betty [int. Bettie] and Nathan Hudson, Nov. 26, 1767 [Betty Gannett, PCR]
Joseph [int. Gannett] and Betty Latham, June 7, 1744 [Gannet, PCR]
Joseph Jr. and Anna Hobart of Pembroke, Oct. 23, 1783, in Pembroke.
Mathew and Martha Byram, Apr. 9, 1750* [Mathew Jennett, PCR]
Sarah [int. Gannett] and Daniell Pettingail, Apr. 9, 1755 [Gannet and Daniel
Pettingell, PCR]
Seth and Susanna Allen, Nov. 7, 1754
Simeon and Mary Reed of Abington, Nov. 26, 1775, in Abington
GANNETT (also see Gannet, Gannitt)
Amelia and Oliver Mitchell, June 13, 1791 [Amelia and Olivur Mitchell, PCR]
Charlotte [int. Charlottee] and Thomas Whitmarsh, May 23, 1811
Clarissa [int. Clarissa] and Amasa Field, Feb. 25, 1813
Deborah, Mrs. [int. Gannet, dup. and int. omit Mrs.] and Adam Porter of
Abington, Oct. 3, 1776
Hannah and Ichabod Cary, Dec. 3, 1741*
Hannah [int. Gannet] and Oliver Washburn, Mar. 1, 1781 [Gannett, PCR]
Jonathan of Comington and Abigail Horriss, wid., int. Aug. 27, 1785
Joseph and Hannah Brett, Oct. 2, 1732* [Oct. 21, PCR]
Lucenda and Lott Ramsdel, Jan. 1, 1794 [Lucinda Gannet and Lot Ramsdell, PCR]
Luther and Alice [sic, Olive, int. Olive] Washburn, Apr. 12, 1810
Mary and John Edson, Feb. 7, 1743 [Gannet, PCR]
Mathew [int. Gannet] of Abington and Alice [int. Else] Latham, Mar. 20, 1783
[Matthew Gannett of Abington and Alice Latham, PCR]
Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel Gannet] and Jacob Harden [int. Hardin] of
Abbington, Mar. 26, 1778 [Mehitabel Gannett and Jacob Hardin of Abington, PCR]
Sally and Zenas Harden, Aug. 10, 1815*
Seth Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Eliza [int. Elizabeth] Reed of Scituate, Dec.
30, 1821
Simeon and Mrs. Lydia Little of Scituate, int. Sept. 23, 1809
Susan and Ebenezer Noyes, May 24, 1821
GANNITT (also see Gannet, Gannett)
Mehetable and Zebulun Cary, Oct. 8, 1747*
Susannah and David Edson, Jan. 1, 1746* [Susanna Gannett, PCR]
GARDENER (also see Gardner, Garner)
Jacob of Augusta and Martha Lincoln, int. May 17, 1806
GARDNER (also see Gardener, Garner)
Abigail [int. Abigal] and Edward H. Lambert, Dec. 8, 1831 [Mrs. Abigail, CR3]
Abner of Abington and Bartrice Porter, int. May 4, 1782
Alithea H. and Noah Harden, June 9, 1822
Benjamin of Agusta and Martha Lincoln, int. Aug. 16, 1806
Charles Jr., 20, carpenter, of E. Bridgewater, s. Charles and Ruth, and Mary
E. Bird, 16, of E. Bridgewater, d. Elijah and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1849*
Cynthia and Thomas Hayward 2d, Nov. 17, 1791 [? in Middleborough]
Elizabeth and William Speed, Apr. 21, 1791
Huldah of Raynham and Gideon Wilbore, int. Feb. 25, 1786
Mehetabel and Jared Reed, Feb. 27, 1811
Pamelia and Charles P. Jordan of E. Bridgewater, int. Sept. 26, 1830
Sarah T. and Clark Swallow, int. Nov. 8, 1841
William E. and Betsey B. Morse of Abington, int. Oct. 24, 1846
GARNER (also see Gardener, Gardner)
John and Betsey Tilden of Hanover, int. May 3, 1806 [Gardner, m.-----PR1]
Walker and Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] Walker, Oct. 29, 1840 [Mehitable, CR3]
Ebenezer and Laura Sanders, May 13, 1818*
Sarah of Dedham and Elkanah Willis, Oct. 19, 1748, in Dedham.*
Winsor and Sarah Stewart, blacks, int. Nov. 5, 1785
William and Anna Hayden, int. Jan. 17, 1795
Elisabeth and Ephraim Willis, Apr. 13, 1758* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Adaline M. and David G. Cooley, int. Oct. 14, 1849
Anne and Nathan Hudson, Dec. 4, 1777 [Gibs, CR1]
Joanna J., 24, d. Thomas F. and Patience C., and Charles Dillingham, 24,
agriculturist, of Sandwich, s. Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1845
Nancy L., 22, d. Thomas F. and P.C., and Charles J.H. Bassett, widr. [int.
omits widr.], 31, cashier Taunton Bank, of Taunton, s. Anselm and Rosalinda
H. of Taunton, Aug. 14, 1845
GIFFEN (also see Giffin)
Elisabeth [int. Giffin] and John Morrison, Oct. 27, 1766 [Elizabeth Giffen,
GIFFIN (also see Giffen)
Simon and Gennit Brown, Jan. 5, 1758* [Griffin, PCR]
GILBERT (also see Gilbirt, Gillbird]
Betsey Carey and Edward Sprague, Oct. 1, 1837
Judith and Josiah Seares, Aug. 18, 1720*
Mary P. and Albert S. Nelson of New Bedford, July 25, 1831 [Mary P., d.
Nathaniel and Betsey, CR1]
Nathaniel and Betsey Cary, int. Aug. 29, 1801 "Said Gilbert forbade his
publishment, Sept. 4th" [m.-----PR1]
Pelatiah of Brookfield and Sarah Whitman, Feb. 19, 1777
GILBIRT (also see Gilbert, Gillbird)
Ruth and Ruben Hall, July 29, 1741* [Gilbert, PCR, CR1]
Benjamin and Content Glover, Sept. 8, 1791*
Polly (see Polly Hill)
Sally of Canton and Samuel Porter, int. July 19, 1817
Edward and Catharine Hawkins, int. Nov. 5, 1848
GILLBIRD (also see Gilbert, Gilbirt)
Ebenezer and Phebee Keith of Easton, int. May 14, 1743
GILLESPIE (see Gillaspy)
GILLIMORE (also see Gillmor, Gillmore, Gilmor, Gilmore)
Andrew and Abigail Dunbar, Oct. 5, 1752*
John and Martha Smith, int. Oct. 20, 1764
Joshua [int. of Easton] and Hannah Lathrop, Apr. --, 1790 [Joshua, PCR]
William and Mary Willis, Nov. 24, 1731* [Gillemer, Nov. 24, 1732, PCR.
Guilmor, Nov. 24, 1731, CR1]
GILLMOR (also see Gilimore, Gillmore, Gilmor, Gilmore)
Sally of Raynham and Peter Leach, int. Mar. 6, 1802
GILLMORE (also see Gillimor, Gillmor, Gilmor, Gilmore)
James (see James Linsey)
Jean and Joseph Whestley, Nov. 27, 1739* [Whesley, PCR. Gilemor and Joseph
Westly, CR1]
William and Margaret Steward, Aug. 5, 1742* [Gilmore and Margarett Stewart,
GILMOR (also see Gillimor, Gillmor, Gillmore, Gilmore)
Squire of Raynham, Bristol Co., and Nabby Cordiner, blacks, May 17, 1816
GILMORE (also see Gillimor, Gillmor, Gillmore, Gilmor)
Jane and Thomas Kenedy, Oct. 24, 1735*
Margaret and John Cochran, Nov. 1, 1733*
Elizabeth [int. Betsey Clerk] and Elijah Thayer [int. of Braintree], Nov. 25,
1803 [date in later handwriting]
Fairosena [int. Fairozina] and Edwin Reed, June 3, 1822
Rose, "negro woman," of Plimton and Ring King, "Negro man," int. Nov. 22, 1777
Lydia S. of Boston and Joel Thayer of Randolph, Dec. 1, 1808, in Boston,* PR43
GLOID (also see Gloyd)
Lydia [int. Loyd] of Abington and Joseph Ramsdale [int. Ranesdel}, Oct. 10,
1787, in Abington
Content and Benjamin Gill, Sept. 8, 1791*
GLOYD (also see Gloid)
Mehitabel and Nathan Leach Jr., int. Aug. 11, 1804
GODFERY (also see Godfrey)
Hannah of Norton and Ebenezer Copeland Jr., int. Apr. 12, 1801
Sally and Calvin Jackson, int. June 2, 1810
GODFREY (also see Godfery)
Abby [int. Abbe Godfery] of Norton and Ebenezer Copeland, Mar. 19, 1771, in
GOODSPEAD (also see Goodspeed)
Abia [int. Abiah Goodspeed] and Josiah Dunbar [int. Jr. of Wenchester], July
8, 1782 [Abia Goodspeed and Josiah Dunbar, PCR]
GOODSPEED (also see Goodspead)
Patience of Easton and Uriah Southworth, Mar. 11, 1773, in Easton
Polly [int. Goodspead] and Lewis Phillips, Sept. 22, 1795
Barzilla and Susanna Stetson, int. May 4, 1796
Nathaniel 9int. Nathanel], Brig. Gen. [int. of Plymouth] and Ruth Shaw, Oct.
3, 1782 [Brig. Gen. Nathaniel and Mrs. Ruth Shaw, PCR. Nathaniel of Plymouth
and Ruth Shaw, CR1]
GOOLD (also see Gould)
Dinah [int. "Servant woman of Deacon Ephraim Fobes Deceased"] and Tobie
Talbit [int. "Servant man of ye Widow Lydia Keith"], Feb. 3, 1755
Hannah and Benoni Hayward, Sept. 11, 1717*
William L., 27, moulder, s. John, and Lucretia O. Hayward, 21, d. Otis, Sept.
1, 1844
GOULD (also see Goold)
Abraham of Charlston [int. Charlestown] and Mary [int. Mercy] Leach, Apr. 9,
Hannah and John Bonney Jr. of Pembroke, Nov. 2, 1749, in Pembroke*
Isaac [int. of Randolph] and Patty Stocks, Apr. 3 [Apr 3 in later
handwriting], 1805
Ivory F. of W. Bridgewater and Betsey Edson of W. Bridgewater, Aug. 25, 1833*
[Betsey N. of W. Bridgewater, d. Zoroaster and Betsey, CR2]
Peltiah and Maria O. Bassett of Middleborough, int. Nov. 11, 1842
Samuel and Catherine [int. Catharine] Paul, July 22, 1832 [Catharine, CR3]
Robert and Experience Holbrock of Scituate, Feb. 24, 1703, in Scituate*
Azubah of E. Bridgewater and Gideon Wilbar, int. Oct. 11, 1846
Christiana [int. Christiany] and Titus Fuller, blacks, Aug. 14, 1788
[Christiana, PCR]
Nancy Bolles (Lorton) and James Ames Tolman, Nov. 24, 1846* [This entry
typewritten on paper pasted in book.]
GRAVES (also see Groves)
Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] and Charles Bradford, Apr. 23, 1837 [Clarissa, CR1]
Osgood and Laura Ann Shaw, Dec. 2, 1830
Francis of Boston and Sarah Harris, Nov. 6, 1777
Hannah of Abington and Samuel Porter Jr., Sept. 28, 1758, in Abington*
Hannah of Abington and Thomas White [int. of Abington], Jan. 2, 1772 [Thomas
of Bridgewater, PCR]
Nancey and William Hayward of Raynham, int. June 12, 1779
Prince and Lucy Wampee, blacks, int. Oct. 28 1797
Simeon [int. Simon] of New Glocester and Hannah Kingman, Sept. 18, 1806
Jane F., 18, d. Veris and Sally of Hebron, Me., and Isaac Perkins, 22,
machinist, s. Asa and Huldah, Nov. 16, 1844
Nabby of Rehoboth and William Simmons, Dec. 27, 1795, in Rehoboth*
D.H., Rev., and Carrie Keith, d. Quincy A. and Priscilla D., of E.
Bridgewater, -------*
Alfred and Harriet N. Howe, Oct. 2, 1837
Jane and Ebenezer Edson, Mar. 14, 1748* [Jean, PCR]
Martha Jane of Lowell and Marshall Robinson, int. Feb. 20, 1849
Simon (see Simon Giffin)
George and Harriot [int. Harriet] Hayward, Nov. 30, 1831 [Harriet, CR3]
George and Mrs. Sylvester C. Monroe of Hanson, int. Apr. 23, 1837
Jedediah of Mansfeild and Elisabeth King, Nov. 27, 1777 [Elizebeth, CR1]
GROVES (also see Graves)
Ephraim and Bathsheba Bouditch [int. Boudage], Feb. 17, 1762 [Graves [dup
Groves] and Bathsheba Bowditch, PCR]
Ephraim and Jenny Southworth, wid., Apr. 28, 1789
Susanna and John Porter 2d, Dec. 9, 1790 [Susa, PCR]
GUERNSEY (see Gernsey)
John [int. Gwineth] of Taunton and Ruth Dickerman, Sept. 25, 1814
Azel and Polly Knapp, Apr. 13, 1815
Betsey and Barnabas Edson, Jan. 1, 1815
Clarissa [int. of Abington] and Peleg Stetson, June 3, 1819
Daniel Jr. and Mehetabel Harden, Oct. 4, 1819*
David and Mary [int. Molly] Ames, Aug. -- [int. Aug. 15], 1789 [Mary, PCR]
David and Susanna Bartlett [int. Barrttlett], Jan. 15, 1792 [Bartlett, PCR]
David and Lurana Howland, Nov. 23, 1815
Elisha and Jane Kingman, Mar. 13, 1760*
Hannah and Joseph Samson, Dec. 28, 1780
James H. [int. of Roxbury, omits H.] and Delpha Stetson, June 14, 1813
Jane and Nathan Niles, int. Feb. 28, 1767
Jane and Abia [int. Abiah] Reed [int. of Abington], May 23, 1814
John and Mehetabel Southworth, Jan. 29, 1777
Jonathan R. of Abington and Deborah Reed, int. Aug. 24, 1816
Leander P. of Abington and Harriet A. Conant, int. May 22, 1836
Martha and Ebenezer Drake, Jan. 17, 1782
Mary and James Churchell, Dec. 21, 1794
Matilda [int. Metida] and Hezekiah [int. Zezekiah] Packard, Apr. 20, 1820
Micah and Hopestil [int. Hopestill] Jackson [int. of Hallifax], Apr. 25, 1765
[Hopestill, PCR]
Molly [int. Molley] and Ephraim Tinkham of Middleborough, Mar. 1, 1787
[Molly, PCR]
Olive and [int. Capt.] Oliver Jackson, May 6, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Ozen of Paris, Me., and Melinda Howard, Dec. 11, 1820
Perkins and Patience Tinkham of Middleborough, int. Aug. 21, 1779
Rhoda and Baruk Morse of Stoughton, int. Feb. 23, 1811
Ruth and Peleg Stutson of Abington, Aug. 3, 1775
Sarah of Abington and Asa Whitmarsh, int. Nov. 14, 1789
Seth and Rebecca Packard, Jan. 10, 1788 [Jan. 20, PCR]
Seth, Capt. [int. Jr.,omits Capt.] and Anna Bates, Feb. 1, 1819
Sophronia [int. Sofrony of Abington] and Gibeon [int. Gibbens] Sharp, Nov.
23, 1820
Sylvia and Solomon Hearsey Jr., Jan. 13, 1802
Thomas and Olive Hersey of Abington, Dec. 26, 1778, in Abington*
Zachariah [int. Jr.] and Mary Ames, Jan. 9, 1754 [Zachariah, PCR]
Zachariah, Lt. [int. omits Lt.] and Mary Southworth, wid., Aug. 7, 1800
Zecheriah [int. Zachariah] and Mehetabel [int. Metilda] Packard, Sept. 30,
1783 [Zachariah and Mehitabel Packard, PCR]
GUSHE (also see Gushee, Gushey)
Abraham [int. Abram Gushee], Rev., of Dighton, and Mrs. Abigail Fobes [int.
wid.] Feb. 20, 1828 [Rev. Abraham Gushee of Dighton and Mrs. Abigail Fobes,
wid. Dr. Fobes of Oakham (oldest s. Alpheus) CR1].
Polly of Raynham and Jonathan Keith 3d, int. Nov. 2, 1805
GUSHEE (also see Gushe, Gushey)
Harriet N. of Raynham and Anthony S. Pratt, int. Sept. 21, 1839 [This entry
marked "Null"]
Seth of Raynham and Susanna Wilbar, Apr. 23, 1841
GUSHEY (also see Gushe, Gushee)
Abraham of Raynham and Silvia Fobes, June 24, 1773 [Sylvia, CR1]
GWINETH (see Guineth)