Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - C
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not posted.
Alice of Pomphrett and John Brett, int. Nov. 7, 1744
CAESAR (also see Cesar)
Augustus of Boston and Lydia Mitchell, "Mitchell alies Ashport," blacks, int.
Sept. 18, 1802
CAHOONE (see Choon and Cohoone)
CALDWELL (see Collwell, Colwell)
CALLAGHAN (also see Callahan)
Johan [int. Joanna] and Alexander Patterson, Mar. 6, 1847 [Johan, CR2]
Timothy and Catharine Frauley, int. July 23, 1848 [This entry marked "Void."]
Alice of Tanton and Joseph Phinney, int. Nov. 27, 1761
Ebenezer and Hannah Pratt [int. wid.], May 15, 1764 [Hannah, PCR. CR1]
Mehetable and Calvin Snow, int. Jan. 29, 1777
Sarah [int. of Norton] and John Allen, July 12, 1753 [Campbell, PCR]
Timothy and Mary Dunivan Seanthy, int. May 6, 1846
CAPEN (also see Capin)
Adam and Huldah Packard, June 4, 1816
Hannah of Dorchester and Job Howard, Dec. 13, 1781, in Dorchester
James [int. Jr. of Stoughton] and Lois Leonard, Dec. 6, 1807 [date in later
Jane of Stoughton and Howard Packard, Mar. 19, 1799, in Stoughton.
Mary [int. Polly] of Sharon and Ebenezer Alger [int. Algier], July 18, 1792,
in Sharon
Priscilla of Stoughton [int. Priscila of Stoughtonham] and Joshua Howard
[int. Haward], Dec. 12, 1776, in Stoughton.
Sukey [int. Susanna] of Stoughton and John Wales, Nov. 10, 1791, in Stoughton.
Susan [int. Sukey] of Sharon and Willis Alger, Nov. 19, 1795, in Sharon
Uriah of Stoughton and Eunice Packard, int. Sept. 30, 1797
CAPIN (also see Capen)
Benjamin [int. Capen of Stoughton] and Lephia [int. Leephia] Howard, Jan. 9,
1806 [date in later handwriting]
John [int. Capen of Sharon] and Tyle [int. Tiley] Dunbar, Mar. 24, 1807
CAR (also see Carr)
William [int. Carr] and Rhoda French of Stoughton, Nov. 30, 1797, in
CAREY (see Cary)
Margaret (see Margret Karkins)
CARR (also see Car)
Anne and William Haward, int. May 10, 1777
Daniel [int Jr.] and Mercy Carr, Oct. 17, 1799
Daniell and Martha Edson, Dec. 27, 1770 [Daniel, PCR]
Elisabeth and Nathan Pettingail, May 18, 1760*
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Asa Pettingill, Aug. 18, 1789
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth Bryant]
Mercy and Daniel Carr [int Jr.], Oct. 17, 1799
Nelson O., 23, shoemaker, s. Oren and Orinda of Williamston, Vt., and Sarah
E. Darling, 16, d. Benjamin and Sarah W., Oct. 24, 1847.
Redding [int. Reeding] and Mercy West, Jan. 19, 1795
Reding and Sela Pettingill, int. Mar. 23, 1793. "Forbidden by Said Sela."
William Jr. and Anna Bryant, Feb. 22, 1821
Thomas and Rose Flood, int. June 1, 1844
CARRY (see Cary)
William and Sally Humphrey, Oct. 8, 1820
Abigail of Marshfield and Job Ames, int. Mar. 5, 1814
Barsheba [int. Bathsheba and Israel] [int. adds H.] Buker, June 21, 1784
[Barsheba and Israel H. Baker [dup. Bathsheba and Israel Buker] PCR. Basheba
and Israel Buker. CR1]
Bethia and Joseph Alden, int. Aug. 13, 1773
Betsey and Chilton Latham, June 5, 1803
Betty and Nathaniel Cole, int. Aug. 17, 1793 [m. Oct. 29, PCR]
Clifford [int. Clefford] of Raynham and Polly Leonard, wid., Sept. 29, 1806
Eleazer Jr. and Hepzibah Perkins, Apr. 3, 1746* [Hepsiba, PCR. Apr. 3, 1746
"old Stile," PR34]
Eleazer Jr. [int. Dr. omits Jr.] and Sarah Keith, Apr. 18, 1776 [Eleazer Jr.,
CR1. Eleazer, s. Eleazer, PR34]
Eleazer 2d and Nancey Jones, Sept. 26, 1787 [Nancy, PCR. Nancy, Sept. 27,
Eleazer Jr. and Bathsheba Smith of Hanson, int. Apr. 21, 1821, [m. -----,
1821, PR34]
Elisabeth and Samuell Packard 4th, Dec. 13, 1757* [Elizabeth] and Samuel
Packard 4th, PCR]
Eunice and Joseph Knap [int. Knapp Jr.] of Easton, Jan. 15, 1784 [Knap Jr.
[dup. omits Jr.] of Easton, PCR. Unice and Joseph Knap of Easton, CR1]
Experience and Jonathan Cary, Dec. 10, 1719*
Grenville and Sarah Mitchell, int. June 29, 1844 [Grenville, s. John and
Sukey (Snell), m. July 14, PR27]
Hephzibah and Ebenezer Keith, Nov. 6, 1759* [Hepsibah, PCR]
Hepzibah and Thomas Howard, Dec. 16, 1810
Jabez and Sarah Perkins, Sept. 29, 1743
John and Bathsheba Edson, Oct. 18, 1762
John Jr. and Huldah Pratt, Feb. 1, 1795
John 2d of Raynham and Sukey Snell, Nov. 17, 1822 [Suky, Oct. 25, PR1.
Sukey, d. Benjamin, Nov. 17, PR27]
Jonathan and Sarah Homes, Oct. 24, 1746* [Oct. 13, PCR]
Joseph and Elisabeth Snow, May 4, 1725* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Joseph Jr. and Sarah Hartwell, Dec. 25, 1746*
Joseph E., 24, manufacturer, s. Eleazer and Bathsheba, and Ellen Perkins, 24,
d. Jacob and Mary, May 28, 1848 [Joseph E., s. Eleazer and Bathsheba (Smith),
and Ellen Perkins, d. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR1. Ellen, d. Jacob and Mary
(Thomas), PR13]
Mary and Abraham Perkins, ---, 1743 [Sept. ----, PCR]
Mary and Seth Alden, Dec. 3, 1767
Mary and Abram Washburn, Jan. 15, 1804
Mehetabel and Seth Alden, Jan. 1, 1739-40* [Mehetable, PCR. Mehetibel, Jan.
1, 1739, CR1]
Nathaniel and Albertina Pratt, int. June 24, 1815
Nathaniell and Aibigail Allen, July 28, 1736* [Nathaniel, CR1]
Olive S. and William Henry Ladd, -------* PR27
Oliver and Mary Perkins, Jan. 9, 1774
Rodulphus and Abigail Boman [int. Bowman of Bedford], May 18, 1763, in
Ruth and Timothy Ames, Oct. 1, 1786
Ruth and Jonathan Shaw of Middleborough, int. Nov. 16, 1793
Ruth and Bezar Harvey, Feb. 2, 1795
Sarah and John Hooper, Dec. 1, 1746*
Sarah, wid., and Joseph Clap, Dec. 23, 1746*
Sarah and Hezekia Porter of Winsor, Sept. 25, 1757* [Hezekiah of Windsor, PCR]
Sarah and Benjamin Willis Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1801
Sarah (-------) [int. Sally Carver] and Solomon Washburn [int. Jr.], Mar. 18,
1801. [Sarah Carver, d. Jabez and Sarah of Raynham, and Solomon Washburn, s.
Solomon, PR36]
Sarah (see Sarah Willis)
Abigail and Isaac Dunham, int. May 18, 1811
Alpheus [int. of Braintree] and Ruby Perkins, Sept. 21, 1786 [Alpheus, PCR]
Ann [int. Anne] and Nathan Mitchel, Apr. 25, 1754 [Ann and Nathan Mitchell,
PCR. Ann, d. Jonathan, and Hon. Nathan Mitchell, PR73]
Azubah and Josiah Johnson, int. Feb. 6, 1762
Barzillai [int. Barzillia] and Vashti Snell, June 11, 1808
Betsey and Nathaniel Gilbert, int. Aug. 29, 1801 "Said Gilbert forbade his
publishment Sept. 4th [m.------PR1]
Caleb and Mary Perkins, Sept. 3, 1778 [Perkens, CR1]
Cyrus of Claremont and Nabby Keith, Nov. 13, 1802
Daniel and Martha Cary, Jan. 28, 1741*
Daniel [int. Daniell] and Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] Brett, May 14, 1778
[Daniel and Mehitabel Brett, PCR]
Daniel Howard and Martha Marsh [int. Howard], Apr. 19, 1812
Daniell [int. Daniel] and Hannah Thayer, Sept. 20, 1773
Eleazer and Betty Fobes, Nov. 12, 1745*
Eleazer and Mary Washburn, Mar. 7, 1753* [Carry and Mary Washburne, PCR]
Eleazer and Lucy Alden of Middleborough, int. Apr.12, 1794
Eliphalet [int. Maj.] and Hannah Edson, May 19, 1782 [Eliphalet and Mrs.
Hannah Edson, May 9, PCR. Eliphalet and Hannah Edson, May 9, CR1]
Elisabeth and John Whitman, Nov. 10, 1729* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Elisabeth [int. Betty] and William Perkins, July 9, 1777 [Elizabeth and
William Perkins, s. Thomas and Mary (Pratt), CR2]
Ephraim and Hannah Waldo, Feb. 3, 1708-9*
Ephraim Jr. and Susanna Alden, ----, 1738* [Nov. 22, PCR]
Ephraim Jr. and Jane Holman, Dec. 25, 1771
Ephraim and Mary Kingman [int. of Sharon], May 25, 1784 [Mary, May 21, PCR]
Ephraim Jr. and Anna Hill, July 23, 1809
Eunice and William Snell [int. 2d], Aug. 30, 1781 [William, PCR. Unice and
William Snell, CR1]
Eunice and Isaac Washburn of Taunton, int. Mar. 4, 1786
Ezra and Mary Holman, Feb. 8, 1736-7*
Ezra and Cyntha Tolman [int. Toleman] of Stoughton, May 31, 1770, in Stoughton
Francis and Hariet Howard [int. Harriot Hayward], Sept. 9, 1816
Harmony and James E. [int. W.] Watson, Jan. 1, 1821
Henry and Matha Byram, May 3, 1749* [Carey and Martha Byram, PCR]
Howard and Huldah Packard, Dec. 11, 1785 [Dec. 15, PCR]
Howard Edq. and Mrs. Hannah Brown of Abington, int. May 8, 1819
Huldah and Simeon Allen, May 26, 1785
Huldah and Darius Howard, June 5, 1808 [date in later handwriting]
Ichabod and Hannah Gannett, Dec. 3, 1741*
James and ----- -------[Mary Shaw, PR103], Jan. 4, 1681*
James and Sarah Shaw, Feb. 8, 1721-2*
James and Hannah Alden [int. of Abington], May 30, 1798
James and Hannah Wales, June 5, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Jane and Zenas Keith, Nov. 1, 1792
John Jr. and ----- ------[Abigail Allen, PR103]. Dec. 7, 1670*
John and Ruth Franklin [sic? Mary Burr, see Rehoboth Vital Records] of
Rehoboth, Nov. 2, 1730, in Rehoboth.*
John and Susannah Allen, Aug. 5, 1733*
John and Sarah Drake, Oct. 8, 1734*
John and Mary Harden, May 13, 1741*
Jonathan and Susanna [dup. Susannah] Keith, Dec. 10 [dup. Dec. 11], 1717*
[Dec. 11, PR103]
Jonathan and Experience Carver, Dec. 10, 1719*
Jonathan and Mary Curtis, Dec. 30, 1747*
Jonathan and Lois Hooper, Mar. 7, 1754
Jonathan [int. Jr.] and Abigail Perkins, Jan. 19, 1784 [Jonathan, PCR]
Jonathan Jr. and Tiley Clark, wid., of Winslow, int. July 16, 1808
Joseph and Anne Brett, June 15, 1732* [Anna, PCR. Ann Britt, CR1]
Lois and Solomon Keith, Mar. 6, 1777
Lydia and Joseph Edson, June 7, 1704*
Lydia and Ephraim Howard, int. May 5, 1821
Malatiah and Joseph Lucas, Nov. 9, 1727*
Martha and Daniel Cary, Jan. 28, 1741*
Martha, wid., and Abner Pratt, Aug. 28, 1764
Mary and Nicholas Whitman, Sept. 14, 1715*
Mary and Joseph Crossman, Feb. 18, 1747*
Mary and Nathaniel Morton [int. 3d of Freetown, Bristol Co.], Mar. 17, 1782
[Nathaniel, PCR. Nathaniel of Freetoun, CR1]
Mary (see Mary Cary Shaw)
Mehetabel and Benjamin Allen, Jan. 7, 1729-30* [Mehitabel, PCR]
Mehetabel and Zachariah [int. Zachary] Silvester of Duxborough, Nov. 14, 1771
Mehetabel [int. Mehitabel] and Bela Howard, Nov. 28, 1782 [Mehetabel, PCR]
Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] and Joseph Allen, Feb. 5, 1771
Melatiah (see Malatiah)
Mercy and David Thurston of Rehoboth, Apr. 28, 1713*
Molley and Simeon Keith, June 15, 1775
Mosses [int. Moses] and Susanna Feild, Apr. 13, 1773
Olive and Appolas [int. Apollas] Howard, Apr. 8, 1802 [date in later
Patty [int. Patte] and Benjamin Keith [int. 2d] Dec. 18. 1788 [Patty and
Benjamin Keith, PCR]
Phebe and Ezra Allen, Apr. 23, 1761* [Phoebe, PCR]
Polly and Jonathan Beals, Oct. 26, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Polly and Ezra Dunham [int. of Abington], Nov. 19, [sic, int. Nov. 25], 1809
[date in later handwriting].
Rebecka (------) [Rebecca Cary, PR103] and Samuel Allen Jr., Dec. 2, 1685*
Recompence and Mary Crossman, Dec. 25, 1711*
Recompence and Sarah Brett, wid., Jan. 17, 1726-7*
Rhoda and Richard Wild [int. of Stoughton], Dec. 4, 1794
Rhoda and Nathan Hayward, Nov. 17, 1818
Sally and Ziba Keith, Nov. 25, 1813
Salome and Rodolphus [int. Rhodolphus] Kinsley of Stoughton, Aug. 11, 1794
[Rodolphus of Stoughton, PCR]
Samuel and Mary Pool, Apr. 25, 1704*
Sarah and Benjamin Snow, Oct. 25, 1705*
Sarah and Benjamin Hayward, Jan. 6, 1741*
Sarah and William Barrel, Dec. 19, 1751* [Carry and William Barrill, PCR]
Sarah and Daniel Alden [int. of Abington], Dec. 18, 1786 [Daniel, PCR]
Simeon and Mary Haward, June 27, 1754 [Hayward, PCR]
Simeon and Rhoda [sic, Rowena, int. Rowena] Howard, Oct. 27 [Oct. 27 in later
handwriting], 1806
Susan and John Eaton of Dorchester, Nov. 22, 1812
Susanna and William Hooper, Nov. 28, 1759* [William, s. William and Lois, GR1]
Susanna and Asa Keith, June 21, 1774
Susanna and Rufus Brett, Sept. 28, 1775
Susanna and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] John Shaw [int. of Abington], Oct. 17,
1807 [date in later handwriting]
Thankfull and Jonathan Orcut, Sept. 23, 1766
Thomas [int. of Greenwich] and Sally Packard, Mar. 5, 1798
Zachariah (see Zechariah)
Zebulun and Mehetable Gannitt, Oct. 8, 1747*
Zebulun and Lydia Phillips, Nov. 28, 1749* [Zebulon Carry, PCR]
Zechariah and Susanna Bass, Nov. 11, 1742 [Zachariah, PCR]
Zibby [int. Zibeah] and Rodger [int. Roger] Sumner [int. of Stoughton], Apr.
5, 1801
William and Louisa Leach, int. Oct. 28, 1849
Lydia and Lemuel Newbury, int. Apr. 1, 1798
Phebe and Eliphalet Leach, int. July 28, 1798
Susanna and Walter Andrew, int. Apr. 12, 1806
Anna, Mrs., and Willard Wood, int. May 5, 1844
Catharine and Isaac Pratt, Sept. 5, 1758*
Harriet and Willaid [sic, int. Willard] Wood, Apr. 30, 1826 [Hariot and
Willard Wood, CR3]
Henry and Sarah Washburn, May 11, 1738*, CR1
Jedediah, 24, mechanic, of Abington, s. John and Mary, and Prisalla P. Small,
23, of Abington, d. James and Mary, Apr. 6, 1848*
Jonathan [int. of Middleborough] and Tabitha Keith, Feb. 23, 1769 [Jonathan,
Lydia M., Mrs., of Middleborough, and Simeon W. Mitchell, int. July 16, 1842
Winslow and Mary Antoinette [int. Antoinett] Wood, Dec. 8, 1835 [Mary
Antoinette, CR3]
Zephaniah [int. Caswill] and Azubah Hooper, Mar. 27, 1803
Zephaniah Jr. and Anna W. Chipman, May 6, 1827
John and Anne Jennings, July 7, 1718*
Jack and Molly Quanwen, int. June 20, 1772
CESAR (also see Caesar)
Elisabeth, "Free negro woman," and Sippio Ponus, "David Keith's negro man,"
Apr. 29, 1773
CHACE (also see Chase)
Elizabeth G., 20, of Fall River, d. Samuel and Eunice, and David S. Brigham,
23, clerk, of Fall River, s. David and Elizabeth H., Dec. 4, 1845*
CHAMBERLAIN (also see Chamberlin)
Asenath and Charles Brown, Mar. [dup Apr.] 2, 1819
Benjamin and Hannah Snell, Sept. 23, 1756*
Ebenezer and Meleson Benson, Nov. 19, 1820
Elisabeth and Joseph Symmonds [int. Simmons] of Pembroke, Dec. 4, 1770
Henry and Susannah Hinds, Dec. 7, 1740* [Henery and Susanna Hinds PCR. Henry
and Susanna Hinds, Dec. 9, CR1]
Isaac [int. Chamberlin] and Rebecca [sic, see Halifax Vital Records] Thompson
[int. Charity Thomson] of Halfax, ----- [int. Mar. 15], 1794, in Halifax.
Isaac of E. Bridgewater and Lydia Ann Osburn, int. Sept. 17, 1844
John of Westmoreland and Eunice Edson, int. Nov. 29, 1766
Joseph and Mary Wetherel [int. wid.], Feb. 12, 1767 [Wethrel, PCR]
Joseph Jr. [int. Chamberlin] and Alice Harris, Jan. 6, 1819
Joseph of E. Bridgewater and Luranna W. Whitman of E. Bridgewater, Dec. 13,
Mary and Benjamin White Jr. of Hanover, Dec. 12, 1780 [Chamberlin, PCR]
Nathan W. and Elizabeth F. Hardin, int. Sept. 14, 1844
Nathaniell and Deliverance Snell, Mar. 19, 1767
Nathaniell Jr. and Elanor Whitman, int. Oct. 3, 1767
Rachel [int. Chamberlin] and Ichabod Packard of Lebanon, Grafton Co., N.H.,
Oct. 17, 1780 [Chamberlin, PCR]
Rachel [int Chamberlin] and Asa Whitman, Feb. 16, 1820
Ruth [dup. Chamberlin] and Elisha Records of Pembroke, Feb. 2, 1775
CHAMBERLIN (also see Chamberlain)
Celia [int. Celea] and Mark Phillips Jr., Apr. 23, 1789 [Celia Chamberlain,
Charity and Daniel Bryant, Oct. 19, 1809
Ebenezer and Polly Benson, Aug. 28, 1819
Hannah and James Lamberton of Ware, Hampshire Co., Oct. 20, 1795
[Chamberlain, PCR]
Joseph and Sarah Bass, Dec. 22, 1784 [Chamberlain, PCR]
Lewis and Rebecca Tomson of Hallifax, int. Nov. 23, 1793
Nathan and Eliza Freeman of Abington, int. Oct. 25, 1822
Susanna and Thaxter Norton, June 20, 1808
Thomas and Molly [int. Molley] Whitman, Feb. 3, 1785 [Molly, PCR]
Zeruiah and Daniel Cushing, Nov. 22, 1787 [Zerviah, PCR]
Betsey of Easton and Elisha S. Tilson, int. May 1, 1819
Betty and Israel Keith, Feb. 17, 1740* [Bette, Feb. 17, 1740-1, CR1]
David Jr., 21, shoemaker, of Duxbury, s. David and Edith, and Ann S. Upham,
21, of Duxbury, d. Antoine and Rebecca, Oct. 25, 1846*
Hannah D. of Weymouth and Southworth Harlow, int. Nov. 19, 1848
Jonathan and Abthia Wade, May 23, 1745*
Mary and Joseph Perry, Oct. 17, 1729*
Rhoda W. and Jacob Robinson, May 11, 1823
Ruth S. of Kingston and Ransom Maxham, int. Sept. 15, 1835
Caleb and Ellener Waters, Apr. 23, 1700*
Benjamin and Margery Penos, blacks, int. Aug. 27, 1791
Ann and William Hall [int. of Boston], Aug. 26, 1743 [Chasta and William
Hall, PCR]
CHASE (also see Chace)
Joshua [int. John] of Waterborough, Me., and Mary Ann Harden, Sept. 14, 1834
[John of Waterborough, Me., CR1]
Levi of Sandwich and Silence Fobes, Mar. 20, 1771 [Livi of Sandwich, PCR.
Levi Chace of Sandwich, CR1]
Nahum of Weymouth and Lucy H. Harden, int. Feb. 5, 1837
Rhoda and Elkanah Hayden, int. May 10, 1777
Sally and James Sanders [int. Saundrus], Oct. 27, 1819
Sarah, 35, of W. Bridgewater, d. Daniel and Abigail, and Simeon H. Edson,
widr., 44, farmer, of W. Bridgewater, s. Noah and Keziah, June 11, 1849*
CHEESMAN (also see Chesman, Chessman)
Noah (see Noah Cushman)
Olive and James Thomson, Dec. 24, 1798
Oliver of Pomphret and Hannah Hayward, Nov. 22, 1744
Margret of Middleborough and Nathan Eaton, Aug. 18, 1774*
CHESMAN (also see Cheesman, Chessman)
Naomi [int. Chessman] and Joseah [int. Josiah] Orcutt, Nov. 20, 1807 [date in
later handwriting]
Olive and Reuben Drake, Dec. 7, 1819
Ruth and Azor Howe [int. How], Dec. 1, 1791 [Howe, PCR. Chessman and Azor
Howe, Dec. 8, PR1]
CHESSMAN (also see Cheesman, Chesman)
Betsey and Barzillia King of Easton, int. Apr. 11, 1812
Samuel Jr. and Mehitabel Leach, int. Aug. 23, 1806
CHILD (also see Childs)
Elisabeth [int. Betty Childs] of Roxbury and Byram Allen, Feb. 7, 1786
[Elizabeth Child, PCR]
CHILDS (also see Child)
Martha and Benjamin Tayler, Apr. 5, 1787
Alvin [int. Albin] and Caroline Leonard, July 28, 1833
Anna W. and Zephaniah Caswell Jr., May 6, 1827
Benjamin of Taunton and Silvia Walker, int. Feb. 12, 1773
Content of Hallifax and Ellis Holmes, int. June 25, 1808
George and Huldah Leach, Aug. 7, 1803*
George, Dea., and Chloe Howard of W. Bridgwater, int. Oct. 16, 1836
Jacob and Orpah Leach, Nov. 29, 1792 [? in Middleborough]
Mary of Halifax and Jonathan Porter, Feb. 16, 1764, in Halifax.
Lydia and Francis Sutton, black [int. Sutten, blacks], Sept. 21, 1796
George and Philibert Muxam, Oct. 11, 1789 [? in Middleborough]
Ann, 17, d. Caleb and Roxilana, and Edwin Pratt, 25, machinist, s. Seth and
Lucinda, Oct. 12, 1845. [Ann, d. Caleb and Roselana (Dunbar), PR1. Ann, d.
Caleb and Roxellana (Dunbar), and Edwin Pratt, s. Seth and Lucinda (Conant),
Caleb and Roxalana Dunbar, Jan. 1, 1826 [Roselana, d. Elias, dec'd, CR1.
Roxellana, d. Elias and Roxellana (Leach), PR93]
Philibert and Daniel Munroe of Taunton, int. Apr. 6, 1809
Caleb of Rochester and Hannah Pool, June 23, 1772 [? in Middleborough]
Giles, Dr., and Mrs. Rebecca Miller of Milton, Oct. 20, 1766
Nathan [int. of Boston] and Lucy Howard, Sept. 27, 1810
Sarah of Scituate and Josiah Lathrop, June 21, 1749, in Scituate.*
CHURCHEL (also see Churchell, Churchil, Churchill)
Alice [int. Churchill] and Elias Monk Jr. of Stoughton, Dec. 10, 1772, in
Elezer [int. Eleazer Churchell] and Lucy Otis of Scituate, Jan. 27, 1769
[sic, int. Jan. 10. 1789] in Scituate.
James and Lydia Snow, int. Oct. 17, 1788
Priscilla [int. Churchell] and Benjamin Sprage [int. Sprauge], Nov. 17, 1785
[Churchill and Benjamin Sprague, PCR. Prissilla Churchel and Benjamin
Sprague, CR1]
Susanna [int. Churchell] and Elijah Drake [int. 2d of Easton], Oct. 16, 1800
CHURCHELL (also see Churchel, Churchil, Churchill)
Asaba and Lewis Keith, Sept. 22, 1819
Cornelius and Desire Litchfield of Pembroke, int. May 24, 1800
Deborah [int. Churchill] and Eleazer Alden [int. Jr,], Dec. 11, 1794
[Churchill and Eleazer Alden, PCR]
Dorcas and Eliab Snow, Dec. 23, 1787 [sic, int. Nov. 15, 1783] [Dec. 23,
1783, PCR]
Ephraim [int. Jr.] and Silence French [int. of Stoughton], Dec. 25, 1787
[sic, int. Nov. 22, 1783] [Churchill and Silence French, Dec. 25, 1783, PCR]
Ephraim and Jamima Brant of Halifax, Nov. 28, 1751, in Halifax.*
Ezra and Bethiah Mehuren of Pembroke, int. Jan. 11, 1800
Fidelia [int. Filena] and William Hunt, Aug. 20, 1798
Hannah and Calvin Snow, July 20, 1784 [Churchill, PCR]
Harriet and John Reed Jr. of Abington, Jan. 28, 1819
Harriet of W. Bridgewater and Lucius Allen, int. Nov. 27, 1841
James and Mary Gurney, Dec. 21, 1794
Josiah [int. Churchel] and Sarah Rogers, Feb. 1, 1781 [Churchill, PCR]
Levi of Plympton and Cynthia Packard, Sept. 19, 1799
Silence [int. Churchill] and Asa Randall [int. Randel], July 29, 1821
CHURCHIL (also see Churchel, Churchell, Churchill)
David Jr. [int. Churchell] and Molly Hearsey, June 1, 1797
Rachel [int. Churchill] and Thaddeus [int. Thadeus] Pratt, July 23, 1777.
CHURCHILL (also see Churchel, Churchell, Churchil)
Jemima [int. Churchell] and James Packard [int. Jr.], Aug. 27, 1778
[Churchill and James Packard, Aug. 27, 1779, PCR]
John of Plymton and Joanna Bisbee, Feb. 12, 1756*
John of Plymouth and Sarah Pratt, int. Nov. 27, 1766
Mercy, wid., of Plimton, and Joshua Fobes, int. May 11, 1754
Ruth of Plimton and Jonathan Whitman Jr., int. June 10, 1775
James and Ruth Bdleney [sic], May 4, 1741.* [Clansey and Ruth Ballaney, PCR.
Jeams Clansy and Ruth Boleney, May 7, CR1]
CLAP (also see Clapp)
Hope of Middleboro and Dan Lennard, int. Apr. 22, 1775
Joseph and Sarah Carver, wid., Dec. 23, 1746*
Mary (see Mary Copland)
CLAPP (also see Clap)
Barnard [int. of Braintree] and Lydia Packard, Oct. 6, 1793
Charles and Sally Manley, Oct. 6, 1816
Dolly B. (see Dolly B. Clark)
Experience and Samuel Tolman, Nov. 21, 1704, in Dorchester.* [This entry
typewritten on paper pasted in book.]
Hannah of Milton and Daniel Orcutt, int. July 11, 1783 [This entry crossed
Hannah t. of Weymouth and Robert B. Bassett, int. Sept. 4, 1841
Isaac and Vesta Reynolds, June 15, 1815
Jerusha and Jonah Drake, int. Sept. 12, 1789
John [int. Clap] of Roxbury and Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] Allen, -----[int.
Mar 31], 1804
Patte and Francis Bootman of Boston, blacks, int. Nov. 21, 1789
Sally and Samuel W. Lewis, Oct. 17, 1813
Tiley of Norton and Dr. Nathan Perry, int. Sept. 20, 1806
CLARK (also see Clerk)
Abigail [int. Clerk] and David Leonard [int. 2d], Jan. 17, 1796
Adna of Middleboro and Abigail Keith, int. July 1, 1838
Almira of Hanover and Amander Alden, int. Sept. 4, 1848
Ann [int. Clarke] of Plymouth and James Wade, Nov. 14, 1753 [int. Aug. 31,
1754 sic] in Plymouth.
Benjamin [int. of Stoughton] and Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] Edson, Dec. 21,
Benjamin and Susanna Thayer, int. Mar. 16, 1793 [m. Apr. 4, PCR]
Bethiah of Abington and Joshua Williams of Middleborough, May 30, 1771*
[Bethia Clark of Abington, PCR]
Caroline, wid. Rev. Samuel, d. Zedekiah Sanger and Irene (Freeman), and
------ Foote Esq. of Burlington, Vt., Jan. 7, 1845,* PR1.
Daniel [int. David] and Abiah [int. Desire] Packard of Easton, Aug. 30, 1763,
in Easton.
David and Sally Ann Place of W. Bridgewater, int. Nov. 26, 1825
Eleanor and Daniel Noyes of Boston, Nov. 16, 1820
John W. of Middleborough and Nancy W. Conant, Sept. 19, 1833
Nancy of Plymouth and Elijah Edson, int. Apr. 25, 1818
Rebecca and Benjamin Allen, Jan. 29, 1795
Robert C. of Middleborough and Hannah S. Hooper, int. Aug. 12, 1843.
Ruth and Nehemiah Dickerman, int. Aug. 24, 1800
Ruth of Hanover and Alpha Tribou, int. June 10, 1809
Sally of Hanover and William Samson, int. May 17, 1806
Samuel, Rev., of Burlington, Vt., and Caraline [int. Caroline] Sanger, Oct.
11, 1810 [Caroline, d. Zedekiah and Irene (Freeman), PR1]
Subal [int. Shubel] of Randolph and Jemima Hobart [int. Hobert], Nov. 29, 1818
Tiley, wid., of Winslow, and Jonathan Cary Jr., int. July 6, 1808
CLARY (also see Cleary)
Ellen and Alexander Patterson, int. Oct. 27, 1846. "Forbidden by Alex
CLEARY (also see Clary)
Ellen and Patrick O'Brien, int. Nov. 7, 1847 [This entry marked "Void."]
CLEAVELAND (see Cleavland)
William of Sandwich and Eleanor Hacket of Middleborough, Dec. 1, 1707*
Ephraim and Hannah Hayward, Mar. 26, 1747*
CLEFT (also see Cliff, Clift)
Lusanna W. and Thomas Whitman, Nov. 2, 1818
Margerat [int. Margaret] Orr and Samuel Keen, Nov. 18, 1804
Nabby and Job Turner of Pembroke, int. Sept. 5, 1818
CLERK (also see Clark)
Betsey (see Elizabeth Glack)
Susanna and John Lowden, Aug. 22, 1793 [Clark, PCR]
William [int. Clark of Quincy) and Betsey Harvey, Oct. 29, 1801
CLEVELAND (see Cleavland)
James of Braintree and Eunice Dill, Dec. 1, 1814
CLIFF (also see Cleft, Clift)
Adna [int. Adnah] Winslow and Bethia Orr, Jan. 13, 1777
Deborah and Elijah Blackman of Middleton, Conn., int. Aug. 30, 1766
Deborah and George Keith, Sept. 29, 1768 [Clift, PCR]
Benjamin D. and Lucy T. Walker, Mar. 6, 1845
Luther and Abigail W. Lucas, Aug. 27, 1843
Mary of Dartmouth and Isaac Willis, Apr. 6, 1724, in Dartmouth*
Simeon W. of Fairhaven and Mary Keith, Aug. 1, 1830 [Mary, d. Howe, CR1]
CLIFT (also see Cleft, Cliff)
Bethiah Orr [int. Cleft] and Charles Mitchell, Nov. 25, 1813
Nathaniel and Abigail Byram, July 25, 1799
Phidelma (see Phidelma Keith)
Mary C. and Henry C. Pratt, s. Calvin Esq. and Clarissa, May 26, 1841,* PR12.
Sarah of Pembroke and John Record, Feb. 5, 1747, in Pembroke.*
Deborah [Clushing sic? Cushing] of Hanson and Dr. Daniel Sawen, int. Apr. 1,
Merrill (see Merrill Cothell)
COB (also see Cobb)
Susanna and John Sprauge, June 20, 1746* [Sprague, PCR]
COBB (also see Cob)
Abiah of Hannover and Sarah Lad of Hannover, Nov. 2, 1752*
Ansel and Sarah Hayward, int. June 4, 1796
Betsey of Hanson and Philemon H. Perkins, int. Oct. 1, 1837
David H. of N. Bridgewater and Mary Jane [Mray Jane written above Clarissa,
crossed out] Keith, int. Dec. 13, 1849
Eleaner [int. Elenor] and Obadiah Pettingale [int. Pettingill], Mar. 8, 1792
[Eleanor and Obadiah Pettingill, PCR]
Eleanor (see Penellope)
Jeremiah of Midleborough and Abigail Whitman, int. June 1, 1773
Lydia [int. Lidia] and William Pettingill, Feb. 16, 1784 [Lydia, PCR]
Nathan of Jersey City, N.J., and Deborah Murdock, int. June 29, 1839
Nathaniell Jr. of Plimton and Penellope Standish, int. Feb. 11, 1764
Penellope 9int Elanor, wid.] and Ichabod Leach, Oct. 11, 1770 [Penelope and
Ichabode Leach, PCR]
Sarah and Joseph Bozworth of Halifax, Sept. 20, 1744
Stephen of Wallpool and Abigail Hinde, Nov. 13, 1735* [Hindes, CR1]
Vesta of Mansfield and Bezar Lothrop, int. Feb. 5, 1820
John and Margaret Gilmore, Nov. 1, 1733*
CODDING (also see Coding)
Samuel [int. Codden] of Taunton and Sarah Hill, Mar. 27, 1781 [Codding of
Taunton and Sarah Hills, PCR. Codding of Taunton and Sarah Hill, CR1]
John and Lucy Bradford, June 16, 1819
Joseph [int. of Plymouth] and Sarah Attwood, Mar. 23, 1794 [Joseph, PCR]
CODING (also see Coddding)
Samuel of Mansfield and Lydia Packard, int. Apr. 23, 1814
Jonathan 2d, Rev., 29, of Bethlem, Conn., s. Daniel and Lucy, and Sarah W.
Whitman, 26, of N. Bridgewater, d. Eliab and Harriet, Oct. 13, 1844*
COHOON (also see Cohoone)
Frances and Jonathan Leach, Oct. 12, 1741,* CR1.
Mary and Joseph Hayward of Raynham, Apr. 10, 1744 [Cahoone, PCR]
COHOONE (also see Cohoon)
Mary and William Leach, Oct. 12, 1741*
Alvan and Eliza French, Feb. 5, 1823
Amaziah [int. of Chesterfield] and Rebeca [int. Rebecca] Cole, Sept. 8, 1775
Caleb and Lucy Hall, Apr. 18, 1792
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Daniell [int. Daniel] Littlefield [int. Jr.],
Feb. 11, 1762 [Catharine and Daniel Littlefield Jr., PCR]
Content of Pembroke and William Whitman, Jan. 7, 1779, in Pembroke.
Desire and Noah Pratt, Sept. 25, 1777
Edward [int. Coale] and Phebe Alden of Middleborough, Feb. 1, 1797 [? in
Eleazer and Lucy Shurtleff [int. of Stoughton], July 11, 1769
Eleazer and Rebecca S. Swift, int. Oct. 9, 1841
Elisabeth and Solomon Smith, [int. of Easton] Feb. 11, 1762 [Elizabeth and
Solomon Smith of Easton, PCR]
Ephraim and Silence Webb, Dec. 18, 1777
Ephraim Jr. and Sukey Packard, Dec. 5, 1808 [date in later handwriting].
Hannah and Isaac Keith, Sept. 21, 1775
Hannah and Silas Snow, Apr. 10, 1800
John of Plimton and Patience Barbor, Jan. 27, 1709-10*
Joseph Jr. and Bettie Southworth, Dec. 8, 1757* [Betty, PCR]
Mary and Frederick Pope, June 8, 1758*
Molly [int. Molley] and John Drake, Apr. 4, 1782 [Molly, PCR]
Molly of Middleborough and Rufus Edson, int. July 26, 1783
Nathaniel and Betty Carver, int. Aug. 17, 1793 [m. Oct. 29, PCR]
Patty [int Polly] and Stephen Snell, Feb. 9, 1796
Phebe [int. Coal] and Samuel Snell, Dec. 2, 1810
Polly and Winslow Thomas, Nov. 23, 1790
Polly (see Patty)
Rachel and Ichabod Packard, Jan. 9, 1786 [Icabod, CR1]
Rebeca [int. Rebecca] and Amaziah Cole [int. of Chesterfield], Sept. 8, 1775
Sally of Scituate and Edwin Howard, int. Nov. 26, 1803
Samuel K., 23, pudler, of Wareham, s. Samuel and Charlotte and Mary C.
Packard, 20, d. Micah and Susan, June 7, 1846
Samuell and Sarah Packard, Nov. 16, 1752*
Sarah and Manasseh Dickerman, int. Mar. 17, 1770 "said Dickermans publishment
to Sarah Cole is forbiden both by Joseph & Sarah Cole."
Sarah and Eduard Withington [int. Edward Witherington] of Stoughton, Apr. 12,
1772, in Stoughton.
Spooner A. and Mrs. Betsy Starkey of Rochester, int. June 20, 1846
Susan and Nahum Niles of Easton, Nov. 29, 1759, in Easton.*
Susanna of Middleborough and Alexander Ames, int. Sept. 5, 1789
Thomas and Silence Thayer, int. Sept. 15, 1810
William and Molley [int. Molly] Lazel, Nov. 24, 1774
Zibeon and Mary Field, Jan. 14, 1819
Zilpha and Edward Bartlet, May 7, 1772
Zilpha L. of Carver and Alanson Fobes, int. Jan. 20, 1843
Nathaniel [int. Collimore] of Pembroke and Mary Wales, Nov. 9, 1813
COLLEY (also see Colly)
Abigail [int. Colly] and Amos Cordner, molatoes, Apr. 18, 1745 [Colley PCR]
Ann [int Anna] and Tom Drew, "Free negroes," Nov. 25, 1762 [Ann, PCR]
Mehetable [int. Mehetabel Colly, "Free negro woman"] and Pompey [int. Pompy]
"Negro Servant man to Samuel Stevens of Roxbury in the County of Suffolk"],
negro's, Nov. 8, 1764 [Mehetable Colley and Pompey, PCR]
Rachel [int. Colly] and Plato [int. "negro Servant man to M' James Mears of
Roxbury in the County of Suffolk"], negro's, Nov. 8, 1764 [Colley, PCR]
COLLIER (see Colyer)
Jeremiah of Scituate, R.I., and Sarah Snell, int. Jan. 26, 1771
Elisabeth of Easton and Daniell Packard, Aug. 12, 1773
COLLWELL (also see Colwell)
Ebenezer [int. Colwell] and Sarah Price, Sept. 27, 1769 [Collwell, PCR]
Ebenezer Jr. [int. Colwell] and Betsey Hayward, Sept. 4, 1804
Sally [int. Colwell] and Albertus [int. Albartus] Edson [int. of Grafton,
Vt.], Dec. 2, 1804
COLLY (also see Colley)
Rebecca [int. Colley] and Thomas Mitchel [int. Mitchell of Stoughton],
melatoes, Mar. 8, 1744
Sarah and Moses Sash, molatoes, May 1, 1752*
Deborah and Akerman Pettingail, Aug. 23, 1749*
COLWELL (also see Collwell)
John and Hannah Hayward, Jan. 14, 1814
John and Tabatha Hayward, Oct. 20, 1816
John H. of W. Bridgewater and Mary Edson of W. Bridgewater, Mar. 30, 1838*,
Kezia and Ebenezer Edson, int. Oct. 7, 1797
Jane of Scituate and Charles Jenkins, int. May 21, 1785
CONANANT (also see Conant, Conantt, Conet, Connant)
Sylvanus [int. Conant] and Sylvia Conant, Nov. 25, 1784 [Conant, PCR. CR1]
CONANT (also see Conanant, Conantt, Conet, Connant)
Abihail and John Willis 2d, June 22, 1775
Albert and Catharine Scarborough of Brooklyn, Conn., int. Dec. 12, 1848
Andrew [int. Andrue] and Kezia Washburn, Nov. 1, 1795
Ann and Joseph Muxam, Mar. 8, 1764 [Musem, CR1]
Azuba [int. Azubah] and Jessee Dunbar, Feb. 11, 1762
Benjamin and Betty [int. Bettie] Hooper, Mar. 6, 1783 [Betty, PCR. CR1.]
Betsey and Levi Leach, Sept. 28, 1798
Betty [int. Bettie] and Zenas Conant, Nov. 29, 1774 [Bettie, CR1]
Caleb and Olive Thraser [int. Thrasher], Dec. 30, 1789 [Thrasher, PCR]
David [int. 2d] and Lucy Besse, Apr. 18, 1782 [David, PCR. David and Luce
Besse, CR1]
David and Silva [int. Sylva] Whitman, Apr. 15, 1784 [Sylvia, PCR. Sylva, CR1]
Debby and Ansel [int. Arnsell] Leonard, May 19, 1807 [Deborah and Ansel
Leonard, May 27, PR32]
Deborah and Isaac Washburn, Sept. 11, 1753 [Washburne, PCR]
Ceborah and Nathan Lazell, Dec. 22, 1783 [Lazel, CR1. Lazell, Dec 21, PR1]
Elias and Jean Turner of Weymouth, int. Jan. 16, 1773
Elias and Joanna Conant, Nov. 28, 1774
Elisabeth and Benjamin Hayward, May 21, 1724*
Elizabeth and Daniell Keith, June 14, 1744 [Daniel, PCR]
Eunice and Barnebas Snell, Jan. 1, 1783 [Barnabas, PCR. Unice and Barnabas
Snell, CR1]
Ezra and Mary Conant, June 29, 1773
Gaius and Cassandra Whitman, int. Dec. 4, 1802
Galen Jr. and Sarah C. Ridlington, Dec. 2 [sic, int. Dec. 3], 1842
Gershom and Ann Kingman, Aug. 15, 1738* CR1
Hannah and Nathanael Hill, May 30, 1710*
Hannah and Nathaniell Pratt, Nov. 5, 1745* [Nathaniel, PCR]
Hannah and Jonathan Washburn, [int. Jr.] of Midleborough, May 14, 1778.
[Hannah and Jonathan Washburn of Midleboro, CR1]
Hannah [int. Hanah] wid., and Hezekiah Hooper, May 12 or 22, 1803
Hannah and Charles Holmes, Apr. 3, 1828
Hannah and Lewis W. Hayden of E. Bridgewater, Jan. 8, 1837
Hannah [int. adds A.] and Ariston M. Hayward, Apr. 2, 1837
Harriet A. and Leander P. Gurney of Abington, int. May 22, 1836
Harriet N. and Benjamin Bartlett Jr., int. Aug. 30, 1846
Hepzibah [int. Hepsibah] and Cornelius Holmes 3d, Nov. 21, 1837 [Hepzibah,
CR3. PR46]
Ira and Lucy Leonard, Nov. 24, 1822
Jacob and Olive Conant, Nov. 17, 1805
Jedidah and Roland Sears of Ashfeild [int. adds Hampshier Co.], Apr. 9, 1777
[Jedida, CR1]
Jenny [int. Jenney] and Peter Conant, Jan. 21, 1777 [Jenny [dup. Jenne] CR1]
Jeremiah and Martha Packard, Apr. 26, 1739* [Mary, PCR. Martha, CR1]
Jeremiah and Mary Leonard, Mar. 21, 1782
Jeremiah of Pomfret, Vt., and Chloe Pratt, int. Dec. 21, 1793 [Maj. Jeremiah
of Pomfret, Vt., m. Jan. 30. 1794, PCR]
Joanna and Elias Conant, Nov. 28, 1774
Jonathan and Jane Latham, June 12, 1759*
Josiah and Elizabeth Washbourn, Sept. 1, 1701*
Keturah and Barbebas Washburn, Dec. 5, 1782 [Keturah and Barnabas Washburn,
PCR. Katura and Barnabas Washburn, CR1]
Liba and Debba [int. Debby] Leach, Nov. 22, 1820 [Deby J., d. Levi and Betsey
(Conant), Oct. 26, PR50]
Lois and Solomon Conant, Apr. 28, 1784*
Lot and Rhody [int. Rhoda] Perry [int. wid.] of Rochester, Oct.12, 1740 [sic,
int. Sept. 2, 1780] in Rochester.
Lot and Betty Homes of Middleborough, Feb. 17, 1743
Lucie [int. Lucey] and Ziba Hayward, Sept. 9, 1773 [Lucy, CR1. PR19]
Lucinda [int. Lucenda] and Seth Pratt, Nov. 17, 1816 [Lucinda and Seth Pratt,
s. Nathaniel and Betsey (Washburn) PR1. Lucinda, d. Dr. John and Deborah,
and Seth Pratt, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, PR76]
Lucy (see Lucie)
Lucy and Jacob Peirce [int. Pierce], Aug. 14, 1794 [Pierce, PCR]
Lucy C. [int. omits C.] of Hanson and Nathan Munro, May 14, 1826 [Lucy C. of
Hanson and Nathan Munro, s. Henry, CR1. Lucy C. and Nathan Munro [dup.
Munroe, s. Henry and Deborah (Pincheon)], PR1]
Lucy C., Mrs., of Hanson, and Henry Munroe, int. May 15, 1831
Lucy M. and George F. Leonard, blacksmith, Nov. 29, 1843
Lydia and Andrew Lovel, Sept. 10, 1712*
Lydia and Calvin Edson, Feb. 6, 1766 [Lidia, PCR]
Lydia and Zephaniah Smith, Sept. 23, 1773
Marcus and Hannah K. Leach, May 17, 1835 [Hannah, d. Hosea and Hannah
(Keith), PR65]
Maria P. and Alexander Alden, Nov. 26, 1837
Marlborough and Polly Dunbar, Aug. 11, 1796
Martha and Seth Lathrop [int. of Easton], Sept. 11, 1755 [Seth, PCR]
Martha and Josiah Mehurin [int. Mahurin], Oct. 14, 1779 [Mehurin, PCR.
Mehuren, CR1. Mehurin, PR1]
Martha (see Patte)
Martha and Zephaniah Keith Jr., int. Dec. 26, 1846
Martin and Olive Benson, June 8, 1797
Martin Jr. and Lucy Mehuren, Feb. 23, 1806
Mary and Nicholas Whitman, Nov. 17, 1719*
Mary and Zebulun Bryant of Middleborough, int. May 2, 1767
Mary and Ezra Conant, June 29, 1773
Mary and Isaac Smith of Braintree, Jan. 24, 1785
Mehitabel and Cornelius Holmes [int. Jr.], Aug. 31, 1806
Nancy W. and John W. Clark of Middleborough, Sept. 19, 1833
Nathan and Hannah Lazel, June 14, 1753* [Lazall, PCR]
Nathan__ and Elisabeth Hains, Dec. 17, 1716*
Nathaniell and Silence Fobes, Apr. 14, 1772 [Nathaniel, PCR]
Olive and Jacob Conant, Nov. 17, 1805
Oliver and Polly Washburn, July 6, 1796
Oliver Jr. and Mary Leonard, Sept. 14, 1823
Patte [int. Martha] and Theodore Perkins, May 2, 1784 [Patte. PCR. Patte and
Theodore Perkins, CR1. Martha, d. Nathan, and Theodore Perkins, brother of
Thomas (s. Thomas), -------, 1783, CR2]
Patty and Ellis Holmes Jr., int. Nov. 26, 1803
Peter and Jenny [int. Jenney] Conant, Jan. 21, 1777 [Jenny [dup. Jenne] CR1]
Peter Jr. and Lucy Brewster of Pembroke, int. June 10, 1809
Phebe and Piam C. K. Whitman, June 10, 1833 [Polly CR2]
Phineas and Joanna Pratt, Sept. 26, 1749*
Phinehas [int. Phineas Jr.] and Joanna Washburn, Aug. 25, 1785 [Phineas, PCR.
Phinny, Aug. 15, CR1]
Polly and William Andrews, July 26, 1818 [Polly Washburn Conant, PR1]
Polly (see Phebe)
Rebeca and Robert Randell of Easton, int. Dec. 5, 1761
Rebecca and Shubal Ewers of Barnstable, June 15, 171[worn]* [June 15, 1714,
Rebecca and Benjamin Snell, May 23, 1782
Rebecca L. and Lewis Holmes, int. Nov. 1, 1835
Rufus and Thankfull Leonard, Sept. 28, 1783 [Thankful, PCR. Thankfull, CR1]
Ruth and Daniel Keith 3d, int. Sept. 6, 1800
Sally and Abisha Besse, Apr. 11, 1782 [Abishai, PCR. Abisha, CR1]
Sally and Ephraim Leach, int. July 6, 1805
Sarah and John Heiford [int. of Midleborough], Oct. 10, 1754 [John, PCR]
Sarah Ann and Richard Stevens of Randolph, Oct. 24, 1839
Seth and Hannah Pratt, int. Apr. 4, 1801 [m. Sept. 24, PR1]
Seth W., 23, cordwainer, s. Seth and Hannah, and Eliza Wentworth, 18, d.
Martin and Ruth, Nov. 23, 1845
Silvanus and Mary Packard, Oct. 16, 1808
Silvia, wid. [int. omits wid.] and Azarian Hayward [int. Jr.], July 1, 1798
Solomon and Lois Conant, Apr. 28, 1784*
Susan [int. Susanna] and William Durky [int. Durkee] of Hampton, Conn.,
-----[rec. before Mar. 22, 1812.
Sylvia and Sylvanus Conanant [int. Conant], Nov. 25, 1784 [Conant PCR. CR1.]
Sylvia (see Silvia)
Sylvia and Joseph Hayward [int. 2d], Dec. 1, 1814
Thomas and Lydia Edson, Apr. 22, 1789 [Lidea, CR1]
Thomas and Anna Leonard, Mar. 26, 1812 [Anne, Mar. 25, PR32]
Timothy and Hannah Blackman of Stoughton, int. Oct. 27, 1754
Timothy and Nancy [int. Nancey] Pratt, Feb. 25, 1788 [Nancy, PCR. Nancey, CR1]
William and Martha Fobes, Oct. 24, 1803
Zenas and Betty [int. Bettie] Conant, Nov. 29, 1774 [Bettie, CR1]
Zilpha and Samuel Keith Jr., Dec. 2, 1766 [? in Middleborough]
CONANTT (also see Conanant, Conant, Conet, Connant)
Bethia and Elkanah Rickard, Oct. 15, 1733* [Bethiah Conant and Elkana
Rickard, CR1]
CONDON (also see Congdon)
Samuel P. and Nabby Robinson, int. June 10, 1821
CONET (also see Conanant, Conant, Conantt, Connant)
Bethiah and Nathaniell Allen, Dec. 14, 1696* [Conant, PR103]
Samuell Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Easton and Susanna Johnson, Oct. 15, 1770
[Samuel of Easton and Susanna Jonson, PCR]
CONGDON (also see Condon)
James and Julia Harrington, int. Sept. 9, 1849
CONNANT (also see Conanant, Conant, Conantt, Conet)
Battie [int. Conant] and Noah Phinney, Jan. 24, 1769 [Betty Conant, PCR]
Daniel [int. Daniel Conant] and Joanna Washburn, Aug. 2, 1767 [Daniel Conant,
David and Sarah Hayward, Nov. 28, 1723*
David and Rhoda Latham, Jan. 29, 1748*
John and Abiel Pratt, Mar. 3, 1745-6* [Conant and Abigail Pratt, PCR]
John [int. Conant Jr.] and Deborah Perkins, May 14, 1772 [Conant and Deborah
Perkins, CR1]
Martha, wid., and James Dunbar, Oct. 5, 1757* [Conant, PCR]
Thomas and Mary Wood, Oct. 29, 1745* [Conant, PCR]
CONNERS (also see Corner)
Mary O. and James Sullivan, int. Oct. 22, 1848
Aron and Bettie Thomson, Indians, May 29, 1755*
Thomas, "Free Negro man," and Sarah Waterman, "Indian woman," Feb. 13, 1753*
Michael of N. Bridgewater and Catharine Frauley, int. July 29, 1849
COOK (also see Cooke)
Alice [int. Crook] of Plymouth and Prince Hall [int. blacks], Nov. 16, 1786,
in Plymouth.
Amos I. and Hannah S. Weston of Plympton, int. Sept. 29, 1839
Benjamin and Catharine Brigs of Tanton, int. Sept. 6, 1766
Elizabeth C. and Benjamin P. Pope, Oct. 13, 1838 [sic, int. Sept. 1, 1839]
[Oct. 13, 1839, CR3]
Francis and Sarah Bryant, Sept. 24, 1750* [Briant, PCR]
John and Sally Lathrop, Nov. 2, 1790 [Sarah Lothrop, PCR]
Kingman and Sarah Munroe of Pembroke, int. Mar. 18, 1815
Kingman and Susanna Lothrop of Norton, int. May 11, 1834
Mary G. of Kingston and Warren Turner, int. Aug. 27, 1848
Ruth and Rufus Smith of Easton, int. Nov. 3,1770
Sarah 9int. Cooke] and Ebenezer Phillips of Easton, Jan. 17, 1765, in Easton
Sarah and John Lathrop, Dec. 7, 1780
COOKE (also see Cook)
Jane of Plymouth and Isaac Harris, Mar. 27, 1707, in Scituate.*
COOLEY (also see Cooly)
Daniel Esq. [int. of Amherst] and Polly Packard, [int. wid.], Jan. 18, 1796
David G. and Adaline M. Gibbs, int. Oct. 14, 1849
COOLY (also see Cooley)
Chester [int. Cooley] and Azubah Johnson, Oct. 7, 1813
Elisabeth and John Aldrich, Jan. 22, 1721-2*
John and Sarah Edson, July 21, 1749*
Mary of Duxbury and Nathan Dunpha, int. Mar. 8, 1806
COPELAND (also see Copland)
Abbe and Elijah Snell Jr., int. Apr. 16, 1796
Albert and Anna H. Williams, int. Feb. 20, 1819
Asa and Persia Howard, Feb. 12, 1792 [July 12, PCR]
Asa and Hannah Jackson, ------,* PR1.
Azel and Desire Lucas of Middleborough, int. Aug. 20, 1791
Bethiah and Luther Hayward, Feb. 19, 1834
Betsey and Calvin Williams, int. Sept. 14, 1799
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Holmes Sprague, June 28, 1808 [-------Copeland, d.
Daniel, and Holmes Sprague, s. Capt. Ephraim and Vina (d. Ezra Edson), CR2.
Betsey and Holmes Sprague, s. Ephraim and Vina (Edson) PR1]
Bettie and Clifford [int. Clefford] Belcher [int. Jr. of Stoughton], Nov. 22,
1770 [Clefford of Stoughton, PCR]
Caleb and Sarah Byram, Aug. 2, 1787
Caleb Jr. and Olive Porter of Stoughton, int. Apr. 7, 1821
Charles and Mehitabel Howard, Dec. 9, 1816
Charlotte and Philip Bennett of Rochester, Nov. 30, 1797
Chloe and Thomas Broadhurst of Easton, Aug. 9, 1829
Christopher D. and Eunice H. [int. omits H.] Wood, May 14, 1826 [Eunice H.,
Cyrus and Abigail Dyer, Jan. 5, 1792
Cyrus and Phebe Alger, Feb. 11, 1816 [Phebe Cushman Alger, PR1]
Daniel [int. Jr.] and Abigail [int. Nabbe] Shaw, Apr. 18, 1791 [Daniel and
Abigail Shaw, PCR]
David and Elizebeth Bent of Milton, Dec. 1, 1725, in Mansfield.*
Ebenezer and Abby Godfrey [int. Abbe Godfery] of Norton, Mar. 19, 1771, in
Ebnezer [int. Jr.] and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Snell, July 1, 1798
Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Godfrey of Norton, int. Apr. 12, 1801
Ebenezer and Bridget Wood of Foxborough, int. Aug. 29, 1801
Ephraim and Lucy Keith, Sept. 12, 1791
Eunice H.W., 18, d. C.D., and Rufus W. Wood, 21, shoe maker, s. Willard and
Harriet, May 3, 1849
Hannah and Galen Allen of [int. Aqueth, Cheshire Co.] N.H., Jan. 1, 1797
Huldah and Howland Holmes, Nov. 16, 1804
Jonathan 3d and Deborah Ottis, int. July 3, 1784
Jonathan 3d and Hannah Reed, Dec. 23 [dup. Nov. --], 1818
Joseph Jr. and Sary S. [int. Sarah Swift] Huxford of Chelsea, Sept. 19, 1808
Joseph and Mary Jane Williams, Dec. 9, 1838
Josiah of Easton and Susan [int. Susanna] Hayward, Sept. 11, 1794, in Easton
Lucy and Ellis Holmes [int. of Hallifax], Nov. 24, 1806
Lurana and Silvanus Keith, Dec. 23, 1820
Lydia and Nathan Howard [int. 3d], Jan. 17, 1799
Lyman of W. Bridgewater and Susannah Holmes, int. Nov. 15, 1845
Martin and Lucy Cowing, int. Apr. 3, 1802
Matilda (see Metilda)
Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] and Austen [int. Austin] Keith, Aug. 3, 1813
Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] and Daniel Hartwell, Nov. 8, 1779 [Mehitabel, PCR]
Metilda and Thomas Alden, Jan. 5, 1815 [Melinda, PR1]
Pardon of W. Bridgewater and Alice W. Ames of W. Bridgewater, Apr. 18, 1833*
[Alice W. of W. Bridgewater, d. Capt. Abiel of W. Bridgewater, CR1]
Polly and John Burr, Mar. 8, 1792
Polly and Joseph Hall, Aug. 23, 1812
Ralph and Anna Dunbar of W. Bridgewater, int. Oct. 25, 1823 [m.---, 1823,
PR1. PR100]
Ralph Jr. of Middleborough and Nancy B. Bryant, int. Nov. 7, 1847. [Ralph,
s. Ralph and Anna (Dunbar), m.----, 1848, PR100]
Rebecca and Ebenezer Dunbar, Sept. 15, 1785
Salmon and Betsey Snell, Oct. 6, 1799
Salmon and Sarah Swift Copeland [int. wid.], Apr. 7, 1814
Sarah and David Keith of Easton, Nov. 16, 1769
Sarah and Stephen Fuller [int. of Attleborough], May 15, 1810
Sarah Swift [int. wid.] and Salmon Copeland, Apr. 7, 1814
Tempa and Barzillia Keith, Jan. 3 [dup. Jan 2] 1819
Vesta and Nahum Perkins, June 3, 1820
Winslow and Hannah Slader of Acworth, N.H., int. Sept. 15, 1804
COPLAND (also see Copeland)
Abigal [int. Copeland] and Henry Kingman, Mar. 15, 1743
Abigail and George Haward, Aug. 29, 1745* [Copeland, PCR]
Daniell and Susanna Ames, Mar. 13, 1764 [Daniel Copeland and Susannah Ames,
Elijah and Rhoda Snell, Oct. 31, 1765 [Copeland, PCR]
Hannah and William Allan, Feb. 28, 1758*
Hannah and Jonathan Kingman Jr., Mar. 29, 1759* [Copeland, PCR]
Jonathan and Bettie Snell, Jan. 4, 1823-4*
Jonathan Jr. and Mehetabel [int. Mehetable] Dunbar, May 22, 1754
Joseph and Rebecca Hooper, Sept. 17, 1760* [Copelen, Sept. 19, CR1]
Mary and Benjamin Gannet, Dec. 20, 1750* [Mary Clap and Benjamin Jennett, PCR]
Agnis and Hugh Orr "of the nine partners in New York Government" [int. Little
Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N.Y.], Oct. 16, 1771 [Corbit, PCR]
CORDINER (also see Cordner)
Nabby and Squire Gilmor of Raynham, Bristol Co., blacks, May 17, 1816
Samuel and Tamer [int. Tamar] Talbut, blacks, June 16, 1785 [Tamer, PCR]
Samuel Jr. and Triphena Johnson, blacks, int. May 19, 1810
CORDNER (also see Cordiner)
Abigail [int. "Free negro Woman"] and Bennet O. [int. omits O.] Bellen [int.
"Free Negro man," of Dorchester, Suffolk Co.], Nov. 8, 1764 [Bennet O., PCR]
Amos and Abigail [int. Cuffee] Wright, [int. of Middleborough], blacks, Aug.
6, 1778 [Cuffee, PCR]
Betty [int. Bettie] and Boston Foye, blacks [int. negroes], Feb. 26, 1778
[Betty, blacks, PCR]
Desire and Edward Johnson of Easton, blacks, int. May 24, 1783
Elisabeth, "Negro woman," and Luther Jotham, "Negro man," int. Sept. 24, 1774
Susanna and Heber Honestman of Easton, June 26, 1735, in Easton.*
Mary and Sipio [int. Scipio] Sutten, blacks, Apr. 22, 1783 [Sipio Sutton, PCR]
CORNER (also see Connors)
Jane [int. Conner] and James Mann, blacks, Oct. 10, 1805
Mary and Sash, Dec. 1, 1706*
Rhoda and Samuel Robbins, int. Dec. 24, 1785
Ruth and John Smith, July 1, 1779
Eliza, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Josiah Fuller, Oct. 3, 1844
Flushing and Harriet Brooker, coloured, Apr. 19, 1840
CORTHEL (also see Corthell, Cothell, Cotherel)
John of Abington and Joah Whitman Phillips, Apr. 11, 1811
CORTHELL (also see Corthel, Cothell, Cotherel)
Abigail [int. Cotherel] and Jonathan Belcher [int. of Easton], Jan. 4, 1778.
[Corthell and Jonathan Belcher, PCR]
COTHELL (also see Corthel, Corthell, Cotherel)
Merrill [int. Coathell] and Lot Whitmarsh Jr., Oct. --, 1820
COTHEREL (also see Corthel, Corthell, Cothell)
Phebe [int. Cothrel] and John Stock [int. Stocks], Feb. 24, 1785 [Coathereal
and John Stock, PCR]
Joseph of Dedham and Susan Foye [int. Susanna Foy, blacks] ---- [int. Nov.
15], 1788, in Dorchester.
Meribah and John Williams of Boston, blacks, int. July21, 1821
Betsey and Dr. Fisk Ames, Oct. 15, 1803
COWEN (also see Cowing)
Betsey [int. Cowing] and Silas Andrews, Aug. 28, 1803
COWET (also see Cowit)
Mercy and John Thomas of Pembrook, Nov. 22, [blotted, ? 2], 1727*
COWING (also see Cowen)
Hannah and John Hooper [int. 2d] June 5, 1777 [John, CR1]
Israel of Scituate and Rebecca Wade, Nov. 25, 1788
Jabes and Susannah Bolton, Mar. 23, 1740* [Jabez and Susanna Bolton, PCR.
Jabez Pittis and Susanna Bolton, Mar. 25, 1741, CR1]
Joseph o Scituate and Jean Keith, Nov. 24, 1744
Joseph [int. Jr.] and Abigail Fobes [int. 2d], Feb. 13, 1772 [Joseph and
Abigail Fobes PCR]
Lucy and Martin Copeland, int. Apr. 3, 1802
Prince and Margret Karkins [int. Carking], Mar. 30, 1762 [Margaret Karkings,
COWIT (also see Cowet)
Elizabeth of Middleborough and Francis Thomas, int. Aug. 31, 1754
Enos of Pembroke and Betsey Harden, wid., int. Aug. 27, 1808
Hannah of Hallifax and Eli Bozworth of Hallifax, Mar. 19, 1767*
Lydia and Samuel Pool, Dec. 31, 1820
Sally N. and John Whitmarsh, int. June 13, 1823
George W. of Providence, R.I., and Caroline E. Keith of Charleston, S.C.,
Nov. 9, 1828
Elizabeth of Middleborough and Jesse Perkins Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1815
John and Olive Porter, Sept. 9, 1790
John Staples, Dr., and Elizebeth Park of Newton, July 6, 1758, in Newton.*
Moses and Phebe Snow, Feb. 24, 1799
Patty [int. Patte] and Rev. Zachariah Howard [int. of Stoughton], Mar. 6,
1787 [Polly and Rev. Zachariah Howard, PCR]
Polly and Rev. Naphtali Shaw [int. of Kenzington, N.H.], June 10, 1798
Thomas [int. Craft], Rev. [int. of Prince Town, Worcester Co.] and Polly
[int. Polley] Porter, Dec. 28, 1786 [Crafts and Polly Porter, PCR]
Zibeon and Hannah Howard, Oct. 29 [9 written in pencil in later hand after 8
crossed out in pencil], 1799
Abigail of Stoughton and Austin Howard, Mar. 18, 1819
Benjamin and Eunice Washburn, June 13, 1770 [Unice, PCR. CR1.]
Betsey and Lewis Packard, Nov. 13, 1808
C.R. and Jane E. Keith, d. Quincy A. and Priscilla D. of E. Bridgewater,
Caesar and Bridget Lincoln of Raynham, blacks, int. Nov. 29, 1783
Daniel and Anna Howard, Nov. 3, 1801
John and Patience Pratt, Apr. 29, 1793
Jonathan and [int. Mrs.] Mary Edson, Sept. 27, 1770 [Mary, Sept. 27, 1771
PCR. Mary, Sept. 27, 1770, CR1]
Jonathan, Dr., and Lydia Adams of Kingston, Dec. 23, 1783, in Kingston.
Joshua E., 25, merchant, b. Berkley, s. Barzillia and Lydia E., and Lucy Ann
Reed, 22, of Weymouth, b. Weymouth, d. Quincy, Jan. 9, 1849
Ketura of Stoughton and Eleazer Hayward, Nov. 22, 1731, in Southton.*
Lydia of Berley [int. Bartle] and Rodolphus Edson, Aug. 14, 1780 [? in
Nabby Butler of Boston and William Perkins, int. Oct. 26, 1799
Sally and Noah Pool [int. of Abington], June 21, 1819
Samuell and Sarah Washburn, Feb. 13, 1737-8* [Samuel of Milton and Sarah
Washburn, wid. CR1]
Spencer of Canton and Sally Pratt, Mar. 30, 1809
Susanna and Oliver Eaton of Middleborough, Nov. 11, 1798 [? in Middleborough]
Biancy Jane of N. Bridgewater and Cyrus Hooper of New Bedford, Oct. 24, 1831*
[Biancy Jane, d. Perez of N. Bridgewater, and Cyrus Hooper of New Bedford, s.
William, dec'd, CR1. Bianca J. and Cyrus Hooper, s. William and Mary, GR1.
Biancy Jane, PR84]
Ebenezer of Easton and Abigail Edson, int. Mar. 23, 1816
Julia Ann and Nathan Perkins, int. Oct. 1, 1848
Walter and Eliza E. Lucas, Nov. 30, 1837
Calvin J. and Jane E. Elisha of Taunton, coulered, int. June 10, 1838
Timothy and Catharine Dempsy, int. May 26, 1849
Aaron C. and Emeline F. Faunce, Nov. 5, 1838
Abigail and John Puffer Jr. of Weymouth, May 19, 1822
Benjamin and Mary W. Pratt, June 3, 1832 [Benjamin, s. Zenas, dec'd, and Mary
W. Pratt, d. Sylvanus, CR1. Benjamin, s. Zenas and Content (Stetson) and
Mary W. Pratt, PR1. Mary W., d. Silvanus and Experience (Alden), PR94]
Bethiah of Pembroke and John Alden [sic, ? Allen, see Pembroke Vital
Records], Mar. 5, 1740, in Pembroke.*
Betsey of Pembroke and Ornan Perkins, int. Apr. 18, 1818
Betty and Jacob Whitmarsh of Abington, int. Dec. 20, 1817
Deborah of Pembroke and Welcom Pincin, int. Jan. 24, 1818
George R. and Julia A. Crossman of Raynham, int. Oct. 10, 1840
Hellen Louisa and Samuel Ward Bates, May 5, 1839 [Helen L., CR5. Helen L. [L
written in pencil], d. Zenas and Content (Stetson), PR1. Helen L., PR91]
James Jr. of Hallifax and Mary Palmer, int. Mar. 29, 1806
John of Pembroke and Polly Smith, Dec. 20, 1798 [John of Pembroke, s. David,
and Mary Smith, d. Joseph, PR86]
Lucy and Zephaniah Shaw of Middleborough, Mar. 27, 1831 [Lucy, d. Zenas
dec'd, CR1. Lucy, d. Zenas and Content (Stetson), PR1]
Marcia and Edwin Ames, Sept. 10, 1826
Naomi S. and Daniel [int. David] G. Hicks of Boston, Dec. 25, 1828 [Naomi S.,
d. Zenas dec'd and David G. Hicks of Boston, CR1. Naomi Stetson Crooker, d.
Zenas and Content (Stetson), and ------ Hicks, PR1]
Ralph and Maritta H. Borden of Troy, int. June 12, 1824
Zenas, s. Zenas and Content (Stetson), and Hannah Richardson of Danvers,
-----,* PR1.
CROSMAN (also see Crossman)
Molley [int. Molly Crossman) and William Shaw, Nov. 9, 1797
Nathaniel and Peggy Smith Bird of Dorchester, int. July 17, 1802
CROSSMAN (also see Crosman)
Alvin and Chloe Pratt, Apr. 18, 1813
Chloe, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Nahum Mitchell of Raynham, May 24, 1828
[Mrs. Chloe Crossman, d. Lt. Nathaniel Pratt, CR1]
Daniel [int. Crosman] of Easton and Alice Brett, June 4, 1778, in Easton
Joseph and Mary Cary, Feb. 18, 1747*
Joseph and Elisabeth Washburn, Aug. 20, 1752* [Elizabeth Washburne, PCR]
Joseph Jr. of Easton and Margret Turner, Feb. 26, 1756*
Julia A. of Raynham and George R. Crooker, int. Oct. 10, 1840
Mary and Recompence Cary, Dec. 25, 1711*
Rufus of Kingston and Experience [dup. Experiance] Howard [int. Hayward],
June 10, 1818
Sarah and Joseph Hayward Jr., Sept. 9, 1703*
Seth of Raynham and Alice Leach, Apr. 29, 1804 [? in Middleborough]
Seth and Sally Manley of Easton, int. Jan. 16, 1813
Sussanna and Nathaniell White, May 27, 1745* [Susanna Crosman and Nathaniel
White, PCR]
Benjamin of Easton and Hannah Reckards, int. Dec. 10, 1791
Martha and Jonathan Burr, May 30, 1754
Anthony and Abigail Pendel, wid., negroes, int. Mar. 20, 1779
Francis and Fidella, negros, Nov. 24, 1708*
Rhoda of Easton and James Bennett, Nov. 14, 1799, in Easton*
John [int. of Wayne] and Hannah Thomas Bartlett, May 19, 1813
Catharine [int. Cunningham], 18, d. John and Bridget, and Shepard H. Leach,
25, farmer, s. Barnus and Olive, Mar 18, 1849
Elanor and John Smith, Sept. 29, 1774
CURTICE (see Curtis)
Benjamin of Pembrook and Experience Hayward, May 25, 1732* [Curtis, both of
Bridgewater, PCR]
Experience and Ezekiel Washburn, Oct. 4, 1749* [Experiance Curtis and Ezekiel
Washbourne, PCR]
Naomi and John Leonard, Nov. 23, 1732*
William and Hannah Linfield, June 7, 1780* [Curtis and Hannah Linsfield, PCR]
CURTIS (also see Curtice)
Abigail, "alias Abigail Wampee," and Peleg Pender, int. Dec. 19, 1772
Abigail and George Briggs [int. Jr.], Dec. 10, 1809
Abigal and Josiah Washburn, Jan. 29, 1745* [Abigail Curtiss and Josiah
Washburne, PCR]
Aholibamah [int. Ahobibame] and Timothy Packard, Jan. 13, 1790 [Aholibamah,
Alanson of N. Bridgewater and Mary D. Hayden of Quincy, May 9, 1839*
Ashley and Amie Reynolds, int. Mar. 25, 1769
Ashley and Susanna Fuller, Apr. 12, 1770
Barnabas and Esther Finney, June 6, 1774*
Bathsheba and Capt. Isaac Keith, Feb. 12, 1815
Bela and Kezia Lincoln, Jan. 19, 1802 [date in later handwriting, sic. int.
Dec. 25, 1802]
Betty and Simeon Leach, Dec. 31, 1765*
Edward and Abigail Pratt, Jan. 2, 1759* [Jan. 9, PCR. Jan. 2, CR1]
Elbridge of E. Bridgewater and Matilda W. Horton, Dec. 17, 1837
Eliphaz of Abington and Ruth Pool, Sept. 16, 1796, in Abington
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] of Halifax and Nathaniell Hayward, Apr. 5, 1743
[Elizabeth Curtiss of Hallifax and Nathaniel Hayward, PCR]
Esther of N. Bridgewater and Levi W. Holbrook of N. Bridgewater, Oct. 6, 1832*
Eunice and Edmund Soper, Dec. 30, 1756* [Unice Curtiss, PCR]
Frederick A. of Newton Lower Falls and Harriet M. Hooker, Aug. 17, 1842
[Harriet M., d. George, CR2]
Hannah and Alpha Tribou, Oct. 10, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Hannah of Stoughton and Oliver Lathrop, int. Dec. 3, 1803
Isaac and Mehitabel [int. Mehtabel] Wales, Jan. 26 [Jan. 26 in later
handwriting, int. Jan 4], 1806
Margret [int. Margrett], "alias Pegg Wampee," and Prince Robbin [int.
Robbins, "Free negro man"], Sept. 15, 1764 [Margaret, "alias Pegg Wampee,"
and Prince Robbin, "negroman," PCR]
Margrett, "alias Margrett Wampee," and William Waterman, int. Jan. 16, 1773.
Mary and Jonathan Cary, Dec. 30, 1747*
Mosess and Mary Vinson of Weymouth, Nov. 17, 1757, in Weymouth.
Moses, Capt. [int. omits Capt., dup. and int. of Braintree] and Hannah
Belcher, Dec. 14, 1769 [dup. Nov. 4, 1769, in Braintree].
Patience and Seth Brett, int. June 2, 1744
Priscilla "alias Priscilla Wampee," and Joel Suikamug, int. Jan. 16, 1773.
Rebecca and William Washburn, May 8, 1738,* CR1
Rebecca and Enoch Thayer, July 4, 1765 [Rebeccah, PCR]
Releaf of Stoughton and Peter Dunbar, int. June 16, 1764
Sally and Nehemiah Howard, int. Sept. 17, 1791
Samuel and Sally Harris, Apr. 1, 1799*
Sarah and Edmund Pattingail, Jan. 15, 1761* [Curstis and Edmond Pettingale,
Sylvester and Heman Keith, int. Apr. 19, 1823
Theophilus [int. Jr. of Stoughton] and Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] Keith, Feb.
13, 1766 [Theophilus and Mehitable Keith, PCR]
Theophilus [int. of Stoughton] and Rebecca French, Apr. 10, 1791 [Theophilus,
Therea [int. Thirza] and Benjamin Munroe [int. Jr.] of Hallifax, Aug. 27, 1812
William [int. of Randolph] and Submit Smith [int. Keith], Sept. 15, 1806
[date in later handwriting].
Abel and Sabina W. Wade of Halifax, int. Jan. 17, 1836
Asa of Randolph and Sally French, Aug. 22, 1813
Daniel and Zeruiah Chamberlin, Nov. 22, 1787 [Zerviah, PCR]
Deborah (see Deborah Clushing)
Jonathan of New Bedford and Sarah [int. Sally W.] Lazell, Nov. 30, 1809
[Jonathan of Boston and Sarah Lazell, PR1]
Josiah C. [int. of S. Marshfield] and Harriet W. Wilbar, Jan. 5, 1845
Mary Eliza, 19, d. Jonathan and Sarah, and Charles Muzzey Reed, 25, merchant,
of Boston, Oct. 23, 1844
Pamelia and Leonard Hill of E. Bridgewater, int. Mar. 27, 1836
Phebe of Boston and Andrew Freeman, blacks, int. Mar. 22, 1788
William H. olf Raynham and Almira S. Monroe [dup. Munroe] of Taunton, Sept.
24, 1843 [dup. May 4, 1844]*
Almira of Hallifax and Silvanus Hall Jr., int. Mar. 23, 1816
Bettee [int. Bettie] and Nathan Hartwell, Aug. 20, 1761, in Halifax.
Charles and Mary Harvey, Dec. 10, 1739*
Deborah of Halifax and Thomas Hooper Jr., Mar. 4, 1762, in Halifax.
Deborah F. and John Shankland of N. Bridgewater, June 14, 1832
Earl and Wealthy Hall of Raynham, int. Sept. 23, 1820
Ebenezer of Kingston and Kezia Benson, Apr. 21, 1805
Ebenezer [int. Jr.] of Kingston and Charity [int. Charrity] Benson, May 30,
Hannah of Halifax and Jonathan Hayden, June 25, 1754, in Halifax.
Jonathan and Susanna Benson, Feb. 25, 1735-6,* CR1.
Noah [Cushman, sic, int. Cheesman] and Lucinda Howard, May 12, 1799
Phebe and Joseph Bassett, Dec. 2, 1756* [Basset, CR1]
Sarah T. and Philander Leach, Jan. 4, 1841
Thomas, Capt., and Bethiah Thompson [int. Tomson], June 25, 1794 [Thomson,
Thomas and Lucy Pratt, Oct. 5, 1823 [Lucy, d. Cornelius dec'd, CR1]
William of Middleborough and Deborah Fuller, int. June 30, 1792 [m. Sept. 6,
Ebenezer, Lt. [int. omits Lt.] of Western Worcester Co., and Cynthia
Sylvester Bonney [int. Cynthia Silvester, omits Bonney], July 3, 1797
William J. of Boston and Lucia C. Washburn, Apr. 4, 1843 [Lucia Conant
Washburn, d. Abram and Pamelia (Keith), PR1]
William P. and Bethiah S. Hayward of Taunton, int. Nov. 12, 1837.