Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA - MARRIAGES - B
Extracted from
Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts
to the Year 1850, Volume 1, Marriages
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown
For abbreviations used and explanations, please see Appendix
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* Intention not posted.
BABBITT (also see Bobbet)
Elizebeth (Babbtt) [int. Mrs. Elisabeth Bobbet] of Easton [int. adds Bristol
Co.], June 12, 1765, in Norton.
Lucy of Middleborough and Alpheus Fobes, Apr. 13, 1788 [Lucy, d. Rev. Isaac,
Simeon of Middleborough and Hannah Alden, int. July 25, 1789
Joanna of Randolph and Avery Lothrop, int. Nov. 10, 1821
Polly and Wales Wentworth, Dec. 4, 1820 [Wales, s. Theophilus and Betsey,
Nov. 19, PR90]
William and Polley [int. Polly] Dickerman, Jan. 19, 1786 [Polly, PCR]
William and Hannah Reckard [int. Reckards], Apr. 3, 1819
BAILEY (also see Baily, Bayley)
Abigail [int, Bayley] and Jacob Allen, Dec. 7, 1762 [Bailey, PCR]
Adam 9int. Adams] and Ruth Reed of Abington, Oct. 20, 1784, in Abington.
Adams [int. Jr.] and Mary [int. Polly] Little of Hanover, Dec. 17, 1779, in
Charity and Nathan Lathrop, int. July 13, 1776
Desire and Seth Howard 9int. 2d], Nov. 7. 1782 [Seth, PCR]
Ebenezer and Sylva Howard, Sept. 6, 1782 [Sept. 26, PCR]
Eliphalet [int. Baily] and Martha Robinson, Jan. 29, 1782 [Bailey, PCR]
Hannah and Solomon Packard Jr., Nov. 20, 1760*
Israel and Martha Alden, wid., Aug. 18, 1760* [Allden, PCR]
Israel and Lucy Whitman, Dec. 31, 1789
Joseph of Freeport, Cumberland Co., and Patience [int. Pattence] Holmes, Oct.
27, 1796
Melvin A., 23, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. Melvin and Maria, and Ellen
Burgess, 17, of W. Bridgewater, d. Nehemiah and Rhoda, Dec. 5, 1847* [Melvin
O., CR1]
Paul and Betsey Thayer, Feb. 1, 1708
Rachel and Benjamin Byram, Apr. 10, 1760*
Sally and Caleb Snell, int. Oct. 26, 1799
Sarah and Isaac Lathrop, Aug. 3, 1775
Seth and Deborah Packard, Oct. 26, 1770
Thankfull and Thomas Lindsey Jr., Apr. 20, 1786
Timothy and Anna Whitman, Mar. 24, 1796
BAILY (also see Bailey, Bayley)
Ward [int. Bailey] and Mary Sargent [int. Sergeant] of Methuen, Feb. --,
1765, in Metheun
Esther of Raynham and James Latham, int. May 27, 1769
George, Capt. [int. omits Capt.] of Duxbury and Rebecca [int. Rebeccah]
Snell, Feb. 23, 1816
Israel H. (see Israel Buker)
Mary E. and George H. Burt, int. Sept. 17, 1848
Moses, Dr. [int. of Canton] and Elizaboth [int. Elizabeth] Howard, Sept. 13,
Sarah and Josiah Aldrich, Oct. 18, 1753
Bethiah C. [int. Cushing] of Hanover and Thomas Young, Jan. 5, 1792, in
Lucy [int. Lucy Blossom] and Barza [int. Barzee] Allen, Feb. 17, 1802
Lucy C., 21, and Philip H. Wing, 23, brick maker, s. Stephen and Abigail,
Apr. 1, 1849
BALLANEY (see Bdleney)
BANCROFT (also see Bencraft)
Deborah and David Snow of W. Bridgewater, int. May 2, 1822
Mary Ann of W. Bridgewater and Charles C. Dillingham of Troy, June 6, 1833*
BARBER (also see Barbor)
Elizebeth of Dorchester and Samuel Howard, Dec. 27, 1799, in Dorchester*
BARBOR (also see Barber)
Experience and Joshua Willis, Feb. 4, 1706-7*
Patience and John Cole of Plimton, Jan. 27, 1709-10*
BARDEN (also see Borden)
Consider of Middleborough and Bethia Edson, int. Nov. 6, 1773
John and Mary Parlow of Middleborough, Aug. 23, 1703*
Mary of Middleborough and Reuel Swift, int. May 5, 1821
Rodulphus of Middleborough and Elisabeth Edson, Nov. 24, 1774
Daniel of Pembroke and Betsey Brown, int. May 2, 1812
John of Middleborough and Hannah Robbin, Indians, int. Dec. 11, 1773
Warren White and Betsey Copeland Sprague, Oct. 22, 1837
BARNAM (also see Barnham)
Abigall and Ebenezer Whitman, Nov. 17, 1699*
BARNES (also see Barns)
Polly and Samuel Edson, Oct. 25, 1801
BARNHAM (also see Barnam)
Susanna and Ephraim Marable, Feb. 8, 1704-5*
BARNS (also see Barnes)
Curtis of Hingham and Angelina Whitman, int. Oct. 22, 1803.
Lucy [int. Barnes] and Uriel Howard, Jan. 29, 1816
BARNUM (see Barnam, Barnham)
BARREL (also see Barrell)
Jannett [int. Barrell] and John Loring of Turner, Sept. 30, 1794 [Barrel, PCR]
Joshua Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Olive Bass, Nov. 23, 1769 [Joshua, PCR]
Lydia and Eliphalet Packard, Jan. 24, 1782 [Barrell, PCR]
Ruth and Robert Packard, Nov. 28, 1782 [Barrell, PCR]
Ruth [int. Barrell] and Dr. Caleb Swan [int. of Easton], Oct. 3, 1816
Susanna and Oakes Whitman, June 16, 1790
William and Sarah Cary, Dec. 19, 1751* [Barrill and Sarah Carry, PCR]
William Jr. [int. 2d] and Huldah Bissbe [int. Bissbee], June 4, 1801
BARRELL (also see Barrel)
Abel and Mary Alden, int. Aug. 18, 1810
Abigail and Jared Whitman [int. of Abington], Apr. 1, 1813
Elias and Deborah Tilden of Hanover, int. Oct. 23, 1813
Elizebeth [Barrell, sic, ? Burrell, see Abington Vital Records] of Abington
and Joseph Porter, Jan. 25, 1753, in Abington.*
Hannah and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Daniel Sawin, Nov. 18, 1810
James [int. Barrel] and Betsey Russell [int. Russel], Sept. 15, 1785 [Barrell
and Betsey Russell, PCR]
John and Judith Snow, Apr. 20, 1756*
Sarah [int. Barrel] and Nathan Alden Jr., Jan. 24, 1776
Thomas of Abington and Huldah Allen, int. Oct. 14, 1815
Lucretia of Easton and Cyrus [int. adds B.] Phillips, May 4, 1819
Richard [dup. Berresford, int. Berrisford] and Elizabeth Willis, Nov. 25, 1817
BARROW (also see Barrows)
Eleazer of Rochester and Jane [int. Jean] Sherman, Feb. 27, 1773
Rachel and John Woods Jr. of Easton, Nov. 27, 1766
BARROWS (also see Barrow)
Almira and Ambrose Keith, Oct. 27, 1839 [Oct. 29, PR51]
Joseph and Bethany Perkins, int. Nov. 23, 1793 [m. Dec. 17, PCR]
Joseph and Betsa [int. Betsy] Lathan [int. wid.], Oct. 2, 1816
Mehetable [int. Mehetabel] of Middleborough, and Jabez Eddy, Jan. 21, 1768 [?
in Middleborough]
Nathaniel L. of Middleborough and Betsey C. Bump, int. May 16, 1847
Stillman and Lydia Sanders, int. Nov. 8, 1818
Charlotte of Pembroke and Marcus Robinson, int. Dec. 30, 1820
Edwin W., third s. Elijah and Lucy of Scituate, and Jane Wilson Barstow,
second d. Rev. George and Sarah of Hanson, Sept. 11, 1834*
Jane Wilson, second d. Rev. George and Sarah of Hanson, and Edwin W. Barstow,
third s. Elijah and Lucy of Scituate, Sept. 11, 1834*
Lucy and Nahum Stetson, July 5, 1843*, PR1 [Lucy Ann Forester Barstow, d.
Rev. George and Sarah of Hanson, and Nahum Stetson, s. Abisha and Allice of
E. Bridgewater, July 4, PR95]
Sarah W. of Hanson and Nahum Stetson, int. Sept. 20, 1828 [m. Nov. 13, PR1.
Sarah Wilson Barstow, d. Rev. George and Sarah of Hanson, and Nahum Stetson,
s. Abisha and Allice of E. Bridgewater, m. Nov. 13, PR95]
BARTEN (see Barton)
BARTLET (also see Bartlett, Barttlett)
Edward and Zilpha Cole, May 7, 1772
Elisha of Brookfield and Rebecca Waterman, May 11, 1778 [Barklet of
Brookfield, CR1]
Phillis and Edward Power, Jan. 30, 1753* [Bartlett and Edward Powers, PCR]
Releif [int. Releaf] and Ebenezer Hooper, Aug. 25, 1761 [Relief Bartlett, PCR]
Richard and Mary Robinson, Nov. 17, 1757* [Bartlett, PCR]
Samuel and Susanna Dunbar, May 12, 1757* [Bartlett and Susannah Dunbar, PCR]
Solomon and Huldah Washburn, June 10, 1781*, CR1
BARTLETT (also see Bartlet, Barttlett)
Benjamin Jr. and Susanna Hayden of Stougton, int. Mar. 22, 1766
Benjamin Jr. and Harriet N. Conant, int. Aug. 30, 1846
David and Polly Brett Howard, int. Nov. 12, 1796
David and Susanna Fish of Pembroke, int. May 14, 1814
David Jr. of W. Bridgewater and Patty Wood, Dec. 1, 1841
Elizabeth and Seth Ames, Jan. 2, 1798 [? in Middleborough]
Hannah and William Harlow of Plymouth, Sept. 3, 1738, in Plymouth*
Hannah and Simeon Howard, Apr. 6, 1794
Hannah Thomas and John Cumner [int. of Wayne], May 19, 1813
Jerusha of Duxbury and James Robinson, Oct. 31, 1751, in Duxbury.*
Kezia and Abiel Howard, int. Feb. 4, 1798
Lydia and Ebenezer Hinds, Dec. 26, 1751*
Mercy E. of Plymouth and Jonas Keith, int. May 20, 1820
Polly [int. Barttlett] and Benjamin Richards, Sept. 25, 1782 [Bartlett, PCR]
Rachel and Barnabas Lothrop, Aug. 13, 1813
Richard and Rebecca Holmes, int. Apr. 30, 1763
Samuel [int. Jr.] and Lucy Jenkins, Jan. 22, 1786 [Samuel, PCR]
Sarah and Isaiah Hayward, Dec. 11, 1777
Sarah and David Reynolds, Apr. 21, 1818
Susan [int. Susanna] of Carver and Zebulun [int. Zabulon] Willis, May 19,
1793, in Carver.
Susanna [int. Barttlett] and David Gurney, Jan. 15, 1792 [Bartlett, PCR]
Wright and Bithia Packard, July 29, 1731* [Bethia, PCR]
George W. [int. George Washington Barten] of Bath and Christiana Whitman,
Sept. 17, 1809
BARTTLETT (also see Bartlet, Bartlett)
Lucy and Waldow Hayward, Dec. 5, 1781 [Bartlett, PCR]
BASETT (also see Basset, Bassett)
Nathan and Hannah Wasburn, Mar. 15, 1733* [Basset and Hannah Washborn, CR1]
Bathsheba and Ignatius Loring, Aug. 22, 1750* [Bathshabe, PCR]
Edward of Braintree and Bathsheba Keith, Feb. 27, 1772 [dup. Nov. 9, 1779, in
Eunice and John Young, Nov. 22, 1752*
Eunice and John Dyer, int. Oct. 7, 1780
Eunice and Seth Whitman, Nov. 26, 1781
Jonathan Jr. and Susanna Byram, Nov. 11, 1741*
Mary and Hugh Orr, Aug. 4, 1742*
Mary, d. Jonathan of Quincy, and John Edson, s. Benjamin and Deborah, Nov.
24, 1825, in Quincy" CR2.
Mehitable and Dr. Isaac Otiss, June 30, 1746* PCR
Olive and Joshua Barrel Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Nov. 23, 1769 [Joshua, PCR]
Sarah and Jonathan Allen, Mar. 18, 1755
Sarah and Joseph Chamberlin, Dec. 22, 1784 [Chamberlain, PCR]
Susanna and Zechariah Cary, Nov. 11, 1742 [Zachariah, PCR]
Susanna [int. 3d] and Elijah Dean, Apr. 28, 1768 [Susannah, PCR]
BASSET (also see Basett, Bassett)
Elnathan and Mary Hill, June 19, 1702*
Joseph [int. Bassett] and Hannah Lathrop, June 6, 1776
Lydia and Samuel Phillips, Nov. 17, 1726* [Bassett, PCR]
Mary and Samuel Beale, Mar. 4, 1724-5*
Ruth and Joseph Davis, Mar. 23, 1730* [Bassett, PCR]
William and Mary Bump, June 23, 1703* [Sarah, PR102]
William and Mary Mahurin, Feb. 19, 1718-19*
BASSETT (also see Basett, Basset)
Abiel and Mary W. Fobes, Sept. 7, 1836
Abigail [int. wid.] and Benjamin Leach, Feb. 2, 1764 [Abigail, PCR]
Abigail and Seth Lathrop [int. Jr.], Nov. 25, 1784 [Seth Jr., PCR. Basset
and Seth Lothrop, CR1]
Abigail and Shepard Dunbar 9int. Dumber], June 22, 1806
Augusta and Alfred F. Sears of Boston, int. Dec. 9, 1849
Benjamin and Hannah Macumber, Nov. 17, 1737* [Basset, CR1]
Betsey H. of Middleboro and Nathan B. Dunbar, int. Nov. 6, 1836
Caleb [int. of Glocester, Cumberland Co.] and Bethiah Keith, Apr. 18, 1782
[Caleb, PCR. Basset of Gloucester, CR1]
Caleb [int Jr.] and Mary Holmes, Nov. 21, 1811
Caroline, 21, d. George and Hannah, and Mertoun C. Bryant, 23, civil
engineer, of Lowell, s. Dion and Lucretia H., May 25, 1847 [Caroline, d.
George and Hannah (Mitchell) and Mertourn Cassius Bryant, s. Dion and
Lucretia H. (Briggs), PR1]
Catharine F. and Daniel C. Sawin, Nov. 24, 1842 [Catherine F., CR1.
Catherine, d. Paschal and Mary (Hooper), PR1]
Charles and Laura Fobes, Apr. 7, 1816
Charles J.H., widr, [int. omits widr.], 31, cashier Taunton Bank, of Taunton,
s. Anselm and Rosalinda H. of Taunton, and Nancy L. Gibbs, 22, d. Thomas F.
and P.C., Aug. 13, 1845
Cornelia A. and Cyrus Howard of Winslow, Me., Sept. 24, 1839
Cyrus and Cynthia Randall [int. Randell], Dec. 11, 1808
Cyrus and Lurana [int. Urana] Billings, July 26, 1814
David and Phebe Deane of Raynham, int. July 16, 1796
Dorothy (int. Dorithy) and David Packard, Dec. 31, 1767 [Dorothy, PCR]
Elizabeth [int. adds H.] and William H. Davis [int. of Roxbury] Aug. 1, 1838
[Elizebeth and William Davis, CR1. Elizabeth H., d. Paschal and Mary (Hooper)
and Wililam H. Davis, PR1]
George and Hannah Mitchell, Dec. 7, 1819
George W. and Charlotte F. Robinson, int. Aug. 23, 1844 [m. Sept. -- CR1]
Hannah and James Alger 3d, May 29, 1791
Hannah and Ezra Fobes [int. Jr.], June 19, 1810
Hannah, and Elijah Alden, Nov. 8, 1827
Hannah S. and Charles Edson, s. Libeus (s. Ezra) and Joanna Keen, ----, 1824*
Harriet and George Williams of Raynham, July 3, 1839
Henrietta and Asa R. Howard of Easton, Jan. 1, 1840
Jane and James S. Daniels of Randolph, int. Oct. 16, 1836
Jonathan and Sarah Leonard, June 6, 1813
Joseph and Phebe Cushman, Dec. 2, 1756* [Basset, CR1]
Joseph 3d and Ruth Leach, Jan. 26, 1792
Joseph and Sarah Eaton, wid., of Greenwich, Jan. 14, 1798
Joseph 3d and Hannah Williams of Raynham, int. Mar. 23, 1816 [m. May ----,
Joseph M. and Mary Young of Fall River, Sept. 15, 1843
Joaish and Lucretia Mitchell, Oct. 1, 1820
Josiah L. and Selina G. Wilbar, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m. Sept. 27, PR56]
Keith and Ruth Hall, Sept. 9, 1832 [? in Bridgewater],* PR65
Lusanna M. [int. omits M], 24, d. George and Hannah, and James M. Leonard,
24, tailor, s. Martin and Joanna, May 25, 1847 [Lucina M., d. George and
Hannah (Mitchell), and James Martin Leonard, s. Martin and Joanna (Bessee),
Lydia of Norton and Dr. Daniel [int. Dea. David] Edson, ----- [int. Aug. 11,
1786 in Norton]
Maria O. of Middleborough and Peltiah Gould, int. Nov. 11, 1842
Mary and Hartwell Keith of Dudley, Apr. 8, 1816
Mary [int. adds W.] and William B. Drew of Duxbury, Jan. 27, 1836 [Mary, CR1.
Mary Winslow Bassett, PR1]
Nathan and Sybil Daniels, Jan. 14, 1827 [Mrs. Sybil, CR3]
Paschal and Mary Hooper, int. Aug. 24, 1811
Phebe and Barnebas Leonard, Feb. 5, 1780 [Barnabas, PCR Basset and Barnabas
Leonard, CR1]
Robert B. and Hannah T. Clapp of Weymouth, int. Sept. 4, 1841
Ruth and John Whitemore, Dec. 22, 1692*, PCR
Sally and Hamden Keith, int. Mar. 8, 1800
Sally and Abijah Thayer Jr. [int. 2d], Apr. 7, 1802
Samuel G. and Abigail M. Alger of Bridgewater, int. Apr. 4, 1844
Sarah and Christopher Dyer, Nov. 17, 1757*
Urania and David Whitemore of Randolph, int. Oct. 31, 1840
William and Abier Williams of Ranham, int. June 29, 1800
William C. and Martha Perkins of Middleborough, int. Mar. 11, 1825
Joseph, 33, farmer, of Roxbury, s. Josiah and Martha of London [sic,?
Loudon], N.H., and Betsey K. Tucker, 28, d. Benjamin and Betsey, June 3, 1847
Anna and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Seth Gurney [int. Jr.], Feb. 1, 1819
Benjamin W., 27, trader, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, and Diantha B. Bourn
[int. Bourne], 20, d. Warren and Rachel, Aug. 24, 1845 [Bourne, CR1]
Bethiah W. and Asa P. Keith, Sept. 19, 1839 [Bethia, CR5. Bethiah, d. Joshua
and Bethia (Ames), PR1. Bethiah W. and Asa Pratt Keith, Sept. 20, PR24].
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Solomon Hayward Jr., July 19, 1807
Betty of Abington and Asaph Torry Peterson, int. July 16, 1803
Christopher [int. Christophur] of Abington and Mary Bates [int. Brown], May
12, 1784, in Abington.
Christopher [int. Christopher Jr.] and Polly Howland, July 20 [July 20 in
later handwriting], 1806
Cotton [int. of Weymouth] and Rhoda Johnson, Dec. 31, 1817
Daniel and Jane Reed, Jan. 10, 1811
Elizabeth and Rev. Theophilus P. Doggett, int. Nov. 7, 1843
George W. and Hannah Tucker of Middleborough, Oct. 6, 1836 [both of
Bridgewater, CR5]
Hannah and Charles Thompson, Aug. 16, 1815*, PR1
Jacob and Lucy Dyer of Abington, int. Nov. 23, 1816
James of Weymouth and Lucy Orcutt, int. Nov. 9, 1805
Joseph of Abington and Huldah Hanks, int. Feb. 19, 1791
Joshua of Hanover and Bethia Ames, Jan. 27, 1796 [Feb. 23, PR1. Bethiah,
Jan. 23, PR24. Bethiah, Jan. 21, PR91]
Lusanna [int. Susanna] and Joseph Packard, Aug. 31, 1794
Mary [int. Brown] and Christopher [int. Christophur] Bates of Abington, May
12, 1784, in Abington.
Mary L, 23, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, and Charles W. Belcher, 25, teacher,
of Stoughton, s. Elijah and Betsey, June 3, 1849
Moses and Deborah Dyer [int. of Abington], Dec. 1, 1808
Nancy and John Constant Harden, Feb. 25, 1813
Nathan of Abington and Betty Allen, Sept. 10, 1789
Obadiah and Ruth Pratt, May 27, 1762 [Obediah PCR]
Polly and Ezra Thomson, int. July 17, 1813
Polly and Samuel P. Reed of Abinton, int. May 13, 1815
Polly and Libbeus [int. Lebbeus] Smith, July 24, 1817
Rachel [int. of Hanson] and Increase Robinson, Feb. 6, 1755, in Hingham.
Rufus of Hanson [int. of Hannover] and Huldah Keith, Nov. 27, 1821
Samuel Ward and Hellen Louisa Crooker, May 5, 1839 [Helen L., CR5. Helen L.
[L. written in pencil], d. Zenas and Content (Stetson), PR1. Helen L. PR91]
Susanna (see Lusanna)
William, [int. adds R] of Worthington [int. adds Hampshire Co.] and Polly
Lazell, Sept. 12, 1803
William D. of Weymouth and Elizabeth B. Perkins, int. Sept. 7, 1844
BATTLES (also see Brattles)
David P. and Jerusha E. Adams of Quincy, int. Nov. 30, 1816
Dorothy and Ansell Perkins, May 13, 1819
John and Milacen Porter, July 2, 1816
Lucinda and Luke Packard, Jan. 1, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Sibbil [int. Sibbel] and Reuel Fobes [int. of Boston], Nov. 16, 1807 [date in
later handwriting]
Susanna [int. Susannah] of Hingham and Benjamin Washburn, Mar. 23, 1743-4, in
Susanna and Nathaniel Leads, Aug. 10, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Freeman, of E. Bridgewater and Nancy S. Perkins, int. May 18, 1834 [m. June
8, CR2]
Thomson [int. Thompson] of Quinsey, Norfolk Co., and Anna Whitman, Dec. 16,
BAYLEY (also see Bailey, Baily)
Adam and Sarah Haward, Jan. 1, 1746-7*
Adams [int. Bailey] and Katherine [int. Catharine] Nichols, wid. [int. omits
wid.], of Cohasset, Nov. 2, 1775, in Cohasset.
Cathrine [int. Catharine Nickols] and Jonathan Bayley [int. Bailey], Jan. 23,
Elizabeth and James Harris, Feb. 14, 1692-3* PCR
Jonathan [int. Bailey] and Cathrine Bayley [int. Catharine Nickols], Jan. 23,
Joseph [int. Bailey] and Abigail Packard, Aug. 22, 1771
Kezia and John Richards, Nov. 27, 1751* [Keziah Bailey, PCR]
Keziah [int. Bailey], wid., and Joseph Keith, Oct. 26, 1763 [Bailey, PCR]
Ruth (Bdleney [sic] and James Clansy, May 4, 1741* [Ballaney and James
Clansey, PCR. Boleney and Jeams Clansy, May 7, CR1]
BEAL (also see Beale, Beals)
Abigail and Josiah Hill Jr., Sept. 16, 1779
Azariah and Bathsheba Bisbe [dup. Bissbee, int. Bisbee], Aug. 8, 1776
Hannah and Noah Hill, Nov. 26, 1780 [Hannah CR1]
Hannah and Oliver Snell, Nov. 15, 1792
Isaac and Elisabeth Steevens [int. Elizabeth Steephens of Randolph], Apr. 21,
Japhet [int. Japheth Beals] and Patience Keith, Feb. 7,[int. Dec. 8 sic], 1770
Japhet [int. of Minot, Cumberland Co.] and Content Packard, wid., Sept. 26,
1802 [date in later handwriting]
Japhet [int. Beals of Augusta, Me.] and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Lincoln,
Oct. 2, 1803 [date in later handwriting]
Jeremiah and Mary French, June 20, 1768*
Jonathan and Abigail Harlow, July 11, 1751*
Jonathan and Abigail Egerton [int. Eggerton], wid., Nov. 7, 1780 [Egerton,
Joshua and Susanna Edson, Oct. 17, 1768
Levi [int. Beals] of Hingham and Ruth Whitting [int. Whiting], Nov. 29, 1810
Mary, d. Lt. Jeremiah and John Orcutt, Dec. 23, 1702, in Hingham.*
Mary and Elijah Smith, Feb. 7, 1803 [date in later handwriting]*
Olive and Joseph Brett, Dec. 21, 1797
Phinehas and Lydia Kenny of Stoughton, int. Oct. 5, 1793
Polly and Bela Reed, Aug. 27, 1793 [Read, PCR]
Rachel and Asa Jones, Dec. 4, 1792
Sarah and Asa Ford [int. Foard], Nov. 11, 1793
Susanna and Elijah Packard, Aug. 27, 1789
BEALE (also see Beal, Beals)
Daniell and Mehtabele Byram, Apr. 3, 1750* [Daniel Beal, PCR]
Elijah [int. Beall of Hingham and Betsey Pincin [int. Pinchon], Dec. 3, 1804
Elisabeth and Theophilus Byram, Apr. 27, 1749* [Elizebeth Beal, PCR]
Samuel and Mary Basset, Mar. 4, 1724-5
BEALS (see Beal, Beale)
Betsey of Pembroke and Allen Marshall Porter, int. Oct. 12, 1816
Jeremiah Jr. and Sibbil [int. Sybbyl] Ames, Nov. 26, 1807 [date in later
Jonathan and Polly Cary, Oct. 26, 1807 [date in later handwriting]
Lazarus, [int. Lazaus of Weymouth] and Sarah Alden, wid., May 25, 1809 [date
in later handwriting]
Martin [int. Capt.] of Hingham and Mehitabel Pinchin, Apr. 11, 1816
Samuel and Elizabeth Blackmer, Oct. 17, 1745*, PCR
Seth of Pembroke and Thirza Hatch, July 16, 1799
BEARCE (also see Bearse)
Abram and Polly Bliss of Longmeadow, Apr. 25, 1796, in Longmeadow.*
Consider [int. Bearse] of Hallifax and Elisabeth Perkins, Sept. 17, 1761
[Bearce of Hallifax and Elizabeth Perkins, PCR]
Ford (see Ford Pearce)
Hannah D. of E. Bridgewater and Florentius E. Wilbar, int. Sept. 10, 1848 [m.
Sept. 27, PR56]
Job and Sarah Keith [int. Keth], Nov. 2, 1780 [Keith, PCR]
Lydia and Amory Leach of Jay [int. adds Cumberland Co.], Sept/ 17, 1736*
Experience and Zadock Hayward [int. of Plymouth], May 12, 1768 [Zadock, PCR]
Margret and Arthur Latham, Oct. 17, 1765 [Margaret, PCR]
Sally [int. Birse] and Martin Keith, Nov. 5, 1809
Amy (see Anne)
Ann [int. Anne] and John Keith of Hardwick, Apr. 21, 1774
Anna [int. Amie] of Sharon and William Tribou, Nov. 24, 1784, in Sharon
Charles W., 25, teacher, of Stoughton, s. Elijah and Betsey, and Mary L.
Bates, 23, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 3, 1849
Clifford [int. Clefford Jr. of Stoughtonham] and Bettie Copeland, Nov. 22,
1770 [Clefford of Stoughton, PCR]
Deborah and Seth Dunbar, Dec. 3, 1761
Elisha of Randolph and Rhoda Packard Ford, Dec. 24, `8`8
Hannah and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Moses Curtis [dup. and int. of
Braintree]. Dec. 14, 1769 [dup. Nov. 4, 1769, in Braintree]
Jeremiah and Amie Haward, Feb. 26, 1756*
Jonathan [int. of Easton] and Abigail Corthell [int. Cotherell, Jan. 4, 1778]
[Jonathan and Abigail Corthell, PCR]
Mary of Randolph and Elijah Bowker, int. Sept. 2, 1820
Oliver of Stoughton and Polly Reynold [int. Reynolds], May 10, 1799, in
Rebecca and Jessee Edson, Jan. 5, 1764 [Rebeccah and Jesse Edson, PCR]
Bennet O. [int. omits O., adds "Free Negro man," of Dorchester, Suffolk Co.]
and Abigail Cordner [int. "Free negro Woman"], Nov. 8, 1764 [Bennet O., PCR]
Margaret and James Radsford, Dec. 26, 1738*
BENCRAFT (also see Bancroft)
Jeremiah of Canton and Betsey Wood, black, int. Apr. 28, 1821
BENNET (also see Bennett)
Peter and Priscilla Howland, Oct. 30, 1700* [Peter Cornet, PR103]
Samuel of Middleborough and Ruth Perry of Middleborough, Jan. 6, 1708-9*
BENNETT (also see Bennet)
Abigail [int. Bennet] and Edward Johnson [int. of Taunton], blacks, Mar. 15,
1781 [Bennett and Edward Johnson, PCR]
Anna L. and Arnold Wade, May 5, 1822
Arthur [int. Bennet] of Middleborough and Keziah Keith, Jan. 12, 1743 [Bennet
of Middleborough, PCR]
James and Rhoda Cufford of Easton, Nov. 14, 1799, in Easton.*
John [int. Winnett] of Abington and Susanna Brown, Sept. 24, 1800
John [int. Jr.] of Rochester and Martha Allen, Sept. 8, 1839
Joseph W. and Susan W. Latham, Apr. 19, 1829
Mehitable of E. Bridgewater and Samuel Leonard Jr.. int. Aug. 2, 1823 [Bennet
and Samuel Leonard, m. Sept. 4, PR32]
Philip of Rochester and Charlotte Copeland, Nov. 30, 1797
Almira and Franklin B. Leonard of S. Leeds, Me., int. Oct. 16, 1831
Alonzo P., 27, farmer, s. Samuel H. dec'd and Rachel, dec'd, and Hannah W.
Wood, 24, d. Philander and Patty, Jan. 22, 1845
Benjamin and Keziah Snell, Oct. 30, 1745
Benjamin and Abigail Pratt, Sept. 27, 1770 [Bennson, PCR]
Bethiah and Seth Thomson of Hallifax, Jan. 1, 1815
Caleb of Middleboro and Mary Reed, Mar. 7, 1823
Cassandra and Giddins Lane Jr. of Leeds, Me., int. Nov. 17, 1833
Charity [int. Charrity] and Ebenezer Cushman [int. Jr.] of Kingston, May 30,
Cyrus and Lydia Wood, Aug. 7, 1806
Cyrus Jr. and Lydia W. Leonard, Oct. 25, 1842 [Lydia Washburn Leonard, PR30]
David and Charity Hayward, Dec. 21, 1780 [Charity Besse, PCR. Charity
Hayward, CR1]
Ebenezer and Silence Leonard, Mar. 13, 1777 [Leonard, CR1]
Eunice and John Harden, Nov. 13, 1766
Eunice and Abner Keith, Dec. 1, 1803
Hannah and James Dunbar Jr., Jan. 22, 1745*
Hannah and Jabez Waterman of Hallifax, Nov. 28, 1805
Henry F. of Sandwich and Christiana Keith, int. July 22, 1849
Hubard D. and Keziah Mitchell, int. Jan. 9, 1842
Jane and Jonathan Benson, May 4, 1820
John and Elisabeth Washburn, Dec. 4, 1710*
John and Sarah Williams, Sept. 24, 1765* [Sarah, wid., CR1]
Jonah and Martha Tomson of Hallifax, int. Nov. 26, 1782
Jonah Jr. and Chloe Hathaway, Sept. 30, 1819
Jonathan and Martha Snell, Nov. 7, 1740* [Jonathan, PCR. CR1]
Jonathan Jr. and Lydia Hardin, int. Nov. 5, 1774
Jonathan and Jane Benson, May 4, 1820
Kezia and Ebenezer Cushman of Kingston, Apr. 21, 1805
Kezia and John Atwood Jackson, Nov. 30, 1815
Lois and Cornelius Washburn, int. Nov. 11, 1775
Lucia and Ezra Drake of Stoughton, Oct. 17, 1830
Martha and Elisha Waterman of Hallifax, Jan. 25, 1774
Martin and Phebe Leonard, Nov. 30, 1823
Mary and Benjamin Hayward, Jr., int. Apr. 18, 1767
Meleson and Ebenezer Chamberlain, Nov. 19, 1820
Nabby and Samuel Jones, Nov. 21, 1811
Nahum and Chloe Dunbar [int. Dunber], May 30, 1819
Olive and Martin Conant, June 8, 1797
Patty and Philander Wood, Nov. 25, 1813
Polly and Ebenezer Chamberlin, int. Aug. 28, 1819
Sarah and James Pool Jr. of Abington, Jan. 29, 1808
Susanna and Jonathan Cushman, Feb. 25, 1735-6,* CR1
Tabitha and William Fuller, int. Feb. 1, 1801
Waitstill and Benjamin Holmes, Sept. 3, 1807 [Benjamin, s. Cornelius and
Elizabeth (Lanman) PR1. Wate, PR18]
Elizebeth of Milton and David Copeland, Dec. 1, 1725, in Mansfield.*
Hannah of Middleborough and Sylvanus Hall, int. Dec. 13, 1788
Nabby [int. Nabba] and William Burr, Aug. 29, 1798
Polly and Silvanus Harler, int. Feb. 16, 1805
Sylvia and Lewis Harler, int. Jan. 17, 1802
William H.R. and Lydia Ann W. Smith, int. Dec. 15, 1843
BERRISFORD (see Barrisford)
BESSE (also see Bessee, Bessey, Bessie)
Abisha and Sally Conant, Apr. 11, 1782 [Abishai, PCR. Abisha, CR1]
Adam and Joanna Pratt, PCR. Abisha, CR1]
Charity and Ebenezer Pratt, int. Dec. 9, 1780
Charity (see Charity Hayward)
Joanna, wid., and Isaac Keith [int. 2d], May 18, 1797 [Joannah Bessee, wid.
Adam, d. Seth Pratt and Hannah (Washburn), and Isaac Keith, PR1]
Joanna [int. Bessa] and Martin Leonard, Dec. 3, 1818 [Bessee, PR1]
John and Nancy Packard, int. May 24, 1788
Jonas [int. Jonah] and Eunice Washburn, Sept. 20, 1787 [Jonah, PCR]
Lucy and David Conant [int. 2d], Apr. 18, 1782 [David, PCR. Luce and David
Conant, CR1]
Lydia of Wareham and Samuel Leonard, July 7, 1748, in Wareham.*
Silas (see Silas Pierce)
Thankful [int. Thankfull Bessee] of Wareham and Nathan Leonard, Nov. 22,
1744, in Wareham.
BESSEE (also see Besse, Bessey, Bessie)
Anthony and Molly Holmes of Middleborough, int. Mar. 13, 1779
Mary and Simeon Hayward, Mar. 17, 1757* [Besse and Simeon Haward, PCR]
BESSEY (also see Besse, Bessee, Bessie)
Mary and Moses Snell, July 28, 1736* [Bessy and Moses Snell, CR1]
William F., 20, laborer, of Wareham, s. Edgar and Harriet, and Lucy S. Rider,
19, d. Nathaniel and Deborah, May 16, 1846 [Besse of Wareham, CR1]
BESSIE (also see Besse, Bessee, Bessey)
Robert of Sandwich and Ruth Pray, May 9, 1712, in Sandwich.*
BESWICH (also see Biswick)
Charles and Tracy Hubbard, Jan. 6, 1757* [Besswick, PCR. Beswick and Tracey
Hubbard, CR1]
Thomas, [int. b. England] and Abigail Robbinson [int. Robinson of Boston],
July 28, 1776
BICKNEL (also see Bicknell)
Jacob Jr. [int. Bicknell] of Abington and Hitty White, Aug. 3, 1804
BICKNELL (also see Bicknel)
Mary of Weymouth and John Turner, May 8, 1717, in Weymouth*
Samuel of Abington and Polly Dawes, int. May 12, 1800
BILLING (also see Billings)
Samuell of Stoughton and Reliance Hudson, Nov. 23, 1756*
BILLINGS (also see Billing)
Elkanah and Sarah Packard, Dec. 14, 1809 [? in Middleborough]
Emily and Charles [int. adds E.] Nelson, Mar. 12, 1843 [Charles, CR1]
Jane, 22, d.----- and Olive, and Hiram Dacy, 23, ostler, s. Elijah and Lucy,
May 3, 1846
Lurana [int. Urana] and Cyrus Bassett, July 26, 1814
Nathan [int. Nathaniell of Stoughton] and Sarah Warren, Aug. 19, 1778 [Nathan
Sarah and Timothy Hayward Jr., int. Oct. 11, 1817
Urana (see Lurana)
Joanna and James Harden of Providence, blacks, int. Apr. 27, 1805
Edward of Providence and Anna Richards [int. blacks], Mar. 27, 1816
BIRAM (also see Byram, Byrum)
Mehetable and Elisha Allen, Dec. 3, 1701*
Horace A., 19, shoemaker, s. Elijah and Sarah of E. Bridgewater and Susan C.
Tillson, 17, d. Ephraim and Susan, May 16, 1847
Mary E., 16, of E. Bridgewater, d. Elijah and Sarah, and Charles Gardner Jr.,
20, carpenter, of E. Bridgewater, s. Charles and Ruth, Apr. 30, 1849*
Peggy Smith of Dorchester and Nathaniel Cross, int. July 17, 1802
Sarah F. of E. Bridgewater and John Holmes, int. Mar. 21, 1847
William and Joanna Alden, int. Oct. 24, 1818
BISBE (also see Bisbee, Bissbe, Bissbee)
Bathsheba [dup. Bissbee, int. Bisbee] and Azariah Beal, Aug. 8, 1776
Charles and Beulah Howland of Pembroke, Sept. 16, 1756, in Pembroke*
BISBEE (also see Bisbe, Bissbe, Bissbee)
Chandler [int. Bissbee] and Mary Byram Whitmarsh [int. of Abington], Sept.
22, 1818
Ebenezer and Mehitabel [int. Mehetabel] Shaw, Mar. 12, 1778 [Bisbe and
Mehitabel Shaw, PCR]
Elisha and Martha Keith, Sept. 28, 1779 [Bisbe, PCR]
Elizebeth [int. Elisabeth] of Pembroke and John Thompson [int. Thomson}, Apr.
13, 1762, in Pembroke.
Grace [int. Bissbee] of Middleborough and Allen Richmond, Jan. 1, 1806 [? in
Hannah and Zacharias Shaw, Oct. 7, 1777 [Bisbe, PCR]
Ira, of E. Bridgewater and Betsey Eames of E. Bridgewater, June 10, 1839*
Joanna and John Churchill of Plymton, Feb. 12, 1756*
John and Rebecca Alden [int. wid.] Nov.14, 1771
John and Huldah Shaw, Mar. 11, 1779 [Bisbe, PCR]
John [int. Bissbee] and Mary Edson, Oct. 7, 1817
Samuell of Pembroke and Martha Snell, May 2, 1751* [Samuel Bisbe of Pembroke,
Sarah, Mrs. of Pembroke, and Josiah Williams, Feb. 4, 1747, in Pembroke.*
William of Glocester, R.I., and Keturah Leonard, d. Benjamin (s. Joseph, s.
Jacob, s. Solomon) and Keturah (Briggs), ------ [? in Bridgewater]. PR107
BISSBE (also see Bisbe, Bisbee, Bissbe)
Ira and Rebecca Dyke [int. Dike], Oct. 25 [Oct. 25 in later handwriting],
Molly and Emery Brown, Dec. 17, 1817
Olive and Cyrus Warren, Nov. 3, 1814
Rebecca and Southworth [int. Southwarth] Washburn, July 7, 1794 [Bisbee and
Southworth Washburn, PCR]
Savinea of Stoughton and Alfred Howard, int. Mar. 1, 1794
Ziba and Cyrena Lincoln, int. Apr. 9, 1814
BISWICK (also see Beswich)
Charles and Hannah Field, Feb. 18, 1733-4*
Hannah (see Hannah Blackman)
Elijah of Middleton, Conn., and Deborah Cliff, int. Aug. 30, 1766
Hannah of Stoughton and Timothy Conant, int. Oct. 27, 1754
Hannah and John Feild, Feb. 26, 1760* [Black and John Field Jr. CR1]
Rebecca and Dependence French Briand, June 7, 1791*
Elizabeth and Samuel Beals, Oct. 17, 1745* PCR
Nancy Lucinda of N. Bridgewater and Francis Mortimer French of N.
Bridgewater, Dec. 24, 1837* [Nancy C. of N. Bridgewater, CR5]
Phineas of Canton and Patty [int. adds Porter] Perkins, Sept. 26, 1804
Samuel [dup. and int. Samuell and Abigail Rickard, Nov. 30, 1768. [Samuel,
PCR. Samuel and Abigal Rickard, CR1]
Sarah and David Dunbar, Sept. 21, 1749*
William and Mary Burr [int. wid.], Dec. 1, 1773
Eli of Abington and Deborah Harden, Aug. 30, 1798
Eli Jr. and Eliza Wood, int. July 5, 1817
Elisha of Weymouth and Jane Lazell, Apr. 25, 1809
Joseph S. [int. omits S., adds "Trancient person"] and Mary M. Phillips, May
9, 1807
Laura and Bela Hayward, Feb. 17, 1830*, PR19
Lot of Stoughton and Lucy Howard, Feb. 19, 1818
Lydia and Thomas Drake [int. of Quincy], Feb. 1, 1821
Molly [int. Molley of Stoughton, Suffolk Co.] and Elisha Hayward [int. Jr.]
Jan 13, 1778 [Polly and Elisha Hayward, PCR]
Thomas Jr. of Abington and Susanna Latham, Feb. 9, 1786
Silence and Samuel [int. Samuell] Nickels of Norton, Aug. 18, 1766
Polly of Londmeadow and Abram Bearce, Apr. 25, 1796, in Longmeadow.*
Samuel and Sarah Packard, July 11, 1723*
Susan M., 22, d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, and Robert Perkins, 23, trader, s.
Jacob and Mary, Sept. 10, 1845 [Robert, s. Jacob and Mary (Thomas), PR13]
BLOSOM (also see Blossom)
Barnabas [int. Blossom] and Sarah Pratt, Apr. 20, 1778 [Blossom, CR1]
BLOSSOM (also see Blosom)
Charity and James Howard of Middleborough, int. Jan. 9, 1802
Lebbeus (see Libeus)
Levi and Abigail Washburn, May 28, 1797
Levi and Sally Keith, int. Feb. 21, 1801
Libens of Easton [int. Eaton, N.H.] and Rebecca Leonard, Feb. 5, 1804 [Liba,
PR32] Lucy (see Lucy Baldwin)
Polly of Eaton, N.H. and Rufus Keith, int. Aug. 19, 1804
Silvanus of Freetown and Martha Alden, int. Nov. 5, 1774
Sylvanus and Charity Snell, Nov. 16, 1738,* CR1
Boston and Chloe Rounsafull, blacks, int. Nov. 19, 1796
BOBBET (also see Babbitt)
Olive and Gamaliel Howard, int. Sept. 30, 1775
BODEN (also see Bowden)
William S. of Milton and Mary Thayer of Milton, Aug. 27, 1837, in Randolph.*
BOLDREY (also see Boldry, Bouldry)
James and Mary Palmer, int. May 16, 1807.
BOLDRY (also see Boldrey, Bouldry)
Thomas H. and Priscilla S. Ames, int. Sept. 12, 1840
BOLENEY (see Bdleney)
BOLTEN (also see Bolton)
John Jr. and Ruth Hooper, Jan. 25, 1709-10*
BOLTON (also see Bolten)
Abigail and Samuel Ripley, May 11, 1736*
Anna [int. Anne] and Jeremiah Pratt, Nov. 27, 1777 [Anna, CR1]
Daniell and Alice Leach, Oct. 22, 1772 [Daniel, PCR]
David and Zilpha 9int Zilpah] Snow of Raynham, May 24, 1795
Elisabeth and Joseph Thompson, Feb. 7, 1732-3* [Elisebeth and Joseph Thompson
of Plymton, CR1]
Elizetheth and Michel May of Easton, July 27, 1727, in Easton.*
Hannah (see Hannah Polton)
Jabez and Bethiah [int. Bethia] Ripley of Easton, Oct. 24, 1765, in Easton.
John Jr. and Elisabeth Hayward, Sept. 26, 1751* [Elizebeth, Sept. 20, PCR]
John [int. of Raynham] and Margery [int. Mergery] Pratt, Dec. 4, 1787 [John
and Margery Pratt, PCR]
Jonathan and Hannah Snow, Aug. 21, 1794
Joseph and Deliverance Washburn, Feb. 6, 1739-40* [Feb. 6, 1739, CR1]
Joseph and Mary Bolton, Apr. 27, 1773
Martha and Joab Willis, Mar. 4, 1744
Mary and Joseph Bolton, Apr. 27, 1773
Nathaniell and Deborah Ripley, wid., Mar. 24, 1739-40* [Nathaniel, Mar. 24,
1739, PCR. CR1]
Nathaniell and Jane Thomson, int. Nov. 15, 1777
Philip and Bethia Hayward, Apr. 7, 1787 [Phillip and Bethiah Hayward, PCR]
Rhoda and Abijah Dyer, Oct. 7, 1764
Ruth and Ephraim Leach, Dec. 26, 1734*
Samuel and Rebecca Simmons of Halifax, Oct. 21, 1742* [Oct. 25, PCR]
Seth of Hallifax and Ann Wade of Pembrook, Aug. 13, 1761*
Susannah and Jabes Cowing, Mar. 23, 1740* [Susanna and Jabez Cowing, PCR.
Susanna and Jabaz Pittis, Mar. 25, 1741, CR1]
Abigail [int. Bowman of Bedford] and Rodulphus Carver, May 18, 1763, in
Amos [int. of Augusta] and Martha Keith, Oct. 20, 1807
Abigail and David Pratt Jr., Apr. 12, 1753*
Elisabeth and Isaac Snow, Sept. 8, 1748*
BONNEY (see Bonny)
Abigail [int. Bonne] of Pembroke and Jacob Hill, Feb. 25, 1754, in Pembroke.
Cynthia Sylvester [int. Cynthia Silvester, omits Bonney] and Lt. [int. omits
Lt.] Ebenezer Cutler of Western, Worcester, Co., July 3, 1797.
Deborah and Miles Sampson, July 27, 1757* [Elizabeth, PCR]
Elisabeth and Perry Hardin [int. of Pembrook], Mar. 30, 1768
Harriet and Harmon Washburn, Dec. 27, 1822
Johanney [int. Joanna] and Barza Allen, Sept. 8, 1796
John Jr. of Pembroke and Hannah Gould, Nov. 2, 1749, in Pembroke*
Leah, Mrs., of Pembroke, and John Young, int. Feb. 8, 1783
Lydia and Josiah Russells [int. Joshua Burrill] of Abington, Feb. 5 [sic,
int. Nov. 5] 1785, in Abington.
Molly [inf. Molley] and Christopher [int. Christophur] Young, Mar. 21, 1785
[Molly and Christopher Young, PCR]
Noah Jr. of Pembroke and Agnes Keith, June 15, 1819
Oliver of Hadley, Hampshire Co., and Betsey [int. adds F.] Hayward, June 8,
Ruth of Pembroke and Edward Packard, Dec. --, 1757, in Pembroke*
Sarah and Nathan Hartwell, June 19, 1762
William and Phebe Allen, Apr. 14, 1766 [Apr. 4, PCR]
William of Stoughton and Deborah Morse, int. Nov. 25, 1790
William and Molly Dunbar [int. Denber], Jan. 26, 1796
BONNY (also see Bonney)
Lydia and Eleazer Hamblin, June 30, 1752* [Hamblen, PCR]
Francis of Boston and Patte Clapp, blacks, int. Nov. 21, 1789
BORDEN (also see Barden)
Adolphus Kinsman, Dr., of N. Bridgewater, and Lucy Ann Lazell Brown of E.
Bridgewater, d. B. Edq., Dec. 22, 1825*, CR1
Maritta H. of Troy and Ralph Crooker, int. June 12, 1824
BOSWORTH (also see Bozworth)
Andrew J. [int. S.] of Taunton and Eliza Ann Knapp, June 24, 1840
Ruth, wid., of Halifax, and Joseph Packard 2d, Sept. 27, 1759, in Halifax*
Sarah [int Bozworth] and Barnebas [int. Barnabas] Lathrop, Nov. 27, 1777
[Bozworth and Barnabas Lathrop, PCR]
Susanna [int. Bozworth] and Ephraim Samson, Jan. 30, 1821
BOUDITCH (also see Bowditch)
Bathsheba [int. Boudage] and Ephraim Groves, Feb. 17, 1762. [Bowditch and
Ephraim Graves [dup. Groves] PCR]
BOULDRY (also see Boldrey, Boldry)
Elizabeth S. and Unite K. Leach, Dec. 31, 1838
William and Rebecca Kyle, Oct. 4, 1841
BOURN (also see Bourne)
Diantha B. [int. Bourne], 20, d. Warren and Rachel, and Benjamin W. Bates,
27, trader, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1845 [Bourne, CR1]
Ebenezer and Frances Shaw, int. Feb. 2, 1788
Mehitable of Halifax and Pyam C. K. Whitman, int. Aug. 6, 1837
Priscilla of Pembroke and Jonathan Perkins, ----, 1757, in Pembroke.*
BOURNE (also see Bourn)
Isaac and Christiana J. Harden, Oct. 24, 1838
Mary, Mrs., of Sandwich, and John Angier, Nov. 23, 1732, in Sandwich.*
BOWDEN (also see Boden)
Mary and James Washbourn, Dec. 20, 1693,* PCR
BOWDITCH (also see Bouditch)
Mary and Joseph Byram, Dec. 17, 1745*, PCR.
Samuell, [int. Boudage[ and Rebeca [int. Rebecca] Byram, Mar. 18, 1755
BOWDOIN (see Boden, Bowden)
Eunice and Joseph W. Keith, Dec. 17, 1822
Joshua of Roxbury and Abigiall [int. Abigail] Smith, Mar. 26, 1782 [Abigail,
Sarah and Gorge [dup. and int. George] Hunt of Braintree, Oct. 19 [dup. Sept.
30sic, int. Oct. 1], 1774 [dup. in Braintree].
Hannah and Elisha Richards, blacks, int. June 28, 1800
Elijah and Mary Belcher of Randolph, int. Sept. 2, 1820
BOWMAN (see Boman)
David of Norton and Mary Ames, June 10, 1737* [June 1, CR1]
Henry and Hannah A. Robinson, Nov. 24, 1833 [Hannah Allen Robinson, CR2]
John of New York and Jane Orr, Oct. 22, 1792
Lois of Wallpole and Seth Dunbar Jr., int. Dec. 30, 1767
Samuel and Lucy Harris, Mar. 9, 1807 [date in later handwriting]*
Joseph Jr. and Aseneth [int. Asenath] Hall, Sept. 24, 1844
BOZWORTH (also see Bosworth)
Abihail, wid., and Joseph Ames, int. Oct.12, 1768
Chloe and Daniel Toalman [dup. typewritten on paper pasted in book, Bosworth
and Daniel Tolman], Feb. 10, 1784 [Cloe Bozworth and Daniel Tolman, PCR. Cloe
Bozward and Daniel Tolman, CR1]
Eli of Hallifax and Hannah Cox of Hallifax, Mar. 19, 1767*
Jonathan and Mary Pain, Dec. 12, 1752*
Jonathan and Abihal Alger, Jan. 6, 1756* [Abihail, PCR]
Jonathan and Abigail Williams of Easton, May 14, 1780, in Easton
Joseph of Hallifax and Sarah Cobb, Sept. 20, 1744
Sally of Hallifax and Ziba Hayward Jr., int. Nov. 22, 1806 [Sarah Bosworth
and Ziba Hayward, m. May 17, 1807, PR1]
William of Hallifax and Lucy Hayward, int. Feb. 27, 1807
Charles and Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] Graves, Apr. 23, 1837 [Clarissa, CR1]
Joan D. and Martin Leonard 2d, Jan. 2, 1837
Lucy and John Code, June 16, 1819
Lucy and William Muirhead, Sept. 30, 1832
Pamela of Duxborough and Nathaniel Little, int. Oct. 29, 1791
Peleg S. and Lydia H. Robinson, Feb. 25, 1847
Pelham and Selah Packard, Nov. 30, 1797
Sarah [int. Mrs.] of Plymouth and Benjamin Willis Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Dec.
17, 1761, in Plymouth.
BRADLEY (also see Bradly)
James and Catharine Moore, Feb. 21, 1759*
Mary of Abington and Ebenezer Allen, Dec. 15, 1757, in Abington.*
BRADLY (also see Bradley)
George [int. Bradley] and Susanna Pierce [int. Peirce], Oct. 31, 1753
Cordelia P. of Middleborough and Daniel W. Patterson, int. Nov. 19, 1848
Caleb and Dammaris James, Nov. 13, 1729* [Diamaras [dup. Damaris] PCR]
Levi and Isabella Pratt, Apr. 15, 1790
BRATTLES (also see Battles)
Samuel [int. Battles] of Stoughton and Dorathy [int. Dorithy] Dyer, Mar. 29,
1786 [Brattle of Stoughton and Dorothy Dyer, PCR. Brattle of Stoughton and
Dorotha Dyer, CR1]
Hannah (see Hannah Orcutt)
Mehitable (see Mehitable Brett)
Abigail and Albert Edson, Nov. 10, 1817
Alice and Daniel Crossman [int. Crosman] of Easton, June 4, 1778, in Easton.
Alpheus and Betsey Holmes, Apr. 16, 1807
Amity [int. Amittai] and William Pratt [int. of Easton], Apr. 9, 1797
Amzi and Phebe Packard, May 22, 1788
Anne and Joseph Cary, June 15, 1732* [Anna, PCR. Ann Britt, CR1]
Bithia and Thomas Haward, June 5, 1706*
Calvin and Esther Hollis, June 29, 1788
Charity [int. wid.] and David Keith, Mar. 5, 1772 [Charity, PCR]
Charity and Nathan Soule of Middleborough, Apr. 8, 1815
Charles and Rachel Swift, inf. Sept. 18, 1824
Daniel and Huldah Snell, Mar. 25, 1784
Daniel Jr. and Sarah Hayward, Sept. 8, 1807
Deborah and Thomas Ames Jr., Mar. 28, 1758*
Diana and Samuel Perry, Feb. 15, 1820
Elihu and Susanna Hayward, Dec. 17, 1706*
Elizebeth and Thomas Drake of Easton, Jan. 20, 1736-7, in Easton*
Hannah and Joseph Gannett, Oct. 2, 1732* [Oct. 21, PCR]
Hannah and Ephraim Haward Jr., July 12, 1753
Hannah and Mark Foard [int. of Abington], Nov. 22, 1764 [Mark, PCR]
Isaac and Priscila [int. Priscilla] Jackson, Jan. 7, 1765 [Priscilla, PCR]
Jenney and Nathaniell Southworth, Mar. 18, 1777
John and Alice Cady of Pomphrett, int. Nov. 17, 1744
John Jr. and Abigal Hayward, int. Oct. 10, 1778
Joseph and Olive Beal, Dec. 21, 1797
Josiah and Eunice Packard, Oct. 28, 1812
Luther and Sally Dwelly, Apr. 6, 1794
Margrett and Samuel Willis, Mar. 18, 1705-6*
Mehetabel and Samuel Edson, Mar. 30, 1721*
Mehetabel and Jonas Packard, Sept. 11, 1777* [Mehitabel, PCR]
Mehetabel [int. Mehetable[ and Daniel [int. Daniell] Cary, May 14, 1778
[Mehitabel and Daniel Cary, PCR]
Mehitable [int. Mehitabel Breet] and Alpheus French [int. of Stoughton], May
11, 1800
Nathanael and Sarah Hayward, Nov. 21, 1683*
Nathaniel, Dea. [int. Nathanael, imits Dea.] and Mrs. Mary Dyre [int. Dyar,
wid.], Feb. 3, 1774, in Plymouth.
Phebe and Abel Dunbar, Mar 9, 1806 [date in later handwriting]
Phebe and Jabez Kingman, June 7, 1818
Polly and Ichabod Reynolds, Jan. 21, 1796
Rubie and Ephraim Feild, int. Nov. 18, 1786
Rufus and Susanna Cary, Sept. 28, 1775
Samuel [int. Samuell Jr.] and Molly [int. Mary] Packard, Mar. 18, 1778
[Samuel and Molly Packard, PCR]
Samuell and Hannah Packard, Dec. 21, 1737*
Sarah, wid., and Recompence Cary, Jan. 17, 1726-7*
Sarah and Mathew Allen Jr., Nov. 11, 1735*
Sarah [int. 3d] and Benjamin Foard [int. of Abington], Feb. 13, 1773
Seth and Sarah Allden, Oct. 13, 1712* [Seth Pratt, PR103]
Seth and Patience Curtis, int. June 2, 1744
Seth Jr. and Susanna Latham, Nov. 15, 1769 [Susannah, PCR]
Silence and Thomas Burr, Nov. 3, 1774
Simeon and Mehetable Packard, Jan. 31, 1749*
Simeon [int. Jr.] and Susanna Perkins, Dec. 25, 1777 [Simeon and Susannah
Perkins, PCR]
Sophia and Apollos Packard, int. Jan. 12, 1811
Susanna and Nathaniell Tilden, Nov. 11, 1755* [Tillden, PCR]
Susanna and Samuel Shepherd [int. Shepard of Stoughton], Apr. 17 [Apr. 17, in
later handwriting], 1806
Sylvia [int. Silvia] and Isaac Allen Jr., May 21, 1776
Uriah and Charity Kingman, June 4, 1760*
Uriah and Nabbe Kingman, Oct. 5, 1790
Uriah and Nanny Robinson, May 2, 1799
William and Bethia Kinsley, May 15, 1732* [Bethiah Kingsley, PCR]
William and Molly Allen, Dec. 5, 1782 [Molly, PCR]
William and Betty Phillips [int. Phillip], Aug. 27, 1801
Zenas and Sybil [int. Sibbil] French of Stoughton, June 27, 1813
Zibeon (see Zibion)
Zibiah [int. Zibeah] and John Noyes [int. of Worshester], Nov. 7, 1776
Zibion [int. Zibeon] and Levinea Snell, Aug. 19 [Aug 19 in later
handwriting], 1804
Anne of Pembroke and Earl Josselyn, int. July 23m 1814
Kalla and Margrett Steuard, negroes, int. Mar. 9, 1776
Lucy of Pembroke and Peter Conant Jr., int. June 10, 1809
BRIAND (also see Briant, Bryant)
Dependence French and Rebecca Blackman, June 7, 1791*
BRIANT (also see Briand, Bryant)
Anna [int. Bryant] and Abiel Phillips of Easton, July 26, 1787, in Easton.
Dorcas and Prince Hall, int. July 14, 1787
Mathew and Ann Perkins, Sept. 29, 1747*
BRIGGS (also see Brigs)
Daniel [int. of Pembrook] and Jane Lathrop, July 4, 1782 [Daniel, PCR]
Elizabeth of Middleborough and Lewis Harlow Jr., int. May 21, 1842
George [int. Brigs] and Molley Keith, Apr. 4, 1768 [Briggs and Molly Keith,
George of Norton and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Whitman, Oct. 26, 1791
[Elizabeth, PCR]
George [int Jr.] and Abigail Curtis, Dec. 10, 1809
Lucretia H. of Pembroke and Dion Bryant, int. Apr. 21, 1821 [m. May 13, PR1]
Mary D. and William B. Hall of Raynham, int. Nov. 25, 1843
Melinda of Taunton and Robert Howland Jr., int. Aug. 16, 1845
Mercy of Dighton and Christophur Paul Jones, int. Mar. 23, 1793
Molly of Hallifax and George Washington Jackson, int. Aug. 4, 1804
Polly and Joshua Wales Jr., int. May 5, 1804
Samuell Jr. [int. Brigs of Stoughton] and Rhoda Jusee [int. Jewzee], Sept. 1,
1763 [Samuel Briggs and Rhoda Jusee, PCR]
Seth and Esther Soper, May 2, 1751*
Susanna (see Susanna Richards)
Sylvester [int. Silvester] of Norton and Leah Whitman, Sept. 28, 1797
William, Rev., of Kittery [int. adds York Co.] and Betsey Hudson, Nov. 14,
Zebedee of Dighton and Prudy Hill, Jan. 19, 1791
Catharine Warren [int. of Westborough], b Westborough, and Daniel Mitchell
[int. Jr.], May 19, 1840, in Westborough.
David S., 23, clerk, of Fall River, s. David and Elizabeth H., and Elizabeth
G. Chace, 20, of Fall River, d. Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 4, 1845.*
Sarah B. [int. Susan B. of Boston] and Henry T Keith, carpenter, Dec. 24,
1846 [Susan S. Brigham of Boston, CR1]
BRIGS (also see Briggs)
Catharine of Tanton and Benjamin Cook, int. Sept. 6, 1766
Clement of N. Puchas and Elizabeth Feild, Nov. 3, 1697*
Keturah and Benjamin Lennard, Apr. 20, 1756* [Briggs and Benjamin Leonarad,
s. Joseph; s. Jacob; s. Solomon, PR107]
Miriam and Solomon Ripley, May 18, 1758* [Briggs, PCR]
Lydia of Easton and Zephaniah Keith, int. Dec. 19, 1807
Seth of Raynham and Eunice Leach, July 22, 1817
William Jr. of Raynham and Mary Latham, June 5, 1766
Thomas of Easton and Chloe Copeland, Aug. 9, 1829
Harriet and Flushing Cornwell, coulered, Apr. 19, 1840
Sarah and Albert Pierce, coulered, June 13, 1841
Alvan and Betty Elmes of Hanson, int. July 28, 1821
Bartholomew and Betsey Lazell, Nov. 26, 1801
Betsey and Daniel Barker of Pembroke, int. May 2, 1812
Charles and Elizebeth Pratt of Abington, Sept. 11, 1794, in Abington.
Charles and Mehetabel French, Nov. 30, 1809
Charles and Asenath Chamberlain, Mar. [dup Apr.] 2, 1819
Charlotte of Abington and Jonathan Loring Reed, int. Oct. 12, 1816
Daniel and Mehitabel Porter, June 8, 1797*
David [int. 2d] and Nabby Ransdell [int. Nancy Ransdell], Dec. 24, 1812
Elisabeth and Jonathan Holloway, Aug. 29, 1746*
Emery and Molly Bissbee, Dec. 17, 1817
Espey of New Bedford and Thomas Smith, int. July 29, 1849
Gennit and Simon Giffin, Jan. 5, 1758* [Griffen, PCR]
Hannah, Mrs., of Abington, and Howard Cary Esq., int. May 8, 1819
Isaac and Elizabeth Stetson of Abington, Aug. 26, 1790, in Abington
Isaac [int Jr.] and Eunice Thayer, Mar. 10, 1813
Janet (see Gennit)
John Jr. and Betty Jenkins of Abington, Nov. 29, 1800
John Hancock of Franklin, N.J., and Lucy Bethia [int. Bethiah] Lovell, Mar.
29, 1842 [Lucy Bethia, d. Shuball and Betsey, CR2]
Lewis and Betsey Harden, int. Aug. 9, 1806
Lucy Ann Lazell of E. Bridgewater, d. B. Esq., and Dr. Adolphus Kinsman
Borden of N. Bridgewater, Dec. 22, 1825,* CR1
Lydia and Merret Jenkins of Abington, int. Nov. 4, 1797
Lydia and John Thayer, int. Sept. 28, 1811
Lydia Ann and John Talbot, blacks, int. Sept. 9, 1827
Mary of Abington and Eliezer Whitman, int. Jan. 17, 1778
Mary (see Mary Bates)
Mary E. and George Witherel [dup. Witherell], s. Nathaniel and Lydia (Fish),
Oct. 25, 1838, in New York.*
Moses and Eunice Harris of Stoughton, int. Apr. 25, 1818
Prince and Sarah Talbut, blacks, Dec. 4, 1783
Priscilla and Henry Thornberry Smith, Mar. 12, 1792
Sally of Abington and Oliver Leach, int. Nov. 5, 1803. "Nov 18 the above
Named Oliver Leach forbade his Publishment."
Susanna and John Bennett [int. Winnett] of Abington, Sept. 24, 1800
Sarah and Paul Packard, Aug. 7, 1749*
BRYANT (also see Briand, Briant)
Abigail of Plympton and Alvin Snell, Oct. 17, 1799, in Plympton
Agatha (see Eggatha)
Alvira and Willard Washburn, int. Dec. 2, 1843
Anna and Henry Kingman 2d, Jan. 16, 1792
Anna and William Carr Jr., Feb. 22, 1821
Asa and Betsey [int. Mehitabel] Snow [int. of Easton], May 16, 1811
Calvin and Rebecca Morse of Stoughton, int. Nov. 26, 1791
Cyrus and Polly Noyes, Aug. 13, 1795
Daniel of Watertown and Jennit [int. Jannet] Mitchell, Sept. 24, 1789
[Jennet, PCR]
Daniel and Charity Chamberlin, Oct. 19, 1809
Daniel and Lucy Skinner [int. Skiner] of Mansfield [dup. Stoughton], Apr. 20,
Daniell and Sarah Washburn, July 16, 1767 [Daniel Briant, PCR]
Dion and Lucretia H. Briggs of Pembroke, int. Apr. 21, 1821 [m. May 13, PR1]
Eggatha [int. Egatha] of Middleborough and Jeremiah Keith, Sept. 10, 1772
[Eggatha Briant of Middleborough, PCR]
Elisabeth of Middleborough and Nathaniell Hooper Jr., int. Nov. 20, 1762
Elisaboth [int. Elizabeth] and Josiah Manley [int. of Easton], Aug. 16, 1789
[Elizabeth Carr [sic] and Josiah Manley, PCR]
Eliza G. and Adoniram Thomas of Halifax, Mar. 6, 1825
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth and Elisaboth]
Elvira (see Alvira)
Hariot and David Dunbar [int. Jr. of Easton], July 6, 1801
Huldah of Halifax and Daniel Darling, int. Sept. 9, 1841
Ichabod and Silence Bryant, Dec. 27, 1792
Jamima of Halifax and Ephraim Churchell, Nov. 28, 1751, in Halifax.*
Jannet [int. Jennet] and Jonah Edson, -----[ rec. between Apr. 27 and June
10], 1819
Jemima (see Jamima)
Jerusha of Plymton and Solomon Leach, Apr. 19, 1739* [Briant, CR1]
Job and Mary Turner, May 3, 1764 [Briant, PCR]
Job Staples and Lovicy [int. Lovicey] Pratt, July 28, 1793
Lewis of Halifax and Polly B. [int. omits B] Mitchell, Nov. 21, 1824. [Polly
B., d. Ophir, dec'd, CR1. Polly B., PR1. Lewis, s. Benjamin and Bethiah,
and Polly Mitchell, d. Ophir and Ruth, PR33]
Lewis Jr., 23, shoemaker, s. Lewis and Mary, and Angennette [int. Anngenette]
Wing, 17, d. Stephen and Abby, Sept. 5, 1849 [Angenette, CR1. Lewis Jr., s.
Lewis and Polly (Mitchell), and Angennet Wing, PR33]
Lucretia H. and Samuel E. Raymond of New Bedford, int. Sept. 12, 1847 [m.
Sept. 29, CR1. Lucretia Hall Bryant, d. Dion and Lucretia H. (Briggs) and
Samuel E. Raymond, shoe dealer, of New Bedford, s. Rev. ------, m. Sept. 29,
Lydia and Alexander Terril, Mar. 17, 1788
Mary and John Wormel, June 10, 1729* [Wormal, PCR]
Mary and Samuel Holmes, Sept. 29, 1791
Mertoun C., 23, civil engineer, of Lowell, s. Dion and Lucretia H., and
Caroline Bassett, 21, d. George and Hannah, May 25, 1847. [Mertoun Cassius,
s. Dion and Lucretia H. (Briggs), and Caroline Bassett, d. George and Hannah
(Mitchell), PR1]
Nancy B. and Ralph Copeland Jr. of Middleborough, int. Nov. 7, 1847 [Ralph,
s. Ralph and Anna (Dunbar), m ----. 1848, PR100]
Nathan and Sarah Jordan [int. Jurden of Stoughton], Mar. 18, 1790 [Jordan,
Nehemiah and Bethiah Washburn, Feb. 24, 1740* [Nehemiah of Middleborough and
Bethiah Washburne, PCR. Nehemiah and Bethia Washburn, CR1]
Oliver and Nabby Ames, May 6 [May 6 in later handwriting], 1804
Philip and Hannah Richards, May 25, 1779
Phillip and Silence Haward, Oct. 13, 1757* [Philip Briant, PCR]
Ruth and Edward Heford, Jan. 27, 1709-10*
Ruth of Hallifax and Benjamin Faxon, int. Sept. 22, 1787
Sally and Jonathan Snow Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1810
Samuel and Sally Downing, int. Sept. 3, 1800
Sarah and Francis Cook, Sept. 24, 1750* [Briant, PCR]
Sarah and [int. Capt.] Jotham Ames, June 24, 1786 [Jotham, PCR]
Seth and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] French [int. of Stoughton], Feb. 7, 1765
[Briant and Elizabeth French, PCR]
Silence and Ichabod Bryant, Dec. 27, 1792
Thirza and Manassah Dickerman, Oct. 9, 1791 [Oct. 19, PCR]
Zebulun of Middleborough and Mary Conant, int. May 9, 1767
Zibbia and Benjamin [int. adds F.] Dickerman, Feb. 26, 1817
BUCAR (also see Bukar, Buker)
Polly and Winslow Turner of Pembroke, int. Dec. 21, 1782
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Elias Monk [int. of Stoughton], June 28, 1744
Isaac and Sarah Hayward [int. of Easton], Feb. 4, 1773
John and Mary Eams of Norton, Dec. 25, 1739*
Mary and David Hill, Dec. 11, 1733*
Matthew and Eliza Fenno of Stoughton, Aug. 16, 1749, in Stoughton*
Tabitha and Thomas Kimber, int. Mar. 29, 1755
Thomas and Elisabeth Haward, Dec. 18, 1712*
BUKAR (also see Bucar, Buker)
Sarah and Nathaniell Hardin of Pembrook, int. Sept. 12, 1772
BUKER (also see Bucar, Bukar)
David of Abbington and Huldah Harler [sic? Harden], int. Feb. 6, 1780
Israel [int. adds H.] and Barsheba [int. Bathsheba] Carver, June 21, 1784
[Israel H. Baker and Barsheba Carver [dup. Israel Buker and Bathsheba Carver]
PCR. Israel Buker and Basheba Carver, CR1]
Molly and David Snell, July 17, 1783
Nelson and Alice Austin, Nov. 19, 1795
Otis, 37, dealer of lumber, of Boston, and Sophia L. Raymond, 25, d. Stetson
and D.L., Apr. 30, 1846
Ansel B. and Lorinda K. Richmond, int. Nov. 10, 1845
Betsey C. and Nathaniel L. Barrows of Middleborough, int. May 16, 1847
Elisabeth and Ephraim Dunbar, Dec. 9, 1729* [Elizabeth and Ephraim Dunham,
Jacob and Catherine Aldrich, Nov. 7, 1716*
Lavina of Middleborough and Silas Bump of Wareham, Mar. 11, 1816*
Mary and William Basset, June 23, 1703* [Sarah, PR103]
Noble P. and Betsey T. Packard, Nov. 30, 1837
Rachel and Elknnah [int. Elkanah] Thompson of Halifax, June 1, 1823 [Elkanah
of Halifax, CR1]
Sarah (see Mary)
Silas of Wareham and Lavina Bump of Middleborough, Mar. 11, 1816*
Simeon M. and Rachel P Purdy, Feb. 9, 1843* PR48
Mary and Samuell Rickard, Feb. 8, 1749*
Mary [int. Monk] and Manley Hayward, Mar. 22, 1804 [date in later
Mary and Thomas Kiff, July 22, 1735*
Thomas of Boston and Elizabeth Richards, blacks, int. July 7, 1825
Thomas and Elisabeth Pain, Dec. 3, 1769*
BURGES (also see Burgess)
Job and Patience Thomas, Mar. 23, 1748*
Patience, "Indian Woman," and Primus Wood, "Servant man to John Willis Esqr,"
int. Oct. 4, 1764
BURGESS (also see Burges)
Ellen, 17, of W. Bridgewater, d. Nehemiah and Rhoda, and Melvin A. Bailey,
23, shoemaker, of W. Bridgewater, s. Melvin and Maria, Dec. 5, 1847* [Melvin
O., CR1]
BURKE (see Bourke)
Betsey [int. Burrel] and Samuel Dike Jr., May 18, 1812
Calvin and Betsey Ames, Mar. 27, 1796
Elijah and Olive Ames, Apr. 26, 1789
Ephraim and Susanna Alger, Sept. 5, 1755*
Heman M. and Nelley Tucker of Milton, int. Dec. 12, 1812
Israel and Hannah Ames, Oct. 26, 1779
John and Silence Haward, Nov. 7, 1722*
John and Sarah Turner of Rehoboth, Aug. 13, 1746, in Rehoboth.*
John and Mary Power, May 10, 1748*
John and Polly Copeland, Mar. 8, 1792
Jonathan and Martha Cudworth, May 30, 1754
Jonathan and Lydia Kinsley, int. Sept. 15, 1792 [m. Oct. 4, PCR]
Jonathan of Worthington and Sally Alden, Dec. 6, 1820
Joseph and Hannah Richardson of Leicester, int. Apr. 28, 1792
Laban and Mary Ann Storrs of Boston, Sept. 25, 1820
Luther and Jane Howard, Apr. 7, 1785
Martha and Solomon Howard [int. Hayward] of Easton, June 28, 1779, in Easton.
Martin and Mary Snell, Jan. 23, 1792
Mary (see Ruth Franklin)
Mary [int. wid.] and William Blakely, Dec. 1, 1773
Phebe and John Foster, May 25, 1780
Sarah and Isaiah Keith, Oct. 13, 1767
Seth and Charity Packard, May 3, 1753
Seth and Susanna Mehuren of Easton, int. Apr. 14, 1782
Silence and John Haward, [int Jr.], Dec. 2, 1773
Silvanus [int. of Easton] and Sarah [int. Sally] Warren, Dec. 23, 1790
[Silvanus and Sarah Warren, PCR]
Susanna of Norton and Samuel Hartwell, int. Mar. 2, 1782
William and Nabby [int. Nabba] Bent, Aug. 29, 1798
BURREL (also see Burrell, Burrill)
Betsey (see Betsey Burnel)
Daniel of Abington and Polly Edson, int. Dec. 20, 1817
BURRELL (also see Burrel, Burrill)
Elizabeth (see Elizebeth Barrell}
John Jr. [int. Burrel] and Sarah Edson, June 18, 1816
Mary of Weymouth and Ichabod Orcutt, June 15, 1737, in Weymouth.*
BURRILL (also see Burrel, Burrell)
Joshua (see Josiah Russells)
Charles S. of Boston and Celinda Taylor, July 22, 1846*
George H. and Mary E. Baker, int. Sept. 17, 1848
John P. of Taunton and Lurana Keith, Aug. 30, 1829
Matthias T., 33, pattern maker, s. William and Margaret, and Mary Jane Alden,
19, d. Thomas R. and Jane, Oct. 10, 1845
Roxana [int. Roxanna] S., 22, d. William and Margaret, and Alfred B. Hooker,
25, paper manufacturer, s. George and Harriet, May 14, 1848 [Roxanna, CR2]
Israel and Huldah Alden of Middleborough, int. Jan. 25, 1783
BYRAM (also see Biram, Byrum)
Abigail and Nathaniel Clift, July 25, 1799
Ann and Akerman Pettingail, int. Dec. 3, 1766
Anna and John Mitchell, Sept. 24, 1781 [Anna (first w), PR1]
Benjamin and Ann Holman, Apr. 6, 1757
Benjamin and Rachel Bailey, Apr. 10, 1760*
Bithia and Samuel Pratt, Dec. 30, 1729* [Bethiah, PCR]
Branch and Anna Washburn of Turner, Cumberland Co., int. Aug. 28, 1802
Content and David Harvey, Oct. 12, 1756* [Harvy, PCR]
David and Lucy Randal, Sept. 29, 1791 [Randall, PCR]
Ebenezer and Hannah Hayward, Dec. 9, 1714*
Ebenezer Jr. and Abigail Alden, ----,1738* [Abigal, Nov. 22, PCR]
Eliab and Phebee Leonard, Dec. 3, 1741* [Mrs. Phebe, PCR. Elyab and Mrs.
Phebe Leonard, CR1]
Elisabeth and Thomas Hayward, June 4, 1746*
Elisabeth and Winslow Richardson, Apr. 27, 1768 [Elizabeth, PCR]
George and Phebe Randal [int. Randel], Oct. 16, 1788 [Randall, PCR]
Jane (see Jenny)
Japhet [int. Japheth] and Sally Allen, Dec. 13, 1742 [Japhet, PCR]
Jenny and Isaac Lazel [int. Lazell], June 10, 1779 [Jane and Isaac Lazell,
PCR. Jane and Dea. Isaac Lazell, PR1]
Jephtha of Mendham, N.J. and Susanna Wasburn, Feb. 19, 1761* [Jeptha of
Mendham, N.J. and Susannah Washburne, PCR]
Jesse and Martha Shaw, int. Nov. 28, 1794. "Said Jesse forbid his
Jessee and Abigail Thurston, June 30, 1741* [June 4, PCR]
Joseph and Martha Perkins, May 13, 1724*
Joseph and Mary Bowditch, Dec. 17, 1745*, PCR
Josiah and Sarah Hall, Sept. 11, 1766
Marcy (see Mary)
Martha (see Matha)
Martha and Mathew Gannet, Apr. 9, 1750* [Mathew Jennett, PCR]
Mary and Edward Haward, Feb. 7, 1710-11*
Mary and John Lazel, Oct. 24, 1750* [Marcy and John Lazell, PCR]
Mary and Calvin Shepard, Dec. 20, 1807
Matha and Henry Cary, May 3, 1749* [Martha and Henry Carey, PCR]
Mercy (see Mary)
Mercy and Nathan Whitman, Mar. 27, 1788
Naphtali and Hannah Pratt, Sept. 27, 1744
Nicholas and Anne Snell, Aug. 3, 1708*
Rachell and Lt. Nathan Mitchell, int. Oct. 19, 1793 [Rachel, m. Nov. 9, PCR.
Rachel, m Nov. 7, PR1. Rachel and Nathan Mitchell 2d, s. Nathan Sr. and Anne
(Cary), m Nov. 7, PR74]
Rebeca [int. Rebecca] and Samuell Bowditch [int. Boudage], Mar. 18, 1755
Robert J. and Mercy Faxon of Hallifax, int. Apr. 9, 1814
Ruth and Isaac Alden 2d, Nov. 6, 1794
Sarah, wid. [int. omits wid.], and Capt. Simeon Whitman, Nov. 6, 1783 [Sarah,
Sarah and Caleb Copeland, Aug. 2, 1787
Seth and Matilda [int. Metilda] Whitman, Aug. 1, 1791 [Matilda, PCR]
Susan [int. Susanna] and Ebenezer Hayward [int. Haward] of Braintree, July
20, 1774, in Braintree.
Susanna and Jonathan Bass Jr., Nov. 11, 1741*
Theophilus and Elisabeth Beale, Apr. 27, 1749* [Elizebeth Beal, PCR]
BYRUM (also see Biram, Byram)
Nickolas Jr. and ---- -----[Mary Edson, PR103], Sept. 20, 1676*
Seth [int. Byram] and Sarah Vinal of Scituate, Aug. 12, 1762, in Scituate.