Vital Records Of Brimfield Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund Boston, Mass. 1931
Births - ABBEY to BUXTON

[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Lucretia, w. Eli Barrows, Dec. 13, 1803, G.R.1.
ABBOTT (Abbot)
Asa, s. Zebediah and Molly, Mar. 12, 1789.
Calvin (Abbot), s. Henry and Tabitha, Jan. 26, 1785.
Cyrus (Abbot), s. Elijah and Lois, Mar. 28, 1810 [? 1810 or 1820, writing uncertain].
Daniel (Abbot), s. Henry and Tabitha, June 10, 1774.
Ephraim, s. Henry (Abbot) and Tabitha, July 21, 1789.
Henery, s. Nathan and Annah, May 30, 1754. [Henry Abbot, C.R.]
Joseph, s. Zebediah and Molly, Aug. 23, 1791.
Lora, d. Henry (Abbot) and Tabitha, Feb. 3, 1792.
Lucy, d. Zebediah and Molley, Oct. 6, 1784.
Molly, d. Zebediah and Molly, Sept. 14, 1786.
Nathan, s. Nathan and Annah, Jan. 2, 1757.
Olave, d. Zebediah and Molly, Aug. 16, 1781.
Samuel, s. Henry (Abbot) and Tabitha, May 7, 1787.
Tabitha (Abbot), d. Henry and Tabitha, July 23, 1782.
Montraville, Oct. 25, 1828, G.R.1.
Anna, d. Nathaniel and Tryphena, bp. Mar. 7, 1784, C.R.
Barnard, h. Lydia Draper, July 12, 1807, P.R.9.
Bethiah Younglove, d. Nath[aniel] and Tryphena, bp. Dec. 30, 1792, C.R.
George, [twin] s. Barnard and Lydia Draper, May 29, 1843, P.R.9.
Henry, ----, 1839, G.R.1. [s. Barnard and Lydia Draper, Feb. 18, P.R.9.]
Jane E., d. Barnard and Lydia Draper, Mar. 1, 1845, P.R.9.
Julia E., w. Edward W. Hitchcock, ----, 1843, G.R.1. [[twin] d. Barnard and Lydia Draper, May 29, P.R.9.]
Lydia Draper [----], w. Barnard, May 10, 1817, [see Lydia Adams Howard] P.R.9.
Mercy, d. Nathaniel and Tryphena, bp. Apr. 15, 1787, C.R.
Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Tiphena, Feb. 26, 1797. [This entry on interleaved page.] [s. Nathaniel and Tryphena, C.R.]
Lucius, h. Mary M. (Corbin), Mar. 26, 1827, G.R.1.
AINSWORTH (Aynesworth)
Ama, d. Ephraim and Eunice, Aug. 11, 1763.
Asena (Aynesworth), d. Jacob and Marcy, May 17, 1773.
Deborah, d. Smith and Mary, Feb. 12, 1758.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Eunice, Mar. 24, 1761.
Eunice, d. Ephraim and Eunice, Dec. 22, 1758.
Ruhamah, d. Ephraim, bp. Aug. 21, 1763, C.R.
Thomas, s. Eph[raim], bp. June 21, 1767, C.R.
William, s. Mary, Dec. 13, 1762.
William, s. Widow Ainsworth, bp. July 23, 1765, C.R.
ALEXANDER (Elexander)
Augustus Wamus, s. Sulivan and Sophia, May 13, 1842.
Charles E., s. Eliot and Chloe, Mar. 10, 1841.
Fidelia, d. Eliot and Chloe, Sept. 3, 1830.
Harriet Deadama, d. Sulivan and Sophia, Apr. 27, 1839.
Henry Dresser, s. Eliot and Chloe, Aug. 16, 1839.
Jane Maria, d. Eliot and Chloe, Dec. 27, 1836.
John (Elexander), s. Peter and Abigal, Oct. 3, 1771.
Joseph Merrit, s. Eliot and Chloe, Aug. 8, 1834.
Lydia Ormsbee, d. Sulivan and Sophia. June 1, 1836. [w. Lorenzo C. Ferry, G.R.1.]
Sarah (Elexander), d. Peter and Abigal, Oct. 3, 1774.
Sarah Eliza, d. Sullivan, farmer and joiner, and Sophy [dup. Sophia] of B., July 24, 1846, in B.
Sullivan, Apr. 21, 1800, [on stone with Sophia Fairbankl G.R.1.
Susan, d. Sulivan and Sophia, Feb. 12, 1833.
ALLEN (Allin)
Amos (Allin), s. Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1739.
Augusta, d. Sanders and Judith, Aug. 22, 1824.
Augustus, s. Saunders and Judith, Sept. 16, 1817.
Caroline Elizabeth, d. Lem[ue]l and Elvira, May 17, 1821. [May 28, P.R.18.]
Cheney Ballard, s. Alfred and Luceabia, Sept. 3, 1805.
Dinah (Allin), d. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1737.
Dwight Parsons, s. Parsons and Lucy, Apr. 22, 1832.
Edwin Brown, s. Parsons and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1831.
Egbert D., Feb. 14, 1840, [on stone beside that of Theresa E. Travis Allen] G.R.1.
Elijah, s. Elijah and Lettice, Jan. 29, 1803.
Elijah 3d, s. Saunders and Judith, Sept. 17, 1822. [h. Ursula N. (MacFarlane) (later w. Levi B. Chase), G.R.1.]
Elisabeth (Allin), d. Samuell and Mary, July 20, 1738.
Elvira, d. Lemuel and Luthera, Mar. 12, 1835.
Emily, d. Saunders and Judith, Jan. 25, 1820.
George Gilmon, s. Parsons and Lucy, Jan. 18, 1840.
George Sumner, s. Sanders and Judith, Aug. 1, 1827.
Hannah, d. Elijah and Lettice, July 26, 1793.
Harriet, d. Elijah and Lettice, Aug. 1, 1798.
Henry Augustus, s. Sanders and Judith, Feb. 6, 1836.
Josephine Maria [dup. omits Maria], d. Alanson C., painter, and Martha of B., Nov. 19, 1844, in B.
Lemuel, twin s. Elijah and Lettice, Apr. 14, 1796. [h. Elvira (Baker), h. Luthesa Woods, P.R.18.]
Lucy, d. ------, bp. Sept. 21, 1755, C.R.
Marsena Baker, s. Lem[ue]l and Elvira, Aug. ----, 1828. [Aug. 3, P.R.18.]
Martha B., w. Alfred Hitchcock, Dec. 20, 1800, P.R.2.
Meriam (Allin), d. Jos[eph] and Sarah, May 21, 1743.
Merrick Watson, s. Lemuel and Luthera, Feb. 27, 1837.
Nathan (Allin), s. Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1741-2.
Newell (see Otis Newell Allen).
Orstes, s. Alfred and Luceabia, Nov. 27, 1795.
Otis Newell, s. Lern[ue]l and Elvira, Dec. 19, 1825. [Newell, P.R.18.]
Parsons, s. Alfred and Luceabia, Feb. 16, 1802.
Pliny, s. Alfred and Luceabia, Feb. 28, 1799.
Samuel (Allin), s. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 8, 1753.
Sarah (Allin), d. Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1745.
Saunders, twin s. Elijah and Lettice, Apr. 14, 1796.
Theresa E. Travis [----], w. Egbert D., June 12, 1849, G.R.1.
Lathrop [Ames, sic, ? reading, see Lathrop Arms], "on account of Wid. Sarah Bliss," bp. Nov. 5, 1809, C.R.
David, s. J(?) and Mary, Feb. 13, 1744.
Elisabeth, d. John and Mary, May 5, 1736.
James, s. John and Mary, Feb. 18, 1739.
John, s. John and Mary, Apr. 19, 1734.
Margret, d. John and Mary, Mar. 12, 1732-3.
Mary, d. John and Mary, Oct. 24, 1729.
Melzo, s. Amasa and Lucena, Mar. 19, 1800. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Merrick, s. William and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1804.
Peggy, d. William and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1803.
Rice, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1801.
Sarah, d. William and Sarah, June 9, 1809.
Thomas, s. John and Mary, Sept. 16, 1741.
Zimri, s. David and Alphleda, Apr. 24, 1795. [This entry on interleaved page.]
ANDREWS (Andrew)
Abbie L., d. Austin, farmer, and Lerane of B., Mar. 19, 1846, in B.
Ambrose Marshal, s. Marshal and Abigail, June 27, 1839.
Charles, h. Harriet A. (Brown), ----, 1833, G.R.1.
Delight (Andrew), d. Robert and Delight, Feb. 26, 1761, in Coventree [Conn.].
Del Loisa, d. Alanson and Phebe, May 5, 1806.
Frank Miner, s. Miner, merchant, and Sarah of B., July 4, 1846, in B.
John Bond, s. Alanson and Phebe, July 18, 1808.
Ludin (Andrew), s. Robert, Oct. 17, 1756, in Windsor.
Robert (Andrew), s. Robert and Delight, Mar. 17, 1759, in Coventree, Conn.
ARMS (Arm)
Betsey, d. Josiah and Mary, Jan. 1, 1800.
John Munn (Arm), s. Josiah (Arms) and Mary, Jan. 20, 1793.
Josiah, s. Josiah and Mary, Feb. 19, 1795.
Lathrop, s. Josiah and Mary, June 19, 1797.
Benoni, s. Ben[oni] and Jemima, OCt. 20, 1736.
Benoni, S. Benoni and Jemima, Nov. 8, 1739.
Jemima, d. Benoni and Jemima, July 3, 1733.
Joel, s. Benoni [and] Jemimi, June 18, 1738.
AUSTIN (Austen)
Hiram, s. Mrs. Austin, bp. June 13, 1819, C.R.
Mary (Austen), d. Mrs. Austen, bp. June 13, 1819, C.R.
Sarah Dow, d. Mrs. Austin, bp. Sept. 5 [1819], C.R.
Austin Fox, s. Elisha and Persis, Dec. 23, 1815.
Pease, s. Elisha and Persis, May 8, 1814.
AYNESWORTH (see Ainsworth)
Betty Sessions, d. Jona[than] and Mary, Feb. 18, 175 [Worn, 1758, T.C.].
Albert Sherman, s. George and Mary E., Jan. 17, 1844.
Almira, d. Amasa and Hannah, July 10, 1809.
Amasa, s. James and Martha, June 13, 1776. [h. Hannah (Dodge), G.R.1.]
Chloc, d. James and Martha, Mar. 19, 1774.
Clarissa, d. Amasa and Hannah, Oct. 3 [3 written in pencil], 1811.
Cynthia, d. James, bp. June 10, 1781, C.R.
Diana, d. Amasa and Hannah, June 9 [9 written in pencil], 1821.
Eunice, d. Joseph and Mary, June 2, 1762.
Fanny, d. Amasa and Hannah, Aug. 23 [Aug. 23 written in pencil], 1819.
Gardner, s. Jos[eph], bp. Oct. 23, 1757 [see Joseph], C.R.
George, s. Amasa and Hannah, May 23, 1807. [h. Eunice Lumbard, G.R.1.]
George Norval, s. George and Mary E., July 29, 1835.
James, s. Amasa and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1805.
John, s. James and Martha, Aug. 30, 1771.
John Flaval, s. George and Mary E., Feb. 9, 1839.
John L., h. Sarah B. (Charles), ----, 1831, G.R.1.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 29, 1757 [sec Gardner].
Liberty, s. Amasa and Hannah, Aug. 23 [23 written in pencil], 1813.
Lucy Lee, d. Amasa and Hannah, Feb. 11, 1802.
Maria, d. Amasa and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1816.
Peneuel, s. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 8, 1758. [Penuel, C.R.]
Rufus Freeman, s. Amasa and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1800.
Sarah, d. Amasa and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1803.
Winthrop, s. Joseph and Mary, May 31, 1760.
BAITS (see Bates)
Anson, d. [sic] Jos[ep]h and Hannah, June 10, 1801.
Betsey, d. Jos[ep]h and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1797.
Betsey, d. Lorin and Lucy, bp. June 6, 1819, C.R.
Calvin, s. Jos[ep]h and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1809.
Ella A., d. Calvin, farmer, and Olive of B., May 18, 1846, in B.
Ellen, d. John W., tanner and courrier, and Almira of B., Feb. 6, 1849, in B.
Elvira, d. Jos[ep]h and Hannah, June 10, 1795. [w. Lemuel Allen, P.R.18.]
Ida A., d. Calvin (farmer, of B.), Apr. 18, 1848, in B. [w. Eugene F. Hartshorn, G.R.1.]
Joseph Cheney, s. Jos[ep] h and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1811.
Joseph George, s. Calvin and Olive H., Feb. 10, 1842.
Josephine L. [? m.], ----, 1844, [on stone beside that of Moses H.] G.R.1.
Lovina, d. Jos[ep]h and Hannah, May 29, 1799.
Lovina, d. Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1806.
Marcena, s. Jos[ep]h and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1803.
Mary, d. Lorin and Lucy, bp. June 6, 1819, C.R.
Moses H., ----, 1844, [on stone beside that of Josephine L.] G.R.1.
Olive Angeline, d. Calvin and Olive H., May 9, 1840.
Margaret Eliza [dup. Elisa, omits Margaret], d. John and Margaret, June 24, 1806.
Marianne, d. John and Margaret, Nov. 29, 1798.
Anna Mari, d. William and Nancy, Feb. 4, 17----, in Sturbridge. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Lyman Thompson, s. William and Nancy, July 9, 17----. [This entry on interleaved page.]
William, s. William and Anna, Aug. 8, 1797.
Adeline, d. Charles and Huldah, Nov. 1, 1810.
Albort Huntington, ch. Eli and Lucretia, Jan. 11, 1837. [Albert Huntington Barrows, C.R.]
Charles Austin, s. Charles and Huldah, June 12, 1815.
Charles Mason, ch. Eli and Lucretia, Mar. 11, 1838.
Eli, h. Lucretia (Abbey), Aug. 22, 1808, G.R.1.
George Bowen, ch. Eli and Lucretia, May 11, 1840. [Co. H, 42d Regt., Mass. Vols., G.R.1.]
Sarah Lucretia, ch. Eli and Lucretia, Jan. 29, 1843.
BARSTOW (see Berstow)
Sarah, d. John, farmer, and Jane of B., Jan. 2, 1846, in B.
Joel Hewlit, s. Joel and Patience, Mar. 29, 1796.
Josiah, s. Mercy Lumbard, Sept. 3, 1789.
Abigael, d. Caleb, bp. Aug. 4, 1776, C.R.
Clarissa, d. Caleb, bp. Nov. 5, 1780, C.R.
Gaius, s. Caleb, bp. Aug. ----, 1778, C.R.
BATES (Baits)
Anna Guthrie, d. Sally, Jan. 30, 1802.
Asa, ch. George and Rebeckah, May 20, 1745.
Asa, s. Asa and Lyddia, Oct. 7, 1781.
Asenath, d. Rufus and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1780. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Augustus Reed, s. George W. and Lucy, May 31, 1811.
Bathsheba, d. Lemuel and Resinah, Nov. 27, 1787. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Bathsheba Stebbins, d. George W. and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1817.
Betsey, d. Asa and Lyddia, Sept. 12, 1783.
Betsey, [twin] d. Elisha and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1798.
Chloe, d. Samuel and Eunice, ----[blotted, Oct., T.C.] 27, 1763.
Docia Melina, d. Elisha and Hannah, June 15, 1800.
Eli, s. George, bp. Oct. 21, 1756, C.R.
Eli, s. Asa and Marcy, Oct. 12, 1767.
Eli, s. Asa, bp. Sept. 29, 1771, C.R.
Elisha, ch. George and Rebeckah, Mar. 25, 1749.
Erastus C., s. George W. and Lucy, July 1, 1807.
Eunice, d. Samuell and Eunice, Dec. 20, 1770.
Farasina, d. Lemuel and Resina, Apr. 27, 1797. [This entry on interleaved page.]
George, ch. George and Rebeckah, Dec. 23, 1736.
George W., s. George W. and Lucy, June 10, 1809.
Harriot Southcat, d. Phebe (wid.), bp. July 2, 1826, C.R.
Hepzibah, ch. George and Rebeckah, Feb. 2, 1740-1.
Jairus, s. Rufus and Lucy, July 16, 1794. [This entry on in interleaved page.]
James, s. Asa and Lyddia, Dec. 8, 1785.
Joel, s. Rufus and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1792. [This entry on interleaved page.]
John, s. Asa and Lydia, June 9, 1775.
Joseph Thompson, s. Lemuel and Resinah, Oct. 17, 1778. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Kezia, d. Samuell and Eunice, June 1, 1775.
Lemuel, ch. George and Rebeckah, Mar. 4, 1747.
Lemuel, s. Lemuel and Resinah, July 20, 1783. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Lyman, s. Rufus and Lucy, Nov. 17, 1799.
Manthano Brown, s. George W. and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1805.
Mary, d. George and Rebekah, Oct. 9, 1735.
Mary, d. Asa and Marcy, Apr. 6, 1770.
Mary, d. Asa, bp. Sept. 29, 1771, C.R.
Mercy, d. Asa and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1773.
Minerva, d. Sally, May 10, 1798.
Moses, s. Samuel and Eunice, Apr. 9, 1768.
Patty, d. Lemuel and Resinah, Feb. 5, 1781. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Polly, d. Simeon and Polly, Feb. 19, 1779.
Polly, [twin] d. Elisha and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1798.
Ransford, s. Lemuel and Resinah, May 19, 1785. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Ruel, s. Rufus and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1796. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Rufus, s. Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 9, 1765.
Salley [dup. on interleaved page, Sally], d. Lemuel and Resine [dup. on interleaved page, Resinah], Oct. [dup. on interleaved page, NOv.] 20, 1773.
Samuel, ch. George and Rebeckah, Nov. 9, 1738.
Samuel, s. Samuell and Eunice, Feb. 18, 1773.
Samuel, s. Asa and Lydia, Apr. 17, 1777.
Serenus (see Sirenus)
Simeon, s. George, bp. Oct. 21, 1756, C.R.
Sirenus [dup. Serenus] Woodward, s. George W. and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1803.
Sophia Howe, d. George W. and Lucy, Dec. 22, 1814.
Tabby, d. Lemuel and Resina, Feb. 10, 1799. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Thomas, ch. George and Rebeckah, Jan. 18, 1743.
----, d. Lemuel and Resinah, Mar. 24, 1776. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Elvira Anthony, [twin] d. Adonijah and Jane of B., Oct. 19, 1845.
Lovina Anginette, [twin] d. Adonijah and Jane of B., Oct. 19, 1845.
Adeline, d. John, Feb. 9, 1800.
Horace, S. John, May 22, 1803.
BEAMENT (see Bement)
----, ch. Leander, July ----, 1844, P.R.19.
BELKNAP (Belnap, Blelknap)
Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1761.
Eunice, d. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1753.
James Thompson (Belnap), s. M. and Phebe L., bp. Sept. 1, 1816, C.R.
John, s. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1748.
Joseph (Blelknap), s. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1755.
Thomas, s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1758.
William Burke, s. Morris B. and Phebe L., May 17, 1811.
BEMENT (Beament)
Abigail, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, July 31, 1781.
Allice, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, June 16, 1770.
Betsey, d. John and Betsey, Oct. 9, 1799.
Cynthia Larkin (see Cynthia Larkin)
Jesse, s. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Dec. 19, 1777.
John, s. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Sept. 15, 1776.
Mary, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Oct. 25, 1773.
Marylva (Beament), d. Jese and Tryphoza, Aug. 24, 1764.
Morana, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Nov. 14, 1774.
Orinda, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Dec. 28, 1765.
Orlin Webber (see Orlin Webber).
Rosannah, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Oct. 25, 1767.
Sally, d. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, Oct. 11, 1771.
Siverince, s. Jese (Beament) and Tryphoza, May 30, 1769.
Charles, s. John, Aug. 16, 1840.
George Oscar, s. John Jr., Oct. 20, 1836.
Mary Ann, d. John, shoemaker, and Mary A. July 10, 1844, in B.
Oscar. s. John, shomaker, and Mary of B., in B. Dec. 29, 1846, in B.
Solon, s. John, Aug. 23, 1838.
Asaheal, h. Caroline, ----, 1808, G.R.1.
Caroline [----], w. Asaheal, ----, 1818, G.R.1.
Susan A., d. Andrew, cab driver, of Boston, and Susan P. of B., Dec. 28, 1849, in B.
----, ch. H. (farmer, of B.), ---- [rec. July 27, 1848], in B.
Mary, d. Jeremiah and Elizabeth, June 1, 1756.
William, s. Jeremiah and Elisabeth. Feb. 18, 1754.
Alphred, s. Japhath and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1779.
BIRT (see Burt)
Abagail, d. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Sept. 13, 1774, P.R.7.
Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1743.
Asa, s. Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 23, 1752, C.R.
Betsey (see Elisabeth)
Calvin, twin ch. Richard and Peggy Goodel, July 4, 1782, P.R.7.
Elisabeth [dup. Betsey], d. Richard and Rachel Lee, Apr. 5, 1768, P.R.7.
Elisha, s. Eben[e]z[e]r, bp. Apr. 9, 1749, C.R.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth)
Gratis, w. Issachar Brown, ----, 1778, G.R.1. [Nov. 15, 1777, P.R.1. d. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Nov. 15 [dup. Nov. 5], 1779 [? misreading for 1777, see Richard], P.R.7.]
Harrison, s. Richard and Peggy, Sept. 12, 1787 "( ?)." [This entry on interleaved page.] [bp. Oct. 25, 1789, C.R. s. Richard and Peggy Goodel, b. Sept. 12, 1789, P.R.7.]
Hiram [Bishop written after Blashfield crossed out], s. John and Alphleda, Nov. 10, 1799.
Isaac Davis, s. John Jr. and Rebekah Davis, Dec. 9 [worn, 7, T.C.], 1758.
Isaac Davis, s. John Jr., bp. Nov. 22, 1761, C.R.
Jacob, s. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Apr. 6, 1773, P.R.7.
John, s. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Apr. 29, 1776, P.R.7.
Judith, d. John and Elizabeth, May 30, 1751.
Leonard (see Unidentified)
Louisa, d. John [Jr., C.R.] and Rebekah, Feb. 2, 1761.
Lucretia, d. Eben[ezer], bp. Jan. 6, 1751, C.R.
Lucy, d. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1748.
Lucy, twin ch. Richard and Peggy Goodel, July 4, 1782, P.R.7.
Maria, d. Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 4, 1757, C.R.
Metelda, d. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Nov. 30, 1785, P.R.7.
Rachel, d. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1745.
Rachel, d. Richard and Rachel Lee, Apr. 10, 1766, P.R.7.
Rebecca, d. Ebenezer, bp. May ----, 1756, C.R.
Richard, s. Richard and Peggy Goodel, Mar. 19, 1780, P.R.7.
Rose, d. Richard and Rachel Lee, Nov. 22, 1764., P.R.7.
Rufus, s. Richard and Peggy, June 4, 178--. [This entry on interleaved page.] [bp. July 15, 1787, C.R. s. Richard and Peggy Goodel, b. June 4, 1787, P.R.7.]
Sarah, d. Richard, bp. Sept. 17, 1760, C.R. [d. Richard and Sarah (King), b. Sept. 15 [dup. Sept. 14], P.R.7.]
Solomon, s. Richard. bp. Apr. 8, 1759, [s. Richard and Sarah (King), b. Apr. 20, 1758, P.R.7.]
Thomas Lee, d. Richard and Rachel Lee, Dec. 8, 1769, P.R.7.
May L. [? m.], Sept. 26, 1837, P.R.18.
Eliza, d. Oliver and Emma, Oct. 14, 1806.
Emma, d. Oliver and Emma, Aug. 3, 1800.
James Sullivan, s. Oliver and Ammer, bp. Nov. 7, 1819, C.R.
James Sulliven, S. Oliver and Emma, Sept. 2 [2 written in pencil], 1820.
Joseph Hoar, s. Oliver and Emma, May 27, 1816.
Mary, w. Dea. Cyrel R. Brown, Feb. 22, 1799, G.R.1. P.R.5.
Sarah Anne, d. Oliver and Emma, Mar. 1, 1811.
Sarah E., d. James S., farmer, and Sarah C. of B., Oct. 15, 1848, in B.
Abigail, d. John and Marcy, Feb. 27, 1762.
Adeline Augusta [dup. on interleaved page, omits Augusta], d. Ozem and Bathsheba, Feb. 19, 1799.
Alfred, s. William and Lois, May 5, 1772.
Alfred, s. Alfred and Dorcas, Nov. 2, 1802.
Alfreda (see Elfledya)
Azubah, d. William and Lois, June 14, 1777.
Bathsheba, d. Ozem and Bathsheba, Jan. 8, 1792. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Celia, d. Ozem and Eunice, Oct. 20, 1782. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Chester, s. Ozem and Eunice, Dec. 3, 1784. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Cyntha R., d. William C., carriage maker, and Olive M. of B., Oct. 3, 1849, in B. [Cynthia R., w. Arthur B. Brown, G.R.1.]
Dorcas, d. Alfred and Dorcas, June 5, 1796.
Dorcas, ch. Alfred and Dorcas, bp. Nov. ----, 1801, C.R.
Elfledya, d. William and Lois, Mar. 30, 1774.
Eliza Amelia, d. Alfred Jr., wagon maker, and Betsey of B., July 25, 1846, in B.
Elizabeth, d. John and Marcy, Sept. 15, 1744.
Eunice, d. Ozem and Eunice, Mar. 6, 1786. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Harvey, ch. Ozem and Bathsheba, Apr. 23, 1794. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Hiram, s. Ozem and Bathsheba, Dec. 2, 1800. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Iddo, s. William and Lois, May 12, 1779.
J. Elmina [----], w. Orestes A., -----, 1838, G.R.1.
James Rea (Blas[h]field), s. John and Mary, Aug. 2, [James Ray Blashfield. C.R.]
John, s. John and Marcy, June 1, 1752.
Lydiah, d. John and Marcy, June 4, 1746.
Martha, d. Luke and Experience, June 20, 1762.
Orestes A., h. J. Elmina, ----, 1830, G.R.1.
Ozem, s. John and Marcy, Apr. 5, 1757.
Phebe, d. John and Marcy, Feb. 12, 1750.
Phila, d. Ozem and Eunice, Nov. 12, 1788. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Rose, d. John and Marcy, July 17, 1754.
Rose, d. John, bp. July ----, 1756, C.R.
Salina, d. Ozem and Bathsheba, Oct 8, 1795. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Sally, d. Alfred and Dorcas, Feb. ----, 1799.
Sally, ch. Alfred and Dorcas, bp. Nov. 29, 1801, C.R.
Selina (see Salina)
William, s. John and Marcy, Feb. 16, 1747-8.
William, s. William and Lois, July 30, 1790.
BLELKNAP (see Belknap)
Aaron, s. Thomas and Sarah, June 11, 1766.
Aaron, s. Timothy and Margaret, Jan. 20, 1814.
Ann Elizabeth, d. John W. and Eliza, Aug. 6, 1834.
Asenath [Bliss], d. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Nov. 4, 1790, P.R.11.
Asenath, d. Thomas and Asenith P., Apr. 2, 1822.
Calvin, s. Noah and Allice, Mar. 6, 1786.
Charles, s. John W. and Eliza, Dec. 11, 1830.
Charles P., s. Thomas and Asenith P., Sept. 10, 1818.
Charles W., s. William, farmer, and F. M. (Vincent) of B., Jan. 31, 1846, in B.
Daniel [Bliss], s. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Oct. 9, 1794, P.R.11.
Delia P., d. Thomas and Asenith P., Jan. 30 [0 written in pencil], 1817. [Delia Phelps Bliss, C.R.]
Ebenezer, s. Eben[eze]r and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1756.
Edward, s. Levi and Rebecca H., June 17, 1830. [h. Ellen A. (Charles), G.R.1.]
Eli, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1754.
Eunice, d. Ichabod and Mehitable, May 6, 1745.
Eunice, d. Isaac and Hannah, July 11, 1756.
Eunice, d. Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1770.
Eunice, d. Ichabod and Thirza, Jan. 8, 1798.
Frank, s. John W., farmer, and Eliza of B., Oct. 21, 1846, in B.
Gad, s. Eben[eze]r and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1758.
George Ichabod, s. Ichabod and Rebecca, Dec. 27, 1816.
Hannah, d. Samuell and Mary, May 17, 1733.
Hannah [Bliss], d. Isa[ac] and Ruth, June 11, 1792, P.R.11.
Hariot, d. Thomas and Asenith P., Sept. 28, 1820.
Henry Levi, s. Levi and Rebecca H., Mar. 7, 1833.
Ichabod, s. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1768.
Ichabod, s. Ichabod and Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1810.
Isaac (Isa[ac Bliss]), h. Ruth [(Hitchcock)], Aug. 8, 1759, P.R.11.
Isaac, s. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Aug. 28, 1804, P.R.11.
Jesse, s. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1785.
Joel [Bliss], s. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Jan. 24, 1785, P.R.11.
John, s. Ichabod and Mehitable, July 26, 1747.
John, s. John and Esther, Sept. 8, 1775.
John Holbrook, s. Ichabod and Rebecca, July 13, 1807.
John Porter, s. John W. and Eliza, Feb. 25, 1829.
John Wales, s. John and Ruby, July 20, 1802.
Josiah, s. Josiah and Sarah, June 23, 1751.
Lathrop Ames (see Lathrop Ames)
Levy, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1788. [Levi, C.R. Levi, [in lot with Rebecca Hinckley Bliss] G.R.1.]
Lois, d. Isaac, bp. Apr. 6, 1758, C.R.
Luce, d. Samuell and Mary, Feb. 26, 1731-2.
Lucy, d. Ichabod and Thirza, Nov. 10, 1795.
Luther [Bliss], s. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Dec. 5, 1786, P.R.11.
Margaret, d. Timo[thy] and Margaret, Sept. 30, 1820.
Margret, d. Ichabod and Mehit[able], Dec. ----, 1740.
Margret, d. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1773. [Margaret. C.R.]
Martha Hinckley, d. Levi and Rebeccah [dup. Rebecca] H., Jan. 31, 1825.
Mary, d. Samuell and Mary, Oct. 4, 1730.
Mary, d. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1791.
Mary Diana, d. Thomas and Asenith P., Mar. 28, 1815.
Mary Matilda [dup. Madelia], d. Ichabod and Rebecca, Apr. 26, 1814.
Matilda, d. Thomas and Sarah, May 14, 1775.
Mehetible, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1781. [Mehitabel. C.R.]
Mehitable, d. Ichabod and Mehitable, Jan. ----, 1737.
Nathan, s. Eben[eze]r and Sarah, Sept. 27. 1752.
Patty, "Mother," w. Marcus Hitchcock, Dec. 19, 1801, G.R.1. P.R.9. [d. Isa[ac] and Ruth, P.R.11.]
Persis [Bliss], d. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Oct. 4, 1788, P.R.11.
Phebe, d. Theodore. bp. Nov. 6, 1774. C.R.
Rebecca Chote, d. Ichabod and Rebecca, May 4, 1812.
Rebecca Hinckley [----], w. Levi, Nov. 17, 1794, G.R.1.
Ruth, d. Isaac and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1754.
Ruth, d. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Nov. 18, 1796, P.R.11.
Ruth, d. Ichabod and Thirza, Sept. 1, 1802.
Samuel, s. Samuell and Mary, Feb. 17, 1734-5.
Samuel, s. Isaac and Hannah, July 23, 1753.
Samuel H., s. Isa[ac] and Ruth, Sept. 8, 1799, P.R.11.
Samuell, s. Levi and Joann, Mar. 28, 1827.
Sarah, d. Ichabod and Mehitable, June 21, 1736.
Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, July 25, 1779.
Sarah, d. Ichabod and Rebecca, Feb. 10, 1809.
Solomon, s. Samuell and Mary, Jan. 16, 1736-7.
Solomon Bond, s. Levi and Rebeccah [dup. Rebecca] H., Apr. 17, 1828.
Thirza Williams, d. Ichabod and Thirza, June 4, 1800. [w. Dr. Ebenezer Knight, in B., G.R.1.]
Thomas, s. Ichabod and Mehitable, Oct. 26, 1742.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1777.
Thomas Eliakim, s. Thomas and Asenith, Nov. 25, 1824.
Thomas King, s. Ichabod and Rebecca, Mar. 6, 1819.
Timothy, s. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1783.
Timothy, s. Timo[thy] and Margaret, Nov. 5, 1818.
William, s. Timo[thy] and Margaret, Oct. 27, 1816.
William King, s. Levi and Rebecca H., Dec. 29, 1836.
William S., Lt., Apr. 27, 1833, [on stone beside that of Frances H. (Parker)] G.R.1.
-----, ch. John W., Mar. ----, 1843, P.R.19.
BLODGET (Blodgett, Blogget, Bloggett)
Abigail, d. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), July 18, 1726, in Lexington.
Abner, s. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), June 6, 1732, in B.
Abner (Blogget), s. Abner, bp. Mar. ----, 1755, C.R.
Abner (Blodgett), s. John and Jerusha, Jan. 25, 1779.
Admatha, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Dec. 15, 1758, in B.
Almira (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1820, G.R.1.
Ammi (Blodgett), s. Dada, ----, 1805, G.R.1.
Anna, d. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), Apr. 10, 1724, in Lexington.
Azubah, d. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Apr. 12, 1746, in B.
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), June 9, 1730, in B.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Rebekah, Feb. 5, 1755.
Beulah, d. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1759.
Caleb, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Nov. 24, 1748, in B.
Caleb Truman, s. Aaron and Esther, Nov. 10, 1800.
Chester (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Cyrus, ch. Daniel and Betty, bp. May 8, 1799. C.R.
Dady (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Daniel (Blogget), s. Samuell, bp. Sept 13, 1767, C.R.
Darkos, d. Benjamin and Rebekah, Feb. 5, 1760. [Dorcas, C.R.]
David, s. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, July 19, 1751.
Dorcas (see Darkos)
Edward Porter, s. Cyrus and Hannah Eliza, July 11, 1830.
Elijah, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Oct. 25, 1751, in B.
Elizabeth (Blogget), d. Abner, bp. Jan. 28, 1768, C.R.
Elizebeth, d. Thomas and Margret, July 26, 1759.
Ephraim (Blogget), s. Abner, bp. Jan. 28, 1760 [sic, ? 1768], C.R.
George, s. Cyrus and Hannah Eliza, Apr. 12, 1825.
Hannah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1747.
Henry (Blodgett), h. Maria Burnett, ----, 1828, G.R.1.
Hervey, S. Daniel, bp. Sept. 3, 1809, C.R.
James, s. James and Theode, Apr. 4, 1757.
James (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Duly), ----, G.R.1.
Jonas, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.) Nov. 12, 1743, in B. [Lt. Jonas Blodgett, h. Rhoda (Dady), G.R.1.]
Jonas (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1823, G.R.1.
Joseph Sr., h. Sarah, h. Sarah, Sept. 17, 1696, in Woburn.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), Apr. 17, 1721, in Lexington.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, May 19, 1745.
Lewis (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps. ----, 1834, G.R.1.
Loami (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Ludion (Blogget), s. Joseph Jr., bp. Nov. 4, 1764, C.R.
Lydia, d. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Feb. 7, 1741, in B.
Marana (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1817. G.R.1.
Maria (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1831, G.R.1.
Maria Burnett [----] (Blodgett), w. Henry, ----, 1844, G.R.1.
Marsena, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Mar. 4, 1754, in B.
Martha (Bloggett), d. Benjamin, bp. June 20, 1762, C.R.
Martha (Blogget), d. Benij[amin], bp. June 25, 1769, C.R.
Mary, d. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Oct. 20, 1753.
Mary, d. Thomas and Margret, Sept. 4, 1757.
Mary, d. Benja[mi]n and Rebekah, bp. Aug. 13, 1775, C.R.
Nathan, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), Nov. 3, 1756, in B.
Orrel Brown (Blodgett), d. Chester (Blodget) and Rebecca, Jan. 31, 1809.
Paris, ch. Daniel and Betty, bp. Mar. 8, 1799, C.R.
Patty Phelps [----] (Blodgett), w. William, ----, 1796, G.R.1.
Persis (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Rebekah, d. Benjamin and Rebekah, Jan. 13, 1757. [Rebecca, C.R.]
Rufus (Blogget), s. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, July 19, 1761.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), Mar. 1, 1728, in Lexington.
Ruth, d. James and Theode, Sept. 21, 1754.
Sally (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Samuel, s. Joseph and Sarah (second w.), May 17, 1739, in B.
Samuel (Blogget), s. Samuell, bp. Sept. 13, 1767, C.R.
Sarah [----], first w. Joseph, Nov. 7, 1700, in Lexington.
Sarah [----], second w. Joseph, May 17, 1718. in Springf[iel]d.
Sarah, d. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), Nov. 12, in Lexington.
Sarah, d. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, July 31, 1749.
Sarah, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 29, 1781, C.R.
Solomon, s. Joseph [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1756.
Susanna, d. Benjamin and Rebecca, bp. July 26, 1778, C.R.
Tabitha Russell (see Tabitha Russell)
Tammy (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
Thomas, s. Joseph and Sarah (first w.), Sept. 26, 1734, in B.
William (Blodgett), h. Patty Phelps, ----, 1794, G.R.1.
William (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps. ----, 1826. G.R.1.
William (Blodgett), ch. Lt. Jonas and Rhoda (Dady), ----, G.R.1.
William Watson, s. Chester and Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1807.
Abigail Puffer [----], w. Henry, ----, 1830, G.R.1.
Henry, h. Abigail Puffer, ----, 1822, G.R.1.
Abigail, d. Edward and Experence, May 16, 1745.
Assenath, d. Ephraim and Eleanor, July 14, 1784. [Asenath, C.R.]
Benjamin, s. Edward and Experence, June 28, 1743.
Betsey [? m.], ----, 1792, [on stone with Linus Homer] G.R.1.
Betty, d. Mark, bp. Sept. 17, 1774, C.R.
Caphira, d. John and Caphira, Dec. 19, 1817.
Delia Marcy, d. Solomon and Marcy, Jan. 7, 1834.
Dexter Janes, s. John [and] Caphira, Dec. 6, 1815.
Edward, s. Edward and Experiance, Dec. 28, 1737.
Eleanor, d. Ephraim and Eleanor, June 5, 1775.
Elijah, s. Edward Jr. and Rose, Jan. 25, 1770.
Eliza, d. Charles and Anne, May 12, 1809.
Eliza Charles, d. Anne (wid.), bp. May 23, 1819, C.R.
Emelus, s. Nathan and Lovina, Aug. 19, 1800.
Emery Foster, s. Foster and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1832.
Emmy, [twin] d. Edward and Experence. Oct. 8, 1747.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, June 26, 1778.
Esther, d. George and Esther, Apr. 12, 1812. [Esther T., w. Lawson Kenney, G.R.1.]
Experiance, d. Edward and Experiance, Dec. 16, 1739.
Fairbush, s. Edward Jr. and Rose, Nov. 4, 1772. [Furbush, C.R.]
Foster, s. Rowlandson and Sybil, Feb. 24, 1801.
Furbush (see Fairbush)
George Sumner, s. George and Esther, June 10, 1815.
Henry William, s. Edward Jr. and Rose, Jan. 6. 1767.
Israel, s. Edward Jr. and Rose, Nov. 27, 1760.
Jacob, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, Dec. 29, 1772.
Jacob, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, Mar. 29, 1777.
Jonathan, s. Edward and Experence, Apr. 30, 1750.
Joseph Gleason, s. Rowlandson and Sybil, Oct. 13, 1820.
Judah, s. David, Nov. 12, 1812.
Julia, d. John and Caphira, Dec. 26, 1819.
Lucy, d. Mark and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1758.
Lucy, d. Mark, bp. Aug. ----, 1761, C.R.
Lucy Maria Eliza, d. Rowlandson and Sybil, Nov. 27, 1814.
Luke, s. Edward Jr. and Rose, Sept. 6, 1763.
Lydia, [twin] d. Edward and Experence, Oct. 8, 1747.
Marquis, s. Rowlandson and Sybil, Jan. 29, 1812.
Nabby, d. Rowlandson and Sybil, Apr. 11, 1798.
Nathan, Mar. 12, 1774. [Rec. with chn. of Ephraim and Eleanor.]
Nathan, s. Eph[raim], bp. May ----, 1776, C.R.
Persis, d. Ephraim and Eleanor, Mar. 12, 1783.
Phebe, d. Mark and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1760.
Polly, d. Ephraim and Eleanor, Sept. 18, 1781.
Rose, d. Edward Jr. and Rose, Mar. 3, 1775.
Roulison, s. Mark and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1768. [Rowlandson, C.R.]
Rufus, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, Sept. 18, 1786.
Sally, d. Israel and Polley, Jan. 30, 1786.
Sally, d. George and Esther, Aug. 8, 1810.
Samuel, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, Dec. 1, 1779.
Samuel, s. Rowlandson and Sybil, July 14, 1796.
Sarah, d. Mark and Sarah, July 16, 1765.
Sarah, d. Rowlandson and Sybil, June 8, 1809.
Sarah Jane, d. Foster and Elizabeth, June 17, 1827.
Solomon, s. Mark and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1763.
Solomon, s. Rowlandson and Sybil, Aug. 6, 1803.
Solomon Adason, S. Foster and Elizabeth, July 22, 1829.
Melven, Co. G., 22d Regt, Ct. Inf., h. Emily (Copeland), Nov. 17, 1839, G.R.1.
Sanford, h. Ellen A. (Moore), ----, 1838, G.R.1.
William, ----, 1700, in England.
Seth, s. Timo[thy] and Vashti, Nov. 10, 1804.
----, ch. Leander, July 14 [1844], in B.
Cordelia K., d. John A. and Margaret B., Jan. 11, 1825.
Horace M., s. John A. and Margaret B., Apr. 21, 1830.
John W., s. John A. and Margaret B., Jan. 6, 1833.
Philena S., d. John A. and Margaret B., Apr. 6, 1826.
Ransom S., s. John A. and Margaret B., Jan. 7, 1836. [This entry written in pencil.]
Susanna W., d. John A. and Margaret B., Dec. 15, 1831.
William W., s. John A. and Margaret B., Mar. 17, 1828.
David, "under the care of Samuel and Allice Tarbell," bp. Sept. ----, 1811, C.R.
Eben[eze]r, ch. Rev. James and Martha, Feb. 13, 1744-5.
James, S. Rev. James and Martha, June 20, 1741.
Jonathan, ch. Rev. James and Martha, June 23, 1754.
Marcy, ch. Rev. James and Martha, June 30, 1747. [Mercy, C.R.]
Martha, ch. Rev. James and Martha, Mar. 1749-50.
Mercy (see Marcy)
Powning, ch. Rev. James and Martha, May 1, 1752.
Powning, ch. Rev. James and Martha, Apr. 22, 1757.
Samuell, ch. Rev. James and Martha, Feb. 17, 1742-3.
Thomas, s. James and Mary, Sept. 14, 1764.
Abner, s. Jos[eph], bp. Oct. 29, 1775, C.R.
Amy, d. Sylvanus and Polly, Nov. 22, 1796.
Edward, s. Sylvanus and Polly, Oct. 30, 1782.
Eunice, d. Joseph, bp. Nov. 9, 1772, C.R.
Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Nov. 9, 1772, C.R.
Lavina, d. Edward and Orange, May 26, 1808.
Loisa, d. Edw[ar]d and Orange, Feb. 2, 1810.
Marcena, s. Sylvanus and Polly, Feb. 17, 1789.
Nabby, d. Sylvanus and Polly, Aug. 6, 1786.
Orange, s. [sic] Sylvanus and Polly, Mar. 25, 1793.
Phebe, d. Jos[eph], bp. Nov. 9, 1772, C.R.
Polly, d. Sylvanus and Polly, June 1, 1791.
Abby A., d. Dauphin, farmer, and Abby of B., Sept. 26, 1849, in B. [Abbie Augusta, w. Warren S. Whitcomb, d. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), P.R.17.]
Abigail, d. Jonathan and Abigail, May 20, 1742.
Abigail Dunbar, d. William and Abagail, May 6, 1813.
Abner, s. Issachar and Rhoda, June 2, 1785. [This entry on interleaved page.] [Col. Abner, h. Jedidah Sumner, G.R.1.]
Adeline Denney, d. William and Hannah G., Oct. 31, 1821.
Albert Blair, s. Cyril R. and Mary, Mar. 6, 1835.
Albert F., s. Dauphin and Sila, Sept. 4, 1819. [Albert Franklin Brown, bp. Oct. 23, 1831, C.R.]
Almira, d. Samuel and Mary, bp. Nov. ----, 1812, C.R.
Alvin Russel, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. May 4, 1817, C.R.
Ann Elizabeth Hitchcock [----], w. Samuel Hobart, ----, 1843, G.R.1.
Anthony Needham, s. Justus and Ascenath, Apr. 19, 1805.
Aphphia, d. Jonathan and Abigail, Sept. 11, 1762. [Apphia, C.R.]
Archelaus, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Jan. 2, 1750.
Archelaus, s. Archelaus and Sally, Dec. 17, 1795. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Artemas Sargeant, s. ---- (w. Jonathan Jr.), bp. June 8, 1788, C.R.
Arthur B., h. Cynthia R. (Blashfield), Aug. 5, 1847, G.R.1.
Bartholemy, July 3, 1752. [Rec. with chn. of Jonathan and Abigail.] [Bartholomew, C.R.]
Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew and Lucy, Feb. 1, 1783.
Bartholomew, s. Catherine (wid.), bp. Aug. 3, 1817, C.R. [b. Mar. 20, 1816, [on stone beside that of Sarah G. [(Wyles)]] G.R.1.]
Bathsheba, d. Jonathan Jr., June 12, 1773.
Betsey Maria, d. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, July 9, 1798.
Betsy, d. Jonathan Jr., bp. Oct. 6, 1782, C.R.
Calvin Bishop, s. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, Apr. 14, 1814.
Candance, d. Jonathan Jr., Nov. 30, 1770.
Catharine, d. Bartholemew Jr. and Catharine, Aug. 9, 1812.
Catharine [dup. adds Parker], d. James and Emily, Mar. 18, 1820. [Catherine Parker Brown, C.R. Catharine P., w. Paul W. Paige, G.R.1.]
Catharine Miller [----], w. James T., Mar. 24, 1827, G.R.1.
Catherine Patrick, d. Catherine (wid.), bp. Aug. 3, 1817, C.R.
Charity, d. Justus and Ascenath, Sept. 7, 1810.
Charles, s. Justus and Ascenath, Jan 16, 1803.
Charles Austin, s. Jona[than] and Lucretia. Feb. 3, 1826. ["Father," [in lot with Semantha K. (Griggs)] G.R.1. s. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), P.R.4.]
Charles Burt, [twin] s. Samuel [Samuel and Mary, C.R.], May 5, 1819.
Charles Burt, ch. Dauphin, bp. May 2, 1844, C.R. [h. Mary M. Smith, s. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), b. Jan. 10, P.R.17.]
Charles Frederick, s. James and Emily, bp. Aug. 5, 1827, C.R. [b. Apr. 13, G.R.1.]
Charles Oliver. s. Cyril R. and Mary, July 11, 1833. [h. Caroline E. (Janes), G.R.1.]
Charles Sumner, s. Abner and Jediah, Oct. 2, 1819.
Charles Theodore. s. James and Emily, Oct. 22, 1828. G.R.1.
Charlotte Colton, [twin] d. Samuel [Samuel and Mary, C.R.]. May 5, 1819.
Cyrel, s. David and Molly (Watson), May 26, 1792, P.R.6.
Cyrel R., Dea., h. Mary (Blair), Apr. 5, 1798, G.R.1. P.R.5. [s. David and Molly (Watson), P.R.6.]
Dauphin, s. Barth[olome]w and Lucy, Nov. 9, 1791.
Dauphin, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 18, 1809. G.R.1. [Dea., h. Abbie B. (Nutting), b. Dec. 18, 1808, G.R.1.]
David, Dea., h. Mary (Watson), Jan. 21, 1752, G.R.1.
David, s. Dea. David and Mary (Watson), July 12, 1788, G.R.1.
Ebenezer, s. Batholomew and Lucy, July 17, 1788.
Edward Bishop, s. Dauphin, farmer, and Abby of B., ----, [rec. May 23, 1846], in B. [ch. Dauphine and Abby B., bp. Jan. 1, 1846, C.R. B. ----, 1845, G.R.1. h. Mary Ann Ruggles, s. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), b. Aug. 27, 1845, P.R.17.]
Edwin Jones, s. Catherine (wid.), bp. Aug. 3, 1817, C.R.
Eli, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 18, 1809, C.R.
Elisabeth Burr, d. William and Hannah, bp. Feb. 2, 1834, C.R.
Eliza Ann, d. C. R. and Mary [Cyrel R. and Mary (Blair), P.R.5.], Oct. 2, 1825.
Eliza Faulkner (see Faulkner)
Eliza Hooper, d. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, Nov. 2, 1811. [w. Rev. Gilman Noyes, Nov. 2, 1810, G.R.1. Nov. 2, 1810, P.R.1.]
Elizabeth, d. Jona[than] and Lucretia, Jan. 20, 1814. [ch. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), G.R.1. P.R.4.]
Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Mary. bp. ----, 1822, C.R.
Elizabeth Burr (see Elisabeth Burr Brown)
Emily Field [----], "Mother," w. James, Oct. 22, 1793, G.R.1.
Emily Jane, d. James and Emily, May 7 [7 written in pencil], 1833.
Eunice, [twin] d. Jonathan and Abigail, Mar. 26, 1759.
Eunice, d. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, Dec. 14, 1802.
Faulkner, ch. Dauphin and Abby, bp. Sept. 3. 1841, C.R. [Eliza Faukner Brown, w. Calvin Bliss of Warren, d. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), b. Mar. 28, 1841, in B., P.R.17.]
Franklin Ira, s. Ira B., shomaker, and Lovinia of B. June 4, 1846, in B.
George Alexander, s. James and Emily, Dec. 1, 1830.
George Bemis, s. Jona[than] and Lucretia. Sept. 15. 1831. ["Husband." Sept. 15, 1832, G.R.1. s. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee). Sept. 15, 1831, P.R.4.]
George Evarts, s. Dauphin and Sila, Mar. 14, 1833.
George Ferdinand, h. Sarah Jane Worthing. s. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), Jan. 27, 1833, in Richland. Mich., P.R.17.
Harriet A. w. Charles Andrews, ----, 1836, G.R.1.
Harriet Blair (see Harriot Blair Brown)
Harriet L., d. Dauphin and Sila, Sept. 30, 1825. [Harriot Lee Brown, bp. Oct. 23. 1831, C.R.]
Harriot Blair, ch. Cyril R. and Mary, Oct. 4, 1838.
Henry F., s. Dauphin and Sila, Sept 12, 1821. [Henry Francis Brown, bp. Oct. 23, 1831, C.R.]
Henry Field, s. James and Emily, Dec. 15, 1816. [In lot with Lucy S. (Tarbell), G.R.1.]
Henry Read, s. Cyril R. and Mary [(Blair) P.R.5.], June 25, 1828.
Hepsibah, [twin] d. Jonathan and Abigail, Mar. 26, 1759.
Issachar, Oct. 23, 1745. [Rec. with chn. of Jonathan and Abigail.] [h. Rhoda (Nichols), Nov. 5, P.R.1.]
Issachar, s. Issachar and Rhoda, May 20, 1770. [This entry on interleaved page.] [h. Gratis (Bishop), G.R.1.]
James, s. Jona[than] Jr., bp. Sept. 10, 1786, C.R.
James, "Father," July 30, 1780, [on stone beside that of Emily Field Brown] G.R.1. [s. David and Molly (Watson), P.R.6.]
James Bridgham, s. Abner and Jediah, Dec. 12, 1817. [h. Harriet M. (Tarbell), G.R.1.]
James H., s. Jona[than] and Lucretia, Aug. 19, 1811. [James Henry Brown, C.R. h. Anne H. (Holbrook), G.R.1. James Henry Brown, s. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), P.R.4.]
James Read, s. Cyril R. and Mary, May 6, 1831. [James Reed Brown, s. Cyrel Reed and Mary B., C.R. James Reed Brown, h. Louise Merrill, G.R.1.]
James Richard, s. William and Abagail, Sept. 20, 1823. [James Richards Browne, s. William and Hannah, C.R. J. Richard Brown, h. Mary A. Vaughn, ----, 1824, G.R.1.]
James Tyler, s. James and Emily, Nov. 22, 1823. [On stone beside that of Catharine Miller Brown, G.R.1.]
Jedidah Sumner [----], w. Col. Abner, ----, 1780, G.R.1.
Joanna L., grand d. Issachar and Gratis (Bishop), ----, 1839, G.R.1.
John, Feb. 19, 1755. [Rec. with chn. of Jonathan and Abigail]
John, s. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, Oct. 17, 1806.
John Blodget, s. Justus and Ascenath, Mar. 23, 1801.
John W., s. James H., farmer, and Ann H. of B., Dec. 26, 1848, in B.
Jonathan, Mar. 16, 1744. [Rec. with chn. of Jonathan and Abigail.]
Jonathan, s. Jona[than] Jr., bp. Oct. 6, 1782, C.R. [h. Lucretia (Bugbee), b. Jan. 4, G.R.1. P.R.4.]
Joseph, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. May 6, 1815, C.R.
Joseph Parsons, s. Jonathan and Lucretia [(Bugbee) G.R.1. P.R.4.], Sept 1, 1828.
Julia Mason, d. Dauphin and Sila, Apr. 4, 1836.
Julia Tarbell, d. Henry F. and Lucy S., May 21, 1843.
Justus, s. Justus and Ascenath, Dec. 16, 1806.
Laura (see Luana)
Lavina Gorham (see Lovina Gorham Brown)
Loring, S. John and Lavina, bp. May ----, 1787, C.R.
Louise Merrill [----], w. James Reed, ----, 1831, G.R.1.
Lovina Gorham, d. William and Abagail, Dec. 9, 1827. [Lavina Gorham Brown, d. William and Hannah, C.R.]
Luana [Laura written in pencil above Luana], ch. Jona[than] and Lucretia, Feb. 7, 1816. [Laura, C.R. Laura, ch. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), G.R.1. Laura, P.R.4.]
Lucretia, d. Jona[than] and Lucretia [(Bugbee) G.R.1. P.R.4.], Jan. 20, 1823.
Lucy, d. Bartholomew and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1785. [On stone with Linus Homer, G.R.1.]
Lucy, d. Issachar Jr. and Gratis, Jan. 8, 1800.
Lucy, d. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 18, 1809, C.R.
Lucy A., d. Dauphin and Sila, Oct. 13, 1817. [Lucy Anne, bp. Oct. 23, 1831, C.R.]
Lucy Anna, w. Silas Peirce Curtis, d. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), Mar. 9, 1847, P.R.17.
Lydia, d. David and Molly (Watson), Apr. 9, 1794, P.R.6.
Lydia Bethiah, w. Nathaniel Parker, Nov. 27 , 1795. P.R.5. [d. David and Molly (Watson). P.R.6.]
Manthano, s. Rev. Clark and Tabby. Dec. 15, 1802.
Maria Sumner, d. William and Abagail, July 1, 1816.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Abigail, Apr. 12, 1757.
Mary, d. David and Molly (Watson), Apr. 25, 1784, P.R.6.
Mary, d. Justus and Ascenath, Jan. 13, 1809.
Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, bp. June 18, 1809, C.R.
Mary Ann, twin d. Abner and Jediah [dup. Jedidah], June 7, 1824. [w. Warren F. Tarbell. G.R.1.]
Mary Fransonia, twin d. Cyril R. and Mary, Mar. 3, 1837.
Mary M., Aug. 15, 1842, G.R.1. [Mary Matilda, d. Dauphin and Abby Banister (Nutting). P.R.17.]
Nabby, d. David and Molly (Watson). June 3, 1782, P.R.6.
Nicanor. s. Jonathan Jr., bp. Oct. 19, 1772, C.R.
Nichanor, s. Jonathan Jr. and Prissilla. Dec. 2, 1768.
Orrel, s. [sic] John and Lavina. bp. Apr. 28, 1785, C.R.
Orrin, s. Archelaus and Sally, Apr. 15, 1778. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Orus, s. Rev. Clark and Tabby, Sept. 4, 1800. [Ones, C.R.]
Persis P., d. Dauphin and Sila, Sept. 19, 1815. [Persis Patrick Brown, bp. Oct. 23, 1831, C.R.]
Pherne Tabbe, ch. Clark and Tabbe, bp. [Dec.] ----, 1804.
Polley, d. Bartholomew and Lucy, Mar. 14, 1781.
Polly Sargeant. d. Jona[than] and Nabby, bp. June 8, 1788, C.R.
Rebecca, d. David and Molly (Watson), July 11, 1786, P.R.6.
Rhoda, d. Issachar and Rhoda, Sept. 5, 1775. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Samuel, s. Bartholomew and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1779.
Samuel Hobart, h. Ann Elizabeth Hitchcock, ----, 1840, G.R.1. [s. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), Mar. 29, in Richland, Mich., P.R.17.]
Samuel Thompson, s. Samuel and Mary, bp. Apr. 21, 1811, C.R.
Samuel W., s. David and Molly (Watson), Nov. 28, 1779, P.R.6.
Samuel Watson. s. Cyril R. and Mary, Nov. 10, 1822. [s. Cyrel Reed and Mary B., C.R. h. Harriet L. (Watson), G.R.1. s. Cyrel R. and Mary (Blair), P.R.5.]
Sarah, Jan. 15, 1747-8. [Rev. with chn. of Jonathan and Abigail.]
Sarah Ann, twin d. Abner and Jediah [dup. Jedidah], June 7, 1824. [On stone beside that of Calvin M. Ward, G.R.1.]
Sarah Flavonia, twin d. Cyril R. and Mary, Mar. 3, 1837.
Sarah S., d. Dauphin and Sila, Aug. 8, 1823. [Sarah Smith Brown, bp. Oct. 23, 1831, C.R.]
Sarah Singleton, d. William and Abagail [Hannah, C.R.], Mar. 22, 1831.
Sarah Smith (see Sarah S.)
Seraph, d. Jona[than] and Lucretia, May 26, 1818. [w. Hiram Hayward. May 22, G.R.1. d. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), May 22, P.R.4.]
Statira, d. John and Lavina, bp. May 3, 1789, C.R.
William, s. William, bp. Nov. 6, 1748, C.R.
William, s. Jona[than] Jr., bp. Sept. 10, 1786, C.R.
William Johnson, s. William and Abagail [Hannah, C.R.], Aug. 23, 1825.
----, ch. David and Molly (Watson), Nov. 9, 1778, P.R.6.
----, d. Archelaus, Aug. 27, ---- [rec. after ch. b. Apr. 15, 1778]. [This entry on interleaved page.]
----, ch. William, Mar. 15, 1815, P.R.19.
Lydia, "under the care of" Simeon Hubbard and Chloe, bp. June ----, 1809, C.R.
Oliver, s. Jos[eph] and Elizabeth, Mar. 29, 1807.
Betsey, d. Ja[me]s and Lucinda, Aug. 22, 1801.
Betty, [twin] ch. Joseph and Lois, Jan. 24, 1770.
Israel Trask, s. Jos[eph] Davis and Bathsheba [Bathshua, C.R.], Oct. 2, 1807.
James, [twin] ch. Joseph and Lois, Jan. 24, 1770.
John Warrinner, s. Jos[eph] Davis and Bathsheba, July 8, 1811. [John Warriner Browning, C.R.]
Joseph Davis, s. Joseph and Lois, Oct. 19, 1767.
Jos[eph] Davis, s. Jos[eph] Davis and Bathsheba [Bathshua, C.R.], Oct. 21, 1800.
Lois, d. Joseph and Lois, Oct. 4, 1763.
Lucinda, d. Ja[me]s and Lucinda, Nov. 17, 1805.
Lucy, d. Joseph and Lois, June 8, 1765.
Lucy, d. Ja[me]s and Lucinda, Jan. 6, 1803.
Margaret, d. Joseph and Lois, Nov. 8, 1760.
Margaret Morgan, d. Joseph Davis and Bathshua, bp. July 9, 1809, C.R.
Marianne, d. Jos[eph] Davis and Bathsheba, Apr. 19, 1798.
Martha, d. Joseph and Lois, July 26, 1773.
Mary, d. Ja[me]s and Lucinda, Nov. 3, 1814.
Mary Freeland, d. Lucinda, bp. Jan. 6, 1828, C.R.
Moses Church, s. Joseph Davis and Bathsheba [Bathshua, C.R.], Feb. 14, 1809.
Sarah, d. Joseph and Lois, Sept. 23, 1771.
Seth, s. Joseph and Hannah, bp. Oct. 12, 1788, C.R.
Sophia, d. Joseph Davis and Bathsheba, Oct. 18, 1803. [Sophia Ann, d. Joseph Davis and Bathshua. C.R.]
Theodocia, d. Ja[me]s and Lucinda, Dec. 23, 1807.
William A., s. Jos[eph] Davis and Bathsheba. ---- [rec. between ch. b. Apr. 19, 1798 and ch. b. Oct. 21, 1800]. [This entry written in pencil.] [William Augustus, s. Joseph Davis and Bathshua, C.R.]
Charlotte Holbrook, d. Lyman and Lydia, Apr. 26, 1820. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Electa Caroline, d. Lyman and Lydia, Apr. 2, 1811. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Elizabeth Ann, d. Lyman and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1812. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Henry Martin, s. Lyman and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1826. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Jane Maria, d. Lyman and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1838 [sic, rec. between ch. b. Sept. 12, 1826, and ch. b. Sept. 16, 1830]. [This entry on interleaved page.] [bp. June 7, 1829, C.R.]
Joseph Lyman, s. Lyman and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1815. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Julia Stebbins, d. Lyman and Lydia, bp. July 4, 1833, C.R.
Lydia, d. Lyman and Lydia, Sept. 16, 1830. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Oral Burt, d. Lyman and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1824. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Philander(?), s. Lyman and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1822. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Roxana, d. Lyman and Lydia, Mar. 26, 1818. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Abel, s. Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 7, 1777, C.R.
Alpheus, s. Calvin and Orinda, May 6, 1799. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Calvin Chamberlain, s. Charles and Mary, July 26, 1806.
Caroline, d. Calvin and Orinda, June 1, 1807. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Charles Lavator, s. Charles and Mary, May 23, 1812.
Lucretia, d. Calvin and Orinda, Dec. 30, 1802. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Lucretia, w. Jonathan Brown, Oct. 4, 1810 [sic], G.R.1. [Jan. 10, 1787, P.R.4.]
Lyman, s. Calvin and Orinda, Mar. 9, 1794. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Sharon, s. Calvin and Orinda, Aug. 8, 1796. [This entry on interleaved page.]
Abigail, d. John and Abig[ai]l, Apr. 26, 1745.
Abigail, d. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 3, 1747.
David, s. John and Abigail, June 5, 1750.
John, s. John and Abigail, Dec. 1, 1740.
John, s. John and Abigail, Aug. 8, 1747.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, July 8, 1750.
Mary, d. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 26, 1744-5.
Mary, d. Samuel and Hepzibath, Dec. 6, 1758.
Samuell, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1731-2.
Sarah, d. John and Abigail, May 4, 1738.
Sarah, d. John and Abigail, May 24, 1742.
Solomon, s. John and Abigail, June 1, 1744.
Stephen, s. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 22, 1741.
Abigail, d. Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1761.
Amy, d. Simeon and Martha, July 27, 1762. [Anna, bp. Oct. 3, C.R.].
Anna, d. Jona[than] and Thankfull, Sept. 2, 1748.
Anna, 1762 (see Amy).
Elizabeth, d. Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1763.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, June 7, 1756.
Joseph, s. Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1758.
Luce, d. Simeon and Martha, Aug. 13, 1758. [Lucy, C.R.]
Martha, d. Simeon and Martha, July 15, 1760.
Sarah, d, Jonathan Jr. and Sarah, Jan, 18, 1755.
Thankfull, d. Simeon and Martha, Aug. 21, 1757.
Oscar A., s. John E. (laboror, of B.), Dec. 5, 1847, in B.
BURT (Birt)
Aaron, s. Henry [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Mar. 22, 1762.
Abel, s. Dan[ie]ll Jr. and Experiance, Nov. 21, 1753.
Abel, s. Abel and Bathsheba, Mar. 26, 1788.
Alviza Augusta, d. Abel and Prudence, bp. July 30, 1815 [see Elvira Augusta], C.R.
Anna, d. Henry [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1767.
Artemas, s. Abel and Bathsheba, bp. June ----, 1788, C.R.
Artemas Davenport, s. Abel and Prudence, Jan. 11, 1814.
Artemus Davenport, s. Abel and Barsheba, Nov. 25, 1785. [Artemas Davenport Burt, s. Abel and Bathsheba, C.R.]
Bethia, d. Henry and Huldah, June 1, 1747.
Beulah, d. Reuben and Beulah, Feb. 5, 1763.
Calvin, s. Henry [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1765.
Caroline Thompson [Burt], d. Abel and Prudence, bp. July 19, 1818, C.R.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Margret, Sept. 16, 1729.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 22, 1782.
Delocia, d. Daniel Jr. and Eliza, July 21, 1806.
Deloica, d. Daniel and Orrel, bp. Aug. 8, ---- [? 1819], C.R.
Edward, s. Reuben and Beulah, Feb. 6, 1772.
Eliza Eaton, d. Abel and Prudence, Dec. 11, 1815.
Elvira Augusta, d. Abel and Prudence, Sept. 25, 1811 [see Alviza Augusta].
Emily, d. Julius and Prudence, Jan. 13, 1817.
Fisher Ames, s. Julius and Prudence, May 16, 1826.
Hannah, d. John and Mary, Sept. 26, 1748.
Henry, s. Henry Jr., bp. Sept. 20, 1755, C.R.
Henry, s. Henry [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1760.
Hulda, d. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1772. [Huldah, d. Henry Jr., C.R.]
Huldah, d. Henry Jr., bp. July ----, 1749, C.R.
Jeremy, s. Julius and Prudence, May 14, 1813.
John, s. Ruben and Beulah, Dec. 6, 1758.
Jonathan, s. Henry and Huldah, Apr. 12, 1745.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan Jr., bp. July 25, 1756, C.R.
Jonathan, s. Henry and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1761 [s. Henry Jr., bp. May 3, C.R.]
Jonathan, s. Reuben and Beulah, May 20, 1768.
Julius, s. Daniel and Mary, Sept. 16, 1785.
Luce, d. Daniel and Margret, Jan. 20, 1736-7.
Luce, d. Dan[ie]ll Jr. and Experiance, May 13, 1760. [Lucy, d. Daniel, C.R.]
Lucia Mason, d. Abel and Alvira, bp. May ----, 1820, C.R.
Lucy (see Luce).
Marcy, d. Daniell Jr. and Experiance, Sept. 6, 1736. [Mercy, d. Daniel Jr., C.R.]
Marg[a]r[e]t, d. Dan[ie]ll and Margret, Jan. 12, 1727-8.
Margaret Sumner, d. Julius and Prudence, Dec. 8, 1829.
Mary, d. Dan[ie]ll and Margret, Sept. 21, 1738.
Mary, d. Reuben and Beulah, Jan. 24, 1770.
Mary, d. Daniel, bp. Jan. 3, 1790, C.R.
Matilda, d. Abel and Bathsheba, Oct. 1, 1784.
Mercy (see Marcy)
Moses, s. Reuben and Beulah, July 28, 1766.
Nancy, d. Julius and Prudence, July 9, 1823.
Parmela, d. Abel and Barsheba, Oct. 1, 1780. [Pamela, d. Abel and Bathsheba, C.R.]
Peggy, d. Daniel, and Mary, July 7, 1787.
Prudence, d. Julius and Prudence, Feb. 26, 1820.
Reuben, s. Reuben and Beulah, July 15, 1760.
Reuben, s. Reuben and Beulah, Sept. 10, 1761.
Samuel, s. Reuben and Beulah, Oct. 20, 1764.
Sarah, d. Henry [Jr., C.R.] and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1763.
Silence, d. Henry and Bethiah, Sept. 8, 1733. ["My Mother," w. Noah Hitchcock Jr., Sept. 19, P.R.2.]
Timo[thy], s. Daniel and Eliza, Apr. 29, 1812.
Timothy (Birt), s. Daniel and Oriel, bp. Aug. 8, 1819, C.R.
Zeruah, d. Henry and Huldah, May 3, 1753. [Zerviah, d. Henry Jr., C.R.]
----, s. Jeremy, Jan. 13, 1844.
Polly, d. William and Sally, May ----, 1797.
Shubael, s. William, Feb. ----, 1799.
James N., "Father," Mar. 8, 1821, [in lot with Joshua] G.R.1.
Joshua, h. Mehitable, Sept. 14, 1788, G.R.1.
Mehitable [----], w. Joshua, Dec. 19, 1791, G.R.1.
