Extracted from
Epitaphs in
Old Bridgewater
by William Latham
Bridgewater, Mass. 1882
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown ]

[History of Bridgewater Grave-Yards]
The Old Grave Yard, near the Unitarian Church, was the first buying-place in the South Precinct, now Bridgewater. The land, one acre, is a part of two acres given to the "Inhabitants of the Southerly Precinct," by John Washburn, "to build a Meeting House on," by deed dated April 6, 1719, recorded June 20, 1722, in Plymouth Registry, book 16, page 61, and also recorded in the third book of Parish Records of the South Precinct, now the First Congregational Society in Bridgewater, page 197-8. The premises conveyed by that deed were twenty rods north and south, and sixteen rods east and west, on which a meeting-house, 38 x 42, was commenced in 1716, finished and dedicated June 14, 1717. It stood on the spot where the present meeting-house stands, and fronted south, was enlarged, 1747, sixteen feet in the middle and taken down 1760.
There is no allusion to any burial in the above deed of John Washburn, not in the Parish Records for many years after.
John Washburn, the donor, died in 1719, and his wife, Rebecca, in 1717, and both were buried here, in the southwest part, on the high ground which was first used for burial, and the ground first appropriated for burial was afterwards enlarged by the parish. The late Capt. Abram Washburn, about 1843, set u[ new grave-stones at their graves in place of the old natural stones removed, and in 1850 planted the two larch trees, now standing and growing over their graves, in the presence of the writer, and always claimed that said Rebecca, wife of the donor of the ground, was the first person buried in the yard, it being so written on her grave-stone, and there is no evidence, written, printed or otherwise, of this ground being used for burial prior to 1716.
When were those people buried who lived and died in this part of old Bridgewater prior to 1716?
Several families were living here as early as 1680, and the population of this part of old Bridgewater was constantly increasing from that date down to 1716, when the South Precinct was formed, and this burial-place was commenced. But we have no evidence, or even tradition, of there being any grave-yard in this part of old Bridgewater during this time, a period of more than thirty years. If private burial-places existed, we should probably have heard of them. There is no evidence, and it is not probable, that they were buried in the old yard in West Bridgewater, and they may have been buried in one or more places in this part of old Bridgewater, not yet discovered.
In 1736, the South Precinct voted to build a board fence around the burying-ground, and the next year rescinded that vote, and voted to build, and did build, a post and rail fence. This kind of fence was continued, with occasional repairs, down to 1795-6, when the members of the South Precinct concluded to have the yard fenced in with a stone wall, and the parish voted "to take off the fence round the buyring-place, and sell it to build another, to be no expense to the parish." They made a bee. The whole parish turned out with more ox teams in those days than now, and voluntarily, in one day, brought together stone enough and sufficient or the whole fence, about fifty rods in length, making a common balance wall around the yard, with a gate entrance at each corner; and this wall fence remianed till 1844, when Capt. Abram Washburn, with a little help from subscribers, rebuilt the whole wall, and put the capping stones on, and made on gate entrance near the middle of the south side.
In the upper, or southwest part of this yard, were many graves with natural stones, without insciption, and when the wall was rebuilt in 1844, these natural stones, and many of the foot-stones, were used and put into the wall. From 1845 to 1850, the foot-stones were all removed, and the graves and ground were levelled, so as to make it comfortable for mowing and raking. In 1847 twenty-eight of these foot-stones were made into head-stones, and set to graves without monuments, with a simple incription of the name, or initials of the name, and year of death. About twenty of these foot-stones made into head-stones are still to be found in their proper places; and about this time, 1847 to 1850, two paths, or walks, each about five feet wide, from north to south, dividing the yard into three parts nearly equal, were plowed up, levelled, and fitted for walks, and a few head and footstones were displaced to make an unobstructed walk; but in a few years these walks were grassed over, and the paths were disused and lost. About 1820, five tombs were built in the central part of this yard, used and occupied for many years, and from 1845 to 1855 were taken down by permission of owners, and remains were removed to the new cemetery and other places. In 1842 a new public cemetery was established in the town, called the Bridgewater Cemetery, on Mount Prospect street, and some head-stones and remains have been removed from this old yard to this new cemetery and other places, and since 1842 very few interments have been made in this old yard.
Most of the trees in and around this yard were planted between 1838 and 1843. The pitch pine, in the easterly part of the yard, came from Isam Leonard. The elm now standing in the triangle formed by the junction of Plymouth with Summer streets is the survivor of seven elms planted in that triagnel, in such manner that you could see three trees in a row in six directions. One morning it appeared that the row of trees on the northerly side of the road, from the house lot of W. Latham to the house of Widow Holmes, had been barked, cut, and injured more or less, with a large, shap knife, or other instrument so much so that six of the seven trees in this triangle were given up as lost and destroyed. This central tree, now standing there, was not cut entirely off, but so much cut that the top fell over and hung down. This tree was straightened up with splinters, clay, and bandages, and soon healed up and became sound, and now has its original top branches. This is the only malicious mischief ever done to trees in this neighborhood, though many trees have had narrow escapes.
The elm tree now standing in the triangle formed by the junction of School and Summer streets, was set out in the afternoon of the last May Training in this Commonwealth. While the writer was planting that tree his name was called by a clerk, as a member of the company then parading in front of the old meeting-house, and was marked absent, though the call was answered by the writer then outside of the training ground, without equipments except a spade. Upon a little consideration it was deemed expedient to call upon the captain to apollogize for improper conduct in answering to the call, and to offer to pay the fine of four dollars incurred, without trouble or expense. In a few days the captain brought to the writer his list of delinquents for collection. Among other suits to recover fines, was one against Henry Randall, who claimed that his name was Henry Miller Randall, but it appeared in evidence that he had written Henry Randall, as well as Henry M. Randall. The court decided that a man may as well be known by one name as another, and he was held to answer to either name, and to pay his fine and cost.
This old grave-yard was the only place of burial in the South Precinct, now Bridgewater, for about thirty-five years. Lt. John Washburn, born 1711, and died 1797, was the sexton, and dug the graves in this old yard from 1738 to the time of his death in 1797, and kept an account thereof, which is no (1882) in the possession of the writer. The dates in this record mean date of burial, and not day of death; and which record was made as a matter of account, and not as a record of deaths.
His record begins with the year 1739, and shows an average of ninteen deaths per year for the first eight years, from 1739 to 1747, inclusive, and sixteen and five-eights deaths per year from 1748 to 1755, inclusive, and an average of twelve dealths per year for the next eight years, from 1756 to 1763, inclusive, and an average of eight and four-tenths for the next ten years, from 1764 to 1773, and an average of twelve and seven-tenths for the next ten years, from 1774 to 1783.
The greatest mortaility, as appears from this record, was twenty-seven deaths in 1741; twenty-two in 1744; twenty-seven in 1747; forty in 1750; forty-seven in 1756; and forty one in 1778.
The total number of graves dug by him in this yard during these fifty-eight years, from 1739 to 1797 is 706. There were probably more interments made during this time, as many years had but few graves dug by him, to wit: in 1796 only one; three is each of the years 1767, 1772, 1780 and 1791; four in 1783; five in 1768; six in 1785, 1763, 1779, 1792. The total number of grave-stones, counting each monument slab, on stone or brick foundation, as one stone, is now (1881) 631, and from an examination and inquiry made some thirty odd years ago, when graves could better be seen and counted, it was estimated that there had been at least 1500; and probably from that to 2000 interments in this yard.
There was early a dispositon to increase the number of burials-places in the town of Bridgewater. The population being scattered over some twenty-eight or thirty square miles of territory, and funerals being burdensome before hearses were used, they began, in different parts of town, to establish burying-places, and to bury the dead in the following order:
1. The Old grave-yard, near Unitarian Church, 1716;
2. Vernon Street grave-yard, at Cross Street, 1751;
3. Scotland grave-yard, near meeting-house, 1753;
4. South Street grave-yard, near Zephaniah Keith, 1756;
5. Trinity Church grave-yard, first used for burial, 1763;
6. Japan grave-yard, near Jennings' brook, 1766;;
7. Samll-pox grave-yard, near Rufus Woods, 1778;
8. Great Woods grave-yard, near Solomon Alden, 1793;
9. Harlow grave-yard, near Childs' Bridge, 1803;
10. Pratt Town grave-yard, 1828;
11. Conant Town grave-yard, 1829;
12. Benson Town grave-yard, 1839;
13. Bridgewater Cemetery, 1842;
14. State Workhouse grave-yard, 1853;
15. Catholic Cemetery, at church, 1854;
16. Catholic Cemetery, on Centre street, 1867
So that, with a population of less than 4000, exclusive of state paupers and convicts, we have fifteen grave-yards; in fourteen of which place interments are made every year, or nearly so. We have copied the insciptions or epitaphs of the fist eight of the above grave-yards, which were commenced before 1800, including stones and monuments erected before or since in each yard, down to the present time.
We have, for convenience and easy finding localities, divided the Old Grave-yard, near the Unitarian Church, a plan of which is hereto annexed, into four sections, called
Section A, or southwest section;
Secion B, or northwest section;
Section C, or northeast section;
Section D, or southeast section.....by drawing a heavy black line each way through the centre, or near the centre of the ground, where stands a large Norway fir, to an elm tree, outside of the yard, on the south side, and to elm trees on the inside of the yard on the north and east side of the yard, and we have numbered each grave-stone and monument in each section, as follows:
we being to number the grave-stones and monuments in this yard with No. 1, 2,3, etc. in the southwest corner of Section A, and go to No. 103 in the southeast corner of Section A. We then begin with No. 104 in the southwest corner of Section B, and go to No. 297, in the northeast corner of Section B. We then begin with No. 298, in the southwest corner of Section C, and go to No. 439 in the southeast corner of Section C. We then begin with 440 in the southwest corner of Section D., and go to No. 531 in the southeast corner of Section D.
The corners of this ground upon the plan are rounded off, but the distance or length of each side is computed from one intersection of two side lines to another intersection of two side lines. All graves head west and foot east, and all stones face west; and a few stones have two or more names or inscriptions thereon. The top of the plan is east.
in the
Bridgewater, Mass. -
1. Beneath are deposited the remains of the Rev. Hezekiah HOOPER Jun., late pastor of the Church of Christ, in Boylston, who departed this life December 2, 1795, in the 25th year of his age, and 2d of his ministry. Sober and exemplary, his mind enriched by a liberal education, he was prepared both to profit and please his fellowmen. Happy in the unanimity and cordial friendship of a kind, liberal and grateful people, he had the pleasing prospect of enjoying many days of peace and prosperity. But ah! how uncertain are the most flattering hopes; cut down in the morning of life, he has left his parents to mourn the loss of a beloved son; his people a useful, affectionate and faithful pastor; and his country a true friend and valuable citizen. His parents, to preserve his memory, and to express their affection, have erected this monument. (This monument is a slate slab, two and one-half feet by six - one and one half inches thick, resting on a brick foundation, two feet above ground.)
2. Here lies Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Lieut. Hezekiah HOOPER, who died Nov. 4th, 1799, in her 63d year.
~ Wisdom and virtue rest in sleep, ~
Whilst her extensive friends do weep; ~
She bid the world final adieu, ~
Till she shall rise both bright and new.
Let angels guard this lovely clay, ~
Until the great decisive day, ~
When she shall rise for to put on ~
The robe which Christ prepared so long. ~ ~ -
3. In memory of Lieut. Hezekiah HOOPER; he died Feb. 22, 1813, in his 81 year.
~ Great God, I won they sentence just, ~
And nature must decay, ~
I yeield my body to the dust. ~
To well with fellow clay. ~ -
4. In memory of Lucia, wife of Capt. Joseph HOOPER, died Feb. 27, 1824, ae. 54.
5. In memory of Capt. Joseph HOOPER, who died Oct. 1, 1838, ae. 72.
6. Here lies buried Mrs. Sarah SHAW, consort of the Rev. Mr. John Shaw, who died April 4, 1768, in ye 63d year of her age.
~ While yet in life her heart and mind ~
Was to the will of God resigned; ~
His glory still within her eye; ~
Her children near her heart did lie; ~
Till heaven called and she must die. ~ -
7. Sacred to the memory of John SHAW, almost 60 years a faithful pastor of the Second Church of Christ, in this town, who departed this life on the 29th of April, MDCCXCI, age 83 years.
~ O man great and beloved, thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of days. ~ -
8. Judith, ye daughr of ye Rev. John SHAW and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, born Decemb ye 1, 1740, died Aug ye 7th, 1747.
~ Upon the stage I just appeared, ~
My tender voice a while was heard; ~
The buddings of my early days ~
My parents expectations raised; ~
While they with pleasure on me smiled, ~
I feel asleep and died a child. ~ -
9. John, ye son of ye Rev. Mr. John SHAW and Sarah, his wife, born Oct ye 12th, 1737, died Aug. ye 5th 1747.
~ My days are past, my years are fled, ~
I silent lie among the dead; ~
In blooming age the fatal dart, ~
Shot from the quiver pierced my heart; ~
Let children then to Jesus fly, ~
For they in early years may die. ~ -
10. Erected in the memory of Ezra SHAW, son of Rev. Mr. Shaw and Sarah, his wife, who was born Februray 29, 1746, died Aug. 20, 1764.
~ The breathless corpse where'er it lies ~
From human eye concealed; ~
The pardoned soul is still at rest, ~
Till Christ shall be revealed. ~ -
11. Sarah SHAW, daughter of ye Rev. Mr. John Shaw, pastr of ye 2d Church in Bridgewatr, was born May ye 24th, died Aug ye 14, 1735.
12. Here lies Miss Eunice SHAW, in expectation of the last day. What person she was, that day will discover. She was the daughter of the Rev. John Shaw, died Aug. 10th, 1791.
13. Beneath are deposited the remains of Lieut. Joshua ALDEN, who died Mar. 21, 1809, in the 80th year of his age. He lead a sober and regular life, was a friend of peace and good order, a steady attendant on public worship, and a valuable memeber of society. In his last will and testament, after some deductions, he bequeathed a tenth part of his property to the South Congregational Society in Bridgewater, of which one hundred dollars were for the use of the church of which he was a member; two hundred dollars for the encouragement of church psalmody, and the remainder for the fund of the Society. To perpetuate his memory, and to aiexpress the gratitude due to an example so worthy of imitation, it has been thought fit to erect this monument. (A slate slab, six by three feet - two inches thick, broken and mended, hammered granite blocks for foundation two and one half feet above ground.
14. Here lies buried Mrs. Martha ALDEN, the wife of Mr. Eleazer Alden, who died January ye 6th, 1760, aged 69 years.
~ The resurrection day will come, ~
And Christ's strong voice will burst the tomb; ~
The sleeping dead we trust will rise, ~
With joy and pleasure in her eyes, ~
And ever shine among the wise. ~ -
15. Here lies buried Mr. Eleazer ALDEN, who died January 29, 1773, in ye 70th year of his age.
~ ~
Lord, in the dust he must abide, ~
There sleeping by his comsort's side; ~
Ye children living come and see ~
Where both your once loved parents be; ~
Then follow in the paths they trod, ~
Till you shall rest with Christ in God. ~ -
16. Here lies Mrs. Mehitabell ALDEN, the wife of Capt. Seth Alden, who died Oct. 14, 1757, in ye 52d year of her age.
17. Memento mori. In memory of Capt. Seth ALDEN, who departed this life Sept. ye 6th, 1784, in the 75th year of his age.
~ ~ The corps in silent darkness lies, ~
Our friend is dead, the Captain dies; ~
In peace he lived, in peace he died, ~
Sleeps sweetly by his consort's side; ~
In this dark cell they both must lie, ~
Till the archangel rends the sky, ~
And Saints ascend to Christ on high. ~ -
18. In memory of Mrs. Mary, ye wife of Mr. Thomas PERKINS, who died April 23d, 1750, in ye 62st year of her age.
19. Here lies buried Mr. Thomas PERKINS, wo died June 5, 1761, in ye 74th year of his age.
20. Caleb ALDEN, ye son of Mr. Seth Alden and Mehitabel, his wife, was born April ye 6th, 1744, died Augut ye 10th, 1747.
21. Here, ye memory of Mrs. Hannah ALDEN, widow of Deacon Joseph Alden, who deceased Januray ye 14th, 1747-8, in ye 78th year of her age.
22. Here, ye memory of Deac. Joseph ALDEN, who deceased Dec ye 22d, 1747, in ye 80th year of his age.
23. Calvin EDSON, son of Mr. Josiah Edson, who decea'd March ye 3d, 1743, aged eleven months and one day.
24. Memento mori. Daniel EDSON, son of Josiah Edson, Esq., and Mary, his wife, born July 27, 1747, died Mar 3d, 1747. [sic]
~ Under this little hillock lies ~
My body of the smaller size; ~
I lived, I died within a year, ~
With grief my parents left me here; ~
From them one smiling look I got, ~
They looked again, but I was not. ~ -
25. Mrs. Experience, widow of Capt. Jonathan CARY, who died Mar. ye 25th, 1782, in ye 82d year of her age.
N. B. The above mentioned Capt. Jonathan CARY, died at Boston, Oct ye 8, 1745, in the 51st year of his age.
26. In memory of Maj. Eliphalet CARY, who died Mar. 1, 1820, ae 87.
~ Why do we mourn departing friends, ~
Or shake at death's alarm; ~
'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, ~
To call us to his arms. ~ -
27. In memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Maj. Epliphalet CARY, who died Jan. 24, 1819, ae. 79.
~ Peace to they gentle shade, ~
Thy soul is free; ~
Death's but the gate ~
To immortality. ~ -
28. In memory of Miss Experience CARY, who died Aug. 10, 1828, ae 93.
29. Zedekiah S. AMES, died 20 Nov. 1806, aged 11 months. Son of Mr. John Ames.
30. Irany, daught. of Rev. Zedekiah SANGER and Irany, his wife, born Oct. 19, 1789, died Oct. 26, 1789.
31. John and Martin, sons of Rev. Zedekiah SANGER and Irany his wife, born Nov. 22, 1798, died April 25, 1799.
32. George P., son of Rev. Zedekiah SANGER, died Aug. 24, 1818, ae. 25.
33. Here lies interred the Rev. Zedekiah SANGER, thirty-two years minister in Bridgewater, who died Nov. 17, 1820, aged 72 years.
Also Irene, wife of Rev. Zedekiah SANGER, who died July 20, 1833, aged 77 years. (Marble slab, five feet nine inches by three feet; on a framed marble foundation.)
34. Eliza SANGER, died Jan. 29, 1847, aged 50 years.
35. In memory of Mrs. Rachel B. SNELLING, who died September 3, 1866, aged 76 years.
36. In memory of Mrs. Jane LAZELL, who died Mar. 14, 1846, aged 85.
37. Lucy, daughter of Mr. Jacob PIERCE; she died Oct. 6, 1805.
38. In memory of Mr. Jacob PEIRCE, who died Sept. 16, 1807, in his 79th year.
39. Beneath are deposited the remains of Dea. Isaac LAZELL, who departed this life June the 29th, 1810, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, with a comfortable ope of future happiness, having a firm belief of the truth of the Gospel; and during the days of his health he was anxious to promote the improvement, imterest and happiness of society. To commemorate his virtues and express the graitude of his relations, they have erected this monument. (Slate slab, three feet by six feet, on hmmaered granit blocks.)
40. Beneath are deposited the remains of Martin LAZELL, who departed this life Aug. 3, 1799, aged 15 years, 2 months and one day.
~ /Attend ye young and from my fate, learn your own. Lately like you, active and lively I trod the gay path of life, and health and vigor enlivened my frame. But Ah ! how soon did the pleasing scene change; amidst the most flattering prospects, pale disease enfeebled all my powers, nature sunk, and the tomb is now my home. Dear friends, forget not that you, also, must die. The king of terrors pursues your steps and neither beauty, health, nor strength, can ward off the sure and fatal blow. Let my death be your warning and prepare to meet your God. ~ (Slate slab, two feet four inches by five feet, on brick foundation.) -
41. In memory of Isaac, son of Maj. Issac LAZELL and Mrs. Jane, his wife, born on ye 2d, died on ye 4th of May, A.D. 1795.
42. In memory of the infant son of Major Issac and Mrs. Jane LAZELL, who died in the hour of his birth, the 21st June 1796. (Broken and prostrate).
43. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Dea. Jacob HAYWARD, who died April ye 27, 1780, in the 67th year of her age.
~ My time is spent, my days are past; ~
Eternity must count the rest; ~
My glass is out, my race is run; ~
The holy work of God is done. ~ -
44. In memory of Deacon Jacob HAYWARD, who died Mar ye 27, 1778, in the 67th year of his age.
~ A husband kind and good, a parent dear, ~
To all obliging and to all sincere, ~
True to his God, and orphan's friend and guide, ~
He lived beloved, and lamaneted died. ~ -
45. Lieut. Benjamin HAYWARD, died 16 Oct. 1807, in his 64 year.
46. In memory of Mrs. Mary, widow of Lieut. Benj. HAYWARD, died Dec. 4, 1819, aged 75 years.
47. Here lies the body of Josiah EDSON, Esq., who departed this life Oct. ye 4th, 1734, in ye 84th year of her age.
Here lies the body of Mrs. Eliza EDSON, who departed this life Nov. 7e 25th, 1737, in ye 86th year of her age. (Natural flat stone, three feet four inches by five feet eight inches - three inches thick, on rough, broken granite foundation.)
48. Here lies buried Mrs. Sarah EDSON, the wife of Capt. Josiah Edson, who died Februray 14, N.S., 1754, in ye 72d year of her age.
49. Here lies buried Capt. Josiah EDSON, who died January 16, 1762, in ye 80 year of his age.
50. Col. Josiah EDSONm 1776
51. Capt. Josiah EDSON
52. In memory of Mrs. Ruth EDSON, wife of Josiah Edson, who deceasd. May ye 31, 1743, in ye 34th year of her age.
53. Caleb EDSON, ye son of Josiah Edson, Esq., and Ruth, his wife, departed this life Sept 24, 1754, in ye 15th year of his age.
54. Miss Ruth EDSON, the daughter of Josiah Edson, Esq. and Ruth, his wife, departed this life February 15, 1756, in ye 15th year of her age.
55. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Nathl WOODWARD, died Mar. --, 1773, in her 85th year.
56/ In memory of Capt Nathaneil WOODWARD, who died Jan. 28, 1848-9, in ye 71st year of his age.
~ Under these clods my body lies, ~
In silent dust with closed eye. ~
Not honor, wealth, nor grace can save ~
A dying mortal from the grave; ~
All that this read, both low and high, ~
Remember you are born to die. ~ -
57. Chilton LATHAM, 1811
58. John WASHBURN, was born 1646, married Rebecca LAPHAM, 1679, died 1719, aged 73 years. He gave the land for this burying-ground and meeting-house.
59. Rebecca, wife of John WASHBURN, died about 1717; her age is unknown. She was the first person buried in this yard. (And wife of the donor of the ground.)
60. Hear lies the bodi of Mr. Samuel WASHBURN, who departed this life March the 24th, A. Dom. 1720, in the 69 year of his age.
61. In memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Simeon PACKARD, who died December 4, 1856, aged 82 year.
62. In memory of Mr. Simeon PACKARD, who died Oct. 21, 1815, aged 46 years.
63. Louisa PACKARD, daught. of Simeon and Hannah Packard, died 29 Nov. 1816, ae. 19.
64. Ann Fobes, daught. of Simeon and Hannah PACKARD, died 29 Dec. 1819, ae. 17.
65. Caroline E., daughter of Hiram N. and Elizabeth F. TAVENNER, died Aug 27, 1837, aged 10 months.
66. In memobyr of Mr. Stoughton WILLIS, physician, who died March 12, 1750, in ye 30th year of his age.
67. Here ye memory of Mr. Thomas MITCHELL, who decasd. September ye 1st, 1727, in ye 69th year of his age.
68. Here lies buried Mrs. Abigail HUDSON, relict to Lieut. Daniel Hudson, formerly the wife of Mrs. John FOBES, who died February 12, 1762, in ye 82st year of her age.
69. Here lyes ye body of Mr. John FOBES, who dec'd. Aug ye 16th, 1725, in ye 47th year of his age.
70. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Edward FOBES, who dec'd. Sept. ye 15th, 1736, in ye 40th year of his age.
71. Nathan FOBES, 1721, aged 18 months.
72. Sarah, ye daught. of Mr. Samuel and Abigail RIPLEY, was born Nov. ye 28th, 1742, died Sept. 4, 1747.
73. In memory of Mrs. Jane, widow to Mr. Thomas TOMSON; she died March 22, 1793, in her 71 year.
74. Winslow HOOPER, died Dec 19, 1834, aged 72.
Mary, his wife, died Sept. 24, 1856
Hezekiah, the son, died Nov. 7, 1819, aged 21.
75. Here lies buried Mrs. Freelove WHITMAN, wife of Mr. Noah Whitman, who dec'd. June ye 26th, 1772, aged 24 years and 12 days.
76. In memory of Ebenezer WHITMAN, son of Mr. Ebenzer Whitman and Rebecca his wife; was born Decem ye 7th, 1741, deceas'd May ye 21st, 1742.
77. In memory of Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Mr. Ebenezer WHITMAN; she died July --, 1778, ae. 62.
78. In memory of Mr. Ebenezer WHITMAN, who died Aug. 20th, 1804, in the 92d year of his age.
79. Mrs. Phebe, wife of Pyam WHITMAN, died July 13, 1834, in her 21 year.
~ Dearest sister thou hast left us, ~
And thy loss we deeply feel! ~
Bis 'tis God that hath bereft us, ~
He can all our sorrows heal. ~ -
80. In memory of Martin, son of Mr. Benj. SNELL and Mrs. Rebecca his wife; he died May 4, 1792, in ye 5th year of his age.
81. Ereected to the memory of Mrs. Olive SNELL, who died November the 16th, 1808, in the 26th year of her age.
82. Betsey, dau. of Mr. Benjamin and Rebecca SNELL, died Spet. 11, 1810, aged 16 years.
83. Benjamin SNELL, died No. 6, 1823, aged 71 yrs. 8 mos. and 10 days.
Rebecca, his wife, died Sept 26, 1853, aged 90 yrs. 3 mos and 14 days.
~ They have done what they could. ~ -
84. In memory of William, son of Mr. William SNELL and Mrs. Eunice, his wife; he died Nov. 25th, 1794, in ye 6th year of his age.
~ We scarce enjoy the balmy gift, ~
But mourn the pleasure gone. ~ -
85. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Rhobe SNELL, daughter of Mr. William Snell and Eunice, his wife; she died Dec. 14th, 1807, in the 24th year of her age.
~ Approach this spot, ye gay; ye thoughtless train, ~
Say what is life? a vapor's transcient breath; ~
The good, the fair, the vituous and the vain, ~
Fall undistinguished by the hand of death. ~
As falls the rose beneath the chilling blast, ~
So Rhobe fell in life's most flattering bloom; ~
Her cloudless morn of life was soon o'ercast, ~
And all her virtues shrouded in the tomb.
This monument was erected by Soranus SHAW, as a feeble testimony of his affection. -
86. Mr. John CONANT, died Feb. 19, 1816, ae 90
87. Mrs. Abial CONANT, wife of Mr. John Conant, died April 1st, 1815, ae. 90.
88. In memory of Mr. Thomas CONANT, who died June ye 14th, A.D. 1786, in ye 82d year of his age.
89. Here lies Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Thomas CONANT, who died Aug 19, 1802, in her 83d year.
90. Mary Eliza, dtr. of Oliver and Mary CONANT, died Oct. 17, 1826, ae. 13 months.
~ Oh! why, the heart-rent parents ask, ~
Take the dear child so lately given, ~
'Ere we could enter on the task, ~
Of teaching her the way to heaven. ~ -
91. Levina, daughter of Mr. Jon. WATERMAN and Abigail his wife, born January 14th, 1770, and died February 6, 1770.
92. In memory of a son of Mr. Jon. WATERMAN and Abigail his wife, born February 10 and died ye 15th, 1769.
93. Joseph Washburn, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Huldah SOULE, died Dec. 16, 1826, aged 2 years, 2 mos. and 18 days.
~ 'This fruitless now for me to mourn, ~
He can't come back I see; ~
I shortly must return to him, ~
He can't return to me. ~ -
94. In memory of Mrs. Huldah, wife of Mr. John SOULE; she died Oct. 29th, 1833, in her 46th year.
~ My years are past, my days are fled,
I silent lie among the dead; ~
Not honor, wealth, nor grace can save ~
A dying mortal from the grave. ~ -
95. Susanna, wife of John MITCHELL, died Sep. 19, 1830, ae. 75.
~ Hush all our sorrows, all our tears be dry, ~
'Tis Christ that calls submission, we obey; ~
She's gone to blessed mansions in the skies, ~
To sing her Saviour's praise in endless days. ~ -
96. In memory of Jane MITCHELL, daughter of John and Anna Mitchell, who died Aug. 15, 1828, in the 41 year of her age.
~ Friends draw near and drop a tear, ~
In this cold grave I lie; ~
When this you see, remember me, ~
And be prepared to die. ~ -
97. Caleb Stong, son of Caleb and Jane MITCHELL, died Sept. 27 1826, ae. 7 years, 5 mos.
98. Mary Keith, daught. of Caleb and Jane MITCHELL, died Jan. 22, 1822, ae. 5 years and 8 mos.
99. In memory of Mr. John MITCHELL, died Feb. 6, 1829, ae. 81.
~ My living friends, when this you see ~
Stop here and think, O think of me; ~
All early things I left behind, ~
The joys of heaven in hopes to find. ~ -
100, Here lies Mrs. Anna MITCHELL, wife of Mr. John Mitchell, who died Feb. 17th, 1794, in the 37th year of her age.
101. Obediah EDDY, 1789.
102. Memento mori. In memory of Mr. Thomas LAWRENCE, who died March ye 17th, in the 53d year of his age.
~ Farewell, vain world, farewell my friends, ~
I bid you all adieu; ~
Sleep here my body, rest secure, ~
I'll come again for you. ~ -
103. John LAWRENCE, son to Mr. Tho. Lawrence and Desire, his wife, who dec'd. Jan. ye 25th, 1740, aged 4 years.
104. Here lyes ye body of Benja'm HAYWARD, who dec'd. Jan ye 20th, 1733, in ye 56th year of his age.
105. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Elizabeth PERKINS, wife to Mr. David Perkins, who deceased July ye `4th, 1735, in the 80th year of her age.
106. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. David PERKINS, who departed this life Oct. ye 1st, 1736, in ye 84th year of his age,
107. In memory of Mrs. Huldah, wife of Mr. Hezekiah HAYWARD; she died July 14m 1800, in the 88th year of her age.
108. In memory of Hezekiah HAYWARD, who died April 22, 1790, in his 83 year.
109. Hasadiah, wife of Hezekiah HAYWARD, died Feb. 4, 1829, ae. 75.
~ Here slumbers one who various sorrows bore, ~
Clouds spread and storms howled o'er the path she trod; ~
but pain and grief we trust she feels no more, ~
By sactifying grace led home to God. ~
Where beams a cloudless sky where sorrows cease. ~
And all is sweet security and peace. ~ -
110. Mr. Hezekiah HAYWARD, died Aug. 16, 1811, in his 66 year.
111. M. F. H.
Mary F. HAYWARD, daughter of Mr. Calvin Hayward and Mrs. Hayward, his wife, died April 13, 1813, in her 8th year.
~ May angels guard this lovely clay, ~
Till comes the great decisive day; ~
when in her Savior's image drest, ~
She wakes to be completely blest. ~ -
112. Erected to the memory of Mr. Edward HAYWARD, who died Sept. 25, 1818, in the 66th year of his age.
~ Friend nor physician count not save ~
This mortal body from the grave; ~
Nor can the grave confine it here ~
When Christ shall call it to appear. ~ -
113. Jenny, wife of Edward HAYWARD, died May 21, 1848, in her 85 year.
~ She lived beloved ~
And died lamented. ~ -
114. Ann, daught. of Col. Abram and Pamelia WASHBURN, died June 26, 1828, ae. 15 mos.
~ Closed is the eye of joyful mirth; ~
A parent's foundest hopes are fled; ~
Scare done rejoicing at her birth, ~
'Ere we must place her with the dead. ~ -
115. In memory of Pamelia, wife of Col. Abram WASHBURN, 2d, who died Mar. 25, 1831, ae. 33,
116. Caleb KEITH, died June 7, 1835, aged 48 years.
Hasadiah, his widow, died July 28, 1866, aged 73 years, 7 mos.
~ A father and a mother's grave. ~ -
117. Here lies buried Mrs. Susanna PACKARD, ye wife of Mr. Joseph Packard, who died June 20th, 1756, in ye 54th year of her age.
118. Here lies buried Mr. Joseph PACKARD, who died October ye 19th, 1760, in ye 63d year of his age.
119. Here lies buried Mrs. Judith PACKARD, relict to Mr. John Packard, who died June 19, 1761, in ye 90th year of her age.
120. Here lies the body of Mr. Jack PACKARD, who dec'd March ye 16th, 1741, in ye 85th year of his age.
121. Here lies ye body of Mr. John HOOPER, who dec'd Aug. ye 19th , 1741, in ye 44th year of his age.
122. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Elizabeth HOOPER, who died July ye 10th, 1744, in ye 43d year of her age.
123. In memory of Mr. John HOOPER, who died May 7, 1850, in ye 25th year of his age.
124. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Hannah, wifce of Mr. John HOOPER, who died Sept. ye 2d, 1782, in the 36th year of her age.
~ Death is a debt to nature due, ~
Which I have paid, and so must you. ~ -
125. In memory of John, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Hannah HOOPER, who died Dec. ye 17th, 1777, aged 3 days.
126. Here lies Mr. David THAYER, who died March 13th, 1795, in the 68th year of his age.
127. In memory of Mr. Ezra WILLIS, who died Nov. 6, 1813, aged 47 years.
128. Here lies Mrs. Martha, wife of Mr. Joab WILLIS; she died Aug. 16, 1802, in her 78 year.
129. In memory of Mr. Joaab WILLIS, who died Jan. 4th, 1805, in his 90th year.
130. Edwin AMES
131. Mr. Simeon AMES, died 26 Dec. 1811, in his 73 year.
~ Stand up my soul, shake off thy fears, ~
And gird the gospel armor on; ~
March to the gates of endless joy, ~
Where the great Captain Saviour's gone. ~ -
132. In memory of Mrs. Pricilla STANDISH; she died Nov. 1805, in her 53 year.
133. Edward L., son of Mr. Zenas and Hannah CROOKER, died June 2, 1822, ae. 8 mos.
~ Mourn not because my feeble breath ~
Was stopt as soon as given; ~
There's nothing terrible in death, ~
To whose who go to heaven. ~ -
134. Bethia, wife of Jonathan CROOKER, died Jan. 11, 1851, aged 99 years, 4 mos.
Zenas CROOKER, born May 3, 1769, died Oct 1, 1826
Content STETSON, his wife, born Mar. 28, 1768, died Sept 7, 1859
135. Isaiah S., son of Ralph and Maritta H. CROOKER, died Sept 15, 1831, aged 6 months and 15 days.
136. Ralph, son of Ralph and Maritta CROOKER, died May 1, 1827, aged 2 yrs. and 20 days.
~ Early bright transcient, ~
Chase as morning dew, ~
He sparkled, was exhal'd, ~
And went to heaven. ~ -
137. ~ The voice said: Cry all flesh is grass. Isaiah, 40th and 6th. ~
In memory of Capt. Abram WASHBURN, who died July the 8th, A.D. a785, in the 43d year of his age.
~ My friends draw near and drop a tear, ~
In ye dark grave I lie; ~
And think of me when this you see, ~
And be prepared to die. ~ -
138. Rebecca, wife of Capt. Abram WASHBURN, died Jan. 26, 1831, ae. 86.
139. In memory of Lucy, daught. of Capt. Abram WASHBURN and Mrs. Rebecca, his wife, who died Dec. ye 24th, 1771, in ye 4th year of her age.
140. In memory of Abram, son of Capt. Abram and Mrs. Rebecca, his wife; he died Sept. ye 10th, 1775, in ye 4th year of his age.
141. In memory of a son of Capt. Abram WASHBURN and Mrs. Rebecca, his wife; he died August ye 29th, 1779, aged one day.
142. Nathaniel, son of Mr. Nath. WASHBURN and Mary, his wife, born Feb. 7, 1748, died Mar. 24, N.S., 1758.
143. In memory of Mr. Nathaniel WASHBURN, who died March 17th, 1750, in ye 37th year of his age.
144. In memory of Mrs. Margaret WASHBURN, wife to Mr. John Washburn, who dece'd Decem. ye 10th, 1743, in ye 61st year of her age.
145. In memory of Lieut, John WASHBURN, who departed this life July ye 6th, 1746, in ye 65th year of his age.
146. In memory of Mrs. Mary CARY, wife of Mr. Eleazer Cary, who died April ye 1st, A.D. 1790, in ye 74th year of her age.
~ Affliction sore long time I bore, ~
Physicians were in vain, ~
Till God was pleased to give me ease, ~
And free me from my pain. ~ -
147. Peggy, daught. of mr. Abishia WASHBURN and Hannah, his wife, died Aug. 6th, 1751, aged 5 months and 3 days.
148. In memory of Mrs. Sarah, daught. of Capt. Ebenezer MORTON, of Middleboro, who died Sept 4th, 1751, in ye 18th year of her age.
~ The rose and the lily, how smiling and gay, ~
In glory so verdent yet soon flies away; ~
Like the rose and the lily whose glory is fled, ~
So it is now with the here silent dead. ~ -
149. Here lies buried Mrs. Lydia MORTON, ye wife of Mr. Seth Morton, who died July 29, 1756, in ye 24th year of her age.
150. Here lies buried Mrs. Lucy MORTON, ye wife of Mr. Nath. MORTON, who died April 18, 1766, in ye 26th year of her age.
151. Abram, son of Mr. Nath. MORTON and Lucy, his wife, born Nov 22d, 1765, died June ye 10th, 1766.
152. Jonathan, son of Mr. John PACKARD and Anna, his wife, was born and died April 2d, 1763.
153. In memory of Hephzibah, who died April 12th, 1800, in the 82st year of her age. Late widow of Ebenezer KEITH, who died of small-pox April 12, 1778, and was buried in his field, about two miles southwest from this, in the 62d year of his age. She was formerly widow of Lieut. Eleazer CARVER.
154. Here lies buried Lieut. Eleazer CARVER, who died May ye 15th, 1755, in ye 31st year of his age. (Stone broken prostrate)
155. Here lies buried Mrs. Bethia, daught. of Lieut Eleazer CARVER, who died October 6th, 1758, in ye 22 year of her age.
156. In memory of Dea. Eleazer CARVER, who dec'd January ye 25th, 1744, in ye 75th year of his age.
157. In memory of Mrs. Experience CARVER, relict to Dea. Eleaz. Carver, who decas'd Jan. ye 16th, 1746, in ye 82d year of her age.
158. In memory of Dr. Eleazer CARVER, who died Mar. 9, 1827, ae. 77.
159. In memory of Mrs. Sarah CARVER, wife of Doct. Eleazer Carver, who died Mar. 16, 1815, ae. 61.
160. Lucinda CARVER, born Nov. 3, 1789, died April 29, 1867.
161. Maria Snell, daught. of Nathaniel and Joanna H. WASHBURN, June 11, 1825, ae. 1 year.
~ Cease, cease fond parents, cease your tears, ~
Allay your griefs and anxious fears; ~
That infant wrested from your arms, ~
Shall never lose its former charms. ~ -
162. In memory of Nathaniel WASHBURN, died Nov. 18, 1829, ae. 32.
163. In memory of widow Experience WASHBURN, who died May 27, 1816, ae. 83.
164. In memory of Mr. Daniel WASHBURN, who died Feb. 14, 1801, in his 71st year.
~ Life is the time to serve the Lord, ~
The time t'insure the great reward; ~
And whle the lamp holds out to burn, ~
The vilest sinner may return. ~ -
165. Here lies Mr. Cornelius WASHBURN; he died Feb. 17th, 1779, in his 77th year.
~ Great God, is this our certain doom, ~
And are we still secure; ~
Still walking downwards to our tomb, ~
And yet prepare no more. ~ -
166. Here lies Mrs. Experience, wife of Mr. Cornelius WASHBURN; she died April 1, 1786, in her 80th year.
~ Grant us the power of quickening grace, ~
To fit our souls to fly; ~
Then, when we drop this dying flesh, ~
W'll rise above the sky. ~ -
167. Here lies Ebenezer, son of Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Experience WASHBURN; he died Oc. 14, 1747, in his 15th year.
168. Here lies Cornelius, son of Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Experience WASHBURN; he died Sept. 22, 1747, in his 9 year.
169. Here lies Nathan, son of Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Exeperience WASHBURN; he died Sept. 25, 1747, in his 19th year.
170. In memory of Mr. Oliver LEONARD, who died Nov. 18, 1812, aged 35 years.
171. In memory of Mr. Simeon LEONARD, who died Spet. 20, 1793, in ye 56th year of his age.
172. Mrs. Anna LEONARD, wife of Mr. Simeon Leonard, died Nov. 5, 1810, ae. 72.
~ My living friends, when this you see, ~
Stop here and think, Oh think of me; ~
All earthly things I left behind, ~
The joys of heaven in hopes to find. ~ -
173. Seth, son of Mr. Simeon and Mrs. Anna LEONARD, died Jan. 20th, 1777, aged 1 year, 5 months and 14 days.
174. Cyrus, son of Mr. Simeon and Mrs. Anna LEONARD, died Nov. 23, 1772, aged 3 months and 5 days.
175. Stillman, son of Mr. Simeon and Mrs. Anna LEONARD, died Jan. 9th, 1784, aged 8 months and 7 days.
176. Here lies buried Deac. Solomon PRATT, who died July ye 26th, 1757, in ye 61st year of his age.
177. In memory of Mrs. Mary WASHBURN, ye wie of Mr. James Washburn, who died Decem. ye 18th, 1747, in ye 78th year of her age.
178. In memory of Mr. James WASHBURN, who died June ye 11th, 1749, in ye 78th year of his age.
Memento Mori.
179. In memory of William CARY, son of Mr. Jonathan Cary and Mrs. Louisa, his wife; died Nov. ye 26th, A.D. 1775, in ye 14th year of his age.
180. In memory of Jonathan CARY Jun., son of Mr. Jonathan Cary and Mrs. Louisa, his wife, died October ye 12th, A.D. 1775, in ye 21st year of his age.
181. In memory of Mrs. Louisa CARY, wife of Mr. Jonathan Cary, died April ye 3d, A.D. 1769, in ye 36th year of her age.
182. Here lies buried Mr. Jonathan CARY, who dec'd Sept ye 3d, 1766, in ye 31 year of his age.
183. Abiezer CARVER, son of Mr. Joseph Carver, died August 31st, 1755, in ye 21st year of his age.
~ Here my cold corps are now reposed, ~
In darkness fast mine eyes are closed; ~
In youth I did resign my breath, ~
and walked the gloomy shades of death; ~
May every youth with serious eye, ~
Come view the place where you must lie. ~ -
184. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Mary CARVER, wife of Mr. Nath. Carver, who dec'd April ye 26th, 1735, in ye 42 year of her age.
185. Here lies ye body of John CARVER, son to Mr. Nath. Carver, who dec'd Sept. ye 8th, 1732, aged 4 years and 4 months.
186. Erected to the memory of Mary Perkins, wife of Caleb CARY, who died Feb. 12, 1840, age 87 years.
187. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Caleb CARY, who died May ye 13th, 1783, in the 36th year of his age.
~ Death is a debt to nature due, ~
which I have paid, and so must you. ~ -
188. In memory of Mrs. Betty, ye wife of Mr. Eleazer CARY, who died Janua. ye 31st, 1749, in ye 26th year of her age.
189. Beneath are deposited the remains of Mr. Eleazer CARY, who departed this life June 23, 1806, in his 83d year.
190. Erected in memory of Mr. Caleb CARY, who died March 22, 1816, ae. 33. Sober, exemplay, friendly and benevolent, he was prepared, both to profit and to please his fellowmen, and had the pleasing prospect of enjoying many days of peace and prosperity, But ah! how uncertain are the most flattering hopes. Cut down in the morning of life, he has left a parent to mourn the loss of a beloved son, and his country a true friend and valuable citizen.
191. Erected to the memory of Miss Sally CARY, who died October 29, 1838, aged 9 yrs.
192. Charles GILBERT, son of Mr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Betsey Gilbert, died Nov. 2, 1816, ae 9.
~ Here lies the fairest bud of hope ~
That e're to fondest hope was given; ~
If thou would know its proper state, ~
Repent, and seek the flower in heaven. ~ -
193. Erected to the memory of Marshal B., son of Nathaniel and Betsey GILBERT, who died June 14, 1834, in the 19 year of his age.
194. In memory of Freelove, daughter of Mr. Samuel WHITMAN and Mrs. Susanna, his wife, who died May 27th, 1787, in ye 15th year of her age. (Drowned in Town river).
~ Beneath is laid a blooming maid, ~
Who ended life's sad day; ~
Drowned in streams that quench life's flame, ~
And draw'd her breath away. ~ -
195. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Samuel WHITMAN, who died Aug. ye 26th, 1778, in the 36th year of her age. (Her husband lost at sea.)
196. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Ellanor, widow of Mr. Zechariah WHITMAN, who died Nov. ye 10th, 1777, in the 66th year of her age.
197. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Zechariah WHITMAN, who died Nov. ye 13th, 1773, in the 69th year of his age.
~ Great God I own they sentence just, ~
And yield my body to the dust. ~ -
198. In memory of Mrs. Abigail WHITMAN, wife of Mr. Zechariah Whitman, departed this life Nov. 16, 1826, in the 82 year of her age.
~ Her price was above rubies. ~ -
199, In memory of Mr. Zechariah WHITMAN, departed this life April 18, 1819, in the 82 year of his age.
~ An honest man's the noblest work of God. ~ -
200. Memento Mori. In memory of Cyrus, son of Mr. Zechariah WHITMAN and Mrs. Abigail, his wife, who died April the 5, 1776, in the 3d year of his age.
~ What shall we say when deaht is seen? ~
God takes away but what he lent, ~
Cyrus must die; God gives the call; ~
In early life by death must fall ~
The blooming rose which bid so fair, ~
From parents gone, and is no more. ~ -
201. In memory of Edmund HOBART, who deceas, Jan. ye 11th, 1744, in ye 31st year of his age.
202. In memory of Deac, Thomas HAYWARD, who dec'd March ye 23d, 1741, in ye 67th year of his age.
203. In memory of Miss Bethia HAYWARD, died May 19th, 1827, in her 70th year. (Dau. of Seth Hayward).
~ My time is spent, my days are past, ~
Eternity must count the rest; ~
My glass in out, my race is run, ~
The holy will of God is done. ~ -
204. In memory of Mr. Azariah HAYWARD; he died Jan. 30th, 1802, in his 53d year.
In memory of Mrs. Azariah HAYWARD; she died Jan. 24th, 1802, in her 56th year.
205. In memory of Lieut. Barzillia HAYWARD; he died Nov. 13th, 1801, in his 24th year. Also in memory of Mrs. Malleson HAYWARD; she died Nov. 16th, 1801, in her 26th year.
206. In memory Maleson, daug. of Mr. Seth HAYWARD, and Mrs. Tabitha, his wife, who died Aug. ye 12th, 1775, in ye 14th year of her age.
207. Memento Mori. In memory Mrs. Lydia, daug. of Mr. Seth HAYWARD and Mrs. Tabitha, his wife, who died Aug ye 29th, 1779, in ye 25th year of her age.
~ Reader stand still, and spend a tear, ~
Think on the dust thta slumber here, ~
And when you read the state of me, ~
Think on the glass that runs for thee. ~ -
208. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Seth HAYWARD, who died Sept. ye 11th, 1778, in the 57th year of his age.
~ My time is spent, my days are past, ~
Eternity must count the rest; ~
My glass is out, my race is run, ~
The holy will of God is done. ~ -
209. In memory of Mrs. Tabitha HAYWARD, wife of Mr. Seth Hayward, who died March 15, 1789, in the 64th year of her age.
~ My friends draw near and drop a tear, ~
In this dark grave I lie; ~
Ah! think of me when this you see, ~
And be perpared to die. ~ -
210. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Joseph LEONARD, who died March the 29th, A.D. 1776, in the 75th year of her age.
~ The voice said: Cry all flesh is grass. Isaiah, 40th.
In memory of Mr. Joseph LEONARD, who died April the 28th, A.D. 1786, in the 90th year of his age. -
212. Capt. Joseph ALDEN, died Dec. 21, 1852, aged 75 years.
213. Amelia, dau. of Joseph and Polly ALDEN, born July 11, 1806, died Aug 16, 1848.
214. Polly H., wife of Capt. Joseph ALDEN, died July 31, 1842, ae. 69.
215. Thomas ALDEN Jr., son of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Matilda Alden, March 7, 1817, ae. 9 months.
~ So fades the lovely blooming flower. ~ -
216. In memory of Capt. Joseph ALDEN, who died April 8th, 1803, in his 56 year.
217. In memory of Mrs. Bethiah, widow of Capt. Joseph ALDEN, died May 19, 1821, in her 66 year.
218. In memory of Miss Eunice ALDEN, died March 14, 1830, age 42 years.
219. Nathaniel CONANT, 1732.
220. Silence, wife of Nathaniel CONANT, died Sept. 5, 1830, ae. 85.
221. In memory of Mr. Nathaniel CONANT, he died 28 Jan. 1812, in his 69 year.
222. Nathaniel CONANT, 1745.
223. In memory of Mrs. Joanna TINKHAM, who dec'd March ye 6th, 1763, in ye 52d year of her age.
224. Richard DAVENPORT, 1785.
225. Elijah STORRS, son of Newell and Susan WITHINGTON, born Jan. 14, 1817, died Sept. 16, 1745.
226. Here lies ye body of Mary TOMSON, daug. to Shubael and Susanna Tomson, who dec'd June ye 23, 1734, in yhe 15th year of her age.
227. Peggy, ye daught of Mr. Tho. Tomson and Jean, his wife, died Oct. 15, 1750, aged 15 days. (This stone is in the line between Sections A and B.)
228. In memory of Mrs. Hannah ORCUTT, relict to Mr. William Orcutt, who died October 7th, 1751, in ye 72 year of her age.
229. Here lies the body of Mr. William ORCUTT, who died April 10, 1739, in the 75th year of his age.
230. In memory of Mr. Moses ORCUTT and his daught. Hannah; he died Oct. ye 22d; she ye 23d, 1748. He being in ye 35th year of his age; she in her 7th.
231. In memory of Experience ALDEN, wife of Mr. Oliver Alden, who died Oct. 21, 1818, ae. 75 yrs. and 2 days.
232. In memory of Mr. Oliver ALDEN, died Sept. 29, 1825, in his 86 year.
233. In memory of Cromwell, son of Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Experience ALDEN; he died Oct. ye 31st, 1775, in ye 3d year of his age.
234. In memory of Oliver, son to Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Experience ALDEN; he died Nov. ye 12th, 1775, in ye 7th year of his age.
235. Here lies buried Margaret JOHNSON, ye wife of Major John Johnson, who died Oct. 26, 1757, in ye 47th year of her age.
236. John, son of Major John JOHNSON and Margaret, his wife, died October 17th, 1757, in ye 16th year of his age.
237. Mary, widow of Mr. Seth ALDEN, died Dec. 1, 1811, ae. 63.
~ Hush all our sorrows, all our tears be dry; ~
'Tis Christ that calls submission, we obey; ~
She's gone to bless the mansions in the sky, ~
To sing her Savior's praise in endless day. ~ -
238. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Seth ALDEN, Jun.; he died Aug. ye 29th, 1775, in ye 34th year of his age.
~ My time is spent, my days are past, ~
Eternity must count the rest; ~
My glass is out, my race in run, ~
The holy will of God is done. ~ -
239. In memory of Betsey, dau. to Mr. Seth ALDEN, Jun., and Mrs. Mary, his wife, she died Aug. ye 8th, 1775, in ye 2d year of her age.
240. In memory of Seth, son to Mr. Seth ALDEN and Mrs. Mary, his wife; he died Aug ye 10th, 1775, in ye 7th year of his age.
241. In memory of Mehetable, dau. to Mr. Seth ALDEN, Jun. and Mrs. Mary his wife; who died Aug ye 11, 1775, in ye 5th year of her age.
242. Here lies Mr. James PERKINS, who died April 11th, 1795, in the 76th year of his age.
243. Martin, son of Mr. Solomon and Betsey HAYWARD, died Jan. 8, 1817, ae. 14 mos.
244. Wm. Henry, son of Mr. Solomon HAYWARD, died March 13, 1820, ae. 4 mos.
245. An infant son of Mr. Solomon HAYWARD, died March 4, 1821, ae. 20 days.
246. In memory of Miss Sophia KINSLY, who died Febr. 28, 1800, aged 56 years.
~ My friends, attend God's sudden call, ~
Here is a warning to you all. ~ -
247. In memory of Mrs. Sophia KINSLEY, who died July 5, 1841, ae. 89.
~ Death is a debt to nature due, ~
Which I have paid and so must you. ~ -
248. In memory of Mr. Edward MITCHELL, died Nov. 13, 1824, in his 58 year.
249. In memory of Nathan, son of Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Bethia BASSETT, who died July 10th, 1796, aged 2 years, 8 months and 24 days.
250. Here lies Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Hezekiah HALL, who died Feb. 18, 1800, aged 44.
251. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Betty CONANT, wife of Mr. Lot Conant, who died June ye 19th, A.D. 1778, in ye 52st year of her age.
~ Depart my friends, ~
Wipe off your tears; ~
Here I must lie, ~
Till Christ appears. ~ -
252. The daught. of Shubael LOVELL and Bethia, his wife, born Mar 2, 1821.[born??]
253. Levi HOOPER, son of Mr. Levi Hooper, of Walpole, died July 16th, 1790, in his 10th year.
~ How strange my God who reigns on high, ~
That I should come so far to die; ~
And leave my friends where I was bread, ~
To lay my bones with strangers' dead. ~
But hark! ~
Methinks I hear a voice to say, ~
Make haste, my son, and come away; ~
Don't hissitate upon God's decree, ~
To us known which was to be. ~ -
254. In memory of Mr. James HOOPER, who died June 30th, 1784, in the 77th year of his age.
255. In memory of Mrs. Mary, ye wife of James HOOPER, who died Dec. 28, 1757, in the 42d year of her age.
256. In memory of a son of Mr. James HOOPER and Susanna, his wife, who was born and died March 10th, 1781.
257. Here lies James, son of Mr. James and Mrs. Susanna HOOPER; he died March 27th, 1789, aged 10 months.
258. Here lies Eunice, daughter of Mr. James and Mrs. Susanna HOOPER, who died June 29th, 1795, in her 17th year.
259. Parnel, daught. of Lt. James HOOPER, died Sept. 27, 1825, ae. 39.
260. In memory of Lt. James HOOPER, died Oct. 31, 1828, ae. 82.
~ My living friends, when this you see ~
Stop here and think, O think of me; ~
All earthly things I leave behind, ~
The joys of heaven in hopes to find.
(Stone broken and prostrate). -
261. Susanna, wife of James HOOPER, died Mar. 9, 1833, ae. 83.
~ Farewell my earthly friends below;
Tho' all so kind and dear to me,
My Jesus calls and I must go. ~ -
262. Moses, ye son of Mr. Moses ORCUT, died June ye 7th, 1740, aged 7 years.
263. In memory of Lucy A. SPRAGUE, wife of Benjamin Sprague, who died Sept. 20th, 1827, aged 35.
~ She is not here, ~
She is risen." ~ -
264. Mrs. Priscilla SPRAGUE, died Jan. 20, 1820, ae. 53, wife of Benjamin Sprague, who died from home Jan. 15, 1806, ae. 39.
~ Sad sickness, undermining slow, ~
And death, hard unrelenting foe! ~
From our fond hopes did cruel rend ~
The tenderest mother and the sweetest friend.
Ah! fled forever from my view; ~
Thou mother of my soul, adieu; ~
Our hope is now to meet above, ~
Where pain shall cease and all is love. ~ -
265. Hannah HOLDEN, daug. to Doct. William and Mrs. Hannah Holden; she died March ye 14th, 1738, aged 3 years, 3 months and 4 days.
266. Here lies buried Mr. Jonathan BUTTERFIELD, who died March 19, 1769, in ye 75th year of his age.
~ ~ While yet alive his virtues shin'd; ~
A gen'rous heart, a pious mind; ~
His soul, we trust, is now above, ~
Where all is peace, where all is love. ~ -
267. In memory of Mrs. Rachel, wief of Mr. Jonathan BUTTERFIELD, who died May 22, 1779, in ye 82d year of her age.
268. Susan H., daught. of Zephaniah and Azubah CASWELL, died Dec. 16, 1829, ae. 15 yrs.
269. Zephaniah CASWELL Jr., who died Sept 16, 1834, aged 30 years.
270. In memory of Maria Antoinette, wife of Winslow CASWELL, died March 14, 1837, aged 22 years.
271. In memory of Winslow CASWELL, died April 26, 1837, aged 28 years.
272. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Elijah STORRS, who died March 23, 1839, ae. 89.
273. No inscription.
274. In memory of Charles, son of Newell and Susanna WITHINGTON, who died Nov. 24, 1830, in the 9th year of his age.
275. In memory of Patty STORRS, daugh. of Mr. Elijah Stors and Mrs. Susanna, his wife; she died March 31, 1796, in her 11th year.
276. In memory of Polly STORRS, daugh. of Mr. Elijah Storrs and Mrs. Susanna, his wife; she died April 10, 1796, in her 6 year.
In memory of Elijah, ye only son of Mr. Elijah STORRS and Mrs. Susanna, his wife; he died April 9, 1796, in his 4 year.
277. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Elijah STORRS, who died Oct. 27, 1813, ae. 58.
278. Zilpha, wife of Noah WHITMAN, who died Oct. 18, 1832, ae. 75.
279. In memory of Noah WHITMAN, who died 24 May, 1823, ae. 79.
280. In memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Noah WHITMAN, who died April 13, 1778, in the 25th year of her age.
281. Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Nathan HAYWARD, died Nov. 23, 1811, in her 83d year.
282. Here lies buried Mr. Nathaniel HAYWARD, who died February 23d, 1755, in ye 65th year of his age.
283. Miss Dorcas HAYWARD, ye daughter of Mr. Nath. Hayward and Mary, his wife, ws born January 30th, 1727, died June 12th, 1756.
284. Mr. Isaac SWIFT, died 22 Nov. 1811, in his 92 year.
285. Here lies Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Isaac SWIFT; she died May 23, 1796, in her 81st year.
~ Why do we mourn departing friends, ~
Or shake at death's alarms; ~
'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, ~
To carry them in his arms. ~ -
286. In memory of Mr. Solomon AMES, who deceas'd July ye 14th, 1745, in ye 37th year of his age. Memento Mori. (Stone broken and prostrate).
287. In memory of Mr. Solomon AMES, who died Feb. 24, 1814, aged 72 years.
~ Though greedy worms devour my skin, ~
And gnaw my wasting flesh; ~
When God shall build my bones again, ~
He'll clothe them all afresh. ~ -
288. Eunice, widow of Mr. Solomon AMES, died Oct. 12, 1833, ae 93.
289. Mrs. Rachel, wife of Mr. William SWIFT, died Ap. 9, 1827, ae. 62.
290. In memory of William SWIFT, who died May 14, 1839, ae. 86.
~ Lo, here I lie in this soft bed of dust,
Waiting the ressurection of the just. ~ -
291. In memory of Daniel, son of Mr. Daniel MITCHELL and Mrs. Eunice, his wife, who died April 16th, 1805, in his 7th year. (Stone broken and prostrate).
292. Freeman W., son of Winslow and Maria A. CASWELL, died April 14, 1837, aged 9 weeks.
293. Sacred to the memory of Miss Hannah CONANT, eighth daughter of Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Hannah Conant, who died Oct. 31, 1791, in ye 15 year of her age.
~ Fair was the flower, and soft the vernal sky; ~
Elate with hope, we deem'd no tempest nigh; ~
When lo! a whirlwind's instantaneous gust, ~
Laid all its beauties withering in the dust. ~ -
295. Lucius, son of Philander and Lavina DEAN, died Dec. 13, 1832, ae. 7 days.
~ He is now secure from evil, and safe in heaven. ~ -
296. George W., son of Sihon and Susanna SWIFT, died April 12, 1825, ae. 6 yrs. 9 mos.
~ Closed is the eye of youthful mirth; ~
A parent's fondest hopes are fled; ~
Scarce done rejoicing at his birth, ~
'Ere we must place him with the dead. ~ -
297. Here likes Howe, son of Mr. Solomon PACKARD; he died March 11th, 1802, in his 22th year.
298. Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah HAYWARD, who died May 14, 1738, in the 47 year of her age.
299. Here lies buried Mr. Josiah HAYWARD, who died February 4, 1764, in ye 76th year of his age.
300. Mary HAYWARD, daugt. of Mr. Josiah HAYWARD, Jun., and Mary, his wife, was born Nov. ye 13th, 1742, deceas'd August ye 29th, 1747.
301. Josiah HAYWARD, son to Mr. Josiah Hayward Jun. and Mary, his wife, was born July 20, 1744, deceas'd October ye 1st, 1745.
302. Hephzibah, daught. of Mr. Josiah HAYWARD Jun., and Mary, his wife, was born April ye 24th, and died Nov. ye 27, 1748.
303. Lemuel HAYWARD, son of Mr. Jos[h] HAYWARD Ju., and Mary, his wife, was born May ye 17th, 1746, deceas'd Sept. ye 3rd, 1747.
304. Adam, ye son of Nathan HAYWARD and Susanna, his wife, born Oct. 11, 1749, died May 7, 1750.
~ Here Adam lies the grave within, ~
For our first father Adam's sin; ~
His spirit gone, we hope and trust, ~
Is now att rest among the just; ~
With Christ to live where angels dwell, ~
Who never sin'd as Adam fell. ~ -
305. Cephas, son of Nathan HAYWARD and Susanna, his wife, born August 10th, 1754, died March 1st, 1756.
306. Here lies buried Sarah HAYWARD, ye daug, of Nathan Hayward and Susanna, his wife, who was born Oct. 24, 1759, died Aug 27, 1760.
307. Here lies buried Eunice, daughter of Nathan HAYWARD and Susanna, his wife, who was born October 25, 1761, died Sept. 23, 1762.
308. Betsey, daught. of Mr. Nathan and Susanna HAYWARD, died Sept. 25, 1775, in her 9 year.
309. Mrs. Abigail, wife of Esq. Beza HAYWARD, died 24 Dec., 1800, in her 46 year.
310. Mr. Nathan HAYWARD, died 29 June, 1794, in his 75 year.
311. John Alden, son of Esq. Beza HAYWARD, died Dec. 1796, in his 9 year.
312. No inscription.
313. In memory of Mrs. Bethia WASHBURN, the wife of Lieut. John Washburn, who died February 21st, 1770, in ye 61st year of her age.
314. In memory of Lieut. John WASHBURN; he died June 3, 1797, in the 86th year of his age.
315. In memory of Thomas WASHBURN, who died Dec. 2d, 1824, aged 86 years.
316. In memory of Sarah WASHBURN, who died April 15, 1836, aged 96 years and 10 mos.
317. In memory of Miss Sylvia MEHURIN, who died Dec. 23, 1841, aged 87 years.
318. Mary, daughter of Mr. Nathan MITCHELL and Ann, his wife, born August 23d, 1760, died October 10, 1768.
319. In memory of Mr. Cary MITCHELL, who died Aug. 4, 1821, ae. 57.
320. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Anne MITCHELL, wife of Hon. Nathan Mitchell, who died Jan. 20, 1819, in the 91st year of her age.
321. Beneath are deposited the remains of the Hon. Nathan MITCHELL, Esq., in whom prudence and economy, benevolence and piety were happily and conspicuously unified; whose open disposition procured him confidence and esteem in private life, while his patriotism, integrity, and strong natural abilities repeatedly advanced him, by the suffrages of a virtuous people, to a seat in government; who is various capacities served his town and country with fidelity and honour; and through life sustained the character of a devout, exemplary christian, an obliging neighbor, a kind husband, and tender parent. He died with small-pox, 2 March, 1789, in the 60th year of his age, beloved and lamented. His widow and children, to record their gratitude and the virtues of the deceased, have erected this monument. (A slate slab, six by three feet, on hammered granite blocks).
322. Here lies buried Mrs. Ruth PACKARD, ye wife of Mr. Edward Packard, who died December 19, 1764, in ye 32d year of her age.
323. In memory of Ruth, dau. to Mr. Gidem and Mrs. Ruth WASHBURN, died July ye 27, 1778, in ye 12th year of her age.
324. Here lies Betty, daughter of Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Lois WASHBURN; she died April 1, 1796, in her 16th year.
325. In memory of Mrs. Naby, wife of Mr. Levi BLOSSOM, who died Feb. 1st, 1800, in her 23 year.
326. In memory of Mrs. Louis WASHBURN, who died Feb. 12, 1825, aged 74 years.
327. In memory of Mr. Cornelius WASHBURN, died July 18, 1830, aged 77 years.
328. In memory of Huldah POPE, daught. of Mr. Thomas Pope and Mrs. Huldah, his wife, who died Feb. 23, 1794, in ye 12th year of her age.
329. In memory of Icabod POPE, son of Mr. Thomas Pope and Mrs. Huldah, his wife, who died Feb. 28, 1794, in ye VII year of his age. (7 yrs old)
330. Mr. Henry HOLMES, died Nov. 3, 1834, aged 41 years.
331. Martha, daught. of Henry and Bethia HOLMES, died Feb. 9, 1822, ae. 3 years and 6 mos. Also, Mary, died Feb. 8, 1832, ae. 10 mos.
332. Washington, son of Mr. Jirah SWIFT and Mrs. Lucy, his wife, died May 4, 1787, aged 8 weeks.
333. Jirah SWIFT, 1828.
334. In memory of Mrs. Penelope, ye wife of Mr. John TRASK, who died Oct. 20, 1751, in ye 46th year of her age.
335. Erected in memory of Mrs. Betsey MITCHELL, who died Jan. 22, 1834, aged 40 years.
336. In memory of Betsey, wife of William MITCHELL; she died March 21, 1845, aged 75 years.
337. In memory of William MITCHELL, who died March 8, 1852, aged 91 years.
338. Erected in memory of Major Thomas MITCHELL, who died April 1, 1776, in ye 50 year of his age.
339. In memory of Keziah, consort of Major Thomas MITCHELL; she died Feb. 25, 1815, ae. 79.
340. Here lies the body of Mrs. Olive, wife of Samuel SHAW, Esq., she died Oct. 2, 1837, in the faith of the gospel, aged 82 years.
~ It is down a natural body;
It is raised a spiritual body. ~ -
341. Here lies the body of Samuel SHAW, Esq.; he departed this life Dec. 12, 1819, aged 76, in hope of a happy immortality.
~ Blessed ar the dead who die in the Lord. ~ -
342. Leonard SHAW, the son of Doct. Samuel and Mrs. Olive Shaw, died with the small-pox in the year 1788; eleven months old.
~ He was a promising child. ~ -
343. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah W., wife of Capt. Joseph AMES, who died Oct. 31, 1854, ae. 72 years.
~ Beyond this vale of tears ~
There is a life above; ~
Unnumbered by the flight of years, ~
And all that life is love. ~ -
344. This stone is erected in remembrance of Capt. Joseph AMES, who died suddently Sept. 9, A.D. 1813, aged 85. He was esteemed by all who knew, and most by those who knew him best.
~ Heaven gives us friends to bless the present state, ~
Resumes them to prepare us for the next; ~
Lean not on earth; 'twill pierce thee to the heart, ~
A broken reed at best, but oft a spear, ~
On its sharp point, peace bleeds, and hope expires. ~ -
345. Edward Foster, the adopted son of Mr. Timothy HAYWARD, died Dec 27, 1818, ae. 6 yrs.
346. Mary M., dtr. of Timothy and Mary HAYWARD, died April 1, 1821, ae. 6 weeks.
347. Hannah, daught. of Mr. Timothy HAYWARD; she died Sept 9th, 1807, ae. 5 days.
348. In memory of Mr. Timothy HAYWARD; he died Oct. ye 17th, 1788, in ye 57th year of his age.
349. In memory of Mrs. Huldah, wife of Mr. Timothy HAYWARD, who died Sept. 18th, 1807, in her 33d year.
350. In memory of Mr. Barnabas PACKARD, who died Nov. 7th, 1795, in his 26th year.
351. Daniel HUDSON, died January 31, 1731, aged 80 years.
352. In memory of Lieut. Daniel HUDSON, wo died Feb. 7, 1750, in 74th year of his age.
~ Down to the dead must all descend; ~
The saints of God must die; ~
Good angels guard thy soul to rest, ~
With Christ to reign on high. ~ -
252. Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary HUDSON, who died June 28, 1738, in the 63d year of her age.
354. Here lies buried Mrs. Sarah PRATT, ye wife of Mr. Banj. Pratt, who died December 20, 1767, in ye 71st year of her age.
355, Here lies buried Mr. Benjamin PRATT, who died July 5, 1762, in ye 69th year of his age.
356. Here lies buried Miss Susanna PRATT, ye daughter of Mr. Benj. Pratt, who died Dec. 17th, 1761, in ye 23d year of her age.
357. Here lies Mrs. Ann, wife of Mr. Gershom CONANT, died Oc. 8th, 1791, in her 82d year.
358. Here lies Mr. Gershom CONANT, died March 14th, 1792, in his 78 year.
359. Here lies Jennet, daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Betsey MITCHELL; she died Sep. 19, 1800, aged 5 months.
360. Here lies Jane, daug. of Mr. William MITCHELL; she died April 29th, 1802, in her 4th month.
361. Here lies William Jun, son of Mr. William MITCHELL; he died July 3, 1802, in his 7th year.
362. Here lies William, son of Mr. William and Mrs. Betsey MITCHELL; he died July 9, 1805, ae. 6 months.
363. Caroline, daught. of Mr. William and Betsey MITCHELL, died Jan. 24, 1808, aged 11 months.
364. Ansel LEONARD, 1823.
365. Here lies Deborah, daughter of Mr. Samuel and mrs. Deborah LEONARD, she died Dec. 25, 1795.
366. Sarah, daught. of Mr. Spencer and Mary LEONARD, died Feb. 21, 1822, ae. 15 mos.
~ Here lies the fairest bud of hope ~
That e're to fondest hope was given; ~
If thou would'st know its perfect state, ~
Repent, and seek the flower in heaven. ~ -
367. In memory of John BACON, died April 6, 1820, ae. 62.
~ Why do we mourn departed friends, ~
Or shake at death's alarms; ~
'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, ~
To call them to his arms. ~ -
368. Priscilla, wife of John BACON, died Dec 13, 1812, ae. 47.
369. M. A., 1723
370. Wate Miller, daughter of Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Wate HOLMES, died July 17, 1830, ae. 2 years, 3 mos. and 11 days.
~ We trust she's found the peacful shore, ~
O happy babe, she'll died no more. ~ -
371. William HOLMES, died July 18, 1836, aged 40 years.
372. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Cornelius HOLMES and Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife, died June 29, 1787, aged 3 months and 23 days.
373. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Dea. Cornelius HOLMES, who died June 28, 1836, aged 80 years.
374. Dea. Cornelius HOLMES, died Oct. 17, 1847, aged 92 yrs., 10 mos. and 14 days.
375. Here lies buried Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Ebenezer HINDS, and daughter of Mr. John KEITH, who died April 5th, 1750, in ye 23d year of her age, having been the mother of four children, and died in the faith of a glorious resurrection.
376. Here lies Mr. Phineas CONANT; he died May 15, 1798, in the 72d year of his age.
377. In memory of Mrs. Joanna, wife of Phineas CONANT, she died Jan 5th, 1804, in her 77th year.
378. Here lies Jane, daughter of Mr. Peter and Mrs. Jane CONANT, who died May 4th, 1796, in her 8th year.
~ My days are short, my glass is run, ~
And I am gone to my long home. ~ -
379. Memento Mori. In memory of Jacob, son of Mr. Phineas and Mrs. Joanna CONANT, who died Oct. ye 14th, 1778, in the 11th year of his age.
~ Reader stand still and spend a tear, ~
Think on the dust that slumbers here; ~
And when you read the state of me, ~
Think on the glass the runs for thee. ~ -
380. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Martha, daut. of Mr. Phineas and Mrs. Joanna CONANT, who died Aug. ye 22d, 1778, in the 22d year of her age.
~ Behold my grave as you pass by; ~
For as you are, so once was I; ~
Death suddently took hold on me, ~
And so the case with you may be. ~ -
381. Memento Mori. In memory of mr. Lot CONANT, who died June ye 6th, 1774, in the 85th year of his age.
382. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Lot CONANT, who died Spet ye 26th, 1773, in the 82d year of her age.
383. Mrs. Rhoda, wife of Mr. Calvin WASHBURN, died Sept. 8, 1807.
384. In memory of Mr. Calvin WASHBURN, who died Dec. 18, 1818, ae 73.
385. In memory of Samuel HARDEN, died Jan. 30, 1823, ae. 56.
~ Affliction sore long time I bore; ~
Physicians were in vain, ~
Till God was pleased to give me ease, ~
And free me from my pain. ~ -
386. In memory of Silence HARDEN, wife of Samuel Harden, who died Nov. 30, 1816, ae. 46.
~ That once loved form, now cold and dead, ~
Each mournful thought employs; ~
And nature weeps, her comforts fled, ~
And withered all her joys. ~ -
387. Mary Jane, daught. of Carver and Jane M. WASHBURN, died Aug. 6, 1837, ae. 13 mos.
388. In memory of Mr. Benjamin H. KEITH, died May 1 ,1829, in his 34 year.
389. In memory of Mrs. Lucia, wife of Mr. Benjamin H. KEITH, died August 25, 1827, aged 34 years.
390. Here lies buried Mr. Joseph PRATT, who died January 13, 1765, in ye 100 year of his age.
391. Here lies buried Mrs. Anna PRATT, relict to Joseph Pratt, who died March 21st, 1766, in ye 92d year of her age.
392. Memento Mori. In memory of Hannah, daug. of Deac. Seth PRATT, and Mrs. Hannah, his wife, who died July 25, 1778, in the 13th year of age.
393. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Nehemiah, son of Deac. Seth PRATT and Mrs. Hannah, his wife, who died Aug. ye 3d, 1778, in the 21st year of is age.
394. Memento Mori. In memory of Miss Sarah, daug. of Deac. Seth PRATT and Mrs. Hannah, his wife, who died Aug. 12th, 1778, in the 16th year of her age.
~ What to' concealed from moratl eyes, ~
Deep in the dust thy body lies; ~
Death's fatal arrow pierece thy brest, ~
And sent thee ot the grave for rest. ~
How blest the happy souls above, ~
Where all is peace and all is love. ~ -
395. In memory of Nehemiah PRATT, son of Dea. Seth Pratt and Hanah, his wife, he died Feb. ye 18th, 1784, in the 4th year of his age.
396. Here lies Deacon Seth PRATT; he died Dec. 22d, 1795, in the 66 year of his age.
~ Help Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; ~
for the faithful fail from among the children of men. ~ -
397. Hannah, widow of Dea. Seth PRATT, died Aug. 26, 1824, ae. 90.
~ Her mind was tranquil and serene; ~
No terrors in her looks were seen; ~
Her Savior's smile dispelled the gloom, ~
And smoothed her passage to the tomb. ~ -
398. In memory of Capt. Asa PRATT, who died Dec. 15, 1831, ae. 56.
399. In memory of Lydia, relict of Capt. Asa PRATT, who died June 18, 1848, ae. 71.
400. Here lies buried Mrs. Deborah FIELD, ye wife of Mr. John Field, who died November 10th, 1757, in ye 60 year of her age.
401. In memory of Enoch, son of Lieut. Nathaniel PRATT and Mrs. Betty, his wife, who died July ye 19th, A.D. 1788, aged 1 year and 10 months.
~ Farewell fair lamb, ~
And oh, be hushed my sighs. ~ -
402. In memory of a daughter of Lieut. Nathaniel PRATT and Mrs. Betty, his wife, who died April ye 8th, A.D. 1785, aged 4 days.
403. In memory of Martha, widow of Cornelius PRATT; she died Jan. 10, 1845, in her 86 year.
404. In memory of Lieut. Cornelius PRATT; he died Sept. 21, 1822, in his 75th year.
405. In memory of Betsey, daug. of Lieut. Cornelius PRATT and Mrs. Martha, his wife, she died Dec. 26th, 1794, aged 1 year and 6 months.
406. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth PRATT, widow of Mr. Jonathan Pratt; he(she?) died Dec. 21, 1794, aged 74 years.
407. In memory of Jonathan PRATT, who died March ye 13th, 1775, in ye 55th year of his age.
~ All young and old that come this way, ~
Remember this, your house of clay; ~
Acknowledge nature to be just, ~
When you are summoned to the dust. ~ -
408. Here lies buried Miss Hannah PRATT, who died Sept. 26th, 1764, in ye 42d year of her age.
409. In memory of Seth, son of Mr. Barnabas BLOSSOM and Mrs. Sarah, his wife; he died Sept. ye 17th, A.D. 1782, in his 17th month.
~ 'Tis God that lifts our comforts high, ~
Or sinks them to the grave; ~
He gives, and blessed be his name, ~
He takes but waht he gave. ~ -
~ The voice said: Cry all flesh is grass. Isaiah, 40th.
In memory of Mr. Job PRATT, wo died Nov. ye 6th, A.D. 1786, in the 57th year of his age.
~ My friends draw near and drop a tear, ~
In this dark grave I lie, ~
Ah! Think of me when this you see, ~
And be prepared to die. ~ -
411. In memory of Mrs. Lydia HOWE, wife of Mr. Azor Howe who died July ye 22 A.D. 1790, in ye 23 year of his age.
~ My time is spent, my days are past, ~
Eternity must count the rest; ~
My glass is out, my race is run, ~
The holy will of God is done. ~ -
412. Caroline L., daughter of Ira and Lucy CONANT, died Sept 12, 1835, aged 3 years, 9 months and 24 days.
~ So fades the lovely blooming flower,
Frail, smiling solace of an hour;
So soon our transient comforts fly,
And pleasure only blooms to die. ~ -
413. In memory of mr. Dand CONANT, who died Decem. 25, 1792, in ye 31st year of his age.
~ Father, I give my spirit up, ~
And trust it in they hand; ~
Christ's Church on earth I leave in love, ~
To join the heavenly church above. ~ -
414. In memory of Phineas CONANT, born Jan. 23, 1759, died Jan. 23, 1838, ae. 79.
415. Here lies buried Rebeckah CAMPBELL, the wife of Mr. Ebenezer Campbell, who died September 4th, 1763, in ye 69th year of her age.
(Admitted to church in Bridgewater, 1732, from Taunton, and was first wife of Ebenezer Campbell - a connection of Rev. Othniel Campbell, a native of Bridgewater; graduate Harvard University 1728; ordained in Carver 1734; and died 1778.
416. Lewis PHILLIPS, 1827. (Stone broken and prostrate).
417. In memory of Capt. Simeon WOOD, who died Aug. 19th, 1802, in his 62d year. (Father of late Rufus Wood, of Boston, a musician, and author of "If ye a Highland Laddie Meet," and other pieces.
~ Death is a debt to nature due, ~
Which I have paid and so must you. ~ -
418. Here lies buried Mrs. Sarah, wife of Capt. Simeon WOOD; she died Oc. 8th, 1770, in her 31 year.
419. Here lies buried Mrs. Mary, wife of Capt. Simeon WOOD, formerly wife of Mr. Isaac KEITH; she died May 10, 1777, in her 32 year.
420. Here lies 2 twins of Capt. Simeon WOOD, they died Oct. 3, and 1, 1770, 1 ae. 2 days, 1 still born.
421. Winslow, son of Mr. Rufus WOOD; he died March 15, 1808, in his 2d year.
~ He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down. ~ -
422. Here lies buried Mr. Joseph SAMSON, son of Mr. William Samson and Joanna, his wife, who died April 10th, 1758, in ye 22 year of his age.
423. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Simeon and Keziah MITCHELL, died Feb. 12, 1830, ae 1 year and 10 ms.
424. In memory of Polly, daug. of Mr. Peter and Mrs. Alice DUNBAR, and wife of Mr. Marlborough CONANT; she died Oct. 5, 1796, in her 22d year.
425. Alice A., wife of Peter DUNBAR, born June 7, 1755, died Feb. 25, 1825, ae. 69.
426. Peter DUNBAR, born June 9, 1750, died Sept. 1, 1836, ae. 86.
427. Dea. Ephraim ORCUTT, 1831 (aged 87)
428. In memory of Mr. Benjamin WASHBURN, died Aug. 25, 1740, aged 42 years. Also Mrs. Martha, widow of Mr. Benjamin Washburn, died Feb. 15, 1793, aged 96.
429. In memory of Mrs. Desire, wife of Mr. Benjamin WASHBURN, who died Nov. 15th, 1800, in her 58th year.
430. Here lies Mr. Benjamin WASHBURN, who died Jan. 5, 1796, in his 61st year.
~ Death is a debt to nature due, ~
Which I have paid and so must you. ~ -
431. Capt. Sears WASHBURN, born May 19, 1777, died May 14, 1863.
~ "What man is he that liveth ~
And shall not se death." ~ -
432. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Mr. Oliver WASHBURN; she died Feb. 21st, 1803, in her 41st year.
433. In memory of Mr. Oliver WASHBURN, who died Aug. 1, 1818, ae. 55.
~ Our life is ever on the wing, ~
And death is ever nigh; ~
The moment when our lives begin, ~
We all begin to die. ~ -
434. Mary, wife of Oliver WASHBURN, died Aug 22, 1864, aged 85 years and 5 months.
~ Dearest mother, thou has left us, ~
And our loss we deeply feel; ~
It is God that hath bereft us, ~
He will all our sorrows heal. ~ -
435. In memory of Miss Marth WASHBURN, who died Sept. 29, 1837, aged 27 years.
~ 'Tis God that lifts our comforts high, ~
And sinks them in the grave; ~
He gives, and blessed is his name, ~
He takes but what he gives. ~ -
436. Here lies Sally, daughter of Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Hannah POPE, who died Feb. 5th, 1795, in her 10th year.
437. In memory of Mr. Nathan HARDEN; he died Nov. 9th, 1800, in his 52d year.
438. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Mr. Jonathan LEONARD; she died Aug. 31st, 1804, in her 74 year.
439. In memory of Mr. Jonathan LEONARD; he died Dec. 3d, 1813, in his 80th year. (Father of Jonathan - graduate of H.U. - David and Benjamin. All three died January, 1849, over 80 years of age.
440. Here lyes ye body of Keziah BENNET, who decea'd April ye 19th, 1745, in ye 20th year of her age.
441. In memory of Mr. Israel KEITH, who died May 23d, 1748, in ye 30 year of his age.
442. In memory of Mrs. Hannah, ye wife of Ens. Joh KEITH, who died March 4, 1766, in the 77th year of her age.
443. In memory of Ens. John KEITH, who died June 11th, 1761, in the 73d year of his age. (Son of Rev. James Keith)
444. In memory of Mr. Jacob LAZELL, who died July 25, 1751, in ye 23d year of his age.
445. Salmon WASHBURN, born Dec. 7, 1758, died July 3, 1829 (Son of Black Josiah. In St. Clair's defeat, Nov. 4, 1791, his dark complexion saved his life.)
446. Deborah WASHBURN, born Dec. 7, 1805, died July 31, 1825.
447. Lucy WASHBURN, born June 23, 1801, died June 30, 1825.
448. Lewis, son of Mr. Salmon and Mrs. Hannah WASHBURN; he died July 23, 1800, in his 3 year.
~ The power of medicine cannot save ~
This destined victim from the grave. ~ -
449. In memory of Benjamin, son of Mr. Benj. ORCUTT and Sarah, his wife, who was born Sept. 1, 1774, died Aug. 21st, 1775.
450. In memory of Mr. Joseph ORCUTT, who died March ye 25th, 1784, in ye 54th year of his age.
~ Great God, I own they sentence just, ~
And feeble nature must decay; ~
I yield my body to the dust, ~
To mingle with my fellow clay. ~ -
451. In memory of Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Joseph ORCUTT; she died Dec. 5, 1805, ae. 73.
452. In memory of the Widow Deliverance PACKARD, wife of Capt. Abiel Packard, formerly wife of Capt. Joseph WASHBURN; she died Dec. 5th, 1790, aged 83.
~ This friend of Christ shall wake and rise; ~
Shall mount triumphant to the skies; ~
When bright the love, the grace divine, ~
This mortal shall in glory shine. ~ -
453. In memory of Capt. Joseph WASHBURN, who dec'd Decem. ye 12th, 1766, in ye 62d year of his age. (Owner of furnace on South Brook, and was father of Sylvanus Washburn, who, in 1760, fell from the belfrey, upon the east roof of the meeting house in the South Precinct, slid down the roof, feet foremost, and struck upon boards set slant-ways against the house. Not much injured, except breaking a thigh bone, and fully recovered.)
454. Here lies Ezra E.W., son of Mr. Jeremiah WASHBURN Jun, he died Oct 5, 1804, ae. 3 years.
He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down. ~ -
455. Mr. Jeremiah WASHBURN, died 5 April 1810, in his 72 year.
456. Kezia, wife of Jeremiah WASHBURN, died Nov. 6, 1826, ae. 81.
457. In memory of Abigail MITCHELL, who died June 4, 1839, ae. 84.
458. In memory of Mr. William HUDSON, who died Decem. 6, 1796, in his 88 year. (Lived near Elbridge Keith's.)
459. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Sarah HUDSON, wife of Mr. William Hudson, who died Aug. ye 10th, 1789, aged 77 years, 6 months and 6 days.
~ Old age with all its dismal train, ~
Invades your golden years; ~
With sighs and groans, and raging pains, ~
And death that never spares. ~ -
460. In memory of Ruth, daught. of mr. Eliab WASHBURN and Mrs. Anne, his wife; she died August ye 8th, 1765, in her 15th month.
461. Erected in memory of Marshal, son of Mr. Eliab WASHBURN and Mrs. Anne, his wife, was born March ye 15th, 1763, and died with the small-pox April ye 12th, 1778, in ye 16th year of his age.
463. Josiah MEHURIN, 1811.
464. Jonathan, son of Mr. Isaac KEITH and Mrs. Abigail, his wife, died Sept. ye 19th, 1775, in ye 4th year of his age.
465. In memory of Mrs. Abthiah CHANDLER, wife of Mr. Jonathan Chandler, who died May 27th, 1792, in the 86th year of her age.
466. In memory of Mr. Jonathan CHANDLER, who died Feb. 4, 1775, in ye 76th year of his age. (Lived on the old Crooker place.)
467. In memory of Mrs. Abigal CHANDLER, wife of Mr. Jonathan Chandler, who dec'd June ye 23, 1743, in 41st year of her age.
468. Elias DUNBAR, died May 16, 1824, aged 51 years.
469. Roxellana, widow of Elias DUNBAR, died Nov. 29, 1841, aged 67 years.
470. Here lies buried Capt. Solomon LEONARD, who died May 29, 1761, in ye 69th year of his age. (He and his son, Capt. Solomon, both lived fifteen rods east of Wm. S. Alden.)
471. In memory of Mr. Ezra EDSON, died Oct. 4, 1828, ae. 33.
~ He answer'd not, but gave on look, ~
Then closed his eyes, and gasping shook, ~
And bowed his aching head; ~
My heart was pierced with that last glance, ~
I saw his fading countenance; ~
I wept, but he was dead. ~ -
472. Joanna, daught. of Ezra and Eliza EDSON, died Apl. 26, 1821, ae. 13 mos.
473. Ephraim F., son of Theophilus and Betsey WENTWORTH, died 3 April, 1821, ae. 2 years.
~ Draw near my friends and take a thought, ~
How soon the grave will be your lot; ~
Make sure of Christ whle life remains, ~
And death will be eternal gain. ~ -
474. Memento Mori. In memory of Nehemiah, son of Capt. James and Mrs. Martha ALLEN, who died Oct. ye 3d, 1776, in the 14th year of his age.
~ Behold my grave as you pass by; ~
For as you are, so once was I; ~
Death suddenly took hold on me, ~
And so the case with you may be. ~ -
475. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. James ALLEN, who died Dec. ye 12th, 1778, in ye 75th year of his age.
476. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr James ALLEN, who died Jan. 18, 1782, in the 23d year of his age.
477. Memento Mori. This stone is erected to ye memory of Maj. James ALLEN, who died with ye small-pox Jan. ye 10th, 1789, in ye 54th year of his age. His body lies buried 3 miles south of this. (At Rufus Wood's.)
~ Stop, mortals, read now if you please, ~
See the effect of this disease; ~
'Twas Adam gave the wound at first, ~
So all his sons were doomed to dust; ~
But life's restored by God alone, ~
Flowing through the merits of his son. ~ -
478. In memory of Mr. Thomas PERKINS, who died Sept. 29th, 1773, in the 52d year of his age.
~ When you come here to see my grave, ~
Consider well and well behave; ~
And keep God's holy Sabbath day, ~
Spend well your time without delay. ~ -
479. In memory of Mr. Benjamin WASHBURN, who died Aug. 3, 1812, in his 94 year.
480. In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Benjamin WASHBURN; she died Nov. 28, 1808, in her 84 year.
481. In memory of Mrs. Susannah WASHBURN, wife of Mr. Benja. Washburn, who deceas. January ye 26th, 1744, in ye 23d year of her age.
482. In memory of Mrs. Mary, the widow of Mr. Elisha BOLTON; she died July ye 30th, A.D. 1786, in ye 78th year of her age.
~ Come young and old as you pass by, ~
Come view the grave wherein I lie; ~
Though in my life I want like thee, ~
I was dispised for povertie.
Erected by John Hooper. -
483. Here lies the Widow Betty BOLTON, wife of Mr. John Bolton, who died Nov. 10, 1801, aged 76 years.
484. In memory of Benjamin WILLIS, Esq., who died July 13th, 1807, in his 87th year. (He was a deacon and chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Plymouth county, and a graduate H.U. 1740.)
485. In memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Benjamin WILLIS, Esq., she died July 1st, 1782, in her 59th year.
486. In memory of Mary, dau. of Benjamin WILLIS Esq., who died March 14th, 1781, in her 18th year.
487. Erected to the memory of Lieut, Benjamin WILLIS, who died March the 8th, A.D. 1809, in the 45th year of his age.
488. Barnabas HORTON, 1825.
489. Ephm. MORSE, 1815.
490. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, ye wife of Mr. David LEACH, who died June 6th, 1750, in ye 43d year of her age.
491. In memory of Eliza Antoinette, dau. of Mr. Simeon and Mrs. Kezia WOOD, who died in Boston, Jan. 19, A.D. 1873, aged 2 years, 1 mo. and 20 days.
~ She arose, blossomed and died. ~ -
492. Memento Mori. In memory of Mr. Manassah TUCKER, who departed this life Jan. ye 26th, A.D., 1778, in ye 38th year of his age.
~ Thou shalt our mouldering members teach, ~
What now our sense learn; ~
For dust and ashes loudest preach ~
Man's infinite concern. ~ -
493. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Lydia, wife of Mr. Manassah TUCKER, who departed this life Oct. ye 7th, A.D. 1776, in ye 25th year of her age.
~ My friends now stop and read my age, ~
It stands upon this stone; ~
For you that are upon the stage, ~
Must make this place your home. ~ -
494. Here lies Mr. Seth LEONARD, who died Aug. 30th, 1775, in his 26th year.
~ My friends draw near and drop a tear, ~
In this dark grave I lie, ~
Ah! think of me when this you see, ~
And be prepared to die. ~ -
495. In memory of Mr. Josiah LEONARD, who died December ye 25th, 1760, in ye 51st year of his age.
496. In memory of Mrs. Jemima, wife of Mr. Josiah LEONARD, who died July ye 3d, 1784, in ye 74th year of her age.
497. Phebe, wife of Nehemiah LEONARD, died Sept. 19, 1826, aged 56 years.
~ Friends nor physicians could not save ~
This mortal body from the grave, ~
Nor can the grace confine it here ~
When Christ commands it to appear. ~ -
498. Nehemiah LEONARD, died May 19, 1836, aged 66 years.
~ Dear friends, draw near and drop a tear; ~
In this cold grave I lie; ~
When this you see remember me, ~
And be prepared to die. ~ -
499. Albion CHIPMAN, died Feb. 25, 1840, aged 35 years.
~ Dearest husband, thou hast left us, ~
And thy loss I deepley feel; ~
But 'tis God that hath bereft us, ~
He can all my sorrows heal. ~ -
500. In memory of Ebenezer, son of Mr. Ebenezer BENSON and Mrs. Silence, his wife, who died Nov. ye 19th, 188 - , aged -- months, -- days.
501. In memory of Ebenezer, son of Mr. Ebenezer BENSON and Mrs. Silence, his wife, who died Feb. ye 16, 1787, aged 4 months and 16 days.
502. In memory of Chloe, daug. of Mr. Ebenezer BENSON and Mrs. Silence, his wife, who died Decem. ye 24th, 1784, aged 11 months and 11 days.
503. In memory of Chloe, daug. of Mr. Ebenezer BENSON and Mrs. Silence, his wife, who died Aug. ye 16th, 1782, aged 4 months and 25 days. (Broken and prostrate).
504. In memory of Mr. Jonathan BENSON; he died Feb. 25, 1842, in his 83 year.
505. Chloe Hathaway, dau of Jonah BENSON Jr. and Chloe, his wife, died Aug. 30, 1826, aged 17 mos. and 20 days.
~ So fades the lovely blooming flower. ~ -
506. Philip BOLTON (Stone broken and prostrate; b. 1774).
507. Mrs. Mary BOLTON, wife of Mr. Nicholas BOLTON, who died March ye 2d, 1747, in 53d year of her age.
508. Nahum BNESON, died Sept. 30, 1825, aged 33 years.
509. Aubrey G., son of Giddins and Cassandra LANE, died Sept. 1, 1836, aged 1 year and 2 mos.
~ Our precious babe is now above,
In Jesus' arms among the blest. ~ -
510. In memory of John, son of Mr. Cyrus and Mrs. Lydia BENSON; he died Sept. 20, 1812, aged 2 years, 1 month and 11 days.
~ His days upon earth were as a shadow. ~ -
511. In memory of Mr. John BENSON, who died March 6, 1805, in his 27 year.
512. In memory of Lucia, daut. of Mr. Jonah BENSON and Mrs. Martha, his wife; she died July 20, 1804, aged 2 years and 9 months.
513. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Mr. Jonah BENSON, died March 9, 1822, aged 57 years.
514. In memory of Mr. Jonathan BENSON, who died Oct. 31, 1802, in his 50th year.
515. In memory of Mrs. Martha, wife of Jonathan BENSON, who died March 21, 1801, in her 85 year.
516. Memento Mori. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth CROSSMAN, widow of Mr. Joseph Crossman, of Easton, formerly the wife of Mr. James WASHBURN, and daug. of Josiah LEONARD, died Oct. ye 14th, 1783, in ye 81st year of her age.
517. Reuel B., son of Reuel and Sibbel FOBES, born Aug. 15, 1811, died Apr. 13, 1815.
518. Erected in the memory of Sibbel, wife of Reuel FOBES, who died March 6, 1843, aged 56.
519. Sibbel B., daughter of Reuel and Sibbel FOBES, died Apr. 17, 1840, ae. 18 years.
~ Mourner, weep not thou in sorrow ~
O'er thy cherished idol slain; ~
Meekly resignation borrow, ~
For they daughter lives again. ~ -
520. Robert, son of Reuel and Sibbel FOBES, died June 23, 1836, ae. 18 years.
~ Bow thee to the will of God, ~
While the day of time is given; ~
Then when life's short path be trod, ~
Thou shalt meet thy child in heaven. ~ -
521. In memory of Ruth, dau. of Mr. Jacob LATHROP and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who died March 13th, 1799, aged 1 year, 5 months, 8 days.
522. In memory of Mr. Elijah SNOW; he died July 1, 1792, in ye 64th year of his age.
523. In memory of Mr. Eleazer ALDEN; he died May 2, 1803, in his 80 year.
524. In memory of Mr. Eleazer ALDEN; he died May 2, 1803, in his 80 year.
525. In memory of Mrs. Sarah, widow of Mr. Eleazer ALDEN; she died April 26, 1818, ---year.
526. In memory of Miss Mary ALDEN; she died Dec. 4, 1818, in her 65 year.
527. Here lies Lewis, son of Mr. Eleazer and Mrs. Deborah ALDEN; he died March 30, 1796, ae. 6 months and 20 days.
528. In memory of Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Eleazer ALDEN; she died June 20, 1804, in her 40 year.
529. Mr. Isaac ALDEN, died Oct. 30, 1835, aged 38 years.
530. Here lies Miss Anna DREW, died Dec. 1st, 1791, in ye 22d year of her age.
531. Cuff ASHPORT, 1827. (Colored).