1640 to 1699
Edited by Samuel A. BATES
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

At first kept by Henry ADDAMS Then by Capt. Richard BRACKETT Then by Christopher WEBB next by Benjamin THOMPSON next by Samuel THOMPSON ye Benjamin THOMPSON, 1696 Physician & Schoole Maister next by Joseph PARMENTER next by Benjamin WEBB, 1709, pt one year then by Mr. PARMENTER again 18 years Then again by Benjamin WEBB, 1728, 8 yrs Then by Richard FAXON, chose 7 Mar 1736/7 & he served 17 years Then by Elisha NILES, Esq., who was chose 5 Mar 1753, and continued in the Office until the day of his Death which was 1 Jul 1776
[Transcriber's note:-- The dating format appears to switch between day, month, year and month, day, year. I have transcribed the dates exactly as they are shown in the book. After the first page or two of writing out the husband's name followed by the wife's given name, "his wife", I placed both given names before the surname to shorten the file. Entries are often not in sequential order by date, but are entered in the order in which they appear in the book. --jd]
Solomon CURTIS, son of Deodatus CURTIS, & Rebeckah CURTIS his wife, b. 8 Jun 1643
Hanna JEWELL, dau. of Thomas JEWELL & Grizell his wife, b. 27 of 12th mo
Peter STOTT, son of Benjamin STOTT & Hannah his wife, b. 6 Mar 1743
1644 -
Eliazer, son of Henry ADAMS & Elizabeth his wife, b. 5 of 6th mo
1646 -
Samuel, son of William ALYES & Mary his wife, b. 24th of 12 mo
Edmond SHEFFILD, son of Edmond SHEFLED & his wife, b. 15 of the 10 mo
Hannah, dau. of William OSBORNE & Frizund his wife, b. 24th of 6th mo
1647 -
Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas WILLMOTT & Elizabath his wife, b. 4 D. 2 (mo)
Mary, dau. of James COUVE & Mary his wife, b. 7 D of the 3d mo
Jasper, son of Henry ADAMES & Eliasebeth his wife, b. 23 D of 4 mo
Samuel, son of Henry NEALE & Martha his wife, b. 31 of 5 mo
William, son of William YEAZLE & Elinor his wife, b. 6 of the 8 mo
Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas THAIRE & his wife, b. 23 of 1 (mo)
1648 -
Samule, son of George RUGELS & Elizabeth his wife, b. 3 day of 11 mo
John, son of Edward INMAN & his wife, b. 18 of the 7 mo
1649 -
Henry, son of Henry NEALL & Martha his wife b. 19 day of 1 mo
Elizabeth, dau. of Henry ADAMS & Elizabeth, his wife, b. 11 day of 9th mo
Ann SHEFFIELD, dau. of Edmd SHEFFIELD, b. 1 day of 2 mo
Bezaliell, son of Wiilam OSBORNE & Frizund his wife, b. 8 day of 1 mo
Abigall, dau. of Francis gould & Roose his wife, b. 18 day of 12 mo
1650 -
John, son of Francis ELIOTE & Mary, his wife, b, 17 day of 2d mo
Records of Births, Richard BRACKETT Clerk-
Wilom ARNOLL, son of Joseph ARNOLL & Rabecka, his wife, b. 16 day of (1) mo, 1649
John HOLL, son of Edward HOLL & Hester, his wife, b. 23 of 11 mo - 1650
Wiliam ALLIS, son of Wilim ALLIS & Mary, his wife, b. 8 mo 20 (day?) - 1651
Samuel WALSBE, son of David WALSBEE & Hanna his wife, b. (9) of (2) mo (51)
James YORKE, son of James YORK & Johanna his wife, b. (14) day (4) mo (48)
Ruth CURTIS, dau. of Deodatus & his wife Rebecka, b. (8) (11) (1647)
Joseph ARNOLL, son of Joseph ARNOLL & Rebeka hwfe, b. (18) (8) (52)
Hanna ADAMS, dau. of Joseph ADAMS & Agagall his wife, b. (13) (9) (1652)
1654 -
Submit, son of Alexander PLUMLY & Hester his wife b. (8) (11) (53)
Mary ALLIS, dau. of Wilom ALLIS & Mary his wife, b. (25) (8) (53)
Sarra, dau. of Henery NELL & Martha his wife, b. (23) (5) (53)
Mary, dau. of Francis GOOLE & Ros his wife, b. (23) (10) (51)
Martha, dau. of Francis GOOLE & Ros his wife, b. (15) (8) (54)
Hannah dau. of Henry NELL & Martha his wife, b. (2) (2) 1651
----- b. (7) 1645
Mary SAUNDERS, dau. of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. 12, mo 10th 1653
Moses PAYNE, son of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. (16) (5th) 1646
Elizabeth PAYNE, dau. of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b.6th mo 5th 1648
Sarah PAYNE, dau. of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. (30) (11) 1650
Moses PAYNE, 2nd son of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE b. (26) (4) 1652
Mary PAYNE, dau. of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. 12, mo 1, 1655
William PAYNE, son of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. 2 mon. 1. 1657
Mary NUCOME, dau. of Francis & Rachell NUCOME, b. 1, mos. 2, 1640
Sarah NUCOME, dau. of Francis & Rachel NUCOME, b. (30) (4) 1643
Judith NUCOME, dau. of Francis & Rachel NUCOME, b. (16) (11) 1645
Peter NUCOME, son of Francis & Rachell NUCOME, b. (16) (5) 1648
Abigail NUCOME, dau. of Francis & Rachell NUCOME, b. (16) (5) 1651
Lea NUCOME, dau. of Francis & Rachell NUCOME, b. (30) (5) 1654
Mary SHED, dau. of Daniel & Mary SHED, b. 1, mo. 8th 1647
Daniel sHED, dau. of Daniel & Mary SHED, b. (30) (6) 1649
Hannah SHED, dau. of Daniel & Mary SHED b. 7th . mo. 7th 1651
John SHED, son of Daniel & Mary SHED b. 1, mo. 2, 1654
Elizabeth SHED, dau. of Daniel & Mary SHED b. (17) (4) 1656
Zachariah SHED, son of Daniel & Mary SHED b. (17) (4) 1656, being twins
David WALSBEE, son of David & Hannah, b. (29) 7 mo 1655
John ADDAMS, son of Joseph & Abigaill ADDAMS, b. (11) mo (12) 1656
Joseph ADDAMS, son of Joseph & Abigaill ADDAMS, b. (24) (10) 1654
Joseph SAUNDERS, son of Martin & Liddia SAUNDERS, b. 3. mo. 8th 1657
Mary GATLIVE, dau. of Thomas & Prudence GATLIVE, b. (13) (12) 1655
Rachel STAPLES, dau. of Samuel & Mary STAPLES, b. (31) (8) 1657
James LOVITT, son of Daniel & Johanna LOVITT, b. 5th mo. 8th 1648
Mary LOVITT, dau. of Daniel & Johanna LOVITT, b. 1 mo. 7th 1651
Martha LOVITT, dau. of Daniel & Johanna LOVITT, b. 4th mo. 7th 1654
Hanna LOVITT, dau. of Daniel & Johanna LOVITT, b. (30) (1) 1656
John WOODLANDE, son of John & Martha WOODLANDE, b. (25) (1) 1651
Mary HARBOUR, dau. of John & Jael HARBOUR, b. 1, mo. 1, 1655
Hannah HARBOUR, dau. of John & Jael HARBOUR, b. (29) (11) 1657
Mary ELLISSON, dau. of Richard & Thamasin ELLISSON, b. (15) (6) 1646
Hannah ELLISSON, dau. of Richard & Thamasin ELLISSON, b. (24) (5) 1648
John ELLISSON, son of Richard & Thamasin ELLISON, b. (26) (6) 1650
Sarah ELLISON, dau. of Richard & Thamasin ELLISSON, b. 10th, mo. 4th. 1652
Thamasin ELLISSON, dau. of Richard & Thamasin ELLISON, b. (1) mo. 1, 1655
Experience ELLISSON, dau. of Richard & Thamasin ELLISON, b. (6) mo. 2, 1657
---- RUGGLES, dau. of George & Elizabeth RUGGLES, b. (16) (12) 1
Sarah RUGGLES, dau. of George & Elizabeth RUGGLES, b. (29) (7) --
Mehetabell RUGGLES, dau. of George & Elizabeth RUGGLES, b. (16) (5) 1650
Isaac SHEFFIELD, son of Edmond & Mary SHEFFIELD, b. 15) (1) 1651
Mary SHEFFIELD, dau. of Edmond & Mary SHEFFIELD, b. (14) (4) 1653
Matthew SHEFFIELD, son of Edmond & Mary SHEFFIELD, (26) (3) 1655
Jonahtan HOIDON, son of John & Susanna HOIDON, b. (19) (3) 1640
Hannah HOIDON, dau. of John & Susanna HOIDON, b. 2, mo. 7th. 1642
Ebenezer HOIDON, son of John & Susanna HOIDON, b. 12, mo. 7th . 1645
Nehemiam HOIDON, son of John & Susannah HOIDON, b. (14) (12) 1647
Hannah PENIMAN, dau. of James & Liddia PENIMAN, b. (26) (3) 1648
Abigaill PENIMAN, dau. of James & Liddia PENIMAN, b. (27) (10) 1651
Mary PENIMAN, dau. of James & Liddia PENIMAN, b. (29) (7) 1653
Samuel PENIMAN, son of James & Liddia PENIMAN, b. (1) (9) (1655)
Joseph DOWNAM, son of John & Dorothy DOWNAM, b. (30) (2) 1645
John DOWNAM, son of John & Dorothy DOWNAM, b. (1) mo. (7) 1652
Mercie DOWNAM, dau. of John & Dorothy DOWNAM, b. (1) mo. (7) 1652
Susanna CHAPMAN, dau. of Richard & mary CHAPMAN, b. (25) (12) 1647
Hope CHAPMAN, son of Richard & Mary CHAPMAN, b. (30) (11) 1654
Mary CHAPMAN, dau. of Richard & Mary CHAPMAN, b. (30) (4) 1657
Elizabeth DOWNAM, dau. of Deerman & Elizabeth DOWNAM, b. (15) (12) 1647
Hanna VEASY, dau. of William & Ellin VEASY, b. (18) (1) 1644
Sollomon VEASY, son of William & Ellin VEASY, b. 3d. mo. 11th. 1650
Elizabeth VEASY, dau. of William & Ellin VEASY, b. (13) (8) 1653
Steevin PAYNE, son of Steevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. 8th mo. 1. 1652
Samuel PAYNE, son of Steevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. 4th. mo. 10th. 1654
Hanna PAYNE, dau. of Steevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. (28) (11) 1655
Sarah PAYNE, dau. of Stevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. 9th . mo. 1 . 1657
Nathaniel THAYRE, son of Richard & Dorothy THAYRE, b. 11th . mo. 1. 1657
Sarah TOMSON, dau. of Samuel & Sarah TOMSON, b. 8th . mo. 27, 1657
Hannah KINGSLY, dau. of Samuel & Hannah KINGSLY, b. (27) (5) 1656
Elizabeth KINGSLY, dau. of Samuel & Hannah KINGSLY, b. (22) (9) 1657
Annah TOMSON, dau. of Mr. William & Annah TOMSON, b. 1 mo. 3. 1648
Dorathy FFLYNT, dau. of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (21) (5) 1642
Annah FFLYNT, dau. of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (11th . mo. 7th 1643
Josiah FFLYNT, son of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (24) (6) 1645
Margrett FFLYNT, dau. of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (20) (4) 1647
Joanna FFLYNT, dau. of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (18) (12) 1648
David FFLYNT, son of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (11) (11) 1651
Seth FFLYNT, son of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (2) (2) 1653
Ruth FFLYNT, dau. of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (31) (11) 1654
Cotton FFLYNT & John FFLYNT, sons of Mr. Henry & Margery FFLYNT, b. (16) (7) 1656
Rachell ELIOTT, dau. of Francis & Mary ELIOTT, b. (26) (8) 1643
Hannah ELIOT, dau. of Francis & Mary ELIOTT, b. 11th . mo. 8th . 1651
John SAUNDERS, son of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. (23) (9) 1657
Samuel SAVILL, son of William & Hanna SAVILL, b. (30) (8) 1643
Benjamin SAVILL, son of William & Hanna SAVILL, b. (28) (8) 1645
Hanna SAVILL, dau. of William & Hanna SAVILL, b. 1. mo. 11th . 1647
William SAVILL, son of William & Sarah SAVILL, b. (17) (5) 1650
John AMES, son of William & Hannah AMES, b. (24) (3) 1647
Sarah AMES, dau. of William & Hannah AMES, b. 1, mo. 1, 1650
Deliverance AMES, dau. of William & Hannah AMES, b. 12, mo. 6th . 1653
Hanna NILES, dau. of John & Jane NILES, b. (16) (12) 1636
John NILES, dau. of John & Jane NILES, b. 4th mo. 1, 1638
Joseph NILES, dau. of John & Jane NILES, b. (15) (6) 1640
Nathaniel NILES, son of John & Jane NILES, b. (16) (6) 1642
Samuell NILES, son of John & Jane NILES, b. 12, mo. 3. 1644
Increase NILES, son of John & Jane NILES, b. (16) (10) 1646
Benjamin NILES, son of John & Jane NILES, b. 11th . mo. 1, 1648
Dependance FFRENCH, son of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. 7th . mo. 1, 1648
Temperance FFRENCH, dau. of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. (30) (1) 1651
Thomas FFRENCH, son of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. ----
William FFRENCH, son of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. (31) (1) 1653
Elizabeth FFRENCH, dau. of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. (29) (7) 1655
Dorathy THAYER, dau. of Richard & Dorathy THAYER, b. (30) (6) 1653
Richard THAYER, son of Richard & Dorathy THAYER, b. (31) (6) 1655
Mary HARDMAN, dau. of John & Sarah HARDMAN, b. 9th mo. 10th 1652
John HARDMAN, son of John & Sarah HARDMAN, b. 9th mo. 9th 1654
Isaac THAYER, son of Thomas & Hanna THAYER, b. 7th . mo. 7th . 1654
John THAYER, son of Thomas & Hannah THAYER, b. (25) (10) 1656
Rachell THAYER, dau. of Sidrick & Mary THAYER, b. 9th mo. 9th 1655
Tryall THAYER, dau. of Sidrick & Mary THAYER, b. 12. mo. 7th . 1656
Samuel SHEFFIELD, son of Edmond & Mary SHEFFIELD, b. (26) (9) 1657
Deliverance OWEN, dau. of William & Elizabeth OWEN, b. (15) (12) 1654
Ebenezer OWEN, son of William & Elizabeth OWEN, b. 3d . mo. 1, 1657
Sarah HARMAN, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary HARMAN, b. 1 mo. 3, 1652
Jonathan HARMAN, son of Nathaniel & Mary HARMON, b. (24) (4) 1654
Ephraim HARMON, son of Nathaniel & Mary HARMON, b. (30) (8) 1656
Mary FFACKSON, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. (19) (10) 1656
Anna SHOOTER, dau. of Peter & Anna SHOOTER, b. (1) mo. 3, 1654
Nathaniel MOTT, son of Nathaniel & Anna MOTT, b. (28) (10) 1657
John HOLBROOKE, son of Thomas & Joana HOLBROOKE, b. (15)th . mo. (8th) 1653
Peter HOLBROOKE, son of Thomas & Joana HOLBROOKE, b. 7th . mo. 1st . 1655
Joanna HOLBROOKE, dau. of Thomas & Joana HOLBROOK, b. (30) (3)
Peter WEBB, son of Christopher & [Hannah] WEBB, b. ---
Joseph ALLEN, son of Mr. Samuel ALLEN, b. 15th May 1650
John PAYNE, son of Steven & Hannah PAYNE, b. 12, of 7th, 1666
Entered per Benj: THOMPSON -
Elizabeth RUGGLES, 22, 9th 1697
Elizaeth RUGGLES, dau. of John & Rebekah RUGGLES, b. 26 Dec 1669
John MILLS Clark of Writs for Braintree 6 mo 10, Record of Births
Elizabeth MILLS, dau. of John, Jr., & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 1st of the 5th mo 1654 -
Thomas COPELAND, son of Laurence & Liddia COPELAND, b. 3rd day of 10th mo., 1652
Thomas COPELAND 2d, son of Laurance & Liddia COPELAND, b. 6, 12th mo., 1654
Sarah SAVELL, dau. of William & Sarah SAVILL, b. 1st of 8th mo, 1654
Hester HALL, dau. of Edward & Hester HALL, b. 23d of 8th mo., 1654
Josia BRACKETT, son of Richard & Allis BRACKETT, b. 8th of 3rd mo, 1652
Samuel DAVIS, son of Samuel & Sarah DAVIS, b. (22) (1) 1653
Ebenezer SPEERE, son of George & Mary SPEERE, b. (3) (6) 1654
Sarah THAYER, dau. of Ffarthenendoe & Hulda THAYER, b. (12) (3) 1654
Debora FACKSON, dau. of Thomas & Debora FACKSON, b. (28) (3) 1654
John ARNOLL, son of Joseph & Rebeca ARNOLL, b. (2) (2) 1655
Elizabeth FACKSON, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth FACKSON, b. (26) (1) 1655
William SCANT, son of William & Sarah SCANT, b. (16) (1) 1655
Mary STAPLES, dau. of Samuel & Mary STAPLES, b. (24) (7) 1655
Nathaniell, son of Thomas & Grizell JUELL, b. (15) (2) 1648
Grizell, dau. of Thomas & Grizell JUELL, b. (19) (1) 1651
Mercy, dau. of Thomas & Grizell JEWELL, b. (14) (2) 1653
John WEBB, son of Christopher & Hanna WEBB, b. (23) (8) 1655
William ALLIS, son of William & Mary ALLIS, b. (10) (11) 1655
Sarah BELCHER, dau. of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. (27) (4) 1656
Samuel VESEY, son of William & Ellin BESEY, b. (24) (6) 1656
Mary FFACKSON, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. (7) (7) 1656
Martha BARRETT, dau. of Thomas & Ffrancis BARNETT, b. (17) (7) 1656
William COPELAND, son of Laurence & Liddia COPELAND, b. (15) (9) 1656
Hanna GOOLE, dau. of Ffrancis & Rose GOOLE, b. (18) (5) 1655
John GOOLE, son of Ffrancis & Rose GOOLE, b. (2) (26) 1657
Richard POFFER, son of James & Mary POFFER, b. (14) (1) 1657
Sarah MILLS, dau. of John MILLS, Jr., & Elizabeth his wife, b. (9) (4) 1656
Joseph P'MENTER, son of Robert & Leah P'MENTER, b. (20) (10) 1655
Mary TWELLS, dau. of Robert & Martha TWELLS, b. 8th mo. 5th . 1656
John P'MENTER, son of Robert & Leah P'MENTER, b. (23) (8) 1653
Elizabeth P'MENTER, dau. of Robert & Leah P'MENTER, b. (22) (8) 1657
Rebecah FFACKSON, dau. of Thomas & Debora FACKSON, b. (25) (4) 1657
Hannah BRACKETT, dau. of Peter & Prissilla BRACKETT, b. -- (14) --
Bethiah DEERING, dau. of Samuel & Bethiah DEERING, b. (6) (6) 1649
Mary DEERING, dau. of Samuel & Mary DEERING, b. (16) (11) 1652
Hannah DEERING, dau. of Samuel & Mary DEERING, b. (14) (12) 1654
Sarah DEERING, dau. of Samuel & Mary DEERING, b. (30) (4) 1657
Elizabeth FFRANCIS, dau. of John & Rose FFRANCIS, b. (24) (11) 1656
Abigail NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hannah NEAL, b. 12 mo. 14, 1656
John ALDRIDG, son of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. (2) (2) 1644
Sarah ALDRIDG, dau. of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. (16) (11) 1645
Peter ALDRIDG, son of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. (14) (2) 1648
Mercy ALDRIDG, dau. of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. (17) (4) 1650
Jacob ALDRIDG, son of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. (28) (12) 1652
Mattithiah ALDRIDG, dau. of George & Katheren ALDRIDG, b. 5th mo. 10th 1656
Sarah SPEERE, dau. of Georg & Mary SPEERE, b. 3d mo. 11th. 1647
Samuel SPEERE, son of Georg & Mary SPEERE, b. (15) (8) 1652
Hannah SPEERE, dau. of Georg & Mary SPEERE, b. (30) (1) 1656
John PRAY, son of John & Johanna PRAY, b. 1 mo. 11th 1658
Mary BARRITT, dau. of Thomas & Ffrancis BARRITT, b. (17) (2) 1658
Jonathan THAYRE, son of Ffarthenando & Hulda THAYRE, b. (18) (1) 1658
Elizabeth NUCOME, dau. of Ffrancis & Rachell NUCOME, b. (26) (6) 1658
Ruth QUINSY, dau. of Edmund & Joanna QUINSY, b. (29) (8) 1658
John BASS, son of John & Ruth BASS, b. (26) (9) 1658
Martha TWELLS, dau. of Robert & Martha TWELLS, b. (17) (10) 1658
Hannah PARMENTER, dau. of Robert & Leah PARMENTER, b. 11th mo. 17, 1658
John BELCHER, son of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 11th mo. 1, 1658
John NUCOME, son of John & Ruth NUCOME, b. (13) (2) 1659
John MOTT, son of Nathaniel & Hanna MOTT, b. (19) (6) 1659
John PRAY, 2d son of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 5th mo. 11th. 1659
Ellen VENSY, dau. of William & Ellin VEASY, b. 14th. mo. 3, 1659
Benjamin DOWNAM, son of John & Dorathy DOWNAM, b. (14) (8) 1659
Sarah FFACKSON, dau. of Thomas & Debora FFACKSON, b. (21) (6) 1659
Daniel OWEN, son of William & Elizabeth OWEN, b. (23) (9) 1659
Ruth WALSBEE, dau. of David & Ruth WALSBEE, b. (22) (7) 1659
Mary POFFER, dau. of James & Mary POFFER, b. 11th . mo. 12, 1659
Mary CHAPMAN, dau. of Richard & Mary CHAPMAN, b. (23) (2) 1659
Rachell DEERING, dau. of Samuel & Mary DEERING, b. (30) (6) 1659
John PAYNE, son of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. 12, mo. 8th. 1659
Isaac NILES, son of John & Hanna NILES, b. (2) (2) 1658
Samuell FFRENCH, son of John & Grace FFRENCH, b. (22) (12) 1659
Edmund QUINSY, son of Edmond & Joanna QUINSY, b. 1 mo. 3, 1660
Moses PAYNE, son of Steevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. 1 mo. 26, 1660
John MILLS, son of John & Elizabeth MILLS, b. (13) (2) 1660
Richard ELLISSON, son of Richard & Thamasia ELLISSON, b. 2 mo. 7, 1660
Samuel BASS, son of John & Ruth BASS, b. 1 mo. 25, 1660
Deborah TOMSON, dau. of Sam'll & Sarah TOMSON, b. 3 mo. 1, 1660
Sarah SHEFFEILD, dau. of Edmond & Mary SHEFFEILD, b. 4th mo. 6, 1660
Martha TWELLS, dau. of Robert & Martha TWELLS, b. 4th. mo. 16, 1660
Sarah SCANT, dau. of William & Sarah SCANT, b. 5th . mo. 9th 1660
Joseph NEALE, son of Henry & Hannah NEALE, b. 6th mo. 8th 1660
Sarah STAPLES, dau. of Sam'll & Mary STAPLES, b. 5th mo. 10th . 1660
Josia FFACKSON, son of Richard & Elizabeth FFAXON, b. 7th mo 8th. 1660
Ruth HARMON, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary HARMON, b. 1660
Elizabeth MARSH, dau. of Allexander & ---, his wife, b. ----
Elizabeth BRACKET, dau. of Peter & Elizabeth BRACKETT, b. 12 mo & d. the 27 day of the same mo.
Judith SAUNDERS, dau. of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. 12. mo. 28. 1662, & d. the same day
Cornelius DARLY, son of Denice & Hanna DARLEY, b. 1 mo. 4th 1663
Joseph POFFER, son of Matthias & Rachell POFFER, b. 1 mo. 17, 1663
John RUGGLES, son of John & Rebeca RUGGLES, b. 2 mo. 2, 1663
Hesther HARBOUR, dau. of John & Jaell HARBOUR, b. 3 mo 9th. 1663
Hanna PRAY, dau. of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 1 mo. 21, 1663
James POFFER, son of James & Mary POFFER, b. 3d mo. 5, 1663
Mary SHEFFEILD, dau. of Edmund & Sarah SHEFFEILD, b. 4th mo. 20, 1663
John ROCKWOOD, son of John & Joane ROCKWOOD, b. 6th mo. 18, 1663
Liddia & Hanna FFACKSON, two daughters of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 7th mo. 1, 1663
Christopher WEBB, son of Christopher & Hannah WEBB, b. 25 Mar 1663
Sarah STONE, dau. of John & Sarah STONE, b. 8th mo. 1 -- 1663
Joseph ALDRIDG, son of Joseph & Patience ALDRIDG, b. 5th mo. 14, 1663
John BAXTER, son of John & Anna BAXTER, b. 8th mo. 28, 1663
Mary THAYRE, dau. of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYRE, b. 10 mo. 4th 63
Mary ADDAMS, dau. of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. 9th mo. 8th. 1663
Mary TOMSON, dau. of Joseph & Mary TOMSON, b. 9th mo. 17, 1663
Hanna HAYWARD, dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 11th mo. 22, 1663
Elizabeth SAUNDERS, dau. of Martin & Liddia SAUNDERS, b. 8th mo. 2, 1663
Sarah HARRIS, dau. of Richard & Margritt HARRIS, b. 12 mo. 2, 1663
Rachell SAUNDERS, dau. of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. 12 mo. 4th 1663
Mary HUBBERT, dau. of Caleb & Mary HUBBERT, b. 11th mo. 12. 1663
Mary NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hanna NEALE, b. 1, mo. 11th. 1664
Deborah CHAPIN, dau. of Josia & Mary CHAPIN, b. 5th mo 16th 1664
Hanna NILES, dau. of Joseph & Mary NILES, b. 12, mo. 15, 1663
Katheren MASH, dau. of Allexander & Mary MASH, b. 10th mo. 12, 1664
Mary MOTT, dau. of Nathaniell & Hanna MOTT, b. 10th mo 15th 1664
Ebenezer FFACKSON, son of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 10th mo. 15, 1664
Peter TWELLS, son of Robert & Martha TWELLS, b. 8th mo. 10th 1664
Margritt PAYNE, dau. of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. 10th mo. 21, 1664
Ephraim ARNOLL, son of Joseph & Rebeca ARNOLL, b. 4th mo. 11th . 1664
Gregory BELCHER, son of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 12 mo. 28, 1664
Hannah BELCHER, dau. of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 2 mo. 6, 1664
John DASSITT, son of John & Hanna DASSITT, b. 2 mo. 3, 1664
Sarah CLEAVERY, dau. of John & Sarah CLEAVERY, b. 12 mo. 22
Judith SAUNDERS, dau. of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. & d. 11th mo. 23
Hanna PRAY, dau. of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 1 mo. 16th 1665
Martha QUINCY, dau. of Edmond & Joanna QUINCY, b. 1 mo. 26, 1665
Nath'll SPEERE, son of George & Mary SPEERE, b. 3 mo. 15th. 1665
Edward THOMSON, son of Sam'll & Sarah THOMSON, b. 2 mo 20 1665
Sam'll HOYDEN, son of Sam'll & Hanna HOYDEN, b. 6 mo 6th. 1665 & d. the 27th of the same mo.
Caleb HUBBERT, son of Caleb & Mary HUBBERT, b. 3 mo. 28, 1665
Ebenezer THAYRE, son of Thomas & Hanna THAYRE, b. 7 mo 15, 1665
Hanna WEBB, dau. of Christopher & Hanna WEBB, b. 7th mo. 5th 1665
Sam'll ADDAMS, son of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. 7 mo. 3, 1665
John POFFER, son of Matthias & Rachell POFFER, b. 8 mo. 10, 1665
Mehetabell VEASY, dau. of Will & Ellin VEASY, b. 12 mo. 17. 1665
Edward MILLS, son of John & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 4th mo. 7th 1665
Joseph BASS, son of John & Ruth BASS, b. 10th mo. 5, 1665
Josia CHAPIN, son of Josia & Mary CHAPIN, b. 10th mo. 17, 1665
Nathaniel SHEFFEILD, son of Edmond & Sarah SHEFFEILD, b. 1 mo. 16, 1665
Rachell NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hanna NEALE, b. 12 mo. 1, 1665
Ephraim COPELAND, son of Laurance & Liddia COPELAND, b. 11th. mo. 17, 1665
James PENIMAN, son of John & Hanna PENIMAN, b. 12, mo. 7th 1665
Mercie NUCOME, dau. of John & Ruth NUCOME, b. 2 mo.
Sarah HAYWARD, dau. of Jonath & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 1, mo. 10th 1665
Joseph SCANT, son of Will & Sarah SCANT, b. 4th mo. 4th 1662
Mercie SCANT, dau. of Will & Sarah SCANT, b. 8 mo. 27, 1664
Susan SCANT, dau. of Will & Sarah SCANT, b. 11th mo. 30, 1665
Joseph HARPER, son of Joseph & Kithtina HARPER, b. 11th mo. 6th 1665
Timothy THAYER, son of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYER, b. 3 mo. 1666
Richard FFACKSON, son of Richd. & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 4th mo. 21, 1666
John HARRIS, son of Richard & Margritt HARRIS, b. 5th mo. 15, 1666
Sam'll BELCHER, son of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 7th mo., 21, 1666
Joseph RUGGLES, son of John & Rebeca RUGGLES, b. 8th mo. 7th, 1666
Susanna HOYDON, dau. of Sam'll & Hanna HOYDON, b. 7th mo 28, 1666
John DALY, son of John & Elizabeth DALY, b. 8th . mo. 13, 1666
Joseph NILES, son of Joseph & Mary NILES, b. 7th mo. 21, 1666
--- BAXTER, son of John & Anna BAXTER, b. 12 mo. 14, 1666
--- & Rachell POFFER, daughters of James & Mary POFFER, b. 11th mo 25, 1666
Mott, dau. of Nath'll & Hannah MOTT, b. 12, mo 5th 1666
--- SCOTT, dau. of Stevin & Sarah SCOTT, b. 7th mo 10th 1665
--- DASSITT, son of John & Hanna DASSITT, b. 8th mo. 14, 1666
Experience QUINCY, dau. of Edmond & Joanna, b. 1 mo. 20, 1667
Richard PRAY, son of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 3d mo. 3, 1667
Hanna BASS, dau. of John & Ruth BASS, b. 4th mo. 22, 1667
Abigail WALSBEE, dau. of David & Ruth WALSBEE, b. 4th mo. 15th 1667
--- PAYNE, dau. of Moses & ELizabeth PAYNE, b. 4th mo. 23, 1667
--- THAYRE, son of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYRE, b. 7th . mo. 7th. 1667
--- DOWNING, son of John & Sarah DOWNING, b. 11th mo. 21, 1666
--- HARPER, son of Joseph & Kithtina HARPER, b. 7th mo. 10th . 1667
--- CLEVERLY, son of John & Sarah CLEVERLY, b. 8th mo. 8th 1667
Debora NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hanna NEALE, b. 7th mo. 1, 1667
Abigail THOMPSON, dau. of Sam'll & Sarah THOMPSON, b. 9th mo. 10th. 1667
Jonathan HAYWARD, son of Jonath. & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 11th mo. 18. 1667
Joanna MILLS, dau. of John & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 12 mo. 1, 1667
Benjamin WEBB, son of Christopher & Hanna WEBB, b. 12th mo. 2, 1667
John PENIMAN, son of John & Hannah PENIMAN, b. 12th mo. 23, 1667
Mary ADAMS, dau. of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. 12th mo. 25th 1667
--- CHAPIN, son of Josia & Mary CHAPIN, b. 3d mo. 11th. 1667
--- SHEFFEILD, dau. of Edmond & Sarah SHEFFIELD, b. 4th mo. 23, 1667
--- OWEN, son of William & Elizabeth OWEN, b. 6th mo. 1, 1667
--- SCOTT, son of Steevin & Sarah SCOTT, b. 5th mo. 14, 1667
--- DARLY, son of --- & Hanna DARLY, his wife, b. 6 mo. 18th & d. 19, day 1667
--- HARRIS, son of --- & Mary HARRIS, his wife, b. 2 mo. 26, 1667
William BELCHER, dau. of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 3d mo. 3
John FFACKSON, son of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 2, mo. --
--- HAYDEN, dau. of John & Hanna HAYDEN, b. 1 mo. ---
--- CHAPIN, son of Josia & Mary CHAPIN, b. ---
--- HARRIS, son of Richard & Margritt HARRIS, b. 2 mo. 26, 1667
Mary BELCHER, dau. of Moses & Mary BELCHER, b. 7th mo. 8th . 1668
Sarah HAYDEN, dau. of Sam'll & Hanna HAYDEN, b. 1. mo. 25, 1668
Edward LINEFORD, son of Edward & Hanna LINEFORD, b. 11th mo. 25, 1668
Sam'll MOTT, son of Nathaniell & Hanna MOTT, b. 11th mo. 19. 1668
Mary NILES, dau. of Joseph & Hanna NILES, b. 11th mo. 8th 1668
Hanna COPLAND, dau. of Laurance & Lidia, b. 12th mo. 25, 1668
Benjamin NEALE, son of Henry & Hanna NEALE, b. 1 mo. 7th. 68-69
John DARLIN, son of Denice & Hanna DARLIN, b. 7th mo, 1664
Anna GILES, dau. of James & Elizabeth GILES, b. 2d mo. 15, 1669
Sam'll PRAY, dau. of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 2 mo., 16, 1669
Merch MASH, dau. of Allexander & Mary MASH, b. 2 mo. 2, 1669
Joseph FFACKSON, son of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 6th mo. 26, 1669
Sam'll DALY, son of John & Elizabeth DALY, b. 6th mo. 18, 1669
Mary CLEVERLY, dau. of John & Sarah CLEVERLY, b. 7th mo. 6, 1669
Josia HAYDEN, son of John & Hanna HAYDEN, b. 4th mo. 19, 1669
Ephraim THAYER, son of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYER, b. 11th mo. 17, 1669
Sarah DARLIN, dau. of Denice & Hanna DARLIN, b. 11th mo., 26, 1669
William HAYWARD, son of Jonath & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 12th mo. 6, 1669
Mary BASS, dau. of John & Ruth BASS, b. 12 mo. 11th 1669
Mercy VEASY, dau. of William & Ellin VEASY, b. 11th mo. 20, 1669
Peter ADDAMS, son of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. 12th mo. 7th, 1669
Joseph PENNIMAN, son of Joseph & Waitinge PENNIMAN, b. 11th mo. 20, 1670
William NEEDAM, son of John & Hanna NEEDHAM, b. 2d mo. 8, 1670
Sarah Thomposn, dau. of Sam'll & Sarah THOMPSON, b. 2d mo. 28, 1670
Margaritt HAYDEN, dau. of Jonath & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 3d mo. 11th 1670
Joseph CHAPIN, son of Josin & Mary CHAPIN, b. 3d mo. 17, 1670
John SAUNDERS, son of John & Mary SAUNDERS, b. 7th mo. 1, 1669
Thomas BAXTER, son of John & Anna BASTER, b. 2d mo. 27, 1670
William HARPER, son of Joseph & Kithtina HARPER, b. 10th mo. 9th. 1669
Sam'll HARRIS, son of Richard & Margritt HARRIS, b. 5th mo. 26, 1670
Mary WEBB, dau. of Christopher & Hanna WEBB, b. 7th mo 6th 1669
Liddia PAYNE, dau. of Steevin & Hanna PAYNE, b. 7th mo. 20th 1670
Mary BELCHER, dau. of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 8th mo. 16, 1670
Cornelius THAYER, son of Richard & Dorathy THAYER, b. 7th. mo 18, 1670
Ellin SCOTT, dau. of Steevin & Sarah SCOTT, b. 10th mo. 7th 1670
Mary DASSITT, dau. of John & Hanna DASSIT, b. 7th mo. 27, 1670
Abigail FFACKSON, dau. of Richard & Elizabeth FFACKSON, b. 12th . mo. 6, 1670
Ruth NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hannah NEALE, b. 10th mo. 25, 1670
Sarah BELCHER, dau. of Moses & Mary BELCHER, b. 1st mo. 2, 70-71
Elizabeth DEERING, dau. of Sam'll & Mary DEERING, b. 12, mo. 7th 1670
Sam'll NIGHTENGELL, son of Will. & Bethia NIGHTENGELL, b. 12, mo. 14, 1670
Joseph PENIMAN, son of John & Hanna PENIMAN, b. 1 mo. 15, 69-70
Katheren HAYDEN, dau. of Sam'll & Hanna HAYDEN, b. 1 mo. 10th, 70-71
Elizabeth HUBBERT, dau. of Caleb & Mary HUBBERT, b. 12 mo. 4th. 1666
Hanna HUBBERT, dau. of Caleb & Mary HUBBERT, b. 10th mo. 10th, 1668
Josia HUBBERT, son of Caleb & Mary HUBBERT, b. 10th . mo. 11th . 1670
Obadiah OWEN, son of William & Elizabeth OWEN, b. 12, mo. 1, 1670
Mary BELCHER, dau. of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 10th mo. 26, 1666
Josia BELCHER, son of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 4th . mo. 26, 1669
Elizabeth MOTT, dau. of Nath'll & Hannah MOTT, b. 3, mo. 17, 1671
Elizabeth WINTER, dau. of Timothy & Hester WINTER, b. 6th mo., 1, 1671
Mercy BELCHER, dau. of Moses & Mary BELCHER, b. 1, mo. 2, 71-72
John LINEFORD, son of Edward & Hanna LONEFORD, b. 10th mo. 12, 1671
Joseph ALLIN, son of Joseph & Rebecca ALLIN, b. 11th mo. 3d. 1671
Rebeca RUGGLES, dau. of John & Rebeca RUGGLES, b. 10th mo. 22, 1671
Hanna SPEERE, dau. of George & Mary SPEERE, b. 7th mo. 6th 1671
Henry CHAPIN, son of Josia & Mary CHAPIN, b. 12, mo. 15, 1671
Jonathan ADDAMS, son of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. 11th mo. 31, 1671
Jabez POFFER, son of James & Mary POFFER, b. 12 mo. 4th 1671
Joseph WEBB, son of Christopher & Hannah WEBB, b. 1 mo. 15, 71-72
Sara BASS, dau. of John & Ruth BASS, b. 1 mo. 29, 1672
Mary BASS, dau. of Thomas & Sarah BASS, b. 2 mo. 20, 1672
Rebeca SAVILL, dau. of Benjamin & Liddia SAVILL, b. 3, mo. 5th 1672
Huldah HAYWARD, dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 3d mo. 28, 72
Sam'll PENIMAN, son of John & Hannah PENIMAN, b. 4th mo. 18, 1672
Richard COPELAND, son of Laurance & Liddia COPELAND, b. 5th mo. 15th. 1672, & d. same day
Stephen CLEVERLY, son of John & Sarah CLEVERLY, b. 6th mo. 5th. 1672
Hannah THOMPSON, dau. of Sam'll & Sarah THOMPSON, b. 6th mo. 5th 72
Mary & Martha WINTERS, daughters of Timothy & Hesther WINTER, b. 6th 26 1672
Amee HAYDEN, dau. of Jonath & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 7th mo. 16th --
Margitt DALEY, dau. of John & Elizabeth DALY, b. 8th mo, -- 1672
Liddia NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hanna NEALE, b. 8th mo 10th 1672
Christian HARPER, dau. of Joseph & Kithtina HARPER, b. 5th mo. 1 --
Nathaniell MASH, son of Allexander & Mary MASH, b. 8th mo. 17, 1672
Jonath SAUNDERS, son of Martin & Liddia SAUNDERS, b. 9th mo. 31, 1672
Hannah THAYER, dau. of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYER, b. 8th mo 2
Nathaniel MILLS, son of John & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 12, mo. 22, 1672
John PRAY, son of John & Joanna PRAY, b. 12th mo. 10th 1672
Elizabeth PLUMLY, dau. of Joseph & Jane PLUMLY, b. 2th mo. 12th 1672
Mary FFISK, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISK, b. 25 Aug 167-
Edward MOTT, son of Nath'll & Hannah MOTT, b. 3d mo. 11th . 1673
Susanna NUCOME, dau. of Peter & Susanna NUCOME, b. 4th mo. 22.
Hannah NEEDHAM, dau. of John & Hannah NEEDHAM, b. 6th mo.
Ruth BELCHER, dau. of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. ----
Abigail COPELAND, dau. of Laurance & Lidia COPELAND, b. ---
Abigail ALLEN, #Joseph & Ruth ALLIN, b. ---
George WITTY, son of George & Sarah WITTY, b. ---
Abigail WINTER, dau. of Timothy & Hester WINTER, b. ---
Rebeca NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hannah NEALE, b. ---
Mehetabell ADDAMS, dau. of Joseph & Abigail ADDAMS, b. ---
---am CHAPIN, son of Josiah & Mary CHAPIN, b. ---
Hannah HARDMAN, dau. of John & Hannah HARDMAN, b. ---
--- BELCHER, son of Moses & Mary BELCHER, b. ---
--- NASH, son of Francis & Elizabeth NASH, b. ---
Bethia NUCOME, dau. of John & Ruth NUCOME, b. 11 mo 14, 73
Rachell MASH, dau. of Allexander & Mary MASH, b. 12 mo. 2, 73
Prudence CURTIS, dau. of Sollomon & Prudence CURTIS, b. 12 mo, 24, 73
Mary WALSBEE, dau. of David & ---- WALSBEE, b. 11th mo. 15, 73
Sarah DASSITT, dau. of John & Hannah DASSITT, b. 10th mo. 1, 73
Edward LINEFORD, son of Edward & Hanna LINEFORD, b. 1, mo. 21, 74
Jonath PENIMAN, son of John & Hannah PENIMAN, b. 2, mo. 5th, 74
Hannah SAVIL, dau. of Sam'll & Hannah SAVILL, b. 5th mo. 13th 74
Abigal BELCHER, dau. of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 8th mo 24 - 74
Patience BELCHER, dau. of Joseph & Rebeca BELCHER, b. 10th mo 5, 74
Benjamin SCOTT, son of Peter & Abigail SCOTT, b. 9th mo. 24, 74
Sarah FFISK, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISK, b. 7th. mo. 24, 74
Sam'll ALLIN, son of Joseph & Ruth ALLIN, b. 12 mo. 5th. 74
Benjamin NILES, son of Joseph & Mary NILES, b. 11th mo. 2, 74
John WITTY, son of George & Sarah WITTY, b. 11th mo. 7th. 74
Elizabeth PENIMAN, dau. of Sam'll & Elizabeth PENIMAN, b. 11th.
Lydia SAUNDERS, dau. of Martin & Lidia SAUNDERS, b. 12th . mo. 19, 74
Cornelius DARLY, son of Denice & Hannah DARLY, b. 1 mo. 23, 75
Jonath HAYDEN, son of Jonath & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 12, mo. 17, 74
Martha FFISKE, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISKE, b. 25 Nov 1675
John BASS, son of Thomas & Sarah BASS, b. 1 mo. 26, 75
William & ---, twin sons of Samuel & Sarah THOMPSON, b. 1th. mo. 25, 75
Jonath HAYDEN, son of Jonath & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 12. mo. 17, 74
Stephen WILLIS, son of Stephen & Hannah WILLIS, b. 12, mo. 14, 74
Sace MAN, dau. of John & Alce MAN, b. 4th mo. 23, 75
Elizabeth NEALE, dau. of Henry & Hannah NEALE, b. 4th mo. 28, 75
William THAYER, son of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYER, b. 6th mo. 1, 75
Hannah CLEVERLY, dau. of John & Sarah CLEVERLY, b. 5th mo. 30, 175
Rebeca CURTIS, son of Solomon & Prudence CURTIS, b. 6 mo. 3, 75
Joseph BRACKETT, son of James & Sarah BRACKET, b. 9th mo. 5, 75
William HARRIS, son of Richard & Margritt HARRIS, b. 1 mo. 12, 74-75
Martha FFISK, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISK, b. 9th mo. 25th. 75
Ebenezer MOTT, son of Nathaniel & Hannah MOTT, b. 10th mo. 7th 75
Susanna MILLS, dau. of John, Jr., & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 8th mo. 23, 75
Abigail WEBB, dau. of Christopher & Hannah WEBB, b. 8th mo. 13, 75
Hannah PENIMAN, dau. of John & Hannah PEMIMAN, b. 11th mo. 23, 75
Mary HARPER, dau. of Joseph & Kithtina HARPER, b. 10th mo. 19, 74
Debora CHAPIN, dau. of Josiah & Mary CHAPIN, b. 12 mo. 13, 75
William VEASEY, son of William & Mary VEASEY, b. 10th Aug 1674
Samuel HAYWARD, son of Jonath & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 1 mo. 2d, 75-76, d. 6th mo. 4th 76
Jacob ALDRIDG, son of Jacob & Hulda ALDRIDG, b. 3 mo. 7th 76
John SCOTT, son of Peter & Abigail SCOTT, b. 4th mo. 16. 76 the 9th day of the month [sic]
Mary SPEERE, dau. of George & Mary SPEERE, b. 4th mo. 3, 76
Sam'll LINEFORD, son of Edward & Hannah LINEFORD, b. 5th mo. 13, 76
John PLUMLY, son of Joseph & Jane PLUMLY, b. 4th mo. 16, 76
Mehetable BELCHER, dau. of Moses & Mary BELCHER, b. 7th mo. 12, 76
James PENIMAN, son of Joseph & Waiting PENIMAN, b. 16th Feb 1783
Moses PENIMAN, son of Joseph & Waiting PENIMAN, b. 15 Mar 1676
Joseph BAXTER, son of John & Hannah BAXTER, b. 4th mo. 4th 76
Sam'll PENIMAN, son of Samuell & Elizabeth PENIMAN, b. 1 mo. 15 75-76
Benjamin HUBBERT, son of Caleb & Elizabeth HUBBERT, b. 2, mo. 13th 77
Margritt DARLY, dau. of John & Elizabeth DARLY, b. 1 mo. 30 - 77
Abigail TWELLS, dau. of Robert & Martha TWELLS, b. 5th mo 28, 77
Lidia CHAPIN, dau. of Josia & Liddia CHAPIN, b. 7th mo. 29, 77
Sam'll HAYDEN, son of Jonathan & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 4th . mo. 19, 77
Joseph ALDRIDG, son of John & Sarah ALDRIDG, b. 7th mo. 25, 77
Anna FFISK, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISK, b. 6th mo. 17, 77
Sarah ALDRIDG, dau. of Joseph & Patience ALDRIDG, b. 8th mo. 29, 77
Sarah HAYWARD, dau. of Sam'll & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 8 mo. 29, 77
Hannah DARLY, dau. of Denice & Hanna DARLY, b. 4th mo. 14, 77
Elizabeth NASH, dau. of Ffrancis & Elizabeth NASH, b. 9th mo. 9th 77
Tryall STEEVINS, dau. of Joseph & Sarah STEEVINS, b. 10th mo. 16, 77
Jacob ALDRIDG, son of John & Sarah ALDRIDG, b. 10th mo. 27, 77
Hannah SAVILL, dau. of Benjamin & Liddia SAVILL, b. 9th mo. 7th. 75
Sarah RUGGLES, dau. of John & Rebeca RUGGLES, b. 12th mo. 21, 77
Samuell PENIMAN, son of Samuell & Elizabeth PENIMAN, b. 9th mo. 5th 77
John PENIMAN, son of John & Hannah PENIMAN, b. 11th mo. 5th 77
Ebenezer KING, son of Ebenezer & Mary KING, b. 6th mo. 23, 77
Abigail CURTIS, dau. of Solomon & Prudence CURTIS, b. 1 mo., 23, 77-78
Mehetabell FISHER, dau. of Sam'll & Melatia FISHER, b. 1 Mo. 14, 77-78
Elizabeth BELCHER, dau. of Sam'll & Mary BELCHER, b. 4th mo. 22, 77
[Note:-- At this point, the clerk began using the names of the months instead of the numerical equilivant]
Steeven, son of Eleazer & Joice EXGATE, b. "latter end of Nov.", 1677
Sarah, dau. of Joseph & Sarah CROSBEY, b. 29 Oct 1677
Peter, son of Peter & Susanna NEWCOMB, b. 5 May 1678
Joseph, son of Joseph & Jane PLUMLY, b. 31 Mar 1678
Eliezer, son of George & Mary SPEERE, b. 24 Jul 1678
Ephraim, son of Edward & Hannah LINSFORD, b. 9 Sep 1678
John, son of Increase & Mary NILE, b. 10 Oct 1678
Nathan, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 10 Oct 1678
Nathan, son of James & Sarah BRACKETT, b. 23 Sep 1678
Anne, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISKE, b. 29th Oct 1678
Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah & Elizabeth BRACKETT, b. 16 Feb 1678
Josiah, son of Samuell & Elizabeth PENNIMAN, b. 21 Nov 1678
Ruth, dau. of Samuell & Sarah IRONS, b. 16 Nov 1678
Mehetabell, dau. of Thomas & Sarah BASS, b. 18 Sep 1678
Abigaill, dau. of Samuell & Hannah SAVELL, b. 14 Feb 1678
Abigaill, dau. of Samuel & Abigaill NEALE, b. 17 Feb 1678
John, son of Alexander & Mary MARSH, b. 17th Feb 1678
Moses, son of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. 25 Nov 1678
Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary PARMENTER, b. 23 Apr 1679
Joanna, dau. of Nathaniell & Joanna WALES< b. 18 Apr 1679
Elizabeth, dau. of Moses & Mary BELSHAR, b. 25 Apr 1679
Margarett, dau. of Jno. & Mary LAMBE, b. 26 Feb 1678
Silence, dau. of Samuel & Mary BELSHAR, b. 24 Jun 1679
Caleb, son of Eleazer & Joice EZGATE, b. 1679
Abinezer, son of Abinezer & Hannah HOLDON, b. 13 Apr 1679
Deborah, dau. of Samuel & Rebecka BASS, b. 5 Oct 1679
Jno. son of Jno. & Mehetabell SAVELL, b. 28 Oct 1679
Ellin, dau. of Mr. Benjamin & Susanna THOMPSON, b. 28 Nov 1679
---, dau. of Jno. & Hannah HARDINE, b. 3 Dec 1679
Sarah, dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HEIWARD, b. 12 Dec 1679
Margarett, dau. of Valentine & Martha DECROW, b. 10 Jan 1670
Abigaill, dau. of Jno & Abigail HEIFORD, b. 26 Jan 1679
Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Moses & Sarah FFISK, b. 7 Feb 1679
Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel & Joanna WALES, b. 11 Mar 1680/81
Nehemiah, son of Nehemiah & Hannah HOIDEN, b. 16 May 1680
Moses, son of Joseph & Waitinge PENIMAN, b. 14 Feb 1677
Deborah, dau. of Joseph & Waitinge PENIMAN, b. 27 Feb 1679
Benjamin, son of Joseph & Ruth ALLEN, b. 31 Oct 1670
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary PARMENTER, b. 27 May 1680
Joanna, dau. of Henry & Hannah NEALE, b. 27 May 1680
Sarah, dau. of Samuel & Sarah TOMPSON, b. 1 Jan 1679
Rebekah, dau. of Richard & Rebekah THAYER, b. 16 Aug 1680
Joseph, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 10 Oct 1680
Peter, son of Peter & Abigail SCOTT, b. 20 sep 1680
Sarah, dau. of James & Sarah BRACKETT, b. 22 Oct 1680
Hannah, dau. of Edward & Hannah LINSFORD, b. 9 Jan 1680
David, son of Josiah & Lydia CHAPIN, b. 9 Nov 1680
Thomas, son of Thomas & Abigail THAYER, b. 14 Jan 1680
William, son of William & Deborah SAVELL, b. 19 Feb 1680
Increase, son of Increase & Mary NILES, b. 9 Mar 1680
Solomon, son of Solomon & Prudence CURTIS, b. 20 Mar 1680/81
Hannah, dau. of Nehemiah & Hannah HOIDON, b. 16 Jul 1681
Bethia, dau. of Samuel & Hannah SAVELL, b. 17 Oct 1681
Jno., son of Solomon & Elizabeth VEASY, b. 12 Nov 1681
Ruth, dau. of Abinezer & Hannah HOIDON, b. 19 Nov 1681
Katherine, dau. of Moses & Mary BELSHAR, b. 23 Nov 1681
Thomas, son of Ffrancis & Elizabeth NASH, b. "April last", 1681
Sarah, dau. of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. Feb 1681
Samuel, son of Samuel & Rebekah BASS, b. 8 Dec 1681
Samuel, son of Samuel BRONSON, b. 17 Nov 1680
Thomas, son of Thomas & Abigail THAYER, b. 14 Jan 1680
Sarah, dau. of Benjamin & Rebeckah SAVIL, b. Nov 1680
Will'm, son of Will'm & Deborah SAVELL, b. 9 Feb 1680
Hannah, dau. of Nehemiah & Hannah HOIDON, b. 18 Jul 1681
Increase, son of Increase NILE, b. 9 Mar 1680/81
Solomon, son of Solomon & Prudence CURTIS, b. 20 Mar 1680/81
Mary, dau. of Robert & Mary FIELD, b. 30 Aug 1681
Bathia, dau. of Samuel & Hannah SAVELL, b. 17 Oct 1681
Edmond, son of Edmond & ---- QUINCY, b. 14 Oct 1681
Samuel, son of Samuell & Abigaill NEALE, b. 5 Sep 1681
Rebeckah, dau. of Joseph & Rebeckah ALLEN, b. 9 Dec 1681
Lidia, dau. of Samuel & Mary PAINE, b. 6 Jan 1681
John, son of John & Abigail HERFORD, b. 23 Feb 1681
John, son of John & Bethia WEBB, b. 9 Mar 1681/82
Hannah, dau. of Samuel & Mary NILE, b. 1682
Richard, son of Will'm & Mary HORSEY, b. 6 Mary 1682
William, son of Thomas & Abigaill THAYER, b. 15 Aug 1682
Mary, dau. of James & Sarah BRACKETT, b. 30 Aug 1682
Moses, son of Joseph & Waiting PENIMAN, b. 14 Feb 1677
Deborah, dau. of Joseph & Waiting PENIMAN, b. 27 Feb 1679
Samuel THOMPSON Sr., ae 60, the 16th of Feb 1690, recorded the his Children which he had by wife Sarah (SHEPARD - m. 25 Apr 1656):
Samuel, Jr., b. 6 Nov 1662
Edward, b. 20 Apr 1665
Abigail, b. 10 Nov 1667
Patience, dau. of John & Hannah SAUNDERS, b. 7 Aug 1689
Hanah TOMPSON, b. 6 Aug 1672
Mary, dau. of James & Sarah BRACKETT, b. 31 Aug 1672
Sarah TOMPSON, b. 1 Jan 1679
Daniel, son of John & Hannah SANDERS, b. 12 Jan 1686
Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph & Hanah BILLING, b. 23 Mar 1692/3
Hanah, dau. of Joseph & Hanah BILLINGS, b. 17 May 1695
Joseph, son of Jospeh & Hanah BILLINGS, b. 17 May 1695
Deborah, dau. of James & Sarah BRACKETT, b. 15 Aug 1685
Anne, dau. of James & Sarah BRACKET, b. 18 Jul 1687
Benjami, son of Joseph & Mary PERMENTER, b. 9 Sep 1682
Steven, son of Steven & Ellin PAINE, b. 7 Nov 1682
Benjamin, son of Mr. Benjamin & Susanna TOMPSON, b. 7 Nov 1682 (both born in ye same house)
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary ADAMS, b. 6 Feb 1682/3
Margarett, dau. of Edward & Hannah LINSFORD, b. 6 Feb 1682/3
Amos, son of William & Deborah SAVELL, b. 24 Feb 1682/3
Hannah, dau. of Samuell & Elizabeth PENIMAN, b. 12 Feb 1682
John, son of John & Hannah HARDIN, b. 1 Jun 1681
Lidea, dau. of John & Hannah HARDIN, b. 22, 12th mo. 1684
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Rachell SPEERE, b. 27 Jun 1680
Mary, dau. of Ebenezer & Rachell SPEERE, b. 10 Jun 1682
Allexander, son of Joseph & Jane PLUMLEY, b. 28 Jun 1682
Sam'll, son of Sollomon & Elizabeth VEASY, b. 10 Sep 1682
Benjamin, son of Richard & Rebekah THAYER, b. 4 Oct 1683
Hannah, dau. of Jno & Mary LAMB, b. 19 Oct 1683
Joanna, dau. of Nath. & Joanna WALES, b. 19 Dec 1683
Margaret, dau. of Ffrancis & Elizabeth NASH, b. 8 Mar 1683/4
Mary, dau. of Dependence & Mary FFRENCH, b. 30 Mar 1684
Sam'll, son of Ebenezer & Rachell SPEERE, b. 18 May 1684 ("not paid" in super-script)
Anna, dau. of Moses & Mary BELSHAR, b. 21 May 1684
Bathia, dau. of Sam'll & Mary NIELL, b. 1684
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Hannah PADLFOOT, b. 15 Mar 1679
Abigaill, dau. of Joseph & Mary ADDAMS, b. 17 Feb 1684
William, son of Jno. & Temperance BOWDITCH, b. 20 Jan 1683
Hannah, dau. of John & Hannah ADDAMS, b. 24 Jun 1685
Abigaill, dau. of Peter & Abigaill SCOTT, b. 1 Oct 1685
Edward, son of Jno & Abigaill HEIFORD, b. 22 May 1685
Peter, son of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 25 Dec 1685
Richard, son of Richard & Rebekah THAYER, b. 26 Jan 1665 [sic]
Sollomon, son of Sollomon & Elizabeth VEASEY, b. 17 Feb 1685/6
Jonathan, son of Sam'll & Elizabeth PENEMAN, b. 17 Feb 1685/6
Jonathan, son of Peter & ---- NEWCOMB, b. 1 Mar 1685/6
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 21 Nov 1683
Edward, son of Jno & Abigaill HEIFORD, b. 22 May 1685
Hannah, dau. of Nath. & Hannah THAYER, b. 17 Feb 1685/6
Margarett, dau. of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. 22 Feb 1685/6
Benjamin, son of Nehemiah & Hannah HEIDEN, b. 22 Feb 1685/6
Richard, son of Thomas & Mary FFAXON, b. 4 Sep 1686
John, son of John & Ruth COPELAND, b. Sep 1683
Samuel, son of John & Ruth COPELAND, b. 20 Sep 1686
Richard, son of Thomas & Mary FFAXON, b. 4 Sep 1686
Ruth, dau. of Peter & Ruth WEB, b. 7 May 1684
Christopher, son of Peter & Ruth WEB, b. 30 Dec 1689
Hannah, dau. of Peter & Ruth WEB, b. 14 Mar 1692
John, son of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 10 Mar 1663 [sic]
Hannah, 2d, dau. of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 8 Sep 1694
William, son of John & Sarah DIER, b. 1 May 1683
[lapsed in former Records, entered at his fathers request by B. T. Cler. Brantr.]
John, son of John & Mary LAMB, b. 5 Nov 1677
Mary, dau. of John & Mary LAMB, b. 15 Oct 1680
Grace, dau. of John & Mary LAMB, b. 15 Oct 1680
Samuel, son of John & Mary LAMB, b. 17 Feb 1686
John PAYN, son of John & Deborah PAYNE, b. 13 Aug 1690
Deborah PAYN, dau. of John & Deborah PAYN, b. 28 Sep 1692
Stephen, son of John & Deborah PAYN, b. 19 Jan 1694/5
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYER, b. 3 May 1692
Hanah, dau. of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYR, b. 15 Oct 1693
Josiah, son of Ebenezer & Hanah OWEN, b. 15 May 1687
Sarah, dau. of Benjamin & Lydia SAVIL, b. 10, 9th, 1687
John, son of John & Bethiah WEB, b. 21 Aug 1687
David, son of Peter & Ruth WEB, b. 27: 9th, 1687
Rebecka, dau. of Samuel & Mary WEB, b. 25; 7th. 1687
Anah, dau. of Sam'll, Jr., & Anna TOMPSON, b. 22: 9: 1687
Hanna, dau. of Christopher & Mary WEBB, b. 16 Dec 1686
John, son of John & Hannah ADAMS, b. 28: 7th, 1687
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Mary MILLS, b. 27: Mar: 1687
Mary, dau. of John & Temperance BOWDITCH, 17 Feb 1686/7
Hannah, dau. of Joseph & Mary PARMENTER, b. Sep 1687
John, son of Joseph & Rebecka ALLIN, b. 8 Jul 1686
John, son of John & Mary THAYER, b. 30 Jun 1686
Sarah, dau. of Samuel & Sarah SPENCER, b. Aug 1686
Joseph, son of John & Sarah TOWER, b. 26 Apr 1690
Katharine, dau. of Moses & Mary BELCHAR, b. 5 Jul 1686
John, son of Richard & Rebecka THAYER, b. 12 Jan 1687/8
Samuel, son of Mr. Moses & Mrs. Sarah FISKE, b. 19th 12th 1687/8
Peter, son of John & Hannah HARDIN, b. 29 May 1687
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Abigail NEALE, b. 22 Jan 1687 (the mother d. 24 Mar 1687/8)
John, son of John, Jr., & Experience FFRENCH, b. 20 Sep 1686
Anna, dau. of John & Experience FFRENCH, b. 15 Jan 1687/8
Mary, dau. of Thomas & Mary FAXON, b. 12 Jan 1687/8, as by acct to me &c
John, son of of John BASSE, the son of John BASSE & Abigail his wife, b. 8 Jun 1688
Samuel, son of Samuel & Hannah FRENCH, b. 13, 7th, 1688
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Rebecka ALLIN, b. Mar 1687/8; since I heard it was 13 Apr 88
Benjamin NIGHTINGAL, b. 24 Sep, & christened 21, 9th mo. (among the 1688 births and immediately following the death of Bethia NIGHTINGAL, 24 Sep)
Joseph, son of William & Deborah SAVELL, b. 3 Mar 1686/7
Henry, son of John & Mary THAYER, b. 1 Aug 1688 (d. 2 Mar 1688/9)
Deborah, dau. of William & Deborah SAVEL, b. 6th Oct 1684
Sarah, dau. of Jonathan & Sarah HAYWARD, b. 17 Dec 1688
Moses, son of Samuel & Mary BELCHER, b. 4 Aug 1672
John, son of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 4 Jan 1688/9
Samuel, son of Ephraim & Mary ARNOLD, b. 7 Jan 1688/9
Samuel, son of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. 5 Dec 1688/9
Joseph, son of Peter & Abigail SCOTT, b. 28 Dec 1688
Thomas & Simon, twin sons of Joseph & Sarah CROSBEY, b. 16 Jan 1688/9
James, son of Clement & Elizabeth COCK, b. 26 Apr 1687
Elizabeth, dau. of Clement & Elizabeth COCK, b. 28 Oct 1688
Sarah, dau. of Christopher & Mary WEB, b. 10th : 10th mo., 1688
Sarah, dau. of William & Deborah SAVIL, b. 10 Apr 1689, d. 15th
Samuel, son of Mr. Moses & Mrs. Sarah FISKE, b. 5 Apr 1689
William & Ruth, twins of John & Ruth COPELAND, b. 5 Apr 1689
Joh, son of Dependance & Rebecka FRENCH, b. 10 Mar 1688/9
Sarah, dau. of Benjamin & Susannah TOMPSON, b. 23 Jul 89
Eleazer, son of Solomon & Elizabeth VEAZY, b. 22 Aug 1689
Abigail, dau. of John & Anna HARDIN, b. 20 May 1689
Susanna, dau. of Thomas & Katherine MOSSET, b. 15 Sep 89
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary NEALE, b. 14 Sep 1689
Thomas, son of Nathaniel & Joanna WALES, b. 6 Oct ----
John, son of Dependance & Rebecka FRENCH, b. 10 Mar 89
Elizabeth, dau. of John & Elizabeth NEWCOMB, b. 7th. 11th. 1689
Samuel, son of John & Bethiah WEBB, b. 19 Oct 1689
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary BASSE, b. 22 Jun 1690
Benjamin, son of Robert & Mary FFIELD, b. 21 Jun 1689, d. 20 Jul 1690
Sarah, dau. of Samuel & Sarah NEWCOMB, b. 90
Anna, dau. of Samuel & Sarah SPENCER, b. 21 Aug 1689
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mara WEBB, b. 14 May 1690
Josiah, son of Josiah & Mehetabel FFAXON, b. 23 May 1690
Deborah, dau. of Samuel & Hannah TOMPSON, b. 30th. 6th. 1690
Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel THAYER & Hannah, his present wife, b. 17, 5th 1689
Moses, son of Mr. Moses & Sarah FISK, b. 19 Jul 1682 (omitted in its proper place)
Mary, dau. of Ephraim & Mary ARNOLD, b. 1 Oct 1690
Hannah, dau. of Samuel & Hannah FRENCH, b. 15 Jan 1689/90
Nathaniel, son of John & Hannah HARDIN, b. 7 Jan 1691/2
Christopher, son of Christopher & Mary WEB, b. 19 Aug 1690
Samuel Tompson received this Book & was voated into this office & place of keeping this Book of Records of Marriages, Births & Burialls, in the year 1690, by the inhabitants of the Town of Braintree, and alowed by the County court of Suffolk.
Ruth, dau. of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYER, b. 25 Jul 1690
Hannah, dau. of John & Marcy RUGGLES, b. 13 Jan 1690/1
Deborah, dau. of Joseph & Mary PARMENTER, b. 24 Feb 1690/91
Samuell, son of Stephen & Ellinn PAYNE, b. 13 Feb 1686
Mary, dau. of Nathaniel & Johanah WALS, b. 1 Apr 1691
John, son of Samuel & Hannah SAVILL, b. 18 Oct 1690
David & Jonathan, sons of Robert & Mary FEILD, b. 19 Apr 1691
Dependance, son of Dependance & Rebecah FRENCH, b. 15 Apr 1691
Deborah, dau. of John & Mary MARSHALL, b. 28 May 1691
Samuel, son of John, Jr., & Abigaill BASS, b. 17 Jun 1671
Sarah, dau. of Samuel & Mary NILES, b. Jan 1680
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mary NILES, b. 15 Jun 1686
Zachariah, son of Nathaniel (deceased) & Hannah THAYER, b. 16 Mar 1688 [Entered 15 Mar 1739, by his acct. to me, R. FAXON, Cler.]
Bethiah, dau. of John & Bethiah WEBB, b. 29 Oct 1691
Mary, dau. of Richard & Rebecah THAYER, b. Feb 1689/90
James, son of Richard & Rebecca THAYER, 16 Nov 1691
Mary, dau. of Clement & Elizabeth COCK, b. 6 Jan 1691/2
Lidiah, dau. of Benjamin & Lidia NEALE, b. 9 Feb 1689/90
Hannah, dau. of Benjamin & Lidia NEALE, b. 15 Mar 1661/2 (sic)
Hannah, #Joseph & Mary NEALE, b. 6 Dec 1691
Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel & Elizabeth WALES, b. 10 Feb 1675/6
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Joanah WALES, b. 29 Dec 1681
Elkenah, son of Nathaniel & Joanah WALES, b. 1 Dec 1685
Deborah, dau. of Nathaniel & Joanah WALES, b. 16 Oct 1687
Mary, dau. of Moses & Mary PAYNE, b. 4 May 1689
Hanah, dau. of Moses & Mary PAINE, b. 2 Apr 1692
Samuel, son of Samuel & Rebecah BASS, b. 26 Mar 1684
David, son of Samuel & Rebecah BASS, b. 15 Nov 1686
Rebecah, dau. of Samuel & Rebecah BASS, b. 24 May 1689
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Rebeccah BASS, b. 27 Dec 1691
William, son of William & Rebecah NIGHTINGALL, b. 5 Sep 1692
Elias, dau. of Thomas & Catharin MOSSETT, b. 26 Jul 1692
Mary, dau. of Thomas & Mahitabell COPELAND, b. 24 Nov 1692
Gregory, son of Gregory & Elizabeth BELCHER, b. 19 Jun 1691
Benjamin, son of William & Deborah SAVIL, b. 20 Oct 1692
Mary, dau. of John & Mercy RUGLES, b. 13 Dec 1692
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Annah FRENCH, b. 20 Sep 1691
John, son of John & Hanah MILS, b. 12 Oct 1692
Hannah,, dau. of John & Hanah MILLS, b. 2 Feb 1689
Elizabeth, dau. of John & Hanah MILLS, b. 13 Jul 1690
Sarah, dau. of Ephraim & Sarah THAYRE, b. 5 Feb 1691/2
Hannah, dau. of Jonathan & Hanah HAYWARD, b. 22 Jan 1692/3
John, son of John & Sarah WILD, b. 30 Oct 1691
Samuel, son of John & Sarah wILD, b. 18 Mar 1692/3
James, son of James & Mary PUFFER, b. 7 Nov 1692
Bethiah, dau. of Samuel & Hanah TOMPSON, b. 20 Mar 1692/3
Rachill, dau. of Ebenezer & Rachill SPEAR, b. 10 Apr 1686
Joseph, son of Ebenezer & Rachill SPEAR, b. 25 Feb 1687/8
Nathaniel, son of Ebenezer & Rachil SPEAR, b 18 May 1693
Samuel, son of Nathaniel & Joanah WALES, b. 23 Jun 1693
Hanah, dau. of Nathaniel & Hannah SPEER, b. 30 Sep 1690
Nathaniel son of Nathaniel & Hanah SPEER, b. 25 Sep 1692
Abigail, dau. of John & Bethiah WEBB,b. 9 Oct 1693
Elizabeth, dau. of Gregory & Elizabeth BELSHER, b. 31 Oct 1693
John, son of John & Temperance BOWDICH, b. 14 Oct 1693
Daniel, son of Mr. Daniel & Mary WILORD, b. 3 Oct 1693
Thomas, son of Josiah & Mahitabell FAXON, b. 8 Feb 1691/2
John, son of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 8 Feb 1690/1
Samuel, son of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 28 Jan 1693/4
Thomas, son of John & Experience FRENCH, b. 23 Jun 1690
Grac, dau. of John & Experience FRENCH, b. 22 Feb 1691/2
Abigaill, dau. of Thomas & Abigail THAYER, b. 13 Jul 1685
Mary, dau. of Joseph & Mary BASS, b. 22 Jun 1690
Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary BASS, b. 5 Jul 1692
John, son of Abraham & Abigail HEINES, b. "last week of August", 1685
Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham & Abigail HEINES, b. 8 Jun 1687
William, 2d son of William & Rebecah NITENGALL, b. 14 Nov 1693
John, 2d son of John & Sarah MILLS, b. -- Jan 1693/4
Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Lydiah NEAL, b. 3 Mar 1694
Joseph, son of John & Lidiah LAMB, b. 25 Jun 1690
Jemimiah, dau. of John & Lydia LAMB, b. 14 Jun 1693
Ebenezer, son of John & Elizabeth NUCOMB, b. 3 Jun 1694
Samuel, son of Samuel & Sarah NUCOM, b. 9 Jun 1694
David, son of Mr. Thomas & Katheren MOSETT, b. 23 Jun 1694
Ebenezer, son of Joseph & Demaris CLARKE, b. 10 Jul 1694
John, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 31 Aug 1682
Edward, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 21 May 1684 [Recorded at his desire 4 Apr 1737 & by his acct. to me R. F.]
David, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. Sep 1686
Jonathan, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 14 Mar 1789/90
Benjamin, son of Joseph & Damaris CLARK, b. 25 Aug 1692
Ephraim, son of Ephraim & Sarah THAYER, b. 8 Jul 1694
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Hanah SAVILL, b. 22 Aug 1694
John, son of John & Mary MARSHALL, b. 14 Sep 1694
Abigail, dau. of John & Abigail OEIRSE, b. 20 Aug 1694
Judith, dau. of William & Experience SAVILL, b. 10 Oct 1694
Moses, son of Moses & Mary PAYNE, b. 31 Oct 1694
James, son of James & Mary PUFFER, b. 5 Nov 1694
Ruth, dau. of Wiliam & Hanah HOWARD, b. 22 Oct 1694
Rebecah, dau. of Gregory & Elizabeth BELSHER, b. 30 Nov 1664 (sic)
Ebenezer, son of Joseph & Elin CROSBEY, b. 17 Nov 1694
Benjamin, son of Joseph & Mary BASS, b. 19 Dec 1694
John, son of Nathaniel & Hanah SPEER, b. 27 Oct 1694
William, son of William & Abigail LINFIELD, b. 15 Sep 1664 (sic)
David, son of William & Abigail LINFIELD, b. "beginning of July", 1697
Abigail, dau. of William & Abigail LINFIELD, b. 1701
Samuel, son of Stephen & Mary CRANE, b. 23 May 1687
Zarviah, dau. of Stephen & Mary CRANE, b. 30 Nov 1690
Benjamin, son of Stephen & Mary CRANE, b. 17 Nov 1692
Stephen, son of Stephen & Mary CRANE, b. 12 Dec 1694
Deborah, dau. of John & Anna HARDEN, b. 29 Jul 1694
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Hanah HAYWARD, b. 29 Dec 1694
Samuel, son of Theophilus & Hanah CURTIS, b. 23 Dec 1688
John, son of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. 5 Jul 1692
Rebecah, dau. of Dependance & Rebecah FRENCH, b. 13 May 1694
Samuel, son of Samuell & Susanah THAYER, b. 8 Mar 1894/5
William, son of Mr. John & Mary ARNOLD, b. 22 Nov 1678
Mary, dau. of Mr. John & Mary ARNOLD, b. 13 Mar 1692
---, dau. of John & -- SAUNDERS, b. 18 Sep 16--
Benjamin TOMPSON took the Oath of Records before the Worshipfull -- BULLIVANT, Esq., 19 Oct 1687. The children of Benj. TOMPSON by Susanna his wife are as follows:
Abigail, b. at Boston, 25: 9th: 1670
Susanna, b. at Charlestown, 16. 4th. 1673
Anna, b. at Charlestown, 10 Feb 1676
Ellenor, b. at Braintree, 29, 9th: 1679
Benjamin, b. at Braintree, 8th. 5, 1682
Elizabeth, b. at Braintree, 14th. 11th. 1684/5
Philip, b. at Braintree, 26th. 5th. 1687
Sarah, b. at Braintree, 23d. Jul 1689
Mary, b. at Braintree, 29 Aug 1692
David, son of Joseph CLARK, b. -----
Joseph, son of Robert FIELD, 16: 4: 168_
Deborah, dau. of Nathaniel & Joanna WALES, b. 10th. 8th. 1687
Mr. Edmund QUINSEY son
John MILLS, m. Elizabeth SHOVE, 6 Apr 1653; their children are:
Elizabeth, b. 1 Jul 1654
Sarah, b. 7 Jun 1656
John, b. 13 Apr 1660
Jonathan, b. 9th. 9: 1662
Edward, b. 29 Jun 1665
Mary, b. Apr 1670
Susannah, b. 12 Feb 1667
Nathaniel, b. 22 Apr 1672
Susanna, b. 23 Sep 1675
----, son of Lt. Edmund & Elizabeth QUINCY, b. 24 Oct 1681
Lydia, dau. of Josiah & Mihetabel FAXON, b. 30 Nov 1695
Joanna, dau. of George & Mary NONTJOY, b. Election day, May 1697
Mary, dau. of Worshipfull Edmund QUINSEY, Esq., & Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife, b. 7 Dec 1684
Richard, son of Thomas & Mary FAXON, b. 4 Sep 1686. reason of ye writing of yt on ye other was that he that lookt there for yt could not find and by others he supposing it to be neer in ye time of --- be best, he supposing some ---- leaves to be wanting, and he --- pleasing himself Dasht ye out --- it March mind
William, son of William & Mary COPELAND, b. 7 Mar 1694/5
Moses, son of Samuel & Comfort BELSHER, b. 16 Dec 1692
Deborah, dau. of Samuel & Comfort BELSHER, b. 11 Feb 1694/5
Deborah, dau. of Simon & Hanah BRIANT, b. 2 Apr 1695
Lydiah, dau. of John & Ruth COPELAND, b. 24 Apr 1692
Bethia, dau. of John & Ruth COPELAND, b. 19 Mar 1694/5
Margery, dau. of Josiah & Hanah OWIN, b. 29 Dec 1694
Thomas, son of Nathaniel & Joannah WALES, b. 19 Apr 1695
Joseph, son of Nathaniel & Joannah WALES, b. 29 Apr 1697
Jams, son of Samuel & Elizabeth PENIMAN, b. 29 Mar 1695
Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph & Mary NEAL, b. 12 May 1695
Abigail, dau. of Samuel & Hannah TOMPSON, b. 20 Jun 1695
Edmund, son of Mr. John & Sarah WILSON, b. 27 Jul 1695
Benjamin, son of Benjamin & Susanna WEBB, b. 13 Dec 1695, at Boston
Alexander, son of Samuel & Anna FRENCH, b. 13 Dec 1695
Joseph, son of Benjamin & Lydian NEAL, b. 19 Nov 1695
Caleb, son of Josiah & Mary HUBBARD, b. 14 Jan 1695/6
Elizabeth, dau. of Theophilus & Hannah CURTIS, b. 14 Jan 1695/6
Ephraim, son of Ephraim & Mary ARNOLD, b. 21 Jul 1695
Mary, dau. of Peter & Mary ADAMS, b. 27 Jan 1695
Benjamin, son of Nickolas & Rebecca SALTER, b. 7 Mar 1695
Samuel, son of Nicholas & Rebecca SALTER, b. 27 Nov 1698
The names of the children of Rev. Mr. Moses & Mrs. Sarah FISK, entered 29 Jan 1695/6
Mrs. Mary, b. 25 Aug, 1673
Mrs. Sarah, b. 22 Sep 1674
Mrs. Martha, b. Nov 1675, d. 28 Nov 1675
Mrs. Anna, b. 17 Aug 1677, d. 9 Jun 1678
Mrs. Ann b. 29 Oct 1678
Mrs. Elizabeth, b. 9 Feb 1679
Mr. John, b. 28 May 1681, d. 5 Aug 1681
Mr. Moses, b. 19 Jul 1682
Mr. John b. 26 Nov 1684
Mr. William, b. 2 Aug 1686
Mr. Samuel, b. 19 Feb 1687, d. 4 Mar 1688
Mr. Samuel (2d), b. 6 Apr 1689
Mrs. Ruth, b. 24 Mar 1691, d. 6 Jun 1692
Mr. Edward, b. 20 Oct 20 Oct 1692, d. 25 of the same
Mrs. Sarah FISK, d. 2 Dec 1692
Shepard, son of Rev. Mr. Moses & Mrs. Anne FISK, b. 19 Apr 1703 -
Mrs. Margaret, dau. of Rev. Mr. Moses & Mrs. Ann FISK, b. 16 Dec 1705
Josiah, son of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 18 Feb 1695/6
John, son of John & Hannah CLEVERLY, b. 9 Mar 1695/6
Joseph, son of John & Deborah PAYNE, b. 26 Oct 1695
Hannah, dau. of John, Jr., & Huldah BAXTER, b. 27 Apr 1696
Hannah, dau. of John & Catherine NIEL, b. 14 Feb 1696
Susannah, dau. of John & Kathrine NIEL, b. 18 Jan 1698
Pelatiah, son of William & Anne RAWSON, b. 2 Jul 1696
Samuel, son of Edward & Ruth DERBY, b. 2 May 1689
Edward, son of Edward & Ruth DERBY, b. 22 Aug 1691
Sarah, dau. of Edward & Ruth DERBY, b. 19 Jun 1693
Samuel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth SPEER, b. 6 Jul 1696
Samuel, son of Robert & Mary FIELD, b. 10 Jul 1696 and d. on the 7th day of his age
Elizabeth, dau. of John, 3d, & Elizabeth BASS, b. 5 Sep 1696
Caleb, son of Jonathan & Hanah HAYWARD, b. 27 Sep 1696
Moses, son of Joseph, Jr., & Mary BASS, b. 23 Oct 1696
Mary, dau. of Edmund & Mary JACKSON, b. 31 Nov 1696
Edward, son of Samuel & Sarah NEWCOMB, b. 4 Nov 1696
Mary, dau. of John & Mary HOLLIS, b. 16 Nov 1696
Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth FRENCH, b. 16 Dec 1696
Philip, son of Ephraim & Sarah THAYER, b. 14 Apr 1696
Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer & Rachel SPEARE, b. 7 Nov 1695
Mary, dau. of Nathaniel & Hannah SPEARE, b. 18 Feb 1696/7
Joseph, son of James & Mary PUFFER, b. 5 Feb 1696/7
Mary, dau. of John & Hannah MILLS, b. 18 Mar 1696/7
Elizabeth, dau. of Gregory & Elizabeth BELCHER, b. 30 Jan 1696/7
Hannah, dau. of John & Bethia WEBB, b. Sep 1697
Francis, son of Francis & Elizabeth ALWAYS, b. 8th. of 1st. 1696/7
Hannah, dau. of Steven & Mary CRANE, b. 5 Jul 1697
Hanna, dau. of Simon & Hanah BRIANT, b. 1 Sep 1697
Joanna, dau. of Mr. George & Mary MONTJOY, b. 13 May 1697 (Election day)
John, son of John & Mercy RUGGLES, b. 5 Sep 1696
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Comfort BELCHER, b. Jun 1697
William, son of William & Hannah HOWARD, b. 22 Mar 1696/7
Grindall, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Anna RAWSON, b. 24 Aug 1697
Mary, dau. of John & Mary MARSHAL, b. 28 Sep 1697
Moses, son of John & Deborah PAINE, b. 7 Nov 1697
Hanna, dau. of Steven & Mary CRANE, b. 5 Jul 1697
Susanna, dau. of Samuel & Susanna THAYER, b. 23 May 1697
Jonathan, son of Benjamin & Susanna WEBB, b. 27 Dec 1697
Hannah, dau. of Ephraim & Sarah THAYER, b. 13 Jan 1698
Thomas, dau. of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYER, b. 19 Feb 1697/8
Hannah, dau. of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 21 Feb 1697/8
Steven, son of John & Hannah CLEVERLY, b. 25 --- 1697/8
Benjamin, son of Ebenezer & Rachel SPEER, b. 12 Feb 1698
Samuel, son of John & Anna HARDING, b. 27 Feb 1698
David & Jonathan, twin sons of Edward & Ruth DARBY, b. 23 May 1698
Seth, son of John & Ruth COPELANd, 22 Jan 1697/8
Mehetabel, dau. of Josiah & Mehetabel FAXON, b. 14 Jun 1698
John, son of William & Rebecka NIGHTINGAL, b. 17 Apr 1698
Joseph, son of Joseph & Susanna RUGGLES, b. 29 Jul 1698
Abigail ESTGATE ---
Rache, dau. of Eleazer & Rachel ESTGATE, b. 12 Jan 1697/8
Benjamin, son of John & Sarah TAYLOUR, b. 8 Dec 1698
Sarah, dau. of John & Hannah MILLS, b. 8 Sep 1698
Daniel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth SPEER, b. 25 Aug 1698
Alice, dau. of Mr. John & Mrs. Sarah WILSON, b. 9 Jun 1698
Edward, son of Mr. Daniel & Mary WILLARD, b. 28 Feb 1698
Benjamin, son of Mr. Daniel & Mary WILLARD, b. 10 Jul 1698
Thomas, son of Thomas & Elizabeth FRENCH, b. 5 Aug 1698
Mary, dau. of Mr. William & Ann RAWSON, b. 11 Nov 1698
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Hannah TOMPSON, b. 26 Feb 1698
John, son of John & Huldah BAXTER, b. 10 Jan 1697
Abigail, dau. of Peter & Mary ADAMS, b. 13 Aug 1698
Amme, dau. of Richard & Amee KENT, b. 29 Apr 1699
Deborah, dau. of John & Experience FRENCH, b. 27 Aug 1694
William, son of John & Experience FRENCH, b. 16 Jan 1696
John, son of John & Experience FRENCH, b. 16 Apr 1699
William, son of Samuel & Comfort BELCHER, b. 14 Jul 1699
Susanna, dau. of John & Susanna SANDERS, b. 5 Mar 1699
Thomas, son of Thomas & Rachel LINCOLN, b. 23 Feb 1698
Ephraim, son of William & Mary COPELAND, b. 1 Feb 1697
Ebenezer, son of William & Mary COPELAND, b. 16 Feb 1698
Nathaniel, son of Edmund & Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD, b. 6 Apr 1691
Elizabeth, dau. of Edmund & Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD, b. 21 Apr 1694
Sarah, dau. of Edmund & Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD, b. 4 Dec 1695
Anna, dau. of Edmund & Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD, b. 25 Mar 1698
Caleb, son of Caleb & Lidia LITTLEFIELD, b. Jul 1692
Mary, dau. of Samuel & Mary WRIGHT, b. 21 Nov 1698
Rachel, dau. of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYER, b. 3 Apr 1698
David, son of Nathaniel & Hannah SPEARE, b. 27 Mar 1699
David, son of Dependance & Rebecca FRENCH, b. 4 Mar 1699, also
Elizabeth, dau. of Dependance & Rebecca FRENCH, born the same day & hour
Thomas, son of Thomas, Jr., & Mehetable WHITE, b. 2 Oct 1698
John, son of Deacon Nathaniel & Joanna WALES, b. 25 May 1699
Joshua, son of Jonathan & Hannah HAWARD,, b. 26 May 1699
Sarah, dau. of Moses & Mary PAYN, b. 3 Jul 1697
Ann, dau. of Benjamin & Susannah HOBART, b. 4 Jul 1699
Mary, dau. of James & Mary PUFFER, b. 7 Aug 1699
Samuel, son of Gregory & Elizabeth BELCHER, b. 19 Aug 1699
Samuel, son of Samuel & Abigail ALLIN, b. 2 Jul 1699
Mary, dau. of Moses & Mary PENNIMAN, b. 20 Jun 1699
Joseph, son of Ephraim & Sarah THAYER, b. 28 Jul 1699
Sarah, dau. of John & Elizabeth BASS, b. 19 Sep 1699
Rebecca, dau. of John, Jr., & Mercy RUGGLE, b. 10 Mar 1699
Jonathan, son of John & Hannah MILLS, b. 29 Oct 1699
Isaac, son of Isaac & Mary HUNT, b. 25 Feb 1698
David, son of Benjamin & Susanna WEBB, b. 11 Dec 1699
Jonathan, son of Peter & Susannah NEWCOMB, b. 1 Mar 1686
Peter, son of Peter & Susannah NEWCOMB, b. 23 Jul 1689
Lydia, dau. of Joseph & Mary NEALE, b. 7 Nov 1697
Henry, son of Benjamin & Lydia NEALE, b. 4 Aug 1697
Abigail, dau. of Benjamin & Lydia NEALE, b. 20 Aug 1698
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Mary CRANE, b. 21 Nov 1692
Ezekiel, son of Ebenezer & Mary CRANE, b. 28 Nov 1694
Daniel, son of Ebenezer & Mary CRANE, b. 2 Feb 1696/7
Tabitha, dau. of Ebenezer & Mary CRANE, b. 27 Dec 1697
Mary, dau. of Ebenezer & Mary CRANE, b. 11 Jul 1699
Samuel, son of Samuel & Mary BAXTER, b. 1 Aug 1698
Ephraim, son of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 14 Jun 1681
John, son of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 28 Aug 1683
Elizabeth dau. of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 27 Sep 1685
Hannah, dau. of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 2 Jun 1687
Ruth, dau. of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 26 Mar 1689
Samuel, son of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 14 May 1692
Joseph, son of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 14 Jan 1695
Mary, dau. of Ephraim & Elizabeth PRAY, b. 17 Sep 1697
Ruth, dau. of Joseph & Mary BASS, b. 21 Mar 1699
Lydia, dau of Samuel & Susannah THAYER, b. 25 Dec 1699
John, son of Josiah & Margaret BELCHER, b. 28 Aug 1694
Elisabeth, dau of Josiah & Margaret BELCHER< b. 25 May 1697
Margrett, dau of Josiah & Margaret BELCHER, b. 8 Apr 1699
Daniel, son of Modica & Sarah MEKUSETT, b. 14 Oct 1690
Sarah, dau of Arthur & Sarah POWEL, b. 4 Sep 1695
Josiah, son of Josiah & Mary HOBART, b. 24 May 1797
Jemima, dau of Jno. & Jemima STAPLES, b. 23 Apr 1694
Sarah, dau of John & Jemima STAPLES, b. 3 Apr 1696
Mary, dau of John & Jemima STAPLES, b. 13 Jan 1698
Susannah, dau of Samuel & Anna WHITE, b. 12 Mar 1689
Mary, dau of Samuel & Anna WHITE, b. 12 Sep 1690
Lydia, dau of Samuel & Anna WHITE, b. 14 Oct 1696
Joseph, son of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 17 Jun 1696
Priscilla, dau of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 1 Sep 1697
Mary, dau of Peter & Ruth WEBB, b. 5 Oct 1698
Thomas, son of Ebenezer & Ruth THAYER, b. 19 Feb 1697/8, d. 16 Apr 169-
Hannah, dau of Joseph & Hannah ADAMS, b. 21 Feb 1697/8
Stephen, son of John & Hannah CLEVERLY, b. 25 Jan 1797/8
Josiah, son of Josiah & Mary HOBART, b. 24 May 1697 "upon the 2nd day of the week"
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 21 Nov 1684
Benjamin, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 3 Jan 1695
Joseph, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 3 Jan 1695
William, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 30 Jan 1697
John, son of Nathaniel & Mary OWEN, b. 13 Apr 1699
Mary, dau of Joseph & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 9 Apr 1697
Joseph, son of Joseph & Elizabeth HAYDEN, b. 4 May 1699
Joseph PARMENTER who was Voted, Clerk of the Inhabitants of Braintree, 6 Mar 1699. Was b. 20 Dec 1655, m. 17 Nov 1675 to Mary MARSH, (by Mr. TYNG) and had by her the children hereafter mentioned which were by him recorded:
Sarah, b. 12 Jun 1677
Joseph, b. 23 Apr 1679, d. 12 Jul following
Mary, b. 27 May 1680
Benjamin, b. 9 Sep 1682
Hannah, b. latter end of Sep 1687
Deborah, b. 24 Feb 1690/1
Daniel, son of Wilim OWEN, b. 1 Aug 1651
Samuel PAYN & Mary PENNIMAN m. 4 Apr 1678, by Mr. Joseph DUDLEY and had the following children: -
Mary, b. 27 Oct 1680
Lydia, b. 6 Jan 1681
Samuel, b. 26 Nov 1684
Hannah, b. 1 Feb 1687
Joseph b. 3 Aug 1689
Mehetable, b. 8 Dec 1693
Benjamin, b. 28 Dec 1696
John, son of John & Sarah WILD, b. 29 Oct 1692
Samuel, son of John & Sarah WILD, b. 18 Mar 1792/3 [sic]
William, son of John & Sarah WILD, b. 26 Aug 1696
Jonathan, son of John & Sarah WILD, b. 27 Sep 1698
Sarah, dau of John & Sarah WILD, b. 28 Oct 1700
The following is copied from a Book in the keeping of the Town Clerk of Brainetree, transcribed by S. D. HAYDEN agreeable to a vote of the town.
"The following births to John NUCOME, page 11, are taken from the copy of Hon. J. Q. ADAMS, the original not to be found."
Susanna, dau of John & Rosa FRANCIS, b. 12 mo. 4, 1658
Dorothy, dau of John & Dorothy DOWNAM, b. 15. 1. 1675/8
Samuel, son of Francis & Rosa GOOLD, b. 12. 6. 1658
Martha, dau of James & Mary PUFFER, b. 28. 10. 1658
Hannah, dau of Nathaniel & Mary HARMAN, b. 28. 11. 1658
Experince, dau of Thomas & Hanna THAYER, b. 15. 12. 1658
Sarah, dau of Richard & Elizabeth FACKSON, b. 13. 1. 1659
Samuel, son of George & Mary SPEER, b. 16. 11. 1658
Mary, dau of Samuel & Hanna KINGLY, b. 1 mo. 3. 1658
Abigail, dau of Francis & Mary ELLIOT, b. 12 mo. 11. 1658
Abigail ADDAMS, dau of Jos. & Abigail, b. 27. 12. 1658
Sarah, dau of Peter & Mary GEORGE, b. 4 mo. 3. 1658
Sara, dau of Daniel & Mary SHED, b. 30. 8. 1758
Mary, dau of Alexander & Mary MARSH, b. 21. 2. 1658
John, dau of (sic) Laurence & Liddia COPLAND, b. 12 mo. 10. 1658
James & Rebecca, son & daughter of James & Mary MYCALL, b. ---
Samuel, son of Samuel & Rebecca ARNOLD ----
Ruth, dau of Peter & Priscilla, b. 9 mo. 23. 1660
Samuel, son of Samuel & Hannah, b. 11. 11. 1660
Sarah, dau of John & Jael HARBOUR, b. 12 mo. 8. 1660
Hannah, dau of John & Hanna HAIDON, b. 11. 3. 1660
David, son of Farthenando & Hulda THAYER, b. 4 mo 20. 1660
Samuel, son of John & Ruth NEWCOMB, b. 12. 25. 1660
Rachel, dau of William & Mary SHEFFIELD, b. 3 mo. 24. 1660
Samuel, son of Christopher & Hanna WEBB, b. 6. 6. 1660
John, son of Moses & Elizabeth PAYNE, b. 2 mo. 6. 1660
Joseph, son of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 12 mo. 23d. ----
Hannah, dau of John & Anna BAXTER, b. 3 mo. 6. 1660
Lydia, dau of Laurence & Lydia COPLAND, b. 3. 31. 1661
Isaac, son of Thomas & Hanna THAYER, b. 3. 31. 1661
Abigail, dau of John & Marth WOODLAND, b. 3 mo. 5. 1661
John, son of Josiah & Mary CHAPIN, b. 4 mo. 11. 1661
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Hanna MOTT, b. 6. 30. 1661
Joseph, son of Thomas & Joanna HOLBROOK, b. 2. mo. 10. 1660
Joanna, dau of Thomas & Deborah FACKSON, b. 7. 20. 1660
Mary, dau of William & Jael ROCH, b. 10. 18 --- 1661
Sarah, dau of Henry & Hannah NEAL, b. 10. 20. 1661
John & Bethias, son & dau of Joseph & Abigail ADAMS, b. 10 mo. 20. 1661
Anna, dau of Emond & Joanna QUINSY, b. 1 mo. 10. 1662
Hannah, dau of Alexander & Mary MASH, b. 1 mo. 1662
Richard, son of Richar & Mary CHAPMAN, b. 1 mo. 24. 1662
John, son of John & Sarah BELCHER, b. 1 mo. 10. 1662, & d. 11 same month
Sarah, dau of Moses & Elizabeth PAYN, b. 3 mo.
Freelove, dau of Shadrack & Deliverance THAYER, b. 4 mo. 30. 1662
Thomas, son of Richard & Elizabeth FAXON, b. 6. 2. 1662
Mary, dau of Josiah & Mary CHAPIN,, b. 6 mo. 1662
Samuel, son of Samuel & Hanna KINGSLY, b. 6. 6. 1662
Dorothy, dau of John & Dorothy DOWNAM, b. 6 mo. 15th. 1662
Sarah, dau of John & Hanna HEIDEN, b. 5 mo. 7. 1662
Rachel, dau of Robert & Marth TWELLS, b. 8 mo. 3. 1662
----, dau of William & Sarah SCANT, b. 4 mo. 2. 1662
----, son of John & Elizabeth MILLS, b. 7 mo. 21. 1662
Hannah, dau of John & Ruth BASS, b. 11. 28. 1662
(Naomi), dau of (Farthanandoe) & Hulda THAYER, b. 11. 23. 1662