Vital Records Of Boxford Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Topsfield Historical Society,
Topsfield, Mass. 1905
Marriages - DODGE to HINDERSON

[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Anna, and Mark How of Methuen, at Methuen, Apr. 18, 1776.
Daniel, of Topsfield, and Mary Dodge, Dec. 7, 1778.
Isaac, of Wenham, and Mahittabel Tiller, int. Aug. 18, 1758.
Isaac, and Abigail Tyler, Apr. 12, 1744.
Isaac, of Wenham, and Mehitable Tyler, at Wenham, Apr. 1, 1758.
Joanna, and Ambrose Hall [Hale. C.R.1.], Dec. 11, 1723.
Mary, and John Brown of ----, N.H., int. Feb. 18, 1775.
Mary, and Daniel Dodge of Topsfield, Dec. 7, 1778.
Mary, and Daniel Cummings of Andover, Feb. 28, 1782.
Solomon, jr., a. 34 y., farmer, b. at Rowley, s. Solomon and Martha, and Hannah M. Todd, a. 34 y., of Rowley, d. Henry B. and Priscilla, June 8, 1848. [July 8. C.R.1.]
William, Dea., of Wenham, and Joanna Herrick, Aug. 11, 1806.
Greenleaf,and Sophia Dole of Methuen, Nov. 30, 1826. B.C.
Jane, of Methuen, and Daniel Harriman, Oct. 17, 1816. B.C.
Judith, of Rowley, and Samuel Cheney, at Rowley, Nov. 2, 1797.
Sarah, Mrs., of Newbury, and Daniel Perkins, at Newbury, Nov. 27, 1740.
Sarah, of Rowley, and Jeremiah Harriman, ----, 1792. B.C. [int. Feb. 5, 1792.]
Sophia, of Methuen, and Greenleaf Dole, Nov. 30, 1826. B.C.
Acksah, and Benjamin French, Apr. 2, 1829.
Ancill, a. 28 y., shoemaker, s. Moses and Huldah, and Hannah Hale, a. 21 y., d. John and Matilda A., Oct. 28, 1847.
Debby [Deborah. C.R.2.], and John Fowler, jr. of Ipswich, Apr. 19, 1804.
Dolly, and Aaron Crombie, jr. of B[everly ?], int. Sept. 19, 1812.
Elizabeth, and John Daget, Nov. 30, 1721.
Elizabeth, and Ezra Towne, int. July 29, 1759.
Ephraim, and Hephzibah Peabody, Apr. 11, 1738.
Eunice, wid., and Joshua Jackson of Rowley, Oct. 1, 1765.
Hannah, of Topsfield, and Richard Kymball, at Topsfield, Feb. 22, 1698-9.
Hannah, and Israel Dagget [Dagedd, of Rehobeth. int.], Apr. 15, 1724. C.R.1.
Huldah [2d. P.R.24.], and Benjamin Pike, jr. of Topsfield, Apr. 24, 1827.
Jabez, and Abiel Fesher, Aug. 16, 1716.
John, and Rebeckah Smith, Jan. 28, 1729. [1729-30. B.C.]
John [jr. int.], and Hannah Jackson of Rowley, ----, 1762. B.C. [int. May 8, 1762.]
John, and Hannah Andrews, Dec. 27, 1792.
John S., and Ann M. Esney of Georgetown, int. June 17, 1842.
Mary, of Topsfield, and Timmothy Foster, at Topsfield, Oct. 2, 1699. [1692. B.C.]
Mary, and Joseph Stanley of Tops[fiel]d, at Topsfield, Mar. 29, 1716.
Mary, and Joseph Matthews, Sept. 29, 1754.
Mary S., and William Tyler, June 23, ----. [June 24, 1835. C.R.1.].
Moses, and Huldah Gould, June 30, 1801.
Moses, jr., and Huldah Gould, Apr. 1, 1828.
Moses, jr., and Phebe Perley, Nov. 6, 1839.
Nathaniel [Nathan. int.], and Pamelia Gould [of Topsfield. int.], Dec. 17, 1825. B.C.
Nathaniel, and Mary E[lizabeth. int.] Purver[se. C.R.2.], Feb. 11, 1836.
Perley, and Mehitable Symonds, Feb. 7, 1809.
Rebecca, Mrs., and Lieut. Jonathan Foster, June 28, 1764.
Ruth, of Topsfield, and John Simonds, at Rowley, May 13, 1746.
Sarah, and John Peabody, May 18, 1736.
Thomas, and Judith Wood, Mar. 16, 1662. B.C.
Timothy, and Elisabeth Knowlton of Ipswich, Nov. 15, 1688. B.C.
Timothy, and [Mrs. int.] Elizabeth Bolton [of Andover. int.], Jan. 15, 1738-9.
Timothy, and Eunice Burnam of Lunenburg, at Lunenburg, May 27, 1754.
Timothy, and Debe Perley, ----, ----. B.C.
William H., and Sarah Barnes, Apr. 19, 1832. P.R.22.
Joseph Warren, Rev., of Tyringham, N.H., and Sarah Peabody, May 12, 1812.
Sarah, wid., and Silas Hardy, carpenter, widr., of Bradford, int. July 10, 1848.
Sarah P., of Tyringham, and Putnam Perley, int. May 15, 1836.
Mary [Dowing. int.], and Amos Foster of [Upper. int.] Ashuelott, Dec. 22, 1751.
John, and Mrs. Sally Cole, Feb. 9, 1803.
Daniel, of Bangor, and Eunice Perley, Aug. [20. C.R.1.], 1809.
Dorcas, and Henry Atherton of Fitchburg, Oct. 28, 1841.
Jacob, of Ipswich, and Rachel Bradford, Feb. 4, 1741-2.
Jacob, and Sarah Adams, Aug. ----, 1823.
John, and Jane [Jean. int.] Harriman of Rowley, ----, 1760. B.C. [int. Aug. 3, 1760.]
John, and Mehitable Dickinson of Rowley, at Rowley, Mar. 13, 1783.
John P., a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Nathan and Sukey, and Lydia E. Strout, a. 22 y., d. W[illia]m W. and Cynthia, Nov. 26, 1846.
Jonathan, and Sarah Foster of Andover, at Andover, Nov. 28, 1748.
Lydia, and Ebenezer Deana, jr., of Reading, int. Apr. 20, 1768.
Mehitable, a. 60 y., sempstress, d. John and Mehitable, and Clark D. Tyler, a. 46 y., cordwainer, b. at Reading, s. Isaac and Dorcas, July 16, 1845.
Nathan, and Susanna Long, ----, 1817. [int July 5, 1817.]
Phebe, of Rowley, and Samuel Perley, ----, 1798. B.C. [int. Apr. 6, 1798.]
Suky [Mrs. Susanna. int.], and Elijah Wilson of Salem, N.H., Apr. 15, 1830. [Apr. 14. B.C.]
Thomas, and Hannah Hazen, Nov. 15, 1791.
Joseph G. [of Bangor. C.R.1; of Newbury. int.], and Mary P. Peabody [Sept 28, 1835. C.R.1.].
Thomas, and Ann Ayer of Haverhill, int. Feb. 28, 1823.
John [of Haverhill. int.], and Mercy [Mary. dup.] Mors [at Haverhill. dup.], Apr. 4, 1738.
DWINEL (see also Dwinell)
Israel, and Martha Hale, Apr. 2, 1828.
DWINELL (see also Dwinel, Dwinnel, Dwinnell)
David, and Mary Richardson, int. Apr. 27, 1843.
Jacob, and Mehitabel Town, Feb. 11, [1]768.
Ruth, and Jesse Emory, July 16, 1776.
DWINNEL (see also Dwinell)
Jonathan, of Bradford, and Phebe Runnels, int. June 4, 1785.
DWINNELL (see also Dwinell)
Eunice, and Elijah Towne, Apr. 24, 1764.
Stephen [of Londonderry. N.H. int.], and Sarah Rea, May 24, 1775.
EALLIT (see also Elliott)
Andrew [Ellot. P.R.2.], of Boston, and Ruth Simonds, July 19, 17---. [1705. P.R.2.]
EAMES (see also Ames, Eams, Emes)
Gardner, and Triphena Cole, Nov. 12, 1805.
Jacob, and Anna Wallies of Salem, Feb. 13, 1744. B.C.
Jeremiah, and Sarah Kimball of Bradford, Apr. 2, 1734. B.C.
Jonathan, and Elisabeth Blunt of Andover, at Andover, Apr. ----, 1738.
Jona[than], Rev., of Newtown [N.H. int.], and Betty Chadwick, Dec. 15, 1763.
EAMS (see also Eames)
Hannah [Ames. dup.], and Jacob Buck of Haverhill [at Haverhill. dup.], May 7, 1752.
Jeremiah, and Susannah Peabody, Mar. 31, 1762.
Mehitable, and Joseph Robinson, at Andover, July 25, 1733.
Moses, and Rebecca Johnson of Andover, at Andover, June 11, 1752.
Sarah, and Joseph Spofford, Sept. 3, 1745. [Oct. 10, 1745. B.C.].
Anna S., and James Pet----, int. Sept. 17, 1840.
Ruth, of Haverhill, N.H., and John Kimball, jr., int. Nov. 17, 1792. [m. Sept. ----, 1794. P.R.10.]
Daniel [of Winser. int.], and Hannah Cole, Dec. 19, 1727.
Mary S[tone. B.C.], and Mose[s] Kimball, Oct. 20, 1833.
Peter, Rev., and Sarah Stone of Reading, at Reading, Sept. 2, 1792.
Peter, Rev., and Mrs. Sarah Swett of Andover, int. Aug. 17, 1824.
Sarah, and [Capt. C.R.2.] Daniel Flint, Dec. 11, 1821.
Asa, of Cabot, Vt., and Dorcas Kimball, Feb. 14. 1810.
EILLS (see also Iles)
Martha, and Benjamin Maynard, jr. of Shrewsbury, Nov. 13, 1783.
EILS (see also Iles)
Elizabeth, and Benjamin Curtis of Middleton, int. July 28, 1744.
ELIOT (see also Elliott)
Rebecca, and Sam[ue]ll Carrell, Sept. 14, 1719.
Stephen, of Andover, and Huldah Peabody, Apr. 19, 1827.
ELLIOT (see also Elliott)
Thomas, and Lucy Flint of Salem, at Salem, Aug. 30, 1723.
ELLIOTT (see also Eallit, Eliot, Elliot, Ellitt)
Francis, and Margaritt Knight of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Mar. 28, 1716.
ELLITT (see also Elliott)
John, and Elizabeth Night of Topsfield, int. April 29. 1725.
Caroline, and Daniel Bixby, at Ipswich, Sept. 6, 1839. B.C.
Hannah, of Haverhill, and Samuel Runnels, at Haverhill, Nov. 19, 1747.
Huldah, and Ephraim Wildes, June 6, 1822.
Lucy, and Daniel Davis, Oct. 12, 1812.
Polly, of Nottingham West, N.H., and Robert Perkins, int. May 11, 1776.
EMERY (see also Emmery, Emmory, Emory)
Aaron Parker, and Frances Wilkens, Oct. 8, 1829.
Deliverance, wid., and Elishua Town, Oct. 9, 1764.
Elizabeth, of Newbury, and Rev. Moses Hale, at Newbury, Dec. 28, 1775.
John, of Haverhill, and Sarah Plats, June 10, 1796.
Joshua, Rev., of Andover, and Harriet Peabody, May 19, ----. [1835. C.R.1.]
Stephen, of Newbury, and Deliverance Stiles, Oct. 20, 1743.
EMES (see also Eames)
Sarah, and Will[ia]m Foster, June 9, 1763. [June 14. B.C.]
EMERY (see also Emery)
John, of Newbury, and Abigail Stiles, Dec. 18, 1753.
EMORY (see also Emery)
Joseph, jr., of Andover, and Hannah Stickney, June 2, 1763.
EMORY (see also Emery)
Jesse, and Ruth Dwinell, July 16, 1776.
John [Emery. C.R.1.], and Elisabeth Perkings, June 1, [1]769.
ENDICOTE (see also Endicott)
Zorobabell, of Topsfield, and Gras Simons, July [bef. 1691.].
ENDICOTT (see also Endicote, Endicutt, Indecut)
Eliz[abet]h, of Salem, and Zerubabel Endicott, at Salem, Aug. 1, 1723.
Nancy, of Salem, N.H., and Benjamin Herrick, int. Oct. 20, 1810.
Zerubabel, and Eliz[abet]h Endicott of Salem, at Salem, Aug. 1, 1723.
ENDICUTT (see also Endicott)
Benjamin, and Abigaill Sticket of Salem, int. Mar. 26, 1732.
Ph----, and Ebenezer Jones of Wilmington, int. July 13, 1746.
John P., and Mrs. Sarah P. Phillips of Topsfield, int Apr. 9, 1832.
Mehetable, and Luke Hovey, May 30, 1776.
Ann M., of Georgetown, and John S. Dorman, int. June 17, 1842.
Sarah K., of Corrina, Me., and Tobias F. Gurley, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
Flint, of Middleton, and Sarah Burnham, int. Sept. 11, 1842.
Isaac, of Topsfield, and Hannah Smith, at Topsfield, Sept. 2, 1755.
John, of Topsfield, and Sally Peabody, Aug. 16, 1804.
Sally, of Topsfield, and Oliver Peabody, int. Nov. 7, 1800.
Jacob [Ames. int.], and Ann Wallis of Salem, at Salem, Feb. 13, 1744.
Susan C., a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Lydia, and Lorenzo Runnels, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Theodore and Mehitable, Mar. 30, 1848.
FARNHAM (see also Farnum)
Clifford, and Martha R. Chadwick, Nov. 1, 1832.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Samuel Garland of Pittsfield, N.H., int. Apr. 29, 1837.
Jedediah, yoeman, and Elizabeth R. Perley, d. Abraham, Nov. 1, 1843.
Mary Osgood, and Mark Genniss [Jenness. int] of Haverhill, Dec. 28, 1831.
Samuel, and Elizabeth Gould, int. Aug. 8, 1833.
W[illia]m, Capt., and Rebecca [P. int.] Kimball, Nov. 29, 1830.
FARNUM (see also Farnham)
Daniel, of Andover, and Lydia Porter, int. Sept. 22, 1768.
Mary, of Andover, and Joseph Wood, at Andover, Jan. 2, 1754.
Phebe, of Andover, and David Hovey, at Andover, Mar. 30, 1784.
FAULKNER (see also Forkner)
Elizabeth, and Elijah Foster, Oct. 25, 1748.
Joseph, jr., of Andover, and Hannah Hovey, int. May 17, 1765.
Sarah, of Andover, and Gideon Stiles, at Andover, Nov. 30, 1736.
John [of Rowley. C.R.1.], and Sarah Spiller, Oct. 27 [1833. C.R.1.].
Susannah, Mrs., of Ipswich, and Dea. Joseph Hale, int. Nov. 2, 1771.
Antoney, of Danvers, and Mrs. Elisabeth Pickard, Jan. 20, 1763.
Antoney, see Tilton, Antoney.
Samuel, of Haverhill, and Sally Batchelder, ----, 1817. [int. Oct. 12, 1817.]
Abiel, and Jabez Dorman, Aug. 16, 1716.
Moses, of Newbury, and Susanna Barker, Nov. 30, 1777.
Ebenezer, of Andover, and Phebe Curtis, June 28, 1770.
Mary, a. 23 y., of Andover, d. Levi and Betsy, and Thomas Russell, a. 27 y., shoemaker, s. Daniel and Betsy, Oct. 25, 1849.
Naum Augustus, a. 23 y., farmer, b. at Andover, s. Eben and Abigail, and Almira Ann Perkins, a. 17 y., d. Stephen and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1847.
FISHER, see Fesher.
Abigaell [wid. int.], and Thomas Holt [of Andover. int.], Nov. 16, 1727.
John, and Martha Hovey of Ipswich, ----, 1725. B.C. [int. May 13, 1725.]
Joseph, resident, and Jerusha Andrews, int. Feb. 2, 1755.
Mary, and Samuel Cree, May 10, 1768. B.C.
Samuel, and Judith Noyes of Newbury, at Newbury, Feb. 1, 1737-8.
Sarah, and Oliver Town of Topsfield, at Danvers, Sept. 16, 1772.
William, and Rebekah Redington, Dec. 4, 1711.
Jacob, of Berlin, Vt., and Martha Hale, June 7, 1839.
Charlotte, and Samuel Towne, May 29, 1807. P.R.16.
Harriet M[ehetable. int.], and Ephraim Parker of Reading, May 11, 1820.
Timothy, jr., of Westford, and wid. Huldah Perley, June 2, 1774.
Daniel [Capt. C.R.2.], and Sarah Eaton, Dec. 11, 1821.
Huldah, of Reading, and Phineas Foster, Nov. 15, 1818.
Lucy, of Salem, and Thomas Elliott, at Salem, Aug. 30, 1723.
Mary, of Reading, and David M. Russell of Plymouth, N.H., Apr. 3, 1832. C.R.2.
Rebeccah, of Danvers, and David Kimball, at Danvers, Apr. 26, 1774.
Samuel, of Middleton, and Lydia Andrews, int. Aug. 18, 1751.
Benjamin, of Derryfield, N.H., and Ruth Peabody, at Topsfield, Nov. 20, 1795.
FOOT (see also Foote)
Caleb, and Sarah Carlton, int. Apr. 20, 1782.
Sarah, Mrs., of Bradford, and Capt. Simeon Cole, int. Nov. 6, 1826.
FOOTE (see also Foot)
John C., and Lois M. Davis, int. Oct. 5, 1844.
FORKNER (see also Faulkner)
John, of Topsfield, and Grace Ireland, int. Mar. 29, 1741.
Hannah M., of Georgetown, and Willard H. Davis, Oct. 2, 1842.
Abigail, and Jacob Tyler of Andover, at Andover, July 13, 1727.
Abigail, and James Andrews, jr., Feb. 6, 1781.
Abner, and Lydia Nelson of Rowley, at Rowley, Feb. 3, 1757.
Allis, and Benjamin Rogers, Oct. 11, 1734.
Amas [Amus. int.], and Elizabeth Kitteridg of Haverhill, at Andover, Oct. 8, 1725.
Amasa, and Betsy Poor of Rowley, int. Oct. 1, 1792.
Amos, of [Upper. int.] Ashuelott and Mary Dowen [Dowing. int], Dec. 22, 1751.
Andrew [of Andover. C.R.1.], and wid. Anna Gould, Nov. 8, 1786.
Asa, of Canterbury, N.H., and Hannah Symonds, Nov. 13, 1763. [Nov. 16, 1762. C.R.1.; int. Oct. 16, 1762.]
Asa, and Dolly Morrill of Salisbury, Jan. 20, 1802. B.C.
Asa, and Mary Morrill of Salisbury, int. Sept. 6, 1834.
Asail, and Joanna Symonds, May 2, 1771.
[B]enjamin, and Lydia Burbank, Oct. 2, 1730.
Benjamin, Dr., and wid. Sarah Low of Ipswich, int. Nov. 9, 1760.
Benjamin, and Lucy Foster, ----, 1764. B.C. [int. Dec. 7, 1764.].
Betsy, and [Capt. C.R.2.] Aaron Spofford, Nov. 7, 1764.
Charles, and Lucy Austin of Andover, Mar. 20, 1796. [Mar. 10. C.R.2.]
Charles, Dea., and Mehitable Chandler, Nov. 18, 1807. C.R.2.
Charles F., and Phebe E. Meeder of Andover, int. Mar. 31, 1843.
David, of Andover, and Ruth Peabody, [Dec. C.R.1.] 31, 1767.
Dean, and Mary S. Carlton, both of Andover, May 14, 1840. C.R.2.
Deborah, and John Frost [of Billerica. int.], Feb. 17, 1729-30.
Dorcas, and Eleazer Putnam of Danvers, June 1, 1815. [int. Nov. 12, 1815.]
Dorcas, of Salem, and Alfred Kimball of Danvers, May 29, 1817.
Dudley, and Rachel Steel of Andover, int. Dec. 5, 1767.
Ebenezer, and Sally Chadwick, Apr. 14, 1811.
Elijah, and Elizabeth Faulkner, Oct. 25, 1748.
Elisabeth, and Moses Woodman of Newbury, Nov. 29, 1798.
Eliza, and Enoch Kimball, both of Andover, Dec. 31, 1828.
Elizabeth [of Andover. int.], and Benjamin Stiles, Jan. 11, 1737 [8].
Elizabeth [Mrs. C.R.2.], and Thomas Spafford, Nov. 9, 1791.
Enoch, and Susanna Peabody, May 1, 1800.
Eunice, of Andover, and Jeremiah Perley, July 14, 1778.
George N., a. 29 y., farmer, s. Jonathan and Mary, and Martha Jane Symonds, a. 22 y., d. Jonas and Martha, of Andover, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
Hannah, and Theofiles Rix of Wenham, May 11, 1710.
Hannah, of Andover, and Phinehas Tyler, Feb. 14, 1758.
Hannah, and Moses Peabody, May 26, [1]767.
Hannah, wid., and Reubin Burnam of Bridgton, Oct. 23, 1777.
Hannah, and Joseph Spofford Peabody, Dec. 25, 1800.
Harriett W. and Daniel Russell, Jan. 19, 1843.
Huldah, and Amos Gould, May 3, 1759.
Israel, and Mehitibl[e] Carlton, Apr. 17, 1794.
Jemima, of Andover, and William Foster, Dec. 1, 1761.
Jemima, and Emerson Hale of Rindge, N.H., Sept. 17, 1807.
Jeremiah, and Abigail Wood, ----, 1731. B.C. [int. Oct. 31, 1731.].
Jeremiah [Lieut int.], and Mrs. Bridget Pemberton, at Andover, Aug. 14, 1755.
John, of Andover, and Rebecca Rea, at Andover, Jan. 7, 1713-14.
John [of Andover. int.], and Darcus Hovey, Nov. 23, 1732.
John, and Abigail Smith, Sept. 18, 1779.
John, 3d, and Dorcas Town, both of Andover, Mar. 21, 1782.
John Plummer, a. 28 y., farmer, b. at Andover, s. Charles and Mehitable, and Sarah Ann Peabody, a. 27 y., d. Benjamin and Rachel, Dec. 9, 1845.
John Prescott, and Harriet F. Carlton, both of Andover, Apr. 29, 1839. C.R.2.
Jonathan, Lieut., and Mrs. Rebecca Dorman, June 28, 1764.
Jonathan, jr., and Mary Kimball, Dec. 24, 1800.
Jonathan E[dward. C.R.2.], and Susan R. Peabody, Jan. 10, 1843.
Jonathan, and Abigel Kimbal, Dec. 14 [1689-91 ?].
Joshua, of Andover, and Mary Town, at Andover, Aug. 17, 1769.
Lucy, and Benjamin Foster, ----, 1764. B.C. [int. Dec. 7, 1764.]
Lucy, of Andover, and Capt. Amos Kimball, jr., Oct. 30, 1817.
Lucy, and William Frost, both of Andover, Dec. 11, 1823. C.R.2.
Lydia, and John Kimball of Bradford, int. Nor. 22, 1747.
Lydia, and Jonathan Woodberry of Salem, N.H., Dec. 20, 1758.
Mary, and Oliver Andrews, Mar. 16, 1736-7.
Mary, and John Smith [jr. B.C.], Oct. 1, 1751.
Mary, of Andover, and Brodstreet Tyler, int. Mar. 29, 1769. [Marriage forbidden by father of Mary Foster.]
Mary, and Charles H[arrison. C.R.2.] Kimball [of Newbury. int.], May 25, 1817.
Mary, and Christopher How [of Methuen. C.R.2.], Dec. 24, 1833. [Dec. 26. C.R.2.]
Mary O., a. 20 y., b. at Salem, d. Jonas and Mary, and William Sawyer, a. 32 y., manufacturer of shoe pegs, s. George W. and Polly, July 17, 1845.
Mehetable, of Andover, and Nathan Andrews, Apr. 23, 1751.
Mehitable, and Daniel F. Abbot, both of Andover, Feb. 9, 1837.
Mercy, and Elisha. Towne, jr., of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Jan. 11, 1737-8.
Moses, of Arundell, county York, and Hannah Andrews, at Ipswich, Mar. 10, 1736.
Moses, and Hannah Putman, Sept. 29, 1761.
Oliver, and Hannah Poor, July 8, 1779.
Oliver, and Rebecca Foster, May 22, 1823. C.R.2.
Orissa B., Mrs., and J. T. Gilman Leach of Lowell, int. Sept. 19, 1835.
Phineas, of Salem, and Priscilla Killam, May 7, 1795.
Phineas, and Huldah Flint of Reading, Nov. 15, 1818.
Polly, and Joseph Wood [jr. int.], Sept. 6, 1796.
Rachel, and David Hale, Oct. 3, 1777.
Rebecca, and Oliver Foster, May 22, 1823. C.R.2.
Rebecca, and Benjamin Robinson, Nov. 20, 1828.
Rebekah, and Gideon Bixby, June 20, 1751.
Richard, and Elisabeth Kimball of Andover, Nov. 19, 1761.
Richard K., and Elizabeth Webb of Beverly, Sept. 7, 1742.
Ruby [Ruby Robinson. int.], and Stephen Pike, Jan. 18, 1818.
Ruth, of Andover, and Benjamin Porter, jr., at Andover, Nov. 8, 1744.
Ruth, and Moses Hale, July 12, [1]769.
Sally, and Ebenezer How, Apr. 21, 1810. C.R.2.
Samuel, and Jane Boynton of Groton, at Pepperell, Nov. 24, 1748.
Samuel, of Bradford, and Susanna [Sukey. int.] Carleton, May 10, 1807.
Samuel, of Ipswich, and Lydia B. Perkins, int. Oct. 3, 1832.
Samuell, and Mercy Maccoon of Cambridge, at Cambridge, Sept. 2, 1703.
Sarah, of Andover, and Jonathan Dresser, at Andover, Nov. 28, 1748.
Sarah, and Asher Hardy of Woburn, July 18, 1782.
Simeon, and Mary Harriman, both of Andover, Oct. 9, 1828.
Susan, of Andover, and Capt. Amos Kimball, int. May 5, 1828.
Thomas, and Alice Pearley, July 14. 1731.
Timmothy, and Mary Dorman of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Oct. 2, 1699. [1692. B.C.]
Timothy, and Ruth Andr[ews. D.C.], Mar. 29, 1715.
William, and Sarah Kimball, July 6 [1689-92 ?].
William, and Mary Clark [Clarke. int.] of York, ----, 1747. B.C. [int. Feb. 7, 1747-8.]
William, and Jemima Foster of Andover, Dec. 1, 1761.
Will[ia]m, and Sarah Emes, June 9, 1763. [June 14. B.C.]
William, and Rebekah Kimball of Bradford, at Bradford, Feb. 14, 1768. [1769. B.C.].
William, of Ipswich, and Hannah Perry, resident in Boxford, int. Nov. 26, 1815.
William, and Sarah Kimball, July 6, ----. B.C.
Zebadiah, and Margarett [Peggy. B.C.] Tiller [Tiler. int.], at Andover, Jan. 30, 1723[-4].
FOWLER (see also Fowller)
Abel K., a. 22 y., shoemaker, b. at Bradford, s. Samuel and Mary, and Susan Atherton, a. 19 y., b. at Mansfield, d. Otis and Susan, Mar. 18, 1846.
John, jr., of Ipswich, and Debby [Deborah. C.R.2.] Dorman, Apr. 19, 1804.
Martha, of Ipswich, and Joseph Simmons, resident in Boxford, int. Dec. 30, 1754.
Martha W., and Mark W. Foye, Mar. 19, 1840.
Mary Ann, of Amesbury, and Joseph Killam, int. Mar. 25, 1836.
Mercy, of Ipswich, and Jacob Perkins, int. Oct. 28, 1759.
Samuel P., a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. Samuel and Harriet, and Harriet B. Clough, a. 21 y., d. Jonathan and Lydia, of Readfield, Me., int. Oct. 8, 1847.
FOWLLER (see also Fowler)
Joseph [of Ipswich. int.], and Abigael Perley, Dec. 31, 1728.
Mark W., and Martha W. Fowler, Mar. 19, 1840.
John, and Elivgbeth Stiles, Oct. 13, 1719.
Benjamin, and Achsah Dorman, Apr. 2, 1829.
Hannah, and Charles Bixby, Dec. 31, 1818.
Mary, and John Stiles, at Ipswich, Dec. 14, 1705.
Mary [of Topsfield. int.], and Daniell Carrill, Sept. 21, 1727.
FRIE (see also Frye)
Debora, of Andover, and Robert Andrews, at Andover, Mar. 10, 1719-20.
Hannah, of Andover, and Moses Pearley, at Andover, Feb. 7, 1739-40.
Martha, and Joseph Hale, Oct. 6, 1796.
John [of Billerica. int.], and Deborah Foster, Feb. 17, 1729-30.
William, and Lucy Foster, both of Andover, Dec. 11, 1823. C.R.2.
FRYE (see also Frie)
James, 3d, of Andover, and Mehitable Robinson, at Andover, Feb. 21, 1765.
Jeremiah R., and Harriet D. Bodwell, both of Methuen, Dec. 26, 1843. C.R.2.
Jacob, of Middleton, and Jerusha Upton, May 26, 1795.
John, of Salem, and Phebah Simonds, Jan. 22 [1703-1708 ?].
Jonathan, of Middleton, and Hannah Peabody, int. Dec. 19, 1731.
Lucy P., a. 23 y., b. at Hudson, N.H., d. Timothy and Ruth, and Samuel N. Ayers, a. 27 y., carpenter, b. at Wolfsborough, N.H., s. Thomas and Catherine, Jan. 22, 1846.
Lydia, of Middleton, and Stephen Gould, int. Oct. 9, 1779.
Nathan, of Marblehead, and Lydia Brown, Mar. 26, 1805.
Ruth, of Middleton, and Jonathan Bixby, ----, 1735. B.C. [int. Oct. 19, 1735.]
Sarah, of Middleton, and Thomas Killam, Sept. 24, 1771.
GADGE (see also Gage)
Abraham [of Bradford. int.], and Marcy Bradford, Aug. 7, 1734.
GAGE (see also Gadge, Grage, Gragg, Greg)
Abel, of Pelham, and Abigail Runnels, Jan. 13, 1780.
Abigail, and James Carlton, Apr. 27, 1838.
Amos, and Louis Hovey, Apr. 22, 1787.
Amos, and Celinda Hovey, Nov. 5, 1815.
Betsey, of Pelham [N.H. int], and Ephraim Peabody, 1783. B.C. [int Feb. 8, 1783.]
Betsy, of Andover, and George Kimball of Bradford, Dec. 2, 1819.
Daniel K., of Andover, and Mary T. Day, Nov. 30, 1826.
Deb[o]rah [wid. int], of Methuen, and John Smith, Dec. 2, 1760.
Elisabeth, of Pelham, N.H., and Benjamin Cole, ----, 1765. B.C. [int Oct. 5, 1765.]
Louisa, of Andover, and David E. Kimball of Ipswich, Apr. 5, 1825. C.R.2.
Mary, Mrs., of Rowley, and Johnson Savage, int. Jan. 10, 1829.
Matilda, and Nathan Webster, May 24, 1821.
Olive, and Samuel Brown, Nov. 11, 1773.
Sarah, and James Coburn, Dec. 4, 1816.
William, Dr., of Pelham, N.H., and Elisabeth Kimball, Feb. 12, 1802.
Mary, and Johnson Savage, ----, ----. B.C.
Thomas, and Love Curtice, ----, ----. 1719. B.C.
Eliza, of Ipswich, and Daniel Clough, at Ipswich, Nov. 1, 1739.
Mary, wid., and Isaac Perkins, Sept. 6, 1787.
Samuel, of Pittsfield, N.H., and Mrs. Elizabeth Farnham, int. Apr. 29, 1837.
Julia A. C., a. 21 y., d. Thomas and Sarah, and Thomas B. Parker, a. 19 y., shoemaker, s. Aaron L. and Priscilla B., Oct. 26, 1845.
Bathiah, of Seconke, and Robart Ames, Apr. 20 [1695-1700 ?].
Lucy Savels, of Wrentham, and William Blackburn, ----, ----. B.C. [int July 7, 1832.]
GENNISS (see also Jennis)
Mark [Jenness. int], of Haverhill, and Mary Osgood Farnham, Dec. 28, 1831.
Betsy, of Middleton and Moses Chapman, May 18, 1813.
Henry, of Topsfield, and Betsy Curtice, ----, 1816. [int. Dec. 13, 1816.]
Nancy, and George Wyatt of Danvers, int. Nov. 13, 1806.
James W., and Lidia M. Parker, Mar. 17, 1834.
James B., a. 27 y., shoecutter, of Georgetown, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, and Eliza K. Bunker, a. 18 y., d. Elisha G. and Nancy T., May 3, 1849.
Tyrrel, of Dedham, Me., and Mary W. Pearl, May 2, 1844. C.R.2.
GIRLEY (see also Gurley)
William, and Betsey Cross, [May ----. B.C.], 1817. [int. Sept. 19, 1817.]
Jonathan, of Rowley, and Betsy Proctor, Feb. 14, 1811.
GOLD (see also Gould)
Sarah, of Topsfield, and Joseph Biggisby, Mar. 29, 1682. CT.R.
GOLDSMITH, see Gouldsmith.
GOODALE (see also Goodall, Goodhall)
Arabella J., a. 16 y., d. Samuel and Nancy, and Winthrop B. Sargent of Georgetown, a. 22 y., shoemaker, s. Eliphalet and Abigail, of Derry, N.H., int. July 5, 1846.
Arabella J., a. 16 y., d. Samuel and Nancy, and Silas P. Lake, a. 22 y., shoemaker, of Topsfield, s. Silas and Phebe, of Topsfield, int. Sept. 16, 1848.
Sam[ue]l, [of Rowley. int.], and Ann B. [Nancy. int.] Boardman, Dec. ----, 1825. B.C. [int. Dec. 1, 1825.]
GOODALL (see also Goodale)
Mary, and Daniel Curtis of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Oct. 4, 1757.
GOODHALL (see also Goodale)
Abiel [Goodal. int.], of Topsfield, and Samuel Taply, at Topsfield, July 18, 1738.
GOODRICH (see also Goodridg, Goodridge)
John, and Abigail Hale of Harvard, at Harvard, Nov. 28, 1751.
GOODRIDG (see also Goodrich)
Anna, and Samuel Potter of Wenham, int. May 11, 1735.
GOODRIDGE (see also Goodrich)
Abigail, and Benjamin Woodman [of Newbury. int.], Jan. 7, 1741.
Benjamin, and Mary Redington, June 24, 1746.
Dorcos, of Rowley, and Isaac Tyler, int. Aug. 25, 1794.
Hannah, and Joseph Sticknee, Nov. 7, 1737.
Hephzibah, and Timothy Perkins of Middleton, Oct. 21, 1779.
Levi, and Mary Hale, Nov. 23, 1773.
Mehetable, and John Barker of Andover, June 11, 1747.
Rebekah, and Samuel Carlton, May 17, 1750.
Sarah, and Nathan Kimball, ----, 1730. B.C. [int. Nov. 1, 1730.]
Stephen, of Newbury, and Elizabeth Thurlo, int. Sept. 2, 1822.
GOULD (see also Gold)
Alice [Elcy. int.], and Allen Gould, Dec. 25, 1807. [Dec. 22. C.R.2.]
Allen, and Alice [Elcy. int.] Gould, Dec. 25, 1807. [Dec. 22. C.R.2.]
Amos, and Huldah Foster, May 3, 1759.
Amos, and Rebecca Perley [of Topsfield. C.R.1.], June 14, 1786.
Amos, and Lydia Wood, Feb. 9, 1792.
Anna, wid., and Andrew Foster [of Andover. C.R.1.], Nov. 8, 1786.
Asenath, and Israel Perley, June 1, 1815.
Benjamin, and Eusebia Abbot, Apr. 17, 1785.
Betsey, and Robert Hermon of Rowley, int. Jan. 3, 1833.
Betsy, and Oliver Killam, May 25, 1817.
Caroline E., and Cyrus K. Wilkins, both of Middleton, May 12, 1847. C.R.1.
Catharine, of Topsfield, and Francis Gould, int. May 24, 1840.
Clarissa, and Joseph E. Holt of Reading, Apr. 30, 1818.
Cornelius, and Lydia Jenkins of Andover, ----, 1812. B.C. [int. May 24, 1812.]
Daniel, of Topsfield, and Mary Booth, at Topsfield, Dec. 24, 1782.
Daniel, and Mrs. Eunice Pearley, at Andover, Dec. 25, 1788.
Daniel, and Lydia Batchelder, int. Aug. 11, 1832. [m. Aug. 27, 1832. P. R.6.]
Edny, and Samuel Stiles of Middleton, Dec. 13, 1781.
Eliezer, of Topsfield, and Phebe Gould, at Topsfield, Feb. 25, 1755.
Elijah, and Mary Barnes, June 6, 1833.
Elisabeth, of Topsfield, and Stephen Perley, at Topsfield, June 29, 1784.
Elisabeth, and Nathaniel Herrick, Mar. 15, 1787.
Elisabeth, and Ezra Smith of Beverly, Jan. 21, 1806.
Eliza, and Charles H. Lane of Gloucester, Nov. 29, 1840.
Elizabeth, and Samuel Farnham, int. Aug. 8, 1833.
Esther, and Jonathan Town, July 9, 1751.
Esther Andrews, of Topsfield, and Charles Perley, Feb. 25, 1830.
Eunice, and William Booth of Hillsborough, at Topsfield, June 3, 1787.
Francis, of Topsfield, and Irean Perley, int. Aug. 26, 1822.
Francis, and Catherine Gould of Topsfield, int. May 24, 1840.
Hannah [2d. of Topsfield. int], and Francis Hood, Sept. 16, 1803. B.C. [int. Aug. 11, 1804.]
Hubbard, and Hannah Bootman, Mar. 8, 1743.
Huldah, of Topsfield, and Enoch Kimball, Mar. 6, 1777.
Huldah, wid., and Capt. Benjamin Kimball of Bridgeton, Sept. 21, 1784.
Huldah [2d. int.], and Samuel Peabody of Salem, Nov. 28, 1799. [Nov. 25. C.R.2.]
Huldah, and Moses Dorman, June 30, 1801.
Huldah, and Moses Dorman, jr., Apr. 1, 1828.
Huldah, of Topsfield, and Artemas Ward Perley, int. Jan. 25, 1833.
Jacob, and Elizabeth Towne of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Oct. 24, 1751.
Jacob, jr., and Susanna Gould, Mar. 13, 1783.
Jacob [3d. int.], and Ruth Peabody of Middleton, ----, 1789. B.C. [int. Nov. 14, 1789.]
Jane, of Topsfield, and Jacob Andrews, at Topsfield, Apr. 1, 1792.
John, 3d, of Topsfield, and Jane Palmer, Dec. 3, 1772.
John, and Betsy Stevens, May 10, 1795.
John, and Polly Prince of Danvers, at Danvers, July 18, 1799.
John, jr., of Topsfield, and Polly Curtice, May 4, 1820.
Jonathan, and Lydia Smith, int. May 3, 1730.
Jonathan [Jonathan Peabody. int.], and Lucy Morgan of Danvers, at Danvers, Mar. 14, 1785.
Joseph P., and Lucy M. Peabody, int. Apr. 7, 1826.
Kezia, and Joseph Smith, Dec. 17, 1805.
Lois, and Benjamin Perley of Topsfield, July 7, 1791.
Louisa, and Francis Perley, May 18, 1815.
Lydia, of Topsfield, and Samuel Standly, at Topsfield, Nov. 8, 1732.
Martha, and John Pritchett of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Sept. 23, 1732.
Mary, of Topsfield, and John Sherwine, at Topsfield, Nov. 8, 1764.
Mary, and Jeremiah Millett, int. July 6, 1826.
Mehitable [2d. int.], and Samuel Broadstreet, jr. of Topsfield, Oct. 25, 1810.
Mehitable, and Rev. Abijah Blanchard of Weathersfield, N.Y., int. Oct. 27, 1832.
Nabby, of Topsfield, and Moody Perley, at Topsfield, Dec. 10, 1793.
Nancy, a. 42 y., d. Moses, and Daniel Andrews, a. 45 y., yoeman, s. Nathan and Eunice, Oct. 15, 1844.
Nathaniel, of Topsfield, and Hannah Killam, Nov. [20. C.R.1.] 1777.
Pamelia [of Topsfield. int.], and Nathaniel [Nathan. int.] Dorman, Dec. 17, 1825. B.C.
Phebe, and Eliezer Gould of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Feb. 25, 1755.
Phebe, and Isaac M. Tucker of Worcester, Apr. 10, 1819.
Rebecca, and John B. Lake, at Topsfield, Feb. 28, 1840. B.C.
Ruth, and Nathan Perley, Sept. 13, 1787.
Ruth, and Capt. John Merrill, int. Apr. 16, 1826.
Sally [Sarah. dup.], of Topsfield, and Phinehas Perley, at Topsfield, Apr. 15, 1794.
Sally, of Topsfield, and David Brown, int. Mar. 15, 1804.
Sally, of Topsfield, and Jesse Perley, jr., int. May 22, 1824.
Samuel, and Mary Long of Andover, int. Mar. 19, 1807.
Samuel, and Polly Peabody, int. June 3, 1807.
Samuell, and Mahittabell Stiels, June 9, 1726.
Sam[ue]ll, and Ruth Town, Feb. 13, 1792. [Feb. 23. C.R.1.]
Sarah, of Topsfield, and Joseph Symonds [jr. B.C.], at Topsfield, Feb. 22, 1750. [Feb. 2, 1749-50. B.C.]
Sarah, and Perchas Jewett, jr. of Ipswich, May 7, 1765.
Solomon, of Topsfied, and [wid. int.] Rebekah Bixby, May 12, 1756.
Stephen, and Hannah Perkins of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Jan. 18, 1747-8.
Stephen, and Lydia Fuller of Middleton, int. Oct. 9, 1779.
Susanna, and Jacob Gould, jr., Mar. 13, 1783.
Thomas, of Topsfield, and Mary Standly, at Topsfield, Jan. 13, 1728-9.
Mary, and Joshua Rea, jr., Feb. 14, 1779.
Ann, and Benjamin Thompson of Salem, Feb. 22, 1838.
GRAGE (see also Gage)
Robert, and Priscilla Smith, Mar. 30, 1738.
GRAGG (see also Gage)
Betty, and Daniel Swan, Nov. 26, 1789.
Lois, and Nehemiah Porter, May 31, 1801.
Reuben, of Rowley, and Betty Carlton, Jan. 15, 1771.
Lydia, of Haverhill, and Abijah Hovey, at Haverhill, Mar. 21, 1744-5.
Aaron, of Andover, and Bethiah Peabody, July 18, 1744.
Elizabeth, of Andover, and Ephraim Kimball, Dec. 3, 1747.
Henrey [of Andover. int.], and Allice Peabody, June 10, 1736.
Samuel [of Newbury. int.], and Hannah Mors, ----, ----. [int. July 19, 1730.]
Ann W., and Albert Hervey [of Andover. int.], May 28, 1834.
GREG (see also Gage)
Robert [Grey?], of Rowley, and Priscilla Smith, int. Dec. 12, 1731.
William, of Salem, and Hannah Smith, Mar. 4, 1814.
GURLEY (see also Girley)
Richard F., a. 22 y., shoemaker, s. William, and Rachel Atherton, a. 19 y., d. Otis, June 11, 1844.
Tobias F., and Sarah K. Estes of Corrina, Me. int. Nov. 5, 1842.
William A., cordwainer, s. William, and Hannah Atherton, d. Otis, Dec. 7, 1843.
Mary, and Thomas Morrison, Dec. 9, 1755.
William [Haggett. int.], and Mehitable Pearl, July 8, 1798.
HAIELL (see also Hale)
Josaph, and Mary Watson, Dec. 15, ----. [1688-92 ?].
HALE (see also Haiell, Hales)
Abigail, of Harvard, and John Goodrich, at Harvard, Nov. 28, 1751.
Abigail, of Brookfield, and Jonathan Wood, at Brookfield, Feb. 1, 1787.
Abner, and Ruth Perkins, Sept. 5, 1734.
Abner, and Keziah Baker, Nov. 28, 1738.
Abner, and Mrs. Eunis Kimball, July 12, 1763.
Ambrose, and Hannah Symonds, ----, 1732. B.C. [int. Dec. 10, 1732.]
Ambrose, see Hall, Ambrose.
Anna, wid., and Capt. Will[ia]m Perley, Jan. 22, 1793.
David, and Rachel Foster, Oct. 3, 1777.
Dorothy, and Jacob Perley of Hanover, N.H., Jan. 22, 1801.
Elisabeth [d. Dr. William. B.C.], and Israel Herrick, Feb. 21, 1805.
Emerson, of Rindge, N.H., and Jemima Foster, Sept. 17, 1807.
Hannah, of Newbury, and Will[ia]m Peabody, Aug. 14, 1684. CT.R.
Hannah, and Benjamin Bachelor [of Wenham. int.], Jan. 25, 1738-9.
Hannah, and Dudley Perley of Winchendon, Dec. 3, [1]767.
Hannah, and Caleb Jackson of Rowley, Apr. 20, 1784. [Apr. 22. C.R.1.].
Hannah, a. 21 y., d. John and Matilda A., and Ancill Dorman, a. 28 y., shoemaker, s. Moses and Huldah, Oct. 28, 1847.
Hephzibah, and John Curtis [of Middleton. int.], Jan. 16, 1732-3.
Isaac, and Margaret How of Ipswich, int. Dec. 30, 1837.
Jacob, and Mary Harriman of Rowley, ----, 1728. B.C. [int. June 9, 1728.]
Jacob, and Ruth Towne, Dec. 7, 1767.
John, and Priscilla Peabody, Apr. 11, 1738.
John, jr., and Sarah Lord of Ipswich, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
John, and Matilda Ann Bailey of Wenham, Nov. 24, 1825. B.C.
Jonathan, of Bradford, and Eunice Spafford of Andover, Oct. 21, 1783.
Joseph, and Mary Hovey of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Dec. 5, 1723.
Joseph, 3d, and Sarah Jackson of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Dec. 7, 1749.
Joseph, jr., Ensign, and wid. Sarah Hovey, Sept. 20, 1753.
Joseph [Dea. int.], and wid. Lydia Brown of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Oct. 18, 1759.
Joseph, Dea., and Mrs. Susannah Fellows of Ipswich, int. Nov. 2, 1771.
Joseph, and Martha Friend, Oct. 6, 1796.
Joseph, and Martha W. Reed, Jan. 25, 1832. B.C.
Judith, and Absolom Town, Apr. 12, [1]768.
Lydia, and Nathen Perley, Mar. 20, 1732-3.
Margaret, and Amos Kimbal, Mar. 1, 1736[-7].
Martha, of Groton, and Thomas Jewett, ----, 1743-4. B.C. [int. Jan. 15, 1743-4].
Martha, and Israel Dwinel, Apr. 2, 1828.
Martha, and Jacob Flanders of Berlin, Vt., June 7, 1839.
Mary, and George Carleton, Nov. 9, 1725. B.C.
Mary, and Retire Bacon [of Salem. int.], Apr. 14, 1741.
Mary, and Joseph Cumings of Ipswich, Nov. 20, 1744.
Mary, and Levi Goodridge, Nov. 23, 1773.
Mehitable, and John Merrill of Rowley, Mar. 30, 1786.
Moses, of Newbury, and Sarah Jewett, int. Dec. 20, 1766.
Moses, and Ruth Foster, July 12, [1]769.
Moses, Rev., and Mrs. Elizabeth Emery of Newbury, at Newbury, Dec. 28, 1775.
Nathaniel, and Sarah Perley, May 4, 1780.
Presella, wid., and Thomas Hammond of Swanzey, N.H., June 16, 1774.
Ruth, and Abner Curtice, June 29, 1758.
Sarah [Hall. int.], and Jacob Kimball, Feb. 11, 1723-4.
Sarah, of Newbury, and Capt. Jeremiah Pearley, at Newbury, Nov. 10, 1741.
Sarah, and Thomas Baker of Topsfield, Feb. 26, 1752.
Sarah, and John Plats of Bradford, Sept. 7, 1773.
Sarah, and Thomas Newman, resident in Boxford, int. Oct. 12, 1782.
Susannah, and Joseph Symonds [of Bradford. int.], Apr. 25, 1776.
Thomas, and Mary Kimball of Bradford, Feb. 17, 1740-41. B.C.
William, Dr., and Mrs. Anna Porter of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Nov. 8, 1770.
HALES (see also Hale)
Abigil, and Moses Stickney, Aug. 28, 1750.
Ambrose [Hale. C.R.1.], and Joanna Dodge, Dec. 11, 1723.
Hannah, of Dracut, and Eliphalet Reynolds, ----, 1816. B.C. [int. May 9, 1816.]
Mary [of Pelham, N.H. int.], and James Coburn, Oct. 10, 1811.
Mehitible [Mrs. int.], and John Pearl [jr. int.], May 24, 1794.
Samuel, and Olive Crispin, Jan. 13, 1834.
Lucinda, of Topsfield, and Henry Bicknell, int. Dec. 7, 1832.
Nathaniel O., and Betsey B. Norcott of Boston, int. Mar. 15, 1833.
Thomas, of Swanzey, N.H., and wid. Presella Hale, June 16, 1774.
HARDE (see also Hardy)
Prudence, wid., and Edward Clement, resident in Boxford, int. May.Oct., 1725.
HARDEE (see also Hardy)
Abigaell, and Abraham Varnum of Dracutt, int. Oct. 10, 1736.
HARDY (see also Harde, Hardee)
Anna, of Bradford, and Samuel Runnels, at Bradford, Sept. 1, 1795.
Asa, and Mehitable Merrill, July 18, 1771.
Asher, of Woburn, and Sarah Foster, July 18, 1782.
Bethiah, of Bradford, and Samuel Cole, jr., Oct. 5, 1738.
Enos, and Gane Holmes of Rowley, int. Sept. 24, 1792.
Harriot, of Rowley, and Archibald Pool of Rowley, July 5, 1824.
Joseph, of Bradford, and Susannah Kimball, int. Sept. 15, 1764.
Joshua, of Bradford, and Hannah Tyler, int. Aug. 17, 1765.
Lois, of Bradford, and Asa Robirtson, at Bradford, Sept. ----, 1784.
Matthew, and Ann Lacy [resident in Boxford. int], ----, 1748-9. B.C. [int Jan. 20, 1748-9.].
Phebe, and Augustus A. Hayward, Jan. 23, 1843.
Prudence, and Robert Dannilson [Donnillson. int], May [30. C.R.1; 1729 ?].
Sarah, of Bradford, and Charles A. Spofford, int. Mar. 13, 1842.
Silas, carpenter, widr., of Bradford, and Sarah Dow, wid., int. July 10, 1848.
Zilpha, of Pelham, N.H., and Amos Bailey, int. July 25, 1778.
HARMAN (see also Harriman)
Betsy, and Stephen Pike, July 5, 1821.
Nancy Poor, and John Broklebank of Rowley, Oct. 25, 1807.
HARRIMAN (see also Hariman, Herriman)
Daniel, and Jane Dole of Methuen, Oct. 17, 1816. B.C.
Daniel F., a. 27 y., farmer, s. Daniel and Jane, and Sarah F. Bixby, 28 y., d. Charles and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1849.
Jane [Jean. int.], of Rowley, and John Dresser, ----, 1760. B.C. [int. Aug. 3, 1760.].
Jeremiah, and Sarah Dole of Rowley, ----, 1792. B.C. [int. Feb. 5, 1792.].
Jeremiah, jr., and Betsy Johnson of Andover, ----, 1816. B.C. [int. May 25, 1816.].
Jonathan K., of Bradford, and Mary Smith, int. Sept. 7, 1839.
Mary, of Rowley, and Jacob Hale, ----, 1728. B.C. [int. June 9, 1728.]
Mary, and Simeon Foster, both of Andover, Oct. 9, 1828.
Mary, of Bradford, and Capt. John Killam, int. Nov. 13, 1835.
Nathaniel, of Bradford, and Sally Plummer of Andover, Nov. 6, 1794. C.R.2.
William H. H., and Olive Peabody, int. Oct. 29, 1837.
HARRIS (see Harriss)
Eunice, of Ipswich, and John Curtice, ----, 1785. B.C. [int. June 25, 1785.].
HARRISS (see also Harris)
Hannah, of Methuen, and Jacob Stiles, int. Apr. 9, 1798.
HASELTINE (see also Hazeltine)
Bethia, of Bradford, and Thomas Spofford, Dec. 30, 1701. B.C.
Elisabeth, of Haverhill, and Stephen Kimball, ----, ----. B.C.
Mehitable, of Bradford, and John Chadwick, ----, ----. B.C.
Samuel, and Alice Bodwell of Methuen, int. Mar. 22, 1804.
HASSELTINE (see also Hazeltine)
Abiah, of Bradford, and Phineas Cole, int. Dec. 20, 1715.
Lydia, of Haverhill, and Nathaniel Pearley, at Haverhill, Sept. 10, 1776.
Augustus A., and Phebe Hardy, Jan. 23, 1843.
Hannah, and Albert Perley, Jan. 23, 1840.
Jabez, of Andover, and Hannah Long, Feb. 6, 1812.
Jabez, and Eliza Pane, Nov. 23, 1817.
HAZELTINE (see also Haseltine, Hasseltine)
Joanna, and Thomas Robbens, int. Dec. 26, 1742.
Samuel, Dr., of Methuen, and Mehitable Chadwick, at Methuen, Sept. 12, 1771.
HAZEN (see also Hazzen)
Allis, and Jaremyah Pearly, Dec. 20, 1710.
Greenleaf K., of Rowley, and Susan P. Towne, int. Sept. 13, 1828.
Hannah, and John Simonds, Feb. 13, 170---. [1705-08 ?].
Hannah, and Joshua Morss of Newbury, at Newbury, July 13, 1727.
Hannah, and Thomas Dresser, Nov. 15, 1791.
Israel, and Hannah Chaplin of Rowley, int. May 19, 1724.
Jacob [of Rowley. int.], and Abigail Spofford, ----, 1761. B.C. [int. Sept. 9, 1761.]
Jacob, of Bridgton, and Hannah Wood, Dec. 4, 1798.
HAZZEN (see also Hazen)
Hephzibah, and Nathaniell Perkiens, Nov. 15, 1716.
Mary, and Increase Moesly, July 4, 1711.
Samuel, and Rebecca Pearl. Apr. 10, 1810.
HENDERSON, see Hinderson.
William, of Wells, and Esther Parker, July 3, 1808.
Robert, of Rowley, and Betsey Gould, int. Jan. 3, 1833.
Benjamin, and Nancy Endicott of Salem, N.H., int. Oct. 20, 1810.
Caroline, and Seth Burnham, Oct. 6, 1818.
Edmund, and Hitty Curtice of Middleton, ----, 1756. B.C. [int. Apr. 3, 1786.]
Eliza A., of La.---, and Oscar G. Ingalls, int. May 16, 1841.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Wells of Topsfield, int. Mar. 4, 1826.
Israel [of Topsfield. int.], and Abigail Kyllam, June 22, 1749. C.R.1.
Israel, and Elizabeth Hale [daughter of Dr. Wm. Hale. B.C.], Feb. 21, 1805.
Joanna, and Dea. William Dodge of Wenham, Aug. 11, 1806.
Lucy, and Ebenezer Stevens of Topsfield, Mar. 3, 1811.
Lucy J[ane. C.R.2.], and Charles Perley [jr. int.], Apr. 15, 1834.
Nathaniel, and Elisabeth Gould, Mar. 15, 1787.
Priscilla Baker, and Abraham Towne Pierce of Topsfield, June 24, 1810.
Samuel, of Methuen, and Dorothy Merrill, Nov. 2, 1806.
Sarah, and Lieut. Jedediah Stickney, Jan. 5, 1796.
William H., and Lois Killam, Apr. 16, 1828.
HERRMAN (see also Harriman)
George, and Eliza Peabody, Dec. 12, 1833.
Hiram [of Rowley. C.R.2.], and Sarah S. Spofford, Apr. 12, 1833.
Jonathan, of Rowley, and Sally Moulton, int. Aug. 7, 1800.
Moses, of Rowley, and Olive Brown, int. Apr. 15, 1804.
Albert [of Andover. int.], and Ann W. Greenough, May 28, 1834.
Joshua, of Eastham, and Prissellah Bixbe, Oct. 27, 1720.
Malley, and Samuel Peabody, resident in Boxford, Mar. 4, 1773.
Thomas, of Rowley, and Mary Anderton, June 9, 1743.