Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths 1630-1699
City Document No. 130
Rockwelll & Churchill, City Printers : Boston, 1883.
Appleton, William Sumner 1840-1903 [W. S. A.]
Call No. 974.461 V2a
Available on Microfilm from Family History Library [FHL] Salt Lake City Utah
US/CAN Film 397042 Microreproduction of original published: Boston :
Rockwell and Churchill, 1908. 281 p Includes index.
Another filming. FHL US/CAN Film 873526 Item 1 [several other items]
Index to births, A-Y, 1630-1799; 1800-1849 FHL US/CAN Film 592859.
Births, 1630-1799 FHL US/CAN Film 592866
Boston births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths, 1630-1690
6013404 - 6013407
[Transcribed by D'lin Clark]

These records are NOT complete.
Births predicted from 1630-1699 in Boston are about 7,000 and 6,745 are listed here with known discrepancies in the early years prior to 1640 and in the 1675 records where its believed 100-200 birth records were lost.
Deaths in this period should be about 3,500 and only 1,560 are listed here. Big known discrepancies exist in the 1630 records when over a 100 may have died (none recorded here) in establishing Boston and its sister cities and in 1675-6 when King Philip's War was fought by the Colonists and their Indian allies against several New England tribes and about 600 second generation colonists died--many from Boston.
Marriages are only sporadically listed with only four recorded from 1630 to 1651 and none recorded 1663-79. There should be roughly 2100 marriages expected with only 1032 listed here.
All Dates are Julian.
Julian Calendar Dates were used then and are listed here with a new year starting Mar 25th [mo. 1] and ending in Feb [mo. 12]. Gregorian dates are 10 days greater than Julian dates in the 17th century as well as starting their new year on January 1. The British and the colonies finally convert to the Gregorian Calendar (still used today) in 1752. Conversion causes confusion and is NOT recommended.

TOWN. [1654]
Mary of Charles & Rebecca Pretious born 16th March. [1654]
Elisha of William & Mary Salter born 7th March. [1654]
Martha of William a Mariner & Martha Phillips born 10th March. [1654]
Thomas of Thomas & Catherine Downes born 17th March. [1654]
Henry of Henry & Elizabeth Powning born 28th April. [1654]
Benjamin of Henry & Elizabeth Bridgham born 4th May. [1654]
Thomas of William & Grace Rix born 11th April. [1654]
Mary of Peter & Joan Garland born. [1654]
Mary of John & Mary Mosse born 20th April. [1654]
Henry of Henry & Eleanor Shrimpton born 26th April. [1654]
Simon of Simon & Susan Rogers born 28th April. [1654]
Aaron of John & Jane Huntley born 15th April. [1654]
Sarah of Rice & Anne Jones born 19th April. [1654]
Mary of Richard & Mary Hickes born Dec. [1654]
Samuel of Lyonell & Eleanor Wheatley born 29th April.
Elizabeth of Peter & Redigon Wittoms born 26th May. [1654]
Anne of Matthew & Ann Ines born 6th June. [1654]
Anne of William & Margaret Snelling born 7th May & baptized l7th May. [1654]
Peter of Christopher & Rebecca Clarke born 14th June. [1654]
Dorcas of William & Phillips White born 19th April. [1654]
John of John & Mary Tappine born 31st May. [1654]
Sarah of Edward & Sarah Ellis born 1st July. [1654]
Catherine of David & Catherine Hitchborne born 2nd June. [1654]
Rebecca of John & Rebecca Crumwell born 20th July. [1654]
William of John & Mary Barrell born 28th July. [1654]
Hannah of William & Hannah Shattock born 8th July. [1654]
William of William & Ellince Furnell born 29th July. [1654]
Eliazer of Robert Dec. & Elizabeth Scott born 18th July. [1654]
Peter of Samuel & Isabel Howard born 4th Aug. [1654]
Jabes of Thomas & Elizabeth Hunt born 11th June. [1654]
John of John & Judith Hull born 3rd Nov. [1654]
Sarah of Thomas & Frances Boyden born 12th Oct. [1654]
Hannah of John & Elizabeth Gillet born 12th Oct. [1654]
Mary of Robert & Sarah Waker born 1st Nov. [1654]
Elizabeth of John & Ann Sandie born 15th Oct. [1654]
Elizabeth of Andrew & Elizabeth Cload born 13th Sept. [1654]
John of Thomas & Leah Baker born 1st Oct. [1654]
Edmund of Edmund & Mary Jackson born 30th--8th mo. [1654]
John of Mark & Mary Hands born 10th Sept. [1654]
Joseph of John & Mary Viall born 4th June. [1654]
Sarah of Edward & Jane Barker born 9th March. [1654]
Benjamin of Henry & Elizabeth Bridgham born 3rd May. [1654]
Patience of Ambrose & Ester Due born 1st Dec. [1654]
Rebecca of Edward & Rachel Rawson born 19th Oct. [1654]
Thomas of John & Abigail Leader born 19th Nov. [1654]
Nathaniel of Thomas & Mary Broughton born 5th Dec. [1654]
Hannah of Nicholas & Hannah Phillips born 25th Nov. [1654]
Susanna of Joseph & Mary Bastarr born 1st Sept. [1654]
Isaac of Walter & Mary Sennet born 22nd Sept. [1654]
Mary of Abraham & Jane Browne born 19th Dec. [1654]
Rebecca of Robert & Rebecca Winsor born 20th Dec. [1654]
Elizabeth of William & Anne Pollard born 13 Jan. [1654]
Abigail of Henry & Susanna Ambrose born 28th Dec. [1654]
Zechariah of Hezekiah & Elizabeth Vsher born 26th Dec. [1654]
Hannah of Samuel & Mary Gallop born 3rd Sept. [1654]
Sarah of James & Sarah Jemson born 2nd Jan. [1654]
William of Ambrose & Ann Dart born 1st Jan. [1654]
John of James & Sarah Baulston on born 3rd Dec. [1654]
William of William & Elizabeth Spowell born 18th Jan. [1654]
Elizabeth of Francis & Alice Bennet born 20th Dec. [1654]
Catharine of Amos & Mary Richardson born 6th Jan. [1654]
Gustavus of William & Mary Hambleton born 7th Augt. [1654]
James of Richard & Joanna Knight born 1st Feb. [1654]
Lydia of William & Mary Castine born 22nd Jan. [1654]
William of William & Anne Cotton born. [1654]
Benjamin of Benjamin & Wilmotte Phippeny born 19th Jan. [1654]
Elisha of Robert & Betteris Risdon born 25th Jan. [1654]
Mary of Peter & Mary Buttler born 21st Jan. [1654]
John of William & Martha Harvey born 5th Feb. [1654]
Joshua of Joshua & Anne Rogers born 20th Feb. [1654]
William of William & Ruth Read born 3rd Feb. [1654]
Priscilla of John & Elizabeth Clow born 28th Jan. [1654]
Rachel of Thomas & Elizabeth Peeke born 21st Jan. [1654]
Tabitha of John & Tabitha Blower born 12th Feb. [1654]
Dorothy of John & Jane Mavericke born 23rd Jan. [1654]
William of William & Mary Holloway born 11th Jan. [1654]
Nathaniel of William & Grace Toy born 23rd Feb. [1654]
Robert of Humphery & Sarah Cumby born 14th Feb. [1654]
Mary of David & Mary Faulkner born 10th Nov. [1654]
Anne of Thomas & Anne Waker born 27th Feb. [1654]
Josiah of Alexander & Elizabeth Baker born 26th Feb. [1654]
Elizabeth of Christopher & Anne Holland born 17th Feb. [1654]
William of Anthony & Alice Shaw born 24th Feb. [1654]
Asa of William & Sarah Halsey born 1st Jan. [1654]
Henry of Thomas & Elizabeth Edsell born 28th--Feb. [1654]
Aaron of Thomas & Sarah Stevens born 28th Feb. [1654]
Samuel of Robert & Hannah Read born 28th Feb. [1654]
Thomas of Thomas & Sarah Yeo born 24th April. [1654]
Mehetabel of Thomas & Milcha Snow born 8th Feb. [1654]
John of Matthew & Sarah Barnard born 29th Sept. [1654]
Martha of John & Hannah Leeth born the last of Aug. [1654]
John of James & Mary Hudson born 26th Jan. [1654]
Benjamin of Francis & Joyce Burgesse born 11th Oct. [1654]
Jabesh of Samuel & Mary ? Dunkin born 24th Feb. [1654]
Joanna of Christopher & Ann Holland died 2nd--1st mo. [Mar 1654]
Joseph of Henry & Alice Largine died 14th--1st mo. [1654]
Peter of Samuel & Mary Johnson died 19th--1st mo. [1654]
Samuel of Robert & Hannah Read died 31st--1st mo. [Mar 1654]
Judith wife of Robert Hull died 29th--1st mo. [1654]
John of James & Mary Dennis died 31st--1st mo. [1654]
Sarah of Hugh Browne died 3rd--2nd mo. [1654]
John of John & Susan Sweete died 3rd--2nd mo. [1654]
Joanna of Angel & Catharine Hollard died 29th--1st mo. [Mar 1654]
William of Anthony & Alice Shaw died 25th--1st mo. [Mar 1654]
Jane wife of John Anderson died 4th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Ann wife of Thomas Trescott mariner died 10th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Thomas Wheeler died 16th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Samuel of Lyonell & Ellinor Wheatly died 20th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Tabitha of Thomas & Ann Bell died 27th--2nd mo. [1654]
Elizabeth of Peter & Redigon Wittoms died 25th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Joseph of Daniel & Lydia Turrill died 10th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Benjamin of Benjamin & Wilmot Phipeny died 28th--3rd mo. [[May 1654]
Hannah the daughter Ireson of Lynn servant to Sibbella Sands widow deceased 5th--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
Martha a neger daughter of Matthew & Dorcas died 26th--6th mo. [Aug [1654]
William of Matthew & Ann Jyons died 1st --9th mo.
Mary of John & Hannah Bateman died 17--8th mo. Elizabeth Looe died 24th--8th mo. [Oct [1654]
John of Robert & Elizabeth Sanford died 23rd--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
Matthew Cenig died 4th--10th mo. [Dec [1654]
John of John & Judith Hull died 14th--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
Major General Edward Gibbons died 9th--10th mo. [Dec [1654]
Thomas of Thomas & Elizabeth Sowell died 7th--10th mo. [Dec [1654]
Isaac of Walter & Mary Sennot died 11th--8th mo. [1654]
Thomas Dinely died 15th--11th mo. [Jan [1654]
Josbua of Joshua & Ann Rogers died 15th--12th mo. [Feb [1654]
Mary Bigsby widow died 5th--11th mo. [Jan [1654]
Barnebas Farre died 13th--10th mo. [Dec [1654]
Hannah of Thomas & Elizabeth Sowell died 2nd--11th mo. [Jan [1654]
John of John & Joan Baker died 25th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Sarah of John & Mary Philips Jr. died 29th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Hezekiah of John & Elizabeth Harwood died 25th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Zechariah of Zechariah & Elizabeth Phillips died 24th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Thomas of Robert & Rebecca Winsor died 8th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Samuel of John Anderson died 10th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Phillipee wife of William White died 5th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Samuel Norton died 28th of June [1654]
James of Arthur & Jane Kind died 19th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Sarah of Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke died 27th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Hannah of Hezekiah & Elizabeth Vsher died 24th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Mary of Samuel & Joanna Sendall died 23rd--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Anna of Matthew & Ann Jyons died 26th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
William Hibbins died 23rd--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Elizabeth of Peter & Alice Place died 8th--6th mo. [Aug [1654]
Elizabeth of Edward & Margaret Cowell died 7th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
John of William & Hannah Townesend died 17th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Ann of John & Bridget Sanford died 26th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Mary of Samuel & Jane Wilson of Fairefeild died [1654]
Eliazer of Robert & Elizabeth Scott died 3rd--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Grace of Richard Bellingham died 3rd--7th mo. [1654]
Thomas of Thomas & Mary Broughton died 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
John of Robert & Catherine Nanny died 20th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
Eliakim of Robert & Sarah Waker died 30th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
John Avery died 31st--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Naomi of Francis & Catharine Douce died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
Lydia of Francis & Catharine Douce died 6th--8th mo. [Oct 1654]
Mary of Henry & Sibilla Sands died 14th--8th mo. [1654]
Gustavus of William & Mary Humbleton died 27th--11th mo. [Jan 1654]
John of James & Mary Hudson died the first week in February. [1654]
William Read & Ruth Crooke md. 20th--1st mo. by William Hibbins. [Mar 1654]
John Farnum & Susanna Arnold daughter of Thomas Arnold of Watertown md. by Increase Nowell. 7th--2nd mo. [Apr 1654]
Richard Wilson & Sarah Hurst md. by Richard Bellingham. 7th--2nd mo. [Apr 1654]
Joseph Gridley & Lydia Flood widow md. 9th June. [1654]
John Tappin & Mary Woodmansey daughter of Mr. Woodmansey of Boston md. 20th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Angolla a neger servant of Capt. Robert Keayne was married to Elizabeth a neger servant of Edward Hutchinson by William Hibbins. 20th--2nd mo. [1654]
John Richards & Elizabeth Winthrop widow md. 3rd--3rd mo. by Will iam Hibbins. [May 1654]
Robert Hubbcrd & Margaret Allen md. 2nd--4th mo. by William Hibbins. [Jun 1654]
John Conney & Elizabeth Nash daughter of Robert Nash of Boston md. by Richard Bellingham Dep. G. 20th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Capt. Robert Fen & Mrs. Mary Hawkins widow md. by William Hibbins. 26th--4th mo. [Jun 1654]
Thomas Harwood & Rachel Woodward widow md. by William Hibbins. 7th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
Simon Roberts & Christian Baker daughter of Alexander Baker md. by Richard Bellingham. 18th--5th mo. [Jul 1654]
John Peirce of Dorchester & Rebecca Wheeler of Boston widow md. by Capt. Humphrey Atherton 10th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Richard Smith of Lancaster & Joanna Quarlls md. by Richard Bellingham Govr. 2nd--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Ezekiel Hamlen & Elizabeth Drake md. by Richard Bellingham Gov. 8th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
John Blake & Mary Shaw widow md. 16th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Richard Peacocke & Margery Shove widow md. by Richard Bellingham Gov. 17th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
John Hawkins & Sarah Damarill widow md. by Richard Bellingham Governor. 15th September [1654]
Samuel Bucknell & Sarah Bishop daughter of Nath Bishopp of Boston md. by Richard Bellingham Gov. 18th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
James Toung & Elizabeth Hagborne daughter of Abraham Hagborne of Boston md. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. 8th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
Edward Bobbet & Sarah Tarne, daughter of Myles Tarne of Boston md. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1654]
Isaac Bollard & Sarah Jones daughter of Thomas Jones of Dorchester md. by Mr. Glover. 3rd--11th mo. [Jan 1654]
Robert Higgins & Susanna Westoe md. by Richard Bellingham Govr. 2nd--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
Matthew Coy & Elizabeth Roberts md. by Capt.Humphery Atharton. 29th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
Jonathan Danforth & Elizabeth Powter the daughter of Good. Powter deceased of Billerky md. 22nd--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
John Aylett & Mary Hawkins daughter of Capt. Thomas Hawkins deceased md. by Capt. Humphery Atherton. 21st--9th mo. [Nov 1654]
Thomas Jones & Lydia Sanderson daughter of Robert Sanderson of Boston md. by Richard Bellingham Gov. 13th--10th mo. [Dec 1654]
John Willis & Hannah Elsse md. by Capt. Humph Atharton. 11th--11th mo. [Jan 1654]
Jacob Elliott & Mary Wilcock widow md. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. 9th--11th mo. [Jan 1654]
William Hambleton & Mary Richardson md. by Richard Bellingham Governor. 7th--6th mo. [Aug 1654]
William Therrell & Rebecca Simpkins daughter of Capt. Nicholas Simpkins md. by Richard Bellingham Governor. 29th--11th mo. [Jan 1654]
Berekiah of Edward Arnoll's wife 6 day 1st mo. [Mar 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of Jeremiah Howchin 12 day 1st mo. [Mar 1654; Baptized]
Elisha of William Salter 12 day 1st mo. [Mar 1654; Baptized]
John of Robert Samford. 19 day 1st mo. [Mar 1654; Baptized]
Tho: of William Ricker 16 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
William of Martha & William Halve 23 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Tho: of Martha & William Halve 23 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Mary of Tomeson & John Scarlet 23 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Jaiene of Tomeson & John Scarlet 23 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Mary of John Moos 23 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Henry of Henry Powning 30 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Simond of Simond Rogers 30 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
John of Jain & John Maverieke 30 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Jain of Jain & John Maverieke 30 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1654; Baptized]
Benjamin of Henry Bridgham 7 day 3rd mo. [[May 1654; Baptized]
Joseph of John Viall 21 day 3rd mo. [[May 1654; Baptized]
Matthew (twin) of Ann & Tho: [1654; Baptized]
Sarah (twin) of Ann & Tho: [1654; Baptized]
Joanes 4 day 4th mo. [Jun 1654; Baptized]
Mehetable of Edindin of Ch. of Situat 4 day 4th mo. [Jun 1654; Baptized]
Peter of Christopher Clarke's wife 11 day 4th mo. [Jun 1654; Baptized]
Ann of Matthew Jones 11 day 4th mo. [Jun 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of Sarah Elice 2 day 5th mo. [Jul 1654; Baptized]
Eliezer of Robert Scott 23 day 5th mo. [Jul 1654; Baptized]
Wm. of John Barrill 30 day 5th mo. [Jul 1654; Baptized]
Grace of Rich: Bellingham 13 day 6th mo. [Aug 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of John Leverit 20 day 6th mo. [Aug 1654; Baptized]
Richard of Capt: Savage 27 day 6th mo. [Aug 1654; Baptized]
John of Ann & John Anger 27 day 6th mo. [Aug 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of Wm. Davis 3 day 7th mo. [Sep [1654; Baptized]
Henry of Sara & Henry Messinger 3 day 7th mo. [Sep 1654; Baptized]
John of Mary & Mark Haines 10 day 7th mo. [Sep 1654; Baptized]
Isaac of Walter Sennet's wife 1 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Edward of Edward Rainsford 15 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Stephen of Isaac Waker 15 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of John Gillit's wife 15 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Ann of Edward Boyden of Ch. of Watertowne 15 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Thomas of Theodor Atkinson 22 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Rebecca of Edward Rawson of Ch. of Newberry 29 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
Ann of John Saunders of Ch. of Watertowne 29 day 8th mo. [Oct 1654; Baptized]
John of John Hull 5 day 9th mo. [Nov 1654; Baptized]
Edmund of Edmond Jackson 5 day 9th mo. [Nov 1654; Baptized]
Mary of Robert Waker 5 day 9th mo. [Nov 1654; Baptized]
Zacharia of Hezekia Usher 31 day 10th mo. [Dec 1654; Baptized]
Rebecca of Rebecca & Thomas Windsor 31 day 10th mo. [Dec 1654; Baptized]
Sarah of James Jemson 7 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Joan & Tho: Joy 7 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Kathrine of Ann & Amos Richison 14 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Abigail of Mrs. Costone of Ch. of Linn 28 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Benjamin of Mrs. Phipeny of the New Ch. 28 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Dorothy of Jaen & John Mavericke 28 day 11th mo. [Jan 1654; Baptized]
Wm. of Wm. Cotton 4 day 12th mo. [Feb 1654; Baptized]
Wm. of Wm. Read 11 day 12th mo. [Feb 1654; Baptized]
Mehetabel of Tho: Snowe 11 day 12th mo. [Feb 1654; Baptized]
John of sister Harvey 11 day 12th mo. [Feb 1654; Baptized]
Peter of Wm. Toy 25 day 12th mo. [Feb 1654; Baptized]
[p.50] TOWN. [1655]
James of Thomas & Mary Robinson born 14th March. [1655]
Eunice of Edward & Mary Ting born 8th March. [1655]
William of John & Hannah Bateman born 8th March. [1655]
Hannah of Thomas & Elizabeth Rider born 7th March. [1655]
Lydia of Francis & Catherine Dowse born 10th March. [1655]
William of William & Susanna Dawes born 8th March [1655]
Hannah of John & Elizabeth Harwood born 6th March. [1655]
Samuel of John & Mary Hurd born 14th March. [1655]
Hannah of Matthew & Rebecca Barnes born 14th March. [1655]
Rebecca of Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke born 16th March. [1655]
Mary of Joseph & Lydia Gridley born 22nd March. [1655]
Nathaniel of Thomas & Elizabeth Wyborne born 12th March. [1655]
Sarah of John & Jane Bushnell born 24th March. [1655]
Mary of William & Elizabeth Browne born 16th March. [1655]
Peter of Peter & Sarah Olliver born 3rd March. [1655]
Joseph of Daniel & Lydia Turell born 25th March. [1655]
Mary of Robert merchant & Sarah Brecke born 19th April. [1655]
Elizabeth of Capt. James & Abigail Johnson born 12th April. [1655]
Silvanus of Walter & Mary Merry born 8th April. [1655]
Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Moore born 26th Apr. [1655]
John of Simon & Christian Roberts born 27th April. [1655]
Samuel of John & Joan Baker born 16th Apr. [1655]
Robert of John & Mary Dawes born 29th March. [1655]
Deliverance of Richard & Anna Bradley born 3rd April. [1655]
Sarah of Samuel & Sarah Bucknell born 17th May. [1655]
John of Edmund & Ann Grosse born 21st April. [1655]
Catharine of Matthias & Ann Jions born 1st June. [1655]
Mary of Nathaniel & Mary Adams born 20th May. [1655]
Mary of William & Siscilla Talbott born 21st June. [1655]
Prudence of Jonathan & Mary Baulston on born 28th May. [1655]
Rachel of Thomas & Rachel Harwood born 20th June. [1655]
Nathaniel of Elias & Bridget Parkman born 24th June. [1655]
William of Edward & Margaret Cowell born 28th June. [1655]
Ann of Sargt Richard & Frances Woodee born 12th July. [1655]
Joseph of James & Sarah Pemberton born 2nd July. [1655]
Thomas of Matthew & Mary Grosse born 5th July. [1655]
Mary of Richard & Sarah Martine born 7th June. [1655]
Benjamin of Timothy & Margaret Prout born 16th July. [1655]
---- of Mr. Jacob & Margaret Sheafe born 25th July. [1655]
Ephraim of Capt. John & Ann Manning born 10th Aug. [1655]
Sarah of Jeremiah & Sarah Merrills born 14th Aug. [1655]
Joanna of William & Mary Davis born 16th Aug. [1655]
Mary of Henry & Mary Willis born 26th July. [1655]
Thomas of Thomas & Anne Dure born 26th Aug. [1655]
Sarah of John & Elizabeth Purchase born 10th Aug. [1655]
Martha of Edward & Margaret Coleman born 8th Aug. [1655]
Nathaniel of Nathaniel & Damaris Robinson born 29th Aug. [1655]
John of John & Susanna Farnum born 20th May. [1655]
Elizabeth of David & Mary Evans born 10th Aug. [1655]
John of John & Hannah Lowell born 26th--Aug. [1655]
John of James & Mary Dennis born 4th Aug. [1655]
Martha of John & Martha Shaw born 16th Sept. [1655]
William of William & Hannah Ballantine born 22nd Sept. [1655]
Simon of Simon & Hannah Lynde born 26th Sept. [1655]
Samuel of Thomas & Anna Rawlins born 1st Sept. [1655]
William of William & Mary Baker born 19th Oct. [1655]
Elizabeth of Robert & Elizabeth Sanford born 5th Dec. [1655]
Mary of Edward & Martha Arnold born 16th Sept. [1655]
John of John & Ruth Ingolsby born 2nd Oct. [1655]
John of John & Sarah Tuckerman born 8th Oct. [1655]
Mary of Mr. John & Mary Aylet born 8th Oct. [1655]
Mary of Jacob & Mary Eliott born 6th Oct. [1655]
Joseph of Hope & Rachel Allen born 4th Oct. [1655]
James of Arthur & Jane Kinde born 29th Oct. [1655]
William of William & Sarah King born 6th Nov. [1655]
Martha of Mr. Peter & Mary Duncan born 10th Nov. [1655]
Sarah of Richard & Joyce Staines born 16th Nov. [1655]
George of George & Hannah Munning born 24th Nov. [1655]
Hannah of Jacob & Anne Leger born 14th Nov. [1655]
Mary of William & Mary Hincksman born 20th Dec. [1655]
Rebecca of William & Rebecca Turell born 26th Dec. [1655]
Mary of Edmund & Rebecca Madock born 4th JaN. [1655]
Samuel of John & Sarah Miriam born 14th Dec. [1655]
John of John & Susanna Higgins born 15th Feb. [1655]
John of James & Lydia Burgesse born 21st Feb. [1655]
Martha of John & Martha Amey born 10th Nov. [1655]
Joseph of Robert & Mary Wright born 14th Nov. [1655]
Joshua of Thomas & Sarah Scottow born 23rd Dec. [1655]
Sarah of Joseph & Frances Howe born 28th Feb. [1655]
John of Mr. Jeremiah & Ester Houchine born 27th Oct. [1655]
Martha of John & Mary Gilbert born 8th Dec. [1655]
Elizabeth of William & Mary Hambleton born 13th Dec. [1655]
Thomas of Samuel & Mary Dunkin born 15th Jan. [1655]
Hopestill dau. of Nicholas & Hannah Stone born 7th Jan. [1655]
Joseph of James & Dorothy Wiseman born 24th Dec. [1655]
Josiah of Josiah & Ranis Belchere born 23rd Dec. [1655]
Mary of John & Elizabeth Wilkey born 17th Dec. [1655]
Joanna of John & Mary Anderson born 25th Dec. [1655]
Jaleham of Mr. William & Martha Brenton born 15th Nov. [1655]
Mary of John & Sarah Jeffes born 8th Jan. [1655]
John of John & Elizabeth Conney born 5th Jan. [1655]
Marah of Edward & Susanna Jackline born 15th June. [1655]
Jane of Lyonell & Elinor Wheatley born 28th May. [1655]
Mary of Capt. John & Sarah Leveret born 12th Feb. [1655]
Elizabeth of John & Elizabeth Lawrence born 9th May. [1655]
Sarah of John & Sarah Stephenson born 6th Feb. [1655]
Ezekiel of Ezekiel & Elizabeth Hamline born 2nd Nov. [1655]
Edmund of Clement & Mary Gross born 9th March. [1655]
John of Nathaniel & Sarah Hunn born 16th Jan. [1655]
Hannah of Mr. William & Mary Paddy born 8th Jan. [1655]
Martha of Henry & Elizabeth Blake born 2nd Nov. [1655]
Margaret of Ezekiel & Ann Woodward born 24th Feb. [1655]
Daniel of Robert & Margaret Hubberd born 9th May. [1655]
Mary of Richard & Jane Critchly born 18th Jan. [1655]
Joshua of Thomas & Sarah Scottow born 23rd Dec. [1655]
John of John & Ann Chamberline born 1st May. [1655]
John of Mr. Robert & Catharine Nanny born 12th Aug. [1655]
Barbary wife of Mr. Anthony Stoddard died 15th--2nd mo. [Apr 1655]
Edmund Grosse died 1st--3rd mo. [May 1655]
Anne of Thomas & Anne Waker died 20th--2nd mo. [Apr 1655]
Susanna wife of Lieut. William Phillips died 16th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Sylvanus of Walter & Mary Mery died 16th--4th Mo. [Jun 1655]
Thomas Bell died 7th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Nathaniel Sowther died 27th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Mr. Robert Knight died 27th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Samuel of John & Joan Baker died 2nd--5th mo. [Jul 1655]
Hannah wife of Robert Read died 24th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Robert of Robert & Margery Brooke died 11th--5th mo. [Jul 1655]
Margaret wife of Henry Feltch died 23rd--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
Ester Cogsall decease at Godfry Armitages house 7th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
John Speres master of the Barque May Flower an inhabitant of Virginia deceased at Evan Thomas his house 25th--5th mo. [Jul 1655]
Zakeus Bosworth deceased 28th--5th mo. [Jul 1655]
John Coddington deceased 18th--6th mo. [Aug 1655]
Thomas Bounty of Wappine or Redriffe in England deceased at Lieut. William Hudsons 26th--6th mo. he died intestate. [Aug 1655]
John Foote a seaman of Manchester died 16th--6th mo. [Aug 1655]
John of James & Mary Dennis died 10th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Benjamin of Benjamin & Wilmot Phipeny died 20th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
William Davis a seaman living in Chadwell in England deceased at Isaac [1655]
Cullimors house 20th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Richard of Capt. Thomas & Mary Savage died 23rd--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Rebecca of Mr. Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke died 19th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Dorcas of William & Philip White died 30th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Chrestable wife of John Gallop died 27th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
Elisha of William & Mary Salter died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
William of William & Hannah Balantine died 4th--8th mo. [Oct 1655]
Margaret Mathewes deceased 23rd--9th mo. [Nov 1655]
Mary of Arthur & Jane Kind died 27th--8th mo. [Oct 1655]
John of John & Ruth Ingolsby died 15th--10th mo. [Dec 1655]
Mary wife of Lieut. Joshua Hewes died 23rd--6th mo. [Aug 1655]
John Clemons seaman at a town near Lee in England deceased at Isaac Cullimors 13th--8th mo. [Oct 1655]
Elizabeth of Andrew & Elizabeth Cload died 17th--7th mo. [Sep 1655]
George Stevens a cooper in London died at Isaac Cullimors house 2nd--9th mo. [Nov 1655]
Mary wife of Ralph Roote died 15th--9th mo. [Nov 1655]
Mary wife of William Baker died 12th--10th mo. [Dec 1655]
Lydia of Jonathan & Mary Baulston on died 6th--11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Judith of William & Seisly Talbot died 16th 11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Francis Bennet was drowned at Nodles Island dyed 4th--10th mo. [Dec 1655]
Em wife of Thomas Rawlins died 27th--10th mo. [Dec 1655]
Mary of John & Hannah Keetch died 1st--11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Philip Sherman apprentice of John Blower died 12th--10th mo. [Dec 1655]
Elizabeth Rose servant to Hugh Williams died 20th--11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Simon of Mr. Simon & Hannah Lynd died 4th--11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Mary wife of Mr. Thomas Purchase died 7th--11th mo. [Jan 1655]
Alice Fermase widow died 9th--12th mo. [Feb 1655]
Mary of Moses Maverick of Mablehead died 24th--12th mo. [Feb 1655]
Josias Belcher & Ranus Ransford md. 3rd--1st mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Mar 1655]
George Manning & Hannah Blanchard widow md. 13--1st mo. by Richard Bellingham Governor. [Mar 1655]
Clement Corbet & Dorcas Buckmaster daughter of Thomas Buckmaster of Muddy River md. 7th--1st mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Mar 1655]
John Merick & Elizabeth Wyborne daughter of Thomas Weyborne of Boston md. 3rd--2nd mo. by Capt Humphery Atharton at Cambridge. [Apr 1655]
William Browne & Elizabeth Ruggles daughter of George Ruggles of Brantrey md. 24th--2nd mo. [Apr 1655]
John Griffine & Susanna Price md. 27th--2nd mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Apr 1655]
Jobn Browne & Ester Makepeace daughter of Thomas Makepeace of Boston md. 24th--2nd mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Apr 1655]
Zachariah Buckmaster & Sarah Webb md. 7th--1st mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Mar 1655]
Arthur Mason & Joanna Parker daughter of Nicholas Parker of Boston md. 5th--5th mo. by Increase Nowell. [Jul 1655]
Richard Bennet & Margaret Gurgefield widow md. 11th--5th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dep. Governor. [Jul 1655]
Abiel Everill & Elizabeth Phillips daughter of Lieut. [1655]
Will. Phillips of Boston md. 6th--5th mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Jul 1655]
Mr. Samuel Lee of Virginia & Elizabeth Bowland of Boston md. 2nd--6th mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Aug 1655]
Samuel Sprague & Recuba Crawford md. 23rd--6th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. [Aug 1655]
Joseph Waters & Martha Mellowes md. 13th--7th mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Sep 1655]
Edward Morris & Grace Bett md. 20th--9th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. [Dec 1655]
Mr. William Thompson & Catharine Treat daughter of Richard Treat of Wethersfield md. 19th--9th mo. by John Endecott Governor. [Nov 1655]
Mr. Jeremiah Eggington & Elizabeth Cotton daughter of the late John Cotton deceased md. 12th--8th mo. by Capt. [Oct 1655]
Robert Bridges. Emanuel Springfield & Mary Mellowes md. 13--7th mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Sep 1655]
Richard George & Mary Pell daughter of William Pelt of Boston md. 1st--9th mo. by Capt. Humphery Atharton. [Nov 1655]
Robert Twelues & Martha Bracket daughter of Peter Bracket of Brantrey md. 22nd--9th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. [Nov 1655]
John Palsgrave & Mary Mavericke daughter of Samuel Mavericke of Nodles Island md. 8th--12th mo. by John Endecott Govr. [Jan 1655]
Wm Pitts & Susan Aealy late widow of Philip Aealy md. 7th--10th mo. by John Endicott Govr. [Dec 1655]
Edward Belcher & Mary Wormwood daughter-in-law to Edward Belcher Senior md. 8th--11th mo. by Major Humphery Atharton. [Jan 1655]
John Brimblecombe & Barbara Davis the late widow of George Davis md. 14th--11th mo. by Richard Bellingham [Jan 1655]
Dept. Govr. Abram Fort & Hannah Hutchinson widow md. 18th--11th mo. by John Endecott Govr. [Jan 1655]
Oliver Callowe & Judith Clocke widow md. last of February by John Endicott Govr. [28 Feb 1655]
Matthew Clark & Abigail Maverick daughter of Elias Maverick of Winnesimett md. 4th--4th mo. [Jun 1655]
John Hanniford & Abigail Dill widow md. 8th--9th mo. by Capt. Wiggins. [Nov 1655]
Peter of Peter Oliver 4 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Josiah of Alexander Baker 4 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Asaph of Wm. Harsey 4 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Eunice of Edward Ting 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Anna of John Harrod 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Wm. of Wm. Dawes 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Lydia of Francis Douce 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Wm. of John Bateman's wife 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
James of & Mary Robbinson 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Rebecca of Joseph Rocke 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Jacob of Ann & John Hurd 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Eliashib of John Harisson 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Anna of John Barnes of Ch. of Braintree 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1655; Baptized]
Joseph of Daniel Turant's wife 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
Deliverance of Rich: Bradley's wife 8 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
James of James Johnson 15 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
Sylvanus of Walter Merry 15 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
Mary of Mr. Brecke of Ch. of Dorchester 22 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
Anna of Mr. Anger's wife 29 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
John of Edmond Groose 29 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
Tho: of Tho: Yoo's wife of the New Ch. 29 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1655; Baptized]
David of Tho: Duer 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
John of Tho: Duer 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
Sampson of Tho: Duer 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
Tho: of Thomas & Martha Stocker of Ch. of Linn 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Martha Stocker of Ch. of Linn 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
John of Alice Nichols 13 day 3rd mo. [May 1655; Baptized]
Rachel of Rachel & Thomas Harrod 24 day 4th mo. [Jun 1655; Baptized]
Wm. of Edward Cowell's wife 8 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Nathaniel of Elias Partman 8 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Ann of Rich. Woody of Ch. of Roxberry 15 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Benjamin of Timothy Proute 22 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Marcye of Jacob Sheaffe 29 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Joseph of James Pemerton 29 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
Mary of Thorne 29 day 5th mo. [Jul 1655; Baptized]
John of Mary & John Dinis 5 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Ephraim of Ann & John Manning 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
John of Ann & John Manning 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Elizabeth }of sister Pecke 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Rachel } of sister Pecke 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
John } of sister Pecke 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Joseph } of sister Pecke 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Samuel }of Sarah & John Marshall 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Sarah } of Sarah & John Marshall 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Hannah } of Sarah & John Marshall 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Elizabeth of William Davis 26 day 6th mo. [Aug 1655; Baptized]
Thomas of Thomas Doer 2 day 7th mo. [Sep 1655; Baptized]
Mary of William Arnoll's wife 16 day 7th mo. [Sep 1655; Baptized]
John of John Lowell 16 day 7th mo. [Sep 1655; Baptized]
John of John Tinker 30 day 7th mo. [Sep 1655; Baptized]
William of John Inglsby 7 day 8th mo. [Oct 1655; Baptized]
Mary of Jacob Eliot 14 day 8th mo. [Oct 1655; Baptized]
Martha of Henry Blauge 28 day 8th mo. [Oct 1655; Baptized]
George of Hannah & George Manning 25 day 9th mo. [Nov 1655; Baptized]
Anna of Wm Leauger 25 day 9th mo. [Nov 1655; Baptized]
John of Jeremiah Houchin 2 day 10th mo. [Dec 1655; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Robert Samford 9 day 10th mo. [Dec 1655; Baptized]
Josua of Tho: Scotto 9 day 10th mo. [Dec 1655; Baptized]
Samuel of John Meriam 9 day 10th mo. [Dec 1655; Baptized]
TOWN. [1656]
Sarah of James & Mary Hawkins born 18th Mar. [1656]
Ambrose of Ambrose & Mary Bennet born 21st Mar. [1656]
Isaac of William & Ruth Read born 18th Apr. [1656]
William of William & Elizabeth Greenoe born 12th April. [1656]
George of George & Mary Munjoy born 21st April. [1656]
Benjamin of Sargt Thomas & Elizabeth Clarke born 4th May. [1656]
Abigail of John & Susanna Sweet born 4th May. [1656]
Lydia of Jobn & Sarah Badman born 26th April. [1656]
Samuel of Alexander & Mary Adams born 7th May. [1656]
Thomas of John & Sarah Marshall born 11th May. [1656]
Mary of William & Mary Lane born 15th May. [1656]
Rebecca of Mr. Edward & Rachel Rawson born 21st May. [1656]
Sarah of John & Mary Milam born 6th April. [1656]
Joseph of Thomas & Ann Sexten born 9th May. [1656]
Hannah of Henry & Elizabeth Powning born 8th April [1656]
James of Abiel & Elizabeth Everill born 4th Apr. [1656]
John of John & Bridget Willford born 26th May. [1656]
William of Capt. Richard & Elizabeth Davenport born 11th May [1656]
Benjamin of Mr. Edward & Abigail Hutchinson born 2nd June. [1656]
Jeremiah of Thomas & Rachel Harwood born 4th June. [1656]
John of Robert & Margaret Hubberd born 18th May. [1656]
Nathaniel of John & Joan Baker born 4th April. [1656]
John of Thomas & Elizabeth Hunt born 11th April. [1656]
Sarah of Nathaniel & Christian Fryer born 20th July. [1656]
Walter of Walter & Mary Merry born 3rd June. [1656]
Benjamin of Samuel & Joanna Norden born 15th June. [1656]
Samuel of Thomas & Ann Waker born 26th June. [1656]
Elizabeth of Anthony & Alice Shaw born 21st May. [1656]
Mary of Ensigne Joshua & Lydia Scottow born 11th May. [1656]
John of Robert & Mary Feild born 9th Jnne. [1656]
Anthony of Anthony & Christian Stoddard born 16th June. [1656]
Benjamin of William & Mary Holloway born 8th July. [1656]
Benjamin of Benjamin & Wilmott Phipeny born 15th July. [1656]
John of Rober & Sarah Waker born 14th July. [1656]
Rebecca of Francis & Mary East born 22nd July. [1656]
John of John & Elizabeth Purchase born 3rd Aug. [1656]
Stephen of Isaac & Susanna Waker born 13th Aug. [1656]
Mary of James & Mary Hudson born 27th July. [1656]
John of Robert & Catharine Nanney born 12th Aug. [1656]
Sarah of John & Abigail Haniford born 8th Aug. [1656]
Anne of Arthur & Joanna Mason born 10th Aug. [1656]
Elizabeth of Jeremiah & Elizabeth Eggington born 15th Aug. [1656]
Joseph of Thomas & Naomi Wells born 7th June. [1656]
Mary of Richard & Mary George born 22nd Aug. [1656]
Matthew of Matthew & Elizabeth Coy born 5th Sept. [1656]
David of William & Hannah Ballentine born 24th Aug. [1656]
Sarah of Isaac & Elizabeth Coussins born 31st Aug. [1656]
Thomas of David & Mary Faulkner born 26th Sept. [1656]
Samuel of Richard & Frances Woodee born 11th Sept. [1656]
Lydia of Jonathan & Mary Baulston on born 9th Oct. [1656]
Mary of John & Anne Sandy born 24th Oct. [1656]
Abigail of John & Mary Viall born 21st Oct. [1656]
Hannah of Samuel & Mary Flacke born 26th Oct. [1656]
John of Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke born 2nd Nov. [1656]
Elizabeth of John & Anne Chamberline born 25th Oct. [1656]
Martha of Thomas & Martha Fitch born 9th Nov. [1656]
Samuel of Capt. Thomas & Mary Savage born 16th Nov. [1656]
Samuel of John & Susanna Cole born 24th March. [1656]
Mary of Andrew & Elizabeth Cload born 22nd July. [1656]
William of Samuel & Sarah Davis born 4th Sept. [1656]
Elizabeth of John & Susanna Griffine born 26th Aug. [1656]
John of Lieut William & Bridget Phillips born 18th Sept. [1656]
Jeremiah of Samuel & Ester Travis born 9th Sept. [1656]
Henry of Henry & Mary Stephens born 20th July. [1656]
Lydia & Priscilla twins of Henry & Sarah Messinger born 22nd Nov. [1656]
Exercise dau. of William & Hannah Shattocke born 12th Nov. [1656]
Jonathan of Henry & Eleanor Sbrimpton born 18th Nov. [1656]
Sarah of Richard & Joanna Knight born 6th Nov. [1656]
Edward of Edward & Sarah Ellis born 26th Nov. [1656]
John of John & Hannah Andrewes born 21st Nov. [1656]
Mary of Capt. William & Huldah Davis born 3rd Dec. [1656]
Joseph of Thomas & Elizabeth Peek born 11th Dec. [1656]
Peter of Peter & Reddigan Wittoms born 15th May. [1656]
Mary of Edmund & Elizabeth Browne born 15th Dec. [1656]
Ebenezer of John & Ruth Ingolsby born 13th Dec. [1656]
Mary of William & Esther Peirce born 10th Dec. [1656]
Henry of Henry & Mary Phillips born 1st Oct. [1656]
Jonathan of William & Friswith Osborne born 16th Nov. [1656]
Henry of Henry & Ruth Keskeyes born 3rd May. [1656]
Elizabeth of John & Martha Mallowes born 15th Dec. [1656]
Ezekiel of William & Grace Rex born 30th Nov. [1656]
John of John & Elizabeth Gill born 11th Jan. [1656]
Samuel of George & Deborah Burrell born 10th Jan. [1656]
Richard of Richard & Mary Hicks born 20th JaN. [1656]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Mary Read born 28th Jan. [1656]
Sarah of William & Elizabeth Browne born 8th Jan. [1656]
Elizabeth of Edmund & Mary Jackson born 11th Feb. [1656]
William of William & Elizabeth Sumner born 9th Feb. [1656]
William of William & Mary Ingram born 9th Feb. [1656]
Rebecca of Besse the negro servant of Thomas Lake born 1st Feb. [1656]
Thomas of Mr. Thomas and Mary Lake born 9th Feb. [1656]
Thomas of Mr. Thomas & Mary Broughton born 23rd Dec. [1656]
John of John & Mary Barrell born [1656]
Jonathan of George & Elizabeth Oris born [1656]
Nicholas of Nicholas & Hannah Phillips born 26th Feb. [1656]
Rebecca of Gamaliel & Sarah Phipeny born 12th Feb. [1656]
Samuel of Samuel & Mary Gallop born 14th Feb. [1656]
Hannab of Francis & Joan Crocum born 15th Feb. [1656]
Ebenezer of Timothy & Mary Prout born 14th March. [1656]
Mehetabel of Thomas & Rebecca Hawkins born 27th Jan. [1656]
Joseph of William & Helen Furnell born 19th Jan. [1656]
Satisfaction son of Edward & Mary Belcher born 23rd Feb. [1656]
James of Edward & Margaret Coleman born 31st Jan. [1656]
Elizabeth of Peter & Mary Duncan born 28th Feb. [1656]
Mary of John & Dorothy Downes born 4th March. [1656]
Thomas of Tho: & Dorothy Bligh born 18th Oct. [1656]
Sarah of Edward & Elizabeth Page born 13th April. [1656]
Elizabeth of Nathaniel & Damaris Robinson born 24th Feb. [1656]
Abigail of Matthew & Abigail Clarke of Winisemet born 17th June. [1656]
Simon of Simon & Christian Roberts born 22nd Nov. [1656]
Judith Whittingham daughter-in-law unto Mr. Simon Eire died 27th--1st mo. [Mar 1656]
Abigail son of John & Susanna Sweete died 16th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Mary wife of William Lane died 2nd--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Hannah of Mr. Edward & Rebecca Rawson died 27th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Matthew of Matthew & Ann Jions died 13th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Jarvis Goold died 27th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Gershom of John & Elizabeth Mathew died 1656]
John of John & Bridget Wilford died 12th--4th mo. [Jun 1656]
Thomas Johnson of Hingham drowned 29th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Stephen of Isaac & Sarah Waker died 29th--4th mo. [Jun 1656]
Joanna wife of Samuel Norden died 29th--4th mo. [Jun 1656]
Nathaniel of John & Joan Baker died 13th--4th mo. [Jun 1656]
John of Thomas & Elizabeth Hunt died 19th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Philip of Benjamin & Sarah Frisco died 16th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Moore died 25th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Susanna of Philip & Rachel Phillips died 15th--6 mo. 1656]
John Jellet died 13th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Zechariah of Mr. Hezekiah & Elizabeth Vsher died 23rd--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Sarah of Francis & Catharine Dawse died 18th--5th mo. [Jul 1656]
Elizabeth of Clement & Mary Grosse died 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1656]
Sarah of Samuel & Sarah Bucknell died 25th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Elizabeth wife of Jeremiah Eggington died 31st--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Ester wife of Jeremiah Fitch died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1656]
John Jarvis merchant died 24th--7th mo. [Sep 1656]
Rachel of Thomas & Rachel Harwood died 27th--7th mo. [Sep 1656]
Thomas Wiborne died 2nd--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
Samuel Wilbore died 29th--7th mo. [Sep 1656]
Mrs. Ann Leverit died 16th--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
Sarah of Jetta & Emm Coddington died 8th--9th mo. [Nov 1656]
Jeremiah of Daniel & Ester Travis died 1st --9th mo. [Nov 1656]
Hannah of William Read died 25th--9th mo. [Nov 1656]
Mary wife of Samuel Flacke died 6th--9th mo. [Nov 1656]
Anne wife of John Kenricke of Muddy River died 15th--9th mo. [Nov 1656]
Elizabeth wife of Isaac Coussnes died 14th--10th mo. [Dec 1656]
Dinah wife of Derman Mahoon died 8th--11th mo. 1656]
William of William & Mary Ingram died 19th--11th mo. [Jan 1656]
Capt. Robert Keayne died 23rd--1st mo. [Mar 1656]
Thomas Buckminster died 28 September. [1656]
William Baker & Pilgrim Edye daughter of John Edye of Watertown md. by William Browne. 22nd--2nd mo. [Apr]
Isaac Woody & Dorcas Harper md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 20th--1st mo. [Mar]
Thomas Rawlins & Sarah Madocks of Rexbury a widow md. 2nd 3rd mo. [May]
John Jephson & Emm Coddington widow md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 7th--3rd mo. [May]
William Mullings & Ann Bell widow md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 7th--3rd mo. [May]
Joseph Moore & Ruth Starr md. by John Endicott Govr. 21st--3rd mo. [May 1656]
William Browne & William Parchmt md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 11th--2nd mo. [Apr 1656]
John Peirce & Ruth Bishop daughter of Nath Bishop of Boston md. by John Endicot Govr. 15th--2nd mo. [Apr 1656]
Thomas Thorp & Rebecca Miluard md. by John Endecott Govr. 27th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
William Ingram & Mary Bairstow md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 14th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
John Davis & Returne Gridley daughter of Richard Gridley of Boston md. by John Endecott Govr. 9th--2nd mo. [Apr 1656]
Mounsieur Christian Belvele & Lady Francis Hopkins md. by John Endicott Govr. 9th--4th mo. [Jun 1656]
Richard Tozer & Judith Smith md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 3rd--5th mo. [Jul 1656]
Samuel Ruck & Margaret Clarke md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 22nd--5th mo. [Jul 1656]
Mr. John Thompson of Newhaven & Anne Vicaris md. by John Endicott Govr. 4th--6th Mo. [Aug 1656]
Ralph Hutchinson & Alice Bennet late wife of Francis Bennet md. by John Endicot Gov. 8th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
William Lane & Mary Brewer daughter of Thomas Brewer of Rexbury md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 21st--6th Mo. [Aug 1656]
Mr. Richard Mather Pastor to the Church of Dorchester & Mrs. Sarah Cotton widow md. by John Endecott Govr. 26th--6th Mo. [Aug 1656]
John Senter & Mary Muzzy md. by Richard Bellingham Dept Govr. 27th--1st mo. [Mar 1656]
Abner Ordway & Sarah Dennis widow md. 15th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Samuel Norden & Elizabeth Pormott dau. of Philemon Pormott late of Boston md. [1656]
Lawrence Willis of Bridgwater & Mary Makepeace daughter of Thomas Makepeace of Boston md. by Major Humphry Atharton. 5th--7th Mo. [Sep 1656]
Michael Martine & Susanna Helllocke daughter of Edward Holliocke of Rumney Marsh md. by John Endecott Governor. 12th--7th Mo. [Sep 1656]
Thomas Goold & Frances Robinson md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 10th--7th mo. [Dec 1656]
George May & Elizabeth Franckline md. by Richard Bellingham Dept Govr. 6th--8th Mo. [Oct 1656]
Michael Willborne & Mary Beamsley daughter of William Beamsley of Boston md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 17th--8th Mo. [Oct 1656]
Henry Boyen & Frances Gill daughter of Arthur Gill of Boston md. by Major Humph. 17th--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
Atharton Thomas Cooper of Rehoboth & Ann Bosworth widow md. 17th--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
William Ticknor & Hannah Stockbridge daughter of John Stockbridge md. by Major Humphery Atharton. 29th--8th Mo. [Oct 1656]
John Rogers of Scituate & Roda King daughter of Thomas King of Scituate md. by John Endecott Govr. 8th--8th Mo. [Oct 1656]
Edward Turner & Mary Sanford daughter of Richard Sanford md. by John Endecott Govr. 25th--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
Moses Mavericke & Eunice Roberts widow of Thomas Roberts md. by John Endecott Govr. 22nd--8th mo. [Oct 1656]
Francis Johnson & Hannah Hanbury md. by John Endecott Govr. 24th--8th Mo. [Oct 1656]
Mr. Robert Drue & Mrs. Jemina Clarke daughter of John Clarke of Boston md. by John Endecott Govr. 6th--9th Mo. [Nov 1656]
Jonathan Ransford & Mary Sunderland daughter of John Sunderland of Boston md. 29th--9th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Gov.
William Wardell & Elizabeth Jellet widow md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. G. 5th--10th Mo. [Dec 1656]
John Mavericke & Catharine Skipper md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 9th--2nd mo. [Apr 1656]
Henry Keskeyes & Ruth Graves daughter of Richard Graves md. 7th--6th mo. [Aug 1656]
Joseph Benham of Newhaven & Winifred King md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 15th--11th Mo. [Jan 1656]
William Hunter & Scissilla Corish md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 30th of January [1656]
John Hill & Elizabeth Strong md. by Major Humphrey Atharton. 16th--11th mo. [Jan 1656]
James Moore a Scottishman & Mary (?) Both md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 6th--12th Mo. [Feb 1656]
Henry Tite & Sarah Walton md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Gov. 11th--12th Mo. [Feb 1656]
James Sanford & Elizabeth Smith dau. of Francis Smith of Boston md. [1656]
John Sanford & Sarah Potter widow md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 19th--12th mo. [Feb 1656]
Henry Bishop & Elizabeth Wilbore widow md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Gov. 20th--12th Mo. [Feb 1656]
Mr. John Joyliffe merchant & Ann Knight widow md. 28th--11th mo. by John Endecott Gov. [Jan 1656]
Edmond Coussins of Pulling Point & Margaret Bird an Irish maid, servant to John Grover of Rumney Marsh md. [1656]
Joshua Hewes & Alice Crabtree the Relict of John Crabtree md. 11th--12th mo. [Feb 1656]
Joseph Soper & Elizabeth Alcocke daughter of Thomas Alcocke md. by John Endecott Govr. 6th--3rd mo. [May 1656]
Mary of Rich. Chrihly 2 day 1st mo. [Mar 1656; Baptized]
Sarah of Francis Smyth's wife 9 day 1st mo. [Mar 1656; Baptized]
Mary of John Leverett 16 day 1st mo. [Mar 1656; Baptized]
Ann of William Padye 16 day 1st mo. [Mar 1656; Baptized]
Hannah of Henry Powning 13 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1656; Baptized]
Benjamin of Tho. Clarke 20 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1656; Baptized]
Isaac of William Read 20 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1656; Baptized]
John of Monioy 27 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1656; Baptized]
Lydia of sister Bedman 27 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1656; Baptized]
Abigail of John Sweett 4 day 3rd mo. [May 1656; Baptized]
Samuel of Alexander Adams 11 day 3rd mo. [May 1656; Baptized]
Joseph of Thomas Saxton's wife 11 day 3rd mo. [May 1656; Baptized]
Thomas of John Marshall's wife 11 day 8th mo. [Oct 1656; Baptized]
Mary of Josua Scottow 18 day 3rd mo. [May 1656; Baptized]
Wm. of Capt. Davenport of Ch. of Salem 18 day 3rd mo. [May 1656; Baptized]
Benjamin of Edward Hutchinson 8 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
Walter of Walter Merry 8 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
Jeremiah of Rachel & Tho. Harrod 8 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
John of Robert Feild 15 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
Abigail of Richard Waight 15 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
Anthony of Anthony Stoddard 22 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
Benjamen of Samuel Norden's wife 22 day 4th mo. [Jun 1656; Baptized]
John of Robert Waker 20 day 5th mo. [Jul 1656; Baptized]
Rebecca of Francis East 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1656; Baptized]
Henry of Henry Stevens 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1656; Baptized]
Stephen of Isaac Waker 17 day 6th mo. [Aug 1656; Baptized]
John of John Nanny 17 day 6th mo. [Aug 1656; Baptized]
Samuel of Rich. Woody 19 day 7th mo. [Sep 1656; Baptized]
John of Wm Phillips 21 day 7th mo. [Sep 1656; Baptized]
Henry of Henry Philips of Ch. of Dedham 28 day 7th mo. [Sep 1656; Baptized]
Abigail of John Viall 26 day 8th mo. [Oct 1656; Baptized]
John of Joseph Rocke 9 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Martha of Tho. & Martha Fitch of Ch. of Watertowne 16 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Samuel of Tho. Savidge 23 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Lydia of Sarah & Henry Messinger 23 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Priscilla of Sarah & Henry Messinger 23 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Ezekiel of William Rickes 30 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Edward of Sarah Elise 30 day 9th mo. [Nov 1656; Baptized]
Marya of William Davis 7 day 10th mo. [Dec 1656; Baptized]
Joseph of sister Pecke 14 day 10th mo. [Dec 1656; Baptized]
Anna of John Harisson 21 day 10th mo. [Dec 1656; Baptized]
William of Benja. Thwing 28 day 10th mo. [Dec 1656; Baptized]
Ebenezer of John Ingolsby 4 day 11th mo. [Jan 1656; Baptized]
Samuel of Peter Oliver 11 day 11th mo. [Jan 1656; Baptized]
Thomas of Wm Cotton 18 day 11th mo. [Jan 1656; Baptized]
Jonathan of George Orrice's wife 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1656; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Edmond Jackson 15 day 12th mo. [Feb 1656; Baptized]
Joseph of Joseph How 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1656; Baptized]
Sarah of Joseph How 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1656; Baptized]
John of John Barrill 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1656; Baptized]
TOWN. [1657]
Joseph of William & Anne Pollard born 15th March. [1657]
Sarah of Thomas & Elizabeth Watkins born 1st March. [1657]
Hester of Humphrey & Sarah Cumbee born 1st March. [1657]
John of John & Emm Jephsou born 1st Mar. [1657]
Mary of Isaac & Dorcas Woody born 22nd March. [1657]
Lydia of William & Mary Salter born 24th March. [1657]
Zechariah of Zechariah & Elizabeth Phillips born 5th March. [1657]
William of John & Martha Amee born 24th March. [1657]
Grace of John & Returne Davis born 4th March. [1657]
Joanna of Richard & Joanna Richardson born 25th Feb. [1657]
John of Christopher & Elizabeth Pickett born 6th Sept. [1657]
Gamaliel of Simon & Susanna Rogers born 26th March. [1657]
John of Joseph & Mary Bastar born 25th March. [1657]
Mary of Capt. James & Abigail Johnson born 27th March. [1657]
Mary of John & Mary Dawes born 12th April. [1657]
Mary of William & Lydia Browne born 23rd April. [1657]
Mary of John & Tabitha Blower born 25th April. [1657]
Hannah of Samuel & Isabel Howard born 11th April. [1657]
Constance of Robert & Rebecca Winsor born 7th May. [1657]
Elizabeth of Edward & Martha Arnold born 7th May. [1657]
Elizabeth of George & Mary Dod born 5th April. [1657]
Thomas of Matthew & Sarah Barnard born 14th April. [1657]
Rebecca of Christopher & Rebecca Clarke born 4th May. [1657]
Edward of Edward & Elizabeth Yeomans born 6th May. [1657]
Anna of John & Mary Anderson born 5th May. [1657]
Samuel of Thomas & Hannah Tilee born 1st May. [1657]
Elizabeth of Samuel & Margaret Rucke born 11th [1657]
Thomas of Richard & Judith Tozer born 5th May. [1657]
Martha of David & Mary Evans born 28th May. [1657]
Samuel of Henry Jr. & Hannah Felch born 3rd June. [1657]
Paul of Elias & Anne Mavericke born 10th June. [1657]
Sarah of William & Mary Lane born 15th June. [1657]
Leah of Hope & Rachel Allen born 16th May. [1657]
Rebecca of Edward & Mary Kibby of Muddy River born 1st May. [1657]
Abigail of William & Mary Smaledge born 28th May. [1657]
Sarah of Francis & Catharine Dowse born 2nd June. [1657]
John of Edward & Martha Allen born 8th June. [1657]
Rebecca of Henry & Elizabeth Blake born 5th July. [1657]
Sarah of William & Mary Hambleton born 7th April. [1657]
Sarah of Richard & Sarah Martine born 2nd July. [1657]
John of Henry & Jane Curtis born 2nd July [1657]
James of James & Sarah Baulston on born 22nd June. [1657]
Elizabeth of Sampson & Abigail Shore born 25th June. [1657]
Jeremiah of William & Grace Toy born 18th July. [1657]
Joseph of Mr. Edward & Mary Ting born 12th July. [1657]
Sarah of Amos & Mary Richeson born 19th July. [1657]
Joseph of William & Sarah Halsey born 29th May. [1657]
Henry of Henry & Mary Willis born 2nd Aug. [1657]
Joanna of William & Susanna Davis born 26th July. [1657]
Ruth of Josiah & Mary Cobitt born 6th Aug. [1657]
Richard of Henry & Mary Ley born 27th July. [1657]
John of John & Mary Stockbridge born 19th July. [1657]
Mary of Henry & Frances Bowen born 14th Aug. [1657]
Sarah of Nathaniel & Mary Adams born 9th Aug. [1657]
Joseph of Thomas & Leah Baker born 16th Aug. [1657]
Samuel of Capt. Thomas & Mary Savage born 22nd Aug. [1657]
Rebecca of James & Lettis Neighbour born 30th March. [1657]
Elizabeth of Joseph & Elizabeth Bowd born 20th Aug. [1657]
Anna of Samuel & Lydia Turrell born 20th Aug. [1657]
Anna of Thomas & Rachel Harwood born 26th Aug. [1657]
Elizabeth of John & Jane Bushnell born 30th Aug. [1657]
Thomas of Edward & Jane Barker born 23rd Aug. [1657]
John of John & Emm Brakenbury born 9th Aug. [1657]
Sarah of Peter and Alice Place born 3rd Sept. [1657]
Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Stevens born 31st Aug. [1657]
Sarah of Robert & Sarah Mason born 20th Aug. [1657]
Richard of Richard & Jane Deuce born 4th Sept. [1657]
Sarah of James & Dorothy Wiseman born 18th Sept. [1657]
Joseph of William & Secilia Talbott born 13th Oct. [1657]
Abigail of Theodure & Abigail Atkinson born 9th Dec. [1657]
Elizabeth of Mr. Edward & Rachel Rawson born 12th Nov. [1657]
Elizabeth of Samuel & Elizabeth Norden born 2nd Sept. [1657]
Susan of Edward & Susan Haviland born 2nd Sept. [1657]
Joseph of Ezekiel & Elizabeth Hamlin born 18th Aug. [1657]
Sarah of Mr. Dean & Sarah Winthrop born 11th Feb. [1657]
Mary of Matthew & Mary Grosse born 17th Sept. [1657]
Sarah of Thomas & Sarah Scottow born 27th Sept. [1657]
Mehetabel of John & Susanun Sweet born 8th Oct. [1657]
John of William & Francis Parum born 24th Aug. [1657]
Sarah of John & Sarah Snelling born 4th Oct. [1657]
Samuel of David & Elizabeth Kelly born 9th Oct. [1657]
Juhn of Josiah & Ranis Belcher born 9th Oct. [1657]
Theophilus of Theophilus & Hannah Frery born 20th Sept. [1657]
Hannah of Leift Joshua & Alice Hewes born 28th Oct. [1657]
Joseph of John & Martha Shaw born 11th Nov. [1657]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Elizabeth Barlow born 13th Nov. [1657]
Mary of Michael & Mary Willborne born 30th Oct. [1657]
Elizabeth of Nathaniel & Christian Fryer born 1st Nov. [1657]
Elizabeth of Ezekiel & Anna Woodward born 22nd Oct. [1657]
Sarah of Samuel & Sarah Davis born 19th Dec. [1657]
John of Mr. Simon & Hannah Dynde born 8th Nov. [1657]
Ephraim of William & Ruth Read born 23rd Nov. [1657]
Abigail of Jacob & Mary Eliot born 16th Dec. [1657]
Hannah of Richard & Grace Travis born 21st Aug. [1657]
Sarah of Mr. John & Martha Coggan born 25th Dec. [1657]
Mehetabel of John & Mary Hurd born 21st Dec. [1657]
William of William & Hannah Ballentine born 20th Dec. [1657]
Mary of John & Hannah Lowell born 7th Jan. [1657]
Jane of Abraham & Jane Browne born 9th Aug. [1657]
Sarah of William & Martha Dinsdail born 7th Jan. [1657]
Hannah of John & Mary Blake born 16th Jan. [1657]
Edward of William & Elizabeth Ingram of Rumney Marsh born 15th June. [1657]
Hannah of John & Hannah Andrewes born 20th Feb. [1657]
Abigail of Henry & Elinor Shrimpton born 3rd Jan. [1657]
Mary of Edward & Margret Cowell born 23rd Jan. [1657]
Elizabeth of Jos: & Lydia Gridley born 27th Jan. [1657]
Mary of Edw: & Mary Right born 19th Jan. [1657]
William of Wm. & Mary Ingram born 27th Jan. [1657]
Hanna of Tho: & Hanna Hull born 24th Jan. [1657]
Timothy of Daniel & Esther Trevis born 14th Jan. [1657]
Hannah of Mr. John & Judith Hull born 14th Feb. [1657]
Ann of Tim: & Frances Gold born 5th Feb. [1657]
Thomas of Wm. & Elizabeth Spowel born 14th Feb. [1657]
Hannah of Benj: & Sara Briscoe born 6th Feb. [1657]
Elizabeth of James & Sara Pemberton born 26th Dec. [1657]
John of Ric: & Jane Chrichley born 10th Feb. [1657]
Joseph of Mr. Jos: & Elizabeth Rock born 1st Feb. [1657]
Richard of Tho: & Rebecca Hawkinnes born 20th Feb. [1657]
Benj. of Mr. Wm. & Mary Paddy born 23rd Feb. [1657]
James of Jonathan & Mary Bo1st on born 18th Feb. [1657]
Sarah of John & Sara Tuckerman born 20th Nov. [1657]
Elizabeth of George & Hanna Manning born 19th March. [1657]
Daniel of Stephen & Elizabeth Greenleaf born 17th Feb. [1657]
Samuel of Leift. Wm. & Bridget Phillips born 16th March. [1657]
Sergant of Thos. & Elizabeth Bill born 26th Feb. [1657]
John of John & Thomasin Scarlett born 18th March. [1657]
John of Edmond & Rebeccah Maddoc born 12th March. [1657]
Jonathan of Edward & Jane Baker born 20th Feb. [1657]
Mehetabel of Thomas & Rebecca Hawkins died 14th--3rd mo. [May 1657]
Peter of Samuel & Isabel Howard died 31st--1st mo. [Mar 1657]
Nicholas Busby died 28th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Priscilla of Henry & Sarah Messinger died 21st--4th mo. [Jun 1657]
John of Jeremiah & Ester Houchine died 2nd--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
Sarah wife of John Lewes died 12th--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
John Mosse died 26th--3rd mo. [May 1657]
Jonathan of Henry & Ellinor Shrimpton died 22nd--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
Hannah of Henry & Elizabeth Powning died 6th--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
John of John & Emm Jephson died 19th--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
Nicholas of Nicholas & Hannah Phillips died 1st--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
William of William & Elizabeth Greenoe died 7th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
John of Lieut. William & Bridget Phillips died 8th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Mehetabel of Henry & Ellinor Shrimpton died 29th--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
John of Joseph & Elizabeth Rucke died 13th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
John of John Woodee of Roxbury and Mary his wife died 12th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
David of William & Hannah Balantine died 16th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
John of John & Elizabeth Picket died 14th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Stephen of Walter & Mary Sennet died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
John of Nathaniel & Sarah Hunn died 3rd--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Joseph of Thomas & Leah Baker died 30th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Mary of Edward & Margaret Coleman died 6th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Leah of Hope & Rachel Allen died 9th--7th mo. 1657]
Edward Arnold died 8th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Thomas of Thomas & Elizabeth Brattle died 5th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
William of Samuel & Sarah Davis died 21st--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Bartholomew Barlooe died 26th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Samuel of Capt. Thomas & Mary Savage died 22nd--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Sarah of Thomas & Elizabeth Watkins died 26th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Samuel of Peter & Sarah Olliver died 9th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Ann of Arthur & Joanna Mason died 11th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
John Stockbridge died 13th--8th mo. [Oct 1657]
Walter Merry was drowned 28th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Theophilus of Theophilus & Hannah Frery died 24th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Rebecca wife of Matthew Barnes died 19th--7th mo. 1657]
Elizabeth of Henry & Hannah Feltch Jr. died 18th--8th mo. [Oct 1657]
William Rix died 13th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Thomas Alcock died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Richard a neger servant of John Lowell died 7th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Elizabeth of Sampson & Abigail Shore died 15th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Sarah wife of Job Judkine died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
John of Robert & Sarah Waker died 3rd--11th mo. [Jan 1657]
Mary wife of Wm. Holloway died 24th Jan. [1657]
Joseph Briscoe was drowned 1st Jan. [1657]
Wm. Weare died 11th Feb. [1657]
Sarah of Mr. John & Martha Coggan died 12th--1st mo. [Mar 1657]
Experience dau. of Isaack & Susanna Walker died 11th Feb. [1657]
Thomas of Tho: Scottow & his late wife died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Hannah of Tho: & Hannah Hull died 9th--12th mo. [Feb 1657]
Sarah of John & Sara Tuckerman died 4th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Thomas Hokerson died at Phillip Longs intestate 11th Jan. [1657]
John Baker & Joan Swift daughter of Thomas Swift of Dorchester md. by John Winthrop Govr. 5th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Thomas Hull & Hannah Townsend daughter of William Townsend of Boston md. by John Endecott Governor. 3rd April [1657]
Ferman Haddon was married to ---- by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 5th--3rd mo. [May 1657]
Edward Bunn of Hull widower & Elizabeth Mason md. by Richard Bellingham Dept Govr. 20th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
William Edmunds of Lynn & Ann Martine widow md. by Mr. Simons of Ipswich. 1st --7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Joseph Hutchins & Mary Edmonds daughter of William Edmonds of Lynn md. by Mr. Simons of Ipswich. 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Thomas Jones of Hull & Abigail Elithrop widow md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 25th June [1657]
George Robinson & Mary Bushnell md. by John Endecott Govr. 3rd--8th mo. [Oct 1657]
Samuel Clement & Hannah Ings daughter of Madit Ings of Boston md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 2nd--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
Nath. Greene & Mary Houchine daughter of Jeremiah Houchine md. by John Endecott Govr. 22nd--4th mo. [Jun 1657]
James Riseing & Elizabeth Ensdell daughter of Robert Ensdell of Meadfield md. by John Endicott Govr. 7th--5th mo. [Jul 1657]
Joshua Carwithy & Elizabeth Farham daughter of John Farnam of Boston md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 6th--6th mo. [Aug 1657]
Samuel Stratton of Watertowne & Margaret Parker widow md. by John Endecott Govr. 27th 6th mo. [Aug 1657]
John Harris & Hannah Briggs daughter of William Briggs of Boston md. by John Endecott Govr. 10th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Mr. Samuel Torrey of Hull & Mary Rawson daughter of Edward Rawson of Boston md. by Richard Bellingham Dept Govr. 15th--3rd mo. [May 1657]
James Breding & Hannah Rocke daughter of Joseph Rocke of Boston md. by John Endicott Govr. 9th--8th mo. [Oct 1657]
John Lawrence of Muddy River & Sarah Buckmaster md. 30th September. [1657]
Edward Davis & Hannah Gridley daughter of Richard Gridley of Boston md. by John Endecott Governor. 16th--7th mo. [Sep 1657]
Isaac Coussins & Ann Hunt formerly wife of John Edwards md.. Elias Healy & Sarah Thompson md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 4th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Matthew Barnes & Elizabeth Hunt widow md. by Richard Bellingham Dept. Govr. 4th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
John Jackson & Jane Thomas daughter of Evan Thomas md.. by John Endecott Govr. 14th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Robert Thornton & Mary Merry late wife of Walter Merry md. by John Endecott Govr. 13th--9th mo. [Nov 1657]
Joseph Sowther & Elizabeth Fairefeild daughter of Daniel Fairefeild of Boston md. by John Endecott Govr. 22nd--8th mo. [Oct 1657]
Mr. Edward Lane & Hannah Keayne md. by John Endecott Govr. 11th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Thomas Wiborne & Abigail Eliot daughter of Jacob Eliot deceased md. by John Endecott Govr. 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Richard Travis & Grace Clements daughter of Francis Clements of Glassenbury in Sumersetshire by John Endecott Govr. 22nd--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Tristram Hedges & Ann Nickerson of Boston md. by John Endecott Governor. 20th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
Henry Crab & Hannah Emmons daughter of Thomas Emmons of Boston md. by John Endecott Governor. 1st--11th mo. [Jan 1657]
Nath Reynolds & Sarah Dwite daughter of John Dwite of Dedham md. by John Endecott Governor. 30th--10th mo. [Dec 1657]
James English & Joanna Farnum daughter of John Farnum of Boston md. by Major Humph. Atharton. 7th--11th mo. [Jan 1657]
Edward Wright & Mary Powell md. by John Endecott Gov. 27th--3rd mo. [May 1657]
Rebecca of Gamaliel Phipeny's wife 1 day 1st mo. [Mar 1657, Baptized]
Ebenezer of Timothy Proute 15 day 1st mo. [Mar 1657, Baptized]
Mary of James Johnson 22 day 1st mo. [Mar 1657, Baptized]
Ann of William Salter 22 day 1st mo. [Mar 1657, Baptized]
Gamaliel of Simon Rogers 22 day 1st mo. [Mar 1657, Baptized]
John } of William Dinsdale 5 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
Adam } of William Dinsdale 5 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
William }of William Dinsdale 5 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
Martha } of William Dinsdale 5 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
Mary }of William Dinsdale 5 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
Ann of Samuel Sindale of Ch. of Newberry 26 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1657, Baptized]
Rebecca of sister Clarke 10 day 3rd mo. [May 1657, Baptized]
Elizabeth of William Arnoll's wife 10 day 3rd mo. [May 1657, Baptized]
Constance of Robert Winsor's wife 10 day 3rd mo. [May 1657, Baptized]
Deborah of Edward Devotion 17 day 3rd mo. [May 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of Deane Winthorp's wife 24 day 3rd mo. [May 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of Francis Dowse 21 day 4th mo. [Jun 1657, Baptized]
Rebecca of John Kibby's wife 21 day 4th mo. [Jun 1657, Baptized]
Elizabeth of Sampson Shoore 28 day 4th mo. [Jun 1657, Baptized]
Joseph of Wm. Asey's wife 28 day 4th mo. [Jun 1657, Baptized]
Rebecca of Henry Blauge 5 day 5th mo. [Jul 1657, Baptized]
Joseph of Edward Ting 19 day 5th mo. [Jul 1657, Baptized]
Jeremiah of William Toy 19 day 5th mo. [Jul 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of Amos Richisson 19 day 5th mo. [Jul 1657, Baptized]
John of John Stockbridg of Ch. of Sittuat 26 day 5th mo. [Jul 1657, Baptized]
Johanna of William Dawes 2 day 6th mo. [Aug 1657, Baptized]
Mary of sister Harvey 2 day 6th mo. [Aug 1657, Baptized]
Philip of Mrs. Ann lock 2 day 6th mo. [Aug 1657, Baptized]
Ann of Daniel Turand's wife 23 day 6th mo. [Aug 1657, Baptized]
Ann of Tho: Harrod's wife 30 day 6th mo. [Aug 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of Peter Place 6 day 7th mo. [Sep 1657, Baptized]
Theophilus of Theophilus Frayry 20 day 7th mo. [Sep 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of Tho: Scottow 4 day 8th mo. [Oct 1657, Baptized]
Mehitabel of John Sweet 11 day 8th mo. [Oct 1657, Baptized]
John Bakon of Ann Pope aged 18 years 18 day 8th mo. [Oct 1657, Baptized]
Ephraim Pope & 18 day 8th mo. [Oct 1657, Baptized]
Elizabeth Pope 18 day 8th mo. [Oct 1657, Baptized]
Elizabeth of Mr. Rawson of Newbery 15 day 9th mo. [Nov 1657, Baptized]
Ephraim of William Read of Waymo. 29 day 9th mo. [Nov 1657, Baptized]
Abigail of Theodore Atkinson 13 day 10th mo. [Dec 1657, Baptized]
Abigail of Jacob Eliot 20 day 10th mo. [Dec 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of John Coggan of Ch. of Dorchester 27 day 10th mo. [Dec 1657, Baptized]
Mehetabel of Ann Hurd 27 day 10th mo. [Dec 1657, Baptized]
Sarah of William Dinsdale 10 day 11th mo. [Jan 1657, Baptized]
Mary of John Loell 10 day 11th mo. [Jan 1657, Baptized]
Ann of John Blaug of Dorchester 17 day 11th mo. [Jan 1657, Baptized]
Mary of William Cowell's wife 24 day 11th mo. [Jan 1657, Baptized]
Joseph of Joseph Rocke 7 day 12th mo. [Feb 1657, Baptized]
Hannah of John Hull 14 day 12th mo. [Feb 1657, Baptized]
Elizabeth of James Pemerton 14 clay 12th mo. [Feb 1657, Baptized]
Benjamin of Mr. Pady 28 day 12th mo. [Feb 1657, Baptized]
Martha of Mrs. Duncan 28 day 12th mo. [Feb 1657, Baptized]