Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths 1630-1699
City Document No. 130
Rockwelll & Churchill, City Printers : Boston, 1883.
Appleton, William Sumner 1840-1903 [W. S. A.]
Call No. 974.461 V2a
Available on Microfilm from Family History Library [FHL] Salt Lake City Utah
US/CAN Film 397042 Microreproduction of original published: Boston :
Rockwell and Churchill, 1908. 281 p Includes index.
Another filming. FHL US/CAN Film 873526 Item 1 [several other items]
Index to births, A-Y, 1630-1799; 1800-1849 FHL US/CAN Film 592859.
Births, 1630-1799 FHL US/CAN Film 592866
Boston births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths, 1630-1690
6013404 - 6013407
[Transcribed by D'lin Clark]

These records are NOT complete.
Births predicted from 1630-1699 in Boston are about 7,000 and 6,745 are listed here with known discrepancies in the early years prior to 1640 and in the 1675 records where its believed 100-200 birth records were lost.
Deaths in this period should be about 3,500 and only 1,560 are listed here. Big known discrepancies exist in the 1630 records when over a 100 may have died (none recorded here) in establishing Boston and its sister cities and in 1675-6 when King Philip's War was fought by the Colonists and their Indian allies against several New England tribes and about 600 second generation colonists died--many from Boston.
Marriages are only sporadically listed with only four recorded from 1630 to 1651 and none recorded 1663-79. There should be roughly 2100 marriages expected with only 1032 listed here.
All Dates are Julian.
Julian Calendar Dates were used then and are listed here with a new year starting Mar 25th [mo. 1] and ending in Feb [mo. 12]. Gregorian dates are 10 days greater than Julian dates in the 17th century as well as starting their new year on January 1. The British and the colonies finally convert to the Gregorian Calendar (still used today) in 1752. Conversion causes confusion and is NOT recommended.

TOWN. [1649]
Margaret Grimsted widow died 20th--11th mo. [Jan 1649]
Joseph of Hugh & Sarah Gunnison born 31st--1st mo. [Mar 1649]
Elihu of Hugh & Sarah Gunnison born 12th--12th mo. [Feb 1649]
Stephen of Thomas & Mary Lake born 13th--12th mo. [Feb 1649]
Dorothy of Christopher & Rebecca Clark born 6th--11th mo. [Jan 1649]
Joseph of George & Abigail Dell born Feb. [1649]
John Gallop died 11th mo. [Jan 1649]
Jolliff Rudock died 7th mo. [Sep 1649]
Bridget of Christopher & Anne Holland born 14th Mar [1649]
Timothy of Richard & Mary Hicks born 2nd [May 1649]
Martha of John & Martha Bundy born 2nd Nov [1649]
Mary wife of John Biggs died 10th--1lth mo. [ Jan 1649]
Richard of Richard & Dorothy Norton died 10th--12th mo. [Feb 1649]
John of John & Ruth Ingolsby died 3rd--6th mo. [Aug 1649]
Rebecca of Edward & Mary Ting died 16th--1st mo. [Mar 1649]
Submit of Thomas Clarke aged about 19 days 4 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
John of Lydia & Daniel Turell aged about 6 days 4 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Rebecca of Isaac Addington aged about 4 days 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of George Halsall aged about 10 days 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Jonathan of Richard Knight aged about 8 days 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Martha of Martha & Thomas Stanbury aged about 6 days 11 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Marie of John Vyall aged about 7 days 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Lydia of Anne & James Hudson aged about 3 days 18 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Joseph of Jarvis & Mary Gould from the Ch. of Hingham aged about 14 days 25 day 1st mo. [Mar 1649; Baptized]
Edward of Edward Ting aged about 6 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
James of John Barrell aged about 4 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Joseph of Hugh Gunnyson aged about 3 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
John of Hannah & Richard Bradley aged about 6 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Joseph of Robert Woodmansey member of Ch. of Ipswich aged about 4 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
John of John Ingolsby aged about 2 days 1 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Joseph of Alexander Baker aged about 3 days 8 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Deliverance of Alice & Henry Stevens aged about 4 days 15 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
.Thomas of Robert Walker aged about 10 days 22 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Mary of Robert Walker aged about 10 days 22 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of James Johnson aged about 8 days 29 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
Jonathan of Samson Shore aged about 6 days 29 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1649; Baptized]
John of Robert Scott aged about 15 days 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
Samuel of Thomas Snow 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
Joseph of Joseph Phipeny member of Ch. of Hingham aged about 7 days 6 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Sarah & John Bodman aged about 1 day 13 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
John of Angell Hollard member of Ch. of Waymo. aged about 6 day 27 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
Mehetabell of Hezekiah Usher member of Ch. of Cambridge aged about 6 days 27 day 3rd mo. [May 1649; Baptized]
Mary of John Lake aged about 4 days 3 day 4th mo. [Jun 1649; Baptized]
Susanna of Edward Hutchinson aged about 22 days 10 day 4th mo. [Jun 1649; Baptized]
Daniel of George Parkhurst member of Ch. of Watertowne aged about 11 days 10 day 4th mo. [Jun 1649; Baptized]
Peter of Peter Place aged about 2 days 17 day 4th mo. [Jun 1649; Baptized]
William of Jeremiah Howchin aged about 3 days 1 day 5th mo. [Jul 1649; Baptized]
Deborah of Arthur Pury aged about 4 days 1 day 5th mo. [Jul 1649; Baptized]
John of John Wilson Pastor of Ch. of Dorchesteraged about 2 days 8 day 5th mo. [Jul 1649; Baptized]
Mary of Anne & Thomas Hett 15 day 5th mo. [Jul 1649; Baptized]
Temperance of John Sweete aged about 5 days 5 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Samson of John Mylam aged about 2 day 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Mercy of Anthony Harker aged about 10 day 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Joanna & Samuel Northend aged about 4 day 12 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of John Leverett aged about 17 days 19 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Benjamin of William Davisse aged about 2 days 19 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Frances dau. of Robert Turner shoemaker aged about 6 days 26 day 6th mo. [Aug 1649; Baptized]
Ezechiell of Joel Jenkins from the Ch. of Braintree 16 day 7th mo. [Sep 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Richard Davenport from the Ch. of Salem 30 day 7th mo. [Sep 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Hannah & John Bateman aged about 8 days 7 day 8th mo. [Oct 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Elizabeth Ryder member of Ch. of Waymo. 14 day 8th mo. [Oct 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Thomas Harryson Pastor of the Ch. at Virginia aged about 7 days 28 day 8th mo. [Oct 1649; Baptized]
Timothy of Robert Turner Inholder aged about 6 days 4 day 9th mo. [Nov 1649; Baptized]
Mary of Abigail & John Jackson aged about 6 days 4 day 9th mo. [Nov 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Francis East aged about 2 days 11 day 9th mo. [Nov 1649; Baptized]
Bethiah of Hannah & William Blanchard aged about 5 days 2 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Richard Bellingham aged about 3 days 9 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Restore of Edward Bendall aged about 17 day 20 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Mary of Rebecca & Robert Winsore aged about 11 day 30 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Sarah of Sarah & Gamaliel Phipeny aged about 6 days 30 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Mary of Valentine Hill Deacon aged about 1 day 30 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Dosithea of Thomas Savage aged about 1 day 30 day 10th mo. [Dec 1649; Baptized]
Samuel of Anthony Stoddar aged about 6 day 20 day 11th mo. [Jan 1649; Baptized]
Amos of Mary & Amos Richardson aged about 6 day 20 day 11th mo. [Jan 1649; Baptized]
Dorathie of Rebecca & Christopher Clarke aged about 14 days 20 day 11th mo. [Jan 1649; Baptized]
Anna of Sarah & Henry Messinger aged about 13 days 20 day 11th mo. [Jan 1649; Baptized]
Mercy of Thomas Bumstead member of Ch. of Roxbury aged about 5 days 20 day 11th mo. [Jan 1649; Baptized]
Samuel of Thomas Venner from the Ch. of Salem aged about 11 day 3 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Eleazer of Theodore Atkinson aged about 8 day 3 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Henry Powning aged about 24 day 3 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Isaac of Edmund Jackson aged about 7 day 10 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Elihu of Hugh Gunnyson aged about 3 day 17 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Samuel of Robert Button from the Ch. of Salem aged about 4 day 24 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
Samuel of Godfrey Armitage from the Ch. of Lynn aged about 2 day 24 day 12th mo. [Feb 1649; Baptized]
TOWN. [1650]
James of James & Christian Allison born 20th--8th mo. [Oct 1650]
Mary of Francis & Alice Bennet born 15th--7th mo. [Sep 1650]
Susanna of Richard & Sibil Bennet born 2nd--12th mo. [Feb 1650]
Dorothy wife of Simon Eyre died 1lth--6th mo. [Aug 1650]
Hannah of John & Elizabeth Ferniside born 8th--3rd mo. [May 1650]
Samuel of Frances & Mary Hudson born 19th--5th mo. [Jul 1650]
John of John & Elizabeth Spoore born 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1650]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Anne Walker born 18th--6th mo. [Aug 1650]
Mr. Atherton Haugh died 11th--7th mo. [Sep 1650]
Daniel of Robert & Penelope Turner born 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1650]
Deborah of Thomas & Ann Bell born 29th Nov. [1650]
John of George & Mary Michell born 3rd June. [1650]
Elizabeth sonne of Edward & Jane Barker born 17th July. [1650]
Priscilla of Samuel & Anna Davis born 3d Aug. [1650]
William Phillips Jr. was married to Martha Franklin 24th--8th mo. by William Hibbins. [Oct 1850]
Samuel Gallop was married to Mary Phillips 20th--11th mo. by Richard Bellingham [Jan 1850]
Isaac of Jonathan Negoose aged about 10 days 8 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
Isaiah of William Toy aged about 7 days 10 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
Lydia of Edmund Grosse aged about 4 days 10 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
William of Robert Feild aged about 3 days 17 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
Rachel of Benjamin Thwing aged about 5 days 17 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
Elizabeth of John Harwood aged about 4 days 17 day 1st mo. [Mar 1650; Baptized]
.Samuel of Strong Furnill 14 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
Thomas of Robert Woodward's wife 14 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
John of Tho: Boyden member of Ch. of Watertowne 21 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Edward Jackson member of Ch. of Cambridge 21 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
Prissilla of George Kenniricke member of Ch. of Bastuble 21 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Water Senit's wife 28 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1650; Baptized]
Hannah of Mr. Fernide member of Ch. of Duxbury 12 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Benja: of Tho: Joye's wife 12 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Hannah of Howchin 19 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Mary of Sheaffe 19 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Lydia of Douse 26 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Nath: of Euins 26 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Atwood 26 day 3rd mo. [May 1650; Baptized]
Johann of Dawes of Braintry 2 day 4th mo. [Jun 1650; Baptized]
Hopestill of Richard Woodis' wife 2 day 4th mo. [Jun 1650; Baptized]
Joseph of Scott 9 day 4th mo. [Jun 1650; Baptized]
Mary of Richard Cooke 23 day 4th mo. [Jun 1650; Baptized]
Elisha of Burden 8 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Patience of Samuel Oliver 8 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Israel of Thorne 14 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Benjamin of Tappin 21 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Joseph of Browne of Salem 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Halsoll 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
John of Keibye 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Samuel of Francis Hudson's wife 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Martha of Adams 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1650; Baptized]
Mary of Thomas Willyams' wife of Exeter 11 day 6th mo. [Aug 1650; Baptized]
Benjamin of Blauge of Braintry 18 day 6th mo. [Aug 1650; Baptized]
Deborah of Townsend 25 day 6th mo. [Aug 1650; Baptized]
John of Dible 25 day 6th mo. [Aug 1650; Baptized]
Timothy of Waker 1 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
John of Place 1 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Read 1 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Carr of Sailsberry about 6 years old 8 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
John of Inglesby 15 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
Priscilla of Samuel Davis 15 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
Benjamin of Dinnis 22 day 7th mo. [Sep 1650; Baptized]
Obadiah of Joell Jenke of Braintry 13 day 8th mo. [Oct 1650; Baptized]
Thomas of Clarke 20 day 8th mo. [Oct 1650; Baptized]
Experience of Isaac Waker 20 day 8th mo. [Oct 1650; Baptized]
Samuel of George Davis 20 day 8th mo. [Oct 1650; Baptized]
Mary of John Hurd's wife 20 day 8th mo. [Oct 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Hezekiah Usher 17 day 9th mo. [Nov 1650; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Richard Wait 17 day 9th mo. [Nov 1650; Baptized]
Gamaliel of Gamaliel Wait 17 day 9th mo. [Nov 1650; Baptized]
Samuel of Matthew Ines 24 day 9th mo. [Nov 1650; Baptized]
Daniel of Robert Tourner 1 day 10th mo. [Dec 1650; Baptized]
John of Richard Knight 1 day 10th mo. [Dec 1650; Baptized]
Deborah of Thos Bell's wife 1 day 10th mo. [Dec 1650; Baptized]
Bethiah daut of Robert Woodmansey 15 day 10th mo. [Dec 1650; Baptized]
John of John Spurr 22 day 10th mo. [Dec 1650; Baptized]
Hannah of John Honifford's wife 5 day 11th mo. [Jan 1650; Baptized]
Sarah of Lewis of Situate 5 day 11th mo. [Jan 1650; Baptized]
Hannah of Edward Rainsford 12 day 11th mo. [Jan 1650; Baptized]
John of Nathaniel Bishop 26 day 11th mo. [Jan 1650; Baptized]
Thomas of Thomas Weebber 2 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
James of Sampson Shoore 2 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
Joseph of Timothy Proute 9 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
Mary of Jeremy Moore 16 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
William of William Cotton 23 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
Benjamin of John Jackson 23 day 12th mo. [Feb 1650; Baptized]
TOWN. [1651]
Sarah of John & Sarah Strange born 18th--8th mo. [Oct 1651]
Samuel of George & Barbary Davis born 17th Oct. [1651]
Hannah of Nicholas & Hannah Stone born 8th Jan. [1651]
John of John & Susanna Sweete born 8th Sept. [1651]
James of Francis & Alice Bennet born 14th Feb. [1651]
Sarah of John & Emm Coddington born 4th Oct. [1651]
Job of Hugh & Sarah Browne born 29th Mch. [1651]
William of William & Martha Harvey born 27th Aug. [1651]
Thomas of Thomas & Sarah Stevens born 28th Dec. [1651]
Elizabeth of Robert & Frances Burnam born 27th--8th mo. [Oct 1651]
Ann of Mr. John & Ann Maning born 12th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Mary of Samuel & Mary Gallop born 4th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Jonathan of Jonathan & Mary Baulstone on born 2nd March. [1651]
Joseph of Henry & Elizabeth Bridgham born 17th Jan. [1651]
Anne of John & Anne Maning born 13th March. [1651]
Sarah of John & Mary Viall born 14 March. [1651]
Elizabeth of Edward & Margaret Coalman born 28th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Abigail of Thomas & Milcha Snow born 10th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Joseph of John & Christian Milam born 26th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Mary of John & Christian Milam born 26th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
James of Francis & Alice Benit born 17th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Samuel of Godfrey & Mary Armitage born 14th--2nd mo. 1651]
Elizabeth of George & Elizabeth Waye born 19th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Matthew of Rice & Ann Jones born 30th--4th mo. [Jun 1651]
Hannah of Thomas & Milcah Snow born 10th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Elizabeth of John & Sarah Tuckerman born 5th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Hannah of John & Ann Kenricke born 20th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Asaph of Jacob & Margery Eliott born 25th--8th mo. [Oct 1651]
Anna of Richard & Anna Bradley born 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
John of Thomas & Margery Alcocke born 2nd--5th mo. [Jul 1651]
Rebecca of Mr. Edward & Mary Ting born 13th--5th mo. [Jul 1651]
Mary of Thomas & Mary Broughton born 5th--5th mo. [Jul 1651]
Sarah of John & Hannah Bateman born 6th--3rd mo. [May 1651]
Rachel of John & Hannah Bateman born 28th--3rd mo. [May 1651]
Samuel of Samuel & Joanna Norden born 8th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Edward of Edward & Abigail Hutchinson born 3rd--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Samuel of William & Mary Lane born 23rd--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
John of Humphrey & Sarah Cumby born 23rd--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Sarah of Isaac & Anne Addington born 12th--2nd mo. [Apr 1651]
Hannah of John & Mary Bartell born 23rd--2nd mo. [Apr 1651]
Isaac of Edward & Martha Jackson born 22nd--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Jeremiah of Jeremiah & Easter Houchine born 5th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Deborah of Francis & Catherine Dowse born 1st--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Samuel of John & Martha Shaw born 4th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Mary of William & Martha Demsdall born 24th--7th mo. [Sep 1651]
Nicholas of Isaac & Susanna Waker born 1st--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
David of Benjamin & Wilmat Phipeny born 6th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Thomas of Robert & Mary Feild born 1st--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
William of Edward & Rachel Rawson born 21st [May 1651]
Mehetabel of Thomas & Annis Buttolph born 26--8th mo. [Oct 1651]
Sarah of John & Alice Tincker born 2nd--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
James of James & Sarah Jempson born 22nd--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Deliverance of Elias & Bridget Parkman born 3rd--6th mo. [Aug 1651]
Elizabeth of Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke born 5th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Penn of William & Hannah Townsend born 20th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Deborah of Mr. Samuel & Lydia Oliver born 1st --12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Anne of Michael & Anne Ines born 6th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
William of Wm. Jr. & Martha Phillips born 13th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
William of Edward & Margaret Preston born 30th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Isaac of George & Mary Dod born 3rd--7th mo. [Sep 1651]
Jonathan of Thomas & Frances Bojden born 20th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
John of Christopher & Rebecca Clarke born 3rd--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Theophilus of David & Urslye Yeale born 14th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Perez of Capt. Thomas & Faith Savage born 17th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Elizabeth of David & Susanna Selecke born 1st--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Anna of Mr. Edward & Elizabeth Rainsford born 1st--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Nathaniel of Peter & Sarah Olliver born 8th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Dorothy of John & Jane Bushnell born 19th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Gamaliel of Gamaliel & Sarah Phipeny born 12th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Robert of Robert & Rebecca Lord born 2nd mo. [Apr 1651]
Anne of Ezekiel & Anne Woodward born 10th Aug. 1651]
Hannah of Samuel & Mary (?) Dunkin born 28th Apr. 1651]
Daniel of Robert & Penelope Turner died 4th--2nd mo. [Apr 1651]
Area of William Vpshall died 7th--9th mo. Jeremiah of Jeremiah Houchine died 8th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Hannah of Thomas Richards deceased & Weltham his wife died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Joseph of Richard & Elizabeth Wayt aged 14 years died 20th--9th mo. [Nov 1651]
Richard of John & Anna Webb died 30th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Sarah of George & Joan Hallsell died 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Sarah of Henry deceased & Joan Swan died 23rd--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Susan of Jehu & Anna Webb died 17th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Joshua youngest son of the late John Winthropp Esq. died 11th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Mary of James & Sarah Astwood died 21st--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Faith wife of Capt. Thomas Savage died 20th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Susan of Philip Phillips died 14th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Sarah of John & Elizabeth Purchase died 14th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Mary wife of Mr. John Coggan died 14th--11th mo. [Jan 1651]
Elizabeth of Job & Elizabeth Bishop of Ipswich died 27th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Margaret wife of Isaac Cullimore died 13th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
Hannah of Robert & Abigail Button died 20th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Alice wife of Nathaniel Souther died 27th--7th mo. [Sep 1651]
---- Pateson of Lyme in the County of Dorset died aboard the ship [1651]
John & Sarah whereof was master Mr. John Greene 27th--12th mo. [Feb 1651]
Nicholas Phillips was married to Hannah Salter 4th--10th mo. by Richard Bellingham Esq. [Dec 1651]
William Philpot was married to Ann Hunn widow by Richard Bellingham Esq 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1651]
John Cole son of Isaac Cole was married to Susanna Hutchinson daughter of the late William Hutchinson of Road Island 30th--10th mo. by Richard Bellingham Esq. [Dec 1651]
William Baker was married to Mary Eddington dau. of Edmund Eddington 23rd 7th mo. [Sep 1651]
Edmund Madocks was married to Rebecca Munings 14th--11th mo. by Thomas Dudley Dept. Gov. [Jan 1651]
Samuel Davis was married to Sarah Thayer daughter of Richard Thayer 20th--5th mo. by William Hibbins. [Jul 1651]
Joseph Brisco was married to Abigail Compton dau. of John Compton 30th 11th mo. by William Hibbins.[Jan 1651]
Ambrose Due was married to Ester Barker dau. of Nicholas Barker 10th 12th mo. by Wm. Hibbins. [Feb 1651]
Jehu Coggan was married to Mrs Martha Winthrop by John Endicott Governor 10th--1st mo. [Mar 1651]
Peter Till was married to Elizabeth Nick 26th--12th mo. by William Hibbins. [Feb 1651]
Isaac Cullimore was married to Margery Page 22nd--11th mo. by Richard Bellingham. [Jan 1651]
Thomas Saxton was married to Ann Atwood widow 10th--1st mo. by Richard Bellingham. [Mar 1651]
William Paddy of Plymo. was married to Mary Paiton of Boston widow 3rd--10th mo. by Richard Bellingham. [Dec 1651]
Mercy of Francis Smyth's wife 9 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Samuel of James Johnson 16 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Thomas of Matthew Barnes of Braintry 16 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth } 23 day l mo. 1651; Baptized]
Sarah } daughters of William Hersy's wife 23 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Hester } 23 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Joseph of John Stevenson 23 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Samuel of John Bodman's wife 23 day 1st mo. [Mar 1651; Baptized]
Naomy of William Parsons 6 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Sarah of Wm Hawghton's wife 6 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
James of James Pemerton 13 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Joana of Michael Wills 13 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Sarah of Isaac Adington 20 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Edward Devotion 20 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Hannah of John Barrill 27 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth, of John Leverit 4 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
John of John Harrod 4 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Ephraim of William Davice 18 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Lydia of Thomas Roberts 18 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Simion, of Anthony Stoddard 25 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth, of Vall Hill. 25 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Experience of George Orice's wife 25 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
William of Rawson of Newberry 25 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Sarah of Alexander Baker 25 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
Rachel of John Bateman's wife 1 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
John of Richard Wilson's wife 1 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
Sarah of William Stanbery's wife 1 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
Mary of Strong Furnill 1 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
John of William Blancher 8 day 3rd mo. [May 1651; Baptized]
John of William Salter 8 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
Deane of Deane Winthorp's wife 15 day 4th mo. [Jun 1651; Baptized]
John of Tho: Alcoke 6 day 5th mo. [Jul 1651; Baptized]
Rebecca of Edward Tinge 20 day 5th mo. [Jul 1651; Baptized]
Arthur of Arthur Perry 27 day 5th mo. [Jul 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Simon Rogers 3 day 6th mo. [Aug 1651; Baptized]
Deliverance son of Elias Partman 10 day 6th mo. [Aug 1651; Baptized]
Jacob of Elizabeth Rider of Waymo. 10 day 6th mo. [Aug 1651; Baptized]
Richard of Goody Chapman of Braintry 17 day 6th mo. [Aug 1651; Baptized]
John of Benjamin Negoose 31 day 6th mo. [Aug 1651; Baptized]
Mary of Blacklech of Salem 7 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Humphry, of Daniel Turant. 7 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Mary of Angill Hollard 14 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Joanna of Samuel Sindall of Newbery 21 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
John of John Sweete. 2l day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Edward of John Tuttill's wife of Linn 21 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Mehetabel of Thomas Buttole 28 day 7th mo. [Sep 1651; Baptized]
Mary of Henry Pownening 5 day 8th mo. [Oct 1651; Baptized]
Sarah of Strang's wife 26 day 8th mo. [Oct 1651; Baptized]
Asaph of Jacob Eliot our elder, dec. 2 day 9th mo. [Nov 1651; Baptized]
Jeremiah of Jeremiah Howchin 9 day 9th mo. [Nov 1651; Baptized]
Samuel of Samuel Norden's wife 16 day 9th mo. [Nov 1651; Baptized]
Isaac of Edmund Jackson 23 day 9th mo. [Nov 1651; Baptized]
Nicholas of Isaac Waker 7 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
Thomas of Robert Feild 7 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
Deborah, of Francis Dowse 7 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
John of Robert Woodward's wife 14 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
John of Richard Bradley's wife 22 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
Penn of William Townsend. 28 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
James of James Jemson's wife 28 day 10th mo. [Dec 1651; Baptized]
Edward of Edward Hutchison 4 day 11th mo. [Jan 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Joseph Rocke 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Elizabeth of David Sellicke. 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Ann of Edward Rainsford. 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Deborah of Samuel Oliver 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Ann of Matthew Ines. 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
John of John Clarke's wife 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Joseph } sons of 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Benjamin } Thomas Emans 8 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Pereez of Thomas Savage 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
John of John Merion. 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Jonathan of William Boyden 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
Naomy daut of George Allin's wife 22 day 12th mo. [Feb 1651; Baptized]
TOWN. [1652]
Mary of Edward & Jane Barker born 15th Feb. [1652]
Thomas of James & Sarah Pemberton born 17th Feb. [1652]
Jots of George & Barbary Davis born 3rd June. [1652]
Daniel of Francis & Mary East born 21st Sept. [1652]
Sarah of George & Mary Michell born 8th Dec. [1652]
Catherine of Edward & Abigail Hutchinson born 13th Feb. [1652]
Joanna of Christopher & Anne Holland born 1st Feb. [1652]
Mary of Robert & Judith Ratchell born the last of Aug. [1652]
Tabitha of Matthew & Tabitha Abra born 24th Nov. [1652]
Hugh of Hugh & Sarah Browne born 16th July. [1652]
Thomas of William & Martha Harvey born 16th Aug. [1652]
Joanna of Henry & Mary Stevens born 28th May. [1652]
Hannah of Thomas & Elizabeth Sewell born 2nd Nov. [1652]
Joanna of William & Elline Furnell born 9th Dec. [1652]
Benjamin of Joseph & Mary Bastarr born 4th April. [1652]
Sarah of Nathaniel & Sarah Hunn born 8th July. [1652]
Elizabeth of Nicholas & Hannah Phillips born 24th Feb. [1652]
Daniel of Daniel & Esther Travis born 3rd Oct. [1652]
Mary of Jeremiah & Easter Fitch born 1st March. [1652]
John of John & Mary Barrell born 15th Mch. [1652]
Mary of Samuel & Joanna Sendall born 13th March. [1652]
William of Edward & Mary Ting born 3rd March. [1652]
William of William & Ann Pollard born 20th March. [1652]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Elizabeth Watkins born 27th Nov. [1652]
Mary of Thomas & Elizabeth Williams born 30th July. [1652]
Benjamin of Alexander & Elizabeth Baker born 16th March. [1652]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Elizabeth Pecke born 19th Jan. [1652]
Mary of John & Hannah Bateman born 16th Jan. [1652]
Isaac of John & Sarah Metion born 20th Jan. [1652]
Abiel of William & Grace Toy born 21st Jan. [1652]
Elizabeth & Mary twins & daughters of John & Judith Hull born 23rd Jan. [1652]
Joanna of Richard and Joanna Knight born 24th Jan. [1652]
John of John & Hannah Haniford born 29th Jan. [1652]
Rebecca of William & Ann Cotton born 30th Dec. [1652]
Alice of Mathew & Rebecca Barnes born 22nd Dec. [1652]
John of Alexander & Mary Adams born 26th Feb. [1652]
Sarah of Isaac & Ann Adington born 11th Feb. [1652]
Thomas of Robert & Mary Feild born 28th Nov. [1652]
John of Thomas & Anne Waker born 15th March. [1652]
Sarah of Anthony & Deborah Stoddard born 21st Oct. [1652]
Susanna of Strong & Elline Furnell born 14th Sept. [1652]
Elizabeth of Henry & Elizabeth Blake born 28th Oct. [1652]
Elizabeth of Thomas & Sarah Yeo born 1st Oct. [1652]
Judith of William & Cicilla Talbott born 24th July. [1652]
Elizabeth of Peter & Alice Place born 21st Oct. [1652]
Mary of John & Abigail Jackson born 25th Oct. [1652]
Edward of Benjamin & Deborah Thwing born 14th Nov. [1652]
Susanna of William & Susanna Hawes born 15th Oct. [1652]
James of James & Mary Hawkins born 3rd July. [1652]
Mehetabel of William and Martha Brenton born 28th Nov. [1652]
Maria of Mr. Synton & Martha Aeirs born 26th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Mehetabel of William & Elizabeth Spowell born 31st--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Rebecca of Nathaniel & Alice Bishop born 8th--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
Rebecca of John & Abigail Leader born 10th--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
Rebecca of Thomas & Catherine Downes born 22nd--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
John of John & Persis Harrison born 2nd--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
Mary of Humphrey & Mary Millam born 23rd--3rd mo. [May 1652]
Robert of Robert deceased & Elizabeth Turner born 17th--3rd mo. [May 1652]
Simon of Simon Jun. & Lydia Eire born 6th Aug. [1652]
John of William & Hannah Blanchard born 18th Sept. [1652]
Benjamin of George & Joan Hallsell born 18th Sept. [1652]
Samuel of Richard & Martha Thurston born 11th July. [1652]
Mary of Edmund & Ann Grosse born 9th Sept. [1652]
Jeremiah of Jeremiah & Sarah Merills born 22nd Augt. [1652]
Elizabeth of Capt. Richard & Elizabeth Davenport born 13th Sept. [1652]
Sarah of Jacob & Margaret Sheafe born 14th Sept. [1652]
Moses of John & Jane Huntley born 1st July. [1652]
Joseph of Philip & Anne Long born 16th Aug. [1652]
Joseph of Abraham & Elizabeth Hagborne born 8th Oct. [1652]
Rebecca of Joshua & Lydia Scottow born 10th Oct. [1652]
William of William of Pulling pointe & Sarah Hasey born 15th Sept. [1652]
Benjamin of George & Abigail Dill born 27th--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
Mary of William & Mary Baker born 16th--3rd mo. [May 1652]
Joseph of William & Friswit Osborne born 6th--2nd mo. [Apr 1652]
Mehetabel of Thomas & Sarah Webber born 10th--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Rebecca of Henry & Sarah Messlager born 26th--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Eliakim of Robert and Sarah Waker born 3rd--5th mo. [Jul 1652]
Elizabeth of Joseph & Dorothy Phipeny born 10th--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Stephen of Amos & Sarah Richardson born 14th--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Mary of John & Mary Phillips born 13th July. [1652]
Edward of Robert & Ann Knight born 5th Feb. [1652]
Susanna of George & Susanna Alline born 1lth May. [1652]
Jeremiah of Jeremiah & Ester Houchine born 26th Nov. [1652]
Anne of Capt. John & Sarah Leveritt born 23rd Nov. [1652]
Benjamin of John and Mary Hurd born 28th Nov. [1652]
Mehetabel of Mark & Mary Hands born 21st Oct. [1652]
Thomas of Robert & Rebecca Winsor born 30th Sept. [1652]
Joseph of Thomas & Anne Dure born 24th June. [1652]
John of John & Hannah Anger born 16th Sept. [1652]
Michael of Michael & Millered Willis born 11th Nov. [1652]
Sarah of Joseph & Elizabeth Rocke born 17th Jan. [1652]
Mary of Thomas & Hannah Rawlins born 24th Nov. [1652]
Joshua of John & Martha Coggan born 15th Dec. [1652]
Mary of William & Mary Baker died 25th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Sarah of John & Alice Tinker died 28th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
John of Robert & Sarah Waker died 22nd--5th mo. [Jul 1652]
Sarah of Isaac & Ann Addington died 2nd--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
John of John & Elizabeth Farnum died 26th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Robert of Robert deceased & Elizabeth Turner died 21st--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Zechary of Zechary & Elizabeth Phillips died 2nd--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Philip of Abram & Bitteris Josline died 2nd--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Bozon Allen died 14th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
William Ludkine drowned 27th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Samuel Olliver drowned 27th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
George Bennet drowned 27th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
David Nichols died 13th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Adam Winthropp Esq. died 24th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
John of Robert & Rachel Woodward died 23rd--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Ephraim of William & Margaret Davis died 2nd--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
William of William & Anne Cotton died 29th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Mehitabel son of Thomas & Sarah Webber died 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Samuel of Jetta & Martha Shaw died 15th--7th mo. 1652]
Joseph of Philip & Ann Long died 28th--6th mo. [Aug 1652]
Nathaniel of Arthur Gill died 2nd--7th mo. 1652]
James of Richard & Joanna Knight died 27th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Gamaliel of Gamaliel & Sarah Phipeny died 8th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
William Ivery carpenter & inhabitant of Lynn died 3rd--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
Frances wife of Hezekiah Vsher died 25th--2nd mo. 1652]
Zechariah of Zechariah & Elizabeth Phillips died 4th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Joseph of John & Sarah Stephenson died 10th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Martha wife of Edmund Jackson deceased 12th--9th mo. [Nov 1652]
Thomas of Thomas & Anne Dure died 3rd--10th mo. [Dec 1652]
Ann wife of James Hudson died 3rd--10th mo. [Dec 1652]
Matthew Parker died 19th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Thomas Standbury died 26th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Arthur Perry died 9th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
William Blanchard died 7th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
Mr. John Cotton Teacher of the Church of Boston died 15th--10th mo. [Dec 1652]
Elizabeth of John & Judith Hull died 12th mo. [Feb 1652]
Mary of John & Judith Hull died 30th--11th mo. 1652]
John of Francis & Sarah Pitthey died 17th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
John Stark Scottishman servant to Lieut. William Hudson died 22nd--3rd mo. [May 1652]
Mercy of Francis & Elizabeth Smith died 4th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
John of John & Hannah Haniford died 7th--12th mo. [Feb 1652]
Capt. William Ting died 18th--11th mo. [Jan 1652]
Jane wife of Capt. William Ting died 3rd--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
Susan of Strong Furnell died 21st--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
John of Robert & Mary Wright died 22nd--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Joanna of Christopher & Ann Holland died 1st --3rd mo. [May 1652]
Hugh of Hugh & Sarah Browne died 16th--5th mo. [Jul 1652]
Ellinor of Henry & Mary Shrimpton died 9th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Thomas Oddingsalls a stranger deceased at Mr. Rucks house at Boston in New England 21st--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
John Cheeckley was married to Ann Eires daughter of Mr. Symon Eires by William Hibbins. 5th--1st mo. [Mar 1652]
Edward Allen of Boston was married to Martha Waye by Thomas Dudley. 7th--3rd mo. [May 1652]
Nath Gallop was married to Margaret Eueley by Richard Bellingham. 11th--4th mo. [Jun 1652]
Edward Yeomans was married to Elizabeth Joslin by Richard Bellingham. 21st--4th mo. 1652]
Polus Lunerus was married to Margaret Clemons widow by Wm Hibbins. 1st --5th mo. [Jul 1652]
Joseph Howe was married to Frances Willey by William Hibbins. 16th--5th mo. [Jul 1652]
William Ballantine was married to Hannah Hollard daughter of Angel Hollard by William Hibbins. 23rd--5th mo. [Jul 1652]
Silvester Harbert was married to Lucie Adams by William Hibbins. 21st--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Capt Thomas Savage was married to Mary Simmes the daughter of Zechariah Simmes Pastor of the Church of Christ in Charlestown by Increase Newell 15--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Thomas Love was married to Hannah Thurston by Richard Bellingham. 23rd--7th mo. 1652]
Thomas Edzall was married to Elizabeth Ferman by Richard Bellingham. 16th--7th mo. [Sep 1652]
Edward Ellis was married to Sarah Blott daughter of Robert Blott of Boston By Thomas Dudley Dept Govr 6th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
Matthew Grosse was married to Mary Trott by Thomas Dudley Dept Govr 5th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
Hezekiah Vsher was married to Elizabeth Simes daughter of Zechariah Simes Pastor of the Church of Christ at Charlestown 2nd--9th mo. by Increase Nowell. [Nov 1652]
Nath Adams was married to Elizabeth Purmott daughter of Philemon Purmott by Richard Bellingham. 24th--9th mo. [Nov 1652]
Edmund Jackson was married to Mary Gawdren widow by Richard Bellingham. 7th--11th mo.[Jan 1652]
James Burgesse was married to Lydia Meed 19th--8th mo. [Oct 1652]
John Mosse was married to Mary Jupe by Richard Bellingham. 24th--10th mo. [Dec 1652]
Thomas Robinson of Scituate was married to Mary Woodey widow by William Hibbins. 10th--11th mo. [Dec 1652]
Edward Hull son of Robert Hull of Boston was married to Elinor Newman by William Hibbins. 20th--11th mo. [Jan 1652]
James Hudson was married to Rebecca Browne daughter of William Browne of Boston by William Hibbins. 3rd--12th mo. [Feb 1652]
john Samuel was married to Lucie Wight widow by Richard Bellingham. 24th--10th mo. 1652]
Thomas Bill was married to widow Elizabeth Nichols by Richard Bellingham. 14th--11th mo. [Jan 1652]
William Awbrey merchant was married to Rachel Rawson daughter of Edward Rawson 18th--11th mo. by Wm Hibbins. [Jan 1652]
Simon Lynde was married to Hannah Newgate daughter of John Newgate of Boston by William Hibbins. 22nd--12th mo. [Feb 1652]
William Hinckesman was married to Mary Philberd by Mr. Glover. 20th--11th mo. [Jan 1652]
Peter Wittoms was married to Redgon Clarke 17th--4th mo. by William Hibbins. [Jun 1652]
William Greenough was married to Elizabeth Vpshall daughter of Nicholas Vpshall of Boston by William Hibbins. 4th July [1652]
Joseph of John Millam 7 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Mary of John Millam 7 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Jarat of Jarat Bourne 7 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Anthony Harker 7 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Joshua of Parkis of Watertowne 7 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Nathaniel of Potter Oliver 14 day l mo. 1652; Baptized]
Abigail of Thomas Snow 14 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Gamaliel of Gamaliel Phipeny's wife 14 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Ann of John Manning's wife 21 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Joseph of Henry Bridgham 22 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of John Viall 22 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Thomas of Walter Sennet's wife 28 day 1st mo. [Mar 1652; Baptized]
Maria of Simon Ayres 4 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
Rebecca of Nathaniel Bishop 11 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Richard Waight 18 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
Hannah of John Kenniricke 18 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
Samuel of Godfrey Armitage 18 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
john of John Harrisson 25 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1652; Baptized]
Robert of Robert Turner 23 day 3rd mo. [May 1652; Baptized]
John of George Davis 6 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Benjamin of George Dill of the New Ch. 6 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Susannah of Susannah & George Allin 6 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Mehetabel of Tho: Weebber 13 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Steven of Amos Richisson's wife 20 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of David Phipeny 20 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Rebecca of Sarah & Henry Messinger 27 day 4th mo. [Jun 1652; Baptized]
Eliakim of Robert Waker 4 day 5th mo. [Jul 1652; Baptized]
Samuel of Martha & Richard Thurston 11 day 5th mo. [Jul 1652; Baptized]
Ann of Richard Bellingham 26; day 5th mo. [Jul 1652; Baptized]
Benjamin of John Sunderland 26 day 5th mo. [Jul 1652; Baptized]
Joseph of Philip Long's wife 22 day 6th mo. [Aug 1652; Baptized]
Matthew of Dorcas a Negro of Dorchester 12 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
John of William Blanchard 19 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of John Damford of Salem 19 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Mary of Edmund Groose 19 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Susannah, of Strong Furnill l9 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Benjamin, of George Halsoll 19 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of Jacob Sheafe 23 day 7th mo. [Sep 1652; Baptized]
Thomas of Rebecca & Thomas Winsor 3 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Henry Blauge 3 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Thos: Yoo's wife 3 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Rebecca of Josua Scotto 10 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
John of Abram Hagbourne 10 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Susan of William Dawes 17 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
William of William Asey's wife 17 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Eliza of Joan & Thomas Jay 17 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of Anthony Stoddard 24 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of John Jackson 31 day 8th mo. [Oct 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Peter Place 7 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Mehetabel, of Marke Haines 7 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Edward of Benjamin Thwing 14 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Daniel of Francis East 21 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Ann of John Leaverit 28 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Jeremiah of Jeremiah Howchin 28 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Mary of Rawlins of Waymo. 28 day 9th mo. [Nov 1652; Baptized]
Calib of John Coggan 26 day 10th mo. [Dec 1652; Baptized]
Aloe of Matthew Barnes of Braintry 26 day 10th mo. [Dec 1652; Baptized]
Rebecca of William Cotton 2 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Samuel of Samuel Damford pastor of Ch. of Roxbery 16 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Abihell of William Toye 23 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of Joseph Rocke 23 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Mary of John Bateman's wife 23 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Mary of John Hull 30 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Elizabeth of John Hull 30 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
John of Hannah & John Honyford 30 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
Isaac of John Meriam 30 day 11th mo. [Jan 1652; Baptized]
John of Alexander Adames 13 day 12th mo. [Feb 1652; Baptized]
Sarah of Isaac Adington 13 day 12th mo. [Feb 1652; Baptized]
TOWN. [1653]
Redemption of Robert & Elizabeth Scott born 2nd March. [1653]
James & John twins of James & Abigail Johnson born 7th Marcia [1653]
Abigail of John & Abigail Leader born 29th May. [1653]
Thomas of Mr. Thomas & Mary Broughton born 26th May. [1653]
Robert of Robert & Mary Wright born 16th June. [1653]
Maria of Jonathan & Jane Negus born 6th July. [1653]
John of John & Ruth Ingolesby born 10th July. [1653]
Joseph of Joseph & Frances Howe born 23rd June. [1653]
Mary of John & Alice Tincker born 2nd July. [1653]
Sarah of Capt. Thomas & Mary Savage born 25th June.
Martha of Philemon & Elizabeth Pormott born 16th June. [1653]
William of Lieut. William & Margaret Davis born 25th June. [1653]
Mary of Robert & Sarah Willis born 18th July. [1653]
Mary of George & Mary Dod born 5th July. [1653]
Lydia of John & Elizabeth Ferniside born 3rd April. [1653]
Benjamin of Benj. & Wilmot Phipeny born 6th April. [1653]
John of John & Ann Checkley born gist April. [1653]
John of George & Mary Munjoy born 17th April. [1653]
Mary of William & Mary Holloway born 2nd April. [1653]
John of John & Jane Mavericke born 18th April. [1653]
Hezekiah of John & Elizabeth Harwood born 27th April. [1653]
Mary of John & Mary Tuttle born 28th April. [1653]
John of William & Mary Gilford born 14th May. [1653]
Thomas of Robert & Rebecca Lord born 18th May. [1653]
William of Timothy & Margaret Prout born 23rd May. [1653]
Samuel of Sylvester & Lucy Harbart born 12th June. [1653]
Martha of Matthew & Mary Grosse born 29th June. [1653]
Hannah of Gamaliel & Sarah Phipeny born 29th July. [1653]
Peter of Samuel & Mary Johnson born 2nd July. [1653]
Martha of David & Mary Faulkner born 30th March. [1653]
Mary of Sargt Thomas & Mary Lake born 27th July. [1653]
John of Mordica & Alice Nichols born 18th Aug. [1653]
Eunice of Thomas & Eunice Roberts born 18th Aug. [1653]
Benjamin of Stephen & Jane Butler born 2nd Aug. [1653]
Sarah of Edward & Martha Alline born 22nd Aug. [1653]
John of William & Hannah Townsend born 3rd Sept. [1653]
Elizabeth of John & Persis Harrison born 2nd Aug. [1653]
John of Samuel & Mary Flacke born 12th March 1652--3. [1653]
Nathaniel of Nathaniel & Mary Adams born 10th Sept. [1653]
Mary of Edward & Margaret Coleman born 12th Sept. [1653]
Mary of John & Thomasine Scarlet born 21st Sept. [1653]
Jane of John & Thomasinc Scarlet born 21st Sept. [1653]
Richard of Richard & Sibbell Bennet born 3rd Sept. [1653]
Elizabeth of Richard & Frances Woody born 19th Sept. [1653]
Martha of Robert & Ann Knight born 1st Sept. [1653]
Hannah of Benjamin & Elizabeth Negus born 2nd Oct. [1653]
John of William & Hannah Ballantine born 29th Sept. [1653]
Joseph of Thomas & Susanna Bumsteed born 24th Oct. [1653]
Naomi of Francis & Catherine Dowse born 26th Oct. [1653]
Robert of Robert & Mary Field born 11th Sept. [1653]
Samuel of Thomas & Ann Saxton born 8th Oct. [1653]
Sarah of James & Sarah Baulston on born 26th Aug. [1653]
Elizabeth of Richard & Jane Chritchley born 11th Nov. [1653]
Elizabeth of Edward & Margaret Cowell born 17th Aug. [1653]
Joseph of John & Sarah Bodman born 17th Oct. [1653]
Nathaniel of William & Mary Paddy born 5th Nov. [1653]
Samuel of Simon & Hannah Lynde born 1st Dec. [1653]
Nathaniel of Samuel & Joanna Norden born 2?th Nov. [1653]
Deane of Deane & Sarah Winthropp born 6th Sept. [1653]
Sarah of Francis & Mary Hudson born 27th Nov. [1653]
Abigail of Sampson & Abigail Shore born 6th Dec. [1653]
John of James & Rebecca Hudson born 8th Nov. [1653]
Sarah of George & Elizabeth Oris born 16-- [1653]
Joseph of Henry & Alice Largine born 23rd Nov. [1653]
Joseph of Thomas & Anne Bell born 1st Nov. [1653]
John of William & Mary Baker born 14th Dec. [1653]
Joanna of Angel & Catherine Hollard born 17th Dec. [1653]
Hannah of Hezekiah & Elizabeth Vsher born 29th Dec. [1653]
Mary of Edward & Margaret Preston born 1st Jan. [1653]
Joseph of Daniel & Lydia Turell born 27th Dec. [1653]
Stephen of Anthony & Barbary Stoddard born 6th Jan. [1653]
John of James & Mary Dennis born 6th Dec. [1653]
Mary of William & Ann Cole born 6th Dec. [1653]
John of Simon & Martha Eire born 19th Feb. [1653]
Constancy of Humphrey & Mary Milam born 15th Dec. [1653]
Sarah of Ezekiel & Anne Woodward born 21st Jan. [1653]
Hannah of Gamaliel & Sarah Phipeny born 25th July. [1653]
James of John & Sarah Stephenson born 1st Oct. [1653]
John of Strong & Elline Furnell born 28th Jan. [1653]
John of William & Mary Lane born 5th Feb. [1653]
Elizabeth of Mathew & Ann Grosse born 30th Jan. [1653]
Ebenezer of Jacob & Margaret Sheafe born 4th Feb. [1653]
Josiah of Nicholas & Hannah Stone born 4th Feb. [1653]
Thomas of John & Joan Baker born 12th Feb. [1653]
Mary of John & Susanna Sweete born 28th Jan. [1653]
Anna of John & Anna Chumberlin born 6th Feb. [1653]
John of Robert & Catherine Nanny born 16th Feb. [1653]
George of George & Deborah Burrell born 13th Feb. [1653]
James of Emanuel & Christian Fryer born 7th Oct. [1653]
Elnathan of George & Susanna Allen born 26th Dec. [1653]
Joanna of Christopher & Anne Holland born 13th Oct. [1653]
Sarah of Jeremiah & Ester Houchine born 10th March. [1653]
Ann of Robert & Judith Rathell born 4th Feb. [1653]
John of Ambrose & Mary Bennet born 19th Feb. [1653]
Jacob of Hope & Rachell Alline born 22nd Feb. [1653]
John of Richard & Rebecca Wayte born 1st Nov. [1653]
John of John & Martha Amey born 12th March. [1653]
Samuel of William & Joanna Whitwell born 15th March. [1653]
Mary of Henry & Julian Lamprey born 8th March. [1653]
John of Thomas & Elizabeth Watkins born 21st March. [1653]
John of John & Emm Coddington born 9th Feb. [1653]
Berachiah of Edward & Martha Arnold born 22nd Feb. [1653]
William of William & Mary Hinckesman born 29th Jan. [1653]
Martha of John & Martha Mellowes born 8th Feb. [1653]
Mehetabel of Edmund & Susanna Jackline born 15th Feb. [1653]
Sarah of Hugh & Sarah Browne born 16th Aug. [1653]
William of Anthony & Alice Shaw born 21st Jan. [1653]
Hannah of John & Hannah Buckman born 5th July. [1653]
Mary of Peter & Redigon Wittoms born 15th April. [1653]
Mary of John & Martha Bundy born 5th Oct. [1653]
Thomas of Thomas & Elizabeth Sowell born 13th July. [1653]
Joanna of William & Mary Smaledge born 15th April. [1653]
James of James & Mary Hawkins born 18th March. [1653]
Jonas of Thomas & Sarah Stevens born 27th Oct. [1653]
Sarah of Ezekiel & Ann Woodward born 14th July. [1653]
Samuel of John & Elizabeth Wilkey born 3rd--April. [1653]
Elizabeth of Richard & Jane Critchiy born 28th Nov. [1653]
John of Edward & Jane Barker born 15th Jan. [1653]
Rebecca of William & Elizabeth Ingram of Rumney Marsh born 26th Sept. [1653]
John of Henry & Mary Willis died 8th--1st mo. [1653]
Jane wife of Augustine Lindon died 16th--1st mo. [1653]
Samuel of Augustine Lindon died 26th--1st mo. [1653]
John of James & Christian Alleson died 2nd--2nd mo. [1653]
John of John & Mary Barell died 27th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Clement Critchet servant of John Sunderland died 29th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Rebecca wife of Walter Merry died 4th--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
Margaret wife of Lieut. William Davis died 3rd--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
Jane wife of Richard Peacocke died 29th--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
Lydia wife of Mr. Simon Eire died 10th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Elizabeth of Joseph & Dorothy Phipeny died 14th--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
Hannah wife of John Hanniford died 16th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Mary of Thomas & Mary Lake died 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Richard Walters mate of Dickory Carwithy died 3rd--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Thomas Millerd of Newbery died 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Mary Fisher widow died 27th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Dickery Carwithen shipmaster died 6th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Mary of George & Mary Dod died 4th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Thomas of Robert & Rebecca Lord died 6th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Lucie wife of John Andrewes died 1st--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Elizabeth Howen widow died 27th--7th mo. [1653]
Susanna wife of William Read died 12th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Robert Boltin of Saffron Walden in England a seaman was accidentally slain at Nantasket in New England by a ship gun 28th--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
Paul Michell a fisherman living at Crafthold in England deceased at William Coursers house at Boston in New England died intestate 18th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Hannah of Mr. John Olliver died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Susanna of David Sellick died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Henry Mason servant to James Everill of Boston died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Elias Manyard mariner of Sidmo. in Devonshire died 4th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Susan of Edward Breecke of Dorchester servant to Mr. William Paddy deceased 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Richard neger servant of Capt. Robert Keayne died. [1653]
Sibbell wife of Richard Fenner died 13th--7th mo. [1653]
David of David & Mary Evons died 2nd--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
John Looe died 1st--10th mo. [Dec [1653]
Malachy Browning died at Mr. Robert Scotts house 27th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Rachel of Thomas & Elizabeth Clarke died 16th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
John of James & Joanna Davis died 13th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Jonathan of Thomas & Elizabeth Wiborne died 10th--10th mo. [Dec 1653]
John Franckline kinsman to Wm. Franckline of Boston died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Rebecca wife of James Hudson died 14th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Joseph of Thomas & Ann Bell died 29th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Peter of John & Abigail Jackson died 5th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Benjamin of John and Abigail Jackson died 11--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Ezra Cane of Fingworth in Lecestershire died 4th--7th mo. [Sep [1653]
John Robinson of Fiddingworth in Lecestershier died 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
James of William & Hannah Browne died 15th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Richard Done neger servant to Capt. Robt. Keayne died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Richard of Richard & Mary Chapman died 17th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Elizabeth of James & Abigail Johnson died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Mary of William merchant & Ann Cole died 23rd--10th mo. [Dec 1653]
Nathaniel Edwards merchant died 2nd--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
John Whittingham son in law to Mr. Simon Eire died 7th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Zacheus of Richard & Elizabeth Fairebanks died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
William King servant to George Hallsell died 14th--10 mo. [Dec 1653]
Elizabeth of Edward & Elizabeth Page died 19th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
John of James & Rebecca Hudson died 21st--16th mo. [Aug 1653]
Rebecca wife of Thomas Leader died 16th--10th mo. [1653]
Patience of Samuel & Lydia Olliver died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Isabel wife of William Caustine died 25th--11th mo. [ Jan 1653]
Richard of Richard & Sibbell Bennet died 26th--12th mo. [Feb 1653]
Elizabeth of Francis & Alice Bennet died 17th--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Naomi of William & Judith Cope died 8th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Ralph Waldren born in Barbadoes died 29th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Sarah of Mr. Robert Woodmansey died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
William Dening died 20th--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Robert Woodward died 21st--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Jeremiah of Robert & Rachel Woodward died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Joseph Shaw died 13th--10th mo. [Dec 1653]
Sarah of Hugh & Sarah Browne died 2nd--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Hannah of William Holloway died last 8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Edmond Browne was married to Elizabeth Oklye by Richard Bellingham Dep. Govr. 14th--12th mo. [Feb [1653]
John Lowle was married to Hannah Proctor daughter of George Proctor of Dorchester bv Wm Hibbins. 3rd--1st mo. [Mar 1653]
William Jaye was married to Mary Hunting daughter of John Hunting of Dedham? ---- . [1653]
Samuel Mattocke was married to Constance Fairebanks daughter of Richard [1653]
Fairebanks of Boston by William Hibbins. 30th--1st mo. [Mar 1653]
Anthony Shaw was married to Alice Stanare by Increase Nowell. 8th--2nd mo. [Apr 1653]
John Gilbert was married to Mary Eaton by Thomas Dudley Dep. Gov. 5th--3d mo. [May 1653]
Jeremiah Beels of Hingham was married to Sarah Ripley daughter of William [1653]
Ripley of Hingham at Boston by William Hibbins. 26th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Habbacuke Glover was married to Hannah Eliott daughter of John Eliott teacher of the Church of Christ at by Thomas Dudley Dept. Gov. Roxbury 4th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Joseph Jewitt of Rowley was married to Ann Allen widow form. wife of Capt. Bozon Allen of Boston by Richard Bellingham. 13th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Isaac Bull was married to Sarah Parker daughter of John Parker 22nd--4th mo. [Jun [1653]
John Sandy was married to Ann Holmes by William Hibbins. 7th--5th mo. [Sep 1653]
Ambrose Dart was married to Anne Adis daughter of William Addis of Cape Ann 24th--4th mo. [Jun [1653]
John Chamberline was married to Anne Browne daughter of William Browne of Boston by William Hibbins. 19th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
George Manning was married to Mary Haroden 15th--5th mo. [Jul 1653]
William White & Phillip Wood md. 4th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Thomas Spaule & Marry Gutteridge md. by William Hibbins 18th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Abram Browne was married to Jane Skipper by William Hibbins.19th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Walter Merry was married to Mary Doling by Mr. Glover. 18th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
William Russell was married to Alice Sparrow widow 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Isaac Page was married to Damaris Shattock by William Hibbins. 30th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Benjamin of John and Abigail Jackson died 11--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Ezra Cane of Fingworth in Lecestershire died 4th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
John Robinson of Fiddingworth in Lecestershier died 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
James of William & Hannah Browne died 15th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Richard Done neger servant to Capt. Robt. Keayne died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Richard of Richard & Mary Chapman died 17th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Elizabeth of James & Abigail Johnson died 11th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Mary of William merchant & Ann Cole died 23rd--10th mo. [Dec [1653]
Nathaniel Edwards merchant died 2nd--11th mo. [1653]
John Whittingham son in law to Mr. Simon Eire died 7th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Zacheus of Richard & Elizabeth Fairebanks died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
William King servant to George Hallsell died 14th--10 mo. [Dec 1653]
Elizabeth of Edward & Elizabeth Page died 19th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
John of James & Rebecca Hudson died 21st--16th mo. [Aug 1653]
Rebecca wife of Thomas Leader died 16th--10th mo. [Dec 1653]
Patience of Samuel & Lydia Olliver died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Isabel wife of William Caustine died 25th--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Richard of Richard & Sibbell Bennet died 26th--12th mo. [Feb 1653]
Elizabeth of Francis & Alice Bennet died 17th--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Naomi of William & Judith Cope died 8th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Ralph Waldren born in Barbadoes died 29th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Sarah of Mr. Robert Woodmansey died 10th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
William Dening died 20th--11th mo. [Jan [1653]
Robert Woodward died 21st--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Jeremiah of Robert & Rachel Woodward died 26th--9th mo. [Nov 1653]
Joseph Shaw died 13th--10th mo. [Dec 1653]
Sarah of Hugh & Sarah Browne died 2nd--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Hannah of William Holloway died last 8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Edmond Browne was married to Elizabeth Oklye by Richard Bellingham Dep. Govr.14th--12th mo. [Feb [1653]
John Lowle was married to Hannah Proctor daughter of George Proctor of Dorchester bv Wm Hibbins. 3rd--1st mo. [ Mar 1653]
William Jaye was married to Mary Hunting daughter of John Hunting of Dedham? ---- . [1653]
Samuel Mattocke was married to Constance Fairebanks daughter of Richard [1653]
Fairebanks of Boston by William Hibbins. 30th--1st mo. [Mar 1653]
Anthony Shaw was married to Alice Stanare by Increase Nowell. 8th--2nd mo. [Apr 1653]
John Gilbert was married to Mary Eaton by Thomas Dudley Dep. Gov. 5th--3d mo. [May 1653]
Jeremiah Beels of Hingham was married to Sarah Ripley daughter of William [1653]
Ripley of Hingham at Boston by William Hibbins. 26th--8th mo. [Oct 1653]
Habbacuke Glover was married to Hannah Eliott daughter of John Eliott teacher of the Church of Christ at Roxbury by Thomas Dudley Dept. Govr. 4th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Joseph Jewitt of Rowley was married to Ann Allen widow form. wife of Capt. Bozon Allen of Boston by Richard Bellingham. 13th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
Isaac Bull was married to Sarah Parker daughter of John Parker 22nd--4th mo. [Jun 1653]
John Sandy was married to Ann Holmes by William Hibbins. 7th--5th mo. [Jun 1653]
Ambrose Dart was married to Anne Adis daughter of William Addis of Cape Ann 24th--4th mo. [Jun 1653]
John Chamberline was married to Anne Browne daughter of William Browne of Boston by William Hibbins. [1653]
George Manning was married to Mary Haroden 15th--5th mo 19th--3rd mo. [May 1653]
William White & Phillip Wood md. 4th--6th mo. [Aug 1653]
Thomas Spaule & Marry Gutteridge md. 18th--6th mo. by William Hibbins. [Aug 1653]
Abram Browne was married to Jane Skipper 19th--6th mo. by William Hibbins. [Aug 1653]
Walter Merry was married to Mary Doling 18th--6th mo. by Mr. Glover. [Aug 1653]
William Russell was married to Alice Sparrow widow 7th--7th mo. [Sep 1653]
Isaac Page was married to Damaris Shattock 30th--7th mo. by William Hibbins. [Sep 1653]
Ambrose Bennet was married to Mary Simons 15th--2nd mo. by William Hibbins. [Apr 1653]
Joshua Rogers was married to Ann Fisen 12th--8th mo. by William Hibbins. [Oct 1653]
Andrew Cloud was married to Elizabeth Bugby 29th--7th mo. by William Hibbins. [Sep 1653]
Charles Pretious was married to Rebecca Martine 17th--9th mo. by John Glover. [Nov 1653]
John Endicott son and heir to the worshipful John Endicott was married to Elizabeth Houchin daughter of Jeremiah Houchin of Boston 9th--9th mo. by Richard Bellingham. [Nov 1653]
William Pittman was married to Barbary Evons 29th--9th mo. by William Hibbins. [Nov 1653]
George Dobson was married to Mary BostwickeThis marriage took place before 1690, but the fourth figure of the date is illegible.--W. S. A.1 24th--9th mo. by John Glover. [Nov 1653]
John Gillet was married to Elizabeth Perry widow 22nd--10th mo. by William Hibbins. [Dec 1653]
Robert Breck merchant was married to Sarah Hawkins the daughter of Mrs. Mary Hawkins widow 4th--11th mo. by Richard Bellingham Dept Govr. [Jan 1653]
Samuel Bedwell was married to Mary Hodgkinson 2nd--12th mo. by William Hibbins. [[Feb 1653]
Richard Martine merchant was married to Sarah Tuttle daughter of John Tuttle of Boston 1st --12th mo. by William Hibbins. [Feb 1653]
Theophilus Frery was married to Hannah Elliott daughter of Jacob Elliott of Boston deceased 4th--4th mo. by William Hibbins. [Jun 1653]
John Lawrence was married to Elizabeth Adkinson 8th--12th mo. by William Hibbins. [Feb 1653]
James Robbinson was married to Martha Buck 21st--12th mo. by William Hibbins. [Feb 1653]
Nathaniel Sowther was married to Sarah Hill widow 5th--11th mo. [Jan 1653]
Joseph Shaw was married to Mary Sowther daughter of Nath Sowther 1st--10th mo. [1653]
William of Edward Tinge 6 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
DeliverancesCalled Redemption on Town Records, one of the two names being evidently written from memory.--W. S. A.2 son of Robert Scott 6 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
James of James Johnson 13 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
John of James Johnson 13 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
John of John Barrill 27 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
Benjamin of Alexander Baker 27 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
Tho: of James Pemerton 27 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
Mary of Samuel Sindall of Newberry 27 day 1st mo. [Mar 1653; Baptized]
Samuel of Robert Reade of Exeter 3 day 2nd mo1653; Baptized]
Benjamin of Benjamin Phipenny 10 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1653; Baptized]
Abigail of Furnisey of Duxberry 10 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1653; Baptized]
John of John Chickley 24 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1653; Baptized]
John of George Mungy 24 day 2nd mo. [Apr 1653; Baptized]
Hezekiah of John Harrod 1 day 3rd mo. [[May 1653; Baptized]
William of Innes 1 day 3rd mo. [[May 1653; Baptized]
Mary of John Tutle's wife of Linn 8 day 3rd mo. [[May 1653; Baptized]
William of Timothy Proute 29 day 3rd mo. [[May 1653; Baptized]
Tho: of Robert and Rebecca Lord of the New Ch. 29 day 3rd mo. [[May 1653; Baptized]
Martha of Philemon Purmit 19 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
James of Christian Alisson sister 19 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
Sarah of Tho: Savage 26 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
William of William Davis 26 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
John of Edward Cowell's wife 26 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
Edward of Edward Cowell's wife 26 day 4th mo. [Jun 1653; Baptized]
Mary of Mary & John Tinker 3 day 5th mo. [Jul 1653; Baptized]
Maria of Jonathan Negoose 10 day 5th mo. [Jul 1653; Baptized]
John of John Inglsby 10 day 5th mo. [Jul 1653; Baptized]
Anna of Sarah & Gamaliel Phippeny 31 day 5th mo. [Jul 1653; Baptized]
James of Elizabeth & Francis Smyth 8 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
Mary of George Davis of the New Ch. 14 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
Johanna of Henry Stevens 14 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
Eunice of the Roberts 21 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
Elizabeth of William Cowell's wife 21 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
jeremiah of Rachel & Robert Woodward 28 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
Elizabeth of John Harisson 28 day 6th mo. [Aug 1653; Baptized]
John of William Townsend 4 day 7th mo. [Sep 1653; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Richard Woody of Roxberry 25 day 7th mo. [Sep 1653; Baptized]
James of John Steevenson 2 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Hannah of Edward Rawson of Newberry l0 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Hannah of Benjamin Negoos 10 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Joseph of Ann & Thos Bell l0 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Samuel of Ann & the Saxton 10 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
John of Deane Winthorp's wife 24 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Joseph of John Bodman's wife 24 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Joseph of the Bomsteed 31 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Naomye of Francis Dowse 31 day 8th mo. [Oct 1653; Baptized]
Nathaniel of William Padye of Plimo. 7 day 9th mo. [Nov 1653; Baptized]
john of Richard Wayt 7 day 9th mo. [Nov 1653; Baptized]
Eliza of Rich. Chrichly 13 day 9th mo. [Nov 1653; Baptized]
Sarah of George Oris's wife 20 day 9th mo. [Nov 1653; Baptized]
Sarah of Francis Hudson's wife 27 day 9th mo. [Nov 1653; Baptized]
Nathaniel of Samuel Norden's wife 4 day 10th mo. [Dec 1653; Baptized]
Nathaniel of Elizabeth Ridder of Waymo. 4 day 10th mo. [Dec 1653; Baptized]
Abigail of Samson Shoore 11 day 10th mo. [Dec 1653; Baptized]
Anna of Ezekiah Usher 1 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
Joseph of Daniel Turand's wife 1 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
Stephen of Anthony Stoddard 8 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
John of Simon Ayers 22 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
Elizabeth of Joseph Rocke 29 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
john of Strong Furnill 29 day 11th mo. [Jan 1653; Baptized]
Ebenezer of Jacob Sheafe 5 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]
Mary of John Sweete 5 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]
Elnathan of Susan & George Allin 5 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]
Katharine of Edward Hutchison 19 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]
John of Mr. Nanny of Hampton 19 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]
Callib of Mr. Parkis of Watertowne 26 day 12th mo. [Feb 1653; Baptized]