from the YEARS 1658 to 1662
Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 8, Jan 1854, p 37 and subsequent
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

[Note:-- While the series as printed by the NEHGS is titled simply "Records of Boston", the introductory notes state that the records "embrace not only Boston, properly so called, but all the towns in its vicinity." Not all sections are strictly alphabetical.]
ELLIS: Anne ye dau of Edmond Ellis & Sarah was borne ye 1st 5th day of Febr. 1658.
DOWSE: Mary ye dau of Francis Dowse & Katherin was borne ye 30th day of January 1658.
STRETTON: William ye sonne of Bartholmew Stretton & Elizabeth borne the 30th day of January 1658.
HULL: William ye sonne of Thomas Hull & Hannah was borne 28 of January 1658.
COLE: John ye sonne of John Cole & Susanna was borne 23 day of January 1658.
SANFORD: Bethshua ye dau of Robert Sanford & Elizabeth was borne ye 6 day of Jan. 1658.
ROBERTS: Samuell ye sonne of Symon Roberts & Christian his wife was borne ye 18 day of March 1658.
BAKER: Rachell ye daughter of Thomas Baker & Leah was borne 73 7th day of Febr. 1658.
BUTTLER: Benjamine ye sonne of Stephen Buttler & Jane was borne ye 10th day of Febr. 1658.
WOODLE: Richard ye sonne of Richard WOODY & Francis borne ye 3d day of December 1658.
SHRIMPTON: Bethia ye dau of Mr. Henry Shrimpton & Ellinor borne ye 30th day of Jan. 1658.
WALES: Mary ye dau of Nathaniell Wales & Isabell borne ye 9th of Febr. 1658.
FITCH: Mary ye dau of Tho. Fitch & Martha was borne ye 17th day of Febr. 1658.
EVANS: David ye sonne of David Evans & Martha was borne ye 2d day of Febr. 1658.
BAGLY: Oulando ye sonne of Oulando Bagly & Sarah borne ye 18th day of Feb. 1658.
CHAMBERLINE: Henry ye sonne of John Chamberline & Anne was borne ye 3d day of Febr. 1658.
JACKSON: John ye sonne of John Jackson & Jane borne ye 11th day of Febr. 1658.
GROSSE: Elizabeth ye dau of Clement Grosse & Mary was borne ye 5th of March 1658-9.
GRIFFINE: Sarah ye du of John Griffine & Susanna was borne ye 10th of March 1658-9.
OLLIVER: James ye sonne of Peter Olliver & Sarah was borne ye 19th day of March 1658-9.
STAINES: Thomas ye sonne of Richard Staines & Joice was borne ye 16th day of August 1658.
INGOLDSBY: Peter ye sonne of John Ingoldsby & Ruth was borne ye 8th day of March 1658.
PADDY: Rebecca ye dau of Mr. William Paddy & Mary borne ye 3 of August 1659.
MURRELLS: Lydia ye dau of Jeremiah Murrells & Sarah borne ye 30th day of March 1659.
READ: Jonathan ye sonne of William Read & Ruth borne 23d of Aprill 1659.
GALLOP: Mehetable ye dau of Samuell Gallop & Mary borne 5th day of Aprill 1659.
CHECKLY: Anne ye dau of John checkly & Ana borne the 22d of Aprill 1659.
WHEATLEY: Mary ye dau of Lyonell Wheatley & Ellinor borne the 14th day of April 1659.
DAVIS: Richard ye sonne of John Davis & Returne borne yhe 15th day of Aprill 1659.
WALKER: Anne ye dau of Thomas Walker & Anne borne ye first day of May 1659.
SMITH: Samuell ye sonne of Tho. Smith & Elizabeth borne ye 20th day of Aprill 1659.
BURGES: James ye sonne of Roger Burges & Sarah borne ye 24th of Aprill 1659.
STEVENS: Moses ye sonne of Thomas Stevens & Sarah borne ye 22 of April 1659.
SCATE: John ye sonne of John Scate & Sarah borne ye 14th day of Aprill 1659.
LAKE: May ye dau of Mr. Thomas Lake & Mary borne ye first of May 1659.
WILLIAMS: Mary ye dau of John Williams & Mary borne 29th of March 1659.
SHERMAN: Nathaniell ye sonne of Nathaniell Sherman & Grace was borne ye 19th of Decemb. 1659.
RUSSELL: Elizabeth ye dau of William Russell & Alice his wife borne 22 of Aprill 1659.
BROOKIN: John ye sonne of John Brookin & Elizabeth was borne ye 11th of May 1659.
BROWNE: Elizabeth ye da of Will. Browne & Elizabeth borne 5th of May 1659.
BLACKLEACH: Elizabeth ye dau of John Blackleach junior & Elizabeth borne ye 25th of May 1659.
WATKIN: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Watkin & Elizabeth borne ye 10th of May 1659.
MESSINGER: Priscilla ye dau of Henry Messinger & Sarah his wife....
ALLEN: Martha & Mary ye daughters of Hope Allen being twines & Rachell borne 15th June 1659.
BUCKNELL: Nathaniell ye sonne of Samuell Bucknell & Sarah borne 1st June 1659.
BELCHER: Mary ye dau of Edward Belcher & Mary borne ye 4th of Aprill 1659.
KNIGHT: Mary ye dau of Richard Knight & Johannah borne 25th January 1658.
SUMNER: Hannah ye dau of William Sumner & Elizabeth borne 10th of June 1659.
SNELL: Susanna ye dau of John Snell & Phillip his wife was borne 21 of June 1659.
TURRELL: Samuell ye sonne of Daniell Turrell & Lydia borne 14th June 1659.
SCOTTOW: Thomas ye sonne of Ensigne Scottow & Lydia was borne last June 1659.
WALDREN: Elnathan ye sonne of Capt. Richard Waldren & Anne borne 6th July 1659.
CARWITHY: Elizabeth ye dau of Joshua Carwithy & Elizabeth borne 6th of June 1659.
ALLEN: John ye sonne of Edward Allen & Martha was borne 21 of June 1659.
SHEAFE: Jacob ye sonne of Jacob Sheafe deceased & Margaret borne 23 of July 1659.
HICKES: Elizabeth ye dau of Richard Hicks & mary borne 25th July 1659.
PEARSE: Martha & Mary Pearse being twins ye daught of Wm. Pearse & Ester borne 26 May 1659.
REYNOLDS: Sarah ye dau of Nathaniel Reynolds & Sarah borne 26 July 1659.
POWNING: Sarah ye dau of Hen. Powning & Elizabeth borne 3 August 1659.
SUTTON: Sarah ye dau of Jsoeph Sutton & Sarah borne Last July 1659.
BARLOW: Sarah ye dau of Tho. Barlow & Elizabeth borne 18th July 1659.
SCOTTOW: Thomasin ye dau of Tho. Scottow & Sarah borne 14tgh August 1659.
PHIPENY: Elizabeth ye dau of Gamaliel Phipeny borne 10th August 1659.
GRIGGS: The Children of William Griggs & of Ratchell his wife followeth:
William born 2d of April 1640.
Elizabeth borne 3d October 1648.
Isaac borne 5th October 1646.
Rachell borne 13th October 1644.
Sarah borne 6th October 1642.
Jacob borne Last November 1658.
ADAMS: David ye sonne of Nathaniell Adams & Mary borne 30th of June 1659.
ANDREWES: Susanna ye dau of John Andrewes and Hannah borne 12th August 1659.
STEVENS: Joshua ye sonne of Henry Stevens & Mary borne 15th May 1659.
NANNY: Samuell ye sonne of Robert Nanny & Katherin borne 27th August 1659.
DOVES: Zecharia ye sonne of Samuell Doves & Sarah borne 29 July 1659.
FLACKE: Hannah ye dau of Samll Flacke & Ann borne 21 August 1659.
HUNN: John ye sonne of Nathaniell Hunn & Sarah, borne 12 Febr. 1658.
BOLSTON: Elizabeth ye dau of Jonathan Bolston & Mary borne 12 Aug. 1659.
ROCKE: Benjamine ye sonne of Mr. Joseph Rocke & Elizabeth borne 9th Sept. 1659.
STONE: Sarah ye dau of John Stone & Mary borne 16th Sept. 1659.
KNEELAND: Mary ye dau of John Kneeland & mary borane 6th October 1659.
MARSHALL: James ye sonne of John Marshall a Scotishman & Ruth borne 29 Sept. 1659.
WINSOR: Thomas ye sonne of Robert Winsor & Rebecca borne first Oct. 1659.
WOODDE: John she sonne of Isaac Woodee & Dorcas borne 18th Sept. 1659.
CLARKE: Joseph ye sonne of William Clarke & Anne borne 10th Sept. 1659.
HUNTER: Mary ye dau of William Hunter & Mary borne 5th Sept. 1659.
MATTOCKE: Samuell ye sonne of Samuel Mattocke & Constance borne 15th October 1659.
GARRETT: Lydia dau of Richard Garrett & Lydia borne the 10th of October 1659.
LANE: William the sonne of William Lane and Mary was borne the first of October 1659.
POLLARD: Sarah ye dau of William Pollard & Ann borne 20th October 1659.
MEGDANIELL: John ye sonne of John Megdaniell & Elizabeth borne 13th of Sep. 1659.
BOGLE: Mary ye dau of Alexander Bogle borne the 17th of October 1659.
NOWELL: Anne ye dau of George Nowell & Lydia borne 13 October 1659.
COLLICOTT: Ebenezer the sonne of Richard Collicott & Thomasin borne 6 Sept. 1659.
BILL: Sarah ye dau of Thomas Bill & Abigail borne 18 Sept. 1659.
TRAVIS: Ephraim ye sonne of Daniell Travis & Easter borne 13 Sep. 1659.
HAMLINE: Willian ye sonne of Ezekiell Hamline & Elizabeth borne 9th October 1659.
STROUD: Mary ye dau of Robert Stroud & Mary borne 11 October 1659.
BLOWER: John ye sonne of John Blower & Tabitha borne 19 of October 1659.
KNIDE: Thomas the sonne of Arthur Knide & Jane was borane 26 Sept. 1659.
WEBSTER: James the sonne of James Webster & Mary borne 16 July 1659.
BROWNE: Susanna ye dau of William Browne & Lydia borne 24 October 1659.
DUNCAN: Mary ye dau of Peter Duncan & Mary borne 12 November 1659.
JOHNSON: Hannah ye dau of James Johnson & Abigail borne 23 November 1659.
LYND: Nathaniell ye sonne of Mr. Symon Lynde & Hannah borne 22 November 1659.
GOLD: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Gold & Francis borne 27 November 1659.
FARNUM: Jonathan ye sonne of John Farnum and Susanna borne 13 November 1659.
RUCKE: Thomas ye sonne of Samuell Rucke & Margaret borne 9 July 1659.
EUSTIS: John ye sonne of William Eustis & Sarah borne 8th of December 1659.
BRIDGHAM: Nathaniell ye sonne of Henry Bridgham & Elizabeth borne 8th of December 1659.
MANNING: Mary ye dau of George Manning & Hannah borne 16 of December 1659.
HOLLAND: Hannah ye dau of Christo. Holland & Anne borne 7 December 1658.
ALDINE: Mary dau of John Auldine & Elizabeth borne 17th of December 1659.
DAVIS: Huldah ye dau of Capt. William Davis & Huldah borne 21 of December 1659.
GLOVER: Hannah ye dau of John Glover & Mary borne 5 of April 1659.
HUDSON: Bethia & Abigail ye daughters of James Hudson & Mary borne 13 December 1659.
BUSHNELL: John ye sonne of John Bushnell & Jane borne 19th January 1659.
BELCHER: John ye sonne of Josiah Belcher & Ronas borne 23 day of December 1659.
CRAB: Samuell ye sonne of Henry Crab & Hannah borne 23 day of December 1659.
EMMONS: Thomas ye sonne of Obediah Emmons & Alice borne 7 January 1659.
NORDEN: Susanna ye dau of Samuell Norden & Elizabeth borne 26 day of Novem. 1650 [trans. note: were they going for 1659?]
DAWES: Hannah ye dau of John Dawes & Susanna borne 7 January 1659.
GREENE: Jeremiah ye sonne of Nathaniell Greene & Mary borne 29 December 1659.
ORRIS: Samuell ye sonne of George Orris & Elizabeth borne 20th December 1659.
STOCKBRIDGE: John ye sonne of Charles Stockbridge & Abigail borne 2 of December 1659.
HEDGES: Grace ye dau of Tristram Hedges & Ann borne 20 August 1659.
RASNFORD: Mary ye dau of Jonathan Ransford & Mary borne 2 July 1659.
MELLOWES: Elisha ye sonne of John Mellowes & Martha borne 16 November 1659.
ATWATER: Mary ye dau of Joshua Atwater & Mary borne 15 January 1659.
MASON: Nathaniell ye sonne of Robert Mason & Sarah, borne 23 December 1659.
PEARSE: Samuel ye sonne of John Pearse & Isable borne 14 January 1659.
SOPER: Joseph ye sonne of Joseph Soper & Elizabeth borne the 20 January 1653. [it says 1653].
SWEETE: Benjamine ye sonne of Joseph Sweete & Elizabeth borne 22 January 1659.
PHILLIPS: William ye sonne of Lieut. William Phillips & Bridget borne 28 January 1659.
AMEY: Martha ye dau of John Amey & Martha borne 23 Febr. 1659.
CLARK: Christopher ye sonne of Mr. Christopher Clarke & Rebecca borne 19 January 1659.
FITCH: Jeremiah the sonne of Jeremiah Fitch & Sarah borne ye 5th Febr. 1659.
GROSSE: Elizabeth ye dau of Mathew Grosse & Mary borne 3d Febr. 1659.
RICHARDSON: Samuel ye sonne of Amos Richardson & Mary borne 18 of Febr. 1659.
NASH: Thomas ye sonne of Joseph Nash & Elizabeth borne 21 of April 1660.
HOWARD: Mary ye dau of Samuell Howard & Isabell borne 15 Sept. 1659.
BOWHONNON: Margaret ye dau of John Bowhonnon & Mary borne 8th January 1659.
PURCHASE: Mary ye dau of John Purchase & Elizabeth borne 3d Febr. 1659.
SWEETE: Mehitable ye dau of John Sweete & Susanna borne the 8th December 1659.
STUTLY: Jonathan ye sonne of John Stutly & Elizabeth borne 8th December 1659.
JONES: Hannah ye dau of Rice Jones & Ann borne 4th May 1659.
THWING: Deborah ye dau of Benjamine Thwing & Deborah borne 13 January 1659.
LAMBERT: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Lambert & Mary borne 6 November 1659.
STODDARD: Lydia ye dau of Mr. Anthony Stoddard & Christian borne 27th March 1660.
DEXTER: Elizabeth ye dau of Thomas Dexter & Elizabeth borne 7 April 1660.
WILBORNE: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Wilborne & Abigail borne 2d April 1660.
PHILLIPS: David ye sonne of Phillip Phillips & Rachell borne first of March 1659-60.
BALSTON: James ye sonne of James Balston borne ye 8th of April 1660.
LOWELL: John ye sonne of John Lowell & Elizabeth borne 7th of April 1660.
COUSSINS: Rebecca ye dau of Isaac Coussins & Rebecca borane 2d of April 1660.
HANNIFORD: Abigail ye dau of John Hanniford & Abigail borne 8th March 1659-60.
SHRIMPTON: Elizabeth ye dau of Mr. Henry Shrimpton & Ellinor borne 11 April 1660.
GRIGGS: Hannah ye dau of William Griggs of Rumney Marsh & Rachell borne 12 March 1659.
WOODWARD: Prudence ye dau of Ezekiell Woodward & Anne borane 4th April 1660.
TYLER: Mary ye dau of Thomas Tyler & Hannah borne 10th April 1660.
MAVERICK: Jothan ye sonne of John Maverick & Katherin borne 30th March 1660.
ROBINSON: Sarah ye dau of James Robinson & Martha borne 24 March 1659.
BALLANTINE: Elizabeth ye dau of William Ballantine & Hannah borne 8th March 1659.
PARAM: Ruth ye dau of William Param & Francis borne 5th of April 1660.
MARTINE: Michaell ye sonne of Michaell Martine & Susanna borne 10th Febr. 1659.
WARDELL: Abigail ye dau of William Wardell & Elizabeth borne 24 April 1660.
BREDEN: John ye sonne of Capt. Thomas Breden & Mary borne 24 April 1660.
MAVERICK: Rebecca ye dau of Ellias Mavericke & Ann borne first January 1659.
DAWES: Samuell ye sonne of John Dawes & Mary borne first of May 1660.
PEMBERTON: Benjamine ye sonne of James Pemberton & Sarah borne 26 April 1660.
DRUSE: William ye sonne of Richard Druse and Jane borne first May 1660.
SKATE: John ye sonne of John Skate & Sarah borne 25 of April 1660.
MOORE: Sarah ye dau of Thomas Moore & Sarah borne 5th May 1660.
SCARLET: Thomasin ye dau of John Scarlet & Thomasin borne 18 May 1660.
WHARTON: Rebecca ye dau of Phillip Wharton & Mary borne 5 May 1660.
HARDING: Jane ye dau of Phillip Harding & Susanna borne first May 1660.
PHILLIPS: Nicholas ye sonne of Nicholas Phillips & Hannah borne 12 May 1660.
HOUSE: America ye dau of William House & Mary borne 30 April 1660.
SHORE: Susanna ye dau of Samson Shore & Abigail borne 20th May 1660.
ELLIOTT: Hannah ye dau of Jacob Elliott & Mary borne 15 June 1660.
SAVAGE: Ebenezer ye sonne of Capt. Tho. Savage & Mary, borne 22 May 1660.
TUELLS: Richard ye sonne of Richard Tuells & Martha borne 16 May 1660.
BROOKINE: Eizabeth ye dau of John Brookine & Elizabeth borne 26 May 1660.
HARRISON: Ebinezer ye sonne of John Harrison & Persis borne 21 May 1660.
HASYE: Susanna ye dau of William Hasye & Sarah borne 30 May 1660.
GREENWOOD: Myles ye sonne of Nathaniell Greenwood & Mary borne 23 May 1660.
CONNEY: Sarah ye dau of John Conney & Elizabeth borne 22 of May 1660.
ROSSE: Sarah ye dau of John Rosse & Mary borne 21 of May 1660.
WARD: Hannah ye dau of Robert Ward & Sarah borne 6 May 1660.
HUNN: Georg ye sonne of Nathaniell Hunn & Sarah borne 23 May 1660.
JOYLIFEE: Hannah ye dau of Mr. Joyliffe & Anna borne 9th of May 1660.
DOD: Mehitabell ye dau of George Dod & Mary borne 25 May 1660.
GILLAM: Martha ye dau of Zechariah Gillam & Phebe borne 2 June 1660.
TUTTELL: Rebecca ye dau of John Tuttell & Mary borne 17 June 1660.
JEPSON: Richard ye sonne of John Jepson & Emm borne 14 June 1660.
BROWNE: Sarah ye dau of Abraham Browne & Jane borne 6 June 1660.
BUNN: Mathew ye sonne of Mathew Bunn & Estech borne 9 June 1659.
TOY: Elizabeth ye dau of William Toy & Grace was borne 25 June 1660.
PEARSE: Mary ye dau of George Pearse & Mary borne 20 June 1660.
BOWD: Joseph ye sonne of Joseph Bowd & Elizabeth borne 28 October 1659.
BAKER: Elizabeth ye dau of Jno. Baker & Johanna borne 26 Day of June 1660.
PEARSE: Hannah ye dau of John Pearse & Ruth borne 30th June 1660.
THREEDNEDLE: Elizabeth ye dau of Batholmew Threednedle & Damaris borne 16 June 1660.
GILBERD: John ye sonne of John Gilberd & Mary borne 21 July 1660.
INGRAM: Timothy ye sonne of William Ingram & Mary borne 2 July 1660.
INGRAM: Rebecca ye dau of William Ingram of Rumney Marsh, & Elizabeth borne 15 June 1657.
INGRAM: Edward ye sonne of Wm. Ingram of Rumney Marsh, & Elizabeth borne 15 June 1657.
Hannah ye dau of Wm. Ingram & Elizabeth borne 15 June 1659.
JOSLIN: Nathaniell ye sonne of Abraham Josline & Betteris borne 4th July 1660.
DREW: Elizabeth ye dau of Robert Drew & Jemima borne 22 July 1660.
GREENOUGH: Israell ye sonne of William Greenough & Elizabeth borne 27th July 1660.
BASTAR: Anna ye dau of Joseph Bastar & Mary borne 26 July 1660.
DENNIS: Mary ye dau of James Dennis & Mary borne 4th August 1660.
DOWNES: Dorothy ye dau of John Downes & Dorothy borne 31 January 1658.
PRICE: Thomas ye sonne of Mr. Richard Price & Elizabeth borne 22 July 1660.
SCOTTOW: Thomasin ye dau of Thomas Scottow & Sarah borane 18 August 1660.
PAGE: Jonathan ye sonne of Edward Page & Elizabeth borne 31 July 1660.
NORTON: John ye sonne of William Norton & Susanna borne 22 August 1660.
WINTHROP: Margaret ye dau of Mr. Dean Winthrop & Sarah borne 25 July 1660.
READ: Timothy ye sonne of William Read & Ruth borne 11 August 1660.
TEREBERRY: Elizabeth ye dau of Henry Tereberry & Martha borne 22 Aug. 1660.
PAINE: Sarah ye dau of Mr. John Paine & Sarah borne 14 August 1660.
BROUGHTON: Sarah ye dau of Mr. Thomas Broughton & Mary borne 9 June 1660.
WING: John ye sonne of John Wing & Josabeth borne 14 August 1660.
SHUTE: John ye sonne of William Shute & Hopestill borne 7th March 1660-61.
DAVIS: Mary ye dau of Samuell Davis of Rumney Marsh & Anna borne 21 May 1660.
DAVIS: Susanna ye dau of ye said Samuell Davis & Anna borne 4 May 1646.
DAVIS: Priscilla ye dau of ye same Samuell Davis & Anna borane 3 August 1650.
BLAKE: Joseph ye sonne of Henry Blake & Elizabeth borne 2d Sept. 1660.
LANGDON: Abigail ye dau of John Langdon & Sarah borne 25 Aug. 1660.
BATEMAN: Mary ye dau of John Bateman & Hannah borne 4th Sept. 1660.
COTTON: Hannah ye dau of William Cotton & Anne borne 4th Sept. 1660.
TRAVIS: Stephen ye sonne of Daniell Travis & Ester borne 18 of Sept. 1660.
ADAMS: Elizabeth ye dau of Alexander Adams & Mary borne first October 1660.
BALSON: Elizabeth ye dau of Jonathan Balston & Mary borne 18 of Sept. 1660.
SOUTHER: John ye sonne of Joseph Souther & Elizabeth borne 5th Sept. 1660.
KEENE: John ye sonne of John Keene & Hannah borne 2d Sept. 1660.
MIRRIAM: Thomasin ye dau of John Mirriam & Hannah borne 19 Sept. 1660.
PARKER: John ye sonne of John Parker & Sarah borne 25 December 1658.
PARKER: Jabesh ye sonne of Samuell & Mary borne 24 Febr. 1654.
DUNKIN[E]: Thomas ye sonne of Samuell Dunkin & Mary borne 15th January 1655.
DUNKIN[E]: Hannah ye dau of Samuell & Mary borne 28 Aprill 1651.
BREDING: William ye sonne of Mr. James Breding & Hannah borne 26 October 1660.
GARRETSON: Edward ye sonne of Edward Garretson & Joan borne 22 Sept. 1660.
MILLAM: Abigail ye dau of Humphrey Milam & Mary borane 10th October 1660.
BROWNE: John ye sonne of Edmund Browne & Elizabeth borne 9th October 1660.
LANE: Anna ye dau of Edward Lane & Anna borne 5th of October 1660.
FAIRFEILD: John ye sonne of Daniell Fairefeild & Sarah borne 28th October 1660.
INGLES: Johanna ye dau of James Ingles & Johanna borne 18th October 1660.
KELLOCKS: Edward ye sonne of Joseph Kellocks & Johanna borne first October 1660.
FEILD: Sarah ye dau of Robert Feild & Mary borne 20 October 1660.
RISDON: Mary ye dau of Robert Risdon & Betteris borne 15 June 1659.
DEMSDALL: Thomas ye sonne of William Demsdall & Martha borne 16th Novem. 1660.
ALDIN: John ye sonne of John Aldine & Elizabeth borne 20 November 1660.
DAVIS: Edward ye sonne of Edward Davis & Hannah borne 22 Nov. 1660.
TURELL: Lydia ye dau of Daniell Turrell & Mary borne 30 Nov. 1660.
PHILLIPS: Mary ye dau of Ensigne Hen. Phillips & Mary borne 28th of 9ber 1660. [trans. note: my guess is that 9ber is November.]
BRATTLE: Elizabeth ye dau of Mr. Thomas Brattle & Elizabeth borne 30th. 9ber. 1660.
CROKUM: Sarah ye dau of Francis Crokum & Joan borne 16th 9ber 1660.
WOODMANSEY: Margaret ye dau of Mr. John Woodmansey & Margaret borne 17th October 1660.
PARKER: William ye sonne of John Parker of Muddy River & Sarah borne 3d of December 1660.
STAINES: Richard ye sonne of Richard Staines & Joyce borne 3d December 1660.
BELKNAP: Mary ye dau of Joseph Belknap & Ruth borne 25 Sept. 1660.
WALDREN: Ester ye dau of Capt. Waldren & Anne borne first December 1660.
REYNOLDS: Mary ye dau of Nathaniell Reynolds & Sarah borne 20th November 1660.
FRARY: Theophilus ye sonne of Theophilus Frary & Hannah 4th December 1660.
BURGESSE: Samuell ye sonne of Roger Burgesse & Sarah borne 17th November 1660.
SIMPKINS: Nicholas ye sonne of Pilgrim Simpkins & Miriam borne 22 October 1660.
HOWCHIN: Rachell ye dau of Mr. Jeremiah Howchin & Ester borne 16 December 1660.
JACKSON: Sarah ye dau of Edmond Jackson & Elizabeth borne 24 Sept. 1660.
FRYER: Nathaniell ye sonne of Emanuell Fryer & Christia borne 9 December 1660.
SHAW: Ruth ye dau of Anthony Shaw & Alice borne 10th of December 1660.
ANDREWES: Martha ye dau of John Andrewes & Hannah borne 5 December 1660.
ANDREWES: Hannah ye dau of John Andrewes & Hannah borne 20 Feb. 1657.
DARBY: Mary ye dau of Edward Darby & Susanna borne 29 December 1660.
PRATT: Timothy the sonne of Timothy Pratt & Deborah borne 18 December 1660.
BRIDGHAM: Samuell ye sonne of Henry Bridgham & Elizabeth borne 17 of January 1660.
PECKE: Sarah ye dau of Thomas Pecke & Elizabeth borne 13th January 1660.
GEORGE: Hannah ye dau of Richard George & Mary borne 21 January 1660.
MAYO: Sarah ye dau of Samuell Mayo & Thomasin borne 19 December 1660.
MAYO: Nathaniell ye sonne of Samuell Mayo & Thomasin borne first April 1658.
SUNDERLAND: John ye sonne of John Sunderland junior & Mary borne 22 January 1660.
BAGLY: Sarah ye dau of Dulands Bagly & Sarah borne 14 January 1660.
LOWES: Samuell ye sonne of John Lowes & Alice borne 18 January 1661.
TAYLOR: James ye sonne of Robert Taylor & Sarah borne 17th January 1660.
BLACKLEECH: John ye sonne of John Blackleech Junior & Elizabeth borne 13 January 1660.
BLACKLEECH: Mary and Martha Meiland the Daus of ---------.
MORSE: Elizabeth ye dau of John Morse & Elizabeth borne 22 Jan. 1660.
SAYWELL: Abigail ye dau of David Saywell & Abigail borne 4 Febr. 1660.
PHILLIPS: Elizabeth ye dau of Zechariah Phillips & Elizabeth borne 29th June 1661.
KELLY: Samuell ye sonne of David Kelly & Elizabeth borne 30 of Novembr. 1661.
MARSHALL: Benjamine ye sonne of John Marshall & Sarah borne 15 Febr. 1660.
GRANT: Joseph ye sonne of Edward Grant & Sarah borane 15 Febr. 1660.
SCOVELL: Elizabeth ye dau of Arthur Scovell & Joan borne first Decemb. 1662.
FITCH: Zechariah ye sonne of Jeremiah Fitch & Sarah borne 19th Febr. 1662.
DAVIS: Ruth ye dau of Capt. William Davis & Huldah borne 12 Febr. 1662.
EUSTIS: William ye sonne of Wm. Eustis & Sarah borne 25 Febr. 1660.
WAITE: John ye sonne of Richard Wayte & Rebecca borne 9th Febr. 1660.
SMITH: Joseph ye sonne of Richard Smith & Luke his wife borne 2d of May 1660.
KNIGHT: Mary ye dau of Richard Knight & Johanna borne 13 Febr. 1660.
HOLLAND: Deborah ye dau of Christopher Holland & Anne borne 8th March 1660.
HARWOOD: Rachell ye dau of Thomas Harwood & Rachell borne 28th Febr. 1660.
COLE: Anne ye dau of John Cole & Susanna borne 7th of March 1660.
HOW: Mary ye dau of Jsoeph How & Francis borne 17th of March 1660-61.
RAINFORD: John ye sonne of John Rainford & Susanna borne 4th March 1660-61.
LOWELL: [ ] ye sonne of Jno. Lowell & Hannah borne.......
MARSHALL: Mary ye dau of John Marshall & Ruth borne 2d January 1661.
TRAVIS: Hannah ye dau of Daniell Travis & Ester borne 5th Jan. 1661.
STARRE: Comfort ye sonne of John Starre & Martha borne 4th Febru. 1661.
WILLIAMS: Hannah ye dau of John Williams & Mary borne 27 April 1661.
THIRRELL: Mary ye dau of Wm. Thirrell & Rebecca borne 6th April 1661.
RUSSELL: William ye sonne of Wm. Russell & Alice borne 16 April 1661.
GALLOP: Joseph ye sonne of Nathaniell Gallop & Margr. his wife borne 20 March 1661.
CLOUDE: Andrew ye sonne of Andrew Cloade & Elizabeth borne 28th April 1661.
HUDSON: Samuell ye sonne of James Hudson & Mary borne 23 March 1660-61.
PEARSE: Ebinezer ye sonne of William Pearse & Ester borne 16th March 1661.
MOORE: Mary ye dau of Samuell Moore & Abigail borne 2d May 1661.
BOYEN: Anna ye dau of Henry Boyen & Francis borne 4th May 1661.
ROCKE: Lydia ye dau of Mr. Joseph Rocke & Elizabeth borne 21 April 1661.
JEPSON: John ye sonne of John Jepson & Emm borne the 8th May 1661.
GREEN: Susanna ye dau of Nathaniell Green & Mary borne 29th of April 1661.
BAKER: Nathaniell ye sonne of Wm. Baker & Pilgrim borne 13th May 1661.
WOODDE: Sarah ye du of Serg. Richd. Woody & Francis borne 21 May 1661.
BOWDEN: Elizabeth ye dau of Richd. Bowden & Martha borne 18th May 1661.
STEVENS: Joseph ye sonne of Thomas Stevens & Sarah borne 17th April 1661.
STUDLEY: Benjamine ye soone of John Studley & Elizabeth borne 23 May 1661.
ADAMS: William ye sonne of Henry Adams & Mary borne 30th May 1661.
BOGLE: Elizabeth ye sonne [sic] of Alexander Bogle & Margaret borne 2. April 1661.
PARKER: Mary ye dau of John Parker & Mary borne 20 May 1661.
DENNIS: Mary ye dau of James Dennis & Mary borne 5th June 1661.
MAHOONE: Margaret Mahoone ye dau of Dorman Mahoone & Margaret borne 3d June 1661.
JOHNSON: Hannah ye dau of Capt. James Johnson & Abigail borne 12th June 1661.
CARWITHEN: David ye sonne of David Carwithen & Francis borne first June 1661.
WALKER: Mary ye dau of Mr. Thomas Walker & Mary borne 9th August 1661.
FITCH: Sarah ye dau of Thomas Fitch & Martha borne 14 June 1661.
COLLENS: Richard ye sonne of Richard Collens & Mary borne 18th June 1661.
WINSLOW: John ye sonne of Edward Winslow & Sarah borne 19th June 1661.
BENNING: Raph ye sonne of Ralph Benning & Anne borne 24th June 1661.
PUE: Mary ye dau of Peter Pue & Mary borne 17th June 1661.
SAXTON: Elizabeth ye dau of Thomas Saxton & Anna borne 8th June 1661.
NANNY: Mary ye dau of Robert Nanny & Katherine borne 22d June 1661.
LAKE: Edward ye sonne of Mr. Thomas Lake & Elizabeth borne 28th June 1661.
BREDEN: Zakeus ye sonne of Capt. Thomas Breden & mary borne first July 1661.
DAWES: Elizabeth ye dau of John Dawes & Mary borne 24 June 1661.
RIGHT: Elizabeth ye dau of Robert Right & Mary borne 9th July 1661.
BLAKE: Susanna ye dau of Edward Blake & Patience borne 20th July 1661.
VERRIN: John ye son of John Verrin & Mary borne 11th July 1661.
RANSFORD: Jonathan ye sonne of Jonathan Ransford & Mary borne 26 July 1661.
BAKER: Martha ye dau of Thomas Baker & Leah borne 3d Sept. 1661.
WOODHOUSE: Francis Hopstill Woodhouse dau of Richard Woodhouse & Sarah borne the 8th March 1661.
BILL: Mary ye dau of Thomas Bill & Abigail borne 15 August 1661.
BOWHONOM: John ye sonne of John Bowhonom & Mary borne 23 August 1661.
BALLANTINE: Benjamine ye sonne of William Ballantine & Hannah borne 22 July 1661.
KISKEES: Dinisha ye dau of Henry Kiskees & Ruth borne 31 October 1658.
HULL: Samuell ye sonne of Ensigne John Hull & Judeth borne first August 1661.
LOWELL: Joseph ye sonne of Joseph Lowell & Abigal borne the first of August 1661.
TUCKERMANL Christian ye dau of John Tuckerman & Sarah borne 8th July 1661.
SAVAGE: John ye sonne of Capt. Thomas Savage & Mary borne 15 August 1661.
WANTON: Margaret the dau of Edward Wanton & Elizabeth borne ye 13th August 1661.
FERNISIDE: Ruth ye dau of John Ferniside & Elizabeth borne 20th August 1661.
BROWNE: Hezekiah ye sonne of Mr. Abraham Browne & Rebecca borne 22 August 1661.
POWNING: Daniell ye sonne of Henry Powning & Elizabeth borne 27th August 1661.
HULL: Mary ye dau of Thomas Hull & Hannah borne 22 August 1661.
REAPE: John ye sonne of Thomas Reape & Judeth borne 2d Sept. 1661.
KELTON: John ye sonne of Thomas Kelton & Susanna borne 15th August 1661.
STONE: Elizabeth ye dau of Nicholas Stone & Hannah borne 25 Sept. 1661.
FAIREWEATHER: Thomas ye sonne of John Faireweather & Sarah borne 5th of Sept. 1661.
BUCKMAN: Daniell ye sonne of John Buckman & Ranus borne 1st 7mo. 1661.
HARRISON: Abraham ye sonne of John Harrison & Persis borne ye 3d Sept. 1661.
FAULKNER: David ye sonne of David Faulkner & Mary borne 7th of June 1661.
MEGDANIELL: Elizabeth, ye dau of John Megdaniell & Elizabeth, borne 2d 7ber, 1661. [Oct.?]
WARREN: John, ye sonne of Peter Warren & Sarah, borne ye 8th Sept. 1661.
PENNIMAN: James ye sonne of James Penniman & Mary born 27th Sept. 1661
DAVIS: Sarah ye dau of Samuell Davis & Sarah borne 11 Sept. 1661.
MARTINE: John ye sonne of Richard Martine & Elizabeth, borne 2d of October 1661
MAVERICKE: Mary ye dau of Samuell Mavericke & Rebecca borne 2d October 1661
WILLIAMS: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Williams & Anne born 29 March 1661
RUCKE: Samuell ye sonne of Samuell Rucke & Margaret, borne 4 October 1661
MASON: Sarah ye dau of Richard Mason & Sarah borne 3 Sept. 1661
SAYWELL: Abigail ye dau of David Saywell & Abigail born 12 Sept. 1661
WHEATLY: John ye sonne of Lyonell Wheatly & Elinor borne 6 October 1661
MANNING: Elizabeth ye dau of George Manning & Hannah borne 13 October 1661
BUTTLER: Isaac ye sonne of Stephen Buttler & Jane was borne 9th October 1661
BUTTOLPH: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Buttolph Junior & Mary borne 5 Oct. 1661
AMEY: Mary ye dau of John Amey & Martha borne 10 October 1661
SHERMAN: Samuell ye sonne of Samuell Sherman and Naomi was borne 3d October 1661
BEDWELL: Mary ye dau of Samuell Bedwell & Mary borne 18 Sept. 1661
MASON: David ye sonne of Arthur Mason & Johanna borne 24 October 1661
MURRELL: Lydia ye dau of Jeremiah Murrell & Sarah borne 14 October 1661
FLACK: Samuell ye sonne of Samuell Flacke & Ann borne 18 October 1661
HAMLIN: Elizabeth ye dau of Ezekiell Hamlin & Elizabeth borne 24 October 1661
ALLEN: Edward ye sonne of Edward Allen & Martha borne 21 Sept. 1661
WATKINS: Sarah ye dau of Thomas Watkins & Elizabeth borne 7 November 1661
DAWES: Jonathan ye sonne of William Dawes & Susanna borne 3d November 1661
CHAPPINE: Hannah ye dau of David Chappine & Lydia borne 23 October 1661
BAKER: Hannah ye dau of John Baker & Johanna borne 4 November 1661
TOMLINE: John ye sonne of John Tomline & Sarah borne 14 November 1661
GWINE: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Gwinne & Elizabeth borne 3d November 1661
DEMSDALL: Joseph ye sonne of William Demsdall & Martha borne 21 November 1661
ELLIS: Lydia ye dau of Edward Ellis & Sarah borne 17 December 1661
CHECKLEY: Samuell ye son of John Checkley & Anne borne 16 of November 1661
EMONS: Mary ye dau of Samuell Emons & Mary borne 18th Nov. 1661
GOLD: Batholmew ye sonne of Thomas Gold & Francis borne 27 October 1661
SANFORD: Sarah ye dau of Robert Sanford & Elizabeth borne 23: 9ber, 1661 (Dec.?)
HUNTER: Hannah ye dau of William & Mary borne 22 Novmber 1661
WELLS: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Wels & Naomi borne 4 December 1661
STODDARD: Joseph ye sonne of Mr. Anthony Stoddard & Christian borne first December 1661
RAWSER: Joseph ye sonne of Richard Rawser & Exercise was borne 2d October 1661
TOUT: Elizabeth ye dau of Richard Tout & Elisabeth borne 4 Decmeber 1661
ROBBINSON: John ye sonne of George Robinson & Mary borne [ ].
COPP: David ye sonne of David Copp and Obedience borne 8 December 1661
GILLAM: Zecharish ye sonne of Zecharia Gillam & Phebe borne 4 Novemb. 1661
HITCHBONE: Salomon & David, being twins ye sonnes of David Hitchbone & Katherine borne 14th December 1661
OLLIVER: Abigail the dau of Coronett Peter Olliver & Sarah borne first January 1661
MARSHALL: John ye sonne of Robert Marshall & mary borne 7 January 1661
SNELL: Anna ye dau of John Snell & Phillip [sic] borne 2d January 1661
WEBSTER: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Webster & Mary borne 11 January 1661
ALLEN: Benjamine ye sonne of Hope Allen & Rachell borne 10 January 1661
BUSHNELL: Jane ye dau of John Bushnell & Jane borne 18 December 1662
BAGLY: Mary ye dau of Orlando Bagly & Sarah borne 5 January 1661
GRIFFINE: Mary ye dau of John Griffine & Susannah borne 21 January 1661
BARNARD: Benjamine ye sonne of Richard Barnard & Elizabeth borne 6 January 1661
PEARSE: George ye sonne of George Pearse & Mary borne 30 January 1661
FRARY: Theophilus ye sonne of Theophilus Frary & Hannah borne 30 January 1661
CLARK: Daniell ye sonne of Christopher Clark & Rebecca borne 10 Febr. 1661
BOYCE: Antipas ye sonne of Antipas Boyce & Hannah borne 8 Febr. 1661
JACKSON: Martha ye dau of Edmund Jackson & Elizabeth borne 11 Febr. 1661
SUMNER: Sarah ye dau of William Sumner & Elizabeth borne 3 Febr. 1661
HICKS: Thomas ye sonne of Richard Hicks & Mary borne 23 Febr. 1661
PHILLIPS: Abigail ye dau of Nicholas Phillips & Hannah borne 20 Febr. 1661
LANE: Edward ye sonne of Mr. Edward Lane & Hannah borne 20 Febr. 1661
LANE: Elizabeth ye dau of William Lane & Mary borne 3d Febr. 1661
ADAMS: Elizabeth ye dau of Nathaniell Adams & Mary borne 2d March 1661
GREENOUGH: Samuell ye sonne of William Greenough & Elizabeth borne 3d March 1661
PRICE: Joyliffe Price ye second sonne of Richard Price & Elizabeth borne 2d Marhc about halfe an houre after tenne of ye clocke In ye yeare 1661-62
PHILLIPS: John ye sonne of John Phillips & Sarah borne 4 of March 1661-62
HUDSON: Ebinezer ye sonne of James Hudson & Mary borne 4 March 1661-62
HOWARD: Epraim ye sonne of Samuell Howard & Isabell borne 23 Febr. 1661
NASH: Elizabeth ye dau of Joshua Nash & Elizabeth borne 17 Febr. 1661
BROOKIN: John ye sonne of John Brookin & Elizabeth borne 13 March 1661 & 62.
HOWARD: Mathew ye sonne of Edward Howard & Ester borne 15 March 1661 & 62.
PEARSE: Mary ye dau of John Pearse & Isabell borne 18 March 1661-62
MESSINGER: Thomas ye sonne of Henry Messinger & Sarah borne 22 March 1661-62
NOWELL: George ye sonne of George Nowell & Lydia borne 21 March 1661 or 62
LYNDE: Elizabeth ye dau of Mr. Simon Lynde & Hannah borne 25 March being Tuesday about 4 a Clocke in ye morning 1662.
FREAKE: Mary ye dau of Mr. John Freek & Elizabeth borne 25 March 1662
BREDING: James ye sonne of James Breding & Hannah borne first Aprill 1662
BRIDGHAM: Nathaniell ye sonne of Henry Bridgham & Elizabeth borne 2d of April 1662
PAINE: Hannah ye dau of Mr. John Paine & Sarah, borne 31 March 1662
MARTINE: Prudence ye dau of Michaell Martine & Susanna borne 26 March 1662
WOODES: Isaac ye sonne of Isaac Woodes & Dorcas borne 6 of April 1662
SAFFINE: John ye sonne of John Saffine & Martha borne 14 Aprill 1662
THURSTON: Mary ye dau of Benjamine Thurston & Elisha [sic] borne 24 of Aprill 1662
WILLIAMS: Sarah ye dau of William Williams & Johanna borne 20 Aprill 1662
CONNEY: Joseph ye sonne of John Conney & Elizabeth borne 21 Aprill 1662
MELLOWES: Olliver ye sonne of John Mellowes & Martha borane 3d Aprill 1662
MOORE: Hannah ye dau of Thomas Moore & Sarah borne 26 Aprill 1662
MILLES: Samuell the sonne of Samuel Milles & Elizabeth borne 27 April 1662
MOSSE: Sarah ye dau of Christopher Mosse & Prudence borne 28 March 1662
GILLAM: Hannah ye dau of Benjamine Gillam & Hannah, borne 27 Aprill 1662
KINDE: Mary ye dau of Arthur Kinde & Jane borne 27 Aprill 1662
GLOVER: Mary ye dau of John Glover & Mary borne 16 Aprill 1662
WINSOR: Sarah ye dau of Robert Winsor & Rebeccah borne 7th of May 1662
ROCKE: Samuell ye sonne of Mr. Joseph Rocke & Elizabeth borne 17 May 1662
GRIGGS: Rebecca ye dau of William Griggs of Rumney Marsh & Rachel borne 3 Aprill 1662
HAMBLETON: Abraham ye sonne of William Hambleton & Mary borne 23d Dec. 1661
BROWNE: James ye sonne of Samuell Browne & Mary borne 3d May 1662
WAY: Mary ye dau of Eliazer Way & Mary borne 24 May 1662
KNIGHT: Richard ye sonne of Richard Knight & Johanna borne 30th of Aprill 1662
WAY: Hannah ye dau of Richard Way & Ester borne 23 May 1662
HETT: Samuell ye sonne of Eliphalet Hett & Ann borne 13 May 1662
ALDEN: Elizabeth ye dau of John Alden & Elizabeth borne 9 May 1662
PECKE: Sarah ye du of Thomas Pecke & Elizabeth borne 5 June 1662
GEE: John ye sonne of John Gee & Hazelpanah borne 27 May 1662
RISDEN: Sarah ye dau of Robt. Risden & Betteris borne 29 [ ].
ALFORD: John ye sonne of William Alford & Anne deceased 29th January 1658
ROBERTS: Symon ye sonne of Symon Roberts & Christian dyed ye Last January 1658
JONES: Elizabeth ye dau of Riche Jones & Anne deceased ye 31 January 1658
SANDS: Samuell Sands sonne of ye Late Henry Sandes & Sibella, deceased 20 Febr. 1658
NEWGATE: Joshua Newgate Senior deceased 12 November 1658
TOWNSEND: Mary ye dau of William Townsend & Hannah, deceased 29 November 1658
JACKSON: Mary ye wife of Edmund Jackson dyed 11 March 1658
JACKSON: John ye sonne of John Jackson & Jane, deceased 18 January 1658
RIX: Ezekiell ye sonne of William Rix & Grace, deceased 17th 12 mo. 1658
SHEAFE: Jacob Sheafe deceased ye 22 of March 1658-59
PROUT: Benjamine ye sonne of Timothy Prout & Margaret, deceased 5 April 1659
PEASE: Martha ye du of Henry Pease & Gartred, deceased 15 April 1659
GREENOUGH: William ye sonne of William Greenough & Elizabeth, deceased 17 Aprill 1659
RAYNOLDS: Robert Raynolds deceased 27 Aprill 1659
WALKER: Ann ye dau of Thomas Walker & Anne deceased [ ].
BAKER: John ye sonne of John Baker & Johanna, deceased 23 May 1659
WEBB: Richard Webb deceased 2 July 1659
BRISCO: Sarah ye dau of Benjamine Brisco & Sarah, deceased 29 June 1659
TURELL: Lydia ye wife of Daniell Turell, deceased 23 of June 1659
FRANCKLIN: Jane Francklin Widdow deceased 16 July 1659.
STEBBINS: Jane ye wife of Martine Stebbins deceased 24 July 1659
VPSHALL (UPSHALL?): Experience Vpshall (Upshall?) ye sonne of Nicholas & Dorothy, deceased ye 2d August 1659
KIMBALL: Giles Kimball deceased the first August 1659
BURRELL: Anne Burrell deceased 3 August 1659
SHEAFE: Jacob ye sonne of ye Late Jacob Sheafe, deceased 4 Aug. 1659
WALKER: Thomas Walker deceased 11 August 1659
SHRIMPTON: Elizabeth Shrimpton ye dau of Mr. Henry Shrimpton & Ellinor, deceased 12 August 1659
READ: Jonathan ye sonne of William Read & Ruth, deceased 2d July 1659
HOLLOWAY: John ye sonne of William Holloway & Elizabeth, deceased 6th August 1659
EAST: Hannah ye dau of Hanuah [hard to read] East & Mary, deceased ye 15 June 1659
BROOKINE: John ye sonne of John Brookine & Elizabeth, deceased 16 August 1659
MILLAM: Abigail ye dau of Humphrey Millam & Mary, deceased 7 May 1659
SCOTTOW: Thomasine ye dau of Tho[t?]masine Scottow & Sarah, decease 26 August 1659
BARNARD: Sarah ye wife of Mathew Barnard deceased 31 August 1659
BLAKE: Hannah ye dau of John Blake & Mary, deceased 30 August 1659
WEBB: Stephen Webb servant to Lieut. William Phillips, deceased 18 Sept. 1659
LAKE: Mary ye dau of Mr. Thomas Lake & Mary, deceased 25 October 1659
PACY: Mrs. Sarah Pacey deceased 3d November 1659
HARBERT: Samuell ye sonne of Silvester Harbert & Lucy, deceased 6 Nov. 1659
TRAVIS: Ephraim ye sonne of Daniell Travis & Ester, deceased first November 1659
STEVENS: Joshua ye sonne of Henry Stevens & Mary, deceased ye 10 Nov. 1659
MUNNINGS: Mehalaliell Munnings sonne of Mehalaliell Munnings & Hannah, deceased 22 November 1659
MARTINE: Mary ye wife of Richard Martine deceased 28 November 1659
PEARSE: Martha ye dau of William Pearse & Ester, deceased 11 December 1659
WALDREN: Elnathan ye dau (it says daughter!) of Capt. Richard Waldren & Ann, dyed 10 December 1659
AMEY: Martha ye dau of John Amey & Martha, deceased 20 December 1659
SCOTTOW: Joshua ye sonne of Thomas Scottow & Sarah, deceased ye 8th Jan. 1659
GARRETT: Lydia ye dau of Richard Garrett & Lydia, deceased 28 December 1659
FLACKE: John ye sonne of Samuell Flacke & Mary, deceased ye 30 December 1659
HARWOOD: William ye sonne of Thomas Harwood & Rachell, deceased 4 Dec. 1659
PEACOCKE: Caleb ye sonne of Richard Peacocke & Jane, deceased 28th September.
STARR: Mr. Comfort Starr deceased 2 Januray 1659
HEDGES: Grace ye dau of Tristram Hedges & Ann, deceased 4 January 1659
BURNAM: Deborah Burnam servant to Benjamine Ward dyed about ye 11 or 12 Sept. 1659
MEGDANIELL: John ye sonne of John Megdaniell & Elizabeth, deceased 4 January 1659
JACKSON: Ruth ye dau of Edmond Jackson & Susanna, deceased 20 January 1659
BLOTT: Susanna ye wife of Robert Blott deceased 20 Jan. 1659
STOCKBRIDGE: John ye sonne of Charles Stockbridge & Abigail, deceased first February 1659
WEBB: Dowsabell ye wife of Mr. Henry Webb deceased the 28 Febr. 1659
MUNNINGS: Mahalaleel Munnings was drowned the 27 Febr. 1659-60
THORNELL: Capt. Thomas Thornell deceased 11 March 1659-60
ANDERSON: Anna ye dau of John Anderson & Mary, deceased ye 12 March 1659-60
BARLOW: Elizabeth ye dau of Thomas Barlow & Elizabeth, deceased 17 Aprill 1660
ROBINSON: Josiah Robinson Apprentice to mr. Joseph Rocke, deceased 17 Aprill 1660
SMITH: Christopher Smith of Plymouth in England, Carpinter of the shipp Walsingam, deceased 10 Aprill 1660
WILBORNE: Abigaille ye wife of Thomas Wilborne deceased 24 Aprill 1660
NORGRAVE: Anne Norgrave Widdow deceased 4 Aprill 1660
WHARTON: Rebecca ye dau of Phillip Wharton dyed the 10 May 1660
SOPER: Joseph ye sonne of Joseph Soper & Elizabeth, deceased 28 April 1660
RAWLINS: Thomas Rawlins, deceased ye 15 March 1659-60
BALLANTINE: William ye sonne of William Ballantine & Hannah, deceased 12 May 1660
DAWES: Hannah ye dauof Dawes & Susanna dyed 14 January 1659
BRIDGHAM: Nathaniell ye sonne of Henry Bridgham & Elizabeth, deceased first June 1660
GRIGGS: George Griggs deceased 28 June 1660
SHERMAN: Richard Sherman deceased 30 May 1660
PEARSE: Mary ye dau of George Pearse deceased the 10 July 1660
HARRISON: Ebinezer ye sonne of John Harrison & Persis, deceased 11 July 1660
KNEELAND: Mary ye dau of John Kneeland & mary dyed 19 October 1660
FRARY: John ye sonne of Theophilus Frary & Hannah, deceased the 31 July 1660
JOHNSON: Hannah ye dau of Capt. James Johnson & Abigail, deceased 3 August 1660
HOLLOWAY: Sileon ye sonne of William Holloway & Elizabeth, deceased 17 August 1660
PAINE: Mr. William Paine deceased 10 October 1660
WING: John ye sonne of John Wing & Josabeth, deceased the 25 August 1660
GREENOUGH: Israel ye sonne of William Greenough & Elizabeth, deceased ye 5 Sept. 1660
ROCKE: Joseph ye sonne of Mr. Joseph Rocke & Elizabeth, deceased 10 Sept. 1660
BITFEILD: Samuel Bitfeild deceased 10 Sept. 1660
WEBB: Mr. Henry Webb deceased 7 Sept. 1660
HULL: William ye sonne of Thomas Hull & Hannah, deceased 27 Sept. 1660
GOODIER: Sarah Goodier deceased 19 November 1660
BOLSTON: Elizabeth ye dau of Jonathan Bolston & Mary, dyed 26 Sept. 1660
ENGLISH: Johanna ye dau of Jame English & Johanna, deceased 17 November 1660
SIMPKINS: Miriam ye wife of Pilgrim Simpkins deceased 10 of November 1660
DEMSDALL: Thomas ye sonne of Willam Demsdell & Martha, deceased 13 Jan. 1660
WOODMANSEY: Margaret Woodmansey ye wife of Mr. John Woodmansey deceased 29 December 1660
WHITE: Charity White deceased 28 January 1660
MANNING: Elizabeth ye dau of George Manning & Hannah, deceased 4 Febr. 1660
COLE: John ye sonne of John Cole & Susanna, deceased 22 January 1660
BROOME: George Broome dyed 24 Febr. 1660
SMITH: Mr. Ralph Smith Pastor of ye Church of Plymouth deceased first March 1660-61.
STONE: Daniell ye sonne of Daniel Stone deceased the 27 of Febr. 1660
MARTINE: Michaell ye sonne of Michaell Martine & Susanna, deceased 14 Febr. 1660
GLOVER: John ye sonne of John Glover & Mary, dyed 19 April 1661
BUMSTEED: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Bumsteed & Susanna, deceased 3d May 1661
WILBORNE: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Wilborne & Abigail, deceased 11 May 1661
WILLIAMS: Searg. Nathaniell Williams deceased 23 Aprill 1661
READ: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Read & Mary, deceased 11 May 1661
ABDAY: Tabytha ye wife of Mathew Abday deceased.
COFFINE: Joan Coffine deceased 30 May 1661
ALLEN: John ye sonne of Edmund Allen & Martha, deceased 29 Aprill 1661
MAHOON(E): Dorman Mahoon deceased 2 Aprill 1661
CHECKLEY: Ann ye dau of John Cheekely dyed 20 June 1661
SHORE: Susanna ye dau of Samson Shore & Abigail, deceased 22 June 1661
COLLICOTT: Ebenezer ye sonne of Richard Collicott & Tomasin, deceased 24 June 1661
SAXTON: Anne the wife of Thomas Saxton deceased 23 June 1661.
ROCKE: Benjamine ye sonne of Mr. Joseph Rocke & Elizabeth, deceased 20 June 1661
LANE: Anne ye dau of Mr. Edward Lane & Anna, deceased 27 June 1661
KNIGHT: Mercy ye dau of Richard Knight & Johanna, deceased 27 July 1661
BUCKNELL: Nathaniell ye Sonnell [sic] Bucknell & Sarah, deceased the 22 July 1661
ROBERTS: Sammuell ye sonne of Symon Roberts & Christian, deceased 27 July 1661
PARAM: Ruth ye dau William Param & Francis, deceased 4 July 1661
NASH: Thomas ye sonne of Joshua Nash & Elizabeth, deceased first July 1661
STROUD: Mary ye dau of Robert Stroud & Mary, deceased 30 June 1661
GILLAM: Mary ye dau of Zechariah Gillam & Phebe, dyed 14 August 1661
FITCH: Zechariah ye sonne of Jeremiah Fitch & Sarah, deceased 13 August 1661
BRADFORD: Martha ye dau of Robert Bradford, deceased the 13 August 1661
WOODEE: Sarah ye dau of Richard Woodee & Francis, deceased 23 August 1661
SAVAGE: John ye sonne of Capt. Thomas Savage & Mary, deceased 28 Aug. 1661
THOMAS: Searg. Evan Thomas deceased the 25 Aug. 1661
WARDELL: Abigail ye dau of William Wardell & Elizabeth, dyed 23 August 1661
LAKE: Edward ye sonne of Mr. Thomas Lake & Mary, deceased 27 August 1661
PHILLIPS: Nicholas ye sonne of Nicholas Phillips & Hannah, deceased 18 Aug. 1661
MATTOCKE: Elizabeth ye dau of Samuell Mattocks & Constant, deceased the 3d dy of September 1661
PAINE: Hannah ye dau of Mr. John Paine & Hannah, deceased the 13 of Sept. 1661
PALSGRAVE: Arabella, ye dau of Mr. John Palgrave & Mary, deceased 9th Sept. 1661
NASH: Robert Nash deceased 13 Sept 1661
STONE: John ye sonne of John Stone & Sarah, deceased 12 Sept. 1661
KNIGHT: Johanna, ye dau of Richard Knight & Johanna, deceased 23 Sept. 1661
WARREN: John ye sonne of John Warren & Sarah, deceased 19 Sept. 1661
PEARSE: John Pearse dyed 17 Sept. 1661
INGS or INGE: Mary, ye dau of Madit Ings & Joan, deceased 15 October 1661
ROBINSON: Eprhaim ye sonne of Thomas Robinson, deceased 22 Sept. 1661
MASON: Sarah ye dau of Richard Mason & Sarah, deceased 9 Sept. 1661
BAGLY: Sarah, ye dau of Orlando Bagly & Sarah, deceased 30 Sept. 1661
PEMBERTON: Benjamine, ye sonne of James Pemberton & Sarah, deceased 30 Sept. 1661
RUSSELL: William ye sonne of William Russell & Alice, deceased 29 Aug. 1661
FEILD: Sarah ye dau of Robert Feild & Mary, deceased 30 Sept. 1661
SNELLING: Thomas Snelling, a shipp Carpinter, dying instestate, Living at Dartmouth in England, the 16th of October 1661.
HABELL: Elizabeth Habell deceased the 31 August 1661
DAVIS: James Davis, seaman, deceased 17 Oct. 1661
EDWARDS: Nicholas Edwards, a stranger Living at Barbadoes nere spixes Bay, deceased 22 Oct. 1661
DENS: William, ye sonne of Richard Dens & Jane, deceased 25 July 1661
ROBBINSON: Mary ye wife of Thomas Robbinson, deceased the 26th Oct. 1661
HUDSON: Elizabeth ye dau of Francis Hudson & Mary, deceased 23 Oct. 1661
ELLIOT: Margery Elliot deceased 30 October 1661
BUTTOLPH: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Buttolph Junior & Mary, deceased 30 Oct. 1661
BARLOW: Thomas Barlow deceased 23 Oct. 1661
SWEETE: Temperance, ye dau of John Sweete & Susanna, deceased 28 9ber, 1661 (Nov.? Dec.?)
SANFORD: James Sanford deceased ye 2d November 1661
BOWHONNON: John, ye sonne of John Bohoonnon & Mary, deceased 14 Nov. 1661
WALES: Nataniell Wales sen. deceased 4th December 1661
ASHLY: Johanna ye wife of Thomas Ashly, deceased the 27 of Dec. 1661
WHEELER: Roger Wheeler deceased 7 Dec. 1661
PEARSE: George Pearse deceased 7 Dec. 1661
BILL: Hope Still Bill, the dau of Thomas Bill, deceased 28 November 1661
MUNNINGS: Anne, ye wife of William Munnings deceased 4 Dec. 1661
SAFFIN: John, ye sonne of John Saffine & Martha, deceased 10 Dec. 1661
BRISCO: Cecile, ye wife of William Brisco, deceased ye 9 Dec. 1661
GALLOP: William ye sonne of Samuell Gallop & Mary, deceased 28 Nov. 1661
WHEELER: Jane Wheeler deceased 27 Dec. 1661
HITCHBONE: Salomon & David, twins, ye sonnes of David Hitchbone & Katherine, deceased 19 Dec. 1661
PEARSE: William ye sonne of William Pearse & Elizabeth, deceased 4 Jan. 1661
JONES: Rice Jones deceased 3 January 1661
WALES: Isabell, ye wife of Nathaniell Wales, deceased the 18 December 1661
PADDY: John Paddy deceased 8 Jan. 1661
STODDARD: Joseph the sonne of Mr. Anthony Stoddard & Christian, deceased 27 Dec. 1661
GRAVES: Elizabeth ye dau of Richard Graves & Dorothy, deceased 2 Jan. 1661
CLEARE: Elizabeth, the dau of John Cleare & Anne, deceased 23 Jan. 1661
CLEARE: Thomas ye sonne of the said John Cleare & Elizabeth, deceased 31 Jan. 1661
ROBBINSON: Samuell, the sonne of Thomas Robbinson, deceased 18 Jan. 1661
CLARKE: Daniell, ye sonne of Christopher Clarke & Rebecca, deceased 16 March 1661-62.
GREENOUGH: Samuell, ye sonne of William Greenough & Elizabeth, deceased 21 March 1661-62
BOGLE: Margaret ye wife of Alexander Bogle, deceased ye 22 Febr. 1661
HULL: Mary, ye dau of Thomas Hull & Hannah, deceased 19 March 1661
HAUGH: Mr. Samll. Haugh, Pastor of the Church at Reading, deceased at Mr. Hezekiah Vshers house in Boston, the 30 March 1662.
NOWELL: George, the sonne of George Nowell & Lydia, deceased 30th Aprill 1662
WALES: Nathaniell Wales deceased 30 May 1662
This is a true Copie of ye scua'll deathes for the Towne of Boston, from the 29th day of January 1658 unto the 26th day of May 1669, wch I give into the Recorder.
As Attest Jonah Negus.
SUNDERLAND: John Sunderland was marryed to Mary VIALL, the dau of John Viall, the 26 Jan. 1658, by Major Humphrey Atherton.
MOSSE: Thomas BOYDEN was marryed to Hannah MOSSE, Widdow, the 3 Nov. 1658, by Richard Bellingham, Dept. Govr.
BARNARD: Nathaniell Barnard was marryed to Mary LUGG, ye 11 Febr. 1658, by Richard Bellingham, Dept. Govr.
WEBSTER: James Webster, a Scotiah man, was marryed to Mary HAY, an Irish maide, the 14 Febr. 1658
PORTER: Joshua NASH was marryed to Elizabeth PORTER, the dau of Edward Porter of Boston, 23 Febr. 1658, by Jno Endecot, Gov.
BARNARD: Richard Barnard was marryed to Elizabeth NEGUS ye dau of Benjamine Negus of Boston, 2d March 1658-59 (hard to read), by Jno Endecot Gov.
STUBBS: Richard Stubbs, of Hull, was married to Margaret READ, 3d March 1658-59, by Maj. Hump. Atherton
FISHER: Samuell Fisher was married to Milcha SNOW ye dau of Thomas Snow, of Boston, 22 March 1658-59, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
ROSSE: John Rosse was married to Mary OSBORNE the dau of John Osborne of Weymouth, ye 7 May 1658-59, by John Endecott Govr.
SHEARER: Thomas Shearer was marryed to Hannah BUMSTEED, ye dau of Thomas Bumsteed, of Boston, 18 Aprill 1659, by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
MEGDANIELL: John Megdaniell was married to Elizabeth SNATH 17 May 1658, by Jo. Endecott Gov.
PENNIMAN: James Penniman was maryed to Mary CROSSE, the 10 May 1659, by Jno. Endecott Govr.
BLACKSTON: Mr. William Blackston was marryed to Sarah STEPHSON, Widdow, 4 July 1659, by John Endecott Govr.
SHUTT: William Shutt was marryed to Hopstill VIALL, ye dau of John Viall, of Boston, first July 2659, by J. Endecott, Gov.
ALDINE: John Aldine was marryed to Elizabeth EVERILL, Widdow, the Relict of Abiell Everill, deceased, 1st Aprill 1660, by Jn. Endicott Gov.
GLOVER: Mr. Peletiah Glover was marryed to Hannah CULLICK, the 20 May 1660
GILLAM: Zechariah Gillam was marryed to Phebe PHILLIPS, ye dau of Lieut. Wm. Phillips, of Boston, 26 July 1659
PRICE: Richard Price was marryed to Elizabeth CRUMWELL ye 18 August 1659, by Maj. Hump. Atherton
HARDING: Phillip Harding was marryed to Susanna HAVILAND, Widdow, 23 August 1659, by Jo. Endicott, Governor
PAINE: Thomas Paine was marryed to Hannah BRAY, the dau of Thomas Bray, of Newhaven, 25 August 1659, by John Endecott, Governor
HOLLINGWORTH: Richard Hollingworth was marryed to Elizabeth POWELL, the dau of Mr. Michell Powell of Boston, 23 August 1659, by John Endecott, Governor
MORRELL: John Morrell, an Irishman, was marryed to Lysbell MORROLL, an Irishwoman, the 31 of Aug. 1659, by John Endecott, Governor
LAUGHTON: John Laughton was married to Johanna MULLINGS, Widdow, the 21 Sept. 1659, by Richard Bellingham, Dept. Governor
BUSBY: Abraham Busby was marryed to Abigail BRISCO, Widdow, the 23d Sept. 1659, by John Endecott, Governor
PEARSE: George Pearse was marryed to Mary WOODHOUSE, the dau of Richard Woodhouse, of Boston. By Richard Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
MILES: Samuell Miles was married to Elizabeth DAVSE, the dau of Francis Davse, of Boston, 16 Oct. 1659, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
GARRESON: Edward Garreson was married to Joan PULLEN the 29 Aug. 1659
COALE: Mr. Samuel Coale was married to Anna KEAYNE, Widdow, 16 Oct. 1659, by Richad Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
LAMBERT: Michaell Lambert was married to Elinor FARWELL, widdow.
PORTES: Robert Portis was marryed to Alice GREENWOOD the 3d day of Nov. 1659, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
PRATT: Timothy Pratt was marryed to Deborah COOPER, the 9 Nov. 1659
WHEELER: Roger Wheeler was marryed to Mary Stone, Widdow, the 23d Nov. 1659, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton
LEWIS: John Lewis was marryed to Alice BISHOP, Widdow, 22 Nov. 1659, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton
COCKE: Joseph Cocke was married to Susanna VPSHALL (Upshall?), the dau of Nicholas Vpshall, of Boston, the 10 of Nov. 1659, by Mr. Tho. Danford.
TEWXBERY: Henry Tewxbery was married to Martha Harvy, widdow, the 10 Nov. 1659, by Jno. Endecot, Gov.
HUDSON: Nathaniell Hudson was marryed to Elizabeth ALFORD, the dau of William Alford, of Boston, first Dec, 1659, by Mr. Tho. Danford
SMITH: Samuell Smith was married to Susanna READ, the dau of William Read, of Boston, the 13th Dec. 1659, by Jno. Endecott, Governor
NORTON: William Norton was married to Susanna MASON, the dau of Ralph Mason, of Boston, the 14 December, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
TURELL: Daniell Turell was married to Mary Barrell, widdow, the dau of Elder William COLEBRON, of Boston, and were marryed at Roxbery.
GARRESTON: John Garreston was married to Alice WILLEY, the 5 Dec. 1659, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
BOYCE: Mr. Antepas Boyce was married to Mrs. Hannah HILL, the dau of Mr. Valentine Hill, of Pascataque or Dover, the 24 January 1659, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
DENNISON: William Dennison, of Pulling Point, was married to Mary PARKER, 27 Oct. 1659, by Richard Bellingham, Gov'r.
DARBY: Edward Darby was married to Susanna Hooke, the 25 Jan. 1659, by Ri. Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
MATSON: John Matson was married to Mary COTTON, the dau of Sec'ry William Cotton, of Boston, the 7th March 1659, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
WOODWARD: Thomas Woodward was married to Mary GUNS the 7 March 1659, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton
CLEMENT: Clement, a Negro servant to Mr. John Joyliffe, was married to Mary, a Negro and servant to the said Mr. Joyliffe.
LOWELL: Joseph Lowell was married to Abigail PROCTOR, the dau of George Proctor, of Dorchester, 8th Mch., by Humphrey Atherton.
HENRICK: Daniell Henricke was married to Mary STOCKBRIDGE, widdow, 8th April 1660, by Jno. Endecot, Gov.
BROWNE: Mr. Abraham Browne was married to Rebecca VABER, the dau of Mr. Hezekiah Vaber, of Boston, first of May 1660.
COPE: David Cope was married to Obedience TOPLIFFE, the dau of Clement Topliffe, of Dorchester, the 20 of Feb. 1659.
ADAMS: Henry Adams married to Mary PITTY, the dau of William Pitty, of Weymouth, 10 May 1660, by Mr. Richard Russell, Treasurer.
WILLY: Isaac Willy was marryed to Francis BURCHAM, the dau of Edward Burcham, of Linne, 8 June 1660, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
MOORE: Samuel Moore was married to Abigaile HAWKINS, the dau of Capt. Tho. Hawkins, deceased, 13 May 1660, by Rich'd Russell, Treasurer
SALMON: Clement Salmon was marryed to Johannah RILAND the 13 June 1660, by John Endecott, Gov.
WILLIAMS: William Williams was married to Johanna LINN, the 19 July 1660, by Richard Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
TUCKER & WARREN: Peter Warren was married to Sarah Tucker, the dau of Robert Tucker, Living within the Limitts of Dorchester, the first of August 1660, by Major Atherton.
IGGLEDEN: Richard Iggleden was married to Abigail BUTTOLPH, the dau of Thomas Burrolph, 15 Aug. 1660, by Ri. Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
EMMONS: Samuell Emmons was married to Mary SCOTT, the dau of Robt. Scott, deceased, 16 Aug. 1660, by Rich'd Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
PARKER: John Parker was married to Mary FAIREFEILD, the dau of Daniell Fairefeild, of Boston, the 20 August, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
MATSON: Thomas Matson was married to Mary READ, widdow, 14 Aug. 1660, by Mr. Tho. Danforth.
RASER: Richard Raser was married to Exercise BLACKLEECH, the dau of Mr. John Blackleech, of Boston, 24 of Aug. 1660, by Mr. Richard Russell of Charlestowne.
FROST: Jasper Frost was married to Elizabeth WAKEFEILD, the du of John Wakefeild, of Boston, the 20th of August 1660, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
HINCKSMAN: John Hincksman was married to Elizabeth EMMONS, the dau of Thomas Emmons, of Boston, 10th August 1660, by Major Humphrey Atherton.
HET: Eliphalet Het was married to Ann DOUGLAS, the dau of Henry Douglass, of Boston, the first of Sept. 1660, by Rich'd Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
BUTTOLPH: Thomas Buttolph was married to Mary BAXTER, the dau of Nicholas Baxter, of Boston, the 5 Sept. 1660, by Richard Bellingham, Dept. Gov.
VEREN: John Veren was married to Mary WISEMAN, the dau of James Wiseman, of Boston, the 12 June 1660, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
CARWITHEN: David Carwithen was married to Francis OLDAM, Widdow, 22 Sept. 1660, by Ri. Belling'th, Dep. Gov.
GIBBS: Mr. Robert Gibbs was married to Elizabeth SHEAFFE, ye dau of Mr. Jacob Sheafe, decased, the 7th Sept. 1660, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
STANDISH: Myles Standish was married to Sarah WINSLOW, ye dau of Mr. John Winslow, ye 19 of July 1660, by Maj. Humph. Atherton
MARTINE: Richard Martine was marryed to Elizabeth GAY, of Dedham, ye dau of John Gay, married at Salem, by Maj. Hawthorne.
GREENOW: William Greenow was married to Ruth SWIFT, the dau of Thomas Swift, of Dorchester, 10 Oct. 1660
GILLAM: Benjamine Gillam was married to Hannah SAVAGE, ye dau of Capt. Thomas Savage, of Boston, 26 Oct. 1660, by Maj. Humphery Atherton.
FAIREWEATHER: John Faireweather was married to Sarah TURNER, ye dau of Robert Turner, of Boston, ye 15 Nov. 1660, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
JACKSON: Edmond Jackson was married to Elizabeth PILKENTON, 17 Oct. 1660, by Mr. Tho. Danforth.
REAPE: Thomas Reape was married to Judeth RACHELL, widdow, ye 30 Nov. 1660, by Jo. Endecot, Govr.
CROCKER: Daniell Crocker was married to Sarah BALDEN, ye 30 Nov. 1660, by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
BENHAM: John Benham was married to Margery ALCOCK, widdow, 16 Nov. 1660, by Jo. Endecott Gov.
MASON: Richard Mason was marryed to Sarah MESSINGER, ye dau of Henry Messinger, of Boston, the 20th Nov. 1660, by Jo. Endecott Gov.
SHORT: Clement Short was marryed to Faith MUNT, the dau of Thomas Munt, of Boston, ye 21 of Nov. 1660, by John Endecott Gov.
LOYD, Edward Loyd was married to Mary WHEELEWRIGHT, ye dau Mr. John Wheelwright, Late of Hampton, ye 4th of Dec. 1660, by Jno. Endecott.
MAVERICKE: Samuell Mavericke was marryed to Rebecca Wheelwright, ye dau of Mr. John Wheelwright, Late of Hampton, ye 4 of Dec. 1660, my Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
THURSTON: Benjamine Thurston was marryed to Elisha WALKER, ye dau of Robert Walker, of Boston, 12 of Dec. 1660, by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
TOMLINE: John Tomline was marryed to Sarah BARNES, ye dau of Mathew BARNES of Boston, 26 Dec. 1660, by John Endecott Gov.
SOUTHER: John Sowther was marryed to Hannah READ, the 11 Jan. 1660, by Richd Bellingham Dep. Gov.
REYLEAN: John Reylean, an Irishman, was married to Margaret BRENE, an Irish woman, ye 15 March, by Jo. Endecott Gov.
TUTTLE: John Tuttell was marryed to Mary HOLYOACKE, ye dau of Mr. Edward Hollyoacke, of Lynne, ye 10 Febr. 1646.
SAVAGE: Habbiah SAVAGE was married to Hannah TING, ye dau of Mr. Edward TING, of Boston, the 8 May 1661. By Jo. Endecott Gover.
WOMPAUG: John Wompaug, an Indian, was marryed to Anne PRASKE, 21 May 1661, by Maj. Humph. Atherton.
FREAKE: Mr. John Freake was marryed to Elizabeth CLARKE, ye dau of Capt. Thomas Clarke, of Boston, 28 May 1661, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
HOWARD: Edward Howard was marryed to Hannah HAWKINS, the dau of Thomas Hawkins, of Boston, 7th June 1661, by Mr. Thomas Danforth, of Cambridge.
BENJAMINE: Jsoeph Benjamine, of Bastable, was married to Jemina LUMBARD, ye dau of Late Thomas Lumbard, Deceased, 10 June 1661, by Ri. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
MAKEPEACE: William Makepeace was married to Ann JOHNSON, the 23 May 1661, by Maj. Humphrey Atherton.
PRESTON: John Preston was marryed to Susanna READ, widdow, the 28 May 1661, by Mr. Tho. Danforth of Cambr.
BROWNE: Samuell Browne was marryed to Mary MATTOCKE, the dau of James Mattocke, of Boston, ye 9th July 1661, by Jno. Endecott, Gov.
MOSSE: Christopher Mosse was marryed to Prudence WOODWARD, ye dau of Nathaniell Woodward, of Boston.
MORFREY: Bryan Morfrey, an Irishman, was marryed to Margaret Mayhoone, widow, the 20th July 1661, by John Endecott, Gov.
CANN: James Cann was marryed to Ester READ, dau of William Read, of Boston, ye 30th July 1661.
COOPER: Josiah Cooper was marryed to Wayte a While MAKEPEACE, of Boston, the 13 Sept. 1661, by Jn. Endecott, Gov.
CLARKE: William Clarke, now Resident in Boston, was marryed to Martha FARR, ye dau of George Farr, of Lynne, the 18th Sept. 1661, by Mr. Ri. Russell.
JARVIS: John Jarvis was marryed to Rebecca PARKMAN, the dau of Elias Parkman, of Boston, the 18th of Sept. 1661, by Rich. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
RICHARDS: Benjamine Richards was married to Hannah HUDSON, ye dau of Lieut. William Hudson, of Boston, 10th Oct. 1661, by Mr. Ri. Russell.
DALLISON: Gilbert Dallison was marryed to Margaret STORY, widdow, 24 Oct. 1661, by Mr. Ri. Russell.
GREENE: James Greene was married to Rebecca JONES, ye dau of Thomas Jones, of Dorchester, ye 19th, 9 mo. (Nov or Dec??) 1661, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
SEARLE, John Searle was marryed to Katherine Warner, widdow, ye 26 Nov. 1661, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
SIMPKINS: Pilgrim Simpkins was marryed to Katherin RICHARDSON, ye 27 Nov. 1661, by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
DRUMOND: John Drummond was marrayed to Lydia HALLETT, widow, ye 27 Nov. 1661, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
SPARKE: John Sparke was married to Mary SENNET, ye dau of Walter Sennet, of Boston, ye 26 Nov. 1661, by John Endecott, Gov.
CURTIS: John Curtis was married to Rebecca WHEELER, the dau of ye Late Thomas Wheeler, of Boston, deceased, 26 of Dec., 1661.
BUTCHER: John Butcher married to Mary DEANE, the 30th day of January, 1661, by Mr. Thomas Danforth, of Cambridge.
WHALLEY: John Walley was married to Elizabeth WING, ye dau of ye Late Robert Wing, deceased, ye 3d April, 1661.
ASHLY: Thomas Ashly was married to Hannah Broome, widdow, ye Last of Jan. 1661, by Mr. Thomas Danforth, Cambridge.
SHRIMPTON: Mr. Henry Shrimpton was married to Mrs. Mary FENN, widdow, ye 27th Febr. 1661, by Ri. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
ASPINWALL: Peter Aspinwall, of Muddy River, was married to Remember PALFREY, of Redding, the 12 Febr. 1661, by John Endecott, Gov.
COMBES: John Combes was married to Elizabeth BARLOW, the Relict of Thomas Barlow, 24 Feb. 1661, by Captaine Mason, of Watertowne.
HILL: Joseph Hill was married to Hannah Hincksman, the 10th of April, 1662, by Capt. Daniell Gookine, of Cambridge.
WALKER: Thomas Walker was married to Susanna COLLINS, ye dau of John Collins, of Boston, the 25 March, 1662, by Mr. Richard Russell, of Charlestowne.
OCKONELL: Tego Ockonell was married to Phiip KING, servant to John Conney, the first day of May, 1662, by Mr. Thomas Danforth, of Cambridge.
WOODMANSY: Mr. John Woodmansy was married to Elizabeth CARR, the dau of George Carr, of Salisbury, ye first day of May, 1662, by Mr. Thomas Danforth.
PRICE: Richard Price was married to Grace WAITE, ye dau of Gamaliell Wayte, of Boston, the 6th May, 1662, by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Governor.
DAVIS: Joseph Davis was married to Elizabeth SAYWELL, the 7th May 1662, by Major Wellard.
KILBY: Edward Kilby was married to Elizabeth Yeoman, widdow, ye 9th of May, 1662, by Major Gen'all Dennison.
INGRAHAM: Jarrett Ingraham was marryed to Rebecca Searles, the dau of Edward Searles, ye 28th May 1662, by John Endecott, Gov.
FAWRE: Eliazer Fawre was married to Mary PRESTON, ye dau of Daniell Preston, of Dorchester, ye 28 May, 1662, by John Endecott, Gov.
MASON: Samuell Mason was married to Mary HOLEMAN, ye dau of ye Late John Holeman, of Dorchester, deceased, 29th May, 1662, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
PETTY: John Petty was married to Ann CANNING, the 30th of May, 1662, by John Endecott, Gov.
ABDY: Matthew Abdy was married to Alice COX, ye 24th May, 1662, by Richard Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
RAYNOR: Henry Raynor was married to Johanna Edwards, Widdow, 9th June 1662, by Jo. Endecott, Gov.
HISKET: George Hisket was married to Sarah CLARK, the dau of Thomas Clarke, of Nodles Island, ye 11th of June, 1662, by John Endecott, Gov.
This is a true Copie of the suv'all marriages from the 26th January 1658, unto the 11th day of June 1662, which I give in to the Recor.
As Attests,
Jonathan Negus, Cleric.