from the YEARS 1651 to 1657
Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 8, Jan 1854, p 37 and subsequent
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

[Note:-- While the series as printed by the NEHGS is titled simply "Records of Boston", the introductory notes state that the records "embrace not only Boston, properly so called, but all the towns in its vicinity." Not all sections are strictly alphabetical.]
PHILLIPS: Nicholas Phillips was marryed to Hannah SALTER the 4. 10. 1651, pr. Richared Bellingham Esq.
PHILPOT: William Philpot was marryed to Anna HUNN widow, 16. 10. 1651, pr. Richard Bellingham Esq.
COLE: John Cole sonne of Isaac Cole was marryed to Susanna ISLAND 30. 10. 1651, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
BAKER: William Baker was marryed to Mary EDDINGTON the daughter of Edmund Edington 23. 7. 1651.
MADOCKS: Edmund Madocks was marryed to Rebecca MUNNINGS the 14. 11. 1651, pr. Thomas Dudley, Dep. Governr.
DAVIS: Samuell Davis was marryed to Sarah THEYER daughter of Richr. Thayer 20. 16. 1651, pr. Mr. W. Hibbins.
BRISCO: Joseph Birsco was marryed to Abigail COMPTON the daughter of John Compton, 30. 11. 1651, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
PHILLIPS: William Phillips Junior was marryed to Martha FRANKLIN, 24. 8. 1650, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
DUE: Ambrose Due was marryed to Ester BARKER daughter of Nicholas Barker, 10. 12. 1651, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
COGGAN: Mr. John Coggan was marryed to Mrs. [?] Martha WINTHROP, pr. Mr. John Endicott Governor. 10. 1. 1651.
TILL: Peter Till was marryed to Elizabeth NICK, 26. 12. 1651, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
CULLIMORE: Isaac Cullimore was marryed to Margery PAGE 22. 11. 1651, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
SAXTON: Thomas Saxton was marryed to Ann ATWOOD widdow, 10. 1. 1651, pr. Rich Bellingham Esq.
CHEECKLEY: John Cheeckley was married to Ann EIRES daught of Mr. Symon Eires, 6. 1. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
ALLEN: Edward Allen of Boston was marryed to Martha WAYE 7. 3. 1652, pr. Tho. Dudley Esq.
GALLOP: Nath. Gallop was marryed to Margaret EVELEY or EUELEY the 11. 4. 1652, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
GALLOP: Sam. Gallop was marryed to Mary PHILLIPS 20. 11. 1650, pr. Rich. Bellingham, Esq.
YEOMANS: Edw. Yeomans was marryed to Elizabeth JOSLIN 21. 4. 1652, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
LUNERUS: Polus Lunerus was marryed to Margaret CLEMONS widow, 1. 5. 1652, pr. Wm. M. Hibbins.
HOWE: Joseph Howe was marryed to Francis WILLEY 16. 5. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
BALLANTINE: William Ballantine was marryed to Hannah HOLLARD ye daughter of Angell Hollard 23. 5. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
HARBERT: Silvester Harbert was marryed to Lucie ADAMS 21. 7. 1652, pr. Wm. Hibbins Esq.
PADDY: William Paddy of Plymouth was marryed to Mary PALTON of Boston widdow, 3. 10 mo. 1651, by Rich. Bellingham Esq.
SAVAGE: Capt. Thomas Savage was marryed to Mary SIMMES the daughter of Zechariah Simmes, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Charlestowne, pr. M. Increase Nowell, 15. 7 mo. 1652.
LORD: Thomas Lord was marryed to Hannah THURSTON the 23. 7., pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
EDZALL: Thomas Edzall was marryed to Elizabeth FORMAN 16. 7. [ ], pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
ELLIS: Edward Ellis was marryed to Sarah BLOTT the daught of Robert Blott of Boston, pr. Tho. Dudley Dep. Gov., 6. 8. 1652.
GROSSE: Mathew Grosse was marryed to Mary TROTT pr. Mr. Thomas Dudley, Dep. Gov. 5. 8. 1652.
VAHER: (USHER?) Hezekiah Vsher was marryed to Elizabeth SIMES the daughter of Zechariah Simes of ye Church of Christ at Chares Town, 2. 9. 1652 by Increase Nowell Esq.
ADAMS: Nath. Adams was marryed to Elizabeth PURMOTT the daughter of Philemon Purmott 24. 9. 1652, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
JACKSON: Edmund Jackson wsa marryed to Mray GAWDREN widdow, 7. 11. 1652, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
BURGESSE: James Burgesse was marryed to Lydia MEED ye 19. 8. 1652.
MOSSE: John Mosse was marryed to Mary JUPE 24. 10. 1652, by Rich. Bellingham Esq.
ROBINSON: Thomas Robinson of Scittuat was marryed to Mary WOODEY widdow, 10. 11. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
HULL: Edw. Hull the sonne of Robert Hull of Boston was marryed to Elinor NEWMAN 20. 11. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
HUDSON: James Hudson was marryed to Rebecca BROWNE daughter of WIlliam Browne of Boston, 3. 12. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
SAMUELL: John Samuell was marryed to Lucie WIGHT widdow, 24. 10. 1652, pr. Mr. Rich. Bellingham.
BILL: Thomas Bill was marryed to Widdow Elizabeth NICHOLS 14. 11. 1652, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
AWBERY: Wm. Awbrey merchant, was marryed to Rachel RAWSON the daughter of Mr. Edw. Rawson, 18. 11. 1652, pr. Wm. Hibbins.
LOWLE: John Lowle was marryed to Hannah PROCTOR daughter of George Proctor of Dorchester, 3. 1. [1652? impossible to reaed], pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
LYND: Mr. Simon Lynde was marryed to Hannah NEWGATE the daughter of Mr. John Newgate of Boston, 22. 12. 1652, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
JAY: Wililam Jaye was marryed to Mary HUNTING the daughter of John Hunting of Deham.
MATTOCKE: Samuell Mattocke was marryed to Constance FAIREBANKS, dau of Richard Fairebanks of Boston, 30. 1. 1653, pr. Wm. Hibbins.
SHAW: Anthony Shaw was marryed to Alice STANNARE [sp.?] 8. 2. 1653, by Mr. Increase Nowell.
GILBERT: John Gilbert was marryed to Mary EATON 5. 3., pr. Mr. Thomas Dudley Dep. Governor.
BEELS: Jeremiah Beels of Hingham was marryed to Sarah RIPLEY, daughter of Wm. epley of Hingham at Boston 26. 6., pr. M. William Hibbins.
GLOVER: Habbacucke Glover was marryed to Hannah ELLIOT ye daugher of Mr. John Elliott, teacher of the Church of Christ at Roxbery, 4. 3. 1653, pr. Tho. Dudley Dep. Gov.
JEWITT: Joseph Jewitt of Roxley was marryed to Ann ALLEN widdow formerly the wife of Capt. Bozon ALLEN of Boston, 23. 3. 1653, pr. Rich. Bellingham Esq.
BULL: Isaac Bull marryed to Sarah PARKER the daughter of John Parker of Boston 22. 4. 1653.
SANDY: John Sandy was marryed to Ann HOLINES the 7. 5. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
DART: Ambrose Dart was marryed to Anne ADIS (or ADIA?) the daught of Mr. William Addis of Cape Ann, 24. 4. 1653.
CHAMBERLINE: John Chamberline was marryed to Anne BROWNE dau of William Browne of Boston, 19. 3. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
MANNING: Georg Manning was marryed to Mary HARODEN the 15. 5. 1653.
WHITE; William White & Phillip WOOD were marryed 4. 6. 1653.
SPAULE: Thomas Spaule and Marry GUTTERIDGE was marryed 18. 6. 1653 by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
BROWNE: Abram Browne was marryed to Jane SKIPPER 19. 6. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
MERRY: Walter Merry m. Mary DOLING 18. 6. 1653 by Mr. Glover.
RUSSELL: William Russell m. Alice SPARROW widdow the 7. 7. 1653.
PAGE: Isaac Pag was marryed to Damaris SHATTOCK 30. 7. 1653, pr. Mr. William Hibbins.
BENNET: Ambrose Bennet was marryed to Mary SIMONS 15. 2. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
ROGERS: Joshua Rogers was marryed to Ann FISEN [sp.?] 12. 6. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
CLOAD: Andrew Cload was marryed to Elizabeth BUGBY the 29. 7. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
PRETIOUS: Charles Pretious was marryed to Rebecca MARTINE 17. 9. 1653 by Mr. John Glover.
ENDICOTT: John Endicott sonne & heire to the wondfull Mr. Jno. Endicott, was marryed to Elizabeth HOUCHIN the daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Houchin of Boston, 9. 9. 1653 by Rich. Bellingham Esq.
PITTMAN: William Pittman was marryed to Barbury EVONS 29. 9. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
DOBSON??: Georg Dobson (?) was marryed to Mary BOSTWICKE 24. 9. 1653, by Mr. John Glover.
GILLET: John Gillet was marryed to Elisabeth PERRY widdow, 22. 10. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
BRECK: Robert Breck merchant, was marryed to Sarah HAWKINS the daught of Mrs. Mary Hawkins widdow, 4. 11. 1653, by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
BODWELL: Samuell Bodwell was married to Mary HODDGKINSON the 2. 12. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
MARTINE: Richard Martine was marryed to Sarah TUTTLE dau of John Tuttle of Boston, 1. 12. 1653, pr. Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
FRERY: Theophilus Frery m. Hannah ELLIOTT dau of Jacob Elliot of Boston deceased, 4. 4. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
LAWRENCE: John Lawrence was marryed to Elisabeth ADKINSON 8. 12. 1653, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
ROBINSON: James Robbinson m. Martha BUCK 21. 12. 1653 by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
READ: William Read was marryed to Ruth COOKE 20. 1. [imp. to read] by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
HINCHEMANN?: William Hinckerman (?) was marryed to Mary PHILBERD 20. 11. 165{2?] by Mr. Glover.
SOWTHER: Nathaniel Sowther was m. to Sarah HILL, widdow, 5. 11. 1653.
SHAW: Joseph Shaw was marryed to Mary SOWTHER the dau of Nath. Sowther 1. 10. 1653.
FARNUM: John Farnum was m. to Susanna ARNOLD the dau of Thomas Arnold of Watertown 7. 2. 1654 by Mr. Increase Nowell.
TAPPIN: John Tappin was marryed to Mary Woodmansey the daughter of Mr. [John?] Woodmansey of Boston, 20. 6. 1654.
ANGOLLA: Angolla ye Neger Servant of Capt. Rob. KEAYNE was marryed to Elizabeth the Neger servant of Mr. Edward HUTCHINSON , 20. 2. 1654, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
RICHARDS: John Richards was marryed to Elizabeth WINTHROP widdow, 3. 3. 1654, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
WITTOMS: Peter Wittoms was marryed to Redgon CLARKE 17. 4. 1652 by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
HUBBERD: Robert Hubberd was marryed to Margaret ALLEN athe 2. 4 mo. 1654, by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
CONNEY: John Conney was marryed to Elizabeth NASH the daught of Robt. Nash of Boston 20. 4. 1654 by Rich. Bellingham, Dp. G.
FENN: Capt. Robert Fenn was marryed to Mrs. Mary HAWKINS widdow 26. 4. 1654 by Mr. Wm Hibbins.
HARWOOD: Thomas Harwood was marryed to Rachell WOODWARD widow, 7. 5. 1654 by Mr. Wm. Hibbins.
ROBERTS: Simon Roberts was marryed to Christian BAKER daughter of Alexander Baker, 18. 5. 1654 by Rich. Bellingham Esq.
PEIRCE: John Peirce of Dorchester was marryed to Rebecca WHEELER of Boston, widdow, 10. 6. 1654, by Capt. Humphrey Atherton.
SMITH: Rich. Smith of Lancaster was marryed to Johanna QUARLLS the 2. 6. 1654, by Mr. Rich. Bellingham Gov.
HAMLINE: Ezekiel Hamlen was marryed to Elizabeth DRAKE 8. 6. 1654 by Mr. Richard Bellingham Gov.
BLAKE: John Blake was marryed to Mary SHAW, widdow, 16. 6. 1654.
PEACOCKE: Rich. Peacocke was marryed to Margery SHOVE widdow, 17. 6. 1654 by Rich. Bellingham Governor.
HAWKINS: John Hawkins marryed to Sarah DAMARILL, widdow, the 15th of September by Rich. Bellingham Governor, 1654.
BUCKNELL: Samll. Bucknell was marryed to Sarah BISHOP the daughter of Nath. Bishopp of Boston 18. 7. 1654 by Rich. Bellingham, Gov.
TOUNG: James Toung was marryed to Elizabeth HAGBORNE the daughter of Abraham Hagborne of Boston 8. 7. 1654 by Capt. Humphrey Atharton.
BOBBET: Edward Bobbet was marryed to Sarah TARNE the daughter of Myles Tarne of Boston, 7. 7. 1654, by Capt. Humphrey Atharton.
BOLLARD: Isaac Bollard was marryed to Sarah JONES the daughter of Thomas Jones of Dorchester 3. 11. 1654, by Mr. Glover.
HIGGINS: Robert Higgins was marryed to Susanna WESTOE 2. 9. 1654 by Richard Bellingham Governor.
COY: Mathew Coy was marryed to Elizabeth ROBERTS 29. 6. 1654 by Capt. Humphrey Atharton.
DANFORTH: Jonathan Danforth was marryed to Elizabeth POWTER [POULTER], the daughter of Good. Powter deceased of Billerky 22. 9. 1654.
AYLET: Jno. Aylett was marryed to Mary HAWKINS ye daughter of Capt. Thomas Hawkins deceased 21. 9. 1654 by Capt. Humphrey Atherton.
JONES: Thomas Jones was marryed to Lydia SANDERSON the daughter of Robert Sanderson of Boston 13. 10. 1654 by Richard Bellingham Gov.
WILLIS: John Willis marryed to Hannah ELSSE 11. 11. 1654 by Capt. Humph. Atharton.
ELLIOT: Jacob Elliott was marryed to Mary WILCOCK, widdow, 9. 11. 1654 by Capt. Humphrey Atharton.
HAMBLETON: Wililam Hambleton was marryed to Mary RICHARDSON 7. 6. 1654 by Rich. Bellingham Gov.
GREENOUGH: William Greenough was marryed to Elizabeth VPSHALL (Upshall?) daughter of Nicholas Vpshall of Boston 4 July 1652 by Mr. William Hibbins.
THERRILL: William Therrell was marryed to Rebecca SIMKINS the daughter of Capt. Nicholas Simpkins 29. 11, 1654 by Mr. Richard Bellingham Governor.
MANNING: George Manning was marryed to Hannah BLANCHARD widow, the 13. 1. 1654-55, by Rich. Bellingham Gov.
MERICK: John Merick was marryed to Elizabeth WEYBORNE ye daughter of Thomas Weyborne of Boston 3. 2. 1655 by Capt. Humphrey Atharton at Cambridge.
BROWNE: William Browne was marryed to Elizabeth RUGGLES the daughter of George Ruggles of Brantrey 24. 2. 1655.
GRIFFINE: John Griffine was marryed to Suanna PRICE 27. 9. 1655, by Capt. Humphrey Atharton.
BROWNE: Jno. Browne was marryed to Ester MAKEPEACE the daught of Thomas Makepeace of Boston, 24. 2. 1655 by Capt. Hum. Atharton.
BUCKMASTER: Zachariah Buckmaster was marryed to Sarah WEBB 7. 1. 1654-55 by Capt. Hum. Atharton.
CORBIT: Clement Corbit was marryed to Dorcas BUCKMASTER the daughter of Thomas Buckmaster of Muddy River, 7. 1. 1654-55, by Capt. Hum. Atharton.
MASON: Arthur Mason was marryed to Johannah PARKER ye daughter of Mr. Nicholas Parker of Boston 5. 5. 1655 by Mr. Increase Nowell.
BENNET: Richard Bennet was marryed to Margaret GURGEFIELD widow, 11. 5. 1655 by Mr. Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
EVERILL: Abiell Everill was marryed to Elizabeth PHILLIPS ye daught of Lieu. Will Phillips of Boston 6. 5. 1655 by Cap. Humphery Atharton.
LEE: Mr. Samll. Lee of Virginia was marryed to Elizabeth BOWLAND of Boston the 2. 6. 1655 by Capt. Humphery Atharton.
SHEERES: Sam. Sheeres of Dedham was marryed to Ann GROSSE of Boston widdow, 15. 6, 1658 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
SPRAGUE: Samuell Sprague was marryed to Recuba CRAWFORD 23. 6. 1655 by Mr. Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
WATERS: Joseph Waters was marryed to Martha MELLOWES 13. 7. 1655 by Capt. Humphery Atharton.
MORRIS: Edward Morris was marryed to Grace BETT 20. 9. 1655 by Mr. Rich. Bellingham Dep. Governor.
THOMPSON: Mr. William Thompson was marryed to Katherine TREAT the daught of Mr. Richard Treat of Wethersfield the 19. 9. 1655 by Mr. John Endecott Gover.
EGGINGTON: Mr. Jeremiah Eggington was marryed to Elizabeth COTTON the dau of the Late Mr. John Cotton deceased, 12. 8. 1655, by Cap. Robt. Bridges.
SPRINGFIELD: Emanuell Springfield was marryed to Mary MELLOWES the 13. 7. 1655 by Cap. Humphery Atharton.
GEORGE: Richd. George was marryed to Mary PELL the daughter of William Pell of Boston 1. 9. 1655 by Capt. Hump. Atharton.
TWELUES: Robert Twelues was marryed unto Martha BRACKET the daugt of Peter Bracket of Brantrey 22. 9. 1655 by Rich. Belilngham Dep. Gov.
PALSGRAVE: John Palsgrave was marryed to Mary MAVERICKE the daught of Mr. Samuell Maverick of Nodles Island the 8. 12. 1655 by Mr. John Endicott Gov.
PITTS: William Pitts marryed to Susan AEALY Late widdow of Phillip Aealy deceased 7. 10. 1655 by Mr. John Endicott Governor.
BELCHER: Edward Belcher was marryed to Mary WORMWOOD daught in Law to Mr. Edward Belcher Senior 8. 11. 1655 by Major Humphery Atharton.
BRIMBLECOMBE: John Brimblecombe was marryed to Barbara DAVIS the late widdow of George Davis deceased, 14. 11. 1655 by Rich. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
FORT: Abram Fort was marryed to Hannah HUTCHINSON widdow 18. 11. 1655 by John Endecott Gov.
BROWNE: Edmond Browne was marryed to Elizabeth OKLYE 14. 12. 15. 1653 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
CALLOWE: Oliver Callowe was marryed unto Judeth CLOCKE widdow ye Last of February 1655 by Jno. Endicott, Gov.
BAKER: William Baker was marryed to Pilgrim EDYE the daught of John Edy of Watertowne, 22. 2. 1656 by Mr. Wm. Browne.
WOODY: Isaac Woody was marryed to Dorcas HARPER 20. 1. 1656 by Major Humph. Atharton.
RAWLINS: Thomas Rawlins was marryed to Sarah MADOCKS of Roxbury widdow 2. 3. 1656.
JEPHSON: John Jephson was marryed to Emm CODDINGTON widdow, 7. 3. 1656 by Major Hump. Atharton.
MULLINGS: William Mullings was marryed to Ann BELL widdow 7. 3. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham, Gov.
MOORE: Joseph Moore was marryed to Ruth STARR 21. 5. 1656 by Mr. John Endicott, Gov.
BROWNE: Wililam Browne was marryed to William PARCH[EN?] 11. 2. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov. [Trans. note: they are both named William, it 's not a typo.]
PEIRCE: John Peirce was marryed to Ruth BISHOP daught of Nath. Bishop of Boston, 15. 2. 1656 by Jno. Endicot Gov.
GRIDLEY: Joseph Gridley was marryed unto Lydia FLOOD widdow, 9 of June 1654.
THORP: Thomas Thorp was marryed to Rebecca MILNARD 27. 3. 1656 by Jno. Endicott Gov.
INGRAM: William Ingram was marryed to Mary BAIRSTOW 14. 3. 1656 by Maj. Humph. Atharton.
DAVIS: John Davis was marryed to Returne GRIDLEY the daught of Richard Gridley of Boston, 9. 2. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
BAKER: John Baker was marryed to Joan SWIFT ye daughter of Thomas Swift of Dorchester 5. 9. 1657 by Jno. Winthrop Gov.
BELVELE: Monsieur Christian BELVELE was marryed to ye Lady Francis HOPKINS 9. 4. 1656 by Jno. Endicott Gov.
TOZER: Richd. Tozer was marryed to Judith SMITH 3. 5. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
RUCK: Samuell Ruck was marryed to Margaret CLARKE ye 22. 5. 1656 pr. Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
THOMPSON: Mr. John Thompson of Newhaven was marryed to Anne VICARIS 4. 6. 1656 pr. John Endicott, Gov.
HUTCHINSON: Ralph Hutchinson was married to Alice BENNET the Late wife of Francis Bennet.
LANE: William Lane was marryed to Mary BREWER the daught of Thomas Brewer of Roxbury the 21. 6. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
MATHER: Mr. Richard Mather, Pastor to the Church of Dorchester was marryed to Mrs. Sarah COTTON widdow, 26. 6. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
SENTER: John Senter marryed to Mary MUZZY 27. 1. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
ORDWAY: Abner Ordway was marryed to Sarah DENNIS widdow 15. 6. 1656.
NORDEN: Samuell Norden was marryed to Elizabeth PORMOTT the daught of Philemon Pormott Late of Boston.
WILLIS: Lawrence Willis of Bridgewater was marryed to Mary MAKEPEACE the daught of Thomas Makepeace of Boston 5. 7. 1656 by Major Humphry Atharton.
MATINE: Michaell Martine was marryed to Susanna HOLICOCKE the daught of Mr. Edw. Holiocke of Rumney Marsh, 12. 7. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
GOOLD: Thomas Goold was marryed to Elizabeth FRANCKLINE the 6. 8. 1656 by Mr. Richard Bellingham Dep. Gov.
WILBORNE: Michaell Willborne was marryed to Mary BEAMSLEY the daught of William Beamsley of Boston 17. 8. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
BOYEN: Henry Boyen was marryed to Francis GILL daught of Arthur Gill of Boston 17. 8. 1656 by Major Hump. Atharton.
COOPER: Thomas Cooper of Rehoboth was marryed to Ann BOSWORTH widdow 17. 8. 1656.
TICKNOR: William Ticknor was marryed to Hanna STOCKBRIDGE the daught of John Stockbridge 29. 6. 1656 by Major Humphery Atharton.
ROGERS: John Rogers of Scittuate was marryed to Roda KING the daught of Thomas King of Scittuate 8. 8. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
TURNER: Edward Turner was marryed to Mary SANFORD the daught of Rich. Sanford 25. 8. 1656 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
MAVERICK: Moses Mavericke was marryed to Eunice ROBERTS the widow of Thomas Roberts deceased, 22. 8. 1656 by John Endecott Governor.
JOHNSON: Francis Johnson was marryed to Hannah HANBURY 24. 8. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
DRUE: Mr. Robert Drue was marryed to Jemima CLARKE the daught of Mr. Jno. Clarke of Boston 6. 9. 1656 by Mr. John Endecott Gov.
RANSFORD: Jonathan Ransford ws marryed to Mary SUNDERLAND the daught of John Sunderland of Boston, 29. 9. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
WARDELL: William Wardell was marryed to Elizabeth JELLET widdow 5. 10. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dp. G.
MAVERICK: John Maverick was marryed to Katherine SKIPPER 9. 2. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
KESKEYS: Henry Keskeys was marryed to Ruth GRAVES the daught of Rich. Graves 7. 6. 1656.
CLARK: Mathew Clark was marryed to Abigaiel MAVERICK the daught of Ellias Maverick of Winnesimett 4. 4. 1655.
BENHAM: Joseph Benham of Newhaven was marryed to Winifrid KING the 15. 11. 1656, by Rich. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
HUNTER: William Hunter was marryed to Scissilla CORISH the 30 of January 1656, by Rich. Belliingham Dep. Gov.
MOORE: James Moore a Scottishman was marryed to Mary [ ] both 6. 12. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
TITE: Henry Tite was marryed to Sarah WALTON 11. 12. 1656 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
SANFORD: James Sanford was marryed to Elizabeth SMITH the daught of Francis Smith of Boston.
SANFORD: John Sanford was marryed to Sarah POTTER widdow, 19. 12. 1656 by Major Humph. Atharton.
WRIGHT: Edward Wright was marryed to Hannah TOWNSEND the daught of William Townsend of Boston the 3d of April 1657 by John Endecott Gov.
JOYLIFFE: Mr. John Joyliffe merchant was marryed to Ana KNIGHT widdow, the 28. 11. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
COUSSINS: Edmond Coussins of Pulling Point was marryed to Margaret BIRD an Irish maid servant to John Grover of Rummy Marsh.
HADDON: Ferman Haddon was marryed [ ] the 5. 3. 1657 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
BUNN: Edward Bunn of Hull widdow was marryed to Elizabeth MASON 20. 6. 1657 by Rich. Bellinham Dep. Gov.
EDMUNDS: William Edmunds of Lynn was marryed to Ann MARTINE widdow, 1. 7. 1657 by Mr. Simons of Ipswich.
HUTCHINS: Joseph Hutchins was marryed to Mary EDMONDS the daught of William Edmonds of Lyn 1. 7. 1657 by Mr. Simons of Ipswich.
JONES: Thomas Jones of Hull was marryed to Abigail ELITHROP widdow 25 June 1657 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
ROBINSON: Georg Robinson was marrayed to Mary BUSHNELL the 3. 8. 1657 by John Endecott Gov.
CLEMENT: Samuell Clement was marryed to Hannah INGS the daught of Madit Ings of Bost., 2. 5. 1657 by Maj. Humph. Atharton.
GREENE: Nath. Greene was marryed to Mary HOUCHINE the daught of Jeremiah Houchine 22. 4. 1657 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
RISING: James Riseing marryed to Elizabeth ENSDELL ye daught of Robert Ensdell of Meadfield, 7. 5. 1657 by Jno. Endicott Gov.
HEWES: Joshua Hewes was marryed to Alice CRABTREE the Relict of John Crabtree deceased, 11. 12. 1656.
CARWITHY: Joshua Carwithy was marryed to Elizabeth FARNAM ye daught of John Farnam of Boston 6. 6. 1657 by Major Humph. Atharton.
STRATTON: Samuell Stratton of Watertown was marryed to Margaret PARKER widdow, 27. 6, 1657 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
HARRIS: John Harris marryed to Hannah BRIGGS the daught of William Briggs of Boston, 10. 7. 1657 by John Endecott, Gov.
TORREY: Mr. Samuell Torrey of Hull marryed to Mary RAWSON the daught of Mr. Edward Rawson of Boston, 15. 3. 1657, by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
BREDING: James Breding was marryed to Hannah ROCKE the daught of Mr. Joseph Rocke of Boston, 9. 8. 1657 by John Endicott Gov.
LAWRENCE: John Lawrence of Muddy River was marryed to Sarah BUCKMASTER, 30th of September 1657.
HANNIFORD: John Hanniford was marryed to Abigail DILL widdow, 8. 9. 1655 by Capt. Wiggins.
DAVIS: Edw. Davis was marryed to Hannah GRIDLEY the daught of Rich. Gridley of Boston 16. 7. 1657 by Mr. John Endecott Gov.
COUSSINS: Isaac Coussins was marryed to Ann HUNT formerly the wife of John Edwards.
HENLY: Ellias Henrly was marryed to Sarah THOMPSON 4. 9. 1657 by Rich. Bellingham, Dep. Gov.
BARNES: Mathew Barnes was marryed to Elizabeth HUNT widdow, 4. 9. 1657 by Rich. Bellingham Dep. Gov.
JACKSON: John Jackson was marryed to Jane THOMAS the daught of Evan Thomas, 14. 9, 1657 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
THORNTON: Robert Thornton was marryed to Mary MERRY the Late wife of Walter Merry, deceased, 13. 9. 1657 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
SOUTHER: Joseph Sowther was marryed to Elizabeth FAIREFEILD daught of Daniel Fairefeild of Boston 22. 8. 1657 by John Endecott Gov.
SOPER: Joseph Soper was marryed to Elizabeth ALCOCKE the daught of Thomas Alcocke 6. 3. 1656 by John Endecott Gov.
LANE: Mr. Edw. Lane was marryed to Hannah KEAYNE 11. 10. 1657 by John Endecott Gov.
WILBORNE: Thomas Wilborne was marryed to Abigaile ELIOT the daught of Jacob Eliott deceased 16. 10. 1657 by John Endecott Gov.
TRAVIS: Rich. Travis was marryed to Grace CLEMENTS the daught of Francis Clements of Glassenbury in Summersetshire 22. 10. 1657 by Jno. Endecott Gov.
HEDGES: Tristram Hedges was marryed to Ann NICKERSON of Boston 20. 10. 1657 by Jno. Endecott Govr.
CRAB: Henry Crab was marryed to Hannah EMMONS the daught of Thomas Emmons of Boston, 1. 11. 1657 by Jno. Endecott Govr.
REYNOLDS: Nath. Reynolds was marryed to Sarah DWITE the daught of John Dwight of Dedham 7. 11. 1657, by John Endecott Govr.
ENGLISH: James English was marryed to Johannah FARNUM the daught of John Farnum of Boston, 7. 11. 1657 by Major Humph. Atharton.
This Booke I received from Mr. Negus being a true transcript of the Birthes, Deathes & Marriages since his Last, brought in as he Affirmed 28 December 1657.
VPSHALL (UPSHALL?): Anna ye dau of Wm. Vpshall ye 7.9mo. 1651.
HOUCHINE: Jeremiah ye sonne of Jer. Houchine dyed ye 8. 10m. 1651.
RICHARDS: Hannah ye dau of Thomas Richards, deceased and of Wiltham, his wyfe, dyed the 10 of 9 mo. 1651.
WAYT: Joseph ye sonne of Richard & Elizabeth, aged 14 yeares, dyed the 20. 9 mo. 1651.
WEBB: Richard sonne of John & Anna dyed 30.10 mo. 1651.
HALSELL: Sarah dau of George & Joan dyed 16. 10 mo. 1651.
SWAN: Sarah dau of Henry deceased & Joan dyed 23. 10 mo. 1651.
WEBB: Susan ye dau of Jo. & Anna dyed 17. 10 mo. 1651.
WINTHROP: Joshua youngst sonne of ye Late Mr. Jno. Winthropp Esq. dyed 11. 11 mo. 1651.
ASTWOOD: Mary ye dau of James & Sarah dyed 21. 11 mo. 1651
BIGGS: Mary ye wife of John Biggs dyed 10. 11 mo. 1649.
NORTON: Richard ye sonne of Richd. & Dorothy dyed 10. 12 mo. 1649
INGOLSBY: John ye sonne of John & Ruth ye 3. 6 mo. 1649.
TING: Rebeccah ye dau of Edward & Mary dyed 16. 1m. 1649.
SAVAGE: Faith ye wife of Capt. Thomas dyed 20. 12 mo. 1651
PHILLIPS: Susan dau of Philip Phillips dyed 14. 10 m. 1651.
PURCHASE: Sarah ye dau of Jno. & Elizabeth dyed 14. 12 mo. 1651.
COGGAN: Mary ye wife of Mr. Jno. Coggan dyed 14. 11. 1651
BISHOP: Elizabeth dau of Job & Eliz. of Ipswich, d. 27. 12 m. 1651
CULLIMORE: Margarett ye wife of Isaac Cullimore dyed 13. 10 m. 1651
BUTTON: Hannah ye dau of Robert & Abigail dyed 20. 1 m. 1651
SOUTHER: Alice ye wife of Nathaniell Souther dyed 27. 7 m. 1651.
BAKER: Mary ye dau of Wm. & Mary dyed 25. 6 m. 1652.
TINKER: Sarah ye dau of Jno. & Allice dyed 28. 1. 1652.
WAKER: Jno. ye sonne of Robt. & Sarah dyed 22. 5 m. 1652.
ADDINGTON: Sarah ye dau of Isaac & Ann dyed 2. 6 m. 1652.
FARNUM: John ye sonne of Jno. & Elizabeth dyed 26. 6. 1652
TURNER: Robt. ye sonne of Robt. deceased & Elizabeth d. 21. 6. 1652.
PHILLIPS: Zechary ye sonne of Zachary & Elizabeth dyed 2. 7. 1652.
JOSLINE: Phillip ye sonne of Abram & Bitteris dyed 2. 6. 1652.
ALLEN: Bozon Allen Dyed 14. 7. 1652.
LUDKIN: William Ludkin Drowned 27. 1m. 1652.
OLLIVER: Samuel Olliver Drowned 27. 1m. 1652.
BENNET: George Bennet Drowned 27. 1m. 1652.
NICHOLS: David Nichols dyed 13. 1. 1652.
WINTHROP: Adam Winthropp Esq. dyed 24. 6. 1652.
WOODWARD: Jno. ye sonne of Robt. & Ratchell dyed 23. 6. 1652.
DAVIS: Ephraim ye sonne of Wm. & Margaret dyed 2. 6. 1652.
COTTON: Wm. ye sonne of Wm. & Anne dyed 29. 6. 1652.
WEBBER: Mehitabel ye sonne (?) of Thomas & Sarah dyed 7. 7. 1652.
SHAW: Samuell ye sonne of John & Martha, dyed 15. 7. 1652.
LONG: Joseph ye sonne of Phillip & Ann dyed 28. 6. 1652.
GILL: Nathaniell ye sonne of Arthur Gill dyed 2. 7. 1652.
KNIGHT: James ye sonne of Rich. & Johannah, dyed 27. 7. 1652.
PHIPENY: Gamaliell ye sonne of Gamaliell & Sarah dyed 8. 7. 1652.
IVERY: Wm. Ivery, carpinter & Inhabitant of Lynn, dyed 3. 8. 1652.
VSHER (USHER?): Francis ye wife of Hezekiah Vsher deceased 25. 2. 1652.
PHILLIPS: Zechariah ye sonne of Zecha. & Elizabeth dyed 4. 7. 1652.
STEPHENSON: Joseph ye sonne of John & Sarah dyed 10. 7. 1652.
JACKSON: Martha ye wife of Edmund Jackson deceased 12. 9 mo. 1652.
DURE: Thomas ye sonne of Thomas & Anne dyed 3, 19. 1652.
HUDSON: Ann ye wife of James Hudson dyed 3. 10 m. 1652.
PARKER: Mathew Parker the 19. 7. 1652
STANBURY: Thomas Stanbury deceased 36. 7. 1652.
PERRY: Arthur Perry deceased 9. 8, 1652.
BLANCHARD: William Blanchard dyed 7. 8. 1652.
COTTON: Mr. Jno. Cotton, Teacher of ye Church of Boston, dyed 15. 10. 1652.
HULL: Elizabeth dau of Jno. & Judeth dyed 12 mo. 1652.
HULL: Mary dau of Jno. & Judeth dyed 30. 11. 1659.
PITTNEY: John ye sonne of Francis & Sarah dyed 17. 8m. 1652.
STARK: Jno. Stark, Scottishman servant to Lieut. Wm. HUDSON, dyed 22. 3. 1652.
SMITH: Mercy dau of Francis & Elizabeth dyed 4. 7. 1652.
HANIFORD: Jno. soone of John & Hannah dyed 7. 12. 1652.
TING: Capt. Wm. Ting dyed 18. 11 mo. 1652.
TING: Jane wife of Capt. Wm. Ting dyed 3. 8 m. 1652.
WILLIS: John sonne of Henry and Mary dyed 8. 1. 1652-53.
LINDON: Jane wife of Augustine Lindon dyed 16. 1. 1652-63.
LINDON: Samuell ye sonne of Augustine Lindon dyed 26. 1. 1653.
FURNELL: Susan ye dau of Strong Furnell dyed 21. 7. 1652.
ALLESON: Jno. ye sonne of James & Christian dyed 2. 9 mo. 1653.
BARRELL: John ye sonne of John & Mary dyed 27. 2. 1653.
CRITCHETT: Clement Critchett servant of John SUNDERLAND, d. 29. 3. 1653.
WRIGHT: John ye sonne of Robert & Mary dyed 22. 4. 1652.
MERRY: Rebeccah the wife of Walter Merry dyed 4. 5. 1653.
DAVIS: Margaret wife of Lieu. Wm. Davis dyed 3. 5. 1653.
PEACOCKE: Jane the wife of Richard Peacocke dyed 29. 5. 1653.
EIRE: Lydia the wife of Mr. Simon Eire dyed 10. 6. 1653.
PHIPENY: Elizabeth dau of Joseph & Dorothy dyed 14. 5. 1653.
HANNIFORD: Hannah ye wife of Jno. Hanniford dyed 16. 6 m. 1653.
LAKE: Mary dau of Thomas & Mary, dyed 1. 7. 1653.
WALTERS: Rich. Walters Mate of Dickery Carwithy died 3 . 6. 1653.
MILLERD: Tho. Millerd of Newbery deceased 1. 7. 1653.
FISHER: Mary Fisher Wiidow deceased 6. 7. 1653.
CARWITHEN: Dickery Carwithen shipmaster deceased 6. 7. 1653.
DOD: Mary dau of George & Mary dyed 4. 8. 1653.
LORD: Thomas sonne of Robert & Rebeccah dyed 6. 8. 1653.
ANDREWES: Lucie ye wife of John Andrewes dyed 1. 7. 1653.
HOWEN: Elizabeth Howen widow deceased 27. 7. 1653.
READ: Susana wif. of Wm. Read dyed 12. 8 m. 1653.
BOLTIN: Robert Boltin of Saffron Walden in England, a seaman, was accidentally slaine at Nantasket in New England, by a shipp Gunne 28. 5. 1653.
MICHELL: Paul Michell, a fisherman, Liveing at Crafthold in England, deceased at William Cousers house at Boston in New England, died intestate 18. 9 mo. 1653.
OLLIVER: Hannah dau of Mr. John Olliver dyed 11. 9. 1653.
SELLICK: Susanna dau of David Sellick dyed 10. 9 mo. 1653.
MASON: Henry Mason servant to James EVERILL of Boston dyed 10. 9. 1653.
[Transcriber's Note: the following entries were hard to read because of too much ink pooling up on the letters, making e and a, for instance, almost impossible to tell apart, etc.]
Ellias MANYARD Marriner of Sidmouth in Devonshire dyed 4. 9. 1653. -
Thomas ODDINGSALLS a stranger deceased at Mr. Rocks house at Boston in New England 21. 4. 1652.
Susan ye dau of Edward BREECKE of Dorchester servant to Mr. Wm. Paddy deceased 11. 9. 1653.
Richard ye Neger servant of Capt. Robert Keayne dyed [ ].
Sibbell ye wife of Richard Bennet deceased 12. 7. 1652.
David ye sonne of David & Mary dyed 2. 9. 1653.
John LOOE dyed 1. 10 m. 1653.
Malachy BROWNING deceased at Mr. Robt. Scotts house 27. 9. 1653.
Rachel ye daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Clarke dyed 16. 9. 1653.
John ye sonne of James & Johanna DAVIS dyed 12. 9. 1653.
Jonathan sonne of Thomas & Elizabeth WILBORNE dyed 10. 10. 1653.
Jno. FRANCKLINE kinsman to Wm. Frnackline of Boston dyed 26. 9. 1653 [last two digits almost unreadable.]
Rebeccah ye wife of James JUDSON dyed 14. 9. 1653.
Joseph sonne of Thomas BELL & Ann his wife dyed 29. 9 mo. 1653.
Peter ye sonne of John & Abigail JACKSON dyed 5. 9. 1653.
Benjamine sonne of John & Abigail JACKSON dyed 11. 9. 1653.
Ezra CAUE (?) of Fingworth in Lecestershire dyed 4. 7. 1653.
John ROBINSON of Fiddingworth in Leicestershier dyed 7. 7. 1653.
James sonne of William BROWNE & of Hannah his wife dyed 15. 9. 1653.
Richard sonne of Richard & Mary CHAPMAN dyed 17. 9. 1653.
Elisabeth ye Daughter of James & Abigail JOHNSON dyed 11. 9. 1653.
Mary ye Daughter of Wm. COLE merchant & of Ann his wife dyed 23: 10: 1653.
Nathaniel EDWARDS merchant deceased 2. 11. 1653.
Jno. WHITTINGHAM sonne in law of Mr. Simon EIRE dyed 7. 9. 1653.
Zacheus sonne of Richard & Elizabeth FAIREBANKS dyed 10. 9. 1653.
William KING servant to Georg HALLSELL dyed 14. 10. 1653.
Elizabeth Daughter of Edward & Elisabeth PAGE dyed 19. 9 mo. 1653.
John sonne of James HUDSON & his wife Rebecca dyed 21. 10. 1653.
Rebecca wife of Tho. LEANDER dyed 16. 10. 1653.
Patience ye dau of Samuell OLLIVER & of his wife Lydia dyed 25. 9. 1653.
Isabell wife of William CAUSTINE [?] dyed 25. 11. 1653.
Johanna Daughter of Christopher & Ann HOLLAND dyed 1. 3. 1653.
Richard sonne of Richd. & Sibbell BENNET dyed 26. 12. 1653.
Elizabeth Daughter of Francis & Alice BENNET dyed 17. 11. 1653.
Naomi Daughter of Wm. COPE & of Judith his wife dyed 8. 8. 1653.
Ralph WALDRON [EN?] borne in Barbadoes dyed 29. 9. 1653.
Sarah Daughter of Mr. Robert WOODMANSEY dyed 10. 9. 1653.
William DENING dyed the 10th of 11 mo. 1653.
Johannah daughter of Christopher & Ann HOLLAND dyed 2. 1. [1653-54? unreadable].
Joseph sonne of Hen. & Alice LARGISE (LARGIME?) dyed 14. 1. 1653 or 54.
Pateson [unreadable] of Lyme in ye Countrie of Dorset dyed aboard ye shipp John & Sarah whereof was (master?) Mr. John GREENE 27. 12. 1651.
Hannah the Daughter Ireson of Lynn servant to Sibbella Sands widdow deceased 5. 9. 1654.
Ellinor ye Daughter of Henry SHRIMPTON & of his wife Mary deceased 9. 1 mo. 1652 [?]
Martha ye Neger ye Daughter of Matthew & Dorcas deceased 26. 6. 1654.
William ye sonne of Mathew JYONS & of Ann his wife dyed 1. 9. 1654.
Mary ye Daughter of John & Hannah BATEMAN dyed 17. 8. 1654.
Elizabeth LOOE dyed 24. 8. 1654.
John ye sonne of Robert & Elizabeth SANFORD dyed 23. 9. 1654.
Mathew CENIG (?) deceased 4. 10. 1654.
John ye sonne of John & Judeth HULL dyed 14. 9. 1654.
Major Generall Edward GIBBONS dyed 9. 10. 1654.
Thomas ye sonne of Thomas & Elizabeth SOWELL dyed 7. 10. 1654.
Isaac ye sonne of Walter & Mary SENNET or SENNOT dyed 11. 8. 1654.
Thomas DINELY dyed 15. 11. 1654.
Joshua ye sonne of Joshua & Ann ROGERS dyed 15. 12, 1654.
Mary BIGSBY widdow dyed 5. 11. 1654.
Barnebas FARRE dyed 13. 10. 1654.
Gustavs the sonne of William & Mary HAMBLETON dyed 27. 11. 1654.
Barbarry ye wife of Mr. Anthony STODDARD dyed 15. 2. 1655.
Edmund GROSSE deceased 1. 8. 1655.
Anne ye daughter of Thomas & Anne WAKER dyed 20. 2. 1655.
Susanna wife of Lieut. Wm. PHILLIPS dyed 16. 4. 1655.
Silvanus sonne of Walter & Mary MERY dyed 16. 4. 1655.
Thomas BELL deceased 7. 4. 1655.
Nathan SOWTHER deceased 27. 4. 1655.
Mr. Robert KNIGHT deceased 27. 4. 1655.
Samuell ye sonne of John BAKER & of Joan his wife dyed 2. 5. 1655.
Hannah ye wife of Robert READ dyed 24. 4. 1655.
Robt ye sonne of Robert & Mergery BROOKE dyed 11. 5. 1655.
Margaret the wife of Henry FELTCH dyed 23. 4. 1655.
Ester COGSALL decease at Godfrey Armitages house 7. 5. 1655.
Jno. SPERE[S?] master of the Barque May Flower an inhabitant of Virginia deceased at Evan Thomas his house 25. 5. 1655.
Zakeus BOSWORTH deceased 28. 5. 1655.
John CODDINGTON deceased 18. 6. 1655.
Thomas BOUNTY of Wappine or Redriffe in England deceased at Leiut. Wm. Hudsons 26. 6. 1655, he dyed intestate.
John FOOTE a seaman of Manchester dyed 16. 6. 1655.
John ye sonne of James & Mary DENNIS dyed 10. 7. 1655.
Benjamine ye sonne of Benjamine & Wilmot PHIPENY dyed 20. 7. 1655.
William DAVID a seaman liveing in Chadwell in England deceased at Isaac Cullimore house 20. 7. 1655.
Richard the sonne of Capt. Thomas and Mary SAVAGE dyed 23. 7. 1655.
Rebecca daughter of Mr. Joseph ROCKE & of Elizabeth his wife dyed 19. 7. 1655.
Dorcas daughter of William & Phillip WHITE dyed 30. 7. 1655.
Chrestable ye wife of John GALLOP dyed 27. 7. 1655.
Elisha sonne of William & mary SALTER dyed 14. 7. 1655.
William ye sonne of William & Hannah BALANTINE dyed 4. 8. 1655.
Margaret MATTHEWES deceased 23. 9. 1655.
Mary ye daughter of Arthur KIND & of Jane his wife deceased 27. 8. 1655.
John ye sonne of John & Ruth INGOLSBY 15. 10. 1655.
Mary ye wife of Lieut. Joshua HEWES dyed 23. 6. 1655.
John CLEMONS at a Towne neere Lee in England deceased at Isaac Cullemore 13. 6. 1656.
Elizabeth daughter of Andrew CLOAD & of Elizabeth his wife deceased the 17. 7. 1655.
George STEVENS a Cooper in London deceased at Isaac Cullimore house 2. 9. 1655.
Mary the wife of Ralph ROOTE or ROOTS dyed 15. 9. 1655.
Mary ye wife of Wm. BAKER dyed 12. 10. 1655.
Lydia ye daughter of Jonathan & Mary BALSTON dyed 6. 11. 1655.
Judeth ye daughter of Wm. & ----ly TALBOT dyed 16. 11. 1655.
Francis BENNET was drowned at Nodles Island dyed 4. 10. 1655.
Em the wife of Thomas RAWLINS dyed 27. 10. 1655.
Mary ye daughter of John & Hannah KEETCH dyed 1. 11. 1655.
Philip SHERMAN Apprentice of John Blower dyed 12. 10. 1655.
Elizabeth ROSE servant to Hugh WILLIAMS dyed 20. 11. 1655.
Symon sonne of Mr. Simon LYND & of Hannah his wife dyed 4. 11. 1655.
Mary ye wife of Mr. Thomas PURCHASE dyed 7. 11. 1655.
Alice FERMA[ ] widow dyed 9. 12. 1655.
Mary the daughter of Moses MAVERICK of Marblehead dyed 20. 12. 1655.
Judeth WHITTINGHAM daughter in Law unto Mr. Sumon EIRE, dyed 27. 1. 1656.
Abigail[?] sonne [dau] of John & Susanna SWEETE dyed 16. 3. 1656.
Mary ye wife of Willian LANE dyed 2. 3. 1656.
Hannah daughter of Mr. Edward & Rebecca RAWSON dyed 27. 4. 1656.
Mathew ye sonne of Mathew JION[hard to read] & of Ann his wife dyed 13. 3. 1656.
Jarvis GOULD deceased 27. 3. 1656.
Gershom ye sonne of Jno. & Elizabeth MATHEW dyed [blank]
John ye sonne of John WILFORD & Bridget his wife dyed 12. 4. 1656.
Thomas JOHNSON of Hingham drowned 29. 3. 1656.
Stephen ye sonne of Isaac WAKER & Sarah his wife dyed 29. 4. 1656.
Johannah ye wife of Samuel NORDON [sp.?] dyed 29. 4. 1656.
Nath. ye sonne of John & Joan BAKER dyed 13. 4. 1656.
John ye sonne of Thomas & Elizabeth HUNT dyed 19. 6. 1656.
Phillip ye sonne of Benjamikn BRISCO & Sarah his wife dyed 16. 6. 1656.
John ye sonne of James HUDSON & Mary his wife dyed the first week in Feburary 1654.
Sarah ye daughter of Thomas & Sarah MOORE dyed 25. 6. 1656.
Susanna daughter of Phillip & Rathcell PHILLIPS dyed 15. 6. 1656.
John JELLET dyed 13. 6. 1656.
Zechariah sonne of Mr. Hezekiah & Elizabeth VSHER (USHER?) dyed 22. 6. 1656.
Sarah ye daughter of Francis DAWES?[hard to read[ & Katherine his wife dyed 18. 5. 1656.
Elizabeth daughter of Clement & Mary GROSSE dyed 1. 7. 1656.
Sarah daughter of Samuell & Sarah BUCKNELL dyed 25. 6. 1656.
Elizabeth EGGINTON wife of Mr. Jeremiah Eggington dyed 31. 6. 1656.
Ester? ye wife of jeremiah FITCHE dyed the 14. 7. 1656.
John JARVIS merchant dyed 24. 7. 1656.
Ratchell daughter of Thomas HARWOOD & Ratchell his wife dyed 27. 7. 1656.
Thomas WILBORNE deceased 2. 6. 1656.
Samuel WILBORNE deceased 28. 7. 1656.
Mrs Ann LEVERIT dyed 16. 8. 1656.
Sarah daughter of John & Emm (?) CODDINGTON dyed 8. 9. 1656.
Jeremiah sonne of Daniell & Ester? TRAVIS dyed 1. 9. 1656.
Hannah daughter of William READ dyed 25. 9. 1656.
Mary the wife of Samuel FLACKE dyed 6. 9. 1656.
Anne wife of John KENRICKE of Muddy River dyed 15.9.1656.
Elizabeth wife of Issac COUSSENES[sp.?] dyed 14. 10. 1656.
Dinah wife of Dorman MAHOON dyed 8. 11. 1656.
William sonne of William & Mary INGRAM dyed 19. 11. 1656.
Mehitabell daughter of Thomas HAWKINS & Rebecca his wife dyed 14. 3. 1657.
Peter sonne of Samuel & Isabell HOWARD dyed 31. 1. 1657.
Nicholas BOSBY or BUSBY dyed 28. 6. 1657.
Priscilla daughter of Henry & Sarah MESSING or MANNING dyed 21. 4. 1657.
John sonne of Jer. HOUCHINS & Ester his wife dyed 2. 5. 1657.
Sarah ye wife of John LEWES dyed 12. 5. 1657.
John MOSSE dyed 26. 3. 1657.
Jonathan sonne of Henry & Ellinor SHRIMPTON dyed 22. 5. 1657.
Hannah daughter of Henry & Elizabeth POWNING dyed 6. 5. 1657.
John ye sonne of John & Emm JEPHSON dyed 19. 5. 1657.
Nicholas sonne of Nicholas & Hannah PHILLIPS dyed 1. 6. 1657.
William sonne of Wm. GREENOE & Elizabeth his wife dyed 7. 6. 1657.
John sonne of Lieut. Wm. PHILLIPS & Bridget his wife dyed 6. 6. 1657.
Mehitabell daughter of Henry & Elinor SHRIMPTON dyed 29. 5. 1657.
John sonne of Joseph & Elizabeth ROCKE dyed 13. 6. 1657.
John sonne of Jno. WOODEE of Roxbury & Mary his wife deceased 12. 6. 1657.
David sonne of Wm. BALANTINE & Hannah his wife deceased 16. 6. 1657.
John sonne of John & Elizabeth PICKET dyed 14. 6. 1657.
Stephen sonne of Walter & Mary SENNET 14. 7. 1657.
John sonne of Nathaniell & Sarah HUNN 3. 7. 1657.
Joseph sonne of Thomas & Leah BAKER dyed 30. 6. 1657.
Mary daughter of Edw. COLEMAN & Margaret his wife deceased 6. 7. 1657.
Leah daughter of Hope & Ratchell ALLEN dyed 9. 7. 1757.
Edw. ARNOLD dyed 8. 6. 1657.
Thomas sonne of Thomas & Elizabeth [BRATLER? BRATTLE? hard to read] dyed 5. 7. 1657.
William sonne of Samuell Davis & of Sarah his wife dyed 21. 7. 1657.
Barthelmew BARLOOE (?) dyed 26. 7. 1657.
Samuell sonne of Capt. Thomas SAVAGE & Mary his wife dyed 22. 6. 1657.
Sarah daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WATKINS dyed 26. 6. 1657.
Saml. sonne of Peter & Sarah OLLIVER dyed 9. 7. 1657.
Ann daughter of Arthur MASON & Johannah his wife dyed 11. 7. 1657.
John STOCKBRIDGE dyed 13. 3. 1657.
Walter MERRY was drowned 28. 6. 1657.
Theophilus sonne of Theophilus FRERY & Hannah his wife dyed 24. 7. 1657.
Rebecca wife of Mathew BARNES dyed 19. 7. 1657.
Elizabeth daughter of Henry & Hannah FELTCH junior dyed 18. 8. 1657.
William RIX dyed 13. 9. 1657.
Thomas ALCOCK dyed 14. 7. 1657.
Richard ye Neger servant of Jno. LOWELL dyed 7. 9. 1657.
Elizabeth daughter of Sampson & Abigaile SHORE dyed 15. 10. 1657.
Sarah wife of Job JUDKINS dyed 26. 9. 1657.
John sonne of Robert & Sarah WAKER dyed 3. 11. 1657.
Capt. Robt. KEAYNE [sp.?] dyed 23. 1. 1656.
This above written was brought in by Mr. Jonathan NEGUS as a true transcript of the sev'all deathes in Boston since what he brought in before to the beginning of this time as hee affirmed.