from the YEARS 1630 untill the FIRST of the FIRST MONTH, 1644.
Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 2, Jan 1848, p 76 and subsequent
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

[This section includes ROXBURY, SUDBURY, WATERTOWN & WOEBURN ]
[Note:-- While the series as printed by the NEHGS is titled simply "Records of Boston", the introductory notes state that the records "embrace not only Boston, properly so called, but all the towns in its vicinity." Not all sections are strictly alphabetical.]
Births & Burialls in ROXBURY from the Yeare 1630 Unto the First Month 1645..

John the sonne of James Astwood borne 10 (7) 1640
Joseph borne 19 (9) 1643.
Joseph borne 10 (9) 1644.
Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas Baker was borne 2 (8) 1641.
John the sonne of Gregory Bexter borne 1 (10) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Thomas Bell borne 4 (8) 1649.
John the sonne of Thomas Bell borne 9 (2) 1643, buried 30 (4) 1643.
Anna the daughter of Thomas Bomsted borne 20 (11) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Thomas Bumsted borne 24 (2) 1642.
Gerard the sonne of Gerard Bourne of Boston borne 6 (6) 1643.
Nathaniell the sonne of Daniel Brewer borne 1 (3) 1635.
Sarah the daughter of Daniel Brewer borne 10 (1) 1638.
An infant of Edward Bugbies buried (9) 1642.
An infant of Robert Burnops buried (9) 1642.
Sarah the daughter of John Burwell borne (5) 1634.
William Chandler housekeeper buried 19 (11) 1641.
John the sonne of William Cheynie borne 25 (7) 1640.
Mehetabel the daughter of William Cheynie borne 1 (5) 1643.
John the sonne of Griffin Craft borne (5) 1630.
Mary the daughter of Griffin Craft borne 10 (8) 1632.
Abigail the daugher of Griffin Craft borne 28 (1) 1634.
Samuel the sonne of Griffin Craft borne 12 (10) 1637.
Hannah the wife of Stockdell Cuddington buried 20 (5) 1644.
Isaac the sonne of William Curtes borne 22 (5) 1641.
Sarah the daughter of George Denison borne 20 (1) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of George Denison borne 20 (3) 1643.
Bridget the wife of George Denison dyed (6) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of Edward Denison borne 8 (6) 1642,
John the sonne of Edward Denison borne 14 (3) 1644.
John the sonne of William Davies borne 1 (8) 1643.
Samuel the sonne of William Davies borne 21 (12) 1644.
Dorothie the wife of Thomas Dudley Esq. dyed 27 (7) 1648.
Deborah the daughter of Thomas Dudley Esq. borne 27 (12) 1644.
John the sonne of Mr. John Eliott borne 3 (6) 1636.
Joseph the sonne of Mr. John Eliot borne 20 (10) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Mr. John Eliot borne 27 (11) 1641.
Aaron the sonne of Mr. John Eliot borne 19 (12) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Mr. John Eliot borne 17 (7) 1633.
Elisabeth the daughter of Robert Gamlin borne 24 (4) 1634.
Joseph the sonne of Robert Gamlin borne 18 (1) 1636.
Benjamin the sonne of Robert Gamlin borne 20 (6) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Robert Gamlin borne 6 (1) 1641.
Thomas Gardiner a housekeeper buried in the yeare 1638.
Andrew the sonne of Thomas Gardiner borne 5 (1) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of Richard Goad borne 1 (5) 1643.
John the sonne of Richard Goade borne 1 (5) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Richard Goade borne 23 (4) 1644.
Abigail the daughter of John Gore borne 5 (5) 1641, buried 30 (2) 1642.
Abigail the daugher of John Gore borne 5 (3) 1643.
Mary the daughter of John Gorton borne 12 (4) 1641.
Sarah the daughter of John Gorton borne 21 (11) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of John Grave borne 1636.
John Grave housekeeper buried (9) 1644.
Mary the wife of Thomas Griggs buried 25 (9) 1639.
John the sonne of Samuel Hagborne borne 26 (1) 1640.
Hanna the daughter of Samuel Hagborne borne 5 (11) 1642.
Samuel Hagborn the father dyed 27 (10) 1642.
Thomas Harris servant to John Johnson dyed 2 (7) 1640.
Elisabeth daughter of Robert Harris borne 14 (9) 1644.
Marah the daughter of Raph Hemingway borne 30 (2) 1635 & buried 4 (3) 1635.
John the son of Raph Hemingway borne 27 (2) 1641.
Joshua the son of Raph Hemingway borne 9 (2) 1643.
Joshua the sonne of Joshua Hewes borne 19 (8) 1639, buried 20 (10) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Joshua Hues borne 29 (10) 1641.
Nathaniel son of Georg Holms borne 1 (12) 1639.
Deborah the daughter of George Holms borne 31 (11) 1641 buried 5 (12) 1641.
Sarah the daughter of George Holms borne 7 (11) 1643.
Isaac ths sonne of Abraham How borne 24 (4) 1639.
Deborah the daughter of Abraham How borne 4 (7) 1641.
Israel son of Abraham How borne 7 (5) 1644.
John the sonne of Isaac Johnson borne 3 (9) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Isaac Johnson borne 24 (2) 1642.
Isaac son of Isaac Johnson borne 7 (11) 1643.
Mehetabell daughter of Humphrey Johnson borne (7) 1644.
Elisabeth the wife of Thomas Lamb buried 28 (9) 1639.
A young infant of Thomas Lamb buried 28 (9) 1639.
Caleb the sonne of Thomas Lamb borne 9 (2) 1641.
Joshua sonn of Thomas Lamb borne 28 (9) 1642.
Elisabeth the wife of John Levins buried 10 (8) 1638.
John the sonne of John Levins borne 27 (2) 1640.
Peter the sonne of John Levins borne 11 (7) 1644, buried 15 (11) 1644.
Caleb sonne of John Levins borne 15 (2) 1644.
The wife of Robert Mason buried 1637.
Gershom son of John Matthew borne 1641.
Hanna daughter of Phillip Meadowes borne 1 (12) 1642.
Hanna the daughter of James Morgan borne 18 (5) 1642.
Isaac ye son of Isaac Morrell borne 26 (9) 1632 & buried (11) 1632.
Isaac ye son of Isaac Morrell borne 5 (12) 1633.
Abraham ye son of Isaac Morrell borne 6 (4) 1640.
Hanna ye daughter of Isaac Morrell borne 16 (7) 1636.
Elisabeth ye daughter of Isaac Morrell borne (3) 1638.
Mary ye wife of Robert Onion buried 4 (2) 1643.
An infant also of Robert Onion buried in the 2 month 1643.
Theoda ye daughter of William Park borne 2 (6) 1637.
Hanna ye daughter of William Park borne 28 (6) 1639.
Martha ye daughter of William Park borne 2 (1) 1641.
Sarah ye daughter of William Parks borne 19 (9) 1643.
Joseph ye sonne of Joseph Patching borne 14 (2) 1643.
John the son of Joseph Patching borne 20 (10) 1644.
Elisabeth ye daughter of Giles Pason borne 3 (12) 1639, buried 8 (2) 1639.
Samuel ye son of Giles Pason borne 7 (9) 1641.
Elisabeth ye daughter of Giles Pason borne 4 (12) 1644.
Marah ye daughter of Edward Pason borne 2 (7) 1641.
Anna the wife of Edward Pason buried 10 (7) 1641.
John son of Edward Pason borne 11 (4) 1643.
Jonathan ye son of Edward Pason borne 19 (10) 1644.
Samuel ye son of Richard Peacock borne 18 (12) 1639.
Caleb ye son of Richard Peacock borne 1 (1) 1641.
Dorcas ye daughter of Christopher Peake borne 1 (1) 1639.
Hannah ye daughter of Christopher Peake borne 25 (11) 1643.
Joseph ye sonne of Christopher Peake borne 15 (12) 1644.
William ye sonne of William Perkins borne 12 (8) 1639, buried 23 (10) 1639.
John ye son of John Perry borne 7 (7) 1639.
John Perry a householder dyed 21 (7) 1642.
Martha ye daughter of Thomas Pigg borne 12 (1) 1642.
Thomas Pigg, a householder, dyed 30 (10) 1643.
Hanna ye daughter of Edward Porter borne 16 (8) 1639.
Mary ye daughter of Edward Porter borne 29 (3) 1642.
Joseph the son of Edward Porter borne 25 (3) 1644.
Zebadiah ye son of hugh Prichard borne 17 (8) 1643.
-----, ye son of Hugh Prichard borne 13 (8) 1644.
Lidia ye daughter of Edward Riggs buried (6) 1633.
Elizabeth daught of Edward Riggs buried (3) 1634.
John ye son of Edward Riggs bueid (8) 1634.
Elizabeth ye wife of Edward Riggs buried (8) 1635.
Thomas Ruggles housekeeper buried 16 (9) 1644.
John ye son of John Scarbarrow borne 16 (5) 1642, buried 12 (6) 42.
Hanna daughter of John Scarbarrow borne 3 (10) 1643.
Shubill ye son of Robert Seaver borne 31 (11) 1639.
Caleb ye son of Robert Seaver borne (6) 1641.
Elisabeth ye daughter of Robert Seaver borne 19 (9) 1643.
Elisabeth ye daught of Robert Starkweather borne 23 (5) 1643.
Lidia ye daught of Robert Starkweather borne 23 (4) 1644.
Andrew the sonne of Ffrancis Smith buried 15 (1) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Martin Stebin borne 1 (12) 1642.
John Stone housekeeper buried 28 (8) 1643.
Elisabeth the wife of John Stowe buried 21 (6) 1638.
Thomas Tausley the servant of Joshua Hues buried 23 (10) 1641.
Jabez the son of John Tatman borne 19 (9) 1641.
Mary Thomas servant to Hugh Prichard dyed 10 (4) 1643.
Dorcas Walker buried 17 (2) 1640.
Hanna ye wife of Thomas Waterman buried 5 (4) 1641.
Dorcas ye daught of John Watson borne 20 (7) 1639.
Caleb ye son of John Watson borne 29 (3) 1641.
Mary the daught of John Watson borne 2 (3) 1644.
Elisabeth ye wife of Joseph Weld buried (8) 1638.
Sarah ye daught of Joseph Weld borne 31 (10) 1640.
Daniel son of Joseph Weld borne 18 (7) 1642.
Joseph son of Joseph Weld borne 6 (18) 1644.
Zachary ye son of Edward White borne r (6) 1642.
Samuel the son of Edward White borne 26 (11) 1644.
Jane Wife widdow buried 1637.
Stephen the sonne of Robert Williams borne 8 (9) 1640.
------ ye wife of Lawrence Whittamore buried 1642.
Lawrence Whittemore buried 24 (9) 1644.
Joseph Wise the son of Joseph Wise borne (2) 1643.
Joseph & Nathaniel the sonnes of Solomon Johnson borne 3 (12) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of Edmund Goodnow borne 28 (9) 1639.
Mary ye daught of Thomas Goodnow borne 25 (6) 1640.
Elisabeth ye daughter of Andrew Belchar & Elisabeth his wife was borne 17 (6) 1640.
Abigal the daughter of Hugh Griffin borne 16 (9) 1640.
Thomas Haine dyed 28 (5) 1640.
John the sonne of John How borne 24 (6) 1640.
Benjamin ye sonne of Edmond Riche borne 31 (3) 1640.
Hannah ye daught of John Stone & Anne his wife borne 6 (4) 1640.
Jonathan ye son of Nathaniel Treadaway borne 11 (9) 1640.
Edw. Vines ye servant of Robert Darvill buried 1 (1) 1640.
Mary ye wife of John Blandford dyed 4 (10) 1641.
John ye son of Richard Newon[sic?] & Anna his wife borne 20 (8) 1641.
John ye son of John Toll & Katherine his wife borne 20 (9) 1641.
Sarah ye daughter of John and Dorothie Blandford borne 27 (11) 1642.
Thomas Cakebread dyed 4 (11) 1642.
Ephraim ye son of Henry & Mary Curtes borne 31 (1) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Robt and Ester Darvill borne 10 (3) 1642.
Abigail the daught of Thornas (?) & Jane Goodnow borne 11 (1) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Edmund & Anne Goodnow borne 17 (1) 1642.
Sarah ye daughter of Hugh & Elisabeth Griffin borne 20 (9) 1642.
Samuel ye son of John & Mary How borne 20 (8) 1643.
Thomas ye son of Thomas & Anne King borne 4 (10) 1642.
Anne the wife of Thomas King dead 24 (10) 1642.
Thomas ye sonne of Thomas King dyed 3 (11) 1642.
Joseph ye son of John Parmentor Junior & Anna his wife borne 12 (1) 1642.
Elisabeth ye daughter of John Rutter & Elisab. his wife borne 6 (8) 1642.
John the son of John & Katherin Toll dyed 31 (11) 1642.
Mary ye daughter of Nathaniell & Sufrany Treadaway borne 1 (6) 1642.
John the son of John Woods was borne 8 (3) 1641.
Mary ye daughter of Willm and Mary Browne borne 18 (3) 1643.
Sarah ye daughter of Thomas & Jane Goodnow borne 20 (11) 1643.
Mary ye daughter of Solomon Johnson borne 23 (11) 1643.
Lidia ye daughter of John & Elisabeth Moore borne 24 (4) 1643.
Mary ye daughter of John & Katherin Toll, borne 8 (10) 1643.
Elisabeth ye daught of William & Elisabeth Ward borne 14 (2) 1643.
Mary the daught of Thomas & Mary Axdell borne 1 (4) 1644.
Martha ye daughter of Andrew & Elisabeth Belchar borne 26 (5) 1644.
Hanna the daught of John & Dorothie Blandford borne 7 (1) 1644.
Shemuel ye son of Hugh & Elisabeth Griffin borne 9 (11) 1644.
Elisabeth ye daught of John & Horothie Haine borne 19 (4) 1644.
Joseph the son of John & Elisabeth Ffreeman borne 29 (1) 1645.
Mary ye daughter of Richard & Anne Newton borne 22 (4) 1644.
Mary ye daughter of John & Amy Parmenter borne 10 (4) 1644.
John the son of John & Anne Redyate borne 19 (2) 1644.
Daniel ye son of John & Anne Stone borne 31 (6) 1644.
Increase the son of Wm & Elisabeth Ward borne 22 (11) 1644.
Thomas ye son of William & Mary Browne borne 22 (3) 1644.
Joseph ye sonn of Edmund & Ann Goodnow borne 19 (5) 1645.
Samuel ye son of Thomas & Jane Goodnow born 28 (12) 1845.
Caleb ye son of Solomon & Elinor Johnson borne 1 (12) 1645.
Jacob ye son of John & Elisabeth Moore borne 28 (2) 1645.
John the son of John & Elisabeth Rutter borne 7 (5) 1645.
Ffrancis the daught of John & Mary Wood borne 10 (3) 1645.
John the sonne of John & Dorothie Blandford borne 6 (1) 1646.
Sarah ye daught of Robert & Bridget Davies borne 10 (2) 1646.
Moses ye sonne of Richard & Anne Newton borne 26 (1) 1646.
Thoma Axdell buried 8 (1) 1646.
Births and burialls from ye yeare 1630 unto the yeare 1644..

John PICKRUM buried 10 (10) 1630.
Joseph GOSSE ye son of John & Sarah Gosse buried 10 (3) 1631.
Lidia ye daught of Abraham & Lidia BROWNE borne 22 (1) 1643.
Zorobabel son of Georg & Elisabeth PHILLIPS borne 5 (2) 1632.
Timothie son of Nicholas & Elinor KNAP 14 (10) 1632.
Isaac ye son of Isaac & Mary STERNE borne 6 (11) 1632.
Samuel ye son of Gregory & Alice TAYLOR borne 3 (2) buried 6 (2) 1632.
Elisabeth ye daught of John & Margaret ELLET borne 2 (12) 1633.
Sarah ye daughter of Robert & Sarah KEIES borne 26 (3) 1633.
Hannah ye daught of Edward & Margaret LAMB borne 27 (10) 1633.
Samuel ye son of John & Phebe PAGE borne 20 (6) 1633.
Jonathan ye son of George & Elisabeth PHILLIPS borne 16 (9) 1633.
Mary ye daught of Anthonie & Anne PERSE borne 28 (10) 1633.
Hannah ye daughter of John & Dorothie BROWNE borne 10 (7) 1634.
Pilgrim EDDIE ye daught of John & Amie Eddie borne 25 (6) 1634.
The child of John & Amie Eddy buried.
Abigail ye daught of Christopher & Mary GRANT borne 5 (12) 1634.
Joshua ye son of Nicholas & Elinor KNAP borne 5 (11) 1634.
Jonathan ye son of Robert LOCKWOOD and Susan his wife borne 10 (7) 1634.
Daniel ye son of John & Phebe PAGE borne 10 (6) 1634.
Sarah ye daught of John & Susan SIMSON borne 28 (3) 1634.
John ye son of William & Ammiel BARSHAM borne 8 (10) 1635,
Jonathan ye son of Abraham & Lidia BROWNE borne 15 (8) 1635.
James the son of James & Anne CUTLER borne 6 (9) 1635.
Mary ye daught of Edward & Margaret LAMB borne 10 (7) and buried 10 (9) 1636.
John ye son of John & Elisabeth LAWRENCE borne 14 (1) 1635.
James ye son of Edmund & Mary LEWIS borne 15 (11) 1635.
Hannah ye daught of Thomas & Jane MAYHEW borne 15 (4) 1635.
John ye son of Symon & Jone STONE borne 15 (6) 1635.
Sarah ye daught of Isaac & Mary STORIE borne 22 (7) 1635.
Elizabeth ye daught of John and Jane STOWERS borne 10 (2), buried 10 (10) 1635.
Lawrence ye son of Lawrence & Anne WATERS borne 14 (12) 1635.
John the son of John & Elinor WHITNEY borne 15 (5) 1635.
Mary BROWNE ye daught of John & Dorothie Browne borne 24 (1) 1636.
John BROWNE buried the 20 (4).
Elizabeth ye daught of Benjamin & Briget CRISP borne 8 (11) 1636.
John ye son of John & Margaret ELLET borne 12 (4) 1636.
John ye son of John & Amie EDDIE borne 16 (12) 1636.
Hannah ye daught of Hugh & Ester MASON borne 22 (7) 1636.
Bethiah ye daught of Thomas & Jane MAYHEW borne 6 (10) 1636.
Caleb ye son of Nicholas & Ellinor KNAP borne 20 (11) 1636.
Theophilus ye son of George & Elisabeth PHILLIPS borne 28 (3) 1636.
Deborah ye daught of Robert & Susan LOCKWOOD borne 12 (8) 1636.
Hannah ye daught of John & Susan SIMSON borne 25 (5) 1636.
John ye son of John & Margery TOMSON borne 10 (11) 1635, buried 10 (2) 1636.
Sarah ye daught of Lawrence & Anne WATERS 7 (10) 1636.
Anne the daught of William & Ammiel BARSHAM borne 7 (11) 1637.
Abigail ye daught of Henry & Anne BRIGHT borne 12 (8) 1637.
John ye son of Garret & Sarah CHURCH borne 10 (1) 1637.
Mary ye daught of John and Mary COOLIDG borne 14 (8) 1637.
Thomas COOPER buried 20 (4) 1637 being 80 yeares ould.
Mary ye daught of Nathaniel & Anne BOWMAN buried 10 (1) 1637.
Abigail the daught of Edward & Jane DIKES borne 2 (3) 1637.
Jonathan the son of Symon & Dorothie ELSE borne 20 (1) 1637.
Joseph the son of Edward & Rebecca GARFIELD borne 11 (7) 1637.
Joshua the son of Christopher & Mary GRANT borne 11 (4) 1637.
Hanna the daught of Timothy & Hanna HAWKINS borne 10 (4) 1637.
Jeremy the son of William & Margaret GUTTRIDGE borne 6 (1) 1637.
Elisabeth the daught of Robert & Grace JENNISON borne 12 (2) 1637.
John the son of Henry & Susan KEMBALL borne 5 (1) 1637.
Samuel the son of Edward & Margaret LAMB borne 3 (2) 1637.
Joseph the son of Joseph & Ester MOSSE borne 30 (2) 1637.
Jacob the son of Anthony & Anne PERSE borne 15 (7) 1637.
James the son of Thomas & Mary SMITH borne 18 (7) 1637.
Elisabeth the daughter of John & Jane STOWERS borne 14 (2) 1637.
Mary the daughter of Lawrence & Anne WATERS borne 27 (11) 1637.
Joannah the daught of Nathaniel & Anne BOWMAN 20 (2) 1638.
Dorcas the daught of Nathaniel and Anne BOWMAN borne 31 (11) buried 6 (12) 1638.
John the son of John & Abigail CLAISE borne 26 (6) 1638.
Hannah the daught of James & Anne CUTLER borne 26 (5) 1638.
Mary the daughter of Benjamin & Bridget CRISP borne 20 (3) 1638.
Joseph the sonne of Henry & Jane DOW borne 20 (1) 1638.
Daniel the son of William & Martha EATON borne 20 (11) 1638.
Anne the daught of John & Margaret ELLET borne 12 (5) 1638.
Samuel the son of Samuel & Apphia FFREEMAN, borne 11 (3) 1638.
Henry GOULDSTONE buried 25 (5) 1638.
James HUBBARD buried 26 (11) 1638.
Elisabeth the wife of Robert JENNISON buried 10 (8) 1638.
Rebecca the daughter of Robert & Sarah KEYES borne 17 (1) 1638.
Sarah the daught of Nicholas & Ellinor KNAP borne 5 (11) 1638.
Joseph the son of Robert & Susan LOCKWOOD borne 6 (6) 1638.
John the sonne of Joseph & Ester MOSSE borne 28 (12) 1638.
Ffrancis ONG widow buried 12 (9) 1638.
Amibel PHILLIPS ye daught of Georg & Elisab. Phillips borne (10) 1637 buried 17 (2) 1638.
Thomas ROGERS buried 12 (9) 1638.
Elisabeth the daught of Richard & Elisabeth SAWTLE borne 1 (3) 1638.
John the son of John & Martha SHERMAN borne 1 (9) 1638.
John the son of John & Susan SIMSON borne 20 (9) 1638.
Samuel the son of Isaac & Mary STERNE borne 24 (2) 1638.
John TOMSON buried 28 (12) 1638.
Stephen the son of Richard & Mary WAITE buried 8 (1) 1638, 9 days ould.
John the son of Roger & Mary WILLINGTON borne 25 (5) 1638.
Sarah the daught of Richard & Sara AMBLER borne 4 (10) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Thomas BARTLET being 2 yeares ould dyed 26 (6) 1639.
John the son of Richard & Mary BEECH borne 6 (6) 1639.
Mary the daught of John & Phebe BERNARD borne 7 (9) 1639.
Thomas the son of Thomas & Ffrancis BOYDON borne 26 (7) 1639.
Sarah the daught of Richard BEERES buried 30 (8) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Henry & Anna BRIGHT borne 23 (2) 1639.
Abraham the son of Abraham & Lidia BROWNE borne 6 (1) 1639.
Mary the daught of George & Bettris BULLARD borne 12 (12) 1639.
Robert the husband of Anne BULLARD buried 29 (4) 1639.
Margaret the wife of Georg BULLARD buried 8 (12) 1639.
Peter the son of John & Abigail CLAISE borne 27 (3) 1639.
Stephen the son of John & Mary COOLIDGE borne 28 (8) 1639.
Jonathan the son of Benjamin & Bridget CRISPE borne 29 (11) 1639.
Elisabeth the daughter of James & Anne CUTLER borne 28 (11) 1639.
Mary the daught of Edward & Jane DIKES borne 2 (3) 1639.
Benjamin the son of Benjain & Amie EDDIE buried 1639.
Isaac the son of William & Margery GODFREY borne 15 (2) 1639.
Caleb the son of Christopher & Mary GRANT borne 8 (12) 1639.
Joseph the son of William & Margaret BUTTRIDGE borne 29 (7) 1639.
Timothie the son of Timothie & Hanna HAWKINS borne 30 (10) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Miles & Martha IVES borne 11 (8) 1639.
Mary the daught of Robert & Sarah KEYES borne 17 (4) 1639.
Mary the daught of Edward & Margaret LAMB borne 30 (2) 1639.
John & Increase LAMB sons of Edw. & Marg. borne 13 (12) & buried 20 (12) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of John & Anne FFLEMMING borne 1 (7) 1639.
Nathaniel the son of John & Elizabeth LAWRENCE borne 15 (8) 1639.
Nathaniel the sonne of Edward & Mary LEWIS borne 25 (6) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Thomas & Jane MAYHEW borne 14 (11) 1639.
Daniel the sonne of Antonie & Anne PEIRCE borne 1 (11) 1639.
John PICKRUM the son of Esther Pickrum buried 6 (5) 1639.
Jonathan the son of Richard & Elisabeth SAWTLE borne 24 (6) 1639.
John the son of Thomas & Mary SMITH buried 26 (9) 1639.
Isabel the wife of John SMITH buried 12 (5) 1639.
Elisabeth STONE the daught of Simon & Joan Stone borne 5 (2) 1639.
Icabod the son of Thomas & Phebe ARNOLD borne 1 (1) 1640.
Joshua the son of William & Annibal BARSHAM borne 15 (1) 1640.
Mehetabel the daught of Thomas & Hanna BARTLET borne 15 (5) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Ellis & Grace BARRON borne 24 (5) 1640.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas & Sarah BOYLSON borne 21 (7) 1640.
Nathaniel the son of Nathaniell & Anne BOWMAN borne 21 (7) 1640.
Elisabeth the daught of John & Elisabeth BRABROOKE borne 4 (9) 1640.
Anne BUNTING servant to Thomas Hastings buried 21 (10) 1640.
Mary the daught of William & Margery CLARKE borne 10 (10) 1640.
John the husband Mary CROSSE buried 15 (7) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Garret & Sarah CHURCH borne 12 (4) 1640.
John the son of Edward & Jane DIKES borne 4 (7) 1640.
Joan the wife of Henry DOW buried 20 (4) 1640.
Dorothie the daughter of Simon & Dorothie EYRE borne 14 (4) 1640.
Samuel the son of John & Margaret ELLET borne (4) 1640 buried 30 (5) 1640.
Martha the daughter of John & Margeret ELLET borne 27 (11) buried 28 (11) 1640.
Samuel the son of John & Amy EDDY borne 30 (7) 1640.
Rebecca ye daught of Edward & Rebecca GARFIELD borne 10 (1) 1640.
Michall the daught of Robert & Grace JENNISON borne 17 (10) 1640.
Thomas the son of Thomas & Mary KING borne 16 (1) 1640.
Ruth the daught of Nicholas & Elinor KNAPP borne 6 (11) 1640.
Daniel the son of Robert & Susan LOCKWOOD borne 25 (1) 1640.
Mary the daughter of Hugh & Ester MASON borne 18 (10) 1640.
Ruth the daught of Hugh & Ester MASON buried 7 (10) 1640.
Ephraim the son of William & Elisabeth PARKER buried 12 (6) 1640 6 mo. ould.
Ephraim the son of Georg & Elisabeth PHILLIPS borne (1) buried 12 (4) 1640.
Bartholmew the son of Bartholmew & Vursula PIERSON borne (7) 1640 & buried 27 (8) 1640.
Mary the daught of Richard & Elisabeth SAWTLE born 19 (9) 1640,
Jonathan the son of John & Susanna SIMSON borne 26 (6) 1640.
John the son of John & Margaret STEBBIN borne 25 (1) 1640.
Joseph the son of Nicholas & Elisabeth THELE borne 24 (8) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of John & Margaret TRANEborne (12) 1639 buried 1 (1) 1640.
Caleb the son of John & Elinor WHITNEY buried 12 (5) 1640.
Mary the daughter of Roger & Mary WILLINGTON borne 10 (12) 1640.
Abraham the son of Richard & Sarah AMBLER borne 27 (7) 1641 buried 28 (7) 1641.
Susanna the daughter of William & Amibel BARSHAM borne 28 (11) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Richard & Mary BEECH borne 11 (10) 1641.
Mary the daught of Thomas & Ffrancis BOYDEN borne 15 (8) 1641.
John the son of Henry & Anna BRIGHT borne 14 (3) 1641.
John the son of Hugh & Elisabeth CLARKE borne 13 (8) 1641.
Eleazer the son of Benjamin & Bridget CRISP borne 14 (11) 1641.
Mary the daught of John & Mary CROSSE borne 10 (3) 1641.
Rebecca the daughter of Edward & Jane DIKES borne 19 (12) 1641.
Daniell the son of Henry & Margarte DOW borne 22 (7) 1641.
Thomas the son of Henry & Jone DOWE buried 10 (5) 1641.
Sarah the daughter of Richard & Mary GALE borne 8 (7) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of John & Sarah GOSSE buried 25 (10) 1641.
Benjamin the son of Christopher & Mary GRANT borne 6 (7) 1641.
John the son of John & Mary GROUT borne 8 (6) 1641.
Mary IVES the daughter of Miles & Martha Ives borne 10 (5) 1641.
Mary KEMBALL the daught of Henry & Mary Kemball borne 26 (9) 1641.
Mary KING the daught of Thomas & Mary King borne 2 (12) 1641.
Mary the daught of John & Elisabeth KNOLLIS borner 9 (2) 1641.
Ephraim the son of Robert & Susan LOCKWOOD borne 1 (10) 1641.
Mary the daughter of John & Sarah MARRIAN buried 24 (11) 1641 2 mo. ould.
Mary the daught of William & Mary MERCHANT borne 24 (1) 1641.
Ruhamah the daught of William & Elisabeth PARKER borane 19 (7) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of William & Anne PERRY borne 12 (6) 1641.
Martha the daught of Anthonie & Anne PIERSE borne 24 (2) 1641.
Bartholmew the son of Bartholmew & Vrsula PIERSON born 26 (12) 1641.
Obadiah son of George & Elisabeth PHILLIPS buried 5 (2) 1641.
Lidia the daught of John & Mary PRESCOTT borne 15 (6) 1641.
John the son of John & Priscilla ROGERS borne 11 (7) 1641.
John the son of Thomas & Mary SMITH borne 10 (10) 1641.
Mary the daughter of John and Mary STEBIN borne 6 (6) 1641.
Sarah the daught of John & Jane STOWERS borne 8 (1) 1641.
Thomas the son of Richard & Mary WAITE borne 3 (1) 1641.
Daniel the son of Lawrence & Anne WATERS borne 6 (12) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Georg & Mary WOODWARD borne 12 (6) 1641.
Abraham the son of Richard & Sarah AMBLER borne 22 (7) 1642.
Richard the son of Thomas & Phebe ARNOLD borne 22 (1) 1642.
Mary the daught of Richard & Elisabeth BEERS borne 10 (1) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Joseph & Sarah BEMIS borne 15 (11) 1642.
Joseph the son of John & Phebe BERNARD borne 12 (9) 1642.
Elisabeth the wife of Nathaniel BISCOE buried 20 (9) 1642.
Joannah the daughter of Nathaniel & Anne BOWMAN borne 20 (9) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Thomas & Sarah BOYLSON borne 30 (7) 1642.
John the son of John & Elisabeth BRABROOKE borne 12 (2) 1642.
Jacob the son of George & Bettris BULLARD borne 6 (2) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Garret & Sarah CHURCH borne 10 (1) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of William & Margery CLARKE borne 26 (9) 1642.
Nathaniel CLAYSE the son of John & Abigail CLAISE borne 6 (1) 1642.
Obadiah the son of John & Mary COOLIDGE borne 15 (2) 1642.
Nathan FFISK the son of Nathan & Susan Ffisk borne 17 (8) 1642.
Mary the daught of John & Mary DAVIES borne 20 (1) 1642.
John the son of John & Ann FFLEMINGE borne 25 (1) 1642.
Sarah the daught of William & Margery GODFREY borne 15 (3) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Christopher & Sarah GRANT borne 1 (12) 1642.
Benjamin the son of William & Margaret GUTTRIDGE borne 11 (2) 1642.
Stephen the son of Richard & Martha HOLDEN borne 19 (5) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Robert & Grace JENNISON borne 15 (10) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Robert & Sarah KEYES borne (12) 1641 buried 20 (5) 1642.
Priscilla the daughter of Wiliam & Mary KNAP borne 10 (9) 1642.
Joseph the son of John & Elisab. LAWRENCE borne (1) 1642, buried 39 (2) 1642.
The child of Edmund & Mary LEWIS buried 6 (9) 1642 10 days ould.
John the son of Robert & Mary SANDERSON borne 1 (11) 1642.
Hannah the daught of Richard & Elisabeth SAWTLE born 10 (10) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of John & Susan SIMSON borne 3 (1) 1642.
Daniel the sonne of Daniel & Elisabeth SMITH borne 27 (7) 1642.
Seabred the son of Thomas & Elisabeth TAILOR born 11 (1) 1642.
Samuel the son of John & Margery TOMSON buried 28 (1) 1642.
Mary the daught of John & Margaret TRANE borne 10 (8) 1642.
Stephen the son of Lawrence & Anne WATERS borne 24 (11) 1642.
Sarah the daughter of Georg & Mary WOODWARD borne 3 (12) 1642.
Hanna BARTLET ye daught of Thomas & Hannah Bartlet borne 6 (6) 1642.
Moses the sonn of Ellis & Grace BARRON borne 1 (1) 1643.
Anna the daught of Richard and Anna BENJAMIN borne 1 (7) 1643.
John the son of John BIGGELY & Mary his wife borne 16 (8) 1643.
Rebecca the daught of William & Ffrancis BODMAN borne 1 (9) 1643.
Thomas the son of John & Elisaeth BRABROOKE borne 4 (3) 1643.
Hannah the daught of Henry & Hannah BRIGHT borne 17 (1) 1643.
The child of Thom. & Mary BROUGHTON borne 3 (1) buried 10 (1) 1643.
Mary the daught of James & Anne CUTLER borne 29 (1) 1643.
Mary the daught of Henry & Margaret DOW borne 14 (7) 1643.
Mary the daught of William & Martha EATON borne 8 (2) 1643.
Abigail the daught of John & Amy EDDY borne 11 (8) 1643.
Sarah the daught of John & Margaret ELLET borne 22 (10) 1643.
John the son of Thomas & Mary FFLEGG borne 15 (4) 1643.
John GOSSE the husband of Sarah Gosse buried 16 (12) 1643.
Sarah the daught of John & Sarah GROUT borne 11 (10) 1643.
Hannah the daught of Miles & Martha IVES borne 9 (3) 1643.
Elias the son of Robert & Sarah KEYES borne 20 (3) 1643.
Hannah the daught of Nicholas & Elinor KNAP borne 6 (1) 1643.
Elisabeth the daught of John & Elisabeth KNOLLS borne 15 (3) 1643.
Joseph the son of John & Elisabeth LAWRENCE borne 30 (2) 1643.
Jonathan the son of John and Elisabeth LAWRENCE, bureid 6 (2) 1643.
Gershom LOCKWOOD the son of Robert & Susan Lockwood, borne 6 (7) 1643.
John MARRIAN the son of John & Sarah Marrian borne 12 (3) buried 15 (3) 1643.
Jonathan the son of Joseph & Ester MOSSE buried 12 (3) 1643.
Jonathan the son of Joseph & Ester MOSSE borne 7 (9) 1643.
Martha the dauaghter of Bartholmew & Vrsula PIERSON borne 17 (7) 1643.
Mary the daughter of John & Priscilla ROGERS borne 26 (8) 1643.
Zachariah the son of Richard & Elisabeth SAWTLE borne 26 (5) 1643.
Mary the daughter of John & Martha SHERMAN borne 25 (1) 1643.
John the husband of Susan SIMSON buried 10 (4) 1643.
Joseph the son of Thomas & Mary SMITH borne 10 (4) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of Nicholas & Elisabeth THELE borne 5 (4) 1643.
Benjamin the son of John & Elinor WHITNEY borne 6 (4) 1643.
John the son of John & Ruth WHITNEY borne 16 (7) 1643.
Joseph the son of Roger & Mary WILLINGTON borne 9 (8) 1643.
from 21 (9) 1641 to 29 (3) 1644, both of birthes and Burialls, beginning the yeare the first of the first month..

Elizabeth the daughter of Michaell BAKEN borne 4 (11) 1641.
Nathaniel the son of Benjamin BUTTERFIELD borne 14 (12) 1642.
Elisabeth the daughter of John CARTER, borne 8 (6) 1643.
Rebeccah the daughter of James HAYWARD borne 4 (10) 1643.
James the son of Georg FFARLY borne 23 (9) 1643 buried 18 (12) 1643.
Thomas FFULLER the son of Thomas Ffuller borne 22 (2) 1644.
James HAYWARD dyed 20 (9) 1642.
Hannah LEPPINWELL the daught of Michell Leppingwell borne 1 (7) 1642 buried 21 (12) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Michael LEPPINGWEL borne 22 (2) 1644.
Hannah the daught of Samuel RICHARDSON borne 8 (1) 1642.
Hannah the daught of Samuel RICHARDSON buried 8 (2) 1642.
Joseph the son of Samuel RICHARDSON borne 27 (5) 1643.
Isaac the son of Thomas RICHARDSON borne 24 (3) 1643.
John the son of Ezechiel RICHARDSON dyed 7 (11) 1642.
Ruth the daught of Ezechiel RICHARDSON borne 31 (6) 1643 and dyed 7 (7) 1643.
wife of James TOMSON dyed 8 (9) 1643.
Increase the sonne of Edward WIN borne 5 (10) 1641.
Samuel the son of Nicholas TRERISE borne 7 (3) 1643.
the son of Thomas PIERCE borne 7 (1) 1643.