from the YEARS 1630 untill the FIRST of the FIRST MONTH, 1644.
Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 2, Jan 1848, p 76 and subsequent
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

[Note:-- While the series as printed by the NEHGS is titled simply "Records of Boston", the introductory notes state that the records "embrace not only Boston, properly so called, but all the towns in its vicinity." Not all sections are strictly alphabetical.]
A register of the Births & Burialls in Cambridge from the yeare 1632 untill the first Month 1644.

Mary the wife of William Andrews dyed 19 (11) 1639.
Mary the daught of Joseph Baster & Mary his wife was borne the 13 (3) 1643.
Jemimah the daught of Andrew Belchar & Elisabeth his wife was borne the 5 (2) 1642.
William Bittlestone dyed 5 (8)
Thomas Bittlestone dyed 23 (9) 1640.
Susan Blogget the daughter of Thomas Blogget & Susan his wife was borne (4) 1637.
Thomas Blogget dyed 7 (6) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of Robt Bradish & Mary his wife was borne (3) 1638.
Mary the wife of Robt Bradish dyed (7) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Robt Bradish & Vashti his wife was borne 13 (12) 1639 and dyed 6 (5) 1642.
John the sonne of John Brewer & Anne his wife was borne the 10 (8) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Roger Burt and Susan his wife was borne 6 (12) 1642.
Jonathan the sonne of Christopher & Margaret Caine borne 27 (1) 1640.
Nathan the sonne of Christopher & Margaret Caine borne 5 (6) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Richard Champne & Jone his wife was borne (8) 1635.
Samuel the sonne of Richard Champne & Jone his wife was borne (7) 1635. [Transcriber's note: this seems unlikely. Might be a typo.]
Sarai the daught of Richard Champne & Jone his wife was borne (3) 1638.
Mary the daught of Richard Champne & Jone his wife was borne (9) 1639.
Thomas the sonne of Jonah Clarke & Sarah his wife was borne 2 (10) 1642.
Martha the daughter of Edward Collens & Martha his wife was borne (7) 1639.
Nathanael the sonne of Edward Collens & Martha his wife was borne 7 (1) 1642.
Elisabeth the daughter of Georg Cooke & Anne Cooke was borne 27 (1) 1640 & dyed (6) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of Georg Cooke & Anne his wife was borne 19 (4) 1642 & dyed 18 (6) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Joseph Cooke & Elisabeth his wife was borne 27 (10) 1643.
Annah the daughter of John Cooper & Anna his wife was borne 16 (9) 1643.
Symon the sonne of Symon Crosby & Annah his wife was borne (6) 1637.
Joseph the sonne of Symon Crosby & Annah his wife was borne (12) 1638.
Symon Crosby dyed 1639 (7 month).
Nicolas Danford dyed (2) 1638.
Mary the daught of Robt & Elisabeth Daniel was borne the 2 (7) 1642.
Elisabeth the wife of Robt Daniel dyed 2 (8) 1643.
Steven Day dyed 1 (10) 1639.
Elisabeth the wife of mr. Henry Dunster dyed 23 (6) 1643.
Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel Eldred & Elisabeth his wife was borne 26 (8) 1642
Sarah the daughter of John Ffrench & Jone his wife was borne (8) 1637.
Joseph the sonne of John Ffrench & Jone his wife was borne 4 (2) 1640.
Nathanael the sonne of John Ffrench & Jone his wife was borne 7 (4) 1643.
Sarah the daugher of Wm Ffrench & Elisabeth his wife was borne (1) 1638.
John the sonne of Richard & Jone Champne was borne 28 (3) 1641.
Jacob the sonne of William Ffrench & Elisabeth his wife was borne 16 (11) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Willm Ffrench & Elisabeth his wife was borne 2 (12) 1641 & dyed 20 (4) 1642.
Katherine the wife of James Ffryers dyed 28 (5) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of Edmund Ffrost & Tomasin his wife was borne (1) 1637.
Samuel the sonne of Edmund Ffrost & Tomasin his wife was borne (12) 1638.
Joseph the sonne of Edmund Ffrost & Tomasin his wife was borne 13 (11) 1639.
James the sonne of Edmund Ffrost & Tomasin his wife was borne 9 (2) 1643.
Sarah the daughter of John Ffurnell & Mary his wife was borne (6) 1638.
Edmund Gale Dyed 29 (5) 1642.
Mary the daught of John Gibson & Rebecca his wife was borne (1) 1637.
Matilda the daughter of John Gibson & Rebecca his wife was borne (2) 1639.
Nathaniel the sonne of Edmund Goffe and Joyce his wife was borne (12) 1637.
Joyce the wife of Edmund Goffe dyed (9) 1638.
Deborah the daughter of Edmund Goffe & Margaret his wife was borne 15 (10) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of Edmund Goffe & Margaret his wife was borne 23 (1) 1643.
Jacob Gould the sonne of Thomas Gould & Mary his wife was borne 16 (7) 1643.
John the sonne of Perceiveall Greene & Ellen his wife was borne (4) 1636.
Elisabeth the daughter of Perceveall Greene & Ellen his wife was borne (2) 1639.
Perceuveall Greene Dyed 25 (10) 1639.
Elisabeth the daughter of Samuel Greene & Jane his wife was borne 16 (2) 1640.
Sarah the daugher of Samuel Greene & Jane his wife was borne 7 (8) 1642.
Henry Griffith dyed 12 (9) 1638.
Mary the daughter of Ffrancis Grisell & Mary his wife was borne 28 (8) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of Ffrancis Grisell & Mary his wife was borne 3 (12) 1642 & dyed (2) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Nathanael & Jone Hancock was borne (9) 1634.
Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel and Jone Hancock was borne (1) 1636.
Nathaniel the sonne of Nathaniel and Jone Hancock was borne 18 (10) 1639.
John the sonne of Nathaniel and Jone Hancock was borne 9 (-) 164 - , and dyed 2 (2) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of Roger & Elisabeth Harlackinton was borne the (10) 1636.
Margaret the daugt of Roger Harlackinton & Elisabeth his wife was borne (7) 1638.
Roger Harlackinton Dyed (8) 1638.
Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Hasewell & Jane his wife was borne 20 (7) 1643.
Dorcas the daught of Robt Homes & Jane his wife was borne (6) 1838 & dyed ( - ) 1642.
John the sonne of Robt Homes & Jane his wife was borne (4) 1639.
John the sonne of Samuel Howse & Elisabeth his wife was borne 6 (10) 1642.
Berbery Hutson dyed 14 (12) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Georg Hutchen & Jane was borne 28 (10) 1630.
Joshua the sonne of Samuel Hyde and Temperance is wife was borne 12 (1) 1642.
Joseph Isaac dyed the 11 (3) 1642.
Naomi the daught of Michael Lappinwall & Isabell his wife was borne 8 (9) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Cary Lathom & Elisabeth his wife was borne (9) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of Cary Lathom & Elisabeth his wife was borne 2 (10)
John the sonne of Edward Lockwood & Elisabeth his wife was borne (9) 1632.
Elisabeth the daughter of James Luxford & Elisabeth his wife was borne (7) 1637.
Reuben the sonne of James Luxford & Elisabeth his wife was borne (12) 1640.
Hannah the daught of Willm Manning & Dorothy his wife was born 21 (4) 1642.
John the sonne of John Meane & Anne his wife was borne the 3 (12) 1638.
John Meane dyed 16 (6) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of John Meane & Anne his wife was borne 12, 1639.
John Masters dyed 21 (10) 1639.
Jane Masters dyed the 10 (10) 1639.
Ruth the daught of Edward Michelson & Ruth his wife was borne 9 (9) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Edward Michelson & Ruth his wife was borne (7) 163 - .
[B h a] the daughter of Edward Michelson and Ruth his wife was borne 6 (10) 1642.
Sarah the daughter of Ffrancis Moore & Katherine his wife was borne 3 (2) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Goulden Moore & Jane his wife was borne 15 (1) 1643.
Nathannel Patten dyed (11) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Wm Patten & Mary his wife was borne 27 (11) 16 -- .
Nathannel the sonne of William Patten & Mary his wife was borne 28 (5) 1643.
Benjamin the sonne of Robert Parker & Jude his wife was borne (4) 1636.
Sarah the daughter of Robert Parker & Jude his wife was borne (2) 1640.
Nathanael the sonne of Robert Parker & Jude his wife was borne 28 (5) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Tho. Parish & Mary his wife was borne 21 (5) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Thomas Parish & Mary his wife was borne 3 (2) 1638.
Mary the daughter of Harbert Pellam & Elisabeth his wife was born 12 (9) 1643.
Frances the daught of Hurbert Pellam & Elisabeth his wife was borne 9 (9) 1643.
Lidia the daught of John Pickering & Mary his wife was borne 5 (9) 1638.
Elisabeth the wife of Henry PRENTIS dyed 13 (3) 1643. [transcriber's note: I don't know if this is connected to the Pickering surname or not.]
Abigail the daught of John Picke & Mary his wife was borne 22 (2) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Richard Robins & Rebecca his wife was borne 22 (3) 1643.
John Roman dyed 19 (10) 1638.
John Rose dyed the 12 (10) 1640.
Phebe Russell dyed 8 (5) 1642.
Daniell Saunders dyed 27 (12) 1639.
Mary the daught of Roger Shaw dyed 26 (11) 1639.
Ester the daught of Roger Shaw & Anne his wife was borne the (4) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Samuel Shepheard & Hannah his wife was borne 5 (9) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Samuel Shephard & Hannah his wife was borne (12) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of Samuel Shephard & Hannah his wife was borne 20 (4) 1642.
John the sonne of Thomas Skidmore and Ellen his wife was borne 11 (2) 1643.
Mary the wife of Nathaniel SPARHAWKE dyed 25 (11) 1643. [transcriber's note: I don't know why this one is under 'Skidmore.')
Sarah the daught of John Stedman & Allice his wife was borne 11 (11) 1643.
Hannah the daught of Robt Stedman & Anne his wife was borne 14 (7) 1638.
John the sonne of Robt Stedman & Anne his wife was borne 27 (10) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Nathaniel Sparhawk & Mary his wife was born 27 (8) 1638 & dyed 13 (8) 1639.
Rebeccah the daught of Andrew Stemson & Jane his wife was borne 20 (11) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of John Trumble & Elisabeth his wife was borne (4) 1638.
John the sonne of John Trumble & Elisabeth his wife was borne 4 (6) 1641.
Hannah the daught of John Trumble & Elisabeth his wife was borne 10 (10) 1642.
Mary the daught of William Towne & Martha his wife was borne (7) 1637.
Hezekiah the sonne of Hezekiah Vsher & Ffrancis his wife was borne (4) 1639.
John the sonne of Hezekiah Vsher & Ffrancis his wife was borne 11 (7) 1643.
Thomas the sonne of Georg Willis & Jane his wife was borne 28 (10) 1638.
Mary the daught of Thomas Allen & Anna his wife was borne 31 (11) 1639.
Sarah Allen ye daught Tho. Allen & Ann borne 8 (6) 1641.
Sarah the daughter of Thomas Allen & Anna his wife was borne 31 (2) 1642.
Elizabeth the daught of Thomas Allen & Anna his wife was borne 17 (7) & dyed 19 (7) 1643.
John Allen the sonne of John Allen and Sarah his wife was borne 16 (8) 1640.
Sarah the daugt of John Allen & Sarah his wife was borne 11 (6) 1642 & dyed 10 (10) 1642.
Mary the daught of John Allen and Sarah his wife was borne 6 (12) 1643.
Mary the daught of John Brimsmeade & Mary his wife was borne 24 (5) 1640.
John the sonne of John Brimsmeade & Mary his wife was borne 2 (1) 1643.
John the sonne of James Browne & Judith his wife was borne 4 (11) 1637.
James the sonne of James Browne & Judith his wife was borne 20 (12) 1642 & buried 28 (6) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of John Burrage & Mary his wife was borne 14 (10) 1643.
Mercie Call the daught of Thomas Call & Bennet his wife was borne 7 (9) 1643.
Elisabeth the daught of Edward Carington & Elisabeth his wife was borne 11 (1) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Edward Carington & Elisabeth his wife was borne 9 (7) 1643.
John the sonne of James Cary & Ellinor his wife was borne 29 (5) 1642.
Anne the daught of Thomas Carter & Anne his wife was borne 10 (1) 1640.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas Carter & Anne his wife was borne 22 (2) 1642.
Hannah the daughter of Samuel Carter & Winnifred his wife was borne 28 (8) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Samuel Carter & Winnifred his wife was borne 8 (7) 1642.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Coitmore & Marth his wife was borne 26 (12) 1641.
William the sonne of Thomas Coitmore & Martha his wife was borne 6 (12) 1643 & dyed 18 (12) 1643.
Abraham the sonne of Isaac Cole & Joannah his wife was borne 3 (8) 1636.
Jacob the sonne of Isaac Cole & Joanna his wife was borne 10 (5) 1641.
Elisabeth the daught of Isaac Cole & Joanna his wife was borne 26 (7) 1643.
Elisabeth the daught of Solomon Ffipps & Elisabeth his wife was borne 23 (2) 1643.
Brthya the daught of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 7 (12) 1630.
John the son of Willm Ffordingam & Anne his wife was borne 10 (6) 1633.
Elisabeth the daughter of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 15 (1) 1635.
Peter the sonne of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 15 (2) 1636.
Mary the daught of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 1 (2) 1638.
Nathaniel the sonne of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 16 (2) 1640.
Steven the sonne of Wm Ffrodingam & Anne his wife was borne 11 (9) 1641.
Hannah the daught of Wm Ffrodingham & Anna his wife was borne 29 (11) 1642.
Hannah Garret a fatherless child dyed (12) 1632.
Mary the daught of James Garret & Deborah his wife was borne 4 (3) 1638.
Priscilla the daught of James Garret & Deborah his wife was borne 28 (4) 1640.
James the sonne of James Garret & Deborah his wife was borne 6 (6) 1643.
Mary the wife of John Gould dyed 28 (7) 1642.
Susan the daught of Thomas Greamse & Katerine his wife was borne 8 (5) 1643.
Mary the daught of John Greene & Perseverance his wife was borne 1 (2) 1634.
John the sonne of John Grover & Elisabeth his wife was borne 18 (12) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of John Grover & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (7) 1642.
Lazurus the sonne of Thomas Grover & Elisabeth his wife was borne 6 (2) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Nathanael Hadlock & Mary his wife was borne 31 (3) 1641.
Nathanaell the sonne of Nathanael Hadlock & Mary his wife was borne 5 (4) 1643.
John the sonne of Robt Hale & Jone his wife was borne the 3 (4) 1636.
Mary the daught of Robt Hale & Jone his wife was borne the 17 (3) 1639.
Zacharias the sonne of Robert Hale & Jone his wife was borne 3 (2) 1641 & dyed 5 (4) 1643.
Elisabeth the daught of Richard Harrington & Elisabeth his wife was borne 15 (3) 1643.
James the sonne of James Heiden & Elisabeth his wife was borne 13 (12) 1637.
John the sonne of James Heiden & Elisabeth his wife was borne 26 (10) 1639.
Ruhamah the daughter of James Hiden & Elisabeth his wife was borne 18 (9) 1641.
Gershon the sonne of Joseph Hills & Rose his wife was borne 27 (5) 1639.
Mehetabel the daughter of Joseph Hills & Rose his wife was borne 1 (11) 1640.
Ruth the daught of Abraham Hill & Sarah his wife was borne 2 (4) 1640.
Isaac the sonne of Abraham Hill & Sarah his wife was borne 29 (8) 1641.
Abraham the sonne of Abraham Hill & Sarah his wife was borne 1 (8) 1643.
Benjamin the sonne of Benjamin Hubbard & Alice his wife was borne 24 (1) 1634.
Elisabeth the daught of Benjamin Hubbard & Alice his wife was borne 4 (2) 1636.
Thomas the sonne of Benjamin Hubbard & Allice his wife was borne 31 (3) 1639.
Hanoa the daught of Benjamin Hubbard & Alice his wife was borne 16 (10) 1641.
James the sonne of William Johnson & Judith his wife was borne 21 (6) 1648.
Elisabeth the daught of Edward Jones & Anne his wife was borne 11 (8) 1643.
John the sonne of Thomas James and Elisabeth his wife was borne 18 (11) 1632.
John the sonne of Richard Kettle & Ester his wife was borne 6 (10) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of Richard Kettle & Ester his wife was borne 15 (12) 1640.
Samuell the sonne of Richard Kettle & Ester his wife was borne 19 (9) 1642.
Mary the daught of John Lawrence & Susan his wife was borne 15 (11) 1642.
John the sonne of Edward Larkin & Joan his wife was borne 10 (1) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of Edward Larkin & Joan his wife was borne 5 (7) 1641.
Hannah the daught of John Larkin & Joane his wife was borne 16 (1) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Robt Long & Elisabeth his wife was borne 2 (1) 1637.
Ruth the daughter of Robt Long & Elisabeth his wife was borne 3 (4) 1639.
Deborah the daught of Robt Long & Elisabeth his wife was borne 10 (6) 1642.
John the sonne of Richard Lowden & Mary his wife was borne 10 (3) 1641.
Jeremy the sonne of Richard Lowden & Mary his wife was borne 8 (1) 1643.
John the sonne of John Lewis & Margaret his wife was borne 12 (7) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of John Lewis & Margaret his wife was borne 24 (4) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of John Lewis & Margaret his wife was borne 10 (7) 1642.
Mary the daught of William Luddington & Ellen his wife was borne 6 (12) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Thomas Lynde & Margaret his wife was borne 3 (4) 1636.
Sarah the daughter of Thomas Lynde & Margaret his wife was borne 16 (2) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Thomas Lynde & Margaret his wife was borne 2 (3) 1642.
Mary the daught of Wm Marble & Elisabeth his wife was borne 10 (2) 1642.
Edward the sonne of John March dyed 4 (8) 1638.
John the sonne of John March dyed 2 (3) 1641.
Mehetabel the daughter of John Martin & Sarah his wife was borne 1 (8) 1643.
Raph Marrley dyed (7) 1630.
John the sonne of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 13 (12) 1635.
Abigail the daughter of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 10 (6) 1637.
Elisabeth the daught of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 2 (4) 1639.
Sarah the daught of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 20 (12) 1640.
Elias the sonne of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 17 (1) 1643.
Martha the daughter of Edward Mellowes & Hannah his wife dyed 25 (12) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of Edward Mellowes & Hannah his wife was borne 5 (1) 1643.
James the sonne of Richard Mellers was borne 3 (4) 1642.
Hopestill the daught of John Miricke & Judith his wife was borne 20 (12) 1642.
Hester the daughter of Rice Morrice & his wife was borne the 6 (1) 1641.
Gregory Nash & his wife dyed (12) 1630.
Sarah the daughter of Randall Nicholls & Elisabeth his wife was borne 27 (11) 1642.
Increase the sonne of Mr. Increase Nowel & Parnell his wife was borne 19 (9) 1630 & dyed 6 (1) 1632.
Abigail the daught of Increase Nowel & Parnell his wife was borne 27 (2) 1632 & dyed 6 (1) 1634.
Samuel the sonne of Mr. Increase Nowell was borne 12 (9) 1634.
Eliezer the sonne of Mr. Increase Nowell & Parnell his wife was borne 16 (8) 1636 & dyed 26 (9) 1636.
Mehetabell the daught of Mr. Increase Nowell & Parnell his wife was borne 2 (12) 1637.
Increase the sonne of Mr. Increase Nowel & Parnell his wife was borne 23 (3) 1640.
Mary the daught of Mr. Increase Nowell & Parnell his wife was borne 26 (3) 1643.
Rebecca the daughter of Richard Palgrave & Anne his wife was bgorne 25 (5) 1631.
John the sonne of Richrad Palgrave & Anne his wife was borne 6 (1) 1634.
Lidia the daught of Richard Palgrave & Anne his wife was borne 15 (11) 1635.
Bethya the daught of Richard Palgrave & Anne his wife was borne 10 (5) 1638 & dyed 21 (6) 1638.
Benjamin the sonne of Walter Palmer & Rebecca his wife was borne 30 (3) 1642.
Phebe the daught of William Phillips & Mary his wife was borne 7 (2) 1640.
Nathanael the sonne of Wm Phillips & Mary his wife was borne 5 (12) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Willm Phillips & Mary his wife was borne 17 (12) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Willm Powell & Elisabeth his wife was borne 30 (2) 1637.
Martha the daught of Willm Powell & Elisabeth his wife was borne 29 (2) 1639.
Joshua the sonne of William Powel & Elisabeth his wife was borne 15 (9) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of Wm Powel & Elisabeth his wife was borne 22 (6) 1642.
Peter the sonne of John Power & Sarah his wife was borne 4 (9) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Richard Pratt & Mary his wife was borne 30 (7) 1643.
James the sonne of Richard Russell & Maud his wife was borne 1 (8) 1640.
Ruth the daught of William Sergeant & Sarah his wife was borne the 25 (8) 1642.
John the sonne of Robt Shorthus & Katherine his wife was borne 13 (7) 1637.
Elisabeth the daughter of Robt Shorthus & Katherine his wife was borne & (7) 1640.
Hannah the daught of William Smith & Anne his wife was borne 27 (7) 1639.
Nathanael the sonne of Wm Smith & Anne his wife was borne 25 (11) 1640.
Mary the daught of Wm Smith & Anne his wife was borne 20 (10) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Nicholas Stower & Amy his wife was borne 21 (12) 1632.
Abigail the daughter of Nicholas Stower & Amy his wife was borne 27 (4) 1636.
John Stower the sonne of Nicholas Stower dyed the 15 (6) 1638.
Jeremie the sonne of Jeremie Swaine & Mary his wife was borne 1 (1) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of Seth Switzer & Bethia his wife was borne 27 (11) 1642.
Ruth the daught of Zacharias Symms & Sarah his wife was borne 18 (8) 1635.
Zacharias the sonne of Zacharias Symms & Sarah his wife was borne 9 (11) 1637.
Tymothie the sonne of Zacharias Symms & Sarah his wife was borne 7 (3) 1640 & dyed 25 (7) 1640.
Deborah the daughter of Zacharias Symms & Sarah his wife was borne 29 (6) 1642.
John the sonne of Nichoas Treroice & Rebecca his wife was borne 26 (3) 1639.
Hanna the daught of Augustin Walker & Hanna his wife was borne 12 (7) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Augustin Walker & Hannah his wife was borne 1 (8) 1642.
Elizabeth the daughter of Isaac Wheeler & Ffrancis his wife was borne 8 (5) 1641.
Sarah the daught of Isaac Wheeler & Ffrancis his wife was borne 13 (1) 1643.
Mary the daught of Thomas Wilder & Anne his wife was borne 30 (4) 1642.
Elisabeth Willis servant to Mr. Increase Nowel dyed 16 (10) 1635.
Hannah the daughter of Francis Willoughby & Sara his wife was borne 17 (3) 1643 & dyed the 4 (7) 1643.
Ruth the wife of Edward Wood dyed 29 (6) 1642.
Edward Wood the Elder of that name dyed 27 (9) 1642.
Susanna the daught of Thomas Atkinson was borne 28 (2) 1641.
Hannah the daught of Thomas Atkinson was borne the 5 (1) 1643.
Thomas Bagnley dyed the 18 (1) 1643.
Hannah the daught of James Bennet was borne 1 (4) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of James Bennet was borne the 16 (8) 1642.
Mary the daughter of James Bloud was borne the 12 (5) 1640.
William Bowstred buried 31 (8) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Henry Brookes was borne the 12 (2) 1641.
Boaz the sonne of Thomas Browne was borne the 14 (12) 1641.
Dorothie the daughter of Mr. Peter Buckley was borne the 2 (6) 1640.
Peter the sonne Mr. Peter Buckley was borne the 12 (6) 1643.
Peter the sonne of Mr. Edward Buckley was borne the 3 (11) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Mr. Thomas Buckley was borne the 12 (6) 1640.
Richard the sonne of William Busse was borne the 6 (5) 1640.
Anne the daughter of William Busse was borne the 18 (12) 1641.
Hannah the daught of John Chandler was borne 28 of 12, 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Wm Costin was borne the 24 (1) 1642.
Phebe his daughter borne 10 (2) 1642.
Thomas Dane had a daughter borne 24 (12) 1642.
The wife of Thomas Dogget dyed 23 (6) 1642.
Lidia the daught of Roger Draper was borne the 11 (9) 1641.
John the sonne of Walter Edmunds was borne the 2 (5) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Robert Edwards was borne the 12 (7) 1640 & buried 26 (7) 1640.
John the sonne of John Evarts was borne the 29 (12) 1639.
Judah the sonne of John Evarts was borane 27 (8) 1642.
Mary the daught of George Ffowle was borne 24 (9) 1640.
Peter the sonne of Georg Ffowle was borne 2 (10) 1641.
James the sonne of George Ffowle was borne 12 (1) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Henry Ffarewell was borne 26 (12) 1640.
Ephraim the sonne of Mr. Thomas Flint was borne 14 (11) 1641.
Hannah the daught of William Ffuller was borne the 8 (6) 1641.
Elisabeth the daught of Wililam Ffuller dyed 24 (5) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Thomas Ffoxe was borne the 18 (7) 1642 & dyed 9 (8) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas Ffoxe was borne the (7) 1642.
Robt Gamlin was buried the 7 (7) 1642.
Isabell the wife of Nathan Halsted dyed 15 (1) 1641.
John the sonne of Willm Hartwell was borne the 23 (12) 1640.
Richard Harvy had twoe daughters borne the 25 & 26 of the 9 month 1639, & both dyed the 28 (9) 1639.
Margaret his wife dyed 2 (10) 1639.
John the sonne of George Hayward was borne 20 (10) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Georg Heyward was borne the 26 (1) 1643.
Mary the daughter of James Hosmore was borne 10 (11) 1639 & dyed 18 (6) 1642.
Mary the wife of James Hosmore was buryed 11 (3) 1641.
Steven the sonne of James Hosmore & Alice his wife was borne 27 (9) 1642.
Eliphelet the sonne of Mr. John Jones was borne the 9 (11) 1640.
Josiah the sonne of Richard Lettin was borne 20 (12) 1640.
Richard Lettin also had another sonne borne the 12 (7) 1643.
Hanna the daught of Wm Hunt was borne 12 (12) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Ambrose Martin was borne the 8 (9) 1640.
Sarah his daughter was borne 27 (8) 1642.
John the sonne of Joseph Miriam was borne the 9 (5) 1641.
Joseph Miriam dyed 1 (11) 1640.
Elisabeth the daught of Georg Miriam was borne 8 (9) 1641.
Mary the daught of John Myles was borne the 11 (12) 1639.
James the sonne of William Odle was borne the 2 of the 11 month 1639, and was buried 4 (2) 1641.
Rebecca the daughter of William Odle was borne the 17 (5) 1642.
Eunice the daughter of Luke Potter was borne the 2 (1) 1640.
Rebecca the daughter of Luke Potter was borne the 2 (8) 1643 & dyed 11 (8) 1643.
Stephen the sonne of James Posmore was borne the 13 (9) 1642.
Alice Prentice dyed 8 (1) 1643.
Elisabeth the daught of Richard Rice was borne the 27 (8) 1641.
John the sonne of Richard Rice was borne 23 day, 12 month, 1643.
mary the wife of Symon Rogers dyed 1 (6) 1640.
George Squires had a sonne borne 11 (1) 1643.
Sarah the wife of Sm Symons buried 3 (2) 1641.
A daughter of Benjamin Thwing dyed 23 96) 1642.
Ruth the daught of John Tompkins was borne 1 (4) 1640.
John the sonne of John Tompkins was borne 25 (7) 1642.
Rebecca the daught of Benjamin Turney was borne 16 (12) 1639.
Sarah his daughter was borne 11 (10) 1641
and Ruth was borne 28 (11) 1643.
Remembrance the daughter of William Vnderwood was borne 25 (12) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of Moses Wheate was borne the 25 (8) 1641.
Hannah his daught borne 12 (12) 1642.
Moses, the sonne of Moses Wheate buried 28 (4) 1641.
Hannah the daught of Moses Wheat was borne 19 (12) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Georg Wheeler was borne 30 (1) 1640.
John the sonne of Georg Wheeler was borne the 19 (1) 1643.
Ephraim the sonne of Joseph Wheeler was borne 14 (2) 1640, buried 19 (5) 1642.
Elisabeth the wife of Joseph Wheeler buried 19 (5) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Joseph Wheeler was borne the 1 (10) 1641, buried 18 (5) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Joseph Wheeler was borne the 20 (7) 1643.
Sarah the daught of Timothie Wheeler was borne 22 (4) 1640.
Jane the wife of Timothie Wheeler dyed 12 (12) 1642.
vxer Timothy Wheeler dyed 12 (12) 1642.
John the sonne of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 27 (11) 1640.
Ruth the daughter of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 23 (2) 1642.
A sonne of Obadiah Wheeler was borne 25 (10) 1643 and dyed 29 (9) 1643. [Transcribers note: Perhaps these dates should be reversed?]
Isaac the sonne of Ephraim Wheeler was borne 13 (10) 1642.
Allice the daught of Thomas Wheeler dyed 17 (1) 1640.
Symon the sonne of Symon Willard was borne 31 (11) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Symon Willard was borne 24 (5) 1642 or 17 of the 4th month.
Bethia the daught of Fferdinando Adams and Anne his wife was born 10 (4) 1640.
Abigail his daughter was born the 16 (7) 1639.
Nathaniel his sonne was borne 16 (1) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas Alcock & Margery his wife was borne 4 (8) 1638.
Sarah the daught of Thomas Alcock & Margery his wife was borne 29 (10) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Thomas Alcock & Margery his wife was borne the 25 (3) 1642.
John the sonne of James Allin & Anne his wife was borne 5 (10) 1639.
Mary & Martha borne 11 (10) 1641.
Edward Allein gent. deceased 8 (7) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of John Bachelor & Rebecca his wife was borne 8 (11) 1639.
John the sonne of John Balden & Joanna his wife was borne 24 (4) 1635.
Joseph the sonne of William Bearstone & Anne his wife was borne 6 (4) 1639.
Abigail the daughter of John Bullard & ----- his wife was borne 8 (8) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Samuel Bullen & Mary his wife was borne 20 (5) 1642.
Elisabeth the daughter of Ffrancis Chickering & Anne his wife was borne 26 (7) 1638.
Elisabeth Chickering dyed 28 (5) 1642.
Bethshua the daughter of Ffrancis Chickering & Anne his wife was borne 23 (10) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Joseph Clarke & Allice his wife was borne 27 (5) 1642.
Rowland Clark deceased the 2 (12) 1638.
Mary Clark deceased the 22 (3) 1642.
Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel Colbourne & Priscilla his wife was borne 5 (2) 1640.
Rebecca the daughter of Nathaniel Colbourne & Priscilla his wife was borne 17 (12) 1642.
John the sonne of Edward Culver & Anne his wife was borne 15 (2) 1640.
Joshua the sonne of Edward Culver & Anne his wife was borne 12 (11) 1642.
Mary the daught of John Dwight & Hanna his wife was borne 25 (5) 1635.
Sarah the daughter of John Dwight & Hannah his wife was borne 17 (4) 1638.
John Dwight deceased 24 (1) 1638.
John the sonne of Thomas Eams & Margaret his wife was borne 6 (8) 1642.
John Eames deceased 17 (7) 1641.
Abigail the daught of John Eaton and Abigail his wife was borne 6 (11) 1639.
Jacob the sonne of John Eaton and Abigail his wife was borne 8 (4) 1642.
Abigail the daughter of John Elderkin & ----- his wife was borne 13 (7) 1641.
Mary the daught of Richard Everard & Mary his wife was borne 28 (7) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Richard Everard & Mary his wife was borne 31 (7) 1639.
Sarah the daughter of Richard Everard & Mary his wife was borne 14 (1) 1641 & deceased 1 (2) 1641.
Joshua the sonne of John Ffairebanke & Sarah his wife was borne 26 (3) 1642.
John Ffisher deceased 5 (7) 1637.
Isaac the sonne of John Ffrarey & Prudence his wife was borne 29 (10) 1638.
Eleasar the sonne of John Ffrarey & Prudence his wife was borne 14 (12) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of John Ffrarey & Prudence his wife was borne 27 (8) 1641.
Samuel the sonne of John Gaye & Joanna his wife was borne 10 (1) 1639.
Hezekiah the sonne of John Gay & Joanna his wife was borne 8 (5) 1640.
Nathaniell the sonne of John Gay & Joanna his wife was borne 11 (11) 1642.
Gamaliel the sonne of Robert Hindsell & ----- his wife was borne the 5 (1) 1642.
Barnabas the sonne of Robert Hindsell & ----- his wife was borne 13 (9) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of John Hunting & Ester his wife was borne 22 (5) 1640.
John the sonne of Thomas James & Margaret his wife was borne 16 (3) 1641.
Lot the sonne of Austen Kalem & Alice his wife was borne 11 (7) 1640.
Sarah the daughter of Austen Kalem & Alice his wife was borne 4 (11) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Joseph Kingsbury & Millecent his wife borne 1 (7) 1637.
Elisabeth the daught of Joseph Kingsbury & Millecent his wife was borne 14 (7) 1638.
Joseph the sonne of Joseph Kingsbury & Millecent his wife was borne 17 (12) 1640.
Samuel Lusher deceased 29 (10) 1638.
Ruth the daught of John Morse & Annis his wife was borne 2 (4) 1637.
John the sonne of John Morse & Annis his wife was borne 8 (4) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of John Morse & Annis his wife was borne 30 (12) 1640.
Obadiah the sonne of Daniel Morse & Liddia his wife was borne 8 (6) 1639.
Daniel the sonne of Daniell Morse & Liddia his wife was borne 31 (11) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Joseph Morse & Hannah his wife was borne 10 (11) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of Joseph Morse & Hannah his wife was borne 8 (6) 1641.
Rebecca the daughter of Thomas Paine & Rebeccah his wife was borne 19 (7) 1642.
Eleazer the sonne of Henry Phillips & Anne his wife was borne the 30 (11) 1641 & deceased 14 (12) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of Michael Powel & Abigail his wife was borne 10 (4) 1641.
Mary Phillips deceased 2 (5) 1640.
Mary the daughter of Edward Richards & Susan his wife was borne 29 (7) 1639.
John the sonne of Edward Richards & Susan his wife was borne 10 (5) 1641.
Rachell the daught of John Roper & Allice his wife was borne 16 (1) 1639 & dyed 16 (5) 1641.
Hannah the daught of John Roper & Allice his wife was borne 5 (2) 1642.
Daniel the sonne of Henry Smith & Elisabeth his wife was borne 13 (9) 1639 & dyed 1 (1) 1641.
Samuel the sonne of Henry Smith & Elisabeth his wife was borne 13 (8) 1641.
Mary Smith deceased 2 (10) 1641.
Hannah the daught of Hugh Stacie & his wife was borne 17 (12) 1640.
Benjamin the sonne of John Thurston & Margaret his wife was borne 8 (5) 1640.
Anne Vtting deceased 2 (10) 1641.
Benjamin the sonne of Raph Wheelocke & Rebecca his wife was borne 8 (11) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of Raph Wheelock & Rebecca his wife was borne 22 (7) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Thomas Wight & Alice his wife was borne 5 (12) 1639.
Mary the daughter of Henry & Mary Aldridge was borne 10 (1) 1643 & was buried 24 (2) 1643.
Mary the daught of George & Elisabeth Barber was borne 27 (6) 1643 & Dyed 23 (9).
Ruth the daughter of Thomas & Anne Bayes was borne 2 (5) 1643.
Jonathan & David the sonnes of John & Rebecca Batchelour were borne 14 (10) 1643.
Patience the daughter of William & Anne Bearestowe was borne 3 (10) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of John & Magdalen Bullard was borne 26 (2) 1643.
Ester the daughter of Ffrancis & Anne Chickering was borne 4 (9) 1643.
James the sonne of Richard Everard & Mary his wife was borne 14 (1) 1643 & dyed 21 (2).
John the sonne of John & Sarah Ffairbank was borne 7 (12).
Nathaniel Halsted dyed 3 (12) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Robert Hindsdell was borne 14 (12) 1643.
Nathaniell the sonne of John & Ester Hunting was borne 15 (10) 1643 & Dyed 1 (11).
John the sonne of Joseph and Millecent Kingsbury was borne 15.
Jonathan the sonne of Daniel & Lidia Morse was borne 8 (1) 1643.
Sarah the daughter of Joseph & Hanna Morse was borne 16 (7) 1643.
Ezra the sonne of John & Annis Morse was borne 5 (12) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Henry and Anne Phillips was borne 25 (3) 1643.
Dorothie the daughter of Michaell & Abigaill Powell was borne 11 (5) 1643.
Dorcas the daughter of Edward and Susan Richards was borne 24 (7) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Henry & Elisabeth Smith was borne 20 (6).
Mary the daught of Richard Baker & Ffaith his wife was borne the 27 (2) 1643.
Mray the daught of Roger Billing and Mary his wife was borne the 10 (5) 1643 & dyed 4 (10) 1643.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Bird & Anne his wife was borne the 4 (3) 1640.
John the sonne of Thomas Bird & Ane his wife was borne the 11 (1) 1641.
Salathiel the sonne of John Bradley & Katherine his wife was borne 16 (1) 1641 & dyed 1 (3) 1642.
Joanna the Daught of John Capan & Radigon his wife was borne 3 (8) 1638 & dyed 19 (9) 1638.
John the sonne of John Capan & Radigon his wife was borne 21 (8) 1639.
Bernard Capon dyed 8 (9) 1638.
Sarah the daught of Nicholas Clap & Sarah his wife was borne 21 (10) 1637.
Nathaniell the sonne of Nicholas Clapp & Sarah his wife was borne 15 (7) 1640.
Prudence the daughter of Edward Clap & Prudence his wife was borne 28 (10) 1637.
Ezrah the sonne of Edward Clap & Prudence his wife was borne 22 (3) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Roger Clapp & Joan his wife was borne 11 (8) 1634.
William the sonne of Roger Clap & Joan his wife was borne the 2 (5) 1636 & dyed 22 (7) 1638.
Elisabeth the daught of Roger Clap & Joan his wife was borne 22 (4) 1638.
Experience the daught of Roger Clap & Joan his wife was borne 23 (6) 1640 & dyed a (9) 1640.
Waytestill the sonne of Roger Clap & Joan his wife was borne 22 (8) 1641 & dyed 9 (6) 1643.
Preserved the sonne of the sonne of Roger Clap & Joan his wife was borne 23 (9) 1643.
Mehetabel the daughter of Thomas Clarke & Mary his wife was borne 18 (2) 1640.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas Clark & Mary his wife was borne 22 (3) 1642.
Sarah the daughter of Willm Clark & Sarah his wife was borne 21 (4) 1638.
Jonathan the sonne of Wm Clark & Sarah his wife was borne 1 (8) 1639.
Nathaniel the sonne of Wm Clark & Sarah his wife was borne 27 (11) 1641.
Experience the daughter of Wm Clark & Sarah his wife was borne 20 (1) 1643.
Samuel the sonne of Austin Clement & Elisabeth his wife was borne 29 (7) 1635.
John the sonne of Austin Clement & Elisabeth his wife was borne 21 (8) 1639.
Joanna the daugher of Austin Clement & Elisabeth his wife was borne the 19 (9) 1638.
Experience the daught of Richard Collecot & Thomasin his wife was borne 29 (7) 7 - 1641.
Dependance the sonne of Richard Collecot & Thomasin his wife was borne 5 (5) 1643.
Joanna the wife of Richard Collecot dyed 5 (6) 1640.
Susanna the daughter of Henry Cunlith & Susanna his wife was borne the 15 (1) 1644.
Elisabeth the daughter of Richard Curtes & Elisabeth his wife was borne 17 (5) 1643.
Sarah the daughter of Thomas Davenport & Mary his wife was borne 28 (10) 1643.
Isaac the sonne of Thomas Dickerman & ----- his wife was borne (9) 1637.
Mary the daughter of Richrad Evans & Mary his wife was borne 19 (11) 1640.
Matthias the sonne of Richard Evans & Mary his wife was borne 11 (12) 1643.
Jonathan the sonne of John Ffarnum & Elisabeth his wife was borne 16 (11) 1638.
Joanna the daught of John Ffarnum & Elisabeth his wife was borne 3 (1) 1644.
Hanna the daughter of John Ffarnum & Elisabeth his wife was borne 9 (9) 1642.
Mary the daught of Joseph Ffarnworth & Elisabeth his wife was borne 30 (1) 1637.
Hannah the daught of Joseph Ffarneworth & Elisabeth his wife was borne 14 (10) 1638.
Rebeccah the daught of Joseph Ffarneworth & Elisabeth his wife was borne 2 (11) 1639.
Ruth the daught of Joseph Ffarneworth & Elisabeth his wife was borne 3 (4) 1642.
Eliezer the sonne of Barnabas Ffower & Dynah his wife was borne 8 (7) 1642.
Dynah the wife of Barnabas Ffower dyed 27 (7) 1642.
John the sonne of John Ffrench & Grace his wife was borne 28 (12) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of John Ffrench & Grace his wife was borne 10 (5) 1643.
Jonathan the sonne of Robt Ffuller & Anne his wife was borne 15 (6) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Humphrey Gallop & Anne his wife was borne anno 1633.
Pelatiah the sonne of John Glover & Anne his wife was borne the (7) 1636.
Bethyel the daughter of Richard Hewes & Anne his wife was borne 27 (5) 1637.
Deliverance the daughter of Richard Hewes & Anne his wife was borne 11 (4) 1640.
Constant the daughter of Richard Hewes & Anne his wife was borne 17 (5) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of John Hill & Ffrancis his wife was borne the yeare 1640.
Hannah the daughter of John Hill & Ffrancis his wife was borne 1641.
Mercy the daughter of John Hill & Ffrancis his wife was borne 1642.
John the sonne of John Holman & Anne his wife was borne 23 (12) 1637.
Anne the wife of John Holman dyed 1 (10) 1639.
Thomas the sonne of John Holman & ----- his wife was borne 6 (6) 1641.
Abigail the daughter of John Holman & ----- his wife was borne 1642.
Sarah the daught of Jonas Humphrey & Ffrancis his wife was buryed (7) 1638.
Hannah the daught of Thomas Jones & Ellen his wife was borne 28 (1) 1636.
Rebecca the daught of Thomas Jones & Ellen his wife was borne 9 (12) 1641.
Thomas sonne of Thomas Jones & Ellen his wife dyed 24 (5) 1635.
Eldad the sonne of John Kingslowe was borne 1638.
Renewed the daughter of John Kingslowe was borne 19 (1) 1644.
Elieser the sonne of Richard Mather & Katheria his wife was borne 1638.
Joseph the sonne of John Maudsley & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1638.
John the sonne of Thomas Millet & Mary his wife was borne the 8 (5) 1635.
Jonathan the sonne of Thomas Millet & Mary his wife was borne 27 (5) 1638 & dyed 15 (6) 1638.
Mary the daughter of Thomas Millet & Mary his wife was borne 26 (6) 1639.
Mehitabel the daughter of Thomas Millet & Mary his wife was borne 14 (1) 1641.
Hopestill the sonne of Edmund Munnings & Mary his wife was borne 15 (2) 1637.
Returne the sonne of Edmund Munnings & Mary his wife was borne 7 (7) 1640.
Take heed the sonne of Edmund Munnings & Mary his wife was borne 20 (8) 1642.
Deborah the daught of Robert Pearce & Anne his wife was borne (12) 1639 & dyed 15 (2) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of John Pearce & Parnell his wife was borne 30 (8) 1631.
Abiah the daughter of John Pearce & Parnell his wife was borne 17 (5) 1633.
John the sonne of John Pearce & Parnell his wife was borne 3 (1) 1634 & dyed the 30 (1) 1634.
Nehemyah the sonne of John Pearce & Parnell his wife was borne 12 (5) 1637 & dyed (8) 1639.
Mary the daught of John Pearce & Mary his wife was borne 6 (1) 1638.
Nehemyah the sonne of John Pearce & Mary his wife was borne 17 (11) 1631.
Mary the daughter of John Phillips & Joanna his wife was borne (2) 1633 & dyed (4) 1640.
John the sonne of John Phillips & Joanna his wife was borne (2) 1635.
Israel the sonne of John Philips & Joanna his wife was borne 3 (4) 1642 & dyed (7) 1743.
Mary the daughter of John Phillips & Joanna his wife was borne (2) 1636 & dyed (2) 1636.
Deborah the daughter of Wm Pilsberry & Dorothie his wife was borne 16 (2) 1642.
Job the sonne of Willm Pilsberry & Dorothie his wife was borne 16 (8) 1643.
Abigail the daughter of George Proctor & Edeth his wife was borne 24 (6) 1637.
Thomas the sonne of George Proctor & Edeth his wife was borne 16 (10) 1637.
Samuel the sonne of George Proctor & Edeth his wife was borne 8 (9) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of John Pope & Alice his wife was borne 27 (10) 1643.
John the sonne of John Pope & Jane his wife was borne 30 (4) 1635.
Nathan the sonne of John Pope & Jane his wife dyed 1641.
Mary Smith the daugt of Lawrence Smith & Mary his wife was borne 28 (12) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Wm. Sumner & Mary his wife was borne 18 (3) 1638.
Increase the sonne of Wm. Sumner & Mary his wife was borne 23 (12) 1642.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Swift & Elisabeth his wife was borne 17 (4) 1635.
Obadiah the sonne of Thomas Swift & Elisabeth his wife was borne 16 (5) 1638.
Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas Swift & Elisabeth his wife was borne 26 (12) 1640.
Ruth the daughter of Thomas Swift & Elisabeth his wife was borne 24 (6) 1643.
Jonathan the sonne of Clement Taplif & Sarah his wife was borne (2) 1637.
Sarah the daughter of Clement Taplif & Sarah his wife was borne (3) 1639.
Obedience the daughter of Clement Taplif & Sarah his wife was borne (8) 1642.
Hannah the daught of Thomas Tolman & Sarah his wife was borne 27 (5) 1642.
Praise Ever the sonne of Jeffrey Turner & Isabell his wife was borne 22 (0) 1640.
Increase the sonne of Jeofray Turner & Isebell his wife was borne 16 (8) 1642.
Anna the daught of Nicholas Vpsal & Dorothie his wife was borne (12) 1635.
Elisabeth the daught of Nicholas Vpsal & Dorothie his wife was borne (12) 1637.
Susanna the daughter of Nicholas Vpsal & Dorothie his wife was borne 7 (12) 1639.
Experience the sonne of Nicholas Vpsal & Dorothie his wife was borne 19 (1) 1640.
Mary the daught of Henry Wright & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (2) 1635.
Samuel the sonne of Henry Wright & Elisabeth his wife was borne 14 (12) 1636.
Recompence the sonne of Wm. Osborne & Ffrodiswerd his wife was borne May 26 being sabbath day about six, of the Clocke in the afternoone.