from the YEARS 1630 untill the FIRST of the FIRST MONTH, 1644.
Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer
Extracted from
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Vol 2, Jan 1848, p 76 and subsequent
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

[Note:-- While the series as printed by the NEHGS is titled simply "Records of Boston", the introductory notes state that the records "embrace not only Boston, properly so called, but all the towns in its vicinity." ]

Lidia Amadowne daughter to Roger Amadowne & Sarah his wife was borne the 27th of the 2d month 1643.
Edward Aspinwall the sonne of Wm Aspinwall & Elizabeth his wife was borne the 26th of the 7th month 1630 & dyed the 10th of the 8th month, 1630.
Hannah the Daughter of Wm & Elizabeth Aspinwall was borne the 30th of the 7th month, 1633.
Elizabeth the Daughter of Wm & Elizabeth Aspinwall was borne the 25th of the 10th month 1631.
Elisabeth the Daughter of Wm Y Elisabeth Aspinwall was borne the 30th of the 7th month 1633.
Samuel the sonne of Wm & Elisabeth Aspinwall was borne the 30th of the 7th month 1635.
Ethlan the sonne of Wm & Elisabeth Aspinwall was borne the 1st of the the 1st month 1636.
Dorcas the daughter of Wm & Elisabeth Aspinwall was borne the 14th of the 12th month 1639.
Elisha the sonne of John Odlin & Margaret his wife was borne 1 of the 5th month 1640. See ODLIN.
Elizabeth the daugher of Miles and Mary Awkley was born the ammo Dni 1635.
Miles Awkley the sonne of Miles & Mary Awkley was borne 1 of 2d month 1638.
John Balden sonne of Georg Balden & Anna his wife was borne 25 of the 8th month 1639 & dyed the 6 month 1643.
Nathaniel Baker the sonne of Ffrancis Baker & Isabel his wife was borne the 27 of the 1st month 1642.
Wm Barrell dyed the 20 of the 6th month 1642.
George Barrell dyed the ii of the 7th month 1643.
Mary the daughter of Nicholas and Anne Baxter borne the 12th month 1639.
Anne the Daughter of Wm Beamsley & Anne his wife was borne the 13 of the 12 month 1632.
Grace the daughter of Wm Beamsley and Anne his wife was borne the 10 of the 7 m. 1635.
Mercie the sonne of Wm Beamsley & Anne his wife was borne the 9 (10) 1637.
Samuel the sonne of Wm Beamsley & Anne his wife was borne the 31 (10) 1640 & dyed the 2 mo 1641.
Ephraim the sonne of Alexand Beck & Elizabeth his wife was borne 1 (4) 1640.
Deliverance Beck borne the 1 (4) 1640.
Strange Beck borne the 1 (4) 1640.
Mary the wife of Alexander Beck dyed 2 (3) 1639.
John Bell the sonne of Thomas Bell was borne & dyed, the 24 (6) 1638.
Joan daughter of Thomas Bell was borne & dyed 4 (1) 1640.
Alexander Bakers children see after.
Tabitha the daughter of Thom Bell was borne the 24 (1) 1641.
Thomas the sonne of Thom Bell was borne the 3 (6) 1642.
Ffree Grace sonne of Edw. & Anne Bendall was borne the 30th of the 7th month 1636.
Anne the wife of Edw. Bendall & Marah dyed 25 (10) 1637.
Reform the sonne of Edw. Bendall & Marah his wife was borne 18 (8), 1639.
Hopefor the sonne of Edw. Bendall & Marah his wife was borne the 7 (8) 1641.
John Bill Dyed the 10th month 1638.
Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel Bishop and Alice his wife was borne 20 (1) 1634.
Ruth daughter of Nathaniel Bishop and Alice his wife was borne 14 (2) 1639.
Joseph sonne of Nathaniel Bishop and Alice his wife was borne 14 (5) 1642.
Joseph Blanchard Dyed in the 10th month 1637.
Nehemiah sonne of Nehemiah Bourne & Hanna his wife was borne 10 (4) 1640.
Hannah daughter of Nehemiah Bourne & Hannah his wife was born 10 (9) 1641.
Elisabeth daughter of Zaccheus Bosworth and Anne his wife was borne 24 (5) 1640.
Samuel sonne of Zaccheus Bosworth & Anne his wife was borne 4 (1) 1641.
Hannah daught of Wm Briggs borne & buried 26 (6) 1642.
Daniell Birsco sonne of Wm Brisco Dyed the (3 mo.) 1642.
Thomas sonne of George Burden & Anne his wife was borne & buried 1 (2) 1637.
Elisha sonne of Georg Burden & Anne his wife was borne the 4 (12th) 1636.
Ezekiel sonne of Georg Burden & Anne his wife borne 28 (1) 1641.
Joseph & Benjamin the sonnes of Georg Burden & Anne his wife borne 1 (2) 1643 & Dyed in the 2 m 1643.
Thomas sonne of Thomas Buttolph & Anne his wife borne 12 (6) 1637.
John sonne of Thom. Buttolph & Anne his wife borne 28 (12) 1639.
Abigail daughter of Tho Buttolph & Anne his wife was borne 18 (12) 1642.
Grace Button the wife of John Button Dyed 9 (1) 1638.
Mary daughter to Richard & Anne Carter was borne 3 (5) 1641.
Sarah daught to John and Joan Cole borne 15 (11) 1641.
John the son of John & Joan Cole borne 17 (9) 1643.
John Cooke Dyed the 2 mo. 1643.
Elhanan sonne of Rich. Cooke & Elisabeth his wife borne 30 (4) 1636 & Dyed Nov 1636.
Elisha sonne of Rich. Cooke & Elisabeth his wife borne 16 (7) 1637.
Elkanah sonne of Rich. Cooke & Elisab. his wife was born 14 (2) 1641.
Joseph sonne of Rich. Cooke & Elisab. his wife was borne 1 (8) 1642.
Annah the daughter of John Coggan borne 7 (9) 1636
Lidia borne 14 (5) 1639.
Jonathan sonne of Wm. Copp & Goodith his wife was borne 23 (6) 1640.
Rebecca daughter of Wm. Cop & Goodith his wife was borne 6 (3) 1641.
Ruth ye daugt. of Wm. Copp borne 24 (9) 1643.
Seaborne sonne of John Cotton & Sarah his wife ws borne 12 (6) 1633.
Sarahiah daughter of John Cotton & Sarah his wife was borne 12 (7) 1635.
Elisabeth daughter of John Cotton & Sarah his wife was borne 9 (10) 1637.
John sonne of John Cotton & Sarah his wife was borne 16 (1) 1639.
Mariah daughter of John Cotton & Sarah his wife was borne 10 (12) 1641.
Cornelius Clark sonne of Thomas Clarke was borne in the 10 mo. 1639.
Jacob sonne of Thomas Clark was borne in the 3 mo. 1642.
Deliverance Courser daught to Wm Courser borne 4 (1) 1638.
Joannah daught of Wm Courser was borne 9 (12) 1639.
John sonne of Wm Courser was borne 8 (3) 1642.
John Crabtree the sonne of John Crabtree and Alice his wife was borne 25 (8) 1639.
Deliverance daught of John Crabtree and Alice his wife was borne 3 (7) 1641 & dyed in the (4) month 1643.
John Cramwell Dyed Anno 1639.
Samuel Croycley sonne of Richard Croychley & Alice his wife borne 25 (10) 1640.
Joseph sonne of Rich. Croychley & Alice his wife was borne 3 (3) 1643.
Thomas sonne of Wm Davies and Mary his wife borne 15 (1) 1636 & Dyed 24 (5) 1638.
Aaron sonne of Wm Davies and Mary his wife borne 20 (5) 1638 & Dyed the 31 (8) 1639.
Trine sonne of Wm Davies and Mary his wife borne 10 (6) 1642.
Abigail Daughter of Wm Davies and Mary his wife borne 31 (8) 1635 & Dyed 24 (12) 1639.
Thomas sonne of Wm Davies Dyed in the 5 mo. 1638.
John sonne of Wm Davies Dyed 20 (1) 1640.
Jacob sonne of James Davies and Joanna his wife borne 11 (5) 1639.
Josebeth daughter of James Davies and Joanna his wife borne 20 (6) 1642.
Sarah daughter of Edmund Dennis & Sarah his wife borne the 6 month 1640.
Mary daughter of Edmund Dennnis & Sarah his wife borne the 4 month 1642.
Thomas sonne of ---Dineley borne 9 (11) 1635.
Abigail daughter of ---Dineley borne in the 10 mo. 1637.
Ffathergone, sonne of ---- Dinely borne 25 (10) 1638.
Elisabeth daughter of Ffrancis Douse & Katherine his wife borne 20 (6) 1642.
Jone the daughter of Tho & Anne Dutchfield borne & buried (5) 1644.
Posthumas the son of Tho. and Anne Dutchfield borne (6) 1645.
Thomas Dutchfield buried 24 (2) 1645.
Samuel sonne of Ffrancis East and Mary his wife borne 11 (1) 1639.
Mary daughter of Ffrancis East & Mary his wife borne 25 (1) 1642.
Eleaser sonne of Nathaniel Eaton & Elisabeth his wife borne 22 (7) 1636.
Nathaniel sonne of Nathaniel Eaton & Elizabeth his wife borne 31 (6) 1639.
Elisabeth daughter of Nathaniel Eaton & Elisabeth his wife borne 13 (8) 1643.
Jacob sonne of Jacob Eliot borne 16 (10) 1632.
John sonne of Jacob Eliot borne 25 (10) 1634.
Hannah daught of Jacob Eliot borne 29 (11) 1636.
Abigail daught of Jacob Eliot borne 7 (2) 1639.
Susannah daught of Jacob Eliot borne 22 (5) 1641.
Hannah daughter of Madid English & Joan his wife borne 2 (1) 1638.
Elisabeth daught of Daniel Ffairfield & Elisabeth his wife borne 30 (8) 1640.
Mary daught of Daniel Ffairfield buried 5 month 1639.
Mary, dau of Daniel Ffairfield & Elisabeth his wife borne 7 (5) 1643.
John Ffairewether sonne of Thomas Ffairewether & Mary his wife borne in the 8 month 1634.
Mary, daught of Thomas Ffairewether & Mary his wife borne in the 9 month 1636 & Dyed in the 9 month 1638.
Thomas Ffairewether sonne of Thomas Ffairewether & Mary his wife dyed in the (6) month 1638.
Deborah daughter of Gabriel Ffish and Elisabeth his wife was borne 20 (10) 1642.
Lidia Ffloud daught of Richard Ffload & Lidia his wife borne 1643.
Elisabeth daughter of Thomas Ffowle and Margaret his wife borne 14 (1) 1639.
John sonne of Thomas Ffowle & Margaret his wife borne 1 (5) 1641.
Margaret daughter of Thomas Ffowle & Margaret his wife, borne 13 (2) 1643.
Elisabeth daught of Wm Ffrancklin & Alice his wife was borne 3 (8) 1638.
[blank left in the origianl, evidently left to avoid interlineations]
Elisabeth daughter of Strong Ffurnell & Elleno his wife borne 7 (5) 1643.
John Garret son of Robt Garret & Mary his wife was borne 7 (3) 1643.
Jerusha Gibbons daughter of Edward Gibbons and Margaret his wife borne 5 (8) 1631.
Jotham the sonne of Edward Gibbons & Margaret his wife was borne 6 (8) 1633.
John the sonne of Edward Gibbons & Margaret his wife was borne 30 (1) 1641.
John Gill the sonne of Arthur Gill and Agnes his wife was borne the 16 (9) 1639.
Zachary the sonne of Benjamin Gillom & Anne his wife was borne 30 (7) 1636.
Hanna the daught of Benjamin Gillom & Anne his wife was borne the 9 month 1638 and dyed soone after.
Hanna the Daught of Benjamin Gillom & Anne his wife was borne the 11 month 1639.
Elisabeth the Daught of Benjamin Gillom and Anne his wife was borne the 11 month 1641.
John Goordley serv to Rich. Tuttle of Boston Dyed the 10th m. 1638.
Mary Greames daught of Samuel Greames & Ffrancis his wife was borne 27 (2) 1639.
John the sonne of Ralph Greene & ----- his wife was borne the 22 (10) 1642.
Mary the daught of Richard Gridley & Grace his wife was borne the 14 (2) 1632.
Sarah the daught of Richard Gridley & Grace his wife was borne 14 (2) 1634.
Hannah the daught of Richard Gridley & Grace his wife was born the 10 (2) 1636.
Returne the Daughter of Richard Gridley & Grace his wife was borne 14 (1) 1636/37.
Beleeve the Sonne of Richard Gridley and Grace his wife was borne 1 (3) 1640.
Tremble the sonne of Richard Gridley and Grace his wife was borne 14 (1) 1641/42.
Elizabeth the Daught of George Griggs & Alice his wife was borne 14 (3) 1636.
Sarah the Daughter of Georg Griggs & Alice his wife was borne the 15 (3) 1637.
Wm the sonne of George Griggs buried in the 10th m 1638.
Elizabeth Griggs, aged foure yeares dyed in the 3 month 1640.
Isaac the sonne of Edmund Grosse & Katherine his wife was borne 1 (8) 1642.
John the sonne of Thomas Grubb & ----- his wife was borne the sixth month 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Thomas Grub & ----- his wife was borne the 5 (10) 1641.
Sarah Gunnison the daught of Hugh Gunnison & Elizabeth his wife was borne 14 (12) 1637.
Elisabeth the Daught of Hugh Gunnison and Elisabeth his wife was borne 25 (2) 1640.
Deborah the Daught of Hugh Gunnison & Elisabeth his wife was borne in the 8 month 1642.
Joseph Guttridg the sonne of John Guttridge & Prudence his wife was borne 1 (8) 1642.
Sarah the daught of Abraham & Elizabeth Hagborne was borne the 24 of the (10) 1639.
Isaac the son of Abraham Hagborne & Elisabeth his wife was borne the 3 (8) 1642.
Mehetabel the daughter of Georg Halsall & Elisabeth his wife was borne 15 (8) 1642, dyed in October 1643.
Abigail daught of William Harvie & Joanc. his wife was borne the 25 (2) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of William Harvie & Joanc. his wife was borne the 18 (10) 1641.
John the sonne of George Harwood & Jane his wife was borne the 4 (5) 1639.
Joanna the daughter of Georg Harwood and Jane his wife was borne the 10 (10) 1642.
Deliverance the sonne of Georg Harwood Dyed the 12 m. 1640.
Abraham the sonne of Thomas Hawkins & Hannah his wife was borne 1 (11) 1636.
Hanna the daughter of Thomas Hawkins & Hannah his wife was born 20 (11) 1640.
Job the sonne of Thomas Hawkins & Hannah his wife was borne 20 (11) 1640.
Hope the daughter of Thomas Hawkins & Hannah his wife was borne 2 (2) 1643.
Mary the daughter of [blank in the original]
Mary the daughter of George Hide and Anne his wife was borne the 3 (6) 1642.
Hannah the Daughter of Valentine Hill & Ffrances his wife was borne 17 (1) 1637/38.
John the sonne of Valentine Hill & Francis his wife was borne & Dyed 1 (7) 1640.
Elizabeth the Daughter of Valentine Hill & Frances his wife was borne 12 (10) 1641 & Dyed 9 (2) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Richarad Hogge & Joan his wife was borne (10) 1636.
Mary the Daughter of Richard Hog & ----- his wife was borne 1641.
Elizabeth Haugh vx: Atherton Haugh Dyed 14 (3) 1643.
Mary the daught of Jeremy Houtchin & Ester his wife was borne the 18 (1) 1639/40.
Jeremy the Sonne of Jeremy Houtchin & Ester his wife was borne 20 (2) 1643 & dyed soone after.
John the sonne of Robert Howen & Elizabeth his wife was borne the (4) 1640.
Israell the sonne of Robert Howen & Elizabeth his wife was born ---- 1642.
Elizabeth the Daught of Ffrancis Hudson & Mary his wife was borne 13 (8) 1640.
Mary the Daught of Ffrancis Hudson & Mary his wife was borne the 18 (6) 1643.
Lidia the daughter of James Hudson & Anne his wife was borne 27 (2) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Wm Hudson & Anne his wife was borne 12 (1) 1643.
Nathaniel Hudson the sonne of Wm Hudson & Susan his wife was borne 30 of (11) 1633.
Richard the sonne of Wm Hudson and Susan Dyed 26 (8) 1641.
Georg Hunne Dyed (4) 1640.
Samuel the sonne of Edmund Jacklin & Susan his wife was borne 12 (2) 1640.
Susannah the daughter of Edmund Jacklin & Susan his wife was borne 27 (2) 1643 & dyed 10 (8) 1643.
Sarah the Daught of John & Abigail Jackson was borne the 15 (6) 1639.
Abigail the Daught of John Jackson & Abigail his wife was borne 24 (6) 1641.
John the sonne of John Jackson & Abigail his wife was borne the 18 (4) 1643.
Hannah the Daughter of Edmund Jackson & Martha his wife was borne 1 (1) 1635/36[? hard to see].
John the sonne of Edmund Jackson & Martha his wife was borne 20 (8) 1638.
Thomas the son of Edmund Jackson & Martha his wife was borne 1 (1) 1639/40.
Samuel the sonne of Edmund Jackson & Martha his wife was borne 27 (4) 1643.
John the sonne of Matthias Jjons & Anne his wife was borne 16 (7) 1638.
John sonne of William & of Elizabeth Winborne his wife borne 21 7mo. 1638 [Entred in another place wronge but this is right.]
Elisabeth the Daughter of Matthias Jjons & Anne his wife was borne 5 (2) 1631.
Thomas the sonne of Matthias Jjons & Anne his wife was borne 18 (4) 1643.
Margaret the wife of James Johnson Dyed 28 (1) 1643.
Samuel Joy the sonne of Thomas Joy & Joan his wife was borne 26 (12) 1639.
John the sonne of Thomas Joy & Joan his wife was borne the 10 (8) 1641.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Joy & Joan his wife was borne 3 (1) 1642.
Job Judkins. See afterward:
Mary Kade the daughter of James Kade & Margaret his wife was borne 4 (8) 1640.
Hannah the daughter of John Kenrick & Anne his wife was borne 9 (12) 1639.
John the sonne of John Kenrick & Anne his wife was borne 3 (8) 1641.
Elisabeth the daughter of William Kirby & Elisabeth his wife was borne 20 (10) 1640, and dyed 12 (5) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of Richard Knight & Dinah his wife was borne 18 (12) 1642.
John Leverit the sonne of Thomas Leverit & Anne his wife was borne 7 (7) 1638.
Hudson the sonne of John Leverit & ----- his wife was borne 8 (8) 1640.
John the sonne of John Leverit & ----- his wife was borne 1 (4) 1641.
Hannah the daughter of John Leverit & ----- his wife was borne 16 (2) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Ffrancis Loyall & Alice his wife was borne 14 (12) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Ffrancis Loyall and Alice his wife was borne 14 (1) 1641/42.
Joseph the sonne of Ffrancis Loyall and Alice his wife was borne 10 (8) 1638 & dyed 10 (12) 1639.
Benjamin the sonne of Ffrancis Loyall & Alice his wife was borne 1 (11) 1639 & was buried the 1 (1) 1639/1640.
Elizabeth the daughter of John Lugg & Jane his wife was borne 7 (1) 1637/38.
Mary the daughter of John Lugg & Jane his wife was borne the (6) 1642.
Thomas the sonne of Christop. & Elisabeth Lawson borne 4 (3) 1643.
Jacob the sonne of John & Elizabeth Fferniside born 28 (5) 1642.
Eliakim the sonne of Thomas Marshall & Alice his wife was borne 1 (1) 1636/37.
Zuriell the sonne of Raph Mason & -----, his wife, was borne 14 (2) 1637.
John the sonne of Raph Mason & -----, his wife, was borne the 15 (8) 1640.
Steven the sonne of Robert Meere & Elisabeth his wife was borne 25 (10) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Robert Meere & Elisabeth his wife was borne 7 (4) 1641.
Jeremy the sonne of Walter Merry & Rebecca his wife was borne the (11) 1633 & Dyed soone after.
Rebecca the Daughter of Walter Merry & Rebecca his wife ws borne (11) month 1635 & Dyed soone after.
Jeremy the sonne of Walter Merry & Rebecca his wife was borne (11) 1637 & Dyed soone after.
Constance the Daughter of John Milom and Christian his wife was borne 25 (10) 1638.
John the sonne of John Milom & Christian his wife was borne the 18 (7) 1640.
Eleasaph the sonne of John Milom & Christian his wife ws borne 30 (7) 1642.
Benjamin the sonne of John Milom & Christian dyed 15 (12) 1639.
Hope the sonne of Mingo a neger was born 19 (3) 1641.
John sonne of Henry Messinger borne 25 (1) 1641.
Sarah daughter Henry Messinger borne 12 (1) 1643.
Dorothie the wife of Thomas Munt Dyed (12) 28, 1639.
Elizabeth the daughter of Benjamin Negoos & Elisabeth his wife was borne 14 (2) 1640.
Benjamin the soone of Benjamin Negoos & Elisabeth his wife was borne (7) 1641.
Mary the daughter of Benjamin Negoos & Elizabeth his wife was borne 7 (8) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of John Newgate & Hannah his wife was borne 1 (6) 1633 & dyed in the 11th month.
Hannah the daughter of John Newgate & Hannah his wife was borne 1 (6) 1635.
John the sonne of John Odlin & Margaret his wife was borne 3 (4) 1635 and dyed soone after.
Hannah the daughter of John Odlin & Margaret his wife was borne 9 (12) 1637 and dyed soone after.
Elisha the sonne of John Odlin & Margaret his wife was borne 1 (5) 1640.
John the sonne of John Odlin & Margaret his wife was borne the 3 (12) 1641.
Nathaniel Oliver the sonne of Mr Thomas Oliver Dyed (9) 1633.
Anne the wife of Thomas Oliver dyed (8) 1635.
Daniell Oliver the sonne of Mr Thomas Oliver dyed (4) 1637.
John the sonne of John Oliver & Elisabeth his wife was borne the 21 (9) 1638.
Elisabeth the daughter of John Oliver & Elisabeth his wife was borne 29 (12) 1639.
Hannah the daughter of John Oliver & Elizabeth his wife was borne 3 (1) 1641.
Joanna the daughter of Nicholas Parker & Anne his wife was borne 1 (4) 1635.
Another borne & dyed 14 (4) 1637.
Jonathan the sonne of Nicholas Parker & Anne his wife was borne 1 (12) 1640.
Abiel the sonne of Nicholas Parker & Anne his wife was borne 15 (11) 1641.
Joseph the sonne of Nicholas Parker and Anne his wife was borne 26 (1) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Richard Parker & Anne his wife was borne 1 (6) 1638 & dyed 30 (9) 1638.
Sarah the daughter of Richard Parker & Anne his wife was borne 8 (5) 1641.
Thomas the sonne of John Parker & ----- his wife was borne 2 (8) 1635.
Noah the sonne of John Parker & ----- his wife was borne 3 (2) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Painter & Katherine his wife was borne 4 (3) 1639 & dyed 30 (7) 1639.
Wm the sonne of Thomas Painter and Katherine his wife dyed 30 (7) 1639.
Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas Painter and Katherine his wife dyed 24 (2) 1640.
Abigail the daughter of Bartholinew (sp?) Pasmer & ------ his wife was borne (4) 1641.
Seth the sonne of Arthur Perry & Elisabeth his wife was borne 7 (1) [ unreadable].
John the sonne of Arthur Perry & Elisabeth his wife was borne 26 (2) 1642.
Elishua daugh. of Arthur Perry & Elisabeth his wife was borne 20 Decemb. 1637 & shee dyed Apr. 10, 1639.
Mary the daughter of Wm Pell & ----- his wife borne the 30 (4) 1634.
Hannah the daughter of William Pell & ----- his wife was borne 14 (11) 1640.
Nathaniel the sonne of Wm Pell & ----- his wife was borne 10 (6) 1638 & dyed (9) 1638.
William Pierce dyed 13 (5) 1641.
John the sonne of John Pierce & Elisabeth his wife was borne 16 (4) 1643.
Elisabeth the daughter of John Pierce & Elisabeth his wife was borne 16 (4) 1643.
John the sonne of David Phippeni & Sarah his wife was borne and dyed (5) 1637.
John the sonne of David Phippeni & Sarah his wife was borne and dyed (3) 1640.
Hannah the daught. of Peter Plaise & Alice his wife was borne 20 (11) 1642.
John the sonne of Abel & Anne Porter borne 27 (9) 1643.
Lazarus the sonne of Philemon Pormort & Susan his wife was borne 28 (12) 1635.
Annah the daught of Philemon Pormort & Susan his wife was borne 5 (2) 1638.
Pedajah the sonne of Philemon Pormort & Susan his wife was borne 8 (4) 1640.
Susan the wife of Philemon Pormort Dyed 29 (10) 1642.
Katherine the wife of Thomas Painter dyed, 1641.
Henry Poole Dyed 14 (7) 1643.
Mary Rainsford the daughter of Edward Rainsford & his wife was borne 1 (4) 1632.
Joshua Rainsford the sonne of Edward Rainsford & his wife was borne 1 (4) 1632 & dyed (7) 1632.
Vxor Edward Rainsford dyed (4) 1632.
John the sonne of Edward Rainsford & Elisabeth his wife was borne 30 (4) 1634.
Jonathan the sonne of Edward Rainsford & Elisabeth his wife was borne 8, 1636.
Ranis the daughter of Edward Rainsford & Elisabeth his wife was borne 4 (4) 1638.
Nathan the sonne of Edward Rainsford & Elisabeth his wife was borne (6) 1641.
Joshua Rice the sonne of Robert Rice & Elisabeth his wife was borne 14 (2) 1637.
Nathaniel the sonne of Robert Rice & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (2) 1639.
Patience the daughter of Robert Rice & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (2) 1642 & buried 8 (2) 1642.
Nathaniel Rogers the sonne of Symon Rogers & his wife was borne 14 (12) 1642.
Margery the wife of Richard Sanford Dyed 1640.
Abijah the sonne of Thomas Savage and Ffaith his wife was borne 1 (6) 1638.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Savage and Ffaith his wife was borne 28 (3) 1640.
Hannah the daughter of Thomas Savage and Ffaith his wife was borne 28 (4) 1643.
Nathaniel Scott the sonne of Robert Scott and Elizabeth his wife was borne (6) 1638.
Elisabeth the daughter of Robert Scott and Elisabeth his wife was borne 10 (10) 1640.
Mary the daught of Robert Scott and Elisabeth his wife was borne 28 (12) 1642.
Joshua the sonne of Joshua Scotto & Lidia his wife was born the 30 (7) 1641, and soone after buried.
Joshua the sonne of Joshua Scotto & Lidia his wife was borne the 12 (6) 1643.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Scotto & Joan his wife was borne in the (4) 1641 & then buried.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Scotto and Joan his wife was borne (1) 1642 & then buried.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Scotto & Joan his wife was borne (11) 1639.
Samuel the sonne of John Seaberry & Grace his wife was borne 10 (10) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of John Seavorne & Mary his wife was borne 21 (8) 1642.
David the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 11 (10) 1638.
Jonathan the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 20 (3) 1641.
John the sonne of David Sellick & Susanna his wife was borne 21 (2) 1643.
Hannah the daughter of Willm Semond & Anne his wife was born (7) 1640.
Elisabeth the daughter of Richard Sherman & Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (10) 1635.
Philip the sonne of Samuel Sherman & Grace his wife was borne 31 (10) 1637.
Martha the daughter of Samuel Sherman & Grace his wife was borne 5 (7) 1639.
Nathaniel the sonne of Samuel Sherman & Grace his wife was borne 19 (10) 1642.
Jonathan the sonne of Sampson Shoreborne & Abigail his wife was borne 12 (4) 1643.
Mary the daughter of Walter Sinet & Mary his wife was borne the 19 (9) 1640.
Elizabeth the daughter of Watler Sinet & Mary his wife was borne 23 (4) 1642.
John the sonne of Walter Sinet & Mary his wife was borne the 10 (5) 1643.
Mary the daught of John Spurre & Elisabeth his wife was borne 20 (1) 1637.
Ebenezer the sonne of John Spur & Elisabeth his wife was borne 3 (3) 1642.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Stanberry & Martha his wife was borne 15 (8) 1642.
John the sonne of Anthony Stanion and Mary his wife was borne the 16 (5) 1642.
Melatiah the sonne of Thomas Snow & Milcah [Mileah?] his wife was borne 30 (7) 1638.
John the sonne of John Synderland & Dorothie his wife was borne (10) 1640.
Mary the daughter of John Synderland & Dorothie his wife was borne 12 (1) 1642.
Mr. Symons buried 14 of the 7 month 1643.
Hannah the daught of Miles Terne & Sarah his wife was born (8) 1638.
Deliverance the daught of Miles Terne & Sarah his wife was borne 30 (7) 1641.
Jane the daught of Evan Thomas & Jane his wife was borne the 16 (3) 1641.
Dorcas the daughter of Evan Thomas & Jane his wife was borne 5 (12) 1642 & dyed the 28 (12) 1642.
Deborah the daught of Benjamin Thwing & Deborah his wife was borne 17 (3) 1642 & dyed (6) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of William Ting & Elisabeth his wife was borne 6 (12) 1637.
Annah the daughter of William Ting & Elisabeth his wife was borne 6 (11) 1639.
Bethiah the daught of William Ting & Elisabeth his wife was borne 17 (3) 1641.
Mercie the daughter of William Ting & Elisabeth his wife was borne 13 (11) 1642.
Hannah the daught of Edward Ting & Mary his wife was borne 7 (1) 1639/1640.
Mary the daught of Edward Ting & Mary his wife was borne 17 (2) 1641.
Jonathan the sonne of Edward Ting & Mary his wife was borne 15 (10) 1642.
Hannah the daught of William Townsend & Hannah his wife was borne 4 (2) 1641.
Peter the sonne of William Townsend & Hannah his wife was borne the 26 (8) 1642.
Ephraim Turner the sonne of Robt Turner and Penelope his wife was borne 13 (10) 1639.
Sarah the daught of Rob Turner & Penelope his wife was borne 11 (1) 1640.
John the sonne of Rob. Turner & Penelope his wife was borne the 1 (10) 1642.
Richard Tuttle Dyed 8 (3) 1640.
Hopestill the daughter of John Vyall and Mary his wife was borne 14 (6) 1639.
Mary the daughter of John Vyall and Mary his wife was borne 30 (9) 1641.
Isaac the sonne of Richard Waite & Elisabeth his wife was borne 9 (6) 1638 & dyed 21 (6) 1638.
Returne the sonne of Richard Waite & Elisabeth his wife was borne 8 (5) 1639.
Hannah the daught of Richard Waite & Elisabeth his wife was borne the 14 (7) 1641.
Moses the sonne of Gamaliel Waite & Grace his wife was borne (4) 1637 & dyed (1) 1637/38.
Grace the daughter of Gamaliel Waite & Grace his wife was borne 10 (11) 1638.
Moses the sonne of Gamaliel Waite & Grace his wife was borne (7) 1640 & Dyed (7) 1641.
Samuel the sonne of Gamaliel Waite & Grace his wife was borne -----, 1641.
Elishua the sonne of Rob. Walker & ----- his wife was borne the 14 (12) 1635.
Zachary the sonne of Rob. Walker & ----- his wife was borne the 15 (7) 1637.
John the sonne of Rob. Walker & ----- his wife was borne the 22 (7) 1639.
Sarah the daught of Rob. Walker & ----- his wife was borne the 15 (9) 1641 & buried 19 (10) 1643.
Meribah the daught of William Werdall and Alice his wife was borne 14 (3) 1637.
Vsal the sonne of William Werdall & Alice his wife was borne 7 (2) 1639.
Elihu the sonne of William Werdall & Alice his wife was borne the (9) 1642.
Jonathan the sonne of Thomas Wheeler & Rebecca his wife was borne 20 (8) 1637.
Joseph the sonne of Thomas Wheeler & Rebecca his wife was borne 15 (3) 1640.
Rebecca the daughter of Thomas Wheeler & Rebecca his wife was borne 17 (4) 1643.
Ruth the daughter of Nathaniel Williams & Mary his wife was borne 1638.
Elisabeth the daughter of Nathaniel Williams & Mary his wife was borne 21 (8) 1640.
Nathaniell the sonne of Nathaniel Williams & Mary his wife was borne 16 (7) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Robert Williams & ----- his wife was borne (5) 1641.
Mary the daught of John Wilson & Elisabeth his wife was borne 12 (7) 1633.
Shoreborne the sonne of William Wilson & Patience his wife was borne 6 (6) 1635.
Mary the daught of William Wilson & Patience his wife was borne 11 (11) 1637.
John the sonne of William Wilson & Patience his wife was borne (11) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of Wm Wilson & Patience his wife was borne 10 (9) 1643.
John the sonne of Robert Wing & Joan his wife was borne the 23 (5) 1637.
Hannah the daughter of Robert Wing & Joan his wife was borne 14 (12) 1639.
Jacob the sonne of Robert Wing & Joan his wife was borne 31 (5) 1642.
Elisabeth the daught of Mr. John Winthrope the yonger & Elisabeth his wife was borne 24 (5) 1636.
Fitz-John sonne of Mr. John Winthrop, Esq. the yonger & Elizabeth his wife 14 (1) 1638.
Luce the daught of John Winthrop Jun. Esq. & Elisabeth his wife borne 28 (11) 1639.
Waite-still the sonne of John Winthrop Esq. & Elisabeth his wife borne 27 (12) 1641.
Mary the daugt of Richard Woodhouse & Mary his wife was borne & buried (11) 1637.
Mary the daughter of Richard Woodhosue & Mary his wife was borne 14 (11) 1638.
John the sonne of Richard Woodhouse & Mary his wife was borne 9 (2) 1641.
Hannah the daught of Richard & Mary Woodhouse borne 15 (1) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of Rob. Woodward & Rachell his wife was borne 24 (8) 1641.
Nathaniel the sonne of Rob. Woodward & Rachell his wife was borne 38 (8) 1642.

Records of Boston
[Copied for the Antiquarian Journal by Mr. David Pulsifer, member of the N.E.H. Genel. Society]
[Note: These records contain the marriages, births, and deaths of several towns, as they were returned to the recorder in Boston, and are copied in the order in which they were entered. The following are of Braintree.]
Mary the daught of Thomas Adams was borne 24 (5) 1643 & dyed soone after.
Sarai the daught of Samuel Allen & Anne his wife was borne the 30 (1) 1639.
Anne the wife of Samuel Allen dyed 29 (7) 1641.
Miriam the daught of Georg Aldreth was buried 1639 27 (11).
Experience the daught of Georg Aldreth dyed 2 (12) 1641.
Hanna the daught of Benjamin Albie was borne 16 (6) 1641.
Lidia the daught of Benjamin Albie was borne 14 (2) 1642.
Hannah the daught of William Ames was borne 12 (3) 1641.
Rebecca the daught of William Ames was borne (8) 1642.
Sarai the daught of Matthew Barness was borne 29 (6) 1641.
Mary the daught of Samuel Basse the borne 26 (2) 1643.
Samuel the sonne of Gregorie Belshar was borne 24 (6) 1637.
Mary the daught of Gregory Belshar was borne 8 (5) 1639.
Joseph the sonne of Gregory Belshar was borne 25 (10) 1641.
Phillip the sonne of Henry Blage was borne 24 (1) 1643.
John the sonne of Peter Bracket was borne 30 (9) 1641.
Joseph the sonne of Peter Bracket was borne 13 (8) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Richard Bracket was borne 1 (12) 1641.
Ffrancis Browne servant to John Alby dyed (1) 1640.
Richard the sonne of Richard Chamberlaine was borne 19 (10) 1642 & dyed 25 (10) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of William Cheeseborough was borne 18 (5) 1640.
Joshua the sonne of James Coney was borne (1) 1640 & dyed the (10) 1642.
Patience the daughter of James Coney was borne (6) 1642.
Experience the daught of James Coney was borne (6) 1642.
James son to James Coney dyed (10) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of John Darset was buryed (10) 1642.
Ambrose the sonne of William Dawes was borne 24 (5) 1642.
John the sonne of William Devel was borne 24 (4) 1643 & dyed 15 (5) 1643.
Mary Eilot the daught of Ffrancis Eliot was borne 27 (11) 1640.
John the sonne of William Ellis was borne 5 (1) 1641.
Elisabeth the daught of Thomas Fflatman was borne 7 (8) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Fflatman was borne 3 (5) 1643.
Dorothie the daught of Henry Fflint was borne 11 (5) 1642.
Susan the daught of Peter George was borne (12) 1642.
John the sonne of John Hanset was borne 15 (5) 1641.
Elisabeth the daught of John Hastings was borne 2 (5) 1643.
John the sonne of John Hecknell was borne 3 (10) 1638.
Nathaniel the sonne of Nathaniel Herman was borne 8 (12) 1640.
Mary the daught of Nathaniel Herman was borne 15 (12) 1642.
Jonathan the sonne of John Hoyden was borne 19 (3) 1640.
Hannah the daught of John Hoyden was borne 7 (2) 1642.
Joseph the sonne of Thomas Jewel & Grisell his wife was borne the 24 (2) 1642.
Lidia the daught of Joel Jenkins was borne 13 (8) 1640.
Theophilus the sonne of Joel Jenkins was borne 7 (2) 1642.
Mary the daught of Steven Kinsley was borne 30 (6) 1640.
Ezechiel the sonne of Ezechiel Knight and Elisabeth his wife was borne 1 (12) 1640 & dyed 29 (7) 1641.
Elisabeth the wife of Ezechiel Knight was buried 28 (2) 1642.
Mary the daught of Henry Maudsley was borne 29 (7) 1638.
Samuel the sonne of Henry Maudsley was borne 14 (2) 1641.
Sarah the daught of Thomas Mekins was borne 24 (2) 1641.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Mekins was borne 8 (4) 1643.
Helin Mekins was drowned 3 (10) 1638.
Sarah the wife of John Merchand dyed 3 (10) 1638.
Joshua the sonne of Thomas Metson was borne 23 (5) 1640.
Bridget More wife to John Moore dyed 1643.
Martha the daught of Henry Neale was borne 16 (11) 1642.
Mary the daughter of Ffrancis Newcom was borne 31 (1) 1640.
Sarai the daught of Ffrancis Newcomb was borne 24 (3) 1643.
Matthew the sonne of John Osborne dyed (3) 1641.
Moses Paine dyed 21 (4) 1643.
Joseph the sonne of James Penniman was borne 1 (6) 1639.
Sarai the daught of James Penniman was borne 16 (3) 1641.
Mary the daught of John Perrin was borne 22 (12) 1640.
George Pocher dyed 29 (7) 1639.
John the sonne of John Reade was borne 29 (6) 1640.
Thomas the sonne of John Reade was borne 20 (9) 1641.
Symon Rey dyed 30 (7) 1641.
Agnes the wife of Richard Rockett dyed 9 (5) 1643.
John the sonne of Richard Rockett & Agnes his wife was borne 1 (10) 1641.
Ruth the daughter of David Rogers was borne 3 (11) 1640.
David Rogers dyed 24 (7) 1642.
Georg the sonne of George Ruggle was borne 5 (3) 1640 and dyed (5) 1641.
Rachel the daught of Georg Ruggle was borne 16 (12) 1642.
John the sonne of William Savell was borne 22 (2) 1642.
John the sonne of Benjamin Scott was borne 25 (10) 1640.
Thomas Sellein dyed 3 (10) 1642.
Mary Sergeant servant to Thomas Metson dyed (8) 1641.
John the sonne of Robert Sharpe was borne 12 (1) 1642.
Samuel the sonne of John Shepheard dyed 29 (6) 1641.
SPALDEN [Spahlen?]
Benjamin the sonne of Edward Spahlen
his wife was borne 7 (2) 1643.
Grace the daught of Edward Spahlen
his wife was buried (3) 1641.
Margaret the wife of Edward Spalden dyed ---- 1640.
Sarah the daught of Robert Steevens was borne 31 (3) 1641.
John the sonne of Thomas Stowe & Mary his wife was borne 3 (12) 1640.
Mary the daughter of Thomas Stow & Mary his wife was borne 6 (12) 1642.
Joan Symons the daught of Thomas Symons was borne 8 (9) 1638.
Abigail Symons the daught of Tho. Symons was borne the 8 (9) 1640 & dyed 30 (3) 1642.
Thomas Symons dyed 15 (4) 1642.
Anne the daught of John Symons dyed (4) 1640.
Joseph the sonne of Wm Thomson & Abigail his wife was borne 1 (3) 1640.
Benjamin the sonne of Wm Thomson & Abigail his wife was borne 15 (5) 1642.
Abigail the wife of Mr. William Thomson dyed (11) 1642.
Dorcas the daught of Daniell Weld was borne 6 (2) 1643 & dyed 15 (4) 1643.
Isaac the sonne of Jacob Wilson was borne 28 (11) 1640,
Sarai the daught of Jacob Wilson was borne 28 (11) 1641.
Elisabeth the daught of Alexander Winchester was borne the 28 (1) 1640.
Hannah the daught of Alexand Winchest was borne 10 (10) 1642.
James the sonne of James Wiseman was borne 8 (8) 1640.
Mercie the daught of James Wiseman was borne 28 (1) 1643.